#and we all know how much he admires rex and anakin
rexscanonwife · 2 years
Good morning everyone!! I am once again thinking about my baby boy Kepler! 🥺💖💖💖
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am3mb3r123 · 10 months
hi yes i’m watching the Bad Batch arc of season 7 for the millionth time so here are this rewatch’s thoughts for all four episodes:
Marshall Commander Cody, highest ranked clone in the GAR: “let’s just wait until we’re in enemy airspace to debrief this highly important mission”
watching TBB inflict damage is always so much cooler than reading it, thanks aphantasia
wat tambor can suck a dick
Rex having both his greatest hope and worst fear confirmed is fucking *chefs kiss*
everytime they zoom in on Hunter it’s like a bad video game cut scene and i love it
poor Rex, Anakin puts him through so much
i will never get over Crosshair using Tech’s shoulder as a stabilization
god i wish TBB tv show showed more of Hunter giving incredibly specific orders in increasingly vague numbers
did i mention wat tambor can suck a dick?
yah know what? i’ll say it. Cross deserved that punch from Rex
TBB theme behind Anakin trying to brace Rex for Echo not being there?? kill me now
“Yeah, it’s a lift”
“His mind is ours” STFU TAMBOR
Anakin sees Echo back from the dead and doesn’t bat a fucking eye he’s seen so much since the start of this war
Wrecker blowing up Echo’s chamber so they can’t use it again warms my heart look at how much Wrecker cares!! (excuse me while i refrain from my full emotionally intelligent Wrecker rant)
so much time is devoted to the battle between the techo union and the TBB/Rex and Anakin/the Poltechs and i genuinely just want so much more of it
saying “hopefully it’s gonna be just like old times” to a man who’s been kept as a science experiment for two(?) years is insane
the narrator will not let us forget that Echo’s an ARC Trooper and i’m so grateful for it
whoever decided to give Echo a scomp arm i am kissing you on the mouth
“to be blunt” Tech you’ve never not been blunt in your entire life
has no one informed Admiral Trench that his “algorithm” has been compromised!?
Windu trying the “can we not?” method with the battle droids is so funny to me
“if it makes you feel better, it isn’t my plan” Anakin you little shit
unrelated but since when is the entire back of Jesse’s helmet blue??
Anakin wasn’t super justified in cutting off half of Admiral Trench’s limbs and then killing him, but who boy i love watching him go from Jedi to Jedi-adjacent to Sith
god i love Wrecker, if you’ve made it this far and have Wrecker-centric fics to recommend let me know
and, finally, love seeing TBB give a clean salute to Rex and knowing that they’re only doing it bc of Echo lmao
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lbibliophile-sw · 1 year
Guess Who
Also on AO3 [680 words] For @jedijune - week 5: tragedy averted Inspired by The Guessing Game by Kelpie_Mist
Master Vos shrugs at the assembled Council members.
“That’s all we’ve got. We know that the Sith has been playing a long game. We know that they have ties to the Separatists, if only through Dooku. We know that they have high-level influence or authority in the Senate and the GAR. We know that there is a growing Darkness centred on this hemisphere of Coruscant. But beyond that, we’re at a dead end. We’d have just as much luck throwing darts at a list of names. A list consisting, mind you, of half the Senate, two-thirds of the GAR admiralty, and most of the adults in the Order. I’ll keep looking, but at this point we need a miracle.”
Master Vos leaves, and there is a long moment of silence as the Council processes the situation. It is hard not to feel hopeless.
“Very well then, if we are all to be suspects, I accuse Ki-Adi of being the Sith Lord. You stole the last seaweed cookie in the refectory yesterday. Surely a sign of great evil.”
Everyone jumps as the Force chimes in response to Kit’s joke, chuckles running around the room as the tension breaks.
“Really Master Fisto, what an accusation! How does the saying go, ‘you snooze, you lose’? If we are attempting wild guessing now, then we might as well start at the top. Master Yoda, just how long have you been hiding as a Sith in our midst?”
“Offended, I am. Sith, I am not. Too much work, all that scheming is. Particularly when deployed, a certain someone is, and leave me with his flimiswork he does. Sith Lord, Master Windu is, hm?”
“It was your turn and you know it. But if we’re talking about headaches, I’m calling out Skywalker as the Sith. I’m tired of the migraine I get any time that walking shatterpoint enters the room.”
Everyone straightens to attention.
“That… was a very tentative ‘no’.”
“Does that mean that Skywalker is involved?”
“Is the Sith Lord close to him?”
As the ringing dies away Obi-wan shifts uncomfortably, everyone in the room either looking at him or studiously avoiding doing so.
“Obi-wan?” It is Depa who breaks the awkward silence. “For the record’s sake, I have to ask. Are you the Sith Lord?”
“See, I always told you I was incorruptible.” His smug smile can’t hide the worry in his eyes.
It is Saesee who speaks next.
“If not the Master, then perhaps the Padawan? I hesitate to re-open wounds, but with the timing of Ahsoka Tano’s leaving the Order, could she be…?”
No. “Little ‘Soka would never! And she is far too young besides.”
The Force and Plo object at the same time, prompting a ripple of guilt and regret through the group.
“Look outside the Order, we must. Married, Skywalker is. A different bond, that could hide. The Sith Lord, Amidala could be?”
Obi-wan glares.
“Really. Are we just going to start listing everyone Anakin spends time with? Who’s next; Admiral Yularen, Captain Rex? Madame Nu, Master Drallig, the rest of this room? Dex? Are you going to start listing out every single one of his troopers? You might as well suspect the Chancellor of the Republic while you’re at it!”
Shaak Ti leans forward in her seat, blue hologram flickering as she frowns.
“Why haven’t we suggested him yet? He fits all the criteria Master Vos brought us. He has been mentoring Skywalker for years. And I know that we have repeatedly raised concerns at the increasing scope of his emergency powers. Is Chancellor Palpatine the Sith Lord?”
There is absolute and deafening silence in the Force.
With a growing sense of dread, they all focus their attention and Mace repeats the question.
“Is Sheev Palpatine, current Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, the Sith Lord and Master we have been searching for?”
Very faintly, as though straining to be heard through the empty void of space or thick clouds of choking darkness, the answer reaches them.
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starlightandsunshine · 10 months
Alright 3rd and final Star Wars take of the day that is probably pretty lynchworthy:
Echo should have died/already been dead in the Bad Batch arc in s7. Sorry guys, I love Echo too, but the story would have worked better if he was already dead when they got there.
Like there's a lot of things that could have made this arc better in general that I'm not going to really get into here without touching on the character design or whitewashing and racism around the clones (which many much more qualified people have talked about way more eloquently than I ever could). Like the fact that this arc should have been a Cody&Rex arc rather than writing Cody out so early in or the weirdly dismissive way the writers treated the other characters in order to lift tbb up when they could have just. Not done that. Really very easily.
But specifically the Echo thing: as soon as Rex finds out the possibility that Echo might still be alive, he is immediately ready to jump in with both feet without looking, and Anakin cautions him that they might not find Echo alive and he needs to prepare himself for the possibility that they can't save him. This has huge overall narrative implications, because we, the viewers, know that in a few weeks time he is going to turn his back on the people who love and trust him and betray everything he's ever sworn to stand for bc he is worried about the possibility of not being able to save Padme.
Now Rex goes with tbb and Anakin on a rescue mission that might not be a rescue mission. Tbb are still being very dismissive of the "regs" and Rex, quite understandably, is not handling their attitudes very well.
They get there, it's a trap and so on and so forth, but here's the important part: they don't find Echo alive. The Techno Union found him after the Citadel arc and mined his brain for data through hand wavy star wars means and they had no need to preserve anything else or keep him alive after that.
The rescue mission is too late and they never had the chance to save Echo at all. And Rex breaks. He holds it together for long enough to complete the mission, they escape the Techno Union and protect the village, but once they get back on the ship and head back towards Anaxes, he just shatters. Full on sobbing on the floor devastated bc he was so sure he could save Echo. He was so hopeful that he could save this one person after everything. After Fives and Tup and Ahsoka walking away and Kadavo and Umbara he just wanted to be able to save one person that he cared about. And they were already way too late.
We can see Anakin faced with all of this and the shadow of his future actions that he will do so that he will not have to deal with his own potential grief. We can see the paralells between Rex doing everything in his power to have the possibility of saving his brother and Anakin taking extreme steps to have the possibility of saving his wife.
The shadow of RotS hangs over the entire arc and this then makes the scene with Admiral Trench hit so much harder. Because it's not just the warning of how far Anakin has already fallen, its the spectre of the future hanging over his shoulder in more ways than one, the way that throughout the arc you can see his resolve to never lose Padme hardening so he never has to face that grief.
On the other end of things, tbb are faced with Rex's very real and present grief for Echo and have to acknowledge the love and care that the other clones have for each other. They get to grow as characters and learn to respect the grief of the "regs" bc there is a shared kinship there, they do share more than they don't, and they are all horribly aware of just how easily it could have been them. The arc can end with them learning to respect the other clones and finding a closer kinship with them rather than returning to the status quo just with Echo as a member and they sort of like Rex now. Not only would that have made them more relatable as characters but could have set up a much better conflict for the future in their show rather than the weird thing with Crosshair that we did get and them still not really connecting with any of the other clones in a show centred on the clones.
Like, let the characters fail. Let them lose. Let them have succeeded in their mission without having it be a victory. Let it be bittersweet. S7 is already bittersweet. We know what is coming. We know how close it is. The shadow of it looms over every single interaction in this season. So don't shy away from it. Lean into the shadow of Anakin's choices, lean in to the paralells that you're writing in, let the events have meaning and impact and consequences like so much of the rest of the show.
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The Clone Wars 4x9 ‘Plan of Dissent’ Reaction
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Hardcase NO
I was tearing up at that. “Live to fight another day.” *sobs*
Fuck Krell. Absolute heartless bastard.
Really not impressed with Dogma at this stage so I’m guessing a lot happens in the final episode of this arc.
Poor Tup. He really reminds me of the friend that is pressured into doing things that they really don’t want to do. And the poor thing is so anxious and worried. I’m relating to him far too much.
Fives with his legs splayed open on his back under a ship doing mechanical work? HELLO?!?! First Tech, now this?! Though I guess technically (heh) it was Fives first then Tech. Either way, most excellent crotch and thigh shot. 
Speaking of thighs, this is where those gifs of Rex’s thigh plates come from! 
Help me why am I having thots when everything that’s happening is so awful
That was some look from Rex when he saw Fives, Jesse and Hardcase flying off in the Umbaran fighters. Long suffering “why are those idiots doing this” combined with admiration and respect that they actually went and did it.
