#on the one hand i dont want this level of energy to leave on the other sleep is important and its lowkey alarming how good ive felt today
anxiously-going · 2 years
Fun ways to know the Level Headed One ™️ is around: You hear someone sigh in exasperation when you glance around an empty room before dropping the single socks back into the laundry hamper.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
What its like kissing the creepypasta characters
excluding the characters that im not comfy writing romantic for, for obvious reasons similar to the hugging post this is more so a rating thing instead of actual scenarios! honestly in love with these kinds of posts so im formally asking you guys to give me ideas in this vein because i love making hcs in this format/for general stuff eheheheh
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if youve been on this blog for a while, you would know that i love when characters who dont have mouths/have nontraditional mouths nuzzle and press their face into yours. and i still love the idea, especially with slenderman ! the first time he 'kisses' you its probably the first time hes kissed ANYONE so the movement itself is probably a little... clunky... doesnt press too hard, actually i think he would struggle with the opposite. theyre gentle and fleeting, almost as if his inhuman strength and size would crush you if he let himself truly lean into it. i mean think about it, he hardly ever interacts with humans and when he does its for 'food', he has always only seen them as vulnerable and fragile. and whether malicious or not, he treats you as if youre made of glass. likes kissing the back of your hands too. 7/10, he gets bonus points since hes my fav + its the thought that counts
very eager about showing you any level of affection, probably early in the relationship that he gets bold enough to kiss you. first kiss is probably more of a "in the moment" thing than "i planned this out and im going to ask" thing if that makes sense... similar to slenderman in regards that he presses his mouth to you, as i personally headcannon that his smile isnt exactly.. a real mouth, more so a false one. think like a layer of 'skin' covering his real one that he can rip out at any moment (same case for slenderman btw. same also apply to splendors eyes, more so markings than actual eyes). going back to his energy, hes very eager about it, might even lightly push you back with how much hes putting into it; he doesnt mean to, hes just so excited! likes cheek kisses and nuzzling your noses together 8/10
very wary about kissing you outside of those little pecks, for multiple factors. for one, his teeth. sharp teeth, he can accidentally cut you. other reason thats much darker, given that admin personally hcs that he goes into "frenzies" when hes hungry and reacts to blood like the sharks in finding nemo, if he accidentally cuts you when hes not.. well fed.. for lack of a better term... theres a risk there. REFUSES to kiss when he needs to go 'hunt' soon, not because he doesnt want you or your affection, but he doesnt want to take any risks. outside of that, he doesnt often seek out affection, so youre probably going to have to initiate it, unless hes feeling particularly clingy that day or jealous... hes very cold, please cup your hands on his face and warm him up. likes kissing your lips 6/10
has to lean in at an angle in order to not poke you with his nose. has probably accidentally lightly scratched you with it when he got too excited. likes giving you forehead kisses for this reason because you can just angle your head down and he can go to town like that... sometimes leave lipstick marks on you.. if you personally hc that he can take off his makeup then please offer to fix it! hes going to be absolutely over the moon! likes wrapping his arms around you when he kisses you. does lots of kisses in quick succession rather than singular longer ones. probably wakes you up with kisses and greets you with kisses when you come home 8/10 i love him
nope, sorry. for masky hes not going to be taking off the mask around you at all. so if you want a kiss youre going to have to kiss the mask. though on rare occasions when youre alseep/half awake he will lift up his mask just enough to reveal his mouth and give you a kiss on your face. no particular place that he prefers to kiss you. though as said, its rare when he does this. in fact its not common for masky to seek out affection unless he feels more possessive of you than usual, be it because hes jealous or you are stress or you were just in a dangerous situation. 5/10, not much action but there is still care behind it
now as for tim... i think he would be more willing to give you kisses. probably gives you a quick one before you leave for work or something else, and greets you with one when you return home. thats a sweet thought, i think. more likely to give kisses during cuddle session, tends to kiss your cheek and neck (non sexually) while hes holding you to his chest. ponders. will give you a look if you mess with his sideburns and start giggling 6.5/10 love this man
hoodie is a little more willing to lift up his mask around you, but only really up to the bottom of his nose. also has no preferred place to kiss you, but he seems to kiss your lips more than the other parts of you. sometimes his facial hair scratches against your skin and tickles. between him and brian i think hoodie is a little more blunt and serious about kissing. not to say hes not a little playful, love me some vaguely playful s/o hoodie hcs. probably picks you up off the ground too to 'trap' you, especially if youre fairly shorter than him (personally hc brian/hoodie is 6'') 7/10 love him
very similar to hoodie but i think he would be even more playful when it comes to you. leans into it when his facial hair starts tickling you, in fact i think it would devolve into him just tickling your sides. funny man. put him in the corner/j. like lj, he likes wrapping his arms around you when kissing you, this man is very into physical touch. will touch you any chance he gets; hand holding, cuddling, hugs, ect ect ect... sometimes starts smiling when you guys kiss so you have to give him a minute because he just has this huge grin on his face 8/10
so you know how i said in the hugging post hes kind of a little shit? you know, literally basking in the fact that youre giving your time and self to him? i think that still applies here, maybe even more so since this is explicitly romantic. likes teasing you if you get flustered during your make out sessions, sometimes bombards you with kisses just to see your face redden... has probably leaned down and tapped his cheek as a silent yet teasing gesture, as if taunting you, letting you be the one to kiss him this once. also very cold, like physically. what being a spirit does to a mf. VERY tall, can easily evade any retaliation you throw his way (ie returning the favor of bombarding him with kisses), though im not sure how long he'd be able to resist.. 6/10
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gaybananabread · 9 months
AHHH, ok ok. This is my first time like ordering anything so I’m nervous asf. But I’d like oranges, grapes and cherries with Ler!Jax and Lee!Pomni. Obv everything platonic, and like, go nuts with the plot. (Idk if this is worth mentioning pero I have this silly little headcannon that Pomni squeaks like a squeaky toy when squeezed so like, IF YOU WANT, you can add that.)
IF YOU DONT DO THIS ONE ITS OKK, I rly enjoy your writing and hope you have a great day/ night, tyy <33
Fruit(s): Oranges, Grapes, Cherries
Aww thank you Anon! You’re all good, and love that Pomni would absolutely become a dog toy (¬‿¬). Jax is definitely interesting to write for, and I like playing around with his asshole-ness. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Pomni
Ler: Jax
Summary: Pomni is still getting used to the circus, anxious and uneasy in the new environment. Jax tries to help out, though he does it in his own annoying way.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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In the circus tent, small NPCs ran wild, knocking things over and babbling nonsense. They were like the Gloinks, but so much worse. Caine had dipped on them once again, leaving the characters to fend for themselves. Zooble peaced out, but the others were stuck with them.
It took nearly the whole day, but they had managed to contain the little monsters until Caine came back to woosh them away. For most of the characters, it was weirdly routine. For the newest arrival, however, it was more than off-putting. Pomni just felt…out of place in the digital world. She wandered around the tent, trying to calm herself down.
Jax was walking around, trying to find something to do. He would have messed with Ragatha, but her and Gangle were having some kind of “girl’s day.” Ugh…he wanted no part of it. 
Just as he was considering going to explore the forbidden rooms, he heard the faint jingling of bells. Pomni must’ve been “exploring” the grounds again. While she wasn’t his usual target, the jester would probably keep him entertained until something else happened.
The smug and confident smirk he always wore shrank as he approached her. Pomni looked so…so tired. Tired and way too wound up. Still, he sauntered over, trying to gauge just how upset she was. “Hey, newbie. You sane after that horror show?”
Pomni flinched at his voice, taking a second to register what he said; she’d been spacing out for most of the day. “U-uhm…yes? Why?”
He rolled his eyes, trying to act as aloof as possible. “Really? ‘S just that ya look like you’re about to fall apart. Hey, you think that’s possible here?” Jax cared about how she was doing, but he had an image and a rep in the circus. No way he was jeopardizing that.
“Shut up, Jax…” She turned away from him, rubbing her arm and looking down. The girl felt crummy enough; she didn’t have the energy to deal with his junk. 
He chuckled, leaning down and getting eye-level with her. Jax was bored, yes, but he didn’t want to see Pomni so down. Might as well try and cheer her up. “Aww, c’mon Pom-Pom! Try a smile; it won’t kill ya!” He reached out, trying to poke her side in an attempt to get her to smile. Before he could even get close to her blue side, she gasped softly and jerked away from his hand. Oh…that’ll work.
The look on his face was a dead giveaway to his plan. “Jax, no! I swear, don’t you even think abo-KYAH!” Pomni was cut off by a sharp poke to her stomach, whatever she was trying to say lost in a squeal.
“Oh, I’m doin’ more than think about it~” Jax’s voice was smug as ever, his gloved hands wrapping around her middle and wiggling them into her sides. The bunny crouched down, just so he could whisper in her ear. “Tickle tickle, Pomni~”
Squeaky and bright giggles bubbled out of her, only making Jax’s smirk grow. Pomni was much less amused, kicking and wriggling around in his grip. “Y-youhuhu prihick! Gehet ohoff mehehe!”
“Nah, don’t think I will.” One fun thing the purple rabbit noticed; Pomni was blushing. Really blushing, so brightly that it put the circles already on her cheeks to shame. So, of course, he called her out on it.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could blush like that, newbie!” He cooed, making sure to poke up and down her ribs as he spoke. “Thought bright red was crybaby’s thing, but you go girl~” 
“Sh-shuhut uhuhuhup!” The bells on Pomni’s hat jingled with every sharp jolt and tug, only making the scene funnier. Jax was thoroughly enjoying himself; he had maintained his vibe while also making Pomni smile. True, he was being a bitch about it, but it was working.
Wanting to try something else, Jax clamped both hands firmly on her sides, giving them a nice squeeze. Nothing could’ve readied him for what happened next. “Jahahax! Wouhuld you- *squeak*” 
Suddenly, his hands stopped moving, giving her a quick breather as the shock and amusement set in. After a few seconds, a loud bark of laughter escaped him, his voice more playful than it had been the whole time. “No *sproing*-ing way… You squeak?!” 
Without any further warning, he dug into her sides, rapidly squeezing them in the hopes of more squeaks. “J- *squeak* COHOHohome ohon! Quihihit- *squeak* JAHAX!” The sound was almost like a dog toy’s squeaker; it endlessly amused Jax, leaving the rabbit wanting more and more of the adorable sound.
“This has gotta be my favorite quirk of yours, squeaky-toy!” He squeezed and poked along her sides, sneaking a quick rib scribble in every few seconds. Best day ever…
“P-PLEHEHE- *squeak* NOHO! JAHAX!” While he was more than enjoying the squeaks and laughter, he could tell Pomni was wearing out. Not wanting to potentially get on Ragatha’s very-bad side, he stopped squeezing the jester. “Alright, alright, no more squeezes. That was fun, though~”
Pomni went almost limp in his arms, trying to catch her breath. She looked up at him expectantly, expecting to be released. Jax only laughed at her expression. “Oh, newbie, no. I never said I was done~” The ever-growing blush on her cheeks made him smile wider, his almost haughty confidence growing.
He tested out her neck, smirking at the surprised giggles he received. “You’re just a walking tickle-spot, aren’t ya? There anywhere you ain’t ticklish?” Deciding to be a bit merciful, he kept the tickling to light scratches, exploring the area. 
Much to his surprise, Pomni’s giggles softened, her body going almost slack against his. Jax wondered if he’d managed to kill her for a second, but he soon realized that she was just…enjoying it. Pomni wasn’t trying to push at his hands anymore; she just grabbed his wrists and loosely hung on.
“Aww, Pomni! You like this, don’t ya~?” He continued lightly tickling underneath her chin and the front of her neck, basking in the lazy giggles and lax squeals he got. Jax had no idea how someone could practically melt from getting tickled, but he wasn’t gonna question it. 
