#and this is how it will be for te rest of my life probably. lol. until i die
hpdgirlfriend · 1 year
ohh also. it should not be fucking august yet
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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So you know how french people's insult are always outta pocket (from a person who's first language is french I can tell you that no other language compares in insult -apart for African languages)
Like,, some "bad" insult here would be : bitch, fuck off, whore,..
Which we can all agree is boring...
We be getting creative with it
"mange tes mort" wich translates to "eat your dead (relatives)"
"vas te fair enculer" means "go get yourself pegged in the ass"
(yes, we have a specific word for being fucked in the ass 💀)
English could never compare ✨
how would the characters react if reader was from france/ belgium/ canada(or any other french speaking country) and started cursing people out like they eould do in their home countrie !?!?
The eay their face would drop
We would make a couple of people cry
Trying to un-teach them would be hell *cries*
Your thoughts?
Love yaaaa~
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Nobody has any idea how much I HATE ENGLISH both for its rules/pronounciation BS/etc. But also, most importantly, THERES LIKE NO GOOD CUSS WORDS- OR LIKE CUSS PHRASES??
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like idk we got "eat shit and die / fuck off / go fuck yourself" ???? Like- thats pathetic 😟.
I love hearing someone just cuss smbody out their native language/non-english, it’s so badass and cool to see
Anyway u already know i love non-native english speakers from the bottom of my heart✨️
and i researched french cusswords/phrases,,,
“bête comme ses pieds!” IM ROLLING ON THE FLOOR-
(trans: you’re as stupid AS YOUR FEEEEEETT)
idk what’s funnier, you translating urself in real time and saying all these phrases to ppl,
OR just scaring the ever-loving shit out of every teyvat citizen within a mile radius bc oh wow- you look pissed, so yeah somebody’s about to lose all their self-esteem for the rest of their life bc ur insults are known to be extra cutting bc ur so blunt-
OH CREATOR ABOVE (…oh creator, present??)- you changed to your holy language FOR THIS???
everybody just giving the npc the most bombastic side-eye for pushing you to do this,
or even just you stubbing ur toe/ate food when it was too hot
or my favorite, getting onto ppl like Wanderer when they do smth silly lmao
STOP I HAD A FOUL THOUGHT OF GETTING ONTO Ei AND WANDERER (like ei for not keeping him/at least giving him to someone else to raise, then all the shit he did as Scaramouche lol)
“Putain de salope…” (whore of whore, I LIED IT MEANS FUCKING BITCH LMAO😭)
STOPPP wanderer using it against other ppl ever since u used it lol
oh no stop dont bring the kids into thisss 😭😭
Klee would deffo be the first one to pick up ur words and use them, omg she just uses them as catchphrases like when throwing her bombs 💀
Venti would definitely make sure the winds “pass along phrases of the sacred All-God language!”
i hope u guys are having a great summer! its basically too hot to go outside where I am, not unless ur going straight into the water or smth
which hey, ill be doing that this weekend, floating down the river about an hour away from my house with friends! :]
which,,, if anyone sees this, U GOTTA HELP ME THINK OF A 1000 FOLLOWERS MILESTONE THING TO DO IDK WHAT TO DO BUT I WANNA CELEBRATE IT BC I NEVER THOUGHT THATD HAPPEN!! lmk what u think in the comments if u read this!
Safe Travels 0rah,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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fictionalreads · 2 months
Can you please do an Armando x reader angst 🙏 I don’t know abt what lol I JUST WANT HEAPS OF ANGST SO I CAN BALL MY EYES OUT AND I WANT THIS MAN TO BE GROVELLING LEFT RIGHT SND CENTRE 😭 lol sorry abt that love ur work bae💗💗 Make sure to get heaps of rest and stay hydrated 🧘‍♀️💆‍♀️🫶
A/N: Soooo... reader didn't wanna talk to me. Or more accurately I think, Armando wanted all the attention. I'm sure I'll eventually be struck with inspiration for an Armando x reader angst and I'll definitely tag you in it, but for now I hope you enjoy this Armando angst.Title is from Lonely by Benny Blanco and Justin Bieber.
No One's Listening And That's Just Lonely
Fandom: Bad Boys
Prompt: Armando reflects on times in his life that he's felt alone.
Warnings⚠️: Our boy is lowkey depressed in this one. Might be a line that could be seen as morbid.
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Armando Aretas was used to being alone. After being ripped from his mother’s arms at just six years old, he learned to embrace the feeling. He was forced into preparing for his mother’s grand plan which included gun training, fight training and emotional resistance. There was no room for a six year old’s sadness over being alone. The people his mother had training him definitely weren’t the type to go and cuddle with, they were more likely to punish him for being so weak that he expressed his fear. Not that his mother was any better when he was with her.
“Otras personas te decepcionarán, mijo. Confía en ti mismo,” she’d say when he was young and upset that he couldn’t play with the other children in the prison. He was small, but it was a prominent memory from his short time with her, the first lesson she taught him.
He should’ve listened to her, maybe then he’d have heard her subtle warnings about herself.
When he was eighteen, a freshly minted adult that was on top of the world, he had thought her old saying paranoid. He had loved going out and meeting people, befriending them. It came naturally to him, but his mother had her people keeping him on a tight leash. The few times he went out, he kept his cover pretty well, never telling anyone anything real about himself but just enough they wouldn’t be suspicious. 
Until he met a girl that is. She had been different from the quick fucks he’d had before, holding actual conversation with him and keeping him on his toes. He’d loved her spontaneity, it being a breath of fresh air from the rigid routines he was used to. He had slowly dropped breadcrumbs of what his lifestyle was really like b behind closed doors, testing the waters to see if she was about the life or if she’s run for the hills. Every small test he set in place for her she passed with flying colors. He was so sure she could handle it that he told her everything. At first it seemed like he was right about her, she stayed by his side. Then one day she disappeared, no word from her at all. He went to her place and saw she had packed some things, it looked like she had been in a hurry. He initially worried that she went to the police so he played low for a few weeks, but when nothing happened, he just felt hollow.
The one he was supposed to rule the world with was gone, she had left him. He spent weeks questioning every interaction. Where did he go wrong? What signs had he misread? Did he really misread them or were they obvious and he just refused to see what he didn’t want to? Had she ever really loved him? Why wasn’t who he was enough for her to stay? Why was he destined to walk this life alone?
Thinking back on it, his mother hadn’t been pleased his attention had been split and probably had her killed.
Prison hadn’t felt as alone as he was expecting. He knew other people would be around but he’d been surrounded by people all his life and still felt alone. His cell was in murder row, the nickname for the solitary unit he was in. He wasn’t exactly friends with the others in cells in his solitary unit, but they were better than nothing. He spent time with them sometimes when they got the chance to go to the yard, sometimes preferring to workout and enjoy his hour in the sun alone. 
It probably helped that his father would visit him at least twice a month, more if he could swing the travel time. It had been interesting getting to know the man he had thought was an enemy. He hadn’t attempted the corny get to know you spiel, preferring to stick to business which was fine by Armando. Armando had learned a few of the mans quirks just through the small amount of conversation they had. But his father usually showed up to ask him for information, an effort to cut down his extremely long sentence, so it lacked the warmth that would chase the cold feeling of loneliness away.
A loneliness that hit worst at night when he would stare at the gross ceiling of his cell and wonder what could have happened if he had known his father from the start.
This alone was different. He was lying down in the boat his father had put him on to flee Miami, blood slowly dripping out of his side. The motor on the boat had long ago canned out on him, he didn’t have the strength or the tools to try and fix it. He was currently floating in open water, no land in sight. He wondered if he would bleed out, or starve to death first. Maybe he’d dehydrate, he had no access to fresh drinking water. 
He figured the loneliness felt different because for the first time, he didn’t have a tether to something else that brought him out of his self pitying. His mother was dead. He didn’t have anyone he loved waiting for him to come home. His father had sent him away knowing he’d probably never see him again, albeit he also probably assumed Armando would survive. But what was the point? Everything he had been taught growing up was a lie and everything he did ensured he couldn’t come back from those actions with a clean slate. For the first time in his life, he hoped the police would catch him. 
He didn’t want to die feeling the worst feeling in the world, feeling like there was nothing for him. He’d rather keep living and find hope for a life he could build that he should have had from the start.
Other people will disappoint you, my son (darling). Rely on yourself.
Taglist (I'm gonna tag for all Armando pieces unless you ask me not to):
@yeahnohoneybye @bootlegroach @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful
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whentherewerebicycles · 4 months
How is motherhood (so far)? It seems like such a crazy shift from one life to another!
it is SO good so far!!! here are some scattered feelings & thoughts:
i have been warned that a big hormone crash is coming and i am sure that will be tough to weather! but right now i am feeling so good - still just riding that endorphin high. i feel physically good too, like tired and a little sore, but really way better than i expected to feel three days after giving birth.
my transition into parenthood has been majorly eased by the fact that my mom is here and is doing virtually all of the newborn care tasks for me right now - nighttime feedings (i take over around 5am but my hands are so bad in the night), diaper changes, tracking how much he's eating, making food, etc. she is even helping me breastfeed because it involves a level of manual dexterity i am not currently capable of most of the time. i am so so so so so so grateful to have her here. part of me feels kind of guilty, like i'm probably supposed to be feeling way more stressed out and overwhelmed trying to manage the cognitive and physical demands of new parenthood, but i am trying to quiet that voice in my brain by reminding myself that there are going to be PLENTY of times in the future where i'll get to feel overwhelmed and exhausted and in over my head as a single parent. she is so happy and so excited to do this for me, and i am trying to just let myself rest and enjoy it.
it is so special to do this with my mom. i was saying to her yesterday, like, i can totally see how taking care of a new baby with a partner would be a richly meaningful experience, and i can see that there are things i am missing out on on that front. but also if i were doing this with a partner i wouldn't get to be doing this with my mom, and i would be missing out on an experience that i am finding just as richly meaningful and rewarding. i feel so close to her and i love her so much and i know that for the rest of my life i am going to remember how special it was to get to watch her love owen so much and take such good care of him (and me) in his first days of life. i feel so lucky. i thought i would feel SO overwhelmed but instead i just feel really loved and taken care of, and i feel really close to my mom, and i feel like we are the happiest little family unit right now. i love it so much. also she calls him "my little guy" and “my best friend” and i almost cry every time. hormones but also love, you know.
owen is perfect. i feel like i felt intensely close to him right after the birth, and then i had kind of a hard first day after in the hospital where there were just TOO MANY PEOPLE coming in at all hours and doing exams on me or on him, and there was no time to rest and bond with him, and i started feeling very overwhelmed and kinda like do i even KNOW this baby? this baby is a STRANGER to me and if i hadn't had a baby i would be at HOME right now in my own SPACE without anyone coming in every 15 min day and night to bother me. that first long hospital day was really rough and then i was relieved to finally get home that night but also super cranky and tired, and i couldn't figure out how to get my pump to work, and he got very fussy in the night and i was like AAAAAAA. but then we spent all of yesterday doing so much skin-to-skin cuddling and napping in bed which is just the nicest thing imaginable, and now i am like this is my BABY he is PERFECT look at him!!!! he is so snuggly and good.
i am glad that my brother had a newborn a couple months before i did because i think it helped prepare me for how gently boring the newborn stage can be lol. not in a bad way! it's so sweet and i think will involve lots of wonderful sleepy snuggling!! but they are awake so infrequently and do not have personalities yet, and you are kind of like hm. should more be happening, or...? but no. nothing more should be happening lol they will just be sweet sleepy lumps for a good long time. my nephew is nine? ten? weeks old now and is definitely starting to become way more alert/engaged, so i know a personality is coming haha and i will just enjoy my little sweet lump right now because he won't be like this ever again!! also it's nice to be able to just let him sleep next to me while i do other stuff. i think it will ease the transition a bit... like yes now we are on this endless cycle of pumping, attempting to breastfeed, bottlefeeding him, changing him, watching him sleep, pumping again, etc but i can read or watch stuff in between because he requires so little attention while sleeping (except for LOTS OF KISSES he requires LOTS OF LITTLE KISSES because he is so SWEET!!!!). also idk i am sure i will get bored of being off work but right now it has been so restful to delete outlook & teams from my phone and just be like who cares about weird office politics i have way more important things to do like kiss a sleeping baby on the forehead a hundred times and tell him he is the best and handsomest boy in the whole world. life is very good lol.