Omg the chaos in the hanger with Hardcase trying to fly the fighter and destroying everything and Fives doing his best Han Solo impression of trying and failing to definitely not sound sus.
“That’s gonna leave a mark” CACKLING
Hardcase actually did a fairly decent job of coming up with a fairly believable story and making it believable enough. Not wholly believable but better than I expected. Fives though, baby, you really need to get better at acting. 
Speaking of, the shot of the clones at the start and Fives leaning on the wall looking down with his ankles crossed definitely looks like the start to some 90s boy band music video. I know I’ve seen this mentioned before but it’s hilarious how accurate that description is.
Rex trying to take the blame for Fives and Jesse and then Fives refusing to let him and Rex looking at him and saying “Fives!” all anguished and just ugh ALL OF MY EMOTIONS
Is Appo the one with the downward pointing white arrow surrounded by blue paint on the forehead of his bucket? Just checked Wookieepedia and yup, he is. Also, he's a CC. So why is he a Sergeant?
Hardcase with his little sneaky wiggly fingers. I love him so much.
I’ve noticed this with a few clones but they have these 3 lines of utterly adorable crows feet when they grimace or scrunch up their faces in certain ways and I just want to kiss them they’re so precious.
How is Rex keeping it all together? Poor man. I didn’t think it would be possible to want the walking disaster that is Anakin back but here we are. Do we ever find out why he was so suddenly and conveniently called back to Coruscant immediately? I’m assuming it’s Palps meddling.
Still loving Jesse and his little nose scrunch every time he turns up. There’s a heart and gentleness to him and that’s really evident in his little moment at the start about valuing the lives of the clones. I’m still not sure if I should be referring to them as clones or men so it’s just sort of bouncing between the two at the moment.
You can see why Jesse ends up becoming an ARC. I did have the heartbreaking thought the other day that seeing as Jesse becomes an ARC after Echo dies, does that mean Jesse replaces Echo as Fives’ ARC partner? *gross sobbing*
This is also the episode where that gif of Rex glaring over his shoulder comes from!
Tup gesturing with his space screwdriver thingy and waving it around. Bless.
The clones' voices are also starting to sound noticeably more distinct. Jesse’s is softer. Rex’s more gruff, no nonsense and laced with authority, which makes sense. Hardcase is utterly chaotic, rambling and slightly higher? You can hear the nervousness and worry in Tup’s voice. Dogma’s voice is also higher and much more tightly wound. I’m not sure how I’d describe Fives’ voice but it’s noticeably different to Rex’s and everyone else’s. I’m so glad they’re finally building out their characters and it’s not just generic clone voice for all of them.
Also, Rex running interference for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase and intercepting Dogma and Tup. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” UGH 
What’s Fives’ role in the 501st and Torrent? He seems like Rex’s second in command and right hand man but he doesn’t have a rank. Wookieepedia just lists him as an ARC Trooper. Are ARC Troopers just in their own special little box of bonkers BAMFness?
I keep adding to this reaction because I’m putting off watching the final episode of this arc. Ugh, MY EMOTIONS.
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grapenehifics · 10 months
💖👀🥰 please!
For this ask game!
💖 What made you start writing?
Reading fics and watching Clone Wars. I was perfectly content to just keep reading other people's fics into perpetuity until I got an idea of my own (while watching Clone Wars) that wouldn't leave me alone, and I thought, this is going to be too much work to write (and I was right; it totally was too much work; I don't know what I was thinking) so it'll just live in my head.
Then I started to think about the fics I was reading and enjoying, and what if those authors had said 'I'm not going to bother writing this down/sharing this' - then I wouldn't get to read all these great fics! And I started feeling kind of guilty for reading and not sharing (which isn't true; there's plenty of benefit to being a reader and not a writer *especially* if you're leaving comments but that wasn't how I was framing it at the time), and also it was early lockdown at that point and I was working from home and I had the time to fiddle around with it, and the more I wrote out an outline and started drafting the more fun I started having, and it was addicting so I kept going and then I started a second fic and thus both Solsbury Hill and An Uncivil War happened.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Okay! I shared a piece of The Last Waltz here, but that's my main WIP so I'm going to choose another. This is from the scene where Rex is helping Anakin get ready for the ball where he will meet Obi-Wan for the first time (cue Beauty and the Beast soundtrack here: "Here's where she meets Prince Charming! But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three!")
“Please tell me there’s no top hat, at least,” Anakin said as he turned to look at himself in the full-length mirror. “The tails are bad enough.”
“This event will be taking place entirely indoors, so no hat required,” Rex said calmly, standing back to admire his handiwork.
“This makes me look like I have no ass at all,” Anakin complained, and Rex tried very hard to stifle a snort.
“I’m sure that’s not true, sir.”
“Yes it is. And call me Anakin,” Anakin said firmly, turning away from the mirror. He was tired of looking at himself anyway. And besides, he already knew what he looked like in a tuxedo; he’d certainly been forced to wear one on enough occasions over the last couple of years, as if somehow his life was trying to make up for the fact that he’d spent the first sixteen in nothing more expensive than jeans from JC Penney’s. The idea of ever actually putting on a tuxedo, much less owning more than one, and all tailored specifically for him, had been about as foreign a concept to him as actually becoming a real-life James Bond would have been, and both things were about equally as unlikely.
(He even had the watch for it. Anakin’s watch, Qui-Gon had boasted proudly, was an Omega Seamaster 600M, which meant, for some reason, it would remain waterproof at depths and pressures that would destroy the rest of Anakin’s body in less time than it would take to say ‘Help! I’m drowning!’ Anakin was still unclear as to why this was a good thing.)
Speaking of watches. “Time to go, Anakin,” Rex said, and held the door open for him.
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I adore it! I'm just slow about answering haha. But I will eventually and I do love to talk about both my and other people's fics, and writing in general. That's half the fun of it - I mean I always say I would write even if no one was reading but me, just because I enjoy it, and that is true, but sharing them and talking about them and making friends from them is a joy. We have a fun little community that I'm really, really grateful for.
Thank you for the ask!
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SOME OF MY FAVOURITE BITS OF Karen Miller’s Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth
- Obviously the infamous scene of Ahsoka watching Obi-Wan and Anakin. “At least [Anakin] had Master Kenobi’s company for a little while. She was sure that accounted for [Anakin’s] relief. They cheered each other up, those two. No matter how dire the straits, Anakin and Master Kenobi always managed to find a joke, a laugh, some way to ease the tension and pressure of the moment. Between the two men lay absolute trust. Absolute faith.”
- The two of them getting so lost in each other, like only 10 pages into this book, that they literally forget that other people are in the room. (”They stared at [Ahsoka], startled, as though for a moment they’d forgotten she existed.”)
- Ahsoka telling Torrent Company: “No more dying. It's against regulations.”
- The Republic running the war like an absolute circus. They lose all comms, but ‘trust the force’ or whatever and go ahead with the plan anyway. Yoda gives battle orders that are “cryptic”. Anakin and Obi-Wan refuse to include others in their plans, which are “vague” and very much improvisational, driving Admiral Yularen to absolute despair in the process.
Yularen: when should we launch the battleships? Anakin: I’ll signal you Yularen: okay, what’s the signal? Anakin: Obi-Wan will know Yularen: okay, Obi-Wan, what’s the signal? Obi-Wan: we don’t actually have a signal, but don’t worry, I’ll tell you when Anakin psychically force-messages me Yularen: *starts mentally composing his resignation*
- Obi-Wan and Anakin making breakfast plans together. Like they actually decide what time they’ll meet and everything. In fact, Obi-Wan is willing to delay his own breakfast so they can eat together, because Anakin wants to sleep in (*have morning sex with Padmé)
- “Obi-Wan indulged in his own swift smile. Yes. They were indeed working in sync. And he realized then how much he’d missed this. Had missed Anakin and the way they could read each other without the need for clumsy words. [...] Working without Anakin was like working half blind.”
- Ahsoka and Rex’s relationship! He calls her “little’un” and she literally stands guard at his hospital bed when he gets injured. It’s everything.
- Both Anakin and Obi-Wan being (almost uncharacteristically so?) generous with their praise towards their respective padawans, and yet neither Ahsoka, not Anakin considering the praise enough.
- This is especially funny, considering Obi-Wan tells Anakin he should never “feel bad for being extraordinary” (which in turn has Anakin think “How could he be extraordinary and let Obi-Wan [hypothetically] come to harm?”) and that there is “no escaping the fact” that Anakin is “the most gifted Jedi the Temple has ever seen”, that sometimes he can’t imagine who he’d be today if not for Anakin, and god, this one makes me deranged: “I cannot deny this: knowing you has made me a better Jedi”
- Meanwhile, there is this one bit where Obi-Wan is super judgmental about Palpatine having a soft spot for Anakin, like I’m sorry, have you ever looked in the mirror, sir
- Anakin immediately getting attached to every single person he meets, and being very dramatic about demanding Obi-Wan help him save them all, which prompts Obi-Wan to proclaim in his head: “He’s as bad as Qui-Gon. Picking up strays...”
- When Obi-Wan literally spends minutes mid-battle just staring out a window, worrying about Anakin, and fucking Admiral Yularen has to be like ‘he is a very capable young man, you know, I’m sure he’ll be fine?’ This is only made better when 200 pages later, Anakin stares at a boarded up window, worrying about Obi-Wan, and a kidnapped scientist, who met them two seconds ago, has to awkwardly pretend she believes him when he claims he’s not worried about Obi-Wan.
- In fact, throughout this whole novel, Anakin and Obi-Wan do not stop worrying about each other, and actually most of their conversations start with ‘are you okay?’
- At one point Anakin reroutes an entire medevac ship to get Obi-Wan off-planet, then - instead of doing his job of escorting humanitarian aid delegates - calls ahead and orders a fucking admiral to escort Obi-Wan to the medbay. Then he calls ahead to the medbay to make sure they’re expecting Obi-Wan.
- Related: the scene where Obi-Wan tells Ahsoka off for worrying about Anakin and not focusing on the present, then proceeds to worry about Anakin and not focus on the present.
- Anakin being super attuned to Obi-Wan’s body. There’s a bit where he feels that Obi-Wan didn’t get medical attention for his battle wounds, then later on can sense Obi-Wan’s physical aches and tiredness, like his own
- How according to Bail, Obi-Wan stares at the Jedi Temple “as though it were a long-lost lover” and with “longing” in his eyes
- Threepio asking after Artoo when Anakin calls, to make sure he’s okay after battle, awwwwww
- Yoda having the biggest soft spot for Obi-Wan, his fave grandchild. He bonds with Anakin over forcing Obi-Wan to stay in the Halls of Healing. He invites Obi-Wan to tea. He sleeps in the comm centre, so he can immediately hear news on how Obi-Wan’s mission is going. He tells Obi-Wan he’s been drawn to him since he was an infant, because Obi-Wan burns in the Force’s light. They tell him Obi-Wan’s comming him and he’s like “Excellent.” Some very relatable stuff there, ngl.
