#oh i put it in the closet and its so nice and out of the wa-oh i wore it once time to go into the dirty clothes and
toytulini · 5 months
thinking about that post about keeping a house clean organized w adhd with like dump zones and shit and i need to. do stuff to my room. hh
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running-with-kn1ves · 7 months
hii! i wanted to ask if you could do a yandere kidnapper x yandere darling? like rich depressed yan that can't imagine living without their darling and ended up taking drastic action, only to find out that darling is way more insane and obsessed passionate than they thought
A/N: I've never been super big on the yan x yan trope but I think this came out kinda cool! Hope this is what you were looking for <3
Synopsis: Sneaking into your beloved's bedroom bent on getting pictures for your stash, you're quickly found by him, who's surprisingly enthusiastic to find you breaking in.
CW: Kidnapping, mutual obsession, shrine dedications, murder (offscreen lol)
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“Nice… new pics for the blog.” 
Your camera click click clicked with a shutter noise each time you rapid fired its capture button, eye so close to the screen you might as well be looking through the viewfinder solely itself. 
“I can see it now… his unkept bedroom revealed, beautiful little face plastered beside this… heap.” 
You looked at the pile of dirty clothes that had yet to be picked up by the estate's cleaning ladies. Well, if you were as filthy rich as he was, you’d probably do the same. Who would waste time cleaning their room when you have the whole world to see? Or in his case, a million press conferences to attend. 
Your eye was drawn to a slightly ajar closet, an odd lock seeming to have been hastily unfastened, now leaving the doors peeking open. Something red was inside. Oh boy, you could hardly contain your excitement. 
What kind of secrets would the famous, wealthy heir Elijah Walsh have in his teensy private closet? Mayhaps some drag dress up that no fan would expect? Dead bodies? Or even, the rumored cocaine stash his poor daddy was accused of hiding? 
You knew Elijah like the back of your hand, unable to imagine any kind of hidden truths that you haven't already discovered. For you, a superfan, (and ultimately, the soulmate he doesn't know about yet) were aware of far more than the average tabloid who didn’t cross trespassing boundaries for love like you had. 
You ripped open the doors without hesitation, snapping pics before even turning the light on. 
But what you saw, was something you weren’t sure you’d want to keep on camera. 
It was you. Well, a picture of you, from some yearbook or singled-out group shot that you couldn’t pinpoint the exact year from. Around your awkward grinning face was a series of items, pinned on a pretty red board like it was a crime scene of sorts. Or maybe… a shrine?
“What the f… is that my underwear??” You looked at the old pair of stretched out undies you had since middle school. Definitely not the pair you’d want some kind of stalker or investigator to get their hands on. 
You saw a few old chapsticks taped to the board, one of which you had been searching for in some old bag you swore you left it in. “I was looking for those!” You grabbed the chapstick and a broken brush, the exact same you thought you had thrown away months ago. 
Out of all the things you hoped to find-- used Q-tips, one of his musky jackets, maybe even some dark sex toys-- this wasn’t on your list. But you couldn’t help the spike in your heart, the flutter that made your toes point inward. 
You had been running this journalist (really a stalker-ish) blog on Elijah since before he got big in the press. You went to the same elementary school and for a short time in middle school, and ever since you couldn’t get his name out of your head. Now, you had a justified reason to keep tabs on him, since his family was currently in the public eye for a variety of deeds. 
Along with professing your obsession with him since childhood, your blog dated the shocking events of his controversies--  keeping it all under an anonymous pen name, of course. You had information news sites couldn’t get their hands on; the dedication you put into watching him was a trait of pride you could never let go. 
Memories of him comforted you at night, and seeing his pretty face in the grocery store magazines hoarded under your bed made you drift off to daydream land where, maybe, you’d be more than just some heavy breathing keyboard jammer fawning over him from a distance.. 
And here was, you. Your things. In his room. Even from the times you climbed the tree beside his window, you never saw this… anomaly of items. 
“What’s this even… mean.” You whispered, dumfounded and growing antsy. Elijah would be coming back now any second, the route of his driver dinging on your phone. 
‘Wait.. does he, know? That I’ve been watching him? Is this all evidence to… incriminate me??’
Worry was creeping up inside of you. But there was no time, not when a heavy vase clunked against your head from behind, letting out a resounding ‘crack!’ from the contact. The chapstick fell from your fingers, camera sliding with you as it lingered loose around your neck. 
The last thing you could think of before darkness hit, was ‘man, I hope I don’t fall on my camera… can’t replace it again. ‘
The unconscious darkness blinding your eyes was snuffed out what seemed hours later, replaced by a buzzing yellow light hanging from the ceiling. You groaned outloud, feeling groggy; an aching pain throbbed in your slumped neck and a sore bump on your scalp. 
‘Got a killer headache…’ 
You tried to pull your hands up to the bump to feel for a bruise, but fell flat with your arms tucked behind your back. You jerked them around, not realizing that they in fact were stuck together-- tied by rope, or some kind of fabric. 
“Thank god, you’re awake. Thought maybe I hit you too hard-- I don’t know what i’d do if that happened.” A familiar voice rang out in the musty, echoing room. 
“What…?” You croaked, trying to look up without facing the wrath of your headache the more light entered your eyes.
“Here, drink some water.” 
A bottle came in front of you, so close to your lips all you had to do was bend down to touch it. You did so without thinking, tasting the sandpaper of a tongue you were stuck with. As soon as the cool water touched your throat, you thought about potential poisoning. Who was this person bottle-feeding you water, why couldn’t you do it yourself?? 
You were too thirsty to care about the consequences, gulping it down as the bottle lifted higher to accommodate you. 
Letting out a pant, you sat back, trying to rub water off your lip with a shoulder shimmy. 
“Where am I? What’s going on--” It all started to come back to you, being in Elijah’s room, trespassing on private property, seeing the closet hoard of you. “Wait, please don’t report me, I promise it isn’t what you think it was…”
“Report you?” The masculine tone scoffed, a hand falling to your shoulder. “I was worried I’d never get a chance like this… you made it so easy, how’d you get in? The window?”
“...Yeah.” You sheepishly replied, looking up at your captor. “It’s not as easy as it looks.”
Oh shit. That was Elijah right in front of you. In the flesh, pretty pearly teeth grinning only inches away from your face as his hand rested on your left shoulder, gently massaging it.
“Is your head okay? I feel bad but.. I wasn’t thinking, could only think about how to keep you here.”
Keep you here? Oh no, does that mean the police are on their way??
“Now.. I don’t have to worry about sending people out to your apartment anymore.. No more security cameras, no more blackmail… just you.” He stroked the side of your cheek that was inflamed from falling against the floor. “Damn. I thought i’d have to go through the trouble of taking you in the middle of the night, I had just sent my driver out for my tools too- but, looks like that’s not even an issue anymore!”
Well, sounds like your fears about the cops was no where near the truth. But now, you were even more confused. Taking you? Stalking? Blackmail? It almost felt like you were listening to yourself talk for a second. 
Behind the dark glare covering his eyes, you could see Elijah’s trademark dimples, his pinkish lips covering the slight overbite he had, constantly showing off his front few teeth. You knew those downturned eyes were there somewhere, even with their shine dulled by the shadows of what looked to be a dark cellar around you. 
His hair was unkempt, thick, dark strands covering his ears and going so far to the base of his neck. Wow, you had never seen him look so scruffy, even when watching from outside, seeing him brush his teeth in shirtless pajamas. He looked worried, shirt untucked and pants wrinkled as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“And I’m sorry to say.. But don’t even think about trying to run away now. I made up my mind long ago, and if I find out that--”
“Urk, I wasn’t planning on it. I saw, the uh, dedication board. Or, shrine?”
At that, Elijah stopped. His baby blue eyes went wide for a moment, forgetting that was where he originally found you until now. 
You hid your head down in discomfort.  
“I have the same one…of you, in my apartment… in a box under my bed. There’s even a piece of hair from middleschool that I c..ut, from you.” You held back a nauseous gag at the admission. But here you were, this was your chance to prove how much you loved him, how much dedication you put towards understanding his every move, every like and dislike, the intricacies of his family history. “Do you know why I was in your room?” You asked, wondering if he already had seen your worship blog. 
Elijah took a step back, lowering to sit on a pulled out fold-up chair across from you. His knees touched yours, still dressed in his black slacks and matching loafers, rolled up sleeves on his cream-colored button up that showed he had taken liberties to get more comfortable for the night. 
“I’ll be honest I hadn’t contemplated that… just about how perfect of a chance it was, that you-- my uh, small, obsession since fifth grade.. Was here.” He looked down, a small red tint creeping from his cheeks to the rest of his face. He was bright crimson, like a kid again confessing to his crush behind the bleachers. “But you remember me?? From so long ago? I can’t… Its hard to imagine, i’ve been watching you for years and thought you had completely forgotten about me.”
“Are you kidding?” You watched Elijah rub his eyes, trying to hide his face behind his knuckles. “You’re all over the news, even if I wanted to avoid you. But I haven’t stopped following your every move since, I can’t remember. Every house change, new school, shopping trip with your mother… anytime I was free I dedicated it to watching you, or my--”
You cut yourself off, stepping one foot off into the deep end on a subject you desperately wanted kept hidden. 
“If I knew any better I’d say you sound like a bit of a stalker.” Elijah tried to hide his grin behind his hand, leaning forward to get a closer look at you. “What were you going to say?”
“Blog?” He parroted. 
“It’s a…. Dedication blog. To you.”
“Oh, like an obsessed fan?” He jeered, laughing with bright teeth as he braced his shaking from on his knee.  “Don’t tell me-- you snuck in here for content to your blog?”
“No-! Well, yes. But some of it was going in my private stash…” You pouted, knowing you’d never get that chance again now that you’ve been discovered. Your days of fawning were going to come to a close. 
“So you must be the one who keeps finding a way to get pictures when I never see any reporters around. By, breaking into my home.” 
“That sounds really bad.. But I promise I wasn’t going to try to steal, or hurt you!”
That only made him laugh harder.
“I can’t… can’t believe I never saw you..” He wheezed, face flushed as you sat rotting in embarrassment and shame. “I had drivers chase after you for hours when you disappeared-- but you were five steps behind me the entire time!”
Drivers… your brain clicked two and two together as he tried to stop from giggling while hunched over. 
“...Drivers?” You question. No way this is what yout thought it was.”So you’ve been spying on me?”
“Don’t sound so offended, little stalker,” He settled down, a permanent smile still on his mouth as he dragged the steel chair somehow closer. “ You’ve been hard to catch, but i’ve been keeping tabs on you, as unseemingly as it is. I couldn’t do it myself but I wanted to make sure you were, okay. Before it was safe to bring you home. Though I had nothing to fear about you forgetting me at all!”
You swallowed, mouth having gone back to a dry desert as you contemplated what this all meant. YOUR Elijah was spying on you in your home? Sending out underlings to watch and make sure you were safe? The man who you’d lay your life down for? You fantasized, imagining him at your window, you-- freshly out of the shower…
“What do you mean by home? You don’t mean.. Here, in the estate, right?”
Elijah observed you so fully, it made you nervous. He had never given someone this much attention in interviews, nonetheless in the photos and videos you managed to snap of him alone. And he was looking at you, with those eyes. 
You didn’t know how much longer you could take it. Smelling his sandalwood with his knees pressing against yours, his finely ironed shirt toned against him-- right here, in the flesh. You always thought you’d be at a distance, never able to come in contact with him.. And now, you were tied up in his family’s wine cellar. 
“Of course my darling. Where else? I can’t possibly send you back to that dungeon of an apartment. And you,” He stood, intent on coming closer. “Came in so willingly, huh? Didn’t think you’d return my love so… earnestly.”
“W-well who said anything about staying?” You sputtered, looking at his eyes glower in an exceedingly dark fashion. “I mean…. You love me? I’d accepted I’d never be seen by you but… you’ve been watching, the entire time?”
He stood up from his chair with a slight creak, causing your neck to strain upwards to look at him. A small touch caressed the end of your chin, his finger smoothening as it lifted your head to meet his gaze. 
He hummed, Elijah’s eyes full of an expression you’ve never seen him wear before. Something in the mix of a sentimental possession, and a lover. But it was so tender, you couldn’t look away. It was so safe, so familiar. You recognized that look in the mirror, visible in your own eyes when you planted kisses on his printed photo taped to your vanity. 
“Haven’t been able to keep you off my mind since you plucked that leaf off of my spoiled head. Love doesn’t even begin to describe it. I need, you.” 
His gaze was so genuine, your eyes soothed by the glazed over grin he gave you, leaning down to hunch on his knees to be closer to you. 
“I…” You breathed, wondering if this was a dream. “I’ve wanted you to see me.. for so long. Is this real?” 
You stopped working. There was no chance that he had been watching you, wondering and waiting for you to recognize him, when you were longing for his attention, having convinced yourself long ago you’d only be able to possess him from a distance. 
Soft fingers that hadn’t worked a day in their lives creeped up your knees, Elijah’s face only inches away as his eyelids lowed, looking sultry as he watched you squirm. 
“I pray it’s not.” He exhaled. 
“...Well, I’m not staying tied up in this chair, no matter how much you beg. Though… I can’t say I’d mind staying with you. Being with you.. Here, together.”
“Good. It wasn’t really a matter of choice, anyway.” He grinned, pressing a slow kiss to your cheek. 
You involuntarily hummed in content, pressing closer to his lips as you arched out of the chair, longing to touch his warm body. He was kissing you; somebody get you out of these ropes before you jump the man. 
Elijah couldn’t help but grin like a maniac, drugged on the way you relished his touch and pressed your chest forward to him. He rushed kisses to your chin, bites to your ear and licks to your neck with a groan. 
But a sudden stop brought your blissfully closed eyes to an open. 
“I’m sorry… want you too much, it’s getting to the better of me.”
“I’m not sorry,” You mumble, hoping that if this was a dream, you wouldn’t ever wake up. “Please, don’t stop.. I’ve killed for this, don’t stop now.”
“You tempt me too much,” He chuckles, gripping the sides of your chair seat to stablize himself leering over you. “So lucky you were my little creepy stalker, and no one else’s. Wouldn’t be able to control myself otherwise.”
“Stalker, murderer of your old lovers… I have many names.” You joked, but the bitterness on your tongue remembering those placeholders you got rid of was sour. 
“Many talents, too.” Elijah’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re the one that caused my fiances to dissapear? I wondered how they kept doing that,” He looked keenly, seeing right through your little ‘joke’. “Even I couldn’t shoo my mothers’ arranged partners away.”
You tried to look away, embarrassment showing on the way you bit your lips clean and your heartbeat wrapped. “I did it in your name….  I couldn’t stand them thinking they were worth being so close and casual with you! It was infuriating every time I saw it I-- I just  couldn’t take it anymore. Even if it meant I’d never have you.” 
Elijah buried himself in your hair, holding you tight. The squeeze was so personable, hungry and desperate to hold all of you.
 “You have me now, you have me completely. I want you-- what a favor you have done, and you hadn’t even known.”
It felt so good, praised for such hard and hateful work you carried out. Their bodies were mangled, your rage manifesting in the corpses buried under the old golf course near your dingy apartment complex-- and he was happy you did it. Oh, you wanted to hold him, to smell him fully. These binds were stopping you from caressing the lover, the dream you had fantasized holding you to sleep so often, spooning the jackets and dresshirts of his musk in replacement for comfort. 
Elijah still snickered in your ear, playing with the tips of your hair.
“But now, I have to see this blog. I’m too curious-- though I can’t say seeing it will help my small obsession for you. A stalking blog-- too cute.”
You were still so shameful of it, now that he brought it up. You didn’t want your soulmate to see the virtual shrine you had dedicated to him, your unseemly thoughts and hungry urges that were far too detailed and graphic to be shared with their perpetrator. But what choice did you have? He’d find it, one way or another. 
“F..fine. But you’d you atleast untie me now? My arms are getting sore.”
That seemed to cease his light-hearted expression, frowning against your skull as he inhaled the sweet scent of your hair. It was the same as he remembered, now a decade later. 
“You’re not gonna try to leave, are you?” He murmured, caressing pinching your ear with a light tone. But something dangerous was held behind it. It was frightening.. But oh, as if the possessiveness didn’t fuel how much more your insides craved him. 
“Do you think I’d really try to go anywhere? Not when you’re so accessible to me now.” You looked over. Elijah’s lashes looked so long up close, sweetly deadpanned eyes watching as if you were being tested, hunted. 
He seemed to find your answer appealing, getting up and pulling something out of his back pocket. Leaning down once more, you saw the switchblade bobbing between his hands, a pretty and simple hunting blade. He leaned over you, pressing it against the knot above your wrists. 
You focused on feeling for the blade as to not get cut, only for your attention to be pulled back to the spoiled one-percenters lips pressing yours directly. It was a shock, more than anything. You wished you had seen it coming, wish you had been better prepared to share your first kiss with your darling! 
Elijah left your mouth nowhere to run as he pressed up against you, fervidly ensnaring your lips between his.
You gladly accepted the pull away for a second kiss, leaning up as much as you could while hiding your desperation. He was so soft, lips gentle and big as they enveloped your bitten ones. 
“Sorry,” Elijah broke away slowly, not straying far. “I’ve wanted to do that for ages.” You watched his eyes stare wonders at your lips, fingers brushing against your trapped ones from behind as the task at hand was forgotten. 
“Me too.” You uttered, pulling forward to kiss him again with an open, insatiable mouth. 
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moonstruckme · 11 months
Hey love!
Was wondering if you could write a poly!maurader x fem!reader fic where (boys being boys) they had a bet who could go longer without sex and about a week reader decided to tease them a lil bit where she would flirt or like bend over to pick up smtg.
Thanks for requesting lovely!
cw: mature themes
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
It’s so boy of them to discount you like this. Like, the bet had been funny at first, each of your boyfriends doing whatever they could to put the others in hot and heavy situations with you and each other, but after you and Sirius had gotten locked in a closet for the better part of an afternoon, they’d decided to take things down a notch. And as far as you’re concerned, that was when the fun part came to an end. 
The thing is, they’re guys. While they’re having their little stint of celibacy, they can at least still get themselves off. Multiple times a day, if they feel like it. It’s not that easy for you. So for you to not even have been involved in the bet, and yet be the one feeling its consequences most acutely…well, it’s beginning to grate on your nerves.
So you decide to make it fun again. 
“Oh, shit.” You say, getting James’ attention from where he’s going through the closet, trying to find a pair of pants to wear. “I dropped my wand under the bed.” 
He moves towards you. “I’ll get it for you, lovie.” 
“No, no, that’s alright.” You say, getting down on your hands and knees. “I’ve got it.” 
James falls silent as you arch your back under the pretense of reaching under the bed, letting your short skirt slip up to show the pretty, barely-there panties you’d picked out this morning. You linger for a bit longer than necessary, letting James take in the view from where he stands across from the bed. 
