#and then i go 'oh she's actually a power rangers oc'
wd-ghosty · 5 months
Chapter 1 - Resurrection
Haiii! It's me again bringing you more fics, this is chapter 1 of Ophelia's backstory.
TW!!!- Mid writing
It’s 3:45 am, and I’m in a dark room illuminated by fluorescent light, from screens surrounding my bed. I linked up to all these tubes, I’m constantly getting shots, my mind has been infiltrated by that wretched beating sound coming from the heart monitor. I dont know how I got here, I remember being at the beach with my friends, we got on a boat with a bunch of guys we didn’t know, I think we got drunk. And after that, all I can remember is a splashing sound and I stopped breathing…
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did I mention I can’t swim?
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I grew up with three older brothers they all had their own interests but one of them went through a ninja/samurai phase, and I watched all those shows with him, Ninjago, Randy Cunningham, and Power Rangers Samurai, but my favorite was the one about the turtles.
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They had a very passionate fanbase one i was a part of, I made so much fan art, and OCs hell one of my OCs was an obvious self-insert. Well she didn’t really look like me, she was tall, thin, pretty, the most confident person you’d ever meet, she would always be that one person people would go to if they had a problem, she was adored by everyone and hated by those envious of her. Nothing like me at all, I dont stand out in a crowd, I try my best to blend into the background I want to be almost invisible. Hell, she basically is an OC because she’s not one bit like me, comparing the two of us is an insult to her perfect being.
I made her so I could draw fanart of her and Donnie. Stupid right? I would draw the two of them in situations I imagine the two of us in. We’d go shopping together, and I’d give him the montage he deserved in the clothes dont make the turtle, in rise. I’d always be by his side willingly, helping him with anything he needed, in 2012. In the bay-movies, I thought I'd be the owner of his favorite cafe, and I'd always stay in late to make him whatever pastry I thought he’d want that day, and a coffee. When I got the finished product I was so happy sure I couldn’t let anyone see it out of embarrassment, but I was so proud of them.
Hmm… the beating is starting to slow down, and I hear a bunch of people running into the room, I think I’m gonna die. This reminds me of a short comic I made, Ophelia was assassinated by whatever villain and Donnie completely lost it. I wonder if he’d lose it if he knew I was seconds away from dea- everyone stopped talking and an irritating ringing sound replaced the beating.
“Ladies and gentlemen we are now landing in Manhattan New York, please get your bags from the overhead compartments, collect all your things, and thank you for flying with us.”
I rub my eyes open and get up from my seat. “I just had the weirdest dream ever. I was some random girl and I drowned to death, I think?” I take the two suitcases from the overhead compartment, and hand Nasir his.
“You have dreams of drowning all the time, yet you still go to the beach and crash into waves ten thousand feet taller than you. At this point, you’re seeing the future.” Nasir is one of my best friends, and also one of the most useful people I know. If you have a problem with somebody, just tell him and he’ll dig up some shit that’ll ruin their life.
“Oh my god, are you saying I’m psychic!?”
“No I’m saying you’re stupid, Stop standing there and move so we can get off this plane.”
Scoff, “Whatever, I can tell the future.”
“Your delusions cloud the part of you that's actually worth having, common we have to go before the Uber leaves us.”
Oh, I don’t think I properly introduced myself. My name is Ophelia Mafuta Chenett, you might ask “Why did you tell us your full name?” and my answer to that is, that's what the villaness does in every manhwa when they introduce themselves so that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m a soon-to-be freshman at Manhattan Institution of the Arts, (It’s not a real school) After passing the entrance exam I moved across the country to pursue my passion of becoming a fashion designer. Sounds stupid right? Doesn’t it sound like I'm some quirky girl from a 2010’s show? Well, I’m kinda going for that, as the main character of this world I have to keep up my spirits and believe that I can do whatever I want and even live in one of the most expensive cities in this godforsaken country. Oh, I’m also 17 years old, and my birthday is coming up soon so I'm basically 18, other facts about me, I'm from southern California, I have three older siblings, I’m 5’9 but basically 6’2 when I put my shoes on, into alt fashion, and I’m really big on video games especially when they’re story driven. Well, I think that’s it, you guys can just follow along on my journey to become… well, ME, aka perfection. XOXO byyyy!
“Please dont tell me you’re talking to your fictional 1audience again.” Nas slumped into his seat side eyeing you.
“They’re very much real I’ll have you know” She rolls her eyes at him and puts on her headphones.
“Drug addicts are probably so jealous of you, you dont need pills to get high off your ass, you were just born like that. You’re most definitely a crack baby.”
The two of them expected to get to their destinations rather quickly but, the traffic was honestly something that crawled out of the ninth ring of hell. Nasir got accepted into Princeton so he was especially irritated by the traffic. And Ophie got to campus two hours late but still managed to register and get settled in her dorm.
“Well it’s nice to know that all my stuff got here without issue.” then her phone started ringing, she got off her bed to check who called and her heart dropped. “Telli! Please dont tell me you left early, I'll hate it if you left early!”
“Nice to talk to you too Ophe, and no. I’m still in the lair because your plan landed hours ago and you haven't texted called or posted about it, so I knew after you got M.I.A. you’d unpack, and then pass out. We’re meeting tomorrow,”
“Oh… well that's embarrassing. It’s nice to talk to you again Telli, I've been so busy lately I forgot when we spoke last.” She flops onto the bed and gets under her pillows.
“Yesterday, at 5:45 am before when you were getting ready for your flight at 10”
“I’ll have you know I'm African, we usually leave ten hours before a flight, my mom was rushing me out of the house. And I find it shocking someone who’s never left the CITY is talking shit about me.”
“I've been to Tahiti before, what other countries have you been to?” she can feel the sassiness of his bum-ass eyebrows through the screen.
“OH let me correct myself. I CAN’T believe that someone who has never been to an airport IN HIS LIFE is talking about me.” She can hear him laughing his ass off through the phone, “So I think I win”
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“No, I’m letting you off the hook. See you tomorrow Ophe.”
“By Tell, kiss kiss.”
She hung up the phone and rolled on her back staring at the ceiling. “Hmm… I’m an adult now. No more mom, no more siblings, just me. AAAH!” She screamed in join and kicked her feet. She hopped off her bed and dug through her bag to find her laptop, camera, and ring light. After clicking record she gets in position. “Ehem. You hear that watchers I’m a grown-ass woman now! and you hoes better prepare for Escapism season 8, watch me as I live out my college dreams! This is gonna be amazing, you know looking past all the exams and homework. Yeah, I know now I’m not special, I'm surrounded by other talented people. But I’m the MC, I’m better than them by default, and I’m special in general, all those current fashion designers that slap a print of a t-shirt and call it a day won't survive here. I have to watch out for the people who actually make their garments, but being able to sew doesn’t mean they’re a good designer and I’m BOTH. Everyone else on my wave length will become an ally or an enemy, but I crush all those who oppose me under the heel of my platform red bottoms rest assured. Well, that’s all for now bitches, see ya!”
She turns off her camera and gets back on her feet, “Well, I guess I'm done for today. I have three more days before orientation, and I don’t have my roommate yet. So I guess I should decorate my half of the room.” she turns her head and sees all the boxes stacked on top of one another.
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“Or I could take a bath. She grabs her towel and opens the bathroom door, so she can bathe in boiling hot water while listening to Nightcore on repeat.
After her bath, Ophelia lays in bed scrolling through Tumblr when she starts to think of that dream she had on the plane. “That girl. What was her name?” she thinks to herself. Ophei tries to recall all she can about her, “She was on the bigger side. Short hair. I only ever saw her in muddy browns and greens.” she eventually drifts off to sleep, just to wake up again.”
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“Sweetheart wake up.” She feels someone nudge her awake, “Hun you’ve been sleeping the whole class period.”
“Oh sorry Ms. Mayflower.” She scatters to put her stuff away and tries to leave the classroom before Ms. Mayflower stops her.
“Bear, sweetheart can we talk?” She pulls out the chair on the other side of her desk, and Bear sits down in it. “You’re failing this class, and I've talked to your other teachers and you’re not doing too well in their classes either. Is everything okay at home, did something happen with Mom and Dad?”
“NO. I um… I'm just not good at school, it’s just not for me.” Bear looks down at her lap fiddling with her fingers.
“Hun, you’re only passing art, but that’s an AP class we’ll have to pull you out if you keep this up.”
“But, math and science are hard. And I always try during PE I just never pass, and Mr. Brown SUCKS. A simile and a metaphor are basically the same thing, and nothing makes sense. And I like history but I never pass the test despite the fact I always get good scores on classwork.”
“Hun I’m sorry but me, including the rest of your teachers, have talked about it.” Tears start to swell up in Bear's eyes, as she stands up. “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, you’re fine.” she leaves the room tears threatening to fall down her face, when she accidentally bumps into a small girl.
“What the hell is yours!- oh Beary, I haven't seen you all day. You look…cute.” she stares up and down Bear, and she decides to wear the sweet Lolita dress her dad got her today. She got self-conscious and covered it with a jacket but she left it in Ms. Mayflower's room.
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“Oh thank you, my dad got it for my birthday.” she uses her arms to try and cover her body.
“Yeah, you look like a baby doll,” One of the other girls said. “You know the things babies throw up on?”
“Aww look at her skirt it has plushies on it. do you sleep with them?”
“No” she whispers
“What was that?”
“No, i dont sleep with them.” she raised her voice
“Oh, well I thought you still slept with plushies, considering no one’s ever sleeping with you.” the girls start laughing and bear laughs with them trying to play it off.
“What are you talking about she's sleeping with the bears on her skirt, dont diss her man!”
The girls continue to make jabs at her dress nitpicking every single part of it to oblivion
“Haha you’re so funny Bailey, but I need to go now.” She tries to leave before the girls see her crying, but she’s stopped.
“Noo, where are you going we’re having so much fun eat lunch with us.”
Isn’t it shocking how much girls preach about sisterhood yet be so cruel to their fellow “sisters”? They’re pestering her trying to get on her nerves, she just wants to leave and they won't let her. Tall and big vs short and thin if they were guys then this would be clear cut, but for women with’s a lot more complicated. One of the girls, the smallest one grabs her arm and tries pulling her.
“Common eat with us bear we know you can eat a lot. Oh! I didn’t mean it like that.” all the girls laugh with her, and Bear starts crying.
“Oh my god bear! Why are you crying?”
“If you keep wailing like that then someone’s gonna call Peta” at that moment she pushes one of the girls to the side but she falls on her ass and started crying. And at this moment the bell rings, and everyone flods into the hall they’re currently in.
“Oh my god! The bear threw Bailey!”
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“She’s gone feral!” everyone started staring at her, and some people started recording. Then someone started barking at her, and a bunch of people joined in. so she just ran away. She hid in the girl's bathroom where she cried until the security guards forced her to go to class.
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Then Ophie woke up with someone patting her back and tears trickling off her face.
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That's it. Hope you all liked chapter 1 XOXO luv ya<3
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barb-l · 10 months
A, R, U?
(🫶🏽 thank you for your support)
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Oh man. I dont wanna sound like I'm tooting my own horn, but I genuinely find it hard to choose because I love my fics dearly. I enjoy writing so much, almost as much as I do drawing.
In no particular order, one of them is my Power Rangers 2017 fic Code Yellow. Idk if I've told her this(probably not cuz i dont much like to talk about my feelings) but the premise of Kimberly and the rest of the OG's being much older than the next rangers, with Kimberly serving as the next Yellow Ranger's mentor was inspired by my friendship with another PR fic writer(if you know unicorn affair then you know she's a legend). We became friends when I was like 17 and still relatively new to accepting my queerness, so getting to be friends with an older sapphic woman who was very kind, into the same things I was, and was in a loving relationship with another woman? It was very comforting and filled me with hope. Kimberly and Aisha's dynamic aren't the same as my dynamic with that person, but I can say that I projected a lot of my feelings over the warm comfort of having a friend that was like an older sister to Aisha.
I haven't made myself finish it yet, but I have hope I will even now years later. This is a snippet from my drafts
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Another one is "Courtship Woes", the second part of a fic series for probably the craziest ship I've ever shipped, Wednesday Addams and Lydia Deetz from the musical version of Beetlejuice. It's a very different Wednesday from what a lot of you are probably used to in my Wenclair fics tho, as it's characterized as a mixture of Ms Ricci's version in the 90's movie and the animated version voiced by Chloe Grace Moretz. While I like to think of Jenna's Wednesday to be more like Morticia, I wrote this Wednesday to be a lot more like Gomez. So I guess I already have written a Gomezified Wednesday. Huh.
