#and two the guy was like can u imagine a game doesn’t hit the release window and you get no news and I was like
apotelesmaa · 1 year
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This is so heartwarming but also so so so funny. ratata arts went please support our studio so we can make ratatan here is our goal :)!! and within like 47 minutes patapon fans swarmed the Kickstarter like starved piranhas and not only fully funded it in under an hour but with 20 days left to go have met almost all of the stretch goals (2 more left to go). Reading the comments underneath the announcement is like “patapon trilogy raised me and every night it would tuck me into bed and kiss my forehead. I will be giving my life’s savings towards ratatan in your hour of need. Thank you”
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alexplayssimsnstuff · 5 years
Bella Goth Disappearance FINALLY Solved!
Back in the day, I had originally subscribed to the theory that Bella was abducted by aliens that were set on her by the Caliente’s who then murdered her when she returned, and so I went in the game to do a walkthrough as to how I came to that theory. That’s when I found that I WAS WAYYYY OFF, there is a whole ass rabbit-hole here, and like a total Alice, I fell in it.
And, after 16 years of wondering and imagining different scenarios, I finally found out the truth. Turns out, we were ALL wrong, and the truth has been staring at us in the face the whole time.
Just as a warning, this is VERY dark and bleak and depressing. Bella wasn’t dealt a good hand, guys. What happened to her was all sorts of MESSED up.
Just for clarity, I do base this off of events that happen in the official sims storyline, because while the game is ultimately up to us to live life as we like, go ahead and do whatever with your game, there IS a story being told here, but in a way that doesn’t conflict with our own free will. It’s ingenious, really. This goes with the main Sims games released for PC and Mac. However, the console versions do provide a lot of insight to further details and situations. Specifically the Sims 2 for PSP, and the Sims 3 for the Nintendo DS.
 So, first off, it has been verified what happened to her: In 2014, Twitter held an AMA for the SimGurus just before the release of the Sims 4. Someone asked the following question, and SimGuru Sarah responded.
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It was later confirmed that Bella Goth of Lunar Lakes IS the Bella Goth of Pleasantview. She does look like the rest of the ghosts there with pale skin and yellow hair and eyes, and with that in mind, you can see for yourself…
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That’s her, alright.
Okay, if she died on Lunar Lakes, there are still questions that need answers:
1.       Did she ever go home?
2.       Does her family know what happened to her?
3.       How did she die on Lunar Lakes?
Well, she died of old age, that can be found out easily enough, but I found the answers to the other two: Kinda and no.
 So, just to recap, I’m gonna review Bella’s life as we know it canonically.
Bella was born to Simis and Jocasta Bachelor of Sunset Valley. She grew up the road from her childhood best friend, and later, husband, Mortimer Goth, with her older brother Michael. She always had a sense of the macabre and dark and was known as “the best dressed girl in town.” Even then she wore a red dress. A more child appropriate red dress, but a red dress. She just came from an average suburban family who had a fascination for the not average. She’s still a child, and not a Goth yet. She still goes by the surname Bachelor.
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Twenty-five years later, she shows up in the Sims 1 with her childhood best friend and now husband, Mortimer Goth, and they have moved into their own home, and have a daughter, Cassandra. Her in-laws moved out of their home in Sunset Valley and moved into what would later become the Goth House of the Sims 2 in the beginnings of what would be known as Pleasantview. Unless you got her a job, she was a housewife, and she was known to be athletic, elegant, and friendly towards her neighbors. I remember her often being the first to come and say hello to any new Sims I’d move into the neighborhood. Her brother, Michael, is also in town, however, there is no acknowledgement of them being siblings. A family tree system didn’t really exist in the Sims 1, and I’m sure they didn’t even think to make them siblings back then, but the fact remains that they have no relationship at this point in time. The only reason why it’s known that Cornelia and Gunther Goth are Mortimer’s parents is because it straight up says so in the bio. That and their names are the same, but anyway.
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So far, things are simple.
That’s because in the 25 years between the Sims 1 and 2, a series of events occurs that really makes things interesting.
Michael joins the science career track. One can assume the reason why he settled into domestic living years after Bella had done so was because he was at grad school. Because he was graduated from grad school, he gets a jumpstart in the career and climbs the latter a lot faster than Mortimer does.
1.       Scientist Sims contribute an invention into the Sims world. Michael’s invention was cloning technology. He cloned himself, and a test subject: Skip Broke.
         a.       Even though he died before it happened, arrangements were made so Brandi could be the next test subject and the first female subject, and when you start Pleasantview for the first time, she is pregnant with her own clone. The baby is always born a boy.
       b.       Michael’s clones have a 100% rate of being male, genetic identicals to those they were cloned from (Brandi’s just being a boy rather than a girl) and so far, a 100% rate of dying at the same time as the original. They are genetically identical, but wear different clothes.
2.       Michael and Bella don’t really have a relationship in their adult lives because Michael leaves Pleasantview early on while Cassandra is still a child and moves to the city.
3.       Mortimer follows after Michael, and invents the age reversal serum. Bella is the first test subject, and, the day of her abduction, she takes the serum until she reverts back to being a brand-new adult. Probably to allow herself to fit in her red dress as strikingly as she does, I don’t think an elderly woman could pull that off.
4.       Cassandra enters private school.
5.       Around this time, Gunther Goth dies. Bella, Mortimer, and Cassandra move out of their home and in with Cornelia to be with her in her last stages of life.
6.       Michael marries Dina Caliente. It is speculated that, because of the age gap, they only marry for Michael’s money. But it is worth noting that Michael was Dina’s first serious relationship and she didn’t begin to cheat on Michael with Don until years later just before Michael died.
7.       Alexander is born.
8.       Shortly after Alexander’s birth, Cornelia dies at the same time Michael does.
9.       Dina inherits Michael’s estate and moves in with Nina. They then move to Pleasantview.
10.   Don follows them and moves the next day.
11.   Bella goes to introduce herself to her new neighbor, Don. They get along, and Don gets the wrong idea and puts the move on Bella. Bella rejects him. He then runs off to go be with Kaylynn and is not there when Bella is abducted by aliens.
12.   Bella is never seen again, but shortly after her abduction, a UFO crashlands in Strangetown, and reports that Bella is in Strangetown start rolling in. But, spoiler alert, that’s not the real Bella.
Then, after Bella’s abduction and before you start Pleasantview for the first time, the following happens:
1.       Mortimer and Dina hit it off rather fast, and marriage is definitely in the picture when the game first starts.
2.       Cassandra, Mortimer, and Alexander all age up on the same day 2 days after Bella disappears.
3.       Cassandra goes to Don’s house to find out what he knows about what happened to Bella (jack squat since he wasn’t there) and that’s where they meet for the first time. Don tries to seduce her, probably not knowing who she is, and Cassandra, as much as you gotta love the girl, is naïve as all hell and thinks she won the jackpot and falls for Don quickly.
4.       Alexander goes to private school
5.       Mortimer retires
6.       Cassandra gets engaged the VERY day the game starts.
That is an important thing to note because people like to speculate that Don had something to do with Bella’s disappearance because he made the moves on her mother and they were engaged and he didn’t want to jeopardize that by Bella opening her yap. This is NOT the case because Cassandra was still a teenager when Bella vanished. Don may be a hoe, but he isn’t a pedo. Chris Hansen doesn’t need to be called for this one.
Another important thing to point out is that it’s not known if Dina and Nina knew Bella. At least, not well, since it can’t be established if Michael and Bella had a relationship at all. Despite the fact that they were friends when they were younger, Mortimer has no memories of Michael, and neither do Cassandra or Alexander. They never met their uncle.
ALSO, yes Dina and Nina do have alien ancestry. Their father was a result of an alien abduction pregnancy. But he was born human, so they’re not part alien. Which means they didn’t order ANY aliens to go and kidnap anybody. Why would they? They don’t know her. Not even normal alien sims do that, y’all are just racist.
It’s also worth noting that Mortimer is COMPLETELY fine with Bella being gone. He’s not heartbroken and he isn’t desperately trying to find her like the game tries to suggest. He’s strangely cool about it.
Why is Mortimer fine with Bella being gone?
Because they are no longer married and haven’t been since around the time Alexander was born.
And THAT, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, is the BIGGEST part that y’all need to just remember. If you can only take one thing away from this part, take away the fact that they’re divorced. It’s S U P E R important.
 Now, it is possible to bring Bella back with the Tombstone of Life and Death. She’ll only stick around for a short while because she has a death token that activates when you save the lot, go into Pleasantview, and reload the Goth House. She’ll disappear. Interesting to note that if she’s in the middle of doing something, like talking with a sim or cooking food, she doesn’t disappear completely until she’s done. She does turn see-through and it kinda glitches out…it’s really creepy. Give it a try, you’ll see what I mean. But when she’s done, she’ll disappear, and you’ll get a notification saying she died somewhere else and her spirit has returned to where she was buried.
However, if she dies this way, you cannot resurrect her with the resurrect-o-nomitron. It doesn’t matter who tries it, where they are, or anything. Grim acts like he doesn’t know anything about Bella being dead and even if the Sim COULD resurrect a sim, Bella is not listed.
Since we know Bella is buried in Lunar Lakes, this means she died sometime between the week of her abduction and Cassandra’s wedding where the game starts.
However, while you have Bella in your household, you’ll find she’s brought back with no personality points. She has no memories besides what happened to her children after the first load of Pleasantview. So let’s say that between loading the game and bringing back Bella with the Tombstone, Cassandra gives birth to twin boys. Bella will come back with memories that Cassandra had twins, and she will even know who her grandchildren are. (I use this example because in my most recent Pleasantview playthrough, Cassandra had twin boys named Hendrick and Caspian with Don Lothario.)
Bella will have NO relationship at all whatsoever with Mortimer. You can see before you bring her back on the Goth family tree that they are not married at that point, and Mortimer and Bella start their relationship over as acquaintances. If you let them progress their relationship naturally with no cheats, they actually fight a lot and do not get along at all.
Now, any townie and NPC created before Nightlife will have their turn-on and turn-offs randomized. But it seems to constantly make it so that Bella is never attracted to Mortimer and Mortimer is RARELY attracted to Bella. This is a consistent thing. Interesting to take into consideration.
It’s clear to me, at least, that there were some problems boiling up for some time before Bella vanished.
--they get divorced at around the same time Alexander is born
--they do not get along at all
--Mortimer is completely fine after Bella’s disappearance and isn’t the frantic husband he’s marketed to be at this point in time.
--Mortimer gets into a relationship with Dina Caliente extremely soon after Bella vanishes.
--If Bella does come back and Mortimer is still alive, they naturally do not get along at all.
Which is weird, right? They were always shown to be this desperately in love couple who couldn’t live without eachother. I remember them having a good relationship in the Sims 1.
Also worth noting, Bella is a romance aspiration sim. In the Sims 2, they tend to hoe around a lot. There are a few other adult sims in Pleasantview who are also romance aspiration sims.
1.       Don Lothario (the epitome of the romance aspiration)
2.       Nina Caliente
3.       Daniel Pleasant
4.       Skip Broke was also a romance aspiration sim when he was alive.
What is interesting is that while for the most part, romance aspiration sims like to hoe around, there is one exception to this rule so far: Nina Caliente. Nina Caliente’s only romantically involved with Don Lothario. Unless you have another sim start putting the moves on her, then it’s a whole other story. If it were a thing back then, Nina would have been a soulmate romance aspiration while the others would have been serial romantic aspirations.
Bella COULD have been the same way, but that wouldn’t make any sense with the myriad of problems with her relationship with Mortimer.
So, in conclusion, Bella had an affair. Mortimer found out about it, which caused them to, at the least, separate for a while. Then, Bella became pregnant with Alexander, which would have brought up an important question—who is Alexander’s father? Once Alexander was born, and as he got a little older, it becomes clear that he resembles Cornelia, therefore verifying that Mortimer is indeed his father. This would have caused them to try their relationship again, and Bella would have turned down Don in good faith to Mortimer.
Who did Bella have an affair with?
Don wasn’t in town yet, and they hadn’t met. Neither did she meet the Caliente’s yet. Which leaves two possible contenders for Bella’s secret lover: Daniel Pleasant and Skip Broke.
On one hand, Daniel was Bella’s neighbor. She knew the Pleasants, and was friends with Mary-Sue. Daniel had an affair with Kaylynn going on, so he definitely could have some action on the side with Bella, too. My only reservation on that would be that I couldn’t imagine her doing that to her best friend. But then again, she did have an affair on her husband, so who’s to say what her morals are.
Then, there’s Skip Broke. This one makes the most sense to me, personally. While she wasn’t close with Michael, that doesn’t mean she completely avoided him altogether. She would have heard about Michael’s cloning experiments and could have met Skip that way, or she came to say hello and that was how they met. There is a theory going around that Brandi found out Skip was cheating on her, and that’s why she killed him and took his insurance money.
Maybe I’ll do another thing on that because the Skip Broke incident happens to be another rabbit hole altogether.
 So, we know that Bella had an affair with Mortimer and things weren’t going so well between them at the time of her disappearance. We know that the Calientes and Don are completely innocent, at least as far as her disappearance goes. (And Nina is innocent altogether, she just loves Don and is completely oblivious to the fact that he’s doing her sister and two other women. She is ALSO a victim here, you guys. Give some love to Nina Caliente, she needs it.)
She dies sometime in the week between her abduction and the first time the Goth household is booted up from old age on Lunar Lakes despite the fact that she was a brand new adult again thanks to Mortimer’s reverse age serum.
Then a UFO crashlands in Strangetown and shortly thereafter reports of Bella Goth being in Strangetown start swarming around.
And yes, this Bella is a clone—there are subtle facial similarities, she is not in the family tree at all for the Goth house, but other than that, she’s structured exactly like the Real Bella goes as far as her outfit, her personality, and her aspiration.
(The Wiki says it’s her despite the fact that it’s been verified she’s not, and it also has MANY discrepencies, saying she’s related to the Curious Family and they appear on her family tree, which is incorrect because Strangetown Bella’s family tree is COMPLETELY EMPTY.)
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So, clearly, when Bella was abducted, something went wrong. But what?
Well, why would the aliens even abduct her in the first place?
They tend to go after sims who are wealthy, high-skilled, good-looking, popular, anything like that. Bella was ALL of those things. She was the epitome of the perfect sim to the aliens. They practically worshipped her and their queen took her name and appearance. (This is referenced several times, specifically in the Sims 3.)
So, if something were to go wrong, why would the aliens worship her unless she had been being watched for some time before her abduction?
And what went wrong that caused her to lose her memories, her skills, her personality, her youth, everything?
Aliens also do not abduct children, the elderly, and pregnant sims because their experimentation could go drastically wrong.
She wasn’t a child, and reversed her age so she wouldn’t be an elder for quite some time—
So the only thing that’s left is that she was pregnant when she was abducted and that was why things went wrong.
She wouldn’t have known this, and neither would the aliens—it’s possible that the baby was conceived that day, which helped Bella in the case where Don was hitting on her—she wouldn’t go cheating on Mortimer if she were trying to rekindle their relationship and they had made it to woo-hoo that day.
Also worth noting is that there IS another Goth on Lunar Lakes who happens to look exactly like Bella.
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Anyone recognize her?
This is Mathilde Goth.
She is the long-lost third child of Mortimer and Bella Goth.
No, they don’t appear on eachother’s family tree, but they wouldn’t if Bella died shortly after giving birth to her and Mathilde was put in the orphanage.
Mathilde looks almost identical to Bella with the exception of her blue eyes. She also has a preference for blue where Bella preferred red.
Mathilde has no idea where her mother came from and the fact that she has a family on Earth who is just as oblivious to her existence as she is to theirs.
 What happens to Cassandra and Alexander after they find out about Bella’s death?
Remember how I said scientist sims end up inventing something?
Cassandra’s invention is time travel. She makes a time machine and the first use is to send Don to the future after her, Dina, Nina, and Kaylynn find out that he was playing all of them. She then goes on to live her life. We don’t know how that looks yet, but she never finds out what happened to her mother and that she has a younger sister.
Alexander is greatly affected by his mother’s death. He has no memories of her being abducted by aliens. Normally toddlers remember things like that so it’s odd that he doesn’t when the rest of his family does. What he does remember is her disappearing, Mortimer being okay with it and getting together with Dina really fast after she vanished, and then finding out that his mother was dead.
Alexander is a child prodigee. He’s a smart kid. So, he would go with any other conclusion someone would go with that limited information: he believed Mortimer killed her.
Well, Cassandra still has her time machine after she uses it to get rid of Don. And as we all know, Alexander’s name shows up in the Sims 3 a few times despite the fact that he doesn’t exist yet. And, according to the Goth family tree, it’s not a family name of an ancestor of his, he is the only Alexander Goth.
Once again, we’re going to reference a console game. This time is the Sims 3 for the Nintendo DS. Alexander actually makes an appearance, and this time, he’s not alone: he’s married to a woman named Cecelia. The family bio says that their gloominess is BECAUSE of Mortimer. Alexander dyed his hair orange. Probably he was trying to bleach it and didn’t know what toner was.  He doesn’t have that great of a relationship with Cecelia, as a matter of fact, she has a better relationship with Don Alto than she does her own husband.
Back in the realm of the PC games, Alexander wrote two books when he went back in time to the continuity of the Sims 3:
Baron Graff Van Gold, which comes with Supernatural,
And then there’s the one that appears in the base game.
Murder in Pleasantview.
To string it altogether, Alexander remembers her being gone, then learning she died. He suspects Mortimer was the one to do it but he never actually talks to his father about it. He doesn’t know anything about the abduction, if anything thinking it a ridiculous rumor. He grows up, gets married, and decides at some point in time to go back in time to try and prevent his mother’s death. So he and his wife go into the time machine and try to go back to when it happened, but instead get sent back wayyyy too far to when his parents are still children. What happens to the time machine? It breaks. He’s stuck in a period of time where Time travel wasn’t a thing and no one really knows how to help him and he sure as hell doesn’t know himself. Effectively, he’s stuck there.
So, he writes A Murder in Pleasantview to tell the story of what he thinks happens to his mother. He doesn’t know it’s really all for nothing, but at the same time, it is because of what ends up happening as a result. A result he probably didn’t even know would happen.
See, A Murder in Pleasantview is a best-seller. It blows up the world of 50 years before his time. Every bookshelf has a copy of this book, standard-load. Sims would have read this, and would be influenced accordingly. They would have made better decisions, not wanting this tragic thing to happen to them.
And yes, it does literally take the world by storm. Better decisions in the past truly make for a better future.
This is where the Sims 4 comes in. It is a different continuity, but it is different because they are aware of what Alexander believes to have happened to Bella. This would be why their personalities are so completely different, why the age gap between Cassandra and Alexander aren’t so extreme, why the Goths are so much more reclusive.
Alexander did something that inadvertently changed the future, eliminating himself and his circumstances entirely. He vanished suddenly, probably in a series of events identical to Back to the Future, where he is then allowed to live his life as a child with his mother in the picture, having no idea what he believed happened to her, nor knowing the truth. He erases his little sister altogether, but he can’t be blamed for that since he didn’t know she even existed.
What happened to his wife? Did she get erased like Alexander did?
No, actually she died. She tried repairing the time machine, failed, and was electrocuted to death as a result. She died young and is buried in the Goth mansion’s graveyard, confusing future generations because no one knows where she comes from because she has the surname Goth but they can’t find her on their family tree.
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Lolita Goth was the wife of Alexander Goth.
Yes, it says she’s single, which means one of two things happened:
Either she tried repairing the time machine one last time after Alexander vanished and died,
Like Alexander’s marriage to Cecelia, they didn’t have the best relationship and they ended up getting a divorce, then, possibly with Alexander still around, did the same and died.
She clearly wanted to go back home to her time and wasn’t happy with Alexander for being stuck there.
And it makes sense that she would have been electrocuted with the time machine because there are no other objects in the Goth Mansion that would result in her electrocution.
Which would ALSO explain why the Goths of the Sims 3 can’t figure out who she is. You can’t list a descendent and their wife on your family tree if they don’t exist yet, can you?
 Tragedy is just par for the course in the Goth Family, it matches their dark and dreary macabre air. But Bella’s story is just really extra sad. Imagine trying to repair your failed marriage, going to meet a new neighbor only for him to put the moves on you without invitation, then get abducted by aliens where their experiments go wrong, causing you to lose your memories, your personality, your youth, and then you find out that it went wrong because you’re pregnant, which you didn’t know about that either, and your kidnappers take a tissue sample from you, and then drop you on a strange planet far from home where you have no way to communicate to them that you’re there, but you don’t remember anyone but your children anyway, leaving you to have a baby you didn’t even know existed when you were abducted and live just long enough to name her?
The truth has been staring at us in the face since 2014, but we all missed it. Me included for the longest time. It’s been 16 years since Bella went missing, and we all had theories and ideas, but THIS is the truth, and it’s really. Messed up. Yeah, I found out what happened to Bella, but do I like it? No, not at all. Bella deserved better, and so do her children. Mathilde especially. She grew up in an orphanage never knowing she had a family who would have loved her so very much, only to become a mailcarrier on her home planet. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a mailcarrier, don’t get me wrong.
Dina Caliente is innocent, but seriously? Bye.
Nina Caliente is innocent, and really deserves better.
Don Lothario is innocent, but yet he sucks.
Mortimer Goth used to be my favorite out of the Goth family, yes, even over Bella. But after learning everything about him I have mixed feelings about the guy. I don’t blame him for not trusting Bella, and I don’t blame him for wanting to move on, but jeez, at least show a little genuine emotion, Morty, she was your childhood best friend, and, if nothing else, the mother of your children.
There was no plot to get rid of her and swipe the Goth fortune.
It was just poor timing on the alien’s end, and bad luck altogether.
So, yeah.
That’s what happened to Bella Goth.
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bxngchxn · 4 years
mr. big shot || s. changbin
characters:  seo changbin + female reader
words: 3.2k
genre:  smut, some fluff, angst if you squint
warnings: dom!Changbin, brat!reader, slight degradation, orgasm denial, oral (both parties giving + receiving), unprotected penitrative sex (use protection always!), general hard dom themes, Changbin is kinda conceited at first but it’ll be ok don’t worry
This is a piece of fiction and is not suitable for anyone UNDER THE AGE OF 18.
summary: You run into the hot shot producer on campus at a frat party, who seems to take a liking to you, the only person who doesn’t care.
You don’t even like frat parties.
