#and then moms like hurry up oh my god and bens like stop that’ll just make her take longer and fuck both of you i’ve been changing for what
lilgynt · 9 months
i will sob my brains out at 5 am remembering events from this year and also christmas last year and being annoyingly petty and unable to let go of relatively small comments just bc i’m sensitive and raw and have a complex
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eddiekaspbrxks · 5 years
@eddieklapbak​: Hi :) i love your fics and I’ve only read a couple of them ( i need to read more ) but i was wondering if you’d be interested in writing a reddie fic where eddie gets a really bad flu and hes pissed about it because hes eddie but richie comes in hot taking really good care of him and shit ??? If that’s too fluffy or boring dont worry about it
(i redirected this to my sideblog for organisation’s sake, I hope that’s okay)
Word Count: 1281
AO3 link in notes
Eddie Kaspbrak supposes that one would expect, were someone to go on a week-long skiing trip with his six best friends, and were they to come down with a cold sent directly from hell—an analogy Eddie hadn’t ever expected to use, but which after ten hours lying in bed with a headache and a hacking cough seemed rather fitting—for their boyfriend to take care of them. One wouldn’t have expected, though, that Eddie would come down with a cold (him, of all the fucking people—Bev shared cigarettes with anyone she met, and Richie, god knows, probably hadn’t washed his hands in months), or that, when it happened, the boyfriend in question would be Richie Tozier. Richie and medication wasn’t a combination he’d exactly fantasized about, and he wasn’t sure that it was going to work out without at least a heart attack and maybe a very, very small house fire.
Or a fucking huge one, who knows. There’s no overestimating Richie.
“So,” Richie cries in a British accent, walking into the room with Eddie’s toiletry bag nestled in his arms, “come on then, talk me through this.” He unzips the bag—it’s “almost as big as your suitcase,” Stan had said, (which is ridiculous, it’s a solid quarter at most, and bright red, just in case Eddie’s in a hurry and needs to see it from a mile away (or in case Richie needs to find it, because holy shit that kid is blind, but he doesn’t seem to be showing any appreciation for Eddie’s color-picking skills at the moment), and dumps the contents onto the bed.
“Dude, careful with that—if you break my aspirator, I swear to god—” Eddie cries, leaping up a little and then grimacing when his head throbs.
“Hate to break it to you, Eddie Spaghetti, but you’ve got bigger issues right now than your made-up asthma.”
“Shut up, your fucking nasal voice is making my head hurt,” Eddie moans, covering his face with his hands.
“I’m serious, Eds,” Richie says, face mock solemn. “Your worst fears have come true. This is what you’ve been protecting yourself from your whole life, and alas, your brave efforts have gone to waste. Edward,” he places a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I’m not sure you’re going to make it out of this alive.”
“It’s a cold, man.”
“I know!” Richie cries, like a proud parent. “The first cold of your life! You’re finally growing up.” Eddie kicks him halfheartedly, to which Richie pleads in his Southern Belle voice “Please forgive me, Eddie, light of my life, oh please, I’ll die if you’re mad at me, just die!” He collapses  in a fit of giggles.
Eddie stares at him, dumbfounded. “You know I broke my arm when I was thirteen, right? You were there?”
“Oh, was that when the demon clown attacked us?” Richie’s eyebrows knit together, and Eddie resists both the urge to roll his eyes and the urge to grin like an idiot. “Huh, I must have forgotten.”
Eddie laughs a little. “Okay, my medication. Let’s see if you know what to do.”
“Oh, I don’t think I could go two years living with you without all of that rubbing off on me,” Richie says sweetly.
“I’m nothing if not influential.”
“No, I was thinking more like a pubic rash. I mean, we’ve done plenty of rubbing—”
“Holy fucking shit, beep beep, Trashmouth.”
“Alright, I’m just saying—”
“I wasn’t kidding when I said your voice was giving me a headache, and I’m much too poor and sickly to get a pill myself, so come on, pass them over.”
