#and usually it doesn't impact my ability to function day to day because like
glamourslime · 1 year
Sometimes I think "I'm not That anxious as a person" but when I sit down to think about it it's like. What If I Accidentally Get Chemicals On My Skin And They Kill Me, and that's been a factor in my life every day for literally as long as I can remember. Which seems like maybe something someone who isn't particularly anxious would not spend a lot of time thinking about
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isnt-it-pretty · 8 months
Hi! I’m sorry this is pretty random but I don’t really know where else to talk about this and since I’ve seen you talk about disabilities a lot I thought I could ask for your opinion as well
Now, I’m not exactly disabled in the traditional sense for many I think.
I’ve had eye problems for years, only recently did I find out that it’s actually cornea dystrophy, a genetic disease not exactly treatable except it gets bad enough to need a cornea transplant (which usually only happens in older ages) My doctor said I don’t need that
My case however is also still a bit severe, I have to take eye drops mornings and evenings and even those don’t always help and I simply have to hope that I don’t wake up to pain. In cornea dystrophy your cornea doesn’t get lubricated enough and easily rips apart. This mostly happens in the morning… oh and how it happens… it’s an absolute nightmare at least thrice a week I’m ripped out of sleep by sudden severe pain in one of my eyes (it switches it’s always one or the other) it feels like someone is nonstop pouring acid in your eye and I always scramble to take pain killers, eye drops (which burn like hell on a fresh rip) and water, all in hurry because no one wants to understand how agonising it is and my boss also won’t understand that I WILL have days where I’m partially blind on one eye (everytime after an “attack” that eye usually sees completely blurry for a day or more depending on the severity of the rip and pain) sometimes the pain spreads over the entire side of my skull and my eye is crying non stop and my nose is also running bc of the sensation in my eye.
But no one around me wants to understand because my doctor simply said “just use eye drops frequently”. I do.. I use eyedrops, eye gel and eye patches everyday and still have frequent “attacks” and everyone treats them like they’re nuisances for THEM.
I’m hesitant to call this a disability, it does affect me and takes me out of commission before I scramble to lessen the impact in the morning yet I can still function “normally”.
I honestly don’t know where I wanted to go with this anymore…. I think I just want someone to know what I’m dealing with because neither family nor work are showing any understanding
Please feel free to ignore this and if you read this far thank you… You don’t have to reply or anything I think at this point I’m just venting and I’m so sorry to bother you with this
Please don't feel bad messaging me! I'm not a doctor of course, nor am I an expert in disability, but I don't mind having these conversations. Although fair warning, my answer will probably be just as rambly as you're worried yours was.
There's a lot to beeak down here including shitty doctors but first and foremost, I would absolutely call your condition disability, and I would even say that a lot of disabled people would agree.
Disability is a term that has many definitions depending on who is using it. Doctors, sociologists, government, and different aspects of the disabled community will all define it differently, but this is the dictionary definition:
a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person's ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions
I'd certainly say that your condition certainly qualifies. Inability to see through one eye, even episodically, the need to rely on medications, pain that wakes you up or results in an inability to function. All of those are disabling. To say it isn't is like saying diabetes isn't a disability because all they need to do is take insulin, nevermind all of the other issues that come along with it. That lower-limb amputee? They aren't disabled, all they need to do is strap on a prosthetic leg! But it doesn't work like that. A disability is still a disability even with treatment or accessability.
Having good days, or even being "fine" a few hours after an episode, doesn't negate its impact on your life. It's an invisble disability, which is probably where a lot of people's shitty opinions come from. Other people can't see the problem, so, therefore, it must not exist. You must just be overreacting or faking or using it as an excuse to get out of work because otherwise they would see it. Unfortunately, it's easier for people to pretend disability simply doesn't exist. People around you not trying to understand or accomodate is ableism. It's also a willful and fundimental misunderstanding of disability. Just because some days I have the energy to clean, or you can see through both eyes, or a dementia patient remembers their daughter's name, doesn't magically make the condition go away, or make it impact your life any less when it does happen.
Your doctor being unconcerned(which is probably the wrong word. Uncaring? Unsympathetic?) is another problem but that one is deeply rooted in ableism within the medical community, and the common view of disability by medical professionals. Just because you don't need a cornea transplant doesn't mean you aren't deserving of care and sympathy from those around you. Even if they can't do anything to help, you still deserve that respect, and it's shitty that you don't have that.
The entire situation just sucks. The people are you suck. I'm sure they're lovely otherwise but this is obviously a part where they're lacking, and I'm sorry they're unwilling to accept that your conditon impacts you.
Edit: also feel free to DM me if you'd ever like to chat, or send me another ask
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kimmingtonjames · 10 months
TRIGGER WARNING: discussions of trauma.
I don't usually make text posts-- hell, I usually just reblog art and funny shit-- but there are a number of people discussing "trauma dumping" and friendships and I wanted to give my two cents. In the discussion, one side sometimes flatly tells people to not trauma dump on friends, and the other flatly says that the former is destroying or doesn't understand the concept of friendship. But in my humble opinion, the truth has a little nuance.
Now, just to clarify, trauma dumping is generally understood to mean the venting of traumas onto others without regard to the emotional impact of the disclosure. This post is not about occasionally venting to friends about day to day frustrations, though it touches on it. And this is going to be a very personal take, so I'm asking you to read it as such-- that your situations and tolerances may be different, and that's okay. The overall goal is to encourage people to work on their communication, no matter how different their personal situations may be.
Also just going to say that if you feel you've trauma-dumped on people, it doesn't mean you're a bad person. It just means you might need some better language and the ability to discuss boundaries when you express yourself in the future. That's it. That's the whole deal. You've got this and you're going to be okay!
First, I'll discuss the actual trauma-dumpers.
Ever worked a retail job where the occasional customer sees you behind the check-out booth or stocking shelves and, with little to no preamble, starts detailing the history of their lives and all the hardships they've faced? That it doesn't feel like they've taken account of the fact that you might be busy, may have your own trauma that could be triggered by the topics they're talking about, or that you really aren't in the proper place to help them? This is conventional trauma dumping, and it's a boundary issue-- the consent of the other person is not taken into account, the timing and placement of the conversation is not appropriate, and the other person cannot leave the discussion comfortably.
First of all, if you're going to be discussing potentially triggering subject topics, it's best to ask first. After all, given that you're already suffering from a specific trauma and know that pain, you wouldn't want to inflict it upon others. You know that stress. And if you routinely find yourself discussing distressing stories from your personal history to near-strangers (unless the topic is very specifically brought up, which sometimes it is and that's fine), then you may actually be better served by a therapist because you may also be handling feelings of isolation. That shit's serious and you deserve real help from a licensed professional who can guide you through it better than a stranger ever could.
Now when it comes to established friends venting trauma or triggering daily life situations, things are MUCH more comfortable and nuanced. First of all, I would hope that you all have friends you feel genuinely confiding in. Friendship is supposed to be based on a mutual openness which includes the desire to know the struggles of each person involved-- and here I would like to stress the word mutual. Many of my friends have histories of trauma-- some of them extensive-- and to maintain openness while still being cognizant of the other person's day-to-day abilities, we maintain the practice of check-ins and what are functionally topic tags (because not everything distressing is an outright trigger). Let me give you an example.
FRIEND: Hey. I'm having a really bad day today. Do you have the energy to talk about [list terrible things that happened or are ongoing here, with triggers and specific potential issues mentioned to provide context]?
If yes:
ME: Go right ahead. I'm here, you beautiful beast. Oh, and are you looking just to vent or do you want advice? I want to make sure I understand what you need.
If yes but some potential triggers are listed:
ME: Go right ahead. If we hit some stuff I'm struggling with, I'll let you know and we might have to come back to those another time, but I'm here, you glorious bitch. Oh, and are you looking just to vent or do you want advice? I want to make sure I understand what you need.
If no:
ME: Hey! I love you but I'm really overwhelmed/busy right now. Is there someone else you can talk to until I get my energy back and check in to catch up, you bountiful treasure?
