#and then i had to order something off amazon and you cant check out as a guest apparently
avatar-aaang · 1 year
ooohhhhh mytgg gooddddd I was given 3 simple tasks that are not being simple!!!
0 notes
hiemaldesirae · 2 months
i have less than 24 hours left before i have to go through one of the most stressful days of my life so. heres a list of my fav radiostatic fic recs in no particular order
clarification: by radiostatic i mean fics where vox is 100% not the dom in the relationship. most of these dont contain explicit sex though, and im not recommending any straight porn fics here because you can easily find those with a click and search through the bottom vox tag lmao
most of these fics are unfinished, so be warned that i will not take accountability if you get attached to these without them being finished properly. in fact ill just laugh at you because then we'll be suffering together
now, that aside- starting off strong with some of the more popular fics:
RHTVS / Radio Healed the Video Star by Aspiring_Forest_Witch
notes: LONG fucking fic. like this guys almost 700k words long fic. one of the best things ive ever read in my life though and it has a plotline thats frankly more engaging than the actual showing of hazbin on amazon. so. you know. if you have the time to read it Please do you wont regret it
Unraveling Emotions by Xaelei
notes: one of my favourite fics ever on god. started my brainrot for dad!husk, portrays one of the most scrumptious radiostatic dynamics and is generally so very well written that i might end up trying to recreate one of the scenes in comic form. genuinely in love with this fic and im so glad i can say i was the first comment on this fic because my God its such a treat to see new chapters drop for this. unfortunately i havent had the time to write out a detailed comment as of now but if someone wants to let the author know that im still in love with their fic and will continue supporting it until i drop dead go ahead for me
Safe with Me by rillyrillo
notes: the prequel and main fic of this series is human radiostatic, though the sequel is set in hell. it comes with gorgeous gorgeous art and frankly one of the most exhilirating endings ive ever had the pleasure of witnessing play out. i recommend you guys check out their other fics too, the art continues in them + their radiostatic is written wonderfully across all universes!
A Month of Rut by Vylad
notes: this fic is very self indulgent to me. i love the way radiostatic is written in this one because theyre very soft and sweet, but others may not prefer it if theyre looking for freak4freak radiostatic. if you just want something to indulge in and relax with at the end of a heavy day though this is my #1 rec. i read this sometimes when i find myself crying at night lmao
Down, Up, and Back Down by CowboyEnthusiast
notes: made me sob like a baby. 10/10 no notes whatsoever read it for yourself because you WILL not regret it. i genuinely am always at a loss for words whenever i reread this because it is among the most gutwrenching but beautiful and poetic works that ive ever read and i think it deserves some recognition
Mind the Gap by ZLynn
notes: again, to reiterate, i do very much dislike the abusive!staticmoth portrayal i see in a lot of fics. but in this one... it's written so perfectly, i can definitely see it actually happening. i enjoy the way that val does still seem to care about vox, albeit in his own twisted way that eventually breaks and fractures their love and trust, and its just. Ugh. So fucking good
+ with the less popular but still wonderful depictions of radiostatic that i love to indulge in:
i'll give you a show (cause it helps fill the seats) by dead_and_dreaming
notes: absolutely shameless plug from me for my dear mk's work because i cant stop thinking about the way that she's portrayed al here. its actually insane how fucked up that stupid little deer is and i just. i really fucking love the way that their alastor is written, it's genuinely probably my Number One depiction of alastor ever. i demand more of this stupid little freak RIGHT NOW!!!!
Any of the fics by Rachello344 in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom Tag on their profile
notes: so remember when i told you guys i wouldnt be linking straight porn. looks away... okay in my defense though i read the smut for the characterization and their unique dynamics. its sooo interesting to see how their radiostatic is explored here and im honestly refreshed by the depiction of their relationship. im here for it !!!
The Read 'Em and Weep Series by TooManyPseudonyms
notes: so from what i was able to piece together (everything flies over my head when im reading, forgive me for my low media literacy) this is an au set before the hotel where (in the first work) al and vox are in a qpr relationship. in the second work this evolves into a romantic relationship, and the exploration of their dynamic through this is just... Yeah. please read it its 100% worth your time and so underrated it hurts my heart
Uneasy by Saezs
notes: this fic is one of the first radiostatic fics i read (the others being RHTVS and... i think i tried the 666 series, but it didnt appeal to me lol) and its actually just wonderful. i really love saezs's genderfluid vox and how supportive the other vees are of them <3 their portrayl of the characters puts a smile on my face whenever i reread their work
Heat Waves by HappyPRAWN
notes: i'll be fr dsmptsd hit me like a truck when i read the title but it is such an interesting debut! only at one chapter as of me making this post but the way the author wrote this is so engaging and it really makes me wonder what they have next in store for the fic
Do I have your attention now? by Chi_Chi25
notes: wow no way we have the same name... anyway ahem. ill be completely honest this ones a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. this fic is a bit fragmented and short, so for people who click off fics when they see imperfect grammar this one may not be for you. however if you can look past that, it has an engaging storyline and quite the juicy concept :)
Killer Ex by FanGirl48
notes: gorgeous, gorgeous little human! radiostatic oneshot. i love the relationship that vox and al have here... the reasons why they both stayed away from each other even though theyre still so very clearly down bad for each other... anyway. i think about this one a lot and i still go back to reread it sometimes lol
Negotiations by FanGirl48
notes: i didnt realize until i started making this list that this fic was also written by fangirl48.... go off queen keep feeding us (me). this one was a fic recommended to me initially by link nonny, and i can 100% vouch for how good it is. its got appletv interactions, radiostatic plus lucifer trying to navigate heaven, angels... basically everything needed for a very varied and well packed with flavour story
The diary of a Serial Killer by ShippersCave
notes: okay im running out of brain juice at this point but. yeah this fic is soooo self indulgent to me. this ones another human au, with al as a serial killer and vox as the journalist trying to conduct interviews with him. its got SUCH a good dynamic between al and vox, i encourage you guys to check it out and give it a chance even if youre not really into human aus.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid by ShippersCave
notes: pirate/siren au !!!!!!!!! RAAHH !!!!! i dont have to say anything else for this if thats not enough to get you to click then i dont know what is
System Shutdown by Swoolie
notes: i cant believe i nearly forgot about this one LMAO... vox goes onto a temporary hiatus and everyone goes crazy about it. im not really sure if this counts as radiostatic frankly because of the way its tagged but its so good i think you should give it a read anyway
Together in Radio Static by Anonymous
notes: QPR media husbands radiostatic au !!!! i love this one especially because it opens off with vox slapping alastor across the face for leaving him LMAOO (deserved)
What Has Been by Tianren
notes: another human au (YEAH YEAH I KNOW. JUST HEAR ME OUT OKAY i swear im cooking) look, as someone with religious trauma deeper than i can properly express and the worlds fifteenth worst parental issues, the depiction of vox in this fic just really hits home. i really adore the exploration of voxs past and how the themes of religious guilt and cults are woven in so far- and it blends very seamlessly with their human au, despite the characters eccentricities
you're too sweet for me by awestruck_atrophy and moonbeanies
notes: basically, vox and al make a deal where vox tries to help him out of the shackles or whatever that are bound to him because of his stupid dumbass lusting for power. its very intriguing so far and i love the setup and worldbuilding the authors have done, so you should check it out if you want a unique perspective on radiostatics relationship
candlelight by curtailed
notes: the best way i can think of to describe this one is like... fake marriage but instead of fake marriage its. fake roommates??? the author probably puts it better than me tbh. its super interesting so far, i cant wait to see where this one is headed especially with how unique its premise is!
Zero Day by Anonymous
notes: this one is like those time regression manhwas. you know, the ones where the protag goes back in time and proceeds to try and avoid everyone who made their life miserable- only to fail because for some reason now they're paying attention to them more than they would have had they stayed the same person. its certainly very promising, though! i do love indulging in time regression stories, especially when the mc is someone i love like vox. i really cant wait to see which direction this one is headed in :)
Never as Good as the First Time by IComeForFanficsNowin403
notes: okay. so, uh. um. so- this one is in spanish. HOWEVER its premise (serial killer alastor meets television star (?? i think. its not quite clear) at a party hosted by rosie, moves into his neighborhood to keep an eye on the pretty prey) is just so unique i honestly think its worth the experience to pull out google translate and try living the machine translated life. really. give it a chance. also its got beautiful art to go along with, so.. you know. thats just a bonus!
+ honorary staticmoth and one-sided/past radiostatic fic rec:
Freak-A-Zoid by Femalefonzie
notes: this fic deserves every single piece of praise its ever gotten because good lord. its SO good. i was not seeing the radiostatic twist come in, but it *is* mostly staticmoth. and also a/b/o but i mean. who *hasnt* indulged in a little bit of a/b/o before honestly
there are other fics that i personally like to indulge in, but i frankly wouldnt recommend to anyone else because they're either the kinds of fics that i myself can only bring myself to read after ive spent 8 hours at work crying into my pillow and need to look at something entertaining, or when im starved of content and cant be bothered to cook myself so i pull out the translator and start going at it. (technically i should know how to read french by now but. urgh. anywway..)
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having come clean about being single for a very long time now and considering herself completely out of the dating scene, Y/N’s confession is taken and responded to with a ton of kindness, especially from a special someone...
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was such a joy to write! I’m so sorry for the long wait you had to go through but the fic is finally here and I hope you enjoy reading it! Love, Vy ❤
I roll out of bed with little to no desire to start my day. We haven’t got a scheduled stream for today and the clouds glooming in the sky seem to be promising rain so really what do I have to get up for except that it’s a rule society installed?
Just kidding, I’m basically stalling and that’s all.
So what happened was the streamer gang and I were playing Among Us last night and our conversation during the pause between rounds somehow swerved into relationship territory. I stayed quiet the majority of if not all the time because I had no valid input to offer. 
If you know me you know I’m not one of the performers on the dating scene. I have never really confirmed it with my fans - well, until last night, that is - but I bet they have picked up on that fact considering I’ve been on YouTube for around a decade and have never had a partner. That being said, I’d have to also mention that I have in fact dated but someone but it was before my YouTube era started. Me choosing this career path, which back then was just a hobby, had nothing to do with the relationship ending but it still motivated me to not to actively look for a relationship while I’m still focused on my career. It’s too much work, too much stress and requires a lot of balance I most certainly either don’t have or I don’t have the energy to put in balancing my romantic and professional lives. Luckily, no one’s ever pressured me into finding a significant other, not yet at least, so no societal pressure for me!
But I gotta admit I felt real awkward admitting all this last night.
“Hey Y/N what do you think? You’ve been awfully quiet?“ Rae asks, causing me to jolt in my seat from where I’ve been reading my chat for the past five minutes, my mic muted.
I quickly unmute to reply, blushing ever so slightly, “Um, sorry I was reading my chat. What do I think about what?”
“The gesture of giving flowers to your significant other, is it romantic or a waste of money and plant murder?“ Rae explains, still managing to catch me off-guard with her question.
I ponder what my response should be for a little bit before deciding to level it to a neutral level where I almost sound indifferent, “It is in fact plant murder basically and artificial flowers would definitely be a better gift - plus they’ll last longer.”
“Mhmm yeah that’s true.“ Poki agrees with me, “But there’s still the question of whether it’s a romantic gesture or not. I personally don’t think it’s overrated or cheesy, I actually quite like it. What about you, Y/N?“
And now she’s got me in a real trap that I can’t wiggle out of without speaking my truth. I don’t know where this sudden anxiety around the subject came from but it now resides within me rent free and makes me feel self-conscious and embarrassed of the confession I’m inevitably make.
“Um, I wouldn’t know for certain, I’ve never received flowers myself...“ I say sheepishly, cringing at the sound of my own voice, “It’s not like I’ve dated plenty of people and the one guy I did date wasn’t really romantic or anything, I mean - we were teenagers, after all. But when I think about it in theory I think I’d like the gesture: it’s thoughtful, plus you get a temporary but beautiful piece of décor out of it.“
I’m gonna hope I didn’t sound too pitiful or desperate. Of course I’m not gonna check afterward on the stream cause I’d rather live in the illusion of having sounded humorous rather than be given the confirmation that I didn’t.
“Wait, wait, wait, did you date your last boyfriend like a decade ago?“ Corpse is now the one talking and that makes me feel even more anxious. This is not the impression one would want to give to their crush, is it? Oh well, no turning back now.
“Correct.“ I reply with a laugh that I hope didn’t sound as nervous as it was.
“And you’ve never, like in your whole life, received flowers from someone?“ He sounds astonished which sort of makes me want to shrink up in my shell like a turtle. Too bad I don’t have a shell though. I’m genuinely thinking of the option to rip the router out of the outlet right now to save me the troubles but I’m not that immature. I’m surprised I’m even reacting this way - this topic doesn’t usually bother me at all but now for some reason I’m red as a tomato and shrinking in my chair. 
I know what the obvious answer is but I’d rather die than admit to it.
“Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds bad but I really don’t care.“ I make an attempt at changing the subject, swerving it back to the main topic rather than my lack of a love life, “I do, in fact, find the gesture sweet - it adds vibrancy to the relationship just like the flowers would add vibrancy and color to the space they’re put in.“
“Oh my gosh, that’s such a cool analogy!“ Rae gushes, “You’re totally right, it might be an old trick, but it’s aged like fine wine.“
Phew, God bless you Rae.
“Exactly, exactly.“ Corpse agrees as well but I don’t think he’s fully heard what Rae said since he sounds to have fallen in deep thought.
At least I got away with it with only making a SLIGHT nervous wreck of myself.
Yikes, was that horrible, though I don’t people will remember it for long. Sure, my fans have sent me thousands of lovely messages and pictures of bouquets and will maybe continue sending them for another day or two - which I highly appreciate, don’t get me wrong. I’m severely touched by this gesture of theirs and it almost makes me glad I finally ‘came clean’ about my romance-less life - however, it’ll fade overtime. I mean, who the heck cares if I’m single or not?
As I pour the milk over my cheerios which I’ve been snacking on dry for the past half hour as I rifled through the many notifications clogging up my lock screen, I hear the doorbell ring. I’m understandably puzzled by this, seeing as how I never get visitors so that doorbell rings only when I’ve ordered something, be it takeout or a random item off Amazon. However, I can’t remember ordering anything, at least not anything that should be arriving at the moment or even anytime soon - that glow-in-the dark curtain isn’t supposed to arrive until next week.  I make my way to the door, unbothered by the fact I’m still in my pajamas, and take a look through the peephole.
It’s a delivery guy...and he happens to be holding a huge-ass bouquet.
“What the...“ I mutter to myself as I unlock and swing open the door in the blink of an eye, “Hi?“
“Hi there, are you Y/N L/N?“ The delivery guy, who I’ve seen many times before and who I’m on pretty friendly terms with, asks me jokingly, sending a wink my way.
“I sure am.“ I reply, my gaze fixated on the breathtaking flowers he’s holding, “But those can’t be for me, that’s for sure.“
He fishes looks at his clipboard one more time, nodding before he looks back at me, “I double and triple checked, Y/N, they’re for you. Here, have a look if you don’t believe me.” He turns the clipboard  for me to see and he is actually telling the truth. I mean, I doubt he’d have any reason to lie to me but mix-ups happen all the time.
“Um, ok thanks. Sorry for the halt, it’s just...I’d hate to be the recipient of the flowers meant for another girl.” I apologize as I take the bouquet for him, still in awe of the fact I’m the one it was made and meant for and sent to.
I say a quick ‘bye’ to the delivery guy before practically running inside to inspect this bouquet for a card from the sender. I have my guesses: it has to be someone who was present during the stream last night and someone who knows my address. Hopefully it’s someone from my friend group and not a fan who watched the stream and just happens to know my address. I’d still appreciate the gesture, but I’d also install security cameras if that was the case.
Something about the color scheme of the flowers - pink and black - gives me Rae vibes since she constantly teases me about my aesthetics contradicting each other. But then again, Poki does it too so it could be her as well....
                                                               ~ ~ ~
I’ve been sitting here, keeping myself a safe distance from my phone so I’m not the first one to send her a text. So I don’t ask if she got what I sent her. So I don’t ask what she thought of it, how the bouquet looks in her living room, how it smells, how it makes her feel. I have so many questions so that phone is best off at a major distance from me. I’m the one who’s better off with such a huge distance between me and the device, to be perfectly honest.
Was it a bad idea? Should I have slept on it - or just thought about it longer cause sleep and I don’t get along? Should I have at least waited a day or two? Should I-
My phone vibrates with a notification and I practically fly to it from across the room, grabbing it and unlocking it asap. My heart sinks and takes off like a rocket simultaneously when I see I’ve been tagged in Y/N’s Instagram story. I nervously tap the notification that sends me to the picture of the bouquet I sent her with some text written over it.
“Thank you, Romeo ;)“
Somehow that one sentence answers all those aforementioned questions.
Is this what people refer to as butterflies in one’s stomach? Cause it feels significantly more like a crush...oh wait.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76
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More Divaz confos
Mod: Round two of these, previously: link. There’s some interesting customer reviews in this batch (5 and 8) which may be useful to readers.
1.Vic3mage "the secret bjdivaz vip group is just pictures of boxes coming in and going out". Yeah, between the bitching about d0llshe, asking people to post on doa for them, dunking on ex-customers, posting pics of random doll parts that they can't identify which doll they're supposed to go with, whining about how little money they make, whining when ppl e-mail them, whining. Yeah, other than that it's just boxes, and alpacas u can buy off amazon anyway lol.
2.The butthurt users crying and guilttripping under every Divaz confession who have never been seen before elsewhere on this blog are extremely unsuspicious and unproblematic and definitely unconnected to Divaz and unbiased in every possible way
3.idk shit abt bjd1vas but v1cemage i can absolutely tell you the shit about ch0o is 100% accurate, fucker's got a long, long history of being an awful little man that stretches well beyond his involvement in the doll community. between the two i'd still trust bjd1vas over ch00 ch00 the fool any day!
4.The Z3st and Div4s thing is really silly and both entities were being shady but did they really have to take the DZ waiting room down with them? :( He had even made a separate thread about it......
5. RE: BJD Divaz
I’ve been a customer of BJD Divaz since they first started, when it was only run by Chart3rline. I even contacted other BJD companies trying to persuade them to work with Divaz as their US representative. Most declined because they didnt like D's commission fee, but I was able to persuade a few of them.
I asked them to purchase a doll off DOA because I couldnt afford the asking price, and while they did, I found out later that instead of agreeing to purchase the seller's price, they negotiated the price to be lower. This significantly cheaper price was not passed down to me. I paid the full price +the commission fee based on that full price. I am disappointed I was not told this. This is when I stopped viewing them as a "friend" and instead, as a business. I dont hold this against them, it’s context to what Im going to say later.