“Got it.” You emerge with the wand, sitting back on your legs and turning to James with a smile. 
His mouth is slightly open. He blinks, eyes dazed and pupils blown behind his lenses. “That’s, uh…” He blinks a few more times, faster. “That’s great, sweetheart. Glad you found it.” 
♡ ♡ ♡
“Gods.” Sirius nearly chokes when he sees you in the kitchen. “You’re looking nice today, angel.” 
You almost roll your eyes. You’re only wearing a tank top and underwear, but apparently that’s all it takes when your boyfriend’s been so long without any of you. Instead, you plaster on a coy smile.
“Thanks,” you say, as though you hadn’t noticed. “You look nice, too.” 
Sirius is making eyes at you as he leans his elbows on the counter. Like you’re the one who needs to worry. “Whatcha making, sweet thing?”
“Chocolate mousse. I’m just working on melting the chocolate right now.” You dip your forefinger into the warm, gooey liquid, bringing it to your mouth and sucking the chocolate off. You keep your eyes on Sirius’, so you can see the exact moment when his darken. “Mmm, want to try?” 
Sirius swallows. “Huh?”
You don’t bother looking innocuous, letting your eyes go droopy and suggestive in the way you know how. “I said, do you want some?” 
He’s silent for so long you think he might ask you to repeat yourself again, but then he clears his throat and stammers, “Uh, no—no thanks, doll. I’m good.” 
You pout. “It’s really good, though. Here, have a taste.” You cross the few steps between you and kiss him. 
Sirius takes a second to kiss you back, but when he does it’s so wanting that you don’t even have to be sneaky about winding one of your hands into his hair while using the other to bring his to your ass. He squeezes, and you moan into his mouth, grinding your hips into his just slightly. 
Sirius gasps, breaking away. He takes one step back, then another, putting distance between you as he tries to blink the glaze from his eyes. “Minx,” he whispers accusingly, and flees the kitchen. 
♡ ♡ ♡
“Thanks, baby.” You bat your eyelashes up at Remus as he brings you a glass of water from the kitchen. 
He lets out a low chuckle. “I know what you’re doing.” 
“No idea what you’re talking about,” you hum. 
Remus gives you a deadpan look, but there’s a glint of amusement in his amber eyes. “Earlier this morning, I went into our bedroom to find James, pantsless, with a hard-on.” It takes every ounce of control you have not to grin, but Remus quirks a brow like you have anyway. “And then a little while ago, Sirius came running out of the kitchen like something was chasing him, and he could barely speak. You didn’t have anything to do with that, dovey?” 
You let your eyes go wide and innocent as you shake your head. “Maybe they’re just getting sick of your competition.” 
“Mm, unlikely,” Remus hums, and his surety of his own willpower only worsens your determination to make him falter. “But if that’s the story you want to stick with, that’s fine.” 
You frown at him, the glass of water slippery with condensation in your palm. “Well, I—oh, damn!” you tip the glass of water into Remus’ lap, soaking his pants. He freezes, gasping at the cold. “I’m so sorry, honey. Here, let me help.” Luckily for you, you’d (completely coincidentally, of course) left a tea towel nearby earlier. You take it, blotting at Remus’ crotch with touches that start urgent but become lingering as you go on. After a minute, there’s really nothing left to sop up, and Remus hands are laid flat on the couch, every inch of him tense as you dab at his bulge with slow, tantalizing touches. 
When he speaks, his voice is low, gravelly. “You’re a lot more conniving than we give you credit for, you know that?”
You let your lips curl into a smile, leaving your hand to rest on his crotch. “I know.” 
Remus tips his head back, letting his eyes slip closed as he takes a slow, deep breath. “Fuck it.” 
You blink. “Huh?”
In the next second, Remus is gripping your hips and hoisting you up against him, your chest pressed to his. You inhale sharply as he stands, wrapping your legs around his waist, and he’s kissing at your throat, master of multitasking while he carries you into the bedroom. 
He nips at your jaw, and you giggle deliriously. “I won?” you ask, hardly believing it. Of all your boyfriends, you thought Remus had the least chance of breaking down before the others. 
His chuckle reverberates through you, and warmth flares in your core in response. “Sure you did, sweetheart. Though I think by the time we’re done here, who exactly won will be a bit more debatable.”
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luvyeni · 1 year
hello can i request a smut? its been in my mind lately having sex with park jisung in the classroom both are students and its end of class. thank you!
❛AFTER CLASS❜ ( p. jisung )
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p. classclown!jisung x studentpres!reader w. 1k
warnings? fwb , public sex , unprotected sex, cumming inside , dirty talk
— 𖦹 ( jisung catching you after class ) !
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"class president , hand these out." the teacher slammed the stack of papers on your desk. "of course." you got up , picking up the stack of papers , handing them to each student , making your way to the back where you most dreaded.
"hello class president." jisung sat with his hood on his head , staring up at you along with his friends who basically did nothing all day. "should i even give you a paper , we both know you aren't gonna do it." you said , he smirked.
"is there a problem back there?" the teacher spoke up , the class turning to see. "no teacher , there isn't." you smiled , putting a paper on his desk — about to walk away , when he grabbed your wrist. "thank you pretty girl." you snatched your arm away flustered , handing the rest of the papers to his friends who made kissy faces and hooting noises , scurrying off back to your seat.
class soon ended , you collected the papers , handing them back to the teacher. "oh (name) , will you be able to stay behind and clean the classroom." you nodded. "of course." she thanked you , and you began straight up as everyone packed up their stuff for the day , exiting the class.
"(name) , i trust you to lock up the class when you're done , i have to go." the teacher left the class , leaving you alone , stacking up the chairs.
you hadn't noticed him behind you , his eyes raking down your body. "hello class president." your turned , facing the boy. "classes are over jisung." he pushed off his body off the chalkboard , making his way over to you. "you look nice in that skirt." he backed you up against the desk. "thought about you the entire class."
his forehead was pressed against yours. "though about fucking you in this tiny fucking skirt all class , couldn't get anything done." you chuckled. "you never do work anyway." he pushed his tongue against cheek , his arm around your waist , pulling your body flush against his.
"really funny princess." he picked you up , sitting you on desks , wrapping your legs around his waist. "is it gonna be funny when i don't let you cum." that shut you right up. "that's right , me and you both know you can't go without cumming on my cock , even though you pretend to hate me." he grinded his hips against your cunt , you moaned out.
he was right , you and jisung always disagreed in class , you were all about your work , and he'd rather crack jokes with his friends in the back — you were constantly going at it , but that didn't stop him from pulling you into a random closet , and fucking your brains out during lunch , or fingering you in the back of the library during study period.
"just fuck me before the security guards comes looking." he tsk at your attitude. "so bossy princess." he reached up your skirt pulling your panties down. "so uptight." he undid his pants , pulling them down just below his cock. he stroked his cock , lining it with your entrance , teasing you with the tip. "fucking hell jisung jus- oh fuck!" your mouth hung open as he seethed into your cunt.
he smirked , "finally shut that pretty mouth up." he began to move his hips , fucking deep into your cunt. "guess the only way to shut you up is with my cock." you moaned , you wanted to slap him. "h-hate you."
"you hate me?" he went deeper , hitting a new spot. "well your pussy is saying otherwise." you clenched around him. "she seems to love me , the way she keeps tightening around me." he rubbed your clit. "oh fuck jisung please."
"now we're begging -fuck- baby." he cursed. "just admit it baby , you're addicted to my cock , that's why you keep coming back." he growled , the desk was shaking , but both of you didn't care , his hand came up to your throat , squeezing.
"you claim time and time , acting like you're so better than me , but you constantly crave my cock." he grabbed your shirt , ripping it open , buttons hitting the floor. "look at those tits." he squeezed them , you moaned. "you still have the marks from last time."
"ji-sung , fuck ' m'gonna cum." your eyes rolled to the back of your head. "look at you." he darkly chuckled. "all fucked out and drooling , gonna cream my cock?" you nodded. "should i let you , you've been such a brat though."
"please , please m'sorry , i need to cum." you sobbed. "go a head , cum for me , make a mess." he flicked your clit , and it triggered your orgasm , clenching tightly as you came. "sh-shit , im gonna cum." he thrusted a few times , stiling his hips , his cum flooding your insides. "fuck."
he pulled out , his cum seeping out of your cunt. "made such a fucking mess." he scooped it up , pushing it back inside. "keep inside."
i want you to remember this when you're trying to fuck yourself on your tiny fingers later."
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wileys-russo · 9 months
Please would you be able to write an awfc x teen!reader fic based on the photos of the girls playing Aussie rules today in training? Maybe a bit of annoying younger sister energy (kind of like kyra)! I love you stuff thank you for all of it :)
not completelyy happy with this but it was something different to try! drop kick II awfc x teen!r
"oh you're not bringing that are you?" steph sighed as you stretched over to grab the bright red ball from her back seat. "yeah! why not?" you grinned as the two of you stepped out of her car.
"well because we don't play afl we play football." steph shook her head, though she knew better than to even try and argue the case knowing all too well how stubborn you were.
"then it'll be a fun learning experience for the girls! wheres your australian spirit steffy?" you gave her a toothy grin, the older girl clearing her throat as you spun around. "forgetting something?" steph raised her eyebrow and subtly nodded to your bag.
"oh! yeah that might help." you grinned, jogging back and grabbing it, kissing stephs cheek in thanks who pushed you off with an amused roll of her eyes.
"all this time off and she's forgotten what sport we play!" caitlin teased watching you stuff the ball with some difficulty into your gym bag but eventually succeeding, ruffling your hair as you smacked her hand away.
"sorry hard launch i couldn't hear you over the massive closet of your latest relationship?" you cupped a hand over your ear as steph snickered and you grinned, though catching the look which flashed across caitlins face you wasted no time sprinting off.
"ya could have four legs and i'd still outpace you foordy!" you yelled over your shoulder as she gave up chasing you, pausing to fall back into step with steph and flipping you the finger.
"i'll get you later skippy just you wait! i know where you live!" caitlin yelled menacingly after you, and of course she would considering you bounced between her place and stephs, not allowed to get your own as much as you'd begged and pleaded.
you were so busy gloating you didn't watch where you were going and wheezed as your body slammed into someone elses. "speed racers back in town then! who we runnin from now?" jen grinned, hauling you up and over her shoulder.
"i've missed these delightful walks of ours jb." you patted her back affectionately feeling her body vibrate with laughter as you flipped caitlin the bird before jen turned a corner, earning yourself a disappointed look from steph.
"lee!" you called out happily as the two of you entered the change rooms and you spotted her sitting at her cubby dressed for training, the blonde looking up from her phone as jen put you down. "you're back training properly??" the taller girl stumbled a little at the speed in which you crashed into her for a hug.
"much as i can be. missed you skippy!" the blonde ruffled your hair, kissing your cheek and shoving you over toward lia who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, wrapping you in another tight hug.
"hi wally! happy new year." you mumbled into her shoulder making her laugh. "happy new year winzig, did you have a nice break?" the swiss woman walked you toward your cubby which was between kyra and vics.
"yes! god i miss australia so much already. the beaches, the tan, the food, my family. its cruel that i come from warm sunny beautiful summer to this, english winter fucking sucks!" you huffed unhappily, wincing as a hand collected the back of your head.
"language little miss. thats a fiver!" beth wagged her finger at you with a stern look as you rolled your eyes and hugged her girlfriend instead causing her to scoff. "what? you know i am her favourite." viv shrugged as beth made a noise of disbelief and you sent her a smug smile.
you hadn't even separated from the pair for more than five seconds before a body hurtled into you sending you flying, kyras body latched onto you as stina hurried to grab you, stopping you from hitting the floor.
"get off me you rat!" you wrenched off the girls hands and sent stina a grateful look who gave the pair of you an amused smile, turning back to her conversation with amanda.
"rat! you're the little rat, did you forget about the pictures of-" kyra started as your eyes widened and you hastily covered her mouth. "you swore on calvins life you would take that to the grave." you growled quietly, pulling your hand away in disgust as kyra licked it, wiping it on her jersey.
"but i'm the child? grow up cooney-cross." you scoffed, letting out a yell as again kyra leapt onto you, this time successfully taking you down to the ground as the two of you rolled around wrestling until you were seperated by leah and steph.
most of the girls having filed out toward the pitch and steph impatiently tapping her foot in waiting you hurried to get your boots on, grabbing the afl ball out afterward.
"you can't bring it to training." "why not?" "well-" "see, you can't even think of a good reason stephanie."
and with that you tucked it under your arm and strode out of the change rooms as steph groaned. "can you see any greys jenny? she's been back for three days and its already falling out from the stress!" steph huffed gesturing to her hair as the tall scottish woman chuckled and slung an arm over her should.
"what is that!" vic pulled a face as you appeared with the foreign looking ball. "aussie rules ball!" you beamed, kicking it at kyra who dove to catch it, earning yourself the attention of a few more of the girls who looked on curiously.
"right i'm game. give us a go then skippy!" leah clapped as you tossed her the ball and explained how to hold and position it to be drop kicked. "yeah yeah its a ball, i'm an athlete. i got it!" she brushed you off as you held your hands up and took a few steps back.
you slumped into lotte who appeared by your side, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head. "go on lee while some of us are still young, kimmy might have to retire by the time you kick this thing." you grinned cheekily, hiding behind lotte at the look sent your way by your captain across the pitch.
"oh brilliant! she's a natural." you threw your head back with a laugh as leah completely missed, nearly kneeing herself in the face as the ball bounced away. "shut up!" the blonde warned you with a glare, hurrying to grab the ball again.
"show me again." leah demanded firmly as lotte let you go and you grabbed the ball. "oi ireland!" you yelled, katie looking up from her conversation with gio and grinning as you held up the ball and she readied herself to catch.
"like this." you huffed as you kicked the ball with all your might, the red leather sailing up into the air and right into katies awaiting arms. "you know i might need to recruit you to take some of my goal kicks. how much do you really like being a striker?" manu messed up your hair with a gloved hand as you pushed her away with a smile.
"how the fu-" leah shook her head as katie booted the ball toward caitlin perfectly. "its cause she's got a bit of aussie in her, literally." you smirked quietly, leah turning to you with wide shocked eyes at the comment.
"i'm telling steph to wash that filthy little mouth out with soap tonight skippy."
you barely heard her as you were already taking off racing toward kyra who was trying to teach gio how to kick, your body hurtling into hers. "tackle!" you cheered as kyra groaned from beneath you and you plucked the ball from her hand and took off again.
"they don't tackle in afl you little shit thats nrl!"
"nope!" you were suddenly off the ground again as caitlins arms wrapped around your waist and took you down to the ground, tossing the ball to katie and getting off of you.
"piggy in the middle!" you cheered happily jumping to your feet and racing off toward an unsuspecting cloe who was merely holding the ball, the blondes eyes widening as she hurried to toss the ball toward sabs who frowned in confusion before your body hurtled into hers.
"hey steph." the defender looked up from where she was watching you as jen appeared by her side.
"yeah mate, i can see those greys now."
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corruptedcaps · 18 days
Transfusion Confusion
The following story is inspired by a prompt from the great @misseviehyde
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Emma tossed in her hospital bed trying to sleep but she knew from weeks of being there that it would be futile. It wasn't the bed or the room itself, which was relatively nice for a hospital, that kept her from sleeping. No it was her long prolonged illness that gave her insomnia.
Emma had been in an out of hospitals since she was young. She had a rare condition that would strike at anytime. It wasn't life threatening but it made being a functional adult nearly impossible. She would spend weeks like this alone in the hospital getting her body pumped full of steroids and hormones to return her body to normality.
Her condition made having a social life basically impossible. As a result she didn't have any friends, had never had a boyfriend, and even her parents had ran off when she was four. It was a pretty pitiful existence but it was the only one she knew.
The door creaked open, and Rita, a kind and friendly nurse Emma had known for years, walked in, pushing a bed with a comatose woman on it. The woman, despite her unconscious state, was strikingly beautiful, her features sharp and flawless.
Emma sat up, confused. "What's going on?"
"I'm sorry to wake you Emma. We're running out of space, and I hope you don’t mind if we put Veronica in here for now. She’s been comatose for a while, so she won’t cause any trouble. If she ever wakes up, that's when the trouble would start." Rita said with a tired smile.
"Why? What's her deal?" Emma said looking at the blonde haired beauty.
"You never heard of Veronica Steele before? Well count yourself lucky. She's a real piece of work. A week after she married the richest guy in town, her new husband fell mysteriously to his death. Of course no one could prove it was her but she didn't make it secret she enjoyed inheriting everything he had." Rita said as she hooked Veronica's bed up to the sensors.
"So how'd she end up in a coma?" Emma asked intrigued.
"Oh she partied a little too hard and over dosed. She loved to let loose any chance she could and she did it often. She broke up so many good relationships. That's why everyone called her the homewrecking queen. Although I know some who called her the Whorewrecker." Rita said blunted. She looked over at a shocked Emma.
"I'm sorry Emma, it's been a long shift, I don't know what I'm saying. I'll just hook up her IV and I'll be out of your hair. She'll only be here temporary, I promise." Rita said going back to finishing up.
Emma sighed and lay back down, pulling the thin hospital blanket up to her chest as Rita moved around the room. She closed her eyes as the nurse placed Veronica’s bag in the closet beside her bed and began setting up the IV drip.
Rita, clearly exhausted, fumbled with the tubing for a moment. Without a second thought, she connected Veronica to the same IV bag Emma was already attached to, her tired mind too clouded to notice the mistake.
"There we go," Rita mumbled, stepping back with a satisfied nod before quietly leaving the room.
As the room settled into silence, a soft bubbling sound came from the IV bag. A strange pink liquid began to seep from Veronica's drip, mixing with the clear solution. Slowly, it flowed down the tube, snaking its way toward Emma’s arm, the liquid now entering her bloodstream unnoticed.
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As the minutes ticked by, Emma began to feel a strange sensation coursing through her body. What started as a faint warmth soon blossomed into a surge of energy, filling her veins with a vitality she had never felt. Her frail limbs, once thin and weak, began to fill out, muscles tightening and expanding beneath her skin.
Opening her eyes she watched in awe as her arms and legs transformed, growing stronger, more defined. The sensation was intoxicating, a rush of pure, exhilarating strength, but the best was yet to come.
Emma’s gaze dropped to her chest as a tingling sensation spread through her. Her boobs, once modest and unremarkable, began to swell, growing larger with each passing breath. She gasped as they expanded beyond anything she had ever seen on another woman, full and heavy, straining against her hospital gown.
Emma's eyes drifted to the IV connected to her arm. The pink liquid was pumping in rhythm into her body. She followed the tubing up to the bag and back over to the lifeless Veronica.
