#and what they did to kai
I hated kai return in legacies it was just awful how stupid they continue to write his character it doesn't help I could care less about him being around his nieces or alaric
I've had the response to this in my notes forever, but haven't gotten the chance to actually reply 😭 so sorry about the delay!!
But yes, you're so right. (page break bc i talk too much)
They really did ruin try to his character. I also don't care about Alaric or his nieces; I certainly don't care about watching them water down Kai to be an acceptable villain for Legacies' standards. In TVD, they had no problem making these dangerous and scary villains that viewers actually feared (i.e. s1 Damon, Klaus, Silas, etc.), and even if the villains mellowed out over time, their introductions were still frightening. Kai trying to kill Damon the first moment we saw him was a shock to the audience. The reveal that he was the perpetrator in the newspaper added to his villainization, as did the baseball bat scene in 6x8, where we see him actually hunting his siblings. Throughout the season, even though he mellows out a bit, he comes back full force when Bonnie betrays him, and raises hell even after he's killed (via the heretics). But in Legacies, the villains aren't like that. I watched two seasons of it, and the antagonists aren't scary like they were in TVD and TO. It looks like a show made for kids, for whatever reason, and when they brought back Kai, they had to make him acceptable for kids to watch. Kai would 100% still want to kill his nieces, had he been in machete-distance of them like he was. They're only getting older, and he's only growing more restless in the prison world. But they didn't want him to be too violent, so they erased that storyline. They also made him much weaker, a lot less intelligent, and rather quirky. He became almost unrecognizable to the villain we saw in TVD, who was funny, but still very capable of causing panic, but in Legacies, became goofy and easy to defeat.
If they were devoted to keeping him as a fear-worthy villain (since they refused to give him a redemption arc in s6 and again in s8), I might not've hated his return so much. But I agree, if he's just going to mosey around and make jokes until Hope devises a plan to get another notch in her belt, I don't care about him interacting with his nieces either. It would've maybe been fun to see him interact with his nieces if the writing was better. Josie and Lizzie are both so much like Kai without either of them noticing it. It would've been great to see Alaric having to come to terms with that. But Legacies wouldn't have wanted to put in the effort in exploring this, plus it would be too dark for their audience. (The Gemini storyline in general is a rather dark plot; I'm surprised they address it at all.) They certainly wanted Josie like Jo, and Lizzie like Caroline, and although they gave them both qualities very alike to Kai, the showrunners seemed to ignore it entirely. [And, this of course, is a whole different discussion I have, about how TVDU likes to ignore the topic of mental health.] Regardless, I think it would have been cool to see Kai meet the twins. Would he remain a villain with them (is he still crazy Uncle Kai who tried to kill them twice?), or could the show have taken a different route with him (he's crazy and Ric hates him, but he's their only coven family left and the twins can't help but see similarities with him)? But instead, they did what they did with Kai - threw away his motive, made him weak and unintelligent, and let the Hope and Alaric show destroy one of the best villains that TVD had. It's honestly difficult for me to believe that the same person crafted these shows.
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thresholdbb · 1 month
I'm a Kai Winn apologist but not because I think she's a good person. She's a compelling tragic character
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xx-sketchy-xx · 9 months
It wouldn’t let me load the full background
But I fricken DID IT
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gulducock · 2 years
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look at this pic i found on twitter
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always thought it would be
but it’s gonna be no illusion
Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always dreamt about it
but it’s gonna be really happenin’ to ya
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payasita · 1 year
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bro you got a little something on your-- no it's cool bro i got it
[deets under cut because Thanks Tumblr]
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billyzigz · 1 year
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Kay Faraday feat. designs from @u3pxx / @aaroleswapau
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skyefeys · 6 months
last night i dreamt that miles was trying to propose to phoenix but it kept getting interrupted by how emotionally constipated they are. and finally they get their shit together and miles pulls the ring box back out but it's EMPTY and he looks at kay like "kay did you steal my engagement ring" and kay goes "we all thought the proposal could use a little more flair teehee!" and then trucy goes "hey daddy open your mouth" and phoenix opens his mouth and there's the engagement ring
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criticalamityz · 5 months
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2022 ig story art pt. 2
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garmabawls · 14 days
Kai from Ninjago is not stuck in the nether space. He has never been at nether space and he should never be at nether space. Nothing against the nether space, but he has been at ninjago for 10+ years. We all grew up with Kai and why would we let them relocate him for absolutely zero reason? The new writer should just create a new character that is at the nether space, not rewrite one of the best Lego characters in history. Sign this petition if you think Kai should stay away from the nether space. Once we reach a good amount of people who have signed, I will not contact the new writer on Instagram cuz what the hell is wrong with you.
