#and then kiss and snuggle for hours while we eat snacks and watch cartoons
puptoy · 1 year
spank me until I cry and then snuggle & comfort me? please?
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lvnleah · 1 month
I would love to know how Beth and viv deal with a sick Rory
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loved this so had to turn it into a fic! also another little appearance from Monkey @scribblesofagoonerr 💗
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The morning had been tough for Viv and Beth. Their usual routine was thrown off by a restless night, with Rory waking up several times before slipping into their bed.
By the time the sun peeked through the curtains, none of them had gotten much sleep. They tried to keep Rory entertained, but her mood was sour from the start. She was clingy, whiny, and refusing to eat her breakfast. Every attempt to cheer her up seemed to fail, leaving Viv and Beth feeling like they’d failed.
“Roo, you need to eat something, baby!” Beth cooed and Rory sat on her lap, snuggled into her chest.
She nuzzled her head closer to Beth, “Don't wanna, Mummy.” She mumbled.
"Maybe she’s getting sick," Viv suggested. “She might have picked something up at preschool
Beth sighed, rubbing Rory’s back in slow circles. "She doesn’t feel warm, though. It could just be a bad day."
Beth kissed the top of her daughter’s head, "How about we go outside, sweetie? Would you like that? We could play in the garden."
Rory shook her head without lifting it. “No garden. Wanna stay here.”
Viv walked over with a plate of pancakes, setting it down on the table. "Alright, Roo. We’ll stay inside if that’s what you want." She crouched down next to them. "Maybe we can watch some cartoons together?"
Rory hesitated, finally lifting her head to look at the pancakes. “Maybe... just a little bit of pancakes,” she said, her voice small and unsure.
“Good girl,” Viv said with a soft smile. “Let’s get you a fork.”
They both hoped that a little bit of food might help Rory feel better, or at least give her the energy she needed to shake off her bad mood. They settled down on the couch, with Rory perched between them. Luckily, neither of them had to be at training for another few hours.
As the morning wore on, they decided to let Rory watch her favourite show while they got ready for training. Normally, they would have taken her out to the park or for a walk, but today they were simply too exhausted. Rory dozed off on the couch, her little body finally letting the tiredness that had plagued her all morning take over. It was rare for her to nap this early, and when she woke up an hour later, she was even grumpier than before.
Viv and Beth exchanged a weary glance as Rory woke up from her nap in an even worse mood than before. The grumpiness had set in, and they both knew that getting her dressed and ready was going to be a challenge.
Beth knelt beside Rory, "How about we put on your favourite dress today? The one with the little stars on it?" she suggested, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible.
Rory shook her head stubbornly, burying her face into her blanket. "No dress," she mumbled.
Viv sighed softly, coming to sit beside them. "What if we let you choose what you want to wear, Roo? Anything you like, even your football kit?" Viv asked, hoping to spark some interest.
"Don’t wanna," she replied, her little arms crossing in front of her as if to reinforce her decision.
“Okay, why don’t you tell us what you want to wear? Viv suggested.
“Somethin’ comfy,” Rory mumbled, her voice still tinged with sleepiness.
"Comfy it is," Beth said with a nod. "How about your soft dinosaur pyjamas? You love those."
“Dinos.” she nodded
"Perfect," Viv said, getting up to grab the pyjamas from Rory's bedroom.
She handed them to Beth, who gently coaxed Rory out of her blanket and into the pyjamas. As soon as she was dressed, Rory seemed to relax slightly, her tiny body sinking into the familiar comfort of the soft fabric.
Beth pulled Rory into a hug, rocking her gently. "There we go, sweetie. All cosy now. We should probably get moving.”
Viv nodded, "I’ll get her shoes. Maybe we can grab a snack for the road? Something small."
"How about some apple slices, Roo? You can have them in the car on the way."
Rory nodded, still sleepy but no longer grumpy. They loaded Rory into the car, hoping the drive to the training ground might help improve her mood. By the time they arrived, Rory seemed slightly better, though still fussy.
She clung to Beth as they walked into the reception area where they found Steph lying on the floor with Win. Viv followed behind them, carrying all of their bags as well as Rory’s backpack.
“Hi, guys!” Steph smiled as she stood up, her smile immediately turning to a pout once she saw Rory, “Bad day?”
Beth sighed as she nodded, “Roo is a little grumpy today, aren’t you?” She said as Rory cuddled into her neck further, “I think she could be coming down with something.”
“Aww poor, Roo,” Steph said, “I love your PJs!”
Rory smiled a tiny bit but still had her head buried in the crook of Beth’s neck. The couple made their way into the changing rooms, setting Rory down on the bench so they could quickly get changed. They tried to coax her into staying with the staff like usual but she was clingy and just wanted to stay with her Mummies.
With both of them still in rehab, they headed into the gym. Laura and Leah were doing their own rehab when they walked in.
“Rough morning?” Leah asked from her spot on the floor.
Beth nodded, “She’s grumpy, I think she’s coming down with something.”
Leah frowned, “Poor Bubba! I hate it when Buddy’s sick, I feel useless.”
The sound of pounding footsteps echoed through the gym as Monkey burst in, her hair dripping wet and a wide-eyed, frantic expression on her face.
"She’s gonna get me!" she yelled, “Someone hide me!”
Monkey dashed behind Leah, using her as a shield. "Save me!" she pleaded, peeking out from behind them. "Kyra’s on a rampage with the water bottle!"
Rory, already grumpy and on the verge of tears from her rough morning, flinched at the noise and started crying, burying her face into Beth’s shoulder.
Leah gave Monkey a gentle but firm look. "Monkey. Keep it down, please. Rory’s not feeling well today."
Monkey’s face immediately fell, her expression turning to one of guilt and concern. "Oh no, I’m so sorry, Roo!" she said softly. "I didn’t mean to scare you. You feeling sicky? I hate being sick! So does Buddy, it’s the worst thing ever!”
Rory sniffled and looked up at Monkey, her eyes still watery. "Too loud," she mumbled.
Monkey nodded, her voice now soft and soothing. "I’ll be quieter, promise.”
Leah laughed, “Never seen you so calm around kids before,” she said, nodding towards the teenager.
They soon set Rory up in the corner, snuggled under a blanket with Twix and the iPad. She soon fell asleep and although Beth and Viv knew a late nap was dangerous, they didn’t care. It wasn't long before Rory started to fuss again. Beth, keeping a watchful eye on her, noticed that Rory had become unusually pale.
Rory began to stir. She woke up slowly, blinking her eyes open and looking around the gym. But instead of the grumpiness after a nap, Rory seemed off. Her face was flushed, and her forehead felt warm to touch.
"Viv, I think she’s got a fever," Beth said, concern evident in her voice as she checked Rory’s temperature with the back of her hand.
Viv quickly moved to her daughter’s side, feeling her forehead as well. "Yeah, she’s definitely warm. We should take her home and let her rest."
Rory, now awake and feeling unwell, whimpered softly. "Mummy, I don’t feel good," she mumbled, “My tummy hurts.”
"I know, sweetie," Beth said, picking her up and holding her close. "We’re going to take you home, and you can rest on the sofa. How does that sound?"
Rory nodded, her head resting on Beth’s shoulder. "Good," she whispered.
“If you need anything, don’t be afraid to call me,” Leah told them as they left the gym, knowing it was the first time they were dealing with a sick Rory.
The drive home was quiet, with Rory dozing off in her car seat, Twix clutched tightly to her. Once home, Viv and Beth settled Rory on the sofa, wrapping her in her favourite blanket and turning on her favourite show to keep her entertained.
“Can you take some medicine for me, Roo?” Viv asked, crouching down in front of her as she lay on the sofa with her head on Beth’s lap.
Rory shook her head and whimpered, "No medicine, Mamma. It tastes yucky," she said, curling into Beth and burying her face into her Mummy's lap.
Viv looked at Beth with concern. "Roo, it’ll help you feel better, I promise," she tried to reassure Rory, holding up the little cup with the pink liquid. "Just a little bit, and then we can have a treat after."
Rory shook her head once again, "No, no," she mumbled, "I don’t want it."
Beth stroked Rory’s hair gently, trying to comfort her. "I know it’s not fun but it’ll make you feel better!"
Rory shook her head again, tightening her grip on Beth. "No, Mummy. Don’t want it," she said stubbornly.
Viv exchanged a glance with Beth, understanding how hard it was for their little girl to take medicine, especially when she wasn’t feeling well. “If you take it, Mamma will go get you a special treat!”
Rory peeked her head out, considering the offer before nodding, “O..Okay I’ll take it.”
“Good girl!” Viv said as she handed the medicine to Beth, who carefully administered it to Rory.
Viv slipped out to the kitchen, grabbing some of Rory’s favourite cookies as her promised treat. She returned to the living room with a smile, setting the snack down on the coffee table.
“Here you go, Roo,” Viv said, holding out the cookies. “You did so well with the medicine, mijn meisje.”
Rory’s eyes lit up at the sight of the cookies. “Cookies!” she whispered, reaching for them.
Beth helped her sit up a bit and took a few bites of the cookies. Rory seemed to be a little more cheerful with the treat, though still tired and pale. Viv and Beth exchanged relieved smiles as Rory’s spirits seemed to lift slightly.
Beth gently combed her fingers through Rory’s hair. “Why don’t we just relax for a while and watch Rapunzel?”
Rory nodded, snuggling back into the blanket. Viv turned on the TV and put on Rapunzel, a movie they had lost count of how many times they had seen it.
As the movie played, Viv and Beth took turns offering Rory sips of water. She snuggled into Viv, Twix of course by her side. Now and again she’d become restless and end up swapping over to Beth, unable to get comfortable.
Halfway through the movie, Rory fell asleep, allowing them to slip away and cook a quick dinner together.
“She’s okay, you know?” Beth said as she moved around the kitchen.
Viv nodded, “I know, I just can’t help but worry about her. You know what I’m like with my anxiety, it’s ten times worse with Rory.”
Beth nodded, understanding exactly how Viv felt. "I know, love. I worry too, but we’re doing everything we can for her."
Viv leaned against the counter, watching Beth chop vegetables. "I just want to make sure she’s alright. It’s hard to see her so upset and unwell."
Beth turned to Viv with a reassuring smile. "We’re doing pretty good I think. She's got us to take care of her, and that’s what matters. We’ll keep an eye on her and make sure she gets the rest she needs."
As they prepared dinner, they talked quietly about their plans for the next few days, trying to shift their focus from worry. They discussed possible adjustments to their schedules and how best to support Rory.
Dinner was simple, once they finished tidying up they returned to the living room. Rory was still fast asleep.
Beth gently woke Rory. “Hey, sweetie, it’s time to go to bed. Let’s get you comfy, okay?”
Rory stirred, blinking sleepily as she looked up at Beth with a faint smile. “Mummy? Big bed?”
“That’s right, I’m here,” Beth said softly. “Let’s get you into the big bed with us tonight.”
They changed her into a fresh set of pyjamas and settled her into their bed, which was already prepared with extra pillows and blankets for comfort. Viv made her a few pieces of toast which she just nibbled at.
Rory seemed more at ease in the large bed, the soft sheets and familiar scent providing some relief. Viv and Beth lay down on either side, gently tucking her in.
Beth ran her fingers through Rory’s hair, whispering soothingly, “We’re right here with you, Roo. Just relax and try to get some sleep.”
Viv turned off the lights, leaving only a small night light on. She laid down on the other side of Rory, reading Rory's favourite short book to her as she drifted off to sleep.
Rory’s eyelids fluttered open and closed once again. “Love you, Mummy. Love you, Mamma.”
“Love you too, sweetheart,” Viv replied, leaning over to kiss Rory’s forehead. “Get some rest now.”
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I feel like I have posted single pics of my animal children. So here’s a family album.
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Noodle: Lemonblast Spider, my special little moron. Sometimes he forgets how to snake. He’s a sweet babe though. Really likes blankets.
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Syrax: Vanilla Creme. An angel. 100000% unproblematic. Beauty and manners. Eats like a champ and never bites. The goodest girl. Her favorite TV show is currently Fallout.
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Luna: Blue-eyed Leucistic (Super Mojave). A whole bitch. She only likes her dad. She will tear off your face, but damn she’s pretty. Loves a car ride.
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Johnny Ringo: Normal Het-Pied. A gentleman. World champion scuba diver. Will submerge himself in his water bowl for DAYS. Does not like the Weiner dog.
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Doc Holliday: Ivory Yellow Belly. PHOTOGENIC. A charmer. Will (and has) curl up like a baby and nap while I hold him and work. Just wants snuggles and maybe a snack. Another unproblematic fave. Looks like a cartoon of a Snake.
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Baby girl: The Rat. Was suppose to be Dinner. Noodle didn’t want to eat. Give my husband a sad look and is now getting fed watermelon, lettuce and baby food. Spoiled rotten and well aware. Can do no wrong. Baby girl has two sisters Dolly and Dippin Dots (DeeDee), and their collective boyfriend Bubs. They did not sign photo consent forms.
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Douglas “Dodger” MacArthur: a Dachshund. The little old man of the family. Wanted in 48 states and Puerto Rico. Shares a brain cell with Jackson, and only has it 0.9% of the time. Mortal Enemies with Johnny Ringo. He will absolutely ask for a manger.
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“Stonewall” Jackson: Pitbull-Great Dane. An absolute Prince. Goodest boy. Loves a good stuffed animal. Practically perfect, best pet to take in public. Model citizen. Terrified of birds, cause blue jays are jerks. His only downfall is that he has no sense of personal space.
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Dottie Sue: Pit-mix. Our foster pup who’s about to be adopted by us. We went to the farmers market for green tomatoes and some exercise and left with a little old lady pittie who’d been at the shelter on and off for two years.. she’s a sweet old lady, who has bursts of energy and then needs a three hour nap. Loves watching the rats play. Only knows how to kiss with tongue.
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Rainy Afternoons - Rafe Cameron
A/N: I’m not crying, you’re crying.
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Word Count: 1023
It was raining outside which was rare for the North Carolina. It wasn’t something you were used too, but it was always a nice change in pace. There was something about the rain that always brought a sense of calm through you normally rambunctious house. You always assumed it was the lack of vitamin D your three your daughter would receive.
Rafe on the other hand hated days like this. He loved to take Y/D/N outside to play, both sharing a love for the outdoors and the beach. You guys had moved away from the Outer banks almost a year ago, so she didn’t grow up with Rafe’s family. You both decided it was in her best interest to keep her away from that lifestyle.
Instead, the two of you lived in a little cottage right by the water, it was outside of the city and you loved it. The two you were slowing fixing it up, but it was your first home together.
When you got pregnant with Y/D/N it was a surprise. You weren’t planning on getting pregnant until after you got married, but one careless night led to where you were right now. Sitting in your shared bed with your beautiful three-year-old daughter. She had your smile, but Rafe’s beautiful blue eyes and you couldn’t be happier.
“Momma, I’m hungry.” Y/D/N spoke up at you while you were watching cartoons. Rafe had left to go get some groceries because you were all out. “Okay baby, let’s go get you something to eat.” You said stroking some stray hair away from her face. The two of you walked into the kitchen, and you turned on the coffee machine. Y/D/N had gone into the living room and pulled out some of her toys while you put on some cartoons in the background. You filled her sippy cup with some milk and filling your coffee mug.
You sit and watch your daughter play, completely amazed on how you were blessed with such a beautiful little family. You were pulled from your thoughts when Rafe walked through the door, hollering into the house, “I’m home, where are my favourite girls?” Y/D/N head perked up at the sound of his voice. You may have birthed her, but she was a daddy’s girl through and through. Y/D/N went running towards the door, and you got up to follow her. “Daddy!” She exclaimed running into his arms, “good morning princess” he started to tickle her, and she giggled.
