#and what not tho to make them pretty and not ridiculous sizes ;o
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Here, analyse my writing
my first handwriting analysis online, yay!
let's see what i see and what all of it means + a conclusion
firstly, a slight forward slant- shows optimism, goal orientedness, extraversion and expressiveness
medium/small leaning handwriting overall- size shows a willingness to occupy space and be loud (assertiveness) or lack thereof. this handwriting is small, so we can say that the writer is introverted, not very self-confident
spaced out- between the lines- fears isolation, doesn't trust people, daydreaming; between words- private person, doesn't like nosy people; between letters- extroverted, friendly
wavy baseline- shows emotional ungroundedness, klutziness, moodiness, morally grey/unsure of themselves
disconnected at some places- signifies intellect mixed with an ability to apply it according to the listener's state of mind/ persuasive??
legibility- the handwriting is legible which means that the writer does not face issues with communicating their thoughts
small third zone- not too greedy
not too big first zone- not too head in the clouds, rationally creative and imaginative
middle ground-
rounded letters- friendly, sympathetic
unevenness on the pressure of downstrokes- mean wavering willpower.
heavy horizontal strokes- mean erraticness and outbursts, aggressive or overreacting
no ornamentation but presence of loops- signs of lying, deception and bad taste?? idk handwriting is the biometrics of the mind i'm speaking what i've studied
letter specific-
all the ovals (a and o) here are closed which means the writer is cautious or clever
the f's are looped at the top which means, the writer likes theories but doesn't finish researching on them, or does not go too deep. somewhat like a person who researches to make conversation.
m's and n's are spade-shaped but kinda round, meaning the writer is hungry for knowledge, eager and curious, logical and quick thinking
CRAFTSMAN'S R SUPERIORITY HELL YEAH- (idk if you read that post but i told about how steve rogers also had the craftsman's r and that was probably where tony "stank" came from lmao. fyi, i make the same r) this r signifies a person with artistic skills and abilities
rounded b's and w's- sympathetic, poetic
first m arcs are prominent- bad taste in food and sometimes culture wise too (you're endearing ilysfm)
y's and g's- don't loop, cradle-like- motherly but unsatisfied or comically unrealistic (man that's perfect lmao i want a sitcom of your life)
slashy and running i dots- fast-thinking, irritable, ahead of themselves
high and long t bars- puts a lot of effort into work, high self-esteem, sets high goals
rationality d- self-explanatory (person who's rational)
conclusion- i want to marry you. you're amazing. okay but i will give you what i saw. the writer is quick-witted, intelligent but has bad taste. not too imaginative- innovative or creative more like. student (your handwriting really is a tell that you're a science student). skilled, good at what they do, high self-esteem, very ambitious but kind, sympathetic, look out for others and open-minded.
that's pretty much it! i still wanna marry you tho lmao. you give a ridiculous amount of intp vibes, ilysm.
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elkian · 4 years
I was gonna do a “missing the point”-style meme but I’m honestly not sure that would even work tho so:
Harry Potter and My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia have similar issues with introducing and then immediately ignoring ENORMOUS issues re: ableism.
I think these two series in specific come to mind bc it’s ableism within a specific empowered community, and in both cases the series are pretty well-known and the community (Wix/Heroes) are immediately identifiable to many audiences.
[WARNING: Discussions of ableism, child harm, and abuse on multiple levels.]
What’s the problem?
[This post got stupid huge SO here is a tl,dr for all you lovely people who understandably have no time for this.
TL, DR: Both Harry Potter and Boku No Hero have a bad tendency to implement or imply a level of disability regarding unempowered people in empowered societies. They then continue on to completely disregard important conclusions to these implications, such as how heavily it is implied that these unempowered people (Squibs) are so ‘worthless’ to those societies that their very deaths are merely a byline rather than an actual tragedy.
This is especially troubling in MHA/BNHA when so many other political and worldbuilding considerations HAVE been planned out, and seems to be less-discussed in the fandom as a whole, so that’s a much larger chunk of this post.]
That’s your tl, dr!
Here’s the Harry Potter angle:
HP has a bit that I’ve seen people discussing already: Neville’s magic was discovered when his uncle dropped a literal child a potenial lethal distance. 
Neville activating his power and surviving is celebrated, and then JKR immediately glosses over the glaring issue this has introduced: the heavy implication that a Squib dying from this incident would have not have been mourned or even really commented on.
The few adult Squibs (and isn’t that a whole new slice of wonderful /j) are generally disliked and ridiculed for some reason or other. Now, while obviously there are plenty of places where the Venn diagram of “disabled” and “asshole” intersect irl, when your ONLY presentation of a disabled character or group is, every time, an asshole or a fool or both, boy! That’s bad!
Neville (who is generally presented as magically, physically, and mentally weak and often treated as comic relief) is a bit better via the POV Character constantly having positive interactions with him, but this is still a mess. Yes, Neville canonically is not a Squib, but it’s not subtle that he’s on the cusp OF being a Squib, and that is a key element of ridiculing him in many situations (also the whole trauma thing multiple times, like if I really get into it I could do a whole double-size post of how Neville was done dirty or nearly dirty by JK all the time but this isn’t that post).
This isn’t even the point of this post. Let’s move to MHA/BNHA
Hero Academia has differing but honestly even worse issues. And I’m aware that different countries handle ableism and accessibility in different ways, but if you think too hard about it this is an absolute clusterfuck.
What is the problem now?
Squibs! Or rather, the main character of the series, Midoriya Izuku.
Deku (a nickname meaning “useless”! Imparted after his disability is recognized! hilarity!!) is also born without powers. Even worse in some ways, he is born without powers in a world where the overwhelming majority of the global population has some kind of empowerment. I can’t recall if it’s outright stated or only implied that someone with a functionally useless (and hoo boy, usefullness to society is its own post nope not today i do not have that much energy) Quirk is still more of a person than a Quirkless human.
That sink in? Okay, let’s move on.
In a narratively not-uncommon turn of events, Deku gains power. This is partially a product of, and directly tied to, his own work and determination, as well as his willingness to help even when physically outmatched.
To an American audience (NOT the intended audience though I wouldn’t doubt it if Horikoshi meant to have international appeal more or less from the start), this is a deeply satisfying narrative. Who doesn’t love an underdog story? And we even learn that the strongest hero of all time (til this point, anyways) was ALSO born Quirkless!
However, from here, things take a nosedive.
The key problem is a combination of story progression and overall thought put into worldbuilding. Horikoshi’s efforts may not be the MOST thorough, but he has put a great deal of work and thought into his creation (he at least understands the concept of implications and sometimes plans accordingly, looking at you JKR). However, that tied with story progression and personal repercussions actually works to the detriment of the matter.
Especially given recent turns of events.
 What I mean by this is the current state of events re: two particular recent/recent-ish plot arcs.
First, Quirk Removal, and second, Endeavor’s comeuppance.
Quirk Removal/Loss was the start of my realization to what the narrative was doing regarding Izuku’s Quirklessness and the state of being overall.
This arc was a perfect time to bring up Midoriya’s past! A lot of Western works certainly would have done so! And yes, it may be bordering on done-to-death, but many elements of Hero Academia put new twists on common themes and cliches; it wasn’t unreasonable to hope that he might do it again.
Instead, little to NOTHING is discussed during this time! In fact, iirc I’d go so far as to say Midoriya straight-up never considers his past at any point during this arc!? If I’m wrong then it obviously made little impact.
NOW, not every disabled character needs to incorporate their disability and/or skills gleaned from living with it in every narrative. In fact, it would get tedious and questionable if they did (note: this does NOT mean ignoring/forgetting the character is even disabled when convenient. Like, I’d like to think that’s the obvious point of this post but... *gestures at tumblr*). 
But the complete lack of it here feels really weird. Like, almost hollow. I think Midoriya makes some kind of suggestion to Mirio of his former Quirklessness at the end of the arc, but nothing that made any kind of impact.
Let’s move on.
Now, the problem with Endeavor’s arc is not the arc itself. Or, rather, it’s the fact that Endeavor’s Comeuppance is pretty good.
This is a problem because someone else should be getting this exact same arc, yet the issue is never even RECOGNIZED, let alone addressed.
Endeavor’s abuse of his wife and children, all in the name of creating a Heroic legacy, is publicized and tanks his popularity. The general public is now aware of what he’s done to the people closest to him, which aside from giving him a more correct reputation, means they can’t trust him to protect them if they can’t trust him to protect his own family.
This isn’t the goal of this post and I’m no expert regardless, but up to this point (around chapter 290) this was handled in an interesting way. Endeavor is humanized and often shown interacting with people in a way that, while often domineering, isn’t always aggressive or abusive. He runs a Hero Agency for crying out loud! But abuse in the real world often isn’t constant, nor happening to everyone in contact with the abuser. So this is a surprisingly good lead up to the reveal, where you can understand how most people never realized this was an issue.
But here’s my main point. Let’s examine some traits and actions that come up:
physically abusive to a child (often dangerously so) to the point of permanent trauma and severe scarring in some cases
target of abuse was weaker (physically and/or regarding Quirk power)
often abused victim emotionally/psychologically, bringing this weakness up again and again
own immense power led to rising in the world of Heroics
comrades, fellow Heroes, UA teachers etc. not aware of prior abuse issues
Who does this sound like?
Endeavor, who has a whole fucking arc dedicated to this reveal and repercussions?
Or Bakugou?
Reminder: This isn’t a hate post. This isn’t a character post, or even an abuse post. This is about ableism.
Bakugou exhibits many, many traits and actions that Endeavor was literally just punished for. So why does the treatment of these characters in-universe differ so drastically?
Two primary reasons I can think of, which feed into each other:
1) Bakugou was a child (still technically is a minor, remember! Still a first-year high schooler!) when this started. This doesn’t mean he’s strictly innocent, but it’s an important point, because it leads us to
2) Bakugou Katsuki’s abuse of Midoriya Izuku is socially accepted.
Reminder of the audience’s first encounter with Katsuki. The very first page with him is him and his grade-school posse picking on a kid that Izuku is trying to protect. His posse is showing off their Quirk powers and mocking Izuku’s lack thereof.
Then we flash forward to late-middle school versions of the kids. Bakugou, in front of a fucking teacher and entire class, is verbally, physically, etc. abusive to Izuku. He trashes his stuff, threatens him, tells him to kill himself (which, as Izuku notes later, is a fucking felony in Japan too).
No one stops him.
No one criticizes him.
We don’t even get a shot of like, some more ‘regular’ students being like “man Bakugou’s kinda fucked up but we’re too scared to do anything about it” NO. NO. Everyone more or less either backs Katsuki up or straight up doesn’t care.
Remember that this started when Katsuki and Izuku were four. Remember that Katsuki’s power is absurdly dangerous, ie. LITERAL. GODDAMN. EXPLOSIONS.
Izuku has scars. He probably has hearing loss! He may have gotten at least one concussion which can cause serious neurological issues and open him up to further risk!
He could have died.
THIS is the point of the post. THIS is the value placed on Quirkless people in this society.
And yet. Despite Endeavor’s comeuppance. Despite All Might and Izuku’s blatant ‘value’ to society through Heroics. Despite so many other political implications and quandaries address in the Hero Academia series.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing about this is addressed. The nearly-lethal ableism towards Quirkless people in this society is never ONCE brought up properly once Izuku receives One For All.
There is so much potential here! There is so much worth talking about! And yet we’ve moved into what feels very much like the Final Battle without it being addessed, despite numerous, numerous opportunities for a meaningful conversation about it along the way.
Mirio losing his power! Hell, Mirio’s powers’ drawbacks (and pretty much every Quirk’s drawback! if acknowledged properly!) border on a disability-analogue, and even more when Yuga’s laser comes up, and yet again and again we fail to truly engage with the matter in a meaningful way.
At this point, even if it comes up in the finale, I’m going to be disappointed in this particular aspect of the series due to the complete and total shut-down it’s been given so far.
What the FUCK, Horikoshi?
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ff-imagines · 4 years
tofu mother! i’m so happy you’re back! i can’t wait to see you talk/write about dumb tofu men some more! uhh, it seems requests are open! if you wouldn’t mind, uhhhh, sweet tofu nsfw alphabet, please? thank you!
Sweet tofu: nsfw alphabet
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Holy shit, I haven’t done sweet, have I? I am such a bad horny tofu stan please forgive me 😢
A - aftercare
Very good. He’s always pretty overbearing doting and that trait will be cranked up to an 11. He gets you whatever you need, but desperately wants to stay with you for at least a few hours afterwards. He wants to know how you feel, and he loves to see the spectrum of your emotions, he’d never tell you he secretly wants to know you enjoyed it. Your approval hits a certain twinge in his chest.
B - body part
Of his own, probably his eyes, and his fingers. He takes great care in his nails, manicures are essential for him to feel clean.
Of yours, he loves your chest. Not exactly the tiddy tho lmao. A strange thing to like but he likes how comfy it is to rest his cheek on your chest and lightly trace your collar bones. He’s really comforted in hearing your heartbeat.
He likes your thighs for the same reason, they’re a good pillow. Thighs are also soft, which means easier hickies~
C - cum
There’s…. lots of it. He recovers fast, and will sometimes overwhelm you with cum. it’s kinda fucking endless honestly. Will cum legit anywhere you ask, sometimes will be bratty and cum anywhere but where you want. Loves to cum on you, it makes him feel more possessive.
D - dirty secret
This man has no secrets when it comes to sex. He’s up front, and he’s very open about being into almost everything you can think of. One thing he’d rather not let anyone but you know is that his hips, collar bones, and wrists are really sensitive. If you massage, kiss, or lick over them he loses his composure very quickly.
His favorite spot to be kissed is the vertebrae on the back of his neck, and he’ll be a tad more intimate if you lightly scratch the back of his neck and the hair on the base of his skull.
E - experience
moderate. He’s a creepy looking dude, but it’s fairly easy for him to find entertainment for when staying home gets a bit boring. We know from salty's backstory he’d flirted with a woman who came back to talk to him frequently, along with salty mentioning how he’s always been fairly popular.
“Hehehe, I know what I’m doing kitten. My question is, do you know what I’m going to do?”
F - favorite position
Seriously, what doesn’t he like..?
I think positions where he can see your face is his favorite, most likely loves to put you on his lap so he can watch you desperately grind on him while wrinkling your nose in the most adorable way~
G - goofy
To a degree. I feel he’s goofy in initiating but less goofy as time goes on. He still teases though and sometimes he manages to crack a smile out of you in even the most strangest and awkward positions. He'll never tell you but he loves that he can make you laugh, even when you’re in the most intimate and private state possible.
H- hair
Slightly groomed, but not extensively. Sometimes he has weeks where ofc he’ll shower but doesn’t really want to shave so you’ll have to remind him. Or don’t, if that’s your thing.
I- intimacy
Very but also not always.
He can be so fucking intense, refusing to let you look anywhere but at his face so you can see how hard it is for him to keep his control, watch him this time, let it be known how much he adores seeing your body scream and twitch for his touch.
On the other hand, he might rile you up just to leave you squirming for hours.
