#and they'd STILL do that for her today if she ever let herself come to them in need of it.
painted-bees · 4 months
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Sometimes you just need to be held and gently rocked like a child by someone who means something to you.
I mentioned before how Raf doesn't really get anxious before a show, and genuinely enjoys performing on stage--but that the most difficult part of a performance for him are the hours right after a show has finished, starting from the moment he walks off the stage.
Almost every single time, no matter how fun or well executed a performance was, there's a kind of quiet terror that follows him off the stage like a dark shadow and infects him once he's left the safety of the stage lights.
He becomes uncharacteristically furtive, and while he will answer when spoken to, his responses are simple, short, with a kind of sharpness in tone that suggests a level of defensiveness. Like a child awaiting a harsh scolding. Because that's kinda...what he is, in that moment. He is waiting to be kept awake into the early hours of the morning by a lecture about what he did, what he didn't do, what he should have done differently, what needs to be improved upon before the next time. Or he's waiting to be told that he's gonna be on his own for a few days, because the people who are supposed to love and take care of him are "too disappointed to fairly manage him" right now. Or he's waiting to be dragged into a busy room populated by strangers he's supposed to impress while he's casually, conversationally picked apart in front of them by the person who brought him there in the first place; the person who wanted to show him off.
It's a frustrating reaction to have...He's not a child, he's a grown ass man--and he owes venue staff, and his bandmates, and everyone else backstage a modicum of respect and kindness, and to thank them for their work, and to revel in the completion of a good show. But he's not really...he can't do that. He comes off as quietly despondent at best, or kind of a stuck up asshole at worst. When he did shows with Lacey, she called it his "post-performance tantrums" and exercised very little patience for his 'immature sulkiness' following concerts. And the low mood would persist for a solid week then after.
Once he started doing shows and stuff with Margie, she'd initially wonder if his poor mood was because she had done something wrong, or didn't meet expectations, if it was a bad show.... It wouldn't be until the following day before Raf could find himself in a state of mind where he's able to explain what he's feeling, much less why. And...for whatever reason, he's reticent to offer the most simple explanation to her--because saying "it's a ptsd thing, just give me space and patience and don't take it personally because it's nothing to do with you" comes with the risk of being asked other questions about himself and his upbringing that he's not comfortable getting into and--it's a whole thing, in his mind. So the first few shows together are consistently...a bewilderingly negative experience for Margie, in that it's a very tense, quiet, insecure and shame-ridden 24-48 hours after the show--followed by delayed revelry days after the performance with Raf finally able to reflect positively upon the experience and assuring Margie that it actually was a great performance, and that he had a lot of fun--and they're able to recall their favorite moments together, etc.
Unlike Lace, though, Margie never digs into him about his behavior. She just mirrors his silence, and then--very uncomfortably--gives him space because she doesn't really know what else she can do, and--assuming she's the problem--she doesn't want to risk messing things up even more, since she doesn't know what she did wrong in the first place. And, you know, there's only so many times Raf can reassure her, too late, that she was great, actually. And so he finally does relent to telling her that this is just...how he is after a show, that it's no one's fault, he's not mad at her or anyone--it's just ptsd. That's all he tells her, and, as per always with Margie--she doesn't try to pry out more information from him about it.
Margie goes down her own little rabbit hole of research instead, and comes to Raf with the idea for a new post-performance routine (communicated with staff and such before hand to ensure accommodation) wherein they don't try to gladhand, or pack up, or do literally anything for the first half hour after they walk off stage. Instead, they find a quiet, dimly lit corner somewhere away from everything and just sit, and rest, no expectations, no obligations, nothing. Raf agrees to put this idea into practice, and it quickly evolves into, well idk... Being held and gently rocked like a child by someone who means something to him.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Shots III
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You need a flu shot
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"So they just jab it in?" Frido asks over dinner, mouth open and eyes wide.
"Yeah," Magda says, nodding furiously," Needle out and just jabbed in." She demonstrates with her hand. "It's the worst. It hurts her super bad."
"That's awful. You'd think they'd find a pain-free version to deliver vaccines. But she's all caught up, right?"
Magda shakes her head. "I forgot to take her to get her flu shot before we left Germany. Pernille's so mad at me."
"But we're only in camp, right? There's no way she's going to sick. I mean-"
Frido's cut off by a loud sneeze from Filippa followed by a brutal round of coughing.
"Pernille's going to kill you."
Magda groans, burying her head in her hands. "I've arranged with the team doctors to give Princesse her shot here."
"But..." Frido frowns. "She won't like it here anymore if we make her get shots!"
"I think that's Pernille's plan," Magda replies," If we give Princesse shots here then she'll stop wanting to come. It's genius."
"It's rude."
"Still genius though."
Frido sighs loudly, shaking her head. "I can't believe you put us in this position, Magda! Why couldn't you have just taken her to get her shot in Germany?"
"It slipped my mind!"
"Well now she's going to slip away from Sweden!" Frido continues," We can't let her start going back to Denmark! She'll want to play for their team soon enough! We can't lose her!"
"I know!" Magda replies," But I also don't want to lose Princesse privileges and that will definitely happen if we don't take her to get her shot."
"This is awful," Frido bemoans," I can't believe it's come to this."
Zećira, who had been silent through the entire conversation, sighs. "You're so dramatic."
Dramatic or not, Magda is forced to take you to get your flu shot. Pernille might actually kill her if she doesn't and Frido tags along for the ride, supposedly to remind you of all the great things Sweden has that Denmark hasn't like IKEA and Zećira.
"I know Zećira is here," You tell Frido as Magda leads you into the doctor's office," She's always here."
"I know," Frido says," But just remember how much you like being taught by Zećira."
"I know that!" You say, cheeks puffed out in annoyance," You're being weird!"
Before Frido can defend herself though, Magda hauls you up onto the little bed set up in the room.
"So," The nice doctor man says," Just a flu shot, is that right?"
"That's right."
"Morsa forgot to take me when we were in Germany," You tell him, much to Magda's embarrassment," Momma yelled at her for ages and ages and ages and ages-"
"She's never had a reaction to them before?" The doctor asks Magda.
"-And ages and ages and ages-"
"No reactions," Magda confirms, feeling a sense of nausea creeping in," She's always been fine with them."
"-And ages and ages!" You finish," And Morsa had to sleep on the sofa and I took her space in the Big Bed!"
The nice doctor man smiles at you. "That sounds cool." He wheels himself closer. "Can you open your mouth for me, please?"
You do as you're told and he inspects your throat before moving his hands to check your neck hasn't swelled up. He checks your temperature too and whatever he finds satisfies him because he wheels away to get the medicine Morsa said you were getting given today.
Frido has to hold her breath. it's been a long time since she's had to have any shots herself. She's forgotten what they look like.
Tears already start building in her eyes as the doctor brings out the syringe, uncapping the top.
It doesn't look sharp. In fact it doesn't look like any needle Frido's ever seen before and that makes it so much worse.
It doesn't look like it would easily go into skin so it's definitely going to hurt you a lot.
She sucks in a ragged gasp for air before holding her breath again.
"Have you ever had this done before?" The nice doctor man asks and you nod your head.
"Momma took me last year!"
"And did it look like this?"
You study it for a moment. "Uh-huh."
"Well, it looks like you're a pro. You ready?"
To Frido and Magda's horror, he positions the syringe in your nose, releasing the vaccine quickly before turning to do the same with your other nostril.
"I...I think I feel sick," Frido says, clutching her tummy.
She doesn't know why you're not crying. It must have hurt much more to have the needle jabbed into your nose twice.
She had no idea doctors were working out ways to make kids hate having shots even more.
"All done!" The doctor says," Would you like a sticker?"
"Yes, please!"
You choose a sticker with a kitten on it, slamming it straight onto your shirt before jumping down from the bed.
Frido and Magda are still clutching each other, traumatised from what they've just witnessed.
You frown. "You're both being weird. It was just a spray."
Magda freezes. "Huh?"
"I makes my nose all tingly but I'm fine!" You give them both a beaming smile.
"A spray?"
"Yes," The doctor says," We've started to move away from giving young children actually injections to help against flu. The nasal spray is much more effective...and painless."
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destourtereaux · 1 year
just a little bit of hope - peeta mellark x fem!reader
⤷ summary: with katniss and gale both gone, peeta steps in as an unlikely hunting partner for y/n. ⤷ wc: 2.6k ⤷ requested? yes. see request here. ⤷ follow @lovebirdupdates and turn on notifs to be on my 'taglist'!
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⤷ a/n: two things - one, peeta has dimples here, it's just how i imagine him, so please bear with me; two, pretend gale's father is alive please, i didn't think our girl would be able to support two families, no matter how strong she is.
The day is horridly warm, exacerbated by a heavy humidity. As you wake, hot air suffocates your surroundings, and the sun glares through the window, hung on a span of blue sky. Pushing yourself up on your elbows, your bare feet find the ground, then immediately retract. The floor is burning hot, baked by the sun. You grit your teeth and force your feet back onto the wood, ignoring the searing heat. You have things to do.
You make a bowl of porridge, watery, but edible. You drink half, and leave the rest for your mother. Your father is off to the mines already, his boots absent. You get dressed, pulling on the prettiest dress you own. You're ready. Or, as ready as one can be. 
Today, there will be no hunting with Katniss and Gale, no trading at the Hob. Today, there is only the reaping.
You spot Katniss at the edge of the square, gripping her sister's hand. Your friend looks nothing like she normally does. Gone are the boots and hunting jacket, replaced by a simple blouse tucked into a modest skirt. You nod grimly at her; neither of you feels like smiling.
Gale is over on the other side of the square, across from the stage they've set up. Your eyes meet, and he mouths "good luck".
After a few minutes of the routine announcements, Haymitch is introduced, then Effie. By now, the crowd has settled into an air of grimness, despite the clear blue sky overhead.
You don't hear Effie's jokes, and nobody laughs. She finally stops smiling, looking extremely awkward – you almost feel bad for her. Almost.
Then, she sticks her hand in the ball of names, each carrying a life, and pulls one out. Her smile is back on her face when she announces, "Without further ado, our female tribute is: Katniss Everdeen!"
You freeze, repeating her words in your head as if hoping they'd sound different. Your oldest friend – determined, brave Katniss, given a death sentence.
But Effie doesn't wait. Her next words are just as devastating. "And for our male tribute: Gale Hawthorne! Come on up now, dear, don't be shy."
Peacekeepers erupt through the crowd, grabbing your two best friends in the entire world by the shoulders, and forcing them up to the stage. Katniss whips her head around, looking at you with pleading eyes. You know what she's asking for.
"I'll take care of her, Katniss. I won't let her die. And you can't let yourself die, okay? Promise me. Katniss! Promise me!"
Your last words are hysterical, but ironically, Katniss is not. Having heard your commitment to Prim, she is satisfied. She yanks her arms free of the Peacekeepers and walks by herself, her head held high and her face serene.
You grab Prim's hand. Her whole body is shaking, wracked with sobs. You don't hear Effie's last words, but you know what they are.
"May the odds be ever in your favor."
It's been two weeks since the reaping which stole your best friends. It's shocking how quickly you fell back into routine, as if nothing has even changed. The only indicator of their absence is an added part of your day: splitting your earnings between your family and Prim's.
There are now double the mouths to feed, so you spend double the hours in the forest hunting. Villagers are sympathetic – that may be the only reason you're all still alive. They love Prim, and they trust you. Everything you hunt manages to be traded.
But still, you're cracking. It's just too much, and you don't know if it'll ever get better. You have no idea what Katniss and Gale are going through right now, and you don't let yourself think of them. It would break your heart.
Peeta Mellark has always been observant. His teachers told his parents this, back when he was a child. It's this trait that makes him notice you. The girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders, killing herself day after day to provide for not one, but two whole families.
He doesn't understand how no one else sees it. But maybe they do – it's just that no one in District 12 is really in a position to do anything about it. Still, the fact remains that you're close to breaking. You can't keep doing this alone.
Peeta Mellark has never been brave. His mother yells at him, beats him, and he takes it. He has never talked back to teachers, or dared disobey the Peacekeepers. So when he offers to hunt with you, he surprises even himself.
"I'm Peeta Mellark. We were in the same class, and my parents run the bakery. I was wondering if I'd be able to hunt with you?"
So you weren't hallucinating. The baker's son – a boy you didn't think could kill a fly – had just asked to hunt with you. Your shock translates into a small laugh, not that anything about the situation is funny, really. Hurt flashes in Peeta's eyes, and you quickly backtrack.
"I'm sorry, that was rude. I'm Y/N L/N, I know who you are. I just didn't think you'd be the hunting type," you explain. Because you're gentle, and kind, and I've never seen you hurt anyone, with your words or physically. But you don't add that last part. 
"I've only ever hunted with Katniss and Gale, you must know them, they were reaped this year." Your voice cracks a bit with those last words, and Peeta acknowledges the fact with a nod. His hand twitches; he wants to pat you on the back, or grip your shoulder, anything to stop the melancholy leaking into your eyes, but he doesn't.
"But you're welcome to join me," you end with a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes.
The new partnership starts early the following day. You meet a groggy Peeta near his home, and the two of you begin the walk to the Meadow.
You hear no electrical hum from the fencing, which means it's safe to touch, and you guide Peeta across the boundary which separates the Seam from the forest. This is all illegal, you know, but you're too used to it to even notice. Peeta, on the other hand, feels an exhilarating sense of rebellion as he crosses the barbed wire, following your figure into the woods.
"You've never hunted before, have you?" you probe, although it's more of a confirmation than an actual question.
Peeta nods. "But I'm a quick learner. And I won't get in your way, I promise."
You smile, a genuine one this time. "We'll see about that, Mellark."
Over the next hour, you go over all the traps you had set from the day before, collecting from Katniss and Gale's traps as well. True to his word, Peeta picks it up quickly, and even has a great eye for camouflaging the traps. This becomes his task, using grass and twigs and flowers as his medium, painting a deceptive scene which looks safe and welcoming to the many squirrels and rabbits in these parts.
You also start him on foraging. Only one type of berry is poisonous in the Meadow, and it's easy to identify. You make sure he's clear on which to avoid, and leave him to it, while you head to the hollowed out tree where you've hidden your knives. The familiar sight of Katniss' bow and arrows within the trunk brings a pang in your heart. You leave them nestled within and retrieve only your daggers. You were never a good archer.
Another hour passes, and you return to Peeta with a deer. You're happier than you have been in weeks – this will be enough for almost a week's worth of food. Peeta is not empty-handed either, he has two buckets of progress, one filled with strawberries, the other with raspberries. He gives you a soft smile – he has dimples, you think. He then immediately turns a faint shade of green, having noticed the dead deer. 
You're seized with the desire to laugh, "Why'd you offer to hunt with me if you get queasy from the sight of game?"
He looks at you with an indignant pout, and you can't stop the giggle that tumbles out, then the full on laughter. 
"I'm not like this with all game, just, you know, the larger animals. I can look at dead squirrels just fine – stop laughing!"
Making your way back, within the District, you stop just outside of the fence to split your gatherings.
"Take the squirrels and rabbits, and the bucket of raspberries. I'll keep the deer and trade the strawberries with the mayor," you offer.
"No, you take it all," he crosses the barrier carrying the buckets, and you follow after him, shaking your head.
"I can't, Peeta. That wouldn't be right. This is a fair split."
"I never said I wanted to keep what we hunt. Only that I wanted to hunt with you, Y/N. Take it. I know you need it more than I do. I'll see you next weekend?"
And with that, he pops a strawberry in his mouth, smiling at the sweetness, and walks away.
You're left with your mouth open, unable to process what had just happened.
The next morning, you show up at the bakery. His bakery. You earned a few dollars from selling your strawberries to the mayor, and you figure that if Peeta won't take anything, you should buy from him instead.
A few dollars is enough for two loaves of good bread, and so you head to the bread aisle. But your gaze catches on the beautiful cakes on display, decorated with multi-colored icing and swirling script written in melted chocolate.
"I did those," comes a voice from behind you.
Whipping your head around, you see Peeta himself, looking at the cakes with fondness and a bit of pride.
"You did what?"
"The cakes. I decorated them. My mom bakes, but I decorate. I like doing it – it's like painting, just on a different canvas."
"They're really lovely. You have a talent for it," you confirm, "I bet that's why you were so good at hiding traps yesterday. You can see nature's patterns."
He gives you a soft smile in return, and you can see the dimples again. They're adorable, you think. I want to see them every day.
He gives a small cough, looking at you questioningly.
You startle, and blush a deep crimson. "Sorry, I lost my train of thought. I'm here to buy bread. Two loaves," you say as you lower your head to stare down at the ground, refusing to meet his eyes.
It's only when you hear a chuckle that you lift your head back up. Peeta's eyes are sparkling, and his dimples are clear as ever.
"I'll give you three."
Two months after the reaping, your partnership with Peeta is still going strong. Every Saturday, the two of you head to the woods, and spend half the day fishing, gathering, and hunting. Originally silent company has evolved into true friendship, with witty banter, fleeting touches, and shared smiles.
You have come to know Peeta Mellark. He isn't just the baker's son, the one who decorates cakes and hates seeing dead animals. He's the boy who saved you, when no one even knew that you needed saving. 
Day after day, he has shown up, offering kindness, companionship, and warmth, without expecting anything in return. You care about him more than you thought you could ever care about someone who wasn't family. You care about his messy blond hair, and you care about his broad shoulders. You care about his blue eyes which sparkle when he tells a joke, and his beautiful heart which leads him to give the occasional customer an extra free loaf. Most of all, you care about his dimples, which come out when he smiles at you. You care so much about him, that it scares you.
And Peeta cares about you. He cares about your hands, calloused but nimble, lethal when holding onto your twin daggers. He cares about your face, how it glows when you laugh at his jokes in the woods, but dims a bit when you're back in the district. He cares about your hair, always tied in a ponytail when in the Meadow, but left to flow freely down your shoulders when hunting's over. Most of all, he cares about your smile, which comes out when Prim thanks you week after week for your help, and forces you to take bottles of goat milk and pet Buttercup. He cares so much about you, that it scares him.
This hunting day, Peeta comes with news from the Capitol. A few weeks back, he started giving you updates on the Games, after you told him that you couldn't stomach the thought of watching your friends fight to the death.
"Y/N! Good news!" he greets, exiting the bakery. As the two of you begin your walk, he adds, "I'll tell you when we get to the Meadow."
"You're insufferable, Mellark. You can't just hook me like that, and not tell me what it is."
Peeta doesn't answer, so you start walking twice as fast, ushering him toward the edge of the Seam so you could figure out what exactly he wanted to tell you.
Once in the grassy plains of the Meadow, between the forest and the fence, you turn back to the boy, the impatience evident in your face.
"Tell me, Peeta, or I swear I'll –"
"Alright, alright," he laughs, "but it's not really good news, per se. It's just a little bit of hope."
You nod, urging him to continue.
"It's about the Games. About Katniss and Gale."
The last traces of your smile fade. Concern is etched onto your face, and your eyebrows scrunch up, your jaw tightens.
Noticing this, Peeta pulls you in by the waist, so that your head lands on his shoulder. "It's good news, Y/N. Don't look so defeated. They're both still alive, and they're fighting."
"But at least one of them won't be coming back," you whisper into his neck, so quietly you wonder if he even heard. But Peeta always hears you.
"Y/N. That's the news. They could both come back. Caesar Flickerman has just announced that they will be changing the rules this year – allowing two victors of the Games, provided they're tributes from the same district!"
You look up at him in awe. A change to the Games. Katniss and Gale, not one or the other. Both could win. Both could come back.
You choke down a sob, staring at Peeta's brilliant smile and those mesmerizing dimples. And before you can process what you're doing, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his in a bout of bravery.
Peeta's frozen for a second, before he begins to reciprocate the kiss in earnest. He pulls you in, one hand holding your neck and the other wrapped around your torso, pressing himself impossibly closer. He tastes like icing and strawberries, and you can smell the comforting scent of warm bread.
The kiss ends far too quickly for your liking, and you're suddenly impossibly shy, all bravado gone. You lower your eyes so you won't have to meet his eyes, but realize that you're practically sitting on his lap, having moved there at some point during the kiss. This observation brings a flaming blush onto your cheeks, and you scramble to move away, but you're held in place by Peeta's arms, forming an iron-tight cage around your figure.
He brings a hand to your chin, lifting it up, and kisses you again, more gently this time.
"Don't go all shy on me now, Y/L/N," he teases, and holds the back of his hand against your forehead, as if feeling for a fever. "You're burning up, darling."
"You know damn well that's not a fever–", you start, but you're cut off by his laughter, and once again distracted by those dimples of his. 
Maybe Peeta was right. Maybe there is just a little bit of hope left for you.
interested in other works of mine? see my masterlist!
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auncyen · 2 months
"Disappear...disappear, disappear, disappear...don't come back, don't come back, don't come back..."
M'dame Odile was right. You should have said something sooner.
Siffrin had been acting strangely since yesterday afternoon. When the bathroom break turned much too long, Mira encouraged Bonnie to share with you and Odile what they'd already told her: that Siffrin had run up to them while they were looking at the field and nearly grabbed them, only backing off at the last second, trying to laugh off the uncharacteristic behavior while looking sick to his stomach. Mira confirmed that she'd found Siffrin waking from his nap with a disturbed look on his face, and that beelining to the field had been the first thing he'd done. At the time, the explanation of a nightmare was enough for both Mira and Bonnie to not push further, and Siffrin had seemed back to theirself in the evening.
But Siffrin wasn't acting right again. They'd been tense all through the House, attacking Sadnesses at the slightest sign they might get close instead of skirting around and evading as they normally did, and at the same time listless, barely present when you all stopped and talked about something. They chimed in, yeah, but their tone had been flat nearly every time, even when they were beaming. None of those smiles had been real. All of them dropped the second they thought no one would notice.
