#and this poor puppy isn’t used to my boring ass
nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by urbanwyatt, cozane, yourbestiename, druski2funnny, and 8,678,456 others
yourusername I adopted a puppy so it can keep me company on tour. But how do I tell my sexy ass novio that we’re keeping it forever?
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jackharlow 😬
cozane oh oh, mommy’s gonna get in trouble
yourusername 🤫
yourbestiename Omg how cute 🥹 come over nowwwww!!!!!!!
yourbestiename omg you’re boring 🙄
jackharlow I’ll take that as long as there isn’t any type of dogs in our house.
yourusername Then they can come over 🤭
jackharlow Yall not understanding at all. Mia loves animals, y’all know this. One look at that dog and I’ll be hearing it non stop. I love my daughter, I do, but we got no time for dogs.
yourbestiename Sir, but you have time to be petting strangers dogs and what not huh? 🤔 💀
urbanwyatt EXCUSE ME WHAT?
urbanwyatt Wait is this why you send me that picture of your boobs?
yourusername Maybe 🙈 😉
druski2funnny WTF????
yourusername 💁🏻‍♀️🤪🤪🤪
cozane so wait you’re not mad at her
urbanwyatt No, she wants a dog, she gets a dog 🤷🏼‍♂️
cozane wackkkkkk, could’ve at least faked being mad at her or something.
yourusername 💀 ARE YOU MAD????
cozane leave me alone
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, yourbestiename, neelamthadhani, cozane, and 8,678,356 others
urbanwyatt Just me and my doggg 🐶
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yourusername Mía was next to me when I seen this and she said “nino Urby got a puppy, call his face now mommy” 😭😭😭 expect a face time call in a bit.
urbanwyatt Ohhh Jack is gonna hear it.
jackharlow Already am, she came running to the kitchen, “daddy, nino gots puppy’s, let’s go come on” thanks for that 😞
yourusername Idk why you just don’t get her a dog, a pet or something.
jackharlow Maybe when she’s older.
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Liked by druski2funnny, yourbestiename, nemoachida, 2forwoyne, and 8,677,976 others
yourusername I bribed them into going shopping, visiting art museums and going to a yoga class and this is them back at the hotel, they’re over my shit, clearly pissed and annoyed.
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jackharlow where was my invite
yourusername Weren’t you on a date with Druski ?????
druski2funnny We still are
yourbestiename 🙄 Not you still trying to take my husband away from me.
druski2funnny Already did girl
neelamthadhani 😂 Urb looks over it
yourusername He was/is, my poor baby 🥺 he deserves his 🍆 sucked.
cozane what about me
yourusername You have two hands.
cozane 🙄 Urb
urbanwyatt NO NO NO AND NO
ynandurbanupdates Be honest have y’all had a three sum? Because the vibes I get from you 3 is 😮‍💨
cozane I’m not answering that
urbanwyatt You basically did 🤦🏼‍♂️
yourusername 🫠🫠
ynupdates So whats the answer
yourusername I mean…… the proof is all there.
druski2funnny What does that even mean?
cozane 🥵🥵🥵
jackharlow WILD
yourusername It means whatever y’all want it to mean lmaooo & that’s all I’m saying.
urbanwyatt 🤫
fan ew mommy kink 🤮
fan Liars lol just to keep us wondering
yourusername 💀 Y’all want the videos???
druski2funnny YES, YES I DO!!!
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
@minkookie95 💕
@deannaard 💕
@jacksmoviestar 💕
@harlowcomehome 💕
@fdl305 💕
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CBS Ghosts - Hello! - The Ghosts' Solution
Warning: Spoilers may appear.
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I love that Isaac’s just like “Okay, Troops” as if they’re his army under his command.  I wonder if he just REALLY loves being the leader. It’s especially funny in a few gifs.
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LMAO - Thor: Unknown waters are dangerous - unless Cod and Hetty starts off like “Yes, he must know - he’s a traveler” then two seconds later - “Damn it with the cod!”
At this point, Hetty (like the four older ghosts) have heard about Thor fondness for Cod for over a century and it’s like hearing my dad’s stories about the marines - fun at first, now boring.
I love the cod reactions through the show. Not just for Hetty, but all of them.
Anyway, I love that she makes the same face EVERY time she hears it.
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I love that these four are just looking at him like - WHAT?  Why are we listening to this man?  Also, going to note Trevor’s sitting position because damn - how long did it take him to learn how to sit so he’s covering himself?
Do the others appreciate his efforts? I would hope so.
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Isaac’s a humble bragger - or just a bragger.  He’s just like “Yes, I’m awesome” - oh Isaac, you forget who you live with.  
I do like that Pete’s just intrigued like “Oooh, interesting.” I wonder if Pete is the one that everyone just info dumps, too? I feel like he's definitely sat there and listened to Isaac's stories.
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I LOVE SASS - OMG!  Isaac’s bragging (and perhaps Trevor, Flower and Alberta haven't heard this bit before) until Sass goes “you’re a dumbass - you didn’t win, you surrendered.”
I love how Trevor and Flower slowly turn to Sass like “did you really just say that?”  It’s interesting because this tidbit reminds us that Sass was THERE when Isaac’s life was happening and WATCHING.  I like to think that Sass pulls shit out of his ass - half true, half untrue - just to mess with ‘the Captain’ Isaac.  They’ve lived together WAYYYYY too long.  
Also, love Alberta’s little laugh.  It’s so fun seeing their reactions. 
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Isaac - it worked!  
Sass - yeah but you died two weeks later.
Isaac - it worked, damnit!  That was the point.
It’s just so funny because Sass is clearly having NONE of bossy Isaac and sassing him (pun intended) and Isaac just - doesn’t know how to deal with that. It’s like he’s not used to this despite the fact that he’s been living with Thor & Sass for 250 years.  Like - dude... you should expect this.  
IDK I love it because it makes me wonder how they survived the last two centuries with each other or it’s like brotherly teasing at this point.  Either way, FUNNY.
Also - they all know you’re good at talking, Isaac, they’ve heard it a lot - they’ve LIVED (Afterlived)? with you for YEARS - Centuries in Sass’ case.
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I love that Thor & Hetty are next to each other in this scene.  Just because Thor is SO FREAKING EXTRA and Hetty’s like - you have a point until - Woah there buddy!
Like she probably agrees with him until he goes a step too far and then she raises her hands as if to stop him gently.  
Also, does anyone else wonder if Thor isn’t interested in talking because he was abandoned?  Like maybe the 500 years he lived alone made him more bitter and violent and unwilling to compromise or talk things out? Aw, poor dane-murdering viking - I feel for you, Thor.
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LOL - I guess we know who Alberta struggles with at times - Thor, which makes sense because he’s very violent at times.  I love how she looks at Sass&Flower like “You two should be able to calm him down.”  
I wonder if they’ve ever talked about that / used Ghost Court to make him chill out - I mean, it’s not working, but...how many times has he been banished?
Sass looks so over it - he’s been with the guy for 500 years, so at this point...
Flower’s like “let’s change the subject”...
Also, Trevor’s just like a puppy - he’s looking at Thor & Hetty concerned and then at Alberta like “Oh, yeah, something should be down about this.” and back at Thor & Hetty like “well, not me”.
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Flower’s on the side of keeping the livings - probably because their afterlives have been SO boring, while the older ghosts argue otherwise.
This is very interesting - Thor, Isaac, and Hetty are hardcore against the livings staying because “they’ll be overrun” BUT Sass seems indifferent, while the younger ghosts are game for it.  
Just like in the pilot, no one’s stances have changed.  This is interesting because Hetty seemingly grew attached to Sam in the day she was there, but it’s also possible that Isaac got in her head about the hotel.  Not that Isaac’s manipulative, but Hetty (aside from in DP) pretty much defers to men - particularly Isaac, in the first season.  She doesn’t really start to realize that she can and should voice her opinions until the Vault, which is a turning point for her.  Although there was leadup to that moment - standing up to Elias was HUGE for her.  
Anyway, I digress.  You can see that she’s obviously been listening to Isaac because of what he says next.  
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This is an important piece of dialogue.  Why?  Because Sass’ sass of Isaac earlier was just funny in a brotherly - we’ve lived together way too long way - but HERE is where Sass shows that YEAH, he’s learned to live with Isaac, but he has a rightful chip on his shoulder given that Isaac was fighting for the right to be a country from the people who invaded Sass’ people’s land and took it from them.  
I really wish the show went into the likely underlying issue with Sass & Isaac - if I recall correctly - we rarely see these two alone together.  They certainly don’t seem to be close or even all that friendly at times. 
Given that we later learn that before Pete died, no one compromised on anything and they fought ALL the time, you have to wonder if this was and still is a problem not yet, resolved.
Speaking of Pete...
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He’s SO USED TO STEPPING IN AS A MEDIATOR that he jumps in before Isaac can even think of a response - we don’t even see Isaac’s non-verbal reaction because Pete jumps in so quickly. 
Also, I wonder how long he’s been thinking about this?  Since the scare?  All night?  During this convo?  He seems very well prepared.  
Finally, it’s a great idea for a peaceable way solve the problem.
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Awww, of course the youngest is the first to be like “Yes - this is awesome”.  He says he likes it because ‘hot chick stays’, but I also think he just likes the idea that they would be less bored with young livings around.  He’s quick to learn their names AND he mentions “No hotel” because he knows that he should agree with the older ghosts’ opinions that hotel is bad.  Personally, I could see Trevor loving the “hotel” since it would bring life and fun to the house he’s been stuck in for decades - totally bored.  
I also think that he felt a connection with Sam (and it's already turned into more of a crush) since she talked to him (albeit briefly) and the vase is the reason she can see them.
And naturally, he agrees with Pete - who was the only one to side and support him when Hetty accused him of murder.
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Awww, I love that Alberta ponders the possibility and then sides with Trevor - and HE’S SO HAPPY.  He’s like “yes, I have a buddy”.  We don’t see much of Trevor & Alberta, but I can imagine as the 4th youngest (and therefore on the young side) that she bonded with him more than the older four despite being with them longer.
Especially because they have similar party pasts, and Alberta's not afraid to be involved in dirty dealings or sex conversations - she's as much of a voyeur as Trevor is and it's clear early on.
Also, it’s interesting that it appears 4 vs 4 - young versus old.
Sass is the only one to not say one way or another what they should do or if he sides with youngest or oldest ghosts, BUT in a future Episode he says that he “Always takes the opposite of Trevor’s Side” so we can assume that he’s with the Oldest ghosts.  And in order we have the 3 older/oldest ghosts say negative - Flower start the positive train and now Alberta’s saying it too.
It’s so fun!  
Also, he fist bumps her shoulder and smiles so happily at her as he listens to her discuss the positives.  :)
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DAMN HETTY - you’re HARSH here.  You could just let it go, you could just support her or ignore her statement, but you KNOW she was murdered, Hetty!  You were THERE and know who did it!  Like WHAT???  WHY would you straight up gaslight her into believing that she died of a heart attack?
Honestly, the gaslighting here is SO HARSH and unnecessary.  Why are you protecting them???? Imagine if this had been the thing that kept Alberta from being sucked off - that would be TERRIBLE.  And even though it wasn’t... to possibly be the reason Alberta’s stuck... 
Ouch.  Anyway.  I’ll probably keep track - how many times does this come up and how many times does she attempt to gaslight Alberta into believing otherwise?
Also, one other note - why the F does Alberta WANT to be murdered?  Who wants to be murdered? People get murdered for non-fabulous/famous reasons... like most serial killer victims.
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Okay, some notes here:
Alberta, there’s nothing wrong with heart attacks.  Okay, your Buddy there next to you died of heart problems... he’s literally SITTING next to you and you’re like “I’m not that lame” WOW, Alberta.
Second, Trevor’s gone from smiling and happy to concerned about the fighting to looking at Alberta go on about how ‘lame’ heart problem deaths are somewhat tensely - upset.  Knowing how he died makes (as mentioned above) this statement kind of callous.  
Now, the interesting thing about this is that his death is only ever mentioned 1 time.  During Trevor’s pants.  He, unlike Pete, Flower and Alberta (the youngest ghosts), never talks about his death.  And seeing this - that look on his face as he looks down at her as she talks about how her death had to be better than that - had to be the reason he never talks about it despite claiming that it was a party and he was legend when it happened.  The way he show boats about his death is TP makes me think that he wants it to have been better than it was - partially due to this.
I would give Alberta a pass for ‘potentially not knowing’ because she wasn’t there but neither was Hetty and Hetty’s the one to make the statement that ‘his heart exploded’, so they DO KNOW.  So, no pass Alberta.
Third, Hetty like ruffles herself weirdly when Alberta goes into her “my death rocked” theory, and it’s only been a theory for 90 plus years, which intrigues me.  Is it because she knows that Alberta’s right?  Is it because Alberta’s doing that thing that the older ghosts get annoyed by (the talking / joking about their deaths) that the youngest ghosts minus Trevor do? So many questions.
OOOH, interesting - he’s the ONLY one not to of the four youngest main ghosts...  Is it because of this Alberta/Hetty exchange?  Could he feel like it wasn’t fun or cool enough to talk about?  Aw, poor Trevor. He always wanted to be the popular/cool person and essentially he died in 'the lame' way instead of a cool way, according to Alberta. That has to hurt. Especially since the younger ghosts have 'cool' deaths:
Alberta - murder
Flower - bear attack
Pete - arrow by child
Steph - chainsaw killer
and then, Trevor... took two pills and made his heart explode, no wonder he doesn't do that 'joke - talk about it' thing. Awwww.
Sorry, he distracts me.
Lastly, is PETE.  As we see below - he is once again the peacemaker.  We don’t know if Hetty had another retort, but what we DO know is that Pete jumps in quickly - just like with Isaac/Sass - and offers some comfort.  
What’s interesting about this comfort is that, at first, it seemed obvious that he was comforting Alberta about the possibility of her heart attack being her death (this makes sense given his crush), but NOW, I'm thinking - he’s offering TREVOR comfort.  He wants TREVOR to feel less sad about his death, since he went from smiling and happy to upset at the topic.  Trevor’s only been dead 20 years, so maybe he hasn’t gotten to the whole ‘mock my death’ part of accepting death like Alberta, Pete, and Flower.
OOOOh, could that work???
There’s stages of accepting ghost life / your death.
1. Don’t Talk about it - even though you’ve accepted it.
2. Joke about it because well, what else can you do?
3.  Refuse to acknowledge it unless you have no choice.  
4. Accept it but don’t go out of your way to bring it up.
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Ah, Pete, making jokes about the arrow. He does this probably the most. He and Alberta are in love with talking about their deaths. Match made in purgatory? JK
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LMAO. FLOWER!  WHAT??? HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW - like it's so obvious!
HAHAHA. Sass is so like ... these dumb idiots - why am I stuck with them?
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LOL - Pete’s like “Uh, the Fuck question is that?” - Okay, he’s nicer than I am about it, but he’s like “Hello, obvious!” LOL.  
ANYWAY.  End of this scene!  It was fun - I didn’t realize how much I could about just one scene but there was a lot of little tidbits about the characters in just the one scene that make A LOT more sense given the future episodes and how things tie together.  
I love it.  Anyway, this was fun (I feel like Tigger) 
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please feel free to reblog and come talk to me about this! :)  OR Send asks :)
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ayekittyk4t · 3 years
aot boys favorite frat songs
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Desc: the boys. songs about drugs, sex & partying.
♱ Pairing: aot boys x reader
♱ Content: College/Frat AU, Party setting
♱ Content Warning: Alcohol & Marijuana usage, cursing, suggestive content,fuckboy fuckery, frat boys…
a/n coming from someone who’s never been to a frat party. this was really fun tho, hope you enjoy.
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eren yeager
no hands - waka flocka flame, roscoe dash, dale
babe, we’re talking about college/fratboy au eren…he’s a goddamn whore. not only is he a whore in a sexually i’ll fuck anyone i can get my sexy hands on way, but he’s a whore for the song no hands. his favorite lyric is rain, rain go away that’s what all my haters say, because he feels like he can relate. i wholeheartedly agree. hes not one to dance, but when he gets his hands on two baddies - one being you, and the other being god knows who - he’s having the time of his life between the two of you.
armin arlert
sexy can i - ray j, yung berg
sigh. let’s be honest, my man isn’t for here for the party scene. poor boy was just dragged by his reckless emo friend aka eren. he will NOT dance. though, after one and a half beers, he gets a lil tipsy and starts singing lyrics to you. it’s funny but he looks cute while doing it. almost convinces you hes too innocent to have hoes 😳.
jean kirstein
just a lil bit - 50 cent
ah, fratboy jean. he’s a sweet fuckboy nearly similar to armin. mans is a dancer. he loooooves dancing, especially with his significant other. hands on your hips, he watches you from behind when y’all grind on each other. eventually he start kissing up your neck. well, you know what comes next.
connie springer
black beatles - rae sremmurd, gucci mane
HAHA, this ones my favorite. fratboy connie doesn’t really like having someone attached to his all night, following him around like puppy. my man just wants to smoke and get faded as fuck while his favorite song plays. he rather watch you dance, his legs spread, joint in one hand, cup of beer in his other, and eyes trailing and boring into you. no actual contact but it’s hot.
reiner braun
the motto - drake, lil wayne
ah yes, reiner. the president. the one throwing the craziest parties. he’s also one not to dance. mainly because he’s too busy watching over his brothers because my man is trying to be responsible. but when he has a break and the motto starts playing, expect nothing less than him dragging you with him. he doesn’t put his hands on you when y’all dance, he keeps his distance, and maybe, just maybe if it seems like you’re comfortable, he’ll grab your hand. wow, romantic o whatever.
bertolt hoover
blow the whistle - too $hort
when i tell you he will not dance. he won’t. there’s not a chance you could ever convince him. he’s shyyyy. you do try, he doesn’t budge. but when his song plays, you catch him bobbing his head to the beat. i mean who doesn’t want to dance to this song? he becomes flustered when looked back at you watching him, immediately becoming stiff and bashful. you poke a little fun at him, a little, ‘i thought you don’t dance?’ and you’re done. very cute.
porco galliard
ayy ladies - travis porter, tyga
oh my fratboy porco. a fuckboy. verrrrry much a fuckboy. he’ll dance with you alright. ‘dance’. it’s more of a ‘lol, shake ur ass on me’ and you willingly do. now just because he isn’t really dancing with you doesn’t mean boy isn’t stiff. oh no, he’ll throw in some moves there. they’ll definitely catch you off guard.
colt grice
shots - lmfao, lil jon
LMFAO. okay so, he’d LOVE to dance with you. he really, really would, but hes fucked up. he uses this song as another excuse to drink even more, and get even more fucked up. he even attempts to drag you with him, your quick to pull him and attempt his inebriated ass to chill the fuck out. he later knocks out on your lap.
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zeke is too pretentious to ever go to a frat party. levi thinks their disgusting and he’s probably a prof. in the au. erwin is probably a prof. in this au too so it’s self explanatory but he also isn’t one for parties where people take shots off of each other body.
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dubersbutt · 3 years
Take a Bow (4) - Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Warnings: Babies, anxiety/feelings of heightened anxiety, smut
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It’s not that Connor hates kids. They just make him uncomfortable.
Like when his aunt had a baby when he was 13 his mom asked if Connor wanted to hold him. Connor was fine when his mom gently placed the baby in his arms. Up until his mom told her to be super careful with his head or else he could snap his neck and kill him. Or if Connor accidently pressed his soft spot it could severely detriment his brain development. It was too much responsibility.
At least that’s what he used to think.
He fell in love with Emilia the minute you walked through the front door with her in the baby carrier. The dogs were excited by the tiny squirming arms inside the carrier, he had to hold Lenny back so he didn’t crush her.
“This is going to sound super cliche,” Connor says as he coos into the carrier where Emilia is trying to open her tiny eyes, “but she is the cutest baby I’ve ever seen.”
“She’s a lot cuter now that her head is a normal shape,” you joke, munching on a cookie Connor had set out for you.
“Can you stop making fun of our daughter’s cone head?” Leon rolls his eyes.
“You didn’t see it, it was terrifying.”
(Connor googles a picture of it later. Babies are fucking weird.)
He helps you up the stairs to the waiting cup of tea on the mug warmer in your bedroom. He lets you get settled, handing you the TV remote and giving you a kiss on the forehead before going back downstairs to meet his daughter (step-daughter? Connor didn’t really know).
“Can I hold her?” Connor asks when he finds Leon and Emilia in the living room.
“What happened to the three month rule?” He raises an amused eyebrow.
Connor had created it after the incident. He didn’t hold a baby that was younger than 3 months.
“I’m feeling brave.”
Leon scooches over so Connor has room to sit comfortably. Leon gently places Emilia in his arms, and gives Connor a pillow to prop his arm on. Emilia’s blinks at him before squirming and stretching her little arms over her head. Connor feels all warm and fuzzy in his chest.
“Hello, Emilia,” he says, with a smile on his face, “I’m your other dad.”
Connor’s not inherently a jealous person.
