#and then at some point while trying to trick Thor he accidentally ended up attracted??? should’ve stopped trying to get Thor to be secxy smh
worstloki · 3 years
it hit he mythical thorki shippers who allegedly somehow don't know it's incest are the same as the mythical loki fans who allegedly think he's a pure uwu baby who did nothing wrong ever and has no flaws. where are antis finding these blogs bc I have never seen them?
I’ve seen a few people unironically use the arguments but I wouldn’t say it’s common or 3 people are enough to be a problem really. It’s... pretty well acknowledged that they’re brothers and Loki’s killed people too.
#I don’t know dude#I just live here#if someone says Loki is a pure bean uwu smol baby there is a 99% chance they don’t literally mean it or they’re talking about Thor 1 Loki#the only ‘it’s not incest if they’re not related’ arguments I’ve seen were from super dodgy individuals and bro that’s so rare#I’ve seen it used for comedy or as gags but that’s it#for crack having Thor go ‘he’s adopted’ and Loki go ‘yeah it’s not incest if I’m adopted’ I’m fine with it#absolutely wild to claim they’re not brothers#AUs where they are acknowledged as brothers and the entire situation is made 8573x funnier because of it are great#it’s the most popular ship for Loki and honestly a lot of cool premises are around for it because it’s got the most fics and all#so yeah#I read one specific thorki fic where Loki was like. catfishing Thor?? it was a human AU and I thought the idea was hilarious#and then at some point while trying to trick Thor he accidentally ended up attracted??? should’ve stopped trying to get Thor to be secxy smh#so now you’ve got Loki pretending to be someone else having a faux-real relationship that’s gone too far lmao#and it’s super funny because eventually when Thor and Loki get together they joke about being brothers the entire time#they’re actually blood relatives and there are so many ‘my friend X is like a brother to me’ ‘Thor u better not mean that’ jokes#so many ‘our parents caught us being sus but would never suspect a thing bc we’re brothers lmao’ moments#the fic uses the self awareness and absurdity for humour#I don’t ship it but if people do good for them as long as they know it’s incest#that fic is called ‘one for sorrow’ by thebookhunter btw if anyone is interested because I laughed SO MUCH reading it#it’s quality writing#and idk the entire plot is just really funny imo#lmao I used to avoid thorki when I found out it didn’t mean as brothers but then I realised if it’s for comedy I don’t mind fjjfdhhsjakdkfs#my favourite dynamics include them NOT being a couple but pretending to be and also them being a couple and no one catching on#I feel like those are just top tier tropes#really makes fun of the entire relationship being a close one and then that being interpreted romantically#I like irony and meta I am predictable like this#thorki#thor/Loki
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romancingromanoff · 5 years
What Happens At Disney Part 3/3
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I know that all of the details aren’t completely accurate to the parks but please enjoy the final installment
Part 1 here//Part 2 here
The Disney workers were so glad that Tony and Bruce fixed the ride that they gave you all free fast passes and you got to skip the line. “You are all welcome. You’re welcome!” Tony was waving and loudly calling out to the crowds. You rolled your eyes at how he always felt the need to fuel his ego but decided against giving him another one of your talks since he had indeed fixed the ride.
The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train was a two person seater ride so naturally you pulled Nat up to the very front to sit next to you. Steve and Clint sat behind you followed by Bruce and Thor, who was very adamant about not letting the workers touch him when they went to pull down the safety bars. Tony got pushed to the back because, truthfully, no one wanted to sit next to him because he wouldn’t shut up about the fact that he had repaired the ride and everyone apparently “owed him,” but he just took it as an opportunity to fill up the entire car by himself. As you were all getting on they called to see if there were any single riders that could sit next to Tony, to which he protested saying that he could sue anyone that accidentally touched his suit, but changed his mind when the first single rider that raised their hand to volunteer turned out to be a very tall, slim, and tan blonde woman wearing super tight booty shorts and a thread of fabric around her chest that you guessed was supposed to be her shirt. “I’ll allow it,” he stated and the bubbly blonde giggled as she sat down and Tony put his arm around her shoulder.
