#and while Macky might enjoy the attention he also feels some embarrassment like he’s being babied when done in public
fluffypotatey · 3 months
Why is mini figure Mac half shirtless when he was so flustered over Swk helping him with his clothes. What happened to turn him into that loud creature we see now.
death changes people, i guess
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jenni42085 · 4 years
Love in the Time of Corona <Two>
After the dough had risen enough Nico got up to start the relaxing but tiresome process of sectioning out the rolls and stuffing the dough with pepperoni and cheese. Chris watched her quietly from afar and decided that he could do what she did and wanted to be closer to her.
“Can I help?”
She figured he would keep her company but was shocked when he asked to help. Her shocked expression was quickly hidden but he still saw it. “Ummm, sure.  I can show you how to do it.”
“Awesome.” He replies as he jumps over the couch to wash his hands and help her. Usually the process takes Nico a good hour but with his help it took her half the time. After they finish and let the rolls were stuff and left to rise one more time they sat on the couch again. “So stupid question but I’m curious. Who is your favorite Avenger and why?”
Her head clocks to the side with a small smile and adjusted her unicorn rainbow glitter glasses. “Honestly, Captain America and it’s not because I’m here with you. But his character was always good, honest, and always wanting to do the right thing for people. Then when Infinity War came out. The hair and the beard were like seeing you for the first time in a while different light. Sounds weird right?”
Chris does a small low chuckle,”No it doesn’t. I’ve heard some of the same things about the beard and getting more noticed. I did an interview on a podcast for . . . “
“Thirst Aid Kit.” She cuts him off with a chuckle.
His eyes widen with surprise to know she had listened a big smile crosses his face. “You listened to that?”
“Most def! I adore them so much. I was kind of surprised when I actually heard you on there. But they are right though.”
He runs his hands through his hair. “So this is the look that woman want?”
“Well I don’t know about women as a collective but a good majority love it.” She replies with a small chuckle. “Hold on one moment I need to put the pan in the oven”
He watches as she quickly rushes to put the two pans of pepperoni rolls in the oven. While her back was turned he was observing her, she was standing tall with pride as to how the rolls looked making him smile that he helped her.
Thankful that her back is turned to him, Nico had a chance to do a small sigh from admitting to Chris that she adores the beard and longer hair and that he was in fact her favorite Avenger. She was hoping her the time turned away would help the blush she felt go back down. He noticed she was taking a little bit longer than it should to put it in the oven.
So he gets up and checks on her. “Everything ok?”
“Yeah. Just a little in shock.” She replies quietly while looking down at her hands as she picks at her nails.
“Why?” He wonders in worry.
“Well, I don’t know it’s only 3 in the morning and I’m in Chris freaking Evans kitchen making pepperoni rolls and telling him that I adored his character and beard. You know nothing too crazy.” She replies with some sarcasm.
“Ohh, well there is nothing wrong with that.” He replies calmly hoping he didn’t make her feel uncomfortable.
“I’ll be right back I have to use the little girl’s room.” She says in an unclear tone.
Chris was able to pick up on her melancholy sound and stopped her before she walks off. “You know it’s ok right? And you are handling this totally cool. I was just wondering is all. I’m sorry if you feel uncomfortable.”
“It’s ok just in my head right now. I’ll be right back.” She walks off to the bathroom feeling embarrassed by the fact she did admit that she might have ok really had a huge crush on him.
While she was in the bathroom Chris texts the guys in the group chat.
Chris: She likes Cap! I’m her favorite AND she’s heard me on a podcast and loves the beard!
RDJ: First off congrats! Secondly, why are you awake?
Chris: Well apparently she couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t sleep and she is baking pepperoni rolls for us tomorrow.
Mackie: She cooks. She’s a keeper.
RDJ: What’s a pepperoni roll?
Chris: Well it’s a roll with pepperoni and cheese it in the dough smells so good. I’m excited.
RDJ: Ok then. Where is she now? Why aren’t you talking to her instead us?
Chris: I think she was letting her guard down by telling me stuff then got bashful and ran to the bathroom.
Mackie: Maybe she really had to go?
Chris: Or maybe I embarrassed her.
RDJ: Well she can’t really avoid you unless she’s goes back home. . .
Chris closes his phone when he hears foot steps coming towards him. He relaxes when he realizes it is Nico. She looks sheepish but still in good spirits as she looks over the rolls as they are baking she melts some butter and butters the still baking rolls then sprinkled Parmesan cheese on them and pushes them back in the oven. Chris watches her silently. Finally after what felt like an eternity, she turns her head to look at him.
“What?” She asks making her eyes get larger and adjusting her glasses.
He gives her a small smile. “Nothing, you just look really focused and beautiful.”
She readjusts her unicorn rainbow glitter glasses and gives him a funny look. “Right. If you say so.”
