#and ur brain is FULL of like ur sisters who are ALSO down bad for the officer android BEGGING you to turn around and watch him walk away
qsupremacy · 8 months
It’s very fun building a HEAVILY cybernetic and genetically engineered civilization because unironically data and lore are sooooo normal and well liked there. They’re Literally Just People. Everyone is excited to meet androids who aren’t just “dead orgs brain mapped to a robot body” because they haven’t had a chance to successfully make an android like those two themselves. There have been attempts over the last millennia but there were always complications and when they wanted to mass produce for war it was cheaper and easier to just use meat brains and slap tech on it.
So data and lore are Very Special Little Guys to them. Excited to have them visit. Eager to include them in their society. They’re like a branch of the family you just found out you had in another country. 100% have admirers and fan clubs that think they’re Super Dreamy.
Everyone on the enterprise including data is like “he’s an android, he doesn’t feel emotion”. Riker out here like “why are you mooning over this man he literally cannot feel a thing back for you????” And rally point is just like “you monkeys are so primitive you have no idea what you’re saying that’s the HOTTEST MAN ALIVE”. Data has an oligarch of a quasi-empire on her knees down bad over him just by being his normal ass self it’s hilarious.
0 notes
hobiespick · 1 month
Heya! I was wondering if you got any headcanons for Sam Winchester x werewolf! Reader, except, reader can actually turn whenever she (or gn if you want) wants, and the only real thing a full moon does is force her to be in her werewolf form (aka force her to keep the wolf teeth and claws out for no reason)
The thing that should not be
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Pairings : Sam Winchester x reader
a/n : FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HI, HELLO, IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG I SUCK SO BAD, IM SO SORRY. My requests aren't open (yet) but its not even your fault I should have 100% specified that, but this is my first ever ask and ur also one of my favourite moots and I didn't want to dissapoint so here are some fuckinf cute Sam x Werewolf!Reader. I felt the carnal need to write a metric fuckton of context before getting into the actual headcanons (which are very long I have no idea if they can be considered as hcs) so the reader gets beaten up by earth-shattering plot purposes :3. Sammy juicy headcanons start when you see the '🧿' emoji if you don't wanna read the context (melodramatic sigh). And yes the title of the fic is based on the metallica song :). as always, enjoy my shitty thoughts <3
Warnings: angst with comfort (no don't clap it's fine, omg ur makin me blush); guess who joined the cool kids club and uses "____." instead of "Y/n"; literally a flash of gore, shitty dad(s), fake death, mentions of suicide, Sam looks at you and goes DO YOU WANT M-; Dean being himself; reader is also a hunter and has been raised like that (fml); Dean makes a twillight refrence; reader is frankenstein coded in the most nuanced way, Mary Shelley please don't haunt me; Dean is very happy to have a bestfriend/sister :)
word count: 8,102
- Okay, so for starters, the fact that you aren't actually a monster (you don't get the urge to kill or wreak havoc) is actually a supernatural miracle.
Your parents haven't talked to you since you called them the night you were hunting a werewolf and told them, horror-struck between sniffles and voice cracks, that it bit you, and you’re going to turn, and you’re horrified, and you’re going to drive home to put a pistol in your father's hand and hopefully stop you from turning in the thing you shouldn't be.
Your father replied, after successfully not saying a word besides "Hey, kid-" before getting cut off by you and your hiccups. He sank his teeth into the inside of his cheek, enough to draw blood.
"You are not to come home; your mother won't bear to see you like this."
Your father objected before telling you you can finish the job by yourself; you always have.
He abruptly ended the phonecall like you weren't his daughter, more like an annoying salesman. You don't know what he'll say to your mother after that call; that was the hospital, and you tragically died? "Died a hero.." Your father would say when he described another hunter's tragic passing at the dinner table—paranormal tragic passing. So paranormal that your mother had knocked on wood and prayed it wouldn't get you or your family.
So you don't call, It's really me, dad. I'm fine, I figured it out by myself. How could you? after him suggesting it's better to kill yourself than take a shot at finding a solution together? You would rather have him believe you're dead. Or at least cry with you; it's okay, honey. come home; it'll be okay, spend the last days at home, please-
The last word you get from him is a text message you are too quick to open on your flip-phone to see the next day. When you rub at your eyebags after tracking down a witch, the witch. It was the second day when everything about you felt off; you were squemish, anxious, and haven't left your motel room all day. if you get this—the message read, "if you get this?!" if you get this, if you get this, if you get this—your brain repeats it over and over, taking the words apart and tattooing itself that phrase, because it held much more meaning to it than your father probably didn't intend; he would hear it if he read it before sending, you thought, that little 'if' haunting and tormenting like a damn demon. if you haven't already killed yourself; if you haven't already turned into something that took my daughter, my pride and joy, away from me; if you haven't already died–
- speaking to you like he's directly referring to the disease in your veins. Your brain moves on and reads the next ridiculous waste of your attention. I wanted you to know I told your mother that it was the hospital I was talking to yesterday, calling that you’re dead, house fire, so no remains to pick up—Damn, you know him or what? Even your fake death is stripped away from it's respect—"no remains to pick up"—like a toppled statue, a monument of what was once a hero (in dad's old-fashioned monster-hunting world), shattered and insignificant, no longer breathing or living, if you ever even had. Or a tree struck by lighting, again, "no remains to pick up" no meaningful remains or genuinely nothing, just a memory of another young hunter who died 'tragically'. You could imagine your tombstone with an even dumber epitaph to match it and an empty or nonexistent grave lying six feet underneath for closure. Your eyes move on, there will be a funeral with no grave, of course, I just wanted you to know that your mother and everyone else is devastated, we miss you, sugar. I love you, kid. Your father had overestimated your suicidal tendencies, and the way he didn't try to save his daughter in order to not go against the rules and possibilities of hunting only showed you how much he loves you.
So you track down the witch. You barely make it to her doorstep when she opens it with a too reassuring smile, saying your name and that she expected you, even going as far as offering you tea after opening the door and letting you in, to which you declined. You're not an idiot. But you do sit down, forced, when she, Willow Thorne, won't have you, a guest, standing up, a whole damn hunter being forced to sit down and accept being treated kindly like you deserve. When you walked in, the entire image of a satanic worshipper who sold her soul to demons and hexed everybody—that you betted all your life savings fitted the description of Willow shattered and laughed in your face.
Her home was filled with plants hanging and resting in every corner she could place; various crystals were sitting in cute porcelain plates like candy, candles of different colors on a bookshelf filled with books like The Language of Flowers, Astronomy for Beginners, and Sigils. Even more crystals, bigger and taller ones on a purple tablecloth. The house is adorned in shades of dark purple, violet, green, and warm colors. This home was a whimsigothic musem that would send your thirteen-year-old self into a shrieking, excited mess. Your parents never let you own crystals or a tarot deck; they were too afraid you'd turn darkside one way or another. well, mommy, daddy, if you could see me right now with lycanthrope blood pumping through my veins.
Willow Thorne is a wiccan type of witch; she does not receive her power from demons; she receives her magic from nature and probably practices her witchcraft the way she sees fit. This doesn't help build back the distrust you were trained to have in her. You flinch when you feel a tail curling around your bouncing leg; you glance down, and your eyes are met with a black cat's green ones—this must be her familiar—the little words on his purple collar reading 'Creek'. She gives you another flash of her warm smile and starts talking about her cat. This can't be real. Your every instinct screams that you should take her down or that she will take you down. Your options shrink the longer you stay. You keep a hand anxiously fiddling with your belt, thinking about the gun in your waistband. She's deceiving you with honeyed words and unassuming appearance; who the fuck knows, maybe the cat is manipulating you too. Throwing up would be the calmest reaction you could have right now, because the thoughts in your head started going at each other's throats and doubting in this situation could get you killed. Thoughts like, fuck her, her cozy house with purple witchy twitchy girl interior, and her affectionate black cat she mentioned she rescued when nobody would because of superstitions—you curse in your head, you're not actually upset at her although you do not let your guard down, you're upset at yourself for being so easily coaxed into trusting her, it's all too easy, and it is intimidating you.
You're pretty sure you're gonna rip your vocal cords out of frustration and an overall feeling of overwhelmingness; everything seems to piss you off today, even more than usual. How are you good?! All bright and beaming with nothing but positivity. You're not supposed to be good! I have believed all my life you aren't!..are you like me too? A thing that should not be? Before breaking down and crying about your situation, and if you did, she would make you that tea and rub your back with her hand that radiated ease and made you slump your shoulders with relief.
Before you get other fun thoughts like Am I on the wrong side of the war? You start discussing bussiness since you forgot that's what your here for. Even if your eyes water like a little kid after being scolded for something they didn't do, your voice is nowhere near close to sounding like one. You demand a cure, bargaining for a deal to stop the lycanthropy metamorphosis you feel taking over little by little and make you human again. If she can't, you have a gun with silver bullets in your trunk and your will written out, but by now it probably has no significance.
Much to your disappointment, she—Willow—insisted you called her, tells you she cannot take away your curse, but she can soothe it a little, keep it in a cage locked deep into your subconscious. In exchange, she could ask for fucking anything in the world, but she wants loyalty.
"Define, loyalty." You ask through gritted teeth, yeah, that will stop the tears, definitely, great intimidation skills, _____ .
"I'm talking about respect, mutual aid, when it all comes down for me, when I get threatened by a hunter, I want you to be there. I need you to have my back." She admitted, studying your eyes trying to reslove the conflict in them, anything that could give her hope. You couldn't explain this to anyone, ever, Yeah I almost turned into a werewolf once but my witch friend did a ritual on me, so i'm all good now.
Willow is now sitting on an ottoman facing her couch, where you're sitting. Her hands fidget with her bracelets until she clasps them together, and she is leaning towards you. Her gentle tone is imbued with gentle authority that commands her mutual respect without making her overbearing. Keeping steady eye contact, she is discussing serious matters with a serious tone like she should. You can't lie, it catches you off-guard, it herds you in the corner and softly shakes your shoulders, forcing you to listen.
You'd be every synonym in the dictionary for the word 'idiot' if you hadn't accepted this deal. You shake hands, and the warm smile she wears causes a domino effect, making you do the same, even if you had been crying.
It's a funky ritual. She makes you lay on the couch while she lights all sorts of candles; she closes the curtains even though it's already dark so light cannot come in. The only light present is the salt lamp in the far corner and the numeruous lighted candles. She even has to kick Creek out of the room, much to the cat's protests outside the door. They slowly come to a stop as he finds something that's more interesting than whatever ritual his owner is cooking up with a guest—that he feels drawn to for whatever reason. You feel nervous, and she feels nervous too, because you are. Willow reassures you and tells you that after it ends you will pass out for a while, but that's fine because she says you can spend the night if she isn't pushing it.
The celling becomes your newest fascination, and you study every small bump and gray spot in order to distract your mind from... well, thinking. Not for the ritual, but for reassurance, she lies and says you have to hold her hand. Her warm hand against yours seems to punch out of your lungs every doubt whether this will work or not and the sadness your father produced with an unfatherly amount of bluntness and cold parenting that was the verbal equivalent of stabbing your spine and twisting the knife, but you can't pull out the knife, well, you can try, but it will hurt even worse and it will infect spreading yellow or purple marks around it–. She—her hand—has the ability to make you breathe again without feeling like you have leg irons around your neck dragging it down and hands squashing your lungs to bits. She speaks incantations in what you know is latin and instructs you to close your eyes. You swear you hear a candle stop burning in the process—something you can't physically hear, but you had. You can make out a few words (your ears keep ringing and something is happening because you hear her voice; it's distorted and weird, but she told you, strictly, not to open your eyes, so you don't). Words like: lupus-wolf, tollere-take away? You're not sure on that one; that's what three straight days of crying might do to one, mutare- which means change. Okay, that was a nice distraction now what el–
You feel the imprint of a huge dog-like paw pressing into your Adam's apple and cutting off your breath. She obviously takes notice by the way you're writhing and choking and swatting away at nothing—something you're trying to fight even with closed eyes, but there is nothing there. Your palm doesn't make contact with anything. Quickly, Willow chants something you're too busy choking to catch. The pressure on your throat dissolves, and you can breathe again. She calms her own breath and squeezes your hand. When she doesn't feel you squeeze back, she remembers that you're supposed to pass out after the spell. Willow drapes a blanket on you and goes off to order something to eat. When she opens the living room door, Creek doesn't hesitate to run in and settle on your chest. The cat purrs as he patiently waits for you to wake up.
You wake up fifteen minutes later with the smell of food flooding your nostrils, stronger than it has ever been before. It's almost like it's sitting right under your nose. You open your eyes, and the smell has a color, and you can clearly see how it snakes its way in from the kitchen into the half-open door. Your nails feel heavier than usual. This is hopefully a fever dream. But the food isn't here, nor is Willow; you can hear her humming a song in the kitchen, Voodoo Chile by Jimi Hendrix.
The weight of the shadow on your chest brings you back to earth, and you run your hands through his black fur with closed eyes as your head falls back onto the couch. The feeling of fur on your fingertips feeding to your serotonin levels rising. Creek seems to know what it's like to be disowned by your own father and forced to have a fake death in order to 'die' in a way that won't make your mother think you were cursed, or worse, that the whole family is now. Creek notices you're awake and gets off you, but not before making biscuits.
"Thanks, Creek." You mumble before pushing yourself up in a sitting position with a groan.
You can feel the rich, velvety, dark green rug beneath your socks; you would have appreciated it properly if you could actually see the details woven into it. Your eyes keep focusing and unfocusing like they're getting adjusted, and the room doesn't seem so dark anymore. God, how long did you pass out? As you tried to gather your thoughts (if the spell was easy on you enough to actually leave some), memories of the ritual came flooding back—the chanting in latin, the flickering candle(s), the punching smell of herbs, the murder attempt from a wolf spirit/ghost?! who the hell knows anymore? Now you were wide awake, and everything felt different. If it weren't for the fucking ritual that was just performed on you, you would've blamed the faint ringing in your years, shitty eyesight, and banging headache on a terrible hangover or a cold so bad it would make your throat ache for the tea your mom would make you when your immune system failed you. She promised she would teach me how to make it. Your grief echoed to you.
You rub at your temples at thats when you notice why did your nails feel heavier than usual. You had fucking claws, well, not animal claws, but they are honorably elongated and sharper than they had ever been. As you looked up from your lap, your eyes fell on a mirror.
A tall mirror leaning on its back legs, with black edges and details on the rim, you would again appreciate if you had the ability to see a single thing in the distance.
Your eyes widened, mortified, seeing yourself. It looked like one of your parents's worst nightmares. Something out of a dream your mom would have—a nightmare so nasty and vivid she would be forced by her paranoia to get up and check that you're still in bed sleeping soundly.