I’ve stopped purchasing from D after my recent order from them. This company usually takes 3 or less months to make a doll. I’ve ordered the doll from D and it took 11 months. They let me know it arrived to them in March and that it will be shipped soon, except it only shipped on July, and only after I sent them several "reminder" emails. Before people in the comments try to put the blame on me for not sending a reminder soon, please keep in mind that I acknowledged the email in March and confirmed everything and they keep stressing to not send them emails because they are busy, I’ve emailed once every month since. I’ve since switched to ACBJD and Ive been happy with communication and the dolls ordered. I imagine ACBJD gets the same amount of emails, but they dont berate their customers if they email more than once.
I regret when people wanted a D0llshe, but not deal with him, I always recommended D. I would warn people of ordering directly and instead go through D. They assured buyers they would be handling communication and all the efforts so they wouldnt worry, except they didn’t. A person that I’ve recommended D to, who surpassed 2 years, keeps messaging me for help because D wouldnt reply to their emails. She is respectful, sweet and a timid person, not a Karen. This person, emailed D without a reply so would email a week later, only to be told that their email would be pushed down to the bottom if emailed again. No response, so she goes to FB and IG, who both tell her to email because they arent the person running orders. Finally got a response that they would get their refund, after D0llshe sends D's payment, but minus the PP fees. 3 months later and theres no refund, only a promise of them getting it later. Why is the customer missing out on fees when they have no doll? Customer emails d0llshe and he says he cant offer refund, because they didn’t order through them, which is understandable, but when all options are out for a customer, do you blame them for chargebacks?
If anyone files a chargeback, D will be blacklisting them from every company they rep, as in blacklisting you from buying direct from those companies. I urge everyone who has negative experiences with D to email the companies they rep instead of venting on confession blogs, and writing your experiences on social media. Make it count and send letters to the companies they represent, and please provide proof because they will try to make you out to be a liar.
Speaking of, they made vague posts on cl0ver singing for charging paypal fees, and that they offer guarantees as an official dealer, except when offering refunds, to non delivered products I might add, they are keeping the fees, and offered no help with d0llshe, even before they ended their dealership with them. Someone on DOA was told to not email them unless the wait time surpassed 1.5 years. They are even so petty that they post screenshots with the full name and address (dox) of the customer on purpose and then delete it out a day later as if they just realized their "mistake".
Before you try to make excuses for them about the fires, keep in mind, I am dealing with a business. The lower price negotiation with the DOA sale, I am in no way obligated to give them a pass or treat them as a friend when they made it clear that our relationship is strictly business. Their issues, are not my issues. D0lk got dragged for not shipping in time, others, including artisans, got dragged for being so late with communication and sending back refunds for cancelled orders. Why does D get to be exempt?
The supporters are the worst part of this, because of instead of being honest so D can improve, they support them for being "real". For example, look how micemage words it, to make it seem like this criticism is from one person, when there are people on addicts who didn’t have good experience. Check the bjd dealers tag here, you will see the supporters in the comments going off on any and all criticism of D. Some have sane comments, but the majority are cult like and try to identify the person venting as if it’s one person. Addicts deletes threads with criticism asking people to instead direct it to their feedback group; which lets be honest, no one is going to do because its "not that bad", and most dont want to join a new group, which is mostly dead.
This is my first and last confession on D, I’ve emailed each company they rep and told them my experience as well as contacting the 3 month wait company, with screenshots of my order, how they handled it, and the excuse they used to put blame on the company for being so late (package arrived march to D, 4 months to be shipped is on D, not the company). I’m not using company or order details because I know they are petty enough to try to identify me and publicly shame me like they have to others. This and the threat of suing is why not many people like to go public with their experience. They just keep feedback neutral, move on and never deal with again.
6. Listen, I can't take you seriously in regards to BJD!vas because you're posting on a confession blog. If you were serious, you would have posted in buyer beware groups, DoA reviews or the board to get things resolved, or you would have made a complaint to the BBB. And your language makes you come off more as someone with an agenda rather than someone who is trying to warn people. If shipping is the issue, stop buying with standard shipping and pay the extra price for express shipping. I saw one of you complain that it sat with them for 20 days; that's probably because you're not the only one and they more than likely have a queue to check and then ship out. Do mistakes happen? Yes, because we're human. I've been in this hobby for a few years now and it seems like most people know you're going to have to wait, sometimes even outside the expected wait time. And shipping something as big as a doll is a timely endeavor. I shouldn't have to say that.
My point is simply to stop complaining on an confession board and either take it to the places previously mentioned. Posting here behind the anonymous mask makes you sound like a petulant child who didn't get their way right away.
7.My only issue with BJD Divaz is how I never get any updates. Every email, they tell me to join their facebook page for status updates. I dont have a FB and I dont want to create one. I bought my doll through their website, updates should be posted on their website, or they could send me an email. That isnt asking much.
8. Since there seems to be a lot of either "completely negative everything sucks" or "everything was sunshine and rainbows" confessions about bjd!vaz I thought I'd chime in with a neutral review.
-They were always polite and professional in their emails, and gave me very detailed answers to my questions.
-I got exactly what I ordered, so no mix ups or missing parts or anything like that.
-I think them being forthcoming about personal issues (only one person on staff, illness, the flooding isue etc.) on social media is good, since it keeps customers updated as to why there might be delays.
-If you live in the US their shipping is very reasonable.
-Reply times were varied. Sometimes it could take over a week, sometimes a couple hours.
-My order took about 10mo which, when comparing to other people who ordered through the same company around the same time, was about 3x as long as if I bought it direct and 2x as long if I had gone through a different dealer. I get some of the waiting time is out of their control, but it was kind of ridiculous.
-They dont necessarily ship the same day they send you a tracking number. I wish they said something like, "Here's your tracking number, our pickup is Xday so it should start moving after that" just so I could be aware.
All in all no major complaints. I got my doll and all that. Their lone employee is clearly overwhelmed. I hope they hire another person, if only to give the one a break.
Truthfully, I most likely won't buy through them again. I'd rather pay the international shipping and go direct, than deal with the extensive wait time. I'd still recommend them to someone looking for a very long layaway, though. I paid in full, but if I had a 12mo layaway I would've never known they weren't ready to ship my doll until month 10.
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creacherkeeper · 6 years
for people receiving & shipping packages over the holidays
online shopping is getting more and more popular, and more people are receiving packages than ever - especially now that its the holiday season. i get annoyed with people for not knowing things, but thats not fair, because its my job to know and a lot of people are just new at this. so here’s some basic facts about packages that might help you out over the holidays 
(disclaimer: i dont know anything about fedex. sorry)
many shipping stores are local businesses. we’re not the ones delivering your packages. please dont take it out on us if the driver isnt there on time, or did something you didnt like 
if youre returning a package to a big company, get a drop off receipt. a LOT of companies will refund you, wait a few weeks, and then charge you again (im looking at you, amazon). the receipt is your only proof. keep it 
if you put a bunch of returns in one box, you might only be refunded for one item (looking at you, amazon). buy more boxes or use ones you have at home 
its the holidays. your package might be late. UPS had 2.3x as many packages as an average day earlier this week, and its still weeks before christmas. big companies are renting moving trucks because they cant keep up with the load. it sucks when your package is late, but please try to be patient 
if you get a ‘sorry we missed you’ slip on your door, read it before you drive somewhere or call. what shipper is it from? what box did they check? if theyre going to try again tomorrow, your package is not at a local store. if theyre bringing it to one, it wont be there that same day. for UPS, delivery days dont include the weekend 
if you need to ship something, be prepared to wait in line. we got 200 packages through our store yesterday, and processing them takes time. we can only go so fast 
if you need something packaged, it might not leave the store for a few days. i was packaging until past midnight yesterday and still didnt finish my work. please come in earlier than you think you need to if youre in a rush
if you track a package and dont understand what its telling you, call a customer support number. your local shipping stores are very busy this time of year, and we honestly cant keep up with a line to the door, presents to package, and the phone too 
if you do call, please wait a while before trying again. calling 12 times in a row is just rude (yes, this has happened. i counted) 
no, your local shipping store cant get ahold of the driver. no, we cant get your package to you sooner. no, we dont know where your driver is. call the customer support number if its urgent 
if a package is being held for you to pick up, bring a photo ID. we cant just give packages out to anyone who knows the name 
LOTS of packages get stolen this time of year. dont be mad at the driver for not leaving it 
yes, its super frustrating when the driver doesnt knock. i wish they would too. but they also get screamed at for waking up the baby, or making the dogs bark, or interrupting a nap. theyre people too, treat them like it 
if it says “out for delivery”, it means the package is loaded on a truck. it doesnt mean theyre five minutes from your door. drivers have long routes and hundreds of packages. be patient 
no, you cant get to the store right at close and still get a package somewhere next day. the driver has left. check the store’s website for the last pick up time 
no, it cant be delivered on christmas. we deserve holidays off too 
if something is more expensive to ship than you thought, thats not the associate’s fault. we dont set shipping prices. please dont be mad at us. if youre ordering a present online, just have it delivered to the other person so you dont pay shipping twice 
we HAVE to know whats in your package. its a legal issue. you cant ship alcohol unless you and the person its going to have a license. you cant ship cigarettes. you cant ship cash. you cant ship big perfume bottles. please dont lie to us about whats in your package. we can get in big trouble for shipping these things 
mostly, please just try to remember that everyone involved in this process is also a person. this time of the year is super stressful for us. a little bit of kindness & patience goes a long way 
-your friendly shipping associate 
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jaehyunavenue · 6 years
greek gods!nct
Tumblr media
taeyong as hades, god of the underworld
{ eek i’m so excited about writing this !!! this isn’t even part one, it’s more of an introduction and it’s just tae and y/n meeting but i promise it’s gonna get better soon !! i’m also planning on making this a series so, y’know.. please show some love and support if you like the idea ? i’m also planning on writing not just bullet scenarios, but actual scenarios too ,, drop by my inbox for requests maybe ?}
part two ✨
🕸ok so hear me out
🕸you were frantically running
🕸mostly cause a snow storm was supposed to hit your city later that day
🕸and like, you’re a florist !! and you grow your flowers outside !!! you’ve been pretty succesful and you have a few loyal customers already but it hasn’t been that long since you started and you’re young and
🕸...you forgot to buy tarps to cover your plants with if it rains/snows
🕸and oh boy !!!! mother nature hasn’t been happy cause it’s april and suddenly you have this snow storm situation
🕸and you cant even order them from amazon cause they’re not gonna get here in time !!
🕸you’ve already dropped by a few of ur favorite stores and they’re all out of tarps cause apparently you weren’t the only one who was like “???”
🕸so you’re heading home as the sun begins to set and the only thing you can think of are the colorful flowers in your backyard that pay your bills and make you so happy
🕸,,,that are going to die in the next 24hs
🕸you’re outside, trying to improvise a tarp out of trashbags
🕸when u hear this huge commotion from the other side of the house (you have this lil arrangement where you live in one house that’s divided into two appartments)
🕸and you share a garden so you can’t help but peak thru the glass doors of the other part of the house bcause wth?? it’s enough that your plants are gonna die ?? you don’t wanna die either
🕸so you’re trynna sneak a peek when suddenly the curtains go flying and you’re staring straight at the face of, you know
🕸probably only the most hANDSOME man you’ve ever seen in your entire life
🕸and he’s looking at you too bcause why is there a girl in my backyard two minutes after i move in ??
🕸but he figures you’re his neighbour (altho a very noisy one apparently) so he opens the huge ceiling to floor doors and steps out
🕸”hey, i’m taeyong,,, uh,, sorry if the movers were too loud,,,”
🕸and he explains to you how he was supposed to move in tmrw but he came a day early bcause of the snow storm
🕸uhh except,,, he was rlly handsome so ,,, it didnt register that he’s you’re neighbor
🕸he was staring at you intensely, probably waiting for you to introduce yourself
🕸”ah! im y/n,,” you say, realising how akward you just made this entire encounter bcause of your weird timing
🕸that’s when you notice that taeyong is looking at the four black trash bags you’re currently wrestling in your arms
🕸”uh i promise i’m not trying to get rid of a body !!! i’m just trying to make sure my flowers dont die !!” you say
🕸and you realize how weird that sounded bcause,, u’know,, theres more explainable uses for trash bags than disposing bodies
🕸but bfore you can apologize you see him crack a smile !!!
🕸looks? check
🕸macabre sense of humor? chECK
🕸”would you like some help?” he asks as he’s looking at the flowers behind you
🕸”i would appreciate that so so much, thank you taeyong-ssi”
🕸”just taeyong’s fine” he says, and it’s like he’s smiling, but his eyes are still focused on something that’s not there? oh god you’re staring again
🕸so he bends down to help but before you know it, the sky goes gray as if someone turned off a light switch and it starts snOWING
🕸you’re like “oh no !!! my flowers !” bcause you were just explaining to taeyong how you run a flower store that’s just around the corner
🕸but taeyong is looking up at the sky and his face is a mixture of half pissed and half very very sorry
🕸so he mutters a lil “i have to talk to the movers real quick, sorry” and ushers back into his apartment
🕸(taeyong was swearing so hard at demeter, the goddess of nature and seasons, bcause of cOURSE she couldn’t let go of the biggest grudge against anyone in the existance of ever)
🕸(and of coURSE, she had to ruin his friendly neighbor’s flowers)
🕸you were confused bcause why did he offer to help in the first place then??
🕸to add to your confusion, it stopped snowing ??? how do you go from full on snow storm to noTHING in 2 minutes
🕸welp, you rushed to cover your flowers as you stole glances at taeyong’s door
🕸you heard the movers leave and he wasn’t coming back so, u know, cleArly...
🕸he wasn’t too excited about having you as a neighbor
🕸well, two could play that game
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Bad News I Caught Covid, Good News I Might Be Over It Now....But...>_<
okay yesterday was my last day of being Quarantine, I was told I had until the 10th of it....I mean I don’t really go outside very much anyway....so it wasn’t really all that different for me, I know I did use to play a lot outside when I was little....
I should of brought this up a few days ago, but the other place I had brought this up was over at Deviantart.
this year hasn’t been the best, I just wish the stuff that happen that made my list of unhappiness, didn’t happen at all.
I didn’t know that the reason why I became sick with a fever had to do with that Covid until we got some tests done.
I don’t want to take the vaccine shot, I would rather take a medicine version of it....I did ask my Mom about that, and she did say they were working on something like that.
 we were so careful for so long, we hadn’t caught Covid once until now.
I still need to try to do the double check on my blood type, we been putting it off for some time and I hope we can get around to it today....
I might not like the idea of making the needle more pointy, but I think we should in order to get more blood to come out....
but it can’t be as bad as the whole getting a vaccine shot....O_O
I wish this mess would of never happen, and the one who is partly responsible for some of my family catching it after being so careful for so long....
will apologize and make sure to try to protect those they had caused to catch it, and caused them to give it to us.
I’m going to try to hope and pray they will be okay and stay inside, and when they can go out again, they will wear their masks.
even if it is thanks to one person that half of my family caught it, they might not of did it on purpose, but I hope they are keeping safe.
I know we still need to check to see if we have the Antibodies, but I shouldn’t get my hopes up about it.
I mean, I guess I am losing hope about finally getting a DVD or Blu-Ray of Season 15 of Red Vs Blue, and wanting to be a fair price for EVERYONE....
I am part of the Commonwealth, and I still think there are fans of the series on Rooster Teeth, that are part of the Commonwealth, too.
I just wish they would hurry up and restock Season 15 on Amazon soon.
the best thing I can do, is watch the season on RoosterTeeth.com.
even if you could get the DVD of Season 15 over on Ebay,
it wouldn’t be not possible for everyone.....
I just have to try to hope that everything works out, and those who run Amazon, will hurry up and restock the DVD/Blu-Ray of Season 15 of Red Vs Blue.
after finishing re-watching that season, I don’t understand why some dislike it.
I mean the fight scenes are awesome, plus how Grif acts in some episodes is one of my favorites in that season.
I wonder if Amazon has permission to have Red Vs Blue on Prime Video...?
I mean, they would of had to in order to have it on the Prime Video....
I just wish they stop giving Prime Video so much Favoritism, there needs to be more balance.
it still sucks I cant’ have a Star Vs The Forces Evil DVD or Blu-Ray.
just got to keep hoping they will restock Season 15 of Red Vs Blue, and not make the price extremely expensive....
I’m still confused about the whole Australia thing, I know I did check one of the back of one of the DVDs of one of the seasons of Red Vs Blue I do have (all but Season 15 sadly....)
and it says
Not Authorized For Sale Or Rental Outside The USA and Canada.
it even says so on the back of the Red Vs Blue Zero Blu-Ray Disc.
so how is it that someone from Australia, is selling Season 15 of Red Vs Blue on Ebay, if it clearly says in the back that it is Not for Sale or Rental outside of USA or Canada.
there is still some other series I would like to get on DVD or Blu-Ray, that I have watched on Roosterteeth.
Camp Camp is a awesome series.
I don’t know if you can catch Covid twice, but I can only hope we can just take a medicine alternative to the needle version.
I know my fever was going up and down before, but it does seem I am better.
it didn’t help that some other stuff was going on when I was sick....
I know I did end up feeling faint when I hardly had anything to eat....
sure I did have some, but it wasn’t enough, plus I ended up throwing some of the soup back up....
I’m going to go grab something to eat right now.
this year sucks, for a number of reasons....but at least some of the good parts of this year, is one of the good things....
once again, my family was really careful and we even made sure to wear masks when we had to go out somewhere.
but we ended up catching it, and even if the one who is the cause of it is partly at fault, I’m going to hope they and those that we caught it from, will be alright.
I really don’t want to take the vaccine shot, so I hope that the whole medicine thing, can be a option.
anyway I’m doing okay, even though at times emotionally can be up to debate....but right now, I’m doing okay.
we are just getting over the Covid, but we still might need to get the vaccine....don’t know when though, but I hope the medicine can be a option....
anyway I’m going to go get something to eat now...
please make sure to stay safe, and if you have someone coming over to your home and they show any signs of being sick, make sure to wear your mask while around them so you don’t catch anything they might have, even if you love them and care about them, just make sure to wear that mask.
hopefully I can talk about a fan theory I been meaning to talk about, like in a few hours....but if I am not able to talk about it today, I can try to do so tomorrow or whenever....        
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silvermarmot · 3 years
Got blindsided by Amazon prime renewal and an adobe subscription renewal. Now we're negative in the bank with $150 cash for the next two weeks (including gas and my brother's prescriptions as well as groceries). We have one case of bottled water, and tap isnt drinkable, so probably $20 or so of that will go just to water (4 people and my brother has a condition that requires him to drink a lot of water). [And getting that water will be a bigger risk than normal since we can't order delivery or curbside with cash and not only is the super bowl tomorrow, the super bowl is tomorrow a 30 minute drive from here, so stores and traffic are worse than usual.] So frustrated. It seems like every time we start to get ahold of things financially something happens to fuck it up. We have to move in a few months too, and that requires a lot of money, even if we rent a uhaul because we have to pay someone to move the big stuff (mom has a bad back and my shoulder is messed up). We've had trouble ever since dad got cancer and died in 2013, since he had put exactly zero dollars aside for illness or death expenses (he was in his 50s, obese, with uncontrolled diabetes, he should have had plans in place). Since then its just been one damn thing after another, always spaced just far enough apart that we can't get out of the cycle. My dad's siblings are all stupid rich, like, multimillionaires on the "you cant spend this in a lifetime" level, and they all refused flat out to help us in any way. Even when we made clear it was a loan we would pay back (hell, my aunt was paying me to clear out grandma's house but she stiffed me for over half of it). They also completely cut us out of the family, going from visits every couple months when dad was alive to literally I haven't seen 2 of them since 2013 and 1 of them since 2016 with no explanation as to why.