You took the groceries into the kitchen putting them away when Rafe came to hug you from behind, “hi babe” he spoke into your neck his face slightly cold from the rain. You flinched away from his cold hands on your waist, “Christ Rafe, your hands are cold.” You say giggling hold them in your breathing on them to warm them up. “Well, it is raining in November, so yeah it’s cold silly.” He spoke, and then he felt little hands pull at his shirt, “daddy come play with me.” Y/D/N spoke giving him her signature pout. “You know Y/D/N/N, your mother gives me the same look and I can never say no to it.” He laughed to himself thinking about how whipped he was for this little girl.
The two of them went into the living room and Rafe got down and started to help her build a house with her blocks. “daddy?” Y/D/N looked at him, “yes princess?” “can we build a fort?” She asked climbing into his lap. Rafe thought about it for a minute, it was a little late in the afternoon and she was due for nap soon. “I think a blanket fort is wonderful idea.” The two look over at you with a couple of blankets in your hands.
After what seemed like an eternity but was only an hour you guys had assembled a somewhat decent fort. Rafe had made sure it wouldn’t fall over, while you and Y/D/N gathered all the blankets and her stuffed animals. You set up some twinkle lights that you had pulled out for Christmas and made some snacks to have. Y/D/N was giggling while Rafe made funny noises for the stuffed animals she brought it. “Why don’t we watch a movie in your new fort, how does that sound princess?” He asked brushed her wild her out of her face. She nodded her head letting out a small yawn, “can we watch Lilo and Stitch?” She asked, it was her favorite movie.
Rafe agreed and moved the television while all three of you got snuggled into the fort surrounded by pillow, blankets and stuffed animals. You loved these moments because when Y/D/N was tired she got all snuggly and lovey which didn’t happen that much anymore. At three she was becoming for “independent” and didn’t always want to snuggle you guys.
Y/D/N got all snuggled up into Rafe’s arms and he kissed the top of her head. “I love you pretty girl.” He spoke up and your daughter giggled, “shh daddy, the movie is on.” She whispered and then reached up and kissed his check. You heart swelled watching the two of the together. It was everything you ever wanted and more.
Every once and while Rafe would tickle Y/D/N sides and when she finally had enough, she crawled out of Rafe’s grasp and into yours. “Traitor” he spoke before pulling the two you closer to him causing Y/D/N to let out a little shriek. “Daddy’s going to get you.” He spoke in little deeper voice, and your daughter snuggled closer into you. “Mama, save me.” She giggled and Rafe caught her pulling her little wiggling body into him. “Oh no,” you pretend to panic, and started to tickle Rafe’s sides causing him to let go of her. Y/D/N helped you tickle your husband causing all three of you to laugh. “Okay, I surrender.” Rafe got out between laughs and the two of stopped. Rafe caught his breath and Y/D/N snuggled back into him. “I love you daddy.” She whispered and wasn’t long after that all three of you feel asleep, exhausted from your rainy day.
TAG LIST: @drewstarkeysbitchh​ @taylathornton​ @lemur46​
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queenofspades20 · 4 years
Date Night
Y/n had been have a rough time at work, so Frankie plans a special night out.
Pairings: Frankie Morales x Reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Mostly fluff, some angst (light, stressed about work, nerves, nothing crazy)
This is something I’ve always wanted to do. Just need to get a boyfriend and a truck with an open bed. So, just two things. 
Y/n had been struggling at work lately and Frankie could see the exhaustion in her face. She had been coming home late every night for two weeks, working on a project that was supposed to be done Friday. Though she wasn’t talking much about the stress, he knew it was a matter of time before it was going to overwhelm her.  
It was ten at night on Thursday when Y/n came home from work. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The project she had been working on was due to be finished the next day and she couldn’t wait for it to be done. She saw Frankie sitting on the couch, watching a show. He turned to her as she walked into the room. Seeing how tired she was, he just opened his arms and she climbed onto his lap and hugged him.
“You okay?” Frankie asked as he rubbed circles on Y/n’s back.
“I will be when this project is done tomorrow. I’m so tired,” she mumbled into his neck. She was as close to him as she could be, finding comfort in being in his arms.
“What do you say we feed you, because I’m assuming you skipped dinner again, and then we can go to bed?”
“I’m too tired to eat. I’ll eat breakfast. I just want to go to bed with you. I’m assuming Izzy is asleep already?” Y/n asked about Frankie’s daughter. Y/n and Frankie started dating when Isabella was 9 months old and her mother was no longer in the picture. At 4 years old, Isabella was a little spitfire. She had Frankie and Y/n wrapped around her little fingers. Y/n felt guilty for not being around as much the past few weeks and she missed spending time with Izzy.
“Yeah. She tried to stay up and wait for you, but fell asleep about an hour and a half ago.”
“Damn.” Y/n felt herself start to break down. Her tears started to fall onto Frankie’s neck.
“It’s okay. She doesn’t quite understand  what you’ve been dealing with, but she knows you love her.”
“It’s not okay. That little girl means the world to me and I’ve barely been around for weeks. How would she know I love her when she never sees me?” Y/n started to cry harder.
“Hey, look at me,” Frankie said as he shifted Y/n so she was looking into his face. “She knows because you make her lunch every day and you draw the little cartoons and pictures for her to enjoy. She knows they’re from you. And your late hours aren’t going to last much longer. Tomorrow the project is done. Why don’t you come home early, we can do dinner with Izzy. I’ll call Pope to come over and then you and me can go out for a bit. He’s always happy to watch her.”
“I should be done by 3.”
“Come home right after that then. It’s Friday and you’ve put in more than enough hours over the past few weeks. Start your weekend early. I’m off until Tuesday anyways.” Frankie stroked the side of Y/n’s face. She leaned into his touch and looked at him with watery eyes.
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I’m the lucky one, Hermosa. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Be perfectly fine because you have Izzy.”
“I wouldn’t be fine. I love Izzy, obviously, but you make our family complete. You’re always doing things to make sure we know how much you love us. You bring so much light into our lives. We’d be lost without you.”
“You’re gonna make me cry again,” Y/n sniffed. She moved forward and kissed Frankie. “Let’s go to bed, my love.”
Y/n moved to get off Frankie and helped him stand up. After making sure everything was turned off or locked, they made their way to the bedroom. After brushing their teeth and getting changed, they climbed into bed, Y/n snuggling close to Frankie.
“I love you, Frankie.” Y/n sighed as she got comfortable.
“I love you, too.” Frankie kissed Y/n’s brow. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.
 The next day, while Y/n was at work, Frankie called Pope to see if he could watch Izzy.
“Of course, Fish. I never turn down time with Izzy. Do you need to me to sleep over?” Pope said over the phone. Frankie was in the kitchen, assembling snacks for his plans for Y/n that night. Izzy was on the floor next to him, coloring.
“Probably. I’m going to take Y/n out in the truck to that area where we can watch the stars. I’m going to fill up the bed with blankets and pillows and we’re just gonna lay out there. It’s supposed to be clear tonight.”
“You know, this would be the perfect time to give her that ring,” Pope suggested. Frankie had made the decision to propose to Y/n, wanting to say vows in front of their friends and family that he intended to spend the rest of his life with her.
“I was thinking that too. Which is why I’m asking you to plan to spend the night. Then we can hopefully go out for a celebratory breakfast tomorrow.”
“There’s no way she’ll say anything other than yes, Fish. She loves you and Izzy.”
“I know she loves us and we’ve talked about marriage, but I’m still nervous.”
“It’ll be fine. And I think she’ll love your surprise for her. So, what time should be I over?
“Well, Y/n is coming home early. Why don’t you come around 5ish and we can all eat dinner together? Y/n loves seeing you too.”
Izzy held up the picture she had drawn. “Look, Daddy!”
Frankie smiled at his daughter. “That’s beautiful, Izzy. Who is it for?”
“Mommy!” Izzy smiled up at her dad.
“She’s going to love it. Your Uncle Pope is going to be coming over later. Why don’t you draw something for him next?”
“Yay, Uncle Pope!” Izzy quickly grabbed another piece of paper from the stack Frankie had put next to her to draw on.
“She’s going to draw something for me?” Pope almost sounded as excited as Izzy.
“She does love you.” Frankie laughed.
“Well, I’m her favorite.”
“I think Y/n is her favorite.”
“Fair. I’m her favorite uncle, then.”
“I’ll give you that. So, I’ll see you around 5?”
“Need me to bring anything?”
“Nah. I’m just going to order in some food. I’ll see you later.”
Frankie ended the call and turned to his daughter. She was happily drawing her picture for Pope. “Izzy, what do you say we move all this to the living room and wait for Mommy to get home?”
“Okay, Daddy.” Izzy picked up her paper and the crayons she was using. Frankie grabbed the rest of the art supplies, putting the picture Izzy did for Y/n on the kitchen counter, and the two made their way into the living room. After he got Izzy settled, Frankie ran around and grabbed as many blankets and pillows as he could to toss into the bed of his truck. He also blew up the air mattress and got it placed, so they would be comfortable. Y/n had mentioned wanting to do this for some time, but they just hadn’t made it happen yet. Frankie was determined to give her a night to always remember.
Around 4, Y/n came through the door with a tired smile. The project was done without any problems. Her boss had let her leave early and told her to take Monday off as well as a reward for all her hard work. “Hello?” she called out as she toed off her shoes.
“Living room!” Frankie could be heard.
Y/n smiled and walked over to where Frankie and Izzy were sitting on the couch, watching Izzy’s favorite show. Frankie nudged Izzy, who looked up and saw Y/n. She smiled widely and jumped up.
“Mommy!” Izzy ran over to Y/n and wrapped her arms around Y/n’s legs.
“Hi, Baby! Did you have a good day?” Y/n reached down and stroked the top of Izzy’s head.
“The best! I drew you and Uncle Pope pictures and Daddy and I watched some movies.”
“That sounds like a great day.” Y/n smiled at Frankie as she picked up Izzy. She made her way over to the couch and sat next to Frankie with Izzy being settled between them.
“Hi,” Y/n said, looking at Frankie with smile.
“Hi.” Frankie leaned over and gave Y/n a quick kiss. “Good day?”
“Yeah. Project’s done and I’m off til Tuesday. Jack gave me Monday off in recognition of my hard work.”
“Good. So, what shall we order for dinner?” Frankie slung his arm across the back of the couch, his hand reaching forward to stroke Y/n’s shoulder. “Pope will be here for dinner.”
“So, pizza?”
“Pizza works. I’ll call in a little bit.”
Y/n stood up from the couch. Frankie looked at her quizzically. “I’m going to change. What are we doing later?”
“It’s a surprise. Just dress comfortable, that’s all I’m going to give you.”
“So jeans?”
“Jeans and tshirt works,” Frankie confirmed.
“Perfect. After having to put in extra hours and wearing nothing but professional clothes, I’m happy to be casual. I’ll be back.”
While Y/n was getting changed, he called the pizza in. Pope got there around the same time as the pizza. After dinner, Frankie and Y/n hung around for a little bit longer. Y/n was getting caught up on what was going on in Pope’s life. While they were talking, Frankie made a thermos a hot chocolate. When he was done, he walked over to where everyone was sitting.
“Ready to go, Y/n?”
Y/n looked up at him with a smile. “Let’s go.” She turned to Izzy. “You be good for your Uncle Pope, Izzy, okay?”
“I will, Mommy.” Izzy moved closer to Pope and hugged him. “I’m always good for Uncle Pope,” she said, innocently.
The adults started laughing. Y/n went and kissed Izzy’s head. “Love you, Izzy. We’ll see you in the morning.”
Frankie went over and gave Izzy a kiss goodbye. He looked at Pope. “I’d give some rules, but you ignore them anyways. Just don’t do anything too crazy.”
Pope smiled at them. “You know me well. Have a fun night, you two.”
Frankie led Y/n to his truck, distracting her from looking in the back. He had loaded up the blankets and snacks shortly before she got home. He was happy she didn’t notice the blankets missing from in the house. Frankie put a blindfold over Y/n’s eyes.
“I want this to be a surprise.”
“This doesn’t end with you killing me and dumping my body in a forest, does it?” Y/n asked with a smile. She didn’t need to see him to know Frankie was giving her an unimpressed look.
Frankie sighed. “You’d think I would anticipate your jokes by now, Hermosa. But no, I’m not going to kill you.”
Frankie put the truck into drive and directed the truck towards the field he was taking her to. It was about a 45 minute drive, well outside city limits, so that they would have a clear view of the sky. Thankfully, the weather channel was right about the weather and the skies were absolutely clear. When he got to the field, he put the truck in park and had Y/n stay seated while he set up the blankets and pillows. After everything was set up to his satisfaction, Frankie felt in his pocket for the ring and took a big sigh. He helped Y/n out of the truck and then gently removed the blindfold.
“I thought we could look at the stars,” Frankie said, gesturing to the bed of the truck and to the sky.
Y/n felt her eyes tear up. “Frankie, this is perfect!” She moved her arms around his torso and pulled him close. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
“I remember us talking about it once. I thought this would be a good way to wind down after the stressful weeks you’ve had.”
“It is. Thank you.”
Frankie led her to the back of the truck and let the tailgate down. He helped her jump up on the bed and she got settled on the air mattress. Frankie followed her up and closed the tailgate. The night had a bit of a chill to it, making the blankets a perfect addition. Frankie and Y/n were propped up against the back with the pillows, so they could sit up while drinking the hot chocolate Frankie made. They talked about everything and nothing, at some point just being quiet while looking up at the stars. The silence was comfortable and Y/n hadn’t felt this relaxed or happy in weeks.
“I love you, Frankie,” Y/n whispered, not wanting to disturb the peace they had created for themselves. Her eyes stayed on the stars and she had a soft smile on her lips.
Frankie shifted, reaching into his pocket for the ring. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He felt his heartbeat pick up pace and his palms started to get sweatier. He cleared his throat and looked down at Y/n. Y/n felt the nerves radiating off him and looked at him questioningly.
“I love you, too, Y/n,” Frankie rushed out, realizing he hadn’t responded to her in a few moments. He fumbled with the ring in his hands, trying to not let Y/n see it until he had asked her his question. “There’s actually something I want to ask you.”
“You can ask me anything, Frankie.”
“I, uh, I…” Frankie had prepared a whole speech, but in the moment, his nerves got the better of him.
“Take your time.” Y/n reached up and stroked the side of Frankie’s face. She smiled at him encouragingly.
Frankie covered her hand with his own, the ring in his other hand. He took a steadying breath and smiled down at her.
“You are the light of my life. When we met, I didn’t think I deserved another chance at a relationship. I had Izzy and I thought that would be all I could ever have. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you, but I’m so glad I did it. You are my best friend and you have become the mother of my child. You brought love into our lives and I couldn’t be more thankful for you.”
Y/n started to tear up at his sweet words. “I’m the lucky one,” she said softly. She didn’t want to interrupt Frankie, but she couldn’t hold in her feelings.
Frankie smile at her. “Y/f/n, would you do me the honor of marrying me and officially adopting Izzy? You are her mother in every way that matters and nothing would make me happier than to be your husband.”
Y/n couldn’t stop the tears falling down her cheeks. She pulled Frankie into a heated kiss. She smiled at them as they broke apart.
“Is that a yes?”
Y/n let out a watery laugh. “Of course, it’s a yes. I would love to be your wife and Izzy’s mom. Are you sure you want to go through the adoption process?”
“Yes. Izzy already clearly considers you her mother. I just want it to be legal.” Frankie took Y/n’s left hand and slid on the ring.
“Frankie,” Y/n said in awe. “It’s perfect. I love it.”
“I’m glad.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “You just made me the happiest man alive.”
“Well, as you just made me the happiest woman, I think we’re even.”
They settled into the blankets, holding each other. They spent the rest of the night out under the stars. Frankie texted Pope that they were going to camp out under the stars and that they would be having a celebratory breakfast in the morning.
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chibi-pix · 3 years
Hey guys!  I felt it was a good idea. I want to share photos and a bit about the cats I have. Some are at home (Mama’s place), some at my Grandpa’s place.  So, how about it?  Time to introduce the cats!