I also make sure personally that when I have an ongoing struggle or mental health issue (something longer-term that could become a little more draining for the listener over time), I'm also checking in on their side of things every once in a while, even if it's sort of silly and trivial. I want my friends to know that even if I'm worn out, I care about them as people. What games are they playing? What books have they read? They mentioned their Aunt Edna having a medical problem-- I should ask about her. These check-ins are good reminders to your friends that even when times are hard and you need a lot more shoulder to cry on, you're still in touch with them somehow. They also help break tension if you're worried you're kind of spiraling. (Sometimes when I feel a spiral happening, having my buddy detail a little baking misadventure or hunt for yarn. Yes, you can tell what my friend group is like now. Yes, we are cozy people.) And check-ins should be done kind of randomly. If you do them right before venting, it can kind of look like a weak effort to seem connected, like you usually think of them when you need help and not in general. Send funny memes they'll like in the early hours. Ask if they've ever bitten into a banana whole. Just make sure you're showing them that you think of them both when you're happy and when you're sad.
When some people complain that they feel like they've been trauma-dumped upon, it's a reflection that they don't feel the relationship is mutual or that expectations haven't been set/met. And if you have a mom friend or an intuitive friend in your life you go to for support a lot, ask for ways you can offer some of that love and energy back. You'd be surprised how much it means to them.
And to address an ugly but important possibility-- sometimes it's because other folks don't have the same understanding of friendship that you do. You're allowed to make new friends and let go of old ones if your expectations of the friendship don't meet up. Don't let yourself be discouraged again and again by going to people who you feel don't really know or invest in you because you'll keep breaking your heart. Look outside your sphere and see that there's other people looking for someone like you.
Anyways that's my take. Add what's important to you or things you think might help. Take care and be safe.
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Crisis & Pain-Seeking Stims
So, I posted a while ago about stim toys for pain-seeking stims. I haven't found anything new, but I wanted to discuss that behavior because some of my NT friends have expressed concern that pain-seeking is a SI behavior.
For me and my autism, there are generally three types of crises that impact my ability to function: I get (what I call, anyway) overstimulated, repulsed, or overwhelmed. They can, and often do, overlap.
I get overstimulated when sensory stimulation reaches a fever pitch; I sort of feel like I'm a staticky balloon and other people (or sometimes animals or things) are pushpins that will pop me if the interact with the static field. When I am overstimulated, the answer is less stimulation, of course, but it is also different stimulation. This is where you might find me rubbing my worry stone on my bottom lip or the side of my thumb. Usually, this will last until I can change my physical state in some noticeable way, such as cooling down fully on a warm day or changing my clothes if I'm wearing a shirt with a high neckline.
I get repulsed when something causes a physical revulsion or rejection reaction in me. I feel sick to my stomach, shaky, and alarmed. When I am repulsed, the answer is to stop doing the thing that led to repulsion. Most often, for me, I get texture-repulsed by my food, and therefore have to stop eating whatever I was eating, or potentially stop eating, full stop. This is the easiest to deal with, but also the most frequent - I am extremely texture-sensitive when it comes to food.
I get overwhelmed when social situations reach a point where I cannot process how to proceed. I feel staticky, again, but not like I'm going to get popped - more like I'm overinflated and will explode. When I am overwhelmed, my go-to response is usually skin picking, especially on my face and arms. What skin picking gives me is a smaller, simpler problem to focus on: the bump I just picked now hurts. However, skin picking is maladaptive (those new sores can get infected, and continually touching one's face is NOT how one reduces hormonal acne, which I still have due to PCOS), and I know that, so I try to practice harm reduction techniques. So, what I do instead is try to find a way to create the smaller, simpler problem to focus on (pain) without the risks - hence, pain-seeking stims.
Right now, I do have a few pain-seeking solutions - I have one of those acupressure rings that looks like a metal scrunchie, a strip of rough velcro, and a little textured gyro spinner from TikTok that has rough spikes on the outside, plus I have a couple rough "calm strips" style stickers. I always want more, though, because I sort of... get used to the texture, a little. Like, it's still rough, but it's a roughness I'm used to, so I don't register the pain the same way. I have to rotate, but sometimes (like this month so far) I need it more often, so rotating doesn't work as well because I only have a few options.
Side note: I also fidget more when I'm overwhelmed, so I also have a bunch of fidget toys to keep my fingers busy.
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southern-god1 · 3 years
So a couple questions as a new Yank owner.
1. If I have I more than one slave is it OK to let them have a relationship romantically as long as it doesn't interfere with their duties?
2. Scenario: Slave 1 is doing a grocery run with Slave 2. Someone else's slave (Slave A) attacks them first. Slave 1 is smaller and is attacked unprovoked so Slave 2 steps in and defends them and breaks Slave As nose. Should Slave 1 and 2 be punished at all and what should Slave As punishment be?
3. Are their slave areas like arcades or anything that they can go to as like a reward or if their owners just want some quiet time with their partner to do normal things themselves for a break.
4. One of my slaves has been marked as more introverted and submissive. A couple other owners have said I need to force him into social settings but that seems cruel and potentially damaging to his pschye which would also affect his usefulness.
Oooh, some interesting and thought-provoking questions.
1: I see little reason to forbid slave relationships if they don’t impact usefulness or promote rebellious sentiment or thought.
2: This does raise the question of why the other slave attacked them at all. Slave A should definitely be punished for damaging another Southerner’s property and be punished accordingly. Perhaps TFed into a boot or something temporarily. Maybe even worn by the slave whose nose they broke? Generally Yankees aren’t permitted to use or wear TFed objects, but that would be a fitting punishment. The other two shouldn’t be punished, though they’d all need to be investigated.
3: Larger households will have cabins for their slaves to live in, and even the smallest or poorest slave owners have some sorts of separate living space for their slaves, even if it’s just a futon for a single domestic slave.
If an owner and their partner wish to do something, they can do whatever they want.
When slaves aren’t actively working or worshipping, they are given free time. What they do is generally up to them, but they usually can’t leave the property of their master without special permission.
Never heard of a slave arcade. Kinder masters may give the slaves access to books or other forms of media (probably mostly propaganda, fiction, or history, and certainly nothing that would contradict the pro-Southern worldview we try to promote within slaves), and a day off once a week (although still expected to worship their masters). Some owners will have occasionally let all their slaves join them to watch things like Southern Avengers franchise films, other things like that, since they’re both entertaining and promote Southern superiority. Overseers tend to have the most privileges/leeway because they have demonstrated their obedience and loyalty. One couple I know even gave their Overseer (I think his name was Blake? Obedient fellow, exceptionally loyal) an Sbox, but generally, I would be wary of trusting slaves with Internet-connected devices like that unless you know they can be trusted.
4: Unless it’s so isolated that it impairs its ability to worship you and function as a slave, I don’t think that’s a liability, necessarily. I wouldn’t force it unless you need it to do a certain task that requires social skills, and I can’t think of many slave tasks that require those.
I hope you enjoy your new Yankees!
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ablednt · 3 years
Hi!!! I hope it's alright to ask you this, if not then please feel free to ignore this, but I've got a genuine system related question.
Can a system exist without amnesia between alters? For example, in the sense of waking up one day and feeling like a completely different person, but still remembering the previous day even if it feels a bit foggy/ as if you were watching it from another persons perspective? Or just going through your day but it's like someone else is controlling your body and you're just watching it all happen? There's never any big time loss, at least as far as I'm aware, so I've been wondering if that's something that can happen or not
Yes, absolutely!
This is actually (mostly) our experience, and I'll talk about that in a minute but first I want to reiterate something/pos. Short of something that breaks the laws of physics (i.e systems shapeshifting their physical/external body, having superhuman abilities externally, etc.) then your answer of "Can systems exist like this" is going to be yes. I believe the most fundemental thing about systems existence is its the brains conceptualization of how multiple sentient entities in one single body could function.
