#and they sang through the chorus 😭
thehollowwriter · 2 months
Warnings: Blood, injury (but nothing too major). Word count: 1364
Summary: A fic for @natsukishinomiyaswife 's event! Finn's working on first aid for Iago's Paradise and is really on his last nerve. Luckily, a surprise visit from @theleechyskrunkly 's Aurinelle seems to cheer him up. (Leechy lemme know if I wrote him right 😭)
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ♥️)
First Aid Blues
If there was one word that would describe how Finn felt right now, it would be irritated.
In the shade of the first aid tent, the little shark sat with one leg crossed over the other, a scowl on his face.
He felt hot. Clammy. It was an absolute nightmare, especially when paired with the horrid sensation of his scrathy vest and slightly too tight shorts.
The pool of cool water a few feet away from him sparkled in the sunlight like an enticing gem, almost trying to lure him into its depths.
"Come here, come heeereeeeee," it seemed to call.
Well, firstly, it was crowded in there with other sweaty people laughing, shrieking, and generally making a ruckus. Do you have an idea what sweat consists of? You don't want to know. Secondly, Finn was on duty, working, so he couldn't go even if he wanted to.
"Nobody caaareees" sang the pool. "Come anywaaaaay."
"Be quiet." Finn told it.
"Fine, your loss." It replied, then went silent.
Finn drummed his fingers against his thigh, quietly observing the students working on his team.
There weren't many students in first aid. The idea of taking an elective that involved helping others and seeing nasty injuries from sports like magishift, even though you got extra credit, turned away many a Night Raven College student.
NRC's first aid team for sporting events was laughably small, especially when compared to that of Royal Sword Academy, which seemed to pull in volunteers by the dozen.
The other four or five students sharing the tent with Finn were paired off or sitting alone, chatting, scrolling through their phones, or laughing when somebody slipped near the pool.
This bunch was mostly in it for the credit, and in true NRC fashion, put in maximum effort for minimum work whenever they could, leaving a lot of the workload to Finn.
Finn would have kicked them out long ago if it wasn't impossible to operate completely alone.
Finn shifted his gaze away from them to watch the other people at the pool, observing them laugh and swim and eat ice cream, seeming to have the time of their lives.
A gentle breeze began to blow, and Finn relaxed a bit as it cooled him down. Though he wasn't exactly... calm, it was far too loud and crowded for that, it was still a nice moment. Watching everyone else have fun wasn't all that bad.
Shouts of alarm interrupted his thoughts, and Finn sighed.
'What now?' He thought, standing up and walking towards the commotion to find Ace both clutching his heavily bleeding knee and a big stick, surrounded by the rest of Finn's team.
Finn crossed his arms and stood next to them, watching them yap and bicker and waiting for them to do something
"Well?" He asked after a while. "You're not here to do nothing. Do your job." His voice was soft as always, but they all heard him just fine.
"But there's so much blood!" Wailed one. "It's making me feel sick."
"I did not put in this much work into my summer outfit to have my appearance potentially ruined by some idiot bleeding all over it!' Cried another.
"That bastard copied off me. I'm not helping him." Growled a third.
Finn's eye twitched as the chorus of complaints continued.
'Why,' He asked himself, like he did almost every single time there was something to do. 'Why do any of you even take this elective if you don't want to be near blood or help someone?'
"Move," He snarled out loud. "Shut up and move, I'll do it."
Ace's face went pale upon seeing him, and the card soldier began blabbering about being fine, but Finn ignored him.
There was a tiny hole in Ace's knee. It wasn't actually that bad of an injury, but it still seemed to gape forebodingly, like it wanted you to freak out when you saw it.
"How'd this happen?" Finn asked tiredly.
Ace almost didn't hear him. "Oh- uh... tripped and got stabbed with a stick." He held up the stick in question and waved it around for emphasis. "See?"
"I see."
Ace would be fine. It wasn't anything serious. Finn pressed a clean cloth against it to stop the bleeding, then cleaned and bandaged it.
"Keep an eye on that." He told Ace firmly. "I put some cream on for you. You should be able to get more from Sam. Just keep using it, and make sure you keep that covered."
His tone was flat and tired as he told Ace what signs of infection to look for and what else to do if he saw any, and when the ginger left, he turned around and clenched his teeth to resist the urge to bite someone.
"It was not that bad," He told the others. "He handled it better than you lot did. It's just some blood. You need to get over yourselves."
"But prefect!" Came a chorus of voices, and they all started complaining again.
"'It's just some blood' is something a psychopath would say!'
"They showed us those videos of nasty injuries during training- like gore type shit- and you didn't even react! I nearly threw up. It's not fair that you want us to be on the same level as you!"
"Well, you handle it just fine every time. Do we really need to do anything?"
"I'm just here for the extra credit, I don't want to get involved in that shit."
"Shut up, or I'll make you watch those videos again." Finn snapped, and they all went quiet.
He went and sat back down, and the others returned to a low chatter. He could feel a headache coming on already...
When he was first appointed "prefect" of the first aid committee slash team slash portfolio, he was delighted. Now, though, he wondered if maybe they should scrap the whole thing and hire actual medics instead. At least they wouldn't get into arguments with each other and waste time getting mad at the other school's first aid team.
Finn was irritated before, and now he was, well, still irritated but also pissed.
'I swear to the Sea Witch, if they all throw a fit again next time, I'm gonna blast them across the pool and-'
A pair of hands grabbing his own made him jerk in surprise and look up to find the familiar face of Aurinelle pouting down at him.
Finn stared for a moment. "Hello, Aurinelle. What's wrong?"
"Oh, Finn," Aurinelle whined. "My dearly beloved, once again, I've found myself to be very injured. And ill, so very ill."
The siren in question looked perfectly fine. Finn raised an eyebrow, amused. "What is it, then?"
"It's just horrible, I'm all bruised and broken and ill with... love sickness! The only cure is kisses and cuddles."
Finn made a sound that was a mix between a laugh and a sigh. "I'm on duty, Aurinelle."
For an abyssal merman, his boyfriend was very good at giving him puppy eyes."Exactly! You should help me!
The others were staring and bewildered, but Finn ignored them and instenad pulled Aurinelle down so they were eye level.
"Fine, but your full 'treatment' can wait until my shift is over." He said and pressed a soft kiss to Aurinelle's lips.
Aurinelle looked delighted, or at least, to Finn he did. To most others, he still seemed as unexpressive as ever.
"Go have a swim. You're overheating." Finn murmured. "You can come by later."
"Alright, fine," Aurinelle relented. He kissed Finn's cheek and smiled a small smile. "I'll see you later. I love you."
"I love you," Finn replied in a whisper, watching Aurinelle leave with a content expression.
The rest of his team stared, slackjawed, in a state of disbelief.
"Mind your own business," Finn told them, sounding much less venomous than he thought he would. He wasn't quite as irritated as before. Seeing one of his partners made him feel better. Happier.
They slowly went back to shaf they were doing before and Finn sighed, finally a bit more relaxed.