Your eyes were no longer the familiar color you have seen in the mirror or in old photos of your family members you've grown to love. The shade wasn't even close to yours; crazy how one small change made such a big difference in your appearance. Your pupils were slitted vertically, shrinking only to dilate a little once again, getting adjusted. You slowly got up on foal legs and fell on your knees in front of the mirror. Even if you didn't think it was night because you weren't seeing darkness, the light of the moon shone down on the mirror and floor thanks to the now open curtains. That's when your vision stopped unfocusing and finally cleared.
You were now looking at yourself. It felt incredibly alien and familiar at the same time; you looked at yourself every day, whether it was the mirror in your bathroom at home, a crappy motel one that faced the bed (which you cover up with a scoff each time), or a reflection in the car of your vanity mirror checking yourself before going in a precinct, pretending to be a reporter (the things middle-aged pigs would confess to a doe-eyed girl from the press..).
You gently pulled the corner of your upper lip only to reveal your enlarged and sharpened front canines. Your hand fell and instead went to cover your mouth in order to muffle your sobs. You must have done a horrible job because the second you slapped the hand over your mouth, you heard Willlow gasp as if she felt it too.
She drops the food she was unpacking and runs in, taking a moment to calm her heaving chest in the doorway; her hands were holding it like an earthquake had shaked her up; even her round glasses had slipped and rested on the tip of her nose.
"_______, you woke up!" she exclaims cheerfully. "I was just—how do you fee-?"
She kept stuttering and cutting herself off. Willow didn't need to say anything else; she saw the tears welling up in your eyes and felt the same shock you did from the kitchen.
🧿🧿🧿- later on, you have to bump into the Winchesters one way or another
- and it's exactly on a full moon when this time the ball isn't in your court and you don't get to decide whether you turn or not.
- your claws are sharp, your eyes have changed their original color completely with your pupils vertically slit, and your teeth (conveniently) remain the same; only a few of your front canines are enlarged and sharpened.
- as for senses, it's downright spectacular.
- you can hear deer stepping on tree branches, foxes running, and owls hooting when you're driving by the forest
- you smell how many people are in a room
- you have night vision (yes, your eyes to the flashy thingamajiggy when someone blinds you with their flashlight).
- as a hunter, you already know that your claws and fangs can rip out a human heart.
- ironically, as this whole situation is, you hunt alone on the principle that you don't long for companionship as some lycanthropes do.
- you've turned into a literal killing machine with no instinct to kill, so hunting with others is off the table since at the first sign of a threat (they think you are one, but you really aren't), a hunter exterminates.
- you meet the Winchesters on a ghoul hunt
- you have taken the case before them, but when you couldn't get anywhere with identifying whatever evil being was tormenting the locals with their mere presence, you thought about ditching it since it doesn't look like your type of thing and took the consideration that maybe humans were fucking around this time.
- so when you heard the FBI are in town investigating the case (detective Page and Plant), you placed that town in your rear view mirror; they got it covered..right?
- but something didn't feel right- it wasn't the shame of leaving a case with your tail between your legs (pun intended) with the weak motive, 'Maybe humans are really fucking around this time.'
- something wasn't right, so even if you were tired, you abruptly stopped the car and went over your research spread out on the flat of your closed trunk
- the slits of your eyes dance over the words on your laptop, your papers, and an old lore book you fought tooth and nail for. When you realized it's a ghoul you're dealing with, you turned the car around and went over every speed limit like hellhounds were scratching at your tires. It was your job to not let anybody else get hurt or someone else's grave be violated
- as the light of the moon shined down on you and your wild eyes looked back at you from the rear view mirror, you knew you couldn't have anyone see you, you had to be invisible
- *time skip* (as much as it pains me 'cause i am a sucker for details :))- you swoop in time to save the Winchesters
- and if they weren't tied up, they would've started fighting you too, because why was there a whole ass werewolf fist fighting a ghoul?? John trained them like Spartan warriors, but nothing prepared them for something like this.
- so they sit there like:??????
- they watch you take out a fucking ghoul all by yourself
- the head of the ghoul's person they're impersonating rolls onto the floor. You have to remind yourself it's not a real person; it's an evil spirit who kills to feed
- by the time you wipe the blood off your face, smearing it a bit in the process, and cut the ties holding the hunters loose, Sam is unnable to look away from your slit eyes adorned by a strange color that strangely suits you
- literally hearts in his fawn brown eyes like you still don't have blood on your face and you aren't trying to catch your breath; also, you took a nasty punch to your cheek, and he's pretty sure it's gonna leave a bruise, but he totally doesn't care, why? why do you ask?
- by the way Sam is scrunitizing you, and oh yeah, Sam is scrunitizing you, you're sure you're gonna have to ditch since you've been in this situation before and you know how it always ends
- there was no 'explaining yourself' to hunters when they saw you under the full moon or when they saw you change because you had to.
Before you can even open your mouth they have their methaphorical pitchforks sharpened and torches lit up, prepared to slaughter you, and if you're honest, you can't even blame them for it because you would've done the same.
- Dean rubs his wrist with his right hand; the imprint of the rope is still fresh on his skin like a tattoo. Sam focuses on not choking when you catch him staring.
"Who the hell are you?" Dean thinks out loud. You take a big lungs-exploding sigh and give a shot at introducing yourself since they seem more civilized than most hunters are
- Sam geeks out about you
He doesn't question you because he is suspicious (he has the right to be but surprisingly isn't). He has to feed his noisy, information-hungry brain or he will spontaneously combust
- "Are your senses even more enhanced during the full moon, or are they the same?"
- "Can you smell when somebody is afraid? Like the hormones from their pores?"
- "Is it annoying to always have super hearing? Like has it ever caused you to be..I don't know.. Anxious? It did?" He mourns over you, trying to imagine himself in your situation but possibly can't.
- "I'm really sorry you had to go through a whole..change all by yourself, but it just shows how strong you are, some don't even make it 'til the end."
- After you were done explaining to Sam (to which he gladly sat himself down and listened) how sometimes you genuinely consider you're inevitably going to become what you hunt and how in the beginning you and your senses have butted heads, how you had no idea how to go through it without having panic attacks because the click of a doorknob was sensitive to your hearing like a veteran was scared of fireworks, how you accidentally ripped a motel door off its hinges, a result of you being slightly irritated, still getting acoustumed to your abilities. Dean would go.
"..Do dog whistles work on y–" Before getting an elbow in the ribs by a glaring Sam.
- more shit Dean would ask you for the sake of his own little curiosity
- "Is 'bitch' even more offensive now?"
- "Who do you think would win in a fight? You or Jacob Black?"
- "What do I smell like? Y'know, since you can pick up on scents and alldat."
- Dean calls you Cujo
- It's the one nickname you can get behind, asking him what he thought about the book, and he's like, "Oh, I watched the movie, but i know a little. Sammy used to rattle on and on about his books when he was younger."
- if you think about it, an alais doesn't sound so bad in theory or practice while hunting.
- it's secretive, the boys don't need to divulge your real name, and it's actually high-key kickass (I literally watched Cujo just so I know what I'm talking about, a.k.a. the second reason why it took a millenium and a half for me to post these; the first reason is that i suck)
- Dean is thrilled to get to call you that- he gets this fucking smirk, like a dad about to drop the worst joke ever made on everyone, you and Sam brace yourselves for what's coming with matching eyerolls-
"Let's fuck em' up, Cujo."
- "Cujo, dude, you're just itching to raise a little hell right now, aren't you?"
- "Uh- a bacon cheeseburger, soda, yo, Cujo whaddya want? My treat >:]."
- "Cujo, put on that song you were listening to; I had it in my head the entire hunt." (I didn't mention the genre or artist bc I like to imagine Dean listening to everyone's fav category; ex. I imagine Dean screaming bikini kill lyrics whenever i'm sad)
- if you thought the 'canine/wolf' teasing stopped here, you're so painfully wrong
- Dean made you a mixtape, because that's his love language apparently, with only songs that are about werewolves
- I feel like it took him a longer time to find a suitable title than the songs themselves
- he has all of the possible picks on a piece of paper that stays in the pocket of his fifty pound leather jacket.
- the titles are: Songs to transform into; The howlin' hits; Songs that will make you wag your tail—that one is crossed out because he knows you will make him eat the tape if he does settle on it; Love at first bite; and finally the one he settled for is Songs you can sink your teeth into. Dean smiled at his work, it didn't feel like a prank anymore it was more like a gift and he didn't feel any ugly emotion or insecurity try to pull him back into not getting attached to you.
The final touch was a note saying
"Hey, Cujo, thought you might want these howlin' hits whenever you need to tune the world out.
P.S. : Sam told me to add one of the songs, it's that punk stuff you like - Dean"
- The songs he prudently picked out are these : Of Wolf and Man by Metallica; Bark at the Moon by Ozzy Osbourne; I Was A Teenage Werewolf by The Cramps; Wolf Moon by Type O Negative; Witch Wolf by STYX; Run with the Wolf by Rainbow; Lycanthropy by G.B.H and others.
- you accidentally made a kid cry once- a ball was literally flying towards you and you caught it just in time, thanks to your reflexes
- instinctively, you turned around in time and caught the ball as your claws grew and sank into the inanimate object
- it's all "Nice relfexes, _____" praise from Dean and proud and shy smiles from Sam until the owner of the ball starts sobbing in front of you
- it's a kid, a boy with red hair, no older than six years of age
- but we all know Dean's charm is basically made for this
- so he handles both the kid and his mom (flirting with a milf all day, poor Dean)
- you keep apologizing to the kid and the mom, but Dean just waves you off; you don't understand his generosity until Sam tells you that you accidentally secured Dean's hookup for tonight.
- Since Dean is not coming, not until early morning, nor is he there to call you and Sam 'dorks', you and his younger brother take advantage of it.
- you guys have a movie night with the most random movies ever
- it is chaotic
- from rom-coms you switch to a world war II documentary, then you watch re-runs of House MD on tv.
- Dean stumbles in at like five something a.m. and takes a picture of you and Sam snuggling under a blanket while the tv light casts shadows of orange and cold colors on your defenseless expressions.
- but can somebody actually blame you? Or Sam, for that matter?
- honorably want to mention your body heat is also enhanced
- You and Sam were sitting with your sides pressed into each other
- you were radiating pure furnace body heat, how could he not be sleepy??
- but that's not the only reason Sam knocks out so heavily
- it's you he's sitting down with (relaxing for once in his life) watching a ridiculous episode of House with thirteen ads rolling every ten minutes accompanied by lazy talking as if you're not debating books only you and morally grey forty-year-olds read (where that Kansas drawl of his is much more audible and pretty), after a marathon of fatally random movies
- younger Sam who had trouble going to sleep/getting some shut-eye because Dean and John are out late on a hunt.
- Sam especially couldn't fall asleep because Dean wasn't there
- it was a different story when Dean was at the age where he couldn't hunt but he could use a pistol and take care of his little brother
- both of them in a relatively warm motel room, alone (since John fucked off to god-knows-where, to hunt a monster they are never to breathe in the direction of as a conversation subject.)
- little Sammy (age where he believed nothing could beat his older brother) could peacefully fall asleep knowing Dean stays up and watches over him like a hawke, reading comic books by the tv light
- where little Dean keeps chanting in his head what Sammy is supposed to do after eating his dinner.
- Watch tv or look at the comic with me (Sammy can't read yet), brush his teeth, then tuck him in bed.
- now pre-teen Sam can hardly sleep
- he is plagued/tormented by flashing images his overthinking big brain mades of a thousand situations where his family got hurt, if not even killed
- Sam's grip on the shotgun is shaking; it shakes even harder when John's bark booms over his shoulder, right into his ear.
- "Sammy, dammit, what are you going to do when a demon breaks through the door and me and your brother aren't there to protect you?!"
- but Sam isn't twelve anymore
- he's a responsible adult
- snuggled beside you and denying any eepy allegations you decide to accuse him of
- so, the heat you contribute, the soft speaking on the tv, the darkness of the room, you being there is enough to lull Sam to sleep
- studies show you feel sleepy around the people you trust ;)
- the position you two fell asleep in cannot be described in any other word than childish
- somehow you would catch two kids, sleeping over at one of the other's houses, knocked out, and snoring in the same bed after watching a horror movie
- on one of the two queens the motel room contributes (the one closest to the tv) you and Sam have made this fluffy nest full of pillows, a huge blanket, plus a random quilt Bobby pulled out of thin air and gave it to you when he heard you complaining about the petal-thin blankets motels have during cold ass weather.
- When you both lied down on the bed with your legs greedily streched out, backs pressed against the headboard, and your head is resting on the wall while Sam, magically, was still able to hold his up after the very long day all of you endured. You predicted one of you wouldn't survive being in each other's presence and make it out not asleep, and god, you hoped it was you.
- Sam's breathing slows down after a while of comfortable silence, and you’re sure he's dying until you spare one quick glance and see him, downright snoozing with his lips parted without a care in the world, ghosts and eerie phenomenons weren't bothering or needing him now.
- during all of the movies and documentary and fuckin lazy intellectual commentary nobody else would have the patience to discuss with you or Sam, he somehow migrated on the bed/nest with his side flush against yours, like a magnet to another; it was inevitable not to stick together, literally.
- your shoulder was now pressed into his forearm, your head no longer resting uncomfortably, and his temple is resting on the top of your head.
- but (unfortunately) you weren't hugging or anything- like a mirror or a copycat, Sam has his arms crossed, just like you, so maybe that's why you didn't wake up full on cuddling, that does sound good though your brain mourns
- When you do wake up, the only slight change you notice is that you're sleeping on your side..so is Sam. You're facing Sam's neck and chin, and up close and personal, you can actually count the too-sexy amount of moles he modestly posesses. His arm serves the role of a pillow underneath his head, and the other is resting with his palm down facing the mattress.
- with Sam taking up the entire attention of your senses, it takes an emmbarassing while for you to hear the shower running, Dean; did he see you both like this? Was he going to mention it? Your gut fills with a small dose of embarrassement, preparing you for what's yet to come, and it protests at that.
- much displeasure from your senses to your brain and your heart that wanted to breathe Sam in more as he (hopefully) breathes you out, you turn on your other side, unconsciously careful not to disturb Clifford over here, and you try to determine what time it is from your surroundings alone.
- the light blue sneaking its way through the dark closed curtains and the slight chill in the air points all arrows to seven or eight in the morning, you could go back to sleep.
- Dean wasn't just feeling gracious; he didn't and wasn't even planning on sparing you or Sam
- that day, when he separately gets the both of you alone, he has the exact same conversation with different but not so different people.