Name: Soot Age: assumed 6 or 7 years (adopted three or four years ago) Location: Home Skills: Pissing people and cats off while being adorable. Occupation: professional asshole Likes: Yogurt, Pop Tarts, hiding under my dresses, chasing the ladies, and horror video games. Dislikes: Kisses, vacuum cleaners, my singing Extra: Soot has no understanding of my personal space. Under my skirt, across my chest, trying to get into my yogurt, you name it. He loves snacks, especially smoothies made with milk, yogurt, and frozen strawberries. He does not show signs of lactose intolerance. When we adopted him, he was so scrawny. Now he’s a chonk. He may be a smidgen overweight, but he’s happy. 
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Name: Christmas Age: maybe 17? (Adopted three or four years ago) Location: Home Skills: healing purrs Occupation: Polite old lady Likes: Snuggles, giving her own cat scans, making my leg go numb Dislikes: someone trying to clean her butt, someone getting the mats out of her fur, me not paying attention to her Extra: She’s an older lady. She’s a bit sore with her age and maybe weight; she struggles to move, but she always comes to sit on my lap or shoulder for love. Her purrs are comforting and helps with my headaches. With her age, she doesn’t groom herself like she used to, so she gets mats. Mama and I have to team up to get them out.
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Name: Bandit Age: possibly 17? (She’s Christmas’ sister and adopted with her) Location: Home Skills: telling time without a clock Occupation: Judging others
Likes: treats, catnip, the laser pointer, calling for the manager Dislikes: being picked up, being pet too much, me being one minute late giving her her treats Extra: She’s always silently judging others. Me singing? Judgment. Another cat licking a bag? Judgment. The videos I watch? Judgment. My sneeze? She’s damning me to hell, I’m sure. However, she is kind and caring, If I’m not feeling well, she’ll let me rest longer. 
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Name: Baby Boo (Baby) Age: maybe 14 or 15? (Adopted three or four years ago) Location: Home Skills: Summoning demons from the dark pits of hell and turning invisible in the shadows Occupation: witch’s familiar Likes: lurking in the shadows, being pet, sitting on her tower and watching over the peasants, yogurt (but she is lactose intolerant, so I don’t let her have any) Dislikes: demons not obeying her, when the Hellgate suddenly opens up while she’s enjoying a snack and it interrupts her, dancing, and Soot. Poor Soot.  Extra: This is the cat of a witch and I’m pretty sure while she appears to be in her teens, she’s actually the ancient spirit of a scorned witched, cursed to live out her eternal life in the form of a cat, watching over witchlings and commanding legions of demons. She is also the one most likely to kill me in my sleep, but she doesn’t because I’m her person. Thank you, Baby. You make me a proud witch.
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Name: Cimmaron (Cim) Age: 11 or 12 (adopted on a farm when he was a year old) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: being cute Occupation: executive art supervisor Likes: sitting with me while writing or drawing, trying to wake up Grandpa, milk from cereal, gravy from beef stew Dislikes: showers (not that I force him) Extra: Cim is a wholesome lad. He likes to chill and see what’s up. He tends to follow me around when he’s not spending hours sleeping on mine or Grandpa’s bed. He accompanies me for my showers, keeping an eye on me.  He was most likely reincarnated and therefore has the soul of a gentle old man.
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Name: Buffy Age: seven (adopted when he was about a year old) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: sleeping Occupation: horny freeloader Likes: reminding the dogs who are about fifty pounds each that he was there first, boiled chicken, yelling for attention and then snubbing those who are willing to pet him, Voltron: Legendary Defender Dislikes: being picked up Extra: This freeloader doesn’t contribute. He caught one mouse when he was a year and a half old and that was it. He tends to jump up on my bed to cuddle one of the dogs and watch cartoons with me. He knocked up another cat that my grandparents adopted.
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Name: Horatio (H) Age: about 6 (born at the house; Buffy is the father) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: sleeping, eating, and screaming Occupation: screaming freeloader Likes: food. Cat food, chicken, bacon, apple pie, toast, anything he can get to. Dislikes: being picked up, my sister Extra: This guy. He is an absolute chonk. We know he is. But he won’t exercise for anything and when we try to feed the other cats, he shows up wanting food, too. He’ll scream whenever he sees fit and when someone would check on him, he just walks away. He also likes to lay across an entire step on the stairway. Asshole. But cute. His three sisters were adopted by a nurse who took care of my grandma. He’s now an only child pretty much and he sure tries to remind us of that and tries to get us to spoil him. Also, while he loves toast, we do not give him toast. We have birds who have plain wheat toast with their breakfast; one of them dropped a piece and before one of the dogs could get it, Horatio laid down with it and started eating it.
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Bonus of Buffy and Horatio.
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Name: Foreigner Age: Unknown (stray) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: existing Occupation: supervisor Likes: Walks with grandpa, keeping an eye on Grandpa when he’s working in the yard, sleeping in my chair, chasing after my feet Dislikes: Other cats and dogs invading his space, Ink (another cat) Extra: He just showed up out of nowhere, as cats tend to do out in the country. He was skittish at first, but he warmed up to Grandpa very quickly. Now he’s just part of the family. He is not allowed in the house because he doesn’t get along with the indoor lads and Grandpa’s got a bird. Foreigner also supervises when the horses get out, making sure we’re all okay and can get them back.
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Name: Ink Age: unknown (stray) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: Hunting Occupation: Wanderer, professional barn protector Likes: catching mice and other pests on the farm, being admired, keeping his plans for world domination a secret, sunbathing, making cars stop on the road because he’s an idiot who plays in the street and thankfully cars don’t go through often Dislikes: Feriegner Extra: This is a cat with a plan. He was probably sent here from another planet or is a warlock in cat form, slowly observing others and planning to dominate the planet. He wanders off for days at a time, perhaps looking for weaknesses in the planet’s defenses. He’s done with everyone’s shit, but love and affection restores his faith in humanity.
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And that is it. These are the lovely cats of my life.  I hope you all enjoyed meeting them.  Until next time. 
Editing to add Myst. She’s fictional, but she’s still a cat.
Name: Myst Age: eternal (created three years ago) Location: going back and forth between the spirit realm and the mortal plane Skills: can go through walls Occupation: existing Likes: sleeping on shoulders, chasing ghosts, people, sleeping on the computer Dislikes: holy water Extra: Myst is a spectral cat from an unknown location. She’s rather recognizable for her fairly transparent body and skull-like face. She floats, shifts size, can be a blob, is very expressive, and doesn’t shed fur. Of course, she sheds a sort of ecto-plasm and it’s hard to wash out. She’s a wholesome cat who likes attention. 
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thevelvetseries · 5 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Summary : The Ackles oldest daughter Y/N has been growing up hiding a secret from her whole family and the entire world. She tries her best to keep it hidden, until one day her secret is released to the world.
Pairing : Jensen Ackles x Daughter Reader / Danneel Ackles x Daughter Reader / JJ Ackles / Arrow Ackles / Zeppelin Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Warnings : Lesbian Reader, Forced Out, Swearing, Drinking
A/N : I had just finished reading the book ‘Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda’ and really enjoyed it. After watching the movie with a few friends it gave me the idea to write a short one-shot about a female reading being outed.
Main Masterlist
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I was currently sitting in my last period of the day at school. We had 10 minutes left until the end of the day. I was meeting Bram, Alexandra, Hannah, Nick and Marcus we were heading to the mall after school to look around get dinner and see a movie like we do every Friday. Once the bell rang, I put away my books and picked up my coat and leave the classroom and head over to my locker to grab the rest of my books to take with me for the weekend. While I was placing books in my bag Hannah bounced up to me.
“Hey Y/N” she says while leaning up against the locker next to mine. She was wearing a light blue top with black skinny jeans and some simple sneakers. She looked amazing she always did. They way she would do her makeup and hair everyday she looked beautiful.
“Hey Han, have you seen the others.” I say while closing my bag, placing it on the floor to put my coat on.
“They are walking to us now” she points behind me and I see Bram, Nick, Marcus and Alexandra walking our way. I close my locker pick up my bag and we all had outside. Since there is 6 of us we take two cars, in the mornings I pick up Hannah, Nick since they live on near me while Bram picks up Marcus and Alexandra. We get into our cars and head off to the mall for the night.
Around 8pm I get home. When I pulled up in the driveway I noticed that Jared and Gen were over. I park my car and turn off my engine. I take an deep breath, and lean my head against the headboard and closed my eyes. After 5 minutes I grab my bag and head inside. I open the front door, took my shoes of sand hanged up my coat on the hook by the door. I walk into the kitchen place my bag on the counter and grab myself a bottle of water. I had drank about half the bottle when dad walked in the room.
“Hey kiddo, how was school today?” He asked while giving me a kiss on the head while continuing over to the kettle and tuning it on.
“It was ok, nothing out of the ordinary.” I say while putting the lid back on my water bottle. “I saw the Padalecki’s are here” I say while pointing to the living room.
“Yeah, they decided to come over tonight.” Jensen says while making coffee.
“I’m gonna say hello and head upstairs.” I say walking out the kitchen. I say hello to everyone in the living room and head upstairs to my room and start to do my math homework. After about an hour I make my downstairs to get myself a snack. I walk into the kitchen and see dad and Jared sitting at the table talking.
“Hey Y/N” Jared said while drinking some of his drink.
“Hey J” I say while grabbing myself an apple and joining them at the table.
“How’s school been?” He asked.
“It’s been fine. Nothings really changed” I say while biting into my apple.
“Got a boyfriend yet?” Jared says while dad gives him a look.
“Hey”dad says while putting a hand on Jared’s shoulders “She’s 16. She doesn’t need a boyfriend.” Then he looks at me. “You don’t have a boyfriend do you?” He asked me.
“No dad, I don’t” I say. What he didn’t know is that I didn’t want a boyfriend or a husband when I got older. I wanted a girlfriend, and a wife. I’ve know this fo a long time. Like when me and my friends would watch TV shows or movies I would always pay more attention towards the actresses.
“Well good. Wait until college or after college.” He says. I give me a smile and tell him I would. It was a way to keep him off my back. I get up from the table and head into the living room where mum and Gen where with the little children. They were watching Frozen and eating popcorn. I make my way over to mum and snuggled into her side. She gives me a kiss on he head and continues o talk to Gen and watch the movie, at some point I’ve fallen asleep.
When I woke up I was in my bed and it was light outside. I look at my bedside table and saw it was 6am. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs and find mum and dad in the kitchen cooking breakfast, JJ and the twins where in the living rom watching cartoons.
“Morning sweetie, did you sleep ok?” mum said while cracking some eggs into a bowl to whisk them together.
“Morning mum, dad.” I say while sitting at the table and yawning.
“Oh, is it still ok for me to go to Jessica’s party tonight?” I’m ask to the room. Mum and dad both agreed so when I finished my breakfast, I sat with my family in the living room for a few hours before heading upstairs and texting my group asking if they were going to go. We all were. We decided that I was going to head over to Alexandra to get ready with her and Hannah since she lived closer to where the party was being held. Jessica used to go to out school before she transferred when she moved last year but everyone still loved her.
Around 9pm we arrive at the party. We head to the kitchen to get ourself some drinks. By 12am I was drunk. I wasn’t really sure what was going on, all I knew was that I was with Hannah and Alexandra in the car and was heading back home. They pull up to my house I grab my bag and head inside. I quietly enter the house and close the door and went upstairs to my bed. I had a good night, but what I didn’t know was that my life was going to change when I woke up the next morning.
My head was pounding like crazy. I slowly open my eyes and immediately shut them when I come contact with light from my windows. Yes, I was definitely hungover. It wasn’t the first time it had happened but never this bad. After about 20 minutes I was finally awake enough to head downstairs. It was 10am. I left my phone by my bed. When I reached downstairs I saw JJ, the twins and their three little Padalecki’s in the living room while mum and dad and Jared and Gen where in the kitchen talking with a laptop in front of them. When I enter the kitchen they all look at me. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and turn around and looked at them.
“Why you all staring at me like that?”I asked confusedly while opening my bottle of water.
My dad looked at me and asked my to take a seat. I sit down and now I’m starting to get a little worried.
“When we woke up this morning there was an article wrote about you. It looked like someone took some photos of you at the party you went to last night.” Dad said while looking at me sweetly.
“Ok. That’s not bad. Is it.” I ask nervously.
Mum turned the laptop around and I could hear my heart break. The headline was the first thing I saw ‘Y/N Ackles seen kissing a mystery girl’. No, no no no no no. Fuck no. I start to scroll down and I see a photo of me kissing a girl. Tears start to build in my eyes. Why was this happening, for the past 3 years I’ve kept this hidden inside me. I look at up and a single tear runs down my face. I didn’t know what to do, they were all staring at me. 
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I got up from the table and ran up to my room ignoring the calls for me to come back. I enter my rom and lock the door and crawl into my bed. My phone was blowing up with missed calls and texts from my friends asking if I was ok and I just broke down crying.
I could hear my dad and mum, outside my room knocking asking for me to let them in. I couldn’t move. I stayed in my room all day.
When I woke up the next morning I woke and immediately hated the day. It’s Monday. School is in 2 hours. I head to my ensuite took a shower then go dressed, did my hair and makeup and went downstairs. When I enter the kitchen I see mum and dad and JJ eating breakfast. When they saw me dad looked me in the eyes. We hadn’t talked since they read the article. “Would you like a waffle sweetie?” He asks I just nod.
I seat down at the table not talking. I know I need to say something I should just tell them they already know. Dad placed my waffle in front of me and sat back down next to mum.
“I want to talk to guys about something.” I say. They both look at me, JJ was bus eating her waffles. “Well… I… I.. I like girls. And I don’t want you guys to think anything different. I’m still me.”
Mum jumped “of course you are sweetie” she said. “It’s ok hunny.” I give them both a small smile. “I loved you”
“We love you too” dad said. “Come here” he put his arms out. I get out my chair and walk over to him. He gives me a big hug and kissed my forehead. Then mum comes from behind me and joins the hug.
2 weeks later. Everything was great. I’m not sure why I was so worried in the first place. Nothing has really changed in my life except everyone knows my little secret, my family and friends still loved me everything was ok. I’m not sure why I was so scared too begin with. I’m was now myself. Who cares, the heart wants what it wants.
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gustafsnightangel · 4 years
Shattered Lives Ch 12 Pt 1
The morning couldn’t have started off worse with Lily throwing up all over her as she ate breakfast. She gagged and almost barfed herself. Of all the days she sighed. She went and cleaned Lily up as the boys got ready for school, and by the time she got out of the bathroom, Brendan had cleaned up the mess and had the twins ready.
“Thanks B, thanks boys.” She sighed, they were good kids.
“Is Lily ok?” Finn asked gently rubbing Lily’s foot. “She never throws up.”
“Yeah I think she’s fine, I’ll keep her home today and see how we go. Come on let’s get you guys to school.” And there go her welcome home plans for Gustaf she thought. She’d planned to seduce him into a non coherent mess but that was going to have to wait until Saturday. She’d planned the entire day out for them and now it was shot to shit. So much for a sexy welcome home.
With the boys at school she called daycare to cancel for the day and drove home with Lily. They were almost home when she threw up again.
“Ahhh Lily bear you’re not feeling the best are you honey?” The poor kid was sobbing by the time they pulled into the parking garage.
Sildie spent a good twenty minutes cleaning her up before bundling her into a blanket and taking her upstairs. Thankfully the bulk of the vomit was on Lily and not the car, even so she’d have to come down and clean up before collecting the boys. It was shaping up to be a shitty day.
She made it into the apartment and stripped Lily down for a bath without anymore vomit. Sitting Lily in the bath she sat on the floor and played with her a little. Lily seemed better now as she sat in the luke warm water and splashed. The tiny smile on her face, big blue eyes staring up at her, so much of her father in her.
The tears fell and she brushed them away leaning her head on her hand that gripped the edge of the tub. She would never know Quinn’s laugh, her mother’s smile the love they had for their only daughter even before she was born.