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verstappen-cult · 5 months
i should be sleeping but this was more fun, and couldn’t wait to answer it. thank you @arieslost for the tag! i’m not tagging anyone but if you see this and want to answer it you definitely should do it! <333
who is your favourite driver?
max verstappen, if you couldn’t tell. from the moment i knew of his existence until the day that i die. everything about him is just so interesting and amazing. he’s such a talented and nice and just awesome person! you may not like him and that it’s totally okay, everyone has their own preferences, but no one can’t deny how talented and dedicated he is.
do you have other favourite drivers?
oh yes, definitely! charles leclerc is at the top of my list along with max, obviously. and i also like lando, probably not gonna call him one of my fav drivers but i like him a lot.
who is your least favourite driver?
uh, carlos sainz. there’s just something about him that i don’t like and feel uncomfortable with. i’ve tried so! hard! to like him but i just can’t & it is very annoying for me. i won’t deny that he has done a pretty good job. but i’m gonna leave it at that.
do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
mostly for drivers. for me it’s basically where max and charles wanna go, i’m going with them. but i’ve come to love ferrari because really who doesn’t love ferrari?
if you like teams, what team do you pull for?
just ferrari. because i’ve come to realize that i was cheering for red bull just because max is there, so that doesn’t count bc i would not care about them if it weren’t for him lol.
how long have you been into F1?
since sept/oct 2023. i watched the japan gp with a friend and then i slowly began getting into f1. but i think it was qatar that made me a fan. and when i start liking something i become obsessed, so, here i am!
what got you into F1?
it was thanks to my only and only @18ls because she literally texted me to watch the japan gp and i said yes and the boom! the rest is history. it was pretty cool because we’re basically glued together and we both became obsessed with f1. ari te amo eris la mejor de toda la vida. TE AMOOOOO.
do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
oh yes, absolutely. girl, i’m here writing fanfiction and feeding into my delusions because it’s the only way i can be happy.
how do you view new fans?
i love new fans. i’m still pretty new to the world of formula one too and i love that more and more people are getting into this amazing sport. i also love that most of them are females! it is such a nice and awesome thing to see.
if you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
i think if fred vasseur and i joined our brains we could make a good pair and bring ferrari back to life. or red bull because we don’t want that man there, we actually don’t want him on this planet but we can’t do much about it.
are your friends and family into F1 as well?
i have friends that are into f1 but not my family. my nephews like to ask me things about it but that’s as far as they go. but i’m pretty happy with my friends because we can be happy and upset together, & i don’t have to suffer alone.
are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
yes, i love making new friends! even more so if we get to talk about our fav things and don’t feel judged at all because we are basically as unhinged as the other. so please feel free to pop in my inbox or ask box if you want to chat! <333
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fatwhoresblog · 2 months
🎀life update🎀
So I did go to my bf’s brothers graduation. Didn’t go as planned, first day, I only ate an 8inch long pizza which was good but had quite a few drinks so I had a n€t c@l of about 200. The day after was bad. Because we stayed at a hotel and we all went to have breakfast together I ate quite a lot and on our drive home my bf got me a burger (🥲) so I ate that too. Nothing else luckily but I felt so tired and drained and especially because we left a bit later, I couldn’t go to the gym which was fine. Unfortunately, I had a really shitty day, work didn’t go as expected (I’m a perfectionist so I have high standards for myself) and it didn’t go well, I wanted to do the laundry during my lunch break but forgot to start the washing machine & when I did it after so that I could do the laundry during my afternoon break it didn’t work out and I had to do it after work. My bf said he’d make carbonara tonight or tomorrow, but I was starting my fast yesterday and I had a full mental breakdown because I had to do the washing and if he cooked carbonara tomorrow I couldn’t have gone to the gym after work. So I was sat on the bed crying and having a full breakdown because the day was shit, I was tired, the scheduling was messed up and I ended up staying in, having carbonara tonight and starting my f4st after dinner. I’m currently on my 🩸 so that’s probably why I felt this way. Normally, I go to the gym in the morning but I’m so tired that I just cba. At least im going to the gym tomorrow and for the rest of the week so I at least went 5x a week. It’s just so annoying when my scheduling is messed up. Maybe I have some other issues lol. Luckily, I didn’t gain weight from my binge yesterday and was still on 80kgs. I’m just praying I can lose 20 kgs by end of July, so I’m strict on myself all over again. I absolutely h@te myself for today.
I wish I had a fast metabolism. I also wish it was easy for me to lose w€ight. Let’s see how it goes, but I did have a good time anyway the other days, it was great. I really needed to get out of town.🤌🏼
Also it was me and my bf’s anniversary and he bought me sth he said he treated himself to one thing, bought one other important thing and my anniversary present and he’s paid over £200. I’m so excited to see what it is. I love my bf so much. Honestly, I hope every girl finds a guy like him because he’s so supportive (obv not of this bc he’d be sad and upset) and do understanding. I’m sorry about talking about my bf like this so much 🥹
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littledragondork · 1 year
TES Cat AU: Skyrim Thieves Guild
My self indulgent TES Cat art is done, at least my favorite Skyrim Thieves guild NPCs are, Probably gonna’ post the Companions next because I was drawing the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood and for the life of me I couldn’t get Cicero to look right lol, but I’ll take suggestions :3c
(I’m so down with doing the rest of the Skyrim Thieves Guild eventually)
Anyway, my art for Skyrim Cat AU Brynjolf, Karliah and Mercer Frey under the cut, with some design notes :3
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I wanted Bryn to be an orange cat, not only because I like orange cats and their low intelligence but because it just made sense. I also wanted him to be one of those massive fluffy cats, the ones that weight like 20lbs/9kg and have more fur than they know what to do with, he’d be 99% fur, go to pet him and your hand is just swallowed by the fur. I made him a mackerel tabby cuz’ I like mackerel tabbies and because they are just super common cat patterns. For a long time I wanted to give Brynjolf Sectoral Heterochromia, which is basically when one eye is 80% one color and has a little dot of another, in this case I wanted brown, but I couldn’t really get it to look right so I ultimately scrapped it.
He also has a docked tail because I liked the idea of all the known Nightingales having something fucked up with their tails.
I also did a little sketch with the thieves guild armor, I think it’ll fit like a harness with a few little pockets and bags. I imagine they’d all have dexterous enough paws where they can make stuff like furniture, buildings, tools, weapons, armor, cook food etc, makes everything a lot easier to me
I imagine all the Nords I’ll draw have ear tufts, extra fluffy paws and long fluffy fur coats, they’d probably slide on ice a lot lol, Think Maine coons, Norwegian forest cats, Siberians. I referenced Maine coons, Lynx and bobcats the most with Bryn here, but he is just a domestic cat.
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So, for Karliah (same with all elves tbh) I wanted big ol’ ears, I feel like I could have made them bigger but I decided against it because I didn’t want them to be in the way too much (might change that later though). She is also mostly back cat because I felt it was simple and cute (I have a black kitty and I love her). It’s also not shown here much but she’d have pretty short fur, and a thin and small build, think 10lbs/4.5kg.
Karliah’s tail is shortened and broken (a painless break, the kind that happened as a baby) as to go with ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ deal.
did a more meme-y sketch in this one, I was in a goofy mood and thought it funny how quick both Brynjolf and the Last Dragonborn were to just accept selling their souls.
I imagine all Dunmer would have black or dark grey base coats and those that are tabbies to have them be lighter than the base, so for example a black cat with white stipes or grey with red stripes. They, and all elves will be mostly based on the Oriental Long/short hair cats because of their big ol’ ears and narrow faces but I’ll take creative liberties of course.
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Last in this batch is Mercer Frey, I redesigned him at least 8 times, first he was solid grey+ Tuxedo pattern, then he was a dilute grey tabby, then a spotted tabby before I settled on a colorpoint because he was said to be “high born” and coming from a wealthy family, and I was like “hey, colorpoints are fancy cat coats and I can see a rich and powerful family wanting to breed that into their line” and thus Colorpoint Mercer was decided on. I knew 100% I wanted him to be grey because of the whole “grey fox” fan thing he has going on in the game
Seems like every time I would get near him in my playthough, any playthough of Skyrim actually, he’d look at me like I just spat in his drink so I tried to capture that here. Also the Knife cat meme because I thought it fit him.
he doesn’t have a tail because he doesn’t deserve one it’s with the ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ bit.
I also wanted to share my ideas for weapons (still no clue how to do bows) but swords, great swords and daggers, would be little gauntlets made of the specific type of metal that go on the paws, and they would range in size and weight depending on the weapon its based on, so great swords would be huge metal claws while daggers would just be apart of a little leather glove that wraps around the paws. Lots of good ideas cooking up in my Autistic little mind lmao /pos.
I imagine all Bretons will just look like the average street cat, standard issue cats if you will, the common domestic short/long hair, probably have the most diversity in fur patterns and the like.
So that’s what I was able to get done in about about a few hours (with frequent breaks and work in between) A lot of the time was looking at both official art, fanart and the in-game models to get a good sense on the personality (both fandom and canon) and seeing what I can convert more easily to a non-humanoid design, a lot of shape language practice because I like shapes :3
I have a Solid design down for Ulfric but I wanted to do batches with like characters, so all Thieves guild girlies with each other and so all Civil War Girlies with each other, some might be drawn in pairs as well, like Hadvar + Ralof or Vilkas + Farkas.
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kimchokejin · 2 years
tag game 🏆 in which natalia (@jiminsproof​), heather (@wistfulocean​) and elle (@joon-rkive​) activate a particular brand of crazy for me. but they probably knew this would happen
so the game itself is simple, rank 34 bangtan lead singles (?) in order of your preference
i will put the rest under the read more because it’s about to get long-winded and opinionated in here 🤙
so first of all...this should have been much easier for me given i created a bts song ranker a few months ago and re-ranked the songs like, last month lmao. however as you can probably guess i overthought this yet again! but after 10 listens i think it’s safe to say i should just stop wasting my time and letting bts completely take over my spotify wrapped for the 3rd year in a row. so my ranking is below. but three FOUR important things before i begin!
1. there is only 1 (one) song on here that i h*te. some of the others aren’t really my thing, but i still enjoy them sometimes! it’s just my taste, if i have any. i joke a lot about my opinions being right but really, truly, these are just opinions
i had to resist adding “but i’m right” here
2. i am ranking these songs based on how i feel about them while listening to them alone with my headphones. i am trying to leave music videos and performances out of it, although there are some performances that have seeped into my soul and i just can’t separate them. but i will let you know when i notice that happening. not all of these songs even have performances (that i know of? did they perform heartbeat?) and with the slow ones ofc the performance might just be them standing onstage in front of microphones so i just don’t think that’s a fair comparison. similar with the mvs, i’m definitely gonna be biased towards the videos with more budget and/or when the members are older lmao so i just don’t want that to be a factor. and there are also some songs that are more fun to listen to while screaming along with your friends and i’m not gonna be able to forget that completely either but again i don’t do that as much with the slow songs and i think they deserve a chance in my ranking. point is i’m TRYING to focus on sound alone. and related to that:
3. i do not speak korean or japanese! i like to look up the meanings of bts songs when i think about it, especially because some of them have such great messages (and others not so much lol) but it’s easy for me to forget that while i’m listening to the songs because i don’t understand many of the words they’re saying. i would say overall that the meaning of the song sometimes makes me like a song more or less, but the language barrier definitely makes that super secondary to me just enjoying the listening experience
4. also! i became a fan during dynamite era. so i might be less attached to some of the old songs (or a song like yet to come!) than people who’ve been fans for longer.
okay, so with all that said, here is my ranking:
Film Out
Spring Day
Boy In Luv
We Are Bulletproof pt. 2
Mic Drop
Boy With Luv
No More Dream
Epilogue: Young Forever
Fake Love
Blood, Sweat & Tears
I Need U
Just One Day
War of Hormone
Stay Gold
Black Swan
Airplane pt. 2
For You
Save Me
Life Goes On
Yet To Come
Not Today
Permission To Dance
some of these rankings might be surprising so please
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let me explain
in reverse order so we end on a positive (but emo) note
(notes aren’t even necessary and were written mostly in drunk lmao basically just whatever came to mind while i was listening)
[namjoon voice] so let’s go!
