#and was at the eitas and they learned i was an eita
crnl-chicken-tots · 1 year
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Welcome to my "late night thoughts that I fixate on for a month before doing something about" ideas.
Look at the boys- silly, aren't they?
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kenyummy · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS: karasu tabito has always looked out for you. when you meet his best friend, otoya, that fact still does not change.
note: lol sorry guys i felt a little silly
wc ;; 2.5k
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You have known Karasu Tabito since you have been in diapers.
It's always been a known fact. Your mothers met each other at the hospital, became friends, and eventually, you two met. That fateful day, you met Karasu Tabito and your life has never been void of him since.
At age three, you two went out to a waterpark and that was the first time he kissed you.
(It wasn't really a kiss—you accidentally fell on top of him after sliding down a waterslide, he promised he'd catch you, and he did—his mouth just happened to land on yours). You were so disgusted you started to cry—he gagged and ran away.
At age five and a half, you both had your first sleepover. He had a big scary dog that was almost as big as you were and scared you half to death. You were so terrified of the thing you refused to let go of the bottom of his stupid purple Megatron shirt.
You spent the entire night sleeping by his side, and he never once softened his grip on you—it was the only thing that lulled you to sleep. Your mom still had photos of you clinging onto him like it was life or death.
At age twelve, you two entered middle school together. You've never spent a day without him—so it was quite strange when you were forced to enter a strange, new class—and even weirder when your female classmates gave you both googly eyes and always giggled whenever you were around. You never really understood what they meant by this—and to this day, you still don't.
You and Karasu Tabito have known each other since you two were able to walk, and because of this fact, you've never once noticed the way he looks at you.
The soft stares, small smiles (not those stupid, cocky smirks that he holds when he's out on the field—but rather, a grin that curls up on his lips and makes his cheeks grow pink), and the thoughtful, almost unnoticeable actions he takes only for you.
You've never seen it—not now, not never, is what he's hoping. If there is one thing Karasu Tabito shall never do, is tell you what he's done. He'll wait, maybe for a day he will see you stare at him with just as much fondness, or when your touch will linger on his upper arm for a minute too long.
He's always been good at analyzing people—and when he's known you for so long, you've surely become no exception. It was a habit you hated so much, but one he never seemed to be able to get rid of—only able to hide, for the sake of your wellbeing. He's grown soft, he thinks, every single night after he's lying alone in his bed and staring blankly up at the ceiling. He has grown soft for you, his best friend since childhood. But that isn't so much of a bad thing, he thinks again.
He doesn't mind all that much. 
The crow, once wild and rowdy, is content with the preening it receives from its owner—and learns to love its life trapped inside the golden cage. He will wait, patiently, for the day you would fall for him—at least, that is what he was originally planning to do.
At age eighteen, he introduced you to his best friend, Otoya Eita. A notorious football player, playboy, and womanizer. There is a good reason Karasu had waited so long to introduce his two closest friends together, and that is because Otoya had quite a history with all of Karasu's female friends. 
He's told him to quit it, to stop—but it's never been as serious as it is now.
"Seriously man, don't with her." Karasu sits beside his friend with narrowed eyes and a frown. Otoya's expression is nonchalant as ever, except with a singular brow raised in question.
"What's got you so pissed? I didn't even say anything."
"I know you. Don't, dude. She's different, okay? I don't care about whatever happened with the others, but you seriously need to lay off."
Otoya raises his hands in mock defence, half-lidded eyes widening ever-so-slightly. "Alright. Promise. I won't do anything."
Karasu raises a brow, staring at his whistling buddy from the corner of his eye—he couldn't help but doubt him. Still, he was his closest friend from Blue Lock, and he should do well to trust that said friend—even if Karasu Tabito should know better.
He really should've known better.
As soon as Otoya caught sight of you—he slid next to you, ever so casually—with his phone stuck out and a small smile playing on his lips—asking for your number. You were shocked, of course, and Tabito had no shortage of criticism regarding his green-striped friend to speak to you—still, he was pretty cute, and pretty charming, with that grin.
So, despite your better judgement, and to Karasu's horror—you momentarily forget his words and nod—still in shocked silence—and pass him your phone. 
Karasu doesn't think he's ever seen Otoya that happy. Still, you don't look uncomfortable—even with that gross, stupid man pressed right to your side—so Karasu holds his tongue and simply chews down, hard, on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from cursing his friend out.
The crow introduces the both of you together, and it does not take long at all before, he, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table from you two, becomes the so-called third wheel.
Karasu Tabito could only stare in silence as you and Otoya, surprisingly, held a decent conversation.
Tabito nearly socked Eita in the face when he slid his arm around you and winked—a cheesy, stupid action that could make even the most romantic author gag in horror.
Even so, you smile—and Tabito's heart drops to his stomach.
Karasu had mostly forgotten about this moment for a good week—choosing to just enjoy your presence after that. However, after that week of peace, he was rudely reminded just how persistent Otoya could be with girls.
"Otoya... is a nice guy." You point at your phone, showing it to your best friend with a smile. Your cheeks are flushed pink as you type back a response to his message—but it's half-written and unsent when Karasu snatches the device out of your hands.
He's never seen something so disgusting. It's vile. It's horrible. It's so gross.
"What the fuck?" He curses absentmindedly, eyes wide with disgusted shock as he reads over your conversations. At first, it was about Karasu and both your friendships with him—but those conversations soon turned into deeper, personal talks that you'd never shared with anybody but him. 
You try and grab at your device—he pulls that stupid move where he holds it up higher than you can reach—you practically fall into his arms trying to grab the phone, "Tabito!! Give it back!!"
"Are you serious?" He looks down at you with furrowed brows and lips pulled taut downwards. He steadies you with a hand on your shoulder, eyes narrowed sharply. "I told you not to fall for this. Didn't I tell you about what he does to girls? I told you not to talk to him!"
Before this, you've never gotten truly angry at him. Sure, you'd fight—but not even an hour later, either one of you would come back and apologise for whatever petty thing had transpired in the fight. That was just how your friendship was, and he never thought it would change.
Not until now, that is.
You look up at him with a deep frown and an angry stare—not the kittenish one that makes him laugh and ruffle your hair, but a different type of stare—where you are trying to dig knives into his skull and he thinks all the breath has been stolen from his lungs, "Why do you always do this? You always act like this whenever I try and talk to a guy—but this time, you're really acting like a fool! He's your friend, shouldn't you approve more than the past, oh I don't know, seven?!"
His wide-eyed shock is an opening for you to grab your phone back—so you do, and take a good few steps back.
I'm just... trying to look out for you... However, his thoughts go unspoken in his stupor.
Your voice is quieter now—arms folded underneath your chest and clearly avoiding his gaze, "I think you should go... Tabito. I'll talk to you later."
You murmur and walk away—with each step you take, he thinks he hears his heart shatter a little more inside his chest.
He slumps down on his desk with his head in his hands. He doesn't know what to do. He feels so stupid. He hadn't even realised it himself—had he really been so disapproving of all those guys that you'd stopped talking to them completely? And he didn't even know?
He feels more selfish than ever.
He feels sick, actually.
This voice is not one he'd like to hear right now. The source of his problems and pain—Otoya. Karasu groans and doesn't raise his gaze—his chest starts to hurt. "Go away."
He doesn't hear footsteps, so Karasu assumes he does not follow his demand. His thoughts are proven correct when Otoya speaks again, "She told me about whatever happened before."
Karasu clenches his jaw hard to stop himself from speaking. He feels like even more of a piece of shit. He just had to bring it up, didn't he? If he didn't introduce you two, this wouldn't have even happened, anyway. Maybe he should keep his lives separate next time—in whatever life he would live next.
"I know she's your friend and all, and you're super worried about her because of that—but I promise I won't do anything."
Those words make Karasu lift his gaze—tired eyes from the lack of sleep he got last night make his despair abundantly obvious. Still, Otoya's nonchalant expression that he always has plastered on his face does not budge an inch. "I promise you before, too. I won't do anything. I swear. I really like her. Like a lot. I swear, I won't hurt her. If I do, you can beat my ass, and I'll take it. So don't be petty like this, okay?"
The words don't soothe the ache in his chest.
Those words he spoke before, just before Otoya had met you—Karasu was worried about this exact scenario happening. But thinking back on it now—was he even worried about you?
He finds himself doubting it. In fact, it feels so much more natural to say that he was worried about himself. That he'd get hurt like this if this happened.
The lack of response from Karasu gives Otoya the answer he was looking for—the last thing he hears as Otoya walks away is an annoyed sigh.
Karasu is, once again, left alone in his room. 
He really wants to collapse and just never wake up. He hates this.
Karasu Tabito really is a selfish man. He wants you all to himself yet never tells you—he truly is the worst man alive.
I... just want you.
That's all. That's all he knows.
His chest aches even more and he thinks his heart may just go beating out of his chest. He grits his teeth, hard, and clenches his fists over his face. 
The crow in the golden cage is afraid to let go—so in such an act of desperation, it grabs onto its owner's arm—clinging and screeching before they can possibly move away.
He is selfish. You're all his heart has ever known—and you are all he wants. He thought he could wait and everything would turn out fine—but now, he sees that he was so, so wrong.
He'd made up his mind. He couldn't wait any longer. He had to tell you. Otherwise, these feelings would rot away in the back of his mind forever and whatever was left after that—and Karasu would die, simply unfulfilled and empty, lacking the love that is you.
The lingering stares, the small touches a bit too close to be friends, the words whispered into your ears late at night when you come to him in tears—all of that can't be for naught. 
This couldn't all be for nothing.
He has to tell you. It's now, or never. 
He finds himself running down the street in low-hanging pyjama pants and a black tank top—it's cold, really cold on his tanned skin—but he can hardly feel the snow pricking at his skin as his slippers make contact with the damp concrete ground.
He has to tell you.
He has to tell you.
He looks around frantically for the spare key your parents keep outside your house. Underneath the potted plant. Right.
He effortlessly lifts the giant pot of aloe vera, and cracks open your door, silently—the first thing he hears is the loud blasting of corny Christmas music, and the sound of your voice laughing along to a song sung by the Whoville residents.
He has to tell you.
His breathing picks up, and he runs forward—however, Tabito is stopped in his tracks, by another voice.
It is Otoya.
If this is truly what heartbreak feels like, then Karasu Tabito is not sure why humans even bother to fall in love. Maybe it is a primal, instinctual reaction that has no logical explanation or meaning to look into—it is simply a blessing, or curse, of nature that cannot be stopped or ignored.
Love is an unexplainable thing. 
It makes you feel so many strange things. Foreign, unnatural, and most of all—weird. Love is really, really weird.
It makes you wish to cry, then smile as far as you possible can. It makes your stomach twist with butterflies and makes you have the inexplicable urge to press your lips together with another person. An act of love only shown by humans. An act of love that the crow could never have.
Love makes you selfish, soft, and weak.
But love can also make you giving, tough, and strong.
Love makes Karasu Tabito walk away.
Love makes Karasu Tabito leave you, with the words silent and dead in his mouth.
Even as the cold winter air nips at his nose and he feels like his stomach is trying to collapse in on itself, Karasu Tabito still feels love. This sort of love is so inexplicably strong and all-consuming—a love that he has always felt for you.
The kind of love that will set you free.
Perhaps the crow had dug his talons too deep into its owner—and now, it was left, stuck alone in that golden cage with blood shining on its claws and silent.
Now, it must fly away.
Karasu's always looked out for you—this time, he thinks, maybe, this is the best for both of you.
You looked so happy. You've never looked that happy with him. The thought makes his heart ache and his thoughts jumble up. He stands in the snow—his loose, ungelled hair falls down his neck and snowflakes look like glitter in his deep purple hair.
