#and then i went to the bathroom despite this and came back and my anxiety was like okay the killers under your bed now
akkpipitphattana · 8 months
truly if i explained some of the things my anxiety convinces me of, i’d be admitted
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vanishingstarrs · 4 months
midnight dreams
katsuki bakugo x reader, slow burn, hurt x comfort, anxiety, fluff, sfw
part 1, part 2, part 3
( not too sure how i feel about this yet... thinking one more part to this little drabble ?? funnily enough only post these after midnight )
It was late. Again.
You’d actually managed to fall asleep pretty early that afternoon, but woke up shortly from a nightmare. One where your class failed at bringing Midoriya home and things went awry quickly after that, the guilt from your dream not being so far from reality plagued your conscious now as you sat in the living room by yourself. You had considered passing by Bakugo’s room since last time he'd extended the surprising offer to just... be there.
Despite this, you didn't have it in your heart to actually take him up on it. You'd made it as far as his door before marching yourself back the other way.
You sighed as you read the same page of your book for the third time without actually taking it in.
Bakugo still occupied your thoughts.
The morning after you two had spoke you had awoken to find all your dishes already clean for you. When you asked your friends which one of them you had to thank for the favor, they all looked at you with raised eyebrows and confused frowns, they’d believed you’d cleaned up after yourself. You thought long and hard about whether you did and maybe you’d just been hallucinating, but you remembered vividly writing a second note in regards to doing them later when you woke up. Momo had said she’d been the first one up and saw no such note, just the one to help themselves to freshly baked cookies.
And so that only left your sort of late night partner in crime…
Surely Bakugo hadn’t came back to the kitchen after walking you to your room to clean? Or wake up extra early to? You racked your brain for answers, but couldn’t think of a logical explanation for why he’d do any of that for you.
You felt a frown take over your face as these things resurfaced on your mind.
“What are you doing?”
You jumped, turning around to find Bakugo standing there staring at you as if you’d grown two heads.
“Kirishima said you went to bed hours ago.” He stated,“Why aren’t you asleep.”
It didn’t even sound like a question the way he spoke to you. You stared at him now as you thought about it, and it was true, you had seen Kirishima last. You had noticed him making sure all the doors were locked and bid him a good night before going your separate ways. Your attempt at rest hadn't lasted very long.
You patted the space next to you as invitation just in case he wanted to sit down next to you, you gave him a shrug as he actually came around to your side of the sofa,“Slept. Didn’t take. How are your injuries?”
You hadn’t been brave enough to ask last time, and you couldn’t help notice he was still wearing bandages even now.
Bakugo placed his elbows on his knees and leaned forward,“They’re fine. Getting better. It’s mainly just the arm now, I gotta change the bandages every now and then. I woke up ‘cause I forgot to before I fell asleep and now Kirishima’s snoring loud as fuck, couldn’t wake him.”
“I can help.” You offered before you could change your mind. Your mouth had a knack for getting you into things like this, you’d just blurt things out and before it was too late…
He looked back at you,“Nah, it’s okay.”
“No, really, I can help.” You stood up, adamant as you grabbed his good arm and pulled him up with all your might,“C’mon, I’m pretty good actually, my father had a healing quirk.”
“Had?” Bakugo asked.
You didn’t turn around as you led him into the main bathroom where you knew there was a first aid kit, all you did was shrug.
“Don’t worry about it.” You sighed, you didn’t really want to get into that. You flicked on the lights and pointed to the toilet,“Sit.”
He listened surprisingly and you dug around the cabinets for only a few seconds, successfully finding all that you needed and turning around to face your patient when you realized something. His injuries… they spanned well into his shoulder and they'd be hard to get to, unless...
You swallowed nervously,“Shirt off.”
Bakugo’s eyebrows flew up.
“Not like that.” You blushed,“Just need it off so I can get your bandages off. It’s on your shoulder, isn’t it?”
“And my stomach.” He revealed at the same time as he removed his shirt, exposing his chest,“Got stabbed a couple times.”
A couple times?!
Dear god, help me... was all you could think.
At first, you couldn’t help stare for all the wrong reasons, at him, at the hard work he’d put into his body. He was strong, that much was obvious. But he’d also been injured terribly. Your lips turned downward, no longer distracted by his abs and instead focused on removing the old bandages,“You’re brave, but it was stupid when you did that, no offense.”
“We’re heroes, aren’t we?” He asked.
“Yeah, but—”
“But nothing.” He faced the other way, like he was avoiding your gaze,“It’s what we signed up for, they needed our help, besides... my body moved before I could think.”
“We’re students actually.” You corrected,“Don’t you think it’s too heavy a burden for a bunch of dumb kids? And what about Midoriya? He’s still out there.”
“We’re not dumb. He is.” He rolled his eyes,“Thinks we’re better off, safer without him. He doesn’t know. But I’ve been talking to the others, we might have a plan.”
“What do you think?” He asked.
Your eyes landed on the scar tissue on his shoulder, it wasn’t pretty. They’d done a good job getting him on the path to healing, nevertheless he still had a ways to go. If Bakugo could blindly take all this for someone he claimed to hate, what was stopping you from reaching the same level of bravery?
You'd been thinking about this a lot lately, you couldn't help feel they were asking too much of you guys sometimes. Then you felt guilty for thinking that. When you started at U.A. you'd made a vow to train like heroes, to learn from them. This was what your future would look like, why was it so hard? You thought back to your mentors and how they were always there to encourage you and your classmates, how they never hesitated to protect everyone against the several attacks you'd faced.
You worked in silence for a second, seeing him wince out of the corner of your eye as you cleaned up the area a bit.
"It's fine."
“Count me in.” You said decidedly as you reached for gauze and tape,"Also you might wanna start letting these breathe, they're looking a lot better and I think that would help."
He looked up, shocked,“What?”
“Your cuts—"
"Not that, dumbass."
"Oh." You shrugged,"You know, whatever you and the others are planning. Include me, I wanna help."
He looked hesitant,"You sure?”
“Mhm.” You adjusted your glasses before pointing at his stomach,“Want me to check that one?”
He hesitated before sitting up straighter and nodding.
You quickly, but carefully removed the tape and peeled away the gauze. This one might’ve been worse, but you didn’t say a word as you prepared a few cotton rolls to clean around it as best as you could. You were sure both of you were holding your breath as you did so, and he inhaled sharply when you pressed a little too hard.
“Quit it, you're doing me a favor." He leaned back a little to give you better access,"You sure you're up for helping?"
You sighed,"I'm sure." Your fingers hovered over the injury, and you looked up just in time to find him already looking at you. “Kinda makes you seem like you don’t hate Midoriya, after all.”
He scoffed and you grinned.
“Katsuki.” He cut you off, gesturing to his exposed chest,“You may as well call me by my first name at this point.”
“Okay…” you inhaled deeply, before saying,"Katsuki…”
You were sure he was expecting something serious as you finished covering up his injury, but you wanted to lighten the mood.
“Wanna watch some tv with me?” You smiled big,“There’s a new show I’ve been meaning to start.”
He eyed you in a way that was unfamiliar to you, it was hard for you to read him. It was making your head spin, and you quickly stopped trying.
He put his shirt back on and started helping you put everything away, he didn’t agree, but he didn’t disagree, and so you led the way back to the living room and sat back where you’d been before and then... he left the room.
You sighed, guess not. You reached for the remote anyway and glanced back again just in case he’d been messing with you, then again... he wasn’t the kind of guy that made jokes. At least, you didn’t think he was.
You turned on the tv and put it at a low volume, going through the provided streaming services in order to find the one you needed. You were just about to click start when he spoke.
“Weren’t gonna wait for me, brat?”
A blanket was tossed onto your head and you quickly removed it, surprise written on your face as Bakugo came around the same end and sat next to you. You stared at the blanket and then looked back at him.
“You get cold easily.”
You nodded, dumbfounded, it was true, but how did he know that? You were cold all the time, actually, it was a side effect of your quirk.
You placed the blanket over your lower half and pressed play, a part of you fixating not only on the fact that he’d noticed enough about you to bring you a blanket, but also that it was his blanket. For the first five minutes of the show, you couldn’t focus, you were surrounded by his smell. It was so strong with him next to you and his blanket on your lap. He smelled amazing.
Eventually, you relaxed. Both of you did.
Bakugo had initially scoffed at the choice of show, but didn't demand you change it and you took it as a good sign.
“These characters are fucking stupid.” He scowled and you giggled, you were wondering when he’d break the silence to make a comment. It surprisingly took more than one episode.
“He’s in love with her, Katsuki.” You didn’t notice how easily his first name slipped past your tongue as soon as that barrier had first broken, you went on to explain further,“People do lots of stupid things when they’re in love.”
He rolled his eyes,“The guy still sucks.”
You shrugged, but didn't disagree.
"No baking tonight?" He asked, out of the blue.
You shrugged. "Maybe tomorrow. Those cookies were gone before I even got to 'em, did you manage to snag one?"
"One." He said,"Or two."
You lit up,"Really? You liked them that much?"
He shrugged.
"Any requests for next time?"
Somehow, you’d gotten closer and you could feel his warmth just from the touch of his thigh. You couldn't cover up your shiver, hoping he took it as you still being cold.
He seemed to think about it,"Like muffins, I guess."
"Chocolate chip? Banana? Strawberry...?" You gave a few options, you wanted to make sure you knew exactly what he liked. He was doing you a favor as much as you'd done him one considering he was always the first one to head to bed. His company was… nice. You may as well bake him something as thanks after tonight.
"Apple cinnamon. And I like that shit they put on top—"
"The crumble?" You laughed at how he explained it.
"Yeah." He leaned back against the sofa. Neither of you had been watching the show anymore and the tv seemed to know since the screen had gone black and the words "Still watching?" took over. You didn't care to click yes or no, knowing it'd shut down on it's own.
"I'll make some especially for you." You said around a yawn.
He stood up,"C’mon, I’ll walk you.”
You couldn’t help it; you pouted. You really wanted to keep talking to him, you found that he was actually a good listener and when he did speak, his voice was soothing. Different from how you'd known him before, you didn't know what it was that had changed.
He rolled his eyes,“That shit's not gonna work on me, come on. You gotta sleep. And I’m tired.”
Bakugo extended his hand to you and you took it as a sign to return his blanket to him, he scoffed and moved it into his other hand before placing the same hand out to you again.
You didn't need help standing, but you took it and he helped you up before placing the blanket around your shoulders. Okay...
You started walking and thought you might've felt his hand at your back.
"I'll leave my door open again." He said, unprompted.
There was that offer again. Your heart felt full.
"Mine will be too." You smiled up at him just as you reached your room,"Night... Katsuki."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
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i-mean-y-not · 1 month
It would never last…
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It could never last.
On the day you’d discovered it, everything was normal. He acted as if nothing was wrong. Kissed you before he left and gave his dog a light scratch behind the ears. Then he was off to work. With the day off and absolutely nothing to do, you did menial tasks and tidied up to wait for his return. Dating a man as well known as him wasn’t an easy feat.
The misinformation that constantly came out, the long hours at the work, and the overwhelming exhaustion he faced everyday. But despite it all, you never left.
After two years, life finally made sense with him and for him. After dusting off the lamp that resides in the corner of the room, you find your way to his nightstand and open it slightly to make sure everything is neatly arranged.
Everything looks normal, yet there’s something hidden, tucked away in the top right corner that looks oddly unfamiliar. When you see the metallic and the sleek red design you discover that it’s a phone. Now it isn’t odd to have a second phone. However, a phone your partner hasn’t the foggiest idea about is concerning.
So you grab it, turn it on and immediately wish you hadn’t. There are pictures of a woman that scream familiarity. She snaps all the right angles and her faint smile is genuine. Then, there are pictures that make me choke on literal air. Pictures that flatter her lingerie and pictures where she has no lingerie on. You close your eyes softly and softly nod to yourself as a way to stave off the impending anxiety. It doesn’t work.
Then, you look through the message threads. And it seems pretty one-sided. She’s the aggressor and sends unsolicited pictures and spam messages. And he’s answered twice. The first message he sends her simply reads, “last night was a mistake. Don’t contact me again.” And you’d never known him to be so cold. Then when she wouldn’t stop, there’s a thread from just this morning stated, “I’m in love with my girlfriend, okay? Leave me alone.”
To which she responds with, “Sure, why don’t I tell her about our little tryst and see if she feels the same way.” His response is immediate, “I’d ruin your life. You understand that, right? I will make sure that you’ll be seen as a worthless homewrecker by the time I’m through with you. Don’t fucking threaten me.”
Then it’s radio silence. And you’re left taking in ragged breaths to bring yourself down. It was inevitable. That’s what you tell yourself. But you also deserve better. You tell yourself that too. As you stashed the phone back where it was and make your way to the closet to retrieve my almost never use suitcase, the doorbell rings.
You walk to the door and look at the peep hole and see a bouquet of flowers. Peonies to be exact, your favorite. You open the door and my lip quirks up into a wry smile. They’re from him. You bring them in and sit them on the counter, not even bothering to read the card.
On auto pilot, you go back into your shared room and snatch everything off of the hangers. Things are thrown into the suitcase left and right with no rhyme or reason. And when you’re done, you move onto the bathroom. It takes about 30 minutes for me to get all of your stuff.
Two years of your life took 30 minutes to pack up. Staying in a penthouse has its advantages, the view of the city reminds you that this is your prison. You dragged your suitcase out into the foyer and leave it there to retrieve your keys that still reside on your nightstand. You’re doing final walk-through when you hear keys being shoved into the lock of the front door.
You sigh inwardly and your fight or flight tells you to do the latter. So you hide. Although the office is used frequently, it’s a place he’ll never think to look. You duck down below the double pane glass in the office and wait patiently.
There’s no movement for a while and one would assume they were in the clear. So, getting up from your crouch you slightly opened the door to the office and went once you hear his voice booming through the penthouse.
“I told you not to call me again. How did you even get this number? I don’t want to see you, or talk to you. I wish I never met you. If I hear from you ever again in life, you will regret it. And I mean it. Stop with your bullshit.”
And once again, you’ve never heard him speak so venomously. To you or anyone else, and when he turns slightly to the left and sees your baggage.
His mouth parts, slightly, and his eyebrows meet in the middle of his forehead. “What the hell?” he whispers, inspecting your luggage. He calls my name. Once, twice, three times. And by the third, he struggling to breathe. His eyes dart from side to side, and he shakes his head vehemently. “No, no, no. It’s okay, she’s here. Maybe she has to take a trip for work that she didn’t tell me about.” His guilty conscious struggles to draw a definitive line between reality and subconscious.
He stalks through the house, opening and closing every door once he seeing that you’re not in them. When he gets to the office door, you open it before he gets a chance to. And you want to feel bad for him. That’s the thing about love. No matter how much you wish it, you could never watch the one you love suffer. With a sigh, you open the door fully and step into the foyer that cause now nauseating nostalgia. He whips his head to the side immediately and when your eyes meet, his face crumples. He knows you know.
The blank and impassive mask you wear, can only mean one thing. But still he asks, “What’s all this?”
He nods toward the luggage and you close your eyes in brief agony. “My things.”
He nods once again, and with a smile that couldn’t begin to reach his eyes, he says, “Were you just going to leave without telling me?”
You offer a protrusion of your lips response. “Sure.” You’re usually very animated and talkative, you see. So one word responses only calls him further strife, you’re sure.
So, like he’s doomed to do he begins his cross examination. “Where are you going?”
“Out,” you respond.
“Is it for work?”
You sigh. “No.”
He blinks once, then twice.
“Who are you going with?” You shrug sheepishly, getting close to the end of this charade.
“Does it matter?” And it takes everything in you not to throw shit. To scream. To cry. To slap him so hard that his ears ring, but in a way, you’re relieved. You don’t have to rehash what you already knew.
Then he asks the million dollar question. “Were you even going to tell me you were leaving?”
With a bleary tone you breathe out. “Were you ever gonna tell me you fucked someone else?”
That does it.
The air whooshes out of him like a geyser on the verge of erupting and you stand there quietly, waiting. Then the word vomit ensues and it’s really all downhill from there. “And what were the flowers supposed to do, huh? Absolve you of your sins? Take those pink ass peonies and give them to the broad you stepped out on me with.”
He’s a big man, not be trifled with even on his worst days, but the absolute way his body caves in on itself frightens you. His body thrums with panic and you watch in mild fascination.
When he decides to speak, it’s quiet and you swear he whimpers when he mumbles, “I’m so fucking sorry, pretty girl.”
He places one hand in his heart and the other on his chest when he proclaims, “I would die a thousand deaths before I even think about hurting you.”
Your head shakes from side to side mirthlessly.
“But you did hurt me.” With mournful and sparkling eyes you repeat, “You did.” He walks over to you calmly as if he moves too fast, you’ll make a run for it. When he gets to you, he reaches out.
You move almost comically fast and he does too. You dodge him and he drops to his knees and clings to your waist. “Let me go.”
“I can’t.”
“You have to,” you mumble. You feel him open his mouth and before he utters a word, I’m leaving flies out of yours. His teeth snap shut at that. And if you didn’t lean back slightly, he would’ve bitten you. You stand there for what feels like eons and then a warmth seeps the underside of your breasts. Belatedly, after a sniffle, you realize that he’s crying.
This is the first time you’ve seen it and hopefully it’s the last. You don’t move to console him.
Who did that for you?
You allow him a moment and step back and out of his grasp. He clings as if his life depends on it and in a way you suppose it does.
For two years, you’ve been his lifeline. Being there for all the ups and downs and twists and turns. But you’re no longer his lifeline. You’re no longer apart of his life. It takes physically everything in you to pry him off.
After much resistance, he lets go and it’s only to sag dejectedly onto the floor. Somehow seeing the broken man he is irritates you further.
“You did this.” You snap, harshness seeping through your tone. “So, deal with the consequences.”
“Please,” he rasps out. “Don’t. Don’t do this. I love you, I swear it was a one time thing. I wasn’t getting any work and I just—.”
You nod once. “Sure.”
And you’re so far detached that it’s scary. Resolutely, you shuffle and cant around him to make a beeline for the luggage. He firmly grabs your wrist and you snatch it back as if you’ve been burned. “Don’t fucking touch me.” And the crack in your voice gives you away.
You shake your head to keep the tears from falling. “I trusted you, Toji. With every cell in my body. But this is unforgivable; you understand? You’re going to let me go and I’m going to walk out of our relationship like you did.”
The fight leaves him after that and you purse your lips in quiet agony. And you shouldn’t do it, you know you shouldn’t but if you’re gonna leave, you’re gonna be petty. So, before you touch the luggage, you make a quick stop in the bedroom. You purposely crinkle the foil package in your hands and pointedly ignore his gaze.
You hear him before you can see him. However, his thunderous steps don’t really scare you anymore and you don’t have too much to lose. That gentle wrist grab was nothing compared to this. “The fuck do you need condoms for, Y/N?”
“That’s not really any of your business anymore, is it?”
With that, you snatch your luggage and before you slam the door, you face him head on, with the tears long gone in your eyes. “I hope she was worth it.”
Then, the door closes, Toji whispers faintly, “She wasn’t.”
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
double pen + breeding + somno + dubcon + size difference literally doesnt matter who just no minors 🥺 pretty please with a cherry kn top
Masky x Hitchhiker!Reader x Hoodie
amab male reader
(Noncon/dubcon, double pen, breeding, size difference, overstimulation, drugging, pet play, video taping, use of the word pussy)
You blew air through your nose as the fourth car passed you, you flopped your arm down to your side and kicked a rock. If you’re idiot friends hadn’t spent all day arguing you wouldn’t have had to walk off on your own. You crossed your arms angrily glowering at the road, cursing everyone you had ever known as you leaned against the gas stations fence..
You looked upto see a truck making its way down the road. Anxiety fluttered through your stomach but your desperation outweighed your brains and you stuck your arm out. You doubted you would turn out like the others. It slowed down next to you and you fought off your anxiety.
A rather large man came hopping out of the side, his dark brown hair flopping down over his face. He had a angry scar streaked across his eye, his eyes were cold and held something dark and twisted inside of them. He had tanned skin and a scruffy beard hiding his jaw, he was almost twice your size and you couldn't help but shrink under his direct stare. "Hop in." Was all he said as he walked past you, you thought a smirk tugged at his lips but you shook it off as your tired eyes playing tricks.