“What you don’t believe me?” He asks as he sits on the couch while she checks the rolls one more time.
Nico looks at him for a second then joins him in the couch. “Honestly, not too sure. Don’t know if you are being truthful or maybe trying to get into my pants.”
Chris grabs his chest in fake heartbreak. “Wow, you don’t pull any punches.”
“Not after you have heard that I adore Cap and the beard.” She replies with a big smile.
“Understandable, but I’d only trying getting in your pants if I knew I really had a chance and that you'd asked me to.” He replies confidently. He won’t admit it to her just yet but he finds her very attractive and so far he has enjoyed her company.
“Good to know. So we have about 20 minutes and then they are done. Want to watch something on TV?”
Nico pulls up Disney+ and they start watching So Weird. She had been watching it before she came there and wanted to complete the series. As the episode progresses Nico finally feels the pull of sleep and gives into it.
Chris notices that Nico has drifted off and looks at her phone and sees that the alarm is about to go off so he waits for it to go off then quickly stops it as to not wake Nico.
He pulls the rolls out and they smell amazing. After turning off the oven and covering the pans with foil he walks back over to Nico who is still sleeping. He notices how he messy bun was slightly fallen and how the grey shorts had ridden up her smooth chocolate legs.
After debating for a hot minute of waking her, leaving her, or taking her to her room he turns off the tv and the lights in the kitchen and picks her up. She is heavier then most of the girls he has ever picked up but still light. He liked that she was thick and not bone skinny.  She has things he can hold on to.
As he carries her to the guest room he notes how soft her skin is, almost like silk. Also how blemish free she looks.  She snuggles closer into his chest using him for warmth. He enjoys holding her close, internally he hopes that holding would become a normal thing.
When he arrives in the room he notices that she left the night stand light on. The sheets were pulled back so he gently deposited her on the bed making sure not to wake her. His arm lingers as he puts her down and a small sound comes her that catches his attention.
He steps closer and says,” Nico?”
If he wasn’t as close as he was he might have missed it but sleepily she states, “ Stay.”
“Are you sure?” He asks unsure if she is awake or completely knocked out. No response is heard from her but she does a sleepy nod still asleep, while he pulls off her glasses placing it on the night stand.
Unsure if she was aware she had nodded or not Chris decides to stay with her. While still having contact to her body he maneuvers around the bed to pull back the sheets and climb in. Once in bed with her, he turns off the night stand light closest to him and tries to relax.
After a few minutes Nico rolls over to be closer to him, nuzzling her head in his neck causing him to stir in other places but, he quickly thinks of unsexy thoughts even though her warm body was  cuddled up to him feeling very warm and inviting.
Her arm lays across his chest and he pulls her closer to him and feels her body completely relax. Finally realizing that she was in a deep sleep Chris decided to get more comfortable so he could finally get some much needed rest. He pulls the blanket over himself and Nico and closes his eyes and drifts into sleep.
He wasn’t sure if it was the fact it was so late or that he was tired from helping with the pepperoni rolls or what but he was able to fall asleep quicker than he has in a long time. As he drifted off he hopes that she doesn’t wake up and freak out because he was there.
Nico wakes up feeling warm, safe, and comforted. She wasn’t able to describe another feeling but she liked it. When she realizes that someone’s arms are around her she had to think what was the last thing she remembered before falling asleep.
While trying to think if even remembers pulling the pepperoni rolls out, she feels the arms pull her closer. She doesn’t tense when she remembers she was on the couch when she fell asleep hanging out with Chris.
She rolls over in what she assumes Chris’s arms and looks at his sleeping body. Nico knows that she would be lying to herself if she didn’t think he was attractive not only physically but emotionally.  He has always given off the personality of an all around good guy who loves what is good and right in the world. But still finds it odd that he said she was beautiful.
Nico knew she was cute or just pretty but never saw herself as beautiful. She knows a size 14/16 isn’t skinny and shocked he was able to carry her to bed. Sometimes the media makes her think she isn’t good enough for her size or color but deep down she has started realizing that there will be a man who appreciates her for who she is.
She was so deep in thought about his comment that she didn’t notice he had woken up and was watching her stare off into space.  “Morning. Are you ok? Before you ask we didn’t have sex you asked me to stay so I did.” Chris states as he pulls her out of her thoughts. He notes that she looks just as beautiful as she did yesterday making him think she doesn’t wear make up at all.  She's a true natural beauty which he appreciates.
Nico looks shocked at his statement but does understand that he was in her bed and she did have some questions. “Good morning and yes. Was just thinking. . . I couldn’t remember anything minus watching So Weird then I worried that I burnt the pepperoni rolls.” She states with a small chuckle.