Depends on how nice he’s feeling~
“Fuck, no. Look at me. Look. At me. You did this, you fucking did this, look. At. Me. You’re gonna watch me while I fuck you, eyes. On. Me.”
J- jerk off
Not too often? He just prefers the real thing. 1-2 times a week. When you started to catch his interest, he stopped completely for a while, giving his full attention to you, even before confessing his interest in you. It’s more out of him trying to gauge who you are and if he’s actually interested or just entertained by you. When he figured out it was actual interest though? Prolly jumped up to 3-4 times a week due to feeling a growing desperation because of his feelings.
K- Kinks
...All of them.
Most of his favorites are the darker side of BDSM, light blood play (mostly prefers he’s the one bleeding), intense sadomasochism (doesn’t matter who’s who), primal, heavy bondage, breath play, and especially role play. He’s just… really obsessed with putting you in strange situations in order to learn all he can about how you tick.
“So so adorable, but I wonder how you look when you’re in pain~”
L- location
Again, either the place he knows your most comfortable, or the place he knows you’re the least comfortable. He wants to see you squirm as the brick of the alleyway he’s pinned you against rubs into your skin brutally just as much as he loves to see your hands grasp the soft blankets of your warm bed.
M- motivation
When you do something really innocent. The happier you look the more he wants to absolutely corrupt and ruin you.
“Look at you, you’re so precious all wrapped up in these blankets, would you mind if interupted, just for a little bit?”
N- no
I feel he also doesn’t actually like daddy kinks. He’s… got some issues with the man he viewed as his father so if you want to call him something, just don’t make it daddy.
O- oral
God does he love biting your inner thighs and watching you twitch.
He appreciates oral, but being able to make your skin crawl is much more pleasing to him. Might give you oral right after fucking you just to watch you squirm in overstimulation.
“Hehe, I see the bruise from last time is faded… I wonder if I can make a new one that will last just a bit longer~”
P- pace
Depends if he’s playing a bratty role or a more intense one. No matter his pace, he’s gonna stop in the middle and just watch you cry in frustration at his teasing. This man is patient so good luck lmao
Q- quickies
Not… exactly? He loves to tease, so he’d most likely get you incredibly worked up and then leave. Would definitely grope you at a dinner table then right as your getting close leave the room entirely lmao
As for actually quick fucking you, if you beg nicely, he’d most likely give you whatever you wanted no matter what lmao.
R- risk
Wouldn’t full out fuck you in public but.. again…. if he gets to see the embarrassment on your face while he finger fucks you under the table? Now that’s the good shit.
“Stay still, you’re squirming. You’re gonna give us away if you keep moving, you wouldn’t want that would you?”
S- stamina
Ridiculous. Mainly because he pulls some strings and uses his powers as a healer to recover his own energy. What a bastard.
T- toys
He owns a few. Most are restrictive, like handcuffs, rope, etc. might get a vibrator just to tie you down and make you cry and beg him to turn it off after overstimulating you for what feels like hours.
U- unfair
Y E A. Prolly the worst teaser you’ll ever encounter in your entire fucking life. He wants to see you cry from frustration and then hear your screams when he fucks you so hard it makes you cry all over again.
Then he stops, giggles, and goes back to teasing again.
“Kitty, come on, you can take just one more, cant you? For me?”
V- volume
Talks a lot. And it’s not that he’s “loud”, he just moans a lot. His voice is naturally pretty quiet though. Lots and lots of low groaning. During and after cumming he’s quieter, giving out a low hum while breathing slowly trying to regain his composure.
W- wild card
There is no mention that his hair is dyed, so I’m making the head canon that his natural hair is two tone and that his fuckin body hair is duel colored.
X- X Ray
Like I said, I will go down with the hc his body hair is duel colored like his hair. Mans got white and brown pubes I don’t make the rules.
As for size he’s actually on the smaller/average size, solid 5 inches.
Y- yearning
When you’re down, he is. If he hasn’t seen you in a long time he’s gonna be more grabby. He actually isn’t easy to make that jealous because he’s very confident in your loyalty, you’re willing to stick with him this long so… why worry?
Z- zzz
Lmaoooo? sleep?? Who’s that? Don’t know her. Thinks you’re adorable when you fall asleep though. Likes to study your face while sleeping and will gently coo and let your hair if he notices your face starts twitching because of something like a nightmare. Might peel back the blankets a bit to further… “observe”. And he wonders why you keep waking up freezing.
“Awe, out so quick kitty? Hm, you are cute like this. Wonder if you’ll look cuter when you’re having a nightmare…”
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voorheehees · 5 years
The Collector NSFW Alphabet
                                                 ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He takes a moment to catch his breath, then rolls over. The most you’ll get is a semi-gentle cheek stroke or a swift kiss on the top on your head
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He doesn’t really have a favorite part of his body, although if he had to choose, it would probably be his arms. They’re toned, bone-crushing even, and it would be a lie to say he’s not at least a little proud. 
Oh his partner, it’s a strong tie between their thighs and neck. (Also tiddies if his partner is a girl tee hee).
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Here’s a little secret: Asa is quite the neat freak. Therefore, he doesn’t want it getting on his sheets AT ALL. That’s just a mess he doesn’t want to have to deal with. So most likely, he will opt to cum inside his partner or on their stomach/back.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a nasty habit of watching you when you’re changing. Not even that, he has a nasty habit of watching you in general. Even while you complete mundane, day-to-day tasks, he’ll steal a glance or two. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has a basic idea, he knows what goes where, but experience? Nah. However, that doesn’t stop him from acting like he’s an all knowing, dominant sex guru (a bit of a know it all, the arrogant bastard).
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He absolutely loves to hit it from the back, but missionary works too. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Serious, come on. 
I think it’s rare for this guy to be goofy even outside of the bedroom. To him, sex is no casual matter. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He keeps himself well trimmed and neat, but he grows hair like a beast so it’s a very tedious and annoying task for him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Unfortunately, he’s not the most romantic guy. He may try his best if he really cares, but it’s very unrealistic to hope for anything sweet from him.
You know that sex scene with Michael Shannon in The Shape of Water? Yeah, pretty much like that. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t do it often, it’s more of a biological need than an enjoyable act. He feels a bit strange, or even wrong indulging in self pleasure. When he does, it’s quick and to the point, he wants to finish as quick as possible. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Lingerie, blindfolds, and handcuffs (all on his partner)
Also eye contact? idk if that’s really a kink tho akdalsfl
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bedroom periodt. Boring ass vanilla ass Asa ass thinks anywhere else is ridiculous and impractical. Once in while, if he’s in a good mood, you could talk him into doing it in the kitchen or his office. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Oof lot’s of things. But the biggest are when you act like a homemaker. Cleaning the house, making him dinner when he gets home, rubbing his shoulders after a grueling day of work, all of it sends him. In addition, he loses it when you act innocent.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing turns him off faster than degrading. It angers him, even. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
To be honest, he prefers to give. He likes having you under his control, a writhing mess of his doing. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Again, it depends on his mood. Most of the time, it’s rough. But every once in a while, he can be gentle. But that is a  r a r e  occasion. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He prefers quickies, honestly. He doesn’t have a lot of time on his hands so they’re just more convenient for him. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s open to experimentation if you make him think it’s his idea. He has to feel like he’s the boss and that he’s the one with brilliant ideas for the bedroom. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last a good amount of time, but can only go about one round.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
No way. He wouldn’t even know what the things were until you introduced them to him. He would be hesitant at first, possibly even outright refusing. But as with most everything else, you can definitely get him to break eventually. 
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
It really depends on his mood (and on how tired he is). After a long day, he’ll just want to finish and be done. But when he has time, he loves to draw the act out as long as possible, and teasing usually plays a big part in that.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s relatively pretty quiet, although he can get reasonably loud as he gets closer to finishing. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Asa isn’t really capable of love, so any sexual act with him will definitely be driven solely by lust and the shocking fact that he hasn’t killed you. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s pretty modestly sized, maybe a bit above average in the girth department.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
The limit does not exist.
Unless he’s a lil sleepy or cranky uwu
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He K.O.’s like it’s freaking WWE smackdown
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a-sweet-pea · 5 years
Soup or Stew
A lil borrower one-shot starring Elle and James. Been meaning to dust this off for a while but I never wrote the intro. She’s borrowing for snacks in the cupboard when the bean shows up unexpectedly (don’t they always?). Hope this can tide folk over until I get some fresh stuff going!
- x -
“A wee mouse, is it?” The giant took the bag of sugar off the shelf below her, and leaned forward to peer into the dark back corners of the cabinet. She took advantage of the fact that his attention was elsewhere to tiptoe from behind the honey jar to the tall rectangular package of biscuits. I wanted one of those, she thought sadly. Oh well, another day. Though he was out of sight, Elle could tell by the sound of it that the giant was taking jars and packets of things off the bottom shelf; at this rate, she would be through the hole and back down the ladder before he even started on top one. “Wee sleekit cowrin, timrous beastie, whit a panic’s in thy breastie.” His voice vibrated the wood shelf beneath her; it sounded even deeper and larger echoing off the walls of the cabinet. “Thou need nae start awa sae hasty, wi’ bickering brattle! Ah would be loathe tae run an chase ye, wi’ murd’ring prattle.”
Her heart was racing in her chest. Good, then don’t. Keep on reciting poetry and stop rummaging around. She slowly edged around the back of the biscuits, past an unopened jar of peanut butter, toward the hole in the back of the cabinet. Freedom. She went the last stretch of it crouching low to the ground. So low that her knapsack tipped, and two thumbtacks fell out with a clatter that could probably be heard three rooms over. Dammit. She turned her head, just in time to see the giant’s face eclipse the light in the cabinet opening.
“Whit the…” His eyebrows shot up, his eyes widened. She watched another silhouette come across the light; a hand open and reaching. No, no, no, she thought, racing to the shadows at the back of the cabinet. You idiot, how could you be so loud, you are the worst at sneaking. The hand thudded down onto the shelf and swept back and forth on the spot where she had just been. Which meant that it was between her and the hole, she couldn’t even make a run for it. But, maybe I can sneak past it. Slowly, the hand moved across the shelf away from her, the fingertips brushing against the peanut butter jar and a few loose grains of rice. Good, she thought, taking silent trembling steps toward the hole. You just stay over there for a bit. It did not. Something large and soft and warm prodded her leg, almost knocking her over.
“Ah, there you are.” 
Her stomach dropped; she hardly had time to turn around before she felt massive fingers curl around the back of her and lift her up and out into the light of the kitchen. 
I’m dead.
James couldn’t believe it.
But he had to, because there it was, tumbling off of his palm into a little trembling heap on the counter. Not a mouse at all. A tiny human figure, no more than five inches tall.
“How are ye so small?” She stood up and fixed him with a deer-in-the-headlights type stare. “And whit were ye daein’ in ma cupboard?” She straightened the hem of clumsily-sewn purple dress and opened her mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. After a silent moment, she crouched down, tucking her head down against her knees and covering her head. 
“No questions.” A muffled high-pitched voice came from the shaking ball. “Just get on with it.”
“Get on wi what?” He leaned down a little further, taking in the small details of her appearance. She had mouse brown hair tied in a low ponytail with a scrap of red cloth. There was a patchwork bag at her side, in which James could just barely make out a few recognizable shapes; a few thumbtacks, a paper clip, a torn off bit of a yellow post-it note.
“Squishing. Poison. Eating me. Whatever you’re going to do.” 
“Is that what you’re afraid of?” 
The little voice was stronger, almost pouty. “I’m not afraid!” James chuckled, and the little ball shuddered.
“Naw, of course you’re no afraid. Ye’ve got nu’hin tae be afraid of.”
“Is that so.” The ball didn’t move. She was such a tense wee marble; he just wanted to scoop her up and give her a cuddle, but he resisted the urge.
“Naw, of course no. There’s nothing scary about me.”
“So, you’re not going to boil me into a soup.”
“Ah dinnae like soup.”
“A stew then.”
“Soup and stew are the same ‘hing.”
Her head popped up, and there was something of an edge to her tone when she spoke. “They are not!”
“Aye, they are.” James tried not to let the excitement show in his voice. Her eyes were bright and her expression delightfully contrarian. “Soup is meat and vegetables in water. Stew is meat and vegetables in water.”
“That doesn’t make them the same thing!” She uncurled and sat upright, cross-legged. “You might as well say sandwiches and pizza are the same thing, just cause they both have meat and cheese on bread.”
“I would agree with that.”
“No, you’re not supposed to agree with that.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re supposed to say, ‘That’s ridiculous, no one would say that.’ Because it is, and no one would.” 
James laughed. “Well, ah said it, and I’m no hearing a counterargument.”
“That’s because I’m thinking of one.” She stood up and paced back and forth, scratching the back of her head thoughtfully. Outwardly, James remained passive. Inside, his mind was racing, trying to catch up with the events unfolding on the counter. Such a tiny thing. Why was she in the cabinet? Does she live here? Was that why his guitar picks had been disappearing; had she been squirreling them away in her tiny bag to use as plates or shingle a miniature house? He’d been a bit peeved at the time, but he supposed if they were being put to use, that wasn’t as bad as them sliding between a crack in floor boards, never to be of use to anyone ever again.
“Ahm waiting.”
“Well, you can keep waiting!” She drew her mouth into a thin line, and James laughed.
“Aye, I can. I’ve got nu’hin’ better to do this evening.” He sat back and watched her pace back and forth across about 8 inches of counter space like she was the Great Mouse Detective, until suddenly she stopped and turned to face him with a triumphant expression.. 
“There’s two pieces!”
“Two pieces of what?”
“Bread! A sandwich has two pieces of bread with stuff in the middle. And it’s just for one person. A pizza is a big round bread with stuff on top of it. Also, it’s for multiple people to eat.”
“Speak for yoursel, wee yin. Ah can eat a whole pizza, easy.”
“Well you shouldn’t.”
“Besides,” James crossed his arms and leaned over, resting them on the counter in front of her. He was close enough to see freckles on her face now, like grains of sand. “I thought the argument was about soup and stew.”
“It’s about establishing..a…precedent…” The girl froze statue still. Her gaze travelled up along his arm to his face. Her’s was a bit pale.
“Hey, dinnae go shy on me now.” He spoke as softly as he could, and watched as his breath blow a strand of hair away from her face. “I just wanted tae get a better look at ye.”
“W-why?” She clutched at the strap of her bag where it reached across her shoulder, like it was a safety harness.
“Have you ever seen oanybody my size before?”
“Yes, all the time. You guys are all over the place.” She gestured widely with her hands, avoiding eye contact. 
“Well, I’ve never seen oanybody like you.”
“That’s because we’re very good at hiding.”
“No that good.” James said it with a smile, but immediately regretted it. 
“I guess not.” The girl shook her head and looked away from him; raising a miniscule hand to wipe her eye. 
“Hey, dinnae dae that!” Without thinking, reached out and curled his fingers gently around her. She gasped and her eyes were like saucers as he lifted her into the palm of his other hand. “It was a joke, that’s aw; ah didnae mean it. I’m sure you’re great at hidin’.” Her eyes were wet, and pink around the edges, but she wasn’t crying anymore. She appeared to have short circuited.