34. Permission to Dance
literally no offense to anyone who likes this song if this music gets you going i won’t stop how you move but i want this song to walk the walk out of my life. where to begin...i guess i’ll start with the first time i heard this song, which was the premiere, and i remember watching the music video (i know it’s not supposed to count BUT) with my roommates and at the beginning we were like “oh she’s wearing a mask...is she gonna...” and then she DID. they all did. and we were like are you serious? we stayed up for THIS? like ed sheeran wrote it and i doubt the guys had much creative control of the video esp the scenes they weren’t in but like releasing a song with a music video basically proclaiming COVID is over when it was still a huge problem literally everywhere...YIKES! btw get your omicron boosters folks. ofc the lyrics are generic enough that my friends and i just decided to treat it like a gay rights anthem after the rainbow cowboy performance but even if i could get the horrible taste out of my mouth after that...the song itself still makes me sick. they autotuned the fuck out of it to the point where the chorus sounds like vomit sloshing around in a bucket, the lyrics are empty nonsense, and it’s just not bts! like ed sheeran wrote better songs for one direction, songs that still sounded kind of like ed sheeran songs. this isn’t even ed sheeran’s new sound and it CERTAINLY isn’t bts’ sound. i listen to this song and best case scenario i am tense the entire time waiting for it to be over. my friends and i CHEERED when it dropped down from #1 after one week lmao. the 1 (one) good thing about this song which doesn’t count for my ranking is the sign language built into the dance, that was great! i promise i will not be like this for the rest lmao
the beginning is a one direction song. is it wmyb? that would explain why it triggers a fight or flight response in me
i mean when it’s live jk’s part at the beginning is kinda nice but again that doesn’t count
namjoon why did you say elton john in a british accent
“right vibe” yoongi please define this vibe you keep speaking of
hobi’s cute during his part at the end of the chorus but that’s because of him not the song
jimin’s high notes at the end are good live but again they don’t count!!!
same with jin’s “we don’t need to WOOOOOOORRYYYyyy” that’s my favorite part of his voice
i needed to drink to get through this one yikes
33. Not Today
okay so absolutely NOTHING against not today but this falls in my category of bts songs where i’m like...”why are you yelling???” which makes absolutely NO sense because i generally LOVE the songs that go hard and this song is kind of allegedly about social justice? which is literally the MOST valid reason to be yelling. and yet...i think this song just makes me feel like i’m in a battle scene in a movie, but not the biblical kind like ON, more like the sci fi and/or youth revolution kind like hunger games where it could feasibly happen in a few hundred years and it just stresses me OUT! when i’m in a really chill mood this song can be fun but in any other situation i’m like someone please get me outta here i’m gonna dieeeEEEE. idk i’m sensitive sometimes. i guess the song does its job though
okay but literally does the beginning of this song not give you anxiety is this really just me
yoongi’s rapping voice is good though
extra! huh!
still part of this ~woooooorld~
extra plus ordinary! huh!
WILL i survive? will i REALLY???
chong! jojun! BALsa!!!
seriously it’s movie trailer battle scene music
too hot! (milk)
i love hobi’s rap
whatcha sayay! not todayay!
whatever effect they did on the vocals in the bridge i liked that it fits
hands up!
i had a nice day i do like this song
but it’s also v long
i will accept this gunshot it could be thematic
32. Yet to Come
ahhhh yet to come...again i LOVE the message behind this song and it’s something i need to hear at the tender age of 26. the sound just isn’t really my thing. but the best part of this song is when the rap line comes in on the chorus. specifically yoongi and how PASSIONately he raps his part i really FEEL it in the live performances (not that that’s supposed to count here...). last thing i’ll say is that i feel the need to sing this song more than i feel the need to listen to it, so i guess it’s catchy, but i don’t enjoy the listening experience as much as most of their other songs
vocal line does sound nice in the beginning actually
i should just listen to this drunk all the time
no i shouldn’t
[jk voice] yooonGAAAAAAAAY
i sure HOPE the best is yet to come
31. Life Goes On
this might as well be tied with yet to come tbh, the only difference between the two is that i’ve been with this song longer and i’m more attached. and vocal line’s high notes in the chorus are super impressive. i try to sing along and i’m piercing everyone’s eardrums. singing that high AND softly is really fucking hard like props to them...also every time yoongi sings “mmm mmm mmm mmm” i say “thanks suga” afterward because that alone is worthy of a grammy
the bass line is so close to another famous song idk which one but it’s also satisfying
we got jk low notes good good good good good good GOOD!
thanks suga
30. Save Me
this song is catchy, it just doesn’t really do anything for me. i think it ends up fading really easily into the background and it doesn’t really stand out next to other songs with a similar sound
the clock is like what do you mean what is the purpose (2015) of it
jimin your voice is beautiful
i just don’t think i could pick this instrumental out from a lineup of other 2010s dj hits you know?
lmao the echo on tae’s voice went so weird like really listen to it (nyah nyah nyah)
please save me tonight p p p please save me tonight
whoo! whoo!
the best of ME???
but yeah this sounds to me like parts of other songs but don’t ask me which ones i’ve lived a long life i don’t remember
no thank YOU namjoon 🤭
29. For You
okay i genuinely do LOVE this song i just don’t always have the patience for it, if that makes sense. it’s a good vibe that sometimes makes me feel nostalgic but it takes some time to build up. that’s okay! i just have to be in the right mindset for it. and similar to heather i only discovered the mv recently and wow that’s adorable 🥺
joonie baby why are YOU far away. come home. the kids miss you
shower! we’re getting really excited about hygiene!
lmao what is that noise they had to wake yoongi up for this
tae did a REALLY good job in that chorus wow
oh rap line in the chorus no wonder i like this
28. Dynamite
this is the song that got me into bts and it’s a bop! and i think a lot of people have problems with the lyrics because they’re ridiculous but dare i say i like them more than butter’s? it’s just a silly little song and it makes me happy sometimes. jungkook does like milk, lebron does jump high, king kong does exist, that’s three facts in one song what more can you want? and i’ll give bts the benefit of the doubt on this one because it was the first all english group song (that i know of?). maybe it WAS just a gift to armies all around the world because times were tough and english is a widely understood language and not an obvious cash grab like ptd or...
cup of milk let’s fuckin rock and roll!!!
i like jk’s voice when he says kong and stone
this beat cha ching like money! huh!
the autotune here is bad too ngl
namjoon i’m sorry you had to say that in a megaphone but i kinda love it
🎵 its called 4 on the floor! a beat you can’t ignore! 🎵
27. Butter
okay first of all you cannot call me a butter hater exhibit a my 2021 spotify wrapped:
Tumblr media
i listened to regular butter (#1) ALONE 724 times...i just really wanted it to stay #1 on billboard lol but i kind of was addicted to the song too. i didn’t get really tired of it the whole 10 weeks straight i was listening to it (between other bts songs...i’m not crazy). and i love that it showed bts being confident about themselves because i worry about that sometimes...some of them have anxiety and body image stuff so seeing them like this like oh yeah i’m hot shit again made me really happy. that said, you know, this was definitely a cash grab and the song itself feels very thrown together (unlike dynamite which was basic but seemed to be more ~sonically cohesive~) so i can only rank it so high
b-b-b-buttah motherfuckah!!!
break it down!
i remember when this song first came out i was so confused? idk it all just happened so fast
fresh boy or doom boy namjoon which one is it
oh hobi’s part is the BEST part whenever there is party to bring he BRINGS IT
26. Airplane pt. 2
sequels will never match up with the original and with an original like airplane by j-hope that is a BIG hangar to fill. not that i spend all of my time listening to this song comparing it to airplane pt. 1 lol. it’s a bop for sure, but similar to save me i think it fades easily into the background. the performance with the microphones takes it over the top but i’m not counting that here. ummmm don’t tell natalia’s mom i need to stay on her good side
i’m in a detective film
the HIGH NOTES! JIN!!!!! i think
i forget what the dance was for this actually but i hope they shake their hips a lot
again hobi’s rap is the best but it’s literally the same as part 1 you know???
[unnecessary sexy sighing]
25. ON
getting to my biggest LET ME EXPLAIN moments. a lot of this will be the same as what i say about black swan, i don’t think these songs are meant to stand alone. they don’t sound BAD alone, but they were meant to be performed. it’s true of so many kpop songs but when you take away the performance these songs in particular (compared to other bts songs) just don’t hit nearly the same. i think a part of that might just be the way they were mixed/mastered and what the streaming platforms did to the volume when they were distributed (i am completely pretending to know anything about this). not sure if this is fair to use as a factor because the song itself is still so good, but this is a problem i have with songs from other artists too where they sound so good with speakers but then with your headphones it’s just...disappointing. ON in particular sounds a bit quiet and almost restricted in my headphones, while other bts songs sound a lot louder and fuller at the same volume. like when you watch ON being performed, you are ON the battlefield WITH the marching band watching them fight and it’s incredible. when you’re listening to ON alone on your headphones you are watching a war movie with bts as actors and half of them aren’t great actors and no one knows how to use the weapon they’re holding except yoongi. it’s like watching the ON cinematic music video when you could be watching the kinetic manifesto dance performance. it will just never compare
i can’t understand what people are sayin! no way me too
no i will not look at your feet namjoon i have seen enough
whatever else namjoon is saying i love it
okay it’s a little better than watching a war movie it’s like watching a high school marching band youtube video
hobi and yoongi’s echo things and sound effects are the best part of this thing
ooh yeah oh eh eh oh oh eh uh huh uh huh doo doo doo
WIN NO! MATTER! WHAT! winnomatterwhatwinnomatterwhat nega mwoladeon nuga mwoladeon i don’t give a uh i don’t give a uh i don’t give a UH! YEAH!
jimin will you be my roommate though for real i need one
like jk’s high notes are not nearly as dramatic without him standing alone on the stage crouching in pain with a band behind him it’s just not the same
like i’m tapping my foot i just don’t feel the energy
24. Black Swan
i think i made my point with ON but i will just add here that it makes more sense for black swan to not hit in general just because the whole point of the song is like losing passion for music. and it’s not *just* an r&b pop dance song like i think the orchestral elements and the vocal distortions make it super unique. but without the performance, again, it just doesn’t hit the same at all. musically this song is like edging to me. it kind of builds and then goes steady and you’re waiting for it to flourish but then it doesn’t, it just goes “do your thang” and i’m just like dudes what does that even mean. i don’t know what your thing is either. and again maybe that goes with the meaning of the song but i’m just never satisfied unless i’m watching the music video or a dance performance. so that’s why this masterpiece is here on the list
this song is really fucking cool i mean it
the bass is full i appreciate that
bump bump bump! jump jump jump!
yeah yeah yeah! killin me now! killin me now! do you hear me yeah!
hobi’s part is really good
driving to the studio!
ba da NA NA!
this should’ve been a hit
23. Stay Gold
this song was an early fave of mine, i have fun memories of listening to this in my roommate’s car as they were first introducing me to bts. but it got old real fast so i haven’t listened to it much since 2020. but listening to it again after a while...it’s a good song...the best part of it BY FAR is jimin when he sings the japanese part in the chorus because holy shit is that not the cutest thing you’ve ever heard in your entire life??? wtf????? if he did that for the whole song it would probably be higher on this list lol
i’m sorry i will never hear the beginning of this song normally ever since that meme lmao
tae is really good in that pre-chorus
they really BELT out that chorus you go vocal line
honestly pissed they only had jimin do the japanese chorus once i have tears in my eyes
jin said “i’ll steal your heart” and i didn’t even believe him but then he did it :(
oooooh those high notes! so pretty!
22. Dope
okay i love this song but it does fall into the “why are you yelling???” category. i think what throws me off is the musical break after chorus. whatever that instrument is reminds me too much of another 2010s song i didn’t like and i just can’t always get with it. i’ll jam to it with other people but not really when i’m alone. lots to make fun of though which i really appreciate!
AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEEEEEEN (say this in a really annoying baby voice)
i don’t wanna say yes!
🎵 some words just go together like higher desire and fire 🎵
those beats in namjoon’s part really hit
the fact that namjoon said “can i get a little bit of hope?” and hobi’s part wasn’t right after...wtf....
bangtan style lmao
hustle liiiiiiiife!!!
21. Fire
thoughts are pretty similar to dope even though they literally tell us why they’re yelling. a bass boosted version of this was my “GET THE FUCK UP BITCH” alarm for a short time so i think it also gives me horrible flashbacks that probably affected the ranking. but it’s a jam for sure!!!
like those first notes bass boosted...imagine that waking you up...it’s scary
this instrumental is honestly ridiculous
when i wake up in my rrrOOOOM
say la la la la la! (la la la la la) say la la la la la! (la la la la la)
hey........................................burn it up
need! to burn! it down! OW!
HA! HA! HA HA! HOTTER (i always thought they were just laughing aggressively oops)
20. War of Hormone
i am CACKLING every time at jk singing “yes i’m a bad boy so i like bad girls” i love it so much. also s/o to tae for giving his ALL to “TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT RIGHT NOW...IMMA GIVE IT TO YOU GIRL RIGHT NOW” because that probably did a number on his voice. he did so much for us 🥲
the beginning is hilarious i can’t believe they had the mario coin and power up noises too they did that for ME!!!
so aGGRESSIVE namjoon
I’LL be your FAN!
YES i’m a bad boy SO i like BAD girls
hello hello (what) hello hello (what) tell me what you want right NOW!
hello hello (what) hello hello (what) imma give it to you girl right NOW!
say that in a baby voice too
i like the guitar a lot
eh heh! eh heh! eh eh eh hu yeeeeeeeah!!!!!