"Tha-.." You drawled off but he was already pushing open the door to the bathroom. You swallowed down your nerves and made your way to the door, another man with his hands on the wheel. "Uhm, Hi." You choked out as you pulled yourself up, struggling with the height of their truck. You suddenly felt a hand twist into your jumper and you were yanked up, falling into his shoulder.
You jumped back and began frantically apologising to him, embarrassment taking hold of you. "You're fine." His voice wasn't as rough as the others and despite the fact you would be stuck in a truck with two men who were twice your size, one you knew could pick you up without breaking their stoic face.
You both sat in silence for a few moments as you looked at your lap. "Brian." You visibly jolted when his voice broke through the silence, eyes snapping to him. You stared at him for a moment before quickly choking out your name. Brian's lip tugged up, you seemed like you would be a good boy for them. After all, they had went out of their way to pick you up.
The other guy suddenly appeared, throwing himself onto the seat and slamming the door behind him. You tried to steady your breathing as you were pressed up against both of them, anxiety clawed at your mind as any chance of escape was cut off. You quietly gulped down some air as Brian began driving. "Names Tim, what's yours?" You snapped your gaze upto him. "Oh, uhm yeah sorry my names (Name)."
You felt scared looking into his eyes so you stared out the window, looking out into the night sky. "Want a drink?" Tim held a bottle out to you, you could feel the back of your throat cracking so you gladly accepted the bottle. You handed it back to him and he just threw it to the bottom of the car.
Brain eventually turned the radio on, playing softly in the background. The heat of the truck combined with being sandwiched between two large men had your eyes beginning to flutter closed. You must've outdone yourself today, you figured that was the reason for the sudden inability to keep your eyes open.
You relaxed back against the seat, barley registering the hand that landed on your thigh. Masky smirked over to Hoodie, happy the sedative he had put into the bottle before stopping made quick work of you. "I think this time is different." Masky grinned, Hoodie nodded as he continued to drive.
Masky easily opened your legs, a small chuckling exhale being drawn from him when you let out a snore. He turned so he could pull down your jeans, easily manhandling you to get them off. You flopped back against the seat when he was done removing your close, still sound asleep despite Masky hitting your head off of the roof a couple of times.
Masky hit the storage compartment and it flung open, he threw out all the papers inside and grabbed out a bottle of lube. "At least that sleaze was handy for something. He died too quick for my liking." He pulled one of your legs between his, making sure you couldn't pry yourself away. He lubed up three of his fingers and without warning pushed two into you.
You shot up with a moan, shocked drowsy eyes staring at Masky in surprise. He wrapped his arm around your neck, cutting off your breathing. Since the truck was automatic Hoody pulled one of his hands from the steering wheel, hooking it under the thigh closest to him and helping Masy keep them pried open.
You whimpered in Masky's hold, choking out moans through sealed lips as his fingers rammed into your prostate and stretched you open. You squealed and twisted in their hold when Masky pressed a third finger into you, tears dripping down your cheeks and they tore you apart. Neither of them seemed to care about your fingernails that had embedded into their flesh, your sobbing moans only seemed to make them act up more.
Masky didn't waste much time in stretching you open, pulling his digits out with globs of lube chasing them. You whined as you felt the goo drip down your ass. "Ple-please stop it." You choked out when Masky's hand moved from your throat, he pulled you into his lap completely ignoring your words. "Whatcha say Hoodie? We fuck this cute little puppy nice and full of cum? He's so tiny, so easy to move" Masky's voice was cruel and you hated the way your cock twitched with reaction.
"Don-don't you dare." You cried out, trying to get off of Masky's lap and only resulting in having your head slammed into the dashboard. His rough calloused hands grabbed your ass cheeks and pried them apart, you buried your head into your crossed arms as you lay across the dashboard.
"Ah-Shit. N-no!" You cried out when his tongue suddenly licked a stripe across your hole. His hands dug into you, rugged nails scraping your flesh as he suddenly pushed his tongue into you and began fucking you with it. "Oh, no, fuck!" You choked out, sobbing into your arms. You barley even registered yourself beginning to grind back onto his tongue, whimpering as your body shook with pleasure.
"What a good boy, just lie there and take it." Hoodie's voice made you whine and your body twitch, you turned to see him watching you from his peripheral. You had almost forgotten about it existence and hot shame flooded you, you didn't have much time to dwell before you were yanked back against Masky's chest. You tried to fight him but he pulled his cock out of his jeans, watching it hit up against yours.
You let out a loud panicked yelp as you began fighting him harder, you could feel his cock sliding between your thighs and against your own cock. He felt really heavy, and he was really big. You didn't think they could get that back, it would've impressed you if you knew it wasn't about to split you open.
"Please dont." You begged shaking your head. "It wont fit." You whimpered out, Masky pulled your legs upto your chest. He made sure you could see his thick cock catch against your hole, you sucked in a breath of air when he wrapped his hand around his cock and began pressing into you.
"N-No! Am-A-" You cut yourself off with a strangled moan as he buried his cock into you, you freely sobbed in his lap as you tried to cope with the overwhelming feeling of being stretched beyond belief. He began grinding up into you, his cock rubbing against your prostate and making you curl your toes.
You looked down at your stomach, eyes doubling when you noticed the bulge in your stomach. Your mouth dropped open as your hoarse voice cracked out, in strangled gasps. You didn't notice the truck veering off to the side and stopping. Hoodie pulled his camera out of the side department, quickly turning it on and turning it onto you. "C'mon Masky, I want a better shot." His voice caught your attention and you felt your heart skip a few beats when you came eye to eye with a camera.
You began shaking your head but Masky's hand slapped over your mouth, turning sideways and leaning against the door so Hoodie could get a good view. You didn't bother begging them to stop, not when you could barley even string a sentence together instead your words were drowned by moans. Masky easily bounced you on his lap, groaning as you tightened around his cock.
"Such a good puppy for me, so good. You gonna take all the cum i give you and be my good little cum dump." You whimpered as his words shot through your stomach, leaving a fire burning in its wake.
It took Masky a couple more thrusts before you were wailing as you clenched hard around his cock, whining as he continued fucking your sensitive hole at the same pace. "N-No mor-e!" You cried, body beginning to drip with sweat.
"Room for one more? I wanna breed this cute little pussy too." You couldn't even feel it in you to whine with your shame, letting out small moans as Masky readjusted you both and Hoodie came between your spread legs. You looked up at him with fear in your eyes, he grinned down at you as his hands wrapped around your knees. He yanked them up, ignoring your wailing as Masky's cock moved inside of you. "No, I-can't." Your voice was high, body twitching with overstimulation.
You broke down into full blown sobs when Hoodie's cock began sliding into you alongside Masky's, once Hoodie had fully sheathed his cock inside of you, you lost your voice. Cracks instead leaving your throat as they both fucked into you, never leaving you empty.
You leaned back against Masky's shoulder, staring into Hoodie's camera. Pleasure tore you apart, their cocks stretching you further then you could ever think you would. "Think we keep this little puppy we found? Think our slutty little puppy can go back to normal cock after this?" Hoodie chuckled, deep ragged breathing as you swallowed up his cock, lube squelching inside of you.
Snot and tears dripped down your face, your hands too tied into their clothing to bother wiping any of it away. Neither Hoodie or Masky cared, they liked you better like this. Whining like a good bitch, stretched around their cocks. "Do-don't worry though, we'll take go-good care of you." Hoodie growled out, burying his head into your neck and biting down on your shoulder.
You had no doubt he was going to leave teeth marks embedded into your flesh with how hard he bit down, you felt your eyes twitch close against despite being ready to cum again. You bounced between conscious and unconscious as they had their ways with you. It was downright filthy, getting picked up and railed by two truckers. Yet it unlocked something deep inside of you, loving the way their cocks stretched you beyond your limit. The way their rough, scarred hands ran over your body, tweaking your nipples and grabbing at your flesh.
It all felt like too much, you tightened around the both of them, letting out one last scream as you came hard. You painted both you and Hoodie but he didn't care, his thrusts picking up as he began to lose it.
You felt lost as they emptied their loads into you, thick cum filling up your insides and slipping out between their cocks. Hoodie continued to thrust gently into you, enjoying the pained look that flashed across your face.
He chuckled as he pulled back, pulling up his jeans but not bothering to fasten them. You felt confused when Masky didn't pull you off his cock, seeming content to sit with his arms wrapped around your waist. "If we wanna breed you properly, we can't waste any." He smirked as his hands began running over your stomach.
All you could do was whine with every bump on the road.
764 notes · View notes
misc-obeyme · 2 years
When It's Pouring Rain
OKAY listen it's been about a million years since I wrote fanfiction of any kind and I am nervous about posting this, but I'm making myself do it anyway! The thing is, I'm always thinking about the scenarios that are talked about in the daily chats, but that we never actually get to see. So this is a short scene of what I imagine happened after the daily chat called When It's Pouring Rain. (I included the chat because I feel like it's needed for context!)
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Mammon x GN!MC
Warnings: None? It's pure fluff, I just wanna take care of this guy. Oh but it might be OOC, like I said I haven't written fic in a while.
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MAMMON: It’s a downpour! I’m soaked! I was even wearing my favorite jacket. What a waste.
MC: I’ll come get you.
MAMMON: Don’t worry about it. You don’t wanna get wet too, do ya?
MC: I’ll run a bath for you.
MAMMON: I’d like that! A little rain won’t stop me now that I know I got you waitin’ for me. I’m on my way!
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Although the bathtub was already almost full and you knew Mammon was going to be home soon, you were still worried about him. Thinking of him running home in the rain really caused your anxiety to spike. You couldn’t help turning the water off, grabbing your umbrella, and going outside to watch for him. As soon as you saw him coming down the path toward the House of Lamentation, you ran out to meet him, standing close so he was sheltered under your umbrella. He was near enough that you could feel the warmth of his body despite the chill of the rain all around you.
“What’re ya doin’ out here?” he asked. His voice was so close to your ear that you had no trouble hearing him over the sound of the raindrops hitting your umbrella.
“I came out to meet you,” you said. “I was worried about you.”
Mammon frowned. “Didn’t I tell ya not to worry about it? You’re going to get wet.”
“I’m not getting wet,” you pointed out. “I’m under the umbrella. And you are too and that makes me feel better. Now come on inside. The bath is almost ready.”
Mammon allowed you to grab his hand and tug him toward the door. When you got inside, you shook out your umbrella before closing it and setting it aside. Then you took hold of Mammon’s hand again and went straight to your room.
“I ran the bath in my bathroom,” you said. “I hope that’s okay.”
“C-course it is,” Mammon said.
When you reached your room, pulling Mammon inside and closing the door, you stopped and looked at him. He was thoroughly drenched.
You touched the ends of his dripping hair lightly and frowned a little. “You really did get soaked, huh?” You let your fingers trail down the front of his jacket, which was also full of rain water. “Your jacket might be okay if we dry it quickly. Is this real leather?”
“Of course!” Mammon said, shaking the rain out of his hair. “The Great Mammon only ever wears real leather!”
“Give it to me so I can dry it off,” you said. You pushed the jacket off of Mammon’s shoulders and he shrugged out of it, letting you take it and drape it over your arm.
“Now you should get into the bath quickly before you get sick,” you said. “I’ll dry off your jacket and then I’ll bring you a towel, okay?”
You pushed him toward your bathroom door then went to your closet. After doing your best to get the water off his jacket, you took a fresh towel and went back to the bathroom. You knocked on the door, but didn’t wait for a response before going in.
Mammon was in your tub, eyes half closed. Once he realized you were standing there, he sank a little further into the water. The blush that started on his face ran all the way down his neck.
You placed the towel on the counter, then sat down on the floor at the other end of the tub. You leaned your arms against the edge and propped your chin on them. “I’m sorry you got soaked. Are you feeling any better?”
Mammon seemed to be having an inner struggle of some kind. He was certainly embarrassed that you were sitting here watching him in the bath, but he was also happy to be with you. Happy that you were being so attentive to him. That you had been worried about him.
“Yeah,” he said as he seemed to relax a little. “I’m feelin’ a lot better now.”
You smiled at him. “What were you doing out in the rain anyway?”
The blush that had begun to fade deepened again. Mammon looked away. “That’s none of your business, human!”
You laughed softly. “Oh, so you were getting yourself into debt, then?”
“No!” Mammon protested, looking back at you. “It ain’t like that!”
You trailed your fingertips in the water lazily. “Hmm. Well whatever it was, I hope it was worth getting caught in the rain like this.”
“I dunno about that,” Mammon said. “But gettin’ caught in the rain is worth it if it means I get to come back to this.”
It was your turn to blush. Mammon wasn’t often honest about his feelings, but when he was, it made your heart race.
You splashed him lightly, missing his face entirely. You stood up before he could retaliate. “Let me go get you some dry clothes.”
When you came back from his room with a pile of clothes in hand, you left them on the bathroom counter, then settled on your bed to wait for him to get dressed and come out.
Mammon came out of the bathroom wearing the clothes you had picked out for him. He sat on your bed beside you. Though he wasn’t too close, you could feel his warmth and you could smell the scent of your soap on his skin.
“Warm now?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he said, not looking at you. “Thanks, MC.”
You moved just a little closer and let your head rest on his shoulder. Mammon immediately put his arm around you, as if by instinct.
“I’m a little surprised you didn’t ask me to take a bath with you,” you said with a smirk.
Mammon squeezed you. “Oi! I ain’t Asmo!”
You laughed. “I’m just teasing you. Are you hungry? I can make you some ramen.”
Mammon looked down at you. “You’re bein’ awfully nice.”
You pulled away to look at him directly. “I don’t often get opportunities to take care of you like this. So just indulge me, okay?”
Mammon seemed to be trying to suppress his reaction. His expression remained neutral, but his eyes were sparkling. “Whatever ya want, human.”
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others in this series:
Barbatos | Solomon | Lucifer | Leviathan | Simeon
Asmodeus | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
625 notes · View notes
twohearts-hs · 2 months
Always & Forever Sixteen - Marshall Mathers x Reader Series
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Words: 3.7k
Pairings: Marshall Mathers x Fem!Reader Series
Synopsis: They loved each other with every fibre and being. They knew that they were meant to be together, but it seemed like every obstacle came in the way. She was twenty-one, he was forty and they knew that it would be hard. Therefore, they promised forever and always as they were meant to be together despite every turmoil that came their way.
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol, Cannabis, Arguments & Angst.
|| Masterlist for Series ||
Hope you enjoy :)
Marshall’s arm was wrapped around her, holding her tight as Y/N looked at her phone. They were public. Her name was in the public. Her name was tied to Marshall’s. Her relationship was public. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. Her life, her privacy, her secrecy is all gone.
Everyone knew Y/N Y/L/N now:
‘Eminem’s Heart: Marshall Mathers and Y/N Y/L/N’s Romance Goes Public:
"Rap Icon in Love: Marshall Mathers and Y/N Y/L/N's Relationship Revealed!"
"Marshall Mathers Finds Love: Meet Y/N Y/L/N, the Woman Who Stole Eminem's Heart"
"Love in the Limelight: Marshall Mathers and Y/N Y/L/N's Relationship Exposed!"
"Eminem's New Muse: Inside Marshall Mathers and Y/N Y/L/N's Blossoming Romance"
Y/N swallowed and looked over to her boyfriend who was asleep. He did not know, but he would soon. They were public. Everyone knew and just as she was about to take a breath, her phone rang.
It was her mother…
Y/N took a breath and pulled Marshall’s hand off her as she answered the phone in the bathroom.
“Y/N, you’re plastered over the internet,” she stated with sympathy. “Your relationship is public.”
“I know,” she whispered back. “I am now known as Eminem’s girlfriend.”
“You went through this with Jake-“
“Jake,” Y/N interfered, “was a no one in this big world with just subtle hums. He was just getting know… Mom this is Eminem. 2000s rap star…Eminem. I am now known. Everything will be public. We are public.” Y/N felt the weight of her mother’s concern through the phone as she stood in the bathroom, away from Marshall’s slumber. “I know, Mom,” she murmured, her voice betraying anxiety. “It’s all over the internet now. Everyone knows.”
“I’m worried about you, sweetheart,” Ree’s voice crackled with emotion. “This kind of attention, it’s not easy to handle.”
Y/N leaned against the bathroom counter, her mind racing. “I wasn’t ready for this. I thought I was. My Instagram has hundreds of thousands of requests… I thought we could have kept it private longer. But I was the fool who made him go to the art show.”
“You’re with Marshall because he is Marshall, not Eminem. Fame finds a way of exposing everything. Just take care of yourself. Don’t let this overwhelm you or your relationship.”
Y/N nodded and agreed. “He is asleep, and I don’t know how to tell him as I will get angry Marshall.”
“Love conquers, sweets. Love conquers.”
All Y/N could do was hope that their love could conquer. Y/N exited the bathroom to see him sitting up.
“Where did you run off to?” he said voice filled with sleep.
“My mom called… Marshall,” she began as she stepped forward, “you should look at your phone. Paul will be calling you soon if he hasn’t already. Our names are plastered all over the internet. We are public.”
Marshall rolled over to his phone where there were several messages from Paul. He got off the bed and walked away to call Paul leaving her there in silence. He wandered to the bathroom and closed the door before a grumpy Marshall began. Y/N sat on the bed looking over the headlines and seeing all this information about her…they knew her name, her career, her hometown…
Marshall’s muffled voice filtered through the bathroom door as he talked to Paul, the frustration evident in his tone. Y/N could not hear the exact words, but the intensity was clear. She scrolled through her phone, reading more headlines and comments, feeling her heart race with every new mention of her name. The world now knew everything about her.
After what felt like an eternity, the bathroom door opened, and Marshall stepped out, his face a mixture of anger and concern. He walked over to the bed and sat down beside her, rubbing his temples.
“Paul’s losing it,” he said, voice strained. “He thinks this is going to be a PR nightmare. We were supposed to keep it lowkey, and now this…”
Y/N reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. “I’m sorry, Marshall. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I thought that the media would not be there or-“
“The media will always be there. However, it’s not your fault. I went to this event; I should have known better.”
“I am glad you came though. Supporting me makes me happy,” she mused, kissing his cheek.
He sighed. “I just want to protect you from all of this. The media, the scrutiny, it can get brutal.”
Y/N nodded and leaned her head onto his shoulder and he cupped her cheek, kissing the top of her head. “Paul wants us to issue a statement,” Marshall said finally. “Something to address the situation and try to control the narrative.”
Y/N nodded. “Ok. What should we say?”
Marshall thought for a moment, then said. “We’ll keep it simple. Just acknowledge our relationship and ask for privacy. We don’t owe them our entire story.”
Y/N took a deep breath. “I can do that. We can do that.”
Marshall walked off, grabbing clothes on the way and pulling them on before going downstairs. Y/N grabbed her robe and followed him, watching him put a pot of coffee on. A few moments later, Hailie came then Alaina.
“Have you seen the media?” Hailie asked as she sat on the barstool.
“Yeah,” Marshall and Y/N said at the same time.
“Well, what are you going to do? Because you and Y/N are serious. Then there’s the fact that Y/N is leaving so then they might think it’s a break-“
“We aren’t breaking up,” Marshall stated loudly. “Y/N is going to New York, but we are not breaking up,” he said sternly.
“Dad, for two years you two will do long distance? At least two years…what if Y/N goes over the two years for school or gets an internship-“
“Hailie,” he barked, “enough.” He held his hand up. “My relationship is my business.”
“I don’t want your relationship to be like mom,” Hailie admitted. “You two were awful to each other and the media had a frenzy with, twisting it and altering it to make it chaotic.”
Marshall sighed, grasping the counter as he looked over at Y/N who poured two cups of coffee.
“Y/N and I’s relationship,” he began calmly, “is nothing like your mother and I. It will not be like your mother and I. I will make sure of that.”
Hailie fell silent, her expression a mix of concern and frustration. Alaina, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke. “Dad, Hailie has a point. Long distance is tough, especially with all the media attention now. Y/N will be haunted in New York City. It’s not going to be easy for either of you. Once they figure out you two are doing long distance, they will make Y/N into this possibly cheating or untrustworthy person. Anyone she is with they will twist,” Alaina said.
Y/N put the mug of coffee in front of Marshall as she leaned into him. He was still gripping the counter.
“What are you suggesting, Lainy?” he spoke.
“Maybe not go public. Y/N is moving in August. That is six months away.”