Richie shuffles through the pile clumsily, making Eddie cringe. “A ha!” he cries, pulling out a little bottle. Eddie notes the color of the cap, the shape of the letters familiar in his head. Richie picks up the glass of water he’d brought with the toiletry bag and holds it out to Eddie along with the pill. “Come on, eat up. As much as I’d love to do the whole here comes the airplane spiel, you seem to think you still have a dignity to be hurt, and I’d never deprive you of that fantasy—”
“That’s aspirin, you dumbass,” Eddie says, putting a hand in front of his mouth to stop Richie doing just that. “You’re not supposed to take it with a cold.”
“But it’s aspirin. It’s for headaches, that’s how aspirin works. You take it, your headache goes away. Right?”
“Yeah, but it’s not good for colds. Something to do with, like, your sinuses, or something. Give me the panadol, that’ll help.”
“Why are we here? To suffer? When did they make medicine complicated?”
“Why isn’t Ben in here? Ben would shut up when I tell him to.”
“Aw, you would never tell me to shut up, Eddie baby.”
“Shut up. Just, shut up. There.”
Richie pouts. “For that, I’m doing the airplane schtick.”
“Oh, my god,” Eddie groans.
“Open up!” Richie sings, pinching the pill between his thumb and index finger. “Come on, open the airport, here we come! Vrrrrrrrrrrr…”
“I will not, give me that—”
“ Vrrrr... c’mon,, or the little passengers won’t be able to get off in your little mouth!”
“Richie, what the fuck, only you could make this game disgusting.”
“Aw, you love it, Eds,” Richie says, and he pounces on Eddie, tickling his sides. Eddie bursts out laughing, kicking at him, and suddenly they’re kids again, wrestling in a hammock, taking any excuse to touch each other.
Eddie coughs, and the moment stops, his head throbbing from the movement. “Fuck,” he breathes, coughing again, voice raspy. Richie’s up in a second, grabbing the glass of water and placing it in Eddie’s hands.
“Here. Breathe slow, hyperventilating will make it worse, I think.”
“I know how a fucking cold works, Rich—” he says, but another cough rises up.
Richie holds his hand until the coughing fit passes, and then Eddie lies back.
“God, I hate this,” Eddie mumbles, careful not to raise his voice for fear that another coughing fit starts. “I can’t believe I’m stuck in here.”
“Hey, it’ll be great,” Richie says softly, laying next to Eddie and laying his head on his shoulder. “Who wants to be out there skiing when you could be lying bedridden and, fuck, and, uh, bedraggled, with me?”
“I think you think I like you more than I actually do.”
“Aw, I know you love me,” Richie says, and Eddie doesn’t have to look to tell that he’s grinning.
“Sure, keep telling yourself that, man.”
“Oh, I will,” Richie says, and leans over, pressing his lips to Eddie’s.
“I’m sick, dimwit. Deathly.”
“You know I’d risk death for you, Eddie Spaghetti.” Eddie rolls his eyes, but he’s grinning, too, and he leans in and kisses Richie again.
“Fine, I guess I love you,” Eddie concedes.
Richie raises his eyebrows. “That’s two Kaspbraks I’ve heard that from, now.”
“How are you an adult?”
“Get it? Because your mom—”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie says, cutting him off. And Richie beams, all scruffy elbows and messy edges and Eddie can’t believe that there could ever be a universe where they hadn’t found each other.
A/N: there's a decent chance that the whole aspirin bit is bullshit,,, i did about five minutes of research on this and some websites said do NOT take aspirin and some said nothing so imma just put it in oops
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padfootagain · 6 years
Singles Will Be Paired (III)
Part 3 : More Than A Little
Here we go with part 3! I'm very inspired by this story so as you can see the updates are quick!
Still just fluff :D
Hope you all like it!
Gif not mine
Word Count : 3400
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"Oh my God, I told you! He's fucking Prince Charming!"
You laughed at your friend, and were happy that she couldn’t see you as you felt your face heating up.