It was a kid’s ride so there weren’t exactly drops big enough to make those butterflies in your stomach fly around at that zero-gravity-like feeling, but you still smiled and laughed as the carts twisted and turned up and down the little hills. Soon you rode into a cave filled with glowing gems and those weird animatronic animals that probably hadn’t been updated since Steve’s time. You all began to slow down as the various forest animals and dwarfs came to life with the music. The creepy glowing eyes of the deer weren’t easy to look over though. Nat made a sour face seeing how robotic they all moved, but you were having an absolute blast. 
CLINK! A high pitched ring sounded throughout the cave, echoing off of the walls. It made the poor blonde girl that got put next to Tony almost jump out of her seat. If it weren’t for the safety bars she probably would’ve gone off the side. 
“WHAT THE HELL, THOR?!” you screamed at him when you turned around and saw him smashing his hammer into the fake gems and diamonds that were encrusted into the walls.
“You said this was a mine! I’m just trying to get points any way that I can!” he retorted while Bruce had his hands in his head from the headache all of the noise was giving him. 
“No, this isn’t that kind of ride, Thor. It is not interactive,” he looked disappointed as you explained it to him and he was silent for the rest of the ride, which was pretty uneventful (meaning that no more property was damaged) except for Clint teasing Steve with questions about what it was like to watch the movie when it first premiered.
After the ride you thought that it would be fun to go visit attractions that the rest of your friends would be interested in. For Clint you headed over to the Toy Story Midway Mania interactive ride where you got spun around a giant toy room and got to shoot various targets and plates. You knew that you were no match for his marksmanship skills, but had fun with the target practice anyway. It wasn’t hard to enjoy yourself when Clint was so into it. He was screaming at Woody, Buzz, and Jessie as they were trying to explain how to work the shooters. “Let us shoot already, damnit!” he yelled in frustration before going on to break all of the high scores.
Steve’s request for a ride was very simple and sweet, much like the person he was. The only thing he really wanted to do at Disney was go on the carousel so you headed back to the Magic Kingdom. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy the other rides, but back in his time the only rollercoasters he got to ride were at Coney Island and were all made out of wood. He just didn’t really understand the concept of interactive rides or super scary thrill ones either. At the carousel you were glad to wind down the pace a little bit and go old school as you all got on your own horses and the ride stirred on with the classic amusement park music.
You had also snuck a bag of popcorn on with you and were going back and forth between throwing pieces up in the air at Thor, Steve, and Clint who tried to catch them in their mouths. It was a little difficult since you were all constantly moving up and down and at different levels, but in the end Clint ended up catching the most. 
“Well gentlemen, it has been a pleasure,” he said upon the conclusion of the ride.
“Barton, you are lucky that most of the pieces simply ended up caught in my hair rather than my mouth,” Thor commented as he was picking those same pieces off from his head. “But on any other occasion, I would have bested you.”
“Sure, buddy,” Clint laughed.
You and Nat gave each other a meaningful look and you both laughed at how annoying the boys were being. “You know, I could make this thing go ten times faster if you just give me five minutes with it,” Tony pestered one of the workers trying to get him to let him touch the controls. 
“Tony, please, not again,” Bruce moaned and pulled at his sleeve trying to get him away from the obviously intimidated cast members. 
“C’mon! I could make it go in reverse too! At least let me change the lights and the music. It could be disco themed! Bruce, I know you love disco.”
“No disco, Tony.”
“You already tricked out one ride which is enough for today, Handy Manny,” you kill his hopes of messing with anything else right then and there.
“Hey, settle down,” Steve hushed the two squabbling scientist. “There’s a show going on.” In front of the carousel entrance where a fairly large but somewhat unnoticeable rock laid with what appeared to be the handle of a sword sticking out of it, a cast member in purple robes and a giant gray beard was twirling around and gathering all of the little children around him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, which one of you thinks that they are worthy enough to pull this sword out of its stone?” A little boy around the age of 6 wearing a Toy Story cap that looked like Rex the green dinosaur was just about to wrap his hands around the handle when he was suddenly pushed out of the way.
“I am worthy! I AM WORTHY!” Thor yelled which made a couple of babies in strollers automatically start crying. “Hah. Mortals watch and see how a god wields his weapon!”
“Dear Lord, not again,” Nat groaned.
“Hmmmmpffffff!” Thor began pulling but to no avail. “NO, I AM WORTHY,” he told himself and then tried shifting the sword back and forth to shimmy out. 