Maybe after his shift, he'd consider joining Aurinelle in the water.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! I really had a lot of fun writing this little fic, and a bit of Finelle, too!
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
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teawithnosugar · 1 year
Young One
Guitarist!Ellie x Singer!Reader
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CW: angst/no comfort, mentions of drinking, cheating, mentions of abuse, smoking, mentions of self-harm, depression??? WORDS: 2.2k SYNOPSIS: Your band has a reunion years after you and the guitarist have a nasty breakup (Modern AU) SONG: Mind Over Matter (Reprise) - Young the Giant
"Mind over matter I'm in tatters thinking 'bout her"
AN: Yall wanted this 😭 I’M SO SORRY FOR THE RUSHED ENDING BTW, I CHANGED IT SO MANY TIMES AND EVENTUALLY JUST GAVE UP. Also, I have no idea if this is how bands work, I just based the first half off of one of my favorite movies 😭😭😭
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The band had disbanded years ago, to the public, it was due to creative differences. You all remained silent as your old manager spoke to a man who came to discuss an upcoming music festival. The real reason for the disbandment remained a vivid memory, etched deeply within everyone's mind. The tension between you and the brunette was palpable, an unspoken rift that even a fleeting glance couldn't bridge. “For fuck’s sake Ellie, we’re in the middle of a tour. You have the worst goddamn timing”
“I cheated on you and all you can think about is the timing? The tour? Are you kidding me?!”
The words still echoed in your ears, in her ears.
You were all invited to this meeting because you were invited to play at one of the biggest music festivals in America. Numbness wrapped around your being as you sat, not far from the woman you love loved.
“…they’re asking you to play 11 songs, your hits.” the man finished saying. Your old bandmates looked at each other before a chorus of “yeah, sure” “I’m g” broke out. Even Ellie agreed. Then, like an unwavering spotlight, all eyes fell on you, including those green ones you longed to claw out. Slowly, you turned to face the man.
“How much are we being paid?” you asked, your tone devoid of emotion. A ripple of surprise swept through the room. Your brow raised, “What?” you asked, a tinge of annoyance seeping into your voice. It was a simple question, after all.
“Nothing…it’s just…you never asked stuff like that before. You always let me and Ellie talk about the money.” Jesse said softly, trying to laugh off how nervous he was when your cold gaze flickered from him and back to the man.
You scoffed, “well, this isn’t just any gig, you’re banking on our past and history here, that’s a big deal so I’m assuming we’re going to be paid well for this? I’ll only do this if the price is right” Your words lacked warmth, causing your bandmates to tense, while your narrowed eyes remained fixed on the man, who promptly nodded. “Y-yeah, usually headliners are paid 4 million so I’m guessing that’s what they’ll give you.” he stammered, his nerves palpable. You nodded slowly, mulling it over for a moment before agreeing. The meeting concluded, and the day melted away, seamlessly transitioning into the next, and then the next, until it was a day away. The band delved into rigorous practice sessions every day, preparing for the forthcoming festival. Bitterness veiled your every move, but you didn’t complain, just doing whatever you were asked to. During rehearsals, Ellie caught sight of the familiar haze clouding your eyes and the tight grip on the microphone as you sang. The only time she had seen you this way before was during the month of mourning when your mother passed away, a time when she stood by your side, pulling you from the abyss threatening to engulf you. She yearned to be there for you now, but the weight of guilt from that night years ago prevented her from even meeting your gaze. You had never sung again after leaving the band. Each song you had penned for the group carried echoes of her, and performing those melodies, born from one of the most beautiful periods of your life, took a toll on your weary soul. All the pain and longing that you hid under your anger for years surged forth, threatening to consume you. Your gaze pulled towards her during breaks, and smoking sessions with the band, but neither of you talked unless it was important. You remained silent in the corner, a lit joint held between your fingers, as the others laughed and bantered. Your eyes stared blankly ahead, and Ellie couldn't help but worry. Every time you lifted the joint to your lips, the sleeves of your shirt would slightly retreat, briefly revealing old and new scars. She wished she weren't the sole witness to the depth of your current pain, she felt she had no right to care or help. She had no idea what happened to you during the years you didn’t see each other, but your pain was as clear as day, at least to her. Because no one else here knew you like she did, and that filled her with all kinds of pain and regret. When the band split up, she continued making music, coping with the heartbreak in a healthier way than you did. She released singles and albums but you refused to listen to them. You refused to subject yourself to songs about the various women she encountered. Yet, you were mistaken, for they were all about you, each one an apology. She was able to put her pain on paper and in music while you had nowhere else to put your pain. You refused to write or sing songs because every verse that came to your mind was entwined with her, and you couldn't bear to immortalize the woman who had betrayed you. So you kept everything locked inside. When you found yourself rotting away at a job you hated, you remained silent. When you moved in with your abusive brother, you remained silent. You couldn't share your struggles with anyone, because they weren’t Ellie. She was the only one who understood you, at least that’s how it was in the early days of your relationship. Sighing softly, drowsiness washed over you. You stubbed out the joint and leaned your head back onto the wall, drowning out the voices of your high bandmates.
You were all at a bar, just hanging out after a successful concert. All your bandmates were by the bar or on the dance floor while you were seated on a couch, writing in your notebook. Ellie, growing weary of watching you engrossed in your notebook, felt a heaviness settle in her heart. Her heart grew heavy when a fan approached her and started flirting with her because you saw and didn’t even bat an eye. She couldn’t help but feel unimportant to you, a feeling that had plagued her for months as the band's popularity grew, causing you to neglect her more and more. She missed your touch, your attention, you, and there she was, a girl offering everything she wanted from you. In a drunken haze, she succumbed to temptation and led that fan back to her hotel room. She told Jesse to tell you she wasn’t feeling well and went back to the hotel. You initially didn’t plan on leaving the bar so early, knowing she’d probably be better in an hour so you weren’t that worried. But you wanted to show her some of the lyrics you were able to come up with at the bar so you walked to her hotel room a few hours after she left. The hotel, a grand establishment adorned with marble walls and elegant chandeliers, exuded an air of opulence. As you approached her door, poised to knock, it swung open before you. Eyes widening, you beheld a disheveled beauty, her hair tousled, makeup smudged, and attire askew, being pushed out by your girlfriend who’s eyes were just as wide as yours. The girl awkwardly left, leaving you two to stare at each other in silence. She was the first to speak. “Y/N-” You scoffed, interrupting her as your features blend of sorrow and anger, a shield you donned all too often. Weary, she groaned softly, pleading, "Please, let me explain." “Are you fucking kidding me!?” your eyes narrowed. “I can’t fucking believe you.” Sneering, you turned, striding towards the elevator. She followed, desperate to mend what had been broken. “Look I’m sorry but you’ve been busy for weeks and I got lonely, I know that’s no excuse but c’mon, we can fix this.” she pleaded, her words hanging in the air. “For fuck’s sake Ellie, we’re in the middle of a tour. You have the worst goddamn timing” you said, voice overflowing with anger and hurt but you refused to shout or scream. Your words made her pause. “I cheated on you and all you can think about is the timing? The tour? Are you kidding me?! Do you even love me?” Her voice rose, taking a step closer to you, bridging the distance between you, and you were cursing the elevator for moving so goddamn slow. Heart pounding, eyes shut tight, you whispered, “fuck….I can’t do this…I’m leaving.” Her scoff pierced the air. “Fine! Leave!” she retorted, consumed by a fit of fury. You met her gaze with narrowed eyes. "Fuck you, I quit," you retorted bitterly, striding out as the elevator doors revealed the lobby. Racing out of the building and calling for a cab. Once your words settled in her mind, she ran after you. You were already in the cab though, telling the driver to go to the airport. All she could do was pound on the window, her cries desperately begging you not to leave her. Ignoring her pleas, you busied yourself with messaging Jesse about the situation and to pack your stuff for you cause you were going home. “Y/N!” “Y/N!” “Y/N”
Your eyes fluttered open to see Ellie, kneeled in front of you with a raised brow. She masked her nervousness and sadness, striving not to let them surface. “You okay?” she asked, a question that had echoed between you countless times in the past. In that fleeting moment, an overwhelming surge of tears threatened to spill, the urge to tell her that you weren't okay, that you needed help, welled up within you. Yet, mistaking her nonchalant tone for apathy, you stifled the tears, offering her a brief nod. Hastily, you rose from the floor, realizing that you and Ellie were the sole occupants left in the room—everyone had already left. You rushed to the door, accidentally knocking down her guitar in the process. You awkwardly picked it up, pausing to look at your initials engraved in the back along with hers before putting it back against the wall.
