#and wants to save sayaka because she is trying to save her self
magical-xirl-4 · 5 months
the amount of catharsis i just felt when i read this section
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ghostdeals · 2 months
It bother me so much that people misunderstand sayaka miki's descent into madness in madoka magica. She doesnt become a witch "just because of a boy." Sayaka is a character who ties all her self worth into being in service of others. We can see this right from the start with her idolization of mami and everything that she was. She saw mami as this "perfect hero" even though mami i would say is mentally the weakest of the holy quintet. In the timelines where mami finds out about the incubator's true goals she always immediately breaks and goes crazy, trying to kill the other girls in her own twisted way of trying to "save them". Instead of seeing the fragile person that mami was, sayaka instead sort of treats her as a martyr, a goal to achieve. We continue on to sayaka's magical girl wish. Instead of wishing for something for herself, she instead sells her soul for the sake of kyousuke. Then when he starts dating hitomi she spirals not because she's sad about the rejection but because she feels replaced in his life, that he doesn't need or want her around anymore. Then she throws herself into her magical girl work not seeing that she's harming herself because she justifies it with "well im saving people that means what im doing is a good thing." She doesn't see that she's becoming more sloppy, more ruthless until its too late. It's only in the end when she turns into a witch that her story gets resolved.
Sayaka Miki is an incredibly sad character to me. While her actions have the illusion of being selfless and "for the greater good" she is actually incredibly selfishly motivated. Everything she does is in service of wanting praise and admiration from the people she cares about. If she helps kyousuke he'll appreciate her and love her, if she becomes a hero she'll receive praise and admiration for being a good person. This is why it is important that of all people it was kyoko that fought sayaka in the end. To homura, sayaka is someone to be saved. To mami, sayaka is her sweet apprentice/younger sister figure. To madoka, sayaka is her energetic and happy go lucky friend. Kyoko is the only one who from the start called sayaka out on her bullshit, seeing straight through her. And at the end, kyoko is the one who truly accepts sayaka. Sayaka as the witch Oktavia von Seckendorff is stated multiple times in official material to be "looking for love." In the end it it kyoko who gives her that love. Even when sayaka has lost her humanity it is kyoko who accepts her for the entirety of who sayaka is with all of her selfishness and desires. She is the one who sees what sayaka has become and stays together with her till both of their ends. Kyoko choosing to die with sayaka is her saying "I'm here for you, i know all of you, and I will love you regardless."
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himehomu · 11 months
One of my favorite madohomu scenes of all time takes place in the anime, episode 8 at the 17:50 mark to be exact. After Homura kills Kyubey before Madoka can make a contract with him, she approaches Madoka and asks why she's so self-sacrificial, tells her to stop demeaning herself by thinking so lowly of herself, begs her to think of the people who think the world of her, those who'd be mournful if, god forbid, anything were to happen to her, to please think of those trying to keep her safe. From Madoka's perspective, this is the first time the usually stoic, cold, and standoffish Homura is being vulnerable, open, and emotional. From Madoka's perspective, this is the first time she's seen someone so seemingly brave as Homura cry. The first time she's ever heard her voice above her usual calm and collected tone. This is the first time Madoka sees Homura so upset, so frustrated, so afraid.
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Madoka, whom has never met this girl aside from seeing her in a strange dream, sees Homura fall to her knees and cry and, as if on instinct, Madoka stands up to comfort her.
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And, in this moment, Madoka has some moment of clarity, recognition, familiarity. It goes by pretty fast, but if you capture this moment frame by frame, you can tell in the way her face changes and she stares at seemingly nothing. She goes from staring down at Homura worriedly to getting caught off guard by something. It kind of looks like she's looking at something off screen until a black void of static accompanied by a low buzzing plays for a brief second before Madoka, out of nowhere, asks "Have we met before?" Then you realize she was experiencing that feeling of familiarity from seeing Homura so upset. "Wait, have I done this before. Have I comforted this girl before? Have I seen her cry before?"
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This scene is so powerful to me, because this Madoka doesn't know Homura. Or, at least, she shouldn't. Yet, when she sees this girl fall to her knees crying, when she sees this seemingly emotionless girl so broken and fragile, and more importantly as soon as Madoka stands to comfort her, she has this sense of "Have we met before? Have we done this before? Have I seen you like this before?"
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Even in her "dream," she wanted to protect Homura, wanted to stop what was happening in front of her: Homura giving up her life to defeat Walpurgisnacht and failing. That's the reason why she agreed to become a Magical Girl in the "dream"; she wanted to change the outcome of Homura's fate. In the first timeline, she saved Homura from a Witch. Despite Homura wishing to be the one protecting Madoka, the moment Homura lets her brave facade down, shows vulnerability, is afraid and frustrated and upset, Madoka stands up to do what comes naturally to her: comforting and protecting Homura. And that's what sparks her recognition. She stands to comfort her because deep down she feels like she knows her from somewhere, that they've met somewhere, sometime before. Throughout the anime, when Sayaka and Mami were antagonistic towards Homura, Madoka kept saying "Is she really that bad?" and "I feel like we could all be friends" and "What if she's telling the truth?" Because she's known her throughout 100 time loops, she's protected her throughout 100 time loops, she's loved her throughout 100 time loops. This is kind of an underrated madohomu moment yet it's one of the most solidifying on Madoka's end.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Thinking about redemption yesterday got me thinking about fallen heroes today, and how rare it is to see a character initially painted as a hero be driven to heinousness for legitimate reasons.
Often times, if a hero goes bad, it's because of an external force corrupting their mind. Or it's a misunderstanding and they were secretly still good all along. Or they were just having a rough day and they'll be good again in five minutes.
We rarely see get to see heroes go sour purely on their own merits. Maybe because their values weren't so benign as they'd seemed when pushed to a natural conclusion. Maybe because they expected too much of themselves or of others. Or maybe personal experience taught them to believe something else.
Whatever the case, as often as writers will attempt to examine the transformative power of better angels, we rarely get to see the transformative power of worse devils.
Which brings me to....
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Sayaka Miki is a character that holds a special place in my heart, not for overcoming her flaws but for being consumed by them. She's a cautionary tale into the perils of righteousness.
I need to preface this by bringing up that the characters of Madoka Magica are children. They're irrational, judgmental, ignorant of risk, and quick to throw themselves into horrible mistakes with absolute confidence. Because they're children. That's how this works. The villain of the series is a psychological predator who feeds on the impulsivity and poor judgment of youth, grooming them into self-destruction.
The entire system of Magical Girls exists to give these children enough rope to hang themselves with and then to kick the ladder out from under them. That is the plot, with Sayaka being the primary means by which the show demonstrates the complete journey from rope to ladder.
I just. I need you to understand that even at her worst, Sayaka is a victim of predatory incentives and calculated coercions meant to cultivate her worst traits while stripping her of hopes and dreams. To drown her in mistakes she could never take back. She didn't have the life experience to know better. That's why her predator targets children.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. It's not immediately apparent when we meet her, but Sayaka's fatal flaw is ego. Her moral compass is wound extremely tight, and it's only later that we realize it's wound around her neck.