19. Danger
this song is just so dramatic and hilarious i always love listening to it. also the most important thing i have to say about this song is i am SHOCKED there isn’t a pokemon parody for this in which jimin says “you gotta catch em all” right before the chorus because that’s what i sing every time i cannot be the only person who does that
(in a baby voice) YOU’RE IN DANGER
i’m SICK!
you gotta make fun of jk trying to be sexy in the chorus with the UH!
tae really just let it all out in this song thanks for that buddy
rap line is so good. why are they so good. who approved of that
oh also sing jimin’s part in the chorus with a baby voice
18. Just One Day
ahhhh....this reminds me of chill car rides as well. i love this song, it’s cute, it’s catchy, it’s fun to “sing” along to, it’s nostalgic, it’s a specific genre of bts songs where i think this (and maybe for you) are the only singles, but it’s my comfort genre. i love it dearly
[namjoon sexy voice] yeah...just one day...one night
[deep inhale]
the SOUND EFFECTS! BEST PART. so silly i love
when the chorus goes do it! do it! do it! i feel like they’re poking me
hobi brought the party you didn’t have to ask him he just did it
can you please stay with me 🥺
17. Run
run is another one of my early faves. i remember when my old roommate first showed me their music videos this was one of the videos and songs i remembered liking a lot, probably the best at the time. maybe it was the most similar to music i was already listening to. but yeah, it’s a big banger as you know
dasi run! run! run!
jimin in the chorus he’s singing his little heart out!
(in the most baby emo voice you can muster) don’t tell me bye bye! you make me cry cry! love is a lie lie! don’t tell me! don’t tell me! don’t tell me bwye bwye!
hobi’s rap is really good wow
ooooh whoooooo oooooooh ahhhhhhh
the bridge is really good like that is a quality bridge do you know how hard that is to come by
16. Heartbeat
this placement is a bit of a surprise to me because a couple months ago this was really low in my ranking. i blame sarah <3 but i think the main reason behind that was, again, me having no patience to let music build. but when you let it get to at least hobi’s part it is SO beautiful. it may still grow on me yet, stay tuned
jk solo low notes oh woooooooow
🎵 some words just go together like higher desire and fire 🎵
jimin i love you you don’t have to wish for it <3
you give me a new BIRTH
this is a fist pumper when you get to the 2nd chorus
when the GUITAR gets going oh yes
tae singing high is also so beautiful there’s something special about it
15. I NEED U
okay so this is another banger but what sets this above some of the others is the silly boy band dance i do to this song which isn’t supposed to count but still
fall (everything) fall (everything) fall (everything)
hobi’s part is so good
but you are everything! everything! everything!
mianhae (i HATE YOU!) saranghae (i HATE YOU!) yongseohae (shit)
and then the dance move
it goes round and round! i go down and down!
jungkook you don’t need a girl could you even look her in the eye at this point?
another excellent bridge
14. Blood Sweat & Tears
fantastic song ABSOLUTELY no question like this song is great the whole time there are no dull parts i listened to it 10 times in the last week so i should know. not even thinking about the performance!
starts out good and just doesn’t stop wow
peaches and cream sweeter than sweet chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings
“kiss me” if you insist hobi!!!
hobi doing most of the chorus is actually the best idea they’ve ever had
kiss me on the lips IF YOU INSIST YOONGI
oh my god jimin’s about to do some insane high notes
13. Fake Love
listen. this song is amazing incredible show stopping never been done before never the same totally unique etc. BUT. it was not meant to sound like it does. the rocking vibe mix is a step in the right direction but ultimately this was the final answer. i consider this the official version. we all know they were emo kids it just makes sense
i wanna be a GOOD MAN! (just for you)
now i don’t KNOW ME! (who are you?)
LOVE YOU SO BAD! LOVE YOU SO BAD! drink some water sweetie
why you SAD? i don’t know. nan molla
oooooh i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know why
outro as intro <3 they do that a lot haha
12. IDOL
what’s fun about this song is i forget how much i love it all the time for some reason. and then it comes on and i’m like holy shit this is so good how unexpected??? also that whistle noise in the background throughout basically the entire song scratches an itch i never even knew i had. great song, one of their best for sure
the BEAT in the beginning
can call me artist! can call me idol!
i don’t! care!!
i’m proud of it! no more irony!
god this song is so fun
i KNOW what i am! i KNOW what i want! i ain’t EVER gonna change! i ain’t EVER gonna trade! CHOO CHOO!
spotlight eh ! superhero goddamn! anpanman!
and the whistle do you hear it in the chorus it’s in the left ear i think it’s like a sports whistle but melodic
11. DNA
okay so i have history with this song as well because if i remember correctly this is the first bts song i ever heard. and i didn’t really like it at first because it reminded me too much of other popular songs on the radio at that time that i didn’t like. but over the past few years and with distance from those kinds of songs i’ve grown to really love this one. tae starting the song out is a real treat because i think he rarely starts out the big songs and his voice sets a really cool vibe. also s/o to the one of my favorite misheard bts lyrics of all time “PUT YOUR ASS ON ME!”
lmao the put your ass on me line might have something to do with god and fate that makes it even funnier like this wasn’t random chance you were DESTINED to put your ass on me. tragically beautiful
this love! REAL LOVE!
my notes really are just any english sounding words i hear sorry
i love the shouting in the chorus. i love shouting
whose voice is the really low dna
space noises!
yeongwonhi! yeongwonhi! yeongwonhi! yeongwonhi!
screw the lightbulb
la lai la la la! la lai la la la!
10. Lights
first of all side note why are bts japanese songs so freaking good and give me so much emotion? why didn’t they do this with the english songs. this song is so sweet and beautiful and we again get jk starting out in his lower register which is GORGEOUS and then jimin once again singing in the cutest voice ever why was he designed to make me cry. anyway. love the song and the video doesn’t count but it might actually be my favorite bts video ever
low jk solo sorry idk why i’m obsessed with this now
every time i’m thinkin bout love every time i’m thinkin bout love! eh!
the build up to the chorus i love it i love it so much
vocal line stop making me feel things
i’m your liiiight! i’m your liiiiight!
oh this song is long i forgot
i’m BREAKIN DOWN (same)
this is one of their best songs seriously i probably ranked it too low
9.  Epilogue: Young Forever
i am not always in the mood for this song just because again i have little patience to let things build but when you get to yoongi and hobi just fucking screaming their parts i ascend to another plane of existence. it’s not even necessarily the song, it’s the PASSION i feel when i hear it that makes me love it. and again you have rap line in the chorus you simply cannot fail with that
[jk voice] YOONGAYYYY!!!!!!!
i’m drinking sake out of a solo cup because i’m forever young
the drama! the passion! you’re gonna love the arts in philadelphia!
jimin got this tattooed
and the way it slows down and becomes kinda solemn at the end i’m gonna cry
🎵 gang vocals here we come! 🎵 😭
8. No More Dream
a classic of course of COURSE!!! again rap line in the chorus can’t go wrong. also this has definitely happened in songs before this one in the list but i love when rap line, usually yoongi, just has one random high pitched word when they’re rapping something (i want a big house big cars and big rings but  sasireun I don't have any BIG dreams) like it’s my favorite thing ever i don’t know why. and they’ve been on their follow your dreams bullshit since day 1 god i love them
the school bell lmao
whatever hobi’s saying i love it
la la la la la!
they’re just growling at me it’s the best
was the gunshot thematic
this seriously went so hard
please tell me how everything i’m doing is wrong i respond to that
yeah yeah! OW!
okay those gunshots were def not thematic :/
to all the youngsters without dreams aha xx
7. N.O.
okay with this song i’ve blocked out the mv completely :) and the ONE concert performance with that fucking GUITAR RIFF is literally like an engine revving up in my chest. the performance doesn’t count but too late it’s a part of meeee!!! and you gotta do that little steering wheel move for JOHEUN CHAAAA!!! the other fun thing to do is during the chorus when they’re like everybody say NO!!! you do the little echo no! and andwae! in a baby voice. baby voice never gets old to me sorry. and talking about youth issues no one else was talking about! they are icons for a reason!!!
i guess this song is also supposed to be a revolution but it doesn’t stress me like not today idk why
everybody say NO! (no!)
we roll....we roll....we roll!!!
huh?! HUH???!!!
lmao there is so much going on in that last 30 seconds or so
6. Boy With Luv (barely feat. Halsey)
i think this was the second bts song i ever listened to intentionally, so again there is history, i was too jaded to like it the first time i heard it but when i was in a better mindset first getting into bts i really enjoyed it! jimin asking me how my day was and texting me i am giggling and kicking my feet just thinking about it. such a cute fun song and it being a more feminist version of boy in luv????? which still ranks higher on my list but pls ignore that for a sec finally please watch this video the choreography just works way too well
doing the fan chant in my head sorry
vocal line finally figured out how to sound a little bit sexy without trying too hard it turns out the secret was feminism
someone...please......come be his teacher......................
the instrumental is cool like someone called it kitschy once i agree if that’s not an insult
i love yoongi’s part
ay ay! ay ay! HOPE WORLD!
and hobi’s part
oh nooo! oh nooo! nooo way! nooo way! boy with luuuv!
oh whoa oh whoa oh whoa oh whoa oh
i WANT it!
namjoon’s part too all of rap line
yeah? sigh
let me flyyyyy
5. Mic Drop
mic drop is definitely meant to be performed but the difference for me between this and ON/black swan is the song still stands well on its own. it’s definitely better with the performance but i still listen to it by itself and i’m happy. and it’s just good the whole time. aside from the slow part but i’ll tell you my secret on getting past that. when namjoon’s doing his dramatic speech you gotta hype jin up. hype that part up like it’s literally the best part of that song coming up, like that dance doesn’t look completely ridiculous, and it will eventually be one of your favorite parts of the song
okay i do picture hobi dancing in my head during this intro i can’t help it
world business! bang bang! clap clap! magic! mic mic bungee!
i’m fine sorry! mianhae eomma!
i do it! i do it!
ooooh highlight of this song is when they echo “hella sick” like barking chihuahuas
baby watch your mouth (mouth!) it comes back around (round!) once upon a time (time!) we know how to fly (fly!) go look at your mirror (same! damn! clothes!) you know how i feel? (gaehaengbok) turn UUUUUuuuuuuP how many hours til we fly (woooOOOOOooooo) i keep on dreamin on the cloud! YEAH I’M ON THE MOUNTAIN! YEAH I’M ON THE BAY! EVERY DAY WE VIBIN! mic drop BAM!
namjoon says mic drop so calmly and casually i’m gonna
haters gonna hate players gonna play (swift 2014) live your life man good luck
and ragdoll
bo! bo-bo bo bo-bo body roll! bo! bo-bo bo bo-bo body roll! (what do you mean those aren’t the lyrics)
thanks steve <3
4. We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2
dude this just goes so hard so fast and again i’ve blocked out the mv completely in favor of the ONE concert performance in which namjoon does his little sword fighty move with his jacket and the...sash? strap? one of those things. i can’t get it out of my head and i don’t want to. again. SO much to make fun of here it’s just everything i need in a bts song and more.
oh FUCK yes
the vocal inflections or whatever!!!
fuck it UP tae oh my GOD
[baby jimin voice] we go HARD! <-- name of my bts hype playlist lol
click click ! bang bang! (said in a baby voice)
we just sing it like (said in a nerd voice)
jin sang this right after downing a glass of milk
again there is so much going on in this dance break outro lmao
3. Boy In Luv
this song hits EVERY fucking time. i don’t even remember the performance aside from jimin is there. it doesn’t matter. the song is so good and i don’t understand the words i don’t care. it’s got hip hop, it’s got rock, it’s catchy, you can make fun of it, it ticks all the boxes for me
(for absolutely no reason) FIYAH!
oh tae is definitely also there
tae really messed up his voice for this song please have some respect
hakuna matata! OH!
i love this whole goddamn thing
say “say what you want” in a baby voice also
car noises!
hold up!
i just ignore the meaning of the word oppa for this
yeah yeah yeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAH
jimin sing it bby!!!
2. Spring Day
this song was another early favorite of mine but i did get tired of it for a while because they kept performing it in 2020. but now that i’ve had some space i feel like i can fully appreciate it again. this song didn’t have to grow on me at all, i instantly liked it, tae’s “you know it all, your my best friend” deserves an oscar, i can’t even beLIEVE yoongi’s verse, and again! they are talking about this even while the government was (supposedly?) trying to downplay the whole tragedy. and this was AFTER they were getting successful, they had something to lose, but they did it anyway <3
1. Film Out
this probably seems a little random. i wasn’t in love with this song on the first listen, it definitely took a little for me to really get into it. my friends and i kept playing the music video on our big tv just because it was trippy and funny and when the song started getting stuck in my head it was all over. and vocal line SHINES in this one wow wow wow like especially the end with jimin and jin!! but we still have humor in namjoon’s part so this song is missing nothing. and then the INSTRUMENTAL. it sounded a bit strange to me when i first heard the song but now everything (the piano, the orchestra, the guitar) all come together so beautifully. and the LYRICS like at the end of the day it’s just some sad j-drama ost but it’s MY sad j-drama ost. i’ve never seen it though lol
starts with just a little piano
piano builds
guitar comes in
beat comes in (”let the beat in”)
[clenches fist] ahhhhhhhh
making fun of namjoon in this song is my favorite past time sorry
and the la la la la las over sope’s rap <3 <3 <3
beat drops out
i’m a conductor now actually
to conclude:
i hate ptd
i love jimin
newfound love for jk’s lower register
tae really does put his whole pussy into it sometimes
chances are i love hobi’s part
[jk voice] yoooooonGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
jin was there...i love him i swear
sorry for all the pop 101 references
why yes i am absolutely insufferable at kpop night thanks for asking
so if you made it through this whole post let me know i’ll give you a gift of some kind idk what yet but lmk if you have any ideas
not tagging anyone because i don’t want to subject any more of my friends to reading this but if you see this and would like to do it please go for it and say i tagged you! i love to hear other people’s thoughts on bts songs, good or bad
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Relevant stats (lol): I identify as ESFJ 6w7 right now
I was reading that post you shared from Mr. ENTJ. Wow. I respect the automatic focus on reality, facts, and figures, but I feel like trying to think that way all the time would be kind of demoralizing. Like, you can’t ever try to shape your life based on the truths you think should exist, you’re trapped in the confines of reality.