“You…you p-picked me up. I’m…in your hand.” Her little hands prodded his palm. 
“Oh, aye. Sorry. I jist, I wanted tae gie you a cuddle, you know?” James was nearly as sorry as he probably should have been, if he was being perfectly honest with himself. He’d wanted to pick her up again since he put him down. She was such a fascinating little creature. Holding her felt not unlike holding somebodies pet rat; if pet rats could talk and nick office supplies.
“You…you weren’t just lulling me into a false sense of security so you could scoop me up and Science me?”
“Science you?”
“Y-you know,” she stammered. She hadn’t stopped rubbing his palm. “P-put me in a jar and poke me with a thermometer or something like that.”
“No. I am not going to science you. Or eat you. Or squash you. Or oany of that.”
“Aye. Promise.” 
“Not…not even if I say something that makes you mad?”
“Wee yin,” he spoke as soft and gentle as he could. “There’s nu’hin ye could say to me that would make me want tae hurt ye.”
“Soup is a thin watery broth o-or a cream base with chopped meat of vegetables or noodles or fish or whatever suspended in it, and the proportions are lots of liquid to a little bit of solid stuff. Stew is always beef, and it’s cooked for a long time with vegetables, but never noodles or fish, and the liquid is more meat sauce than anything else, and it pretty much only barely covers the solid bits. So while I concede that they are in the same category of foods, they are absolutely different.”
James tilted his head and fixed her with a stony glare. “I am going to boil you in a soup.”
“Really?” The high, anxious tone of her voice took all the fun out of the joke.
“No, no of course not! Whit kind ae monster do ye take me for?” Her shoulders relaxed immediately. “Ah am hungry tho. If I made a pot ae mac ‘n cheese, wid ye have some?”
Her eyes just about rolled back into her head. “I love mac and cheese. But by the time I get to it, the scraps are stone cold, and cold mac and cheese is basically worse than no mac and cheese at all.”
“And its no soup, right?”
“No.” Her laugh was like a little bell ringing with a tiny goose honk in the middle. “It’s not soup.”
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jungshookz · 6 years
You know what would be great???? Culinary student! Jin and a hopeless y/n who eats ramen out of coffee pots and eats cool whip straight out of the can. Also ily and I hope you know that
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→ pairing: kim seokjin x reader
→ genre: what a surprise it’s bratty!y/n, culinarystudent!jin and his fancy pasta, humour, a touch of nsfw because i’m obsessed with jin’s broAd shoulders it’s almost ridiculous
→ wordcount: 3.4k
→ note: i hope i did ur request justice also i love u more :~)))
(gif isn’t mine!) ((also i was going to use a gif of him actually cooking but tumblr refusEd to accept it so i’m sorry)) 
being completely honest
jin thinks you’re really cute
like SUPER cute
like he’s really REALLy frickin attracted to you because you’re just so??? yOU and somehow it works and it gets his gears GRINDING okay
you were the one who moved in right next door and you greeted him with a friendly smile and a ‘here, i baked cookies!’ and of course he accepted the cookie because he’s not a complete monster
but good GOD
that cookie was awful
and to be fair he’s a culinary student so it makes sense that he has high standards but even a fOOL would know that your cookies were god-awful
before you got the chance to distribute your nasty cookies out to the rest of the people on your floor jin was like hEY hEY how about you give me.,.,,. all of your cookies,.,.. because i,.,. really like them.,.,., and.,., i want to eat.,.,. all of them.,., thank u., yes,.
you’ve known each other for almost eight months?
and nothing has happened because let’s be real
you’re both wussies
and no one’s admitting anything to anyone so you’re kind of in this flirty-friendly space and you’re both FULLY aware that there’s like.,.,. a sprinkle of flirting going on.,,
but you know what
that’s beside the point
he doesn’t even know why he’s thinking about his undeniable crusH on you
because right now all jin can focus on is the fact that you’re eating ramen out of a coffee pot
let him repeat himself
you’re eating ramen
out of a
a COFFEE pot
you’re in the middle of rambling to him about your day and he’s trying to pay attention to what you’re saying but he wants to scream every time to pause to sluRP out of the coffee pot
laundry room gossip is a pretty normal thing for you two
you’re both so busy during the day
you with your classes and jin with his culinary classes
so once or twice a week you’ll both coordinate a time to come down and do your laundry together (you guys usually shove all your clothes in together because u end up saving some $$ too) and you’ll both end up sitting there for a couple hours just talking to each other while waiting for your clothes
jin raises a brow before pressing his lips together
his mother raised him not to be judgemental but COME ON
out of a COFEE POT??????
out of all the things he’s seen you done this has to be the absolute worst
here are a couple of examples as to what monstrosities you’ve exposed him to:
a cold pizza sandwich (two slices of cold pizza with a drizzle of ranch and crunched up cheetos as the filling)
cereal eaten out of the baG ITSELF (u poured the milk in and everything)
chicken pancakes?? aka shredded deep fried chicken and shredded cheese mixed inTO pancake batter and panfried and then topped with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of green onions
one time you made scrambled eggs in a mug and dat shit looked nasty
but this
this doesn’t even make sense
disrespecting what looks like a pretty high-quality coffee pot (he remembers you got it for christmas or something) by using it as a holder for $1 ramen
it’s probably going to stink up the coffee pot and every time you make coffee it’s always going to have that faint aftertaste of chicken broth
a shudder goes down his spine and he winces
you perk up when the drying machine suddenly beeps and stops rumbling “god finaLLy”
jin keeps his eyes glued on the damn coffee pot as you set it down next to your basket and go to retrieve your freshly-dried clothes
you bend down and pop open the dryer and the loud hiss makes jin look over
“jin?” he glances away quickly and looks up at the ceiling as a poor attempt to conceal the fact that he was totally just checking u out just now
“hm, what?” he clears his throat
“aren’t you going to come and get your clothes?”
“oh, right.” jin pushes himself up off the ground and grabs his basket
he props it up on his hip and starts picking out his clothes from the pile
“hey, these are cute.” jin can’t help but smirk as he twirls a burgundy thong around his finger
your cheeks flame up immediately
“cut it out, you perv” you scowl playfully and grab it from him quickly
the little voice in the back of your mind can’t help but wonder if perhaps jin would be interested in seeing you wear the thong
it comes with a matching bralette
“ya-“ jin pokes your arm and you look over at him “was that your dinner?” he points to the coffee pot and you glance over at it “didn’t you have ramen yesterday?”
“…yeah. instant ramen has been my dinner every day for the past week. why?” you hum nonchalantly and continue picking through the pile
you help jin out and toss one of his white t-shirts into his basket
jin can’t help but let his jaw drop
you’ve been eating processed garBAGe for the past weEK
“it’s never enough for me tho so i usually eat a bag of chips too. i might have a frozen mac n’ cheese thingy in the freezer so that’s an option too.” you gasp excitedly “ooh i can crumble the chips over the mac n’ chee-“
“oh my god.” all of a sudden jin reaches over and puShes the rest of the clothes into his basket before grabbing your wrist and dragging you towards the door
“hey, we haven’t finished sorting out the-“
“we’ll do it later i just need to get some actual foOD into your system before all the MSG and sodium starts breakING down your internal organs”
as he’s dragging you up the stairs (the elevator is broken again what a surprise) you can’t help but admire how b r o a d his shoulders are
the cotton shirt he’s wearing is kinda thin and u swear u can see his back muscles flexing slightly
you can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like
running your hands all along his back
digging your nails into his shoulders as he,.,,., y’know
wrapping your legs around his tapered waist as he.,,.,.,. y’knOW
s i g h
you purposely pull back a little so jin slows down and gives u more time to ogle him
are you a pervert for doing that
you might be
“let me see what’s in your fridge so i can work my magic”
he’s never actually been in your apartment before
he’s never had a reaSon to
(you always wanna invite him in to watch a movie or something but u get shy and shrivel up immediately)
he has a good idea of the layout because his place is exactly the same as yours
he’s not surprised to see that your place is relatively neat and organised besides a couple scattered markers on the coffee table and a throw blanket tossed haphazardly over the couch
there’s a candle burning away in the middle of the coffee table that makes your place smell like warm vanilla
but then
he enters the war zone
the kitchen
oh my god
this is a living nightmare
this is HIS living nightmare
there’s just
he sees all the takeout boxes in the bin and the pizza box sitting on your kitchen island and the- well that must’ve been your breakfast or something because you sprinkled cinnamon toast crunch on a bagel smeared with waY too much cream cheese
“oh hey i forgot about this” a piece of jin’s soul dies and floats up to heaven when you pop the rest of your cinnamon-cream-cheese-bagel monstrosity into your mouth and chew thoughtfully
why does he like you
“ah, i probably should’ve offered you a bite… i’ll make one for you tomorrow if you want!”
“i’m… good. i think i’m more than good.” he shudders before nudging past you heading to your fridge “lemme see what we’re working with here…”
“you know you really don’t have to make anything for me. i told you i had a frozen mac and cheese…” you’re rambling and jin is most certainly not paying attention to you mainly because he’s shocked becAUSE you have like NOTHING in your fridge
a bottle of three-cheese ranch
a couple oranges, an avocado, and one red apple
a half-eaten sandwich?? it looks like turkey and a shitload of mayo
a takeout box with…,,. three pieces of orange chicken and a piece of broccoli that you’ve taken a bite out of
a baby carton of chocolate milk and a regular sized carton of milk
and a can of cool whip
unless he makes an orange-chicken-turkey-avocado sandwich with ranch on the side accompanied with a glass of chocolate milk with a dollop of whipped cream on top there’s not a lot he can do here
is thiS how you live
“you know what, maybe you should just come over to my place!” jin closes the fridge and clasps his hands together “yeah, let’s do that.”
“what do you mean?? i have plenTy of food in my fridg- okAy” you stumble over your feet when jin grabs your wrist and drags you away from the fridge
when you enter jin’s place he pushes you down on the couch and you nearly bounce off of it “you stay here, and i’ll whip something up for us.”
as he turns to head towards his kitchen he hears a vioLent schrrr
he turns back around and your finger freezes on the nozzle on the whipped cream canister
“wha- where did you even hiDe that” jin furrows his brows and you shrug before squirting some more into your mouth
“you sure you don’t need any help??” you’re already bored and you’ve only been here for less than a minute
“i don’t want you burning down my kitchen, so i’m good.”
“but i’m boRed and i’m hunGRY” you whine and flop back against the couch
jin raises a brow before bending down and grabbing the remote
he turns the tv on and it just so happens to be playing the late-night cartoons
perfect for a petulant child like you
miraculously jin gets 20 minutes of peace and quiet until he hears you whining again about how hunGry again
that’s what happens when you eat nothing but empty calorie foods
your eyes light up with excitement when jin emerges from the kitchen
he has a rag tossed over his shoulder and a grey apron hanging around him that you assume is from his culinary school
his cheeks are kinda pink from the heat of the kitchen which is adorable
he sits down next to you and you turn to fully face him while crossing your legs
he hands you the plate
“….do you go to culinary school or something?” you tease and jin snorts
the pasta’s been plated into a loose nest and there’s a pretty little basil leaf sitting on top
“chicken, bacon, and spinach spaghetti. and since you’re a whipped cream freak we can have assorted berries and whipped cream for dessert.”
“assorted berries.” you mock quietly and jin scowls playfully before handing you a fork
he doesn’t know why but he’s a little bit nervous lol
like he KNOWS he’s good at cooking but for some reason he feels like he’s presenting a dish to gordon ramsay or someone of that calibre
you twirl a bit of pasta around the fork and shove it into your mouth
and you didn’t think it was possible
but you’re pretty sure your mouth is having an orgasm
HOLy shit
fireworks are going OFF
the bacon has retained its crisp
the spinach is wilted but not toO wilted that it’s falling apart
the chicken is so soft and tender
the spaghetti is cooked *ahem* al dente
and the sauce!!!!
it’s so creamy
so flavourful
you swallow your bite and blink down at the plate of pasta
“what’s wrong?”
“this is…. almost too good.” you mutter and poke at a piece of perfectly cooked chicken before stabbing into it and popping it into your mouth
jin’s cheeks warm with pride as he watches you continue to eat
“it’s almost as good as my frozen mac n cheese meals.” you joke and jin resists the urge to smack you with his rag
it doesn’t matter if you’ve eaten 20 pounds of food for dinner because you’ll always aLWAys have room for dessert
especially if dessert involves whipped cream
it’s healthy-ish!! it’s basically dairy and don’t u need dairy for strong bones or something
and strawberries and blueberries are fruit
and fruit is healthy
so if you really think about it assorted berries and whipped cream is the ideal combo if u wanna get in shape
jin doesn’t trust you with the canister of whipped cream (because he’s 100% sure you’re just going to hog all the cream and squirt all of it into your mouth) so he’s squirting some out onto a particularly juicy looking strawberry that he knoWS you want to devour
he turns and offers it to you and your mouth opens automatically as you lean forward to take it into your mouth
“hold on now.” your brows immediately knit together when he pulls away juSt as you’re about to take a bite “admit it. my spaghetti is much better than your stupid mac n cheese meals.” there’s a glint of playfulness in his eyes as he points to his ear and waits for your response
“i dunno. i get the mac n cheese from whole foods so you know it’s good.” you tsk but keep your eyes right on the berry hovering in front of you
“huh. i guess i’ll be enjoying this seasonal japanese strawberry for myself, then.” jin pouts mockingly
“nO i WANT IT“ jin yelps when you’re suddenly clambering over and grabbing his wrist so that you can shoVe the berry right into your mouth
a normal person would eat the berry and then return to their seat
you are far from a normal person
you keep your hold on his wrist and suck the whipped cream off his thumb after swallowing the strawberry
god have mercy
your eyes flicker up and you see jin staring right at you with parted lips
“…something the matter?”
and within one second
the berries and your trusty canister of whipped cream have both been abandoned in favour for
“can’t believe it took you thiS long to make a move” you murmur against jin’s mouth and he responds by nipping at your bottom lip
“says you!” he gawks before proceeding to press kisses down your neck
and you finALLY get to feel his muscles rippLe underneath the soft cotton of his shirt as you slide your hands from his waist to his back
meanwhile jin’s hand has found its home in between your legs and your eyes flutter shut “god, jin…”
“something the matter?” he mocks before pressing a chaste kiss to your mouth “you gonna admit it now?”
“admit wha- oh, jin - admit whaT”
“that my food is better than your frozen TV dinners” you would’ve burst out laughing if it weren’t for the shocks of electricity tingling up your spine
“n-no way-“ your back arches against his chest and your mouth falls open in a silent moan
and suddenly
you let out a pathetic whine when jin’s hand pulls away from in between your legs “fine. i guess we’re done here!” he sits up but keeps your legs wrapped around his waist
you are just a vision aren’t you
you’re flopped back against the arm of the couch
your chest is heaving slightly
your cheeks and nice n rosy
“you are the absolute worst.”