“You don’t have a temperature yet miss so what’s going on?” Sildie asked snapping out of it, smiling as Lily played. “You’re just hoping for some Gustaf time huh?” Lily squealed as she pulled her out of the bath and wrapped her in a towel, the unmistakable dad dad dropping from her lips every so often.
“I see, torpedo my plans for your own satisfaction. I see how it is miss.” She chuckled and lay Lily on the change table.
She got Lily into a clean set of clothes and had her play in Sildie’s room so she could change, not wanting to smell like baby vomit any longer. Standing naked she was deciding on what black lace she’d torture Gustaf with.
“What do you think Lily?” She asked the child and she happily clapped her hands together when Sildie pulled out a g string and a matching bra crop top. She loved the lace that sat across her ribs just under her breasts and it was the same set she’d worn in the first photo she’d sent him.
“I think it’s perfect too.” She dressed in an oversized chunky knit sweater and leggings, no shirt, she wanted to feel those hands on her as soon as they disappeared under her clothes.
She sat Lily on the floor in the kitchen with her while she made tea and texted Gustaf. He’d still be in the air but at least he’d know what he was coming home to.
Good news, bad news. Good news is Lily is ok. Bad news is she’s at home with me because she was throwing up this morning. I just think she’s as desperate as I am to see you.
She hit send and blew out a breath as she sat and poured the tea. The knock at the door moments later startled her. Lily squealed and started to crawl toward the door. Standing she scooped Lily into her arms and went to see who it was. Gustaf wasn’t due in for another hour.
His flight had arrived early which allowed him to get in his apartment, shower, eat, and relax while he waited for Sildie to get back from dropping the kids off. He’d fallen asleep on the couch until her text tone had roused him abruptly.
He grinned seeing that she was home, it didn’t matter to him that Lily was home too. He just wanted to kiss her, hold her, reassure her that he was here for her. He’d missed her, so much it ached. He had to stop himself earlier when he’d first stepped through the door to just go over and knock but knew the kids would never go to school then. He grabbed his keys and phone and stepped out the front door.
Seeing her smile never got old. As soon as she’d opened the door and it registered it was him, that gorgeous smile spread across her face, that smile she kept just for him. The one that had kept him afloat these past few weeks.
“Gustaf.” She breathed as the sight of him sucker punched her, his scent already wrapping itself around her, comforting. Damn she thought, I’m so fucking gone over you. “You’re early.” She said once her brain caught up with her mouth.
“I can come back later.” He grinned remembering her words from their first weekend together.
“Don’t you dare.” She scoffed playfully and opened the door wider.
He held her face in his huge hands, stepped into her apartment, and kissed her like he needed it to draw his next breath. He’d missed the taste of her, those soft lips against his.
“I’ve missed you love.” He said, voice thick with emotion. “So much.” He kissed her again, home, she was home to him.
“I’ve missed you too.” She whispered against his lips before taking the kiss deeper.
Lily squealed a dad dad and he chuckled. “Yes little lady I’ve missed you too.” Kissing her on the neck so the kid giggled.
She trailed her finger down his jaw as if reassuring herself he was here. “Would you like a tea? I only just made it before I texted you.” She murmured and let her hand brush his chest. She’d missed the feel of him.
“Yes please. I haven’t had a decent tea in six weeks.” He chuckled.
As she went into the kitchen to grab a cup she put Lily down on her mat to play. He had only just stepped further into the apartment and closed the door when Lily pulled herself up and stood on her feet.
“Sildie!” He breathed with a huge grin wanting her to turn around quickly.
“What?” She sighed and turned to look at him.
“Look at Lily.” He grinned at the tiny child as she wobbled and took a half step.
“Look at Lily.”
Her heart almost stopped as she saw Lily standing without holding on. Gustaf crouched down and clapped his hands together, holding them out for her to see.
“Come over here Lily bear.” He smiled at her and clapped his hands together again. The kid giggled and took that first full tentative step toward Gustaf. A few more and she was in his hands squealing all excited.
“Well aren’t you the clever one.” He said kissing Lily’s cheek sloppily so she laughed.
He glanced at Sildie and knew this was going to hit her hard, he wasn’t wrong. She was smiling but there were tears and knew they weren’t all happy ones. He picked Lily up and came to stand in front of her. Brushing her tears away with his knuckles he kissed her tenderly.
“I’m sorry love.” He murmured and kissed her brow as his free hand wrapped around her waist and secured her to him.
“No, it’s ok. This is a good thing and should be celebrated.” Her smile was slight, as tears of grief and happiness fell, she felt so torn.
“I know what’s going on in your head, you’re allowed to grieve for those missed moments love, and you’re allowed to be happy she took her first steps.” He kissed her temple as the single sob escaped her before she breathed through it and collected herself. “Let it out love, let it go.”
“Mum Mum Mum.” Lily said and hugged her while staying in Gustaf’s arms, the kid knew Sildie was upset.
“I think Lily agrees.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her gently.
“Grab the cups and go sit on the couch. I’ll get Lily something and be right there. Then I can snuggle with my two best girls.” He murmured and kissed her brow as she looked up at him.
“Thank you.” Her fingers trailed that scruff she adored. “For being you.” She said softly and he felt it punch to his gut.
Her hand grazed over the skin at the dip in his shirt, and dropped away as she went to the table and poured him a tea before taking their cups to the couch.
“Just water with a little juice and something dry just incase she is getting sick.” She said softly.
“Ok little lady lets find you a snack or seven huh?” He said softly. “Some watered down juice?”
She heard him talking to Lily, Lily quite happily talking back to him in her own way. She sat on the couch and breathed out. So many conflicting emotions, it was already shaping up to be a rollercoaster of a week. The tears fell silently and for once she let them come freely. There was no use trying to hide them from him, he’d coax them out of her eventually.
He watched her from the kitchen counter as he and Lily gave her some space. It pleased him that she wasn’t locking her emotions away this time as he saw the tears roll down her cheeks. These weren’t end of her rope tears like before, outside her apartment, these were deep tears of grief and there was nothing he could do for her except be here and support her while she cried them out.
He sat next to her and set Lily down next to him, turning on the tv he put her favorite cartoon on in the hopes it would keep her occupied for a little while. Turning to Sildie he ran a knuckle down her cheek as she stared into nothing. It wasn’t how he’d planned his first day back but he also knew this was a possibility.
With one arm under her knees, the other around her waist he hauled her into his lap.
“Now this is familiar.” He said softly and it got a slight huff and chuckle from her, she wasn’t completely lost to the grief then. “Outside your apartment door if I remember correctly. After coming home from a shoot.”
“I’m glad you can remember it because I don’t remember much of anything from that night.” She said and curled into him more, Lily moved over and curled into his side wrapping a tiny arm around Sildie’s leg. He wrapped his arm around the tiny girl and it dwarfed her but she snuggled in more. My two best girls he thought.
“Should I tell you what you did to me that night?” He asked gently.
“You said I didn’t embarrass myself.” She looked at him horrified, what the fuck had she done she thought?
“Well apart from scaring me, crying all over me, telling me more about your family than you probably wanted to at that stage in our relationship, you kissed me.” He looked as those gorgeous eyes went wide with shock.
“I kissed you? Oh crap.” She breathed. “Shit I’m so sorry.”
“That’s what I said in my head actually.” He kissed her tenderly and chuckled.
“And I’d been drinking. Gustaf I’m so sorry.” She said seriously as she thought back to that night she’d spilled her heart and soul out all over him.
“It’s fine, like I said before it reminds me how fragile things can be, how I’m one crappy decision away from losing everything, losing you.” His arm wrapped around her tightly. “I’m glad you kissed me.” He rested his forehead against hers.
“Why?” She asked gently and let herself relax into him.
“Because I wanted to taste your kiss the moment I saw you. You put me out of my misery early on.” He chuckled and kissed her so her mind melted.
“I love it when you kiss me like that.” She moaned. “It makes me forget.”
“I know.” He deepened the kiss and felt her relax further.
“I’ve missed you, the kids, everything. This.” He murmured. His kiss left her breathless.
“We’ve missed you too.” She hesitated at her next words and it wasn’t lost on him. He may have been tired but he knew that look, apprehension, vulnerability.
“What’s wrong love?” He asked gently, his fingers teasing her hair that was bound in that damn clip. He released that halo of copper from her hair clip and tossed it on the coffee table so he could tangle his fingers in it.
“I spoke to the boys.” She looked at him and hesitated. “About us and the whole dating thing. You staying over, all that.” Her voice was quiet and his heart nearly stopped. “Well to be honest Brendan came and talked to me. It was the night we had the heart to heart but I wanted to wait until you were home. It wasn’t something I wanted to talk with you about over the phone.”
His heart plummeted. “And?” He barely managed to get out. If they weren’t ready he was going to have to slam down every emotion he had for Sildie and the kids because he wanted it so fucking badly.
“And, they’re ok with it. They know it’s a big change but they’re ok if we date, if you stay over, if you stay after school, if you want to.” She blew out quickly.
He kissed her, that hand diving into her hair and deepening it when she laughed. Relief flooded out of him.
“If you think we’re ready for it.” She bit her bottom lip not out of seduction but out of worry as her fingers toyed with his shirt. He stayed silent to let her finish.
“I don’t know Gustaf, it feels like it’s all snowballing out of control and I’m not sure we’re ready for it.” She was rambling, nervous, she wanted it but it was a huge step and it scared the fuck out of her. “Are we really ready for it or are we fooling ourselves thinking this could actually work?” Her fingers brushed his lips before he kissed her again.
“Look at me love.” He whispered, ice blue looked back. Fear is what he saw and he knew it was fear they couldn’t make it work. “One step at a time. We’ll start slow and ease into it. There’s no rush.” He kept his voice calm but inside his heart was doing backflips practically trying to leap out of his chest with excitement. “I think we’re ready for it. Couple nights here and there see how we go. It’s a big adjustment, for everyone. I know I’ll need some time at home and you’re going to need time without me here.”
She nodded. “I feel the same way. Slow and steady, just terrified out of my skull it’s going to blow up in my face.” Her chuckle was one of nerves.
“Especially with this week looming. It’s going to be difficult enough, but you never know, having me here overnight might help.” He brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “I’m game if you are.” He whispered and kissed her.
“I’d like you here for the next few days.” She said softly. “I don’t know if I can do it again on my own.” Her voice was barely there, his kiss tender.
“You’re not on your own this time love, I promised you that.” He kissed her again and saw the relief in her eyes. He’d promised Brendan the very same thing. “You need time to grieve and fall apart so you can move forward.”
“I know, I couldn’t do that before and keep it together for them. It was more important to get them back into some sort of a normal routine, if you could call it normal. Their grief was bad enough without mine on top of it.” She whispered, her fingers stroking his jaw. “This scares the fuck out of me Gustaf.” She whispered.
“I know love. One step at a time, one moment at a time, and I’m right here with you through it all ok?”
“Thank you.” She kissed him with that sweetness that floored him. “For holding us together.”
“It’s what I’m here for, all part of the whole dating relationship thing right?” It got the chuckle he was after. “I’m always here for you love. And while I’m at it, thank you for holding me together these past few weeks. I don’t think I would have got through it without you.”
Her kiss was tender. “Of course, together remember.” Her hand rested at his cheek as her kiss pulled him under her spell.
“You can’t kiss me like that love when I can’t fuck you.” He growled and her laugh was playful. “I’m only just keeping myself under control as it is.” He grinned.
“Maybe you can.” Sildie chuckled. “She’s asleep.”
“Seriously?” He murmured and gently moved his arm to see Lily snuggled into his side and fast asleep.
“Yeah she’s out cold.” Her voice seductive as she nipped his jaw gently. “Hang tight for a moment and I’ll get her settled in Brendan’s room.” She kissed him again. “Because I need you.”
She carefully climbed off Gustaf and went to set up the crib. She came back to find him tenderly running his fingers through Lily’s hair.
“You’re sweet on her.” She quipped with a giggle. “Should I be worried?”
Gustaf grinned and slowly inched off the couch. Stepping to Sildie he cupped her face in both hands and kissed her.
“Not at all love. She has my heart, but you have my soul.” He murmured and deepened the kiss slipping his hand under her sweater to find skin. “And you’re not wearing a shirt.” He growled playfully and ran a finger up her spine. And it felt glorious she thought as those huge hands tenderly caressed her back.
“Let me get Lily settled.” She whispered.
“I’ll do it.” He said softly letting his hands slowly fall from her body as he kissed her. “I’ve missed it.”
He cradled Lily to him and she barely moved. She really had stolen his heart. He lay her in the portable crib and gently stroked her hair as she stirred and settled.
“Magic touch.” Sildie smirked from the doorway.
With the gentle snick of the door closing his mouth was on her.
“Let me show you how magic my touch can be love.” He growled and hooked a hand behind her neck holding her there while his mouth devoured hers.
“You’re such a goofball.” She laughed as his hand coasted up her back, those talented fingers brushing her spine.
“Am I now?” That growl rumbling from his lips sent a thrill up her spine.
“Yep.” She grinned as his lips brushed hers, his wicked grin spreading across his face.
He walked them back to her room and she shut the door quietly as his lips grazed her neck. He stood there with her in his arms, his fingers trailing between the cashmere sweater and her skin.
“I’ve missed you.” She said softly and brushed her fingers over his chest, dipping into the V in his shirt.
Slender hands drifted to his waist where she pulled the t shirt from his jeans. Slipping her hands under the fabric she dragged her nails lightly up his ribs causing him to hiss and bite down gently on her shoulder.
“That tickles.” He grinned.
“I know.” Smirking she pulled the shirt up those long arms which he’d raised above his head for her.
Fingers traveled down his torso to unzip his jeans and push them over his hips.
“In a hurry?” He chuckled.
“No, but Lily won’t stay asleep long and she’s already thrown a wrench in my plans once already with you today.” Her voice slightly irritated.
“Oh?” He found it humorous but knew she’d been planning something.
“Now you’ll just have to wait until Saturday.” She slid the denim over his thighs and couldn’t help the slight moan as she felt them beneath her palms.
She went to kneel but he stopped her.
“Not yet.” He growled and swept his hands up under her sweater and off in one movement.
She heard the groan as his eyes feasted on her black lace crop top. His fingers found the waistband of her leggings and soon they were pooled at her ankles.
“Kick them off.” He murmured and he held her gently as she did.
“This is new.” He smiled slyly, as a finger deftly tormented the skin at the edge of the lace at her cleavage.
“Just for you.” She whispered and kissed him sweetly.
She looked at him from under her lashes and smiled. She kissed her way down his chest to kneel before him. She helped him step out of his jeans and stayed on her knees looking up at him.
He teased his fingers through that halo of copper, his goddess at his feet. She eased his briefs down to the floor and released his erection. He let her hands coast to his hips and up his body before she held him at his sides and took his cock into her mouth.
She felt his hand fist in her hair, the low groan of pleasure as her mouth took him in. He let her pleasure him, that delightful mouth toying with him as he gently thrust his hips.
“Sildie.” He sighed and used the grip in her hair to tug her from her knees to stand in front of him. He wanted to be buried inside her when he lost his mind with euphoria.
His eyes found hers, damn she’d missed him. His kiss was tender as his fingers found the skin beneath her lace crop to bra. That touch she’d dreamt of, longed for when he wasn’t here.
He dragged his hands up her ribs under the lace barring his way to her, he craved the feel of her against him. Pulling it up over her head he tossed it to where here sweater had landed. She deepened the kiss as his hand swooped lower to remove the small triangle of lace that covered her pussy. Slipping a finger through her folds he found her soaked for him.
He maneuvered her to the edge of the bed, arm wrapped around her waist, hand in her hair.
“Lay back.” He whispered and released her long enough to have her get comfortable. He wanted her slow, to feel her again. Savor the woman who not only stole his soul but owned it.
She felt the mattress sag as he climbed on the bed with her, that lean, toned body lowering to hers. He rested an elbow either side of her and she sighed out relaxing as his body touched hers. His fingers stroked the sides of her face toying with her hair while those Viking blue eyes feasted on her.