You slowly turned to her, but once you saw that look on her face, the one that told you she yearned for you and that she was there for you, you let fear take over and guide you out the door, out the building, and to your house.
The next day you all traveled to the festival, hours going by fast as you all waited for your turn to perform. With your band slated to close the show, you sat in your chair, donning a tight, short black spaghetti strap dress and long black gloves to cover scars and bruises while two girls tended to your hair and makeup. Through the mirror's reflection, your gaze locked with Ellie's, her worried eyes fixed upon you, barely registering Jesse's attempt at conversation. Realizing her distraction, Jesse glanced in your direction, then back at her, he shook his head at her and gave her a knowing look.
Once you reached the last song of your set, you were already near tears. It had been years since you allowed yourself to be so vulnerable, pouring your heart into songs about the woman standing beside you, strumming her guitar for thousands of onlookers, after having been emotionally distant for far too long.
Ellie sensed it, as you sang, your eyes shimmering with a glossy sheen, your grip on the microphone so tight that your knuckles trembled, and your arms quivered ever so slightly. You were losing it and she just wanted to hold you.
“You know you’re on my mind?”
As you hit one of the higher notes of the song, you turned a little sideways, so you were still facing the crowd but you could now lock eyes with her. You both got lost in the moment, consumed by the passion embedded in your melodic words and the strums of her guitar.
“And when the seasons change Will you stand by me? Cause I’m a young one built to fall” As the song ended, whispering the last few lyrics, the crowd cheered loudly, but you heard none of it. The violent ringing in your ears overpowering the noise as an emptiness settled within you.
You didn't know how or when you arrived there, but numbness slipped away as reality crashed upon you. In the backstage bathroom, your back pressed against the wall, Ellie's body pressed fervently against yours, lips moving violently against the other. Your arms wrapped around her neck as her hands gripped your hips tightly. You hated how happy you felt when her lips first met yours a few minutes ago. All the memories from years ago where you’d find yourself in this similar situation after concerts came back to you. It was so similar but so different—her lips, her skin, her taste—all held a haunting familiarity, overwhelming you in this moment. Her lips trailed down your jaw and neck, leaving light marks upon your skin. Then, it struck you—the image of her hands on that other girl, her lips on that other girl—and your heart broke all over again. So you shoved her away.
Her eyes widened, a string of apologies tumbling from her lips, but you tuned it out, the all-too-familiar ringing returning to fill your ears.
“fuck….I can’t do this…” those familiar words left your lips and she realized what was happening, you were walking out again.
She stood there, her heart racing wildly, tears streaming down her face, as you ran out, unable to halt the flood of emotions. She finally got to hold you for the first time in years, only to watch you slip through her fingers once more. Her skin tingled, clinging to the lingering touch of your presence but you weren't even there anymore.
The next time she’d ever get to see your pretty face again would be in pictures from online articles on how you died that very night. "Another young one lost"
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truelovemadeforme · 2 months
Wash Day
miles morales x reader
cw: earth 1610 miles, written with a black! reader in mind, first time writing a drabble if this is what you can call that, feedback is always helpful and welcome!!! May be my first and only time writing something 😭🩵
an: I got this idea from me having to wash and blow dry my hair today. my hands and arms are still recovering.
“And you know my love is real, boy, I can” you sang along with Mary J. Blige while parting your hair into sections so that you could blow dry it.
Today was washday which meant that your arms were getting the workout they needed and that your neck would be sore from all the weird positions you would move it to blow dry your hair efficiently.
While you were trying to sing the chorus and adlibs you saw your phone vibrate on the counter.
Miles 🧸❤️: Is now a good time to come over to your place???
Miles 🧸❤️: I can’t keep drawing you in my notebook over and over again :(
You smiled and texted him back when you read the message. Ever since you found all the drawings of you in Miles notebook, you constantly teased him about it.
You: If you don’t mind watching me blow dry my hair and sing off key then sure ☺️🩷
As soon as Miles got the text, He swung a little bit harder and faster to your house. Ever since he had known you, you always had your hair in some hairstyle other than naturally out. Whether that be in braids, locs, sew-ins, wigs, etc. He loved all your different hairstyles but he had always been curious to what your hair in its natural form looked like. It would also give him new photos to draw of you in his notebook. A win-win for him really.
He knocked on the door to your house and a few seconds later he was greeted by you. As soon as the door opened he saw your face and then looked up. To be honest with himself, he was gaping and staring at you for like 5 seconds straight before you put an end to it.
You were attempting to explain that your parents were at work so you guys had the house all to yourselves but when he wasn’t replying back you decided to actually look at him and saw him with his mouth open.
A few more seconds passed before you asked, “Are you gonna keep staring or do you wanna come in?” You giggled. You didn’t know what was going through the brain of his. He always stared at you when he was drawing or trying to remember something but you didn’t know what he was looking at this time because you were kind of tired from all the heat from the blow dryer.
“Yeah, no, you’re right!” Miles shyly nodded while walking in. When you shut the door behind him you then realized what he was staring at.
Scrunching your eyebrows you asked, “Were you looking like a fish out of water because of what my hair looks like?” You weren’t that nervous of Miles seeing your hair because if he really liked you, which he always told you he did, then something as little as hair wouldn’t be a problem.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to come off as judging or anything” Miles said while scratching the back of his neck and shaking his head. “I just have never seen your natural hair and it looks really pretty” He added with a sheepish smile while looking down.