Because of this, culture, upbringing, and the experiences a system has in their external life will all effect and impact the way that their system exists. This also means that while systems with similar backgrounds and experiences may experience a lot of the same things, a system is an extension of one's brain and no two brains will ever be exactly the same.
This is so important to remember to combat the rampant fakeclaiming in this community and also to grapple with the denial and doubts inherent to existing in a way that is not validated by the majority of society. If you experience it then it's a real experience and it's up to you to define it. You're valid and the things you experience are real, if you've found labels that help you describe that experience then you're in the right place, if you need to keep looking you're not faking or lying you're trying to explain things that language barely supports.
(adding a read more to talk about my experiences with amnesia as it's very relevant, but is very lengthy)
But on to your specific question, that's actually really common! Even systems that do experience amnesia don't often experience it in a way that is obvious before they start learning what signs to look for. Almost all of our childhood is missing, when we really examine how much we remember. But it doesn't feel like it's missing, because we remember the things that were mentioned/talked about often, we remembered the basic information that we needed to keep a coherent narrative going.
We have no idea what many of our experiences were, because many of them are repressed trauma, and also because many of them weren't worth actively remembering, you can only repeat the same mundane events so many times before they blur together and while that is a form of amnesia it is a very subtle one. I couldn't tell you the different meals I've had this week, but that kind of amnesia is normal to most human beings and not so distressing as not remembering what happened to give me OCD when we were seven.
I came into existence and became the main fronter or quote on quote host of this system in the beginning of 2016. We didn't know we were plural back then so I just, woke up, and I knew the body's name. I knew the event that had caused the one before me to go missing (presumably dormant somewhere inside us, maybe gone forever, we have no idea to this day). I didn't really think anything was different than usual, I was a different person but it's not like that's easy to figure out when you've never heard it's possible, you know?
The whole thing is kind of a blur for me now, I don't remember the exact events because they were traumatic and I tried not to think about them so they wound up repressed just as much as memories that weren't mine but I remember I felt like a burden had been lifted, like I was coming at the situation with a fresh and more detached perspective (had no idea how right I was about it) and I was able to act far too calmly for the horrible situation we were in at the time. This didn't last, and the trauma and other traumas definitely caught up to me but not once did I ever notice how much of my life was just caught in a haze.
Coincidentally, I had realized I was a different person as people who had been there before, but I thought this was metaphorical and just the way I felt because of my trauma. I remember once when I was venting to a random discord server I was in I kept saying like, "I feel like the person who experienced this trauma died, I feel like I replaced her and I won't ever get her back." and I was promptly told this feeling was just depression. (Coincidentally, a lot of systems get told by singlets what they're experiencing is just depression or anxiety, despite them looking entirely different.)
Amnesia, even full amnesia, rarely feels obvious. Sometimes you start to pick up on the fact that you've forgotten something, and it becomes very distressing because it's this sense of grief at something you're losing. In fact I think a bigger sign of amnesia is how closely you cling to things. We've always been the kind of person who wanted to take so many photos, and screenshot everything, and document everything. Even if it was something we hated or that made us upset we wanted to remember it, we were so scared of losing anything due to what we assumed was a normal forgetfulness. Eventually, after we realized we were a system and started having to come to terms with this sort of thing, we started to relax about this sort of thing.
We've kind of come to this place now where we've accepted that there's a lot we'll never remember about this body's life, about hosts who controlled the body before us, and there's a lot we just can't keep track of. But that's okay, what's happening right now, and what will happen in the future are what really matters. It's ok to cling to the past, it's okay to want to know this stuff, but it's also not a necessity. Even if you're not who was here before, you're here now and that's enough, that matters just as much.
But even if you don't experience that at all, if you remember you're childhood quite well, you can still have emotional amnesia. Emotional amnesia is something experienced both by dissociative systems and systems who do not dissociate, it's a natural part of having multiple people in one body. If something didn't happen to you, it happened to another person in your system, even if your brain gives you that memory (we call them common memories to differentiate) then you may know the events that happened, you may be able to visualize it even (although our visualizations tend to be less accurate and more in 3rd person, taking creative liberties to get the information of what happened across visually) but there's an emotional distance and a sort of blurriness there. These things happened and you know it happened but it doesn't feel like your memory, it feels more like recalling something you read or watched a fictional character do.
Then, that sense of "I was there for this, but I wasn't in control, somebody else made these choices" comes from being co-conscious during an event but not in control of the body. This means you're able to pickup the body's visuals and senses but you couldn't move or speak, you could only watch as someone else does those things with or without your influence.
A similar experience that can happen is blurring, this is when the lines of who is who become very obscure. You aren't yourself, but you're not not yourself either. To use a bit of a controversial example that many people used before cringe culture started really wearing down on the plural community is Steven Universe's idea of fusion. You're both people at once, kind of mixed together non-permenantly. You don't know who exactly is thinking what thought or doing what action, and this can both be pleasant or distressing depending on the context. We're blurring right now, as I'm thinking this, the sense of voice in my head is a mix of Audit's, Verdict's, and probably a few others. I (Audit) am not the one moving the body's hands to type this, but I am still in control enough that I can feel the keys pressing against our fingers. I didn't notice we were blurring until just now because it happens often when we focus.
This usually happens (if not due to dissociation, which is another common cause) when the brain needs to focus on a task or is putting under stress and needs to consolidate the effort it usually spends on keeping everyone separated. For some systems, usually self described as median systems, this blurry state is one they feel all of the time.
(median is a plural-spectrum experience that is between singlet and multiple. They do have two or more sentient entities but they don't feel fully separated to some degree or another. A common experience is feeling like different "modes" of the same person. To use another media example, this is similar to how, when the character Adora from the recent She Ra reboot is transformed into She Ra, she has different emotions, reactions, and goals. She is, for all intent and purpose, a different person. Everyone subconsciously acknowledges this, and Adora herself talks about She Ra as if she is her own person, however She Ra cannot exist without Adora.)
Most sincerely, I doubt any plural person hasn't or won't at some point experience blurring, simply because the human brain cannot juggle multiple people while also functioning well in a singlet society and because when you all share a brain full individuality isn't really a possibility. However, I cannot make a generalization like that for certain because like I said at the start of this, every brain is different.
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scripttorture · 4 years
Hi! I'm not sure if this falls within your scope, so I apologize if it doesn't. I was curious about if you have any info on common types of torture committed by criminal organizations- specifically in my case, the American mafia/Cosa Nostra. I've had some difficulty getting reliable information and have heard conflicting things about *if* they even regularly torture individuals. Thank you in advance for anything!
That’s a very good question. It’s not outside my scope but I’m not sure how good the information I come up with will be because this isn’t something I typically look into so my usual sources/starting points might not be the best ones.
 With the pandemic on and no books on American organised crime specifically on hand I think I’m going to have to treat this question more generally. However this book came up during my searches and I think it might be a useful starting point for research or worldbuilding. It’s a research piece comparing the functioning and criminal activities of three Italian criminal organisations, the American mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Chinese Triads and a Russian criminal organisation. If nothing else it should give you an idea of how different organisations like this function.
 You might already be aware of the legal definition of torture. Essentially torture is defined as any form of painful stimulus that is deliberately inflicted by a government official (or in some cases an organised group that holds territory) for the purpose of ‘extracting information’, forcing a confession, punishment or intimidation. Any of those motivations still count if they’re aimed at a third party rather then the person being tortured (ie if a soldier captures and beats the brother of an enemy soldier to try and get information from the enemy soldier, that is still torture.)
 Some countries explicitly include international organised criminal gangs in their anti-torture laws. Some don’t.
 From a behaviour standpoint I think it’s fair to say that some of these groups behave more like we’d expect from torturers and some don’t.
 Members of groups like the LRA, Daesh and Boko Haram will generally be classed as torturers if they act in ways that meet the other criteria. Because at their height these armed groups effectively occupied and controlled areas of the countries they operated in. They took control from local governments to the point that those government organisations effectively ceased to function and were replaced by organisations (or lack thereof) that the criminals wanted.
 And all of those groups tortured as part of a wider campaign of terror.