“You didn’t. I looked at your alarm and got it before it went off. I figured you had a long day with driving, moving your stuff, and then being up late baking so I just let you sleep.”
“Well thanks. What time is it even?” She replies as she rolls over looking for her glasses.
“No idea. . .” He answers as he is cut off by the sound of her door opening.
“Maybe she is awake and . . . Colton! Come look at this!” Scott squeals as he sees his brother already in bed with Nico. He notices the pair looks bashful and shocked as they pull away from each other. “Already romping in the hay.”
Nico stands up and adjust her glasses. “No. . . We fell asleep apparently talking to each other.”
“What am I looking at Scott?” Colton comes in the room looking shocked. “Nico! Really?!?”
“What?” Nico questions looking bothered by her brother's stern tone.
Chris looks at the quickly blushing Nico and decides to say something. “Colton and Scott, we didn’t do anything. We baked pepperoni rolls and fell asleep in here talking. Nothing happened yet but when it does we will tell you guys.”  He replies with a wink to Nico making her blush more.
Colton looks at Nico and notices that they are both fully clothed. Neither look like they have had the best sex of their lives so maybe they just fell asleep.  But it still bothers him to a point.
Even though Nico is grown woman at 34 years old, she is still his little sister. He doesn’t want anyone to hurt her. He’s been there when she met a few men guys who broke her heart. The most hurtful was one the one when she was 20. Her ex fiancé who lied, cheated, and hit her. When he finally left her, she wasn’t herself at all. She was so in love with him that when he left her, she was sad, depressed, and self destructive. He promised himself to not let any man hurt her like that again.
Instead of telling her and Chris that it was cool and not make the whole stay in quarantine awkward he just looks at her and says, “Okay.” And walks out the room.
Nico sensing that she has done something wrong she follows after Colton leaving Scott and Chris alone. She sighs when she realizes that he had walked outside while it’s was starting to snow and she didn’t have on the appropriate clothing.
“Colton! Where are you going?”
“For a walk go back inside.”
“Colton, come on talk to me.” She whines as he finally stops walking.
He turns around and looks at his sister who looks cold and confused. He knows he can’t save her from everything but at least wants to tell her how he feels. “Go inside sis,  you don’t have any clothing on.”
“Not until you tell me what that was all about? I didn’t have sex with him, I legit just slept. And more importantly, I’m almost 35!! Why are you acting like this?”
Colton takes off his hoodie and hands it to her she greedily accepts it and puts it on. “I don’t want you with him.”
“Then why invite me up here?”
“I don’t want you to fall in love and have him hurt you.”
“Whoa whoa whoa. I fell asleep nothing more and nothing less. I find him attractive and would like to peruse something with him BUT it’s only been a day and I barely know the real Chris.  I only know what the media portrays of him.”
“I know but I know how you get when your heart has been broken and it is safer for it not to be broken.”
Nico looks at him and understands but she still needs to live, “Please tell me  you aren't  basing it off the past and I’ve grown up A LOT since then I can’t always be single. Just let me live. Ok?”
“I know but I don’t want you depressed or self destructive.”
“I won’t just let me explore this with him maybe. If that is even where it is going.  It might not go anywhere because I'm still pretty guarded about giving my heart away to anyone.”
“Oh, he likes you. I see the way he watches you when you aren’t looking.” He replies while a small smile. “You are my baby sister, I can’t help but worry especially since we are quarantining with him and I’m dating his brother. I don’t want this to end badly for you or me.”
“It won’t for you and Scott. You guys are totally cute together. And Chris and I barely know each other. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t but I should at least have a chance to see where it will go. And at the very least let me work out some sexual frustration with him.” She states with a huge smile waiting for her brother’s disgusted reaction.
“Ewww Nico! I didn’t need to hear that.” He replies disgusted but slightly intrigued about it. “I wonder if they have the same bedroom skills.”
She tilts her head looking at him curious to,”Maybe but we will never know if you go all alpha big brother on him and me. We didn’t even kiss last night. He was a gentleman.”
“Yes yes. I’m going to try better at not being over protective. Go in there before you freeze and enjoy Cap.” Colton said with a smile as he gives Nico a hug.
“Thanks Colton. If I feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable I’ll tell you. Promise.”
While Colton and Nico were outside discussing whatever bothered Colton, Scott took the opportunity to talk to his brother.
“So you like her?”
“I think I do so far. She sweet, funny, and beautiful.” He replies as he walks out of the guest room to his room with Dodger and Scott close behind him. “Is that a bad thing?”
Scott thinks for a moment and looks at his brother sincerely, “No, Nico is a great lady just don’t hurt her please.”
“We fell asleep together. Not sex not even a kiss. How can I hurt her?” Chris replies feeling distressed and anxious.
“Nico hasn’t had a boyfriend for a while.”
“Ok.  How long is awhile?”
