#and today i went to the cinema while it was storming and i need new shoes
Hold Me, I’m Soft ~ Mammon x Reader
This is going to refer to the DevilGram story with Madi the Witch, because it didn’t sit right with me how Mammon got used and laughed at for being sexually assaulted, especially when I related to that in more ways then I’d want to admit, so there it is, a short little fic to give Monnie some love, especially since his birthday will be this week and I will be at the mountains, unable to actually post anything other than a Happy Birthday maybe.
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Ever since she got to the Devildom, Y/N wondered to herself why in the world would the brothers bully Mammon so much, to the point that he’ll break down in tears when nobody is around?
He’s the most gentle of the brothers, yet he’s met with nothing more than taunts and mocking because of his greed. It’s not like he can help it, it’s his Avatar sin, he didn’t choose it. People get annoyed at Beel for eating too much and constantly raiding the fridge, for when he indulges in the pleasure of greed, he’s suddenly the scummy trash brother who’s just a waste of space. The family’s embarrassment.
But why should he be that, when he’s the only one who never gave in to his demonic power from rage? Never tried to attack or kill her and never got in his demon form to lash out at her?
Mammon was the first one to ever call her by her name and even give her nicknames. He was the first one to call her out to the cinema, concerts, shopping, pranking time, board games, card games, and even video games or just some quality time together.
He was the one to taught her how to be an undefeated Blackjack player and how to spot when someone is lying. He was the one to taught her how to flawlessly cheat in games and how to protect herself if something happened.
Even more, he was the one who graciously asked if she wanted to workout with him so she could be stronger and faster if anything were to happen and he wouldn’t be around, just like how it happened long ago, when Levi lost control and almost attacked her.
And, of course, he was the only one who constantly asked her if she was okay, if she was happy, if she needed anything. He would always pamper her whenever he thought she stopped smiling for one split second, or if he thinks she was faking it. He would grab TSL and some comfort food, hot chocolate with marshmallows and would cuddle her all night, playing with her hair.
It really pissed her off, but no matter what she did, and no matter how much she tried to make the others at least tone it down, of course, millennia of habits cannot be so easily tamed.
These were the constant thoughts that plagued Y/N’s mind, yet the white haired man will never know, because she is a girl of few words and many actions.
Today, however, as usual, was the time for some new shenanigans, as Lucifer and Satan must be the escorts of some powerful witch, as per Diavolo’s request, since he literally can’t stand her - And that speaks loads, when it comes to the benevolent Demon Prince.
“Hey, is it really gonna be okay to leave those two by themselves like that?” Mammon asked with a worried expression on his face. “Well, neither of them are saying anything...For now, at least.” Asmo held the same expression as his elder brother. “Yeah, you just KNOW that they’re going to blow up any minute. It’s so exciting!” Levi spoke with a chuckle. “Hey, why is it that you only ever come outta your room at times like this, Levi? I thought you were s’posed to be a shut-in.” Mammon raised his eyebrow at his little brother. “Well, this is Lucifer and Satan. They almost NEVER work together, much less when it’s just the two of them! I mean, if I’d missed an event like this, I’d regret it for the next 800 years.” Levi grinned, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Diavolo was pretty bold to make them work together, if you ask me.” Y/N muttered, crossing her arms and peeking through the door creak.
Saying that, the four of them leaned in the peek better and listen to their conversation.
“Be careful. If Maddi takes a liking to a man, she’ll bring him back home with her.” Lucifer smirked at his younger brother. “As if you need to remind me...I recall how Mammon went home with her that one time. Mammon must have regretted going with her, because by the time he got back, he was on the verge of tears. I remember it like it was yesterday!” Satan shook his head in disbelief, making the girl gasp, covering her mouth with her hands. “HEY! I wasn’t!” Mammon frowned at what he just heard, making Asmo shush him quickly so they won’t be heard. “I don’t even want to THINK about what must’ve happened between those two that night. I can’t understand what possessed Mammon to willingly go home with a woman that dangerous. It’s fortunate she didn’t trick him into making a pact with her while he was there in bed half-asleep.” the blond continued speaking, making the girl bite her lip from the shock and pain in her chest. “But there’s no doubt that Mammon didn’t have a good time, because for a while after he came back he had nightmares, and he’s moan in his sleep. He even stopped spending money left and right...MAMMON, of all demons. Still, Maddi IS attractive. She rivals the succubus who won the Queen Contest in terms of beauty. In fact, Maddi might be even MORE beautiful. I’m a little worried that you’ll end up like Mammon - That as soon as she uses her feminine wiles on you, you’ll fold like a paper airplane.” hearing that, she couldn’t stop herself and she fled the place, going to her room to regain herself, not giving anyone any explanation.
She already made up her mind that, despite being the middle of the day, she will skip both lunch and dinner, so changing in her pyjamas, she got in bed, cuddling the hellhound plushie Mammon got her, and wrapped herself in a tight cocoon with her blanket, not wanting to see the light of the day.
So many thoughts were swirling in her mind, each of them more and more degrading, overpowering one another, guilt taking over her completely.
She prided herself with being a ration person, she really did! She always put ration and logic over hindering emotions...But now...When she can overthink in peace...The ration she held completely dissipated, and here she was, crying her heart out once again.
Why WAS she crying for, anyway?
Was it because she felt Mammon’s pain at having being used like that, against his will, because he’s an innocent and peaceful push-over? 
Was it because she remembered what happened to her, and her heart started aching like crazy, and she began to spiral? 
Was it because she felt plain, ordinary and completely nothing special, when she heard Lucifer saying that Maddi is the most beautiful person in the world and that’s why Mammon was lured in by her?
Or was it the guilt of being affected by jealousy and self-hatred before the pain from what that vile woman did to him?
What the hell was going on through her head, anyway? She heard enough opinions about her and how terrible of a girlfriend she was, why should she even have any hope that Mammon would ever like her? And why the hell was she worrying about that, when she should be worrying about the poor demon?!
She’s really nothing more than a selfish jerk.
As if on cue, she heard the familiar sound of a received message on her D.D.D., and curiosity won over her self-deprecating sulking, and she checked it out, making her heart skip a few beats.
It was Monnie, and he was asking if she was okay and why she left.
Tears started brimming in her eyes, and letting out a few more sobs, she realised that, even thought he doesn’t romantically love her, he will always be her best friend, and she was at least content with that, no matter how selfish she is.
She quickly texted him, asking if it was okay if she came over later, for a sleepover, and of course, he agreed, so the girl put a cardigan over her so it wouldn’t be too obvious she was in her pyjamas - Not that it mattered, anyway - and got some snacks, made some hot chocolate and went to Mammon’s room, finding him in a tanktop and some large pants, playing some game on his phone.
“Took you long enough!” Mammon grinned, making room for her to join him. “What’s with that face? You stormed out of there, so somethin’ must’ve bothered ya. Come on, y’know you can tell me.” he got in a sitting position, looking at her with a concerned look, but was met with silence for a many seconds, in which he feared he must have said something wrong. “I, uh...I guess I got worried about you after what they said...But I didn’t have the best reaction...I needed some time to think things over. It was pretty selfish of me to do that, instead of talking to you first...But I guess I’ve always been pretty selfish, haven’t I?” she chuckled nervously, still standing up, next to the bed. “What the hell are ya on about? Is it about that Maddi thing? Forget it, it happened long ago, it doesn’t bother me anymore.” he shrugged, looking away for a split second, only to look back at her. “I...Don’t think you’re over it.” she bit her lip, looking down, sucking at her teeth to stop herself from sketching any gesture on her face. “What do ya know about that, anyway? Come on, shut up and put the movie on, I ain’t got all day!” he tried to make her stop talking already, but she wasn’t exactly paying attention. “I had a similar experience too and...When I heard what happened, flashes of what happened went in front of my eyes and I started panicking. That’s why I ran away.” she spoke, her eyes glossed and unfocused. “Is that why ya wanted to hang out?” Mammon muttered softly, seeing her slowly nod her head. “I never told anyone...And so, nobody was there to care about me. But you always cared about me...And I wanted to do the same, for once.” she gulped, blinking and putting everything on the nightstand next to his bed. “...Come’re, dummy.” he sighed, tugging on her hand and making her sit on his lap, as was their ritual whenever one of them needed comfort. “Did I upset you, Monnie?” she asked, barely audible, making him put his hands on her shoulders, so she could properly look at him. “What?! Upset me?! ‘Course not! I-I’m happy that you thought of me, okay? It’s just...Yeah, it wasn’t nice, duh, but I’m a demon. I can take many things. But you’re such a frail little human. You’re small, fragile and soft, and since nobody wanted to bother getting to know such a nice gal like you, then I will always be there for you.” he put his hands on her face, trying to reach through to her. “...I was supposed to comfort you...Why did it go the other way around...? I was supposed to make sure you okay, that you’re smiling and that you can manage to get over what happened in the past...I wanted to be the one you can count on, for once...But I’m failing even at that...That’s how much of a selfish jerk I am...You deserve better than me, Monnie.” she hung her head, resting her forehead on his shoulder, not realising her words made him stiff, and tears prickled at his eyes. “Shut up, dummy! You’re a dummy! Dummy! Dummy! Never say things like that okay, got it?! Listen, I-I care about you, okay? I don’t care if you manage to comfort me or not, I just care that you think about me, okay? You’re the only one that gives a damn about me, and I appreciate that, okay? You see part of yourself in me, and I see a part of myself in you, so of course I want to keep you safe.” Mammon sighed, holding the girl close to his chest, playing with her hair, as he always did. “Monnie...Can I tell you something?” she muttered. It was now or never. If he hated her, so be it, but at least he knows. “Of course ya can, dummy. You can tell me anythin’ you want.” he said with an encouraging chuckle. “I...Left because I felt guilty. Because...My first thoughts were creeping with jealousy, instead of worrying about you and what happened, first and foremost. My brain fails me big time. And I feel really bad, ‘cause you deserve much better than some idiot who gets jealous over someone vile like...Her.” she let a few tears fall down her face, but poor Mammon was lost in his own head.
Jealous? Why the hell would she be jealous? What could she be jealous of? What is going on even?
“Why would you be jealous of her? You’re better than she’ll ever be, in every way. What the hell is going on through that head of yours, Y/N?” he frowned, flicking her forehead, unsure of how to react. “You heard how Lucifer and Satan spoke about her...And they are Lucifer and Satan. They spoke only praises about her...A-And I didn’t want her to be around you. Y-You’re my first man, Monnie, please understand what I’m saying.” she hid her face with her hands, her bottom lip quivering from embarrassment and guilt. “O-Oh...Ya like me?! Like...Like-Like me?! For reals?!” his voice became so cheerful and hopeful, and as soon as he saw her nodding, he started laughing very happily, kissing her forehead and taking away her hands from her face, his grin bright and dazzling like the first sunshine of Spring. “Cool, ‘cause I love ya too! I was sure you liked one of my brothers, they ain’t as problematic as me, but you like me, your first man, and I couldn’t be happier!” he started kissing her all over her face, making her blush like a tomato. “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re the best. You’re the only one who has been genuine with me since the very beginning and cared about me. And spending time with you always is always calming and...You always make me happy. I forgot what it’s like to be happy since that happened...But whenever my brain goes stupid and I start overthinking, you always manage to keep me grounded...And I really appreciate you for that.” Y/N spoke out, making Mammon’s eyes water, and with the ordinary greedy impulse he had, he grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, without even realising what in the world happened. “Don’t fluster me like that, Y/N...Actually, do, I love it, but I’m not used to it.” he chuckled nervously, making the girl smile softly. “Can I do anything to make you feel better about...The past?” she asked sheepishly, her hands hanging awkwardly, unsure of what to do with them. “Well...The hot chocolate is going to get cold...And there’s snacks to eat and  movies to binge-watch...” he trailed on, snaking his arms around her waist, making her put hers on his shoulders. “Also...I want to make sure you’re comfortable with me, okay? I dunno what happened to you, but if it’s similar to what happened to me, I want to promise you that I will never do anythin’ you’re not okay with. I pinky promise.” Mammon spoke in a more serious voice, yet just as gentle. “I know, Angel eyes. I trust you the most out of everyone in this world. And I can promise you the same thing.” she managed to give him a proper smile, throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly, feeling the comforting warmth of his body.
That embrace alone felt, for the both of them, like the sole safe home they ever had, and there was nothing that could break this dream-like state they were in. There was no negativity and no bad thought going through their mind, as the warmth and love of the hug was enough to disperse of any pest lingering and purging their sanity.
When they finally got the courage to let go of each other, fearing that they would disappear from this serenity state, they cuddled together in bed, drinking the now room temperature hot chocolate, eating so many snacks that they resembled Beel, and watching TSL on the huge plasma TV on the wall.
“Monnie?” Y/N raised her head to look up at him, love and admiration obvious in her sparkling eyes. “Thank you for existing in my life. I know you go through great lengths to take care of your brothers and make sure they’re happy...And I know you get hurt a lot in the process...But I really appreciate everything you’re doing, both for me and for them. I’m sure they see it too, they’re just too stupidly proud to admit to themselves...As usual.” she chuckled, reaching to hold his hand and intertwine their fingers together. “Thanks, Y/N. You’re the best. I’m really happy you came to talk to me...And I’m really happy you’re here with me. I love you.”
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch11: I’m Thankful for Chicken Nuggets
Chapter Summary: It’s Thanksgiving and Mary’s eating chicken nuggets.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW, no under 18s thanks!)
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Yeah yeah I know it’s the wrong time of year but hell, we’re all on lock down so the days and months don’t actually exist anyway at the moment… The Boat Company used here IS an actual company in South Pas, but I got no idea who runs it so this is completely made up- roll with me here.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 10
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 “Good morning, Handsom.” Fliss smiled as she held her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she continued to fork up the bedding in the stable.
“Morning sweetheart.” His soft voice hit her ear.
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
“Back at ya.” He chuckled softly “You at the yard?” “Yeah, been here a few hours now.”
“Do you need a hand with anything or…” “That’s really sweet but there’s not much left to do.” she replied, honestly “They’re all out for the day and are staying there until tomorrow morning so I’ve just a couple of stables and then some paper work to sort out before I pop back this evening to do a check.” “Ok so, once you’re done for the morning you’re free for a while?” “Yeah, why?”
“Mary had an idea.” “I did not!” Fliss heard the seven year old scoff  “It was your…” “Ok, WE had an idea,” Frank conceded and there was some scuffling and Fliss could imagine he was holding Mary at arm’s length as she made a grab for the phone, “that maybe you might wanna come join us for dinner if you have time.”
“You mean your Thanksgiving dinner of chicken nuggets?” Fliss grinned “How could I turn that down?”
“Cool, just head over when you’re done.” “I might need to head home and shower.” She looked down at herself. “I’m filthy and probably don’t smell great either to be honest.” “You can change here if you want.”
Fliss paused, she had a spare change of clothes in her car. Well, a pair of sweats and a different polo shirt. She normally kept them there just in case of a downpour.
“Erm, sure, if you don’t mind…” “No of course not.”
“Alright, then, I’ll see you in about two hours or so?” Fliss smiled.
“Great.” Frank replied “See you soon.” ******
Fliss didn’t bother knocking. She opened the door to the apartment and was immediately barrelled into by a flurry of blonde hair.
“Hey!” she chuckled, dropping her bag. “Wanna let me get inside first Stack?”
Mary stepped back and Fliss straightened up and smiled as Frank walked into the kitchen.
“Hey, Beautiful.” he smiled, dropping a kiss to her lips. Mary sidled off into the main room, a smirk on her face.
“I stink.” Fliss warned “I mucked out twelve stables today.”
“Yeah, you’ve smelt better!” Frank laughed as she snorted. “You know where the bathroom is. Fresh towels in there. You need anything out of this or…” He gestured to her bag, as he went to pick it up.
“It’s just my clothes so…”
“I’ll put it in my room.” He smiled, giving her another kiss. “I would offer to come scrub your back but…” he inclined his head to the main room and Fliss gave a snort.
“Calm down, Sailor” she teased “Plenty of time for that later.”
“Promises, promises.” He grinned, picking her bag up and heading through to his room. He dropped her bag onto his bed, glancing round. He’d attempted to tidy a little bit after the realisation she’d actually never been in his room before. After their night together the previous week they hadn’t managed another night alone, Fliss being a little ‘uncomfortable’ at being together like that when Mary was literally outside the door and to be honest, it wasn’t something Frank was particularly happy about either. It had never bothered him before, because Mary was never there when he brought a girl home but this was different. That said, he knew he was going to have to find somewhere bigger soon, Greg had warned him it would likely be a condition of him being awarded Guardianship. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t concerning him a bit, living pay-check to pay-check didn’t leave him a huge housing budge but he’d work something out, he always did.
Pushing the worry from his mind, he closed the bedroom door and headed back into the room. Mary was sat on the rug looking at the instructions to the new lego kit he had bought her for Thanksgiving.
“Sussed it out yet Stack?” He asked and she gave him a withering look. He bit back the laugh that was bubbling in his throat and sat next to her, taking from her, trying to figure the instructions out to make the Storm Trooper helmet, Star Wars being her latest obsession.
“That’s upside down…” She rolled her eyes, taking it from him to turn it the right way up.
“My bad.” He shrugged, looking at it again. “Ok, so…this piece…and we need one of these…” Together they began to pull together the elements they needed for the first section and the next time Frank looked up was when Fliss walked into the living area, a little shyly, wrapped in a towel. Her long, auburn hair was piled up on top of her head and her shoulders were speckled with water. She smiled as she padded past to his bedroom, Mary not even looking up as Frank watched her with his eyes as she closed the door behind her, giving him another smile. There was something so simple, so domestic about the situation, Frank couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his chest.
Roberta was right, he definitely had it bad.
“When we gonna give Fliss her present?” Mary asked, looking up at Frank.
“After dinner.” He said “Which reminds me, best turn the oven on.”
“Would be a start.” Mary agreed.
Frank rolled his eyes and stood up, heading into the kitchen. Shoving the stuff in the oven, he returned and found Fliss was now sat with Mary who was showing her the instructions.
“I LOVE Star Wars.” Fliss grinned, “So does my Dad. He has a Cinema Room in the house upstairs and a poster from every single Star Wars film on the wall. I’ll show you later tonight.” “A Cinema Room?” Mary asked. “Like, with a huge screen?” “Yeah. It’s pretty cool. When I finally get round to buying a house I’m gonna build one too.” “Do you think I could watch something in there tonight?”
“Mary,” Frank started to warn her but Fliss smiled.
“Frank it’s okay.” she said. “And yeah, course you can. If you have a favourite DVD we can take that or you can pick. We have loads on the hard-drive and Sky.”
It wasn’t long before they were sat round the small kitchen table which had been pulled into the living room to allow them more room. Frank and Mary both showed Fliss their favourite thing to eat in the world- Chicken Nugget Sandwiches. After a sceptical look, Fliss leaned over to take a bite of Frank’s as he offered it and gave a small laugh announcing that it was actually pretty good. After a large slice of Chocolate cake each that had been made for them by Roberta, they collapsed onto the sofa, Mary once more on the rug, Fliss groaning about the “food baby” she was growing, rubbing her hand over her stomach.
“Hey Frank?” Mary looked at him. “Is it time now?”
It took Frank a moment and then he realised what Mary was talking about. “Oh, yeah, hang on…”
He hopped off the sofa and headed into his bedroom, pulling the small gift bag from his dresser. He walked back into the living room and sat back down, shyly handing it to her.
“You got me a gift?” Fliss’ eyes went wide.
“Yeah.” Frank shrugged.
“You really shouldn’t have…” Fliss looked at him. “I didn’t get you two anything…” “That’s not the point of giving a gift.”  Mary looked at her sternly. “You don’t give to receive, right Frank?”
“Right.” Frank nodded, leaning back on the sofa, looking at Fliss “And I wanted to…” he gestured between him and Mary where she was sat, Fred crawling into her lap, “…we wanted to, say thank you for everything over the last few months.” Fliss smiled at him and then Frank saw a childish excitement cross her face “Can I open it now?” He nodded, glad she was going to as he wanted to see her face when she did.
With delicate fingers she gently undid the ribbon that the woman at the store had wrapped it with and her mouth dropped open when she saw the white box which was emblazoned with the Pandora name and logo
“Frank,” she looked at him, before she opened the box and stared at the contents. She blinked before her hand gently covered her mouth as she saw the silver charm bracelet that was inside.
“I thought it was time you started a new one, for new memories.” He said gently as she reached into the box and took out the bracelet which held a single charm in the shape of a boat.
Fliss swallowed, and her eyes filled with tears. “I…” She took a deep breath and Frank frowned as he saw her struggling for composure.
“Hey,” he said, turning sideways on the sofa. His hand gently rubbed up her arm and she fell into him, pressing her face to his chest as he wrapped his arms round her.
“You made Fliss cry. On Thanksgiving.” Mary deadpanned, throwing a ping pong ball for Fred.
“Why don’t you go do that outside?” Frank asked. “Stay on the step.” Mary shrugged and stood up, doing as she was told.
“You ok?” He asked Fliss softly as his hands rubbed at her back. He placed a kiss to the top of her head and she nodded taking a deep breath.
“Sorry, that was…” she sat back, wiping her eyes. “Absolutely fucking ridiculous…”
“You do like it right?” he asked, suddenly feeling a little nervous.
“Baby, I love it.” She smiled at him, and he felt his chest swell not only at the fact she liked the gift, but that was the first time she’d used that particular pet name, and he kinda liked it. “I just, well, I can’t believe you remembered about my bracelets.”
He shrugged as she reached out to gently cup his cheek.
“Thank you.” she smiled softly, leaning over to kiss him. He happily leaned into the kiss, his tongue snaking into her mouth, sliding against hers as she met him movement for movement before there was a light cough and Frank groaned, resting his forehead against Fliss’ as he turned to look at Mary.
“Need another ping pong ball. The last one flew under Roberta’s BBQ and I aint going under there…spiders and stuff.” She headed to the box at the back of the room, dug in and retrieved a net of ping pong balls, digging one out.
“Wanna go outside?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded. He stood up and held out his hand, pulling her up with him and they headed out after Mary.
A little while later, after a game of tag on the lawn which resulted in both the girls tackling Frank to the floor in a huge tickle fight, Fliss noting that he was ridiculously ticklish and filing it for future reference, they headed back inside, grabbed their things and after an almost tantrum from Mary who wanted to bring Fred and Frank refusing, they headed off in Fliss’ jeep for the yard to do the final checks for the evening. They were just about to head up to the field to make sure all the horses were settled and the waters were topped up when Bill walked onto the yard.
“Shouldn’t you be with mum getting stuff ready for the party?” Fliss frowned at her Dad, surprised to see him.
“Are you joking!” Bill scoffed “You know what she’s like.” He coughed and then put on a light, airey voice “Bill, those champagne flutes are grouped in threes, not fours. No, those plates don’t go there, they go there. What are you doing with that cheeseboard, the grapes go in the middle…”
Frank felt his eyebrow raise slightly as Fliss laughed. Champagne, cheeseboards? This was not the type of party he was used to, at all.
“Oh don’t worry.” Fliss clocked his face. “It descends into debauchery and chaos after about an hour, mum just likes to play the part of hostess with the mostess…”
“I like cheese.” Mary piped up.
“Good, we got plenty of it.” Bill said. “But, anyway, I dropped by for a reason. I picked something up earlier this afternoon that I think you might like.”
“Me?” Fliss frowned, but before she could say anything else Frank’s attention was taken by a man who was walking down the side of the barn. He slightly taller than Frank, quite stocky and had a shock of dark brown hair and looked ridiculously like Bill. Fliss gave a little shriek and ran towards the man, throwing herself into his arms as he laughed, twirling her round slightly before he dropped her to the floor.
“That’s her brother.” Mary supplied and Frank gave her a look.
“Yeah I kinda figured that.” He rolled his eyes. “How do you know anyway?”
“Saw a photo of him.” Mary shrugged.
Frank turned his attention back to the two siblings and Fliss was now looking between her father and her brother, confusion on her face. “What, I mean, how, why are you here?”
“In New York for a stag do on Saturday.” Steve replied “Thought I’d take the chance and pop down here for a day or so.”
“Does Mum know you’re here?” she asked.
“Yeah, she does now.” he laughed “There were a few tears when I rocked up.” “Frank made Fliss cry before.” Mary said, and all attention turned to Frank who hung his head and let out an audible groan.
“Seriously?” He looked at her as Fliss burst out laughing.
