#and we're good and where we're not i'll work on that
petew21-blog · 3 days
Grey's Swapatomy
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"Good morning, chief Webber. How are we feeling today?"
"Good morning. Thank you for asking. I don't want to complain too much but my back hurts from the couch In my office"
"Couch, sir?"
"Yeah, my wife Adele and I... we're going through some stuff right now that we need to figure out. Separately."
Mark now looking really unckmfortable shift the attention to the board with surgeries
"I see that we have a busy day, sir. I have 6 surgeries planned now."
"SIX?!? What? My name is not there even once. Do these people think that just because I'm older I don't know how to hold a scalpel anymore?"
"Chief, I don't think they mean it that way. They just want you to have your earned... rest. That's what everybody want after years of working here."
"You know what, Mark? I'll give you the rest you desperately need."
Richard Webber leaves in anger
"I'm sorry sir. I didn't want to upset you"
Richard now searching through his office found an amulet he got from a tribe leader whose life he saved. He said to him that when he will feel most like his journey was ended by someone, he can then continue the journey of another. He never knew back then what it meant. He definitely knew now.
He went to the scrub room before the OR. Mark was just getting ready, scrubbing his hands. Richard came close to him. Mark stood up, look into Richard's eyes, as Richard snapped the talisman in two pieces. A powder fell out from the talisman onto Richard's feet and Mark's hands.
"Thanks Richard. Now I have to scrub again"
Richard left the room with a gleefull smile
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That night Mark producent so much sweat, that his room now was humid like a rainforest. All that was an effect of accepting a new soul. Richard's
Richard woke up. He felt all the sweat all over his body. His much younger and hard muscled body. All the back pain was gone. No more painfull joints
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Richard went into the shower. He was now ready to show himself to Adele. How could she reject him now with a body like this. The body Richard knew was able to fuck like a horse. Also hung like a horse
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As Richard left the shower, he just took the towel and went through the kitchen. Not expecting anyone, he was surprised to see Meredith's younger sister Lexie.
"Doctor... I mean Lexie, what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to surprise you. Give you a gift for all the surgeries that went so well and to show you how much I like you"
Lexie now dropped the underwear she was wearing, standing now completely naked in the kitchen
Adele can wait...
Inbox story request: Would you maybe do a story where Chief Webber swaps bodies with Mark Sloan (Greys Anatomy)?
I never thought I would ever write a story from Richard Webber's P.O.V. 🤣
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what-if-nct · 22 hours
Jeongin: Where's Chan?
Lee know: Wherever he is he's happy. We're in his favorite place.
Seungmin: The restaurant is called Mary Go Round why does he call it plus size hooters?
Hyunjin: The waitresses. I met my girlfriend here. Chan met his in the one in Washington.
Felix: And I'm next.
Chan: I have good news.
Han: You orderd more boneless wings. I need more.
Chan: I bought a few locations of the restaurant.
Han: If you're running these restaurants how will you have time for us?
Chan: Dont worry plus you get free boneless wings.
Han: Where's the blonde lady Felix asked if she was free after work? I need more wings.
Felix: She is. I'll see you guys at the hotel later.
Lee know: We're not seeing him for a few days.
Felix: I might propose to her.
Chan: You really are my son.
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opuntie · 2 days
Statement of Hazel Rutter regarding a fire in her childhood home. Original statement given August 9th, 1992. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, The Archivist. Statement begins.
Hello, John.
Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
I’m assuming you’re alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. I wouldn’t try too hard to stop reading; there’s every likelihood you’ll just hurt yourself. So just listen.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Coming! Hang on a second. Hello? Barry? Adam? Can you believe this is happening? I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs, Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. You got lint on your fuzz. Ow! That's me! Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! Hey, Adam. Hey, Barry. Is that fuzz gel? A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around The Hive. You did come back different. Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. Hear about Frankie? Yeah. You going to the funeral? No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp under the circumstances. Well, Adam, today we are men. We are! Bee-men. Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of 9:15. That concludes our ceremonies And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick our job today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. Wonder what it'll be like? A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to The Hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! That girl was hot. She's my cousin! She is? Yes, we're all cousins. Right. You're right. At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. What do you think he makes? Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. What does that do?
Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it.
Saves us millions.
Can anyone work on the Krelman?
Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones.
But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot.
But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life.
The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that.
What's the difference?
You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years.
So you'll just work us to death?
We'll sure try.
Wow! That blew my mind!
"What's the difference?"
How can you say that?
One job forever?
That's an insane choice to have to make.
I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life.
But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?
Why would you question anything? We're bees.
We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.
You ever think maybe things work a little too well here?
Like what? Give me one example.
I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about.
Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach.
Wait a second. Check it out.
Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
I've never seen them this close.
They know what it's like outside The Hive.
Yeah, but some don't come back.
Hey, Jocks!
Hi, Jocks!
You guys did great!
You're monsters!
You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
I wonder where they were.
I don't know.
Their day's not planned.
Outside The Hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.
You can't just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that.
Look. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime.
It's just a status symbol.
Bees make too much of it.
Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it.
Those ladies?
Aren't they our cousins too?
Distant. Distant.
Look at these two.
Couple of Hive Harrys.
Let's have fun with them.
It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock.
Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!
He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me!
Oh, my!
I never thought I'd knock him out.
What were you doing during this?
Trying to alert the authorities.
I can autograph that.
A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades?
Yeah. Gusty.
We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow.
Six miles, huh?
A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it.
Maybe I am.
You are not!
We're going 0900 at J-Gate.
What do you think, buzzy-boy?
Are you bee enough?
I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means.
Hey, Honex!
Dad, you surprised me.
You decide what you're interested in?
Well, there's a lot of choices.
But you only get one.
Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day?
Son, let me tell you about stirring.
You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around.
You get yourself into a rhythm.
It's a beautiful thing.
You know, Dad, the more I think about it,
maybe the honey field just isn't right for me.
You were thinking of what, making balloon animals?
That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger.
Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey!
Barry, you are so funny sometimes.
I'm not trying to be funny.
You're not funny! You're going into honey. Our son, the stirrer!
You're gonna be a stirrer?
No one's listening to me!
Wait till you see the sticks I have.
I could say anything right now.
I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
Let's open some honey and celebrate!
Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!
I'm so proud.
We're starting work today!
Today's the day.
Come on! All the good jobs will be gone.
Yeah, right.
Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal…
Is it still available?
Hang on. Two left!
One of them's yours! Congratulations!
Step to the side.
What'd you get?
Picking crud out. Stellar!
Couple of newbies?
Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!
Make your choice.
You want to go first?
No, you go.
Oh, my. What's available?
Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think.
Any chance of getting the Krelman?
Sure, you're on.
I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.
Wax monkey's always open.
The Krelman opened up again.
What happened?
A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one.
Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!
Oh, this is so hard!
Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler.
Barry, what do you think I should… Barry?
All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine…
What happened to you?
Where are you?
I'm going out.
Out? Out where?
Out there.
Oh, no!
I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life.
You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?
Another call coming in.
If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rd that gets their roses today.
Hey, guys.
Look at that.
Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?
Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.
It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.
Really? Feeling lucky, are you?
Sign here, here. Just initial that.
Thank you.
You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain.
So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats.
Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us.
Murphy's in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada!
That's awful.
And a reminder for you rookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans!
All right, launch positions!
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Black and yellow!
You ready for this, hot shot?
Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.
Wind, check.
Antennae, check.
Nectar pack, check.
Wings, check.
Stinger, check.
Scared out of my shorts, check.
OK, ladies,
let's move it out!
Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers!
All of you, drain those flowers!
Wow! I'm out!
I can't believe I'm out!
So blue.
I feel so fast and free!