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And, predictably, the other one is "raven in the den, wolf in the nest". I'm still really proud of what I've accomplished for this fic. The final chapter was especially very healing to write with Wednesday's confession affecting Enid's confrontation with Esther in the climax of the fic. The whole point of the Addams Family isn't the gothicness necessarily, but that they were supposed to be the topsy-turvy of what is conventional. It was one of the main points of that fic, with Morticia fainting over the thought of her wonderful spawn dating an adorable rainbow being the topsy-turvy version of the disapproving parent trope. That confession was supposed to go along with that theme too. In typical stories that involve monsters, the crux of that romance is the person's love of the other person despite them being a beast. But Wednesday isn't a typical girl. Loving a murderous beast would be what's expected of a grim girl like Wednesday, but the best thing about Wenclair is how they still keep the topsy-turvy theme for Addamses. Enid is insecure about not being the ferocious monster she's supposed to be, yet despite all odds Wednesday loves her regardless. She grew so dang attached to her even before Enid got the chance to shift and that's both so unexpected but makes so much sense of Wednesday Addams.
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Fredrik Backman is my absolute favorite writer. The way he writes grief and loneliness alongside humor and love in his works is just phenomenal. It just saddens me that I do not understand a lick of Swedish and can only rely on the english translated copies, so I can't say that I fully know how he writes his prose as translations can only go so far. But I can say that the emotions he evokes in his writings is what I always try to strive for. To make my readers tear up as much as I could make them laugh. Or maybe more of the latter. Like a warm hug.
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(also wow that's very wenclai--)
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I apologize for cheating and choosing my OC's, but I think I'd want to actually write a fic with Vega and Sora someday.
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manasurge · 1 year
My Characters
Thought I might as well do this since I like how a few of my in-game characters turned out, so here's my roster so far (subtracting a few that are in limbo). Tried to put it in order to most to least used. I'm not one to make my in-game characters as OCs, but I still like to give them a name/aesthetic/theme that matches together (and colour-coordinated) so it sort of seems like they could (also for fashion wars reasons. Name above their respective images below). Also I like giving them singular names. (oh gosh I really hope this automatically shrinks the length of the post bc it's not giving me the "Read More" option >_>') My Main: Vespaura (Mesmer/Mirage). Crystal Bloom/Branded themed. Still waiting for proper crystal aesthetic looks lol (none available in game atm are what I'm looking for). I'm pretty much on her almost all of the time since I'm a ho for Open world and I love GS lasers, clones, portals, and evasion hax (I'm squishy so I need the survivability and sustain, and I tag almost everything, so it works well when doing metas and stuff).
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Mourynn (Necromancer/Scourge) - This is the one I took my OC's name from lol, so it's funny seeing her in game bc I forget sometimes lsjflksf. I Tried to make her look like an infected/toxic/poisonous Awakened Nightmare Courtier Duchess, and the squiggly tentacles are meant to portray turning into the necrotic glider below. I really wanna get her a bunch of Mordy and Zhaitan leggies (one day~)
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Ferahla (Revenant/Renegade) - I actually updated her back piece and colours a bit since this new back piece was released bc it fit her look much more. I tried to make her look gnarly (also this outfit makes her look a bit nakey, but I'm kind of okay with that tbh alsjflskdjf), and I'm trying to match her to the Chuka leggy for whenever I get around to finishing it. Renegade is also one of my favourite specs cuz I like being at ranged and having the support of Kalla and her Lesbian Warband.
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Faihan (Ranger/Soulbeast) - I still adore her look and her name is one of my favourites too. I was sort of going for a pheonix/firebird Hunter (bloodborne) kinda vibe. I couldn't decide between capes so she has one for Power and one for Condi. Also it's tricky to dress for leather armour, so I like how this turned out.
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Vaipaura (Mesmer/Virtuoso) - All my mesmers have similar names bc I think it's funny to headcanon they're just different AUs of each other (not gonna show Chrono here bc she's in Limbo. Her name is Vastaura). I wanted to give Vaipaura a Regal Canthan Noble Madam kinda vibe (also I just love the combo of this outfit and backpiece). She also has Exordium cuz it also matches this look too. However I still heavily prefer playing Mirage bc despite this one being great for DPS and very neat. It's just super squishy with not a lot of survivability/sustain and no clones to distract, and it feels so slow, but regardless it is still fun to play as well (I just miss spamming dodge all the time :( I also miss my clones)
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Mortesque (Necromancer/Reaper) - I'm not 100% sure if this will be the final look for her or not, but I was mostly just trying to match her to Zhaitan's Bite when I finally unlocked it a little while back. As you can tell I really like greatswords (the only 3 leggies I have are GS lol)
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Shroudryss (Thief/Specter) - My newest sapling. I'm stll not 100% sure about the outfit, but it'll do for now. Specter is really fun!! I really like fancy magical mobile classes. I need to play thief way more tbh since it's more of less up my alley (this one will be my first to go to)
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Jadesta (Engineer/Mechanist) - Her name and look are very on the nose. HOWEVER I am proud of the name I gave to her mech: Caladborg (also I really like the Aetherblade look here and at least it's easy/fun to give her stuff for fashion wars)
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Prismysta (Revenant/Herald) - I wanted to make her fit the pretty pearlescent look of Glint's facets, and I did want one light-themed cute character. Also there was just so many pretty pieces that wouldn't work with Vespaura that I thought it'd work well for her!
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Hexirax (Thief/Daredevil) - I still super need to change her name bc it for sure as hell does not suit her at all lmao!! But since I still needed a pink Sylvari, I thought it would be funny to make it my Daredevil (also the weapon worked well for this so I made her Sakura themed. Her outfit is still subject to change if I find something better)
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Vallotash (Guardian/Dragonhunter) - Still not sure what to do with her yet (might switch her elite spec, idk yet), but I'm still super proud of her name and I forgot I made this look on her. I like the colour combo, and I still might keep it (subject for change tho, but I don't hate it)
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literalliterature · 8 months
So, I'm a new follower that is a bit slow on the uptake. Are Keet, Yonder, Aisling, and Onyx in the same story? Are they interconnected? Yonder 🎯 Keet ✨ Aisling 🧊 Cassius 🍀 Onyx 💼
Omg I appreciate your curiosity about my guys!!! You are not slow on the uptake, my oc tagging system is labyrinthine even to me and I'm sure it's incomprehensible as a new follower djsvbksjbg. Anyway, Yonder and Onyx have connected stories/share a universe, and Aisling and Cassius are in their own separate story, but they're otherwise not connected. They are all my D&D player characters (with the exception of Cassius, who is a side character serving Aisling's story)! I included brief descriptions of each below for a little more context, and their relevant tags are included in the tags on this post if you are curious about any of them.
Yonder (kenku/ravenfolk witch, in their 50s*, pathetic tiny little bird guy, skeevy con artist, wants to literally fight god but is 4'8"): 🎯 What do they do best?
Oh man.......probably finding things out, by which I mean both actually locating things that are hidden and getting information/making discoveries. They are an experimenter at heart and once something's piqued their interest (especially if that something could get them some power they didn't have before), they won't stop poking at it and trying to get to the bottom of it, even if it means making themself a test subject.
Keet (selkie ranger, 19-ish*, amnesiac, washed out of military training and really should let it go, cute dumb lost puppy energy): ✨ How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Hehehe I was hoping someone would ask this about Keet specifically. So she did name herself, being that she woke up alone on a beach about 18 months prior to the start of the story without any recollection of her past life. Her name is the sound an osprey makes, because, when she was living in the woods by herself for the first month or so after waking up, ospreys were some of the only living things she could talk to semi-regularly. She named herself after their sound because, in her words, "It's nice to feel like at least something is calling your name."
Aisling (half-elf rogue, 23, very fire-themed, kind of unpleasant person unless you know them well, chronic pain haver): 🧊 Is their current design the first one?
Her current design is pretty close to the original one from several years ago actually! The general body type, big face scar, hair and skin tone, black and red colors, and gold key accents were all there from the start. The blackthorn cane and white blackthorn flowers are added motifs that are more recent though. (The original art is very old please do not ask to see it vkdsbvkjdvbksb)
Cassius (orc healer, 71, extremely sweet old man with nonetheless crippling anxiety and self-esteem issues, 7'5" gentle giant, widower): 🍀 What originally inspired the OC?
Man this is kind of a hard question for me to answer about any of these guys because ultimately a lot of things probably influenced them, but Cassius is like. The comparison that comes to mind is the bishop from the beginning of Les Miserables lmao. He's that kind of fatherly archetype.
Onyx (formerly human druid turned hellbeast, mid-30s when they died, tar pit/fossil-themed, awful awful person, twisted by vengeance etc.): 💼 What do they do for a living?
Uh, well. When they were alive they were a knight/personal bodyguard for their ruler/lover. Then they were framed for her murder and weren't that anymore. Then they sold their soul to a devil who made them a devil as well. And now they torture people in Hell! They love their new job <3
Apologies if that was a lot but thank you again so much for asking
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stwaidwen · 1 year
HIIII im new to this sideblog so i actually dont know ANY of ur ocs yet!!!! do u have a crash course for them pretty please
I should REALLY have an OC page oh my god. Absolutely tho! Putting it under a read more bc it's so hefty.
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Serendipity, or Sera for short, is a tiefling druid about to turn 30 during the events of the game. In my setting, there's a hidden city in the desert outside of Faerûn called "Gate" which functions as the 0th circle of hell. Tieflings in this city are subjugated and oppressed by higher and more powerful devils. Sera's parents conspired for almost a decade to orchestrate their family's escape, and when she and her twin brother (Ty, short for Unity) were 15, Sera's family finally managed it. They have been functionally on the run through Faerûn ever since, alternating between living in the wilderness and stopping in large cities, where her father taught her the basics of druidic magic, being a druid himself. Sera and her brother are best friends, and for a significant part of their lives, were incredibly co-dependent. They would go everywhere together, and Ty went through a period when they were still living in Gate where he couldn't sleep unless they were sharing a bed. When they hit about 22, Ty had reached a point where his mother had imparted all her skills as a rogue, and as Ty's affinity lay more with ranger-focused abilities, he decided to leave home, and join the Harpers. Sera initially took the decision very badly, but came round to the idea, and she gave him one hell of a send-off. The space enabled both of them to grow and develop, and to discover who they were without the other. They remained incredibly close, writing to each other regularly and aiming to meet up once every couple of months. Sera's parents eventually moved to Waterdeep, because the large city held great opportunities for them, both as a diplomat and assassin respectively. Sera decided to stay in Baldur's Gate, in a small house-share in Rivington. She enjoyed her life there immensely, but the wilds continued to call to her, and when she got picked up by the Nautiloid, she was on her way to the Emerald Grove, eager to continue her druid training. Sera is autistic, wears her heart on her sleeve and has a very strong sense of self. She is confident, passionate, and makes a great effort to choose kindness wherever possible. She can also sometimes be very immature, after essentially having her childhood stolen from her. She relishes in causing mischief, has very little regard for authority and has absolutely no qualms about speaking her mind, even - or especially - when it is likely to cause trouble. Whilst on the run, her family evaded capture because they relied on the goodwill of strangers to not give them up, and as such, she values allies more than anything in the world, and considers turning on your allies to be the ultimate betrayal. After a somewhat rocky start, Astarion grows to love her deeply, even if her penchant for altruism gets on his nerves. She teaches him that world is not inherently cruel, and he teaches her that being selfish sometimes is okay. She eventually proposes to him and they are married under the full moon. Her main party is Gale, Shadowheart and Astarion.