Or at least he thought he was. But ever since Emilia came home he’s been feeling it. He loves Emilia, don’t get him wrong. Well, actually, he should backpedal for a second.
Connor is still annoyed at Leon.
He knows he should probably bring this up (because look what happened last time) but he hasn’t because Leon was trying to make things right with you. He obviously was trying with Connor as well, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was an afterthought. Some days were better than others, but everytime Connor thought about how he woke up and couldn’t find Leon in the penthouse he felt like puking.
Emilia eases the pain. He truly does love her like his own. The only time he uses the “she’s your kid” card is when it's 2 am and he’s too tired to get up. But he rarely even does that because Connor’s always been the heaviest sleeper out of the three of you. But other than that, he volunteers for bathtime, plays with her while you’re in the shower, he doesn’t even hate changing diapers that much.The puppies love her too, they’ve transitioned from napping on the dog beds in the living room to the spot on the couch closest to the bassinet to keep an eye on them. He regularly has to stop Lenny from trying to jump in and crush Emilia.
Back to Leon (Connor tends to get side tracked when talking about Emilia). Connor’s still annoyed and he’s been working up to talking about it. But it never seems like a good time. First you were pregnant, and Connor didn’t want to upset either of you. Then it was playoffs and Connor didn’t have any time to think about anything else. Then they got swept and Connor did nothing but eat ice cream for a week like he just had his first heartbreak. And after that…well, he just hates confrontation.
He keeps telling himself that he’ll get around to it, that he just wants to gather his thoughts but he knows he’s stalling at this point. Mostly because -
“So did you do what we talked about last session?” Sophie, his therapist, asks him at the beginning of his appointment.
-his therapist calls him on his bulshit. And he realizes that’s the whole reason he pays her, but it’s still rude.
“About that…” Connor trails off.
She gives him an amused smile, “Connor, you know I don’t like telling you what to do but I strongly suggest you talk to Leon.”
“Sophie, my girlfriend gave birth, we started playoffs and got swept all in the last two weeks,” he says with an exasperated sigh, “I deserve a little time for myself. Isn’t that what you told me last week?”
“I was getting to that,” she says.
Connor almost didn’t show up to his first session. He spent the whole ride over that he his therapist would be a quiet homophobe and who’d sell his story to the presses and ruin his life.
But then he went in and saw the framed photo of Sophie and her wife and their twins. He let out a sigh of relief and felt more comfortable telling her about his life. She didn’t even really watch hockey and she told him that he thought he was a “good player” for his age. Connor always has to stop himself from laughing whenever she tries to compliment his playing style. She’s adorable.
“And what about  (Y?N)? Have you thought about what you were going to say to her?”
He knows. He just doesn’t know if you’ll want the same thing.
“I have, a little bit.”
“And would you like to share what you’ve been thinking about?”
“I-uh,” he swallows, “I want another baby?”
“Is that a question?”
“I don’t think so.”
Sophie sends him home with the same homework he had last week: try to slowly figure out what he wants to say when he’s eventually ready to have a talk.
When he comes home, Leon’s standing in the kitchen by Emillia’s bottle warmer. He looks stupid hot holding a baby and Connor’s only mildly annotated about it.
“Hey,” he flashes Connor a bright smile when he notices Connor’s presence, “Can you hold her while I make her a bottle?”
“Sure,” He takes Emilia from Leon before sliding the dimmer down on the light switch. Her eyes slowly open in the dim light and her gumless smile warms Connor’s heart.
“Hello sweet girl,” he coos, watching as she somehow wiggles an arm loose from her blanket, “I love you. I hope you had a good morning.”
He doesn’t expect her to answer, obviously, but she does start to open and close her mouth, indicating she's hungry.
“Leo, you’re too slow,” he taunts playfully, watching as Leon carefully measures out the formula, “she’s starving over here.”
“I can only move so fast,” he laughs.
When Leon finally gets Emilia her bottle Connor relaxes into the dining room chair as she eats her lunch.
“How was therapy?”
Connor told you and Leon that he started going when he came home from his session. Connor didn’t divulge everything that happened in his sessions but it felt nice to have someone ask.
“It was good,” he says, leaning over and resting his head on Leon’s shoulder, “I only cried a little this time.”
Leon chuckles, “Does that mean therapy’s working?”
Connor can’t help but laugh when he rewatches the interview of Leon talking about Emilia. He manages to somehow be adorable and sarcastic at the same time. You’re settled against his chest with your ipad resting on your lap and he can feel your giggles as Leon gives his short, glib answers to the journalists' annoying questions.
(Congratulations, she’s very cute.
“I know. She is my daughter after all.”
Your girlfriend’s not going to get mad about that comment?
“She’s gonna get mad if you keep asking questions about her newborn.”)
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen this yet,” Connor says as he runs his fingers through your hair.”
“Neither can I,” you giggle as Leon looks into the camera like he’s on the Office.
Leon rolls his eyes as he emerges from the bathroom, now freshly shaven.
“It’s not that funny,” he says.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Leo,” Connor says, gently hooking his fingers in Leon’s chain to pull him down for a kiss, “You’re very funny.”
“Why did you shave?” you say as Leon turns to give you a kiss, “Your beard looked so good.”
“It was also getting super scratchy,” Connor says.
Leon gets under the covers on Connor’s otherside, “Yeah Emilia’s been distracting me from the beard routine.”
You scoff, “the scratch is the best part, Con.”
“Tell that to the scratch marks on my ass,” Connor says without thinking, and then immediately blushes.
You groan, “Don’t talk about anything remotely sexy when my poor vagina is still healing from pushing out a whole watermelon.”
Leon laughs, “Don’t worry, baby, the beard will be back by the time you get your 6 week all clear.”
(5 weeks later - after your 6 week all appointment)
“Guess what bitches,” you shout as you enter the kitchen, “I can finally have sex again.”
“Mhm,” Leon hums, feigning disinterest, “And what would you like me to do about that?”
“You’re mean and not funny,” you say lightly hip-checking him, “Besides I have two boyfriends for a reason.”
“Yeah about that,” Connor stretches and yawns, “Emilia kept me up last night so I was gonna take a nap.”
You blink, “I will go to Whyte Av and find some rando to screw in a coat closet, don’t fucking test me.”
Leon grabs your hips and pulls you against his body so your back is flush against his chest before walking forward and pressing your hips into the kitchen counter.
“As if I could pass up the opportunity to fuck this sweet little pussy,” he grinds his hips, pushing your hips further into the counter.
“What have you been cleared for?”
“L-light, non-strenous sex.”
Connor laughs, “Boring, but better than nothing.”
“Davo, take her upstairs,” Leon commands so Connor scoops you up and carries you bridal style to the bedroom.
“Wait wait,” you say when they reach the top, “Where’s Emilia.”
“She’s napping in her crib,” Connor says as he drops you onto the bed, “Leo’s gonna check on her before he comes. So you can turn your brain off for a little bit.”
Connor doesn’t wait to hear your answer, just presses his lips to yours. He fels you moan against him. Connor’s hands slide under your shirt, slowly exposing skin. When he gets it over your head he trails his kisses down your body, unhooking your bra as he does. His kisses move in between your breasts to your belly.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs as he kisses your belly button, “you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
He hooks his fingers on your shorts, pulling them down your legs. He settles himself on the bed as he spreads your legs to press kisses to your inner thigh.
“Perfect,” Connor says, lightly nipping at the sensitive skin.
The tiny hitch of your breath causes all of his blood to rush straight to his dick, but he can’t bring himself to care. He takes his time, warming you up with kisses to your inner thighs, gently scraping his teeth against the skin. He kisses your pussy before running his tongue through your folds. His tongue gently caresses your clit with his tongue. Your hand comes down in his hair when he sucks your clit into his mouth. Your hips start to move against his face, grinding down to give yourself more friction.
“So impatient,” he hums, fucking one finger in you.
“It’s been six whole weeks,” you say,  “I haven’t gone six weeks without sex since I was a virgin.”
Connor chuckles, “Easy baby, we’ll get there.”
Connor can’t help himself when he sees you changing Emilia’s onesie in her nursery. He walks up behind you, wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder.
“Good morning,” he says, planting a kiss on your cheek, “And good morning to the world’s most adorable baby.”
Emilia gurgles but doesn’t retort. Smh, someone needs to teach her how to be humble.
“Morning,” you reply, buttoning up her fresh onesie, “How’d you sleep?”
“Good,” he responds with another kiss, “Except when you kicked me in my ribs.”
“I take offense to that,” you raise an eyebrow, “I am an angel in bed. And, yes, pun intended.”
Connor snorts, “We both know that's a lie.”
Both Connor and Leon have been victims of your aggressive sleeping style. One of these days he’s gonna tie all your limbs down, and not in a sexy way. But not in a murderous way either, let’s make that clear. In a Connor-wants-one-singular-night-to-not-get-punched-in-his-sleep way.
Oh god, his brain is rambling. Oh god, he does not want to do this.
“(Y/N),” he says before he can talk himself out of it, “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”
“About what?” you ask, holding Emilia close as you sit down in the rocking chair.
“I…” Connor has never been this sweaty in his life, “I want another baby.”
“Oh,” you say, indifferent, “Congratulations.”
His brow furrows, “what?”
“On growing a uterus,” you arch an eyebrow, “Because I sure as hell am not using mine again for like 3 years.”
Connor laughs, “I wasn’t saying right away. But, I just want to know if it’s something on the table.”
“I want another baby,” you say, “And as long as you’re willing to wait, I don’t see why it would be an issue.”
And Connor definitely feels lighter after his talk with you. And he even impresses Sophie by actually doing his homework for once:
“So did you talk to Leon yet?” She asks after he’s finished giving his rundown of his week.
“No,” he says sheepishly, “But I did talk to (Y/N) about having another baby.”
She has the professionalism to not look shocked, but Connor is getting a little better at reading her. Or at least he thinks he is. He still gets anxious whenever she writes things on her notepad, “and how did that go?”
“Honestly, it was better than I expected.”
“How so?”
He shrugs, “I guess I was just expecting the worst?”
“And why is that?”
He shrugs again, “Isn’t that something that you’re supposed to figure out when you psychoanalyze me at the beginning of every session?”
Sophie throws her head back in laughter, “You do know I can’t read your mind right.”
It sure feels like she can sometimes. Which is why he pays her but still, it’s rude. ~~~
Connor thought he was sweaty and anxious before talking to you. However, when it comes time to talk to Leon he also feels nauseous. Like, he might throw up in the kitchen sink again nauseously. But he’s been sitting on this for a few months now - but what if Leon hates him. What if he doesn't want to be with Connor anymore. What if he asks for a trade?
No, Connor’s spiraling. Leon’s a rational person; he's not gonna hate Connor for talking about his feelings, something Leon encourages because Connor tends to bottle things up until he explodes.
But what if-
No. No spiraling, yet.
“Leo,” Leon hums against Connors chest from his spot on the couch next to him, “You still awake?”
“Yeah,” he says quietly, “But I was thinking about going upstairs soon.”
Connor shuts the TV off, “Um, actually before that can we...talk?”
Leon sits up and stretches, “What about?”
Connor takes a deep breath, “I think - I think I’m mad at you?”
Leon looks a little confused, and Connor can’t say he blames him, “You think you’re mad at me?”
“I-yeah,” he takes another breath, “I know you’ve been trying really hard to reconcile with (Y/N), and that’s great, and I’m definitely not trying to say I take priority over her, but it kind of feels like you’ve put me on the backburner a bit.”
Leon nods, “How so?”
Connor shrugs, “I mean, when you came back and you apologized it was definitely pointed towards her. And it’s the little things, like you always make what (Y/N) wants for dinner and not me. It feels a little bit like there’s a hierarchy here.”
“Do you...feel this way with (Y/N) too?”
“A little bit,” he says, “But mostly with things concerning Emilia, so it’s not as big of an issue.”
Connor realized he feels a bit…scorned, for lack of a better word. Connor was with you first, and that’s not something he feels jealous about but now it’s all coming up. Connor never left you, Connor was the one who held back your hair and wiped your tears when Leon was MIA. Connor was there, Leon left.
...maybe he did need to talk to you some more.
Connor and Leon spend a long time talking on the couch before they join you in bed. Eventually, Leon puts his head in Connor’s lap as the conversation turns mundane and they just enjoy each other’s presence. It’s been a while since they’ve done that. They end the night with a little make out session that doesn’t lead anywhere more. It was nice.
The next morning Connor’s on baby duty. Not that he minds, it’s always nice to start his day with a smile from Emilia. He changes her diaper and puts a fresh sleeper on her, listening to the little baby noises she makes. When he’s finished he takes her downstairs to the kitchen where you and Leon are making breakfast.
“Good morning, babe,” Leon says when Connor turns the corner, “Do you want strawberries or blueberries on your french toast?”
Leon was making his favourite breakfast. Connor can’t stop the smile from spreading on his face.
“And how’s my favourite girl?” he asks, giving Emilia a little kiss on her forehead.
“A pooping machine,” Connor responds to her, and Emilia laughs at him.
“Did she just-?” you get from your spot on the barstool and run to Connor’s side.
“Her first laugh?” Connor says, “Yeah.”
He tickles her belly in an effort to get her to keep laughing, but she chooses that moment to be a stubborn newborn and frowns instead.
He looks at Leon, “She is absolutely your baby.”
“I smiled when I was a baby!”
“No, Leo he’s got a point,” you say in between funny faces, “your mom said she has one baby photo of you smiling because you would refuse to smile for the camera.”
“I was shy.”
“You’re a robot,” Connor says.
“Like you’re one to talk,” you scoff.
“Connor please,” you pant, “I don’t know what I did to deserve this.”
Connor holds back a laugh, watching the sweat drip down your face, “I thought this is what you wanted?”
“Leo!,” you yell, catching his attention from across the room, “Tell Connor he’s being an ass.”
Leon does not hold back his laugh, “He’s got a point.”
“I can’t believe I’m getting bullied right now.”
Connor wraps his arms around you and pulls you close into his body, “It’s just some squats, baby, it’s not the end of the world.”
“It is when you keep adding weight!”
“Because you’re stronger.”
You just stare at him and, honestly, Connor feels a little scared.
“Tell you what,” he leans down so he can whisper in your ear, “If you make it through your sets, without complaining, Leo and I will take turns eating you out tears run down your pretty little face.”
“Promise?” you hold out your pinky.
Emilia’s being babysat by her grandparents so Connor feels no qualms when he links his pinky with yours, “Promise.”
“Promise what?” Leon pipes up from his place on the leg press.
“Connor offered up your body in exchange for squats,” you say, shouldering the bar once more.
“And what did Connor say I would do?”
“You’ll find out,” Connor says, waving a hand at Leon nonchalantly.
“I don’t even get to know how I’m being used as a bargaining chip?”
“Nope,” Connor says with a smile, popping the ‘p’.
Leon learns what the exact terms and conditions are of the agreement about an hour later. And, just like Connor expected, he does not complain.
He even has the audacity to wink at Connor as he’s tongue-deep in pussy. Ugh, he forgot what the butterflies in his stomach felt like when he’s not constantly annoyed with Leon. He can’t help himself, he gets up from where he was giving his jaw a break, and slides his fingers over Leon’s hole. Leon tenses up ever so slightly, he breaks the momentum he had on you, evident by how hard your ankles are digging into Leon’s shoulders.
“Don’t stop,” Connor grunts, slipping one digit past the rim, “You don’t cum until she does.”
He slides his finger all the way before uncapping the lube and lathering his fingers up and adding a second. Connor knows when he hits Leon’s prostate when He lets out a low groan into your cunt.
“Fuuuuuuck,” you whine, writhing against the sheets.
Leon pushes back on Connor’s fingers at the same time your hips start to grind down feverishly on Leon’s face.
“Make her cum, Leo,” Connor says, removing his fingers from Leon’s ass and teasing his hole once more.
Leon’s focus changes completely. His fingers dig into your hipbones, pulling you closer to him so he has a better angle. Your chest is rising and falling quickly, heaving off the bed when Leon finally sucks your clit. You cum with a shout, tumbling over the edge, pussy clenching around Leon’s tongue.
Connor wastes no time, grabbing Leon’s hips to steady him before spreading Leon's cheeks and swiping his tongue in long, broad strokes. Connor’s not the biggest fan of rimming, but Leon loves it. Leon groans as Connor teases him, starts to rut against the bed when Connor’s tongue dips into his hole, loses it when Connor starts to fuck him open with his tongue. He reaches over to jack Leon off, pumping him as he continues to take him apart. Leon goes limp beneath him, reduced to nothing but moans. Connor speeds up his ministries, revealing in the way Connor’s name falls weakly from Leon’s mouth. Leon bucks hard against the bed, cums with a shudder. Connor takes his hand off Leon's cock, and places it on his own but doesn’t quite relent on his tongue, working Leon through the aftershocks' pleasure. It doesn’t take very long for Connor to cum, finally letting up on Leon and effectively ruining his boxers.
“Aw Leo,” Connor says once he can catch his breath, “We have to watch the duvet cover now.”
“Where is my baby?” Connor teases playfully when you walk through the door, baby carrier in hand.
“Calm your tits,” you say, placing the carrier on the kitchen counter and allowing Connor to take her out, “She’s home, and just woke up from a nap.”
“I wish I took a nap today,” Connor says as he rocks Emilia in his arms. She gives Connor a toothless smile and Connor just wants to smoosh her.
“Has anyone ever told you, you look really good holding a baby?” Leon says, giving Connor a quick peck on the cheek.
“Good enough to have another baby?” Connor asks.
You roll your eyes, “Two years, Con.”
“I’m just teasing.”
And, yeah, Connor finally starts to feel like he’s home again.
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thearvariblues · 4 years
So, About The Pockets...
The third and final part of my little “Jaskier is obsessed with pants” series. I’m sorry to say that this part doesn’t really focus on the pants or Jaskiers, uhm... unorthodox fashion research. But it’s there, I promise.
You should definitely read part 1 and part 2 before this one.
Tagging  @lottelorelei, @likecastle, @stinastar and @kalikatze, because you might want to read the last part, too. :D
“I’m feeling kind of nervous about meeting Jaskier this spring,” Geralt says to the man who’s walking with him through the streets of Oxenfurt.
“Finally grew some balls and decided to ask the bard to rearrange your insides?” his companion smirks. “I swear, Geralt, if you don’t offer your ass to him, I will have to sacrifice mine.”
“Lambert!” Geralt groans.
“What? Poor boy apparently didn’t fuck a Witcher last year.”
“Because I asked him not to. Well, not to fuck any Wolves, at least.”
“Jealous prick.”
“The worst thing is, he really didn’t! Or so it seems,” Geralt sighs.
“I can see the problem. He’s a fucking idiot.”
Geralt grunts.
“And what are you doing here, anyway? Sticking around just to annoy the shit out of me?”
“Meeting a friend,” Lambert smiles.
“A friend? You?” Geralt blinks, pausing. “Another?!”
“You make it sound like some sort of a miracle. I assure you, I’m fully capable of making friends.”
“Hm,” Geralt nods. “And this friend, he’s a… what? Another Witcher?”
“He’s a… bard.”
“A bard.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Lambert frowns.
“Like what?”
“Like you don’t believe a single word.”
“I don’t believe a single word,” Geralt smirks. “So what’s his name?”
“Aid… Fuck,” Lambert grunts.
“So, Aiden. Now tell me, Lambert, this wouldn’t happen to be the Aiden I helped you avenge last autumn, would it?”
“No. It’s a completely different Aiden.”
“Am I really supposed to believe that you found two friends, both named Aiden, and both willing to put up with your bullshit?”
“In my defense,” Lambert says, grumpily kicking a nearby stone, “I really thought he was dead when I asked you for help. Met him like… a week after you and I parted ways afterwards. Thought I finally managed to turn my brain into mush with all the drinking, but it turned out that Cats really do have nine lives. He lost an eye and tends to mess up his signs a lot, but nobody’s perfect, eh? And hey, turns out that Igni works against pretty much everything.”
“And you didn’t tell me for the whole winter because…”
“Because you’d probably kick me down from the balcony?”
“Damn right I would,” Geralt growls. “So where’s this Aiden of yours?”
“Don’t know. Somewhere here in the city.”
Geralt stops dead in his tracks, gaping at Lambert.
“Here? In Oxenfurt?!” he asks. “With Jaskier?!”
“Well, he needed a safe place to spend the winter, and you know Vesemir isn’t a fan of Cats,” Lambert shrugs. “Come on, it’s a big city. I’m sure they haven’t even met each other. The city’s still standing, after all.”
“You don’t understand. Jaskier–”
Geralt doesn’t even get to finish the sentence when he sees a young man leap from the window of a nearby building and land with a perfect roll that only comes with years and years of practice.
“Melitele’s tits,” he mutters under his breath while making sure his pants are properly fastened. “Nobody’s ever told you it’s impolite not to let a man finish?!”
“Hey, Geralt,” Lambert snorts. “Found your bard.”
Jaskier, hearing his words, turns his head and beams at the Witchers.