“NO DON’T DO-” the wizard flinched.
“ARGHHH!” SLICE! You threw your head back seeing him break the sword in two right at the handle which almost made the poor wizard guy faint. Thor just stood their awkwardly with the tiny blunt little sword in his hand. “It’s fine I can just-” he tried jamming it back into the rock but was way too forceful so he ended up putting an even larger dent in what was left of it. 
“Does anyone have some glue?” Tony casually yelled around while Bruce was trying to hide behind a dip n dots cart mumbling “I don’t know them,” and pretending to be completely oblivious to all of the scared screaming children that had just seen a part of their imagination torn apart.
“I can’t say that I’m not surprised,” Natasha mumbled with her head slightly cocked to one side as she studied the scene. “It could be a really good piece of modern art I guess.”
“Oh no,” Steve flinched in pain at those words. “Please, not again with the modern art,” he cringed just thinking about those strange, abstract sculptures of plain shapes or made of weird materials that people called art these days.
“Well, I need a beer,” Tony piped up trying to think of a solution to cure everyone’s sudden depression. 
“Is there a tavern around here?” Thor questioned.
“Yeah, actually, there is a tavern,” you were surprised to remember that there did happen to be a place for them to drink around here. “I think you’ll like it, Thor. It’s very, er… manly.” You smiled only half-sarcastically as you thought back to the Disney villain that owned the place. He had been one of your favorites as a kid despite his tendency to boast about his buffness (which is why you believed you were able to tolerate Tony and Thor) and awfully misogynistic world view. But, that’s Disney for you.
Gaston’s Tavern was a very rustic looking place that sort of tried to be half hunting lodge and half shrine to its namesake Frenchman. Upon approaching an entrance, there was a Gaston actor leaned up against one of the windows and hitting on basically every mom that went in or out. God, it made you sick. It was like he was Tony but without any smarts whatsoever.
“Who the hell is this guy?” Bruce wondered at the sight of him flexing his completely-not-fake-and-made-of-padding biceps. 
“Welcome, everyone! Don’t worry, you will all have the chance to meet me, Gaston: the strongest, most handsome, and brave man in all of town. You may applaud,” the airhead was motioning for people to clap and a couple of other employees (not dressed up) responded with some cheers as if to play along. 
“You sure that’s not Tony?” Steve whispered to you under his breath which made you smile. You gave him a look and winked at him as if to say, “that was exactly what I was thinking” and rolled your eyes.
“So you claim to be the strongest man around here?” Thor stepped forward a little bit too menacingly with the seriousness of his voice which caused a couple of people around him to gasp just laying their eyes on the perfectly sculpted body of a god. Before it could go anymore out of hand you ran up to him and tried to get his attention.
“Nope, nuh uh, Thor, this is just a guy playing a character; he’s supposed to say those things but he doesn’t really mean them. C’mon, you will break this guy’s arm worse than that fake sword and everyone knows that, so it’s okay because you don’t have to prove anything.” The nervousness in your quivering voice could not have been worse as you saw Thor trying to measure up this poor dude with the fake biceps and wig. 
“Character? Pffff,” Gaston played aloof to the danger in the form of a giant Scandinavian looking lumber jack that was right in front of him. “Gaston is the strongest man in town and he isn’t afraid to prove it.”
“Buddy, I’m trying to save your life,” you spit at him.
“How about an old fashioned arm wrestling match?” Natasha suggests and you lightly slap her for encouraging this awful testosterone measuring contest. Thor and Gaston, however, are immediately down for it though you can see the rules of arm-wrestling being a lot different on Asgard which may actually result in this guy’s arm being completely ripped off.
“HOWWWWWW about we let someone else go first, huh?” your voice cracks which makes Natasha smirk. “Weakest goes up against him first, you know? And then Thor is the championship match?”
“Hold on, are you saying that you think Thor is the strongest?” Tony rips of his sunglasses to look you straight in the eyes.
“This isn’t a contest guys; obviously I’m the strongest!” Bruce plays innocent and coy with his shoulders shrugged but you don’t take his hulking out joke too lightly. 