“Four years. Give or take.”
“Why so long?”
Scott shuts the door to Chris’ room and sits on his bed.
“It’s complicated at best. She doesn’t let anyone in, so she stays alone. The first time she did. He hurt her so bad that apparently she had to go into rehab for her depression and anxiety. Colton wants her to be happy but I think he is worried what could happen since you are well. . . “
Chris cuts him off. “Famous. Ok I get that but I don’t want to hurt her. I like her company. It’s fun not feeling like the third wheel in my own house.”
“Ok I get that but don’t use her or get into her pants unless you really want to be with her.”
“I know. I know. I’m trying to get to know her more. That’s why I was up late with her baking to know more about her. And honestly when I carried her to bed she asked me to stay.  And she looked so peaceful that I stayed.”
“She did?” Scott questions feeling even more excited about what could be there.
“Yeah, she was asleep idk if it was on purpose or not but I just couldn’t get myself to leave.” He says as pulls a cigarette out to smoke.
“Really? Still doing this?”
Chris rolls his eyes and looks at Scott kind of sheepishly. “Yes Scott. I still smoke when my anxiety is bothering me. And right now between Colton and you I’m stressing.  Then RDJ got me worried that she might run.”
“Sorry bro just looking out for you and me. I don’t want you hurting her and Colton hating you.  If she can calm her brother down I think we will all me ok.”
"I sure hope so.  She's pretty good people and I want to talk with her more about her cosplays and the whole Fan Fiction community they talk about on the podcast."  Chris replies putting his hands in his gray sweatpants.
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
Clumsy - One-shot
Pairing : Henry Cavill x Plus Size Reader (Neutral He/She/They)
Warnings : Language ; Innuendos
Word Count : 2.1k
A/N : One-shot not planned to be posted today but hey why not :) Trying to be as neutral as I could, so that everyone can identify themselves, no matter the gender :) Hope you like it.
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It was that time of the year again. The time hundreds of fans were waiting for - San Diego's Comic Con Event. It was time for you not only to attend this major Event as an actress/actor but also as a fan yourself. The Comic Con was featuring different panels during the weekend. Stars of shows like Supernatural, Gotham, The Walking Dead or The Originals were walking the same ground you were now standing. Frighten, excitement, thrill, joy, you name it, all those emotions bubbling in you. And what more of a fabulous experience than living it with a fabulous cast. You were Marvel's new addition and were part of the panel's headline, alongside Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlet Johannson, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Elisabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Paul Betthany and Samuel L. Jackson. All great names and especially all great people that quickly became your little small second family.
You were all standing backstage waiting to be called by the host. You repeated your mantra in order to keep your nerves at bay and smiled brightly when you saw RDJ doing an entrance like only he mastered. Your friends were being called one by one until only you and Tom Holland remained. "Hey it's gonna be ok, relax and enjoy", he told you and gave your shoulder a small squeeze. You nodded and saw him climb the stairs and walk down the stage.
"And finally but not least, welcome Y/N YLN", the host's voice echoed through the gigantic room. You took a deep breath and stepped on stage. Hundreds of people applauding and yelling. It was overwhelming and at your left, you caught the sight of a group of people cosplaying your character. You gasped a little and waved at them, still walking on stage. At some point when you looked the opposite direction you were face to face with the host. 'The hell', you thought and he laughed loudly. You looked behind you and noticed that you crossed the whole cast. Because you were so mesmerized and focused on the fans cosplaying your character you didn't notice that you passed way your standing point. "Sorry", you mouthed at the host. You smiled nervously and did the walk of shame back to your position, passing by a laughing cast. "That started well", you mumbled to yourself, a little embarrassed. You waited until the host gave you permission and took a seat when so, indicating that the panel officially began.
45 minutes later
Wandering across the wave of people, a male stature in a Vendetta mask made his way to support one of his colleagues. That man being none other than Henry Cavill. The British actor was in town to start a new project and since he settled down a week earlier to prepare for his role, he decided to take some fresh air and stop by the Con to support Jason Momoa that was promoting Aquaman. He came across the board and saw that Aquaman's panel was after the Marvel one. He still had an hour to wait, so decided to judge the competition by himself. He entered the panel and discretely found a place to sit.
The panel was going well, the Marvel cast always amazing in interacting with their fans or tell jokes. "I know you have strict orders to not reveal anything but is there by chance some funny moment on set that you might be able to share with us?", asked the host curiously. RDJ looked at your direction and smirked. Your eyes immediately widened, scared about what he might reveal. The cast followed his gaze and once they settled on you, some of them laughed and smirked. 'Oh shit', you thought. The host caught the movement and smiled, "I see there's something, come on tell us."