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(Dark Urge spoilers ahead)
Aviv is my Dark Urge Paladin. When she wakes up on the nautiloid with no memories, covered in scars she doesn't have any context for, Aviv is absolutely terrified. She focuses on getting off the ship, and greatly appreciates Lae'zel taking the lead. When she wakes up on the beach, still with nothing, she frantically searches her pack for something; anything. This is when she finds the written oath she swore as a Paladin. She recites it over and over, until she feels a little less alone. This becomes something she does regularly over the course of their adventures. It becomes something to cling to. A fraction of a life lost. When she does finally remember who she was, it went a little like this: Aviv was the head of the cult of Bhaal in Baldur's Gate. She was revered and worshipped, trusted with only the most secret of missions and marks. She also despised most of the ritual and ceremony, because she believed it childish, tacky and unnecessary to venerate her father, but Bhaal's followers needed performance. However, she was not a wholly willing participant. Bhaal's hold over her was incredibly strong, but wavered, and during these periods of clarity, Aviv would attempt escape. It was during one of these spells that she found her way to an order of Paladins and swore an oath of vengeance, so that she could at least attempt, on some level, to combat some of the evil she was putting into the world. She was also, during this time, tasked with infiltrating the high society of Baldur's Gate and spreading terror amongst its members with some very strategic murders. This is where she met Enver Gortash. Their attraction to each other was instant, though Aviv made him work hard to woo her. He came to accept that she would often disappear for a month or so, and then return. He did not ask for an explanation, and she did not offer one. He was furious after Orin attacked her and left her for dead, and elated when he discovered she still lived. When Aviv finally battles Orin in the temple of Bhaal, she rejects him, willingly accepting her death. But Jergal has other plans, and she rises anew, free of her father's chains. Aviv is mostly very gentle and soft spoken, and people often underestimate her, or outright dismiss her as an opponent because of her quiet demeanor. She uses this to her advantage, particularly in high society politics - Enver always affectionately referred to her as a viper - but this is largely a performance, and on the battlefield, she transforms into an unstoppable, unforgiving force. During Act I and Act II, her friendship with Gale develops into a romance and by the time the party reaches Moonrise Towers, they are hopelessly in love. Act III however, complicates things. Gale's desire to pursue godhood, and Aviv's past catching up to her at the speed of a freight train both put extraordinary tension on their blossoming relationship, and I still haven't decided if they will stay together or not. Her main party is Gale, Lae'zel and Karlach.
Pillars of Eternity
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Shachar is an 70-year-old (about 35 in human years) elf rogue from Old Vailia, who sought to rebel against a tyrannical ruler that held her state under martial law. The rebellion was crushed and she barely escaped with her life, fleeing through Aedyr to the Dyrwood for safety. Initially she thinks becoming a Watcher is awful, and she spends half the first game desperate to cure herself and return to her old life, but by the end, she's much more at peace with herself. In the intervening five years between 1 and Deadfire, she's very happy at Caed Nua, and thrives as leader of the new settlement. She's sarcastic, happy-go-lucky, and does not suffer fools. She doesn't enjoy violence but will not hesitate to take life ruthlessly to ensure her and her friends' survival. Very early on, she develops a deep, romantic attraction towards Edér, but does not act on it, and does not tell anyone about it. Her best friend is Hiravias, as both of them have a very similar sense of humour and outlook. During Deadfire, she's even quicker to temper, furious with every God, and absolutely HATES boats. She very quickly makes an enemy of the Royal Deadfire Company, and Maia is only on her ship for a month or two before Shachar demands that she leave. She and Tekēhu form an intense bond, and in the moment they meet, are absolutely perfect for each other. They share a bed, and their burdens, and believe the other to be a soulmate, but are very content to go their separate ways at the end of the game, their time together and needing each other now at an end. It is only by watching her and Tekēhu together that Edér realises he's in love with Shachar, and upon hearing they have split up, makes his move on the way back to the Dyrwood. Her main party in game 1 is Aloth, Edér, Pallegina, Hiravias and Sagani, and game 2 is Aloth, Edér, Tekēhu and Xoti.
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Ziva is a human priest of Eothas, who was a slave in the Deadfire Archipelago as a child and freed by the Children of the Dawnstar. She is VERY young, barely pushing 20 at the start of the first game, and really struggles with the expectation and pressure put upon her by becoming a Watcher. Edér steps into the role of big brother, which helps him heal from his conflict with his own older brother. Aloth as well, and Iselmyr especially, also step into a role as her protector, and by the end of the first game she has really grown into a confident young woman. She is deeply religious, and still takes time to pray to Eothas every day at dawn, even though it could get her killed. The second game is very complicated for her, and a lot of the confidence she found in the first game is stripped away, as she is essentially forced to go back to the place where she was enslaved. She finds a very close friend in Serafen, however, and he always finds ways to make her laugh. She is very quiet and soft spoken, is very squeamish and has a strong affinity for dogs. Her main party in game 1 is Aloth, Edér, Grieving Mother, Kana Rua and Sagani, and game 2 is Aloth, Edér, Serafen and Tekēhu.
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(art by my fabulous bestie @glamfellens)
Nina Riordan is my current main character. She is a human artificer, homebrewed subclass, in her early 30s. In our setting, all magic use has to be registered and practiced with the permission of The Dimensional Eye (or just The Eye), including healing, which means many common folk could not afford those services. In the small town where Nina and her husband lived, she defied the eye by recreating magical healing with both science and herbal medicine, and this pissed a lot of people off. One day when she was collecting herbs in the woods, the Eye killed her husband and burned down her cottage and she's been on the run ever since. She made her way to a city called Fortune's Cove, where she ended up apprenticing under a famed artificer, Slim Chance the tiefling. After about two years, they had a very amicable parting (and keep in regular contact) whilst Nina moved on. She made her way to Okovo Bay, the biggest city in the region, and set up a small, free underground medical clinic in the poorest district of town, living off of donations and bartering for favours. We've just finished up the first arc of our campaign, and her clinic has grown into a small community centre and soup kitchen as well as a medical clinic, but Nina has drawn too much attention and now has to make the decision between taking a stand and systematically dismantling the Eye, or leaving the party and going on the run again. She's fiery, blunt, pragmatic, scarily intelligent and often very vindictive. At the moment she's at the start of a long, bloody path of vengeance that she has the arrogance to believe is not going to corrupt her, and will also not fix the aching void of grief inside her, no matter how much she hopes it will. Her greatest fear is that her husband is still alive, that the body she saw was not actually his, and that they will reunite but he will reject her. She would rather be dead than alive in a world where he is also alive but not with her.
Fallout New Vegas
Ari Schultz is a Jewish woman who is trying desperately to reconcile her faith in the face of being born into the post apocalypse. She believes firmly in the power of community and will not hesitate to remove anyone who threatens that, be it raiders, Legion slavers or Mr House himself. She helps as many people as she can in the wasteland, in return for a little food, a good story, and if possible, a place to sleep. She gets on really well with Veronica and Raul in particular, and her and Boone eventually start a romantic relationship, as Ari's explicitly Jewish outlook helps him overcome a lot of his guilt for Bitter Springs and forge a path forward, but this relationship is very slow burn, and takes about 3/4 of the game to come to fruition. Her chosen weapon is a baseball bat, and she takes great pleasure in bladdering people with it, and spends a lot of time maintenancing it. She's a fantastic cook, especially around a desert campfire, but doesn't really trust or use technology. She spares Benny, saves him from the Legion, and invites him to come and help her run the Strip post-game because she has no idea how to run a business, and they eventually become very close friends. She chooses the independent route and invites the Followers of the Apocalypse to set up inside the Strip in the old NCR base. She and Boone move into the Lucky 38, and she sets up a Synagogue in Freeside. Alas, I don't have any screenshots of her.
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sniperct · 6 months
hullo! I suppose I've just been curious about Ithilrin, your elf OC. How did she get started? What universe(s?) is she a part of?
So for years my wife and I have taken our LOTRO characters and played and RP'd with them in various AUs and universes before we started to write something original with them (in a sort of technomagic type setting with fae, elves and humans(there's a human city that's more advanced in tech and certain kinds of magics, while the fae courts are high magic with some tech, and the elves are more like wood elves and traditionally naturey. But are related to fae. There are also dark fae which play an important role), along with air aspected dwarves). These are elves and rangers and regular folks who all kind of became interconnected over time playing the game and writing them.
And as we were writing some of this in that setting she just kind of popped into my head and announced her existence as the younger sister of two of our elves (granted she's still many thousands of years old, 8200 in LOTRO, 2800 in the original setting)). She ended up filling in some key missing bits in their backstory and is now firmly one of my favorite OCs. Everything tends to revolve around her siblings and her (and their immediate circle which ended up with several polycules)
So was easily backfilled into LOTRO and quickly spread to other MMOs I play lol this got long. But her most filled out settings are LOTR and the original universe. I don't actually play her in FF14 but she's a viera there, I did roll her up.
In the original setting (which is super self-indulgent ngl) she was presumed to be dead for a few thousand years, due to being run through by her father but had been revived from near death and working with a group that was uh, they do a kind of ritualistic sex work. Magic that improves the harvest and the planting, and also a lot of general therapy type stuff. (in hindsight, the companions from firefly and Inara in particular may have played a subconscious role in developing Rin).
Because of that and assorted past trauma's she's a champion of consent/safe words, and a very do-what-you-want-but-don't-harm-others kind of person.
In most settings she's a noble at best (in LOTRO she's the High Elf race, specifically a Noldor from Valinor. High Elves in LOTR are those that saw the light of the trees).
In the original setting she and her siblings are the heirs to the Lunar court and also aspects of assorted concepts and gods. Her brother is the chosen of war, her sister is death, and she's chosen of the moon. Chosen in this universe act as both high priestesses and also vessels of their goddess(sun/moon/various seasons, etc) and will all eventually replace their goddesses by taking their power into themselves, but as themselves rather than being deities themselves.
So right now she's the Queen. Her brother is older but he married the Sun chosen so is king there now. Her sister was removed from the line of succssion. I could go into all the other characters (like the mermaid pirate captains and the messengers called the Crows and Lomea the Queen of the summer court who long time followers may have seen in other forms ;) Or Rin's brother in law who has the gift of seeing the past clearly.
And then there's the heir to the abyss who's mother is the mother of monsters and rules over the city that is the last safe place for the dark fae and adheres to darkness doesn't necessarily mean evil)
So they need to replace their gods and then kill God himself because he keeps 'restarting' time since nothing goes right and there's always darkness. So that'll be fun. Oh but first they have to kill their father, who's basically satan, three times as was foreseen. And then the fatesinger (this was before endwalker lmao) will speak and undo the world so they can sing in a new world, imperfect, but a world of their choosing. And darkness must exist for there to be light, etc etc. The mother of monsters is very invested in making sure there's room for her and her kind in this world. (and they have to kill god before remaking the world, or before he remakes it, of course)
(Illidan voice: I AM MY SCARS)
Her lover is an elf who's a wolf-spirit/shifter and said shifter's twin sister is also often involved, while also being with the Summer chosen maiden.
(My PFP is Ryscewen, aspect of Chaos, and one of the few who remembers the worlds that came before. (She started out as Fox in another original setting my wife created many years ago that we would like to also finish some day) her love is raven, who is the fatesinger who cannot speak because if she does it will kill those around her. Hence when she speaks it will end the world)
She became, in a way, a vessel for exploring darker and more taboo subjects
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
4, 8, 18 & 19 for your Bg3 babes? :D please do ramble away!
weeeeeeelll, if you ask soooo nicely~ :D (For time constraints, I'm gonna go for those specifically for this game, and omit Ray!)
4) What color or colors do you most associate with your OC?
SO this new graphics software I'm using is a little unwieldy to me still, but I tried to make little palettes!
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Iona's color symbolism is probably the strongest- in my mind, she's... golden yellows. Bright, bold, warm sunshine yellows, deep forest greens, and the dark reds and burgundies of old, slow blood. Amber eyes, crimson waves, everything about her is just warm. Of course, that isn't an unequivocally positive thing: the fire that warms can just as easily burn.
She's cajoling warmth and biting flames, as charming as she is dangerous. I really like that association for her, that she's kind of... well, "fire made flesh and a demon asleep", as it were.
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Petyr is more associated in my mind with "natural" colors- olive- and hunter greens, and warm, rich browns. As a ranger raised among druids, he's very... well, druid-adjacent I guess, is how I can sum him up. I associate him -and this might sound silly- with... the breeze on a forest path. The rustling of leaves in late spring. The deep grooves on the bark of an old, gnarled tree.
He to me is... simultaneously a young man, and one far older than his years. New growth and ancient forests. Fresh, green shoots poking their heads through the carpet of dead leaves. Is this making any sense at all lol.