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kyuala · 1 year
sometimes im like.. super anxious posting stuff abt my faith bc of the way i live but at the same time... if u cant accept that part of me u cant accept me period
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i've gotten several asks as to how i'm doing after the update, and uh.
well refer to This Image for your answer-
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
I'm sorry, I just... had to give y'all a glimpse of what it's actually like
*in medical dramas*
Doctor who never seems to leave patient's general vicinity: His blood pressure's dropping, he's crashing!! *intense music and people rushing around and alarms blaring with fancy disco lights flashing*
*in real life*
Me, minding my own business, hearing an alarm beep to indicate hypotension: *grumbling as I get up for the fifth time to go back into the room and adjust blood pressure IV medication* Gosh darn it Steve stop misbehaving, this is just downright rude.
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s/o to my 11th great-grandfather Paul who was a herdsman in Thuringia, and whose son, grandson, and great-grandson all became Lutheran ministers for the same tiny church in the village of Rottleben (population 630 as of 2011)
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
God forgive me I got bored and looked at my tumblr fyp and got blasted with blatant antisemitism AND vaccine conspiracy theories AND anti public school libertarian sentiment
The problem with being religious, specifically christian (i can't speak to if this is a universal experience across faiths, I somehow doubt it), is that I cannot stand the vast majority of my co-religionists, and online it seems that I'm only ever 3 degrees of association away from the most batshit godawful opinions I've ever had the misfortune to read
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kellystar321 · 9 months
#periodical life updates#(<- NUMBER 3!!!) I FINISHED THE ANIMATION AND EVERYTHING FOR THAT PROJECT AND SENT IT OFF! super excited!!#it looks really cute! i tried my best and im mostly satisfied of where i landed <33#it's my little sibling's birthday today!! it's also the first official meeting of lgbt club!! (the other event was a fun lgbt mixer)#my backpack smells bad. like mildew or mold maybe? urgh its awful and gives me a headache. i might need a new one. i dont know. urghhh.#my programming homework is due today!! yike!! but other than that my personal projects with deadlines are all done!#INIQUITY NOW THAT YOU HAVE TIME ARE YOU FINALLY GONNA WORK ON YOUR SELF SHIP BLOG?? YES!! HOPEFULLY!!#truthfully i /have/ been working on it on the side. it looks decent but the colors;;; i have always been pretty sht at color picking?#i can adjust with filters but without that im like. a little not good yet lmao. gotta do some studies sometime perhaps#BUT YAY EXCITED!! ive got some rambles and doodles and a tag system and f/o info which is extremely cumbersome (affectionate)!!#also i have new fandom ocs for the latest dimension 20 campaign and im so delighted heho <33 this campaign is literally so fun.#im watching it with my sibling when its done!! OOH ALSO I FIGURED OUT HOW TO PNGTUBE AND i will likely never use it BUT COOL!!#i dont like. talk. lmao. my art streams are 1) silent 2) rare 3) only shared with my siblings. pngtuber is a little useless. but CUTE!!#i got boba tea yesterday!! sandy bought it :3 <3 and we're having pho and cheesecake later and i might plan out a little excursion today?#like i might get a treatsie. OR i'll just sit on campus as usual and get a mango smoothie and draw for a while (or work on homework.)#(lets be honest its likely the former. i might get a little back into traditional? ooh or maybe i'll practice my asl?) HEY THOUGH.#ive been thinking about making a henrey stickmn (ask)blog to practice asl? like. no plot. just henry teaching ellie and charles asl#really funny considering my Real concept of an askblog for THSC. not ace or eca; but a secret third thing (⛎) ;)#then again since when have i EVER followed through on an askblog lmao?? damb im all over the place today. we're already hitting tag limit#okay!! 3 AM!! if im going early tomorrow i gotta eep! goodnight everyone i love you!! see you tomorrow if i have the energy and time!!
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
I've been on AO3 a lot recently and I want to ask why in a world that does actually have Sylki Incest AUs have I never seen an AU where Sylvie is a Thor variant. It practically writes itself, surely? And the resulting "crossing over into the main MCU timeline to meet Thor" fics would be even more awkward when they hit the inevitable 'so who's your new gf, bro?' scene.