“Because I was happy.” She said, shaking her head “He bought me a new Pandora.” Frank didn’t miss the exchange of looks between father and son, both wearing identical expressions of surprise which morphed into soft smiles as Fliss moved and slid under Frank’s arm.
“Frankie, this is my brother Steve.” she smiled, as Steve stepped forward, holding his hand out. “Or Steeb, Steeby…whatever you want to call him.” “Nice to meet you.” Frank smiled as Steve shook his hand, his grip firm.
“Likewise.” Steve smiled “Heard a lot about you.” He then turned to his left and looked down “And you must be Mary.” “Yup,” She smiled, looking at him “Did you bring your kids?”
“Mary.” Frank warned gently as he looked at her, shaking his head.
“What?” She asked, “I was just asking a question. I wanted to meet them.” “No, not this time.” Steve smiled “Just a flying visit. But they’re coming over for Christmas so I’ve no doubt you’ll get to see them then.” He straightened up and smiled at Fliss. “Where’s that grumpy ginger Nag?” Fliss narrowed her eyes “Don’t you talk about Heidi like that. She’s in the top field.”
“I thought he was talking about V.”  Bill mumbled to Frank who gave a snort, and then looked at the man, the pair of them bursting into laughter. By the time they had composed themselves, Steve and Fliss were stood, watching the pair of them, hands on their hips in almost identical poses.
“They do this all the time.” Fliss shook her head. “Come on, I’ll take you to see H. I was on my way up to check them all anyway. You coming Stack?” she looked at Mary. Mary grinned and ran forward, linking her hand into Fliss’.
Frank miss the eyebrow raised on Steve’s face, before the man smiled softly, dropping an arm round Fliss’ shoulder, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
Fliss changed quickly when they were home into a pair of jeans, a strappy top and a pair of sandals before the three of them walked over to the house after another near argument about getting Mary to leave the bucket of lego she had brought with her in the annex, which Fliss cleverly managed to avoid with the mention of the Cinema Room.
The house was busy, not packed but busy, and there was no way Frank was going to remember everyone’s names. But he smiled and shook hands as Bill introduced him to people, and he was surprised to find he felt at ease. Most of the people were older than him and Fliss, bar her brother of course, and it was a different circle and class of people he would normally mix with but he certainly didn’t feel like any of them were looking down at him, a stark contrast to how he used to feel at his Mother’s parties.
Well, they weren’t really parties, more like a gathering which rich snobs used to brag to other rich snobs about how much money they had.
“And this is Mike, Martin and Keith.” Bill said, nodding to the final three men, one of whom was giving Fliss a hug.
“You look great!” She beamed at him “How much weight have you lost now?” “40lb.” the man called Keith nodded and Fliss grinned.
“That’s awesome.”
“All down to the golf.” He smiled, gesturing to Mike, Martin and Bill “These guys drag me up there regularly enough.” “Frank hates golf.” Mary said. “Says it ruins a good walk.”
There was a pause as Frank groaned, wanting the ground to open and swallow him. He glared at Mary who looked at him, frowning.
“What?” She asked as Bill suddenly began to roar with laughter, the other men joining in.
Frank shook his head and looked round. “It’s just not my thing…”he said, by means of an explanation. “I prefer playing basket ball or baseball.”
“Each to their own.” The man called Martin beamed. “To be honest when I was your age I hated it too. Was far more into drinking and women.” “Frank likes that too.” Mary said, and Frank then really did give her a look.
“Shut up.” He said, but of course she didn’t as the men continued to laugh.
“Although I’m glad he finally got together with Fliss, because she’s my favourite. Miss Stevenson would not have been a good choice.” Frank groaned again and he felt Fliss beginning to chuckle besides him.
“Miss Stevenson?” Bill asked.
“We don’t need to hear about that…” Frank said, his neck growing hot.
“She’s my teacher.” Mary nodded “She stayed at our house one night. I wasn’t supposed to be there but I saw her coming out of the bathroom wearing Frank’s sheets and…” “Ok, Mary, why don’t we go and see the Cinema Room.” Fliss hastily cut her off as the three men were now all howling with laughter.
“Oh, okay.” she shrugged, before she pondered something “Why was she in your sheets Frank, and not in a towel like Lissy was before?”
At that Bill arched an eyebrow and Fliss felt her cheeks grow warm “I had a shower, I’d mucked twelve stabled out.” There was a pause before she recovered and steered Mary out of the room.
Frank grimaced and looked back round as Bill patted him on the shoulder, wiping tears of mirth out of his eyes. “I bloody love that kid.”
“She’s yours if you want her.” Frank said. “I could gift-wrap her for you. Just say goodbye to your private life being private.”
Thankfully the Cinema Room kept Mary out of the way, especially when she had a stash of popcorn, sweets and soda to keep her occupied. For the next few hours Frank stuck mostly by Fliss’ side, talking to people, chatting to her brother a bit about his job and the business he had taken over from Bill, his kids, but Frank got the impression the man was being a little guarded with him. He was polite enough, and wasn’t being rude but he wasn’t overly warm either. But he supposed that was understandable. She was Fliss’ big brother after all.
Mary came down a few hours later and tugged on Fliss’ hand. Fliss went with her and Frank headed into the kitchen to grab himself another beer after being told by Verity to “stop asking and just go get”. He turned round, flipping the lid off, almost bumping into Bill.
“Sorry.” He apologised to the man who smiled at him as he held the fridge door open.
“There’s someone who just arrived that I want you to meet.” Bill said, gesturing for Frank to follow him. With a slight puzzled frown, he did as he was told and wandered through to the large lounge where a number of people were congregated. 
“Frank, this is Alan Maxwell.” Bill introduced a short, stocky white haired man who was wearing a pair of modern thin-rimmed glasses and a cream blazer over a dark polo necked shirt and dark jeans. Frank took him in, noting his outfit probably cost more than Frank’s entire wardrobe.
“Hi.” Frank smiled, shaking his hand “Frank Adler”
“The boat mechanic?” Alan asked.
“Yeah.” Frank looked at him then to Bill, frowning a little.
“Alan’s in the Repair and Retail business.” Bill offered and Frank gave a nod of understanding.
“I own MarineMax in St Pete’s” Alan smiled.
“Oh on Gulfport?” Frank looked at him and Alan nodded.
“You know it?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” Frank scratch at the back of his neck “I errr, I applied for a job once but I didn’t have the relevant experience so…” Alan looked at Frank for a moment, “How long you been a mechanic now?”
“Over six and a half years.”
“And you’re freelancing?” Frank nodded.
“Good success rate?”
“Over ninety-eight percent.” Frank said. “I mean, I only do one boat at a time because I’ve been juggling my hours around Mary for the last 7 years but…” he shrugged “I have regulars who come back so I must be doing something right.” “Could you get references?”
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Pretty sure I could.”
“Hmmmm.” Alan looked at Bill who inclined his head towards Frank with a smile.
“I told you, I’ll vouch for him.” he shrugged “He’s sleeping with my daughter after all.”
“Jesus Bill.” Frank groaned as the two men laughed.
“It’s a compliment” Bill smiled “If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t let you within three foot of her”
“Thanks, I think.” Frank looked at him taking a drink of his beer.
“Come see me next week.” Alan looked at Frank, pulling a card from his wallet and handing it over “I may have a position you’d be interested in.”
“I errr…” Frank was temporarily sideswiped by the suggestion “I…that would be…”
“I know it will be different to freelance but it’s a full time job, full package of benefits and a negotiable wage plus bonus scheme.” Alan said, “I’m not a huge outfit, but I pay my guys well.” Frank nodded, placing the card in his pocket “I’ll stop by.” “Just give me a call the day before and I’ll make sure I’m around.”
“I will.” Frank nodded. “Thank you.”
Frank made his excuses, realising he hadn’t seen Fliss for a while and headed off looking for her. He moved from room to room, realising there was no sign of her or Mary. He headed into the kitchen and then poked his head out of the large bi-folding doors which led onto the large raised decking area which spanned the length of the house.
“Hey.” Frank spotted Fliss’ brother leaning on the railing, lit cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. “You seen Lissy?”
“She was in the living room last time I saw her.” Steve said chuckling slightly, shaking his head.
Frank frowned at the man’s demeanour and Steve noticed, and smiled. “Sorry, just seems strange. Hearing someone else call her Liss or Lissy other than the family.”
“Yeah, well, I kinda picked it up from Bill and it stuck.” Frank smiled.
“Yeah she doesn’t suit Felicity.” Steve shook his head “Although that’s all he ever fucking called her. Apparently nicknames were deemed too common.” “Yeah well, he’s a dick.” Frank shrugged
“No arguments here.” Steve looked at Frank. Frank watched as the man studied him for a second, clearly thinking about something before he returned to leaning on the rail of the decking, looking down over the huge garden area as he took a final drag from the cigarette, before stubbing it out in the fire bucket to his right.
“Okay,” Frank stepped outside, “let’s have it.” “Have what?” Steve asked, looking at him.
“The big brother lecture. The one where you threaten to rip my head off if I hurt your sister.” Frank said as Steve gave a huff of a laugh.
“Well, rest assured I will.” Steve looked at Frank as he too leaned on the railings. “But Dad says you’re a good bloke so, that’ll do for me.” Frank nodded and took a pull of his beer. “I have no intention of hurting her, in anyway.” he said, his voice loaded with meaning and Steve sighed.
“I know.” he said gently “I just, well, I worry.” “Understandable.” Frank nodded, and it was. He got it, he really did.
“I hated that fucker.” Steve shook his head, “right from the start. Smarmy assed, stuck up Yank. Sorry, no offence.” Frank laughed “Non-taken.” he waved Steve’s apology away.
“I know she’s only actually my step-sister but well she was only two when I met her and…”
“Blood doesn’t make you family.” Frank nodded. “If you ever meet my mother you’ll realise that.” “Yeah, Fliss wasn’t very complementary of her.” Steve snorted.
“She called her a cold hearted bitch to her face.” Frank raised an eyebrow as Steve laughed.
“I shouldn’t be pleased at that.” Steve smiled. “But not long ago she wouldn’t have been brave enough to be that outgoing.” “Oh she certainly isn’t backwards in coming forwards.” Frank shook his head
“Something he managed to suck out of her.” Steve sighed.
“You know, I’d love to get that fucker alone in a room” Frank glowered. “Five minutes, that’s all I’d need.” “Get in line.” Steve shrugged, “Behind me and dad.” “Yeah, Fliss said something about there being a queue.”
“The day she said she was moving to Boston to be with him full time, it was the worst day of my life. And Mum and Dad’s” Steve took another drink. “But we knew if we tried to stop her it would give him the perfect excuse to turn her against us. So what could we do but support it?” He hung his head slightly and Frank’s brow furrowed at the man’s open display of vulnerability
“I wish we’d done more, you know, anything, but we didn’t know how bad things had got. Not that he was hurting her, not like that.” ��None of it was your fault.” Frank looked at him. “Or your parent’s. Or Fliss’”
“No, I know that but it doesn’t stop any of us feeling guilty.” Steve sighed. “But, anyway, it’s in the past now. That is until he goes for parole, which he will.” Frank shrugged “We’ll greet that when it happens.”
“Yeah?” Steve looked at him. “You ready for all that? Because I guarantee what she’s told you, well it won’t even scratch the surface, Frank.”
“Are you asking me if I’m gonna bail when the going gets tough?”
“Suppose I am, yeah.” Steve looked at him.
Frank took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose, quelling the frustration that was brewing at the man’s questioning, reminding himself that he had a right to worry, a right to be concerned. He’d feel the same if it was Diane in this position.
“Look, Steve, I know she hasn’t told me everything. And I’m not gonna push her to either. It isn’t important to me to know every sordid little detail of what that cunt did to her. What is important is that she’s happy with me, and that she feels safe and knows that I’d never hurt her like that and I sure as hell won’t abandon her when the road gets a little bumpy. She was there for me through a very bad time recently and, well…” Frank shrugged, “even if we decide that what we have isn’t working I’d still be by her side.”
Steve’s face remained passive for a second before it split into a grin “I don’t think there’s any worry about that, Frank. From what I’ve seen this afternoon and this evening, Lissy’s besotted. In fact, I’ve never seen her like this before.” Frank felt his cheeks flush a little and he looked down “Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something else but they were interrupted.
“My ears burning?” Fliss asked, eyeing the two men up.
“I was just making sure his intentions are honourable.” Fliss rolled her eyes with a snort “his intentions are honourable? What are you, like ninety?”
Steve shrugged “No, but I’m three years older than you and still your big brother Titch.” “Whatever, Steeby.” She moved over to where Frank was stood and slid under his arm. “Quit with the 3rd degree or I’ll tell Mum you’ve been smoking.”
“You wouldn’t!” he said in mock horror as she raised an eyebrow. Steve turned to Frank and raised his eyebrow, jerking his head towards his sister “Sure you know what you’re letting yourself in for?”
Frank laughed “her bark is worse than her bite…owww!” he said, as she nipped his arm.
“Sure it is.” Steve winked as h pushed himself off the railing and headed inside.
“Was he being an ass hole?” Fliss watched him go before she turned to Frank and he chuckled, pulling her closer.
“No,not at all.” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips “Where’s Mary?”
“With Dad in the living room with the guys from the golf club.” she said, shrugging.
“No doubt revealing more of my dark secrets.” Frank groaned.
Fliss laughed “Nah, she’s got her lego. Bill and her will have some kind of building contest going on no doubt.”
“I told her to leave those in the annex.” Frank shook his head. “She did. I took her to get them.” Fliss shrugged
“Seriously?” Frank looked at her, rolling his eyes.
“What? She was bored and wanted something to do.”
“You’re a pain in my ass.” he said, his arms circling her and she grinned as he dropped a kiss to her lips.
“Hush, Sailor, you love it.” she smirked against his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” he muttered, pulling her closer for a deeper kiss.
It was about midnight when the party started filtering out. Mary was crashed out on one of the sofas so Frank suggested they call it a night and Fliss, feeling the effects of a fair amount of alcohol, agreed. They made their goodbyes and Frank easily scooped Mary up and the three of them made their way, a little slower than usual, to the annex.
Once they’d roused Mary and she’d changed for bed Frank tucked her in, in the bed in the spare room and she was flat out before he even closed the door. He headed into Fliss’ room and laughed as she was led on the bed with her legs over the edge, feet flat on the floor. She was wearing just her bra and jeans, and her arm was bent over her eyes.
“My jeans are too tight.” she said.
“What?” Frank laughed.
“I can’t be bothered to take them off.” She leant up on her elbows and ginned at him “Wanna help me out Sailor?”
“Happily.” he grinned, and moved towards her but she stopped him.
“Ah ah.” she pointed to his polo-shirt. “Off.” With an arch of his eyebrow he reached back and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, pulling it over his head. “Better?”
“Yup.” she nodded as he moved towards her, gently dropping down and undoing her jeans. With a tug he pulled them down over her thighs, his hands softly tracing up her skin as she sighed, before his lips met hers.
“You were a hit in there.” she smiled gently, her fingers tracing the muscles on his arms as he propped himself up over her.
“Yeah?” he asked, gently shifting so that she moved with him, laying further up the bed.
She nodded. “Charmed the pants off all the posh bastards you did, Adler.” “There’s only one person I’m interested in charming the pants off.” He quipped and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Smooth.” “Is it working?”
She glanced down. “Nope, they’re still on.”
“Guess I’ll have to use my hands then.” He said, and with a quick move down he slid them over her ankles and gently pressed his lips to her knee, trailing soft kisses up the inside of her leg, nipping at the inside of her thigh. Fliss gave a soft sigh as he moved, his short beard scratching at her skin as he moved, her hands fisting in the sheets. When he reached his target he gently placed a long lick up her entrance. Instinctively, one of her hands fisted in his hair before she hastily moved it and Frank paused, reaching up, and placing it back where it had been.
“I like it.” He peeked up at her, a cheeky look on his face before he dropped his head back down and Fliss’s head fell back against her pillow as she gave a shaky moan.
She couldn’t remember the last time a man had gone down on her. John had certainly never done it, making it clear from the start he found it disgusting, but still happy to shove his dick in her mouth when he wanted a blow. But Frank ate her out like a man starved, moving his mouth as he paid attention to how her body reacted and when he found her spot, she gave a cry, her back arching off the bed, and she felt him double his efforts, his lips and tongue teasing her, in a delectable way. Pleasure lanced through her entire body, the heat rising from her very toes and as she felt her orgasm rising her fingers tightened on his hair and he gave a low moan at her touch, which vibrated through his mouth right against her clit and that was it. Her hips bucked upwards as she came, hard, her knees tightened slightly around his head, her arm flying to her mouth to stifle her loud moan.
Working her through her release, Frank moved back, stripping off the remainder of his clothes before he crawled up her body again, kissing his way up from her naval to her chest. She arched her back and he reached around to unhook her bra before he set his attention to her breasts. Fuck, he could listen to the noises and whimpers she was making all day but after a week he was aching for her.
“You got any…” he started to ask softly and she nodded, her hand gesturing to her bedside table. He paused and pulled open the drawer, and had to smirk as he saw the new, full packet of condoms in there. Pulling one out he opened it, whilst Fliss gently gave his dick a stroke causing him to hiss slightly, his fingers fumbling on the foil and she grinned.
“Something distracting you, Sailor?” “You know damned well what’s distracting me.” His voice was almost a growl as her hand moved over his whilst he rolled the latex down.
Her giggle turned to a moan as he buried himself inside her, his entire body feeling coiled like a spring, and his thrusts began slow, and deep before soon she was begging for more and he picked up the pace, each movement rolling against her spot, causing her to breathlessly whisper his name as he buried his face into her neck, nipping and biting at that spot that drove her wild. At some point she moved, gently pushing on his shoulders, and he understood, rolling onto his back. She straddled him, pulling her long hair over one shoulder as she leaned down to draw him into a deep, sultry kiss before she sank down onto him, taking him in.
“Fuck, Lissy,” he said, his hands gently gripping her hips as she began to move, rolling her pelvis, “God you feel so good.” She preened at his praise, yup, she definitely had a praise kink, and her pace quickened as she leaned forward again to kiss him, a moan falling from her mouth as he raised his hips to meet hers, his fingers tightening on her hips. Frank looked up at her, her mouth slack, lips plump, freckles still visible in the soft light from the outside lights, breasts bouncing softly as she moved.
“So beautiful.” He whispered, sitting up and she cried out at the change of depth as he pulled her close, thrusting up into her.
“Frankie, I’m…” and with a low whine her head tipped back as her release washed over her for the second time that night, a slow, deep burn which left her slack in his arms, as she collapsed forward. After a few more desperate thrusts he was right behind her, clinging to her, his face buried into her shoulder, his own groans stifled in her skin.
They stayed like that for a little while, both recovering, hands softly dancing over skin before he leaned up to give her a soft kiss.
“Thank you.” She whispered and he pulled back, frowning a little.
“What for?”
“For making me feel good. For making me feel wanted.” She swallowed, tears filling her eyes and Frank let out a sigh, his arms curling round her, pulling her close, his own chest tightening at her words as he understood instantly that it was clearly something she wasn’t used to.
“You deserve it.” He spoke softly, , “Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”
She moved back, her hands cupping his cheeks as she gave him another deep kiss, her lips curling into a smile and Frank smiled back, before he kissed her again.  
***** Frank woke the next morning and, as he blinked, he realised he was alone. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes, and could hear soft voices from elsewhere in the annex. Grabbing his phone he looked down and with a start realised it was past ten.  Running a hand over his face, he climbed out of bed, grabbed his bag and retrieved a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt before retrieving his jeans which were now folded and placed over the back of the chair by Fliss’ vanity unit. After sorting himself in the bathroom he made his way downstairs and found Fliss and Mary sat outside in the small yard, an array of breakfast items on the table. Fliss long hair was pulled into a messy pony tail and she was wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of denim jeans. Even like that she looked effortlessly gorgeous.
“Morning.” He greeted, stepping out onto the decking and Fliss smiled at him.
“Hey.” She smiled, accepting the kiss he dropped onto her cheek before he sat down next to her. “Sleep well.”
“Hmmm I was tired for some reason.” He quipped, causing her to grin.
“Fliss says I can go ride Monty today.” Mary looked at Frank. “Is that ok?”
“It’s not your week for a lesson.” Frank spoke.“And it’s Friday.”
“It’s ok.” Fliss smiled. “The riding school is shut. Joanne’s done the morning shift so we can just go up this afternoon. I need to work Cap and Bronson but she can ride if she wants.” “Please.” Mary looked at Frank who sighed.
“I’ve gotta nip to the boat yard.” he looked at her. “Got some guy who needs a motor looking at and I said I’d meet him today.” “I don’t wanna go to the boat yard.”  Mary pouted.
“It’s okay, she can come with me.” Fliss offered “I don’t mind, honestly.”
Frank hesitated, he didn’t want Fliss to think she was obliged to take Mary. He knew that the pair of them came as a package but still.
“You sure?” Frank asked. “Roberta would normally take her but she’s not back until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, its fine.” Fliss nodded “She can help me and Joanne.”
“Okay then, yeah, you can go.”
Mary grinned and turned her attention back to her book.
“You want breakfast?” Fliss asked, moving to stand.
“I’ll get it. You stay there.” Frank offered, but Mary suddenly jumped up.
“No it’s okay, we made you something special…” With that she shot into the kitchen.
“Special?” Frank looked at Fliss, and she grinned as his lips met hers.
“Yeah.” she nodded to Mary who emerged from the kitchen, giggling. Frank gave a snort of a laugh and shook his head as she thrust the box of Special K into his hands.
“Thanks…” he deadpanned, rolling his eyes.
**** Chapter 12
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angieschiffahoi · 4 years
congrats on finishing? lol. personally still on depressionville over them. rebecca? deserved to live and be a lawyer(?). hannah? deserved to lived. in france with owen helping with a batter place and rolling her eyes at the name. dani? i cant even. dani and jamie lol i can't even. peter deserves to go somewhere worse than hell. so yea, what're ur thoughts?
I am broken. I honestly haven’t stopped thinking about it all since I finished it last night. 
“Dani would never”. HOW DARE YOU.  I didn’t even have nightmares with ghosts! I was just really, really sad. I feel like, in the end, this was a happy ending. Just not for everyone, and that’s the strenght of the Haunting series. Not everyone can live happily ever after, but they contribute to the other’s happily ever after. No death is cheap or played for shock, even though they are shocking and are revealed through twists. The journey to one’s death is the character’s and, even if it does serve the plot and functions a self-sacrificing catalyst to set the happy endings of the other characters in motion, it never serves just to further the story of a single other character and it’s never just for shock value. Death, even when violent, sudden, unburied, is always respectful and somewhat “sacred”. 
At first I thought it was weaker than Hill House, because I felt the Crains’ dynamic was compelling and kind of made the narrative (in the first five episodes, it litterally did). Then I realized that while this started as a “strangers happen to live together in a haunted house” it soon turned into a found family story and it was beautiful.
I still think The Bent Neck Lady twist, even though predictable, was executed in such a beautiful way, and that episode remains the most emotional, tied with Two Storms, which remains my favorite of the series. But DAMN. The Altar of the Dead was so, so good! I knew Hannah was going to be my favorite from the moment she showed up and I had a feeling there was something wrong with her (the fact that she could dream up new clothes was clever, because I was checking those from the start to see if she was a ghost), but how it all tied with the beginning of the story? Wow.
I’m not sure I liked the twist at the end, using completely different actors, but I did love Carla slipping into a bit of cockney while she’s talking to Bride!Flora, as if to try and test if she was going to remember. The kids deserved that ending, honestly, and it’s coherent with what we’ve seen on Hill House (those kids left their demons in the mansion and so they were haunted forever, these kids were able to destroy them and live happily ever after), but I kind of wished they’d remember something. 
Rebecca Jessel coming through in the end was beautiful How she understood Peter was asking too much of the children. How she was willing to live through drowning again for Flora. I wish she had bonded more with Dani, over their love for the children. Also the scene by the lake, with Rebecca’s body, her ghost, Flora and Hannah watching had me sobbing. As for Peter, I hope he’s still in that memory with his mom. He was probably abused as a child and that is terrible, but he killed two people out of selfishness and was willing to kill three more, to have his happily ever after. He was controlling, abusive and manipulative and I wished the show had tried to make him a bit more relatable, to show us his anguish better (Oliver did an amazing job, though), so that by the end I would be torn between him getting peace or justice. But they didn’t and he should burn. 