- Anakin being super unhinged, in the most iconic way. He throws a chair out of frustration, sits on top of a table in the Archives, punches a wall because he’s angry, asks Obi-Wan what a tauntaun is, refers to his past self as a “meek little Padawan” (this has Obi-Wan losing it), gets so mad that Padmé’s not home that he breaks a laser turret with his hand, tells Obi-Wan to “just sit there and be wrong”, sends a whole hangar full of people home early from work, because he “prefers to work [on his ship] without distractions”. Like he is truly mad and I love him.
- Similarly, I adore how Obi-Wan is an absolute insane person during 75% of this book. Half the time he opens his mouth is to be unhelpfully sarcastic, the other half is to chide Anakin, like he is 5 years old, just before acting like a 5 year old himself. Some glorious characterisation there, Karen Miller, hats off, honestly.
- Obi-Wan praising Anakin to anyone who will listen and constantly making excuses for him whenever someone criticises him! This bit stands out in particular:
Obi-Wan: do you regret letting me train Anakin? Yoda: well, you did your best Obi-Wan: um, that’s kinda vague...? Yoda: you have to admit he’s a bit difficult Obi-Wan: EXCUSE ME WHAT DO YOU MEAN DIFFICULT Yoda: you know him better than anyone, surely you can admit he can be difficult Obi-Wan: *changes the topic, but keeps thinking about how Yoda is so so incredibly wrong, and how Anakin is the best*
- “You know, General, some say young Skywalker’s the crazy one, the reckless one, the Jedi most likely to go down in a blaze of glory. I used to say it - but now I’m not so sure. In your own quiet way you can be just as terrifying.”
- When Anakin leaves Obi-Wan alone for two seconds, so he just starts aimlessly wandering about the Temple, like some lost youngling or something
- Padmé having so much love Obi-Wan. It makes her so happy seeing him and Anakin smile together because good friends like that are hard to find !!!! She tells Anakin to bring him back safe from their mission !!! When she worries about Anakin, she sometimes also remembers Obi-Wan exists and is also in danger !! (No, seriously though, she is very cute about Obi-Wan this whole book.)
- “My Master would die before he’d let anything happen to Master Kenobi.” Ugh, that’s just. Yeah.
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kenobster · 2 years
After spending the entire weekend being gaslit by Palpatine and sobbing about the "this is how Anakin Skywalker feels forever" passage, I started rewatching The Bad Batch with my mom, and... guys, Darth Vader's absence feels like someone just punched a hole in my chest. Where the fuck is he? I ask. Where the fuck is Darth Vader? My mom mumbles something about him being busy doing important empire things and about how the story's not about him. But we saw a billion clones, I argue, we got to see Admiral Tarkin... and Bail and Chuchi and Rex. We got to see Palpatine fucking twice. He came out of his office and made a full-blown appearance in the Senate Chamber for heavens' sake. Where is Anakin?! >:(
She just shrugs. "I don't know, honey."
I'm tearing up again. My lip's trembling. Do you think he's okay?
My mom, who recently had knee-replacement surgery, finally takes pity on me and says: "Maybe he's just doing some physical therapy."
Snorts, so now I want some some fic about Darth Vader learning how to walk and move in his new Evil!Suit, the one that he hates. His temper was hot while he did the Bad Things™, but now it's all burnt out and he's massively depressed. Most days, the physical therapists, doctors, etc. can't get him out of bed. He's constantly at risk of pneumonia, and infections keep popping up because his body is too tired to fight them and he doesn't want to live anymore.
Palpatine comes by every so often with some "encouraging" words... Except now that everyone Anakin loves is dead or uninterested, Palpatine no longer has any reason to be the kind, supportive, wonderful uncle-figure in Anakin's life. He can just be snippy and mean and cruel—you know, the way Sith are. He calls Anakin a spoiled brat and a coward whenever he tries to kill himself, and it's not really doing any good. But Anakin lets it happen because he's hella not gonna do anything to rid himself of the one person who cares about him (he already learned that lesson the hard way). Even if Palpatine only cares about him the way one might care about a lapdog.
Bonus points if you somehow work Cody in. +bonus points if he doesn't like Anakin but not because the dude's evil and crazy (Cody is brainwashed by the chip currently and doesn't realize a lot of what's happened) but rather because he didn't like Anakin much before Order 66 either. +++bonus points if Cody's tough love ends up more motivating to Anakin than Palpatine's and saves (/ruins) the day.
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jayjaymorgan · 1 year
Author’s Note : I'm back from the dead! Based on prompt C2 and C30 from this list. Please remember that English isn't my native language, so there might be some mistakes and stuff. I hope you all like it, have a great day/night!
TW : major characters death (?)
“Kriff!” the man cursed, hitting the control panel. He cursed again, hissing in pain as he massaged his throbbing hand. “Dank farrik!” The Jedi looked amused as the clone spat a few more curses, furrowing his brows at the more vulgar ones, but decided not to say anything. He himself wanted to scream and punch the wall, but he knew that it wouldn’t do any good. Instead, he focused on the timer, that counted down the time they had left before the power and life support went out. He watched as the seconds ticked by, a weird feeling of ease washing over him. He looked Death in the face numerous times, more than he could count, yet he always escaped its grasp. And now, he was going to face it for the very last time, all because of a malfunctioning ship. It was ironic, funny even. He always hoped that he would go down in the blaze of glory while fulfilling his destiny, but at this very moment he realized just how stupid it was. Chasing a millennia old prophecy that couldn’t possibly be true, devoting his entire life to something he didn’t really believe in, but clinging to like a drowning man, as it was the only purpose he had in this war. A small, tired smile made its way onto his lips, shaking his head slightly. All of this, for nothing, he thought before looking at his companion who was still rummaging through the wires, trying to stop the inevitable. “It won’t work.” “What?” “The ship is beyond repair.” he said, his voice eerily calm. “We don’t have the necessary tools to fix it.” Rex looked away, the Jedi could see his eyes losing all hope. “I can try to send out an distress signal, but it will require a lot of power.” “How much?” the clone asked, his voice hinting that he already knew the answer. “All of it.” Anakin said, his voice nearing to a whisper. “We might not live long enough to receive a response, let alone someone coming out here to help us.” They stood in silence for a moment, contemplating about what they should do, like there was anything to contemplate about. They would die no matter what they chose, the only difference being the time it would take them to do so. “Do it.” the clone said, his voice stern and calm, yet the Jedi could hear the fear behind it, how his voice quivered when the words left his lips. “On it.” Anakin sat back down on the pilot’ s seat, reaching for the radio while flipping a few switches, redirecting all the remaining power to the said radio. The ship hummed quietly as the man worked, redirecting the power to the radio. He looked at Rex, with a weird look in his eyes. “You ready?” he asked. Rex didn’t really know what to say. How one could be ready for their own death?
After a moment of hesitation, he nodded. Anakin pressed the button.
The two men could hear the radio whirling to life, as it send out a distress call. They sat in silence, waiting for... well, anything. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into an hour. With the power running low, systems started to turn off. First were the light, flickering off and on before plunging the two men into complete darkness. Then, the heating. The ship grew colder, the exterior frosting over, as the men’s breaths changed into white mist. Anakin’s teeth started to chatter. Finally, the life support. They sat in complete silence, in order to preserve the remaining oxygen, but as the minutes ticked by, with the air thinning, Rex couldn’t keep quiet anymore. He looked at Anakin, watching as the man grew weaker, his breathing labored. He, too, could feel his limbs getting heavier, weighing him down in his chair. Over the years, he developed a feeling of deep admiration for the Jedi, not just as a general, but a friend, as a person he looked up to and could count on. But, its wasn’t just admiration. It was something... stronger, something much more complicated, that has been eating away at the clone for a long time now. He never had the chance to tell Anakin. And now, as they faced their inevitable demise, he wished he could do something to save him, to save them both. His heart ached with sadness and regret, as he looked at the Jedi, at the man he... loved. He took a deep breath, before turning to face Anakin. He wasn’t about to die as a coward. “...Anakin.” he said, his voice quiet and strained. The Jedi looked up, his teeth chattering loudly, as he waited for Rex to speak. The clone hesitated. Just for a moment. “You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply.” He looked at the Jedi. Anakin was looking at Rex with a surprised look on his face. But, once he registered the meaning behind the words, his expression changed, from surprise to... happiness. It was a bittersweet smile, eyes glistening with tears and worry, yet with warmth and what could only be described as love. Rex’s breath hitched, his heart beating fast, faster than it ever had before, as the Jedi leaned in and placed his hand on the clone’s cheek. It was warm, so warm. “...I am sorry that you found out this way.” Anakin whispered, as he leaned his forehead against Rex’s, in a keldabe kiss. “I was planning on telling you, about...” He paused. He thought that he was ready for this, but now, when the two finally acknowledged the feelings between them... his mind went blank. A dry chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head, closing his eyes and leaning even closer to Rex. Their misty breaths mixed, as they just sat there, quiet, shivering in the cold. Before the clone knew what he was doing, he found himself pulling the Jedi in for a kiss.
It was gentle and sweet. Soft and slow, full of tenderness and affection. For a moment, the two forgot about their impending doom, about the war, about everything but each other’s presence, as if they were the only beings in the universe, completely lost in their warm embrace. “I love you.” Anakin whispered, once they broke apart, his voice barely audible in the silence. “I love you, too.” Rex replied, his voice trembling with emotions, his eyes watering. “I love you so much, Anakin.” They sat there, holding each other in silence, as the air grew thinner and thinner. As they slowly slipped into unconsciousness, their embrace tight and warm against the freezing air, the radio crackled, a voice speaking from the other end, distant and distorted. “This is admiral Wullf Yularen of the Galactic Republic.” the voice said. “We have received your distress call. A cruiser is en route.” A beam of strong light illuminated the dead body of the ship, just as the men closed their eyes, eternal darkness swallowing them whole, as they lied on the floor, face to face, their limbs entangled in a tight hug.
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rainintheevening · 1 year
Seven characters:
Padme Amidala
Mace Windu
Master Chief
Steve Rogers
Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi
(LOL Chief and Cap the lone not Star Wars characters; they always are kind of the odd ones out 🤣)
From this character ask game.
Oh boy this was hard. Specially because you put my man Rex on here, whom I would love to do all of these things with. 😅
1. Okay, taking the Chief grocery shopping might be fun. Has he ever seen the inside of a regular grocery store? I know nothing about him as a person, so it would be awkward, but interesting.