 As you move away from that pattern of criminals trying to create their own country then things get dicer. Whether a group meets the definition of torture depends on the country. And from a research point of view the behaviour we’re looking at may get further away from what we typically see in torture scenarios.
 For instance the SEC and groups concerned with fishing in Thailand don’t really control territory. They can’t be understood to have taken control from the government in the areas they operate.
 But both operate large scale slavery operations that traffick people across boarders in order to exploit them. These operations by their nature concern the abuse of thousands of people. They generally also have specific people that are- I’m gonna say ‘primarily responsible for the stages of the process where a lot of physical abuse takes place’.
 Basically they have people whose effective job is abusing others for the vast majority of their time. Whether it’s the men smuggling enslaved people across the Sahara or guards on the fishing boats out at sea.
 You also have organisations that fall somewhere in between the two patterns I’ve described so far, like Mexican Cartels.
 But there are also large organised criminal gangs that aren’t necessarily involved in this scale of people trafficking or systematic abuse. This doesn’t diminish the impact of their crimes. But there is a difference between crime that by it’s nature always results in direct harm and crime that may but does not necessarily result in direct harm. An extortion racket is not the same as a slavery ring in terms of injury and body count. 
 While it doesn’t form part of the legal definition the scale of violence is important here. A torture case typically means thousands of victims over a relatively short period of time. And because of the scale it means the people involved in this abuse could easily be carrying out violent attacks for the majority of their day, every day for months or years.
 This is not necessarily the pattern in all organised crime.
 Smuggling goods, loan sharking and rackets don’t necessarily lead to the same scale of violence or the same constant exposure to violence.
 Drug smuggling can mean smaller scale slavery but to be honest I know next to nothing about it outside of the slavery aspect so I’ll leave it at that.
 All of this might seem like extraneous information when the main question is about torture techniques. But the thing is- torture isn’t defined by the techniques used to inflict pain and the majority of those techniques are very very simple.
 The most common torture today (probably historically as well) is hitting people. And I’m pretty sure that members of any organised criminal group hit people.
 Most of the other common tortures would be impractical/impossible without the ability to hold someone prisoner for an extended period (days or weeks). Starvation, sleep deprivation, solitary confinement and stress positions are not really possible if a victim can’t be held for several days.
 As for the other common torture techniques used in America today- Well one of them is basically Tasers or stun guns. I’m pretty sure if they could get hold of them a lot of violent criminals would use those devices. They’re expensive but they’re simple to use.
 Waterboarding is pretty simple but it can also easily go wrong and when it does it can cause some pretty…. Difficult to disguise injuries. Like brain damage. Dry choking tortures have the same problems.
 Getting back to the main question- I think part of the reason that you’ve heard conflicting things might be colloquial vs precise usage of the term ‘torture’. Because it isn’t clear to me that the American Mafia do practice torture regularly from a legal stand point.
 Mostly because I haven’t seen anything saying they’re involved in large scale slavery in America.
 But it’s incredibly likely that they do use some of the same techniques. Purely on the basis that most of the time those ‘techniques’ are ‘apply hand to victim’s body with force’.
 And most of the time it doesn’t need to be any more complicated then that.
 Sorry I couldn’t find you anything more specific but I hope this helps. :)
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Saint & Leilani
Saint: So, how many people with my surname have found their way into your inbox today? Leilani: few Saint: I hope those few have behaved and not been too taxing on your typing fingers or your patience Leilani: you're making it sound more fun & scandalous than it came close to Saint: That would be an odd but not unentirely precedented way to welcome you for us Saint: I'm just more than aware how...much, shall we be polite and say, some of them can be, even at the best of times Leilani: 😅 Leilani: are you forgetting which one of you I live with? Saint: 😅 Saint: I am in no way doubting your ability to cope with it, or previous experience doing so, just apologizing for the times you don't feel like being so gracious about their...persistence Leilani: thanks, I think? Leilani: the sentence was a mouthful to digest but I detected some sweetness in it Saint: I'm happy to apologize for my taste as well Saint: and will try to be more palatable Leilani: coming thick & fast but still smooth with it, that's impressive Saint: I'll accept that I'm potentially being much of a muchness with some of the more well-meaning but over-the-top members of my family, if that's what you're saying Saint: but admittedly, I'll struggle to hear I'm on par with certain ones who best remain nameless until I get more of a gage for your tolerance of their particular brand of care 😅 Leilani: I'm not saying much, personally, until I work out how much of this welcome wagon is genuinely what you'd like to say vs what you feel like you must Leilani: to make up for the rest or walk on eggshells in case I crack up Saint: Well, I haven't been instructed to talk to you, if that's what you mean Saint: and without a doubt, I have no idea how I would ideally like to broach this subject, because I have literally no firsthand experience Saint: I imagine that must be frustrating, is it? Leilani: it can be coming from you but not coming from you, if you know what I mean Leilani: deep in there, maybe you've got a whole other convo you'd love to be having Saint: I'm receptive to any conversation you'd like to have Saint: well, almost any, I'm sure Leilani: you & everybody else Leilani: the talk about me is non-stop Saint: We wouldn't have to talk about you Saint: I don't have any particular bias towards the subject of you, though it would be bad manners to ask you no questions about yourself, I can refrain if you have, like I said and assumed, had enough for a while Leilani: it's good manners if I'm in no mood to answer questions about me Leilani: but it'd be my bad to tell you to shush & end this convo just like that Saint: As you've saved me from the mortal sin of impoliteness with your rhetoric there, I'll save you from having to do so and can leave it there Leilani: take a turn in the hot seat, see how you feel about it Leilani: prep if I haven't saved you from 👿🔥 Saint: I'm not inclined to believe the creator would be that unforgiving, but that's what Catholicism will do for your morals, I suppose Saint: Fire away, as it were 🔥 Leilani: you're a catholic? Saint: Culturally, definitely Saint: I'm not sure my commitment to the church is such I can claim myself as fully saved, yet Leilani: mine goes as far as loving the 1st Eid for its treats & ignoring the sacrifices of the 2nd, can't call it commitment Saint: I don't think you're alone in that philosophy and approach Saint: but I don't necessarily think that's terrible at all, as long as you're finding some joy and fulfilment from religion- that is certainly a huge tenant of all the ones I've heard of, so it can only be a positive Leilani: how my friends celebrate 🎄🎁🎅 shows me I'm not Leilani: party > church Saint: Precisely, commercialism argument aside Saint: any promotion of togetherness, community and goodwill, what could be the issue? Leilani: the issue is in the confusion Leilani: people thinking it's something its not Saint: There's plenty issue around 🎄🎁🎅 but no more than most anything in our society today Leilani: if you're trying to take issue with something on any level, you'll find a way Saint: Don't you think problems should be solved? Leilani: if it can Leilani: big if Saint: Of course Saint: I think the if only makes the pursuit of more vital, I don't find it to be invalidating Leilani: sure but some questions aren't if or but ones Saint: Such as? Leilani: if I said, you're the fittest member of this family, let's go out, your answer would be no, becos you are a member of this family, it doesn't matter if you add I would if I wasn't Leilani: the answer's still no Saint: No, my answer would be that there's truly only one absolute in this life Saint: that I know of Saint: there are laws, ethics, morality and codes of conduct in all societies, sure Saint: but nothing is certain Leilani: birth & death are certain Leilani: one brought you here, the other me Saint: I was thinking about death Saint: birth is luck, usually, it's a little different Leilani: 🤔 Leilani: accepted Saint: We can differ on perspectives there, it's fine 😃 Saint: in fact, the father would probably want to put forth an argument for the opposite, now I think about it Saint: worse Catholic than I thought Leilani: I was thinking that 🤰 = birth, the certainty part being you don't get to stay in but you know Saint: I see what you mean Saint: anyone that is here is a certainty Saint: think we're going into Schroedinger territory there, I respect it Leilani: 🙀📦 Saint: 👍 Saint: who am I to say that whatever people are before and after they're people here can't debate philosophy Leilani: these are bigger