He really does love you, and that's why he lets you go.
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shokobuns · 2 months
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i asked you a question, i wanna know why!
why'd you have to make that record 'bout me?
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song about me.
synopsis: writing songs about the fling that broke your heart catapults your band into fame. unfortunately, his bedroom won't be the last place you see him
ALTERNATIVELY — you and atsumu learn to get along for the sake of your best friends.
genre: romcom, some angst, smut in a wayyy later chapter (18+)
tags. band au, college au for a bit, chemical engineering major!reader, marketing major!kuroo, marketing major!kenma, lead singer!reader, drummer!shoko, bassist!getou, guitarist!utahime, ex fling to lovers, satosugu roommates, shokohime roommates/lovers, bokuaka, gojo is filthy rich, msby black jackals vs. schweiden adlers arc, kuroo is desperately looking for employment, small olympics 2024 arc w/ guest stars, kenma loves roblox, suna is locked into his lover
PAIRING(S): miya atsumu x f!reader, brief trashy!semi eita x f!reader ft. oc named mika x suna rintarou, shokohime, bokuaka, and satosugu if you squint
updates: ongoing series! monday, wednesday, friday (hopefully this is consistent)
taglist:: open! (send an ask off anon or with an account to be added)
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[apt. 202b + roaches] / [samu's kittens]
pt. 0 — sunday morning / pt. 1 — sweet nothing / pt. 2 — jumpscare / pt. 3 — situationship… / pt. 4 — gaydar / pt. 5 — count your days. / pt. 6 — short king showdown / pt. 7 — survive the killer / pt. 8 — radar! / pt. 9 — the oomflympics / pt. 10 — shit ur pants / pt. 11 — care / pt. 12 — untitled
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125 notes · View notes
saerins · 7 months
PREV: #003 THE FIRST RIPPLE 𖧧 #004 THIS SPARK, IS IT REAL? 𖧧 NEXT: #005 THE ICE SURRENDERS ꒰ series masterlist ꒱
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꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — there’s a lot you don’t understand about what’s going on with sae, but he can say the same about you. question is, once you both find out more about each other, will your growing feelings stay the same?
content: itoshi sae x female reader. fluff/angst. profanity, alcohol, reader is fairly straightforward here, pining, jealousy, misunderstandings. word count: 5.8k
༝༚༝༚ slightly shorter chapter this week ^_^ hehe we’re getting closer to the messier/exciting parts so bear with me heh :) mwah ily guys <3
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you’re starting to learn that maybe you can’t get your hopes up with itoshi sae.
a week later, you don’t hear anything from him. you both haven’t spoken since that night he took you out. not that you’re entirely too bothered—it’s a first for you, trying to get to know someone as in-demand as sae. (you don’t count eita because you’ve known him since before the fame.)
it doesn’t help that you don’t really have anyone to talk to about this. you promised sae that you wouldn’t spill, and you’re keeping that promise. somehow, it makes you feel a little warm inside; thinking that there is some sort of intimacy you share with sae that only the two of you know.
besides, even if you could talk to eita about it, you don’t want to. 
is it too quick for you to think you might fall for him?
falling for someone isn’t really in your life plans yet, especially after your last and only tumultuous relationship, but maybe itoshi sae is different. he sure seems like it.
the next week rolls around, and you still hear nothing from him. which is fine with you; you’ve resigned yourself to thinking what’s yours will be yours and not to force anything… even if you spend most of your idle time wondering if sae is ever going to post anything on his private account. did he really just create it solely because you asked him to?
you can see that he logs in to it, judging by his icon on that little viewer list in your stories. but that’s the extent to which you see him online. he doesn’t reply, or do anything much. considering his normal account is probably mainly run by his team, you guess you shouldn’t expect too much from him.
still, maybe it’s a little pathetic of you to be wearing his cap so frequently. it’s sort of become a staple piece for you, somehow. to be fair, there’s hardly any dress code in place for you to follow and considering the bulk of your workwear is mostly casual, it fits right into your style. although, after sumi pointed out one day that it’s a luxury brand and that it costs more than you would personally ever spend on a cap (even if you had the means to), you try to wear it less often. (though that seems like a waste considering it was given to you.)
“you know, you gave the boss a really good scoop, enough to last for a few months,” sumi points out during lunch, taking a lick of her vanilla ice cream as the both of you sit out on the roof, escaping the cramped office. “so why do you look so stressed?”
honestly, you didn’t even realise you did. you thought you were being normal, but it has been a while since you had a normal crush on someone, and since itoshi sae is certainly not just a normal somebody, maybe you had been acting a little off, always waiting for a text, a call even, something.
“nothing, i just haven’t been able to get a good sleep lately,” you lie, hoping that sumi won’t pry.
she doesn’t.
“hm, it’s friday today,” she hums, pondering. “maybe you should find a few of your friends, get out, let loose, you know?”
later at your desk, the clock almost striking 5pm, you think maybe you should. because as much as you love your chill friday nights alone (mainly because your mom is barely home on the weekends), you don’t think it’ll do you much good if you keep mulling over the same old thing.
but just as you’re about to go pester eita again, he gets to you first, his timing impeccable today.
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there’s an aching disappointment in your chest when you realise sae isn’t going to be there. maybe it’s just the glaring difference between the life of a celebrity versus someone normal like you. his schedule must usually be packed to the brim after all.
whatever, you’ll let him come back to you on his own time. for now, all you want to do for the weekend is to spend it having fun with the guys and settling everything you need to on saturday and spend sunday to yourself.
this possible thing between you and sae, whatever it could be, can wait. you’re not in any rush. at least, that’s what your head tells you.
your heart feels something different.
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it’s only the second time you’re actually hanging out with eita’s friends, but you’re not regretting it one bit. even on the day of the event they’d been welcoming to you, and tonight is no exception.
they’re all sat around the wooden table on the balcony, a ton of beer cans and liquor bottles littered across the table. you sit on the long end, on the long chair, right beside eita, sides of your bodies always pressed close together that it makes a glint form in oliver’s eyes.
he’s still curious, not out of concern but just because, about you and eita and sae and how everything is going to tie together. it’s not everyday he sees eita being okay with a girl that close to him and not complain that she’s a bother. it’s also not everyday that sae creates a private account. oliver got bored and saw one day that you were the first person he followed.
you must really be something.
“where even is sae today?” you hear sendou ask, a hiccup following suit. “i finally come over and he’s not even here.”
he’s sitting on your other side, his profile strangely reminding you of the very guy he’s asking about. maybe it’s the way his hair is a lighter shade of pink, maybe even his sharp jawline. his eyes are different though, more expressive, and universally soft somehow.
you remember how sae’s can look soft, his teal eyes turning gentle whenever you try to approach him. but it wasn’t that way when you first met him, that’s a given.
“i don’t know, said he was too tired,” oliver sighs, stretching in his seat.
“wasn’t he just with bianca yesterday?” yukimiya asks, oblivious to oliver’s glee.
it kind of stings, but you stay quiet, the alcohol slowly seeping into your system. you can feel eita leaning against you a little bit more, and his presence has always been comforting, so you let him.
sendou hums, index finger tapping against his near-empty beer can. “is that still going on? how long has their relationship status been a mystery already?”
karasu snorts, nudging sendou on the elbow. “salty just ‘cause you tried to ask her out and she rejected you?”
as you sit quietly and observe, it seems that sendou was once at an event with her too—apparently, he had asked her for her number and she didn’t even want to give it to him. and then a month later she “met sae and was all over him”, according to karasu.
with the exception of eita, who sits quietly beside you, they start a debate on whether or not sae’s finally starting to see bianca in a different light. or, as sendou points out, “maybe they’ve been a thing all along and just hid it really well from everyone.” it’s not exactly something you want to listen to, even if you are the most curious you’ve ever been about a guy, so you block it out from your ears. 
but oliver leans forward, resting his chin on the liquor bottle in front of him, staring straight at you. you’ve never really noticed it but his eyes are really beautiful, the different shades of green and purple making him seem ethereal just like that. 
“you’re a girl, y/n, what do you think?” he asks you, a lazy drawl in his tone.
mirroring his actions, you bat your eyelashes at him, looking innocent as ever when you answer him. “i think you guys should stop talking about that her behind her back like that,” you say, earning a raise of oliver’s brows in return. he’s surprised, to say the least, but not in a bad way.
it’s not even that you don’t want to hear about her. you’re wantonly curious, especially since you’re beginning to realise your small hint of emotions towards sae, but something tells you that these guys wouldn’t be too kind with their words if you egg them on.
karasu gives you a nod of approval that you miss before he leans back in the chair, whispering to yukimiya, “at least we all know shidou won’t totally hate y/n.” but it’s too soft for you to hear, and you probably won’t even be able to make sense of it even if you did, not with the gradually increasing level of alcohol in your system.
between intentionally drinking to not be a pathetic mess who keeps thinking about her potential love life and having to drink because you’re usually good at drinking games but not when oliver is around with the way he keeps beating you at everything, you happen not to notice a lot of things.
at one point, oliver has replaced sendou next to you, whispering snarky comments in your ear in between games. he’s not the flirting kind, at least not to you, and he doesn’t push your boundaries physically either—he’s more akin to a friend you’d love to gossip with. that’s why you don’t even think much when he tilts his camera towards you, taking a selfie with both you and eita in it.
just a normal picture of friends hanging out, oliver leaning against your legs, propped up on the chair, your own head leaning into the crook of eita’s neck, all of you evidently tipsy from the dazed look in your eyes.
what neither of you notice is oliver’s smirk as he posts the picture onto his private, betting on his target audience of one to see it.
and now, he’ll just have to wait.
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one hour later, the doorbell rings and yukimiya’s eyes glance over to eita, comfortable with an arm around you, and he takes it as his cue to open the door. eita’s probably too reluctant to move and he’ll let whoever it is at the door keep at it for hours before he’ll answer the poor guy.
he’s expecting some random food delivery, maybe from karasu because he’s been whining about wanting some chicken with his beer, or maybe even shidou showing up at the last minute from his other party. but this? the person he’s staring at in the eyes right now, is the last person he expected to see tonight. 
“wait, i thought you weren’t coming?” yukimiya asks, but oliver’s already shouting from the balcony.
“hey, sae, what the fuck are you doing here?” he asks from the balcony, taking a swig of his beer.
beside him, you hear sae’s name and your head immediately whips around to look at the door. there he is, looking tired as ever but he’s there, in the flesh, dressed in all black, jacket and sweats, teal eyes finding you from all the way across the house.
sae wordlessly walks past yukimiya, the latter following behind him, still shocked that he’s even present. sure looks like sae always means it when he says he wouldn’t come to gatherings like these.
when he gets to the balcony, earning a cock of oliver’s brow, sae tilts his head, “i was invited, wasn’t i? what’s so surprising about that?”
oliver snickers at sae’s blatant avoidance of the question. deciding he wouldn’t get anything out of him anyway, he shrugs and accepts it. besides, he can already see that sae’s too busy trying to calculate if there’s enough space for him to sit beside you, with the way his eyes are scanning your surroundings. maybe it doesn’t help how eita’s so clingy with you, his arm still around you even when you’ve already straightened up.
both sae and eita are just staring blankly at each other, and everyone is aware of it except for you, because your head’s a little dizzy and you’re still thinking whether sae popping up here is a figment of your imagination.
you’re not that drunk, are you?
you get your answer when a shadow looms over your body, the familiar scent of his cologne wafting into your nose. he smells the same he did that night you kissed him.