Anyway, I could talk about this all day. Overall, I loved it. In a world where it came before Hill House, I feel like I would’ve loved it more (even though I’m not sure I would’ve loved Dani as much, hadn’t she played Nell Crain in HH). The ghosts weren’t as scary, and I missed some of that suspance (even though I am glad I will be able to maybe sleep this time); they explained a little bit too much, while HH left some things to the viewer to figure out, and some of the twists were very predictable; the nods to HH were placed well, but I wish they stopped referencing it after the first two or three episodes - it seems to live in reference to the success of its precedessor in a way (also in the way they use the soundtrack); the ending was bittersweet (like HH’s) but borderline cheesy, which kind of killed the vibe a bit (I love romance, especially wlw romance, but it has to be subtle, and the “it’s not a ghost story, it’s a love story” felt a bit too... yeah, cheesy. But that’s just my preference). 
Small structure-complaints under the cut:
I only have two complaints:
- I feel like they wasted an entire episode on Viola, Perdita & Arthur, because all those explanations could’ve easily been shown in another way and the scenes spoke for themselves. Later I started to think the narration had been necessary, because when Dani became the lady in the lake, older Jamie would start reciting “and then she slept, she woke, she walked, she forgot, she faded away”. But there was no parallel and so, I feel, like that story could’ve been told without voiceovers, leaving something to the imagination, and in flashbacks during the finale, making it a two part. I felt a bit cheated into binging the last two episodes, because of that same cliffhanger. I actually wanted to give it more time and watch it today. I also did NOT like the B&W. It was probably shot in color and then colored in post and the coloring was terrible. It felt like a pre-made filter in Premiere. I think the could’ve easily used the HH flashback coloring, which is colorful, warm, bright and eerie. I loved Kate as Theo, but in this one she did nothing for me. Viola felt like a caricature and, in the end, I never ‘felt’ for her.  
- I didn’t completely feel the epicness of Jamie & Dani. While I feel they were a beautiful, beautiful couple and very refreshing to see on TV, I didn’t actually feel them love each other until Jamie dove into the lake. But maybe that’s just me. I was so focused on all the storylines, I might’ve missed something about them. In some ways, they developed Hannah & Owen more, even though we never saw them together (and maybe that’s why Owen caring for Hannah’s body and how she disappeard so suddenly without even finishing ‘the rest is just...’ hit worse than the second part of the finale). 
There’s also I couple of things I didn’t understand (why did Viola never hurt Dominic & Charlotte? They must’ve walked at night! And they were sleeping in the bed she went to! How did Henry’s doppleganger work? Why was he haunted so vividly by himself? This ‘ghost’ felt a lot like Eddie’s - born of guilt - but at least there was a dead person in the Dani/Edmund haunting dynamic; was he haunted by evil!Henry because Dominic wished it so before he died?; also, why is no one freaking out about the inevitable incest of Peter/Rebecca in the kids bodies?! I love you Becks, but yikes!). 
I need to rewatch both Hill House and Bly Manor. I wish I had done a PhD in cinema, just so I could do a dissertation on these two, honestly. 
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Riding High Ch 11: Thankful for Chicken Nuggets
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Chapter Summary: It’s Thanksgiving and Mary’s eating chicken nuggets.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW, no under 18s thanks!)
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Yeah yeah I know it’s the wrong time of year but hell, we’re all on lock down so the days and months don’t actually exist anyway at the moment…
The Boat Company used here IS an actual company in South Pas, but I got no idea who runs it so this is completely made up- roll with me here.
As always I’m a ho for a REBLOG and COMMENT! 
Series Masterlist  Main Masterlist 
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“Good morning hot shot!” Fliss smiled as she held her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she continued to fork up the bedding in the stable.
“Morning sweetheart.” he said softly
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
“Back at ya.” he chuckled softly “You at the yard?” “Yeah, been here a few hours now.” she said.
“Do you need a hand with anything or…” “That’s really sweet but there’s not much left to do.” she said, honestly “They’re all out for the day and are staying there until tomorrow morning so I’ve just a couple of stables and then some paper work to sort out before I pop back this evening to do a check…” “Ok so…” he said, “Once you’re done for the morning you’re free for a while?” “Yeah, why?”
“Mary had an idea…” “I did not!” Fliss heard the 7 year old scoff  “It was your…” “Ok, WE had an idea…” Frank said, and there was some scuffling and Fliss could imagine he was holding Mary at arm’s length as she made a grab for the phone “That maybe you might wanna come join us for dinner if you have time.”
“You mean your Thanksgiving dinner of chicken nuggets?” Fliss grinned “How could I turn that down?”
“Ok, well, just head over when you’re done…” “I might need to head home and shower.” she said, looking down “I’m filthy and probably don’t smell great either to be honest.” “You can change here, I mean...”
Fliss paused, she had a spare change of clothes in her car. Well, a pair of sweats and a different polo shirt. She normally kept them there just in case of a downpour.
“Erm, ok, if you don’t mind…” “No of course not.”
“Alright, then, I’ll see you in about 2 hours or so?” Fliss smiled.
“Great.” Frank replied “See you soon.” ******
Fliss didn’t bother knocking. She opened the door and was immediately barrelled into by a flurry of blonde hair.
“Hey!” she chuckled, dropping her bag “Wanna let me get inside first Stack?”
Mary stepped back and Fliss straightened up and smiled as Frank walked into the kitchen.
He beautiful.” he smiled, dropping a kiss to her lips. Mary sidled off into the main room, a smirk on her face.
“I stink.” Fliss warned “I mucked out 12 stables today…”
“Yeah, you’ve smelt better!” Frank laughed as she snorted. “You know where the bathroom is. Fresh towels in there. You need anything out of this or…” he gestured to her bag, as he went to pick it up.
“It’s just my clothes so…”
“I’ll put it in my room.” he smiled, giving her another kiss. “I would offer to come scrub your back but…” he inclined his head to the main room and Fliss gave a snort.
“Calm down Sailor” she teased “Plenty of time for that later.”
“Promises, promises.” he grinned, picking her bag up and heading through to his room. He dropped her bag onto his bed, glancing round. He’d attempted to tidy a little bit after the realisation she’d actually never been in his room before. After their night together the previous week they hadn’t managed another night alone, Fliss being a little ‘uncomfortable’ at being together like that when Mary was literally outside the door and to be honest, it wasn’t something Frank was particularly happy about either. It had never bothered him before, because Mary was never there when he brought a girl home but this was different. That said, he knew he was going to have to find somewhere bigger soon, Greg had warned him it would likely be a condition of him being awarded Guardianship. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t concerning him a bit, living pay-check to pay-check didn’t leave him a huge housing budge but he’d work something out, he always did..
Pushing the worry from his mind, he closed the bedroom door and headed back into the room. Mary was sat on the rug looking at the instructions to the new lego kit he had bought her for Thanksgiving.
“Sussed it out yet Stack?” he asked and she gave him a withering look. He bit back the laugh that was bubbling in his throat and sat next to her, taking from her, trying to figure the instructions out to make the Storm Trooper helmet, Star Wars being her latest obsession.
“That’s upside down…” she rolled her eyes, taking it from him to turn it the right way up.
“My bad.” he shrugged, looking at it again. “Ok, so…this piece…and we need one of these…” Together they began to pull together the elements they needed for the first section and the next time Frank looked up was when Fliss walked into the living area, a little shyly, wrapped in a towel. Her long, auburn hair was piled up on top of her head and her shoulders were speckled with water. She smiled as she padded past to his bedroom, Mary not even looking up as Frank watched her with his eyes as she closed the door behind her, giving him another smile. There was something so simple, so domestic about the situation, Frank couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his chest.
Roberta was right, he definitely had it bad.
“When we gonna give Fliss her present?” Mary asked, looking up at Frank.
“After dinner.” he said “Which reminds me, best turn the oven on.”
“Would be a start.” Mary agreed.
Frank rolled his eyes and stood up, heading into the kitchen. Shoving the stuff in the oven, he returned and found Fliss was now sat with Mary who was showing her the instructions.
“I LOVE Star Wars.” Fliss grinned, “So does Bill…he has Cinema Room in the house upstairs and poster from every single Star Wars film on the wall. I’ll show you later tonight.” “A Cinema Room?” Mary asked “Like, with a huge screen?” “Yeah. It’s pretty cool. When I finally get round to buying a house I’m gonna build one too.” “Do you think I could watch something in there tonight?”
“Mary…” Frank started to warn her but Fliss smiled.
“Frank it’s ok.” she said “And yeah, course you can. If you have a favourite DVD we can take that or you can pick. We have loads on the hard-drive and Sky...”
It wasn’t long before they were sat round the small kitchen table which had been pulled into the living room to allow them more room. Frank and Mary both showed Fliss their favourite thing to eat in the world- Chicken Nugget Sandwiches. After a sceptical look, Fliss leaned over to take a bit of Frank’s as he offered it and gave a small laugh announcing that it was actually pretty good. After a large slice of Chocolate cake each that had been made for them by Roberta they collapse onto the sofa, Mary once more on the rug, Fliss groaning about the “food baby” she was growing, rubbing her hand over her stomach.
“Hey Frank…” Mary looked at him. “Is it time now?”
It took Frank a moment and then he realised what Mary was talking about “Oh, yeah, hang on…”
He hopped off the sofa and headed into his bedroom, pulling the small gift bag from his dresser. He walked back into the living room and sat back down, shyly handing it to her.
“This…you got me a gift?” Fliss’ eyes went wide.
“Yeah.” Frank shrugged.
“You really shouldn’t have…” Fliss looked at him “I didn’t get you two anything…” “That’s not the point of giving a gift.”  Mary looked at her sternly. “You don’t give to receive, right Frank?”
“Right.” Frank nodded, leaning back on the sofa, looking at Fliss “And I wanted to…” he gestured between him and Mary where she was sat, Fred crawling into her lap, “…we wanted to, say thank you for everything over the last few months.” Fliss smiled at him and then Frank saw a childish excitement cross her face “Can I open it now?” He nodded, glad she was going to as he wanted to see her face when she did.
With delicate fingers she gently undid the ribbon that the woman at the store had wrapped it with and her mouth dropped open when she saw the white box which was emblazoned with the Pandora name and logo
“Frank…” she looked at him, before she opened the box and looked at the contents. She blinked before her hand gently covered her mouth as she looked down at the silver charm bracelet that was inside.
“I thought it was time you started a new one, for new memories.” he said gently as she reached into the box and gently took out the bracelet which held a single charm in the shape of a boat.
Fliss swallowed, and her eyes filled with tears. “I…” she took a deep breath and Frank frowned as he saw her struggling for composure.
“Hey…” he said, turning sideways on the sofa. His hand gently rubbed up her arm and she fell into him, pressing her face to his chest as he wrapped his arms round her.
“You made Fliss cry…on Thanksgiving.” Mary deadpanned, throwing a ping pong ball for Fred.
“Why don’t you go do that outside?” Frank asked. “Stay on the step.” Mary shrugged and stood up, doing as she was told.
“You ok?” he asked Fliss softly as his hands rubbed at her back. He placed a kiss to the top of her head and she nodded taking a deep breath.
“Sorry, that was…” she sat back, wiping her eyes “Absolutely fucking ridiculous…”
“You do like it right?” he asked, feeling a little nervous.
“Baby, I love it.” she smiled at him, and he felt his chest swell not only at the fact she liked the gift, but that was the first time she’d used that particular pet name…and he kinda liked it. “I just…well, I can’t believe you remembered about my bracelets.”
He shrugged as she reached out to gently cup his cheek.
“Thank you.” she said softly, leaning over to kiss him. He happily leaned into the kiss, his tongue snaking into her mouth, sliding against hers as she met him movement for movement before there was a light cough and Frank groaned, resting his forehead against Fliss’ as he turned to look at Mary.
“Need another ping pong ball. The last one flew under Roberta’s BBQ and I aint going under there…spiders and stuff.” She headed to the box at the back of the room, dug in and retrieved a net of ping pong balls, digging one out.
“Wanna go outside?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded. He stood up and held out his hand, pulling her up with him and they headed out after Mary.
A little while later, after a game of tag on the lawn which resulted in both the girls tackling Frank to the floor in a huge tickle fight, Fliss noting that he was ridiculously ticklish and filing it for future reference,  they headed back inside, grabbed their things and after an almost tantrum from Mary who wanted to bring Fred and Frank refusing, they headed off in Fliss’ jeep for the yard to do the final checks for the evening. They were just about to head up to the field to make sure all the horses were settled and the waters were topped up when Bill walked onto the yard.
“Shouldn’t you be with mum getting stuff ready for the party?” Fliss frowned at her dad, surprised to see him.
“Are you joking!” Bill scoffed “You know what she’s like…” he coughed and then put on a light, airey voice “Bill, those champagne flutes are grouped in 3s,not 4s…no, those plates don’t go there, they go there…what are you doing with that cheeseboard, the grapes go in the middle…”
Frank felt his eyebrow raise slightly as Fliss laughed. Champagne, cheeseboards? This was not the type of party he was used to, at all.
“Oh don’t worry…” Fliss said, clocking his face “It descends into debauchery and chaos after about an hour…mum just likes to play the part of hostess with the mostess…”
“I like cheese.” Mary piped up.
“Good, we got plenty of it.” Bill said. “But, anyway, I dropped by for a reason. I picked something up earlier this afternoon that I think you might like.”
“Me?” Fliss frowned, but before she could say anything else Frank’s attention was taken by a man who was walking down the side of the barn. He was tall, slightly taller than Frank, quite stocky and had a shock of dark brown hair and looked ridiculously like Bill. Fliss gave a little shriek and ran towards the man, throwing herself into his arms as he laughed, twirling her round slightly before he dropped her to the floor.
“That’s her brother.” Mary supplied and Frank gave her a look.
“Yeah I kinda figured that.” he rolled his eyes. “How do you know anyway?”
“Saw a photo of him.” Mary shrugged.
Frank turned his attention back to the two siblings and Fliss was now looking better her father and her brother, confusion on her face. “What…I mean, how…”
“In New York for a stag do on Saturday.” he replied “Thought I’d take the chance and pop down here for a day or so…”
“Does Mum know you’re here?” she asked.
“Yeah, she does now.” he laughed “There were a few tears this morning.” “Frank made Fliss cry before.” Mary said, and all attention turned to Frank who hung his head and let out an audibly groan.
“Seriously?” he looked at her as Fliss burst out laughing.
“Because I was happy.” She said, shaking her head “He bought me a new Pandora.” Frank didn’t miss the exchange of looks between father and son, both wearing identical expressions of surprise which morphed into soft smiles as Fliss moved and slid under Frank’s arm.
“Frankie, this is my brother Steve…” she smiled, as Steve stepped forward, holding his hand out. “Or Steeb, Steeby…whatever you want to call him.” “Nice to meet you.” Frank smiled as Steve shook his hand, his grip firm.
“Likewise.” Steve smiled “Heard a lot about you.” he then turned to his left and looked down “And you must be Mary.” “Yup,” she smiled, looking at him “Did you bring your kids?”
“Mary…” Frank said, looking at her and shaking his head.
“What?” She asked, “I was just asking a question…I wanted to meet them.” “No, not this time.” Steve smiled “Just a flying visit. But they’re coming over for Christmas so I’ve no doubt you’ll get to see them then.” he straightened up and smiled at Fliss “Where’s that grumpy ginger Nag?” Fliss narrowed her eyes “Don’t you talk about Heidi like that. She’s in the top field.”
“I thought he was talking about V…” Bill mumbled to Frank who gave a snort, and then looked at the man, the pair of them bursting into laughter. By the time they had composed themselves Steve and Fliss were stood, watching the pair of them, hands on their hips in almost identical poses.
“They do this all the time.” Fliss said, shaking her head “Come on, I’ll take you to see H. I was on my way up to check them all anyway. You coming Stack?” she looked at Mary. Mary grinned and ran forward, linking her hand into Fliss’. Frank didn’t see the eyebrow raised on Steve’s face, before the man smiled softly, dropping an arm round Fliss’ shoulder and pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
Fliss changed quickly when they were home into a pair of jeans, a strappy top and a pair of sandals before the three of them walked over to the house after another near argument about getting Mary to leave the bucket of lego she had brought with her in the annex which Fliss managed to avoid with the mention of the Cinema Room.
The house was busy, not packed but busy, and there was no way Frank was going to remember everyone’s names. But he smiled and shook hands as Bill introduced him to people, and he was surprised to find he felt at ease. Most of the people were older than him and Fliss, bar her brother of course, and it was a different circle and class of people he would normally mix with but he certainly didn’t feel like any of them were looking down at him, a stark contrast to how he used to feel at his Mother’s parties.
Well, they weren’t really parties, more like a gathering which rich snobs used to brag to other rich snobs about how much money they had.
“And this is Mike, Martin and Keith.” Bill said, nodding to the final three men, one of whom was giving Fliss a hug.
“You look great!” she beamed at him “How much weight have you lost now?” “40lb…” the man called Keith nodded and Fliss grinned.
“That’s awesome.”
“All down to the golf.” he smiled, gesturing to Mike, Martin and Bill “These guys drag me up there regularly enough.” “Frank hates golf.” Mary said “Says it ruins a good walk.”
There was a pause as Frank groaned, wanting the ground to open and swallow him. He glared at Mary who looked at him, frowning.
“What?” she asked as Bill suddenly began to roar with laughter, the other men joining in.
Frank shook his head and looked round “It’s just not my thing…”he said, by means of an explanation “I prefer playing basket ball or baseball…”
“Each to their own.” the man called Martin beamed. “To be honest when I was your age I hated it too. Was far more into drinking and women.” “Frank likes that too.” Mary said, and Frank then really did give her a look.
“Shut up.” he said, but of course she didn’t as the men continued to laugh.
“Although I’m glad he finally got together with Fliss, because she’s my favourite. Miss Stevenson would not have been a good choice.” Frank groaned again and he felt Fliss beginning to chuckle besides him.
“Miss Stevenson?” Bill asked.
“We don’t need to hear about that…” Frank said, his neck growing hot.
“She’s my teacher.” Mary nodded “She stayed at our house one night. I wasn’t supposed to be there but I saw her coming out of the bathroom wearing Frank’s sheets and…” “Ok, Mary..why don’t we go and see the Cinema Room…” Fliss hastily cut her off as the 3 men were now all howling with laughter.
“Oh, okay.” she shrugged, before she pondered something “Why was she in your sheets Frank, and not in a towel like Lissy was before?”
At that Bill arched an eyebrow and Fliss felt her cheeks grow warm “I had a shower, I’d mucked 12 stabled out.”
There was a pause before she recovered and steered Mary out of the room.
Frank grimaced and looked back round as Bill patted him on the shoulder, wiping tears of mirth out of his eyes. “I bloody love that kid.”
“She’s yours if you want her.” Frank said “I could gift-wrap her for you. Just say goodbye to your private life being private.”
Thankfully the Cinema Room kept Mary out of the way, especially when she had a stash of popcorn, sweets and soda to keep her occupied. For the next few hours Frank stuck mostly by Fliss’ side, talking to people, chatting to her brother a bit about his job and the business he had taken over from Bill, his kids…but Frank got the impression the man was being a little guarded with him. He was polite enough, and wasn’t being rude but he wasn’t overly warm either. But he supposed that was understandable. She was Fliss’ big brother after all.
Mary came down a few hours later and tugged on Fliss’ hand. Fliss went with her and Frank headed into the kitchen to grab himself another beer after being told by Verity to “stop asking and just go get”. He turned round, flipping the lid off, almost bumping into Bill.
“Sorry.” he apologised to the man who smiled at him as he held the fridge door open.
“There’s someone who just arrived that I want you to meet.” Bill said, gesturing for Frank to follow him. With a slight puzzled frown, did as he was told and wandered through to the large lounge where a number of people were congregated.  
“Frank, this is Alan Maxwell.” he introduced a short, stocky white haired man who was wearing a pair of modern thin-rimmed glasses and a cream blazer over a dark polo necked shirt and dark jeans. Frank took him in, noting his outfit probably cost more than Frank’s entire wardrobe.
“Hi.” Frank said, shaking his hand “Frank Adler”
“The boat mechanic?” Alan asked.
“Yeah…” Frank looked at him then to Bill.
“Alan’s in the Repair and Retail business.” Bill offered.
“I own MarineMax in St Pete’s” Alan smiled.
“Oh on Gulfport?” Frank looked at him and Paul nodded.
“You know it?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” Frank scratch at the back of his neck “I errr, I applied for a job there about 6 years back. But I didn’t have the relevant experience so…” Alan looked at Frank for a moment, “How long you been a mechanic now?”
“Over 6 and a half years.” Frank said.
“And you’re freelancing?” Frank nodded.
“Good success rate?”
“Over 98%.” Frank said “I mean, I only do one boat at a time because I’ve been juggling my hours around Mary for the last 7 years but…” he shrugged “I have regulars who come back so I must be doing something right.” “Could you get references?”
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Pretty sure I could.”
“Hmmmm.” Alan nodded, looking at Bill who inclined his head towards Frank with a smile.
“I told you, I’ll vouch for him.” he shrugged “He’s sleeping with my daughter after all.”
“Jesus Bill…” Frank groaned as the two men laughed.
“It’s a compliment” Bill smiled “If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t let you within 3 foot of her”
“Thanks…I think.” Frank looked at him taking a drink of his beer.
“Come see me next week” Alan looked at Frank, pulling a card from his wallet and handing it over “I may have a position you’d be interested in.”
“I errr…” Frank was temporarily sideswiped by the suggestion “I…that would be…”
“I know it will be different to freelance but it’s a full time job, full package of benefits and a negotiable wage plus bonus scheme.” Alan said, “I’m not a huge outfit, but I pay my guys well.” Frank nodded, placing the card in his pocket “I’ll stop by.” “Just give me a call the day before and I’ll make sure I’m around.”
“I will.” Frank nodded. “Thank you.”
Frank made his excuses, realising he hadn’t seen Fliss for a while and headed off looking for her. He moved from room to room, realising there was no sign of her or Mary. He headed into the kitchen and then poked his head out of the large bi-folding doors which led onto the large raised decking area which spanned the length of the house.
“Hey…” Frank spotted Fliss’ brother leaning on the railing, lit cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. “You seen Lissy?”
“She was in the living room last time I saw her.” Steve said chuckling slightly, shaking his head.
Frank frowned at the man’s demeanour and Steve noticed, and smiled. “Sorry, just seems strange. Hearing someone else call her Liss or Lissy other than the family.”
“Yeah, well, I kinda picked it up from Bill and it stuck.” Frank smiled.
“Yeah she doesn’t suit Felicity.” Steve shook his head “Although that’s all he ever fucking called her. Apparently her nicknames were too common.” “Yeah well, he’s a dick.” Frank shrugged
“No arguments here.” Steve said, looking at Frank. Frank watched as the man studied him for a second, clearly thinking about something before he returned to leaning on the rail of the decking, looking down over the huge garden area as he took a final drag from the cigarette, before stubbing it out in the fire bucket to his right.
“Ok…” Frank stepped outside. “Let’s have it.” “Have what?” Steve asked, looking at him.
“The big brother lecture. The one where you threaten to rip my head off if I hurt your sister.” Frank said as Steve gave a huff of a laugh.
“Well, rest assured I will.” Steve looked at Frank as he too leaned on the railings. “But Dad says you’re a good bloke so…that’ll do for me.” Frank nodded and took a pull of his beer “I have no intention of hurting her, in anyway.” he said, his voice loaded with meaning and Steve sighed.
“I know.” he said gently “I just…well, I worry.” “Understandable.” Frank nodded, and it was. He got it, he really did.
“I hated that fucker.” Steve said, shaking his head “right from the start. Smarmy assed, stuck up Yank…oh, sorry, no offence.” Frank laughed “Non-taken.” he waved Steve’s apology away.
“I know she’s only actually my step-sister but well she was only 2 when I met her and…”
“Blood doesn’t make you family.” Frank nodded “If you ever meet my mother you’ll realise that.” “Yeah, Fliss wasn’t very complementary of her.” Steve snorted.
“She called her a cold hearted bitch to her face.” Frank raised an eyebrow as Steve laughed.
“I shouldn’t be pleased at that…” Steve said, smiling “But not long ago she wouldn’t have been brave enough to be that outgoing…” “Oh she certainly isn’t backwards in coming forwards…” Frank shook his head
“Something he managed to suck out of her.” Steve sighed.