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willlatree · 1 month
"jay, the love of my life, would never forget me"
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wyrmswears · 13 days
gguys im so fucking serious id die for a flashback episode following at least one member of the team in the immediate aftermath of the merge
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skrimbloz · 20 days
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Im Literally about to fall asleep but here take this Nya (+ Pixal)
I wanted to play around with giving my version a cooler design + adding more colour
Nothing set in stone!! Was just having fun really :]
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highladyofterrasen7 · 6 months
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Idk what happens in the if love series tho
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Can I get on Danny Phantom tumblr again?!???
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xjustakay · 4 months
✺ (1/4) ✺ @jegulus-microfic prompt: switch — 765 words (mild nsfw, trans Reg; inappropriate secret activities at the brunch table)
James is pushing his luck at this point, and he knows it. Can’t help it, really. The heat in Regulus’ cheeks never fully gets the chance to fade, no matter how long a break he gives him, and it’s worth it. Fuck, it’s so worth it. He’ll deal with whatever turnaround he’s got coming to him later, because this? Oh, James is riding this high for as long as he fucking can.
The tiny little remote sits in the curl of his palm, tucked beneath the brunch table. It weighs less than his phone, about as big as his thumb, at best, and yet the power he wields with it is otherworldly. 
A small red switch that clicks on and off, a plus button and a minus button beneath it to control the intensity of vibrations —it’s all he really needs. He’s been messing with it in starts and stops for the last hour, knowing full well that while he absently fidgets with the buttons and switch, Regulus is squirming one seat down across the table, absolutely ruining that vibrating g-string James got him for Christmas.
It’s been a little while since James last clicked it on, giving Regulus the opportunity to eat his food without the threat of accidentally inhaling a bit of french toast and truly calling more attention to himself —James is courteous like that. Now that they’ve all settled into chatting over coffee and mimosas, winding down after finishing up their meals, though, it feels like as good a time as any.
The setting was left on the lowest it could be last he turned the switch off, but James still doesn’t miss the way that Regulus flinches out of the corner of his eye when he clicks it back on again now, not expecting it after the extended reprieve. James glances away from where Sirius and Remus are chattering back and forth about wedding details to where Regulus sits between Barty and Dorcas.
He’s not even a little surprised to find a glare already fixed on him.
Feigning innocence, James pulls his lip between his teeth, bats his eyelashes. Presses the plus button three times in rapid succession. It’s too much too quickly when James knows that Regulus is already oversensitive, undoubtedly uncomfortably slick and swollen where he rubs his thighs together and shifts in his chair for some modicum of relief from the teasing his clit’s been subjected to since they sat down.
Another click of the plus button and Regulus’ hand comes down on the edge of the table harshly, rattling glasses and silverware, grip white-knuckled. Dorcas startles out of her conversation with Lily and Pandora across the table to look at him in concern but Regulus only waves her off with his free hand. Sirius’ head whips in his brother’s direction, dark brows pinching together when he catches the flush burning in Regulus’ cheeks, spilling over the edges of sharp jawline and down the sides of his neck.
“Alright, Reggie?” He calls.
“I’m fine,” Regulus hisses through his teeth. He catches his own strained tone and lets out a vaguely hysterical sounding laugh, making a rushed grab for the last of his mimosa in front of him. He downs the couple gulps in a hurry then breathes in deeply through his nose. “Another round?”
Sirius, bless him, thinks nothing of it, merely agrees and waves down their waitress —Regulus doesn’t drink in excess often, this could just be written off as a little too much too early in the day, weird as it may seem. No reason to suspect anything nefarious is going on anyway. Not like Regulus and James are running about advertising the things they get up to. Even though all of their friends know they’re together and have a bad habit of making that fact everyone else’s problem in some way or another.
Barty snorts beside Regulus, straight across the table from James, and catches his eye; doesn’t seem to miss a thing, Barty Crouch Jr., no matter how often he leads others to believe he does. He looks back at James with one brow arched upward, dark eyes dangerously knowing, lips quirked at the edges where he sips at a glass that’s straight champagne more than a mixed drink.
“Buzzing this morning, aren’t we, Reg?” Barty mutters, just loud enough for the two people it’s intended for.
James clicks the remote’s switch back to off instantly. Despite the soft whimper that escapes past Regulus’ clenched teeth, there’s still a positively murderous glower shot James’ way.
Oh, he is so fucked later. James can’t wait.
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