“c’mon… say it…”  he hums and slides a finger from your knee cap to your inner thigh
you know for a fact you two aren’t done here because jin’s already hooked a finger into the waistband of your shorts but you’re naturally a veRy impatient person and so-
“fine, you idiot. your food is significantly better than my frozen TV dinners. happy?”
“…i’ll take it.”
((spoiler alert: you are rewarded with not one not two but thREE mind-blowing orgasms for admitting it))
((maybe you should learn to be less stubborn))
“good morning!” jin is startled awake when you plop on top of him with your legs on either side of him “it’s 10 o’clock and i made us some food”
“christ, don’t scare me like that!” jin scolds you playfully and reaches up to pinch the side of your bare thigh
you’re wearing the shirt he had on last night and it’s starting to droop off your shoulder
“good morning indeed.” his voice is thick with sleep and his hand slides up from your thigh to grasp at your waist “whatcha got there?”
“cinnamon toast crunch bagel” you murmur with a mouthful of bagel and swipe at a lil chunk of cream cheese on the corner of your mouth “my wonderful creation that i made fresh for you”
you’re getting crumbs all over jin but he can’t seem to care because the idea of a cinnamon toast crunch bagel makes him want to throW YOU ouT THE WINDOW
he sits up slowly and wraps an arm around your waist before nuzzling into the crook of your neck “you’re lucky i like you otherwise i would throw your wonderful creation righT into the garbage bin right about now.”
you scoff in mock offence and pull away from him before jabbing a sticky finger into his bare (b r o a d) chest
“don’t knock it til you try it!!”
“the day i try one of your inventions is the day i- mmph!” you shut him up and shove the last bite of your bagel into his mouth before clasping your hand over his mouth so he can’t spit it out
jin chews slowly
and swallows
what the hell
that actually..,,. that tasted good
“that was okay, i suppose. kinda sweet. but i can think of something that might taste a little sweeter.” before you know it jin is flipPing you over and you find yourself pinned underneath him
you’re a giggling mess because you’re trying to get the cream cheese and sugar particles off your fingers but jin is being very vEry distracting
“hOLd on a second sir i have breakfast waiting for us in the living room!” jin’s already made his way down your chest and is about to set up shop in between your legs
he looks up at you before offering you a cheeky grin “…i’m in the mood for breakfast in bed, aren’t you?”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
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werewolf verse: random trivia
just a little collection of Fun Facts™ about dugan and his wolfy fun times <3
at regular full-grown height and unshifted, dugan stands at 6′5 ( 1.95m )
at partial/bipedal shift, he goes anywhere from 8′4′ ( 2.54m ) to 9′1 ( 2.77m ), and maxes at a whopping goddamn 9′8 ( 2.95m ) during and immediately framing the full moon
full shift he’s still pretty fucking tall at 7′11 ( 2.41m ) from ground to shoulder while on all-fours. seriously what the fuck man.
dugan’s fur color is very ginger, just as his regular hair is. very very ginger. think fox coloring kind of ginger. it’s honestly ridiculous especially with how absolutely ginormous he is when shifted
you think regular verse dugan is a garbage disposal for food?? lmao think again the wolf is always fucking eating something trying to keep up with his metabolism and size, seriously how in the hell has he not starved?? he’s worse than a teenager smh
t o e b e a n s
seriously tho they are massive and if he likes you he’ll happily let you touch them
he likes to use shedded fur to do things like stuff teddies for his daughter. yes he makes sure it’s clean, he’s not an idiot. but it makes things Super Soft™ and she seems to adore the efforts so that’s what really matters here
honestly you could probably literally make a whole new wolf with the amount he sheds for fucks sake
cleaning his fur is an absolute bitch it’s so thick, but god is the Floof hilarious when he goes through water and shakes it all off
his howls are deep, and he can do both comforting resonation and bone-chilling, pants-shittingly terrifying. usually he sticks to softer howls tho if he can unless absolutely necessary or something requires going batshit
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monkey-network · 5 years
Good Stuff ~ Stray Thoughts: Steven Universe’s Movie
It’s high time I finally looked at this film. 100%, Monkey Style. Let’s roll...
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Ah, a curtain raise. Fancy Schmancy.
Chance the Rapper! Good seeing him have a hand in the music, cause I doubt it’ll sound any different.
I wish the tale was more than just about Steven
Lucky she got planet earth, I guess.
*Holds onto the laugh* She latched onto Greg’s seed. HEHEEE KEK! 
That’s one way of putting it
You know, I would’ve preferred he was 18 instead of 16. It makes sense that he’s still a teen, but that is me
I guess this film wouldn’t have gone the way it did if Steven didn’t dox himself like that.
“Saving.“ That reminds me. What of the Cluster? “They’ll never mention it.“ I know. *sigh*
I’m so glad this time skip makes me ask more than accept, trying to make me compelled for season 6 to know what happened in between that time. You’re not slick here, movie.
“The White Power Hour will be right back“
Am I the only one finding this scene with the Diamonds creepy?
“Come on, Steven. You’re all that stands between me and doing the racism.“
Connie! Glad you look spry and well in your 65% of screen time.
Cheek peck! Lovely!!!
Shoot, they could make a whole episode about him being a guest at the space camp. I mean I’m saying this cuz I doubt they are.
Ah, the “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” song.
Zach is quite the singer when he can sing more naturally
Come on Pearl, don’t make me believe Rose was a character
Oh the chest is open. Neat. Wish I cared.
Unconsenting head warp
1st Born Amethyst is adorable.
*sigh* Wonderful. It’s a shame I’m gonna forget this song.
Ah, the best character in the series has arrived
Real Talk tho: How did our antagonist get to Earth with that craft so quickly? Like, let’s say it took 10 real minutes at best between Steven giving his Homeworld speech to resting on that hill. She just had that injector, roaring to go, and knew exactly where Steven might’ve been all in that short amount of time? “You know logic is not this show’s strong suit.” Let me dream, damn it!
Again, none of this would’ve happened if Steven didn’t out himself
Ruining other people’s happiness. I love her already.
Why did Steven getting his face kicked feel satisfying?
“Pink Diamond“ Ah, the secret word.
While “Other Friends” is such a bop, one of the only good songs so far, I knew this movie would have it’s musicals take place every.... less than five minutes.
Wait. The villain has stretchy powers, so there's an in-Universe reason to be off-model all the time? Oooooh, they’re fucked.
It was at that moment the villain knew, he fucked up.
Again, Steven getting kicked feels so satisfying.
Reaper? Awwwww ye!
I’m telling you. She let him slice her. 
What? How can he not control his powers while he’s aware of- ugh.
Surprised he didn’t revert back to no neck Steven
Ok, that quick censor joke got a laugh outta me.
Two for two laughs, Greg is on a roll
How would gems know what seashells are?
Three minutes apart. Not bad.
Whaaat was that zoom?
Ah, the “For the Newbies/clueless” song
We’re doing the amnesia plot, Pearl, keep up a bit.
I’m somehow giddy and uncomfortable at Spinel’s presence.
Beautiful song. Sad I won’t remember this one.
Wonderful lip sync there.
Oh no, chekov’s scythe.
Heheheheheheh, Spinel’s dead eye stare
Ah Lapis, if only the show treated you better
That’s some morbid logic. I can dig it.
Seriously, if you are aware of your powers, then why can’t yo- ugh.
Ye, get the Diamonds. They could punt the injector out, everything could go as planned. Only problem would be having to listen to them.
I doubt Garnet would know what to do, honestly.
Spinel’s VA must’ve had a blast with the role
About five minutes apart. Doing better.
Song is better too. Not memorable, but it’s a fist pump worthy tune.
Dang it, Spinel, you’re precious!
I’m with Steven, I’m getting Cupcakes vibes with that pizza slicer
Ye, just let her pick up that weapon. It’ll conveniently advance the plot.
Oh a lovely constitutional for those two.
Rise of the Shield Hero!
Four minutes apart. Slightly better.
Weakest song by far, but the visuals were amazing.
Subtle moment here. I’ll express later.
Is Onion teleporting?
So sad Ronaldo.
Okay, that was a wholesome moment. “That’s why Amethyst and Steven ARE the best.“ You know it. *fist bump*
Ye, I think it’s best to get out of there?!
I doubt it’s gonna kill everything on Earth
Oh wait, what about the Clu- “It’s not gonna be mentioned.” The Cluster deserves better, man.
I honestly would’ve loved to see Steven lift that entire thing
Great, you made it worse.
But forget the end of the world. We got music to make.
A little over five minutes. Pretty good.
Why am I getting Pat Benatar vibes from this tune?
'Disobedient’ is bad btw
The look Steven and Greg gave before rocking out? I felt that. Now....
There comes a time in all forms of media consumption where you are so utterly bewildered by an event taking place that there are so many things wrong with it that you don’t have words and you simply laugh..... 
When I saw this sequence for the first time I wish I recorded it. I burst out laughing, struggling to compose myself, and I was fundamentally blown away at what in the world I was seeing. And the kicker? I wasn’t even entirely sure of why..... 
It’s like so many issues cascade on your brain at once, you are overwhelmed and you couldn’t possibly pass it out in the amount of time you have left before something utterly ridiculous happens on top of what you just saw.... 
So that is why posts like this exist, to collect and come up with a sensible way to exhibit one’s feelings about the sequence because.... what. the. fuck. Let’s roll back.
Chad Gem? Chad motherfucking gem.
Got a pompadour, super-sized mullet, potentially 8-pack, and a clean shave which surprised me the most. They just... *MWAH* pulled no punches with Multiverse’s design.
The powers however confuse me. Can he just fly now and make anyone fly? 
I get where people were coming from with their discomfort, but honestly this is the funniest thing in this entire movie. Nothing about this feels right and that just makes it hilarious.
I’m just gonna say it.... *DEEP BREATH IN* RULE 34 MUST HAD A FIE- *snap* Sorry, low hanging fruit.
Did Pearl just literally sploosh?
It’s Always Sunny honestly did this better.
Opal, you’re back for a minute! I forgot she could talk.
We All Float.
Damn Steven, you look like shit.
Steve-o, you’re not helping her situation. Comfort her, fool.
Oof, this is gonna be a painful number isn’t it?
Such a dear jester
A nice detail is that Spinel’s voice feels slowly exhausted and empty the more she shares of her memories. It makes that scene where she snapped at Steven make a lot more sense.
I also like that it isn’t clear if Steven sees what she’s envisioning but can understand what she might’ve remembered.
*taps the mic* Pink is a CUNT. That will be all.
'Drift Away’ was.. beautiful. Ugh, not gonna remember it though, which sucks.
That brings up a question. Was there never a message saying that Pink was “shattered”? Like you’d think news like that would’ve reached any and everywhere, Spinel especially. That certainly would’ve changed a few things.
Okay, ‘Found‘ was a great AND memorable song. That’s two out of.... ten. Not bad.
Greg is honestly the best in this movie.
Uh, Steven? You’re just leaving her there.
“Just Forget.“ How to make someone on edge feel worse in two words or less.
Welp, there’s Chekov’s scythe.
Pretty convenient he kept that around to further the plot.
I would say Spinel’s gone off the deep end, but.... uh, ugh I can’t help but side with her? I really just wanna give her a hug before the end of the world happens.
Garnet, are you gonna do anything? Were you this stagnant?
Ah, it’s the “Marketed like Let it Go” song.
I love that we got chill music in the midst of the apocalypse. It’s a good way to die.
Guess they saved the animation budget for the violence? Lovely.
Wait, that’s it? All that fluid and it doesn’t even look like it’ll destroy the world? Just Beach City? That kinda... kills the tension.
And why was everyone just standing there? Jesus, this feels messy.
It’s the final bout!
Tch, Get Dekt, Steven.
Shield hero’s back!
Spinel I love ya, and I don’t blame ya, but singing’s all they’ve done this entire movie.
I got Mob Psycho vibes from that nuke. Don’t know why.
That reminds me. WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE MILITARY?! “Cause and Effect is not a stro-” Shut up!
Then stay with him, Spinel. Travel the world, be more than a single one’s friend and... oh, the Diamonds are here.
That’s a fate worse than death, dictators moving in with you.
It’s only been one night, White.... Seriously, this all happened in a day. It feels weird.
I’m with Yellow. That is sickeningly funny.
Seriously, their song is creepy. I don’t trust them like that.
I got a problem with Spinel’s ending deep down. Then again, if she can be happy... then I’m happy that she’s happy. That’s something, I guess.
Okay, I’m tired of the singing.
But when I think about it, I feel bad for Steven. All he just wanted was some time to himself where he didn’t have to deal with any bullshit. Had to teach whole dictators and remodel a whole empire. Yeah, he’s gonna change as he grows, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having “me time” so to speak. Can’t the kid have a chance to not have to worry about anything, actually live a life? No? Jerks?
Well that was a bit of fun. While the musicals and most of the characters felt like an afterthought, save for Greg, Spinel, and Steven, there were a few moments that honestly made the watch worth it, intentionally or not. I really have no interest in seeing this again, but I’m satisfied with the events that transpired and I’m glad the crew got to make this film. “What about the moral of the story?” 
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Eh, it’s Steven Universe, morals are whatever.
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majoringinsarcasm · 6 years
AU where Pidge works at her family’s Italian restaurant and this dude always orders fucking garlic knots whenever he comes in no matter who he’s with, but Pidge is like sweet cause she makes the knots and she experiments with different stuff and she always asks Matt to ask Garlic Boy what he thinks of them.
And Lance works at Hunk’s family bakery and he hears stories about how this one person (“They’re always in a hoodie and I wasn’t raised to assume gender based on voice pitch”—Hunk) always buys peanut butter cookies and compliments them and Lance is all happy cause he’s recently started baking the peanut butter cookies.
And eventually they start doing special things for their Regulars. Pidge shapes the knots differently, hearts and stars and one big batch as X’s and O’s with a note like “play with your table, tell Matt who won”.
And Lance gets custom cookie cutters, aliens and mermaids and spaceships. He makes super tiny ones and writes “Ita not a guilty pleasure if they’re bite sized”
And it’s just like passing notes and food for a l o n g time. Maybe they exchange numbers via Hunk and Matt (“Katie just come out and see him” “I’m cooking go away”)
(“Next time they come in I’ll tell you so you can say hi!” “And let them see me covered in flour are you crazy??”)
So against their better judgment Hunk and Matt play messenger and then Pidge and Lance are texting 24/7. It startswith food but quickly evolves to other stuff and the MOST ridiculous thing is that
Lance, in the restaurant: I’m at table three! Are these new lights?
Pidge: Yeah! Dad made them last week.
Pidge: I told Hunk I wanted a seven tier birthday cake for my friend’s dog’s birthday and he almost cried
Lance: omg is that why he came in the back looking like someone ate the last poptart??