"Something's wrong," Odile said before looking at you. "Isabeau. You should talk to them."
"Me??" You'd been trying to figure out what would snap Siffrin out of the weird mood all day and couldn't come up with anything. For all the work you'd put into expanding your emotional intelligence, it apparently was still lacking when you really needed it.
And yet Mirabelle nodded too, apparently convinced alongside M'dame that you were the one for the job. "They might listen if it's you!"
You'd really like to think that but also you didn't think that at all. "I don't even know what I'd say..."
"It doesn't matter," Odile said emphatically before amending herself. "Well, what's said does matter, but how it's said is important too. There's a reason I'm not volunteering myself for this, Isabeau. With how on edge he's been, he probably needs someone...gentle, at the moment. But being gentle doesn't mean passively standing by." Her eyes narrowed at you.
You could figure out what she meant easily enough. She was afraid she'd be too forceful for Siffrin right now, and you could agree you'd be concerned if she tried. She wasn't afraid to push you on this, though.
Before she could say anything more, though, you heard one of the bathroom doors swing as Siffrin finally emerged. "There you are, Frin!" Bonnie shouted. "Did you fall in?"
Sif laughed in the empty way that didn't meet their eyes, offering no explanation for how long they'd taken. "Let's get moving," they said, and didn't wait for agreement before proceeding down the hallway. Mira looked at them worriedly, then at you. Odile's eyes were burning holes in the back of your shirt as you all followed Sif to a rather...unique-looking statue of the Change God. It...offered you a Keyknife? Or a Knifekey? And teleported you back to the start of the third floor, right in front of the door you needed to get through???
It was more than you'd ever heard of the Change God doing, and your surprise (and slight disorientation--you weren't sure what the mechanics of teleportation were, but they made your head feel floaty) almost distracted you from Siffrin's hands trembling slightly as he sharpened the blade: "please be sharp, please be sharp, please be sharp".
But you did notice. You knew you needed to talk to him. And you did try when you all took one last snack break before approaching the King. You hadn't let Sif dissuade you with more empty smiles and a chirped "I'm fine, Isa!", the tone just slightly wrong in the way everything had been wrong today.
But you'd let the matter drop for the moment when Sif looked away, frustrated, and his shoulders dropped. When he looked up at you again, it was with a slightly sad smile. "You got me, Isa. There is something wrong. Can we talk about it after the King?"
You'd been so relieved he was admitting something was wrong. That they trusted you to support them. As long as they knew that they could rely on you and the others, sure, you could talk about it after the King!
at the King.
Not in time, but in fear, their breath starting to hitch even as you all walked toward the King in a way that would have made you grab them and run if you'd been facing any less of an opponent. You were pretty sure there was no running from the King. They'd stayed behind you at the beginning of the fight as you jumped forward to try hitting the King. Normally Sif would be right by your side, the two of you both close range combatants when not using Craft. Something was wrong. You had to keep the King's attention off of them.
But the King was overwhelmingly strong, shrugging off your blows, and his eyes narrowed at Siffrin after Mirabelle's shield saved you all from an attack that you could feel would've otherwise been fatal in your very heart, still shuddering from the dread it'd inflicted. Siffrin had choked out a cry for her to make the shield at just the right time, like he'd somehow known the fearsome attack was coming. ...The King waiting beforehand was suspicious. You'd made a mental note to look out for that, and thanked Change Siffrin had realized beforehand. But right at that moment, the King swung out to hit Siffrin--or grab him?--and you sidestepped to push Sif out of the way--
The King's huge gauntlet hit you, and--
You must have blacked out for a few seconds. You came back to a throbbing head, painful breathing, and a teary-eyed Bonnie who was patting your arm anxiously as they swam in your vision. You tried to force a reassuring smile and push yourself up and immediately cried out. Your arm was broken. You think--the King must have slammed you into the wall, and Change, what a beastly strength he had. You felt like a cracked egg shell.
"'Za, can you--I have--" Bonnie was crying too hard to get the words out, but the tonic in their other hand was explanation enough. They'd been trying to wake you so you could drink. You nodded, tilting your head to drink the tonic they lifted to your lips. The sour taste cleared your head a little, and you tried to look past Bonnie to find Siffrin...
Sif's earlier hesitation was gone now. They were--they were tearing into the King with savage abandon. The mysterious strength they'd found against the Sadnesses today had returned, double what it was before, maybe triple, Craft attacks being used with no cooldown, Scissors and Paper and Rock and sheer fury. Or maybe it was still terror.
Odile had pulled Mirabelle clear of Sif's range, and they were both assisting with their support Crafts slowing the King, shielding Siffrin. Both their faces were tense, Mira's betraying more of her fear at how things had turned out. Now that you felt a little less like a rolled-out crepe, you pushed yourself up with the one good arm, trying not to breathe too deep, and staggered back toward the fight. Mira startled at your limping approach, but both women looked at you only briefly, their attention focused on Siffrin.
"I'll heal you soon, Isabeau!" Mirabelle said. "I think...I think the fight might actually be over soon. I can't believe Siffrin is--were they this strong all along?"
"No," Odile said. "They're running on adrenaline. ...Maybe something else, as well. This isn't natural."
She could have been right. There was a strangely sweet smell in the air as Sif struck the King again, unless you hit your head hard enough to hallucinate smell.
Siffrin only seemed to calm down marginally once they'd reduced the King to his own panic. Then, he glanced to the side, to the three of you, and you could see the immediate relief on his face as he saw you standing.
The pain as his eye swept over, noting your injuries. It distracted him for a long enough second to scare you over his proximity to the King--and then, in the next second, Mira and Odile stepped in, taking Siffrin's hesitation as invitation for them to finally go back on the offensive. Odile started a Craft and a chant for the King to "disappear!" Bonbon was still crying, but managed to throw their wok and the Craft energy they know how to control into the spell. You made a rock sign limply with your good hand, mustering the energy you could spare. Siffrin somehow still had the energy to add to the Craft, the air spiking with sugar like you were at the boulangerie in early morning. Mirabelle finished the Craft, and the King, off.
The King disappeared. Light returned to the House.
Siffrin sank to their knees like a puppet discarded. "Disappear...disappear, disappear, disappear...don't come back, don't come back, don't come back..." He started shaking. "...No more...I can't...I can't do this anymore... I keep failing, I keep..."
"You haven't failed, Siffrin," Odile said, her tone both worried and confused. You wanted to say something as well, but every breath still hurt, even as Mirabelle used her healing Craft with a focus on your chest. There was only so much Craft could do in the short term; you needed serious bed rest.
But you were alive, you'd heal. So you weren't sure why Sif looked so devastated, shaking his head. "I got Isa hurt."
You understood even less at what he next said.
"Last time it was Bonnie, and it was--" A dry sob. He needed to calm down and breathe, he wasn't making sense. When had he ever gotten Bonnie hurt?
"Who next? You, Mira? I can't do this again, I can't, I can't..." He gripped his hair, nearly yanking at it. "Please, please, please..."
The air seemed to stand still around Siffrin.
You realized what was happening, even though the King was gone, just as Sif went lightless.
At the very moment they froze, their expression seemed relieved.
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they-call-me-emmy · 11 months
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"Work buddies, that's all."
God, you never expected to actually get the job. You'd auditioned almost for fun.
You were a small actor. usually played background characters, or main characters in lesser known movies. So when you signed up for Wednesday, season two, it was almost a joke.
Until you made it.
You'd been told only a month before shooting. Which, this alone shocked you deeply, as now you had to travel to Romania. What shocked you even more was the fact they didn't give you the role you had auditioned for.
They'd given you Wednesday's crush.
They told you it was a big role. One of the leads. You'd be an important character, so if you couldn't accept the role, tell them now.
So you accepted it.
Meeting Jenna Ortega was probably the most exciting moment of your life. She was excited to meet her partner for season two, and had come bounding up to you happily, headphones around her neck and a big smile on her face.
"I'm Jenna!" She told you excitedly. Her dimple was deep, her eyes sparkled with happiness.
"Y/N" you grin back, reaching out your hand to let her shake. She accepted it, your hands gracing each others, sending a spark through your arm.
"You're gonna be my crush in the show, right?!"
You nod, confirming her suspicions.
"Here, you can go over there to get a script. They want us to read them a lot, and if you need anything, I'll be in the make-up room." She told you, pointing to a table filled with stapled papers, and then to a room labeled "MAKEUP AND SPECIAL EFFECTS"
You nod again. "Thank you!"
"No problem!" She said, before skipping away. She must have had caffeine this morning, she'd never seemed this hyper in any interview or video you'd seen of her. She'd always seemed so laid back and chill.
Emma Myers suddenly stood next to you. You'd met you yesterday, and the two of you had quickly bonded. She read the confusion on your face easily.
"She definitely likes you." Emma stated, rolling her eyes.
"I would hope so, since we're working together for the next god knows how many months."
"No..." Emma sighed, facing you. "She LIKES you."
"No she doesn't!" you respond, scrunching your face up.
"She's never been that hyper in her life."
"She probably had coffee today." you tell Emma. "Like, a lot."
"She doesn't like coffee."
"Energy drinks."
"She has to maintain the sleep deprived Wednesday look anyways."
"Isn't she like, 20? No 20 year old I've ever met still leaps around because of a crush."
"She's 21." Emma sighs.
"We barely know each other."
Jenna sighs, looking at you. "I swear, if we have to do this take one more time, someones losing their tongue."
"Woah!" You exclaim, tossing your hands up. "Don't go all Addams on me now, Ortega!"
She giggles and shakes her head. "I make no promises."
Time with Jenna was nice. You'd never thought a big-time celebrity like her would be fun to hang out with. You always thought they were work, 24/7.
But she was cool.
"So...uhm, I was wondering if you'd...maybe you would...go...would you go to...to the cafe with me....like...the cafe with me...on a...on a...a date maybe?"
(Me speaking to my boyfriend be like)
You giggled, the actions reminding you of her scene last season where she had to ask out "Xavier".
"Yes Jenna, I would love to."
Like a scene straight out of a fucking show.
"Hi Y/N!" She said, clutching herself tightly and smiling.
"Hi Jen!" You respond. She blushed, from the cold or the nickname, you couldn't tell.
She was wearing a brown jacket, her nose pink from cold. She had headphones around her neck and a smile on her face.
"So, the cafe..." She started. Pointing to a small shop, she said, "That way!" She quickly bounded off, leaving you in the dust.
"Jenna, wait!" You cry, quickly speeding after her. Luckily for you, she had short legs and you easily caught up with her.
Out of breath, you both stop in front of the cafe. The cold allowed you to breathe out puffs of chilly air. Jenna's cheeks were pink.
"We made it!" You mumbled, leaning forward and pushing the door open. You held it open and let her pass through.
"Thank you." She whispered to you as you followed her inside.
"No problem, m'lady." You joke, spotting a table for two and rushing to grab it.
You both sat down, facing each other.
"Do you wanna go order something...?"
Jenna nodded. "What do you want?"
"Uhm, just like a muffin or something."
She nodded, running into the line and shooting you a smile and a thumbs up.
You chuckle and wave back at her.
She orders and sits down at the table, handing you a muffin and seems to have bought herself a cookie.
"How much do I owe you?" You ask, taking a bite of your muffin.
"My treat." She whispers, wide eyed as she bit into her cookie.
"I had fun today," Jenna said happily, skipping on the pavement.
"Me too," You chuckle. "We should do this more often."
She squeals and nods.
fuckn sucks ass bro
its okay tho because im 13 and suck at this shit.
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 27)
Uzi found herself awakned abruptly, yanked out of sleep mode by some unseen force. She was groogy, the drone equivalent of a hangover due to loosing so much oil so suddenly and the disappearance of the adrenaline running through her.
After a few moments of dazed blinking, she realized what had woken her up, Tera made a rather loud gurgle from her crib, and the rolled herself into the bars of it, making a metallic rattle ring out into their room.
“I'm coming.” She mumbled, attempting to sit up but finding her self held down by metallic ropes.
They weren't ropes, rather N's arms wrapped tightly around her from behind, at her movement, he held her tighter, nuzzling into the back of her neck. A shiver went down her back, okay her neck was sensitive she knew that now.
“N, come on, Tera needs me.” Her voice was low and sleepy, and her limbs and body hadn't fully woken up yet, leaving her feeling weak and heavy.
“Mmm…” Came a very-much-not-awake reply, his tail came to lock her in place, and from his core came a deep rumbling purr, both trying their best to put her right back into sleep mode. And she would have, had Tera not made another noise;
A beep. A beep that sounded too much like the same noise that came from her systems when she was about to start overheating.
She snapped entirely awake.
“N! Let me go, Tera's overheating!”
Instantly, he uncoiled from around her and sprung to life, eyes coming on his screen as he jolted up.
“W-what?” His voice was husky, filled with sleep, he blinked as Uzi rocketed toward the crib, placing a hand on Tera.
For once, she had a small frown displayed on her face, looking uncomfortable. A little red light displayed on the top right corner of her visor, her silicone was warm to to touch, nearly the same temperature as N on a good day.
She rushed to fill a bottle, trying to comfort the uncomfortable infant, N shook his head rapidly, trying to shake off his drowsiness as he sat on the side of the bed, watching her pace around the room in worry.
She was so occupied with feeling terrible about not feeding Tera, that she didn't even notice the sparks of pain the siphon caused in her panel, it was only after the bottle was safely in Tera's port and the baby was calmed by the feed that the input went through her.
She sighed, the day was so hectic that they'd both entirely forgotten that Tera could overheat if not monitored closely, Uzi was already beating herself up over it. She left her alone, the exact opposite of what she ever wanted to do to her, she was just like her dad she was-
N’s arms came to pull her into his lap, taking care to keep her hand and Tera steady as he nuzzled into her shoulder, she could feel the gentle hum of his core on her back.
Tera finished the bottle, red light disappearing and a smile right back on her face, she giggled up at Uzi, cooing softly at the sight of her parents.
“M’sorry Jellybean, it won't happen again, I swear.” She whispered, even though she was 80% sure Tera didn't understand her, she tickled the babies chassis, making a peel of happy laugher erupt from her speakers.
“She okay?” N asked, voice still sleepy and pressed right up against her audio receptors, his arms wrapped around her stomach and his legs underneath her.
“She's okay, it didn't seem to effect her any, just made her upset.” She leaned back a little into her boyfriends chest, causing another bout of purrs to escape him, he moved farther into her neck, causing her to shiver again.
“I can't believe we forgot…” She glanced to the shoulder he was buried in, and found that he was now looking down at the baby in her arms, one of his hands came to stroke Tera's head, and she giggled in response.
“Today was insane, you shouldn't worry too much.” His voice so close to her ear sending pleasant streams of data directly to her core, and at this point she wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose or not.
“Still, it's my job to remember.” She replied, looked back down at Tera, who seemed to be fully charged and raring to go despite the fact it was the middle of the night
“It's our job to remember, I forgot too.” He kissed her cheek, sending another fluster onto her visor, although a muted one, she was slowly beginning to get used to it.
“Mmm” Was all she hummed out, giving into the urge to nuzzle into his neck just as he had done to her, she felt her core give a rattle before she heard herself purr, the rumble being hardly noticeable to anyone that wasn't N.
“Awww,” He hummed back; sounding amused and a little touched, his tail wagging rapidly behind him.
She could fall asleep again, tucked into her boyfriends arms like this, feeling like the safest thing in the universe, or the luckiest, having him to hold her so tight.
“M-ma?” Both drones froze, looking back down at the droneling, who was looking like she was trying to figure out something.
“Mama!” Maybe it was cliche, Maybe it was dumb, but Uzi immediately felt tears spring into her eyes, getting choked up over Tera’s word, Tera herself was rocking herself happily, smiling from eyelight to eyelight.
“Oh… Is that me?” She lifted the droneling up to her face, smile so wide to threatened to be permanent.
“Yeah it is.” N confirmed, chuckling as he took in his girlfriends face, smiling and yet on the verge of tears. “Looks like she's not mad at you.”
He lifted the both of them off his lap, setting them on the bed next to him, his smile was stuck on his face as well, and Uzi let Tera roll across the bed, laughing as the droneling launched herself into a pillow.
“You're next, “Dada”.” She laughed at his blush, and at his tail sticking up stiff, but in the next moment he was touching her face, shutting her up.
His eyes were so soft, absent of the worry from earlier today, she couldn't help but smile and lean into it, which only made N's smile grow wider.
“You're so pretty.” He said, low and breathless, a slight blush on his face, but it seemed he was getting used to it too, Uzi looked down at herself, in her black, skull printed pajamas and her bedhead.
“I think you need glasses.” She replied, although the compliment did get to her, and she found herself watching Tera to avoid his gaze.
“Nah… I'm right.” He said with faux confidence, before pulling her in to pepper tiny kisses all over her, her forehead, her cheeks, her visor, anywhere he could reach which was everywhere.
“N!, Hey! Haha!” A stream of impulsive, bubbly giggles left her throat, blushing so much she thought she might overheat, she kicked at him instinctively.
It only lasted a couple of seconds before he pulled away, holding her close to his chest and letting out a content sigh, their eyes locked, causing Uzi to let out a very girly giggle.
“Okay! Okay! Fine! Whatever you say!” N laughed along with her, before Tera rolled and bumped into his leg, he lifted her gently into his lap, causing her to gurgle up at him.
“En!” She belted, seeming to vibrate in his arms, he nuzzled her silicone, causing her to squeal and try to roll away.
“I guess we better start the day, there's no way she's going to let us sleep anymore.” Uzi said, still recovering from his attack on her face, she stood up and stretched, feeling the pressure release from between her joints.
They both got dressed, And began a tentative morning routine, N making himself some cold gasoline, while Uzi made a plan for the day (and V peaced out the moment she woke up.)
“Hey uh, did we ever explain to Thad where we went?” She asked as N took a sip out of his mug, and he smiled warily.
“Eh… no? I never did, did you text him?” He asked, holding Tera in one arm as she cooed up at him.
“No…” She laughed nervously, rubbing her arm. “I hope he's not too mad…”
“Don't you need to pick up more oil anyway? We can go together, if you feel up to it… yesterday was crazy, so if you wanna stay home we can-” He suggested, standing, Tera curled in one arm as he walked towards her, almost tempting her to curl up in the other.
“Nope! I'm good!” Which she refused! She could do more than cuddle all day, she wasn't fragile no! She'd almost died plenty of times now.
“Uh- are you sure? You almost died…” He pointed out, sounding worried and maybe a little dissapointed, likely wanting to continue to drown her in affection forever.
“I actively avoid thinking about the times I almost die.” She quotes him, giving him a smirk and eyelights that told him that she was fine now, a good bounce-back after a night of being taken care of.
That was something she wasn't used to, someone taking care of her that… tenderly, and unlike before her near death experience didn't weigh nearly as heavy on her as the others. She felt… good. Not 100% but good.
“That- I uh- you know that sounds way worse when I'm not the one saying it.” He laughed lightly, grabbing the baby bag that was hung over a chair and without much warning, wrapped it around her, pulling her close once more.
“Yeah well, now you know how I feel.” She said as if she was trying to be sarcastic, but failed as all she managed to sound was amused, she hugged him back lightly, both seemingly taking advantage of being able to touch the other freely.
She took Tera and swaddled her into the bag, even while knowing the little gremlin would somehow find a way to undo it without limbs.
“Come on.”
For the first time since they'd brought her home, Uzi and N were walking together with Tera in tow, the droneling not quite happy being contained in cloth and already rolling as much as she could to get out of it.
For the two parents, it was a strange experience.
N normally got stares regardless, he was several heads taller than any other drone and was, well, a disassembly drone. The gut instinct of most was to flee, at least until they realized who it was.
Now they were both getting looked at with a different kind of look, one accompanied by either whispers or smiles or both. Uzi had the distinct impression that this would be the new gossip of the colony for awhile.
But she found herself not minding too much. That was… okay, she looked up at N, who looked bashful at all the looks they were getting, and just smiled, it was okay, they'd be fine.
“Oh my robo-god, it's true…”
“How did that even happen…?”
“That's a lot of drone for him to handle…”
She almost laughed when her receptors caught the last one, yes, the tiny rebellious worker drone was a lot for the very large, armed to the teeth warmachine that was specially designed to murder her kind, yes. She was too much for him.
They walked into the nursery together, Mrs. Rayn propping her feet up on the desk while reading a magazine, she looked over her pair of glasses when they walked in, a beaming smile on her face.
“Why hello, Doorman Family, how can I help you three?” With the smirk on her face and the slight blushes on both parents faces, she knew what she did, she definitely knew.
“Hi Mrs. Rayn!” N replied cheerily, tail slightly wagging at the sight of her, Uzi gave her a small wave, and Tera squealed from her bag, already somehow out of her swaddle.
“Just picking up my oil, had an uh, “accident” yesterday and had to use a whole container.” Uzi explained, holding a hand over the baby bag to prevent the excitable infant from rolling onto the floor.
“I was about to say, you're a couple of days early.” Rayn grinned, putting down her magazine and stretching her fingers before typing some things on her computer.
“Hmm, Tera is due for her toddler body soon. Would you like me to start work on building her one? She's got a lot of energy and nowhere for it to go.” She asked, looking at the wildly rocking baby back attached to Uzi's side.
“Yes! I was going to bring that up soon. I know it's really early for her to have one, but… it would be best for her to be able to start learning limbs, she's already-”
“Mama! Mama! Mama!” Tera screamed, filling the entire room with her voice, Uzi blushed heavily, Rayn looked amused, and like her core had melted.
“How's that feel?” She asked the purple drone, getting a soft smile in return.