“Geralt! Lambert! So nice to see you! Would one of you mind Yrdening the fucking door for me?”
“I swear to Melitele, Jaskier, one day I am going to let you suffer the consequences of your actions,” Geralt smirks, stepping closer to the door and using the sign on them. “How was your winter?”
“Very amusing,” Jaskier smiles just as the doorknob rattles uselessly. “How about yours?”
“Drafty,” Lambert says. “Hey, you didn’t happen to see Aiden, did you?”
“Aiden?” Jaskier repeats, his eyes darting over to the door of a tavern on the other side of the road. “Well, that’s quite a funny story, actually…”
There is a loud crash from within the tavern, followed by a roared: “Cheating Witcher scum!”
The door open and a lean blond man with an eye patch over his right eye runs out, looking around frantically.
“Jaskier!” he yells when he spots the bard. “We need to go. Now!”
“Did you try to Axii your way out of cheating again, kitty?” Lambert smirks, takes a few steps forward and casts an Yrden on the door.
“Lambert!” Aiden yells and throws his arms around Lambert’s neck. “You’re here, puppy!”
“So what did you cast?” Lambert smirks, hugging him tightly.
“Aard. Not that bad.”
“It’s better than the Yrden last week,” Jaskier comments. “The guy really wasn’t happy about having to spend the night in his seat. And there was, of course, the tiny incident with Valdo Marx and Igni two days before that…”
“I’m sure they haven’t even met each other. The city’s still standing, after all. Well, what a fucking miracle,” Geralt snorts, turning to Lambert, only to realize that he is currently kissing Aiden passionately. “Oh, fuck. Jaskier?”
“Yes, dear?” Jaskier smiles.
“They’re not just friends, are they?”
“What gave you the clue?” the bard chuckles.
The shutters on a window of a house Jaskier was running away from crash open and an angry man starts to climb out, even though he can barely fit through.
“Uhm, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news…” Geralt starts, but then Jaskier grabs his hand and he promptly shuts up.
“Yes,” the bard nods. “We’d better fucking run.”
Jaskier puffs out his chest and frowns at the fat man in front of him – the man who, as Geralt realizes, was the one climbing out of the window of the house where Geralt met Jaskier about an hour ago, right before their hurried escape to Jaskier’s rooms in the university buildings.
“Are you suggesting, my dear sir,” Jaskier says in his best offended noble voice, “that I, a respectable professor at this university, have, as you said yourself, canoodled with your wife?”
“I saw you. With my own eyes!” the man growls.
“Impossible. I spent my afternoon here, with my dear friend Geralt of Rivia. Is that true, Geralt?”
“Hm,” Geralt nods solemnly, trying not to spit out his wine.
“But this… friend of yours was there, too!” the man tries.
Jaskier gasps for breath and places a hand on his chest dramatically.
“Did you…” he whispers. “Did you just dispute the words of Geralt of Rivia, the mighty White Wolf himself? My dear sir, this man is a Witcher! The legendary savior! Slayer of bruxas…”
“Bruxae,” Geralt murmurs.
“… strigas…”
“Didn’t actually kill the striga.”
“… ghouls…”
“There’s really nothing exciting about those.”
“… and… and nekkers…”
“Every respectable Witcher wants to be known as a slayer of fucking nekkers.”
“And drowners!” Jaskier yells after the man who’s already turned on his heel and left.
“I see you’re running our of monsters again,” Geralt chuckles when Jaskier slams the door shut.
“Oh, shut up,” Jaskier mutters, sits into his armchair and grabs his goblet of wine. “Did I get rid of him or not?”
“You annoyed him into leaving, yes,” Geralt nods. “That, or he realized that Witchers tend to have two very big and sharp swords.”
“And I have three Witchers,” Jaskier smiles just as they both hear Lambert’s high-pitched scream from the next room.
“Sweet Melitele. How much longer is it going to take them?”
“Come on, Geralt. They didn’t see each other for the whole winter.”
“I didn’t see you for the whole winter, and you don’t hear me moaning your name like a cheap whore.”
“Yes, and isn’t that a shame?”
Geralt nearly chokes on his wine.
“What?” he wheezes.
“Nothing, dear,” Jaskier says quickly and gets back to his feet to refill their goblets.
“Hm…” Geralt hums, cocking his head. “Are those new pants?”
“They are. Thank you for noticing.”
“What happened to the tighter ones?”
“An accident,” Jaskier sighs. “I keep saying it, yours are only held together by some sort of dark magic!”
“They aren’t.”
“Fine, is it Quen, then? Are you constantly Quenning your fucking pants?”
“I am definitely not Quenning my pants, no.”
“Then explain how it’s possible that your mighty ass doesn’t rip them in half!”
“I don’t know. I suppose you will have to take a look at them yourself.”
“Geralt, I’ve been looking at your pants ten times a day ever since I met you, I don’t think one more look will change… What are you doing?”
Geralt downs the rest of his wine and stands up.
“I was thinking about a… closer look,” he murmurs. “I mean… for research purposes, of course.”
“Geralt of Rivia,” Jaskier says, his eyes going wide. “Are you seriously suggesting… what I think you’re suggesting?”
“That there is one Wolf Witcher you haven’t fucked yet, yes.” For someone who’s just a little taller than Jaskier, Geralt is sure good at towering above the bard. “So if you wanted…”
“For research purposes, yes?” Jaskier asks as he wraps his arms around Geralt’s waist. “I should warn you, though. I’m afraid it’s gonna have to be a very thorough research. Probably gonna take at least a year.”
Geralt smirks and brings their lips so close together that they almost – but only almost – touch.
“Works for me,” he murmurs right before Jaskier kisses him.
“Did you know Cat Witchers have pockets on their pants?” Jaskier asks much later, when they’re lying side by side in his bed, naked and satisfied.
“Mhm,” Geralt hums because he was just about to fall asleep. “That’s nice.”
“I mean, not for me, they would absolutely ruin my silhouette, obviously,” Jaskier continues. “But for you, they might be quite handy, right?”
“Did you… Did you have to research with Aiden to find out?”
“Well, yes. You see, winter nights tend to get boring,” Jaskier grins. “But fret not, dear heart, you won’t have to spend the rest of your life protecting me from your angry brother. They have quite an open relationship.”
“Bold of you to assume that I would protect you,” Geralt sighs, burying his face in Jaskier’s chest.
“I know you will always protect me, dear,” Jaskier smiles and presses a kiss in Geralt’s hair. “So, about the pockets...”
“Tomorrow. I want to sleep.”
“But you promised I could take a look at your pants.”
“Mhm, I didn’t specify when, though. So shut up and let me sleep.”
“Geralt...” Jaskier whines.
“Jaskier,” Geralt chuckles.
“Ugh, fine. But I like you a lot less now, I hope you’re aware of that.”
“I’ll make it up to you. In the morning. I might even be willing to go with you to that tailor of yours.”
“Really. But first I have to ask Aiden about the… pockets thing…”
Geralt falls asleep, snoring slightly, even though he’s assured Jaskier a million times that Witchers absolutely do not snore.
“Knew you were gonna like that idea,” Jaskier smiles and closes his eyes. “Good night, my dear Wolf.”
The next morning, Jaskier grins at the tiny tailor who’s studying Geralt’s pants with interest while the Witcher just stands there with his ass barely covered by his shirt.
“Truly an excellent bottom.”
“I can see that,” the man grins back.
“You are so,” Geralt snarls, “so paying for this, bard.”
“Oh, my dear,” Jaskier laughs. “With pleasure.”
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violetnotez · 4 years
When They Taste Their s/o’s Chapstick| HQ Edition
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Welcome to Hannah has no sleep schedule lmao-but I remember I did these HC for BNHA and they did really well, so I thought I would do some for HQ too! I might do more characters and not make the HC so detailed, but I hope you like these! 🤍
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Music Genre: Acoustic | HQ
Characters: Atsumu, Yamaguchi, Bokuto
Warning: cursing
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Atsumu: Cherry
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The bright ass teacher who thought it would be smart to put your boyfriend right behind you was realllllllyyyy smart 🙃
Okay sarcasm aside this dude is annoying in the cutest way possible????
This guy gets bored super quick, and knowing his dear, sweet s/o is gonna take all the notes he needs makes him use the class period to just mess with you
(Also him not paying attention in class secretly gets him to be able to have study dates with you, so yeah, Atsumu isn’t learning nothing from the teacher 💀)
Some days it’s bad-he will kick your chair just to laugh at your pissed off face,
He’ll air drop you memes, cute puppy pics,,,sometimes shirtless pics if he’s reallllyyyy bored 🙃😳
But some days he’s a little better and not so annoying,,,,like playing with your hair, passing notes to you, or just casually texting you about random things that are on his mind
But today he was poking your back like his life depended on it
You tried to ignore it for as long as you could, trying to just focus on the teacher droning on about some random war-
Until this fucker flicks your head
You instantly swivel around, pissed written all over your face as he gives you a smug ass look
“Took ya long enough,” he whispered, clearly enjoying bugging you, “but ya got some chapstick?”
Kinda wierd and not what you were expecting but-whatever
You just roll your eyes and nod yes, quietly shuffling through you pencil bag
Poor Atsumu lost his a few days back and hadn’t been able to get more, so he’s really feeling it on his fifth day of no chapstick
He takes it, putting it on and going to hand it to you but soemthing stops him
Cause whoa-this tastes just like you
He hand sit back, kinda just mesmerized...cause this taste is exactly what he tastes everytime he kisses you, like he’s eating candy
No wonder why to him kissing you was addicting cause you tasted like a lollipop lmao 💀
But anyways, after class he decided to test this theory of his out
He walks you out of class, shouldering your backpack for you as you two walk to the cafeteria
“Cmon, lets go this way today,” he says with a small grin, leading you down a more secluded hallway
The moment you two seem to be alone he attacks
Atsumu is a fricking good kisser maybe a little rough but UGH he is gooooddddddd 🥴
He grabs ahold of your back, pressing you against him, you feet slowly rising to meet his lips
He pulls away, loving how surprised and flustered you look as he brushes his thumb against your lips
He’s really happy, cause yup, you taste exactly like the chapstick-sugary sweet but still tart, just like a cherry
you will never find your chapsticks ever again he will always be stealing them so he can taste you 24/7
Yamaguchi: Mint
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Practice had finished, but today it was pretty cloudy
And of course, the moment the gym was cleaned up and everybody was ready to head out
It was pouring buckets
Yamaguchi was always a big softie, but he was also super protective over you
So he always makes sure to walk you home everyday
Fricking cuteeee 🥺
He was getting all of his stuff under the awning of the gym when he saw you running towards him in your uniform
You were smiling, trying desperately to keep your backpack dry as you ran through the rain shower
The way this boy yelled your name 😂💀 you would have thought you were dying
Yamaguchi can be really protective he has tooooooo
He doesn’t have an umbrella, so he unzips his black volleyball jacket and just starts running towards you like his life depends on it
His white volleyball tee cannot survive this amount of water and is soaked, but he really doesn’t mind,,,,
Your confused on why he took of his jacket, until this sweet guy uses it as a makeshift canopy and shields both your heads from the rain
You start to chuckle, cause he just looks so cute, his cheeks red from being sheepish making his freckles more prominent but this proud grin on his face
“Yams, you didnt have to get all wet for me,” you say with a smile, your digits wiping away droplets of water from his cheeks
*cue him turning even redder
and then you give him a quick kiss on his lips
this guy gets flsuetred so quickly ITS SO CUTE😭
But something is much, much different about that kiss than before-
His lips are tingly and ticklish and he’s like WTH
But it feels-nice?? Like it almost makes the kiss feel like its lasting longer on his skin-
You dont even notice him being totally just dazzed out as he tries to figure out whats going on and  grab his hand, leading him inside the gym to wait for the storm to pass
As your digging in your backpack to make sure none of your notes got wet from the rain, Tadashi noticed that something rolled out of your backpack
And lo and behold! Its chapstick! ☺
Before he hands it to you, he notices its a Mint flavor-
and it allllllll makes sense to him
After he walks you home he guiltily SPRINTS his ass over to the convivence store
He was in there for a good hour searching for hat same brand+flavor
After he found it he is now obsessed with it and applies it like crazy cause it reminds him of you 🥺
Bokuto: Strawberry Sorbet
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Bokuto has just gotten out of class, Akaashi right next to him as he went to go meet you by your locker
You three were lowkey like the Three Musketeers-
just two of the musketeers happened to be dating lmao
Anywayssss the man was already jumping around just from the idea of seeing you
It had been 5 whole hours since he last had contact with you-the horror 💀
Akaashi was pretty much used to this behavior, as Bokuto always needed a dose of y/n love every other hour to keep him preppy and up beat
Once Bokuto saw you, he immeditaely bounded over time you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder
“Hey baby birdie, missed me?” He said eagerly, placing a kiss on your lips
Usually after kissing you he’d just cuddle you close to him as the three of you waited for the rest of the team to go to practice....but soemthing was off
But in a good way
You tasted reallllyyyyyyyyyy yummy to him-but he had no idea what it was
This man has no shame
Like at all
He just starts kissing you
Over and
Over again
He can’t figure out why you taste so good! He can’t even figure what the flavor even is...So of course he has to keep “taste testing” 💀🙃
You have no idea the hell is going on, your face flushed you were in school still lmaooo
The dude was just attacking your poor lips at this point
Poor Akaashi is just as embarrassed as you 😂💀
“Bo!” You finally were able to muster out, gasping after the assault to your airwaves you just had
Poor guy looks so defeated and confused, still not knowing what was going
Sad baby bird look 🥺
“B-but babe,” he said, almost whimpering, “I don’t know why you taste good,,,”
You give him a “the hell you talking about face”,,,until it dawns on you that you had bought a new chapstick
Your just laughing, cause who knew Bokuto would be so intense over some damn chapstick
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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Demon Shit [Part 2]
I’m making this a whole ass series, we’re gonna call this the demon shit au or whatever, feel free to send in asks about it and stuff, and get ready for more parts!
| NSFW - no actual secs scene in this one
When you woke, you felt like you’d been hit by a train. You struggled to move, shifting a little and groaning. A light chuckle came from slightly above you and you pried your eyes open to look into Dabi’s cyan ones.
“Sore?” he teased, running his fingers through your hair. You gave him a look and he clasped his hand dramatically over his chest, “not the kicked puppy look, doll,” he pulled you close and inspected the bite on your neck, stroking along the marred skin carefully with his thumb before letting his hand rest on your shoulder.
“That doesn’t hurt anymore, right?” He asked, giving it a little tap. You craned your neck, reaching up to feel it yourself and finding only ridges like an old scar and not the gaping wound that it should be. You looked up at him, intrigued by the look of concern on his face, and shook your head.
“Good,” the corner of his mouth twitched up and he leaned in, placing a chaste kiss to your lips. You trailed your fingers lightly along his bare chest, skin catching on the metal of his staples.
“Do these hurt?” You asked, meeting his eyes again. He gave you an expression you couldn’t read.
“Yeah, but not to the touch,” he paused, “They’re sort of like a punishment. I’m not as nice to everyone as I am to you, little sacrifice,” he teased, half-smiling and planting another soft kiss to your forehead. You felt you shouldn’t press the matter, settling back into bed and burying your face in his chest.
He hummed, stroking your hair for a minute before giving your back a pat and detaching you from himself, standing and opening the curtains. The lighting outside hadn’t changed at all in the hours you’d spent in the house. He stretched, and your eyes moved across the taught muscles in his back and arms.
When he turned to face you again he materialized the same outfit he’d had on yesterday. He helped you stand, shaking a bit and clutching the soft, white bed sheet around your body. He sighed,
“Shit. Shouldn’t have ripped your dress,” he muttered, looking down at your little sheet-clad form.
“Can’t you make clothes?” You asked, giving the sleeve of his jacket a little tug. He shook his head,
“Nope. I can only do that to myself. Technically speaking they’re not real. And I can only do a couple things,” his hand curled under his chin, one finger tapping against his jaw. “It’s fine,” he said, ruffling your hair, “You just stay here for a bit and I’ll be right back, okay? Take another nap or bath or something.”
You shook your head, grasping his sleeve again tightly, “Don’t leave me here by myself,” you felt a lump form in your throat at the thought. This place wasn’t even real if your assumption of what a “pocket dimension” was was correct.
“It’s safe, sweetness,” he cooed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You shook your head, tears welling in your eyes as you pleaded with him with your expression. He tutted at you, giving your forehead a light flick.
“Less than an hour. Promise,” two fingers tilted your chin up as he leaned down, swiping his forked tongue along your lip and flicking it into your mouth when you opened for him, followed by his lips meeting yours. He groaned softly against you before pulling away, wiping away the strands of saliva that followed.
“Be right back,” he trailed his thumb down your cheek, planting one more brief kiss to your temple, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. You followed, opening the door to find him gone.
With a little shiver, you pulled the sheet up around you tighter, bunching up the material so it wouldn’t drag behind as you explored the house. You went down the stairs, wincing as several places on your abused body flared in pain, and padded through a little sitting room. The whole house was like a doll’s house, and everything downstairs seemed to be fake. The sinks didn’t work and the fridge didn’t open, and you quickly grew bored, deciding to take Dabi’s advice and have another bath.
Entering the room he’d ...had you in, you took in the sight of the disgusting bed.  The blankets were bunched in various places, shredded in others, and the whole thing had pools and specks of blood, sweat, and cum on it. Your sacrificial dress was in shreds in the corner. You awkwardly turned away, into the attached bathroom.
You dropped the sheet in front of the mirror as you gasped at your reflection. Your hair was a mess, and your body was covered in bruises and scratches, mostly hand-shaped or matching the spacing of his staples. You hadn’t even noticed them scraping along your skin, but they definitely had. The bite he’d left looked like an old scar. You noticed your lips were a little swollen, too, and not just the ones on your face.
Starting the bath, you tried to comb through your hair with your fingers and splashed a little cold water from the sink on your face. You sat on the edge of the tub, blankly staring into space. Was this a dream? You knew the witch meant business, she’d told you if you fucked up her ritual she’d kill you and she definitely meant it. You laughed in spite of yourself at the thought. You’d fucked up the ritual and then fucked her demon.
Lowering yourself into the hot water you sighed, stretching and letting it soothe your sore muscles. You wondered what it meant to be a sacrifice. What did he mean when he said he was going to “keep you”? There was too much to try to sift through, so you pushed it all to the back of your mind and decided it didn’t matter. He clearly didn’t have any intentions of killing you or he’d have done it. And at least some part of him seemed to care about you. Your face burned whenever you tried to place your own feelings, though.
What you thought was roughly half an hour later you heard movement in the house. Feeling shy you grabbed the sheet off the floor and pulled it over the top of the tub, covering most of the rim. The footsteps stopped outside the door and Dabi knocked, opening the door without waiting for a response.
“Got you something to wear, little sacrifice,” he held up a bag from a store you’d never heard of, setting it aside and crouching beside you, “What’s this for?” He trailed his finger under the sheet, raising a brow at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and sank further into the water. He chuckled, grabbing the sheet as he stood and holding it out for you to use as a towel, keeping his eyes on yours.
You begrudgingly stood, cold air making goosebumps raise on your skin. Dabi wrapped the sheet around you and helped you out of the tub, rubbing the fabric over you to dry you off.
“So shy,” he taunted, running a thumb along your cheek affectionately. “I know I fucked you stupid earlier but you remember me seeing you naked, right?” He crouched, bunching the sheet up and drying your legs. Eye level with your hips, he reached and gently dragged a finger along your puffy, still sore folds, making you whimper.
“Poor little thing,” he withdrew his hand, placing a brief kiss to your pussy that made your breath hitch before reaching for the bag and rustling through it and producing a white dress, similar to the one he’d ripped off you, “We’re doing another ritual. The dress isn’t necessary but it’s traditional and you looked so cute in the first one.”
You stepped in, using his shoulder for support, and he pulled the soft material up your body until it was settled in place. It was very similar to the first one, but made out of sturdier material. You shifted a little, squeezing your thighs together uncomfortably.
“Um, Dabi?” Your brows knitted together as you looked up at him. He hummed in response, shifting through a different shopping bag, “Could I have some other stuff to wear with this? Like under it? And shoes…?” You trailed off, trying not to sound ungrateful for what he’d already given you. He gave you a wink,
“I’ve got ya, doll,” he lifted your feet one at a time, guiding them through the lace panties, pulling them up around your hips and giving the waistband a little snap. You stepped into the stockings he held up next, his hands gliding up your legs as he fixed them for you, planting a soft kiss on each knee as he finished.
“Why are you dressing me and stuff?” The question came out quiet and nervous as he pulled the dress down to affix a bralette around your chest.
“I take good care of my things,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head as he fixed your sleeves back into place. He reached into one of the bags and pulled out a long black coat, draping it around your shoulders. Pulling out a pair of boots and helping you step in, he tied the laces for you as you spoke,
“What are you going to do with me? After we summon your friend?” You fidgeted with the hem of your dress, not looking directly at him as he stood, adjusting the coat on your shoulders.
