#and was in with the old gaurd if he didnt
lili863 · 2 months
(pt 4)
Work count: 3.1 k
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Matteo Riddle x MC
AN: Enemies to lovers, Quidditch, banter, conspiracies, dark arts, manipulation, death eaters, Slytherin boys, action, romance
You stood there in the hallway, quivering breaths escaping your lips, as your fingers skimmed the skin the your neck, where your pendent once sat. Full blown panic had set in and only thing running through your mind was how fucked you were.
This was the same pendent that you had as a child , a precious family heirloom and one of the most important keys to your future.
Quite literally.
That pendent wasnt just invaluable, it's also the key to the Cromwell manor you will be inheriting after 18. All your hopes and dreams were in that damn pendent.
You didnt know he was just going to snatch your necklace like that. It was last thing you expected. And how he managed to understand that this necklace was so worthy of silencing you was beyond you.
Unless...he stalked you this entire week and manage to make a good guess.
Your hands frantically ran through your hair as you exhaled a stressful sigh.
"Fuck" was all you could murmer.
Your lips burned from the kiss even now as your stood dazed, the taste of his arrogance still lingered on your tongue and humilation creeping up at the fact that you stupidly played right into his trap.
You knew you were smarter then that. You knew in the back of your mind with your inexperience there was no way that you could give him an unforgettable kiss.
You were just being teenager who heart won over mind and really just wanted to kiss the him despite the the injustice and embarrassment he put you through.
Self hate and regret wasn't as common with you, but when you did feel it, it felt as if your skin was on fire and you wanted nothing more then bang your head repeatedly against the stone walls.
"Idiot" You murmured to yourself before beginning to walk back. How could you let this happen? How could you waste your first kiss him? How could he do this..to you?
It wasnt just the embarrassment, it was your dignity. And that's the wound you knew would take a while to forget about.
You tried to blink away welling of tears, knowing ti would be wasted on someone like him.
You needed that pendent back. Forget about the stupid deal, forget quidditch, forget ripple for now, that pendent is the only key to the manor. No duplicates.
If he wanted to threaten you to silence, then so be it. For you, you knew you had to comply. But whatver little feud Riddle thought he had with you, now just turned to full blown war.
Now you were pacing fast, each step a fueling the fire within you.
You were going get that pendent back one way or another, and he is going to pay with everything he has.
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The Cromwell family is an ancient and distinguished wizarding lineage, its roots stretching back to the late 1600s. Though absent from the Sacred Twenty-Eight due to traces of Muggle ancestry that hasn’t stopped their name from carrying a heavy weight in the wizarding world.
The Cromwells are known for producing some of the best duelists and magical talents around. A fact backed up by the many family members whom carried aspen wands with rare cores.
Though their influence in Europe has diminished due to the family spreading out globally, the Cromwells still had a strong legacy. And a secret.
One that even someone as estranged as you knew and taught how to gaurd by your aunt.
Which was the family's unique connection to anicent magic. It’s a well-kept secret, passed down through generations, that the Cromwell line has produced a remarkable number of ancient magic wielders. This was truly set them apart from other families. What set you apart.
Ancient magic isn’t just a rare and powerful form of magic; it’s deeply entwined with the very essence of the wizarding world. It’s the magic of the 'old ways' as they say it, raw and untamed, capable of feats beyond the reach of even the most skilled modern wizards. Only a few people have ever been able to tap into it, and the Cromwells are at the forefront of those select few.
And as a direct descendent, you were given that pendant imbued with ancient magic to safeguard until your coming of age. It was your only key to surviving in this world without being thrown on to the streets to fend for self after Hogwarts.
This was exactly the reason were now siting in class, two rows down two tables down form matteo, frantically eyeing him and places where he could have placed the pendent.
Logically, it would be stupid of him to have it now, and your theory was correct when you eyes revealed no traces of ancient magic around him.
With a quiet groan, you sighed , placing your head on your palms.
You could see the traces of that pendent if it was near, but the fact that it was absent from the populated areas in school could only mean one thing.
It was probably located in the dungeons of Slytherin.
Suddenly, the chair next to you creaked, catching your attention. Ripple sat down with a stoic face, making your fists clench in disbelief.
"Why are you sitting here?" you demanded, your voice tinged with annoyance.
Ripple scoffed as he arranged his books, barely glancing at you. "As if I want to be here. Look around, Cromwell. All the other seats are taken."
You let out a dry laugh, eyes narrowing. "Trouble in paradise? What happened, Riddle and his gang didnt want to take you in?"
You purposely spoke louder, drawing curious glances from nearby students. Ripple's jaw tightened as he glanced around, a flicker of panic crossing his features before he leaned closer, growling, "Shut your mouth, Cromwell."
You raised an eyebrow, unfazed. "Or what, coward?" you shot back.
Ripple leaned in, his face inches from yours, his breath hot against your ear. "I don't know where you get off, thinking you can talk to me like that—"
"Oh, like Riddle? And everyone else in that little squad you’ve decided to cozy up to? Thought you'd be used to it by now."
"Riddle and his business with me are none of your bloody concern," he gritted out, his voice low and menacing. His proximity made your skin crawl, but you held your ground.
You leaned back slightly, a deep exhale escaping your lips "You're right. It isn't my business, not anymore. Matteo Riddle saw to that last week."
His mocking laugh grated on your nerves. "What? Surprised that the 'gang' I associate with actually has my back?"
You furrowed your brows, a stern look crossing your face "Trust me, you're doing a great disservice to your own house."
Ripple inhaled deeply, a twisted smile forming on his lips. "My own house couldn’t win me the Quidditch Cup if their lives depended on it," he said, his tone laced with scorn.
You furrowed your brows, anger bubbling up inside you. "First of all, what the hell do you mean by 'win it for you'?"
Ripple leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Unlike the Slytherins, they're a bunch of useless, inexperienced idiots who'd rather blow smoke up each other's asses than admit they suck."
You swore you saw red for a second. It was one thing to hear slander about your house from the slytherins, but it was another story to hear it from him.
"That's not true-"
"Matteo Riddle is the one making our wins possible," Ripple interuppted, his voice filled with a twisted admiration. "He's the one who actually gives a decent shit about about the team, allowing us to climb up the ranks. Him and his friends are the ones who are actively ensuring hufflepuff can win the quitch cup for once."
You stared at him, wide-eyed and incredulous.
"He's the only one I can count on," he finished.
The air between you two seemed to fall silent, the tension thick in the air. You searched for words, but none came to mind.
You shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping you. "No. Ripple tell me you did not just say that. If your going to be a loser, then leave the rest of us out of it. No wonder they see Hufflepuff as weak. You're singlehandedly tarnishing our reputation."
His nostrils flared as he sat upright, a venom in his tone "Me. Ha. You and the rest of the house are the real joke. Always twiddling your fucking thumbs, waiting—no, begging for someone else to take the glory while you delude yourselves into thinking you made any effort at all. It's pathetic."
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to stay calm despite the anger boiling inside you. "You know what? Maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ve had our moments of complacency. But at least we have integrity. We don’t stoop to the level of selling out our own house for false glory".
"You think aligning with them makes you stronger? It just shows just how little faith you have in your own abilities and your team. And that, more than anything, is what’s truly pitiful."
Ripple's eyes flashed with anger, his voice rising in pitch. "You think you know everything, don’t you, Cromwell? Sitting there on your high horse, judging me. You have no idea what it’s like to be in my position, to watch our house lose year after year because everyone’s too proud or too scared to do what it takes to win. Riddle could be using me, but at least they’re doing something. At least I’m doing something. Better to be a pawn with a chance at victory than a useless piece standing on the sidelines"
"If you wanted to ride his dick then just say that" Your blurted out
Ripple's jaw slacked at your choice of words.
You swallowed hard, grappling with his words. Just because Hufflepuff hadn't clinched the Quidditch Cup didn't mean your house was a collection of failures. It meant there was a need for a strategic overhaul, more dedicated effort, and smarter plays. Besides, you could have at least sympathized with him had he made the effort to back up his bark.
In the end, he just wanted the easy way out.
Before he had a chance to say anything Professor McGonagall swept in, her stern expression casting a hush over the students. She cleared her throat, commanding attention with her authoritative presence.
"Today, we will be having Presentation Day," she announced. "Each of you will come up to the front and present your findings on the transfiguration objects you've been working on. This is your opportunity to showcase your understanding and application of transfiguration principles."
Ripple turned his attention to front, smoke practically fuming out his ears.
But you couldn't care less, normally you wouldn't talk to anyone this way, but damn it he was insufferable.
As the class dragged on, each student delivering their uninspiring presentations with monotony, your eyes repeatedly flickered toward Matteo. He lounged in his chair looking indifferent which only served to irriate you.
A part of you agreed with Ripple. Hufflepuff certainly weren't aggressive. They were more forgiving then the rest of the houses , often letting bygones be bygones. But you realized that leniency was being taken advantaged, especially by Riddle.
And you were just letting it all happen.
Maybe..maybe enough was enough.
Ripple rearranged his papers now for the fifth time in a row, a silent panic in eyes, the argument you two just had long forgotten.
You almost scoffed. Perhaps lover boy here was just nervous to present in front Matteo and his gang.
Then your eyes drew to one of his pages, sticking out of the pile, where transfiguration history was written.
As your fingers quietly drummed against the wooden desk, a thought suddenly entered you mind. You slowly sat up, your eyes darting to Matteo again as the gears turned in your head.
Maybe there was a way to kill two birds with one stone.
You subtly pointed your wand at Ripple's presentation papers, murmuring a charm under your breath. The pages shimmered subtly, and your eyes widened as the text began to shift and change.
With a nervous breath, you uttered another charm, this time your wand pointing at Ripple underneath the table. You weren't sure how effective this charm would be, but you hoped it would work well enough.
A few more minutes passed when McGonagall called out, "Mr. Ripple? You’re up."
Ripple nodded furiously, scrambling to gather his papers before quickly pacing to the front of the class.
You could tell he hated presenting and almost felt bad for him. Almost.
Everyone fell into a hush, all eyes forward, just waiting to get through this class. You on the other hand quietly sat back, silently glaring at him.
"Good afternoon, class. My paper will be on the transfiguration of chairs. As you know, the appearance or alteration of an inanimate object can be difficult based on many factors, including size, shape…" Ripple droned on, eyes glued to his six-page paper.
Everyone listened silently, albeit bored out of their minds as monotone voice filled the room.
"And so that concludes my first theory on the transfiguration of chairs," he said, shuffling to another paper. He took a deep breath and started again.
"Matteo Riddle."
The name hung in the air for a moment as people started to stir in their seats, wondering if they had heard him right.
You sat up, anticipating his next words.
"The loveliest, most handsome boy I’ve ever met," Ripple continued, his voice suddenly filled with an unexpected passion.
The class exchanged baffled glances, some looking shocked as Matteo’s head snapped up, his bored expression instantly replaced by one of bewilderment.
Ripple kept going, oblivious to the growing confusion around him. "His hair is like spun like curly gold, shining in the sunlight, framing his face perfectly. His eyes, oh, his eyes! They are like pools of liquid honey, reflecting the depths of his soul. I can get lost in them for hours."
Giggles began to spread through the classroom along with murmurs and surprised whispers.
Matteo furrowed bis brows, looking disturbed as Blaise and Theo looked at him completely taken aback.
"The way he walks, so confident and strong, makes my heart flutter. I adore the way he commands attention, the way his robes cling to his athletic frame. Every time he speaks, I am entranced by his voice, deep and smooth like velvet."
You snorted, clamping your mouth shut
By now, the classroom had erupted into barely contained laughter, students covering their mouths or burying their faces in their hands.
Matteo face darkened, a wave of anger washing over his expression.
"Ripple!" Blaise shouted, trying to snap him out of his trance.
Theo, on the other hand, leaned back in his chair with a snicker, quietly observing the spectacle.
However, Ripple pressed on, his voice growing more fervent. "And let's not forget his hands, so strong and capable. I dream of those hands holding me, guiding me. Even his scent, like a fresh spring breeze, drives me wild. Oh, how I long to be close to you, to bask in your presence, to be the one you turn to when you need comfort."
The classroom was in chaos, students laughing hysterically, some hooting and shouting, egging the boy on.
"When's the wedding, Riddle"!?
"Go on, tell us more!"
"Love is in the air!"
Others were speechless, staring wide eyed at the boy.