2 & 3. I'm gonna cheat a little, because I would want to have lunch, followed by coffee tea with both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. (Preferrably in my one au, but canon works too). I love them. They love each other. I would learn so much about the Jedi and what it's like being one, and I think Qui-Gon and I would get along particularly well. I just love them both, love how they work together. It would just be lovely to eat a meal at the Temple, and then have tea with them.
4. I would go thrifting with Padmé. The queen of style. A fashion icon. I would love to go clothes shopping with her. Her advice would more be gleaned from experience rather than instinct, but she'd be able to tell me if something truly looked good, or if I could do better. And I think she'd be fun about it too. We would probably also hunt up toys and books for the kids, and probably find some shirts or whatever for Anakin because the man can't be bothered to clothes shop. For all that she was raised in a well-to-do family, and was a literal queen, I think Padmé would be very happy thrift shopping like an ordinary mom.
5. Go to an art gallery with Steve. Man is an artist, he would love it, and I think he'd be able to help me see things I wouldn't otherwise notice. It would also give time to walk and talk about life and stuff, and it would just be nice to be in his company. And I would so get a hug from that guy when we parted ways.
6. Well, I guess I'm going to the bookstore/library with Mace. As a theatre man, he would have a good appreciation for stories, so I think we'd end up in the basement at our main library, talking movies and having some delightful discussions. It would be a fun hang out, and I admire him immensely. I would just feel privileged to spend time with him.
7. So my first response was, if I'm with Rex at a wedding, can it be my wedding? 😅 Because he is totally husband material to me. But I would happily take this man to a party. He'd love the food, he'd love the experience. I would so enjoy showing him how to dance. We could sit quietly back and people watch when we needed a break. He'd probably be a little shy or surprised by some of the party games, but I'd pull him into things. This is the one that would hopefully be a date.😅
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mnmovdoom · 2 years
DAY 12 - WHAT COULD GO WRONG? (Captain Rex & Anakin Skywalker)
Anakin had always enjoyed watching the clones spar with each other. They didn’t have the Force, and yet they were so physically powerful that Anakin couldn’t help but admire them.
And he really wanted to spar with them. Lightsaber combat and the Force were cool, but a complete warrior should know how to use any weapon - especially the body. Having grown up on Tatooine, Anakin was proud to know a thing or two, but Obi-Wan thought that using one’s fists was uncivilised; the other padawans had always looked down their high banthas and excused themselves with Force mysticism nonsense, but Anakin had known damn well they had just been scared he’d punch them to oblivion; Ahsoka was very enthusiastic and Anakin had already taught her some moves, but he was afraid of getting carried away and hurting her.
Besides, Ahsoka couldn’t do a third of what the clones did, and Anakin really wanted the challenge.
That day, he finally got over the whole General and protocol thing and made a beeline to where Rex was removing the upper part of his armour, carefully setting it in line with all the other pieces of plastoid lined up against the bulkhead of the training grounds in the Resolute.
“Let’s spar!” Anakin prompted as a matter of greeting. Either his enthusiasm or the request to spar shocked Rex into staring at him in silence for a couple of seconds, unblinking, until he squared his shoulders and finally removed his gloves:
“Sir… I’m not sure the clones are allowed to spar with the Jedi,” Rex said cautiously, but Anakin just rolled his eyes. Protocol and bureaucracy, the bane of esprit de corps…
“Come on, Rex… We fight together, I think we should train together too,” And before Rex got to interrupt to say that they did that already, Anakin went on. “Without lightsabers and the Force. I think you can teach me how to be a better warrior!”
That left Rex speechless, his dark eyes darting around nervously as it was usual whenever Rex got praise:
“I’m… just a clone, sir,” he said reluctantly, his eyes finally meeting Anakin’s. At that, Anakin frowned, unclipped his lightsaber, and left it in front of Rex’s chestpiece:
“Not to me, Rex,” he said fervently, planting his hands on his hips. He watched as Rex debated with himself for a few seconds longer, until he sighed and nodded, a little smile curling the corners of his lips:
“Alright, sir. But you should wear protections, I’ll get-”
“Nah, there’s no use for that! Besides, protections give a false sense of security,” Happily, Anakin wrapped an arm around Rex’s shoulders and led the way to a vacant space in the  vast tatami mat. Some of the other clones paused, uncertain whether or not to salute him, but since Anakin kept his attention on Rex, they carried on with their own sparring. With an excited smile, Anakin went to stand in front of Rex, immediately putting up his guard. “What could go wrong?”
For a moment, it seemed that Rex would actually list off everything that could go wrong, starting with them being the same height but Rex having twice the muscle, and ending with Anakin accidentally using the Force. But then Rex sighed and put up his guard as well, and an expectant silence settled between them as they studied each other, moving slowly in a circle, keeping a close eye on each other’s movements.
Anakin forgot the Force, ignored the curious eyes on him, and focused solely on Rex: he was tall and built and a much superior sparring partner when it came to hand-to-hand combat. But what Anakin lacked in technique, he had plenty in enthusiasm and quick thinking, so he feigned an attack to Rex’s legs and got a little opening, enough to land a shallow punch to Rex’s ribs. But as his arm was extended, Rex grabbed it and caught Anakin in a hammerlock that ended with Anakin face-plant on the tatami and cheering “Again!”
The next round, he didn’t open hostilities. When actively ignoring the Force, he couldn’t tell if Rex’s attack was real or a feint, so he dodged. But as he moved, Rex quickly aimed a kick at the side of his calf and Anakin lost his balance - he blinked, and the next thing he knew he had been tackled to the ground and Rex was smashing him under his weight.
It had been quite some time since the last time Anakin felt like he was being educated, and the moment he had the chance, he jumped to his feet again and resumed his guard:
“How do I know if it's a feint or a real attack?” he asked, now putting a little more distance between himself and Rex to be out of his reach. Rex was focus incarnate, and though his eyes were on Anakin’s, Anakin knew Rex was seeing him whole, something a Jedi only did with the aid of the Force. That ability to see his whole opponent without the Force was what Anakin needed to complement his skills.
“You don’t, sir. You just have to keep focused and moving,” Rex replied, his eyes fleeting to Anakin’s knee now. Noticing that, Anakin became lighter on his feet, eyes darting between the whole of Rex and Rex’ leg, and when he saw Rex put his weight on one leg and lift the other for a kick, he dodged. And found himself doubling over when Rex’s fist collided with his solar plexus. “Some people do attack what they’re staring at, but you can never trust your opponent. If it makes you feel better, in a real fight you don’t have time to waste with feints,” Then, putting up his guard again, Rex smiled just a little. “Sir.”
Anakin smiled back, even though he was sore. He tried to copy Rex, tried to see the whole of him while focusing on little tells - that Rex practically didn’t have, but the next time Rex attacked, Anakin blocked him and landed a blow of his own; and when Rex hooked a leg around Anakin’s and pulled, Anakin managed to widen his base to retain balance and hit Rex’ arm in a hammer strike.
Soon, they were exchanging blows like Anakin was properly trained as well - he knew Rex was going easy on him, but it was still a challenge and they found a comfortable rhythm to attack and defend, striking faster and with less tension, flowing freely with the movement. It took a great deal of attention to fight without listening to the Force, and Anakin’s respect and admiration for the clones only grew.
Emboldened for having found a good rhythm with Rex, Anakin took advantage of having long legs and a lighter build to lower himself just enough to avoid Rex’s fist and emerge inside his space, at his side, aiming at putting him in a hammerlock and kick the back of his knee. But Rex’s arm recoiled, and the last thing Anakin saw out of the corner of his eye was Rex’s elbow coming at him.
For Anakin, it was just the blink of an eye, but since he was lying on his back with clones surrounding him and a medic scowling while doing something to his face, he supposed… well, he didn’t suppose anything. What happened?
“Sir?” came Rex’s worried voice, and when Anakin blinked to clear his vision, he saw Rex was right there, guilt and worry deforming his expression. “Sir, I- I apologise, I-”
“ ‘don’ kno’what you did, bu’I wanna learn…” Anakin slurred, giving Rex a shaky salute full of respect.
Truly, Jedi had a lot to learn. He was going to tell Obi-Wan about this and try to convince him to try to convince the Council into letting clones train the padawans too.
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imagineyourworld · 3 years
How the clones would ask you out (Genderneutral)
Includes Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Kix, Cody and Wolffe 
Warnings: None
Poor Rex would be so, so nervous 
It took pep talks vom Anakin, Ahsoka and several of his brothers to get up the courage to actually ask you out (though not all of them were all that helpful) 
Rex wouldn’t ask you out in public or at work, he’d go to your flat instead
His strong knock doesn’t betray his nerves, but the second you open the door he cannot remember what he was going to say for the life of him 
Luckily he was trained as a soldier his entire life and it only takes him a few second to forget about his nerves and continue with his plan 
“I was wondering if you’d like to go on a picnic with me tomorrow?” 
A picnic, Ahsoka had convinced him, would be the perfect first date. The two of them had even decided on a nice place in one of Coruscant’s few parks together 
(Plus Rex likes to bake and cook, it’s his way of dealing with the stress of war (and his brothers’ shenanigans)) 
“I’d love to.” 
You have never seen such a big smile on Rex’s face 
“Great. That’s great.” 
You chatted for a few more minutes before Rex had to excuse himself. Just as you were closing the door you stuck your head out again.  “Rex?”  “Yes.”  “Is this a date?”  The small blush on his face was adorable.  “I’d like it to be, if that’s fine with you.”  You smiled.  “It’s more than fine.” 
If anyone has an actual pickup line it’s Fives, not in a creepy way though, he’s cute about it 
The two of you have been flirting back and forth for a while now and Fives, after finally no longer denying his feelings, decides to ask you out 
He walks up to you with every bit of confidence he can muster 
“Hey handsome, what brings you here?”, you ask. Your usual greeting, but Fives doesn’t reply in the way he usually does (”Hey mesh’la, just coming to admire the view.”)  “Since you make my heart sing I was wondering if you’d like to accompany to a concert tomorrow.” 
You could tell that he wasn’t joking this time, but still decided to have your fun with him. 
“So sorry, I already promised another handsome young man with a number as his name to spend the day with him.”  As soon as the words left your mouth the smile fell from Fives’ face and instantly made you regret your words.  “Oh, baby, no. I was only joking. I’d love to go out with you.”  The smirk was back and brighter than ever.  “It’s a date!”, he said a bit louder than he had to. 
He’d kiss you on the cheek before saying goodbye. 
(And maybe he even whispers suggestions for what you could do after the concert in your ear.) 