Ironicalky they meet at a grocery store. They both need ingredients but it’s a busy day and only one good shopping cart is left. They have a stare down, but Lance is a gentleman so he offers the cart. And Pidge is full of spite and pride so she offers it back. But it looks like someone else might take it so they decide to share. They talk, find out they have a lot in common. Lance has a bunch of baking stuff and Pidge gets stuff for the restaurant. Lance sees Garlic and thinks of his Cookie Crush. Pidge sees peanut butter and thinks of Garlic Boy. They go to the check out, Pidge in front, Lance behind the cart. And the WOEST PART IS
Lance: Tfw you have to share a shopping cart
Pidge: omg me too! It’s not so bad tho. They seem nice. Kinda chatty but it’s cool
Lance: ohhh do I have competition? I’ll have you know my cart buddy is very smart and pretty cute
Pidge: are you trying to make me jealous
Lance: idk is it working :3
Just. A series of missed connections so ridiculous yet endearing.
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ck90 · 5 years
I Fell into a rabbit hole...
The Kastle rabbit hole. And of course, decided to do some follows because - pretties! I even made a playlist! Then I saw the post about #kastleweek2k19 and saw that day 2 was au-palooza. I knew it had probably been done (haven’t found it yet tho - lots of great fics to read) but wouldn’t it be cute if Karen was the bodyguard protecting Frank.  I saw the post last Thursday and thought, sure I can make a “quick’ fluff fic. It was supposed to be 5K. Then plot happened.
I See Heroes
Chapter 1: Bad News and Worse News
Click. Click. Click.
Very Special Agent, Karen Page, Level 6, but off the books a Level 8, took a long sip of her second cortado in an hour and willed the caffeine to refuel her empty tanks. It had been a flat white, macchiato, cold brew, cold brew, latte, cortado times two type of day. It wasn’t a bad day, per se. At least it wasn’t the flat white, espresso, double espresso, triple espresso and keep it coming, chocolate covered espresso beans all day, “I said triple espresso!”, “That was a triple!”, “I need more coffee!”, “Behold, Black Insomnia,” and she didn’t sleep for the next 73-hours, type of day.
“You’re thinking about Black Insomnia, aren’t you?”
Karen glanced at the pretty - no, that was too small of a word, too nice - stunning, yeah, that was better, the stunning woman beside her. Special Agent Crystalia Amaquelin, also officially a Level 6 but in reality a Level 8, was out of this world. Literally.
“Never,” Karen’s eyes narrowed, “demon-spewing portal of a hell dimension or not, give me that again.” She shuddered. “I still get the jitters.”
“That was six months ago, you drama-llama.”
They looked at each other and smiled. Good times.
“Okay.” Karen brought the cortado to her mouth again, absently rubbing the ten-inch scar on her thigh. “Maybe only for demon-spewing portals.”
Talia snorted, kicking her size ten tactical boots onto the table and leaning so far back that Karen was sure she was going to tip backward, but didn’t, and clicked on the mouse nearest to her.
Click. Click. Click.
Karen glanced at her own size tens on the other end of the table, it was why she knew Talia’s size. They’d worn each other shoes more times than she could count. It had doubled her shoe collection overnight. She now had Guccis and Louboutins, and Talia had Miu-Mius and Manolos. They'd ended up sharing a house for that reason alone. The fabulous shoes. Except they’ve been practically living in their tactical boots for the last month.
Karen bit off a sigh and ignored the various screens that surrounded them, focusing solely on the one in front of her. They were in a sub-sub-basement of one of S.T.A.K.E.’s subsidiary offices watching the world unfold in front of them. She swiped at the tablet on her lap, and the image changed.
Click. Click. Click.
Who names an organization STAKE anyway?
“Stark.” Another image flashed in front of Karen. “Special Threat Assessment for Known Extranormalities. Howard Stark’s idea of a joke because he stumbled onto Vlad, himself.”
Talia turned to Karen. “Was I thinking too loud?”
“What? Oh.” Karen blinked and shook her head. “No. Sometimes we are just on the same vibe. Versus the times you purposely shout images of your latest conquest.”
“One of us has to have fun.”
Click. Click. Cli—
Talia pushed the mouse away and eyed the other tablet near Karen’s foot. In the blink of an eye, the tablet was in Talia’s hands. Karen was jealous of that little skill.
“Sorry. You should have said something.”
“I would have. Sooner rather than later.” She grabbed the coffee again, sipped, then extended the cup towards Talia. “Would you mind?”
Talia touched the cup. “Hot, scalding or volcano?”
“More than hot but not quite scalding.” In half a breath, the steam swirled up and out of the container. Karen brought it to her lips and savored the fiery jolt of caffeine. She looked at her coffee. “Is 32oz still considered a cup?”
Talia picked up her own vat of caffeine. “It is in my book.”
“It’s perfect, thank you.”
“We all have our lots in life,” Talia said. “Mine is to heat up your coffee and share my shoes.”
“They are really nice shoes.”
“They are, aren’t they?” They shared fond memories of their shoe collection. “What are we trying next?”
Karen worried her lip for one long breath, tapped on her tablet and then pointed at one of the screens now showing a variety of shoes. “Prada?”
“That’s so last year. How about stilettos?”
“You would need seven inches to be taller than Thor and four to go eye to eye with Rumlow. And the last time you went higher than three, you nearly broke your ankle.”
“I still think I can lift Mew-Mew, given half a chance.”
“Me-awl-nir.” Karen’s hands enunciated each syllable like a conductor. There was a wicked sparkle in Talia’s eyes. “You do that on purpose, don’t you?”
Karen chewed the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. It would only encourage the incorrigible woman. “And Rumlow? Reeaally?”
Talia’s eyes grew unfocused. Lost in a thought or a memory. Karen geared up for more salacious imagery to burst out of her partner. But none came.
“Talia?” Karen reached out of habit. She was a hugger. Always had been even as a child. A comforting touch. A gentle squeeze. Always tactile. It was part of her skill set. Who she was. In her nature to console and reassure. To soothe. Her fingers brushed against the bunched sleeve on Talia’s elbow.
The problem was that Karen’s power was dangerously out of kilter. She couldn’t control it or replicate the circumstances. It had happened under stress - her nails had dug into a meaty forearm of a hellspawn who grabbed her neck with the intention of separating it from her body - and in perfect calm - her hand had bumped against Mac’s when they were getting coffee.
It had happened six months ago when some idiot opened a hell-portal in Kandahar. And it had happened yesterday morning in New York. The hellspawn had dropped dead. As had any of its brethren that came into contact with her skin. Mac had only been knocked out cold. Luckily.
She got the hellspawn. It could've just been a surge of adrenalin. Fight or die. It wasn’t uncommon for some of the higher powered operatives to develop extra skills in the heat of a battle. But yesterday, there’d been no danger. She had just felt a sense of determination. Of right and wrong. Of honor and dishonor. Of exhaustion.
Talia blinked and eyed the long fingers on her elbow. Karen flinched her hand back, but Talia grabbed it and put it on her bare forearm.
“Talia!” Karen tried to pull her hand back, but the other woman was having none of it and held on tight.
“We’re going to figure this out, Kare.”
Karen yanked her hand back. “I’m not taking any chances. Don’t do that again.” She couldn't control the fear in her voice. She couldn’t bear if something happened to her best friend or any of their team just because they touched her by accident. She couldn’t go through that terror again. The picture of a crumbling Mac would forever be forged into her memory.
She was not going through that again. Even if she never touched another friend for the rest of her life.
Karen grabbed the full-length gloves that had been discarded because of the ridiculous warmth of the sub-sub-basement. Shaking fingers buried themselves into the unique fabric that Simmons had initially designed for Daisy. It had been meant as a temporary fix, but had become a permanent fixture on her body after Kandahar. Except for yesterday morning. Except for now.
“You're lucky I didn’t put you in a coma. Or worse.” Her fists clenched to stem the shaking. She refused to look at Talia. The wave of sympathy and love hit her like a comforting blanket. For someone who tried to personify a chaotic neutral personality, Talia Amaquelin was too consistent when it came to the people closest to her. She’d go through hell and back for her teammates. And she’d risk death to comfort a friend that was slowly dying inside from being so touch-starved.
Gloved fingers covered her lips in an attempt to quelch a strangled sob. Her hand fisted against her mouth.
I’m not lonely, Karen.
It was a fleeting thought. A will-o’-wisp. A hushed whisper from far away. So much emotion. So much left unspoken. But she heard it.
Her whole body turned towards Talia. Blue eyes met green eyes like the old friends they were. Words were unnecessary. They’ve known each other for over five years. Worked together for over four and lived under the same roof for almost as long. A look was worth a thousand words. Talia grabbed a gloved hand and squeezed.
Yeah. They'd figure it out. But in the meantime, Karen wasn’t taking any chances. Gloves or not. She pulled her hand away.
“As for Rumlow,” Talia shrugged, “it’s complicated.”
Karen bit back a smile. Talia’s default distraction topic: Sex. “Complicated?”
“What can I say,” Talia turned her attention to one of the screens, tilted her head to the side, then moved on to the next screen, “I like living on the edge.”
Karen snorted. “That’s one hell of an edge.”
“I know right?” Talia rested the tablet on her lap and put her hands behind her head. “Sometimes I scare myself.”
Karen did not want to know the details. Of all of the dangerous men and women at SHIELD, Brock Rumlow was scary with a capital D for deadly. She was not going to ask. It was none of her business, and she didn't want to know the particulars that would make her blush anytime she was in the same room as that man.
Besides, Talia was a talker, and she’d spill it anyway. Any minute now. She tended to brag. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. It was almost charming. And one of them should have some fun. Especially now.
Except there was nothing but silence. Other than the low white noise hum of the computers. Talia was just looking at the screens in front of her.
Karen was not going to ask. Nope. Not gonna happen. She was just going to work. Her index finger tapped absently against her thigh.
Karen dropped the tablet on the table and turned to Talia. “Spill. Details. Say it now so I can school my reaction next time I see the man. Rather than just having you spring it on me before a meeting.” Karen counted to three. “Wipe that self-satisfied grin off your face or so help me I’ll tell Coulson it was you who scratched Lola.”
Talia laughed. “We can’t talk about Rumlow, we’d fail the Bechdel Test.”
“Do you even know that is?”
“Of course I do,” Talia said. “I’ve lived with your nerdgasm for five years. It was bound to rub off.”
“Well, we can’t talk about work.” Karen gestured at the screens. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
“What is Fury trying to find here?” Talia tapped on her tablet, and the screens changed. “I get that this is the new hub for vigilantes, but there’s no way that he doesn’t know the identity of the Devil. And that private investigator sure isn’t hiding. Neither is that big smoking hot dude in Harlem.”
The screens showed pictures of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and the glowing fist boy. But the images of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen were all dark and blurry. Only fleeting captures by surveillance cameras. No way to tell anything other than his suit was red, and it had horns. Ha. What’s next? Yellow spandex and gold armor? But Fury was Fury and Karen wouldn't put it past him that he knew exactly who it was under those horns.
“Maybe he’s looking for Spider-Ham.”
Silence. Even the computers stopped humming.
“Spider. Ham.”
It was the tone. Karen always looked at Talia when she pulled out that tone. “You know, the man-child dressed in red and blue who always hams it up for CCTV then realizes he probably shouldn't and throws that spider gunk at it as if it would magically erase the feed.”
Talia bit her lip. “Spider. Ham.” She tasted the words slowly. “I’m totally putting it on the next report.” She pulled out her phone and typed into it.
“Hello? Is this thing on?” A curly blond-brownish haired man tapped on a screen. “Oh, there you are. Can you hear me now? Can you see me?” He looked down, and suddenly all of the screens now had a real close up his face on them. “Is that better?”
“Not really,” Talia said.
“You’re on all of our screens, Fitz.” Karen bit off a smile.
“Oh,” Leo Fitz looked down again. “Is that better?” The image panned out to show more of the lab, but now only covered four screens.
“Not re—”
“It’s fine, Fitz.” Karen glared at Talia. “What’s up?”
“I have good news,” he said.
Karen straightened. Fitz and Simmons had been working on what the hell was going on with Karen’s power. Simmons from a biochemist angle and Fitz from the ‘engineering can’t hurt’ angle.
“Not really,” a disembodied voice pointed out.
Oh. Karen tried to hide her disappointment.
“Oh,” Fitz rubbed his head, “yeah.” He looked at Karen and deflated. “Sorry, Karen. It’s not about the—” he wiggled his hand, “sorry.”
Talia grabbed Karen’s hand and lifted it in a victory pose. “The gloves are totally working though. Not dead. Not even a little nap.”
Karen snatched her hand away.
“That’s great!”
“Fitz,” Karen said calmly, “What news?”
“Maybe it’s more bad news and worse news?” He looked at them worriedly.
“What’s the bad news, Fitz?” Karen had to wonder if it was bad news from Fitz’s perspective or hers. After all, what could possibly be worse than being stuck in a sub-sub-basement watching the world go by and not being able to touch another person because you’re afraid to kill them?
“Hi guys,” Jemma Simmons appeared on the screen and waved. “Don’t forget to bring some samples of that Hell’s Kitchen water.”
“We’re bringing it in us,” Talia answered.
Jemma smiled, then her eyes widened. “NO! Don’t drink it! You don’t know what’s in it.”
Karen bit the inside of her cheek.
“Nice one Jem,” Fitz said.
“It sounded normal in my head.” Jemma’s face contorted in embarrassment. Sorry, she mouthed.
“Why don’t you tell them Jemma?”
Simmons’ head snapped towards Fitz’s direction. “Noooo,” her head moved side to side until the last extended vowel. “He told you to do it.”
“But why would he tell me to do it?”
Jemma thought for a moment. “Because you were the closest to the door.”
Karen loved them. Would stand in front of any hex or curse for them, face a horde of demons or gaggle of ghouls for either one without hesitation. They were an integral part of their team. Invaluable. But sometimes they drove her bonkers.
“Fitz. Simmons. Spill it.”
They both jumped.
“They are afraid to tell you that you’re still on Fury’s Shit List.” Daisy Johnson came into view.
“Still?” Talia made a face.
“If you know,” Fitz said, turning to Daisy, “then why don’t you tell them?”
“Nooooo.” Daisy held up her hands and took a half-step backward.
“It was an accident.” Four heads turned at the same to look at Karen who shrugged. “It was.”
“The two of you were playing keep the Tesseract away from the Flerken.” Karen resented the lack of understating in Daisy’s tone. It hadn’t been ‘keep away’ as much as how many tentacles does a Flerken really have.
“And he swallowed it,” Fitz said. “Again.” It’s not like it was the first time that “cat” had swallowed something he probably shouldn’t have.
“And we’d just gotten it back!” That sounded like an accusation coming from Jemma. As if it had been their fault SHIELD has lost the Tesseract in the first place. Again. For the fifth time?
Karen turned to Talia, who’s head disappeared between her shoulders as she dipped lower in her chair. “He gave it back.”
“Hurled, Talia,” Daisy said. “Hurled is not the same as give.”
“On the Director’s desk,” Fitz said. “Again.”
“And on his chair. And the floor. And that rug Fury brought back from Istanbul.”
It hadn’t been pretty.
Daisy turned to Jemma. “I think he had to burn it.”
“The smell.” They all said at the same time.
Yeah. That had been surprising. In a toxic dump, even the hazmat suits had come out of the room looking green in the gill, sorta way. You could smell it down the hall.
“He…also returned…some other stuff.”
It was surprising how much stuff could fit into such a little body.