“You know, I’d love to get that fucker alone in a room” Frank glowered. “5 minutes, that’s all I’d need.” “Get in line.” Steve said, “Behind me and dad.” “Yeah, Fliss said something about there being a queue.”
“The day she said she was moving to Boston to be with him full time, it was the worst day of my life. And Mum and Dad’s” Steve said, taking another drink. “But we knew if we tried to stop her it would give him the perfect excuse to turn her against us. So what could we do but support it.” He hung his head slightly and Frank’s brow furrowed at the man’s open display of vulnerability
“I wish we’d done more, you know, anything…but we didn’t know how bad things had got. Not that he was hurting her, not like that.” “None of it was your fault.” Frank looked at him. “Or your parent’s. Or Fliss’”
“No, I know that but it doesn’t stop any of us feeling guilty.” Steve sighed. “But, anyway, it’s in the past now. That is until he goes for parole, which he will.” Frank shrugged “We’ll greet that when it happens.”
“Yeah?” Steve looked at him. “You ready for all that? Because I guarantee what she’s told you, well it won’t even scratch the surface Frank.”
“Are you asking me if I’m gonna bail when the going gets tough?”
“Suppose I am, yeah.” Steve looked at him.
Frank took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose, quelling the frustration that was brewing at the man’s questioning, reminding himself that he had a right to worry, a right to be concerned. He’d feel the same if it was Diane in this position.
“Look, Steve, I know she hasn’t told me everything. And I’m not gonna push her to either. It isn’t important to me to know every sordid little detail of what that cunt did to her. What is important is that she’s happy with me, and that she feels safe and knows that I’d never hurt her like that and I sure as hell won’t abandon her when the road gets a little bumpy. She was there for me through a very bad time recently and, well…” Frank shrugged “Even if we decide that what we have isn’t working I’d still be by her side.”
Steve’s face remained passive for a second before it split into a grin “I don’t think there’s any worry about that, Frank. From what I’ve seen this afternoon and this evening, Lissy’s besotted. In fact, I’ve never seen her like this before.” Frank felt his cheeks flush a little and he looked down “Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something else but they were interrupted.
“My ears burning?” Fliss asked, eyeing the two men up.
“I was just…making sure his intentions are honourable.” Fliss rolled her eyes with a snort “his intentions are honourable? What are you, like 90?”
Steve shrugged “No, but I’m 3 years older than you and still your big brother Titch…” “Whatever, Steeby.” she moved over to where Frank was stood and slid under his arm “Quit with the 3rd degree or I’ll tell Mum you’ve been smoking.”
“You wouldn’t!” he said in mock horror as she raised an eyebrow. Steve turned to Frank and raised his eyebrow, jerking his head towards his sister “Sure you know what you’re letting yourself in for?”
Frank laughed “her bark is worse than her bite…owww!” he said, as she nipped his arm.
“Sure it is.” Steve winked as h pushed himself off the railing and headed inside.
“Was he being an ass hole?” Fliss watched him go before she turned to Frank and he chuckled, pulling her closer.
“No,not at all.” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips “Where’s Mary?”
“With Dad in the living room with the guys from the golf club.” she said, shrugging.
“No doubt revealing more of my dark secrets.” Frank groaned.
Fliss laughed “Nah, she’s got her lego. Bill and her will have some kind of building contest going on no doubt.”
“I told her to leave those in the annex.” “She did. I took her to get them.” Fliss shrugged
“Seriously?” Frank looked at her, rolling his eyes.
“What?” Fliss looked at him “She was bored and wanted something to do.”
“You’re a pain in my ass.” he said, his arms circling her and she grinned as he dropped a kiss to her lips.
“Hush, Sailor, you love it.” she smirked against his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” he muttered, pulling her closer for a deeper kiss.
It was about midnight when the party started filtering out. Mary was crashed out on one of the sofas so Frank suggested they call it a night and Fliss, feeling the effects of a fair amount of alcohol, agreed. They made their goodbyes and Frank easily scooped Mary up and the three of them made their way, a little slower than usual, to the annex.
Once they’d roused Mary and she’d changed for bed Frank tucked her in, in the bed in the spare room and she was flat out before he even closed the door. He headed into Fliss’ room and laughed as she was led on the bed with her legs over the edge, feet flat on the floor. She was wearing just her bra and jeans, and her arm was bent over her eyes.
“My jeans are too tight.” she said.
“What?” Frank laughed.
“I can’t be bothered to take them off.” she leant up on her elbows and ginned at him “Wanna help me out Sailor?”
“Happily…” he grinned, and moved towards her but she stopped him.
“Ah ah…” she said, pointing to his polo-shirt. “Off.” With an arch of his eyebrow he reached back and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, pulling it over his head. “Better?”
“Yup.” she nodded as he moved towards her, gently dropping down and undoing her jeans. With a tug he pulled them down over her thighs, his hands softly tracing up her skin as she sighed, before his lips met hers.
“You were a hit in there…” she said gently, her fingers tracing the muscles on his arms as he propped himself up over her.
“Yeah?” he asked, gently shifting so that she moved with him, laying further up the bed.
She nodded “Charmed the pants off all the posh bastards you did, Adler.” “There’s only one person I’m interested in charming the pants off.” he quipped and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Smooth.” “Is it working?”
She glanced down. “Nope, they’re still on.”
“Guess I’ll have to use my hands then…” he said, and with a quick move down he slid them over her ankles and gently pressed his lips to her skin, trailing soft kisses up the inside of her leg, nipping at the inside of her thigh. Fliss gave a soft sigh as he moved, his short beard scratching at her skin as he moved, her hands fisting in the sheets. When he reached his target he gently placed a long lick up her entrance, causing her hands to tighten on the soft covers besides her, before one gently fisted in his hair. His lips and tongue gently teased her, all the time Frank relishing the fact that her breathing was quickening as she neared her release, her body writhing in pleasure. It wasn’t long before her hand tightened on his hair and he gave a low moan at her touch, which vibrated through he body, and her hips bucked upwards. Placing a strong arm over her waist he held her down as her knees tightened slightly around his head and she let out a gasp, her arm flying to her mouth to stifle her loud moan as she came hard. Working her through it he then moved back, stripping off the remainder of his clothes before he crawled up her body again, kissing his way up from her naval to her chest. She arched her back and he reached around to unhook her bra before he set his attention to her breasts.
He could listen to the noises and whimpers she was making all day but after a week he was aching for her.
“Need you…” he said softly into her ear and she nodded, her hand gesturing to her bedside table. He paused and pulled open the drawer, and had to smirk as he saw the packet of condoms in there. Pulling one out he opened it, whilst Fliss gently gave him a stroke causing him to hiss slightly, his fingers fumbling on the foil and she grinned.
“Something distracting you Sailor?” “You know damned well what’s distracting me…” he said, his voice almost a growl as her hand moved over his whilst he rolled the latex down.
Her giggle turned to a moan as he buried himself inside her, his entire body feeling coiled like a spring, and his thrusts began as slow, and deep before soon she was begging for more and he picked up the pace, each movement rolling against her spot, causing her to breathlessly whisper his name as he buried his face into her neck, nipping and biting at that spot that drove her wild. At some point she moved, gently pushing on his shoulders, and he understood, rolling onto his back. She moved to straddle him, pulling her long hair over one shoulder as she leaned down to draw him into a deep, sultry kiss before she sank down onto him, taking him in.
“Fuck, Lissy…” he said, his hands gently gripping her hips as she began to move, rolling her pelvis, “God you feel so good…” She preened at his praise, her pace quickening as she leaned forward again to kiss him, a moan falling from her mouth as he raised his hips to meet hers, his fingers tightening on her hips. Frank looked up at her, her mouth slack, lips plump, freckles still visible in the soft light from the outside lights, breasts bouncing softly as she moved.
“So beautiful…” he said, sitting up and she cried out at the change of depth as he pulled her close, thrusting up into her.
“Frankie, I’m…” and with a low whine her head tipped back as her release washed over her, a slow, deep burn which left her slack in his arms, as she collapsed forward. After a few more desperate thrusts he was right behind her, clinging to her, his face buried into her shoulder, his own groans stifled in her skin.
They stayed like that for a little while, both recovering, hands softly dancing over skin before he leaned up to give her a soft kiss.
“You ok?” he asked, and she glanced down at him, her hands cupping his face as her lips ghosted over his.
“Never better.” she whispered to him, kissing him again.
***** Frank woke the next morning and as he blinked, he realised he was alone. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes, before he could hear soft voices from elsewhere in the annex. Grabbing his phone he looked down and with a start realised it was past 10.  Running a hand over his face he climbed out of bed, grabbed his bag and retrieved a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt before he grabbed his jeans which were now folded and placed over the back of the chair by Fliss’ vanity unit. After sorting himself in the bathroom he made his way downstairs and found Fliss and Mary sat outside in the small yard, an array of breakfast items on the table. Fliss long hair was pulled into a messy pony tail and she was wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of denim jeans. Even like that she looked effortlessly gorgeous.
“Morning.” he greeted, stepping out onto the decking and Fliss smiled at him.
“Hey.” she said, accepting the kiss he dropped onto her cheek before he sat down next to her. “Sleep well.”
“Hmmm I was tired for some reason.” he quipped, causing her to grin.
“Fliss says I can go ride Monty today.” Mary looked at Frank. “Is that ok?”
“It’s not your week for a lesson.” Frank said, “And it’s Friday.”
“It’s ok.” Fliss said “The riding school is shut. Joanne’s done the morning shift so we can just go up this afternoon. I need to work Cap and Bronson but she can ride if she wants.” “Please….” Mary looked at Frank who sighed.
“I’ve gotta nip to the boat yard.” he said, “Got some guy who needs a motor looking at and I said I’d meet him today…” “I don’t wanna go to the boat yard.”  Mary pouted.
“It’s ok, she can come with me.” Fliss offered “I don’t mind, honestly.”
Frank hesitated, he didn’t want Fliss to think she was obliged to take Mary. He knew that the pair of them came as a package but still.
“You sure?” Frank asked “Roberta would normally take her but she’s not back until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, its fine.” Fliss nodded “She can help me and Joanne.”
“Ok, then, yeah, you can go.”
Mary grinned and turned her attention back to her book.
“You want breakfast?” Fliss asked, moving to stand.
“I’ll get it…you stay there.” Frank said, but Mary suddenly jumped up.
“No it’s ok, we made you something special…” With that she shot into the kitchen.
“Special?” Frank looked at Fliss, and she grinned as his lips met hers.
“Yeah…” she nodded to Mary who emerged from the kitchen, giggling. Frank gave a snort of a laugh and shook his head as she thrust the box of Special K into his hands.
“Thanks…” he deadpanned, rolling his eyes.
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georgeharris0n · 5 years
Blisters On His Fingers - Chapter 2 - “First Date, If John Doesn’t Ruin it”
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4.3k
Chapters: 2/25
Pairing: George Harrison/Ringo Starr, Minor Paul McCartney/John Lennon
Plot Summery:  George can't help but watch Rory Storm and The Hurricanes play, but John and Paul know he just has his eyes for their drummer. Ringo has some problem with his hands, and George may just see his perfect opportunity to talk to the handsome drummer. (Hamburg Beatle Era)
Note: It’s herE! Here’s a litlle something, as a early Christmas gift! Multi Chapter Hamburg Starrison Fic? you bet! @cirilee​ and I worked very hard on research and planning for the fic and I’m so happy to finaLLY released the first continuation chapter (Thank you sOOO much Ciri! ily ::o::)
Read Chapter 1 Here
Inhaling the stale air in the Bambi Kino cinema was probably the worst thing to wake up to since arriving in Hamburg, but after last night, George barely even noticed. Peeking his eyes open, he adjusted to the artificial light in the damp cement block they called a room. He felt as light as air… George had kissed him. Ringo Starr, George Harrison kissed Ringo Starr.
It’s a wonder George had gotten any sleep at all after that. He remembers staring up at the pitch black ceiling for hours last night and just looking at his smile, the smoothness of his cheek and scruff of his jaw… reliving that moment when he just fucking went for it.
George let out a pleased sigh and stretched his arms above his head.
After a moment he turned over to the bed opposite his only to be faced with two snickering bastards staring back at him. Of-fucking-course, can’t have one single moment of peace can I?
“Sleep alright’ there princess?” John smirked taking a drag from his ciggy.
George groaned. No, not even John could ruin this morning for him.
“Shut up Lennon, and give me drag huh?” He reached toward the nightstand table for the cigarettes, but Paul swooped in all to quick before George could take a blow.
 “What the-”
 “You can have a ciggy after you tell us the details. So spill.” Paul smirked and scooted beside John, taking advantage of his leverage.
 “Details? I- what do you want to know? How do you know anything happened?” George stammered, he thought it would be easy to burst out and tell his best mates what happened, but his nerves seemed to get the best of him.
 Paul scoffed. “Well for starters, you woke up in this shithole with that dreamy smile on your face.”
George felt himself flush, gosh he was smiling pretty wide huh?
 “Yea, and not to mention you coming home at fucking 4 in the mornin’.” John quipped while tapping his ashes off onto the floor, which Paul detested, but couldn’t really argue with considering how nasty the room already was.
 “Well- I.. I’m sure you both enjoyed the alone time.” George teased, hoping to distract from himself a little longer. It held some truth, it was pretty hard living just the three in one room, even harder when he bunked with Pete. John and Paul rarely got to get cozy and the two of them were a committed item, which took awhile since John insisted he wasn’t “queer”. Course, he was over the moon for Paul the moment they met, which was pretty frustrating at first. George saw it, and he knows as soon as those two finally stopped being resisitent, they were all over each other.
 John leaned back lazily and chuckled. “I wish! Sadly, Paul wouldn’t put out. The only tossin’ and turnin’ all he’d do was worry about you getting home, real mood killer you are Georgie boy-” Paul smacked a pillow into John’s face before he kept running his mouth.
 “Piss off John! He’s distracting us! Come on’ George and tell us before John gets his teeth punched in will ya?”
George snickered at the display of Paul looking like an eager parent or older sibling, practically on the edge of his seat.
George fiddled a little with his hands, remembering how the night before he used these same ones to care for Ringo’s palms. How rough Ringo’s hands felt from years of drumming. George liked that much more than silky soft hands, it’s like every scar and callus could tell a story. He hoped Ringo would let him hold them again during their date- Ohfuck. THEIR DATE.
 “Shit! My date! He asked me on a date!” George was standing now, throwing off his blanket and immediately going into a panic.
 Ringostarraskedmeonadate! Howcould I forget thaT-
 The lad was already rummaging hopelessly for clean clothes to wear to no avail. While John and Paul were both now standing probably trying to catch up on the bomb he just dropped into the room.
 “You finally snagged a date with the Hurricane’s drummer?”
John was shocked like he couldn’t believe his ears.
 George looked up from his pile of clothes and he knew he was unfolding, it couldn't be stopped now. “I- well I kissed im’ first, then he asked to see me tomorrow, so… yes?”
 “Hold on! Wait- you’re telling me you kissed him and didn’t tell us? Just sat there like a smiling idiot knowing you kissed the lad we watched you pine over for months?” Paul was almost offended, all that waiting and George didn't tell him sooner?
 “Listen!” George didn’t have time for questions, the stakes were much higher now “Yes! Yes okay? I kissed him, and now we have a date,TODAY, and i have no fucking idea when he gets here so if one of you could get off your asses and HELP ME PLEASE!”
 George was losing his mind, he had no idea what to wear, how much time he had, what he was supposed to do- but of course, Paul did. “George, clean yourself up, and I’ll find you some clothes alright?”
 “Yeah, and calm down too, don’t want to spook him looking like you just left a crack house.”
 George looked over to the wall mirror, he did look frantic, definitely not first date with Ringo material. His eyes were wide, his hair was unruled, and he was nearly shaking. John had a point. This date was way too important, he can’t ruin it by being this nervous.
 George just needed to get ready and hope that he doesn’t make a fool of himself.
 Good luck with that.
 Paul had George cleaned up real nice. Black drainies, and one of Paul’s clean white shirts tucked in made George cut a fine figure. Topped off with a large smooth pompadour. Very handsome and slim. Paul was very proud of the simple, yet refined appearance he made up for George’s date. He was a good looking lad all the same, and those fangs that pointed when he smiled had to be a deal breaker. Had he had more time (and spare cash), he almost wanted to go buy him a new fit to really shock Ringo. But- the look was still perfect in Paul’s opinion, but John was insistent he add his own little flare to the mix.
 “Make you look tougher, like on stage.”
 “He’s not going on stage John, he’s going on a date-”
 “Yes, and he’s going to wear the damn jacket!” John argued. Draping a leather jacket on George’s shoulders. He took a much larger role in the getting ready process then was expected. He and Paul fussed left and right over how George needed to look, what shirt, how to wear it, what to say, make his hair messy or clean. Boots or loafers. Smile or brood. The two just couldn’t agree.
 As per usual.
 “George needs this date to go off without a hitch! Who knows? If they go steady, we might get a new drummer.” John winked.
 Last week the lads had to get a replacement drummer to sit in after Pete hauled ass back to Liverpool for some kind of “family emergency”. John seems to think George’s date with Ringo could be an opportunity… Ringo was considered the best drummer as far as Liverpool was concerned, and despite George agreeing that Ringo was 20 times better than Pete, he didn’t like what John was implying. Paul seemed to catch onto it quicker than George was though.
“Oh no no NO, you’re not making George’s date about your little fued with Rory! That’s none of your business.” Paul chided, seeing through John’s casual tone. He knew that face and twinkle in his eyes. He was scheming, and John Lennon’s schemes never ended well.
 “I’m just saying, you can’t date between competing bands. If Geo plays his cards right-”
 George had heard enough, he wasn’t letting this crazy idea get to his head. He wanted to enjoy his date, not be John’s pon.
 He was about to speak up when suddenly a loud knock at the back door silenced the whole room.
 George looked at the door and felt his palms clam up. He shuffled his feet toward the handle. He thought he was going to pass out. This wasn’t even his first date, but it was his first with Ringo, and somehow that made it all the more important.
 Another, more faint knock, hit the door, making George jump back slightly. Is that him? Is he here? Gosh if it’s not him-
 “Don't just stand there! Open it.” Paul whispered, clearly waiting in anticipation.
 When George gathered up his non existent courage and opened the door up, his jaw nearly dropped to the floor…
 If he thought seeing Ringo up on stage, was in itself eye-catching, he was grossly unprepared for when he cleans up for a date.
 Ringo was standing at the door, looking a bit flustered, but non the less pleased to see George. That smile. George thought he might lose his footing had he not been gripping the door frame. He almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He wanted to drape an arm around Ringo’s shoulders and admire how handsome he looked. He was stunning, he was sporting nice fitted charcoal trousers, with a white and black checker striped shirt tucked in. He even topped it off with a black corduroy jacket.
 “Hmm... now that’s what I call boyfriend material.” Paul muttered behind George, who was also admiring Ringo’s attire.
 George barely registered what Paul said until Ringo finally spoke.
 “Gosh, I’m- speechless, you look real handsome George.” Ringo gaped while he shuffled his hands out of his pockets.
The two were both clearly nervous, and George just couldn’t even believe Ringo was really here. Last night had felt too much like a dream to be real, but… it was and he was here and-
 “Whoa there Ringo! You got on this fancy get up for our little Geo?”
 Fucking. Hell. John.
 Ringo let out a nervous laugh “Suppose’ so,  not too fancy I hope. Havn’t got too much money for a proper restaurant...” Ringo scratched the back of his neck. He seemed a little embarrassed, but George was pretty relieved. He wasn’t into fancy smacy places like that anyhow.
 But- he was into getting out of here with Ringo as soon as possible before John kept talking. Which was the perfect incentive to push his nerves away for a bit.
 “WELL- Guess will be going then! See ya fellas!” George was already walking down the steps and quickly leading Ringo away before those two ruined the date before it even starts.  
 “You better have him home at a respectable time young man!!!” John yelled out after them which made George cringe. Gosh those two I swear-
 George ran a hand up his hair. “Sorry about them, they’re a piece of work.”
 Ringo snickered, “Funny though, don’t worry, bet they pick on ya’ too much huh?”
 “You don’t know the half of it.”
 George and Ringo were walking down Grosse Freiheit, opposite corner from the KaiserKeller where they worked and typically spent their time. George hadn’t explored much of this side of town, but it seemed Ringo knew where they were going, so he didn’t mind it.
 It was nearly 3 in the afternoon, so most places had slow business. Once it neared about 5, that’s when most of the sailor, drunkards, and “fast women” slipped out for the nightlife. Despite the occasional peek of a prostitute in the day, most afternoons were strangely quiet considering this was a red light district.
 When George arrived in Hamburg, the idea of living in such loose city, with so much sex and alcohol seemed exciting, but other than the advantage of drinking, George wasn’t too into the easy sex. John and Paul tried to set him up once, but he ended up horrified, having not been with a women and being pretty certain he was gay at that point. That only solidified it. He ended up sending her away, she didn’t seem to bothered by it. Probably just looked like a spooked young boy.
 Paul stuck around to apologize about it. Make sure he was okay. If anything George was almost happy to know he didn’t fancy girls. John and Paul were always so defensive about it, but when George was having thoughts like that- it felt comforting to know his friends were the same way. That they could understand.
 George saw Ringo veering toward the right. They must be close. The walkway was definitely in more uncharted territory, but- a little more secluded. Ringo reached out his hand suddenly, and George hesitated. Sure there wasn’t anyone around, and the area didn’t persecute lads holding hands, but- it was still out in public, and George didn’t quite feel comfortable for that just yet.
 Ringo’s smile softened and he lowered his hand into his trouser pocket. “No worries Georgie, the place is right back here, follow me.”
 George walked with Ringo down a narrow alleyway leading to a wooden doorway on the side of the building. Already regretting not taking Ringo’s hand, but certainly thankful Richie wasn’t offended by his apprehension.
  A quick knock on the door, and it was soon opened up by another fellow. Clean looking boy with rosy cheeks and a slender chin, about Paul’s age or older maybe.
 “Afternoon Richard, back again so soon?” The boy smiled, clearly pleased to see Richard here. Where- wherever they were. George felt his arms tense, hoping he wasn’t already feeling jealousy on the date that’s barely started. “Where’s your tall friend?” He continued, while giving George a disappointed side glare.
 “Afternoon! Awe this isn’t much his scene really, he’s more interested in birds.” Ringo looked past the boy, and pointed over his shoulder to a booth past the bar-room.
 “Mind if we have a seat over that way?” Before the boy could give answer Ringo was already sliding through the doorway with George in tow.
 Now standing inside, George could really get a load of the place. It was definitely a bar, but why it was so hidden away was beyond him. It played great music out of some speakers, which seemed to be connected to the local radio. It was pretty full too, especially for this hour, but no one seemed to be very rowdy, mostly just dancing or a having a nice drink.
 One thing that did catch Georges eye was the clientele. Every person inside was a bloke. Not a single girl in sight. 
 “Ringo? Is- is this a gay bar?”
 Ringo stopped in front of the booth and looked back at George shyly.
 “I- yes, it’s pretty classy, but I wasn’t sure, you know? If you’d been to one before.” George tilted his head, in all honesty he had never seen one before now. It just seemed like they were myths considering how well hidden they were. Not to mention John, Paul, and George never played in gar bars, or expressed interest in one before. Though, Ringo’s logic made sense, why not go to a place that’s guaranteed to be safe for a first date. Not having to watch your back if he wanted to hold Ringo’s hand or maybe share a kiss.
 “I’m… I haven't, but I really like it here, seems like a perfect first date spot to me.” George smiled, sliding into the booth.
 The date started out really great. Ringo was even more adorable on dates. He ordered them both some drinks and they sipped away talking. It felt like they spoke for hours on end. Ringo was so fun to talk to, he was cute and much more cheeky than expected. He had the cutest little blush when George decided to move over to Ringo’s side and sit beside him in the booth. Letting his shoulder graze next to each other.
 The topic of how they ended up in Hamburg came up, and George talked about meeting John and Paul, and about how they let him join the band. The band that feels like his family, like he was always meant to be apart of them. He told Ringo stories and pranks they all pulled on each other, and about how he practically had to knock sense into them both about their feelings for each other.
 “They were fighting like mad all the time. Mostly John, pushing Paul away n’stuff.”
 Ringo listened attentively, “You could tell? That they were… pushing each other?”
 “Definitely, those two were inseparable, and the way John looked at Paul and the way Paul looked at John- you knew. I knew for sure. John had hurt Paul real bad one day, said he didn’t need him around anymore. Paul was devastated.  I had to talk with John and get it sorted out.”