Much like Rex, Echo is quite nervous
At first he was glad to have Fives on his side to give him advice, but he soon learned that not everything his brother suggested would go down well 
He’d wait for you at work and offer to walk you home, because someone once told him that travelling in the same direction eases conversation 
When you exit the building your eyes immediately fall on Echo, who is standing nearby with flowers in his hand.  “What are you doing here?”, you ask with a smile on your face.  “I... well... I saw these flowers in the market downton and they made me think of you.” He hands you the flowers, suddenly even more nervous now that he doesn’t have anything in his hands.  “That’s so sweet”, you say as you lift the flowers to your nose. “I was just on my way home, would you like to join me and come in for a cup of caf?”
The two spend the rest of the day together. Walking home, drinking caf, cooking dinner. After a while Echo’s nervousness fades and only returns when he realises it’s time for him to return to the barracks. 
“Actually I had another reason to come to see you today. I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime. Like on a date. If you would like to go on a date with me.”  You laugh and the sound Echo usually cherishes breaks his heart, which you soon realise. “Oh, Echo, honey, no! I mean yes, but I just thought that today was kinda like... a date... I’m sorry, I was just assuming, I should have actually asked you.”  A smile mirroring yours appeared on his face.  “So... How about a second date?” 
Jesse only realises that he needs to ask you out as soon as possible after a particularly tough mission. A lot of his brothers died, even more got hurt, and he spent a few days in the medbay as well. 
The second he’s back on Coruscant he comms you asking where you are and no matter where you are or what you’re doing, he’s on his way to you as soon as you answer. 
“Stars, Jesse, what’s gotten into you?”, you ask when you open the door to his rapid knocking.  “I like you, I really like you and I don’t want to die without ever asking you out. So, (Y/N), will you go out with me?”  At first you don’t know what to say.  ��Of course I’ll go out with you. But maybe you should sit down for a minute, you don’t seem like yourself.” 
After just a few minutes and a cup of herbal tea the two of you were talking and joking like always. That is until you remember an appointment you had to hurry to make.  “I’d hate to throw you out, but I really need to go.”  “That’s fine”, Jesse says with a smile. “How about I pick you up tomorrow at seven for our date?”  You nod your head smiling. 
Kix asks you out more or less on accident. It’s been a long day, he’s tired, and all he wants is a relaxing evening with you. 
“Hey, Kix, you wanna come to 79s with us?”, Fives, who just popped into the medbay, asks.  Kix shook his head. “I really don’t. If it were up to me I’d spend the evening with some takeout and (Y/N).”  “(Y/N)?”, Jesse follows up.  “They help me relax like no one else and that’s what I need after stitching you idiots up all day”, Kix says, glancing at Fives and Hardcase at his last words.  “Then how about we grab something to eat and spend the evening on my couch?”, you offer.  Everyone turns to you, who had just entered the room. Echo bursts in a second later. “Sorry, I tried to stop her from coming in.” 
Kix blushes like crazy, you weren’t supposed to hear that. He tells you as much. 
You walk over to where he’s sitting, miraculously the others have disappeared, and place a hand on his shoulder. If it weren’t for the armour covering him you would have loved nothing more than giving him a soothing massage. 
“You know what? I’m here because I wanted to ask you out, but I guess you just did that for me.”  He chuckled. “Guess so. Let’s go, I cannot wait for our date.” 
Cody would be so smooth when asking you out, mainly because he got advice from Obi-Wan, who flirts with everyone and could teach him a few good moves. 
His tactic is pretending you already agreed, which is why he spent the afternoon transforming his room into a small movie theatre for the two of you, complete with snacks and drinks and a holoprojector. 
He then makes his way over to your apartment to actually ask you out. And though he hadn’t been nervous all day, the second you open the door he’s at a loss for words. 
“(Y/N), cyare, I was wondering... No, that’s not it... I’m here to ask you... No, wait... Would you like to...” Though you can’t help but find his out of character rambling cute, you want nothing more than to put poor Cody out of his misery.  “Would you care for a glass of water?”, you ask, opening the door further to invite him in. 
For some reason the cool water helps him sort out his thoughts and he can finally ask the question he’d prepared earlier.  “Would you like to watch a movie with me tonight?”, he asks, his voice smooth and steady.  For a fraction of a second there was something that might have been disappointment in your eyes, but then you nodded.  “Sure. Why don’t we invite Waxer and Boil as well?”  Cody had been quite sure that you’d agree, but the second part caught him off guard. Maybe he should have been more obvious with his intention.  “Actually, I was hoping it’d be just the two of us.”  You raised an eyebrow.  “Wait a minute, Cody, did you just ask me on a date?”  A shy smile made it’s way on his face, though to his credit he didn’t blush.  “I did.”  He had no idea how it was possible, but the smile on your face was even brighter than his own.  “In that case, yes! I’d love to watch a movie with you.” 
The main reason Wolffe was reluctant to ask you out was not nerves, but rather not wanting to admit his feelings, not wanting to admit a weakness. It was actually Plo Koon who, through ambiguous comments, convinced him to just do it.  
He didn’t want it to be a big ceremony, he wasn’t the type for big gestures, but that night, as you were sitting at 79s with the Wolfpack and your eyes were glittering in the multicoloured lights and your perfume made its way to Wolffe’s nose, he just had to ask you out before it was too late, before anything happened to either of you or someone else asked you before he did. 
And so, when most of the others were scattered across the bar, he asked you if you’d like to get some air with him. He may not be one for big gestures, but he’d be damned if he asked you out in a stuffy bar surrounded by his drunk brothers. 
Outside, he realized was not the perfect environment either. There were still drunk clones around and instead of stuffy it was cold, cold enough to make you shiver in your thin clothes and Wolffe wished he had a jacket he could give you.  “I’ll make this quick so you can go back inside. I-”, he stopped himself.  You were suddenly a lot closer than just a few moments ago, he could feel your warm breath on his face and it made him lose all focus.  “Yes, Wolffe?”, you questioned.  He cleared his throat and continued. “I was hoping that you’d like to go on a date with me sometime.” 
The atmosphere may not have been perfect, neither were his words, but your smile was and it made up for everything else.  “I don’t know, Commander, what’s in it for me?”, you asked with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t know. Dinner, maybe flowers or chocolate”, he replied, trying his best to hide the sudden insecurity.  You crossed your arms over your chest and sighed. Wolffe knew what was coming next, he knew you’d let him down and it would be awkward. He never should have asked you out.  “You know, I had been hoping you’d say The pleasure of my company or something like that, but I suppose chocolate will do.”  A smirk had made it’s way to your lips and a low chuckled escaped Wolffe’s.  “Is that a yes, mesh’la?”  “It is.” 
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monamourbladie-mb · 4 years
Anakin Skywalker x reader [SMUT]
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lets... not mention how long i was gone, okay? 😅 i won’t be gone like this again, i promise 🥺 i’ll get right back on requests and such, i just really REALLY struggled on this for some reason... ive got honestly no clue why but eh, here it is. i hope it was worth it! sorry the request took so long anons. 💕 ALSO big shoutout to @anakinswhore for lowkey giving me the inspiration to finish this 🥺 (everytime i almost scrapped this i remembered that my favorite fic writer on tumblr told me i got this, so i knew i couldn’t give up on this :’) thank you so much!
Plot: Anakin gets home from desling with the Bad Batch and is cranky. To help them both unwind, Anakin decides to bring Y/n with him while he showers.
WC: 2.3k
warnings: finger fucking, piv sex, unprotected sex [sorry it’s awkward to write condoms n shit like that— let’s pretend the force works to prevent pregnancy 😭]
Y/n had set down her holo communicator and sighed in frustration, looking at the time.
It was nearing 11 pm, and Anakin had yet to respond to her call. He had promised to call her the moment his mission with the Bad Batch was over, and it was almost 4 hours over the time he had promised.
She grumbled to herself and set it into her desk drawer, standing up and walking to their bedroom. Since it was getting late, she decided to start getting ready for bed. She decided to forego a shower and take it in the morning instead, her exhaustion and worry getting the better of her.
Sliding on her robe, she put her (h/c) hair in a small bun, laying on the bed. She pulled the sheets back and sighed softly as the cold, sheen silk covered her body.
Laying on her side, she did her best to suppress the fears of why Anakin was taking so long to talk to her - trying to stay in a positive mindset. But of course, the turmoil and constant loss from the War made her think differently.
As her mind grew darker, her need for sleep depreciated as she grew more worried. Huffing in frustration when some time had passed and she still hadn’t fallen asleep, she sat up and grumbled to herself.
It wasn’t like she could call Obi-Wan or another member of the council to see if he was alright - it could raise suspicion since, besides working alongside him during some battles, she wasn’t always in contact with him during the War.
Just as she was about to get up to get some water, the door opened and she felt Anakin’s presence through the Force.
She immediately jumped out of bed, retying her robe and rushing out to meet him. “Anakin! Are you okay? It’s so late-“ she began as soon as she saw him.
He sighed snd shut the door, immediately taking off his robe and throwing it over the back of the couch. “I’m sorry,” he said somewhat sternly, sounding exhausted.
“For what, Ani?” she frowned, crossing her arms. “Being late. As always...” he grumbled, walking over to her and kissing her cheek gently. “I didn’t mean to be, the mission went overtime, and we ran into some trouble.”
“Was it successful, at least?”
“Yeah, thankfully. Wasn’t at first, but, we got Echo home safe.”
“So... why do you seem so... down?” she bit her lip, following him into their bedroom.
“I’m exhausted, sweetheart. Completely drained. I’m sorry if I seem off, I was just put under tons of pressure between Rex and Hunter. They got in a big fistfight, and I had to break it up...” Anakin replied, sitting on the bed and sighing, resting his head in his hands.
“Oh, Ani...” she sighed, resting her hand on his shoulder snd rubbing it gently. “I’m sorry, I know the war is hard enough to deal with.”
He shrugged after a moment and grunted, leaning his head back as he sighed. “I think I’m going to take a shower and forget about this God awful day, I’m sorry.”
“That’s fine, I get it. I was planning on taking a shower too, actually, but I might later then.”
Anakin glanced over at her for a moment, sliding his tongue over his lips and letting out a low hum when she doesn’t move, “Aren’t you coming then?”
She raised a brow in confusion, “What? You want me to come with you?”
“You said you wanted to shower, right? Do it with me, no harm in that,” he responded.
She bit her lip, thinking about all the possible endings. She cautiously stood up, walking over to him, “You sure? I can wait, it’s no problem...”
“Y/n,” he said firmly. “What did I say?”
“You said come shower with me,” she repeated. Anakin nodded, “Well, do you want to or not?” he smirked slyly, crossing his arms and watching her curiously.
She took a moment to look up at him, moving up to kiss him gently, “Better get a move on then, you know I prefer it very hot,” she smirked.
He rolled his eyes playfully and deepened the kiss, moving his hands down her back slowly until she pulled away, “Now you’re the one holding us up.”