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And Arvid, well, I sometimes have Gale affectionately call him "Blue" in my head for a reason, lol. He's steel greys, and cornflower blues, indigos, and similar cool tones. He's there in the clash of blades, and the soothing touch of a cold palm on a feverish forehead. In the harsh glint of plate armor and the purple of bruises, in the silver of binding chains, but also... the melancholy blues of the sky when it looks like it might rain.
And that... sounds sad, when I put it like that, but the rain is also nurturing. Water is welcoming, comforting, ever-present. I like this sort of duality for all of them, actually- but for Arvid, it's probably the most obvious. He's very much a healer with bloodied hands.
...... they're all sort of making a Dreamworks-face in the shots I found, that wasn't intentional lol.
[since it got so long, i'M putting the rest under a cut!]
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
I think for all three of them, their strength is also their weakness, in a way? Like...
Iona is very charismatic and adaptable- to the point where she has a difficult time being her real self. It takes her quite a lot of time to stop saying what she thinks others want to hear, actually say what she thinks, and discover who exactly it is that she wants to be. She was stuck playing a role for so long that, taking off the mask, she... doesn't know who she is underneath.
Petyr is very... I guess steady as a person, very staunch- but that's gotten to the point where he has all but convinced himself that he has no emotional needs. That he's not lonely, and he doesn't yearn to be known. He has turned self-reliance into an art, and opening up emotionally, or communicating in general, comes very hard to him. (Which is why I like that Shadowheart's first romance scene is just... an honest conversation. I like that she forces him to open up and let her in.)
And Arvid, I think his strength and flaw are both his courage. As in, it's his faith that drives him to be brave, and to fight, but that courage means that he doesn't back down, even when he... probably should. When it would be the smart thing to do. And by the gods, he's often so afraid. Oh, he's so terrified (I'm honestly beginning to think that he just. straight up has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder), but he powers through it even when it's to his own detriment, because that's the right thing to do. [I may be feeding this off my own anxiety going into overdrive that first playthrough, lol.]
18) What is your OC’s greatest fear?
Oof, yikes. Um. This one is a doozy.
I've thought about this before, but beyond very general concepts, it's kind of... hard to describe.
Iona is... mostly afraid of being tossed aside again. Of experiencing the same pain of losing everything once more, of... opening up and showing herself, only to end up being rejected for it. She's scared of being taken back to that old life of repression that she hated so much, but she's... more scared of not being worth enough to anyone for them to come to her rescue.
In a more literal way though, I think she's most scared of... forgetting, I think. Dementia, amnesia, the likes. As an elf, memory and previous lives are very important to her, so she's... having a bit of trouble as her Drawing of the Veil draws closer, and the wholeness and clarity of her mind, they're definitely some of her biggest concerns for most of the game.
Petyr, I think a lot of his gruffness is also kind of a self-shielding mechanism. He pretends that he doesn't have needs, and pretends that he can't be assed to do anything, so he can't fail, because he doesn't try. He's afraid of -essentially- falling short.
And also the cold. Fuck the cold. The cold is relentless, insidious, it's numb yet it scratches the very flesh off your bones, and by the time you realize that it's going to fucking kill you, the dominoes have already fallen, and it's far too late. You can't win against the cold; the cold spells death. You can merely stave it off for one more day, and your reward for surviving is just one more day, month, season of struggle. (His first few winters alone in the forest were... rough.)
Arvid, he's... most scared of emptiness. The idea that the heavens are empty, that prayers go unheard, and he's just... screaming into the void. That's definitely a nightmare he's had a few times.
On a more superficial level, I think he's scared of just... being alone. He's never really been alone, truly alone, in his life, and I think the fact that for the entire adventure everyone was within tadpole-distance did not help it- I think I've mentioned it before, but after the game, i think that'll evolve into full-blown separation anxiety for him. (Can't feel Gale's tadpole, can't 'ping' him to see if he's okay, what if he's not, what if he's hurt, what if he can't call for help, etc, etc, it'll be a whole mess, and the first time he leaves his new fiancé alone for a few hours, Gale will definitely return home to an anxious wreck of a man having a full-blown meltdown on the living room floor.)
19) Does your OC have any close friends?
Outside of the party, I assume lol
Iona... used to. She got along very well with... pretty much all she ever met, honestly, but she had a very good friend by the name of Karissa Dawnbreath who was her closest confidant, her best friend of many, many long years, but... also her downfall, in a way. Karissa was the one who outed Iona as a sorcerer to the rest of their village/compound when she found out (she can't really be blamed, she was terrified), and she kickstarted the events that lead Iona to Baldur's Gate, and ultimately to the nautiloid.
Along with abandoning all of her old life, Iona abandoned her friendship with Karissa as well. She's kind of going back and forth on whether she resents Karissa, too.
Petyr kid of... doesn't, have friends. Not only does his prickly personality and "lone wolf" kind of nature prevent him from making many friends (my man spent half his life alone in the forest), he's also... rather awkward around people in general, and all of his relationships (friendly or romantic) were very surface-level for the past 20 years. It was either about... cordially conducting some sort of business together, or a quick fuck, and that's... about it.
He felt very uncomfortable opening up to the party as well. (That's kind of why I like it so much that Mr. "I have no needs, do not perceive me" ends up with the two healers, I think that's really sweet lol.)
And Arvid, he has two very good childhood friends who are still in his life by the names of Parker (human) and Redd (halfling). They were boys in his village who were taught self-defense and swordfighting in the monastery around the same time as Arvid (only they didn't live in the monastery), and the three of them sort of fell into fast friendship the way little kids do, and it ended up persisting well into adulthood.
Over the years, both boys eventually got married (both to dwarven women, interestingly) and became fathers, but they only really lost touch with Arvid for a short spell when he moved to Baldur's Gate a year before the game. They were on the top of the (very short) list of people Arvid invited to his own wedding. <3
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attractthecrows · 7 months
I was going through my Sy tag and found this old tag game from [checks timestamp] 2015. Since I'm dusting her off for a new playthrough I thought I'd update it. 
Tagged: some 9 years ago by @ofwolvesandshatteredshields (HAHA SURPRISE!)
Tagging: oh god oh fuck um. uh. hm
@storybookhawke @hawkeykirsah @greywardan @dammithawke @warden-mahariel and ive run out of people. do it anyways its fun 
Pick one of your characters and answer as if you're them being interviewed. Tag some others. 
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CHARACTER: Sylaira Mahariel (Longbowman, Ranger, Assassin, HoF, died bringing down the Archdemon)
If I get into it I may compile like an actual article written by Brother Genitivi about Warden Mahariel (interviewed after the Landsmeet but before the battle of Denerim) but thats a bigass maybe lmfao
1. What is your name?
Sy Mahariel
2. What is your real name?
That is my real name. Sy is short for Sylaira, if you wish to be pedantic. Most simply call me Grey Warden, which suits me just fine.
3. Do you know why you were called that?
I'm called Grey Warden because that's what I am. …Oh, you meant the name?
My parents died before I had the chance to ask them. Ashalle told me once that my mother honored Sylaise; I assume that's why. Our names are similar, though I'm not exactly the best disciple of the Hearthkeeper.
4. Single or taken?
Taken for granted, primarily. Next question.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
I am a Dalish hunter. What does that tell you?
…Oh, all right. We - the hunters, that is - are proficient with longbows, shortbows, light blades, and simple potion-making, though we usually leave that for the craftsmen. Basic survival and tracking skills are also standard. Personally, I prefer longbows. Mine is dragonthorn and sylvanwood.
And over the course of the Blight I've picked up the skills of a ranger, and Grey Wardens have their own abilities.
6. Some have called you a Mary Sue. Thoughts?
Is that a reference to some shem hero? There are far too many.
7. What's your eye color?
I'm sitting right in front of you. Have you not eyes? They are blue, last I checked.
The color used to be deeper, in fact. It's faded out some in recent months. Blight sickness will do that.
8. What's your hair color?
…Black, as you can see. Have you received a blow to the head recently? What is the relevance of this, anyways? If you're committing my likeness to paper, focus on the vallaslin. It is the Hearthkeeper, Sylaise's pattern of clan Sabrae. Also in blue, I may add.
9. Have you got any family members?
My clan is my family. I had to leave them when I was recruited by the Warden Duncan, or risk spreading the Blight to them all.
10. Oh? What about pets?
There is a wardog that imprinted on me after the battle of Ostagar. Clever thing, highly loyal, obsessed with food. He reminds me of an old friend of mine, so I call him Fenarel.
11. Now tell me about something you don't like.
You don't have enough paper in that little notebook of yours, Genitivi, nor do we have time. In summary, though: Darkspawn. The Chantry. Wastefulness. And arrogant shems who think they know what's best.
12. Do you have any hobbies you enjoy?
Look around us, old man. We are in the midst of a Blight. I am one of two total Grey Wardens remaining in the entirety of Ferelden. Do you think I have time for hobbies?
Before the Blight, I enjoyed assisting Master Ilen, the clan craftsman. He tells me I have a good hand for bowmaking.
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
I challenge you to find me a Dalish hunter who has not.
14. Ever killed anyone before?
[She stares deadpan at me.] Are you serious?
You're serious.
Yes, I have killed people, you stupid shemlen.
Humans threatening our clan. Bandits. Carta. Blood mages. Tevinter slavers. Overzealous templars. Casteless thugs. Deeply, deeply stupid farmers hoping for reward money. Idiot knights defending the honor of an honorless man. At least two Arls and a Teyrn. Shall I continue?
15. What kind of animal are you?
I am an elf.
Ah, metaphorically. I've no idea. Wardens are associated with griffons, are they not? Likely one of those.
16. What are your worst habits?
I hold onto hope when I should be practical, according to Sten. I am too forgiving, according to Morrigan. I am too compassionate, according to Shale. I catastrophize too much, according to Zevran, which seems silly, to me; we're in a Blight. This is a catastrophe. I am too reckless, according to Alistair. And I drink too much.
17. Do you look up to anyone?
In the clan, I looked up to the hahrens; we all do. I looked up to Duncan, when he was alive. Neither of those are available to me now.
18. Orientation?
Looks to be… south-southwest.
That's not what I meant.
I know what you meant and am giving you an easy out.
19. Did you go to school?
Isn't that what shem nobles do with their children? No, we don't do that. We follow the Vir Tanadhal or Vir Atish'an, and every hunter knows the Vir Banal'ras. Dalish children are taught our history and culture by the hahrens. But no, there is no "school".
20. Would you want to marry and have children one day?
I did, once. I was… you humans call it 'betrothed'? I had hoped to marry Tamlen. But that is not possible anymore.
21. Have any fans?
Preoccupation with me tends to lead more to assassins than 'fans'.
22. What are you most afraid of?
I do not hold fear in my heart.
23. What do you usually wear?
I spend most of my time on the battlefield, so, armor.
24. Do you love someone?
24a. Care to elaborate?
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
[she levels an icy glare at me and does not answer]
26. We're not done yet…
Then stop asking stupid questions.
27. What 'class' are you?
What, like noble, commoner, mage? The Dalish don't do that.
28. How many friends do you have?
More than you'd think, although likely I will not see many of them again. And the people traveling with me will always be important to me.
29. Thoughts on pie? 
Leliana's mentioned that. It's a type of food, yes? I've never had it.
[We take a brief intermission while I find us some pie.]
This is… fruit? In a pastry? It's good. Impractical - we could never make such things in the aravels - but tasty.
30. Favorite drink?
The only 'drink' we get with any regularity is… I'm not sure how to describe it, actually. Alistair calls it "Grey Whiskey". It's quite something.
In my clan, we make honey mead and wild fruit wines. Those always remind me of home.
31. What's your favorite place?
There is a birch grove in the Brecilian forest. I imagine it's fallen to the Blight, by now. I used to go there with Tamlen, a long time ago.
32. Are you interested in someone?
[She does not meet my gaze.] Even if I were, such follies are dangerous.
33. What's your cup size?
[I had barely enough time to notice her glare before her fist shot out and collided with my nose. In lieu of an answer, she threw a rag at me to staunch the blood.]
34. Would you rather swim in a lake, or the ocean?
[She laughs. It's unexpected, but a lovely sound.] Have you been to the Ferelden coast, Genitivi? It'd be safer to swim in Orzammar. Lakes, thank you very much.