“Really good…” She admitted, a tone so soft you could sleep on it.
“I'll get the printers working, it'll be a couple days. In the meantime, let me go get you your oil.” She disappeared into the back, and left the young couple alone.
“So uh, we're going to have a very energetic toddler in a couple days.” N began, sounding a little nervous.
“How's that going to be?”
“Uh. Well it usually takes a few years for toddlers to get full control over their limbs, so… a lot of hitting if she's anything like me.” Uzi replied, looking a little amused, Tera probably wouldn't be as… violent of a toddler as Uzi was, but she didn't deny the possibility.
“Ah…” That did not seem to calm his nerves.
“Relax, we got this.” She smiled back at him, booping her little rolling gremlin and making her laugh.
N only smiled back, interlocking their hands.
“Yeah, we got this.”
Next ->
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writerslittlelibrary · 11 months
Thank you so much for writing my request. Omg that was amazing if you could do a part two pretty please (also like reader scared of Maria but I didn’t think of what to call her apart from agent/director hill)
I hope it wasn’t much problem writing it
Sending you this love💛💛💛
We are your mothers 2
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masterlist requests masterlist
part 1
summary: when you get kidnapped, your moms do everything in their power to get you back, only to find out that now you'll never call them mom again...
pairing: Blackhill x daughter reader
warnings: yelling, nightmares
genre: angst
words: 1169
a/n: part 2 is finally here! also, covid's been kicking my ass and I can't really breath or see (due to teary eyes) so sorry if this isn't great. I really wanted to write the part 2, and I might improve it or make it longer when I feel better :)
(also who has covid three times? why is that a thing🤨)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
It had been over a week, and you were yet to interact with your mothers. Yelena was the only one you let close to you, but even she had no idea what you had endured. You didn't sleep a lot, nightmares haunting you, seemingly even when you were awake.
It broke your mothers hearts, to hear you scream and cry every night and not be able to comfort you. They made that mistake the first night, and the moment they walked in, you tried to crawl away from them, falling off the bed in the process. They tried helping you, but when they got close, you shielded your head and face with your arms, shaking in fear with the thought they might hit you. Natasha had spent that night crying in Maria's arms, hearing how Yelena shushed your cries and cuddled you back to sleep.
When the mornings came, you wouldn't come out of your room, afraid your moms might be in the kitchen. Natasha picked up on that quickly, and her and Maria started having breakfast at least an hour before you'd wake up.
Most nights they spend crying. Maria tried to be the strong one, comforting Natasha to the best of her abilities but she failed, and soon broke down beside her with the fear they might never get to hold their little girl ever again. 
It was a frightening thought to the both of them.
“How you doing, baby spider?” Yelena asked as she walked into your room, seeing you drawing at your desk. You shrugged. Yelena sighed softly in disappointment, but made sure not to let you hear her. You hadn't spoken a lot, and despite Yelena's many efforts, you wouldn't speak to her either. 
Yelena sat down on your bed, leaning back and facing you.
“I was thinking we could go to the mall today. Maybe visit that bookstore you like so much?” Yelena tried, but you didn't even acknowledge her sentence. 
Yelena sighed to herself again, getting up and walking towards you. You quickly closed your sketchbook when you felt her coming close, turning around with your chair to face her.  
“Will Miss Romanoff and Miss Hill come too?” you asked Yelena softly, and she smiled hesitantly at you. “You know they are still your mothers, right? They'd love for you to call them mom and mama again…” Yelena tried carefully, but you flinched from even hearing those names.
You shook your head and turned back around to your desk, tears stinging in your eyes. 
Yelena wasn't sure on what to do, but she decided that after a week, it was finally time to push. “Why wouldn't you want to call them that again? They've missed you so much.”
Tears streamed down your face, but Yelena just couldn't drop it. “They love you.” That was when you let out your first sob, crying as quietly as possible. Yelena didn't hesitate to lean forward, capturing you in a hug and letting you cry on her shoulder.
“What happened to you? What did they do to you?” Yelena asked softly, rubbing your back with one hand while the other cradled your head against her. 
You sobbed and shook your head, trying to tell her, but your sentences came out muffled and in broken sobs. Yelena continued to comfort you, softly sushing you and continuing to rub your back. “We all love you, y/n,” Yelena said softly. “Just know that.”
After your sobs reduced to sniffles, Yelena tried to pull back to look at you, but you just pulled her closer.
Quietly you explained what happened. You left out most details, but covered the most important parts: they hurt when you didn't listen, and all you could see were your mothers.
Yelena had tears stinging her eyes as she heard you explain, holding you closely as she tried to keep in her own sobs. Hearing you talk about Natasha and Maria like that, hearing what you thought they did to you, broke her heart into a million pieces. She kept rubbing your back when your sobs started up again, whispering comforting things into your ear as you explained. 
After a few minutes, when you both calmed down, Yelena finally pulled back, pulling you to face her. “We all love you. Natasha and Maria love you more than anything in this world. They would do anything to hear you call them mom and mama again,” Yelena explained, wiping some hair from your face.
You nodded softly, your tears finally reducing. 
“I'll try,” you said, hugging Yelena one more time before standing up.
Yelena held your hand as you walked to the common area, your moms found sitting on the couch, watching a movie together to try and distract themselves. 
“Natasha…” you softly called, her head whipping around to see you standing there, squeezing Yelena's hand out of fright. “Hi baby,” she said softly, slowly getting up to walk towards you. You tensed up slightly when she came closer, but Yelena squeezed your hand reassuringly.
Natasha came closer carefully, reaching her hands up to try and touch you. When she saw you didn't try to move away from her, she softly put her hands around you, pulling you into a hug.
Maria soon joined, putting her arms around you both as you quietly embraced each other.
When Natasha pulled back, she carefully reached her hands to your face, wiping some hairs that had fallen in front of it away. “I love you so much,” she spoke, tears stinging in her eyes. You kept quiet, tears stinging in your own eyes as well.
“We both do,” Maria spoke, putting her hand on the other side of your face carefully.
They were so afraid to hurt or scare you away. You nodded softly, your tears now streaming down your face. When you fell asleep that night, it was on the couch, your head on Yelena's lap and your legs on Natasha's.
You still hadn't spoken to them, but it was progress. You fell asleep in the same room as them, even going so far as letting Natasha touch you. 
Natasha smiled to herself as she saw your sleeping form, softly stroking your legs as you slept. Yelena had told them everything that night, and both Natasha and Maria had broken down after hearing what you'd been put through. 
You hadn't really said anything to them, and it would for sure take a long time before you'd call them mom and mama again, if you'd ever even call them that again, but Maria and Natasha were willing to wait, helping you wherever they could. 
They love you, and they always will.
(Tags : @marvelogic @marvelav @lgas202-blog @jusnough @carol-romanoff @natsbraids)
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a pirate's life for me
pirate king wanda x fem reader
words: 2k
warnings: **18+ ONLY** thar be smut ahead!!!!! boot worship/riding, masturbation, mentions of flushed cheeks. if i missed anything pls let me know!
a/n: i'm on a roll today waow... this is NOT proofread btw but i hope you like it!! any and all mistakes are mine. feedback is encouraged & welcomed :) xoxo
part 1 ❀ part 3 ❀ part 4
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Life aboard the Scarlet Pearl was unlike anything you imagined. You'd heard all the stories of the crew and their captain, of how they were ruthless and fearsome, in strength as well as in numbers. Yet, for as cunning as they were said to be, they were just as commendable.
Pirate King Maximoff and their crew were said to ravage their way through the richest cities and take as much as possible. The government did everything in their power to stop them, but the pirates were always five steps ahead. On top of that, weeks later after the pillaging, the lower class people were suddenly able to afford better meals, to keep the fires in their hearths going all night. They could finally afford to live comfortably.
There was no way for the government to question it without looking greedy or heartless, so to save the shame of having someone else take better care of their people, they kept quiet. They'd soon find that people who lived in better conditions were happier to do labor.
You'd admired Pirate King Wanda ever since.
Growing up with a silver spoon in your mouth made it so you never even had a moment to question where your next meal would come from, or if you'd freeze to death during winter. When you were young, you'd never thought to question it. As you grew older, however, it became more and more obvious to you that something was not right.
On the nights you'd sneak out of the Manor, dressed in one of your lady’s maids' old dresses and worn out boots, you'd head down to the pub and eavesdrop on the stories people would tell. It didn't take long to learn of the famous Pirate King, even less time to learn of how desperately the townspeople longed for them to show up here. You had no one to tell, but you wished the same.
So, the fateful night they finally arrived, you knew you had to join their crew and set sail with them. You couldn't bear another minute of being around people who looked down their nose at others who had less than they did.
Which leads you to the present, elbows resting on the ledge of the ship, reminiscing on the months that have passed since you arrived.
You'd been utterly shocked and embarrassed to find out the very pirate you so brazenly spoke to in the Manor was the Pirate King Maximoff herself. She'd had a good laugh about it, but ultimately didn't hold it against you. She didn't want anyone to know she was a woman, anyway. As much as it annoyed her to admit, people were more likely to be afraid of her if they thought she was a man. She always made sure those people regretted that, though.
The setting sun kisses your cheeks as you breathe in the salty air of the surrounding sea. You've worked hard to prove your worth, and you have the callouses to show for it. The crew were rightfully wary of you at first, but thankfully, it wasn't long before they welcomed you with open arms.
Pirate King Maximoff, while never rude or hateful, still kept somewhat of a distance from you, always watching you work from her place at the helm. Her chief mate, Natasha, is never far, ready and waiting for new orders to pass along. She was the hardest to crack, but you'd recently had a breakthrough that left you smiling in your bunk later that night.
The wind whips through your hair and you sigh. You couldn't imagine yourself anywhere else now.
“Shouldn't you be getting some grub with the rest of the crew?”
You spin around quickly, startled at her voice. Captain Maximoff stands a few feet away, her eyes calculating as they usually are. Her tan skin glows in the sunlight and you're reminded, once again, of how utterly… handsome she is.
“Captain,” you acknowledge with a tip of your head. “I… I just wanted to have a moment to myself first.”
“I see,” she replies, “then don't let me keep you.”
She stops, turning to you with an eyebrow cocked. You hope the flush along your cheeks can pass as being under the sun for too long.
“I mean, um. You don't have to leave.”
She tilts her head, quiet for a moment as she reads your expression. She's very good at it. You'd learned that quickly.
Whatever she finds must be enough to convince her to stay, because a few seconds later she takes the spot beside you, clasping her hands behind her back as she stares into the water.
“Do you do this often?” she asks curiously.
You tear your eyes away from her profile and back to the horizon. “Sometimes,” you confess.
“What for?” she prods.
“I’m not entirely sure,” you say. “I guess to remind myself how small I am, how minuscule my existence is in this vast world. That what I’m doing and have done is right and for the betterment of others more important than I.”
The captain doesn't immediately reply, contemplating your words. When she does speak, it's quiet.
“You are important, though. You are not minuscule. What you have done is important, I cannot deny that, but you must know it is for your betterment as well.”
You turn your gaze to her, frowning. You find her already looking at you and her stare is hard, willing you to believe what she is saying.
“I would not have agreed to let you on my ship if I thought you were not a good person. You've more than paid your dues. I will not hear another self-deprecating word from you.”
You swallow past the lump in your throat. “Thank you, Captain.”
Her eyes flit back and forth between yours. Without a word, she grabs your wrist and begins walking away, leaving you no choice but to follow. You're smart enough not to question her.
She takes you to her quarters, and when she shuts the door behind you, the locking clicking into place with finality, your heart begins to race. She walks around you until she stands in front of you. You try to hold her stare, but soon find your eyes dropping to the hollow point of her neck.
You've longed to touch her golden skin for ages now, knowing you shouldn't, but unable to fight the desire. There have been times, fleeting moments, where you thought your Pirate King felt the same, thought you’d caught her looking at you with hunger rather than inquisitiveness. Like the way she's looking at you now.
Feeling bold, you raise your shaky hands to trace the exposed skin along her open collar.
“If you still feel you have debts to be repaid,” she starts, her hands coming up to your hips, “you may repay them directly to me.”
You finally meet her eyes again. Now, you wonder how you could have missed the yearning, the equal desire burning there. You grip her collar in your fists and pull her into a kiss. Like a dam being broken, the Captain presses closer into your body, now cupping your cheeks as she deepens the kiss, flicking her tongue along your bottom lip. You open for her with a gasp, groaning when she licks the roof of your mouth. Your head is spinning, eagerness turning the kiss sloppy, yet no less heated.
She begins moving backwards, tugging you with her as her lips trail down your neck, licking and sucking marks into the skin there that have you whining and begging for more. The back of her knees hit the edge of her bed and she falls easily onto it, taking you with her. She's got you on her lap, hands bunching up the skirts of your dress around your hips.
“I thought you were crazy for refusing to wear trousers on deck, but I must confess it's much better access this way,” she teases.
You smile, cheeks pinking. “I'd hoped you'd find me prettier than the others,” you admit.
“Trust me, from the moment I saw you, you were the most beautiful creature I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.”
You have to kiss her again for that, tongue sliding against hers in a way that has you shivering and throbbing for more. You pull away, shifting back until you can kneel on the floor in front of her, holding her heavy-lidded stare.
“May I try something I've thought about, night after night since joining your crew?” you ask.
She nods with an interested quirk to her brows. You pull one of her legs forward so her boot is easier to get to. Biting your lip, you lift your skirts and yourself, shuffling forward and hovering for just a moment. When you lower yourself to sit atop her well-worn leather boot, it's still warm from the summer sun.
You see when it registers with her, what you're doing. Miraculously, the unflappable Pirate King’s cheeks begin flushing as you slowly grind your wet core on her boot.
“Christ,” she whispers.
You moan, clutching her thigh, your hips rolling your clit into the firm pressure of the leather. It feels far better than you expected. You rest your cheek on her knee, panting hotly against her trousers as you continue riding her boot. Movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. You moan when you realize she's unbuttoned her trousers and stuff her hand down them. You can see the way she's circling her fingers and it makes you grind faster.
She moans above you and your eyes snap to hers. She pushes your hair out of your face, tugging on your bottom lip. You suck her thumb into your mouth and she curses, eyes going glassy as her concentration splits between rubbing her own clit, watching your lips around her thumb, and the way your hips roll sinfully.
“You're either an angel or the devil,” she decides.
You pull off her thumb to mutter, “I'm whoever you want me to be,” then suck it right back into your mouth.
“What if I said I wanted you to be mine?” she whispers.
You whimper, squeezing your eyes shut before opening them, sending her a pleading look as your hips pick up pace. Your pussy glides across her boot smoothly now, your wetness doing more than enough to help you along.
“Yeah? Wanna be the Pirate King’s kept woman? Want the rest of the crew to know you belong to me? I think you'd look even more stunning with my marks upon your beautiful neck.”
You can only nod, muffled moans slipping past her thumb in your mouth. Her hand quickens in her trousers and you stare, transfixed, your orgasm so close you can taste it.
“Come, my love. Come for me,” she pleads.
Your eyes roll back, the endearment going straight to your core. You grind harder, faster, until finally the building pleasure crests and swells and overwhelms you, coursing through your veins like wildfire. You moan and whimper, twitching as you ride out the high.
“You too,” you beg, breathless, pawing at her trousers until you can get your hand next to hers.
She cries out, then grits her teeth as your fingers help her reach climax. She throws her head back, mouth falling open on a silent moan as she comes, hips bucking into your hand.
“So beautiful, so handsome,” you praise and she groans, yanking your hand out of her trousers and tugging you back into her lap.
She kisses you fiercely, passion coating every second as the two of you come down. When you've both caught your breath, she kisses the tip of your nose, tipping both of you over to lie fully on the bed. She wipes her hand on her already soiled trousers, but you bite your lip, hesitating. Meeting her eyes once again, you lift your fingers, wet with her desire, to your mouth.
“A demon is what you are,” she accuses as you lick your fingers clean.
You smile. “You can't return me now. You're stuck with me, I'm afraid.”
She sighs dramatically. “Whatever shall I do with you?”
“I may have a few ideas, my Captain,” you tease.
She pushes you onto your back, kissing away your giggles until they turn into gasping moans.
(The crew hoot and holler when they see you next, your neck littered with bites, and a proud Pirate King smirking at your side.)
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
Falling in Love
Type- One-Shoty Blurb
Verse- Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n
Word Count- 1.3k
Warnings- Just sweet, sweet fluff and a very light description of the anxiety that comes with falling in love.
A/N- This one, y'all, is a special one.
This fic celebrates more than one occasion. I published my first ever fic on this site on July 20, 2021. And this is also a goodbye to The Love On Tour which ends today, July 22. I chose (Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n) for this, because it is the first universe I ever created, and Harry is a singer in this au, so that kind of fit as well. Also, you people never failed to show your favouritism when it came to any fic I posted in this 'verse -- I love you, and thank you so much for that. I'll be honest, this isn't the original the fic I wanted to post today, but I had to because somehow, I wasn't able to finish it in time. Maybe by the next weekend I'll have it finished, don't mark my words on that though.
So, I really hope you enjoy this fic, which depicts a scene from (Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n)'s early stages of relationship, when they'd just started falling in love.
I love you and thank you, a LOT ;) -A.
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A little out of breadth Y/n climbed in her car, immediately turning on the AC on full. It was a melting hot day in New York, and she couldn't be more frustrated.
Sitting in the car, she switched on her mobile data for her playlist to start singing. But just as she hit play, a text from Harry popped up on her screen, a smile stretching out on her mouth just in time. She scrolled down her notification bar to see what it was, and it made her sad, the fact that she couldn't smile any wider.
Obviously, he was trying to make her insides churn -- why else would he ask her: 'would you like some croissant, mon chouchou?' Her nose scrunched up as she let her head hit the headrest of the seat, trying to swallow down her screech of giddiness.
With fists clenched tight because there was no other way she could express her ecstasy right now, she allowed herself to open her hand and loosen-up her jaw. 'I'd very much love some! Where are you right now?' She texted back, hoping she could pick him up.
Driving out and straight onto the main lane, she stopped about mid-way through, the street packed with cars and bikes.
Y/n looked up once again, to make sure the traffic light really was red, and right as she was about to look back down, they turned green -- and this is the first time she's been mad about that. Tossing her phone on the passenger seat as she turned her car on the left, she hoped that Harry would reply before she reached the U-Cut.
And while her full attention was on the road, she couldn't help but look at her phone screen from the corner of her eyes. Should she just call him? She slowed down her speed, waiting and waiting and immediately stopping on the side of the lane when he finally texted back: 'Cornelia Street, why?'
Her whole face scrunched up in confusion, as she quickly typed: 'what the hell?' She hit send too quickly, but still kept on typing. 'it's like an hour away! how are you gonna make it? the metro-station will shut down soon!' She texted him again, starting her car again to start driving.
The quicker she reached him, the better. She just hoped that she wouldn't have to stop at a red light again.
'I dunno... maybe get an Uber?' Her screen lit up with his text. 'Anyways, which one do you want?' He texted again, this time attaching 2 photos.
Y/n lightly shook her head, not able to believe that she's going to be driving for an hour to pick up this weird man she seems to have developed a huge crush on, when all she wanted to do leaving the office was to pass out on the lovely forest green sofa in her living room. And she only gets more confused when she sees her phone light up from the corner of her eyes again.
'Pick up whichever one you're eating, H' she sent him a voice message, not careless enough to text him that while driving at this speed. But just as she turns on the next road, a groan rumbles from the back of her throat when she sees another traffic-jam. It sure isn't as hideous as the previous one, but it's making her late, nevertheless.
Rien Que Toi et Moi started playing on low volume in the car as she picked her phone again, going straight to the text Harry had sent her.
'okay, you're clearly too busy to type 'gruyere croissant'. So, I will buy it for you even though I'm taking a chocolate one' was the first text, and the next one made her grin quite wide in slight embarassment. It said, 'Cause someone needs to be sweet to keep your salty ass sane'
'Don't get all grumpy with me now, we both know you can't live for even a day without salt' she texted back, chuckling already. 'And don't book any taxi, I'm on my way to pick you up!' She wrote again, now suddenly embarrassed.
This time, she threw her phone on the seat for once and for all, determined to stop only when she's on Cornelia Steet.
And as she drove, her mind was still on Harry. It hadn't escaped her, the fact that he remembered her favourite croissant, and knew she wanted that one only, even when she didn't say so. She knows that he too knows he'll be eating half of hers and then offer her a half of his'. Staying with her, he'd grown to like a lot of her favourites.
But what he's surely got to notice, is that a lot of his favourites, are now Y/n's as well. It's more than often that she's caught doing things that he loves to do, learning about things that he always talks to her about. And she remembered something flashing in his eyes when she told him that she's only doing it so that she can chat a little more about it with him.
Driving with her window rolled down, Y/n slowly and slowly felt herself calming down and little by little, falling for Harry -- with his little quirks and habits that make him who he is. But still there was a slight tightness in the midst of her chest that frightened her, a little alarm that always went off blaring every time her eyes landed on Harry, screaming at her to turn around, that she still had time, and her heartrate would go impossibly high.
But she knew, she had nothing to lose. The most that could happen was that he'd break her heart and people will stop murmuring about how she's got some colour in her face and a small smile on her mouth every time she walked by. And the gossips about her being cold-hearted would return. She didn't have anything more to lose and for some weird reason whenever she saw Harry, something inside her, maybe her heart, pointed at him and whispered without a pause in her ears, 'that's the one, that's the one.'
It's when she passes the board-sign with 'Cornelia Street' written across it that she parks on the side of the lane again. Picking up her phone, she texts Harry 'I'm in front of the 'Books and Lattes' cafe. Where are you?'