The LED lights that are somehow always a dark blue, the more than slightly used furniture that has no doubt been passed down a generation or two, not to mention the obnoxious antics of drunk, stressed college kids? Not your thing. In fact, the only reason why you were here was because of your roommate Rose, who had her eye on Bang Chan, a member of the frat who’s kitchen you were currently sitting in. By yourself, with a drink in hand. It isn’t even good alcohol, either; just some sad excuse of an Amaretto Sour that was not even giving you a nice buzz.
It’s around midnight at this point, and the party is in full swing. Couches in the living room were pushed against the walls to ensure ample room for dancing, sweaty bodies clinging to each other and grinding to the beat playing out of the speakers set up in the main room. You look around the room and you see a few people you recognize from your classes, but most remain unfamiliar to you.
ADK (Alpha Delta Kappa) was one of, if not the biggest (and most popular) frat on campus. Their parties were always crowded, mixing top 40s hits with some original music that the music production majors of the house compose themselves. The parties almost always ended up lasting until sunrise, and you can only take pity on their neighbors, who have to deal with the noise so late into the night.
You, however, had no intention for staying that long. Getting annoyed, you pushed your way through the sea of people in search of Rose, to let her know you were going home. As you walk through the crowd, finally spotting your roommate and heading her way, someone grabs you by the arm and spins you around to face them.
“Can I help you?” you ask, attitude through the roof as if someone thought they could just grab you like that. “Well, you sure seem to be in a hurry. I’m just trying to keep you company,” the man says with a charming (read: aggravating) smile. You look up at him in annoyance and also confusion. You’re pretty sure you’ve never seen this guy in your life.
He looked to be one of those snobby rich kids; his hair dyed silver and styled oh-so-perfectly, complemented by a button down that you could clearly tell was designer. His shoulders were broad, and his skin a glowing tan that actually would’ve made him look like the sun itself, if his smile wasn’t so kniving.
“I’m..sorry, do I know you?” You ask, and his expression goes from smug to shocked in under three seconds. 
“You don’t know who I am?” He asks, unconvinced. You couldn’t believe the arrogance coming from this guy. Who even is he?
 “Yeah, I have no idea who you are. Sorry, maybe you mistook me for someone else.” you say. You try to leave, but his grip is still on your wrist, and you’re forced to turn back round. Wanting nothing more than to clock the man standing in front of you, you huff and give him a piercing glare. “Let go of me,” you insist.
 He smirks and let’s go of your wrist, but for some reason the look he’s giving you makes you freeze on the spot. “My name is Changbin. Give me one dance sweetheart, that’s all I’m asking,” he says, his eyes never leaving yours.
Changbin...you were racking your brain trying to figure out why that name sounded so familiar to you. And then it hit you.
Seo Changbin is a member of AKD, and a friend of Chan’s. You figured he must be the Spear B that everyone on campus raves about, and now you know where his cocky demeanor is coming from. Girls and guys alike fall for all 3 members of 3racha. You had never met Changbin before, so it was no surprise you didn’t recognize him right away. Up until now, he was almost like a piece of folklore; everyone had a story about him but you were pretty sure he didn’t exist.
This would be a bad idea. Giving into him. You knew it would be. But regardless, he was attractive, and it doesn’t hurt to have a little fun every once in a while, right?
He watched your resolve slowly crumble as he stuck out his hand. Taking it, he pulls you onto the dance floor (well...the spot of the living room that was turned into one anyway) and doesn’t hesitate to turn you around, feeling your back come into contact with his broad chest.
There’s an upbeat pop song playing through the DJ speakers, and you start to sway your hips along to the beat while trying to distract yourself from the arousal that's starting to creep in as you feel Changbin’s arms snake around your waist, pushing your hips against his. “I’m Y/N, by the way,” you say, remembering that you hadn’t even told him your name. 
You can feel his breath ghosting against your neck as he brings his mouth to your ear. “So, Y/N,” he asks, “you really didn’t recognize me did you?” he asked, the feign hurt in his tone making you roll your eyes. “You know, you’re not all that special Mr. Big Shot,” you say, chuckling under your breath.
“Hmm and how can you say that? This is the first time we’ve met, doll. Can’t think you’d know everything about me just yet.” he says, and the use of the nickname sets you on fire. His hips have started moving to match your own, and you would be lying if the pressure you were starting to feel on your lower back didn’t spur you on to tease him a little, moving your hips away from him now and again only to have him pull you right back, turning you around to face him this time.
 “Aaanddd where do you think you’re going?” He laughs, and you roll your eyes at him. “Does it look like I’m going anywhere?” you say as you start moving your hips again.
“Better lose the attitude baby, it’s gonna get you in trouble if you’re not careful,” he says, his eyes darkening as you wind your arms around his neck. “Will it now? No offense, but I don’t think you’ll be able to do much damage,” you say, although you can feel yourself breaking already as you have less than innocent thoughts running through your mind.
“Is that a challenge I hear?” he questions, raising an eyebrow at your antics. “Does it sound like one?” you snap back, anticipating his next move.
Before you know it, Changbin’s lips are on your neck, his grip tightening on your waist exponentially. “Just remember: you asked for it.” he says against your ear as he pulls you from the living room and down the hallway of the AKD house.
Once Changbin has you in his room, door locked, it’s game on. He immediately pushes you against the bedroom door and begins his attack on your neck once again. You want to keep your composure; make him think that you’re not that easy to break, wanting to make him work for it, but the way he moves his lips up your neck and finally to your lips is already making you want to surrender and let him have his way with you. He bites your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you immediately grant him. Kissing Changbin was different. It was red hot and every movement was making the knot of excitement in your stomach tighten.
His hands slip under your shirt, and the feeling of them on your bare skin has you letting out the tiniest whimper. He pulls away from your lips with a smirk. “There it is..I know you’re starting to break baby, why don’t you just be good for me and do as you’re told, huh?” He teases, lifting your shirt up to touch more of your skin. “Not a chance,” you tell him, although your voice is already sounding breathy. You move to touch him over his jeans, his cock already hard.
Changbin groans quietly and moves to grip your hair. He pulls your head back harshly, and laughs at the expression of pleasure on your face. “All I had to do was use a little force and you’re putty in my hands, baby.. I knew it. You like being bossed around don’t you?” He says, fingers moving under your skirt. “Answer me, slut.” He says, pulling your hair once more for good measure. “Yes sir,” you gasp, feeling every ounce of brat you had in you leaving your body.
 “That’s more like it,” he says, releasing your hair. “On your knees,” he orders, pushing your shoulders downward.
You immediately oblige, looking up at him with wide eyes as you undo his belt and pop the button of his jeans. Pulling his cock out from his underwear, you’re pleased with what you see. Changbin is surprisingly well endowed; long and rather thick, and you can’t help but imagine what he’ll feel like in your mouth.
Grabbing the base of his cock, you give kitten licks to the head, pink and enticing. You hear Changbin groan and you make eye contact with him. “Stop teasing doll, you won’t like the outcome,” he growls, and that’s enough for you to take him as far into your mouth as you can, tip hitting the back of your throat.
 You make sure to run your tongue along the underside of his cock, tracing the vein and making sure he feels you on every inch of him. You start off a steady pace, Changbin’s fingers pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail. You suddenly relax your throat and take all of him, gagging slightly as he slides down your throat. “Jesus Christ,” the man says as he feels your throat around him. “You’re so good at this,” he says breathily and the praise spurs you to continue.
 Before you even get the chance, Changbin is setting the pace, fucking into your throat. Tears stream down your face at the roughness of it all, but the moan you let out around his dick lets Changbin know that you’re doing just fine.
Pulling you off of his cock, he sighs. “As much as I would love to cum down that pretty throat of yours, doll, I have other plans.” He says, picking you up and immediately making his way to his bed, laying you down on the soft pillows rather roughly. He’s over you in an instant, taking your shirt off as well as his own, and letting his eyes roam over your chest and the pretty pink lace that adorns you.
“Hm, pink. It’s cute.” he says quietly and you blush, the compliment soft in contrast to the situation. You take a second to admire him, and it was just what you had imagined. Tan skin, muscles flexing as he’s moving over you. He lets his lips wander your collarbone, taking the skin into his mouth and sucking a dark purple spot that will definitely leave you thinking about him for days to come.
Taking one of your breasts in his hand, he enjoys the feeling of the lace under his hands. You arch your back slightly as he takes the nipple in between his fingers, twisting and pulling until it’s hard. He does the same to the other, and you almost want to start begging. It seems like he can read your mind as he moves you to sit up so he can take your bra off for you. He gets it in one try, and you’re not surprised. Once the piece of fabric is removed he replaces his fingers with his mouth, circling his tongue around your nipple and biting on it teasingly.
His kisses start trailing down your abdomen, sucking random marks into your skin that you know will end up bruising. You buck your hips up instinctively, silently begging for him to just touch you. Placing a hand on your stomach to hold your hips down, Changbin settles in between your legs, leaving kisses on your inner thighs as he pushes your skirt up. 
“Changbin,” you breathe, hoping he’ll just get the hint. “Yes, doll? What is it?” he says, opting to just take your skirt off, revealing the matching panties underneath. You lay there, refusing to beg and trying to hold onto whatever resolve you had left. “I won’t know what you want unless you use your words, baby. Come on,” he says, continuing the kisses on your thighs, fingers playing with the elastic of your underwear. Huffing, you finally give in.
“Please Changbin, I need you” you begin to beg, and he looks up at you. The look on his face set your insides on fire, you don’t even mind the embarrassment you feel in the pit of your stomach as you beg for him. 
 “You need me? Need me where, baby? Here?” he says, his lips moving closer to your core but not where you truly want them. “Need your tongue on my clit. Please,” you ask quietly and he finally pulls your panties down, throwing them somewhere. “I don’t know doll, doesn’t sound like you really want it,” he chuckles, and your cheeks go red as you realize just what he wants to hear.
“Please Changbin, I need your tongue so bad. I promise I will be so good..just..just please,” you basically whine the latter half of the sentence, hoping it’ll get your point across.
 “Now, was that so bad?” He says and finally licks a stripe up your clit, you moan out loud at the sensation, finally getting what you want.
Changbin is relentless, lips and tongue moving in a way that you have never experienced before. Switching from flat licks against your heat to small kitten licks against your clit. You can feel the knot in your core tighten impossibly tight, and you almost can’t take it anymore.
Changbin knows your close, and pulls away from your pussy. His lips are glistening and he looks up at you with a smile when he hears you whine. “Please Changbin don’t st-stop,” you say, feeling sad as your high ebbs away slowly. “Mm I don’t know if you deserve it, you need to be punished for how bratty you were acting earlier..you realize that acting up means punishments, don’t you doll?” He says, fingers tracing patterns into your thighs, moving closer to your core to tease you even further. 
“Yes sir I understand.” You say, just hoping that he’ll eventually give you what you want.
“Good. Now, you’re not allowed to come until I tell you to. Understood?” He says, moving back to your clit. “I understand sir,” you say, throwing your head back as his tongue finally comes into contact with your core again.
Changbin edges you two, maybe three more times after that. Honestly, you stopped counting, just trying to focus on every ounce of pleasure that he’s giving you. It was truly torture. The only thoughts in your head were him, him, him, and you knew he was set on making sure that wasn’t going to change any time soon. 
At this point he already has two fingers inside of you, and you’re sure you’re going to explode until Changbin slows his ministrations at the last moment, edging you for the fourth time. He trails his fingers to your mouth. “Open,” he says and you immediately comply, cleaning his fingers off and sucking on them once for good measure.
“Are you ready for me, baby?” he asks, taking his jeans and underwear off, leaving the both of you completely naked. You nod your head furiously. “What’s your color doll? I need to make sure you’re okay with this,” he says as he runs the head of his cock through your folds. 
“Green, Sir fuck, just plea-” your sentence is cut off with a moan as Changbin finally pushes himself into you, going slowly to let you adjust. Once he’s bottomed out he leans forward to capture your lips in a kiss. Once the slight sting of the stretch has dissipated, the fire igniting in you grows stronger and you move your hips, signaling to him that you’re okay.
Changbin pulls all the way out and slams back in, your eyes rolling into the back of your head almost instantly. The drag of his cock against your walls is enough to have you seeing stars, finally satiating all of your desires. He sets a rough and steady pace, and it’s hard to keep yourself together. The room is filled with a mix of sounds; skin slapping against each other, your breathy whines and a grunt from Changbin every so often.
“Look at you doll, taking me so well. You were really made for my cock weren’t you? All mine to ruin and destroy.” he says in your ear, one hand going around your throat and applying slight pressure. It’s bringing you closer to the edge and Changbin knows it, snaking his free hand down to your body to rub harsh circles on your clit. “Go ahead baby, cum for me, let the whole house know who’s making you feel this good” He says as his pace quickens.
His permission was all you needed, the knot coiling tight and finally breaking. Your vision goes white, and your legs are shaking as your orgasm finally washes over you, stronger than ever due to the four denied orgasms you’ve already had tonight. 
“Oh my god, Changbin,” you repeat over and over, riding out your high as he continues his rough pace. He was getting close too, the feeling of you contracting around his cock bringing him to the edge. He pulls out and flips you around, helping you get to your hands and knees before he inserts himself in you once again, the new position letting him fuck you harder than before.
“I’m almost there baby, you think you can cum for me one more time?” he says with a grunt. You’re still sensitive from your first orgasm and you can definitely feel a second one approaching, babbling nonsense as Changbin starts to lose control. His thrusts become more erratic, and his hand is around your throat again, pulling you close to him as he fucks you into the mattress.
Your second orgasm washes over you and the only thing you know how to say is his name. The feeling of your own orgasm finally pushes him over the edge too, groaning as he spills into you and helps you both ride out your highs. Once you’ve calmed down he pulls out of you, and you both fall to the mattress.
Changbin pulls you into his arms, bringing your back against his chest, just how it was when you first met him earlier in the night.
 “That, was…” you say, “Amazing.” Changbin finishes your sentence for you and it makes you giggle. Snuggling into you a little closer, you hear him laugh under his breath.
“I know this is a little backwards, but I was wondering if you’d let me take you to dinner tomorrow,” he says hesitantly.
 You turn around in his hold and place a gentle kiss to his cheek. “I..would love that, Changbin.” you say right before you succumb to the desire to sleep. The last thing you remember is a kiss on your forehead.
Your dreams seem to be filled with him, and when you wake up the next morning, seeing him bathed in the soft morning light, you feel content for the first time in a long time. And you welcome the change.
Maybe Seo Changbin is all that special, and then some.
taglist: @dom--minnie @sparklemin @minholuvs @hanflix @mochinnie @moonlit-lixie @formidxble @chaangbin @jisungiesbunnie @es-kay-zee @jinned
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ close your eyes ✦
this chapter pairing; sub!seokmin x vampire!reader
genre&warnings; vampire!reader, sub!seokmin, dacryphilia(crying kink baybeee)🥴, corruption kink kinda went brrr in this a little, lots of teasing, dirty talk, a little mutual masturbation, tiniest hint of orgasm denial, whiny needy seokmin, allusions to subspace.
he said:
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notes; THE-- ☠️ I exposed my crying kink in sdpp so we out here living our best lives now 😗💖 also seokmin being a whiny baby and crying bc everything you do to him is new and just too much for him is so fuckin hot ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ HENNYWAYS, you guys!! I cant believe monster mash is almost at the end, how the hell?!? this went by so fast 😭💕 and thank you for all the love and support on each chapter! even when tumb1r seems to hate me!! Lol, and for those in SoCal, be safe! stay indoors if u can, wear a mask if u have to be outside! And stay hydrated!! I’ll see y’all tomorrow! 🎃 👻 💕
word count; ~2300
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - x - x - x - x - x
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you take a drag, i take a sip;
i want your legendary kiss
you know i got designer taste;
and your design’s too good to waste
when the beast comes out at night;
yeah, it always wants a bite
and i try, try to resist;
but then the devil always wins.
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Seokmin doesn’t believe in vampires.
He thinks Halloween is fun, but doesn’t believe in ghosts, demons or anything of the sort so he spends the night in; feet propped up on the coffee table as he watches another rerun of another vampire horror flick that he’d seen at least two times prior.
It’d been thankfully quiet for most of the night, despite the pouring rain and periodic thunder claps, but he enjoyed the way it added to the spooky atmosphere of the holiday.
Seokmin scoffs at the TV a few moments later, hand lodged deep in the bowl sitting in his lap. “Vampires aren’t even real.” He mutters.
“Says who?”
The bowl of popcorn in his lap is sent flying, and he acts quicker than he, himself, anticipates. “Who the fuck are you!? How did you get in here!?” His eyes dance over to the front door still locked and momentarily wonders if he left a window open.
He pales, realizing that it’d be impossible anyway.
Seokmin lived on the 17th floor of the building.
“Well!? Fuck---I’m---I’m gonna call the c-cops!” His shaky hands reach for his cell phone on the coffee table as you giggle.
You take a seat on his sofa, picking off a piece of discarded popcorn as you pop it into your mouth. “And tell them what? Exactly?”
“That there’s a psycho in my fuckin’ apartment and that you broke in!” Seokmin holds onto his phone a little tighter, palms clammy. He didn’t even hear the door open. You nod, pretending to think. “Oookay, so what are you gonna tell them when I do this?” You disappear in a puff of smoke and Seokmin feels like he’s going to throw up.
“Boo!” You whisper from behind him, laughing when he runs roward and trips back onto the sofa. “What the fuck!?” His eyes show panic and confusion, shaky fingers letting go of the phone that was in his hand as it clatters to the floor.
“I--What are y-you? Please, don’t take my soul, it’s all I have left! I swear!”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up from your throat, doubling over as he watches in fear. “Why are you laughing!?”
“I---you--you’re a funny one!” You wipe a stray tear from your eye as you catch your breath. “No, I don’t want your soul, I just want something to eat, that’s all~”
Seokmin’s eyes only read confusion when he stares back at you. “You want… food?”
You smile wide and Seokmin finally understands.
Ah. That kind.
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He doesn’t know why he agrees. 
Maybe it’s in his kind and innocent nature to believe you won’t suck him dry like a caprisun, but he agrees.
Maybe part of it is curiosity too and maybe part of him feels bad that maybe you haven’t fed in a while, but he introduces himself after you do and he finds himself trusting you a little bit more.
He’s not totally sure why.
“So----So how does this work, do I just---” He cuts himself off as he shakily turns his head to the side. “Wait, how do I know this isn’t a Halloween prank?! Did Jeonghan put you up to this?”
“Oh! Jeonghan, you know him?”
Seokmin’s eyes almost fall out of his skull. This couldn’t be happening. “Are we talking about the same Jeonghan? Yoon Jeonghan?”
“Yeah, lanky guy with brown hair, right? Super lethargic?”
Yep. That was Jeonghan.
Seokmin nods slowly, still a little perplexed. “So, why do you know him exactly? He hasn’t replied to my texts for the last three days... You didn’t... do something to him, did you?” You sit next to Seokmin on the sofa and he flinches almost immediately; scooting over a little more to put some space in between you two.
  He wouldn’t admit it right now, but he thought you were really pretty.
“Um, no. He’s out of town and maybe just ignoring you but he lets me feed sometimes, y’know, when he is around. Maybe that’s why I was drawn here, y’know? Familiarity.” Damn.
Seokmin does feel a little bad now; for himself and for you. He bites his lip as the heat rushes to his face. “How---how do you usually, um, d-do it with Jeonghan?” The heat rushes down his body at the same time at his unintentional innuendo. “I mean, no! Not---not that, I meant how you feed! Fuck, sorry!”
Grinning, you’re quick to make your move as you push Seokmin down onto the sofa and straddle his waist.
The words are caught in his throat as he watches you lean over to the coffee table to pluck out a lollipop from the bowl of candy. You unwrap it, licking it once before you bring it down towards his lips. He shakily parts them, welcoming the cherry flavoured candy into his mouth.
“You see, Seokmin,” You start, hands already roaming down his torso as he moans around the candy. “When people think of vampires, they think vampires just feed whenever, right? Just a quick bite here and they’re done.” He nods. “But that’s no fun~ So some of us like to play a little first, y’know? Get the blood rushing~”
You cup him through his sweats as he whines and he’s quick to thrust his hips up into your touch before he can even think properly.
Oh, fuck! Don’t do that! He tells himself.
A giggle from you is all it takes for him to blush even harder. “It’s okay, Seokmin. I want you to feel good too. Don’t you wanna feel good?”
“Y-yeah… O-okay…” His voice is muffled slightly from the candy still in his mouth, but he allows himself to lean into your touch. In truth, he was a little scared and a little nervous and he knew you could tell.
“Have you ever done anything… with restraints? Or things like orgasm denial?” You pluck the lollipop from his mouth; a thread of spit connecting it to his lips before you bring it to your own mouth. You quickly bite down on the hard candy, breaking it down into small pieces before swallowing. Seokmin grimaces a little.
“Um…” He’d never even heard of orgasm denial before, much less even had a thought about restraints. “...No. I--I’ve only… um… done it twice...”
You grin down at him, eyes flashing red. “Oh, Seokmin… you have so much to learn.”
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You like shy Seokmin.
Maybe even a little too much.
“A-ah, no… no more t-teasing, I--ah!” He lets out a choked sob, hips thrusting up as you continue to tease the head of his cock. You move frustratingly slow and you don’t even bother to wrap your whole hand around him, instead just rubbing your palm across the tip as the tears pool up in his eyes.
“I--I don’t---mmh!” Seokmin bites his lip. He’s never felt quite like this before and the feeling was good, but unfamiliar.
“Don’t even think of cumming either~”
“But--” He chokes up again, except this time he can’t stop the tear that slides down the side of his face. You smile down at him, licking your lips.
“You’re so cute when you cry~ So pretty~” You pity him a little so you wrap your hand around his cock, working your hand up and down his shaft as he lets out a shaky breath. He’s unsure of where to put his hands, so he keeps them crossed over his chest, sweater paws keeping his clammy palms contained as he watches you.
“I--p--please, can I c-cum?” He whispers, voice small and slurred. “Nope~”
He lets out a small sob as he tries to blink away the tears.
When you feel him getting close, you pull your hand off of him; easing off of his lap and to the other side of the sofa. Seokmin watches in confusion, sitting up slightly as he watches you slide your panties down your legs. You toss the material at him, laughing when it falls onto his cock.
“We’re gonna play a little game~” He watches with an open mouth as you spread your legs; gulping when you immediately run your precum covered fingers through your wet folds. “We’re gonna touch ourselves just like this, across from each other, and if you can hold off your orgasm for, oh let’s say, 10 more minutes? Then I’ll reward you.”
“And---and if I c-can’t?”