Everyone is trapped by the confines of reality, because reality exists whether or not you accept it does. Some things are proven by facts, and that's where ETJs park themselves -- inside of factual reality. To them, thinking that way isn't demoralizing, it's automatic, and people who deny the facts of reality are foolish. As Ben Shapiro (ESTJ) says, "The facts don't care about your feelings." They are just facts. ETJs take the facts and then use that as a way of making decisions. It's the world of feelings that they struggle to navigate, because emotions are not factual and do not make "sense" logically. It's way easier for them to design a spreadsheet than "get" their emotional child. Why would you think this way or ignore the facts???
It reminds me of when I was dating an ENTJ, would tell him the first part of a story, and his opinion on what would happen would be set after the first sentence. Then I’d introduce more details and he’d be like “well that changes things,” and I was like “of course details change things.” Is there a more aspirational/optimistic side to Te?
I've seen be TJs be idealistic (usually if they are 1w9s) but they are still bound to the facts and default into them automatically, and do not comprehend irrational decision-making ("emotional" people). ETJs reach faster conclusions than ITJs, due to judging dominance.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that I, and other people I’ve met, tend to kind of shut off the rest of the world when working—we’re often not the types to talk through our ideas to people while working on them or collaborate on group projects. Work feels most efficient when the production process is untouched by the outside world, and very selectively edited. Is this Si, Ti, something else?
I don't think it's type related, but it may be instinct related. I do not brainstorm with people on MY books, they are mine, I want to write them myself, for my ideas to come from me and not them, and to fix any problems that arise within the narrative myself. I don't share my work until it's finished, polished, and ready to go. I'm fine with brainstorming at work, though, since the best ideas often come from building off others' different perspectives on things. Some people care more about "soc" (group interaction) than others; it usually means semi-strong social instinct in the stack (everything but sp blind). Some sp/so's love to collaborate, others, like me, do not.
Lastly, I wrote in to you around 2 years ago when I had pre-vax COVID, was quarantined, and hadn’t seen anyone in over a week. [...] What stuck with me most, oddly enough, was your assertion that I was probably an Fe-dom because my whole ask screamed “I NEED PEOPLE”. [...] I gradually noticed little things like: I could socialize every day and rarely feel tired of it, I felt vaguely panicky if I suspected I wouldn’t see people for over 2 days, I ALWAYS felt confident that I was on the Fe-Ti axis but could never decide if I used Ni/Se or Si/Ne, there were periods of time it felt like my day revolved around responding to messages, I was more social than my ENFP sister despite identifying as ISFJ, and I could return from a long day and unwind by talking to a friend. [...]
Anyway, a few things about Fe-dom these days:
-They’re judging types, but I do feel like my gut reaction to certain ideas tends to be “hmm, interesting; I’m open to considering it” rather than immediately judgment. I know what I personally feel about things I’ve encountered before and how certain things are likely to be received, but that doesn’t mean I “judge” them? Is this in line with an EFJ?
You're a head type and they don't commit to anything without analyzing it first ("I need to think about it"). 6w7 EFJs are less instant to judge anything than the image/gut-oriented types because 6w7 is so attached to outside perspectives and combined with low Ne, makes them pretty eager to explore new ideas. Given the nature and flavor of our many interactions, ESFJ seems right for you.
-These days if asked about introversion/extroversion I say that I’m “selectively social”. i.e. I have lots of energy for people, but certain “extroverted environments” (usually loud+crowded) like parties/bars/concerts drain me. Does this seem in line with an EFJ?
Everyone has a sliding scale of introversion/extroversion. Some EFJs are extremely social and others are not. So it doesn't rule out EFJ. Large crowds would be extremely draining for a lot of EFJs, and not allow for the kind of closeness and intimacy of conversation they crave with their friends.
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ikyw-t · 2 years
hey! it's been a while since my last proper life update so it's about time for another! 🌸
Soo I started a new job on sunday and it's going rly rly well! I work at a bagel store, and I used to work at a different location for a few months right before covid and while it was by far the least stressful and least bad job I'd had overall, after working here for three days I realize that at the other store we had been understaffed like 99% of the time and that this job is actually a lot less stressful when there's a reasonable number of people working. so I'm glad that I'm working here now! everyone I've met so far has been very nice and it's just overall a very nice and chill atmosphere, I am genuinely so pleased :)
alsooo i started learning "je te veux" on piano a few days ago and according to the sheet music it's supposed to be played at 176bpm and so far I've learned half the song at 120bpm and honestly it still sounds delightful. 176 seems unnecessarily fast. like maybe I'll get it up to 150 but idrc about getting it that fast rly lol. it's been fun tho! the last song i rly took the time to learn all the way thru was "the very last night" over this summer and that was also fun but je te veux is like an actual song lol and it's very festive and jolly so im having a good time with that!
also I've been doing a lot of reading lately! here's some brief reviews!
- the world cannot give, tara isabella burton; fun read, cool vibes. i read another book by her called "social creature" which i also read in two days and was pretty compelling
- when we were young, richard roper; also a fun quick read! definitely had some laugh out loud moments. it was enjoyable although i think his other book "how not to die" had a more developed story and characters and i liked more in general.
- family of liars, e. lockhart; a pretty good sequel for "we were liars" which i read a year ago or more, but i feel like this had a similar vibe and voice to the first book, and overall the story didn't feel like a forced prequel, but held up just fine on its own.
- currently i'm reading cards on the table by agatha christie, which is the 15th book in the hercule poirot series lol. i started the series earlier this year and altho it's not always very riveting they are pretty quick and fun reads, and it gives me something to read when i don't feel like im the mood for anything else, ya know? also it's kinda interesting to read about domestic life (and death! Lol) in early 20th century england. this book is called cards on the table cause it took place during a game of bridge, and i think if i knew anything about bridge id probably appreciate it a little more though it's been a solid book regardless.
also i read the play "who's afraid of virginia woolf" a couple weeks ago and i finished it cause it was pretty short but it was meh. like. just meh.
anyway! that's my once in a blue moon life update dump lol. would have to say im currently not doing too bad! the rest of the year has been pretty stressful and just miserable but at least the last couple months of 2021 are turning out ok!
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sycamorre · 1 year
18, 13, 14, aaaand 50 for OCs
-OC Questions-
18. Any OC crackships?
I mean, you know I love Ori and the Frost Prince AU just as much as you do. You could probably suggest half a dozen characters from that campaign and I'd be on board to consider the possibilities for giggles. The only other OC that I think has really had "crackships" is Indes, mostly because she was my most well-known ones from my TES RP days. I've definitely had a few suggested for giggles, and have plenty that I would have been interested in exploring in like an AU way, but the other characters in those ships are no longer active or I have no idea how to explain them if you don't know the characters.
There was a halfling paladin that our Waterdeep party was introduced to and ended up being familiar to Jayni as a way to introduce her to the party when I joined. I did like the idea of shipping them a tiny bit even though it was still very early in the campaign (which is why I consider it a bit of a crackship), but I cannot remember his name for the life of me and definitely seemed to be someone the DM came up with rather than him being a character from the module. He lent her his mastiff to ride for a while. It was sweet. And I'm a sap.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
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Wisteria's entire backstory is literally summed up with "she got kicked out of the Feywild for causing trouble and doing something stupid" even if I don't know what that exact stupid thing is yet, she easily earns the "most likely to make trouble for trouble's sake" title.
Other troublemakers include my Skyrim RP character Vialgo, mentioned before, who was more sassy and sarcastic than anything else but I imagine tried to pull off as many pranks as he could while he was working with the Dawnguard. My archfey Quelyn is also a bit of one, but less in the "doing it for the lols" type and more of the "causing trouble because it helps my agenda" type.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory.
I'll be honest, I don't do a lot of particularly tragic backstories. Some troubled pasts? Sure. Complications that may come back to haunt them? Love 'em! Maybe one impactful death here or there, but the real tragic ones are few and far between. For example, I think the only characters I have that have lost both parents are Tala and Ledo, but for Tala they passed when she was a literal baby (due to a plague) so she was raised by her grandparents instead. Their deaths were not something she actually remembers and have little effect on her as a character. And for the few older characters I made back during my first few years writing/RPing, the ones who did have somewhat tragic backstories often ended up getting rewritten as I matured and decided they were more cringe than provoking.
Of my current, active characters, Ledo would probably have the most tragic one, even though she also has come to terms with about half of it at this point. However, to avoid possible spoilers for you and the rest of our little dnd gang snooping around here, I'm gonna actually briefly describe her old backstory, which got a complete rework in Sam's world so this won't really be spoiling anything major if stuff does come up.
This would have been the basic bullet points if something had happened to Ori in the last campaign since Ledo was the backup for it. Originally, Ledo was gonna be in a similar situation to Tala where she didn't really get to know her parents before they passed. Unlike Tala, she would not know who they were at all and would not be aware of any other immediate family. All she would know is that she was given to an orphanage at a young age. She would eventually run away for reasons, and find herself taking shelter in the workshop of a dwarf tinker. The tinker and his wife would take pity on her and give her a place to stay for a while as they tried to decide what to do, but since they had never been able to have children of their own, they take her in and eventually adopt her. She would grow up and eventually take up an apprenticeship with her adoptive father and found that she had a bit of a natural talent with working in the forge and with tinkering. But the real tragedy would strike when a large explosion goes off in the workshop, killing the tinker and seriously injuring Ledo. In the aftermath, she would have found hints that the explosion was not an accident, but a planned sabotage. She would not know who the culprit was, though she may have had suspicions (in the case of the last campaign, I probably would have used her suspecting Cobalt or someone he worked with as a catalyst to get her to join up with the party). Obviously the current backstory is a lot different considering she comes from a Tiefling culture instead, but there's still a couple of nods to the original version.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
The problem with this question is that I simultaneously want to talk about all the things but I'm also really bad when I'm put on the spot and asked to just talk about something. SO... I'm gonna talk about Aubrey so I'm not just talking about more dnd stuff.
Aubrey is an innkeeper, a witch, and an informant. She's currently set in a low-fantasy world that is heavily based on the 1300s medieval period so it's been a fun exercise in making more subtle fantasy looks and finding appropriate design and referenced art-wise. But she's such a fun character to play and think about, even if I have not gotten to do too many exciting things with her just yet (unfortunately the arpg she was made for has been pretty low with activity the last couple of years). Her magic is limited in the current setting because it's low fantasy, but her main thing is divination and getting visions from spirits. I also want her to have a magpie familiar eventually that she can use as her little scout but that may or may not happen depending on what eventually happens with the setting. One of the things I would love, love, love to do with her eventually is come up with some sort of plot that would take her away from the inn because of either some information she has found through her usual channels, or from a vision that is more intense than usual, and get her tangled up with more secretive organizations outside of the city she lives in.
And for a fun note, if I ever brought her to dnd (because that would probably be the first system I would try to adapt her for) I would absolutely make her a raven queen warlock because the idea of getting not only a raven familiar (likely adjusted to be a magpie for Aubrey's theming), but also getting to merge with that familiar as a utility thing would be so, so much fun.