Not to mention that I don't contribute anything financially here. I have several mental health issues and can barely get work and haven't maintained anything longer than like 6 months ever. Florida never expanded medicaid so medication and doctors visits cost a fortune. I haven't seen a psychiatrist or therapist since 2017 when my last job with insurance ended. I'm only still on medication because my primary care agreed to continue the prescriptions for me (he won't adjust or change anything though, he just doesn't do that), and the expense of that is, of course, also a burden to the household. I mean, I'm 33 for God's sake, no car, no job, living with my mom. I'm pretty much just a drain on resources here.
Plus, it turns out that, amongst the many abuses my dad put me through (none physical, which makes it seem so much less bad than many other people have had it, which makes me wonder why the hell i can't get over it), the financial abuse he put me through by making me work for him from 2005 until a couple months before he died wasn't even properly taxed. He just, didnt pay taxes or social security on any of it. I didnt get a regular reliable pay check at any point, and none of it even happened according to the government which means all that work didnt even count towards my social security score. Which means, even if I could afford the doctors visits necessary to get proof of qualification for disability (which is virtually impossible for mental health in Florida), I dont qualify for any benefits because, as far as the Social Security Administration is concerned, I haven't worked enough to qualify. And at the rate I'm going I won't ever qualify for social security, even if im 70. So, like, not even in old age will I have any financial security.
Basically, finances are shit, mental health is shit, ptsd is shit, the world is shit, my extended family is shit, there's nothing I can do to fix it, no one who will help, and I feel like shit. Plus, I have a cold. Just to put a cherry on top of the shit sundae.
Sorry for the incredibly long vent, but I need to get this off my chest somewhere.
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talbotadriasr58 · 6 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2nJQiol - Discount Sound Dampening Door Bumpers, 1/2 Diameter, Sheet of 100 -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 799 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WNwRMBX0YsvMRh6DWYw2A?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Discount Sound Dampening Door Bumpers, 1/2 Diameter, Sheet of 100 These work much better than felt bumpers and more expensive rubber flat bumpers from WalMart/Lowes. Because it has a dimple center, it dampens better. It also feels thicker than their bumpers. On some really loud banging doors I had to use an extra bumper. I went through 100 REAL fast! Think about it, ALL of the kitchen doors & drawers, 2 bathrooms and the utility room. It adds up fast. For this cheap price, you cant go wrong. A year from now I should update to see if they fell off... ... Reviewer : John Green These ae now everywhere something bumped into anything in my house. THey will save my really pricey washer from breaking on the soap tray where the door would always hi anytime someone bumped into it. All doors in my house are also protected. I't like a mini door stop that not only makes door close noiselessly but also provides a buffer against damage from unwanted contact. They're such a simple thing but they really work and probably saved me at least $50+ dollars from a broken soap tray on my ... Reviewer : MEW Click http://ift.tt/2nJQiol to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Soft-durometer two stage impact resistance greatly reduces noise Clear Adhesive back Sheet of 100 I live in a studio where the neighbor’s kitchen cabinets are on my side of the wall. After enduring months of cabinet slamming, I finally decided to talk to my neighbors to resolve the problem only to find out they had no door bumpers - or at best - the really flat ones. I checked my cabinets and had the same thing. I placed two orders -- gave one to my neighbors and used the other on my cabinets. They’re peel & stick, have a “nipple” cushion in the middle (mutes better than a flat surfa... Reviewer : Cleosaby50 Click http://ift.tt/2nJQiol to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WNwRMBX0YsvMRh6DWYw2A See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WNwRMBX0YsvMRh6DWYw2A?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #SII, #Sound Dampening Door Bumpers, 1/2 Diameter, Sheet of 100 This is a review video for : B0075E9T2Y Manufacture : SII Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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kneekeyta · 7 years
Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this Valentine’s drabble! Sorry its late! 
(also, @arathewallflower this is a bit of a different take on the candy heart one! an Idea just struck, xD)
Forever tag list:  @nemo-miraclegrow-blog grow @areyousad8118@thisissomefreshbullshit@luckyemcee @mmfdiaryfan @murderyoursoul @kristicallahan  @irish-girl-84  @sey77@bebelievelive @justagirlnamedkayla @i-love-mmfd @anitavalija @stephlostctrl@milymargot@busstop @pink-royaute @lolflash @youmehellofarollercoasterride@curvygirlonabudget @mellamoaiko @inneedofamoralcompass @paleasalabaster @mmfdfanfic@mallyallyandra@lethallylauren @finnleysraemundo @pissingonursoul @losingpudge @bitchy-broken@fuckintentshop @audisodd @darlingdiver @fantasticab @celestev31 @rinncincin@tinakegg@ducky17 @katywright340 @bitcheslovebeck @raernundo @nutinanutshell @cant-getno-sleep@courtkismet @omgbananasnailus @i-dream-of-emus @guyoverboard@anglophileyoungblood@swooningfangirl @bitchesbecrazy89 @chrryblsms @girlwithafoxhat@annemarieted @sammylbc@sarahlouise88ni @how-ardently @idontliketalkingtoanybody@mmfdblog @phoenixflow@penguinsandbowties @fizzezlikecherrycola @fangirlwithoutshame @africancreativity @alyssaloca@llexis @thatfunnygirllauren @cheersmedear @14000romances@rred87 @nirvanalove27@takenbyatree @im-an-emu @shashaaussi @mirandasmadeofstone@lililuvlight @flxwxry @slitherouter @saracasm25 @becauseyouarestrong @malvaloca93@happyfrasers @vmellow@scumothaearff @wandering-soul-7 @hewittgolightly @emmatationsforall@ninjarunningzico@arcticoasisboy @milllott @rafaellabnery @endemictoearth @blackfeministagenda @queenasfuccck @lilaviolet @dianasaurousrexxx @kathhumphreysx@eighty-sixcharlie @flirtmcgirt@nenita1978 @crystalgiddings1993 @girl-looking-out-window@facephase @blobwithagob@freyasfrench @luly310 @borntochaos @likeashootingstarfades@isthistherightwayround@toseeyou-again @emu4ever @carpe-libris @voodoomarie@keisernerosmom @you-are-world-class-i-mean-that @cosiquellocheora  @protectfinnnelson  @stinemarine @rhi3915@lovinglifeandlivinglove @caitlinmaddyx  @lizzylizard84 @redprairielily@look-how-they-shine-love  @annaplantain @everythingilove-blog @lau-vm @absolutelynotnico@mmfdftw @kingbeeyonce@chelsealorine @jackiewalsh2013 @karinskyme @spreadsomepositivity@justthegoodgirlsreject@tipsylou84 @towongfu2 @lily-pop-2 @fuck-sewing-machine @parisgirly93@raeonashadowcaster@rockinthebeastmode @servethecitymke @eveerez  as always please let me know if you would like to be added or removed :D    
U Suck
As he stared at the unmarked box on his bed, Finn tried to recall a time when he may have placed an order online somewhere. Soon a horrifying thought occurred and he wondered if he had in fact placed an order on Amazon last week when he had come home less than sober. He would have to blame Chop if he did, and then he’d have to keep it because ordering it would have been one thing but to return it! No fucking way.
To rip the Band-Aid off so to speak, Finn sucked it up and grabbed the scissors off his desk praying to whoever would listen that he did not order a flesh-light. He cringed in pain as he lifted the lid on the box. He was met with red tissue paper and a card sitting atop.
Picking up the card he opened it and well, it was not what he was expecting.
“What the fuck,” he muttered to himself.
He set the card down and unfolded the tissue paper and there he found what the box held.
“Someone sent me a bag of dicks?” he spoke confusedly.
He picked up the card again flipping it over, looking for any clue to who could have sent this.
He read the card again, “Eat a bag of Dicks! Roses are red violets are blue, you’re annoying, but kinda cute too. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“What the fuck!” he couldn’t help but laugh a little.
He put the card down and took out the bag of gummy dicks, wondering if he was going to eat them or just toss them. Still confused about how the day had turned out he puts the bag of dicks back in the box and sets it on his desk. He needed a beer.
“A bag of…dicks.”
Finn nodded as he sipped his beer, “Yes,” he sighed in contentment after swallowing his beer down, “A bag of multicolored gummy dicks.”
“I…what…who do you think could have sent them?” Archie asked, completely baffled.
“I don’t know, mate,” Finn shrugged.
“Maybe someone at work?” Archie offered.
“Could be? But I don’t know who.”
“The card said you were cute?”
“Yeah,” Finn huffed a smile.
“So, if it’s someone from work, it’d have to be, between, Nicole, Emily, or Rae.”
“Yeah, but I get on alright with Emily as for Nicole well, we don’t get along that well but she definitely would not waste money or time on this.”
“So, what about Rae?”
“Yeah, probably not her.” Finn thought for a moment, he knew Rae, what she liked and didn’t like and a lot of times knew what she was thinking just from the face she was making, but he wasn’t sure if this is was something that she would have done, it seemed like a lot of time and effort, and he’s sure she doesn’t like in a way that would make her do this. Might as well just forget that thought, now.
“But you guys are good friends I thought, you guys are always hanging out, at like the record shop and the pub…and don’t you like, like her.”
“We are! Really good mates.” he sighed, then, “and I do like her,” he mumbled lowly.
“Well, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so maybe something else will happen that will give you a clue.”
“Guess we’ll see,” Finn hummed.
Work was going by too slow, he had already finished doing the last of the inventory, he had already re-shelved the misplaced items and he still had four hours of work left. So far the only customers were last minute Valentine’s Day shoppers, coming in to buy cheap chocolate and conversation hearts. The bell chimed and Finn decided to not bother looking up from his magazine, as he recited, “Welcome! Happy Valentine’s Day! There’s a special on chocolate hearts!”
He had just turned the page when the bell chimed again, he sighed before clearing his throat, “Welcome! Happy—“
“Save it.” He was cut off, by Rae.
“Well, don’t you look happy to be here.” He teased.
“Can you not be annoying for once, I’ve had a bad start to the day.” She mumbled as she passed, him but was stopped suddenly by an older woman.
“Aw, love what’s the matter don’t you have a Valentine, a pretty girl like you?”
Finn watched Rae as she scowled, “No.” She spoke blandly, then moved passed the woman heading to the back.
Finn did his best to hold in his laugh as they lady turned to him, “Oh the poor dear.” She hummed, her arms full with boxes of chocolate.
“All set?” Finn asked, she nodded and Finn proceeded to scan the items.
“Have a Happy Valentine’s Day.” She smiled softly at him, before leaving with her chocolates.
The door to the backroom opened and Rae waltzed out, in a huff.
“What’s up with you? AND Why aren’t you wearing the proper shirt or your heart pin, hmm?” he teased, the last bit.
“I’m protesting, and I spilt coffee on the shirt so,” she shrugged, hip checking him as she moved to get to the till next to him.
“Well, you look like you’re in mourning.” He said plainly, as she was dressed in all black.
He saw the small smile pulling at her lips, “You’re a real charmer you know that.” she said, as she counted her drawer.
“I know,” he grinned cheekily at her.
She just sighed shaking her head holding in her smile.
He was on his lunch break in the back when he realized he left his drink out by his register. He put down his half of sandwich and made his way to the front to retrieve it. The store was dead like it was when he started his break, but now there was one person in the store talking to Rae.
He wasn’t sure what the guy was talking to Rae about but whatever it was it had her smiling, he frowned at the interaction before reaching down under the counter to grab his reusable water bottle, he still smiles every time he reads the ‘dickhead’ scrawled across it in Rae’s writing. They had been teasing each other relentlessly one day and she had done it to get back at him but it made just made him laugh.
Before he stood upright completely a flash of color caught his attention. He picked up the box sitting next to his bottle, it was a slightly bigger box of conversation hearts, a sort they didn’t sell. Turning the box over he saw his name was printed on the top. His eyebrows furrowed curiously, and he clutched the box and stood to see Rae still chatting with the guy on the opposite side of the shop. With the box in hand he made his way back to the breakroom.
He sat taking a drink of his water first, then wrapped the last part of his sandwich up, for later. He looked at the box of conversation hearts and decided to just open them, hoping they weren’t dicks as well.
Popping the lid open he peered inside then decided to just pull one out, the first one was yellow, it read, “u suck” his brows furrowed and he pulled out another heart, a blue one that read, “can you not” he pulled out several more with a similar pattern, when he pulled out one that said ‘dickhead’ he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
He was in the middle of shoving them back in the box as he had them laid out, when Rae walked in.
“What are you doing?” she eyed him curiously.
“Nothing.” He squeaked.
“Conversation hearts?” she said as she walked closer.
Before he could pick up the last one, she nabbed it and read it, she raised an eyebrow, “You piss me the fuck off.”she read aloud.
“Well, who knew a conversation heart could be so accurate,” she grinned, and offered it to him.
He sighed as she set it in his hand, “Where’d these come from?”
Finn shrugged, “Was anyone here while I was on break,”
“Uh, no, well, just Emily for a second she left her sunglass case yesterday, then uh..oh those two girls who are always at the record shop..the giggly ones.”
“Oh yeah, yeah” he nodded, he and Rae would stay quit while they were there but give each other sly looks and then laugh when the girls would leave.
“That was it basically,” Rae shrugged, “Anyway, I’m gonna take my break since yours finished, ten minutes ago.”
“Oh, shit…sorry.” He said and gathered up his things.
“S’alright.” She hummed and sat across from where he was seated.
After he put his unfinished lunch in the fridge he asked, “Who was the guy you were talking to?”
“Spying on me now, Finnley?”
He huffed a laugh, “Course! Gotta keep track of me girl,” He winked.
She rolled her eyes, “Please.”
Laughing lightly he asked, “Well,”
“Just some guy.”
“Mhmm.” He hummed.
“It was just a customer,” she said, reassuringly.
A strange feeling overcame him as they a stared at each other, he shook his head and began walking out as he sing-songs “Seemed pretty chatty to me,”  not giving her a chance to reply.
The rest of the day went by the same as the first part, the shop was slow, but he and Rae spent the time teasing and bantering back and forth. Rae was busy locking up the front door as he finished up at the till. He had just closed his drawer when she walked up.
“I’m so glad today is over and that I’m off tomorrow, it’s one of my favorite holidays,”
“Yeah, I’m off too. And, uh…favorite holiday?”
“Yes, it’s when all the candy from today will be on a crazy sale, duh!” she laughed at him.  
“Oh yes, how could I forget.” He grinned.
“You’re slipping lately, Finn,” she teased
“Old age,” he sighed, dramatically.
“I thought your hairline was receding just didn’t want to say anything.” She grimaced.
“Oi! it is not.” He grumbled, sliding his hand through his hair.
She huffed a laugh, “Kidding.”
“Come on let’s go to the pub,” he motioned with his head.
“Alright, but first round is on you,”
“Isn’t it always,” he mumbled rolling his eyes.
“Yes,” she grinned toothily.
Sitting at the pub they were sipping their drinks and waiting for their food while building little stacks with their 20 pence pieces, Finn had just got his stack to 12 when Rae spoke, “So, uh…that guy, from the shop,” she began.
“Yeah,” Finn hummed as he tried to stack another pence piece.
“He uh, asked very cheekily might I add if I had plans for tonight,”
“Huh?” Finn said rather loudly, his stack tumbling down, skittering across the table.
“Yeah,” she laughed lightly, she began messing with a box of conversation hearts and he had no idea when those appeared.
“What did he say? What did you say?” he asked carefully, eyeing her as she opened the box of hearts, it looked like the ones from the shop.
She dug around in the box then pulled out a heart and popped it in her mouth. His breathing felt faster and his heart fluttered in anticipation for her reply.
Finally she was done chewing but then reached in the box for another one as she spoke, “He just asked if I had a Valentine,” she smiled, “Was so cheesy, I told him I didn’t. So he asked if we could be each other’s.”
She paused popping another heart in her mouth, then continued her search for another one, while he slowly died on the inside.
“What did you say?”
“I said,” she paused in search of another heart, “No, because I like someone else.”
Finn felt like his breathing stopped all together for a second, then Rae continued, “I think he thought I was making it up so he asked, who? Can you believe that,” she laughed, “Like he would even know who they were! So, I just answered him honestly,”
She looked up at him now, and he swallowed thickly, “I told him,” she paused sliding two candy hearts across the table to him, “just some dickhead,”
When she removed her hand Finn looked down and together the candy hearts read, “I like you” “Dickhead”
He’s sure he never smiled so hard in his life, he smacked his hand over the hearts. He could feel his cheeks heating up, Rae smiling bashfully at him, her own cheeks pink.
All he could think to say was, “Did you send me the candy dicks too!?”
She burst out a laugh, “So you got them?”
“I did!” he laughed, “I was in shock!”
“I didn’t think you got ‘em cos you didn’t say anything.”
“I didn’t know what to say!” he smiled, “And the candy hearts were you too, then!”
“Yeah,” she said smiling shyly.
“Where did you get them?”
“Had them made didn’t I! But the candy dicks, those are like ready to send, like there is a website dedicated to sending people bags of dicks.”
“That’s just wow, I can’t even believe that—“ Finn pause for a second, his face scrunching up as a memory came to him.
He was working the morning shift and was taking the trash out back when he heard, some shouting, he walked around the corner when to see a girl and the owner of the tattoo shop a few doors down speaking loudly, he didn’t quit catch what the guy said but he heard the girl say, “Eat a bag of dicks!” very loudly and then stomped towards him.
She paused when she a few feet in front of him her eyes wide and slightly scared, “Oh hell, please tell me you’re not Finn,”
He smiled trying not to laugh, “Can’t do that,”
She grimaced, “Please tell me you didn’t hear that then?”
“Can’t do that either.”
“Fuck,” she muttered, “Um, I’m Rae, uh, today is my first day I’m supposed to meet you, Carl, said.
“Yes, yeah, right, well, let me…” he trailed off walking over to the bin tossing the trash in,
“Come on, then.” He motioned to her.
Once inside she said, “Sorry again about that.”
He laughed, “Don’t worry about it, Dean is a twat, ‘sides you weren’t on the clock yet, so,” shrugged.
“Oh okay, thanks, um, yeah I could tell he’s prick, for sure.”
“What were you two arguing about?” Finn asked.
“Just a parking space,”
“Ah, yes, there have been many arguments over that,”
“Seems dumb to me,” Rae muttered.
“Definitely is, most just give in to him though, cos he’s a bit intimidating,”
“He’s an asshat is what he is.”