-"You should've seen the two of you this morning when I came in, two kittens snoring together, it was fuckin' adorable." Dean teased–
—Monday, 13:34 p.m. — as he tossed his clothes into one of the laundromat's washing machines, making Sam paralyze in his seat as his fingers started fidgeting with the edges of his hoodie.
"You did?.." He inquires, not knowing what exactly Dean saw just this morning. Sam only woke up a little after you went back to sleep. He swore his cheek must have burned a hole through the pillow with how hard he was blushing. You were so close. There was a good distance between the edge of the bed and you. So your back was flush against his chest. If you're wondering where his arm went, it was around your waist. Sam—your own personal seatbelt. He probably thinks it's his fault too. Dean never ceased to describe Sam as a 'cuddlebug'.
"Uh-huh" Dean hums a confirmation, acting casual, scarily casual. Sam feels the teasing in Dean's tone; it's there, but Dean is not fully teasing yet, like he wants Sam to confess something first after boiling in his embarrassement for long enough.
—Monday, 20:02 p.m. — as he pulled the Impala into the driveway of a fast-food place you were so invested in you even forgot the name of; you froze and looked at him, searching for any emotion that might give him away, but Dean was a brick wall, a slight very Dean siginificant parted lips smirk paired with squinted eyes over the wheel, carefully driving into the driveway. Even the car seemed to betray you in your moment of weakness because you swear the volume is lower than it was a few seconds ago. Ozzy Osbourne's laugh can still be heard from the speakers, even if it's barely audible over your racing thoughts or your hearing trying its hardest to pick up on Dean's thoughts. The rythym of the drums seems to sync up with your heartbeat, or the other way around, you're not sure. Over every little sound, there still seems to be a little silence to fit in. You swallow a lump in your throat.
"..We had a movie night, we just fell asleep like that, that's all." You mumble, and Dean starts to feel a little bad for letting you be a victim to his spotlight-teasing and giving you no shade to reprieve to or show his undying approval.
Somehow, you still worry if Dean believes you have ruined the dynamic, and now he's cornering you to tell you to stop it or something (overthinking anxiety worms are eating away at your critical thinking skills). You just worry about what he thinks of this. You still worry about the Dean who doesn't correct random people on cases who mistake you and Sam for a couple; the Dean who just has to leave some arsenal or luggage in the front, just so you are forced to share the backseat with Sam; the Dean who always has to group you and Sam in a category when he teases you both (Geeks, nerds, smartasses, etc.). Cupid works hard, but Dean Winchester works harder.
"Hey-, Cuj- Doll." Dean sputters, switching glances between you and the wheel.
This didn't go as he planned it would, and now he is facing the consequences. The way you shrink in your seat and the way you avoid catching his eye makes Dean feel like a douchebag. If he didn't know any better he would thinks he is, but then you would actually be able to read him like a book and tell him otherwise. You hear the desperation in his voice; your candle of hope comes back to life and lights up. Your head turns to look at him with pleading eyes. Please don't be angry, please don't kick me to the curb, let me stay in the backseat a little more. Dean lets out a shaky exhale that turns into a laugh; he runs a hand down his face. You've watched him do that every time he got jumpscared by the monthly spirit with unfinished business. It was something you imagined Dean picked up from John, the picture in your head so clear (at least from the pictures you saw)— a tired dad in an old squeaky motel chair with a whiskey glass in his hand doing the same motion Dean was doing right now. Dean would mimic his father's gestures to try to look more like him; he didn't have his brunette curly hair, his dark brown eyes, Sam did.
Dean never had his voice either; he only perfected his bark to match his dad's. Sam hated the way his reflection resembled his father, Dean was either jealous of him for it or couldn't wrap his head around as to why his brother hated being their dad, probably the latter. Dad, at least in Dean's eyes, was a hero, a figure to be admired and emulated. But Sam? He didn't even have to try. Sam and John were so alike that they clashed constantly like two stubborn stags locking antlers in a duel.
"..Dean?" You call him out; you had no idea what was going on in his head; it would be pretty damn nice if you could know. Dean shots his head up at the mention of his name.
"Yeah?—sorry, I just, you and Sam are just so—" He sighs. "it's about time you two crazy kids broke that touch barrier." He guffaws, slowly pulling up to the ordering kiosk.
A new song starts playing on Dean's "hot summa' nights driving" mixtape, Emmit Remmus by The Red Hot Chili Peppers, he added it when Sam said that's one of his favorites.
- do I need to talk about how much of an immense help you have been on hunts?
- you don't need to help out on every hunt despite Sam's disappointment and Dean's kid-like joy to have their friend help them out who is a professional/werewolf/hunter/geek, who kind of gets his references?? But you are geniunely so good it's funny to have the boys call you up and be like "..so we need help". They're happy you'll show up but there is still that lick of shame that taunts the Winchesters whenever they are forced to call for aid.
- this one time, you wanted to hug them after not seeing them for two weeks, and when you went to attack Sam, you heard his bones crack.
- your strength still surprises you and knocks other people off their feet
- it was so loud (atleast for you), you were sure you broke something
- Sam did nothing but give you his (killer) dimply smile and reassure you didn't do anything (even if he slightly grunted); while Dean whined like a kid saying (lying) he doesn't want a hug (you coaxed him into it eventually)
- Sam feels like he's not allowed to call you by your nickname, like he fears it's Dean's thing and not his
- so when he finally puts on his big boy pants, he's like, "Uhh–Cujo- 🧍‍♂️so get this.."
- all red and shy, trying to act casual, as if he doesn't wonder about the reaction you might have if he calls you other nicknames, like honey, sweetheart, even baby, or if he had the excuse to hold your hand, how would you hold it? Fingers interlocked or palms flat?
- Sam would also love to just marvel at your slit eyes; if he could he would take a picture and put it in his wallet; don't get me wrong if he had one where you were normal, he would cherish it just as much.
- Sam thinks your nickname is actually really cool (probably because it's a Stephen King reference, nerd), and you take that as a compliment. Sam is hard to entertain or please by his brother's antics.
- But he prefers saying your name
- there's something so intimate about the syllables rolling off his tongue so easily
- "_____, Are you okay? What is it? The soundproof earmuffs? I'll go get them." When everything, and I mean when every sound is just too much.
- Sam got them for you; he couldn't handle seeing you wince one more time whenever a car with a bad engine would pass by the motel (during a stressful hunt); its tires squealing under the concrete, making a faint sound for the boys, but for you so much louder.
- you know how pathethic it is to be affected by such small things when you're blessed with such powers? How can you call yourself a hunter when decibels, frequencies, and fucking tire squeals make you their bitch? You wish you could train yourself in a way that would make you less sensitive to certain sounds. It just adds to the reasons why hunters have the excuse or classify you as "the frail one" not only because you're a girl. When you used to hunt with your dad and sometimes mom, the amount of dog-shit comments from other hunters who had sons, were nothing but mysogynistic, curlish, and ruthless. "Are you sure the riffle isn't too heavy?", "Does she even know how to kill this thing?", "She's going to drag us down, do you want us to die?"— the type of comments that would make your dad shoot daggers into them, defend you "She's a goddamn ______, what do you think?", and whisper into your ear "Show em' what you're made of." and you would (stubbornly) listen to his advice to the damn letter after you almost mouthed them off.
Your dad believed in "Actions are sometimes louder than words." and all that adult crap, you were not as zen.
Your mom actually encouraged the sarcasm you have replied with in the past. The funniest memory your mother can recall is a story she tells at every gathering and every chance she gets to everyone, she praised you like crazy. When another hunter's son had the nerve to fuck with a twelve-year-old you. "Aren't you afraid of breaking a nail out there?" The boy sneered, puffing out his chest like a peacock. You stared at him with pure disbelief. "The only way I'm breaking a nail tonight is by kicking your ass, you cocky brainless jerk." You spat back, your mother and father were there and so was the boy's father; the gravity of the situation was on your shoulders, and their stares felt even heavier in comparison; intimidating him was 100% on the table. You felt like everyone had the same exact thought occuring them, an unspoken demand passed everyone there, even you: Do something. And you did. Your mother's jaw went slack; she doubled over, gripping whatever surface was near her and she started to chortle, with her shoulders shaking like never before. Your father was holding in a chuckle while massaging the bridge of his nose.
- Sam has to disagree with you whenever you complain about how your senses make you look or about the way you underestimate yourself. "What?! You can't be serious. _____, It doesn't mean you're weak. In fact, it makes you even more interesting. Everyone has an Achilles heel; yours is stronger because you're an amazing hunter who figured a way out. It makes you even stronger, I have no idea how you deal with this crap! Dean and I would've gone insane if we were in your shoes for more than a day."
- he is also forcing back his infamous (spectacular) bitchface
- he doesn't 'hold back' actually
- he geniunely cannot glare at you, not when you're like this. He can make a few exceptions, like when you join in Dean's teasing/joking (the silly rambunctious energy Dean carries around had, unfortunately, contiminated you or awakened yours)
- or when you start teasing Sam yourself, he shoots you a glare that classifies as nothing but hot (in your book at least), the kind of Sam glare that makes you flush knowing he doesn't mean it at all.
- Dean making you those fake ass I.D's like "Joan Jett", "Stevie Nicks", "Kathleen Hanna" and when you asked him to make more subtle ones he was like, bet. "Kelly Hammer", "Diana Bowie", "Laura Ulrich".
a/n: I wanted to apologize again for taking so long and for the unnecessary amount of context that literally nobody asked for. Uhh yeah and feedback would be very much appreciated<3, sava out *mic drop*
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plutos134340 · 10 days
hiii pluto :3 you wanna tell me about ur ocs sooo bad /nf (also is calling you pluto ok ?)
Ooooooh i feel like i wanna tell u about them soooo badly (and yes im ok with being called pluto, it technically isnt my name- that which is natalie, but i am chill with pluto as well)
Long text under the paragraph bc i dont feel like subjecting the random viewer to a long post:
Ok so some background for the way my aus work: i suck at making my own characters, but i can like give traits and personalities to existing characters that dont have much in canon, or just replacing a pre-existing characters personality, so thats what i do time and time again. Then i make random characters for funsies
First au concept and darias place in it: So basically i had made some cliche fnaf au where like none of the kids ever died- ig i wanted some happiness in life. And i then made Daria to go along with them and she was Henry's kid and an older sister to Charlie. They also had another younger brother but he is irrelevant. She is best friends with michael afton, and was also closest to fritz and jeremy (foxy and bonnie) She is like a random oc but does has a lot of my traits bc i found it easier to cope with myself through a character with fake friendships rather than actually think about myself and the people i know.
Traits (physical and personality-wise): She is white and has pale-ish skin, and shes got shoulder-length, curly, brown hair (like 2C); she is white, and she is pretty tall. She has hazel eyes (the green and brown being separate kind of hazel because i have that eye color and i like my eyes 💀). Shes queer, specifically being bisexual and ace-spec, and is a cis girl. She is pretty down-to-earth, and is mostly a realist. One thing that has stayed true throughout her many forms is that she often forms intimate relationships with people quickly but can end up starting fights with the same people quickly. Idk where that came from but thats her.
And now the second au and all that jazz. I know you dont know much at all about cccc but basically there are these characters Heart, Mind and Soul, who are all technically personified parts of the singer's (chonny jash) brain. In this au they are all human and like half related to their original identities. They go by the names Juno, Keene and Atlas, respectively, with the collection of their names just coming from random sources in the songs (juno and atlas) and then i just picked a random name i saw for the last bc i didnt want to pick two similar names (it would have been Apollo if i did). Bc i love music oh so much, they are all basically in a band. I loooove cliche little tropes it just soothes my mind ig, idc how basic it is and its also just easier for me to imagine. Anywho, this brings Max and Lily into the picture, along with another girl i forgot originally bc i forgot that i created her (that being Terra). Terra is the creator of this band, and Max and Lily originally come from their school's regular band.
Max: He is mixed white/southeast asian, and has tan, freckled skin and short black hair. He is around 5'11. He has a pretty chill and kind personality, and can come off either quiet or loud/intense depending on where he is. He often pokes fun at people but never really crosses the line. In their little band he plays most woodwind instruments, mainly the saxophone. He is bisexual and a cis guy.
Lily (full name being Liliana): She is a Latina and is 5'2. She has long, wavy, black hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. She is very sweet and is very in-tune with her own and others' emotions, just overall very emotionally intelligent. She can be the life of the party and lively, but is often the first person to realize if someone else is having a bad time, but also wont jeopardize her own mental health in sake of someone else's just to please them. As said before she came from a general concert band before, and plays the trumpet and the flute mainly. She is straight and cis, but doesnt really put too much thought into her identity anyways.
Terra, who i somehow forgot when answering the ask: She is 5'11 as well, and is a Black woman. She has curly hair, which she keeps at around chin length, and it is black with dyed brown highlights. She was originally more reserved than the others, but has opened up to all of the group members and is pretty talkative. As mentioned before, she is the creator of this little band, and plays the drums. She is a trans girl.
Ok so yeah those are them. I kinda just picked a few categories (that being how they look and basic identity things, some personality stuff, and any sexual or gender orientations) to talk about for each and i hope i stuck to that setup well enough. The other three from the second one are like technically not ocs but i like hijacked their actual personalities and gave them new ones but i did not talk about them bc i do not need to ramble THAT much.
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caitlynmeow · 7 months
i can’t remember if you’ve said anything about this yet but i’m picturing ur cass going into labour and. how is girl surviving this once let alone THREE times when she reacted to PUBERTY like THAT 😭 just from the sheer panic alone
omg anon i haven't talked about this but it's Cassandra okay girlies is a MESS during all three times 😭😭😭
From way before giving birth, like soon after Alcina knew that Cass was pregnant she had a private meeting with wife and was very clear about making sure Cassandra goes for an epidural and there shouldn't be any of the no drugs option. Wife looked at Alcina and said seriously "What makes you believe your daughter is going to brave this one out?" Because she's known Cass for a few years and can tell that this will never be something to think about. Alcina has no reason to assume that Cassandra is going to do this because she's the kind of person who would cry over a paper cut. So giving birth without medication is not on the table.
And yes, wife is there to keep things under control to the best of her ability. Because as dramatic and out of control Cassandra can be, her wife can maintain calm and be the voice of reason during many situations. She’s not complaining at all, the dramatics are part of Cassandra’s charm that she fell for and she won’t have her any other way. As long as she knows Cass is okay and not in any real pain, she can take whatever comes her way.
Cassandra on her end was doing just okay until about 25 weeks into her pregnancy, then it downed on her and she started to actually panic every time she thought about it. She’d constantly tell herself: “People give birth every day, literally I WAS BORN!” And still get a tight chest because of all the anxiety.
She also was convinced that she was going to die, so it felt more like a countdown to that instead of having her baby because is she going to survive a human coming out of her? Not likely. She was ready with a speech to her wife, mom, and sisters.
