#and then be told that it was the ‘evil Muslims’ who caused this
fand0m-idi0t · 1 year
Yknow sometimes I wonder what it’d have been like if i had been told more about 9/11 at a later point in my life rather than being told all about it in like 4th grade. Like I understand that it was a tragedy but being told about it in relative detail that young with a tint of Islamophobia has to be fucking kids up. Like before that I only knew about it because of the moment of silence the local news station held and knew it was something to be mourned. But my god looking back at that class in 4th grade felt like they were purposely trying to paint all Muslims as evil. There was no ‘this group of bad people who just happened to be Muslim’ sort of speech, only a ‘these bad people from the Islamic group did this horrific thing because there god is a bad one’. If I hadn’t lived in the household I did or didn’t have access to the internet or have teachers in later years that made that clarification, there is a real possibility I’d have been one of those people who hate Islamic/Muslim people for no real reason. And I didn’t even go to a Christian school! Who knows how much worse it was spun for some of them!
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joseline-woodhouse · 11 months
Okay I have to say it.
Will, Ada and Montresor did something way worse than Annabel Lee.
Why? Because motive matters. Now don't get me wrong, a good motive cannot justify an inherently evil action, it however matters more and more when going deeper into more morally grey areas.
Annabel has made it very clear she understands these people, including Duke to be damned regardless of her actions and basically sees herself confronted with a trolley problem that goes: "You, your wife and like X other people are bound to rails. A trolly will run over all but one of you. However if you pull just the right levers, both you end your wife will survive. The first lever you must pull is on Duke." While this doesn't make her actions noble, it gives them a noble cause and one could argue in several ways that she's acting within a moral grey area if we take the situation to be as unshakable as it seems. To make to examples, one could argue in an utalitarian way (this saves more lives than the other option) or in a very human way (this saves a loved one at the cost of a soon to be dead man, who could blame her?). There are also concepts of morality that would condemn her, like for example the categoric imperative or Jewish or Christian (and I think Muslim) religion, in which it is inherently bad to kill a single person even to safe thousands of others.
Annabel considers killing Duke a necessary evil.
Montresor however is acting out of pure sadism and spite and he puts on quite a show to make this clear. He had done so even if he believed everyone would get a happy end and he is having the time of his life killing Duke. That is picture book chaotic evil behaviour right there and by no means redeemable.
Will and Ada? Arguably worse than Montresor, at least not a bit better. This is the kind of stuff that makes large scale modern genocides possible. Hannah Ahrendt (great woman, you should look her up) argues in her book "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" that evil at its worst is not some kind of demonic evil like it has been preached in medieval times, but lays within the sheer banality of an office worker casually doing the phone calls and paper work necessary to send thousands to their certain death, while the office worker goes back home, eats dinner with his family and thinks "I'm just doing my job. It's my supervisors moral responsibility, not mine."
Ada and Will tried to kill for no other reason than because they have been told to do so and the lack of willingness to accept responsibility really shows in their actions afterwards. So I am a bit confused when I see people arguing how terrible Annabel Lee is while defending the "poor boy Will".
So, controversial opinion: in this very specific case, even though Annabel Lee either started this or at the very least didn't stop it when she clearly could have, she hasn't committed anything as immoral as her henchmen committed, who did not even need a motive to kill.
Also I would every day prefer an Annabel Lee willing to kill Duke to safe her wife in the long run over an Annabel Lee that prefers to not be a controversial female character. Let's not forget these people don't actually exist.
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sideblogfornothing · 15 days
We got a super interesting שיחה in school yesterday. They brought in an ex Muslim who converted to Judaism.
He started by telling us what his childhood was like, horrific shit let me tell you.
He explained how women are treated, and how they literally have no rights.
He explained how they would get beatings for being "disrespectful." He explained how if you were a "bad kid" like he was, you would get beaten. He said that he wanted to understand, so he would ask questions like "why do they have to pray at the mosque, why not just pray at home?" He said he got slapped for asking.
He talked about his sister, who was also disrespectful, he said that she got fed up, refused to do a chore or something and she got severely beaten. He told us how she would get beaten worse than anything we could imagine. He talked a bit more about how they treated his sister.
Then he told us how one day she convinced his brothers and father to let her get a job, (and give them all the money of course) and they let her.
One day she came back home a bit late, her brother's asked her why she was home late, and she explained how her friend took her to a shopping mall. Aperiently in Islam girls going to malls is illegal or something so they fucking killed her. (the reason was that she had supposedly dishonored the family, but omfg that's horrible.)
The guy explained how he was in his shared room with the rest of his brothers, he heard screaming, and his sister pleading for her life, and then pure silence.
He said that his brother opened the door, and before him was a gruesome sight he would never forget.
He was 9 years old or younger at the time btw.
So after that whole incident, his family decided to send him to study in a boarding school in Gaza. (I don't remember the name, I'm terrible with names.) Anyways, so he explained that he walked in and immediately he noticed that there were no tables or chairs. Later when he came to the sleeping quarters he realized there were also no beds. He inquired why, and was met with shock, confusion and some shitty explanation about how Muslims must be as close to the earth as possible or something like that.
So the way the school worked was that they study the Koran all day from 7:00 to 23:00 and then they sleep. He talked about how talking was forbidden and that you would get severely beaten at best if you were caught uttering a word. He than mentioned how he knew people who had lost their lives over a sentence.
When he was 12 and a half he was called to the principal's office, aperiently they thought he was "ready" something something that I didn't quite catch, ummm they taught them that Jews are the ultimate evil, that the greatest thing they could ever do would be to kill a Jew. Aperiently they were taught that killing a Jew would secure their place in heaven.
He explained that Muslims are willing to die to kill a Jew, cause if they die killing a Jew they are automatically going to heaven.
He said that he remembered that back home they would sometimes work with Jews, so he asked if it's ok to help a Jew. Like an elderly Jew or something. He was beaten until he couldn't walk for simply suggesting such a thing.
After that he was a bitch to the teacher again, he got beat and then they said they were sending him off. He was happy cause he thought he was being sent home, but turns out they were just sending him. To a different branch of the same school.
Once he arrived he immediately started hatching an escape plan.
He made a rule for himself that he would only ask each person 1 question.
Eventually he figured it out, hopped in a taxi or bus (I don't remember sorry) and made his way back home. The first thing he saw was his mother, who wouldn't even look at him because his brothers were nearby.
His brothers saw him, yelled at him said that he and the school would regret letting him come home ect. He said that he looked at his older brother and told him that he isn't the little 9 year old he was when they sent him off, they didn't know what he'd been through, and that he came home so he could be home and there was nothing they could do about it. And he reminded them of what they did to their sister, and said that he would tell the cops.
The brother raged something something (sorry I have a shit memory) eventually they decided to let him stay home, but he could not leave the house, and he had to do all the chores and probably something else im forgetting. They said that if he disobeyed what they did to their sister would seem miniscule in comparison to what they would do to him.
He decided that he would escape the moment he got the chance. And after 2 weeks, he got his chance. One of his brothers left the house key in his pocket, he pickpocketed him, unlocked the door in the middle of the night and ram away.
He knew that his family would be looking for him, waiting to kill him, so he hid in a graveyard for 10 days.
At some point he left to go look for scrap's, when he came across some Jew who had a baguette. He weighed his options and eventually decided that food came before the morals he's been taught.
So he approachs the Jew, and asks him if he speaks Arabic (in Arabic obviously) and the Jew says he does (In Arabic of course.) so he tells him that his brothers killed his sister, and their going to kill him too and can he pleaseee have some food.
The guy thinks he's pulling his leg, tells him to get lost something something the guy gets convinced and gives him some food and water.
Eventually (I don't remember what happened sorry) he ends up driving him to the central bus station in tel Aviv, hands him some money, and directs him to a bus, tells him to get off in Eilat, he says that what Eilat is, the guy tells him to get off where everyone gets off.
The bus was full of idf soldiers so it was very awkward and probably scarry for this guy to be on that bus.
He gets off where everyone gets off, lives on the streets for a while, until some guy who was also on the streets (they saw each other everyday,) approachs him to ask him what his deal is the guy doesn't understand Hebrew, so turns out this guy is fluent in Arabic. They talk the guy explains his deadly situation and this guy tells him that he has a brother who's could get him into a boarding school.
Now, a boarding school?! Boarding schools are awful! Remember what it was like!?? Hell no! So he obviously declines the offer, but this guy is persistent. So eventually he agrees, he goes this guy becomes like a father figure to him, reminder he's like 14-15 ish at this time.
So this guy takes him in, he's In shock, food water a roof for free??? Omg awesome! So he goes to this school, he learns Hebrew and life is good. But now his 18th birthday is approaching and he decides he wants to join the army. So he tells the guy, and other people in charge who kindly tell him can't but he explained how the more people explained why he couldn't he grew more and more convinced he could.
Eventually, this one guy in charge gets tired of this and tells him that if he can get his parents to sigh a permission slip he can. So naturally, his family will kill him if he shows up, so he tells this guy something like he should take to his parents without dying and something something he ends up being allowed to join.
Around this part we ran out of time so yeah.
I really feel like this guy's life story is important to share especially right now with everyone glorifying Islam and all that.
Islam is a religion built on murder. Kabam I'm tired sorry for the long post.
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nanabansama · 1 month
Good Morning! Maybe some people have already asked this, but who exactly is this "God" that Hanako mentions and claims to be the one who told him that if Hanako fulfills his role, then his sins will be erased?