Like many children, Sayaka is trying on an identity moreso than expressing her inner self. She wants to be altruistic. She wants to be selfless. She wants to be a true hero. She wants to live by nothing more than high-minded ideals, expecting no reward for her efforts (but receiving it all the same).
She wants to be the kind of person that Mami was.
But she has no idea who Mami was. She wasn't there to see Mami fracture. To see her break down in vulnerability and express the isolating misery she lives in.
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Sayaka didn't see that. She only saw how cool Mami looked when she was killing Witches. So when she tries on an identity, she's specifically trying on the identity of Mami - blissfully unaware that her interpretation of Mami was nothing but a mask. She is emulating the behavior of a victim already consumed by the predatory incentives she's accepting.
Sayaka was doomed from the moment she made her wish.
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Once again, the show does a brilliant job of concealing this at first. Right off the bat, it's easy for Sayaka to be the hero. She saves both her BFFs Madoka and Hitomi from a Witch in her debut adventure, before being immediately thrust into a moral argument that's super easy for her to win.
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This is what a hero looks like! Should we stand by and let monsters eat people YES/NO
Sayaka says no. Sayaka says letting monsters eat people is bad. Solid Bioware-level moral dilemma she's got here. Sayaka won +10 Paragon points for the choices she picked out of this conversation tree, lemme tell you!
Moments like this work to disguise what's going on here with Sayaka. Obviously Sayaka's making good choices and doing the right thing when the alternative is Kyoko going "Want me to break your crush's limbs so he needs you for life support?" That's awful, so since Sayaka's against it then that means she must be right. Right?
Kyoko is the devil. Sayaka is the paragon.
But this is a story about nuanced and complex people. Sayaka isn't that person. Sayaka likes the idea of being that person. She's being dishonest - With herself, with others around her, and with the universe.
She's trying on an identity, not fully understanding who she really is or what her limitations are.
Incidentally, so is Kyoko, which is what makes their Yin and Yang dichotomy so potent. Having never been tested like this before, Sayaka is more selfish than she truly understands - While Kyoko, damaged by trauma, is more selfless than she wants to believe.
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The thing Sayaka doesn't quite grasp is that, to an extent, it's okay to be selfish. It's okay to want things for yourself. Again, the identity she's trying to live up to was a lie to begin with. She only saw the mask; Never the humanity underneath. So she fails to recognize her own humanity; Her own needs and wants and desires.
She imprisons her own mind in a cage of altruism.
Sayaka is warned multiple times against spending her wish on another person. But she doesn't understand the perils of it. She lacks the necessary perspective to grasp the level of sacrifice she's making. (Because she is a child. I cannot stress this point enough.)
When she makes her wish, Sayaka wants her sacrifice reciprocated. She wants to be rewarded. But she doesn't want to want that. She wants to be the selfless hero for Kyosuke. To silently grant him a miracle because it's the right thing to do for her friend. But she expects, without consciously thinking about it, that the universe will deliver her nice things because she is good.
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But life doesn't work like that. It doesn't give you things you aren't willing to reach for. Sayaka said she just wanted him to be happy. She just wanted to help people. She just wanted to dedicate her life to virtue and altruism, with no wants or needs or desires of her own.
Kyoko was being cruel and unfeeling when she suggested crippling Kyosuke; She was trying to express a mask of selfishness, the same way Sayaka's been trying to express a mask of selflessness. But she wasn't the only person telling Sayaka that it was a mistake to do this. She's just the only person who said it after the fact.
So the universe calls her bluff. While Sayaka waits for her sacrifices to be rewarded, fracturing more and more from learning what those sacrifices truly entail, someone else claims her prize. The work gets harder, not just physically but emotionally. And she only gets what she asked for. Nothing more.
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This is what a hero looks like. She wanted to be Mami.
Remind me. What was Mami's reward for her sacrifices?
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Oh. Yeah. That's right.
The thing of it is, there is a reward for a Magical Girl's sacrifices. There is a prize you're meant to receive for the unjust hardships and self-destruction that you're volunteering to undertake.
It's the fucking wish.
That she, in her righteousness, gave away.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. Her fatal flaw is ego. She was undone by arrogance expressed in ignorance, not of glory the way we often think of egotistic people, but of righteousness. She held herself to a standard no reasonable person could ever live up to, and it crushed her as it came crashing down.
And yet, she was a victim all the same. Because she was walked, hand-in-hand, to that pier by a predator. Children are meant to learn from their mistakes. Not to die for them.
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
"As much as I wish for the happiness of someone, someone else must be equally cursed."
This is Sayaka's most icon line (next to "I won't regret anything!") and for good reason. It describes herself, but also the entire concept of "magical girls".
Kyuubey grants the wishes, and in return, a girl becomes cursed becoming a magical girl. Every character (*at least in pmmm, not magia record) becomes cursed at the expense of helping someone else.
Madoka(mi) ends the curse for all magical girls and her friends, but she and Homura becomes the most cursed of all. Madokami bears the weight of the whole universe on her shoulders; Homura's love made her into an object of worship.
Homura ends Madokami's reign (therefore un-cursing Madoka) at the expense of becoming more cursed herself, and cursing the rest of magical girls. Homura losses herself, her mind, and Madoka all for the sake of allowing Madoka to become human again. She can't interact with Madoka, but she can watch her inside her gilded cage; and that's "all" Homura needs
Sayaka is the most poignant example of this; with her "role" being to showcase the ultimate curse of all magical girls. She's determined to make a "selfless" wish (disguising her true "selfish" desires) despite how much Mami warns her against it. Sayaka losses the control she wanted to gain, and losses her mind. Mami's facade left such an impact on her she's dedicated herself to portraying herself as the "perfect magical girl" that never existed nor could exist in the first place. She becomes more cursed bearing the curse Mami left for her, and pushing away the one person who could help her because Kyoko doesn't line up with Sayaka's deluded image of how a magical girl should be. Sayaka curses the people around her up until her curse is ended by Kyoko.
Kyoko makes the most selfless wish of them all, and the most people become cursed as a result. The ones she loved and wished for the sake of in a genuinely selfless way had enjoyed her wish for a while, until the wish could not longer protect them. Kyoko's whole family and life went up in flames as a direct consequence of her wish; because of that, she's decided to live only for herself because she understands best the curse that comes with selflessness; the curse that comes with love. I don't know if it's directly confirmed when Kyoko leaves Mami, but I theorize it was shortly after the death of Kyoko's family; the time Kyoko lost her selfless heart and could not longer connect with others as a result. Kyoko stays that way until Sayaka; Sayaka is the antithesis of Kyoko and yet the same as her. Kyoko relieves the curse on herself and Sayaka with their deaths; the only way to end the curse of a magical girl.