“what, this seat taken?” sae asks, and you dumbly look down at the small edge of space beside you.
no, it’s not, but you’re probably going to have to squeeze between him and eita if he sits there, no more legroom. you shift anyway, eita making space (albeit reluctantly), the way sae ends up being so close to you enough to send your mind into overdrive. you’re still wondering why he showed up.
you, and everyone else. not oliver though. he knows why. and it’s not like he wants to intentionally make you cough out your feelings but it looks like the other guys who are oblivious to your feelings are steering in that direction. 
“no bianca today?” karasu asks, a mocking tone in his voice.
sae doesn’t show an ounce of emotion, though. “wasn’t with her.”
“why not? scared we’re gonna make you two make out again like last time?” yukimiya asks, finally relaxing back in his seat. he says it jokingly, although you know the sentence at hand probably isn’t a joke.
“wait wait wait, you two made out?” sendou asks, incredulous, mirroring your exact thoughts. 
a jealousy creeps up your spine, engulfing your alcohol-riddled distractions. some part of you wants to know what it’d be like to be kissed by him. you purse your lips into a firm line, wondering if you were being an accidental homewrecker by kissing him that night.
“it was just a game,” sae responds, making no moves to drink the beer handed to him.
eita pulls his arms away, moving in favour of getting you a drink. it’s not that he even knows anything that’s going on between you and sae, but he can tell by how you’re stiffening up that you’re probably a little affected. he slides a shot over to you, and you down it with ease.
ignoring the way the other guys keep harping on the topic, sae turns his attention to you, flicking the tip of the cap he gave you, and you shift your gaze to look up at him, the small smirk he gives you when you do making your heart flutter again.
why is it so easy for him to do that to you?
“haven’t sold my cap yet?”
you thank the heavens you’re not too tipsy to be normal. “i’m holding out for higher bids, actually,” you quip, grinning. “you can offer one too if you want it back.”
sae hums, head tilted again as he ponders while staring at you. slowly, he leans down to your ear, whispering so only you can hear him, “how much do i have to bid for you to keep it?”
maybe it’s the liquor, but you feel your cheeks heat up. it can’t be his close proximity. it can’t be the way he’s so close that you can see the beating pulse on his neck. it can’t be the way you think you look more intimate here than you should. definitely can’t be the way all the guys have noticed and are giving each other looks.
why does he even want you to keep it? is this some sort of abstract way that he’s using to tell you that you’re not an accidental homewrecker?
you make a mental reminder to yourself to never get drunk in front of sae. you don’t want to end up blurting out some less-than-decent thoughts of yours.
“what’s wrong? too tipsy now to talk back?” sae asks, and you can only pout at him, not in your usual condition to think of smart comebacks. it makes the corner of his lips tug upwards just a little bit more than usual, his hand coming up to teasingly push the cap down further—in that seemingly affectionate way he does.
and maybe it isn’t such a good idea to agree to continue to play games, not when you got roped into never have i ever and karasu, to the delight of oliver, said he has never fucked anyone at this table. seeing that only you and eita put a finger down, everyone can tell there’s probably a complicated history between you and eita. not that you owe them any explanation, though you kind of do feel the urge to tell sae that it was in the past.
you steal a glance at him beside you, the mild look of surprise befallen on his handsome face. you wonder if he thinks badly of you now. you wonder if he’ll think badly of you when he sees what your life is really like. will he think you’re just going to be a stain on his fancy life that it’ll be better off not knowing you?
or maybe… maybe he has a complicated past too. with bianca.
funnily enough, eita loses after yukimiya says he’s never had sex with more than five girls. the disappointing part is you didn’t really get to know anything interesting about sae.
“hey, you feeling okay? you can stop playing if you wanna,” sae tells you later on, after god knows how many minutes have passed and you’re already onto the next game. you don’t even know why you agreed to play two truths one dare in the first place when you know it’ll just be a shitshow for you. 
over the course of x minutes, you’d managed to learn many things, some of which being that karasu and eita had shared a girl in bed, that yukimiya dared to do a body shot on oliver, that sae would consider bianca an important person to him, and that you really can’t make up your mind to go big or go home because oliver had just dared you to spend seven minutes in heaven with anyone of your choosing.
of course, you can safely choose eita and trust him not to do anything if you told him to. but on the flip side, you can choose who you really want. even if you’re not so sure he’d want to anymore.
“you can always choose me,” oliver jokes, lifting the mood. although the smirk on his face makes you question it. “i’ll definitely show you a good time.”
while you’re having an internal dilemma, karasu and sendou are in the background teasing oliver for being fake, saying that he shouldn’t be offering that if he’s already interested in miss manager.
but you snap out of it when the irritated sigh you hear out of sae somehow feels like the world is sending you a sign. in some way. you’re not sure if you’re reaching—is he bothered by oliver’s comments? and why does oliver look so smug all of a sudden?
you’re beginning to regret not being sober, you can’t figure this shit out. but what you do figure out is what you want to do. why think so much about tomorrow when the present is right here?
so you don’t pay it any more thoughts, getting up and dragging sae with you by the shirt, ignoring all the commotion left behind by the guys, save for eita who only stares blankly at you as you drag sae into his own room and lock the door.
“oh shit, sorry dude, didn’t mean to—”
“for the last time, just friends,” otoya snaps, cutting karasu off, although not even sendou believes him. for someone who doesn’t even care to treat people nicely, sendou can at least see that eita treats you a fair bit better than anyone else.
in the room, sae can only watch blankly as you stumble over your feet before finally settling on the edge of otoya’s bed. the envious, green side of him can’t help but wonder how many times you’d been here, in his room, with him. though it’s kind of amusing how you chose to bring sae in here now.
from what sae can tell, you’re probably a little more tipsy than you should be in these types of situation, and a part of him is relieved that you’re not here with anyone else. if you were here with otoya, would you be fooling around by now?
“so, thought you were too tired to show up—what happened?” you ask from where you are on the bed, body swaying slightly, eyes threatening to close.
the moment he takes a seat next to you, you lean close, your head coming to rest on his shoulder, and sae has no doubt that you’d already drank a lot before he came. proximity this close, he can smell the shampoo in your hair, can feel how soft it is.
“i couldn’t sleep, got bored, that’s all.”
your shoulders vibrate slightly as you giggle, pulling away, a suspicious glint in your eyes. “damn, and here i thought you came for me.”
even when you’re intoxicated you still have such a smart mouth. sae shrugs, his gaze turning ever so soft, like every time before when he looks at you. there’s something about you that he can’t quite place, something that makes him act so differently than he usually does, and for once he doesn’t hate it. “did you want me to?”
not taking the bait, you keep up your casual demeanour, even if your eyelids feel heavy and you’re about five seconds away from just passing right out on the bed.
“you know, it’s fine to say you missed me and wanted to see me,” you tell him, grin wide as ever, almost infectious. you’re only surviving on liquid courage right now, the way you unashamedly try to flirt. though, if sae isn’t moving away, does that mean he doesn’t mind?
he looks off to the side, pondering for a while before turning back to you with a straight face, “i missed you, wanted to see you.”
for a moment, you feel like your heart might stop.
“is that what you wanna hear?”
almost instinctively, you grab the stray pillow lying on the bed and fling it at sae, earning an amused laugh from him but you barely realise it, too caught up in the frustration that his words were just strung together to entertain you as opposed to his actual feelings.
crossing your arms, you look away, the exhaustion of the day coupled with the dread of tomorrow nipping away at your consciousness. “don’t patronise me, itoshi sae,” you huff, and you miss the way he looks at you with a smile on his face.
will you remember any of this tomorrow? you’re not drunk, but you’re not exactly thinking straight either.
“were you… very busy this past week?”
your question is voiced so softly, almost like you’re afraid to ask, and sae realises maybe he should’ve at least told you he wouldn’t be able to make it as early as he thought he would.
“yeah, i was.”
technically, he isn’t lying. he was back in japan last saturday, but maybe he had been too wrapped up in his thoughts to do anything else.
“with bianca?”
it’s even softer this time, and for some reason, sae’s almost kind of relieved you’re asking. he just doesn’t know what it is.
“no, not really,” he tells you. it’s complicated, and you don’t even have context; he wouldn’t even know where to begin talking to you about it.
you put your legs up on the bed, hiding your face between your knees, and sae’s left wondering whether alcohol really makes that much of a difference. you seem bold, shy and teasing all at once. his hat is still on your head, your thoughts coming out into the open.
“are you… involved with her?” your voice is muffled, but he hears you loud and clear.
a small smile dawns onto his face, safe from your view. he doesn’t really know the implications of you asking the question, but he likes how you don’t beat around the bush. it’s nice not having to constantly guess what you really mean.
and maybe it’s you rubbing off on him, but he doesn’t answer it straight.
“curious, y/n?”
when you lift your head up to look at him, you see the widest smile he’s ever given you, objectively much smaller and way more subtle than everyone else, but it’s a smile all the same and it makes your heart beat faster in your chest.
“yes,” you answer honestly, because you’re not sure when exactly you’re going to pass out but you have a feeling it’ll be soon and eita’s bed is just so soft.
sae is only mildly stunned by how straightforward you are, so he decides to do you a favour. he doesn’t usually like divulging things like this; topics that bring gossip and are undoubtedly going to come back to him if it gets out. what’s more, you work for a sports magazine so you can totally use this against him, but it isn’t even that you’re intoxicated right now, but more so that he feels he can trust you with it.
slowly, he reaches his hand over, and for once he tips the cap upwards a little so he can see your eyes when he tells you, “stupid, i’m not involved with anyone.” is that clear enough for you? he’s not sure why but he hopes it is.
what does he even want with you?
the moment you hear it, you break out into a wide smile, genuine and actually infectious this time because sae feels the corners of his lips threatening to pull upwards even more. what the heck is this feeling?
“really? i’m so relieved,” you exhale, voice a little airy, looking a little too pretty that sae immediately pulls the cap back downwards. “so,” you move on, adjusting it back in position, daring to move closer to him, face so close to his own that he has nowhere else to look except straight into your eyes. “we have four minutes left. will you grant me whatever i want, itoshi sae?”
you have a habit of calling him by his full name. he makes a mental reminder to get you to change that. not tonight though, he doesn’t want you to forget.
it’s weird how he feels around you; why does he feel so overwhelmed yet want more both at the same time? he swallows the lump in his throat, keeping his composure, “depends, you’re pretty demanding, tell me first and i’ll consider.”
“itoshi sae, i’m not!” you refute, punching him playfully on the arm and he has to hold your arm to stop you from falling off the bed. “i don’t know. the guys outside are probably expecting us to fuck or something.”
there you go, unfiltered and he kind of likes it. his fingers are still around your wrist.
but the answer is crystal clear to him.
“huh?” it takes you a while to process. given that the only thoughts in your head as of right now are only: what does sae think of you and eita? and bianca is important to him. “what if it was just a kiss?”
he hums, then shakes his head. “nope.”
“wait, am i not pretty enough for you or something?”
you’re whining and sae finds it cute of all things. you have a tendency to misunderstand, so maybe he needs to adjust how he talks to you. he’ll see. but before he can even say anything else, your head falls into his chest, your regular breathing the only sound that fills the room after. he’s perplexed and amused all at once; how did you manage to fall asleep so quickly?
contrary to your thoughts, sae has always thought you were pretty, ever since the first night he met you. even in your private account where you post yourself in hoodies too big for your body and no makeup, clad in sweats—still pretty.
sae sighs, his fingers stroking your hair now that you’re asleep, and whispering in your ear only when you’re not able to hear him.
“if i do that, i think i’ll end up wanting more.” and you’re drunk and that’s not what he really wants.
but he does give you what you ask for, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.
that’ll have to do for now.