Even Professor McGonagall was shocked, staring at Ripple in bewilderment, her lips fumbling to say something, but no words came out. The normally composed professor looked utterly at a loss, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and fury,
You observed the havoc, a litle overwhelmed with the uproar, but your knew this was going to happen, even if you did feel a little sorry for Ripple momentarily.
After all you didn't forget his words and blatant disrespectful behavior he had towards you and your house.
If he wanted Hufflepuff to have a back bone then this is it. He's the one who asked for it.
Jaw clenched, against Matteo's expectations, his murderous gaze did nothing to stop Riddle as droned on about his muscular arms.
"Someone's got a boyfriend!"
All of a sudden you flinched as he abruptly stood up, his chair screeching against the floor. Without a second thought, Matteo grabbed the nearest book and flung it at Ripple, hitting him square in the face and causing his papers to scatter everywhere.
The laughter and chatter ceased instantly, the classroom falling into a tense silence. Ripple groaned, rubbing his face as the scattered papers floated down like feathers.
All eyes were now on Matteo, whose expression was a contrasting mix of calm fury. You gulped nervously now being hit the real consequence of your actions.
Professor McGonagall finally regained her composure, her voice cutting through the silence with sharp authority. “Mr. Riddle, that will be quite enough! And you, Mr. Ripple—” she faltered momentarily, struggling to find the right words, “—you will come to my office immediately to discuss this… this inappropriate display!”
Matteo didnt care about detention at this point. He was willing to bear with a thousand at this point, just about ready to storm up and beat the shit out of Ripple, when something stopped him.
Ripple's face was twisted in confusion, his eyes wide and panicked. The mortified expression that followed made Matteo pause. Ripple’s gaze darted across the room, finally settling on something behind Matteo.
Following his line of sight, Matteo turned his head when his eyes locked on you, staring at Ripple with a triumphant smirk. Then your eyes flickered to Matteo.
The realization hit him like a jolt.
The room's chatters and McGonagall's attempts to restore order seemed distant, muffled by the blood pounding in his ears. He didn't know you had it in you to do something like this. He didn't even expect it.
For you, it was done. You've sent the message, might as well drive the point home. In a moment of bravery, you stand up, slinging your bag over your shoulder and walk up to him, his eyes completely locked on you.
Without missing a beat, you say "Why don't you go and console your boyfriend, he looks like he's about cry."
Theo huffed a laugh as Blaise pursed his lips trying not to show a reaction.
Matteo eyes, now void of any fury darted between yours in silence, almost studying you for a moment.
"It was just a kiss Cromwell".
You blinked, momentarily thrown off balance. “Excuse me?”
Matteo’s lips curved into a sly grin, his eyes glinting with mischief. “If I knew you were going to be so anal about it I wouldn't have done it. My sincerest apologies"
A cold flush of humiliation and anger swept over you, washing away any hint of composure. The kiss, and the loss of your pendant, hit you like a jolt of icy water.
“I hope this little stunt of yours is worth the trouble that's coming,” Matteo said, his tone now tinged with a darker edge.
“Give me back my pendant, Matteo.”
Blaise and Theo exchanged surprised glances, noting the stark shift in your demeanor from your usual calm to something far more intense.
Matteo’s smirk deepened. “How about no?”
You leaned in as Matteo looked down, "Understand this, I've got nothing to lose. Hold onto that pendant, and I’ll tear through your world piece by piece to get it back."
A flicker of something akin to approval crossed Matteo’s face. He leaned down, his eyes now level with yours
“Good. I am counting on it.”
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bingusbongu · 6 months
Julian from the Arcana. With an academic/noble reader
Like they meet at some point in the castle and the reader is in the library or some shit
A/N: so sorry this is short, i havent played the Arcana in SUCH a long time, but i remember Julian being my favorite. He was so goofy silly and my favorite route! But, as an fyi, im slowly burning myself out, so if i dont update everyday dont come after me for it. Also, since i havent played this game in a long while, i may have the story wrong, let me know if i do so i can fix it, thanks! Again, supper short, to tired to do a bunch
Readers lines are in pink, but they are Gender neutral!!!!
Julian x Noble! Reader
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• Julian HAD to have snuck into the castle if he were to meet you for the first time. After all, he is a wanted criminal, depending on when he meets your character
• maybe he was looking for more clues about what happened to the king or left something of his behind in his studies, which brought him to the library. He still had a key that Portia gave him, who he told her he lost it so he could come and go as he pleased, as long as he dosnt get caught that is.
• what he didnt expect was to actually find someone in the library. The library that has been out of use for auch a long time. That someone would actually be in it to begin with. He only thought that he and his sister had the keys... maybe Nadia, too.
• he stopped at the door to study you, just staring at you. How neat and beautiful your clothes were, and how stylish you seemed, with your jewelry and established posture. You must had been an guest at the castle, or a friend of Nadias to be looking so upper class and being allowed in the library.
"Its rude to stare, you know?"
Your voice caught him off gaurd, he must have been staring at you for you to notice. Even with your book in hand, you looked up at him with an unimpressed look as he fumbled over his words for an answer.
"Well.... i uh... didnt expect to find anyone taking of intrest of these old books" he would recover himself, trying to put on his best grin to make him not seem suspicious.
You would roll your eyes at him and continue reading as he stood there awkwardly. Until clearing his throat, picking out a completely random book and pulled up a chair to talk to you, which you responded, despite being intrested in your book, to his questions.
The two pf you chatted, and when he told you his name, you already knew who he was, which astounded him. But, instead of alerting the guards, you just sat there quietly while reading your book. Flipping through it withiut a care in the world as Julian freaked out you were going to call someone.
You just sat there reading, without a care that an alleged and wanted criminal was right next to you, but you liked your book more anyway. Just shrugging at him whem he asked
So, instead, he sat there and talked to you while you responded back to him. Him learning of your nobility abd why you were in the castle to begin with. One of the most engaging talks he ever had that wasnt with his sister that was scolding him.
You had to leave at some point to go help Nadia, leaving Julian alone with his thoughts and old desk.
• now, Julian couldnt stop thinking of you. So, now at the same time every day, he would sneak into the library in hopes to find you, and of course, there you were. Reading the same or a different book in your lap.
Julian would stride in to talk to you. Greeting you with a smile and sitting down to talk to you about lord knows what. Even occasionally throwing flirts at you just to get you to look up at him from youf book.
His visits became frequent, despite them being a secret, he still somehow managed to meet in the library at the same exact time as you
• he definitely tries to get you to laugh by using rich people humor, which hardly gets a crack out of you, unless he actually says something funny or gets flustered
• at first it was just library visits. Then when Julian could go out without hiding, youd have him show you around the town, incase if you are new or just never got out long enough to see it all.
• makes stupid jokes about how he would throw himself in a mud pile to keep you from stepping in it to get you to roll your eyes chuckle at him
• always claims to be your night in shining armor when out and about, declairing he would protect you. Only to jump at the sight of a mouse skittering along the floor
• tries to learn upper class flirting to use on you. If he dosnt flirt enough now, just wait tell he adds in royalty
• you find it stupid, but Julian is stupid enough to make kt work.
• if you buy him anything he us intrested in he would try and decline as he litterly is screaming inside
• alittle bit nervous that he was a citizen and not a royal you shoukd end up with. Makes him paranoid that he is to poor for you to love/like him
• attending jis silly little plays makes him brighten up when he sees you
• def jokes about joining the royal gaurd just so he could spend more tims with you
• he liked it, after all
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kittyspring-creates · 2 months
I dont have time to write an in depth stpry but i cant get this thpught out of ny head.
For the angel scouts au of fionna and cake.
Durring a mission that leads simon, fionna, and cake to an ice palace ruled by a version of the elemental woman (forgot her name oop) she is a formal woman who lives by the book and the three have to play along to the rituals.
Partisipating in the greeting ritual, among others. The elemental invites them to her ball thay evening where after an hour of red grape drinking all will partake in a dance and omce the ritual dancing is done and the less formal dancing begins then the trio may present their request to the elemental.
Fionna is encpuraged to wear a long dress which she hates. Its to open and wraps arpund her legs. Simon on the other hand is in his element. Being polite and fallowing traditions, learning culteral behavipurs. He cpuld do with out the blue suit that reminds him a bit to much of his old momo.
After awhile he takes note of fionnas bad mood and instead of reminding her to stand up straight, or telling her it will be over soon. he asks whats wrong. Fionna nearly yells but hold back as she holds on to herself for warmth. Complaining about how long this is taking. She tampers off in her agression. Lowrring her shoulders.
Fionna: I didnt always like the snow and ice. When i was little, all i wantes to do was play in the snow but my mom was to busy with her hpuse guests all the time. So i snuck out. I got lost and cried so hard my eyes froze shut. I was missing and blind for like two days before the neighbours found me and brought me home. Since then ice makes me uncomfortable, i cant stand being this cold for this long. And this dress has no backing augh.
Simon places a hand on her shpulder so she'll look at him.
Simon: as soon as we get a chance we'll run out of here with the lost jewel. We can even flip the castle off as we do so
fionna: * chuckles a bit* thanks man... And thanks for not saying sorry at my weird tale
Later theor request for the jewel s denied then the elemental sends in her gaurds to escort them out hich fionna is over the moon for, ginally something she knows. Fighting. The elemental woman puts fionna in a ball of ice and suspence her. Cake tries to fight the elemental but theres to many ice gaurds. Simon picks up fionnas sword and rushes at the elemental yelling how fionna doesnt like the cold. Hes not violent but he needed to be to try and get fionna out of the ice. Fionna is living a nightmare in her mind as the two fight to get to her. She gets so over whelmed she punches the floor over and over till her body moes and punches the ice. Breaking it. She drops on the elemental and runs on pure instinct to fight and get the jewel prismo sent them to get.
She hasnt even noticed that part of her hair by the bottom od her head had turned shock white from the cold. After she defeates the elemental and the trio get out f their with the jewel she makes a joke that the white strek is their teams symbol. She laughs it off and simon chuckles with her. He puts his jacket on her to help warm her off colored arms that were still freezing from the ice and probably burned a bit.
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Would you be willing to tell me about Quint and what he's up to? I don't know that he's your commander, but I do believe he's your main, yeah? (@commanderhorncleaver)
Yeah of course! Sorry this is a bit late in response. Im working full time these days and sometimes im too tired to look on tumblr lol
Regardless you are right. Quintilius Heartripper (he/they) isnt a commander but he is my main charr.
They are a former ash legion interrogator turned blood legion centurion charr who has quit the legions to be with their loved ones. He is in a polyamorous relationship with a voice of koda, Stray Cry, and a claw of koda Stoic Mountain (both owned by @/follow-the-velak ). Stray cry had ran to the black citadel in secret to beg for reinforcements and was given quint as a body gaurd and guide. (Afterall everyone knew from quints partying and the way he slept around that he was very very friendly) Quints warband was also all he ended up getting for back up.
Quints shroud dhring that time changed: going from a brutal bleeding skeleton to a ghostly white flame that pulled its power from the mists (think revenant but only in a necro shroud). When a claw of jormag attacked the half land village and half iceberg he went into that shroud to as stoic and stray had their hands on him and he drew forth the power of koda, becoming a ghostly giant half charr hald bear that would push back the claw of koda and guillotine its head off.
Another miracle would later happen as quint became posessed by some otherworldly being who granted power and reversed the corruption jormag had done to Stoics uncle.
Aftwr the ordeal of being kidnapped and tortured by his own sire, and left for dead by the legions who assumed he was long gone quint fell out of the legiond. He would get his revenge on his father and would leave the legiond fully. Using magic and potions quint would soon have quadruplets- little hybrid charrkodan (kodarr as i shorten it)
but when stoics mother was almost convinced to kill herself because she was sensitive and could hear jormags whispers he would do the hard decision with stoic of leaving to try and make a different. They were up at drakkar lake and would help defeat drakkar he would be approached by ash legion to be a interogator for ash which he accepted under the circumstances that all the paperwork pretaining to him was burned. It was hard to be away from the cubs but this was to make sure he wouldnt have his hand forced to give his cubs to the legions. He helped the siege against the frost citadel as someone on blood legions side. Last but not least with their village, they helped during the attack against primordus and jormag. With his shroud quint had given permission to stoics dead father to take control as he was a elementalist with mastery over shields and healing. When ripped away from the battle field suddenly by aurene Mountains Strengths spirit lingered and the blast caused him to have a body reform and revive through the massive wave of magic. Another miracle.