You giggled again at how shy he was being. “Thank you Miles, that’s really sweet of you” You stated while walking over and giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“And I have never ever looked like a fish out of water” He said after remembering what you said and getting over his shyness.
With a laugh you replied, “Miles I don’t think i’ve ever seen you not look like a fish out of water”
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 8 months
Prompt: rockstar singing couple hinny performing on tour cause you said and now I want it 😭 (I’m personally imagining grunge rock 90s aesthetic and them locking eyes across the microphone as they both sing into during their duet ok ok I’m crazy for this 😭😭)
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we all agree that i am several drinks in, so when i steal taylor swift lyrics for this prompt, no one can be mad at me, okay? okay.
The stage lights blurred out the massive crowd in front of them. Ginny's name was chanted over and over, easly heard despite over the noise cancelation in her earpiece.
Seamus's voice echoed through her earpice, "On mark for finale. Drums."
On cue, her brother started to hit the beat to The Gryffindor's final song of the evening.
"We want to thank everyone for coming out tonight!" Ginny shouted into her microphone. "I also want to give a shoutout to everyone on stage tonight, to start it off, the most annoying member of our bad, Ron Weasley on drums!"
Ron hit the drums a little harder as the camera panned to him, projecting his phase on the screens above them. The crowd cheered even louder when Ginny flipped her brother off.
"Give it up for Luna on the bass!"
Her best friend started to strum the bassline to their next song. She gave a wink to the crowd when the camera panned to her.
"Parvati on the keys!"
Parvati gave the crowd a massive wave.
"Harry on the guitar, and I am Ginny. Thanks for singing along all evening!"
Harry grinned over at her as the crowd screamed the loudest they had been all night as he strummed the first chords of their most popular song.
"Midnight," Ginny sang. "You come and pick me up, no headlights."
Ginny poured her heart out, letting the audience feel the emotions she felt as she wrote the song about her own guitarist.
The muse to this song harmonized with her own the chorus.
"We never go out of style. Out of style."
Ginny ignored his imprompu adlib, and picked up the microphone from the stand walking to the front of the stage to interact with the crowd.
"The lights are off he's taking off his coat,"
A voice that usuallly doesn't sing at this part echoed her voice, "Taking off my coat." Harry's blended perfectly with hers.
She walked in front of him, "I heard, you've been out and about with some other girls."
Harry grinned at her over his own mic, completely ignoring the crowd. "I can't stop thinking about you and I."
Ginny walked around him, never making eye contact with him, instead focusing on the crowd, drawing them into the story as she repeated the chorus. But with the bridge coming up, she finallyl ocked eyes with Harry as she sang, "So take me home."
He echoed the sentiment, "I'll take you home. Take you home."
They were standing face to face, "Take me home."
Harry stepped back, away from his microphone and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I plan on taking you home."
Ginny pulled away, blinking at him. Harry winked at her.
"We never go out of style."
"We are going to be a headline tomorrow," Ginny hissed as the band took their final bows.
"Let them talk," Harry said loudly, before turning to her, leaning down and kissing her as the curtains closed,
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soshiharin · 4 months
better than this world tour: new york
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— angelina jolie
— kumail nanjiani
— emily ratajkowski
— ziwe
— tate mcrae
— a little commotion for the dress please
— this was probably her best gotta go performance
— underwater was just chef’s kiss
— and so was anywhere with you
— just before she started singing plastic off the sofa, someone started to signalling to harin that he was going to propose to his boyfriend and she immediately understood the assignment
— she hung around that section and when the guy signalled that it was time, she turned her attention to the boyfriend and the guy got down on one knee
— she was basically serenading them through the proposal
— and the camera was on them
— and he said YES!!!!
— then harin went back to walking along the stage as she sang
— during the last chorus of language, she saw someone wearing a diy version of her outfit from the roller skating scene in the sweet fantasy mv
— harin: oh that’s cute! *goes back to her song*
— she received a marriage proposal during safety zone and she just shook her head
— and bother me was so much fun
— they really loved sweet fantasy
— like a witch ATEEEE
— especially with that outfit like…
— someone handed her a pride flag during secret love song
— and we had soshi back for another genie performance!!
— just as fun, just as iconic
— and they obviously talked afterwards bcs why wouldnt they
— the way seohyun was basically hanging onto harin the whole time
— you already know sones were crying over the cuteness
— and sooyoung and tiffany were carrying the conversation
— meanwhile hyoyeon would laugh every five seconds
— and harin looked five seconds away from falling asleep
— hyoyeon: oh! harin’s shutting down
— sooyoung: yah, you can’t fall asleep at your own concert
— and harin’s just nodding every few seconds with the most blank expression on her face
— seohyun: unnie’s been working hard, she can fall asleep if she wants to
— hyoyeon: then will you perform for her?
— seohyun: ... unnie, wake up!
— then she started shaking harin 😭😭😭😭 and harin got sooo bored of it so fast
— harin: before i slap you…
— and seohyun knew to stop
— then they sang my love won’t let you down
— which was super ultra cute
— especially when hyoyeon started crying towards the end bcs she’s soshi’s crybaby
— and then harin continued with the encore stage with the members sitting in their little section
— (the fancams of the members watching harin perform with tears in their eyes broke so many hearts🥺🥺)
— and goodnight everyone
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©️ jang harin
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star-girl69 · 8 months
I honestly felt so bad for Lana, she totally got snubbed
and ik Taylor was trynna be nice and bring her onstage but she just looked so uncomfortable and I’m sure she was so dissapointed:/
i know. i just woke up and saw the pictures i’m genuinely heartbroken for her. midnights is probably one of my least fav taylor albums so i just cannot believe that it won. the only song i really like and listen to is the great war and snow on the beach lmao 😭😭😭
but again i’m not suprised
if there was any category i was SURE lana wasn’t going to win was aoty.
midnights was catchy at times and i mean taylor’s an amazing lyricist and vocalist but ocean blvd was just lana’s album. there’s not really another way i can describe it
it’s her most person album- the first time i listened to fingertips i was sobbing crying- and i mean the diversity and the entire concept of actually going through a tunnel (starting w some lighter songs hen progressively getting darker and darker until the more trap and upbeat end) was a brilliant idea and really took the listener on a true journey
not to mention, but the references she makes to past albums and songs showing her growth were some of my favorite little moments! singing the chorus of sweet the same way she sang the chorus in wait for life, singing the beginning of fingertips to the tune of bartender, the love song mention in let the light in- i felt like it brought a whole other layer of nuance to the album.
genuinely could talk about the lyrics for hours but a few honorable mentions-
it wasn’t my idea the cocktail of things that twists neurons inside // but without them i’d die - fingertips
my sister’s first born child // i’m gonna take that too with me // my grandmother’s last smile // i’m gonna take that too with me // it’s a beautiful life // remember that too for me - the grants
what’ya doin’ with your life do you think about it? // do you contemplate where we came from? // lately we’ve been making out a lot not talkin’ ‘bout the stuff that’s at the very heart of things // do you want children? // do you wanna marry me? // do you wanna run marathons in long beach by the sea // i’ve got things to do like nothing at all i wanna do them with you // do you wanna do them with me? - sweet
i was on the stairs // ella fitzgerald in the air // feelin’ hella rare // baby if you care // baby don’t you dare say // you’ll braid my hair, babe - fishtail
after the album came out for like a month literally all i couldn’t listen to was ocean blvd on shuffle lmao.
anyways, sorry for ranting, woke up to this and now i’m in a very pissed off mood. very disappointed, but this album is very hard to understand without already having an appreciation and understanding of lana, so, again- i’m not surprised.
i know the grammy’s are realistically just a popularity contest, but they are still huge achievements and i know it would feel so gratifying for her to finally have one. just so disappointed
i feel this loss so heavily with her.
