#and then like from there ratchet and the other medics treat pharma as if he's just unreservedly evil
lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I'm fighting so hard not to say something salty about how FAST the other Autobot medics gave up Pharma for dead and being irredeemably evil. But like, I'm a Pharma simp but I don't want to be that embarrassing
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novafire-is-thinking · 2 months
I’ve been scrutinizing the badges and medical symbols (or lack thereof) of the medics of IDW, and speculating about what these might say about each of them.
Out of all the medics, Flatline’s badge(less) arrangement stood out to me, so it’s time to make this way deeper than the writers and artists intended.
To wear a badge, or not to wear a badge…
Thanks to Alex Milne, the Autobots got their own medical cross:
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This is worn by Pharma and First Aid, and by Ratchet before the war and during the earliest days of the conflict. He later removes the cross, but switches between a couple of different symbols and no symbol throughout the course of the war—his time spent on Earth having a lot to do with that, I suspect. Even so, after the war, he chooses not to wear any indication of his status as a medic—only an Autobot badge.
Meanwhile, the Decepticons have no universally recognized symbol for their medics. Instead, they each have their own unique symbol, or none at all. Glit has a vaguely medical-looking cross that differs from the Autobot medical cross, and Flatline has a symbol resembling the pulse of a spark:
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…which I can only assume is meant to be the Cybertronian version of the following, but with a circle for the spark instead of a heart:
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Meanwhile, Spinister and Nickel have nothing. Just their Decepticon badges.
Now, to combine these with faction badges:
Badge + medical symbol: Pharma, First Aid
Badge + no medical symbol: Ratchet, Fixit, Velocity, Spinister, Nickel
No badge + medical symbol: Flatline, Glit
No badge + no medical symbol: Ambulon
There are three medics who don’t wear badges; all of them are or were Decepticons. This is interesting on its own, but I’m more interested in how this may correlate to their attitudes towards treating Autobots:
Even though Glit’s KP version is willing to treat people regardless of faction, this is never confirmed for his IDW version. There isn’t enough evidence to infer how he feels about Autobots, or treating them. Yes, he was at Grindcore, but that says nothing about how he treated Autobot prisoners behind the scenes.
As for Ambulon, he switched sides and underwent the Act of Affiliation, but—evidently—not the Rite of the Autobrand. I could speculate all day about why, but that’s not important because, whatever the case, he treats patients of both factions without hesitation. Because he’s been on both sides, he has an externally observable reason to do so.
This leaves Flatline as the only badgeless—and only Decepticon—medic who’s proven to uphold a moral value of treating people regardless of faction. Unlike Ambulon, he has no externally obvious reason to do so, but he does it anyway because it’s personally important to him.
The following roams into headcanon territory, but based on what can be inferred from Flatline’s few appearances, I like to think his choice to not wear a Decepticon badge serves two purposes:
It’s his way of signaling to potential patients: “I don’t see you through the lenses of your faction and ideology, but as a person.”
It’s a personal reminder for himself of his commitment to being blind to factions when treating people; it’s a way of reminding himself he’s committed to the preservation of life first—not to any group or “order” of medical personnel.
This is not to say medics who do wear badges and belong to an order of medics don’t also treat patients based on similar values—as we see First Aid and Ratchet treating people of the opposing faction.
This is just me playing around with the possibility of inferring something deeper about Flatline’s character—what he values, how he sees himself and the world, what sets him apart from others “like him,” etc.
And besides, Autobot medics are expected to uphold their medical oaths. Decepticon medics—perhaps unfairly—are assumed to be lax in that area, so it means more to have a Decepticon medic who holds to their personal moral values despite the general attitude towards the enemy seen in many of their comrades.
On that note, I would love to know how Tarn sees Flatline…
A Decepticon who refused the Rite of the Deceptibrand.
A Decepticon who refused to cut into his spark casing to signify his commitment to the Cause.
A Decepticon who values commitment to his personal morals above adhering to any external ideology.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Finally decided to talk about my Fan Continuity again—mainly with revealing the rest of the characters that I just haven’t mentioned yet. But with this one, I’m going to put everyone together—ones I’ve already mentioned (with new bits), and the ones I haven’t yet.
Again, really everyone is still around (besides a few), but these ones are all the more main ones.
I would’ve done this sooner, but I just kept forgetting.
1: Optimus Prime: They/Them/Themself, He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
The leader of the Autobots, who, only a short time ago—three months, to be exact, had still been Orion Pax. However, that changed thanks to the Matrix of Leadership, changing them into a Prime.
Residing on Earth with his Autobots, Optimus Prime is still grieving over the loss of their Conjunx Endura, Elita-1, while quickly growing protective of the others, and promising to stop the Decepticons—not wanting anybody else to suffer.
2: Wheeljack: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself, She/Her/Herself:
One of the most well known Autobot Scientists... and in general, despite the known fact that a lot of their inventions tend to malfunction or blow up in his face. Although, they are still one of the only remaining ones on Earth.
They stick around, helping out the other Autobots, but the scientist has some... issues, that they’ve been trying to fix for a while.
Shortly after the arrival to Earth, Ratchet and the Dinobots suddenly went missing, with Wheeljack making it his personal mission to find them. All while dealing with an unfortunate change that happened because of an encounter with a ‘Con, and one of her inventions.
3: Ambulon: They/Them/Themself:
The only remaining Cybertronian medic that resides on Earth—due to First Aid’s death back on Cybertron, a... situation, involving Pharma, and Ratchet’s disappearance not all that long ago.
After leaving the Decepticons, and officially becoming an Autobot some time before leaving Cybertron, they discover that some treat them far better than how others treat Mirage, another former Decepticon.
Shortly after the switch, Ambulon suffered permanent damage, which still affects them in some ways, they remain a medic, helping their fellow Autobots. They can’t fight anymore, though.
4: Mirage: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself, She/Her/Herself:
An outlier with the ability to turn invisible, as well as creating holograms of anything. While Mirage may be an Autobot now, back before the arrival on the new planet, they had originally started out as a Decepticon.
Despite the side that they are on now, Mirage takes notice to certain Autobots who just... seem to not trust her, or like her—considering him a spy—which doesn’t help when Mirage has been a little... suspicious, as of late.
They are tired of all of this.
5: Cliffjumper: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
An Autobot who, while seeming to have trouble trusting others—fellow Autobots included—seems to trust Mirage the least. He doesn’t want anything to do with them, but she’s still with the team... and the two keep getting put together.
Shortly after arriving on Earth, Cliffjumper was captured, and during that time, clones were made of him—all planned on being used as soldiers for the Decepticons. Which... leads into moments (quite often) where he and the clones are easily mistaken.
Cliffjumper has been shot at more times than he can count because of this.
6: Pipes: He/Him/Himself, She/Her/Herself:
An Autobot who had originally been a very excellent spy... until she made a horrible mistake, and the Decepticons figured out who Pipes really was, and what he had been doing among them.
Now fully back with the Autobots, Pipes is on a lengthy road of recovery from being crushed after the Decepticons figured everything out. Despite not being able to do much, the minibot is still trying to find ways to help... and to not worry anyone with some other problems.
7: Scrounge: They/Them/Themself:
An Autobot who... well... nobody can exactly remember too much about them—Scrounge died years ago during the earlier days of the war, but stuck around with everyone as a ghost—but it doesn’t seem like anyone can see them.
Scrounge has obtained several tasks that they want to accomplish:
1: Find Blaster—they learned from listening to the others that he went missing, alongside others.
2: Discover a way to let the others see and hear them... maybe they could try possession?
3: Find their arm—they lost it right before their death, and has constantly been wanting to finally try and retrieve it.
4: Finally join the After/Allspark.
8: Sunstreaker: It/It’s/Itself:
An Autobot who, upon it learning of the others suddenly disappearing, never thought too much of it (except for happiness when involving the Decepticons). But then it’s brother disappears, too, and Sunstreaker decides to do something about it.
Aside from trying to figure out where it’s brother is, Sunstreaker can’t help but feel like it’s being... drawn. To where? To who? It doesn’t know. It’s just trying to take in the sights and find it’s sibling—the strange feeling can wait.
9: Rewind: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
An Autobot who is seen typically recording—but for a while, he wasn’t seen at all. Like Ratchet and the rest, his fellow Autobots assumed he was taken��except he seemed to be the only one who returned.
Although, Rewind claims that he doesn’t remember anything—nothing is recorded, either. So, perhaps something else happened... but there is certainly something off about how he’s been acting since he returned. Rewind doesn’t want to talk, though.
10: Dinobot: They/Them/Themself:
Originally a neutral for a good half of the war, Dinobot eventually became an Autobot after a few things happened—including a chat with Optimus Prime. They know a few of the Decepticons personally.
Despite knowing all of the more major issues—dealing with the Decepticons, finding who all is missing, etc—Dinobot is dealing with a more personal thing, and seems to frequently disappear.
11: Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus: She/Her/Herself, It/It’s/Itself:
The Second in Command to the Autobots, and close to Optimus Prime—the two having known each other from years before the war ever started.
Ever since others started disappearing, among all of the other problems, Ultra Magnus has been... really stressed. She hopes that she can get to the bottom of this.
1: Andie Gray: She/Her/Herself, He/Him/Himself:
A human who, while on his way to get to his college classes, stumbled across a fight between the Autobots and Decepticons. Despite trying to ignore all of that, she still ends up getting roped into everything.
After a more proper introduction, Wheeljack is made her guardian. And despite the fact that he’s more focused on personal life things, he still sticks around, and decides to help the scientist out.
Andie communicates through sign language.
2: “Raven” (Real Name Unknown): Any Pronouns:
A younger human who, while running around, stumbled across a long-gone Cybertronian, and Censere—who hadn’t expected to be seen—neither of them had expected this to happen.
After an introduction, with Raven giving a fake name, the two decide to stick with each other... but there are things that she doesn’t plan on telling Censere—like how he’s hiding.
Rampage: It/It’s/Itself:
Rampage (or “X” to some), used to be held in some sort of facility in another Universe, before it had a chance to escape—taking it, which led it both out of the facility and out of that Universe, ending up in a new one.
It shortly meets Transmutate—who isn’t the one it vaguely knew from the other Universe—who also seemed to have gone through a similar situation.
Teaming up and sticking together, the two have to worry about... a lot, such as others from each of their universes coming to catch the two—especially Transmutate.