When she was at the hospital, Cassandra was in full panic mode because she simply wasn't ready. But since it's time to give birth, the matter is out of her hands but she isn't known for giving up quickly. She was in no pain, physically. Her wife did ask her if she was in any physical pain, to rate it from 0 to 10 which Cass answered truthfully and said that it was at a zero. "Emotional pain?" Wife knows she needs to check on that because this is what's making Cass so anxious and distressed. "200" Cassandra answered as she burst into tears.
That wasn't the end of it. Since she couldn't feel anything, Cassandra's brain convinced her that she could keep this up for probably another day or two. And since she is absolutely not ready to give birth just yet, she decided that wants to leave and come back the next day when she's better prepared. But of course, there is no way she can leave while in active labor and contractions being so close to one another. But then again, she was feeling very panicky and overwhelmed and she wanted her mother because she wasn't going to do this and no one could make her do it.
There is no way wife is going to leave Cassandra's side and go get Alcina, so a nurse has to be sent out for the task. When Alcina saw the nurse approaching, she panicked thinking that something bad had happened. But the nurse told her that everything was okay but her daughter needed her.
When Alcina got into the delivery room, Cassandra thought she finally had an ally and that her mother was surely going to stop this madness and make her go home (she's persistent like that and also very delulu) but Alcina wasn't on her side, and told her that it's too late for that now. She will go home in two days anyway.
"I can't do this! I don't know how," Cassandra confessed, she was openly crying by that point and it broke Alcina's heart to see her like this. She always hated seeing her daughters in pain, and she knows that Cassandra is not in any pain but she is scared and getting very emotional because of it. Alcina hoped for a way to help ease her daughter's distress, but unfortunately, this was one of those things that her daughter had to do alone. "You don't need to do anything, draga. Your body knows what to do, and it's already pushing your baby out on its own," Because at that point, the baby's head was already out and this entire thing will be over very soon.
Sure enough, a few minutes later the room was filled with the baby's cries. And just like that, it was over.
Alcina did get to see her granddaughter as soon as she was born because she was right there providing all kinds of support to her daughter who was finally registering what had happened. Though she was pouting and tearful still, she did complain that no one listened to her, especially her mom and wife because they were supposed to be on her side. But she was soon distracted by her baby and forgot all about labor a few hours later.
Even Miranda wasn't mad that they only called her after Aurelia was born because she knew that Alcina was definitely going to be busy with Cassandra. Miranda called it first and suggested they have an OR on standby just in case this one granddaughter refused to give birth for whatever reason.
Donna was also frantic, knowing how near impossible it was and for once she sided with her mother. But Donna was in favor of them forgoing the whole delivery and going straight to c-section because 'there is no reason to torture the little doe,' as she put it.
It took a lot of coaxing, a very long process, and lots of tears (for no reason, really) but Cassandra did it eventually (with the support of both her mother and her wife and a very patient medical team).
#cassandra dimitrescu#resident evil village#bela dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#donna beneviento#mother miranda#house dimitrescu#resident evil 8#alcina and wife were stressed tf out okay#Alcina could have sworn it almost felt like she was the one giving birth not Cassandra with how worried she was#Alcina had 3 daughters with no problems or complications so she knows how easy it is. all three and she was reading one time#on a conference call another time (this one was with cass because she was there for a WHILE since cass was taking her time in coming out so#mama did some work while baby decided whether to come out or not#nothing for dani because when alcina's water broke dani was born literally only two hours later her youngest has no patience in her at all#yet despite that being in the room with cassandra while she was giving birth was the most stressful#she was just worried because cassandra is not built for this#she's like a wet noodle when it comes to these things she has the whole family worried about her because 'how is SHE going to go thru this'#like everyone KNOWS#then there is cass waltzing home 10-11 months later announcing she is pregnant again#like woman can u NOT#and yes she was also dramatic the next time and the third time#she just does it differently every time because girlie really does overthink a lot and gets herself worked up#plus she's actually a delicate baby princess and def not made for this kind of thing#but she wants kids so ://#wife and mama will have to suffer with her#second time at the hospital alcina joked 'do u need me this time too?' and cass nodded tearfully 'yes i can't do this omg'#so it was round two of the same thing#like alcina was more stressed during those times than she was during her own time giving birth#she's too old for this but cassandra insists on putting her mama through it#cass can do it but she needs someone to hold her hand throughout the entire process
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cathyshifts · 7 months
just gonna post my experience here even tho no one asked
Okay whatever happened was so chaotic. It was a busy day, I went out with my parents since morning, then when I got home i took a nap at like 4pm, and i watched asmr, trying to sleep. I was in and out of sleep, i couldnt actually sleep tho, like i felt sleepy but i could only close my eyes and kept trying to count down so i would actually sleep. at first it was fine, then i would kind of yanked awake (lol i just said i couldnt sleep) a few times, and probably by the fourth or fifth times, i started feeling floaty, but then i started hearing my family outside, talking and doing chores because they have woken up, and i was like ugh im not gonna let them disturb me. So i affirm that i am capable of shifting to my dr, and nothing can stop me, i also said that bc i heard my sister’s footsteps close to my door and i thought she would open it, so i said that affirmation and was just, fuck it. and then i kind of feel myself rolled over (u know that feeling when ur soul and body feel separated?) and everything turned white. (okay so it was all so hazy i cant really tell what happened first. hmm but idk when this happened but there was a moment where i felt my body siting up, throw the blanket away from my body to get up or sth, then i feel my soul or sth just flopped down, lol like literally just flopped forward). So everything turned white? And i started to enter a dream, it wasnt a lucid dream, and idk why but i probably have some beef with Puss in boots or sth, but i legitimately forgot i was trying to shift for miguel and thought i was shifting for puss in boots instead💀 Also i have a friend in that dream, who were talking about shifting, idk who he was, but he was so handsome. Anywho, we started laughing as i finally remember that i shift for miguel, but i cant remember what we talked about tho? Like everything was so hazy yet so vivid??? but then he said sth like, why haven't u gone already? And im gone? Into another dream🙄 still, i think i landed in Nueva York 😟 Anywhoops, cant remember anything other than me finding miguel, and we hug, and i kept kissing him, kissing his neck, although my brain was trying really hard to picture his body lol, and he laughed and we hugged and kissing (god it was sooo weird bc my brain keep picturing my sister as she was the only person i have ever hugged daily💀) i felt happy, but bc i cant imagine well so its all so blurry too.
Anyway back to the dream, it kind of abruptly ended there, going into another place but still in the dream tho. So i was walking in the park, it was nighttime, and then i saw a girl holding a camera, shes filming sth, and then a boy in a wheelchair? and she was filming her, and he was going to a park bench and staying there. So they looked like they were laughing and having fun, until there were some group of bullies? Idk but they were real mean, and they started getting mad at what idk, but they started to get close to her, and she was too afraid so she was still filming them as she looked their way, and lol idk why but i picked up a bicycle near me and throw it on the nearest bully’s face (they were mostly teenagers lol) and then i grab her and try to swing my way out there, but idk i guess my brain forgot that im supposed to have superstrength so we kind of fall into a pit (it feels like we felt into a pit but it was just i couldnt carry her, there was no pit) and then it turned into a full dream, a thrilling, somewhat horror movie, i swing my way through the buildings and sth bad happened, and she still has the camera, so we were back at my apartment watching it and shivering and getting traumatized lol. Then i woke up (what a ride😻)
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sickknotdoom · 8 months
i love sparklecare ( i really do ) but i don't understand the cometcare au at all and i don't get its hype. the designs look SO rushed ( like it was put together in a 10 minute art challenge ) and is it just me or. is the art style progressively getting worse ( for both sparklecare and cometcare ). i hate how random cometcare is too, i tried reading it and my brain got so fried. i had no idea what was happening. i loved cometcare at first, it was cool when it was JUST pollarrydoomi then they threw in these random ass characters and went "oh yeah. ur dating and have a child." ???? especially with hemera, the only (?) aroace character, why is she with caroline and why does she have a kid. adding hemera and miley into the mix was SUCH a bad idea. also. caroline x doom???? carruni s/x canon ( even though uni is aegosexual/asexual ... ) cometcare had so much potential and it all went down the drain by adding 10 thousand nearsiblings
ive been saying exactly this ever since i found out about the cometcare au. literally everybody has a million children with everyone else and im like. why.
this may be a controversial opinion but i am not a fan of carroom (caroline x doom) in the slightest, since caroline is literally shown to hate doom in the main comic. literally all of their interactions involve caroline insulting doom, not to mention the earlier half of volume three.
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i know enemies to lovers is a thing but if somebody chucked a full bucket of puke on my head, and then gave my sister this Judgemental Ass Look for offering to clean it up, i would honestly Kill Them. regardless of if they secretly had a crush on me or i secretly had a crush on them or whatever. you cannot convince me these two dont fucking hate eachother.
also i mean this in the most respectful way possible but i feel like theyre sorta erasing carolines sexuality with this? i may be attracted exclusively to men, but allow me to speak for a bit.
i am not at all trying to invalidate dooms agender identity, but. speaking as someone whos agender myself. i look exactly like a cis man. i am assigned male at birth, my testosterone is absolutely thriving since im going through puberty, i look like a man and i have zero intent to ever change that. if someone was NOT attracted to men, they would NOT be attracted to me, regardless of me actually being agender. especially not if i Tortured And Murdered Their Friends.
this isnt invalidating dooms gender identity nor is it invalidating mine, im definitely into something here. as someone whos gay (nblm) i wouldnt instantly develop a crush on lizzo if she came out as agender, especially not after the fucked up shit she did. now apply this to carroom, and miloom (miley x doom). but mainly carroom.
i understand carruni since unis a closeted trans woman, but thats different from carroom in a lot of ways. it would make sense for uni to not alter her gender expression as long as shes in the closet, since she isnt ready to explain to anyone else what she really is to anybody else. caroline and uni have an extremely deep bond too, so ofcourse shed come out to caroline first, and ofcourse theyd develop crushes on eachother. in the future (going off of au's and such), when uni is out of the closet, she is shown to present as her authentic self, and she. does a really good job at it. shes fucking gorgeous in cometcare. so it makes sense for caroline to be attracted to her.
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and also uni isnt a serial killer. caroline seems to really dislike serial killers to the point where shed throw full buckets of vomit on them, which is. reasonable.
however again, unis aegosexual (if i recall correctly, uni and hemera are the only characters confirmed to be on the asexual spectrum as of volume four, not including characters that havent appeared yet) so it feels wrong to explicitly sexualize her regardless, especially if the clowns are "uncomfortable" with fans doing the same.
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while were on this topic, agreed. hemera (the only aroace character in the entire sparklecare universe so far, including au's last time i checked) has like four other partners in cometcare. i dont think thats a very good idea considering they made it a point to explicitly point out her being aromantic in volume two.
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and yeah, the artstyle has been very clearly degrading, i have another post about that.
how the fuck do i end this
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i lowkey would totally be interested in your richie and stan dance moms au lore. I read that fic ages ago and now can't get richie and stan being dancers out of my brain. especially because im a dancer myself
Richies strengths are performing (obviously), but i also think she would have this super cool and unique quality to her dancing while stan is super technical. and i think stan would struggle with a perfectionistic mindset (ugh dont we all) and sometimes lose her artistry while richie is relaxed and genuinely just dances for enjoyment, not really caring if shes not completely technically sound
(btw you are such a talented writer i could read ur writing forever. and you characterization skills are so fucnjkh good)
(Here's the fic for reference btw)
Dude, homie, bestie, my dear like it’s so STUCK IN MY BRAIN because like?? I in general am of the opinion that gals Stan and Richie were in dance classes as little kids together, because I think it’s fun, and I ALSO think they’re the two funniest characters to throw onto reality television? Like,,,, come on?  
(Also like I’m Bad at describing dance for a person who dances so unfortunately there isn’t nearly enough dance info forthcoming in this as there is in my brain)
SO the basic timeline and lore built out in my head is:
Age 2: Richie and Stan start dancing at the ALDC in those baby ballet classes, Andrea and Maggie become friends sitting in waiting rooms and tiny Richie and Stan baby bond INSTANTLY, so they’re best friends immediately 
Age 8: The show starts filming, and it follows the actual real life incredibly fucked up dance moms lore where everyone thought they were signing up for a short documentary style thing about dancing and got locked into YEARS OF TELEVISED CHILDHOOD TRAUMA
They’re in a one year contract at first, which then gets upped to a five year contract once the show starts picking up, so six years in total that they’re REQUIRED to be on the show.
Stan genuinely is very invested in dance and both her and her parents specifically put a lot of weight in her being successful (without meaning to be kind of fucked up about it), and she’s an only child with a stay at home mom who can spend all her time on Dance, so that’s why they sign on
Richie is pretty much Gonna Do What Stan Is Doing and is generally having fun (-ish) with the being a minor celebrity of it all because she’s Nine Years Old so she’s down
She does have one older sister but she’s way, way older (18 when Richie is 8 kind of vibe) so she’s going to college by the time the show begins and therefore Maggie and Went feel comfortable committing to it
(There are some episodes where Maggie isn’t there because of Richie’s sister and Abby thinks she’s a bad mom because of it and says it a lot)
It’s also important to note that they’re just normal people being intensely manipulated by production to sign on
At the start of the show A La Maddie (DISCLAIMER: i refuse to write any semblance of real person fanfiction, Abby doesn’t count because she fucking sucks, so decide on ur own if the normal real dance moms girls are there or there are just other random Dance Children) Stan is very much the golden child who Always wins and Always gets very good solos because she’s abby’s favorite
Their solos are mostly Ballet and Lyrical because they are technically incredible and a very pretty dancer
HOWEVER like you said she is SUCH a perfectionist (mood) and takes every loss REALLY personally, so it becomes a sort of toxic fandom mindset that she is a spoiled brat because they cry a lot and have panic attacks over not liking how a dance went (FILMED LIVE ON FUCKING TELEVISION AT EIGHT! WUH OH!) 