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bravenew-what · 1 year
Anecdotes from Helloween’s show
Y’all. When I say I’m a changed person because of this show, it’s because I fucking am.
The first of them I saw was Sascha, I mean we were DIRECTLY in front of him. He’s giant. A literal giant.
Skyfall was pure chaos. So much was happening at once and I had no idea where to look so I just screamed the words.
I stuck my tongue out at markus and he did it back!!
Kai was all over the stage all night, he was a total flirt with EVERYONE
I headbanged so hard during Future World at the right moment and it cracked my neck for me
The guitarists and Markus were all in sync with the way they danced around during future world AND IT WAS SO CUTE
Weiki and I made funny faces at each other and I know he saw me cause he exaggerated the same face when I made it back at him
Kai chucked the fucking mic stand to the groundjust before his medley
Weiki had guitar trouble TWICE and I felt bad for him
I would later make a lot more eye contact with Andi, like I swear he got a bit of a power trip from it and I was completely under his spell for it. Not even remotely joking
Weiki just being…… Weiki. His stank faces and wizard-like hand movements just make his playing that much better.
Sascha being so fucking sweaty that he could stick a pick right to his forehead without having to lick it or something (though I would have paid money to see that alone)
Sascha’s solo. That’s it.
Sascha actually had guitar trouble during his solo too
Michi pretending to use the stools he and Andi were sitting on as crutches during forever and one
Andi also made some very LEWD gestures during Dr. Stein that I refuse to describe because I have it on video 🤣🤣
Sascha flipped his hair out of his face AND MARKUS LEANED OVER HIM AND BLEW IT RIGHT BACK WHERE IT WAS
Andi and I sang our hearts out to each other during How Many Tears and I honestly thought I was gonna cry 🥹🥹
Sascha bent down and frantically waved and smiled like a total geek at this teenage girl while she was filming and I can just tell it made her whole year!
And oh my god, during Perfect Gentleman. Andi pointed at markus and went “AND SHEEEEEE IS”
Andi and I singing the last chorus of Perfect Gentleman together
Hearing Sascha sing the outro of keepers and then do the guitar melody tol the end was fucking beautiful and he has the voice of a literal Angel
Okay so the moment I had with Andi that I will not shut up about: I had my camera on through all of Keeper of the Seven Keys and I called to Andi after they hit the last note and Andi slowly turned and when he realized it was me he winked and stuck his tongue out just a little like a fucking flirt and I swear I swooned harder than I ever have in my life AND I HAVE THAT MOMENT ON VIDEO SO I CAN HOLD ONTO IT 😭😭😭
Kai calling Weiki a “fucking weirdo”
Dani was a fucking machine all night long, and when he finally came out from behind his kit, the crowd lost their shit for him
Michi popped one of the balloons during I Want Out and tried to run away from it
There were multiple crowd surfers all night, two came directly over us and me and the girl next to me had to duck below the barrier and out of the way so the guys could get them over
I only got bashful one time from the eye contact from the band!!
​Helloween also drink their respect women juice every day cause every single one of them were good with all of the girls in the crowd. End of story.
That was one of the best concert experiences of my life. I feel like a whole new person because of it.
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships brb crying
"Come on!" Aponi urged, nudging Mal to the stage.
"I haven't performed a song in a foreign language before! Remember how people used to make fun of me for speaking a phrase?" Mal responded anxiously.
"Yeah, but this is my club. If someone makes fun of you in my watch I'll cut their ears off." Aponi smirked, gesturing to the holy knife in her boot. "Besides, I know how important this is to you. You haven't been able to express your true self. I see the look in your eyes when you talk to Niffty." Aponi stated. Niffty also had the same nationality as her, therefore speaking the same language. Mal had been delighted. She was able to communicate with someone with ease, something she only did with her own mother.
"Aponi's right, you know." Vox put a hand on Mal's shoulder, offering an encouraging grin. "Don't worry about other demons. They're irrelevant anyway. You do you, Mal."
Mal smiled at her husband, then at her best friend.
Aponi smiled reassuringly. "We'll be here. Right at the back where you can see us. Would that be okay with you?"
Mal smiled warmly, taking Vox's hand. "Yeah.. that could work.."
Vox grinned, before looking at the stage. "Well, what are you waiting for? Knock 'em dead, Sparkfly!" He says, before kissing the top of her head.
Mal laughs, before making her way to the stage. "Okay.. talk to you guys later backstage!"
Vox chuckled, followed by Aponi's own laugh before they went at the VIP section, and a seat reserved for the CEO herself, Aponi Wings.
Mal walked up the stage, making herself known to the crowd. Taking the mic, she greeted everyone. "Good evening, ladies, gentledemons and non-binary specimen!" She laughs, the crowd cheering for her. She was now a well-known singer in hell, upon Aponi finally being in charge of the club and making actual good use of her talent instead of using her for people's viewing pleasures.
"Alright.. for tonight, I wanted to do something a little different." She continued as the cheering toned down. "Um.. I would like to sing something.. in a language that I also know of.. and I think this is the perfect opportunity to take pride in the place I was born from!"
"Just get it on!" A demon shouts from the crowd, startling Mal a bit. She looked at Vox and Aponi at the back, Angel also making his way to sit next to Aponi.
Mal grinned. "Alright, Alright.. hold your horses!"
The music started playing..
(You can just skip through the lyrics ig 😭)
Mal inhaled sharply, before starting to sing.
The demons were a bit surprised at the foreign language.
But Mal could learn not to mind. This was her night
Mal smirked, before getting herself into the moment.
Mal held onto the mic from the stand, before singing the chorus
僕たちは燃え盛る 旅の途中で出逢い
手を通りそして離した 未来のために
夢が一つ叶う度 僕は君を思うだろう
強くなりたいと願い 泣いた
Mal looked not at the crowd, but at her friends. All her past life she'd been discriminated for speaking another language that wasn't of everyone else's own, but now.. standing in front of a crowd, getting to pour her heart out in a way she had been forbidden to do before..
She was happy.
Carmellia walked through the streets, in another day of her afterlife in hell. It's been years since she had been sent down here because of her own delusions.