She noticed with shock that Veronica’s once voluptuous body had become gaunt and frail. Her once full tits had shrunk to barely noticeable proportions. The life force, the very essence of Veronica’s power, was being siphoned into her.
Instinctively, Emma reached to remove the IV, but just as her fingers touched the line, a seductive voice echoed in her mind saying "Don’t!"
The voice seemed at once comforting and commanding. Desirable and demanding. It continued.
"Veronica has no use for her beauty trapped in that coma. It would be such a waste to not use it, don't you think?" The voice purred in Emma’s mind.
Emma’s hand hovered over the IV, trembling. She knew she should take it out in hopes to reverse whatever was happening but she couldn't deny how increasing good she was feeling.
"She had her fun, isn't it time you had some of your own? Isn't it time you got to feel alive?" The voice continued. She tried to resist, tried to shake off the influence of the voice, but the logic it offered was undeniable. Why should Veronica have a perfect body when she was nothing more than a shell?
"After all the years of being weak and pathetic, haven't you earned this? Don't you deserve this?" The voice hissed pleasantly.
Despite herself, Emma felt her lips curl into a smirk, the seductive reasoning taking hold. The voice was right. She did deserve this. Why not take what was freely flowing into her veins?
Emma let out a slow breath and lay back down on the bed, sinking into the thin mattress, as the changes continued to ripple through her body. Her once dull and lifeless hair began to shimmer with health, growing longer, thicker, and cascading down her shoulders in luxurious waves.
Her lips, which had always been chapped and thin, plumped into a full, sensuous pout. Emma ran her tongue over them, feeling their newfound softness, a wicked smile tugging at the corners.
She held her hand out and watched as her nails, once brittle and short, lengthened and hardened into perfectly painted manicured talons. She ran her hands over her new tits with pleasure, giving them a joyful squeeze.
Her body was red hot with desire for her own form and she needed release. Pushing her hands further south, she slipped them under her hospital gown. Had she'd known how good long nails felt in her pussy she would have had them done every week.
She let out a moan of carnal delight as her fingers got soaked with her own juices. She watched in glee as her all blemishes on her skin started to erase. Her pale complexion began to tan, erasing the years spend inside under fluorescents.
As her body transformed, so too did her mind. Her sweet and caring nature, moulded by years of loneliness and illness, was getting corrupted. Where once she desired human connection now it sickened her. She didn't need anyone, not when she was superior to them.
She felt an overwhelming surge of narcissism, a belief that she was better than everyone else, more beautiful, more powerful. Her thoughts turned mean, dismissive of others. Vanity and arrogance took root, feeding off her new obvious beauty. The voice in her head was no longer an intruder. It was a reflection of her own desires.
"Yesssss! I feel so fucking alive!" She groaned as she continued to pump herself. She watched with an evil grin as the last of the pink liquid flowed into her body. She timed her climax to that moment perfectly and with one swift motion, she ripped the IV from her arm, feeling the rush of her transformation, her orgasm, and the last of Veronica's essence in one.
Emma swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, feeling the solid strength in her legs. She leaned over backwards, catching herself on the ground and flipping back onto her feet with ease. She wasn't just cured, she had evolved.
Each step toward Veronica was deliberate, confident. She stood over the frail, unconscious woman, a sneer curling her lips. Veronica had all the imperfections that once plagued Emma. Thinning weak hair, pockmarked skin, unathletic limbs, unremarkable beauty.
Emma turned to Veronica's closet and eagerly ripped it open. She began rifling through the expensive clothes and luxurious belongings. She pulled out designer dresses, delicate lingerie, and sparkling jewelry, tossing them onto the bed with a satisfied smirk. Each item felt like another piece of the life she was meant to have, now finally hers.
However she found the biggest prize inside a designer bag. Pulling out her wallet, Emma grinned at the plethora of credit cards just crying out to be used and abused. She took out Veronica's ID and stood in front of the mirror with it next to her.
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"Yes of course I'm Veronica Steele, how dare you question me. I'll have you fired for even speaking to me worm." She said with a natural bratty tone that she knew would have everyone convinced she was Veronica in no time.
However out of the corner of her eye she saw something unexpected. Veronica was stirring. The transfer must have some how knocked her out of her coma. However Emma was not about to give up a life she had barely tasted. Picking up the pillow from her bed, Emma walked calmly but coldly over to Veronica.
Rita was having her 7th coffee of her shift, fighting against her drooping eyelids when the code blue alarm started to go off for Emma's room. The shock of the alarm was like taking seven coffees at once.
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Rushing to the room she got in just time to see a blonde bombshell pulling the bedsheet over Veronica.
"I'm sorry nurse but the little urchin girl who was in here with me is gone. I think Emma was her name." Said the blonde, turning around with a face that conveyed no hint of sadness.
Despite her extreme transformation and the fact that she was in Veronica's designer clothes, Rita was not fooled by who the blonde was.
"Emma? What happened? You look…" Rita said before being cut off by Emma.
"Nurse Rita, you are delirious with exhaustion. I am Veronica Steele." Emma said, her voice smooth as silk but carrying a hint of menace.
"I don't know what has happened or what you have done to the real Veronica but it's ok we can fix this." Rita said bewildered but trying to get a grasp on the situation.
"Nurse you forget your place and you forget who you are talking to! I will buy this hospital and turn it into a landfill if you keep talking like this." Emma said, her ire palpaple. And yet Rita could not condone what was happening.
"No, this isn't right, I can't...." Rita said trailing off as Emma slowly approached her intimating her.
"Listen here you fucking cunt. You will report the unremarkable death of Emma Smith. You will also report on my miraculous recovery, Veronica Steele. If you don't I will see you hang for the death of that useless bag of bones laying over there. Understand?" Emma said with a whisper that was somehow more intense than her shouting.
Rita looked up at fear at the woman she had taken care of for years, seeing no part of her left.
"Y-yes... of course." Rita said trembling.
"Yes what?" Emma said starting to smirk.
"Y-yes... Ms. Steele." Rita replied. Emma satisfied and more than a little bit aroused at hearing her new name, stood back from Rita in triumphant.
"Good. Now go order me a fucking car." Emma said, turning her smirk into a cold pout. Rita quickly scurried out of the room.
Emma walked over to the closet and picked up the bag that contained the begins of her new life. She stepped over to the door and took one last look where the real Veronica lay.
"I wish I could say I was sorry, but that wouldn't be very Veronica of me." She said with a cackle as she left the room.
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leeknow-thoughts · 3 months
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𝝑𝝔 cw : blasphemy kink???, churchboy!Jeongin, toys, smut
𝝑𝝔 a/n : the years of my life spent in the Catholic church came in clutch with this fic
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Growing up Catholic had its perks, but its drawbacks as well. The tradwife stereotypes for women along with the general theme of sexual repression.
You had grown up with Jeongin, going to church together and going to the same Catholic school with the boy. Over the years, you had lost your faith, Jeongin however only grew in his faith, it never bothered you, and your lack of faith never bothered him.
Eventually, you both went off to the same college, a few states away, and figured it would be easier to live together. It was easier then having to make new friends and less risky than having complete strangers be your roommates.
"My theology professor is trying to kill me, I think," you joke to Jeongin over dinner.
"How so?"
"Because I'm not religious, and I told him that, and he started like interrogating me, it was weird," you confess, taking a bite of cereal.
"Is he religious?"
"I suppose so, I mean I told him that I was raised Catholic, so he started assuming the worst," you explain.
"Isn't that religious discrimination?"
"I don't know what to call it, but it was weird," you shrug it off.
"Sounds weird, but any whom," Jeongin changes the subject, "tomorrow I'm leaving early to help with this fundraiser at church, so don't be surprised if I'm not here when you wake up tomorrow."
Jeongin's whole weekends revolved around church, whether it was because he was helping plan a youth trip or assisting the nuns or even helping run a fundraiser, he kept busy with the volunteer work. And of course he was also an avid participant in Sunday Mass, communion, and other traditions.
"m'kay," you figure, rubbing your tired eyes, "my mom and dad are coming over tomorrow," you inform him.
"Oh, fun," he retorts sarcastically.
"Yeah, fun," you say in that same sarcastic tone as him.
"D'you need help like hiding anything?" Jeongin asks timidly.
"Hiding anything?" you ask.
"Like," Jeongin blushes, hiding his face in his hands before he speaks, "s-sex stuff."
"Oh, I mean if you wouldn't mind?"
"I just don't want your parents to freak out on you, remember last time?"
How could you forget the last time your parents came over and they accidentally found a condom in your bathroom, immediately going into a five hour long lecture about how they expected better from you and that you needed to go to a confessional to be forgiven for your sins of sexual impurity.
"Yeah, trust me I remember," you chuckle, "that would be nice, I have all that shit in a box, so I'll just give you the box."
You rise up from your seat at the dining table and walk into your room, grabbing the medium sized box from the closet and walking into the living room with it when suddenly, you trip, and the contents of the box spill everywhere.
"Ow, fuck," you groan, clenching your knee, which you hit on the ground.
Jeongin is quick to stand up and rush to your side, helping you up. You watch as his face eventually turns to the spilled contents of the box. "What in the fuck is that?" he questions.
Jeongin never swore. He thought swearing was pointless and made someone sound trashy, but here he was, swearing.
"It's a dildo," you whisper an explaination.
"B-but wh-why does it l-look like that?"
"It's supposed to look like a dragon, like, uhm, dick," you explain with an embarrassed tone.
"That's really weird, I hope you know, also that thing is so like big how does it- how do y- how can it- how-"
"A lot of lube, and a lot more patience," you half-joke.
"And what is this?" Jeongin exclaims as he picks up the rose shaped toy.
"I-it's a clit sucker," you explain as you grab it from him and put the toy back in the box.
"And what are these?" he holds up a pair of nipple clamps.
"Nipple clamps," you inform him.
"Why in the hell would anyone ever use something like that," Jeongin speaks to himself.
"Don't knock em till you try em," you insist.
You take the nipple clamps from his grasp and put them back in the box before Jeongin is picking something else up, "and what is this?"
"It's a butt plug."
"But why does it have a tail? Ew wait this thing has been in your butt!?"
"It's clean!" you exclaim, "it has a tail because- well-well because I just like it I d'know?"
"Weird," Jeongin mumbles as he puts the toy in the box.
"And what is this?" he holds up a flogger.
"A flogger, you hit people with it," you explain as you take it from the boy.
"But wouldn't that hurt?"
"That's kind of the point, Jeongin," you hum, "hold out your arm, it's not as bad as you think it is, I promise."
After a moment of thinking it through, Jeongin holds out his arm, you lightly hit him with the flogger, "oh that isn't bad at all," Jeongin hums.
"Mhm," you nod, placing the flogger back in the box.
"Oh, what's this?" Jeongin holds up a tentacle grinder.
"It's a grinder," you tell him.
"What does it do?" he asks sheepishly.
"Well," you pause, embarrassment creeping onto your face, "you like grind on it, like you grind your clit on it."
"Oh," Jeongin's face falls before putting the grinder back in the box.
"I hope you don't think I'm weird or gross or anything now," you confess to him.
"I-I d'think y-your weird," he promises, "I promise, y-you're not weird for having s-sex. It's n-natural."
"But you don't have sex, so I j-"
"Who said I've never had sex?"
You stare at him blankly, "you-you've..."
"Well like it's not sex but like I've masturbated before," he confesses.
Your lips make an o shape as you nod your head, "oh, th-that's good?"
"That's good!?"
"I d'know what to say! I was just surprised!"
"Well I mean I'm human y-you don't think I'm weird do you?"
"No! Of course not!" you insist.
The silence that passes between the two of you is almost deafening. You glance down and that's when you notice it, the bulge in Jeongin's pants. "Je-Jeongin," you mumble.
"I-I-I should go to my room!"
Just as he's about to get up you grab his wrist, the way he looks at you tells you a thousand words. "Stay," you practically plead with him.
"I-I haven't, I don't know how-" he whimpers under your intense gaze.
"I'll teach you," you reassure him, "anything you want, I'll teach you."
No words are exchanged between the two of you as he leans forward and slams your lips onto his own. He's messy and sloppy and inexperienced. "Calm down," you muse to him, "enjoy this, we have all the time in the world," you reassure him.
You gently cup his jaw with your left hand, your right hand running through his hair, "darling, calm down," you mumble against his eager lips.
"Can't get enough of you, d'you know how many nights I've had to listen to you whining and whimpering and falling apart on these things? Hm?" he groans into a kiss, "how I've beat my cock to the thought of you? D'you know about that?"
"Jeongin," you murmur, melting further and further into the kiss, "thought of you too," you confess.
"Want to watch you," he states, breaking apart from the kiss, "I want to watch you fuck yourself, the way you do at night."
That is how you find yourself naked on your couch, Jeongin watching you intently as you ride one of your dildos. "Hmm, so all you do is ride that toy and think of me? That's pathetic," he scoffs, watching you like he's disinterested, but you can tell from the tent in his pants that he is anything but disinterested.
"And all you do is what? Hm? Stroke your cock?" you remark.
"You know, filthy whores like yourself shouldn't fucking talk," Jeongin stands up and kneels next to you, taking your nipple in his mouth, making you gush around the toy, "recite first Corithians 6:18," he demands.
"J-Jeongin," you whine, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Jeongin is pulling you by your hair, making you look at him, "recite it."
"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body," you quote.
"That's it honey, yet here you are, riding this fucking toy every night, thinking of me," Jeongin's words are venom, "don't worry though, I'll make a good girl out of you."
You can only whimper at his filthy words.
And that is what started your little taboo tradition, every Sunday night you'd be face down ass up on Jeongin's bed, getting pounded from behind, and you'd only get to cum if you could recite five Bible verses for him.
Jeongin was definitely no priest but he brought you closer to the pearly gates than any real priest ever could.
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thehighladywrites · 10 months
The Airhead Chronicles
…and the date
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-> pairing: cassian x bimbo/ditzy reader
-> summary: finally the day is here, you’re going on a date with cassian!! now you just have to prepare and get ready for it. Cassian is prepared to finally ask you some questions and the mention of your secret friend rubs him the wrong way. But how does the date go, and who on earth opens the door at Cassian’s friends house?…
-> warnings: suggestive themes, nsfw, smut, super fluff, light angst, public sex, yeah, none of you care about getting caught fucking in a restaurant, oral (m.receiving) , bargain tattoos, almost oral (f.receiving), wing play, daddy kink
-> amara’s note: I think this is one of my fav things to write, I really love ditzy reader, she's so fun and cute.
part 1 part 2
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Startled by a sudden knock, you quickly stood up, intrigued by the unexpected visitor. Opening the door, you were met with a smiling man.
“Hi there pretty lady, are you Y/n?” he asked. After exchanging pleasantries, he handed you a paper and a pen, insisting you sign.
Curious, you replied, “Oh, what’s this for, I’m pretty sure I didn’t order anything, or did I?” Sensing your confusion, the man stepped closer and pointed a finger at a dotted line. “Just sign here, baby. How about I come in and show you?”
Normally, you'd agree to some help because you didn’t really like reading long and confusing papers, but with your date approaching, you looked at him apologetic and declined.
“Sorry, maybe next time. I'm getting ready for a date with this really hot guy, and I have a lot of things to do. But why am I signing this?”
His face turned sour, and he threw a bouquet of flowers at you, muttering something about a special delivery before you signed. He left without saying goodbye, and you tilted your head, wondering if you said something to upset him.
The confusion quickly left your mind when you looked down, eyes wide, and heart beating faster as a huge smile spread on your lips. The bouquet was wrapped around white and pink baby breaths and peonies. You let out a shriek of happiness as you spun around and smelled the fresh, fragrant flowers. They were unlike anything else, handled with care and professionalism.
Scurrying to the kitchen, you pulled out a vase from your cabinets as you filled it with water to put your flowers in. While you fiddled with the petals, you saw a note attached as you opened it.
Reading the note, your eyes lit up with excitement. You twirled around, a broad grin on displayed, absorbing the message:
“Can’t wait to see you tonight, beautiful. I will pick you up, just be ready by 8. - Cassian.”
You halted your twirl, taking a deep breath.
Fucking Gods, you had to look absolutely stunnig, like drop-dead gorgeous. The sexiest dress was a non-negotiable, paired with a cute bag. Your hair needed to be freshly styled, and ohhh, a fresh set of nails was a must, even though it hadn't been a week since your last set.
Let’s be real, you knew you were pretty and didn’t need someone to tell you that, but it was nice to hear nonetheless, especially from Cassian. It was weird, you had known him for just over a week and already you felt a connection to him.
With your plans set, you dove into the whirlwind of preparation. The closet became a battleground of choices as you sifted through dresses, searching for the one that screamed "fuck me right now, please." The chosen outfit hung proudly on the door, awaiting its moment. A stunning sheer black dress with a v-neck, a thigh-high slit, and the best part - it sparkled.
Your hair received the full treatment of preparation and care, making you wonder how you’d display it tonight—curls, an updo, low bun or straight? The decision was as crucial as the dress itself, because what if you wanted to blow him? A ponytail would be ideal, but if you were gonna be fucked missionairy then a ponytail would be super uncomfy. Maybe just some curls then? Yes, you definitely wanted some bouncy curls resulting in you pulling out your hair rollers and pins. It was such a pain to put them on because your arms hurt from keeping them up but you didn’t care. Finally, a cute little bag accompanied the ensemble, adding that perfect touch paired with some simple heels.
The urgency for flawlessness led you to contemplate a fresh set of nails. Despite the recent pampering, the allure of perfection beckoned, and you found yourself on the way to the nail salon. After all, a week felt like an eternity when it came to looking drop-dead gorgeous.
As the appointment at the nail salon progressed, you debated between daring and classic shades. The manicurist, familiar to your frequent visits, skillfully crafted a fresh set that made you smile so hard, your face started hurting, letting out an excited sound.
With your nails perfected, you rushed home to continue the transformation, hair and makeup being the last step. Your dress clung to you like a second skin, accentuating every curve. Your reflection in the mirror confirmed your pursuit of drop-dead hotness. Smiling at yourself you adjusted your hair before putting on your jewelry, marveling at the final result. You really hoped Cassian would compliment you otherwise you’d die. His attention was so addicting and you wanted to be around him every single second for some reason.
Glancing at the clock, you realized the incoming arrival of Cassian. The butterflies in your stomach intensified as you added the finishing touches, ready to open the door to a night filled with excitement and allure.
“Hi Cassie!!” Your smile subdued a bit as you shifted nervously when he just stared at you not saying anything. Should you have worn something different? Maybe gone with the pink you wanted? Maybe he didn’t like your hair…
Cassian stood at the door, his eyes widening as he took in your stunning transformation. His brain seemed to short-circuit, and he simply stared at you with his jaw open, momentarily lost for words in the face of your breathtaking appearance. The snug fabric around your frame made blood rush to his cock, a reaction that almost tempted him to slap his own face. "Am I some kind of teenager or something, gods," he thought to himself, caught in the unexpected whirlwind of emotions your presence stirred.