“Not when you’re this color you’re not. You’re first,” you shove up towards Gaston who’s had a wooden table pulled out to the front of the tavern just for the occasion. Then Bruce gets a little sweaty realizing that he actually has to put on his best performance and goes to sit across from the smirking playboy villain who’s already got his right elbow up on the table. You can see all of the fake padding under his costume’s sleeve from where you are, but you still aren’t sure how much muscle this guy actually has on his own. He’s fairly broad and definitely looks like he’s the type to have always idolized body builders, yet you still aren’t sure if that means he has a definite win over Bruce.
“Alright gentlemen I want a fair match,” says Nat. “Elbows on the table at all times, and 3, 2, 1-” 
It was a pretty evenly matched fight as both men’s fists seemed to keep a nice right angle for the first few moments and none of them had a visible advantage over the other. You could see Bruce’s veins in the side of his face which always made an appearance when he tried to Hulk out, but Gaston also had some pretty good form and was gritting his teeth together as they both tried to exert more and more force against the other. The it seemed like it was bobbling more towards Bruce’s direction and his focus completely shifted to Gaston himself who he showed his teeth like a primate and growled at with a deep Hulk-like rumble in the back of his throat. That must’ve been enough to intimidate the guy because he stumbled with his grip for a second and Bruce took the opportunity to ram his hand into the table and take the win.
“YES! YES! I AM VICTORIOUS!” he screamed going in for a chest bump with Thor who had been chanting Banner’s name the whole time. “What do you think about that, GASTON?!” he and Thor were backing him up into a corner which did not seem like a good idea.
“Gentlemen, please, if we could all just- okay, security!” his voice suddenly switched to that of a your typical New Jersey accent but in a slightly higher pitch as he called for help and all seven of you looked at one another before pushing your way through the crowds to get as far away as possible. 
“You know running is just going to bring even more attention to us,” Natasha quipped but you didn’t care about being stealthy at the moment. 
“Just go!” you pushed her forward. The last thing you wanted was to be banned  from all Disney parks after your first time setting foot in one. Panicking with no ideas on how to cover your tracks, you desperately snapped your fingers together and all of a sudden a grey storm cloud appeared just above Gaston’s Tavern and poured down gallons of water over the immediate area of the crime scene, soaking all the workers and making them slip as you ran off rain-free.
Unfortunately, a little girl about 7 or 8 wearing the same Minnie Mouse ears as you had watched your little trick which left her mouth frozen wide open before she could have taken a bite of her dole whip. You laughed nervously and one shoulder came up to your ear as you played dumb, hoping that she wouldn’t remember any of what she just saw or would ever be taken seriously enough for adults to believe her. “Heh, uh, unpredictable Florida weather, right?” you offered but her expression remained the same.
“I’m sorry, but is she the child or are you?” Natasha grabbed your wrist and pulled you along behind her while she tried to forget that she just saw you trying to reason about your spontaneous weather-changing powers with a kid that probably still wet the bed. “Very smooth, y/l/n.”
“Don’t think I don’t have a cloud specially made for you, Romanoff,” she releases a huff and takes a double take when you stick out your tongue at her but then resumes pulling you along with an even tighter grip.
“Yup, my girlfriend is a complete child,” she mutters to herself.
“SO,” you put on a big wide smile as you turn to Tony and pretend like you didn’t hear her. “Tony, do you have anything you’d like to do that doesn’t involve tampering with Disney property?”
“Actually, yes, there is one guy I’d like to meet. Or, rather, have Banner meet.”
At first you were certain Tony planned to throw Bruce into the It’s A Small World Ride or try setting him up with one of the princesses, but his actual plan was surprisingly pleasant. 
“FINALLY! Someone who gets it!” Bruce was over relieved and had threw up his hands.
“Well, yeah, it’s not easy being green, you know?” Kermit the Frog was out sitting on a bench just casually giving out life advice when Tony had ambushed the poor muppet talking all about how Bruce and him had a little green problem in common.
“No, no it isn’t. Thank you so much for saying that!” 
“What are you doing?” Natasha leaned in to Tony who had pulled out his phone.
“Oh, I’m recording this for instagram.”
“I mean, first off it just blends into so many things. People always think I’m some sort of walking bush.”
“Wow, people always think I’m a giant tree!”
“What the heck is Tony doing?” you ask as Nat wraps her arm around your waist.