questions than I expected Saint: And I wasn't meant to even ask how you were Saint: 🤐 Saint: go on Leilani: I've got a headache now 😅 Saint: Oh dear Saint: That's the first time that's happened, I would assure you but that sounds like a losing battle and another knock for my ego Leilani: your ego wants to take it as brush off, retro as hell Leilani: but I don't get questions that deep posed around me is all Saint: Retro...God, just don't take my 'deep' questions as a sign of pretension or I'm getting more tragic by the second! Leilani: it's okay I'm not a downtrodden wifey from back in the day, we're in an era where I can just tell you no Saint: and we're all the better for it Saint: though I don't think I've asked you any question where you'd be directly answerable to me 🤔 Saint: giving me a little too much credit for the universe and it's many questions there Leilani: I don't want your ego to end this convo black & blue Saint: That's very kind of you Saint: but my ability to take criticism could be compared to your ability to cope with Grace, just so we're clear Leilani: Grace isn't hard to cope with Leilani: I like her Saint: I'm glad to hear that, it would be really hard if you didn't Saint: harder, than it is, of course Saint: don't think I'm bashing her really, as I said, they all mean well, I can just imagine that relentless good intentions and meaningful conversations to be had would get very exhausting very fast Leilani: everything's happened fast Leilani: they're all playing catch up to the unexpected Saint: But you're the important one here Saint: most, although I was adding that to try and take the pressure off but clearly that's easier said than done Leilani: this is where I add something about pressure creating 💎 Saint: I don't loathe the sentiment but does it make you feel any better? Leilani: no Saint: then I wouldn't worry Saint: and I doubt there's anything hugely meaningful I can do to make you feel better in an impactful, big way Saint: but if you think of anything on a smaller scale that you would like Saint: don't hesistate to ask Leilani: will you introduce me to everyone in a retro way? Leilani: 🗨  & 🤝 Saint: That I can do Saint: The upsides to this family being as large as it is is that you're never short of functions to hijack for whatever purpose you may need Saint: and you won't have to worry about being centre of attention unless it's your birth, wedding or death Saint: even then, people have their own agendas Leilani: no pressure or as close as Leilani: when's the next? Saint: Exactly Saint: [literally whatever and whenever we want, offer a selection to show your point lol] Leilani: [picks the one where she can serve the best lewk because gotta make an impression regardless especially when you're nervous] Leilani: it's a date Saint: That it is Saint: if you'd rather show up with another kid, I'm happy to come pick you up from Grace's Saint: up to you, of course Leilani: pick me up 🚗 Leilani: I have no idea how Grace is allowed on the road Saint: 😅 Saint: I suppose they reckon the amount of potholes, we're all playing a dangerous game at the mercy of the council Leilani: 🙏 by god's grace like Saint: Seems that's all that's left in the budget 🙄 Leilani: 😅😅 Saint: I think you're in my sister's year Saint: Venus, that is Leilani: what should I think about it? Saint: You know you hypothesized that I was the fittest member of this family? Leilani: it's too late to drop the bomb that I should've asked her to pick me up Saint: She'll need a lift as much as you Saint: but meaning, she'd have taken DEEP offence to that assertion Saint: the headache would be realer Leilani: oops Leilani: & yikes Saint: again, not here on a smear campaign Saint: but I'd be doing you a disservice if I pretended she's universally easy to get on with Saint: perhaps you'll take to each other though Leilani: I'm not easy to get on with atm Leilani: but I do get a free pass Saint: You're doing fine Saint: unless this is your attempt at belligerence, in which case, sorry 😬 Leilani: attempting nothing but no pressure face to face intros Leilani: how could you forget already? Saint: 🤦 forgive me? Leilani: 💅 Leilani: hold on, I'll ask myself what my god would do Leilani: ... Leilani: yeah sure Saint: 😅 Saint: I was hoping distraction only fell under bad manners, not sin Leilani: it depends how you're distracting me Saint: What I offered would depend on how 😇/😈 you preferred your distractions Leilani: if I don't have both on offer how can I possibly choose? Saint: That's completely fair, actually Leilani: I know Leilani: so don't be unfair Saint: Wouldn't dream of it Leilani: is there anyone else you'd like to warn me about, while you're being fair? Leilani: or anyone I should run into the arms of like 🤗🤗? Saint: Warn would be extreme Saint: I don't think anyone is that bad Saint: I would have to know you better personally to say who I think you'd really click with, but there's plenty of us, I'm sure you will with someone Leilani: indulge me in the drama of it, St Leilani: 🤦😅 Saint: Oh, right Saint: you want the gossip of it all so you also have prior information on them coming into the conversations Saint: let me think then Leilani: I miss when my friends wanted to talk about that stuff Leilani: instead of me & my feelings Saint: That makes sense Saint: maybe you and Vee will get on then Saint: there's just a lot of drama to get into Saint: your head and inbox would be rocked Leilani: I've got time Leilani: & my head's already a mess Saint: Okay then Saint: bear with me if my typing speed gets retro Leilani: 😄 Saint: [just methodically go through all that is messed up with the fam nbd] Leilani: holy hell Leilani: I know I asked for that but did I though? Leilani: where have I come to live Leilani: 👋🚕 Saint: Yes Saint: sorry Leilani: hold on I need to just ✈️ Leilani: I thought my mum's relationship history was crazy Saint: It is what it is Saint: we all still manage fine Leilani: by the grace of god again, or whatever other means necessary Saint: Maybe Saint: I don't think it's all that dire now Leilani: maybe when I've come though all the stages of grief I'll be able to let you know what I think Saint: Look forward to it Leilani: I did make it sound really hot Saint: 😏 Saint: we're not all messed up, thank you Leilani: I'm used to being that half of the convo Leilani: you do you Saint: How are you messed up then? Leilani: other than having no parents now? Saint: Yeah Leilani: I'm not doing this right Leilani: any of it Saint: What aren't you doing right? Leilani: I miss her but like she's gone on holiday or a work course Leilani: not like she's never coming back Saint: Well, what's the first stage of grieving Saint: you feel like you aren't missing her hard enough, but if you were out of denial already, you'd actually be taking it way too fast Saint: be rude, right? Saint: Think of it like that Leilani: my rudeness is worse, wanting to hang out with my friends how I did before Leilani: care about 👗👠💄 Saint: Your entire world has been turned upside down Saint: of course you're craving normality Saint: I'm not just saying all this to appease you Saint: you're a kid that just lost her mum Saint: I literally do not believe there's any way you could get through this that would be wrong, or would reflect poorly on you Leilani: she needs to walk back in & badmouth all her worst clients Leilani: she can't be lost Saint: I'm so sorry Saint: that it's so unfair Leilani: unfair was when my dad stopped sending money & letters after going back home for what he said would be a few months Leilani: this is Leilani: I don't even know Saint: How old were you? Leilani: does it make a difference? Saint: Did it? Leilani: I'd just started school, so financially, yeah Saint: Do you know what he's doing now, like, where he is? Leilani: no Leilani: my mum said he had another family there Leilani: someone he was actually married to Saint: Right Saint: that was a cowardly thing for him to do Saint: the minimum would've been financial support Leilani: sadly I can't get it backdated Leilani: imagine Leilani: 👗👠💄 Saint: I'd have to look into it Saint: but probably not Saint: very hard to enforce at any rate Leilani: & taking food out of his other children's mouths, assuming he has some others Saint: Yeah Saint: but you can't be held responsible for his life choices Leilani: neither can they then Saint: I meant it'd be his problem to worry about and solve Saint: but I can understand not wanting to literally steal candy from a baby, as it were Leilani: I haven't been his problem for years, I'm Grace's now Leilani: this family's with all their existing crazy Saint: Okay, getting in contact with your dad for reparations isn't the first step Leilani: it's a mis-step Leilani: he fell off the earth, I'm not following him Saint: Okay Saint: so, what would you be doing with your friends today, if things were normal? Leilani: 🛍 Saint: So, I'll give you both options Saint: I can drive you to your friends, or whatever 🛍 you go to with them Saint: or you can come 🛍 with me Leilani: you can take me Leilani: they don't know how to act now that I'm 💣💥 Saint: they probably think they're giving you time Saint: but really, they're asking for it Saint: at least, that's how I see it Saint: maybe next weekend, or the next Saint: but we can go for now Leilani: it's okay, I wouldn't deal any better if the roles were reversed Leilani: it's not their bad that there's nothing to say or do Saint: You're very fair Saint: not to detract from how much of a 💣💥 you feel Leilani: you're flattering me like I'm not a 💣💥 Leilani: I don't know what that says about you Saint: It's honesty, not flattery Saint: The situation is a 💣💥 Saint: I've seen people handle significantly worse, that's all Leilani: it feels nice, honesty doesn't usually Saint: that's a resounding endorsement Saint: probably a bit too smug to put on a poster or LinkedIn but still, I appreciate it Leilani: you know what I mean, honesty is usually like that 💅 isn't the one or you need braces, child Saint: I think people purposefully conflate being honest with being rude Saint: but you can weaponize anything if you're that sort of person Leilani: yeah ☕ Saint: There's plenty of that sort at church Leilani: & the salon Saint: I've spent less time there myself but I imagine they're much of a muchness Saint: 👵 they all love me, obviously but father is a perfect case study for diplomacy Leilani: it's a type of church for some people Leilani: they take it as serious as a religion Saint: Hair and beauty has always been important Leilani: they just like being able to see results, there's no guarantee when you pray Saint: I'd argue there's no guarantee you get the result you wanted Saint: perhaps even less than 🙏 Saint: maybe you get what you need, not what you want Leilani: 😅😅 Leilani: maybe not for 👵 if they're trying to look 👩 Saint: it highlights the limitations of communication Saint: you think you've asked concisely for one thing, and you end up with something that's nothing like that at all Leilani: I swear I did see my mum work some genuine miracles, that said Saint: It is without a doubt impressive what can be achieved Leilani: what do you want to be? Saint: I want to work for the government Leilani: we haven't been talking that long but that has come through Saint: Is there any particular way you'd like me to take that honesty? Leilani: as a compliment? Leilani: I think Saint: 😅 I think I can manage that then Leilani: I'll tell you what I used to want to be when I was a child, that's weirder Saint: Not admitting it's weird, but go on Saint: I'm intrigued Leilani: clues: Leilani: 🦷💉🥛😁 Leilani: 🚫🍬🍭🍫 Saint: Okay, question, just the one Saint: did you want to be rich or did you just really care about oral hygiene? Leilani: I wanted to make people pretty like my mum, I suppose was the thought process Leilani: & 😁 = happy Saint: So it's even more adorable than I first thought Saint: you don't want to be a dentist anymore? Leilani: the reality is way more gory than I knew then Saint: That's enough to give me a headache Leilani: I need a job with no blood or pus Leilani: even typing that made me feel weird Saint: 😖 Saint: Subject change Saint: are you going to buy anything today? Leilani: do I need to dress to impress your family or just myself? Saint: do you want me to invite my family out shopping with us? Leilani: you do have a lot of sisters Leilani: but you know I meant do I need a new outfit for this meet & greet you're taking me to of the entire extended clan Saint: Oh, gotcha Saint: dress for yourself, of course Saint: unless dressing to impress makes you feel more at ease, in which case, go for that and you won't be alone Leilani: it can't hurt Saint: No, there we go then 😊 Saint: though you can still do the aimless browsing I know 🛍 trips are really about, of course Leilani: are you looking to dress up too? Saint: I like to look presentable Leilani: oh good becos if it was just me, Grace & your sister that'd be a statement Saint: 😅 Saint: don't worry, it won't be Leilani: I'll do my happy dentist 😁 then Leilani: as I'm thrilled Saint: I'm just as 😁 to hear that Leilani: I'll try not to turn it into a frown with excessive browsing Leilani: no promises Saint: I've got a lot of sisters, as you said Saint: I'm sure I'll cope Leilani: which one's your favourite? Saint: which sister? 😂 Saint: I'm not sure there's a diplomatic way to answer that Leilani: answer it honestly, I can promise not to slide in to share the news Saint: Well, Jay is older and we didn't meet her until she was a kid so that combined with her personality makes her the most chilled out now Saint: Vee is younger but still close enough that we were kids together, so that makes her prime annoying younger sister category Saint: then the twins are that much younger that they get to be removed from that, and I have more of that protective older brother in me Leilani: Okay so Jay's your fave Leilani: what's your brother like? Saint: No, I didn't say that Saint: but she wasn't here in the beginning and she's grown up and gone now, it's easy to have less negatives to say about her Leilani: how old were you when you met? Saint: I was about 3 when we found out about her Saint: but the process took a while because she had a dad that raised her and still wanted to even though she wasn't his like he thought Saint: I think I was about 8 when she moved in and spent most of her time with us Leilani: that must have been such a weird time Saint: it was Saint: Vee was born around the time we found out about her so Saint: that was a trial too Leilani: your parents have had a LOT going on Saint: Yes, it seems to be their forte Leilani: your brother then Saint: he's younger too, so again, protective Saint: probably because we're outnumbered too Leilani: an if question Leilani: if you had to give me one of them, as an only child, which one would you give me? Saint: 😂 an odd request but okay, let me 🤔 Saint: Probably Sekh Saint: from the short conversation we've had, you have things in common, that would work well 🛍👠💄👗 Leilani: you're gonna separate the twins? very disney channel Saint: It was either lump them in together there and offend them, or separate and acknowledge that they're separate people Saint: they'll understand 😅 Leilani: 😅 Leilani: safer if I ask Grace for a pet instead Saint: Sure that she'd be down for that Saint: 🐰🐹🐱🐶🐠? Leilani: 🤔 Saint: That is a big decision Saint: best to take your time, decide how much effort you wanna put in to day to day care Leilani: 🐱 or 🏠🐰 Saint: Cute Saint: got any names or do you need to see it before assigning one Leilani: it feels fairer to meet them 1st Saint: 👍 Saint: we can go to the nearest pet shop/shelter if you'd like Leilani: adopt don't shop, St Leilani: or else 👿🔥 Saint: Indeed 😏 Saint: but you know most shops rescue their animals now anyway Saint: except fish...but I don't know how we're morally meant to feel about breeding fish? Leilani: we won't buy any, be on the safe & 😇 side Saint: It's your day Saint: I wouldn't try to bring you down to 👿🔥 levels Leilani: thanks, I have only just moved in Saint: Definitely not my intention with this conversation, or any going forward Leilani: that comes through too Saint: Is that a compliment? Leilani: I don't know if you're 😁 or not to be a good & polite boy Saint: Why would I want to be anything less 😇? Leilani: becos of your name maybe Saint: Subverting expectations Saint: I'd argue people expect the opposite from me though, regardless of my first name Leilani: in your case pressure makes 😇 Saint: 🤞 I hope so Leilani: I'll subvert expectations for us both Saint: Is that your new plan? Leilani: I don't really have one Leilani: other than the 🛍 Saint: Well, you have time Leilani: yeah, it's the keyword that's getting thrown around most atm Saint: It's not provably true but it's most likely the case Leilani: & it'll fill an awkward silence Saint: I can clearly talk enough for the both of us Saint: it doesn't need to be awkward Leilani: this isn't, but remember how we ref-ed that you weren't the only McKenna in my 💬📱 Saint: Right Saint: is there anything you'd like me to do, beyond the formal introductions Saint: politely suggest some people give it some time, perhaps? Leilani: use the time thing against them, I like it 😅 Saint: Only fair 🙂 Saint: consider it done Leilani: we're back into retro hubby & wifey territory Saint: You think? Leilani: it's very defence squad but I'm not 😤 Saint: I'm not helping you because you're a girl and I'm a boy Saint: just because I have the ability to Leilani: I know, you're coming across capable Saint: I'd like to think so Saint: but bragging about it would not be 😇 nor helpful Leilani: I've got your back in hyping you up a 😇 amount Saint: That's sweet Saint: I promise my ego is not that fragile that I need you to but it's still nice Leilani: I'd like to think I am Leilani: that it's not all doom & gloom in me, but maybe time will have to tell, annoyingly Saint: It shows Saint: honestly Saint: you aren't what's happened to you, even if that is all you can think about right now, or feel it's all you're meant to, or are allowed to, whatever Leilani: whether or not I'm her death, I was her life Leilani: there's credit for how she raised me, I mean Saint: Definitely Saint: I don't know you yet, but I would like to get to know you, from what I've seen Saint: I won't throw out proud for her but, you know Saint: I would be in her position Leilani: I don't know what to say Leilani: that feels above nice to hear Saint: I'm almost certain she would want you to know that, at the very least Leilani: yeah, she would Leilani: she wasn't too humble for a brag Saint: 😅 Saint: you should continue that tradition then Leilani: you'll regret saying that when I make you take 10000000000000s of pictures of me posing in different 👗 Saint: 😏 I'll have to buy myself something expensive to cope, I'm sure Leilani: ⌚️ so you can keep an eye on the time Saint: I have an uncharacteristically free day today Saint: my time is yours Leilani: what are we waiting for? come get me Saint: That's what I was waiting for Saint: I'll be with you shortly Leilani: consent given Saint: 👍
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So, I started this comic page about a few months ago. (yeah, I know, it really narrows it down, huh?) This was a comic page intro I was going to do for my AU ContaminationTale. However, there are quite a lot of things stopping me from actually making the comic. I want to start a comic, but I think I would do fairly poorly at actually making a good comic that will keep attention.