Regardless quint is just living life right now. Their sanctuary is becomig a massice hub of trade and culture as they had been protected by smart decisions by the former claw. Traditional clothing, metal weapons, old books, dances and music, art, a highly trained gaurd...it all helped their survival with the mountain and bay protecting them and a forest giving its gifts. Quintilius, called The Heart (which symbolically connects the mind and the body to make meaningful connection and actions) becomes a teacher. He gives cookig lessons and tyria lessons.
Regardless he is a fun loving charr who is living a life he didnt think possible due to his intense lonliness in the legions. He was always an outcast even with all the friends he made as a teen who would steal booze and give drugs for parties. He is notorious in the ash legion having gone to court for warband annihilation. He was saved execution because of proof that the warband was flame legion but was booted out of the ash legion due to the nature of the killings and a massive distrust coming so soon after the untimely death of his mentor and dame.
Said dame was The Gilded Reaper- Cruciata- an intensely cruel woman whose bloodline has blood magic and spells passed down known to look into memories to find secrets. Even if she found out what she was looking for if you were an enemy to the high legions you would be tortured because it was fun for her. Among the imperators she was both hated and loved, respected and feared. She may say she was ash legion but really she was a neutral player who, for the right price, would do something for you and not let the ash legion know. Her narcissist and egotistical streak would make it so quint was abandoned to a fahrar a week after his birth before he was even weened. she didnt want to be known as someone who had a cub with a gladium plus she was so devoted to her work she didnt want to raise the cub- not with the flame legion ramping up its forces. But she would come back for quint when he was eight years old and use pain to make sure he would never betray the high legions but more importantly, to never leave HER. In her final years her paranoia would shift to quint as she feared he was being courted by the flame legion. Having found him overdosed and senselessly blabbering about a god and being chosen for it broke her trust in him. But it was the gladium who she fell for that would be her killer in the end, her love blinding her from the fact he was a flame legion spy who defected from ash legion by faking his death. But how could she not love him? He gave her roses and made songs and poetry around her... He seemed harmless.
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Must be this tall to Hunt| Boba Fett (tcw age so like 13/14)
Couldnt find a good teen boba gif, so heres bosk instead
Warnings: fake blame,
Reader: female
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"You are expelled from the order-"
"What!?" Y/n shouted looking up at the council, "I did nothing! Master Plo! Reason with them!"
"I am sorry little one, I-"
Y/n was heart broken, looking up at the surrounding Jedi, this couldn't be true.
"Master Obi-Wan!" Y/n pleaded.
"Your attachments grow," Windu spoke, "and with them your anger."
"My anger?! My anger?!" Y/n shouted at him.
"Little one please." Plo pleaded, "I have brought a witness."
"You!?" Y/n argued, "Master I demand an answer! Why! Why would you- You out of all People!-"
She watched Anakin walk in guilt ridden on his face, "You!? Anakin! You!?"
He kept quiet as Fives walked in, her world stopping.
"Y-Your lieing!" She shouted, "Fives?! Not you! I trust you and you do this!?"
"Arc Trooper Fives." Windu spoke, " what have you seen Padawan Y/n do?"
Fives looked at her, "I. Saw Genral Y/n with a clone trooper,"
"Im with troopers everyday!" Y/n defended.
"What was Padawan Y/n doing with this clone trooper."
"...intercourse sir." Fives responded.
"Thats Obsurded Fives! And you know it!" Y/n argued, "You're my brothers- Why in gods name would I fuck any of you!"
"Y/n! That is enough!" Plo argued.
"You believe this crap!? You're suppose to have MY back!" Y/n demanded, "I'd have your back no matter what! And you turn on me!"
"Are there any other witnesses?" Fisto spoke.
"Yes." Windu spoke, "bring them in."
Y/n watched, her brothers, the wolf pack, Commandos and even some from the Corosaunt Gaurd walk in, and they strung there string of lies and they strung them high and low, entagled the lies beyond untanglement.
"Padawan L/n is to be expelled from the Order and that is our final verdict."
The platform she was on went downward, the clone troopers who had made there testimonies were gathered at the bottom, a path for her to go through.
"Y/n-" Wolfee spoke reaching out a hand.
"Don't you dare touch me!" She shouted in anger pushing past the clones.
"It had to be done." Commander Thron spoke quietly.
The others nodded.
"Damn it!" Fives shouted running out the room and rushing down the halls, after the light echoing of Y/n's angered footsteps.
She pushed the doors open and just walking out them she stopped, hearing Five's steps behind her.
"General. It had to be done-"
"What!? The lies! The string of lies you built! Why!? Why would you do this to me?!" Y/n argued looking back at the clone.
"We wanted to protect you-"
"Bullshit Fives! Bullshit! I love all of you! All of you!" Y/n shouted, screaming so loud it was sure to be heard all the way down to the lower level.
"Y/n listen!-' he grabbed her shoulders trying to plead with her but she pushed him away ingiting one side of her double sided saber as Fives quickly backed up.
"Touch me again and I'll kill you." She spoke.
"I don't even deserve death. I know- I-" Fives tried to explained, "We wanted to protect you-"
"Then you should of had my back!"
The bright blade turned off and she turned around leaving without a second thought.
"Hey! Wake up!" Boba argued.
Y/n turned her self around as she opened her eyes, "what do you want Fett."
"Rations idiot." He spoke as Y/n sat up, the girl only a year older than Bobba.
She was thrown a rations bar by the boy as they were in a hotel room, she had been sleeping on the couch.
"How much longer we waitin?" She asked taking a crunch out of the bar.
"An hour, I told you that the how much longer last time you woke up." He argued looking through the window.
Y/n kept quiet as she ate her food, it bland and bleak in both tast and color.
Bobba took an arm chair by the window as he ate his own rations. It was silent for a long mintue.
"Did. You have that nightmare again?" He asked.
Y/n looked over at him, "when do I not?"
Boba ate a peice of his own ration bar, he never knew what the nightmare was about, but knew it was the same one, on repeat.
He had the same.
"You, uh. Wanna talk about it?"
She looked his way, then looked away quickly, only able to see the faces of her brothers.
"No." She replied coldy tossing the barely eaten ration bar on the table, her appetite gone, "I'm gonna go scope the roof, don't wait up for me."
She walked towards the door, grabbing the sniper on the way out.
"I'll come with you. Incase someone tries to get you from behind."
"I don't need someone to have my back." Y/n argued.
"Well then Im coming because I want to!"
He pushed past Y/n as she scoffed, following him close behind as they walked towards the steps, somewhere along the way Y/n hacked into a vending Machine, Boba going up the stairs himself, stealing whatever she pleased putting it in her sling bag, enough for her only.
"Sharing is what?" Y/n questioned Woflee
"An opportunity for someoen to get there arm chopped off, it's my food." Wolfee told her.
Y/n sighed, how she hated her own little life lessons to her brothers, and stole more food, enough for both Boba and her, and a little extra.
Walking up the rest of the steps she made it to the door she kicked open with the bottom of her foot.
"Could you try and be quiet?" He seethed.
"I mean. I could. But no." Y/n responded walking towards the edge where Boba sat on a near by utiliy unit.
She sat down setting her back infront of her as she laid herself on her side her back to Boba the lights of the bright city below barely reaching the top of the tall hotel they sat on.
"You want one?"
Boba looked over seeing Y/n holding up a soda.
"Where did you get that?"
"Stole it."
Rolling his eyes he walked over to her snatching the bottle and sitting himself by her head.
"Hey hey. Fives calm your tits." Y/n laughed.
Boba stayed silent as he looked at her, she too busy looking out and onward, but feeling the stare she looked besides her.
"Oh." Y/n realized, "My bad Fett."
Boba stayed silent, as Y/n took a drink of her own soda, he had realized she had become more sympathetic with her apology.
"You wanna talk about it now?" Boba questioned.
Y/n sighed, answering in silence for a mintue, "My only family betrayed me. Strung a String of lies to supposedly keep me safe. I think about it all the time. We use to find these abaonded places and sit up on the roofs like this, we'd sing, start a bonfire, get drunk."
"Your as old as me." Fett argued.
Y/n shrugged, "war does that, you only live once Fett."
"Then why are you still worrying about it?" Boba defended.
"Why do you still worry about the things you worry about?" Y/n questioned, "but I was kicked out of my group, my name stripped of me, and instead of having my back, they had me cast out. Happy Now?"
It was silent again, the hearing of honking and swearving down below could be heard.
"I lost my dad to the Jedi."
Y/n stopped mid way lifting her drink to her lips but then contuined to drink then pull away.
"They tend to do that..." Y/n responded, "they expect you to follow every rule every word, there no better than the sith."
"You know alot of jedi and sith."
Y/n looked at him once, "It was when you father died did I stop really believing in the Jedi-"
"You knew my father?! You're a jedi-"
"Shut your trap and listen before you get rowdy you damn idiot!' Y/n argued Boba gritting his teeth, "I met Jango Fett when I went on a small assignment, my first one, with Master Shakk Ti- it was basically playing paper boy. I remember delivering work to your father...alot of people were mean to me, he. He never was, always said thank you, always asked me if I had eaten. He even watched me leave on the ship back to Master Plo Koon. So when I went througy reports and found him dead I was in shock, later to find out a Jedi did it. I started to loose faith. Why kill a man lookin out for him and his child, sure capture him- but taking family...I know how that feels and no one should go through it."
Y/n took a drink finishing her bottle and tossing it over edge, "so. I fought. And I fought and I fought. If i couldnt save Jango, I'd save what was left of him- the clones- my brothers. They share the same face but are diffrent than any could imagine. I spoke, I wrote, I pleaded, I trainned. It never was enough, and it was my 'emotion' that got the better of me. Pssh. Yeah right the Jedi can piss off because if they want to see emotion? I'll give it to them."
Boba listened, he had nevee seen Y/n before hand, maybe he had and just didnt remember, he never knew someone could share his pain. Neverless with the same person.
"Windu will pay." Boba seethed, "and your a jedi! You can help me."
"I will go head to head to him, I don't plant bombs." Y/n defended.
"We can take him! Two on one!" Boba tried to persuade, "you know his fighting style! I know guns! You know sabers! We take his head and anyone else that stands in our way!"
Y/n looked at him dully.
"Come on! How many bounty hunters have you single handedly taken on! And killed! How many sith have you injured! Jedi that chase after us! Without your laser swords! We can kill him! Together!" Boba explained standing up, Y/n move to sit up, "We're the left behind! We are the strongest! Because we were left behind! We round up a few others! Bane! Sing! Bosk! And there's always someone paying for a Jedi's head!"
Y/n stood up grabbing hee sniper rifle as she did and looked at her watch.
"It can be a sniper shot! A saber battle! Whatever you want! As long as he die and Im involed I don't care how!" Bobba argued.
Y/n looked down below aiming her sniper adjusting the scope.
"My father would do the same for you-"
He was cut off by a bullet shot and soon the sounds of crying folks who see a man just drop dead on the street, the target they had been waiting for dead. She pulled away from her weapon slowly, turning her head towards him.
"I'll do it.-" Y/n agreed
"No." Boba spoke, "We'll do it. Together. For everything the jedi took from us!"
Y/n looked at the outreached hand as she took it.
"As One Unit."
"As One Unit." Y/n responded, "well one and a half"
"Im not that short." Boba argued.
"Shorter than me." Y/n chuckled.
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dead-inside-cx · 4 years
Okay but Hawks seeing his dad after years of not seeing him during his mission. The sleeping with Dabi getting to him a little. He didnt want feelings for the flame villain but he had them, so he goes and visits his dad who he hasnt seen he was arrested.
He was scared if he was being honest. He didnt remember much about his dad but he knew his dad held some kind of love for him (just let me have this pls. I know its probably not true but like lemme have this)
So he arrives and goes through that whole process. He wasn't sure if his dad knew he was a hero or if he even wanted to see him and was again worried.
He takes a deep breath calming hinself before he faces his dad for the first time in years. They can only talk from two different sides of the glass but Hawks can deal with it for now.
Hawks dad is shocked to see his now adult son sitting before him. It was silent for a bit. "Hey dad." Hawks says starting things off. Hawks dad smiles.
"Hey kiddo." He says. "Not much of a kiddo anymore." Is Hawks response. Hawks doesnt correct him on his name because hearing his old name from his dad just made him feel loved, made him for a moment feel like Keigo again.