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“so, nothing happened?” sendou asks, bored, as sae carries you on his back as he comes out of the room.
you’re passed out and drooling on his shoulder and he doesn’t really care about that.
“it’s sae, c’mon, did you expect something?” karasu laughs, all of them coming in from the balcony because in the seven minutes both of you had spent in the room, it managed to start raining. “maybe if it was bianca, y’know, then maybe.”
sae ignores all their passing comments, choosing to walk over to otoya, “hey, she passed out, i’m just gonna take her home.”
as much as sae isn’t particularly fond of otoya, he’s probably your closest friend here and he doesn’t want him to think he’s just going to take advantage of you.
otoya’s green eyes flicker to the clock on the wall before he shakes his head, speaking softly so the others won’t hear. “nah, just put her in the guest bedroom. i’ll send her back in the morning. you can head back first.”
there’s an irritation that builds up inside him, but sae maintains his emotionless expression, remembering that otoya knows you much more than he does. “i could just—”
“she doesn’t want to go home tonight,” otoya cuts in, a warning glare in his eyes. “trust me.”
suddenly, sae remembers the last time he met you, your swollen cheek and the way your eyes were glazed over. and he wants to ask otoya what it’s all about but this is about you, and he really shouldn’t ask someone else.
“fine,” sae concedes. if whatever’s at home makes you miserable, he won’t bring you there. “i’ll put her in there before i go.”
there’s a lot more otoya would like to ask sae, because oliver’s not the only one curious at sae’s seemingly odd behaviour. he wants to know what exactly he thinks about you, but everyone’s still around and it’s not a good time, so he sucks it up and lets it go for tonight.
as sae puts you down on the bed and pulls the blanket over you, he gets a brief flashback of the night he set bianca down in her hotel room. you’re both so similar, and yet not at all.
and when he’s about to turn and go, your fingers reach out to tug at the hem of his jacket sleeve, almost effectively making sae’s heart leap out of his chest. your eyes are still shut, so there’s no chance you’re actually conscious right now. still, your mouth opens.
“stay with me?”
sae stills. do you know it’s him? or do you think he’s otoya? either way, you and bianca really are similar, even when you’re not completely awake. so why… why are his reactions so different?
it’s not like he has anything on tomorrow, so it’s really no imposition.
before he knows it, he’s sitting on the floor, right next to where you sleep on the bed, your fingers enveloped in his palm, his head propped on the mattress, his own exhaustion catching up to him.
it’s been a messy week; trying to gather his thoughts about you every single time he’s free, having to talk to bianca and thinking about that, and then coming back just to see oliver and otoya so close to you that it bothers him a little. finding out about you and otoya takes the cake, though.
how special is otoya to you?
the question lingers unanswered as he drifts to sleep, both of you subconsciously finding comfort in the other’s innocent warmth.
the next morning when you wake up, you’re half shocked half happy to find sae where he is, sleeping there peacefully, the previous night’s exhaustion dissipating from his face.
did he take care of you last night? you can only hope you didn’t puke in front of him. that would be embarrassing.
you’d like to stay, wait for him to wake up and talk to him and make sure you didn’t say or do anything too out of line because your memory’s a little foggy, bits and pieces that you can’t quite piece together or even tell if they’re real or dreams.
but you can’t.
you remember what day it is today and reluctantly get out of bed. though, feeling a little cheeky, you quietly grab a small black marker out of the drawer, suppressing a grin as you scribble on sae’s palms, hoping he won’t wake up from this.
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a couple hours later, by the time sae gets up, the bed is cold and still undone. it’s already noon, and somehow the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up is you—are you already home? did otoya send you?
but the question that pops up in the forefront of his mind when he sees otoya lazing around on his couch later on is none of that.
and to be fair, otoya has the very same question in his head.
“do you like her or something? y/n.”
otoya is the one to ask, eyes still glued onto his phone screen, typing something out. sae can’t help but wonder if he’s talking to you. 
“what’s it to you?” sae asks. he can hear the snores of the other guys coming from otoya’s room.
otoya shrugs. “just curious. she’s my best friend after all.”
there’s a certain possessiveness in the way he says it that rubs sae the wrong way. still, sae supposes that if otoya’s your best friend, he shouldn’t be too impulsive with his words.
“maybe i like her,” sae says, the tension in the air getting thicker.
“in what way?” otoya still hasn’t looked up from his phone.
“same way you do.”
“i don’t know what you mean.”
otoya scoffs, both of them acting coy with one another. “bianca and y/n, huh? busy guy,” otoya sighs, tossing his phone aside and getting up, walking towards sae, hands in his pocket. both of them are staring the other down, feeling the situation out. “i think i suit y/n better, you can have bianca.”
now it’s sae’s turn to scoff, sharp eyes piercing through otoya’s own. “why don’t we let y/n decide for herself, huh?” he quips, before grabbing his car keys out of his pocket and leaving through the front door.
as he settles down in his car and turns the engine on, it’s only then that he realises the black marks on his palm. 
thank you ᡣ𐭩
somehow, just one look at it is enough to ease the tension on his shoulders.
you really can do wonders.
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extras !
otoya’s hostility towards sae was intentional.
sae didn’t try to wash your writing off—he let it fade away naturally.
if yn was sober, she would’ve not been as straightforward as he was in the room with sae. but she definitely would’ve flustered sae a lot more with her playful personality.
the whole time, oliver was live recounting the events of the night to miss manager, all of which are left on read.
if bianca had been there, sae would have been a lot more cautious about his actions and probably wouldn’t have acted too close to y/n.
random fact #1: otoya plays bass, used to perform in a band back in university. part of how he got so many girls interested in him but he was always with y/n which made a lot of them unhappy.
random fact #2: sae has never really been jealous before so now that he’s feeling it, he’s a lot more sensitive to it than normal people.
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taglist! @yuzurins @saeskiss @raphsimp @lust4rin @mxplesyrvp @chieeeeeee @yumekolovesyukimiya @kunirayuna39 @auranny @sereniteav @gskill @saesgrl @riseena @rikijbol @sagejin @shironagi @veecynii
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baylz · 25 days
PROLOGUE: first time
main masterlist | now playing: night shift by lucy dacus
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years ago
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She didn't know where she was going, and honestly, she didn't care. All she knew was that she just wanted to get away and distract herself. To do whatever it took to numb the ache in her chest and the lump forming in her throat.
She wounded up at a bar. She had it set in mind; she was going to drink her problems away. Forgetting semi, forget Hana, and just forget how she wasted the last 4 years of her life with people who never truly cared for her. But, the minute the bitter, revolting taste of liquor hit her throat, she knew she couldn't down another. And so, she sat.
She had been there a while. Just people watching. She thought that if maybe she couldn't drink away her problems...she could find other ways to disract herself.
Y/n flinched back as her eyes landed on blues one staring back at her from across the bar. He looked around the same age as her and she swears she's seen him around campus before, head down and striding down the halls. Now that she was looking at him directly, he was gorgeous. Hands down. With the way his black frames were perched on his nose so perfectly and the intensity of his gaze as he looked at her. Y/n knew she had found her distraction.
This was a first time in 4 years that she has ever tasted someone else. He was different from Eita. Keiji, as she learn was his name, was different. The hands on her hips were feather-like in the way they held onto her. His kisses were careful as if this had been his first time kissing a girl, but Y/n didn't mind because she was enjoying the moment too much to rush anything. So, she savored it.
The two were currently back in y/n's dorm, Keiji on top and nestled between her thighs. They had discarded their clothing a while ago and now they were just bare, he was free to judge her if he wanted to. Keiji never did though. He simply took his time getting to know the sensitive parts of the girl under him. Her best friend and also roommate, Hana, was no where to be found and she tried to push back the thought of her whereabouts. But, it was difficult to ignore.
She's with Eita, she thought. Y/n couldn't control the hot tears that slid her down her cheeks as she continued to allow herself this. She needed this. She needed him. All she wanted to right now was to feel wanted.
And, Keiji wanted her. She didn't care if it was just for the night. If that was the case, she would not take it for granted. Being with Akaashi felt good. So good she felt guilty for letting her mind wander when all his attention was on her.
He had her spread, hands on each inner thigh to keep her there. The raven haired looked at her as he were asking for permission to continue. y/n nodded, she searched for anything to grip onto. She had eventually settled for his back.
Manicured nails slid down his fair skin as they left faint red lines in there wake at the sudden pressure. “Does it hurt?” He asked, his soft voice fanning against her ear.
"No, keep going."
Many things had led to another and y/n found herself lying next to him hours later. She didn't speak and Keiji made no move to leave either.
"I'm sorry." she muttered. The beautiful stranger turned to look at her, questioningly. "For what?"
"I'm..." What was she sorry for? Being distracted? Crying into his shoulder the whole time when he was nothing but gentle? "I'm not sure. I just feel like I wasn't in the moment than I wanted to be."
“If you don’t mind me asking, does this have to do with a guy?”
She shifted to more a comfortable position. It was impossibly dark at this point of the night so she couldn’t see anything. The only thing reassuring her that Akashi was still there was the warmth his body offered her. Weirdly, she felt okay enough to tell him everything.
“Yeah, I got dumped. He left me for my best friend.” He didn’t say anything, so she continued.
“I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’m mixed between being relieved but also missing him. And, it feels wrong to. To miss him, I mean. I never truly felt like he saw me, you know? For god sakes he never remembered what my favorite flower was.” Y/n was grateful that he couldn’t see her face right now. She choked back a sob and realized how stupid this was. Venting to a stranger and a hookup no less? Leave it to her to make things awkward.
Y/n covered her face out of habit as she felt herself about to cry for the millionth time tonight. “I’m sorry.” She hiccuped, “Don’t feel obligated to stay. You’re free to leave.”
Akaashi remained where he was. “What are your favorite flowers?”
“Tulips. I like Tulips.”
“Okay, I’ll remember that.” He murmured.
The next morning came around and her body was wrapped around something warm. She grumbly lifted her head to see that she was on top of Akaashi, and she stiffened. She thought he would’ve left after she fell asleep, but here he was snoozing peacefully.
She made quick work to get off him, stumbling off the bed to dress herself and eating shit in the process. “What the hell?” She hissed at the pain, and looked at the cause of the fall.
An open journal.
Her brows furrowed, she cautiously eyed the sleeping figure in her bed. Y/n figured he wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon so she picked it up.
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Y/n acted on impulse in that moment, grabbing his discarded clothing from off the floor and throwing it at him.
Akaashi jolted upward, ruffling his disheveled hair. “What’s happening?”
“I’m not some sob story you can write about in your stupid diary.” She shouted.
“Wait, what? Ow!” Akaashi didn’t see the book hurdling at his head until it hit him right square on the temple. He quickly shuffled off the bed, shielding himself in case she decided to throw a lamp at him next.
“Get out!” She didn’t give him time to properly dress himself, leading him towards the door and pushing him out into the hallway in just boxers and a shirt.
“Wait, let me explain—”
She turned her back and huffed. “Weirdo.”
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next chapter
TAGLIST: [OPEN] 7/50 @snorelexa @rrinkyoo @justanotherbimboslxt @neptunes-secret-garden @gigiiiiislife @akaakeis @giocriedpower
[comment if you want to be added!]
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okkotsuus · 1 year
ex encounters (bllk pt.4) !