“Thank you for reminding me of the ticking bomb on my relationship,” he bit as he turned to grab sugar and milk for everyone’s mugs.
“Marshall,” Y/N tried.
Marshall turned to look at Y/N, his eyes blazing with anger and frustration. “No, Y/N, they need to understand,” he snapped. “This isn’t about the media or long distance. This is about us and what will work for us.”
“We have six months…can we please have this conversation in July?” Y/N said holding his bicep.
“I don’t like this. I don’t like any of this. I need to be alone,” he stated, taking his coffee and walking to his studio.
Y/N watched at her boyfriend walked away from them. She glanced over to Hailie and Alaina who gave her looks of pity. Y/N shrugged and then went to her mug of coffee.
“I should leave. I have work at noon,” she muttered walking up the stairs to the bedroom to have a shower.
Y/N entered the diner to see all eyes on her. Ted, Miranda and Gavin all had looks of pity as she walked to the back. Marshall had not emerged from his office therefore, Y/N bussed to the diner and sent a message to Marshall stating she was going to work. She heard nothing.
Y/N was in the back, putting on her apron when Miranda approached.
“Hi, lovely,” she hummed rubbing her back. “I saw the tabloids. Kind of can’t escape the media when you’re with such a big name,” she stated.
Y/N sighed and turned to her. “I know and I don’t know what to do. I want Marshall but I don’t want Eminem.”
She gave her a small smile and rubbed her back as Y/N grabbed her notepad and looked at her phone.
11:59 a.m.
From Marshall <3: Sorry I could not drive you. Have a good day at work. Will I see you later?
To Marshall <3: I am going out with Meira later for dinner.
From Marshall <3: Oh. Ok. Wanna come over after?
To Marshall <3: 8 am class tomorrow and last time when I had one, you complained so I will go home.
From Marshall <3: Ok. When can I see you next?
To Marshall <3: Friday? Wait I am going to a art event with Dr. Beau. Saturday?
From Marshall <3: An art event with Dr. Beau? I did not know about that, but that’s ok. How about I pick you up after the event?
Y/N pocketed her phone and decided to deal with that later. She needed to get to work. She did not have time for Marshall’s insecurities. Throwing her hair up in a ponytail and wiping under her eyes to get rid of mascara flakes, she left the back and proceeded to go to work.
Y/N wiped down the counter at Ted’s Diner, the rhythmic motion of her cloth against the laminated surface providing a momentary distraction from her swirling thoughts. The lunchtime rush finished, and the evening was just beginning. She glanced at the clock on the wall and noted she had another four hours of her shift before she could head home.
As she straightened up, her phone buzzed in her apron pocket. She fished it out, her heart skipping a beat when she saw the caller ID:
Steve Richardson (Lawyer)
Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the back of the diner, seeking a quiet corner near the storage room. “Hello, Steve,” she answered, trying to keep her voice steady.
“Y/N. I hope all is well. I have some bad news. I have been going over the case details regarding Jake,” Steve began, his tone serious. “It’s a really complicated case. Sexual assault is very hard to win especially in your situation.”
“I have evidence. I got a kit done. I-“
“It’s your word against his and he is bringing up mental health and stress-“
“That is ridiculous,” she states, “he is not mentally ill. He’s a rockstar addict.”
“Jake’s lawyer is using his mental health issues, his drug problem, and the stress he’s been under as an excuse for his actions,” Steve explained. “They have medical records and character witnesses who are willing to testify that he wasn’t in control of his actions and that he is seeking help now. With the evidence we have, it’s going to be tough to prove our case beyond reasonable doubt. The defence is painting a picture that evokes sympathy for him.”
Y/N closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. “So, what are you saying? We can’t win?”
“I’m saying that odds are against us,” Steve replied gently. “It’s not impossible, but it will be a long, drawn-out process with no guarantee of success. It could take a toll on you, both emotionally and financially.”
“Marshall is paying for you,” she whispered. “I don’t want this to be longer than six months to deal with as I am going to New York. I don’t want him paying thousands and thousands for your services. No offence, Steve.”
“None taken.”
“Have you talked to Marshall?” she asked.
“No, he may be paying for my services, but this case concerns you.”
Y/N nodded. She bit her lip and took a deep breath. “I don’t know if I can do this and go through with this if it’s going to take a long time. I have already been through enough.”
“They subpoena your medical records too and they know about the pregnancy and abortion therefore, Jake is trying to hit you from that side that you kept it-“
“It was not his baby,” she interrupted.
“Yes, but you never got a paternal test, and he was your partner then.” Y/N groaned. “I understand your points, Y/N,” Steve said softly. “Sometimes, the best decision is to let go for your own peace of mind. Dropping the charges doesn’t mean you’re conceding defeat; it means you’re choosing to move forward without the burden of this case weighing you down.”
She nodded, even though he could not see her. “I will drop the charges,” she stated.
“You sure you want to do that?”
“I don’t want to relive all of this. I don’t want my future to be impacted. I want to move on.”
“Of course, Y/N. I will proceed with this. Thank you for your time.”
“Likewise. Bye, Steve.”
Y/N ended the call and stood there for a moment, staring at her phone. The familiar hum of the diner filled her ears, a stark contrast to the turmoil in her heart.
“Everything ok, Y/N?” Ted’s voice came from behind her.
“Yeah, just some personal stuff,” she whispered, wiping her eyes away from tears. “I will be out soon.”
“Take a few minutes if you need to. We got it covered out front.”
“Thanks, Ted,” she replied, grateful for his kindness. A deep breath was taken and she looked at herself in the mirror.
Dropping the charges felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, yet at the same time admitting defeat. However, this was for the better.
Y/N returned to the counter, her steps a little lighter and picked up her cloth to continue wiping down the surfaces.
The door chimed and Y/N did not even look up before saying, “We’re closed.” Footsteps were taken before the figure in front of her stopped. “I said, we’re close-“ she looked up and spotted her boyfriend in front of her. He sent her a small smile and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I know. Thought to pick you up,” he stated with a smile.
“Thanks,” she said as she looked back down to the receipts she was counting. “However, I want to go home tonight. I need some space.”
What she really meant was: that she wanted to drink a bottle of wine and smoke a joint and pass out on her couch. She knew Marshall was not part of that scene.
His brows furrowed. “Oh, ok. Well, do you want me to stay at your place then?” he asked as Y/N took off her apron and took the till out.
She looked at her boyfriend. “I love you, but I want to be alone. I just got told some news and I need time to think it through,” she said full of honesty.
He nodded. “What kind of news?”
“I will tell you when I am ready, Marshall,” she said and walked off with the till to the back.
Marshall watched as she walked off. He sat down on one of the chairs waiting for her to come back. Y/N came out five minutes later, apron off, jacket on and bag over her shoulder.
"Do you want me to still drive you home? We can share something to drink and-“
Y/N looked at him with this sad face, however she reached out to cup his face. She leaned down and kissed his lips. “I love you. Drive me home and maybe we can do something. Depends on my mood.”
He nodded, but he could not help but feel pushed away slightly. Y/N got some form of news, and she will not share it with him. Y/N took his hand, holding it as she bid farewell to her coworkers before getting into the Aston Martin.
They drove in comfortable silence as Y/N cancelled her plans with Meira for that evening. They were going to go dancing and she did not tell Marshall as the last time she went dancing, he got all mad.
His hand was on her thigh.
“You’re making me worried about this news. Can you give me a hint?” he asked.
“Marshall. It’s fine. No one is dying or hurt.”
He nodded as they drove the fifteen minutes in silence and Y/N caught up on some emails and scrolled through social media. Her inbox was flooded but she did not need that right now. Her account was private, and she was planning on keeping it that way.
“Can you stop at a liquor store, please?” she asked.
He nodded.
Y/N ran into the liquor store, buying herself a cheap but good bottle of wine before getting back into the car. Marshall looked over and saw it.
“Going to drown your sorrows or something?”
“Honestly, Marshall, I know you are not about this stuff, but I desperately need to get drunk and high while in the bath.”
He sent a curt nod. “Just be safe.”
“Always am.”
They pulled up to her new apartment and Marshall followed her up the elevator to the tenth floor before unlocking her door. It was bigger, nearly a thousand square feet with a bedroom, office and bathroom. The kitchen was bigger and the same with the living room. She was happy here. It was a shame she had to leave at the end of the summer.
Y/N placed the bottle on the counter, walking around to get a glass and popping the bottle. Marshall stood watching her.
“Do you want to take a bath with me?” she asked.
“Will you be smoking dope?” he asked.
“I won’t do that until you leave.”
He nodded before walking to her bathroom and turning the taps on for the bath. Y/N came, setting her glass of wine on the counter before stripping off her clothes. She stood across from him naked as he tested the water.
“Thought you were going out with Meira tonight?” he asked.
“I cancelled. We were going dancing, but I am not in the mood.” He nodded. She would tell him when she was ready. “I am just so tired. Of everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. School is exhausting, work is exhausting, this relationship,” she muttered but he heard it.
“What about this relationship?”
“We fight a lot. You know that?” she asked as she got into the bath and bringing the red wine to her lips.
“I mean, sure we have our disagreements, but we don’t fight.”
“I yelled at you last night,” she responded.
Marshall sat on the edge of the bath, hand in the water as he watched her. “You had every right to yell at me last night as I was being an ass.”
Y/N licked her lips and looked at her boyfriend. “I got a call from the lawyer,” she began.
His brows perked up. “And?”
“I am dropping the charges,” was all she said, and Marshall’s face instantly fell.
“You’re doing what?” he barked.
“Fuck,” she whispered, “I knew you would be mad.”
“I am not mad….I..I-I am furious,” he explicitly said. Marshall’s fury surged through him, his jaw tightening as he stood up abruptly. “How could you even consider dropping the charges, Y/N?” his voice was louder now, the intensity filling the small bathroom. “Jake hurt you. Hurt us. He needs to pay for what he did.”
Y/N sighed and took another sip of her wine, trying to gather her thoughts. “Marshall, can you sit and calm down, please.” He sat down on the edge of the bath again. “It’s not that simple. The case is complicated, and the odds aren’t in our favour. Steve explained everything to me. Jake’s lawyer is painting him a victim of his own issues. It could take years and there’s no guarantee we’d win.”
“So,” he snapped, “you’re just going to let him get away with it. He’s a piece of shit who deserves to rot in jail.”
“I know that,” she replied, her voice softening. “But I can’t keep reliving this, over and over again. It’s killing me, Marshall. I want to move on with my life, and focus on my future. I don’t want to be tied down by this anymore.”
Marshall looked at her, eyes filled with anger and pain. “This isn’t just about you, Y/N. He hurt you. He hurt us. I can’t just stand by and do nothing. I wasn’t there to protect you then and I will be here now.”
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat as she looked up at him. “I don’t need revenge, Marshall. I need peace. Please try to understand that.”
He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his every movement. “I can’t let this go.”
“I am not saying we let it go. I say we move on. We have a whole future together. I met the love of my life at twenty-one, you know how lucky I am. I get to spend the next fifty years with you.” She took his hand and squeezed it. “I love you, but this is my story and this is how I want it written.”
He nodded. “Ok. Move over I am coming in.”
Y/N chuckled watching him strip.
Marshall did end up staying over that night while they made love over and over again. The passion taking control of their bodies as they held onto one another as if they needed each other more than anything.
Yay! Hope you enjoyed!
Let me know your thoughts and opinions!
Almost done the series...crazy.
Much love,
Ava <3
21 notes · View notes
whatitsdecending · 9 months
Chokehold: Pt. V
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Finding yourself being able to express your emotions around Vessel more and more after the rough night you’d experienced, you had pushed the one person who’d been occupying your mind for over a year out. Though, you never put in thought how much it may affect him even with your no strings attached pact.
A/N: oops I’m sorry I did not update AT ALL! I’m done with the semester now so that’s a major factor of my inactivity gone. This is a short chapter just for me to get out and post something, expect a longer (and sexier) one next!
Word Count: 2.9k
Content warning: mentions of anxiety, the suicidal tendency from previous chapters, substance abuse, toxicity
The ride back to Vessel’s home was quiet. This time around the Uber driver wasn’t talkative and definitely had a long night, he didn’t bother turning the radio up and left the noises of the car driving on the pavement to surround you.
All you could do was stare out the window. You tried to let the passing lights ease your mind away from the throbbing pain shooting through your hand. You’d wonder how that guy you punched was, despite his actions being the reason he got punched in the first place, you were curious about the damage you did.
Vessel felt a bit distant during the drive. You weren’t sure how he was truly feeling after the incident, whether he’d put on a mask to hide his feelings in front of his friends or if he wasn’t reacting much at all. The distance you felt was enough to give you some sort of answer, though.
The second the car pulled up to his house, you got out as soon as you could and trudged up to the door. Of course having to wait for Vessel to get to the door to unlock it but not wasting one second to get upstairs. You plopped down on the bed in the dark, letting your body sink into the mattress as you took a deep breath; feeling as though you could finally take a proper breath after the night you’ve had.
After a minute you sat up and switched the lamp on the bedside table on, squinting at the light that filled the room. You reached down to take your boots off, groaning at the pain that followed as you attempted to untie the laces.
His hands came into view before the rest of him did; his fingers delicately undoing the laces on your boots and tugging them off your feet. “Up.” He motioned for you to stand, letting you balance yourself before he took the skirt and bodysuit off of you. You watched as he placed the clothes into the hamper and went to your pajama drawer, pulling out a large t-shirt and baggy shorts for you to sleep in. He did all of this without looking you in the eye, only small connections when he worked to pull the shirt over your head.
“You’re mad.” You finally managed to say, feeling a small lump in your throat as the realization hit.
“I’m not mad. Just concerned.” He says, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Where did you put your makeup remover?”
You couldn’t help but smile at him. “It’s in the cabinet, it’s the wipes.” He nodded and went to get them from the bathroom. You sat back down on the bed when he came back in the room and sat himself beside you, taking a wipe from the pack and gently wiping the makeup from your face. You tried your best not to laugh whenever he’d drag it across your mouth and purposely move your lips around in a weird fashion.
“Thank you.” You say as he got up to throw the wipe away and put away the rest. He came back and placed a kiss on your forehead, hand resting delicately on your arm.
“You get some sleep, Y/N.” He whispered and started to leave, when the sudden tug of separation hit you and all you could do was grasp tightly onto his hand.
“Don’t go,” You whisper. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.” His face softened at your words and you could see in his eyes that this was something he’d been waiting to hear. Vessel turned and shut the door behind him, removing the clothes he’d worn out and staying in his boxers. You laid back against the pillows and watched him climb in beside you. His arm draped across your stomach and pulled you closer to him, a comforting warmth radiated from him and nearly lulled you to sleep.
“What’s going on?” His voice was low and serious as his fingers danced slowly on your stomach.
“What do you want to know?”
“Anything you want me to know.”
Everything began spilling out of your mouth all at once like a waterfall, nothing was held back in that moment. “When you found me in the tub.. I sincerely didn’t want that to happen. I’d gotten lost in thought and was having a bit of a panic attack. I guess I just lost the grip I had on the edge of the tub and sank down, not realizing it until you grabbed me. I feel so awful for putting you through that, that is some fucked up shit to see and you didn’t deserve to see me that way.” His hand found yours and he laced his fingers between yours, pulling it up so they laid against your stomach again.
“You don’t need to apologize for that, trust me I’ve seen worse. But what made you so anxious in the first place, darling?” His voice was soft as he propped himself up on his elbow in order to get a better look at your face.
“Noah had wanted me to call him the day I’d flown in, I told him I was busy and couldn’t that time, but I was able to chat with him when I took the bath.” You paused to evaluate his reaction to that before continuing. “It wasn’t a long conversation, just catching up since that’s the first time we’ve spoken since the tour ended. Then Jolly needed his help so the call ended, and after that my anxiety got bad out of nowhere. Even doing the breathing exercises I like didn’t help, my mind was just telling me all these things and I felt like I was being slowly crushed into nothing.”
Vessel squeezed your hand tightly. “You know if you ever feel like that again Y/N, I’m right here and always will be here if you need me. You shouldn’t have to face that alone.” The overwhelming feeling of guilt filled you as you remembered those thoughts that plagued your mind that day, the ones that could’ve been the culprits for you almost drowning. The lump in your throat came back and tears now threatened to spill as you covered your face in shame.
“There’s more.” You choked out. “The thoughts I was having… it was about you and whether or not you’re just using me to no longer be bored at home until you go back on tour. You’d just leave and never think of me again, we go our separate ways and-” You interrupt yourself with a sob, knowing that what you’re about to say next is the most painful thing for you to admit. “And I’d be left searching for somebody who cared about me… even just a fraction of the amount you do.” Your body shook with the sobs that came over you, they were built up from the past few days of not wanting to show this kind of vulnerability to Vessel.
He let you cry for a bit and soothingly rubbed his free hand on your thigh. It was until you were at the point of absolutely straining your vocal cords that he pulled your hand from your face and gently shushed you. “Hey, shh it’s okay. You’re gonna damage your voice Y/N.” He wiped at the tears that stained your face, brushing the strands of hair that were stuck to your skin away.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, realizing that you just dumped a lot on him all at once, including becoming a hysterical mess.
“Don’t be. You’re just being human.” He responded. “And I like knowing that the woman I have staying in my home is human after all.” He smiled as a laugh erupted out of you. “See? You just need me around to make you laugh.” He laid back down beside you and pulled you to him so your chest was pressed tightly against his. He kept a hand pressed on the back of your head, gently pushing your face into the crook of his neck. The faint smell of his cologne wafting from his bare skin was comforting, bringing the minimal amount of memories you shared with Vessel to mind.
“You make me feel safe.” You whispered against his skin, knowing he had heard you the second he tightened the hold on you even more than it already had been. Vessel had become the first person you could say this to in years, no one ever came as close as he did in making you feel safe in their arms. Not even Noah.
Noah’s POV
The light that shone through the breaks between the curtains hit your face and eventually your eyes once you forced them open. The feeling of a hangover quickly came over you, leaving you to groan as you rolled over to avoid the light. As you did, your arm hit something solid beside you; it was another person, a woman, who laid peacefully in your bed.
Your eyes adjusted a bit and came to the realization she was naked under the covers and so were you. Great job, Noah. Another one night stand brought on to you by your own drunken mistakes.
You gently nudged the woman, waking her from the deep slumber she seemed to be in. “Hey. I’m sorry to kick you out but you better go before my roommates see you.” You gave her some time to adjust to the light flooding in and to wake up before you got out of bed and clambered around the room searching for a pair of boxers.
“I had a good time.” Her voice overwhelmed you as her hands snaked around your waist, pulling you against her. As much as you’d love to tell her the same, you couldn’t quite remember anything at all from last night minus the fact that you’ve gotten shitfaced five nights in a row now.
“Me too.” You say pulling her hands off of you and walking to the door, cracking it open to listen for any of your roommates being awake. “Alright, get home safe.” You pulled the woman out of your room and led her to the front door. “Don’t try to contact me.”
“You fucking ass-” The door closed before she could finish her sentence. Maybe it was a dick move for you to kick her out like that, but in all honesty you could care less.
You went to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. This hangover is the worst yet out of the days you’ve been drinking, your head was pounding and dizzy spells hit you at random. You held your throbbing head as you watched the coffee fill the mug, the annoying ding going off to let you know it was done.
“Good afternoon.” Jolly’s voice came down like a hammer against your ears, ringing through your mind as it processed it. “Another late night?” It was the knowing tone in his voice that pissed you off.
“Shut up man.” You sipped at the hot liquid and hissed as it burned your tongue.
“I won't shut up until you tell me what’s going on.” Jolly leaned against the counter, arms crossed and waiting for a response. “We’re all worried about you man.”
You took another sip and stared at him, waiting for him to get the hint and just leave you alone; but Jolly wasn’t the kind of person to take no for an answer. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” You began to walk back to your room, hearing the sound of his footsteps following you.
“It’s about Y/N isn’t it?” That made you stop in your tracks and the grip you had on the mug tightened. “You miss her, and you miss her a lot. I can tell you’re beating yourself up for not being able to actually tell her how you feel-”
“Shut up dude.” You walked into your room and he followed.
“Noah I’m not going to shut up until you realize that you’re doing this shit to mask the feelings you cannot seem to comprehend for Y/N! Getting drunk every night since you two talked on the phone and hooking up with girls is doing so much more damage in the long run.” Jolly was practically yelling at this point, clearly he felt very strongly about how you were treating yourself.