 “How’d that go?”
 “Basically told him to get his shit together and tell Paul how he felt. Honestly, I’m surprised the bastard listened.” George laughed letting his little pointed teeth stick out a tad.
 “So… how long have you known… you um.. fancied...” Ringo paused, trying to find the right words for the question, but George had a feeling he knew.
 “A couple years now… I had a couple girlfriends back in Liverpool, but it never really took. I knew I fancied boys, but I didn’t know for sure if I fancied girls too or not. Nowadays, I know I’m gay, but I’ve-” George paused feeling embarrassment flush on his face. He almost wanted to end the conversation there, hoping Ringo wouldn't push him further, but the look in those blue eyes. The soft, sweet way Ringo listened and gazed back at George. Like he was savoring everything, every look and word George gave him.
George wasn’t afraid, no, not around Ringo.
 “I-um… I haven’t had a boyfriend before.”
 George felt his hand shake at his sides, feeling unsure… clearly Ringo had been around more often, he was older after all, and knew about gay bars, probably had a boyfriend once or twice too. George didn’t know this stuff, he’d only ever kissed a boy once and neither spoke about it after the fact. Would Ringo want some inexperienced lad who-
 George felt a sudden warmth interlock with his shaking fingertips. He moved his gaze back to Ringo. He was holding onto his hands, rubbing his thumb over each knuckle. Smoothing the tremor that left the joint until they were steady and calm. 
 I might faint.
 “Hey, neither have I okay? I’m still new to this too, but I know I like you George. A lot.”
 George blinked wildly. Ringo was new to this?
 Ringo could see George’s confusion considering their current place of establishment and chuckled. “I’ve known I am for awhile, me mum even had an idea about it when I was younger, she could just tell I never fancied girls, but finding fellas ain’t easy and not exactly safe. So no, I haven’t either. Did find this place with me mate Johnny though, but he’s just a best mate, doesn’t really swing that way.”
 Somehow knowing dates and boyfriends were a bit of new territory for Ringo brought George lots of comfort. He could feel his shoulders slack under his jacket. He wanted to loosen up, really just enjoy the date. Show Ringo a good time.
 Hurriedly, George stood up from the booth pulling Ringo up with him. The radio had several patrons out of their seats and swinging to a solid tune. A jazzy one, clearly hitting the backbeat like a rock n’ roller. George gave Ritchie a cocky grin and twisted his arm around giving Ringo a spin. George did little kicks and fancy moves with his feet, while Ringo showed off his funny little moves on the dance floor as well. Being honest, Ringo’s dances were outright ridiculous, but- in an endearing kind of way. He was silly and smiling so wide. Really enjoying himself when he danced with George and purposely tried to make him laugh with funky jumps and head shakes. George loved how funny Ringo was, the way he could just go along with things and make it 10 times better? The way his smile peeked out when those teddy boy curls bounced on his forehead, George was ready to spend the rest of the night like this. Giggling like school boys.
 As it got later, the dancing got a little too crowded for both the boys’ taste, and they decided to step out for the night. The walk was much longer going back, probably because the two weren’t quite ready for the date to be over just yet.
 “You really do look handsome this evening George.” Ringo remarked as they walked the chilly street back to the cinema.
 George grinned with his cheeky fangs and bumped Ringo with his arm. “How bout’ a kiss then? Paul worked real hard to get me all dressed up like this. Got to have a little credit where credits due.” George leaned into the lads shoulder, batting his eyelashes for dramatic effect.
 Ringo applauded the flirtation, clearly George was getting more comfortable. Very coy.
 “Sorry, I don’t kiss vamps on the first date.”He quipped, poking the side of George’s cheek playfully.
 Had this not been their first date George would have half a mind to marry Ringo on the spot. The way they bounced off each other so easily was unbelievable. The only fault was that the date was ending so soon. The streets here are just so complicated and… adult. Nothing simple, like burger joints or parks. George hated the idea of only being able to go out in the afternoons. Nightlife here was just so loud and indecent. “Gosh, maybe one of these days we can catch a bus out of here, go somewhere a little more normal.” George said gazing out ahead at countless street lights that dawned every corner.
 Ringo’s eyes widened. “You want to go out again then?”
 George felt his throat shrink. Oh fuck- You idiot. He was already daydreaming about the next date without even knowing if there was going to BE ONE.
 “If- you wanted. I thought- I mean. This one seemed to be going really well, but if your not interested I completely-” stop rambling please oh god please stop.
 “George!” George thanked Ringo internally for stopping him before he dug his grave even further.
 “I’d love to go on another date with you.’
 George thought he was going to say something, but his brain decided to go out of commission in that moment. Ringo didn’t seem to mind, the look on George’s face told him everything he needed to know. This was special. This thing between them, very special.
 It was quiet on the streets surprisingly. Not a prostitute or drunk in sight near the back of the cinema. It was nearly 9:30, which was hopefully “respectable” for John, but George wasn’t ready for it to be over, not just yet.
 George stopped before the steps to the door and turned to Ringo. His nerves that had been present throughout the evening had vanished, something about how he was feeling, the look in Ringo’s eyes. He felt like he was staring into the ocean. So welcoming, and vibrant. How could he stand here and not be utterly at peace?
 Ringo soon moved surprisingly close him. George wasn’t sure what it meant at first, but to be fair, there were lots of things that George didn’t know.
 He didn’t know his lovestruck crush would stand before him tonight and gingerly touch his cheek, or that he’d get so close they’d share a cold breath in a Hamburg alleyway. George would never have thought months ago, when he first met the boy, that he too would lean into the embrace. That George would get to wrap his arms around Ringo’s waist, slipping past his jacket and rest his palms on the small of the drummer’s back. He didn’t know that they’d glace down to those soft lips. Unconsciously waiting… for what? He wasn’t quite sure. Yes, he was.
 Ringo’s hand gilded behind his neck. Stroking his thumb gently under George’s jaw. George felt a shiver go up his spine. Feeling his heart pounding like crazy. He wanted this. He really did. All night he dreamt of the event that occurred that night, about the feeling of kissing Ringo, the way his lips felt on his. He was so close to that again, only this time, he wanted Ringo to kiss him. 
 The drummer hesitated. They had kissed before, but the fervor in the air that filled the non existent space between them was thick. Both of the boys breaths were seen in the cold air as they exchanged them. Ringo lids fluttered, and George let his own shut. Darkness allowing every touch and caress to feel all the more real. Abruptly, a hand tugged the collar of his leather jacket slightly, and he was pulled into those lips again. Both bodies immediately reacting as the two shared an earnest kiss. Ringo taking control with impelling affection.
 It was delightful but chaste, far too short for the guitarist’s liking. When they separated a moment, George barely gave Ringo time to catch his breath before pressing forward and allowing his tongue to slide past his lips. His fleeting impulse crashed into Ringo, and his hands clenched at the fabric of his striped shirt.  Ringo responded with matched eagerness and the two were soon both kissing with more passion than they’d ever felt before. George even let a soft moan slide past his lips as he felt Ringo tangle his fingers further into his hair.
 Neither wanted to stop, but George’s head was already getting dizzy and Ringo’s footing was starting to give way on the edge of the steps. They both reluctantly separated, and caught their breaths still not bearing any space between them, chests heaving with cold air against one another. George just wanted to stay here with Ringo in his arms, barely able to stand and looking just as dazed as George probably does.
 “Gee Ringo…” George’s lip twitch upward. “I thought you didn’t kiss vamps on the first date.”
Chapter 3 here!
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Tags: old/young, legal teen, doctor/patient
It was a typical case. A young girl coming off age, exploring her sexuality after it had been suppressed by dominant parents. She wanted to be a rebell, wanted to provoke with tight-fitting clothes and vulgar language. But subconsciously she wanted nothing more than to be cherished and lead. This raw sexual energy, which he had to admit he hadn’t seen often, needed to be taken care of. So after several sessions dealing her problematic relationship with her old-fashioned parents, he began giving her homework. The look on her face when he ordered her to masturbate before going to bed and in the morning was priceless.
“Lemme guess: You want pictures, don’t cha?”
He chuckled. He couldn’t help it, her sass was amusing and refreshing after a day of listening to frustrated housewifes cry about self-made marriage problems. And, even though he shouldn’t take notice of it, she was a beautiful young thing. Her long red hair, the sparkling green eyes, the adorable freckles on the bow of her nose and between the pushed up mounds of her breasts. In his weaker moments he wondered how far down these pink spots went.
Slowly, the rude redhead grew on him and he liked to challenge her with new sexual challenges. Red loved it (that’s what he called her in his head). She always came back to him all excited, telling him how aroused she had been when she had sat in that dark cinema theater and pushed her fingers into her wet little pussy. In detail she described how her juices coated her fingers and soaked her panties, how her nipples poked through her tight green shirt while she fingered herself faster and faster, trying to muffle her moans by biting down on her lip.
It was quite a picture she drew.
“...And then, when I was really getting into it, I imagined you standing at the end of the row, watching me from the darkness.”
His pen only halted for a second.
“Did you?” he asked politely, pushing his glasses back up his nose.
She nodded, her smirk a challenge.
“And did it affect your arousal?”
“Are you asking if it made me hornier?”
She leaned back, uncrossing her legs. She was wearing a mini skirt today. And no panties, apparently.
“Yes”, she finally replied, her creamy thighs wagging playfully before she spread them as far as possible.
He lets her see that he notices her absent panties, he takes a long look at that teenage pussy hooded by her short skirt. Then he averts his eyes with desinterest, skribbling some notes onto his pad. In a bored voice he continues the conversation.
“I see you don’t shave the pubic hair on your mon veneris, even though it has become common amongst women your age to shave completely. Why is that?”
Red didn’t bother to cross her legs. On the contrary. She pulled up her skirt and teased her happy trail with a fingertip. The outer lips of her pussy were pink and soft and puffy. Objectively speaking, it was a very pretty pussy.
“I want the guys to look. The bright red attracks attention, wouldn’t you say?”
Oh, how she loved to tease him. The look in her eyes and the crook in her grin told him.
“Indeed it does”, he replied in a neutral tone and took some notes.
“What are you writing all the time?” she asked, obviously disappointed that he didn’t fall for her so easily.
He inhaled deeply. Then he replied in a controlled, neutral voice.
“Patient tries to provoke therapist with not wearing underwear and presenting vagina.”
A flash of anger crossed her face. She hated not being taken seriously. He knew that and he used it against her to show her that he was still in control.
“Give me my damn homework”, she snapped, crossed her arms in front of her perky tits and closed her legs.
He had to suppress a grin. If he was being honest, he loved to tease her, as well.
“Since you’re a fan of going commando”, he started and got up from his chair and walked to his closet, “I want you to drive home with this.”
He showed her the bike saddle he had especially made. It had a bud for clitorial stimulation and a little shaft for vaginal stimulation, not very long though. He gave it to virgin patients, so they had to be short enough to not break the hymen.
Her eyes lit up when she saw the saddle and jumped up from the couch to take a close look. He could smell her peach shampoo while she was standing so close. It was a delicious scent.
“Thank you.”
“Not so fast”, he said and held it out of her reach. “It goes without saying that this is a valuable object and that you take good care of it.”
“Oh, I will!”
“Furthermore”, he lifted his arm when she tried to grab it, “you will keep it out of your parent’s sight. We both know they would freak out if they saw it and then they wouldn’t let you come back to me.”
Her eyes got huge and hopeful for a second. He had spoken gently and for a second the wall of sass and sexual energy crumbled. There was the young woman who needed to feel cherished and loved.
“Would that make you sad?”
“Of course it would”, he replied and finally handed her the saddle. “After all, I make my living with treating patients like you.”
Oh, the hurt in her eyes. But he had to break her. Had to break her walls to get to her soft core.
“You’re a dick”, she hissed and stormed for the door.
Poor girl, he thought, so confused and full of longing. He had to be especially giving with her.
One week later Red was back on his couch.
“Where is the saddle?”
She crossed her arms.
“I lost it.”
He inwardly sighed. She was in a foul mood. Well, he wouldn’t have it.
“I counted on you to look after the saddle and bring it back to me.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have. You know I am unreliable. I’m just a horny slut who thinks of nothing else but to fuck boys.”
Ah, yes. The words of her father, no doubt. The tears lurking in the corners of her eyes gave it away.
“I have to say I’m very angry and disappointed with you.”
“I don’t give a fuck!”
Her whole body was tense and her breathing was flat, the little buds on her tits poking through her green top. Just from that he could tell she needed release. She needed to cry and scream, to let her pain out.
Her green eyes widened when he came over to her with a few strong steps and she squealed when he pulled her over his legs after he had sat down next to her.
“What do you think you’re doing, asshole?!” she cursed while he locked her down with one arm while the other pushed up her skirt and pulled down her panties. Her round, full ass was a mouth-watering sight. But he didn’t waste any time.
The first slap landed on her left cheek. She screamed, as expected; he hadn’t been gentle.
“You son of a bitch!”
“Fuck off!”
He slapped her right cheek now. She screamed again.
“I’ll tell my parents!” she wailed, the tears already falling.
“Do you really think they care what I do with you?”
He began spanking her with regular strokes, hitting her sweet spot low on her ass. He loved the sound and the sight of her pale cheeks turning pink.
At first she fought the pain, a natural reaction, but soon she stopped fighting and just lay there, letting him hit her. He felt the tension move out of her body while she cried and squealed. When she finally relaxed, he stopped, his hand now gently brushing over her hot ass.
“Do you feel better now?” he asked gently.
“No, you f-fucker”, she sobbed.
Ever so gentle did he roll her over. He was prepared when the slap came and stopped her hand, wrapping his arm around her. Holding eye contact he began rocking her.
“It’s okay, sweet girl. I forgive you.”
It were magic words. She began sobbing and slung her arms around him, crying her eyes out.
“It’s okay. I’m here. I will hold you forever. You’re a good girl. Such a good girl you are.”
“I’m-m s-s-sorry”, she sobbed into his shirt.
“I know.”
He held her for a long time, letting her cry. Fifteen minutes ticked away. Then  the tears ran out. Carefully he tilted her head back and looked into those beautiful green eyes, now soft and vulnerable.
“I want you to repeat after me: You are an intelligent woman.”
“You are an itelligent woman.”
He chuckled. Even after all that crying she still had that spark of sass in her. He loved it. Gently, he brushed her tears away.
“I’m an intelligent woman”, she said and smiled at him.
“My worth as a person is not defined by my sexual appetite. There is nothing wrong with having as much sex as possible, as long as both are consenting adults. My parents have no control over my life. I have control over my life.”
Red hesitated with the last sentence.
“What is it?”
She looked at him. He was still rocking her.
“I’m afraid. Sometimes I think I’m not ready for being an adult. I wish there was some guide or book...I feel so unprepared.”
“You want to be taken by hand.”
She averted her eyes.
“I know it’s childish.”
“Not at all. I can be that guardian, if you want me to be.”
“But I only see you once a week.”
“I can tell your parents that it’s necessary to see you every day.”
“I don’t think this will work. They told me they want to stop the sessions, since they don’t help...they found me in the garage, fucking our mail man in the car”, she admitted after a second.
“That’s what the fight was about.”
She nodded.
“You fucked him at home to get back at me, didn’t you?”
His fingers brushed up and down her upper arm. She nodded, tears filling her eyes again.
“I was so mad...” she sobbed and he pulled her close again.
“Shhh...it’s okay, sweet girl.”
He began stroking her thigh, her skirt hiked up to her hips and her panties wrapped around her knees. His hand glided down to it. He had to admit, he wanted to push them all the way down and look at this sweet pussy again. He wondered if she was wet now. But it wasn’t the time to ask her. So, with an inward sigh, he pulled it up and her skirt down.
“If you can convince your parents to continue, I will be your guardian. I’ll give you my cell phone number and you can call me whenever you want...and if you want to fuck a guy, you can do that at my place.”
She looked at him.
“I have a big house with a second entrance and an en suite bedroom. You can use it. At least then I’ll know your safe and don’t get in trouble.”
With a happy squeal she shot up, sllinging her arms around his neck. Before he could react her wet lips landed on his.
He slapped her thigh. She cried out.
“Not without my permission”, he instructed sternly and pushed her off his legs. When she stood in front of him he pulled her between his legs and pulled her panties carefully over her burning ass. She bit her lip, but didn’t say anything.
Then he guided her to the little sink in the far corner of the room and washed her face. She had her eyes closed and was wearing a serene smile the whole time.
“Convince your parents. Come back tomorrow and we’ll discuss details.”
Red came. She had promised her parents to go to church every Sunday from now on in order to make them pay for further sessions. He couldn’t deny he was happy about it. Red had grown on him. He adored the spike in her and he was interested in seeing her grow and free herself from her parents.
The following weeks were fun, Red getting more and more mellow, bringing a guy to her new ‘pussy cave’ - as she called it - almost every night. He heard her moan extra loud, doubtlessly to lure him inside. But he wouldn’t go in until one month later, when she was listening to almost everything he said. Soundlessly he let himself in, the smell of sex lingering in the air of the spacious bedroom with a little bar, a couch and a luxurious bed. It had been the fuckroom all along, his and his girlfriend’s, back when he still had one. He was happy it came to good use again.
He found her on the couch, riding a fella like there was no tomorrow. The back of the couch stood to him, so he could look at her face and her bouncing tits. Casually he leaned against the bar, waiting for her to open her eyes. When she did and they found him, she lost her rhythm and gasped. He smiled encouringly and after a moment she smiled back, falling into another rut. This time she didn’t close her eyes. They were fixed on him until she came; which happened within a minute. He listened and watched her climax. A beautiful, beautiful sight.
This turned into quiet a routine. He found himself watching her almost every time, his cock hard and straining against his pants.
But he remained patient. Red had to come to him. ...She did three weeks later.
He was watching tv when the door to her room opened and she stepped into his home, her eyes curiously glancing around before they settled on him. She was wearing one of his blue shirts and nothing else. She must have found it in the closet. On bare feet she crossed the distance between them until she stood in front of him, blocking the view. Her long full hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her lips quivered and her eyes were begging.
Good, he thought.
His eyes didn’t leave hers when she slowly unbottoned her blouse. Neither did they leave when she brushed the cotton aside, revealing her young tight body. She really was naked and out of the corners of his eyes the red happy trail on her mound was trying to get his attention with its bright color.
When he didn’t react, tears filled her eyes.
She went down on her knees between his spread legs. Her hand reached out for his thighs, but she remembered the rule.
“Please”, she begged and her voice was such a lovely whisper it trembled through his spine straight to his wakening cock.
He gave her a court nod.
She exhaled and smiled, the fear of rejection falling away. Her hands were on his knees, on his thighs, until they rubbed the bulge in his trousers. A little moan escaped her parted lips as she felt his length and girth.
With shaking, impatient hands she opened his belt and pants until his cock sprang free.
Hungrily and with another moan she put her sweet little mouth where it belonged. With his arms sprawled on the back of the couch he watched her suck and lick his big cock. Hungry she was, but also devoted and cherishing. This girl really loved cock and she loved his. She was slurping and sucking soundly, he felt her wet little tongue circle around his head and gliding down his shaft to lick his balls until they were wet.
Needless to say, he loved it. But he didn’t reward her with a moan. Not this time. This was about control, about dominance. So he grit his teeth together and remaind silent, his body completely still...which became more and more difficult because now she was taking him inside her hot little mouth, bobbing her head and sucking him off almost expertly.
The only move he would make was when he came and his hips jerked up, pushing his cock into her lovely throat to feed her with his sperm. Red swallowed it hungrily, sucking the last drop out of his pulsating cock.
When he was done, he looked down at her. She smiled at him shyly, an adorable blush on her cheeks. His only reward was to stroke her left tit once, twice, and pull at her hard pink nipple. Then he sent her away with so much of a hand gesture.
Of course she didn’t understand. She stormed off and slammed the door shut.
He had to always be in control, he reminded himself when his legs wanted to follow her. Also, he admitted silently, he had to keep his distance. She was so fucking sexy. If he didn’t keep her at arms’ length he would be her boytoy within a week. That wasn’t what she needed. She needed a guide, a strong dom to take care of her.
So he continued to play her, make her submit more and more.
Most of the times she came to his house alone now, making herself known with clinks and clanks, waiting for him to come to her. Of course he wouldn’t. Then, after an hour she would come out and join him in the living room, falling on her knees and sucking him off. When she began leaving on her own after she had drunk his load, he knew she understood her role, at least began to.
Finally, he thought.
The next time she came he was already there, waiting in her room behind the front door. She had dropped her things onto the bed when he stepped up behind her. She flinched and gasped, but didn’t turn around.
“Take off your panties”, he ordered darkly, not touching her.
His cock twitched in his pants when she followed his order almost immediately.
“Onto the bed, on all fours, legs spread, upper body on the mattress.”
Fuck, what a sight. Her pink pussy was right in front of him, all he had to do was to pull out his cock and slam it into that tight hole...
Not today, he reminded himself.
He knelt down on one leg, her pussy in front of his face now. He breathed in her musky scent and his cock filled with blood, rising fast.
She gasped when he gave her a friendly slap on her left and then right cheek. Then he grabbed them both and spread her open until he could see both holes. Fuck she was getting wet right in front of his eyes, her pink flesh glistening now.
“Beg me”, he ordered sharply.
“Please, god, please!” she panted, her fingers clawing into the sheets.
“Good girl”, he praised her.
His head dizzy from her intoxicating scent he bent forward and finally, finally tasted her teen juice. His tongue plowed through her lips from her clit all the way over her ass, swallowing the juice he picked up on the way.
She tasted like more.
He lapped at her hungrily, losing control of his own desires for a while. He had dreamt of that cunt. He wanted it bad.
Her legs were shaking and he had to steady her wiggling ass with another slap. Red loved his attention, rewarding and begging with squeals, moans and gasps. He noticed how excited she got when he let the tip of his tongue circle her anus and his cock began aching. A three-hole-girl. Perfect.
He made her cum on his mouth twice before he slammed two fingers into her still pumping pussy, exploring her slick tunnel as far as he could. Her muscles clenched around him. She had trained them well. He couldn’t wait to let them grab his cock, trying to make him stay inside her.
...Not today, he had to remind himself again.
He made her cum on his fingers, enjoying her wails and the sight of her quivering ass.
Taking as much juice as possible on his way, he pulled out his fingers. She watched when he licked it off.
Then he rose to his feet. Her eyes widened in shock when she understood.
“Please”, her little whimper stopped him. “Please don’t leave me.”
He turned around. Tears were in her eyes.
“I need you. Please don’t go.”
After a long look, he strolled back to the bed and looked into her eyes while he opened his pants. With a gasp she crawled to the edge of the bed and had her sweet mouth on his cock right after he had pulled it out. He watched her, saw the bliss on her face when she kissed, licked and sucked on his big cock. She did it so lovingly, admiring his dick with every slow stroke of her tongue.
They had come such a long way. A brat she had been and now...she was woman, loving and giving and begging to be loved back.
A hand glided into her hair and his fingers began massaging her scalp while she pleasured him.
“Take him all the way into your mouth”, he ordered in a soft tone.
His jaw clenched when she did, looking up at him questioningly.
“Good girl”, he praised her and her eyes sparkled with gratitude.
He allowed her to please him as long as she wanted and she took her sweet time. He had to admit he had never been blown like this before, with such devotion. It felt fucking fantastic.
She moaned and swallowed hungrily when he ejaculated into her warm little mouth. After he had finished she smiled up at him and opened her mouth, showing him that she had drunk it all. He chuckled and stroke her cheek.
“Good girl.”
She leaned into his touch. His heart skipped a beat and his finger brushed over her soft skin. Oh, how much he wanted to claim her for himself. But he knew that wasn’t his role. He was her guardian. He had to show her what she needed and then let her find a man who could give it to her.
“Now, let’s have dinner”, he said and put his cock back in his pants. “You need more than sperm to stay healthy. You could use a bit more weight on those narrow hips.”
No snide comment, no protest. He had done wonders with this girl.
She watched him cook her dinner, sitting on the counter, only wearing her long green sweater that fell over her left, freckled shoulder and her elegant collarbone. He asked about her day and she gave an entertaining report. They laughed and ate together, sitting on the high chairs at the counter.
“Can I kiss you?” she suddenly asked into the comfortable silence that had spread between them.
“Not tonight”, he replied, even though her strawberry lips were things he loved thinking about.