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features: alexis ness ... tabito karasu ... eita otoya ... kenyu yukimiya
contents: bad exes, general tw, confrontation, harassment, google translate german, strong language
tw for the exes: controlling, domineering, power struggle, accusations, fighting, public scenes, revenge, grabbing (shoulder), trying to get back together, harassment, manipulation, gaslighting, falling out of love, wanting you back, possessive themes
notes: FINALLY FINISHING THIS SERIES and desperately hoping this will cure my writer's block </3
pt.1 — pt.2 — pt.3
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like kaiser, ness would be so pressed that your ex would even have the audacity to so much as even think of you. but unlike kaiser, ness would not be trying to throw hands: bro would just be gaslighing your ex into thinking he can't stand a chance against him.
you met ness online, trying to learn german through an anonymous messaging forum: where he was trying to learn your native language. the both of you had no clue who the other was, becoming online friends for years, long before you had ever even met your ex.
when your ex came into your life, ness noticed that you were online less and less. when asked, you gave the sheepish answer that your boyfriend didn't support you learning german, not wanting you to know a language that he didn't.
despite the red flag that was, and all his other warning signs, you stayed with him. you still learned german, now only messaging your pen pal when your lover slept or was away.
but, one day, you came home to your (now ex) boyfriend sitting on the couch. he found out you were still messaging ness, and he was mad.
it lead to a blow-out fight, you ended up having to flee and stay with a friend, collecting your stuff over a week while he was at work. you never saw him again.
eventually, you finished learning german. after a long discussion, ness agreed to meet you at the airport. the second you touched down in berlin, you rushed out the gates to see that cute boy with caramel hair and magenta tips holding your name on a sign. that would be the man you'd come to love so very dearly.
eventually, you and ness moved in together in germany, for his soccer career. you returned home with him for the holidays, to visit family.
as ness and you walked hand in hand through the streets of your hometown, bantering idly in german, you stumbled across a face you thought you'd never see again.
"ah, i see that i was right to not want you to learn german..." his voice said from a little further away, eyes glaring at the two of you. you instantly stiffened, and ever perceptive ness instantly figured out what was happening, muttering a quiet "verdammt" under his breath.
as your ex sauntered closer, ness wordlessly stood in front of you. though he wasn't the most imposing figure, you could see his distaste written plainly on his face, sneering at your ex.
"you left me for a german terrier... i see your standards really lowered..." your ex mumbled, chuckling as he glanced at ness. "keep it up, just try me schwein..." ness threatened, squaring his shoulders.
this went back and forth enough until ness had finally barked out enough insults with that near-crazed look on his face that had him shaking his head and storming away.
your boyfriend, turned to you, like a dog awaiting praise. it had you giggling and cupping his face to press scattered kisses along his cheeks. "thank you, mein held..."
"anything for you, mein schätzchen. i'd do it for you in a heartbeat..."
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karasu would be smug at first before quickly getting annoyed. he would want to throw hands, shoving the guy away and mocking him, probably gets the cops called on him. at least he doesn't look bad in cuffs ig??
when karasu was introducing you to a group of fans who watch bllktv, you didn't expect to see your ex. "wow, y/n, what are you now... a gold-digger?" he taunts, stepping into your view.
your boyfriend was off to the side, signing things, blissfully unaware to your torment as his back was turned to you. so, you decided to be the bigger person and just ignore him.
your ex was one of those run-of-the-mill revenge people, would make fun of you at any given chance now that you were separated. you don' even remember why you broke up, probably some snide comment of his that ticked you off. but one thing about him was that he hated being ignored.
karasu, who heard a guy's voice and figured you were getting hit on. he knows that you're a catch, and he trusts you, so usually he lets you humble people on your own unless things get out of hand. well, things got out of hand.
he spun around when he heard you yelp, eyes meeting the hand that gripped your shoulder. in an instant he was shoving your ex away from you, guiding you so gently behind him that it contrasted with the same movement he had used against your ex.
"trash shouldn't touch treasure." he spits, glaring down as you ex stumbles on his feet. just like that, with a shout, your ex charges back at karasu.
like a professional, karasu throws him back again, this time with more force. but desperation does something to inhibition and your ex lunges back again, sending a punch across your boyfriend's face.
karasu just chuckles, wiping the blood from his nose as he grabs your ex's collar with one hand and socks him with the other, sending him to the ground.
they continue this one-sided fighting until flashes of blue and red flare in the corner of your peripheral. then they're both in cuffs and all three of you including those fans from earlier are being questioned.
then, karasu walks away from his cops, rubbing his now-restraint-free wrists as he saunters up to you with that coy smirk. "hey there pretty thing, your jailbird's back..."
he's taken aback as you jump into his arms, hugging him tight as your hands hold him like he was fragile. he just smiles, wrapping his arms around you and kissing he side of your head with a gentle affection.
"hey now, don't cry. i'd gladly get cuffed again for keeping you safe."
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otoya is another smug one, but unlike karasu he is not eager to be fighting. otoya's smart and knows just what to do, plays innocent if it ever gets to the point where cops come in.
of all people in the world, otoya has certainly had his share of running into an unpleasant ex. he's the one who will understand you best, which is why he stands next to you with a cocky grin as your ex desperately tries to explain how he's better for you than him.
"i don't have a history of cheating... unlike present company..." your ex digs, shooting a smug look at otoya, who grumbles out a "c'mon, it was one time..."
you just chuckle, shaking your head in exasperation with a heavy sigh. "no, you didn't cheat. but you're still a manipulative asshole." he huffs, rolling his eyes and mumbling curses under his breath.
"you pretentious bitch, i never once hurt you. it was all for your betterment because you can't take care of yourself." your ex spits, getting closer until otoya puts an arm between you two.
"don't talk to what's mine like that, back it up bud." otoya muses with a grin, pushing your ex back lightly, putting himself between you two. your ex stammers, glaring at you over your boyfriend's shoulder.
seemingly, all was fine until the next time you were out with otoya, your ex appeared again: delivering the same take-me-back speech. it was getting tiring and you felt your patience begin to wear thin with every emotionally-charged word that spilled from his lips.
you groaned, running your hands down your face with a tired sigh, otoya silently wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"listen, i think you should just go, man. this is getting pretty pathetic... i know that y/n's a real catch, but sometime's you gotta know when you can't reel a babe in..." otoya says, somehow getting even more smug as he presses you into his side, leering down at your ex.
eventually, after a few more snide remarks from otoya, your ex finally gave up. allowing you to slump in your boyfriend's arms, letting ot a tired sigh as you kissed his cheek. "thanks, 'toya..."
"i know why he's so desperate, there really is no one like you. makes me happy that i ended my player streak for you..."
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an angel sent from heaven. arguably the best person to run into your ex with. yukimiya is calm and composed enough if your ex is temperamental, and he's tall and handsome to scare anyone else away. 10/10 literal perfect man.
yukimiya’s a pretty boy, he’s tall and lean with an angelic smile. he’s a catch, by far the best man you’ve ever dated. he only proves this to be even more true when the two of you run into your ex.
there wasn’t necessarily any bad blood between you two, he had just suddenly broken up with you on the claim that “he fell out of love.” it hurt you like hell, of course, but there was no reason for you to resent him for it. so you two left on good terms, occasionally wishing a happy birthday to the other until the friendship too fizzled out.
then you met yukimiya through a mutual friend and fell hard, but he fell harder. so here you are, happily sipping a blue slushy while yukimiya held your hand and chattered about soccer.
“blue was always our favorite…” a voice rang from behind you, yukimiya stopped drinking his red slushy as he turned with you. there he was, your ex with a sheepish grin.
you quirked a brow, confused. you hadn’t talked to him in nearly a year, ever since you and yuki had started dating.
he smiles sweetly at you, the kind that has you realizing where this is leading. “sorry, i’ve just been nostalgic about us lately…” he said with a chuckle, hand rubbing the back of his neck.
your eyes flit over to your boyfriend, catching the furrow of his brow. yukimiya was a really nice guy, he wasn’t a fan of confrontation. but you are.
so you grin at your ex, waving a hand dismissively. “sorry man, i’m in a very happy relationship…”
the second he tries to protest you swiftly shut him up, sticking out your tongue. at first, your ex was confused, then he realized that your tongue was purple. his eyes flit between your blue slushy and yukimiya’s red one, sighing and walking away.
yukimiya’s face goes bright red as he stares at you, “that’s not why your tongue is purple, you just wanted to try mine!” he protests.
you chuckle, grinning at him, “yeah, but he doesn’t have to know that…” yukimiya just sighs before grinning back at you.
"i don’t like lying, so why don’t you let me do it authentically…"
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okkotsuus 23
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hiraethwa · 8 months
one summer day
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04 new dawn. where you learn something surprising about ushijima
<< 03 shining light. | >> 05 saturn i.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader a/n: i want ushijima to give me his jacket too, CRYING,,, side note i’m going be to busy in feb so updates will be posted every 2 weeks. thanks for reading! - ave word count: 1.3k warnings: mentions of past trauma terms: gap moe -- when someone has a hidden side that contradicts their usual personality/behavior
march, first year
ever since ushijima and tendo joined you and semi at your home back during the first semester, they have remained a constant presence at your study sessions. the four of you have become an inseparable group of friends, even though you stick out like a sore thumb between the tall volleyball players. you were considered tall among your female classmates, but next to the three of them? just a midget.
“i’m an adopted introvert,” you would explain when classmates ask you about how you became close friends with the ushijima wakatoshi and the oddball tendo satori and the pretty setter semi eita. 
the only complaint you have are the sidetracks from the actual point of said sessions, studying. with tendo and semi arguing over literally everything, it is difficult to stay on track. even ushijima adds in a quip to the banters every now and then, his straight-faced delivery of the infrequent lines making them even funnier. 
that is not to say you did not enjoy the privilege of learning about the different sides of the boys compared to how they were on court. no, you fully delighted in finding out random facts about the intimidating players that other people are not privy to. like how they had gotten you a plushie for your birthday, but it seems like they were more attached to it than you, by the way they greet the plushie whenever they are over at your house. 
today, with your parents being home, you all ended up studying in ushijima and tendo’s shared dorm room, all sprawled out in various states around the coffee table that sits in the middle of the simple room. 
“that’s it,” you announce, notebook flopping down on your face as you laid on the floor. “the words are no longer registering in my brain.”
“maybe if you sleep with the book under your pillow tonight, the knowledge will diffuse into your brain by tomorrow for the exam.” semi jokes from across the room in a similar state of dishevel as the four of you try your best to study for the last exam week of the school year on a sunday afternoon turned into night. 
“would that actually work?” 
“what do you think?” 
“maybe if i take a quick nap, then continue studying” you mumble more to yourself as you turn on your stomach, dropping your face on the floor unceremoniously.
“miyamura-san, it’s almost time for curfew, if you don’t go home soon, you will have to spend the night in the dorms.” ushijima kneels before you, picking up the book that you were covering your head with. 
you pick your head up to look at the boy solemnly, lips set in a pout. “so what? i am so fucked for the exam tomorrow, ushijima” you wonder how studying was going for him.
“you will be fine.” he puts a hand on your head in a gesture to comfort you. 
“you don’t know that!”
“in any case, having a good night’s rest is more important than any studying now.”
“you know, he’s technically right, school is just like volleyball, and ushijima-san is an expert at that.” tendo agrees with ushijima.
you sigh. “help me up then,” fingers wiggling in the air as you wait for ushijima to pull you upright.
if you were not in autopilot mode as you picked your things up and stuffed them in your backpack, you would have heard tendo’s teasing “semi, help me up” pointed at ushijima, followed by an instant flat “no” from your best friend. but your brain was turned off for the night as you pull your shoes on to go home.