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Is God (Or Kami-Sama) based on the concept of a Supreme Being, like GOD for the Jews and Christians, Allah for the Muslims, Brahman, The Absolute, etc, or is it based on a Japanese understanding of the Supreme Being or any other powerful kami that may be involved with the Supernatural?
And lastly, is this "God" the same entity as the Evil Entity from the Red House that is now within Tsukasa?
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I was once going to make a post on this topic actually but it never left the drafts. :p
Anyway JSHK has used the term かみさま to refer to both the god Hanako mentions and the Pit God, as I like to call it. And this term is also used for the Christian God.
However, it's also used for Japanese gods! And frankly I am more inclined to go with that interpretation. The series has never made reference to Christian religion, as far as I'm aware? So it would be incredibly strange for God, as in Jesus Christ God, to show up.
But given the lack of a proper name for this god and the fact the Christian God is normally considered THE God in English, well, I can see how anyone would start to assume it's that god. Especially since Hanako is "atoning for his sins", a very Christian concept.
Anyhow...whether this god that claimed Hanako's sins can be erased is the same as the one Tsukasa made a deal with or not is anyone's guess at this point!
Points in favor of this idea are that the god oversees the school mysteries of Kamome and that the Pit God once ruled over Kamome, as well as the fact that the School Mysteries are specifically said to rule in place of the Pit God. (See: screencap below)
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Then again, we don't really know how gods WORK in JSHK? It's entirely possible a god (or a group of gods) oversee Kamome and the mysteries that reside in it. And Kako seems to know intimate details concerning who the Pit God is while also speaking about the god(s) they serve during the Ch. 61 Mystery Meeting.
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So, errr...
It would just be a bit weird, I guess. Hanako and the other mysteries serving a god/multiple gods (it's not entirely clear) and then Hanako making reference to a god that says his sins will be absolved if he fulfills his "duty" (presumably as a school mystery) but actually meaning the guy who Kako--another mystery--sees as a threat to the school...
But perhaps the Pit God tricked Hanako by pretending to be one of the good gods?! I mean, it's not like we have confirmation Kako ever met the gods they serve as proxy for. Considering that Teru says the mysteries reside in place of sacrifice-demanding gods, too, it's certainly worth questioning...it's not like all gods are good gods, as the series has clearly shown.
And I mean...
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...Hanako certainly seems to imply this god isn't very scrupulous. Thinking a supernatural infestation is OK? Suspicious. Suspicious indeed!
There's also this...
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While it's possible the god/gods didn't know what #6 did and disapproved, #6 still resolved the Urabon issue by LITERAL HUMAN SACRIFICE. Kako and Hanako even KNOW #6 uses extreme methods yet they either didn't care to check or worse, agreed with him. Remember, Hanako had to literally be blackmailed into helping Akane and Nene, lol.
Considering this ended up causing the Severance you'd have to IMAGINE the gods they serve would be mad, right...? Unless they WANTED this to happen, of course!
At best the gods seem to be OK with human sacrifice and at worse they are the Pit God, actively craving human sacrifices and also potentially world domination. Pick your poison!
Anyway tl;dr I don't think there is a singular supreme being in JSHK but the god Hanako mentions and the one dwelling in Tsukasa could very well be the same one
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secular-jew · 6 months
Oklahoma Hamas Jihadi
Oklahoma-Based Woman, Whose Facebook Posts Indicate Support for Hamas And Jihad, Boasts About FBI Visit And Her Desire To See U.S. Troops Return In Coffins; 'As An American I Pray All Of Them Return…Packed In Wooden Boxes'; 'If We Are Unable To Engage In Physical Jihad Then, Every Single One Of Us…Must Be Engaging In Jihads Of Pen & Tongue!'
An Oklahoma woman posted a video showing a March 29, 2024 visit she received from several agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. According to the FBI agents, they were sent because she published several posts on Facebook that caused concern. The video of the visit swiftly went viral online. On her Facebook account, A scroll through her Facebook account shows her endorsement of Hamas and of jihad. She posted that Hamas's conduct has been just and compassionate, and cited the group's propaganda video released last year which showed their release of smiling and waving hostages.
Following the March 19 visit by several FBI agents, the woman's video went viral. She published multiple Facebook posts dedicated to the media attention she's received.
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Shortly after the FBI paid her a visit, the woman recounted her version of events on Facebook. Included in her March 19 post is a photo of one of the FBI agents. She wrote: "The FBI just came to my home. They stated that Facebook sent them screenshots of concerning posts. They asked if they could talk to me. I refused and told them my lawyer will contact them. If anything happens to me remember there is no God but, God. God is just and He loves those who speak against evil and uphold truth. Fear no man only God & the hellfire. Take a screenshot Facebook. #FreePalestine."
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In a post on April 1, 2024, she commented on an article published by Fox News titled: "FBI agents question woman over anti-Israel Facebook posts in viral video." She wrote: "Thanks Fox news for the coverage. However, I find it disturbing that, they and other media outlets piggybacking their report, are quoting my post about israhelli terrorist filth out of context. My comment continues on about Ramadan being the strength of Muslims bc it's a direct response to the attached video of an Israhelli terrorist on Israhelli state TV calling for attacking Gaza during Ramadan…"
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In another post on April 1, she shared a screenshot of a Turkish news item reporting on her story: "Even international media is shocked at the attempt to stifle and/or intimidate we Americans away from our right of free speech. Oklahoma reaches Turkiye!"
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On March 31, the woman wrote: "I am humbled that God has allowed me to be targeted. I am honored to fight for Palestine no matter the cost come what may. All thanks and praise be to Allah for everything."
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Facebook Posts Following FBI Visit
The woman has continued to regularly publish posts which are critical of Israel and its supporters on her Facebook page, following the visit by the FBI.
She wrote on March 21: "God destroy Israhell, its backers & its supporters. Ameen."
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On March 28, 2024, she published a Facebook post which discussed using the term, "jihad." "Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed of your Islam or bully you into sugarcoating Islam for 'acceptance.' Don't let them force you into abstaining from usage of Islamic terms like #Jihad/ #SHARIAH etc. You're not responsible for misunderstandings, misinterpretations, nor the false propaganda."
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Facebook Posts Condoning Hamas And Jihad
One day before the FBI paid her a visit, the woman wrote: "God protect & aid all the Mujahideen in the jihad against the foreign apartheid occupation israhell & its backers. May victory come soon."
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sawthatmountainburn · 11 months
it's so objectifying and dehumanizing how Arabs are treated by Western feminists in regards to gender. like in 2021 radfеms would get so fucking pissed if you told them cheering on Afghan men's deaths was racist and vile. they're not racist, they just hate men! but like, we weren't talking about "men as a class" or whatever asshole men these women encountered, we were talking about a whole nation of people who've lived in a warzone for 20 years (for a lot of them, that's all they've ever known!), getting blown up and threatened every day, but that doesn't matter, they presented an opportunity to wax poetical about how evil, heartless and cowardly men are, so that's what they were used for. they were props to a bunch of femcels' circlejerk about how bad men are.
on top of that, Arab women aren't treated any better. many of the people decrying this behavior were Arab or Muslim women themselves. but this was all handwaved away by saying those women were just trying to appeal to or coddle men. the idea that Arab women might have any love for the men in their lives just never crossed anyone's mind, or if it did it was dismissed by saying "well I think they shouldn't, so it doesn't matter" as if you can just ignore the unsurmountable grief of losing so many loved ones and not knowing if the rest of them will live to see another day. sixteen fucking people in a woman's family died and you want her to, what, be thankful for it? cause it was the men in the family who died? but again, this is utterly incomprehensible to some people, because they don't see Arab women as real people with their own feelings and opinions, they're just objects to be used in service of some narrative or as a convenient spot to project your own issues, but to be discarded the moment they actually show they're a human being. and don't even get me started on those fucking "the Taliban knows what a woman is" takes.
so yeah. glad I'm seeing more pushback against this now (late 2023) in regards to Palestine. I wish the things said about Afghan people wasn't, but it's better late than never.
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beevean · 10 months
Is it just me or does the way NFCV treat Nosaac being Muslim, not really different than how irl Islamophobic Christians see Muslims as just devil-worshipping satanists? I don't think it really matters that his use of dark magic is framed as cool with God somehow actually, when it's also effectively just "yes, the islamic god Baphomet is out to get you for being Christian" as a trope anyways. Maybe I'm mis-remembering/misreading something, but it's really been bothering me.
It's very suspicious, yes. And I can tell you it was unintentional, because they chose the literally worst character to make Black and Muslim but they didn't care because they only wanted to "fix the stupid character".
Isaac reveres a vampire who wants to exterminate mankind. Isaac agrees with the notion that humans are inherently cruel and poisonous and the world would be better without them. Isaac has expressed a lack of concern for his own life: he assumed that he would eventually be killed by Dracula, and wanted to lay down his life for his sake. Isaac has studied dark magic that allows him to extract souls from Hell and put them into dead bodies to turn them into man-eating monsters. Isaac says, quite literally, that he wants a "pure" world. Isaac uses Mohammed's words (allegedly - Muslim people have told me that the quote about the doors of Hell rattling in the wind is fake) to justify his mission of turning every human possible into an abomination.
How did anybody not put two and two together and realize that he looks like the parody of a jihadist? my man wants to purify the world from "evil" people in the name of Mohammed and is ready to die for his cause, give me a fucking break!