“Alright, alright, go and get things ready. I’ll be there.” He kissed her forehead gently then pulled away, walking out of the bathroom.
She suppressed a giggle and smile as she skipped to the bathroom, all the thoughts rushing through her mind as she imagined what could happen.
“You’re tired. He’s tired. I’m sure you’re just showering, don’t get your hopes up.”
Boy, that was a lie. She was brushing out her hair and Anakin stormed into the room, pressing her firmly against the counter, crashing his lips onto hers. She gasped into the kiss and dropped the brush onto the counter, gripping onto the counter sides to keep her up-right as he left no room between him, her, and the counter.
Her eyes fluttered close as he cups her cheeks, moving his human hand down the side of her face to her jawline slowly. “Take it all off,” he mumbles, his voice muffled against her soft lips. “I have other things in mind.
She whimpered against his mouth and pulled away for a moment, her chest heaving as she almost was gasping to catch her breath, “What about showering-?”
“Who says we’re not showering?” he smirked, undressing her with his eyes. She swallowed thickly at his gaze and moved to start striping down slowly, keeping eye contact with him.
“Now look at you, all riled up and nervous,” Anakin smirked crossing his arms and watching her.
“Don’t... don’t look at me like that,” she said softly after she got her bra off, her hands starting to tremble from excitement and straight nerves.
“Why not? It’s getting you to tremble, I like it,” his voice gets darker as he moved closer to her, kissing behind her ear. He moved his long fingers over her panties and hooked them in, slowly pushing them down as they fell to her ankles.
She felt shy and exposed as he pulled away to admire his prize, his eyes growing darker as he watched her. He moved his large hands to her smaller waist and pulled her flush against him, keeping his gaze on her face now, “Are you going to get in?”
She nodded, trying to pull away but his grip on her hipbones was too tight. He loosened his grip just enough for her to slink into the warm shower, and he followed suit right after.
He moved his hand to rub her back gently, keeping his ever-darkening gaze transfixed on her smaller body.
She purposefully tried to ignore him, keeping her back turned to his front as she wets her hair under the warm water trickling from the showerhead, trying to occupy her mind with anything but the obvious - she and her lover were showering together.
Anakin trailed his hands lower then moved so his front was placed firmly against her back, kissing the back of her neck, “Don’t ignore me, sweetheart. You’re on edge, let me help you.”
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous, I just,” she turned around and looked up at him and her breath hitched, gripping her hair tighter.
There her lover stood, towering over her with water droplets running down his long darkened brown curly hair onto his toned chest, the small droplets falling down his body over all his muscles.
An involuntary whimper escaped her lips as she shamelessly studied his figure, every inch, every angle... he was just perfect.
“You’re staring,” he smirked, his chuckle low as he pulled her flush against him, looking down at her with dark eyes, “take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Oh, shut up,” she said quickly, immediately slamming her lips onto his in a frenzied, heated swift movement. He let out a low growl against her lips in content as he pulled her as close as he could get her. She let out a soft moan into his lips as she felt his hard length press against her, causing her to shudder in anticipation.
“Now you’re needy, what changed, my love?” he pulled away from the intoxicating kiss to kiss and suck across her neck, making her moan softly, “I c-changed my mind,” she stammered, her mind blank and fuzzy with lust as her core began to throb with need.
“I can see that,” his voice was smooth yet deep, knowing he could do the slightest thing and get her riled up even further. He moved his hand and pushed her thigh up near his hip, moving it so he had more room as he danced his thumb over her clit slowly.
Her head fell against his chest and she let out tiny breathy whimpers against his skin, her hips jolting in surprise from the newfound pleasure, “Ani—“
“You’re such a needy little thing, aren’t you? You were acting all innocent earlier, and now that I'm rubbing my fingers all over you you’re a mess,” he clicked his tongue in teasing disapproval as he moved his pointer finger to slide into her heat quickly, alongside his middle finger.
Her eyes widened and she moaned loudly in approval, her heavy breathing against his chest quickening with each ministration.
“Ani, I j-just want you— please—!” she looked up at him with a lusty, needy gaze through her lashes, biting her lip to suppress more moans as he fucked her with his fingers. He grunted in response and curled them against her sweet spot, smirking at her reaction, “Is this what you wanted, sweetheart?”
“N-No—! I want your... i want y-your... fuck, Anakin!” she moaned in response, her hips starting to shake as Anakin knew how close she was already.
He chuckled darkly and leaned against her neck, sucking roughly over her already darkening hickeys as he started pounding his fingers into her harder, rubbing her clit faster, “Use your words, little one, I know you can.”
She threw her head back in ecstasy as she moaned, falling off the edge into bliss as Anakin fucked her through it with his fingers, his eyes wandering across her body now quivering from intense pleasure, water droplets falling from her hair down her breasts.
She went to speak when he silences her with an intoxicatingly passionate kiss, cupping her cheek with his metal hand as he helped her ride her high out, “Good girl...” he mumbled against her lips.
She felt completely out of breath, gripping his bicep for support as he pulled his fingers out of her, using his metallic fingers to brush away some of the wet hair from her face.
He moved her body further from the warm water of the shower so she wouldn’t get water in her eyes as he leaned her against the wall. Keeping his hand firm on her hipbone, he moved her thighs apart gently and began to pump himself slowly, his breathing picking up.
He looked in her eyes and saw an intense lusty gaze he hadn’t seen in them for awhile - and he immediately knew she wanted to continue. He moved his free hand to cup the back of her neck, moving her closer so he can kiss her deeply as he pushed himself into her quickly.
She gasped in surprise against his lips, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt him fill her up completely with one swift thrust.
She arched her back against him, gripping his back weakly as he immediately began rocking his hips into her at an unrelenting pace, grunting in her ear, “So fucking tight for me, angel... And so needy, letting me take you in the shower like this...”
She would never admit verbally just how much she loved his dirty talk, his dirty-natured words sending sparks throughout her pussy and her body as she gripped his hair tightly, “Please, this is all I’ve needed,” she moaned almost out of breath, her heart beating out of her chest as she tightened around him.
His loud growl in response edged her to start to roll her hips against his cock, and he smirked in response, leaning down to kiss across her throat, “So—fucking—tight...” he grunted into her ear, his cheeks burning bright red from the mixture of the hot sex and steamy shower.
Her legs buckled and he immediately gripped her closer to him and the wall, moving her to lean back against it more as he lifts her leg to get a deeper angle, causing her to cry out in ecstasy as the pleasure grew too great.
With her already sensitive, her high build much faster than usual and she gripped his hair tighter, digging her fingernails into the back of his head as she panted, her eyes rolling back, “Anakin—!” she moaned weakly.
He recognized that needy, breathy moan all too well as he knew she was close without her needing to say it. He kisses hot open-mouthed kisses across her throat and collarbone, moaning for her to cum for him as he lazily moved his finger down to rub her through her orgasm; the constant throb of her walls sending him closer to the edge.
She let out a loud breathy moan as her high overtook her, letting out small squeals and moans into his ear as it washed over her. She immediately felt numb as it ran through her, the sight of her moaning and the feeling of her throbbing harder causing him to cum. He leaned his head against hers, moaning shakily as he leaned against the wall to steady himself as he fucked them through it, his metal hand firmly on her hipbone to keep them upright.
Her breathing was shaky and uneven as they came down from their highs, and he kissed her hurriedly and softly, “Better?” she muttered against his lips. Anakin nodded softly and chuckled, pulling out after it had fully faded snd pulling them back under the direct range of the water, “Much, much better.”
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
31 with Rex- maybe a lil smutty? It’s interesting to picture him at the beach hehe
anon said "a lil smutty" so this is a LIL SMUTTY. still, MINORS BACK OFF.
This is not tHAT explicit but still. The first half is fluffy though, if you wanna read it<3
Here in the open
Pairing: Captain Rex x reader (no y/n)
Prompt: 31. I never sat by the shore, under the sun with my feet in the sand, but you brought me here. - Malibu by Miley Cyrus
Word count: 1,7k
Warnings: implied public sex. sub!rex
had this done since like, a week ago but felt a bit self conscious about it and after the sixth time editing this im alright with the results i think?? (ended up cutting off most of the smut tho, soz)
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You were sent to Corellia on Jedi matters, and since you didn't have your own battalion yet, Anakin was kind enough to lend his Captain for him to accompany you, as your best friend insisted that he still needed to teach Ahsoka how to lead the men without the Captain around.
Probably a lie, because you had seen the padawan in action and she didn't need to be taught how to bark orders for loyal troopers to follow her anywhere. Still, you didn't complain, you actually liked Rex, a bit too much, and you were thrilled to spend a couple of days with him.
So that's why you found yourself covering Rex's eyes with one hand as the other holds his bucket, the waves and the crushing sound of the sand beneath your boots are enough to spoil the surprise.
"I've seen beaches before, General." You roll your eyes at the title, biting your lip to stop you from telling him for the hundredth time to call you by your name.
"I know."
But he hadn't seen a beach like this, without it being a battlefield scenario, where there is salt in the air and a pleasant humidity that doesn't mix with the sweat and the blaster shots, a peace and quiet that comes with the birds chanting somewhere not so far from where you and the crashing sound of the waves. A place where his mouth isn't dry from shouting orders nor feel the cramps in his hands from holding the blaster too hard and for too long.
There is no pressure, no thought of kill or be killed. Here it's just him, and it's just you.
"But I still wanted to show you this."
You uncover his eyes, holding back a smile because he had them closed and it took him a moment to open them. And the fleeting memory of him telling you he'd trust you with his eyes closed makes your heart flutter.
Rex doesn't think too much about it, because it's just a beach at the end, nothing special, just sand and water and the sunset might be a bit breathtaking, but he doesn't understand where you're coming from.
You sit in the sand, and you motion him for him to do it too. He does, hesitant, and there's just an inch separating the two of you, enough for you to rest your hand as you lean back on your arms and admire the sky's painting, blues turning into sweet yellows before they become a warm orange, the view reminding you of home, and you're glad to know every sunset is the same, but different in their own way.
That thought leads you back to a certain someone.
"You still haven't told me what are we doing here." You look at him, and smile softly, the golden light of the sun hitting him in the most beautiful way, amber eyes looking lighter and brown skin glowing under the last rays of sunshine.
You could tell him the truth, that you brought him here because you want him to have at least one memory that doesn't have to do with war, because it aches you the solely thought that he thinks he's just a soldier, not entitled to have some normalcy in his life, no right to know nor to experience something different from all the pain and suffering these hard times bring him.
For him to be aware that the same places he survives in, can be beautiful too, they can be relaxing, that he can feel loved there, too.
"Take off your boots." You say instead, as you take off yours, Rex gives you a puzzled look and you smile widely. "And your socks."