“Ihihihi- shuhuhut ihit…” Pomni could’ve had a better response, but she was too comfy to try. While he was still tickling her, it felt much more relaxing and nice in that spot. She could’ve stayed there all day…
Quickly realizing the jester was about to fall asleep on him, Jax stopped and patted her back. Pomni took a few shaky breaths, residual giggles still squeaking out in her daze. The bunny boy just chuckled, trying to help her wake up, in a sense. “You’re good, I’m done, wakey-wakey.”
Pomni was tired, though, and feeling like mild revenge. She just leaned into the purple boy, closing her eyes and letting the sleepy relaxation take over; girl was out in seconds. 
“...Pomni?” Jax’s smirk slowly fell, his brow-area bunching. She hadn’t moved in a few seconds, though he could see her breathing. Did she… That little-
Seeing her asleep on him felt strangely similar to a kitten napping there. It felt wrong to move… “*boing* it…”
Hopefully Ragatha and Gangle will be done soon…
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polyestercleaner · 3 months
HIIII I KNOW U HAVE MANY REQUESTS BUT 😞😞 maybe ryan x reader where reader is struggling with ED?????
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|Summary: You've always despised your body for what it looked like. Your eating disorder consumed you for many years. Espically when no one is around. But now that you have a lover full aware of it. Things eventually get better each time your down deep into that hole.
|Content Warning: Fluff, angst, Eating disorder
Your body has always been the bane of your existence, you've always looked down and frowned at what you saw. Today was no different, ryan has been on tour for what feels like a decade now, and now that you have nothing else to do.
your brain began to flood with those thoughts you've been pushing away. When ryan was here reassurance was enough to keep you eating 1 to 2 balanced meals when you can. Despite not being in such a low weight. Ryan did infact worry. You pulled yourself out of your bed. You haven't eaten for 3 days, by then the hunger completely vanished.
Your energy crashing down and your body nothing more than a hollow shell. Your eyes spoke the truth. Dark circles underneath your eyes and a slumped walk. You pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt on your body after stepping out of the shower. The kitchen fell empty after Ryan's leave.
You couldn't wait for life to come back into this house. But you knew this wasn't going to fix you so easily. You sighed as you sat on the chair, cup of milk in hand that you've already counted the calories for. On usual normal days, when things aren't so bad. You find yourself counting calories way less.
But on hollow days when there's nobody around, and there's nothing to do. Your brain falls back into its only sense of control. It's only sense of security. And you can't seem to slip out of it until you know for sure. That your not alone. And even then that state of mind is always there, always letting you know that you should count those calories and burn them off. You took a sip from your drink as you walked off.
Pacing around thinking about what you should do for today. But once again, whatever you thought of was weighed down with the feeling of this low level of energy. Everything felt blurry, nothing made sense.
Your brain felt like it was eating itself out of hunger. And yet that stomach of yours had not felt what hunger feels in a day or so. You decide to slip back into bed, and prayed that ryan would walk through that door... your eyes felt heavier than ever. Slowly closing as you drifted into a state of sleep...
and before you knew it, that gentle voice was back again. Ryan shook you gently. Rubbing his hand on your shoulder. Just the fact you heard his voice made your brain perk up. "Hey.. why are you still asleep pretty girl" those names.. that smile.
You opened your eyes to him sitting next to you on the bed, "what's wrong are you fel-" despite being so exhausted, you used all that energy you had to pull your body up and embrace him with a hug, you pulled him down, laying back down as he hovered over your body, laying on top of your chest as you begin to cry. Those cries you wanted to let out from all the frustration. Those cries you've mustered up because all those bad memories and bad days.
"Hey hey.. your okay.." he whispered into your ear.. you felt relief and sadness, maybe even happiness but you knew for sure you felt safe. He pulls off of you, laying next to you on the bed, on his side. You turn to your side aswell. Facing him as you struggle to keep yourself together.
"Whats wrong? You know you can talk to me right." You covered your face with your hands as you sobbed, pulling your legs to your stomach. "Dont look at me, I look horrid." "No way.. not a day have you looked horrid baby"
He gently pulled your hands off, you looked at him, sniffling as you struggled to stop those hiccups that washed over you each time you cried. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." He stroked your face, brushing those tears away from your face, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer as you breathed in the scent of his clothes, ryan never failed to smell good, let alone look good, but the smell of him.
Just assured you even more that you weren't hallucinating from all that brain fog. "Have you eaten?" Your snapped back into your senses and you knew for a fact you can't lie if you wanted things to stop being so bad. You felt your throat close up for a minute.
Your lungs felt like they collapsed. You breathed in the scent of his shirt one more time before replying. "I haven't....in a few days.." deep down you knew his fear simply intensified. His worry getting worse. But he didn't let go. If anything. His grip around your body tightened.
And he held you impossibly close. You closed your eyes and let your thoughts wonder for a bit. "You're gonna be okay.. yeah? You'll be okay. I'm here." You barely noticed the fact you began crying again. His hand rubbed at your back. "Let's get you something to eat yeah?"
You nodded, but in the back of your mind you wanted to yell. You wanted to run away. No way were you gonna eat. Not after this progress not after the control you felt. You wanted to refuse letting go of the only thing you had control of.
But your forced a nod despite that. Ryan was infact, very dear to you. You made your way downstairs following ryan as he made his way to the kitchen. Rummaging through it in a desperate act to find something to eat. "There's barely anything. How about pizza?" He turned to you.
A smile, you can never get enough of. It's contagious. You smiled back. And even though he knew you might not want to nod for that. That smile was enough to let him know you were willing to try..
"Come on, one more slice yeah?" He urged you, chewing at his own pizza before swallowing. You went as far as eating two. That was enough for you. Despite it not being the best choice of food after not eating for 3 days.
You felt better knowing things might be fine after a while. "You're still exhausted?" You put the crust of the pizza down. "Yeah, even though I slept it wasn't really....without you? You know.." he smiled at you. Closing the lid for the pizza box. "I'll come to bed." You nodded. Getting up and making your way to your bed.
You pulled your shirt off of you. And your shorts off. Slipping on a tank top you always sleep in and headed to bed. You slipped the blanket on your body.. this was the safest you've ever felt. The best you've ever felt.
Ryan grunts as he slipped into the bed, covering both of you once again. His arms found your waist and he pulled you closer. Your back against your chest. "Ryan."
"Mhm?" You blinked awkwardly. Unsure of what you actually wanted to say. "Am I making your life difficult.. for being. This way?"
"Your making my life impossibly beautiful. And full of emotions so good I never thought I'd feel. Okay?" He kissed your cheek. Shoving his head in the crook of your neck. You smiled to yourself. Letting the exhaustion take you out again. But this time. You were in the arms of someone you loved. And that felt much less lonely.
|Ryan they could never make me hate you.
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seenoversundown · 1 month
End of Summer Blurb; Daniel & Melody ✧˚
I watch as Melody bounces down the sidewalk. Her energy is infectious. 
“Ugh, I could’ve kissed Quinn on the fuckin’ mouth when they showed up asking to take Iris for the day.” 
I can’t help but laugh at her. 
“So, Daniel,” she says as she turns toward me so I can catch up. “Where do we want to get lunch today?” 
“You get one guess.” I say as I intertwine our fingers, she’s practically vibrating. I love watching her eyes light up with excitement as she looks at me with a megawatt smile. “Actually no guesses.” 
Melody’s laugh is loud as she shakes her head. "Alright, alright," she says, squeezing my hand. 
The walk through the Old Port is easier at the end of the summer. Some tourists linger here and there but mostly our little town is back to mostly locals. The smell of the ocean mixes with the aroma of various restaurants leaving their doors open to snag that last bit of summer. 
I don’t say anything as we arrive in front of Petite Étoile, one of the newer restaurants Melody has been dying to go to. Her chestnut curls whip around when she turns her head to me. 
“You’re joking,” she says. The look of surprise is evident on her face. 
I stay silent as I open the door for her, an arm outstretched towards the inside. I follow her into Petite Étoile to a waiting hostess. 
“Wagner, party of two.” I try and keep my voice steady and level so she doesn’t catch on. 
Truthfully, Quinn showing up today wasn’t just some random chance. Three weeks ago I reached out to them to see if they were free today. When Quinn confirmed, yes, they were definitely free, I quickly made the reservation. My chest tightens as I watch her face light up.
“I can’t believe you managed this.” Melody says once we reach the table. 
I casually shrug, “you’ve been mentioning it.” 
I watch as Mel’s brown eyes melt into honey. I reach across the table and grab her hand to kiss her knuckles. Her smile never leaves as we eat our lunch. Anything for her.
More on this later 😉🤭💕
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burnedwriter · 2 years
comforting them after a nightmare
warnings:none,just pure angst to comfort
A/n:i dont ship kaeya and diluc,i just go with the lore and because i strongly believe kaeya would have nightmares from that fight (im just saying it bc i wrote about diluc on kaeya’s part and i dont want any misconceptions happening)
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🐋childe has extreme nightmares from his memories when he fell into the abyss.
🐋he tosses and turns constantly in his sleep and some times he will even mumble words.He will wake up in cold sweat shaking from fear that someone has taken you away from him only to turn and see you peacefully sleeping on your side
🐋when you hear him having a nightmare you would put his head on your chest softly stroking his hair while you whisper sweet nothing,hoping he will calm down
🐋‘‘no...no...no’‘Ajax murmed in his sleep as he tossed left and right violently.
His non stop tossing ended up waking you up,rubbing the sleep of your eyes,you tried to shake him awake him awake but to no avail.
‘‘Ajax,wake up!’‘you yelled as you continue to shake him awake.Finally you were able to wake him up,he sat up,sweat dripping down his forehead,he pushed his hair back away from his face before turning to look at you.
‘‘i thought they took you away ‘‘he said sadness creeping in his voice.
‘‘come here,it’s ok,im here safe and sound ,see’‘wrapping your hands around his build figure into a tight hug reasuring him that that it was just a nightmare and nothing was real.
‘‘promise me you will never leave my side,got it’‘his voice desperate as he wrapped his own arms around you,closing the distance between the two of you and resting his head on your shoulder.
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😠🍃xiao doesnt need to sleep or can sleep.
😠🍃hes usually the one to tell that you need to go to sleep and get some rest,as he he says ‘’mortals need it to survive’’
😠🍃he might not get nightmares since he doesnt sleep but he gets those visions of the wrath of the gods he has slayed in the past and its the reason why he has karmic debt.He can feel the pain throughout his body making him kneel as he tries to control it.
😠🍃you were near when one of those visions happened.you were folding some laundry of the guests while xao kept you company,when all of a sudden you hear a loud thud,followed by a loud groan.
turning your head towards the direction of the noise,you see xiao kneeling holding his face and you immediatly run to his side,crouching to his level.
‘‘xaio are you ok’‘you said worried,clearly seeing him in pain
‘‘i will be fine,no need to worry about me’‘he said struggling.
‘‘i wont leave your side until i make sure you are fine’‘you insisted,placing a hand on his back petting him softly,reminding him of your presence.
After some time time passed,he slowly got up,looking at you angryly,but also admiring your bravery.
‘‘you could have died by my karmic debt energy,you know that’‘,he angryly said,even tough you knew that wasnt true.
‘‘then i would have died knowing i helped you’‘
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❄when kaeya has a nightmare it’s usually the brutal fight he had with diluc that left his eye scarred forever and destroyed their relationship.
❄he doesnt toss  and turn or talk in his sleep unlike childe,but he will wake up with a bad mood and be less talkative than he would normally would.You know there is something wrong when kaeya doesnt talk.
❄it was late at night,when you heard loud crashing coming from the bathroom waking you up instantly.You turned to wake up kaeya thinking it was an intruder only to realize his side of the bed was empty
‘‘oh no’‘you thought to yourself getting up and immeddiatly heading to the bathroom.Only to see a crying kaeya leaning ovee the sink,breathing heavily.
‘‘kaeya what’s going on?’‘you asked concerned,seeing how upset he was.