Finn couldn’t help but burst out laughing, “Sorry,” she mumbled, “shouldn’t have said that, now that I’m on the clock,”
“Its fine, come one I’ll show you what you’ll be doing.”
“That was how we met,” Finn smiled looking at her.
“It was,” she nodded.
“And the candy hearts, all have something you say to me on them,” he wondered aloud.
“They do. Thought it’d be obvious it was me,” she said her smile dimming some.
“I…don’t know why I didn’t think to believe it was you. I think I did somewhere in the back of my mind, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up if it wasn’t you.”
“Yeah?” she near whispered.
Finn hooked his ankle around hers under the table, before replying, “Yeah,”
“Alright, here’s a refill and your nacho’s guys enjoy!”
Neither of their looks wavered as their food and drinks were placed in front of them. Finn picked up one of the candy hearts Rae had slid in front of him then reached for her hand, he turned it over so her palm was up and he placed, the “I like you” heart in the center so she could read it.
Rae looked from the heart then to him, then said, “I’m glad it’s mutual,”
“It’s very mutual,” Finn said as he took his hand away from hers and she then set the heart on the table.
“So, do you have plans later tonight?” he asked.
She furrowed her brows, then smirked a little, “Probably just finish off this box of candy hearts later.” She shrugged.
“Well,” Finn began and leaned forward conspiratorially, “If it’s candy you’re interested in, then I got an entire bag of multicolored gummy shaped dicks I’d be more than happy to share with you, if you’d like to come to mine tonight.”
Rae leaned forward some, whispering, “I thought you’d never ask.”
The End!  
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Hey Guys!
Today I thought that I would do another little collective haul. I haven’t really been shopping all that much lately, I am trying to save some money. I am hoping to replace my camera this year and, finally, get my drivers licence, so I am bit more frugal then usual, but I have picked up a few odd bits here and there so I thought that I would hare them with you. Here we go…
First I picked up another Lego Birckhead thing. If you saw my Disney haul then you know that I brought one there, well I love it so much that I got another one I picked up Belle. I will admit, she does look a bit derpy, and this one was a lot more complicated to put together then my Iron Man but I love it. It looks super cute on my book shelves and I can see these becoming something that I collect. It was £9.99, which is actually pretty good.
Next I popped into Peacocks with my mum to try and find a clutch for her and ended up getting a pair of shoes. They are a pair of black, multi-buckle heals. They are fake saude, really comfy and so beautiful. I love them. They are a dupe for the Topshop version of the Saint Laurent ones (if that makes sense) and I love them. I have wanted a pair of these for ages, but couldn’t bring myself to spend £60 on the Topshop ones, but I saw these and they where only £24 to begin with, plus they where on sale for half price so only £12 and I could not leave them there. I love them. I can see myself wearing these all the time.
I also went into Clinton and got a couple more Tsum Tsum’s. I picked up the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and then I (FINALLY!) got myself a Belle. I got Beast, Mrs Pots and Chip ages ago and I have never been able to find a Belle, but now I have one, at long last lol. They are £3.50 each and yeah. Nothing more I can say about them.
Next I went into New Look where I got a few sale items. First I got two beanie hats. They are identical, one black, one grey. They are in the really oversized, floppy style and very cute. They will be perfect for autumn (yes, I am already waiting for it lol). One was £1, the other £1.50….not sure why, but oh well. Still a bargain I also picked up two sets of tights. Both ‘fashion’ tights. I just thought that these would look really sweet with my black skater skirt. Both are black, and normal up to mid thigh. Then one has strips, the other spots. I just really like them. They where £2 each I I think they will look very cute.
Then I ordered myself a mug from Evie Bookish on Society 6. There are a few designs on here that I have been eyeing up for a while but a few weeks ago there was one of their flash discount offer things, so I decided to finally go for it and order one. So I ultimately decided to get the Infernal Devices one. It is so beautiful. It is all in shades of black and blue and green and it is so stunning. On one side of it is an illustration of the Clockwork Angel and then on the other side was a quote from Clockwork Princess that is so lovely. The quote it ‘It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique. But I begin to think I was never meant for an easy road’ and I love it. This is going to sit on my Cassandra Clare shelf and look beautiful. I think it cost me around the equivalent of £9, but it was ages ago because shipping to the UK takes and age, and I cant remember how much discount I had. If you want bookish items, check out Evie Bookish.
Next, rather randomly, I brought some shelf brackets. I am currently redecorating my bedroom, and while doing this I have removed a giant framed poster that I had on my wall and decided to replace it with some shelves. I originally wanted floating shelves, but I was worried that they wouldn’t hold any weight, considering I am using them as kind of ‘feature’ book shelves (they now contain some of my all time favs/pretty book) so I got myself some brackets instead. The ones I got are just simple white metal. They have the cross bar on them to act as a bookend and I really like them. They where around £3 each from amazon.
I also actually brought some music. I know! I brought myself a couple of albums that I have wanted for ages. I popped into HMV and picked up 2 albums on their 2 for £10 deal. I got 21 Pilots, Blurry Face and also Troye Sivan, Blue Neighbourhood. I had listened to both of these on Spotify multiple times already but I don’t like streaming out and about because of how much data it uses, plus the adds really piss me off lol, so I am so happy to finally own both of these.
I also picked up a new work skirt. Mine has needed replacing for about 4 moths now but I have been putting off getting a new one for so long. Partly because I am a cheapskate but mainly because nowhere had the right length in stock (I am very short and they only had long ones in that came like to my shins which is just way to long for me). So I popped into H and M and they finally had my length in again. It is just a simple, knee length, fitted pencil skirt. It was £17.99 and just perfect for work. While in here I also picked up 2 new basic white tank tops. They where £3.99 each and are the best around.
Next, randomly I brought I got myself some nail wheel swatch things. Basically, have chosen some storage boxes that I am going to buy after pay day for my nail varnish collection. At the moment they are all in mixed matched boxes and are very ugly so I have chosen these boxes and I am planning to reorganise everything and maybe get rid of a couple that I don’t like. But I have also decided since I have around 80 varnishes I want to make it easier to chose what ones I want to wear. So I order these little wheels. Basically, if you haven’t seen these, they are plastic wheels with fake nails on them and you simply paint each one a different colour and then label it. It helps show what the actual colour is and makes it easier to choose one. I mean, how many times have you started painting your nails only to discover that it looks nothing like it did in the bottle. So I got a pack of 10 wheels, around 140 nails, and they where £1.59 from amazon. (side note, once I have sorted everything out, would you like a nail varnish collection post?)
In the same spirit I brought some tiny little sticky labels. This is just to make labelling the wheels easier. Again, from amazon, they where like £1 for 300. and they are about 9 mm by 13mm.
Finally I brought some paint. As I have already mentioned I am currently redecorating my bedroom, so I had to buy paint. I got a 2.5lt pot of Dulex paint in the shade Gray Steel 2, which is a light grey colour. And yeah. It was about £30 and I cant wait to actually paint.
And there we have it. Those are the things that I have brought over the last month or so. Quiet a strange selection, but still. Have you brought anything recently? I hope that you have enjoyed today’s post and I will see you all again soon.
Collective Haul Hey Guys! Today I thought that I would do another little collective haul. I haven't really been shopping all that much lately, I am trying to save some money.
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toomanysinks · 5 years
Timing and why we’re all VCs
Timing is the single most valuable skill of the modern economy, but I would argue its’s the least understood and also the least practiced.
Capitalism is fundamentally about timing, since market competition is about finding opportunities before others. When should you start a company? What company should you start? When should a VC invest? When should you join a company? When should you switch industries? When should you back a candidate for public office?
Every single one of our professional decisions is about timing, and yet, we do so little to practice and perfect it. Most employees only make 3-4 major career decisions in their lifetimes — hardly enough feedback for this skill to mature. Anyone who has worked in a large company further knows that timing a product launch or a new marketing strategy has more to do with internal politics than reading market forces.
Most of us want to make more money and accelerate our careers, but the truth is that these opportunities are few and far between. Most jobs have limited growth potential. Most startups die. Most VCs don’t make money. Most political candidates fail to get elected. The difference between success and failure sometimes has to do with hard work and tenacity, but far more often with the strategy of timing.
It’s obvious that we can be too late to these decisions of course. We can miss the round of financing, we can start a company a year or two behind someone else and lose the first-mover advantage. But we can also be way too early, ahead of the market and losing out on alternative opportunities that might have been more valuable.
Now, some perceive that “timing” is synonymous with “luck.” There is some truth there, in the sense that life is random and sometimes — completely unintentionally — people stumble upon a treasure chest of gold.
Don’t be distracted by that, because there are also people who just seem to have timing nailed. There are engineers (I know because I have seen their recruiter profiles) who have joined three unicorns in a row in the first handful of employees. There are VCs who get a string of wins that is far from chance. There are CEOs that always seem to guide their companies to the right place at the right time and drive their stock valuations up.
We talked a lot about why we can’t build infrastructure in America yesterday. One of the challenges is simply timing: so many things have to happen at once for these projects to get off the ground, and most governors and mayors lack the timing skills required to get them over the finish line.
How can you practice timing? Start writing down predictions about people, companies, and markets. Check in with the companies you talked with a few years ago — how are they doing? Ditto people you met a while back. Start evaluating your predictions: were they correct? Were they too early or too late?
More importantly, start cultivating networks of friends who have a sense of pulse on the frontiers of the economy. That could mean someone at the edge of a new science (quantum computing or AI) or someone who gets marketing to new demographics, or someone who tracks new regulatory and legal changes. Find a peer group of people who get timing and practice it as a craft.
Between TechCrunch today and my former roles in venture capital, I’ve had the opportunity to practice timing a lot. I have a list of companies that I would have backed, and some have turned into unicorns while others have ended up on the ash heap of history. I’ve predicted some trends well, while flubbed others. I’ve been way too early (a huge bias for me), and sometimes stupidly late.
But all along, I am practicing that timing muscle. It’s the only way forward in capitalism, and it’s worth every investment you can make.
Mithril Capital, management fees, and VC strategic drift
Peter Kim via Getty Images
Theodore Schleifer at Recode reported a rare deep dive into the internal intrigue at a prominent VC firm, in this case Mithril Capital. From the article:
Mithril had its best moment yet last week when a portfolio company, Auris Health, sold to Johnson & Johnson for more than $3 billion — returning at least $500 million to the fund.
All appears well. But behind the scenes, a far different story has been unfolding.
The late-stage investment firm has been a slow-burning mess for the past several months, angering current and former employees, limited partners, and, crucially, [Peter] Thiel himself, sources say.
Among the issues is the firm’s huge management fee … and I guess lack of expenses?
The firm is likely collecting as much as $20 million a year in management fees, sources familiar with the figures say.
We don’t know exactly how much the firm spends, but people close to Mithril say they can’t imagine that the firm, given its staff size, is spending more than half of that on operational expenses. [Mithril Capital founder Ajay] Royan’s salary, like that of other venture capitalists, is not publicly disclosed.
One limited partner called the fees, given the size of Mithril’s staff, “outrageous.”
What? I don’t understand this line of reasoning at all. The firm negotiates a fairly standard agreement with its limited partners, and then the LPs are pissed because the firm isn’t spending the money on massive staff and large, expensive offices? The whole point of delegating investment decisions to a GP is to empower them to organize their firm to win deals and get stuff done. If — and it’s a big if of course — they can do that on the cheap, then why should an LP care at all? Burn the management fee in a fireplace if it makes the deals happen.
Ajay Royan told Bloomberg in 2017 that Mithril does not “charge excessive fees.” But he was not exactly known for being thrifty with management money. Former employees describe Friday catered lunches where costs could run over $100 per person, and Royan was known internally for a “book ordering problem” — a former employee said that “unbelievable amounts of books” would be delivered each week to the office by Amazon to maintain the firm’s extensive library.
Pro tip: take on the mantle of book editor for a major tech publication, and the publishers will mail you books for free. We get at least a dozen at the TC offices every week, which is why we write about books so often around here these days. Alas, no $100 catered lunches.
The wider story here though appears to be one of a firm completely strategically adrift. Mithril is struggling to compete against ferocious competition in the growth-stage equity market. The best deals are obvious to dozens of firms, and the ones that are less obvious have huge risks attached to them that make it hard to write the big checks required.
“[Royan] literally did not want to compete. If there was a process or bidding war or something resembling a competition, he would just walk,” the employee said. “And he would just say, ‘I don’t want to outbid.’”
Mithril is hardly the only VC firm that is strategically adrift. Every time I go back to SF, this seems to be the norm these days among venture capitalists. There is a huge amount of money sloshing around, and very few deals that are in that sweet spot between obvious and highly risky. Startups either get three dozen term sheets or none at all, since every firm is walking around with the same frameworks and metrics in their head.
It’s so rare to actually hear a VC strategy that isn’t generic capital, that has some differentiation on sourcing, and picking, and growing businesses beyond the “we invest in great companies.” VCs don’t like strategy because it means making choices, and making choices means saying no to certain things, and those things might be the next Facebook. So they do everything, all the time, which really means they do nothing. And so we get book ordering problems and expensive lunches and weirdly angry LPs. What a boring mess.
Quality tech news from around the web
Written by Arman Tabatabai
Carl Larson Photography via Getty Images
South California is also seeing declining seed investment
Today, the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) published its updated economic forecast for LA and the Southern California region. One interesting note in the report is an observed slow down in early-stage venture investing. The report highlighted that while growth-stage investments in CA were hitting record highs, total deal count and seed investing — both in terms of total seed dollars and seed deal count — were at their lowest points since 2012.
The data points in LA, Southern CA, and the rest of the state seem to follow the trend of declining seed rounds seen in the rest of the country. While the topic is one we’ve previously discussed and one which has heated up in recent weeks with commentary from Marc Suster, Fred Wilson, and others, it’s interesting to see the trend occurring even in more nascent startup markets.
Will “Diet CA-HSR” even get done as feds look to pull back California funding
The federal government announced that it would be pulling back $1 billion in funding that was slated for the California high-speed rail project through 2022, while also pursuing legal action to help recoup the $2.5 billion it has already coughed up. The Federal Railroad Administration is arguing that the state’s updated plan — completing only a route from Bakersfield to Merced — is starkly different from the plan for which the funds were originally allocated. Ouch.
As stock exchanges compete to attract IPOs, unicorns and investors win?
It might be getting easier for companies to go public around the world. With ample late-stage capital keeping more companies staying private for longer, looser rules from the SEC and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange may be on the way to help entice more IPOs.
In the US, the SEC proposed allowing all companies to market themselves to investors before announcing IPOs versus just those that fall under the agency’s “emerging growth” definition. Across the Pacific, Bloomberg reported that Chinese tech companies have been lobbying the HK Exchange for a number of more favorable rules, including allowing companies to maintain extra voting rights and letting major shareholders buy extra stock in the process. With a serious number of Chinese companies opting to list on foreign exchanges last year, the HK Exchange might be feeling pressure to cough up concessions that could help them win local listings — especially if the US moves forward with friendlier rules.
How Japan lost half its citizens with poor data
The Japanese government failed to pay out billions of yen in government benefits for years due to faulty data. If that wasn’t bad enough, Nikkei Asian Review reported yesterday that the government is struggling to even locate roughly half of those who are owed since they don’t have their current addresses on file.
As simple as it may seem, tracking the indebted is actually a tall task since citizens have changed residences, changed names, and since the Japanese government has historically destroyed benefit applications (containing address info) after the period required to maintain them. At this point, it’s unclear whether everyone who is owed will even end up getting paid, with the Japanese government now offering a prime example of how poor data maintenance and not just poor data collection can make a situation go from bad to a whole lot worse.
Can the race to build roads in Southeast Asia avoid development gridlock?
As we harp on our “Why can’t we build anything?” obsession, infrastructure development in Southeast Asia is continuing to heat up and everyone seems to want a piece of the pie. Japan announced plans to further accelerate investment into infrastructure and urban development in the region — where China is also actively engaged — with initial expansion talks focused on Cambodia and the Philippines. At the same time, a newly unveiled government budget in Singapore and the ongoing election in Indonesia have brought infrastructure development strategies into the spotlight, with open debate on how these projects have been and should be funded.
More discussion of megaprojects, infrastructure, and “why can’t we build things”
We are going to be talking India here, focused around the book “Billonnaire Raj” by James Crabtree
We have a lot to catch up on in the China world when the EC launch craziness dies down. Plus, we are covering The Next Factory of the World by Irene Yuan Sun.
Societal resilience and geoengineering are still top-of-mind
Some more on metrics design and quantification
To every member of Extra Crunch: thank you. You allow us to get off the ad-laden media churn conveyor belt and spend quality time on amazing ideas, people, and companies. If I can ever be of assistance, hit reply, or send an email to [email protected].
This newsletter is written with the assistance of Arman Tabatabai from New York
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/20/timing-and-why-were-all-vcs/
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lodelss · 5 years
Laura Barcella | Longreads | February 2019 | 13 minutes (3,517 words)
The 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade just occurred on January 22 — but the days of relatively uncomplicated American abortion access are, most likely, numbered. In fact, author Robin Marty believes it’s not a matter of if Roe will be overturned, it’s a matter of when.
For more than ten years, the Minneapolis-based freelance reporter and author of the new book Handbook for a Post-Roe America has been diligently chronicling the twists and turns of both the pro-choice and anti-abortion movements. Ever since Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his resignation, Marty — like many other pro-choice Americans — has been waiting for the proverbial pro-life shoe to drop. Losing Kennedy, the swing voter on a number of major abortion rulings, and gaining Brett Kavanaugh — a long-time pro-life ally — seems to all but ensure the end of Roe, as well as the downfall of abortion being considered a constitutional right.
Indeed, several weeks after Marty and I spoke in late January, Kavanaugh voted with a minority of Justices to overturn recent Court precedent in favor of a law that sought to impose a new form of undue burden on abortion-seekers in Louisiana. The Cut called Kavanaugh’s dissenting opinion something verging on gaslighting. In it, he postulates that perhaps the undue burden — abortion providers being required to gain admitting privileges at local hospitals — could simply be met, when of course providers have already been trying to gain admitting privileges for years. The Court ultimately blocked the implementation of the law, but only because the conservative Chief Justice, John Roberts, voted with the liberals. The margin of safety has grown vanishingly thin.
Let’s consider what that means. If Roe were overturned, it wouldn’t necessarily make it impossible for a pregnant person to obtain an abortion, but it would potentially make an already challenging process even more daunting. As it stands, obtaining an abortion is already far from affordable or convenient for many women, even in blue states with a plethora of clinics. Despite Roe’s current status, and despite the fact that statistically, most Americans believe in a woman’s right to choose, abortion care is still often portrayed as a privilege instead of a right — or as a miserable “worst-case” scenario rather than a straightforward medical procedure.
Marty’s new book (available now from Seven Stories Press) lays out various scenarios for exactly what a Roe-less future might look like. More importantly, it explains exactly how we should prepare for this reality. As Marty writes in Handbook, “While Roe and the cases that preceded it made birth control and abortion legal, they did nothing to curtail the coercive power our government wields over the bodies of those who can give birth.”