“Hi sweetheart, fuck, you look absolutely breathtaking,” he managed to exclaim, a genuine smile lighting up his face. He spun you around, getting a good luck at you as your perfume filled his nose. Blushing at the compliment, you replied with a happy smile. “Thank you, Cassie. I'm so excited for tonight! Where are we going?”
He offered his arm, and you linked yours with his as you both stepped into the night, ready for the date that awaited. “Don’t worry your pretty, little head about it, it’s a surprise, sweet girl.”
Thank fuck he held you, because you could barely stand with the way your knees wobbled. The urge to just shove him in an alley and give him some life-changing head was just too strong. Cassian looked soooo freaking hot, dressed in a well-fitted suit.His hair had been put in a half bun, arms looking soooo massive, and an inexplicable desire to bite them tugged at your thoughts.
Caught in the spell of his side profile , the world around you seemed to fade into the background. Cassian’s voice became a distant hum as your eyes glued to him.
Your mind went hazy as you found yourself daydreaming about him, captivated by the allure of the moment.
Cassian halted mid-sentence in his talk about the restaurant when he noticed your silence. Curiosity painted his expression as he looked down at you, only to find you hazily looking up at him. Your plump lips were slightly parted, and your eyes were wide and sparkly, lost in a momentary enchantment.
Cassian was going to treat himself to some of Rhysands expensive liquor, it was truly something magical about his restraint. The way you looked up to him made his cock painfully hard. There was something submissive and desperate in your gaze. Before he cancelled the night and took you to his room to fuck you senseless, he broke the silence, chuckling, “I must be boring you with all this restaurant talk. What’s on your mind?”
You blinked, snapping out of the enchantment, and mumbled while feeling warm. “Um, no, not at all, Cassie. I was just… appreciating the view.”
His eyebrows lifted in playful surprise, “The view? Of me?”
You nodded with a secretive grin, “Guilty… I mean I can’t help it. You look so handsome. Now tell me about the restaurant.” The conversation resumed, but the sparkle of that moment lingered, adding an extra layer of magic to the evening.
Your brows furrowed as you read the menu. What on earth was an entrecôte? Foie gras? Was that some sort of joke? It was infuriating and you just wanted some food. Looking up at Cassian, you noticed he had already decided and was looking through the wine list. Feeling helpless, you whispered to him, “Um Cassie, I don’t know what this means. If any of this means mushrooms and cilantro, then let me know, they’re super yucky.”
He took your menu and brought your hand up to place a kiss on it, “Don’t worry, pretty girl. I’ll take care of it. How does chicken sound?” You nodded, grateful for the escape from the decision-making. Ugh, was being pretty and living too hard? You just wanted to exist without thinking about annoying things.
Cassian certainly eased it for you.
“Uh-huh, yes please,” you replied. He tilted his head, a playful smile playing on his lips. “My, what good manners you have. A good girl indeed.”
The echo of Cassian calling you a good girl sent a shiver down your spine, nearly sending you into a dreamy state. Resisting the magnetic pull of his warmth became a challenge.
Would it really hurt though? Cassian had rented out an entire section of the restaurant for your date, the only other person you’d see during the whole night was a waiter who kept away unless he was serving you food.
Unable to resist any longer, you inched toward him, lifting yourself. Cassian, sitting manspread, welcomed you onto one of his thighs. As you settled, his arm snaked behind your back, keeping you securely in place as you slung your arm over his shoulder while the other traced circles and shapes on his chest. The world outside this private bubble faded, leaving just the two of you in a cocoon of shared warmth and intimacy.
The waiter discreetly approached, and Cassian smoothly placed the order, his attention never wavering from you. The world outside this secluded moment ceased to exist. He was so content he almost forgot one of the reasons he had been so desperate to see you again. Placing a sweet kiss on your cheek and neck, he asked.
“ I’ve been wondering,” he began, his eyes holding a mixture of curiosity and concern, “ There’s not a lot a know about you, and i’d like to change that. I mean have you always lived in Velaris?” You hummed and answered cheerfully, “ No, I used to live in the Hewn City but a friend helped me move here. My family still live there but they think I live in the Day Court, since Velaris is a secret city and all.”
He observed you carefully, wondering what possible friend could’ve gotten you into Velaris without him or the inner circle knowing? Velaris wasn’t some place one just moved to, it was a secret and protected city, warded against anyone who wasn’t welcome. Your answer only made him more curious.
“Yeah, your friend helped you? Do they live here?” You giggled as you looked at him with a “duh” look.
“Of course my friend still lives here, what a silly question! We meet once a month to catch up and he sometimes brings the family to our get-togethers.”
“ How fun, sweet girl. You’ll have to introduce me to your friend, yeah?” you leaned in as his arm became a comforting weight around your waist.
“Yay, that would be so much fun! He’s like this super old guy that I work for but I promise he’s really funny and his wife is such a sweetheart, I love her.” His heart thundred at the excitement you unknowingly pushed through the bond, making him crack a huge smile. Heavens, your were so adorable, he wanted to see you smile forever. “Is he a good boss then? What is it you do for him?” Flashing him a secret smile, you leaned in conspiratorially as you started playing with the buttons of his crisp white shirt.
“I wish I could tell you Cassie, but it’s tip-top secret and I’m bound to never, ever in a million years tell a single soul. I even have this cool tattoo for it.” You whispered as if afraid anyone would hear you before pulling down the strap of your dress and showing him the bargain tattoo.
Cassian's expression froze, his mind racing to fathom the deal you might have struck. Did you grasp the consequences of Night Court's bargain tattoos? The kind of searing fucking pain that awaited anyone attempting to breach its secrecy? The instincts that come with a mating bond made him feel murdereous at the thought of anyone striking a dangerous deal with his mate.
He didn’t want you experiencing the pain of accidentally telling him about the bargain, so he dropped the subject completely, picking up new things to talk about. While waiting for the meal, you tried to attentively listen as Cassian, the general and commander of the Night Court as he had told you, told you the tales of his thrilling adventures and loving family. But he sometimes used big words that made you tilt your head in confusion, he had however noticed it early on and switched to more simple terms, ensuring your understanding of the topic.
Of all of your years living, you had never felt so safe and cared for as you did here with Cassian. Sure your parents never laid hands on you but they certainly didn’t like you very much, calling you incapable and downright stupid. It hurt you, it really did because you tried but it simply wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Cassian, this gorgeous man, noticed you didn’t understand but he didn’t outright dumb it down for you.
He… just used another word with the same meaning he explained and it really made you happy. Because for some reason, his approval and attention was necessary for you to function and you literally couldn’t imagine him ever being disappointed in you.
After dessert was served, Cassian told the waiter and the chef that you were done eating and paid the bill, leaving a generous tip. They left you all alone in your section and the seclusion made you more bold. You certainly didn’t care if anyone saw you blowing him or anything but… it felt more intimate doing in just for him. You were still sat on his thigh as he spoon fed you the delicious chocolate cake.
Chills ran down your arms upon locking eyes with Cassian, and from your position, you explored his face, fingertips tracing a scar along his eyebrow. Your hand moved over his cheekbones, jaw, nose, and finally, his flawless lips. Drawing close, you both whispered intimately, “Can I kiss you, sweetheart?” he rasped, to which you replied in a hushed tone, “Yes, please, Cassie.”
With a tender murmur he said, “my perfect girl,” his soft lips met yours.
As the kiss unfolded, time seemed to slow, encapsulating you both in a world of shared warmth and intimacy. Cassian's lips, soft against yours, the room faded away, leaving only the electric energy between you two. You had kissed plenty people before, but nothing felt as addictive and pleasurable as this.
Cassian’s body shaped perfectly against yours as he pulled you on his lap, making you straddle his hips, legs on either side of him as your dress bunched. His hair was pulled out of his bun as you dragged your manicured nails across his scalp.
He out out a groan as his hands found your hips, his hold tightening as he ground upwards making you moan at the contact.
Breaking the kiss, Cassian's eyes held a newfound tenderness and hunger. “You're something else, you know that?” he whispered, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and affection. A shared smile lingered between you, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken emotions that had just passed between your lips.
A loud shatter was heard as you looked up panting, absolutely forgetting that you two may have a section rented out, but you were still out in public and if anyone wanted to stretch their legs, they certainly wouldn’t miss you grinding in Cassian’s lap, lips puffy and hair tousled.
Cassian couldn’t have cared less even of he tried to. Being the lord of bloodshed, the general leading the armies of the night court, and one of the greatest warriors in the history of Prythian granted Cassian liberties in his eyes. Unlike ordinary fae males, he wasn't restricted from openly displaying affection for his mate at any time or place. There wasn’t a person on earth that could tell him what to do with you.
Fucking in public didn’t scare him or make him feel embarrassed. No, Cassian fucking loved the thrill of being caught. Loved the little voice in his head telling him that someone would be walking in on him pleasuring his mate, your face scrunched up in pleasure as someone catches you, your heartbeat quickening at the taboo scene.
But he’d never in his life put you in a position that made you uncomfortable, he’d rather chop his cock off. So he looked at your face, searching for any fear.
“You okay? Wanna stop, baby?” The thought of you getting off his lap and feeling shame or embarrasement was enough to make him feel nauseous. But that all quickly left when you looked down at him with blushy cheeks, a wide grin on your face as you laughed. “Wow, that sounded really close. Guess you better fuck me quickly Cassie, we wouldn’t want someone to catch us, now would we? I mean that would be soooo bad and we’d be kicked out, right?”
Cassian easily detected the false concern written all over your face. There was a blend of amusement, warmth, and hunger in your expression. You playfully pouted, furrowing your brows in mock thinking as you tilted your head.
Looking up darkly at you he flashed you a feral grin, furrowing his brow in mock thinking. “Of course. It would be very, very bad if someone caught me with my head between your legs, I mean whatever would we do?”
You stood up, hopping up on the table in front of him, propped up like a post-dessert treat with your legs spread infront of his hungry gaze.
“ Let’s find out. I think you missed some of your dessert, baby. Come eat me up, Cassie…” He put his hands around your ankles as he removed your heels, then hissed when he felt your stocking-clad foot rub against his strained cock. Your eyes caught his wings ruffling as curiosity prompted your question.
“Cassie, why are your wings so big? Can I touch them or would it hurt?”
His wings rustled, then tightened in instinct. Illyrian wings were absolutely not to be touched by anyone without invitation, they were to be protected at any cost. His people had been taught to never let anyone get close enough to them, often punching first and then asking questions if someone ever touched them.
“No, sweet girl, they wouldn’t hurt if you touched them. It’s just a sacred part of me that I as an Illyrian protect with my life.” You observed the intricate patterns on his wings, fascinated by the interplay of light and shadow, gold and read hues swirling.
Cassian, sensing your curiosity, continued, “Touching them is a privilege reserved for the one I’ll one day trust deeply, a gesture of profound connection between two mates.” His gaze held a promise, hinting at a deeper connection yet to unfold. You slumped slighty as you realized that you probably weren’t his mate and quickly lowered you rising hand.
“Oh, okay then. They seem really cool anyways, your future mate is quite lucky huh?” Your eyes met his own filled with longing and hope.
Growing up in The Hewn City, the stories of mates filled your imagination, creating a yearning for a connection forged by The Mother Herself. However, your parents swiftly dismissed any ideas of such fantasies, emphasizing a more practical approach to your future. The concept of a deep, equal partnership and lover was a cherished daydream, overshadowed by the reality your parents presented.
Amidst gossip with friends about the mysterious idea of mates, your parents insisted on abandoning these fairytales. Their focus remained fixed on preparing you for a marriage that would secure wealth and influence, mirroring the traditions of countless pairs in the city. The prospect of bringing shame to the family loomed as an unthinkable consequence, one that could lead to disownment or in some cases death.
You were incredibly fortunate to have made a friend that helped you out, otherwise you’d probably be some unhappy bride whose only task would be baby-making and keeping quiet.
Your eyes filled with tears as you started thinking about the male infront of you. If the bond hadn’t snapped for you yet, then you probably weren’t mates and it made you sick thinking that there was someone else out there who’d snatch Cassian up. A hand brushing up your calf brought you back to reality as you were met with eyes filled with worries.
“No, hey, what's going on, sweetheart? Why are you crying, hm?” Cassian asked, concern etched across his face. Overwhelmed by sadness, you slumped forward, letting out deep sobs.
"Don't think m’your mate, Cassie. I really, really wanna be with you forever, but you'll probably choose your mate if they ever come along. Also, I probably have a mate somewhere, and I feel like we shouldn't keep going because I'm falling for you, like really hard, and I really don't think I'd survive it if we ended things before they even really started.”
Your wrecked sobs made him sick with guilt. The realization that he was the cause of your tears hit hard. His hands found their way to your back, gently caressing it as he tried to provide comfort. Unable to bear it any longer, he blurted out the words before more sobs could escape,
“ I’m your mate. I felt the bond snap the first time we met, baby. I didn’t want to you to feel like you had to accept the bond or feel pressured to discover it. I wished for you to find out on your own, at your own pace. And I’m truly sorry for the pain i’ve caused you. If I had known this was something you really wanted, I would’ve told you straight away, sweet girl. I was wrong to assume and I’m deeply sorry. Please forgive me?”
Cassian’s words hung in the air, a revelation that shifted the atmosphere between you. Stunned, you looked up, eyes searching his for any sign of anger or irritation at your sudden breakdown or any deception. His gaze, however, held a sincerity that echoed in the depths of your shared connection, held a mix of pain, guilt and sadness paired with hope.
“You’re really mine? My mate?” the question was carried by your whispering voice. Cassian nodded and confirmed,
“Yes, i’m yours as you are mine.” The words triggered that golden bond, snapping the thread of life and love deep in your chest. Holding a hand to your chest, you looked at him breathing deeply.
“Mate. You’re my mate!” you shrieked and kissed all over his face, ending with a big kiss on his lips, making him laugh.
“Um, so can i now touch ‘em?” you questioned as you nodded your head in the direction of his massive wings. His back straightened and he explained,
“My wings have never been out during intimate encounters with females. It makes me feel vulnerable and I don’t like it. But for you… for you I’d pluck the stars from the night sky if you asked me. Go ahead, sweetheart but be careful they can be quite-”
He didn’t even finish his sentence when he felt your warm hands caressing the ridge of his leathery wings. Cassian twisted in his seat when you went over a certain spot. His whole body flashed with warmth, leaving a trail of goosepumps as his stomch flipped.
His face revealed delight, accompanied by low groans as your nails traced over the delicate wing. Intrigued, you inquired about the sensation. He leaned in, softly blowing air near your ear, eliciting goosebumps and a slight arch in your body.
He knew he’d come undone if you kept touching him so he picked you up, swept everything away from the table and put you on your back. Perhaps he should’ve been more quiet because when the waiter hurriedly came to check on the broken dishes, he received a savage snarl, so unlike the usually levelheaded male.
“ Get. Out.” Your mate gritted towards the poor fae. He’d make sure to leave another huge tip, but he didn’t have time to think of it now that the bond was so fresh and there was a male staring down his half naked mate. Cassian finally turned his attention to you when you grabbed his cock through his slacks.
“ c’mon mate, need you so bad, please.” you grabbed the back of his head, smashing his lips against yours as you whined and mumbled about needing his cock inside you. Any sort of foreplay was out of the question, you’d play later. You felt like you might literally die if you didn’t feel him closer to you right now.
You were consumed by an overwhelming desperation, feeling as if you'd burst out of your skin without his immediate presence. The ache for more of him intensified, a desperate longing for his touch to ravage you entirely. Tears welled in your eyes as you begged, desperate to be fucked right there, yearning to be claimed by your mate.
The desperation in your voice spurred cassian on as his hands skillfully removed his belt, pulling out his hard cock as he slid in and out, again and again and again. Rocking the table as he thrust into you hard, filling you up deliciously. Your mouths found each other in a deep kiss as you pulled his hair, earning a deep groan.
“You’re so fucking beautiful all spread out for me. My precious mate,” he mumbled against you. 
 “mmh, harder please- fucking me soo gooddd” You moaned. The pleasure was building up in your belly making you squirm against him “Please, daddy, let me cum.”
He halted all his movements, pulling you out of your bubble of pleasure. Why did he stop? You felt your high fizzle down as you felt tears in your eyes. “Cassie, why did you stop? I almost finished… s’not fair” you whined, crossing you arms as you looked away, feigning disbelief and anger.
You seriously hadn’t noticed what you called him? Were you fucked out already? Well, whatever. Cassian’s ego boosted immensely at the fact that you had mindlessly called him daddy.
“You’re so good for me, such a beautiful, beautiful girl. My mate makes me proud.”
His praise made you simultaneously melt against his body yet tighten around his cock as a new rush of slick gushed out of you. Bringing his one hand to your nipple while the other played with your clit, Cassian was determined to make you cum then take you home. It had to be your house because he really couldn’t promise he wouldn’t attack Rhys or Azriel if they laid their eyes on you, let alone saw your vulnerable, fucked out state.
The simultaneous pleasure made your head spin as you grabbed his arm to steady youself.
“feels..” you swallow the glob of saliva pooling on your tongue. “f-feels s’good, daddy. m’gonna cum…” His thrusts didn’t slow down as he was met by your relaxed expression - your eyes had crossed as your tongue lolled out a bit, making you drool. A few more pumps and he felt his knees wobble with intensity. You screams of pleasure were muffled by his hand as you came.
“gotta be quiet baby, lest someone catches us” groaning out the last part, Cassian pumps once, twice and finishes deep inside with as he slumps forward, head nuzzled against your neck, breathing in your intoxicating scent.
Driven by the fresh mating bond, he succumbed to a primal urge, covering your naked and relaxed form. Desperation fueled his actions, and protective instincts surged as he struggled with the dilemma of getting you home without causing harm, his every move tinged with the urgency of preserving your safety.
Wanting more, you pull him closer and wrap your legs around him. “daddy, i want more. please let’s go home because the table is kinda uncomfy n i wanna be on my bed instead.” Hands slither around you, pulling you up with as you clung to him. He drops a stack of money on the table to cover what he destroyed plus an appreciation for leaving him alone, gods know he would’ve shown no restraint if that waiter had been a little more bold.
“ s’okay cas i got this,” the whole restaurant fades into black before a cozy porch is replaced with the murmur of the restaurant. You’d winnowed home but not inside, leaving you right outside the door.
“ Sweetie, is your house warded or are you capable of winnowing inside too?” you shook your head and giggly responded,
“ mm, no, my house is protected from bad guys and only people i want can get inside. My friend fixed it for me, he’s super nice and you should totally meet him sometime.” The mention of another guy leaving your lips was enough for Cassian to make his eyes twitch but you looked so happy so he just nodded in agreement.