The two end up talking for a while. Hawks manages to reveal his mission, sleeping with Dabi just all of it without tipping off the gaurds who were clearing going to be watching.
His dad gives him advice on what to do. On how to deal with it all. He wasnt mad Hawks became a hero, no he was so proud of him and he made sure Hawks knew that.
When Hawks left he went straight to Dabi. His dad told him to be honest with himself on what he wanted and Hawks wanted Dabi. Of course he still wanted to save people and be a hero but he wanted Dabi.
So thats where he went. Went to the one person who could set him free. Dabi was confused when Hawks showed up but didnt push him away, didnt argue. He also confused about the new light in Hawks eyes.
"I saw my dad." Hawks says eventually. Dabi was shocked, he really didnt think Hawks would go see his dad ever again, but he knew Hawks always missed him. "He said he was proud of me. He called me..." Hawks trailed off smiling fondly.
He missed his dad so much and seeing him made him miss him even more. Dabi pulled him into his arms. "I know he did bad things but I miss him." Hawks ends up crying in his arms.
It broke Dabis. heart to see his lover this hurt so if he plans to break Hawks dad out of prison just to see his bird happy well that was between him and Hawks dad wasnt it.
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I may or may not be a sucker for soulmate AUs
But hear me out. An eye soulmate au, like everyone has their natural eye color to start out, but when they make eyecontact with their soulmate one of them changes to match. But let's also mix in the painsoulmate au.
Basically Sokka at the age of 13 is screaming in pain in the middle of town holding his eye as the tribe tries their best to help him. All the while he's screaming "it burns! Oh God! It burns" and the sheer pain alone causes him to pass out in a slump against the cold snow. He knew then that noone in his tribe was his soulmate. It was very obvious.
The pain eventually subsided but he still couldn't get the memory of the pain out of his head, what happened to his soulmate. He could only wonder in fear.
The day that they found Aang in the Ice Katara's right eye and Aangs left switched to mirror eachother.
Not long after there was a firenation ship on their shore and Sokka was facing the man leading the group out. He himself hadn't noticed until the man was hit in the head by the boomerang Sokka threw. Knocking his helmet off and causing them both pain. They stared at eachother for what felt like forever, the man had a scar over his eye that made it hard to see that it had changed to a bright blue mirroring his own. However, Sokka, didn't even realize it was his it was mirroring. Until after they rescued Aang from the ship and Katara was staring at him
"Your eye, its gold"
He looked the reflection of his boomerang and looked up at Katara in horror "he got that scar at 13 katara, remember when I was screaming, it felt like someone was digging into my eye with hot coals for a solid 5 minutes"
They both shuddered at the thought of what could have happened to him. Swearing that they'd soon enough snag him up and adopt him.
(Boutta be skme divergence from the Canon here because i can )
They'd run into eachother multiple times but when they were caught in the fire sage temple Katara and Sokka were thrown into a cell with Zuko. All three in shackles, the siblings shackled in front and the firebender in back. Zuko seemed to just want to be away from them by curling further into the corner "Zuko..."
"What do you want?"
"Tell me how you got your scar" Sokka demanded
"Why do you care?"
"Uhm, maybe because at 13 I was overcome by the worst feeling of pain I've ever felt, my eye felt like someone was stabbing a torch into my socket and it hurt so bad to the point I was screaming bloody murder in the middle of my village for 5 minutes until I passed out from the pain alone. Oh and our eyes are mirroring?" He raised a brow "so tell me, how did you get it. I'd like to know who put both of us through that bile inducing pain"
"My dad did, I was..." he paused, realizing who he was talking to "you know how old I was... I spoke out in a war meeting and was challenged to an Agni kai, thats a fire battle to the death for honor thing, I thought it was the general, but it was my dad. I didn't fight, I begged him to spare me, and he.. well.. you know, then he banished me right after and now I'm here in fire nation waters, captured and likely going to be killed because well banishment means if i step foot in fire nation land or waters, ill be killed he gestured "now Mr. Mirror boy, does that satisfy your question" his voice was like venom, not potent venom but angry 'I'm big and bad' venom
"No, not really, but it does solidify my desire to off the firelord" he said in an absolutely enraged voice catching Zuko off gaurd
"And it confirms that you should totally join us" Katara cut in hoping to finally adopt Mr. Fire Jerk
"What would I do that?"
"Uh... maybe because your dad is a piece of shit and from what I'm guessing wouldnt think twice about killing you."
"Neither would you?"
"Wow, you wound me. No we won't kill you" Sokka spoke up with a playful sarcastic tone
They sat in silence for a while but Katara spoke up "its nice you two bonded and all, but like, we should probably get out of here, Sokka grab the pin from my hair"
Doing as instructed he grabbed it and handed it to Katara who picked the lock on Sokka's shackles who returned the favor and moved towards Zuko "stay away from me pea-"
"Shut it will you? I'm helping you, just because you've chased us all over doesnt mean we're gonna leave you to die"
After running for their lives and convincing Aang to help him they fly out and Katara Aang and Sokka sit further to the front discussing the situations and Aang nearly cries until he looks at Zuko. And then he does "Zuko, I can tell from how you act you probably blame yourself-"
"Of course I do! It was to teach me respect"
"But you were just a kid Zuko, you still are just a kid, we're all just kids."
"Obciously, but I still ne-"
"No Zuko, listen, I know it'll take time to settle in the right mindset but, what he did was wrong. And you've been chasing me for 3 years right?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"I only resurfaced like a couple months ago Zuko, he sent you out on a mission searching for someone who didn't exist. That's one horrible power trip for him to pull on a child"
Of course he didnt take kindly to the words at first but soon enough, by the time they made it to the north pole Zuko was integrated into their group fairly well.
(This was not meant to turn into a sort of fic, but I honestly like it too much to not post it so here, have my brain dump)
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gaydelgard · 2 years
isn't one of the members from IDKHBTFM an abuser and why he left his old band? It was one of the reasons why I stopped listening after I was introduced to them. Please let me know if I've been misinformed (because I do miss the songs I liked)
anon i just did a cursory duckduckgo and the only thing that came up was allegations about brendon urie
who is in a different band
if you have further info or like where you saw this go ahead and follow up w me tho
idk which of the two members youre talking about but dallon is not associated with many musical acts according to wikipedia, one of them he was in with the guy hes currently in idkhow with so that probably wasnt it and the other one was the band he was in with brendon urie
supposedly dallons wife brought accusations against a security gaurd? of that band (patd im talking abt patd) who was fired because of it
didnt find anything at all abt ryan seaman but he is/was in a lot more bands so perhaps it was him leaving one of those
thats all i got tho like i said this was a 20 minute search so like it was hardly exhaustive
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the-nsr-family · 4 years
How Neon-J became Dad-J
Being a Cyborg is a point of sanity after the war for Neon-J. He lost his Platoon, he lost his family, he lost is fucking face arms and legs. saying he was a cyborg helped ground him into the fact he was still human.
He worked (Briefly) in an office job before he started building robots, out of an (rather out there) therapy suggestion to bring his old life (he was a toy maker in a peaceful town)and his new reality (he was acyborg with a radar for ahead) together somewhat.
it gave him purpose to live on, to maintain himself a bit more. those early ones where roombas really, with better AI. He still has those back in the mansion.
The war had ripped music from him for a while, he couldn’t stand the sound of it. Not when they used songs to power the weapons that killed thousands. Not when one of his soldiers was forced to sing and sing to power those mini quasas they lauched onto the enemy.
he got back into classical frist, as a way to learn how to manipulate those new limbs of his, humming to his little droids as he maintained  them.
The City needed power, it needed music back as a comfort and warmth, not a warning of approaching troops and gun fire.
15 years into the making is gen-1, They didn’t have much personality at the time, and while they did sing and preform to a standered that would have been just fine, neither they nor neon-j was happy with it. thoses boys had too much of his soldier tendances, of his need to portect and gaurd and stop enimies from harming their city. They happily switched over to being security. They mainly did concert sites and the mansion. Looking after their “younger cousins” happily.
(Neon-J wasnt ready to be a father then, and Gen-1 honestly didnt need one, they needed a mentor yet, but a father wasnt something they looked for. as they got older they view Neon-J as an uncle and he welcomed that)
Gen-2 had a Mix of girl and boy AI and body models. and while they do pop up in 1010 videos and promotional materials they too went into different professions, some joining the security team, some liked cleaning, and a few becames cheifs. not all of them activated, as some bodies just never started up, the ai’s never took, or a combination of both. these losses broke an already broken heart
Gen 3 is 1010, neon-j spent years working on their AI and bodies, carefully putting everything togather, getting their mainframe up and running, getting names picked out… and only 3 awoke at first, something went wrong in the connection and “Haym” and “Eloni” where still stuck in a Loading-Pending screen. he had 3 of the boys gets up and moving and start learning, but he was always in the lab watching over the two still bodies. it took 5 days for them to “wake up” and it was one of the few days neon-j remebers wishing he could cry tears of joy once more.
those two started off more timid and shy then their “older” brothers, but quickly grew into their own, the 5 rising in populatity online. he was so proud.
just so you know i wrote this and several other chapters in my notes a week ago, i’m typing it all out for you over the next few days.
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sick-in-luv · 4 years
Yandere!Alien (Atlas) Pt1
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A/n:Got this idea and just had to write it👽
Warnings⚠️: gore?
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'So this is what they meant when they said humans are made of stars' Altas thought,scoffing as his hands dug deeper into the open chest cavity of the man laying in front of him. The smell of iron was heavy in the air as blood pooled around them,staining the overalls Atlas had taken from him
"ꉓꂦꎭꍟ ꂦꈤ! ꀤ ꀭꀎꌗ꓄ ꈤꍟꍟꀸ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ...ꍏꃅ ꃅꍏ!" The man was still alive,his quick breaths coming out gargled as blood gathered in his mouth. Atlas moved his hand up into the man's throat, his fingers wrapping around his larynx.
He pressed his pointed nail into the soft tissue,a glowing green liquid flowing into the mans veins,spreading across his face and neck. Atlas sighed as he watched the man squirm,his strength slowly fading.
"ᖘ꒒ꍟꍏꌗꍟ ꌗ꓄ꂦᖘ ꎭꂦᐯꀤꈤꁅ ꃅꀎꎭꍏꈤ. ꀤ ꂦꈤ꒒ꌩ ꈤꍟꍟꀸ ꓄ꂦ ꓄ꍏꀘꍟ ꀤꈤ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꒒ꍏꈤꁅꀎꍏꁅꍟ ꍏꈤꀸ ꌗᖘꍟꍏꀘꀤꈤꁅ ᖘꍏ꓄ꍟꋪꈤꌗ. ꅏꂦꈤ'꓄ ꌃꍟ ꒒ꂦꈤꁅ." True to his word,Atlas moved his hand out of the man only a few seconds later,a satisfied smile on his face.
"There! Ain't that much better?" He said gleefully,testing out his new voice,the slight southern drawl making him pause. "Weird,not what i expected it would sound like after i heard you scream."
Atlas shook his head " well I guess it doesn't matter. Now,lets close you up shall we?" He smiled,moving to stand up and walk back to his landing area to find the tool he needed.
He froze however when he heard a click,followed by something cold and hard pressing against the back of his head.
"M-make one move and I'll blow y-yer goddam brains out!" Atlas sighed and stood up,hearing the person behind him gasp and stumble backwards, falling over and dropping his gun in the process.
Atlas turned around and looked down at the terrified man,blinking in surprise as he saw the striking resemblance between him and the other man who was barely clinging to life behind him.
"D-demon" Atlas heard the man mumble as he picked up his shotgun,pointing it at the 7ft tall blood coved figure in front of him. "Y-you killed my brother"
Atlas frowned,trying to find the right words to tell the man that his brother wasn't dead. He moved forward only to stop when he heard a loud bang,followed by a seering pain in his side as the man pulled the trigger.
You always loved coming to visit your uncle. His small cabin in the woods was so peaceful,a huge change from the city life that you were used to.
There was nothing but farmlands and forests for miles, so apart from the occasional sound of an animal,it was quiet.
You were alone in the cabin. Your uncle left earlier to go to work,leaving you to do what you wanted until he came back.