“When?” she asked shyly.
“When you’re ready.”
“Am I not ready?”
“No”, he chuckled.
“But why?”
He didn’t answer her.
“I want you to go out and bring back a guy tonight. I want you to fuck him on the couch.”
“So you can watch me?”
Ah, the sass. There it lifted its destructive head again.
“No”, he replied patiently and lifted her face by her chin. “So you can watch me”, he explained and stroke her bottom lip with his thumb, smiling.
Tears were in the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them away and left.
She was getting attached, he mused. He had to be careful.
Even though she hadn’t been keen, she did as she had been told. Her moans signaled her return and after a few minutes he slipped into the room, just in time to see her naked body lower onto the bloke she had brought. Her eyes found his. A quiver of her lips, a flutter of her eyelids when she took in the cock. It felt like she was sitting down on him. Their eyes never left each other while she rode the stranger, slowly, savouringly, her lips parted, her cheeks flushed, little gasps coming out of that sweet mouth. With his eyes he told her what he would do if it was him she was riding, told her that he would kiss her neck while his hands caressed her skin, covered her tits, massaged them, teased her nipples with his thumbs.
Another gasp fell from her lips and she rolled her hips.
He told her he would kiss and lick and suck her nipples, that he’d push his index finger deep into her ass and gently fuck that little pucker.
“Oh God”, she whispered and began riding the guy beneath her hard, began panting, her eyes burning with desire for him, her therapist, her guardian.
When she came squealing he could feel her pussy clench around his cock. For him, only for him, he thought.
Red broke down then, shaking violently, the bloke wrapping his arms around her. Jealousy shot through him and he knew it was time to leave. So he did.
On some level he knew they had entered dangerous waters, that they became too attached to one another.
So he made her bring more guys to fuck and tried to stay away. A big mistake. After the third time he found her crying in bed, still naked, the guy gone a minute.
Of course she wouldn’t understand. She was too young. He could kick himself.
When he lay down on the bed behind her, she tried to push him away, insulting him. Normally he would spank her for such words, but this time it had been his fault. So he only shushed her and took her into his arms, pressing her squirming body against his. It felt so good. Even better when she melted against him and cried her poor little heart out.
“I d-d-d-on’t und-d-erstand!”
“I know. I’m sorry. I should have watched. You did good. You’re a good girl. It’s not your fault. Shhh...”
Gently he rocked her naked body until the tears died away.
When she was calm, he began stroking her beautiful young body: Her arms, her shoulders, her neck, her side, her thighs, her full ass...her tits.
She moaned and writhed, her legs parting for him.
God, she was so sexy in her obedience.
Against his better judgement he bent down and sucked her left nipple into his mouth and his hand wandered between her thighs. His index and middle finger rubbed and twisted the little cherry, making it swell and harden. Then he pushed his fingers inside her and spread her sticky juice all over her bald slit, making her pussy smack while he stroke her. Red’s legs were shaking and her hand was fisted in his shirt. Their eyes locked. She looked up at him with big eyes and parted lips, an adorable blush on her cheeks.
They held their gazes while he pleasured her, gave her what she needed so bad: His attention and devotion.
When she came she moaned loudly and her whole body was shaking violently. He held her tight, keeping her safe while she fell.
When it was done, she breathed against his neck and clung to him. So they lay for longer than it was in any way professional. But he couldn’t let her go. Her scent, her warmth...it was too much. He craved her, too.
He was about to roll her onto his stomach and give into the demands of his aching cock when the phone rang all of a sudden.
“I have to answer this, little dove”, he whispered into her hair and after she nodded, he released her and stood up.
An emergency session, court ordered.
He had never been so happy about one of those.
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fanficshiddles · 6 years
I’m still breathing, Chapter 45
Over the months, Loki became really fond of their new companion. He loved her as much as Sophie did.
Sophie often found Serenity on Loki’s shoulder while he was doing day to day things, such as working in the lab or cooking food. The sight always melted her heart.
Loki wasn’t the only one who was very fond of her. She became The Avengers mascot. Appearing with them at a few press releases, usually draped around Sophie or Loki’s shoulder. She became very popular with the public, like a good luck charm. People always asked to pet her, which was obliged because she was a very friendly cat.
At the last press conference after a mission, Loki felt that bad shiver down his spine again like the time at the cinema. His eyes roamed over the crowd and he spotted four hooded figures at the back of the crowd. But being spotted, they quickly darted away.
‘Are you alright, Loks? You seem edgy.’ Clint asked when the team all returned with an Indian buffet for dinner.
‘I can’t shake a bad feeling I have… At the cinema a few months ago, and today at the press conference, I’ve seen four hooded figures. Can’t make out their faces, and both times they’ve rushed away.’ He said while opening the Indian containers and placing them out in the middle of the table.
‘Maybe they’re fans but not wanting to be seen.’ Bruce suggested.
‘Perhaps.’ Loki sighed.
Sophie sat down next to him and put her hand on his thigh. ‘This is really getting to you, isn’t it?’ She asked quietly while everyone else started loading food onto their plate.
‘Don’t worry, love. I am probably just being over paranoid.’ He smiled, covering her hand with his he gave her a squeeze.
‘Sometimes you need to trust your instinct. If you feel there’s something not right, maybe we should speak to Fury.’ Sophie didn’t want Loki to think that she wouldn’t take him seriously. But that was twice now he’d felt something wasn’t right.
‘Maybe.’ Loki hummed.
After dinner, Sophie took Loki aside to speak to him privately.
‘Do you want to go speak to Fury?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe I am being over paranoid.’ Loki sighed and slid his arms around her waist.
‘If it’s bothering you though, you should do something about it. You always tell me to go with my instincts.’
‘I know… I’ll speak to him in the morning, see if we can go over the footage from the press conference. Maybe the cameras caught something.’ Loki leaned down and kissed her softly.
In the middle of the night, Loki woke up with a cry from a nightmare. He was sweaty, shaking and terrified. Sophie turned on the lamp quickly and put her arms around him.
‘Loki! It’s ok, it’s ok! It was a nightmare, you’re safe.’ She said and pulled his head against her chest.
He put his arms around her, his breathing heavy and shaky while he tried to calm down. Sophie could feel his entire body shaking so badly.
‘Shhh, shhh.’ Sophie stroked his hair, to try and help soothe him. Once he had calmed down, she went to get something to drink from the kitchen, on her return they both sat up against the headboard to talk.
‘What was it?’
‘Thanos.’ Loki whispered.
Sophie frowned. ‘He can’t hurt you anymore, Loki. He’s dead.’
‘I know… but there are others.’ He whispered, looking Sophie in the eye.
She could see how terrified he was again. Between the nightmare and the hooded figures he saw, he was certainly on edge.
‘Is this because of the hooded group?’ Sophie rubbed his arm.
He nodded.
Serenity jumped up onto the bed using her mini stairs that Loki made for her, since she wasn’t quite fully grown yet she struggled to jump up from the floor, but she was getting there. She started purring as she walked up between the two and rubbed against them both in turn, then she crawled onto Loki’s lap and curled up while still purring away happily.
Loki let out a breath and petted her softly. She was always comforting, just like Sophie was.
‘Thanos has many followers. But the ones I am… concerned, about… are known as The Black Order. Four of his closest followers. Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw.’ Loki’s jaw clenched as he thought back to when he had met them.
‘What stupid names.’ Sophie scoffed, making Loki smirk. ‘Well, if it is them that are stalking us, we will kick their ass. They can’t be more powerful than Thanos, surely?’
Loki loved her optimism, he reached out to stroke her hair behind her ear. ‘Not singularly. But together they are a rather formidable force. I hope it is just my mind playing tricks on me, but I shall speak to Fury first thing in the morning.’
‘It’ll be ok.’ Sophie smiled.
‘I certainly hope so.’
The next morning, Loki and Sophie were up early. They grabbed something to eat for breakfast then went to see Fury.
‘Pinch me I must be dreaming.’ The director said when the two entered the room. ‘Never thought you two would be coming to me.’
Loki rolled his eyes. ‘That, and much more, can be arranged.’ He growled. He still wasn’t entirely keen on the man.
‘What can I do for you?’ Fury perched on the table in the middle of the room.
Sophie and Loki shared a look with one another. Then Loki spoke. ‘We’d like to go over all footage, including security cameras from the press conference yesterday.’
‘I have reason to believe that some of Thanos’ minions are stalking me.’ He said, squeezing Sophie’s hand.
Fury’s eye narrowed. ‘What makes you believe that? Who are these minions?’
‘The Black Order. Four powerful beings. A month or so ago, I saw four suspicious hooded figures at the cinema. The same again yesterday at the conference. I am… gravely concerned.’
Fury sighed. ‘I can’t do anything for you just feeling edgy around some punk ass kids. No doubt fans that don’t want to show their face!’ Fury said, pissed off. He stood up and stormed to the door.
‘Director, come on. You said yourself, it’s unlikely we would come to you for help. Loki wouldn’t just make up something like this if he wasn’t genuinely worried. Can’t we at least go over the footage?’ Sophie begged.
‘What good would it do?’ He folded his arms over his chest.
‘It would make me feel better to view it all.’ Loki snarled, trying to keep his cool.
‘Loki has helped you out so fucking much. The least you can do is help us out!’ Sophie snapped.
Fury pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘Alright. Fine. I will send the tapes through to Starks computer for you to view.’ He grumbled.
‘Thanks.’ Loki muttered as he and Sophie passed by him to leave.
On returning to base, they went straight to find Stark. He was in the lab with everyone else huddled around the computer.
‘Come on kids. We have the footage over from Fury. What is it we are looking for, exactly?’ Tony asked as he pressed play.
‘Anything suspicious. Hooded figures.’ Loki muttered, barging through the group with Sophie so they had the best view.
The footage played through the whole conference and there was no sign of any hooded figures or suspicious people.
‘This can’t be right. They were right there!’ Loki rewound the footage over and over, looking directly at where he’d seen them but there was nothing there.
‘Loks, maybe you need to take a break. Perhaps your mind is just playing tricks on you.’ Steve said, patting his shoulder.
Loki shrugged him off with a glare. ‘Do not patronise me, I am not going crazy. I know what I saw.’ He hissed.
‘No one has had access to these, there is no way it has been fiddled with.’ Said Bruce, feeling slightly sorry for the God. Even though he didn’t entirely believe him.
Loki was furious. He stormed off in a rage, blasting a hole in the wall with his Seidr instead of using the door.
‘FUCK SAKE, LOKI! YOU’RE PAYING FOR THAT!’ Stark shouted after him angrily. He then looked at Sophie. ‘Keep your boyfriend under control before he does something stupid!’
‘Maybe you lot should treat him like a proper team member instead of taking the piss! Why would he lie about something like this? You can be such assholes!’ She spat angrily at Stark especially, then she rushed off after Loki.
Sophie found him in the library after searching high and low, he was sulking on the chair by the window. She went over and plopped herself on his lap and slipped her arms around his neck. She leaned in and kissed his jaw.
‘I believe you, love. We will get to the bottom of it. I promise.’
Loki smiled half-heartedly. ‘Thank you, darling. You’re the only one who does believe me by the looks of it.’ He sighed.
‘Not the only one.’ Said a voice.
The couple looked up to see Clint, Natasha and Wanda walking in, with Clint’s iPad.
‘I stole the footage onto here, to take a better look. It looked slightly, distorted here.’ Clint leaned down by them and pointed directly at the place where Loki saw the figures.
‘That is where I saw them.’ Loki frowned. ‘Someone has tampered with this!’
‘I don’t think so.’ Wanda said. ‘Clint came to me with it. I’ve seen it before with certain magic or energy. It can be used to shroud ones view from cameras or certain people if the wielder of said magic is strong enough.’
‘Of course. I’ve been so stupid. They will be wanting only me to see them. They wouldn’t expose themselves to the cameras.’ Loki’s face lit up, he was relieved that he wasn’t alone in this.
‘So… What do we do to find them?’ Clint asked.
‘You want to help?’ Loki looked at them, slightly shocked.
‘Of course. We’re all a team. One person’s troubles is all of our troubles.’ Natasha said, putting her hand on Loki’s shoulder.
He looked to Sophie and smiled, then back up at the three. ‘Thank you. I appreciate it. But there won’t be an easy way to lure them out. They are obviously plotting something, but what, I am not sure… I think we need to up security and train harder.’
‘Well, let’s get started then.’ Said Clint, rolling his shoulders with a grin.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
I'm still breathing, Chapter 45
TITLE: I’m still breathing CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 45 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine a mutant has been living on the streets for years, until she is picked up by the Avengers. She’s taken to live with them so they can help her to discover what her powers are. Loki especially, takes an interest in her. The two become very fond of one another as they discover what her power is. RATING: M
Over the months, Loki became really fond of their new companion. He loved her as much as Sophie did.
Sophie often found Serenity on Loki’s shoulder while he was doing day to day things, such as working in the lab or cooking food. The sight always melted her heart.
Loki wasn’t the only one who was very fond of her. She became The Avengers mascot. Appearing with them at a few press releases, usually draped around Sophie or Loki’s shoulder. She became very popular with the public, like a good luck charm. People always asked to pet her, which was obliged because she was a very friendly cat.
At the last press conference after a mission, Loki felt that bad shiver down his spine again like the time at the cinema. His eyes roamed over the crowd and he spotted four hooded figures at the back of the crowd. But being spotted, they quickly darted away.
‘Are you alright, Loks? You seem edgy.’ Clint asked when the team all returned with an Indian buffet for dinner.
‘I can’t shake a bad feeling I have… At the cinema a few months ago, and today at the press conference, I’ve seen four hooded figures. Can’t make out their faces, and both times they’ve rushed away.’ He said while opening the Indian containers and placing them out in the middle of the table.
‘Maybe they’re fans but not wanting to be seen.’ Bruce suggested.
‘Perhaps.’ Loki sighed.
Sophie sat down next to him and put her hand on his thigh. ‘This is really getting to you, isn’t it?’ She asked quietly while everyone else started loading food onto their plate.
‘Don’t worry, love. I am probably just being over paranoid.’ He smiled, covering her hand with his he gave her a squeeze.
‘Sometimes you need to trust your instinct. If you feel there’s something not right, maybe we should speak to Fury.’ Sophie didn’t want Loki to think that she wouldn’t take him seriously. But that was twice now he’d felt something wasn’t right.
‘Maybe.’ Loki hummed.
After dinner, Sophie took Loki aside to speak to him privately.
‘Do you want to go speak to Fury?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe I am being over paranoid.’ Loki sighed and slid his arms around her waist.
‘If it’s bothering you though, you should do something about it. You always tell me to go with my instincts.’
‘I know… I’ll speak to him in the morning, see if we can go over the footage from the press conference. Maybe the cameras caught something.’ Loki leaned down and kissed her softly.
In the middle of the night, Loki woke up with a cry from a nightmare. He was sweaty, shaking and terrified. Sophie turned on the lamp quickly and put her arms around him.
‘Loki! It’s ok, it’s ok! It was a nightmare, you’re safe.’ She said and pulled his head against her chest.
He put his arms around her, his breathing heavy and shaky while he tried to calm down. Sophie could feel his entire body shaking so badly.
‘Shhh, shhh.’ Sophie stroked his hair, to try and help soothe him. Once he had calmed down, she went to get something to drink from the kitchen, on her return they both sat up against the headboard to talk.
‘What was it?’
‘Thanos.’ Loki whispered.
Sophie frowned. ‘He can’t hurt you anymore, Loki. He’s dead.’
‘I know… but there are others.’ He whispered, looking Sophie in the eye.
She could see how terrified he was again. Between the nightmare and the hooded figures he saw, he was certainly on edge.
‘Is this because of the hooded group?’ Sophie rubbed his arm.
He nodded.
Serenity jumped up onto the bed using her mini stairs that Loki made for her, since she wasn’t quite fully grown yet she struggled to jump up from the floor, but she was getting there. She started purring as she walked up between the two and rubbed against them both in turn, then she crawled onto Loki’s lap and curled up while still purring away happily.
Loki let out a breath and petted her softly. She was always comforting, just like Sophie was.
‘Thanos has many followers. But the ones I am… concerned, about… are known as The Black Order. Four of his closest followers. Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw.’ Loki’s jaw clenched as he thought back to when he had met them.
‘What stupid names.’ Sophie scoffed, making Loki smirk. ‘Well, if it is them that are stalking us, we will kick their ass. They can’t be more powerful than Thanos, surely?’
Loki loved her optimism, he reached out to stroke her hair behind her ear. ‘Not singularly. But together they are a rather formidable force. I hope it is just my mind playing tricks on me, but I shall speak to Fury first thing in the morning.’
‘It’ll be ok.’ Sophie smiled.
‘I certainly hope so.’
The next morning, Loki and Sophie were up early. They grabbed something to eat for breakfast then went to see Fury.
‘Pinch me I must be dreaming.’ The director said when the two entered the room. ‘Never thought you two would be coming to me.’
Loki rolled his eyes. ‘That, and much more, can be arranged.’ He growled. He still wasn’t entirely keen on the man.
‘What can I do for you?’ Fury perched on the table in the middle of the room.
Sophie and Loki shared a look with one another. Then Loki spoke. ‘We’d like to go over all footage, including security cameras from the press conference yesterday.’
‘I have reason to believe that some of Thanos’ minions are stalking me.’ He said, squeezing Sophie’s hand.
Fury’s eye narrowed. ‘What makes you believe that? Who are these minions?’
‘The Black Order. Four powerful beings. A month or so ago, I saw four suspicious hooded figures at the cinema. The same again yesterday at the conference. I am… gravely concerned.’
Fury sighed. ‘I can’t do anything for you just feeling edgy around some punk ass kids. No doubt fans that don’t want to show their face!’ Fury said, pissed off. He stood up and stormed to the door.
‘Director, come on. You said yourself, it’s unlikely we would come to you for help. Loki wouldn’t just make up something like this if he wasn’t genuinely worried. Can’t we at least go over the footage?’ Sophie begged.
‘What good would it do?’ He folded his arms over his chest.
‘It would make me feel better to view it all.’ Loki snarled, trying to keep his cool.
‘Loki has helped you out so fucking much. The least you can do is help us out!’ Sophie snapped.
Fury pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘Alright. Fine. I will send the tapes through to Starks computer for you to view.’ He grumbled.
‘Thanks.’ Loki muttered as he and Sophie passed by him to leave.
On returning to base, they went straight to find Stark. He was in the lab with everyone else huddled around the computer.
‘Come on kids. We have the footage over from Fury. What is it we are looking for, exactly?’ Tony asked as he pressed play.
‘Anything suspicious. Hooded figures.’ Loki muttered, barging through the group with Sophie so they had the best view.
The footage played through the whole conference and there was no sign of any hooded figures or suspicious people.
‘This can’t be right. They were right there!’ Loki rewound the footage over and over, looking directly at where he’d seen them but there was nothing there.
‘Loks, maybe you need to take a break. Perhaps your mind is just playing tricks on you.’ Steve said, patting his shoulder.
Loki shrugged him off with a glare. ‘Do not patronise me, I am not going crazy. I know what I saw.’ He hissed.
‘No one has had access to these, there is no way it has been fiddled with.’ Said Bruce, feeling slightly sorry for the God. Even though he didn’t entirely believe him.
Loki was furious. He stormed off in a rage, blasting a hole in the wall with his Seidr instead of using the door.
‘FUCK SAKE, LOKI! YOU’RE PAYING FOR THAT!’ Stark shouted after him angrily. He then looked at Sophie. ‘Keep your boyfriend under control before he does something stupid!’
‘Maybe you lot should treat him like a proper team member instead of taking the piss! Why would he lie about something like this? You can be such assholes!’ She spat angrily at Stark especially, then she rushed off after Loki.
Sophie found him in the library after searching high and low, he was sulking on the chair by the window. She went over and plopped herself on his lap and slipped her arms around his neck. She leaned in and kissed his jaw.
‘I believe you, love. We will get to the bottom of it. I promise.’
Loki smiled half-heartedly. ‘Thank you, darling. You’re the only one who does believe me by the looks of it.’ He sighed.
‘Not the only one.’ Said a voice.
The couple looked up to see Clint, Natasha and Wanda walking in, with Clint’s iPad.
‘I stole the footage onto here, to take a better look. It looked slightly, distorted here.’ Clint leaned down by them and pointed directly at the place where Loki saw the figures.
‘That is where I saw them.’ Loki frowned. ‘Someone has tampered with this!’
‘I don’t think so.’ Wanda said. ‘Clint came to me with it. I’ve seen it before with certain magic or energy. It can be used to shroud ones view from cameras or certain people if the wielder of said magic is strong enough.’
‘Of course. I’ve been so stupid. They will be wanting only me to see them. They wouldn’t expose themselves to the cameras.’ Loki’s face lit up, he was relieved that he wasn’t alone in this.
‘So… What do we do to find them?’ Clint asked.
‘You want to help?’ Loki looked at them, slightly shocked.
‘Of course. We’re all a team. One person’s troubles is all of our troubles.’ Natasha said, putting her hand on Loki’s shoulder.
He looked to Sophie and smiled, then back up at the three. ‘Thank you. I appreciate it. But there won’t be an easy way to lure them out. They are obviously plotting something, but what, I am not sure… I think we need to up security and train harder.’
‘Well, let’s get started then.’ Said Clint, rolling his shoulders with a grin.
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acquavergine · 2 years
"lupa" the name for shewolf.. the one who saved Romulus and Remus as infants is also latin word for prostitute... so the story goes..
did everyone know that except for me?
i went to see Joker at a really cool original language art house theatre in the centre of rome. i liked the scene there.. two theatres, two movies at a time... and they start the movies really close together... so its like complete madness before the shows begin with long lines for tickets and  everyone waiting inside and outside, talking to the ticket lady for so long while they decide which seat they want, disappointed when the only rows left are the first two... eventually mere minutes before showtime they let people enter and suddenly it is so tranquil. the opposite of the calm before the storm ...
afterwards i was looking up the theatre to see what other movies will play next  and it automatically opened to the wiki page...
Cinema Nuovo Olimpia
is a small two screen art-house
in central
, notable as the location of the discovery of the
Ara Pacis
, discovered beneath the cinema building and excavated from beneath it in the 1930s.
The first theatrical use of this space was as a ballet and marionette theatre called “Teatro Fiano”. In the nineteenth century the theatre was named Teatro Olimpia. In April 1898, Teatro Olimpia was listed as showing 'Reale Cinematografo Lumiere'.
The first pieces of the Ara Pacis were recovered in the 16th century,
After this finds, we hear nothing more about the altar until 1859, when the Peretti Palace, which had by now become the property of the Duke of Fiano, needed structural work, In July 1903, it quickly became obvious that the conditions were extremely difficult and that the stability of Teatro Olimpia might well be compromised.
When about half the monument had been examined and 53 fragments recovered, the excavation was called to a halt.
In February 1937, the Italian Cabinet decreed that, as it was the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Augustus, the excavations should recommence, using the most advanced technology. Seventy cubic metres of ground under Cinema Nuovo Olimpia were frozen, whilst the altar was extracted.
The huge granite plinth of the Ara Pacis still lies under the Cinema Nuovo Olimpia today as engineers were never able to extract it.
dedicated to
, the
Roman goddess
. The monument was commissioned by the
Roman Senate
on July 4, 13 BC to honor the return of
to Rome and consecrated on January 30, 9 BC. the Ara Pacis stood in the northeastern corner of the
Campus Martius
, the former flood plain of the
Tiber River
and gradually became buried under 4 metres (13 ft) of silt deposits. It was reassembled in its current location, now the
Museum of the Ara Pacis
, in 1938.
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this is incredible !!!!! when people ask me why i like rome i do always say its because so many things are discovered underground. when they tried to make a new subway line it took decades because they kept having to stop and extract precious perfectly preserved things. monuments sculptures structures ancient forums. the italian people roll their eyes at this like it is a nuisance to the development of their city. and it is in some sense. but it is also a trove of treasure.
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starlight92 · 6 years
“And you're saying you can't sing”
Day 7 of @deepestfirefun  30 days writing challege.
I know it’s long overdue, but I had huge writing block. And sadly, it lasted (and got even stronger) after meeting my challenge character (aka Mr Turner). But the block is gone now so I’m gonna complete the challenge with huge pleasure!
Please note that English is not my first language so forgive me my mistakes.
My character for the challenge is Aidan Turner.