Opening the door, you welcomed Cassian into your cozy house. As he stepped in, his widened as his eyes roamed across the spacious hallway featuring a body-length mirror, perfect for a quick self-check before heading out, you told him. The hall led to a spacious living room with high ceilings exuding luxury, and the massive kitchen boasted pink appliances, a charming detail that seemed to define your style, he noticed.
His smile widened as he took in the cutesy and predominantly pink decor scattered throughout the house. It was a unique touch that resonated with your personality. As you guided him up the stairs, he marveled at the size of the home, realizing it was quite spacious for a single person.
Passing by several empty rooms, you finally opened the grand bedroom. The king-sized bed with frilly white sheets and an array of pink pillows dominated the space, surrounded by what seemed like an army of stuffed animals, a table adorned with the flowers he sent you this morning. Turning to the left he say your huge closet with clothes littered over the floor. You ran and closed the door behind you, leaning against it as you let out a nervous laugh, “ oh, that’s just my closet. it’s a bit messy so let’s just not look there.”
You bit your lips as your eyes squinted in the dim light. He looked so delicious and you wanted more. wanted your mate, closer. Despite being mere feet apart, an insatiable need for closeness overcame you. Closing the gap, you kissed him, reigniting the connection that began at the restaurant, determined to continue it throughout the night.
The night with your mate unfolded in a series of intimate moments, he put you in new positions and taught you pleasures you never imagined. His expertise left you in a constant state of bliss, with every moment dedicated to mutual satisfaction. You had slept for about an hour or two before going at it again when he stood up and stretched, the sight enough for you to tackle him and ride him right there on your fluffy carpet.
As dawn approached, you marveled at the fact that you had enough restraint to let him slip away and prepare breakfast. The lingering sensations and shared experiences had created a bond that extended beyond the physical, making the morning after feel like a continuation of the enchanting night. Now you laid in the protective arms of you lover, looking at him while biting your lips to keep from pouncing in him.
“If you keep staring at me like that, we won't leave the house ever,” you looked away from his gaze, blushing furiously.
“Maybe I don't wanna leave the house. I wanna be with you forever and ever, cassie” you whispered, nestling closer and kissing his cheek, a familiar gesture of affection.
He chuckled warmly, deeply and kissed you back before your broke the kiss.
“Cas, you mentioned your friends live here. Can I meet them? You spoke about them like you really, really love them,”you inquired, sensing a shift in the air as his grip tightened around you.
“Another time, sweetheart. Right now, I need you alone. I can't even think about leaving you,” he confessed, his tone carrying a protective intensity.
“Do you know much about the mating bond?” you explained that you knew it was two people fated together in a perfect match but that was all your parents allowed you to know. He nodded and explained,
“A newly mated couple can be very... let's say, unstable. There have been many cool and collected males and females who lost their minds when someone laid their eyes on their mate for too long. Sane people have abandoned all critical thinking wherever their mate is involved. Their first and only thought is their mate’s safety and happiness. People have died for provoking newly-mated. So, please, give me a little time because there's a very likely chance I might kill someone for looking at you a bit too much." This…frenzy will cool down after a while but it’s very intense when it’s so new.”
The gravity in his words conveyed the depth of his commitment and the primal instincts that fueled it.
You were fucked in the head for sure because the realization that Cassian would fiercely protect you, even kill someone for you, sent a thrilling shiver down your spine, an unconventional yet undeniably arousing form of desire.
Without a word, you shuffled down, ready to express your gratitude and desire in a way that words could never fully convey, letting your mouth and hands express your love and gratitude.
For almost three weeks, you reveled in the cocoon of intimacy, exploring every inch of each other's souls and bodies within the confines of your shared space. Cassian's presence became a comforting constant, and there wasn't a single room in the house that he hadn’t fucked you in. Repeatedly.
However, the inevitable reality of his responsibilities tugged at Cassian's conscience. His jaw tightened, and his eyes darkening slightly as he confessed,
“I hate to say this, baby, but I have to go back. My family is looking for me, and they're worried.”
A pout formed on your lips as the idea of him leaving weighed heavily on your heart.
“You really gotta go?” Your doe-eyes mirrored the sadness and pain of his departure, glossing over in tears at the thought of him not being by your side.
One look into your eyes and he knew there was no chance he could leave you.
“You know what, fuck that. There's no way I'm leaving you. So how would you feel about meeting my family?”
Cassian dropping the idea of meeting his family made you think. Would they like you? He always spoke highly of them, and it got you wondering if you'd measure up. You knew you weren't the brightest tool in the shed or however the saying went but you hoped they'd see something in you that's good enough for him. The old voices of your parents kept echoing in your head.
"You're only good if you keep your mouth shut."
"How did I end up with such a dumb daughter?"
"You’re prettier when you don't talk."
Cassian sensed your unease, and he gently took your hands, looking into your eyes with a reassuring smile.
“Hey, don't worry about a thing. My family will adore you as much as I do. You're more than enough, just the way you are.”
His words carried a sincerity that eased the knots in your stomach. You peppered kisses all over his face and mentally thanked him for the reassurance.
He laughed, kissing you and repeating those reassuring words until it was time to leave. Putting on a cute, blue summer dress, you skipped alongside him, blissfully unaware of the imposing aura he now exuded due to the fresh bond.
As the beautiful estate by the river came into view, you marveled at the picturesque landscape. Holding a homemade cake in one hand and Cassian's hand in the other, you both approached the door.
However, huge confusion struck as your eyes widened upon seeing who opened it.
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🏷️ taglist: @justasillylittlegoofyguy
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poppy-metal · 2 months
toxic fwb patrick running back as soon as he sees your stupid soft lauch instagram story. the coffee shop with two lattes on the table? you're not fucking slick. he's in your inbox like, ten minutes after it goes up: "hope thats for me."
and its not, but the lacy little set you wear under your clothes is - the red ones, his favourites - when you go to meet him. it was supposed to be innocent, obviously. the guise, thinly veiled, of going to pick up a shirt you left there. as if you guys dont leave your shit with each other all the time as an excuse, as if he didn’t hide this one in the back of his closet to use as leverage later. you both know why you're there.
he doesn't bother taking you anywhere, he fucks you right there in his backseat in the first empty parking lot he drives across. the set drives him nuts, obviously. "god, you whore, you fucking wanted this, you dirty bitch--" and he's slamming into you so hard you're crying ("it hurts so fuckin good, don't stop") you barely even notice he pulls out his phone. "tell me how good it feels" "so good, so good, god--" when you see it, you scramble. evidence. try to put your hand over the lens. but he just 'tsk's at you, holds it higher above his head. "play nice, baby, you wouldn’t want him to see how well you take my fat dick, would you? no, you don't. so take it like a good girl and tell me why you're here, instead of with him." you think he's just talking to talk at first, but then he slaps your ass, hard. "im not fucking kidding. tell me. tell me why you're here, and not at home with whatever the fuck his name is." you're crying. you don't mind. his hand goes to circle your clit - puffy, overstimulated, you've already cum on his face once because your man doesn't eat you out - and you cum on him while you answer. "'cause you fuck me better," you whine. "fuck me so good, you're the only one who fucks me like this--"
he cums inside. makes you thank him for it. takes a nice video of it dripping out of your swollen cunt.
kit I honestly can't go on like this <//////3
need him angling the camera under your pussy so the view is so lewd - just him sliding in and out of your swollen cunt - your lips flared wide around his thickness - everytime his balls rest snug against your cunt when he slams home. the creamy residue building around the base of his dick as you get wetter and wetter. makes you say the dirtiest things, things you'd literally never utter to your boyfriend in his wildest dreams.
your voice a high trill whenever patrick demands something from you - "tell me how good this dick is -"
"so good! it's so good, daddy oh my god - you're so fucking big in my little pussy - fuck, fuck - fuck me just like that, just like that - you're so good - fuck, I love it, I love it, I love it -"
and "who owns this pussy, huh? who makes this pussy cum?"
"you - "
"say my fucking name -"
"patrick! patrick - o - owns my fucking pussy - o - oohhhhhh fuck - you own it, s'yours, s'all your pussy daddy, all your fucking pussy. fuck me, fuck me, fuck me with that big dick yeah - please - uh, uh, uh, uh, -"
when your pulling your panties back up your trembling thighs, his cum still fresh and dripping from your swollen pounded cunt, you bite your lip nervously.
"you're not going to send that to anyone are you?"
patrick grins. pops a piece of gum in his mouth as he starts the car - "nah. it's for me to send to you next time you tell me you never wanna see me again."
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cheesysoup-arlo · 5 months
Cutie (pt. 1)
fluff (pt. 2)
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You and Regina had been dating for a few months now and had already broken up 6 times. This was mostly because of Regina being insecure or thinking that you’re cheating on her, then she would break up with you for a few days. She would eventually call you and tell you she missed you and you’d come crawling right back to her because you knew she still loved you but she was so worried about getting hurt she’d rather hurt you before you can hurt her. It took her about 4 months since you started dating to start trusting you a little more and this month she’d only broken up with you once.
It was Monday afternoon and school had just ended for the day. You saw your girlfriend in the hallway at her locker “Hey there pretty girl can you stop being tall for a second” you say looking up at Regina, Regina leans down to your height bending down just a little “thank you” you say before pulling Regina into a kiss, Regina kisses back the pulls away after kissing you “god you’re a dork” Regina says with a smile “ah yes but I’m your dork” you say with a wink “you know maybe I should just get you some boots so you’re a little taller because those converse are not helping your shortness” she says as she pats your head “HEY” you say with a pout and she boops you on the nose “cutie” she says with a laugh “don’t call me cute, let’s just go home please” you say trying to be grumpy “we’re not going home, remember? you said I could take you to the mall?” Regina says looking at you with her eyebrow raised “oh right, don’t be mad but I totally forgot…” you say nervously raising your shoulders into a shrug causing Regina to playfully roll her eyes “whatever, let’s go” she says heading to the parking lot assuming you’ll follow her and you do of course. You get in her pink jeep, throw your bag in the back seat then hop into the passenger seat. Regina gets in plugging her phone in the aux and putting on some music on Spotify. As she’s driving her hand finds its way to rest on your thigh, you don’t say anything but you’re definitely blushing, Regina notices and smirks. You arrive at the mall, Regina gets out and opens your door for you “aw thanks” you say hopping out of the car. You two wander around the mall, well more like Regina drags you around the mall trying to get you to try something new. “Baby come on it would look so cute on you, please” she says with a cute little pout and puppy dog eyes “ugh one of my only weakness, your cuteness” you say with a frustrated groan “yay, come on I’ll stop dragging you around, we can go home and watch a movie ok?” She says as she plays for your new shirt. The car ride home is quiet minus Regina’s soft humming to the quiet music, you feel yourself doze off like half way through the drive. “Baby, we’re home you gotta get up” Regina whispers softly in your ear, half asleep you lazily reach for her she decides carrying you in is going to be the easier option. Nobody is home so the house is really quiet “baby can you walk up the stairs? I promise I’ll cuddle with you as soon as we get up stairs” Regina asks, you softly nod as she puts you down. You very sleepily walk up the stairs tripping on the last step but Regina catches you “woah be careful cutie” you give her a dirty look “hey that’s not nice, only I’m allowed to be bitchy” Regina says playfully making you smile a little as you continued to head to her room. “Come on sleepy head let’s get you into something more comfortable then you can go to sleep” Regina says pulling you over to her closet “I thought you said you were done dragging me around today” you say sarcastically “haha very funny baby, here get changed so we can cuddle” Regina says handing you some clothes then giving you a quick kiss. You got changed rather slowly given your tiredness, you could feel Regina looking at you “ok creep stop staring at me I’m too tired to fuck you right now” you say nonchalantly, Regina doesn’t say anything she just comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist “I can’t stop, you’re so pretty and you’re my girlfriend I think I should be able to look at you if I want” Regina said resting her head on your shoulder, you blushed not saying anything “aw you’re blushing” she said tickling your sides “Regina NO!” You said trying to squirm away, Regina let’s out a genuine laugh tickling you more “Reggie please st- sto-STOP” you say through giggles “ok ok I’ll stop” she giggles as she kisses the top of your head “cuddles please?” You say looking up at her “yeah come here” Regina says pulling you over to her bed. Your head on her chest and arms wrapped around her while she plays with your hair and puts on your favorite movie.
A/N: I didn’t know how to cut this into two parts and i will be posting the second immediately after this 💕
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orgverse · 1 year
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san's red hair got me and @sanjoongie going crazzzyyyyy. so please enjoy this while i make topaz suffer. N E WAYS this is also apart of a pornstar au that i'm currently working on, so enjoy!!
for the two, almost three, years you have known san, he has always had black hair. you remember watching videos and seeing him with different colored hair, but never in person. when him and wooyoung had reached out wanting to film a video with you and hongjoong, he had just cut and dyed his hair back to black from the blonde mullet he hand. and since then its been black.
so you were throughly surprised when you opened your apartment door and was greeted with bright red hair. your jaw dropped, literally. you probably would have started drooling if san didn't start teasing you. "you'll catch flies, star girl."
you were def going to be seeing stars soon.
san had volunteered to help you with your stream tonight since seonghwa was away visiting his parents, and hongjoong was busy editing the film you just finished shooting with yunho.
"no wooyoung?" you asked when you noticed the louder of the two males nowhere in sight.
"nah, he says he wants to stay home and watch the stream instead. think he said something about wanting to support his fav girl," he told you he walked into the apartment and removed his designer shoes. you noted how sexy san looked with his entire outfit. simple, but san was good at making simple look sexy.
his black tank top doing well to show off his muscles and his slim waist, and his jeans hugging his body nice and framing what little ass he has. but you won't tell him that because he would argue he does have an ass. sure, san, sure. he takes off the jean jacket he had been wearing and hangs it over the computer chair that seonghwa usually sits in.
he towers over you as he watches you pull up the website, love-heart-xx, and set up the stream. you remember san mentioning how he had streamed too back before he stopped and focused solely on just porn films.
"you're setup is very cute. very you," san says when you get up to let him sit down. that's when he finally takes a few moments to look around the room.
"o-oh, you think so?" you ask, a little caught off guard by his words. san nods his head, red hair bouncing with the movement.
"all the decorations are cute and welcoming, it makes it feel like its your personal bedroom and not a separate one. it feels... lived in," he explains and you feel a heat spread through your body at his words.
you've always admired san, having watched him since he first started his career in the porn industry. you kind of wish you found him when he still streamed. it had always been a goal – a dream actually, to film with him.
and now he's helping you with your stream. un-fucking-real.
"well, i'm going to go get ready! i'll be right back!" san doesn't say anything, but nods his head and gives you a smile before you're turning and walking out of the room.
walking into your actual bedroom you share with hongjoong, you find your lover sitting at his computer, headphones on, and eyes focused on the video editing program in front of him. you notice he's at the part where you and yunho were making out. yunho's hand holding your chin as his tongue licks over your own before he's sucking on it. you remember that scene and knowing what comes next makes you rubs your thighs together.
no, you needed to get changed. walking over to your walk-in closet, you go over to the section that was specific for streaming. you dug through your clothes before pulling out a dark blue lingerie set. when you walked out of the closet, you noticed hongjoong had his headphones off and was turned facing your direction.
"hey, babe," you said putting the lingerie on the bed before you take your shirt off. you notice hongjoong is looking at you, his eyes focused on how your breast bounced a little before you're taking your shorts and underwear off.
"i thought i heard you sneak in. is san here?" he asks and you nod your head as you step into the blue lingerie bottoms before putting the bra on. you look at yourself in the full-length mirror, turning to look at every part of you. "does this look good?"
hongjoong lets out a sigh before he's standing up and making his way over to you. his arm wrapping around your waist as he takes in your appearance. "you look beautiful," he says kissing your neck. he gives your ass a good pat before he walking back over to his desk.
"are you going to try and watch some of the stream?" you ask, making your way over to the door. hongjoong nods giving you a smile.
"of course, i'll do my best to pop in."
"okay! so usually seonghwa just sits here and kind of moderates chat. usually while i'm talking to chat, he'll jump in, but you don't have to if you don't want to," you tell san as you sit on the bed. you look at yourself in the monitor setup in front of you as you attempted to make sure you looked good. "do i look okay?" you ask, looking towards san.
"perfect," he says making you look away from him, a little flustered.
"you can go ahead and hit the button, san," you tell him shyly. he lets out a small chuckle before he's clicking the 'start stream' button and you watch as the stream starts and viewer start pouring in.
"hi guys!" you say, smile overtaking your face as you wave to the camera. the chat on the side of the screen being filled with your usual watchers greeting you. tips easily coming in. "i'm doing good tiger-star! hope you're doing well! ... oh! you like this piece, rubyred? i'm glad you like it, i've been wanting to wear it for a while!"
san watches you with a smile on his face. he takes in how natural you look interacting with your chat and... chatting with them.
"oh!" you say clapping your hands and earning san's attention, "seonghwa couldn't be here today... i know sunshine-sparkle, i'm sad too, but! we have a lovely person who agreed to cover for him tonight! ... no hotpants it is not patrick star," you deadpanned that last part making san chuckle. "sannie is here!" you say looking towards the male how leans forward just enough to stick his hand in front of the camera.
mega_yn_fan : holy shit THE choi san!!!
guylovescheese : FUCK! how much to see him fuck your pussy???
a_lexa_star22 : i would gladly pay to see that happen!
"do you think they want me to fuck you?" he teases making you let out a small laugh. suddenly, you see a rather large tip come in making you almost fall off the bed from how far you leaned over to look at it.
"holy shit! thank you wooenergizer for the three thousand dollar tip," you say, still not comprehending the sudden amount.
"oh, that's wooyoung!" san says, right before you read the message he also sent in with the tip.
"three thousand to see sannie finger you," you read out loud, feeling flustered by the message. wooyoung really had no self-control or filter.
san lets out a chuckle before he's standing up from his seat and crawling onto the bed next to you.
"if chat gets to ten thousand i'll fuck this pretty pussy," san says, spreading your legs to gently pat your clothed cunt. "sound good?" san adds before looking at you and you nod your head.
you let out a breathy moan, hips jerking forward as san fucks you hard and fast with his fingers. the wet sounds from your pussy mingling in with your moans, your manicured nails digging into san's thighs. he had removed his pants a while ago, leaving him in just his tank top and underwear. you feel his hard-on rubbing against your backside.
his other hand gropes your breast, your bra being pulled down to let your breast out. he pinches your nipples and gives it a good tug making you let out a whine at the feeling.
"s-sannie, please so-s-so good, fuck!" you say, tilting your head back to let it rest on san's shoulder. you could feel the tension rising within you, your orgasm coming soon. you attempted to close your legs but san didn't let you.
he pulls his fingers out of you and you whine at the empty feeling. san uses both his hands to spread your legs, throwing them over his own legs to keep them open. you moaned at how you could see your pussy on full display to for everyone watching. your pussy dripping with juices that run out of you and you can see it glistening under the lights.
you yelp, jumping and whole body bouncing when san suddenly gave your pussy a good smack before he's rubbing furious circles on your clit. "s-s-sa-san!"