Mami's wish is the most selfish (*objectively) and so the fewest people are cursed (one could even argue that the only one cursed by Mami's wish was Mami herself). Mami's curse is a "self-fufilling prophecy" of sorts where she isolates herself and fully dedicates herself to being a magical girl from the fear that she'll end up alone again and/or that anyone she comes into contact will suffer/die. In a sense, this is true, as the rest of the Holy Quintet do in fact suffer, die, become witches, and so on. Mami didn't even really get to make a wish; she simply had an opportunity to survive and took it, and was forced to suffer as a magical girl because of it. The impact she leaves on Sayaka and her trying to convince Madoka to become a magical girl are curses she imposes without knowing the extent of her actions, nor that her actions are in any way bad; she's gotten swept up by the lies of the incubators and has become someone who curses as a result.
Nagisa is an interesting case because she deliberately curses herself and the people around her. She knows that she COULD wish to save her mom, but prefers the idea of making her mom indulge in her revenge: the world's tastiest cheesecake. The cheesecake Nagisa wished for instead of her mother's health. She becomes a magical girl, with the knowledge she'll never not be a magical girl again, all for the sake of revenge.
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theamityelf · 8 months
You’re Undead Au has captivated me. Anymore to share?
Thank you!
Let's see. In the notes of that first post, @suitov brought up the idea of Makoto Skyping Matsuda while all this is happening, and I love that. Matsuda is part of the efforts to find a cure for the virus, and Makoto checks in with him (or vice versa) every now and then.
This also opens the door for him to just be regularly contacting his family, which I also find very funny. But I imagine Hope's Peak is trying to maintain the image of the Ultimates, so Makoto's communications are being heavily screened. He's allowed to email his family, but he has to be really vague about what's going on. Absolutely no Skyping them.
As for his classmates, Mukuro keeps having weapons! No matter how many he takes away from her (and she always lets him take them away without a fight), she somehow keeps having weapons. The students are fighting and Mukuro just pulls out a knife and Makoto runs over like "NO! Give me that!" She doesn't bite pretty much at all, but that might have something to do with all the knives she apparently has. Fortunately, no one has been stabbed yet.
Byakuya has a stash of food that is steadily growing. He saves some of his share of every meal, and it accumulates quickly. The only problem is that it's raw meat and there's no refrigeration and it's rancid but he won't let Makoto throw it out. Makoto has to trade him fresh meat for his rancid meat- at a loss, because of course Byakuya makes sure the exchange rate favors him, because of course he's identified that Makoto feels strongly about getting that smell out of the classroom and makes use of that desperation.
Also, Makoto has to sleep in Byakuya's section of the room. He isn't sure why (because of course he isn't), but Byakuya acts really posssessive towards him. The first night, he tried to pick his own corner of the room to sleep, but Byakuya dragged him over to his section and wrapped his arms around him so he couldn't escape. He genuinely thought he was going to eat him for a second.
When he brings this up to Nagito, Nagito just strokes his chin and goes, "Maybe it's because you're the one providing the food. The Ultimate Affluent Progeny must have a highly adept sense of resource management. Claiming you means controlling the market, as it were."
"Oh, yeah! That makes sense."
Sayaka can still sing. Well, she can still vocalize. Most of them can't say words (The Ultimate Imposter generally chooses not to speak, but he can imitate words perfectly when he wants. It's very eerie.), so she's not singing lyrics, but she still has perfect command of her voice and a great sense of what sounds good. She's singing or humming to herself almost constantly, almost as a kind of self-soothing technique, so if she ever sneaks out of the classroom, she's not hard to find.
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lunart-06 · 9 months
I love DR3 specifically for the future arc and only future arc cause my gooooodddd I've never hold onto Makoto's character tighter since DR1 and I MEAN IT.
There are a few thoughts I have and after that one post I reblog I HAVE to talk about it.
In DR1 I don't THINK he would make murder as something optional, considering the situation he was in, that would just be what Monokuma– what junko– wanted. Even if it comes to defending himself if he were to ever be the blackened's victim, he'd prolly just tried to see if there was a way to escape, or just punch his way out of it (the whole sayaka situation and all prolly does not sit right with him).
But that's it. He may not consider murder optional in DR1 but he won't hesitate to hurt when it comes to self-defense in the most devastating moment. He would, consider decking someone like Monokuma a few times but those are just the "food for thought" kinda thing for him. Not like he actually WOULD do it, rules or not, but he does think about it at least.
As for FF!Makoto– or DR3 Makoto, he was *outside* of Junko's confinement, he sees how the world became and *did* some things in order to gather all the remnants of despair. There is no doubt he would probably hurt– hurt, not kill– some people wearing the brainwash helmet. Cause again, these people aren't in their own will, and it's not their fault (though perhaps some were, while others would do so in their own will).
He doesn't have to take the option to kill during outside because there are lots of other options to take. He could ran away, he has a weapon, he has his friends with him.
But when trapped inside the FF building (doesn't that bring back good memories) there was NO other options that could make him avoid murder. There was nowhere left to run (he can't even run!!), he doesn't have a weapon, he was depended too much on his friends and risking his friends by slowing them down just for him.
And after Kirigiri died, and her last words flashes back to him in his dreadful, silent walk in the hallway to face Munakata, to "dont give up hope". There are lots of indication behind those words, and what led to Makoto in doing all those deadly traps. Kirigiri *trusted* him that he could move forward after her inevitable fate, his survival is *her* hope that she left, and she willingly die to keep him alive because she trusted him that he could and save the world even without her, she isn't wrong when she call him the ultimate Hope.
And how can he refused her dying wish?
Maybe, just maybe, that when he had his short breakdown afterward all alone in that hallway, not only that the fact Kirigiri just died had come back to slap him on the face that caused him to cry, but maybe, it's also because he *realizes* what he *has* to do in order to survive, in order to continue spreading hope, in order to keep Kirigiri's hope and everyone else's living.
That is keep on talking to Munakata, or trying to understand him in amidst of everything, will just won't get to him and led him to kill and hurt more others. Then Makoto has *no other choice* in order to stop him in the hard way.
He wouldn't like it. But progress won't be made if Munakata didn't stop this whole "trying to kill him and every despair" ordeal.
(I wonder, if by then, he mentally apologised to Chisa for unable to understand Munakata, despite all the tries, for letting her down, that he had failed. I wonder, when Chisa requested Makoto to try and understand Munakata, is that a small bit of what was left of her real self slipped out, or is it the despair that was talking, knowing fully well in using Makoto's "seeing everything good in everyone" nature to his own demise?)
I wouldn't doubt that it would get to him afterward, if he does succeed. Even if he does still capable of killing for his own survival when *extremely* necessary, doesn't mean that he doesn't despised it whole.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 6 days
uhm . . i have a small proposal for you . . nyx . . as sayaka < : < ?
although i think . . lang is the 2nd closest to solei ? ( if it was probably someone else i um . might have forgot ), and solei and nyx are more of casual friends, i just uh . i just think sayaka and nyx are a bit similar . ? and i also think that him and solei could maybe have the potential to be best friends if they grew up together, and that they would also probably meet from nyx defending them from bullies . .