Transmutate: She/Her/Herself, It/It’s/Itself, They/Them/Themself:
She was originally held in an old facility somewhere in a different universe, before hurriedly taking a chance to escape—quickly discovering that, after jumping through a portal, that it led them to another universe, too.
After arriving, it quickly met Rampage—a different one—yet it also seemed to go through a similar situation. The two decide to team up and stick together... but there’s a lot to worry about.
It has abilities that it cannot control.
Censere/The Necrobot: They/Them/Themself:
Censere... or as everyone else knows them as, The Necrobot—a neutral who seems to catalogue the deceased—yet also thought to not exist.
Residing on Earth, they were alone... until a young human managed to spot them while they were listing a Cybertronian off. At first, they thought that would be it—but the two kept seeing each other, and eventually, the two made the decision to stick together.
Krok: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
A Monoformer that is haunted by events from his past—which causes him to see... spirits (those are real?)—and the leader of a small group called “The Scavengers”. Years before the others, he first met Spinister, after the surgeon repaired him.
His time with everyone has, so far, been... chaotic, that’s for sure. But, it quickly becomes worse when, after a visit to a planet, they all discover that they are being tracked and chased—but nobody knows why or by who.
Spinister: They/Them/Themself, It/It’s/Itself:
Spinister, a rather strange (in everyone else’s optics) surgeon, who, years ago, ran into a severely damaged Krok. It didn’t know who did this—but it never asked. After fixing him, Spinister never left.
Out of everyone, they notice how Krok seems to understand them the best—but it’s still somewhat a mystery to the monoformer—there are certain things that Spinister keeps to themselves.
However, one thing that is known, yet still a mystery... is that Spinister seems to see and hear the spirits that hang around Krok. Yet nobody else can.
Misfire: Any Pronouns:
Misfire doesn’t remember much of anything—and he isn’t all that sure on the reason why. But, they do know that they have a terrible shot... everyone learns that quickly.
It’s the newest member, the others having met her and vise versa after the flier got into some trouble at the bar the others were visiting, before joining.
He’s not all that worried about what they can’t remember.
Crankcase: No Pronouns:
Crankcase, a Pilot, who before joining the Scavengers (being the third to join), used to be a member of the DJD—but has no intention on telling any of the others this—figuring that it doesn’t matter.
The only explanation Crankcase has ever given them was that the pilot used to work for someone, before deciding to leave—but when doing so, was wounded—receiving the nasty head wound.
Kaon and Vos were the cause of it.
Fulcrum: They/Them/Themself, He/Him/Himself:
Fulcrum, a Decepticon who... isn’t all that sure on what he was doing in an old, seemingly abandoned, lab—which was where he ended up meeting the others—being the fourth to join.
Unlike Misfire later on, they can remember everything... except for anything involving the lab—they just can’t remember why they were there, or their time in it. They... feel weird, and can no longer transform, among other unfortunate details.
While dealing with the chaos of the Scavengers, they slowly start to realize why they were there...
1: Starscream: No Pronouns:
A Decepticon, who, originally, was the Second in Command, even after everyone arrived on Earth. But, when Megatron suddenly disappeared without a trace, Starscream finally became the leader, much to the disappointment of the other Decepticons.
Starscream is going to make sure everything stays like this.
2: Soundwave: They/Them/Themself, It/It’s/Itself:
Originally the Third in Command, they became the new SiC after Megatron’s disappearance, and when Starscream became the new leader... which is quite unfortunate.
They were the first to notice everything happening—other Cybertronians just disappearing without a trace, for example—not just Megatron. Ratchet, Wheeljack’s Dinobots, all of its minicons...
Deciding to get to the bottom of this, Soundwave starts digging—wanting to find its true leader and its minicons.
3: Thundercracker: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
After Megatron’s disappearance, with Starscream becoming the new leader, and Soundwave becoming the new SiC, Thundercracker found himself with the position of the new TiC.
Ever since he’d arrived on Earth, among the more major situations, the Decepticons have noticed how strange he’s been ever since... practically the first day.
Sure, they know certain things—like how he created a film once, a month or two after the arrival. But... what’s going on now? Thundercracker wants to keep it a secret—he doesn’t want anything bad to happen—or, more simply, for anyone to be bothered.
4: Megatron: Any Pronouns:
The original leader of the Decepticons, and an old friend of Optimus Prime’s before the war—having considered the mech like a younger brother in a way. They were still around during the first month on Earth... but then something happened.
Megatron doesn’t know what’s happening. Doesn’t know that it’s not just him that’s missing. Doesn’t know where he is. Everything feels weird.
He’s not sure what’s going on, but she’s going to escape—after all, knowing Starscream most likely became the leader... it’s not going to let that remain for much longer... and it’s not going to let anyone else destroy the Prime.
5: Tracks: He/Him/Himself, She/Her/Herself, They/Them/Themself:
A Decepticon who had been a spy for some time... and was also the first one to discover that there was another spy—Pipes, and informed the others so that they could deal with the minibot.
After a few weeks of being on Earth, Tracks ran into a human... and although she’s a little iffy about humans in general (but doesn’t necessarily hate them), they really like this one—a lot.
The other Decepticons know of what is going on—but don’t exactly do anything about it—there’s more important things to worry about.
6: Tarantulas: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
A Decepticon scientist with a beast-mode—others typically stay out of his way, only coming to the mech if they absolutely need to—nobody approached him at all the day that his creation went missing.
Throughout most of his time on Cybertron, he spent his time working on another Cybertronian—a son—who others heard Tarantulas refer to him as “Ostaros”.
On Earth, Tarantulas discovered that Ostaros was just.. gone—he vanished. Unsure where to start, Tarantulas teams up with Soundwave, wanting to find his son—but not really caring about the others that are missing.
7: Nightbird: She/Her/Herself, (MtF):
A robot, but not exactly a Cybertronian—she was created by Tarantulas shortly after arriving on Earth, but the scientist had no clue what to really use her for... but, after Ostaros went missing, Tarantulas and Soundwave decided to use her for assistance.
Nightbird is still getting used to, and processing, a lot of things—she hasn’t been alive for all that long. She considers Tarantulas her father.
8: Red Alert: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
A Decepticon who... nobody has exactly seen much of—mainly as of recently. The others decide not to bother him—none of them know what to do, but they figure it has something to do with everything that has been happening recently.
Red Alert typically stays back in his quarters... unsure of what to do about the situation(s) in front of everyone. He wants to help, but is terrified of disappearing, too—what if one of his fellow Decepticons is causing it? It could practically be anyone who is causing all of this—which is unfortunate.
But, he wants to figure it all out.
9: Makeshift: It/It’s/Itself:
Another robot—but not exactly a Cybertronian—who was created by Tarantulas back on Cybertron—also considering the scientist a father. Thanks to Tarantulas, it is able to shapeshift into any Cybertronian.
It doesn’t care all that much on the situation that’s going on, but even if it did, it’s more focused on its current mission—pretending to be one of the Autobots.
10: Jazz: She/Her/Herself, He/Him/Himself:
A former Autobot, but something happened back on Cybertron to make her leave and join the Decepticons—something that he prefers not to speak about, and something that the others don’t ask about.
While she’s not exactly a medic, she still has enough medical skills to be considered one—and he has a lot to do, considering that the others come back wounded a lot.
11: Skybyte: They/Them/Themself:
A Decepticon with a beast mode—shark, to be exact—and a Decepticon who isn’t all that sure on what’s going on. They know of the war and similar things... but, they accidentally got into a pod years ago, and ended up on Earth way before the others.
They were awoken by Jazz and Tracks after the two found them, and brought back to the current base. Skybyte is still surprised by everything that’s happening—which nobody told them about for a while, having forgotten.
Skybyte never really fights, spending time on other activities and projects.
Tags: @aecholapis @bramble-b0t @novafire-is-thinking @kawareo @critcallylowhp
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mychlapci · 4 months
TFA Broodmare ship anon back and ready!
And yess on Ratchet. He's really wary of other medics now thanks to all the slag Pharma had him put through (to borrow from that other Anon), including painful alterations to his forge to ensure that Ratchet had a higher chance to push out fliers and/or Seekers than normal. He shouldn't have had it done at his age but no one really cared because he was considered past his breeding prime and really, Ratchet should be *grateful* that someone had enough interest in him to fund that surgery. This just makes him even more valuable to the Decepticons because Seekers are so hard to get nowadays and here's a broodmare popping 'em out!
Drift also totally comes charging back to the Decepticon side, just fucking shuriken throws his Autobot badge away and flexes back into his full hulking size as Dreadlock. RATTY! HE'S BACK! (Dedicated broodmare guard, go!)
As for the others, I like to think that given their smaller size, Bee and Prowl tend to have eggs as that's safer for their body to carry, but they were still forced to have larger than was safe clutches to increase their breeding output. They can still carry a regular bitlet, but that's uncommon for them. This also means that they were the ones really getting their poor titties really abused with milk pumps or painful manual milking. Now though, it means its easy for them to be wet nurses to the other bitlets until their eggs hatch....and maybe they have spare milk for a stud that asks politely enough.
Bulkhead is bewildered at all the aftercare and pampering in general that he's getting; no one besides the team really cared to do that for him because of his size and how 'easy' carrying was on him in comparison to the others. Why should he get any pampering, after all and this was still a punishment, which put his comfort even lower on the scale.
Optimus is fifty fifty; he can have eggs or regular bitlets either way given his size. He's really grateful that the team's being treated so well now and he's honestly surprised that Megatron is interested in his opinions and just talking to him in general, with or without sex attached.
The Autobots find out what happened to Team Prime when they intercept footage of Megatron leading a meeting with Optimus not only joining in from time to time, but the little Prime is also serving as a spike-warmer to the warlord. Grinding his hips a little and clearly edging out the whole time as he resists bouncing on that heavy, fat spike in his leaking valve, heavy tits out and dripping milk the whole time. The meeting ends with Megatron pushing Optimus onto the table and ruining that tight valve, fucking him through several orgasms before finally rounding that heavy belly out even further with generous amounts of transfluid.
Sentinel basically swallows his tongue at the footage at how fucking beautiful Optimus looks, how eagerly he takes that spike, how he fucking begged for it the whole time and even at the end, Optimus still obviously wants more.