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rouiettes · 4 years
raya and the ugliest fucking dragon i've ever seen holy fuck who the hell thought to give a dragon fuckiNG EYEBROWS WHY WHY—
aka the musings of a filo non-binary bisexual who feels victimized by the dragon designs of this fucking movie supposedly centred around THE LAST DRAGON???? MAYBE THEY SHOULD HAVE STAYED STONE GDI WHAT THE FUCK SERIOUSLY WHY DO THE DRAGONS LOOK LIKE THAT
let's get one thing straight.
none of the characters in this movie. rest assured. not a single straight person was in this movie. trust me.
raya and the last dragon had all the foundations of a good movie
(in my humble opinion okay pls dont come for me)
a disney movie with sea culture at its heart and soul, i was so hyped to finally watch this movie
(not as hyped as i could have been tho bc let's be honest DISNEY DID SHIT WITH RAYA'S MARKETING)
you had the amazing score, the amazing concepts for plot and characters, the solid solid worldbuilding???
if you just told me about how raya's setting and premise, i'd probably be "wow this movie sound like the whole package"
and then i'll actually watch the movie and have just as much trust issue as raya did :/
but i digress
do you know how diverse sea culture is??? VERY
and one thing i was very happy to see was how raya handled it
it was by no means perfect but
the subtle shows of culture in the way the characters acted, and the environment of the movie was just CHEF'S KISS
not only that but the ideas the movie had in terms of its world and the people in it felt genuine, it felt alive
a dragon that isn't the typical fire-breathing lizard
characters who look like they could easily be my neighbours or children i've played with
instead of pandering to this movie felt like an actual homage to sea cultures
and for good reason bc seeing all those familiar names rolling in the credits had me feeling some type of way :")
also that fucking soundtrack gave me chills throughout my watch of the movie
okay now that we've got the things i actually like about the movie, let's talk about what i don't like
if there's one word i could use to describe disney's raya it would be: rushed
like i said in the beginning, all the groundwork for an astounding disney movie were already there
but all of it just goes to waste bc the plot and it's characters feel so Unfinished
the movie felt like a bullet-point presentation of the story
WHICH IS SO FUCKING DISAPPOINTING BC THE CHARACTERS SEEMED SO INTERESTING but all we got were shadows of what they could have been
cardboard cutouts of the archetypes they filled
i'm not asking for a bottomless well of depth, but i at least wanted more for the cast than just: angry misunderstood princess, angry misunderstood princess with an undercut, that one dancing kid from moana but with more spice, boss baby, and the mountain
and i get that they had to sacrifice some of their depth to keep the run time of the movie short but you have got to be better than this disney
i hate to compare but it felt like this movie tried to go beyond what moana gave us, and shot so far that it ended up back to where it started, and then stumbled back a few steps
and you'd think the plot for one of the few disney movies with a non-western setting would have more than just a macguffin considering how batshit sea folk tales can be
but you'd think wrong folks.
sure moana had a macguffin too with the heart of te fiti, but the heart itself wasn't the heart of the movie
it was the journey of moana and maui
maybe this was just me but like, i felt so bad for the friend who watched this movie with me bc all i could go on and on was how the plot felt like it was getting in the way of itself
why didn't the different kingdoms (??) kept the gem in rotation or smth, when did they decide that heart would keep it and then get mad at heart for keeping it????
why didn't awkwafina dragon just show herself to the kingdoms bc everyone seems to be in agreement that dragons good right? that they would be the key to getting rid of the druun right??? SO THEY'D ALL AT LEAST HEAR HER OUT OR SMTH RIGHT????????
and yes raya has trust issues but it seems to only spring up at the most convenient times plot-wise, we didn't really see her learn to trust other people again OTHER THAN THE TIMES WHERE SISU WOULD HAMFISTEDLY SHOVE IT DOWN OUR THROATS THAT SOME PEOPLE ARE GOOD SOMETIMES RAYA
we see it with boun, but then she just trusts noi, her monkeys, and tong THE GUY WHO STRUNG THEM UP AND WAS THREATENING TO TORTURE THEM????????
i'm gonna be honest and say that if it weren't for namaari i'd have absconded the moment sisu came on screen
as far as i'm considered the actual plot of the movie is just the entire sword fight scene between her and raya
and finally
we get to the part i will be erasing from my brain for my own mental well-being
my friend said they looked like the ponies from mlp in 3d AND NOW I CAN NEVER UNSEE IT
every time we got a sisu close up i lost 5 years to my life
disney i am suing for damages
if you want me to drop the charges i demand raya 2: electric boogaloo but it’s just raya and namaari enemies to friends to lovers ark
and also for them to never say dragon nerds ever again
im not the first person to be side-eying disney's decision to keep pumping out these 3d movies but like.
no amount of added dimensions could ever make that dragon design okay
and there so many more points i could go off on to show how this movie was rushed
how the other dragons, and even sisu's siblings whom she had been missing for the entire movie DIDNT MAKE A SINGLE SOUND???? NOT EVEN A FUCKING GROWL DISNEY???? DID YOU EVEN TRY WITH THE DRAGONS AT ALL??? THE SUPPOSED CENTRE OF THIS MOVIE'S PLOT?????????
kudos to that one granny chief though
u can never have enough bad ass old ladies
children aren't stupid disney. if you tell your story well enough, they'll pick up on the messages you want to give them. YOU DONT HAVE TO THRUST EVERYTHING IN OUR FACES
i was exhausted by the time i finished this movie
bc i really wanted to love it. i wanted to feel more for it than just: well, it's a movie :)
i dont hate this movie though like it's not even worth the energy for that
i think that ultimately, despite all my issues with it, this movie was a step in the right direction when it comes to having non-western stories being told by non-western people in big name productions
i'm glad raya and the last dragon exists
i just can't help but be dissapointed though bc this movie put so much effort into putting my people and culture at its forefront but at what cost???
good characters and story for a good setting and design????
does it have to be one or the other?????
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 3)
(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2)
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a brief and half-assed description of theoretical male masturbation.  that’s it.  lol.
moodboard by @evnscvll​, if you’re not following her what are you doing with your life???
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As the afternoon was just starting to wind down into the evening, you went for a stroll along the side of the lake; it was your new daily routine in this place, and you’d done it every afternoon for the past several days.  You found yourself looking for Sebastian outside, and being oddly disappointed when he was nowhere to be found.  It took you a bit to appreciate that the strange feelings and behaviors you were exhibiting were a crush.  You hadn’t had one in so long, not since you’d met your husband, that you almost forgot what it was like.  This one felt particularly childish, exceptionally misguided, as you knew so little about the man.  What was it that made you want to be around him anyways?  There were plenty of guys you’d met since getting married that were, on paper, worthy of a crush.  Successful, kind, good-looking... who knows, maybe if you’d been lonely and desperate and saw one of them hammering nails shirtless in the sun, you’d have been in the same predicament you are now.
And that was exactly why you needed to get your mind off this guy ASAP.  You were just projecting your loss onto him.  You’d been feeling neglected and unattractive because of everything that had happened with your husband and he had been kind to you.  And helpful.  And handy in a way your husband had never been.  And so devastatingly hot.  
He must know, right? you thought to yourself as you took in the scenery, just barely making out grey-ish shadows of mountains in the distance.  He must know that he looks like that, and exactly the effect he has on women.
...And a decent portion of men, probably.
The idea of him being overwhelmed with attention of that nature made you feel slightly jealous.  He was probably the exact kind of person you weren’t in high school: a heartbreaker.  Yes, this was the narrative you needed to keep yourself from falling any further into this crush; you two were sworn natural enemies-- him the heartbreaker, you the heartbroken.  A guy like him probably didn’t even give a girl like you the time of day.
Except, he had.  He’d been friendly and attentive.  Maybe he works for tips or something?  Why else would he be giving you any of his energy?
No, that was specifically not the line of thinking you needed at the moment.  Does he think about me when I’m not around?  Could he think of me as much as I think of him? you found yourself wondering anyways.
Either way, he could never beat me at overthinking, you smiled to yourself.  I always win at that one.  
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You’d almost spent too much time outside; it was nearly too dark to see by the time you made it back to the cottage.  Clearly the bustling city had trained you to stay up late, but out here, you had no recourse if the sun set while you were outside without a flashlight.  
It was so late, in fact, that Sebastian was nowhere to be found when you passed through the living room— and since he was certainly not working outside with no light to use, you figured he’d gone to bed.  By now you knew where his room was, but you’d never seen it.  Not that you wanted to.  It was none of your business.
Making your way up the stairs, you tried to avoid the creakiest spots in case he was asleep.  It wasn’t that late though, he was probably just… doing whatever people do before bed when they don’t have a television.  Reading a book, maybe?  
You shook your head to no one in particular.  You shouldn’t be thinking about him so much.  God, having a crush was exhausting.
Oh god, what if he, you know… took care of himself, before bed?  It’s a fun way to end the day and wear yourself out for sleep, certainly.  You felt your face turning hot just imagining him in such a compromising position.  You didn’t even mean to imagine it, it just sort of happened.  Maybe right now, just as you were struggling to keep quiet on this rickety old staircase, he was trying to keep quiet as he stroked his cock, the muscles in his arm flexing with each movement, that perfect bottom lip caught between his surprisingly white teeth.  
Probably not.  But it was a nice thought.  
Just as you stepped into your room and shut the door behind you, you thought you saw something in the corner of your eye.  Turning to look, you realized that there was a rat running across the floor.  With an embarrassingly girlish scream, you ran and jumped on your bed, trying to see where it went while keeping elevated; you know, just in case it tried to run up your leg like in a cartoon or something.
Creaking outside alerted you that someone was running up the stairs.  Your door flew open to reveal Sebastian, wearing only pyjama trousers and a very concerned facial expression.
"Este totul în regulă?"
"There's a rat!" you screeched.
"Ce?" he asked with a furrowed brow of confusion.
You tried to explain, but how could you?  Pointing to where you saw it last, it was gone, so you turned back-- only to see it running towards him!  Screaming again, you pointed to the rodent barreling towards his feet and, finally, he understood.
In fact, he understood your situation better than you realized he would, so much so that he jumped up on the bed with you with a blood-curdling scream of his own.
"Şobolan!" he yelped, and you weren't sure there was room on this bed for two people afraid of rats but here you were anyway.
You both watched it scurry into a corner, and he seemed to relax a little.
"What are we going to do?"
"Stai așa," he said as he raised a finger as if to indicate 'wait', "ma voi intoarce."
He lept from the bed straight to the open doorway and dashed down the stairs.  You figured he might come back with a broom or jar, so you were beyond surprised to see him come back with an enormous shotgun, quickly pumping it and bracing the stock against his shoulder.
"Unde este?" he asked quickly, closing one eye to look over the sights.
You nearly screamed your protest.  "Jesus, Sebastian!  Don't shoot it!"
“Ce vrei sa fac?!” he squawked in reply.
“I don’t know!” you replied.  “Just put the gun down!”
He looked a little disappointed but lowered the barrel.
Hearing a squeak and a scurry from the corner of the room, you jumped off of your bed and found yourself hiding behind Sebastian.
“Nu sunt la fel de curajoasă pe cât crezi,” he said as he turned back to look at you.
“I can’t sleep here,” you admitted with a sigh.  “We can set a trap in the morning, or hope it escapes on it’s own…” you trailed off, talking mostly to yourself as you made your way back downstairs.  Sebastian shut the door quickly with a shudder before following behind you.
You pulled a blanket off of the loveseat as you passed through the living room, dragging it with you to the couch.
“Nu te pot lăsa să dormi pe canapea!” he protested when you laid down and covered yourself with it— after leaning the gun against a wall, thank god.  You wondered where it was normally kept for him to have grabbed it so fast.
“I can’t sleep in my room,” you explained. 
“Poți să dormi în patul meu,” he announced, pointing down the hall.  
“Poți să,” he repeated slower, pointing to you, “dormi,” he laid his face on his hands and feigned sleep for a moment, “în patul meu,” he pointed to the hall again.
“There’s another bedroom down the hall?” you asked as you sat up a little, not having realized there was a third bedroom.
“Da,” he nodded with a smile.
You got up, the blanket still wrapped over your shoulders, and followed him to the room down the hall and around the corner.
As he opened the door, you smiled but sighed as you realized you couldn’t sleep in here.  The bed was still disturbed from where he’d jumped out of it; there was a picture in a frame by the bed.
“Sebastian, I’m not going to steal your room just because I’m afraid of a probably-harmless rat,” you sighed.  “I’ll take the couch—”
You turned to walk back into the living room but his arm across the doorway stopped you.
“Te rog ia-mi patul și voi dormi pe canapea,” he instructed, motioning away from his chest towards the living room to, apparently, indicate he would sleep on the couch in your place.  
“I can’t let you—”
He gently grabbed your wrist, getting your attention.
“Nu e nicio problemă,” he soothed.  “Noapte bună!”
He basically just shoved you into the room after that, shutting the door behind you.  You supposed it was the best option, but you still felt a little guilty that he was being kicked out of his own bed.
You turned and looked at the very bed in question.  Realizing you should change the sheets, you began to search the room for a linen closet or chest that might have a spare set.
You weren’t intending to snoop, per se.  You really just wanted the sheets… but it was a nice glimpse into the personal life of a man you knew so little about.  A room says a lot about someone, of course.
The picture on the bedside table was of a family with a small boy; it looked like it had been taken by an instant camera, the sepia tones evoking a bygone era.  You assumed that the boy was Sebastian, considering the faint resemblance.  He looked happy, and so did his mother; his father less so, but it seemed stoic more than negative.  Next to the photo was a card which rested partially open— thankfully, you couldn’t read it even if you wanted to, but you could also see the signature inside from where you were standing: “Iubesc, Mama.”
You weren’t sure if it meant ‘love’ or ‘sincerely’ or something else, but it made you smile.  You figured his mother must miss him with him living in Hungary for work.  You wondered if anyone missed you back in London.
A lot of his clothes were strewn in a pile on a chair in the corner.  Relatable.