OH and i know that homura kinda hates sayaka . . mostly ( in my opinion ) for always hurting madoka with her always inevitable self - destruction and how homura is ultimately powerless to stop it also because of their closeness . . but,
for aurien at least, although she’d definitely be frustrated and angry nyx would always end up doing that to himself, she’d, generally be more inconsolable and anguished over it . she would also be irritated with how nyx always hurts solei in that, but even more that she can’t do anything to stop him herself . ( basically . aurien doesn’t hate nyx lolol . . wait would they still be siblings in this au . . wait would that be why nyx and aurien would be 2 of solei’s childhood friends . . wait )
i also think that sayaka’s color schemes and costume themes ( with whatever changes or modifications you’d like to add of course ! ! ) could work for nyx . .
but that’s just my opinion . . i hope you didn’t mind all my yapping, i feel like im sending full on essays into my poor victims moots inboxes at this point 😭 but im generally just enjoying messing around with this silly au but its also agonizing because i cant think of anything else ! ! ! but anyways . love you rock, and hope your doing good at the moment : ) !
APRI!! hhhiiiiiiii!! I love you too I hope you are having a good day (well actually I hope that you're asleep but that's another story entirely, innit?)
To address your other ask- I would actually be delighted to have Nyx as a magical girl because I really love this stuff and the inherent subversion of gender roles inherent within. Besides, I don't think that it's really gender-locked in universe, at least, I don't think it's ever explicitly stated to be.
Either way, Nyx is a very fitting pick for Sayaka! They both have the strong principles, the tendency to get into fights for what someone else might view as trivial reasons, they are both doing this for the ones that they love, not themselves. Additionally, the nature of Sayaka's witch is "falling in love" and I do think that's actually fitting for Nyx as well. Not that he falls in love romantically with people but when he loves someone, it consumes him (another reason he and Tov @ivanttakethis are similar). He doesn't care much about himself and so, when he loves someone, he devotes all of himself to them. Not only that but he has a hard time quantifying love, driven by instinct rather than logic in this arena, which makes it all the more dangerous.
If he and Aurien were still siblings in this au, I think that would actually be funny and a super interesting subversion of Homura and Sayaka's canon roles. The reason I say that is because, if they are still siblings, Nyx would perhaps loathe Auri for trying to monopolize Solei's time, as he is Solei's friend too and yet she wants them all to herself. Despite his resentment, though, he would still do anything for his sister. In fact, that could very well be why he became a magical girl- not to save someone he loves (the Kyousuke stand-in), but to protect them. He wants to protect Auri, tooth and nail, feelings of resentment non-withstanding.
(Sorry, went to go get lunch. anyways!)
The fact that Aurien's resentment would stem from Nyx's willing self destruction in the name of others, well, uh, that's. that's very canon for them. As siblings anyways. Nyx's resentment of Auri wouldn't really be as focal and if anything, it would be his frustration with her driving herself into the ground (they're hypocritical what can i say) and the way that she devotes herself entirely to saving Solei (@solei-eclipse) with no consideration for saving herself. In a way, it's a horrible cycle- Solei sacrifices themself for others, Aurien sacrifices herself for Solei, and Nyx sacrifices himself for Aurien.
Almost like karma or self fulfilling prophecies. . . something something ouroboros
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
Sorry, same ask as the fanfic one but I want to continue telling more about this fic so basically the plot is they were teleported to a place to watch the future and after the 1st chapter Kyoko confront Sayaka about her framing Makoto, and got mad at her and stuff and she didn't even mention what she did to Leon. So basically they've also change lots of dialogue... And about the bath scene, Makoto thoughts about the bath scene wasn't mentioned and how the scene also changed of instead of him willing peeking through, he was dragged by and force to see the girls. Also apparently Sayaka in the fanfic purposely flirts with Makoto and give the other girls with crushes 'sly smile' and giving them a 'murderous aura of jealousy' and Mukuro called Sayaka a 'vixen' and they always defend Makoto even tho what the others said were a bit of teasing (etc Leon teasing Makoto about him referring Sayaka as a doll and Sayaka suddenly quips back)
Please remember, no hate to the original creator of the novel!
Okay so this is literally one of those "gacha life danganronpa reacts to the future" with more plot. Alright let me break this down word by word. /hj
"Kyoko confront Sayaka about her framing Makoto, and got mad at her and stuff" - Okay so that's OOC for both of them because 1. Kyoko wouldn't be the one to try and change the course of the future, unless she really liked Sayaka, but later it's shown that Sayaka is mean to her and the others. and 2. Sayaka isn't mean? She knows the future, and it must mean she knows she's on national tv and being watched, she wouldn't let her idol mask drop just like that for being accused of a murder she is later to attempt.
"she didn't even mention what she did to Leon." - If Kyoko was trying to save Sayaka who she wasn't close with why would she not try and save Leon too?
"And about the bath scene, Makoto thoughts about the bath scene wasn't mentioned and how the scene also changed of instead of him willing peeking through, he was dragged by and force to see the girls." - ooc because he did it in canon, it's fine if it's like... Hifumi being reluctant to see ("I'm only into 2D!") <- but it would work because he has so many other flaws. Throughout the course of THH we get to see like... 3 flaws from Makoto. Number One: The bath scene, which is his biggest flaw. Number Two: "he's too trusting" <- that's not even a fucking flaw bro and Number Three: He's willing to let Byakuya step all over him and bully him. Removing the bath scene removes his biggest flaw, and if girls are around him all the time Byakuya won't get a chance to be a little bitch. So techincally, Makoto is a Y/N self insert character.
"Also apparently Sayaka in the fanfic purposely flirts with Makoto and give the other girls with crushes 'sly smile'" - Okay goddam. Take a look at this sprite set.
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DO ANY OF THESE GIVE YOU "mean girl vibes" OR "She's sly" OR "boyfriendkisserIthoughtshewasmyfriendwehadagoodtimebutnowI'mgonnamissherBOYFRIENDKISSER" (<- TDWT) vibes??? NO. NONE OF THESE PORTRAY SAYAKA LIKE THAT! NONE!
"'murderous aura of jealousy'"
Ah yes, a murderous aura of jealousy!
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"Mukuro called Sayaka a 'vixen' and they always defend Makoto even tho what the others said were a bit of teasing" - WHY WOULD MUKURO START BEEF WITH ANYBODY IF SHE HAS SEEN THE FUTURE AND KNOWS SHE'S GOING TO DIE TO JUNKO?! WOULDN'T SHE WANT TO STAY SAFE?!