And it was like Harry was already on his phone because he responded right away. 'Should be visible on the first zebra-crossing you stop at!' his text said, and all of a sudden, a hint of giddiness bubbled inside her at the realization that finally she'll be seeing him.
And Y/n did see him, just as she slowed down as she neared the crossing. She looked to her left fist, out the passenger side window and in a split second her eyes found the pair of forest-green eyes that she longed to take a walk in all the damn time.
His Cheshire-cat grin so charming, it felt as though he had aimed it straight at heart, as he walked towards her. And just to poke fun at him, she didn't unlock the door -- rolling down the window instead. He waved at her with a dimpled smile, just a few steps away and as he went to open the door, "hey there, beau" she teased.
Harry rested his elbows on the sill, looking at her with a mockingly intense gaze. "Lose your croissant or unlock the door," he said quickly and laughed at her groan as he went to sit beside her. "I'm hurt that you'd choose a croissant over me!"
"I'm surprised that you're surprised," Y/n said, while backing up just a bit to turn into the other lane.
She heard him sigh and then saw him dramatically rub his forehead. "Disappointed, but not surprised," he said.
"Oh, c'mon darling-"
"I'm not your darling when 'm pissed at you!"
Letting out an amused laugh, she intertwined their hands in the heat of the moment, and that same old alarm went off blaring. "Now look who's being salty," she stated as a matter of fact, shaking her head when Harry muttered, 'you're never going to let that go, are you?'
And somewhere on the inside, a little voice in her head mumbled, "uh oh, I'm falling in love."
Tagging: @reveriehs <3 MASTERLIST :)
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Full Masterlist
Sydcarmy Masterlist
Syd, Carmy and a heatwave which threatens to tip things over the edge...
it's hot as balls basically everywhere I think atm? Anyway, it's hot in the UK so this popped into my head.
If you can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen. 
If you can't stand the heat… Get. Out. Of. The. Kitchen. 
Get. Out. Of. The. Kitchen.
Sydney was at least 96.8% certain that she was going to die in this kitchen today. Which, coincidentally, was the temperature outside. Inside, it was a cool 104°F at least . She didn't dare look at the room thermometer Marcus had brought in with him for fear that she'd crawl into the walk-in in tears and never come out. They'd put a rule on breakdowns in the walk-in. Only 2 allowed per week, and Richie had bagged both of them already thanks to Tiffany's engagement party. She was bracing herself for the pomme puree and the steam, bicep work out, and overall exertion it would inflict on her, when she felt a cool hand sweep under her braids and leave a damp washcloth behind. She couldn't stop the low moan that tumbled from her mouth, or the breathy,
"Fuck me."
"Too damn hot." 
"It wasn't an offer, Carmen." She tutted, rolling her eyes. 
"Obviously not if you're full naming me, Sydney." He teased. 
"Behind," she called, lugging the steaming pan of potatoes over to the sink. He followed with a strainer and took over. 
"Here let me," steam billowed up between them, obscuring her favorite view of his arms. She had a running total of how many times he stepped in to lift something she or Tina would have struggled with. She wondered vaguely whether he was the one doing it on purpose. The helping, the little quips, the overall being better . The tension had been simmering gently beneath them since the day after the soft open, probably before that if she really cared to admit it. He'd called them all in, apologized until there wasn't a dry eye in the house, and made it clear he'd spend as long as necessary making amends to each and every one of them. 
She'd walked out. 
He'd followed her out back and stood perfectly still while she shouted, screamed and cussed him out. Words that she'd probably never said aloud before were hurled at him with ease, and he took it all. She shouted until she was hoarse and exhausted, eyes streaming with tears and head pounding like his fists on the metal door the night before. When she paused to catch her breath, he'd moved into her space and put his hands on her shoulders. All out of words, she hit out physically, and he took it as she rained fairly useless and ineffectual punches onto his chest. If she'd had a right hook like Richie, he probably would have been far less accepting. Eventually, she succumbed to silence, and still, he stood there. He'd wrapped those damn arms around her even as she still fought against him, pushing her hands on him to try and move backwards. She gave way to indifference, arms limp at her sides until he'd whispered a heartbroken beg for forgiveness into her ear, and her resolve crumbled like dry bread dough. She accepted the apology but made it abundantly clear that forgiveness would have to be earned. He became more present and dedicated than she'd ever seen. Their working relationship, firstly, had blossomed because of it, easily followed by their friendship and now… well. If suggestive banter or innocent touches were Olympic team events, they were gold medalists. 
"Get some air, Syd." He suggested as the steam died away. He looked as bad as she felt, hair damp, and what looked like a permanent sheen of sweat coated his skin. 
"Is it any cooler out there?"
"No, but there's air?" She nodded and took the offer. They'd carved out a few meters of shade by snagging one of the old tablecloths on some rusty hooks and had moved a couple chairs out of the sun. 
"Too damn hot." She repeated his words back to him as he approached, taking the seat next to her. 
"Yeah. What're you thinking?"
"Really?" She opened one eye to look at him, "what's the coldest I can get the shower to go later." 
"Not cold enough."
"Heard, Chef. You?"
"What's the maximum fine for a health code violation." She looked confused, "naked cooking." Came the explanation. 
"Ok, one - gross, and two - last time I did it, I burned myself, so it's a no from me."
"Where what?"
"Where'd you burn yourself?" He asked, turning the already considerable temperature up on their conversation once more. 
"Uhuh, you'll never know."
"Never? We'll see." She shook her head. She normally enjoyed the push and pull, the raising stakes of who gives in first and changes the subject when it gets too much. But this heatwave had been going on for days, and the combined heat is just too much. She's too damn hot to keep up a witty repartee and try to make him blush. Plus the heat only makes her think more of their sweat slicked bodies together. She found herself wondering more and more often how long they'd keep this up. What would be the thing that brought about change? Did it just disappear again as gradually as it arrived? Was it a simple one and done fuck it out of their system? Or did they carry on in this perpetual state of winding each other up and then, as she did now frequently (so, so frequently), bring herself back down. If she could do it without spontaneously combusting, she'd wonder if he also had to do that as often as she did. As if on command, an image of him with his hand on his cock pops into her brain before she can stop it, and she has to grit her teeth and press her thighs together to stop from making a sound. 
"It's too fucking hot." She grimaced and headed back inside before she could accidentally make eye contact and have him read her mind. 
The next day was just as bad. The sun was gone, but a sweaty, muggy heat remained and that was somehow worse. There was no breeze at all, no air, everything was hazy. They'd sent everyone home who didn’t need to be there, preferring to survive the evening on the bare minimum number of staff rather than have a packed out kitchen or front of house. Fak hovered, mumbling something about stressed pipework and expansion but Syd ignored him and refilled hers and Carmy's iced waters, hands brushing together as he eagerly took it from her. 
"Isn't there, like, a point where you can drink too much water and get ill?" She asked, downing half her cup in one go and leaving condensation drips to travel down her chin and neck. 
"Fuck knows. We need to 86 half the menu tonight."
"Heard, Chef. Already gone through it with Richie." She handed him the revised menu for the evening. 
"No swordfish?"
"Do you want to stand and sear it on the hotplate all night?" 
"Definitely not."
"I thought not. I swear it's so hot in here I think I could turn my back into a hotplate." She shook her head and mumbled, "fry a fucking egg on my ass." He laughed so hard he nearly threw his water across the room. 
"We should try that." He suggested once he'd recovered and received a glare in response. 
"I need air." She took her cup and refilled it again on the way out. In the tiny not-really-a-corridor between the pot wash and outside she heard a gurgling rumble near ground level. "The fuck?" She looked down to see a drip of water escaping from the pipe. "Fak?" There was no response initially, "yo, Neil, get your ass out here?" It happened just as Carmy comes to the door to ask what's wrong. The pipe groans and creaks, "hey, can you get Fak, I think there's -" water everywhere. Everywhere . It sprayed out from the pipe in a forceful gush and got her right in the face. "Holy fucking shit!" To his credit, Carmy shut the door behind him and grabbed at the coats on the hooks in front of them. Syd pulled off her apron and dropped to the floor, using it to press against the pipe to stem the flow of water while Carmy used the coats on the gap at the bottom of the door so it didn’t get into the kitchen. They were both soaked to the bone and the water just kept coming. 
"Fak, where the fuck are you?" Carmy shouted over the sound of the water, Syd tried to hold the gap in the pipe but it only made the water gush harder at odd angles. Finally, finally , Neil appeared by the back door, "shut the fucking water off, Fak!" He had to go round to the front and into the kitchen the long way to get to the stop tap. Syd let go of the pipe as soon as the water slowed to a trickle, and sat back on the wet floor with her back against the wall, trying to catch her breath, 
"Fuck. That was," there were no words, "... that was crazy. At least it was clean water." She lifted the edge of her soaked t-shirt to wipe her face. He wasn’t talking and she had no idea why - he wasn’t calling out for Fak or cursing the heat, the pipes, the pool of water they were literally sitting in. She looked up to see what was wrong and he just stared back at her. “What? What’s wrong - did you get hurt?” She moved forward on her knees quickly, half crawling towards him when Fak opened the kitchen door.
“I knew it, I knew the pipes wouldn’t take the heat,” he sighed, taking in the sight of both of them sitting in an inch of water and looking, presumably, like drowned vermin. “Woah, wet t-shirt competition!” He covered his eyes and turned away. Syd looked to find that her plain white t-shirt had clung to her body like a second skin, her non-padded black bra and dark pebbled nipples completely visible.
“Shit,” her arms covered her modesty but the damage was done. Fak left quickly, mumbling something about repairs before they opened and Syd stood as quickly as she could without moving her arms. Carmy cleared his throat,
“Sorry, that was really fucking inappropriate, I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t think… didn’t realize. It’s fine. Should have left my apron on.”
“Yeah. You’re dripping,” he started to say,
“Excuse me?” Her eyes were like saucers, her voice was barely a squeak,
“You’re uhh, you’re dripping. You should change? You wanna uhh… you should use the office? I’ll start clearing up, Manny will be here in a few, and then I’ll get changed. You got spare clothes?”
“Yeah, yeah I think I’ve got some stuff to get by with.”
“Let me know if you need a shirt, think I’ve got a couple.”
“Thanks,” She hesitated, his shirt was also plastered to his skin, the faint outlines of more tattoos just visible through the transparent fabric. She swallowed and looked back up to eye level and he moved aside to let her through. She waded to the lockers and office without a backwards glance. The second the door was closed behind her, she was able to let out a shaking breath. Fuuuck. Assessing the damage, she peeled off her t-shirt and bra, and slid her Dickies down her legs. There wasn’t a single dry item of clothing that she could put back on so all she had was a clean cami crop top and another pair of Dickies. No underwear, no bra. Not even socks. She was just about dressed again when there was a faint knock on the door,
“Can I come in?”
“Yeah, sure.” She’d pulled her braids back into a high bun and reused her damp scarf to hold it up off her neck, the cami left her arms and shoulders exposed but she has her custom jacket hanging up to put on later to cover herself. The crop top left a line of her stomach uncovered. She wasn’t sure it had ever been seen in public before, and certainly not by Carmy. Learning from previous mistakes, she covered her breasts by crossing her arms - no bra meant she may as well still be wearing a soaked t-shirt for all the dignity it provided.
“You good?”
“Fine, not ideal but, y’know,” she shrugged. “Hey do you have any spare socks?”
“Yeah, think so. Shit, even your socks?”
“Literally every item of clothing I was wearing is just… fucking soaked.” The statement lingered in the air,
“You should hang them somewhere outside, let everything dry out.”
“Gonna do it now. Need some help with the clear up?”
“Nah, Manny’s got it and Fak’s repairing the pipe.”
“Will we have water for service?”
“He tells me so. We’ll see, it’s Fak.” She hummed in agreement and turned her back on him to grab her wet clothes from the floor. He stepped behind her and she felt a featherlight touch on her tattoo. “You have a tattoo?” He stated, tracing the outline and causing goosebumps to pick up across her shoulders and back. She tried to speak, but the words weren't forming. His other hand went to the bare skin on her back, knuckles grazing the dip of her spine. “You’ve cooled down.” She nodded, it’s all she can do. He was so close, she could feel the cool damp from his t-shirt and it was still so oppressively hot in the kitchen that she just wanted to lean back into him. Her breath was already ragged and he’d hardly laid a finger on her. The knuckles on her back turned to fingertips on her bare waist with the faintest, almost imperceptible grip. She felt his lips ghost over the back of her neck and then a tiny kiss directly on her tattoo. It felt like all of the heat from outside and from the kitchen had all pooled in her stomach. He held her a little tighter and her body flooded with longing, a sigh escaping from her mouth. The clothes dropped to the floor with a wet slap, and she turned in his arms. There was so little space between them, it was blindingly obvious that she didn’t have a bra on. “Fuck, Syd,” he rasped, his hand coming up to cup her breast over her t-shirt, the pad of his thumb skimmed her nipple. She arched into him, her hand was already bunching his t-shirt in her fist as he nudged her nose with his, their breath mingling. His eyes were locked on hers, waiting for her agreement,
“What the fuck happened, Fak! I thought you said the pipes would be good?” Richie’s voice boomed through the kitchen just as she’d leaned into him, and they sprang apart instantly.
“Yeah Richie, when it’s not plus 100, dude! Everything falls apart in that kinda heat.” Syd grabbed her clothes again and was out of the door before Carmy could say a word. She shoved her bare feet into her work crocs and darted outside, stepping over the rags thrown down to soak up some of the water. Manny had moved the coats they’d originally put down and hung them outside. Communal outerwear which had been there since spring turned to summer and people came to work in a coat but didn’t leave with one. She made a mental note to take them to get cleaned before anyone would need them again. 
“Any damage?” She asked Fak on her way past.
“Only the pipe, you guys managed to keep all the water to the pot wash. Nothing in the kitchen.”
“Great. We good for service?”
“Well see.”
“We gotta be, Fak.” She told him firmly.
“You got it Syd.” Outside, she flung her clothes over the back of one of the chairs and dragged a hand over her face. Everything falls apart in that kinda heat. She heard Fak’s words over and over. 
“Yo, you good?” Carmy asked as he stepped out and did the same thing with his clothes as she had. Of course the only sign of the mishap inside for him was his wet hair, while she looked like she’d gotten dressed in the dark and forgotten most of her clothes. 
“Yeah. Gotta get on with prep, we’re behind.”
“Heard, Chef. I’ll be right there.” He grabbed her wrist as she passed him and asked the question again without saying a word. She nodded and threw him a small smile.
“Later,” she assured him. “We’re all good, Chef.” She confirmed and headed inside.
It was a quiet night, for which Syd was eternally grateful. Just one full cover and turnaround on tables, the latest seated at 7.30pm and out by 9.30pm. The quiet night however, left plenty of room and time in the kitchen. Fewer people around had seemingly given Carmy a free pass to make his presence known around Syd. Any normal night and she’d barely have time to look at him other than when answering him. She’d suggested that she take the expo while he manned hers and Tina’s stations with Connor on his own and Daniela’s. 
“You sure?” He asked as she tied her apron,
“Yeah, I’m faster.” 
“No you’re not,” he scoffed.
“Yes, I am.”
“Not. What’s the real reason?” He asked quietly, looking around to see that they were as alone as they could be in the open kitchen.
“No reason.”
“You want the truth?” She asked.
“I do, say more please?”
“I need to not have your voice, like, talking me through it all fucking night. Ok?” He looked a little hurt and she realized how her comment had sounded, replaying it in her mind, “fuck, I didn’t mean…” she stepped closer and dropped her voice so that only he could hear her. “It can be distracting and I don’t need that distraction with half the kitchen staff out. Ok?” She’d moved over to the expo and started setting up while he was still processing her comment. 
“Distracting?” He raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Shut up. We’re not talking about this, I said what I said and that’s it,” she waved her hand as if to brush the comment away and out of the conversation, “done.”
“We’re coming back to this conversation.”
“We’ll see about that. 10 minutes to open, Chefs. We good?”
“Yes, Chef.” came the slightly reduced chorus back. 
“Excellent, let’s get it done and get out of this furnace.” They moved quickly through the tables, Syd’s constant stream of information and requests flowed through the kitchen with ease. Hands were exactly where they needed to be, nothing needed to be refired and despite the heat, the atmosphere was calm and relaxed. Despite his voice not being as much of a distraction, he still found other ways. Small touches to her back as he passed behind her, brushes of her hand when he brought her plates and every time he caught her eye she was sure she could burst into flames.
“More hands please and thank you.” She called out as Carmy brought three plates forward along with a refilled cup of iced water, “thank you, Chef.” She murmured, stealing a glance at him.
“Y’welcome, Chef.”
“Chefs, stay hydrated please, and do not sweat into my plates.” She reminded them.
“Yes, Chef.”
“Carm, you good?”
“Yes, Chef. Just trying not to be a distraction.” He smirked. 
“If only that were possible.” She retorted,
“Maybe some pointers?” She fought the grin pulling at the corner of her mouth but ignored him,
“Connor, your station done?”
“Sure is, Chef.” 
“Gorgeous, thank you.” The young chef beamed at her. 
“Ok, last table are ready for desserts and then we’re done, lizards.” Richie confirmed, Connor left his stations to cover the final desserts over on Marcus’ empty section while Syd went through the night's tickets and Carmy started clearing up. 
“So back to my being a distraction -” he started, she continued counting while he continued talking, “can we get into that, please?”
“Right now?” She carried on counting,
“I mean, later works for me?” he saw her hands falter on her count, she paused to remember where she was up to and then carried on,
“Yep, sounds good, I’ll cook.” She finished and clipped the tickets together, adding a sticky note to the top with the totals as Connor brought the final desserts over,
“Hands please, Richie,” she called out, wiping the plates. 
“No smudges.” She and Carmy both told him as he collected them. “Outside?” She asked, reaching for her nearly empty cup. “Connor, we’ll be back in 5. Take a break if you want.” She collected Carmy’s cup on the way past and refilled both of them. Outside, the heat was still fierce even in the twilight. “How is it no fucking cooler yet?”
“Better than in there.” He slumped into one of the chairs and lit a cigarette. “Good service.”
“Not bad, considering. Heat’s supposed to break tonight.” She muttered, looking up at the sky.
“Maybe it will.” He replies, looking at her.
“Maybe. I’ll go finish clean up.” She leaves him with the sun nearly fully set behind him. Connor, bless him, had nearly finished the basic clean down. Leftovers boxed up and labeled ready to go in the lowboys, surfaces cleaned and sanitized and the floors swept. It’s about all she’s willing to do tonight, if the heat breaks she’d be there early in the morning anyway to go through everything properly. She thanked Connor and sent him on his way, hearing him say goodbye to Carmy as they crossed paths in the pot wash. 
“Don’t forget your stuff.” He handed over her clothes as she took off and folded her jacket carefully. She stuffed her sun dried clothes into her bag while he shut off the lights, and she followed him out to his car. They drove in a comfortable and easy silence that didn’t call out to be filled. She wasn’t entirely sure what she’d say anyway, there was too much of a sense of inevitability in the air. “How’s the new apartment?” He asked. They'd all helped her move in the week before to a tiny ("It's bijou, Richie!", "It's fuckin' tiny, Syd.") studio apartment closer to the restaurant.
“S’good, yeah. Still a bit basic, but I’ll get there.” 
“You’re dad missing you?”
“He says so, but I think he’s just happy he can watch as much Jeopardy as he wants and eat potatoes for every meal again.”
“Living the life.”
“He’s loving it. Considering I was out of the house probably 15 hours a day, I think it’s a stretch to say I cramped his style, but that's the angle he's going for.” She pointed out a parking spot which she knew wouldn't get ticketed, and he followed her up to the fourth floor. She could already feel her heart pounding in her throat, the heady combination of nerves, anticipation and wanting, but he seemed so calm. For someone usually so weighed down by the expectations of others and the stresses of the restaurant, he was effortlessly laid-back. He was approaching her within seconds of walking through the door, stepping right back into the same space he'd occupied in the office earlier in the day. He placed one hand on her jaw which she covered with her own, and one on her hip, softly stroking the bare skin there. 
"This ok?" He asked, tentative but firm. She could hear in his voice that he had no reservations about the radical change they were about to make to their friendship and fuck, the confidence was definitely something. 
"Yeah," she replied, trying to sound composed. "Yes." She repeated firmly, "yes." He guided her a step backwards and held her against the small table in her kitchen. She waited for what felt like an eternity as he brushed his thumb over her cheekbone and across her bottom lip, taking his time to really look at her. His eyes never left hers until he finally looked at her mouth. The hand on her hip moved around to her back, she still felt sticky with sweat and the temperature was only increasing with their proximity. He didn't seem to notice or care at all as he captured her lips in a kiss. She hadn't known what to do with her hands but they moved unconsciously up his biceps, tracing the line of muscle. She worked her fingers over the knots in his shoulders and tangled them in his hair. He growled against her, deepening the kiss and sliding his hand up her back under her t-shirt so he could draw her closer with a firm hand between her shoulder blades. The heat of his palm against the bare skin of her back drew a low moan from her, she broke the kiss for air so he moved to the column of her neck. He sucked at the soft skin at the hollow of her throat and licked the sheen of sweat. "God, I feel gross," she breathed a laugh. He ground his hips against hers as if wanting to show her that he didn't agree. The length of him pressed into her thigh was enough for her to buck against him. She busied her hands in pulling his damp t-shirt off and his fingers brushed the underside of her breast as he went to do the same thing, 
"May I?" He asked,
"Please, yes." She sighed, lifting her arms. He dipped his head to catch a nipple lightly between his teeth, "Oh f-fuck, Carm,” she moaned, “please don’t stop.” His kisses moved back up her neck, 
"I'm not gonna stop," he murmured, palming her breast, "not ever going to stop, baby." Her hips bucked against his again in a frantic attempt to find pressure, fiction, anything . 