“Sacrifices usually live in pocket dimensions like this one. Sometimes their demons will let them stay in what you’d call the real world, but they can’t visit as often like that so it’s not as popular,” he explained, tilting your chin up to look at him, “I’m going to keep you in a bigger pocket  and you’re going to live there. I’m also gonna use you to summon my friends and they’ll be able to visit you. You don’t have to do anything, just keep a couple demons happy for a few thousand years.”
Your eyes widened and his hand wrapped around your shoulders to stabilize you.
“Thousand?” You gasped, gripping his wrist and gaping up at him. He laughed, flicking your forehead as he’d done earlier,
“Yeah. Thousand. You’ll live as long as I do so probably another six thousand or so,” he pressed his lips to the spot he’d flicked, clearly amused at your shock, “So,” he continued nonchalantly, “Time to go.” His fingers threaded through yours as he pulled you out of the bathroom and down the stairs.
Once you stepped through the front door with him the pocket dimension was gone and you’d stepped into a busy street, struggling to keep up with Dabi’s fast pace as he dragged you behind him. You tugged on his hand to try to get him to slow down, but he just tugged back, making you stumble a little. Pulling you off to the side he lifted you onto his back, continuing down the street quickly, weaving through the crowds of people easily.
“What’s your friend’s name?” You asked, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Tomura,” he paused for a second, “he’s… not as used to people as I am. Women especially. Just, uh, be aware of that,” he finished, still sounding unsure of his words. You tensed a little and he rubbed his thumbs gently along your thighs as he supported them.
The streets became less crowded as he carried you, eventually setting you down and holding your hand as you maneuvered through desolate alleys. You came to what looked like the back door to a business and Dabi entered, pulling you in behind him before slamming the door shut and leaving you both in darkness.
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allegra-writes · 4 years
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Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Awkward realistic smut and general cringiness
Repost of an old fic. You want to try something new in the bedroom, your boyfriend has some reservations 🔥
He loved trying new things, he really did. He was never afraid of anything, never backing out of a challenge. And not to be cheesy or anything, but the truth was, he would do anything for you. You liked that dress from that shop window? He would go and get it for you. You were bored? Mini Golf date. You felt lonely while he was out of town filiming? A new puppy would help with that. He caught you staring at the moon through his bedroom window? He would find a way to fucking get it for you. Or at least, a piece of it…
The point was, whatever his baby girl wanted, his baby girl would get. He was putty in your hands, even if you didn't realize it yet. That's why, when he found you there, all dolled up in pink lace, looking like an angel on his bed, surrounded by silk scarves and ribbons, he felt like Christmas had come early. His knees went weak at the sight. God, he had it so bad. He was yours completely, your slave... Even if you were asking him exactly the opposite.
"You want me to dom you?" He had absolutely no idea how to do that. Well, he had watched some videos on the internet, who hadn't? But he didn't think he could do anything like that to you, he didn't want to call you names and insult you or to whip you and break open your lovely skin. He looked around, sighing in relief when he didn't see any whip or flogger or anything.
"Yeah, I mean... Nothing too heavy, just... Tie me to the bed, tell me what to do. Maybe spank me a little if I'm not obedient?"
Ok, that sounded interesting. At least his cock was very interested now, twitching, inside his pants. He wasn't a stranger to kink, he knew how to tease you, how to use ropes and blindfolds. He knew how to finger girls under the table at the pub. He just didn't think you would be the kind of girl who would enjoy that. He had been... More on the submissive side before, but this? Having you at his complete mercy? An obedient little thing on his knees just for him? Yeah, he could totally do that.
Except that he totally couldn't. You weren't obedient at all, pouting and squirming and fighting him every step of the way. He had ended up bending you over his knee, spanking you harder than he had thought himself capable of in his frustration. 
You had loved it, go figure. 
Now there you were, hands tied behind your back with his favorite tie because you kept on slipping your hands out of the silk scarves, ass up in the air as he fucked you from behind, one hand wrapped around your ponytail, the other on your tied wrists, as he moved you over his cock. You hissed and sobbed every time his pelvis slapped against your sore butt, his arms were getting tired, his hips were thrusting to meet yours, going harder and deeper and faster than ever before as he went over his most heartbreaking lines on his last scrip inside his head, trying to hold back because shagging you like this felt a little too good and he was enjoying the view of your his dick disappearing into your juicy cunt a little too much and he was a little too close but you were. Still. Saying. "Harder". 
"Say my name, baby girl… who's making you scream like this? Who's cock are you a slut for?"
You didn't do it. What a surprise.
He rolled his eyes,
"Say my name, slut!" The insult felt unnatural, awkward.
"Make me!" Came your obnoxious, bratty answer. Tom felt like crying.
"I'm gonna be honest with you, y/n" You could almost hear the way he was scratching the back of his neck in his voice, as his thrusts slowed down "I'm already fucking you as hard as I can, pulling your hair, and my hand hurts from how hard I spanked your butt…" He let his head and his shoulders drop in defeat, "I don't know what else you want from me, mate!"
You stopped moving, craning your neck uncomfortably to get a look at your poor boyfriend, who sounded on the verge of tears. You catched a glimpse at the both of you on the vanity mirror. You couldn't help it. You both looked so ridiculous, the whole scene looked so pathetic, you snorted.
"Oi!" Came Tom's indignant protest, before he too succumbed to laughter. 
"Come on, untie me, master " The sarcasm was clear, making him bark and throw his head back. He released your arms, and threw himself next to you on the mattress. You turned to him.
"This isn't working, is it?"
"No, I mean, it was fun… a little troublesome though"
You both dissolved into giggles again. 
"Next time you're not comfortable," You said, getting up to straddle his hips, "tell me. I'm not gonna get mad, Tom. You could never disappoint me"  
"I promise, darling" He breathed out, as you sank down onto his cock.
 @deluxeplanteater there you go💜
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elliesguitarstrings · 4 years
Silence (Part 1/Prologue)
Peter Parker x stark!reader
Summary: You and Peter have been best friends ever since he stepped foot into the avengers compound. After a year of being friends you realize you’ve developed a crush on him, but he doesn’t feel the same way... at least, you don’t think he does.
A/N: This is my first ever post so idk how many people will see it but if you do feel free to send in any requests for Tom Holland or any of his characters and tell me if you like this story - part 2 coming soon!
Warnings: language, awkwardness, a little bit of fluff
italics mean flashbacks
Today was a special day. Well, to you that is. To everyone else, it was just a normal Saturday. But to you, and hopefully to Peter too, it was special.
Today marks one year of you and Peter first meeting. One year since he walked through the glass elevator doors of the Avengers Compound. One year since you met your best friend. You remember it like it was yesterday.
Waking you up from a deep sleep, you hear a loud knock on your door, one you recognized only to be your dad’s.
He opens the door and peeks his head in.
“Hey, get up and come into the living room. There’s someone I want you to meet.”
Barely awake, you respond, “No, let me sleep. It’s too early for this shit.”
“Watch your language young lady! Now get your ass out of bed and be out in ten minutes.”
He walks away, not even bothering to close the door.
You groan into your pillow and proceed to throw it across the room as you reluctantly get out of bed.
Lately you’ve been fed up with everyone in the compound, and you’re taking out all your anger on them. But what else are you supposed to do? Everyone treats you like a kid, but they still expect you to act like an adult. They don’t let you go on missions, but they still make you train. They don’t let you go to actual school, but they make you study twice as hard. Everyone is just so hard on you, especially your dad, and you’re fucking done with it.
You walk into the bathroom and pull your hair up into a quick ponytail, not bothering to brush your mess of hair. Hastily, you brush your teeth and splash some water on your face in an attempt to make yourself look somewhat alive, but the dark circles are still extremely noticeable. You walk back into your bedroom and think about changing out of your hoodie and shorts, but you decide against it. You look halfway decent, and whoever it is that your dad wants you to meet certainly can’t be so important that you have to change into something nice.
After a quick look in the mirror, you slowly make your way into the living room, dreading the coming interaction with another one of your dad’s boring co-workers.
However, when you look up and see a teenage boy sitting next to your dad on the sofa, your mood changes.
Your dad stands up and turns to you, gesturing at the boy.
“Y/N, this is Peter Parker, Spiderman, whatever you want to call him. He’s the newest addition to the team, and he’s moving into the compound in a few days. He’s the same age as you, so I thought you should show him around. So be nice.”
Peter blushes and smiles, giving you a small wave.
Suddenly you regret not changing.
He’s cute. So fucking cute. He has fluffy brown hair, brown puppy dog eyes, the cutest smile, and he’s your age. Your age. Everything about him is perfect.
Realizing that you have been staring for probably a little to long, you speak up.
“Um, hi Peter, I’m Y/N. Uh, it’s- it’s nice to have you here. Sorry I look like shit.”
“Oh, um, thanks.” Peter responds, just as awkwardly as you.
“You don’t look like shit by the way,” he adds, “you look pretty.”
You smile, about to say thank you when your dad interrupts.
“Well, that was really fucking awkward, but I think you two are going to get along just fine. I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it then, see ya around.”
He winks at you as he leaves to go to his lab, and you roll your eyes in return, mentally hitting yourself at how embarrassing this whole interaction has been so far.
You turn to Peter, “So, uh, why don’t I show you around and you can meet everyone.”
“Sounds good to me!” he smiles.
You start in the kitchen and show him around the compound: the movie room, the game room, the pool, the sun room, the training room, the labs, and the bedrooms, introducing him to all of the Avengers along the way. Finally, you stop at the largest spare bedroom, which happens to be right across from yours.
“This is probably gonna be your room. No one really uses it right now but since it’s the biggest one I thought you might want it.”
“Oh, um, thanks, but even the smallest room here is like ten times bigger than my room, so I’d be happy with anything. But since it’s across from you, I’ll take it.”
You blush, not sure if he’s flirting with you or just trying to be nice. Either way, it’s not helping your already developing crush on him.
“So, um, that’s the tour I guess. What do you want to do now?” you ask, hoping he doesn’t want to leave so you can spend more time with him.
“Well Happy isn’t taking me back home until three, so we still have a few hours to do whatever. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“Do you just want to hang out in my room? Maybe watch a movie?”
“Sure! Sounds great!”
The two of you walk across the hall to your room and you open the door, regretting again your poor choice to not clean up this morning. Your bed was a mess, your clothes were strewn everywhere, and your desk was piled high with papers and books.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, my room is such a mess.” you exclaim, rushing to push your clothes in the corner and hastily pull your covers up in a sad attempt to make the bed.
Peter smiles and laughs, “Don’t worry, if you think this is messy, you should see my room. This is nothing.”
You laugh as well, sitting down on your bed and grabbing the TV remote. You pat your bed, motioning for Peter to sit down next to you.
“Y- you want me to sit next to you? Like on your bed?” he asks, clearly shocked.
“Oh, um, yeah. But only if you want. You can sit on the beanbag chair over there instead, I guess. I just thought the bed would be more comfortable. And you would be able to see the TV better.”
“Oh, um, ok. That’s fine.”
He makes his way over to your bed and sits next to you, and you silently turn on the TV, starting to overthink everything.
There was a boy. On. Your. Bed. You weren’t doing anything, but still. You suddenly realized how little interaction you’ve had with people your age. Even girls. You didn’t go to school, so you only hung out with the Avengers. The closest person to your age was Wanda, and even she was a lot older than you.
‘Am I being too forward?’ you started to think to yourself. ‘Should I have not asked him to sit on my bed? What is he thinking right now? Oh my god, this is so bad. He probably thinks I’m so weird. He probably hates me. Fuck.’
When you see him looking in your direction, you decide to stuff the thoughts in the back of your head and try to act as normal as possible.
“So, what should we watch?” you ask.
“Um, do you, uh... do you like Star Wars?”
“Are you kidding me? I LOVE Star Wars!” you exclaim, the tension and awkwardness easing slightly.
“Really? My favorite is A New Hope.”
“No shit! Mine too!”
“Then A New Hope it is I guess!”
You turn on the movie, smiling, and you notice that he scoots a little closer to you, seemingly more comfortable.
A few minutes into the movie, Peter breaks the silence between you two and asks, “So what’s it like living with the Avengers?”
“Oh,” you look away from the TV, “it’s cool I guess. But after a while it’s gotten pretty boring. And really frustrating.”
“Frustrating? Why?”
“It’s just, well, they treat me like a kid all the time. And before you say it, yes, I know I am a kid, but it’s still annoying. There’s no one here even close to my age, I mean fuck, Thor’s like 1500 years old. And none of them know how to talk to me. They act like I’m a toddler even though I’m literally sixteen and they never let me go on missions with them, because they don’t think I’m ready even though I’ve been training since I was like ten – “
You cut yourself off, realizing you’ve been ranting for probably a little too long.
“Sorry about that,” you mumble. “It’s just that I haven’t really had anyone to talk to about this.”
“No! Don’t be sorry. That fucking sucks. Not gonna lie, you’re kinda making me regret moving here if that’s how everyone’s gonna treat me,” he laughs.
“They’re not gonna treat you like that.”
“Why wouldn’t they? I’m the same age as you.”
“Because. You’re a fucking superhero. They don’t give a fuck about your age if you can climb walls and shoot spider webs out of your hands.”
“Well, even if they don’t treat me like a kid then I’ll still back you up.”
He puts a hand on your shoulder and smiles. You blush and smile back.
“Of course.”
He scoots even closer to you so that your shoulders are barely touching. If this had happened five minutes earlier, you would be freaking out. But now, something is different. You aren’t sure what, but you suddenly feel more calm and comfortable with him around.
You finish the rest of the movie in silence, and you realize you let your head fall onto his shoulder. You were scared he would push your head away, but he didn’t care.
“You awake?” he asks.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I just didn’t get much sleep last night and my dad woke me up early, well, to meet you.”
He smiles down at you, and suddenly your dad bursts through the door. You scramble to sit up, lifting your head off Peter’s shoulder.
“Hey kid, Happy’s here to – oh?” He stares at the two of you sitting next to each other in your bed, both blushing. “Jesus, you’ve only just met and you already slept together? At least tell me you used protection.”
“DAD, OH MY GOD, NO!” you exclaim, blushing even harder now.
“Mr. Stark, I promise. We- we were just watching a movie. Nothing happened!” Peter assures him.
“Sure, sure,” your dad winks at the two of you.
“Dad, seriously. Nothing happened!” you groan in frustration.
“Whatever. Anyways, Happy’s here to take you back to Queens Pete. Be down in five.” He leaves the room.
“God, that was fucking embarrassing,” Peter laughs getting up from the bed.
“That’s my dad for you.”
You both walk to the door, and before you leave the room, you give him a small hug.
“I’m glad you’re moving in, Peter.”
“Me too,” he smiles, “Friends?”
You smile thinking back on the memory. After that day, you and Peter have spent almost every hour of every day together. You’re rarely ever apart, even at night. You sleep with him in his bed, and he sleeps with you in yours. The rest of the team bugs the two of you to get together, but you both agree that you are just friends.  Best friends cuddle with each other and kiss each other’s foreheads and play with each other’s hair, right?
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goldafterglow · 4 years
the glimmer of my eye
Summary: Din Djarin, a brothel worker in a small cottage town, services a client he is extremely familiar with.
Pairing: farmer!Daddy!Jack Daniels x brothel worker!little!Din Djarin
Word Count: a little baby 1.5k+
Warnings: 18+/NC-17 ONLY, lmafdsgfjdkhgs yikes this is short little whirlwind, mlm, i will repeat this is a Man loving a Man a lot, anal, Dd/lb, barns, sex work
A/N: y’all fucking asked remember that shit Y’ALL FUCKING ASKED (also the best way to picture this au is like the cottagecore! au, except the cottage is a brothel, but if you’re not familiar then this should still be enjoyable I hope!)
Gif Credit: my love and angel @mrpascals​
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“Could…I see?”
His eyes swirl with tree rings, dark and charred as though he’s walked through fires just to reach this bed, reach him. The farmer smiles shyly, a bashfulness he isn’t familiar with that stings his cheek when he curls his now-swollen lip. He looks down to where the boy’s cheek is pressed to his chest, warmth he’s felt before and yet somehow never known until this moment.
“The barn?” he asks, voice soft but still in disbelief. That hadn’t been his intention when he’d started rattling off about it. It was a boring space, more of a hayloft considering how empty it was compared to the animal barn. There wasn’t much in it but hay, seed, and open space. So much space.
“Big windows,” he explains meekly, and Jack could swear his eyes are starting to shiver the way they do when he wants something, the way they do when he’s about to beg. His right hand glides up the side of the boy’s body from his hip to his jaw, the cracks of his dry thumb scratching against his stubble.
“My boy, I just don’t wanna get your hopes all up in a twist,” Jack insists. But then he looks down again and Din is batting his eyes, lashes thick and curling to the tip as they flit in the softened clementine glow of the bedside lamp. He jokes that for as much money he spends just to be with his sweet boy, he always seems to be the one getting what he wants. But he knows that’s what he’s buying, just a chance to give, a chance to make Din smile and need him as deeply as he needs Din. And it’s always been worth it.
“Alright, alright,” Jack concedes. The bright smile that spreads across his kiss-swollen lips is blinding but priceless, something Jack couldn’t fish out the cash for if he wanted to. “I’ll bring you next morning, how’s that sound?”
“Anything, Daddy,” he begs.
“I’ll show ya, baby,” he assures, leaning down until he feels the gentle knock of his worn forehead. His nose falls right into the crook of his face, a dark haven where he can feel the tips of lashes brush against his cheek. “When the sun shines right through them big windows. They wouldn’t mind if I stole ya for a morning, would they? They know I’m just over yonder, I’ll getcha back in a tick.”
Din smiles at the thought of you.
He can already hear the hefty argument - “Sweet boy, the whole morning? You’d better treat him right; that poor man adores you like no one else. You should’ve seen his big puppy eyes when he saw you that first time in the market, oh I knew he’d like you from the moment I met him. Why don’t you take a few blankets? It gets cold around this time of year and I don’t want you shivering back home to me.” There isn’t a thing you love more than when people love on your loves.
“They won’t mind,” Din whispers, the bubbled edges of a giggle tracing his words.
“I’ll make it so special for you,” Jack says enthusiastically, his mind racing as tides sweep through his mind and begin to pool. “I could feed you breakfast fresh from the farm, there ain’t nothing like them eggs still warm from the hen house. I still have some of them orange squashes, I remember you folk would just about buy me out every week. Do you still like them? I got another-”
“Thank you, Daddy,” Din interrupts.
The tide falls.
His chin juts up gently, mouth capturing his in the sweetness of berries that squirt syrup in his mouth and the lace of cotton sugar that sew between their lips, binding them. Suddenly the lamp light becomes fuzzy, the sheets feeling blurry, and through his closed eyes he can see nothing else but a boy with a throbbing heart, aching for his attention and coated in rose petal embers. He does not pull away, his mouth pressed to his in a way that feels so haphazard and mindless that he basks in it.
“I’d do anything for you.”
The golden boy.
He is adored; adorable. And he must know it when he looks up at the farmer with his big brown eyes, must know it when he runs his tender, calloused fingers through his soft tufts of chestnut hair like cupping clouds of fizzing sea foam. His voice drips like molasses when he speaks; Din loves it that way. Slow, smooth, pulling away in thin cords that hold everything together in tight, sturdy ribbons.
The boy loves hearing him talk, more than most. The farmer hadn’t believed it at first, wasn’t used to the special attention. But the first time he ever asked, said, “Will you tell me to?” all shy, Jack had seen the stars sparkle in his eyes like splintered flecks of golden flames spraying from lightning.
Still, as he runs his hand up his back and presses the tip of his cock into him, he wonders if that’s when he’d gone sweet on him.
“Feel alright, baby?” he grunts, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the column of his spine. Din has little willpower like this, cock strained from all the grinding he’d been put through on the rough denim of his Farmer’s jeans, and he gasps when Jack presses a little further.
“D-daddy,” he whines as he feels himself begin to stretch even more, feels something thick and heavy fill him up just how he likes.
“You’re doin’ so good for me, baby,” Farmer Daniel coos, sinking the thickness of him into the warmth of his body. “Take me all the way baby, I know you can. Just like that sweet boy.”
He is drowned out by whimpers and the light creaking of wood from Din’s strong fingers gripping the edge of the smooth wooden support beam where Jack had him bent over. Jack always fills him good, he thinks. Daddy always makes me feel good.
“Good boy,” Jack purrs as his hips press into the plush of Din’s ass, balls deep. He’s stretched out plenty, been stretched out so many times before, but he could swear he feels tighter this morning. Something holding him, clamping down like soft feather talons to keep him here if he has to claw at him with his last fleeting breath.
But his golden boy doesn’t need all of that, not when Farmer Daniel’s had been so taken by him from the moment he’d laid eyes on him.
The window in the barn faces the East, to the right of the world, his world. The sunlight only just creeps through, sweet slivers like bronze streamers tossed across the open space, across the caramel oak and right onto his back. Jack runs a hand up into his hair, palming his scalp as the tip of his cock presses deeper into him.
And then he looks back.