35. What's your type?
Not you. Next question.
36. Any fetishes?
[She glares at me.]
37. Top or bottom? Dominant or submissive?
[She stands to leave.]
38. No, please don't leave. I'm sorry. Do you prefer camping or sleeping indoors?
[She sits back down.] You, old man, have a fondness for dangerous and inappropriate questions. This I will answer, though my patience wears thin.
I prefer camping. My entire life prior to the Blight, I remember being able to hear the wind in the trees and see the sky. It is comforting to know one's place in nature. Walls and roofs have their place, but I don't like them, and I particularly dislike being underground.
39. Do you carry anything sentimental?
…Yes. All Grey Wardens wear a pendant that we receive after the Joining. And I've kept my old hunting gloves; Ashalle gave them to me when I received my vallaslin, and they were made by Master Ilen. [After a long, heavy moment, she slips a ring off of her finger and places it in my palm. It is a simple band carved from wood, detailed with elfroot leaves, warm in the hand.] And this - you call it a promise ring, I believe. Tamlen gave me this, a long time ago, before we came of age, before the Blight, to declare our intent to marry. Ma vhenan. Ma abelas. It reminds me of what I have lost. I will carry it until my death.
40. Thank you for your time.
Mhm. I recommend leaving the city, old man. You're in no condition to defend yourself from hordes of darkspawn, and they're approaching quickly.
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lordkingsmith · 10 months
Okay, I saw the blurb reference for ask, and now I GOTTA, just because: Matt Cook + All of his OC babies~ (we all know WHY)
lol yes we know why. I was debating whether or not I cover Matt dear, so thanks for deciding for me XD
canon children:
none that we know of
OC Children:
Kimberly Hart:
Kelson Hart. Aged 21. Older Twin brother to Kira Hart. Kim’s a single parent, raised her kids mostly on the run after Matthew died when they were four, but she and Matt never got married. More of a friends with benefits thing, off and on until she got pregnant with twins. Kelson has nothing to do with his family. Intergalactic diplomat at 21. Does not live on earth, but shows up every Christmas. He is not associated with any color. He blames power rangers for a lot of his family and planet problems actually. He loves his mom and sister and family, but he can’t bypass their glaringly massive differences in opinions.
Kira, aged 21, younger twin sister to Kelson, green ranger on SPD B Team. She’s often her brothers body guard when he’s on earth for official business, but they bicker constantly when they actually speak to each other outside of work. He blames the power rangers for everything, she thinks he’s an idiot. The reason Kim was on the run in the first place was an unreformed Zedd heard about the kids and as Matt used to work for him, decided those kids were his, actually. As payment. Matt died killing Zedd. That wasn’t power rangers fault, that was Zedd’s fault.
Billy Cranston;
When Billy loses his ranger status and goes to work for Grace, Matt is also there as the green ranger. Billy keeps his distance for a while; the guy is more or less a massive dick. Especially over something that wasn’t Billy’s fault. Billy’s also not taking pot shots at his friends or Zordon over it with Matt. They start dating after the War, and Matt’s final betrayal. More because he finally wore Billy down, but Billy had a good time hanging out with him again. And then both of them had the rude realization at the same time of “I am attracted to this man-fuck he noticed-oh he’s into it” which snowballed. They adopted one kid, and had another via help from alien technology mixed with a little magic. Nora, aged 26, is a professional hockey player. Matt decided he was going to support her sport even if it wasn’t his sport. Billy quickly developed a love of hockey at one of her events when she was little. Mostly because this game is ridiculous. Though he does worry about her on the ice. A lot. They adopted her when she was five, and she’s loud and enthusiastic and very rarely is she ever sad or genuinely upset. Her opinion on things is mostly “be friendly at it or challenge it to a fight” and generally speaking the options work enough she’s never needed to figure out other plans of action. She met her wife during a game. She’s from an opposing team. Nora gave her a concussion; she knocked Nora’s front teeth out. This was par for the course and they bonded in hospital. Billy’s still trying to figure out HOW. Matt thinks it’s hilarious. Is the green dragon ranger. She is legitimately feared by most and can solve most problems without suiting up. The threat is enough.
Their other child is Abner. He’s socially transitioning, he’s 18. He wants to be a writer. He and his sister have a very loving if slightly antagonistic relationship. When Abner came out to her, Nora’s response was “well now you don’t need to steal my clothes. Give them back” which lead to an argument but not the one Abner was expecting. They negotiated the clothing situation. Abner’s not giving back a pair of boots; they look way too good on him. Matt and Billy both support him. Matt sometimes slips up with name, however he’s quick to correct himself. Billy helped Abner choose his name, and was the first person he came out to. Abner is a little self conscious about his looks, and about his public image. More in regards to if he’s going to make his family look bad. Like Matt he tends to brood and focus on negative details way too much. Like Billy he tends to strive for perfection and his vocabulary makes it hard for people to understand him.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Matt dives head first into the villain persona, and is happily doing so. He's thriving. Until he's forced into an ultimatum; save Bulk and Skull from certain death by the hands of Goldar, or vanquish the Solar Rangers. Against his better judgment, he saves Bulk and Skull. Skull, unfortunately for timing wise, had said he'd kiss whoever saved their lives minutes before Matt saved them. He's a man of his word, but he also punched him in the mouth immediately after. Matt's confused as hell. So instead of chasing after Kim, begins chasing after Skull because what was THAT. This leads to a very weird redemption arc because Matt has realized 2 things; he likes being kissed by Skull and he does not want Skull mad at him anymore. Cut to fifteen years later; they've got a kid of their own and no actual idea how they got there really. But, they're happy, don't hate each other's guts, their kid's thriving, it's all good. The entire empire of evil absolutely hates them though and Matt somehow managed to get himself on the shit list of Thor. As long as he doesn't go out while it's thunderstorming he should be fine.
Their son is ten, his name is Jude Cook. Jude is one of the weirdly luckiest kids alive. He's survived an insane amount of attempts on his life, falls, kidnappings, and things he should otherwise not survive. His parents have stopped asking how. Loki helped give them a son, which is partly why Thor's pissed, so they've at this point accepted demigod baby is just gonna do what a demigod baby do. It's probably for the best. Spike's his older brother, and is training with Loki to be some sort of spirit of shapeshifting mischief. They both love causing mild trouble. Like Skull, Jude's got a fear of flying which makes things a little interesting. Skull's got his sons and his partner on a very very strict promise; if the shenanigans could cause an enemy of something power, walk away. Walk far away. Neptune exists. We don't want to get on the bad side of Neptune.
in a tangential version, Billy coparents with the two, and studies demigod ten year old, and deals with the Norse gods being in his business. At the very least nobody's been sucked into Ares' prison jar, so that's good.
*Bonus Poly of Billy Cranston, Matt Cook, and Eugene Skullovitch has all above children mentioned. They live in a large house, Eugene's a famous rockstar and restaurant chain owner, and they actually use every room in said house. In this version they met via Matt asking the only person he knew with experience in bdsm for some help with his newly realized kinks; Skull's payment was pizza nights and then Billy got dragged in because he was certain Matt was abusing Skull, but realized it was fine, actually. And fun.
Tommy Oliver;
Tommy and Matt did not really like each other at the beginning. Matt blames Tommy for so so much, but can't do anything about it, and Tommy's missing Dragon Green something terrible and dealing with massive amounts of PTSD for related but different reasons than Matt. Rita trapped them together in a gladitorial area of the Dark Dimension, and Tommy and Matt managed to talk to each other and get into an understanding. When they started dating, it was actually Grace who saw an opportunity, not Rita. But it’d be three more years before she could enact the plan. She didn’t tell Terona, and she was intending to eventually get every coin as well, for a full set.
Verdun Cook is 24, he’s the green dragon ranger, and he’s never met his dads. He’s a top agent for protection of earth. He thinks his parents gave him up to Grace. They think he died in infancy, an unfortunate complication in how he was made. They also think the dragon dagger was destroyed as well, around the same time. When parents and son finally meet, Tommy and Matt are furious. Billy’s furious. Terona's furious. He got Verdun to Tommy and Matt when he found out, even. Everyone’s furious. Matt and Tommy have Verdun live with them to acclimate to civilian life, and get used to being a person. His entire life has been as a weapon; he’s trying to very rapidly learn how to be human. It’s not like he was a success in the program either; the plan was a whole team of legacy rangers in their parents Colors, and he was the only one they could get.
Currently the only people allowed to mess with Tommy and Matt’s DNA is Billy and the Aquitarans and, hilariously, Zedd. He only made a clone. He was very transparent about what he was intending for the clone. Tommy knows where the clone is. He DIDN’T know where his son was, that he was alive, what Grace was intending or what he was doing. He and Matt are in agreement; If they had to chose they’d choose Zedd with their DNA.
When they thought their biological son had died; they adopted. Ricky is fifteen, not associated with a color, and is trying to get used to this with along with their dads. Ricky really is trying to be nice as well, but his overenthusiasm and attempts at bonding are often coming off too strong and borderline antagonistic. He doesn't mean to be. But the bright side is Ricky’s got someone to hang out with. And better yet, Verdun knows nothing about video games, pop culture, or really anything. So. Who wants to watch Star Wars? Ricky's got mixed feelings about his brother, but they're ranging from sad to excited, there's nothing jealousy related. Their dads are awesome, and he's sad Verdun never got to grow up with their dads. And he's excited to be able to have fun with his brother. Ricky is very excitable, and works on the school newspaper. He does volleyball, and has goals to be valedictorian when he graduates. Friendly, upbeat, can sometimes take things too far, but he tries to make those moments right.
They’re all making up for lost time with Verdun. It’s long overdue. At least both kids get along.
Trini Kwan;
Trini smacked sense into him after the upteenth pity party. She also forced him to come along for a mission in space with the Solar Rangers. He wanted to be let in on the whole thing? Fine! They could do that! Welcome to space Matt, everyone you meet is going to die or kill you! Have fun!
After, he put the dagger up, and he and Trini actually talked about what happened on the moon. She also retired from being a ranger, and they focused on taking a page from Bulk and Skull; being helpful as civilians. Matt asked Trini to marry him, and Trini said no. They made a game of it for a few years before she finally did say yes, when they were both financially stable.
They have Minh, and do foster parenting. Currently fostering JJ Oliver, due to unforeseen events leading to both Tommy and Kat unable to care for their kid for the time being. It’s hard being s foster family, but it’s nice being able to see the kids go back to their parents or move on to hopefully better situations. Matt’s at peace, and Trini is too. Trini is a plane mechanic; Matt is a fireman.
Zack Taylor;
During everything Zack and Matt were friends with benefits, though Matt tended to use Zack as an emotional scapegoat as well. Zack finally had enough after a bit, and told Matt either he got his head out of his ass or they weren’t continuing. He was serious, too, and Matt got left in the lurch for a little while before actually looking at himself long and hard and deciding whether or not his grudge was worth losing Zack again. It wasn’t. His parents loved Zack, Kira loved Zack, and most importantly he loved Zack. He came out to his parents and family, and then put in the effort to get over himself to get Zack back. One daughter by surrogate parent, and Matt owes Kim big time. She’s made it clear though. This was for Zack. He gets this, and accepts he and Kim are probably never even going to be friends. His and Zack’s daughter is Layla Cook-Taylor. Layla is sixteen, tiny firecracker of positivity. She has her low moments, but she’s never down for long. She likes swimming and playing guitar. She dances with Zack in dance classes and Matt adores her so so much. She’s frank and earnest and tries her best. She doesn’t give up easily if ever. White ranger. Saba loves her, too. Yes Matt has gotten in arguments with the uppity dagger why do you ask?
Jason Lee Scott;
Getting with Jason felt a little like leaning how to breathe again. Jason came home and Matt quickly got into sparring with him every weekend, like old times. It devolved into a lot of pent up rage related sex. And then all of that was gone…and there were two angry hurt teenagers who didn’t know how to be healthy about love or sex. Cut to fifteen years later, Jason’s a mechanic, Matt’s an accountant. And nothings changed. In between then and now, Jason had a kid. He doesn’t remember who the mother was, and anyway Diego Scott was left on his porch basically. He’s four. Matt likes the way Diego likes piggy backs. And dinosaurs and zombies. Matt likes how whole he feels with Jason and Diego. It’s pretty late in life, but he’s willing to make a go of this, if Jason is willing. And so far, he is. Diego keeps the two on their toes, being ready to get into the thick of everything and anything. But he's four, that's typical, and he's Jason's. And Matt thinks the kid's the best.