Of course, there wasn't much to do,so you opted for sitting in front of the old box tv in the livingroom,eating microwave pizza and trying to solve crossword puzzles
It wasn't much,but it kept you entertained. The TV was only on for backround noise,but occasionally something interesting caught your eye,like when the news broadcaster started talking about a foreign object entering orbit.
It didn't hold your attention for long though,because soon after she said that the signal cut out,leaving nothing but static on the tv. You sighed but didn't bother to try and fix it, only shrugging before going back to your puzzle.
About half an hour and 3 puzzles later you decided to go to bed,seeing as your primary source of entertainment was down and you already finished the last slice of pizza.
After a short shower,you threw on a oversized t shirt and went to brush your teeth,moving sluggishly through your suitcase to find your toothbrush.
After finally finding it along with your mouthwash and hairbrush,you moved back to the bathroom. You desperately tried to keep your eyes open as you moved the toothbrush through your mouth,nearly falling asleep at the sink before a loud bang sounded out outside.
You let out a short scream,your toothbrush slipping through your fingers as you jumped. You scrambled to try and catch it only to loose your footing and fall over backwards,hitting your head on the side of the tub.
You sat there for a second,toes curling in pain as your hands shot up to where your head was throbbing.
The pain subsided after a few seconds,and you cursed your neighbors for thinking it was okay to start shooting at this hour of the night,slowly standing up and making your way back to your room.
"Stupid Clive and his stupid guns. It's 2 am for god sakes. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind when i see him again that no good little-" you stopped abruptly as you heard something shuffling outside.
"Whaaaatt the fuck" you whispered to yourself,slowly moving towards the front of the cabin to peek out the window. You grabbed a phone on the way,getting ready to call your uncle if it was something serious.
Pulling back the plaid curtain,you scanned the dimly lit porch,holding your breath in anticipation.
Once you were certain that there was nothing there,you let out a relieved sigh,moving to close the curtain and finally go to bed,when a very large blood covered hand slammed against the window.
You let out a scream,your knees going weak, once again sending you towards the ground. You grabbed the phone,filled with adrenaline as you started dialing your uncles number until-
"H-help. Puh-please! I-I need help" you paused putting the phone down and listening. You heard a pained groan followed by a weird chittering noise.
You slowly got onto your knees,peeking out the window,passed the bloody handprint,to see a person laying on the wooden porch,covered in blood.
"Oh shit!" You ran towards the door,not even hesitating as you threw it open,rushing towards the person.
"Oh shit oh fuck a-are you okay? Oh damnit! come on lets get you inside." The man groaned and sat up slowly,and you had to keep yourself from gasping at not only his height,but also the mess of unnaturall, almost glowing neon green hair on his head,almost completely covering his eyes.
"Holy shit." You heard the man let out a pained chuckle "wow your teaching me all sorts of new words"
You raised your eyebrow,wanting to ask him what he meant when he let out another groan. "Ah,lets get you to the bathroom yeah? We got a first aid kit in there i think." You quickly stood up,throwing his large arm over your shoulders and trying to help him up. He must've noticed your struggle, because he let out another chuckle and supported more of his own weight, only occasionally leaning on you as you led him to the bathroom.
It was only when you saw him under the florescent light when you noticed that his skin had a strange greenish hue to it,and he was wearing clothes that didn't really seem to fit him properly. You paid no mind to it as you helped him sit down on the toilet,frantically scrambling to find the first aid kit.
"What happened to you? You look like you were run over." You cringed at yourself. You really didnt mean to sound so blunt but you were still filled with adrenaline from the big ass scare he gave you.
"A silly human shot me with his primative weapon. Unfortunately i couldn't reach my ship in time to grab any of my healing supplies or any proper covering so i opted for finding the nearest form of civilization."
You paused at his words,slowly turning to look at him,first aid kit clutched in your shaking hands. You looked up at his tall form sitting calmly with his hand pressed against the wound in his side,his jet black eyes looking straight into yours.
Wait a minute
Black eyes.
"H-human? Ship? What the fuck are you on about my guy?" He smiled sweetly,showing off his razor sharp teeth. Al three rows of them.
Your eyes widened as you slowly backed away,causing his smile to fade. "Oh! Oh nono no human don't look so afraid! Im not here to hurt anyone! And I'm certainly not going to hurt you after you let me into your home"
You shook you head and stood still,not letting your gaurd down just yet. "How do i know your telling the truth? What are you?"
He made a little chittering noise,moving a bit of neon green hair out of his eyes. "Ah yes. I forgot your species hasn't had any public outside contact yet. My name is Atlas. I am what your kind know as an 'extra terrestrial' or an 'alien' or whatever" he stood up,slowly moving towards you.
He stopped just inches away and bent down to look you in the eye,his own black orbs glistening in the light. "As for the whole truth thing,well I really don't have any reason to lie to you pet."
He placed his large hand over the first aid kit,gently pulling it from your grip and moving closer towards your face,his nose brushing yours. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as he sighed softly.
"Your a good little human right? So i really have no desire to hurt you." He suddenly stood up straight, making you squeal softly. "But i do really need you to help me repair my injuries."
You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding,before looking up at Atlas,who was struggling to open the box,turning it over in his hands multiple times.
After taking a few more deep breaths,trying to process everything,you giggled softly making him stop and look at you.
"What are you doing?" Atlas huffed and felt around the box again. "Where is the scanning device?? How do you open this stupid thing??" Your giggles turned into full blown laughter as you took the box from him,pressing the small latch and opening the box.
He looked at you in awe for a second before crossing his arms. "Primitive human devices" you snorted as you laughed harder ,bringing your hand up to your mouth to try and stop the noises.
Atlas gave you a deadpan look scoffing and sitting back down on the toilet. Once you calmed yourself down enough,you moved over to him. "Wow i can't belive i was terrified of you a second ago" you smiled pulling down the straps of his overalls.
He scoffed again and bared his teeth. "Oh you should be terrified now little human. Lauging at my struggles. How dare you" you laughed again,before lifting his shirt amd kneeling between his legs to be eyelevel with his wound. "My name is (Y/n) by the way. Not "little human" you stared in slight surprise at the odd dark blueish color of his blood before grabbing a rag from the box and covering it in rubbing alcohol.
Atlas made a noise as you pressed the alcohol covered rag onto his wound,leaning back to grant you more access.
He hummed as you continued to clean the wound,a small smile on his face. "I'll call you whatever i want little human" you looked up at him,confused at his happy tone.
"Doesn't this hurt? Why do you look so happy?" Atlas chittered again and looked down at you "I like the burning."
You blushed a bit and opened your mouth to say something before a loud knock came from the front door.
"Damnit what now?" You stood up slowly,throwing the rag in the sink. "Just be quiet,they'll think no ones home." You grabbed a bandage from the box and went to bend down again and finish fixing his wound before a familiar voice stated yelling at the door as the banging continued.
"(Y/n)! You in there? It's Clive! Ya gotta get out here i think that thing made its way into your house!" You raised your eyebrow and looked back at Atlas.
"Thats the human who shot me. He must've followed my blood the cretin." You sighed and put down the bandage "I'll be right back okay? Just lemme go take care of this."
You only got so far as the bathroom door before you felt arms wrap around you,pulling you back. "No! Your MY human. I wont allow that disgusting cretin anywhere near you."
You looked up at Atlas,who had his teeth bared. He was starting intensely in the direction of the front door,where the banging now turned frantic,along with the voices.
"Atlas just let me get him to leave. I won't be long i promise."
He looked down at you,his eyes gleaming dangerously. You squimed a bit,feeling his grip falter as you pulled out of his arms. "I-ill be right back okay?"
You pushed him back into the bathroom,closing the door behind you and making your way over to the front of the house.
"I'm coming Clive calm down." You sighed as you opened the door,putting on your best 'just woke up' look. "What do you want? Its really late."
Clive looked panicked. His flannel shirt was covered in a mix of dark blue and crimson and he had a shotgun in his hand.
"(,Y/n)! Thank God your okay! I was bouta break down the door cause i thought somethin' happened to ya. Theres somethin'out here. A demon or somethin'. It killed Marcus. It killed my brother" you stared at Clive as he sobbed,not sure what to do.
He couldn't be talking about Atlas right? He said it himself,he didn't come here to kill humans. You looked back at the bathroom and saw Atlas standing there,a feral look on his face. "Fuck" you whispered moving outside and closing the front door.
Clive calmed down and looked at you confused. "S-sorry Clive. I haven't seen anything. But if you want I'll call the cops for you okay? Or the ranger?" Clive ignored your frantic words and tried to move passed you to the door
"Are ya hidin' it in there? You are arent ya? Let me in there (Y/n). I'm going to kill that fucking thing!" You moved in front of him
Trying desperately to stop him from going in.
"Wait Clive you can't just-" you squeaked as he grabbed your arms trying,throwing you to the side and opening the door,his gun ready.
He moved into the house and you scrambled to get up and stop him,only to be pulled back down,a hand covering your mouth.
You looked behind you and saw Atlas glaring at the door,his sharp teeth bared. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder,you groaned a bit as his shoulder knocked the wind out of you,and Clives frantic footsteps could be heard rushing back towards the porch.
Before he made it out the door,Atlas had already started running across the open field in front of the house.
You heard Clive yell something before running out after you,but at this point it wasnt likely for him to catch up.
"A-Atlas where are we going?" He let out a grunt and stoped,putting you down but not letting go of your arm. "We're going to my ship. That stupid human ruined everything. And he has the gull to blame me for his brothers death? Honestly."
You stumbled after him,desperately trying to keep up. ""S-so you didn't kill his brother?" Atlas scoffed. "Of course not. That idiot just got on the way before i could
Heal him."
You raised your eyebrow as he finally came to a stop,letting go of your arm and dashing towards the green and blue pod that stood on a scorched plot of grass. "What do you mean heal..."
Your question died in your throat as your eyes landed on what you recognized to be Clive's younger brother Markus,laying on the blood stained grass with a blank look in his glassy eyes. His chest was ripped wide open,displaying all of his organs.
"He got in the way of my ship before i could grab the device i needed to heal him. I never meant for him to-" Atlas looked up from his pod,having already found what he was looking for to heal his wound,only to see you backing away,tears slowly dripping down your face.
"Hey. Whats the matter? Huma-" Atlas was cut off when you turned around and started running back towards your cabin. He let out a low growl before sprinting after you,catching up in a matter of seconds and grabbing your arm.
You struggled as he turned you around,trying to get you to stop squirming. "Listen! I didn't kill him!" You struggled more as you heard Clive's voice in the distance,screaming for you.
Atlas growled again and pushed you to the ground,pinning your arms to your sides. "I didn't kill the human,but if you don't stop struggling right now I AM going to kill that one."
You instantly stopped,looking up at him with tearly eyes. "Wonderfull" Atlas said,picking you up once again and carrying you towatds his ship as Clive came into veiw.
"I didn't lie to you human." He started,gently placing your shivering form in his ship. "I didn't come to this dirt planet to harm any humans." He got in next to you and you could only watch as the ship fired up,flashing bright blues and greens before slowly starting to hover,just as Clive showed up.
"I came here to find a pet."
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iwachans-fluffyhair · 5 years
for my good amazing pal @causal-depression dude i kid you not- i thought it was casual and so i spent the last five minutes trying to figure out what i spelled wrong but i then realized it wasnt casual-
anways its 3am and she wanted kenma fluff hcs so here i am with some
Kenma Kozume bf fluffy headcanons
i didnt really get any specific she just said "Richie my fine sir, write me some of your finest kenma fluff" sounded just like a old british man and everything
Your guy's relationship is probably one of the softest things to touch the earth.
Kenma acts alot like a cat, when you guys are out and about, he'll just kinda softly paw or grab at your hand to let you know he wants to hold hands. Kinda like how cats sometimes meow or gently paw at you to get your attention.
or when you guys are just at home, out of nowhere he'll pop in(if he isn't already there with you in the room)and start to cuddle with you. No words spoken, and after a while you just get kinda used to it. Sometimes you wont even notice him.
Hes mostly the big spoon but,,he also will not deny that he likes being a small spoon. It feels comforting to him to have something warm surrounding him.
You guys love playing video games together. Especially stuff like mario kart, Super mario bros., and games that are usually two players. It's always so fun and its just you guys enjoying each others presence with soft laughs and cuddling.
And although there is a couch, you guys prefer to get pillow, blankets and just sit on the floor. Usually you sitting between his legs.