If she had just believed that Mallory was dead, she wouldn't have gone here..
No, she still couldn't believe her daughter was gone.
She was the only thing Carmellia lived for. She found a reason for life to be worth living.. and it was Mallory. Her firefly..
She just wished she could talk to her.. but she seems to be very fond of her life with the overlord Vox.
But maybe.. just maybe..
Mal sang the second verse, feeling herse loosen up.
Carmellia walked along, before stumbling across a club.
'Aponi Wings'
And she heard a voice.. something familiar.
Carmellia gasped softly, hearing the voice.. the language.. the song..
And almost like her feet had acted on instinct, she ran as fast as she could inside the club to see who had been performing.
And then she saw it. Her smile. Her eyes. The familiar voice.
She watched as she sang the words.
Then Mal belted out, closing her eyes as she felt the world around her disappearing. Just her alone.
Carmellia watched from the crowd, tears brimming her eyes. That was her Mallory. Her firefly.
She grew up to be just as beautiful as she'd always been.. all she wanted was to grasp onto her tightly as she told her how much she wished she could protect her better.
The things she would do to shield her from the cruel world and see that huge grin on her face..
She caught a glimpse of Mal's small tattoo on the shoulder..
" ホタル "
Carmellia felt a lump in her throat as her breathing began to shake.
Mal took a deep breath, and as the music slowly calmed down for a brief moment, and began to build up again, she opened her eyes, a bit of light emitting from them.
手を伸ばし抱き止めた 激しい光の束
輝いて消えてった 未来のために
Mal belted out the high note, and from afar, Aponi, though not understanding the words, looked at her with a sense of pride.
For so many years.. people only saw the deranged murderer who had multiple kills in a short span of time..
But Aponi..
She only saw the outgoing kid from choir classes that she planned a whole future with..
託された幸せと 約束を超えていく
心に炎を灯して 遠い未来まで
Mal finished up the song with a couple of notes before panting, looking at the crowd who then cheered for her.
They're clapping..
For me!
Mal smiles as she bows to the crowd from the stage. She then thanked everyone and made her way towards her friends..
When suddenly she was stopped by someone calling for her.
Huh? That voice..
Mal turned around, only to see those familiar eyes she'd known all her past life.. the voice and the gentle smile she always wore..
Carmellia nods, before taking a step towards Mal.
Mal's lip quivered, and she was caught by surprise by the sudden visit.
"You're in hell.." Mal muttered out, freezing to where she stood.
Carmellia never cared to explain herself. She walked over to Mal, slowly. "It is you.."
"Yes.. it is me.." Mal responded, her breathing became shaky. She had been standing in front of the woman who abandoned her.
Yet if she did.. what is she doing here..
Mal ran from the club, far away from her. She fought the tears threatening to fall from her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself in the heat of the night in hell.
How did she get here? How did she find her? How is she in hell?
Questions ran through her mind, but there she was again. Running after her.
"NO!" Mal turned around, glaring at Carmellia as she still had her arms around herself. "Don't come any closer.."
"Oh.. Oh, my firefly.." Carmellia spoke, pain visible in her tone.
"I'm not anyone's firefly. You abandoned me!" Mal yelled out at her mother, anger, frustration.. pain.. all throughout her voice.
"I could never do that.. never." Carmellia took a step closer to her daughter once again.
"The fact that you're in hell just proves you're as heartless as you were!" Mal spat at Carmellia, her breathing heavy and her eyes screamed for pain.
Carmellia recoiled at her daughter's words, her eyes wide.
"When I went missing.. why didn't you look for me? Did you assume I was dead as well?" Mal's voice quivered at the very thought of reliving her past life, but here she was.
Carmellia went silent, looking down in sadness as she took in her daughter's words.
As Mal got no response, she knew she was right. She never loved her.
After all, who would love a child of misfortune?
"I did."
Mal perked her head up.
Carmellia was looking directly at her, not a single thread of hatred and anger in her eyes.
"I left Japan." She continued. "I left so I could look for you.. because something in me knew you were alive."
Tears started to brim Mal's eyes once again.
"I asked Lilly.. Deborah.. strangers.. I never stopped." Carmellia began taking steps towards her daughter, and Mal, though she wanted to, never had it in her to step back.
"I never knew why you ran away.. why they cast you out so quickly.. I wish I could have prevented those thoughts.." Carmellia stated.
"Then why are you in hell?" Mal asks.
Carmellia never said a word, but she did put her hair up to make her neck visible.
A mark. Like a choker.
She's seen that mark before..
It was when Lilly told her how she ended up in hell.
Mal's eye twitched, and she blinked as she swallowed hard.
"I went into delusion.. delusion that I'd found you. Nothing kept me sane, because the little girl that set me free was gone." Carmellia began to speak. "I couldn't go on knowing that my daughter was gone.. she was all I lived for."
Mal felt sick to her stomach. The reason her own mother was in hell.. was because of her.
"You were all I lived for."
Mal fell to her knees, letting the tears fall and choking out a sob. Carmellia came to her aid, craddling her in her arms. One thing that she never got to do for so long..
"My firefly.." Carmellia muttered, holding her daughter close.
"No.. please.." Mal weakly sobbed. "Don't say that.."
"You will always be the one I'm living for.." Carmellia kissed her daughter's head, keeping her in her arms for as long as she could. The feeling of her Mallory finally being in her arms..
It wiped away all of the tears she shed. She was here. And she was home.
"But.. why.." Mal choked out a sob. "How can you say that after everything I put you through.."
"Shh.. it doesn't matter." She soothed Mal's back.
Mal cried into her mother's arms. "You're in hell because of me.. dad was right. I'm nothing but bad luck.."
"Oh, gods.. No. No.." Carmellia responded. "Your father is wrong. You were never bad luck to me.."
"But.. I'm the reason you left him.."
"That might be true.." she replied. "But.. your father wasn't a saint. He hurt me.. he put me through so much pain than you could ever imagine.. I had no reason to go on.. but when I found out I was having a baby.. I knew I had to make a choice. I wanted to protect you. And I'm so.. so sorry I couldn't protect you enough.."
Mal said nothing.
"You were never bad luck.. you were my hope. My light." Carmellia whispered to her daughter, as tears brimmed her eyes as well. "I'm so proud of you.."
Mal shook her head. "I'm nothing to he proud of. I ran away to become a murderer. I'm in hell. I'm a monster."
"No, not to me, you're not.. I would never think of you that way.." she responded, stroking Mal's hair. "What made you run away? You can tell me anything."
"..when I was left with my uncle, he.. he did things to me. I.. I was inappropriately violated against my will.. and I had to run away. I've been homeless. I've been groomed by old men. I became a mess. A monster." She finally revealed the only thing Carmellia wished she had known.
Carmellia let the tears fall. "I'm so, sorry.. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.. that I was so far away.. if I had just fought harder for you.. none of this would have happened."
"But it did.." Mal replied. "I'm so sorry.. I should've gone to you! I should've told you! I'm sorry!"