“If you can’t… Hmm~ Then I’ll have to bring my ropes next time~” You wink at him, fingers pinching your clit as you moan out loud. The noise is enough for Seokmin’s cock to twitch and he wraps a shaky hand around himself as he watches you touch yourself from across the sofa. He uses your panties too, covering them in the precum that leaks from the head of his cock. 
It falls into relative silence as Seokmin bites into the neck of his sweater to keep in his high pitched whines and cries. He watches as you sink two fingers into your cunt and he sobs as he thrusts up into the his fist and your panties wrapped around his cock.
This is unfair, he thinks. 
“Mmh Seokmin~ I’m already imagining your cock fucking into me so deep… Ah, my fingers just aren’t enough~” Teasingly, you curl and scissor your fingers inside of your tight warmth, genuinely imagining it’s Seokmin instead. He releases the sweater material from between his teeth, drool dripping from his lips and eyes pooling with tears ready to spill.
“Please, I, hic, I--I can’t h-hold off, hic, I need t-to, hah, c--cum… I--I can’t...”
In a flash, the air is knocked out of Seokmin’s lungs as his back hits the sofa and he’s staring up at the ceiling. His sticky fingers find purchase in the material of his sweater again as you crawl back into his lap. You pry off the soaking panties covering his cock, tossing them to the coffee table as he groans.
You wrap a hand around his leaking cock, moving your hand up and down a few times before you use your thumb and index finger to circle the base as you squeeze hard. “Just a whiny baby boy crying and begging to cum. So cute~”
He squirms underneath you as he tries to get you to do something but you hold steady, fingertips wrapped around the base of his cock to keep him from cumming. “Now now, Seokmin. I’ll let you cum. But you have to be patient~ If you cum without my permission, I’ll make you wait even longer~”
Seokmin nods feverishly, uncaring of what came after. You still hadn’t fed from him too and he could’ve cared less about that.
You let go of his cock as he releases a shaky breath and he watches through foggy eyes as you raise your body until you’re hovering just above his cock. You use your hand to position him right at your entrance and Seokmin lets out a sharp whine when you drop yourself down onto his cock in one fluid motion.
“A-ah, fuh--fuck!”
Your pussy is warm, wet and tight and Seokmin is really fighting a losing battle at this point.
He cries quietly, hips canting up to meet you bouncing in his lap.
“Mmh~ Seokminnie crying making me so fuckin’ wet~ Ah~ I’m gonna cum soon too~”
His head is fuzzy and every new sensation makes his body react in a way he never knew it could. The tears blur his vision but he can already feel his cock twitching and body tensing up slightly; a telltale sign that he was already close.
“I, hic, please…” He slurs out, already too far gone. His body felt weightless; a slight floating feeling overcoming him as he continued to fuck up into you. 
Your eyes flash crimson and you pry one of his arms away from his clothed chest, pushing the sleeve back as you kiss his wrist.
“Okay Seokmin~ I want you to cum, baby boy. Let me feel your cock throbbing and filling me up with your warm cum~”
Seokmin could die and be happy, thank you’s rolling off of his tongue through choked cries as he finally lets himself go.
The pleasure washes over him after a few more swivels of your hips and he barely even registers the fact you’ve already sunk your fangs into his wrist, too lost in his own bliss. 
You moan against his skin, drinking up just enough to get him lightheaded before you’re lapping up the wound.
Seokmin tasted extra sweet.
Licking your lips, you release his arm as it falls limp next to his body and you immediately bring your fingers down to your clit, rubbing harsh and quick circles on the nub to get yourself to cum.
“Oh, god, Seokmin!” You cry; walls fluttering around Seokmin’s overly sensitive cock as he whines and squirms underneath you.
You ride out your high, hips coming to a stop as you catch your breath above him. Seokmin, on the other hand, feels a little delirious and warm; fingertips twitching at his sides. “Ngh…” He whimpers, unable to even speak with how exhausted he felt.
You lift your hips, cum sliding down Seokmin’s cock as he groans in oversensitivity. “Ah~ Look at how much cum you spilled in me, Seokminnie~” His bleary eyes watch as you let the cum slide out of your pussy and right over his cock and he almost, almost hates the way his cock twitches as the sight.
Sitting back on his thighs, you watch him bask in his post-orgasm glow; smacking your lips as you reach for another lollipop from the coffee table. “So~ How did you like it?” You ask, a teasing lilt in your voice when you visibly see his cock twitch.
His throat feels dry, that’s all he knows. 
Seokmin’s clammy palms slide back into his sweater paws, pressed tight against his chest again as he gently leans up. You can’t help but smirk at his appearance; puffy red eyes from crying and cheeks stained with drying tears with his cock still curving up to his abdomen covered in his own cum.
“I---s--so what’re you g-gonna teach m-me next…?”
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers: January 17th, 2021 (Part 1)
More ask answers! It’s gonna be a lot today, so we’re splitting it into two.
i love Cliff and Kyra's relationship so much ?? even though they had issues they managed to work things out and remain friends through the years! it's so refreshing over the narrative of people resenting each other after they break up.. im kind of curious tho , do they see each other strictly platonic now or is there still something lingering?
Aw, I’m glad to hear you like their relationship. Their feelings are very platonic now. Kyra views him as an ex and co-parent and then a friend as time goes on. Cliff does struggle not to think of her as still his family, even though he’s not romantically attracted anymore. But he’s knows it might be crossing a line to be that attached to a woman who divorced him and so he tries to let her just live her own life.
Can i ask just how tall Cove exactly is in Step 3? And will he be even TALLER in Step 4? My short heart cannot handle this. (Also this game is absolutely flawless and I haven't been able to stop thinking abt it since I played. Planning on getting the dlcs soon, y'all did SO WELL!!!!!!!!!) 
Haha, thank you very much.
Step 1: 4'1 feet Step 2: 5'4 feet Step 3: 6'0 feet Step 4: 6'4 feet 
Hey! So, I know Steam is having its fall sale/boxing day sale or something so i was wondering if you guys were gonna participate in that?? I was thinking of buying XOXO Droplets (the extended version) but i didnt want to do anything before there was a potential sale. May seem like an odd question, but I was genuinely curious. I can't wait to play the full game when i get it tho :D
I’m afraid we have some things we wanna fix in XOXO Droplets before really promoting it/pushing it with sales, so for now it won’t be participating in Steam sales. Hopefully we can update it soon.
Hello I'm still trying to get the CG for Step 2-3 and didn't see or get it when I told Cove of the deal in the Dinner moment like your guide says. I got the achievement but no CG. Is there another choice I'm suppsed to make after telling him?
Make sure you go back to the house with Cove after he leaves and don’t stay in your living room.
* don't be suspicious* *don't be suspicious*  ...Hi, there's another way to pay for the Our Life +18 dlc besides Patreon? Patreon have very limited payment options and I've been struggling with the platform. Anyways, thanks for the amazing game I hope I could support any way ^u^
Haha, right now there isn’t anything specific, but once it’s finished in a few months we’ll look into other hosting sites.
do you think we can get another our life dlc plzzz i would pay so much for it <3 i want to see their life together when they have kids or pets or just live with the two of them and i really want them to adopt kids too since jamie is adopted :)
I’m afraid we likely won’t. As much as we love OL: B&A, we’ve gotta start putting our whole effort into new projects soon. Maybe someday we could come back and do special new content, but it’d be quite awhile after all the planned DLCs have released.
How do you delete a save file? 
On PC or Mac you hover over a slot and hit the delete key, or you can go into the saved data folder and delete the files directly. On Android I’m afraid I don’t know. You can save over them with something else, though.
this is like. totally embarrassing and silly to ask but im dying here; i love cove so much i wanna climb that boy like a tree. so basically what im asking here is like. will the nsfw dlc have explicit stuff or is it more like an implied kinda situation? cuz i want some full on nsfw shit im so thirsty for cove and only this can satisfy me
It’s truly 18+ and explicit with nude art and straightforward descriptions of sexual acts. That’s why we can’t release it as part of the main game, haha. I’m glad you’re into Cove~
Hello! I've really been enjoying Our Life and am noticing some animation changes with the update! I just had a question though. In Step 2 we meet Jeremy but I was wondering if he was only meant to appear in Step 2 as a typical mean kid or is there more we don't know? 
Jeremy is a horrible pill in Our Life, but he is also a beloved romance option as a teenager in our other game XOXO Droplets. His personality is quite different once he grows up more. I imagine Cove and the MC would be pretty surprised.
Hi! i absolutely adore our life so far and I can't wait to continue supporting the game with the upcoming dlc drops! i was just wondering if y'all were planning on uploading any art for steam icons/the steam point shop in general<3 
Thank you! And we might. But we’re first trying to focus on making a new game update since there are still some improvements we have in mind.
I hope this question doesn’t come off weird but would Cove be the type of guy to memorize your period? I imagine he’d be the kind of best friend/boyfriend who would keep track of your cycle to support you during it or something like that 
We’d be shy about it at first and avoid mentioning what he was doing, but he would try to keep track of it based on any insight the MC gave him. The longer you’re with him, the more it could be just a normal thing the two openly talked about.
Hi there, how often do you do auditions? I am a voice actor and would love to be part of a project ?
We usually have auditions two to three times a year. Our next planned casting call will be for side character in Our Life Step 4.
Are the 5 moments included in the Derek and Baxter DLCs different from the normal Step 2 and 3 DLC? And will they focus exclusively on Derek and Baxter respectively? I was a little confused when I read the DLC FAQ. Thanks! 
Mostly they’ll be completely new Moments that star Derek or Baxter. Though, for example, Derek’s DLC will allow you to take him to the Soiree. If you go with Derek that will remove your ability to go with Cove in the Cove Step 2 DLC.
Sorry if you've already said this, but how will your character transfer over to the patreon exclusive NSFW DLC?  Can it access your game memory or will you select traits your character showed and choices you made from a list? 
It’s a standalone event that happens for MCs who are in a relationship with Cove and have been dating him for a while. Other details about the MC/their dynamic with Cove will just be picked in the event itself. It won’t try to take data from a specific save in the actual game.
I love your games, but currently only have an Android. When will you put your other games on android? 
I don’t know. They might not able to be formatted for Android very well, unfortunately. We’ll see how much time we’ve got later this year to try figuring it out.
Thank you so much for all the questions :D
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jstlikemagic · 4 years
nsfw alphabet: jeff wittek
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hiya everyone! so someone had asked if i could go in-depth on my bdsm breakdown of jeff but i had already gone through the acronym. SO! i remembered that the nsfw alphabet existed and thought it’d be put to great use on this blog. please reblog or like if you enjoyed! :)
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
jeff is definitely very caring after sex. if he knew he pushed you and went a little too rough on you, i could 100% see him getting an ice pack for your welts or putting some cream on them just to make sure you’re okay. i also feel like after sex, he would check in to see if you enjoyed yourself because he believes he has to have a top performance. imagine he went to rough on you and you were having trouble walking, so he picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bathroom to make sure you pee (no uti’s in this bitch) and to make sure you’re cared for. then he’d carry you back to bed and tuck you in:,)
b = body part (their favorite body part of their partner’s)
i believe jeff is an ass guy. some may debate on this BUT even if you don’t have the thiccest of the thiccy, he would love it regardless. with or without the sex, he seems like the type to always have his hands on your ass no matter what. doing dishes? his hands smack your ass. y’all are kissing? his hands are on your ass. if you’re riding him, he would most definitely guide you with his hands on your probably already bright red cheeks. / if you wanna read a little bit more about this, read my bdsm breakdown! 
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he’d def want to finish on your ass or all over your tits. if he’s fucking you doggystyle and is about to come, he’d pull out and release his cum all over your ass. if he was finishing while y’all were in missionary, he’d instruct you to sit up on your knees and push your tits together. you’d put your tongue out just to see if you’d get a little taste of his cum and he’d jack himself off and aim at your tits.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
sometimes he’d like to pick fights with you because he knew the makeup sex would be BOMB AF. or even if y’all didn’t make up, the angry sex would be so rough and fulfilling. he’d love to have the chance to wrap his hand around your throat or manhandle you but you didn’t mind it at all because it was CONSENSUAL and you knew he wouldn’t push the boundary.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i’d say he’s very experienced. he lost his virginity at the age of 12 so he’s had about 18 years of practice. plus his last girlfriend is spicy as hell so i wouldn’t surprised if they fucked all the time or had $picy sex :)
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
not really. not to say y’all would never be goofy but i’ve always thought that like if something went wrong during sex, you would laugh it off and he’d get embarrassed. imagine you and the vlog squad are taking a trip in an rv. so you and jeff are trying to get it on in the bunks, i could 100% see him fucking hit his head off the top bunk and you’re just laughing his ass off and he keeps on saying that it isn’t funny and to shut the fuck up lol
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he is 100% a ken doll down there. he cares a lot about his image so i’m sure he’s well maintained under there.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
“as far as making love, i can see him as extremely passionate but soft at the same time? like i feel like he would be soft in the way of talking to you. like i can imagine him gassing you up and just calling you beautiful and telling you how much he loves your certain features. like he’d just be a complete softie! his strokes would 100% send it home and he’d probably be gripping the headboard while thrusting into you passionately.“ (taken from one of my blurbs)
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
if you went on a business trip or a vacation, he is def relying on his hand. if you’re around, i can’t see him doing it often. maybe you had somewhere to be and he caught a glimpse of you and got horny. so while you’re gone, he decides to masturbate and you realize that you left something. so you walk back to the apartment and nerf comes tapping to you. hearing moans coming from the bedroom, you turn to nerf and say ”hey nerf, what is daddy doing?” you inch closer to the door and the moans become more prominent. slowly opening the door, you’re met with a naked jeff, abs well defined, and his hair sticking to his forehead due to all the sweat. “woah woah woah, y/n, what are ya doin’?” he’d panic. getting all shy, you’d tell him to continue and pretend you’re not even there as you search for the item you left behind lol
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
“some kinks that i see jeff would have are: double penetration, dirty talk/degradation, and candle wax play. when it comes to double penetration, i don’t mean in the typical way of two people filling both holes. i don’t think jeff would want to share his partner so i envision more of his partner (who has a vagina) wearing a butt plug while he fucks his partner’s vagina. another kink we can explore is dirty talk with degradation. just like david, i can see him saying stuff like ‘can you take daddy’s cock like a good girl?’ (hehe daddy kink) and ‘do you like it when daddy fills your holes like the slut you are?’ dirty stuff like that ya kno?“ (taken from one of my blurbs)
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
it depends. if y’all are at a hotel for example (like the one in miami), it’s the balcony. i could see him fucking you from behind while pulling your hair and nipping at your neck. if it’s a casual day in the life; the bed, the couch, or maybe even the barber chair? when i think about having sex in the chair, i think of his partner first giving him head while he’s sitting in the chair, then transitioning to riding him in the chair, and maybe you’re holding onto the arms of the check and fucks you from the back. :,)
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
what turns jeff on? every part of your being. as corny as it sounds, he seems like you could just make a funny joke and everyone laughing would turn him on????? that maybe sounds weird but he’d be so into you that something as simple as that could get him going. also when he catches you dancing at a party and just exuding confidence all over the place!
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
probably roleplay and every that’s too taboo. i could see him not enjoying roleplay because he’d think it’s “too cheesy”
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
i believe he prefers to receive other than give. and no one come for my neck for saying that. it doesn’t make him selfish because his stroke games seems a1. 
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it depends. if y’all are making love, it’s slow and sensual. if it’s a hookup or just fucking, y’all are going fast and rough. (here’s a blurb where i talk about both of these)
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they wouldn’t happen often but if you did it, it was in a public place. i can totally see jeff and his partner hooking up really quick in david’s bathroom during a party because y’all literally couldn’t wait till y’all got home. other than that, i feel like he really wouldn’t like to rushed so quickies didn’t happy as often as with someone like david.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i think he’s down to experiment but it depends. i don’t see him as OUTRAGEOUSLY kinky but say one night you’re like “hey wanna try anal?” he might be hesitant at first but try it after you beg him. i feel like if it’s what his partner wants, he’ll do it because he’s a sucker for them.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he’s a pretty healthy guy so i’d say three rounds TOPS. and as far as how long does he last? i’d say 30-45 minutes! 
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
the only toy i could envision him wanting to try on you is a butt plug. due to the fact i’ve stated that i think he’s an ass guy, i think he would go nuts to see his princess with a pink and glitter butt plug in all its glory. :,) 
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
i don’t think he’s into teasing that much during sex. i think he’s clear, concise and to the point. however, i believe he’d be the biggest tease before sex. like imagine sitting on his lap in david’s tesla after leaving the club. and his hands are just stroking the inner part of thighs and he’d lean into your ear and say something like “can’t wait till we get home mmmm-” and then kiss your neck
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s definitely loud. matt king said he was loud when he masturbates and i believe it. i feel like he has more breathy moans and low moans???? definitely a grunter as well
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s definitely against threesomes with a male partner. he may be willing to share you with a female friend but i could see him still getting jealous over sharing you. if there was a threesome with you and another woman, he would be the one to dictate the situation. like telling you two to kiss and or feel each other’s tits or get the other woman off.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
this has been a topic of discussion many of times on my blog but i’ve come to the conclusion; he may not be thick but he’s long.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he definitely has a high sex drive. y’all remember that jeff’s barbershop episode when matt said he could hear jeff masturbate a lot? joke or not, i believe it. due to his flirty nature as well, i could see him definitely down to fuck 24/7.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i feel like he would knock tf out. this guy gets up early in the morning and powers throughout the day so if y’all have sex late at night, he’s knocked. but if it’s early in the mornings, that’s just one way for him to start the day. he would probably lay in bed for like 30 minutes then take a shower and start his day.
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s0seo · 4 years
The Heir Chapter 2
~ Pairing: OT7 x Reader                  WC:  6684
Rating: M                                        
Genre: Vampire au mystery thriller with lots of angst and eventual fluff and smut (THIS IS A SLOW BURN)
Summary: After you and your friend are attacked during a night out, you discover a world much bigger and more dangerous than you could have ever imagined.
WARNINGS: 18+, mention of blood, swearing, assault, mention of death, angst
A/n: I know I said Friday, but I changed my mind. I tried to make this one just a smidge longer. I hope you all enjoy!
© s0seo please do not copy or edit as protested under this license :)
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You open your eyes and the first thing that you notice is pain. You are in so much pain. You look around trying to figure out where you are and find yourself in a hospital room. As hazy memories come flooding back, you spot two familiar figures sitting in chairs beside your bed.
Tae’s curly dark brown hair and Jimin’s long bleached hair are both covering their sleeping faces. You try to lift your right arm, hoping to call the nurse when you hiss out in pain, startling the boys.
You hear a thump to your left as Jimin falls out of his chair and find Tae on your right holding your hand within seconds.
 “Yoongi” you rasp, feeling an ache in your throat.
Tae and Jimin look at each other for a moment. You can tell from the puffiness around their eyes that they’ve been crying.  
You look at Jimin as he says to no one in particular “I’m gonna go find the nurse” before heading out the door. 
Looking at Tae for answers, you see him reach for a half-filled glass of water from the table beside you and bring it to your lips. You didn’t realize how thirsty you were until you felt the first drop hit your tongue.
After a few painful gulps you weakly push the cup away and ask again, this time your voice a bit stronger, “Where is Yoongi?”
Tae looks down at the floor before looking at you and saying, “he still hasn’t woken up yet.” A wave of relief washes over you and you feel a tear fall down your cheek as you confirm “but he’s alive? He’s alive?”
He looks up at you and softly nods his head as he reaches up to your face and wipes you tear away. You lean into his hand and close your eyes. When you open them again you see him looking at you, trying to read your face. 
You pull away from him and lean your lead on your pillow. As the silence becomes deafening, your mind spits out a new thought.
“Wait. Are you two the only ones?”
He continues inspecting you for a moment before explaining,
“Jin and Namjoon are with Yoongi right now. Jungkook is still out of town with his father, and Hobi was here earlier, but had to head back home to take care of some things before work. Jimin and I are here and planned to stay with you until you woke up.”
 You look around again.
 “How long have I been out?”
 “Two days” he answers smoothly, looking at your face for any hint of distress.
 Your eyes widen. 
“Wow” you mouth as you hear the door open and see Jimin walk in with a young girl carrying a clipboard.
She walks up to your bed and checks your vitals before speaking to you in a soft warm voice. “Hi, Miss L/N my name is nurse Sanchez and I’ve been taking care of you for the past few days. How are you feeling?”
 You look down at your body as you say, “my entire body hurts. How bad was it?”
When she doesn’t respond you look up at her. She purses her lips and says, “let’s wait until the doctor gets here and he’ll walk you through it?”
You frown and look at her face wondering why she can’t just look at your chart and tell you.
‘Something feels off’ you think to yourself.
You look at her eyes and you can see how uncomfortable she is. You narrow your eyes, refusing to back down.
 “Tell me.”
She holds your gaze, and after what you can tell is a small internal conflict says quietly, “you had two broken ribs, and you suffered a minor concussion along with bruised vocal cords.“ Slowly tearing her eyes away from yours she looks down at the floor and continues. “You also had a deep laceration on your side, and a few scratches along your arms.”
You hold your breath as she explains to you just how close you were to dying, multiple times, she emphasizes, and you finally feel yourself release it when she grows quiet, looks up at you, and quickly excuses herself from the room, to go find the doctor.
 You look at both of your friends who are now watching you closely.  You feel like they’re expecting you to cry, or scream, or freak out after everything that’s happened, but you realize that you don’t need to. 
Whatever fear you felt, whatever worries you had in that alleyway were over. In times like these you’re thankful for your level headedness. In fact, you have always been good at compartmentalizing in stressful situations. The only thing that you’re worried about now is Yoongi.
After a few agonizing minutes you feel yourself start to fidget under their silent stares.
 “Guys I’m fine. I know that what happened sucked and was super scary, but I’m gonna be okay.”
 They look at you, sympathy and doubt covering their faces, and Jimin reaches for your hand. “You don’t have to be okay though. We’re here for you. Whatever you need.”
You softly squeeze his hand in response.
“Right now, the only thing I need is for Yoongi to be okay.”
 You eyes focus on Tae and you say “go find Joon. Tell him I’m awake and that I want to see him.”
He nods, standing swiftly and quickly makes his way out the door. You glance at Jimin and find him still staring at you.
“What’s wrong” you ask.
 He continues running his eyes across your face before finally stopping at your eyes and asking, “are you sure you’re okay? I feel like there’s something different about you. I can’t put my finger on it…” 
You tilt your head and your eyes narrow at him as a sharp wave of irritation hits you. You whisper curtly “I said I’m fine. Drop it.” 