"I don't know if we're allowed to tell but it's just too good to not mention it", finally replied RDJ. You discretely shook your head, pleading him to not reveal whatever he had in mind and his smirk grew even wider. He took a deep breath and faced the audience, who was ecstatic, waiting for any juicy detail. "So, Evans, Y/N and myself had that scene together."
"Oh No", your voice was heard through the mic while you face-palmed yourself. The cast laughed and RDJ continued. "It was a rather dramatic scene, lots of tension between Cap and Iron Man. There's a moment where Y/N's character is suppose to say 'Improvise', which was in the script. But for some reason, she/he/they got the message wrong and instead of saying the line, she/he/they actually began to improvise the whole dialogue and began to blabber some nonsense that was absolutely not scripted", stuttered RDJ in laughter. The whole cast, the host and the audience began to laugh and you just wished you could die. You couldn't deny that it was actually funny but at the moment of the shooting it was not. "Right and then the Russo Brothers yelled 'Cut' and asked her/him/them what was she/he/they talking about and she/he/they replied that she/he/they improvised like it stood in the script…and … and we were all cracking. It was hilarious’’ ,Evans finished the story while he whipped his tears off.
"Are you really crying of laughter right now?", you asked him in disbelief but amusement written all over your face. He nodded and continued laughing. "You're not visualizing her/his/their face when she/he/they finally got that her/his/their line all along was only the word 'Improvise'. Your face was priceless", he said and looked back at you. You chuckled and shook your head, a small smile ornamenting your face. "The cut made it to the movie actually", suddenly exclaimed Joe Russo out of nowhere. "Whatttt?", your high pitched voice rang across the room. "Yeah, we thought it was hilarious, especially Stark and Roger's confused face and what you said during that scene was kind of funny so, we showed it to Kevin Feige and he loved it." The cast applauded and you smiled while shaking your head, not believing it.
It was now time for some fans to step in and ask their questions. By the 6th question, a fan asked, "Who was/is the clumsiest person among all of you?" Without hesitation everyone exclaimed 'Y/N' in unison. "Not gonna deny that", you replied back with a small chuckle. "I'm such a mess. On set, I fell more times than it's socially acceptable and I've punched two stunt men by accident. I'm still so sorry guys", you said while turning to the camera, apologizing for what felt like the millionth time. A male fan took the mic and asked " I know this is maybe a controversial matter but I'm curious, are you all devoted to Marvel or is there a character that you still love but that it's part of the DC Universe?"
The room erupted at the question, eager to know the cast's response. "Well I for sure know someone who's been cheating on Marvel and went to the dark side", exclaimed Anthony Mackie while giving you a judgmental look. Sebastian who was at his side laughed at his friend’s innuendo and your face heat up. "Why are you looking at me? I don't know what you're talking about", you told him. He smirked and nodded, "Yeah yeah don't play that innocent act on me, I know that you have the hots for a certain Superman." Your eyes widened and you gasped, not believing that he dared to say that. Well what could you expect, Mackie and a mic, of course he would. People were shouting in the audience at this point and you chuckled. "Alright, I confess but can you blame me? He's fine as hell, not my fault", you revealed making the room erupt in loud screams and whistles. "God I hope Henry Cavill will never see or hear about this. It would be so embarrassing", you said and hid your face in your hands. If you knew that he was actually in the audience, never would those words leave your mouth.
"Alright I've got to know Y/N : Captain America or Superman?", asked the host out of nowhere. You chuckled and face-palmed yourself again, feeling the heat burn your cheeks.  You thought for a second and decided that it was the moment to really impress your colleagues and show them a different and more playful side of yourself. "It's not my type but fuck it, I'll take both", you exclaimed triumphantly once seeing your friends's shocked expression, not expecting you being so bold. You smirked and wiggled your eyebrows playfully. "Wow and here I thought you were the innocent one", replied Evans. "I never said I was innocent", you teased back. He raised an eyebrow and smirked back at you. Unfortunately you couldn't keep up with the whole mysterious and intriguing persona and chuckled at the situation, not believing that you dared saying that in front of hundreds of people. "That's it for us. Thank you so much for coming to the Marvel Panel and enjoy the rest of the day", exclaimed the host and closed the Panel.
Henry was surprised to have a good time at the Marvel Panel. He knew some of the cast members and was friends with them. But who really caught his attention was Marvel's new addition, Y/N. He thought you were beautiful and talented. He saw in one of your movies and was intrigued by you since and seeing you in flesh and bones made his heart beat just a tab faster. He laughed at your coworkers teasing about you being clumsy but what he didn't expect was you revealing that you found him hot. He smirked behind his mask and quickly exited the room as soon as the host closed it. He couldn't stop thinking about your voice mixed with your deep gaze and smirk, your teasing leaving him clearly flustered. Without noticing his feet led him to the Marvel signing booth and he didn't hesitate. He waited in line to get to you. After a good half hour, he finally reached you. "For who should I sign it?", her/his melodic voice invaded his eardrums. "Henry", he declared. His voice caught the attention of C.Evans who studied the man standing in front of you.