You guys also enjoy more puzzle solving/mystery games, stuff like Legend of Zelda, Metroid, etc. Like said before you guys sit around on the floor as you watch kenma work around the game.
You have small talk with him and you have a snack. You're probably eating and feeding him some too as he focuses on the game.
When the puzzle gets a bit harder to do you guys become a bit more quiet as you're both thinking about how to solve it. You both work together to solve it you occasionally chirping in with what you think would help.
Sometimes after you both rack your heads trying to solve it you offer to look it up to solve it.
"Hey babe, should i look this up?"
He really doesn't want to and after a bit longer he gives in and tells you to look it up.
"mng..no not yet..." "...okay, look it up."
When you guys moved in you were surprised to find that, he liked to clean. He said something about how he felt uncomfortable with mess around him.
He cleans, you cook, it all works out.
When he gives you kisses it's always kind of a surprise. Sometimes you'll just be cuddling and he gives you a little peck. Or you're cooking and he'll pass by to kiss you and maybe get water. Really anywhere and anytime he gets the chance he'll take it. You get so caught off gaurd cause hes so quiet and it's so sudden.
His kisses are always very soft though. It's comforting and sweet. You always feel the love.
okay this got alot longer than i imagined.😳But yea here it is, my first headcanons with Kenma Kozume. I'm still very new at this so pardon if it's not the best but i will try to keep goinga and hopefully improving!
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iheardyourscreams · 4 years
I hate this idea going around that Dean never said anything about his feelings for Cas and was so shocked at the confession because he didnt think angels could truly feel human emotions like that.
For one, i dont think that's what Jensen meant. I think he meant/said that Dean just doesnt know what Cas means or wants from him sometimes because Cas is a billions of years old celestial being that has only understood emotions for like a decade. Like is Cas saying I love you because he really cares for Dean or is he saying it because he would want a relationship with Dean? Cas has never had that with someone and Dean doesn't want to let his gaurd down and assume it's what he hoped it would be if it's not. Dean just does not know for sure what love Cas meant because Dean's self-esteem is shit and he doesnt know that he can make that distinction based on what Cas said and considering that he is so other-worldly and like larger-than-life as a being.
Secondly, thats so dehumanizing (obviously Cas isnt human but he is the most human of any angel we have seen - maybe including Anna). Like Dean not wanting to pursue something with Cas because he wasnt sure if Cas experienced feelings the same way makes Dean sound like he thinks of Cas as sub-human. I feel we know for a fact he does not.
Dean doesn't know what kind of love Cas is talking about because he can't imagine deserving the adoration Cas uses to describe him (not to mention his crippling fear of loving people and them leaving or people loving him and dying for it - which essentially did happen to Cas in this situation) and because he doesnt know what Cas, an comic being who is learning more about human life everyday, expects from this (if he weren't dying). NOT because he didnt think Cas could feel love until now. Dean has seen Cas love. He has seen Cas love Claire and Jack - it started out as regret and duty to Jimmy and Kelly and formed into love. Dean has seen Cas love Sam - from the disdain he orginally saw Sam with to everything Cas would sacrifice to protect him now. Dean has even seen Cas in romantic relationships - Daphne (Emmanuel's wife) and Meg. Dean is just afraid and uncertain that Cas would ever love him romantically and if that's truly what Cas is telling him.
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pogaytosalad · 3 years
Heres a wip of a sequel.
Dmviolence, by jade
Hello, if youre hearing this, it probably means im dead. Either that, or im alive and just got tired of keeping this hidden. You might remember my voice from a previous recording about a takeover in sector ⬽:➻, in which id helped prevent total annihilation of the sector. At the time i was unnamed, however now you may call me Kalton. After the takeover i resigned and moved to a job at a dmv. This planet was, for some reason, in one of the most tactically advantageous locations in the galaxy. And for some reason the higher ups dedicated the whole damn planet to dmvs. Dont ask why. Now, onto the story.
I woke up, and i put on my emerald green contact lenses. Just like any other day. I put on a basic white t-shirt and a leather bomber jacket along with a pair of jean shorts. If you cant tell by now, im gay.
I live in a small apartment. By small apartment i mean a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen all crammed into 2 rooms. I hopped out the bedroom window onto my motorcycle. It was a diamond white motorcycle with deep red stripes along the sides and the handlebars. My pride and joy. I put on my jet black helmet and took off towards my job at the, you guessed it, dmv.
Chapter 2
I pulled up in the parking lot and took off my helmet, my blue hair a total rats nest. The doors were push doors, yet i somehow ALWAYS pulled first. I entered the dmv and went to my station. A few hours passed by and no one had come in yet, which was unusual. So naturally i decided to sit down on the floor, put in my earbuds, and enjoyed some heavy metal. A few more hours passed by, and usually by now i wouldve been yelled at by my boss. This struck me as odd so i stood up. I really wish i hadnt stood up. The place had been completely destroyed. There were drop pods crashed in through the roof and they all had the ERGON logo on them. Ergon was a multi trillion dollar pencil manufacturing company with its own military. They had previously tried to take over sector ⬽:➻ when i had been working there. I was not looking forwards to what was about to happen.
Quickly, i ducked back onto the floor before anyone saw me. There were 4 riot soldiers holding this building. This was gonna be fun. The riot soldiers are your stereotypical riot gear and police baton soldiers. But these guys had laser batons and the riot gear gave them heightened strength and speed. They also had some, dare I say, shitty energy pistols. I crawled over to one of the soldiers who wasnt being watched and broke their neck. Carefully I took the baton and the pistol. Slowly crawled my way back to my station and checked the shot count in the pistol. I had 6 shots, just enough to take care of the remaining three soldiers. I stood up quickly and shot each soldier twice in the head. First shot to open the riot helmet, second shot to kill. I vaulted over the counter and grabbed the three pistols. These things were so stupid. You couldnt even remove the clips. Once you ran out of shots, the pistol was useless. Nonetheless, i didnt have any choice. I had a laser baton and 18 total shots in 3 pistols.
Upon leaving the building, my motorcycle was one of the few things to survive. It had alot of scratches and damage, but it still worked. The helmet was shattered however. I mounted the motorcycle and took off towards the next closest dmv. Maybe id find some better gear there.
Chapter 3
Pulling up next to the second dmv i immediately noticed 3 things. 1: there was blood everywhere. 2: there were 25 soldiers here. And 3: they all had energy weapons. The reason these things are relevant is because energy weapons dont cause bloodshed. This was the result of something else. Something new i hadnt dealt with yet.
I drove up and ran over 5 of the soldiers. This was probably an incredibly bad idea, seeing as i had 18 shots, enough for 9 kills, and there were 20 soldiers left. Every single soldier turned to me and i, being the absolute genius that i am, welded the front of one of the pistols shut with the laser baton, shot it off, and threw it into thei crowd of soldiers. It exploded, releasing a shockwave of energy and disabling the soldiers. I then used the baton to cut through the riot gear and kill the soldiers. I felt like a badass. That is until a mechanical looking wolf jumped at me and started trying to rip my face off.
The wolf was a frostwolf, except it had been placed into a mechanical frame and its teeth and claws had been replaced with lasers. I tried to bash it off of me with the baton but it just bit it in two. This gave me just enough time to grab an energy pistol and shoot the wolf. It kept trying to kill me amd i wasted a whole clip on it until suddenly, the dog started to levitate in the air and got thrown aside into a wall. I got up and was instantly frozen in place. Thats when.. she walked up.
Chapter 4
The she i am reffering to is ebony. A goth/punk wannabe with light blue tear shaped eyes and black hair with purple streaks. Shes a bitch whos mind got too powerful and now she can move things without touching them. Shes been chasing me for months. Not in a murderous way. Shes just obsessed with me. Ive tried to tell her im gay but she wont listen. And now im at her mercy.
She walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I hated it. She looked as if she was contemplating whether or not to free me when a pod came down from the sky and crushed her. Thank god. But i honestly wouldve rathered suffered at her hand than deal with what i had to deal with next...
Out of the pod came the warden. The goddamn warden from sector ⬽:➻. Last id seen him hed been in the same situation as ebony. Crushed to death under a pod. But this time, instead of being on my side, he was here to kill me. He was huge. Like seriously huge. He was at least 8 feet tall and shaped like gaston. Whos gaston? Nobody knows these days. But its basically a way to say "extremely buff and wide". Back to the story. The warden wasnt looking very good, considering the rotten skin, obviously quickly patched together face, and muscles hanging loose out of his skin. His rotting ruined body was held together by an exoskeleton of chromium-tungsten alloy. Nothing i had was gonna cut through that. I was gonna have to get creative here..
The warden had 2 weapons, both of them were his fists. Huge gauntlets that were each about the size of a cow. Definitely bigger than his previous set. They were a golden green metal i couldnt identify. But i didnt want to get hit with one to try and find out. I ran. I ran as fast i could run into the dmv and hid. I could hear the wardens footsteps. It was as if a small earthquake happened each time he took a step.
I peeked over the desk i was hiding behind and saw him punch through the 2 desks opposite to me. It took no effort and i couldve sworn i saw him smile. Obviously i didnt. Cause he didnt have a mouth anymore. But if he did, he definitely wouldve smiled. I took a shot to get his attention and ran off towards the wall. The warden was definitely faster than i expected.
Luckily i managed to dodge the blow by a centimeter. The metal smelled of decaying flesh and popcorn. The wardens blow punched a huge hole in the wall. I hope you see where im going with this.
I ran off to another wall and we repeated this same process a number of times until the building was barely still up. I ran out the doors and threw the baton at the last of the supports, cutting through it and causing the building to collapse in on the warden. He wasnt getting out of that. I decided to search the rubble to see if i could find anything worth taking. I found a new baton, a flame rifle and a few more energy pistols.
The flame rifle was a very interesting design. The sides were painted jet black with flame decals scattered about. You could feel the heat on the inside and it made the gun warm to the touch. Comfortable to hold. Other than that though, it looked like an old fashioned 8.59mm sniper rifle. It had 4 shots remaining, so id have to use it sparingly.
I grabbed some scrap materials out of the rubble to make a holster for it and put it on my back.
The energy pistols just dangled from a keychain. The baton was simply turned off and placed through a hole in the back pockets of my shorts. I ran to my motorcycle and drove off, i needed to find out more. I had questions, and i had a sneaking suspicion that i knew where to find the answers.
I drove off again, i was dirty and there was blood on me and my bike. I probably looked like a serial killer. But i knew that if anyone was still alive, itd be jayden. They were.. well. They were a vampire. They lived in a swampland area and wore sparkly rainbow shirts and a huge sunhat. The sunhat allowed them to go outside in the sun, and they only drank coconut water. They also had a crazy amount of weaponry and used to work at ergon, before being fired for stealing weaponry. By the way, if you havent noticed by now, im using they/them to refer to jayden. Jayden doesnt have a gender. Jayden.. is kind of my crush. It probably has something to do with the fact that theyre the only person on this planet who talks to me. Other than ebony.. but ebony is... not my type i guess. Anyways, back to jayden. Jayden was on the roof of their swamp shack drinking coconut water out of a wine glass. I yelled up at them and they fell off the roof onto my back. I guess i cushioned their fall. Jayden immediately said "What do you need dear" without waiting for me to stand up, and shattered the wine glass. I informed them of the situation and asked the questions i had. Things like "what are the ergon soldiers defences like on their ships" and "how did they reanimate the warden" they had answers.
Jayden told me about the new security measures that had been put in place since id last been on an ergon ship. There was now a code for each teleportation pod and the gaurds had doubled. As for the warden, it turns out jayden was actually the first test run in reanimation sciences, and couldnt answer me because they had been unconcious in a lab when the warden was reanimated. That explained the vampire undead thing. Jayden invited me into the shack where they pulled a nail out of the floorboards and it turned into a ramp to the basement. Down in the basement? Thats where jayden kept their weapons they stole. And boy oh boy were there some interesting ones.
One that immediately caught my attention was the big rocket launcher. It had 3 barrels and each was a different colour, indicating a different effect. One was red, one was yellow, and one was green. The red barrel fired a normal explosive rocket, the yellow barrel fired an electromagnetic pulse rocket, and the green barrel fired an acidic explosive. And the launcher shrunk down to the size of an energy pistol when a button was pressed. It gathered up dirt and dust and garbage around it from the back to quickly convert into ammo but the only downside is that it would be difficult to use more than once in an area.