"It's over now.. it's alright. I could never hate you, my firefly.. never." Carmellia reassured, and it was all Mal needed.
"..I love you, mom.."
Those words hit Carmellia like a ton of bricks, but never in a bad way. She held her daughter tighter. "I love you too, Mallory. More than anything.."
It was the first time she never corrected someone about her name.
Because the way she said it never had any spite.. it wasn't of telling her she was bad luck. It was her telling her she had been the one she loved more than anything.
They stayed like that for a long while.. and it seemed like hours. They never cared about anyone else. Carmellia was finally with her baby.. and Mal had found clarity.
"Although.." Carmellia pulled away so she could see Mal's face. "I have to ask you about the overlord Vox."
Mal smiled at the mention of her husband, and wiped her tears. "Oh, he's amazing to me. He's the best thing that's happened to me in hell. And I.. I married him."
Carmellia smiled. "I'm so happy you found someone to cherish and love you as you deserve.. although if he hurts you, I won't do anything to help him if you decide to kill him."
Mal laughed through her tears.
And for once in her death, she felt truly home.
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
Samy's acoustic gig in a bar downtown Jyväskylä, 5.12.2022 - gig report by me ✨
First of all, anyone who saw me panicking about going to this gig last night and tried to calm me down, I want you to know that your support meant the world to me and that thanks to all of you sweet people who told me it's gonna be alright and that I should totally give it a try, I had the most fun Monday night I've had in a long long while, possibly years 💖
And HUGE thanks to @thesunsetisgone for coming with me, I would've been absolutely lost without you there with me 😭 it was so great meeting you, see you again soon!! 💕
The bar was crowded as FUCK and the music (the bar's music I mean) was so loud that it was hard to hear anything. It was kinda uncomfortable and I don't see the appeal, so I don't think I'll be going to a bar again any time soon unless it's for another amazing acoustic gig 😅
This is no news to anyone who knows Samy at all but oh my god he was so smiley and happy and relaxed and cute and 😭😭😭 he was in his element, and although there were quite a few songs I didn't recognize (until later watching the videos I filmed lol), I had the time of my life just looking at him. He is such a charismatic performer, not at all diva-like, quite the contrary; he seems super down to earth and just the sweetest person 🥺
His Samy-like humour included his typical "I don't actually know how to play this" jokes (especially when he played LS songs lol), and at one point when he got too hot and took his jacket off, revealing his beautiful red silk shirt he was like (roughly translated) "I'm supposed to be this trashmetal dude, but instead I look like some fucking magic carpet" 😂💞
Songs that he covered included You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi (lol who else), The Kill (Bury Me) by 30 Seconds to Mars, a BMTH song I didn't recognize because I don't listen to BMTH but I was told it's Joonas' favourite song (Drown), the beginning of Stan by Eminem (until he went "I'm not actually gonna play this" just before the rap part 😆 I have this on video, probably gonna post later!), and Alone by Heart
Out of LS songs he played Awake (😭😭😭😭😭😭) and 112. During the latter he made us do a fun dialogue kinda singing where he sang some parts of the chorus and we had to sing the next line 🥺
My personal highlight was when he 😭😭😭😭 he played 😭😭😭💘💘💘 he played I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie and 😭😭😭😭 I don't think you understand, this is one of my favourite songs in the entire world and I was this 🤏 close to elbowing my way through the crowd to snog him directly on the mouth for playing it 💞
Out of context: he looked me in the eyes and told me I was beautiful
In context: he sang a Finnish song (!!!!!!!!!!!!! a rare occasion, he told us) in which the chorus goes "you are beautiful, and the world is yours" (Maailma on sun by Tehosekoitin) and I SWEAR he looked right at me one time when he sang that line, I REFUSE to believe otherwise 😤
Actually I feel like we made eyecontact quite a few times, but that might as well have been an optical illusion (or wishful thinking 😔)
He also began to sang Wonderwall like the troll he is, but then he was like "fuck no am I gonna play that song" 😆 and @thesunsetisgone may correct me if I'm wrong but it was then when he started playing The Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day and...I don't have video material of what happened next because ????? 😂
He hadn't gotten too far into the song when this 60-year-old guy (I know this because the man himself said he was soon turning 60), somewhat drunk, assumably a friend of Samy's, got on the "stage" (there was no stage) and wanted to duet the song with him, but then neither of them could remember any more lyrics, so the random man took out his phone and googled the lyrics, and when Samy looked at his phone he cracked up because apparently the man had googled the lyrics to Basket Case instead 🤣 the man was insistent on singing this song instead though, but Samy was like "I don't know how to play that?!" and then he pointed at someone in the front row like "you come up here and play this!" and suddenly a wild Mirko appeared! 😃 and then they played Basket Case with Mirko on the guitar and the whole bar sang along ✨
I would also like to thank Samy for making me cross one thing off my bucket list: the last song he performed was Livin' On a Prayer and I've ALWAYS wanted to sing along to that song in a crowd of people singing along with me, so Mr. Elbanna you really made this dream of mine reality 🙏
Damn, I really wish I had told him all this 😔 I mean, I did get the opportunity, because after the gig was over, we went to the restaurant side of the place to put on our outerwear, and Samy was there?? Right next to us???? And first we were like "omg he's right there" but just continued putting on our jackets, but then we were like "no, let's go take pictures with him!"
And so, yeah, we did 🥰 and he was so sweet 😭💕
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Thank you kind sir, this evening gave me so much joy you have no idea 🥺💖
When we got out of the bar we had a minor fangirling moment ("OMG WE JUST MET SAMY!!!")...and then a couple of shabby-looking dudes came to ask if we sell speed 🤡 because apparently your average speed-salesperson looks like this:
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To conclude, I had the best time and I'm so happy I went and all the panic and nervousness was SO worth it <3
I will post more videos in the LS/Samy tag later today!
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
OKAYYYYY SO. Thank you M for bringing up Hobi’s vocals because I have not stopped thinking about them since….
I’m not joking when I say I (literally) went through and picked out the songs I remember having beautiful Hobi vocals in them that I obsessed over one time or another…!
So here’s a list I compiled of (some) of my favs… because if I’m honest, this list started to become discography length when I included his vocally rap verses sooooo these are (mostly) strictly vocal :)
(Not in any order):
- Equal Sign (how could I not include this… when he goes into his falsetto at the end.. *chefs kiss*)
- Future chorus (when I first listened through JITB this was my favorite song)
- BangBangCon “Mama” performance (specifically when the choir comes in… like okay Hobi go off with those riffs and runs 🏃‍♀️)
- the Otsukare performance with Yoongi (the fact they were just messing around but still sang like rent was due… )
- Fix You (this song will always be beautiful but his voice underneath the vocal line whewww)
- Blue Side (do I even need to say anything?)
- Heartbeat (I love this song like UGHH and everyone slays but like Hobi omggg)
- the chorus of Just Dance (the way his low voice comes out here… wow.)
Well. That’s what I have for now… I’m very tempted to come back and add more because let’s face it I’m a Hobi stan so what do you expect 😅.