‘‘just go back to sleep sweetheart and i will be there in a min’‘He replied not wanting to keep you awake.
‘‘im not leaving kaeya,sleep can wait’‘
He smiled at your words seeing your determination to help him
Coming,closer you cappedd his face with your hands claeaning the tears off of his eyes as he melted in your warm touch.
‘‘diluc never hated you kaeya,he cares about you still even after all the things that happeened between the two of you that night,he still sees you as his brother’‘you reasured him softly drawing circles on his cheek with your thumb.
Those were the words he wanted to hear reminding him that he inst a bad person and will never be one.
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cosmichighpriestess · 4 months
Many lightworkers, heart centered empaths and those who are awake have been feeling like they want to give up on their spiritual journey. The Ascension process is overwhelming and too painful. We understand that sometimes you don't want to hold the light anymore, you don't want to help everyone and go out of your way anymore to pull others out of their darkness just to be attacked again.
When we climbed to the top of the mountain (state of consciousness), we ascended before everyone else, we thought, " I can't believe I made it, I can't believe that no matter what battles and attacks I've been through that I finally made it out alive." But then we looked down at all the people we left behind, we saw them suffering, attacking and continuing old, outdated ways leading them in a vicious toxic cycle and losing their faith in humanity and the Universe/God/Source/Higher Intelligence. It was and is lonely at the top, and you could say it's better than being at rock bottom but you don't become blind once you reach the top of the mountain.
You are letting your own darkness consume you, you are reacting to demonic attacks and lower vibrational people are making it difficult to observe and not react. You are creating the attacks if you are perceiving them outside of you. Forgive them, they are under a spell. Use Yeshua as your shield of protection. I know how hard it is, to not want to teach them anymore because they aren't interested in healing or changing their toxic ways. You dont have to do anything except focus on yourself and your internal being. Changing yourself changes your world literally.
These past people let their anger and rage dictate how they treat others in order to not have to feel it themselves, they give it to you to transmute it for them, leaving you completely exhausted, angry and sad. Become surgical with your thoughts and emotions. Feel and release them. That is a blessing and a curse to be able to feel so deeply. Most people couldn't handle the depths you've been in. You have to go higher when they go lower because it's their job to keep you in hell.
You see everything more clearly, and you see the suffering of so many lost individuals who you once tried to save over and over. You reach the top and now you can see clearly that there's no one else with you except for God and our spirit guides. There's no one who understands. No one can handle the depths we've gone through, no one can handle our authenticity without being triggered, everyone is intimidated by our energy and it feels like they need to protect themselves from us. But we're not the ones that have any malicious intentions, we just want more friends and family on this level because it's lonely even though we love being alone. We could thrive with our soul tribe. So we keep teaching, keep sharing information on how we did it and how to follow your own guidance and come to God.
But the only thing is, we can't climb back down the mountain, there's no going back for us. There's no pretending anymore or lowering ourselves to fit in to do things we no longer resonate with. We wish we could break you free from the illusions of your reality, but those on a lower frequency, can't even hear us because they are not on the same frequency. It's not that we think they can't do it or that we don't believe in their abilities as a powerful human being but it's in God's hands. It's that we had to let go of the need to save everyone. People fumble, misjudge and underestimate how hard the spiritual journey really is.
When you are about to have a breakthrough, when you are about to receive all of your blessings, you're going to be tortured by your reality, by the same people who didn't destroy you enough to begin with. We are not emotional punching bags to project and blame and insert your outdated rules onto, like slaves to fear. Because of our unconditional pure love, support, empathy, forgiveness and compassion, our natural selves, it is so unbelievable and so rare, so unreal that people think it's faked and we're just liars. We're just more aware of our darkness and we realize how much power we hold so we don't abuse it. We don't want to feel the wrath of God by going against ourselves. We can lie but we know it doesn't serve us. Being honest feels better.
These people from our past feel uncomfortable around someone so comfortable with themselves, they don't like how optimistic and happy we are for no reason. How dare we be happy and abundant no matter what it looks like on the outside we are secured by God. They don't understand how we can still be good hearted and still standing after everything we've been through. We should've turned evil, cold, resentful, bitter, and abusive after everything we've been through but instead we slayed all our demons and slayed all of their demons too. Knowing anything we perceive outside of us, is within us so really we were always observing our own demons through other people who we share one consciousness with.
These people from our past don't understand they are imprisoned and inauthentic. They don't understand or see beyond the illusions of their physical world because they chose to be victims to their circumstances from a higher level they chose this so we must accept this. They will be okay, they will be alright because honestly, they have us no matter what, no matter how dark they appear we know we can transcend all of our darkness, creating more positive versions of them. At the moment, we are beyond their comprehension, they are not ready and as they watch us ascend and create heaven from hell, they still choose to stay asleep because they don't understand how powerful they are.
They don't know who they are. We either scare, intimidate, cause envy, confusion and lust or we inspire, ignite a flame within their broken heart, that was always burning it just needed some attention and love, and we enlighten depending on their state of consciousness.
We are not for the weak minded, we will trigger your negative limited beliefs, and the ones who project their arrogance and entitlement onto us, their lack mindset, their insecurities, their own projections, which were just confessions they will stay the same. They mistook our confidence and self love for arrogance and our kindness as naive and weak. Yet, we eat pain for breakfast and see through all illusions. These narcissistic individuals didn't see their own value, they run off self hatred-- so they assumed we had no value and no worth. They go low, we go higher. When they use manipulation tactics, gaslighting, guilt, projections, belittling ect. We just watch and observe because we already can see through their old, outdated toxic tactics.
An apology without changed behavior is manipulation. These individuals live in constant denial, their lenses are constantly shrouded in illusion from the lies they tell themselves which is not actually the truth. They are in denial that they are in denial. They couldn't see the truth because their ego is protecting them. Their hearts were hardened by their childhood abuse and by society, by the people that didn't see the value in them, hurt people, hurt people.
We're not in competition with anyone, we have nothing to prove to anyone, we define our own success, we know what we've been through and survived even if we don't look like what we've been through. We're spiritual warriors, we are the peaceful wounded warrior in the garden not bothering anyone. Your attempts at destroying ascended masters will not succeed. It's not a trauma competition, it's not a " who went through more competition." You don't get to abuse us anymore just because you think that we need to be humbled. We have been humbled our entire life, we earned our self confidence and we earned our high rank in the spiritual realm, we don't need an award to validate our accomplishments.
But we will never lower ourselves, we will never become what they are. In fact, we're not worried about anything because we shift and change the people in our worlds by healing ourselves. When we are able to observe through the looking glass into different lower realities, we understand all we are there to do is observe and not absorb. We are the generational cursebreakers and we outnumber the dark ones who seek to lower our vibration.
The monitoring spirits, the spiritual warfare, the stalkers keep checking to see if we're homeless or dead. No, we're high on top of the mountain watching your attempts to sabotage and get information. We're untouchable, we operate out of love-not fear. How can you respond with vengeance to unconditional love and being seen for the first time? We always were naturally loving and empathic. But we evolved out of the darkness, we changed because we're supposed to change. We're not supposed to stay the same, our true self stays the same but the way our perception and consciousness expands is always changing and evolving.
Our being, our energy speaks for itself. Look at our track record of overcoming traumatic obstacles, all we ever do is overcome and win. We're grateful for all of our experiences, we learned so much wisdom from our pain and we bare it all because to be authentic in an inauthentic society is the most powerful, healing, heroic choice we could ever make to benefit and raise the frequency of the entire planet. I love you, I leave you with love and wish you peace and freedom. Abundance and ecstasy are yours for the taking, thank you for your service to Humanity. You are free, you don't have to worry or suffer anymore. You've suffered enough. Never give up. Never lower your divine self and hold on tight to God because God will never abandon you. You are so brave and so strong, keep going. Rest in God and know that you are not alone.
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thomase1 · 2 years
Two broken make a whole
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What would happen if you were an assasin with the Avengers? What would happen if Loki became one of earths mightiest heros too? Can you two become friends? Or even more? Will you be able to move on from your past? Will he be able to move on from his?
Marvel AU; all Avangers are alive, Ragnarok happened.
Slow burn, talks of past abuse and trauma, angst, loss, randomness, a lot of humour, missions so fight scnes, later smut; a LOT of smut.
Every chapter will have individual warnings. 18+ chapters will be marked as such.
-The character Medusa from the Marvel Comics is not this one, I forgot about that character.-
Also, this is going to have a lot of things not matching up with the actual movies, just an example: I still use Jarvis as the AI even though Vision exists in my story. (Friday just isnt as iconic, sorryyyy :D)
I can tag you if you want, just tell me in the comments and I will tag you! ♡
First chapter below.
Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Warnings; a bit of cursing, yelling, comedy, bit of Loki thirst, wacky attempt to capture the Avangers characters.
Wordcount: ~3000
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It was a normal day when they arrived. Well, normal for you at least.
You were standing in the common room, half living room, half kitchen. It was early in the day, not long after 1pm, so like any normal adult, you went to make yourself some cereal. This is breakfast for you.
You dont have a mission today, so you obviously slept in.Saying that, you were hopeing for a nice, relaxed day, however your wish was not granted. Your peace is beeing disturbed. Not only with their arrival, but also with a lot of Avangers here to welcome the now additions. Most were at least quiet, but Tony and Steve bickering and bitching like little kids is something else. You also know that with Sam beeing here, you will have to hide your snacks. That guy is always hungry. And Scott can be just as bad, him beeing able to shrink to ant size really makes it difficult to hide stuff from him.
As you reach the cupbord, after climbing onto the counter to reach it, they arrive.
Not quietly of course, no, it was with a loud boom of thunder, almost makeing you fall.
You guessed it, the beloved god of thunger and his infamous brother, the god of mischief, here to join earths mightiest heros. You knew Thor ever since you got here yourself, you are good friends. He could be a bit dull sometimes and very oblivious to, well, about pretty much eveything, but he really is just a giant teddy bear.
You never had the pleasure to meet his brother Loki however. Now, you say pleasure, you havent exactly heard good things. Given that the Avangers are your family and he mind controlled Clint, threw Tony out the highest point of the tower and attacked with an army of freak aliens,... To say you arent that fond of him would be the nicest way of putting it.
There was a whole briefing going on to be prepared for their arrival. Lokis arrival. A few members, such as you, have not been part of the team when he attacked earth, that was the reason for the briefing. So everybody got a list of his abilities and such, something that looks like a wanted poster.
-Lokis powers-
Teleportation, Shapeshifting, forming Energy blasts, casting illusions.
Able to read minds and project his thoughts to others, no physical touch needed.
Skilled in magic (seiðr), skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Genius level intellect.
Heritage: Jotunn.
You have memorized the list of his powers, it worried you. Not only that, no, his whole person worries you, god of mischief and lies, a frost giant. You would be toothless against him. Your weapons would have no effect on him, normal daggers wont pierce his skin. Bullets only leaving bruises. So even your trusted Kunai would fail you. Yes, it worries you.
What also worries you is that his is so damn good looking.
While Thor did assure that "Loki is a changed spirit. He no longer wishes to bring suffering to midgard.", nobody was fully convinced. But you promised Thor to give him a chance; for him. You know he loves his brother, even though they dont really express it too much in the crazy relationship they have.
So now you stand here, in your PJ's, pink fluffy socks and hair up in a very messy bun. So much for first impressions.
The others swarmed around Thor, who was booming with delight to see his friends again, hugging his old pals way too tightly. They look like those anti stress balls with eyes that pop out in his giant arms.
Loki on the other hand stood two steps behind his brother, seeming pretty annoyed by the whole ordeal. It appears he isnt one for big gatherings either.
You get away from the cabinet and lean onto the kitchen island, listening to the things Thor has to say. He ends up talking about new Asgard, which is where they came from right now.