"Carmy -" She whined, 
"Tell me what you want?" She groaned in frustration, coherent sentences the furthest thing from her mind - or capabilities - her hand moving to his waistband instead. He took her hands in his own, "how long have you wanted this?" She wrestled her hands back and worked on her own waistband instead, pushing her Dickies down over the curve of her ass.
"Too long," she perched on the table and pulled him closer, 
"Zero patience." He teased, 
"Fuck you." She retorted, kissing him along his collarbone, running her tongue over the new-to-her tattoos and tasting the same sticky saltiness that covered her own body. 
"I don't care, we match," she laughed, reaching again for the button of his pants. She popped the button and stopped, "sure about this?"
He took his hands from her hips and cupped her face, brushing his nose against hers, "Absolutely fucking sure." She pushed his pants down over his hips and wrapped a hand around him, his jaw tightened as he jerked into her. "Fuck, Syd," He rasped. He reached behind her to where he'd thrown his bag onto the table, and dug through blindly until he'd found a condom. "You're so good for me." He kissed her softly, pushing into her slowly. The table groaned dangerously as he fucked her, his pace increasing. She pushed back against each thrust, matching his hungry pace. Their sweat-slicked bodies worked in symphony and it felt like Carmy was adapting in the moment to every catch of her breath or garbled, breathless moan. "That's it baby, I've got you." He grunted, leaving a bite mark on the soft flesh of her shoulder. The table rattled and Syd gripped his shoulders,
"Don't break my fucking table," she warned. He brought a hand down between them in reply and worked his thumb in circles on her clit. His hips snapped against hers and she could feel her legs tremble as he brought her over the edge with him, her name positively reverent on his lips. She fell limp against him with a choked sob. She let her forehead rest in the crook of his neck while he rubbed her hips where his hands had gripped her so tightly she was sure to have bruises. "That was… god, why the fuck did we wait so long?" She asked, moving to look at him. He laughed, kissing her damp forehead and tucking a couple of stray braids behind her ear. He pulled out carefully and discarded the condom. She stepped down gingerly from the table, trying to work out who had the more stable legs of the two. She swayed on the spot a little and immediately decided the table was doing better than she was. He handed her his t-shirt and she put it on despite the heat. "Now I definitely feel disgusting."
"You shower, I'll cook." He told her, opening the fridge, "uhh filled pasta and tomato sauce? Wait, is this Mikey's?" He opened the plastic container and sniffed the contents. 
"Yeah. I was fucking around with a roasted tomato and basil filling for the pasta using his recipe but it's not there yet so this was the leftover sauce I had." 
"You made it here, at home, just because you wanted to?" She took the container from him and put it next to the stovetop so that she could loop her arms around his waist. 
"Yeah, it's the first thing I made when I moved in." She kissed him lightly, "so I'm going to shower because I currently feel more sweat than human, then you can do the same? We can skip the tour - bed's over there." She nodded in the direction of her bed which took up most of the space in the small room. He stopped her from leaving with a searing kiss that left her leaning into him once again. "Hmm, I'll be back," she murmured, gathering the clothes they hadn't put back on and throwing them into her laundry basket. The cool shower felt like bliss after the heat and grime of the day, followed by the sweaty sex. Stomach rumbling, she hurried to switch with Carmy and plated the food while he showered. 
"You didn't give me a real answer before, when I asked how long?" He said once they were sat on her sofa with her bare legs in his lap, 
"I was busy," she grinned. "Honestly? Maybe straight away but everything was too chaotic to know for sure? And then that day I came back and there was tomato juice on the walls and the floors and just fucking… everywhere and you didn't care, you just looked at me. That's when I knew I was totally screwed." She stopped to inhale more of the rich pasta, "you?" 
"The day I met you."
The heatwave broke overnight with rain and thunderstorms, but all Syd cared about was the delicious warmth of Carmy between her legs. 
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Love Me, Love Me Not - Part 2
Link for Part 1
Last time we saw Sebastian and MC, they were getting rather and hot and steamy. Let's see how these idiots handled that 😂
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC 🌶 Spicy/Angst
For @applinsandoranges
Dawn was a cruel intruder. MC groaned into her pillow at the sounds of Imelda getting up and preparing for her early morning Quidditch training. How the fuck could she get up and do that so early after last night?
Oh, Merlin, last night!
Colour flooded MC's cheeks hotly and she cringed into the pillow. Fuzzy memories, pulsing with heat, flashed through her mind. Sebastian's hands on her skin, his mouth...oh, fuck, that mouth! Her thighs clenched tightly at the memory of him searing her neck with his kiss. She could have died! Her soul had floated up and out of her body, seeking out his so they could entwine in a swirl of fierce passion.
Had she really rubbed herself shamelessly against his dick? She slapped her hands over her face, mortified! How was she going to look him in the eye ever again?
She frowned, vaguely remembering him holding her hand, walking her back to the castle. She had moved to hold his arm, needing to feel him closer. And then, once they had arrived at the door for her dormitory, she had so desperately wanted him to kiss her. She tensed. Had she asked him to? Oh, fuck, had she? She couldn't remember!
Her hands slid from her face, her head hammering a tad from the loaded punch she had downed all night. She was alone. He wasn't in the bed beside her. She was strangely grateful. If he ever was in her bed, she wanted to be able to remember every damn moment of it.
She sat up, throwing the covers back, her bladder was screaming for release. She padded quietly towards the bathrooms feeling a bit ropey. She passed a younger student in the corridor, their gaze one of shock as she passed. She gave them a rueful grin, running a hand through her hair. She must look a right sight, hung over and bleary eyed.
Once in the bathrooms and washing her hands, she glanced up at the mirror and froze in shock. No wonder that student had been gaping.
"Oh, mother of Merlin, no!" She swore. She gingerly brought her fingers up to her neck, the whole right side of it blooming with bright red and purple bruising. She touched the tender flesh and winced. Fuck, he had devoured her!
From her ear to her collar bone were Sebastian's mouth marks, violent in colour and incredibly evident. She was stunned, but also, throbbing with utter need. There must be something very wrong in her head to be so turned on by such a sight. And, worse, she wanted more!
Flustered, her heart hammering as fiercely as her head was thumping, she hurried back to the dormitory. She gathered her things, including a soft, silk scarf, quickly showered, and made a dash from the common room. She did not want to risk running into Sebastian this morning.
A walk down to the lake cleared her head a little, but it still felt like a little soldier was marching from one temple to the other with big boots on.
She sat on a rock and thought about where this might leave her relationship with Sebastian. Did this mean they would continue on this path? Or would they become distant and awkward with each other? The fear of losing him completely made her stomach clench tightly. She looked up at the sky, the clouds thin and moving swiftly on the morning breeze. Nothing fluffy and peaceful to draw comfort from today. Just confusing reality.
But sitting here wouldn't get her any answers. She could only get them from him. With a sigh she headed back indoors. Maybe some food would help.
The thought of coming to face to face with Sebastian made her cringe. The most important thing was to save their friendship. This could not ruin that. Her heart would truly break.
As she walked towards the Great Hall she spotted Poppy and immediately remembered the conversation they'd had on the way to the party. Oh gods, if Poppy found out Sebastian had done this to her neck she would be crushed! And after Poppy had been brave enough to confide in her too. MC felt like an awful friend, cringing again at her shameful behaviour.
MC quickly pulled her hair around to cover that side of her neck as an extra measure over the silk scarf, shamefully hiding until Poppy had gone in to the hall before following. MC kept her head down and walked quickly to the Slytherin table. It was still early and the Hall hadn't filled yet, the older students especially had not arrived in their droves, preferring to remain in their beds after last night.
Ominis was in his usual spot, sipping tea and reading a book. MC took a deep breath, grateful he wouldn't be able to see her little disguise, and climbed into the seat beside him.
His head turned towards her. "Good morning, MC. How's the head?"
She groaned. "Was I that drunk?"
He smirked. "Sebastian said he had to practically carry you back to your dorm."
MC felt her cheeks warm. "What else did he say?"
Ominis tilted his head curiously. "What else was there to say?"
"Nothing," she said, quickly. "Where is he? Has he already eaten?"
Ominis still had curiosity written all over him when a familiar mop of brown hair appeared and Sebastian climbed onto the bench opposite them. He looked right at her, his smirk as confident and charming as ever. "Good morning. I'm surprised to see you up and about so early."
MC flicked her eyes nervously towards Ominis, then back to him. "I...erm...I am a bit tired," she swallowed hard. "Can we...er...can we talk?"
His eyebrows twitched playfully. "What about?"
"Oi, oi," Leander called. He came up behind Sebastian, followed by Garreth and Everett, and gripped Sebastian by the shoulders. "Alright, lover boy."
Sebastian frowned up at him, shrugging his shoulders free. "Get off," he grumbled. "What are you on about?"
Leander chuckled and gave MC a cheeky wink. "Nice scarf, MC," he said. "What you got hiding underneath that then, eh?"
MC felt her cheeks burn and she put tentative fingers up to her neck. Sebastian's gaze swung back to her, his eyes a little panicked.
"What's going on?" Ominis asked.
Leander laughed. "Didn't you hear, Gaunt? Everyone is talking about it. Sebastian and MC got down and proper dirty last night, in front of everyone."
Ominis gaped, his head turning immediately towards MC. She sucked in a horrified gasp, her eyes darting around the Hall to see that people were indeed looking their way, whispering behind their hands. She was vaguely aware of Ominis reaching out a cool hand, hunting out one of hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
Sebastian's cheeks were as flushed as hers felt, he was eyeing where the scarf covered her neck.
"Fuck off, Prewett," MC muttered. She clambered to her feet, legs shaking. Everyone was staring.
Garreth took hold of Leander's arm and tugged him away. "Come on, mate. Leave it."
"Excuse me," she muttered.
She could hear their voices behind her, could feel the eyes on her back as she practically ran from the hall, running blindly for the doors. Once again, she was hot gossip, her name on everyone's lips, and this time Sebastian's name was being dragged through the mill too.
She had always tried to be discreet, ensuring boys never left a mark, but Sebastian had been a different story, with him all her control had evaporated. How had she let herself get so out of control in front of everyone like that?
She swore she was never going to drink another drop of alcohol ever again. Drowning in her need for him she had thrown the drinks back, Poppy's words haunting her. She had watched every girl at that party, her claws ready to maul if one of them so much as touched Sebastian. The hypocrisy of it was bitter, which had her reaching for more drink, trying to drown away everything.
And then she had seen him, alone, seemingly searching for someone, and she had wanted to be found. Oh, Merlin, she had thrown herself on him! And now the whole school knew!
Sebastian had launched himself up off the bench, shoving Prewett aside, and he ran after MC. The way her face had fallen hit him like a thousand hexes.
She was a swift little thing, darting through groups of students, and making for the Viaduct Courtyard at a decent lick. He sped up, bursting out into the cool morning air. "MC!" He called. "MC, wait!"
She darted to the side, her robe flicking out as she dashed behind the columned walkway. He chased her into the shadowed walk, catching up to her and seizing her arm. She went to pull away, stumbling a little, but he steadied her with his other hand. She looked up at him, a whole range of conflicting emotions flickering across her pale face. Then her bottom lip began to tremble and he felt a crushing sensation in his chest. This was all his fault.
He moved to pull her in closer, desperate to comfort her, but she held him at arms length, shaking her head. "No, don't," she gasped. She glanced around them, eyes wide. "People will see."
She may as well have cast a basic hit to his chest. He let go of her immediately and stepped back. "I'm sorry."
She stared at him, a small sigh escaping her lips as her shoulders sagged. She brushed back strands of hair from her face and took hold of his hand. "Not here, come on."
They hurried down the long, winding staircase to the boat house, the Black Lake a choppy, grey mass before them. Heavier clouds were drifting in and it looked like rain. Sebastian held tightly to her hand, fearful to let her go. Was she going to tell him to back off from her? Was this the beginning of the end? Damn him and his lack of self control. When would he ever learn to think before acting? And why was it always her that ended up getting hurt in the process? He couldn't blame her if she dumped his sorry arse. Who needed a friend like him?
The boat house was deserted at this time of day, the boats bobbing on their ropes, knocking gently into each other. MC led him inside and closed the door before releasing his hand.
"Prewett is a prick," he said.
She huffed a humourless laugh. "Would you have not done the exact same thing to him?"
His mouth tightened. "That's not the point."
"No, the point is we are the juiciest gossip in the whole school," she sighed.
Sebastian eyed her neck. "Is it bad?" He pointed awkwardly at his own neck. "Did I hurt you?"
"See for yourself," she said. She tilted her head back and to the side. The scarf slipped a little and he winced at the bruises under her ear. He stepped forward and with gentle fingers, brushed her hair back and tugged at the simple knot of her scarf. The silk slid away from her throat and she swallowed hard, her eyes flicking up to his.
His breath hissed through his teeth at the sight of her neck, the smooth flesh a colourful canvas of his lust. "Fuck, MC, I'm so sorry," he whispered.
"It doesn't hurt," she said. She attempted a small smile. "Next time, eat something before dancing."
His eyes widened. "Next time?"
Her face flushed crimson and she took a step back, reaching to tug the silk scarf back from him. "I mean, erm...you know, next time you find yourself in a situation like that."
Oh, so not necessarily with her then. He pushed a hand through his hair and nodded, trying to smile, his heart flipping madly.
She hesitated. "Did we...did you...I can't remember much about getting back to the dormitory. I didn't embarrass myself further, did I? I mean, I didn't do anything inappropriate."
"No, you were just intoxicated. Imelda took over once I got you there. I thought she was going to skin me alive when she saw the state of you."
She nodded, relieved. "Well, thank you for getting me back safely."
"Of course," he said.
An awkward silence fell between them. Thoughts and feelings twisted and turned inside of him. He wanted to touch her, wanted to hold her. The depth of his heart was on the tip of his tongue, tingling. He could just tell her, like Ominis had told him to.
"Things aren't going to be weird between us now, are they?" She asked. "You're my best friend, Seb. I'd hate for something so foolish to ruin that."
Foolish. Everything that had been balanced on the tip of his tongue vanished. He swallowed it all down, tucking it away next to his crushing disappointment. He was beginning to wonder if there would ever be a right time to tell her, maybe he should try to let it go.
"You have nothing to worry about," he assured her. He covered his tortured heart with his best smirk. He leant in and tweaked her nose playfully. "I mean, what's a hot dance between friends, right? It would take a lot more than that to get rid of me."
Relief made her face sag, and her eyes shone with tears. She stepped forward and buried her face into his chest, and of course, he wrapped her up tight, his hand gently smoothing her hair.
He would always be there to hold her when she needed him.
Instead of waking up from terrible nightmares, she was now plagued by hot, breathless dreams of Sebastian biting her neck like some kind of erotic vampire. She made a mental note to stop reading gothic fiction.
Although, stopping the gothic fiction wasn't going to stop her getting hot and flustered over Sebastian apparently. She found herself staring at his mouth more often now, and even worse, she would catch herself eyeing his trouser area, remembering the feel of him, hot and hard against her body.
One afternoon, she found herself alone with him in the Undercroft. They were quietly studying, quills scratching away on parchment. She paused to watch him, admiring the way his hair fell across his forehead. He sighed, brows drawing together, lips pursed as he read his text book. Now she knew what those lips felt like on her skin, but how would they feel on her mouth? He pushed his hair back with long fingers, the strands falling softly against each other, the firelight glinting on the streaks of gold lightened by the sun.
What was going to happen when they graduated? What if she hardly ever saw him again? It was a sobering thought.
"What are you staring at? Do I have the remains of lunch around my mouth or something?"
His eyes swung towards her, his smirk delicious. She bit back her smile, and failed. "Sorry, I was just thinking."
His gaze turned curious. "About?"
She took a steadying breath. "About what happens when we leave here," she said. "After graduation. I have no idea what I am going to do. I mean, I've finally found a place where I feel I belong, and all too soon I will have to leave it."
Sebastian put down his quill and leant towards her. "Have you any thoughts on where you want to go?"
She shrugged. "Not really," she admitted. "I don't really have anywhere to go. I suppose I could try and get my old job back at the cafe, stay there until I decide what I want. What about you?"
He frowned, thinking. Her heart clenched a little. For some reason, it was important for her to know what he was going to do. It was almost like panic, what seized her, fear of him slipping out of her reach.
"Well," he said. "I did think about applying for the Auror program, however I'm not so sure now. I'm a fair hand at research, I know my way around a library, so perhaps something along the lines of that. Either way, I don't want to farm fields for the rest of my life."
"Even though it looks good on you?" She smiled.
He chuckled. "Want a closer inspection?"
MC had to clench her thighs at the naughty gleam in his eye. "This conversation is becoming rather improper, Mr Sallow." She spoke primly but he wasn't buying any of it.
"You started it," he grinned.
She sighed, rolling her eyes, and flipped the page over in her book, but she wasn't really paying much attention to it. Her smiled slipped a little and she fixed her gaze on him. "Whatever we do after graduation, I do know that I will miss this," she said. She indicated the two of them sitting together. "I will miss being able to do stuff like this with you everyday."
He reached across the table and put his hand over hers. She resisted the urge to twist her palm up and clasp it properly. "Don't think you'll be getting rid of me that easily," he said. "You won't be the only one missing this time we have together. I'm not going to just walk away and leave you behind."
"You promise?"
"I promise." His warm, brown eyes were earnest, his expression soft as he looked at her. He brushed his hand lightly over hers and a riot of goosebumps spread up her arm.
"Careful, I might hold you to that," she said.
"I wouldn't expect anything less."
As the term moved along, MC threw herself into her schoolwork to distract herself from Sebastian, and soon the weeks slipped by and Christmas was upon them. She had kept her head down and worked hard, no booze, no boys. She was feeling more in control than she had in a long while. Perhaps they could have a nice, normal Christmas. Their last here at Hogwarts.
After a gift shopping trip in Hogsmeade, MC sat in the Three Broomsticks with Poppy and Natty. She took a long sip of her butterbeer and smiled at her friends. "Did you get all your gifts?"
Natty gave Poppy a nudge. "Poppy even got one for Leander," she grinned.
Poppy flushed. "It's just a little thank you for all the help he has given me at the beast pens," she said.
"And the rest," Natty giggled.
"Oh, what's this? What have I missed?" MC asked, sitting up straighter.
Poppy squirmed a little, but a little grin won out on her mouth. "We may have had a little kiss."
MC gaped. "Poppy! You go girl. Was it nice?"
"It was...wet?" Poppy screwed her nose up a little. "Not much like how you read it in a romance novel to be honest."
MC snorted into her butterbeer, coughing a little as she choked back a giggle. "Give it another go, practise makes perfect. If not with Leander, then perhaps someone else."
Poppy's face lit up with curiosity. "Yes, this is what I need. Got any other tips? What's it like when things start moving under the clothes?"
MC gasped. Her cheeks blushing a little. "What makes you think I know about that?"
Poppy hesitated, blushing herself. "Oh, sorry. I thought...well, you are a bit more experienced at these things."
Natty grabbed up her butterbeer, interested eyes flicking between her two buddies.
"Kissing perhaps," MC admitted. "But I've never, you know..." She dropped her voice to a whisper. "I've never taken a boy to bed."
Natty looked surprised. "Not even Sebastian?"
MC swallowed and twisted her drink on the table top. "Not even him."
Both Poppy and Natty sighed in disappointment at the same time. MC looked at them both, a furrow on her brow. "What?"
Poppy squeezed her hands into little fists and thumped them down on the table as she said. "But, you love him, right? You must do!"
"He...he's my best friend!" MC spluttered. Shock made her mouth drop. Where had that come from?
Natty reached out and put her hand over MC's. "It's alright, MC," she said. "You can tell us. But, it is fairly obvious. The way you two look at each other, everyone wants someone to look at them that way. I think it's all rather lovely."
MC stared at them both. Her heart sped up a bit. "What do you mean, how do we look at each other?"
"Infatuation," Poppy said firmly. "That's the word I would use. And, as for the Halloween party..."
MC held her hand up. "Nope, don't even go there. This is getting a bit out of hand now."
"Why, did we hit too close to home?" Natty smirked.
MC snatched up her drink, her whole body burning at what they were suggesting. It was nonsense. It was wishful thinking. It was waking up everything she had buried away, deeply away, over the last few weeks. She drank down some more of her drink, her blood flowing fast and hot.
Infatuation. She took a shaky breath. And she didn't miss the little knowing smirk shared between the other two girls. Dare she believe it?
Most of the school had gone home for the Christmas holidays, but a few of the 7th year students elected to stay and make the most of the school in their last year.
Sebastian finished wrapping the Christmas gift he had bought for MC. He fiddled with the bow, knowing that he had spent far too much money, and he hoped he hadn't gone too over the top.
His guilt over what had happened at Halloween still clung to him. Her neck had been a masterpiece displaying the loss of his self control. He wouldn't have blamed her if she had blanked him after what he had done. But she hadn't.
She hadn't come back for more either.
His restraint around her was now on a tight leash. He was nothing but a gentleman, aside from a little playful flirting, but then they had always done that.
Seeing her being mocked like that in the Great Hall had cut him deep. He had pounded Leander for the little bitch he was at duelling practise for that.
He was also glad to notice that she didn't seem to have a boy hanging around her anymore. He had been sick of listening to the gutter talk in the Quidditch changing rooms. She had a taste for Quidditch players it would seem. It made him feel sick, and the Undercroft had taken some real punishment in the effort to ease his jealous fury.
However, things had been quiet lately. Ominis had dropped a few hints about confessing how he really felt, but he brushed him off. She had been so scared of ruining their friendship after Halloween, and he didn't want to do that either. So, he kept his mouth shut. All he wanted was for her to be happy. It was what she deserved.