Richie is sort of set up to be a Jojo type character, where she’s REALLY REALLY fun to watch dance and a ball full of energy but because she’s so Much all the time the producers end up painting her as very, very rude and sort of lazy brat
But she’s a fantastic performer, which is crazy important in dance, and it’s not like she’s BAD she’s just not super technical? Which actually sometimes works in her favor because she ends up being a really a super versatile dancer
Jazz and musical theater are her Big Two but she’s pretty much good at everything except ballet because WHO IS? (Stan)
The dynamic is basically Stan is a incredible dancer but really just at certain styles (idk if I’m describing this well but she’s very much the kind of dancer you watch and think Wow She’s Good At Dancing and Doing This Correctly) and Richie is very much a jack of all trades master of none
They’re very good at duets though because Richie gets Stan to loosen up and Stan refuses to let Richie Not Practice Constantly
Richie’s coasting the bottom of the pyramid WEEKLY even when she wins because of her ‘behavior’ and Stan is usually at the top
Generally the production team tries to frame the two of them as enemies because they’re SO different that it makes good television for perfect, ballerina Stan to be constantly butting heads with obnoxious brat Richie but they’re genuinely such good friends it Does Not Work
One episode is set up to sort of push the Hate Each Other narrative in season one where they give Stan a really cheesy, big performance jazz number and Richie a really, really technical ballet number, expecting it to be a big competition and fight but instead they just help each other practice and cheer each other up when they get upset
Stan wins the first nationals, obviously
Age 9-10ish: By the second season it sort of starts to pick up in intensity and both of them start to get homeschooled/setschooled and the show becomes their entire lives, which is Bad
By this point both of their mental health isn’t Awesome but Stan is really not doing great, especially because they’re so anxious the social media perception is really getting to them, and her mom is trying really hard to get out of their contract, but they’re stuck. 
Stan and Richie (along with their moms) decide they’re both leaving together the second their contracts are up.
Someone else from their team wins nationals second season but because Stan is so in her head about everything she gets like fourth, which is also Bad For Her and the narrative starts to slightly switch from ‘golden child’ into ‘is she Still the golden child?’
Age 11: THIRD SEASON, though, Richie win’s nationals and Stan gets second, which like… isn’t supposed to happen
(Fun actual Dance Moms fact: pretty much all the competitions are rigged but nationals are Less Rigged like they’re tilted in their favor but the judges are a little more real)
Abby is PISSED and basically tries to make it seem like the judges messed up scoring or it was a mistake and it’s one of those Famous dance moms scenes because Abby is basically saying that Stan should have won because she is better and Richie is clearly very genuinely upset (which doesn’t happen a lot she’s very good at like making when she’s upset a joke when the cameras are around) and Stan fully stands up to Abby and calls her out on her bullshit 
After that the whole energy skews more against Stan where suddenly production is airing a lot more of the little insults they usually cut out specifically for Stan to try and push the agenda that Abby is unfairly nice to them
Everyone sort of blames Richie for it a lot of the time, though, and the two of them probably have a thinly veiled duet called like The Bad Influence 
Age 12: Abby really fucks up and says something Genuinely So Bad (and probably Pretty Antisemetic im ngl because have you fucking watched dance moms?) to Stan so production literally cannot make them stay legally, like with Kelly situation, where it could get them into actual trouble so Stan and Andrea are allowed to break their contract and leave the show
The show runners cut most of the argument out and edit it to seem like it wasn’t Abby’s fault
Richie and her mom try to follow but because it’s a specific situation that wasn’t aimed at Richie they aren’t allowed
They both know they’re leaving when the contract is up but there's still two years stuck on the show without her immediate best friend support system and it really sucks
People make a lot of sad edits about it and Richie thinks it’s really funny but also it's genuinely the crux of why she's QUITE so mentally ill (in general being hated by abby was never good for her but once Stan leaves it's ROUGH)
Age 14: Richie’s off the show, she knows she’s gonna be off the show, so she like fully flips Abby off in the dressing room after nationals and storms out with her mom and the show honestly just keeps it in because it’s good tv to have a big reason like that to explain why she left
They worked it out so Stan and her mom are waiting outside and they drive them home and hang out and it’s a good time :)
Richie and Stan were best friends with Mike from before the show and they went to school together/continued to post both of them leaving the show
She’s in One (1) episode for two seconds at like a party or something and Richie and Stan pretty much Just Post That Scene when they’re older, like if someone asks them about their favorite moment they’re like oh yeah when mike was there
She’s got a big social media following from the two of them and thinks it’s hilarious
They meet the rest of the losers in college
Bill and Mike are college roommates who are crushing hard on eachother so she becomes their friend through Mike
Stan and Ben are roommates and Ben is dating Bev so that’s how they become friends
Bev was a childhood Dance Moms stan, like ran a fan instagram account and went to meet ups because I think that's really funny don’t worry she’s better now
Bill and Eddie have been best friends since elementary school so she gets dragged to a lot of their hangouts and is completely and entirely unaware that Stan and Richie are like c-list celebrities for a WHILE
tbh this is like a very train of thought bare bones explanation but do with it what you will :)
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properlycolorful · 2 years
Hiii, I really love you fake film meme’s and was wondering if you could explain 4 of them because they sounds so interesting!!!! I’d love to know ur full outlook on Flameringer, White Jane, Sully and Jane and Cherry Picker.
It’s okay if you don’t have a storyline in mind!! just really curious cause they sound so awesome😊
Sorry for the late response, but it's such a weighty question - not in a bad way, but in a very intentional and attentive way - so I had to take some time out to answer it.
Nevertheless, all of those were super fun to come up with. Each of them have a theme, of course, but all of them are eerily similar to each other (because I actually didn't mean to make them be; it just so happens my brain is into those dark things, yikes).
Anyway, let's delve into them because we can! Yay!
theme: search for identity / the power of imagination / generational connection (and trauma) / the importance of storytelling / revenge / most importantly: un-actualized self vs ideal self
With Flameringer, Sam struggles with not knowing who he is and feeling "ostracized” within himself, which creates a bitterness at all the 'well-connected’ and ‘wealthy' folk around him, so he's always defensive. This is nothing new in any angry lead, but what makes this story so compelling is his ability to fill this ancestral (and individual) loss of identity by creating stories of who his father and grandfather were. And, naturally, he imagines them as 'Dirty Harry' types, which we find out later in the movie they're not, but by that point he's regressed so far into his identity that it's too late.
So... he gets revenge with all his other resentful friends, dealing with the same ancestral problems, by setting the 'corrupt' governor's house aflame with him in it. Because it was never about the dog - well, maybe a little. He destroys several properties around town, hurts several wealthy - and non-wealthy folks in the process - and all the while the movie is glittered with surreal sequences of Sam's imagination of his father - and, somehow, those moments are so sweet, because even if he paints them in this violent lighting, he also lends them these quiet, intimate, and vulnerable moments where he intertwines his own softness with theirs. Like the kindness he lends to his black horse, alcoholic mother, and sister that never was. It's like all his softness extends only to that world, but it's more murkier than ever when he dreams about his grandfather killing people, like -
I suppose it also gets into the analysis of white supremacy and the patriarchy without meaning to, but it makes for a surreal ride if it's done well.
theme: 'actions have consequences' / nostalgia / memory / un-actualized self vs. ideal self / 'the butterfly effect' / search for identity / the parallel aspect of life
This is one of those movies where there's three different plots, but they all connect in the end. Obviously, Lee is a chemist so he made a bad batch of cocaine - or laced his batch with something he shouldn't have - and Jane was a secret addict so she died. Now, they're onto him, particularly the lawyer Joel who wants to make a difference. At the same time, Kierra skips school - for the first time - with her classmates. By the time Joel finds Lee out, Kierra dies from Lee's bad batch after doing cocaine with her friends. Throughout the movie, Lee meets Joel several times, and they talk, unaware of each other, as does Kierra - once - with Lee and Joel separately. As if these parallel lines were connecting for the first time and it's kind of heartbreaking because they'd all be good for each other, if not for the different choices and selves they've made.
Now, the point here isn't 'never skip school' or 'don't do drugs'; it's more like choices work like a river: they move endlessly down a mountain and are extensive as they go. There's no way to control these actions once they're done; Lee tries to track his batch, but it's out of his hands, and he finds out Kierra dies and finally understands the depth of the 'one' thing he did. Nostalgia and memory here are key, because the other time the characters spend reanalyzing their lives and actions. Their childhoods. The fuzziest, grainiest moments in their lives. And use those very things to almost justify and propel their actions forward - even Jane does, and it's dangerous, especially when some of the events never even went that way. Especially when it makes them do dumb things -
Lee goes to jail, Joel gets hired by an amazing law firm, and Kierra's family is devastated. In the end, Joel visits Lee in prison and the camera fades out to them having this moment in time together; parallel lines finally deciding to meet. And it's good, because maybe someone doesn't have to stand in for misfortune; maybe they can just be good. Obviously, the audience is unsure of whether this is a fair ending, but you sort of can't help but be happy about it. Maybe that river of evil can end somewhere. Maybe it ends here -
Also, there’s a very powerful critique of race when it comes to tragedy and crime; everyone cared about governor Jane, but Kierra and many others are forgotten, and Joel isn’t credited, which is why it’s called White Jane, but also because the ‘river’ traces back to her.
Anyway, the movie could only be set in the early 2000's, like 2005 or 2007, because there has to be this ting of nostalgia and haze to it. Like we're staring into a snow globe or something. It makes you unable to resist the same thing the characters are using to drive their choices, but also make you realize you're watching a 'movie' so it's untrustworthy in the sense of perspective.
theme: the power (and danger) of imagination / the importance of storytelling / un-actualized self vs. actualized self / lust / greed / love / dreams / nostalgia / nihilism
So... most of the movie is fuzzy to me, but it’s incredibly similar to Flameringer in that the characters live a lot of their lives in their imagination. The whole movie is surreal and combines scenes inside of the characters’ heads, even the sadistic Yeun. All of them create their own stories and reasons for why they make the choices that they do, but ultimately, like White Jane, it’s all tainted and never justifies the havoc they wreak on people. However, this is different in that it highlights the importance of a good story for the human; while Flameringer highlighted the importance of ancestry (and deconstructing it), Sully and Jane recognizes the importance of a good story (perhaps a moral one too) for the person. If not, it could disrupt their whole sense of self, like it has to all the characters. 
To them, their lives are not real - as if matter itself bends to their desires - which is where the musical sequences become both terrifying and irresistible. All of them hurt people, but to us it looks like the people want to be involved. 
Anyway, the story goes Sully and Jane borrow Gregory’s (Steven Yeun) money, but their ‘friends’ take it from them, and so they have to recover it, while all the while - just like in White Jane and Flameringer - hurting everyone around them. But they don’t care, because it’s as if the world isn’t real to them and only their stories are; nihilism is at its worst in this one. However, as an audience, you can’t help but root for Sully and Jane, because it’s almost as if they’re unaware of what they’re doing, while the others know very clearly. Riding around town, chasing each other, having shoot-outs; it’s all this fun fantasy they’re unaware is destroying towns. Both of them spent most of their childhoods watching TV or reading a book, but never really talking to people. 
In the end, they die by sacrificing themselves for the sake of ‘cutting their story short.’ The longer they live, the worst the story gets, so they overdose everyone’s drinks with a sort of hallucinogenic and they all sort of have this whimsical dance sequence together (’Mucho Mungo/Mt. Elsa’). It’s beautiful, but bizarre.
theme: self vs. self / lust / ‘the butterfly effect’ / search of identity / creativity / art vs artist / nihilism 
With this one, the issue is the two leads are artists unable to make art. One works at an art gallery and the other at some museum curation thing; they’re cherrypickers, who curate art and find it, but can never have it; endlessly, they see these beautiful pieces of art that they can’t replicate. Who are they if they can’t be creative? If they can’t make art? They’re bored, unable to resist their desires, and blame this lack of ‘creating’ on the world around them; it’s people that make it hard to make art. Therefore, one night, in their car, they’re high, not paying attention to the road, and kill someone by accident. Naturally, they hide the body, and seem to get away with it, but when they find out the person wanted to die anyway - after doing some digging - they believe there’s something ‘artistic’ about that sort of death.
And thus it begins. Just like in White Jane, while these deaths seem ‘justified’ with their own reasoning, a person is never just one person. A person is a family, friends, or co-workers, so someone finds out their loved one died and, also struggling with their self-control and desires, unleashes their bloodlust of sorts. Now, someone else is killing people too - for the hell of it - and cops start to figure it’s a revenge of sorts. But it’s weirder than that; it’s an anger that resembles Hader’s and Bridge’s; someone took her ‘cherry,’ her thing, and that’s that -
Again, this idea of filling the void of self, like Flameringer, with creation and ideation. This idea that creativity (and art) is intrinsic to the person, whether they know it or not, and if they don’t have it... well, they’ll go wild. Of course, there’s depression and anxiety also intertwined here; neither of them value themselves outside of what they do, even if it’s something as ‘positive’ as art - though, is art always positive? Anyway, they hate themselves so they lash out and take ‘art’ by taking lives. 
I figure in the end they realize they don’t love (and need) art as much as they need (and love) each other. They’re not willing to go through with each other’s suicide, which would be their form of finalizing their ‘artistic’ piece. So they choose love over art. Figuring that love in and of itself is creative. So they turn themselves in, after fighting tooth and nail with Comer before she falls to her death. And, just when they get back in their car, a fire starts up and they burn in the car together. And the frame looks like a chiaroscuro painting - bright, but dark, and beautiful, and unforgettable -
What that means I do not know. But that’s that.
Anyway, what do you think? Is it what you envisioned? Is it different? Would you end any of these differently? Is there another fake film meme you’d like me to dissect? 
I’m all ears!
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the25thviolence · 2 years
Super Power-void of darkness, sad back story, eventually disappear and become the shadows I was controlling.  
If I could be one overwatch character- Right now because I just woke up I would want to be Baptiste because he seems to have one of the more normal lives in overwatch.  Dude just be running health clinics for the poor and vulnerable.  My friend said he would choose to be tracer.  I noted that he had a choice and still chose to be British (he’s British).
Back to the cliche super hero prompt.  I always envisioned it like a loner that hangs out at night, for whatever reason, something or other happens to him, triggers an xmen or mha style super power appearance.  Can’t control it, doesn’t try, goes on a like 3 week murder binge of people he thinks are bad.  Has some kind of sudden realization and just fades into shadow and like becomes a shadow forever.  
To touch on the My Hero Academia reference.  The spinoff Vigilantes does a really good job to show what life is like for non-heroes in the universe that dude created.  How people’s powers don’t really develop to dangerous levels as they grow up.  And touches heavily on what happens when ur powers develop after the age where hero school is an option.  It shows a void in the system for adults that fell thru the holes as youth.  Maybe there powers were strong enough yet, they went unnoticed, or maybe they were too busy actually saving someone to show up on time for there hero tests.  The main character develops his powers after high school and is an actual usable hero but since he didn’t pass thru the youth system for heroes he can’t enter it as an adult.   So he does, well, vigilante work.  
Its a great story I recommend reading because it also shows how a non-affiliated hero does more community outreach etc than a normal legal hero would.  Like a down to earth realization that reminds the “actual” heroes what it means to be a real hero.  Also they can ignore laws and regulations which is why some of the characters from MHA interact with them and use them occasionally. 