After they successfully stopped Thanos, they went to new Asgard, help build the new kingdom further. Everybody thought Thor would, naturally, become king of new Asgard, with both Odin and Frigga dead. But he renounced his claim to the throne, leaving Valkyrie and Heimdall to be voted as the rulers of new Asgard since Loki was voted out by the people.
"Why dont you take that throne already? Oh blondie...", Tony claps him on the shoulder, shakeing his head. "I do not wish to rule, I only wish to build a peaceful future. Possibly with a family of my own." "Let me guess...", Tonys lips thin in a upside down smile. Several people, in unison, answer for him, "With Jane.". Thor nods solemnly and proceeds to tell the others about going to meet Jane later, seeing if they could be able to reconcile.
Poor guy still loves her.
It is the same old story; any time you two really have a chat, you end up at the talk of how much he misses her. You do feel bad, but youve heard it so many times by now. At some point you lost interest and went back to retreiving your cereal, only to realize somebody put the empty box back into the cupbord.
This really took the cake; your day officially ruined. You snatched the empty box and stormed to your roommates and teammates, doubting it was your roommates Nat and Bruce.
"Ok, which assh-" "LANGUAGE!", Steve heckles. You shoot him a fuming, warning, look and continue, "WHO ate all the cereal and put the empty box back?!", you look through the small crowd of people.
Nobody speaks.
Peter looks terrified, but you know he wouldnt, hes just a little timid. Then you spot it, the slight panic in Tonys eyes. You point at him, "You! I see the panic in your eyes, you did it!", you stride towards him. As you do, your bun loosens and plaps down the side, Tony smirks and reaches for your hair. You snap your head towards him, "Do you want to lose a hand today?" He hurriedly pulls back, "Ok ok I did it. I was hungry ok? I'll buy you some later.". You pout, "So am I! This is my day off and all I wanted was a relaxing day and now I cant even have my breakfast!".
"Its after 1 Y/n.", Nat says matter of factly. "What didnt you understand when I said 'day off' and 'relaxing day'?"
Clint looks at you dead serious, "No thats actually the perfect day off. I'm with you on that one." "You also love hanging out in your jammies and pink fluffy socks with your hair in a bun, stuffing your face with snacks all day?", you ask him in play seriousness. He nods, "Yes of course, normally I do paint my nails and put on a nice face mask too.", he plays along. "I always make myself a nice salad and go shopping.", Scott joins in with a nasal tone.
You three break character at that point and fall into laughter. Nat just shakes her head with a grin. Its a real talent of them, they always lighten the mood.
Your stomach growls, "I'm so hungryyy.", you whine. "Cant you just eat something other than cereal?", Sam asks. You think, "I mean, I do have some leftover food in the fridge and some cooki- Why are you looking at me like that?". Sam's jaw flexed when you mentioned the cookies and Bruce looked away when you said leftovers. "Oh come on! When did you even eat my cookies? I saw you come in, thinking 'oh, Sam is here I need to hide my snacks'.", you pout again, but now you are actually a little sad, feeling betrayed. "When you put your hair up. I'm sorry ok? I didnt know it was your day off and you wanted to relax.", he says a little guilty.
"And I didnt know it was your left over food. I'm really sorry.", Bruce says. Oh man, you cant be mad at Bruce, he probably worked late again and forgot to eat until he almost passed out. It has happened before, Tony found him. Ever since that day Jarvis is able to tell the heart rate and general well beeing of people inside the tower.
You sigh, "Its ok guys, just... ask in the future ok? I just remembered, I should have some waffles- oh god please no...", you see Scotts smile drop and know exactly what that means. "I thought they were Tonys, I'm sorry.", he exclaims. "Hey! I'd be very careful Tumbelina. If I held a grudge, I could, litrally, smash you like a bug.", Tony looks at him through hooded eyes.
You sigh and awkwardly sway on the balls of your feet, "I'M HUNGRYYYYY!". That got everybodys attention, all eyes are now on you and you blush a little.
You arent just hungry, no, you are hangry. A dangerous state for an assasin to be in.
"Ok. Lets just settle this. Pizza on Tony?", Steve looks at Tony. He rolls his eyes but nods. Just as you happily turn away you realize how rude you actually are.
"Oh and-", you walked to Thor, giving him a big hug which he happily returns, "Welcome back thunder.". "Y/n, havent lost your wit I see.", he says with a chuckle as you pull apart. "No, I havent. You got to with these scatterbains.", you chuckle too. You hear several offended noises in the room which only seals your words.
You turn around to Loki who still looks pretty detached, but also so unfairly handsome. "Havent had the fortune of meeting you up to now. Y/n, alias Medusa.", you put out a hand to shake, looking into his eyes.
His eyes remind you of dense treetops; a dense green through which the bright blue sky shimmers. He looks at you for a second before stepping closer, giving your hand a firm squeeze, "Loki, god of mischief. I am certain you have heard only the very best of me.", he smirks.
He smells of leather, mint and winter. Like fresh snow. Devine. You bite your tongue to distract yourself.
"Yes, precisely. Like throwing Tony off the rooftop.", you smirk back. "Alright, thats it! Go order that Pizza before I change my mind!", Tony interrupts with an offended hand at his hip. "Lets order together then.", you suggest, squeezing onto the couch next to Peter. You like the kid, you are only 4 years older than him, so you get along quite well.
After 20 minutes you finally ordered all 11 Pizzas. Took Thor a bit to convice Loki to give it a try, saying 'it tastes like Valhalla in a box'. And you agree with that analogy wholeheartedly.
You took Peter with you to collect them from the lobby and going straight back to the common room. You didnt even have time to announce the feast before Sam and Thor snatched the boxes out of Peters and your arms. Its a mistery how they didnt scatch up your exposed skin. "You guys act like you havent been fed in weeks!" "I have not eaten in five hours! I am practially starving. It takes substance to maintain this physique!", Thor tries to reason. Loki rolls his eyes, one of the first emotions you saw on his face up to now. "So you have a reason for nearly takeing my arm, but that one just stole and ate my cookies!", you point to Sam who is already opening every box to find his Pizza. Hearing you he just shrugs and continues looking.
You sit down again, next to Peter who sat back in the same spot he just left. After a few moments everybody is seated and has their Pizza.
To Thors joy, Loki enjoys the food he was praising to him. Not openly of course, but he couldnt keep the corner of his mouth from twitching up. Everybody knows, no complaint is praise enough.
"So, where will you guys live?", Steve asks to break the silence. Loki just looks at Thor, who swallows audibly at the question, "Well, we would need to look for a place to stay except- You know, if we could take residency in your noble castle Stark.". You stop eating, giving this your undevided attention. "I mean sure, theres enough space. Just dont call the Hammer through the walls; better yet, dont break stuff at all. And behave!", he looks directly to Loki at the last part. He raises his hands in mock surrender, "I wouldnt dare.". "Dont worry Stark, I wont let the goat mistreat your benevolence. Thank you for your kindness to not leave us without shelter.", the blonde god bows with a teethy smile.
Your eyes wander to Loki who is seated on a hassock, jaw clenched at the nickname Thor just called him. Mighty lord above, that jaw- You swear something inside you just ignited. And those thighs, wait. Why the hell are you staring at his thighs? Why must that armour of his be so tight in those places? I bet he purposefully got them made like that. God get a grip woman! You pinch yourself and peel your eyes away from that sinful eye candy which now even lives here. Ugh, thats gonna be a challenge.
"I know, I'm such a self less guy, right?", Tony says, shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth. You scoff at him, and even Bruce raises an eyebrow at him.
Which reminds you of bounderies that have yet to be set. "No takeing my stuff and no going in my room without permission!", you raise a pointer finger, pointing between both of them. "Of course lady Y/n.", Thor assures you, to which you narrow your gaze. As long as there is enough pop tarts your food should be safe from Thor, but Loki?
You will have to see what happens.
That dude can teleport, shapeshift, he could go into your room without you even knowing. The thought makes you tingly, NO! Get your mind out of your panties Y/n! Hell, he could probably even shift to look like Nat! You nearly spirall down the lane of paranoia but you shrug it off. You panicking would only encurage him.
"If there are two more residents now, we really have to start writing down groceries. This cant keep on happeing, or somebody's gonna get shanked." Tony looks at you annoyed, "Just tell Jar what to get. It will show up in the app. As I've told all of you at least ten times.". "Hey! Dont get pissy with me! At least I try to make a homemade meal every now and then, everybody else just orders food! No wonder Fury orders annual fitness exams!", you lay an offende hand on your chest. "Just tell him in the future!", Tony rolls his eyes.
"Fitness exams? Well, that is new.", Thor laughs. "Oh yea, these [you point at Tony, Sam, Scott and Clint] have got cought one night, throwing something which can only be described as a grease feast.", you tell the god who hadnt been here for a few months. The culprets avert their gaze, clint starts whistling and Scott clears his throat. "That sounds revolting and yet I want to be part of a feast like that.", Thor mutters, makeing you face palm yourself and Sam clap his shoulder with a nod. "Well, you will have to do it secretly, Fury is onto all of us. Which reminds me, we have to burn the evidence of this right here or he'll make us do burpees again.", the memory makes you shudder.
"Oh come on, a bit of exercise would be really good for all of us.", Steve says sternly, earning several annoyed grunts. "A bit of exercise?! Have you forgotten what Fury did last time?", Tony says in a higher than usual voice. "It wasnt that bad-", Steve tries to continue but several people cut him off. "NOT THAT BAD?!"
"Thats easy coming from the super soldier!", Nat speaks up. Yes, even she struggled during the Burpee incident. "I had to wear my suit to even go to the bathroom! Do you know how much Pepper mocked me?!", Tony bores his fingers into Caps chest, furious from the reminder of those days.
"Three days I couldnt move! And the following week was hell on earth, every movement hurt! Even the hulk was out of it!", Bruce whines. You swear you heard Loki snicker and whisper "Server you right.". Brucy was in so much pain, the hulk broke out, but even he couldnt move. It was a pathetic sight, the unbeatable hulk starfishing in the hallway, whiped out by some burpees. If Loki knew, he probably wouldnt stop laughing, given his and the hulks history.
"I couldnt lift my arm to press the elevator buttons! I CRAWLED to my room, THATS how bad it was!", you damn near cry at the memory.
"You are all just out of shape!", Steve shakes his head. "Shut up!", Nat throws a magazine at him but he, of course, catches it.
"I'm so glad to not be an official member yet. I think I would have died that day, I'm not even kidding.", Peter says small. "Lucky.", you mumble.
There is a few moments of solemn silence, until Thor says, "So when are we doing the next grease feast?", earning himself a room full of offended glares.
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booksofadventures · 2 months
Rules & Current Muse List!
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{ Gonna have this pinned here and just leave this for my mobile user peeps! }
1.) Hey everyone, my name is Klemmie! I am nonbinary & my pronouns are they/them or she/her, I prefer they/them though! I am of age at 29 years old and have been RPing since about 2010, over a whole decade! Due to my age there might be NSFW on this blog at times but it will always be under a read more and tagged. On this subject, most muses are of age or have a verse where they are, please be aware of this and all main verse ages for my muses are on their bios on the character page.
2.) I am working a job which I usually only have a couple days off in the week and most evenings free. However activity and replies may be slow or low due to the nature of this being a multi-muse blog and my energy levels on any day. I will do my best to pop in at least once or twice a week with the intentions of queuing up any replies that I owe and once in a blue moon do I reply quickly and without queuing. But just to make everyone aware that this is how this blog operates!
3.) I am good with a mix of jumping into things without a plot; such as memes, open starters, random things are good. But sometimes I prefer plotting, even if only a little bit, especially when it comes to a pre-established relationship that isn’t the canon between two characters; this includes children of muses. I am okay with writing with said muses but I would like to have a bit of plotting to this as my version of the muse or muses as parents in question is not the one canon to yours as such, I need to make sure I know whats going on or all your gonna get from my muse is either ’ I have no kids ’ or i dont believe you, so i tend to avoid that if no prior communication has happened before hand! I do also like screaming about plots that both parties might want to do and discuss between us to work out a possible thread idea?