“I know she does not feel that way about me, Jolly. Remember? We agreed to no strings attached, and I think she’s the only one who was able to keep that agreement.” Your heart ached at the thought, knowing very well that it was clear what you had with her was only ever going to be mindless fucking and nothing more.
“You need to talk to her before we go back on tour, man. It’ll help set yourself straight.”
You sat down on your bed, letting out a deep sigh. “I know. I just don’t want to scare her away…” It was hard to think about. She was just perfect, everything you loved in a person all combined into one beautiful woman.
Jolly sat beside you and watched as you took a small sip from the mug. “I know Y/N is patient and will listen to all that you have to say to her. Even if she doesn’t feel the same, she’ll still sit and listen to all that you need to get off your chest. Now-” He paused and pushed the bottle of extra-strength Advil against your chest. “-take two of these and get yourself feeling better, then give her a call and tell her everything.”
Time passed by slowly as you waited for the effects of the medicine to take away your pounding headache. You had taken a warm shower and let the water soothe the ache in your neck, rinsing away your drunken mistakes from the night before.
You could hear the echoing laughter of your roommates as they played multiple rounds of Mario Kart on the switch. You badly wanted to join, but you had something a little more important to do right now. Walking into your room and shutting the door to block out the loudness coming from the living room, your hand trembled slightly as you reached for your phone that rested on the bed. Scrolling through your contacts until your eyes landed on her name in your phone, taking a deep breath you hit the call button and pressed the phone to your ear as it rang.
“Hello?” After a few rings she picked up, your body perking up the second you heard her voice.
“Hey Y/N.” You were able to shake the nervousness from your voice and get your words out smoothly.
“Hi Noah. What’s up?”
“Nothing much, just wanted to talk to you.” You smiled.
“Aw well that’s very sweet of you. How are you? Haven’t talked in a little bit.”
You rubbed the back of your neck as the nerves began kicking in again. “Aha yeah… I’ve been kinda all over the place..”
“Me too, it’s been a crazy few days since we last spoke.”
“Look Y/N…” You say as the butterflies bubbled in your stomach. “I wanted to talk to you about something important.”
The sound of her shuffling around a bit echoed through the speakers. “Sure Noah, what’s up? Is it something to do with the tour?”
“No, actually it’s something a bit more personal than that.”
“Oh…” She trailed off for a moment, seemingly unable to gather her thoughts. “Okay, what’s going on?”
You took a deep breath and began to think over what you needed to say to her, your heart racing a million miles a second as you were gathering the courage to just say it out loud. For some reason you struggled with expressing it this time around, when you had done it for others it wasn’t hard at all. But for some reason it was proving to be difficult to express the feeling to her.
“I just wanted you to know that I-” You were cut off by the sound of her name echoing through the room she was in, a man’s voice had called for her. You listened as she responded back to him, clearly covering the microphone a bit to muffle what she said.
“I’m sorry about that. What were you saying?” She finally said after a few moments. From what you had made out from her words, you knew that it was not her father calling for her but rather someone she’s seeing.
“I- you know what, never mind. It’s not that important.” You found yourself holding back.
“Noah, you sure? It sounded like it was pretty important.” Her voice filled with concern.
“I’m sure. It’s something I can tell you in person when rehearsals start.” You say.
“But that’s not for another two months Noah.”
“I know.” Silence filled the room around you as neither of you knew what to say next. It felt like your heart had been shattered, a gentle piece of porcelain that was tossed carelessly away. “Listen I need to go, I’ll text you later.”
“Oh okay, I’ll be looking forward to that. Bye No-” You hung up and cut her off, not wanting to hear her say your name again. It hurt. It fucking stung knowing she was with someone else and completely forgetting about you. You fell and fell hard. So much for no strings attached, right?
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judgementdaysunshine · 11 months
Can i get a Randy Orton fic maybe of reader surprising him with a pregnancy test
Early start
Pairing: Randy Orton x Fem reader
Description: You surprise Randy with the news of you being pregnant
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You were filled with many emotions as you sat on the bed in your shared hotel room with your husband Randy having got married a year earlier. You had been sick the past few weeks and randy was getting worried leading to you going to the local ER since you traveled to St Louis with him and competed in Unforgiven winning your match against Lita despite being ill thinking it was either food poisoning or an upset stomach until the weeks went by and you didn't get better leading to the ER visit where you were tested and thoroughly examined since the doctor was worried that it could lead to appendicitis until test results came back looking stunned when you find out that you were actually pregnant taking a test after getting back in the hotel room as a precaution feeling anxiety suffocate you as you walk in the bathroom looking at the test on the sink bursting into tears when the test showed positive as your phone ringed checking and feeling your heart sank when you saw it was randy texting him to come to the room. Randy feels his heart pounding as he walks in the hotel room seeing you at the end of the bed quietly crying as you look up at randy who pulled you in his arms "What's wrong baby? Still feeling bad?" you wrap your arms around his shoulders before nervously heading in the bathroom grabbing the test and grabbing the hospital test result papers placing them next to each other on the dresser squeezing your eyes closed as randy looks at both before bursting into laughter looking to see tears in his eyes "Oh my god I'm gonna be a dad!" he gently lifts you in his arms holding your face in his hands while sharing a tender kiss with a smile on your face grabbing his phone and calling his parents telling them the news who were over the moon of being grandparents before a knock sounded on the door standing with a smile as randy invited his three friends Ric, Dave, and Hunter in announcing the news to them being pulled into a hug by each man before calling Vince saying you needed to meet with him tomorrow telling him of the news feeling nervous of being fired but instead you were only allowed to be ringside, commentating with JR and King, backstage, or in the ring for promos with randy until you're bump started showing just enough for people to either ask questions or realize both you and randy excited for the new step of your life together having an early start to both marriage and starting a family.
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nikisfwn · 1 year
Overwhelmed. // Alex Turner x Reader
summary- You and (early eycte) Alex are at an event but you hate events. You try to bottle up your anxiety during the event but a few hours in you break down after it all becomes too much.
warnings- Anxiety/panic attack, alcohol, non-consensual kissing (it's not real though it a day dream kinda thing), swearing, i think thats it lmk if i missed anything though :) xx
a/n- for all my people who feel like their anxiety is a burden, ITS NOT!!! I love you and you should never feel bad for feeling anxious about something. And this isn't the long oneshot i was planning a while ago, although i am still writing that, its just taking longer than i thought. This is entirely different. xx
word count- 1,6k (my first actually long writing lmao)
Events were never really your thing, never would be. Paparazzi, drugs, alcohol, people who pretend to give a shit about you, they just suck. Nevertheless, here you were, stood in front of your bathroom mirror in a tight-fitting dress that made you heavily uncomfortable mentally preparing yourself for the night ahead, you wouldn't ruin this for Alex because of your discomfort. 
Finally mustering up the courage, you grabbed the doorknob and exited the bathroom, Alex was sitting on the bed typing on his phone when he noticed your presence. "There she is!" He put his phone away and stood up giving you a bright smile, "You look beautiful babe." He kissed you softly, holding your waist. “Not so bad yourself, Turner.” You winked at him and picked up your bag, heading for the door. He grabbed your waist pulling you back and giving you a loving kiss. He pulled away after a few moments and rested his forehead on yours, “I love you so much babe.” You sighed softly before replying “I love you too Al.” “Let's go baby, the cars probably waiting.”  
The car ride was short, but long enough to get your nerves going. Alex had his hand resting on your inner thigh the whole ride squeezing every couple of minutes. When the car pulled up at the event your anxiety felt like a bubble about to burst. Alex walked out of the car and came round to the other side to open your door. He grabbed your hand helping you out and once you were standing, he put his arm around you, his hand resting on your waist. The paparazzi were waiting for you when you walked towards the event taking pictures and calling out, the flash from the cameras practically blinding you. When you finally got out of the eyes of the press and inside the event you quickly found the guys standing at the bar.  
“Hey, you guys made it!” Nick smiled at you both brightly. “Beginning to think you got lost mate.” Matt commented from behind with a laugh. “Oh, piss off Helders.” Alex laughed from beside you as you hugged the boys and their girlfriends quickly.” “Y/n! I missed you!” Breana held her arms open and engulfed you in a tight hug. “I missed you too Bree!” After you all had drinks and had been chatting for a while a couple of interviewers came over to you and Alex asking about a million questions at once.  
Alex answered each when the journalist turned to you, “Are you Alex’s current girlfriend?” You laughed slightly despite your hatred for any form of unneeded attention being brought to you. “You make it seem like he’s been dating people on and off the past three years. But yes, I am. Have been for three and a half years.” You laughed again, more awkward this time as the journalist turned his attention back to Alex. You sighed in relief when he finally walked away, leaning into Alex even more and kissing his cheek softly. “Handled that one well babe.” He remarked quietly, “Oh shut up.” You both stood quietly giggling for a minute before you left to go to the bathroom. 
Now being alone your anxiety seemed to grow, if possible. You splashed some water on your face in an attempt to cool down slightly, you then quickly went back out to find Alex and the guys. Alex quickly spotted you and waved you over. When you got to them, he pulled you in and gently kissed you. “Hey, darling.” You smiled at him brightly, turning to the others conversation. You thought that you were dealing with your anxiety and hate for big events quite well, on the outside at least. And as long as Alex was happy you didn’t care. 
Alex walked off for a minute leaving you alone, you had no idea where you were going but you kept it together, you had to keep it together, you couldn’t ruin this for Alex. You tried to slow your breathing when your heartbeat reached your ears, and your palms became slick with sweat. Your eyes darted around the room in search of someone you knew, anyone as long as you knew them. Why did it seem that the second you needed people they all disappeared? You were scared, not just anxious anymore but right out petrified.  
You felt someone behind you but before you could see who it was, they grabbed onto your waist, it wasn’t gentle like Alex though, it was harsh and violent. Your heartbeat impossibly sped up, you tried to squirm out of the touch, but you couldn’t. You felt his hot breath on your neck and by your ear before he spoke “Come on darlin’ why don’t we ‘ave some fun?” The voice was deep, unfamiliar and slurring words together. You tried to respond but your voice wasn’t working, nothing was working properly, you were unable to do anything. He started dragging you and as much as you tried to push him away, he pulled you somewhere entirely new, likely the alley by the harsh temperature change.  
He flipped you around so that you were now facing him with your back pressed up against the wall, his breath was vile on your face as he tried to kiss you, you tried to push him awake but you were weak, so extremely weak. And then it was gone, the weight of him, the cold air, everything was gone. You were back inside the bar with Alex in front of you looking concerned. “Babe are you ok? You kinda zoned out for a minute.” Your throat was dry and your head spinning but you nodded and quickly wrapped your arms around him. He laughed quietly “I was only gone for a minute babe, you really miss me that much?” You laughed too and nodded slightly into his chest. “Come on babe Miles just got ‘ere.” “Okay Al.”  
You made your way over to Miles and Matt hand in hand when you made it to the Miles gave Alex a hug and pat on the back before turning to you and giving you a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug. “Nice to see you again y/n, love.” You gave him a small smile “You too Miles!” Alex, Miles and Matt started catching up while you stood there with them listening quietly, happy because you were next to Alex, safe. You were strongly under the belief that your anxiety had finally dissipated, oh how wrong you were.  
The event had been going on for at least two hours now and nothing seemed to have calmed down. You were anxious and fucking petrified, but you couldn’t tell Alex that because you had no reason to be, you were sat next to him in a booth at the back of the event with the other guys. You had nothing to be scared or anxious about.  
But the anxiety and the panic didn’t stop, they wouldn’t stop. And then suddenly the bubble that had been on the verge of popping the entire evening popped, you couldn't hold it in anymore and you started crying. You weren’t entirely sure why, but you did, the tears streaming down your face at a steady pace and your body shaking as you let out muffled sobs into your hands. Alex turned to you and pulled you into a tight hug. His arms tightly around your waist in the most protective way, he brought one hand up to rub your back as you now cried into his chest as you pulled your arms around to connect behind his back.  
“Baby, baby, calm down you're ok, you're ok.” You sobbed even harder at this, hardly breathing as you choked every time you tried. “Babe, you need to calm down, okay? You need to breathe.” You nodded weakly into his chest slowly letting your breathing come to a more regular pattern. The tears still didn’t stop but you were breathing normally now so Alex pulled away slightly to hold your face in his hands. “Should we go somewhere quieter babe?” His voice was so calming, so soothing it made you feel impossibly worse for ruining his evening. 
Alex stood up excusing you both from the table and telling the guys you were fine and that you’d both be back in a minute. He held onto you tightly as he steered you through the crowds of people towards the balcony. Once outside Alex pulled the door closed and held you close. Your legs felt like they were going to give up on you the longer you were standing. So, when Alex pulled away again you leaned against the wall and slid down it until you reached the floor and sighed in relief. Alex kneeled in front of you and cupped your face in his hands.  
“Love, what’s happened? Why are you crying?” You stuttered for a minute or two trying to find the words before you let out a long breath and managed to speak. “I just- It's all too much. These events, I hate them, I get so scared and anxious, but I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin your evening. I’m sorry I don't know why I'm crying-” “No! Don’t apologize! Never apologize for feeling anxious at these fucking things, okay? You should’ve told me love I wouldn’t have made you come. You’re okay my love I promise.” You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him to the floor and hugging him tightly, burying your head in his collar and inhaling his scent letting it calm you down fully so that you would stop crying.  
“Alex?” He hummed quietly into your neck as a response “Thank you. I love you so much.” “You don’t need to thank me babe, I want you to be happy. And I love you too, So much more.” 
Also please give requests I’m running out of ideas lol. Hope you enjoyed this one! x
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Just a regular day {Shinichiro Sano}
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Pairings: Shinichiro Sano x reader
Warnings: reader has mild anxiety, MANGA SPOILERS,
A/n: if someone can explain Izana's family tree to me...like Tokyo Revengers is one of my comfort manga and I've read it like at least three times yet I still don't understand that part.
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"Shin, wake up." You shook your boyfriend's shoulders. 
"Just five more minutes. Emma will come to wake us up, angel." A sigh escaped your lips, he would always depend on his younger sister whenever he wanted to wake up.
"Emma came in 15 minutes ago." You lied. Shinichiro slowly sat on the bed and rubbed his eyes before quickly fixing his bed hair. He let out a yawn and turned to face you: technically half naked (only wearing one of his shirts and your underwear). "Good morning." 
"Good morning." He patted your head. "How did you sleep?"  
"It was nice, you?" 
"Good if you rule out the fact that you woke me up one hour earlier than usual." 
For a brief second you felt uncomfortable. You didn't know how on earth Shinichiro had figured out you were lying but he had. You hadn't been dating each other for long so you had no idea how he was going to react.
"I'm sorry, I was nervous and-"
"I didn't say I was angry." Shinichiro leaned backwards, pressing his back against the headboard. He grabbed you by the hips, urging you to sit on his lap. Almost out of instinct, you wrapped your arms around his neck. "More time with you."
You laughed and at that moment Shinichiro felt like his heart was ready to explode. "We're literally inseparable. And we've only been dating for 2 days now?" 
"So what?" He kissed your cheek. "I hope you like this because I can't really hold back anymore..." There was a small pause in which you placed your head on the crook of Shinichiro's neck. "About the job interview...do you want me to wait outside? I can open the shop later, there is no problem." 
You threw your head back in frustration. Despite it being the reason you had barely slept and had woken your boyfriend up early, you had forgotten about your job interview.
Shinichiro and you had searched through all of his grandpa's newspapers trying to find a decent job for you and after three hours you came across a pretty good one.
"No, no, I can handle this myself." 
"Are you sure?" 
"Just...like...when you're done come over the shop, just to make sure you're okay and that everything went well. It's a nasty world we're living in." 
"You worry too much." 
You flashed your boyfriend a smile before getting out of bed and picking your clothes from inside the closet. Shinichiro laid back on the bed, admiring your body. When he realised that his bladder wanted to be relieved, he went to the bathroom. You, on the other hand, proceeded to get dressed. 
“What?” You asked him. He was leaning against the door frame, looking at you fixing your shirt. 
“Nothing.” He smiled.  
  Once you were done, you neatly folded Shinichiro’s clothes and placed them at the edge of his bed.
A few moments later Emma knocked on the door to inform you that breakfast was ready. But as soon as she opened the door to you and Shinichiro already put of bed and already dressed, her eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know about you, but her older brother was usually asleep at such an early time. 
Emma laughed it off and after mumbling a quiet good morning, she ran all the way to Mikey's room to inform him about the strange incident she had come across.
  Even though you and the oldest Sano sibling started dating two days ago, your presence in the house during the mornings was not unusual. However, unlike today, you were usually accompanied by Wakasa and/or Akashi.
As per usual, Shinichiro was trying to separate Mikey from his blanket, their grandpa was reading his morning newspaper and you and Emma were talking about clothes shops in the local mall.
And after numerous complains from both Emma and Shinichiro, Mikey 'offered' to wash the dishes so you and his older brother could head off to work.
  One hour later, you and Shinichiro were standing outside the music equipment shop. It wasn't far from his shop, a ten minutes walk at best, something that helped with calming him down. He took a quick look inside through the glass door, noting that there was only one employee in there. You didn't know why, but Shinichiro seemed to be more anxious than you, maybe because he used to be in a gang and should always be cautious? You had no idea.
“I’m going in.” You took a deep breath and turned around to go into the store but Shinichiro grabbed your wrist. 
“Good luck.” He said before planting a kiss on your lips and patting your head. He fixed your hair with his right hand with his left hand still holding onto your wrist. “I love you, angel.” You blushed at the cute nickname. 
“I love you too.” You shyly replied and gave him a quick hug before walking into the shop.  
  Thankfully, everything went well and after an almost two hours interview, you were to start work tomorrow morning. It appeared that you weren't the only employee there and there was still one more person working at the shop but he was a student and couldn’t work in the mornings for obvious reasons.  
“Oh my god, you’re finally here.” Shinichiro immediately stood up as soon as you walked in his store. No customers had arrived yet so he was fixing his own motorcycle with his work uniform stained with what appeared to be mud and dirt. “How did it go?”
“I got the job! I’ll be starting tomorrow morning!” You said excitedly. 
  Shinichiro made a move to hug you but immediately realised that the dirt would be rubbed on your clothes so he just wiped the dirt off his hands on his uniform and patted your head. He searched for his pack of cigarettes inside the pockets of his uniform and when he found it he lit up one cigarette and motioned you to sit down on the chair of the cashier as he leaned on the counter. 
“We need to celebrate this.”
“No.” Shinichiro didn't turn to face you but the question on his face was evident. “I’ll be going home now to maybe write some lyrics or music.” Oh, how he loved your songs... “I still need to tell my parents about my new job.” You looked up at your boyfriend while asking him with hand gestures if he wanted to sit on the chair. 
“Stay where you are, angel.” Shinichiro smiled at you.
It felt like a lunch to the gut. It wasn't like he didn't like your parents, he did but he knew that after you telling them that you didn't want to go to university, the pressure on finding a job was getting worse.
“Izana will pass by here at 6 so you can come at 5:30 if you want. I was planning on taking you both somewhere to eat or have fun but it appears I will be working until late today so we will have to stay here.” He took a sip from his cigarette in an effort to change the subject. What you would say to your parents was not his business.
By the time you kissed Shinichiro goodbye it was around 3 pm so your parents would most probably be home. As soon as you arrived at your place, you took a deep breath and called your mother to inform her about today.  
Not going to university to pursue a career in song writing had caused a few arguements back at home. You knew that your parents only wanted the best for you but sometimes you wished they were a bit more supportive.
“You did? How much money will they be paying you?” Your mother asked you. She was in the kitchen, cooking. Your father hadn't returned yet.
  She sounded angry but you soon found out that something had happened at work. You answered all of her questions and ran back to your room after telling her that you would be going out later that evening.  
  Inspiration never came. You ended up falling asleep, too tired to do anything. This time you had set an alarm though. But apparently sleep also never came. For three and a half hours, you had been lying on the bed with your eyes closed, unable to fall asleep and relax.
  You had gotten out of bed by the time your dad returned home from work. Your mother had told him about you finding a job and despite his obvious exhaustion, his face lit up when he heard the news.