“He’s filming it for instagram,” you laugh before tugging at her shirt to seriously look her in the eyes. “Hey, it’s almost time for the fireworks show. You wanna go somewhere we can be alone?”
“After you,” she offers up her arm which you gladly take while you walk next to her with your head on her shoulder. Moments like these where you could act like a normal couple were what had you hanging onto life for so many years throughout all of the struggles. You had looked forward to, no, dreamed about having someone that loved you for years. And while your relationship with Natasha wasn’t normal as neither of you were normal people, you cherished sharing these simple moments with her. 
Bribing the ride operator to stop the ferris wheel when you and Nat reached the very top was so unlike you, but definitely a great decision. 
“Isn’t this a little bit unethical?” Natasha criticized your usual goody-two-shoes self. Pink, blue, and white fireworks began shooting off in the distant sky lighting up the cloudless view you had of the horizon and the stars coming into view. 
“So are the things I want to do you,” you try to keep a serious face but can’t help but laugh at the raised eyebrow she gives you. Her magnetic pull brings you in closer and soon the fireworks going off are just background noise.
“I adore you,” she whispers just before your lips touch and the real fireworks start to go off, ending the perfect day at the most magical place on earth.
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Secret Identity
I one hundred percent blame this on @magellan-88 for sticking the thought in my head. I’m sure it was you, but if it wasn’t you’ve plot bunnied me with things before so take the blame. Then I watched Ghostbusters, and this happened. Edit: it was @mywildestdreamings fault, though I'm still pretty sure Maggie had something to do with it.
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“So you just work there, in a pair of eyeglasses and a different hairdo and no one has figured out you’re Superman?”
Clark shook his head. “People believe what they want to believe. They can’t imagine the mild-mannered, slightly stuttering, occasional fraidy cat Clark Kent is Superman.”
“That’s incredible.” Thor crossed his arms and peered out over the city of New York. “People truly don’t see it?”
“Sometimes they look at you funny, but the human mind is very good at dismissing things that don’t make sense.”
Thor turned to the other floating superhero who’d been passing through on his way back to Metropolis and held out his hand. Clark gripped his forearm tightly, and Thor returned the gesture. “Thank you, my friend. Fair thee well in your city.”
“And yours, Thor of Asgard. It is... nice to know I am not the only alien on Earth any longer. But keep that brother of yours out of trouble for a while?”
“I make no promises,” Thor chuckled as Clark flew away. He hung there thoughtfully for some time, thinking about secret identities. What would he need to do to fool the public into thinking he wasn’t himself?
“I’d need a new name.” He stroked his beard and frowned. “And a shave.” His hair was already cut shorter than the people were used too. “Yes,” he smiled. “I can do this.”
The other’s had all laughed at him when he said he was going to develop a secret identity, but he wasn’t deterred. He was so undeterred he was standing outside the round door of the shop above the Chinese food place. From the smell, he wasn’t certain he would ever want to eat there.
He adjusted his glasses, accidentally sticking his finger in his eye. Sure he didn’t have to clean the darn things anymore - how did Clark put up with them - but he kept poking himself without the barrier of the lenses. He also felt ridiculously underdressed. The purple shirt and maroon tie were one thing, but the uncomfortably tight jeans with the rolled up cuff and the shoes Tony had call “loafers” were another. Then there were the green coat and the “man bag,” but he let those go, figuring it would help throw people further off the scent.
He wasn’t Thor anymore. Now he was Kevin.
He gave the wood frame a tentative knock. It looked not at all sturdy. The woman with the reddish brown hair looked up, and Thor smiled as he walked in the door. “Hey, uh, I’m here about the receptionist job?” That was a simple position, right? He couldn’t possibly get in too much trouble, and to make sure no one recognized him, he deepened his accent.
Natasha had snorted and commented that he sounded Australian, whatever that meant, so he'd thought it successful.
She turned flustered. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Now he was flustered.
The blond with the yellow glasses murmured, “Is this a big ol' robot,” while grinning at her colleague.
The first woman made an odd sound. “What?”
He shifted uncomfortably but forged ahead. Was the woman daft? “The receptionist job, um. It was in the paper here.”
“You’re hired!” she said and laughed, still flustered.
He grinned a little, realizing she was attracted to him in his secret identity. Was that common? He hadn’t thought to ask Clark if he had that problem. But then Thor was the God of Fertility. Sex appeal just... happened.