For the liberal naysayers who can’t fathom America sinking quite so far into Handmaid-land, Marty reminds readers that not only have anti-choice laws and restrictions been ramping up in recent years, but the pro-life contingent has been emboldened under Trump’s presidency in frightening new ways. In the following interview, Marty further explains the possible dangers of what lies ahead, and how we can start protecting ourselves now.
Can you tell me a little bit about how the book came about? It traces back to a Twitter thread, is that right?
Right. Anthony Kennedy announced that he would be retiring. As soon as that happened, my first thought was, ‘Okay, this is basically the end of Roe.’ And even if this isn’t exactly the end of Roe, it’s enough of a push and enough of a change that all the people who had been quiet before and hadn’t seen this as a real threat, finally understand that it’s a turning point.
Part of the reason I started the Twitter thread was because the first two things that I saw people saying as soon as Kennedy announced his retirement were, A) ‘I’m going to donate to Planned Parenthood,’ and B) ‘I’m going to stockpile emergency contraception.’ And my first thought was okay, donating to Planned Parenthood is always good, but there are so many clinics in states that only have one clinic that are not run by Planned Parenthood, and that doesn’t help them. And getting emergency contraception for yourself is always good, but the idea of stockpiling can be done in such a way that it actually harms access.
I talked to a number of people who are very high in the pro-life movement. Many of them assured me that Kavanaugh will be the vote, and that Roe will be overturned as soon as they can get a case up there.
My thought was ‘Here are all these things that you can do that would be better actions than what people are describing.’ And so it turned into…a 30-tweet thread of [suggestions for] places you can donate to and actions you can take instead; groups that you should be working with on the ground.
As I was doing this, I was getting a lot of really good responses. One of them was from … a woman book agent, who said, ‘I think there’s actually a book there; can you write a proposal and I will see what I can do?’
Within about a month, I had a book deal with the understanding that I had to write a book in three months, because they wanted it out before the anniversary of Roe.
I was going to ask you about the timeline because I knew it must have been tight. Was that stressful?
Yeah, it was definitely a challenge. Especially because it was summer, so I had children at home. My first book, Crow After Roe, was sort of … I accepted a proposal with my co-author and we didn’t really expect the first publisher that we sent it to, to say ‘Yeah, let’s do this.’ But they did, and then they said, ‘We’re going to move a book aside so we can run this right away. Can you have it done for us in three months?’
There seems to be something about three months! It’s always three months for me.
But I wrote this book in about eight weeks.
That sounds stressful.
I would like to say I wrote a lot, but most of what I did [for the handbook] was compiling all of the different information that was already out there. And I did that for two reasons — one was so that it was in one accessible place so it’s easy to get to, and the other … was because people don’t always know where to look for this information. We’ve already seen with the Trump administration how information disappears. Health and Human Services re-wrote some of their rules, they disappeared trans language from a lot of things. Nothing on the internet is completely safe, [whether] because of censorship or anti-abortion activists who decide that they want to do some attacks online to try and bring down websites; there’s always the [chance] that you might not be able to get to information when you need it.
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How did you get involved in covering abortion care and abortion access as one of your primary beats?
That evolved out of being a progressive blogger. I started anonymously blogging in 2004 while I was working for an investment banking firm. I ended up working for a progressive news site that was setting up state-based news sites. I got more aware of the abortion issue, especially what was going on in [various] states.
In 2009, I ended up writing specifically for a reproductive health website. They picked me up after I was laid off, right after the Affordable Care Act debate and … trying to get all abortion coverage removed from the insurance plans. I had just had a miscarriage, and I had to go into a hospital for a DNC in order to have everything removed. I had this very in-your-face ‘what if’ moment of [wondering], ‘Would that be something my insurance will cover under the new plan?’ Because it was coded in the hospital bills as abortion.
After that I was working for RH Reality Check, as it was called back then (now it’s Rewire News), and I spent a few years tracking all of these bills as they were popping up through the states, and it grew from there.
Can you walk me through the scenarios that you see as the most likely and least likely when it comes to legal abortion access?
If you had asked me a week ago [we had this conversation in late January -LB], I would have said the most likely thing that was going to happen would be that the Supreme Court would keep Roe intact; that it would not overturn the verdict. The court would allow states to pass whatever bills they wanted to pass, as long as they did not explicitly completely ban the procedure.
Can you explain that a bit more?
What I [believed would] happen was that you would have a state like Mississippi, which only has one abortion clinic, and it would finally be allowed to enact rules that would close that one clinic. But because it didn’t actually ban abortion outright in the state, and the state would still [technically] allow abortion, that it would still be considered constitutional.
But now I actually believe that Roe will be overturned completely — and that states will be allowed to make it completely illegal.
Why do you believe that now?
I was at the March for Life [recently], and I talked to a number of people who are very high in the pro-life movement. Many of them assured me that Kavanaugh will be the vote, and that Roe will be overturned as soon as they can get a case up there.
I believe that Roe will be overturned, that we’ll have at least 10 to 15 states that will not have any abortion [access] at all. There will be a number of states that might go completely without abortion or otherwise will pass laws that will make it extraordinarily difficult to get an abortion at all, and then there will be about 10 to 15 states that will have abortion access and will probably expand it.
The problem with this scenario is that all the states that are going to either ban, or are going to make abortion nearly impossible to get, are all in the same place. They’re in the Midwest, and the entirety of the Southeast, except for maybe Florida, will be without any sort of legal abortion. That’s scary and alarming, and something that we have to plan for.
It sounds horrible to say ‘Plan for an abortion now,’ but the reality is, if you are capable of getting pregnant, [planning] is something that you should do.
How do we plan for that? What do you suggest people start doing now?
The first thing that I tell everybody is that the best thing to do is plan for what will happen if Roe is overturned and abortion is illegal. What a person can do is figure out what is going on in their state first — will their state be one that will make abortion illegal or will they have some sort of access? Which is going to be the closest state to you that will have abortion access?
It sounds horrible to say ‘Plan for an abortion now,’ but the reality is, if you are capable of getting pregnant, [planning] is something that you should do. We’re looking at huge travel that will have to happen, and trying to get through waiting periods in some of the states that remain. The clinics that are going to be left are going to be overbooked, and abortion is not going to be covered by insurance. It will be extremely expensive, so if you plan for that and don’t need it, that’s fantastic. But if you suddenly find yourself with an unexpected pregnancy that you don’t want to carry to term, trying to figure all of that out at the last minute is going to be extraordinarily daunting.
People plan for retirement; people plan for all sorts of things in their life. You should also plan for an abortion.
I know there’s no way to explicitly predict this, but what sort of timeline do you think this might happen in?
I would say that Roe will probably be overturned … after the 2020 election. It would be that soon. We have a number of cases already in the federal court system that have circuit splits [in which two federal courts don’t agree about whether similar laws are constitutional]. Any one of those can be taken up to the Supreme Court for them to make a final ruling, and through that can overturn Roe.
Also, something that people don’t understand is that the courts can technically take any case that’s about abortion and use that to overturn Roe. So for instance, the Indiana Down Syndrome ban. Basically every time the court meets again to see if they’re going to take up a case, it could be the one that would overturn Roe, if they chose to use it that way.
But … I don’t see the courts doing it before 2020 just because of election impact. I hate to say it, but our Supreme Court has become so partisan at this point that I see them taking that as a consideration.
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Which state restrictions are you monitoring the most closely right now?
Depending on scenario, heartbeat bans are really alarming because they make it almost impossible to get an abortion before it’s too late to get an abortion. But for the most part, courts have been saying that [those are] unconstitutional.
One of the [other] things really alarming me right now is the idea of abortion restrictions on top of abortion restrictions, especially when it comes to states that are expanding their waiting periods. There’s two different ways that waiting periods work. In some states, waiting periods start from the point at which you call a clinic, and so they’ll give you information on the phone and you don’t have to make two trips into the clinic. But a lot of states are now having them in a way that you have to come in to the clinic, get the information, then walk away, come back and have your next appointment anywhere from 24 to 72 hours afterwards.
When you take a state that has a waiting period of 72 hours or more, has only one clinic, and then the clinic only performs [abortions] up to 12 weeks, then you have basically [created] a situation where a person is going to spend at least a week just going back and forth, trying to get an abortion knowing that there’s a cutoff, plus knowing that there’s an immense wait to get into that clinic to start with.
[This is how] they’re really strangling the system altogether. None of these things on their own necessarily look unreasonable, but stacked on top of each other, they’ve made abortion almost impossible to get.
You recently attended the March for Life. Did you notice a bigger turnout, or more fervency among the pro-life faction there?
Yes, yes, yes. I’ve been to the March for Life four times now. At the march I went to before the 2016 election, abortion opponents thought they had lost. They believed that Hillary Clinton was going to be elected. They believed they were losing the entirety of the Supreme Court, so it was a very dejected feeling there, but [there was] also a sense of ‘what can we do in order to make tiny gains around the edges?’
Being at the march over the last two years, it has changed so dramatically. Their people are in the administration, they’re in the HHS, their elected leaders are everywhere. They have so much right now, and they know that. They feel that Roe is on the rocks, that they are about to have that win.
Also, the March for Life has become increasingly political ever since President Trump was elected. There’s signs saying “Make Babies Great Again” and, like the Covington students, everyone’s wearing MAGA hats. It’s become so intertwined with politics, and especially with the Republican party, that it has in many ways turned into a rally for social conservatives and for the religious right.
If abortion is made illegal again … people are, frankly, unlikely to die  … Our problem now is that abortion … done outside the legal system is going to get you thrown in jail.
You touched on third-trimester abortion a little bit in the book, which is already not readily accessible throughout the country. What will happen to that if Roe is overturned?
We just had New York pass the Reproductive Health Act, which basically removed all abortion from the criminal code, which means that New York providers can now offer third-trimester abortions in cases where there is a significant medical need for it. So if a person is having mental health issues, if a person has a fetus with an anomaly that they can’t or don’t want to carry to term, third-trimester abortion has been opened up as long as there is a valid medical reason for it. And that’s not something that was happening in New York before. Before, we had a clinic in Colorado that would do it, and a clinic in Maryland, and a clinic in New Mexico.
There’s a section of your handbook about privacy concerns. Why was that important for you to include?
One of the things that we’re already seeing when people induce their own abortions or have bad pregnancy outcomes that make the hospitals or the authorities suspect that they induced their own abortions, is that when they’re investigated their computers get seized. Their phones get looked at. One of the things that happened to Purvi Patel, who was arrested for feticide and homicide in Indiana, was that they looked at her text messages and saw that she said she had taken something. That was what they used to prosecute her.
If a person’s going to work outside of the legal clinic system in order to end a pregnancy…we just have to be aware of what sort of information could get out there, especially when a person might be going outside of the legal clinic system, and anybody else who has talked to them could be seen as an accessory in either having helped them obtain medication or [other] ways.
Can you talk a little bit more about self-managed abortion? Were there legal challenges to publishing that particular chapter of your book?
Not specifically, although I did have it vetted by a lawyer. One of the things that’s very interesting about the publisher that I ended up with, and probably one of the reasons that the book exists at all, is that Seven Stories Press actually published a book called A Woman’s Book of Choices by Carol Downer. One of the things she did was explain how to do menstrual extraction. That was considered mind-blowing at the time, that there was a publisher that would actually give instructions on how to make this and do this.
So the publisher was really good about wanting to include all of this information, that this is information that needs to be public. And honestly, all of this information is online; it’s available everywhere, it’s just not compiled in one space. I’m not encouraging anybody to do this, and I think that the best way is always going to be going through the legal system. It’s just, if people are going to do it, they need to have information on how to do it safely.
Do you think we’ll see an uptick in DIY abortions? Is there already an uptick?
My understanding is that there probably is. The fact that we can’t verify that or actually prove that in any way, shape, or form is good because that means that people are doing it the right way, protecting their privacy and making sure that their caches are not being found. When they do speak to people at hospitals, making sure that it’s understood that this is a miscarriage and that’s all the information that a person needs to give.
What are some of the biggest misconceptions that you keep hearing or seeing regarding abortion access lately?
I see a lot of people saying that they still don’t believe that Roe is going to be overturned. I also see people — on our side as well — [repeat] the idea that people [will die] if abortion is made illegal again.
When we go into a post-Roe landscape, people are, frankly, unlikely to die if they get illegal abortions. Because we can get medications online, and these medications have been proven to be very safe. If there is a rare complication, it can be taken care of at a hospital, if necessary.
Our problem now is that abortion … done outside the legal system is going to get you thrown in jail.
We need to, as a movement, make sure that people understand that doing your own self-induced abortion is not medically any more dangerous than a [medically supervised] abortion would be. The only difference is that because this is not legal, people are afraid to report when something goes wrong. And in some cases it’s not even anything going wrong, it’s just too many people don’t know exactly what the process is like, so they think something is going wrong.
We have to make sure that everybody understands what a self-managed abortion looks like; what’s normal, what’s not normal, what will get them in trouble, what will not get them in trouble, what to say to a hospital, what not to say to a hospital.
People need to be aware of all of that because when we go into a post-Roe future … we aren’t generally going to see [people] bleeding out and dying in their homes, but we could see [people] going in for help because they think something’s wrong, and ending up in jail instead.
* * *
Laura Barcella is an NYC-based journalist and author.
Editor: Dana Snitzky
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Are you a shopaholic? How to fight a shopping addiction
Yesterday, I mentioned that because I grew up poor, I inherited a faulty money blueprint from my parents. They didnt know how to handle money effectively, so they couldnt teach me how to handle it effectively. I entered adulthood with many of the same bad habits theyd had when I was a kid. I was a compulsive spender, for instance. I had a shopping addiction. I had no willpower, no impulse control. Even when I had no money in the bank, I still found ways to spend. I took on over $20,000 in credit card debt before I turned 25!
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Nowadays, I mostly have my spending under control. Im no longer in debt, and I force myself to make conscious decisions about what I purchase. (Conscious spending is one of the keys to overcoming emotional spending.) Having said that, I know that if I relax for even a moment, Ill be right back in my old habits. Ill find myself at the grocery store buying magazines to soothe a bruised ego, or shopping for music in the iTunes store because I had a stressful day. How do I know Ill relapse if Im not careful? Because I do from time to time. When I was prepping for my big talk at the end of June, for example, I felt super stressed and my shopping addiction kicked in. I spent an afternoon browsing on Amazon, putting things in my shopping basket. (I even ordered a few of the things, although I knew I shouldnt.) Emotional spending is comforting not just for me, but for a lot of other people too. Though Im a recovering spendaholic, Im still a spendaholic. Im always one step away from compulsive spending. My story is not unique. What Is a Shopping Addiction? People who have a shopping addiction suffer from whats known as compulsive spending. According to the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery: Compulsive shopping and spending is described as a pattern of chronic, repetitive purchasing that becomes difficult to stop and ultimately results in harmful consequences. It is defined as an impulse control disorder and has features similar to other addictive disorders without involving the use of an intoxicating drug. The organization offers the following list of warning signs of a shopping addiction: Shopping of spending money as a result of being disappointed, angry or scared.Shopping/spending habits causing emotional distress or chaos in ones life.Having arguments with others regarding shopping or spending habits.Feeling lost without credit cards.Buying items on credit that would not be bought with cash.Spending money causes a rush of euphoria and anxiety at the same time.Spending or shopping feels like a reckless or forbidden act.Feeling guilty, ashamed, embarrassed or confused after shopping or spending money. Many purchases are never used.Lying to others about what was bought or how much money was spent.Thinking excessively about money.Spending a lot of time juggling accounts and bills to accommodate spending. Ive experienced all of these. In fact, I used to suffer from many of these at the same time. It felt awful. An addiction to spending is a scary, dangerous thing. As with other addictions, victims feel lost and out of control. People who have never suffered from a shopping addiction cant understand the problem, and you may have a hard time explaining it to them. They dont know what its like to see something and feel the urge to buy it now. They dont know the lure of the shopping rush and the subsequent nausea from the guilt have having spent too much. Overspendershave confused and confusing relationships with money, write psychologists Brad and Ted Klontz in Mind Over Money. On one hand, theyre convinced that money and the things it can buy will make them happy; yet theyre often broke because they cant control their spending. Fortunately, Ive learned some ways to cope with emotional spending. Though Im still tempted, I dont spend nearly as much as I used to because Ive developed habits that help me do the right thing, even when the right thing is difficult. How to Fight a Shopping Addiction Based on my own experience and based on conversations Ive had with others here are seven strategies you can use to fight a shopping addiction: Cut up your credit cards. If you have a problem with compulsive spending, destroy your credit cards now. Dont make excuses. Dont jot the account numbers someplace just in case. Dont rationalize that you need them to help your credit score. If credit cards fuel your emotional spending, youre better off without them. (You can always get new cards once youve learned better habits.)Carry cash only. Dont use your checkbook or a debit card. Inconvenient? Absolutely, but thats the point. If youre a compulsive spender, your goal is to break the habit. To do this, youve got to make sacrifices. Spending cash is a way to remind yourself that youre spending real money. Plastic (and to some degree checks) make this connection fuzzy.Track every penny you spend. You may not even be aware of how much youre spending. Back when I let my emotions rule my financial life, I had no idea how many books I was buying, for example. But once I started tracking every dollar that came into and went out of my life, patterns became clear. When you see your spending patterns, you can act on them.Play mind games. For some people, money isnt an emotional issue. Theyre able to make logical choices and not be tempted to otherwise. Theyre lucky. For most of us, however, it doesnt work that way. If youre in this majority, find ways to play tricks on yourself. You might train yourself to use the 30-day rule, for instance: When you see something you want, dont buy it right away; instead, note it on your calendar for 30 days in the future. If you still want it in a month, consider buying it. Ive found that I can keep myself from buying a lot of stuff by simply putting it on my Amazon wish list. I come back later and wonder why I was ever tempted!Avoid temptation. The best way to keep from spending is to avoid situations that tempt you to spend in the first place. If your weakness is books, stay out of bookstores and avoid Amazon. If you tend to overspend at big department stores, stay away from the mall. Stop going to the places where you normally spend, especially if youre under emotional stress.Remind yourself of larger goals. Ive struggled with my weight all my life. Whenever Im tempted to eat something bad, I ask myself, Will this help me or hurt me? The same question can be asked when youre about to make an impulse purchase. Will your new toy bring you closer to your goals or move you further away? (If youre not clear on your larger goals, try drafting a personal mission statement.)Ask for help. Theres no shame in asking for help if youre having trouble with your spending. Talk to a close friend or family member, and ask for support in breaking the cycle of compulsive spending. You may even want to seek professional help. But remember: If you ask for help, dont get angry when your counselors call you on your missteps. Listen to what they have to say. Each of these techniques can help curb your shopping addiction to some degree. Different techniques will appeal to different people. Theres one other strategy that Ive found to be very effective for myself: When I find myself tempted to buy something, I force myself to stop for a moment and ask myself some serious questions.