Once wrapped, he hid the gift in his trunk, ready for when he could give it to her on Christmas day. Then, he went to the common room in search of Ominis.
"Where is everyone?" He asked.
"MC said that she was meeting Poppy and a few others in the Clock Tower," Ominis said. "Did you want to go along?"
"Sure, why not? I'm feeling sociable."
MC was on her third glass of mulled wine, her cheeks rosy, and eyes bright as she sat and chatted with her friends. Snow was falling gently outside, but the frigid Highland air was being kept out by a rather impressive warming charm.
There was a large Christmas tree in the corner decorated in the latest Victorian fashion. MC was starting to feel rather in the spirit of the season and was glad she had opted to stay at the castle.
As the evening wore on, the lads brought the firewhiskey flasks out. MC declined, sticking with the mulled wine that Garreth's mum had given him the recipe for. It was actually rather good.
She found herself sitting in a circle of her friends, chatting and telling jokes. Sebastian, Ominis, Poppy, Natty, Everett, Garreth, Leander, Imelda and Amit. They were trying to come up with a game to play, something for the adults, as Imelda cheekily put it.
"Truth or dare?" Garreth suggested.
"Hmm, that could turn dangerous very quickly," Ominis said.
"That's half the fun," Sebastian chuckled.
"It's got to be something at least a little risky," Imelda said. "Come on, are you winners or are you wimps?"
"It's not bloody Quidditch," Leander grumbled. He shot the girls a sly grin. He tugged his wand out of his pocket and gave it a rather skilled twirl. "How about a game of Spin the Wand?"
There was a jumble of groans and giggles around the circle, the boys looking a lot more keen than the girls, although Poppy was flushing a lovely shade of pink.
MC flicked her gaze towards Sebastian, he caught her eye and smirked. She licked her lips. This could prove more dangerous than truth or dare. She looked at Ominis, waiting for him to shoot this game down too, but he didn't. If anything, he looked curious.
"Okay, let's do this," Leander said. "We all take turns spinning our wand in the centre of the circle, whomever the wand points to, you have to kiss them under the mistletoe. Who's in?"
Everyone glanced around the circle, and nobody was backing out. MC felt her heart begin to thump a little faster.
"What kind of kiss?" Amit asked, timidly.
"At least a minute," Imelda said promptly. "No quick pecks, and it has to be on the mouth."
They all nodded, expectation thick in the air. Natty lifted her wand and charmed a little sand timer to time the kisses, and Poppy charmed a large bunch of mistletoe for them to kiss under, throwing MC a little smirk as she did so.
"I'll go first seeing as I suggested it," Leander said. He leaned in to spin his wand.
"Can't wait to get a snog more like," Garreth sniggered.
Leander grinned and spun his wand. Everyone watched it, spinning round and round, finally slowing to a stop. It was pointing at Imelda. Leander looked a little bit scared and MC covered her mouth with her hand, smothering a chuckle.
"Come on then, Prewett," Imelda said. She got to her feet and moved under the mistletoe. "Pucker up, bitch."
Everyone laughed as Leander moved to join her. He didn't quite know what to do with his hands, all flustered and awkward. Imelda sighed and grabbed his face with both hands, planting her mouth firmly against his.
Poppy gasped, her face falling a little as she watched them. Again, MC debated the risk this game posed. Garreth pumped his fist in the air as Natty flipped the timer. MC watched them kiss, a steady flood of colour darkening Leander's face.
Wow, a minute felt like a long time.
MC glanced around the circle wondering what it would be like to kiss any of them for a minute. Sebastian was obviously the one that made her heart pound, but then, she didn't want to kiss him for the first time in front of everyone. She trusted Ominis, and Poppy, and figured they would feel safe. As for the others, she felt a bit nervous.
The minute was up. Imelda broke away, cool and unflustered as she retook her spot in the circle. Leander was blushing madly, a stupid grin on his face. He gave Garreth a nudge as he sat down next to him. "Go on then, mate. Your turn."
Garreth clapped his hands together, rubbing them as though warming them up, before taking out his wand. He leant forward to spin it.
"No cheating," Everett warned. "We know who you want it to land on."
Leander chuckled, his eyes darting towards Poppy. She didn't notice, she was too busy watching Garreth, her own wand already out and ready for her turn.
Garreth's wand spun quickly, the wood grating against the stone floor. It slowed and stopped and MC felt her cheeks bloom with warmth. It was pointing at her. Her gaze lifted to Garreth and he too was blushing a deep red.
Leander gave a delighted laugh and slapped Garreth on the shoulder. "Fucking hell, Garreth! Nice catch!"
Everett leant in towards Amit. "I knew he would cheat. So obvious."
Everyone looked at MC and she managed a smile. Her gaze flicked towards Sebastian and she was surprised to see his expression tight, his jaw working against the clench of his teeth. He did not look happy. Butterflies erupted in her stomach, more about Sebastian's reaction than the thought of having to kiss Garreth.
She stood and moved towards the mistletoe. She took a steadying breath. It was just a kiss. She had kissed a boy before. Nothing to it.
Garreth came up towards her. He was taller than she expected up close, and his eyes were actually a very pretty green. He gave her an awkward smile. "I apologise in advance if this is rubbish," he said.
She felt her nerves slip away at those words. She noted the eager faces of Leander and Everett, poised and ready to make a joke out of this. She knew how it felt to suffer that kind of mockery. She felt a pang of empathy for Garreth and decided to make this easy for him.
She leant in towards him. "Don't worry, just follow my lead," she whispered.
Fully aware that Sebastian was watching this, she reached out to grab the front of Garreth's jumper, tugging him closer. He gave a little squeak of surprise and she smiled before going up on tiptoes to press her mouth against his.
His lips were warm, soft, and he tasted of firewhiskey and chocolate fudge. She could feel his nerves, but he was gentle, taking care not to take advantage. She deepened the kiss, the sand slipping through the timer as she swirled her tongue against his. He gasped softly, his hand moving to press against the small of her back. Her hand moved up to cup his face. He was good, very good.
If she had been looking down at her circle of friends, she would have seen the gaping mouths of Poppy and Natty, the look of surprised wonder on Leander's. She would have also seen the curious tilt of Ominis' head, and the quiet, dark fury on Sebastian's face. Poppy glanced at Sebastian, saw his expression, and gave Natty a quick nudge. She nodded for Natty to look, and when Natty saw, she looked at Poppy, biting her bottom lip in knowing concern.
The sand ran out, Garreth and MC continued to kiss, oblivious that their time was up. Natty noticed. "Erm, times up guys," she said.
Everyone glanced around the circle at her words, and then looked back at Garreth and MC as they continued to kiss. In an instant, Sebastian was on his feet. He grabbed Garreth's sleeve. "Hey, she said the time's up," he bit out. "That means stop."
Garreth jumped, released MC, and she quickly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She met Sebastian's gaze and flushed under the intensity of his glare. However, she had not forgotten about Garreth's own nerves and she reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. He looked at her uncertain, and she smiled. "That was nice. Thank you."
Garreth looked dazed, flushed, and then he grinned widely. When he went to sit down, Leander clapped him on the back again. "Nice one, mate. Not going to lie, I'm a little jealous."
Imelda threw him a scowl at that comment.
MC's heart lurched for Poppy, and caught her little frown of disappointment. Prewett could be a real arse sometimes, his mouth moved before his brain could kick in. His words were starting to slur together a little, clearly he'd had a few too many gulps of firewhiskey.
Sebastian took hold of MC's arm and led her back to the circle, clearly wanting her to sit with him. She felt tense, poised, as though this was about to go very wrong. Sebastian was coiled tight like a spring, just waiting to be released.
Leander clapped his hands. "Right then, who's up next?" He gave MC a little smirk. "You never know, maybe you can tick another lad off your kiss list, MC."
Gasps sounded around the circle. Poppy looked furious. "Leander!" She cried.
Sebastian was instantly on his feet, wand out, aiming it right at Leander's face. "Watch your mouth, Prewett," he snarled.
Leander scrambled up onto his own feet, wand out. "What's the matter, Sallow, did I hit a nerve?"
MC leapt up next and grabbed Sebastian's arm, she knew that look on his face. "Leave it," she hissed.
Everyone was on their feet now, not wanting to get caught in any cross fire.
"You need to learn some bloody respect," Sebastian growled.
"It was only a joke," Leander said. He gave MC a sheepish look. "I didn't mean anything by it. And it wasn't exactly a lie. MC has kissed a few of the lads."
"And you're just jealous because you weren't one of them," Everett chuckled. "Come on, Leander. She isn't going to want to kiss you after this. I reckon the game is over, sadly."
"Oh, the game is definitely over," Sebastian snapped.
"At least I can admit it though," Leander said. "I'd kiss her, of course I would. Unlike you, Sallow. You've been giving her the eye since 5th year but you're too much of a pussy to do anything about it. I thought you'd finally cracked it at Halloween, but it would seem not. What's the matter, did she knock you back?"
Silence. The only sound was the soft swish of the pendulum above their heads.
MC could see the stunned faces of her friends, the softly falling snow through the doorway, the flicker of candles and festive baubles. It was so still though, as if the room was holding its breath.
She took every detail in, but most of all, she was keenly concentrating on Sebastian. Her own shocked heart thudding madly against her ribs. This was the second time this week that someone had pointed out that there was something between her and Sebastian. She stared at him, but he couldn't even look her way.
Sebastian was shaking with his fury, and MC knew all of his tells, he was about to cast the first strike. She leapt forward, knocking his wand arm sideways, just as a spell shot from the tip.
Two things happened at once. The Christmas tree exploded, shiny trinkets and sparks flying in all directions as Sebastian's spell hit it. The second thing was Leander, flying backwards, hitting the floor with a thud before sliding to a stop against the black metal fence.
Everyone had jumped backwards, shouting and calling out. MC spun, confused. How had the tree and Leander both been hit?
The answer was Poppy. She was standing just behind MC, her wand pointed towards Leander, her face set in ferocious determination.
"Poppy!" MC gasped.
Poppy scowled and lowered her wand. "He deserved it." It was scary how calm she sounded.
"Could someone please tell me what in Merlin's name is going on?" Ominis demanded.
MC looked to Sebastian, his face was flushed, his eyes flashing with fury. He locked gazes with her, his eyes softened a little, but he was wound up so tight, his chest heaving with his breaths.
She took a step towards him, hand outstretched. "Seb..."
"I can't do this," he muttered.
She frowned in confusion. "Do what?"
He shook his head. "I'm sorry."
He turned and ran for the courtyard. MC stared after him for a moment, stunned. "No, wait!"
"Where's he going?" Poppy asked.
MC didn't know, but she was going to find out. She took off after him, her heart in her mouth. They had to talk. There was too much up in the air now, a swirl of emotions tumbled in her gut, and she needed some answers.
She could hear her name being shouted, but she ignored them, sprinting after Sebastian as he disappeared onto the covered bridge. His feet thundered across the wood, hers desperately chasing after him.
"Sebastian, wait, please." She panted. He was too fast, she would never catch him.
She pulled out her wand and flicked it towards his back. "Arresto Momentum!"
He slowed right down and she ran past him, spinning to a stop so she stood facing him. She gripped the front of his woolen jumper before releasing the spell. He staggered right into her, the pair of them stumbling chaotically into the barrier fence of the bridge.
She yelped as he crushed her, but she refused to let go of him, not wanting him to start running again.
"What the fuck?" He yelled. He gripped her wrist where she held him, straightening. "Let go."
They had fought before, many times, she wasn't afraid to bite back.
"You don't get to run away from me like that," she growled. "We need to talk."
"Okay, let's talk," he bit out. He thrust his face up close to hers. "Enjoyed kissing Weasley, did you? Didn't even hear the timer had run out."
She gasped and then scowled. "I didn't chase you down to talk about Garreth."
He pulled a sickening face and mimicked what she had said. "Oh, thank you, Garreth, that was nice!" Then his face twisted into something feral. "Beautiful bit of feedback. I bet you made his fucking night."
"It was just a game!" She protested.
"What about Halloween, MC? Huh? How did that feel? Was that nice, too? Or did I not live up to your standards? Maybe that was just a game too."
She gulped. His face was so close, his eyes blazing, the fury seeping from him in waves. Her waist was crushed up against the wooden railing behind her and the wind whipped freezing flakes through her flying hair.
"Seb..." She said, breathing so hard it hurt her lungs.
His fingers gripped her shoulders, shaking her a little. "Well? Tell me the truth. How did I make you feel?"
He looked desperate, wild. If she was honest, his intensity did scare her a little, and yet her body was firing up, heat exploding through her veins at the way he was pressed up against her. The memory of Halloween night made her lick her lips, and his gaze dropped to her mouth, his expression morphing into something darkly ravenous.
"You're..you're jealous," she gasped.
His hand gripped her face, his freezing fingers almost soothing against the burn of her cheeks. He dragged the pad of his thumb downwards over her lips, parting them. "You have no fucking idea," he groaned.
He trailed his thumb back along her lower lip, his eyes following the movement. "Watching him kiss you like that..." His own mouth moved lower, dipping towards hers. "I wanted to kill him, blast him right out of your arms."
Her fingers tightened their grip on his jumper, her heart felt like it was going to hammer its way right through her rib cage, and her mouth was tingling with anticipation at the thought that he was about to kiss her.
"You still haven't answered my question," he asked. His eyes lifted to hers. "How do I make you feel?"
She swallowed, the movement making her lips brush against his thumb. She whimpered a little. "Like...like my skin is going to burst into flame if you touch it," she admitted.
He slid his hand from her face, fingers trailing over her jaw and down to the column of her throat. "Like this?"
She sucked in a sharp breath, her throat working as he teased delicate finger tips up towards her ear. Her hips fidgeted against him. "Seb..."
His face moved even closer, the tip of his nose brushing against hers, his breath hot on her cold skin. She could smell the firewhiskey, the scent of his skin, her lips were hungry for a taste. Impatient, she moved to kiss him, but he pulled back from her a little, his lips twisting into a satisfied smirk.
"Hmm, you really want me to kiss you, don't you?"
"Isn't that what you want, too?"
"Aren't you scared about what that might mean? If we cross that line, MC, could we ever step back over it?"
"Since when have you ever paused before rushing in to something?"
He pulled back a little, the cold air rushing in to replace the warmth of his breath on her face. His face was conflicted. "I can't lose you," he whispered.
MC was done going over the same thing in her head and in her heart. He was going to send her crazy if they kept going round and round in circles like this. One of them had to take that leap, dive into the unknown and hope to Merlin that it wasn't an empty cloud, and they wouldn't tumble down to a nasty end.
She reached up to touch his face, finger tips trailing across his eyebrow and down to sweep across his cheekbone. How many times had she looked on this handsome face? She knew every line, every dip and curve. She knew his smile, his sadness, his fury, his determination and his pain. Just now, she had caught a glimpse of his desire in the way he had looked at her mouth. It made her tremble, ache sharply in places that needed a release she was sure only he could ease. She traced his freckles, sliding down to his lips. They were soft, inviting.
"You're not going to lose me," she promised.
He stared at her, eyes darkening, his head lowering down towards her again. He hesitated, a mere breath away from her lips, but she was done waiting. She pressed her mouth to his, lips tasting lips, a soft teasing taste.
They both paused and smiled. His body seemed to relax, moulding softly against her, like he was letting go of something that had held him in a tight grip.
His next kiss was firmer, hungrier, his hands holding her in a desperate grip. He moaned, deeply, his mouth parting and MC didn't hesitate. She claimed his mouth, so much pent up hunger pouring out of her as their tongues slid together. She moaned into his mouth, reaching up to grab his hair. She didn't think she would ever be able to stop. She had waited so long for this, finally, finally, she was getting what she really wanted.
She had taken the leap, dived head first into this with him, and he seemed to be right in it with her. If she fell, then she fell, as long as he was holding her like this, she reckoned she could take the hit.
To be continued... Part 3
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tangyangie · 1 year
Hii I saw u write a karma x reader with a entp gf.. and it was veryy good :)) i even followed u lol
i was wondering if u could write a reader x karma with a isfp gf.. she's very sweet, kind, artistic and likes taking care of others.. she's extremely insecure and hates that she's too shy and allergic to the word no 😂 lol...
She has been feeling a bit insecure about herself and hates herself because of her failures in communicating with others 😭 soo can u write general headcanons and also him comforting her
I'd really appreciate it if you will write this... it's ok if u don't wanna thoo
Thanks :D
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blank canvas, blank mind
description. karma x isfp!girlfriend
genre. fluff / comfort
notes: i couldn't tell by what you wrote if you only wanted headcanons or if you wanted a scenario too.. so i did the scenario!! i hope you enjoy <3
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— h e a d c a n o n s —
— he likes to take care of you. you relax on the couch as he throws numerous blankets on top of you as he tells you how much he loves you.
— he gives you things. whether that's paintbrushes, pencils, or plushies, you have an overflowing supply of these items. you're running out of places to put things.
— he's always with you. he simply doesn't want you being taken advantage of. he knows how much you hate saying no to people (even if your life is basically in jeopardy), so he's saying it so you don't have to!!
— he constantly compliments you. if you're insecure about your body, personality, interests, those worries will be fine in literally no time at all. he's great at distracting you from what makes you anxious.
— he's always watching you. not in a creepy way!! you just fascinate him. he could stare at you for hours and never get bored. you're just so pretty with your movements, especially when you're letting your creativity shine through.
— he gives you people lessons. he knows you're not great with interactions. he knows your troubles with communications with—well, anyone. so, the most illogical thing to do is help. so, he's constantly trying his best to help you in this kind of thing.
— s c e n a r i o —
you're staring at the wall.
about anything—and everything.
thoughts keep filling your mind about your earlier occurrences. the things you said, if you made any weird faces, if you did anything at all that might tell someone you're doing something wrong.
"y/n? are you listening?" a certain redhead asks, brushing his hair away from his eyes so he can look at you properly.
"huh?" you spin, your eyes obviously puffy and tearing up. "yeah, sorry. what's up?"
"hey.. are you okay? did something happen? do you need me to shove wasabi up someone's nose? some habanero peppers, perhaps?"
you give a little chuckle and shake your head. "not today, karma."
"well, then.. what's wrong? you're acting unusual." he says with worry in his voice, carefully jumping backwards onto the bed to sit next to you.
"i was just.. thinking." you sigh, swinging your leg back and forth.
"...about?" karma asks, raising an eyebrow.
"it's just—uhm..." you begin, not knowing how to get the words out.
"i know i act weird around other people. but.. is there something i do without knowing that might make someone dislike me?" you blurt, still a little unsatisfied with the execution of the sentence.
"woah, where's this coming from?" he says, getting off the bed to place a hand on your shoulder. "what's going on?"
"i.. i just always feel like i've done something wrong. after i hang out with my friends, i can't shake the feeling that they'd start talking about me because of something i did." you spill, closing your eyes and resting your forehead in your palm.
"...i'm really sorry. but, i don't think you've done anything wrong, y/n. you're the kindest soul i've ever met and you're the reason i'm not in jail right now." he says, dead serious.
"still.. i just wish i could communicate with them better. i never know what to say to them when i want to talk." you say, looking back up at karma.
"i just wish there was something i could do about it." you say, concluding your point. you felt helpless.
"hey, it's okay. you can always work up to speaking with them directly. just stay out of your own head. you're amazing, y/n. there's absolutely nothing wrong with you or what you can do." he smiles at you, hoping to encourage you at least a little bit.
you wipe the back of your hand on your face, trying to get rid of the tears that had been spiraling out. "are you sure that they'll react well?" you sniff.
"y/n, there's nothing i can do to guarantee that. but, i do blue that they're not worthy of being your friends if they react badly to you wanting to talk to them." he says calmly, caressing your face with his thumb.
"just keep in mind, i'll be with you every step of the way. you've got this. and i'll have wasabi in my hands."
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notes: i really searched my mind for this 😭😭 it was fun to write though!!
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Part 9: The Best Thing That Ever Happened - Matty Healy Series
A/n: omg it's officially the end...
Of the first half of the series, sorry that was mean I know... This series is not over yet my loves don't you worry! I will be taking a short break after posting this chapter, during this time I will be working on my Ross Macdonald series and working on some blurbs, if you have any ideas please send them over to me :) I've got a few blurbs lined up to do with this series so if you want to see more of Lou and Matty let me know any ideas you have. I love you all - L
Warnings: probably spelling mistakes. Little hint of smut
Series Masterlist
Part 8
They were all feeling a little sad that it was the end of the first leg. They knew it wouldn't be too long until they'd see each other again, but they had all been having the best time with each other.
George was being extra cuddly today, holding Lou to his side at any opportunity he got, only letting her go when Ross or Adam wanted a turn. It was a wordless understanding between the whole band: Matty and Lou would still be together after the tour but everyone else would be without her. It was simple to say they had gotten used to having her there, they had become slightly dependent on her and knowing they'd soon be without her (for a short period of time) disheartened them.
"Going to miss you" George says before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. They had two more shows before they had to say goodbye.
Everyone was slightly hungover from the previous night out (save from Matty and Lou who hadn't drunk much).
"Me too G... Me too" she says before pulling him into her hold. They heard a mumble from behind them.
"Can I get in on that?" Ross' voice was about an octave lower than usual, tired and hungover himself.
They wordlessly opened their arms to the tall man. They stay like that for a while and somewhere, somehow, Adam squeezes his way in. Lou feels herself tearing up, being held by her boys. Matty walks in on the four of them, his heart swelling upon seeing them. He quickly snaps a picture, he knew this would be imprinted on his memory forever but somehow that wasn't enough, he needed evidence.
He thinks about joining them, but decides not too, leaving the room quietly, leaving them to have their own moment.