"He's not. But he was quite a… charming stranger."
"Charming stranger! YES!"
"Stop being so excited, would you?"
"Never! This is brilliant! Here you are in Paris, enjoying a weekend in Disneyland right before Christmas… that's a sign! It's the magic of these three things mixed together that created this Christmas miracle that took the form of Charming Stranger…"
"His name is Ben, and he is normal."
"Charming Stranger sounds much better. But you didn't send me a picture of this sweater of yours! Nor a picture of him, actually…"
You sent your best friend a picture of your ugly sweater, and you heard her make a disgusted sound.
"The little devils…" she went on, talking about the children who had caused you to drop your hot chocolate on your sweater. "Forcing you to wear this… thing…"
You laughed.
"It's not that bad. And Ben bought himself an ugly jumper too to make me feel better."
"Awww… it's adorable!" she spoke in a high-pitched tone.
"Stop it," you begged.
"What I don't understand though, is why you didn't ask him if you could have dinner together tonight. I mean, you're both alone…"
"We'll see each other tomorrow, Annie. Relax. I barely know him after all, and… I don't want to look like I'm desperate or something."
"You're right. Keep him on his toes."
"No, Annie!" you heaved a sigh. "That's not what I meant either. Besides… I don't think I have such an effect on him."
"He ran after you to ask to see you again, Y/N. You do have this effect on him."
"Do you really think that he could see me… like that?"
"Y/N. You're single. He's single. He wants to spend his whole day with you. Of course, he sees you this way!"
A grin formed on your lips without you being able to control it.
Because after all, you did hope that he saw you this way.
 "I can't believe that you still don't have her number."
"I'm seeing her again tomorrow. And it's not what you think."
"It's not what I think, huh?"
"Jack, shut up."
"I'm not shutting up, Ben," his brother replied. "You're finally having a crush on someone, it's my job to make sure that you're not wasting this opportunity."
"I'm not having a crush!"
"You are."
"I'm not."
"You are, Ben. We've been on the phone for a half an hour and for all this time, you've only been talking about her. You're in Disneyland and you haven't talked about Disneyland at all yet, only about that girl. So, Ben… you do have a crush on her."
Ben tried to find an argument against his brother, but failed miserably.
"Right… perhaps I like her a little."
"A little?"
"Can't you drop it?"
"Right, right… Well, tomorrow, at the end of your date, don't forget to ask for her number."
"It's not a date."
"Of course… I need to go. Mom and dad have made dinner. And get her number!"
Before Ben could reply, his brother had hung up. Ben let out a sigh before turning the TV on. He looked through the French channels until he found BBC News. But he didn't listen to anything the journalists say. He looked at the ugly jumper he had bought with you, a soft smile forming on his lips.
Perhaps he did like you… a little…
 You hurried towards the large gates. It was still rather early in the morning, but the sun already rising, and the lampposts and Christmas lights were not shining anymore. Your breath drew strange forms of smoke in the cold air as you hurried down the lane. You couldn't wait to see Ben again.
You searched for him through the crowd, your eyes scanning every face and a feeling of disappointment weighing your heart every time you realized the stranger before you wasn't him.
For a moment, you thought he wasn't there. Perhaps he hadn't arrived yet. Or perhaps… perhaps he wouldn't come. Perhaps he had thought it through during the night, and had changed his mind about you and…
But you recognized his ridiculous and adorable Christmas hat in the blink of an eye, and relief washed over you as you hurried towards Ben.
He welcomed you with a bright smile.
"Good morning, Y/N!" Ben merrily greeted you. "Ready to take another chance at making me deaf?"
"More than ready," you chuckled. "I've rested my voice last night, I'm up for the challenge!"
"Then let's find that out!"
You laughed as you walked together through the large gates.
"Are you proudly wearing your ugly sweater?" he asked with a crooked smile filled with mischief.