Isaac, of all characters, should have not been made Black or Muslim! His whole deal is that he worships the equivalent of Satan! He's servile to the point of self-nullification! Bruh! Hector and Isaac are both heathens and do not follow any God, because by creating cursed life they go against any kind of religion known to man! It's not just the Christian God who would have issues with this! (and making him a Black man serving a white master and declaring he wants to die for him, well it's kind of ehhhhh. I don't like raceswapping, but if you really wanted to do that, Hector was literally right there. Maybe that would have convinced Ellis to give him some dignity :V)
In theory, in a vacuum, an hypocritical Muslim anti-villain who believes himself to be a good devoted Muslim while in reality he's sinning left and right could work just as well as your classic hypocritical Christian priest. But we're not to the point where we could do that, not after 20 years of intense Islamophobia that equated Islam with terrorism, not without an immense amount of care. And Isaac did not get this kind of care. He's Muslim only in S3, at his worst point: in S2 he flagellates because of his past as a slave, which then became "I do it because I'm a Sufi", and by S4, the season where he wakes up Enlightened™, his scenes are all about how he enjoys having agency and how he wants to live. I think he only says "God is good" once. Also he doesn't really regret his past sins, he just decides to do things for his own sake.
It doesn't help that Isaac is framed not as an hypocrite, but as the cool, tragic villain. He's smart, he's wise, he's justified in being a misanthrope, he's justified in killing people who don't want his demon army to pass through. We are meant to ohh and ahh at his Enlightment™ while quietly ignoring how he, unlike Hector, chose time and time and time again the path of death and cruelty being fully aware of what it would entail.
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lifeofresulullah · 2 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Battle of Badr and Afterwards
The Expedition of Banu Qaynuqa
(2nd year of Hijrah, month of Shawwal /AD 624)
The anxieties of the Jews in Madinah increased when Muslims had a bright victory in the Battle of Badr. Although they had signed a peace treaty with the Prophet, it was noticed that they started the activities of mischief and sedition.  Despite everything, the Prophet treated them with tolerance since they were from the People of the Book. However, they showed with their attitudes and acts that they did not deserve such humane attitudes. Their poets wrote satirical poems about the Prophet and about the Muslims to humiliate them.
As it had been mentioned before, there were three Jewish tribes in Madinah: Banu Qurayza, Banu Nadr and Banu Qaynuqa. The most mischievous and courageous one among them was Banu Qaynuqa. They were jewelers. Therefore, they were quite rich. They had also signed a treaty with the Prophet just like the other tribes. They had promised that they would not attempt any activities against Muslims, that they would defend Madinah against enemy in case of an external attack against Madinah and that they would not help the enemies of each other. However, they had started to violate the treaty by their obvious mischievous acts and seditions, by trying to set Muslims against one another and by cooperating with the polytheists of Quraysh. Meanwhile the following incident that took place was the last straw that broke the camel’s back:
A woman from the Ansar of Madinah went to the shop of a Jewish jeweler to buy something; her face was covered. The Jews tried to make her open her face; however, the woman insisted on having her face covered. Meanwhile, a Jewish person secretly attached a thorn to the bottom part of her dress. When the woman stood up to leave, her dress was pulled and her legs were seen. The Jewish people who were there started to laugh at her. The woman screamed.  When a Muslim who was passing by heard the scream, he intervened to help the woman. The Muslim and the Jew started to fight. The Muslim killed the Jew. Then, the other Jews who were there swooped down on the Muslim and martyred him. Thus, blood was shed between Jews and Muslims. The ones that caused the incident were the Jews. They violated the treaty by acting against the promises that had made.
When the relatives of the Muslim who was martyred asked for help, the Prophet gathered the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa. He called them to Islam. He told them to give up their mischievous acts and that they could face the fate of the polytheists in Badr.  However, the mischievous Jews made fun of the speech of the Prophet and gave the following answer arrogantly: “O Muhammad! Do not depend on your victory against the people who did not know how to fight. If you dare to fight us, you will see what kind of men we are.” Then, they left.
The verse that was sent down upon the conceited and arrogant answer of the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa declared what would happen to them as follows:  
“Say to those who reject Faith: “Soon will ye be vanquished and gathered together to Hell―an evil bed indeed (to lie on)!’” 
Another verse that was sent down regarding the same event gave the Prophet the permission to fight against these Jews, who violated their promise as follows: “If thou fearest treachery from any group, throw back (their Covenant) to them, (so as to be) on equal terms: for Allah loveth not the treacherous!” 
Thereupon, the Prophet resolved: they would fight against the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa.
After making this decision, the Messenger of Allah appointed Lubaba b. Abdil Mundhir as his deputy in Madinah, gave the white standard to Hazrat Hamza and set out toward Banu Qaynuqa.
The Banu Qynuqa Jews had a strong castle. When they heard that the Prophet was coming toward them, they withdrew to the castle. The Messenger of Allah besieged them. After the siege that lasted for fifteen days, they had to surrender. The Prophet ordered that all of them be tied by their hands one by one. Their hands were tied. 
Abdullah b. Ubay Applies to the Prophet
Meanwhile, the leader of the munafiqs, Abdul¬lah b. Ubay, who was the ally of Banu Qaynuqa, went to the Prophet. He said, “O Muhammad! Do my allies a favor; forgive them.”
The Messenger of Allah ignored the words of Abdullah b. Ubay. Thereupon, he repeated his words:
“O Muhammad! Do my allies a favor; forgive them!”
This time, the Prophet turned his face away.
However, Abdullah b. Ubay continued to repeat the same things:
Thereupon, the Prophet said,
“Untie them. May Allah curse them and those who are with them!” He gave up the idea of killing Banu Qaynuqa and ordered them to be expelled to Damascus from Madinah. 
The Words of Ubada b. Samit
Ubada b. Samit, from Banu Awf, was also an ally of the Banu Qaynuqa Jews. He also came to the Prophet to ask him let them free. When he witnessed what happened between the Prophet and Abdullah b. Ubay, he said, “O Messenger of Allah! I have become the friend of Allah, His Prophet and believers. I have given up being allies and friends with those unbelievers.” He declared that he gave up being allies and friends with the Banu Qaynuqa Jews.
Thereupon, the following verse was sent down:
“O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.” 
Banu Qaynuqa Leave Madinah
The real aim of the Messenger of Allah was to keep the mischief and sedition of the Jews away from Madinah and to prevent the dangers caused by them. He reached his aim by expelling them from Madinah.
The time given to Banu Qaynuqa to leave Madinah was three days. When the period of three days ended, they set off to Damascus. When they reached Wadi al-Qura, they stayed there for a month. The Jews who lived there gave horses and camels to those who did not have anything to ride on and food to all of them. Then, the Banu Qaynuqa Jews left Wadi al-Qura, reached Azrua and settled there. They soon perished away. 
THE EXPEDITION OF SAWIQ(2nd Year of Hijrah, Dhul-Hijjah, 5 Sunday)
When seven hundred people from the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa were expelled from Madinah, the city felt relieved. This act of the Prophet was very important in terms of the development of Islam. If those Jews, who were the source of mischief and sedition, had been left in Madinah, they would have definitely set many treacherous plans against Muslims. Their banishment prevented them from doing so.
Peace and calm prevailed in the city.
However, the security was not very good outside the city. The polytheists of Quraysh did not forget the pain of their defeat in Badr; they did not want to forget it, either. When many of the notables of the Quraysh were killed, Abu Sufyan started to regard himself as the leader of the Quraysh; he started to make preparations in order to take the revenge of Badr. He vowed that he would not approach women, would not put on nice smells and would not have a bath or shower unless he took his revenge on Muslims.
In order to keep his vow, Abu Sufyan approached Madinah with two hundred cavalrymen. In fact, he himself knew very well that he could not fight against Muslims with that army. However, he went to Madinah only to keep his vow and to show that he did not give up his vow.
At night, he went to the leader of the Jewish tribe Banu Nadr, who were still residing in Madinah then, and received some secret information about Muslims from him.
Then, the polytheists approached a place called Urayz, which was three miles away from Madinah, and set fire to a date orchard and two houses. Meanwhile they martyred a Muslim from Ansar and his worker, who were  defenseless and who were working on the field. 
Abu Sufyan regarded that he had kept his vow by having done so and left that place rapidly lest he should be followed and got caught; and he set off to Makkah.
The Messenger of Allah was informed about the attack. He left Madinah with two hundred men from Ansar and Muhajirs to follow the polytheists. He did not find anyone. He found out that they had fled rapidly.  
The polytheists had brought roasted wheat flour called “sawiq” with them as food. They left the bags of flour on the way because they were heavy and prevented them from running away fast. The mujahids collected those bags of sawiq. That is why the expedition was given the name “sawiq”.
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pineappleparfaitie · 4 months
Aight ill bite CW// talks about Israel and Palestine, talks about the genocide, talks about a certain person (if youre reading this please read fully even if you think im spouting bulshit) Ect...ect...
UPDATED on may 31st This post was in refrence to things S claimed/said in their posts and then later deleted said posts. This post made points /claims that i told them they should be ashamed of their jewish herritage, that the thing in palestine isnt a genocide, me saying this isnt about religion ,saying zionists are all evil/bad and that they are colonizers I alaborated on every point below trying to give some counter arguments and points. I poorly worded myself in 1 section (the religion section) . The point i was trying to make was that if the foundation of zionism is built on the idea a jewish state/isreal in this case needs to be there bcecause of things in jewish faith or myth- then by that logic shouldnt palestine only be there because in Islam its where Muhammed a.s was sent to by Gabriel before he went to heaven? The point was flawwed and S had a point that this had to do with religion but for the wrong reason.The motive for zionism is religion bassed and holds no weight because THEN we should take EVERY faiths interpretation of an area and then say ''well in my holy book it says THIS was HERE so therefor it HAS to be there !'' Im sorry onto the OG post.