“You’re my home Sildie.” He murmured, kissing her with that overwhelming love he had locked away inside him.
Her hands found his ribs pulling him closer, that need to feel him against her stronger than ever. She deepened the kiss and took him under, that erotic taste he’d been craving from her.
“And you’re mine.” She whispered and claimed his mouth with hers, the scent of him wrapping itself around her.
He kissed her long and deep, tongue teasing, tasting, remembering. The feel of her beneath him filled the lonely void of the past few weeks. She wrapped her long legs around his hips and pulling him closer to her.
She felt his erection rest against her slick pussy and sighed as he kissed her jaw. He was home, he’d come home to her. With a gentle thrust of his pelvis he slipped inside her and claimed her again.
His strokes were gentle as he took her, savoring the feel of her, soft and supple. Her hands roamed his body not able to touch him enough, strong and lean. A gentleness from both of them as they reunited. Neither held back as the gentle plunges and thrusts from both urged them forward to climax.
He looked down at the woman he loved so deeply it hurt to think about life without her now. He kissed her and ground his hips against her eliciting that cry for him before she tipped over the edge and shattered bringing him with her. With her pussy clenching and sucking at him he groaned her name as he came hard.
It was as if they’d planned it, no sooner had Gustaf relaxed on top of her while they caught their breath, Lily’s cry echoed from the baby monitor. They both looked at each other and grinned.
“Not entirely what I had planned for today.” She said with that smile only for him.
“Now I’m really wanting my birthday to hurry it’s ass up.” He rolled off her so she could get up and dress.
“Welcome home love.” She said softly as she pulled her robe on and dipped her head down to kiss him.
“It’s good to be home, to come home to you.” His voice was that low tone that made her quiver. Sitting on the side of the bed he cupped both hands behind her neck and pulled her to him to deepen the kiss.
“I’m sorry our day was ruined. I was looking forward to having you all to myself.” She said and headed out the door to collect Lily while Gustaf dressed.
“She’ll nap again.” He grinned as she came back into the room with a sobbing Lily.
“Maybe.” She smiled. “She’s pretty warm.” She said concerned as she lay Lily down to change her.
Gustaf kissed the back of her neck and went to get a drink for Lily ready. A sick child was just what Sildie didn’t need this week, one more thing to stress her out when she was clearly at her limit. He put the kettle on for tea as they came out of the bedroom. Lily was sobbing into Sildie’s shoulder as her tiny fist rubbed at her eyes and ear. With a small sob of dad dad he came to Sildie and cuddled them both in close.
“She’s not feeling well at all.” Sildie said gently stroking Lily’s back leaning into Gustaf. Damn she’d missed his arms around her, the security of them.
“Hopefully just a head cold or something.” He kissed Sildie’s brow as Lily climbed into his arms. “She’ll be ok. You want me to stay tonight?” He asked softly getting her snuggled in.
“If you and the boys are ok with it, yes. Somehow I don’t think she’s letting you go anytime soon.” She walked to the kitchen as the kettle boiled and started to make tea. “Go sit down I’ve got it.”
He stood by her side and wrapped an arm around her waist letting his hand disappear under the robe. He wasn’t ready to let her go just yet, that soft skin beckoning him to touch.
“I’d rather stand and touch you.” She felt his cheeky smirk as he kissed the nape of her neck, his scruff scratchy.
His fingers grazed her hip, traveled lower and slipped over her clit as his mouth gently sucked on the pulse at the base of her throat.
“I can’t think when you touch me like that.” She whispered.
“Then don’t think.” He murmured and continued.
He saw her grip the counter to try and find some semblance of control as she pushed back to grind her ass against him.
“When this little lady goes for a proper nap I’ll finish what I just started.” He growled and stopped so abruptly that she whimpered.
With a kiss to her temple he took Lily and went and sat on the couch. Lily was quiet now but held onto Gustaf, the tears gone as she snuggled her face into his neck.
Sildie stood there for a moment, she had to so she could get herself together. She’d forgotten, stupidly, how intoxicating his touch was. The man could make a rock orgasm just by touching it if he had a mind to.
She heard him talking to Lily, turn her favorite show on and when she came in the room with tea he’d lay down with Lily snuggled into him. He was so good with her, with all the kids.
“She’s almost asleep again.” She said as sat the tea down for him.
“I guess I’m napping here with her for the day.” He smiled and took her fingers in his. Bringing them to his lips he kissed them.
He tugged her down to sit on the floor. With Lily happy where she was for the moment he hooked her under the chin with his long finger and brought her face to his and kissed her tenderly.
“Looks that way. I’m so sorry.” She chuckled. “It’s not how I’d planned to welcome you home today.”
“I’m not. I still get to be with you.” He kissed her again and deepened it when her hand touched his cheek. “And this is all part of the package deal. You and the kids, not one or the other. All or nothing.” He smiled. “Just the way I want it and you are my home. That’s all the welcome home I need.”
She kissed him softly. “Don’t ever change.” She whispered.
“Don’t plan to.” He winked at her.
She watched Lily and was concerned.
“I’m worried she hasn’t eaten anything since she threw up this morning.” She gently ran her fingers through Lily’s hair and the tiny girl looked at her with red rimmed eyes.
“Maybe something soft for lunch?” Gustaf threaded his fingers through Sildie’s hair, he’d missed the texture of it and how it felt falling through his fingers. “She’ll be ok love.” He could see the concern cross her face.
“I know. I just don’t like seeing any of sick or cry, they’ve cried enough.” Her voice was on the verge of tears. Her damn emotions were on edge today.
He pulled her gently to him and kissed her with that love he kept just for her.
“So have you.” His finger trailed her jaw.
“Yeah and I’ll cry some more before the weeks over.” She scoffed and tried to laugh it off.
“But you have me now love.” He murmured. “You won’t cry alone this time.” He kissed her again and Lily’s hand touched his gently making him chuckle.
“You either little lady.” His voice rumbled low.
“I’m going to get something ready for her. You hungry?” Sildie asked, anything to change the topic, she would not crumble today.
“For you.” He growled and she laughed as he’d intended.
“Cool you’re jets there.” She laughed and sashayed her way to the kitchen and he groaned as she walked away. Those hips swinging like that did things to him.
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johnsbleu · 6 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick & Reader Chapter 40
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warnings: uh angst? idk she’s dramatic af, but listen she is so valid
The story of John killing three men in a bar is still on your mind, and you try to figure out a way to bring it up to John without upsetting him, or making him mad at Jimmy for telling you in the first place. You're certainly not scared of John, and the story is quite amazing and only turns you on even more when you realize how skilled John is.
With a pencil.
You walk back into the kitchen and finish putting away the dishes with the help of John, and he sits down on the stool across the kitchen from you. From the corner of your eye, you can see him watching you and you look over your shoulder to stick your tongue out at him playfully.
“Come here.” he says, reaching out for your hands.
“So…” you say and walk over to stand next to John, he wraps his arm around waist and pulls you closer. “How was your airport drive?”
“It was good.” he says, then kisses you.
“Your hair looks nice, did you get your beard trimmed too?” you say and rub the back of your hand against his beard.
“Yeah, I usually do it myself, but I don’t think I’ll have time for the next few days.” he laughs and grabs your face to rub his beard against your cheek. “Still feel good?”
“Yes!” you laugh and squirm away from John, but his grip only tightens on you and he wraps both arms around you. You both start to laugh and John peppers your face with kisses.
“You better be quiet, Benji is going to wonder why my friend is screaming of laughter in the kitchen.”
“No, remember Tess told him I’m your girlfriend. ” you correct him and he laughs.
“Oh yeah, that’s right.” he says, kissing your cheek. “So, what did you do while I was gone?”
“Well, Harper and I danced around a bit. I gave her some cheerios, changed her diaper, then we watched some cartoons and then, I gave her more cheerios.” you laugh and rest your head on John's shoulder.
“How long were Jimmy and Tess here before I got home?” he asks, rubbing your back.
“Not long, like 15 minutes maybe.”
“Oh, good. I know they must have been waiting to tell us the news, and I know it was probably killing Jimmy to keep it a secret for so long.” he laughs and lightly pats your ass, then slides his hand into your back pocket, “Jimmy and Tess as parents, that's going to be interesting.”
“You know what's even more interesting?” you say and back away from John.
“The story Jimmy just told me about you before you got home.” you smile and lean on the counter.
“What story?” he asks and you reach out for the baby monitor to see Harper is already awake.
“Oh, I'm sure you'd love to know what story.” you tease and turn around to get Harper. She's awake and wiggling around in her crib, and as soon as she sees you, she reaches out. “You didn't sleep for very long.”
John leans against the door frame, staring at you and you know he's trying to get a read on your face. He’s unbelievably good at reading you which makes you mad because he's so damn hard to read. You turn around and raise an eyebrow as a smile tugs at your lips.
“Should we give her a bath?” you ask, bouncing Harper in your arms to keep her from crying.
John nods and quickly heads to the bathroom to fill the tub. He turns around and looks at you, trying to carry both Harper and a stack of towels, and you can see him trying his hardest to not laugh.
“Oh, I bought her some new toys and one is a bath toy.” he says and leaves to get them. When he comes back in, he kneels next to the tub on the floor with you with a battery operated duck that swims in the water. The three of you watch as the duck swims through the water and Harper squeals in your lap as she bounces up and down.
“She can sit up, but she's still a little wobbly...” you say as you start to place her in the tub. Before her feet even touch the water, John is grabbing her from you. “Oh, my god, what?”
“Is it too hot?"
“No, I tested it already.” you say, laughing.
“How do you test it?” he asks, genuinely curious.
“You use your elbow.” you say and you laugh when he looks at you, still amazed. “I looked it up online. I don't just know this stuff, John.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.” he places her in the tub and she immediately kicks water, splashing it into his face. “Can you…”
“All better.” you say wiping off John’s face. You lean over and smile at him as you kiss his cheek. A small smile spreads across John’s face, but he doesn’t look at you.
“What do I do?”
“Just wash her off, use a wash cloth and wipe under her arms, her belly and around her neck. I'm gonna go check on Benji.” you say and quickly leave the bathroom.
Benji is sitting on the couch, looking rather sad and bored. You plop down next to him and nudge his shoulder. “We're going to go out to eat for dinner...your choice.”
He perks up and looks at you, “Anywhere?”
“Anywhere in the world.” you nod.
“McDonald's!” he jumps around excitedly and runs to the bathroom to tell John. “Uncle John! We're going to McDonald's for dinner!”
John peeks around Benji, making eye contact and you shrug. You walk back into the bathroom and put your hands on Benji's shoulders. “What do you say, uncle John? How about a fancy dinner at McDonald’s?”
“I think it's a good idea.” he says, lifting Harper out of the tub and wrapping her in a towel.
You lean down and tell Benji to get his shoes and jacket on. Looking back at John, he's staring at you and you laugh, “What?”
“Nothing.” he shrugs.
You take Harper from his arms and laugh again, “You still want to know the story Jimmy told me?”
“Yes.” he says, worry in his voice.
“Hmm, maybe I'll tell you later.” you laugh and leave to change Harper.
Harper had fallen asleep on the way home, and John was tempted to stay in the car with her all night just so he didn't wake her. You watch John as he places Benji in the bed and he carefully removes his shoes and jacket. You bounce Harper in your arms a few times, then finally place her in her bed. The two of you stand in the door way for a moment, watching them.
“Thank you for the fancy date to McDonald’s. You really wooed me tonight.” you laugh and lean against John’s shoulder.
John lets out a stiff laugh and nods, “You’re welcome.”
“Can't believe a car seat fit in the backseat. That's good to know...for the future.” you say and look up at John, hoping he'll play again, but he doesn't.
“I think I'm gonna take Bleu for a walk.” John says, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
You turn around as John walks past and frown, “It's kinda late. I thought I could run to the store and get some snacks for us, then we could snuggle up and watch a movie.”
“I’m just going to take him for a short walk.” he say as he starts walking to the door where Bleu is already waiting for John. “I'll be back soon. I won't be long, then we can watch a movie.”
“Okay…” you frown a little and feel cold as you're left alone in the doorway. Sulking your way back to the living room, you plop down on the couch, flipping through the TV as you wait for him to come back home.
It’s been almost an hour and a half since John has left, and you're curled up in a ball when he opens the door. You glance up at him as he takes his jacket off and wait for him to say something to you, but he doesn’t. He grabs the door handle for the basement and you sit up straight.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm just going downstairs for a bit.” he says and quickly heads down the steps with no explanation.
What the fuck?
You sit there in silence for a minute, wondering what the hell his problem is and rack your brain trying to figure out if you did something wrong. You check on the kids and see them both fast asleep. Taking a deep breath, you open the door and head down the stairs.
“What the fuck, John?”
“What?” he says as he turns around with a pistol in his hand and you freeze. He sees your face and places it back down, “I'm just cleaning them. You should go back upstairs.”
“Did you get a call for a job or something?”
“No.” he says, staring blankly at you.
“Are you mad at me? You're being weird and quiet. You've barely talked to me all night, and you practically ignored me while we were out to eat.” you stare at him for a moment and sigh, your voice almost child-like when you speak, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” he replies, and you feel a punch to your gut when he's so short with you again.
You sit down on the steps, letting him know you're not moving until he talks to you. “So, what’s your problem then?”
“I don't have a problem.” he turns his back to you and sighs. “You should go to bed, I'm sure you're tired.”
“I'm not tired. I'm wondering why you're mad at me.” you say, voice breaking as you begin to tear up.
You see John start to turn around when he hears the sadness in your voice, but he stops himself and focuses on his guns. “I'm not mad at you. I'll be up in a little bit.”
“Fine. Fuck this, I'm done with you anyway.” you stand up and start back up the stairs. “This is so fucking stupid. I didn’t do anything, but you’re obviously mad at me and talking to you sometimes is like talking to a fucking brick wall.”
You were harsh and you know it probably took John by surprise how uncharacteristic it was of you, but you’re mad at him. It’s hard for John to talk to you sometimes, you know that, but if he expects it from you, then you expect it from him. It goes both ways.
You stop at the top of the steps for a moment and turn around to see John standing at the bottom. “Do you want to fucking talk to me or not, Jonathan?”
He nods and you make your way back the stairs, huffing loudly to let him know you're annoyed. You're not even at the bottom yet and he reaches out to pull you into a hug. He moves the hair off your shoulder and presses his lips to your neck.
“What is going on?” you ask as you try to pull away from him, but his grip is too tight. “You're confusing the shit out of me.”
“You can’t do this, John. You can’t shut me out like this when you’re upset. I have no idea what’s going on, you just ignored me all night. You didn’t kiss or hug me all night, you didn’t even hold my hand in the car, what did I do?” you begin to cry and John pulls back to look at you, “You always expect me to share my feelings and thoughts with you, why can’t you do that with me?”
“I’m sorry.” he says again and cups your face, “You’re right.”
“So, what did I do?” you ask, tears still spilling from your eyes and he uses his thumbs to wipe them away. “Tell me so I can fix it.”
John shakes his head and pulls you close to kiss you, “Nothing, you didn’t do anything wrong. I promise, this isn’t you. It’s me.”
“Is this about the Jimmy thing?” you ask and wipe away the tears on your face.
He stares at you for a moment, then nods, “Yeah.”
“Baby, you're kidding me...it's nothing, seriously. Had I known it was going to cause this whole big scene, I would have just told you.” you push him back to sit on the stool and lean against him. You sniffle and John wipes away the tears on your face.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.” he says as his eyes dart over your face. You can see how much it hurts him to see you so upset and he pulls you into a hug. “I love you.”
After a few moments of silence, you’ve finally stopped crying and you lean back to look at John. You cup his face in your hands and kiss him a few times as he tightens his arms around your waist.
“Jimmy just told me a story about you, and it's not really something I can just say in front of the kids. And to be honest, I wanted to wait until later to bring it up so you could tell me all about it.”