4.) This blog is multi-fandom, verse and ship. Meaning all threads even if tagged as in the same verse for a muse are their own story and thread between our muses, this includes for relationships, unless its a story that has been discussed and plotted between all involved.
We are also Crossover-friendly here! I love mashing up fandoms and seeing what happens!
5.) As stated in my first ruling, NSFW themes and topics may be present, if I feel that the topic, even if it’s gore and not sexual nsfw, is too heavy or unsafe to just have out on display I will always put it under a read more and tagged the triggers like; tw;__
6.) Continuing with the point above, I will not tolerate certain things like underage sexual content or abuse or any nsfw content with minors - this goes for muns & muses and hanging, if you are ever unsure of anything please ask me. This is also a if I ever forget or don’t tag something that is a trigger for you please just message me and I will tag them accordingly.
7.) Unless your muse has some supernatural abilities or in my muse’s canon knows things about them, please don’t use information that is like their weaknesses and things like that in our threads until my muse reveals them or it is revealed in a thread, I class this as meta rping/writing/gaming?? and it’s no fun???
8.) I’m okay with multiple writing styles, I don’t have the need for anyone to match my length in replies, I know I can get lengthy at times, but as long as it’s more than one sentence or is appropriate for the type of thread we are writing together, because sometimes even I just want to do shorter threads, though I do prefer more written and longer ones.
9.) I’m more into story driven threads, ones that develop my muses and yours hopefully, ones that develop a chemistry and relationship between them. These are the kinds of threads I prefer.
10.) I’m open to all plots and relationships, just come hit me up and let’s see what we can come up with!!!
11.) For shipping I am a shipper of chemistry, I am here for the development. But if you feel like our muses are beginning to develop something, please message me and we can talk. I am always up for shippy things and all relationships, I prefer them to be developed and chemistry based. I will not force anything onto anyone if they feel like something isn’t there.
12.) I’m no biggie on spelling, grammar is also not too much of an issue, but a clear grammar is preferred. As long as I can read and understand it for a reply we are good. If I am having trouble I will ask you to clarify.
13.) When sending in an ask, please specify a muse, one thing on my anxiety is when I get an ask without some specifying, sometimes I will throw someone randomly if I can but if not I get anxious about it, so unless you state one or that its for any muse I will not answer it, unless I know you & muse or muses well enough to know who it’s from or I have come and asked you to clear up who it was for.
14.) OOC =/= IC. I will not tone down my muses for anyone, but I don’t agree with their morals and choices all the time. OOC is not the same as IC.
15.) I have a habit of forgetting to reply to threads, if it’s been more than a week since I have replied, give me a poke. I may have forgotten or lost muse, this doesn’t mean we can start more threads and get back to it.
16.) Cool with anon asks & M!As.
That’s all folks! Hope that we can write something together soon!
Sora Ryuu - fandomless oc
Beetlejuice - au and canon
Rias mizuhana - au borderlands [ genderbend of rhys strongfork ]
Emery din - oldest triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Torin nayru - middle triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Leon farore - youngest triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Hades - mix of sources / headcanon based
13th doctor - mixed of au and canon
Percy parker - spiderman oc { currently being rewritten }
Roxas - kingdom hearts
Riku - kingdom hearts
Spyro the dragon
Judai yuki - yugioh gx
Revali - legend of zelda
Link - legend of zelda
Zelda - legend of zelda
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Fizzaroli - Helluva Boss
Merlin - bbc merlin
Alphonse elric - fullmetal alchemist
Bill cipher - gravity falls
Eleventh doctor - doctor who
{ Muses may get added or removed at any time, but I will post when I've changed anything! }
Yukio Okumura - Blue Exorcist
River song - doctor who
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dreadfutures · 11 months
I do get very frustrated with the "how can you tell me to vote for x dem/leftist" and "I'm not going to vote for anyone" takes because like
demonstrably, one side at least entertains the possibility of governmental reform and freedom of speech and anti corruption laws and undoing gerrymandering and voter suppression. another side is adamantly against it and has spent countless millions to make an environment where violent racism and voter suppression and domestic terrorism against minorities is PROMOTED and UNPUNISHED.
during Trump's election I told all my friends after a certain point: "if you vote third party or for Bernie because of principle, knowing that they will not have a chance to become president, or if you sit out, you are saying to me that you are okay with what Trump is saying about Mexicans. You are going to have to look me in the face when the day after the election, a crowd walks through town and chants "go home" to every person who isn't white. You are saying you would rather give up and let it happen than accept that this is what we have to work with in our society as it stands. And if you decide to not vote because you want to keep your moral purity you better sign up immediately to go into policy and change our electoral college, and change how government officials are paid, and to work on anti corruption laws. You have to put in the work somehow to prove to me that you actually want the world to be better, because by putting trump in office you are making it HARDER and MORE DANGEROUS for me to do that activism."
and guess what fucking happened. the day after the election. in my town.
guess whose friends don't do anything but complain on the internet. Who don't call their politicians and who don't donate and who don't volunteer.
by sitting out and for voting against the nominee they said they would rather put trump in the office than to put a stop to white nationalism. they would rather put trump in the office than empower an administration that wouldnt gut the EPA (which by the way got investigated for misuse of funds and embezzlement under trump lmfao). they would rather put trump in office than empower an administration that probably would leave the majority of the state department alone to do effective work across the globe on most issues.
there is no moral choice except to keep that party out, and go leverage the tools we have to push the more malleable party to be better. And you know what, every us president is going to have blood on their hands until the day we dismantle the whole fucking military. None of us are going to live to see that day so we owe it to the future generations to set up a world where that WILL be possible.
WHO actually chased down the big banks? WHO actually chased down sketchy political donations? WHO actually enshrines laws that protect whistleblowers at least in name?
Getting big money out of politics, getting lobbyists out of politics, getting whistleblower protections and getting more independent-thinking government officials who are of minority backgrounds and empowering them to do the work they are experts in -- that is how we change the US society. And that will never happen under a conservative republican government.
Working for a government agency now I hear about how hard it was for good people to get good work and changes made in their jobs, even if it wasn't political at all! Because promoting better workplaces and a safer environment and green energy and food security and better infrastructure and better healthcare is all, apparently, Political. People were moved, fired, hushed up, and replaced with stooges during the last presidency. On the ground levels of government where people are really trying to make a difference.. And now they are ABLE to do the good work bc this administration is a) more inclined to want those things and b) is more inclined to keep its nose out of that, since they actually tend to respect the hierarchy of government.
If you DONT vote, or if you vote third party, the statistics and history show that we will end up with increasingly fascist and hostile government from top to bottom, that is NOT malleable to public opinion in any way shape or form.
We live in a terrible fucking world, alright? The rich protect their own interests and old white men protect the Norms and Biases that have kept them in power and kept the world quiet for so long. We don't have a lot to work with but the option to sit back is to allow another monster like Trump and Bush take over, who will UNDO many great improvements normal people have worked so hard to get implemented into policy, get rid of the people YOU WANT to be making policy on the ground, and IMPOSE WORSE POLICIES for everyone.
There is only so fucking much we can do with this fucking mess of a world where the figureheads are all rich buddies at the same country clubs and all of them laugh about arms deals like it's a trade on free and for sale, but like. Demonstrably. Demonstrably the only way to make sure the government gets incrementally better is to keep democrats in office.
And yes if you locally have a democrat up and comer who you like better than your old rep then yeah vote the old bastards out of office. But fucking hell literally when you are voting for a president you're voting for a whole administration and ideology about government. And sitting out IS LETTING SOMEONE ELSE'S VOTE FOR FASCISM COUNT MORE THAN YOURS!
Everyone has the potential to be a single issue voter. For a long time it was whether a politician was pro choice or not. Remember? But when the choice is between a Democrat who is prolife and a Republican who is pro life, you can't sit out. Because when the republican is in office, they are more likely to put in judges and officials and policies that will be incredibly restrictively prolife, and the dem is less likely to do that and more likely to leave it up to the states.
like god I hope we get an anti war presidential nominee, I hope we get a pro choice nominee, I hope we get a pro labor nominee, I hope we get someone willing to buck decades and decades of fundraising and lobbying and form their own moral stances but most of all I hope we don't end up with another round of hobbling government agencies, and silencing any and all dissenters and whistleblowers, and putting in even more conservative judges across the country and in the supreme court, and I hope we don't give a green light to fucking fascists everywhere to run rampant and hurt people and promote hatred because we're too busy eating each other alive about moral purity.
I hate the world we live in. I know the most important differences we can make are on the ground, volunteering with each other and doing actions in our communities. But it becomes infinitely harder to do that under certain administrations.
And if you still don't agree then you better fucking get out there on your hands and fucking knees to make the world better.
Yeah it's fucking unfair to ask minorities to do the work. But the other option is what?
Sitting in your internet armchair being angry at people and refusing to act because *they* should do it hasn't done fucking shit in your community. Yeah *they* should be better. That doesn't mean we get a free divine indulgence to let things get worse.
Take breaks? Sure. Tell people to do their own research and growth? Sure. But when it comes to bettering the world and there is a choice to potentially maybe make it better or definitely make it worse you have to act.
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manonamora-if · 11 months
i dont know if u feel up for it to answer but like... how do u handle negative comments and ratings and just people being negative about ur stuff? bc i have someone just being rude in comments or like notes and game folders on itch and its making me want to just delete everything and never show anyone anything anymore. or even have an acocunt on itch either.
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry you've been dealing with this, and that it took me so long to answer. I've been thinking about this for a while honestly. I've been writing a bunch of drafts for this one, because my answer seems to change with the day or my mood. Some of my stuff have had some strange interactions lately that's made me question whether I should stay on itch myself. I mean, I don't think I'll ever leave... there are too many fun jams I want to participate and, you know, to force people to play my weird stuff. But I've been more anxious about new stuff or updates I share recently.
I don't blame you for wanting an out. Some users will poison one's experience of a platform, that even opening the site would give them anxiety. It doesn't take much to have events or projects soured. Often, just a few rude words is enough to make accounts disappear without a word. And many platform don't have good safety nets (blocking, moderation, reports) to temper or avoid these situations. Many will have half-ass solutions that, at the end of the day, still allows interactions from blocked users. It's easy to wonder if all of this is worth it...
Anyway, the very boring and short answer to your question: it depends.
The probably as boring and long one is a bit of a ramble:
It depends on the day, or the mood I have. It's easier to deal with comments when I'm confident and things are going find; but I'd feel more hurt or have a harder time dealing with them when I'm a bit more morose (I think most people feel this way). I'll disregard any (even barely) negative points some days, only to take it into consideration a few days later. <- this especially during jam/comps time, just need time to digest criticism of any kind.
It also depends on the content of the comment, their tone, and intent of the commenter. Not all negative comments are on the same level. I've had negative comments in the past where the commenter was genuine, and really gave my stuff a shot, bringing interesting points or important concerns. And though it hurt a bit, because being told you made a mistake sucks, those helped me grow. But those are the good kinds of comments...
On the other hand, I try to disregard the trolls, and the abusive comments (towards my work or me), the ones where the engagement was clearly not done in good faith... you know, the ones who will literally tell me I've made the world worse by uploading my games on itch. Doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me at all*. Some of them really hurt or made me angry and frustrated, some have lingered for hours or days in my mind, a few made me close to delete stuff as well. Words are not just empty things without meaning... *I've had to block a few people both here and other places recently because of it, they had become so insistent on wanting to engage with me while bashing most of my work, my values or the few aspects of my identity that I've shared online.
It would be easy to say I just don't give them the time of day or any of my energy, or that I pretend they don't exist, because, if I do, then the trolls win. But that would be lying. Obviously.