He blinks and looks away from you, running his hand through his overgrown bleached hair before leaning back in his chair.
“Okay, you’re right. If you say you’re fine then I trust you, I just worry about you. We all do.” 
You feel a pang of guilt for being so short with him. Honestly, you don’t even know why you did that. You reach your good arm out to him and place your hand on his. He looks up at you and you can see a question lingering in his eyes. 
Before he can manage you hear a knock on the door. Expecting Tae and Namjoon, you are surprised to see two men in faded clothes carrying notepads.  One looks like he’s in his late thirties, while the other one looks around your age.
Apparently when the nurse left to go find the doctor, she called the police as well. The older one makes his way to the foot of your bed while the other hangs back and leans against the wall watching you.
The one at the foot of your bed introduces himself as detective Song, and the one against the wall is introduced as detective Jon. 
You can’t help but feel like something is off about them. Maybe it’s the way detective Jon is looking at you, or maybe it’s their overall demeanor, but your gut is telling you something feels wrong. 
You debate asking to see their badges but decide against it. You’re probably just being paranoid.
You look at them for a moment, then ask them bluntly, “so, detectives, have you found the guy who attacked us yet?”
The detectives share a look and detective Song gives you a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
 “Unfortunately we’re still searching for him, but don’t worry he can’t hide forever”
A look of doubt crosses your face and you tilt your head. “What have you done to try to find him? I don’t see how he could’ve gotten that far.”
You see Detective Jon who has been watching you closely frown at your words before his partner pulls your attention back.
“Before we get into the specifics, can you tell us what you remember from that night? We need to take your statement, and if there’s anything you can tell us about him, then that would help us find him much faster.”
You blink slowly before nodding. You grab a sip of your water, close your eyes, and take a deep breath before opening them and recounting the events.
“I remember Yoongi and I went to the basketball game for his birthday. After that we decided to head to the bar to grab a few drinks before going home.”
You see the detectives scribbling notes on their notepads and preparing their questions.
 Detective Jon asks first.
“What time did you head to the bar?”
“Around midnight.”
“What was the name of the bar?”
“Sunas; Yoongi and I go there all the time with our friends” you say as you gesture to Jimin sitting beside you.
Detective Song chimes in.
“Do you and your friend live together?”
You nod and explain.
“We grew up together and moved into his parent’s old house a few years ago. I was looking for Yoongi when I was attacked...”
You look off into empty space as you continue.
“I went outside because he was supposed to be waiting for me. I called him but I couldn’t find him. I heard his phone ringing, and I saw it lying on the ground in the alley. I picked it up and was gonna go back into the bar when I heard something by the dumpster.”
Your voice becomes a whisper as you remember what you saw.
“When I saw Yoongi…”
You look down at your hands and realize that they’re shaking. Jimin reaches over to you and places your hand in his, reminding you that you’re okay. You try our best to keep your voice steady and keep going.
“The man was on top of him, and Yoongi was covered in blood. I knew I had to help him, so I picked up a bottle off the ground and hit him in the head with it. I knocked him out and bent down to check on Yoongi. I could see that he was bleeding pretty bad. I think the guy stabbed him. I put my hands on the wounds to try to stop him from bleeding out, and that’s when I saw someone walking at the end of the alleyway and told them to call for help. I didn’t notice that the guy had woken up until he threw me against the wall and tried to strangle me.”
You feel your heart pounding in your chest, remembering your fear.
“As he lifted me up, I knew he was going to kill me so I picked up a broken bottle and waited for the right moment. I wasn’t going down without a fight”
You unconsciously reach your hand up and softly graze your fingertips across your neck, wincing at the sensitivity as you remember the man’s grip around your throat.
Detective Jon looks up from his notepad and brings you back to the present.
“Okay, so what happened next?”
“He was saying something about it being my fault. He didn’t say what though.  I really can’t remember. Honestly, I didn’t get a good look at his face because my vision was super blurry.”
Detective Jon interrupts.
“Because you were drinking earlier?”
You narrow your eyes at him and clarify.
“Because I had a concussion from being thrown into a wall.”
Letting out a sigh, you look down at your hands and quickly wrap up your story.
“Anyways, I waited until he lifted me up and I stabbed him in the throat with the broken neck of the bottle. His blood flew all over me. I thought that would finally take him down, but he just pulled the bottle out of his neck and stabbed me with it before running away. I’m guessing it’s because he heard the sirens.  I didn’t realize he stabbed me until I fell on the ground though.”
You look over at Jimin as you finally say, “I could tell that Yoongi was dying so I crawled over to him to try to cover his wounds again, but I passed out before the police could get to us.”
Relieved to finally be finished telling the story, you look down at your hands and let out a breath. 
“Next thing I know I’m here and two days have passed.”
Hearing no response, you look back up at them and find five pairs of eyes looking at you in shock.
You were so caught up in your memories that you didn’t hear Namjoon and Tae come in.
Detective Song asks, “so you stabbed him in the neck with the bottle and then he took it out of his neck and stabbed you…with the same bottle?”
You give him a nod and wonder why out of all the things you said, his focus was on a broken bottle instead of the fact that  your attacker somehow managed to run away after being stabbed in the throat. You add it to your list of suspicions and move on.
You see Jimin blinking back tears, and the detectives share a look with each other before detective Jon closes his notepad and quietly exits the room.
 Detective Song reaches into his jacket pocket and places his card on the bed next to your feet. 
“Thank you for your statement. We’ll put this in the report. If you remember anything else just give us a call.”
You blink at him and frown as you watch him walk towards the door.
You call out to him “how close are you to actually catching this guy?” 
He either doesn’t hear you or doesn’t have an answer and simply continues out the door.
You quietly whisper a soft curse after him before looking at Namjoon and gesturing for him to sit beside you on the bed.
 He looks at you, his puffy eyes filled with worry.  He takes note of your injuries and your face and seeing that you’re okay he takes a seat. You place your hand on top of his and ask, “how is Yoongi?”
 He looks down at the floor before glancing at the others who give him a small nod. Taking a deep breath, he meets your eyes and tells you everything.
As he goes into detail about Yoongi’s injuries you realize that when Tae said that Yoongi was still unconscious, that was putting it lightly.
Not only was he unconscious, but he had technically died multiple times, and according to the nurses is lucky to even still be alive right now. 
“His heart stopped twice in the ambulance, and by the time he reached the hospital he had almost no blood left in his body.”
His eyes scan your face, searching for confirmation to continue.
“His two stab wounds were accompanied by a gash in the back of his head and a dislocated shoulder, and that was just the physical injuries. Once he got to the here everything went crazy. His heart kept stopping and increasing unexplainably, and he had a dangerously high fever for the first full day after they finished his surgeries. Over the past two days ,the nurses said he’s been through enough blood bags to fill up three grown bodies.”
You raise your eyebrows in confusion, not understanding how that’s possible, and Namjoon explains.
“Every time the doctors finished a transfusion, his body seemed to need another one. Then this morning, his body temperature and vitals suddenly just returned to normal. He’s been in a coma ever since.”
He reassures you though that over the past few days, despite the problems that he was having, Yoongi was healing extremely quickly. You both were. 
You touch your side and Jimin explains “They say that his wounds are almost fully healed and that judging by your current rate of healing yours should be a scab in about a week.”
“That’s good to hear.” You reply looking away deep in thought. You don’t understand how or why you’re healing so fast, and you don’t understand how he’s getting better faster than you are.  You don't know how long it takes a stab wound to heal, but you’re pretty sure it’s a lot longer than a week. 
You think back to Yoongi's body, this time with an objective eye.  From the look of his wounds and the amount of blood that he lost; he shouldn’t even be alive right now let alone almost fully healed. 
You frown and look at Namjoon.
“I want to see him.”
He glances at Jimin, and Tae puts a hand on your shoulder before saying,
“I’m not sure that’s the best-”
“‘Bring me to him” you say, cutting him off.
Thirty minutes and two arguments later, you are sitting in a wheelchair heading towards Yoongi’s room accompanied by your friends.
You were a bit surprised that the nurses let you leave your room, but you didn’t want to question it. They did mention something about wanting to run a few tests once the doctor arrived though which didn’t sound at all promising. 
‘That is a problem for a later point in time’ you think to yourself.
 You arrive at his room and see his motionless figure asleep in his bed. Jimin and Tae find a spot against the wall as you are pushed further in by Namjoon.
You spot Jin in a chair hunched over the left side of Yoongi’s bed with his head resting on his arms. You take in the sight of him and silently gesture to Namjoon to place you beside him.
Namjoon takes a seat across from you on Yoongi’s right, and you place your hand on the back of Jin’s head and give it a comforting rub. You feel him shift beneath you and give him a small smile when he finally glances up at you.
His eyes are red and puffy just like the others, and his lavender hair is messy like he’s been running his hands through it. You reach down and place your hand over his, and see fresh tears beginning to form in his eyes. 
You wrap your arm around his wide shoulders and pull him down into you. He wraps his arms around you, and you hide your wince as your still healing body cries out from the contact, choosing instead to rub his back softly. You know he needs this; they all do.
 You feel three sets of eyes staring at you, but no one says anything. You look back over to Yoongi, and you see his peaceful sleeping face partially covered by his messy black hair. You glance at his neck and see an already healing scab.
 Looking back towards the others you say “His wounds have healed more than mine. How is that possible?”
Jimin moves from his position on the wall and makes his way over to Namjoon before responding.
“We don’t really understand it either. Hell, the doctors are even more confused than we are.”
Namjoon runs his hand through his silver hair.
“It’s crazy, he went from nothing, to almost fully recovered in only three days. If I’m being honest though, I’m happy that he did. I don’t know what’s causing this, but I know I don’t want to question it. Now we just need him to wake up.”
Tae who has been silent ever since returning with Namjoon lets out a sniffle and walks over to you, taking a seat at the foot of Yoongi’s bed.
“I just don’t understand why this happened to you guys. We were so scared that you’d never wake up.”
Jin moves his head from your shoulder and looks up at you.
“I should have gone with you guys. It’s my fault for not being there.”
You reach up and wipe away a tear that has begun to fall down his face.
“I’m glad you weren’t. I don’t want to think about what could’ve happened if he hurt both of you.”
Jin slowly nods his head and leans into your hand.
Suddenly a new thought occurs to you.
“How did you guys even hear about what happened?”
 The others all look at Namjoon who clears his throat.
“Apparently at some point in time you put me down as one of your emergency contacts, along with Yoongi’s parents of course. The hospital tried to reach his parents, but they got no response. I was the only other option, and I’m thankful for that.”
“I’m sorry that you guys got dragged into this” you say knowing that they were all extremely busy and that they had to put their lives on pause to come take care of you.
Jin lifts his head back up from your shoulder and looks at you.
“Don’t say that. We would do anything for both of you. Just like you would do anything for us. We can still work and take care of ourselves while staying by your side.”
Instead of responding, you reach across the bed, take Yoongi’s hand, and softly rub your thumb across the back.  You all sit there in silence waiting, for Yoongi’s eyes to open, for the doctor to come in, for anything to happen, but nothing does.
 A few hours pass, and a nurse comes in and informs you that you are required to return to your room and that the doctor should be with you sometime tomorrow morning. You nod your head in understanding and let the others know that you’ll take Jin with you. When you make it back to your room he helps you into bed and takes a seat in the chair beside you.
 As you close your eyes, you fall asleep to the memory of Yoongi's eyes blinking at you as his blood pools around him.
The next morning you are awoken by a different nurse from the night before. She gives you antibiotics and checks on your wound. You realize that whatever blessing was bestowed upon Yoongi, didn’t fully extend to you.
 Even though Namjoon said your wound would scab in about a week, you can definitely tell you still have a few weeks until you are fully healed. On the bright side, your arms don’t feel as heavy as they did last night, and you can sit up just a little bit easier as well. 
After a slightly embarrassing trip to the bathroom, Jin helps you into a wheelchair and you both head back to Yoongi’s room. When you get there, you see that Jimin and Tae managed to scavenge a few extra chairs from somewhere in the hallway and made themselves comfortable, well as comfortable as they could in a hospital room.
 Namjoon is seated in the same chair as last night and has his head resting on the arm of the chair. You silently gesture to Jin to place you on Yoongi’s left side just like you were last night, and he takes his seat beside you before you take his hand and hold it on your knee.
 You feel Jin shift from underneath you, and put his arm around you, giving you room to rest your head on the inside of it. You watch Yoongi until your eyes get heavy and you feel yourself drifting off to the steady beat of his heart monitor.
 You don’t know how much time has passed, but suddenly you are startled awake by a loud gasp. Yoongi sits straight up in his bead and claws at his throat for a few moments before Namjoon and Jin stand up and force his hands away. You grab the remote from the bed and press the call button for the nurse as he continues to fight your friends. You call out to him, hoping to snap him out of whatever he’s imagining.
“Yoongs, you're safe now. You’re okay.”
You see his eyes searching the room for something until finally landing on you. You lean over towards him and look into his eyes.
“Yoongi” you say softly, trying to reassure him. “You’re okay. We’re in the hospital.  We were hurt pretty bad, but we’re okay now.” Jin and Namjoon begin loosening their grip as Yoongi’s breathing calms down. 
You reach out and place both his hands in yours before looking into his eyes and repeating, “you’re okay.”
He looks around the room, finally noticing the others. Namjoon places a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder who looks down at your hands wrapped around his own. You can see his memories coming back to him as he tries to remember how he got here, and he lets out a sharp breath before pulling his feet to his chest.
 You see his shoulders rise once as he takes in a breath before letting out a raw and unhindered sob. 
It breaks your heart. Truly it does. You feel your chest tighten and you motion to Jin to help you stand and take a seat on the bed right beside him before wrapping him in your arms, not caring about the throbbing pain in your side. You stay there for a while, until you hear a knock on the door.  
You look up and remove your friend from your arms as you see it’s the doctor. He walks in followed by two nurses.
He looks like he’s in his late fifties, and you see from his nametag that his name is Dr. Wood. He notices you studying him and gives you a tight-lipped fake smile that doesn’t reach his black beady eyes.
One of the nurses checks Yoongi’s charts while the doctor updates you both.
“Good morning Mr. Min. How are we feeling today? Ms. L/N? How's your side feeling?”
You look to Yoongi and he glances at you as if waiting for reassurance. You give him a small nod.
“I’m alright”
The doctor gives a small nod and takes a few notes before looking at you next.
“It still hurts pretty bad, but overall, I’m alright”
He gives another nod and makes another note.
“That sounds good.” Not looking away from his notepad, he returns his attention to your friend. Mr. Min, given the severity of your injuries and the speed of your body’s rate of healing, we’d like to run a few tests to make sure everything’s running smoothly with your recovery.”
Your head tilts at the word “tests” and you think back to what Namjoon told you about his recovery speed and how baffled the doctors were. You also remember the nurses mentioning something about the doctor wanting to run some tests earlier on you as well. You feel a knot forming in your stomach, and you glance around at the others.
‘This doesn't feel right. What kind of tests are they suggesting? Why are they being so vague?’ you ask yourself. 
You feel yourself frown, and you look back over to Yoongi. Right now, there’s only one thing you’re certain of; nothing good will come from tests.
Yoongi looks at you once again, and you slowly shake your head. He looks a bit confused but doesn’t question you. He knows that you probably have a good reason.
“Honestly, I’d just really like to go home. How much longer do I have to stay here?”
The doctor looks up from his notepad in surprise at the refusal but gives him a small smile.
“Judging by your progress, and as long as we see no complications, I’d say we could schedule your release sometime within the next forty-eight hours.”
“What about me?” you ask.
“I think if your rate of recovery remains consistent then we should be able to discharge you by Friday at the latest.”
Three days.  That’s how much longer you would be stuck here. Three more days.
 “Okay, fine.”
The doctor nods in agreement, then decides to leave you in the nurse’s care. They separately check both of your vitals and leave you and your friends alone again.
 As soon as the door closes Yoongi looks at you.
“Why can’t they run tests?”
The others look at you in question as well.
“Nothing good can come from any test they give you Yoongs. We’ve only been here two days, and you’re almost fully recovered. Think about that. Your injuries were far worse than mine, and they’re almost fully healed. I really don’t want us to be here any longer than absolutely necessary.” 
You see Namjoon and Jimin nod in agreement, so you continue.
 “Besides, I don’t trust these doctors. Something feels off. I can’t put my finger on it, but ever since I woke up, I feel like there’s something wrong. I think that right now we just need to focus on getting out of here as soon as possible.”
You hear another knock on the door and spot two familiar faces entering the room. Detectives Song and Jon take up the same positions as they did in your room and glance over at you as they introduce themselves once again only this time to your friend.
You look at Yoongi, and you know he won’t be able to handle reliving his memories right now. 
They pull out their notepads, but before they can ask him anything, you stop them.
“I know this is really important, but I’ve already given you a statement, and Yoongi isn’t in any condition to talk about this right now.”
The detectives share a look and after a small silence, detective Song gives you a forced smile and takes out a copy of his card. Placing it on Yoongi’s bed he gives your friend a nod and looks back at his partner before heading out the door. You wait until the door is closed before letting out a huff and saying
“I really don’t trust those guys. There’s something not right about them.”
Jimin looks at you, the apprehension clear across his face.
“You don’t trust the doctors, you don’t trust the detectives, who do you trust?”
“For now, everyone in this room.”
Your friends look at you dubiously.
“I know I sound paranoid, but just trust me. You know my gut is always right. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something not right here, and until I can figure it out, I don’t trust anyone that seems questionable.”
You know that you have always been a skeptical person. Some would call you paranoid, but you’ve always just considered yourself cautious. Whenever you have a bad feeling about someone or something, you are almost always right, and right now, your gut is telling you to get as far away as you can from this hospital and the detectives.
Your mind wanders back to the man who attacked you. He seemed to know who you were. You wonder if him being there was a mere coincidence or if maybe you were the one, he was after all along.  
You also recall Yoongi lying on the ground slumped against the building, the amount of blood that he lost, the size and depth of his wounds, and the lifelessness in his eyes as he watched you fighting the man.
You can’ t help feel that this is all connected; the detectives, who are sketchy as hell and seemed a little too interested in the man stabbing you with the same weapon you used to stab him in the neck, the doctor, who seems a little too eager to run a few tests that he either can’t or won’t go into detail about, and most importantly; the fact that you and your friend miraculously went from death's door to feeling fine in less than three days.
 You can see the dots, you just don't know how to connect them, at least not yet. One thing’s for sure though, you may not know how or why this happened, but you're sure as hell gonna find out.
‘I’ll have to worry about that later’ you say to yourself.
Right now, your focus is getting out of the hospital with Yoongi as quickly as possible.
The next three days pass without any problems, and the doctor brings in your release forms. Yoongi’s recovery continued as did yours, only at a slower pace. They released him yesterday like the doctor promised, but even after he was released, he just moved himself into a chair next to your bed. Between your naps you would catch him watching you while you slept. You know that he’s just worried and doesn’t want anything to happen to you.
Your friends stayed with you for the first two days, but you insisted that they go back home before the third since Yoongi was released. The nurses came in every few hours to check your vitals and the doctor made an appearance once a day to “check” on you and check in with Yoongi to make sure he hadn’t changed his mind about the tests. Every time the doctor would ask him if he’s reconsidered, and every time Yoongi would say no thank you.
You could see him growing increasingly irritated each time the doctor stopped by and were thankful that he wouldn’t have to put up with it anymore. As you get up from your bed you stretch your arms which have now lost all their soreness and touch your side which has already begun to scab. 
You reach into your bag that Namjoon brought from your house and head to the restroom to change. Thankful for your own toothbrush and face wash you go through your routine and change out of your gown and into a pair of black joggers and an oversized t-shirt. 
You look at yourself in the mirror and take in your reflection. Your cheeks look a bit hollow, and your eyes look a bit dark. Not just because of the bags beneath them, but your eyes themselves have an almost black glint to them. 
There’s something else that you can’t quite put your finger on. It’s not your hair, or your body, but something else. Your mind flashes back to Jimin’s words and you wonder if he might’ve been right.
‘It’s probably just the lighting’ you think to yourself as you shake your head and zip up your bag. You take one last look at yourself in the mirror and you notice your outfit. You’ve looked worse. You look like you just pulled your third all-nighter during finals week. Your eyes travel to your shirt and you realize that it isn’t one of yours.
 Namjoon must have grabbed one of Yoongi’s by mistake, not that you’re upset about it. You both wear similar clothes anyways. You open the door prepared to show Yoongi that one of his favorite shirts now has a new owner when you see him backed up against the wall with the doctor standing in front of him.
Trying to play it cool, you walk up behind the doctor and take your place by Yoongi’s side. “What’s going on here?” you ask, your voice stern.
The doctor looks at you with an annoyed expression.
“I was just informing your friend of the benefits one of our tests could have on his recovery in the long run.”
You look at Yoongi and see the panic in his eyes.
“I don’t know how many more times he can tell you he’s not interested before you finally get it through your head.”
The doctor plasters on his usual tight-lipped smile and looks back at your friend.
“There’s nothing wrong with checking up on a patient in a hospital and walking him through treatment options.”
You narrow your eyes at him and step in front of your friend blocking the doctor’s vision.
“He isn’t a patient here, and your assessment is neither wanted nor appreciated. Now I suggest you leave him alone before I report you for harassing my friend because you believe he recovered too quickly.”
He looks down at you and gives you a look of disgust before walking away. You wait until you're sure he’s out of earshot before turning back to your friend and making sure he’s okay.
“Are you alright? What did he say to you?”
Your friend doesn’t answer. You reach out and touch his face, turning it to face you.
“Yoongs, what did he say?”
He just shakes his head
 “It doesn’t matter, let’s just go home.”
He moves away from you and grabs your bag from the bed before glancing at your clothes.
You are already walking out of the room when you hear him call from behind you “hey, isn’t that my shirt?”
   ~ ~ 
 Outside the hospital
 The two men quietly sit in their vehicle waiting for the call. Five minutes pass, then ten, then fifteen. Finally, Jon decides to break the silence.
“When they said they’d be putting us in the field, this wasn’t exactly what I pictured. Pretending to be cops and waiting for cryptic phone calls in a smelly beat up car doesn’t really feel all that exciting.”
The older one lets out an unamused huff, but Jon continues.
“I didn’t realize we would be sitting in a car for hours watching some mystery girl sit in a hospital”
“If doing your job is boring to you, feel free to make the call. I’m sure they could find somewhere else to put you.”