I also have all of my characters designed for ContaminationTale, but I do not want to actually do them digitally cause I am afraid I will mess it up. I am bad at character reference sheets. I love to have something going on, or something more implied, and not just a character. However, I hope I will fix that with myself soon.
The backstory behind ContaminationTale is besically something kinda similar but very adjacent to how Error Sans was formed. As confusing as it is, allow me to elaborate-
ContaminationTale is an AU where classic Undertale is taken over and corrupted by a strange human that is not Chara, or the other human souls. It is just a random human that had run across the world and watched the events of the world pan out. So in a way, they are like a way to breach the 4th wall, whilst not being able to communicate with the obersevers of the AU. (Myself, or people that may view my works) Here is the old set of information I made for ContaminationTale when it was first created. Including characters, places, items, food and other stuff like that.
[ ° Basic Information ° ]
» Classic Undertale ™ is slowly fading away, being overshadowed by it's many various AU's, which have became far more popular than the classic game. So when the infamous, and to-say-the-least very unwelcome 'Shadow Player' comes back, and completely takes control of the game, he controls all of the characters as well. Now, running on only hate, fear and sadness; Undertale is going to make a fatal, feral strike-back at the many AU that fans so ADORE.
[ ° AU Connections ° ]
➡ All of the AU, over a large span of years, have managed to completely coincide with each other and accept each other's existence. They even have come to think of each other as kin. Family and such. Error is way more level, having been around Ink and Blue so much made him less homicidal and seemed to get rid of his 'God-Syndrome'. Other more homicidal AU, such as Horror and Killer have also calmed down murder wise, however they do have their slip ups. Nightmare since then had also split into two versions of himself. Night, who is the one with no black ooze on him is able to be with dream, and be happy, and Nightmare, who is more level in the head, but still a jerk. At times there can be tension but they all get over it rather fast. This is called the 'Pacification of the Bad AU' (As restated later, this is NO WHERE NEAR CANON. This is for the plot of ContaminationTale.)
Quick Note: As another note, in this AU, the monsters hate killing, and Chara was pacified. He is in the same boat as the monsters. The monsters of ContaminationTale used what free code they were able to spare to make it to where any AU versions of themselves they killed respawned in the Flower Patch being as it was the furthest from most of the while they were able to keep their 'good' conscious. The person who hacked them was unable to reverse it.
[ ° Characters ° ] (All Characters keep their same personalities when in their 'Free Form' however, in their 'Contaminant Form' they all remain kind of similar to themselves, but become homocidal, and attack any AU characters soon there after, or instantly.
» Sans
» Papyrus
» Grillby
» Toriel
» Gaster
» Asgore
» Alphys
» Asriel
» Flowey
» Undyne
» Burgerpants
» Mettaton
» Nopstablook
» Temmie
» Doggo
» Monster Kid
» Monster Kids Parents
» Chara
» Frisk
» Endogeny
» Muffet
[ ° Common Reference Places ° ]
» The Waterfall
➡ No longer exists. When the world started to vanish, the waterfall went first and was unable to be brought back.
» Grillby's Bar
➡ Doesn't really function as a bar anymore. This place is actually more it less used for medical treatment and a weapon station.
» Echo Flower garden/field/cave
➡ All places that have echo flowers in them are or can be used for a torture room. When a person is trapped in there, the flowers only scream, cry and laugh at the being inside. There are no identified words that are ever said, other than 'DIE'.
» MTT Station
➡ This place is actually used for the Shadow Players base and planning area. Off limits and heavily guarded with technology. It had many secret operative plans that happen in it all the time.
»Asgore's Castle
➡ Mostly a moot point area. However when any of the classic monsters die they respawn in the center room of the castle. However the center room is also a jail cell and the monster that spawns there gets three days solitary confinement for getting killed.
» Flowey's Flower Patch
➡ Any au characters that are killed in ContaminationTale that are not part of the AU spawn in the flower patch. Other than that this location is rather useless.
» Toriel's Ruins
➡ Long since abandoned. However the au characters that come to ContaminationTale often regroup, stay and recoop themselves here. They use this as a base and plan area. It provides shelter to those AU that can't make Portals like Dream can.
» Alphys Lab
➡ Used to mix poisons, and is filled with mechanical body parts used to replace lost limbs that didn't kill the victim. It is also used to overview the town and make traps.
» Sans Station - Bridge Crossing
➡ Loaded to the brim with motion sensors and traps ready for the unsuspecting. This causes confusion is and can be very dangerous if you are not careful or nimble because stuff comes at you from all sides.
[ ° Common Food and Food Stats ° ]
- Cinnamon Bun - (Restores 25 HP)
- Hot Dog w/ Bun - (Restores 50 HP)
- Hard Tac (Restores 30 HP)
- Alfrado ( Restores 100 HP)
- Cupcake (Restores 10 HP)
- Spaghetti ( Restores 50 HP)
- Pie (Restores 40 HP)
- Candy (Restores 5 HP each)
[ ° Weaponry ° ]
» Sans Butcher's Knife
➡ /+30 ATK/ - /-5 SPD/ - /+10 HP/
↪ Fire Perk - With this Sans can give the Butcher Knives the ability to set themselves on fire on the blade. However this one lasts for a few attacks before he has to build up a charge again.
» Papyrus's Bone Staff
➡ /+40atk/ - /-5spd/ - /+15hp/
↪ Dead Weight Perk - The dead weight Perk is used to inflict extra damage on characters when a weapon is swung. The dead weight puts more pressure and force behind the attack. Depending on how willing he is the fight, it affects how well Papyrus is able to use his weapon.
» Gaster's Scythe
➡ /+10 HP/ - /-5 SPD/ - /+15-20 ATK/
↪ Invisibility Perk : This makes the weapon itself unable to be seen by the naked eye after so many attacks for a stent of time. However you can still see the weapons shadow is it is in a lit area. That's why Gaster is more likely not to be found in dark scenery or places. If there is light anywhere, that is where you need to stay. Gaster also has the ability to blend into the dark, and it makes him a harder opponent.
»Toriel's Arrows
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /- 5 HP/ - /+5 ATK/
↪ Tipped Arrows ; this means they are actually poisoned with a small odor causes nausea, draining HP, and confusion to enemy characters. It however takes a small toll on her health every time she shoots an arrow. This is why she alters the arrows she uses. Her alterations come in an irregular patterns and it is spontaneous when she pulls one out.