“see you later,” ushijima throws to the two boys before he clicks the door shut behind him, gesturing to you. “shall we?”
for the most part, you two walk in comfortable silence under the summer moon. that is, until the neighborhood’s stray cat decides to jump out in front of you out of nowhere. you yelp and grab onto ushijima’s sleeve, startled by the sudden movement. 
he chuckles and much to your dismay (and shock), squats down and starts psps-ing at the orange cat. you are not sure how much gap moe he could be than this image in front of you right now. for starters, you are not sure if you are hallucinating from how tired you are, and secondly, if this is real, you need proof that this ever happened. so you sneakily take your phone out before calling his name innocently and snap a photo of him and the cat before he can react. 
“i’m gonna let that slide.” he puts his hand out in front of him in what looked like an attempt to pet the cat. you aren’t faking the shock on your face as the cat sniffs at his fingers before brushing up against his hand, as if saying pet me.
your jaw drops from the sight, “oh yeah? you don’t seem like the type.” you wanted to pet the cat, but this cat has only ever hissed at you in passing, so you are completely in awe and jealous of ushijima at this moment.
“only for you,” he turns to really look at you, a small smile playing on his lips. and then, as if he sensed the yearning in you, he tugs on your wrist lightly. “here, hold your hand out for the cat to sniff you.”
you listen to him warily, slowly inching towards the cat in case it tries to attack you, “like this?”
he hums in agreement, “and then, you wait for him to decide if you can pet him.” 
surely enough, the cat starts sniffing you, tail brushing against ushijima’s knees. you carefully smooth the fur between his ears, feeling awed for the acceptance. though shortly after, he returns to the boy next to you, rubbing its head against his hand. “he likes you more than me”
“i am a cat whisperer,” he nods. 
you laugh at his words. before you realize it, the words start falling from your lips. “my little sister was a cat whisperer too” 
and as if being doused with a bucket of ice water, you snap back into reality, painfully aware of your admission. your heart thunders as memories threaten to overwhelm you. stop. turn. lock. you picture shoving them into a bottomless box, locking it and throwing the key away until the next time they break free. just as you have practiced for the last 8 years. 
“miyamura?” ushijima looks at you expectantly as you snap back into the present. 
“yeah? i am feeling a little tired. let’s go.” you stand up abruptly, hoping that he won’t ask you about what you just said. that you mentioned having a sister to this boy you just became friends with a few months ago. you haven’t said those words out loud in a long time. you don’t even remember when the last time was.
to his credit, he does not ask any prying questions about the sister he has never heard of. the sister he has never seen. 
you don’t even realize that you were shaking, mostly from reliving your memories, but also shivering from the chilly night breeze until he drapes a jacket over your shoulders. 
“let’s get you home” he states, hands shoved into his pant pockets as he strolls ahead. 
leaving you staring at his retreating figure, brain muddled and heart jumbled. you vaguely remember him grabbing his track jacket and carrying it instead of putting it on before you left shiratorizawa. 
“are you coming?” he turns around to look at you. you hurry towards his familiar aura that encompasses your roughness, as he strikes up another conversation about something random. that night you lie in your bed, staring at the ceiling with paint scars from when it used to have glow-in-the-dark stars and planets taped to it; one question keeping you awake despite your exhaustion – what is it about this boy that makes you feel so safe?
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reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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latay7 · 2 months
Could you do a oneshot/headcanon of Karasu, Hiori, and Otoya with a mute girlfriend/crush, like maybe they go out of their way to learn sign language for her?
(If there are certain characters you don't write for in this request, don't feel pressured to write for them <3)
u want it ? u got it.
sorry it took me so long , i know i haven't written in sooo long it was really tough to gather my thoughts.
i sincerely appologize if my headcannon are not realistic in terms of uhh you know , being mute ? and i'll try my best and thank you for your time and remember that whatever you think flaws you makes you special<3
(This has been in my drafts for 3 months omg although it's so short...)
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some blue lock boys w a mute reader
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characters : Karasu Tabito , Hiori Yo , Otoya eita
@sl-vega what is it with you and these 3?
Karasu Tabito :
im not really that deep into his character but i think he'd be quite interested in learning sign language to show his dedication to you.
of course , it takes time and patience. And he's willing to have that for your sake , and so he can help you communicate with others , and you feel really flattered by it. he's taking online classes , he's watching videos about it.
it starts appearing on his fyp constantly and you'd see him trying out the word/sentence it'd be so cute.
i believe that during the process of his learning he'd give you a small notebook so you write your answers during you convo (duh) and he'd help you up with any activitey that needs talking.
He'd encourage you to share your ideas , whether w sign language or writing because he wants to make sure you feel like a normal person who is able to express themselves normally.
trying to order some food ? he memorises your favourites , with detail. someone messed your order (let's imagine you just pointed at the option and that he wasn't there) i feel like he'd be ready to throw hands.
"Excuse me she asked for NO PICKLES"
I think it'd be really lovely to see him make an effort into becoming your personal translator to have an excuse to be at your side at all time❤️❤️
Side plate : i think you'd watch him sometimes when he practices and you clap for him from the sidelines , and it boosts his ego and melts his heart. And if you know how to play you'd have some frequent football sessions togsther 🫶🫶
Hyori Yo :
Alright let's see , the cutie patootie (looks are decieving this mf is a sadist ahem) is quite attentive to your situation.
First of all he does NOT hesitate to start learning sign language , he has too much time to spare so he spends it trying to learn how to communicate with you , no matter the way.
So im picturing this , videocalling you to have some convos as he tells you about his day and asks you tell him back and he tries to understand as a form of practice.
And at the same time he voices out his stuggles about his learning process and shows you what he learned so far.💙💙🤏
I believe sometime he'd invite you over so he introduces you to football if you're interesyed in learning , telling you the rules , showing you some famous matches and players and events..etc
Or if you already know or a footballer you'd have some conversations about diffeent opinions in football so you get to express youself comfortably about a topic you enjoy.
Again , would encourage you (if comfy) to voice out your opinions and thoughts in any way to make sure you always feel heard.
Otoya Eita :
Well....i would say , at first , when you're not really close i don't think he'd pay any attention to it and he would be slightly irritated when you try to say something in sign language or by gesture and he doesn't understand (sorry if ooc)
He'd treat you like any other side girl he had , but slowly and over time , he'd grow interested in you and how you talk. If you guys grow closer , he would probably get out of his way to try and learn sign language for your sake and try to understand you a little further.
And let me tell you , it's one hell of a slow burn
But eventually , if you're really important to him , if you're diffrent , he's willing to give it some extra effort so he can listen to you ramble with that adorable smile on your face.
I feel like i mischaractarized them so bad omg im so sorry everyone....
Anyway , thank you so much for reading and feel free to submit any request
But again , i appologise for taking so long to do requests :'( im trying my best with writer's block although im free pretty much all the time.
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kara-records · 1 month
theme song w/ haikyuu setters
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⊱notes: sugawara koushi, kageyama tobio, akaashi keiji, semi eita. a theme song is a couple's song ! fluff. old songs?. pobawf mention.
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as sure as im standing here – barry manilow
— sugawara always looks at you with a gentle smile, thinking to himself how lucky he is to have you in his life. everything feels complete.
— after a long day, he likes to pull you close, resting his chin on your head, and softly sing the chorus to you, making you feel safe.
— when he's especially missing you, he will put the song on, letting it fill his room as he thinks about how much he loves you.
— sugawara loves to hold your hand and taking walks with you during sunset. playfully pouting at you when you laugh at his cheesy words (not being to hold it in either and laughs with you). every walk with you is something to look forward to!
mine – taylor swift
— kageyama loves the way you laugh, and though he might not say it, he feels like everything’s perfect whenever you’re around.
— when you argue, he never wants to stay mad at you for long, quickly apologizing because he values you too much.
— you bring out the best in him, kageyama thinks. helping him stay calm and grounded, especially when matches get intense. once his eyes land on you, it's like he can breathe again; his mind clears and his goal to win burns even brighter.
— timeskip!kageyama who confesses in an interview that "She is the best thing that’s ever been mine," the ring on his finger that matches yours enough evidence of that.
be with you – the ridleys
— akaashi enjoys quiet moments with you, where no words are needed, just the peaceful presence of each other.
— he feels at peace whenever he’s with you. in the middle of his daily struggles, the world slows down and everything makes sense again once he's with you.
—akaashi always makes time for you, even when he’s busy, because being with you is the highlight of his day.
— he’s not one for grand gestures, but he shows his love in other ways, writing little notes and buying your favorite snack to remind you how much he loves and supports you.
come on eileen – dexys midnight runners
— semi who learned the livingroom routine with you bc you wanted to and he can never say no to you. got teased by tendou but it's worth it when he remembers how much fun the both of you had.
— whenever the song comes on in public, he’ll give you a playful wink, an inside joke only the two of you know.
— he likes to tease you by singing your name in place of "Eileen" in the song, making you blush and smile. occasionally, he calls you "his/my Eileen", partnered with that warm smile of his.
— timeskip!semi and band who covers this song. semi eita dedicating it to his special someone—making fans go crazy when the screen shows you, shyly waving to the camera.
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idk how to feel about this but i love hq setters fr. ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT THE RIDLEYS !!! their songs are sooo good 🥹
highly recommend listening to Aphrodite by The Ridleys :>
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transrightsyamaguchi · 11 months
blue lock fic rec list #1 (?)
i always liked when people made long masterlists of fic recs but i haven't seen anyone do it for blue lock yet. at least not recently. so in the spirit of Be The Change You Want To See In The World here's my list.
not in any particular order just going through my bookmarks lol.
sound of breaking down. chigiri-centric, 4k words, rated T.
“Is he dead?” “No, of course not.” A pause. “I hope not.” “Yo, Princess, are you alive in there?” The door rattles. OR Determined to prove himself, Chigiri disregards his health and deals with consequences. None of it is pretty. Set during the neo-Egoist league arc. it's a sickfic. it's a really good sickfic. it hits all the beats i like my sickfics to hit and then some. it's a genfic which is a major bonus. no romantic subplot just chigiri being vulnerable and getting taken care of. there's some sweet moments between him and chris prince that made me melt inside.
2. the rituals are intricate, bro. karasu/otoya, 2k words, rated E.
Otoya offers to groom the homie's wings. Things escalate in ways he did not expect. this is by one of my beloved mutuals but i'd still be recommending it even if it wasn't. great title. there's an "it's not gay with socks on" joke in there. there's the ever-present Otoya Eita Sexuality Crisis. the porn is less sexy and more funny (as tabieita deserves).
3. six facts about lobsters. bachira/isagi, 4k words, rated T.
What it says on the tin. (In fine print: six facts about you.) can't remember if ghost is on tumblr or not but this is another mutual fic. it's a take on the 5+1 format, tracking the bachisagi relationship through lobster facts. isagi's autism radiates through the text. it's so cute and so sweet and so very bachisagi essence. as expected of ao3 user smallghosts (<- the bachisagi essence writer)
4. counting crows on the windowsill. kaiser/ness, 18k words, rated M.
“How much,” you ask, “would you let me do to you?” The feeling of vibration on your fingers comes again, and he is thinking, or perhaps toying with you even more. Your grip tightens on his skin, and Alexis twitches slightly in the grasp. More than once have people told you to learn some patience. “You already know my answer.” “Doesn’t mean I don’t like hearing it in your own words.” Inhale, exhale, and they all fall onto your skin. There is a chill in the room—it is rising up your arms, your neck—but the whole of you is hot. “If it’s you, I’d let you do anything.” Seven snapshots of life through the eyes of Michael Kaiser. this is a longer one but if you have time and you want to feel some Emotions read this one. nskins contain such multitudes and this author understands them so well.
5. shidou-ctionary. shidou/sae, 4k words, rated T.