Show me proof that I ever told you to be ashamed of your Jewish herritage cause I want threw our dm's and didint find that I will apologise for that because that would be awful
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Here is the definiton of Zionism Zionists are actively encouriging the idea of a greater Isreali and the genocide of the Palestinian people. I greatly reccomend you listen to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xottY-7m3k&t=1179s&ab_channel=Shaun if you have the time. The Palestinian peoples land has been destroyed.Their chidlren killed. Their hosptials gone. I know what a zionist is- and their belief is what I take issue with, a belief you hold that being - letting the state of Isreali exist. I do not want a single Isreali dead apart from those who have killed children and enjoyed it, gone to destroyed homes and taken pictures with underwear and bras, and the leaders of the Israeli goverment. Isrealies didint choose the land they were born in, and those who even revoke their citizenship are doing a spectacular job. You say where will the Israeli people go IF their home is given back to the Palestinians- but not where Palestinians will go when Israel has murdered them. But Zionists in my eyes are BAD people cause they IGNORE what the existance of Israel will do - since look at what its doing.Is ''self defence'' killing 30 THAUSAND people and killing babies?Dididnt know babies carried guns..
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This is exactly what Palestnine is going threw. now when this doesnt have to do with religion i meant this and I should have clarrified this that is my fault I mean that this whole thing has lost the point, religion is being USED TO JUSTIFY this genocide on the side of Isreal. That Jerusalem was the home to Israel in Jewish tradition. What about in Islam where Jerusalem where Mohammed went there when instructed by the angel Gabriel? Fyi im a muslim. Muslim herritage muslim everything. By archeological findings its said that around 4000BC its believed thats when the earliest ancestor of Palestine lived in whats now Palestine and Israel. When i say ''this isnt about religion'' i mean it stopped being about it long ago. It stopped being about a homeland of sorts and it became murdering people. But I will admit fault as much as I try to explain it- this does have to do with religion. You were right in the notion that religion caused this to an extent. ''Theyre all colonozers'' Okay this one rings less true on my part. I should have probably used ''settlers'' or something else. You were correct I used wrong terminology.Im sorry I should not have done that and it was my fault for using that term without properly going into depth on its meaning. But how am I a neo nazi? that means i want to reinstate the Nazi ideology?I want jews dead?I want queer people dead?I want people of color dead?I believe in a greater Germany? I hate the state of Israel, not jewish people. Israel has hurt RABBIS !They not only DONT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS BUT JEWISH PEOPLE!And their own! They have let their own people be hurt to paint a narrative. And I dont say ''Hamas bad'' CAUSE ITS COMMON KNOWLADGE!NO SHIT KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE WAS BAD!THAT FUCKING SUCKS!FUCK THEM TOO !But you want HAMAS to be destroye but not ISRAEL?Thats a bother to me too. I didint cut ties with you cause I thought you were a zionist, not cause youre jewish, not cause I think you have ill intent or less of a human being. But because I couldnt handle talking to you, due to personal expiriences and just not being able to take it. You have the right to feel hurt because of what I did. But what prompted you to calling me something as fowl as a neo nazi? Im sorry. If youre reading this Im sorry that I hurt you, Im sorry for my actions. Im sorry for it. But calling me anything else would have hurt less.
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yakityyaku · 1 year
I think something people need to be aware of is that terrorist groups like Hamas do these kinds of attacks and stunts as recruitment ploys.
They know they will not win against the Israeli army. That is not the goal. The will seed chaos, rape and kill and kidnap, and have their fun blowing up Jewish people knowing that Israel won't bat an eye at showing them the same levels of cruelty and atrocity.
But it won't be Hamas that gets the brunt of the retaliation.
Israel will send rockets and it's military into Gaza and any refugee sites they can find. They will snatch Palestinian civilians they come across up like hawks.
The innocent Palestinians will be victimized for Hamas' actions. That will cause heartache. Most importantly, it will cause anger.
Young people who lose their loved ones will be told that "Hamas was justified, of course, because Israelis are the oppressors of Palestine. Palestinians just want to be given back their country. But those cold, evil Israeli's! They retaliated against the justified rapes and bombings by attacking your family! Your friends!"
And that's all it takes. You take people who are already struggling, already disenfranchised, and you give them a reason to turn a blind eye to atrocities and lies by goading your adversary into taking all those people had away from them. To give them a personal vendetta and make them cold.
Hamas does not care for the people of Palestine or their plight. They care about expanding their ranks and amassing power and spreading their bullshit ideology.
Palestinians or Israelis, Jewish people or Muslims, their deaths are in vain. It is senseless. It will not liberate the Palestinian people, and it was never for them in the first place.
I truly hope in our lifetimes we see their liberation and the beginning of the recovery from the grips of apartheid, but it will not happen with Hamas at the helm, nor should it.
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basicsofislam · 1 year
ISLAM 101: Muslim Culture and Character: Morals And Manners: Part 19
The Qur’an commands that people should not make fun of, embarrass, or ridicule one another, nor call each other by unbecoming nicknames. This is an important principle if there are to be good relations among people in a community.
O you who believe! Let not some people among you deride another people, it may be that the latter are better than the former; nor let some women deride other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another (and provoke the same for yourselves in retaliation), nor insult one another with nicknames (that your brothers and sisters dislike). Evil is using names with vile meaning after (those so addressed have accepted) the faith (– doing so is like replacing a mark of faith with a mark of transgression). Whoever (does that and then) does not turn to God in repentance, (giving up doing so), those are indeed wrongdoers. (Hujurat 49:11)
Here I will address the issues in this verse, using Elmalili Hamdi Yazir as a source, but attempting to simplify his ideas. After the verse opens with a call to believers to conscientiously treat each other well, it inspires believers to do so with the great- est sincerity, indicating that this will make it possible for many more nations and people to perceive and accept the beauty of Islam. Then, this verse goes on from generally fostering brotherhood to teaching people the adab of how to treat each other, both face to face and when apart. There were several events that occasioned the revelation of this verse: 1. According to a narration from Dahhaq, several people from the tribe of Banu Tamim teased and mocked Companions like Bilal al-Habashi, Habbab, Ammar, Suhayb, Abu Dharr, Salim, and Mawla Hudayfa.
2. Aisha said she used to tease Zaynab bint Huzayma al-Hila- liyya for being short. Likewise, she and Hafsa talked between themselves about how short Umm Salama was. 3. Ibn Abbas relates that Safiyya bint Huyayy once came to the Messenger and said, “The women call me ‘Jew, daughter of a Jew’ to tease me.” The Messenger replied, “Why do you not reply, ‘My father was Aaron, my uncle was Moses, and my husband is Muhammad’?” 4. Thabit ibn Qays was partially deaf and therefore when he was near the Prophet, other people would let him through the crowd so he could come closer to hear. One day he came and started going through the others, saying, “Move, make room.” One man did not pay attention, and Thabit became offended and asked, “Who is this?” The man told him his name. The other retorted, “No, you are the son of the woman who—” attributing him to a woman known for indecency. The man was embarrassed, and when this verse was revealed, Thabit never talked about nobleness by birth again. 5. Ikrima, the son of Abu Jahl (Islam’s most determined enemy), became Muslim, but he was called “Son of the Pharaoh of the community of believers.” This upset him and he told the Prophet about it.41 According to Qurtubi, to mock someone means that one is looking down on them, insulting them, putting them down, and talking about their faults in order to ridicule them. Razi says from a community point of view, mocking another person means “showing one’s believing brother or sister less than their deserved respect and honor, approaching them in an uncomplimentary way.” In the above verse, the words qawm (tribe) and nisa (women) are used, which in Arabic denotes the men and the women of the community. There are other linguistic clues as well which prove this. The concept of the community is important in this verse in several ways:
1. It serves as a reminder that Islam is not a religion solely for private practice, but is meant to be lived as a community. 2. It shows that mocking others can cause serious problems and individuals must cease to practice such behavior. 3. The verse also implies that this action or habit on the part of one individual becomes like a sickness that affects the whole community, as a person who mocks others will always have some hangers-on laughing at the jokes and try- ing to become their friend by doing the same. If any question remains as to why such actions are forbidden, every believer should be concerned about the final reason: It may be that, in God’s sight, the one who is mocked is actually better than the one who is mocking. For we can only know the outer appearance of others; God alone knows their hearts. We are not capable of knowing what level of value a person has in front of God. Therefore, no one has the right to belittle, look down on, or make fun of another person because of some outward appearance or action; this may be misleading. If the person we mock is greatly loved by God and we show them disrespect, then surely we will have wronged our own soul as well as that of the person. In other words, making fun of others is wrong in two ways: First, if a Muslim mocks another believer, they are mocking themselves, since we are all like one body. Second, if a person does something shameful, it brings shame most of all on their own soul. Thus, the verse can be paraphrased like this: “Do not mock, embarrass, or belittle believers; for to do so is to mock, embarrass, and belittle yourself.” Or, if we look at it from the second aspect, “When you make a fool of someone or demean them, the result is that you have made a fool of yourself and besmirched your own name.” In other words, the first meaning is more to do with brotherhood, while the second meaning pertains to the honor and dignity of our individual soul.
A nickname is given either to honor someone or to bring them down in some way. The verse uses the word nabz to refer to epithets with derogatory meanings; these are forbidden. On the other hand, it is permissible to give or use positive epithets. According to Kashshaf, the Prophet said, “One of the rights of a believer over his believing brother is to be called by the name he loves most.” This is why giving a beautiful epithet is Sunna, in accordance with the Prophet’s example. Some of the Companions had such kunya, or respectful but intimate names. Most societies have such epithets. But any kind of derogatory term of abuse should be avoided. Calling someone by a derogatory name is fisq, or deviant, immoral behavior, so a person doing this is considered to be ignoring the ethics of Islam. This is a very serious situation for anyone to find themselves in. Knowing that this brings serious punishment and a state that is less than true practice and belief, one should actively and carefully avoid calling other people names or mocking them.