He eventually follows, flinching just a bit when his bare feet touch the sand, he frowns softly, as he watches how they get buried when he presses further into the sand.
"It feels..." He starts but doesn't finish, lifting his leg as he looks how the sand falls, tilting his head slightly so he can have a better appreciation of the action.
"It feels nice, doesn't it?" And he just nods, repeating the movement twice before mimicking the way you're sitting, with his feet buried in the sand as he comes to look at you.
"You haven't answered my question."
"I don't have an answer for it." You lie, because it's easier than admitting that your heart guided you this time instead of the logic the Jedi always want you to follow, "I like it here," you try to explain without giving away your heart, "It's relaxing, and the view is always pretty, wherever you are." You tell him, looking straight at him, and there is a truth you can't hide too well but luckily he fails to notice.
He is the pretty view you're talking about.
Rex watches the waves crashing, and a few flying animals making their way through the sky, the sun is low enough for stars to start appearing flickering up above, there is this warm breeze that makes your hair dance, and for a moment you swear the war doesn't exist, feeling too far away, a distant thought that could make you feel bad about for forgetting if it wasn't for the way Rex's eyes shine bright as he takes in the landscape. The fact that he places his hand on yours, makes you know it's worth it.
He hums in agreement after a while.
"I guess I can see the appeal, all right."
You smile, triumphantly, but the way you feel your heart in your throat keeps you from saying anything. Rex looks back at you, and your breath hitches with how soft his face looks, eyes scanning every little detail on your face that might give away your intentions with such intensity you shy away, your gaze falling to where your hands are touching.
"Uh, sorry, I– I didn't mean to–"
He pulls it away quickly when he finds out, as if he had been burnt, blush dusting his cheeks and he's ready to put a professional distance between you.
But before he could move, your hand cups his cheek as he falls silent, too caught in the touch to keep pushing an awkward apology past his lips, he never thought a touch on his face could feel so... tender, so different from the harsh metal from the droids or the back of a blaster.
He unconsciously leans closer, taking a sharp breath as the warmth of your hand wraps his skin and for a moment he doesn't know what to do with himself.
"It's okay," you murmur, and he can't remember if you've always been this close, breath fanning his face and his heart is about to burst from his chest at any moment. "Can I kiss you?" you ask, and he almost chokes.
He nods, a simple movement you almost missed if you hadn't been so close, afraid that if he moved a bit more than necessary he would wake up and find out it was all just a dream.
Your lips lock with his in a painfully slow touch, just in case he wanted to back away, think things straight, realize it was a bad idea, but he doesn't, and instead wraps his lips on your bottom one. A tender little kiss, shy, experimental, just to taste each other for the first time, to know how it feels.
He's the one that pulls away when in need for air, leaving him panting just a little, and gives you a bashful smile, the tips of his ears slightly red and you grin widely.
"That was, uh–" He starts, but this time you're the one that doesn't let him finish, pushing yourself to him as you dive in for another kiss, sloppier, more needy, because once you got the taste of him you can't get enough.
And as he lays down in the sand and his hands go to your waist, it becomes just tongues and little whines leaving him that go straight into your belly, noses bumping every time to time and at some point you're straddling him, he looks at you when you pull apart as if you just hung every star in the sky, but he is the one that looks like a work of art.
With his bruised lips and lustful eyes, you lean to kiss him softly, a quick, soft peck that leaves him chasing after your lips, you rock your hips onto his, and he moans wantonly, the place you need him the most rubbing on his codpiece making you bite down a whimper.
He mumbles something unintelligible, and you tilt your head as grind against him once more, his eyes fluttering close and brows furrowing together.
"What's that, Captain?" Now it's him the one that meets your hips and you do everything in your power to not choke out the loud moan that wanted to scape you.
"I need you." You crook a brow, a hand moving to cup the plastoid that covers his cock.
"Oh," you look around, but there's no one that might be witness of what you're about to do, "right here?" You ask innocently, and sincerely, you don't care if you're in the open or hiding in a supply closet.
You want to see him fall apart before you. He nods.
"Use your words, Rex," you say in that tone you only use when ordering around, and you feel him twitch under you.
"Yes, here," he breaths out, "please." It's strangled, and you never felt more powerful, a smirk curls its way into your lips and you place open mouthed kisses on his jaw.
He doesn't know what he just got himself into.
taglist: @foodandbooksplease @dottiechan @ladykatakuri @tacticalsparkles @lightning-wolffe @hellothere-generalangsty @baroclinicinstability @murdertoothpick @beskarprincessjenny @shygirl268
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rishi-eel · 3 years
thinking (yet again!) about the differences between the bad batch story reels and the season seven arc and like... some changes just blow my mind because all it did, really, was make the bad batch less likable.  
lets star with the whole “reg” thing. if i remember correctly, in the originals “regs” is said twice. the first instance is by crosshair when taunting jesse in the LAAT. the second is said by hunter: he tells tech (who’s hacking into the cyber center) that he and wrecker are going to “go get the regs” (i.e. rex and jesse). that is, hunter only used it among his squad when the others were not present (much like how cody informs that the bad batch are defective clones out of earshot. these words are descriptors, but there’s also an offense associated to being referred to by them). the idea that hunter has restraint referring to regular clones this way in their faces connects, i think, to how hunter was a tad more apologetic to jesse in the original script. “he means regular clones. don’t take it personal. it’s just that we don’t always follow protocol” carried an actual sense of hunter trying to convince jesse that it’s nothing to do with him.   
it’s interesting, i think, that in a context where you have clones and defective clones, that the bad batch (as defective clones) would find a way to talk about other clones in reference to themselves in a way that normalizes their own existence. it also introduces the idea that the bad batch experience a level of disconnect, and even animosity, in regards to other clones. all that can be conveyed by only using the word twice. the season seven episodes added three more instances, and in all of them the bad batch members comfortably throw the word around the clones who “are regs.” the sense of separateness (which, again, was already established/achieved by using it just two times) is only made stronger (thus more needs to be done to portray a sense of reconciliation or coming together. the reels succeed this to an extent because that barrier wasn’t built up as high). 
so yeah in the original... wrecker didn’t say “we always get shot down when we travel with regs,” he kept quiet as he helped people out of the wrecked gunship (in fact, wrecker lost a lot of subtlety going from the reels to the final eps, which i’ll get back to). hunter didn’t fake-compliment rex with a “not bad, for a reg”! and oh boy crosshair’s comment implying that echo is worthless and expendable because he’s a “reg”... yeah that was not in the reels either. in fact, not only does crosshair not call echo a reg, the meaning of his original dialogue was completely different.
in the original, after hunter voices his suspicions echo might be dead, crosshair suggests that if alive echo could be cooperating with the enemy, making him a traitor. rex takes this as an attack on echo’s character and crosshair explains that no, he’s not intending to insult echo, by saying: “oh i don’t blame him, if i were left for dead, i wouldn’t be so loyal.” and like!!!!! that’s such a radically different line of dialogue because crosshair seems to blame rex for having left echo behind, actually. if you betrayed the republic to survive, or even out of spite, i don’t blame you even if you now present a threat to myself and my family, is such an interesting, empathetic sentiment. and that contrasts with the lack of regard given to rex, making it read like he’s condemning rex for leaving someone behind. crosshair doesn’t seem to understand, as an experimental commando clone, the pressures rex as a legion captain is under, because he’s seen a less expandable (they’re a specially trained four man team, if one dies that’s 25% of the unit gone. is there a replacement for that member? you get the idea). so you’ve got a clash between different povs, but also crosshair being shown as having a set of morals, chief among them being that you do not leave anyone behind. so remember when rex says to move out and crosshair goes “commander cody is in no position to move” yeah i’d say that’s crosshair making sure cody isn’t being left behind. when crosshair saves anakin? that’s because he saw anakin go off on his own and followed him. because you don’t leave people behind. and like... the idea that yeah crosshair is an asshole. he’s unpleasant and that’s deliberate. he doesn’t care if people like him and he’s not trying to be liked. but that he values the lives of other people and looks out for them? that makes an interesting, flawed and multifaceted character. that got lost in the dialogue change because its no longer suggested that crosshair holds these values.
as for what i said earlier about wrecker: he lost subtle, nonverbal moments through the addition of lines that are either anticlimactic or only serve to make him seem loud or ditzy in an exaggerated fashion. he didn’t laugh when the LAAT came down. he was quiet as he helped people out of the downed gunship (no comment about regs!). he didn’t say “boom” when the ship exploded in the background after he flipped it over (the difference? a character moment that’s actually cool and impressive vs something that’s corny). when wrecker comes to crosshair’s aid by picking rex off of him, there was no quippy one liner. there was no need for anything to be said for it to be understood that wrecker is acting as a barrier and it trying to intimidate rex. when he’s afraid to get onto the elevator? that’s conveyed visually through camera angles and through hunter picking up on the fact that he’s scared. he doesn’t scream (if you can call a comical “aah what is that thing oh no its going to get me” a scream) when the organic decimator almost gets him. when they walk across the pipe? wrecker doesn’t whimper or talk to himself for comfort. he is scared of heights, that’s already been established, but he’s also a grown man and a soldier like he’s keeping that to himself? like we see wrecker hesitating to walk on the ledge but doing it anyway because he has to. in a piece of dialogue that was cut, tech said “does anyone want to know the odds of us making it across alive?” to which wrecker (who’s you know already having a bad time) interrupts with “don’t even think about it, tech” (if ur curious, this exchange was replaced with: wrecker: “keep walking tech!” tech: “that’s fine, but if you fall don’t take me with you” which???? uuh weird exchange). also, the fact that wrecker was mostly dealing with his fear silently means that when hunter tells wrecker to hold on because they’re almost there... that’s because hunter knows he’s scared and is checking up on him. basically... any kind of serious moment was cheapened by having wrecker talk in them. now i don’t want to say that DBB is a bad voice actor, but his expertise is making animal noises. he’s not able to do a realistic, deep voice, meaning that whenever wrecker talks he kind of sounds like a joke. it’s fine when wrecker is actual being lighthearted and jokey, but otherwise? the emotion just does not come across as genuine, which breaks the stakes or weakens credibility.  
and god the whole plot point about the bad batch being suspicious of echo was nonexistent in the reels. the “don’t worry, echo says he’s got a plan”/”that makes me feel so much better” exchange between rex and tech is in the original, but tech’s sarcasm isn’t from doubting echo’s allegiance, it’s because they’re planning to land on admiral trench’s ship and echo having a plan (that he himself doesn’t know) doesn’t exactly soothe his anxieties. rex acts like tech’s being a big joker and playfully shoves him, telling him to get on board. which is an interesting interaction because these characters are kind of starting to bond?? as for tech and echo, they kinda become nerdy friends really quick. like when tech warns echo not to send the signal right away because he first needs to make it look like it’s coming from skako minor, echo’s like “oh yeah good thinking tech.” and when echo figures out a way to shut down all the droids at once tech is impressed and lightly shoves his shoulder. again there is none of that “oooh maybe echo’s a traitor maybe he’s with the techno union” shit. like i understand that the writers wanted to up the stakes but it falls flat because the idea of echo being a traitor isn’t credible. it does not seem like an actual risk or possibility. so all it did was make the bad batch seem like assholes, cutting away at some very nice character moments.   
ok this is a long post and you might ask yourself “but tumblr user rishi-eel, why do you care so much about the story reels, this stuff isn’t canon now” and there are a couple reasons, first, i think it managed to tell a better story overall. so the question is: why is that? because you would expect that writers reworking the plot would add improvements and not downgrades. and to be fair, the s7 episodes had a bunch of upgrades, but not when it came to the characterization of the bad batch. another thing to consider is that changes were made in the context of setting the bad batch up as future protagonists of their own spinoff series (something the original arc was not intended to do because there were no plans for a bad batch series). were the characters made flatter and more archetypal to add to marketability? was the reg/defective clone rivalry (and dichotomy, even) amplified because this separateness serves a narrative in which the bad batch are heroes and the other clones villains?  