*more horny thoughts brewing, stay tuned
yessss everyone gets real good treatement. Breeders are meant to be worshipped, it‘s good for their health. Prowl and Bee probably put on some weight so they can carry more easily... Ratchet insists he‘s more sturdy than they think but he never refuses a massage and a fingering session to prepare him for the winged little seekers coming out of him. They always make sure he‘ll have an easy time pushing... Bulkhead gets to experience what it‘s like to be pampered, as a favourite amongst the decepticons, he gets a lot of attention...
Optimus kind of turns into Megatron‘s arm-candy. He‘ll hang off of Megatron‘s arm during meetings and peace talks and deals. His fat, pregnant belly presses into Megatron‘s side as he leans in to give him his opinion on the matters discussed. Megatron is stubbon, but he knows he has a clever broodmare, and he revels in it. Sometimes Optimus just walks over and sits on the warlord‘s spike, ignoring the optics that turn to him when his valve squelches obscenely. Megatron rubs Optimus‘ belly, soothing the squirming sparkling...
you know.... I want Megatron in the same room as autobot high command so badly. A delegation, some sort of... political bullshit, i don‘t know, maybe the ‘cons come out of hiding and start making demands or something. doesn‘t matter. Sentinel and his subordinates listen bedrudgingly to the warlord and his goons, until Optimus walks in. He‘s glowing. His entire body filled out nicely now that he‘s actually fueling properly, thighs and tits fat as he walks over to Megatron, who starts rubbing his swollen belly, almost idly. He ignores Sentinel calling for him, like he doesn‘t even know him.
i guess the talk doesn‘t go too well when the autobots find out that some of their old broodmares were stolen.
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blighted-lights · 7 months
because of course im gonna ask: first aid? —cmofirstaid
(Based off of this post! TFP Soundwave, IDW Sunstreaker, IDW First Aid, IDW Ravage, and IDW Cosmos have all been asked for! Feel free to send in an ask for any character that isn't one of these five 🌸❗️Not limited to followers or mutuals, so go wild!)
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First Impression: Oh shit, First Aid! I read MTMTE before I read most of IDW, and I was fucking stoked to see him appear in the Delphi arc- ESPECIALLY with how he was introduced with his report that doubled as the issue's intro narration. Aside from that, though, I didn't focus on him much during my first read-through. Pharma and Ambulon immediately stole the show away from him, and it wasn't until my second read a few months later that I really focused on Aid. Aside from being happy to see him, I LOVED how he was drawn in MTMTE. He's always been cute, but something with how he was drawn in the first half of MTMTE really cemented for me that he has one of the best designs. He somehow manages to be boxy and round at the same time and I love him for it.
Impression Now: You are ENTIERLY responsible for how much First Aid means to me now, I hope you know this. One of my top ten IDW faves. His design remains one of my favorites, and I wish we got more canon content digging into his POV of things pre-mutiny. I wish he stayed on the Lost Light instead of being called away, too! There is so much focus on Ratchet passing over the title of CMO to First Aid, but then Aid leaves so quickly after. Idk, I wish we just got to see him more pre-mutiny. Aid is such a tragic character to me but he's another background tragedy and it makes me want to shake my screen a bit when I think about him. A somewhat vaguely odd thing to say, but I wish we got to see more of First Aid's grief over Ambulon and his feelings towards Pharma. Honestly I wished we got to see more interactions between Aid and the rest of the medical cast in general- including Ratchet, Velocity (ESPECIALLY Lotty (is not biased)), and Rung.
Favorite Moment: Speaking of Pharma, my favorite moment of First Aid is this one right here:
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I think Aid should be shown like this more often. I NEED him to be angry. I need him to be murderous. As a treat for myself. I hate the idea in media where the good guys refuse to kill a villain because they'd be "letting the villain win". It's good to see that narrative challenged by Aid here.
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... Even if the consequences aren't easily forgotten.
Idea for a Story: Someone put First Aid and Rung into a therapy appointment, I need to pick their interactions apart under a microscope. I do not thing going to Rung would be able to help Aid. In fact, it might just make an already shitty situation worse. But I want to see First Aid sit down and talk about what he is experiencing. And maybe I want to see Rung unintentionally making his grieving process more difficult. We already know from Rung's own admission in Lost Light that he does not know who he is without his patients. He banks his entire identity and self-worth on trying to assist other people. But what happens when nothing he does seems to help First Aid, and therefore his own self-image begins to crumble for it? How does his own perceived failings affect his treatment of First Aid?
Unpopular Opinion: 🤔 Not sure if I have one. I'm allergic to the idea of Aid being really nice and nervous 100% of the time, ig. All things considered, the First Aid we have in IDW isn't nervous at all. But I don't actually know how prevalent this is in fandom or if this is even an unpopular take 🤷‍♂️.
Favorite Relationship: Canon-wise? It's a toss up between him and Ambulon and then him and Ratchet. It is devastating how hard Aid takes Ambulon's death, and his desperation to help save Ambulon when Ratchet wouldn't let him was heartbreaking to read. At the same time, I NEED more of First Aid and Ratchet arguing with each other and Aid calling Ratchet out on his bullshit. It is rare that anyone steps up to Ratchet like that and succeeds in affecting him. I would like more, thanks.
Non-canon relationships? Another toss-up between Velocity and Ravage. Put these three in a blunt rotation, I'm sure they'll be fine.
Favorite Headcanon: First Aid is extremely tactile. There is not a word or phrase that could properly describe how touchy First Aid is. He has the capability to turn someone who is touch-starved to touched-out in the span of thirty minutes. While this is in part due to just him being an affectionate person in general (or at the very least, more physically affectionate than most other Autobots), it is also partially because of his intense focus on Autobot brands. He is so used to checking everyone he comes across for their brands in the case that they might have a bullet shot through them that the process of checking someone over is compulsive. This extends to people who fall outside of the Autobot ranks who do not even have brands, like Ravage, Cyclonus, and Ten. It's earned him more than a few strange looks and awkward silences over the course of being on the Lost Light.
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cryptic-creationn · 4 months
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Sg pharma !!
Will prob draw a better design later, but for now here he is!
I think an SG Pharma would be COOL! He's already pretty interesting in canon, SG would be a whole new level.
ANYWAY- In this SG 'verse Pharma is similar and different from Baseline in many ways. Commonly characterized as a slightly off-rocker but brave mech, Pharma's good in the operating room but struggles with anything else involving other mechs. He keeps to himself for the most part, sometimes confiding in his old friend Ratchet when lonely.
He's stationed in Deplhi among the disinterested medic First Aid and cold Ambulon, and with the isolation his social skills suffer even further. The long nights treating patients -if you can call it that- begin to scratch at his mind, and with no-one left he begins to find himself pulling away from everything entirely, sympathizing with the sick and injured that he keeps alive and wondering about their lives before falling under his care.
Unlike most other medics, Pharma has a reputation for being quick, clean and even gentle in his craft. Prior to his station at Deplhi he was well-liked, due to him keeping to himself, and that the mechs that come under his blade leave with only what they need, a rare thing among medics as a whole.
If I get more motivation I might write/draw more, SG is really fun to think abt/draw!
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Get Cucked Tarn Part 2
Pharma definitely doesn't regret deciding to go on a journey with his ex who he'd been holding out for since Delatran and who ghosted him for years. He's fine being friends. Ambulon though needs to stop looking at him pityingly or he'll start mentioning his exes. 
Pharma is settling in. Things feel a bit like Delphi and shift lead switches between himself/Ambulon and Ratchet/First Aid. He has decided to distract himself by bullying Ambulon to finish applying to be recognized as a full doctor and hanging out in Mirage's bar as it is a quieter bar and one that Ratchet doesn't visit as often.
Pharma is maintaining himself well (and successfully avoiding First Aid's attempts to introduce him to the ship therapist).
And then he ends up being the one in the medbay during night shift when Megatron comes in. The meeting is Tense as Megatron's silhouette and even speech patterns are horrifyingly familiar after spending time with Tarn. But Pharma is a damn good doctor so he feeds him and then when he tries to leave bullies him into a full exam because his records haven't been updated. Megatron is also tense and moves in Pharma's peripheral to almost grab his wing in a way that reminds him of Tarn and makes him freeze which instantly drains Megatron of any hostility because the superficial similarity to Starscream had been making him start to go into old habits but the fear response is different and shocks him. Pharma dismisses him and says he'll need his full work up later and flees leaving a shame-faced Megatron.
Megatron is left to contemplate it while Pharma calms himself in the office.
They mostly avoid each other though Pharma hears from the First Aid Rumor Mill, Megatron has voluntarily started to visit Rung while Rodimus has still not left his room despite Magnus hanging around an hour the day before and other random gossip. Pharma nods along and pretends like he isn't listening. He doesn't like how he'd frozen up and his reaction and shakiness afterwards infuriates him. He decides he has to face his fears in a way that he controls.
He makes an appointment for Megatron and makes sure to include Magnus to make sure he shows. 
Megatron does show up stiff and uncomfortable and says he'd thought he might have someone else like Ambulon and that offends Pharma who yells him that he is more than capable and has been a doctor longer than Ambulon has existed. Megatron had meant for Pharma's comfort and says as much and Pharma insists he's fine. 
The exam starts with Megatron much too taut to examine. Pharma is unhappy with the tension and strain and the cleanliness but lack of care. Megatron is dismissive and Pharma tells him his professional opinion and then with permission works to treat it. Megatron is doubtful, but lays down and Pharma, who knows Megatron's build too well, skillfully applies pressure until Megatron is loose enough to let Pharma get in the cracks to inspect and oil his joints as needed working on cricks and polishing and general upkeep. Megatron retenses once he gets near his helm so Pharma skips it put notes the similarities to patients his had with mnemosurgery trauma. Basically a massage and full work up and orders for Megatron to take a full soak in a hot oil bath once a week and Pharma will be confirming.
Megatron is somewhat bewildered but accepting and Pharma feels more confident because he handled it and Megatron was strangely easy. He then gives him his food but in a good mood and pushing himself, he always does, eats with him. This leads to an awkward attempt at conversation in which they both try but neither have ever attempted small talk. Pharma gets comfortable talking about Ambulon and First Aid and praising them. Megatron muses about an old desire to be a medic when Pharma voices his own opinions about Forged medical hands being a natural starting advantage but not the be all and end all. Pharma says, bluntly, what's stopping him. Ambulon wasn't on the medical track until he joined the Autobots, there's nothing in the code stopping Megatron from at least knowing basic first aid. Megatron fumbles his Fool's Energon and looks at him mask broken with genuine surprise and Pharma realizes he's probably said something strange but tells the captain to drink so he can go recharge hastily, changing the subject. 