Another woman walked in, shorter, darker, wearing a pair of glasses not at all dissimilar to his own, right past him as if he wasn’t there and joined the first woman. “Okay, hey. God, you’re all sweaty. I think I got it. If there’s something strange in- ow,” she huffed when the first woman jabbed the brunette in the side and motioned toward him. “Oh. Kevin, right?”
“Abby. We spoke on the phone,” she smiled and held out her hand.
“We did.” Thor smiled back and relaxed a little, shaking it before adjusting the strap on his annoying bag. At least one of them seemed to have a brain.
“Hello there. Okay.” She turned back to the first woman.
“Kevin, oh. That’s a manly name. My name’s Erin, with an E, for everything you want.”
Odin’s beard... What was he getting himself into?
“Okay,” Abby said, clearly dismissing her weird friend. “Well, we should probably, probably get started. Erin.” She motioned her friend over. “Erin, do you want to join us?”
“Yes,” Erin sighed. “Erin... I’ve got some questions.”
He could practically hear her panties melt. Thor tried not to sigh in exasperation as he followed Abby, and was followed by Erin and the blonde to a table. This could be a very long day. Shrugging out of his coat, Thor placed it on the back of his chair with his bag and sat facing the three women.
Abby flipped open a notebook. “Okay, here we go, let me just get to my notes, um, okay. First off I just want to say-”
“You know,” Erin interrupted, “we should probably start with a very important question that we’re asking all of the applicants, um, you know, are you seeing anyone, uh, right now?” she smiled oddly.
Abby cleared her throat and made as if she were pushing up her glasses but really elbowed Erin in the shoulder.
“Um, seeing anyone?” Had the woman no grasp on how to be subtle in her inquiries?
“Yeah, just for business purposes,” Erin murmured.
“Business purposes only,” Abby muttered.
He decided now was a good time to play dumb and gestured at the ladies. “I’m seeing all three of you in front of me.”
Abby laughed and raised her hands. “Just forget she even asked. If she did, that would be illegal.”
He liked this one. Loyal, but not inebriated by her base instincts. “So forgotten.”
The blonde shifted to lean across the table. “Uh, Jillian Holtzman Radio Times. Uh, what have you been doing with your whole life?”
“That’s a great question,” Erin agreed, her hand lifting to stroke a finger along her jaw.
Abby appeared utterly exasperated.
“Oh, well, um lots of different jobs, um,” he reached up and scratched the corner of his eye, forgetting about his lens-free glasses. “I did the,” he held up finger quotes, “actor thing, uh, works alright.” He adjusted the frames.
Abby made a T sign with her hands, which, thankfully, Thor new from the many times Tony had made the same gesture. “Just real quick, um, can I ask why no, no glass?”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Shit! “They just kept getting dirty, so I took them out. Don’t have to clean them anymore.” He fiddled with them a little and tucked them back on his face.
“I gotta try that in mine,” Abby murmured, but he could tell she thought he was a blithering idiot.
Well, if he were going to be labelled pretty and stupid, he would play pretty and stupid. “Would it be okay if I bring my cat to work sometimes? He has major anxiety problems.”
“You know what?” Abby twisted her fingers together, appearing apologetic. “I would love to let your cat live here with you, but I have a pretty severe cat allergy.”
Time to go for broke. He fought to keep his face serious. “Oh, I don’t have a cat. It’s a dog. His name is my cat.”
Both Abby and Erin looked at him in confusion, while Jullian seemed highly amused. “Your dog’s name is my cat?” Abby clarified.
Thor smiled a little. “Mike Hat.”
“Your dog’s name is Mike, last name Hat?” Erin asked.
He could see some of the attraction fading right before his eyes. Loki would be in stitches if he were here. It was a trick worthy of his brother. “His full name is Michael Hat.”
Abby made a small gesture with her hands, clearly a little confused and uncertain how to deal with him. “I can’t say that I’m allergic to dogs so...”
Thor shrugged and looked down at the table. “Yeah, that’s alright. He lives with my mum.”
“Well, then we have that figured out.” Abby and Erin looked back down at the notebook. “One down, no cat.” Thor chewed on his bottom lip, finding this far more amusing than he should. “But you know what, I say let’s jump ahead, ah, Kevin,” Abby pointed with both hands at him while looking between her two co-workers,” dabbles in web design, and I asked him to throw together maybe a couple of logos for us.”