Okay so this whole fic is OOC and they turned MAKOTO into the dating sim protagonist. (Like I was watching a stream yesterday at the streamer was like "Oh I thought it was a dating sim, chat how old are these people?") like, they're teenagers they want to survive and see their parents again, NOT FAWN OVER A GUY THEY JUST MET-
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pinkberrypocky · 4 months
pmmm rewatch live notes: ep 10
ep 10 wough all the homura content and seeing the flashbacks is so great but also so heart wrenching what if i exploded. the scene where madoka asks homura to kill her before she becomes a witch ugh head in hands homura's scream as she kills her echoes around in my skull
Homura has bows in her hair in flashback! Just like madoka 
Madoka leads homura to the nurse’s office on her first day so it makes sense that she knows how to get there in our timeline
Madoka tells homura to call her by her given name on the way there just like homura tells madoka to do in the first ep
Madoka tells homura about how her name is so cool that it would be a waste not to become cool to match it
Foreshadowing lol
Just like how homura became the cool/cold person she is now because she followed madoka’s request to go back in time and save her before kyubey could trick her
Red sky in the background of the labyrinth that homura gets trapped in before she is a magical girl
They talk about being magical girls over tea and cake like its no big deal and complement each other and laugh like wtf that does not match the weight of the topic
Madoka’s duty to protect other makes her try to kill walpurgisnacht on her own in the original timeline even though she knows she will die
It's like the places are swapped where homura cries and tells her to just leave it all and run away and be safe together like madoka is trying in the main timeline
Homura is sooooo survivors guilt and inferiority complex and lack of self worth
“What is the wish that will make your soul gem shine?” raw ass line considering that the soul gem is THEM so he’s really saying what is the wish that will make YOU shine
Red background when homura tries to tell all of them about kyubey in the third timeline and sayaka shuts her down
In the old timelines the magical girls work in teams like madoka has been saying they should in the main timeline
Blue lighting when mami tries to kill the others before they can become witches
In the scene where both homura and madoka are about to become witches it starts with a super up close image of them bc nothing else matters it's just them
Homura wants to despair and give up on everything else whereas madoka uses her last actions to save others bc she is the embodiment of hope
Water around them is purple when madoka asks homura to mercy kill her
Even when she is despairing enough to become a witch madoka wants to protect the world 
Yellow and blue lighting on black silhouettes as homura kills madoka
Mostly grayscale and purple once homura decides she has to do everything on her own
Screen is dark and black as kyubey tries to convince madoka to make a contract to help homura defeat walpurgisnacht (the scene that was her dream in the first ep)
The way madoka becomes the most powerful witch when she makes a contract to destroy the most powerful witch is so heartbreaking
Like the epitome of the witch/magical girl cycle
Homura steels herself to put on an act before going forward to face madoka after madoka finds kyubey running away from homura
This ep ending with the opening is so representative of the cycle of the repeating the timeline and also the cycle of witches and magical girls
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I’m redoing my AI au because I didn’t know where to go with the story as well as some not good designs. It’s now heavily inspired by the concept in @/zipsunz Little Mari AU with a Dreamworld Persona along with a Dreamer Persona and an inherited dreamworld, but that is all that I want to take.
You might be wondering why Ai doesn’t have an animated sprite. I got tired and didn’t want to do it due to lazy things.
Real World Designs
Only Homura and Madoka have different colours in their designs due to the importance they have.
After the events of the anime, when Madoka gave Homura her ribbons, she also inadvertently gave Homura a small part of her power, which became a replica of Madoka’s Dreamscape.
Dreamscape was originally just a place where Madoka could daydream with her friends, but when Homura took over as the dreamer, it became an escapism mechanism.
Homura layered Dreamscape over her true mental world; the Hospital, where her traumas and nightmares lurk.
She split into two parts in her mind; DW Homura, the aspect that acts out her ideal life with her friends and Ai, who watches it act out and is the main defence against aspects from the Hospital leaking out.
Her something is “Someone” which takes the form of a rotting corpse like zombie. It is formed after years of watching her friends die brutally in front of her.
Her stranger is “Friend?” Which is a small aspect of the real Madoka trying to guide Homura to find help and have her stop using Dreamscape as an escape mechanism.
Homura met Nagisa in a few timelines, although they are sparse she always gravitated towards Mami.
DW Madoka is the Mari/Basil character who acts as the save point in game.
Mami is the one setting up the picnics, but Madoka is the one maintaining it.
Mami and Nagisa take the form of a single unit, with a move called “PASS” which switches Nagisa and Mami’s moveset to the other.
All of the characters are younger than they are in real life. This is based off of Homura’s and several other characters not really having a good childhood, with Homura stuck in a hospital and orphaned, Kyoko being called a witch by her father and killing himself with his family, Mami losing her parents in a car accident, Sayaka developing serious self loathing issues still in middle school, and Nagisa being verbally abused and losing her mother.
Homura’s phobias are lepidophobia, claustrophobia, and ementophobia.
Sayaka can become MISERABLE, Kyoko can become FURIOUS, and Mami and Nagisa can become MANIC
Instead of sprout moles and bunnies being the common enemy, space rabbits are.
Amy hangs out with Madoka at the picnic blanket.
Sayaka uses sports equipment (baseball bats, hagiotas), Mami and Nagisa use Baking Tools (teapots, whisks), Kyoko uses bags and containers, (Paper Bag, Bento Box) and Homura uses Cameras.
Ai can be found in distances watching you from afar.
Homura has been inside for a year.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Would it be possible to get some puella magi madoka magica headcanons with some of the girls and s/o saving them from a witch with their bare hands
S/O saving them from a witch without being a Magical Girl
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Madoka, Homura, Mami, Sayaka ]
[ Puella Magi Madoka Magika ]
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I hope I understand your idea right, but if I didn't you can request it again! >< sorry!