“What about the girl. Do you think she suspects anything? She seemed combative when we tried talking to her friend. You saw the way she was looking at us.”
“You worry too much. Let’s just do our jobs and watch her. What I’m worried about is the boy. Something’s not right.”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you see his wounds? Going by his chart there’s no reason he should be alive right now let alone awake and talking.”
“What about her? She said that she was stabbed with the same bottle. That means his blood is in her. You don’t think- “
“What I think, is that we need to be very careful about what we do next. The girl should be fine. The blood is a minor complication, but it should leave her system within the next few days.”
Jon simply nods his head and looks out the window.
Suddenly the silence is interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone.
Song reaches into the glove box and pulls out the outdated flip phone.
“Hello? Yes, she’s still alive. Only minor injuries. Has he been found yet? In a studio? Just the body? Okay.  Well not quite. She wasn’t the only one there. There was a boy with her, and he was attacked as well. Yes sir. I understand sir. What do you want us to do if he becomes a problem? Yes sir. What about the brotherhood? I heard they’re after her too. Yes sir, I understand.”
He hangs up the phone and looks over to his partner.
“Well what did they say? Why didn’t you mention the blood? Did they find the guy?”
He looks out the window, deep in thought. 
“We’re fucked.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean, if we can’t stop the brotherhood from taking the girl then we’re fucked, and they’ll kill us. If we try to stop the brotherhood from taking her, then we’ll die trying and we’re still fucked.”
“Did they find the guy?”
Song nods. “The sweepers found his body this morning in some studio. His neck was broken, and they said he’s probably been dead for days. Someone probably got to him after he ran off.''
Jon gazes through the windshield and spots you and Yoongi entering a cab.  
He nudges Song before asking, “so how do you wanna play this? You know Haven isn't going to be happy if we don’t find a way to bring her in.”
“Let’s just watch and see what happens. We’re only grabbing her, if I'm sure we can make it out alive. If we have to run, we run, but I’m not dying for them.”
Jon nods to his partner before starting the car and pulling away.
A/n: I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who read and liked pt.1!  I was honestly surprised at how many people liked it. I wasn't even sure that many people would even read it, let alone love it, so thank you.  I also wanna thank @noonaduck​ for once again giving this  a read for me!
A/n 2: Also, on a completely unrelated note, if any of you are interested in checking out a really pretty song I found while writing this I would definitely check out Silhouette by Aquilo. If you like it I can suggest a few other songs I found as well!
A/n 3: I know I'm just rambling now, but I hope everyone is staying safe! I'm not sure where everyone is from, but these are dangerous times for a lot of us, and I hope everyone can be safe and healthy.
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Can you do nsfw alphabet for hinata?
A?N: Ugg thank you for this, this is the first time I have really written (or thought about) NSFW for Hinata but I enjoyed it because he is totally a lovable goofball in the bedroom but also makes sure to treat his girl right. I love a good request and y’all are on the thirsty train and I am living for it!! If anyone else has requests I am happy to do them!!! 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He gets giggly after sex, he just thinks the world of you and can’t stop kissing you all over and just gives you a big goofy smile and tells you over and over that he loves you. He is so amazed by you and would do anything that you asked, he does get tired after and doesn’t love changing sheets after if you didn’t make a huge mess but he’s going to give you one of his shirts and loves to cuddle. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Hinata loves your legs he just loves how you wrap your legs around him when you’re cuddling him or when you;re doing it, he also loves how long and sexy they look when you are wearing shorts or a skirt, he loves leaving hickeys on your inner thighs and just it makes him really happy
Hinata loves his smile, it was the first thing you ever complimented about him and it just has stuck with him forever and he just gets so happy that you love seeing him smile. (Not NSFW but so true and so pure) 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
When he cums it is always messy, it doesn’t matter if he cums in you, on you, or in your mouth, he literally cannot keep it clean. He loves cumming on your face, he just thinks that it is really hot like it just makes his entire being glow, he loves that you trust him enough and that you are literally coated in his cum. Hinata will never ever argue with you on where you want him to cum he is already so beyond himself that he has you to make him cum. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would actually love to fuck you on a volleyball court while you’re wearing his uniform like something about the two things he loves would do absolutely everything for him and he would love to have the courage to ask you to do something like that for him 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The first time he has absolutely no idea what he is doing like it is almost embarrassing looking back at it now, he didn’t know where to put his hands or what foreplay is but after the first time he started to do some research and really try to learn because he wants to be the best (even though there isn’t a competition). 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Hinata loves doing it with your legs over his shoulder, he likes how much control he has like that, and  that he can see your face as well as your boobs. You swear that he hits deepest like this and it has you cuming faster than anything else (which is why he loves it so much). He is also willing to try almost any position with you because he trusts you and if it goes wrong he’ll just laugh it off. He also loves cowgirl like you just are bare and on top of him and he couldn’t ask for anything better not even in a dream 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Hinata is a goofball all the time and this doesn’t change in the moment, he is going to give you his big goofy grin and tell you you’re pretty and if you both are making out he is going to tickle you or poke at you just because he likes how it makes you squirm and he thinks that it’s cute. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Carpet is definitely a little bit darker than the drapes but just as unruly, he doesn’t bother doing too much with it but will trim it if he notices that it’s out of hand. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He makes his focused face once you really get into it because he wants it to go smoothly and to keep up his pace but he is also super loving, he likes to give you kisses and just tell you all of the amazing things about you and what made him fall in love with you. Sometimes he gets distracted and will start going on tangents about you when you are doing it and you have to pull him into a kiss or something to get him out of it because he could tell you how much he loved you forever. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He isn’t actually doesn’t masturbate that often, he really only does it when he has way too much energy pent up from the day. When he does though it is a whole ordeal for him, he likes it to be dark, in his bed with no pants and a locked door, he likes to imagine you there with him and doesn’t need much else because his imagination will run wild. He moans and whines when he gets close and has to grip his sheets with his other hand to refrain from losing it. He does however love to send you a “I wish you were here” text beforehand to see if he can have sex instead.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Hinata totally has a praise kink and loves hearing you tell him how good of a job he is doing. Hinata also has a thing for role playing. He loves seeing you dressed up and will try and play a cool character who gets to join in. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He is a simple boy, he loves it in one of your bedrooms where he can take his time (or not) and actually sex but that doesn’t mean that he won’t do it anywhere else, he just doesn’t want to be caught. Loves car sex though, in the back of his car where people could see but not actually makes him giddy and is great for quickies. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything you can do he loves, if you laugh around him and he finds it cute, bam he wants to do it. If you brush against his shoulder then he is excited, it is the smallest things that make hinata really turned on. He doesn’t need a lot of the flashy lingerie because he will just take it off of you so he can kiss all over his body but he does get happy that you were willing to go through all of that effort for him ,
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not get caught, he cannot and will not get caught, if he did his soul would leave his body and you can expect to not have any sex any time soon. He also won’t really want to share you or hurt you, he has a big heart and thinks that sex should be fun and not painful or degrading. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving because seeing you moan and squirm under him gives him the biggest ego boost of all time, like it shows him that he really can do anything that he puts his mind to. He will literally eat you out with such passion and when you cum he is going to be like wow I can make a girl cum so I can absolutely *insert whatever he was unsure about here* and then will go and do that. Like he eats you out to prove that he can do anything. He also cannot get enough of you and when you pull his hair while he does it you are going to fuel the fire. When you give oral to him he is going to be as respectful as he can at first, he is going to tell you that he loves you and he likes to try and watch you do it but after you take him all the way into your mouth he cannot help but throw his head back and close his eyes. He will then tangle his fingers in your hair and lightly mouth fuck you so that he can get to his release faster. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is either slow and goofy making you feel like the most loved girl in the world and like the Earth is yours and the two of you are the king and queen. Or he is in energy release mode and he fucks you like a god damn rabbit, he will literally pound into you and just tell you how much he loves you over and over again. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He is a quickie boy, he loves them if he is still wide awake at the end of the night or if he needs to get energy out. He also likes them to calm his nerves before a big match because they really help him be distracted and he likes knowing that you are his when there is a big tournament of all guys. He likes quickies frequently like the two of you can always find time to have a quickie and just kiss each other all the time. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is not a big risk taker, like maybe he wil try and do some dirty talk or try handcuffs and blindfolds but he cannot make himself try and do a lot of the really weird stuff. He did learn that he loves when the two of you masturbate with each other like it is lazy and sexy and really shows him what you like and it is super hot to him. He also learns that he enjoys shower sex from experimenting. Overall will try a lot of things but just will not want to get caught and will not want to hurt you. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The boy is an athlete, he can go for three rounds on average and will literally give you all he’s got. When he’s trying to get rid of his extra energy he could go for 5 rounds and literally pound the shit out of you every single time. He surprisingly has a lot of control of when he cums and likes to wait until after you do so typically each round is about 10 minutes and the later rounds last closer to 5 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He experiments with toys on both you and on him, he would be into trying a vibrating cock ring just to feel what it was like and holy shit he loved it, he ended up cuming way faster than he thought he would and has used it while masturbating because it just adds a lot to his pleasure. On you he is willing to use a little vibrator on your clit during sex or will rub a vibrator across your nipples to keep them hard for him. He isn’t really isn’t dildo’s because a lot of them are bigger than him and it makes him self conscious 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is not a big tease, he will verbally tease you a little bit but you know that he doesn’t really mean it, when it comes to sex he is all for pleasure for both of you. BUTTT when he is eating you out he is absolutely going to tease you, he will lick you once and then move and go kiss your boob or suck on your clit then suck a hickey onto your neck, you whining for him to eat you out hits him so different and boosts his ego like nothing else in the entire world. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is going to be a loud moaner, he has absolutely no shame in letting you hear how good you make him feel. HInata does a mix of moans and groans throughout the entire time, but nothing compares to the high need whines when he is close to cuming, he starts whining and praising you for feeling so good around him, the moans are breathy and whines are high pitched and it just hits every spot right. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves listening to music while you have sex or whie he masturbates, it just makes him calm and helps cover some of the sloppy sex noises. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is a little taller than average but not by much, he is probably a 6 but definitely knows how to use it even though some may seem it as too small, people say that he is too small and look what he can do so imagine what he can do with his above average dick. He can literally rock your shit. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Yknow I think that Hinata doesn’t NEED it every x amount of days or whatever but instead is always down for sex, if you are feeling it then he absolutely will be too, he likes to know you both are in for it. Soooo if you wanted to do it three times a day he will go three times a day, or if you want it a few times a week then you will get exactly what you want. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He is up for a while after, it’s a huge adrenaline rush for him and he already has a hard time falling asleep. If you cuddle with him he falls asleep way faster but always after you do. 
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kumamon-kp · 4 years
Changkyun soft imagine
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Everyone was sat in front of the TV to watch the new twotuckgom episode the boys released. Jooheon, Minhyuk, Wonho and Shownu sat on the couch. Hyungwon sat on the floor next to Changkyun, and Kihyun sat on the floor on the very far end of the couch.  My friend and I both made it just in time throwing our shoes at the door and dropping our things in our bedrooms.
“WAIT WAIT DON’T PRESS PLAY”  I shouted from the room sprinting back in . 
My friend had already sat next to Wonho on the couch putting on her glasses to see better and leaning her head against his shoulder. 
“HURRY UP sit down” she shouted at me. I was kind of panicked not knowing where to sit. So I laid on my side in front of Hyungwon’s and Changkyun’s feet.
“Are you even comfortable like that?” Kihyun laughed at the way I was laying down.
“No haha I might break my neck from looking up but I’ll be right” I laid my head back down, Kihyun giggled.
“ahhh hurry up and press play” Minhyuk snatched the remote from Kihyun pressing play.
 After a while I felt a small poke on my back, I turned around making eye contact with Changkyun. He patted the spot in front of him between his legs signalling me to sit. I shook my head turning my attention back to the tv. This time he started tugging on my arm. I looked at him again and He mouthed “come here”, I put my head down in defeat and crawl towards him trying not to get in the way of the screen. I lay between his legs with my head just beneath his chin. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and his legs on either side of me. His body heat was running down my back. He leans forward a little bit placing his lips gently on the tip of my ears to place a gentle kiss. He sent shivers down my spine. He notices the goose bumps and giggles a little, I slide a little further down so I’m lying on his chest.
After a little while we are all laughing at the boys on the show. Changkyun continues doing little things that are making my heart race and my body become hot. He slowly starts brushing my hair with his finger tips, putting little strands of hair over my right ear and pulling me closer each time
The episode ends and my face is still hot from all the the things he was doing. I pull myself away from him and get up excitedly trying to not show my flustered face. I avoid eye contact with him.
“That was a good episode” Minhyuk is hugging a pillow and squirming around like a little kid, Jooheon is laying his head on Minhyuk’s shoulder almost half asleep.
“Okey Kihyun let’s cook something!” I clap my hands in excitement walking towards the kitchen.
“What do we want to eat?” he asks
“Kimchi rice and pork sounds like an easy idea” Shownu speaks up rubbing his head.
“Mhm but we don’t have any ingredients left, we need to go buy some kimchi and pork” Kihyun gets up and looks in the fridge.
“I can go back and buy whatever we need” I start stretching.
“I’ll go with you” Hyungwon groans as he gets up. I laugh at him as he is half sleep.
“Okey let me get my jacket” I run into the room and grab whatever I need. When I walk back out I noticed Changkyun’s eyes haven’t left the phone.
“Changkyun do you want to get out of the house?” I ask him. Nothing, he continues to look at his phone and then he looks up at me with a serious face. 
“You guys can go alone” he says with no expression as he looks back down at his phone.
“Okeyy” I say softly swallowing hard, I look at Jooheon and he gives me a don’t worry about it look. I smile at him and nod.
“What did Kihyun say we need?” I take my phone out of my pocket following Hyungwon around. He leans down picking up a few different herbs and spices.
“We need pork!” I look through the list of ingredients. I get distracted by Changkyun’s name popping up.
C: Let’s talk after dinner.
Me: No, you could’ve said it to me at home.
C: are u stupid? In front of everyone else, they’ll start asking us questions.
Me: Yeah okay.
C: okay. 
“Eleni hurry!” Hyungwon is at the end of the isle, I started to fast walk towards him making, he tried to hold in his laugh doing his little “ah” screaming before laughing at my stupid way of walking. He puts his arm over my shoulders.
“Do you want to get a coffee after this? I’ll buy you one” he asks dragging me to the meat isle.
“Oh, before dinner?”
“mmm” he nods cutely.
“Sure, I craved one today” I start to get shy because we weren’t usually this close with each other. We only got along and talked when we got a chance to be alone or when we were drunk playing games.  
We finished off our shopping making our way down the street to the little coffee shop nearby our apartment.
“Here you go” the lady handed us the two coffees and the sweet cake for the guys back home.
“So I wanted to ask you your opinion about something” I spoke, took my first sip cringing at the bitterness of the ice long black
“Please don’t laugh at this” I asked him.
“When do I ever laugh” he asks in a soft voice.
“I don’t know sometimes you do”
“Anyways… it’s about Changkyun, I really like him but I’m so unsure of my feelings at the same time” I continue, he stays silent nodding.
“I mean like I know we both have something there but I don’t know if it’s as serious as I think it is” I sink into my seat a little.
“Well, have you asked him what he thinks about it?” he asks. We both sit at a bench right next to our apartment.
“No, I guess he never brings anything up we kind of just do stuff and enjoy each other’s company” I look at him and he crosses his legs staring off into the distance.
“Well that would be a start, asking him and talking about it, you guys seem pretty sure about each other”
“True…” I nod in agreement.
“he is one shy boy remember” he laughs.
“Yeh he really is” I say thinking about him again. I see him smiling in my thoughts causing me to giggle. 
“You really like him so just be honest with your feelings”
“Mmm... thanks Hyungwon this is really nice”
“It’s okay” he rubs my head getting up. “Let’s go”
The house is busy at this point, I’m helping Kihyun cook by cutting things in the kitchen with Minhyuk. My friend is helping wash the dishes and Hyungwon is helping her dry.
Jooheon and Shownu are playing Just Dance on the xbox. Wonho is taking a shower and Changkyun is in his bedroom. I get a little disappointed, but I continue ignoring my thoughts of him and pay attention to everyone else.
“Should we make some ramen?” Wonho walks out with wet hair and white tshirt. I look down at his little shorts and start pissing myself laughing. I tap on Kihyuns shoulder and point at his shoulder. We both start laughing at how short they are.
“What?” he pouts making his way to the the couch ignoring both of the boys.
We eventually get dinner ready and the kitchen clean. We all sit down and call out for Changkyun.
“Thank you for the food” everyone starts to repeat after each other.
The conversations start and we all start talking about our plans and what we did in the past few weeks and memories we remembered, things that you would say on the table. Changkyun talks here and there but most of the time he was silent. He had finished from a shower too, his wet hair making him even more attractive.
We finish off and eat some of the cake Hyungwon and I bought back.
“This was delicious” Hyungwon looks at me and points at the cake. 
“Yeh it really was” I say, everyone nods. 
We all finish off happily and put on another film to watch. I sit down on the couch too and trying to avoid finding Changkyun to talk. As I’m scrolling through Instagram I get a message.
C: Let’s go to the studio
E: Mmm...Ok
I grab my jacket again and let everyone know I’m going to help out Changkyun at the studio. I earn a few smirks, giggles and teasing comments from Wonho and Minhyuk.
As we leave the apartment he walks further in front, I catch up to him but he doesn’t say anything.
“Changkyun you know-“ he cuts me off by grabbing my hand intertwining his fingers with mine. I try to say something but I get flustered, I decide to just wait until he is ready. We continue to walk with my heart in my throat and my butterflies making me feel a good sick.
We finally make it inside the studio and before I get a chance to speak he puts his cold hands under my chin pulling my into a soft but deep kiss. We both move our lips perfectly. He lets go and I let out a small giggle, he still hold my face close to his. A little smile finally appears on his face. His nose is a little red from the cold, he moves in again placing another soft kiss. He pulls away looking at me. 
“I like you but please be patient with me” he finally says in a whisper.
“I know” I mumble, my heart still racing.
“I can be confident but with you it’s really hard to express myself...you make my heart race” he continues, putting little strands of hair behind my ear. His touch is so gentle and soft.
“Mm same” I nod looking at my feet now avoiding his eyes.
“But… please don’t be so worried, I’ve known you for too long now for you to be nervous” I look up finally getting the confidence to pat his head, I move the little hairs in front of his eyes.
“Sure okay” He nods looking at me, I get flustered every time he looks at me. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the little couch. He sits down first pulling me into his lap.
“You are so weird” I laugh wrapping my hands around his neck, he puts his head on my chest and closes his eyes.
“and you talk too much” he does his high-pitched giggle hugging me tighter. I hit him laughing. We both sit there for a while enjoying each others silence. 
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Spencer x Ghost?
Spencer x Ghost
(AAAAA- it has been months since you sent this to me, and all i can say is im so sorry) Side note I have my friend @lethalbreadkills helping me with this one!
For reference: Maddie (maddiefriendlovesbilly) is green, Jimmy (lethalbreadkills) is red (((its 4:30 at the time i have joined this so im dead braincell wise sorry yall))) and Orange is stuff we decided together :3
Also this is so very chaotic im so sorry for this anon but this has been in my fuckin drafts for SO LONG and this is the only way its getting finished (its now 5 am uwu) im so sorry for all the shitposting i do its a mess. I shouldnt have been allowed here. (we finished at about 5:30 am its hell <3)
Sphost? Ghencer?? Sphoster??? I adore and despise them all equally.
We have decided that it should be BeanieGhost
Anyway I think this ship is really cute
They’re both so neurotic I can only imagine the chaos that would ensue
One of them starts a rant on some topic and the other joins the hell in
And Ghost would let this dream come true???
I would die for both of them and if Spencer told me I had to die I wouldn’t even complain, no questions I’d just be like “Aight.” I trust him that much.
(Not sure I trust Ghost’s judgment enough to do that unquestioningly; sorry Ghost)
Back on topic
I can’t imagine these guys on anything that comes close to society’s definition of a date
It’d be more like “hey you wanna come on this hunt with us?” “maybe, depends if there’ll be snacks” or like chilling in Spence’s room binging the entire star trek: original series in one sitting or “oops sorry about that level 11 entity that attached to my soul and is now wreaking havoc in your house, wanna make out later to make up for it?” “Fine but you also have to play three rounds of Call of Duty with me afterward”
They wouldn’t be romantic often but like highkey? I can see them throwing themselves into the line of fire for each other with a recklessness only they could survive
We can’t forget that Spencer is a more than 60,000-year-old overpowered demon/god/entity/thing, which, yes, could throw a slight wrench in this ship for multiple reasons, but I choose to make angst out of it instead.
Side note: Ghost is a chronic conspiracy theorist (and you can’t tell me otherwise) and every once in awhile Spencer will offhandedly say something like “Y’know I helped the Egyptians build the pyramids” and Ghost just goes fucking feral.
Look, I’m not saying Spencer IS touch-starved and most likely has issues creating and developing relationships and therefore avoids interpersonal connection, especially offline, but I AM saying he is prime material for it. (thats a lie thats exactly what shes saying don’t believe it) (I’m projecting okay dont judge me) (loser imagine projecting)
Imagine with me for a second: Why does Spencer willingly stay with a family who locks him in their basement with only minor complaining? He’s a near all-powerful entity just released into the world for Spence’s-sake - If he wanted to, there’s no telling what havoc he could wreak! So why doesn’t he? Why would someone so powerful, so terrifying, so dangerous that a group of people decided to seal him away forever stay with the first family he finds in sub-par conditions for years - especially someone who’s seen to be as high-maintenance as Spencer? Let me hit you with a theory: He’s chasing the feelings of validation, safety, and love - no matter how rarely it’s shown - that a family can provide. Being socially isolated for even a few years can do a number to a person’s psyche (I should know, I’m projecting onto this character right now), let alone thousands.
Now maybe Ghost can’t match thousands of years in isolation, but damn if he doesn’t have a few years of crippling loneliness on his record too.
I can see the two of them learning how to be vulnerable around others together, emotionally and physically; learning how to open up and how to talk through issues; and some third point, because points are better in threes.
(May I suggest that these losers are both trans but thats just me adding in my own projection lmao)
(You absolutely may)
Imagine the conversation thats just “so i have a murderer in my head thats an ass” “rip to u ig sounds like a you problem :///”
imo spence has trouble expressing emotions other than like,,, annoyance and haughtiness, its like sort of his go-to defence, so showing Ghost his emotions is a big step for him
I hear you, and i say yes good. (found this one headcanon that i kinda live by where he was uh, either autistic or adhd i dont remember but theres that too) OH yeah that would be at thing huh. Spencer: *is emotionally vulnerable @ ghost* ghost: oh shit im trusted??? Oh fuck uh.