Mia, Rose and Cami come in some time after Matty leave, all three of them very hungover. Mia finds her sister on the sofa, clinging to her.
"I know you'll be coming back home soon, but I've really missed you" she says and Lou finds herself gripping her tightly.
"I've missed you too. Didn't quite realise how much until you were all here" Mia just hugs her at that, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Their hands find each other and they don't let go.
"So... Ross?" Lou can't help herself but ask and Mia chuckles before blushing.
"Nothing happened" she whispers, not wanting anyone to over hear "he was very respectful, we just danced... It was nice, I like him" she says and it makes Lou smile. She doesn't press any further than that.
"Can I have her back now?" George asks with a pout, standing above them. He looked like a child, hands fumbling against each other and a sad pout rested against his lips.
"You've had her all this time, let me have her a bit" Mia says and Lou chuckles. She shakes her head, patting the spot next to her, letting George know he can sit.
Lou holds both of them, her eyes find Matty's across the room who smiles across at her. She knew she'd miss everyone so much, but was so excited to spend time alone with the man.
"I love you" he mouths and she feels herself blush mouthing the same words back.
Lou lays at Matty's side, the curly haired man dozing lightly but she was wide awake next to him, gently playing with his hair, dotting kisses around his face and mouth making him hum.
"God you're the best thing that has ever happened to me" she speaks, her voice barely a whisper but it wakes him. A huge grin spreading across his face, he pulls her body into his, squeezing her tightly, figuring it's the only way he can describe how he's feeling right now.
"I really love you" is all he can say, but it's enough. Her lips find his, their kiss is slow, a sleepy lazy, one but filled with passion and love nonetheless.
"Think we should do a robbers kiss..." Matty suggests, lips still pressed against hers. She hums against him, pulling him closer by his shoulders until he's hovering over her. She ignores his words for a few minutes, getting carried away by the feeling of him presses heavily where he tested in between her thighs and the way he's mouth moved like second nature against hers.
"Everyone's been asking for it" he says, not allowing himself to get quite as distracted as her until he's groaning as her hand wraps around his member, threading the head of him through her core, making the both of them groan.
"You just want an excuse to kiss me in front of thousands of people" she says, moaning when he pushes into her.
"Absolutely" he says, making her chuckle, the sound quickly being replaced by a moan.
"Okay" she agrees, mouth meeting his in a mess of teeth and tongue.
Despite how many times this happened, they would never get used to it, surprised every time with how passionate it was, how intense and freeing it was.
Matty knew her body like the back of hand at this point, she was his and he loved it.
He swore he'd spend every waking moment worshiping her if it was possible, but for now he'd settle on being buried in her, intent on making her see stars, aware of how much he loved her.
"You feel so good love" he moans, head snapping backwards as his hips moved forward.
Matty is standing below the stage as Lou leans down from her place on the stage, their lips press together as they laugh, George snaps a picture from behind them.
"That's not how you're going to do it right?" He asks and all three of them laugh, Lou jumps down from the stage to meet them and each of them wrap an arm around her.
"Na just practicing" Lou says and George rolls his eyes.
"As if you need to practice" he says and Matty and Lou share a look before they're all laughing.
"People are going to go crazy you know that right?" George asks, a clear smirk resting on his face. The trio share a knowing look, knowing that this kiss would cause mayhem in the area later that day. Lou smiles, eyes flicking between two of her favorite men.
"come here" she says, pulling both of them towards her and sharing a hug with the both of them.
"I fucking love you guys" she says, smiling widely as she's smushed between them. They were her home.
She felt nervous when 'Robbers' started playing, she knew the crowd would go mental when they finally shared their kiss. Matty keeps looking at her, making her smile widely. At one point he nods at her, checking she still wanted to go through with it, she of course nods back and then he's walking towards her.
He stops singing, the boys filling in the vocals whilst he places one hand on the top of her head, smoothing a hand down the back of her hair. The crowd instantly screams, knowing what's coming.
"There's no one like you" he says before he's leaning down, she reaches up and their lips meet, the crowds screams somehow get louder and they smile against each other's mouths. He pulls away and continues singing although his voice is nearly drowned out by the crowd making Lou laugh loudly.
The band finish the song and Matty speaks.
"Jesus that was wild, didn't expect that" he says and everyone laughs. Matty and Lou share a look, both smiling widely at each other. She sighs a truly content sigh as her eyes wonder over his features. She knew she'd never truly be able to describe how she felt for the man, she knew however she described it, wouldn't suffice. But looking at him in that moment, she knew that no one had ever loved another as deeply as she loved him. She knew that no matter where she was, what she was doing, she'd choose him; always.
"My beautiful, amazing, talented girlfriend Lou everyone" Matty says as he walks back over to her, wrapping her up in a tight hug, making the audience coo.
"I love you sweetheart, you my everything" he murmurs into her hair as he pressed a kiss there.
They all sit together, only getting up when Jamie informs them that it's time to go to the airport. They all bundle into the cars, silently sitting whilst it moves to their location.
They all seemed to be at a loss for words, no words shared the whole journey, not even as they walked through the airport. Eventually they all halted in the middle of it, looking around at everyone for a second as if they didn't want to start saying their goodbyes.
But, as if someone had flicked a switch in their brains, everyone was saying goodbye to each other.
John was the first she went too, giving him a tight hug "look after yourself Waughy, you absolute legend. Thank you for everything" he grants her a peck to her cheek with a "you're the legend" and a "make sure he looks after you" before she's moving onto the next person.
Jamie pulls her tightly to him, nearly taking her off the ground as he does, "don't be a stranger" he says simply. "Never" she utters back "let me know when you're doing your solo tour yeah?" She jokes, because that man had pipes and it was only time.
Polly is next and the two girls all but cry into each other "fuck Matty, go on holiday with me" she jokes and the two kiss, just a friendly peck "I love you seriously... I'll miss you Pol" Lou says. She hugs Gabi tightly next with a "goodbye cool kid".
Carly is next and Lou sighs deeply as their arms wrap around each other, the hug they share is one of two people who had become best friends, two people who found each other and immediately clicked. Lou knew she'd miss worrying about her and the baby (however unnecessary)
"Look after that bubba for me" Lou says and Carly starts crying in her arms.
"It's a boy" she whispers and Lou gasps as she pulls back, eyes finding Carly's to make sure she's serious.
"He's going to be the most loved little man ever. I'll miss you both" she says and Carly nods, not able to say anything else, hugging once more before she moves to the next people.
Cami and Rose say goodbye at the same time, a group hug with little words shared, it wasn't needed. "See ya when you're back. Have the best time. We'll miss you' is all they say before they push her along, the way they saw it, she had more important people to be saying goodbye too, they were selfless like that.
Adam was next, having just been wrapped up in a hug from Ross.
"Hann" she says as he hugs her tightly "thank you for everything mate. I'll miss you" the whole thing was a bit ridiculous, it wouldn't be long until they were with each other, but every single one of them was distraught that they'd be without each other: they were each other's home.
"I love you" he says simply, a rare occurrence for the man and she smiles into him before she's leaving his arms. She moves to the next person, heart sinking when she sees the bearded man, someone she'd miss dearly, probably more than the others, as harsh as it was to say.
"Don't you dare" he points at her, knowing if she'd cry he would too "it's not going too be long rockstar" she goes to speak but he shuts her up with a tight hug.
"Don't miss me too much MacDonald" he laughs at that. He squeezes her and they share a long hug before he's ushering her onto the person next to him.
The next person she didn't need to say goodbye too, that's how her and Mia worked. They both knew if they said goodbye they wouldn't leave so they simply didn't, just blowing each other a kiss before she moved along the line of people, arriving at her best friend.
"Fuck man" George says, his hand running across his buzz cut, lifting his glasses "I don't think I can do this" he says and he sighs, all the air seemingly leaving his body.
"Don't be silly you big baby, come here" his in her arms then, picking her up from the ground making her laugh.
"I'll miss ya pumpkin" his words have tears springing to her eyes, threatening to fall
"It won't be long at all" and that was the truth, it wasn't literally two weeks but after spending a whole leg of a tour together, it was going to be hard. She knew she was trying to convince herself of her words as much as she was trying to convince George.
"Okay leave. Before I make you come home with me" he says and she laughs, pulling back to look at him.
"Have the best time okay?" George says and she nods, the tears that were threatening to fall, coating her cheeks now. George simply runs his fingers along her cheek, wiping them away and smiling down at her, booping her nose to make her giggle. She nods up at him, hugging one last time before she leaves him.
She finally arrives at Jamie who gives her a quick hug before going into manager mode "okay so you've got everything you need yes? Not going to call me from wherever he's taking you telling me your missing an organ or something?" He says making Lou laugh loudly, pulling him back into a hug.
"yes Jamie"
"Okay... Good. Have a good time" he says before pointing at Matty "you. Behave. Text me. Call me whenever alright? Treat her good" he says seriously, and they hug.
"Can't promise to behave too much" he says making him laugh.
Everyone leaves then, and Matty hooks his arm over Lou's shoulder.
"You okay baby?" He asks, seeing her tear coated cheeks.
She nods "going to miss them is all" she says, and he smiles down at her.
"I know... Me too... But you've got me yeah?" He says, thing to reassure her and the way her heart swells and picks up it's pace shows her that it works.
"Yeah I've got you" she smiles widely, leaning up to place a kiss to his lips.
"Ready love?" He asks, she nods, not knowing where they were going but knowing she'd go to the end of earth of that man.
"To Rome" he says and her face lights up, pulling him into her.
"Rome!" She exclaims excitedly, he laughs, smiling down at her. He can't help but press his mouth to hers.
"I fucking love you"
"I love you too. Let's go to Rome baby!!!" She's all but jumping then. They begin walking, his arm hooked over her shoulders.
"Can't wait to fuck you in Rome" then they're laughing loudly. They didn't know what was in store for them, but they knew they were in love, finally with their person, the person who was meant for them. They were happy. They both knew, after everything they had been through, the hardships in their lives, the heartbreak and disappointment, they were finally where they were supposed to be, with who they were supposed to be with.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 34 here / Series Masterlist
Chapter 35 (Last)
Summary: What's meant for you can never be snatched. What's meant for you will always end up with you.
Warning: A Loving relationship between the main characters
Note : I'm so happy to be able to finish this. Thank you for being here and appreciating the story. LMTLY Loki was a hard cookie to bake but I hope I did him justice. Healing isn't an overnight journey so him and sweet buttons will take one step at a time but someday they'll get there i promise. I'm afraid though that I'd leave the rest of their journey upto your assumption 🥰💚
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"How old was she when you two first met?" He heard the question and his mind drifted towards the adorable six year old you, he remembered that day as clear as yesterday.
"Six..she was six, I was sixteen"
"Does it ever bother you? The age difference?" he gave a small smile in response. It used to bother him alot but he was learning to accept the fate, he was meant to be with you, he belonged to you and your relationship with him wasn't wrong, how could something so pure be wrong? He didn't expect people to understand that once the documentary would air but he didn't really care as long as he had you by his side. Nothing else mattered.
"Nooo..it used to bother me but I'm indifferent towards it now"
"What changed your feelings?"
"The love i think, her love for me saved me time and again. She was willing to lose herself to love me, and her existence has been the greatest blessing in my life. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her so why would I continue to let something as silly as the difference in our ages ruin that for us?"
Your eyes welled up as you heard him, you always sat through each other's segment, today was definitely easier because they were documenting your relationship with him but the past few days had been difficult, it hurt you to hear him talk about the torture and abuse he had been through all his life. His first ever memory was him being beaten up, he didn't even remember why Odin did so, he just remembered the pain he felt when he slept that night.
Once his portion was shot he walked towards you, he had a black suit on and he looked handsomer than ever, so sexy, how come he was so sexy all the time? He placed his fingers on your chin and made you look up to him before he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
You wrapped your arms around his neck so he picked you up by holding onto your waist. He always knew whenever you were feeling overwhelmed, he also knew what he was supposed to do in such a situation. The day they shot the segment where you talked about your mother, he noticed how brave you were when you described every detail you remembered about her, it was cathartic to be able to share it with other people but it still hurt you alot and he was there to ease your ache.
He took you to his dressing room and you didn't waste a second as soon as you two entered, he pressed you against the wall and you slipped the coat down from his shoulder but there was no time to undress him fully, they'd need him again, you didn't want to ruin his clothes.
"I know baby.. I know..I got you okay? Just focus on me"
Oh you were focusing on him, you were always focusing right on him.
He didn't even take your panties off from under your dress, just slid the fabric to the side and you felt his cock filling you up.
"Godd I love you"
"I love youuu" he responded immediately and it made you smile. Moments like this made him fear the future, the look on your face was exquisite, his heart always skipped whenever you got lost in him so deeply and that's what terrified him, he was afraid of losing your affection. Sometimes he truly feared that you'd get tired of his presence in your life and leave him, he was afraid of waking up one morning and you telling him that you didn't love him anymore. His thoughts were silly. He knew that you'd never ditch him like that but he still worried, especially since that night.
The next morning when he woke up after the night where he saw those blue ridges on his skin he couldn't help but wonder if he was finally going insane or was just intoxicated out of his mind. It didn't happen again so it bothered him even more. He wanted to share his troubles with you but he didn't want to scare you, all his life he had berated Odin for being delusional so how come he was turning into the same thing?
"How you're so cold these days?" you giggled as you placed your head against the wall, his shallow thrusts were turning your brain into a mush.
"Does it feel bad?"
"Noo ..just different..good different baby" you cupped his cheeks to kiss him. His body indeed felt cold and Thor had joked once that maybe he wasn't even alive anymore because dead bodies are always cold.
He took a few steps back and laid you down on the couch, you whimpered as his cock slipped out of you, he was definitely going to ruin the pants so he unbuttoned himself and lowered it down, he hurriedly took your panties off before he turned you on your side.
He straddled your right leg while curling your left around his waist, you had never done this position before and now you were wondering why because this felt heavenly.
He kept his hands on your thigh as he thrusted in and out of you, his eyes stayed on yours, the position helped him go as deep as he wanted, with every thrust his mound rubbed against your clit, you were going to cum soon, very soon .
"Keep your eyes on me" he mumbled as your eyes rolled back into your head.
"Dadddyyyy it's tooo much" you whined so he slowed down his thrust.
"Want me to stop?" He chuckled condescendingly, if you really wanted him to stop you'd have told him, he sat down with you one night and discussed everything he could about the safe sex, you both were kinky but he never wanted to harm you even in the slightest, he didn't think he'd ever be able to forgive himself if he was to hurt you during sex.
"Please don't you dare stopppp"
He leaned down to kiss you as softly as he could before he went back to fucking you like an animal in heat. It felt so primal, so natural.
"How does it feel, sweetheart? Knowing that you'd never get to be with another man? That you'd always belong to me in every fucking way" his fingers curled into your hair and he pulled on it slightly to make you look at him.
"So good..i..i love being yours ..I'll always be yours Loki" you somehow managed to form a sentence but he could tell by the way you were squeezing your walls around him that you were going to cum and take him down with it.
Your fingers dug into his shoulders when you came and you could feel his cock throbbing before his cum filled you up, intensifying the sensations even more. You loved your life, you felt bad for anyone who wasn't you in that moment, except loki of course, that man was above everything and everyone.
You stayed in the post orgasmic euphoria and didn't even feel him pulling out or cleaning you up, you only snapped out of your thoughts when he asked you to lift your hips so he could slide your underwear up.
Days passed but he couldn't stop obsessing over him supposedly being a Frost giant. He felt crazy, absolutely lunatic because he kept having dreams about the place he saw when he died, the woman he met who claimed to be his mother, she had told him to believe in himself, she told him that the day he'd start to love himself would be the day he'd be able to channel his true self, his jotun self, the curse had ripped it away from him but deep down he still was the Loki, the son she had birthed, the heir who was destined to be the destroyer of Odin and the king of Jotunheim, he was her son that she had lost because of his father.
He didn't know what all of this was supposed to mean, he wasn't even sure if he had those Dreams because of his obsession or if those dreams were messages from the otherworld. He wanted to dig deeper but he knew he'd only go crazier so he tried to shove those thoughts away.
A few months later when the documentary released you two were dragged into an instant limelight and fame, you were getting movie offers and everyone wanted to work with you. The documentary also opened your relationship to hell lot of judgment, there were all kinds of people in the world, you both got plenty of love but the jealous souls also had a lot to say about your relationship. Some called him a pervert and a groomer while others deemed you as the whore that had trapped a broken man. You both had prepared yourself for such nuisance but it still felt awful to read such hurtful words about him and you knew he felt the same way.
Lately there hasn't been a single night where you weren't invited to a party, you had so many potential offers and he knew that's what you always wanted to do in life so he never stopped you either but you missed being around him. He wasn't able to handle everything alone anymore, he had to hire an assistant and a manager for you.
He was no longer your agent and even though you had agreed to that it just felt awful to not have him around you all the time. He wanted you to be independent, he didn't want to cage you anymore, life felt fragile and he didn't want to be that man anymore who'd keep a girl like you purposefully trapped and dependent on him for all her needs.
"Heyy..was just checking in on you..did you reach?" He asked you on the phone so you hummed in response. You were in New York City shooting for a film, you just had to spend a few days there and he wanted to come but he didn't want to bother you, he knew you won't be able to spend much time with him either ways so he stayed back home "Baby are you okay?" He asked you again as you didn't answer him previously,
"I miss you" you mumbled softly and it made him gulp. He missed you more than anything and he didn't want to be without you but it had to be this way unfortunately
"I miss you baby.. want to facetime?" Your eyes teared up as he said that, you really wanted to see him but you knew it would only make the next few days harder. You weren't sure if you wanted to live this way all your life.
"Nooo i.. it's okay..I'll talk to you later" you hung up the phone and his eyes teared up. You hardly talked to him for the next two weeks, he didn't know what you were thinking because you didn't share it with him. He missed you as much as you missed him but you wanted to fly so high, this was your dream so he didn't want to be that man who'd cut your wings, he didn't want you to despise him.
When you returned back to home you were met with his adorable happy face, he had made dinner and he just wanted to spend the night loving you but you seemed distracted.
"Y/n?" He called out your name as he watched you fiddling with the fork, you had hardly touched your food. He didn't know why he could feel his heart breaking at the thought of you being so detached with him, this was the fear he always had in the back of his mind and it was all coming to the surface. What would he do if he loses you tonight? How would he go on without his precious girl?
"Talk to me please?" You looked at him as his broken voice reached your ears, the look on his face killed you.
"I'm sorry..I just..I have been hurting you right?" Your eyes welled up so he gave you a small smile, he didn't think he'd survive losing your affection, your love was what kept him going, he woke up every morning and he didn't feel dead inside because you loved him and he had someone to live for.
You stood up from your seat but he was frozen in his spot, dreading those few words that would turn his whole world upside down
"I hate this..all of this" he nodded as you said that, when did you start to hate him? What did he do? Why couldn't he love you better than this?
"I'm sorry" he mumbled as he wiped his tears away, you bit on your lips in order to stop yourself from breaking into sobs. You didn't want to hurt him, you promised to never hurt him then why were you hurting him like this?
"I don't know how to do this lo..but I have to.. because I can't take this anymore" you mumbled as you walked towards him, you sat down on your knees in front of him and bent down to peck his knee before you grabbed the purse from the table. What were you doing?
"What are you doing sweetheart?" His brows furrowed in confusion as you took out a small box.
"I ..all my life i have been alone but I always had you to think of, even when I was all alone you were there in my heart and it kept me going.."
"Darling –"
"Please..don't..don't cut me off pleaseeee"
"Sorry" you nodded as he mumbled
"These past few days have sucked because I had you but I didn't have you, I missed your hugs, your kissss and your cuddles and I missed fucking you every night, every day, every freaking second of my life..i missed waking up to your pretty face and I just kept wondering if you did too"
"You know I did..I love you darling" he sniffled so you leaned forward and kissed him briefly.
"It felt like hell, it felt as if I was losing time with you and I don't want to go through this hell ever again because I watched you dying once and life without you made no sense, I can't live like that. Sooo I'm here on my knees with this stupid ring in my hand asking you to marry me and hoping you'd want this as much as I want it Lolo" you somehow managed to get the words out without falling apart and he looked spellbound. You want to marry him? Oh god you want to marry him.
"Okay you're supposed to say something" you chuckled nervously so he went down on his knees too and kissed you as passionately as he could. You had missed him with every cell in your body "Is that a yes?" You mumbled between the kiss and it made him smile
"Ofcourse I'll marry you sweetheart..I'll marry the fucking heaven out of you"
You chuckled at his words before you took out the ring from the box, it was a set you got made for both of you. Thor helped with the size of his ring finger, yours had Loki's name engraved while his ring had your initials on it. The shank of the ring had the sentence "Us for life" engraved and that's what finally made him cry his heart out.
Once the crying stopped he couldn't stop smiling, his fears were sated finally.
"Ummm do you want to use that emergency fund and run away with me?" You asked him and the smile he gave you was enough. You didn't need an answer. This was the life you had prayed for, you wanted to spend your whole life with the man who owned you in every way, you didn't want anything that would ruin your relationship with him. Nothing else mattered. Only he did.
The wedding might not have been a lavish affair but the marriage with him definitely was.
"There's something I want to discuss with you" he mumbled between his shallow thrusts, you could try all the positions in the world but him being on top of you, his body so close was your favourite of all.
"Like now?" You giggled so he slowed down his pace, he seemed serious so you cupped his cheeks and kissed him "What is it baby?"
"I think I'm a frost giant" he blurted before the sane part of his brain would restrain him again, you were his wife now, he didn't care, he was assured you'd love him even if he was batshit crazy.
"I know" you giggled and kissed him which he assumed was you thinking that he was joking with you. He went back to making love to you and you were soaking in post orgasmic bliss when he turned to you again.