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What to Do When Youre Tempted to Buy Lets say youre in the mall or at the Electronics Emporium. Theres nothing you need to buy, but youre killing time while your spouse finishes an errand. As you wait, you browse. You admire the Thneeds. Look! Theres a new one! Its bright and shiny and you think it will make you happy, so you pick it up, walk to the register to purchase it. Wait! Before you buy, think about the following questions: When will I use this? When you buy compulsively, when you spend on impulse, you tend to acquire a lot of stuff you never use. Look around your home. Do you have unopened CDs or DVDs? Unread books? Unplayed videogames? Do you have clothes that still sport their price tags? Do you have a collection of money-saving gadgets gathering dust in your closets and kitchen drawers? Before you buy something new, ask yourself when youll actually use it and be honest with yourself.Do I have another one like this already? If so, whats wrong with the old one? I use this question in a variety of situations, especially when Im tempted to buy clothes. Kim gets frustrated with my tendency to acquire new t-shirts, for example. You already have five blue t-shirts, she told me recently. Why do you need another? This is also a great question to ask when faced with the urge to upgrade. Do you really need to replace your iPhone?If I buy this, where will I put it? Its surprising how often this question prevents me from buying something new. For the past few years, Ive had limited space to store stuff. First, Kim and I were on the road in an RV with no storage. Next, we moved to a smaller house. If I force myself to think about where Ill store whatever it is that tempts me, thats often enough to make me decide not to buy it.If I buy this, can I pay cash? Would I pay cash for this? When I was in debt, I bought almost everything on credit. I figured I could pay for it later. All of my cash went to pay my credit card bills. I was dumb. Ive since realized that if something isnt worth saving for, if its not worth buying with cash, then its almost certainly not worth buying on credit.Can I buy a good-quality used version for less? I used to be a new snob. I believed that things were only worth buying if I could have them in new, pristine condition. Now I know that great deals can be had on gently used items. This is true of cars, of course, but its also true of games, electronics, clothing, and more. Make a habit of checking Craigslist first and taking a look at your local thrift store.Do I know anyone who already owns one I can borrow? I overheard a story the other day. Evan was preparing for some yardwork and making an inventory of his tools. He decided he wanted a chainsaw. He called his friend Lee to ask for advice on which one to buy. Why do you want to buy a chainsaw? Lee asked. Do you have a lot of trees to clear? Evan admitted that he did not. Then why dont you just borrow mine? Lee asked. When done respectfully, borrowing is a great alternative to buying new.Can I wait to buy this? One of the best things Ive done to fight my shopping addiction is to teach myself to wait. For the past decade, Ive used the afore-mentioned 30-day rule. When I find myself in the Electronics Emporium holding the latest game for the Nintendo Switch, I put it back and tell myself that I can buy it in 30 days if I still want it. The key is to make yourself wait to make a purchase, to not give in to your desire to buy in the moment.Why do I want to buy this? And why do I want to buy it today? Its true that many times Im inclined to buy something because it would fill a need in my life. But just as often I find myself wanting to buy things because Ive recently seen an ad. Or, worse, a friend has shown me some cool new gadget. In these cases, Im not filling an ongoing need; Im simply trying to fill a sense of lack created by comparing myself with others. If I can figure out why I have the urge to buy something, I can sometimes make the urge go away.Are there better options available? This is a great question to trick myself into taking more time. If I find myself browsing Amazon tempted to buy a compound miter saw, for example, I can sometimes talk myself out of it by realizing that I have no idea whether this compound miter saw is the best model. Instead, I go research compound miter saws (or whatever) via Consumer Reports and online review sites. I try to find the best option. Most of the time, the process gets overwhelming: There are so many compound miter saws with so many different features! I lose interest and I save myself some money.What would my partner say if I bought this? Kim isnt opposed to everything I buy, but shes often able to detect compulsive spending when I cannot. Sometimes if Im tempted buy a new toy, I try to put myself in her shoes, to view the purchase through her eyes. If, from her perspective, the purchase seems reasonable, then I consider it. But it looks foolish, I often change my mind. Ive used all of these questions to learn to control my shopping addiction. I dont ask myself all of these questions every time I shop. Each is useful in certain situations. And these questions dont stop all of my purchases. But Ive found that if I give myself honest answers, they can prevent a lot of spending. Additional Resources For more information on coping with compulsive spending and shopping addiction, explore the following web sites: Finally, consider seeking professional help. There is no shame in obtaining psychotherapy for problems that seem bigger than you. Ultimately you must look inward to overcome any form of addiction a therapist is like a trained guide who can help you find the way. The good news is you can overcome this. You can break free from emotional spending. The bad news is that it takes work. It wont happen overnight. Youll make mistakes, and youll backslide. When you do, dont give up. Dont beat yourself up because you bought a new purse or played a round of golf at the new course. Youre human. Keep focused on your long-term goal, and resolve to do better next time. [embedded content] https://www.getrichslowly.org/shopping-addiction/
0 notes
Health insurance for part-time worker?
"Health insurance for part-time worker?
I am a dental assistant so I wont need dental....
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance and Pregnancy?
Looking to start trying to get pregnant in the next few months. Currently I do not have any health insurance. What is the insurance protocol with pregnancy? I know obviously no ins co. will take me once I am pregnant. But how far in advance will I need to have insurance BEFORE getting pregnant? And any specific plan I should mention or ask for that will help pay for child birth & prenatal care? I plan on using a midwife, how will that effect it as well? Thanks in advance!!""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i'm 22 i've only had my driving licence for 3 weeks, and i bought a corsa energy 1000cc's the price i get quoted is 800+ is that right? or is there anywhere you think i can get it cheaper?""
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
Pregenant without insurance!!!?
Pregenant without insurance. What are the options? Would hospitals allow payment installements? Definitely want a safe and equiped place to give birth at. Any idea what it will cost about? We are in the NY metro area. Feedback please.
Where can i find good and cheap used car dealer insurance?
i am trying to open a used car lot and need insurance for it. where can i find cheap insurance i have looked and got a quote at one place but the price is to high 6500.00 per year, are there any other companies that will offer that but for cheaper? thanks""
My auto insurance is almost $400?!?
Ok, I am a 21 year old female and I just bought MY first car. I got a 2012 Ford Focus. I've had 2 speeding tickets since I got my license years ago. Well once we got the car I got my own insurance as well. The lady told me it would be $380 a month for my insurance?! That's more than my car payment. I'm having a feeling that this is a little outrageous and I need some opinions on this. Thanks!""
Are insurance policies safe...?
I have a life insurance policy on myself that will hopefully take care of a minor. How safe is it now?
If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing?
If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing?
""Average cost of homeowners insurance in League City, Texas?""
What is the average cost of home owner's insurance for the league city area? Including wind storm and flood since both is required for the area we are moving into? Home is for sale at 124,000 and we are trying to estimate costs.""
Cheap auto insurance in mississauga area?
Hi, I am a 22 Year old, female, G2 driver. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good insurance company with cheap rates for a new driver for either a 2000 2DR Sunfire or 2002 Mazda Protege. The rates i've been coming across seem pretty high for a full time student. Also, I have no previous insurance history or any accidents. Thanks!!!""
No insurance ticket do i have to be under the insurance of the car i was driving in?
ok so i got a no insurance ticket but im not covered in the car i drove in. i drove my parents car and so i couldnt find the insurance card when i got pulled over. i rarely come home i live about 400 miles away. the car has insurance and i am just waiting for my letter to come. so in Californa do i have to be under my parents insurance to get my ticket cleared?
How much auto insurance must I have?
I want to know what are the legal limits on car insurance in the state of Ohio for a financed vehicle? I have an 06 Mazda and an 07 Hyundai. They are both financed. How do I go about figuring out the lowest limits I can legally have? Thank you!
Why is insurance expense debited?
Why is insurance expensive debited? First it says Markell Company purchased one year automobile insurance policy on September 1, 20-2 at a cost of 1800. At the time of the purchase, the accounting clerk would make the following journal entry. Sep 1: Prepaid insurance 1800 DR, Bank 1800 CR Then it says since the insurance was purchased on September 1, four months of coverage have been used and eight months of coverage. Dec 31 Insurance Expense 600 DR, Prepaid Insurance 600 CR I can understand why prepaid insurance is credit because it is deducted each time as the months ago until is it fully done.""
Car Insurance(state farm) hit & run accused of hitting a object?
i was driving on the freeway tunnel(day time) when i noticed the guy driving on my left-side merging into my lane and struck my right fender,so when i get to the end of the tunnel to wait for him the guy simply drives off.I then call my ins and claim a hit & run etc. i gave them the details they say they'll fix it.3 months later i come to find out that they are claiming it's my fault that i hit a object or a guard rail or wall how can i go about this and fight it.the rep that help wasn't any helpful at all she said she re email a letter stated it was my fault and how to fight it. any help will b appreciated !!! i also i asked the lady if i can show pics of a cars that have been into collision with object i even told her it would be pics of my car(not actually my car) but u know what i mean she said they only go off what they see""
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
Got a ticket and insurance doubled NJ?
I got a ticket on my very first day of driving for an illegal left turn (one of those that you cant make during certain hours unless you are a resident of the street). I got the ticket with 3 points, i went to court and paid off all 3 points and got unsafe driving under my name hoping that it wouldn't affect my insurance, which was under my dads name (Allstate). Even with paying off the points my insurance still doubled. Now my question is, is there anything I can do to lower my insurance? Maybe I can take a course somewhere. Are me and my dad better off looking for a new insurance company? Maybe i should drop my car from my insurance and taking the bus again? If there isn't anything I can do, how long will it take for my insurance to drop again? Right now we are all in hard times and i made it much worse for my family, any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Do you pay for car insurance before you use it?
i want to switch car insurance but i just paid it for the month. do i get that back?
Motorcycle Insurance in Ontario help?
Hello, I am a 20 year old female looking for motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR 250r with an M2. I have never owned a bike before and have a clean driving record. Like most people my age it is nearly impossible to get insurance that is affordable if you are under the age of 25. If anyone knows of an insurance company/brokerage that would give a quote below 2.5k a year please give me any way I can contact them. I live in the Ottawa area if that is any help as well.""
Cheap scooter insurance in UK?
In February of next year I will be buying a 50CC scooter and taking my CBT, What would be the best companies to go to for cheap insurance? I'm planning to pay in a lump-sum :) thanks""
What are the Cheapest Veichles to insure in Ontario? or in general?
What are the cheapest to insure? or the cheapest to fix?
How much is it to get your insurance license?
How much is it for the classes/exams/etc in california? I just got hired for state farm, and i need an insurance license but how much is it exactly?""
Has anyone from Florida had any experience with Tower Hill homeowners insurance?
We're insurance shopping after we found out State Farm is charging us WAY too much. Tower Hill has given a great quote but I can't seem to find one their customers to talk to. Has anyone dealt with them?
What is usps $100 insurance included mean? Do i have to pay for it?
i order something from a third party amazon seller and today when i track my order it said: Features: $100 insurance included...what does this mean? do i have to pay extra?
Does auto insurance cover any vehicle I drive?
I wasn't expecting it but my mom told me she will no longer be driving. Her car is 5 years newer than mine and she told me should take over her car and get rid of mine. Since my car still runs well I felt I would keep it a little longer. I checked with the insurance company and I acted like we are going to sell her vehicle. I just felt it shouldn't matter which car i drove since they are similar in size. The insurance company said I would have to turn in her plates. Does auto insurance cover any car I drive and if I want to keep 2 cars for now do I have to tell the insurance company and will they allow it if I pay more for insurance?
How much will getting a motorcycle increase my insurance?
I am 21 the only ticket I have on me was back in dec 08 for going 86 in a 70 (was on a permit) and paid it in march because of a mixup, but I pay 333 or 366 every 6 months on no fault for a 91 4runner, if I was to get a 08-12 harley davidson (cost around 10,000-16,000) and then get a truck for the winter/times it rains, because the 91 4runner is going soon, how much would you estimate I would pay every 6 months?""
Health insurance for part-time worker?
I am a dental assistant so I wont need dental....
""Has any one been quoted 23,000 for car insurance?""
i have just been quote 23,000 for a car insurance am i the only one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)?""
Insurance quetsion?
i was in a accident totally the other drivers fault (she admitted to it). my car has damaged front bumper and headlight along with other stuff around those parts. it looks like nothing major. i went to the hospital one time they said i had my muscles and ligaments in my neck strectched. im trying to found out is that enough medical trips for me to get a rather decent settlement. im nt able to go to the doctor because i work all the time an i cant take time off or i will be fired. her insurance is state farm. on the average how much can i get???(pain and suffering)
Can't we make a compromise between all out socialized healthcare and private health insurance?
Can't we do something like give insurance companies tax breaks for covering x amount of people who earn low wages at a sharply reduced price? Or have a smaller government program only for those who cannot afford insurance?
Ohio Dental Health Insurance Companies?
Provide the List of Dental Insurance Companies in Ohio
About how much money would car insurance for a 2003 convertable saab cost?
just some rough estimates. i know insurance places are different.
What is the cheapest Insurance available for a 21 year old?
I've been looking at cars and quotes for about a month now, and I can find nothing affordable, so I thought I'd ask on this website and see if there is anyone who has had the same situation and found a solution. I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in September and I have not drove since I passed my test 2 years ago. I have never owned a car or been a second driver on anyone's policy. Insurance is ridiculously high, so I was wondering if anyone in the same situation knows a cheap insurance company. I'm also okay with being a second driver on my parents policy, although this is still usually to expensive. Thanks!""
How do doctors actually pay for liability insurance?
On studentdoc.com, the salary survey stated that the average OB/GYN made roughly $238000 a year, but some sites I have looked at show that they also pay $50000 a year (in florida, that rises to $100000) for malpractice insurance. Even for other practices, such as pediatrics and internal medicine, the rate is usually $30000+. This is a huge amount of money and really, after paying student loans, mortgages, taxes, and etc, how much money do doctors actually take home? Surely not all doctors actually pay for their premiums. Specifically, how much would a pediatric surgeon pay in malpractice insurance in California or Illinois? Just some food for thought.""
Registering a car without insurance--California?
with our old car we had we were able to register it back in jan without having insurance, they said we can still register but have to get insurance and provide proof within so many days. well we got into a bad accident with that car and we now have no car, or insurance and we are planning on buying a used car tomorrow from a friend, can we register it without having insurance right off the bat? just asking maybe laws have changed. i can not seem to find my answer on the dmv web site. thank you..im in california""
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
""I just found out that I am 9 weeks pregnant, which insurance company would insure me if I just found out?""
So I just found out I'm 9 weeks pregnant, and I've been uninsured for the last 5 years, which health insurance will insure me if I JUST found out I'm pregnant?""
How much would insurance cost on a 96 Chevrolet camaro?
Monthly? I spotted a camaro for the first time and it was completely gorgeous, I almost cried. it also runs good. The cost is pretty crazy for a camaro only 2,000. My mom said that I ...show more""
What do I have to do after buying a car? reg insurance etc?
this might sound stupid but my dad did everything for me when i brought my first car so i have no idea. I know ill have to change the names over to mine, get reg, insurance, pay stamp duty........ anything else ?""
Car insurance for young drivers?
I was wondering what insurers provide the most favourable quotes for an 18old male like myself? The cheapest car insurance quote I could get was 2262, on an independant insurance website. The comparison websites are useless, I just get results of 3000 or more. I am asking if I can get cheaper than this figure? or should I just selttle for 2262?""
Replacement Cost Insurance vs Regular Insurance?
WHich is better I live in a area where home owner's insurance is increasing and I'm trying to get the lowest premium possible within reasonable coverage limits. I know replacement insurance is good but what is not so good about not having replacement costs.
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old (1998-1999 Renault Clio 1.2)?
Approximately? xx
Insurance money or insurance fraud?
My dad told me a story about his boss a long time ago about how his wife survived cancer, and incurred 1million dollars in bills. the company has a health insurance that covers his entire family, but he also was covered by another health insurer...be it his or possibly his wifes. After the whole ordeal he paid off all the bills and had received an extra 1Million from insurance.... Was this legal? ( He was paying for both insurances ..knowingly or possibly not )""
Cheapest auto insurance. (perferably one I can apply for online)?
I bought a 2007 Nissan Sentra in New Mexico. I am 18 and my fiance is 23. What is the cheapest insurance you have found? I would be the primary driver.
Do anyone know of an affordable health insurane?
Do anyone know of an affordable health insurane?
Best and cheapest (under 2000) convertible for a 17 year old?
cheap to buy, cheap to insure, cheap to drive but looks good and drives well. has to be under 2 grand the insurance has to be cheap - under group 10 - (i know insurance is gonna be expensive for a 17 year old) i was thinking fiat punto 1990s convertible or renault megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or rover convertible?""
Small and cheap to insure ideal first cars?
first car for a 17 year old, no more then 1800, MUST be small and cheap to insure and preferably a respectable looking car :')""
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!""
Do you pay homeowners insurance in advance?
When closing on a house, do you pay the homeowners insurance in advance?""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 17. But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
""Are most companies going to switch to Obamacare, for their insurance coverage plans.?""
Are most companies going to switch to Obamacare, for their insurance coverage plans.?""
Teen driver car insurance?
i'm 18 years old, got my license officially in march. I can't really drive my parents car around because im not on their insurance plan (and they worry) what is the cheapest car insurance plan i could get possibly to be insured with my parents? not sure what they have i think its state farm. does insurance depends on the car? if it matters my dad has a 1997 mini van,plymouth. and my mom has a 2005 jeep cherokee. about how much would it cost to be insured in one of their cars?""
Health insurance for part-time worker?
I am a dental assistant so I wont need dental....
What is a good health insurance? I need help please!?
I just turned 18 and am looking for cheap health insurances that cover well! I'm trying to get on social security disability, because I'm really sick all the time. I'm actually in the hospital right now on my phone!! But until they approve me I need good health insurance! PLEASE!! There's this $5.00 a day health insurance, is that alot????? I just don't know any comparison. Thanks.""
What are the contents of an insurance premium?
What are the contents of an insurance premium?
""Insurance, I need a awnser.?
I bought a car with some cosmetic damage. It needs a new quarter panel. If I get insurance on the car will they fix that?
Buying a motorcycle and driving without insurance in ontario?
I was considering to buy a motorcycle in ontario a cbr125r, and if i do make the purchase and drive without insurance, how much could i be fined? and im 18 and i would be considered to be a new driver, how much does motorcycle insurance typical cost for a year?""
Does anyone know what the average insurance rates are for OTR owner operators?
Just a rough estimate....I'm doing some research.
Does Auto insurance go down automatically after the age of 25?
if I drive and small and cheap car...