Still, this was so interesting to think! I loved the idea, It even got stuck in my head for a while hehe
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Madoka Kaname
At first Madoka doesn't talk much of her being a Magical Girl, mostly because she is shy about it, it would be Mami who actually tell you more about it (embarrasing Madoka a little in the process)
With time Madoka grow more comfortable and confident in herself and she start talking more about it and it become usual for you two to talk about her work as Magical Girl
She won't exactly invite you over when she is going to fight against witches, or at least not when she go alone, Madoka is still in training and is scare of not being able to protect you. Although, if Mami go too then she won't have much troubles
This will happen one day when she goes to fight alone, maybe this time you convince her to let you accompany her or you get trapped in a witch's labyrinth by accident
If is the case that you get trapped by accident that makes her feel insecure, it could be that you contact her somehow (maybe with a phonecall or with Kubey's help), and she will tell you to stay where you are, she will be there soon to help you, also will ask you to keep calm even if she herself is getting super nervous. But in the case that was actually Kubey who tell her (since he feel your presence in the labyrinth) she will get worried and rush herself to find you
In case you two where together then she was trying to stuck by your side, reassuring you that everything will be fine, being careful while searching for the witch. In here it could be that you two find the witch, and before Madoka rush to fight her she ask you to stay there, at a safe distance, or that you two get separated (maybe for the witch's attack or for the familiars), if that happen will quickly turn defensive and start fighting
Either way, Madoka start feeling insecure, feeling bad for bringing you into the danger, even regreting not asking for Mami's help, that makes her lose the concentration
Madoka already think poorly of herself, she doesn't believe to much in herself and that gives the opportunity to the witch to overpower her easily
Quickly the witch manage to corner her, but before she could do anything to Madoka you came in the picture, distracting the witch, taking all her attention by screaming at her and using whatever you have near to try and attack her
Running away from the witch but making sure she is following you, dodging their attacks and using anything you can to defend yourself and even using the labyrinth against her
Madoka was shocked for what she was seeing, she was doubting if she will be able to protect you but now you were the one protecting her. Screaming her name to make her react so she could throw the final shoot (you already weakened the witch)
After killing the witch and the labyrinth disappear Madoka return to her cheerful self and hug you tightly, thanking you over and over again and praising your bravery, even apologize for not being much help
After this she will rant about what happen to Mami, giving her all the details she can remember of
Of course, seeing your potential Kubey will offer you to make a deal with him (if he didn't did it already), Madoka and Mami will cheer for you to became a Magical Girl, but if you don't want is okay (Madoka will be a little sad but she will understand)
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Homura Akemi
Homura loves you with all her heart and that is why she will try to keep you away from the problems of being a Magical Girl, as far as posible
She is willing to tell you about the trap about being a Magical Girl and the terrible fate they have to enconter soon or later
Thats why whenever she have to go to fight with witches she tells you to stay in your house (or at least away), she want you to stay the less involved possible
So this will have to be when you get trapped in a witch's labyrinth by accident. If it happen when you were with Homura then she will ask you to stay behind her in every moment
Either way you two get apart and when that happen it she start panicing, running around the labyrinth to try to find you, don't even bothering on fight the familiars, the only thing that can stop her is either finding you or finding the witch herself
If she find you first she will run to your side and hug you just for a second, proceding to check you in case you have injuries before take your hand and drag you around trying to find an exit, in this moment she doesn't can think on fighting the witch
If is the case that she finds the witch first then she will fight her, but she will do it being desperate, Homura isn't able to concentrate properly in the fight since in her mind you are only, just the thought of finishing this quickly to find you
In her desperation there was a moment of distraction that was taken advantage of by the witch (separating you again if you already were together), then the witch throw another attack that almost hit Homura but this one was stoped by you, maybe you didn't have her strength but that doesn't mean you will let her alone
Taking the witche's attention to you and even attacking her with things you find in the labyrinth. Now that the witch were focused in you, and even haunting you, you tryied to run in the opposite direction from where were Homura and doing you best to defend yourself from the witch (you even managed to hurt her)
And with that Homura was able to properly focus again and stand up, running to the witch and throwing a finale attack, letting out all her anger in it
When the witch was finally dead she run to your side, taking you from the shoulders she scold you from doing something so reckless and stupid, in reallity she wasn't mad at you, she was scare of losing you
She hug you so tightly, clinging to you as if his life depended on it, you can feel that she were trembling and the tears that where starting to fall from her eyes, even after the labyrinth disappear she didn't let go of you
When she finally calm down she goes home with you, she even ask you to stay the night with her (she is still scare), and in all the way she never let go of your hand, even while you two sleep she is holding you close (it took a lot of time for her to fall sleep)
After this event Kubey probably will offer you to make a deal (since you prove to be brave and have streght), but Homura will make you swear that you won't accept the deal, won't even listen to him (she doesn't think she will be able to handle that you became a Magical Girl)
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Mami Tomoe
Mami used to be alone for a long time, not just as a Magical Girl, so having you around it help her a lot, it make her feel more confident with herself whenever you tell her that you believe in her or how you stay with her whenever she feel exhausted gives her all the motivation she needs
Mami doesn't sees anything bad in being a Magical Girl (since she doesn't know about their fate), so she will tell you about being a Magical Girl and about the witches she fight
She usually make jokes about you becoming a Magical Girl, teasing you saying that even if you become one she still will protect you, but Mami will never force to do anything you don't want to
Every time Mami go to fight with witches she makes sure to tell you, and she have no problem if you want to go with her, it actually makes her feel better have some company, even if you don't fight by her side
Either way whenever you go she tries to stuck by your side in every moment, so if the case is that you to ended getting apart while being in the witch's labyrinth Mami will concentrate in finding the witch and ended her quickly, is the better plan to keep you safe
But in case you two find the witch together then she will ask you to stay away (at a safe distance) while she fight (she may even show off a little out of excitment of you cheering her)
Everything was getting right, Mami have a lot of experience so it wasn't too difficult to take care of it, but this time it happen something that distracted her, maybe it was a surprise attack from the witch, the witch (or the familiars) attacking you or the worries Mami have for your safety (specially if you two did separated), that second of distraction was taken advantage of by the witch to make her step back and even restrain her
And before the witch could attack Mami you came to the picture, taking one of the Mami's guns you shot against the witch, even if you didn't manage to injured her the impact was enough to make the witch step back, and now her fully attention is in you
You keep shotting at her, not letting time to the witch to compose neither defend herself, while Mami try to free herself, and when she finally manage to do it she run by your side and shot her Tiro Finale
But in case she can't free herself she at least make sure to give you more guns, Mami hates leaving you to do the work but in this case there isn't much she can do
After defating the witch and the labyrinth disappear Mami run to your side and look for posible injuries, after making sure you were alright she take your hands and praise your bravery and deeply thanked you for saving her, admiting that she was worried about you
After this event Kubey will get interested in you (in case he wasn't already) and will offer you to make a deal with him so you could became a Magical Girl, you already prove your bravery and strength so it wont be difficult for you
Mami will be really excited by the idea and will cheer you to do it, but accept it or not is you decision and whatever you decide to do Mami will support you
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Sayaka Miki
Sayaka knows that being a Magical Girl could be dangerous but she can't help to feel excited (and worried) about the whole thing