“Hurled, Karen,” Daisy said. “Hurled is not the same as returned.”
“I think that huge mass of goo was a Chitauri,” Jemma said. “Or what was left of one.”
“Jemma, that’s not possible. The Chi—”
Karen tuned out the arguing scientists. She knew they’d figure it out. Her problem that is. If anyone could, it would be them. She just hoped it wouldn’t be another six months. Or longer.
“We knew this, though,” Talia’s voice was low and conversational. “It’s why we’ve been banished to Purgatory.” She waved at the screens. “To contemplate our misdeeds.”
Right. Karen nodded. “If Fury was really angry, he’d send us back to San Francisco.” Bad news and worse news. “Fitz. Fitz! What’s the worse news?”
Fitz picked up a tablet and started typing. One of the screens went black, then two pictures came up, side by side. Two men in Marine officers uniform. It must have been their file portraits. More images came up. The same men, but this time in fatigues, sitting and standing, but always together.
“He’s hot,” Daisy said.
Jemma nodded. “It’s the classic bone structure. The visual cortex recognizes that near-perfect symmetry. Rather pretty actually.”
Karen wouldn’t call him pretty. Not by a long shot. Not with a nose that looked like it had been broken more times that he could possibly remember. Not pretty, but there was something striking about those dark eyes, even in a photograph, that felt like they could see right through her. She couldn’t stop staring.
You were never in any danger …I wanted you to know that.
“Shh! Neither of you wanted to tell them so…shh. Perfect symmetry,” he mumbled under his breath.
“Are we assassinating United States Marine officers, now?”
Karen stiffened.
“What?” Fritz looked down at his notes, then back to Talia. “No. Not at all. Quite the opposite, actually.”
This guy is a war hero.
Karen started to relax. It would be a shame - a crime against mother nature - to have to destroy such a fine specimen of the male species.
“No. Nononononono!”
It was the repetition that unraveled whatever connection that was trying to materialize into this reality. Karen blinked and looked at Talia, whose face was now buried in her hands. She made herself replay the conversation she’d tuned out because of those devastating eyes she was now purposely avoiding. Then it clicked. Her eyes widened.
“Yes.” There was sympathy from Jemma.
“Yeah. Sorry.” And Fitz.
“You’re on babysitting duty.” Not from Daisy. Not even a little bit.
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Feeling still a bit better today *fingers crossed* Still not near ALL better, but...better. :) So have some replies. :) These are for @jennamaxon, @taylors-simblr, @dunne-ias, @hugelunatic, @twofingerswhiskey, @maksplaygroundsims2, @deedee-sims, @unicornfatty, @rioa, @esotheria-sims, @penig, @thewynd, annnnnnnnd @sparkstark...
jennamaxon replied to your post “A question, before it’s back to bed with me...”
If I were doing it, I'd provide the needed CC as a bundle alongside the neighbourhood files.
The only thing about bundling it is...what if someone doesn’t want all of it? Or what if they already have a lot of it? I mean, from what I understand, once CC is bundled, it’s not an easy process to un-bundle, and the Uni, especially, has a LOT of CC in the form of hood deco.
taylors-simblr replied to your photoset “Just dropping in to sing You Light Up My Life @honeywell-mts. <3...”
Is this your university hood? It’s fantastic!! <3
That it is! And thank you. :) It kind of got out of hand. I didn’t intend for it to be that big, but then I tend to go overboard, so.... I think I’d share it as a main hood, though. Unless people would prefer it as a uni template? Or maybe I’ll do both? Either way it’ll need to be finished with lots. I guess I’ll put out a general ask when the time comes that it’s ready for sharing.
dunne-ias replied to your post “A question, before it’s back to bed with me...”
ooh that'd be a fun thing to play around in! I love decorated hoods, because I'm lazy
Me, too! :D But I’m also picky and something of a perfectionist, which is a sort of bad and self-conflicting combination. *laugh*
hugelunatic replied to your post “A question, before it’s back to bed with me...”
It's just like a full hood. The hood folder and either include necessary cc or link to it.
Yeah, before I came over here to Tumblr, it dawned on me that there are predecorated-but-lotless terrains up for download at MTS. So, I downloaded one of those and, yep, the whole neighborhood folder. I’ll be including the CC, though, mostly because I have no clue where I got most of the stuff I have or who made it, so finding links would be problematic and time-consuming. :)
twofingerswhiskey replied to your photoset “Just dropping in to sing You Light Up My Life @honeywell-mts. <3...”
It all looks so lovely! ��
maksplaygroundsims2 replied to your photoset “Just dropping in to sing You Light Up My Life @honeywell-mts. <3...”
Oh my god, your hood tho. It's beautiful!! :O
Thank you to both of you. <3 I’m having waaaaay too much fun decorating it.
dunne-ias replied to your link “Online English Vocabulary Size Test”
I hope you feel better soon! I got top 5.5% on that quiz, in English. Did a similar one in my actual native language and got top 0.1%, so I'm pretty happy with 5.5% in a foreign language :9
Considering English isn’t your mother tongue, I’d say being in the top 5.5% is pretty damn good! I’d wager you did better than most Americans would. Which is embarrassing, but there it is... If only we had a government that properly funded education instead of trying to fund private “Christian” schools via ridiculous “vouchers” in the name of “freedom of choice.” :P Buuuuuut that’s a rant for another time and place. *sigh*
deedee-sims replied to your link “Online English Vocabulary Size Test”
Get better! (btw you can use tumblr from a mobile browser, I haven't used the app since 2 years or so)
Not on a Kindle, apparently. :( Or at least not on mine. I tried that and it just redirected to the mostly-broken app. It’s got an Amazon-proprietary operating system, so it has its weirdnesses that way. Although maybe if I deleted the mostly-useless app it’d work....Hmmm. 
unicornfatty replied to your photoset “Household #3: Anette McConnell and Saeyoung “Seven” Choi Their house....”
If they have a daughter, consider calling her Summer in my honour, please XD
I’d already planned that, dear. :) Not sure if they’ll ever get married, though, because I’m going to wait for mutual wants in this neighborhood, and if they do I’m not sure which surname they’ll keep. (And hyphenating is just weird, IMO. I mean, what happens when two people with hyphenated last names get married? Do you keep all four names and then the next generation there’s eight names, then sixteen, then....?) *ahem* Anyway, she might not be a “Choi.” :) If she ever exists. :)
rioa replied to your photoset “Household #2: Josie Ahn, Carmine Fortuna, and Sydney Carmichael Their...”
The RNG strikes again O_O It'll be interesting to see how they get along though since I've never had them in the same hood X)
So far? Well, I have played their household for a season now, and I don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler to say they mostly ignore each other. *laugh* Carmine and Sydney get along like a house on fire, though. Just platonically, because they’re both gay, but...Yeah, they’re buddies. Josie’s just kind of off in her own world, so far.
esotheria-sims replied to your photoset “Household #1: Georgia Eton and Dr. Oliver Little. Their house....”
A doctor who became a witch... so in other words, a Witch Doctor? :D *ba dum tss*
Well, *I* wasn’t going to say it, but....YEAH, EXACTLY! :D (Voodoo, I tell you, vooooooooodoooooooooo. :) )
penig replied to your photo “This is the “big reveal” of the queer hood’s real name. :) Its name is...”
I saw the logo and thought: Fire Island, how old school!
Yeah, that was actually kind of why I liked the name in Esperanto. Because speakers of English and the Romance languages are going to see “fire” in the name, and it’s kind of appropriate since I plopped a volcano on it. OR there’s the connotation of “flaming” gay men. All this even though the word has nothing to do with fire in Esperanto, except maybe in a figurative sense. Pride in being who you are could be seen as a sort of internal fire that can either make you warm and confident and glowing from the inside or burn you up if there’s too much of it, I suppose. So it works all around, I guess.
thewynd replied to your photoset “Household #1: Georgia Eton and Dr. Oliver Little. Their house....”
That is a first! Get abducted and become a witch...very clever!
Yeah, that’s the “alien experiments” mod. They can be turned into supernaturals or another kind of outcome instead of always knocked up. As much as I adore alien babies, I also like the variety the mod brings.
sparkstark replied to your photo “This is the “big reveal” of the queer hood’s real name. :) Its name is...”
That's so cool! What a good name, I've always named all my hoods in Latin and they sound.. old. Might switch them to Esperanto!
It’s a pretty cool language. It sounds familiar, yet it’s different and, yes, it doesn’t sound “old.” It was created to be an international standard language, so it pulls from most of the world’s major languages, making it easier for more people to learn. Duolingo offers a course, and I’ve put it on my list to learn, after I finish the Russian course. And then the Welsh course.
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shoalbreaker · 5 years
The Promise (short fic)
Character: Grimmond “Grimm” Shoalheart
The mossy halls of the Boralus monastery were quiet these days… aside from a few acolytes on solitary tasks, there wasn’t much to break the aura of solitude clinging to the dark stone corridors. Too many sages lost, one way or another, and not yet enough time to replace them.
For the massive figure clomping down one of them, however, this was less of a tragedy and more of a small blessing. Grimmond wasn’t sure himself why he was even here, aside from the fact he really didn’t have anywhere else to go… at least, not anyplace quiet and unlikely for him to be disturbed. Right now he felt he’d had enough disturbance for the rest of the year. Probably longer. A combination of a sullen scowl and a largish item wrapped in burlap tucked into his massive arms was enough to forestall any questioning as the burly redhead made his way to a little used corner of the monastery, pausing now and again to check a door, and if left open, peer inside.
In time, he found one that suited his needs; just one storeroom among many, full of dusty crates in a variety of sizes, and lacking windows. Pushing the door open, he used what little light filtered in from the torchlit hall to set his burden on a crate, then fish a candle stub out of his vest. A match flares briefly, lighting it; a bit of wax is spilled to the top of the crate to hold it upright before he moves back to the door and pushes it carefully shut. He stares at it for some time, frowning at the green-stained old wood for a long moment, before turning, moving to a large crate, and shoving it deliberately in front of the door.
Only then does he return to his makeshift table, frowning at the item resting thereon before scooting a smaller crate close to it and settling down, arms resting crossed in front of it. And there he sits, silent seconds ticking away… of course, to him, they weren’t silent. Even though the thick stone and heavy door shut out what little bustle could be heard within the monastery walls, it just made the quiet roar in his ears all the louder by comparison. The sound of surf on a rocky beach, the hiss of waves on tumbling stones breaking up into half-words he couldn’t understand… a nagging thought in the back of his mind told him this was probably worrying, but he ignored it. He usually did, after all.
After a long while, he reaches out and drags the mouth of the bag open, letting it fall loosely around the base of the object within. A jar, slightly over a foot in diameter and somewhat taller, filled with a clear fluid that held a faint bluish glow only slightly dimmer than the candle beside it. And inside the jar…
Grimm’s lips tighten slightly as he studies the gently bobbing contents. Eyes closed, the head of his murdered cousin drifts in serene repose… if such a phrase could be applied to a severed head in a jar, anyway. Now that the shock had worn off, there was a strange, dull fascination with it. Alive? Dead? Both? Neither? A massive hand reaches out to turn the jar this way and that, watching her drift slowly in her glass prison. It’d be easy to think it was just a pickled trophy… if it didn’t keep moving slightly, every once in a while.
Eventually, he moves his hand from the lid to tap on the glass with a thick, broken-nailed finger. Dink, dink. The woman’s eyelids flicker briefly, but don’t open… probably, he muses, for the best. Crossing his arms, he leans on the edge of the crate, expression darkening slightly.
“…Dunno, if ye can ‘ear me, in ‘ere,” he rumbles after some time. “But… I promised yer ma I’ll do wot I can… tho’ Tides know wot that is…” After awhile, he lifts a hand again to press a fingertip against the glass for a little while, eventually adding “… Dead ‘fer a week an’ still pretty…” A low grunt, “…ain’t that jes’ th’ way.” Even in the candlelight, it’s easy to see the scars on the man’s hand; the blurry, blotchy tattoos, the thickened and distorted thumbnail he’d once torn off in a brawl. Absently, he rubs the glass with his fingertip, making a slightly cleaner patch, then lowers his hand again.
“… ‘Folks wot won’t be missed’,” he mutters, a little later. “Aye… that’s th’ truth of it. If it were me in there… Aunt Maeve would’a yes’ laughed, shrugged, an’ prob’ly said I d’served it. ‘Ow many others’ve they slaughtered that she din’t care ‘bout ‘till they took ye?” Bitterness curls at the edges of the man’s words as he frowned at the jar’s contents… though for all that, it’s anyone’s guess if he was actually looking at them.
“An’ she expects me t’die fer ye, too,” he adds quietly, a bit later. “‘Cause o’course she did. Life ‘fer life, an’ mine ain’t worth shit t’her, ‘specially if she gets ye back again.” Elena’s head doesn’t give any particular sign she can hear him, but Grimm’s need to talk to -anyone- at the moment outweighs the unresponsiveness of his target. “… S’ppose t’ain’t worth shit t’anyone, really. ‘Cept me. Hell, th’ damn Sages think’m an idjit… if they weren’t all mos’ly killed off, they’d’ve laughed me right out th’ door again. Th’ head o’ th’ Tideguard already tol’ me I’m goin’ t’die, so she did. But…” That scarred finger pokes the glass again, causing a slight ripple. “Well. I knew ‘at. But… mmmh.  Mebbe this way at least I’ll get rung out t’sea, instead’a bein’ left in an alley fer th’ rats an’ crabs t’find…” he mutters. Another poke is delivered to the jar as he falls momentarily silent again..
“…Wot’s it like, growin’ up bein’ loved?” he finally asks her, as if expecting a confided answer. “Knowin’ someone wanted ye t’be safe, not havin’ t’fight ‘fer scraps a dog wouldn’t touch, or goin’ ‘ungry? Not bein’ spat on an’ ridiculed?” He laughs a little, though bitterly, “Heh, even in a cell, even facin’ th’ damn ‘angman… she still ‘ad enough bile in ‘er belly ‘ta mock me, so she did. I’ll always jes’ be a worthless gutter rat ‘ta ‘er… Jes’ like th’ rest of ‘em…” He falls silent, staring at the jar, his expression sober and uncharacteristically sad.
“…. I let ‘er go, tho,” he adds, softly. “Like I tol’ the greencoat… I ain’t a good man. But I ain’t a bad’n neither. Th’ Tidemother wouldn’t want me t’let some’n die wrongly if I could stop it. So… I did wot I could. Doubt it’ll matter to ‘er much if she makes it through this, but… well… even if nobody else gives a shit, it’s b’tween me an’ th Tidemother, an’ I couldn’t live wit’ that on m’hands.” A pause, “Or… die wit’ it, I guess.” He sighs, eventually crossing his arms and putting his head down on them, silently watching the jar. This time. he’s quiet for a long time before speaking up again.
“Dun’ matter tho,” he mutters softly. “I promised.”