How would insurance be on these cars?
first of all plz dont tell me call insurance or that im to young and dont need these cars and should get a camry. i just turned 17 and just got a job at In n Out and by my senior year in highschool which is after this summer i want to get a car and my parents would help me but everytime i ask them they say dont talk about it untill you have 2500$-_- so i was just wondering how much is insurance on these cars i have in mind, first, nissan 350z(any year) honda s2000(any year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and last a scion tc (2004-2008) the car will be under MY MOMS name and i will be put as an additional driver but not main driver or however you put it. can i just have the price ranges it doesnt have to be exact, if it help i live in califronia Orange county anaheim thanks guys""
Car insurance rates question plz help 10 pts?
I pay $187 a mth for car insurance & that's full coverage with $500 deduct. The reason I was told I'm paying that much was bc of a big wreck I had back in Aug 2010 and since it's coming up on 3 yrs and my premium expires in Aug I'm expecting my rates to go down a little. My insurance company jus told me that that's not why I'm paying that much it's bc of 2 speeding tickets I got back in 2010 Feb & April bt when my premium expires in Aug my rates will go down. My question is can you guys give me a estimate on how much you think I'll be paying in Aug when my rates go down??! I live in S.C. Btw Thanks so much in advance
How? First car insurance under 2k?
I've passed my driving test and followed almost every rule out there: Low insurance group car Park in a garage/driveway Try fully comp and third party Try pass plus discount Try a 'black box' scheme Use named drivers Get a lower engine size Etc. Everything I try, my insurance quote is always 3K+ however I did manage to get it to 2.6k with a 'black box scheme'. A lot of people I know drive and their insurance varies, some have paid a lot and some a little but everything I try fails. I understand as a 17 year old male car insurance is always going to be steep and 2.6K is probably a good quote but is it at ALL possible to get a quote for around 2K or less? That's still a lot in my opinion but would be just about affordable. I simply don't understand how a 17 year old at college 5 days a week is expected to be able to fund this, even if they do work weekends (which I do) It's extortionate""
When buying motorbike insurance is CBT= Provisional ?
I was looking about for insurance quotes for a 125 and when you select what type of licence you have it dose not say CBT at all, but it says UK provisional and UK moped, but i dont think moped is a CBT because moped is 50cc only, can anyone tell me what a CBT licence is called when buying insurance""
""Insurance companies have told me I now, do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. What can I do?""
I no longer have health insurance. My employer could no longer afford the premiums and I cannot afford Cobra. The 63 day preexisting conditions deadline has passed. I had a heart valve repaired in 2009 and donated a kidney for my wife in Feb. of 2011. Insurance companies have told me I now do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. Under the new Health Care Law, what can I do and who can I contact to get affordable coverage?""
High risk auto insurance?
Guys, Please what is the Best Option Online for High risk auto insurance, i am looking for One Just In Case Thanks""
What happens If I have California insurance and I get in an accident in Hawaii?
NOTE: if your the kind of person thats going to say things like well you shouldnt do that... waa waa waa please stop reading and go back. Please only answer if you have an answer to my question, I dont need moral advise! this is a hypothetical situation and I'm just curious. I know if one has insurance in California and They get in a accident in another continental US state, its not problem since, they could just be on a road trip. But what if (s)he ships their car to Hawaii, and they keep their old insurance, and 3 months later they get in an accident, is the insurance company going to look at the report and say hmmm well theres no way he drove to Hawaii on a road trip, they must of moved there , and not cover the accident? the reason I ask is: my current CA insurance is 90/mon. The cheapest i found in Hawaii is 230/mon which is INSANE!!!. Im only wondering hypothetically, what if one found a way to get by the vehicle inspection with their CA insurance. then they get in an accident a few months later, will the insurance company stil cover the accident? I know you have 30 after you move to be covered, how do they verify/determin what was your exact move date?""
State Farm Insurance Policies?
How old do you have to be to get your own car insurance with state farm?
Looking for a insurance rider policy?
I am looking for some info on insurance rider policy, also want to get a good one.""
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
I was speeding 16 mph over the limit and it is my first offense. how much will my fine be?
I am 17 and I was driving my parents car, under their insurance. how much do you think my fine will be? and will my parents insurance rates go up if I go to the court date, plead guilty, pay the fine, and go to traffic/driving school?""
My car insurance just jumped up tremendously?
ok i was living in delaware. my car is registered there. i have a delaware drivers license. now i was staying with my girlfriend in her place and we recently just got a place in pa last month. however, all my mail still goes to my old delaware address. now, i have nationwide and i changed my address. thinking it wouldnt go up by that way. it went up from 1300 every 6 months to 4500 every 6 months. they changed my agent(it was based in elkton, md- 5 min from delaware). my agent is trying to get the policy back to elkton, maryland. however, i cannot afford this insurance. would i be able to change it back to delaware and just say that i decided not to move?""
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am a 22 year old female in Washington State, had one incident found to be not at fault, i drive a 98 Dodge Stratus""
""Insurance whilst working In italy for 7 months for an aussie company, anyone got any good recommendations?
My job is travelling around I already have basic Travel Insurance
Can you borrow or withdraw from your life insurance policy?
This is an absolute last resort & all other options have been weighed. This person is on the brink of homelessness and it is against everything she believed in to borrow this money. Unemployment ran out, health is bad and disability will takes months after she applies. In the meantime bills, rent, car insurance etc still must be paid. Utilities have been shut off. It's a living nightmare. Like I said this was the very last resort. If she can borrow this money how long before she receives a check?""
How much is car insurance nowadays for a 16 year old male who has a B average.?
How much is car insurance nowadays for a 16 year old male who has a B average.?
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
No insurance..?
Okay I have went to 2 doctors appointments with no insurance.. but now I have insurance.. How much do you think its gonna cost for them two visits
What insurance companies will insure someone with a DUI on his record?
My boyfriend and I have our car and house insured under State Farm, but apparently they have a zero tolerance policy and have dropped him from the insurance. My agent was saying something about 're-evaluating' at some point in the future, but he was being so rude to me about it (I wasn't the offender) that I didn't really listen, and have no interest in staying with State Farm (at least with that agent). I assume if State Farm has a 'zero-tolerance policy,' they're not the only company that does, so what companies would insure us? We understand that we'll have to pay higher premiums, which is fine, since it's the consequence of his actions. I'd just rather not go with some cheesy insurance like The General or Safe Auto.""
Health insurance for part-time worker?
I am a dental assistant so I wont need dental....
Can my car insurance be cancelled?
I have had insurance for 20+ years. I recently called them to tell them I had moved. For the first time EVER they are insisting (through phone calls, mail and email) that I MUST give them information on who I live with and what THEIR car insurance is. I don't want to give this out. Can they cancel my insurance? Has anyone ever heard of this?""
""I need auto insurance, but do not know where to start. any help?""
I am planning to move out and am looking for a car, that part is easy. It is the insurance that I am worried about. I am wondering a few things. 1. What from of insurance will I need to be safe? 2. How much of my money will it kill? 3. What is the best decisions to make when doing this? I am currently 18 and have been driving for only a year with no accidents. I have to be able to afford rent, insurance, and groceries with a job paying 10 an hour at 25 to 35 hours a week(sometimes even less depending on work flow). I am a little worried as it seems impossible to do, and was wondering if there was insurance that does not cost $450+ a month? O.O Also, do I need to purchase the insurance before I purchase the car?""
""Cars been stolen, will insurance pay up?""
My sisters car has been stolen roughly 30 mins ago. Shes customized it a bit (tinted windows to a legal degree, subwoofer in the boot) will the insurance pay up if it cannot be found. And what are the chances of it being found""
Do you have to have sr-22 insurance on a motorcycle if you need it on a car?
there was a judgment entered that i have to have sr-22 for 3 years b/c of a car accident that my insurnce company would cover me on. i now want to buy a motorcycle and need to know if i need sr-22 for the bike. i have non owners sr-22 from the courts judgment
Insurance for renting a home?
I'm renting a home from a friend, and she says that she has to cancel her home insurance. Is there rental insurance, or any more suggestions.""
Which is the cheapest van insurance?
okay I have searched many sites for my Dad for van insurances but no hope we've tried nearly all insurances churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket u name it all!!! Do u no any? if so plz let us on plz coz am getting really mad with this insurance!!!! Thanks""
Is there anyone on their parents car insurance ?
a few of my friends are and im wondering how much extra you have to pay to go on your parents car insurance rather than your own, thankyou""
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
Hi thanks for taking your time to answer this question... I have geico right now, but dont think its the cheapest insurance company I have... I dont really care if customer service is bad, as long as its cheap!!! so please tell me... WHATS A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? lol""
How do you find the cheapest car insurance?
I'm almost 20 been driving since I was 16. No accidents, no tickets. I've been on my grandparents insurance but now it's time I get my own. How do I go about finding the cheapest car insurance?""
Will insurance cover the car?
I'm getting ready to take my road test, but my Mom can't afford to have me added in her insurance policy. She plans on making me an excluded driver. My brothers & sisters are all covered if they drive her cars, because they don't live in her house. I still live at home, my question is, if I'm an excluded driver, and I were to get into an accident, would the insurance cover the car, or not? And I live in Michigan, if that helps.""
Will my car insurance go up?
I was recently in a car accident. A car was wrecklessly driving onto my lane and i swerved off to the right so that they would not hit me on my drivers side and i ended up hitting a pole on the passenger side (i left the accident no harm done onto me but my car is totaled). There was no other party so my insurance co (State Farm) had to pay for damages. Will my car insurance go up?
How much are insurance costs on a new car versus a used car?
I know it's going to be expensive, but to make matters worse I'm only 16.""
How much would my car insurance be on a 2008 Chrysler 300?
I am 20 years old and still live at home i work full time and go to school at night and i would like to get a new car, but everyone keeps telling me insurance will be to much for me? and also how much of a down payment would i need on a 17,000 Chrysler 300.Can i pay monthly or with insurance or do i pay once a year plz need helppppp""
Car Insurance Question?
I am currently a provisional driver, and to insure my car it would cost me 999. Once I past my test it will cost me about 4,000 to insure the same car. If I insure my car as a provisional driver now, will it be the same price when I pass my test, or will it be a lot more expensive like it is now? I really don't want to be paying 4,000 to insure a car :S""
Affordable insurance w/ NO deductible and low premium?
I need you to tell me names of insurance not quote sites cuz they don't help. i need one for 2 ppl a mom and daughter. it shouldnt have a deductable or be more that 200 monthly.
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
Pregnant with no insurance in houston?
Im married so i dont know if i can even get medicare and i also know that is a process that takes time and if my calculations are right i should be close or in the 3rd month already. it might be a complicated pregnancy because of the fact that four months before this i had a miscarriage at 4 mnths so i need to see a doctor soon. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks.
How Much Should An Insurance Adjuster Make?
Hi. I'm making about 40,000 not counting a company car, and I'm a bodily injury adjuster for car accidents. I've been doing it a couple years. I'm trying to figure out how much other companies pay for a similar situation. Mention your company too...thanks.""
Best online insurance website?
i own a insurance broking firm in india, insurance in india is at very nascent stage. want to launch a service oriented internet portal to sell insurance online. please suggest me some good insurance online websites where i can emulate some of the best practices and also please give me suggestions what people expect from these online websites and broking firms? Any Bad/good experiences. All your inputs would be very very valuable""
How much does it cost a 16 year old to insure a Jeep Wrangler?
Hi; I'm a 16 year old girl as of next month and I'm looking at cars. I'm trying to find a car that is good on gas, cheap to insure, not too expensive to buy, and not an embarrassment to drive. The three cars I am looking at right are the Jeep Wrangler, the Dodge Stratus, and the Dodge Neon. I tried to get a quote on the three and was surprised, (Especially at the Neon) to find that I would be paying over 100 dollars for each of them, monthly! Am I looking at an illegitimate quote or is it really that expensive to insure these cars? What kind of numbers SHOULD i be seeing, reasonably? Thanks""
Can young drivers get insurance for classic cars?
I've been looking around, and none of the insurance websites i have been on are very clear... I am a 17 y/o girl, and would like to drive a classic beetle. Is it possible to get insurance on classic beetles as a young driver? If so, where? Is classic car insurance cheaper than normal car insurance? :)""
What company provides the cheapest car insurance?
The cheapest I've found for a 20 year old male driving a jeep cherokee is 974 6 months paid in full on the general car insurance. Are there any cheaper places?
Should you get insurance on a rental car?
I'm taking a trip later this month and will rent a car for a couple of days. Should I choose insurance, the minimal cost is around $8 per day, so it's not too much or anything. I was wondering if most people got the insurance just in case something happens. Normally I would, but I always hear people say that getting insurance for these kinds of things is stupid.""
How much will my insurance cost?
Hi! I'm a new driver and thinking of getting a new honda accord 2013. I'm 20 years old and I'm wondering whats my quota gonna be? thanks!
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
Hey I will be turning 17 in a month and I was wondering how much car insurance will cost. I Think I will be going under my parents plan. I will either be getting my dads 05 range rover or an 03 nissan 350z. I have geico and live in NY if that helps. About how much would it cost to insure each car?
Health insurance for part-time worker?
I am a dental assistant so I wont need dental....
0 notes
Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
"Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks     I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much roughly would it cost me to put my spanish friend on my insurance for 3 days?
How much roughly would it cost me to put my spanish friend on my insurance for 3 days?
About how much will auto insurance cost me?
For an 18 year old male, about how much will car insurance be for a pre owned certified toyota corolla?""
Full size truck insurance compared to small size truck?
Is the price for insurance on a full size truck more than it would for for a smaller sized truck?
If im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper?
Hi if im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper or not because im the second driver my dad has a vauxhall astra 1.6 its 11 years old and how much do you think the insurance will be im 17 year old boy
What use of a bike is cheaper for insurance?
on the progressive motorcycle insurance site, it has a tab for use of vehicle--- which would be cheaper: pleasure or to/from work/school?""
How can I lower my insurance rates at 19?
So I'm 19 and my insurance is about 100 a month and i pay 400(really its 300 but I pay 400 so I can finish faster) flat a month for a 2012 Chrysler 200 but initially at 18 I wanted a challenger, but my insurance rate was going to be more than my car payment, so here I am at 19 almost 20 in a few months and am wanting to try my luck again at getting a challenger(my dream car) but just want to know if theirs anything I can do to lower my rate for a sports car, I've built a substantial amount of credit I earn 30,000 a yr and have never wrecked is their anything else I can do? P.S I work hard and am a college student and in no way have received help from anyone to get what I want, I just work hard and want my dream car and feel like I can manage it but the insurance is killing me.""
What is life insurance for?
I know car insurance means the government pays the money for your repairs if you have an accident so you don't have to reach into your own account, same with medical insurance in all its forms (dental, etc), but I wonder what life insurance is for. I guess it serves as an inheritance for the relatives (via birth, marriage) of the deceased in the event that person dies and the survivors collect a lot of debt in terms of having to pay for funeral services and their house notes and bills. I don't know. I'm just guessing. I see lots of insurance TV commericals. I'm 24 so I was just a little curious. It seems to me like life insurance advertising is mostly directed toward spouses and parents. That further does make me feel life insurance is kind of an inheritance from the government in case someone dies with dependents so those other relatives under the care of the deceased have money to eat and clothe.""
How much would insurance cost for a young person with a luxury car?
I was wondering if there's anyone (preferably a lady) between 22-25 who has a luxury car like a Jaguar, BMW or an Audi, and how much you pay for insurance. I'm 23 & looking to buy an Audi A4 or a BMW 3 series (second hand). So just wanted to know if theres anyone else out there with those cars :) thanks in advance x""
Does being a cyclist affect health insurance rates? How so?
A cyclist might be more at risk to injury in accidents because they're on a bicycle instead of inside a car, but cyclists are probably generally healthier.""
I've started a degree course at my local uni. Should I tell my car insurance company?
My policy states that I work part time at a supermarket, which I still do. But I have started a degree course as of yesterday. I'm living at home, so no change of address, and I'm using the car to drive to my lectures. The uni is actually in the same area as where I work. Does my insurance company need to know and am I going to be charged?""
Insurance quote for 2001 Chevy Impala LS with 114000 miles?
I am just curious how much insurance would be on my gf 2001 Impala with a 3.4 and 114000 miles on it. She has a clean driving record?
""If I have a Car note, and I can't afford to pay my insurance, Can the dealership turn off my car until payment?""
There's a gps tracking device and shut me right down so I can't drive.Its not my car note,insurance payment""
What kind of business insurance is needed for a small business retail store?
& on average, how much does it cost (it will be in Brookly/NYC)""
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car. I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?
I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?
What is the cheapest car insurance company in the uk?
Hi what is a good cheap car insurance company in the uk for drivers under 25?
Car insurance help????!!!!!!?
So currently I'm on my dads insurance policy with progressive. I'm paying $400 a month and $525 in September and October. I'm looking for something cheaper. What auto insurance company works wellvwith teenagers? Or is cheaper than what I'm supposed to pay, I just recently got put on his policy and I haven't paid a payment yet I cant afford paying so much every month.""
Insurance for driving my bf car?
I am getting my driving license, how much roughly will cost the insurance to drive my boyfriend's car? It is an old petrol skoda... Thank you!""
A month or two of car insurance?
Are there any car insurance businesses that pay for just a month or two, not the whole 6-month policy that you pay a portion each month. Just that, I pay for a month or two and that is it. I'm going to have a temporary vehicle to move around in but its only for said 1 or 2 months.""
Can the insurance company do this?
I am sheepishly wishing I had not spoken to the insurance company this morning, but what's done is done. If the (auto) insurance company has your VIN & license plate #, can they do a check to see who's name is on the title to a vehilce?""
""Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Getting Health Insurance?
I recently moved to New York City and the health insurance is expensive here. I was living in Virginia with my family and they still live there. Can I apply for Virginia health insurance, even though I'm living in NYC?""
Question about medical insurance?
how can i find out whether or not my medical insurance is expired or not? i have medicaid and i was told i should receive a letter about the matter in the mail but i haven't yet.
Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks     I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?
Moped/ motorcycle insurance in washington?
how much is insurance for it? i already have a car and car insurance. my car doesnt get great mileage. about 15-17 on the highway.12-15 city. i use to not travel a distance too much but i moved farther away from my college so i gas up once a week or every week and a half depending on if im just going to school or if im also going out. I want a scooter or motorcyle just because there fun and better on gas. im not reckless. ill be safe and drive them to minimize the risk as much as possible. MY STATE DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. Im just curious to be safe. and for me, my faith in god keeps me safe.""
Question about car insurance?
So I'm 17 and getting my license and a car soon and as we all know, car insurance for us young people a ridiculously high. So I was wondering if it is possible to have my parents name be officially as the owner of the car I want to get cuz their insurance rate is lower.""
What is usps $100 insurance included mean? Do i have to pay for it?
i order something from a third party amazon seller and today when i track my order it said: Features: $100 insurance included...what does this mean? do i have to pay extra?
Is athem blue cross a good insurance?
Is it really a good insurance?
Where on earth can I find affordable maternity insurance?!?
I didnt have it with my son and we are looking to get health insurance but all the plans that are decently priced (under $350/month) dont cover maternity. even if I could JUST find a maternity insurance that would be great! does anyone have or know of any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage? if so what are the names? heres a little info we live in FL we have one child my husband and I are 20 and 21 years old if you know of any insurance that will have affordable rates please let me know so I can get a quote!