Surprisingly the two manage to click and gel together really well. Three kids, two boys and a girl. Lexie Cook aged 24, Gavin Cook aged 19, and Quincy Cook, aged 17. Sharkie and Matt bonded over being left behind by their friends, though Sharkie doesn’t have any ill will to Bulk or Skull. Stuff happens. The first time he morphed he did it to impress Sharkie and she laughed in his face. He then spent the rest of his life trying to impress her, and stumbled into becoming a better person in the process.
Lexie Cook works as a radio host for a popular music station. She has a popular segment where she runs down the monster of that week and ranks it’s strengths and weaknesses and how to avoid it while putting out a prediction for the next week’s. She does this in between her music playlist, and she’s been right in her predictions a few times. Starts and ends her show saying hi or goodbye to her parents. She has a huge sweet tooth and will do anything for sweets. Lately her brother Gavin's been Off, so she's been adding him in the hi and goodbye, and a 'hang in there bud' as well. not associated with a color
Quincy “Flea” Cook is one of the punks at school, and one of the comedy duo. He's antagonistic to the 'goody twerps' Matt just knows is the power rangers, and neither he nor Sharkie really know if they should step in or just let this play out. Currently letting it play out. Quincy’s grown a lot since the current team's shown up, and he's gotten braver, less self serving, and a lot more noble. Matt's just made sure he's well aware he needs to get out of a situation if buildings are falling. No exceptions. He can grab the person closest to him but he is staying out of the area. Sharkie is making sure he also knows when to stop antagonizing, and know who and what all monsters are. Quincy is in love with art but he's got a Reputation. He's gotten a reputation for being spraypainting sides of buildings. His murals are always well done, but with a sense of humor, and often calling out the villains. Something's up with his older brother though, so he's been trying to figure out what. not associated with a color
Gavin Cook's currently working for the villains. Mind controlled, he's not really even interested in power rangers, normally. Evil ranger sixth ranger, he's been living with a roommate since he was eighteen in an apartment near his parents house and sister's apartment (the reasoning being this is his first try at being properly independent, and if he needs help they're near him to assist if need be). They don't spend enough time with him to know anything other than he's not acting right. Quincy's actively trying to figure out what's wrong though, and Gavin's dreading the day he's going to be told to attack his own family members. He's the villainous Maximum Ranger, and he's waiting for the good rangers to free him and his roommate so he can get back to not caring about power rangers. and hug his family. and go get therapy because yea...he needs to Unpack This. When not a mindcontrolled villain, Gavin's pretty chill. He lets Quincy hang out to get away from their parents, and usually is playing music while watching his brother. He really doesn't give a damn about power rangers, could care less. Matt was one, and that's fine, he's not anymore and Gavin doesn't care about the legacy. He works at the local coffeeshop, which is where the good rangers love hanging out. He hates spying on them, he used to love the atmosphere, and he knows his dad and his job is why he's currently here. All his parents know is he went missing for a week and came back, well, off. They're there when he asks for help, the kicker being, right now Gavin literally cannot.
(maximum is a shade of green)
Marleau Eskin;
He got with her in high school to get back at his former friends and ex girlfriend. It was a joke, turns out he’s the joke. But he and Marcel don’t talk to Marleau anymore. Matt’s a sports reporter, and Marcel’s a professional esport gamer in his late 20’s. Matt sees his kid on the weekends for weekly lunches and check ins. Had to take a second when Marcel said he’d started dating Minh Kwan. Had to decide if the anger was worth it. It wasn’t. He’s not talking to the group still, but Marcel’s got his blessing, and he's fine with Marcel seeing Minh. That has to count for something. Matt was able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Marleau was a negligent parent, and had left their kid in frankly dangerous situations when he was young. Marcel broke his arm left alone at a park, and Matt was never more happy or enraged. But, it lead to Marcel being genuinely happy as the son of a single parent, so Matt's happy to let him live his life. Also somewhat relieved Minh or her family heard the last name 'Cook' and is still letting this happen. Marcel is not associated with a color.
Stan Skullovitch;
They were kidnapped together and replaced with putties. They were tortured together, and formed a trauma bond. Stan had enough sense to say 'no' to a relationship with someone who 1) hated his brother and 2) was still in highschool. However they kept running into each other over the years. When they did get together, it was when Matt had his head out of his ass a little, and was in a stable job. Stan was a singer at a lounge, and the trauma attraction had settled into a healthier flavor. Everyone's got their opinions on the two getting together but it seems okay right now? Rita as Mystic Mother used magic to give them a child because as Matt pointed out in a confrontation with her; she kind of owed them big time. Ulysses "Bones" Skullovitch is twelve, and kind of a natural wanderer. It's not unusual for him to leave the house at dawn and come back around dinner time with all sorts of things in his pockets. He's not loud, but he's not shy. Prefers watching than acting, though will step up if need be. Stan finds it hard to not worry about him, but Spike and Spike's friends keep an eye on Bones while keeping their distance. He's alright, he's just the kind of person that likes being by himself playing. However he might be getting some friends, and Matt's starting to wonder if power rangers is a genetic thing. Bones will be a red ranger when old enough.
Violet Arias;
she slapped him. Then yelled at him, then apologized because his cheek was swelling and her nail had accidentally caused a cut on his eyelid. He had to wear an eye bandage for two weeks and she gave him flowers. Then he apologized for, well. everything. After that they started dating, balancing his ranger status with school and her trying to be okay with it. They've been in hiding with their kids since Zedd put a price on Matt's head. Myrtle and Tyrian are fifteen and ten, respectively. They don't know their dad was a green ranger and still is when called to be so, Matt's not going to put them in danger over this. As much as he can help, anyway.
Myrtle Arias plays the trumpet in the school marching band. She's extremely good at coded cyphers, and wants to be the president of the united states one day. She's also on the chess team. She has no opinions on the power rangers or the monsters that seem to constantly show up. She's just trying to get through school without being shoved in a locker. Hard to connect to her dad, who was a popular kid, so it's easier to talk to and connect to her mom. is not associated with a color.
Tyrian Arias learned his name's the actual name for the color royal purple (named after the snails whose shells are used for the pigments) and decided he was going to make this his entire personality. He is a ten year old sixth ranger, he is not hiding this. His only saving grace is that he is constantly telling so many tall tales his parents aren't entirely sure if he's telling the truth (and if he is there will be WORDS with whoever gave him Purple), and everyone else thinks he's just an exceptionally imaginitve kid. Matt is...hoping the extra excitable new ranger is not, in fact, his son. However, deep down he knows it's Tyrian and he's freaking out.
if there's others I'm not thinking of or missed, please let me know :)
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nostalgiachan · 2 years
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Oh hey, I'm doing that thing I said I was going to do where I try to catch up my Tumblr 100 OC posts with my Twitter ones. As always, new images up top, earliest images down below, and detailed info below the cut.
#45: Alriem Nelufera Idea: Moon elf DROOD Story: Dragon Tavern
As with a great many of these character groups, some parties got a lot more fleshing out than others, and the Champions of the Mountain Kingdoms were definitely the least developed of the three; and of the three of them, Systir easily got more development than Alriem or Iros. But Alriem's gotten a little smattering of building, especially with the changes to the Moon Elves, so here we go.
So as stated before, when the races and creatures of the world were seeded, the Moon Elves were the literal self inserts of the actual elves on the moon. As such, they adopted their creators' love of science and knowledge-gathering. They spent many a century exploring the wild and wacky world of science, with horticulture and geology being particularly popular fields; in time, the two even began to intermix, leading the Moon Elves to grow living crystals, among other things. They spread far and wide across their lands, but it wouldn't be long before they ran into the dwarves and humans, who had learned of and coveted their living crystal. Of course, the Moon Elves weren't complete victims, as they in turn coveted the lands of the other two, and they wanted to "peacefully relocate" the other races.
This led to to the creation of two like-minded groups; the Rangers, a more military group who actively patrolled their territory riddling invaders with arrows, and Cultivators, essentially science-druids who had learned to grow weaponry and familiars out of the earth.
And as you do, they all got to fighting with one another. But over the centuries, they realized that 1) none of them were getting what they wanted, and 2) there's some crazies out there called the Steel Empire and they have flying ships so maybe they should try to get along before they come to fuck them up.
And thus, in the spirit of self-defense, the three races came together to form the Mountain Kingdoms, a triumvirate helmed by the leaders of the three races. At first, relations were pretty shaky, but over time, the nations learned to like each other and cooperate, and in all the centuries since, there hasn't been a hint of malice between them - especially since they're all still waiting for the day the Steel Empire tries something funny.
Cut to the present day, and the Mountain Kingdoms have been greeted by a mysterious visitor promising them a power that will almost certainly help defend them against the inevitable invasion and totally won't unleash a raving mad elf who will absolutely destroy the world. And how could they say no to that? So, they put together a small band of champions to be led by Alriem Nelufera, a Cultivator. Like Sydan, she was chosen because she was known to be a capable fighter and a highly intelligent scientist, but was not renowned enough that her presence out in the wider world would cause any sort of stir.
As for the woman herself...she's very much a WIP when it comes to personality. In-game, I set her "mannerism" to "friendly," but I very much drew her more aloof-looking, like she was supposed to be a quiet, delicate sort of flower, so I kept to that. Years later, when I did her first redesign, I thought about giving her tattoos from which she summons her plants/weapons/familiars, as in-game one of your support items is a rune, but there's no real description as to whether the rune is a stone rune or it's a marking on your creature or what. I'm not sure I'm going with that idea anymore, though. I also thought she would summon her clothing out of her tattoos, because Moon Elves are naturalists but the rest of the civilized world doesn't roll like that, but I think I'll drop that one, too.
#46: Systir the Belt-taker Idea: Hot-blooded dragon-riding muscle-man who's also a functioning alcoholic Story: Dragon Tavern
In the early days, Systir was basically Kamina - or at least, my idea of Kamina before I actually watched more than 3 episodes of Gurren Lagann and realized I didn't like Kamina. Tall guy, shirtless, very similar tattoos, dark blue spiky hair, and he would PIERCE THE HEAVENS with his lance. He also had multiple mismatched belts around his waist because ??? When Dragon Tavern added drinking mechanics to the game, I found that Systir had the best overall luck with drinking and not running into any negative effects, so I worked in that he was a pretty hard partying dude.
And then, I actively decided he was an alcoholic. No whoopsie-doodling myself into it, I leaned all the way in. And thus did poor Systir become probably the guy who gets it the hardest out of this whole squad (except possibly Paz).
As for his present-day story, Systir is a member of the Sky Guard, a league of dragon riders and one of the most stalwart defenders among the human forces of the Mountain Kingdoms. While the Sky Guard are quite well-disciplined, they also tend to attract people with big egos and big tempers; every other Sky Guard seems to have something to prove, and when they're not actively defending their home against ne'er-do-wells, they're often challenging each other to winner-take-all jousting duels. Most duelists demand something valuable from their opponent when they win - gold, titles, items of personal importance, the occasional spouse.
But Systir's not like the average Sky Guard. He doesn't feel like he has anything to prove, because he knows he's the best.
He doesn't care to take fancy treasures or status symbols from his vanquished opponents. Instead, he only wants one thing: their belts. To him, nothing is sweeter than to watch the loser have to hobble away with their pants sliding. He even likes to wear the belts around his midsection as trophies, daring anyone to fight him again to win back their belt.
Systir and his bonded dragon, Lentaa, were one of the first choices to join the Champions of the Mountain Kingdoms; sure, he was a hard-drinking loudmouth, but he was unquestionably one of the fastest up-and-comers in the Sky Guard. Besides, Alriem would be handling any diplomacy and Iros would do the quiet jobs, so everything would be fine, right?
As it turns out, no. No, it wouldn't. Because later in the story, when everyone finally converges on the Tower and most have realized that whatever's on the other side is bad news, Systir is the one who says "Fuck that noise, we came here to do a job and we're going to finish that job," and activates the portal. And everyone nearly dies because of that, Systir included.