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lunebinnie · 6 years
(1/11)Oh my gosh yesss I'm glad that you like long messages too because I talk way too much 😂 (And yeah about my friend and just hanging out w/ her more that's exactly what I was thinking 😂) It's actually kind of funny bc just yesterday I was hanging out at her house and her younger brother needed to go to Walmart and I was like 'I've been meaning to go to Walmart, I'll take you' and ofc since I have a bluetooth radio adapter the whole drive I had my Spotify going with some quality k-bops, lol
2)And as we were driving I noticed him kind of jamming and I was like 'Oh my god Mickey do you actually like this???' And he was Like 'yeah, these are some good bops 👍' I was shooketh. I had to go home before I had the chance to show him any music videos but he says he's open to watching some with me next time I see him. One way or another I'm going to turn someone in my social circle into a kpop fan you mark my words ☝ and then maybe we can team up and try to work on his sister some more 😂
3)I only started first getting into kpop last June so I'm still very new, but it's definitely super frustrating how so many ppl act like it's an inherently bad or cringey genre of music just bc it's kpop! The stigma is ridiculous! I also started out with BTS (lol) and since they're pretty popular in the US at least I was able to be like 'See, this isn't just a niche thing, lots of people know abt and like this group' but of course my dad still says 'Just cause it's popular doesn't make it good'
4)And I'm like? You're a band teacher, you of all people should understand that music doesn't have to be in your native language (or even have lyrics) in order for you to enjoy it, but go off I guess... It's the same with one of my college friends. They make fun of me for liking kpop but this is coming from some who still treats March 22nd (the day My Chemical Romance broke up) as a day of mourning. Like, no tea no shade no pink lemonade, MCR was a good band nothing wrong with liking them.
5)But like if you're 22 and you still haven't grown out of your emo phase do you really have room to pick on other people for their music taste?  🤷 Anyway that's the person who follows my main that I didn't want to know I had a kpop sb. I think I made it around July. Tbh it was pretty dead for most of 2018. But like I said I've started using it way more since I recently revealed that it exists, lol. Especially since that good good Astro cb 👏💗😩 But honestly Astro is such a blessing
6)Idk how I lived so long w/o them. When I first got into kpop I was planning on just sticking to BTS since the reaction to me being into kpop was so volatile. I was like 'I'm only into one group, ppl already are negative about me liking kpop so I'm just gonna stick to this and not become a full on multifandom fan' and then in Nov I accidentally let myself fall in love with Monsta X and that plan was foiled. And realizing I wasn't gonna be able to stick to just one anymore opened the floodgates
7)And I was like okay in that case, let's just start getting into *all groups* Lol. My story of getting into Astro was actually bc of my best friend's roommate (can you tell I have like one friend and my whole social circle kinda revolves around her? Lol) so this roommate when she heard me being sad about having no kpop friends was like 'oh hey, I'm kinda into kpop' and it turns out she didn't like very many groups and was one of the ppl who blah blah BTS is overrated, which ya know isn't ideal8)But I was just really desperate to have someone to talk about kpop with. And Astro was her favorite so I was like, okay I'll get into them so that I have something to talk about with her! So I started watching some videos and I fell in love with them pretty much instantly! And I was real excited bc #1 now I can talk about kpop with someone! And #2 this group is actually amazing? Bonus! ... And then they got in a big fight about their living conditions and the roommate ended up moving out RIP
9)So that didn't work out, lol (Your story about finding them during that internship sounds amazing though! Haha) But yeah, so this is my first cb too! And although I love them w/ my whole heart and would have loved to have them in my life even sooner what an amazing cb to be your first! The concept was wonderful, the album was excellent, the visuals were to *die* for. They worked so hard and I'm so proud of them and I'm so happy we got to see their work come to fruition and get them a win 🤧🤧
10)The dance practices though? You're so right omg 💗 Me and my Rocky bias *fully* understand 😂 All of them are such good dancers?? I never fail to be impressed. Of course you know who I always end up watching tho 👀 lol (̶i̶f̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶l̶f̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶R̶o̶c̶k̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶o̶t̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶e̶y̶e̶s̶.̶.̶.̶)̶ ̶ I also love how at the end they always pause all dramatic for a minute and then start screaming 😂
11)It's like? Amazing talent *and* dorky personalities? What more could you ask for? Lol. In regard to your last question though Unfortunately I also won't be able to see them 😔 I live in the smack middle of the US and since they're only going to coasts all of the venues are way too far away to get to. Esp since it's the school year and I can't skip class to drive cross country for a concert much as I'd like to (Holy lord I talked over twice as much?? Why am I like this?) Talk again soon! -ASA
Okay SO I’m very sorry I haven’t had the time to answer everything until now bc I’ve been busy studying for midterms and also I was a lil trashy today since my uni closed bc of freezing rain so I slept in but I’m glad that FINALLY everything got sent like damn tumblr you really don’t want us making friends huh. 
Yessssss I love the feeling of seeing someone else also get into the same interests! I’ve been pretty lucky in the sense that I grew up around mostly other asian americans, so kpop was never something that was considered super “weird,” like some people were into it and some weren’t but even if you weren’t you still would’ve been familiar with the more popular groups from when you were younger. Even now, I have a bunch of friends also into kpop (one of them is even my roommate) so tbh I was definitely the one in my friend group late to the party aha. Even my university hosts kpop nights at our bar and I’m pretty sure we have a kpop dance team as well? So tbh if I met someone new there’s probably like a 50% chance they’re into kpop or at least listen casually. 
Tbh I used to be a little bit judgy too but moreso because of the obscene amount of money I’ve seen some of my friends spend (no joke one of my friends has spent probably like $500+ on Loona stuff in the past month and a half and another friend bought like 5 copies of the same album for herself like damn idk how do you have that much money).
I also really don’t like it when people bash other people’s music tastes, since I feel like it’s something so personal? Idk but for a long time I used to be really self conscious about sharing my music with other people and even now I feel like that sometimes. For me after getting into BTS I kind of expected to get really into other groups since I was in Korea anyway and I was already listening to a lot of other artists casually. For me it started with NU’EST (fell for them immediately at the same concert that I saw Astro at) and then after was Astro, and then I just started slowly getting into other groups after that (even though I haven’t totally been able to get into Got7′s music they’re SO funny and I just kinda fell for their personalities  you know). 
I honestly think that they did such a wonderful job with this comeback too! I like seeing their concept evolve and mature but they’re not straying too far from their original cute concept so I feel like it’s a nice middle ground that’s very unique to them, you feel? Also I feel like the visuals especially and the execution of the whole plant concept was just done so well?? Even my friend who’s not in kpop was like “k idk who they are but that was the prettiest music video I’ve ever seen”. What are your favourite eras and songs? For me I’d have to say either the Spring Up or Baby era BUT right now my favourite song is probably Again/Should’ve Held On though tbh my mood and my tastes change like every few weeks loool. 
I have no idea why I tend to be most attracted to the dances rather than vocals or rap (maybe has to do with the fact that it’s something I’ve always wished I could do but have always been bad at lmao). But Astro’s stood out to me for the exact same reason! I just thought it was so funny seeing them all break character at the end because you really get to see how hard their choreos are and you get a glimpse of their personalities like damn, how can you not stan these dummies?
That’s really unfortunate that you won’t get to see them either :/ They’re also coming to the closest city to me but it’s on a Tuesday, but I *hypothetically* looked up flight prices and tried to see if I could get away with just missing a day of classes if I flew back in the middle of the night since I have some friends who did the same thing and drove down to Buffalo but I seem to have underestimated the size of New York State LMAO. But apparently my university’s too far from the airport so it’s “not realistic” (and also I’m hella broke from travelling to Taiwan and Japan while I was in Korea but that’s a minor issue ig). I hope we do both get a chance to see them live though! Who knows, after the success of this comeback I’m expecting a lot more cbs and world tours out of them ;)
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goldenroutledge · 3 years
what do you think the pogues go-to mcdonald’s orders would be? i feel like kiara would be super picky and choose something minimalistic like fries or a salad—mostly because she thinks fast food is unhealthy. and i feel like jj would order something ridiculous, he’d definitely give himself a god awful stomach ache. — concept anon
concept anon you’ve deadass made my weekend 🥲 these asks make me so happy for some reason
john b.
our man jb is pretty basic. i can see him ordering a quarter pounder with cheese, no pickles because i feel like john b hates pickles. i can literally hear his voice shouting ‘oh and no pickles!’ into the ordering thingy. if he’s not feeling that hungry then he’ll probably just order a single cheeseburger. i think he honestly prefers the fries tho.
jj def goes crazy. you know that 2 for $5 deal? best day of jj’s life when heard about it. i think jj lovesss the filet-o-fish. so i could see him getting one of those + a 10 pc nuggets. he always upgrades his fries & soda to a large, and sometimes he’ll try to slip an m&m mcflurry into his order too. john b literally loses his mind while jj orders from the passenger seat, all but sitting on jb’s lap to make sure they can hear his order. jb refuses to order for jj because his orders are so long and he’ll def change it at the last second if he feels like it
pope prefers the fries. but i think pope would actually like mcdonald’s more in the morning just for their breakfast sandwiches. i don’t think pope would be a fan of the mcgriddles, but a bacon, egg & cheese biscuit & a fruit and yogurt parfait is more his thing. pope is more of a morning person than jj & john b, so on mornings when he can get them out of the house with enough time to spare, he’ll stop at the mcdonald’s drive thru. i think pope would order a sausage mcgriddles for john b and a sausage biscuit w/ egg for jj. might order a few hashbrowns too. because no, jj, pizza doesn’t count as breakfast
kiara has seen the documentary ‘super size me’ and brings it up every time jj whines about wanting some mcdonald’s. but if she had to eat it, she would get the salad. back when they had mcwraps, i think she’d be down to order one of those. kie likes the mango pineapple smoothie tho, she’ll probably get one almost every time they go.
sarah still reminisces about the frozen strawberry lemonade they used to have. it reminds her of the summers of her childhood, and she misses it dearly. if she’s not that hungry, she’ll opt for a mcnugget happy meal with the small bag of apples, and she might even buy her own caramel to enjoy it to the fullest. sarah enjoys the hotcakes for breakfast, but for lunch/dinner i think sarah likes the buttermilk crispy chicken.
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emeryst · 6 years
Tumblr media
➰ ( PARK JIMIN, DEMIMALE, HE/THEY ) *✧.:°░。 —- is that EMERY STEELE?! you know them, right? they are the 227 year old SEELIE !! they’re known for being WHIMSICAL & COMPOSED - but i'd be careful if i were you because they’re also SHREWD & EGOTISTICAL.
*peeks in* hello it is I, ghost of the past here again. asdnf ok for whoever even remembers my very brief venture into this rp with this muse um sorry for disappearing life kicked me in the ass but here’s for round two!! ;; I’m actually superrr excited to get to do stuff with Em and yall pls come plot uwu
I’m gonna keep introductions to minimum-- I go by Fany, 26 years young, she/her most likely playing overwatch if you don’t hear back from me for a while. constantly melting from this damn heat my last 1.5 brain cells are doing their best O K
that’s good right.
I’ll work on pages as we go don’t @me 
I’ve revamped this muse juuuust a tiny bit. here’s what you should know
looks 22 he’s stubborn and clings to youthfulness. sue him
tbh partially also bc people keep underestimating him and. that works to his advantage oops
goes by ‘em’ sometimes, or if you fancy using that to emery he honestly doesn’t care. some may only know him as ‘gemma’ but more on that later..
most important thing perhaps is to make it clear that emery is by no means his real name ( neither is steele ), nor the only one he has taken to using over the years, simply one he’s settled for currently. for the past, oh, 90 or so years anyway
no one knows his real name beside his mom, and the seelie queen I would assume. unless there’s a seelie ( or even a merperson ) who was around when he was residing in the faerieland
speaking of, he was born in the faerie realm and lived there for the first 20 years of his life with his mom ( 1790-1810+ )
never saw his dad much, for reasons I’m not disclosing here other than the man being an unseelie & involved in some shady dealings >_>
mom wanted to move back to korea where she had lived part of her life, naturally emery followed along mostly just to help her settle down and to see what it was like, ever the curious soul
she got her hands on some land and started a small business making lavish traditional clothes which ended up getting her a hefty sum of money over the years, while he was mostly helping and doing his own things on the side, going cross country for mundane as well as seelie business.
spent some good 30 years there before he decided to start travelling across globe. which is more or less what he been doing since then, not settling down for more than a max 10 years at a time really. now he’s been living in wilshire for a good 2 years
I don’t want to name a specific timeline for where he’s been when cause yo if anyone wants to plot something that happened in the past in whatever country/city, I’m down! mostly boy’s been in europe tho. that said he has been in wilshire before too occasionally so a past plot based around the city could be done ( as long as it’s some 30+ years into past )
oh ye he’s LOADED
how he’s maintained that is another thing. from early age he’s been extremely interested in gemstones and their qualities and all that, how pretty you could polish them & adding his own magic into the mix he begun experimenting with making sort of charms out of them in the form of jewellery and soon found a genuine passion in the craftsmanship ( mean he went to work as a proper apprentice for years and all, under different people too ) and he’s amassed a pretty nice following of people who vouch for his ‘product’ being of highest quality and materials. or at the very least have heard of him by the name ‘gemma’. we’re talking of a sort of legacy garnered along 150 years of him doing this so.
word has gotten around within the downworlders circles as much shadowhunters, everything is custom made so you wont be able to just say oh I want this kind of thing and expect him to have it on the go oh no. it would take minimum 2 weeks. and he’s a strict perfectionist so even if you were fine with him applying some shortcuts while crafting pride alone would have him refuse
first of all you have to get in contact with him, which is harder than it should be these days since he’s not exactly advertising, though has been giving out business cards to select few cause they’re fun. so unless you specifically know him as the jewellery/charm maker ‘gemma’ honestly your best bet is to ask around the shadow market and someone might direct you to him
in addition to all that, he’s made a name for himself in the mundane world too by having lines of jewellery sold in boutiques all over for the last 30+ years. rumour is he’s retired - which is true - but nothing’s confirmed cause he’s an ass
no one knows it’s emery tho now cause with that whole thing he heavily altered his looks as well as what name he slapped on that entire thing when handling business. as far as mundanes know ‘jon kim’ has disappeared off the face of earth and he ain’t doing a thing to prove otherwise
ok so
lives close enough to wilshire in this huge ass 5 bedroom house legit cost him nearly 3 million oops
but listen, he needs the space for work ( has one room just for that ) and other stuff and a decent sized yard for gardening cause he’s growing all kinds of flowers & shit. some illegal but shh
actually no he legit has a whole lot of stuff some warlocks might need so ring him up aye. nothing comes free tho jsyk ;)
also may or may not have subtle glamours and all kinds of wards set around the property but don’t you worry about those
likes his peace and quiet too but is a highly sociable person. lives off gossip no lie. mostly bc he just borED
loves going out and just having fun with people in general, experiencing new things and sights, taking in the nature etc
does still visit the faerieland often enough to know what’s happening over there, though he’s a little removed from the inner circle of the seelies’. beside visits to the queen. he yet remains loyal to her and their people regardless how close or not he is to them now ( no but give him a seelie friendo someone pls ;w; )
he actually has come back to that realm several times over the years and in between travels, usually when there’s a war going on in the mundane world and he’s just. not in the damn mood to deal with that
now he’s also just. kinda unbothered by bloodshed?? doesn’t like participating personally but has witnessed enough in his lifetime it doesn’t really phase him
sometimes to the point of being unnerving like
during these past events/plot drops you bet he’s the one in a corner still sipping a drink and watching it all go down with mild interest, and annoyance bc thanks for ruining the party. again. wont lift a finger to help either. until there’s a weapon pointed at own face. in which case better start praying.