Contemporary linguists agree that achieving proficiency in a new language requires between six months and four years of study. Itoshi Sae knows better. He has anecdotal evidence to suggest that a person can become fluent in a new language in as little as one week. A week of Shidou Ryuusei's attempts to ask Itoshi Sae on a date: a story in emojis. yet another mutual fic. i can't help it that my mutuals are all extremely talented and correct about everything. it's got some experimental formatting going on and (in my opinion) it looks best on desktop. ft. shidou being shidou and sae being smitten (in the emotionally constipated way that sae is smitten with shidou)
6. puppy love. kurona/kiyora, 9k words, rated G.
Jin doesn’t fight the small smile forming on his face. It’s been a long time since he meshed well with anyone. People tend to avoid him; he avoids them in turn. He stopped caring (or so he had told himself), but he doesn’t hate the weight around his shoulders—doesn’t mind it at all, really. He wraps his hand around Ranze’s wrist, and he laughs along with him. Kiyora Jin has a number of problems. A growing crush on Kurona Ranze is not supposed to be one of them. this was the inaugural fic in the ranjin tag and. not to pat myself on the back or anything. but i beta-read it hehe. another mutual fic. kiyora jin character study before kiyora jin was even a character, with an adorable little romantic subplot. somewhat negated by the Recent Developments in canon but it's still good!!
7. pink light. shidou/sae, 19k words, rated E.
Fifteen years ago, Shidou took a pass from Sae that shattered his knee and ended his career, and Sae hasn't been able to speak to him since - and Sae wants it to stay that way. Deserves for it to stay that way. Unfortunately, the world has other plans for him, courtesy of a little art studio a five minute walk from his new post-retirement apartment. this is not a mutual fic but i'm trying to change that. it's post-canon ryusae ft. cane user shidou (!!) and emotionally constipated sae learning how to live without soccer. not quite old man yaoi but it has the spirit of it.
8. year one. snuffy & lorenzo centric, 3k words, rated T.
"When's your birthday?" Snuffy asks him carefully, moving on to the next field. "Today," Don answers immediately. "Really?" Snuffy looks at him suspiciously. "No," Don replies without hesitation, turning back to a poster describing professional tooth brushing. Snuffy tries not to look at the tense faces of the receptionist and the surgeon peering out of the room. Snuffy's first year of parenthood. what is it about snuffy & lorenzo fics that just hit so different. i swear everyone who writes for them is a genius. this fic is short snapshots of snuffy and lorenzo navigating their newly-formed parent-child relationship and it's heartwrenching and heartwarming and poignant. this writer has a few snuffy & lorenzo fics and they're all wonderful. (she's also on tumblr and writes in-depth lorenzo meta so you Know she understands him)
9. pov: you just want the world to be quiet. itoshi brothers, 4k words, rated T.
his big brother and football have become the only hope to which rin can cling to dream of better days. without them, he only and just remains that little six-year-old boy destroyed by the senseless atrocities of evil hands. hesitated to include this one because the tags are scary but fuck it we ball i do what i want. it's a rewrite of rin's backstory with a darker spin on it and it follows rin and sae's relationship through that lens. as par for the course with pre-canon itoshi studies, it does not end happily. it's incredibly well-done and it will give you Feelings. (this is one of those cases where the author drops a life-changing bombshell of a fic on you and then you go to their profile and there's no bio. there's no public bookmarks. this is their only blue lock fic. they haven't posted anything in a year. who are they)
10. peak male living space. kunigami/chigiri, 3k words, rated E.
Raichi and Kunigami had met at university; playing on the football team, sharing many lectures, and living through the shitshow that was university halls together. It seemed only natural that they’d move in together, and it had been great for the past few of years… Until Kunigami’s new boyfriend asked why he never invited him over to his place, and he was forced to deal with the realisation that he and Raichi have the most boyish disaster of a flat. part of a series but it can stand alone. t4t kunigiri smut. kunigami and raichi are disaster roommates and bachisagi play wingmen. lionel messi makes a cameo in the form of a cardboard cutout. all the kunigiri fics in this series are good but this fic in particular is just so funny.
if you notice any ships or characters Conspicuously Absent it's because they were positively dominating this list at first so i'm planning to make a separate list for only them hehe
there are many more fics that made my soul ascend from my body so i might make another of these
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kitorin · 1 year
paper flowers
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makes them for you ! (fails miserably)
saw a tiktok / instagram reel of someone making them for their boyfriend, immediately wanted to give it a go and amaze you, so he rushes to the nearest craft store, buying any paper products that have your favourite colour and shades. he's really ambitious about this project; he extensively researches bouquets and searches the internet for origami tutorials to recreate the prettiest bouquets, except one thing. he can't do origami for shit. he's never even succeeded in even making a simple crane, or the basic arts and crafts from kindergarten. as he struggles with even just pre-creasing, his panic nurtures as well, sweat trickling down his forehead and realizing this was a lot harder than expected. he's a professional soccer player yet he still can't fold paper as instructed. no youtube tutorial or origami book can save him and whatever he managed to create. he's a stuttering mess when you walk into the abomination he's created, all red and embarrassed when you giggle at his efforts of impressing you
isagi yoichi, kunigami rensuke, kurona ranze, zantetsu tsurugi, tokimitsu aoshi, oliver aiku
makes them for you, and is amazing at it
absolutely despised how you looked and how he felt when you noticed that the flowers he got you were beginning to wilt, that's when he decided to make paper ones so you'll never have to be disappointed about his flowers dying again. in fact he chooses the bouquet that had wilted away to recreate, finds out the exact name of each flower and a respective origami tutorial for each one. he's a perfectionist; a squash fold wasn't executed seamlessly? he now has a new sheet of paper. pre-crease wasn't strong enough? in the bin it goes (don't worry he's environmentally friendly and recycles everything). hours, days, even weeks are dedicated to this ambitious project of his, you, his perfect lover deserves the most perfect flowers. to top it off he attaches a little note, with his best handwriting, saying "i will love you til the day these flowers wilt away." a prideful smirk appears on his lips when he sees your joyful reaction to the gift, and he plans to make more in the future. (also becomes a hobby and a nice way to destress for him)
itoshi rin, yukimiya kenyu, barou shouei, otoya eita, chigiri hyoma, karasu tabito
makes them with you
proposes making flowers together after the ones that he got you had withered away, buys paper with both of your favourite shades and colours, and researches tutorials for all the flowers you love. hours are spent in your living room, carefully observing youtube videos and laughing together at your mistakes and realizations. it becomes a new pastime for him, even after this project he still offers to learn more origami together. they're not particularly amazing at origami, you aren't either, but neither of you care, it's what you made together.
hiori yo (but he'd be really good at it), julian loki, nanase nijiro, raichi jingo
he doesn't make them, you make them for him
flowers never meant shit to them. he's received them all his life for his achievements, their monetary value was non existent to them and he finds it stupid to purchase something that just withers away eventually. so when you gift them a bouquet of origami flowers, he's literally smitten. your flowers can't compare to all the extravagant bouquets he's received, yours were arranged with effort and created with love, that can't compare to money in any way. he basically worships these flowers, keeps them in his display case with his soccer trophies (heck he'd move some out to make space for it), because to him your flowers are just as valuable, in fact, probably even more. he really doesn't care if you're amazing at origami or can barely fold a crane, no matter how your flowers turned out he'd still treasure them.
itoshi sae, michael kaiser, mikage reo
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Should they teach you how to swim? feat. Bllk
Characters: Eita Otoya, Itoshi bros, Ryusei Shidou, Michael Kaiser
tw: suggestive in some hcs
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Eita Otoya:
-You knew from minute one that he accepted to teach you just because he wanted to see the fauna of the local pool.
-But, BUT he may check you out too! Maybe he’ll feed your delusional mind.
-Anyway Eita tries for real, you both get inside the cold water, and tells you what to do.
-Too bad he is too worried looking at other people than your pitiful attempt to do something more than float.
-“Eita! You dumbass, what are you doing here?!” His head snaps towards the voice so fast you almost hear his neck snapping.
His sisters, all of them, are at the local pool. What a pain.
-“Let us teach you, there is no way this idiot can teach anything in his life”
-That’s how you ended up bonding with your crush’s sisters and learned how to actually swim, meanwhile, Eita sunbathed with glasses on so he could check out people without being caught; sneaky ninja.
-Rate the experience: 8/10. Actually, you didn’t spend that much time with Eita, but his sisters know a lot of juicy content that they spilled too easily. Knowing you had a chance with him helped your self-esteem, imagine how big it would have gotten if you knew Eita just checked you up for the entire afternoon, other people around him completely forgotten.
Sae and Rin Itoshi:
-Look, you didn’t want both of them to teach you. It just happened-
“I’ll go ask Rin if you don’t.”
“Mh? Yeah, go ask that loser, then.”
“Oh! Rin said that he’ll come!”
You could feel Sae’s hair standing up like quills, eyes wide like an owl.
“I’ll come too then. No way that lukewarm idiot of my brother can be of any help to you.”
-That’s how you find yourself in between the Itoshi bros, spending more time glaring at each other rather than teaching you anything.
-“Are you a donkey? This way they won’t even learn how to float.”
“You talk so much, but I didn’t hear you saying anything useful ‘till now shitty brother.”
-If the tension wasn’t so thick you would have already run home, but they are keeping you still in the water each gripping one of your arms.
-“C’mon (Y/n) tell Sae to fuck off, tell him I am the best teacher to you.”
“(Y/n) choose me and say goodbye to Rin, the heath must be doing something to his peanut brain, he needs to go home”
-Rate the experience: 0/0. Not only you still don’t know how to swim, but now you are the main key in this sibling quarrel. Plus you caught them more than once checking your ass.
Ryusei Shidou:
-His grin take 80% of his face when you told him you wanted to learn how to swim, canines shine and tongue poking out to lick his lips; you are so brave.
-He actually teaches you??? You are so surprised too.
-Not only you can float now, but even move your arms and legs around and twirl around like a fish; you feel so free!
-But nothing really comes for free with Ryusei.
-You may not have noticed it, but he looked at you while he taught you how to move your legs. Your hands gripping the pool, legs swaying up and down, ass up. Ryusei noticed them, droplets of water falling on your back and rolling down your spine ‘till they reach the bottom of your swimsuit, other simply hit your buttcheeks, shining under the sun; what would he do to be the chlorine water of the pool.
-Ryusei licks his lips like a hungry lion, his mind wanders, but his hands never touch you suspiciously, not even when you start to play together in the water.
-Rate the experience: 10/10. You know how to swim and had a lot of fun with him. The vote would be lower if you knew what was going on in his mind.
Michael Kaiser:
-“Excellent choice to ask me. I’ll be the best teacher ever, you should already know.” He smirks.
-He doesn’t know how to swim too. It’s all just an excuse to see you in a swimsuit. A good way to check him out too
-Michael will ask Ness to teach you both, he doesn’t see the midfielder as a threat.
-SO SO WRONG. Michael is fuming. It doesn’t matter how much time Ness spends teaching him how to swim, the bare minimum touch of the other boy's hands on your body makes Michael go crazy.
-“(Y/n) come with me”
“Is everything fine Michael?”
“Yes, just come.”
-Cut to you making out in the changing room. Ness doesn’t dare to move from his spot and keeps swimming in peace.
-Rate the experience: 10+/10. Look, you don’t even know how to float, but Michael’s tongue in your mouth, his hands so desperately gripping your hips make up for it.