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hello again! I'm here to fullfill my promise of asking for a Rex one based on your prompt list, especially excited after the beautiful work you did with the Tech one <3 So how about 46 for our Captain? I had thought of a Jedi!Reader situation, bit it's up to you really, just have fun!!
Double Trouble
Ahh thank you, I'm always open for writing for my boy Rex 🥺 send as many asks as you want m'dudes 😌💕 but thank you sm, that means a lot tbh!
Rex x Jedi!Reader: "Isn't it illegal?" "I mean, probably?"
Warnings: slight angst? No established relationship. Y’all just like each other. Anakin teasing you and Rex.
Word count: 1.9k
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“You’ll never get what you want from us.” Rex spat as you stood in the corner of the room, strapped up to a machine. Grievous only laughed at that. His gravely, robotic voice echoing threw your ears. It annoyed you more than anything. How he seemed to think he could get the whereabouts of your base from you and the captain. “Oh, I don’t expect them to crack, clone.” He mocked. Leaning into Rex’s space. The Captain keeping his ground. “Why do you expect I would?” He snapped, and that made him laugh again.
He only tittered as he walked between the two of you. “It doesn’t take a Jedi to sense a connection between the two of you. I saw the way you tried to save the General over here.” He mused with a sigh. “It’s orders, to save the Jedi.” Grievous shook his head, hands resting behind his back. “No, not like this. General Tano got hurt and you cared, but not like when they get hurt. What are they to you? Do you really think a Jedi could love a clone like you?” He taunted, Rex darting his eyes down.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. A habit you often found yourself doing due from hanging around the 104th most days. “You’re wasting time, Rex and I are merely friends, I’m not even his General. I serve another Battalion under the watch of General Plo, you’d think after all our encounters you’d know this, droid.” You drew out the last name with a smirk. Though that smirk quickly faded when you felt your body begin to tingle. A surge of electricity shooting through you that had your fists and jaw clenching. Eyes shooting open and then closed as you arched your back with a shriek.
“Stop it you’re hurting her!” Rex screamed as he fought against his restraints to get to you. Grievous was right, Rex felt attached to you. You could even say he loved you, but he would never admit to it. He only hid back the feelings— Which seemed to only make them worse.
Grievous hummed in amusement. Stopping the shock. Watching as your body went limp. “Your attitude never seems to change, General. You hang around Skywalker too much.” He wasn’t wrong, between hanging around Skywalker and Wolffe your attitude was horrendous. “You say that each time we meet.” You scoffed, shooting a glare up to the general.
“Now, if you want your Jedi to live, you’ll tell me where the base is.” You didn’t want Rex to tell, but you knew he would crack at this rate. Not only the stress of the war was on his shoulders, but you could sense how he felt about you. You were quite fond of it, until now. Realizing it was a weakness on both ends. Rex was a good friend of yours, and you admired everything about him, but this? This worried you, if maybe you should have distanced yourself like your consciousness told you to a month ago.
“I won’t,” Rex said, after catching your look of worry. “Not to Seppie Scum like you,” He spat. You gave him a small, worrisome smile as he gave you an apologetic look. ‘It’s okay,’ You mouthed to the Captain as another surge shot threw your system. Voice straining as you screamed. You could feel the tremors run in and out of your body. Gasping for air as you fought to keep your body functioning. Then it all went dark.
Rex panicked when you went limp. His eyes shooting wide. Tugging at the restraints as he let out a choked cry. “General!” He exclaimed, and Grievous let out a cackle. “How interesting, A clone and a Jedi.” He scoffed. Leaning close to Rex. “I would have never guessed.”
When you woke up you were on the cold floor. Body sore and stiff. Your throat felt like it was in flames. Rex holding you in his arms. Noticing this as your vision cleared. “Am I dead?” You spoke hoarsely, with a crooked smile. Rex smiled softly, glad to see you still had your sense of humor. “Thankfully, no,” You sighed, which hurt even more than breathing. “Did he get anything from you?” He shook his head ‘no.’ You nodded, moving to sit up. The captain helps you up to lean against him and the wall. “Do you think anyone’s looking for us?” You asked, and Rex nodded. “For you? I’m sure Plo and Anakin have everyone searching far and wide.” He added as you lean your head against his shoulder.
He smiled faintly, your hair tickling his neck a bit, though he kept his hands to himself. He had to remind himself as you dozed off again that you were doing this because you were hurt. You wouldn’t lean on him any other time. This meant nothing.
Rex was right. The moment that General Plo got word that your mission with the 501st went south he and Anakin were racing to make a plan— a semi chaotic one. With an equal amount of quick decisions and thorough thinking between the two. You were like Anakin's little sibling, he wasn’t about to let you spend any more time with the Seps than you had to.
When you woke up again you were being nudged awake by Rex. Sirens were blaring and droids were running too and fro. “General, I believe our rescue is here.” Rex spoke. That got you smiling. Helping yourself off the floor as he pulled you up. “How are we getting out?” You asked, but it seemed the moment you did a droid was approaching your cell. “You’re being transferred, both of you.” The news made the two of you give each other a glance. Almost as if the undiscussed plan was working itself out in front of you. “Is that so?” Rex asked as the door opened and the droid approached you both with restraints. Once close enough Rex took the opportunity to attack.
Once the droid was practically dismembered and the Captain now held his blaster. It gave you the opportunity to realize you had no saber, or cloaks, and Rex was stripped of his armor and weapons. Left in only his boots and blacks. “What’s the plan, General?” He asked, and you groaned as you stretched. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’d like my lightsaber back.” He smiled at that, “I think I know where they stored them, too.”
The two of you take off down the hallway as quick as you can manage. You attempt to fight the pains shooting up your leg as you clung to the captain for dear life. His hand rubbing your side here and there. Though you thought nothing of it.
“There,” he stated.
He pointed over to a doorway a droid just exited. “They stopped us here, took our weapons and armor and took them through there.” He nearly whispered in your ear.
You pondered, thinking of what you could do. Until you got an idea. “Let’s go over there, then.” You spoke. Watching as he furrowed his brows at you. “General,” “that’s an order.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. Helping you over to the doorway.
You hacked into the system. Opening it with a breeze. Something Anakin taught you along the way. The two of you squeezing into the storage room. Spotting your lightsaber in almost an instant. “We need to be quick, Captain.” You informed him as you lean against the wall. Hooking your holster to your hips. Pulling on your robes and some of your other items that were taken.
You looked over, watching as Rex made quick work of his armor. Your eyes dragging over his form a bit too long. “General, everything alright?” You thought he was oblivious to your actions. Until you saw him nervously rub the back of his neck. You couldn’t see the blush that his tan skin hid, but you could feel it. He was nervous in a sense, and you thought it was adorable.
You smiled, shaking your head. “All is good, now let’s get out of here.”
He nodded at your comment. Holding his blaster with one hand, and you with the other. “Captain,” you spoke, and he looked over to you. Watching you as your eyes scanned the room. “How much do you trust me?” You asked, holding up some detonators.
His eyes fell onto them. Lips turning up into a smirk. “With my life,” “good.” You spoke. Looking from his eyes to his lips. The two of you share a lingering stare.
“You guys are painful to watch, just kiss already.” A familiar voice speaking from in front of the two of you. “Miss me?” Anakin spoke as you and Rex caught his form. “Not one bit,” you quipped. Making Rex have to bite the inside of his cheek to hide a chuckle. “I know you did. Don’t lie, now, whatcha doing with those detonators?” He asked, and you smirked. Holding one between your fingers. “Blowing this bad boy up, of course.” “You got my attention.”
Anakin knew you wanted to blow something up. You and Hardcase were known for having that destructive personality. Rex honestly loved how you seemed to bond with each one of his brothers in some way or another. They all loved how for a Jedi, you were nothing like one. You were different, in big ways and they loved it.
Anakin ordered Rex to take you back to the rescue ship anyways with your condition. They needed to run once the detonators were set, and well— you weren’t in any condition to be running. You understood though.
You watched from the cockpit once Anakin returned as the ship blew. Grievous had escaped, as per usual. But you destroyed one more of his ships, successfully. “He’s gotta hate you by now.” Anakin commented, and you snickered. Still using Rex to lean on. “Isn’t it illegal?” He asked, and you looked up to him. Watching as his eyes fell to yours. His lips so close to your own. “How many ships of his you’ve destroyed.” He joked, his voice lowering a bit. You smirked, shrugging. “I mean, probably? But since he’s a Sep it doesn’t count. Double negative, that’s how it works, right?” Rex snorted, rolling his eyes. His hand absentmindedly snaking around your waist. “Sure.”
You were on cloud nine. The affection was euphoric, but leave it to Anakin to ruin a moment. “So what’s going on here?” He asked, and Rex looked at him with a shocked expression. As if he forgot he was there. Removing his arm from you as you pushed back from him a bit. “What do you mean?” Rex asked, and you played with the end of your sleeves. “I don’t have to be a Jedi to sense the tension between you two, are you..” he trailed off. Looking back and forth between the two of you. “Screw—“ Rex nearly choked and your face heated up to a max. Both your eyes going wide. “What? No! No, Makers no—“ you corrected, but that wasn’t enough for him.
“Then Rex, buddy, you need to do something and make a move. Y/n won’t, and I won’t tell anyone.” Walking past the Captain, patting his shoulder. “You’d make a cute couple, I could see it now.” You were going to kill Anakin when the ship landed, it was final.
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