will prob try to stare them down first bc excuse you want me to ruin this outfit you absolute heathen
see he’s been trained to fight too although he’s def not the best among faerie kind but can hold his own. it’s less of fighting more just whole lotta evading and letting his opponent tire themselves out like an idiot. bc that’s more fun
actually has no problem with seeing the clave burn down. might be aiding in that in the shadows ( has some.. questionable connections ) but like. not. directly. not in anyway that could ever be traced to him anyway
doesn’t necessarily want an all out war tho. that’d be just a hassle but he’s tIRED of shadowhunters and their righteous asses and superior attitudes. will still play nice with them ( most of the time.. some of the time. ) cause gotta keep up appearances and hey the more allies he can make the better
doesn’t have much of a problem with other downworlders. might clown them but means no ill I promise. had one nasty run in with a small group of vampires in europe back in the day which at the time left him on the verge of death and kind of shaken over the whole ordeal so. gets stupid tense when there’s more than two vampires in the same room
he’s the kind who acts being ( tentative ) friends with most everyone who he meets but no one really knows him. very guarded about his past & secrets and keeps everyone at an arms length, tho it might not feel like he’s doing that cause. yeah. it’s not out of ill will or anything. well, most of the time. he’s just careful over who to blindly trust– which is no one
likes messing with people but can be kind too. it all depends what mood he in and what energy you giving him
not exactly charitable, with money or anything but if you need help he most likely will agree to lend a hand. tho again, may not be for free
deep deep down wishes he could trust people, even one person enough to just be real with them and open and shit but also is well aware how dangerous that could be so. chooses not to act on those impulses of affection or whatever when they rise. tries not to at least
pansexual as hell. also stupidly picky so good luck with that
doesn’t do relationships anymore *addareyousureaboutthatgifhere* but who knows. prefers to keep it casual if anything does come to fruition either way
probably has a handful of enemies cause uh. kinda may have stabbed some people in the back along the way but in his defence they totally deserved it so. meh.
a hoe for quality fashion don’t even get me started. his style itself is all over he place but if emery is wearing it, safe to assume it cost a fortune
needless to say he wears a ridiculous amount of jewellery too most of the time you can hear him coming a mile away. avid fan of arm bracelets
as most seelies he also has a tattoo on his face. lets just, pretend it looks something akin to the shadow curving down his cheek an trailing along left side of neck and further down collarbones in this pic aight
tho a lot of the times it would be at least partially covered by makeup, which he uses regularly anyway
has a weird obsession with the ocean, and by proxy the merpeople so any of you guys out there hmu
tech-savvy. has all the latest stuff. also plays computer/console games cause why not, mundanes never cease to amaze him with their creations. not that he’s necessarily all that good but it’s for fun who cares
kinda all around restless and needs something going on at all times, even if it’s reading a book, attending to the garden, any small things
for him the whole bond thing seemed intriguing as well as spelled trouble but emery’s all about that also he was deathly bored aight plus may have a personal mission to carry out and any chance to fuck with shadowhunters is tAKEN THANKS
bonded with @urslashdw :  the chaotic gays™
wasn’t too happy to know the bond would last longer than a couple weeks, but has turned that into an asset. well, as much as it can be one. totally using her as an excuse to get to snoop around and may or may not be mildly manipulative towards her and using the connection to own advantage when possible but. ya know. has grown attached as you do so is a little torn over it.
I’m stopping here jesus take the wheel thanks bye!
so ye if any of you wanted to plot come at me~ don’t have any proper pages up yet bc i’m tired and lazy just ask me if you wanna know something. seriously, I love rambling about my muse I promise it’s no problem at all
guess there’s a few roles I wouldn’t mind seeing filled so here’s a bullet point list if anyone gets an idea or wants to brainstorm specifics!
friends ( very broad term )
old friend/acquaintance ( someone he goes waaaay back with )
business acquaintance ( whatever it may be )
old flame ( could have ended on good or bad terms, should have taken place a good while ago. bonus points if they still have a piece of jewellery em made for them )
booty call ( for convenience sake :p )
enemies/frenemies ( i feel this is just him with most shadowhunters?????? maybe he betrayed/tricked you and you’re just endlessly bitter. but look, it’s your fault for trusting him at all. em probably feels bad about it now???? or just classic hating each other’s guts )
literally anything??!
actually gimme someone who was in europe during the whole vampire attack shenanigans and helped him out ( em would feel indebted. )
also someone who may also be okay with bringing down the clave and they lowkey vibing. but in secret.
idk man the messier the plot the louder i get for declaring my love for it so bring it babes~
also omg if I had a plot with you then you’d want to actually.. you know.. put in action now I’d be okay with that lmao
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zenosanalytic · 7 years
Crimes Unto Heaven
 MMmmmmOk so
This is A Gag
to be clear(tbc, fyi)[1].
I don’t actually think the Hiveswap team is attempting to cover-up TERRIBLE ZODIAC CRIMES to protect themselves from the Star Police and avoid Astrajail or anything, and obvsl they can structure the EZ however they like since the Zodiac’s been Public Domain for 3000 years, and their Extended additions are their creations. And, while I don’t take it terribly seriously, it’s Fun! Which: Yay. But, I noticed some seeming-discrepancies when looking it over to write a “My Thoughts” response to @witchknights on the EZ, and the idea of running those down a wee bit and writing about them was Also Fun, so I’m Doing This o_o I’m Making This Happen(Requisite(TM)) o_o o_o
My original idea was to get superdetailed about it and explain everything, but then I started taking SCREENCAPS of The Star Grid(this is what I’m calling The Symbol List), and each individual Sign so I could group them all into their various CATEGORIES to illustrate my arguments(:| :|), and then I said to myself “ok this is ridiculous, you don’t have that kind of time, your screencapper can’t isolate fragments on the MSPA page for some reason, it doesn’t seem like you can save custom-sized/shaped selection tools in Paint3D, and you are beiNG RIDICULOUS!” so instead I’m going to just write up the basic patterns I noticed(which prob aren’t all the ones in there, given Hussie), their seeming-violations, and their possible implications, according to Me. You -Our Dear, Sweet, Dear, Dear, Sweet Readers- can imagine the visuals if you like, though, I have no problem with this I am Very Gracious[2] vuv
EZ Rules
Each sign-class has two associated suffixes(they’re also associated with the Aspect of the canon troll of that sign. Possible Sign Pun? Can mean Both??): one for Prospit, one for Derse. The List:
Aries(Time): -ries, D; -rist, P.
Taurus(Breath): -un, D; -us, P.
Gemini(Doom): -mini, D; -mino, P.
Cancer(Blood): -cen, D; -cer, P.
Leo(Heart): -o, D; -lo, P.
Virgo(Space): -ga, D; -go, P.
Libra(Mind): -za, D; -ra, P.
Scorpio(Light): -pia, D; -pio, P.
Sagittarius(Void): -ittarius, D; -ittanius, P.
Capricorn(Rage): -iborn, D; -icorn, P.
Aquarius(Hope): -rius, D; -nius, P.
Pisces(Life): -sci, D; -sces, D.
Now, a Neat thing you’ll notice is that these suffixes are exclusively arranged in top-left-to-bottom-right diagonal series across The Star Grid(I’ll symbolize it \ thusly). So Aries(Derse) is the topleftmost, then the second sign in Taurus is Taurist(Aries-Prospit), the third sign in Gemini is Gemries(Aries-Derse), etc, etc. This pattern holds true; you’ll only find those suffixes along a \ starting with their “parent” sign(the “True Sign”. I’ll call this the “Alpha Sign”, with the meaning First not the HS meaning, to avoid “True”’s connotations), or in another \ an appropriate period down(the period being how long it takes to work through the other sign-suffix \’s. So the Taurus suffixes are on the \ below the Aries, and the Gemini below the Taurus, etc, until it reaches the Aires again). Generally, the Derse-Prospit alternating holds true as well, and that has implications for the verticals and horizontals; to maintain this they’d have to alternate between Derse and Prospit and the horizontals do from Aries untIL-
-LIBRA! At the middle of the chart, at the Libra-line, the pattern breaks down. BUT! From Libra to Lipio along the vert the breakdown in alternating starts at the Libra signs; beginning with Libza it becomes much less predictable. The Arza-Libza \ is “regular” until Scorza, then regular again until Pira. The Arga-Liga \ becomes “irregular” at the Virgo-line(Lega, Virga instead of Virgo). The Aro-Libo \ becomes irregular at Leo. The Arcen-Licen \ becomes irregular at Cancer and is highly irregular from that point on. Like I said I’m not going to go through, find, and list all of the irregularities and I’m CERTAINLY NOT going to try and figure out if there’s a mathematical relation that defines the irregularities(if they are formulaic, or, as I suspect, the result of a non-mathematizable logic), but you get the idea. Periodicity’s Whack! It ain’t right!! I doubt this has any bigger implications beyond the HS Crew wanting to place the 12 canon trolls as the “True Signs” of each of the sign families -which only makes sense from an Earth-centric or Game-centric viewpoint; I mean, Troll culture would order the signs by some interior logic of its own if it wasn’t a narrative creation, and wouldn’t care about preserving the primacy of 12 unknowable nascent apotheokids at the end of history- and there are other bits of evidence that this is the case that raise other objections.
Another pattern in the EZ is that the last(Omega) Sign in each Sign Class shares the suffix(and Moon and Aspect) of the first(Alpha) sign in the next class. This makes a sort of sense if you conceive of them as a ring or continuum: The Omega Sign in each Sign-Class(or symbology, or alphabet) would be the one “closest” to the next sign-class, and so it displays this similarity in its naming until-
-LIBRA! AGAIN!! Or Virgo, depending on how you want to figure it. There is a regular, predictable pattern -Arus, Taurmini, Gemcer, Cano, Lego- until the Virgo|Libra Interface where Virgo ends with Virza and Libra begins with, well, the obvious :\  Though a larger pattern of Omega Signs having one of the two suffixes of the next Sign Class over holds true; just this smaller pattern of Alpha and Omega sharing a suffix breaks down. Both Libra and Scorpio(or Virgo and Libra) are irregular, then the pattern reemerges at Scorpittarius, only to break down again at the Aquarius|Pisces interface. The Pisces|Aries interface is also irregular.
Just to give you an idea of the sort of thinking this can make room for in the EZ, I’ll do a deeper dive on Libra, por ejemplo(though similar implications apply to Virgo, and other sign-classes). One possible implication, I’m sad to say, is that Lipia shouldn’t be the Libra Omega(thus Ultimate) sign, but rather Lipio, which actually makes some very good symbological sense as:
This is Lipio
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This is Libra
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To begin with, Lipio is a struck-through latin upsilon, which looks like(but is not related to) an upside-down Greek omega. Upsilon, the ancestor of our “u”, is the first letter in the latin word Ultimatus which means mostly the same thing as Greek Omega; both mean “the last, final, end”[3]. So making it the “ultimate”, or Omega, Libra Sign(which is an Omega-themed sign-class) would be a Funny Symbology Pun. Its design would visually reinforce this Omega postion through it’s “letter” being “reversed” in form to Libra’s. Libra is an Omega “balanced” over a line, symbolizing a balanced scale; A potential visual reversal of this would be an overturned scale, an “upside-down” Omega with the bar across it, rather than under. It would also create a nice bracketing of the sign-class, though sadly not a complete one since Libra and Lipio aren’t mirrored. Of course, if they were, then Lipio would be in a kind of balance with Libra, which would undermine it’s conceptual opposition to it, making it less symbolically satisfying. If you dig that sort of reading *looks away at sky, squint-frowns, and kicks dirt; entirely metaphorically*
I suppose you COULD equally say that Scorpia should be the Alpha sign for Scorpio, but that’d break the Derse/Prospit pattern and I refuse to play favorites u_u u_u u_u Replacing Libra with Libza is, of course, Right Out since that’d mess up the visual symbolism. Although...
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Crap -__- One is angular, one curvy; one is balanced, one unbalanced; one is open the other closed; they are in (at least)THREE symbolic and conceptual oppositions: these DO make good visually symbolic opposites |:T |:T AND it’d preserve both the Derse/Prospit alternating, AND AND the Omega-Alpha interface to Scorpio, AND AND AND switching Libra and Libza would make Terezi the Fulcrum of the Libra Sign-Class which would be VERY thematically and symbolically satisfying since, if you think about it, The Omega-Sign being most like the Sign-Class to the right implies the Alpha-Sign would be the sign most like the Sign-Class to the Left, logically making the Fulcrum Sign, that furthest from the ends, the “Most Signiest Sign” within each Sign-Class. ANDx4 the \ pattern would then break at Libra instead of Scorpio...
 Daisuki :| :| :|
....Though I now realize that would ruin a potential 8reak/Scorpio pun....
Moving On........
The other Big irregularity I found was the Pisces line. ALL it’s Derse signs/suffixes are in the top half of the line, and ALL its Prospit ones are in the bottom half. Pretty odd.
The only other thing I have to say is that I noticed, in a very cursory way, that some signs are visually similar to the sign-class they share a suffix with(a decent number of Aquarius-suffixes seem to be), and some don’t. It’d be Cool if they’d really committed to this, but I understand why they didn’t since such a level of detail is really stressful to maintain and also creatively restrictive. But, like, clearly Sagius:
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should be a Leo-suffix(Sagio or Sagilo), and Camino
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should be an Aquarius-suffix(Canrius or Cannius). I Mean: C L E A R L Y. Right??[4]
Anyway, those are the SHOCKING REVELATIONS of my RUTHLESS PEDANTRY that will surely bring down this WRETCHED HOUSE OF CARDS we’re all living in, No Doubt in an Noir-Sufficient-Fashion. If I find/think of any more examples of Dastardly Chaos Weighty with Meaning in our beloved fictional cosmology, I’ll let y’all know :p
[1]Also tbc(and because repeating it here would mark the third time I’ve written it, and I find such triplication aesthetically Pleasing nwn nwn), the EZ lacks my own, secretly created and never shared, fansigns, and so it’s obvsl an incomplete symbology, possibly recovered from a damaged husklet for pre-wrigglers yet unable to pull their own pants on umu
[2]I’ll still probably end up doing that at somepoint though, so there might be a bevisualed vers of this post in the future X| X| X|
[3]Fun Fact: the “extreme” meaning that our “ultimate” inherited from ultimatus may possibly have a connection to omega even though it lacks such an explicit meaning since omega literally means “big O”. Etymology is Fun for many reason, but this un-looked-for and unexpected explication of an anime pun, years after I had last watched an episode of the series in question, is one of the better ones I’ve encountered uwu uwu
[4]Though Camino is a Gemini suffix, so it’s satisfying in it’s own ways.
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