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bokutone · 9 months
including: semi eita, sugawara kōshi, kuroo tetsurō, kita shinsuke, ushijima wakatoshi. genre/warnings: nothing but pure fluff! a/n: here's a little christmas present from me to all of you because i miss my boys and we need to bring the hq content back<3
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semi — loving him is red, full of passion and love. you’re his muse and he’s your superstar, your love for him is like a roller coaster and every day feels different; mondays are for soft love, soft touches, sweet kisses and bear hugs. while fridays are for rough love, desperate kisses, red marks on his skin and possessive words coming out from your lips. but he loves it, you love him, and the combination of your souls together creates a beautiful shade of red. 
sugawara — loving him is blue, like the deep ocean and dark sky. your love for him flows like the waves you two watch every night, it’s calm, revitalizing and harmonious. it feels like the first kiss and last hug, your eyes hold his secrets while your lips savor his love. loving him is drinking the first drops of water after a long day of work, loving him is feeling safe, loving him is knowing your heart is safe within the walls of a shared house, loving him is having a home to go back to when the world seems to collapse on top of you.  
kuroo — loving him is yellow. it’s the bright yellow that lightens up your day, the color you see when his eyes close and his mouth opens every time he laughs. loving him is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, the happiness when you wake up with his arms around your body while the sunlight reflects on his skin, loving him is hating when he decides that comedy should be his career even when he knows he sucks at it. full of energy, fun and bad jokes, loving him is the yellow that shines around him when he loves you back. 
kita — loving him is white, white like the clouds above your head while you help him with work. white and pure like the way he looks at you and how your heart pounds on your chest when he says how much he loves you, loving him feels like sleeping under the trees’ shadow that saw how you two shared kisses and strawberries. it doesn’t feel rushed, it doesn’t feel wrong, it feels perfect because the love between two angels is always blessed. 
ushijima — loving him is purple. pleasant and calming like a sunset. his love is calming and peaceful, his love is full of tenderness and stability, making the worst day feel like another battle conquered after a hug. loving him is having the patience to understand his silence but also his words, loving him is learning to love without the pressure of loving wrong. loving him is tripping with your own feet and feeling a soft and strong hand pulling you out of your stupor, laughing about it with sparkling eyes and big smiles. his love is straightforward but not overwhelming. his love is simply yours.
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rbs and comments are really appreciated!
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azulock · 21 days
Can I request multiple hcs? (Nsfw) of karusu, hiori, otoya/yukimiya (u pick)
Nonnie, out of that list the only ones I haven't done yet are Otoya and Yukimiya, so you get those two. Please check out my multiple char. blurb masterlist for Karasu and Hiori.
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Kenyu Yukimiya
⟳ Looks like he would be a switch, maybe even a sub, but he is actually a dom. He is pretty nice dom, pretty gentle even, so full of praise and love to give. Will treat you so good you gonna be losing consciousness halfway through. Tho, he isn't opposed to punishing his sub if they misbehave, but he does prefer a sub who will obey nicely.
⟳ Doesn't want to hurt his partner in any way. Sure, he will slap your ass, manhandle you, and would even do some light breath play and wax play too, but nothing that could actually hurt you or leave some visible mark. And even if he leaves some bruise accidentally, or makes you sore in some way, he will work double time to help you feel better.
⟳ He can't see that well without his glasses and he wants to see your expression as he overwhelms you with pleasure, so the glasses stay on. For as long as they can, that is. They are bound to slip off at some point, but he still tries to keep them on for a while so he can properly see all of you.
⟳ That's why he likes to have his partner be vocal too, he isn't very vocal himself, most because he wants to hear his partner, but he does love fucking someone vocal. When he can't see you, then he can at least hear you hear the effects of his actions on your voice and how it trembles every time he sinks deep in you.
⟳ He loves some bondage, esp the leather type, he really does think the leather + chain is a good look on pretty much everyone, and he thinks the leather feels better than ropes do too. He is big on aftercare once that is done tho, always checking to see if no cuff left a bruise, or scratch or anything.
⟳ His dick is only a little above average in length, but it makes up for that by being pretty thick. It isn't really veiny, mostly smooth, with just one thick bein in the underside. It has a graceful curve upwards and he keeps himself shaven clean.
Eita Otoya
⟳ The actual confirmed cheater of the Blue Lock project, do NOT trust this dude, he is the worst type of slut. Has he been around a lot? Yeah, no question about it. Has he learned from his high body count? Not nearly enough, sorry. He really comes off more as the selfish playboy type than anything else. Do not go in expecting more than a one night stand.
⟳ Is a dom, and again, more of a selfish one. If you go in not expecting romance and you like being manhandled and used like a doll - which, valid - then you might be in for a treat. Just don't really expect much in terms of aftercare, we really talking bare minimum here. He really is more the type to fuck and leave than to stick around for that.
⟳ Is a tease, major tease the entire time, won't shut up, simply won't let you catch a break. Also has a bit of a humiliation kink - to his partner, not himself, of course. Will be saying the meanest shit, and calling you all types of names. Can be a bit cruel sometimes, no lie. Another thin he enjoys is a bit of bondage, just some simple rope tying, nothing too fancy, but seeing his partner tied up is pretty hot for him.
⟳ I know I said he is a dom, but here comes the plot twist: I think that it would only take finding someone with a powerful enough personality and will to make him bend the knee. If he meets someone who can be unmoved by his smooth playboy act and with enough will power can get him to sub. Will he be an uncooperative brat complaining the whole time? For sure, but there are some pretty powerful brat tamers would there who'd take care of that in no time.
⟳ Behaves like he has the best dick in the world but doesn't even make it to the bllk top five. His cock is on the longer side, sure, but the girth is kinda lacking. It points straight forward, no curve to any direction, it's also pretty veiny, and he too keeps himself shaved clean.
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sigmasemen · 4 months
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tags: established relationship, fluff, tooth rotting fluff.
taglist: n/a currently.
characters: alexis ness, nagi seishiro, eita otoya, nijiro nanase, chigiri hyoma, reo mikage, karasu tabito, aryu jyubei, gender neutral.
word count: 2156
extra notes: wattpad repost yawn.
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- "You want me to teach ya?" He keeps asking ur with the biggest shit eating grin in the world. Not because he isn't confident, but because he loves hearing you say you need him in some way.
- He's very eager about teaching you, showing off the fact to his teammates. "My partner wants to learn soccer with me. Ya got that?" "Yes, we do..." "Well, get it again." 
- He's teaching you every thing in a very hands on way. Literally. Whenever you're practicing shooting, he's got his hands on your hips and is teaching you how to aim to the goal. How to twist your body, which way you want to look. If you get flustered, he'll just lay and kiss your cheek.
- He'll joke about private lessons but when you actually want them, he's caught off guard and nervously laughs before nodding. You love getting his composure (and clothes) off.
- Another man who loves to see you in his jersey.
- Karasu enjoys seeing you talk about soccer with him. At first, he gets the fact you don't understand a lot of words so he'll go back and repeat stuff.  But when you do know what he means, he'll try and impress you with bigger words. If you still know, he'll be impressed.
- "I needa see ya try somethin', alright doll?" And then he'll do a 180 and throw you up in the air to catch you. If you're able to do it back to him, he pretends to be a damsel in distress.
- His older sister is into soccer too and always enjoys seeing you and her brother play. Gossips about you two with his family.
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- Also takes a pause and looks at you. Though as you confirm it, he puts a hand on his chest and nods, "It's expected you would like to learn from me."
- He's making sure you're safe and you look good on the field. He argues that you always look good considering the way your eyes are shaped, the way your lips are so kissable, he's just making sure you look perfect.
- He gets a jersey with your name and his last name on it for you to wear. He also does the same with his jersey and adds your last name.
- He always checks your body for any scars you for while playing and tends to them, even if they're small blisters. He adores pampering you.
- He teaches you by telling you to follow his actions. Like a certain kick, a certain play style, he's very much teaching you how to copy things he does.
- He's a very metaphor based person. He uses things that you like to help explain soccer more to you. He doesn't know if you'll understand all the terms otherwise.
- "You looked absolutely glam when you made that goal." "Thank you!" "Why of course." He's extremely polite with these sorts of things.
- Asks you to tie up his hair before the beginning of every match.
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hinatiny · 5 months
swooning ੈ✩‧₊˚ semi eita
you're not sure whether it's a blessing or a curse to be the only witness of semi's charming side; being treated like royalty all while falling victim to his antics and yet, you never really try to stop him.
w.c: 0.8
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you feel so silly when you catch your breath hitching due to having your shoes tied by someone else. 
it's not like it's the first time. you vaguely remember fragments of childhood memories where you needed someone else to tie your tiny shoes while you still hadn't learned how to do it yourself. once or twice or so, you've had to ask a friend to hook the loosened strings of old sneakers, probably because your hands were too full to do it. of course it has happened before.
it’s just that it’s, for some reason, a lot more intimate if it's semi eita.
your fingers feel clammy around the edge of the chair you’re seated in. stood in the hallway and ready to head out, you had bent down just a few moments ago to tie your shoes, just for your hands to be gently swatted away by a pair of others.
“you know, i can do it myself.”
semi doesn’t look up at you from where he’s sitting on a knee in front of you, but you can make out the small curve of a growing smile as he breathes out a chuckle. “you can,” he says softly, although there’s something playful lacing his voice, “but what kind of boyfriend would i be to not do it for you?”
“semi, it’s just some sho–”
your words fall short, replaced by your breath getting stuck in your throat when you feel his lips graze your knee. you catch the slight force of the final knot but before semi reaches for the other shoe, he grazes the tip of his nose against the skin and once again, you feel the tingling traces left by his lips.
under the dim lights, his ears are graced by various shining piercings. you’re greeted by the fluff ash gray hair and you have to fight the urge to touch it, not needing to leave it more disheveled than it’s already been purposely styled for the upcoming event of the night. he tilts his head back, just slightly, enough for his eyes to peek up at you past the messy strands. the fall half-lidded at the same time as he flashes you a smile, one you barely can see as he’s busy pressing another kiss to your knee, a bit further up this time.
you feel so silly, being this nervous by such simple actions, but it’s the mere fact that it’s semi tying your shoes this time that’s making you oddly nervous.
“my angel got so dressed up and pretty just to come to one of my band’s gigs,” semi gently hums. “the least i can do is to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
so serious and stoic, at times even hotheaded and competitive—you got that confirmed as early as the first volleyball game you watched shortly after getting to know semi—yet ever so gentle and kind in the purest forms of the words; you’re certain that’s how everyone from his former teammates, to his current band members, to his friends perceive him. they’re not wrong. far from such, but it sometimes makes you wonder how many of them, if any at all, are familiar with this side of him, the rather assertive and impish side that has your heart racing abnormally fast by the most simple of gestures. maybe any of his previous partners? you’re surprised to find yourself not feeling remotely bothered or jealous at the image, because somewhere you’re sure you’re the only one who has gotten this privilege (or curse, take it as you may).
“eita, we’re gonna be late…” you mumble into the peaceful coziness of your home, poking the cheek that wasn't resting on your leg.
semi laughs again, before sighing in defeat and returning his full focus on the other shoe. without tearing his eyes away from the strings around his fingers, he speaks, "you look stunning tonight – trying to steal the spotlight away from me?"
"oh, hush," you scoff, although making him chuckle when he can almost hear the smile you're responding with.
tying the final knot, semi settles one last kiss to your knee. he pushes himself up from his own, but stops eye-level to you. his palm finds your cheek, cradling, caressing it oh so lovingly.
you feel less silly when he leans closer, because you simply cannot be blamed for feeling the flutter in your chest as your lips lock with his – a brief touch, but it carries every bit of affection he holds for you, and you hold for him.
"alright, let's go." semi pulls back and flashes you a wide grin, "can't get late to showing you off."
this makes you laugh, even as he holds your hand to swiftly pull you up on your feet, "i thought we were going there for your live?"
"i have my priorities."
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