His breath catches in his throat when they lock eyes, deep pools of roasted honey that spill down his tongue and coat his throat. He looks sculpted, impossible, and the farmer’s face melts down into a vast blankness like the space between stars.
“Fuck me Daddy.”
Jack quirks a smile, leaning down and over him to press his face into his. He sometimes wonders if there was any sweetness before him, has tried to remember the eons he spent smiling at regulars at the market and making a place for himself, imprinting his face into the town. He wasn’t unhappy then, not by any means, but that only makes him confused as to what more his crashing star could’ve given him.
“What’s that, boy?” Jack grunts, pulling out a little only to press back in, grinding the tip of his cock until Din is on the verge of tears.
“Oh stars - please don’t tease me,” he cries as another thick bead of precum spills down the slick underside of his cock. There is a low hum, a blinding tug on his hair, and then Jack is snapping his hips into the plush of Din’s ass.
“Like this boy?” he spits as he pulls sob after sob out of him, “Yes Daddy, please Daddy, faster Daddy faster.”
“Daddy loves the way you sound when you’re full of his cock. I love the way you squeeze me boy, such a desperate little slut for Daddy.” Jack’s grin has been sent tumbling down the hill, lost in the awed parting of his lips as he drills into him over and over. He knows how rough the boy likes it now, knows that there isn’t much he won’t take to make him happy. Fuck how he loves making him happy. It shocks him how delicate he once thought he was as he stands here now, tugging his hair and pounding into him as hard as he can give it.
“Right there Daddy, fuck me right there,” he hears. Jack knows he won’t last like this, but Christ if this boy isn’t worth every second, every penny in his pocket.
“I’ve got you baby,” he assures softly, the gentle twist of his voice soothing as he fucks him merciless. “Daddy’s always got you.”
Tags: @cobbvader @miraclemoreno @keeper0fthestars @1zashreena1 @blancatobarxoxo @honeyedspace @chaotic-noceur @opheliaelysia @adikaofmandalore @din-damn-djarin @mrsparknuts @girlwithanewplan @mrschiltoncat @dindjarindiaries @antmnwasp @teaofpeach @nopeforyou @frankiemorales @stanfordscrush @thatreclusewriter @thirstworldproblemss @buckstaposition @wickedfrsgrl @eternallyvenus @the-feckless-wonder @cocoatales @the-wishmonger @fangirlingss @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @iamburdened @frannyzooey @djxrxn @jangofctts @wanderlustmags @mstgsmy @readsalot73 @xakilicious @thewayofthemandalorian @oloreaa @starless-eyes-remain @mrpascals @xjustmenobodyelse @beskar-tano @thepjofanqueen @vulpineblue @sdrecsfics​ @sin-djarin​ @filthybookworm​ @kiwi-the-first​ @pettyprocrastination​
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honestlyzenoouh · 4 years
Aaron Goes Big Instead Of Home (And Poor Kevin Dies A Bit Inside)
This fic is also on AO3 if you prefer to read over there :) 
This was all Neils fault, 100% the little assholes fault. It was a simple bet, a very small one indeed. The fact that Neil even agreed to the bet, should have tipped Aaron off from the very start. But sadly, Aaron is nothing but a salty bitch when it comes to Neil, and the fact the bet involved his brother was even better. He could kill two, no actually tree birds with one tiny victory. Convince his brother that his relationship with Neil was nothing but loveless sex, prove Neil wrong whilst also getting to humiliate him. Win win win.
Teeny tiny flaw in his plan though. Neil won. Neil actually got Andrew to casually display relationship like PDA. With Andrew initiating. Holding hands, kisses goodbye, softly touching hips to get by each other, the whole shebang. Fuck. Damnit. Crap. He wasn’t suppose to readily showcase his emotions towards Neil, he was suppose to prove to both Aaron and himself that the relationship was a fad, and let it fizzle out like his and Katelyns. Okay, he might have been a little bit bitter, as well as the usual annoyance Neil brings out in him, when he made the bet. Whatever.
So here Aaron stood, almost exactly six months after the bet started, in Katelyn’s bathroom just looking at the offending clothes. Katelyn and him might have broken up, but they still consider each other their platonic soulmates. The sex kinda spelled that out for them, not really enjoyable for either of them. Katelyn found out she definitely was on the asexual spectrum, where sex was only enjoyable for her sometimes. When they first got together she had laid all the cards on the table, and told him her feelings about sex, and Aaron had been very understanding and patient with her. It took a long time for their relationship to turn physical, other than the casual kissing and hand holding, and in the two and a half years they had been together, actual sex had only happened a handful of times. And only one of those times had been somewhat satisfactory for both of them.
It was after the last time they had sex, one of the worse experiences for both of them, that Katelyn suggested they might be right for each other. Aaron had wanted to argue with her, wanted to be hurt she would say such a thing, but Aaron had been having the same thoughts for a while before. Because while Katelyn might be asexual, Aaron sure as fuck wasn’t. He got urges and fantasies, and whilst he understood Katelyn didn’t, he also knew it wasn’t her fault they weren’t clicking right sexually. So they mutually decided that they might be better of as best friends instead of partners, but weren’t ready to tell people. Katelyn wasn’t ready to come out, and Aaron would like to keep his pride and not be pitied.
(The sexual identity crisis that sprung forwards in Aaron when he actually realized that it was not only Katelyn that didn’t find pleasure in their sex life is not to be spoken about. Internalized homophobia and too much alcohol doesn’t mix, too many tears, understanding Nickys, and not nearly enough answers. Whatever, he has time to figure it out when the time is right.)
The uniforms material felt way too heavy in his hands, considering it was only a two piece, yet it was surprisingly soft. He guessed that’s what happens if you actually use fabric softener, but what was he suppose to know? He didn’t care enough about his clothes to spend the extra cash on that shit. Katelyn does though, or whoever she borrowed the clothes from did.
He shifted the fabric around his fingers and actively considered forfeiting his dare. However the mere thought of letting Neil win even more, made him visible recoil and slightly nauseas. Fuck that, a thousand times over. A simple knock on the door and a voice asking if he was okay in there, got him out of his staring contest with the outfit, and mumble something even he wasn’t sure what meant.
Taking a deep breath he finally shimmed out of his pants, and pulled the undergarment of the uniform on. A bit shorter than he was used to, but not too bad. Taking off his hoodie and replacing it with the top, made it all a bit much, and way too real. He’s gonna lose his dignity as well as his masculinity to this. The bright orange Vixens uniform sat tight against his chest, but flowed nicely the rest of the way down. Turning a bit this way and that, he got to study his whole body. His ass which normally was kinda flat, popped a bit with the skirt accentuating its shape flatteringly. His shoulder and biceps got the same treatment with the tanktop’s broad straps. So maybe not all masculinity is lost to this. Gathering a bit of his spite for Neil, and general courage, he finally unlocked the door. Finding his last fucks to give after a couple of more moments, he also opened the door. Luckily, it was only Katelyn waiting for him. She moved her head from her phone and smiled from her upside down position on the couch.
“You good?” She simply asked him. Kneading the fabric of the skirt, and pulling at it a bit he nodded.
“As good as I’m gonna get, wearing a skirt because of a stupid fucking bet. I’m so stupid.” Pulling  a bit more on the skirt, he looked around. “Where are the others? I just really wanna get this over and done with” Katelyn helpfully pointed downward, hopefully meaning Fox Towers third floor and not the parking lot. Sighing and looking at her with tense shoulders, a question all by it self, she only raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. Obviously not the parking lot, who did he think she was? A monster? Him lifting one of his now unclenched shoulders, no, but you do enjoy to slightly bullying me, so why not. Katelyn snorted and finally got up from the couch.
“I thought about it, not going to lie to you, but your face when I gave you the uniform made me reconsider. You looked like a kicked puppy, it was so sad.” Aaron grunted to make his displeasure know, but followed her to the front door. He only hesitated a bit going through, so little only people who really knew him would realize. Luckily, (or unluckily, depending on how you view it) Katelyn was one of those very few people, and she put an arm around his shoulders for comfort. Together they walked the short way to stairs and down the two flights from fifth to the third floor, thankfully without running into anyone. The hallway of the third floor also blessedly empty, gave Aaron a false sense of fortitude. Holding on to it, until it became as genuine as it’s gonna be, he looked up to Katelyn, “Which room?”
After a quick glance at her phone, she nodded towards the upperclassmen’s room. Great, so Neil roped the whole team together to witness this. Fucker. Shaking off the rest of his nerves, he shrugged off Katelyn’s arm and walked up to the door. Opening and stepping inside made his heart start pounding, but nothing happened. Literally nobody was even looking at him, or acknowledging his presence at all. All eyes seem to be on his twin, currently laying face down on the floor. “This is the worst day of my life” came muffled from the floor. Looking from face to face, Aaron finally made eye contact with someone. Sadly that someone was Neil.
Raising an eyebrow at him, Aaron silently dared him to comment. Unable to backdown, Neil did just that. “Okay Minyard, that’s a bit low, even for you” Nodding towards Aarons chest area whilst he said so, made Aaron look down at the v-neck. Sure it was a bit deep, considering his lack of boobs, but it wasn’t that bad. The v stopped at about the middle of his chest, pale blond hairs exposed to world for once. Bracing himself once again for all the attention that was bound to come his way, now that Neil had spoken to him, he took another step into the room, Katelyn right behind him. But still, all eyes except for Neils’ were on his twin as an unenthusiastic “fuck you” came from the floor. This time it was Neil that raised an eyebrow, want to make a game of this? Aaron nodded once, intrigued with this whole situation.
“Seriously A, isn’t this a bit over the top?” Neil gestured a bit with his hands, presumably meaning the Vixens uniform. Fair question, when the forfeit only specified a skirt. But Aaron kinda lived by go big or go home, and when he asked Katelyn if he could borrow a skirt, and the only thing she had he would be able to fit in was the uniform he said fuck it. To answer Neils question he nodded towards Katelyn, who gave a tiny wave. A look of understanding crossed his face when an answer came from the floor. “This is a perfectly reasonable reaction” This startled a laugh out of Nicky, and made Kevin look up from Andrew towards Neil. When he saw him looking nowhere near Andrew he followed Neils eyesight and caught sight of Aaron. His eyes widened and he stood stock still, but not a noise or word passed through him. Aaron didn’t get the time to analyze that particular reaction, as Neil once more spoke up.
“Right, sure. Kevin, what is your take on the situation? I mean, he only lost a bet, isn’t that a bit overly dramatic?” The mischievous grin he wore didn’t bore well for Aaron. He knew something Aaron didn’t, that fucker. When all Kevin seemed able of answering was a stuttery mess, the foxes finally shifted their attention away from Andrew, most likely to laugh at Kevins inability to talk. Yet, once they saw Kevins now slightly awed expression, and both his and Neils direction of sight, they subsequently came to look in Aarons direction.
What followed was probably the most awkward five seconds of Aarons life. It started as a stunned silence, which was broken by Kevin sadly saying “This is a very bad time to have an identity crisis.”, after that all hell seemed to break loose. Nicky and Allison were actively trying to get Kevin to elaborate on that, and close some bets for them. Matt and Dan were looking at each other, and then at Aaron seemingly trying to work out how best to approach the situation. The new foxes tried to gently blend into the background and disappear with no luck. Only Renee was brave enough to face him. “Hello Aaron, I like your outfit. Is this a new thing we might see more often?”
The innocent question floored Aaron for a bit, and shut the foxes up again. Sure he was still trying to figure out his sexuality, but his gender identity was never a question for him. But now that he was thinking about it, he didn’t actually mind wearing the skirt. Sure it wasn’t completely comfortable, but it was a sports uniform. His own was made of the same kinda fabric and had the same feel, so he was use to that. But if he found a more modest skirt in more comfortable fabric, he didn’t think he’d mind it all that much. I did make his ass pop. Really thinking about that fact made his brain momentarily shut down. Once rebooted he looked Renee in the eyes and answered
“I don’t, I don’t think so? I mean, I’m not sure? It might? Can I get back to you on that one?” Trying to be more open with foxes had been a thing he’s been working on as a new years resolution, but here two months later, it was still really hard. Admitting that hurt a little. Shifting his attention towards Neil again he suddenly realized something. “You didn’t tell them did you?”
“No, I didn’t actually think you would go through with it.” He shrugged his shoulders and smirked at Aaron
“Tell us what?” Came from floor. Andrew had finally decided to join the conversation, apparently. He had only turned his face from directly down, to towards Aaron at the door. He didn’t seem too judgmental, only a bit confused. Ever since Bee had finally convinced Andrew to try a new type of medication, to treat his bipolar disorder and depression, Andrew had become a whole new person. A much more readable person, but you still can’t be a 100% sure with him.
“I made a bet with Neil, and obviously lost. So my punishment was to go out of my comfort zone in the clothes department, considering and I quote; I bitch so much about his. I thought a skirt was the most out there for me. Why are you lying on floor?” Ah, the dreaded communication they needed to better. They were getting there, albeit slowly. Bee helped a lot.
“Andrew got cocky about his biceps, and Matt challenged it with an arm wrestle match. As you can probably guess, Andrew lost.” Dan cheerfully informed from beside Matt, who looked rightfully smug. This made Andrew turn downwards agin and groan sadly. “I benchpress more than any of you” was spoken into the floor. This made the foxes laugh once more. Aaron shuffled a bit from foot to foot, and made the tactful decision to leave with all the focus on his brother. He technically did do the forfeit after all. Get out of his comfort zone and show at least 4 different foxes. Whether it was individually or in a group was up to him.
When he got to his room and about to close the door, he got stopped by a hand on the frame. A very uncomfortable looking Kevin was the owner of said hand. He opened and closed his mouth a couple times, and took a big breath, but didn’t say anything. He then got into motion and just walked into the room. Well then. “What do you want Kevin?” Crossing his arm across his chest, Aaron “patiently” awaited an answer.
“Go on date. Me with. I mean, uuuhhh” Aaron’s brain shut down once more, and this time the reboot apparently took a little too long, because when he refocused in on Kevin once more the man was fidgeting. Which wasn’t something Aaron had ever seen him do. What the fuck was happening here? Was Kevin actually asking him out? And more importantly, why was he asking him out? As far as Kevin was concerned, him and Katelyn was still happily together. He tried to come up with an answer, but Kevin’s flickering eyes threw him off. They kept going from his face to the skirt and then landing on the v neckline. It was almost a pattern. His eyes went from the skirt to his face again when he suddenly spoke up again.
“You need to change. I just. I can’t think, and I really want to talk to you, because I overheard Nicky one time, but I don’t really know if it was just Nicky being Nicky or if it’s actually true. I did ask him but he shut down and wouldn’t even look at me for three days after, so I don’t know for sure. So can you make me think? I mean change. Pl- if you could be as kind.”
Aaron thought he nodded before he turned and walked in to the dorms bedroom, but he honestly wasn’t sure. So many thoughts swirled around in his head, made it hard to concentrate on getting changed. Had Nicky really been so careless he accidentally outed him? It was with Nicky he had had his sexuality revelation and cry with, that cursed night after a Trip to Eden.
It had been a few weeks after Katelyn and him had called it off relationship wise, and Aaron had been having these weird feelings and his mind kept supplying him with these random observation. Objectively speaking, your Chemistry 102 TA is attractive. His sharp cheekbones and plumb lips are attractive features to have. The boy sitting across from you smells nice, wonder what cologne he uses? The man behind the counter at the coffee shop had really nice eyes. They were a warm brown you could get a little lost in.
He had just crossed the doorway into the house when the thought hit him. What if the reason that sex with Katelyn wasn’t satisfying for him, wasn’t because of the fact that Katelyn was asexual and weren’t as in to it as he was, but because she was a girl? What if the reason he seemingly couldn’t have as good an orgasm with a partner then alone, was because he had the wrong gendered partner. He had had earlier girlfriends in high school, both before and after Andrew had arrived, but he always seemed to excuse the bad sex as inexperience. But what if it wasn’t?
That had floored Aaron completely, and he had taken a stuttered breath and stumbled to the couch so he could sit down. Nobody seemed to pay him any mind, hopefully just chalking it up to drunken behavior, not the life revelation it had been. Neil and Andrew hadn’t been drinking that night, and they wasted no time bringing their things up to Andrew’s bedroom to go to bed.  Kevin had stayed at Palmetto to spend the weekend with his father, but Nicky had bargained with Andrew for them to go to Columbia anyway, and gotten his way somehow. (Aaron hadn’t asked, didn’t really want to know.) When they arrived at Eden he had all but begged Aaron to drink with him. So Aaron had matched him drink for drink, and actually had a good time. He even danced a bit with a random person with a pixie cut and let a little loose.
He hadn’t realized the tears gathering, nor the way his breathing had picked up until Nicky appeared out of nowhere sitting down next to him. He had swirled his head to look Nicky in the eyes, and the easy going smile he had on his face died when he saw Aaron’s face. He must have looked terrified because Nicky sounded completely sober when he spoke,
“Aaron are you okay? What’s wrong? Did something happen at Eden? Should I go get Andrew?” The more he spoke, the faster the words spilled out and the more panicked he sounded. Aaron tried to draw in a breath to answer him, but it got stuck in his throat so he just shook his head desperately. He really didn’t want to include Andrew too, and rather die than include Neil. Nicky had nodded his head, but still looked at him worriedly. When he finally mastered the art of breathing again he blurted out what he should have said ages ago, even before his little revelation.
“I’m sorry Nicky, I’m so sorry” He crumbled while he said it, and his head had landed in Nicky’s lap. The tears had started to fall about halfway through his apology and he didn’t predict them to stop anytime soon. But neither did the muttered apologies, I’m so sorry spoken softly into Nicky’s thigh. Nicky was bordering on hysteric at that point, franticly petting his hair and seemingly answering Aaron’s apologies
“It’s okay, I forgive you! I don’t really know what you’re apologizing for, but it can’t be that bad! Sure, you’re kinda an asshole, but you’re apologizing so you’re not that big of one. Why do you keep apologizing? It’s okay, I’m right here. Whatever you did I’m always gonna be in your corner, so please stop crying I don’t know what to do! How can I help? If you don’t calm down I’ll have to go get Andrew because I really don’t know how to help you if you don’t speak to me, and I’m starting to get really worried now. Please talk to me.”
It was only when Nicky had started to shift around, as if trying to get up, that Aaron finally snapped out of it. He wrapped his arms tightly around Nicky’s legs and shook his head, turning around to look up at him with pleading eyes. Nicky had looked back at him, tears in his eyes as well and shifted once more. “I’m giving you two minutes to start explaining or I’m getting him. This will not go unspoken of, do you hear me Aaron? I’m pretty sure you’re having a mental break down or something, and you can’t keep that all inside. That is super unhealthy and can cau-“
“I think I might be gay” Nicky had gotten very quiet and still, just looking at Aaron and blinking rapidly. Aaron took a steadying breath and wiped his face free of tears, head still in Nicky’s lap. Figuring fuck it, I already said the hardest part he continued speaking, voice croaking making it deeper than normal.
“I don’t actually know, I just. I keep having these thoughts ever since Katelyn and I broke up, which we did like, a month ago, and I think my brain is just now connected the dots because apparently I’m fucking stupid, and can’t figure out that sex wasn’t as satisfying as regular masturbation, was not because the people I’m with are bad at it, but because they don’t have what I need. Or is it the bad thing and I’m only overanalyzing? The only thing I’m really sure of right now is the fact I’m a huge asshole for giving you and Andrew such a hard time for being gay, when I might be it too. That and apparently I find my chemistry TA hot, and like the way men smell and what is wrong with me?” Aaron sniffed and a few more tears fell from his eyes. They were starting to feel a bit sore now. Aaron had jumped when Nicky suddenly took a huge breath and whispered something that sounded like okay, you can do this. Making eye contact with his older cousin he got a small smile. He reached down wipe the last of the tears away, and began petting his hair again. Much more soothingly this time around.
“So this is a lot to unpack, so what do you say we take it in small bites hmm?” When all Aaron did was nod, he continued on, “So you and Katelyn broke up? Are you okay in regards to that?”
Aaron looked down at his hands, playing with his fingers but answered him, “Yeah, about a month ago. Maybe a little longer. It was an actual mutual decision, something we both felt needed to be done. We had a big fat discussion about our feelings and called it quits. We just aren’t ready to tell just yet. Might not for a while to be honest. She has some things to work through, and she’s my best friend so of course I’ll put it off for as long as she needs.” Shrugging his shoulders he looked up again.
“Okay then, I’m happy to hear you’re doing okay there. These… thoughts you mentioned, what exactly do you mean?” Wincing a little, Aaron had tried to clarify his brains jumbled observations. They sat on the couch talking about each and everything Aaron had been feeling and thinking about those past two months. Aaron found that Nicky could be surprisingly quiet and understanding, and that it was really cathartic to talk about it all. So apparently Aaron could see the attractiveness about guys, but he didn’t know if he wanted to date them. Kissing had crossed his mind once or twice, but quickly shut down because he wasn’t ready to think about it.