She thinks that she is fighting for a greater good, and having you by her side gives her a lot of motivation (specially after discovering the truth behind being a Magical Girl)
She usually makes comments in a joke manner about you becoming a Magical Girl too and fight together, but she says you that you don't have to worry about that too, teasing you saying that you have a strong girlfriend to protect you
She usually talk about her work fighting witches and complaining about the whole thing too (like about Homura or when she met Kyoko), but at the end she always try to reasure you that she is fine and you don't have to worry about her, just having you by her side makes her feel better
If you want to go with her when she goes to fight Sayaka doesn't have much problem with it, she even will try to show off a little
So this could easily happen one day when you accompany her to fight, following her until you two find the labyrinth, thats when Sayaka transform and ask you to stay behind her
If the case is that you two get separated she will try to contact you and tell you to keep calm, just stay where you are and wait for her, in this situation Sayaka will try to stay calm but still she is rushing herself, her mind is too busy in trying to save you (even when she's acting confident)
If the case is that you get trapped in a witch's labyrinth by accident then she will be a lot more worried, fearing that something could happen to you and didn't get to you in time, trying to find you even more faster
Either way, while she is fighting she can't bring herself to fully concentrate since she is too worried about you safety (specially if you two are away), she is throwing attack but don't exactly thinking on it, so it got easy for the witch overpower her
It was just a moment where one of the witch's attacks surprise Sayaka that now she had a big disadvantage, feeling even more anxious (the memory of what happen to Mami haunting her)
Thats when you enter in the picture again, holding whatever you find that will help you defend yourself (could be something you find in the labyrinth or even one of the Sayaka's sword), sneaking until you get to the witch and attacking her, surprising both in the process
And taking advantage of that, you keep attacking the witch, not letting her get the oportunity to defend herself until you defeat her
Sayaka was shocked for what she saw, and just stare at you until the labyrinth disappear, but before you could say anything she laugh and thanked you for saving her, she find this situation kinda hilarious, she may not show it but she was really worried about you
She will tease you for a while about this situation and will tell you that she is proud of you, you were really brave, but will ask you to please don't pull yourself in danger like that again
If Kubey offer you to make a deal with him she won't say much about it, saying that you should be the one who make that choise (but if this is after she find out the truth she will be more serious about it, even advise you not to do so)
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Homura supremacy/Rebellion is fantastic
I think that the dissatisfaction with Rebellion and dislike of Homura come from a misunderstanding of some of the series themes, most importantly, the evil of self-sacrifice that we as a society demand from our girls and women. Even in the timeline where witches no longer exist, magical girls still must fight wraiths until they one day disappear forever. Still, even before then, the system of magical girls always exploits the girls through their sacrifice. Girls are taught to sacrifice themselves for the things that are important to them, and it is that teaching that is imperative to Kyubey/patriarchy exploiting said girls.   Secondly, let’s look at the taboo around wishes. Throughout the series, it is stressed that making a wish for someone else is a doomed endeavor for which both Kyoko and Sayaka suffer. The nature of the taboo not only reinforces the doomed nature of self-sacrifice of girls, but also sets up the curse of Homura, and to an extent, Madoka’s wishes.
Now with that in mind: people seem to mistake the ending of the anime series/movie 2 as a good one. Why? Simply because girls are no longer transformed into witches? Yes, this takes some power from Kyubey, but as we see in the Wraith arc, it’s not a solution to the overall issue of the systemic use of girls and women. The girls are still destined to vanish from the world before reaching adulthood. Furthermore, MADOKA BEING ERASED FROM THE TIMELINE IS NOT A HAPPY ENDING!!! Why do people think this?? Yoh she mattered. She had a family that loved her, friends who needed her, and just because most don’t remember her at the end doesn’t mean that it’s okay. It’s crazy to me that people will see a girl erase herself from the universe in order to protect all other girls and not see the ultimate tragedy and unfairness of it. It's expressed in the Wraith arc that Homura carries the tragedy of Madoka with her and is almost maddened by being the only one in the universe to have memories of her. Additionally, Homura’s wish was made to save Madoka at Madoka’s request. So not only has she been living 100s of timelines trying to save her friend and love, but she’s also had faith in a person that no one else remembered and was determined to protect the world and order Madoka sacrificed herself for.  She tried to live the way people wanted from her- she tried to just protect the world Madoka erased herself for after already suffering for years trying to stop Madoka’s demise.  But I argue that because of the nature of both Homura and Madoka’s wishes, both based on helping others, that “quaint” ending where Madoka can easily erase herself from the universe and leave Homura and her family behind was always doomed. Their wishes are tabooed, made for others and not themselves, so it makes perfect sense to me that Madoka ascending to godhood through sacrifice would not be enough to satisfy the themes of this story. I don’t think there is a universe where that wish is enough to protect magical girls like Madoka intended, and this is reinforced by the Kyubey’s attempt to create a witch from Homura anyway.
It’s also nutty to me how people see Homura trying to give Madoka the life that she made her wish for as something malignant or any form of bad. I won’t argue that it’s entirely squeaky clean ethical, Homura did take the “records” of Madoka that were a human girl, thus splitting her, but it’s hard not to see Homura’s point. Madoka’s fatal flaw is her tendency to jump to self sacrifice- it’s why Homura blows up on her in ep 8 of the anime: “Why must you always sacrifice yourself? Don't say you can't help anyone, or that you're worthless. Don't say such things that depreciate yourself! Think about the people who care about you! Stop it already! There are people who would be sad if you're gone. Why can't you realize that?! What about the people who wanted to protect you?!”  
It's obvious that this is what Homura is trying to give Madoka. Homura seems to be the only person who sees Madoka as the teenage girl she deserved to be, not just the god that changed the world, and I don’t understand how anyone can see that she is actually evil. Homura refers to herself that way, but I don’t think she really is. She’s not cruel, she’s not splitting Madoka to hurt her. She calls herself “evil” because she is finally no longer able to uphold Madoka’s world order. Homura’s actions aren’t squeaky clean, they may even be considered selfish, but to just paint her as entirely toxic/bad and to think the ending of movie 2/the anime as the “good ending” is super wrong to me. I'm so glad Rebellion exists to elevate the story beyond "kind girl who feels she has no skills or purpose finds it through sacrificing everything about herself, including the memories people had of her".
Anyway, we love Homura here.
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kiiromaru · 1 year
THH's Moral Alignement and Reasoning
[spoiler for danganronpa 1]
disclaimer: I haven't read the novels, also these aren't character analysis, just my reasoning for why i put them in this category, also please add onto it if you disagree or have anything to say ^^
Lawful Good
Sakura Ogami: She always takes decisions that she considers to be the best for the people around her : trying to proctect her dojo by accepting to work with Monokuma or committing suicide and making sure to write a letter explaining to everyone why she did it as to resolve the situation and create a more peaceful atmosphere among them.
Kyoko Kirigiri: She has good intentions and i feel like what pushes her to act is kind of a "i can do it therefore i should do it" mindset.
Chihiro Fujisaki: Cute baby sunshine, never did anything wrong in their life.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka: He's the Ultimate Moral Compass, pretty self-explanatory.
Naegi Makoto: A genuinely good person who tries his best to be kind.
Neutral Good
Aoi: We can see during chapter 4 that she put her personal beliefs above all else but even if she tried to kill everyone i still think that she is a good person.
Toko (Ultra Despair Girl): If we were talking solely about THH i would've put her in Neutral Evil since she doesn't care about anyone but herself and is pretty mean (also something that i find very interesting during the 4th trial is that even if throughout the game she seems totally devoted and in love with Byakuya + her obvious lack of self esteem she still chose to defend herself when she thought Genocide Jack had killed Sakura which could've led to his death), but the character development she gets in that game is golden so yeah.