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domesticmail · 2 months
#will be breaking up with my boyfriend soon because this situation is straight-up untenable#and then i guess i'll be moving!#i feel so weird and unhappy but ultimately i think i'll be happier alone#working on myself alone#working on my life alone#because he is just. not conducive to any of it#he rightfully pointed out that i have flaws i need to fix but he also#goes on screaming tirades and ignores me for days#so i feel like ultimately i am justified in leaving.#i know i have issues and i need to work on them and I AM!#if that isn't enough for him that's okay#but it's not okay to oscillate between screaming at me and giving me the silent treatment#i mean my god.#this is not a relationship.#this is me letting myself get berated#and then disrespected#and tbf i've allowed this behavior for two years so he is not entirely to blame#i have had many chances to leave and i've always discarded them because i thought we could work it out#but yeah i've reached the point where i don't think it's work-out-able#i mean he straight up told me our relationship is not important to him and that i'm not important to him#i don't understand how that could possibly be a GOOD thing in a relationship#and i'm honestly a little saddened that i let myself think that was okay for so long#i may have flaws but i'm not abusive or manipulative. i'm just lazy#but i take care of my responsibilities too.#so ultimately i'm just not okay#i'm not okay with any of this and i'm finally okay saying that#it doesn't make him or i bad people#it means we're not compatible and probably haven't been for a long time#i am unhappy here#he is unhappy here
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delta-piscium · 11 months
Trying? Trying??? By learning. By succeeding!
(about this and my text under the cut)
this is very nice actually thank you so much <3 <3 and like, i probably do need to give myself more credit in general but also i am still very much learning and stumbling and figuring digital art out (and for the most part it is so fun)
I’m gonna ramble about this a bit so bear with me and also i apologize lol, but that art was done after a month of getting increasingly more frustrated with everything turning out so badly and eventually realizing that I was trying to 1. copy a certain look/style that i’ve internalized is what fanart and digital art should look like and is very far away from my style/comfort zone 2. i was trying to do everything digital allows without being comfortable with it or understanding it
so (and this took me a month to realize ? ??) i did what i already knew from doing acrylic and oil painting in the past and could somewhat easily transfer to digital without having to know more than the basics, like i didn’t use a lot of the things digital provides or allows for. i used layers for my own peace of mind but without actually needing them and did some color adjusting (honestly, the color adjusting digital lets you do is such a blessing to me) but the only fancy way i really utilized the medium was making it a gif (which is so fun and a lot easier than i would have thought, like honestly watch me make any future art into gifs too) but there are so many things you can do with the medium with settings/effects, different brushes, tools to use in the process etc that i just do not understand what they are or how to implement them so i am very slowly learning digital art as a whole new medium rather than just being able to use it to adapt what i already know
#sorry you just wanted to say a quick thing and i went on a whole rant (welcome to my blog tbh)#like i'll watch tutorials and they'll be like 'and i just did an overlay and then a multiply layer in a good color (:' and im like ??? wdym#'a good color' what color is a good color? like i can put those effects on my work but that's just me clicking a button without knowing wha#will happen really and like i watch speed paints and see them do stuff and im just ? HUH? what was that and why?#i also do not understand a lot of these concepts with traditional art tbh like people will talk about under paintings and im like yeah sure#i hear you however i also do not- i just place a color where it should be and that's that which i know is why my colors often don't feel#cohesive which is also something i need to learn which is blah- im basically just saying i actually do not know any theory or technique#even with traditional it is all just vibes and hoping for the best which in the long run just makes me very confused about what i am#actually doing and not confident at all i'll be able to do it again so u know#we're out here literally just raw dogging art without any thought#but it's also just i do not need to do all those fancy things but i would like to understand them and i am excited to see my progress now#i just really had a shitty month of making ugly things up until now okay so i was a little fragile when i posted that#but people have been so so nice about it and ive been crying for two days straight#also people have been so lovely about the colors and colors are deadass the hardest part about digital like with paint you often buy a set#that already match and then mix them if needed and they'll look nice together but with digital you're just on your own- no training wheels#ask#anon
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
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Good morning (mirth it's 3 pm)!