The last thing Aaron had asked of Nicky before they went to bed that night, a few hours later, was that he kept quiet. He wasn't ready to explore his sexuality, let alone come out. Nicky had given him an understanding smile and sighed out of course.
A knock on the door startled Aaron out of his memory and into the present again. Shrugging his hoodie over his head he decided to just get it over and done with. Fucking Kevin sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. When he was fully dressed once more, he walked over to the door and ripped it open.
"What do you want Kevin?" He said maybe a little too forcefully. Kevin had moved away from the door, and was sitting at the couch Matt had supplied the living room with. He gestured to the other end where he was sitting. Sighing to make his displeasure known, he got to the couch and plopped down. Looking over at the other boy he repeated his question, a bit more mellow this time. Kevin was sitting with his legs curled up under him, his right hand playing with the fabric of his pants.
"A date, ideally. With you, specifically." His face was set in a small smile, eyes sparkling hopefully. Aaron's heart sank a little, so Nicky had outed him. Accidental or not, that still shot a pang of panic and hurt through him. Before he could muster up the energy to answer him, Kevin continued,
"I don't actually know if you'd be interested, or even actually into boys. About three weeks ago, I overheard Nicky speaking to who I assume was Erik, considering he was speaking some german. He kept switching between english and german though, and going on a tangent about queerness being genetic, the twins, and breaking up with girlfriends. Never mentioning any names. So I don't- I'm not actually sure it was you he was talking about. I tried to ask him but he just shouted no, hung up the phone and all but ran away from me. He haven’t really spoken to me yet. I think he feels bad, because I overheard him.”
A feeling of relief spread through Aaron. Even though Nicky had spoken about their conversation from months ago, he had worded it so only people who knew Nicky intimately would have a clue. Or simply think he was talking about Andrew. Still feeling some of his earlier panic, Aaron opened his mouth to profusely deny deny deny, not at all ready to talk about his sexuality again, he remembered a tiny detail from Kevin’s explanation. If he had overheard Nicky three weeks ago, why in the world hadn’t he said anything? Either to him or the others? Closing his mouth again, Aaron tried to calculate what would happen if he “came out” to Kevin. He wasn’t even sure what the ever-loving fuck he was, other than not straight, but if Kevin had held tight for those three weeks maybe he would for however long it took for Aaron to figure it out. One small parentheses made the equation hard though. Kevin’s apparent desire to date Aaron. Aaron might not be the best at math, but a huge glaring pair of parentheses in an equation needed to be addressed first, in order to solve said equation. Right? Aaron’s pre-med not a simple math major, how was he supposed to know?
“Why?” It had slipped out of Aaron’s lips without permission, but he really needed to know before they got any further in this equation. Why now? Why him? Kevin furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly, apparently not getting Aaron’s question. Aaron elaborated his inner thoughts, and the questions made Kevin pause. A slight flush rose across his cheeks, but it didn’t take long for him to gather his thoughts, only a shake of his head.
“So, I’ve been talking to Bee right? In the process of becoming sober” Aaron nodded, not really in the mood to actually talk right now. Luckily, Kevin continued on.
“Okay, so. She hasn’t just been helping me getting sober, also just. Better? In general. We have been talking trough my growing up, and Riko and Andrew. Just. Everything I guess. It made me realize some things, and she has been encouraging me to do something about it. I haven’t wanted to, until three weeks ago, where I heard I might have an actual chance.” He shrugged his shoulders, now looking down at his lap, really focusing on the piece of fabric between his fingers. Aaron’s mouth went a little dry at that implication, not that he really knew why.
He thought all bravery had left his body, after having to endure his forfeit, but apparently not because he felt himself reaching his right hand across and over Kevin’s left. It made him start and look up at Aaron. Sitting there with his hand over Kevins made him feel the same sense of fuck it, as he had with Nicky all those weeks ago. So throwing caution into the wind, he unstuck his tongue from the roof of his mouth, and asked what he thought was the most pressing matter.
“What did you realize?” Kevin’s face went from flush to straight up red, but he kept his eyes locked with Aaron.
“Apparently it is possible to admire people of the same sex aesthetically, and not just because of their exy skills. And that I find your personality and general body incredibly attractive.”
Kevin’s voice had gone down an octave, and the sound of it sent a shot of something, through his stomach. The very same something he has been feeling pertaining his chemistry TA lately. Great, now he also found fucking Kevin hot. Not that that might be a problem with Kevin considering the resent confession. Though now that he really thought about it, Kevin really is an attractive person. He has sharp cheek bones, but his green eyes softens his face up, so he doesn’t look so severe. His nose is slightly upturned, but with a tiny bump on the bridge, which is something Aaron hadn’t noticed before. Wonder where he got it from? Exy most likely. His thighs has the same kind of muscle definition that Katelyn has, which is something Aaron has always found arousing.
He should probably say something though, instead of just mindlessly looking at Kevin. The poor dude looked about one breath away from a minor break down. He shook his head to clear it from his Kevin related epiphany.
“Fuck it okay, all cards on the table?” He gestured with his left hand, just now noticing his right still laying over Kevins. When he got a hesitant nod from him, he continued on now determined.
“I don’t actually know what I am, other than maybe not straight. Katelyn and I are broken up yes, but we haven’t actually told anyone. Not ready yet” A slight flush rose across his own cheeks when he thought about his next admission, “And I kinda find you aesthetically pleasing as well.”
A small smile spread across Kevin’s face and he opened his mouth, but Aaron cut him of before any words could come through. “But! But, I really don’t know what that means. And I don’t think it’s fair for you, if I didn’t make that abundantly clear first. Your face is attractive, I think, and I know you enough to feel safe maybe starting a thing with you. Just, some minor things before you ask me again?”
Kevin nodded his head quickly and opened his mouth again, but once again Aaron cut him off before he could speak. “Okay so one;” He held a finger up on the hand not holding Kevin’s. 
“I’m nowhere near ready to tell people about anything related to my sexuality, so if we do this. It’d have to be in complete secret,” Another finger joined the first one and he went on. “Two, we’d have to take it slow. I don’t know what I’m comfortable with, or how far I’m willing to go, so you’d need to be patient with me. Possibly really patient with me.”
He raised a third finger to go with his last bit.
“And lastly but most important, you need to tell me if things isn’t working for you anymore. I know I come with a lot of rules and regulations, but I need to figure out if this is really for me. You feel safe enough for me to try with specifically, but if that ever ends up not being enough for you, you tell me. Immediately. That is very important to me. If there is one thing my relationship with both Katelyn and Andrew have taught me anything it is honesty is super important. Well, and consent but you know Andrew too so of course you know that. Okay, you can talk now.” He unfurled his hand, and waved it at Kevin’s to demonstrate his point. Kevin looked a little shell shocked after being loaded with all that information, and he took a moment but finally he spoke, his small smile lighting up his eyes.
“Yeah, I can work with that.”
It was spoken softly, and it took Aaron an extra two seconds to realize what Kevin meant. He still wanted to “date” Aaron, even with all these rules. And he had not seen that coming, expecting Kevin to give up and find someone new to pester about dating. He hadn’t really taking his stubbornness into consideration, which really was an oversight on Aaron’s part, and predicted this would happened.
“Ask me again.” He challenged him, a small part of him still excepting him to not go through with it. And by now, Aaron kinda really wanted to go on this gay adventure with Kevin.
Kevin’s smile grew in size, and made a dimple appear in his right cheek, another thing Aaron hadn’t noticed Kevin do(had, could?), and he shifted closer to Aaron. He shifted his left hand so they were holding hands, rather than Aaron holding Kevins, and took hold of his right hand as well, placing both in his lap. Aaron could feel his cheeks warming up, but didn’t hinder his movements.
“Would you like to go on a date with me? And maybe hold a little hands with me? That’s all I ask for now, and we can figure adjustments out as we see fit in the future. And secrecy is okay with me at the moment, and I promise to tell you if I change my mind.”
Aaron’s whole upper body felt warm now, most likely a blush, but he also felt surprisingly excited. This had suddenly turned into a thing Aaron really wanted to explore. Mirroring Kevin’s smile he answered, feeling confident in his mental math. This equation wasn’t so hard to solve as the first one.
“Yeah okay, I think I’d really like that”
Part 1 of “Aaron Tries His Best”
1 - 2(coming soon)
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peakyswritings · 4 years
John Shelby x female!reader
Requested by: anonymous
Warnings: drinking, smoking, sexual harassment, misogyny, violence
The gif is not mine, credits to the owner
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You were standing alone in the middle of the dining room, drinking wine in your fancy dress with a bored look in your face, waiting for the ballet to start. It was Lizzie’s birthday, Tommy had invited a ballet company for the event. You didn’t actually want to be there, you hated those kind of events, but Lizzie was your friend and you were John’s girlfriend, you had to be present. You had known the Shelbys since you were fourteen and following John around like a puppy. It took you years to finally gather up the courage to reveal your feelings for each other. You had been together for three years and you couldn’t be happier.
“Well, well” a voice behind you said. You turned around and you saw Oswald Mosley coming closer to you with a glass in his hand and the other hand in his pocket “if it isn’t my favourite girl”
You rolled your eyes, his confident attitude making you wanna punch him in the face. You had met Mosley during one of Tommy’s business meetings and he’d had his eyes on you ever since.
“Would it be inappropriate to say that you outshine every single woman in his room?”
You cringed at his poor attempt to flirt with you, placing your glass on the table.
“It would be extremely inappropriate, Mr Mosley. And dangerous for you.”
“Oh, I love dangerous” he grinned, coming closer to you.
Luckily, John was soon by your side, wrapping a protective arm around your waist.
“Mr Mosley” he greeted, with a hint of annoyance in his tone “my brother’s waiting for you in his office”
Mosley stayed calm and collected.
“Sure. It was nice to see you again, Y/N” he smiled at you, turning around and going away.
“Was he bothering you?” John looked at you with a serious look on his face. You shook your head.
“He was just being his annoying self. Nothing to worry about” you reassured him, but he didn’t seem convinced.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright on your own?” John asked for the third time, after Tommy told him that he needed him for something.
“I’m sure John. I’ll find Polly or Lizzie and I’ll stay with them” you gave him a small kiss on the lips “Now go, Tommy needs you”
“I’ll be back soon, I promise” he kissed you again and he went away.
You glanced around the room, looking for a familiar face. As soon as you spotted Polly and Lizzie in a corner of the room, you walked towards them. It seemed like they weren’t having much fun either. The three of you stood there in silence for a couple of minutes.
“I don’t trust that girl at all” Polly stated at some point, looking at Gina from across the room. You and Lizzie followed her gaze.
“Do you think she’s hiding something?” you asked her, turning to look at her.
“I don’t think that. I know that.” she took a drag from her cigarette “And you’ve known me for long enough to know that I’m always right”
Mosley approached you. You saw Lizzie stiffen, her lips were shut in a straight line. She had told you about her past experience with him.
“It’s a lovely night, isn’t it?” he casually asked, trying to make conversation.
Obviously, he knew that none of you wanted to talk to him. For some reason, he really liked to annoy people.
“You know” he started “it’s really strange to see so many women involved in men’s business”
“Here we go again” you rolled your eyes. He wasn’t the first man who judged the position of the women in the Shelby Company Limited. He glared at you for a moment, then he continued with his speech.
“I wonder, what do you do exactly?” he put on a curious facade, but it was just an act to hide the fact that he was being sexist “I don’t understand how you manage to keep up with the business. It’s a men’s job, after all”
Polly raised her eyebrows, starting to talk but you interrupted her. You had had enough.
“Women are just as capable as men, Mr Mosley. And if you don’t agree with that, you can take you misogynous ass somewhere else.” you snapped.
Polly and Lizzie looked at you with an amused look on their faces.
“I couldn’t have said it better” Polly said, smirking at the expression that Mosley had on his face.
He cleared his throat and he collected himself.
“In my opinion, you should really mind the way you talk to other people”
“Well” you crossed your arms over your chest “it’s not like I asked for your opinion”
He tried to say something, but he was interrupted by the maid who announced the beginning of the ballet.
You were sat next to John, holding his hand. He wasn’t actually the type of person who loved ballet, he seemed kinda bored.
“I have to go to the bathroom” you whispered in his ear “I’ll be back soon” he nodded and he let go of your hand.
You got up and you entered in the house, looking for the bathroom. It took you a while, Tommy’s house was huge, but you eventually found it. Little did you know, that someone had followed you and was waiting for you, leaning with their back on the opposite wall.
Once you got out and started walking down the hallway, you found yourself face to face with Mosley, who moved away from the wall.
“It wasn’t nice of you Y/N, talking to me like that...” he tutted his tongue, shaking his head in sign of disapproval “didn’t your parents teach you to treat people with respect?” He emphasised the last word.
He slowly came closer to you, taking his time, like a wolf with his prey. You took some steps backwards, but your back hit a wall. He suddenly grabbed your jaw with his hand.
“I don’t tolerate that kind of attitude” he said in a low voice with his face only a couple centimetres away from yours.
“Good thing I’m not here to please you, then” the words left your mouth before you could stop them. He clenched his jaw, tightening his grip on you.
“I think that there are several better things that you could do with that pretty mouth of yours instead of talking”
“Let me go.”
He completely ignored you, pressing his body on yours.
“Can you feel what you’re doing to me?” he growled in your ear.
In that moment, you really started to panic. He didn’t look like he intended to let you go and he was bigger than you, there was no way that you could push him away.
“I said let me go” you tried to seem confident, but the trembling in your voice betrayed you.
“Not so brave anymore, eh?”
You raised your leg to kick him where it hurt the most, but he managed to block you. He gave you an angry look and, when you least expected it, he harshly slapped you in the face. He grabbed your face again with one hand and your wrists with the other.
“Do you want me to let you go? Free yourself” he tightened his grip on your wrists.
You didn’t do anything, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of playing his sick little game of power.
“C’mon” he slightly shook you “fight. It should be easy for you, I’m just using one hand”
You tried to get away, but he was too strong. Saying that you were terrified was an understatement. He chuckled.
“Is this all you can do?”
“Oi! What the fuck are you doing?” John’s voice echoed in the hallway, making you sigh in relief. Mosley finally let you go and moved away from you.
“We were just...having a talk” he said calmly, like he wasn’t pinning you against a wall just a few moments before “you know, you should teach your girlfriend to behave” he pointed at him.
John didn’t answer, he just looked at him with an indecipherable expression. He was calm, too calm. You could cut the tension with a knife. Tommy and Arthur noticed that too, because they tried to say something, but before they could start talking, John punched him in the face. Tommy quickly held him back before he could give another blow.
“Fucking let me go, I have to teach this fucker a lesson”
“John” Tommy tightened his grip on him when he tried to free himself “John. Calm down. His time will come. Do you hear me? His time will come. But we need him alive for now.” He was speaking Romani, so that Mosley couldn’t understand a single word he was saying.
John nodded and as soon as Tommy let him go, he walked towards Mosley and he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
“If you try to touch her, go anywhere near her or even look at her again, I’ll cut you. I don’t care about who you are or who you think you are. I’ll fucking cut you.” he growled, a deadly serious look on his face.
“Do you understand?” he asked. When Mosley didn’t answer, he punched him in the stomach, making him gasp “I said, do you understand?”
When Mosley nodded, John let him go.
“Mr Mosley” Tommy intervened “I have to ask you to leave this house right now.”
Mosley collected himself, then he turned around and he started walking towards the exit.
John came to you and you hugged him like your life depended on it. You hadn’t realised how much you were shaking until that moment. Tommy and Arthur left to give you some privacy. He slowly moved away and he looked at cheek that Mosley had slapped, that had turned red. Some bruises were forming on your jaw and wrists.
“I shouldn’t have left you alone” he murmured, tucking a strand from your hair behind your ear.
“It’s my fault” you said with a cracked voice “I talked to him badly. He got angry because of me”
“No, Y/N” he gently took your face in his hands, looking you in the eyes “it’s not your fault. Don’t think that, not even for a second.”
You shook your head with tears in your eyes.
“Come here” he said softly, gesturing for you to hug him. You held him again, hiding your face in his shirt.
“Don’t cry, love. I’m here, no one’s going to hurt you” he reassured you, gently stroking your hair as you sobbed in his shirt.
He placed a sweet kiss on your head, cradling you in his arms.
“I’m here”
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jenonctcity · 5 years
No Nut November - Jeno
Lee Jeno – Smut, Crack, Fluff
Warnings: Explicit content, a lot of mentions of penis’s, dirty talk, unprotected sex (be safe everyone!).
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: 00’s line take part in No Nut November.
The Rules of No Nut November:
You cannot have sex, masturbate, or nut in any way, shape, or form.
Watching pornography and having boners are allowed, but you can’t nut.
You are only allowed one wet dream. If you have more than one, then consider yourself out.
You do not have 3 strikes; you only have one shot at it. If you miss it, you’re out.
 If you have passed the month with a total of 0 nuts, you are a victor and you shall qualify for Destroy Dick December (Not Recommended).
Look man, just don’t nut in 30 days. 
 As you scrolled through twitter, you came across a hashtag that confused you at first. But upon exploring the hashtag, you came to an understanding of what #NoNutNovember was. You also ended up cackling at the memes you’d found. Jeno sat beside you in your apartment and didn’t even bat an eyelid at your laughing, used to you finding random things on the internet that would spur on giggle fits.
“Babe look at this!” You elbowed him to gain his attention, thrusting your phone into his face with a grin still etched on your own.
“No Nut November...?” He raised an eyebrow, taking your phone from you and scrolling down the hashtag’s contents himself. “I could do that.” He shrugged, passing your phone back. You furrowed your eyebrows at him and let out a bark of a laugh.
“No you couldn’t.” You were 99.9% sure that your boyfriend wouldn’t even make it 3 days without trying to stick his penis inside of you.
“I could!” He sounded offended that you didn’t believe in his will power to not orgasm in 30 days. You both stared at each other, waiting to see who was going to cave and speak first. You smirked at him, biting your bottom lip and giggling almost evilly at him.
“Do it then.” You challenged him, raising your eyebrows once at him and continuing to smirk. His face fell momentarily, he didn’t actually think you’d have the balls to challenge him, so he was shocked and also worrying slightly about not having sex for the next month.
“Fine.” He said through clenched teeth, forcing a smile to mirror your own. “Easy.”
“Good luck Mr Lee.” You leaned over and kissed his cheek, letting your lips linger on his soft skin. You thought about not having sex for a month and sighed, realising you stitched yourself up with this because not having Jeno’s dick for a month was a disappointing thought, but the competitiveness you felt spurred on your next words. “I can do it to.” You shrugged like it was nothing, leading him to smirk back at you.
“Whoever lasts longer wins.” He held his hand out to you and you shook it firmly. “Loser has to give the winner oral and do whatever they want in bed.”
“Deal. May the best person win.”
 Day 3:
You and Jeno laid beside each other on the bed, both of you on your backs and staring absentmindedly at the ceiling. You let out a sigh, bored out of your mind as you stared at the same discoloured mark on the ceiling, you furrowed your eyebrows as you thought, how did that get there and what the hell even is it? Jeno sighed beside you, just as equally bored as you.
“Is that a cum stain?” You asked suddenly, no longer being able to stay silent in your curiosity.
“Is what a cum stain?” He glanced at you, following your train of eyesight back to the ceiling, but not noticing the mark.
“That mark.” You pointed up at the ceiling lazily. “There.” He tilted his head, letting out a sound of acknowledgement as he noticed the mark, humming as he thought about it.
“Could be, I’m not sure.” He shrugged. “Most the time I cum on you or in you so I don’t know how it got there if it is cum.”
“Good point…” That marked the end of your conversation, silence ensuing for another 10 minutes before Jeno piped up.
“We could be having sex right now you know…” He followed his words with a bored, fed up sigh.
“We could be yeah…but we aren’t going to…are we?” You both looked at each other, him giving you a smirk and raking his eyes down your body and back up to give you a sultry look. You narrowed your eyes at him, turning to look away before you caved in and mounted him.
“Not unless you give in, because I’m not going be the first to initiate it!” He leaned over, getting closer to you and letting his breath wash over your neck, a shiver shooting down your spine.
“Well neither am I!” You rolled away from him quickly, putting distance between you both and frowning at him. “I guess we could make out though?” You suggested, immediately missing the contact with him. He grinned, nodding fast and you were sure if he had a tail it would be wagging faster than an eager puppy about to go for a walk. You wasted no time in jumping into his arms, connecting your lips to his and moving them in perfect time together. The sweet kissing lasted for about 2 minutes before it turned filthy and desperate, tongues pushing together and his hands wondering down your back to grip at your ass. You purposely moaned into his mouth, knowing it’s something that really gets him going. Without hesitation you trailed your palms up his chest, your fingers tickling him over his t-shirt causing him to feel giddy, his stomach releasing a puff of butterflies through his bloodstream right down to his dick. You drew away from the kiss, letting him messily kiss down to your jaw and neck, his teeth nipping at your skin that felt a thousand times more sensitive than usual.
“Jeno we need to stop, remember our commitment to not nutting!” He groaned like he was about to start sobbing, resting his head back on the pillow and squeezing his eyes shut.