"look at that, star girl, your chat got us to five thousand. that's halfway. should we switch it up?" he asks and you wonder who's he's talking to.
"hm... hungry2ho says they want you to sit on my face. i don't know hungry, do you think y/n's been a good girl enough to sit on my face?" san asks and you clench at the thought of sitting on san's face. he suddenly grabs your face, turning you to look at him. his eyes half-lidded as he meets your lustful and almost fucked out ones. "do you think you deserve to sit on my face?"
"p-ple-please san, i-i've been good! let me please," you're begging him now and san can't help the smirk that paints his lips.
"well~ since you asked so nicely, who am i to deny my pretty star girl," san says and you can feel your thighs tremble. "open your mouth," his voice is commanding and you do it without a second thought. you let out a loud moan as you watch san spit in your mouth, allowing it to run down your tongue and throat. "such a nasty girl. no wonder wooyoung is so fond of you, just like him," he says before moving to lay on his back, his bright red hair a heavy contrast to the cream-colored bedsheets.
"oh fuck– san, san! your tongue feels soooo good~" you say with a moan as you rock your hips back and forth. san had a tight gripped wrapped around your legs and waist as he kept you pinned down to mouth. his nose bumped against your clit, rubbing and stimulating it nicely as his tongue licked and fucked your pussy.
you glanced down, running your hand through his soft hair to see his eyes staring intensely at you. he stare honestly made your heart skip a beat as you felt his moans vibrate through you and shake your core. san kneaded the flesh of your ass before giving it a firm smack. the sound resonating through the room and you were sure anyone watching could have heard it.
wooenergizer : look at how you're falling apart on sannie's tongue 👅 can't wait to see you fall apart on his dick... again 🍆💦
you couldn't but let out a hearty laugh at wooyoung's comment before you see others in the chat agree with him. knowing wooyoung was still watching also made your heart skip a beat, because along with san, wooyoung had also been someone you admired within the industry.
"mmh~ san, fuck so good! i think i'm gonna cum!" you say, letting your head roll back a little as you grind your hips again, san's nose once again nudging at your clit.
"hold it, pretty star," san says, voice just as stern and intense as his eyes. you feel yourself clench when you notice the lower half of his face is glistening with your juices.
"sannie," you say, hand running through his hair as your other one runs over your body, feeling yourself and groping one of your breast. "please fuck me."
"i don't think your viewers want me to fuck you. you're still only at eight thousand," san says in a rather mocking tone.
"fuck– please, please let sannie fuck me! i need his cock so badly!" you beg looking at the camera and indirectly looking at your viewers. your eyes were pleading with them and hoping that your begging would convince them to continuing to tip you.
fuck, you felt like such a cock slut right now. but you couldn't deny how good san's cock was and how badly you wanted it.
and then it happened. you heard the familiar sound of being tipped and you immediately had to do a double take on it.
k.yeosang tipped $5,000.
your viewers must have seen the tip as well as the chat immediately exploded in excitement at the tip, knowing it was only a matter of time before they got to see you take san's dick.
"yeosang!" you say, chest warming when you realized it the male who had donated to you. "thank you so much! wow, you definitely didn't have to tip that much, but i really appreciate it!" you say, sliding off of san and letting him sit up so he could see the tip as well. he ran a hand down your back, noticing how your legs slightly trembled.
k.yeosang : make sure to invite me next time 😉
"i'll def keep in it mind, yeo," you say, not being able to stop the smile that overtakes you. you feel san pressing open mouthed on your neck and trailing down your back. you allow san to to move you so you're resting on your hands and knees, and you can't help the yelp that escapes you when you feel san gently bite your ass. you watch yourself and san through the monitor, feeling your excitement start to swell up as he removes his underwear and tossing them to the floor. you arch your ass, high into the air and gently sway it in an attempt to tempt san to move faster.
you moan as you see him pump his cock. the angry red tip, leaking with precum which his is using to lube himself. "s-sannie," you call out earning the male's attention. he smirks, running a hand through his hair before he's positioning himself at your entrance. you couldn't help the breathy moans that left you as san entered you. stretching you out, but sucking him in nonetheless.
"you sound like a bitch in heat, y/n," he laughs as he gently positions you, hands gripping your hips as he starts off with a harsh and fast pace. your mouth was fixed in a perfect o-shape, unable to close it and also so easily lost in pleasure that you couldn't make a sound.
having san fuck you was like a new experience, each and every time. of course it was mainly different because of the films you did together. each scenario being different enough from the last that it gave you a new experience each time.
and this time was no different. you couldn't help but shove your face into the sheets. wanting a moment to just feel san's cock abused your insides, yet the sudden sting to your scalp said otherwise. san held your hair harshly, gripping it to the point it was almost painful.
"don't hide your face, y/n, your viewers paid good money to see you get fucked by me. don't make them waste their money," san says as you feel him rest his body weight on top of you.
"i-i'm sorry!" you said, however who you were saying it to, you weren't sure. you felt tears start to brim your waterline, but thankful san let go of your hair in favor of using both his hands to prop himself up. the sound of skin slapping skin ringed in your ears. his cock rubbed against your walls, stretching you out over and over again and it made start to see small white stars in your vision.
"s-san! sansansan so-s-so fuuuucking good! ugh– please, please let me cum!" san presses a kiss between your shoulder blades before he's thrusting even harder. the tension in your stomach building up, waiting to snap and explode any moment now.
"fuck, i am too, my star. gonna let me cum inside you? give your viewers a good creampie?"
"yes! fuck, yes! fill me up!" you begged, you noticed your arms were now in front of you, hanging off the edge of the bed. you swear you feel a line drool run down your chin, but you arms feel so much like jelly that you don't have the energy to wipe it away. not that you care anyways.
then suddenly, you feel san pulling out and you feel your approaching orgasm quickly escaping you. you're about to scream, throw a fit before san is hoisting you up off your stomach on onto your knees. you are left slightly confused and dazed before san is entering you again. his arms hooking underneath yours to keep you up right. this new position allowing everyone to get a good few of san fucking your pussy.
"go ahead and cum," you hear him whisper and just like that, the coil snaps inside of you and your cumming with a loud and well... pornographic moan. san gives you a few more thrusts before he's sheathing himself deep inside of you and also cumming inside of you with a low groan.
you are out of breath, covered in a layer of sweat when san pulls out of you and quickly positions you on the bed. legs spread wide apart before he's getting off the bed. you watch him with dazed eyes as he picks the camera up – you want to complain about how he's ruined the perfect position you spent months working to find, but you don't have the energy to say anything. instead you watch him as he does a close up on your pussy which slowly begins to leak out his cum.
his fingers come to spread your pussy lips, showing off how much cum he truly stuff you with before he's scooping some up on his fingers. "fuck look at how well he's took him, such a good pussy," you hear him say at one point.
then san is panning the camera up to your fucked out face, his cum-covered finger easily slipping inside your open mouth. you have just enough energy to eagerly suck on his finger, tongue licking up his cum and cleaning his fingers. when he's sure your done, he removes them with a pop sound the rings around the room.
"tell your viewers bye," san says in a cheery tone making you smile at both him and the camera.
"bye-bye~" you say smiling, waving, and blowing several kisses to the camera that goes further away from you as san goes over to the computer to end the livestream.
san put the camera back on the tripod before he coming over to the bed. he pulls you more towards the edge of it by your ankles and you laugh at how easily he does it. his strength showing once again. he rubs circles onto you ankles before he's leaning over you.
"thank you, san," you say pressing a kiss to his cheek. you notice a faint pink dusting san's cheeks as he pulling away from you.
"of course," he says with a cough, "you know i enjoy spending time with you," he says adds on making butterflies swarm around your stomach.
"really. now come on, let's get cleaned up and go bother hongjoong for food," san says with a smile as he helps you off the bed and begins walking you towards the door before he's stopping. turning to you before adding, "i would love to do this again soon. maybe even watch you and wooyoung have some fun."
"gosh, shut up and take me to the bathroom, you fool."
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ilovebuckers5 · 5 months
*•♡never be like you pt 3 ♡¸.•*'
nika muhl x cheerleader!reader
"I'm falling on my knees. forgive me, I'm a fucking fool "
word count - 2.3k
themes :
-angst if you squint
warnings :
-public sex
a/n - sorry for how long it took me to post this. writers block was biting me in the ass. enjoy the smut!!! ( I did not spell check sooooo sorry)
the days between when I asked Nika to the concert and the actual concert were hell. all I could think about was her. and the occasional thought about what Farah was planning for fucking over Asher but that's for another day.
finally, it was the day of the concert. I had already ordered an outfit from about a million different websites but it came together perfectly. I was going to be basic and just where a purple skirt and a white top but the more I looked in online stores, the crazier (and shinier) my outfit got. I decided on a sparkly purple blazer and a black mini skirt with a matching black tube top. the only shoes I could find were purple doc martins so that's what I went with.
the moment I stepped out of my closet to show Farah my outfit, I was convinced that she dropped dead. her hands slammed on the desk she was sitting beside. she stood up and ran her hands over the shoulders of my blazer. "its so fucking good oh my God. I'm kind of mad at you actually. I wish I came up with this." her eyes and hands traced over my entire outfit in awe. before I could even look at myself in the mirror, Farah began taking way too many photos. "I'm sending these all the Nika." that's when I slapped the phone out of her hand.
i almost broke my nose diving for her phone to delete all the pictures. the last thing I wanted was for Nika to see me in a ridiculously glittery outfit with anything else done. if I was doing a big reveal for her then it would have to be when I'm fully ready.
while Farah changed into her outfit, which was a mystery to me, I started doing my makeup. the concert was in 3 hours from now and the venue was 1 hour and 30 minutes away. so as long as Farah didn't take forever getting ready, we would be fine. of course that's as long as Nika was ready.
nika's pov
to be honest, I've only heard one Olivia Rodrigo song in my entire life. and its not like I hated it but it wasn't my type of music. but because I love concerts and y/n, I turned on a playlist with her music and started getting ready. me, Farah, and y/n had made a group chat just for this occasion. we barely talked in it, more of just updating each other on where the concert was at and what time it was. the only appropriate outfit I could find was a pair of black jean shorts and a purple tank top. when I tried showing a couple of the girls on my team, I've never gotten more disapproval. they forced me to get letters and designs ironed on the top so once the outfit was put together I had a purple tank top with the words 'sorry my guts spilled' on it with my shorts and a purple pair of Nike dunks that I had to borrow from Paige. oh yeah, the group chat was also used for outfit checks. so I got sent pictures of outfits on racks, hangers, beds, floors, and people. I couldn't care enough to do all that so I just sent a picture of my outfit once it was on me.
farah and y/n had to have been the most hyped up girls I've ever met. they couldn't stop spamming the group chat when they saw my outfit. it honestly felt nice. I didn't do much makeup because I knew how hot those stadiums got. I just put on some mascara and lip liner and I was ready to go. I didn't want to end up looking a mess afterwards, I guess the girls did though.
when I was getting ready, one song sort of stuck out compared to all the others. love is embarrassing. I kind of related to it. loves was never really my thing. at least in college it wasn't. love seemed like something that would get me distracted. as much as I adored seeing other couples out on dates and couples going to each other's event like sports games, it seemed well, embarrassing to me.
i tried to keep it like that.
the time that the girls spent getting ready on seemed to go by slower than ever. i found myself sitting on my bed and my couch and every other surface ever. when finally i got a text.
'we're here!'
i launched myself off of the ledge of my counter and grabbed my bag. i made sure to bring a couple extra water bottles and other necessities so that if anyone ran out, that actually wouldn't.
the moment i sat in the car, the energy shifted.
when i looked from afar, the girls were going back and forth with no music playing. as if one or the other was panicking about something. but when i got there, they acted normal as ever. weird.
"heyyyy! you ready?"
fatah squealed, shaking my shoulder. i smiled in return while nodding my head up and down.
"yess! let's go!"
i wanted to talk to y/n but she barely looked at me. i couldn't tell if it was out of fear or if she just forgot to say something but i knew it didn't feel that good.
the entire car ride was filled with the two girls informing me about olivia rodrigo's songs and who they are about and who she's dated. and to be honest i was pretty invested. more than any other artist. the girls knew every lyrics to every song and it made me feel out of place but i knew i'd settle in once i heard her live.
"oh my god and just a little while ago she released guts spilled!"
i couldn't help but tilt my head in confusion.
"what's that?"
the girls gave eachother a look as if they were about to stop the car and put on a performance of what 'guts spilled' is.
"it's like a bonus to guts! it has five new tracks that basically everyone was waiting for!"
i could tell that this was something y/n had been waiting to be asked about. the pure joy in her face and voice brought a light smile to my face. her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were open wide.
"i think you'll like obsessed and girl i've always been..." farah leaned back to look at me and whisper.
the rest of the car ride was pretty fun actually. we spent time memorizing lyrics. well. they spent time helping me memorize lyrics and eventually i got lost in the music, making the time on the road go by extremely quick. by the time we were at the stadium, i had basically learned all the lyrics to both of olivia's albums. farah and y/n were so proud.
this parking lot was more packed than any concert lot i've ever been to. i mean every single spot was taken. we had to park on the street and speed walk to the stadium. we got in after what felt like hours of checking bags and tickets and whatever. and once we were in? it was cold.
cold and mildy empty. we had gotten there around 40 minutes early so we found the pit and hung around until the entire stadium was full.
when the light went off, i felt the entire aura switch very quickly. there was a different artist opening. and while i had heard of olivia once or twice around social media, i had never heard of chappell roan. of course farah and y/n had because they began screaming every single lyrics. the music actually was bad so i started to dance along and hum to as much lyrics as i could understand.
finally there were purple lights flashing and olivia came out. i couldn't help but scream along with everyone because as much as i tried to hide it, i was pretty fucking excited.
y/n's pov
i don't think i could express how badly i want to wrap my arms around nika just for her coming. we were basically strangers and she came to a whole concert with us. a normal person wouldn't just do that. nika would.
i won't lie, the way our shoulders bumped up against eachother while we were dancing and singing felt even better than hearing olivia rodrigo live.
there were even moments where the air was steamy but bearable. i'd take a second to look to the side and there nika would be, already looking at me as if she was waiting for our eyes to meet. she would nod her head, asking if she could take my hand without speaking. and of course i never denied. she held both of our hands in the air and jumped around to all-american bitch. i know she meant it in a "this is a girls moment" way but my head told me that she was holding my hand the way i had been wanting to for the past week.
none of this could leave my mouth of course. because one ; it was too loud for anyone to even hear my words and two ; it wouldn't be the best choice to confess my love to nika in the middle of a concert. so i shoved my thoughts and fluttery words right back down my throat and replaced them with song lyrics.
all of the thoughts in my head were bringing me to tears. the fact that i was actually in the same stadium as olivia rodrigo and the fact that i was in the same arm distance as nika muhl. and i couldn't even hold her how ive wanted.
then the scream happened. right before the scream in all-american bitch was about to happen, olivia stopped and told everyone to scream for themselves. and i knew exactly what to think about when i screamed.
i screamed about having to wait for nika even though it might not work out. i thought about the fact that our bodies were pressed together in the most platonic way possible. i screamed about the fact that i still had to sort shit out with asher when i got back to campus. and i screamed about the fact that nika had no idea.
in my head i was the loudest person there but i know i wasn't when all of the screams melted together into one.
then she played obsessed. my favorite. there were a good amount of Olivia Rodrigo songs that I did relate to and this was not one of them. I've never been obsessed with anyone's ex. I've never really...cared.
i remember when the song was first leaked on a podcast on Spotify it was the only thing I listened to for a while. I knew every lyric like the back of my hand even if I didn't associate them with my own life.
olivia had changed into a red body suit and she looked amazing. it shocked me how she sounded so perfect while dancing but that's just Olivia Rodrigo for you.
i noticed Nika getting even more loud during this song. she actually was singing the lyrics as if she had known them for months. I felt proud as fuck. are hands met again. we were jumping up and down to the beat of the drums, screaming together like we had been friends for years.
everything went by so quickly.
next thing I knew she had her hand around my waist while she tried to catch her breath. her head was closer to my hands then my face and she had a death grip on her own knee. her back lifted and fell as her heavy breaths slowly went away. i had my hand on her back, trying to make sure she was ok while the song continued.
when her head was back up at eye level the first thing she did was lean into my ear and whisper. "can I try something?"
i had never been more confused in my life until I nodded and felt her hand still lingering around my hips. her fingers grazed the skin that was open in the air. she had been pretending to be focused on the music while her hands slipped down my waist and under my skirt. my breath hitched when she used just her pinky to slide my underwear to the side.
"w-what are you doing?" I questioned, trying to pretend like I didn't want this to happen.
"oh shut up I know you've wanted me too."
i couldn't form words before she dipped two fingers in my pussy. I knew that I could be more vocal since the music was loud enough to drown everyone out but I still felt the need to stay quiet. from anyone elses view, you'd think we were just holding each other or holding hands while singing. Nika quickened her pace, already making me close. it felt like a dream. and it felt like three songs had already passed but by the time it was the bridge of obsessed, I was dripping all over Nika's fingers.
"f-fuck!" I whined out, making Nika cover my mouth with her lips. she didn't stop pumping her fingers in and out of my cunt but it felt like we were only kissing. like the only thing I could feel was her lips on mine and her tongue tangled with mine.
just as I was about to finish for the second time within 1 minute and 30 seconds, Nika pulled her fingers out of me and laid them on her own tongue, sucking them clean.
part of me was in disbelief of what just happened and the other part was fully aware.
"can we continue at home?"
i nodded eagerly, still not knowing what to say to her. I could tell by the smirk on her lips and how her hands were placed on her hips that she was real fucking proud of what she just did.
the rest of the concert was a blur to me.
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umitsy · 5 months
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Yandere college nerd pt. 2 | pt. 1
warnings: kidnapped reader, stalking
reader's g/n
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"It does not matter to me if you see this as cruel, you deserve every truth".
It was the last thing you heard him say after he subtly snuck up behind you to put a damped cloth on your nose and mouth, its contents making you faint quickly.
After waking up, squinting your eyes through the dark to try to recognize your surroundings, you felt something tough was kepting your hands and legs from getting off of the bed.
There was no window, no sound coming from anywhere, until you heard a door being unlocked and footsteps rushing to your side.
"Y/N you're finally awake! Hi! It's me, Claude, you knew it was me, right? Definitely! How could you not—Why are you shaking?". He rambled, you could feel his hands carressing desperately your arms and it was giving you chills.
"I-I-Claude, where are we?". You mustered up, your shaky voice giving out how scared you were and the thought of being the responsible of this reaction made him chuckle.