If I had to pick an Overwatch character that sadly fit my life and personality------
Maybe Brig, Pharah, or Cassidy.  Someone who was too young when Overwatch was around or considered non-important when Overwatch was around.  But now has a bigger role during the current timeline.  Or I could view myself more like Sojourn.  Someone who had more of a role back in the day but now comes back to work with the younger generation.  
I exist as two people to my family and sometimes they intertwine.  I am the youngest of 6 siblings or I am the oldest kid grouped with all the Nieces and Nephews.  I am closer in age to half my nieces and nephews than I am to my own siblings. 
On one hand I’m talking to my brother or brother in law about work and how its going.  And on the other hand I’m taking my nieces and nephews downstairs to hang out because my sister was an idiot and yelled at her daughter for no reason. 
Than I’m upstairs lifting another nephew up in the air.  Than I’m being asked about how my mom is doing because I help her out more than the rest of us.  
Its kind of sad.  How all this caring for my family distracts my depression ridden brain.  But whenever I’m done caring and loving them all I can do is stare up at the sky.  And think about how much I hate myself.  How much I want to disappear.  How much I just want to exist as myself and not someone holding up an Atlas styled rock, or someone constantly frantically filling the holes of a sinking boat.  Trying to catch all the “emergency” issues and help.  
My family is used to it now.
They know I like to be alone and quiet.  
But they still wonder where I am during the time whenever everything is normal.  
And I just want a break between the madness.   Between the emergencies.  
I’m on the tip of my toes around them waiting to catch anything that may fall.  
Being around them next weekend for a special tribal christmas weekend wouldn’t be relaxing for me.  
It would just be me in a hotel room full of nieces and nephews trying to explain to them why there parents went to hang out for a few hours without them.  And how every action I take in that moment is to make sure they don’t get sad.  
I just want to pretend I’m alive between the moments of keeping everyone else alive.  
I truly do wish I wasn��t born.  I was an accident.  Being the last born so late into a families already long existence is such a burden.  
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daaydreamy · 2 years
i been tryingggg 😭 but i’m like the only one brave enough to say anything ig like when my aunt passed they came to stay at our house for the weekend (they live like 45 mins away) and i didn’t mind that he came with bc it’s nice for him to be there to like emotionally support my sister and stuff so yea sure whatever but we were all at my grandparents house YA KNOW LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO JUST LOST THEIR DAUGHTER and he was the only non family member there and he was sitting on the couch next to my sister complaining that he was bored and my sister told him he could drive back to our house (like less than 10 mins away from my grandparents) and he was like “no no it’s ok” and then me, my cousin, my grandma, and my sister were all sitting around the table looking through pictures to find ones of my aunt that we could use for the slideshow at her viewing service and he was sitting at the end of the table leaning his face on his hand and basically just sighing and pouting out of boredom like?? oh i’m so sorry sir we should be entertaining u instead of looking through pictures of MY LITERAL DEAD AUNT like come ooooon 😭 and then we were AT her viewing service and my sister asked me to go up with her to the casket (just in case u don’t have these in ur country bc not everybody does them here either a viewing is when they basically have the deceased person in an open casket so people can say their goodbyes i personally hate them bc no matter how much work the mortician puts in the dead person is still gonna look dead and now that image is gonna be burned into my brain forever but that’s not the point) so anyway i went with my sister bc she asked ME to go and he came up with us and in the middle of us looking at our dead aunt who looks very much dead and nothing like she did when she was alive he starts rubbing his head and goes “ow” a couple times real quiet and my sister’s like “are u okay bby 🥺” and he’s like “yea no no i’m fine yea it’s ok no i’m totally fine i just have a headache” UM HELLURRRRR MY AUNTS CORPSE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US CAN U TONE DOWN THE THEATRICS FOR NOW THANK YEW 😋 so yea that whole experience really pissed me off like sir we are fully grieving if u don’t know how to act in this situation stay home!! u literally had that option!!! also completely unrelated but he has a bad habit of mansplaining eeeeeverything and takes 20 minutes to finish a full sentence on top of that so yea i can’t rly stand him in case u couldn’t tell 🤭
also sorry that was so much 😭 i didn’t mean it
LMFAOOOOO i feel like he should know when to go to events with ur sister and when not to bc man 😭😭😭
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cebwrites · 2 years
more trans claimed charas cause my brain will not stop!
trans fem Robin during her archeology studies figuring she is trans. like actual archeologists determine a skeletons "gender" off context clues of their culture, even maybe something that tells who that person is is better, but if there's nothing they'll go by bones tentatively.
Robin finding that other cultures gender roles and presentation inspires her to explore herself. finding her self in her studies and being recognized by her fellow archeologists of being a smart little girl. also the bit of euphoria of having the "flower flower" devil fruit. she took advantage of that baroque works evil insurance/money to get medical transition.
trans Nami that knew when she was real little and that's part of why she gets hand-me-downs from her older sister (nonbinary fem Nojiko, Bellemere does not care of gender but as badass mom) getting the pinwheel/melon tattoo was not only something for her home/mom/gunny uncle but the softest thing she's ever had on her and added to her euphoria of being fem. also also having steady meals by Sanji and filling out her figure, especially also after the time skip with a stable place to learn her skills, feeling she has curves more so than before when she didn't always have food.
oh man "Self Made Man" is somehwere on Frankys workshop walls cause he literally is! makes one for Usopp cause he also is! Franky calls his nipple lights gender affirming cause he always wanted to "light up your lives!" he's so gender-whatever being a cyborg just doubles that.
Luffys gender is pirate king. nothing else needs to be said.
we are driving the down with the cis bus, u n me anon AKSDJUHSRGH
OHHH THAT'S GOOOOOOOD the hc i had with a friend of mine was that robin kind of always knew, like her aunt treated her so awfully that she'd be forced to wear her cousin's clothes but never really felt bad about being in "girls clothes" rather that it was done as a show of cruelty
when robin went on the run she figured that "disguising herself as a woman" would make things easier since the navy was looking for a young man and over time things just slowly fell into place, baroque definitely helping (croc may be a dictator but he's paying full coverage for ur tits as an agent, he said we support trans healthcare 💅💅)
bellemere had shaved sides and pronouns of course she'd support her little Gender(tm) baby girls 😤😤
USOPP AND FRANKY IN MATCHING SELF MADE MAN SHIRTS!!! THAT'S A FATHER AND HIS SON!!!!!!!! everyone groans whenever franky makes that old joke but robin just does her soft little smile because that's the cyborg she fell in love with 🥺💕
loof's gender is the grubby pair of shoes that makino bought him at like twelve but he wore them out within three months as a growing kid (+ luffy not liking them anyway because sandals were comfier to him) and he's never thought about gender again
// lays down on the floor it'd be so easy to transition on law's crew..... they've probably got loads of hrt and the best doctor as their cap........... why can't i kiss law and get them to chop my tiddies off
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x-chubby-reader · 4 years
hi!! first of all, love ur writing! second, if ur still taking requests, then maybe a love at first sight situation of Semi Eita seeing chubby y/n in the audience during his show, and dying to meet her afterwards? :)
A/N - Sure, this also seems like a really cute idea to do too ;) I hope this is good enough for what you requested♡
Not Proof Read
Mention of drinking alcohol
Lowercase intentional 
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okay so there were a few perks of having friends
and one of them was this magical thing called
free stuff
you see, your friend worked at an small hometown venue as a janitor and had an extra ticket to the show that was going to be there
she mostly just wanted you to get out of the house for once since you were always cooped up with your stay at home job
 but that didn’t mean that you went going to accept her gracious gift
so after putting on your favorite outfit (the one that showed just the right amount of skin and complemented your body in every possible way) and strapping on some shoes
though one thing you made sure to put on was the garnet necklace your grandmother got you on your 17th birthday
damn was that thing reflective
the old woman insisting it to be a ‘wedding present for you’ since she most likely wouldn’t live to yours (you always debated on marriage, since it made you feel tied down)
and since she practically raised you, you made sure to keep it on all of the time
after checking to make sure you had anything, you were ready to go and have a blast
you never really heard of the band that was supposed to be playing tonight, but that didn’t really matter to you anyway since you were here to just have a good time and with a few drinks, you could dance to anything
once you were so buzzed that you started to get down to the fire alarm at a nightclub
now eita was already up on stage when you got there, and of course he payed you no mind
granted, he couldn’t really notice anyone since the lights facing the stage were so blinding and the room being so busy
everything in front of him was blurry and dark if he didn’t try to focus his vision on it
but then something shined him in the eye, multiple times
if he was being honest, it was pissing him off since he couldn’t focus on his bass notes
he most likely thought that some person way trying to distract him as a ‘joke’
but what he didn’t know was that it was a just a girl, a girl with a very shiny piece of jewelry
thanks for helping out this ship grandma, always pulling through for us
as soon as semi sharply glared over in your direction trying to figure out what the distracting gleam was, his face softened
oh he was immediately whipped as soon as he saw your dancing form, your movements were so fluid and smooth
damn sis you had such great rhythm, you were synced up so well with the beat of the song
eita’s brain full on buffered for a moment, missing a note 
he full on tried as hard as he could to keep his mind on the task at hand
he couldn't
the sudden break in the music make you look over to the stage in confusion, your gleaming eyes meeting his brown eyes
now you were the one who was starstruck,
but the dear in headlights expression on your face quickly faded into a grin, before you went back to dancing
eita blinked once, then twice, then three times
a small smile growing on his face as he looked away to the other members
all of them had a look of ‘are you kidding me’ on their faces’, mostly because they’ve never seen him mess up in their lives, especially over a pretty girl
but in this moment, eita could of cared less, he wanted to wife up this mystery girl so badly
and when it came time to go backstage and put away their instruments, homeboy was so fast to clean up (he wanted to have a chance to find you)
and oh boy his band mates were brutal to him, poking fun at how ‘childish’ he was being, of course he wouldn't find his mysterious dream girl with the shiny accessory
while your thicker than a snicker self had went to find your friend, asking the easiest way to ‘bump into’ a band that played at the small venue
and being one of the best wing-man's you’ve ever met, she helped a sister out
so that’s how you ended up outside of the back entrance of the kinda sketchy building 
you kept shifting your weight from one foot to another, was this a bad idea? maybe... would you regret not trying to meet the silver haired boy? yes
with you so caught in though, you didn’t even notice the lean man who accidentally ran into you
you stumbled backwards, waiting to fall on your rear-end
but the hard surface never came, though you did feel a pair of calloused hands gripping on your shoulders
looking up slightly, you made eye contact with your stoic hero
you backed up so fast, a small heatwave slowly moving over your cheeks
there was an awkward silence between the two of you, maybe because you both didn’t think it would be this easy for the both of you to find each other
your mystery man, eita, opened his moth as if he was about to say something but then closed it
hating the silence, you decided to break it
a small smile appeared on his face once again
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winghero-writing · 4 years
hey I just found your blog and.. WHY DIDN'T I SEE U B4 UR SO GREAT I LOVE U FOR THE 30 MIN I READ THRU EVERYTHING!!! and I was wondering since u did a Keigo x Todoroki!reader and the reader told the smaller fam about her bf I want to know how Endeavor reacts :p U don't have to do it but I'm a fucking cat and curiosity finna kill me.
Hey! In sorry in taking too long to answer the asks but in going to get them out, I promise! Also, thank you so much for the support! I hope I did justice to what you wanted!
It had been a few weeks since Y/N introduced Keigo to her siblings. She was happy with the outcome and so was Hawks. But right now, is when the real challenge starts.
She knew that her siblings would like Hawks, and even if they didn't like him that much she could use her privilege as an older sibling and get them to stay out of her love life. It was really reliving when they told her they were happy for her.
Now, her dad was something unpredictable, she can't even imagine the way he would react.
Now, her days consist of her head full of scenarios of how to break the news to her dad and how he would react.
She knows he is changing for the better. He took to heart the advice she told him and began to show interest in his children without giving up, even when Natsuo pushed him away or Shoto ignored him.
She was pulling a lot of scenarios in her head at the moment that she didn't hear the door from the apartment. She gave Hawks a spare key since she always got scared when he used the window to get in.
"Dove?" Hawks made his way from the front door to the kitchen where he found his girlfriend lost in thought.
"What are you thinking about, little birdie." He moved a chair and took a seat, he saw her jump a little, getting out of thought. He laughed a little at her reaction.
"Keigo! I didn't hear you. I'm so sorry!" She stood from her chair a little and give him a kiss. It didn't last too long but he was satisfied with it.
"So, what do you have in your head that you forgot about me?" He rested his chin on his hand, giving her his full attention.
Y/N played with her fingers a little in deep thoughts before answering him.
"It's just..." She let out a long sigh. "I already introduce you to my siblings and my mother. I have to introduce you to my father too." She looked at him and found a smug expression in his face. She knew that he would think that all this would be easy but it wouldn't be.
"Not as the Winged Hero, Hawks. As Takami Keigo, his daughter's boyfriend." She put extra emphasis on the word 'daughter'.
She would have laughed at how his expression changed and his face showed realization about how he would have to meet Enji Todoroki, not Endeavor, but the topic at hand didn't a low her to laugh.
"I..." His whole body position change after her statement, now sitting upright and tense in the kitchen chair.
"I didn't think about it in that way..."
She smiled a little, if he got this worked up about meeting her family at least it showed that he was serious.
"We'll find a way for him not to blow up." She rested her hand on top of his own, offering comfort to her now troubled boyfriend.
A few days later, the two of them agree that Y/N would call her siblings and father to have a family dinner where she would take her boyfriend. She told her siblings that Hawks would go but hid that information to her father.
Again, her head was pulling all kinds of scenarios of the possible outcome of this dinner. Sensing her distress, Hawks took her face in his hands and looked straight in her eyes
"Hey, it's not like I'll die, you know!" He laughed, trying to make the tension lighter.
She smiled at his attempts to relaxed her. She knew that he was a lot more nervous than he showed.
The two were wearing casual clothes since it wasn't anything formal. Just dinner.
They arrived a little early for Y/N to help her younger sister for dinner. Hawks helped too, Natsuo and Shoto arrived not long after the couple. The only one missing was Enji.
He had sent a message to Y/N telling her that he was on his way, also apologizing for being a little late.
"Okay, dad is on his way." Y/N save her phone in her pocket and turned to look at her two little brothers.
"Please, don't cause a fight." She took their hands, Natsuo and Shoto saw their sister pleading eyes, it made them realize how important this was for her (and Hawks) so they agree.
Smiling at the two and giving them a kiss on the cheek, she turned to Hawks next. He smiled at her.
'Looks like he is not that nervous anymore, huh.' She returned the smiled.
"Euh, get a room you two." Natsuo made a gagging noise and turned around not wanting to see the lovey-dovey interaction that the couple had. Shoto just stared at them, not finding the problem.