“I hate life.” He mumbled, rolling over onto his front and burying his head into his pillow in a sulk.
“Me too big boy.” You patted his back and giggled. “Only 27 days to go…”
 Day 8:
“Right I can’t take it anymore (Y/N)!” Jeno burst into your bedroom, tearing his shirt off in haste as he made his way over to you on the bed. You stopped in your tracks, your mouth open and sandwich nearly at your lips. “I need to have an orgasm; I think my balls are about to fall off!” You didn’t know that not orgasming in 8 days would make Jeno as dramatic as what it had, but he looked flustered and desperate.
“Erm…I don’t know if that’s even possible baby.” You shrugged, taking a bite of your sandwich as he plopped himself down on the bed beside you. His lips found their way to your neck, not wasting time in sucking tender bruises to your delicate skin.
“I don’t care.” He mumbled against you, licking a stripe up your neck to your jaw, a hand gripping at your thigh tightly in his desperation. “I need to be inside of you and if I’m not within the next 5 minutes, I might die.” You laughed loudly, shaking your head and batting his face away from you.
“Back off.” He whimpered at your rejection, a pout resting on his face making him resemble a kicked puppy.
“Why? This whole thing is stupid! What do we even gain from it?” He whined, hoping if he pushed you enough, you’d just get fed up of his begging and just spread your legs, giving him full access to your precious goods.
“Firstly, I am committed to this cause, and I’m stubborn, and competitive…and too proud to quit!” He rolled his eyes, tutting and giving you a dirty look. “Secondly, I’m on my period and my sheets are white.” He stayed silent, flopping onto his back on your bed and groaning.
“My poor penis…”
“Jeno Junior will live.” You very gently patted the bulge in his jeans.
“No, he won’t. Him and the twins are lonely.” You nearly spat your sandwich out at his analogy, finding it hilarious that he referred to his dick and balls as people.
“They have each other for company!” You laughed, slapping a hand down onto his naked chest in your amusement, not being able to control your giggles as you tried to swallow the mouthful of sandwich.
 Day 14:
“How are you holding up baby?” You ghosted your fingertip over his bare chest, your fingernail leaving a subtle red trail in its wake. You laid half on his chest; his arm wrapped securely around your waist as you stared at each other. Sometimes you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to be the one in his arms, your mind spinning at how beautiful his smize was, your brain completely in awe at him. He sleepily grinned at you, snuggling into your warmth and finding comfort in the fact you had on Disney pyjamas covering your chest, it being hard for him to get an erection over that.
“I’m okay, you know I actually think that we can last until day 30, I am proud of us.” He stared at your lips through half mooned eyes, wanting nothing more than to have his cock lodged between them. But he quickly steered his thoughts away from that, instead imagining his lips on your own.
“What are you staring at Lee Jeno?” You giggled, completely in love with him. He made your world light up, whenever the looming fear of negative emotions begin to pull you into a depressive mindset, he would be there pulling you out with his unfunny jokes and strong, loving hold. He felt the same way about you, his love for you a stronger feeling than anything he’d ever felt for anyone before.
“Kiss me…” He whispered lowly, his eyes still half open and his lips forming into a soft smirk.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” You giggled, a hand coming up to stroke his cheek, eyes following every pattern on his face, taking in every single detail enough for you to paint the most perfect picture of him.
“No.” With a shake of his head he cupped your hand with his own. “I’m just so in love with you.” You saw his eyes glisten over as the words left his pink lips, a gulp following as he looked up to try and deter the tears from forming in his eyes. You giggled, leaning your forehead to his quickly before pulling away to look at him again.
“It’s a good thing I’m so in love with you too then isn’t it.” At that, he let out a sob, feeling slightly embarrassed at his reaction to you both admitting your love for each other, despite having done it so many times before. “Aww Jeno don’t cry!” His hands came up to cover his eyes, soft sobs falling into the palms of his hands. Tears came to your own eyes as you watched him fall apart in front of you, you didn’t know what to do other than sit up and try to pull at his hands.
“I’m sorry.” With a shaky breath he let you take his hands into your own. A tear trailed down your cheek, his hand coming up and resting on your cheek, his thumb catching the tear and discarding it before it could roll off of your chin. He gulped to clear his throat of his emotions, his bottom lip shaking as he breathed in deeply, trying to recuperate and get a hold of himself. “I don’t know where that came from.” He chuckled bashfully, his cheeks a vibrant red.
“I think I know…” You leaned in slowly, hesitating with your lips a hairs width away from his own. Slowly brushing your lips against his, you smiled, before placing them gently on his own in a closed mouth kiss. His hands came up to rest on your back as you swung your leg over his hips, your hands laying on his chest as you slowly made the kiss more heated. You stayed like this for a while, just kissing and enjoying being in each other’s embrace, until you gently started to rock your hips against his. His hands slowly cascaded down to rest on your ass over your pyjamas, his big palms massaging the soft flesh and forcing your hips to grind into his. His cock started to grow hard, his mind buzzing from the tingling feeling you left behind on his skin with every touch, and his muscles wanting nothing more than to flip you over. You reluctantly sat back, hurrying to pull your pyjama shirt over your head and leaving your half naked. Jeno used this as an opportunity to roll you onto your back, his strong form covering your body and sending prickles of pleasure rippling to your clit when he bumped his hard bulge to your heat.
Jeno attached his lips to one of your nipples, giving it a strong suck before flicking his tongue against it. He stared up at you as he rolled his tongue over the hard nub, your hands lacing through his thick dark hair, tugging it as he caught your nipple between his teeth with a husky growl. He moved up to lick his tongue into your mouth, using one of his hands to hold himself up above you, and the other to push down his boxers. After that, he pushed down your pyjamas pants and hiked your legs up over his waist. He smiled down at you, kissing your cheek as gently as a butterfly would dare to touch you.
“Make love to me Jeno…” You gasped in a breathy moan as he very slowly lined his cock up, sliding it inside of your wet hole in a timid manner to avoid hurting you. A very fine spark of pain took your breath away momentarily, the stretch of his cock almost feeling foreign after not having experienced it in over 2 weeks.
“Am I hurting you honey?” He didn’t make a move after he’d filled you to the brim with his cock, your reaction scaring him to be frozen.
“A little, it’s been 2 weeks and nothing of a significant size has been up there.” You giggled nervously, trying to calm him and not wanting him to freak out and refuse to fuck you without taking ages to prep you first. You rubbed your hands over his back, smiling up at him before leaning up and pecking the tip of his nose with your warm lips. “I’m okay now.” You wiggled your hips and relaxed back against the plush pillows. He kissed your lips one more time before wrapped his arms around your body, lifting you from the bed slightly as he started to roll his hips into yours. “Mm just like that.” Soft whimpers left your lips as Jeno slowly started to make love to you. It felt different from all the times you’d both gone feral and fucked until one of you had at least ten bruises and once even mild concussion. The love you both felt for each other circled the air above your heads, almost suffocating you in it in the best way possible. You wanted to stay in his arms forever, being rocked into and feeling the igniting flames of pleasure coursing through your veins to set the fire alight in your stomach. He kept the perfect pace, tucking his head into the crook of your neck and gently biting onto the soft where your neck and shoulder met.  
“You’re so beautiful…I’m the luckiest man on earth.” It was rare that Jeno ever said anything sweet during sex. Usually he would say the filthiest words, knowing how it brought you closer to orgasm and would cause a flush of wetness to gush from you when he’d call you dirty names. But during this tender moment, his sweet words had the same effect on your body, the rush of butterflies you felt got singed in your stomach from the euphoric fire burning within. The sound of his skin slapping against yours got louder as he picked up the pace, keeping his thrusts hard and not letting his chest leave contact your own, the lower half of his body doing all the work.
“Jeno right there!” You gasped, his cock doing wonders inside your tight, soaking heat. You knew it wouldn’t be long before everything came crashing down onto you, all your thoughts being washed away with the fire.
“Wait hold on baby.” He grunted, sweat glistening on his forehead as he moved his arms to frame either side of your head, peeling his chest away from your own. You noticed how quick his chest was rising and falling and the way his abs flexed from working overtime to bring himself to the edge with you. “Cum with me.” He sat back onto his knees, dragging you by the thighs so you were as close to him as he could get, your head being pulled from the pillow onto the mattress. He gave it his all, thrusting his cock into your pussy as quickly as he could, reaching a new angle inside of you. The fire inside of you spark a huge flame throughout your body, your orgasm causing your eyes to close and mouth to hang open.
“Jeno!” You moaned loudly, reaching out for him with your eyes closed and feeling around blindly for him. He came inside of you after his hips became sloppy, stilling completely and screwing his face up with a hiss. His white cum painting your walls, which was something you didn’t let him do often, he always found it to be a treat when you’d let him cum inside you. He panted loudly, laying down over you and cuddling into you as he very slowly rocked his hips into yours a few more times to ride out his orgasm as your walls pulsed around him. You both laid still and in silence, basking in the afterglow even if it was unbearably hot with him on top of you. He chuckled quietly, turning his head to kiss your cheek with his lips lingering on your warm, flushed cheeks.
“I love you so much.” He whispered, smiling against your clammy skin. You could feel his heart beating through his chest, it very gradually slowing down as his breaths shallowed.
“I love you more.” You giggled, bringing your arms around his neck and turning your face to catch his lips with you own. “So…” You pulled away from his lips to smirk at him. “I won.”
“You did not!” You’d never seen him pulled away from your grip as quick as what he did in that moment, using his intimidating stare to look down at you as he sat back on his knees. “You instigated this! You kissed me first.”
“Because you were crying! Maybe you planned this out and used my soft, sensitive, caring nature to make me feel sympathy towards you!!” You sat up and folded your arms over your chest.
“As if I’d plan something as intricate as that out!” He laughed, sitting with his legs crossed on the bed, a shine on his skin from the sweat still lingering behind even after your intimate workout was finished. “Call it a draw? We both lost anyway.” He shrugged, finding your hand and lacing his fingers with yours, playing with your fingers as he waited for you to answer him. You sighed with a roll of your eyes, biting your bottom lip to supress a snigger from escaping.
 No Nut November: Lee Jeno – Fail.
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thearvariblues · 4 years
A Valentine’s Day Non-Date (AKA Lambert Was Fucking Right)
Because it’s Valentine’s Day and even though I definitely don’t celebrate it, I still got this funny little idea that simply refused to go away until I write it down. So... Yeah. Enjoy the Witcher boys and their Valentine’s Day non-date!
“It’s just… So unfair!” Jaskier whines, downing his glass of wine and holding it out to be refilled.
“Yeah, I know. I know,” Geralt murmurs, turns the bottle upside down and frowns confusedly when only a drop falls out. “Fuck. Are we out again?”
“Looks like it,” Jaskier nods solemnly. “Ugh, it’s probably for the best. I think I’m a little drunk, Geralt.”
“No shit,” Geralt chuckles.
“You don’t understand. I’m just… I’m a very romantic person, you know?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it romantic–”
“But I am! And it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow and I’m not gonna have a date for the first time in years!”
“Good. Valentine’s Day is bullshit, anyway,” Geralt mutters. “That’s your biggest problem?”
“Is it not enough?!”
“Boo fucking hoo. Look at me. I’m single too, you know?”
“Trust me, I know.”
“Good. Because I am! I’m almost forty, I got a divorce last year, and I’m so fucking broke I can’t even get my own apartment and have to have a thirty-year-old–”
“Excuse me? I’m twenty-nine, you asshole, I’m nowhere near being a coffin dodger like you, thank you very much!”
“Yeah, whatever. When’s your birthday again? I’ll buy you a cane.”
“See? I’m single and old! I’ll spend the rest of my life all alone, die alone and then I’m gonna be eaten by my cats.”
“You don’t have a cat.”
“I will. Because I’m gonna turn into a little old cat lady!”
“I wouldn’t worry about it, because I won’t be able to afford an apartment on my own anytime soon,” Geralt laughs. “I’m just gonna keep living with a twenty-nine-year-old roommate who plays in a semi-famous local band, fucks everything that moves, steals my gaming laptop to play Sims and serenades my ass when he’s bored.”
“It’s a gorgeous ass,” Jaskier smiles dreamily. “So perfectly round and firm…”
“Oh, fuck off, Jask,” Geralt chuckles.
“You know what we should do tomorrow?” Jaskier frowns, thinking. “We should go on a non-date together!”
“Non-date! Like a date, but like… as friends. Because we are. Friends.”
“You wanna go on a date that’s not a date… On Valentine’s Day.”
“You said it was bullshit, didn’t you? So what’s a bigger fuck you to the day than going for a friendly dinner with your roommate slash friend?”
Geralt sighs, closing his eyes. The world is beginning to spin a little.
“Just for the record, if I refuse to go,” he mutters, “are you gonna spend the whole evening drinking, crying, listening to terrible pop love songs and, well, being all miserable?”
“Probably, yeah.”
“Oh, whatever. I’m in.”
Geralt opens is eyes just in time to see Jaskier grinning at him.
“Are you? Oh, Geralt! I promise it’s gonna be the best non-date you’ve ever been on!”
And then Jaskier wraps his arms around Geralt and kisses him on the cheek and Geralt knows he’s just made a horrible mistake.
“You,” Lambert says when he finally stops laughing, “are a fucking idiot, Wolf.”
“I know,” Geralt sighs, hiding his face in his hands. “It’s a horrible idea.”
“What, to go on a date–”
“A non-date.”
“Even worse. To go on a non-date with a roommate you’ve been madly in love with for the past eight months, on a fucking Valentine’s, knowing he’s not even gonna fuck you when you get back home – because, let’s face it, getting laid is the reason why people really go to those pretentious dinners… That’s incredibly stupid even for you!”
“You’re right. I’ll just cancel it.”
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s stupid!”
“It is, but you can’t do that to poor Jaskier, can you? And who knows, maybe you will get laid in the end.”
“That’s bullshit, Lambert,” Geralt sighs.
“Is it? I don’t know. He likes sex, doesn’t he?”
“Yes, but he’s my roommate, for fuck’s sake!” Geralt shakes his head. “What about you? How are you spending Valentine’s Day?”
“Oh, we’re gonna stay at home. Aiden’s bought a new strap and he refuses to show me, so there’s no way in hell I’m gonna wait for a whole fucking dinner.”
“Patience is a virtue, you know?” Geralt chuckles just as Lambert’s boyfriend places two cups of coffee on the coffee table in front of them. “Thanks, Aiden.”
“You’re welcome,” Aiden smiles. “And don’t listen to the asshole. He’s the one who started it. He said he bought me something special for Valentine’s Day and then he refused to tell me what it was. This is just a little revenge.”
“What did you buy?” Geralt asks, turning to Lambert.
“An engagement ring,” Lambert shrugs, smiling.
“See?” Aiden smirks. “Every time I ask him, he just thinks of another stupid thing he could give me. I’ve heard like fifty of those already, from lace lingerie to a puppy. This one’s probably the best yet, though. As if you’d ever propose, you bitch.”
He slaps Lambert on the head playfully and returns to the kitchen.
Geralt raises an eyebrow questioningly and taps his left ring finger.
Lambert smiles and nods.
For real? Geralt mouths silently.
Lambert just nods again.
“Well, fuck,” Geralt chuckles.
“Yeah, well. At least one of us is gonna get laid tonight, right?” Lambert laughs.
“What are you wearing, anyway?” Aiden asks, coming back with his own cup of coffee.
“Oh, you know, the usual. It’s not a date, remember?” Geralt shrugs.
“So, black jeans, black shirt, that wolf medallion of yours… Poor Jaskier,” Aiden nods.
“More like poor me,” Geralt sighs. “I don’t even want to know what he is going to wear…”
The answer is purple jeans, white shirt, a dark grey waistcoat, an excessive amount of silver rings… and dark red lipstick.
Geralt nearly faints when he sees Jaskier for the first time, and then every single time he looks at him.
Jaskier looks simply beautiful, more beautiful than Geralt has ever seen him, and Geralt simply cannot take it. It wasn’t just a stupid idea, it was a completely idiotic idea, and the only thing that keeps him from running away is the fact that he’s doing it to keep Jaskier from being sad.
He’s near oblivious to everything that happens during the dinner except the parts which directly involve Jaskier. That’s why he, when asked later, has no idea what he was even eating but can easily describe the way a stray drop of red wine stained Jaskier’s lower lip.
No matter what he tries to tell himself, it’s not a dinner between two friends – at least for him it isn’t. It’s a date. The only date he will ever have with Jaskier, probably.
And perhaps that’s the reason why, when the door of their apartment closes behind them and Jaskier smiles at him and thanks him for the dinner and says that it was the loveliest evening he’s had in months, Geralt does the one unthinkable thing he just can’t stop thinking of – he grabs the back of Jaskier neck to bring him closer and then simply kisses him.
He feels Jaskier hesitate and he’s nearly sure he’s royally fucked up just now, but then Jaskier sighs and wraps his arms around Geralt and kisses him back…
And that’s the point when Geralt stops thinking at all.
“Well, that was… unexpected,” Jaskier chuckles into Geralt’s hair.
“Mhm,” Geralt smiles and snuggles up closer to him. He feels light-headed, perfectly fucked out, content… happy.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this?” Jaskier continues, his fingers drawing lazy circles on Geralt’s skin. “Melitele’s tits, it was even better than I imagined.”
That makes Geralt lift his head and look into Jaskier’s eyes.
“You imagined it?” he asks.
“You really have no idea how hot you are, do you?” Jaskier laughs. “Oh, Geralt. The serenades to your ass were no joke. I just never thought you’d be interested.”
“Interested? Jaskier, I’ve been in love with you since… Fuck,” Geralt whines and buries his head in Jaskier’s shoulder. “Forget I said that. Please, forget I said that.”
“Never,” Jaskier says, wrapping his arms around Geralt. “I love you too, you big moron.”
“Oh, indeed,” Jaskier murmurs as Geralt lifts his head again.
“So…” Geralt says, licking his lips. “I guess it’s safe to say the non-date didn’t go very well, did it?”
“Quite the opposite, dear heart,” Jaskier grins. “I’d say it went splendidly.”
“I thought the point of a non-date was to have a nice dinner and stay… friends.”
“But you are still my friend, Geralt. My best friend,” Jaskier smiles and runs his fingers through Geralt’s white hair. “You just happen to be my lover now, too.”
“Does that mean you’re gonna be serenading me much more often from now on?”
Geralt chuckles, pressing his lips against Jaskier’s.
“All right. I guess I can live with that…”
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violetnotez · 4 years
Hi! If this isn’t already done can I request headcanons for Kiri and Bakugo abt a class movie night and falling asleep on them in the middle of it, their reactions/the class’s reactions? Thank so much your stuff is literally amazing!
Omg, thank you for liking my stuff anon, that makes my day! 😭💕 and omg NO THIS HASNT BEEN REQUESTED THIS SO CUTE AHHHHHHH-
I used some prompts from @bnhabookclub Mermay Event from the discord, so deifnitely go check it out if you haven’t! Here’s the link
Pairings: Kirishima x reader, Bakugo x reader
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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Oh my god are you trying to break this boy???
Kirishima has been pining for you for what seems like weeks-he doesn’t show his affection too outwardly
but his constant blushing and stuttering around you, and the fact he follows you like a dang puppy makes it very apparent he is head over heels for you
So when Class 1-A decides to do a movie night, he is more than excited cause it means more time to spend with you!
He honestly didn’t expect for the night to go as well as it did-he got to talk to you, even make you laugh, and somehow get you to sit next to him during the movie
He was literally on Cloud 9 right now, feeling the heat practically radiating off your skin as you sat next to him, your hands hugging your knees gently
The room was completely dark, only for the brightness of the TV screen projecting the movie
You all watched round after round of movies, until it was 3 in the morning and only a handful of you were still actually alive
Kamianri was passed out in a bowl of popcorn
You were now watching Mary Poppins for some odd reason, a yawn spilling out of your lips every few minutes
Kirishima instantly noticed your tired state, his sleepy eyes resting on yours
“You feeling sleepy?” He asked gingerly, his voice sweet as he gazed at your face
You gave him a numb nod, trying to surpress yet another yawn
He gave you a small smile, his voice quiet. “You can go to sleep if you want, almost everybody else is asleep now.”
“Oh-okay,” you closed your eyes, your head resting against his shoulder as you snuggled into his warm neck
Hahahah Kirishima has died
His face immediately erupted in red, his body stiffening-he honestly had meant that you would be okay to go up to your room and sleep, not sleep on him.
But was he complaining?
You were so adorable, your head resting on his body as you snuggled into him, your breath fanning his skin and giving him goosebumps
He was still in shock, his body still completely rigid with the sudden change in events
You felt this, though, your head lifting to look at his face
“Are you okay with me-?”
“Oh yeah, sorry!” He chuckled nervously, his hands scratching the back of his neck.