“You wanna...?” he asked. Peter had given him a crash course in the art of design, and he thought he’d done alright on their primitive Midgardian technology.
“This is your moment,” Abby said. “Pull it out.”
“Ooh,” Erin murmured only for Abby to throw her a glare.
“You’re like a lawsuit waiting to happen,” Abby hissed at her.
Thor fought off another snicker as he opened the laptop and turned it toward them.
“Here we go, okay.”  Abby leaned closer.
“So,” he cleared his throat. “What do you think of that?”
The female ghost had enormous breasts, as seemed to be the way with all Midgardian feminine media design. He wasn’t quite sure what these ladies did, but it had something to do with ghosts, and as they were female, he thought they would appreciate his effort.
“Oh.” Erin looked shocked.  Abby looked impressed but speechless. “Yeah. You do see how this might make us look bad, right?” Erin asked, her face contorting into a grimace.
“Uh... is it the boobs you don’t like? Cuz I can make them bigger,” he offered.
“I can see them, yeah,” Erin murmured.
Jillian’s expression morphed to mirror the other two women. “Ghost tits was my nickname in middle school.”
“Is that right?” He smiled and nodded. It was always good to humour the crazy ones.
“I can definitely see them. You know what I think?” Abby held up her hands. Thor noted she spoke with them quite a lot. “It’s not always about the end result; it's about the journey.”
“Well, uh what about this?” He gave the screen a click, bringing up the next image.
“Oh, ahh,” Erin pointed at the screen. “I think that... I think that that’s already a thing.”
He bent to look at the screen. “What? Seven one one?”
Abby’s teeth were slightly gritted. “It’s seven eleven.”
“Oh, well, I’ve got other options.” He clicked through to the next picture.
“Please,” Abby muttered.
“Haha! That’s one is my favourite.” He grinned broadly.
“Uh, I think you might have made a mistake, I don’t think that one’s for us,” Erin said.
“Oh, no. That’s for you.” He really was beginning to think this one had very little brain. “You know, I just thought that the floating hot dog implies that the ghost is holding it.” He lifted his hands in a demonstration.
“Ah,” Abby sighed, bringing her linked fingers to her chin. “Your work is more cerebral than I expected.”
“I still have so many questions about that choice,” Jillian added. “The first one is why a hot dog?”
Thor gave a little shrug. “I don’t know. I just like ‘em.”
Abby huffed a little gasp of surprise.
“Both food groups, all in one.” He held up one hand and then the other. “Dogs and buns.”
All three women looked at him with smiles and nods. Clearly, he was making a positive impression.
“Um, those are great,” Erin nodded. “We‘re actually going to, um, discuss everything just for a second so could you,” she pointed toward the corner, “go stand over there? We just need to talk for a moment.”
“Sure.” He smiled and pushed to his feet, wandering toward the fish tank.
“Don’t listen,” Erin laughed strangely.
“I won’t.” He covered his eyes just to drive home his less than smart persona, then went and messed around with the counter and the fish tank. Yes, he could listen if he chose to, but it felt wrong to do so as Kevin, so he patiently waited for their verdict.
He wondered why there was a phone in the fish tank. “You know an aquarium is a submarine for fish,” he said offhandedly when he caught them all staring at him. Then wandered over to where a gong hung on a stand.
The mallet was right there. He’d never been one to pass up the opportunity to swing a hammer and smacked the gong. When it rang loudly, he quickly covered his eyes again, sticking two fingers from each hand through the frames of his glasses. “God that’s loud, huh?”
“That’s loud,” both Abby and Erin agreed.
“Kevin?” He looked up to find Abby smiling at him. “You’ve got the job.”
“Welcome aboard!” Erin added.
“Cool! Can I bring my suitcases up?”
“Yup, you sure can,” Abby nodded.
Great.” Thor headed out the door, wondering if it was common on Midgard to live where you worked. Jane had. The Avengers did. And now here with the strange science ladies.
Least he’d packed a few suitcases just to be safe.
And that’s how Thor ended up the receptionist for the Ghostbusters. Though I guarantee Roland wouldn't have possessed him.
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