"Did you even hear what I said?" He asked you so you nodded
"I did"
"And what?"
"You..you aren't going to call me out for being nuts?" You smiled as he said that.
"Why would I call you nuts for speaking the truth?" You kissed him before you stepped out of the bed, you felt thirsty.
"Ummm are you okay? I said I think I'm a frost giant? You heard that right?" He enunciated every word so you looked at him as you wrapped the bed sheet around your bosom.
"And I said I know"
"Oh yeaahh little wifey..How do you know?" He chuckled so you smiled again. Your answer made him run towards a mirror though.
"Because you're all blue as a smurf right now hubby"
Taglist :
@annoyingsweetsstranger   @whylokiissocute   @loki-s-wife   @fraoid3   @siggytumbles   @crzyplantladyvibes   @stupidthoughtsinwriting   @vickie5446 @wheredafandomat   @mcufan72   @xxntiimulti   @loz-3   @dishahaldar @mcdesij @scram1326   @elthreetimes   @army24--7   @sinsandguilt   @holotacopeely   @blog-the-lilly   @disneyismyworldforever   @bunny24sstuff   @kats72   @somewiseguy   @asgardianprincess1050   @multifandom-world8   @loki-laufeyson-1054   @daddylokisqueen   @lulubelle814   @huntress-artemiss   @itsybitchylittlewitchy   @rogerrhqpsody   @praq123
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cottoncandy-cult · 11 months
Babification Pomefiore
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Vil (Ft Rook)
It had been about a week since (Y/n) was brought to him, he initially cleared out 2-3 days in his calendar to stay home and watch over his little sweet potato but on day 4 he realized it may take longer than expected. So, he decided to rip the Band-Aid off, rather than risk his fans spreading rumors that he had a secret child he laid out the circumstances on magicam. He explained that the girlfriend they saw in his pictures at times had been turned into an infant due to a class accident, and so he has decided to take care of her until she can be returned to normal. The male had almost expected some sort of outlash, some fans seemed to expect him to be single forever just for the sake of their personal fantasies. Instead, he was met with a large amount of support, many fans finding his dedication to his girlfriend beyond romantic as some celebrities would have hidden the accident and had someone else to take care of their significant other. After that day Vil went about his usual appointments, though everywhere he went he took the little girl. He never let anyone else hold her, but that proved problematic as sometimes the little girl became uncomfortable with all the attention she got. Often hiding her little face in his chest, she'd cling to him and occasionally whimper when she felt crowded. Vil would often excuse himself, wanting to do his job but not willing to sacrifice the girl's comfort especially given the situation she was in. It was because of this that Rook began accompanying him, the blonde male being one of the few he'd let hold and handle the little girl. Anytime the girl felt overwhelmed, or if he needed to film, he'd hand her off to Rook who would then take her to get a snack. She was around 3 and was quite shy, hiding her face in the hunter's shoulder anytime someone approached her. He'd often take her to a quiet corner where she could still see Vil but would be more comfortable and willing to come out of hiding.
For those times Rook would dig out her coloring book and crayons from the baby bag he proudly wore over his shoulder, it was these moments that he became aware of the fact that her older self is still in there. She seems aware but unable to really do much to control herself, often trying really hard to color within the lines of her pictures while also trying not to break the crayon. That was why Rook didn't baby talk her, it felt rude since he was aware of the fact that she still had that more mature thought process even if she couldn't properly express herself. Currently the popular trio had been at one of Vil's photoshoots, today had been a calm day but the little girl had been especially needy for attention. She did her best to sit quietly, but she couldn't help pausing her coloring in order to check for Vil's location and occasionally pouted. Of course, Rook had noticed, he hadn't done anything yet because he didn't want to interrupt Vil but also found her pout the cutest thing in life. He fawned over her more than ever now, she was his favorite little marshmallow bunny. Proven by the pastel bunny onesie they'd put her in before bed.
Vil had been adjusting his pose and had turned his head towards the pair, noticing how (Y/n) stared at him with a soft pout. Sometimes he wished she'd just cry out already whenever she wanted something, gives him an excuse to take a break anyways and he doesn't mind. The photographer noticed Vil was distracted and followed the blonde's gaze to the little girl, being a father, the older man knew what the little one wanted. "You know Mr. Schoenheit; we do have a new kids line we plan to advertise soon. If you'd like to look at the clothes and bring the little one up you can, we'll give you a bonus of course since the little lady would be the one wearing them." The older man smiled kindly to Vil when the blonde looked at him, Vil thought for a moment and glanced back at the girl who went back to coloring but still wore such a cute pout. "I don't see why not; she might have some fun getting to dress up." Vil chuckled a little, following the older man to a nearby wrack of kids clothing to look for a few outfits he thinks would look cute on the little girl and would match well with his outfits. Of course, the duo had noticed when the 2 males moved to and stand by the wrack, Rook could hear their conversation of course so he couldn't help but chuckle as he moved over to kneel next to her. "What do you say we clean up and go see what Vil's up to, ok mon petit trickster?"
The tall blonde gazed down at the little girl, watching her quickly nod her head as she began putting her crayon back where she got it. She was particular in how she used them, only getting one out at a time and putting them back as she went. Something Rook felt only supported his theory that she was still conscious within herself, or at the very least she was an oddly orderly toddler. Rook held the bag open for her, letting the girl place the two items back within its confines herself before she reached out for him and made grabby hands. A gesture that never failed to make the blonde male melt, he was quick but gentle as he scooped her up and cradled her safely to his chest. Afterall his dear Vil had made his desire to see her safe quite clear when he originally ranted about the idiots that caused this problem, not that Rook would do her harm anyways she was much too cute for him to even raise his voice at much less neglect her care and safety. Vil had noticed the two when they approached, chuckling at how the little girl smiled and reached for him. "Hey there sweet potato, I need you to help me with something alright." Gentle hands swapped her between male's chests, Vil cradling her tiny body as she snuggled into him immediately. "Oh? Is our wee trickster getting a taste of the limelight?" Rook smiled curiously, looking at the small pile of outfits that the photographer held on one arm. "Mhm, I saw her pouting at me anyways." The pomefiore prince kissed the little girl's cheek, listening to her happily giggle when he'd occasionally gently blow into her soft little cheeks. "Why don't you go ahead and get both of yourselves changed, I'll adjust the lights, so we don't sweat the poor thing out or blind her." The older male passed the clothes to Vil, going to get things ready for a photoshoot Vil was actually excited about. It was the first time in a while since he's had a reason to look forward to a particular shoot, but how could he not be at least a little excited to take pictures with his baby sweet potato.
The first outfit Vil tried was a dark grey button up, black dress pants and a loose-fitting red tie. Meanwhile (Y/n) was dressed in a black long-sleeved romper that hung off the tops of her shoulders for freer movement, it was decorated with a cute red floral pattern on the front with matching leg warmers. Her soft baby hair was brushed back, a red hairband with an attached flower sat cutely on her head. The two were matching despite the different designs, Vil's favorite part was the little flower headband that complimented her complexion and gave her a more doll like look. The blonde was planning to save the money from the bonus for trying on the kids' clothes for her, that way when she was back to normal his sweet potato would be able to afford some good food and fix up the bedroom back at her dorm. He wanted to fix up the whole place a while back, but (Y/n) wouldn't let him spend that much money on an entire dorm meant for 2. Vil's second outfit looked similar to his dorm leader uniform, though rather than being a long robe it had been a silk long-sleeved shirt with looser sleeves that fell to around the middle of his hands. The collar was V-shaped and dipped past his collar bone, corset style strings tied neatly in the front at the bottom of the V. Meanwhile he had put the little girl in a cute violet sundress, the sleeves matched his own and beneath she wore some black lace legging and a cute pair of purple strap shoes. A wide cut gold ribbon wrapped around her waist and tied in the back; a red apple charm was sewn into the center of the ribbon on her waist. It was an outfit Vil wanted to get for her in a more adult size, despite not being part of Pomefiore he'd love to match clothes with her for the next social event or school dance.
The photoshoot lasted for a while, Vil had chosen several outfits and they needed multiple pictures with each. By the time it was done her little tummy had started to growl, making her pout up at the male when he started giggling at her little noises. "Just a few more minutes and we'll be done. Why don't you sip on this, you can have some blueberries to hold you over until we get home." Vil handed the little girl a snow-white sippy cup that had some of the apple juice from Epel's family farm, the blonde knew how much she liked it as she would drink it in the mornings when she'd visit Pomefiore before classes as she would talk to the first year while he did his morning routine when Vil was busy helping some of the other dorm members do their own. Her cute little pout dissolving at the taste of the juice, her body relaxing against his chest as she'd occasionally reach a tiny hand into the little bag of blueberries he held while Vil discussed which pictures he'd like to post on his magicam to help with publicity. Rook smiled from the side, having snapped several of his own pictures during the shoot for the little album he had been making for (Y/n) and Vil. He had been confident from the start they'd marry one day, so he had started this album to fill with as many memories as he could for them. He was gonna be the greatest best man, and his gift of years' worth of pictures compiled into one beautiful album would be his proof.
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"Wow, is that really (Y/n)?" Kalim looked at the little girl in Rook's arms in amazement, there had been a meeting for dorm leaders and their vice dorm leaders. The main portion of the meeting was already over, the little girl having napped comfortably during most of it thanks to the sleep schedule Vil helped the blonde male set up. The meeting had fallen into her usual nap time for the week, but Rook could feel his internal clock counting down as he knew she'd start to rouse soon. "Indeed, Roi d'Ore, she is quite the jolie petite fille no?" Rook chuckled softly; the sleeping infant was nestled in the crook of one of his arms unaware of the little crowd that was drawn to observe. Of course, the dorm leaders had been made aware of the situation, being reminded to drive into their underlings about not messing around in class. "She's definitely cute, her little cheeks are so red." Trey chuckled from Rook's right, several pairs of eyes looking at the little girl as they saw her stretch and yawn. "Heh, she looks just like Leona in the mornings." Ruggie snickered, he and Leona standing to directly across from Rook. Leona's ears twitched as he shot the male beside him a glare. "What was that runt?" He was softly growling his words; everyone had kept their voices down now that she was awake in fear of startling her. The blonde smiled and resituated her, holding her up some so that she was sitting up a bit more and was better able to look around. The group watched her tiny (E/c) orbs flutter over the faces before, cutely cocking her head. To some people she'd giggle, making Kalim fawn over her.
"Rook we should head back soon, (Y/n) needs to eat and its gonna get cold soon." Vil walked over, ever the mother hen. His voice made the little girl light up, her hand patting Rook's chest as if to get his attention. Making the large male chuckle, as if already knowing what she was trying to convey. "Yes, I know, our dearest Roi du Poison is here isn't he." He gently bounced the little girl, kissing the top of her head as she giggled some more. For once there was no tension in the group, an energy filled with both curiosity and fondness had started to form. "A few more minutes would be ok, wouldn't it? Our petit trickster has only just woken up." His green eyes locked on Vil, watching his house warden look back and forth between the two before sighing softly. "I suppose, proper socialization is necessary for a growing child." Vil sighed but gave a reserved smile, coming to stand by Rook as one of the little girl's tiny hands reached out to him. Vil was casual in letting the little girl hold onto one of his fingers, something the confused some people. "So, it's been a week since she turned, correct? How have you guys been handling it?" Riddle stepped beside Leona, trying to get a better look at his friend turned infant. "It's been quite easy, when you know what a baby needs it certainly helps but (Y/n) hasn't been fussy really. She cries sometimes, but it's never loud shrieking. More like quiet whimpers really, honestly it's heartbreaking." Vil smiled a bit at the thought, the first night they tried to put her to sleep in the pitch black and halfway through the night Rook woke to hear quiet whimpers from the bassinet nearby.
Luckily it had been a full moon, so all he had to do was open his curtains to let the light in. He felt so guilty, not knowing how long she laid in the dark and softly crying to herself before he woke up. He wanted to believe his sense of hearing was keen enough that he caught her at the start since they made sure she was sleeping before they shut out the light and that she had just woke up and got scared when he woke up. But the idea that it could have been literal hours made him feel so bad, first thing in the morning he told Vil that he needed to get a nightlight before recounting the events to him. 2 days later Vil was watching her for Rook while the blonde went to science club, since some of the demos had to do with potion making, he didn't want to risk another accident. Vil had placed her in a little buckle seat, having Epel gently bounce it to keep her occupied while Vil fixed her a sippy cup with some fresh juice in it. While he was in the dorm kitchen, he heard a commotion from the common room, he was quick to get there as he was the dorm leader after all but most importantly because that was where he left little (Y/n) and Epel. When he arrived, he found a couple students on the far right flat on their backs, it seemed while working on an alchemy project a mistake had been made and caused a small explosion. There was minimal mess, just a little goo here and there, it was more noise than anything. After lecturing the group on their mistake and reminding them to take such things outside he told them to clean everything up and take their project to the garden. It wasn't til he approached Epel, watching him clumsily try to soothe the whimpering child that Vil realized she had been disturbed since she hadn't started screaming as most infants would. Vil understood Rook's description now, her soft cries were somehow worse than the ear-splitting cries someone often thinks of when remembering an infant's cries. "Here, I'll take her to the kitchen with me. You go and do any homework you have."
There hadn't been any incidents since that had made her cry again, it was something they were actively avoiding, it was such a miserable little cry they'd hate for anyone else to hear. "Well, I suppose as long as she aint screamin' the herbivore aint to bad for a baby." Leona leaned forward, hand on his hip as he watched the little girl tilt her head some to get a better look at him. What nobody expected was for her tiny hand to teach out, lightly poking his nose with a soft "Bawah" sound. Ruggie had dropped to the ground near immediately in laughter, his dorm leader just got booped by a baby. Some of the others snickered, but soon everyone was laughing at her giggling shriek while she pulled her hand back when he playfully nipped at her chubby little fingers that had been in his face. Rook couldn't help but chuckle, if she was still aware in there then she was certainly taking advantage of the situation. Oh, his little trickster, no matter what form she is in she would never truly change would she?
The group had continued talking for a bit, only stopping once Vil reminded everyone they needed to get back to their dorms and get ready for curfew in a few hours. Once everyone had gone through the mirrors to their own dorms things had settled down, the little girl in Rook's arms took to playing with his hair as he walked. Both he and Vil discussing how he'd handle her during flight class the following day, Rook was confident he could handle flying with her in his arms, he just needed a suitable outfit to fend off the cold while flying that he could change her out of without problem so she wouldn't overheat. Vil had recommended a cute long-sleeved top with a bright skirt, some leggings and light beige fleece sweater that had cute bunny face buttons on the front. The two had went shopping together, wanting to make sure she would be comfortable while in this vulnerable state and to spoil the poor girl since it was the first break she had in a while since she was always working or doing something for money to live off of. He wished she'd let him help more, but she didn't like the idea of him bank rolling her because she felt that she should earn at least some of it.
They ended up settling on letting him pay for her meals and occasionally help with any big necessary repairs to her dorm, and she'd focus on paying for the rest. Granted the hunter still wanted to do more, and so he'd get her gifts that could be useful. He even got Vil to help design a new ramshackle dorm uniform so that they had an excuse to replace the scrappy one she was wearing, after all it was unfair that the other dorms received new uniform designs at the start of the year, but she had to wear an outdated uniform barely patched together. At least that was the argument they used against Crowley to get his pass on the new uniform, convincing him it was a good chance for him to show his benevolence and make up for how little he can assist her monetarily. "Roo…" Her little voice called up to him during a lull in the conversation, she had yet to speak, and they almost thought she couldn't, so it quickly drew their attention. Emerald eyes looked down at the little one's curious face, a smile crossing his own when she started giggling and gently tugged his hair. "Don't worry Mon petit trickster, we're almost back to the dorm. You wanna play with your toys for a bit before your bubble bath?" Rook tilted his head, kissing at her palm gently as her tiny fingers patted at his cheek. Her only response was a giggle before she pulled her hands to her chest and nuzzled into his shoulder, rubbing her face against the fabric of his dorm uniform as both male's chuckled at her cute antics.
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thedo0zyslider · 10 months
Cleo looks out her window. She doesn't know why she does so, it's just another action she does without thinking. And the zombie wishes they hadn't done so, really. Out there, sitting on his ugly little bastion, is her soulmate. Martyn himself, in all his annoying glory. And he looks.....sad about something. For some reason.
And for some other reason, Cleo finds herself feeling the smallest bit of sympathy for him. Maybe it's because, if they focus really hard, Cleo can feel the smallest amount of pain that is not hers. His pain, the emtional kind. Not that the zombie will ever admit to that.
Cleo sighs, and stops what she's doing. Which had been making bread. She'd been making bread with some wheat that they'd stolen from the Ranch. Cleo sighs and opens her door, with hands that still have the slightest bit of dough on them, and walks out towards the bastion. They hope they don't regret this, and that Martyn is too sad to try and bite her head off today.
"Hey." Cleo says, once she has walked across the bridge between her and Scott’s houses. Because that's the side Martyn was on, and the cliff was closer to his house on that side. Startled, Martyn looks up, and Cleo thinks that small prick of pain in their shared heart gets worse.
"Hi." Martyn says, looking at them rather suspiciously. "Did you come to make fun of my house again?" His voice is thick with distaste, his mind no doubt full of their friends prior jabs at his house. Cleo just rolls their eyes.
"No. I came to sit." She says, and looks at the gap between the cliff and the bastions edge. Martyn stands, seeming to hold back a sigh.
"I guess you can sit with me." He says, walking closer to her. "Over here. You can get up here from this part of the cliff." Martyn motions to where he is now standing, and offers out a hand. Cleo takes it with a nod, and tries not to think of the feeling of his hand in hers. Once she is on the bastion, Martyn let's go of her, and sits back on his previous spot with a huff.
"Why're you here?" He asks, eyeing the zombie when she sits down next to him. Two pairs of legs hang dangerously off the bastions edge, like the fools they were. If one of them slips, that's two lives lost. So Marytn better not slip again.
Cleo just shrugs. "You looked sad. Felt sad too, if I focused enough." They state it simply, not being good with all the emotional stiff. It's not their forte, but Cleo will try. Just this once. For the two of them.
Martyn sighs, and places his hand on his cheek. "You're not gonna leave until I talk about it, are you?" He grumbles, gaze fixed on the water below. The water still with a warden in it. Right. Cleo had forgotten about that thing. She apologizes to Reggie in her head for forgetting about him, depsite the spectacle it had casued a few days prior. And the constant clicking sounds it made, which were horribly annoying once you tuned into them.
"Nope. And you know I'm willing to sit here for a while." The zombie responds, briefly hoping the warden can't hear the from all the way up here. Getting sonic blasted wouldn't be very fun.
Martyn says nothing for a few minutes, his eyes still fixed on the water. They look troubled too. Cleo says nothing, and idly kicks her legs off the edge of the bastion, waiting for him to speak first.
"I....want another soulmate." Martyn admits after a moment, doing so hesitantly. He sounds like he feels bad about it. "Not a chosen one, a.....real one ya know? Not that chosen soulmates aren't-"
Cleo cuts him off with a small laugh at his rambling. "I know what you mean. I get it." He turns to look at her, and there is lingering curiosity in those yellow eyes. Both their eyes are yellow, because of him. The zombie frowns, and tries not to think about that.
"I wish I bad someone else too. Bdubs, maybe." She admits, wistfully thinking of a time they cannot have back. Of a castle with a stupid bubble elevator and a mote around it.
Martyn hums in agreement, and they know he's thinking of the same time as she is. They also know what he's going to say before he even says it. "I wish I was bound to Ren." Martyn murmurs, looking back at the water for a second. There's a blush already spreading across his face, because he is still so gone for that man. Even after all this time.
Cleo has to hold back a laugh. "I knew you were gonna say that." She teases, going to nudge his side playfully. Marytn makes another huff, and blushes more.
"You're not that bad of a soulmate, though. But I still want Ren." He continues, looking back at her. Cleo finds she agrees with him, on the first part that is. Martyn isn't that bad of a soulmate, they just had some rough patches. Maybe....if those hadn't happened....they could've....
Nevermind all that. This was about Ren and Martyn, not her and whatever feeling they had for the blonde next to her.
"Yeah." Cleo agrees, holding back a smile. "Maybe if those cheating rumors are true, Ren will come to his senses."
"And what?" Martyn snorts, the pain in their shared heart feeling a little lighter. Like it was starting to mend. "Choose me over BigB?"
"Maybe~" Cleo hums, and the both of them burst into a small fit of giggles. This isn't like either of them, to be so open and emotional with each other. But it's nice, the zombie decides. And she wouldn't mind doing it again, as long as Marytn remains civil about it.
He leans on her after a minute, head resting on the zombies shoulder. Cleo says nothing, just lets him, and remembers their height difference. And the fact that she's stupidly tall. Cleo says nothing about the contact (because secretly, the touch feels really nice,) and listens as Martyn starts to complain about the warden below, and how it akways keeps him up at night. It might be Jimmy and Tango's baby, but the man next to her wants Ranchers Revenge dead. For the whole server and not his own convenience, of course.
Cleo listens, and stops fighting a smile. The rest of the day can be theirs. Even if it's not going to be her and Martyn in the end. It's going to be Martyn and Ren, when all this is said and done. It always is. But just for today, it can be Cleo and Marytn. Just for a little bit.
She'll give him back, because she couldn't keep him if she tried. If Cleo tried to keep Martyn, he'd just fight until they freed him. Maybe that was why she seemed to care so much, because he fought and fought like a warrior if he truly loved someone. A rather endearing trait.
Its why Ren loved him, that was for certain. Maybe not why Cleo cared for him, but it's why Ren did. And that was enough. That was enough for her to be comfortable letting him go back home.
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