"I am!" you nodded, pulling on your sleeve to show the fuchsia fabric. "I don't really have a choice, anyway. And I guess that as long as I'm here, I don't look too stupid. That'll be another story when I visit Paris though…"
"Well, if it can reassure you… I'm breaking just as many rules of fashion as you today."
He opened his warm coat enough for you to recognize the Pluto sweater he had bought the previous evening with you, and you both laughed.
"That's adorable!" you thanked him. "I don't feel so bad anymore."
"I knew you would like it."
He paused for a few seconds, before going on in a lower tone.
"You still look stunning with this sweater though."
You looked up at him but he held your gaze, giving you a little smirk tainted with flirt, and you let out a chuckle.
"You don't look that bad yourself, even with the Christmas hat."
"Thanks," he smirked with a wink, making you giggle.
You walked in the park together, letting yourselves be guided by the crowd passing the gate. And while you advanced through the main street, you didn't feel the need to speak. Somehow, just by being by your side, Ben was making you feel calmer. Somehow you felt better when he was around.
You visited the other side of the park, before spending some time buying souvenirs. Which meant that Ben and you both tried on the most ridiculous pieces of clothing you could find. Ben settled to buy for himself a pair of Mickey Mouse ears and you bought a pair of Minnie ears as well, so you walked out of the shop with matched costumes. You bought souvenirs for your family and friends, and Ben did just the same, and for the end of the afternoon, as you had went through all the roller coasters, you merely walked together for a while. Until you came across Darth Vader, and you excitedly took a picture with him. A family waited for their turn while you took a picture of Ben as well, but the mother of the family made you a kind offer when you were about to leave.
"If you want, I'll take a picture of you and your boyfriend."
You and Ben both chuckled nervously in response.
"We're fine," you answered, shaking your head.
You felt Ben staring intensely at you. He was hesitating. He didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, he didn't mean to go too far… but on the other hand, how could a picture do any harm?
"Actually, that'd be very kind, thank you," Ben nodded, handing the woman his phone and softly pulling you back towards the disguised Sith.
You paused next to him, a stupid smile on your lips. Ben had wrapped an arm around your shoulders and was holding you close to him, but he wasn't pressing you against him, and you knew that if you wanted to, you could easily break free. And you felt so safe next to him…
The picture was taken too quickly, and Ben let you go only too soon. You surprised yourself longing to stay there, safely held against him again. His nearness was making your heart beat faster. And when Ben turned to you again, you still had this stupid smile on your lips. But you didn't mind. You recognized the same euphoric and yet shy look on Ben's face.
"Hope you don't mind that I did that," he asked as you walked away again.
"No, no… it's… it's fine."
"After all, we've spent our entire stay here together, so I thought… Why not keep a souvenir of you as well?"
You let out a chuckle.
"It's okay, I don't mind."
You saw Ben biting on his lower lip in hesitation, but he eventually asked in an innocent tone the question that tingled his tongue.
"Do you want that picture? I can send it to you, if you want to keep it?"
You shrugged at first, not really realizing what he was truly asking for at first.
"If you want," you smiled.
"Right. Huh… I'll send you a text, if you want."
You looked up at him, before exploding with laughter.
"Was that a way to ask for my number?"
"Ask for your number…?"
You expected from him to play it cool and to either deny it all or joke about it. But instead, he answered earnestly, taking you aback.
"Actually, that's exactly what I was attempting to do. I thought it was a smooth way to bring it up. Did it work?"
You didn't answer at first. You looked up at him, trying to read through his dark eyes. Your gaze lingered on the freckle under his right eye, before it would finally settle on these two infinite brown orbs.
But in his eyes, you could only read something soft, almost tender as he stared back at you. What did you risk anyway? He would probably never call you once you and him would be back to your lives…
You gave him an amused smile. What were the risks? He was kind and respectful and funny… a real gentleman so far. You had already spent two days with him, why not give him your number?
You offered him your open hand and nodded towards his phone, that he had not yet put back in his pocket.
"It was rather smooth," you giggled, and his smile turned into a grin as he put his phone in your hand, so you could enter your number.