You got ready and headed towards the centre of Shibuya on foot. It was just a twenty minute walk from where you were staying but since you had your headphones and iPod, you didn’t mind. Besides, it would be the first time you would meet Izana, Shinichiro's...brother. You had no idea what the relationship between them was mostly because during your boyfriend's monologue about his younger step brother, you were half asleep.
“Hey.” You walked into Shinichiro's store and leaned against the door in a desperate attempt to catch your breath. You had been running for at least the past five minutes, thinking that you were running late.  
  Shinichiro was fixing what at first sight was his motorcycle but it turned out to be a client’s. He lifted his head and smiled, tiredness could easily be seen on his face and from his smile you understood immediately that he needed a break. If you had paid enough attention to your best friend whenever he would fix his motorcycle you would know how to help. 
“Are you in for a break?” You kneeled down next to him without your knees touching the floor. He nodded before throwing his head back, letting out a long sigh. Immediately he reached to his pocket for his cigarettes.
  Even though you protested, you ended up sitting on the small stool Shinichiro was previously sitting on, with him sitting on the floor. None of you spoke except Shinichiro who ordered food from a sushi restaurant nearby and while waiting for Izana who came not too long after you did, you enjoyed each other's presence in silence.
   Izana obviously looked nothing like Shinichiro but he and Emma had quite a few similarities. During your time alone, Shinichiro had told you that Izana was half Filipino and had been sent by his step mother to something like a boarding school during the same time Emma joined the Sano family. The boy had short white hair styled exactly like Shinichiro and his eyes were purple.
  At first Izana was a bit hesitant to actually let his guard down around you but after a while he finally started feeling more comfortable. Especially after seeing how much his role model trusted you and loved you. You were the same though during what it seemed to be the first hour or so, so you didn't blame him. 
  He was nothing like Mikey or Emma. Besides him being older than them by 3 years, he was more reserved, unwilling to show his real emotions and somewhat straightforward. Izana respected Shinichiro so much. He idolised him basically and you found that to be the sweetest thing ever.  
"Hop on." 
"You can't possibly be serious." your eyes widened when Shinichiro patted on the space in front of him.
Izana had come to the shop on foot and the facility he was staying at was too far for him to walk back at night. Like a good older brother, Shinichiro had offered to take him home with his motorcycle. At the same time though, he wanted to take you home which was the main reason that your boyfriend ended up sitting between you and Izana on the motorcycle's seat. 
"I am pretty sure this is illegal." 
"It is." Izana confirmed your suspicions. 
"No one is going to see us angel, don't worry." Shinichiro kissed your cheek.
  Needless to say that during the whole ride from the shop to Izana's house you were terrified for your life while the two boys were more or less enjoying theirs. 
"Goodnight!" Izana waved and entered the house he was living in.
  Shinichiro readjusted himself on the seat and with his right hand readjusted the way you were sitting as well by gently pushing your body towards his. 
"Did you have fun? I'm sorry next time I'll take you both somewhere else." 
"It's fine, I really liked it." 
  On the first red light you encountered on your way back Shinichiro lit up a cigarette. 
"Can you stay over?" He asked as he blew the smoke on his left so it wouldn't get on your face. 
  For once, you wanted him to sleep over at your place but then you remembered that he had to return home to take care of his siblings. Somehow the thought of your parents being present never crossed your mind. 
"You want me to stay over?" 
"Yes. I'll drive you to work in the morning, I'll come and pick you up when your shift ends so we can eat together and then we'll go back to my place and you'll sleep over again and again until you basically move in." 
"So you want me to move in?"
"Yes." He threw his cigarette on a nearby bin as you were passing past it. "I have it all planned out." 
"Oh...I'm listening." You got off the motorcycle when he parked it outside of a shrine nearby.
"Okay so we move in together and a few weeks later I propose, how does that sound?" 
"Spoiling the fact that you were planning on proposing huh..." 
  Making this stupid comment was the only way you could actually deal with the heat on your cheeks caused by what Shinichiro had said. You knew his eyes were on you as he was leaning against the wall but you weren't looking at him. 
"Just thought you should know." He chuckled as he continued. "It was Emma's idea and who am I to say no? Plus, it would be a lie to say that I had never thought about marriage these days." 
"You're weird." You giggled. Shinichiro didn't reply, he pulled you in for a hug instead before kissing the top of your head. You stayed like this for a while until you decided to break that peaceful moment.  "Here's what we'll do. You'll take me to my house for today." He pouted. "I will lie to my parents about finding a place to stay and I will move my things over to your house." His grip around your waist tightened at the sound of that as if he wanted to remind you that he was there.  
"Sounds good." He said after giving it some thought. "Can I come and pick you up tomorrow from work though?" 
"Yeah, sure." You sighed and stood up. 
  You got on the motorbike and waited for Shinichiro so you could leave since it was pretty late. A minute later he stood up, a loud groan that came from his tiredness, escaped from his lips. He stopped and looked at you with a smile on his lips, a tired one. 
  As he was about to get on the motorcycle you grabbed him by the silver chain that was hanging loosely from his neck and kissed him. His smile only widened. With great difficulty you broke off and Shinichiro drove you to your house.
"Do you have any idea of what you're doing and how you're making me feel?" He laughed when you jumped on him for a hug. 
"Maybe." You took a deep breath. "You can sleep here if you want to. But you must wake up early." 
"How early?" He scratched the back of his head. His left hand was on your lower back while his right hand was on your ass for support, your hands around his neck. 
"Like...at 6? And you will have to be quiet so they won’t wake up." 
"Double fuck." He squeezed his eyes shut and threw his head back. "It's worth it though." Shinichiro let you down. "Lead the way, angel." 
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A/n: level of cringing 10000000000/10, I'm sorry anyways let's talk about how Shinichiro would definitely call his partner angel
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
I Can’t Go Back to Where I Used To Be
This was never what she expected, a life she told herself that she would never get to have, but she was so glad she had it.
Hi friends, this is a fic for my friend @rawr-jess who just finished all of her exams!! And because I missed her birthday (in my defence I didn't know when it was until afterwards) I told her I'd write something for her now <3
It's full of girl dad Aaron, family fluff and all the good stuff.
Words: 3.4k
Warnings: pregnancy, references to infertility
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Another child had never been part of the plan. 
In Paris, she’d been told that having children was unlikely, but not impossible. It had devastated her. She’d walked home from that appointment in a daze, the streets of a city she’d once loved now her prison as she felt like nothing more than a ghost of her former self. When she returned to her apartment, a place she would never have chosen, she laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling. Her eyes fixed on the air conditioning unit that made a noise she could hear even now if she thought about it too much. 
She didn’t cry about it until she was already home, her months in Paris and her recovery both things she would rather forget as she got further and further away from them. It was only when she and Aaron were looking to buy a house together that she thought about it again. The real estate agent’s comment about how the room next to the master bedroom would make a perfect nursery hanging in the air around them, Aaron’s wistful smile enough to make Emily choke on familiar grief filling in her lungs, the sound of that old air conditioning unit clicking in her head the whole journey back to his apartment as he talked about how perfect the house was. 
She cried that night. Tears burning tracks down her cheeks as she told him what she was sure would stop their relationship, the very thing that had made her turn down Clyde’s offer of a job in London, in its tracks. Instead, all Aaron does is pull her into a hug and reassure her that he loved her, that he loved whatever life they were going to have together. Even if it just ended up just the two of them and Jack. 
Then Olivia came along. Bright pink, screaming and furious as she was handed to Emily. She remembered how her hands shook, her body pushed to its limit as she held her daughter for the first time, the anxiety she had felt her entire pregnancy flooding out of her as it was replaced with the love she’d been too afraid to feel ever since two lines appeared on a stick in their ensuite bathroom. Aaron had been by her side the entire time, the same calming reassurance he’d surrounded her with for months, his smile wide and full of wonder as they spent their first few moments with their little girl.
Two years later Elena was born. She was quieter than her sister, slightly more subdued from the start in a way that worried Emily at first, so used to the way Olivia was always insistent on what she wanted that she spent countless nights just watching her newborn sleep. As the months went by it became clear that Elena was just like Aaron and Jack. Quieter and more stoic than Emily and Oliva. 
Their family had felt complete, their home as hectic as it was full of love. Another child had never been part of the plan until Emily once again found herself with a positive pregnancy test in hand. Laughing as she wished she could go back and talk to the version of herself who cried into Aaron’s chest when she was sure they’d never have kids and tell her that, apparently, she and Aaron were the most fertile couple on the planet despite everything that technically should have been working against them. 
It’s how she found herself at her OBGYN for her 20-week scan with Aaron by her side, a fussy Elena in his lap as she recovers from getting her shots at her 12-month appointment. 
“You’re ok, princess,” Aaron says, holding Elena and her stuffed elephant, a bright pink thing called Penny named after the person who bought it for her, “Once Mommy has her appointment we can go home.” 
Emily reaches over to tuck some of Elena’s hair behind her ear, smiling when her daughter leans into her palm, seeking out the comfort the always wanted from her mother. She scoots towards her, her little fists reaching out for Emily and Aaron holds her even tighter. 
“You stay with Daddy for now sweet girl, ok?” She says gently, “Mommy is too full of baby and all the water I had to drink on the way here,” she looks at Aaron over Elena’s head and narrows her eyes when she sees he is smiling, “I don’t know what you’re smiling about, your doctor's appointment is next week.” 
Even though her age meant it was highly unlikely she’d be able to have another baby after this one, she wanted to make sure it wouldn’t happen. Aaron had readily agreed to the vasectomy, not arguing even once in a way that made her need to pull out all the reasons she’d come up with prior to raising it with him. She knew it was because he understood the practicalities of it, that he had watched her go through now three pregnancies that hadn’t been easy on her, and it was a relatively simple procedure. That, and she had made many threats that they were never having sex again if they didn’t do something.
“I know, sweetheart,” He says, picking up Penny as it hits the floor, knowing they would be in for a rough afternoon if they left it anywhere, “It’s in my calendar on my phone” he winks at her, “and you wrote it in red pen on the paper one my desk.” 
She smiles at him and places her hand on her stomach, the baby rolling around and pressing against her full bladder, “I just want to make sure,” she replies, “So, final chance - are we going to find out what we’re having?”
With Olivia, they’d found out as soon as they could. It was something that Emily could control, knowing that they were having a little girl the thing that had held her together throughout a pregnancy she’d once been told was unlikely to happen. When she had Elena they’d decided to leave it as a surprise which had led to both Emily and Aaron crying as their daughter was handed to them for the first time, the moment no less amazing than the first time. 
“I say we find out,” he replies, readjusting his hold on Elena who had now fallen asleep against him, “So we can prepare Dave in case it is another mini Emily.” 
She laughs and shakes her head, “Oh please, Elena might look like a mini-me but she is you through and through. She even has your scowl, which is impressive considering she’s only 12 months old.” 
“Emily Prentiss?” 
They both look up at the sound of her name being called, smiling as they look at the nurse. Emily looks back at her husband and reaches out to squeeze his hand, “Let’s go see the baby.” 
Neither of them notices how the bright pink elephant slips out of Elena’s slack hand as they stand.
“I cannot believe you left the damn elephant there.” 
“That’s a bad word, Mama.” 
Emily looks down at Olivia and smiles at the three-year-old, “Sorry sweetie, you’re right,” she looks back up at her husband and her smile slips off her face, “I cannot believe you left the elephant there.” 
Aaron pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath as he tries to zone out from the incessant crying coming from his youngest daughter. Elena woke up as soon as they got home and it became immediately clear that they had left her favourite toy at the doctor's office. She was inconsolable, her face buried in Emily’s neck as she paced back and forth in their living room with their daughter sitting on top of her bump. 
“I swear, Em I thought I had it.”
She glares at him, her irritation clear, and she takes a moment from comforting their daughter, “Well clearly you don’t.” 
“You didn’t have it either.” 
He regrets it the moment he says it, and he watches as his wife’s eyes go wide before he can apologise, “Well I was too busy trying not to pis-” she looks back down at Olivia, the little girl happily colouring in her book, before she looks back up, “Pee myself whilst I had an ultrasound for the best part of a freaking hour.” 
“You’re right,” he says, holding his hands up in front of him, stepping back towards the front door and picking his keys back off the side table, “I am sorry and I am on my way back to the doctor's office to get it.”  
She nods, pressing a kiss into Elena’s head as she rubs her hand up and down her back, “Ok, thank you,” she smiles at him, “I love you. Even if you do leave our kid’s favourite toy in a doctor's office.” 
He chuckles and opens the front door, “I love you too.” 
Eventually, mercifully, Elena falls asleep, worn out by her tears and vaguely placated by Oliva’s offer of every single one of her stuffed animals that she carried down the stairs one by one in an attempt to cheer up her sister. It makes Emily well up too, the kindness shown by her eldest daughter enough to tip her over the edge, but she manages to keep it together, well aware that they didn’t need someone else crying right now.
When Jack gets home from school, his eyes wide at the scene he comes home to, he takes Olivia to the den without being asked. Distracting her so Emily can focus entirely on her youngest. She feels the baby move in her belly and she smiles. 
Her youngest for now. 
Emily winces as the doorbell rings, and she looks at Elena, the little girl still fast asleep against her, and sighs in relief. She walks towards the door and smiles as she opens it, laughing as she looks Dave up and down, a box of cooking equipment in his hands. 
“You do realise we have pans here, right?” She says, stepping back so he can walk past her, “You don’t have to bring your own.” 
“If I’m cooking dinner for everyone I’m bringing my cast iron skillet,” he replies raising an eyebrow at her as they walk to the kitchen, his eyes flicking between her and the line of stuffed animals on the couch, “Remind me why I am cooking dinner for everyone when you’re hosting again?” 
“Because Aaron and I are the ones with small children and the last time you hosted Livvie drew on your living room wall with a crayon and you still won’t let me forget it.”
He chuckles as he places the box on the kitchen counter, “Do you know how expensive that wallpaper is?” 
“Yes,” she replies, shifting Elena in her now aching arms, “I wrote you a cheque for the replacement, remember?” 
Dave looks her up and down, “Should you be carrying her like that in your condition?” 
Emily narrows her eyes at him, “I’m pregnant, not sick. And if I put her down she will start crying because she got shots this morning so she’s cranky anyway, and Aaron left her favourite toy at the doctor's office.” 
“So that’s why his car isn’t in the driveway?” 
She nods, “He should be on his way back, hopefully with the pink elephant in tow or he’s sleeping on the couch tonight,” she says, “And Jack is currently being the best big brother in the world and keeping Livvie entertained with a game I know he hates.” 
He smiles as he starts to get his ingredients out, “Hopefully baby number three will be a boy to even things out for him and Aaron.” 
Her response catches in her chest and she holds Elena a little closer before she clears her through, “Actually, it’s another girl,” she says, her joy from when the doctor told her returning and mixing in with the anxiety she’d felt ever since, “We found out today.” 
Dave smiles, “Congratulations,” he says before he shakes his head, “Poor Aaron though, totally outnumbered.” 
She feels a pang in her chest, irritated that Dave seemed to have picked up on her biggest insecurity in one swoop. She was delighted they were having another girl, she would have been if they were having a boy. It still took her aback sometimes that this was her life. That she had a son, Jack every bit as much as hers as the girls were, and soon-to-be three daughters, that she had a husband who she could yell at about like mundane things like their kid’s favourite toy. Even though this third baby hadn’t been part of the plan she so desperately loved her already. 
And she knew Aaron did too, but a small part of her was worried he was disappointed that they were having another girl. They hadn’t had much of a chance to talk about it, the moment they got home Elena had woken up and everything had gone to hell, and now she wouldn’t get a chance to talk to him about it until the team left after pasta night. 
She fixes a smile on her face, “He loves it, you know that.” 
Dave nods, conceding to the well-known fact that if there was one thing Aaron loved it was being a dad, regardless of anything else. 
She’s grateful when he doesn’t say anything else, and she just hopes she’s right. 
Aaron yawns as he walks down the stairs of his home and towards the living room. He smiles when he sees Emily on the couch with Olivia, the toddler fast asleep in her mother’s lap.
“Jack is playing his video game, Ellie is fast asleep and Penny the elephant is secure in her arms,” he says quietly, “And I might put a damn tracker on it,” he smiles when she laughs and he points towards Olivia, “Want me to take her up?” 
Emily shakes her head, “Not yet,” she says, her fingers trailing through Olivia’s hair, “It’s rare I get to snuggle with her like this these days,” she looks back at her husband, “She’s always on the move.” 
He smiles as he settles on the couch and puts his arm around the two of them, “That’s because she’s just like you.” 
She rests her head against his shoulder, “I remember being so scared when I was pregnant with her,” she says, her eyes fixed on their daughter’s face, “I was terrified the whole time something was going to go wrong because nothing had ever gone right for me,” she blushes when she looks up at him, “Until you and Jack of course,” she looks back down at Olivia, “And then she was here and she was perfect.”
“She’s still perfect,” Aaron says, “Even when she’s insisting I’ve cut her watermelon the wrong way. She’s perfect,” he places his hand on Emily’s bump, “All of them are.” 
Her smile falters slightly and she feels the question she has been trying to push down all day climbing up her throat before she can stop it, “You’re not disappointed are you?” She asks, smiling when she feels a kick she knows he has too, “You’re not disappointed it's a girl?” 
He snaps his head up so fast it pulls at his neck, making him wince as he puts his hand on it to rub at the sore tendons. 
“What?” He asks, shaking his head, “Of course not. Do I seem disappointed?” 
“God, no,” she says, blowing out a breath as she closes her eyes, “No, I’m sorry. It’s just something Dave said before you got home and…” she drifts off, irritated at herself as tears flood her eyes, “At one point I was so sure I wouldn’t have any of this, l laid on the floor in my place in Paris and convinced myself I didn’t need any of this to be happy,” she jumps slightly when she feels his finger against her cheek, only realising she was actually crying until he wipes the tears away, “And maybe I would have been happy, a different kind of happy,” she says, her words catching in her chest, “But happy nonetheless. So all of this. You, Jack and the girls, and this baby all feels like it’s a dream I’ll wake up from one day.” 
“Like I’ll wake up on the floor in that fucking apartment with the stupid broken air conditioning and none of this will have been real.” 
“Sweeheart,” he says, stopping her from saying anything else, placing his hand back on her belly, both of them smiling when the baby kicks, “It’s all very real. I’m here, Ellie and Jack are upstairs, Livvie is sleeping right here on top of you,” he smiles again, “And baby girl number three is kicking up a storm in there,” he reaches up to wipe tears from her cheek, “And nothing about that could ever be disappointing to me.” 
A sob escapes her before she can prevent it, and she shakes her head, “Damn it, Aaron you can’t say shit like that to a pregnant woman.” 
“It’s true,” he says, leaning in to kiss her, his lips soft against hers, “I’d have a hundred little girls with you if I could.”
She laughs at that, shaking her head at him as she cups his cheek. He somehow always knew exactly what to say to cheer her up, and she was still after all these years getting used to having someone who loved her enough to understand her in that way. Any residual concern he was disappointed is gone, and she smiles at him. 
“Well that’s impossible for two reasons. One - I am 45 so having another kid after this one is unlikely as it is, and secondly-”
“I’m having a vasectomy next week.” 
She smiles and nods, stroking his cheek with her thumb, “You’re having a vasectomy next week,” they fall into brief silence, the only noise in the room Olivia’s soft breathing, before Emily speaks again, “We’ll have to come up with a name,” she says, kissing him again, “I can only think of boys names.” 
He chuckles, rubbing his hand over her bump, “We have time, plus maybe we can get the kids to help.” 
Emily winces as she readjusts in the hospital bed, shushing the newborn baby in her arms as she cries out at the movement. 
“It’s ok sweet girl,” she says quietly, “You’re ok,” she looks up at the clock on the wall and smiles to herself before she looks down at her daughter, “You’d better enjoy the quiet it’s the last time you’ll ever experience it. Daddy will be here any minute with your brother and sisters and we love them but they are all so loud.” 
She was looking forward to seeing her children, she’d missed them, but she was enjoying a few seconds of quiet with who she knew was going to be her last baby. 
“You look just like your sisters,” she whispers, running her fingers over the baby’s dark hair, “which means you look like me,” she smiles, “Sorry about the nose.” 
She hears familiar, and thundering footsteps in the hallway and she grimaces, knowing Aaron would be being glared at by any nurses who were in the hall. The door is flung open and she spots Olivia and Jack before they rush over to the bed. Aaron is in the room a second later, Elena on his hip as he smiles.