You were about to look back at the man in front of you when you noticed that your jacket had fallen of your chair. You quickly turned in order to grab it and when your gaze returned to the fan in front of you, you let out a small high-pitched scream. Not expecting to see the one you just publicly declared that you had the hots for in front of you, made you jump a little on your chair, your knee hitting the table and your plastic glass falling right at his trousers, wetting his crotch. "OMG I'm so sorry !!!!", you exclaimed mortified. Evans was laughing loudly beside you and declared, "Already trying to get into his pants Y/N?" You turned his way and gave him a deadly look mixed with embarrassment, making him laugh even more.   "I'm so so so sorry", you apologized to him. You handed him napkins and he took them with a bright smile on his face. "It's ok don't worry about it." There were no stronger words to describe how horrified you were. "I'm gonna go and die now", you mumbled and handed him a new fresh set of napkins. He laughed at your antics and declared, "Wait, not before I get the opportunity to invite you to a date." Your eyes almost popped out of your head and you stuttered, "You wan-na go on a date w-with me?" A bright smile crossed his face and you were so mesmerized by his blue eyes that you didn't hear his answer. You cleared your voice and replied, "Excuse me, what?" He chuckled and replied "You're cute"
"No you are", you breathed out, your brain not functioning correctly anymore. He chuckled again and you adverted your gaze elsewhere, "Ehh, i mean haha. Funny", you stuttered and mentally slapped yourself. "So would you go on a date with me?", he asked again. You nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I-I would love to." He borrowed your pen and wrote his number down. Before handing it to you, he leaned further making you stop breathing for a second and he whispered so that only you got it, " And so that you know, I don't like to share what's mine !" Heat and goosebumps crept all over your body, realizing he told you that because of the Captain America vs Superman comment. He winked and you saw him leaving. "You're drooling all over the place", commented Evans. You rolled your eyes and replied "Shutttt uppp". You bit your lip not realizing that you just got your crush's number and that he asked you on a date.
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PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290  @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10
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mackyvennett · 3 years
Something to Talk About [March 12, 2021]
Summary: Joy raises concerns with Macky about their relationship, and they leave deciding that they are better off as pals, for now, while Joy figures things out with herself.
Joy makes her way inside Macky’s place, her fingers delicately tugging at the strings of her masks, folding them into her coat pocket and shimmying her way out of not only that, but, her shoes too, adjusting the one cat sock a bit before flopping back up still feeling kinda ???? how would Tina B put it? Uhhhhhhh? Uhhhhhhhhh? Making her way onto the couch her right foot pressing down onto as she rests her chin onto her knee, “Soooo...what’s up?”
Macky closes his laptop, finishing up his work for the day, taking his AirPod out as he hears the door, moving to get the door, a grin easily sliding onto his lips as he opens the door. “Hey,” he offers, before giving a shrug, the whole day not that Eventful, really, maybe the highlight being an e-mail from Caroline, “Not much, just finished up work. What’s up with you?” He asks, curious if her day had been more Exciting than his own, stretching a bit as a little yawn escapes him, damn, was working home more tiring than one would expect, sometimes.
Joy’s brows push upwards a bit as she hears what was up, letting out a soft sound of surprise mixed with acknowledgement, her leg drifting a bit to the side as her lips push to the opposite one, “Not much...” Which was true she hadn’t been feeling much of anything lately, raising her other leg up, her knees knocking together a bit on accident as she lifts her head up...trying to....mmmmmm, figure out the Best Way to...mmm, moving her attention to the back edge of the couch, picking at it a bit...“Do you think maybe we should...I don’t know...take...a break and...be Bro’s again or something for a while?”
Macky takes in Joy’s question, a bit surprised by it, but taking it in stride, fair enough question really, resting back against the couch as he takes her in. “If you want to, I’m cool with it,” he lets her know, she was young, and he wasn’t going to tie her down if she wanted to explore and all that, “What’s up, though?” He asks, feeling that there was More behind it, maybe a reason or something she was thinking, feeling that it was good to talk about it, even still.