Screaming to the void/a pillow or ranting to friends have helped get rid of my anger and frustration. I've laughed with others about some comments I got (usually the bad faith ones, some of them are funny in how sad/bad they were). I think what worked best for me was just turn off the computer and go outside for a bit. Or turned off the internet and play silly games on my phone. Or picked up a book. Or watch a movie. Essentially, any activity that would distract me from it and force me to take a break. And when none of this worked, because some trolls are just that insistent, blocking/deleting stuff*. *unfortunately, it's not always possible, see second paragraph again.
It does suck that you're kinda forced to grow a thicker skin to enjoy or even exist in those spaces, and I wish those would be friendlier... but I don't think social platforms/the internet is going in that direction anytime soon.
Maybe not super helpful to your decision, but borogove.io hosts IF games (without ratings or comments, though people can download the files), so does the IFDB through the IFArchive (but there are ratings/reviews there, also can be downloadable). I've seen other peeps host their stuff on neocities (no ratings/comments). None of those platforms are like itch, in the positives or the negative. Or just be old school, and email stuff.
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onepiecetheorist · 4 months
(Spoilers up to chapter 1114) Theory: Uranus is a spaceship
(Disclamer: not a expert or a student in ancient Greek or Roman mithology)
Ok so this theory was build on my recent theory that Imu is not purposely sinking the one piece planet, they destroyed Lulusia to decrease the rising in sea level until they can take the Celestial dragons to space and they probably came from space to begin with so it would be a return to origins too so i would reccomend reading that theory first for more context.
But my theory is the ancient weapon Uranus is a Spaceship that is under Imu's control.
Like other people already pointed out Poseidon is the greek god of the ocean Pluton is the roman god of the underworld and Uranus is a greek roman primordial deity that is the personification of the sky and grandfather of brothers Zeus( in greek or Jupiter in roman), Poseidon( in greek or Neptune in roman) and Hades(in greek and Pluto in roman).
By what I understand that the Roman and Greek conterparts of these gods are pretty similar but in Roman culture Neptune is more feared than in Greek culture and in Roman culture Pluton is also very associated with minerals that exist on earth so is less scary when compared with it's greek counterparty that is more just heavily associated with the underworld. So Poseidon and Pluto would be the less scary version of their counterparties.
So Pluto is a ship talked about in a poneglyph in Alabasta and is is found in under Wano. I belive it is the weapon of the non-celestial dragons humans and it was made in the one piece planet. Poseidon is a Fishmen natural "weapon" that just occurs a princess is born with this ability. A detail is i believe the humans including celestial dragons were the ones responsible for giving the ancestral weapons this classification and names because i doubt the fishmen people would call their princess a weapon like Pluton that we knoe is a thing and Uranus i'm proposing that is also a object.
So this theory is Uranus is the spaceship that will take the celestial dragons away from the sinking planet and probably was the spaceship that brought them from space so it's older than Pluton under Wano.
In fact i believe Pluton was created to combine with Poseidon forces and try to balance Uranus power because being a ancient weapon Uranus is not just a spaceship for transport it must have fire power too. So I'm implying Uranus is about as dangerous or more than Pluton and Poseidon together at least in it's full power.
Note how Oda chose to name them Uranus Poseidon and Pluton as a reference to Sky, Ocean and Earth but like i said before while Poseidon/Neptune and Pluton are gods and brothers so equal ( and the less scary of theit counterparties btw) Uranus is their Grandfather instead and the personification of the sky element instead of just controlling it so i think he could be considered more powerful. If Oda wanted he could had named the ancient weapons all as brothers since Jupiter( Zeus roman name) is also a planet in our solar system the biggest one in fact.
But why we know nothing about Uranus yet? Why they didn't use Uranus to make others obey them? If I believe it's a spaceship for celestial dragons to escape the flooded planet why they just dont leave already?
We know nothing because it's in Imu's hands and is one of the secrets of the world. I believe they have been using it at least we saw it used once: the mother flame came from the sky but how did it just appeared right above Lulusia? I think Uranus was put above Lulusia and powered by the mother flame to destroyed it.
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One piece chapter 1060
Ok so last question why Imu and the celestial dragons didn't leave yet? because they need enough resources for their new colony in space. Like i said in the other theory they need Vegapunk's inventions and especially the mother flame to be their energy source. Uranus must be giant and need lot's of energy to be capable of working properly especially go to space and leave independently there( note: may even after leaving the celestial dragons would not stop exploring the one piece planet resources even if the whole world flooded and at least fishman has the capacity of surviving and keep being slaves but the fact they wouldn't be on the planet would make the one piece world a true explorer colony where they wouldn't have to care at all since they would be fine away from there )
I also believe Uranus was damaged after coming to the one piece planet or at least after the war in the void century. It spend at least sometime without having a proper energy source that could power it up (we don't see many energy sources in one piecr but they seem to be very traditional in water seven we see puffing tom a sea train being powered with coal) and that's why the goverment was so eager to work with vegapunk and dont destroy his invention they finally have a way of powering it up as they wanted. Although right now is still not perfect since it has a cool off period between uses perhaps that is why they didn't leave yet they wanted vegapunk to perfect the tecnology and they could power up whenever they wanted also if it is a spaceship it has a lot of other things to power up and make it liveable
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Seek's first reaction seeing Screech get crucified (If possible)
Okay :D
Normally I go into detail but I gotta keep it neutered because I love detail. I want to write m o r e.
“No..no..No NO NO NO NO!-“
Screech’s body was limp in my hands.
“Please. Please wake up. Please…Please not you. ANYTHING BUT YOU!”
I kept parsing its small frame for any life that remained in my little one.
A gasp for air.
Shallow but still present. It’s small eyes weakly peeling open and slowly moving itself to face me.
And then coughs, horrible, ragged coughs.
“..Dad..?” Screech looked up at me, tears brimming at the edge of its eyes. “I’m sorry..I’m sorry I should’ve stayed away..” Its mass melted on my skin, its entire body shaking. “It hurts dad.. please it hurts..”
Carefully, I allow my body to destabilize into a formless state and pushed them into my mass.
“Shh..I’m here..I’m here..”
I gently replace its lost mass with my own and caress it to soothe it as it sobbed within my darkness.
It lost..it lost so much mass..it could’ve..
The gravity of the situation finally slams down on me like the weight of a thousand stones.
I could have lost my child..
Another cry of pain ripples my mass. I can’t leave it in whimpering in agony like this..
“Screech..” My words echo through my mass as it begins to pulsate with the appropriate level of energy. “Look at my eye please..”
Screech can only whimper in response.
“I know..but..please trust me..”
With a bit of gentle prodding from me, it reluctantly returns my gaze. Its glowing eyes a reminder of the one who did all of this in the first place..
“..There we go..Sleep now..keep looking now..sleep..the pain is temporary..” I run my hand across its cheek and share my energy with it.
Screech’s eyes became more and more unfocused as its gaze met mine. It didn’t fight back as it slipped away into merciful unconsciousness.
“It’ll be okay dear..just sleep..” I murmur.
I watched as its body went limp in my mass. Snoring soon followed..
..and soon fury replaced relief.
Jeff has signed his own death warrant.
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lizard-shifter-noms · 10 months
Wayward Waters Chapter 16
Hello everyone! Chapter 16!
absolute Chaos!!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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I stared up at the Gigantic being, my brain still weirdly foggy but now clear enough to finally move on my own.
Not really having any idea what to do as I was way too far for any screams to ever reach anyone I twisted at the Bracelet,  growing Giant, though still small in comparison to this being.
Weirdly enough the Kraken didn't do anything,  aside from lowering itself down to be more eye level.
Didn't it do the same with Cassidy?
The weird fog in my brain kept me rooted to the spot, and I had no doubt that it was this Gigantic Mer that was the cause of it.
It was probably the reason I walked out here to begin with.
But why? And why me of all people?
It bent down, its face getting way too close for comfort,  and let me see that even though I was in Giant form the Kraken's head was as big as I was.
Huh, so that's how people felt when they saw me.
Suddenly I had to commend Robin's bravery even more.
Its unsettingly Lilac eyes with the W shaped pupils focused on me,  the face getting even closer as I was rooted to the spot.
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It got close enough to touch, its unusual eye larger than my hand.
Hoo fuck, was i about to die?
Apparently not as the Kraken simply let one of its tendrils softly touch at the top of my head.
I Jolted, like back with the electric eel, at the sudden voice that somehow was in my head but also not.
“Apologies, it is not my intent to frighten you, i simply wanted to talk”
The voice, which was very deep and sounded somewhat Female?,  said, the sound again vibrating through my entire skull as the Krakens' lips never moved.
“I- what? Wait, why do you want to talk to ME of all people?”
Well, at least the Kraken wasn't here to hurt people it seemed.
“Be calm child of Elven blood, my name is Grella and i have sought you out because i sensed magic on you”
So the Kraken was Named Grella, not what I would have imagined.
“Magic on me? You mean the Bracelet? 
Ronan got one too now, so why did you only call me out? 
How did you do that anyway? It felt like sleepwalking”
The behemoth in front of me blinked,  the weird eyes disappearing for a moment.
“I suppose those questions are rightfully asked, so I shall explain.
Yes, the bracelet is what drew me near. 
I have the ability to sense magic and even use the magical energy in the stead of food.
I myself am a magical being, I am sure you have heard of sirens before yes? What I did is not that different, and it keeps the rest of the island fast asleep, even your Statue friend has laid down to rest for now.
And i only called you out as you have more experience with the Bracelet than Ronan, and quite frankly are more responsible”
Well, aside from the fact that apparently she'd managed to get the entire island to sleep, INCLUDING Akeem she was kinda right about Ronan.
If I told anyone that even the Kraken said he was an irresponsible idiot he'd never live it down.
“Well I do have to give you right at the last part,  but still, what am I here for?”
The massive body, which was mostly underwater shifted a little, the many tentacles changing color and blending in with the water.
“I have called you here to tell you to be careful, the Bracelet uses the magic of the environment to let you change your shape.
The world of Tern has lines not unlike rivers of blood vessels running through it filled with magic, so called Ley Lines.
I myself use their energy to sustain my life force,  but in the last few hundred years I have noticed a steady decline in how much magic they carry.
I had to retreat to Graves keep to stay alive,  not able to leave for more than a day now,  seeing as at that place multiple of the Ley lines intersect.
But you realize what that means, yes?”
I stared at her, mind reeling from what she had told me.
“Magic is disappearing, but why? And why tell ME that?”
She leaned in closer and I instinctively took a step back.
“If magic is gone you will be stuck in whatever form you chose last, be that Giant, Half Elf or Ardua, and you will take this form to the grave”
I stared horrified at her.
“You mean one day I won't be able to shift anymore? 
Even with the Bracelet?”
“Exactly, so you better think about what form you want to live your live in and get buried in, with the way things are going you have thirty years at most before that happens, i myself will Die in less than twenty”
Ah, so she wanted to tell the land dweller early as it wasn't exactly likely I'd ever come back here, Ronan could be told anytime really.
“Wait, WHY is the magic disappearing? 
Is that why less and less human mages have been born? 
The last case i know of is two hundred years back”
She slowly nodded.
“Yes, and tell me when was the last time you heard of anyone seeing one of the older true magical creatures, 
such as Unicorns and the true Dragons? 
When was the last time you have seen actual grand magic that wasn't more than some meager little spells?
When was the last time you saw something truly grand that could only be magic?”
I had to think about that, sure Fable had used a light spell and set his thumb on fire but even he admitted that was all, and elves used to be regarded for their magic skills.
And Unicorns hadn't been heard of even in my mothers lifetime,  same as dragons, at this point they were just stories,  and Drakes weren't even real dragons.
“I do not think i have, there used to be an Icemancer but Oakley took his staff which apparently held all the power? Or at least the Gem on it did”
Grellas' eyes widened for a second,  and I almost thought I had imagined it.
“It is Possible to store Magic in specialized gemstones, however even those will run dry one day, i suppose if you get stuck in a form you don't want you might be able to use that Gem as a last effort to change.