Note: I have changed timeline a bit. I wanted to focus on the Hobbit Era so I decided to make premiere of The Greates Showman during the time Hobbit was shot. SPOILER LAAERT FOR THE LIEUTENANT OF INISHMORE: we get to hear Aidan sing so what I wrote about his singing is 100% true.
Word count: 1 033 (yes, I had to quote the lyrics xD )
Finally I was able to drag Aidan to the cinema. He’s not really a guy who like going out for a dates. Well, me neither. We prefer to stay home, watch some silly TV show, eat unhealthy food or just play scrabble. But today we finally went to see a movie. And it wasn’t opening night to which Aidan got invitation and took me as his plus one. We went out just like a normal couple. He let me choose the movie and it wasn’t very wise of him. What movie musical junkie would choose? Of course The Greatest Showman! To say I was excited was understatement. I was almost jumping around on our way to the cinema singing songs that were featured in the movie. I know it was making Aid a bit angry and yet he was always chuckling (I’m always singing showtunes at home), but at least I changed musical.
After we were back home I played the album from TGS and sang along to all songs. Aid groaned as he collapsed on the sofa in the living room. I was jumping around singing The Other Side at the top of my lungs. Aidan was looking at me and suddenly he burst out laughing. I absolutely loved seeing him like this. Completely chill, reminded me of a guy I met a few years ago. I jumped on the sofa near him and cuddled into his chest.
“Tired, baby?”, he whispered as I nestled more into him. He didn’t need any words. He easily picked me up and carried to bed. I didn’t even realize when I was fast asleep, but I could swear I drifted off long before my head touched the pillow.
I woke up to the smell of coffee, eggs and the sound of The Greatest Showman album. I quietly went to the kitchen. Now The Other Side was playing. To my huge surprise I’ve heard Aidan sing Hugh Jackman’s part.
Right here, right now
I put the offer out
I don't want to chase you down
I know you see it
You run with me
And I can cut you free
Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in
So trade that typical for something colorful
And if it's crazy, live a little crazy
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional
Or you can risk it all and see
Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play
'Cause I got what you need
So come with me and take the ride
It'll take you to the other side
'Cause you can do like you do
Or you can do like me
Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key
Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly
It'll take you to the other side
To make it more surprising he was even swaying his sexy butt with the melody. I couldn’t help myself and when it was Zac Efron’s part I entered the kitchen singing as well
Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in
Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen
So thanks, but no
I think I'm good to go
'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in
Now I admire you, and that whole show you do
You're onto something, really it's something
But I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells
I'll have to leave that up to you
Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play
'Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride
I don't need to see the other side
So go and do like you do
I'm good to do like me
Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key
Oh, damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine
I don't need to see the other side
Aidan was pretty surprised as he probably thought I was still sleeping. However, he smirked widely when I started dancing next to him. I knew very well I was about to wake up the beast in him. It was usually me who was singing while making breakfast with Aid leaning against the doorframe. This time we were singing together jumping around the kitchen like kids. He was chasing me around the table and I tried to escape him. Of course he was faster and didn’t play completely fair. At one point he jumped on the table singing. After finishing his part he jumped back on the floor catching me in his tight embrace.
Don't you wanna get away to a whole new part you're gonna play
'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride
To the other side
So if you do like I do
So if you do like me
Forget the cage, 'cause we know how to make the key
Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly
We're going to the other side
So if you do like I do
(To the other side)
So if you do like me
(We're going to the other side)
'Cause if we do we're going to the other side
We're going to the other side
When the song finished we were both out of breath. He still didn’t let me go. I was pressed firmly against his chest and I felt something hard against my butt. I smiled slightly. Aidan started kissing my neck as his hands were roaming around my body. He was slowly leading me back to our bedroom.
“And you're saying you can't sing”, I smiled. He hardly ever sang. Mostly when it was storm outside and he had to calm me down. I really wished he could sing me more. His warm voice, so different from when he was speaking, was melting away all my problems, fears and pain.
“Because I can’t sing. And you’re the only one I can sing to. At least for now”, he replied with his lips on my neck.
“What about breakfast, mr Turner?”, I asked giggling.
“I guess some appetizer is the best option right now, future mrs Turner”, Aidan replied.
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wildfcress · 6 years
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"never have i been a calm sea // i am a storm” storm - fleetwood mac
“fire in her bones // honey in her soul // she is sweet when she has to be // and fierce when she needs to be” - unknown
Full name: 
Lily Josephine Evans
Lily (English): Lily flower. Pure. The symbolism of a lily is innocence, purity, and beauty.
Josephine [Jo-SUH-Feen] (French): May Jehovah add. Named after her grandmother on her mother’s side, Josephine Campbell.
Evans (Welsh): Son of Evan; Gracious gift of Jehovah
January 30th, born and raised in Cokeland 
Cokeland is located in the Midlands in England, so I think that in a real geographic perspective she grew up in what would be our Copeland, England.
Blood Status 
Zodiac Sign: 
If it’s new, radical and rebellious, Aquarians are all over it. The fact that these folks can think so creatively and inventively is one of their greatest assets. Water Bearers are all about progress and technology — they love the latest gadgets, gewgaws, computers, and next-generation technologies. Thanks to a genius that borders on insanity (!), those born under this sign have the unique ability to present ideas that will revolutionize the world. Their approach in doing so may be unpredictable, impersonal and at times cold.
Generally, that means ample space, since Aquarius traits tend to be freedom-loving and individualistic, these folks need to roam (and yes, they do enjoy travel). While Aquarians are generally sympathetic and compassionate, they like it when things go their own quirky way. Some might call their behavior eccentric (and they would be right), but when you consider that the Aquarian’s heart is truly in the right place, a few oddities should be overlooked. In their own way, Aquarians treasure their many friends and acquaintances and want to give back as much as they can.
At play, those born under an Aquarius sun sign like to surround themselves with lots of people, preferably family and friends. When it comes to love, this star sign will also be playful, even flirtatious. While they play for keeps, it won’t necessarily feel that way, since these folks are the opposite of jealous. The great strengths of the Aquarius-born are their vision, intellect and humanity. They are determined to make the world a better place and to help everyone they can along the way. They are truly the trailblazers of the zodiac.
(+) Affectionate,  Progressive, Humanitarian
(-) Temperamental, Aloof, Uncompromising
What’s their family life like?:
Her mother Aisla (Elle-sa) Evans (nee Campbell) works as a seamstress and her father Christopher Evans owns a convenience store. Her older sister Petunia Evans is currently going to Imperial College London for Communications and Public Affairs. 
She’s always been really close with her mother, but her and her father have never quite seen eye to eye. Her and Petunia used to be attached by the hip until Lily started to display magic. Losing her sister was like losing part of herself; being as close as the two were, she struggled to find herself again after that loss. To this day she refuses to lose hope that they’ll reconnect one day.
When did magic first begin to manifest itself?:
She was nine and she was playing in her grandma’s garden and accidentally crushed her lavender plant. When she picked it up it rebloomed in her hand.
Wand Characteristics:
10 1/4 inches, Willow, Dragon Heartstring, Swishy
Willow; those with willow wands are known to have unwanted insecurity and great potential. Lily hates how insecure she could get. She tries to hide it, mainly through studying and making sure everything is as perfect as possible. They perform strong non-verbal spells and often goes to those who feel they have a lot to learn. A proverb in the Ollivander family says “he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.”
Dragon Heartstring: The only thing on the face of the earth as temperamental as Lily. When she first got it it would not. Stop. Blowing up in her face. Literally and metaphorically. So she started working even harder to make sure that a stupid piece of wood wasn’t beating her, and she eventually learned how to get it under control. Wands with a dragon heartstring core are known to produce the strongest magic. They can also change allegiance when won in a battle, and it bonds fiercely to its owner. Whenever someone in her dorm tried to use it...well, the walls were pink for weeks.
How long did it take the wand to choose them?:
She found it on the seventh wand. She thought that was normal, but then the person after her found theirs in one shot so she was like....a LIL OFFENDED TBH.
How long did it take the sorting hat to sort them?:
Five minutes. It had a hard time deciding whether to sort her into Gryffindor or Slytherin, because of her strong leadership, bravery, and ambition. But ultimately it decided on Gryffindor because of her brashness beat out everything else.
How do they feel about their common room/dorm?:
Loves them! The colors and overall atmosphere of the common room are so fucking comfy to her, being in it always puts her in a good mood. She practically lives in front of the fireplace. As for her dorm, she’s decorated her space with tons of posters, letters, polaroids she’s taken through the years, and fairy lights around her bed, so it’s pretty much a safe haven.
If they could go to another school, where would they go?:
Beauxbatons! She’s a hopeless romantic, so she’d love to actually live in france and go to school there!! Like, wow!! Two birds with one stone!! Their uniforms are much cuter, and she’s heard nothing but amazing things about their academics. Or Ilvermorny, because she’s interested in the fact that it was originally just a homeschool, which turned into a small group before eventually evolving into the school it is today. 
Best classes:
Charms, Potions
Worst Classes:
Transfiguration, Divination
Doe. Like a doe, Lily is observant, protective of those close to her, nurturing, gentle, and determined.
Memory they’d use to conjure it:
Her seventh birthday. Her favorite aunt, Marabell, surprised her at her grandmother’s house with the astronaut Barbie doll she wanted. There was snow covering the ground and they explored the forest by her grandmother’s house until it started getting dark. When they went inside they had dinner (chicken franchise - her favorite) and after they were done cleaning up she helped her grandmother made lemon cake.
What does Amortentia smell like to them?:
Lemons, a woodsy smell, and a third scent she really can’t recognize
Are they in any clubs?:
Slug Club & Dueling Club
Did they bring a pet? If yes, what?:
She brought a white cat named Priscilla (Petunia named her, she wanted to name it Snowball)
How often do they get packages from home?:
All. The. Time. Her parents always send her newspapers, magazines, and candy from home.
Do they earn detentions often?:
If she got caught doing half the shit she does, she’d be in detention a lot more. BUT she’s good at hiding it. Some rules are meant to be broken, and being a prefect sure as hell has its perks. 
Are they the type to gain or lose house points:
Would they go to the Yule Ball? Who would they ask?:
You bet your ass she would. And she’d probably definitely go with Mary. Their actual dates can come too.
Do they play quidditch? If so, what position?:
Not currently, but she’s thinking about trying out for chaser next year if there’s a spot open.
Favorite color:
Describe their aesthetic in 3 words:
Black flower Doc Martens. Messy hair. Overly sized sweaters.
Theme song:
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Top 5 songs in their playlist:
Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine
Edge of Seventeen - Fleetwood Mac
Long Live - Taylor Swift
Now I Can Talk - Two Door Cinema Club
Nights - Frank Ocean
Vine that fits them: 
x x x x
3+ wanted connections: 
frenemy: someone that just grates her nerves. there’s no obvious reason as to why she doesn’t like them, but something about them makes her want to drive her head and theirs through a wall.
old flame: based off this song, something beautifully unofficial. lily has a huge heart and falls easily, so maybe something that was supposed to be nothing ended up being a lot more? possibly one sided? who knows. 
drinking buddies: can be multiple people! when shit gets real someone she could just drown her problems away with.
sass masters: this friendship is a lot of banter, light hearted insults, and teasing. they’re just having fun tbh.
quidditch: she wants to try out for quidditch next year, so someone to help her train and actually figure out what the fuck she’s doing
tutor: someone she tutors. simple as thAT
child: lily has taken this person under her wing and will do absolutely anything to protect them. she’s going all mama hen
unlikely friendship: lily can befriend a wALL. okay. so this is a friendship that you absolutely wouldn’t expect but it’s here 
fight club: she ALWAYS argues with this person. like every word out of their mouth just pisses her off immensely. even their presence makes her want 2 cry
internet: hogwarts is a big school, so i think it’d be fun to play with her befriending someone online and like just not knowing who they are in real life. they know each others name and houses and whatever but they’ve never actually met.
enemies: very self explanatory
more tba probably
Miscellaneous (Anything else you want to add): 
headcanon time!!
during school breaks she gets jobs around her town. not only does it give her muggle experiences that she wanted to have when she was younger, but she also feels guilty asking her parents for money every couple of months.
 she has two sets of school notes. one is the chickenscratch she takes during class, the second is a neater version of it that’s highlighted and bulleted and annotated. 
she’s HUGE into bullet journals
or just journaling for that matter. she thinks it’s fun
professional stealer of clothes. ur shirt missing? lily has it. ur pants? also lily’s. you probably won’t get it back.
her favorite candy is sugar quills (the white ones cause she’s basic)
the better her mood, the more sugar she puts in her coffee/tea
prefers coffee over tea
she knows every word to every one direction song
would much rather not wear shoes 
always has muggle pens and papers on her because you never know
she can NEVER have her nails done. she can for like a night but she’ll always end up picking it off
super cuddly. will more than likely fall asleep on you
is pretty much a cat
if she’s close with you, you have no faults. she will ignore everything wrong with them until she’s absolutely forced to face it. but once that trust is gone, it’s gone for good
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
Highly Vaccinated Israel Is Seeing A Dramatic Surge In New COVID Cases. Here's Why
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Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. Now it has one of the world's highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus.
What happened, and what can be learned about the vaccine's impact on a highly vaccinated country? Here are six lessons learned — and one looming question for the future of the pandemic.
1. Immunity from the vaccine dips over time.
Israel had fully vaccinated slightly over half its population by March 25. Infections waned, venues reopened to the vaccinated and the prime minister told Israelis to go out and have fun. By June, all restrictions, including indoor masking, were abolished.
But Israel paid a price for the early rollout. Health officials, and then Pfizer, said their data showed a dip in the vaccine's protection around six months after receiving the second shot.
2. The delta variant broke through the vaccine's waning protection.
It was a perfect storm: The vaccine's waning protection came around the same time the more infectious delta variant arrived in Israel this summer. Delta accounts for nearly all infections in Israel today.
"The most influential event was so many people who went abroad in the summer — vacations — and brought the delta variant very, very quickly to Israel," said Siegal Sadetzki, a former public health director in Israel's Health Ministry.
3. If you get infected, being vaccinated helps.
The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.
The bad news, doctors say, is that half of Israel's seriously ill patients who are currently hospitalized were fully vaccinated at least five months ago. Most of them are over 60 years old and have comorbidities. The seriously ill patients who are unvaccinated are mostly young, healthy people whose condition deteriorated quickly.
Israel's daily average number of infections has nearly doubled in the past two weeks and has increased around tenfold since mid-July, approaching the numbers during Israel's peak in the winter. Deaths increased from five in June to at least 248 so far this month. Health officials say that currently 600 seriously ill patients are hospitalized, and they warn they cannot handle more than 1,000 serious infections at the same time.
4. Israel's high vaccination rate isn't high enough.
The country jumped out ahead of all other countries on vaccines, and 78% of eligible Israelis over 12 years old are vaccinated.
But Israel has a young population, with many under the eligible age for vaccination, and about 1.1 million eligible Israelis, largely between the ages of 12 and 20, have declined to take even one dose of the vaccine.
That means only 58% of Israel's total citizenry is fully vaccinated. Experts say that's not nearly high enough.
"We have a very large fraction of our population who are paying the price for a small fraction of the population who did not go to get the vaccine," said Eran Segal of the Weizmann Institute of Science, who advises the Israeli government on COVID-19.
Unvaccinated people helped fuel the rapid spread of the virus while the country remained open for business in recent months with few serious restrictions.
"That will lead to mass infection, which is exactly what we are seeing now," said Segal.
5. Vaccinations are key, but they are not enough.
Israel is trying to slow the wave without resorting to a new lockdown, which Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says would take an economic toll and "destroy the future of the country." The country is placing caps on gatherings, increasing hospital staff and pleading for unvaccinated people to get immunized.
On Israel's doorstep, the vaccination rate is much lower in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Only around 8% of Palestinians have been fully vaccinated. Palestinians are wary of certain brands of vaccine in ample supply, like AstraZeneca's, while Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine is in shorter supply for Palestinians. But the Palestinian population is not a source of transmission in Israel. Only vaccinated Palestinians are given permits to enter Israel and Israeli settlements.
As for the low rate of vaccination in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, "we don't have a shortage of vaccine. It is the hesitancy," said Randa Abu Rabe, a local World Health Organization official working in the Palestinian territories.
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6. Booster shots offer more protection — if you are one of the world's lucky few to get them.
Israel is the first country to offer a third shot of the Pfizer vaccine in a nationwide booster campaign. Preliminary research in Israel suggests booster shots significantly increase protection against the coronavirus a week after a person receives the third dose.
Israeli national HMO Maccabi Healthcare Services, which conducted the preliminary study of 149,144 Israelis who received three Pfizer shots, said for Israelis above age 60, a Pfizer booster shot reduced the chances of infection by 86% and reduced the chances of severe infection by 92%.
The early data reflects studies by vaccine-makers Pfizer and Moderna and provides a glimpse at boosters' effects in a real-world setting.
After reviewing data on breakthrough infections in Israel, the U.S. announced a booster shot campaign beginning in late September for anyone eight months after their second shot. The U.K. has promised boosters soon, and Turkey is offering Pfizer shots to those immunized with the Sinovac vaccine to help citizens planning to travel, since some countries will not recognize the Chinese vaccine.
Israel has lowered the minimum age for boosters to 40. "The triple dose is the solution to curbing the current infection outbreak," Anat Ekka Zohar of Maccabi said in a statement.
Boosters are not being offered in the Palestinian territories yet, and the World Health Organization has called on countries to stop giving COVID-19 booster shots in order to help poorer countries get vaccinated.
"Israel very much respects the World Health Organization but acts according to local considerations and the interests of Israeli citizens. We help the world a lot," an Israeli health official told NPR, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the issue. "If the U.N. didn't secure enough vaccines for Chad, Mali, Myanmar and Guatemala, that doesn't mean that Israel shouldn't seek to prevent a pandemic from happening here."
Experts warn if countries do not vaccinate their populations, more variants will develop, threatening even vaccinated nations.
Looming question: Will we need COVID-19 vaccines every several months? We don't know.
The Cinema City movie theater complex in Jerusalem teems with young children and parents, but steps from the box office is a makeshift vaccination station where dozens of mostly older residents wait their turn to get booster shots.
More than a million Israelis have received a Pfizer booster shot in the last several weeks. They are being watched around the world, as Israel is the first nation to give a third dose of Pfizer on a mass scale, just as it was ahead of the curve on the first round of shots.
"They make the test of us," said Etti Ben Yaakov, sitting in a vaccination booth with her brother as he got a booster shot. "But in the first [round], it was the same. So I don't feel it's something wrong. I think it's good."
She predicts the coronavirus, like the flu, will mean shots every year. "We will have to live with the corona," she said.
Ido Hadari, of HMO Maccabi, which led the preliminary booster shot study, questioned whether regular shots will become the norm.
"I don't know of any disease where we are vaccinated every six months, and to be honest, I don't think the public will come to get vaccinated every six months," Hadari said. "But you cannot predict anything with this disease."
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Da Vinci Code: A Better, Smarter Blockbuster Than You Remember
I didn’t get it. When Ron Howard’s The Da Vinci Code took the world by storm in 2006, I was far from being a professional critic, but I could still be highly critical of something like this. It was an adaptation of the biggest literary phenomenon of the decade not starring Harry Potter, and it was arriving in cinemas with the kind of media frenzy usually reserved for Star Wars. All the while, its rollout suggested it had aspirations to be an awards contender. How could something that high-handed live up to that kind of hype?
As a splashy Hollywood version of Dan Brown’s most popular potboiler, The Da Vinci Code premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May and was the subject of countless faux-examinations about early Christianity on the cable news circuit—as well as the object of ire for some modern Christians’ growing need for perpetual outrage. Protests occurred at theaters throughout the U.S., while other international markets banned it outright. And all of that cacophonous noise was over… a pretty middle-of-the-road adventure movie. One that features Tom Hanks earnestly looking into the camera to declare “I need to get to a library!” as the music swells. Really?!
So, yes, I missed the appeal. And judging by the infamous catcalls the movie received at Cannes, which were followed by a tepid critical drubbing in the international press, I wasn’t alone in thinking the movie amounted to a lot of overinflated hoopla.
But a funny thing happened when I sat down to watch it on Netflix the other day, about 15 years after its release: I realized what a big goofy delight the movie could be with the right mindset, and what I as a teenager—and so much of the contemporary film press during its time—missed out on.
To be sure, The Da Vinci Code is still a ludicrous story that both benefited from and was weighed down by the sensationalism of its conceit. Written on the page by Brown like any other airplane-ready page-turner, with nearly each short chapter ending to the implicit musical sting of “dun-dun-DUN!,” the book is a pleasantly conceived time-filler. It’s about secret societies, dastardly supervillains, and a matinee idol for the academia set named Robert Langdon. Essentially Indiana Jones if Harrison Ford never took off the tweed jacket, Langdon is an expert in the real world field of art history and the fictional one of symbology, and his monologues give the proceedings a nice bit of pseudo-intellectual window-dressing. It’s all no more challenging to the viewer (or their storyteller) than the background details provided by M in James Bond flicks.
This formula turned Brown’s first Robert Langdon novel, Angels & Demons, into a literary hit, but what made The Da Vinci Code an international phenomenon—and thereby grabbed Hollywood’s attention—was the kernel of a brilliantly explosive idea: What if the MacGuffin in the next story wasn’t some abstract relic from antiquity but something that would challenge our very idea of Christianity today? What if the story of the “Grail Quest” turned out to be evidence that Jesus Christ was married? And what if Christ had children by that marriage?
And, finally, what if the evil “Illuminati” baddies here were an offshoot of the Catholic Church wanting to cover it all up?
Brown derived this twist from the research of Lynnn Picknett and Clive Prince in The Templar Revelation, a highly speculative text which posits the relationship between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene has been downplayed for millennia by the Catholic Church, beginning with the Council of Nicaea—the ecumenical Roman council in 325 C.E. that essentially decided which early Christian texts would comprise the New Testament and which would not—and continued through Leonardo da Vinci secretly placing Mary Magdalene in his “The Last Supper” mural by putting her at the right hand of Christ. In an era with a growing interest in conspiracy theories, this one was the mother lode.
Brown took these fringe theological ideas  and gave them an erudite sheen in The Da Vinci Code while still essentially writing a piece of fluff. It’s an international escapade where the MacGuffin is the most interesting element.
This made for an addictive beach read, but in Howard and Sony Pictures’ pricey movie adaptation, the pretenses were heightened to operatic levels. Consider the way Howard and cinematographer Salvatore Totino bask in the oppressive shadows entombing the frame whenever Paul Bettany’s murderous Brother Silas appears on screen. As a homicidal albino monk, Silas wouldn’t look out of place battling Roger Moore over nuclear codes. But Howard’s film plays it completely straight by coveting each shot of Silas’ self-mutilations and prayers, and by suggesting the character has something profound to say about the zealotry of religion (or perhaps just the Catholic sect of Opus Dei).
Similarly, Hans Zimmer writes a lush ecclestial score throughout the film, seeming to imply this is some mighty exploration of religion, and a study in the conflict between faith and skepticism. After all, the doubting Langdon is forced to revisit his Catholic School youth when he discovers his new friend is the direct descendent of Jesus Christ.
That all these elements ultimately act as scaffolding for a popcorn movie in which adults can indulge in entertaining a little heresy, or at least give lip service to religious introspection while also cheering the car chases and convoluted plot twists, turned off plenty of critics. Yet it’s fair to now wonder if such middlebrow pleasures simply went over some heads?
As a film, The Da Vinci Code is a lot more basic than its presentation suggests. Nevertheless, there is an intriguing premise at its heart that made it an international watercooler discussion in the first place, and the perfect culture war lightning rod of the Bush years.
While I wish Brown did more with the megaton-potential of his setup, he nevertheless provided an unusually brainy foundation for his potboiler. One in which subjects like medieval history, early Christian theology, and the treasures of the Louvre were put front in center in pop culture, as opposed to superheroes and space wizards.
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It’s still a frustration that The Da Vinci Code and its sequels abandoned his pearl of a MacGuffin right when its intrigue was at its highest. Genuinely, what would you do if you discovered you’re the last living descendent of Christ and can change the world religions with a single DNA test? Even so, rather than relying on ultimately meaningless plot devices like magical space stones, or cursed pirate treasure, Brown’s story caused audiences to examine the foundations of their world, and the origins of the tenets that might guide their lives.