And boy, oh boy, does he not take the aftermath well. When everyone else decides to stay around the tower to shield it from interlopers and prepare for a proper reckoning with T'akar Duum, Systir instead can't handle the guilt he feels over nearly getting everyone killed and bails, disappearing into the woods with Lentaa to wander the earth and make hooch out of just about anything he can find so he can forget everything that happened; he feels that if he stays around, he's just liable to fuck up again.
Things probably get better for him eventually, but uh...I never got that far.
#47: Iros Idea: Creeping sneakthief WIP Story: Dragon Tavern
Without a doubt, Iros was the least developed of the initial batch of Dragon Tavern characters; the most that was written about him was that he was a meticulous planner who used his naturally sleepy appearance to hide his cunning intellect, but who would also quickly grow agitated if things didn't go exactly according to his plans. Unlike Alriem and Systir, however, I didn't spend nearly as much time over the years reworking his character. Poor dude kinda fell through the cracks...which, during the last however-long I've worked on this one, I might have actually taken to heart and worked into his new character.
While the meticulous planning and quiet cunning will stay, I now picture Iros as much more of an eccentric weirdo than I'd originally made him. As far as he can remember, he had always lived alone, sneaking about back alleys and scrounging to survive. He grew so used to living in the darkness and keeping out of the eye of others that the thought of anyone perceiving him would send him into an immediate state of panic. So imagine his surprise when he got caught stealing from the home of a veteran Infiltrator.
As tends to happen in these sorts of things, the Infiltrator was mighty impressed, taking the youth under her wing and teaching him the finer points of sneaky-beaking while slowly getting him used to the idea of being seen by other people, along with giving him a general education considering he was a feral child; she also happened to give him his name. A few years later, he was hand-picked to join the Champions of the Mountain Kingdoms.
As for where he ends up in the second half of the story, the only thing I particularly remember is that he winds up being one of the worse-off members, ultimately getting his entire jaw ripped off by T'akar Duum and getting a prosthetic fashioned for him by Paz. Whether or not I'll keep this is up in the air (chances are good I won't, though, since the only reason he'd had it at all was because MGS4 had released around that time and I thought Raiden's metal jaw looked cool), but beyond that, he most likely returned to civilization at large, mostly to spread misinformation to any Seekers looking for the Tower's location.
#48: Rinel Acolytus Idea: Leader of the holy choir, smiter of the wicked, raging bigot Story: Dragon Tavern
At last, we have our final squad, the Champions of the Steel Empire. In-game, the Steel Empire was basically Warhammer 40k (God-Emperor, an inquisition, science > magic, kill-all-xenos policy) with the tech level of Warhammer Fantasy (steamcraft, zeppelins, knights on horseback). Thus, they, more than either of the other two regions, have needed to have some reworkings over the years to try to divorce them from the obvious influences while still keeping the general gist of what they are. The primary thing that's changed is the origin and function of the God Emperor, who I've now reimagined as the Eternal Child; long ago, something happened which trapped the young boy in a perpetual state of being ten years old. Whether or not said something also gave him unprecedented magical powers, no one knows and the Eternal Child is not mentally capable of figuring it out. What is known, at least to a very select few, is that the Eternal Child is exactly as much of a Problem™️ as one would expect a permanent ten year old with borderline-uncontrollable magic powers would be.
As such, the Empire actually arose out of a need to a) appease the Child to keep him from nuking their whole society on a whim, especially when the regularly-attacking local wildlife and inhospitable environs already made life difficult, and b) potentially weaponize the Child since if his abilities could be harnessed in some way, it could finally give them the proper foothold to expand their civilization.
Thus came the mythology that the Eternal Child was the god emperor supreme blessed with divine yadda yadda who single-handedly saved their people from destruction and whose power he bestowed upon a chosen few, his Acolytes, to act as his will in the world at large while he was busy personally keeping their region safe. In truth, the Child was a petty brat who for some reason no one knows absolutely hated all magic despite having access to it himself. Thus, the initial banning of magic was twofold; first, to keep anyone from exploring alternate forms of magic and potentially undermining the power and unity of the Empire, and second, simply because the Eternal Child willed it, and his word was ultimately law (when the inner circle couldn't get away with circumventing it for their own desires, of course). Over the millennia, much of the truth was lost, concealed, or altered in so many ways that xenophobia and superstition became baked into society at large.
And that's where we come to Rinel. Rinel is one of those aforementioned Acolytes, who through the power of hymns and a big ol' hammer can channel the Eternal Child's power (which is totally not supplementing her own innate magic, she doesn't have magic, that's witchcraft, shut up) to smite her enemies. And like most good Acolytes, she's in the service of spreading the will of the Child by just about any means necessary. She hates non-humans, she hates witches, she hates magical creatures, she loves the Eternal Child. Simple as. And as such, when the inner circle received word of the Tower, she was chosen to lead the Champions as she had more than proven that her loyalty to the Empire wouldn't waver in the face of the temptations of the outside world.
She's a dour, serious young woman who is absolutely devoted to her mission and duty. So, of course, this tends to cause some wacky shenaniganry when she's paired with an Inquisitor who is more than willing to play a little fast and loose with the "non-humans and magic bad" stance and a perky young engineer, both of whom think she could stand to lighten the fuck up.
And lighten the fuck up, she does, eventually. As she travels, and especially after she meets the other teams, her bigotry is challenged, and ultimately breaks by the time they face down T'akar Duum. The final nail in the coffin for her extremism is that she falls in love with Enkeli, said Inquisitor, and learns he's been possessed by a demonic force that is slowly transforming him. Whereas in the early story, she would've just caved in his skull with her hammer, burnt his corpse, and been done with it, now, she actually wants to try to free him of his curse. After the time skip, much of her time has been spent studying esoteric exorcism rituals and properly studying magic to break her reliance on channeling the Eternal Child - she stops using her channeling because she doesn't know if her connection to the Child would tell the Empire where they were, so she needed another method to dig into her power.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Rewrite vs. Canon: Ben 10 Omniverse
The new team consists of Ben, Rook, Kai, and Jora; so we have two girls on the team instead of it just being two guys and shitty romance subplots. Kai wants to collect artifacts from being lost in the "Time War" while Jora fully explores being a superhero regardless what anyone says. Kevin doesn't go with Gwen to school, allowing her to flourish on her own. Instead he is reconciling with his family; and has unfinished business in the Null Void. The four MCs go travel to different dimensions and meet other Omnitrix welders, not just alternate but alternates of other characters and even a few OCs. While the overgrown easybake oven is the main threat, the ultimate looming villain is Eon.
We get glimpses of Gwen in college, mainly learning more magic and creating her own team with her roommates and academic rival (Niya, Marion and a couple more OCs).
Rook gets more supernatural abilities because i think it's weird for an alien species he was too normal. So he has feline powers like retractable claws, heightened senses and aura sense. This is also why he was given the Proto-Tool (which i call the Bayotrix - bayonet+tricks and proto-tool sounds lame).
Jora's main arc has her pursue an active role in politics placing her at odds with characters like Will Harangue and Attea. She also discovers she can link up with certain elements to create powerful affects.
Ester joins as a sixth ranger and gradually becomes Kai's love interest. We also get more of cousin lucy, and how she's become the new leader of the Lenopans.
Cousin Sunny drops by with a whole new look and attitude, forced to live with Bens' parents to straightened her out. Eventually with Clyde, Cooper, Ester, Lucy, Julie, and Rook's girlfriend, they form the Substitute Plumbers. One episode is dedicated to them.
Blukic and driba pop up every once and awhile as comic relief but also GENUINELY useful.
There is no recreate the universe shite in fact that's treated as a bad thing AND eon's origin story.
The rooters are actually a vigilante group taken over by that baldy guy. Kevin's dad was a part of it but was betrayed; Aggregor comes back not exactly to male amends with Kevin but to avenge a fellow Osmosian as law dictates. OH AND WE MEET KEVIN'S GRANDMA STEPHAN E. LEVIN SHE'S THE KOOKY MAD SCIENCE BADASS GRANNY
Since this is the "final" season I will space it out to ten seasons with ten episodes following a particular storyline. The final episodes would feature all the characters fighting Eon's forces.
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squidthesimp · 1 year
Holiday & Her Backstory Pt. 1
So, this is the beginning stage or story of my Poppy Playtime/BATIM oc's story! This post isn't much of a main story; much rather all the important details that this OC possesses that will be helpful in the REAL stories.
Anyways, my character's name is Holiday. She is actually my fursona in both of these fandoms! Ultimtaley, Poppy Playtime was based off of stereotypes, so I made Holiday a pansexual, lovable, clown demon! Believe it or not, Holiday was actually named after the gas station.
Hence, Holiday lived in this "demon tribe" where she learned all the basics of her powers before the day came that she would leave her tribe. In fact, she was incredibly excited to leave the tribe since she has a very adventurous spirit! But, there was a certain demon that lived there that wanted Holiday ALL to himself, and his name is Tempest (you're gonna want to remember him). Now, Tempest is INSANELY in love with Holiday and will do anything to keep her to himself.
Do not fret because Holiday absolutely despises Tempest and wants nothing to do with him. The problem is that whenever Holiday tells him that she doesn't feel the same way about him, Tempest believes that she is lying and she is playing the "hard-to-get" game.
When Holiday finally sets off for the mortal realm that night, out comes Tempest as he pushes her up against the outer tribe walls and desperately starts trying to convince her to stay with him.
"Oh, please my dearest Holiday! Think of what you and I can accomplish together if you stay! You and I... well... we could become the two most powerful rangers in all of the demon realm! You can't POSSIBLY think of betraying me..."
In addition to Tempest acting this way to Holiday, she grabs body and pins him down (she is a very strong demon XD) Then she whispers to him in a very threatening tone-
"This is a warning"
Finally, she runs off into the pitch blackness of the wood outside the demon tribe, hiding there so Tempest is unable to find her (she blends in incredibly well with the shadows).
All three parts are sort of long, so I'm going to stop here and start on Part 2 & 3.
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Oh, just wanted to share, I here decided to watch monsuno on tv when my parents were at home, and they decided to see what I watch, and it was so akward mostly because of Klipse's weird gay energy especially in moments with Jeredy, and when Hargrave is on the screen it feels like that meme "Yametekudasai-!". And they dont remember turning on tv for me to watch that show, and they were like "THIS is what you were watching as a kid?WTF". Same with some other movies/cartoon, my mom loves transformers, and so do I, but I had watched Transformers Prime, and it had good graphic and violence at first episodes, even minutes, and mom was just like "😨If I knew I wouldnt let you to watch it". I've watched it when I was around... wait, I'm 20,and it was 2013... When I was 7.
Also, there is such series as Lucifer, it's weird series cause there was moment when I just turned on tv with that thing and there were two muscular half naked dudes, one with beard, and one who is not said "daddy please, give me money" and bearded said "no son". It was akward, so I never watched it again, haha.
Other is, Arthur and miniputs when shamans were draining water from kid to shrink him, and they just covered him with ropes and began to tighten up to water would go from his body. He was screaming for stop but they did not. And he asked for it by himself, to became miniput.
I’m kinda had a childhood where my parents like let me watch anything. Blood anime scenes, ghost possessions and folklore, martial art, psychological and intelligent people, and tons of violence. Idk if they just let me watch it because I was mostly a ‘good’ kid, but like they never did anything to stop me from watching them. It was only up until I got older and closer to an adult age that they finally wanted me to watch something ‘age appropriate’ and not a ‘children’s show’ in their eyes, but like if they actually had looked at what they let me watch, they would have known why I wanted to be a boxer or martial artist as a child, and why I started getting smart enough to become valedictorian. And one of those show was of course, Monsuno and Six was the reason I passed my AP English class and exam to get the valedictorian role, and that really is important to me because I was the dumbest student when I comes to English up until I wanted to make a story about Six.
(Thank you again Six. We earned all those English awards.)
Thankfully, my parents finally understood that the shows I watch effect my mental health because of what I learn from watching the shows and just let me enjoy whatever I want to watch. Again, thank you Six and also to my animes, especially Dragon Ball Z and Super for the fact they had Vegeta and Trunks to show me how to have confidence in myself and how to be smart in science class.