Hawks laugh out loud and put his arm around Y/N.
"Well, maybe after this, we will go to the room?" He asked seductively. Y/N hit his chest and got out of his one arm hug.
"Pervert." She went to talk to Shoto about the girl she helped him with but not before sending a smile at her boyfriend.
"Y/N-nee! Dad is here!" She heard Fuyumi from the door. Y/N stood up immediately and looked at Hawks.
He made his way to the door before she could stop him.
"Yo! Endeavor, how have you been?" Hawks greet the man in a simple way. He tried to make this lighter.
"What are you doing in my house bit brain?" Endeavor didn't expect to see the Number Two in his house. His mood was starting to get down (in an angry way!) seeing the blond hero in his house.
"Dad! How have you been!" Y/N stood in front of Hawks, trying to shield him. Enji's face softened a bit at seeing his older daughter greeting him but he tried not to show it. Still, Hawks notice this change in his expression.
"Good. Now, could someone tell me why is Hawks here?" He looked at everyone in the room. Natsuo and Shoto were just watching from the sidelines but their faces showed amusement at the situation. Fuyumi just watched and couldn't help but feel a little bad about her older sister.
"You see dad, I broug..."
"I didn't come here as Hawks, Endeavor." Hawks interrupted Y/N and put his arm around her waist.
"I came here as Keigo, Y/N's boyfriend."
The house was silent for a long while. The tension could be cut with a knife. Nobody dared to move either.
Endeavor glared at Hawks while the blond was smiling at him (smirking would be more accurate).
Y/N let out a sigh, at least the news was out. She got out of Hawks hold and stood in front of her dad. She smiled at him.
"We have been together for a few months now. He is a good guy. I hope you accept him soon."
And so, she went to the table to start serving the plates, her sibling followed her to help in anything they could (also, to get out of the tension between the two heroes).
"So, I have your blessing...?" Hawks was the first one to talk, he wasn't as nervous as before but seeing how Endeavor was glaring at him would scare anyone.
"You're dead bird brain." He took Hawks from his shirt and put him at his same eye level. The blond male just gave him his carefree smile.
"Wow, wow, calm down Endeavor! I really love her you know!" He looked at him in the eyes. "And I really hope that you don't mind me being with her. I promise to protect her from anything."
"She can protect herself, she is strong." Endeavor let out in a gruff tone.
Hawks laugh at this. "Yeah, I know!"
Endeavor let go of Hawks, letting him fall from his hands. The blond male was unaffected by it and started to fix his clothes.
"I can't control her." Endeavor let out after a while. "I don't have the right, but if you hurt her you're dead." And so, Endeavor made his way to were his children where waiting.
Hawks was left there stunned. That was a blessing, right? Did he approve?
He followed the same path and took a seat beside Y/N who just looked at him with a smile. She had heard them talking and for her, it was a win. At least her dad didn't kill him.
The dinner was then filled with Fuyumi attempts to make her brothers talk without success. Y/N laughed at it, thanking her brothers for staying quiet, she knew that if they talk they would start to throw insults at their father.
At the end of the night, it was a successful mission for the couple. Even when Endeavor threatened Hawks that he would beat him up the next time. Y/N just laugh and enjoy her time in family.
- Bonus -
Hawks was patrolling. He hates patrolling at night since he enjoys sleeping in Y/N's bed, cuddling her. It was a fairly peaceful night but he didn't fail to see the blue fire from an alley not too far where he was.
He made his way to the alley and was met face to face with the infamous villain, Dabi.
"Fancy seeing you here, Number two." The villain said to him. "I'm not here to fight." Dabi put his arms up in form of surrender.      "More especially, I came here to talk to you."
"What do you want Dabi." Hawks was getting pissed, he didn't want to deal with this now and fighting at this time it's a pain in the ass for him.
"I know that you associate me with the League..." Dabi hid his hands in his pockets and began walking away from him. "But you know... This is more on a personal note..." He turned a little to watch him in the eyes before going away. "You hurt her and you are dead." Dabi glared at him. It was the first time that Hawks feel scared of a villain. What did he mean by her? Before he could ask, Dabi was already out of sign.
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olivieblake · 3 years
KSIGJICNRJCNEHCBD HELLO HELLO WELCOME TO THE HELL THAT IS KNOWING ZUTARA IS EVERYTHING AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN WRITTEN AS SUCH !!!! wow i love that you are as angry as i was (and am every rewatch? yikes) this is amazing i knew you're my favorite but yeah wow man this really. confirms it whew high five
yeah it’s pretty wild how I knew this was what happened and was already bracing for it and yet STILL got completely misled by the narrative??? MEN I tell you MEN. I’m also going to use this ask as a method to reply to some of the other commentary if you don’t mind since this seems like a good place for communal frustration (here is my original post for anyone scrolling around lost)
@meg-hemmings: I agree with all of ur thoughts and I would TOTALLY read anything you wrote for Zutara … your writing is among my absolute favorite ever and I think you would write the Zutara dynamic so beautifully!
@one-man-propaganda-machine: I am - begging - you to write it yourself.
I... am not going to make promises, but I may have to. I want something very specific and that never bodes well for me. I doubt it would be more than a one-shot, but there are multiple scenes that could have occurred between episodes that would flesh out what was there (and of course I’d cut the final 15 seconds of the show, much like another epilogue I loathe and ignore)
@deifiliaa: omg atla discourse in 2021; olivie, i’d love to see what your character tier list looks like now that you’ve finished the series 👀
I’m going to put azula at the top. not because she’s a good person obviously but she’s FULL. OF. HITS. every time she’s on the screen the narrative gets immediately more interesting. she’s savvy and self-assured and I love it. her ending depressed me although I like that it was kind of about the loss of her two best friends? if that had been more of a focus I think I would have enjoyed it more but yeah, losing mai and ty lee could have been rightfully devastating. who among us is not totally obliterated by friend breakups. I also really loved uncle iroh; if anything that’s why I wasn’t invested in zuko’s storyline until close to the end, because watching him disappoint his uncle was very difficult (I get it, he’s a teenager, he’s growing and evolving and whatnot, but also I am closer to being his uncle than to being him so like, yeah). I also hope the peter pan revenge guy (JET that’s his name, sorry pregnancy kills my brain cells) did hook up with both katara and zuko. I love that journey for all three of them. I wanted more time with mai than we got, so there wasn’t quite enough there to love... but I was very down with ty lee interfering on her behalf. what a pivotal moment
of the core characters I think I was quickest to love sokka; the episode where he apologizes to suki and asks her to train him cemented it for me. I think it’s a big deal to show boys apologizing on-screen and owning their misconceptions. I like katara a lot—she’s what a lot of people do with fanon hermione. toph is also great, and part of me feels there is a strong basis for a ship with aang that balances their opposing energy, though I also like the idea of them being platonic besties. aang is... twelve. pretty much every time he was on the screen mr blake (a teacher) was like “man, aang is such a seventh grader,” so it was nice how convincing that was for his emotional journey, but at the same time it was hard to forget he was in seventh grade. appa and momo are STARS. I am sure I have mentioned this before but mr blake really loves animals and he was devastated by appa’s kidnapping; he hugged our dog for about ten minutes after aang found appa. after he decided I was zuko, he speculated that he is closest to aang but he’s not happy about it lol. “ugh, aang and I are such boring pacifists” was I believe his take on the subject
@libbynico, who for some reason I can’t tag: so true! katara was literally something like a mother/older sister figure to aang the entire time, but whatever
yeah, I think it really sucks that katara, as the emotionally nurturing character, felt shoved into the role of love interest. it’s everything wrong with the distribution of emotional labor in male-female relationships but sure, WHATEVER, apparently nobody thought to ask me in 2008
@touslesnoms: I liked “such selfish prayers” by andromeda3116 if you ever decide to read zutara after the series; the worst prisoner by emletish is super funny too
thanks for the recs! I will take them. I do want something very specific so I will be accepting recs until I find it lol. or until I lose composure and write it (yeah this is me WITH my composure, no wonder mr blake thinks I’m zuko, “I’m never happy” indeed)
@gaeleria: THANK YOU!!! Ugh omg that “I’m confused” kiss scene made me actively hate the ending. I knew ahead of time they were endgame, so I tried to make myself accept it early on. Like, I really didn’t like the pairing, but I wasn’t going to be emotionally invested in the romance and it was just going to be like, whatevs. AND THEN THEY WROTE THAT SCENE??! 1000% no. What was even the point of that scene? If they had written it to make Aang have some introspection and realize it’s not all about him, Katara’s feelings matter too, or even apologize, or anything… but no, there was literally no point to that scene. No character growth, it was never mentioned again. Ugh.
this is in answer to both you and beloved @zabbini: yeah this was a fuck-up for sure lol. I think it may come down to editing for time; the series is very irregularly paced, what with the majority of the action taking place in the final three episodes of a 16 episode season. or maybe it’s just because MEN CAN’T BE TRUSTED TO WRITE ROMANCE but either way yeah this was a real misstep and just truly, truly reeked of a particular (white) male attitude about how women think and what they owe. had a bad day, dudes? buy a gun, kiss your forever girl, do whatever you want and it’s fine! (I’m exaggerating but barely)
in terms of what’s so angering for me: a character like katara who previously had tons of agency was robbed of it when it came to her romantic arc, which is just really upsetting. and to be fair, I was equally upset when zuko instantly agreed to the agni kai with azula because it was like okay well katara’s extremely valuable, as you know, but now you want her to just sit on the sidelines...? (more of a story flaw than a relationship flaw, but my chest sunk a little at the idea that katara was going to sit by and watch as an accessory to zuko’s story when she’s a crucial weapon in their collective fight. what a waste, right?) 
it’s also especially hard to buy into the aang thing when zuko’s method of problem-solving on katara’s behalf is there for comparison. he asks her what she needs in order to find closure and then from there, does everything necessary to get it without having to be asked twice. versus aang, who is a twelve-year-old pair of rogue lips who never wins any of his fights without the aid of phenomenal cosmic powers...? ugh I’m getting off track but in the end there’s just a complete lack of understanding what female audiences want, though again, I don’t think they were really considering that at all. which I guess is... fair, it’s not the point of the show, but then why make the ending romantic at all? to show that their brand of hero gets everything he wants, I guess
in conclusion in 2008 I’m not sure the industry was capable of doing better, which sucks but isn’t surprising. still, it does fit the components of “stuff I write fics for,” which is I enjoyed most of it but find myself enraged by slivers I compulsively need to fix—WHICH IS STILL NOT A PROMISE but ugh I can already feel myself giving in 
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unlocktxt · 4 years
hi 😄 i saw your reblog and i want to ask the same thing: what was your first impression of your moots?
First i want to say that I may of gotten a littleeeee carried away. I wanted to include as many people as possible, but some I don’t have enough to say. Despite this I might add more. I’ve met so many various people on this app and I’ve loved interacting with them all or just seeing them around. So much so that I can’t list everybody. I really love all my moots and there are so many of them that I’ll forever be grateful for. (yes i added a keep reading because this was so long and please excuse my gramtical errors)
@hoes4hoseok - our first impression was playing among us WHICH WAS SO FUN. I don’t remember much about talking to her in the game BUT I do remember that she was the first one to ever make the group chat filled with those who played with us. honestly I’m so grateful that she did that because I wouldn’t have been able to become friends with her and many others. I remember thinking that she was beyond kind and that she was good with trying to include everyone. After that I just remember hearing her voice and then DYING because she has a wonderful voice. I felt as though I related to you just a bit. Now I’ve gotten to see different aspects of her and really value her as a person and friend. She keeps things real and is so helpful. Sometimes I wish I could see what goes on inside her head because sometimes I think she reserves herself or overthinks and I’d like to give her a big hug.
@binniebutter - amie... oh amie 🙄 just kidding 😂 amie well... I also met her while playing among us in that same group. we played a lot with each other and I find that nice BECAUSE I CANT REMEMBER WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT DURING THE FIRST TIME WE PLAYED. I think I do remember laughing about her and gen tho. In our first gc I remember thinking that she had a bright personality and could keep the conversation going. I also find out we live about an hour away so I was able to connect with her about that (I also was so excited just because IVE NEVER MET AN ONLINE FRIEND IN THE SAME STATE) After that we played among us a lot together and I just remember thinking amie was EVIL. She was funny though and I felt comfortable around her. Now... I honestly think I’m pretty close to amie emotionally. It’s very rare that I put down my guard and talk to someone about certain things (I don’t really think I’ve talked to her about certain things tho) I still feel as though I can talk to her or that I can cry or rant to her without feeling judged. I don’t know how much she’s come to me about, but anytime I try to comfort her i feel like I get to know her better. I usually don’t start joking with my friends and being “rude” to them unless I know that they know I love them, which is why I’m starting to show amie sarcasm at times ☺️ I may of written too much 😅
@hyukaite I ACTUALLY REMEMBER MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF KAT. oml we’d send asks every now and then and I remember thinking she was a crack head. From the videos I’d see her post to that one drawing. Man if only I could go all the way back to it, but it was monthssss ago. I also remember relating to her about having to help our sisters with math 💀. I wanted to be her friend after seeing her interact with some of my other moots, but I was too shy to actually message her so I stuck with sending in asks every now and then 😂 then we started playing among us together. I remember thinking “NOOOO SHE STOLE YELLOW” which led to me falling in love with the dark green among us color JFKAJFLW. After that I remember getting betrayed by her in the game SO MANY TIMES. she killed me during the Simon says task... to tell you what grudge I hold... I still remember it. ITS SUCH A HARD TASK AND SHE DIDNT LET ME FINISH IT. She also killed me in electrical when I thought she was INNOCENT. Now... kat I don’t even know how to describe her. She has many aspects to her that I love. She also is able to help me think straight whenever I let my anger get to me.
@yawnjunie - I thought she was shy at first because when I first met her she didn’t talk much, so I felt bad because I thought she didn’t feel all that welcomed by us (no specific reason we were just introduced to blu so abruptly 😂) After that I think I was intimidated by her at first JFJAKFJERI. We also compared our schools and our grade mindset which I think really opened my eyes a little bit more. I still believe she’s really smart Zknfaltn. She makes me laugh though and she also started the network moacabinet. She’s really sweet with so many ideas, but I feel bad because sometimes I think she gets stressed easily. She’s not on much, but everytime she’s online I’m blessed with her presence.