“Everyone be careful with Mom, ok?” He says, closing the door behind him, smiling before he walks over and leans down to kiss his wife, “Hi, how are you?” 
“Good,” she replies, “Tired.” 
“Understandable,” he replies, winking at her before he sits Elena down next to her, the little girl desperate for her mother, “Be careful, Ellie.” 
“That’s right, sweetie,” Emily says, shifting the blanket around the baby’s face so the others can see her, “This is your baby sister.”
“This is Jasmine?” Jack asks, his smile as wide as it was the first time he met Olivia and Elena, always excited to be an older brother. 
Emily smiles at Aaron who nods. They’d asked the kids to help name the baby and whilst they’d had to veto a number of options, most of the more ridiculous ones from Olivia who wanted to call the newborn ‘Mufasa’, and they finally settled on a name that seemed right. 
Aaron always called all of the girls princess anyway. 
“Yeah,” she says, looking back at the baby, “This is Jasmine.” 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
An Angel
College!Amber Appleton x fem!reader(platonic)
warnings: fluff, coarse language, mentions/description of depression & anxiety, mentions of losing a parent
In which, Amber Appleton calls reader an angel and causes her to get flustered
Amber was your roommate at Carnegie Mellon, she was shy, but when you needed help with anything, she’d never say no to you. She was now a good friend of yours- one of your closest friends in college. Not to mention, she was practically the perfect roommate: always cleans up after herself, helps keep the place clean even when it was supposedly your turn (your classes seem to be more hectic than hers). And she understood it. You thought it was fair to make it up to her if she took your turn doing chores- usually you’d get her a drink or dessert of some sort, on your way back to campus after visiting family.
When you left the dorm on Friday afternoon, she’d just gotten back from her last class of the day. And she did not look good- she seemed so pale, you were terrified that she’d pass out without anyone around. And despite your protests, she insisted you went home for the weekend to see your family, knowing how much it meant to you. That was Amber for you- always putting others first. You knew about her losing her father to an undiagnosed heart condition, then her mother to a car accident, maybe that was why she was so insistent of you going to see your own family every chance you got. Amber’a told you that to her, family was everything. Until it wasn’t, because she didn’t have anyone anymore. Well, she said she had her friends in high school, but now, everyone lost contact with the exception of two friends. But even then, they barely ever talked.
Anyway, you were now in your car, driving back to the campus- well, the dorm. Your Mom made you some extra soup for Amber after hearing you mention that she was ill. Also, you’d made Amber text you periodically. Because…let’s face it. You were deathly worried about that girl. She doesn’t like asking for help. She fears it, almost. And that absolutely ticks you off. Why was she like that? I mean, you knew why. But still, ugh.
Oh, and her last text?
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“Amber?” You called out.
“My gosh, why are you back early?”
“Told you I’d see for myself, didn’t I? My family sees enough of me.” You laugh, “My little siblings are asking why I’m always home. I dunno what to tell them.”
She cracked a smile.
“Did you eat?” You asked.
“What? Of course I have been eating.” She sat up.
“Good.” You nodded, “Okay, my Mom gave us extra food and soup - so you’d better eat up later.”
“Alright.” She sighs softly, a chuckle escapes her lips, “Tell your Mom I said thank you.”
“I will.” You assured, putting down the plastic bag containing the Tupperwares. “Did the fever break?”
“Came back this morning.” She mumbled.
“Are you sure this is just a cold?”
“Yes. I’m not throwing up, so it’s not the flu or a stomach bug. Nothing else hurts other than my head.” She listed.
“Okay, okay.” You laughed lightly, throwing her hands up in mock defeat, “I’m gonna take a shower real quick, you…don’t try and do anything to make yourself pass out.”
She laughs heartily, “I’m just gonna be sitting here or walking to the kitchen to refill my water bottle. Promise.”
“Okay, Amber.” You let out another laugh before disappearing into the bathroom with a fresh change of clothes and your towel.
Okay, at least she was fine when you were done with your shower- she’d dozed off while watching some random movie on her laptop. You paused the video, put her laptop on her desk then draped the blanket over her properly. Last thing you did, was to feel her forehead with the back of your hand: she was a little warm, but you figured you could probably let her sweat it out with this nap first instead of waking her up to take a dose of fever reducer. It was really quiet, so you thought she’d actually passed out. Meanwhile, you located your own laptop and resumed working on a paper you’d pressed pause on- you were fresh out of the shower, your mug filled with your favourite coffee, your headphones were on as your favourite songs played through them. It was the perfect scenario for productivity.
After a little over an hour, you decided you were done. Saving the document, you yawned, a little tired. But, you were satisfied you completed the work- though, you still needed to proofread it and make edits after this. Your gaze lands on Amber who was beginning to stir in her sleep. Removing your headphones, you hear the girl let out a groan as she moved around in her slumber. Your ears perked up in concern as you approached her sleeping figure - watching her like a hawk to decide your next move. Within seconds, though, she was awake. You ask if she was okay. “I’m uh, gonna need that fever medicine.”
“As you wish.” You shrugged, walking back to the cabinet above the bathroom sink to retrieve the bottle. You hand it to her as she took a sip of water to hydrate, making her dry throat feel better. “Your head really hurts, doesn’t it?” You questioned knowingly. She admitted it with a nod of her head as she tilted it up to aid the swallowing of the pill. “I was supposed to take another dose anyway - so, right on time. Thanks.”
“I think you’d better eat a little bit, y’know. It’s not good to take that on an empty stomach.” You took out the Tupperwares from its bag, then going to grab a bowl and set of cutlery.
“Okay.” She doesn’t protest, “You should eat some too if you haven’t. It’s been awhile since you first got back.”
“I will,” You flashed her a smile as you filled the bowl with the sopita your Mom cooked.
“Thank you.” She says while stirring the food with her spoon, she watches the pieces float around in the bowl.
“What? What for?”
“For taking care of me. For caring.” Amber purses her lips together, “It’s been pretty hard for me to make friends that even make it out of the lecture halls. Barely anyone ever reaches out to me again, and it’s just something that I’ve gotten used to, I guess. Why are you so nice to me?”
“Of course I am. You’ve been a great friend- always nice to me, happy to help. If you’re nice to me, you’ll know. However of course, if you aren’t, you’ll also know because I’ll tell you like it is.”
“You’re an angel.” She remarked, you nearly choked on your mouthful of noodles and veggies. She watched you, alarmed, then quickly patted your back.
“I’m fine.” You chuckled awkwardly.
“I mean it, though. This is really nice of you. You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“Amber, listen to me. You’re my friend and I care about you, just like you do for me.” You inevitably let a sigh escape.
“I’m just…not used to it, accepting help.” She finally admitted.
“I know, I have been going to therapy but I still have a lot of work to do.”
“All progress is progress.” You smiled.
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
I had this floating around.
Warnings: 18+ angst, fluff, slight body insecurities, talks of oral pleasure and sexual implications.
Not proof read and no word count.
You and Eddie have been best buds since he moved in to live with his uncle. He was this poorly treated kid with massive anxiety and abandonment issues no thanks to his parents. Totally unlike your own. Well that was until they up and left you the day after your 18th birthday. They had left you to fend for yourself alone in a trailer across the way from Eddie's. Their sudden departure made you fall into a funk causing you to repeat your senior year. Which was cool cuz Eddie was on his third time around.
You had a job working at Bradley's Big Buy. You worked so much to maintain a simple life. But it was a lonely one. You mostly stayed with Eddie when his uncle was at work. But when he was home Eddie would stay with you. You guys were incredibly close. To the point where it was ok if he went to piss while you were in the shower and vice versa. You guys joked around a lot and played fight. Constantly wrestling until someone tapped. Which was Eddie more often than not. Only because of your weight you were able to pin him. But not so easily. He was strong as hell for a tall lanky dude. He always left bruises on your plush thighs and arms. But it was fun.
Your relationship was entirely platonic, despite what your friends thought. And who could blame them. You and Eddie would always talk about your conquests and sexual endeavors. Somehow a majority of your conversations were in the sexual nature. But it was never directed towards each other. He was your best bud. Well until you saw him differently. You teased him a lot when it was just you and him. And he showed you no mercy either.
One day you had just gotten off work and all you wanted to do was relax. You had to stay over when your shift ended because of a stupid truck that came in late. Your boss made you and one other coworker put the massive amount of stock away. Normally you wouldn't mind it but you weren't even getting paid overtime. Which pissed you off to the core. But to top it all off was that you woke up with a heavy flow. It was so bad that it bled through your overnight pad. You had anticipated it from the cramps you had the day before. But not to this extent.
You wanted to shower but Eddie's ass was in there when you came home. He was singing at the top of his lungs to Bohemian Rhapsody. Eddie sang all the time and it never bothered you before. But today was not the day. Everything and everyone was annoying you.
You went to the bathroom to shout at him.
" Eddie for the love of God will you please shut the fuck up!"
You could hear Eddie chuckle and continue to sing. How he got even louder was fucking nuts.
" Alright, but remember you did this to yourself." You warned.
You went to the small kitchen and filled up a large cup of cold water. You went back and tossed it over the shower curtain.
" I told you. Now will you please shut up?!"
Eddie pulled back the curtain showing you almost everything. He had his large hand covering his junk. It wasn't like you hadn't seen it before. But today was different. You blushed seeing his body all glistened from the water. His tattoos added to his already attractive self. Sure Eddie was cute as a button but his body was on another level. He wasn't crazy ripped or anything. But he was beautiful. Even more so today.
He jumped out of the shower and chased you out into the living room while you giggled. He grabbed you before you could get to the door. He wrapped his long arms around you rubbing his dripping wet hair all over your face. He squeezed you so hard that you couldn't move. You were yelping for him to stop but he wouldn't budge. Trying to get you as wet as possible.
" How dare you do that to me princess!"
" Eddieeee. Eww. Stop it." You begged
" No fucking way. You're gonna get it."
You knew he wouldn't stop until you were pinned and tapped out. You bit his shoulder getting a mouth full of hair too. He loosened his grip just a bit from the pain. You put one of your legs behind his pushing as hard as you could to knock him down. But it was a mistake. As he fell backwards his hold on you remained bringing you down with him. Your full weight on him suddenly has knocked his wind out.
You freaked out when you saw his face. You tried to get off of him quickly but he was still holding onto you.
" Eddie shit. You okay?"
He nodded and gave you a grin. He was trying to find air again when you tried pulling away from the second time. But it was fruitless. You didn't know what you did when you started feeling Eddie grow against your ass. How could you forget he was completely naked under you.
" Eddie. This is getting weird."
That's when he let up.
"My bad princess. It's just you're so warm and I was freezing . No thanks to you."
You sat up and straddled him for a second before grabbing his wrist and held them above his head. He looked at you confused. He thought you wanted off.
You gave him a menacing smile and moved so close to his face that he could feel your hot breath against his lips.
" Pinned ya." You smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
You didn't feel his erection anymore and it kinda made you sad.
" You are such a fucking cheater!"
" Hey who said there were rules?"
You sat up again letting his wrist go. "Remember that one time you had me on my stomach with my arm behind my back?"
" uhh yeah?"
" How did you get me in that position?"
He was silent for a moment. " because you asked me to massage your lower back when you were on your Menzies."
" And you took advantage of the situation and made me tap. But did I complain? Nope."
" Well hey all's fair in love and war sweetheart"
" That's right Munson. All is fair in love and war."
You looked down at him for a second. For some odd reason his lips looked so kissable. You wanted to leave hickeys all over his neck. But you pushed those terrible feelings aside and gave him a thin lip grin and got off. You went to the room and grabbed your PJs and went for the shower. Eddie was in there still butt ass naked brushing his beautiful hair. You moved around him so that you could turn the shower back on. You did your best not to watch him get dressed.
You were being really quiet today. When you called him saying you were gonna be late tonight, you sounded defeated. Eddie went into your trailer and started to mess around with things. He started screwing the tops as tight as he could so you would struggle to open them. He unplugged your coffee maker to reset the time. He messed up your perfectly made bed and hid your favorite stuffed animal. He went to the bathroom to leave the toilet seat up but then saw your pad wrappers. He always did shit like this. He loved playing pranks on you. He liked, no loved seeing how flustered you got. How your chubby cheeks got all pink and how your cute nose would scrunch. But today wasn't a day for silly little pranks. He would hold off when it was your time of the month. Not wanting to irritate you more today. He fixed the coffee maker and loosened the lids back. After he fixed everything and put the stuffed animal back in its place, he went out to get you your favorite ice cream and picked up The Breakfast Club. (Your favorite comfort movie) He was actually very sweet to you when you let him. He has liked you for some time now and he wanted to be more than friends, but you never really showed any interest. Sure you guys played around a lot, but he chalked up to just being really good friends. He liked how silly you got. Quoting random movies all the time. How you would talk to him about anything and everything. He likes how soft and sweet your voice was. How warm you always were. Except for your feet. They were always so damn cold. You would make him sit on them all the time to warm them up. But tonight something changed for him too. The way you sat on him. The heat radiating from between your legs felt so good. For a second there he thought maybe, just maybe you might kiss him. Finally giving him what he has dreamt of for the past 4 long years. But when you were just playing, that thought went out the window. What confirmed his doubts was how you didn't look at his nakedness. He always tried to get you to see him because after all he was a guy and he wanted that sexy curvy body with all the stretch marks that made you look like some bad ass tiger. Every time you wore his favorite pretty pink dress, he wanted to be ravished by your lovely thick thighs. Burying his face in your sweet wet cunt. But at the same time he wanted to take you out and hold your hand. He wanted all your warm snuggles and all your kisses. He wanted to hold you and take care of you all the time. So that's what he was gonna do. Take care of you. Tonight and always if you let him.
Once the shower was heated to your liking you took off your shirt and bra. You looked back at Eddie and he was buttoning up his pants and pulling on his shirt. For some odd reason you got embarrassed by your body. You didn't normally care about it. You were actually pretty confident when it came to that. But with Eddie today it was something you wanted to hide. Like he's never seen you half naked before. It still was awkward for you. You grabbed your towel and wrapped yourself up sitting on the toilet seat, slowly taking off your shoes to kill time.
" Hey you want some dinner?"
You looked at your friend, smiled and nodded.
" Cool, so....Za?"
" Yes please."
" Anything for you princess."
You blushed at his pet name for you. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and headed out. Once you heard the door closed you got up and locked the bathroom door. You washed up quickly and put on the most comfy pajamas you owned. A long sleeved button up grey top with black polka dots with matching bottoms with fuzzy red socks. You dried and brushed your hair and put it in a high bun. You added some strawberry chapstick because your lips were starting to crack. After you grabbed a large blanket off your bed and a pillow for Eddie. He usually slept on the pull out couch when he stayed over. So you got the bed ready for him like you always did. You popped in the movie and waited for him to come back.
The night filled with laughter and random dad jokes you guys went to bed. You laid there thinking about what the sudden want for Eddie was all about for hours. Playing little scenarios in your head. You thought what it would be like to hold his hand and go out on actual dates until you fell asleep. Little did you know Eddie was thinking about the same things with one exception. He jerked himself off to the thought of your ass pressing against his cock.
The next few months things seem to go back to normal. Your feelings though were not. Every moment you spent with Eddie you were falling deeper and deeper in love with him.
It was Saturday night and Eddie had just gotten back late from performing at the Hideout. You would have liked to have seen him in his element but you picked up extra shifts to get Eddie a gift for his birthday coming up later next week.
You were in his kitchen making some spaghetti and garlic bread when he came home.
" Ohhhhhh yeah. That smells so good? Did you put cheese on the bread princess?"
" Duh loser. How else do I make it?"
He gave you a cheeky grin before going to his room to put up his guitar. He was taking out his amps from his van and putting them away. His arm muscles flexing in his tight plain black shirt. Making you feel a heat rush between your legs. You shook off the stupid feeling and finished making up plates. Once he was done he sat at the small kitchen table already digging in before you got to sit down. You grabbed him a beer and a pop for yourself. You had made a small salad to have with your meal. Not because you want to "eat" healthy but you liked it. Eddie however refused to eat anything green. Even though you made him one too. He never touched it.
The moans he was making from enjoying the food made you happy. And when he became a little too rowdy you shook your head
" Damn Eddie it's just spaghetti."
" So...it's so good. I love when you stay the night. You always make something good."
" Why thank you good sir. I also made your favorite dessert."
His eyes shot up from his plate. Mouth over stuffed with a mixture of bread and noodles. He had sauce all over the corners of his mouth and on his chin. He tilted his head back a bit and talked through the side of his mouth to not spit out anything.
" Cherry pie?"
" Including the vanilla ice cream."
" Oh God!" He chewed vigorously and swallowed quickly. " How did I get so lucky to have a girl like you in my life?"
" First off. Woman . Secondly, I don't know. You're just lucky I guess." You got up to get him another beer. You didn't want him to get drunk. (Like 2 beers would actually do that.) But you know he gets kinda hands when he's had a couple. Maybe it was wrong to do that but you just wanted to be close to him. To feel his rough hands caressing your arms as you leaned up against him watching TV or listening to him read short stories by H.P Lovecraft. The Call of Cthulhu was one of your favorites.
When you came back his plate was empty.
" Damn little man. You sure can put it away."
Eddie scoffed at the word little. " Nothing little about me princess. You should know that."
You grabbed his plate and gave him seconds finishing off the pot.
"Oh please. I've seen bigger." You lied.
Eddie shit was the shit. Biggest you've ever seen on a lanky guy. Tall and thin. Just how you liked them. They could get into places the teddy bear guys just couldn't reach. Those types of guys were hot too though. But something about small waist guys just got you. Chance and Andy being a pretty good fit. You guys fucked on the down low sometimes. Them not wanting to be seen with a big girl due to the fact of their reputation. But something about the way your big ass smacking against their balls drove them nuts. Eddie of course knew about them and would always eye them at school giving them a smirk letting them know he knew.
He would never hide you like they did. He would make sure everyone knew you were his girl. He would smack your ass any and everywhere. He would happily dry hump you anywhere if you let him. But all that was just his fantasies. He couldn't have you in all the ways he dreamt.
After you and Eddie were finished, you and him washed the dishes together. He gave you a side kick on your bum making you jump and splash dishwater on your top. You cupped a handful of water and tossed it, just barely getting him.
" Oh I see you want to go princess?" He got in a tackling stance.
" Oh do I want to go?" You toyed. Turning around to face him "Are you sure you want to lose...again?"
"Hey.." he stood up straight. "I won the last one."
" Like hell you did. Did you tap or not?" You said crossing your arms across your chest.
" That wasn't a tap. That was me smacking your ass to get a leg up. Not my fault you stopped." He held his hands out palms towards you with his head tilted.
" Oh fuck you! I know it was a tap. I still have bruises on my ass from your damn rings. You only hit me that hard when you tap out."
" Alright let's go! Right now! Get your ass in the living room."
You chuckle turning your back to him to finish the dishes. " No I think I'll keep my title for tonight. Besides I want to hear how your night went. You were out a bit longer than usual."
"Pussy." Eddie clicked his tongue and returned to help you. "Well so I met this girl."
" Ohhh..and?"
" Oh yeah...she was good."
" Just good huh?" You said not knowing you had a frown on your face.
" Well I mean she was pretty good at giving a decent blow job."
" Is that right? Did you return the favor?" You said finishing the last dish.
" Yeah but for some reason she took forever to cum."
You laughed as you dried your hands and went to his room to grab the biggest shit he owned to replace the one that was wet.
As you unbuttoned your shirt revealing your bare chest Eddie's eyes widen. Your perfect breast jiggled as you pulled off your top. Your nipples were hard at the sudden coldness that hit them. When his shirt fell over them he was sad.
" What's so funny chuckles?"
You moved past him pushing him slightly to go to his pull out.
Eddie came to help you get the bed ready. He moved the small coffee table to give you room.
" Are you sure you did it right? With lips like yours I thought you would be good at something like that."
You didn't look at him but raised your eyebrows.
" Seriously I am!"
You stood silent because his reaction was too good to say anything.
" Ahhh fuck you! I am good."
"Right? Sounds to me that you are trying to convince yourself that you are."
" No! I am good! I'm the best there is princess."
" Sure." You sat down on the made up bed and Eddie hit you in the face with a pillow.
" Alright Edward. Calm down. You're the best." You said sarcastically.
He jumped on the bed next to you touching shoulders.
" What? You want me to prove it to you?"