“What story?” John asks.
You chuckle to yourself and reach for the pencil on his desk. You tap it on his nose and he starts to smile.
“Just a little story about you, three guys in a bar, and a pencil – which sounds like the beginning of a really bad joke.” you start to laugh and look at the pencil. “How do you even kill someone with a pencil?”
He chuckles and takes the pencil from you, throwing it back on the desk. “It's easy, you just gotta know where to stab.”
You jerk your head back and start to laugh with how open he's being about his job. “Oh...and you know where, right?”
“Yeah.” he leans close to your face and kisses you. “Are you upset with me?”
“Because of that story?” you laugh loudly and shake your head, “No, it's hot as fuck. I was just confused because we were fine all day and then we were out, you just stopped talking to me. I thought I did something wrong.”
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was acting like that. I was just...” he looks away, shaking his head as he lets go of you.
“Worried it was a bad story and how I'd react...” you grab his arms and wrap them back around your waist, and your hands slide up his biceps and under the sleeves of his shirt. “John, I've known about your job for months. Don't you think I would have left you by now if I didn't agree with it?”
He looks over your shoulder at his pistol and sighs, “Yeah, I still worry though. It's not some nine-to-five job that you can just tell everyone about. I kill people.”
“John,” you sigh and squeeze his biceps in your hands. “You're a good man.”
“I know, I just still get worried you're gonna realize I'm a bad man and leave me.” he says and leans his head against your chest.
“Well, I just said that you’re a good man, so how can I realize you’re a bad man then? I can’t. It’s impossible. Wait, let me try.” you squint your eyes and scrunch your face up as John laughs. “See, I just tried and it’s still impossible. You think I’m so great for some reason and if you think I’m so great, why would I want to be with a bad man?”
John starts to laugh and nods, “You have a point.”
“You’re literally the best man I’ve ever known, you’ve changed my life so much and you have no idea.” you smile, then lean forward to kiss John. “But listen, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not an assassin and I still worry you're gonna leave me.”
“That doesn't make me feel any better.” he laughs and slowly kisses you, cupping your face in his hand. “I will never leave you, peach. You’re everything to me.”
“Stop it,” you laugh and push John a little, “You’re gonna make me melt into the floor.”
John hides his face in the crook of your neck and laughs, “I love you.”
“I love you too, but hey, since you’re being a little…open about your job…” you push him back and raise an eyebrow at him, “Can you maybe…tell me a story? Just about one of your jobs.”
John laughs nervously and shrugs, “Yeah, but are you sure?”
“Yes.” you cup his face in your hands and smile, “I’m not going to leave you.”
“What do you want to know about?”
“Um,” you think hard and shrug, “I don’t know. Tell me about stuff that happened around the time you got Bleu, I know a lot happened back then…if you’re comfortable.”
“It’s you that I’m worried about.” he says and reaches out to touch your cheek.
You look around the basement and grab the other stool in the corner of the room. You pull it next to John and sit down, leaning against his workbench and propping your head on your hand. “I’m ready.”
“Well,” John laughs nervously again and looks away from you.
“Baby, it’s okay. If you don’t want to tell me, I understand.” you reach out for his hand and he pulls your chair closer to him.
John takes a deep breath and gives you a weak smile, “Someone who I had previously worked with -- the person who helped me get out -- he, uh, came back to ask for my help with something.”
“Oh, no…” you gasp like a child listening to their parent tell them a story. “Then what happened? What did he ask?”
John laughs at how interested you are and he leans forward to kiss you, “He asked me to kill…his sister.”
“His sister? What the fuck? That’s so mean.”
“Yeah,” he nods and rubs his hand over his beard, “I did it though. Kind of.”
“Kind of?” you furrow your brow.
“Yeah, she went out…her way, and then I…”
“Oh, I got it.” you nod. “You probably had no choice though. It’s not like you could have just said no, I’m sure he probably would have tried to kill you or something.”
“Yeah, he had a marker.” he says and you tilt your head, confused. “It’s like…an oath, and you can’t break it.”
“After I did it, then he…” John looks away from you, still holding a tight grip on your hand.
“Then he wanted to avenge her death, right? Probably sent everyone after you…”
“You catch on quick.” he smiles.
“So, did you kill him?” you ask, even though you already know the answer is yes.
“I did.” he nods and watches your face for your reaction. “I did it in the hotel.”
“Isn’t that like breaking the big, huge, rule? Isn’t that like…the one rule?” you say, gesturing wildly.
“One of them.” he nods. “There’s two rules: you have to honor every marker and no business can be conducted on Continental grounds.”
“And you broke both?”
“No, only one.” he lets out a small chuckle.
“But you killed him and he had the marker?”
“I fulfilled the marker,” John says, taking a long dramatic pause, “Then I killed him.”
“Oh, yeah.” you laugh and cover your mouth. “Sorry, just how you said that was funny. So, what happened after that?”
“I met up with Winston and he told me that he had no choice. He gave me an hour, and then I was excommunicated.”
“Meaning all resources that The Continental provide were cut off from me. I couldn’t get help from anyone. So, I was just running for my life with Bleu. And everything after that is just…too hard to explain, but I promise I will someday.” he says and you frown as your eyes fill with tears. “Stop. See, this is why I didn’t want to tell you, I didn’t want to upset you.”
You wipe away a tear and reach out to cup John’s face, “I’m so sorry that you had to deal with all of that. I would have helped you, if I knew you back then that is.”
“That’s very sweet of you, but you probably would have been hurt if you helped me and I definitely wouldn’t have wanted that.”
“Oh…” you laugh a little and John smiles. “Well, I still would have risked it.”
“You’re so cute.” he says, nudging your chin.
“It still sucks that you went through all of that.”
“It’s okay.” he whispers as he pulls you into a hug, “All that shit I went through led me to you.”
“God, you’re so gross.” you laugh, pushing John away as you stand up.
“You’re just as bad as me sometimes. Hey, I'm going to put this stuff away, then we should watch a movie.”
“No, I'll stay down here until you finish doing whatever the hell you do with...that stuff.” you gesture to his guns and see the safe open, and you shiver when you see more guns, but something else catches your eye.
From the corner of your eye, you can see John watching you as you walk closer to it. “I know, it's probably scary. None of them are loaded, they're not even assembled.”
“No...it's not that.” you reach out and turn to John for his approval, he nods and you grab something from the shelf. “Is this...?”
His wedding ring.
“Yeah.” he sighs.
Turning back to John, you see him watching you, trying his hardest to read your face again. You swallow hard and walk over to him as you look at it in your hand. You grab his left hand and hold it up, “Can I?”
“Yeah.” he nods and you slide the ring onto his finger, butterflies filling your stomach.
John flexes his hand a few times, getting used to the ring on his finger again, and when you smile, you feel a warm tear sliding down your cheek and you quickly wipe it away.
Holding his hand in both your hands, you press a kiss to it, “It looks good on you. I don’t know, but it just…suits you. Marriage suits you.”
He laughs and cups your face, “Thank you.”
“Does it feel weird to wear it again?” you ask as John spins the ring on his finger and looks up at you.
“A little. I wore it for quite awhile after…”
You slowly nod and look up at John, “When did you finally take it off?”
“Well, Jimmy kept wanting to set me up on dates and he said I couldn’t go out wearing a wedding ring. So, he finally convinced me to take it off when I went out on a few dates.”
“So, just recently?” you ask.
“Not recently. I hadn’t been wearing it for awhile before I met you. It’s not like I took it off right before we met. I kept it next to my bed though, I looked at it every morning.” He takes the ring off and puts it on your finger, laughing when it slides down to your knuckle. “But I noticed that after I met you, I didn’t look at it anymore. The last time I looked at it was the day I put it in the safe.”
You take the ring off and smile to yourself as you look over it again and imagine John wearing a ring you've given him.
Walking back over to the safe, you see a picture frame tucked in the back and you pull it out. John and Helen. He's kissing her cheek and she's laughing, the happiness is written all over their faces.
They look so happy and in love.
You feel John's hand on your waist as he wraps his arms around you, “That was our third anniversary. We went out to dinner, but for some reason our reservation got messed up, so our table was given away. We ended up eating hot dogs on a bench in the park.”
You smile and let out a small laugh, “Sounds like something from a movie. I bet you were pissed though.”
“Yeah, I was so upset. Helen, on the other hand, was perfectly fine with it. Just as long as we were together.” he laughs and kisses the top of your head. “I feel like that's how you'd be too, you’d probably rather eat hot dogs in the park than go to a fancy restaurant anyway.”
John watches as you run your fingers over his face in the picture and you swallow hard, “You look so happy.”
“I was.” he says, whispering.
“She looks happy too.” you say, still staring at the picture. You move out of John's grasp and put the picture away along with the ring. You tuck your hair behind your ear and turn around to face John.
“I'd like to think she was.” he says, softly.
It's your fault that you're sad. You're too nosy.
You can feel him staring at you, but you keep your eyes on the floor. You feel stupid seeing how happy John was, and you feel another punch to the gut. He's happy with you, he's told you that, but it's hard to not compare yourself to Helen.
“Um,” you sniffle and shuffle in place, “I think...um...”
John can see your hands shaking as you reach up to rub your forehead, and he grabs your waist and pushes you to sit on the steps, “I think you need to sit down. Are you okay?”
Your hands start to shake harder and you feel like you're going to throw up. “Yeah...I think I need to just...uh…”
“Do you need to lay down? I can take you upstairs.”
“No, it's okay.” you stand up and your legs start to wobble. “I'm just going to get something to drink, and then I'll lay down.”
He starts walking up the stairs with you and you turn around, stopping him. “It’s okay.”
“No, baby, I'm coming with you.”
“No, it's okay.” you repeat and start up the stairs again. “Just…go back to what you were doing.”
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keelywolfe · 6 years
FIC: Cuddlier Than a Cactus
Summary: Stretch likes it when Edge takes a detour off the daily routine beaten path. He really likes it. 
Notes: I’m pretty sure once a story gets to this point of sap, I can no longer call it fluff and I am required by law to call it schmoopy. It’s honestly too long to be called a drabble but I was hoping to do a series of Holiday-related stories and this is going with ‘em. Call them stocking stuffers. If anyone has a holiday idea they might like to see, let me know. I can’t make promises, but I can try!
Read this on AO3
Read more from this series in the Masterlist
Stretch wasn’t sure what had gotten into Edge today but he sort of hoped they dosed the water with it regularly, because he liked it.
He really really liked it.
When he’d gone downstairs that morning, still yawning and bleary, Edge had still been in the kitchen.
“what are you doing here?” Stretch had asked blankly, which, thinking back on it seemed a little unfriendly, but hell, he’d been surprised, nay, shocked, to see Edge there when he was three hours past the point of being at work.
Edge was taking a bowl out of the refrigerator and he carried it to the stove where a hot griddle was waiting, pouring three perfect rounds of batter on it. “I stayed home.”
“you stayed home?” Stretch parroted, like an idiot, but eh, he hadn’t had coffee yet. Something that Edge quickly rectified, handing him a warm mug of gorgeous liquid love that was swimming with cream and sugar. He gave Edge a quick, grateful kiss and drank half of it with one gulp.
“I stayed home,” Edge agreed, giving the pancake a quick flip. “I called and told them I was taking a mental health day.”
“you…you’re playing hooky!” Stretch said gleefully. He set his coffee cup aside carelessly enough to send warm liquid sloshing over his fingers, and wrapped both arms around Edge from behind, ignoring his impatient huff.
“What I am doing is cooking.”
“cooking while you’re playing hooky,” Stretch corrected, and nuzzled a kiss against his cervical vertebrae before relenting and letting him go. “why are you playing hooky, what’s going on, what are we doing? i get to play too, right?”
“Sit down,” Edge told him, and he did, snagging up his cup again as Edge set a plate of pancakes in front of him. There was the brush of teeth against his skull as he dug in. “And of course you do. I stayed home to spend the day with you.”
Stretch paused in the middle of chewing. He’d get a smack if he talked with a mouthful and so he settled for giving Edge wide, happy eye sockets that he hoped stated clearly, who, me?
With a small, secretive smile Edge sat across from him with his own plate, “Eat up.”
Oh, that was cruel, his baby had a hell of a mean streak. Stretch ate quickly, mentally considering and discarding ideas of what Edge might have in mind. He never could have guessed the reality of it. But he liked it.
Spending the entire day lazing together on the sofa, making out like teenagers, was not something they’d ever done before, and Stretch would be perfectly happy to do it any and every time Edge wanted.
Edge being the exhaustive sort of planner that he was even his spontaneity had a strategy. The coffee table was loaded with snacks and drinks, and he’d set up a playlist of holiday movies and cartoons that would last most of the day.  Those kinds of shows were sort of fascinating to Stretch; he remembered seeing some of these in Underswap only they’d been different, a little, here and there.
For one, he was never going to get over the fact that in this universe it was Charlie Brown
They watched movie after cartoon, sharing kisses and snuggles under the blanket, but never so much as delving beneath each other’s shirts. It was like when they were first dating, not the unholy catastrophe that was their first kiss, oh no, that was better left to dusty memories, but after that. It had taken months for them to make their way past kisses and petting. Never in his life before had Stretch spent so long sharing nothing but kisses with another person, working their way up to sex.
Then again before Edge, he hadn’t really dated that much, either.
Back then, once kisses were on the table it was as if Edge couldn’t get enough of them. Kisses and touching and cuddling, he soaked it in like a dry sponge and Stretch had damn well basked in it. Once Edge had started, he’d never really stopped, probably making up for years of being starved for a touch.
When they slept, Edge liked him pressed up against him, limbs tangled. Watching television, Stretch’s head was often in his lap or on the very best days, Edge liked to be the little spoon and have Stretch wrapped around him like a blanket. He loved those days; Edge had high HP and he was always so warm, like snuggling with his own miniature sun.
Mister Grabby Hands liked Stretch within reach in case there were any hug related emergencies and Stretch was more than happy to stay within arms-length. It was all fine with Stretch. He was perfectly content to be Edge’s cuddle bear. Like it was a hardship to endure sweet kisses and snuggles every morning and night?
The tragedy was he doubted Edge had ever had that before and Stretch was a selfish enough bitch to be glad he was the one to give him that.
He and Blue had always been the huggy kind of brothers, from childhood when he’d started taking care of Blue until the point Blue had pretty much started taking care of him. Hugs of greeting, his knuckles scrubbed roughly over his brother’s skull, nights spent leaning against each other watching Napstaton, or days of gathering his brother close to shortcut around Underswap. Stretch was used to casual touches despite his low HP.
If he honestly thought about it, Stretch didn’t think he’d ever seen Red and Edge so much as shake hands. So…yeah.
His biggest source of frustration was that Edge would never ask for what he wanted. He was a giving kinda guy but he never coughed up a wish list of his own.
Made Gyftmas shopping a bitch, too.
When the credits to ‘White Christmas’ started to crawl up the screen, Edge shifted from where he was curled up in Stretch’s arms, looking over his shoulder at him. “What do you want to watch next?”
Instead of answering, Stretch pressed their mouths together, kissing softly until the music finally faded. Only then did he draw back and whisper, “can we watch the grinch?”
“Of course.” Edge reached out and pressed a button on the remote and music swelled again, the screen filling with animation and fond memories.  Stretch rested his chin on top of Edge’s skull, settling in with a contented sigh, one that was mirrored by the warm, wonderful person in his arms.
There were more movies and kisses shared, each one softer and sweeter than the last, and Stretch secreted the memory of this day into his soul.
He never wanted to forget a moment of this.
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sakurauchiha2018 · 6 years
A Little Faith
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Sorry that this is a little late, work has been crazy. So I decided to cut this chapter into two because if I left it the original length it felt like too much at once. The second half is almost finished and will be up soon. 