Jayden picked out an old shotgun. At first i didnt understand why, but then they loaded the clip. The clip was a huge drum that loaded in the bottom of the barrel. The drum was see through and inside you could see sawblades lined up side by side. When they pumped the shotgun a blade got lifted into a slot between the 2 shotgun barrels and started glowing red. When the trigger was pulled, the blade spun at high speeds and fired out of the slot, spinning along the ground like a wheel. It could cut through anything a baton could cut through and seemed to almost follow its target. The gun itself looked like an DP-12, except behind the pump, a large clear drum full of sawblades was in place. The blade sat between the barrels in place of the iron sights and got heated up by an electrical circut.
I also took a laser sword instead of my baton, it was just like the one that [3825968] had, except this one was about an inch longer. The final weapon i took was an acid thrower. It was basically just a watergun with acid in it. Ive always been partial to acidic weapons. If youve heard my other story, youd know why..
Jayden also took a submachine gun that fired freezing rounds. The rounds were essentially glorified waterballoons with liquid nitrogen in them. Though the rounds were bullet sized, enough shots from it would certainly freeze you in place. The freeze gun was about the size of the average human head, and was painted navy blue with blue saphire stripes placed along it. We both left the shack, me with my sword and jayden with a wine glass. We were ready to kick ass and put a stop to this.
We left and immediately both got flung into some trees. Guess who it was. It was ebony. Her body had been found and reanimated. I was starting to see a pattern. And now we had to fight the telekinetic who could kill us with a wave of her hand.
She was levitating. Her eyes were glowing red and her hair was floating in the air. She had a smile of someone about to rip your arms off and beat you with them. I tried to take a shot at her but my hand got knocked aside by an invisible force. So i tried the next best thing. Seduction. Fake seduction. Hopefully the whole dying and coming back from the dead thing didnt make her stop being weirdly obsessed with me.
While i faked surrender and complimented ebony and attempted to seduce her, jayden took aim of their ice gun and shot a burst at ebonys right arm. The arm froze in place and shattered. Hopefully that would lower the strength of her telekinetic abilities. It did. But only by about half. Which meant jayden got thrown into the air as i tried to discreetly unholster my acid gun. It wasnt discreet enough and the gun was knocked from my hand.
The gun flew forwards and the impact of hitting the ground set it off for a second, just enough to spray an acidic burn through her arm. Incapacitating her. Jayden ended up sneaking up behind her and impaling her through the skull with the shattered end of their wine glass. Finally ebony was dead for good.
The acid gun was busted, so we had to leave it behind. We got onto my motorcycle and took off towards my apartment building. We would need food if we were going to be traveling. An apartment complex would probably be full of foods, and alot of dead people who wouldnt care if we took some stuff.
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A Marriage Arrangement with death Pt 1.
Whats this? Me starting a series. No...okay maybe I had a good idea for homeboy Savage
Warnings: mom thats well- she needs to be pushed off a bridge and Maybe- maybe I should make that happen- shes abusive and controlling- we should push her off a bridge
Part 2
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"Yes mother."
"And you must choose one of these men."
"Yes mother."
"By the twelve gods. Sound happy atleast."
"Of course mother! My apologizes."
"Better. No man likes a depressed woman."
Y/n sat in her chair in the shuttle, she was being sent to Dathomir to marry one of the men, in hopes of tying a sort of treaty between both worlds.
"Put your veil on now damn it. If you offend anyone the wars blood will be on your own hands."
"Apologizes mother." She spoke covering her entire face with a dark veil, so dark that someone had to guide her once off the ship
She didn't mind much. She liked the dark. It was one place her mind could think peaceful.
The ship landed and both women were escorted.
"Mother Talzin." Her mother greeted.
"Mother Miranda."
"Please Miranda will be fine. We are to become close now that this unification of your kind and mine will finally pass this treaty."
"It has been long awaited Mother Miranda, but please we must keep formaity infront of the children."
The two rulers seemed intrested atleast, "is this the child?"
Without vision Y/n could even tell she was being judged.
"May I?"
"If course yes."
The veil was lifted up as Mother Talzins nails ran across her cheek and chin, furthing in judgement.
"She will do well. I have already picked out a suitor hopefully to your liking Mother Miranda." She spoke dropping the veil back over Y/n's face.
Y/n was then dragged along. Y/n doing as told as a gaurd guiding her.
She didnt know where they were, but she was sat down.
"This is count doku."
"Mother Miranda."
"What a pleasure"
Y/n internally gagged, this guy sounded a thousand years old. She'd have to marry an old man-
"He controls Savage. The one to marry your daughter, finally a Unification and a War Pact." Mother Talzin spoke.
The leaders talked amongst themselves for a while after that, Y/n still cloaked in her darkness, she had no idea this Savage was across from her the whole time, he himself in silence.
She had figured the eyes buring into her head were her mothers. She had never expected it to be the Dathomirians.
"Uh. Yes mother?" Y/n spoke softly, already feeling the pull of her hair for later as she had said 'Uh'
"You may remove your veil. We rulers have plans to discuss in the other room."
"Yes mother."
She heard three sets of feet shuffle out of the room and Y/n removed her veil and the crown that came with it, taking in a sharp gasp as the man sat across from her.
"M-my apologizes for being rude, I did not know you were there." Y/n responded looking down at her lap.
"We are to be-" Savage attempted to converse.
"Unify...yes." y/n spoke ringing her hands under the tabke together.
It was still silent between the two.
"You are afraid of me." Savage spoke, "I can sense your fear."
"What?!" Y/n asked quickly raising her head, but soon shrinking back down, "no...no not at all. You seem...quiet and....well I dont know you very well. We are to get married and to be with child within the first two months..."
It was silent, Savage didnt know how to communicate much, none the less with a woman that he never met and was ment to be his wife.
"Do you like plants?" Savage asked.
What the hell kind of question was that?
"Uh." Y/n spoke, "fawna is one of my intrest yes..."
It was akwardly silent again, "uh. Is there special fawna on this planet?" Y/n asked softly.
"Oh uh. Yes." He spoke standing up, Y/n doing the same grabbing her crown with veil attached as she put it on her head, the veil being swooped behind her head.
The two walked the halls in silence, until the surface.
"You wear a veil."
"Oh um yes." Y/n told.
The two walked towards the forest path together.
"My mother is afraid I will offend someone." Y/n told him solemnly, "but enough about me...I never did get your name."
"Savage." He spoke bluntly.
Y/n nodded as it went silent again. He had been much taller than her, much bigger in general.
"Y/n. I presume."
"Oh yes." Y/n nodded, "thats me alright! Hehe..."
She internally killed herself, talk about akward.
"Um! Oh! I havent seen any of your family! Or friends! Please let me meet them!" Y/n offered, maybe she could do better with them and make a good impression.
"My family is dead."
"I-Im sorry..." Y/n responded.
"My brother. He died long ago." Savage spoke, "I have morned him as needed."
Y/n grabbed his hand, "he is in better hands now." Y/n responded as Savage looked at her, her eyes full of concern and empathy, she smiled at him smally hoping to lighten his mood.
He had never been looked at in such a way. So out of confusion he pulled away quickly.
"Sorry..." Y/n apologized pulling away from him.
They contuined walking till they got to a small river, surpised by the flourishing flowers she walked over and kneeled down.
"They're beautiful." She spoke with a smile picking one with the upmost delicance and holding them in her cupped hands.
"Come Savage look!" She smiled as he walked over, compareable to a cherry bloosom it was blood red with hints of black specs.
Standing up withour noticing how close he had gotten she bumped into his chest.
"Sorry." She apologized looking up at him.
"Stop saying that." He spoke.
"Saying what?"
Y/n looked down, at her hands as she nodded softly.
"I. I won't disappoint you again..."
He barely met the girl, how could she disappoint him.
He watched her as she kept her head down, "Follow me."
Y/n watched as Savage crossed the shallow river.
"There isnt all day."
Y/n followed setting the flower down first and caught up to him, hiking up her dress in her hands as she crossed the water in heels. Surprising herself by not slipping she contuied forward walking besides Savage. It was a long walk, somewhere during it she had taken off her heels and started barefoot, but they had made it to a village.
"This." He spoke, "this is truly my home."
It seems so. Desolated.
And quiet. So sad.
She walked besides him as men came out of there homes standing in the doorways or looking out the window.
"They. Look so miserable." Y/n spoke looking amongst the men, most avoiding eye contact with her as she tried to give a friendly wave.
Maybe it was her attire, or the veil she wore behind her head, but who seemed to be the leader met them in the middle of the town.
"You are diffrent from the nightsisters." He spoke.
"Oh." Y/n spoke, expecting a hello instead, "Oh no. Im not a night sister. I'm Y/n. Y/n-"
"Opress." Savage cut her off, "her name is Y/n Opress."
Was that his last name? "I uh. Suppose it is now," Y/n responded.
"Savage?" The man asked, "The nightsisters brought you to an outworlder?"
"Brought him to me?" Y/n questioned, "But I was brought here."
The man looked at her, "come with me." He spoke as they followed, "no. Just her."
Before Savage could make a move Y/n stopped him, "Go reminisce, I wanted an offical tour anyways. Go say goodbye to your world, one last time."
He looked down at Y/n who had a hand on his chest, "Very well."
Then walked away just as easy as he had made the choice to attempt an attack.
"I am sorry." The man apolgized, "it is not often we have woman come and approach without intent. I am Viscus. Follow me."
Y/n turned back to the older man, "Oh um sure."
She did as asked walking besides him, "what do you mean by intent?" Y/n questioned as they started walking towards a hut.
"The intent to breed of course."
Y/n racked her brain, still confused she contuied to question and he contuied to answer.
"So. Have a family?"
Y/n frowned, "Then...why?"
"The females are dominant of the men in the heigharcy." Viscus informed as gestured to a bench outside his home, "I will return shortly."
Then walked inside his home. Y/n sat there patiently, until a ball came bouncing and then rolling her way as it hit her bare feet.
They seemed to be only young men who came running up to retrieve the ball, but seeing she was indeed female they slolwy retreated.
"Wait now." She spoke as the man turned around, "what are you playing? And why are you all muddy?"
"Mud ball." He replied obiently.
"Oh." Y/n spoke holding the muddy ball in her hands, "May I play?"
He looked back at the group as they gave no answer out of anxiety, the last nightsister that came by was brutal.
"Sure?" He questioned.
Y/n gave a beaming smile, "Tell me the rules then please."
It was alteast fifteen mintues until Viscus had returned with a tray of tea.
"Over here! Try dodging this one princess!"
There was a yelp and then a groan as Viscus watched Y/n catch the mud covered ball.
"Oh your on!" She laughed tossing the muddy ball back.
"Come on get her! Shes the only one left!"
"Come on n/n! Beat him!"
Attempting to dodge the ball she slipped over her veil yelping as she fell into the thick sludge which covered her.
Starting to laugh the others joined in as the last survior on the other side was pulled down into the mud by her.
"Oh your on!"
Y/n had never had such fun in her life, tossing clumps of mud back and forth with strangers no less.
But onces she spotted Viscus she waved back at him turning back to the men excusing herself she sludged and slopped her way over to him. Head to toe covered in mud, yet with the biggest smile on her face as she eas gestured to sit down on the bench but opted out for the floor as she was covered in mud.
Handing her a cup of tea she thanked him.
"I don't understand." Y/n spoke, "Your people. Well- your men are as friendly as ever. Why do people speak of Dathomirians in such hatred?"
"Zabraks." Viscus corrected.
"Zabracks?" Y/n spoke making a mental note, she felt good learning about the people of the man she was suppose to unite with, "thank you for telling me."
Sipping his tea she did as well, surprised on how good it tasted, "If i may ask." Y/n spoke up.
"The men are. Not in court rule? I presume?"
"Then the planet is ruled by females?"
"I would say dictated at this stage."
Y/n frowned, "so...men and women arent equal? Ones under the other boot?"
Viscus gave a nod sipping his drink again, "But I dont understand- I was to be married for democracy- not for dictatorship-"
She turned her head seeing Savage standing behind her, she stood up cup still in hand, attempting to wipe her dress.
"We are loosing light. We must return." Savage spoke.
"Um..alright..." y/n spoke warringly and set the cup down, being sursingly gentle she was pulled off.
It was silent the whole way, she trying to keep up with him.
"Um. Savage." She spoke up, "I um. No it's not my place-"
He looked back at her, as she shrunk in her spot.