Given that you don't use it for anything else”
So, Magic really was dying, what a sad fate.
“So, if magic Dies i will get stuck in whatever form I took on last,  and you will simply Die?”
Her mouth twisted into something like a sad smile.
“I am fated to die regardless, I am the last Kraken, my brethren either starved or have been hunted to extinction before they could reach maturity simply for being something the human mind didn't understand.
The Elder Behemoths are almost all gone, especially those with magic, The only other one, that I am not sure where he is now, is an Elder Dragon of a similar coloration as me, his name is Siokhain.
Though if my memory serves correctly his eyes are of a more Amethyst shade instead of my pale Lilac.
It is a shame really, the Violet eyes used to share their knowledge with the smaller folk, our lifespans far longer than that of any other mortal and capable of storing the memories of those that asked us to.
If magic Dies a lot of knowledge will too, and if that happens people will revert back to attacking things they used to know out of fear”
So, basically if Magic Died a lot of other things were fucked as well.
“Yeah, people attack things they fear and don't understand,  i know that too well, i guess they don't want to be afraid and instead become angry because it's easier for them, and hey, if they destroy the thing that scared them they won't have to be scared anymore”
Grella let out a sound that was probably a chuckle,  albeit distorted from her being so big.
“But they should be scared, not of things they don't know,  but of things they DO know.
Anyone can take up a weapon and murder if the conditions are right,  a person that is generally seen as helpful and loving could be the serial killer that haunts the streets at night.
And i think that people should in fact be uncomfortable sometimes,  if you never have the way you view the world challenged it lets hatred foster and stagnate your heart.
Sadly a lot of people do not seem get that being safe and feeling safe are two different things”
Taking all the bravery I had, I looked her straight into the eyes,  well one eye.
“Is there nothing we can do to stop it? 
Are you just content to Die like that? WHY is the magic disappearing? And where to? Where the fuck does all the magic go to if it isn't in those Ley lines anymore?”
There HAD to be SOME way to fix it, right?
Grella smiled sadly, a tear shining in her eye uh oh.
“Little man, it does not matter if i am content to die or not,  But I did have to accept that I cannot do anything to stop it,  and worrying everyday about it will not make it better,  Instead I have chosen to enjoy the time I have left, even though these days I'm mostly confined to Graves keep and my life isn't that bad.
Cassidy is a dear friend and as I told him I could not leave for long he offered to see the world for me.
He goes out on adventures and then comes back home to share the memories with me, be they made on land or at sea.
Even though I cannot go far,  I still have seen more of the world than most ever will.
There are fates worse than this, but thank you for wanting to help.
As for where the magic goes, I cannot really say, but I suspect the land of Valyria had something to do with it about three hundred years ago as they have managed to alter the flow of a few of the lines.
I would have investigated had it not been on land,  and had they not aimed their weapons at me as I swam closer.
Had i known what i do today i would have tried harder,  but now i cannot go too far from Graves keep or risk withering away, besides at this point they surely have better defenses against threats, they've seen me once so they surely prepared in case i came back”
Valyria huh? That sounded ominous,  and Elven maybe I should ask Fable as soon as I was back.
Still, I kinda felt sad for Grella, but at least she wasn't alone,  and apparently could see memories.
That and she cared enough about a stranger to warn them that they could get stuck in one form for the rest of their life.
“Yes child of Elven blood?”
It was a weird title but I WAS of elven blood so she wasn't wrong.
“You said you can see and store memories, yes?”
She nodded slightly, probably to not disturb the surroundings too much
“That I can, yes, are you asking to see some of them?”
I shook my head.
“No, opposite actually, id let you see some of mine, i don't think Cassidy has ever been In Kamerasca so i could at least show you what it looks like?
I mean, you came this far from Graves keep just to warn me of the magic thing, that's the least i can do,  just promise to not show them to anyone else okay?”
Grella actually smiled, showing off three fangs,  two of which pointed up and framed a third one that grew down the middle of her upper jaw, not unlike an octopus beak.
“I will not show anyone as long as i live,  thank you young man, are you truly sure?”
I nodded, I already offered so no backtracking, that would just be mean.
“Yeah, i am, though i warn you that most of it is not happy”
She gave a slight nod once again, more of her hairlike tendrils curling and uncurling near my own head, gently touching at my own hair and skin.
”Rest easy now young Ardua,  and be assured your sleep will be untroubled”
The tendrils curled around me,  getting the foggy feeling back into my brain.
“Tell Oakley my regards, and that i enjoyed the time we had so long ago”
Then it was black.
I woke up who the fuck knew when later still on the sandy strip,  sun out and Kraken gone.
Did that really happen? 
Judging by the fact I was still here AND giant sized, yes, it did.
What the hell.
Hopefully I made no one worry, seeing as the sun was just going up,  but at least I did not have any bad dreams or any dreams really.
At least Grella had been right in that,  but what the fuck was that last comment about Oakley?
The way she said it made it sound like they had something going on in the past.
Of course Oakley would fuck a Kraken, why the hell not.
I twisted the gem on the bracelet and shrunk back down to human size, dusting the sand off of my legs and finding a bunch of very colorful seashells next to me.
Considering how far from water I was,  Grella had to have placed these here.
I picked up the five or so shells, 
finding a twisted one with spikes about the same Color as Grella was, which I now realized was just pearl white with a hint of blue.
There also was a blue, red and purple one I would definitely give to Arthur and a few others I could decorate my nearly empty shelf at home with.
I really ought to find more stuff to put in it,  empty as it was, it just looked sad.
Well, better get back before anyone got worried.
Good thing i at least somewhat remembered the way back,  and in nearly no time at all i was back near Imugi’s saltwater pond.
“Donovan! Where have you been!”
I looked at where the voice came from,  seeing Robin had somehow gotten on top of the weird house.
Well, what the fuck was i supposed to tell here? That the Kraken herself had called me out in the middle of the night to tell me magic was dying?
Absolutely not.
So instead I held the seashells up.
“Got shells, I did tell Arthur I'd get him a pretty one after all!”
Robin leaned over the roof to look down and I prepared to shift in case he fell.
“Ohhh those are pretty! Which one are you gonna give him?”
“Come down here and I'll show you all of them! And don't fall!”
He nodded, scrambling out of sight and to wherever he got up in the first place.
I did not know one could go on their roof,  if a somewhat flat stone top of a cave even counted as that.
If anything it really was just a very big boulder that had gotten hollowed out, however the fuck that was done.
Holding the seashells I walked around to the entrance and found that there was a ladder going up to the roof,  which Robin was currently climbing down.
Before I could say anything to him though Ronan popped up,  well rather fell out of his hammock and landed face first on the floor.
“Ouch! Hey where did you get those shells? 
They are from some deep sea species! Can I have one?” 
Deep sea species? Of course Grella would give me something like that, why not, well whatever counted as deep sea for humans probably was still rather shallow waters for her.
“I found them in the sand, and one of those is for Arthur,  but i can give the small blue one”
I handed the small but rather long and thin twisted blue shell to him after he managed to stand up.
“Thanks! Can't wait to measure it after I find my measuring tape! 
Where did I put that anyway?”
Before he could get far he got scruffed by Akeem,  who held the other a good foot or so above the floor.
“No science for today, we have stuff to do, namely repair the ship.
You are going to go get supplies Imik listed for you,  you can ask someone else to come with if you want”
Ronan pouted at that.
“Fine, at least let me stash this properly so it doesn't break!”
Akeem nodded and shoved a list into his hands before letting him fall to the floor.
As the stone man walked out his eyes met mine for a second,  almost as if trying to look through me.
He knew something was off, clearly as he usually didn't sleep but the Kraken had managed to make him do just that.
I tried my best to stare back with a blank expression,  which seemed to be enough and he left.
Ronan had stashed the shell away, letting me use one of his boxes to put the other ones in and then invited us to tag along as apparently he just had to buy more wood so they could make a new railing.
Robin of course was immediately for it as he wanted to explore the city, but apparently the place to get wood was outside of it, near a little forest.
Well it kind of was still exploring the island, and he'd probably need help dragging the stuff back so we went along with him anyway.
Also I did not trust him to not do something dumb,  especially now that he could shift.
“Hey wouldn't it be easier to shift big to go get stuff?”
Yep, there it was, he already wanted to shift in the middle of the day in the middle of the island.
“Better not, you might give someone a heart attack doing that, also not everyone takes well to having a giant suddenly appear out of nowhere”
He made an unhappy face but before he could say anything Robin had found the weird door that was built directly into the stone,  still featuring that odd tree.
“What is this door for? Can I open it? Where does it go to?”
It was the door I had been told nobody could open so they just let it be.
Ronan laughed.
“If you manage to get it open i will eat a dozen raw eggs!”
That sounded like a great way to get sick very fast.
Still Robin tried to pull the door open with all his strength, and even tried to see if the door had to be pushed instead before going back to pulling.
It obviously wasn't working, not that something like that had stopped people from doing things before.
Grabbing him I heaved him away from the door,  the ginger still clinging to the very old and used looking handle.
“Aww come on, is it rusted shut or something?”
Instead of letting go he tried once more to pull it open, using me as a sort of brace but when even that didn't work he gave up.
“Why build something like that anyway?”
Good question, though it might have been part of something else once and was now just rotting and rusting here.
“Eh it was probably meant for something else that just never got finished”
After that I had to tell Ronan at least two more times to not randomly shift where people could see as he might cause some panic.
He clearly didn't like being told what to do but still didn't shift.
It wasn't long before we came across the sawmill near a patch of woods, already hearing the telltale sound of wood being cut.
Ronan of course waltzed in without knocking.
“Heya old man! How's it going? Still have all your fingers?”
Robin looked at me,  clearly aware that Ronan was rude to whoever worked here,  and neither of us would be surprised if he'd get a log tossed at him.
Going in after him I saw him handing a list to a man that looked very familiar.
He looked like an older version of Nemas, minus the face tattoo.
Right, the Captain of the Victory Rose had mentioned that his father had chosen to work in a sawmill instead of being a sailor.
Though I had not expected that to be here, well if he was anything like his son Ronan should prepare to get his ears talked off.
Which he didn't, but he did whack Ronan with a flexible stick for being rude before shoving everything that was on the list into his arms, not caring if Ronan could actually hold it or not.
Which he definitely couldn't so me and Robin went to help.
Well mostly me, Robin struck up conversation with the man, telling him that he looked like Nemas, who was indeed his son, and then walked out after hearing his son was here but apparently hadn't visited him so far.
Well, that sure was something just now.
Helping Ronan gather up the not so small amount of materials we helped carry it back towards the Halcyon, the new shifter complaining all the way that he wanted to get big to carry the stuff.
We did not let him, even Robin was aware that randomly shifting in a populated place was a bad idea so we were stuck bringing the wood back the old fashioned way.
Apparently once he'd given the wood to Imik and Akeem who worked to restore the ship he deemed it far enough away from people and jumped into the water, shifting to the creature form.
Of course Imugi had her fun with that,  swimming around him happily clicking and splashing.
Well, if Grella was right I had only about twenty years of shifting however I wanted, so why not join them for a bit?
Jumping down I also shifted and a moment later the big and green form of the Ardua was also splashing in the water.
I yelped as Imugi suddenly spit water at me from behind,  turning around and splashing back with my paws.
Imik yelled from somewhere on the ship for us to fuck off if we weren't helping and i could clearly hear Robin laughing loudly at the silly display we did.
We did as told, Ronan and Imugi a lot faster than me seeing as i wasn't a sea dwelling creature like them.
Somehow Imugi got a new tree, which I actually started to suspect was stolen from the other side of the island where the sawmill was, and let me hold onto it as she dragged me towards shallower water.
At least I could stand here, and Imugi wanted to play tug o 'war again, which I lost considering I was still in water.
Ronan tried to sneak up and get Imugi by spitting water at her,  but missed and hit me instead.