Whether or not the Templar Order really found the remains of Mary Magdalene and realized she was the bride of Christ, the origins of what is and is not Christianity, or Christlike, being decided by a bunch of acrimonious bishops at Nicaea challenges viewers to more seriously interrogate what they accept as handed down gospel. And the millennia-long persecution of women touched upon in The Da Vinci Code ferrets out the enduring realities of modern gender dynamics, even if Brown and Howard tack a wacky and amusing conspiracy theory on top of it.
The Da Vinci Code is popcorn soaked in bombastic media hype, but it still leaves you with more to digest than the type of mainstream blockbuster spectacles that have replaced it in the last 15 years—often while receiving far less rigorous criticism from the modern film press.
Consider how in the pivotal scene on which The Da Vinci Code turns, Ian McKellen makes a meal out of the reams of exposition he’s handed. It’s left to McKellen’s mischievous smile to sell and explain the vast historical background that informs the film’s thesis. In most modern blockbusters, these scenes have been reduced to the perfunctory—bare bone obligations that must be met as quickly and unexceptionally as possible. But the narrative mystique that occurs when such exposition is handled with awe is at the very heart of The Da Vinci Code, and the movie sparks to life within the twinkle of McKellen’s eye.
“She was no such thing,” McKellen’s Sir Leigh Teabing bellows when the misconception of Mary Magdalene being a prostitute is mentioned. “Smeared by the Church in 591 Anno Domini, the poor dear. Magdalene was Jesus’ wife.” The anger in McKellen’s voice perhaps betrays an all too personal knowledge of the mistruths spread in the name of religious orthodoxy. And when he asks other characters to “imagine then that Christ’s throne might live on in a female child,” audiences are likewise invited to conspire–dreaming of the potential real world implications of an otherwise wild fantasy.
It may not be great art or history, but The Da Vinci Code uses both to offer a great time—or at least a pretty good one where Paul Bettany is depicting obsession with God instead of cosmic cubes. And 15 years later, after its era of star-led spectacles has passed, the picture still works as a blockbuster meant to entertain adults with at least a passing interest in issues more mature than what they used to talk about on playgrounds. Given the state of modern Hollywood tentpoles, that sounds blasphemous, indeed.
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The post The Da Vinci Code: A Better, Smarter Blockbuster Than You Remember appeared first on Den of Geek.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
REVIEW: Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Takes the Franchise For One of the Best Rides in Anime
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  A note on safety: The following movie review undertook the strictest of safety procedures to watch the anime film in cinemas in Japan, including washing hands with disinfectant before and after, sitting in seats apart from others, going to a cinema outside of the busy metro area, and wearing a mask during the entire runtime of the movie. We strongly urge everyone to follow the recommended safety protocol in your country and always wear a mask when in public — not just for your sake, but everyone else’s as well.
  The much anticipated Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba THE MOVIE Mugen Train anime film opened in Japan last Friday, taking everyone watching for an emotional ride through the next story of the anime adaptation of Koyoharu Gotouge’s record-breaking manga series that ran in Weekly Shonen Jump. 
  The story of Demon Slayer: Mugen Train continues from where the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba TV anime series left off. It’s strongly recommended to watch that before watching Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, but in my opinion, the film does a good enough job of bringing people up to speed in its opening scenes that it’s not 100 percent needed. This review will contain spoilers for the TV anime series, but not for the story of the film, so you’ve been warned.
    #NEWS Fall deeper into an endless dream with the brand new trailer from “Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train" featuring theme song “Homura” by LiSA! The film hits theaters across the USA and Canada in 2021! pic.twitter.com/FkWQNTi2gY
— Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba USA (@DemonSlayerUSA) August 2, 2020
  Going into Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, I didn’t expect to be wowed as much as I was. Throughout the entire film, I was shaking my head in disbelief that the team at Ufotable, led by director Haruo Sotozaki, who returns from the TV anime, was able to surpass the animation from one of the best-animated anime series. 
  I could clearly tell that Ufotable had stepped everything up a notch. The anime studio is known for its dynamic 3D backgrounds, though before now they have largely been used with minimal 2D assets — scenes were littered with 3D assets that, while looking good, were usually masked by filters and effects to give the illusion of 2D work.
  Not here.
  The opening scene has the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps., Kagaya Ubuyashiki, walking through a graveyard with a background that rivals that of Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away. I was astounded by the level of detail on display. Ufotable’s digital team worked hard throughout the film to combine the 2D traditionally drawn assets and the camera of 3D compositing to create scenes that rival those seen in Violet Evergarden the Movie. But that was only one type of technique used for the background art.
  During certain key scenes, the landscapes, such as snow or the sun rising, were almost realistic, giving off the same look like the ending of Sarazanmai, which has some key animation layered over the top of live-action photos/videos. This not only helped the scenes look spectacular but helped drive the emotional intensity of what was happening on screen — but again, no spoilers!
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    While the story of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, either in manga or anime form, doesn’t really shake the foundations of action battle series storytelling, what sets Demon Slayer apart from the rest is the presentation, how the story is set out, and the lovable characters. Demon Slayer: Mugen Train is no different in that regard. Throughout the film, the story beats are pumped up by the music, the animation, and the emotional tugs at our hearts watching characters we love go through painful situations.
  Demon Slayer: Mugen Train is Rengoku’s story, hands down. Though the anime film does a wonderful job of letting us follow Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, and Zenitsu, this story was fully centered around the Flame Hashira Rengoku. While we first met Rengoku at the Ubuyashiki mansion in the TV anime, we really get to know him through the story of Mugen Train and see the struggles he went through to get to where he is. 
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    The film does spend some time on the other characters and fleshing them out more, especially through a certain dream sequence, but the main focus was on Rengoku — as it should have been.
  In saying that, Demon Slayer: Mugen Train adapts the manga story very closely, which is lucky for it as the story is mostly self-contained, letting it be a good starting point for newcomers to the franchise — though again, I should stress, the emotional impact of the film would be lessened if you have not seen the TV anime series.
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    For those who watch Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba for the action, you will not be disappointed. Fight scene after fight scene rivals, and sometimes surpasses, that of Episode 19 of the TV anime series. Funnily enough, the film flashes back to the TV anime version of the Rui vs. Tanjiro/Nezuko fight, giving viewers a great comparison of how much the movie has evolved past that of the TV anime series. 
  While I’m usually a fan of a clean digital animation style, Demon Slayer: Mugen Train differentiates itself from the TV anime by applying a film grain-like filter over the top of the entire film, which only helps in the comparison with the older Ghibli-style films and adding to the older aesthetic of the setting of the franchise.
  This is all while keeping the trademark humor of Demon Slayer intact, both visually and through the voice acting. The film is littered with humorous cutaways that can be found in the manga series. One example features Rengoku being praised by everyone else in a cut that looks like it was lifted straight out of the manga and colored. These scenes give the audience some chuckles before the brewing demonic storm. 
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    As seen in the trailers, the team fights a demon named Enmu, who hijacks a train to do their own bidding. The fight between the slayers and the demon was a visual spectacle. Hands down some of the best action scenes in anime ever. Over and over again, the music, sound effects, animation, and CG background made for such a satisfying fight. 
  Though in true Ufotable fashion, the CG 2nd form of the demon looked goofy when compared to the traditionally animated elements in the scene. The titular train also looked a little out of place when contrasted with the rest of the perfectly polished establishing shots, but as it was dark most of the time it was on screen, it wasn’t as jarring as Enmu was in the lit-up carriages.
  The second fight — which had higher emotional stakes, and left not a dry eye in the theater — was nothing but spectacular, though I felt it was a little short. One aspect of the second fight I loved was the storyboarding. The crazy monster of the first fight was gone and what was left was what looked like two, albeit very powerful, humans struggling to kill one another. The demon was nothing more than a man trying to take down a Hashira. Of course, the breathing techniques from Rengoku threw that realistic fight aspect out of the train window, but nevertheless, I loved the human aspect of it all.
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    Without the soundtrack, from Go Shiina and Yuki Kajiura, who return from the TV anime, Demon Slayer: Mugen Train wouldn’t have had as much of an impact as it did. While they remixed a lot of the soundtrack from the TV anime series — which was great to hear coming out of IMAX speakers — the new music created for the film had an almost haunting feel to it. The music was accentuated with what sounded like gospel singers, belting out hymns as the sun rose on the final battle.
  The end credits song "homura" by LiSA was equally as fitting for what had just occurred in front of me, letting me be able to work through what I had just seen as the credits rolled by.
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    For fans of Demon Slayer; you were already going to see this film, you don’t need me to tell you to go see it. What I will say is that for manga readers — you’ll get a kick out of some scenes in the film, especially the ones teasing what is to come in future arcs. For animation fans, yeah Demon Slayer: Mugen Train is a bit of a popcorn flick, but it’s one that has heart and some of the best animation in anime today, from some of the best creators and teams in the industry.
  Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba THE MOVIE Mugen Train is a wonderful train ride that should be taken when it is safe to do so.
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    You can watch the original Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba TV anime series on Crunchyroll before Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba THE MOVIE Mugen Train lands in the west in early 2021. The anime film opened in Japan on October 16. 
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      Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
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I haven't posted one of these in a while but today was a special kind of shift so here are some of the experiences I had to deal with:
(Note I was working at the bar in a cinema where we have some annoying licensing agreements which include no drinks in screens before 6pm unless the film is either 15 or 18, and we also only allow 3 drinks per ticket and we have to put a stamp on for each drink sold to help keep track of this. It's literally the law so not like I can just let people away with it if I feel like it)
1. We only have 2 tills on bar with it being one person serving 99% of the time and only ever two servers when we're super busy and have a long queue. Today we only had one working till. (I'd also like to add that while we were busy today I managed to keep my queue at no more than 3 people at any one time with only once having 4 people so I like to think I did a good job)
2. I had to change my till roll at one point and after that for some reason my receipts all printed out about a metre long with a bunch of numbers and with all the writing down one side... I had to get my supervisors to swap my printer with the one from the broken till so it would work again 🤔
3. I had a customer who stood at the counter and I told him to come to my till. He then tried to argue with me telling me to just serve him there (it's also worth noting that we have signs that say to customers to go to a till to be served but I think they seemed to have disappeared.. so I wasn't just being picky) I won the argument by telling him I couldn't pass him his drink over the higher counter because my shaky hands make me wary of dropping or spilling glasses where the till has a lower counter 😂
4. The customer who came over to complain that she had been trying to buy a ticket from the machine for 20 minutes with cash (you know, the machine that literally says it only takes card payments 🤷‍♀️) and she asked if she could buy a ticket from me. I had no queue and no reason to not sell her a ticket except that we can't sell tickets at the bar. I told her to go to the snacks counter where yes, there was a queue, and she literally asked "can you actually not sell me tickets? You're not just saying you can't?" Like I'm gonna just say yes I can and I'm just lying to you for the sake of it? No.
5. And the customer who bought a drink to have in the bar (I have 2 ways a conversation goes with a customer: I ask if they want their drink to sit in the bar or take it to a screen, they say they want it for the bar and I proceed to pour them their drinks. OR I ask if it's to sit in or take through, they say to take through and I ask to see their tickets and if it's before 6 and their film is not a 15 or an 18 I explain our licensing and I don't sell them their drink -I actually often tell customers who can take their drink in what our licensing rules are anyway so they know that just because they can take it in this time they might not get to next time. If they say they'll sit in now but take it in if they don't finish it I still explain the licensing rules and ask what film they're seeing... 9 times out of 10 if they can't take it in they buy the drink anyway and just have it at the bar or they opt for a smaller drink instead to have before they go through. Anyway back to today's customer...) so she bought her drink to have in the bar then later she came back to get a plastic cup to take it through. I checked her tickets and she was going into a 12A. So I told her she couldn't take it through and she went off in a sulk. She then came back to me (keeping in mind we were busy) and said loudly across the bar that I "should have made that clearer when I bought it" to which I just told her "if you'd told me you wanted to take it through I would have" and she didn't respond, downed her drink, and stormed off. Also worth noting every coworker and the supervisor I mentioned this woman to agreed with me that it wasn't my fault 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
6. Also our bar knife went missing so I couldn't cut up the fruit and my supervisor had to go out and buy a new one and I feel kinda special because I got to be the first person to use it 😂
7. The customers who ask for cocktails. Who are you kidding, we're a cinema, why would we sell cocktails?
8. The guy who wanted a drink we didn't have so then had to wait for his wife to come to see what she wanted instead, the pair of them complained loudly while I served the next customer that I was taking too long, then she fucked off with the tickets so I couldn't sell them their drinks to take through anyway 🤷‍♀️
And I had a million other rude customers, some idiots who didn't have their tickets but asked me to sell them drinks anyway (uh no!)
But a special shoutout to my first customer of the day who was like "sorry I'm not quite with it today" after taking honestly not that long to get her money out and I said it was fine, I was quiet so she could take all the time she needed and she thanked me for being patient. 90% of customers moan at me for not having their drinks poured in 0.2 seconds because they're missing their film even though it's been about a month since I actually had a bar shift, so she was a nice change 😃
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elizabethsharmon · 7 years
One down, five to go
Skam Month: week three, day five (fredag) ⇾ free choice
↳ When Yousef and Sana's first baby is born, he decides to take things in his hands. But his actions may have some unexpected effects... 
Read on AO3
“Dude, what are you doing here?” Elias stormed at Yousef once he went out of the room. “Why aren’t you inside?”
“Yousef, is everything alright?” Mr. Bakkoush asked approaching them.
“Yousef, man, what’s going on?” Elias kept on asking but Yousef just stared blankly at them.
Finally he said:
“She kicked me out.”
“What???” Elias asked confused.
“She kicked me out.” Yousef repeated. “She said that it’s all my fault and that she hates me and I don’t want her to hate me, I love her, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me, I mean not the thing, she is not a thing, she is a person, but she’s the best and I love her but she said that she doesn’t want me there and that I did it to her and she doesn’t want to see me and…” he said everything in one breath and he would probably keep on rambling if Mr. Bakkoush hadn’t put his hand on Yousef’s arm.
“Son” he said. “Everything is okay. She doesn’t hate you. She’s just going through a lot right now. So just get yourself together and go back in, okay?”
He could hear his friends standing nearby and silently laughing, clearly amused by the whole situation. He also noticed that his parents and Sana’s friends have just arrived and were going in their direction. But Yousef was just standing there completely numb, shifting his look from Mr. Bakkoush and Elias, still very confused and worried, still not sure what to do.
“Okay” he finally said. “I’m going in.”
“Yeah, bro, do that.” Elias encouraged him and patted him on the back.
Yousef took one final look at all of them and went back to the room.
Before he shut the door, they could all hear Sana screaming “WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN???” from inside.
He came back to the hallway after 3 hours. Completely exhausted, his hair plastered to his forehead with sweat, his t-shirt stuck to his body, he leaned against the wall as everyone surrounded him, waiting with anticipation for him to say anything.
“It’s a girl.”
Everyone started cheering, hugging him and saying “congratulations!”. Elias then shouted “I’m an uncle!” and he and the rest of the boys started fighting with him that they’re her uncles, too, but Elias told them that he is the only real uncle. His parents, his father-in-law and the girls wanted to know all the details, how does she look (she looks perfect), did she take after him or after Sana (definitely after Sana, thank God), how much does she weight (2.9 kg), how tall is she (53 cm), what was her Apgar score (10/10) and other things. When they finally stopped nagging him with all these questions and left him enough space to finally breathe, he has just slid down and sat on the floor.
He was a father now.
Yousef and Elias had to barricade the entrance to Sana’s room because the boys insisted on seeing the “Ballon Squad’s First Baby” (as they’ve already named her). After Mr. Bakkoush and Sana’s doctor told them that they should give the mother and the baby some time to rest, they’ve finally let go and left with the girls (although they said they’ll definitely come back the next day and this time they will go inside no matter what), while Bakkoushs and Acars went in to see the new addition to their families.
After their daughter finally fell asleep, Sana kicked Yousef out and told him to go home and get some rest. He didn’t want to go, he wanted to stay with them forever, but Sana insisted that it’s already 2 a.m. and he doesn’t need to be here watching them sleep (Yousef had a different opinion about that, so to speak), but she will need him here in the morning, fresh and rested, so he finally let go, kissed the two women of his life on the forehead and went home.
He took a cold shower and went to bed. But he couldn’t fall asleep, not after such an eventful day. He couldn’t really believe that she was finally here, the past 9 months were the longest – but also the most happiest – months of his life. It seemed like it was only yesterday when Sana told him she is pregnant.
They went out to eat something with their friends and Sana was acting very strange that evening. After the dinner they all wanted to go bowling or go to the cinema but Sana was very moody and started telling them that she does not wish to support the American culture spread to Norway by seeing their clichéd films nor she wants to go and wear some smelly shoes after another person to just throw a stupid ball and pretend that she’s having “fun” and that she had enough of the “fun” for this evening (and she really did insert quotation marks when she was saying this) and that she is going back home. Without waiting for Yousef she just turned around and started walking towards the bus stop.
“You know, Sana, you could have just said you want to come back home, there was really no need for saying all those things and making them all feel bad.” he said when they came back home.
“Oh yes, because it’s always all about them, all about how OTHERS feel, isn’t it? Well, know this. In this particular moment I don’t give a damn about how they’re feeling, okay? They’ve made me feel like shit so many times before, I don’t always have to be nice to them, so stop acting like you care about them so much, okay?!” she screamed at him and he was then more confused than ever.
“Sana, what’s going on? Why are you acting like this?”
She started to look for something in her bag and finally pulled out a piece of paper which she threw at him, screaming:
“Because I’m pregnant, you idiot!” and then she turned her back and ran to the bathroom, leaving him completely dumbstruck, holding a piece of paper against his chest.
He looked at it but all he could see were just some medical names and the percents with some numbers, he didn’t understand a thing from it. He followed her to the bathroom, she was sitting on the floor, crying. When he sat next to her, she started talking, looking numbly at the wall:
“We were practicing drawing blood today at the university. From each other. And later we were doing blood tests. And Isak wanted to draw my blood again, because he said he messed something up with the previous sample, but then he did it again and the result was the same and he just let me see and… And I’m pregnant.” finally she shifted her eyesight from the wall and looked at him “Yousef, I’m pregnant.”
He was folding the blood results she gave him all the time she was talking. He could feel her eyes looking at him and he finally managed to lift his head. He was studying her face for a while, before finally his lips broke into a huge smile and he shouted quietly:
“We’re going to have a baby!”
“So you’re happy?” she asked shyly.
“Sana, are you kidding me? Am I happy? Come on, Sana, don’t make me throw you under the shower!”
Now she also started laughing. They’re going to have a baby.
They’ve decided not to tell anyone before the end of the first trimester. It was really hard for Yousef to keep his mouth shut, there were so many times he had to bite his tongue before accidentally slipping the news to the boys. Finally, they’ve decided to tell everyone during Sana’s birthday party. They thought it wouldn’t be weird to give every guest a little gift – after all not only they were the hosts of the party, but it was also Christmas Eve and even though they weren’t celebrating it, little gifts wouldn’t seem to be something unusual. So after Sana had blew out the candles, they asked everyone to open their little boxes. Inside each of them there was an ultrasound photo. They all were completely shocked and didn’t seem to be completely sure what was going on until Sana said “I’m pregnant” and Yousef added “We’re having a baby”.
Two months later on a lazy Sunday afternoon, Yousef was chilling on the couch, watching a basketball game. He could hear Sana coming into the room from the kitchen and out of the sudden she said:
“Stephen is kicking”
“What?” he asked, he didn’t know where’s this coming from, Stephen Curry was not playing in this game and is the verb ‘kicking’ even used in the basketball vocabulary? But she just repeated:
“Stephen is kicking”
“What?” he asked really confused and turned around to look at her.
“Stephen. Is. Kicking.” she articulated every single word very slowly and clearly, pointing to her belly.
He jumped out of the couch immediately and ran towards her, placing her hand on her tummy. He could feel it. He could feel their baby. He looked at her with pure admiration on his face and she just laughed. But soon when it hit him, he stopped smiling at her and she stopped laughing when she saw the look on his face.
“Sana, did you seriously just called our baby Stephen? Sana our baby will not be named Stephen. We don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl.” he reminded her, they didn’t want to know, they wanted to be surprised.
“Oh, I know, but I can feel it’s a boy and Stephen is just a perfect name for him!”
“Nei, Sana. No way. We will not name our son Stephen. Over my dead body.”
“Well, we’ll see about that.”
And for the past four months she was teasing him all the time, saying things like “I’m so tired, I think Stephen and I will go and get some sleep” or “oh, I must eat some pickles, Stephen adores them”, and soon it became a running joke among their friends and family and everyone was just texting Yousef asking him “how are Sana and Stephen doing?” and things like that. But the only one who never laughed at that was Yousef.
So when few hours ago, they finally got to hold their baby for the first time and after they both said that she is beautiful and perfect and how much they love her and each other, he asked her teasingly:
“So no Stephen, huh?”
“Well, not this time.”
But now, laying in the bed at 4 a.m. in the morning Yousef decided that there won’t be another time. He won’t take any risk about that. And when he decided what he would do, he was finally able to fall asleep.
It was almost 10 a.m. when he finally arrived at the hospital. When he entered Sana’s room, she was laying on the bed, holding their daughter tucked up in her arms. He kissed both of them on the forehead and sat on the edge of the bed. Only then he noticed the balloons in the corner of the room.
“Wait, have the boys came here already? I told them not to bother you until I call them that they can come!”
“No, Noora and Eva came by on their way to work. And they’ve also brought us this.” she said pointing to the book of names laying on the bedside table. “We should pick a name. Since Stephen is no longer an option, we’re left with nothing. I was looking through it and I like some of them, so I thought that maybe you would take a look at all of them today and later will do the final selection, huh? Yousef, are you even listening to me?”
He finally dared to look at Sana with a guilty look on his face.
“Sana, I have to tell you something but please don’t be mad at me.”
“Okay, I’m already getting mad when you say things like that. What have you done, Yousef?”
“I… I’ve already picked the name.” he said and Sana looked relieved.
“Ugh, thank God, I thought something worse has happened. What’s the name you like?”
“Sana, no. You misunderstood me. I’ve already registered her in the office.” as soon as he said that he could see the change on Sana’s face, she was already furious.
“You did WHAT??? You named MY DAUGHTER without telling me???” she yelled at him.
“Hey, she’s my daughter, too.” he reminded her.
“I’m not so sure about that now!”
“What do you mean?” he asked really confused. “Sana???”
“HOW COULD YOU PICK THE NAME OF MY FIRSTBORN WITHOUT TELLING ME FIRST???” she screamed and their daughter started to fidget restlessly in Sana’s arms.
“Sana, please calm down.”
She took a deep breath and with fire in her eyes, she asked him:
“What’s the name?”
“Okay, I will tell you but first you have to give me her, because I’m worried you might do something to her.”
“Yousef, tell me the name.”
“Sana, pass me the baby.”
She looked at him really angrily and finally gave him the baby. In return he took his backpack from the ground and gave it to her.
“The certificate is inside.”
He focused his eyes on his little girl, he didn’t dare to look at Sana’s face when she finds out. Soon he heard her angry sigh.
“Nei, nei, nei, nei, nei. You did not name our daughter like this.”
“What do you think?”
“About the name?” she asked and he nodded. “I hate it.”
“No, Sana, you love it.” he said and smirked, still not looking at her.
“I. Hate. It.” in that moment the baby started crying and Sana thought it must be the sign as well. “See? She hates it, too.”
“No, she loves it.” Yousef said and finally looked at Sana. “And you love it, too.”
“No, I hate it. And I hate you. Look, she’s crying since you took her, she hates you, too.”
Yousef just chuckled at that and started to make funny faces at their daughter and talking in his special “just-for-children” voice.
“No, she loves me. Yes, you do! You see, Sana, she loves me! And she loves the name. Yes, she does! And yes, your mommy loves me, too, she’s just messing around with us. Yes! Yes, oh you’re so cute.” after talking like this for about 2 minutes and looking at her with pure admiration, she finally stopped crying and Yousef turned around to triumphantly look at Sana. “See? Told you she loves it.”
But Sana was still sitting there, looking at him with her death glare.
“Pass her to me.”
He just smiled really widely and placed their daughter in her arms.
“Go to your mommy, Stephanie Sana Bakkoush Acar.” he said, kissing her on the forehead. “You secretly love it, don’t you?” he asked Sana looking her directly in her eyes.
“No, I hate it.” she said and turned her gaze, but for a millisecond he could see a little smirk passing her face.
“No, you don’t.” he said, hugging her and when she was absolutely sure he cannot see her face, she smiled really widely at her daughter. She did love the name.
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