@kkuming - gigiiiii! my first impression of gigi was fairly simple. We met on the au group chat and she seemed really sweet. I wanted to try and give gigi a warm welcome and make sure she felt comfortable. I wish I remembered more about our first meeting. I DO HOWEVER remember thinking she was v v innocent. I sat back and watched gigi get thrown into the group and laughed my ass off at how she interacted with kat. I was worried that because the others were already so comfortable with her and joking around about things that she may actually think that the “divorce” or whatever it was that kat and her had would make her upset, so I wanted to remind her that I appreciated her Zofnakfjeof. She also was taking a lot of stressful classes so I could only hope this girl didn’t die underneath all that stress. Now I- she’s crazy guys. Just kidding 😂 she’s still really sweet and jokes around with all of us. I’m glad she’s online a lot more now. she’s also really funny.
@lipbeom - I’m like 99.9% sure rynn was the first person I ever really talked to on tumblr. I thought she was a really good writer and saw that she was a senior as well, so I was glad that I wasn’t the only one on tumblr that was going to suffer through the last year of school. I was so glad when she messaged me first like Y’ALL HAVE NO IDEA. When I first met her I remember thinking she was really sweet AND BEYOND SMART. I’m really grateful for rynn and I actually miss her a lot because I feel like I don’t interact with her as much as I should. She was very supportive and still is. It’s only been a few months since I first talked with her but I’m reminiscing 😂 She also got me hooked on selling sunset WHICH WAS AMAZING but I was talking like the girls on the show for WEEKSSSSSSS.
@bbhyeoliskooks - I don’t really remember how I came across her, but I realized she was a new moa writer and wanted to check her out. My first impression... hmmm I guess you could say that I believed she was very grateful even when she didn’t have to be. Sometimes she makes me feel old 💀 but she’s reminds me a little bit of my sister... just way sweeter. She’s very loyal and anytime you tell her you’ve posted something oml she’s wonderful. She’s the type of person who is really supportive and I appreciate that, but sometimes I feel like I don’t give her enough of ittttt. I really need to go stalk her blog now as for some reason I don’t see her notifs half the time. I’m really proud of her and think she’s one of the sweetest people on tumblr NOT TO MENTION SHE SINGS BEAUTIFULLY.
@txthearteu - oml cj 😂 she is also one of the first people I talked to on tumblr. I don’t really remember our first impression tho :/. I DO REMEMBER I READ ONE OF HER STORIES THO and i sent an ask about it because she deserved the recognition for it. Hmmm at first I believe I was intimidated because she is older than me 😂 however she was so extremely sweet and I loved talking to her. I tried talking about various different things with her because I wanted our conversation to continue hehe. She stays feeding me 😌 and even if I can’t physically eat del taco I get full off of the love and support cj gives me. My eyes light up when I see her in my notifs. I think she deserves the world and I always want to be there for her. I don’t think I can ever repay her for the love she’s given me.
@sung4oon - SAM I SWEAR IF YOU CHANGE UR URL BEFORE I HAVE A CHANCE TO POST THIS! I met her when her url was... 👁👄👁 lixxie sumtin. I think it was lixieebear. I truly don’t remember her first impression 💀 the only thing I remember was thinking that she was also a crack head. She was really funny and sweet and DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE WHOLE BRAINCELL THING. I should’ve given her my brain cells for christmas. I still think she’s really fun to talk to and I literally try to remind myself as much as possible that I need to go stop by and send an ask every now and then. Even so she still says hi to me ☺️
@beomiebear5 - R A I N A. hehehehehehe I actually love this first impression for me. At the time I saw her anon asks to rynn. I saw that she was going to start posting stuff on her blog soon and she gave a hint about how to find her. Ofc I let rynn do that herself BUT I went searching KFJSIFIWFKW I couldn’t help it I saw it as a challenge. My first impression was rlly just that she was sweet. Then after a while KFJAOFJWOF I really love interacting with her and seeing her rants. Gosh she’s so funny and ✨inspires✨ me. I’m always down to talk to her because she’s amazing and sweet.
@magicisland9-34 - lillie ☺️ I honestly don’t remember our first impression? I do however remember when she first sent an ask! I would always get so excited when I got an ask from her 😂 I loved talking to her and she let me ramble on and on. Whether that be about gymnastics or ballet. Once again even lillie is sweet, but she’s betrayed me for siding with amie about Christmas 😤. She’s also one of the people that I try to remind myself to go and visit their blog and see what they’ve posted.
@spookybias - if I remember correctly gen was the first one who reblogged my about me post, which ended up allowing others on this app to see that I was a new writing blog. She was also one of the first people I followed and one of the first who followed me, so I was really grateful and thought she was beyond helpful and nice. I also really believe she’s a great writer and i admired how she would tell things how they are. She’s always been sweet to me even if she’s threatened to shoot me a while back 😤. OH YEAH we also played among us together in that group as well and I always suspected her at one point. IT WAS BECAUSE THE ONE TIME I TRUSTED HER SHE KILLED ME.
@bffsoobin - My first impression of Sara was pretty simple like I found her blog and fell in love. she writes so well and I’ve loved everything I’ve read from her. I thought she was really pretty and pretty funny too. When she’d talk about some of her stories revolving school it honestly made my day as well. I admire her especially because she’s such a good writer and LET ME TELL YOU when she followed me back I think I did a little cheer. I was reading her fics before I even started writing on tumblr.
@soobcxre - I saw Sara around because we had a lot of moots in common and when I saw them interact I would just think about how I wanted to befriend her 😂. When she texted me I got so excited, but I WAS SO CAUGHT UP IN SCHOOL TOO. She’s also really sweet ajfjwkfjw and I’m glad to have met her.
@lovesickchoi - MADDIE 🤩 I.... I don’t remember my first impression of her 🥲. It may of revolved around asks? I think I ended up trying to get to know her more at the time I was trying to get to know yoonie. I say this because I remember always seeming to get their urls mixed up... I think it’s because the h at the beginning. I LITERALLY DONT REMEMBER HOW WE STARTED INTERACTING. She’s also an amazing writer tho! Now I still think she’s sweet and we’ve talked about yeonbin together 😂.
@sunoo-luvs - 🥺 zaara JFJAJRKSKF literally my first impression was “cute.” That still stands btw. She’s absolutely the sweetest and is really considerate of others IM SCARED BECAUSE SHE MAY APOLOGIZE FOR THINGS THERES NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE FOR. Even so she can easily add happiness to people’s day with just a hi and a hug.
@i2gyu - I- first impression: scary. IM KIDDING wait... actually even though that was a joke because she used to stop by and say “boo” I MAY OF ACTUALLY FELT INTIMIDATED BY HER AT FIRST. I think one of the first times we interacted was about a network and at the time I was ready to join a network SO I FELT SO BAD FOR SAYING NO. Afterwards tho I realized how nice she was and I always end up getting a little energetic once I see she’s sent in an ask. One day I’m scared I won’t see her change her url or blog, but that’s if she does again.
@fairycore-gyu - I haven’t interacted with anyone new recently and when I saw kira that obviously changed 😂. I related to her with music taste and stuff. LET ME TELL YOU when someone seems to have the same music taste I JUST my eyes light up. She was really welcoming and I instantly felt like I could message her anytime. I also just realized she’s a pisces 🥺.
@yoonjunie - I just remember thinking ooooo new moa writer! I think anyone who comes across her can say she’s very welcoming and sweet + she deserves everything she has. I really just wanted to support her 😂 I need to interact with her more and read more from her blog.
@hyeyoonwrites - yoonie 🥺 AHHHH okay 😂 first impression: LITERALLY THE SWEETEST. I know I’ve said that so many people here are sweet but yoonie is a different kind of sweet. I don’t know every single time I’ve interacted with her has felt like a soft hug. She’s supported me a lot and I really need to check up on her more frequently I feel guilty about it aifoshf.
@txtextme - gon I- even though we haven’t talked much she’s extremely funny and relatable. she just has this vibe that I love about her. I know I don’t have much to say, but I had to add her because she’s left an impact.
@yeonbins - VIVI HAS WONDERFUL GIFS. Every now and then I’ll see her post some stuff just talking and akfjskf. I mainly remember (I think) Starbucks getting her name wrong. Her names so pretty tho. I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE HOW MUCH OLDER SHE WAS THAN ME. I also played among us with her for a lil... I was scared she was gonna murder me 😂.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Can we get general headcanons for a scenario where obey me MC attending their sister's wedding and their sister is MC from mystic messenger 😳😳 I just think it'd be so funny for them to meet each other lmaooo and can mystic messenger MC be getting married to saeyoung ❤️ I love your blog btw you have some cute stuff 😭
mystic messenger x obey me simp nation RISE
ah yes i have been itching to get my hands on this request haha and thank you!! BUT OMG HAVE YOU BEEN IN MY BRAIN? BC OKAY SO LIKE TO FALL ASLEEP I ALWAYS NEED TO HAVE A SCENARIO PLAYING IN MY HEAD AND THIS WAS ONE OF THE SCENARIOS I HAD ONE TIME CJZMNDMSM i dont have an irl crush so all my romantic imaginations consist of the mystic messenger and obey me bois 😌💅🏻
Mystic Messenger MC is Obey Me! MC's sister and she invites the OM MC as well as the demon brothers to her and Saeyoung's wedding!!
(for the sake of lessening confusion, y/n is YOU and mc is the mystic messenger mc (and you can pretend it's you too or an oc i dunno) so let ur imagination run wild!!)
it's also assumed that y/n has already met the rfa, and y/n and mc do not have any other family members. but for some reason i picture that the reception count is large idk maybe all the mystic messenger characters have/made 20 mutual friends each djsksnjs just pretend the reception room is full 😭
also includes one or two spoilers for another story and the main plot for om!
this is long as hell btw dsjkskdjkjd but i separated it into parts + bolded stuff so hopefully it’s not as messy ! enjoy !
when y/n first got news of their sister's engagement, they talked everyone's ears off for WEEKS.
luckily diavolo was like you know what you can go if you take the brothers with you!!!
y/n was scared at first mainly bc um they are demons? and sometimes they act like 7 year olds? but ur like aight bet let's do this!!!!
time skip 2 the day of the wedding
(if ur a gal) y/n's sister made her the maid of honor
(if ur a mans) y/n will be the person walking mc down the aisle
so y/n had to be there fairly early to help with everything as well as get ready for the ceremony and reception
the entire 2nd floor of the nearest hotel to the wedding venue was rented out thanks to jumin !
the brothers took up a total of 2 rooms...lucifer, mammon, and asmo to one room / satan, beel, belphie, and levi to another
lucifer needed to be with mammon and asmo and practically kept them on an invisible leash considering that they have pretty bad self restraint in terms of their sin
but jumin also had to pull some strings to get the ceremony at a space station...hip hip hooray
the station said it was strictly only immediate family though, so the ceremony was just mc, saeyoung, y/n, jaehee (only bridesmaid/maid of honor if y/n is a boy), saeran, yoosung, jumin, zen, and v
saeyoung is in awe as he watches mc walk down the aisle...hes dreamed of this moment his entire life!
who would have known they'd actually manage to get married in a space station?? :')
after saying their vows, mc and saeyoung kissy kiss and all is HAPPY
idk how weddings work in terms of scheduling so let us simply time skip to the reception
the brothers pull up skrrt earlier than most guests but they arent the first ones to arrive
cue mammon, levi, and asmo arguing over where y/n should sit
satan interrupts and clarifies that y/n will be sitting at the head table with their sister. they r salty
oKAY UHHH time to start the reception!!
y/n and zen duetting???? beauty and the beast????? as they escort mc and saeyoung in for their slow dance???? YES PLEASE
like in the style of ariana grande and john legend
when the brothers see y/n as they sing the first line of the song they ! almost ! combust !
mc and saeyoung slow dance to the song and everyone has tears in their eyes. yoosung is crying into saeran's arms as saeran holds back tears. jaehee is crying bc she and y/n coordinated the entire thing and shes happy but also feeling stressed.
dinner is buffet style, and lucifer's attention and energy is now directed toward beel. this is a formal human event and not one of diavolo's parties where people are used to him hogging everything down...
but y/n was smart enough to help get the brothers' table to be seated next to the buffet so after all the other tables get their food beel could secretly go ham
the first interaction between rfa and the brothers happen between lucifer and v
v could see that lucifer was kinda struggling and decided to check in on him before checking in on the other guests
they end up talking a lot. mostly about how they both lied to their respective squads to try to protect them from the truth
lucifer of course tones the story down and doesnt give away that they r demons, though
y/n saw levi all pissy alone at the table so they grabbed yoosung and introduced him to levi. they were awkward at first but once yoosung mentioned LOLOL levi was all ears and they bonded over different games
y/n stays a bit to make sure levi doesnt reveal anything sus
meanwhile, asmo is flirting with zen. complimenting his singing from earlier as well as his rat tail
zen mentions that asmo's skin is glistening and the two of them go crazy over different skincare brands
asmo may or may not have accidentally said that he uses a lamb blood and aloe vera mixture yes i just made that up which confused zen but zen's reaction further confused asmo until asmo remembered !! im in the human world
so he played it off as a joke and told zen that he shouldnt furrow his eyebrows much otherwise he'll wrinkle quicker
as saeran walks to the ice cream station next to the buffet he sees beel holding an entire tray of fish with a suspicious looking belphie standing next to him
when belphie and saeran lock eyes the energy in that corner of the room turns so dark that you could see storm clouds forming over them : ◉ ∧ ◉ : ╏
anyway jaehee, like v, was checking in with the guests when she spots mammon investigating a gold doorknob
mammon nearly shits himself when jaehee taps him on the back and asks him if he is okay
satan compliments elizabeth the third when he sees jumin petting her on the balcony. they talk about cats for a while and jumin tells satan that he enjoys the company of another man elizabeth deems worthy to be in her presence
by the end of the night
everyone is helping with cleaning up the ballroom after all the other guests have gone
jumin thinks that beel is cool, since he ate all the food provided as well as the mochi party favors
mammon volunteers to take home all of the extra centerpieces and decorations. before lucifer says no, mc and seven tell mammon hes more than welcome to take them all home. it would just sit in their house and collect dust, anyway
when everyone is back in their hotel room (y/n stays with jaehee for the night so mc and saeyoung can get it on) yoosung invites levi to play some games with him in his room
zen shares a room with yoosung and eagerly watches the two boys playing
asmo needs to follow his sleeping schedule so he peacefully goes to sleep while dreaming of not-so-appropriate things. he’ll be back on his bullshit tomorrow
lucifer is trying to help mammon figure out a way to organize all the freebies he got to prevent all of it from falling everywhere when they go back to devildom. he also sets a centerpiece aside for diavolo to keep. cute!
belphie is knocked out and so is beel (food coma)
satan stays with jumin for a bit, wanting to be around elizabeth the third a bit longer, then returns to his room around 2am. he sees that levi isn’t back in the room and texts for him to return soon.
mc and saeyoung are <3333333′ing
unfortunately y/n and jaehee can hear it, as well as v since their rooms sandwich mc and saeyoung’s
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