Megatron does and leaves oddly thoughtful.
Little meetings for medical check ups massage and Fool's Energon between them continue to occur because Pharma insists on desensitizing himself. Megatron is strangely polite even as Pharma has the occasional nightmare he ignores.
Then they find a casket and Rodimus returns and they have to confront the Lost Light slaughtered by the DJD.
So Pharma is absolutely going through it, but he's figuring things out and settling into a new rhythm which will be fucked up via Lost Light Typical Shenanigans
Rung will meet with him one day and Pharma will have to confront the bullshit
yep and there's Megatron, the elephant in the room, stirring up our dear friend (derogatory) trauma. Both are making comparisons they'd rather not make, but in general things are going better than they could've gone
Oo so Pharma's trying to be brave on this and this leads to a very crunchy visit with Megatron who's trying, he's trying, but I mean he's IDW Megatron so of course he's pretty rough around the edges.
Awww on Pharma actually encouraging Megs on the medic stuff! Iicr Ratchet was actually less forgiving on this angle of things
So they're actually starting to get along, with Pharma using this to sort of deal with his Tarn related trauma and in general I'd say these are good for Megatron too (especially considering how isolated of a person IDW Megatron feels usually)
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doctor-glitterbomb · 1 year
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps (for SG Glit)
SG Glit has more blood on his paws than any other medic in the Decepticon fleet--there are Autobots who have done fewer war crimes than him.
This is because Ratchet raised him and trained him. None of it was really ever his own idea, and he had a complete breakdown with Shockwave and Soundwave made him face what he had been doing in order to get him to join them and his sisters.
As a juvenile, he hadn't developed his famous empathy yet, but he did know that praise from Ratchet and Pharma meant he would be loved on and they would be proud of him, and he did whatever they asked him to do. Sure the Autobots treated him as a curiosity--a Predacon who was capable of becoming a medic! clearly evidence of Ratchet's genius, not his own--but he even did research with First Aid before he defected.
It's all under wraps in large part because most of his crimes were committed while he was a minor, but also because he does not like to talk about it.
Knock Out is his closest friend and he would be the first to tell you not to ask Glit how he came up with some of the inventive surgical ideas he pulls out of his aft on the battlefield or in the Victory medbay--whatever made him think he could sew that to that, even temporarily until proper repairs could be done? He probably won't tell you, but if he does you will never, ever, forget the answer.
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soundcrusher · 2 years
A trip to Delphi
I did give a headstart... So... yea... Welcome to Season 2 of Phoenix's story in the universe of the sentient SG/Lost Light from @cuppajj
(Boy, I really need to find another way to title this...)
Trigger Warning: none, or at least a mild injury
It was a normal day for the medical staff on Delphi. Something Pharma has come to like, ever since the war ended. Because, with the war over, that meant the injuries he and his staff had to treat were no–longer because of fights, but rather, because of the life their patients were living. Granted, they did get some mechs and femmes who were in a bar fight, but that was a lot more different than treating wounds that were obtained because of a war. 
Another thing Pharma was glad for was that the Decepticons allowed his staff, mostly consisting out of Autobots, to stay on Delphi and keep the facility running. Of course, the security were Decepticons ordered to keep an eye on those who still believed in the Autobot faction, but it was a compromise. And as long as they were doing their job, they were safe. Something Pharma was also glad for too. He cared for his staff after all, and often thought about those that left to either explore the galaxy or because they no-longer wanted to work for him. Manye left, after Ratchet told everyone he worked with Tarn and his crew together to save the lives of other Decepticons. But as he pointed out that they were medics and should help everyone who came through these doors, they chased him off. If it wasn’t for his new friends, Pharma was sure that Ratchet would have killed him. 
Pharma let out a soft, but sad sigh as his mind wandered to Ratchet. Sometimes, when he was walking down the halls of the facility, like now, he couldn’t stop but miss the strange medic. They often had different opinions on treatment, with Ratchet saying that they shouldn’t throw away perfectly fine parts whenever a mech or femme died, but in the end? Ratchet might as well have been the only other mech around to match his skills and mind. Which was another reason why Pharma was sad that his old friend had joined the Lost Light crew. Despite his… personality… Ratchet was still an excellent medic. One that could have done more good, if he didn’t go missing along with the hip. 
 At least Pharma still had Tarn with whom he had kept in contact ever since the war ended. Sometimes, he and his crew would show up with an injured mech, and Pharma would make sure the new patient was treated right away, before seeing how the DJD was doing. Sometimes, he would have to fix them up too, because they got in a skirmish with some rouge Autobots, or they were met with hostile inhabitants of a planet. If Pharma wasn’t as worried as he usually was, he would probably laugh at his friends whenever they came from yet another skirmish. Sometimes, he even wondered how they found themselves in even more fights than before, when the war was over. Truly, the DJD had no luck at times, or better said, most of the time. 
While Pharma walked down the corridors to his office, he failed to notice the shadows of two mechs following him. Only inside did he finally feel someone walking behind him. But then, it was already too late. Whoever was behind him, had the side of their sword directly against his throat. Something the old flier wouldn’t find concerning, if it wasn’t for the slight tremble his assaulter had. One wrong slip, at whoever was behind him could sever a fuel pump, which ten would lead to a painful death, if he wasn’t quick enough to call for help. 
“D-Do… Don’t move!” Called his assailant with a voice way too young for someone who was threatening someone with their life. “I.. I wo-won’t… I won’t hesitate!” Yes, Pharma was sure that whoever was pointing the sword was a.) young and b.) scared. Which was enough information for the medic to relax his posture and lower his wings into a non threatening position. 
“I won’t move, but, if I am allowed to make a request, could you lower your sword? The way it is held, it might slip and sever a fuel pump, which could lead to a nasty injury.” Pharma spoke calmly and softly, because he was sure that the youngling holding the sword was only doing this, because he felt like there was no other way. And if someone feels like there is no other way, it’s best to remain calm. Him panicking would only lead to an accident. 
“I… I… I don’t… I’m sorry….” Muttered the youngling softly, before Pharma felt the sword being lifted away from his throat. “I just… you’re… you’re an Autobot and… and…” 
“I was one, but now I’m mostly neutral.” Said the medic and slowly turned around. “But I have worked with Decepticons during the war.” He added after seeing the symbole on the youngling chest. Primus, he was expecting a young mech, maybe someone who was created during the end phase of the war, but not one who was clearly born after the war had passed. It made his spark ache to see such a young live looking this haunted and afraid. It made him remember all the Decepticons seeking his help during the war. 
“Now, why don’t you tell me why you’re here? Is it because of your missing… wings…” Again, Primus, why was this youngling missing his wings? Especially when he was still growing? Did whoever took his wings even know how that can affect the development of a younglings body? Especially a flier? If they don’t fix this right now, who knows if this youngling could ever fly again?
But his wings didn’t seem to be the reason why the youngling was here, because he kept on glancing behind himself towards the door and… oh… Pharma could see now why the youngling waited for him to be alone, before approaching. Now, Pharma has heard about Rodimus Prime from his colleagues and the occasional Decepticon seeking his help after being burned by the prime, but if he remembers correctly, this was not how they described him. Rodimus Prime was supposed to be a speedster, not something like that one monster from the Frankenstein book. 
“Don’t stare too long, doc, or else I might forget myself.” Growled the prime.
“Now, “ started Pharma, while a servo went up to his comm to call three of his best medics. “I personally don’t like being threatened, but I will let it slip. The both of you seem like mechs coming straight out of the Pit.”
“Where do you think we lived for the past years?” At least the prime seemed to not have lost his snide, Pharma noted. 
It did take them a while to prepare everything and it took even longer after they tried to seperate the youngling from the prime. Pharma especially had it rough, because the youngling, Phoenix, as the prime called him, decided that it was a good idea to bite into his plating and not let go as he tried to softly pull the smaller flier away from Rodimus. But after making sure the youngspark was sedated, and the prime wouldn’t kill him for sticking a needle into his brother's side, they could start with the operations on both of them. 
Giving the youngling his wings back was easier than building a new frame for Rodimus and making sure that his new organs wouldn’t fail after a month. Especially when the prime insisted on staying awake for the whole process. If Pharma wasn’t a patient mech, he would have probably snapped at Rodimus after his third time insisting on becoming a flier. Especially after Pharma gave his patient enough reasons as to why they couldn’t make him a flier body. His sparks vulnerability at the moment being upfront and their lacking resources being last. 
“I thought you would be happy being able to drive around again.” Said Pharma during one of the many operations. But he was surprised as he heard the primes' reasoning as to why he was so adamant about becoming a flier. 
“Maybe… but I mostly wanted to be a flier too, so that Phoenix wouldn’t have to be far from me. Ever since we escaped… he hardly left my side. I worry that he might think I would be leaving if I was a speedster and he was a flier.”
“I am sure that your brother knows, deep down, that you will never leave him. Not willingly, at least.” Said Pharma, before finishing up everything and nodding. “Alright, we’re done. You should have full movement back now. Let me know if something feels off, so that we might make adjustments.”
Pharma watched his patient slowly get up from the medical berth, while stretching his new but familiar limbs. “I made sure that your new body was similar to your old one. Luckily enough, we had your patient files and could reconstruct everything from them. If you will excuse me though, I have to go somewhere.” Maybe he shouldn’t have turned his back to Rodimus, not when the first thing the prime did was grab his arms and slam him head first into the berth. Causing Pharma to groan in pain, both from the wound on his head and the way his arm was being twisted. 
“Do you think I am stupid? I know that you worked with Tarn and his crew during the war. And I bet you would have called him as soon as you walked out of this room. Maybe you even called him while operating on me.” Said the prime in a way that caused Pharma’s energon to run cold inside his veins. Was this how Rodimus’ victims felt, right before he burned them alive?
“But,” he heard him say “you fixed me, even though you didn’t have to. You could have killed me, but you didn’t. I owe  you for that.” Was the last thing Pharma heard, before everything turned black before his optics.
Rodimus looked down at the unconscious body of the medic. Yes, a life for a life, this should do for repayment. Also, Rodimus didn’t want to imagen his brother's reaction if he found out that he killed a medic. Phoenix would surely hate him for that.