Inside a small white paper box, you found a silver locket— oddly enough, no picture inside.  While ignoring the fact that you obviously were snooping because you would never look for queen-size sheets in a white paper box, you wondered why he would have something like that.  Maybe it was a relic from a previous relationship, and hopefully not a current one; maybe it was his sister’s or his mother’s.  Hell, maybe it was his: you weren’t the sort of person to say a guy couldn’t rock a silver locket.  He had the masculinity to spare, surely.
You gave up after searching the closet and the side bathroom and finding no sign of linens.  Surprisingly, he owned a lot of shirts.  They didn’t seem to get much use.  He wouldn’t mind if you stole one to use as pyjamas, right?
Pulling a soft button-up from the hanger, you stripped and changed into it, loving how small you felt with it on.  You snuggled up into the sheets and took a deep breath as you realized you were surrounded in the smell of him.  Oh, this was a very dangerous game to play.  You needed to be avoiding this infatuation, not indulging it by playing girlfriend.  It was almost like you two shared this bed, like he would come back any moment and pull you into his arms, kiss you goodnight.  You saw the light from the living room go dark through the crack under the door and felt another pang of guilt for his night spent on the old sofa.  Maybe in the morning you could convince him to take a day off or something, just so he could relax for once.  
Your last thought was of him as you drifted to sleep.  You wished you could say that wasn’t true of every other night.
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The next morning came early; he slept with the shutters open, something you hadn’t noticed when it was dark out.  The sun shined directly into your eyes at about six in the morning.
“Must be an early riser,” you mumbled to yourself as you got up and used the side bathroom, splashing your face to perk yourself up a little.  When you left the hallway tentatively in pursuit of breakfast, all that was left of him was a Sebastian-shaped dent in the couch.  As you began to make a pot of coffee, you heard someone step into the kitchen behind you.
“Good morning,” you greeted as you turned around and smiled at Sebastian.
“...Cămașă mea,” he realized, pointing to you with raised eyebrows.  You glanced down and remembered what you were wearing, feeling yourself blush a little.  Maybe you should’ve put on pants…
“Oh, this… yeah, sorry, I hope you don’t mind…”
“Îl porți mai bine decât mine,” he shrugged, and it seemed to be a vague approval, so you kept on making the coffee. 
“You want some?” you offered, pointing to him and a mug as he stepped past you and sat at the table.
“Nu, mulțumesc,” he dismissed with a wave of his hand.  You nodded and poured your own, sitting across from him and sipping quietly.  You hadn’t noticed he was holding a book before; the shirtlessness, as always, distracted from that sort of detail.  But now that he pulled it out and continued from where he must have been before, you laughed a little.  It was clearly a Romanian translation, but the title was Dracula.  
“Isn’t that a little stereotypical?” you giggled.
He looked up from the book at you, and you pointed to it.  “Ah, Dracula!” he said.
“Yep, I’ve read that one.”
He made a little hissing noise, holding his fingers up and curling them, and you realized he was doing a vampire impression.  You laughed again.  
“You don’t make for a convincing vampire, what with the healthy glow and all,” you smirked.  “But feel free to bite my neck any time.”
For a second he made a serious, almost shocked face like he had somehow understood what you’d said, and you straightened up from sudden fear.  But he only nodded and returned to his book, relieving your anxiety a bit.  You realized that just because he didn’t speak English didn’t mean you could say whatever you wanted; maybe you’d given more away than you meant to with your facial expression.  Or maybe he really had no idea that you’d said anything notable at all and it was just a coincidence.
Maybe you needed to change out of this man’s shirt before it drove you even more insane.
@mariahthelioness29 @navybrat817 @navegandoaciegas @mandalorianspace @2smittinkittin @maizyistrash (it won’t let me tag you :(( fuck tumblr) @honeygingergemini @msmarvelwrites @honeyloverogers @toozmanykids @dangertoozmanykids101 @fleeingdawn-blog1 @readermia @fanfuckingtastic04 
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criquette-was-here · 3 years
Some replies
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Anonymous said:
hi criquette! did you see those new 4t2 shopfronts from beautifulnerdkitty? they’d look super cool with your Simlish signs on them, don’t you think? \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Hey anon! Yes, I saw them and they’re great! It might be wonderful to have them feature those simlish shopsigns I’ve made. If somebody would like to do this, I’d be super excited :D
Anonymous said:
Is there a tutorial or anyway to make neighborhood terrain defaults. I cant find a clear one but I really want to do one for the dirt and concrete. Just some tips would be good instead. Thanks.
Hey anon! I’m not sure if there’s a tutorial on terrain defaults, but I know a way to make a DR. Just take the existing terrain default replacement, look up all the texture names in the package, find those textures in the game resources and export them. Assemble exported textures into new package, and replace Maxis’ textures with yours. This method is called ‘reverse engineering’ ;) I’ve used this method to create ‘Rural Charm’ just to calm down my conscience about using someone else’s DR as a base, lol
Anonymous said:
hi criquette :D i was wondering if you have any links or know where i can get info on how to resize sims 2 neighborhood deco? i have some buildings that would fit perfectly in my neighborhood but they are so big!
Hello anon! Oh, there’s only one way to resize TS2 neighborhood deco: you have to export the mesh and edit it in the 3D editor of choice. And then import it back again. So basically it depends on 3D software you’re going to use. 
@boringbones​ said:
Criquette, your trees have always been beautiful! I know you must have received this question before, but have you considered creating alternative versions of them? For example, they look amazing in the fall, I wish I could add them to the neighborhood even in the summer to create a more elegant contrast to the look, just like I did in my neighborhood at The Sims 3, OldSunset, it would be an amazing experience to have this contrast
Hi Erick! Yes, it would be really great thing to have, actually. I also thought about having some bare trees for the autumn, or dead trees for all seasons, just to add more character to the scene. But, with the lack of time I’m having right now, this could take ages to make.
Anonymous said:
Hello, I absolutely love your old neighborhood decos. However, the roads don't really match your rural charm set. I was wondering if there was a cc set that you know of that edited your old nh decos to match rural charm roads? Or if you have uploaded one before and I just haven't been searching enough ^^'
Hey anon! Thank you! I don’t think there are any ‘charmed’ versions of my old neighborhood decos around. And I’m afraid you’ll have to wait too long for me to update them -_- Real life is going hard right now.
Anonymous said:
Hola yo instale el juego pero me aparece todo azul
Hola anon! No creo que soy una persona adecuada para resolver problemas generales con el TS2 como este. Tengo zero experiencia en este tema y lo único que te puedo aconsejar es buscarlo. Lo único que me parece raro, es que lo tienes todo azul y no roso. Y eso me hace pensar, que estas hablando no del juego mismo sino de algún CC que acabas de instalar. De todos modos, con mas detalles es mas fácil conseguir alguna solución.
Nonnie is saying that they’ve just installed the game and everything appears blue. I reply that I’m not the right person to resolve general TS2 issues and my advise is look it up somewhere. The only thing that bothers me is that everything is blue, not purple which makes me thing that the anon is talking about CC they recently installed rather than the game itself. All in all, more details would help resolve this.
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette!  I hope I'm not bothering you with my question, but there is something driving me bonkers about my game that I hope you can help me with.  Whenever I load up my game and go into "lot" mode, the area next to the roads where normally the sidewalk would be is a darker shade of green than the rest of the environment. This ONLY happens when it is night time, during the day everything matches perfectly. Any ideas what could be causing this? FYI I use your terrain and road replacement
Hi anon! I can feel your pain here. Yes, that drives me crazy too, but there’s not much we can do about it, unfortunately. I mean, probably it is possible to edit that particular part of lighting system TS2 has, but.. Imagine trying to replace a book with other book at the bottom of a huge pile of books trying to prevent the pile from falling ^^
Anonymous said:
Hi. I'm hoping you'd know the answer to this. Voleste shared a beautiful hood a few years ago, but did not include the sc4 file. Do you know how I would be able to edit the hood in SimsCity4 to add a few roads?
Hello, anon! I don’t think that’s possible. There’s no conventional way to export a TS2 terrain back into SC4 map. There’s one thing you can do though. You can try to recreate the road layout in Simcity4, keeping in mind that SC4 tile is 2x2 neighborhood TS2 tiles and the map is mirrored. Make it as accurate as possible in terms of planning, but ignoring the height and relief factor. Then, make the edits you want to make and create a neighborhood with that new SC4 map. Then you have to swap only roads with the neighborhood you wanted to edit in the first place. That will make your roads levitate or underground depending what relieve the target neighborhood has. To fix that, you have to use the terraforming cheat and move terrain vertices along the roads up and down again to make the road stick back to the surface of the earth. Not a conventional way too, but you don’t have to study coding and programming to create a stand alone SC2 terrain editor with a ‘export to SC4 map’ option ^___^
Anonymous said:
Привет, Criquette. Я переделываю участки в городке под квартиры и обношу границы задних двориков невидимым забором. Но в городке есть один дом, где дворик общий для двух квартир. Есть ли какой-нибудь способ через SimPE, убрать коллизию у забора так, чтобы игра всё ещё воспринимала его как барьер, но симы могли проходить сквозь него?
Привет, анон! В теории, у любого забора есть свойство, которое включает и выключает пересекаемость этого забора симом. Это позволяет низким оградам (клумбам, например) не быть преградой для симов, но мне кажется именно эта переменная и отвечает в том числе и за изолированность пространств друг от друга. Если это могло бы сработать, то проверить это можно разделив общий дворик кирпичным или деревянным бордюром для клумб. Но что-то мне подсказывает, что игру это не устроит. А Нуменоровские кастомные стены никак не подойдут? Я точно не помню какие именно там есть, но вдруг.
Nonnie is saying that they’re converting houses in the hood into apartments using invisible fence to keep backyard boundaries safe. But there’s a house in the neighborhood where the backyard is shared by two apartments. The question is: is there a way to edit a fence in SimPE so that sims would cross it, but the game would still think it’s not a single room but rather two separate rooms. I reply that there is an option that makes a fence possible/impossible to walk over, but I’m pretty sure that this very option is also responsible for the room type and how the game sees it. The easiest way to check this theory would be to divide the room by wood or brick flowerbed fence, but I doubt it’d work. I also suggest Numenor’s custom walls, probably there’s something there that would fit the situation.
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flying-elliska · 3 years
thank you @sinterblackwell for tagging me in this bookish ask game! these questions were really interesting !
how many books are too many books in a series ? i'm honestly pretty tolerant for long book series, i love seeing a world develop over lots of books - started the bone season series recently which has 4 books so far and is slated to have seven, it's going to be a bitch waiting but at the same time there is something so thrilling about having this sort of returning event year after year (i grew up with the HP books so that really marked me i guess). that said i think that only really works when the authors have solid plans because when an author gets stuck and you have to wait ten years for the next one that really sucks (lol GoT). and i think beyond 7-8 it's definitely getting excessive.
how do you feel about cliffhangers ? hmmm...depends if they're well done or if they feel like shock value. i think every book needs to feel like a cohesive unit and some cliffhangers happen too soon, without enough resolution - that said, i love it when books open up a new (but related) mystery in the last few lines
hardback or paperback ? i used to buy paperbacks only but over time those really get damaged super easily (i've moved a lot) and it feels like a waste of space and paper. so now i'm doing this thing where i mostly buy ebooks and whenever i really like a book and want it in my permanent library - or when a new book is coming out that i know i am going to love - i buy hardbacks ; at least when the covers are aesthetically satisfying. i just really love the idea of starting to build my 'forever library'
least favorite book ? it's tied between Manon Lescaut, which i was forced to read in high school and is the most irritating story ever about an old timey dude falling in 'love' with a prostitute and blaming her for it and everything else that goes wrong in his life until she dies and he can 'be free' ; and The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi which made me so uncomfortable i had to stop like one third of the way in and is a torture p*rn, fetishistic, racist mess about a Japanese cyborg girl who gets exploited and abused by everyone she meets. It's possible that these two books were trying to make a point about how the things they're depicting were bad, but there is a level of misogyny and violence that feels too illustrative, exploitative and graphic to ever serve that purpose properly in my mind.
love triangles, yes or no ? i'm not against a love triangle when it's well done, i.e it has a real impact on the plot and is tied into the themes of the story. For example, I think the triangle in the Hunger Games is a good one, because Peeta represents (to simplify it massively) peace whereas Gale represents violence, the escalation of war and never ending conflict, so Katniss choosing between them is not just about moody teenager feelings. That said, the trope has definitely been overused in YA ; I really hate love triangles when it's just an excuse to stall the plot and throw in artificial delays because the characters are being wishy-washy and indecisive and non-communicative assholes. also i wish more of them got solved by polyamory or something.
the most recent book you just couldn't finish ? last year, If I loved you less by Tamsen Parker, a modern wlw retelling of Emma which I expected to love but the overly casual-quirky writing and the excessively immature MC just irritated the hell out of me
a book you're currently reading ? rereading The Raven Cycle right now, I'm on the Raven King and I'll reread Call Down the Hawk after, I want to get to Mister Impossible
last book you recommended to someone ? Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed
oldest book you've read ? hmmmmmm not sure but the thing that comes to mind rn is the Tao Te Ching by Laozi, 6th century BC
newest book you've read ? ehhh probably Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell
favorite author ? lol i absolutely cannot answer that question no matter what i say it feels like a betrayal
buying books or borrowing books ? buying, i'm a shitty borrower tbh because i like having books sit in my TBR pile and just randomly decide to read them out of the blue
a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love ? the night circus by erin morgenstern - it's so popular everywhere and I wasn't even able to finish it ; it's the epitome of style over substance for me ; sure the descriptions are beautiful but they feel so empty and void of any meaning or character development ; it drags for chapters and chapters and then boom ! instalove, which is when i dropped it because that's one of the things i hate the most. i checked the rest of the plot on wikipedia to be sure and yeah it annoyed me too so.
bookmarks or dog ears ? bookmarks. i only ever dog ear my study books
a book you can always reread ? letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke
can you read while listening to music ? nooo it's way too much input when i get into a book it's Intense i can't deal with anything else
one pov or multiple povs ? i absolutely love a well done multiple POVs when the switching allows you to compare the perspective of different characters and how it shapes the narrative and how they think of each other and how it slowly all merges together ! Especially when it's dumbasses in love pining over each other !!! chef's kiss !!!
do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days ? depends, i binge when i have the time and it's gripping but not always and that's fine
who do you tag ? @beeexx @all-the-wr0ng-places @smblmn @peoniesandsmiles @bremmommye @dorkdumplings @petitspaceling @hellswolfie @iamshannonmcfarland if you want to no pressure !!!