" Please. I wouldn't let you touch me with a 10 foot pole."
" Why? You scared? ...or did one of the plethora of guys make you his already?"
"What? Noo. They are just for a good time. Not worthy of all of this." You said stroking your tummy and thighs.
" Really? Then who's worthy of such a treat."
" I don't know. Haven't found one yet."
Eddie was now extremely curious. He sat to face you.
" Common you're telling me Andy or Chance never wanted you as a girlfriend?"
" Why would they? I stopped sleeping with them weeks ago."
He scoffed. " What do you mean? You're a knock out. Who wouldn't want to be yours? And you stopped. Why?"
Because of you.
You just shrugged.
I want to be yours. Eddie thought.
" So tell me princess. What does a guy have to do to make you his and only his?"
The question made you nervous. Your face felt hot and your thighs clenched. How could you tell your best friend that everything he does makes you his.
" Well for starters the guy has to be good at going down on me." Your joke hit a nerve with Eddie.
He narrowed his eyes at you. "I'm gonna kick your ass."
You giggled. " Well I'm just saying. It has to be mind blowing."
" Then tell me. What's mind blowing? How do you like it?"
Ahh fuck. You felt your heart being to race and your breath became shallow.
" I'm not gonna tell you."
" And why not?"
" Because if you're bad at it. I don't want you to get better. Where's the fun in that?"
" Whatever you say."
" Alright you listen here. This is what I do."
Oh shit no.
"So.l, I start off by kissing my way down your body right. Biting softly along your neck. Of course you're already naked so I tease you a bit with my fingers getting you nice and wet. I'll circle my tongue around your nipples, biting it gently before putting it in my mouth to soothe you. Flicking my tongue so that you get that tingling feeling in your mouth. Then I will leave a line of kisses down to your clit. Giving you one long slow lick from your hole up to your clit. By then you should be soaked. Easy for me to slide 2 of my fingers in. I'll pump you so hard and deep that I'll hit the sweet spot every fucking time while I lick up your wetness. I'll go knuckle deep that you will feel my cold rings. And when you cum and you will. You will cum on my tongue. And I will lick every last drop."
Eddie could see how flustered you were. How you wouldn't make eye contact with him. How your luscious thighs squeezed together. He knew all too well what his words were doing to you. And that made him excited. His jeans were getting tight as he got a boner. He wanted to do all that to you. And from the looks of it, you wanted it too.
" Ehh that's not too bad. Definitely room for potential." You teased.
" Really? What can I do to make it better?" He asked with a shit eating grin.
" Be just a bit rougher."
He jerked back a bit. "Rougher? Oh my princess likes it rough huh?"
Fuck fuck fuck. Stop!
You could feel your slick ruining you panties. So you did the only thing you could think of. You tried to kick him away.
"Stop it Eddie! You don't need to know such things."
He caught your leg in mid air and pulled you down tickling you like crazy.
" Oh what now you're shy?"
You squirmed under him laughing. Pleading for him to stop. That's when you got the upper hand by pulling his hair. He moaned at the tug. You pulled him up a bit and moved so that you were on his lap. His hands rested on your thighs while one hand was still in his hair and your forearm was across his chest. You yanked a bit hard and he bit his lip.
" Tap."
He didn't want to. He was having too much fun now.
" Tap Eddie or."
" Or what?"
You just started into his chocolate button eyes and your grip on him loosened. You felt his thumb caressing your thigh. He moved one hand to grab your wrist off of his chest. Once it was on the side of his head he grabbed the back of your neck pulling you harshly into a kiss. His lips were soft and moist. He made it hard not to kiss him back. But you did. You sat up letting go of his hair.
" I'm sorry I should have-"
You cut him off by pulling him up by his shirt to meet your lips again. Tongues and teeth clash from such a need for each other. His hands were now on your ass. You started to grind against his bulge wanting so badly to have him in you. You moaned into his mouth when he smacked your ass softly. He was still so gentle that you actually liked it. One of his hands moved to massage your breast under his shirt. He was so happy that you weren't wearing a bra. He twisted your nipple just a bit to give you goosebumps. Your fingers found his curls again and he smiled. He didn't know how much you loved his hair.
But after a few minutes you stopped moving and stopped kissing him. You pulled away with a sad look on your face.
" What's the matter princess? Don't you want me?"
You were trying to catch your breath and think clearly. Yes you wanted him. But you wanted all of him. Not just the sex part. You tried to find the right words to say in order to not completely ruin the beautiful moment you just had. However you were taking too long to answer.
Eddie cupped your face and made you look at him.
" What's wrong?"
" Eddie." Your eyes started to water and a lump started to build in your throat.
" Oh baby don't cry." He said in his sweetest voice. While he wiped away a tear that escaped. " I'm sorry we shouldn't have done that."
You shook your head a little bit. "No Eddie it's not that I don't want to. I do. It's just...it's not all I want."
Eddie looked back and forth between your eyes wanting to cry himself.
" Me too."
Your brows furrowed in response.
" I've wanted to be yours for a while now princess."
" You have?" Your voice barely above a whisper.
" Yes baby. I want us to be together. I want you to be my mime. And I want to be yours too."
"Eddie...I haven't been with anyone since I started having feelings for you."
Eddie was surprised. " When was this?"
You hesitate to answer but did so after a moment.
" A few months ago. When I threw water on you." You said while rolling off of him. Leaning against the back of the couch.
"What did I do that made you change how you felt about me?"
You started to pick at your nails and Eddie sat so close to you that your sides were touching.
"Honestly...it wasn't anything in particular. It was just you being you. I don't know why I hadn't seen it before. It was just like this switch you know. I realized that when we do the things we do I want us to hold hands and cuddle. We've always been so comfortable with each other so everything we did felt good. It never felt awkward. But now it's like I want more with you. I want us to go out on dates and kiss until we can't breathe. I want you to sleep in my bed and spoon me. I want to do everything we normally do, but be able to call you my boyfriend. Not just a guy who's a friend."
Eddie sat there dumbfounded. You wanted him too. How could he not be with you after this. That's all he ever wanted since he figured out what he actually wanted in a girl. He never had a girlfriend before. It was always just hook ups for him. And though it was fun he wanted more too.
You had laid down looking up to the ceiling. He mimicked your actions but pulled you to his chest.
" I'm sorry Eddie. I don't want to ruin anything between us. Because I love what we have."
" I love you."
You sat up and looked at him.
"You-you love me?"
He touched your cheek with the back of his hand.
"Princess you're the only girl that has my heart. I want to be with you too."
" No tricks this time?"
" No tricks. I love you y/n. So much. Be with me."
You looked down at his chest with new but happy tears in your eyes. You took a satisfying breath of air.
" Okay."
He lifted your chin to kiss you again. But you stopped him before he could.
" Now that I can think clearly. Dude, go brush your teeth. I don't want to taste someone else on you."
He chuckled. " Only if you stop seeing anyone else."
" Eddie you're the only person I want to see. It was you months ago. It's you now and it's going to be you as long as you will have me."
" Yeah?"
"Yes. But same for you though until you get bored of me."
" Well duh princess. I would never get bored of you or lose feelings for you, just to find someone better. My mind is already settled. We are not leaving each other. What I want is you and only you. To me y/n there is no one better. No one can take my craziness like you can. I know people in this town make it hard for people to be my friend. But you never ever let that bother you. That's how I know you truly care about me. You are one of the very few people who accept me for who I am and I love you more for that. Baby you are so perfect that I want you forever."
" Will you still want me even if we do t have sex tonight?"
He laughed. "Hmm I don't know." He joked
You smacked his arm.
" Yes baby. It's not just that I want. I want this and this too." He said kissing your forehead and placed his hand over your heart. " Always."
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thesmokingguns · 1 year
Peach Picking Chapter Two
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Trigger Warning: Mentions of cheating and drinking
Peach POV
‘I hope you’re well, thinking of you and missing you. XX BB’
I saw the text from Ben, slipping my phone into my bag as I sighed, feeling the anxiety headache start to come up, leaving me with a dull thud throwing behind my temples and leaving me with the overwhelming feeling of needing to fix the mess I was getting myself into.
I had been ignoring him for two days, since I had found out something that had crippled me with anxiety.
I should text Sammie before she gets to the party and fill her into the shit show that I let happen in my life. A quick little heads up about how Nikki and I were not in a good place and, oh yeah, some English actor slid into my Dm’s and I have a crush on him like a fucking kid. And can’t stop thinking about him because he makes me feel like myself for the first time in ten years. That was exactly the text message my bestie wanted to get.
Groaning as I threw my head back I wanted to scream This was all too much and I wanted to crawl into bed and not think about the mess that I had made of my life.
“Peach, you ready…wow.” My eyes lifted to look at Nikki, of course not in costume despite heading to a Halloween party, looking at me, “You look great.” He was eating me up and I felt myself growing needy with attention. Loving the way his eyes were only on me as he came towards me, fingers rubbing over my rib cage and around my back, pulling me into him.
And just like that I was melting, eyes looking up at him expecting to see dark pools and an easy smile but instead I saw Nikki and leapt back, shocked at how my mind was wandering and I was putting off things that needed to be dealt with.
Especially since two days ago when Nikki had asked me to help him with something on Instagram, leaving me while he went to go to the bathroom. I wasn’t snooping, a message came in and I clicked on it, thinking I’d message a fan back but instead I found his DM filled with explicit pictures that he was sending and messages that made me shake and feel sick. I had air printed them as I waited for him to come back, hiding them and fixing his issue, locking the phone and tossing it away from me.
He had been cheating on me for months and I wanted to cry over it like a lost girl, tossed to the side but at the same time all I could think was that I was free. And knowing that had made me scared. It made me scared because as soon as I realized what Nikki was doing all I could think about was kissing Ben.
I made myself mourn, pouting around the house being a full brat as I thought several times Nikki was going to strangle me. But this was the end of being this and I wanted to act like I was his. It wasn’t endearing like it had been before and I could feel the exasperation in his tone. And his exhaustion with me was the verification I needed to know he didn’t love me like before.
“Peach, you've been weird lately.” Nikki commented as I sat beside him in the car. I looked at him wondering if he sensed our expiration date coming up or if he foolishly believed in the forever he had sold to me. I stared at him, watching Nikki’s confusion.
“I don’t think we’re in love anymore.” The air got hot and thick in the car, Nikki gripping the steering wheel as he cursed, shaking his head as I folded myself up in the seat, getting ready for his anger.
“Why do you say this shit? Why do you say shit just to get a fucking reaction?” he yelled, palm coming down hard against the wheel as I regretted opening my mouth. The fact we were already pulling up to the valet and couldn’t turn around to have this argument made it that much worse.
He would be mad at me all night, giving me the cold shoulder and making me beg for just a morsel of affection. Emotionally, I couldn’t handle that.
“You can be the worst type of brat, Peach. The worst.” he was getting out of the car as I scrambled beside him, rushing inside as I grabbed his arm, trying to cuddle into him as we stepped inside so that I could at least be attached to him and make him love me.
Maybe this was all my fault. Maybe it was me that made it hard to love. Maybe this was all just part of who I was and Nikki had to go to someone else because of my short comings.
“C’mon, Peach, you’re being too clingy.” Nikki shrugged me off as I stood there, eyes narrowing in fury.
I had been so upset before all of this, tears burning in my eyes as I felt my hands go to my sides, tight balls as Nikki calmed himself down and moved his belongings from his jacket to his pants so he could check his coat. My foot came down in a hard stomp as he turned to look at me, my arms crossing as I glared ready to have a full meltdown. Nikki recognized this, I could see in his eyes he knew what was going on.
“Peach…” He was using his kid glove voice with me but I was too furious. Tears too close to falling out as I thought about the last few days and how close to the edge I had been to breaking. Now it was happening. I was being pushed over and I couldn’t stop the fall.
“I hate you.” The words came out so easy. It felt like I was purging something, an emotional release as I took a breath for the first time and tasted the air around us. The salt of my tears stinging my face as I looked at Nikki who seemed confused by what I was saying, “Did you hear me? I hate you.” I wanted him to hurt like I did. I wanted him to know what it was like to be cast aside and unwanted. I wanted him to regret ever hurting me and to understand I was a person who needed love and he wasn’t giving that to me.
I just wanted him to hear me. Just please, Nikki. Hear me.
He rubbed his beard, looking around like there was an audience around us instead of just the two of us hashing out something I should have dealt with already. Nikki’s hand rubbed his beard, a sign he was uncomfortable, trying to assess the situation and figure out what to do.
I wanted to scream and yell, really give him the scene he thought I was doing.
I wanted to talk to Ben about all the things I had been trying not to tell him. To give him the truth about just how trapped I felt. The guilt. Everything,
“You don’t mean that, Peaches and cream. Come here. I’m sorry, Peach. Come to daddy.” I looked at him, hurt that he could think that I was going to come to him.
What delusion was he living in thinking this was going to be okay? This was so far from being okay that I couldn’t comprehend him being okay with thinking otherwise. I shook my head at him, watching line lines appear on his face as he frowned at me. Angry like I was the one who was causing all these problems for us. Like it was me that had done this.
The anger flowed back in.
“I hate you. I hate you. I hate-“ Nikki pulled me to him like he had done a thousand times before. Trying to hold me through y tears as I let him hold me, to comfort me. His chest getting wet as I sobbed against him, thinking maybe he understood how mad I was. Maybe he could actually see I was hurting and he cared about that. Maybe he knew that I needed more than what he was doing and-
“You want me to spank you in front of all these people? Put you in your- FUCK!” My knee came up, right in his old man balls as I stepped back, thinking of cracking him in the skull with my fairy wand i was still holding.
Nikki would never change,
“I want you to fuck off.” I stepped away as he reached for me. He was angry now too. Good. I wanted him to be angry.
I had brought all the print outs, pulling them from my drawstring pouch and tossing them at Nikki who looked at them, at least having the sense to have shame across his features as he saw them.
“At least get creative with nicknames, Nikki. ‘My sour lemon girl’, ‘loved last night cherry girl’, and my favorite ‘see you soon, strawberries and cream’.” He was rubbing his face again. He wanted control of this situation, over me and he didn’t know how to get that. The fact he was seeking control over my comfort made me ache. “What is wrong with me, Nikki? What wasn’t I good enough? Why wasn’t I enough for you?” He tried to garb me again, knowing that I was touch starved for affection and that I would break down so easy if given a chance. I had to be stronger than him. I had to,  “I just wanted you Nikki. Just you and now. It’s too late. We need…we are…it’s…over.” The sobs took over so I couldn’t speak, wiping at my eyes as I looked at him.
He had broken me. I hope he was happy. I hope he was happy with what he had pushed me to.
“No, you can’t. Peach, they were just flings but you’re my girl, peaches and cream. You’re mine.” Nikki sounded confused, like he had thought that he could treat me like trash and expected me to just stay and say thank you.
I wasn’t going to stand around and be hurt any longer. I couldn’t do that when I had hope of happiness.
I had been ignoring him. Jesus Christ. What was I doing here. I needed to tell Sammie. I needed to find him. I needed to go. I need to…face Nikki.
“Oh Nikki. No. I’m nobodies. And I’m not Peach.” I shook my head, mind thinking of the several things I had circling through my mind.
Did I just break up with Nikki? Did I just do that? What the actual fuck was going on?
And where was Ben?
I was late to the party, which wasn’t something that wasn’t my fault. I had foolishly been waiting for a text that wouldn’t ever come from Sasha, who had been giving me the cold shoulder for the past two days. Nothing had happened and I didn't understand her pulling away.
‘I hope you’re here tonight. I want to talk to you. I miss you.’
Was I laying it on thick? Maybe. But I wasn’t going to back down on her. There was something about her that made me crazy. I knew I wanted to be in her life as more than just her texting buddy and I think Sasha knew it too.
Maybe she was inside already and I could meet up with her. If she wasn’t inside I was going to leave. I would sed her voice memos, make her playlists, keep reaching out as she shut off from humanity.
With Sasha on my mind, I was sliding past the coat room when I saw her. She was dressed in a tight green dress, her blonde hair piled in a neat bun. She was dressed like Tinkerbell which seemed oddly fitting to my Captain Hook. Nikki wasn’t dressed up as he went to go check his coat. Sasha was holding his arm like she wanted a cuddle.
“C’mon, Peach, you’re being too clingy.”Nikki shrugged her off as I watched her, all green with envy in her tinkerbell costume, looking like she was about to dissolve in tears. Instead she did a stomp, glitter flying like magic as Nikki turned to her, watching her pouty face and crossed arms. “Peach…” he was talking to her like she was a child in trouble.
Lurking in the shadows I watched her tantrum, the tears there showing real hurt as she sniffled her nose. She was going to break down.
“I hate you.” Neither of us expected that. I watched Nikki step back like she had assaulted him, Peach doubling down on tears that were now falling. “Did you hear me? I hate you.” Nikki looked around, rubbing his dyed beard to make sure no one was watching this.
I stepped further into the shadows, heart hammering as I watched them. I wanted to coddle and kiss her pout away. Never wanting to see her cry or be upset like this.
“You don’t mean that, peaches and cream. Come here. I’m sorry, Peach. Come to daddy.” The way she looked at him, neglected and hurt as he tried to softly talk to her, will her back into his arms and forget that she had just told him, twice, that she hated him.
But she shook her head. Her disobedience made him scowl and I was afraid things were going to get out of hand. I thought of approaching, whisking her away to diffuse the situation but maybe this was the confrontation she needed. Maybe Sasha didn’t need to be saved but she just needed to use her voice.
“I hate you. I hate you. I hate-“ Nikki pulled her to him, I watched her sobbing as he held her against his chest in a way that was so familiar, like he had it a thousand times before. My stomach churned with jealousy as I watched him get to touch and comfort her like I was yearning to do.. Her fairy wings were shaking as she tried to fight him off her.
“You want me to spank you in front of all these people? Put you in your- FUCK!” Her knee had come up and Nikki was bent over as she stood hands at her side, her fairy wand in a fist as she glared.
“I want you to fuck off.” Nikki’s eyes widened and he made a grab for her but she stepped aside, opening the purse she was carrying and going for what I thought was pixie dust but instead was paper. Nikki was covered with white fluttering pages, grabbing one and visibly paling as he read whatever was on the printouts..
She stood there, her eyes filled with tears as he looked at the papers and shook her head. She had been planning this, ready for a moment when she was feeling brace. And she was so brave.
“At least get creative with nicknames, Nikki. ‘My sour lemon girl’, ‘loved last night cherry girl’, and my favorite ‘see you soon, strawberries and cream’.” Nikki was rubbing his mouth collecting all the evidence of his infidelity that she was presenting him with. His expression was less of concern and more of a stoic damage control. No real emotion fluttering across his face. No regret seeping out.. “What is wrong with me, Nikki? What wasn’t I good enough? Why wasn’t I enough for you?” He was reaching for her but she was stepping back, “I just wanted you Nikki. Just you and now. It’s too late. We need…we are…it’s…over.” Her words broke her as he looked horrified at what she was saying, not being able to believe it was true.
He was hurt, there was no faking that.
I shouldn’t have been celebrating this but hearing her break up with him was the best feeling in the world. I was watching her free herself and watching her fly.
“No, you can’t.” He sounded broken, confused by this all, “Peach they were just flings but you’re my girl peaches and cream. You’re mine.” But she shook her head, looking at him somber as she stared at him not wavering in her beliefs.
How beautiful it was watching her have her own voice.
“Oh Nikki. No. I’m nobodies. And I’m not Peach.” She turned, Walking away, leaving a trail of glitter in her wake as I watched and waited.
Oh bloody  Hell.
Nikki didn’t chase her or follow her. He should have done that but he was wrestling with something. Looking from where his girl had just gone to the papers in his hand. A grimace on his face as he bunched them up. He headed for the door and I found that strange. Was he so confident that she would come back to him? Seeing what I had just seen I wasn’t sure that she was going to be able to.
I moved through the crowd, looking at Sasha as she sat at a bar, her friend Sammie by her side as the barkeep pushed a sugar free Red Bull at her and three clear shots.
“You don’t drink through you shouldn’t-“ whatever her friend was trying to talk her out of she wasn’t listening. Instead she was throwing back shots. One. Two. Three. Sipping her drink as she grimaced.
It was going to be a very interesting night.
“Don’t ever call me that again.” there was poison in her words as she looked at sammie, her eyes married for a second before she softened and I watched her face fall, “Please, just…not that.” She was sighing, confused and hurt.