A soft hum moves through her throat, half-expecting...her gaze timidly trailing over to Macky, not sure if that made her feel...Better or ??? Her tongue pressing along the bottom of her gums...resting her head on her forearms, “I dunno. Just feeling like...question Mark, question mark, question mark, you know?” Ugh. He probably didn’t know, but to be fair...she didn’t really Either, “...just feel like I haven’t been really Girlfriend-y lately? Like...mmm, I dunno...with the whole Big Word stuff and the Y’know stuff, haven’t like...felt it and feel like I probably should’ve? By now?” A frown pulling at her lips as she presses her elbow onto the back of the couch her cheek forming to her palm, hoping he Got what the Other Stuff was kinda not wanting to have to Say It, as she lets out a deeeeep sigh, “Just feel like you’re Waiting and...nothing, you know? Like I don’t hate you or anything, or like anybody else, really...or?? I don’t know. I just...like you, a lot most times...sometimes. So...I don’t knowwwww...that’s where “Break” came from? But...if you wanna Break Up Break Up...? I...I would Get It.” She guesses. The whole thing just kinda...confusing...but he was the person to talk to about this kind of stuff, right? “Like maybe we more Bro than I said?”
Macky rests back on the couch as he takes in Joy’s words, her thoughts, what was going through her mind at the moment, a small smile forming at the corners of his lips. “What even is being Girlfriend-y?” He begins, offering the word out in air quotes, giving Joy a little shoulder bump. “I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way of doing things, as long as we’re doing what feels good for Us, and don’t think there’s some like...imaginary Bar of Expectations we need to be hitting to be together...it just feels Good, being with you, and if you want to be my girlfriend, and you’re doing what feels right to You, then you Are being Girlfriend-y, I’ll say,” he offers, a little warm twinkle moving through his eye, “and I’m not waiting on anything, I just said how I felt, and I’m cool with just taking things at our own pace and enjoying things, y’know? Though I’m also cool with whatever you need, whether that’s opening things up, taking a break, breaking up...just want you to do what feels right for you, okay? And I’m here by your side through it to help in any way I can, whether that’s as boyfriend, bro, little spoon, whatever feels Right,” he lets her know, the little smile tugging upwards as he looks at her.
Joy feels the slight bump knocking her a bit to the side, her lips softly smacking together, “Like, you know, romantic...romance...? Regular stuff...” Joy softly says aloud, all the stuff wrapped up in that and all...looking over to Macky as he starts to talk...sounding really...Grandpa Official, like...“Oooook, then, I’ll say thanks for the pep talk, Mack...E...” Joy tacks on at the end, in her Most Mackiest of voices, nooooo he E was Cool, but definitely in the Adultiest Adult way possible...her chin slowly drawing back down and resting against her forearms after she lazily stretches them out further along the back of the couch, her face scrunching up in eowooo...“Okay, maybe “bro”, isn’t right word to use, you make good point. It’s weeeeird, mmmm...let’s use pal, pal is Good...You think I’m thinking too ahead of stuff...or something?” She asks it seeming like...she didn’t know, really, her hand propping her head up as another ding of what he had said...again, cropping back up, “Do you wanna “open it up”...?”
Macky takes in Joy’s reply, as he... “Do you think I’m not   being...Boyfriend-y enough?” He asks, feeling like it Was a two-way   street of talking things over, before a chuckle moves through him at the  whole E moniker, well, he was taking a page out of E’s book,  so fair enough and well-deserved, an honor, really, before taking in her  remark about the pal versus bro discourse. “Pal, we can use that, if  that’s the route we’re taking...?” He offers to her, casually, trying to  gauge where she was falling, before... “...I don’t want to break up,  myself, but I don’t want to hold you back, either,” he adds in, feeling  like it was at least worth saying where he was feeling at the moment,   “...but maybe I’m a bit too live in the moment and Not thinking far   enough ahead? But for opening things up, I’m not opposed to it, not that  there’s anyone else I like, myself, either, but it might be a good   alternative to taking a break or being bros, and it kind of worked? The whole thing with Pat? Until it Didn’t, but in theory there’s something to be said for it, I guess,” he figures, curious as to Joy’s whole   thoughts on everything.
“No.” Joy wastes no time in replying before her face scrunches up a bit as she realizes...“No, I don’t think that. Not no like you Are...” Joy tries to explain, raising herself up as she crosses her legs underneath one another, “it’s like You’re doing all the Stuff you’re Supposed to do like...the whole how you feel stuff, and giving me apartment key, annnnnd like...I dunno, that kinda stuff and it just feels...mishmatchy from and I feel kinda confuse about it, and what that means, I guess?” Her hand clapping down onto her thigh, “I haven’t done this before...” Joy’s hand gesturing from her to him, her brow pulling upwards as she remembers...oh, well...? “...I mean, does He count...count?” She asks, not even sure if it was a before or more like a during...same time? Like One Boyfriend, Two Bodies thing...? So...it still Made Sense, right? Her brow furrowing further, holding her back from what even...? Her mind rolling back to Sky and Ciel stuff, ohhh boy...and Macky’s whole take (?) on Alternative’s, “I meant...more like it’s the sec—third time you brought it up...so, makes me think you thinking about it or something maybe? But...I don’t really wanna break up if you don’t wanna. I just said it as...you know, Option. For...you.”