Another related topic addressed in the Qur’an is a type of hypocrisy. This occurs when people act one way while with believers, but make fun of the believers when they are not with them, thus showing their hidden identity. Just as believers should not make fun of one another, they should also exercise common sense and avoid making themselves the butt of others’ jokes by speaking of their beliefs among people who may mock them once they leave. In Sura Baqara it is written: When they meet those who believe, they declare (hypocritically), “We believe”; but when they are alone in secret with their (apparently human) satans (to whom they hasten in need to renew their unbelief and their pledge to them for fear of losing their support), they say, “Assuredly we are with you; we only mock (those others).” (Since what they do only means demanding straying and ridicule,) God returns their mockery, leaving them to wander blindly on in their rebellion. Such are the ones who have bought straying in exchange for guidance, but their trade has brought no profit, and they have no way out to escape it. (Baqara 2:14–16)
There is no question about how despicable this kind of behavior is moral; such people cannot be called believers. They show a friendly, fawning face toward believers while they are with them, but only so that they can hide their true, malicious intentions. Then when they get together with the evildoing mischief-makers, they say, “We are true with you and were only acting; trust us.” The more they swear their allegiance, the more they are actually confirming their treachery, pitting themselves against the believers with their fellow conspirators. Such an action is against basic decency and morality, as these people are mocking and devaluing belief itself; thus, it is easy to understand why such an attitude is one of the markers of unbelief (kufr). To ridicule someone, even in jest, means to violate their honor and dignity. Most people who make fun of believers do not have the courage to insult them; if they do, then insult reflects badly on the person uttering it, not on the one they are insulting. But when people insult believers, God and the whole universe will hold them in contempt, whether they realize it or not, even if they think that their action is concealed. Without a doubt, it must be the greatest burden to have such a thing on one’s conscience.
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megashadowdragon · 8 months
New Amazon Show “Venerates Satan & Demons,” Crew Debates Religion & Fiction
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They made Lilith the first Feminist....and Lucifer was just a creative liberal art student that his conservative family didn't like
Hazbin Hotel is to the Christian faith as Disney's Hercules is to the actual Greek mythology they absolutely have nothing in common.
My main gripe with the show is that when Charlie interacted with Adam, he talked just as degenerately as the people in hell, every other word out of his mouth was the F word. It would make so much more sense if they behaved in an over-the-top moral way to the point that it's even annoying. The way they did it makes no sense.
Blasphemy isn’t supposed to make sense. This is the diabolical intent of the show. “Being primarily a sin of the tongue, it will be seen to be opposed directly to the religious act of praising God. (2) It is said to be against God, though this may be only mediately, as when the contumelious word is spoken of the saints or of sacred things, because of the relationship they sustain to God and His service…” See everyone, no difference between heaven and hell, do as thou wilt. See, it’s funny too. Nevermind that when you watch media your brainwaves enter a sleep like state and you are easily programmed….There is a reason they call it programming.Show less
They got a lot of shit for Alastor's playing card having voodoo symbols, because they didn't get "permission" to use voodoo symbols. I wasn't aware there was an authority on voodoo that had to give permission for it to be used in art works or that it was supposed to be exclusive to any race.
A five minute search could teach you more than Tim does about the subject in this video. This inversion of the Christianity is nothing novel or new, it has been done by Luciferarians who portray Lucifer as the enlightened bearer of light. Variations of this theme are found in the occult and in the fables of the Freemasons. Before that it can be found among the Cathars and Gnostics who portray the God of the Old Testament as evil.
How could lillith be “strong and independent “ and then decide to flee if she didn’t initially have free will
It’s funny that they present Adam as some sort of tyrant, when he was a pretty weak willed man in the actual Bible. He just sort of did his thing, then Eve came over & was like, “that over there told me to eat this thing we were told not to eat, you should have some to.” & he was like, “well…you’re my wife & I want to be with you, so I guess…”
I agree with what Libby had said. The glorification of evil is not something we should let be pushed into society. Yes I get you say that it also kind pokes fun at woke people by them being the ones in hell, but if some kids sees it and doesn't get those points except what the main stuff thats being said. I know people will say "well kids see worse" or "this isn't for kids away". When I was growing up I saw South Park, the Simpsons, Family Guy, AquaTeam Hunger Force, Moral Oral, Robot Chicken, and other crude shows. I used to say alot of things that even some stuff I didn't fully even understand, but I would say it cause I felt like the edgy thing to do.Show less
The initial pilot was pretty funny. Very adult orientated though. Then, during the 'Summer of Love' the producers and cast literally held a YT livestream where they raised funds to pay the legal fees of rioters.
That's very disappointing to hear. I love the show because Episode 4 is basically anti-pron propaganda. I want to support that, but I don't want to support destroying this country.
Let's just say there's a reason Hollywood and the media will openly mock Christians and Christianity but not Islam and Muslims. Now think of the difference between the two in how each group handles said critique and insult of their religion.
this show is 500% NOT FOR KIDS when will boomers learn that animation =/= childrens content you'd think the past two decades of shows like southpark, rick and morty, and "happy tree friends" would have proven this much to them
Lilith is... part of biblical apocrapha. Technically non-canon but she pops up frequently as well. Sort of like how hell being divided into nine circles is also, technically, non-canon but frequently shows up in depictions of it.
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the Ouija board story form like 6 years ago (since i only watched, i don't know how much of this was my friends lying to me. so)
right so this happened when i was either 10 or 11 years old. my family friends are all siblings, we'll call them L, A and Z. (L was 11-12, A was the same age as me and Z was like 9). i was staying over at their house and we all had a collective interest in the paranormal, and we believe in it too since we're Muslim and believe in spirits called jinn
so you know, of course we had the very clever idea of trying to communicate with them through a Ouija board. you know, casually open a door to spirits that could be good or evil. we were so smart, clearly
so me and A got to work drawing the board on one of the tiles in their back garden with chalk. and then they got an empty tape roll to use as a planchette. of course, i was a coward and decided not to actually put my hand on the planchette but just watch the other 3 do it
and apparently they actually came in contact with some sprits. the one talking said his name was Isaac and he said that there were 8 other spirits there. we asked if he was good. he said yes. we asked how many of the other spirits were evil. he said 2. we asked how he died but i don't remember what she said
we asked if there was anyone else there and one replied, calling herself Lily. she said she was murdered. and when we asked if she was good or evil, she replied the latter. since it was so long ago, i don't remember the rest of the game specifically (what we asked and what they answered). but. my friend A was repeatedly bothered by Lily. A kept feeling someone attempting to strangle her. Z asked Lily if it was her. she replied yes
at some point when we were drawing the board, the chalk had snapped. i had one piece and had been messing around with it about a metre away from the board, just crushing it under my shoe and spreading the powder around. however, like half way through the game, we noticed some very deliberate looking scribbles also around a metre away from the board, but at a different angle. when the others questioned it, i genuinely thought it was me, and said so, but Z reminded me "but you were messing around with the chalk over THERE." again, we asked Lily if it was her doing. she said yes
of course we ended the game not too long after. thankfully having the sense to "close" it properly, with the goodbye and all. everything until then wasn't massively dramatic. but. SECONDS after ending the game, i hear fucking malicious laughter beyond the fence that separated my friends' back garden and a park
naturally we all lost our shit and sped inside, A and L reassuring me and Z that it was probably just a drunk person in the park and that the timing was coincidence. but honestly i still don't believe so. plus, weeks after this incident, i visited their house again, and A, the one who had been targeted the most by Lily during our "game" told me that she sees shadows in corners of rooms that weren't there before
of course, years later, i asked them all if they had been tricking me, yet they're all still adamant that the planchette had been moved by someone else. and considering i asked them only recently, what reason would they have to keep up such a trivial lie? unless it wasn't a lie
i genuinely believe this could have been real though, cause i believe in jinn. so. kinda creepy
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thepitofjob · 1 month
Job 13: 1-12. "The Tweeter."
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Chapter 12 concludes saying we can't scramble around in the dark looking for ways to fix society's troubles. How to do this is well known to us. We cannot behave as if we are handicapped, this allows evil men to advance their agendas.
The case for immediate and swift justice, also for the cultivation of the Shoftim is to behave as if one were an adept instead. The following section touches upon the disciplines of the Shoftim that are the most important: How to litmus test the Torah, to prove to oneself, to no one else it was indeed written by the angels in the language of the Alefbeis and contains all one needs to become a Jew. This is not just good enough, it is good as God said in Bereshit.
For this to work we have to think a little like the Prophet Muhammad for a moment. Muhammad told his followers if one could not see or prove one's faith elements were real, the person espousing them was an idiot. Jews and Muslims do not take things on faith. In both religions, there is no such thing as telling a really weird story over and over and then saying it's a real and true story just because large numbers of people are pretending it is.
The Quran goes so far to say we should deign to learn what works about the religion and what does not. From Quran 2:
"102  And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah. And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew."