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“My Fairy Abogado” *Part 10*
Dammit I usually like to keep my stories around 10 chapters, but the whole ice cream banter was too good and the crescendo I want is way too long to not have it’s own chapter. Also, some Barisi thrown in there for ya. LoL. 
I suppose it’ll be one more chapter and an epilogue? Maybe? 
Tag List:
Master List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
After stitching you up, and after a long conversation convincing the nurse that Rafael had not done the number on your body, you two were finally leaving the ER.
“Alright buddy, you promised me ice cream,” You hung on Rafael’s arm as you walked out to the awaiting SUV.
“You really wanna get ice cream without the kids?” Rafael asked as he helped you into the backseat once again.
“Uh are you kidding? I don’t have to fight with them over what flavors they want, or if it’s too expensive and they have to share, and not worrying about Chloe getting it all over herself, doing ANYTHING in public without the kids is a luxury I miss the most,” You felt guilty about rambling about your siblings, but it was awesome being able to just vent.
“Alright Alright, I get it-- having kids sucks,” Rafael laughed.
“I mean don’t get me wrong; I love my brother and sisters. I’m just not...cut out to be a mother. Not right now, anyway,” You looked around the car awkwardly, kicking yourself for bringing up kids so soon.
“Yeah, I never really saw the point in kids,” Rafael chuckled. 
“So you don’t want them, ever?” You were a bit taken aback. It shouldn’t be shocking to you really; Rafael was getting up there, and he seemed to like his things nice and tidy. He must’ve seen the look on your face because he quickly added--
“I mean….” He gulped. “I guess, with the right person…” 
“You know for a lawyer, lying is not your strong suit,” You snickered.
You finally arrived at a nearby ice cream place; Rafael helped you out and you both walked inside while your copper stood outside.
“Doesn’t he want anything?” You nodded to the man.
“He’s fine,” Rafael replied, not even looking back at him. 
“Hey guy, what’s your name?” You turned to talk to him. 
“Carisi ma’am, Sonny Carisi,” He nodded at you. 
“Sonny do you really not want any ice cream, or is Big Bad Barba being a tyrant?” 
“I could go for a scoop,” 
“See?” You smiled triumphantly. 
“He’s like a puppy baby, you feed him once he’ll just keep coming around,” He nodded at Sonny. “Trust me, I know,” He rolled his eyes. 
“You can get ice cream but you wait in the car Carisi,” He looked at him sternly.
“Copy that, counselor,” Sonny replied very seriously.
“Jesus Rafael, what is this guy your bitch or what?” You hit him softly. 
“Oh no ma’am, I wanna be a lawyer just like Mr. Barba so I spend as much time with him as I can,” He looked at Barba with puppy dog eyes. “As a mentor,” He quickly added, looking at the ground. 
“Oh um-- yeah okay, cool?” You smiled awkwardly at him, then noticed Rafael was getting very uncomfortable the more he talked.
“....Wait… feed him once...Rafael!” You whispered so Sonny wouldn’t hear you.
“ONE night, ONE time,” He rubbed the back of his neck looking around the place awkwardly.
“Mmmm...both sides, noted,” You winked. 
“Sonny go ahead,” Barba nodded to the woman at the counter.
“What can I get you?” She smiled at the three of you. 
“Two scoops of Rocky Road, please,” Sonny beamed. 
“Um I’ll have a scoop of chocolate mint,” You decided.
“A scoop of vanilla for me,” Rafael added.
“Why is that not surprising to me?” You rolled your eyes.
“What? I have simple tastes,”
“Uh huh,”  
Rafael paid and the three of you waited for your ice cream at the other end of the counter. Soon enough the woman handed out your ice creams and bid you a good day.
“Thanks Mr. Barba, I’m gonna go call Amanda and see what’s up at the station,” Sonny smiled and headed back outside with his ice cream.
“See? Now he has a new master,” Rafael chuckled. 
“Yeah I doubt that-- you’re kind of hard to top, counselor,” You nudged him.
“He didn’t have any problem,” He smirked. 
“OKAY, I think we’re good in the ghosts of sexual past portion of the evening,” You declared rather loudly as you sat in a booth near the door.
“Sorry Y/N, I didn’t know you were such a prude,” He smirked.
“I’m sorry if I don’t want to picture mi novio  being topped by a dude,” You rolled your eyes.
“Your boyfriend?” He asked in amusement.
“I mean...I did save your life, twice,” You pointed out.
“Mmmm true-- I suppose that’s girlfriend material,” Rafael nodded with a smile.
“Damn straight,” You nodded back, as you both continued to eat your ice cream in snarky matrimony. 
“So, no kids, no pets?” 
“I don’t have any currently, but I could see maybe getting a cat, or a small dog,” 
“Oh my god could you be any more of an old lady?” You giggled.
“Hey! I live in an apartment in New York City, I don’t want some huge dog cooped up in it all day!” He defended. “That’s just cruel,” 
“Fair point,” You licked your ice cream. “No kids I can live with, no pets is a deal breaker though,” 
“Really now?” He raised his eyebrow as he ate his own ice cream. “Noted,”
“So do you have any?” You nibbled on your cone.
“Deal breakers,” You replied in a “duh” tone.
“Just one,” He replied nonchalantly.
“What’s that?” 
“If they’re not you,” He grinned.
“Oh gaaaaaaggggg,” You made gagging noises with a giggle. “Be more cheesy, please,” 
“Okay okay, one deal breaker--”
“Go on,” You were on the edge of your seat.
“Wearing socks during sex,” 
“Are you serious?” You cackled as you swallowed the rest of your cone.
“Yes! I am very serious,” Rafael nodded as he finished his cone. “Ask Carisi,” 
“Oh God,” You shook your head with a laugh as you both walked back out to the car.
“Hey uh, Mr. Barba Amanda says they might need you down at the station,” 
“Really? Now?” Rafael ask, annoyed.
“It’s what she said…” Sonny replied with a shrug.
“It’s fine, baby I need to go check on the kids anyway, they’re probably freaking out by now,” 
“Yeah alright,” He sighed sadly.
Soon enough you were pulling back up behind your back door. Rafael helped you out of the car and just held you in his arms for a moment.
“You sure you’re ok?”
“Are you kidding? The Diablo’s are gone for good, I got a boyfriend AND ice cream!” you giggled, pulling him into a kiss. 
“Boyfriend?” Beto’s voice bellowed.
“Ice cream?!” Chloe’s high voice chimed in.
You both turned suddenly to see all three kids standing at the back door slack jawed.
“Are the Diablo’s really gone?” Yaz asked, being the only one who hadn’t joined in yet.
“Yes, they are gone-- THANKS to Rafael,” You eyed Beto while Chloe took off for Rafael’s arms.
“¡Gracias, Rafael!!!” She squealed.
“De nada, princesa,” He kissed her cheek.
“...Did you really get ice cream without us?” Chloe looked at him with the saddest eyes.
“Blame your sister,” Rafael nodded at you.
“Y/N!!!!!” She yelled angrily.
“Gee thanks,” 
“You insisted!” 
“I got sh---a boo boo!!” You covered your tracks, causing your siblings to finally notice the shape you were in.
“Oh my God what happened to you?!”
“Diablo’s” You said softly.
“Because of HIM?” Beto clenched his fists.
“NO, Rafael saved me Beto,” 
“Actually, to be honest Beto” He put a shoulder on Beto’s shoulder “She saved me.” 
“We saved each other,” You laid your head on his shoulder.
“Gag,” Yaz made gagging noises behind you.
“Anyway, Rafael is leaving now BUT-- maybe if you guys do all your homework and eat all your dinner AND go to bed early, we’ll see if you can convince him to take you to get some tomorrow,”
“Really?!” Chloe exclaimed excitedly. “I’m gonna go do all of it RIGHT NOW,” She gave Rafael one more hug and ran inside.
“Chloe’s easy to buy off vato-- me, not so much,” Beto approached Rafael.
“I’d be careful Beto, he used to be a Chico Grande,” You warned with a sly smile.
“Wha-- seriously?” Beto’s eyes widened. “No way….tu suaves,” 
“Oh really, too soft? You wanna go, ese?” Rafael licked his lips, playing into Beto’s game.
“BOYS,” You stepped in between them.
“You, go do your homework,” You looked at Beto, then turned to Rafael, “And you-- stop picking on my little brother,” 
“He started it!” 
“esto no ha terminado, vato,” Beto warned, making the “I’m watching you” sign as he walked back inside with Yaz who just rolled her eyes. As soon as they were gone you turned and slapped Rafael across the chest.
“What?! What did I do?” He threw his hands up innocently. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” You wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“And you love it,” He smirked.
“God help me, I do,” You shook your head as he pulled you into a deep kiss. 
“Te amo, mi angel,” He whispered as he stroked your hair. 
“Yo también te quiero, Rafa,” You stared lovingly into his beautiful green eyes. He gave you one last kiss and hopped in the front of the SUV. Sonny waved goodbye to you as they drove off and you headed inside.
The next few weeks went by pretty uneventful. You decided to rip out the booths that had the bullet holes behind them and put in a stage, starting Karaoke Nights every Friday night. It was a great money maker to your surprise, since it had been Ash’s idea. She was a pretty good business woman, you wondered how much Rafael had rubbed off on her over the years. 
One Friday night, Ash was getting ready to host the usual Karaoke Party, when Rafael came through the front door. He was casually dressed, in his jeans and t-shirt with the leather jacket. He had learned very quickly that you much preferred him in paisano, plus he didn’t look like he had taken a wrong turn at 5th avenue. This was the first Friday he was able to make, and when he had come and seen you over the past few weeks Ash had found ways to avoid him. Tonight though, she was right up front when he walked in. 
“Ash...can we talk?” He gestured to the side.
“Go ahead, start talking,” She gestured, indicating she wasn’t going anywhere.
“Ash I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the whole story behind the money I gave you,” He put his hand out. “I should have been honest with you right up front but, you were SO young,” 
“Yeah….I get it,” She reluctantly took his hand in return. “You did get rid of the Diablo’s, I guess that gets you some points,” 
“Well I brought you something,” He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Ashtawnja. She took it and unfolded the paper, her eyes grew wide. 
“Really? You still want me to have this? Even after I yelled at you?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not guilt money anymore,” He nodded at the check. “Look at the ‘reason’ line,” 
“Creo en ti” She read with tears in her eyes. “Do you really? Believe in me?” 
“Si, Claro,” He smiled, pulling her into a hug. “Of course I do,”. Pulling back from the hug, Rafael felt his phone going off in his pocket. 
“Barba,” He answered, listening to the other person. He nodded as they went on, then his eyes began to brighten. “Really?! Are you sure? What time?” He looked over at Ash who just looked at him in confusion, the more excited he became the more she was confused. 
“Right right, yeah I’m on my way!” He hung up the phone and hugged Ash. 
“Whoa whoa whoa there abogado, you know I hate mushy gushy,” She pushed him off with a laugh.
“Right,” He smiled.
“So who was that?”
“Oh right--- tell Y/N I had to go, I’ll call her later I swear!!” He told her as he ran out the door, just as you were walking up. 
“Was that Rafael?” You asked.
“Yeah, he got a phone call and ran out of here, said he’d call you later,” 
“Wha--Why?” You looked out the window but Rafael was long gone. 
“I don’t know, but he was pretty happy,” She shrugged, putting her check into her pocket. 
Who had called him and why was he so happy about it??5
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