So, after making sure Pharma wouldn’t die from the blow to the head, Rodimus grabbed the fire ax from the wall and made his way down the halls to where Phoenix was. The sooner they made it out of here, the better, because Rodimus didn’t really want to deal with the DJD right now. Granted, they would probably just bring him back to Cybertron, where they would judge him for his crimes, but still. Even if he managed to somehow convince the jury that he was innocent, he doubted that the new senate would let him leave. Especially not, when he told them that everyone on board the Lost Light had died. Which included Megatron…
After a while of searching, Rodimus found the room they kept Phoenix in. And after ‘gently’ opening the door with the borrowed ax, both of them were leaving again. Or better said, Rodimus was carrying Phoenix on his back, because, whatever they gave him to make sure he wouldn’t attack the staff made his brother as dead to the world as he was once. Something that would worry the prime, if it weren’t trained medics but rather the Lost Light who did it. DidN’t make leaving the facility easier though.
But, after a grueling time spent finding the exit and then their ship, Rodimus finally managed to leave the planet again, while Phoenix was resting in the sleeping area they made on the ship. 
The ship… something Rodimus will have to work on, if they decide to keep it. It was small, yes, probably only used to transport a small group of Cybertronians from point A to B, but still better than nothing. But that was a worry for another day.
Pharma, after being out of commission for who knows how long, woke up again with a splitting headache and the surprise of still being alive. Something he didn’t think would happen considering who his patient was. But then again, Rodimus Prime seemed to have changed, even if it was only a little bit. Must have been the young Decepticon.
The young Decepticon!
By Primus, Pharma completely forgot about the young Decepticon!
The thought alone caused Pharma to quickly scramble to his feet and rush out of the room he was in. Running down the halls, until he spotted the broken door and empty patient berth. The youngling was gone. Gone and probably in the hands of one of the most dangerous Autobots, next to Optimus Prime himself. 
So, Pharma was yet again quick to run down the halls again. This time though, he ran into his office and quickly went to the small communications terminal. Pressing the speed dial, which would contact only one specific ship. 
“Pharma? Is everything alright? You seem rather upset and… is that Energon running down your face? What happened?!”
Pharma let out a long sigh, before shaking his head. “I am fine, don’t worry. But we might have a problem Tarn.”
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Pharma's place in a Functionist society (headcanon)
So I've talked in some previous posts about all the reasons that Pharma isn't a functionist because canon never showed him espousing functionist ideals + he's actually in a place to be a victim of functionism. And I've been working on a Pharma-centric oneshot that made me put into words the best metaphor I can think of for Pharma's relationship with Functionism:
He doesn't support Functionism, but is simultaneously a beneficiary of it and also marginalized by it, because his position of being forged both a doctor and a jet basically turns him into a "token minority" of sorts.
I know that sounds kind of silly or maybe like a clumsy political allegory, but hear me out. There are a couple facts about Pharma and the circumstances of his forging that put him at the crossroads between privilege and marginalization within Functionism:
Tyrest says that Pharma was "famous for being forged." Not famous for being a forged medic-- otherwise surely Ratchet would be just as noteworthy-- but famous for being FORGED. But also, note that this is an opinion that SOCIETY had about Pharma, not something that Pharma espouses about himself. (For the sake of an example, Pharma isn't Starscream, who has an explicit, deep-seated need for others' love and approval. Pharma himself doesn't express any opinions on his own popularity or convey that fame/adoration is something he wants.)
Functionism on Cybertron held that if someone was born with a certain alt-mode, they can/should only have certain jobs. For people born with flight alt-modes, those people were almost always regulated to military or transportation/courier jobs
SIMULTANEOUSLY, Pharma was forged with medic hands, which under a Functionist society were viewed as the peak of medical care and all the best doctors were forged or at least had a "special something" that non-forged hands lacked (according to Ratchet).
So taken in combination, this means that from the moment of Pharma's birth, he straddled a line of Functionism between two different "predestined" paths for him, where he was simultaneously forged to be a doctor and also forged to fly, fitting into BOTH of these categories despite norms of Functionism which say you're one or the other. And I speculate that the reason Pharma is "famous for being forged" is precisely because of those lines he straddles: his very existence is a contradiction, but he was also FORGED that way. The same creed that dictated the two different functions of "hands" and "alt-mode" also says that Pharma should be what he was born to be. What he was born to be was a forged medic jet.
In my opinion, I think that being "famous for being forged" is sort of like a token-minority situation for Pharma, where perhaps Pharma was seen as a curiosity or even something exotic, not just as a person. Maybe because he was a jet and people assumed jets were only soldiers/transportation, a lot of his achievements were put in the light of "Oh, he's a really amazing doctor, for a jet" or "It's crazy that he's a doctor AND a jet at the same time". The attention Pharma received for the unique circumstances of his birth WAS positive, but it would've likely been framed in a bit of a condescending way, as if Pharma is noteworthy and famous not for being a good doctor, but for being a good doctor despite being born a jet.
So I would say that as far as Pharma's personal experience with Functionism, he simultaneously experienced privilege and marginalization. He enjoyed the privileges of being a medic while avoiding the restrictions of being a flight frame. However, a lot of the idolization and attention he received would have also come from a place of tokenizing Pharma: he's "famous for being forged," because in this society he's defying expectations merely for existing as himself. That is to say, Pharma in a Functionist society wasn't treated as remarkable because of who he is as a person and how hard he worked to be a good doctor; he was treated as remarkable for the circumstances of his forging, something he had no control over and can't change, and apparently Pharma being a forged medic jet is such a noteworthy origin that he's "famous" for it.
The above paragraph is purely headcanon, of course, but I like to imagine that part of Pharma's reason for having a big ego isn't out of simple vanity or insecurity, but because of a sort of "gifted student" syndrome, in a sense. From the moment he was forged he was treated as a rarity and an incredible phenomenon, and he would have had to work incredibly hard to be seen as "an incredible doctor" in his own right rather than just "that forged medic jet." Maybe, as a jet, he also had something to prove; he had to show to a Functionist society that being a jet doesn't make him an inferior doctor and that his alt-mode has nothing to do with his skills at his profession.
That is to say, I don't think Pharma would have been openly anti-Functionist, or had many opinions about it at all. I actually lean towards the interpretation that Pharma basically saw himself as getting lucky with the way he was forged and being content with the fact that he'd managed to carve out a reputation for himself as being incredibly skilled. However, Pharma not getting involved politically in Functionism doesn't change the fact that he WOULD have had a very complicated relationship with Functionism, in that alt-mode discrimination would have had an effect on him even though he was in the scientific/medical class and supposedly privileged.
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woeismywaffle · 2 years
Ya'll ever think that maybe Pharma's mentioned raging hate boner for Decepticons stems from the fact that he may have actually, once, believed in them?
Keep in mind tho that I haven't actually really read the IDW comics since they're really long and I'm really lazy but i've read through enough fanfiction and wiki entires + obsessed over Pharma to get a rough-ish idea of the main plot(is there one?? Feels like it)
Pharma's was born forged, which obivously gives him more advantages over those who were born cold-constructed but he was still a flight-frame and they don't seem to have that much social standing in canon either so if it wasn't for his magic medic hands he would probably not have been treated too well.
But whose to say he had a smooth run though? He was apparently 'famous for being forged' which sorta implies that the people didn't actually believe that a flight-frame like him could be born a medic. Pharma probably had to fight tooth and nail(mostly metaphorically but fanfic writers are free to go crazy on that) to prove himself as a good medic, which probably also led to his whole 'I'm a better doctor than you!!' thing he had going on with Ratchet.
With all these factors combined he was probably a little bit more supportive of the rising voices that claimed the caste system to be stupid than others were, maybe it even gave him a tiny bit of hope for a better tomorrow.
But of course, all of that came tumbling down for him when he realized that the Decepticons weren't really out for true freedom or justice, they just wanted to be ones in charge instead of the Senate.
Probably hurt by this, Pharma decided that the Decepticon cause was bullshit and went to join the Autobots because there was no one else better to join with and being a neutral probably wouldn't soothe his seething hate boner enough.
The whole fiasco with the DJD on Messatine also definitely didn't help with it and instead amplified it.
Mayhaps having to submit to Tarn, a literal physical symbol of the Decepticon's Cause, with his whole hate for Decepticons deteriorated his mental state even more which helpfully factored into the whole Red Rust shenanigan that happened.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
So, I decided to go ahead and reveal/talk about a few more of the main characters for my Fan Continuity, with the two humans included.
Andie Gray: She/Her/Herself, He/Him/Himself:
A human who, while on a walk to get to her college, stumbled across a few of the Decepticons and Autobots in the middle of a battle. Despite trying to ignore what was happening, and just get to college, he still gets roped into everything.
After a more proper introduction, she’s stuck with Wheeljack as a guardian. And although Andie is much more focused on his personal life, the human still sticks around the Autobots, while also deciding to try and help Wheeljack with his search.
“Raven” (Real Name Unknown): Any Pronouns:
A somewhat younger human who, while in the middle of running around, bumped straight into a deceased Cybertronian and Censere, who hadn’t expected this—neither of them did.
After an introduction, with the human giving anything but its real name, the decision to stick with each-other is made... but, Raven keeps a tiny secret—that others are looking for her—that he’s running—from Censere, and doesn’t plan on telling them.
Mirage: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself, She/Her/Herself:
An outlier with the ability to turn invisible, as well as creating holograms of anything. While he may be an Autobot now, back on Cybertron—before they all arrived to their new home—Mirage had originally started out as a Decepticon.
Despite what side the outlier is on now, they know of a few Autobots who... don’t trust her, think of her as a spy—which doesn’t help when the outlier can come off as a little suspicious. Mirage is rather tired of all this, though.
Starscream: No Pronouns:
A Decepticon who, originally, was the Second in Command, even after everyone arrived on the new planet. However, when Megatron suddenly goes missing—no Autobot or Decepticon being able to find him—much to the disappointment from other ‘Cons, the Seeker becomes the new leader.
Starscream will make sure it all stays this way.
Ambulon: They/Them/Themself:
The only remaining Cybertronian medic on Earth... due to Ratchet being missing, First Aid’s death back on Cybertron, and Pharma.. they don’t talk about Pharma.
Originally a Decepticon before joining the Autobots shortly before the arrival on Earth, they discover that they’re treated far better than how some treat Mirage.
Shortly after their switch to the Autobots, Ambulon suffered horrible damage, which still affects them, but they remain a medic, helping their fellow Autobots.