(also wow I’m sorry this is so late M… you literally told me to send this in like hours ago… oops. But I got roped into taking my niece to gymnastics so I’m lAtE… anyways here it is finally lol. enjoy and ILY 😇)
OBSESSED that we both said bangbangcon mama 😩 truly peak hobi right next to hobipalooza..... one of my fave hobi performances evereverever
and omggggg just dance 🫠 i had to cut her from my finalists but that song does things to me...... in my heart and soul (and other places)
DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR BEING LATE 👹 besides - vocalist hoseok appreciation hours never end~*~ 🤭 i am always happy to share the brainrot!!! 💌
vocalist hoseok appreciation hours !! send me ur fave hobi vocal moments 🎤
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ihophashbrowns · 2 years
2022 is ending and the public needs to know what your most & least favorite kpop releases were this year! there was good stuff, bad stuff, underwhelming stuff, growers, etc. lets hear yours! :D
the way it would be easier to count the stuff i liked vs the stuff i disliked 😭😭 anyways here's my favorite releases this year...
20. generation - tripleS
fun, upbeat, the mv has a nice laid back "aesthetic" feel to it. the only ppl who didnt like it were miserable newjeans stans! 😭
19. hair cut - xdinary heroes
i actually liked the chorus... doesnt have much replay value but i do listen it whenever it comes on
18. antifragile - le sserafim
i DID love this one, it had to grow on me but its catchy af! 😭
17. forever 1 - snsd
this one had to grow on me too! but its super cute and sweet!,
16. mascara - xg
people who said they didnt like this are liars!! have you considered not messing with your mascara..?
15. nabillera - hyuna
there were a LOT of growers this year! even when i first listened to it i thought she was going for babe pt.2 and when i started liking it i knew that was in fact the case!
14. stupid cool - dawn
i got it on the first listen. i love the beat and i thought the lyrics were absolutely adorable :(
13. talk that talk - twice
pop perfection! the chorus is everything
12. aria - yerin
u either get it you dont! the two gfriend soloists deserve so much better it surprised me how much buddys slept on this release. but i was SEATED!
11. dice - onew
father was fathering through the whole album IDGAF!!! like every song is so good and well made, well sang. this is the superior kpop song named dice that was released this year. lol.
10. maison - dreamcatcher
its catchy af and the message is so REAL! ngl at first i thought they made that word up for the song but i looked it up and its french for "home" so 😭😭 extra points for making me think they came up with that word themselves
9. illusion - aespa
its cunty! catchy! i definitely got it on the first listen! (points off for the yummy yummy yummy in your tummy tummy tummy line tho)
8. bop bop! - viviz
if u hate this song you hate fun tbh! the thing i loved about this song is that it felt less like a debut song and more like a comeback song. we love you viviz.
7. good boy gone bad - txt
i had to pretend like i didnt get it on the 1st-and-a-half listen bcuz i was still very much in my txt anti era. but now im normal so i can appreciate what this song means to me ❤
6. jikjin - treasure
why were so many people pretending like they didnt fuck heavy with this song. perhaps broaden your mindset like. [korean korean] jikjiiiiiiinnnn woooooooooooooo. anw it feels like pop rocks to my brain and in the best way possible so its here.
TOP 5. These were the objectively best releases of 2022!
5. last sequence - wjsn
thats gay clubbing music baby! something about this song feels so... not 2022. more like i opened a time portal and went back to mid-2017. idk why. but i love that vibe.
4. shut down - blackpink
the lyrics, production, that violin, everything about this song was an instant hit. no im not just saying that because blackpink was my first group. their comeback this year ate and served cunt severely. we love you blackpink.
3. 2 baddies - nct 127
i like thot music! the way ppl complained about it was so 😭😭 its an nct song what were you expecting. shut up. you either rock with it or you dont. like the song was made BY baddies FOR baddies. so if it isnt hitting...
2. pop! - nayeon
ms. im nayeon put the POP in kPOP with tjis song! and it was her SOLO DEBUT? PLEASEEEEEEE........ i love the girly cutesy bubblegum-y fun of this one. so. so. so. much. like everything about it SO iconic. she not only solidified herself as a capable soloist but as a pop princess too!
1. brand new - xiumin
are you surprised? im an exol after all! but fr this song had me GAGGED since the mv TEASER dropped! everything about it is so good, the beat, the lyrics, the vocals... everything! when it comes down to the mv minseok had $10 and a dream but he still made it work. that song was MADE to be a hit!! when i heard it i knew NOTHING ELSE released this year was gonna top it!
very honorable mentions that didnt make the list for lack of space :( (imagine they are in 2nd place with pop by nayeon)
i don't even mind - chen, invu - taeyeon, hurdle - suho, feel my rhythm - rv, candy - nct dream, gasoline - key, gingamingayo - billlie, loveade - viviz, dreamers - jungkook 🤪,after like - ive
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enigmaticsal · 4 years
I apologise for the person I'm about to become under this post. I am well aware that the Austin & Ally fandom might just be the most inactive one right now but I'm 5 episodes away from finishing the show entirely & wish to aggressively ramble & absolutely go bonkers about the song 'Stuck On You' by Austin Moon sung in Episode 10 of Season 3 titled 'Critics & Confidence'. I've heard this song on repeat for the past hour and my brain is a serotonin filled mess.
All the madness and screaming is located under the cut so enjoy if you like :))))))
credits to @/austinswoons for the gifs~
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This is the only song that'll ever make me go all warm and mushy inside & lemme explain to you why through the lyrics :))))
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"Okay maybe I'm shy but usually I speak my mind but by your side, I'm tongue tied."
The general tone he sings this entire song in, holy hera I need a serious breather cause I'm too soft. Someone hold me before I turn to a puddle of goo and before you have to collect me in a freaking jar 🙃
Like one touch and I will evaporate into thin air or turn into a pile of dust and fade away JUST SAYING.
"Now I'm singing all the words I'm scared to say."
'I'm hoping you feel what I do, cause I told mom about you, I told her.'
"And like the night sticks to the moon, girl I'm stuck on you."
No words just 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥺🥺💔💔💔🥲🥲🤧🤧🤧 💔💔💔💔🤧😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥲🥲🥲🤧🥺🥺🤧🤧💕💕💕💔💔💔💔🥺🥺💔💔💕💕🥲🥲💕💕💕💕🤧🤧🤧🤧
I mean COME ON, he calls himself out for being a perfectionist, talks about not liking rules and making his bed, flossing his teeth to keep them perfect, admits to being a workaholic and feeling at home on his phone. (WHICH SAME MY DUDE, SAME.) such honesty???
He is trying his best in this song to tell Ally that he still likes her in the most perfectly devastatingly cheesy way possible and I'm here for it with every single fibre of my mortal existence :)))
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He looks at Ally like that throughout the ENTIRE song........lemme just 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
sighs ✨ young love ✨
He is so whipped and so am I. End of story. Goodnight it is almost 2 am 😎
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