"I'm not that bad at flirting, huh?"
"Now, now… don't get ahead of yourself."
You both laughed, and you entered your number in his phone, before handing the device back to him.
"I am merely speaking the truth! It worked, didn't it?" he replied with a teasing tone.
"I hadn't noticed that you were flirting," you replied with humour in your voice. "Besides… I thought you just wanted to send me this picture."
"Perhaps I should make my intentions plainer then…"
You stared at each other for a moment, before you felt your cheeks going too warm, and you looked away. Ben's ears turned crimson, and his confidence cracked for a moment, as he mumbled under his breath
"Unless you don't want me to. Then we can just… forget all this happened."
You slowly shook your head.
"No need to forget about that, Ben. After all… maybe I should give you a chance to get better at flirting."
Ben grinned, but you didn't wait for an answer to walk down the street again. You didn't want him to see that you were grinning too…
 Your eyes drifted again towards the bright lights outside. The pale lights of the stars from up above mingled with the more vivid Christmas lights that coloured the street with red, yellow, green and blue sparks. You were eager to witness the illumination of the Castle at the closing of the park tonight. Ben was joining you, of course. But despite the prospect of a magical show, the idea that you would probably have to bid farewell to your Charming Stranger put a weight on your heart. And as the thought crossed your mind again, the lights outside didn’t seem so bright anymore…
You were mad at yourself for acting like a desperate romantic all of a sudden? Since when were you a desperate romantic? Never. And Ben was… like this place. Beautiful. Magical. But you would leave him the next day and he would turn into a memory as well. The magic that this place brought would disappear after midnight, like a carriage turning back into a pumpkin. Now, you could feel how disappointed Cinderella was at midnight. Life was definitely easier with a little bit of magic.
"Are you alright?"
The sound of Ben’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you turned to him again.
"Of course!" you nodded with a smile.
"You seem… far away," he went on, tilting his head to the side a little.
"I was just thinking."
Ben decided that it was best to drop the subject, and he let you pick up the conversation again. And if it was tempting to keep a light tone for what would certainly be your last evening together, your curiosity got the best of you… once again.
"So… when was your last relationship?" you asked out of the blue.
Ben choked on the water he had been drinking as you spoke, and coughed loudly.
"Well… that was pretty direct," he laughed.
"Sorry… you… you don’t have to answer that," you apologized, realizing that your question was too personal and asked in such a clumsy fashion.
After all, Ben’s love life was none of your business…
He had asked for your number earlier that afternoon though… so perhaps it was a bit your business.
"It’s okay," Ben chuckled. "I didn’t expect that kind of question, that’s all. But if you want to know I…"
"You really don’t have to answer that. It was out of line."
He gave you a reassuring and almost mischievous smile.
"I don’t mind telling you," he went on. "I was with someone for over a year. But we… we weren’t meant for each other. I didn’t deal with the breakup well though. It’s been a little less than a year since we… agreed that it was best to continue on separate paths."
"Sorry to hear that."
But Ben shrugged.
"I had feelings for her, so it made things rather hard for me and I struggled to move on. But we didn’t part as enemies. We both agreed that… my life and hers weren’t compatible."
"What do you mean?" you asked with a frown.
"With my job I spend a lot of time travelling. And she wanted someone who had more time for her than what I could manage with my job. It became rather clear that she wanted me to choose between her and my career, that I couldn’t have both. So… I chose."
You slowly nodded.
"I need someone who is more… independent than her. You see what I mean?" Ben went on. "Of course, I want to be with someone and spend time with this person, but… I need someone who will understand that I also have a part of my life that will require for me to be away."
"I see what you mean," you nodded, giving him a warm smile. "And so… that was your last relationship?"
Ben nodded, taking a sip of water.
"What about you?"
"Me?" you asked back with an amused smile.
"Well… you're the one who started with the personal questions…"
"Fair enough!" you chuckled. "But there's not much to say, really. I haven't been in a relationship in ages."
"Why not?"
You shrugged.