Soundwave: They/Them/Themself, It/It’s/Itself:
Originally the Third in Command, they became the new Second in Command when Megatron suddenly went missing, and Starscream became the new leader... which is a rather unfortunate thing.
They’ve noticed certain things—like how several Cybertronians have started to just disappear. Ratchet, Megatron... all of its minicons. Deciding to get to the bottom of this, Soundwave starts digging—wanting to find its real leader and minicons.
Thundercracker: He/Him/Himself (FtM):
After Megatron disappeared, making Starscream the new leader, and Soundwave the new SiC, Thundercracker found himself in the position of the new TiC. Although, many of the Decepticons start noticing how strange Thundercracker has been since arriving to Earth.
Sure, they all know a few things about him—such as when he created a film once, a few months after everyone’s arrival. But, there’s two little things that he keeps sneaking away for... two friendships that he doesn’t want to be found out—for fear for what could happen. Not to him, but them.
Tags: @aecholapis @bramble-b0t @kawareo @novafire-is-thinking @critcallylowhp
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dracoqueen22 · 4 years
Checking In
Universe: The Prime’s Consorts/Consortium Rated: G/K+ Description: It’s the call Wheeljack’s been waiting for, but he still doesn’t expect to hear the good news from Ratchet’s own lips. Wrist-deep in one of his many projects, Wheeljack often ignores his communication console when it beeps at him or flashes at him or makes any amount of distracting attempts to get his attention. But when the special tone Wheeljack programmed specifically for Ratchet pings at his audials, Wheeljack scrambles to answer it, sending a container of tools crashing to the floor as he lunges for the acceptance key. He winces as the clatter of scattered tools echoes around his laboratory, but it’s a distant worry because the moment his fingers brush the key, Ratchet’s face fills the screen. Relief crashes over Wheeljack even harder than the tumbled tool chest. Especially when Ratchet gives him that wry grin. “Catch you at a bad time?” “Shut up,” Wheeljack says, his indicators flashing. He claws at the desk, dragging his wheeled chair around the tool detritus to get his face better in the screen. “I’ve been worried sick about you.” Ratchet arches an orbital ridge. “Think I can’t take care of myself?” “I think that having to watch you get on a shuttle meant for the Prime’s estate took decades off my spark-life,” Wheeljack replies tartly. Of course, Ratchet would be flippant about this. Of course. “How’re you? And be honest.” “When am I not?” Ratchet snorts, but his grin shifts into something more serious. “I’m actually… okay. Better than either of us could’ve hoped.” He might even be telling the truth, Wheeljack thinks.
Ratchet looks… good. Rested and polished, and his smile feels genuine. From what Wheeljack can see in the background, he’s in a berthroom, probably not the Prime’s but one of his own. Wheeljack doubts the Prime would make all of his Consorts stay in the same room with him, no matter how vile and lecherous they are. Ten is a lot to keep in that kind of space. Also, Ratchet doesn’t have a kinky collar around his neck, or manacles on his wrists, or any marks on his armor. Of course, this Prime could be the sort who likes to make sure his Consorts are pretty and polished to hide the scars. Wheeljack squints at his best friend. “Do I need to come to Iacon and blow up the Prime? Because I’ll do it, treason bedamned.” Ratchet, of all things, laughs. And it’s a genuine laugh, not one of Ratchet’s patented “I’m not okay but Wheeljack makes things a little better” laughs. “Please don’t,” he says. “I actually like this Prime.” Wheeljack sits back in his chair, sending it rolling into a heavy wrench. “Wait. Really?” “Really,” Ratchet says. He leans to the side, plants his chin on his fist. “He might actually be one of the good ones, Jack. So far, that’s what I’ve seen anyway.” His free hand touches his chassis. “I saw a lot of his truth.” “It’s not impossible to lie through a spark merge,” Wheeljack points out. “You know that.” They don’t mention the name Pharma. They don’t have to. “I do, and only time will tell if this Prime is a good liar, but… I don’t think he is,” Ratchet says, and there’s an almost awestruck tone to his voice that really throws Wheeljack for a loop. Ratchet is grumpy and pessimistic and jaded. He’s not a mech full of awe or hope. What kind of mech is Optimus Prime to inspire this kind of change in him? And is it genuine? Ratchet’s one of the smartest, most well-defended mechs Wheeljack knows, but there are plenty of mneumosurgery specialists running around on Cybertron. Past leadership has not hesitated to apply their specific talents. “Why not?” Wheeljack asks. Ratchet settles into his chair. “It’s the way he talks to us. He’s open-minded without it being condescending. Everything about him reads as genuine.” He makes a vague gesture. “He actually asked me what it would take for me to be comfortable, and not only did he listen, he took my words to spark.” It sounds too good to be true. A Prime genuinely taking interest in the well-being of his Consorts? Treating them as more than berth-mates or well-bred buymechs? Has Wheeljack stepped into an alternate dimension? “He’s made it pretty damn clear he hates the current Consort process, too,” Ratchet continues, because apparently there are more good things to say. Wheeljack has to admit, that’s a hefty amount of evidence leaning toward Optimus Prime being a halfway decent mech. “He wants to change Cybertron, Wheeljack. He’s asked us to help.” “And you believe him?” “He asked me to be his personal medic so yeah, I think I do,” Ratchet says, his optics dimming with serious contemplation. “There’s something different about this one, Jack. I’m sure of it.” He pauses and gives Wheeljack a wry look. “He’s not the first Prime I’ve met, remember?” Wheeljack rolls his optics. “I remember.” Ratchet’s old enough to have met at least two other Primes before Optimus, and he loves to remind Wheeljack how much older he is at every opportunity. It took forever for Ratchet to stop calling him “bratling.” He still does it now and again to tweak Wheeljack’s gears. “If he does even half the things he says he’s going to do, then we can all consider ourselves lucky,” Ratchet says, and there’s an odd earnest tone to his voice. “I’ve agreed to support him, or at the very least, not stand in his way.” Wheeljack has to meet this Prime, if he’s turned surly Ratchet into a mech daring to have an inch of hope these days. He pulls up a datapad out of range of the camera and starts looking up flights from Nova Cronum to Iacon proper. If the Prime won’t let him see Ratchet, well, that’s just proof he’s not all shiny brackets like he claims to be. A good Prime wouldn’t prevent best friends from visiting each other, now would he? “Ratchet, start from the beginning,” Wheeljack says, using his best no-nonsense voice. The one he uses on his apprentices to get them to stand up and obey and yes, absolutely, definitely employ the safety precautions that are there for a reason, you morons. Yes, I’m looking at you, Brainstorm. “Tell me everything,” Wheeljack continues as he divides his attention between his best friend and the available flights. He’s got plenty of creds saved up for an impromptu vacation and besides, Perceptor’s been begging for him to check out the lab in Iacon anyway. Two Scraplets, one shot and all that. “Especially about the other consorts,” Wheeljack adds. He knows who they are thanks to the public announcement that went up, but he doesn’t know them, and if any of them are mistreating Ratchet, well, Wheeljack has a few accidentally explosive gifts to give. “Give me the gossip everyone else isn’t going to get.” Ratchet laughs and gives him such a fond look, Wheeljack preens. “Alright you nosey slagger. Hope you don’t have anywhere to be today.” Wheeljack idly kicks a scattered tool away from his chair. “My time is all yours.” He books the first flight out. ***
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amosbrittany · 4 years
Shattered Chapter 5
I swear I did not entirely die on this. lol Have up to chapter 9 done, shit just happened and video games are most distracting.
Disclaimer : I don’t own Transformers Animated or any characters for that matter.
Notes  : I haven’t done fanfiction, let alone TF based, in ages. And never for  TFA, So I don’t really know what the hell I’m doing but what the hell,  I’m going for it. lol I took quite a few liberties, pulling bits from  various continuities to build this sucker.
Warnings : I have a  tendency to put characters through hell. A bit of Bumblebee/Blitzwing  this chapter. Eventual Optimus/Sentinel, Megatron/Ultra Magnus,  Jazz/Prowl and Ratchet/Pharma.
Summary : The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but Sentinel’s latest stunt might just kill them all…or worse.
The day Ultra Magnus decided to make his way to Trypticon, his chosen agents had set neatly hidden explosives all over Iacon's warp drives over the past few solar cycles as they worked from the shadows silently and swiftly. Fortress Maximus and Metroplex, as well as Omega Surpreme and the Steelhaven, had been prime targets. The only significant structure on the planet at the time capable of transwarping would be Trypticon. A few cycles after he relocated the prison, while they were scrambling to figure out what happened and retaliate, the Nexus would be taken down. It would give him a decent head start as the Autobots tried to make heads or tails of the chaos when their edge of the war was lost. By the time any wayward ships abroad came home to lead a pursuit, he would have a decent lead.
He walked down the long strip of road leading to the ominous prison in Kaon, muttering curses under his breath as it seemed his transformation cog no longer functioned. It made the trip longer than he liked and he had to adjust given the delays the defect caused, as it wasn't simply isolated to himself. Ultra Magnus already had his agents in place, lying in wait within the prison walls to take out the guards there. When he relocated the prison, he would make a deal with the Decepticons. Granted, he knew better than to trust them, but Megatron's head would prove a fine bargaining chip and outing their traitor, a show of good faith.
He had made sure the guards were prepared for his arrival, to accelerate the whole process. They quickly ushered him in once he reached the entrance and he proceeded to make a beeline for the control hub of the city-like compound. He found the warden waiting for him. "Ultra Magnus, always so good to-Uh...huh." Springer had started to greet him, hand extended before he visibly balked at his appearance. The green Autobot cleared his vocalizer apologetically then grimaced. "You...look different."
"Yes, so I'm told." The Magnus scoffed, rolling his optics. His gaze swept hungrily over the control room. "How is Trypticon's transwarp system?"
"The transwarp system? Everything is running just fine, sir." The question was oddly specific and that caused Springer to squint with suspicion. "Is...that why you wanted to visit, sir? To check on the systems? Cause that sounds like a comm-link sort of thing to me..."
"Oh, I have other reasons." He glanced at the clock, watching the time intently.
The warden gave him a quizzical look, following his gaze. "You waiting for something...?"
"Indeed I am."