"Oh sweetie, don't worry about that, better start remembering all that knowledge you keep on that pretty head of yours". After feeling his finger touch your forehead, he got up from the mattress to flicker the lights of the room on.
It seemed cozy, but maybe a little too cozy to your liking. It was small, it certainly had things you mentioned enjoying in some conversations with him, but there were even things you thought you'd never see again on your life.
From some pencils and stationery items on the wooden desk at the other side of the room, to clothes you noticed had gone missing for the last weeks hanging nicely from the open closet.
And then again, the cause of all this fear making your shocked self start tearing up, watching photos of you everywhere, came to your side and whispered to your ear;
"Don't you like it, my first and only student?". Claude said intentionally making you putty on his hands, starting to discard gently but skillfuly the restraints as you were so scared to run away, he'll be your knight in shining armor and comfort you.
"Please know I did it for your and our good, this society is so corrupted they don't even know what's true anymore. But us, us, my dove, we'll get to fly together into the depths of everything we have to know, together".
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cas-writes-stuff-ig · 5 months
Part 3 of Cheering Her Up (A Float)
f!/nb! reader x regina george
Word Count: 3203
The morning after the party
You and Regina go spend time in the pool together (you brought a duck float)
Regina shoves you in the pool
a little bit of suggestive flirting
some comphet/internalized homophobia/weird mixed signals type stuff
you're bonding with Kylie (Regina's little sister)
very mild angst/one-sided pining (at least you feel like its one-sided)
Part 1 of Cheering Her Up
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up
Part 4 of Cheering Her Up (coming soon maybeeeee??)
sorry i've been missing in action for like 2 months, life's been sucky. Also I tried writing some smut for the end of this chapter but I decided to move it to the next chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it (I'm not necessarily happy with this chapter I just was bullshitting around a little)
OH ALSO i'm like about halfway done with that wine drunk fic with Leighton do expect that soon :]
In the morning, since you were slightly hungover, you didn’t wanna cook and Mrs. George went out for some errands, so you and Regina went out to get breakfast. You gulped down two cups of coffee to help with your head, then asked her to drop by your house to get your school bag. “Gina I’m gonna take a bit, I’ve gotta find something. I’ll drive back to yours soon” You got out of the car.
“Okay, bye loser, I’ll see you there,” She said and then drove off. 
You walked inside and you had to explain to your dad you were fine and you just needed to grab some stuff to do homework with Regina. He was indifferent about what you did or didn’t do, he just cared that you weren’t arrested. 
"Your family gonna be out long?" You asked after about forty minutes of mutual silence on your phones. It was Saturday and you both finished the little homework you had over an hour ago, and you had this itch to take a dip in her pool again.
"Probably, why?" She asked
"I bought a pool float, just say it's for your sister. I'll leave it here" you said sheepishly.
She was unimpressed with your excuse "Mmhm, you know she can't swim well" 
"Precisely why I got one, now she can enjoy the pool" You argued back 
"Fine, let me get changed. I'll meet you down there" Regina got up and walked into her closet. "You've asked to swim in my pool so many times. At this rate, you should just join the fucking swim team" She said sarcastically, and you walked toward the hallway.
"Whatever, your pool is just nice to hang out in" You left her room and jogged down the stairs to your car.
Regina walked down the stairs after changing, holding two towels and water bottles, she saw you sitting on the ground in a sleeveless t-shirt and your boxer shorts, blowing up a fucking duck floatie. "Hey G" you were out of breath "I forgot my swim trunks"
She tsked at you “You brought a float, but not your swimsuit?" She left the glass door open.
"Uhhhh, yeah. I know I know it was dumb" She walked past you, flicked your forehead, earning an “ow” from you, and went to sit on the lounge chair. When you filled the entire float with air, you plugged the hole and held it above your head. "Success!" You put it in the water next to the edge of the pool.
It was a pretty big floaty, it could easily fit two people on it. You carefully climbed onto the float "Regina, get in on this" You put your hands behind your head and relaxed, closing your eyes.
"You look stupid." She said glancing up from her phone, she was taking a secret photo of you. Part of her wanted to replace your contact photo with this one, but she didn’t.
You opened your eyes and scolded her "Hey, you could've said no to the pool, just get on here. Don't let my hard work go to waste" She started playing music. Wordlessly she got up from her chair and sat on the float with you. "Wow, I didn't think you'd actually listen to me"
"I'm taking pity on you actually," She said conceitedly, you just flipped her off and closed your eyes again. So you both just laid there, basking in the last few weeks of warmth before the cold came in full force.
The float had drifted from the edge to the middle of the pool. You had about twenty minutes of peace before you felt Regina's hands under your back and she shoved you off the float when you were least expecting it. A short cry of surprise was quickly muted by your head falling under the water.
You resurfaced and quickly grasped one of the flimsy plastic handles along the edge of the float while she was calming down from laughter "That was uncalled for!" you said "You find too much pleasure in my demise, Regina"
She faked her remorse "I would never do such a thing" she tilted her head to the side.
"Then can you help me back on?" you asked.
She grinned mischievously and crossed her legs. "No" she waved her hand like she was dismissing you "Swim along little duck"
"Fine then" You started to claw your way back up on the float, bending one of the edges and letting Regina sink in the water a little bit.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" Regina exclaimed as half her body was underwater due to your uncoordinated efforts. You finally got back on the float, you were on your stomach, and your head turned toward Regina. She was slightly irritated, and you just grinned at her. “You’re so annoying,” She said to you.
“You coulda helped me back up, you know? And if I’m so annoying, why do you still let me hang around?” your voice was playful. You decided to push the flirting a little more “You sure you’re just hanging around because you pity me? Is it for homework?” You shifted to lay on your side, head resting in the palm of your hand. “Or do you have a crush on me?” Your tone was joking but you were serious in your head.
Whenever you insinuated that your relationship was a little romantic, she would become testy. 
Your words pushed on Regina’s nerves, but she didn’t let it show on her face too much. She rolled her eyes. “Dream on nerd, I could care less about dating anyone right now. I’m not really gay.” She hated when you’d say things like that because she felt turmoil in her chest about the relationship you had with her, she didn’t want to think about what it meant. 
You knew her words were bullshit, the things she did with you spoke louder than words, but it still stung to hear her say that. You hid your disappointment and just said “Uhuh, whatever floats your boat Gina” She’s been like this throughout the entire situationship. Contradicting herself, going between acting like you were the only one in the world who knew her, or like what you had was nothing. 
This wasn’t good for your poor heart, but you were a fool, a dumb, lovesick fool, and you couldn’t help it. You knew she cared a little though, so you clung to the moments she had let you in, where you held each other like nothing else mattered.
She deflected the topic of romance quickly, “Go check my phone, my mom and Kylie might be back soon”
“But it's all the way over there, and I just got back on” You whined but you got off anyway, since she had a point. You grabbed one of the handles on the float and tugged Regina with you to the edge of the pool.
Regina snickered at how quickly you complied “You’re so easy, baby” You tried to ignore her, but she continued. “So obedient” Her voice was suggestive and teasing, your face reddened and you felt her words go straight between your thighs. You glanced over your shoulder trying to glare, but it looked more like a pout.
You reached the edge, stepped up and out of the pool, and walked toward the lounge chairs, drying your hand off with a towel to not get her phone wet. You looked back at Regina, “She said she’s gonna be home in about forty minutes, and it was sent like 26 minutes ago”
“Mm, okay,” She sounded mildly annoyed since you only had the pool to yourselves for less than an hour. Regina wanted to thoroughly enjoy the last few minutes of solitude with you. She got off the float “Come here”
You walked towards her, stepping into the water again. Regina had a hand on your shoulder, and right when you grabbed her waist about to pull her in closer for a kiss, you heard Regina’s mom say loudly “Hey guys!” as she opened the front door. You both instantly moved away from each other and got out. Mrs. George was holding some grocery bags and Kylie followed behind.
You and Regina already dried yourself off quickly, you hung the towel over your shoulder and walked inside. “Hey Kylie” Regina greeted, and Kylie gave a curt “Hey” back and then walked up to you.
“Hi, Mrs. George. Hey little George” You smiled and then crouched down so you were closer to eye level with Kylie. You stuck your fist out and Kylie fist-bumped you. 
“Hi, Y/N” She liked it when you and Regina were around. Kylie went on about her day to you. Regina was a little further away, and you made eye contact, Regina pointed at her sister and you, then mouthed ‘Traitors.’ You had to hold in your laugh and divert your attention back to her little sister. “Oh! And we’re going on a field trip to the aquarium in two weeks” 
Before you could answer, Regina’s mom called you all over to the kitchen. “Kylie have your lunch” She placed a plate on the table and Kylie sat down. “You guys hungry?”
Regina looked at you, meaning it was up to you “No, I’m okay. Thank you” you said. 
“Okay” her mom always sounded enthusiastic “Why don’t you invite Gretchen, Karen, and the new girl Cady to hang out with you guys in the pool?” 
“Uh-” Shit, you blanked on excuses
Regina cut in quickly “Gretchen and Y/N aren’t really on good terms mom, I’d rather not get into it” Which wasn’t true, Gretchen was in one of your classes and you were good acquaintances, which is why you and Regina had to be extra careful around her. Her special talent for getting people’s information was really incredible.
“Oh, okay honey” She moved on obliviously “I’m going to run a couple more errands, do you mind watching Kylie, Regina?” 
Regina took a quick glance at her sister who beamed at the idea of hanging out with both of you. “Sure, Mom” She wouldn’t show it much, but she really did care for her little sister.
“Great! I’ll be back around seven or eight tonight” Ms. George leaned closer to you “You both are welcome to drink whatever alcohol I bought, it’s in the fridge” She picked up her purse and left quickly. “Bye girls!” 
Regina had taken out the margarita mix from the fridge and took out two glasses. Kylie finished her lunch and then grabbed a juice box from the fridge, “Hey little George, wanna hang out in the pool for a little?” 
“Sure!” She grinned and gulped down her juice box, leaving it on the table, then dashing up to her room to change.
Regina cleared her throat to get your attention, then held up the two glasses with ice, insinuating for you to drink with her. 
“Again?” You rolled your eyes, she poured you a glass and handed it to you. You took it anyway. “Fuck it, it’s Saturday” You downed it quickly and placed it down on the counter, Regina smirked and poured you another without asking if you wanted more. “You’re gonna be the reason my liver gives out in my thirties, Regina”
She began to walk away, bringing the glasses with her “You could say no, and I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to sip it, not chug it” She stepped back out to the backyard, and then Kylie returned in her swimsuit. 
“I’m ready let's go!” She skipped through the house and to the pool, and you followed behind. Regina had already settled on her lounge chair, drinking her glass. You sipped yours too, already feeling the burning down in your stomach. You heard Kylie gasp audibly at the sight of the float, then she whipped her head around to look at the both of you.
“I got you a duck float”
“Because you don’t know how to swim” Regina added under her breath, but Kylie heard her.
She defended herself “I know how to swim! It’s just hard.” You placed your drink down next to Regina and walked over to dip yourself in the shallow end, Kylie followed suit, and while the water only reached about a third of you, it went up over half of Kylie.
“Take it easy, you just ate okay?” You were trying to be mindful, and you pulled the float for her to grab “You can hold onto the float while you swim too, but your mom should really sign you up for lessons” 
Twenty minutes went by and you were trying to teach Kylie to swim more effectively, but you weren’t particularly great at it either, so you opted to teach her how to tread water. You were in slightly deeper water now so she could practice, but shallow enough that your feet still touched the floor of the pool. After a bit, you successfully taught her how to not drown. “Hey good job little George” She reached for the float handle to take a break. 
“You want to get on the float now?” You asked.
“Yeah,” she said and you held the float for her as she clambered onto it, she sat cross-legged, then you let go to float on your back, still holding the float to not drift away. “Y/N,” Kylie whispered a little, “How come you’re not dating anyone?” You were taken aback a little bit and shifted to stand in the water. 
“Uh,” you thought for a second, also whispering back despite being a good ways away from Regina “I don’t know, but I’ve been in relationships before. Why you being nosey, George?” You kept your tone light. 
“No reason, I like to know things. Do you like anyone then?” She pried.
Her intrigue about your life was cute, so you entertained her curious antics a little “Mmhm, do you?” 
She started to pry more “No, boys are stupid. What’s their name?”
You snickered at how similar Kylie was to Regina “You sound like your sister, Kye. Also, it doesn’t matter, you don’t know them anyway” you lied.
Kylie pouted “I won’t tell anyone, not even Regina” 
“Okay, their name ends with an ‘A’” You whispered teasing her a little.
Both of your voices started to rise in volume, “That's not fair, there are so many names that end with ‘A’, give me something else to work with.” 
“Nope, sorry Little George” She crossed her arms and frowned at you, “Oh come on, I bought you a float, you can’t be mad at me.” 
Before either of you could continue your argument Regina cut in “Why are you upset Kylie?” She now sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water. 
“They won’t tell me who the-” 
You covered Kylie’s mouth quickly with your hand and into her ear “Don’t say anything to Gina, I’ll tell you later, I promise” You took your hand away from her mouth and held out your pinky “Please.” You didn’t want Regina to push you away, so you lied to yourself and tried to convince yourself that you could keep this casual. You both convinced yourselves this was casual.
“Fine” Kylie took your pinky, and you connected the tip of your thumb to hers locking the promise.
“Kylie, finish your sentence,” Regina said. Kylie glanced at her and then back at you, you held a finger up to your mouth, and Kylie zipped her mouth closed with her hand and pretended to throw an imaginary key away. Regina looked irritated, but if she found out you liked someone, she would force the answer out of you.
She was about to ask you, but then you copied Kylie’s gesture by zipping your mouth closed. “We’re sworn to secrecy” 
She just rolled her eyes at you. “You’re such a child”
“Hey!” Kylie acted offended
You defended Kylie “That’s ageist Gina” 
Eventually, you went back inside it was about 5:30 now. “I’m showering first,” Regina announced “Use the guest bathroom to shower,” She told you.
“Okayy” You gave her a thumbs-up, she had filled your glass twice just 10 minutes ago, and you weren’t usually outwardly drunk, but your demeanor was more bubbly. Regina walked up the stairs and left you and Kylie alone.
“Hey you owe me” Kylie got your attention.
Shit, you should’ve just told Kylie you didn’t like anyone, or that you were still getting over your ex. “Kye, really?” You lay down on the floor, that last drink was hitting you, not enough to be visibly drunk, but enough for you to have a blabbermouth.
“Yeah,” Kylie sat down on the floor next to you. You heard the shower upstairs turn on.
“It’s a girl” You sort of liked playing these games still, it was mildly entertaining for you.
“Starts with an R”
“So my sister?”
“Don’t tell her little George. You get no more details” You whispered. You should not have been telling a little kid this, especially her sister. But you were tipsy and with no one else to confide in, you told her anyway. “If you tell her I’ll take that float back” You kidded.
She held out her pinky to you “I won’t tell, pinky swear” You locked your pinky promise again with her. “I kind of like this one guy in my class” 
“I knew it, you little liar.” You sat up and ruffled her wet hair “So Kye has a crush huh?” She gave you more details about her crush. It was pretty adorable. Kylie detailed her crush being put in the same group for the upcoming aquarium field trip. Eventually she asked you more details about your crush on Regina.
“Why don’t you tell her you like her? You guys are always together.” Kylie asked you.
You hesitated when answering her question “Highschool social hierarchy is hard to explain, but being gay isn’t exactly great for your social status, plus I’m not exactly popular. And your sister–no one actually knows we’re friends aside from you and your mom.”
“But you guys are close friends, as close to Regina as Gretchen and Karen. And I think you are more fun to hang around than Aaron”
You smiled at her “I know, little George, you’re so sweet,  but it’s hard to explain why I can’t tell her.” You couldn’t outright tell Kylie her sister was essentially very homophobic outside of the house. “Things between us are weird and complicated, but I don’t think she will ever like me like that, thats all” 
Kylie frowned at that, you placed a hand on her shoulder “Don’t look so down. Trust me little George, it’s better she doesn’t know”
You both heard the shower shut off. Regina was in her robe and she peeked down the stairs seeing you and Kylie were still sitting at the bottom of the stairs talking. “Hey, what are you doing? Get washed up already” 
You stood up, “That’s our cue,” you offered your hand to Kylie and helped her up “Go shower before the beast gets mad at us” Kylie let out a little laugh.
(lowk i kinda hate this may or may not delete/archive this)
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vminizzle · 2 years
Under the bed pt.2
pairing : college boyfriend!jungkook x f.reader
genre : smut, fluff
warnings : marking, pet names, praising, teasing, fingering, handjob, nipple play, dirty talk, shower sex, penetration, unprotected sex
words count : 3.2k
A/N : hello hello my dear people, like promised here’s the part 2 of "under the bed". It’s my first time writing shower seggs, nipple play, dirty talk and handjob 🧍🏽‍♀️ pls have some mercy on me. thanks. Thank you for reading my writings guys, it means a lot. I know I’m saying it often but it’s not enough to express how thankful I am. Love y’all! REMINDER : POOR ENGLISH
you can read "under the bed pt.1" (HERE)
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Jungkook groaned into your neck as a loud knock echoed through the room.
"y/n, baby be quiet ´m tired." he yawned, laying his leg over your body as he hug you tightly.
"kook." you whined opening your eyes, the sunlight caressing your face.
"y/n!" you gasped as you heard your dad at the other side of the door.
"fuck." you sat up panicked as you looked down at a sleepy Jungkook grabbing your arm to cuddle.
"Jungkook!" you whisper-yelled.
"my dad is here." you slapped his bare scratched back making him groan.
"tell him to go away then." he closed his tired eyes again as a cute pout made its way on his lips, sleep getting him again.
He’s definitely not aware of the situation.
"gosh." you rubbed your eyes already anxious in the early morning - wait - what time is it-
"y/n, are you still sleeping? It’s past 12 already. Are you ok?" you dad asked a bit worried.
"h-hello dad.. I just woke up sorry. I was just tired." you said while stretching your sore muscles.
"oh ok. can you open the door? I need to talk with you. It’s important." he asked.
You opened your eyes widely panicking as you glanced down again at the naked exhausted man hugging your waist.
"y/n? you sleeping again?"
"no no dad. I’m fine. Hm, can you just tell me now?"
"y/n open the door please." he asked confused at why you were so hesitant.
"hm.. i.. yea. just give me a minute." you bit your bottom lip throwing the blanket to the side as you got out the bed.
"Jungkook."you grabbed your boyfriend’s heavy arm pulling him to you.
"c’mon, wake up idiot." you shook him as he open his eyes slowly before sending your a soft smile.
"g’morning my love." he greeted you with his hot deep morning voice.
lord, you would had asked him to make babies but it wasn’t the good time.
"shh." you put your finger over your own lips gesturing him to stay quiet.