Chaotic Good
Mondo: Feel free to disagree with me on that because of the fact that he killed Chihiro who very much did not deserve it but contrary to what Naegi says in the game it absolutely wasn't a cold blooded murder, himself stating that he blacked-out while killing them. I still chose to put him in good because otherwise he really tried to do the right thing (protecting Chihiro's secret by moving their body or even when in the anime he covered Mukuro's bldy with his coat it showed that he was a kind person) + we also know that he uses his influence to minimize tensions between gangs.
True Neutral
Byakuya: I feel like his god complex makes him kind of uncapable to relate to other people and consider their struggles on the same level as him so he doesn't care about anyone + we saw during the 2nd trial that he definitely can't be described as a good person. I truly feel like he couldn't care less about rules or moral implications as he considers himself above it.
Leon: His actions only seem to be motivated by what he wants in that moment without a lot of reasoning behind it, like changing from baseball to music or killing Sayaka when he could've totally ran away after she tried to kill him.
Chaotic Neutral 
Sayaka : I feel like she's morally neutral in the way where she's so goal-oriented that she doesn't care too much about the means to get to an end (which is also implicate in her backstory) but she's aware that what she does might bad : she was willing to let everyone die and pin the crime on Naegi but once her plan failed she still made sure to save everyone instead by writing Leon's name.
Yasuhiro : I hesitated to put him in chaotic evil because of the fact that he quite literally could have/tried to kill Sakura + he never was particularly kind to no one in the game and tried to steal money from us during his free time (tbh im still kinda mad at the wasted potential of making him a nice chill guy but well). In the end i went for neutral because i feel like its more a case of picking the worst possible choice than being a bad person, even if he is quite selfish.
Lawful Evil 
Hifumi: The reason i put him in "lawful" is because what convinced him to kill Ishimaru was Celestia accusing him of SA, which is an understandable reason especially paired with the chance to get out happy and with Celestia but he was still willing to sacrifice everyone to get out so lawful evil it is.
Neutral Evil
Celestia Lundenberg: It was pretty complicated but i settled on this alignement if we take the things she tells us at face value (since i've seen a few people saying that she wasn't actually trying to win the game and that's why her plan was so sloppy). I don't feel like she's a bad person but she doesn't care about doing bad things to get what she wants.
Mukuro Ikusaba: That's where me not reading the novels probably makes a difference because i know that she gets more development there but based on the game and the anime i have to put her here, even if she was obviously manipulated by Junko she still seemed to agree with her.
Chaotic Evil
Junko Enoshima: Do i really need to explain ?
Genocide Jack: I mean, she enjoys killing people and has no other reason for what she does.
Thank you if you read all of that, sorry for any typos/grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language and i wrote it all in one go. Please tell me what you think :)
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darishima · 1 year
What do you like about Midari? I rarely find people who love the show :D
ohh boy that's hard to answer... is it a copout if i say everything? it probably is so i'm gonna try to pin down all the reasons why. sorry it'll probably be long and a bit rambley 😭 thank you so so much for asking though i have been WAITING for the opportunity to talk about midari
*tw for discussion of self harm, suicidal thoughts, and general mental illness (obviously, cause this is midari we're talking about)*
first of all, i think a lot of it is because i heavily relate to her. the feeling of never being fulfilled or truly happy and turning to pain and suicide as the apparent answer... it really hits home, and back when i watched kakegurui for the first time (in 2019) i'd never really seen any other piece of media that talked about it so openly.
that, specifically, is one of the things i find most interesting about her- the fact that (prior to meeting kirari and losing her eye) she'd never been "truly happy." and the fact that (self-inflicted) pain (or the risk of pain/death, specifically) is what finally made her feel something is so deeply sad. i feel like a lot of people brush her off as a "crazy yandere" or whatever, which is frustrating because she's so much more than that (and even her ""yandere"" side, the way she feels about yumeko, is just because she wants yumeko to kill her; it's not the typical yandere portrayal, like yuno gasai or the like, because it's not driven by romantic interest- at least, not fully). she's clearly struggling (the bandages she wears on her arms seem much too convenient to be there for any reason other than covering self harm scars/injuries), but she still has such a confident and "gives-no-fucks" attitude that i find genuinely admirable. she's really smart (she's a amazing gambler, has good grades, and i've always gotten the impression that she could easily be the top of her class, maybe even rival sayaka, if she ever bothered to study), very perceptive (as shown when she immediately saw through yumemi's idol façade and sayaka's intelligence), and also genuinely caring, like when she saves ayame nureba from suicide in the kakegurui midari manga (granted, she does it in a distinctly midari-esque way, but she still saves her life).
a lesser seen side of her, though, is that she's actually kind of... a adorable weirdo? it's most often shown in kakkokari (a manga spinoff of kakegurui that not many people have read, because it's never gotten an official english release/translation). like, she refers to animals with the -san honorific (except giraffes, she doesn't like giraffes),
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cleans up trash around the school,
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knows yumemi's songs by heart,
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orders cutesy dishes at a coffee shop,
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and when she gets 3rd place in a "which student council member do you want to be your girlfriend" competition, she's surprised and embarrassed (i'd vote for her in a heartbeat btw)
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she's just so skrunkly yknow?? and there's dozens more moments like this from kakkokari, like when she wears a kigurumi hoodie like runa's, or when she gets hiccups and convinces kirari to choke her, or when she turns out to be surprisingly worried about how other people perceive her, and asks sayaka to teach her how to fix her "vulgarity" (and then gets told by kirari that she seems "normal," and immediately holds her gun to her head lmao).
TLDR; she's someone who is struggling a lot, and has been for years, but still manages to be smart, perceptive, confident, and kind. the issues she has with her mental health are things i've struggled with too, and really relate to (i'm a midari kin, after all), and god i just want to give her a hug so bad. and she's also adorable and goofy and weird in all the best ways, and she means the world to me <3
sorry that was SO long lmao... i had to omit a lot of character analysis from kakegurui midari (a manga spin off about her pre-canon, in which she has a girlfriend) but i hope i answered your question well enough!! thank you for asking, and giving me an excuse to ramble about midari :))
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as someone who also doesn’t really like when ppl hate on sayaka- i don’t think what she did is comparable to what gundham did lmao. sayaka tried to kill leon and frame makoto for it, and left evidence pointing to leon when her plan backfired because she still cared enough about makoto to want to help him out if she was going to die anyways.
gundham entered a mutually agreed-upon fight to the death with nekomaru so that their classmates wouldn’t starve to death in the funhouse. yes, he still tried to get away with it, but he doesn’t drag things out once hajime’s proven him guilty and explains to everyone that they shouldn’t give up on life, and that martyrdom is useless if the life that was sacrificed did not fight to maintain itself- you know, a really strong and mature message
feel free to point out similarities between them and such and absolutely feel free to like both characters but i do feel there’s a fundamental difference between a character who plans to betray you only to try to save you when it doesn’t work out vs a character whose self-sacrifice and overall impact was so altruistic that we literally see him go to heaven. are there parallels between them? sure. but i would not equivocate the two :/
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