Also, when you said Lucifer, did you mean the show about Lucifer Morningstar? The Devil who moved to LA and started helping the LAPD and ended falling for one of the detectives? I watched that the entire way! Didn’t really like the last season, but it was a good show. I made an OC named Eric who was inspired by the Lucifer show, and his acrylic painting got third place in the art show. I didn’t saw that one coming since Eric’s painting was done in one or two nights, but like good for him.
I don’t know the last one, but that sounds crazy for a child to watch. But then again, I watched Power Rangers and still do to this day, and boy, those guys know how to not hold a punch.
Funny fact: I made a slight fan art of Vrak from Power Rangers Megaforce, and he also won second place in the art show in 2022, but I had another art piece in the same category as Vrak and she won first place. The reason this is funny is that my first place art piece has a name, Emma, and Vrak was beaten by a Ranger named Emma so basically Vrak lost to another Emma. Also, Vrak’s the reason I’m like good in psychology, so ‘children’s shows’ are good for people!
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literalliterature · 8 months
🎯 🍀 🍩 for the oc thing, and all of them bcus i love your ocs lmao
Hiiiiii Opal sorry for the wait on this!!!
🎯 -What do they do best?
Keet: She would like the answer to be "fighting," because she feels that that is her only real utility, but given that once again she was kicked (temporarily) out of officer training she can't really make that claim yet. She is actually excellent at singing and doing shit like, fucking, memorizing entire epics and learning languages on the fly, but these skills come so naturally to her that she almost doesn't feel like they count.
Yonder: Answered!
Aisling: Connecting with animals. She gravitates toward them, they gravitate toward her, she has a lot of practice reading them and is naturally empathetic toward them. If she only ever had animals (and Cassius) to interact with for the rest of her life, she'd be more than happy. She's also a very good dancer, albeit out of practice and without the stamina she used to have.
Onyx: Oh......probably screaming like an absolute madman to intimidate anyone and anything around them lol.
🍀 What originally inspired the OC?
Keet: So, the current version of Keet is actually not the first one to exist. She was originally created for a different game, specifically using the Dungeon World system, and was not a selkie but a different kind of merfolk shapeshifter at the time--specifically a Scottish creature called a ceasg. Long story short, my GM at the time (hi Gray!) and I made a homebrew race that was effectively immortal, with the caveat that coming back from the dead cost the individual their memories. Everything else rose from there.
Yonder: I'm gonna keep it real with you, at the time I really wanted to make a character based on the song "Rainmaker" by Bruce Springsteen vksdjbdljvbslb. Also, yk, religious trauma and eco-anxiety, as ever.
Aisling: Listen. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) rocked my shit when I was 8 years old and I have not gotten over it since. I will not elaborate (except in DMs if you want lmao).
Onyx: Another character originally from a Dungeon World oneshot! In DW, druids have powers based on the specific type of biome to which they are connected (a bit like non-revised rangers in D&D), and one of the biome options that you can pick is the Stinking Mire. I interpreted this to be a tar pit, gave them as much fossil theming as my heart desired (a lot), and off I went.
🍩 Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Keet: I'm not sure she has any specific individual that she considers to be like, a personal enemy, with the exception of one of the members of the cult the gang has been fighting. This is because said cult member murdered her friend Alcaeus quite gruesomely and in a way that was pretty traumatic for her. (They Raised Dead on him though he's fine now lmao.) She does have a friendly rivalry with someone back home as well.
Yonder: They are going to rip the Raven Queen a new asshole if it's quite literally the last thing they ever do.
Aisling: I haven't quite fleshed out who this person is yet but one of the wardens in particular.
Onyx: There was a faction of people who betrayed them and framed them for regicide, many of whom were fellow nights whom they trusted or admired previously, and they all had their shit wrecked when Onyx fulfilled their insane vengeance quest.
Thank youuuuuuuuu ily
oc ask meme
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brokenhardies · 2 years
WHO is crystal dilaurentis [insert eyes emoji that i cant put bcuz im on my computer]
She's my OC for my Power Rangers fanseries Turbo Prism - based on Mashin Sentai Kiramager! She's the Silver Ranger of the group, and had been missing for a few months before she joined the group.
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She alongside Mitchell Park (the Red Ranger) has the privilege of being one of the only human rangers on the team, having been a student alongside Mitchell at Silver Hills high and was on the cheerleading team! Also yes; her sentai counterpart is a guy. I doubt there has been any female (solo) sixth rangers so I genderswapped Kiramai Silver!
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Riva Remembers
(A cheesy title for a fic I wrote while in the midst of an emotional breakdown, haha… I figured I’d post it on here because people seem to like my artwork of this OC so far. This is my first time writing these characters. Also I am on mobile and super duper tired from the aforementioned breakdown, so please pardon the long post. I have no idea how to put the read more thing on this… Regardless I hope someone enjoys this, I guess.)
“Agent Cruller, it’s me! Raz! I need to talk to you—“
“Sorry, senior staff only!” The old man in the mailroom office replied coldly, turning back to sorting the piles of letters with telekinesis.
“Don’t you know who I am?!” Nick’s voice came from farther into the mailroom, “I’m telling my dad!”
Razputin suddenly got an idea… He raced down to find his mentor standing there, eyes looking off in two separate directions. Another figure he recognized was on the verge of a nervous breakdown right next to him… Actually she looked like she had already been through multiple breakdowns before he even got here.
“Mr. Johnsmith?! Come on! It’s me! N-nick?!” The teen ran pale hands through her short brown hair, “Th-this is terrible! I am dead for sure!”
“Postage stamps…are scratch and sniff…” The pot-bellied man mumbled nonsensically beside her.
“Whoa, whoa, Riva…” The ten year old’s expression softened, “I was the one who found his brainless body… What do you mean you’re dead?”
“N-norma…she… t-told everyone I…”
“She thinks YOU’RE the mole?!” The child was taken aback, slightly angered even, “Why?!”
“I-I don’t know…M-maybe it’s because I didn’t notice the body before you…?” Riva sniffled, “It doesn’t matter… Agent Foresythe is going to have me detained…o-once she hears about this…”
“What?! No way!” He looked at her with determined eyes, “Don’t worry! I have a plan! I am going to get a new brain for Nick’s body, so he can let me into the mailroom office! Once I get there, I will be one step closer to proving you’re innocent!”
“Y-you really think… I-I’m innocent…?” Her tear filled blue eyes looked at him as if confused by his faith in her.
“I know you are!” He nodded, “Hey! Can you watch Ford for me until I get back? Make sure he doesn’t go anywhere!”
“F-ford…?” The other intern’s eyes narrowed at that name, as if she were squinting to see through a thick fog, “Ford…why does… Oh! Ford Cruller, right… He’s one of the psychic 6…” She shook her head, “Sorry, I am just…all over the place… These panic attacks take a lot out of me…”
“It’s all going to be okay.” The younger of the two gently took the other’s hand, waving to Nick before walking up to the office room, “Agent Cruller! This is my friend! She works in the mailroom—!”
“If she isn’t senior staff, that door ain’t openin’!” Ford declared before the boy could finish.
“Oh, I know!” Raz nodded, “This is Riva. She is having a hard time right now, and I don’t want to leave her alone. Maybe you two could talk or something?”
“Eh?! Oh, sure…sure thing…” The senior sounded slightly jostled for a moment, before returning to his distant demeanor, “Chit chat makes the sortin go faster…”
“Great!” The boy smiled at Riva before racing up to the exit of the mailroom, “I’ll be back as soon as possible!”
Soon after the sound of footsteps and levitation bubbles faded, the remaining intern heard the door creak open.
“Riva…” Cruller’s voice sounded slightly shaken, “I… Is it really you…?”
“S-sir…?” She frowned, “I-I don’t think we’ve met before…”
“Ah… I shoulda known you would’ve repressed it all…” He looked at the floor grimly, “They feared what you could become if you knew…”
“…W-what…?” The teen stepped away as the agent stepped closer, reaching a hand out to her. Eventually, she was against a wall.
“You…really were damaged by the feedback…weren’t you, kid…?” His bushy eyebrows furrowed in concern, “Back at Whisperin Rock… you remember that place, right…?”
Oh, that summer camp she got kicked out of only mere days in because she wasn’t even a real psychic?
“Yes, that’s the one.” Cruller answered her thoughts telepathically, “Except… you are psychic, Riva… Always have been… They just wanted you to believe you weren’t…so they could let you go back to society…”
Go…back…? Why wouldn’t she have been allowed to be in society if she was psychic? Isn’t that what the psychonauts are all about?
“You had potential, unlike what Nein Vodello and myself had ever seen from such a young mind… until Raz showed up, of course, but he was slightly older than you were…” He finally grabbed both of her hands, encasing them in his own, “You had such a gift with clairvoyance… it was beyond what the psychonauts ever thought was possible…”
“W-Wait…” She blinked, “You know Raz then? Why didn’t you just let him in the office…?”
“He’s not ready to learn the dark truths I’ve got tucked away in this old noggin…” The old man sighed, “I-I’m not ready for em, either… but… you are. You need to know the truth about yourself… You need to stop disregarding me when I say this: You ARE psychic…”
“B-BUT I’M NOT!” Riva tried to pull her hands away from him, to which he gently released them from their hold, “T-THAT CAMP WAS THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME! I THOUGHT I WOULD FIND SOMEWHERE I BELONGED, THAT I WAS GOOD FOR SOMETHING! B-but… I wasn’t… I-I was so full of myself to think I was special! M-My brains just BROKEN—“
“Stop it right there.” His voice became firmer, “Listen to me, before someone comes! Your potent clairvoyance meant we didn’t need any altering technology to convince you of a lie… You are so in tune with other people’s viewpoints and perspectives… you don’t even know what your reality is anymore… Other people tell you who you are, what you do, where you go. No more playin pretend, Riva.”
“You were a psychic of high potential even at age 7, with budding specialities in clairvoyance, and hydrokinesis….” He smiled, “You… you made friends with every single piece of me, kid… I took you under my wing to teach you what I knew… but hydrokinesis… was a feared ability due to…well… another incident... When that secret spilled…”
“N-no… I-I can’t be… I-I don’t remember any of this!“
“Nein feared that your age, your diagnosis of autism, both combined with your psychic potential could result in you developing powerful abilities beyond even your own control…” Ford shook his head, “Headquarters wanted to lock ya up for observation in a psychoisolation facility for life… but, Sasha found a loophole. By having someone tell you that their biased perspective was reality, your brain would doubt its own perception, and start to believe them. That’s how we managed to let you leave that campsite with your family…”
By this point Riva was speechless, as countless memories she thought she had selfishly dreamed about returned to her. She fell to her knees, staring at nothing as she was flooded with all that she had forgotten. The ruthless bullying at camp, and their sabotaging of her efforts to learn to use her powers… That time they tried to drown her in the lake and she washed them all ashore on accident… the horror on everyone’s faces… It all actually happened?!
There were some happy things hidden in the mess, though… The time she’d spend drawing the wildlife out there, the cool places to explore… and the single friend she made at camp… That’s right, the cook was always there to comfort her after the other kids picked on her… No, wait, it was the ranger… But then why’d she remember a janitor, and a man watching over the canoes…? Why did they all look the same, identical even…? Then there was one more in a psychonauts uniform…
“There ya go. Now you’re getting it…” His frail hand grabbed one of hers, helping her up with a chuckle. “I should look more familiar to ya now, eh?”
She made eye contact again, and felt so stupid for not noticing this before. Riva always had an interest in the psychonauts, because they seemed like they could tolerate different minds. If her family could afford it, she would even read True Psychic Tales, mainly because she admired the illustrations. How could she not realize she knew Ford “The Founder Of This Whole Place” Cruller until now?!
Yet, at the same time, she felt her eyes water. It was nice to know she had a friend back then, even if he was old enough to be her grandpa. She didn’t say a word, and extended her free arm as an invitation…for something she definitely needed and wouldn’t want to get from Nick. The agent understood, and they hugged for a brief moment. She felt like this had happened before.
“I-I… I’m glad to see you, Mr. Cruller, b-but…” She quickly shifted back to worrying, “I-I am not in the best situation to do much of anything regarding the truth right now… I know Norma is telling Hollis I am the spy in the psychonauts… I-I am going to get locked up in the end anyway… T-they didn’t believe me before… Why would they believe me now—?”
He was gone.
The intercom sounded, with Hollis’ sharp voice ringing out, “Would Riva Beckons please come to the main area IMMEDIATELY!”
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