He looked at you confused, his eyes suddenly darkening as they wandered on your body. Marks covering your bare legs, the way he could noticed that you weren’t wearing a bra under his shirt you stole last night.
Nice, he’s hard now.
"please get up my dad’s here." you pointed to the door.
Jungkook jumped out the bed only wearing his boxer.
"what? since when? why didn’t you tell me!?" he grabbed you by your shoulders making you face him.
"well, idiot, I tried to but Sir was too tired to listen to me." you pinched his nose.
"I’m tired because you stole my whole night." he defended himself smirking.
"shut the fuck up. You’re the one that stole my night." you pursed your lips bending down to grab his jeans from the floor and handing it to him.
"now go. go hide somewhere."
"under the bed?" he raised an eyebrow, his eyes still puffy.
"why not." you sigh before rushing to grab a sweatpants from your closet and wear it to cover your legs quickly.
You glanced back one last time to the bed making sure your boyfriend was well-hidden before unlocking your bedroom’s door.
"good morning dad." you forced a smile as your dad stare at you.
"morning, what took you so long? you sure you’re okay?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"oh y’know your daughter huh. so lazy I take a century to get up… I’m exhausted." you faked a yawn.
"did you sleep late?" you gulped rethinking quickly about last night’s events.
"I.. I.. well, not really." you lied.
"Can I come in?"
"Ah! Yes." you let him walk in the room.
You observed as he came closer to the bed stopping right in front of it.
"Dad, you alright?" you asked nervously.
"yes." he answered before sitting on the edge of it.
"Well, I came to tell you something important." he cleared his voice.
"tell me." you walked closer to your dad, giving him all your attention.
"i’m going overseas for a week for work. So, I’ll leave you alone… again." he sighed making you smile softly as he looked up at you a bit sad.
"do you want to sleep at your aunt’s? friend’s? or maybe I can call a babysitter." he suggested making you chocked.
"A what? Dad! I’m not a kid anymore." you protested making him laugh.
"I know, I’m sorry. I just.. I’m just worried, I don’t like knowing you alone."
"Dad, you don’t have to worry about that. I can take care of myself." you reassured him.
"I know you can." he smiled.
"When are you leaving?" you asked curiously.
"This afternoon." he sighed annoyed.
"I got this important e-mail from my boss late last night. He really needs me to represent the company in Japan."
You were about to talk again when you noticed one of Jungkook’s shoes near the foot of your bed. You gulped as you walk to it, trying to kick it discreetly under your bed as you spoke again.
"I.. well, I’m sure you got this! You always slay!" you said enthusiastically making your dad laugh.
"Thanks for your encouraging words y/n." he got up patting your shoulder.
"well, I need to go prepare my luggage." You walked him to the door but before exiting the room he looked at you with a confused expression.
"What is it?"
"Did you have that shirt last night? this isn’t yours, right? I’ve never seen it." he pointed to the black oversized shirt.
Now it’s over. You’re dead.
"Y-Yes! I had this last night but … I guess you couldn’t saw it in the dark.. and I bought this recently that’s why it’s new.. and hm.. well go go do your luggage you will be late." You hugged him quickly pushing him outside your room gently. "oh ok! See you soon. Take care. I’ll message you." he waved at you as he walk away, your heart sinking as you watched your dad go to his own bedroom.
You locked your door, turning around as you heard your boyfriend speak.
"Your dad is really something." he commented as he crawled out from under the bed.
"and again, I was ready to face death." he grinned.
"Look what I found." He raised his hand up, holding your bra in the air.
You rolled your eyes as he smirk, discarding the garment on your bed.
"gosh I love waking up next to you." He laid on your bed again, hand up gesturing you to come to him. You approached your half naked boyfriend, as he sat up.
"Can I give you a morning kiss?" he asked caressing your cheek.
"Not before you brush your teeth." you ruffled his messy hair.
"Are you kidding me?" he gasped grabbing you by your waist pulling you between his parted legs.
"Let me kiss you." he pouted playfully making you sigh. "please?"
"fine! But just a peck. Because morning breath ain’t my thing." you pursed your lips making him grin widely.
"I’ll go with that then." he pulled you down on him so you could sit on his lap, hand going behind your lower back to hold you close to his warm body.
He pecked your lips softly, resting his lips on yours.
"I allowed a peck only." you pulled away laughing making him groan as he let his body fell back on the mattress.
"y/n." he huffed.
"what?" you held his hand resting on your thigh.
"I want you." he stared at you making your cheeks warm up.
"You made me hard." he whined as you look down gulping, realizing the bulge confined in his -now tight- boxer.
"Last night wasn’t enough?" you joked.
"I can’t get enough of you darling." he smirked.
"Jungkook." you diverted your gaze away feeling flustered.
"don’t you want me too?" god if only he knew how much you do.
"I … just… you.. morning breath!" you reminded, making him sat up abruptly, pushing you aside as he started walking away.
"wait, where are you going?" you asked confused.
"bathroom. gonna brush those teeth so I could put them at work to take these pretty panties off." he winked before disappearing into your bedroom-connected-bathroom.
The excitement was bubbling inside you. His words always affecting you.
He’s just so confident.
After a few minutes, Jungkook came out from the bathroom, face fresh, his hair pushed back.
"now, your turn pretty." he pointed to you then to the bathroom, making you nod as you pass by him, this one taking the opportunity to deliver a light slap on your ass.
Entering the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
gosh, you looked dead. last night, this man didn’t joke. he really stole your whole night.
Just after brushing your teeth, you slightly jumped when someone opened the door abruptly.
"god, Jungkook! you scared me." you threw water on him making him chuckle as he closed the door behind him.
"sorry sorry." he came behind you, looking at the both of you in the mirror.
"Look at you. So pretty." he commented before leaning into your neck, pressing a soft kiss on the still sensitive marked skin.
The hickeys so fresh, you lucky your dad didn’t notice.
You closed your eyes enjoying the softness of his lips against your neck.
Jungkook bit on the flesh lightly, making you moan, tilting your head to the side offering him more to explore.
He suddenly turned you around, looking straight into your eyes, his hands resting on your hips.
"Can I kiss you properly now, my love?" he lifted an eyebrow up expectantly.
“kiss me.” you smiled grabbing him by the back of neck pulling him down to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.
Jungkook deepened the kiss getting excited, his grip on your hips tightening as he pushed his body on yours, caging you between the sink and his muscular body.
“I need you so bad, you can’t even imagine.” he breathed out, grinding his clothed erection on your lower stomach making you feel dizzy already.
“I want you too.” you whispered, your heart beating faster.
He suddenly turned you around making you face the mirror again.
His hands went down to the hem of your -his- shirt, slowly pulling it up over your head revealing your beautifully marked body making you shiver at the cold air hitting your skin.
His eyes met yours in the mirror “look at how fucking pretty you are, only for me.” he tilted his head to the side as he watch you close your eyes.
He threw the shirt in the basket of dirty clothes near the door, hands now on the waistband of your sweatpants ready to pull it down your legs.
He pushed it down after the nod of consent you gave him, leaving you in your panties.
His bottom lip was caught between his teeth, eyes on your bare chest.
“fuck.” Jungkook muttered, hands slowly caressing their ways up from your sides to cup them, grabbing them gently.
You moaned softly, resting your head back on his bare chest.
He stroked his thumb lightly against your nipple making you breath heavily.
You watched him fondle with your breasts, eyes focusing on him twisting your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, feeling dizzy as he bent down a little, lips connecting with your neck again, biting on the sensitive flesh.
You rubbed your thighs together getting too excited, one of his hand cascading down to where you wanted him.
"Jungkook." you whimpered as his fingertips came in contact with your lightly covered clit.
He hummed against your skin, rubbing it softly making you grab on his wrist.
Your boyfriend lifted his head, eyes meeting yours in the mirror as you turned your head toward the shower.
He instantly got the hint, both of you getting rid of your underwear before walked toward it.
You turned it on, stepping under the water, feeling the liquid getting warmer as you closed your eyes pleasantly.
Jungkook stood right behind your naked body, hands finding their places on your stomach pulling you closer to him.
The atmosphere was getting hot, not only because of the really warm water falling on your bodies pleasantly, perhaps, your boyfriend’s hand lowering down between your thighs was the reason.
Shivers ran down your spine as you felt his boner rubbing on your lower back, his breath fanning on your neck.
"I need you so so bad, y/n." he whispered lowly.
"you can’t even imagine how much." he continued, fingertips travelling up to your core.
"how much, I want to feel you around me." two of his long fingers teased your entrance making you gulp.
"how much, I want to stretch you, feel you tighten around me." he slowly entered his fingers inside you, earning him a soft moan.
"how much I want to make you scream my name loudly." he nibbled on your earlobe making you roll you eyes in pleasure as his fingers pick up the pace, moving faster.
"Jungkook." you rested your head back on his shoulder making him smirk.
"Am I making you feel good, baby?" he whispered near your ear.
"s-so good." you held his wrist tightly.
Feeling you clenched around his fingers, he knew you were getting close.
His free hand came to your chest, fondling your breast again, thumb flicking your nipple making you let out a loud moan.
"shh, baby don’t want your dad to hear you, do you?" he teased, thumb coming in contact with your clit to rub it, adding stimulation to push you closer to your orgasm.
You shook your head, biting on your bottom lip hard to keep quiet.
You couldn’t held it anymore when his finger hit that spot that could make you see start as you came on his fingers.
Jungkook caressed your waist, fingers still moving helping you ride your orgasm.
"you did well, princess." he pecked your cheek.
After a few seconds, you turned around instantly grabbing him by his neck, pulling him down on you for a kiss.
Jungkook’s arms encircled your body, pulling you closer, your chest flat again his muscular one.
You sucked on his bottom lip, making him moan at the feeling of your tongue.
Your hand was placed on his front toned body, letting it slid down with the warm water until your hand reached his hard cock.
Your hand grabbed his erection making him groaned.
"fuck." he put his forehead on yours, looking down at your fingers enveloping his cock perfectly.
You started moving your wrist, stroking his cock painfully slow, your thumb rubbing on the head of it making it twitch.
"fuck! keep going." he closed his eyes shut tight as you tighten your grip, moving faster.
"are you close babe?" your heard him hummed in response.
You rubbed your thumb over the slit, making him let his head fall on your shoulder, a low moan passing by his lips.
"fuck, i want you." he grabbed your hand stopping your movement.
"right. now." he looked into your eyes deeply, your breath hitching.
He captured your lips in a eager kiss, backing you to the cold shower wall before grabbing one of your thigh raising it up to his waist.
Your hands found his long black wet hair, fingers pulling on the locks as you felt his other hand lowering down to your core, a finger sliding through your folds, collecting your wetness.
"gosh you’re so wet for me." he smirked making you roll your eyes.
"no, that’s just water." you pursed your lips as he lightly slapped your thigh making you laugh.
"wasn’t funny. didn’t laugh." he shook his head playfully.
"you no fun." you grinned before pecking his lips quickly earning a smile from your boyfriend.
"C’mon, I’ll show you how fun I can be." he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue making your inside twist.
He was so hot.
His hand guided his hard cock to your entrance, sliding the tip through your wet folds, teasing you.
He pushed inside you slowly, his cock filling you up causing you to let out a loud moan.
Jungkook smirked seeing your already weak state, before pulling out, letting just his tip inside.
"stop teasing idiot." you groaned frustrated.
"you said I’m no fun." he pouted playfully making you roll your eyes.
"you’re so unserious." you huffed.
"well, you sure about that?" he said before thrusting forward, your hands gripping on his shoulder tightly.
One of his hand still held your thigh securely above his waist, while the other gripped your hip, keeping your body pressed against his.
"C’mon tell me I’m fun." he put his forehead on yours making you scoffed.
"Jungkook. Are you fucking serious right n- ah fuck!" you whimpered, nails digging into the flesh of his shoulders as he picked up the pace.
"never been more serious." he said between breath.
You ran your fingers through his wet hair, one hand still holding on his shoulder.
"C’mon baby." he ordered, his hips snapping into yours making you let a sob pass by your lips.
"tell me i’m fun."
"fuck it! you’re.. you’re fun." you threw your head back against the wall as he kept on hitting your g-spot.
"you’re such a good girl." Jungkook smirked against your marked skin, leaving little wet kisses.
You slapped the back of his head making him groan.
"and you’re such an annoying idiot."
"your annoying idiot." he snickered.
You closed your eyes feeling the familiar knot in the pit of stomach as Jungkook went faster, your body pressed against the cold shower wall.
"oh my- I’m so close." you bit on your bottom lip, feeling the taste of blood, realizing you’ve been biting on it hardly.
"me too." Jungkook breathed out.
You planted your head against Jungkook’s shoulder, his fingernails buried deep into your hip as he held it tightly.
The head of his cock touching your spot at each snaps of his hips which made your body quiver in pleasure.
You thought you were about to faint when you felt his hand cascading down between your bodies to your clit drawing little circles on it.
Your walls started convulsing around him, making him feel lightheaded.
"C’mon my love." he licked your jawline.
"Cum for me." he ordered.
It was the last straw, his deep voice making your heart beat faster, as you came around him with a loud moan of his name.
"fuck! I’m-" Jungkook couldn’t finished his sentence as he pulled out, cumming on your shaky thighs.
Jungkook held you against him, strong arms wrapped around your waist, your knees ready to give up if you didn’t support yourself on something.
"you did well, so well." he said soothing you, hand caressing your back.
"i love you." you whispered, looking up at him.
He grinned widely before leaving a soft kiss on your forehead "i love you."
After a few seconds, you pulled away from his embrace, grabbing your shampoo handing it to him.
Jungkook tilted his head to the side confused as he took the bottle from your hands.
"wash my hair?" you smiled cutely pointing to your head, making his heart melt.
"I’d love to." he said before pecking your lips one last time before turning your body around.
A/N : ong my fav couple ☹️ my turn when?? *sigh* anyway, I hope you liked it! love you guys!! take care of yourselves.
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happeehippie · 6 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his fiancée evie as they go through his football career.
* face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 873,190 others
evie: did some cowgirl shit
view all 2,739 comments…
millyg: yee frickin haw
> evie: bitches 🤠
user: i was hoping this thing would get called off
joeyb_9: guess i better saddle up.
> evie: i’m coming home to you cowboy. 😉
user: no wait this is so cute
user: not ev in her cowgirl era
> evie: i fear it may be permanent
user: i cannot comprehend that you guys are so in love your getting married….
> user: wym you can’t comprehend it?? they’ve been together for like 7 years and are clearly very happy?
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liked by bengals, bose, and 912,054 others
joeyb_9: locked in #TeamBose
view all 5,108 comments…
user: this hairstyle is the best
user: ev is so lucky
> evie: like it truly doesn’t get better than this.
user: this is giving major top gun vibes
evie: i’m locked in on you. 🤪💗
> joeyb_9: 🌽
user: yalllll this man!
used: if you need consoling after this tough season hit my line
> evie: aw. i might take you up on that offer
> user: if there’s one things ev is going to do it’s make sure errrrrbody know joe is HER man
> user: no like its giving *insecure*
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 910,002 others
evie: my mood for the foreseeable future..
view all 3,107 comments…
user: angel girl
user: she’s a stunnnnna
lahjay10_: if joe ain’t bring some of those cookies tomorrow we may have a problem
> evie: only the best for you jay
user: a ray of sunshine
joeyb_9: photo by me, socks from my closet, cookies homemade, your smile out of this world.
> evie: the man that you are…
user: i don’t know if im rooting for you or not
user: this doesn’t seem like lifestyles of the rich and famous
> evie: you’re looking in the wrong place for that content
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liked by bengals, evie, and 816,901 others
joeyb_9: my hands don’t look small here
view all 6,738 comments…
user: delete this my girl has ig
bengals: caption 🤌
user: you remember what them haters had to say
evie: let’s put them to good use. 😉
> user: EV! it’s too early to be spicy in the comments!
> user: nooo she’s getting some of that BDJ 🤣
user: i wasn’t prepared for this today
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, and 520,091 others
evie: why is it always so cold in seattle?
view all 6,194 comments…
user: you’re giving pick me vibes
> evie: next time you’re looking for something to comment on, please, don’t pick me. (:
user: seattle is nice when it isn’t raining
user: period !!!
millyg: a moment for YOU 💗
> evie: i luv u.
user: these pics make seattle look bad
joeyb_9: the fit goes HARD
> evie: you can borrow it anytime 🤪
> joeyb_9: game day fit?
> evie: would def be top 5 of the season.
user: why are joe and ev always so goofy in the comments, and yall think they aren’t made for each other????
> user: no bc SAME! i don’t get why people think they aren’t a good fit. they’re obsessed with each other.
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 730,726 others
joeyb_9: Dark Knight
view all 5,720 comments…
user: that’s my QB
joemainmixon: 🐐
user: you ain’t him
lahjay10_: (TOP 2) DAM SURE AINT 2! 🐐
> evie: TELL EM JAY
user: smash
evie: i think i need a hero… 🥵
> joeyb_9: i’ll be your knight in black shoulder pads.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 820,092 others
evie: big week 😳
view all 5,118 comments…
user: my favorite wag
user: if y’all actually are getting married im sick.
user: are you going to share what’s happening?
user: you look STUNNING
user: wym??
user: not prepared for what’s about to go down. i have a feeling.
joeyb_9: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
> user: oh shit
user: not joe about to ruin his life if speculation is true
> user: wow everyone is supportive until you realize he really isn’t ever going to leave her for you. this is crazy behavior!
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 1,737,026 others
evie: i think i like this little life.. 🤍
view all 15,829 comments…
millyg: and that’s MRS. Evangeline Burrow!
> user: not me just now finding out ev’s full name
> user: Evangeline??? Excuse me, that’s beautiful.
user: she doesn’t deserve it.
lahjay10_: we was TURNT TF UP!
user: i am sick with jealousy
bengals: The King and his Queen, congratulations!
user: only ring he will ever get but congrats
> user: marrying the love of your life is a bigger dub than the sb ever will be.
user: congrats!
sam_hubbard_: Finally!!
user: i knew it was coming and somehow i convinced myself he was smarter than this..
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liked by bengals, millyg, and 1,290,001 others
joeyb_9: Mr. & Mrs.
view all 8,628 comments…
lahjay10_: congratulations brudda!
user: most overrated player in the nfl
> user: bro can’t you let him enjoy his wedding?
user: congrats, now go get that other ring!
user: i give it a few months before they are done with each other.
> user: considering they’ve been together for almost a decade, i don’t see that happening
user: we all wish we were ev rn!
bengals: that’s our QB, you lucky boy!
user: another thing to distract him from winning the super bowl
user: not fair
millyg: i’m not crying, you are. jk i am crying. i’ve been crying all day.
user: he’s too famous for this, he will get sick of her.
evies ig stories:
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151 notes · View notes