» Asgore's Scepter
➡ /-15 SPD/ - /+10 ATK/ - /+0 HP/
↪ Electricity : like any other weapon, this one reacts better to opposite elements. The weapons this one better completed and takes out are wooden and metal weapons. It can not travel through rubber or other materials that have specific metals that do not connect well with the ability to travel through. If he uses a lightning based attack on a material that is not a conductor, the electricity comes back to him and will either stun him, or be shot off somewere else.
» Asriel's Slingshot
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /+5 ATK/ - /+ 0 HP/
↪ Explosive pellets are the thing that Asriel launches from his sling. These pellets are strong mini fireworks packed with acid. When it touches skin,fur or bone, even metal, it burns around the area it hit with a 5-7 inch radius. Depending on where he hits and what he hits, it can cause serious damage and make someone get bad infections.
» Undyne's Spear
➡ /-0 SPD/ - /+5 HP/ - /+10 ATK/
↪ Dead Weight Perk: Similar to Papyrus, her Spears are made of basic magic they don't have any initial weight untill they are seeing seeing at a Target. So initially her perk is the same as Papyrus's perk from there. However, if she is close enough, she can cause her weapon to lose all it's weight for faster movement, and gain all of it for maximum impact.
» Mettaton's Gun
➡ /+15 SPD/ - /+0HP/ - /+10 ATK/
↪ Silencer - the gun have no special or notable perks but it is good for power and stealth kills. The silencer makes it to where there is only ever A very faint click heard if the gun is fired. The gun itself fires off long bullets/pellets that are filled with acid. The second the bullet goes into skin, or hits something and gets stuck, the acid will start to burn through it.
» Frisk's Staff
➡ /-10 SPD/ - /+5 HP/ - /+5 ATK/
↪ Knock Back Perk : This makes a large gust of pressurized air go at the opponent and knock them down effectively for 1-3 attacks. Mainly due to having the 'wind' knocked out of them. /Funny? Only me? Ok... ;W;/ either way, this makes it to where Frisk usually does not have to get too close to anyone or anything and keeps them a safer distance away from the action while still being able to help out.
» Chara's Knife
➡ /+15 HP/ - /+15 ATK/ - /+5 SPD/
↪ Long Range Perk : after weapon is used so many times, the weapon can go through a stent of long range power ups. That means when the blade is swung it creates a red projectile cutting Lazer in the form of the slice and can only go forward for for up to 15 feet. Once it reaches that and is unable to catch anything, the attack turns to the ground, and goes into it. This can cause the ground to gain holes in it that are up to 25 feet in depth. After so many missed attacks, it will cause the ground to collapse, taking less space for movement against the enemies.
» Grillby's Arrows
➡ /-10 HP/ - /+20 ATK/ - /+10 SPD/
↪ Fire Perk : the fire only goes out when he snaps his fingers, but his fire in particular can't burn polyester. However, after so many uses, his fire won't reactivate itself until he has had a 10 minute rest.
» Tikal's Lasso
➡ /+5 SPD/ - /+10 ATK/ - /+0 HP/
↪ no perks, batter for stealth attacks
»Muffet's Glass Throwing Knives
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /+5 ATK/ - /+5 HP/
↪ respawn: if the knives are broken, they rebuild the partial belt bag, it might be better just to have more battle ready
» Alphys' Axe
➡ /-15 SPD/ - /+20 ATK/ - /+5 HP
» Monster Kid/Family Tail + Crossbows
➡ /+25 SPD/ - /+30 ATK/ - /-10 HP/
↪ no perks
[ ° All Weaponless Characters ° ]
» Temmie
» Burgerpants
» Doggo
» Endogeny
» Napstablook
» Flowey
[ ° Weaponless Characters Abilities ° ]
» Temmie
- Speed Attack: Used to confuse and knock out characters. Temmie runs around them and strikes their body in various places to try to cause more consistent confusion.
» Doggo
- Lock Jaw: Doggo locks his jaw around anyone's limbs. He won't let go until you give into Contaminated or you break his jaw. On the same note, if you break his jaw, his teeth will break from his jaw and sink into your skin until the contamination is spread. In the matter of 3 hours, his teeth grow back, and his jaw repairs itself.
» Endogeny
- Corrupt : uses the shades to possess enemies and attack other enemies or take themselves out.
» Burgerpants
- Incinerate: he always has a lighter and gasoline on him somewhere. So when he reacts he can use it to gradually put on his enemies then he can burn them alive when he lights it up.
» Flowey
- Vines : Shred or Strangle - Flowey can either crush his opinions with several Vines or throw needles at the enemy that are hard to dodge and have incredible sharpness.
» Napstablook
- Sonic Scream: Nopstablook screams silently at the other one enemies and the sound waves lower defense, and confuse them. It also makes them unable to see straight, makes them nautious and can cause surrounding items or building parts to collapse, gain damage or go haywire
[ ° Common World Items ° ]
* Machine Parts
- (Commonly found in the lab, or Mettatons News Station.) The machine parts vary, however, there is no real use for gears anymore, otherwise as throwing weapons. However, longer machine parts are used to make traps, or as close range weapons such as bo-staffs.
* Desk Supplies
- (Can be found anywhere) Desk supplies unclude things such as tape, pencils, pens, paper and other forms of common utilities. These also serve as weapons. They are easier to hide, find, and store without being weighed down.
* Marbles
- ( A rare find that some monsters used to posses. Such as Toriel) These are used as a good tripping device, or as a good distraction to those that can't avoid them.
* Contaminated Black Tar
- (Everywhere) This black tar only forms when a monster from Undertale / ContaminationTale is killed. Instead of turning into a pile of ashes, or dust, the turn into black goo and reform in the stated 'respawn' point. This can afflict other AU or humans that enter the world and turn them into a being like the afflicted monsters. However, since they are not considered 'Undertale' characters, they find a way to kill / destroy themselves. If they are just a human from the surface world, they will destroy themselves and not regenerate. However, if the are an AU, they regenerate fully healed in Flowey's flower patch.
* Silverware
- (Anywhere) This also serves as a great weapon.
* Broken Pipes
- (Inside walls and other items they can be placed in) these are used both weapons on 'inobvious spyware. They are all stuck into walls in order to spy around and keep an eye out without being seen right away.
>> Other Things to Clarify <<
1) As you have seen, there are both a "Flowey" and an "Asriel" in this AU. This was not a mistake, or an error in planning. They are both separate characters.
2) The 'Affiliations with other AU' including known AU Sanses or other characters is NOT CANON. I know most of you know this already, however, this is to those who get easily offended. The other AU checking in on the 'Classic' world is because if something happens to destroy Undertale, ALL OF THE AU will be destroyed in the process.
3) Undertale and ContaminationTale are both the same thing here. I know you all think that since it is an AU like this, it might be like Dust, or Killer Sans and they diverge into another AU. Which is both true, and not true. It becomes it's own AU later, however I have it set up to exist where the other AU characters need to help the Undertale characters escape their situation and beat the hacker first.
4) After the hacker is beaten, ContaminationTale becomes its own AU where it lives abandoned, and no AU characters come into it anymore. Meaning the reason behind it's existance is actually kind of futile, and the human gets killed by the ContaminationTale monsters later only to come back. It turns into an ever-turning genocide AU.
5) ContaminationTale Characters can only kill other copies of theselves so they are more equally matched. If they attack a version of another monster, most of their attacks will be barely even able to cause damage, no matter how powerful. This is due to a slip-up in the coding that contaminated them.
6) The main reason the other AU care so much about helping this AU is because at the time it is still 'Undertale' not just 'ContaminationTale'. Undertales code is becoming unstable, and it is inevitable that it will cause Undertale itself to collapse. Killing all of the AU Sanses and their respective AU.
//Afternote: Another reason I made this AU is cause Classic is usually helping the other AU, and the other AU don't really help him out. So I wanted to change that. I also feel bad cause Undertale ins't as popular as it's AU anymore. I did a survey with all the Undertale Lovers in my school, and I was the only one who voted on Classic Undertale out of 76 kids. :( //
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