Optimus rubbed his face plates. He had some newfound respect for Sentinel concerning this position at least. With Ultra Magnus being unusually difficult and flighty, it had been a lot of work to keep up with. With the capture of the Decepticons and their leader, things had to be shifted around, changes made, plans formulated. He had to oversee the construction of a prominent outpost on Earth, re-order teams, and assist the Council in as many matters as he could. Ultra Magnus and the Fringes debacle had not helped in the slightest.
Alpha Trion had accepted the agreement with Blitzwing and after going over the rosters, it was decided that Bumblebee would head operations for Autobot City on Earth with his own team consisting of the reformed Decepticon, Ironhide, Bulkhead, and Ratchet. At first he had wanted to keep the old medic close, but they had talked it over and he understood his friend's concerns. Ultimately, Pharma would become his own crew's medic. Earth, Ratchet worried, might prove something of a sensory overload for his already delicate processor and he preferred the idea of a leader who had a better track of patience than Bumblebee. Besides, two mechs with several screws loose on one team was just begging for trouble.
The yellow minibot was excited to get the assignment underway and had taken off for Kaon with the necessary documentation files to pick up their new 'Autobot' and get him up to speed. They still had a few solar cycles before they set off for Earth on the Ark, but he was sure Blitzwing could use some repairs and upgrades after his lengthy prison stay. His paint certainly could use a major touch up. As for his badge, it would likely take some time and convincing to get him to wear it just yet.
It had been tempting to go with Bumblebee, if only to see if he couldn't convince Springer to let him see Sentinel and maybe even see what Ultra Magnus was really up to over there. He imagined the Magnus staring down Megatron's disembodied head and having a little chat with him. Oh, to be a nanofly on the wall for that one. But besides that, he was concerned, mostly for Sentinel should Ultra Magnus decide to pay him a visit. He sighed wistfully, taking a moment to relax before his office doors flew open and Jazz rushed in on him. Optimus twitched, sitting up straight when he saw how agitated the other was. "Jazz, is everything okay...?"
"Pit nah, it ain't okay! Prowl's body is MIA!"
The claim sent him reeling for a klik and Optimus had to shake his head to get the sudden daze to clear. "I'm-Sorry, what? What do you mean by that?" A chilling feeling crawled up his back struts as he recalled Ultra Magnus's presence in the mausoleum a few solar cycles ago. Surely he hadn't done something nefarious...But with the way he'd been acting...Optimus pursed his lips as he opened his desk screen and began hunting through the various channels to find anything on the security for the tomb.
"You look like ya got somethin' in mind, bossbot." Jazz rounded the desk to watch over his shoulder. The cyber ninja often visited their fallen comrade's place of rest. It was a habit that caused Optimus some concern due to how often he did it, it made him wonder about the pair, but now he was almost grateful for it.
"...Ultra Magnus was at the mausoleum a few solar cycles ago. I had a bad feeling about it, but I didn't think much of it. I mean what could he possibly do in there...Here, I think this was it." Finding the backlogged security footage, he narrowed it down to the day and time. As they watched, Jazz let out a strangled noise of horror and Optimus offlined his optics. He felt like he'd just been run through the chassis as the scene played out, Ultra Magnus tossing their friend from his resting place and dragging him off like a sack of parts. Although part of him absolutely hated to press on, he forced himself to find the other footage, which led them to where Magnus had gathered several others...
And proceeded to do exactly what Sentinel had done to him, to the dead Autobots before him.
Blitzwing's words came back to him. "Cyclonus alvays zaid it came from zhe 'heart of darkness und zhe root of all evil'." The stuff was a scourge not even the Decepticons would touch. They knew it did this, Oil Slick had told Sentinel as much, but this was the terrible detail the mad scientist had omitted. It could spread like a terrible cancer. Bumblebee had said Blitzwing warned him that the Decepticons had hoped this would cause them enough of a distraction that their 'reformed comrade' would be able to find a way to release them. This was the whole dirty plan to begin with.
As the resurrected Autobots disappeared off the screen, the main question he had now was WHY...Why do that? What was the purpose? Why...
Why was he at Trypticon?
"...He's going to do something at Trypticon."
Jazz recovered from his horror only slightly. "You don't think he'd set the Decepticons loose..."
"I don't know, but I'm going to treat it like that's the plan." Optimus opened his comm-link, reaching out to Springer. <Springer, I need you to get Ultra Magnus out of there. By any means necessary. His accomplices might be there as well! Lock down the prison!>
That was a hell of a task. And what accomplices was he referring to? Ultra Magnus had come alone.
Back in Kaon, Springer's optics widened slightly when he received the call and now he had a tall order to fill. There was an alarming edge to Optimus's voice. 'I knew there was something fishy about this.' He thought to himself as he turned to Ultra Magnus and stalled, staring back at his violet gaze.
"I take it Optimus told you to get rid of me." The Magnus calmly assessed. The green Autobot froze, mouth failing to work properly. Ultra Magnus smirked smugly. "Oh, don't look so surprised. I don't normally toot my own horn, but I like to think I am an excellent strategist. I knew if anyone got a clue before the big bang, that it would be him. But I'm afraid my pieces are already in place. And there is nothing you're going to be able to do about it."
"Big bang? What big bang?" Springer demanded.
"Mmm, the biggest..."
Drawing his sword, the warden took a step towards him only to stop when cries and the sounds of battle erupted in the central command hub where they were. Magnus's agents struck out from the shadows, the initial targets of the attack going down quickly and violently. While he was distracted, Ultra Magnus swung his hammer, catching Springer upside his helm and rendering him unconscious. He accessed his comm-link as he sauntered over to the controls for the transwarp, letting his agents scurry out to incapacitate or kill any guards in their way. <Oh Optimus, that was almost well timed...Almost.>
<Magnus. What the hell did you do? Where's Prowl?!>
<Helping me seize the prison. But you already knew that, why ask such a banal question?>
<Why the damn prison?! What the slag are you doing??>
As he let Optimus stew in silence, wracking his processor to make heads and tails of his scheme, he picked the coordinates for a location on Earth from his data banks and proceeded to enter them into Tyrpticon's destination as the transwarp drive began to power up.
"But if you go to Earth then I won't see you again...And I feel we have much to discuss." Really, there was much for Pharma to get off his chassis. For stellar cycles, he was always too damned proud to just come out and say what he felt, he had always waited for Ratchet to say something. But it was becoming painfully clear that the older medic was insufferably oblivious. He was also spending a great deal of time with that teacher and he didn't know what was going on there. He hated it.
"Well it was either you or me, and we both know you woulda hated workin' with a reformed Con. Besides, I wanna see Sari again and being on Optimus's team means regular trips back and forth so it ain't like ya won't see this old rustbucket. Just try not to give the kid too much trouble."
Pharma started to grin with delight at the idea of regular visits for himself while Arcee was glued to her classroom, but it faded quickly when there was a commotion on Ratchet's end of the line and something violently exploded, knocking the other medic out of sight and killing the connection instantly. "Wh-? Ratchet?" The jet held his hands up, flabbergasted. "What just happened? Ratch-!"
The sound of something falling over made Pharma jump and twist around, met with the sight of a walking corpse crouching on a medical berth. It was Dodger, but he had died some time ago so how was he there now? Pharma let out a small squeak, backing around the console he was using. The dead bot was spattered with energon and brandished a pair of soaked blades he flicked menacingly. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no-! Not today, Mortilus!" Pharma cried, breaking into a run with the assassin hot on his heel struts.
An idea struck him at the last nanoklik and he threw himself into a quarantine chamber, slamming the door shut behind him and engaging the lock. He didn't care to be locked up in a quarantine cell again, but it beat being murdered. The bloodied blade slashed against the thick glass but after several attempts, the other stopped. His plates shivered fearfully as the corpse settled for staring him down through the door, as if it waited long enough, it would have him. "What in the Pit is happening...?"
"Vhat in zhe pit iz going on..." But a few cycles ago, Springer had told him approval for his pardon was underway and Bumblebee would be there shortly to collect him. He had tittered with glee, ready to put the mines and the prison behind him. Now however, the air was alive with battle and screaming Autobots. Energon was everywhere. A familiar and terrible sight had descended on the guards. Undead Autobots, the only color on their frames the insidious violet flow of Dark Energon. It was Karn all over again, just on a minuscule scale. "Oh Primus, Oil Slick...vhat did you do..."
"Scrap." Said scientist muttered. His gambit had backfired in the worst possible way.
"Oh great! Fan-fragging-tastic! Way to go, you-you-you...goop head!" Drag Strip screamed from her cell.
"Goop head, niiiiice one."
Lugnut rumbled, pleased with the wanton Autobot slaughter taking place around them. His only regret was that he wasn't taking part in it. He banged his arm against the cell wall he shared with Blitzwing. "At least you will not have to go along with the sham of pretending to be an accursed Autobot and you can die A PROUD DECEPTICON SOLDIER IN GLORIOUS AND VIOLENT BATTLE!"
Blitzwing sighed, regretting he would not see Bumblebee again as he turned from the bloody scenery beyond his cell. "I vould razher not die period..." He muttered to himself, crossing his arms petulantly.
"What in the Pit is happening?!" Since Ultra Magnus decided to let his surprise answer for itself, Optimus was trying to get a handle on the situation. But when Metroplex shook from several explosions, he was finding himself at a loss. Other, more distant explosions could be heard and reports were flying in that Fortress Maximus and several ships including the Steelhaven had been hit. He knew they were merely distractions, but he still wasn't certain for what. He was still trying to work out the why.
"Optimus, what is going on?" Alpha Trion hurried over to him with several other council members.
"Sir, it seems Ultra Magnus has launched some kind of attack here in Iacon and we've lost contact with the staff at Trypticon. We just found evidence that he used the shards from himself to resurrect other Autobots as well."
The old mech's face plates crinkled in thought. "...What has been struck here?"
"Seems like it was the...transwarp engine rooms. That's where folks are narrowin' down the origination of the explosions." Jazz supplied.
"The-" Alpha Trion stiffened as it struck him. "He's stealing Trypticon and preventing us from pursuit."
"But WHY?? That's what I can't wrap my helm around!" Optimus's servos flew up to grab his helm. What in the name of Cybertron was the Magnus doing? As Alpha Trion tried to reroute any and all warships to Tyrpticon for a full blown assault, the Prime tried to get his focus back. "And how long will it take for him to actually do that?"
"The quantum engines will need but twenty cycles to jump the entirety of the prison wherever it is he plans to go. Much less if he plans to take only part of it. And if he is freeing the Decepticons, it will most likely be to a place like New Kaon or Charr."