No stumbling around in the dark in the Islam, please. The same is true of Judaism, and now the tract says once faith nonsense is behind us there is a way to use the faculties to tear down irrational arguments and return onself to sanity:
13 “My eyes have seen all this,     my ears have heard and understood it. 2 What you know, I also know;     I am not inferior to you. 3 But I desire to speak to the Almighty     and to argue my case with God. 4 You, however, smear me with lies;     you are worthless physicians, all of you! 5 If only you would be altogether silent!     For you, that would be wisdom. 6 Hear now my argument;     listen to the pleas of my lips. 7 Will you speak wickedly on God’s behalf?     Will you speak deceitfully for him? 8 Will you show him partiality?     Will you argue the case for God? 9 Would it turn out well if he examined you?     Could you deceive him as you might deceive a mortal? 10 He would surely call you to account     if you secretly showed partiality. 11 Would not his splendor terrify you?     Would not the dread of him fall on you? 12 Your maxims are proverbs of ashes;     your defenses are defenses of clay.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1-2: What you know, I also know. The Number is 9365, טג‎וה‎ ‎"emerge, gush out, attack suddenly, dash." When things are saming when they should be changing, or when they are changing for no good reason, it is time to use one's brain.
The Four Rivers in Eden are all called gushers. Each one represents a different aspect of the process of discrimination an adult brain is capable of wielding:
From Bereshit:
5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[b] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[c] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. 7 Then the Lord God formed a man[d] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
10 A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; “to break” it winds through the entire land of Havilah “to whirl”, where there is gold “understanding.” 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin[e] “right speech” and onyx “high spoken”, “intuition” are also there.) 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon “gusher”;  it winds through the entire land of Cush “prophets”.[f]14 The name of the third river is the Tigris, aka hiddekel, to be swift and articulate ; it runs along the east side of Ashur “level” . And the fourth river is the Euphrates “good, noble” .
v. 3-4: But I desire to speak to the Almighty. One does not speak to Adonai, one listens. It is neat and cool to pray and bray by oneself or in groups, but really all that talking defers the ability of the mind to hear what God has to say through our intuition. Does this mean we shouldn't pray? It means it is a little silly compared to the silence of the Shule where God and the angels do their thinking instead. The voice of the Master is invoked through prayer before one studies, this is essential to begin the process of the Shule. Other than this, praying is not properly employed by most persons.
The Number is 11069, יאאֶפֶסוט‎ ‎ ‎"I will freeze."
Boiling is when one gets hot and bothered and has a come apart over the object of one's affections. Boiling is also associated with unbridling the passions. The implication is one's honeycomb can excite and also enrage us; the same takes place in a culture of persons that lack emotional regulation. To lose regulation over a phantom figment or bizarre tale is really quite ridiculous.
Freezing takes place when one's thoughts congeal in the Shule. The reason we like boiling is because we can't explain it. Freezing is the opposite, we do it because we do understand.
On the level of what is called the Vashat, the commune it means to federate with other persons who also understand thoroughly:
These four forms קיר (qyr), קרר (qrr), קרה (qrh), and קרא (qr') are not related in any formal way, but their uses, conjugations and derivations seem to overlap:
"The root קרר (qarar) basically means to cool off in a thermodynamic sense: to remove energy and thus slow elements down relative to each other. This brings these elements closer together until gas ultimately condenses and liquid ultimately solidifies.
At a social level, hotly warring tribes may federate into roving hordes, which may cool off further and settle down into cities. Likewise at an intellectual level, widely varying perspectives might consolidate into local conventions and ultimately a global standard."
v. 5-6: If only you would be altogether silent! The Number is 9600, ץי‎ם‎, "the Navy." Now this does not mean one dons a cute sailor outfit and play with knots all day.
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To sail means to cross over from the world of noises and sights into the Shule. The destination of a sailor within the Shule is called Ezion Geber.
The first Jews were not meditators. They were taught how to meditate by persons from Lebanon who must have been Hindus according to the Book of Chronicles. The King of Lebanon sent students of the Upanishads whom he called sailors and they told Solomon how to reach the far shore and bring back the gold:
"Verb עצם ('asam) speaks of a skeletal structure that (a) lies hidden beneath an obvious surface, and (b) provides the invisible inner strength that keeps the whole in shape. Noun עצם ('osem) means might or skeleton.
Noun עצמה ('osma) means strength. Noun עצם ('esem) means bone but may also be used to refer to one's whole body. Adjective עצום ('asum) means mighty or numerous. Noun תעצמה (ta'asuma) is a plural and intensive form meaning might but a whole lot of it.
Our verb may also mean to shut or close, predominantly of eyes, and presumably in order to review one's inner mental structures. Noun עצמות ('asumot) appears to refer to the "bones" of one's reason, the certainties upon which all creativities are grafted.
Like the previous, the verb עצה ('asa) also means to shut and its sole Biblical occurrence also speaks of closing one's eyes in order to hatch plans in one's heart: to review or form one's inner and structural strength. The very common noun עץ ('es) means tree (whose fruits proverbially show its "heart"). Collectively, trees are known as עצה ('esa). The similar noun עצה ('aseh) describes the backbone of an animal.
Obviously, the Bible is not concerned with the history of political power and solely with the evolution of the wisdom tradition and thus information technology (from cave paintings to the alphabet to blockchain).
That means that very few references to wood and trees in the Bible — from the trees of Paradise to Noah's ark, Abraham's oaks, the cedars of Tyre and even the cross of Christ — should be expected to actually be about trees.
Probably a by-form of the previous, the verb עוץ ('us) means to counsel or regard with deep inner contemplation."
v. 7-8: Will you argue the case for God? The Number is 11894, יאחטד‎ ‎"the take, the peg, the strut."
The Torah mentions pegs in Terumah:
19 All the other articles used in the service of the tabernacle, whatever their function, including all the tent pegs for it and those for the courtyard, are to be of bronze.
Bronze is used as a mirroring surface in the articles to imply those who exit the temple have successfully come to mirror the Instructions and are fit examples of humankind.
The Courtyard is the Public, the wellspring of the Greater Good. If the Torah is the Door, the vineyard, the Village lay just outside the exit.
One should not allow an argument of "something for nothing" where religion is concerned. The public should not witness a deterioration in the greater good or general welfare as a result of religious practitioners, but the opposite.
Observe how the Pro-Life movement has devastated the ability of the Congress to do anything at all. Donald Trump in his own words said he cheated in the 2016 election to "preserve life" but wound up being a mass murderer after the attacks he orchestrated on Israel on October 7, 2023.
There are thousands of persons missing limbs in Iran because the coneheads there cut them off for religious reasons, women, gays, Jews, Muslims, and black people are mistreated illegally all around the world because we allow persons who lack sanity to do it. Bronze Pegs are persons that are sane and know how live around other persons without causing trouble. This is the best way to make the case for God.
V. 9-10: Would it turn out well if he examined you? The Number is 11894, יא‎חט‎ד, yakhtd, "thinking in an algorithm, observing and seeing, intelligent and also abstract thought."
"The suffix is -πλοος (-ploos), which forms adjectives indicating repetition or multiplication: -fold, as in διπλοος (diploos), twofold; τριπλοος (triploos), trifold; τετραπλοος (tetraploos), fourfold, and so on. But note the similarities with maritime terms like αγχιπλοος (agchiploos), near by sea (as opposed to far by land); διαπλοος (diaploos), a sailing through or continuously; ταχυπλοος (tachuploos), quick-sailing, and so on.
Our adjective occurs in Matthew 6:22 and Luke 11:34 only, both times in reference to the human eye, which in modern times is often hailed for its remarkable complexity. Still, the word used for eye refers to one's sight rather than to one's physical eye, and Jesus statements relate to algorithmic observation rather than simply seeing.
Algorithmic thought — that is "lawful" thought, or thought based on general rules that always work identically for everybody (Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9, 1 Timothy 5:21, Hebrews 13:8), rather than "lawless" thought, or thought based one's specific feelings that vary on mood and time of day — is the basis of all justice, intelligence and abstract thought.
Abstractions are "things" that are real but can't be seen because they have no physical aspect: things like love, honor or virtue are all very real but can only be considered when one thinks in algorithms rather than experience.
Thinking in general rules make the whole chaotic world an ordered and increasingly simple affair, which is why scientists hope to one day be able to describe the whole of everything in an utterly simply Theory of Everything.
God is One, which is why the Divine Nature is clearly observed (Romans 1:20) from the harmonic working-together of all things (Romans 8:28), and can be partaken in by humans who are capable of lawful thought (2 Peter 1:4, Ephesians 4:24, Hebrews 12:10). God, or the Oneness Of All Things, is both the hardest thing to imagine and the simplest abstraction possible: the focal point of all law (Isaiah 45:6-7).
A definition of divinity that fails to incorporate literally all the things that the Creator placed on our earth, and much rather equals the Oneness Of All Things That I Personally Like, leads to fascism and the destruction of all things deemed unworthy.
That deplorable position is both common and utterly detrimental, and must always ultimately result in a complete collapse of All Things Favored.
Both salvation and utter destruction always comes in the stone that the builders rejected (Psalm 118:22). This in turn means that salvation comes not from the way one glorifies what one knows, but rather from the respect that one shows to the things unknown, unfavored and unrecognized.
People who confuse Truth with their own personal faith, also confuse themselves with God. People who judge and condemn, even if the object of their judgment is satan, will follow satan into Gehenna. People who are saved, are saved because they don't judge, not even satan (Jude 1:9)."
v. 10-11:  Would not his splendor terrify you?  Would not the dread of him fall on you? Your maxims are proverbs of ashes; your defenses are defenses of clay.
Religion can only ever imply the existence of God and His mysterious divine thoughts. We know some prophets are capable of a direct connection, but this is worldess. To make this translation between what is God's written and spoken words, to the Words, one must practice the Shule.
The Number is 9990, ץטטט‎ ‎ ‎"cite what I will tweet."