I needed to fix this.
“Well, Tink, fancy meeting you here.” she looked up at me, eyes shining as she shook her head. But there was a smile in her eyes despite her sorrow, “Did you steal my Peter Pan costume theme?” I teased her as she blushed, shaking her head with a smile peeking out.
I had never met her friend before, just knew her from what she told me. Understood how close they were from Peach’s late night phone calls where she would tell me her life story in all the detail.
“So we meet again, Hook.” She was flirting with me. Both of us were very aware of it., “Are you going to offer to buy me a drink?” I looked at the shot glasses and saw Sammie’s eyes narrow, hand going towards the swords that were on her back that I had a feeling weren't props.
“I thought you would want to dance.” She looked at me, head tilting to the side as she smirked, not having expected that from me. But I turned and looked at Sammie, “I’m Ben.”
“Bin Bons.” Sasha snickered at me and Sammie looked at her, eyes narrowing as she looked around for someone, “Can I get another three shots?” The bartender began pouring as she looked at us, “We’re going to make a toast together so you all need to drink with me.” she handed out the glasses, her eyes on mine, “I broke up with Nikki.”
“To new beginnings then.” I tapped her glass, both of us taking a shot, “Now can I get that dance?” I was trying to get her to stop drinking and just away from everything. I wanted her to be able to breathe.
“Excuse fucking me, what the actual fuck is going on here? What the fuck did I miss in the last ten minutes?” Sammie was looking between us as she threw her hands up at Sasha who looked at her. Whatever passed between them in that second made Sammie exhale, “Okay, no more Daddy Sixx. That is…something. But what is Billy Russo doing here?” he motioned to me like I wasn’t there and I knew that this wasn’t the time to talk about it.
“I’m here dancing.” I wrapped my arm around Sasha, pulling her out to the dance floor.
I wanted to ask her  if she was alright, check to see if there was anything that I could do but she was spinning, pressing her ass against me as she danced against me, leaning back as the lights bathed us in neon colors and she sought to forgot whatever was going through her mind.
And I knew better than to question anything. I just needed to dance.
Sammie POV
What the actual fuck was going on? What universe was I living in?
I watched Sasha grind against Ben Barnes, Nikki apparently being broken up with and- I needed to text Izzy the tea about my friend having a messy breakup He didn;t know Peach was dating Sixx because that's all I needed, him to think I was just in it for the old rockstar dudes. I needed to text him and let him know that my best friend had broken up with her boyfriend and was dancing with some younger actor because this was insane but…of course there were ten missed calls from Sixx. Of course he could come to me to make sure his girl was okay.
Maybe I had a smidge of misplaced loyalty to the oaf. But I couldn’t just answer a call from him. Instead I sent him a quick text  to see what he would say. I knew NIkki well enough to know he was good at talking his way out of the bullshit he got himself into.
‘You and Peach broke up?’
‘No. Peach is mad and thinks I cheated on her. She’s been acting weird for a few months. Is she okay?’
I looked up to see Peach grinding on someone, laughing and looking pretty happy. Was she okay or was this just a mask of how she felt? I didn’t know what to say to Nikki so I just didn’t respond, tucking my phone away as I sipped my drink. Peach was infamous for suffering in silence and then eventually she would clue me in on everything with all the details she had been omitting for months. She liked to have her plan laid out and completed.
And Nikki cheating seemed like exactly the sort of things she wouldn’t want to talk about. But that didn’t mean I didn't want to strangle her for so many changes in a short period of time. But if it wasn’t chaos was it really Peach?
Who was this guy who she was dancing with? Who she was flirting with? When did he come into the picture? Was she projecting Nikki cheating with her actually  cheating on him? It didn’t seem like Peach to cheat. But maybe that’s why she broke up with NIkki. Maybe she needed to actually get to live some of her 20’s before they were over.
God, I hope she didn't ask me how to use Tinder. I turned to the bartender, motioning them over.
“I’m going to need something stronger.”
Ben had a very drunk Peach on his back as he walked her down the street, feeling her breath against the back of his neck. Her soft hums as they moved making him smirk as he felt her cuddling against him some more. But he was also very aware of Sammie walking with them looking at them unsure of what was going on but nonetheless not liking it.
“I don’t feel good.” Sasha said as they continued walking on to her condo, “Are we going to your house?” she asked Ben, resting her cheek against his back as she let out a little yawn.
It was almost 4AM and they would have called an Uber if it wasn’t for Sammie assuring them Sasha would puke in a moving vehicle, which she had done pretty consistently everytime that she drank when she was younger. So to avoid the $200 dollar cleaning fee they had spent the last ten minutes walking or in Sasha’s case getting a piggyback ride.
“We’re going to your place.” Ben answered, turning towards her building as she made a sound.Her lips brushing the back of his neck and making Ben shiver as he let out a sigh.
He felt like he wasn’t going to make it through this. Peach was so drunk and extra touchy tonight and he had watched her laugh and be loud and open for the first time. He was eating it up, this happiness and laughter looking so good on her. Plus, the way she had looked when he had offered to give her a piggyback she had been so excited, squeezing his bicep and leaning to close as she asked if he was serious
“How do you know about her condo?” Sammie asked. She didn’t fully understand how much influence this man had on her friend yet and Sasha laughed at this like it was obvious.
“He buys my groceries.” Ben laughed at this, some secret joke that Sammie wasn’t included in, “Joy, Ben’s  a good guy. The worst thing he is going to do is judge you for leaving your teabag in your cup.” She yawned, resting her head against his back, closing her eyes as she hummed to herself.
Sammie watched Ben take off, running as Sasha laughed, throwing her arms out as he spun around. She thought of Izzy and how he would throw out his back if he did that. It would take weeks and a chiropractor  to fix her old man. Maybe that’s  why Peach was so excited. She was getting this younger person. But Sammie also hadn’t heard her laugh like this since they were kids.
Ben was running up the stairs with Sasha squealing on his back. Sammie cursed them both as she thought about shopping at his achilles with one of her swords.
Sasha was grabbing Ben’s hand, pulling him towards her bedroom. Her eyes on his as Sammie looked at them, shaking her head as she saw them.
“Are we all sleeping in the same bed?” Sammie asked. Ben looked up from where he was holding Sasha, his eyes on the blonde who was now dancing away towards the kitchen. She was barefoot and beautiful and Sammie stepped forward now that Sasha couldn’t hear, “She’s been with Nikki a decade.” She warned but ben shrugged his shoulders.
“And she could be with me for a lifetime.” he stepped away as Sammie shook her head, pulling out her phone and seeing all the missed texts and voicemails from Nikki. She couldn’t even imagine what Sasha’s phone looked like.
What a fucking shit show.
Peach’s POV
“Ben, am I going to be hungover in the morning?” I asked, looking over the edge of the bed where he was sleeping on the floor Sammie had made  a big point out of the fact we couldn’t sleep in the same bed, which I understood her point.
He looked at me, those dark eyes pulling me closer as he rolled onto his side, giving me a soft smirk. He had spent the last hour drinking water with me, sitting me on my bathroom vanity and washing off my makeup, talking so close to me than I thought our lips would brush if we pronounced a word with too much lip emphasis.I swirled around him, hungry for him as I floated, my drunk shifting to a buzz.
“I’ll take care of you.” The sunlight was stealing the darkness of the room, morning coming quicker than I had expected. It was the golden hour and as I looked down at Ben I was reaching, his fingers and mine, dancing around each other as we smirked, easy flirtation passing between us like nothing that I had ever experienced before. “Do you want me to sing you to sleep?” he asked as I let our pinkies tangle, holding hands.
“Do you think you could just come into bed with me and we’ll tell Sammie that it happened after we woke up?” He chuckled at me, the creased next to his eyes deepening as I watched him.
“If you want me in your bed when you wake up I’ll get in bed with you. Is that a deal?” I sighed, nodding at him, “Close your eyes, Sasha. Just try to get some sleep, darling girl.” His voice soothed me and I closed my eyes, ready to sleep now.
Nikki POV
The sun was up and Peach wasn’t home.
Had she been serious about breaking up with me? Was she really done?
I called her phone, wanting to slam down my phone when it went right to voice message. It was past her just not answering and now she was somewhere and I wasn’t sure where she was.  I was afraid for her, wanting to keep my girl safe.
I should have gone after her, Peach loves a scene like that. Loves to feel loved. But I had been so horrified being confronted with the evidence of my cheating.I felt sick to my stomach. I got a little attention and made the wrong decision again and again. Peach was my everything, put on this Earth to be my other half. She was the person who I’d wake up at 2AM and listen to me play the bass or hear about whatever project that I wanted to work on. She’d forget about how tired she was and tell me what she thought, giving me feedback and ask me how she could support me.
Peach was great at finding people who wanted to work with me. During the pandemic she had been the one who had talked with publishers and my manager, setting up Zoom interviews and updating my wardrobe so I was ready to face things.
She wasn’t just a needy brat, though I did love that side of her. Loved seeing her big pouts and feeling her crawl against me trying to find comfort in my arms. But she was smart in new ways and some things she would say things or have ideas that made me forget who she was, scared her big ideas weren’t going to have me in them.
And maybe her dreams had gotten too big. Maybe her dreams had stopped including me and she was just looking for an excuse to leave. Maybe it was less about me cheating and just that she was done and it's easier to have a big reason.
Could she have just been having a tantrum or could there be someone else.
“God, Peach, just come home.” I said, sighing as I stepped away from the window and moved towards the bedroom.
Each always came back to me. I would just need to wait.
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jsinfulhate · 4 months
Bruised edges - Rafe Cameron
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The night was thick with humidity, the air heavy with the scent of salt and sea breeze. Rafe Cameron stumbled through the shadows towards Tannyhill, his breath ragged and uneven. The fight had been brutal—another deal gone wrong. His knuckles were bloodied, his face marred with cuts and bruises, each step sending a sharp jolt of pain through his body.
As he approached the grand house, he noticed a solitary figure sitting on the front porch. Wrapped in a blanket, she looked small and vulnerable against the backdrop of the sprawling estate. Despite the darkness, Rafe could see the worry etched on her face, her eyes searching the driveway for any sign of him.
“Rafe?” her voice was soft but laced with concern as she spotted him emerging from the shadows. She stood up quickly, the blanket slipping from her shoulders, revealing the sleepless night she had endured, waiting for him.
He tried to manage a reassuring smile, but it came out more like a grimace. “Hey,” he mumbled, his voice strained.
She rushed to him, her hands gentle but firm as she guided him inside. “Come on,” she said, her tone brooking no argument. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Rafe allowed himself to be led, too exhausted and battered to resist. They made their way to the bathroom, the harsh fluorescent light making the extent of his injuries all the more apparent. She sat him down on the edge of the toilet seat, her movements quick but tender.
Kneeling between his legs, she reached for the first aid kit, her fingers trembling slightly. “What happened?” she asked, her voice hushed as she started cleaning the cuts on his face.
Rafe winced as the antiseptic stung his wounds. “Deal went south,” he muttered, his eyes flickering with anger and frustration. “Got ambushed. Had to fight my way out.”
She bit her lip, focusing on dabbing at the blood rather than the anxiety bubbling up inside her. “You have to be more careful, Rafe,” she whispered, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of fear and determination. “I can’t keep losing you to this life.”
He sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I know,” he said, his voice softer now. “I’m tryin’, but it ain’t that simple.”
Her hands moved to the bruise blooming on his cheek, her touch gentle as she applied a cold compress. The chill against his skin was a relief, dulling the throbbing pain.
“You scared the hell out of me,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “Sitting out there, waiting, not knowing if you were okay.”
Rafe’s eyes softened, a pang of guilt cutting through his exhaustion. He reached out, his fingers brushing against her arm. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice heavy with regret. “I never meant to worry you.”
She leaned into his touch, her eyes closing briefly as she took in the warmth and solidity of him. “I just want you safe,” she said, her voice breaking slightly. “I need you to come home to me.”
Rafe swallowed hard, the weight of her words pressing down on him. He had always been the protector, the one who faced danger head-on. But in her eyes, he saw the toll it was taking—not just on him, but on them both.
“I’m here now,” he said quietly, his hand moving to cup her cheek. “I’m here.”
She nodded, blinking back tears as she continued tending to his injuries. The silence between them was filled with unspoken fears and promises. As she worked, Rafe found himself marveling at her strength, her unwavering presence. Despite everything, she was always there, a constant anchor in his chaotic life.
When she was done, she stepped back, surveying her work. “You’re gonna have some nasty bruises,” she said with a small, sad smile. “But you’ll heal.”
Rafe reached out, pulling her close until she was nestled between his legs. “Thanks,” he whispered, his voice rough with emotion. “For takin’ care of me.”
She rested her forehead against his, her breath mingling with his. “Always,” she replied softly. “You’re stuck with me, Rafe Cameron.”
He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that eased some of the tension in the room. “Couldn’t ask for anyone better.”
They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other’s presence, finding solace in the quiet moments of connection. Rafe knew the road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but with her by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope.
As they finally rose to leave the bathroom, Rafe pulled her into a tender embrace, his lips brushing against her forehead. “I’ll try to do better,” he promised softly. “For you.”
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with a fierce, unwavering love. “That’s all I ask,” she said. “Just come home to me. That’s all I need.”
And as they walked back into the house, hand in hand, Rafe felt a sense of peace settle over him—a promise of better days to come, and a love that could weather any storm.
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momolady · 2 years
Monster Valentines: Part Two
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Valentines are over, but if you want one of these for yourself I can do you one later this week! Visit this post to see how.
Hi momo! I'd love a build a monster valentines date! I've loved your stories for ages and I really hope things get better for you soon ❤️ Not picky about a monster type, but I do love vampires orcs and aliens! Male pref but I do love your girls! I'm genderqueer, slightly chubby, gothy/grungy and love creepy/morbid things, but also I loove cute things! I'm very shy and am a selective mute, but I'm very witty and sweet once I'm comfortable enough to talk (I use TTS in the meantime when I have to say something.) I have a calm and go with the flow disposition despite my anxiety and I just like spending time with my people. I also write, read, draw, and cook as some of my hobbies! 
Alien- Delfian 
7ft tall
This tall and imposing figure is from the Delfy system, known for its colorful solar system and connected planets. Upon first glance, he is colorless, but he shows colors like a mood ring, and glows at night. He is almost see through like a jellyfish, though his flesh and limbs are very hard, there is a softness to his chest and belly, which he keeps protected by special clothing. As stated before, delfians are tall, but they are also slim and willowy, possessing long limbs that have a twisted, vein like appearance, forming into digits that can spread into individual tentacles, or form three strong fingers. 
As a Delfian, his kind are known for their calming, soothing presence and telekinetic abilities. Bellcadir came to earth has part of a student exchange system while in school, but ended up feeling a connection to the planet and decided to stay. 
He works in various therapy fields,mostly physical therapy, including massage, yoga, and rehab. He bounces around, enjoying all that work, but unable to feel he can settle with just one. He has a deep desire to help everyone.
Bellcadir enjoys baked goods, finding they are close to what is served back in his home system. Anything that has fresh fruit in it is his favorite. He enjoys peace and quiet, but he loves being in multiple online servers and making friends online. He enjoys texting with people as sometimes human voices can be grating to his sensitive ears. He’s very active in several online communities, especially some baking groups, a few writers’ groups, and one for Star dew Valley, which he will admit he’s not great at but loves. 
Hi! I would like a blind date for my oc Sable a hyper femme anthro unicorn. 5'10 with a fat hourglass figure, hot pink hair, blue eyes, and decoden manicured nails. She can be kind of annoying because she's a little empty headed but she's enthusiastic when the vibe is right. She goes by feeling and body language more than intellect. Her hobbies are collecting soft pastel sweaters, drinking hot drinks in cute oversized mugs, reading fanfiction, flirting and watching Hallmark movies. She likes carnivals and fairs, hyper pop and EDM, and supernatural romance novels. Sable likes to tease but it's never mean, so she prefers to be around confident people who can take a good-natured joke. All food is good food to Sable and she will steal a bite from your meal. She remembers off-hand facts about her friend so she can plan random celebrations or make up reasons to give gifts. 
Ari was extremely nervous. Luckily, his friends had set up this group date situation, but still, the girl he really liked was going to be coming. He fidgeted around, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “Calm down, Ari, don’t look so freaked out. You’ll freak her out.” The dragonborn went into the bathroom to double check himself. He’d talent he extra time to polish his horns and dark blue scales to make himself look good. He stepped bac, took a good breath and smiled at himself. Supposedly that worked to trick your brain. But Ari still felt the same amount of nervous.
Sable was so cute and pretty. And while some of his friends would say she was shallow or flighty, Ari felt that wasn’t fair to say. He had heard some of her other friends talk very sweetly about her. Besides, he liked listening to her talk, even if it was something silly. She always looked so well put together, and she always smelled amazing.
“Ari are you ready?”
“Yeah, coming out.” Ari snapped out of his thoughts and he turned to leave the bathroom. He opened the door, and heard more voices than from when he went in. As he came around the hallway something bright pink ran into him full force.
“Oops!” A sweet voice gasped.
Ari gripped the wall to keep them both from toppling over. The pink object braced as well, pushing off of Ari’s chest. She looked up at him and Ari tensed, his throat even tightened, and he held his breath.
Sable smiled up at him, her hair was so beautifully done in soft waves, her lashes were large and fanned out, her nails were super cute and done pink with pearls, bows, and glitter little jewels.
“Excuse me,” she giggled. She patted Ari’s chest. “Didn’t mean to tackle you like that. Didn’t break anything did I?”
Ari shook his head, slowly taking a breath and standing up right. “I don’t think do. You can try again if you want.”
Sable’s eyes sparkled and she giggled. “You’re silly!” She beamed up at Ari and his heart melted. Her perfume smelled sweet, like soft roses and strawberries.
“It’s always the cute girls who are much stronger than they look,” Ari said offhandedly, but realized what he did say.
Sable’s smile brightened up. “Oh, so your wise to us, are you?” She leaned in close to him again to whisper. “I’ll have to keep my eye on you tonight, just so you don’t give away any of my secrets.”
“I wouldn’t-” Ari said breathlessly.
Sable winked. “I gotta make sure. You don’t mind right?”
Ari swallowed. “I suppose. As long as you promise not to hurt me.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not into that, per se.”
I'm a 25 infp male attracted to men 5'10. Love to talk and learn about other people. (Like to gossip but not in the slandering spreading rumors kind of way) Very imaginative, very sarcastic, very analytical, a bit of an ends justify the means type personality
Friendly and sociable but reserved, I don't like opening up to people ,massive trust issues. I always try to have a neutral viewpoint on things and consider both sides to come to the best conclusion. I love to write, cook, watch movies and spend time with loved ones.
I love night time (night drives, night walks, etc) I really like a guy that can make me laugh, who is kind, romantic, but with a bit of a wicked sense of humor to match my own. I really like to be taken care of and to take care of my partner.
Benedict (goes by Benny)
29 years old
Benny is a local hair stylist and beautician who works in a salon down the block. He makes a big deal out of giving customers their dream hair style, and he’s very popular with older women and high school students. He gives the best hugs, since his arms are so big and his belly is slightly soft.  He’s very particular with his own hygiene regimen, so his skin is always so soft and he smells amazing. He says it’s important for work, but he’s always done it. Because of his clientele he hears lots of stories and gossip, which makes him the epicenter of chat within the salon as well as his beloved cafe across the street.
Benny is a great storyteller too. He knows how to gather a crowd and pull them in, happy to talk to anybody. But really, Benny is easily embarrassed, but hides it well. He much prefers his days off where he gets to stay home in just pajama pants and fuzzy slippers. His feet get cold easily, and anything that makes them warm pleases him. He loves coffee and tea, and has surprisingly fancy equipment for it in his place. He loves showing it off to people, making them complicated drink just to make them smile.
While he was in school for becoming a beautician and stylist, he worked in his family’s mortuary. His uncle had a dark sense of humor that rubbed off on him, but it’s a taste he rarely gets to sling around in the salon. But occasionally when he’s relaxed enough with someone he lets it fly.
Benny’s ability to be easily embarrassed has left him worried about dating. But he dreams of having a partner he can spoil and take care of, someone he can cuddle and spend his quiet days together without much worry of having to keep up the chat or performance he does at the salon. He wants to figur eout their favorite drink and make it for them when they look down or happy. 
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