"Didn't find any nice guy that I liked enough, I guess."
"I'm glad you're not looking for a bad guy, that's really not me at all, and I wouldn't have stood a chance, then."
"Now, now… trying to flirt again?"
He gave you a crooked smile.
"Trying to improve, as you requested."
"Nice try," you chuckled.
"Should I fear the revenge of an ex who happened to be a bad guy and made you change your mind about men, though?"
You let out a bright laugh.
"No, not at all."
"Good to know."
You both exchanged a smile, but yours faltered quickly, and you nervously played with your napkin. Ben frowned.
"Y/N… what's going on? You've been acting weird. Am I… making you feel uncomfortable?"
"No, of course you're not. I'm just… What's going to happen tomorrow?"
Ben cleared his throat.
"I… Well, I have your number," he answered slowly, his tone cautious and serious this time. "I thought that I could call you, and perhaps we could… see each other again."
"Will you really do that? Or are you the kind of guy who never calls a woman back?"
He gave you a reassuring smile.
"I am not the kind of guy who never calls a woman back."
He nodded, and you saw him taking a sharp intake of breath before asking you his next question.
"But if you still have doubts, then… I mean… perhaps I could ask you for a date. What about tomorrow night?"
You frowned hard.
"I won't be back in London tomorrow, I'm staying in Paris for a week."
"My brother and I were supposed to stay in Paris for four days more. So… I'll be here too, actually. Tomorrow."
His heart speeded up as he watched you smile, and called himself a fool for reacting this way to you. But his smile was tender when he smiled back at you.
He definitely liked you more than a little…
"So… what do you say?"
"I say…"
But you stopped mid-sentence, and a mischievous glint lightened in your eyes.
"Are you alone for the rest of your trip as well?"
"Huh… Yes. I was supposed to be with my brother."
"Well… What about we extend that contract of ours, then?"
He gave you the brightest grin.
"Now… that sounds like a plan," he nodded.
"What about… we meet at the Eiffel Tower tomorrow morning, nine o'clock. What do you say?"
"I say that I'd love that."
You exchanged a shy smile.
You hated to admit it, but Annie was right. You liked him. And more than a little…
 The crowd was rather dense but filled with joy and excitement. Children were carried by their parents so they would have a better view of the pink Castle. Next to you, Ben was growing colder, blowing some warm air in his hands, and several times readjusting his Christmas hat on his head.
"I'm warning you though, I'm not walking through the streets of Paris with you if you wear that thing on your head," you joked.
"I thought it was part of my charms!"
"No, it really isn't."
"Don't act like the Grinch!"
You couldn't help but laugh.
His gaze grew tender as he watched you laughing, and for some reason, he wanted to tell you. He wanted to let you know that he felt like the two of you were connected somehow, that there was something strange that had awoken in his heart at the mere sight of you. That he had spent the night thinking of you, that your voice was all he could hear through his dreams the prior night… That he had never felt this way before, and he wanted to have a chance to be more to you than this stranger who had spent two days with you at Disneyland.
"Y/N… I wanted to tell you," he breathed, and the intensity in his eyes and the softness in his deep voice made your heart speed up in your ribcage.
But he was interrupted as children started to cheer, the Castle slowly starting to shine with so many lights…
You both turned towards the Castle, but Ben didn't focus upon the magical spectacle in front of you for more than a few seconds before turning towards you again, leaning down to whisper in your ear
"I like you, Y/N. I really do like you."
You smiled up at him.
"I like you too, Ben," you breathed, making him grin.
And when you both focused on the glimmering Castle again, he wrapped his fingers around yours, and for the rest of the evening, until you parted to get back to your hotel rooms, you held hands…
Tag list : @geeksareunique @giggleberts @madamrogers @sad-orange-thoughts @aylinnmaslow @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla @drinix @joelynnp @mxrihollxnd @rockintensse @newtstarmander @iammadeofstarsandlazyness @presstocontinue @ilmiopiccolounivers0 @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynight-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things
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