#and understanding now the importance of water ive literally only had ice coffee and dr pepper
anxiously-going · 2 years
Fun ways to know the Level Headed One ™️ is around: You hear someone sigh in exasperation when you glance around an empty room before dropping the single socks back into the laundry hamper.
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motiuational · 8 years
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whether you’re down bc of burnout or stress or just generally feeling :// this is what i used when i had a little (read: quite large) blip last week. if some of these tips aren’t doable or helpful it’s still ok and you’re still ok!!!
1) Cut Yourself Some Slack if you’re feeling like this it’s probably for a reason and you need to do something to combat it. whether you’re sad bc of a mental illness or something that’s happened in your life or everything is just too much rn that’s ok and you’re ok and feeling like this is valid and can’t be ignored
so take a mental health day and sleep in, buy that thing you want, get yourself new stationary or high quality coffee. talk to people, either online (im always here for anything i don’t promise to understand but i will listen and advise) or irl (friends, family, therapist, your dog, whoever you want to) - after all “if you don’t get it off of your chest, you’ll never be able to breath”
catch up with that tv show, do your make up, use the fancy bath stuff and most importantly look after yourself. don’t let anyone push you further than you can handle, not even yourself. right now, focus on you.
2) Get Out of Bed this actually is really really hard if you feel terrible but it really is an important stage for your health and productivity you will honestly feel so much better
3) Eat & Drink Doesn’t have to be a fancy fully cooked english breakfast or pancakes or whatever you have wherever you are, sometimes it can literally be a piece of fruit or cereal and that’s ok you’re up and eating! go you! also please try and eat three meals in each day - microwave meals are the easiest tbh but eggs, avo on toast, soup, make some stuff that’s not time consuming or needs effort unless cooking if your thing and it’ll help you
for water i generally sleep with a glass by my bed and down it in the mornings as soon as i wake up. also if you wanna make yourself some tea or coffee or something now’s the time to enjoy that!! water is your primary aim though so try to keep a large bottle near you at all times (large so you don’t have to get up as often)
also take all vitamins and medicines you need to!!!!
4) Hygiene you’ve got this far you’re doing great! now you need to brush your teeth, try and get in the shower or wash your face, do all your clean routine stuff. Also get dressed! either comfy clothes or clean pj’s whatever you’re the best in rn (as i write this im in pj’s and a blanket cape so no judge) also i always find wearing shoes to make me more productive for some reason so if that works for you just slip on some reeeally comfy ones
5) Three Tasks for Today honestly having three tasks that you have set as your most important is really good for you!! tbh these can include having a shower or petting your pets bc these are very important to dos for your mental health and in genera. your pets will agree esp if they are cats. if you have no pets then there might be dogs in your local park or cats in your neighborhood or maybe a petting zoo??? make your goals easily achievable! even if they’re simple things they’ll make you feel productive and better in yourself - like today my to do’s are this post, shower, and to write a sentence of my coursework!! yesterday it was literally get up, pet cats, brush teeth
some recommended tasks: - shower! - eat a healthy breakfast! - get out of the house even if only round the corner and back - text someone (your parents? friends? significant other?) - if you wanna stay productive without working on your set work why don’t you do a short course on a website like memrise or learn the basics of a language on duolingo? i taught myself the basics of british sign language last week go me
6) If You’re Working… i) if one or more of your three tasks involves working then this is for you! make your working space clear even if you just shove everything under your bed that’s fine you can deal with it when you can. now you need to get out your pens, your laptop, your bujo and whatever you need to work. also if you have candles or fairy lights or something light them they’re so nice and calming!!
ii) find a playlist to listen to!! i have different ones for different moods but the ones i recommend are on spotify and are upbeat, a kinda classical one and the playlist for yuri! on ice tbh bc they’re all instrumental which i love but whatever you prefer to listen to is fine!
iii) do the easy stuff first like sending off emails or taking the bins out or stuff that can be finished in under 5 mins. bam!! already ticked stuff off your to do list go you!!
iv) now what i typically try and do is a “touch and go” thing for my work which tbh i originally got from @busystudyign as well as the two minute rule from @emmastudies. basically the touch and go is where you go like “ill only write 2 sentences of my intro” but generally once you’ve done that you keep going but if not then just keep coming back to “touch” it until it’s done. the two minute rule is similar, where you work on your intro for two minutes and then you either stop or if you’re in the groove then you keep at it!!
v) also break down everything you need to do! need to do that essay? ok! plan the outline! so like a sentence explaining what each paragraph is gonna be about. then go a bit more in depth paragraph by paragraph. then write the first one!!! you go you’re doing great!!!
whatevers going on, however you’re feeling, whoever you are - just know it’s gonna be ok. you can do this. there are so many people willing to support you (inc me) and you’re gonna do wonderfully and succeed!!! maybe not rn but soon trust me life sucks but it’s gonna be better than this
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