The voices of God and the angels are supposedly like a crown of birds that tweet and twitter into the ars of His prophets:
"The verb צפר (sapar II) occurs in Arabic as to peep or twitter, and in Assyrian as to cry or howl. In the Bible this root doesn't occur as verb but its sole derivative is the important feminine noun צפור (sippor), meaning bird. This noun is also sometimes spelled צפר (sippor; Leviticus 14:4, Psalm 8:8) and once or twice it's treated as a masculine noun (Psalm 102:7 and possibly Psalm 104:17). In the Bible, birds are imaginary of: a proneness to flee to safety (Psalm 11:1), straying (Proverbs 27:8), wavering (Proverbs 26:2), and loneliness (Psalm 102:7).
But on the other hand, birds appear to have made pets as early as the time of Job (Job 41:5), they were appreciated for their singing (Song of Solomon 2:12) and birds seem to have been suspected of having found access to the courts of the Lord (Psalm 84:3)."
I think the comment about "birds" being pets is the most apt. The Rab says tweets which are heard in the mind within the Shule are but hints of the existence outside the Shule. They cannot compare to the manifest reality, but they are necessary if we are to learn how to think under the present apparent thoughts and experiences and know Ha Shem in the ways we were told.
I have spoken of an alterior deluded state called the He Shem "who used to be". First we come to know the He Shem then throu sailing past mthe hints, we get to know who we are now in the unadvertised present moment called Ha Shem.
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quransurahverses · 2 months
The revelation of this Book is from Allah—the Almighty, All-Knowing,
the Forgiver of sin and Accepter of repentance, the Severe in punishment, and Infinite in bounty. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. To Him ˹alone˺  is the final return.
None disputes the signs of Allah except the disbelievers, so do not be deceived by their prosperity throughout the land.
Before them, the people of Noah denied ˹the truth˺, as did ˹other˺ enemy forces afterwards. Every community plotted against its prophet to seize him, and argued in falsehood, ˹hoping˺ to discredit the truth with it. So I seized them. And how ˹horrible˺ was My punishment!
And so your Lord’s decree has been proven true against the disbelievers—that they will be the inmates of the Fire.
Those ˹angels˺ who carry the Throne and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, have faith in Him, and seek forgiveness for the believers, ˹praying:˺ “Our Lord! You encompass everything in ˹Your˺ mercy and knowledge. So forgive those who repent and follow Your Way, and protect them from the torment of the Hellfire.
Our Lord! Admit them into the Gardens of Eternity which You have promised them, along with the righteous among their parents, spouses, and descendants. You ˹alone˺ are truly the Almighty, All-Wise.
And protect them from ˹the consequences of their˺ evil deeds. For whoever You protect from the evil of their deeds on that Day will have been shown Your mercy. That is ˹truly˺ the ultimate triumph.”
Indeed, it will be announced to the disbelievers, “Allah’s contempt for you—as you disbelieved when invited to belief—was far worse than your contempt for one another ˹Today˺.”
They will plead, “Our Lord! You made us lifeless twice, and gave us life twice.[1] Now we confess our sins. So is there any way out?”
[1] You created us from nothing, then gave us life in the wombs of our mothers, then caused us to die at the end of our worldly lives, and finally resurrected us after our death (see 2:28).
˹They will be told,˺ “˹No!˺ This is because when Allah alone was invoked, you ˹staunchly˺ disbelieved. But when others were associated with Him ˹in worship˺, you ˹readily˺ believed. So ˹Today˺ judgment belongs to Allah ˹alone˺—the Most High, All-Great.”
He is the One Who shows you His signs and sends down ˹rain as˺ a provision for you from the sky. ˹But˺ none will be mindful except those who turn ˹to Him˺.
So call upon Allah with sincere devotion, even to the dismay of the disbelievers.
˹He is˺ Highly Exalted in rank, Lord of the Throne. He sends down the revelation by His command to whoever He wills of His servants to warn ˹all˺ of the Day of Meeting—
the Day all will appear ˹before Allah˺. Nothing about them will be hidden from Him. ˹He will ask,˺ “Who does all authority belong to this Day? To Allah—the One, the Supreme![1]
[1] It is reported in a ḥadîth collected by Imâm Muslim that everyone and everything that has ever existed will die on that Day, except for Allah—the Eternal. He will then ask, “Who does all authority belong to this Day? Where are the kings of the world? I am the King.” Since no one will be there to answer, Allah will answer Himself, “˹All authority belongs˺ to Allah—the One, the Supreme!”
Today every soul will be rewarded for what it has done. No injustice Today! Surely Allah is swift in reckoning.”
Warn them ˹O Prophet˺ of the approaching Day when the hearts will jump into the throats, suppressing distress. The wrongdoers will have neither a close friend nor intercessor to be heard.
Allah ˹even˺ knows the sly glances of the eyes and whatever the hearts conceal.
And Allah judges with the truth, while those ˹idols˺ they invoke besides Him cannot judge at all. Indeed, Allah ˹alone˺ is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
Have they not travelled throughout the land to see what was the end of those ˹destroyed˺ before them? They were far superior in might and ˹richer in˺ monuments throughout the land. But Allah seized them for their sins, and they had no protector from Allah.
That was because their messengers used to come to them with clear proofs, but they persisted in disbelief. So Allah seized them. Surely He is All-Powerful, severe in punishment.
Indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs and compelling proof
to Pharaoh, Hamân, and Korah. But they responded: “Magician! Total liar!”
Then, when he came to them with the truth from Us, they said, “Kill the sons of those who believe with him and keep their women.” But the plotting of the disbelievers was only in vain.
And Pharaoh said, “Let me kill Moses, and let him call upon his Lord! I truly fear that he may change your traditions or cause mischief in the land.”
Moses replied, “I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant person who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.”
A believing man from Pharaoh’s people, who was hiding his faith, argued, “Will you kill a man[1] ˹only˺ for saying: ‘My Lord is Allah,’ while he has in fact come to you with clear proofs from your Lord? If he is a liar, it will be to his own loss. But if he is truthful, then you will be afflicted with some of what he is threatening you with. Surely Allah does not guide whoever is a transgressor, a total liar.
[1] i.e., Moses (ﷺ).
O  my people! Authority belongs to you today, reigning supreme in the land. But who would help us against the torment of Allah, if it were to befall us?” Pharaoh assured ˹his people˺, “I am telling you only what I believe, and I am leading you only to the way of guidance.”
And the man who believed cautioned, “O my people! I truly fear for you the doom of ˹earlier˺ enemy forces—
like the fate of the people of Noah, ’Ȃd, Thamûd, and those after them. For Allah would never will to wrong ˹His˺ servants.
O  my people! I truly fear for you the Day all will be crying out ˹to each other˺—
the Day you will ˹try in vain to˺ turn your backs and run away, with no one to protect you from Allah. And whoever Allah leaves to stray will be left with no guide.
Joseph already came to you[1] earlier with clear proofs, yet you never ceased to doubt what he came to you with. When he died you said, ‘Allah will never send a messenger after him.’ This is how Allah leaves every transgressor and doubter to stray—
[1] Meaning, your ancestors, because Joseph (ﷺ) died over 400 hundred years before Moses (ﷺ).
those who dispute Allah’s signs with no proof given to them. How despicable is that for Allah and the believers! This is how Allah seals the heart of every arrogant tyrant.”
Pharaoh ordered, “O Hamân! Build me a high tower so I may reach the pathways
leading up to the heavens and look for the God of Moses, although I am sure he is a liar.”[1] And so Pharaoh’s evil deeds were made so appealing to him that he was hindered from the ˹Right˺ Way. But the plotting of Pharaoh was only in vain.
[1] See 28:38.
And the man who believed urged, “O my people! Follow me, ˹and˺ I will lead you to the Way of Guidance.
O  my people! This worldly life is only ˹a fleeting˺ enjoyment, whereas the Hereafter is truly the home of settlement.
Whoever does an evil deed will only be paid back with its equivalent. And whoever does good, whether male or female, and is a believer, they will enter Paradise, where they will be provided for without limit.
O  my people! How is it that I invite you to salvation, while you invite me to the Fire!
You invite me to disbelieve in Allah and associate with Him what I have no knowledge of, while I invite you to the Almighty, Most Forgiving.
There is no doubt that whatever ˹idols˺ you invite me to ˹worship˺ are not worthy to be invoked either in this world or the Hereafter.[1] ˹Undoubtedly,˺ our return is to Allah, and the transgressors will be the inmates of the Fire.
[1] Another possible translation: “Without a doubt, whatever ˹gods˺ you are calling me to ˹worship˺ have no claim ˹to divinity˺ in this world or the Hereafter.”
You will remember what I say to you, and I entrust my affairs to Allah. Surely Allah is All-Seeing of all ˹His˺ servants.”
So Allah protected him from the evil of their schemes. And Pharaoh’s people were overwhelmed by an evil punishment:
they are exposed to the Fire ˹in their graves˺ morning and evening. And on the Day the Hour will be established ˹it will be said˺, “Admit Pharaoh’s people into the harshest punishment ˹of Hell˺.”
˹Consider the Day˺ when they will dispute in the Fire, and the lowly ˹followers˺ will appeal to the arrogant ˹leaders˺, “We were your ˹dedicated˺ followers, will you then shield us from a portion of the Fire?”
The arrogant will say, “We are all in it! ˹For˺ Allah has already passed judgment over ˹His˺ servants.”
And those in the Fire will cry out to the keepers of Hell,[1] “Pray to your Lord to lighten the torment for us ˹even˺ for one day!”