Jazz shook his head. "Not gonna get much there in time to take the prison down, sir. Not unless we kick on the Nexus and if Magnus rigged the fortresses and ships-"
"Then we will use only one tower while the trackers seek out the other explosives..."
Ultra Magnus watched the quantum engines power, waiting for when it looked like the core of the prison would be good to go. No doubt Alpha Trion was expecting him to take the whole kit and kaboodle, but all he needed was the heart of the beast. That was where all the essentials were. He idly peeled away his Autobot badge as he continued to observe the engines's progress.  There was little point to wearing it now...
He wasn't much of an Autobot. Not anymore.
"Report." He ordered.
Flanking him, his Terrorcons bowed in compliance. Prowl answered him. "All of the guards, civilians and workers that ran or fought have been slain. Along with the warden, we have detained three guards, two civilians, and five workers. The only surviving medic, Pharma, has locked himself in one of the quarantine units. We cannot get him out without specific codes, and he cannot get himself out."
"We'll remove him shortly then." The codes were not an issue, as Magnus he had access to everything, and the medical bay was a part of the core he intended to take. It was fortunate they had Pharma of all medics. He could easily be scared into doing as he was told. Ratchet wasn't around to embolden him. "Dispose of Scalpel. I don't need that little crab scuttling off where I cannot find him and I especially don't need that being the case and he puts Megatron back together before I am ready to deal with him."
"Of course, master." The cyber ninja disappeared to deal with the Decepticon in question.
The main screen of the central command hub pinged. He smiled eerily. "Someone is trying to make a house call. Delightful." He leaned back languidly in his chair, enabling the screen. As expected, Alpha Trion's ancient visage greeted him. He couldn't see Optimus, he was most likely out on the field, trying to handle the chaos, save the injured and assess the damage. "Oh...Where is the SIC? Attending to Ratchet, I suppose...I did leave a nasty little something on Omega Supreme in particular. Can't have that beast come after us, after all..."
"Ultra Magnus. I do not know why you are out to free the Decepticons, but I-"
"Hm? Oh, no. That has nothing to do with this at all actually. Before I'm done, they'll be offline, I assure you." Ultra Magnus waved his hand dismissively. "Particularly Blitzwing, I've no doubt. When I tell the others about his little plans, I'll let them rip him apart."
The way the old mech's face plate crinkled, indicating that he had been thrown off and confused, was quite nice. He always enjoyed that look on his face. But the old mech pressed forward, speaking to him as if he were addressing a wayward son, a troubled youth. His tone was almost pleading and weary, as if his answer would fill him with understanding. But they both knew it would only be more questions, more confusion. "Then why, Magnus...Why are you doing this?"
"In the end, Alpha, death claims us all. But this? This was not how it was supposed to be. Not for me. I was but a step from the Well of Allsparks, and now...It's forever denied me." Magnus lifted his hand, staring at it. The proto-flesh of his form was slowly deteriorating, becoming emaciated. What had once been thick, strong digits, were becoming thinning claws. He had no idea if he had a time limit on what his body could endure of the Dark Energon, but he wasn't inclined to find out. He pushed up from his seat, discreetly glancing at the console screen. The time was now. "I am going to have this remedied. I will not suffer for eternity for the selfish and foolish actions of a swine in search of his glory. And if I have to take everyone and everything down with me to save myself from oblivion, I will. I’ll gladly take my stay in the Pit for it all if I have to. If you want someone to blame, feel free to blame Sentinel...although I promise that while I do my work, I will ensure he is properly punished. Good bye, Alpha Trion."
Punctuating his grim words, Ultra Magnus reached down and threw the switch, teleporting Trypticon's main body away to Earth.
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imababblekat · 5 years
Imagine The Mtmte Medic’s Reaction’s To Their Changed S/O After Delfi
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(A/N: No prob! ^^)
Characters For Ask:
Mtmte Ratchet/ Mtmte First Aid/ Mtmte Ambulon
the old mech knew you waaaay before Delfi, in fact you, him, and Pharma were your own trio of friends before the war
however, back then only the two mechs were going through medical school, you had had a different occupation per your alt mode
but when the war did happen, and medics were in high demand, you jumped to trying to get a position as one
it took a long time, but eventually you had made it in as a nurse, passed around from medic to medic who were supposed to be training you but either saw it as nonsense or simply didn't have the time to
by fate, you had wound up under Pharma's wing, and your old pal was more than happy to get you finally on your career path to being a medic like him
yet, just as fast as you had settled in and began real training, everything was just as fast to fall apart
Ratchet could see how damaged you were without having to do a single analysis; how could you not be? one of your closest friends had been taring apart patients for the DJD and nearly killed you and Ratchet with a vicious virus
the stern bot remembers a time when you, albeit shy, were a ray of sunshine; so unbelievably kind and caring to those around you, regardless if you knew them or not
now you were distant; you could be seated by Ratchet, squished between him and Drift and other rowdier bots, but you were never truly there with them, with him
but most spark wrenching to Ratchet was your dismissal to patients; you no longer helped and healed because it was the right thing to do, now you did it only because it was your job
Ratchet still remembers the first time you told him that, and he made a silent promise, to him, you, and the Pharma you both remember before Delfi, that he would help you to realize the original, and true reason for your drive to me medic
First Aid:
you and First Aid were long friends since your first days training in the medical field, to eventually becoming Conjux sometime towards the end of the war
as young Conjux, distance was just not an option, and so going where the other went, you two ended up on Delfi under Pharma
he was a pretty good instructor, though his stern attitude was sometimes a put off, he was always patient with you both, but especially you
First Aid always chucked it up to your nervous behavior but somehow also very kind manners; he sometimes joked that Pharma saw you as his daughter, and him as the un wanted son in law
nonetheless, First Aid was undoubtedly grateful for the high medic taking extra time to further you particularly along in your training
while having been stuck side by side for many years, you had still yet to be promoted from nurse to an official medic like First Aid
all of that time spent training practically being Pharma's personal assistant, there was no doubt in your conjuxs mind that you had gotten close, which made seeing you the way you are now, after the events of Delfi, hurt even more
there was no gradual change from the timid but friendly femme he came to love, to the removed, practically cold femme he stared at from across the medbay now
as soon as Pharma's darkest secret about killing and stealing t-cogs from patients, to watching innocent people quickly fall ill to a virus he had made, was played out before you, it was like your true self had been kicked from your frame and now all that remained was an empty shell
it filled First Aid with the upmost rage, and while probably not the best thing to think, he was glad Pharma had fallen off that cliff, because otherwise he would have given him a fate much worse
Ambulon remembers the first time he laid optics upon you as you followed Pharma through his tour of Delfi
a shy, but very bright femme filled with unconditional kindness and care towards others; in other words, a complete contrast to the love he looks to now
you were a nurse, sent to Pharma to be his apprentice and someday become a medic like him, Ambulon, and First Aid
in the beginning Ambulon was put off by your sweet behavior; it was a stark contrast to what he was used to receiving as an X Con
but now, he wishes, longs for that kindness from you
you're so reserved, so distant, Ambulon feels as though the femme he knew and fell in love with has completely vanished and been replaced by some dark factory remake
you never agreed with the way Pharma treated Ambulon, and had repeatedly talked to your mentor on changing his view of your Conjux
as his apprentice, you spent a lot of time with the medic, and had of course bonded as close friends
what Ambulon feels like was the pin pulled from the grenade for you, was that the night before the scaring events of Delfi, you and Pharma had gotten into a huge argument
it was surprising to everyone, even those involved, and you had said somethings you wished you hadn't, because when you heard about what your teacher and close friend had been going through, you absolutely felt like you were the icing atop the cake
these thoughts of yours were never told to anyone, not even Ambulon, but your love could see it in your hazed optics, and the invisible weight upon your shoulders
Ambulon wasn't sure if he could ever get you to be back to the way you were before the Delfi incident, that's just not something to be pushed aside and come back from with out some sort of scar, but he was damn sure going to try and help you move on and bring out the (y,n) he knew was being buried deep down within
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The Dratchet (Or Dratcht Family) Storyline is another one of my favorites and another of my favorite ships I made femmes because of self-indulgence and I liked Ratchet's originally concept and wished we'd gotten former party girl, no-nonsense grumpy doctor lady who will call Optimus out in G1.
The introduction to the storyline is when the two of them are young and Lockdown is hired by Ratchet's boss to find her doing something illegal. He is convinced she is "breaking copyright laws" by helping MPCs with medical issues so they don't have to use their Company Medics and get charged outrageously for the cost of fixing.
In this MPCs must work off their creation cost before they are considered full Cybertronian citizens and things like food, housing, and medical costs are added to this debt. Their coding is trademarked and parts of it scoured before they are released, in the rare case they due. It is essentially slavery/indentured servitude with certain positions and companies known for never acquiring freedom. In this Cybertron only Company Medics have the repair schematics and training to repair MPCs so even if they are freed they often have to go back to their company of origin unless they can afford a full body reframe, which legally requires their removed parts be sent back to the company for smelting or repurposing. If a company Medic leaves the position the knowledge is deleted by mnemosurgeons.
Ratchet doing so would be a major violation of the law and her boss, knowing she is a genius and very popular right now wants her gotten rid of before she's a threat to his position. Lockdown is supposed to acquire proof of this. Instead Ratchet, who is rumored to be a party girl when off the clock in contrast to her serious work ethic, leads him through the most popular and roaring clubs in Iacon dancing through them and making him get caught in various situations including, a bar fight, an arrest when the place is raided, a drunk dancer vomiting on him, and a theme night involving glitter bombs, before Ratchet slips away from him behind the counter and down a smuggling tunnel.
She definitely is breaking the law, not only copyright but various others including religious laws to touch and treat people like Beastformers and Monoformers and breaking caste laws by teaching basic medical care and how to access their own coding to take care of their own bodies. Drift helps her and she is the one who instigated the bar fight and is the drunk girl who tried to dance with him and vomited. She and Ratchet have been working together for awhile, ever since Ratchet helped her out of a bad situation and she helped back, giving Ratchet a more grounded and realistic approach.
The full Dratchet family consists of Ratchet, Drift, Rodimus, and Pharma (the baby of the family). I'll go into that part in the next ask. I wanna bring up my notes.
"Breaking copyright laws" oooooof course
Oh she is so right for this Ratchet is so right for all of this
Awww yes
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