Yeah so like…. Ghost and spence showing emotion at eachother is kind of :flushed: ghost be like: whats an emotion. Imagine having emotions fuciiing loser hhaha,,,, *laughs nervously*
Ghost is also very emotionally distant with most people so it would probably be like “what??? The fuck?? Emotions?????? You have those???”
Ghost and Spencer be like *gay*
So another idea is that maybe Spencer realizes Ghost doesnt play any games [like the uncultured SWINE he is] and decides he must [remedy] this and so he introduces him to like, nintendo first. (some bitches thought that said nintendo fortnite. Im bitches) and theyre playing like, mario kart or smash or smth and Ghost gets really [fuckin into it]
Ghost and spencer: *literally in eachothers laps playing fucking wii tennis*
Spooker: what are the- *TOAST FUCKING SLAPS A HAND ACROSS HIS MOUTH* shut up you dont wanna know what happens when its mentsonssbfdjfsd (sorry i had a stroke uwuwuwuw)
(Theyre in denial we don’t judge in this house)
They will not hesitate to play dirty either, they will straight up push each other over and vaguely flirt
Ghost is losing and straight up fucking goes “ur hot” and spencer actually dies and boom ghost is the winner. sparkle emoji Magic sparkle emoji
“I am Not a HomoSexual:™:” “Yeah, sure you aren’t” “Screw off”
Pet-names-ish: Asshole, Gaymer-Boy, casual insults, Mr. Spirit Bitch, Mistake, Loves Ghosts More Than His Boyfriend What A Fucking Loser aka Gay-ass
They both open up a lot most likely. Gain someone to trust since they’ve sort of been through the same things (though on much different scales)
I can see soft hours of hanging in each other’s bedrooms
Spencer is a tsundere you cant tell me otherwise youre just a coward if you disagree
So is Ghost so this can only go well
Every time Ghost has to solve a case at the Acachallas Spence is just peaking out from his basement like “the fuck is this?? Hot Man??????”
Enemies to lovers 500k (Gets Hot and Steamy :flushed: NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!11!!!!! 18+!!!!!!! GAY LOVE StORY!!!!!!) Lemonz!!! Made from teh Sexiest of Wattpaders UWUWUWU YAOI Boys Love don’t like don’t read!! (this is so fucking stupid jkfnd) I hate this with a passion Q^Q. All my years of being a basic watpad fanboy have helped me to the moment i bring maddie to tears
The steam is just like,,,,, holding hands and being angy all the fuckin time the steam is literal because their anger translates into actual steam
Their angst has nowhere to go and it just sits between them like two raccoons at a dumpster-style mexican standoff
They really start off hating each other huh. Like, I know this can still lead to healthy relationships but neither of them are very good at healthy relationships with people he hasn’t known for his Whole Life so that’s an Oh No.
They totally feed off of each other’s stupidity (but this could be seen as a pro too so take that as you will) as well as anger - im talking one-upping each other kinda shit
Its ridiculous honestly how intense it gets, like they straight up need intervention sometimes because they dont realize they can just STOP
I think this would be a relationship that would that a lot of time and hard work to make work, but i think in the end it would be really super cute!! Like it would make no fuckin sense to anyone else but somehow they’d understand each other and help each other through their similar issues. Also theyre both big nerds in different ways and i think they’d have just ranting sessions back and forth over and over and it would be soft!!!!! So yeah, i think it would work, at least, i want it to :D
So. Maybe?? I feel like it could, but they’d need to work pretty hard to make it healthy and not constant fighting. Could be stupid amounts of cute and wholesome but also could be stupid amounts of oh no and pain, depending on how the two act. If they learned how to get along with each other and work past their differences it could be super cute and soft. Just a very, er, bumpy beginning. And middle. And end. (this makes me very nervous,,,,why did you mention an end) (wouldnt you like to know weather boy) (TvT) UFDUNS bumpy but soft . Agreeing with the loser gay, want this to work it’d be interesting :3
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gearbox locked zane’s lazy fix behind a paywall
tl;dr: for the love of god, the seein’ dead class mod should be what the seein’ red capstone is and vice versa. also. MORE SYNERGY. also i redesigned all of Zane’s trees and augments for more synergy you’re welcome.
is 1am and i don’t want tomorrow and im angry and thinking about borderlands so this seems like the perfect time to immerse myself in remaking Zane’s skill trees (for the 5th time). mainly because some of zane’s skills are still irking me and i’ve written extensive essays for the bl3 subreddit about the seein’ dead class mod and just playing around with zane’s skills in general, but i don’t think i’ve ever posted here before about it. so here we are. i notice i usually save lore/theories/characterizations for this blog and meta/balancing/gear talk for reddit. not sure why that’s a split for me. 
now i’ve remade zane’s skills a number of times, but honestly this was all before the seein’ dead mod was released. then, instead of fixing his skill trees, i wrote a lot of essays about why that mod was a terrible bad decision on gearbox’s part (you can read one of the shorter arguments in a comment from 5 months ago here). I’m just gonna remake the skill trees now with all his current abilities in mind.this post really should be titled: ALL THE PROBLEMS WITH THEIR BALANCING DECISIONS
so imma just talk for a bit about why i love/hate the seein’ dead class mod. 
Obviously it’s a god tier mod, and you see almost no zane builds without it, and no top tier, can solo m10 true takedown builds without it (unless ur like, the 1% of masochistic players, in which case i salute you). and while that obviously means its a good mod, it also shows the problems with all his other class mods and his skill trees in general.
They all kinda suck. and that wouldn’t be a problem, bc, hey, the seein’ dead mod is ez to get, just pop on over to the casino and kill a few baddies and they’ll  drop like candy. Which is really awesome!
slight problem.
the dlc is locked behind a PAYWALL
now this is a problem because if zane was a top tier character BEFORE the dlc, and everything was hunky dory and people weren’t on their knees begging for gearbox to fix Zane, then him getting a new badass class mod wouldn’t be such a big deal. but the problem was this was gearbox’s solution to giving Zane a buff.
they literally locked a buff for a character behind a pay wall.
I recommend Zane is every single person I try to convince to play bl3, but i always have to add this like, commercial-esque asterisk. you know, terms and conditions or, side effects or whatever. *you probably want to get the seein’ dead mod if you’re looking at end-game play because unless you wanna struggle that’s his only viable play style.
what if they don’t want to buy the dlc?! for real...
There’s also the point that this class mod makes his (arguably) BEST capstone obsolete. so we have distributed denial which literally no one uses because its broken, double barrel which is always traded for seein’ red or more points in other skills, and seein’ red, WHICH WAS MADE USELESS BY THIS CLASS MOD
okay and it wouldn’t even be so bad
like they lowered ALL his kill skills, then they turned Seein’ Red into his capstone instead of Death Follows Close, meaning they nerfed Death Follows Close so it could fit as just a game changer. my poor boy was g u t t e d.
so, imagine this, everyone is reaching the end-game content of bl3. it’s a month or 2 weeks or whatever after the game dropped and people are finally hitting level 50. and moze/fl4k/amara are all killin’ it, and the zane players have to work their ASSES off to do like... 50% of that damage output (now, they did also eventually nerf the crap outta moze and fl4k but the point stands). 
so instead of gearbox going: “oh... shit that pre-release nerf was an awful idea, revert the changes guys” they decided to keep him gutted and then they released what was, in my opinion, a kick in the nuts with the maliwan takedown (aka the antifreeze mod, alongside the spiritual driver) ahahahahahaha. what good times it was. (I say this sarcastically.) 
man i remember people were soooo livid with that class mod release. well, both of them. zane mains were pissed off (for good reason). “yes, let’s make the people who are begging for a straight damage increase jump through MORE hoops (LITERALLY) for a pitiful amount of damage. oh, also, let’s give their 28 skill point build to the strongest character in the game for free and also make it 10x better”. because it was 10x better than violent momentum (driver didn’t have a damage cap) until they fixed both the spiritual driver and the violent momentum skill. it was the worst of times.
i will note here they did, around this time, let zane have stackable kill skills, but it was only 2 stacks and also it was still *incredibly* difficult to achieve stacks because zane just. struggled to kill anything. I still remember when i grinded the shit outta an antifreeze class mod and it took me over 20 minutes to kill Wotan my first time solo on m4. Not the fight UP to wotan. literally. just killing wotan.
then the seein’ dead mod dropped and i had. a fuckin. 15 minute decrease to my time on killing wotan (5 minutes!!!!). now i am not perfect, and i 100% believe i could’ve lowered the time even more. but that... that shows a VERY CLEAR problem.
they never actually fixed zane, they gave him a class mod that’s stupid OP just to make sure he could hang on next to the other Vault Hunters. it’s just a bandaid fix. you remove the class mod, and he’s back to pre-jackpot power levels (which will NOT hold up at m10, let me tell you). 
all his pre-jackpot problems are still here, and that’s why people are not using any other class mod of his. I bet we could have some really fun builds with the conductor mod! but nobody will ever use it because it’s just... not even close to the seein’ dead mod.
So what does the seein’ dead mod do that makes Zane so good?
this mod, plus Death Follows Close, brings Zane back to pre-release zane. and i don’t understand how gearbox isn’t putting two and two together and going “Oh.”
it also is a BETTER VERSION of Seein’ Red!!! something players could have had at, like, level 15, but instead had to wait until they hit a capstone! the capstone is completely obsolete at this point. There is nothing seein’ red can give you that seein’ dead doesn’t do but better. Getting that capstone is a w a s t e of skill points.
AND they locked this fix behind a pay wall!!! i cannot say that enough. you don’t wanna get the handsome jackpot dlc?? guess u don’t wanna play zane at endgame then. too bad, so sad.
have i stated that enough? because it still blows my fuckin mind. THEY LOCKED A CHARACTER FIX BEHIND A PAYWALL
djhdgakjhakjdah. imagine playing without any prior knowledge and being like, aw man i love this zane character. can’t wait to get to max mayhem end game like all my favorite youtubers and friends!! then finding out you gotta drop 15 bucks or whatever it is just to actually be able to play at max mayhem level. that is not a skill difference, that is A BALANCING PROBLEM MY DUDES. like. my favorite zer0 build was still viable without the story DLCs. obviously grog > rubi, pimp > lyuda, rapier > law but, it was still fuckin viable.
guh. gufhgufhsdgkfjsdh. it bothers me.
ok so there’s a lot i just went over: my main issue? is that by making Seein’ Red a capstone, they did nothing to make it an actual legit capstone. They definitely nerfed Death Followed Close to make it a gamechanger, but they never gave Seein’ Red a buff to move it from a gamechanger to a capstone. It was the same exact skill. Seein’ Dead is what Seein’ Red SHOULD be and that’s what angers the crap outta me. they locked this obvious fix behind a pay wall (AND a gear slot!!!!!) n ur probably thinking ‘but cruddy this WAS really nice of them to try and fix zane... they could’ve just let him be suuc’ and like, yeah, they could’ve, and it is good they’re TRYING, but also, they’re leaving the people who DON’T buy the DLC high and dry.
keep in mind i DO own the dlc. have the season pass and everything. IM STILL MAD!!!
Zane should be strong no matter what class mod the players want to use. Same with Amara, same with Moze, same with Fl4k. FFS, it is not that hard. CHANGE THEIR SKILLS!!!!!
so im gonna be taking the time to go over all of zane’s skills and shit just to put him more on par with the others (WITHOUT THE SEEIN’ DEAD MOD)
imagine the seein’ dead mod doesn’t exist for this. we’re gonna make a balanced character since apparently THAT’S TOO HARD FOR A TRIPLE-A BALANCING TEAM
first things first, the tree with the most fuckin problems: 
Under Cover
oh god this tree is a fucking train wreck what the hell were they thinking. good god. my eyes. they’re burning.
not actually, but it still kinda sucks.
Action Skill: Barrier is fine. I would not add the ‘picking it up decreases benefits’ when Zane’s whole schtick is running around fast. You get the full bonus no matter what form it’s in. also, you can hold down the action skill activation button to deploy the barrier directly on yourself.
Tier 1: Hearty Stock is a trap. never get this. so dumb. no synergy with his other skills. Adrenaline is okay, but not really great during end game. Ready For Action is similarly okay. Just a very MEH start to this tree. 
Adrenaline: Zane gains increased Action Skill Cooldown Rate. 10% per level, up to 50%. this shouldn’t be tied to his shields being full because if your barrier is down (cooling DOWN)... your shield is taking damage. c’mon now. THINK GEARBOX T H I N K
Hearty Stock: (maxed) Zane and his clone gain 5% magazine regeneration while an action skill is active. This skill stacks. In it’s original state, this skill is such a trap skill. for real.
Ready For Action: i mean, it’s fine. We’ll keep it. +30% shield recharge rate and -29% (why????) recharge delay
Tier 2: ech. Stiff Upper Lip is not that good. Brain freeze is what u really want. Rise to the Occasion is also okay.
Brain Freeze: keep the same.
Stiff Upper Lip: when Zane is damaged with a hit that would break his shield, he gains (max) +20% bonus gun damage on his next shot through the barrier.
Rise to the Occasion: Zane and his clone gain health regeneration. +5% max health/s. Not determined by shield availability.
Tier 3: `screams in confident competence` oh lawd. this skill is good. the accuracy thing is kinda laughable. i tell you, i always thought that zane was originally meant to be the sniper with the Under Cover tree but they decided to swap Zane and Fl4k’s skills. which is why Zane has soooo many accuracy buffs.
Confident Competence: fine the way it is. I would also add, since this IS a game changer, that the Barrier’s damage amp is now 40%.
Tier 4: ew. tier 4. Really Expensive Jacket is literally the only skill you might want to get and EVEN THEN. ugh. Best Served Cold is so pointless. and so is Futility Belt. YOU TAKE MORE DAMAGE WITH IT
Really Expensive Jacket: Elemental Status Effects have reduced duration (-50%). Additionally, Zane is not slowed by Cryo anymore.
Best Served Cold: Remove the cooldown. Buff up the damage at least 200%. Make it an AOE Brain Freeze. That is, the cryo novas stack and if overkill damage is high enough, enemies hit with the novas freeze. Kinda like a discount Frozen Heart.
Futility Belt: HA. Ahahahahaha. Ha. Zane gains resistance to non-elemental and cryo damage (+15%). Futhermore, after killing an enemy, Zane’s barrier gains additional cryo damage (+20%) for 8s.
Tier 5: is oki. My only real complaint is with Nerves of Steel. Like. Seriously.
Refreshment: god tier skill actually. Keep the same.
Best Served Cold: also keep the same. The only change I will make is this: resetting your action skills’ cooldowns counts as action skill start and end.
Nerves of Steel: The longer Zane’s barrier is active, the more stacks of Nerves of Steel he gains (a maximum of 15). For each stack, Zane gains 2% shock damage, 2% cryo efficiency, and 1% damage to frozen enemies. (why shock damage? cryo doesn’t do well against shields.)
Tier 6: *cries in the worst capstone in the entire series* WHO DID THIS. WHY. WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU???
Distributed Denial: no. just. no. scrap this whole damn thing. IT DOESN’T EVEN WORK!!!! either fix it COMPLETELY or do something else. My recommendation? Whenever Zane throws down his barrier, his shield instantly begins recharging. If Zane’s shield is already full or recharging, enemies with no shields (or freeze immunity) that touch Zane’s Barrier for the next 10s are instantly frozen.
Augments: why the hell do i gotta place my barrier down when my entire fuckin’ character is about RUNNING. ALSO JUST AS A BLANKET STATEMENT: ALL THESE AUGMENTS WORK 100% EVEN IF HIS BARRIER IS PICKED UP. SO DUMB. a fully pointless restriction.
that last sentence immediately fixes Charged Relay and Nanites or Some Shite.
Redistribution: If his shields are full, Zane can sacrifice 50% of his shields to have his next shot deal 100% bonus cryo damage by holding F.
All-Rounder: Fine as is. Only thing I would add: whenever Zane melees an enemy, his shields are drained by 50% and his sliding augment is added to the melee attack.
Deterrence Field: Fine as is. But! I would add: whenever Zane sprints into an enemy, his shields are drained by 50% and slam augment is activated.
THAT WAY we can have both slam/sliding relics actually DO SOMETHING. because my god they’re so useless rn.
alright, moving on.
Tier 1: is okay. nobody ever takes cold bore. ever.
Violent Speed: fine as is, but we’re taking it back to pre-release values. Max: 30%. can stack 2x.
Cold Bore: Zane gains (max) 20% bonus cryo damage to all shots fired while moving.
Violent Momentum: fine as is, but taking it back to pre-release values. 30% gun damage at default walk speed. Additionally, Zane can now shoot while sprinting.
Tier 2: my boy zoomer needs more fun.
Cool Hand: fine as it is. I would buff his base reload speed up to 20% and kill skill reload to 20% as well. 17 and 13 are such weird numbers.
Drone Delivery: fine as it is. Additionally, Zoomer’s base shots now take on the element of Zane’s grenade mod.
Salvation: fine as it is. I won’t mess with this bc life steal is messy business (coughs in grog)
Tier 3: hhhynf.fdsg. 
Death Follows Close: Kill Skill Bonus: +30%. Kill Skill Time: +7s. Additionally, enemies targeted by Zoomer take 5% more damage from Zane.
Tier 4: these two skills are actually p dope by themselves. it can stay as it is. I would MAYBE increase the violent violence max buff up to 20% but that’s just me.
Tier 5: ahahahaha. this skill. just remember, we’re pretending Seein’ Dead doesn’t exist, so imagine how this skill looks next to calm cool n collected. so pointless.
Good Misfortune: Killing an enemy with a critical hit adds (max) 10% efficiency to Zane’s kill skills for 8s. This does not stack.
Seein’ Red: Zane has a (4%) chance to activate his kill skills upon dealing gun damage to an enemy. Additionally, enemies targeted by Zoomer now take 15% more damage from Zane.
so why didn’t we make good misfortune the infinite action skill build?? BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT CCnC IS SUPPOSED TO DO!!! why have 2 skills that do the exact same thing AT THE EXACT SAME TIER except ONE IS OBJECTIVELY WORSE!!!!!
what happens to the Seein’ Dead class mod if we’re giving its perk to this capstone? I’m so glad you asked. “Zane activates his kill skills when activating his action skills. Additionally, the kill skills activated this way have 15% more efficiency”. look how much better balanced that is!!!! that’s a class mod!!!!!!!!
Augments: these aren’t THAT bad, but they could be a lot better.
Winter’s Drone: Zoomer gains 20% bonus cryo damage to all shots.
Bad Dose: pump these numbers up. Fire Rate: +7% per affected enemy. Movement Speed: +10% per enemy. everything else is fine.
Boomsday: just make this more beefy. fr. It’d be a good choice if it were stronger.
Static Field: also fine. I would again give it better damage output, but that’s just me.
Almighty Ordnance: remove the build up honestly. Like i get the vibe and it’s really cool, but in combat it just DOESN’T WORK. maybe if Zoomer is targeting an enemy, he will unleash the missiles if they are above 50% health after 30s or something. I honestly think these should have a debuffing factor instead of a damage factor (you know, to not get in the way of boomsday). maybe something around 15%? the 1x per action skill activation thing would be easily subverted with CCnC with the changes we suggested, so it could work. 
Doubled Agent
ahhh, Blane. Blue Zane. Love ya, buddy. One change: he prioritizes pinged targets. That way you can kinda get him to fight specific people. Also, lower the teleportation timer. pls.
Tier 1: actually p good. could be better, but its not bad.
Synchronicity: Zane gains 20% bonus damage per active action skill. While Zane has an action skill active, he gains a stack of Synchronicity. Max Stacks: 10. For each stack of Synchronicity, Zane gains 5% Action Skill Cooldown Rate and 2% Action Skill Damage.
Praemunitus: Zane and his digiclone gain (max) 30% magazine size.
Borrowed Time: For each action skill active, Zane gains 30% action skill duration. The longer Zane’s action skills are active, he and Blane gain a higher Fire Rate and faster Reload Speed, up to 20%. (the idea is you choose between this or synchronicity bc... either permanent action skills build or fast paced action skills build)
Tier 2: Donnybrook is fun. Fractal Frags is fun. Duct tape mod is a GODDAMN DISAPPOINTMENT
Donnybrook: fine as it is. I might buff the max numbers up to 20% gun damage and 3% health regen. But that’s really it.
Fractal Frags: Blane will periodically toss a grenade from Zane’s stockpile at his targeted enemy (cooldown: 20s). Kill Skill: Blane has a 45% chance to throw a free grenade.
Duct Tape Mod: this skill... why... No cooldown. NONE. Zane has a 1% chance to also fire a grenade from his gun. Kill Skill: This is increased to 15% for 8s (stays at 1% for the whole time, but the kill skill will increase by 3% for each tier)
Tier 3: Actually Quick Breather is one of my favorite skills. this can stay.
Quick Breather: Same as is. Additionally, Zane and his clone gain 25% Gun Damage after swapping places for a short time (8s).  I really wanna promote swapping places. It’s really underutilized. they’ve ADDED stuff to this skill already!!! even tho it didn’t work until the next patch. BUT THEY SHOW ITS POSSIBLE TO ADD TO SKILLS!!!
Tier 4: actually a really good tier. a few minor changes. 
Pocket Full of Grenades: Kill Skill: Zane gains (max) 15% grenade regeneration for 8s. If Zane’s grenades are full, any excess grenades are shot from his gun with 25% bonus damage.
Old-U: If Zane falls into FFYL while his digiclone is active, he can press the action skill activation key to destroy his clone and gain a second wind. When he does this, he takes the place of his clone. His clone will also drop a grenade when it is destroyed.
Supersonic Man: Zane gains increased movement speed for each active action skill: (max) 15% each. Additionally, teleportation is considered to be Zane’s maximum speed for its duration and 5s after. 
Tier 5: oh god oh fuck oh god.
Like a Ghost: Oh god why. Zane and his digiclone gain a (max) 15% chance to ignore all damage while teleporting and for 7s after.
Boom. Enhance: actually a pretty swell skill. I would probably add Health Regen +3% per grenade tho. Blane needs help a lot.
Trick of the Light: bring back the shock damage. Zane deals 40% bonus shock damage for 7s after swapping places with his clone.