You gave him a small smile, deciding that his shoulder wasn’t the most comfortable spot and deciding to lay your head in his lap instead
God, now you were snuggling into his legs
You seriously couldn’t be any more cuter in this moment
Kirishima felt the need to touch your hair, trying to justify that he was doing this to simply put you to sleep
Even though he just really wanted to feel how your hair felt
His fingers gently caresses your head, loving how calm you looked once he began to pet you
He couldn’t help but just be in awe of your beauty-you honestly looked like a sleeping angel to him as you snuggled into his lap
He noticed you had fallen asleep, your breathing much deeper and slower than before
“Your hair is so soft...” he allowed himself to say, his voice wispy from being in complete awe by you
“Oi dumbass, stop being a creep will ya? We all know you like her-just ask her out already,” he heard his loud mouthed friend yell from across the room
Kirishima jumped, fear riddling in his stomach
The hell was Bakugo thinking?!? You could have heard that!!!
Kirishima quickly looked down, searching your face for any sign that you had heard
To his relief, you didn’t seem to have heard anything, and that you were still asleep...
Oh poor Kiri tho-he seemed to have missed the small smirk you were sporting in your “sleep”
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This boy right here
He is SOFT for this moment
He has been waiting for this for dayyyssssss-
Will he admit to it? No. But he has just take my word for it
Honestly when he heard the idea of a movie night he thought it was so stupid
He could be sleeping over dealing with his idiot classmates
The way his friends got him to go was they may or may not have dropped the info thatd you be there
“Please, can you stop being a party pooper and just go with us?!” Mina whined, her arms flailed out dramatically
Bakugo scoffed, wrapping his arms around his chest
“Oh cmon Bakubro, y/n’s gonna be thereeee,” Kirishima teased, his pointy teeth flashing
Bakugo turned his head-his damn friends would not win-but...
“Fine,” he acted like he was exasperated, as if he only gave in because he was sick of hearing them, “I’ll think about.”
What a damn lie he already decided to go the minute Kiri said your name
The night of the movie night, he was being sooooo possessive
It literally was a fucking miracle you didn’t notice his crush on you at this point
He always seemed to be next to you or a few paces away, watching you with intentful eyes
He was just making sure that nobody tried to touch or get with what was his-or-well-
would be his in the future
Bakugo sat himself on the couch, making sure to keep give anyone who tried to sit next him the biggest evil eye
That seat was for you and you only- he was somehow gonna get you to sit next to him if it was the last thing he did
To his relief, he watched your stride over, his body language loose even though he was freaking out internally
“Anybody sitting here?” You asked sweetly, a bottle of soda in your hand
He roled his eyes, moving his hand behind the couch so it would rest behind your head
“Does it look like anyones sitting here? Just go for it dumbass,”
You gave him a concerned smile, his harsh words making you a little hesitant to sit-but you did it anyway
Even though Bakugo was internally kicking himself in the ass for making you uncomfortable,he was over the moon you had actually sat next to him
Someone turned off the lights, and you all started the long ass movie marathon
Bakugo was bored in .02 seconds-who the hell in there right mind wanted to watch Disney movies??? The hell???
You seemed to be enjoying it, your body radiating excitement as you sipped your soda, so engrossed by the movie you didn’t even notice Bakugo’s staring
He honestly needed to stop-he felt like a creep as he gave you long side glances, his hand itching to wrap around your shoulder
Until this baby got tired.
Like hecka tired.
He was honestly gonna pass out on you before you did it first
Your head lolled onto his shirt, a heavy sensation erupting on his skin
He turned-and god he could have died right then and there
There you were, snuggling to him like a little puppy
Lowkey was internally screaming with happiness
He gave out a low chuckle, seemingly waking you up from you half asleep daze
Your heart shot up, your sleepy expression so cute and endearing to him
“I’m sorry-I didnt relaized I feel asleep-“ you whispered sheepishly
“Your tired right?” He asked, his voice gruff from being so low
You yawned, nodding your head at the same time
“Then it’s not that complicated, dumbass,” he grinned, a note of sweetness in his voice, “Just sleep on me,”
You grinned, nuzzling your head back into his neck-
“Good-‘cause your so comfy and warm Bakugo...”
His cheeks instantly erupted in red by your words, your sigh signaling you were fast asleep
Well shit-if your being so damn comfortable with him, mine as well do it too
Bakugo allowed himself to rest his head on yours, loving how soft your hair felt against his cheeks
Boy knocked out in 10 seconds
This whole scene did not go unnoticed by his friends and you bet your ass they were all giggling as they took photos of the two of you curled up all cute against each other-this was pure blackmail and they were ready to use it
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Guilty. (Part 11).
Part Eleven.
Steve Rogers (Lawyer AU) x Reader Insert.
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: A bit of dirty talk, You’re unsure about how Steve feels about you until he decides to make things official. You say the three words. Angst, fluff, a bit of smut? Wanda is a bitch, but in a meaningful way? Natasha is the long lost sister I always wish I had.
Notes: As you can see, I know nothing about law so I grazed over the actual trial. However, we’ve reached a stepping stone in the relationship. Everyone give Steve a slow clap for making progress with Y/n. 
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Part Eleven:
Of all things to anticipate to go wrong, you never prepared for Steve being late. At first you figured he was just stopping for coffee, had to swing by the office or something. Because you hadn't heard from him yet, which is uncommon for Steve. He never runs late, and he never runs late without calling you to explain why.
But you're starting to work yourself up into an anxious nervousness, pacing the lobby of the court house, Natasha watching your every move, Tony looking beyond bored, Rumlow half asleep in one of the chairs lined up against the wall. Bucky Barnes looks like he's about to pass out.
Steve promised to lead this case, he promised to win this case, and now he's running late.
The confidence you felt, the confidence you all felt in him is dwindling away by the minute.
The trial is scheduled to start in less than half an hour, you were supposed to prep one last time together, everyone here for the occasion. You feel embarrassed, your partner let you down, and you have nothing to say to everyone else who is expecting answers.
"Alright, Y/n. We've waited long enough. Where's your guy?" Tony stands, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Isn't he leading the case?" Barnes takes a step forward, stepping between you and Tony. "Are you stepping up?"
You swallow, nervous, on the spot, you don't know what to do.
Natasha grabs your arm, her cell phone pressed to her ear, and she pulls you away from the small group, heading towards the door.
Once you're outside, you take a deep breath, the fresh air helping to clear your mind, your panic subsiding.
"He's going to show." Is the first thing she says, digging into her bag on her shoulder. 'You're sweating off your makeup, you need to relax." She blots your forehead and nose, powders your face with a layer of translucent powder, and retouches your lipstick. "No more coffee for you, you're on an adrenaline high."
Her ability to stay calm is admirable. "Thank you," You sigh, deflating a little. "I didn't mean to freak, it's just-"
"Your career and reputation are both resting on the shoulders of a guy who can't set an alarm for his big day in court?" She smiles, sarcastically. "Yeah, been there, done that."
She sighs, handing you a plastic bottle. It's not until you open the top that you realize that the clear liquid isn't water. "Vodka? Really?"
"Take a sip." She balances her phone between her ear and shoulder. "You need it." Her attention is off of you, turning to look off into the horizon, the city is alive with people rushing to work, cars, busses, the sound of traffic muting her voice to your ears. "And you, Steve Rogers need to step on it. Poor Y/n is stressed to all hell."
Knowing that she at least got him on the phone is good enough for you. You didn't plan for him not showing up. Maybe you should have, just in case.
"He's dead to me." You say, handing her the bottle. "If he can't hear me, tell him. He's dead."
He promised to take care of everything, promised everything will be fine, then he didn't show up on time, leaving you to look like an idiot.
The caffeine in your system only seems to work up your nervousness even further, but the sip of vodka helps. It gives you a bit of clarity, courage to face the group of men demanding answers from you.
"The asshole is just running late, forgot to set an alarm." You call over to them, heels echoing through the empty lobby. "He's coming."
Tony's eyebrows shoot up, "Oh, he's in the dog house tonight for sure."
You can bet your ass on that one, Stark.
When he does show, he looks a mess, hair ruffled, eyes cracked red with lack of sleep, and it pisses you off even more. He slept in and still didn't get any sleep.
Tony offers to take him into the restroom, so does Natasha, but this is one you want to handle yourself. You tell them to go out there, "We'll be out in five."
Steve trails after you like a lost puppy, he knows he fucked up, and you double check twice to make sure no one is around, pulling him into the men's bathroom.
You wet your hands, running them through his hair, flattening the fluffy tufts that stick out. All the while his eyes are on you, trying to read your expression, silent as you fix him up. You straighten his tie, tuck in his shirt, fasten his belt one hole tighter.
There's nothing else you can do about his face, red eyes, scruff lining his jaw.
"Don't be mad."
He has the nerve to try to talk you down, as if he isn't in the wrong, as if it's perfectly okay for you to finish dressing him in the bathroom five minutes before you're scheduled to appear in court.
"What were you doing last night?" You ask, leaning over the sink, staring at him through his reflection in the mirror.
"Prep." He shrugs, lips quirking up into half a smirk, "A little stress relief."
You snort, resolve breaking as your mind runs wild. "You're late to court because you touched yourself last night?"
He laughs, inching forward, his hands on your waist. "No, I'm late because I passed out after beating my dick to the thought of you."
You're shocked at his words, speechless, and you're putty in his hands when he starts to pull you back against his chest, his chin resting on your shoulder, his lips against your ear.
He hums, kissing your ear, snagging your earing between his teeth. "Yes, you. And everything I'm going to do to you as soon as we leave this place."
He presses you flat against him, the outline of his cock pressing against your ass, and it takes everything within you not to moan, not to bend over the sink and let him fuck you right now.
Anyone could walk in, anyone could hear you, and that dangerous thrill makes it all the more exciting. So you turn, finding your confidence, feeding into the warmth and temptation of vodka, and you kiss him.
You ruin the work you just did to fix his hair, fingers threading through the strands at his neck and tugging, his lips crashing to yours with a desperation you equally share. You've been edging each other for weeks, teasing each other every day to prepare you for this. For today.
"I'm going to tear your pussy apart." He whispers against your lips, backing you up against the sink. "I'm going to fuck you until you pass out, I'm going to make you forget why you're so mad at me." He licks into your mouth, tongue brushing yours. "I'm going to fuck you until you pass out and make you late for work tomorrow."
Before you can say anything else, before you can sit back on the edge of the sink and wrap your legs around his waist, before you can pull him closer and tell him how badly you want it, the door flies open.
Rather than push apart, Steve pulls you closer, as if shielding you from whoever decided to walk in.
"I fucking knew it." Tony glares at the both of you, arms crossed over his chest. "You can't wait just one more hour? Literally you can fuck until the sun goes down. But here? Now? It's like you want to throw all of this away."
This is strike two. First Steve was late showing up, now you're both risking getting caught, and already things are starting off terribly.
You rush to fix his hair, then rush after Tony, leaving Steve to gather his nerve to follow you.
"Tony, wait."
He sighs, stopping, turning to you with a look on his face that you can't quite place. "I get it, okay? I do. You're hot, and young, and this is exciting for you. I would take you in the bathroom and fuck you myself if I were in Steve's shoes." He says, "But I'm not. I have a family, a business, a very delicate career and reputation, and it's all resting on your shoulders. And you're in there literally fucking around!"
He stops paces, turns back to you, "And it's not just me! It's Barnes and Rumlow, even Natasha is involved now."
"Okay, I get it!" You cut him off before he can say anything else. "Don't yell at me like I'm a child, don't act like I haven't been sticking my neck out there for all of you this entire time! Fine, you caught us kissing in the bathroom, is that really the problem?"
He looks, stressed. Like he could also use a good swig of Natasha's water bottle.
"Sorry." He holds his hands up in surrender. "I lost my cool, not cool. Just seeing that asshole sitting in there looking so smug, I really hope we win this."
"We will." Steve joins you, dress shoes clicking against the polished floors of the lobby. "But everyone in there probably thinks we're no shows at this rate." Steve sighs, nodding to you, then to Stark. "Shall we?"
Things are about to change. Drastically.
The moment you step into that room, it's game on. The Steve you're standing with right now will be replaced by a completely different person. No more shared glances, no more secret kisses or unseen touches.
So you grab his hand one last time, giving it a good squeeze before he opens the door. His hand slips from yours, and you turn off your racing mind.
You scan the stands for familiar faces, Natasha, Rumlow and Barnes are seated and waiting for you. On the other side, Zeke Stane looks much different in person than in his photos. So does Pietro Maximoff. And...
Wanda, her eyes are angry as she looks at you. You feel betrayed, but you force the emotion down, stone faced as you walk down the aisle and take your seat. You will not let her see the effect it has on you, you will not give them a single thing to use against you.
Attachments are a weakness. Steve taught you that, and if there's any time to do him proud, it would be now.
"Just brush it off." He leans down to whisper in your ear. "We'll talk about it later."
You nod, hands folded and resting in your lap.
Steve doesn't speak to you again.
He speaks to the court room in a manner of professionalism you didn't think he could pull off based on how he showed up. He didn't acknowledge you once, didn't spare you a single glance. You became part of the wall, unnoticed by everyone in the room, which was the plan. You were Steve's weakest link, allowing you to do anything now would cost you everything, you understand why Steve thought it was so important to be the face of the case.
Wanda knew about your relationship, if the attention is brought on you for even a moment, you have no doubt in your mind that Pietro Maximoff would exploit it.
When Natasha is called to the stand, she kisses your cheek before getting up, and for a moment, just a split second you see Steve's gaze linger on your face, a longing that you're afraid someone will pick up on.
No one does.
As usual, she charms her way into the favor of those around her. She's friendly, funny, open. You've never seen her act so hard before, you knew it would be a good idea to use her.
Tony however doesn't change a thing about himself, which makes his statements authentic. He doesn't have to act like a people pleaser, he is a people pleaser. He has the jury eating out of the palm of his hand, and you can tell Steve is satisfied in the way he smirks during his closing statement.
You'll give it to Pietro, he did try. He's a good lawyer, he nearly had the case in his favor, up until you called your witnesses to the stand. All four of them.
When both judge and jury vote in favor of team Barnes, you instantly feel a sense of relief wash over you. All your hard work had paid off. You did it. Steve did it, the smile on his face brings one to your own.
You feel proud of him, proud of yourself.
Until you look across the room.
It's like you're stuck in time, Wanda is staring right at you, walking in your direction. The celebration is short lived, she stands in front of you with a hatred you hoped to never see in her. You had hoped she wouldn't turn out like you, yet here she is, a determination in her eyes that scares you.
"Don't think you've won." She says, voice low. "I told Steve that I had to do this, he didn't listen."
You turn to look at Steve, he's already watching.
"We won, let it go." You try to reason with her. "We can put this behind us, we can work on a different case together, something less risky and less personal."
She turns to look at her brother, and you understand that it's no use. She's devoted to him, a loyalty binding them that you can relate to. You feel the same for Steve, you would do the same for Steve if he asked. You don't blame her. But you can't let her get away with it either.
"I'm warning you, because you never did wrong by me. This isn't personal." For a moment she looks sad. "By noon your secret will be out. They'll call for a retrial."
She leaves you with that information, you feel the presence of Steve behind you, his hands on your shoulders, trying to get your attention.
But you feel numb.
It hurts that she ended up on the wrong side of things, it hurts that she failed to learn the lesson you tried to teach her.
Steve knew he shouldn't have let Wanda leave. He knew that the situation would blow up in his face, he knew that she was up to no good and that she should have been investigated rather than let go.
But in his mind, the few moments of peace it gave you was worth it. You not knowing was better.
But now it's beyond his control.
Everything was about to blow up in your face, and there's nothing you can do about it.
"Y/n, get it together." His grip tightens on your shoulder, bringing you back. "We need to return to the office, calculate our next move."
Noon will be in a couple of hours, you don't have much time.
"Steve, it won't matter." You shake your head. "She's going to out us, everything you did today will-"
"Shh." He shushes you, tugging you a little closer. "I knew this would happen. The day she stormed out, I caught her trying to steal case evidence. I planned for this."
The fact that he knew this would happen only adds to your anger. No matter which way you turn, no matter how close you are to having things go your way, Steve finds some way to mess it up. There's always some plot you don't know about, some surprise information to slap you in the face and make you feel stupid for believing that you're actually partners.
Steve Rogers still doesn't trust you.
But you don't have time to dwell on it now.
"What do you suggest we do then, since you have it all planned out?" You don't even bother to hide the attitude, you realize you don't care anymore.
Everything is on the line, it's all about to come crashing down around you. So who cares?
"We put out a statement about our relationship before she does." He seems so sure of himself, so confident that this will be the answer that it makes you laugh.
"What relationship?" This isn't the place to talk about it, this isn't the time to have a lovers feud. But this is the last straw for you. "I've been kept in the dark about everything from the very beginning, and now you want to act like we're a team? A couple?"
There's a hard set in his jaw that tells you he won't let you carry on like this much longer. He's losing his patience with you, but you press on.
"You make me look like a piece of arm candy, undermine my abilities as a lawyer ad if you aren't the person who taught me everything I know, you plot against me to have things go in your favor, and then when things blow up you expect me to just sit back and trust you to handle it?"
You can feel eyes on you, Natasha, Tony, even James is invested in the argument.
"I trust you, but you don't trust me." You shove him, as childish as it is, you need to express how upset you really are. "You trained me, but you don't believe in me. You use me as a lap dog to run your errands, fetch your research and build your case for you so that you can present it and get all the credit. And now, I have to deal with this? My assistant turned on me, and you knew about it?"
"Y/n, hun, this isn't the best place to do this." Natasha grabs your arms, pulls you a few steps back away from Steve. "We have a lot to discuss, we need to get a story out before Wanda does, I can help. But we need to leave."
You want to pry away from her, slap Steve across his righteous looking face, knock his ego down a few pegs and prove that he can't control everything.
He can't control you.
But what would that prove? How young you are, how childish you are, how in need of his guidance you are? The point you made would be lost if you acted out irrationally.
"Yeah, okay." You take a deep breath, eyes shifting from Steve to Tony. "I could use your help, you know about damage control better than anyone."
"My office or yours?" Natasha asks.
"Yours. It's bigger." And as if nothing happened, you turn to Steve and smile, watching as he raises and eyebrow in question. "Are you coming with? Are you going to reveal your glorious plan to me now?"
All he can do is nod, shocked into a lack of words, and Tony snickers beside him.
You smooth out your suit jacket, push your hair back off of your face and put on your best award winning smile. "James, Brock, we'll have to have dinner to celebrate. Congratulations on your victory, I'll ensure that Stark Industries is in contact with you both about your settlements soon."
"Hopefully the next dinner goes better than the last one." Bucky Barnes smiles back, shaking your hand. "You're one hell of a lawyer, Y/n. I wish I could have seen you in action."
"Yeah, me too."
The next time you see them, you hope it's because you have good news.
Natasha holds you hand as you leave the court house, fingers entwined and walking a few paces behind everyone else. She slips you a tiny bit more vodka, taking a sip of her own, and together you giggle about how stupid and dramatic the entire situation had been.
Since the very beginning, things had been unusual. You only hope that you can recover from it, that everyone can walk away with a happy ending. You and Steve included.
Natasha tugs you to a stop before you get to your car, nodding over towards Steve, who stands watching you. "Ride with him." She whispers in your ear. "Either he's going to fuck you in his car or apologize to you."
His eyes are set on your face, cold, unrecognizable, a chill snaking up your spine at the thought of what he's going to do to you.
She giggles in your ear, giving your arm a light squeeze before leaving you to your fate.
Steve looks, indifferent. Not upset like you thought he would be, more like he expected it, and accepted it. He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back against his mustang, and for a moment he isn't a lawyer. He's a dangerous boy you might have met while you were in college, with a loud car, lose mouth, and no morals. He's someone you would get so caught up that you just might lose yourself, and perhaps that's what happened.
He taught you things, showed you things, had you wrapped around his finger, and now you're not so sure where you stand anymore.
"Did you enjoy getting that out of your system?" He asks, reaching out for you when you get close enough.
"A little." You shrug. "I'm not sure it's out of my system just yet."
He smirks, tugging you hand. "That's alright, you can take it out on me later." His voice is a tone that you can't mistake, low, sultry, and you know exactly what he means. "But for now, I need to ask you something."
You tilt your head, curious, almost shy as the air grows thick between you.
"Do you want to make this official between us?" He asks. "No more hiding, no more sneaking around. Just me and you, for real."
For real, as if everything between you was pretend. And maybe it was, because you wanted so much more from him that you forced yourself to be okay with living in secret.
"Steve, that's all I ever wanted."
He takes your face in his hands, pulling you into a kiss so soft you aren't sure who he is anymore. This is a side of Steve you've never seen before.
"I know, baby. I'm sorry I couldn't give it to your sooner." He says. "I'm sorry that I had to put you through so much."
His apology sounds sincere, and that's a first for you. You've never seen him so vulnerable, it means so much more to you than he'll ever know.
"I love you." You say it with all the confidence you can muster, watching as a smile works its way across his lips.
"I love you more."
I’m not sure when the next update will be up, but it will be STEAMY. 
Guilty Masterlist
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