Words: 3362
Mama tucks me even further into my covers with a scowl on her lips. This is the worst part of having a doctor as a mother, she hovers too much and tries to take constant care of me. Whenever I’m sick she tends to worry too much as well. I remember when I was a child I was sick for two weeks straight and my eyesight was affected by it. Mama blamed herself but Papa told her it was out of their control, although Great Grandfather Madara never let them live it down. Uchiha’s were supposed to be perfect in his eyes.
“Stay in bed Sarada. You shouldn’t be trying to work.” Huffing I stick my tongue out childishly at her and I watch as my mother returns the gesture. Even though she puts on this tough, polished front my mother is a silly and playful woman. There were times when my father would go away on business and we’d stay up late watching cartoons while eating snack food. It was our way of bonding without feeling pressured. Before a laugh can pass my lips, a cough tears through my throat and I can’t help but wince in pain. Doing as I’m told I roll onto my side and watch my mother leave the room but I’m not alone. Boruto is snoring softly on the couch and I can’t help but stare.
We’ve known each other since we were born and from the start you could consider us rivals. In grade school we were constantly arguing over who would have the highest grades or who could do a project faster. Simple kid stuff but once we entered high school it’s like everything changed between us. Thanks to our friends they knocked some sense into us, we both knew our friendship was always something more. Dating Boruto at first was a nightmare, Mama and Aunt Hinata were over the moon about it and Uncle Naruto couldn’t be happier for us. But Papa was a whole other story. To him I’m his little girl that could hide with him in the study, the little girl who would come crying to him if I scraped my knee. He didn’t want to lose his only child but he could never lose me.
His blonde hair is sticking out in all different angles and he’s holding a company folder tightly against his chest. Boruto may not be the brightest around but he works hard when he’s passionate about it. My eyes feel heavy and just as they close slightly, a pair of crystal blue orbs start to observe me. A blush creeps on my face, I can blame my fever for that, and he starts to move from his relaxed spot.
“I see Aunt Sakura found you. Hopefully you’ll stay in bed now.” His voice is hoarse and I can’t help bit blush even more. Snuggling into the pillow further, I watch him stretch before he makes his way from the couch over to my bed. Jumping over me to plop down on my left side, an arm wraps around my waist and his face hides in the hollow of my shoulder. If my father was to walk in right now Boruto wouldn’t stand a chance.
“Papa’s going to murder you.” I joke before turning over so I can look him in the eye. A wave of fear washes through his eyes and his arm retracts for just a moment. It’s nice to have quality time with him after this past week. A smile spreads on my face as a hand moves up to brush my dark locks from my face.
“I’ll manage. Why don’t you sleep for a little bit and if you feel up to it I’ll take you to dinner?” Rolling my eyes, I smack him slightly before I let my eyes shut. I just might have to take him up on that offer.
I’m not sure what wakes me from my sleep but one thing is for sure, Boruto isn’t beside me anymore. The room is pitch black and I roll over to check my phone, it’s almost seven. I slept for seven hours! There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep tonight, sighing I roll out of bed and stretch. Sleeping did help, my head doesn’t hurt anymore and my face isn’t hot either. Maybe Mama was right.
Shuffling from my room, I notice that the house is quieter than usual. Even if there are only three people that live in the large house, we are still a lively family. Most Saturdays both Uncle Itachi and Cousin Obito come over to the house to force my father to relax. Mama always laughs and pushes Papa out the door to enjoy a night with the guys. My feet move quickly down the stairs and I hear a loud bang echo from the kitchen, for some reason I find myself running only to stop at the threshold and let out a loud laugh.
Mama and Boruto are both covered in flour from head to toe, a deep crimson blush spreads on their cheeks when they notice me standing in the doorway. Why in the world where they cooking together? Shaking my head I take a seat on a stool at the island. Mama instantly starts to clean the mess and my boyfriend threatens to dump flour on me. I narrow my eyes at him before his blue eyes roll at my non-playfulness.
“What are you two doing?” My voice sounds stronger as it hits my ears. Taking in a deep breath I smell something sweet and I notice that there is black tea leaves in a large bowl on the counter. So it wasn’t flour all over them, it’s powdered sugar.
“Well we were trying to make your favorite candy but it didn’t turn out the right way.” Boruto mutters as he brushes the powdered sugar into the trash can. Giggling, Mama takes off her apron and returns it into the pantry. My mother moves over to the tea kettle and begins to pour three glasses of tea, I barely notice her handing me a glass as I watch Boruto’s face redden. He must’ve thought I’d stay asleep longer.  
“You didn’t have to.” The words are meant for him alone and he realizes that as his cheeks turn dark crimson. Hm I thought the boyfriend was supposed to embarrass the girlfriend. Chuckling I look over to my pink haired mother who’s leaning against the sink drinking her unnecessarily sweet drink. Whenever she makes tea Papa won’t even bother pouring himself a cup. He pouts and says that he’ll get something else.
“Where’s Papa? I’m surprised you two aren’t going out.” Their wedding anniversary is coming up in a few days and with their schedule the way it is, they never have time to celebrate. My parents deserve a night with just each other. A blush creeps on her face and then a shrug comes from her shoulders.
“He’s busy in the study. There’s so much work he needs to finish, I’d rather stay at home with you two anyways.” With her words an idea pops into my head and I take off running from the kitchen. My head feels dizzy but a smile is spread on my face. Their voices call for me but I’m set on my current mission, I don’t even bother knocking on the door before I barge into the large room. My father is bent over reading through spreadsheets and his eyes widen at my sudden entry but they never move up to look at me. Shutting the door behind me I lock the heavy wood doors that way my mother can’t interrupt us.
“You should be laying down.” Now his eyes move up slightly to look at me, a smirk faintly showing on his lips. Honestly this is the best I’ve felt all week and hopefully by tomorrow all that I’ll have is a cough. I plop down on the chair across from him and a sigh escapes his lips. It’s been a while since I’ve acted my age in front of him, a sigh escapes my lips and I look at him with a fire in my eyes.
“You should be taking Mama out for dinner. Have you forgotten that your anniversary is on Tuesday?” The paper he is holding slips from his fingers and his expression is priceless. My father is dumbfounded at my question. Laughter erupts from me and tears well in my eyes. Papa seriously forgot about their anniversary. A scowl washes over his face as I wipe the fallen tears from my eyes, I might as well help my parents out.
“I’ll make the reservation and tell Mama to get ready. Go and get cleaned up.” I pull out my cell phone and start to dial the number, as my father passes by me a firm tap is places in the center of my forehead. Heat rises to my face as I hold back the grin. That gesture is something meaningful to us Uchiha’s, it’s how we express our love and thanks.
“Thank you for calling Kirin. How may I help you this evening?”
“Yes I would like to make a reservation for 8:30 this evening. Please put it under Uchiha.”
“Absolutely. We look forward to seeing Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha. I’ll make sure to have their table ready Ms. Sarada.”
“Thank you.” The line goes dead and I can’t help but shake my head. My parents rarely go out together but whenever they do, there’s only one place they go. I will never know why they choose that restaurant and I really don’t want to know either. Now I have to go force my mother to get cleaned up and ready for her date with Papa. Smirking as I exit the empty room and bounce down the stairs will a little more energy than earlier.
The kitchen has been cleaned of all traces of a failed candy attempt, the blonde and pinkette are talking about Himawari. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her, my heart aches for a moment before another great idea starts to form. Green eyes glance up to me and a single brow raises at the smirk on my face.
“Mama I suggest you go get ready, Papa is taking you out for the evening. And before you say anything, there’s more than enough time for you to get ready.” My hip pops out and my arms cross against my chest. The smile that spreads on my mother’s face instantly fills my heart with so much warmth that I can’t help but smile as well. It takes her no time to run up and place a kiss on my forehead before she runs upstairs to prepare for her date with Papa. Closing my eyes, I shake my head before a chuckle passes my lips.
As I open my eyes I see Boruto standing in front of me with a smirk on his lips. His arms are crossed over his chest and our eyes are locked onto each other. There are days when I miss being taller than him, but now he towers over my small frame. Stretching on the tips of my toes I places a quick kiss on his cheek before turning to walk away as well.
“Hey!” Boruto quickly comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me to stop my movement. I try to wiggle from his grasp afraid that Papa is going catch us. A scream comes from me as his fingers start to press against my most ticklish spot on my sides, laughter erupts and the sounds echoes through the halls.
“Stop…Boruto…” I can’t help but laugh between each word and it’s getting harder to breath with each laugh. Tears are forming in my eyes again as I finally wiggle free from his tight hold. I gasp in breath before a few coughs come out. A guilty look washes over his face and my heart tightens a little bit.
“Call Himawari and the others. Mama and Papa will be out really late. I figured we could have a movie night in the game room.” A pout forms on his face and I narrow my eyes at him in confusion. Oh…I forgot that Boruto wanted to go eat dinner. My hand moves up to tap his forehead just like my Papa did to me earlier.
“We can go to the burger place right down the street before they come over.” Instantly his mood changes and I’m thrown over his shoulder.
“You need to change those. I mean your cute and all but sweatpants shouldn’t be worn on a date.” As we go towards my room I hear another door open and my father sets his eyes on us. A glint of anger rushes through but then it disappears as my mother joins him in the hallway. Embarrassment washes over me and I try to hide my face in my hands but there’s no point now.
“It’s like looking in the past Sasuke-kun. Have fun you two.” They start to walk past and before Boruto is able to shut the door I yell out to my parents.
“Can I invite people over?”
“Of course Sarada! Just be careful.” The door slams shut and he tosses me back on the bed. I bounce for a moment before I take off running to my closet. My face still feels hot from blushing. I really can’t believe my parents caught us like that, of course they’ve seen the two of together for years now but we try to keep our private moments from them. That’s something I learned from my parents. Even Uncle Naruto tries to keep his affection private but not as strictly as my parents. It’s funny to see Aunt Hinata turn bright red after a simple kiss.
Peeling off my sweats and t-shirt, I decide to wear a pair pf denim shorts and a simple red t-shirt with the Uchiha fan printed on the back. Grandma Mikoto bought this for me last Christmas and it’s one of my favorites. She told me that back in the feudal days every family would wear their symbol on their clothes. Uchiha’s have been around for hundreds of years and the fan hasn’t been lost. Fluffing out my dark locks I look over my outfit and chose a pair of sneakers to finish everything off.
Boruto silently approves and we race out of the house to the sidewalk. The diner is just a few blocks down the road so walking is just the safest option. My hand reaches for his and our fingers intertwine together.
“I called everyone while you were changing. They will be there in an hour or so. Himawari is excited to see you.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen Hima. She’s about to start her Junior year right?” Himawari is a perfect mixture of her parents. Since Hima has always been such a kind, loving person it’s no wonder she chose to take a different career path than us. Her decision to be a school teacher didn’t faze us one bit, I remember her being nervous about telling her parents. In the end we reassured her that we wanted her to be happy.
“Yeah, she’s trying to take the maximum classes this semester to possibly graduate early.” That’s not surprising. She’s always been a hard worker and takes studying just as serious as I do. Smirking, I pull him with more force as the diner comes into view.
The owner recognizes us instantly as we make our way to the counter top chairs. Looking back on it now, this is where we had our first “date”. During one of our final weeks in college Boruto brought me here at two in the morning because we were both starving. We’d kept our relationship private for the most part at that point, still testing the waters, so I never really thought of it as anything special. Ever since then this has been our go to place whenever we want quality time away from reality.
Boruto spins in his chair knocking his knees against mine almost painfully. Wincing and rubbing at the sore spot he stops moving and gives me an apologetic look. He’s just like Uncle Naruto when it comes to their favorite food. There was one night when Mama made homemade ramen and Uncle Naruto had almost twenty bowls of it. I’ll never understand his fascination with it, just like I’ll never understand why Boruto almost always orders a burger wherever we go.
“So what’s the plan again? Movies and games?” Shaking my head, the waitress places our food in front of us and he immediately starts to dig in.
“I figured that we deserve to act our age for a little bit. Honestly with everything happening so quickly at work I want to feel normal.” My family’s standards are higher than most, not so much from my parents but from my grandparents and Madara. Ever since high school I’ve devoted all of my spare time into studying to be the best. During my senior year Mama had to threaten me to leave the house and spend time with my friends. I thought it was pointless then but now that’s all I want.
“You know if Inojin and Shikadai come they will bring adult drinks with them.” Taking a bite of my burger I just shrug my shoulders. The only person underage is Hima, so as long as she doesn’t get intoxicated my parents won’t be upset. Although I’ve heard stories about my parents, aunts and uncles back in their college days. If those are true then they have no room to talk.
“Hm…maybe if you drink enough you can win against Inojin on that stupid game.” The perks of my house, Mama and Papa let me convert the space above the garage into a huge game room. Movie screen, arcade games, pool table. It’s one of the main reasons why everyone comes to my house. But the main attraction is the old school Dance Dance Revolution game that my parents found on the internet. Boruto is so clumsy he can’t make it past the first dance, it’s so entertaining to watch him trip.
“Tonight will be the night I beat every single one of you.” He practically shoves the rest of his burger into his mouth and looks at me with a fire in his eyes. So we’re going to have a competition tonight. Seems I know what buttons to push on my dear boyfriend. A smirk forms on my lips as I try to finish my food so he doesn’t get too anxious waiting for me. As soon as I take my last bite Boruto slaps money down on the table top and I’m pulled out of the diner.
Our walk home is speedy, I have to run to keep up with him. It seems I really did push a few buttons back there. As we pass through the gates of the driveway, I double over and try to catch my breath. In the matter of an hour Boruto’s forgotten that I’ve been sick all week and that my body isn’t back to a hundred percent yet. There are two cars in the driveway, the owners are sitting on the step patiently waiting on us to arrive. Cho-Cho and Inojin are looking at something playing on one of their phones.
“About time you two love birds showed up. We thought we were going to wait forever out here.” Cho-Cho huffs as I walk past them to open the front door. I hear the others pull in as we walk through the entryway towards the stairs.
“Oh Sarada! Where can we put this stuff?” Turning my head slowly I see that both of them have bags full of everyone’s personal poison. It seems they were more prepared for this than I was, a finger points towards the kitchen and I take off running up the stairs. At least I got my rest in earlier because it seems that I won’t be getting any tonight.
@kairi-chan I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, I promise the next one will be fluff galore!!! Oh and a SasuSaku chapter is coming up soon too!! Like I mentioned this one is a slow burn but it’s about to pick up. 
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puptoy · 1 year
spank me until I cry and then snuggle & comfort me? please?