"I um...have the nightsisters or um a nightsister ever hurt you?" Y/n asked concerned.
She stood in silence, akward, tense silence. Had she pulled the wrong string?
"No." He replied turning around and continuing on the path.
Y/n could see it, the lie, "Savage. You're lying to me."
Y/n pulled her arm from his grasp, "Hey! You're lying! You can't lie to me!"
He stopped walking as Y/n froze.
"I do not lie!" He argued turning around and walking towards her, she froze in her spot as she was grabbed by the shoulders, "The nightsisters are the one who gave me this power and under Count Dooku's rule!"
She looked up at him scared as she was pushed up against a large tree, his nails digging into her chlothed skin.
"S-Savage! Your hurting me!" She told him.
"The nightsisters control me! And-"
Tears fell down her cheeks as she let out a soft cry, Savage snapping out of his anger. Realizing what he was doing he pulled back.
"No- No! I am sorry-" he apologized, his sudden change confusing her, he grabbed his head, "I did not mean to-I do- I-"
Y/n watched as he growled at himself. She frowned, whatever he had just done did not seem entirely his fault.
"Its okay- its okay." Y/n attempted to sooth, her sholders burning but what was happening to Savage was a bit more obvious now that she had talked to Viscus. They had done something to him- the nightsisters.
"I have hurt you."
"No. Savage. Its okay." Y/n spoke hands carassing his face, "whatever they did to you, I will help you through it."
He looked deep into her eyes, his yellow green eyes holding hers steady. It was calming. Her eyes seemed like they were filled with galaxies, and planets full of calm and peacefulness.
"I may not know you well. But no one deserves to be treated like this."
Savage could just lean down at any moment and it'd be the right momment.
Wait, he wanted to kiss her? It made no sense. Sure...the more he looked at her the prettier she got, his hands running over ever curve on her body- that wasnt the point.
The point was she was, different. She wanted to talk, wanted peace. Pulling away from him softly she smile seeing he had grown less tense. His anger fading.
"You need rest." Y/n told him, "we leave in the moring after our binding infront of Mother Talzin, for binding on my world. This planet or her people won't achor you down. I won't let it."
He nodded as she gave him alone smile, rubbing his cheek softly, "lets get you some rest now."
When they made it back, Y/n had been ranted at by her mother, but seen both indeed had gotten closer, she wasnt extremely angry- bur still shit load angery.
So when she was forced into her mothers chambers she was slapped across the face- and hard.
"How dare you make a fool of me!" She argued, "I do everything for you! And you come back no veil, covered in- whatever the hell your covered in!"
Y/n stayed silent, it was the best option, "and since- Since you wanna be such a whore! Then you can be a whore! That baby will be conceived tonight!"
"W-what!?" Y/n spoke out of shock just to be slapped in the face again.
"Don't you ever! Ever have to make me repeat myself again!" She shouted.
"I dont even know the man!" Y/n argued her mother engraged- this had really been the first time Y/n ever talked back.
"How dare you speak back to your mother! Go! Now! Before I shoot you dead!"
Y/n rushed off quickly to her chambers, two maids waiting for her as they helped bathe her, even if Y/n had contuied to protest, and was dressed in a dark red nightgown.
Wanna continue? Read part 2
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ree-duh · 5 years
Me: I’m fine :)
Me, internally: do you think even during his hardest days howl remembered the woman who told him to find her in the future like do you think it became almost a driving force for him because clearly he never forgot about her because when he first greets Sophie he says he’s been looking for her and what did he think when she came to him as an old woman and he didnt know about her curse did he at the beginning get caught off gaurd when for brief moments she looked just like the women he’s been searching for for years and do you think he-
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange Part 9
Jason returns, may be a 2 parter to cover tim getting kidnapped and the aftermath. Will let you know at the end. We are getting to Marinette dealing with Ladybugging soon.
Marinette wasnt sure what to think this year. She met The Barry Allen last year. She also figured out 2 heroes pre-flash revelation and two more after—in her defense Hero Stalker’s old theory on The first Robin did Batman in. it is not her fault 5 founding members have the multiple-persona game of a booger.
She was also Tetch (Mad Hatter. Doesnt deserve the name) and Mr. J’s, Jerimah’s, last victim before they died. Then some idiots revived Jerimah. She hates his cult a lot, okay.
Everyone was on high alert and trying to keep her inside. The thing is, she hates being inside. She’s inside for designing, sure. Research? She’ll live.
But 24/7 inside time?
Never a good combo with her.
Rose’s plants may be snitches, but they seemed to agree on the over coddling. She’s ten, can break phones by tapping them, and is defiantely more off her stickers than on at the moment.
The one on her was uring her into some alleyway. If she was reading the movement pattern right, a gang fight.
Lovely, she usually did these with some sort of supervision but they were all being rude and she needed time outside.
She checked her belt, a few pairs of ball weights tied together with one chain each to make bolas clipped to back. She has a taser in hand, and a few rubber bullet loaded gun on one hip and a stun gun her size in the other. She had a packet of zipties and rope up each sleeve. Easy to giftwrap and humiliate bad people, like Batman does.
She blinked once when she saw—new player? In a bright red full face helmet that looks horrible. And he’s holding that gun make all wrong to max out usage. Ugh, amatuers.
Some part of her groaned about a potential run-in with Batman and his new Robin—she was pissed about Tim not telling her still—and decided this was as good an anger management as any. New vigilante, maybe the sirens would help him find a team.
She snuck up behind a few members, quick to grab the guns and move them out of reach. No need to give anyone playing possum an easy out, right—she saw a mix of her people in with the gang. She needed to teip this guy up before he hurt the RKC street kids and honoraries tangled up in this.
“Hey helmet, if you’re gonna shoot them you’re holding the gun wrong.”
Helmet turned to see her. She didnt grab her usual harley-knock off outfit for helping today. She wanted to be Pixie Pop for a bit. And if the Rogues forgot that she’s Pixie well, better for her, right? Pixie just wore her hair like Tinkerbell and wore a bit of green.
The guy he was aiming at made to run.
Marinette grabbed a makeshift bolas and threw it at his knees. She recognized him from one of the RKC hit lists—human trafficker. He fell with them wrapped around tight and defiantely injured bith his knees with how the weights hit him.
“I, Pixie Pop?” Weird, no one had seen her as Pixie in two years. How’d he know it was her?
“Yeah. Havent been around much lately.” She threw another bola at another guy. “You new?”
“Talk after i kill these guys.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, because really?
She threw a knife to screw his aim into non-lethal on one guy. “Kick their ass first, some RKC are in here.”
Helmet oddly did as she said, switching from guns to—is that. A. Sword?
She twisted to punch the guy sneaking up on her. Helmet threw a sword and landed it in his shoulder.
“Holy shot you’re really here this time.”
“Did you get hit with feargas as a baby or something?” Her partner being prone to dellusions and good with weapons was a bad thing.
“Just came back from the dead is all.”
marinette hit the guy going for helmet with her stun gun.
“That’ll do it!”
Helmet turned to one of the guys, gun at the ready. She had a feeling Helmet needed a lot of help, or else one of Rose’s agents would be down.
“If you know about pixies, you should know she got an upgrade to having some trust dust.”
Marinette walked over to the guy, letting her tracker plant take a look. The flower bloomed and he got a face full of ‘filter-less pollen’ that’s as close to a truth serum as Rose could make. After all, people can turn sides.
“Truth pollen?” Helmet was staring at her closely.
“Yep.” Marinette turned to her victim. “Are you helping the traffickers?”
“Does infiltration and killing them count as helping?”
Helmet stared at them then.
“Which team?”
“HKT ma’am. How did you get rose to give you one of those?”
“Think for a minute who she gives these to.”
“Comanding officers of the the RKC reconn and interigation but there’s only 15 and i met them all when i joined in the fall.”
“Im the summer help when theyre not puppy gaurding. Now, i have to do zipties on the traffickers, think you can help?”
“I lost coordination from the pollen.”
“Of course you did.”
Marinette turned to see Helmet staring at her. Like she should be dead, not the new revival guy.
“Good enough.”
“I thought only Poison Ivy could do things like that.”
“I have a badass team, well, when they aren’t going overboard. One week kidnapped and suddenly im made of glass.”
“Pixie you are what, ten?”
“So? Two of my best friends went missing becuase no one stepped up, one of them resurfaced as an idiot a year later but still.”
Helmet stopped then. “Two?”
“Hero stalker went after our big brother vanished.. he came back as an idiot.”
Helmet paused. “Hey, you check the others and i’ll help you drop off the good ones at a doctor or something.”
“Zipties are at the ready. Mind doing your share?”
Helmet did as she asked, working with her until all was squared away.
“Okay, my tracker gave off a signal to the RKC to gather our guys here, and—why are bleeding?”
Helmet looked up at her then. “I am?”
“... you’re coming with me since i dont know if you need a transfusion, but i know a guy who can help.”
“I’m driving.”
“On what?”
Marinette let him walk her to it, and she got on first. He ‘drove’ them while the plant told her when to turn. They ended up at her dad’s clinic as ‘Mr. Smith’. He was so grounding her.
“Smith, i need help,” she tried.
Her dad came out and paled when he saw her carrying Helmet. Before he passed out he let her take it off. “Red hoodie... oh god he said he was revived.”
Her father worked out the blood bags while she checked the wound, bullet still in there. She got it out with tweezers. No major damage to the muscles and shit. How many scars did he have? Pre or post revival?
When he came to she turned to her father and said one thing.
“So this is my new brother. Dont try to get out of it, he kept me alive when i was comstantly pixie, and you said if he was in a bad place then you’d take him in, no questions asked.”
Strange sighed, nodded, and went back to fixing Helmet up.
The next day he was forced moved into an extra room by hers. Somehow there was already clothes his size and style in it.
“Im determined and my honorary aunt is a cat burglar.”
Helmet hugged her.
“So for the documents, what do you want to go by?”
Helmet said he didnt want it to be obvious, given who he was before.
“Its not like you were robin.”
“I was.”
“.... i know two robins now, pre-robining. What is my life?”
“ you are ten, calm down. And you knew dick?”
“Met him as Nightwing, not very friendly. But uh, remember hero stalker?”
“The idiot who followed me and B?”
“Yeah, so funny thing, it was a thing that he wanted to be Robin when you went off from Gotham, and then he somehow managed to convince bats to take him on.”
“That Child is Robin.”
“Will be another hero soon if he knows what’s good for him—he’s too easy to make.”
“Wait, you know who he is-is or—”
“I know 5 secret identities and want to lodge a formal complaint about heroes having no secret identity game.”
“Youre ten. I refuse to let you deal with legal things.”
“But illegal is still on the table?”
“I am a vigilante, of course it is.”
“Good, so can we tlak about how dumb Supes secret id is? I photoshoped glasses on as a joke and looked at my file and knew.”
“Wait have they found you yet?”
“No? I dont think so. Not the mom and step dad or father one yet.”
“But its.”
“I know, but i can keep multiple secret identities. They cant handle one. What is this bull they drop in my lap? No masks for two of them, and the three with cant even manage a basic gait switch?”
“I am so glad you noticed too.”
“Also we need to intervene with Hero Stalker.”
“Does your father know-know or...”
“Knows i know, but knows im not telling even in death.”
“Fair. So, heads up i am going to yell at the JL after killing B for impact.”
“How about beating him up instead and kidnapping Hero Stalker? Bats is fine just needs an adult working with him.”
“Maybe. If my mind wasnt so fucked i’d send the Dick a text or something about this, but i think he hates me so that probably wouldnt work.”
“We have planning time, that’s what my house arrest is good for. Now name.”
“... i want to go by Jay.”
“James work?”
“James “Jay” Smith then. And we are fixing your vilagante outfit.”
“What’s wrong with it.”
“Your helmet has a nose. And the who this is shit for discreet armour. I’ll get a rant in fifteen on armor history from a fashion obsessed friend and make something for you using that, ok?”
“Do i have a choice?”
“I am your little sister offically. resistance is futile.”
So the long awaited return of Red Hoodie/Red Hood/Jason Todd.
For refrence (as age is weird here) Jason looks 14/15 here, but due to dead years is technically 18
Tim is 12
Marinette is 10
Dick is 20something.
Bruce is 30something
Heads up, this will be a two parter for this summer. As i love the next part but need sleep.
@ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @emeraldpuffguide @dast218 @weird-pale-blonde-person @mystery-5-5
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