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e2019 · 1 year
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lmfao so we had some work done to the house when were moving in, and i've been meaning to clean my window because it got all dirty in the process. gross, i know, but i'm just now getting around to it because the past few weeks have been crazy, so i've been lazy. well, today i finally got out the window cleaner & pulled up the blinds to find this... it looks like the guy who worked on my room left a message for me:
me and your mama
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You know that bit of year eleven where you've finished all the content for the courses you're doing but it isn't quite exam season yet so it just feels like you're in limbo... how from the very start of the year I just felt like I was waiting for the 15th of May, to start the exams I've been prepared for since I was four... all the threats and practice and now it's real and it's like you just can't process it, something that has been nothing but a looming shadow for so long is suddenly so real and just around the corner. Full circle. It'll all be over and my mind just can't figure out what to do with that knowledge.
#Its very similar to that one specific Neurodivergent™ mood where something's happening later in the day#so you Cannot Do Anything until then#Like I feel like I'll fail if I even mildly divert from doing revision#I've stopped sewing and watching the shows I like#Everything I do now pertains to Passing My Exams#There's something there isn't there#The threat finally becoming a reality#The threat of failure whenever I didn't do my homework or wasn't in school enough#Even when I was seriously ill#“you'll fail your GCSEs” is all I've ever heard#“it'll look good on the exam”#“The examiners want to see this even though they haven't specified that you should include it” so we're supposed to just guess?#Years of mark schemes and “what the examiners want to see” and “how they'll try to trip you up”#Over a decade of being told about these faraway exams that will shape my life#Five years of “you'll fail your exams if you don't do xyz” whenever someone wanted me to do something#Five years of using these exams as an excuse to work myself to death because it was that or face the pain#Five years of having to be perfect and it'll all just be... Over#It's a strange kind of freedom that I know I'll look back on and cry#A strange feeling of being able to breathe for the first time#And simultaneously the feeling of dread#The one constant in my life#The exams I was told I would someday face#Is about to be gone#No more excuses#No more running from my problems#No more endless revision and homework and “your grades will drop if you're ill”#Just silence#It'll be Over and I just can't process that#gcse revision#gcses
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
My manager at the call center isn't gonna be here for the rest of the week. Nor is our office manager. I'm gonna throw up. Like I'm literally nauseous with dread
#it's JUST me and my one coworker because they fired coworker libby a few weeks ago#we're so fucked oh my god like#i ask my manager for shit ALL THE TIME oh my goddddd#i don't even have permission to use bonding slots for ortho emergencies omfg i'm gonna actually kill myself#and i took 53 calls on monday?? calls take like 5–10min usually & there's only 480 minutes in a work day?? and now we're down one person??#i was literally physically ill with stress today having to constantly call people back and i only took 43 calls#(7 of which were 10–20min new patient calls which each require like a good 15+ min of follow-up as well. but i digress)#i also got a call that was just fifteen seconds of BLOODY MURDER SCREAMING until i got way too scared and hung tf up. jfc#(which i thought that was one of those scam calls where they just play audio of a woman screaming for her fucking life#but it came from a patient's parent's phone number?? so idk??????)#(sometimes i hear kids screaming in the background cuz it's a pediatric dentistry but this was something different.#no talking just horrific screaming for over ten seconds straight. oh my god)#anyway on the OFF chance we have ANY free time tomorrow taking 80+ calls on our own. we'll have to spend it CALLING BACK MISSED CALLS#AND I'LL NEVER GET MY FUCKING NEW PATIENTS IN. GOD#ONLY 56 HOURS OF THIS JOB LEFT. CHRIST A-FUCKING-LIVE. PARENTS ARE GONNA BE MAD AT ME AND ORTHO COORDINATOR CANDI WILL YELL AT ME#AND I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF. I HATE MY JOB AND I HATE THIS FUCKING DENTISTRY. GODDDDDD#personal#work shit#work blogging#work
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