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starboyholland · 7 years
Baby, Baby Pt. 3
Requested:yep! Rating: PG Summary: it's been months since your initial first night stand with Baby, and the two of you are doing better than ever. /// The sun had been up for hours, warming your bedroom through the slits in the blinds in your window. The golden light fell over your entire room, over your floor and walls and flowed over your bed, illuminating you, as well as the handsome boy who shared your bed, Baby. The two of you hadn't woken up yet, it had been several months since the two of you had began to officially date, and things were going well, a rhythm had formed in your relationship, Baby always went on the morning coffee runs and picked the playlists that acted as background music in your apartment, and you always found the remotes and made sure that the two of you had enough snacks and blankets when you cuddled on the couch or in bed every night. Last night had been like many Friday nights the two of you spent together, Baby had come home after sunset. Work had taken longer than he wanted and then he went home to make sure Joe was doing alright before coming to your house with two cartons of ice cream. About half of his clothes had been integrated into your shared closet by now, and he pulled out a pair of pajamas for himself before climbing into bed with you, who was already snuggled in a cave of pillows and blankets, your computer screen playing an episode of your favorite sit com. Baby liked watching the shows you liked even if he didn't follow the plots, he just liked to hear you laugh at the jokes, or complain about the characters you hated, and joke about how much you were in love with some of the characters, to which he would always reply, "what does that mean for me?" To that you would always reply, "you know I love you, but come on, babe look at him! Don't act like you're not at least a little in love with him," and he would always laugh along with you and pull you closer to his body. The two of you had fallen asleep late, both of you ignoring the feeling of being tired to talk to each other until you couldn't stay awake any longer. That was how the two of you found yourselves shaken awake by your niece, who was jumping on your bed. Baby was the first to be startled away when one of her small feet came down on his calf unintentionally, you were next, hearing his questioning voice saying "what?" With clear confusion at the situation. Your niece, Jasmine, started shrieking "auntie YN, there's somebody in your bed! Get up!" You and Baby sat up, you only wearing one of his oversized shirts and him only wearing a pair of boxers. Your eyes widened, realizing that it was a Saturday morning, your day to baby sit your niece every week, she had clearly used her own key to your apartment and would be here until the evening. She and Baby hadn't met yet, and you hadn't intended their first meeting to go like this. "Oh, sorry, love, this is Baby, he's a friend, don't worry," your calm voice caused her to stop yelling and jumping, looking down at the two of you with curious eyes. "Oh," she replied. "Whys your name Baby?" Baby smiled and your niece sat down with crossed legs at the foot of your bed. "It's just a nickname, what's your name?" She nodded and told him her name. "I've heard so much about you, I'm happy to finally meet you!" Baby grinned and you could tell your niece had already been won over by him. "Jazzy, why don't you go get the ingredients for breakfast? Me and Baby will meet you in the kitchen in just a minuet," you suggested and your niece ran to the kitchen, her ladybug printed backpack bouncing up and down with her rapid steps. You looked at Baby while taking a breath. "Sorry, i should have set an alarm so you didn't have to be caught off guard like that," you said while starting to pull back the covers from your side of the bed and pull on some more adequate clothing for babysitting. Baby followed suit while shaking his head. "YN, you know I don't mind meeting your niece, if anything I'm excited," he assured you while hopping into his pants to get them on. You smiled to yourself, pulling your hair up onto the top of your head into a hair tie. "You don't have to stay here and watch her with me, it's okay if you want to leave," you spoke quietly, the two of you standing near your bedroom door that had remained open after your niece had traipsed out. "Do you want me to stay?" He asked with a genuine smile, eyebrows raised. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows. "What do you want? You know I love having you around and she already likes you, so you'd be in welcome company, but I understand if you don't want to play with dolls or make chocolate chip pancakes," you smiled. Baby raised only one eyebrow now. "Pancakes? Count me in," he said and walked through the door before you, sending you a grin over his shoulder. You grinned back and followed him to the kitchen where your niece was stood on a chair to reach the pancake mix and bag of chocolate chips and cooking spray in your cupboards. You got out the pan and sprayed it with the oil. Baby got out the milk and measuring cups and helped your niece count out the right amount of ingredients, letting her do most of the talking which you could tell she appreciated. You were in charge of the pan, cooking over the warmth of the stove. When your niece carried out plates and utensils to set your table, Baby subtly wrapped his arms around your hips from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. "This is fun," he said and you could tell he hear the sincerity in his voice. "I'm glad you think so," you said and kissed his cheek with a turn of your head, flipping a pancake from the pan onto a plate and staring the process over again, pouring batter into the hot metal surface. "You're so good with kids," he said quietly and you kissed him again, this time on his temple. "Could say the same about you," you smiled. By this time your niece was back in the kitchen, asking what she could do to help. Baby lifted her so she could see inside the pan until she began to squirm around, she ever wanted to sit still for long. Baby let her down, sensing that she was growing antsy and you offered her the plate of already cooked pancakes, telling her to go get started eating before they lost their heat. She nodded and walked carefully with concentration to the table she'd set carefully. You flipped off the stove, carrying the last pancake on the wide spatula to her plate, you'd attempted to give it the shape of Mickey Mouse, but you knew as usual it had come out botched slightly. You told this to Baby and your niece, who both laughed when you admitted that you had attempted to shape the pancake. Baby got juice, milk and water from your fridge and put them on the table, offering them to your niece, who as always chose juice. Baby poured it into her cup which was decorated with princesses that she'd had for years now. He was careful not to spill and you watched with a full heart as he smiled contentedly at your niece, who politely said thank you. "No problem, buttercup," he said and your niece scrunched her nose slightly. "Buttercup?" Baby looked a bit concerned. "Do you not like that name?" Your niece donned a thoughtful expression for a second before shaking her head. "No, I like it." Baby looked relieved and smiled, siting down in his chair. You all ate while making light conversation, you asked how your niece's week went at school and she told you about a science experiment and a reading quiz and the book she read during silent reading time. When breakfast was done, your niece turned on the TV to see if any cartoons were on, and Baby helped you wash dishes and put away the food that you'd gotten out. The morning went quickly, the three of you watched cartoons and played board games, Baby letting your niece win most of the games. The afternoon went peacefully, consisting of pillow forts, tea parties, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and a trip to the park down the street from your apartment. By the time the sun was getting ready to set, there was a knock on the door that signaled your niece's parents were ready to pick her up. You opened the door as Baby helped her collect her things and put on her backpack that contained a change of clothes and her favorite stuffed animal. "How'd it go- oh, who's this?" You were asked as her dad, a close friend of yours, stepped into your house, looking at Baby. "This is baby, like a little baby!" Your niece giggled, introducing Baby to her father before running into her fathers open arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, his supporting the small weight of her body. "Nice to meet you, Baby, I'm Xander, Izzy's dad," he introduced himself, shaking Baby's hand with a friendly air that Baby smiled and reciprocated. "Good to meet you, I'm YN's" he paused for a split second to think. "Friend," he continued, quickly compensating for his pause by adding "I've heard so many good things about you already," he smiled and Xander grinned in return, turning back to face you. "Everything go alright?" He questioned. You nodded quickly with complete confidence. "Yep! We had fun today, right Jazzy?" Jazzy nodded with her whole body, squirming around again. Xander laughed and nodded. "Good," "Baby makes all my bears have funny voices, and he pushed me really high on the swing at the park, daddy! I almost touched a cloud!" She exclaimed and al of you shared a knowing laugh. "That's great, baby, let's get you home now, okay?" She nodded and her father set her down when she began to squirm even more. "Bye, Baby, bye auntie YN" she said, hugging both of you tightly around your legs. Baby looked happier than ever, just glad that your family had received him so well. "Well, I'll see you next Saturday, if not sooner, YN, nice to meet you, Baby," Xander seemed slightly skeptical of the name but didn't make a point of acknowledging it, waving goodbye and picking up Jazzy again to carry her to the elevator down the hall from your door. "Well, you just met my family, sorry you had no warning today, love," you said, wrapping your arms around Baby, who seemed slightly preoccupied. "No, it's alright, babe, I don't mine at all, I loved them," he said, pulling you close to his chest. The two of you ordered take out for the millionth time and settled in for a night like most nights you shared together, you and Baby, snuggled in your bed with a television show on in the background, wrapped in blankets. "Hey, YN?" Baby questioned, you turned your attention to him from the show. "Yeah?" "What are we?" You sat up in bed, Baby followed suit, you hadn't been anticipating the question to be asked tonight. "I don't know, we seem pretty exclusive, is that what you want? I don't want to force you into anything-" you could tell how important the conversation was to Baby, and you wanted both of you to leave it feeling content with the outcome. "Yeah, I want exclusive," Baby smiled. "So would that make you my girlfriend?" He inquired, a smile lighting up his face. "I wouldn't be opposed to calling you my boyfriend," you replied and a smile spreading across your face. "Alright, girlfriend," he teased, kissing you gently. "Alright, boyfriend," you teased back, kissing him again. "Goodnight, girlfriend," Baby laid down feeling almost too happy and excited to sleep. "Goodnight, boyfriend," you felt the exact same way.
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pixiegarbage-blog1 · 7 years
November 1st
November 1st, 1993.
The clock read three thirty-four in the morning, too early to wake up and get anything done without waking the kids, and somehow still late enough to be impossible for me to go back to sleep. Gerald slept with his back to me, his robust body moving up and down with each intake of heavy breathing. It was chilly, I noticed the ice creeping up the glass on the windows, fogging the night, so I snuggled into his back for warmth, hoping to gain some semblance of rest before his five o’clock alarm would go off. He was always out to work earlier than the rest of us, an hour-long drive out to whatever construction site he was managing, and then his scheduled call to ensure the kids and I would be heading out of the house. It helped when Tommy refused to get out of bed until he had ten minutes to get ready; I had enough to do getting Anna dressed and packing their lunches, as well as my own, and it was nice that even after ten years of marriage, Gerry still believes in co-parenting on all levels. I placed a chaste kiss on his back, his breathing eased, and I shuffled under the thick duvet, watching my breath turn into wisps of white. I hope the kids weren’t too cold, the boiler would kick in at four o’clock like it always did, filling our house with enough heat to last until we left, then turning itself off again. Timed heating was a necessity for a small, middle-class family of four in Vermont; we had what we needed, and sometimes we’d spoil ourselves in late January and rack up the heating bill as an extravagance, but that was only because trekking out in nearly eight feet of snow for firewood was too much for any one of us. It’s only the start of November and I’m already worried about the snowfall this year-Gerry reassured me we would be fine, as we always were. He was a mountain man, born and bred, and I was just a girl from South Carolina who rarely dealt with six inches of snow, let alone six feet. Gerry was like my own personal radiator; he never moved an inch in his sleep, always facing towards the door, never a shift in the bed, he just laid down and fell asleep. I was envious of that; I tossed and turned like a woman possessed, taking hours to get to sleep, and when I finally manage it, I’m awake again, staring at the clock’s red digital interface, and cursing at my inability to sleep like a normal person.
The clock read four oh-one and I heard the boiler kick in. I whispered a quiet ‘thank God’ and tried to relax my breathing. Think quiet, soft thoughts…
The clock read five o’clock and the sound of the alarm was blazingly loud. I think I fell asleep for a little bit; well, it was more dozing than real sleep. I wondered how much coffee I would need to drink to get through today; the kids would be groggy after eating so much Halloween candy last night, that’ll add a few extra cups. At least they had decent coffee at work, it was part of my responsibility as Office Manager to keep such things in working order and to stock it with coffee. Needless to say, I didn’t put the cheap stuff on the buying list. Gerry was finally rustling awake, which always surprised me, nothing bothered him in his sleep, not storms, not the kids, not me rustling around right beside him, not even the alarm which was set to the highest volume to he’d actually wake up. He pressed the snooze button, as he always did, and sleepily walked to the en-suite bathroom, softly closing the door behind him, and as always, I flipped the switch to alarm 2, which was set for six thirty. I shifted over to his spot on the bed, relishing in the warmth it brought and enjoying the imprint of his that swallowed my five-foot-two body. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the sound of the shower running.
The clock read six twenty-eight and I almost cursed my body. I missed Gerry on his way out and I woke up two minutes before the alarm even went off. Two minutes of blissful sleep stolen. I made sure to switch the alarm off so it wouldn’t shock me while I was in the bathroom. The mirror was still a bit fogged and although he never means to, there was water around the bathmat. I used a free foot and a hand towel to soak up the residue. The house was finally warm and smelled faintly of coffee Gerry prepared every morning for the both of us. I needed to take a quick shower before waking up the kids; though part of me knew getting into a hot shower would add an extra cup to today. I wiped down the mirror and splashed some water on my face, getting ready with the kids was tradition, so I hit Tommy’s room first before I woke the little princess. I knocked twice, his door splashed in stickers of superheroes from different comic books I didn’t recognize, they were all Batman and Superman to me. He replied to my wake-up call by pulling the printed duvet over his head and groaning. I reminded him there were Eggos in the freezer, and if he was up and ready early enough he could have them the right way, on a plate with syrup and a knife and fork, not shoved in his mouth as he raced to the car. He whined that he wanted to sleep as I started down the hall to Anna’s room, and I muttered ‘me too’ in agreement. Anna was already awake when I opened the door, groggily wiping the sleep from her eyes, and quietly attempting to adjust her shirt which had ridden up her baby belly. I sat on her tiny bed and gave her her morning hug and kiss, asking if she had any good dreams. She shook her head and nuzzled into me, the smell of her wafted pass me and I smiled. She still had a baby’s scent, even at three years old. Her long hair was matted and tangled and I know she’d hate me for a little while when I was forced to brush it out.
The clock read six forty-four by the time I was able to pour a cup of coffee, Anna clinging to my leg, and Tommy still in bed. I called down the hallway for him, but he didn’t answer. That boy would wait for a phone call from his father before he did anything. I savored my coffee black, one sugar, letting the aroma overwhelm my senses and the caffeine to kick in. Anna clutched at my knee and I kept a hand on her head to remind her I hadn’t forgotten about her. She was shy, quiet, and followed directions as best she could, an angel to have after raising Tommy, who had been an independent hell-raiser since they first handed him to in the hospital; at eight he was less of a hassle, now that he could clothe, wash, and take care of himself in the mornings, he just lacked the initiative.
The clock read seven oh-eight and Gerry called, earlier than usual, but he said he was heading out to a landing site and wouldn’t be back until noon. I handed the phone to Tommy who was still in bed, and within seconds, he was up and at ’em. I sighed as he tossed the phone to me, I thanked Gerry for his magic touch and that I would give him a call around lunch just to check in. I was on my second cup of coffee, but I barely had a chance to touch it since Anna required my full attention in the mornings. I managed to get her dressed and her small backpack packed, but she would always cry when the time came to put on her shoes. She wasn’t fond of preschool, being so young and so shy, and away from me. I wasn’t fond of being away from her either, I would tell her, but I would see her at two o’clock on the dot when I came to pick her up. She would have playtime and her lunch, which I was going to be making soon, I asked her what she wanted and she agreed to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in little crust-less triangles. I kissed her head and let her watch her favorite morning cartoons while I got dressed. I took a large gulp of lukewarm coffee and cringed.
The clock read seven thirty-five and I still managed to beat Tommy. He was barely dressed and distracted by cartoons meant for children much younger than him. I urged him to finish getting ready while I bagged their lunches, he had ten minutes before we needed to be on the road. He muttered something I chose not to hear and passed by him on my way to the kitchen. Anna was busy munching on her breakfast, a bowl of cut-up melon and strawberries, which would still have enough left over for snack time at ten o’clock. I prepared the same lunch for both of them, and a roast chicken sandwich for myself, using the leftovers from dinner last night. I poured another cup of coffee in a to-go mug.
The clock read seven forty-nine and we were behind schedule. I got Anna in her car seat, having to undo the fastening three times as she claimed it was too tight across her chest; on the third time, I assured her she was okay and called again for Tommy. I left the car running as I rushed him out the door, a waffle hanging out of his mouth as he tried to mumble something to me. I shook my head, locked the front door, and we got settled in the car, finally.
The clock read eight oh-two and Tommy was searching through his bag. I begged him not to tell me he forgot something because we weren’t going back. He shuffled things around, then slammed them down, turning on me like a scared cat. He forgot to do his book report, of course. I looked in the rearview mirror at him and made a huffing sound. He begged me to let him stay home sick so he could do it. I told him he should’ve made sure he put it on the whiteboard we had set up in his room, so he wouldn’t forget things like this. He angrily kicked my seat and I could tell he was on the verge of crying. Anna was getting upset at him getting upset and started to curl up into herself, an action she only does when she’s about to cry. I told Tommy to stop kicking my seat or I was stopping and calling his father. He pleaded with me again, that he just forgot, it was just one day, one day at home and he could do it and turn it in tomorrow. I asked him why he didn’t actually do it before if it would only take him an afternoon to write, why didn’t he write it when it was assigned. He screamed out of frustration and I felt my lack of energy pushing against the fallout button every parent has; the one to just stop the car and spank their ass until they’ve stopped; but I pushed through, we were late as it was, and his school’s turn was just up ahead, right before the bridge which led to Anna’s preschool, I cursed inwardly. His screaming caused Anna to start crying, and her crying was pitiful and meek like somehow she imagined all of this to be her fault. I felt my heart breaking in two, one part in anger and frustration, and the other in dire need of more rest or more caffeine. Tommy was screaming, Anna was crying, and I was turning in my seat.
I didn’t see the clock before the impact.
This is the first short story for 30 days of short stories for NaNoWriMo. 
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