Insurance in college?
My mom tells me that you have to go to college directly after high school in order to stay on your parents' insurance plan or you get taken off and have to work full-time to get insurance. However, my question is if you get a job after high school and get insurance for yourself and then decide to go back to school a year later can you get back on their plan.""
Is medical payments coverage needed in auto insurance?
How important is medical payments coverage auto insurance coverage. I currently have at as $10,000 coverage. Is this over kill? I have health insurance (HSA) that has a $5000 deductible per year, after that it's covered 100%. thx""
Can i have both medi-cal and private insurance at the same time?
My father has me under his insurance plan and I also have medical in the state of California. My son's medical worker signed me up for medical when I became pregnant with my second child. Also, can I use medical as secondary insurance to pay the remaining balance of my hospital bill?""
What to do when someone has an accident in your car...no insurance?
A friend took my car without exactly having my permission (had permission to drive, but not where the accident took place). We are in WI where insurance is not required so our lapsed (bad move on our part, but we are past that now). The friend was at fault in the accident and our car is badly damaged although the other car was not...what do we do now?""
Anyone know what insurance company will approve homeowners insurance for Mastiffs in New York State?
I rent on a 380 some acre farm in New York State. I am told that the landlord could not get home owners insurance because of my dog and I have to get rid of him because of the liability. I don't want to. He is a mastiff and a VERY protective one at that if someone comes on the property and he is tied up on the chain (he barks a lot and can look viscious. But once someone is inside he is okay friendly and ready to play. Except one wouldnt know it by viewing him from outside. An insurance agent came onto the property (he was chained) and of course he was very vocal. Scared the crap out of him. But we ALWAYS keep him on a chain. Does anyone know of homeowners insurance available in New York State for this breed of dog, or of another option available. We do not want to have to move because we have a boy in school and we love it here. Any no kill pet shelters or anyone who wants a lovable funny (somewhat quirky) Cane Corso Mastiff>""
How do car insurance companies determine fault when both drivers are giving conflicting stories? the other dri?
the other driver made a claim with his company. my damage is minimal. do i need to call my insurance company. he is lying and is at fault, but denies it to get his car fixed.from another accident. statements have been made to his company. ty.""
Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?
i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...
Are company's allowed to bump up your no claims for you so you get cheaper insurance ?
A family member of mine bought a car last year from a dealership and bought the insurance through them for ease, they hadn't had a car for a few years and so lost there no claims bonus however it would seem that the company put that he had a 5 years no claim bonus on anyway so that he would get his insurance cheaper, is this legal ? Also a year has now passed and so they are looking to get insurance somewhere else because other places offer even cheaper prices, however the insurance company are saying if he moves to another insurer they will say he only has 1 year no claims, but if he stays with them he can keep his 5 years no claims and that seems a little bit shifty to. This isn't really a question but still any input on the matter would be brilliant, thanks.""
What is the purpose of uninsured motors insurance ?
What is the purpose of uninsured motors insurance ?
Cheapest auto insurance for a teen?
im 18, got a used car, and now need insurance to drive it. my family has AAA auto and if im added to that ill be paying 2k a year. i also work at target and might get a discount on metlife or travelers but i cant get quotes online and also think it wount beat the adding on plan. is there any good autoinsurance or should i just be added on parents?""
Can someone give me a rough estimate?
I'd like to get a vr6 Vw gti as a first car. How much would insurance be ( roughly ) for a 16 yr old male? NO LINKS TO INSURANCE QUOTES!!!
How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?
How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?
""I would like to buy a VW bus, but i am a student and i was wondering how much maintenance would cost monthly?""
I am dying to get this car, it is my dream car, or bus, but i don't have very much money. So, i am trying to better understand the circumstances that i am getting myself into before i make this big step. I already know about insurance prices and gas prices, but i am pretty much clueless at maintenance prices, i am really looking for a ballpark figure.""
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
Where can i get low cost motorcycle insurance ?
i live in ontario canada ,, i want to buy a honda cbr 250 , and would like to find a low cost insurance for my bike , so far i got some way off price quote with a difference of $280.00 ,so i suspect they are over charging ,even at the low end , they say i'm covered for 12 months months but a motorcycle is not meant to ride in cold and snow and salty streets as the salt would ruin the chain and other parts of the motorcycle .""
Buying Car Insurance Help?
ive called a few companies... usual 300+ Down and 200+ Monthly... they keep asking me if i have car insurance Now.. should i lie and say yes i do..and give em my amazingly Low rates from my last insurance... which was 1/2 of the one they are trying to sell me..?
Car insurance coverage help!?
So my car was hit by someone and they left, basically a hit and run, and I reported it to my car insurance company. They gave me a price on how much they're going to cover for the repairs that are going to follow. So my question is, is the price they gave me (ex. $700) the total amount of damage that was made in that accident? Or are they just covering part of the repairs expenses and I have to use my own money to repair the rest?""
Why do we need auto insurance?
Why do we need auto insurance?
What are my health insurance options?
I recently changed jobs to a small company that does not provide health insurance. I was turned down when I applied independently to Aetna for medical reasons. Would the decision of another company likely be any different or is COBRA my only option? Despite some issues in my medical history I virtually never go to the doctor and would be happy with a plan that just covers unexpected catastrophic issues but I'm not sure how to go about looking for that.
Can I sue in California if I had no auto insurance?
I was recently in a car accident, I was crossing/driving the intersection and a car ran the red light and hit me in the driver rear tire.He was going so fast that my car spun around and slammed into a parked car in a residential street. I called my car insurance to report the accident and got a call back saying my insurance was cancelled days before (due to the bank denying payment). I am trying to find out why the bank would reject payment if there was indeed funds, however they are no cooperating. So my question now is, can I sue the guy that hit me.... which by the way is denying he ran the red and is saying I was the one who ran the red....?""
Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks     I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?
Cheap car insurance in norfolk VA?
I'm tired of paying $200 for 2 old cars. Anybody know where I can get cheap liability insurance from?
Is it better to cancel health insurance when it reaches $1700/Month for a young family of four?
Is it better to cancel health insurance when it reaches $1700/Month for a young family of four?
Why pay for health insurance anymore?
The Community Organizer (Barry O) has made sure that pre-existing condition cannot be basis for refusal when buying health insurance. So why not just wait until you get sick to purchase insurance? Its like waiting until you get into a car wreak to buy car insurance. Barry's penalty for not having insurance doesn't kick in for another few years... so why have insurance before getting sick?
Cheap car insurance for young driversw?
Cheap car insurance for young driversw?
What does each question on a car insurance mean and how does it increase your rate?
For example have you had insurance prior to this and what date it ends. How much you drive the car. Also I am 20 and have had insurance my prior rate was 700 for 6 months. I had two at fault accident before that insurance at 18. But only one was really at fault and I have to get proof and the other drops of my record on the 13th of August. I am trying to figure what a estimate of what my car insurance would be for a liability insurance in TX now
How much would my tickets be?
I was driving 60 in a 45 and didn't have a copy of my insurance in the car (it was expired). I do have legal insurance but it's at home. So I got two pieces of paper. One for insurance and one for speeding. What can the costs be? I'm 19 and this is the first time I have gotten a ticket/citation (And I get two together, how lucky?). All I need to know is that how much are they worth?""
If the point in my license won't affect my insurance rate?
I received a traffic ticket for not stoping at a stop sign. I registered and took traffic school I also Completed it. I followed up with my court and my case was dismissed but, I wanted to know if the point in license would be gone ?""
How Much Will My Car Insurance Payment Increase After An Accident?
I got into my first car accident today that was my fault I am 17 years old and I have full coverage on Geico insurance I was wondering on around how much will my payment increase after the accident? There was no damage on my car but the other persons car had a large dent on the right side of his front bumper.
Different ways to lower insurance cost. could i have my boyfriend insure my car for me?
Please, if you're not 100% sure don't answer,, it's confusing. Anyways, i recently financed a vehicle, 06 Taurus, and the insurance is killing, nearly higher than the car note! ($314 a month). & now that I'm pregnant i need to save $. My boyfriend doesn't have a car or license, but is there any way he could get insurance under his name & then add my car? Or any other work a rounds? Btw, I'm willing to fix his license if that's an issue. I'm 23, He's 29. I live in what's considered to be more dangerous city than he does. Also, he has less moving violations than me. So a policy for him maybe be anywhere from 40-60% cheaper than mines.""
Car Insurance Claim Help?
Car Insurance Claim Help? On the 4/7/2011 I was at a set of traffic lights that was (RED) of my way to the shops. As the lights went green I begin to move off slowly as I did another car came from the left of me and tried to turn right as he speed up he crashed into the drivers side of the car. He clearly jumped a red light (Clearly Seen on CCTV). I was in total shock at the time! After he crashed into my car he went to drive off by reversing, I jumped out of my car to stood in his was so he could not drive off the witness behind me called the police while I was stopping his from driving off he started to drive forwards trying to me me out the way. After the driver spoke to the police on the phone, he then gave me his Name, Phone number and Insurance information. The next day I called my insurance company they was vary helpful and I believe the clam would be settled in my favor as I had CCTV of the crash as I had a camera inside of my car and a witness that was behind my car at the time of the crash. After nearly 4Months I have now revived a letter stating that the claim has been closed on a Without Prejudice Basis. When I contacted Aviva to see what the 3rd party has not accepted full liability they said it was dealt with like this as the 3rd party who crashed into me was not responding to and calls or letters that have send him. Aviva did not asked to see the CCTV of the crash and did not take into account the witness statement. WHAT CAN I DOOO??""
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
Teen Car Insurance in California?
My friends is asking about, How much is the insurance for a modified car for teens. ok let say I brought a modified car from the owner and I wan to insure it how much would be my insurance? I want to know in California I don't care about other states thanks!!!!""
How much dwelling coverage is sufficient for a home owner's insurance.?
My current insurance covers $480,000 for the dwelling (bot house for $1 mil but i'ts probably worth 700K now). It's 1500 sq feet. I got a really affordable quote for $240K coverage, but is that too low? The salesman said anything more is probably over-insured. The home is in a nice area, has upgraded plumbing, electrical, newer roof but the structure itself is extremely old.""
Is Titan Insurance a good choice?
I am thinking of switching my auto insurance to Titan from State Farm. They are about $30 cheaper per month. However, I don't want to do so if they aren't a good insurance company. This is the first I am hearing of them. Can anyone offer a review?""
""Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Car lot where i don't need full coverage insurance (47130)?
Is there a car lot (buy here pay here) that doesn't require you to have full coverage auto insurance in Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or even Louisville ky. thank you.
""525i First car, how much insurance?""
Hey, Im currently trying to get my driving lisence and I was thinking of buying a BMW 525i 1995 model as my first car, how much will the insurance cost approximatly? i know it will be expensive, but how expensive?""
Are there any health insurance programs available for a 19 yr old female in alabama?
whom is from a low income household (kids ages: 17,18,19). her dad draws ssi and she isn't pregnant.""
Child only health insurance?
I have done some research and haven't been able to find any decent child only insurance. My daughter is four months old, and we are looking to insure her in the state of Connecticut. What insurance companies supply insurance for just her? Thanks!""
Car insurance 17 year old?
I just passed my test afew days ago and have been looking at insurance. Most insurers won't give me a quote and if they do it's 19k. But i was looking into classic car insurance for a mini and got a quote from adrianflux for 3500 but i was i told i was to young for classic car insurance. I tryed a 1000cc yaris and they would not even quote me. I checked my details twice and there all right. I asked over the phone why there is such a change im price when they have the same size engine and he just said there cheaper to repair n that . and just so it's clear the minii quote was not classic car insurance. So any one know the logic behind this? + any other suggestions about insurance will help.
Car insurance question? Under parents name?
Hi all, I recently got my drivers license when I turned 17, and am now looking to buy a car. I'm looking at a Foxbody mustang 5.0. Before the omg 17 get a civic comments, I can drive, I seldom speed, and when I do, its on an empty road in the middle of the night. I have track experience and know how to control a car, don't try to convince me otherwise. Now, my problem. Obviously mustang insurance for a 17yr old will be nuts, but right now I'm on my parents insurance policy so I can drive their car(1 car family), and a friend of mine told me I could just insure my car under my dad's name and claim that I drive it occasionally. So I realize I could claim my father is the primary driver and I'm just an occasional driver, but if I am actually the only one who is driving it, and something does happen where I get into an accident or get a ticket, what could happen? Would I be covered in case of an accident? Can they say no and not cover me if they find out I'm the primary driver? I'd be the only person driving it whatsoever, my dad can't even drive a stick, so I'm wondering if this is even possible or not. Thanks.""
Cheapest car insurance for 1.4L Polo - 17 years old.?
i have a 2001 Volkswagen Polo 1.4 Automatic i cant get any automatic small engine cars, the smallest is 1.4L, theres the 1.0L auto Vauxhall Corsa - but i don't want that, everyone has it. What company does the cheapest insurance? Quinn Direct have gone bust. UK""
Car insurance question?
My daughter has just passed her driving test here in the UK and her insurance costs have gone through the roof on the smallest car around. Is it possible (and legal) to insure her in Europe somewhere for her to drive in the uk for less money? Thanks
Why did Democrats call their health insurance scheme the Affordable Care Act?
When in reality its making it more expensive for the middle class?
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks     I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?
""(new driver) quoted 3600 /year for insurance, do they really expect me to pay that? lol?""
past my driving test about a month ago now, im insured on a family member's car as a 2nd temp driver which is pretty cheap but its short term insurance, im driving this car just fot more experience, i want to buy a Vauxhall Astra in about 2months and i did a check on the insurance and got a quote, heres the details 3,645.42 Instalments Deposit: 769.08 Monthly: 11 x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 Do they really expect me to pay that? Im employed full time, i earn about 1000 a month, if i get the astra (on finance) thats about 200 /month for the car, 300 /month insurance, 80 /month parking and not to mention petrol, lets say 60 a month, Its way too much, MY QUESTION, Is there any other insurance options for me?""
How much does Mexico Insurance cost for SUV 1 Day Trip?
We are going for a day trip to Juarez, Mexico to do some shopping and that is it. Could risk not having the insurance and may do that. If I decide to purchase insurance how much approximately should it cost for an SUV one day trip? How much approximately for a 4-door one day trip? If you are marketing something don't respond I don't want your unbiased sales pitch. Are any of the online companies reputable? if so, who?""
Rent insurance for tenants?
I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?""
California speeding and no proof of insurance ticket?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this?
Insurance on lancer oz rally?
i was looking and found a nice 2003 lancer oz rally i want to buy. I am 17 years old and i was wondering how much it would probably cost on insurance. Currently i am on my parents plan and am a primary on our van but we are selling it to buy a car. Also is the oz rally a good car? I am into the kind of rally style car and i love the lancer look.
How much would this car insurance cost me?
how much would it cost for a 17 year old to be on my mom insurnace for a 2004 bmw 320d
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
Insurance settlement in Arizona?
I hit rear-ended a guy at about 5MPH back in July. He was in a pickup, I was in my civic. About $800 worth of damage to both vehicles. He complained of no injuries at the scene. I find out he got an attorney and filed a claim against my insurance. My insurance says they are still waiting to get a demand letter. Question: I only have $100,000 in coverage. Is there any chance he could get more than this?""
I got my 1998 hyandai elantra tataled how much should i get from the insurance company?
it has 119000 miles on it but is still in good condition and has no recorded crashes or anything on it well until now that is. and the totaling was not my fault
ok so i have a project and all the car insurance places are closed and i can't finish it! so umm can anyone help?? this is all the information i have, i just need an estimate for a monthly payment 1996 eagle talon married couple 25 years old driver low milage on car car is paid for, goood driving history car is used for job too for dilivering pizza live in florida umm if you need any more information let me kno please helpp worth 20% of final grade in class!!!!""
Can I register and insure a car in Florida but use it in California?
I'm from Miami but live in San Diego for school, so I'm only in California for half the year and don't want to completely get rid of my Florida residency - nor do I want ...show more""
Does car insurance rate depend on a car's make and model?
I'm trying to decide whether to buy a 1999 toyota camry or a 2003 honda accord and i'd like to know if it makes a difference on the rate depending on year. I also recently got into a car accident that was my fault which i know will obviously increase my rate.
Which is the cheapest auto insurance policy that a company can offer which covers everything?
i own a chevy beat 1.2 LT and need to know the right comparision of d best insurance company policy.pls reply asap.
What is the cheapest moped insurance?
I need help finding cheap insurance for my moped its a KYMCO Agility 50. I have checked all of the most well known comparison sites but the cheapest quotes are 190 for a full year. Any suggestions would be of help.
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
""The lug nuts on my tyre are too tight to take off with my socket wrench, any ideas on how to get them off?
I don't know much about cars but I have to change a flat tyre myself as the car doesn't have insurance and can't be taken to the shop. Would there be a tool that i could use to make it easier to take the lug nuts off??
Cheap Dentist on Long Island NY?
Hey Im 22 and dont have dental insurance. Ive had a bad cavity for about 2 years and off and on gives a really intense pain. At times I go a few days without sleeping because as soon as I fall asleep Im woken up by the pain and have to run it under cold water. Im looking to have an extraction. Its the last tooth on the top right side and has a large hole in it so its not a full tooth. I dont have insurance and dont have the money to get insurance. I was kicked out and have a lot of bills and work as a waiter so I dont have a large income. Where on Long Island NY can I find a place to extract the tooth at a cheap price? Maybe a dental school or something. Any information would help. Oh and when it starts to hurt it usually bleeds(swelling gums into the sharp edge of the tooth) If your just going to say go to an emergency vet and make payment plans please dont post because Im already 3 grand in debt and dont want anymore. Thank in advance
Auto insurance estimate for 5 points?
Hi i have 5 points on my license i live in Baltimore city and drive a 1985 Chevrolet corvette with historic tags insurance with it in my dads name is very cheap even with me as the listed driver but i think my insurance company some how missed that i have 5 points on my license so i am just wondering if anyone has any ball park figures as to what my insurance might be when they see that i have 5 points thanks.
Where can I find the cheapest possible car insurance?
I'm getting my first car which is pretty crappy and cheap (<$5000) so I don't want to spend that much on insurance. Where can I look to find the *cheapest* liability coverage. I don't think the major insurance companies have very low rates so I'm looking for lesser known ones.
How old do you have to be to buy insurance?
how old do you have to be to buy Business insurance?
What is the cost for home insurance based on?
I am thinking of buying properties in other states to use as rental income. The properties are cheap so i can afford to pay cash the issue how ever is that the rent is also cheap in Update : Yes i know being a distant landlord is difficult so if it makes economic
How do pilot insure themselves in the USA?
Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance?
What is the cheapce for teenagersest auto insuran?
i am noiw 19 and need cheap insurance
When you buy a brand new car off the showroom do you still need insurance for uk?
if you buy a brand new car and if it has gaurantee do you still need insurance?
Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks     I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?
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