In retaliation I dunked his head under,  The flat surface of it was perfect for placing a paw on top.
“Hey! Haha! How long do you think I can hold my breath? 
This form doesn't have gills so I guess it's more like a seal? maybe?”
Honestly I had no idea how long those could hold their breath either.
“No idea! You can test it later if you want!”
Imugi forced her head against Ronan, shoving him around like a piece of cork and dunking him every time he tried to get away.
“I blame you for this!”
I just grinned at him, splashing Imugi who then turned her attention to me, bonking her head against my own.
Despite barely being able to stand i tried to shove her trough the water like she had done, with only mild success.
It was fun nonetheless and she used her beak to gently tap at me.
I responded by bapping at her with a paw,  a motion that would have anything just half her size falling over.
Ronan then headbutted me away, trying to shove me over the sandy ground of the little bay we were in and trying to dunk me as well.
Standing up on my haunches I shoved him backwards with both front paws, the situation quickly escalating into stupid and childlike play fighting, well if one could call two shapeshifting creatures trying to shove, harmlessly hit or headbutt each other that.
Imugi tossed the log shed found between us and like some stupid dogs we fought about it, me biting one end and him biting the other one.
Whoever let go first lost.
Water splashed as we each tugged and tore at the wood, Imugi click-whistled happily as we both acted like animals if just for this moment.
Then we got interrupted by someone yelling.
I let go of the wood surprise, Ronan keeling over backwards as I suddenly stopped holding it and making a spectacular splash as his back hit the water first.
Looking up I could see Yamet standing there, waving us out of the water.
What time was it anyway? Judging by the sun at least midday now.
He'd probably cooked lunch or something, so better we'd dry off now.
Walking out of the water closely followed by Ronan I shook myself like a dog as soon as we were on dry land again, Ronan immediately trying as well and getting the water from his fur all over me.
I placed a paw on his head and pressed down a little,  seeing him squish his body like that was funny and more reminiscent of a cat being slightly annoyed.
Before he could think to do it back I jumped up the few boulders closer to Yamet, shifting back to human form as soon as I was next to him.
“What is it? Did you make Lunch?”
He shook his head, which I found a little disappointing.
“No, though i should soon, but whatever, your friend, the black haired one is looking for you, i think he wants to go to some other island soon?”
Ohh right, Kamerasca had a colony here, whatever that was called, of course Rikaad would want to take a look at it when he was already here.
“Uh, sure? Where is he now? Do I have to get my stuff?”
Well, it looked like we were leaving pretty fast,  though that was just like Rikaad really.
I was, however, a bit sad, being here had been fun! And now that they were here also i had wanted to at least stay a day or two more.
Yamet just shrugged and pointed me back towards the boat.
As said Rikaad was there,  and the guy with the oversized chicken as well, Chicken included.
I could see Imik keeping his distance from it while Jamie was gently scratching its head.
As Rikaad saw me his face got a good bit less grumpy.
Nice to see he cared.
Robin was right behind him, also staring at the Chicken.
“Donovan! There you are, why are you drenched in seawater?”
“Ronan was testing his new form a bit more, and Imugi wanted to play”
Rikaad glanced at the water where Imugi was swimming back to the boat.
“I see, anyway since we are here i wanted to go check out Naroa island, Which is the colony's main place,  Do you want to come with? We will come back here after and stay here till Nemas manages to repair the ship”
Oh right, the Victory Rose had gotten quite a bit damaged, wait how would we get to Naroa then?
“Uh, sure why not, see a bit more of the world,  but how are we going to get there if the Victory Rose is damaged?”
Rikaad pointed all the way over to where they had parked the Call Of The Damned.
“Cassidy is going to take us there, apparently his wife is also there for the next two or so weeks and he wants to talk to her”
Oh yeah that would work, wait wasn't Cassidy divorced? 
Eh not my life so not my problem.
“Yeah why not? I am curious what that place looks like!”
Suddenly Ronan interrupted.
“Can we come with? I've never been there either! 
And only Yamet and Imik know how to repair the ship anyway!”
He had to duck as a hammer was tossed at him from Yamet.
“Then fucking learn!”
Ronan ignored it in favor of listening to Rikaads answer.
“I do not see why not, as long as Cassidy lets you on the ship i have no problem, anyone else here want to come with?”
Jamie jumped, grabbing at Ronans arm with their bird claws and standing sideways.
“I'd like to see! I have no idea where on the fucking map that is anyway!”
“If Jamie and Ronan go then so will i, someone has to stop them from doing stupid things”
Ah so Akeem would come as well, nice, and yeah he was right in that.
Rikaad nodded curtly.
“Very well, get what you need and meet us at the ship”
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singaporesainz · 9 months
if you're still doing the hot takes 👀
basically my main one is that i consider that all the drivers are probably arseholes/annoying to some extent bc lets be honest you do NOT get to this level in sports, especially in motorsports without being a bit selfish and they are all young(ish) men who have mostly grown up with privilege and/or definitely have it in buckets now. sure some of them have made more fools of themselves by saying silly things in public but i do think that i wouldn't want to meet any of them/ probably wouldn't actually really like them if i got to know them
idk if that sounds mean 😭 because there are some of them that i do like and respect for different reasons but i think we all need to calm down about putting guys on pedestals. it takes some of the argumentative edge off if you just assume that all of them are regular people with flaws or things about them that you won't like so much, whether they are highly publicised or not. trying to make your fave look better by pointing out flaws/actions of other drivers just gets sooo old.
that said i dont think theres harm in highlighting nice/good things that they do bc we need positivity too!
random other takes: i think everyone should just stay out of wags business, lando not having a win doesn't mean he's a flop or worse than oscar/george/whoever people are comparing him too now, yuki has actual real talent even if he makes mistakes sometimes under pressure (and everyone talking about his "attitude problems" need to bffr), and despite everything i DO feel so bad for nyck lol
I think that you’re right about drivers being assholes and annoying to an extent, but not because of privilege but because they’re just boys 😭 privilege & wealth don’t go hand and hand with being a dick, so I don’t think you’re giving these drivers enough credit. Now I’m not saying they’ll be your best friend upon meeting then or they’ll be the happiest person ever, but I think MOST of them will be kind. I mean between the interactions I’ve seen with Charles and Alex, and what Dax has said about Daniel, I don’t think you have to worry about all of them being dicks. I understand the fear of meeting them though, bc I also have that fear but more so out of breaking the fourth wall. It’s weird, my brain.
And yeah, I always say that there’s a way to support your fave driver without putting down another. I don’t understand why people who bash on other drivers spend the energy when they could be using that time to focus on their fave. I’ll never understand that side of the fandom and I’ll probably go insane before I ever do.
Random takes -> everyone should leave wags alone, lando shouldn’t be compared he’s riding his own lil wave— but also no drivers should be compared has heavily as he is currently, yuki is 100% a strong driver and is just hindered by the car he’s given, and i love his little outbursts I don’t CARE what people think, & nonnie I also feel so bad for nyck.
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christelgothamite · 1 year
Make the sky blast.
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Location : baren land behind Gotham's forest.
Christel stared at the book in hand.
"An oddity are creatures that can evolve into planets. Given they attract asteroids to themselves. That WAS how thing worked before yin and yang decided to give some of the creatures missions, ignoring mom's instructions to leave them alone" christel explained, tim nodded before he said. Glancing at the empty field they were in.
"You want to try attracting asteroids towards yourself like an oddity?" Tim asked. Christel nodded as she said "I wont turn into a planet dont worry. But I can direct the astriods close to me... like an Air bomb"
Tim grinned. "That would be cool" christel nodded. Walking away from tim. She took a deep breath. As she glanced at the starless sky of gotham. It always looked like a void to her.
She exhaled softly. Reminding herself what the book told her. Dispel magic works with the body. She needs to relax her body and trigger the natural instinct.
Natural instinct of an oddity. Christel glanced at the sky intensely. Her body as lose and heavy as she wanted it to be. She whistled softly, in a tune no human ear can hear. The sky started to light up a little.
The starless sky of gotham brightened with a few. Unsurprising to her and tim, but surprising to the normal gothamites.
Christel loudly whistled, her voice now echoing. Tim could hear her now. Suddenly 12 bright pink radiating asteroids entered the earth's atmosphere all at once.
"Christel isnt that to many??" Tim called out. Watching christel continuing to whistle the Astros closer. Christel closed her eyes and pointed at the bare land in front of her.
She stopped whistling and opened her eyes. The 12 asteroids landed on the ground with a loud roar. Sending debrees flying towards christel and tim. Christel shielded them.
Smoke was everywhere for the few minutes, christel could hear tim call out to her with concerns. She started to walk towards the asteroids as the smoke cleared out.
She was astonished to see the damage. Tim was by her side in no time. "Holy shit." He gasped seeing the deep creator of land missing. A deep hole with 12 small rocks planted in.
Location : wayne penthouse
"So the whistle was like a mating calling?" Tim said, looking at his computer. Christel shrugged "that's one way to sum it up. The whistle is like a calling to nearby asteroids, alarming them that an oddity is prepared to become a planet"
Tim nodded, typing something before he glanced at her "the 12 astriods had massive radiation. Which I think can be considered pure magic" Tim turned his laptop to show christel the picture of the site currently.
The site was like a normal creator. The only difference was the crystals that previously were the asteroids that hit the target. "I am sending duke, Luke and Harper in to take the Crystal's as safely as possible." Tim explained. Christel nodded.
"The crystal look normal but I think there is hellfire inside it..." christel squinted her eyes on the screen. Tim drank his coffee as he glanced at her, a little hesitation on his face.
"There is something else, I realised when you were whistling" tim started. Christel glanced at him. In a questioning manner. "When you activated your dispel magic. You were radiating alot of energy but then after the whole ordeal. I saw that two other individuals were also responding to your radiations"
Christel shoulders fell a little... she had a feeling about who the two individuals were.
"Aris and Alek were responding to your magic. They were radiating it back to you" tim explained showing his laptop. Christel bite her bottom lips. As tim started to talk again. "Aris and Alek can reach that level. I mean both can be qualified for demigods. Is that same for an oddity?"
Christel shook her head. "No they cant be oddities. Its impossible. Oddities cant give birth to another oddity. To much power to handle"
Tim stayed silent as he eyed her and sighed "christel that just sounds like you are in denial of your children having powers in the first place" christel continued to bite her bottom lip.
She took a shaken breath "perhaps. I dont like it. I... dont want these powers to be their downfall" tim frowned in a confused way as she elaborated.
"Future aleksander already has problems with his joker gene and his talon gene. That thought terrifies me. He is gonna live in pain because of...of this" christel stated "Aristella got her time travelling powers from Zues. I know how gods act tim. I dont want my daughter to be around them. Its exhausting especially if you are a demigod. Beneath them"
"And then maribella. Her history is always gonna reflect on Anasticious's life. Heck! My own history will reflect on his life" christel grumbled with rage. "These powers, this family history and world is a curse to their future. I do not want them to grow powers."
"What If they arent able to control their powers? What if they lose control and travel to a place unsafe? What if Anasticious gets tracked down by a past elora enemy?? What if aleksander gets oddity powers and has another identity crisis?? What if Aristella gets into danger with the other Greeks gods???" Christel asked again and again. Voice louder with each question as tim just stared at her.
"My children's life can be in danger because of these powers. I want them to have a normal life. Away from danger"
Tim closed his eyes as he spoke. "You feel this way when Damian goes into battle?" Christel shut her mouth close into a line. Tim gave a small smile as he opened his eyes. "Yeah you do. Christel I know you think these powers would be their downfall. But these powers might also be their defense against the craziness of the world"
Christel took a sharp breath in and exhaled. Tim stood up. "If they do lose control. We all will help them. They will be just fine"
Christel didnt react looking at the laptop.
"I will go and study those Crystal's structure. You go and take some rest" Tim said. Waving at her and going to what she presumed was the batcave.
Christel stood there.
"I hope you are right tim. I hope..."
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