[1] The verse does not say “Those in the Fire will cry out to its keepers,” simply because there are levels in the Fire: those in higher levels will plead to the keepers of the depths of Hell to appeal to Allah to lighten the punishment even for one day, since they think they are better than those at the bottom.
The keepers will reply, “Did your messengers not ˹constantly˺ come to you with clear proofs?” They will say, “Yes ˹they did˺.” The keepers will say, “Then pray! Though the prayer of the disbelievers is only in vain.”
We certainly help Our messengers and the believers, ˹both˺ in this worldly life and on the Day the witnesses will stand forth ˹for testimony˺—
the Day the wrongdoers’ excuses will be of no benefit to them. They will be condemned, and will have the worst outcome.[1] 
[1] i.e., the Hellfire.
And indeed, We gave Moses ˹true˺ guidance, and made the Children of Israel inherit the Scripture—
a guide and a reminder to people of reason.
So be patient ˹O Prophet˺, ˹for˺ Allah’s promise is certainly true. Seek forgiveness for your shortcomings.[1] And glorify the praises of your Lord morning and evening.
[1] Like other prophets, Muḥammad (ﷺ) was infallible of sin. The verse here refers to misjudgments, such as the Prophet’s response to the blind man (80:1-10), Jonah’s departure from his city without Allah’s permission (21:87-88), and David’s suspicions of the two men who scaled the wall of his sanctuary (38:21-25). If the Prophet (ﷺ) himself is urged to seek forgiveness, then the believers are even more in need of praying for Allah’s forgiveness.
Surely those who dispute Allah’s signs—with no proof given to them—have nothing in their hearts but greed for dominance, which they will never attain. So seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
The creation of the heavens and the earth is certainly greater than the re-creation of humankind, but most people do not know.
Those blind ˹to the truth˺ and those who can see are not equal, nor are those who believe and do good ˹equal˺ to those who do evil. Yet you are hardly mindful.
The Hour is certainly coming, there is no doubt about it. But most people do not believe.
Your Lord has proclaimed, “Call upon Me, I will respond to you. Surely those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell, fully humbled.”
It is Allah Who has made the night for you to rest in and the day bright. Surely Allah is ever Bountiful to humanity, but most people are ungrateful.
That is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of all things. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. How can you then be deluded ˹from the truth˺?
This is how those who used to reject Allah’s signs were ˹also˺ deluded.
It is Allah Who made the earth a place of settlement for you and the sky a canopy. He shaped you ˹in the womb˺, perfecting your form. And He has provided you with what is good and lawful. That is Allah—your Lord. So Blessed is Allah, Lord of all worlds.
He is the Ever-Living. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. So call upon Him with sincere devotion, ˹saying,˺ “All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds.”
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I have been forbidden to worship those ˹idols˺ you worship besides Allah, since clear proofs have come to me from my Lord. And I have been commanded to ˹fully˺ submit to the Lord of all worlds.”
He is the One Who created you[1] from dust, then from a sperm-drop,[2] then ˹developed you into˺ a clinging clot,[3] then He brings you forth as infants, so that you may reach your prime, and become old—though some of you ˹may˺ die sooner—reaching an appointed time, so perhaps you may understand ˹Allah’s power˺.
[1] Your father, Adam.
[2] Nuṭfah refers to the union of male and female gametes (sperm and egg) which results in the zygote after fertilization.
[3] ’Alaqah, meaning the embryo resembles a leech.
He is the One Who gives life and causes death. When He decrees a matter, He simply tells it, “Be!” And it is!
Have you not seen how those who dispute Allah’s signs are turned away?
˹They are˺ the ones who reject this Book and all ˹scriptures˺ We sent Our messengers with. So they will know ˹the consequences˺
when shackles will be around their necks and chains ˹on their legs˺. They will be dragged
through boiling water, then burned in the Fire ˹as fuel˺.
Then they will be asked, “Where are those ˹idols˺ you used to associate
with Allah?” They will cry, “They have ˹all˺ failed us. In fact, we did not invoke anything ˹real˺ before.” This is how Allah leaves the disbelievers to stray.
˹They will be told,˺ “This ˹punishment˺ is for being prideful on earth unjustly and for acting arrogantly.
Enter the gates of Hell, to stay there forever. What an evil home for the arrogant!”
So be patient ˹O Prophet˺. Surely Allah’s promise is true. Whether We show you some of what We threaten them with, or cause you to die ˹before that˺, to Us they will ˹all˺ be returned.
We already sent messengers before you. We have told you the stories of some of them, while others We have not. It was not for any messenger to bring a sign without Allah’s permission. But when Allah’s decree comes, judgment will be passed with fairness, and the people of falsehood will then be in ˹total˺ loss.
It is Allah Who made cattle for you so that you may ride some and eat others.
Also, you find in them ˹other˺ benefits.[1] And by means of them you may reach destinations you desire. And you are carried upon ˹some of˺ them and upon ships.
[1] i.e., milk, wool, and hide.
And He shows you His signs. Now which of Allah’s signs will you deny?
Have they not travelled throughout the land to see what was the end of those who were ˹destroyed˺ before them? They were far superior in number and might and ˹richer in˺ monuments throughout the land, but their ˹worldly˺ gains were of no benefit to them.
When their messengers came to them with clear proofs, they were prideful in whatever ˹worldly˺ knowledge they had,[1] and were ˹ultimately˺ overwhelmed by what they used to ridicule.
[1] And ridiculed the divine knowledge brought to them by their messengers.
When they saw Our punishment, they cried, “˹Now˺ we believe in Allah alone and reject what we had been associating with Him!”
But their faith was of no benefit to them when they saw Our torment. This has ˹always˺ been Allah’s way ˹of dealing˺ with His ˹wicked˺ servants. Then and there the disbelievers were in ˹total˺ loss.
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almaqead · 2 months
"The Slave and Its Master." From Surah 16, Surah An Nahl, the Bee.
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Once again, the Republican Party is trying to pull a fast one on us. Meet "JD Vance," AKA Reverend Jerry Falwell Jr. the most notorious child rapist this side of the Mississipp.
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"JD Vance." 
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The implications of such a game of switcheroo to the innocent lives on this planet are grim. Because the continued infractions being leveraged against this planet by Donald Trump and the Republican Party are grim, we must examine a peaceful but more effective strategy at convincing Joe Biden to enforce the law and rid us of their threat forever. Following are three Fatwas that roll up into one Declaration stating the world's believers must stage a protest if not sanction America for its lack of due dilligence with patrolling its own soil for terrorism.
This fake wild card above has threatened to collaborate with the Kremlin in the destruction of Ukraine and this, most of all is a risk we are not going to take.
Because the US Gov has repeatedly allowed intelligence failures to compromise or end the lives of innocent persons, particularly those of Muslim and Jewish backgrounds, the following also apply to the required and designated approach to the actions of President Biden in the righting of this wayward criminal prison ship: 
1. It is forbidden for Jews and Muslims to be punished for their faiths. 
Surah Al-Baqarah 286 states that Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity, and that believers should pray "Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake'". 
The US Gov has allowed the Mormons and Republicans to wreak havoc undeserved by their victims. They have to be stopped. 
2. Evil must be punished, faith must be rewarded. The scales are now tipped the other way because the White House has allowed believers to be trapped in a scupper. 
Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be to its own loss. ˹The believers pray,˺ “Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us like the one you placed on those before us. Our Lord! Do not burden us with what we cannot bear. Pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our ˹only˺ Guardian. So grant us victory over the disbelieving people.”
3. The announcement must be public, forthright, and thorough as to what is going to be done to stop Donald Trump, the Mormons and the Republican Party. 
5: 64: That which has been revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ from your Lord will only cause many of them to increase in wickedness and disbelief. We have stirred among them hostility and hatred until the Day of Judgment. Whenever they kindle the fire of war, Allah puts it out. And they strive to spread corruption in the land. And Allah does not like corruptors.
And the Surah states:
16: 75-76:
Allah sets forth a parable: a slave who lacks all means, compared to a ˹free˺ man to whom We granted a good provision, of which he donates ˹freely,˺ openly and secretly. Are they equal? Praise be to Allah. In fact, most of them do not know.
And Allah sets forth a parable of two men: one of them is dumb, incapable of anything. He is a burden on his master. Wherever he is sent, he brings no good. Can such a person be equal to the one who commands justice and is on the Straight Path?1
The good and just are losing this war against the Mormons and Repuiblicans, a fight Joe Biden should have won the moment he took office after January 6, when it was clear the two evil demons were colluding to attack the Holy Lands.
God is telling us just as He told Muhammad we must not be deaf and dumb and we might fight this combined diabolic force to the death. First, we protest and try to get the White House to do its job.
Since the above mention parables we must also turn to Hebrew Gematria for the utter meaning:
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 75: What most do not know: Slaves and masters differ by one factor: impudence. The Number is 11310, יא‎גאֶפֶס, "burn the proud like kindling."
v. 76: Can such a person be equal to the one who commands justice and is on the Straight Path? The Number is 9218, טב‎אח‎, "Nature is tabah," "a massacre."
Nature is the only entity allowed to cause a massacre. Any other kind is forbidden, including the complications associated with climate change. To exact revenge and a just recompense on the Mormons and Republicans who tried to blame Muslims, Islam, the Quran and the Prophet for all that has gone wrong on this planet for the past century canot be tolerated.
The law must apprehend the Republicans and their masterminds in the Mormon faith now, in this very hour and help the people of Israel, Ukraine, Africa, and the Middle East remediate their lives into the image of God.
This is the only lawful, peaceful, legal, and acceptable way to address this probleme named by the Quran, so thus is the Fatwa.
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