Tier 6: oh ngl I actually love this capstone lol
Double Barrel: Zane’s digiclone gains a copy of Zane’s current gun when it is deployed (and all the anointments work and he actually fires it like a reasonable person). Zane’s clone now deals damage equal to Zane’s base weapon damage. Upon swapping places, both Zane and his digiclone deal 50% bonus damage for 7s.
Binary System: is okay. Kinda uhhh underwhelming tho. Buff up the damage and also maybe reduce teleportation time.
Schadenfreude: I like this one a lot. Zane’s shield is restored by 100% of the damage his digiclone takes and vice versa.
Dopplebanger: lower the waiting time. I get that u don’t wanna override the teleportation, but it’s really annoying. Buff damage and don’t make it dependent on action skill duration. If this explosion kills an enemy, the clone is reactivated with 50% action skill duration.
Which One’s Real?: I’ve never actually felt this work. Maybe for like 2 seconds? Make it work more like Zer0′s hologram or Timmy’s Jack clones or smth. Maybe give an activation cue? im v lost with this one. Enemies targeting Zane take 30% more damage from the digiclone.
Digital Distribution: 75% of the health damage Zane takes is distributed to his clone instead. The digiclone gains 5% Health Regeneration/s and sends out 3 [level specific damage] shock spikes to enemies that attack it. 
literally all Zane needs is SYNERGY. if they can change a few skills, pump up a few numbers, and ffs fix the seein’ red/dead capstone/mod, they’d be in FUCKIN BUSINESS
but no instead
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abitnotgoodiebag · 4 years
Thinkin’ About You
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Title: Thinkin’ About You
Square Filled: U3 - Promise
Warnings: PWP, fluffy smut, terrible innuendo, terrible everything
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Word Count: 3,408
Summary: Each day that he spends around Sam passes by too fast and each night that he spends without him is longer than the last.
Link to AO3
Thinkin’ About You
It has been 50 hours since Bucky had seen Sam and he doesn’t know how much more time apart he can take.  Ever since that night after the Unsnappening Celebration, he and Sam have been practically glued together (the odd work thing keeps them apart for a few hours at most). Until now.  Bucky and Yo-Yo (who Sam still pretends to like even though Bucky could tell Sam wants to pee all over him at any mention of her) have been sent to New Mexico to track down one of the last known Hydra officers identified in Project Insight and the bastard is proving difficult to find.  He and Sam are forced to communicate mainly via text and Bucky is not happy about it (although he has been brushing up on his gif game). Sighing, he drops his head onto the scratchy pillow of the bland safehouse he and Yo-Yo have been assigned too. This bed is made even more terrible by the fact that Sam Wilson is not in it with him.  His phone vibrates in his hand and he stares at the latest messages in the thread.
TooCanSam: why do you do this to me?
Bucky bites his lip at the picture that comes through right after.  It’s a super close-up of Sam’s well defined V that leads down to Bucky’s favorite plaything.  The waistband of Sam’s boxers is pushed down, a gap that alludes to (but doesn’t directly show) Sam’s arousal.
Bucky bites his lower lip as he palms his cock through his briefs with his metal arm, twisting the other hand to get the best angle possible for his Sammy.  After his third attempt, Bucky is satisfied enough to send the photo to Sam. Seconds later, his secure StarkPhone chimes a new message.
TooCanSam:  Woah there, hot stuff
TooCanSam:  that eggplant emoji wasn’t lying I see
Bucky chuckled as he typed his own reply.
WeinerSoldier: you should know this dick never lies sammy😏
TooCanSam: goddamnit
TooCanSam: I miss you Buck
Bucky immediately thinks of that scene in the movie he and Sam watched last month.
WienerSoldier: my name is buck
WienerSoldier: & I like to fuck
He snorts in amusement, still absentmindedly stroking his cock through his underwear, rocking his knees side to side waiting for Sam’s reply.
TooCanSam : facepalm.gif
TooCanSam: Why are you like this?
TooCanSam: We can never just have a moment
WienerSoldier:  you insisted on tarantino day birdie
WienerSoldier:  2 more days tops
WienerSoldier:  one more pic???
WienerSoldier:  pr plz
Bucky waits with bated breath for Sam’s response.  As soon as his phone buzzes, Bucky is transfixed by the image he sees.  Sam’s briefs are not even in the frame anymore. There is nothing but smooth brown skin across the screen.  Sam’s dick is fully hard curving up and slightly to the right in the way that makes Bucky’s mouth water. Sam’s hand is cradling his balls and Bucky wishes for nothing more than to be home in their bed running his tongue over every single inch of it.
WeinerSoldier : droolface.gif
WeinerSoldier: baaaabe
WeinerSoldier: i wish i was there sucking your cock rn
TooCanSam: O yea?
TooCanSam: That definitely makes 2 of us…
Bucky bites his lip, taking a quick selfie (he knows Sam loves it when he’s all flushed with his eyes half-lidded) and sends it to Sam before shucking his briefs and the sweatpants gathered around his knees.  He glances toward the door, listening to guarantee that Yo-Yo isn’t up and around their current safehouse. He hears nothing and lays back on his pillow and runs his hand down his stomach. He imagines Sam’s hands on his body and lets out a breath as his hand reaches his cock.  Two strokes later, pre cum is leaking from the tip and Bucky spreads it around his cockhead, making it shine in the light of his lamp. He snaps a photo with his left hand and quickly sends it.
WeinerSoldier: guess I have to take care of this myself…
Bucky closes his eyes and begins stroking himself with purpose.  His grip tightens and he speeds up his rhythm, not needing anything but a quick release.  He’ll save the long drawn out shit for when he’s at home and wrapped up in Sam. His phone drops to the bed as he sticks two of his metal fingers into his mouth, wetting them thoroughly.  He slides his left hand underneath his balls, giving them a quick tug before reaching further back. He runs a blunt finger slightly thicker than his natural ones over his hole, whimpering softly at the touch.  There are definite advantages to having an arm made of vibranium and one of them was that fingering himself was always a delight. He slowly pushes inside, enjoying the unyielding vibranium, slightly cooler than his internal temperature.  Pretty soon his finger is thrusting in tandem with his right hand’s strokes bringing him right to the edge of climax. He imagines Sam fucking into him and shoves his finger as deep as it will go again and again. He groans and squeezes his dick as his orgasm hits, arching his back in pleasure as his hand is coated in his release.  He vaguely hears his phone vibrate and he sighs, looking for something to wipe himself off with. He grabs his discarded briefs and hurriedly cleans himself off before checking to see what Sam has said.
TooCanSam : 05222024_2316.mp4
Bucky opens the video only to be greeted by a loud moan from Sam.  The video is shaky but Bucky can see Sam’s hand moving fast bringing himself off.  Unlike Bucky, Sam has their entire apartment to himself and can be as loud as he likes (and Bucky knows that Sam likes to be heard).  His moan is filthy and Bucky watches as Sam’s abs clench and unclench as he strokes himself hard and fast. Sam speeds up even more as his voice pitches low and rough.  “Fuck, Bucky!” Is the last thing Bucky hears before Sam comes all over himself still stroking pulling every single drop out of his spent cock.
WeinerSoldier: fuck 2 days
WeinerSoldier: im coming home tomorrow and im going to fuck you until you cant walk
WeinerSoldier: i promise.  me, you,
WienerSoldier : fingerinhole.gif
TooCanSam: I can’t wait. Good night, Terminator
WeinerSoldier: good night babe
WeinerSoldier: dream about my dick. c u soon
Bucky puts his phone on its charger on the bedside table and shuts off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness. Bucky needs to rest, he’s got around 14 hours to capture a nazi and get back to his guy.
Bucky runs up the stairs to their building’s door (the very next afternoon, because Bucky doesn’t fuck around when it comes to promising Sam anything) before waving his key card frantically against the sensor.  The door unlocks and Bucky makes straight for their third floor apartment. As he enters, he hears nothing but silence.
Bucky pauses in the entry after toeing off his shoes, confused by the lack of music inside.  There are no lights on, if Bucky didn’t know any better, he’d think there was nobody home. A tiny noise from the kitchen catches his ear and he’s off immediately, desperate to see Sam again.
Sam is there bending over in front of the open refrigerator (in those goddamn gray, cotton, Polo sweatpants.  Sam knows what those do to Bucky).  Bucky’s stomach is caught by a sharp swoop of lust and He dons a predatory smile. He moves quietly until he’s close enough to grab Sam’s hips and pull him back against his groin.
“Honey, I’m home.” Bucky practically growls, dick hardening against Sam’s oh-so-delectable ass.
Sam yelps in surprise and straightens up immediately, the refrigerator door swinging closed.  Bucky takes advantage of this and pulls Sam flush against his chest and nuzzles his stubble against Sam’s neck as he lazily grinds his hips into Sam’s (glorious, wonderful, exquisite ) cheeks.
“Yes you certainly are.” Sam murmurs as he brings his arm up to tangle his fingers in Bucky’s hair (and damn does Bucky love it when Sam pulls his hair).  He turns his head and Bucky meets him halfway kissing him hungrily, having missed this something fierce. Sam turns around, wrapping his arms around Bucky’s neck enjoying the feel of Bucky’s body flush against his.  Sam bites at Bucky’s lower lip hungrily, before pulling away. A single thread of saliva follows their parting and Bucky chases it back to Sam’s mouth, planting one last lingering kiss on Sam’s lips.
“You keep greeting me like this and might just give a guy a big head.”  Sam teases, stroking Bucky’s broad chest.
Bucky drops to his knees with a gleam in his eye.  “Birdie babe, I will never in my life not be ecstatic to see you.”  Bucky grabs Sam by the hips and yanks them forward, nuzzling the cock hidden by those damn sweatpants.  He breathes in the smell of Sam as his mouth waters in anticipation of what’s to come. Tugging the (thirst trap) pants down in one swift motion, Bucky let’s the weight brush against his cheek before turning and licking lightly at the tip.  Sam groans as Bucky sucks the head into his mouth slowly, swirling his tongue around the slit. He feels Sam’s fingers grip the hair in the back of his head. Without any warning, Bucky sinks down Sam’s entire length until his nose meets Sam’s body.
“Holy shiiiiiiit.”  Sam grunts and grips Bucky’s hair tight sending shocks of pleasure through him.
Bucky hollows his cheeks and hummed.  Sam’s moan stretches out throughout the kitchen, music to Bucky’s ears.  Bucky’s dick is almost bursting out of his jeans and he can barely wait to be inside of this beautiful man.  With one last hard suck, Bucky pulls off Sam’s cock with a loud pop and looks up at Sam through his lashes licking his lips.
“Mmm.”  Bucky hums in satisfaction and Sam’s hungry look.  “Turn around.”
Sam doesn’t hesitate and immediately adjusts his position, placing his palms flat on the counter.  Bucky stares at the ass presented in front of him and licks his lips.  Not having seen Sam in days means this won’t last long, but Bucky can draw it out a little bit.  Bucky wants to sink his teeth into those cheeks and with nothing to stop him, he does. Sucking twin marks in the center of both mounds, Bucky rubs his thumbs along the cleft.
Without further preamble, Bucky spreads Sam open.  At the first touch of Bucky’s tongue, Sam cries out.  Bucky smiles as he works his tongue deeper inside Sam opening him up.  Sam is beyond words and can only whine. Bucky rubs a finger over Sam’s hole and he feels Sam clench slightly around his tongue.  He works the finger alongside his tongue and groans at the feeling Sam’s insides (and Bucky really doesn’t think he can hold himself back any longer).
With one last lascivious lick, Bucky pulls back and slowly gets to his feet, dragging his hands along Sam’s sides as he moves.  Kissing his way from the back of Sam’s neck around to his cheek, Bucky unbuttons his pants and pushes them down. Bucky gently pulls Sam back around to face him once more as he steps out of his dark jeans.  They kiss each other as if they have been separated for years rather than mere days.  
Bucky, flushed with wanting, grabbed Sam’s buns and lifted him up into the air, growling.  Sam quickly wraps his arms and legs around Bucky and smiles in pleasure. Bucky backs up until he feels the table at his back and turns and lays Sam across it reverently (because Sam Wilson is an entire meal).  Frowning at the lack of lube nearby, Bucky grabs the closest thing he sees on the counter, a jar of coconut oil.  Dipping his fingers inside, Bucky quickly coats his cock liberally in the oil. Bucky returns to his position between Sam’s legs.  Sam’s heels come around to dig into Bucky’s back as he strokes his cock along Sam’s opening, not quite pushing inside just yet.
“Are you waiting for a hand-lettered invitation, Buck?”  Sam asks when Bucky does nothing but continue to tease him.
“Can’t a man take his time?”  Bucky asks as he presses just a bit harder, making Sam snort in frustration.
“I could’ve sworn you said you were going to fuck me until I can’t walk.”  Sam grumbles, squirming to try and get Bucky to move closer.
“Mm.”  Bucky hums in acknowledgment.  He pushes just a bit harder, the very tip of the head of his cock pressing inside Sam.  “I did say that didn’t I?”
Bucky sees Sam open his mouth, no doubt to say something especially taunting, and picks that very moment to push his cock slowly inside Sam until he’s fully seated.
The words transform instead into a satisfied moan and Sam reaches out toward Bucky.  Bucky leans forward, grabbing the edge of the table by Sam’s head. He adjusts his angle a bit and Sam clenches around him with a loud cry.
“Oh God, Sammy.”  Bucky pants as he increases the speed of his thrusts, feeling the table scrape against the floor beneath them.  “You’re perfect,” He breathes as he brushes their lips together, barely kissing.
Fingers find their way to Bucky’s scalp causing tingles of pleasure.  Sam pulls harder and Bucky drives so deep the breath is sucked from his lungs.  The table creaks dangerously and Bucky pulls up a bit, pushing against the tabletop to keep up his pounding rhythm.  Sam keens and throws his head back only for it to bang against the composite wood.
A loud crack is the only warning they get before the table can’t support them anymore, but for Bucky it is plenty.  He is able to scoop Sam up easily without disconnecting their bodies and stands there in the middle of the kitchen with their table and its legs strewn about.
Bucky huffs out a laugh along with Sam, their foreheads resting against each other.  The fluttering tightness around Bucky’s dick has his brain quickly refocusing on what they were doing previously.  He thrusts up experimentally and Sam squeezes Bucky with thick thighs, leaning in for a kiss.
It takes Bucky no time at all to find his previous rhythm as he kept a tight grip on Sam’s ass.  Caught right on the edge of orgasm, Sam reaches down between them to wrap a hand around his length. A few pumps later Sam’s heat squeezes Bucky’s own climax from him.  A few stuttered, shallow thrusts and Bucky stills, his pants mingling with Sam’s as they both enjoy the last aftershocks, twitching minutely.
“Well?”  Bucky asks with a smug grin as he squeezes Sam’s ass, “Can you walk to the shower?”
“You know damn well you can feel my legs shaking.”  Sam gripes, then smiles in satisfaction. “Now hurry up and get the water running before we get crusty.”
“10-4, Sammy.”  Bucky carries them down the hallway, completely content.
Feeling extremely sated after their long shower (in which there were many languid kisses and tender touches and Sam definitely used Bucky to lean on), they decide that cooking is definitely not something that is happening that evening.  Not only do they have nowhere to eat the food anymore (Bucky refuses to feel bad about that, plus he didn’t hear Sam complaining at the time), but neither of them has the energy.
Sam’s knees no longer shake when he stands, so they decide that the mexican place 2 blocks over was the best option.  Once out of their building, they crossed through a small park on the way to dinner.
The hostess greets them and leads them to a table near the back of the restaurant so they’re less likely to be bothered (although living in the neighborhood for the past year has cut some of the novelty of seeing the two Avengers so frequently).
“I’m glad you were able to come back so soon,”  Sam says as he grabs his slightly sticky menu. “The whole sleeping alone thing is for the birds.”
“So, for yo-”  Bucky stops with a laugh at Sam’s glare.  “Whatever pigeon, you waddled right into that.”
Bucky and Sam order 15 tacos between the two of them and none survive to become leftovers (Sam and Bucky had worked up quite the appetite).  The food has given them a bit of much-needed energy and Sam decides that they should start shopping for a new table as soon as they get back home.  Bucky makes a mental note to get something much more sturdy than the IKEA furniture they’ve been utilizing. The more Bucky thinks about it as they leave the restaurant, the more he thinks several key pieces of their furniture should probably get upgraded before they inevitably tear it up.
As they walk through the park back to their place, Bucky tugs on Sam’s arm, dragging him over to a nearby picnic table. They sit down on the warped surface in the park leaning into each other.
Bucky sighs, “This is nice.”  While the words are hopeful, Bucky’s tone gives Sam pause.
“It is nice.”  Sam agrees, waiting for Bucky to elaborate.
“I mean this.  Us. It’s nice.”  Bucky gestures between them and ducks his head so Sam won’t see his blush (Bucky can be the most vulgar person but starts blushing at the barest whiff of feelings).  “I like that we’re going to pick a new table for our place.  I like that we’re an ‘us.’  I mean, we’ve been an ‘us,’ but you know–”
Sam rests his head on Bucky’s shoulder smiling broadly.  “I know what you mean, Buck.” Sam’s grin fades slightly.  “Can’t imagine what everyone else is going to say when they find out, though.”
Bucky wraps his arm around Sam, “You know I’ll beat up anyone who says anything sideways, pigeon.”
“I know you will.  That’s not what I’m worried about, Buck.  I’m just-” Sam pauses as his shoulders droop.  “I’m fed up with everybody thinking that they know anything about me or you or any of this.  It’s just a lot of constant noise and it just gets tiring.”
Bucky knows that Sam will probably have it easier without this whole mess.  He knows that they are probably going to have to prepare for the day the story breaks (and knowing them, the story will be breaking sooner rather than later).  They’ve already received a few looks from some of the brass at SHIELD after they disclosed their relationship.  Bucky remembers before, when he was paralyzed with fear at burdening Sam with all of this, but he can’t feel too bad if this is the alternative.  If Sam’s feelings are even half of Bucky’s, then Bucky knows that neither of them could give this up now that they’ve tasted it.  Come what may, Bucky is going to keep Sam as safe and well-loved as he possibly can.
Bucky squeezes Sam’s sad shoulders before getting up off table and pulling a knife from his back pocket.  Sam’s quirks a brow as Bucky goes up to the largest tree surrounding them. Bucky thinks Sam would feel better after a laugh, so tries his best to give him one.  He works quickly, getting the heart and arrow expertly carved into the bark in two minutes.  It’s the initials that Bucky can see Sam trying to work out. He’s gotten the first capital ‘T’ done and is starting on the last line of the slightly crooked ‘P’ when they are startled by the shout of someone else.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT TREE?!”  A man in a tie-dye bandana and cargo shorts screeches from the outer edge of the park as he shakes a fist at them.  Sam hops off the table as he starts running toward them. Bucky grabs his hand, (immensely glad he wore a hoodie so the guy might not have seen his vibranium arm) and they take off down the block laughing the whole way.
The shouts quiet down soon as they make it down the street and around the corner towards their building.
“T & P?” Sam asks as they climb the stairs.
“Terminator and Pigeon, duh.”  Bucky explains. “Plus, we go together like double-ply toilet paper.”
Sam’s facepalm is so loud it echoes down the hallway as Bucky opens their front door, laughing.
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inviouswriting · 5 years
Cut for obvious~ I said before I will be doing his in full. So no one has to ask unless they want more from different letters.
This took all day x.x trying to think of things fitting for him.  hope you all enjoy my take on this. People can request more of specially marked letters because I have alternative or more ideas.
Very spicy stuff in here. I stress that this is very n//s//f//w// (Remember when you reblog this do not TAG the the n//s//f//w or it flags me.)
*A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
An absolute angel. He frets and worries if he’s hurt you, he has reasons to worry with how his size can be if you’re smaller. He massages any spot that is sore, kisses your face till you are giggling and blushing. He holds you in his arms to calm down, water or food. There will never be a moment where he forgets your limitations. He’s always beaming with pride and praises how proud he is, how much he loves you.
B* = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite on himself are two things his eyes and arms. Like Thancred, he likes his arms for the fact he protects and provides support to his lover. He loves the way you feel in them, and can’t get enough of holding you. 
His eyes, he sees alot of what others can miss. Nothing escapes his eyes with you, every nuance, smile, frown, when you are by yourself the worry. Or how you smile back at him in a room full of people. He also will use those ice blues to his benefit, conveys alot of hidden emotion through them that you pick up on. Master of the bedroom stare, and you are hopeless to deny them. Specially when he adds that smile. 
C = C**m (anything to do with c**m, basically)
Consistency is full and not very thick. Due to his rich diet, probably a bit sweeter. He can’t get over the first time you drank it down. You couldn’t walk for days.
D* = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves his office as a playroom. There is something freeing from the responsibilities whenever you indulge him in. He gets rambunctious, it becomes a game of how loud he can make you while murmuring words reminding you to keep your voice low. But it is so hard to do when he’s teasing you with his fingers and mouth. Even harder when he takes you on top of his desk filled with papers. His secret in this? He wants to be caught. He wants someone to walk in on you both, the idea of someone seeing the two of you. He doesn’t for he’d lose his rank but at the same time. He would not mind if it meant his time is freed up to join you on traveling.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
More devoted in his practice as a temple knight, he never did anything that could jeopardize his position even more so when he became lord commander. A scandal was something he could not risk, so there is no one that he had trysts with. Till you. But only after he was able to secure your hand and knows anything he does in his home or office stays between you two.  
F* = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He has two favorites. He loves you sitting in his lap most, the angle is right for him to hit just inside and watch your face light up in shock as he hits that one spot. His second favorite is you on your back and knees pressed to your chest. This is a position that allows him to go full tilt and you able to accept all of him inside. He can see your face and watch your pleasure wash over as he feels it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Unintentionally humorous. He lightens the mood towards the beginning but as things get heated he becomes more serious to your needs and wants. But if you laugh during any time he treasures those intimate moments where the barriers break down and you are with each other instead of just together.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Given how he doesn’t have facial hair, I like to think he is well kept up. Hairless below because who wants mouth fulls of hair in times where it is suppose to be pleasurable. He also prefers his partner be the same way, hair gets in the way.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Romantic and respectful. He respects no’s and will not touch what is a never. He makes it about you more than himself. Romance in the sense he wines and dines you ahead of time to set the pace for the evening. Mulled wines but he never takes advantage of you if you are too incoherent or drunk because that is not consent even if you’ve been intimate before. He locks eyes alot, he checks in on you and treats you like a queen/king.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
The guy is walking stress. Any moment he has to take an edge off he does so. With something of yours so he can feel close to you. He prefers in the privacy of his home, and takes care to clean up. He imagines you there swallowing him down knowing how much of him can fit. (But hey, that is for an imagine I’ll be writing~ ;3)
K* = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Water. Bath, shower, lake, or somewhere, where he can let loose. Also the water helps keeps things fluid between you. Dress up kink. He loves costumes you can find for him to see. A simple maid outfit or songbird with the right tights. Those tights might need mending later.
L* = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His home, he can excuse servants and make the place completely private for you and him to do anything you or he desires. No one is allowed there with the exception of pure urgency but if he makes the word known, not even the heavens falling would trespass.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Telling him bluntly, or poking at his hot spots. Two are on his head in his ears. The one he keeps covered by the clasp is ultra sensitive. Nibbling on the ends makes him blush and start losing his composure. A lick across one and he’s pinning you down on whatever available surface he has. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that is disgusting or causes pain. Whatever your no is, is his. There will never be an accidental touch on something you dislike. He will never engage in knife play, blood play, or anything that is dangerous. No asphyxia where the wrong moment could end your life. 
O* = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Both. He learned your body through experience, he loves giving as it lets you be at his mercy for hours and he can listen to you sigh and sing his name all night. Our knight most heavenly indeed.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Only in his office or if you rope him into a hidden alleyway. Quite often if you both are in between responsibilities. Promises to take care of each other thoroughly later.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He will experiment with whatever you bring to him. The big risk he’d take is being the dom in bdsm settings. I see him more of a sub, after all he spends so much time giving orders. He’d rather serve his lover.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has a high drive given his discipline as a knight. He can last rounds before he gets tired. His partner might only be able to stand three rounds with what he has.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns alot from what his love brings for them to try out. He prefers ones where he can tease for a while. He doesn’t like using dilds because he rather do that himself. But he does keep a few for his partner to watch them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man will tease you sitting next to you in dinner parties. If you sit next to him you can find fingers toying with you every chance he gets if he gets away with it. A foot playing with your leg if you sit across from him. He can do this with a stoic face save for the small sly grin your way. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Depends on what is happening. If you are going down on him he’s vocal and loud at your mercy. Full deep sighs and soft moans. When he’s closer he’ll call your name or praise you.
W* = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves edging. Bringing his partner close then denying them release. He can’t get enough of it since it prolongs their time together. A mild fan of overstimulation. Always with a safeword here because he can pet and lick for hours. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s an elezen. There are rumors of them being large, and he proves that sitting with a 9 1/2 length and a 3 1/2 circumference. The thickness is more of the concern for all the foreplay making sure you are well taken cared of or lubricated well before he even dares take you. He will never do you dry or he’ll hurt you. One will be very satisfied with him. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Moderately high. Time and place. But when he has you alone and knows for several hours you are his. That drive is very high. Specifically after you’ve tied the knot too.  
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not quick to fall asleep, you’re more likely to be worn out first. Barely coherent after what he’s reduced you too. He’ll pet your head and cuddle you to no end. Only after you’re cleaned up and content in his arms does he entertain the idea of sleep.
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saturnjae · 6 years
a-z analysis ~ l.j.n
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includes: a whole lotta smut and my irrelevant opinion on jeno in bed.
writing his was death, because... JENO!!!!
if u have a problem with 00’ liner smut, even though they’re adults, please just ignore, scroll past and have a good day!
a/n: i was writing renjun’s and i realised i should state this beforehand: i see jeno as a soft dom so, yeah....
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
mostly cuddling, after he’s gained enough energy to clean you up, if you guys got messy. he’d hold you tight against himself, go back into clingy baby boy mode.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
i think he’d like thighs the most, the feeling of such soft flesh under his grasp would turn him on. on himself i think his favourite part would be his hands and he’d love to have them all over you. also, his tongue, he’s always sticking it out and would know how to make you feel good with it.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
jeno can be quite a messy cummer. if he isn’t cumming in one of your holes or a condom, he’ll usually go for your stomach. there’s something about the way you take his cum that he loves.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
jeno can’t help but think about how beautiful you’d look with one of his hands wrapped round your neck; using the last breath you have left in your lungs to beg him to let you cum.
yes, jeno wants to try being really rough with you but the poor boy doesn’t want to hurt you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
my boy ain’t getting any action cooped up in them dorms, sorry :’( he doesn’t even like texting people or going out, which means he probably jerks off to porn when he’s alone. however, he’d probably get the hang of it pretty quickly once he’s started.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
he loves to see your reactions. the faces you make when he hits the right spot or the way your eyes roll back when you’re cumming for him. he wants to see your back arch as you tell him how good he’s making you feel. also, he absolutely loves eye contact during sex, he has such a powerful stare, it’s seriously deadly. so, jeno would prefer missionary or even cowgirl, anything as long as he can see you properly.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
though people say he’s not funny, he’s hilarious they’re all liars lol  he knows how to make you laugh. in the act, i believe he would be more serious most of the time. sometimes, however, he would occasionally flash you one of his cute smiles, if the mood wasn’t serious in the first place. or, if something awkward happened, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from laughing causing you to burst out laughing too.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
i don’t think i’ve ever seen a hair on jeno’s armpits so, that gives me the indication that jeno likes to take care of his body hair. i think he’d more likely be trimmed; sometimes, he might just shave it all for the heck of it.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
though he tries to act like he doesn’t like intimacy all the much, he’s very affectionate. he can be fairly romantic during the act, he wants to give you the ‘experience’. sex with jeno is pretty loving and he’d only be rough with you if you were being a brat or if he was in really stressed and angry.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
jeno gets off by himself probably a few times a week when he’s not too busy.... (i’ll give you an image of what it would be like)
it was as if the stars had aligned all of a sudden; his schedule almost never allowed him time and the dorm always seemed to be buzzing but for once he had some alone time. he sat in his chair in front of his computer. a hand slipped below his waistband and pulled out his throbbing cock. as he watched the playing on the screen, he couldn’t help but imagine both of you in place of the actors. he couldn’t help but imagine fucking you senseless like the man was. a few moans fell from his mouth along with your name. it felt so good but he would feel so much better if you were here...
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
i don’t see jeno as a very kinky person but he has a few things that seriously get him off like: praise {giving and receiving}, cockwarming, oral {giving more}, overstimulation {giving more}, light bondage...
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
pretty much on any surface he can take you, in the comfort of your own homes. but, it usually happens on the sofa or against a wall. he wouldn’t do much to you in public he might give you a few light, teasing touches. he’ll usually wait until you’re in private to do anything though.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
i think jeno would get turned on pretty easily, by you specifically. he finds himself wanting you most when he’s close to you for extended periods of time because that’s when his mind starts to wander and you’d end up feeling his bulge against you. i also think making out would get him going too. in my opinion, making jeno horny probably wouldn’t be a difficult task.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
like i said jeno isn’t extremely kinky, but i think he would be open to experiment. he wouldn’t like something he deemed dirty or dangerous much at all.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
jeno would love giving oral and he’s pretty good at it. he’s always sticking out his tongue and can no doubt use it well. he’d be a bit messy and rough with you but it would be very pleasurable. you would find it hard not to squirm and he’d have to hold your hips in place to stop you from bucking into him.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
he would be pretty speedy. his thrusts would be hard and sharp, which are sometimes rough when he doesn’t mean to be. however, when he wants to prolong your activities, for any reason, his thrusts be more deep and slow. regardless, he’s going hard.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
no doubt, he’d prefer proper sex but if he really needed you badly and you both had barely any time he wouldn’t be opposed to it. the frequency of them would happen depending on his schedule. when he’s very busy they would happen quite often because he’d feel bad if he left you needy for him for such a long time. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
he wouldn’t be opposed to experimenting with you and would take suggestions from you and suggest things himself, even. some more serious, potentially dangerous things he would be a little hesitant about but would try it if he thought it would be worthwhile. so, he isn’t a major risk taker but would definitely take risks to keep things ‘spicy’ ;)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
jeno, no doubt, has good stamina. he’d usually go for two rounds, if time allowed it; more than two wouldn’t be too surprising from him. only if he was tired in the first place would he burn out after one round. i think he’d be able to last a pretty good amount of time, he might have you very sore and sensitive by the time he’s cum.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
doesn’t really like using toys; he’d rather make you feel good with his own body. he may use a vibrator on you to tease you once in awhile. he’d be open to use toys of your suggestion, however.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
jeno loves to tease. he likes hearing you whine and plea for him to touch you where you want it. he loves your cute little frown when your frustrated from not getting your way. he’ll do the opposite to what you want until you’re literally begging him to just get on with it.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
not very loud. he’ll let out groans and grunts quite a bit. i also see him as someone that might pant a little, especially when he’s close. when he cums he’s at his loudest which isn’t very loud. he’d probably just let out a few deep grunts and moans. you’d be making much more noise than him; he’d make sure of that.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
i just assumed i could write anything i wanted in this space lol
you didn’t know what had gotten into jeno, he was being much rougher than usual. maybe, it was the pent up frustration from not being able to see you that often; right now, jeno was fucking into you like there was no tomorrow, relishing in the guttural moans you released for him and the fact you were currently scraping your nails down his back unable to control yourself with all the pleasure he was giving you. there was no way you would be walk properly for the next couple of days….
rough jeno would be a treat but let’s just move on before i get too into it-
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
a little above average so, about 6+ inches and pretty thick. jeno has a big dick. i know he does! there is no way he doesn’t. the stretch would be just amazing... his dick, like the rest of him, would be very veiny. he’s also cut (no cocksleeves round here :’( sorry)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
jeno’s young and energetic so he’d have a pretty high sex drive. it would happen a few times a week, if his schedule allowed it. there’s something about you that makes him go crazy.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends on the amount of energy he had in the first place and how long you’ve been going for. sometimes he’ll knock out but other times he’ll watch you fall asleep beside him with a beaming smile on his face.
i hope you liked it! again, i do write 00′ liner smut NO CHENSUNG as they are no longer minors so, any hate for it is literally invalid. if you have a problem just block my acc or the tag jeno smut. i’ve tried to keep it off most main tags, for the sake of people that may still be uncomfortable with it. reporting it is not correct or necessary.
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YAY so excited to see your ask box open again! Could I get the nsfw meme a-z for my top BNHA daddy Fatgum aka (Taishiro Toyomitsu)?
I was so excited to have it open again! Feels so good to be writing on a good schedule again!
Taishiro Toyomitsu:
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
He is very attentive and affectionate after sex. He’s a pretty big guy in every sense of the word, so he is bound to make you pretty sore after sex no matter how gentle he was being. He’ll take the time to ease your soreness, giving you a light massage, asking how you’re feeling and if you were satisfied. He’ll run a bath for you if you’d like, or simply hold you in his arms until all your soreness seems to leave your body. His main goal after sex is basically just to make sure that you’re satisfied and feeling well.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
He is a real big fan of his tummy. No one can tell me otherwise. He loves the way his stomach looks, that’s all his power right there. Plus, it’s soft and pretty round and he loves how much you adore it too.
On you, he loves your thighs the most. He finds them extremely feminine and the thicker they are, the harder it is for him to keep his hands to himself.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His cums so fucking much, you don’t even know where he could possibly store it all. His cum is thick and a little unpleasant tasting (but still pretty bearable), so if you’re planning on giving him head and swallowing, BE PREPARED. He also cums in long spurts, so what I suggest doing is letting him cum in your mouth on the first spurt, swallow, and then just jerk him off until he’s done. Your hand will be a mess but damn is it a sight to see.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I don’t think he’d ever admit to it until you’ve been married for 5 years but when you had left your dirty clothes at his house after staying over, he discovered your used underwear and he may or may not have had some fun with it. He wasn’t sure what had come over him but he couldn’t stop himself from picking up the small article of clothing and being turned on by it, smelling you all over it and imagining how cutely you wore them.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has pretty good experience and got around in his younger days. He knows his way around a woman in general, but is always a little on the shier side whenever he starts with someone new. Even though he knows what he’s doing and is ready, he’s always just going to be a bit nervous when it’s his first time with someone and will want them to instruct him so that he doesn’t hurt them or takes too long.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
His favorite position by far is the Twix. If you’re anything like me and enjoy having weight placed on you (sexually or not) then this is the perfect position. It allows for each party to look face to face at each other, clit stimulation for the woman, and lots of intimacy~! Taishiro will be doing most of the work but that makes him happy because he wants to be the one making you feel good!
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He has his moments of silliness in the bedroom. Taishirou is a playful guy by nature and his playfulness if going to come out in the bedroom depending on the kind of sex you’re having. If it’s slow passionate sex, then he’s going to be a bit more serious, but if it’s fast spontaneous sex, then I see him cracking s few jokes here and there and teasing you a little more.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He is naturally just bare or has minimal hair. He doesn’t have to shave often because his pubic hair just takes forever to grow, and even when it has outgrown his limit, the hair is thin and lighter than his hair so you can hardly see it anyways.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He is very intimate. For him, sex is a bonding experience with your partner, a time in which you both only focus on one another, please each other in ways that words can’t. He wants to make every session special meaningful. To do so he will go to extreme lengths to set the mood, and make you comfortable and relaxed.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He only ever does so when you are not around. He is a pretty needy man and sometimes he won’t be able to hold himself back when he doesn’t have you around to help him out a bit, so he will indulge himself in a little self pleasure. He makes sure not to do it too often when you’re gone, but he will give himself one long session a week (if you’re even gone for that long) to just be consumed by his pleasure and enjoy himself.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Weight play
Role play
Food play
Thigh jobs/ thigh fucking
Mutual Masturbation
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
It doesn’t matter where he has sex as long as he can pin you against a wall and fuck you on it. Wall sex is also something Taishiro really likes and will go for that over sex in the bedroom any day. However, is favorite places to take you on a wall are at home, at his office, or in some alley after some hero work~ 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Thigh highs. Those will get him going like nothing else. He loves the way the socks hug your thighs, having it do that thing where it makes your thighs look even plushier and softer. He’d want to rub his hands all over your thighs, press kisses to them, bite and suck on them. And if you’d allow him, he’d want to fuck your thighs silly.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Name calling in a degrading way. That is something that he can not stand. Sex is supposed to be something you enjoy, to make one another feel safe and comfortable in your most vulnerable of moments. Calling you names or vice-versa would ruin all of that. Nothing will turn him off more than having you call him something derogatory and he will not want to have sex at all for the rest of the night or after if something like that slips out.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He is all about giving, dude. This man gives more than you can take a times. He is very enthusiastic when it comes to giving you head and trust me when I say he is very skilled with his mouth and tongue. He enjoys taking his time when he gives you head, using slow, languid licks to work you up before hitting you with everything he has to work your world when you orgasm.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually he is pretty slow and sensual, wanting to take his time to enjoy your body and the way he is making you feel and vice-versa. However, that is only when he is penetrating you. When it comes to thigh fucking, fingering you, or giving you head, he is a lot faster and desperate to feel you and have you come undone around him.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t exactly mind quickies, but he won’t want to have them too often. He is big on taking his time with sex and enjoying all that it has to offer, but he does know that, more often than not, he won’t be able to do so, like when you both are on missions or he is only stopping by for a short while.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He isn’t too big on taking risks. The most he will do is let you leave hickies on his neck for people to see and that is about it. Sex is a private matter to him and would rather keep things in the bedroom than having everyone know his business.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Taishiro has decent stamina and can last for a reasonable amount of time being 10 minutes. However, as for rounds, that all depends on his mood. If it’s a regular day, maybe one or two rounds to get you big satisfied. If it’s a day in which he’s pretty happy and upbeat, he can go for 4 rounds. However, if it’s a day where he’s pissed off or angry or has way too much excess energy, he can go all night if you’re game.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He isn’t too big on using toys on you but if you’d like to use some on him, then that’s perfectly fine. He’ll let you use whatever you like on him as long as it doesn’t hurt too bad.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing is something that he would be good at if he weren’t so needy for you himself. He will start teasing you, denying you your orgasm but he is bound to stop a few moments after when he sees how desperate you are for your release. It turns him on seeing you in such a needy state and will give in to you each and every time.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He can get fairly loud when he gets closer to his orgasm. He just can’t hold himself back and will let all his moans and grunts roll off his tongue as he feels pleasure consuming him. When he finally does cum, he will let out a long, deep groan before going completely silent, pleasure still written all over his face.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He doesn’t like pickles. He thinks they’re pretty gross and doesn’t like the liquid they come in. Any time someone eats a pickle around him, he will gag and scoot over so he doesn’t have to watch them eat it or anything with it. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Okay so this man is 8’2… and wide… so you already know that his cock is going to be rather proportionate to his body type. He’s a whopping 8.5 inches, full of veins, but isn’t all that thick to be honest. The girth of his cock is rather average and suits his body really well. It curves upwards towards him and is a few times darker than the rest of his body. The head of his cock is blunt and is the same width as his shaft. It’s a pretty impressive cock that is bound to give you a nice tummy bulge and fill you up real good~!
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is a little above average. Like I said, he is a pretty needy guy and will be yearning for sex five days out of seven during the week.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep once he is sure that you have been satisfied and taken care of. He will give you a gentle massage after sex, get you water, or a snack and shower you in kisses until you are feeling well and sleepy yourself. He will want you to fall asleep in his arms before he does just so he can admire your sleeping form.
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Wanna see some other shit I’ve written?
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alitaimagines · 6 years
A-Z with Bakugou, please!!
A-Z NSFW Challenge (Bakugou Katsuki x Fem Reader) 
Note: All students will be aged up to 18! For everyone who didn’t send in a NSFW request, I will get those done. I promise! (Requests open!!)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after): 
Bakugou is kinda soft after the two of you are done having sex. He’ll rub all the spots that he left sore. Bakugou won’t speak much but will wait on you hand and foot if you ask for anything. 
B = Body part (They’re favorite body part as well as their partners): 
Bakugou will forever be proud of his arms. He didn’t work this hard for his muscles for nothing. He’ll intentionally flex so he can show himself off. As for you, Bakugou is a breast man. Big or small, he’ll rub them whenever he gets the chance. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum):  
He’ll always try to cum outside of you. He finds his so fucking hot when you give him head and a bit lands on your face. His boner will pop up again. 
D = Dirty secret  (Dirty Secret of theirs): 
When you wear anything of his. If you borrow one of his sweaters or shirts, he’ll go for your scent when he’s jerking it. The smell of you makes it feel like you’re almost there. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they): 
Bakugou isn’t experienced at all. His temper kind of scares off any potential people who are looking to for a night. While he does see it in porn and try to recreate it in the bedroom, it doesn’t always work.
F =  Favorite position (Basically says it in the title): 
He loves to hit it from behind. He’ll grab you breasts while he’ll pound you from the back. It’s the easiest way to get him going for another round. 
G = Goofy (How serious are they? Do they prefer joking?): 
It depends. Since you’re dating the boy with an anger problem, he hardly jokes around in the first place but you are dating him so he’ll be more vulnerable with you. He’ll laugh a few times if you do a funny face or if you’re begging for him. 
H = Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes? Are they groomed?):
Bakugou doesn’t shave fully so there will be a little bush. He does keep it tamed though. He knows that it can get annoying if you’re going down on him but he doesn’t want to fully get rid of it. 
I = Intimacy (How they are during the moment): 
Bakugou won’t give you a whole monologue on how much he loves you but he will caress you. The look in his eyes when he kisses you says it all.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon): 
Like previously stated, he’ll jerk it to any clothing that you’ve worn. Your smell on his sweater or his shirt will do it for him. He makes it feel like you’re sort of there when you actually can’t be. 
K = Kink (One of their kinks): 
While it isn’t a kink, he’ll get hard when you eat vanilla ice cream specifically. He can’t help but imagine that being his cum on your lips and you licking it off. 
L = Location (Favorite place): 
Any semi-public place. He finds it hot when the two of you are in a bathroom doing it. The thought of getting caught can cause him to cum right then and there. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on): 
What can get Bakugou going is getting him jealous. When he sees you talking to any boy, specifically Deku, and they’re being handsy, he’ll drag you away immediately. He needs to find a place to remind you who you belong too. 
N = No (Something they won’t do): 
Never have a threesome. The thought of you being with another guy or girl will piss him off. The image of someone kissing you the way he does or making love to you like he does, he’ll get mad quickly. 
O = Oral (Giving or receiving): 
Bakugou lives to go down on you. He knows he’s skilled enough to give you head and he’s quite proud of it. Bakugou can find your soft spot quickly and have you begging in seconds. As for receiving, he’ll ask for it without hesitation. It has to be mutual. 
P = Pace (Are they fast or slow): 
Literally always pounding you. On special occasion, he’ll go slower but most often than not, he’ll be going at the speed of light. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies): 
Bakugou loves them. Find a broom closet or a bathroom with no one in them, he’ll be game. It’s almost like a game to him and likes to see how many places he can have a quickie in. 
R = Risk (Will they be down to experiment in risky locations): 
Of course. Risk is Bakugou’s favorite game. While he would be embarrassed to hell if he ever got caught, he loves the chance of it. He knows when the chance is low of getting caught and drag you inside the place. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go): 
As many as you can. If you aren’t as trained as he is, he’ll let you choose as many rounds as you can handle. Bakugou can go for as many rounds as he pleases but he takes your consideration before his. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys and if they do, will they use them): 
Nope. He hates using toys and wants to please you by only using himself. He has the mindset of toys being used because you can’t please a woman all by yourself. 
U = Unfair (How much will they tease): 
BAKUGOU FUCKING LIVES TO TEASE YOU. He’ll have you a moaning mess underneath you while you beg for him to finally let you release. The sight of your whining face makes him so smug. 
V = Volume (How loud are they if they even are): 
He’ll grunt mostly but when he’s about to cum, he’ll moan your name louder and louder each time. He has this territorial side of him that he likes to make sure that people know that only you can make him feel that good. 
W = Wild card (Headcanon of choice): 
When he sees you laughing with anyone, the smile on your face makes him melt. While he could get jealous if it’s a guy, when he sees you giggle or start to giggle snort, any jealousy leaves his body. He’s so happy that he caught someone like you to date him. 
X = X-Ray (What’s going on down there): 
Bakugou is a bit above average. About a seven and a half. He knows he’s big and he’s proud of it. He won’t go screaming about it but he knows he’s big and thats all the validation he needs. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive): 
Ever since he had sex for the first time, it’s out the roof. Whenever the chance presents itself, he’ll go for it. Don’t test him or tease him because he will not hesitate. 
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep): 
Not that fast. Bakugou has intense training as it is so he’ll massage you and if he sees you falling asleep, depending on the time, he’ll make the two of your food during the day or go take a shower so he can fall asleep at night. 
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