“And that’s okay, as long as you’re having a good time and  enjoying being with me, then I’m happy, you know? You don’t have to  match me,” Macky offers with a little smile, a little warm playfulness  moving through his eyes. “I’ve only done this once myself, too, and that  was way back in High School, and...something Else,” he lets out with a  little chuckle, not knowing of any other way to describe Ellery, she was Something  Else, all right, in an endearing way, before getting back to what Joy  was saying about the whole Open thing, “Just...more that if I’m not  giving you on the sex end of things, or you still want to explore that  outside of me, it’s always an option?” Before his mind moves back over  the for you at the end... “...you think I want to break up with you?” He asks back in clarification, wanting to see where she was coming from...
Joy’s lips press against each other gently pushing a bit from side to side a shy teensy blush edging its wayyyyy along, “...okay.” Her hands rubbing softly along her knees as she breathes softly, ok. So it wasn’t really so much to get in he—a flush instantly warming along her neck and up to her cheeks as her lips part open, and her lips eyes widen in surprise, ohmygoddddd...closing them immediately as her wrists press against them, leaning back against the couch, a sharp barely audible squeal of a sound scraping out of her throat...soembarrasssssssssingggg...ohmygod why was That TikTok looping in her head...not now...pleaseeee.
Macky watches Joy’s reaction as a little concern moves through him, at how flustered she looked... “What’s wrong?” He asks her, not sure if he had been of the mark on where her thoughts were about the whole thing...?
Joy takes in a breath holding it before she lets out with an audible sorta sigh sorta decompression of her flare up of embarrassment, her palms sliding to the side of her head, a soft uncertain sound bubbling out her. “N—Nothing just...that’s so... ᵉᵐᵇᵃʳʳᵃˢⁱⁿᵍ...” The word coming out in the faintest breath of a whisperrrrr...her body drifting to the left and settling against Macky, her hands coming down underneath her legs, as she breathes softly recovering from the sudden rush of embarrassingggg...his words drifting back to her, “...if we weren’t clicking anymore or on “same page” or something...yeah?” She answers back, feeling like that made sense and that was usually why people broke up besides the...well, you know, infidelity and breaking of trust things...
“Sex isn’t embarrassing,” Macky responds, once he hears Joy’s answer, before a little Ames-like voice in his head gives him a reminder, “...though also not having sex isn’t embarrassing either,” feeling the need to add that, in case...it was more of that kind of situation? He he half wonders in his head, before taking in the next part about “clicking” or being on the same page... “I’m all good there, and feel good with where we are? Unless you aren’t?” He offers back, wanting to make sure she was cool with things, too, and it wasn’t just her feeling like something was off on his end...
Joy’s nose scrunches up...maybe to him? moving offf of him kinda sorta feeling...??? like she was...she didn’t know? Not Sophisticated enough...? The uncertainty of all the expectations and just bundle of confusion swishing back in as her face scrunches a bit up again tuning back into what he was sayingggg...“I don’t know...” She murmurs back, fiddling with her the decal on the edge of her dress, chewing on the edge of her lip, “Yeah, maybe, we should just be pals for a while and try that out...?”
“If that’s what you Want...?” Macky replies back as he looks at her, to make sure, trying to give her a little smile, even though it feels a bit, mm, suddenly, in the moment, but fair enough, she deserved to figure things out the way she Need to, so, but, mm....
Want. Maybe...maybe...not? But...maybe she just needed a break to figure out what the problems were with herself? It seemed like it was all just coming from her, ...dang, so...her lips pushing up into a bit of a forced smile as she nods her head softly. “Think I just need to think harder on Stuff...Me stuff.” She admits, not really making much sense of it all, and, neither was Macky. Leaning in and wrapping her arms around Macky for a few beats, giving him a tight squeeze beforeeee...letting go and getting up making her way back over to the rack to put her coat on, her arms pushing through as a thought bursts into her mind as her hand folds into her pocket, feeling them, “Erm, is it okay to still have the key or did...did you want it back?”
Macky takes in her answer, feeling that was...fair, and not wanting to take that away from her, moving tightly into the hug, giving her a little smile. “You keep it. And I’m here, if you need someone to talk to, to bounce ideas off of, as you figure things out. That’s what pals do, right?” He offers, hoping that this did help give her some time to think and figure things out, and just...have some time for her, because she deserved it.
A soft crease of a smile settles against the corners of her lips as she gently nods her head, “Yeah. And, that goes for you, too.” Joy slides in, it was a two-way street and all...leaning a bit to the side, hanging back a bit to see if he had anything else he wanted to talk about, too, it wasn’t just the Joy show after all...
A warm little smile crosses Macky’s lips as he hears the offer, “Got it,” moving to hold his hand up for a fist bump...total bro, Pal, shit, to seal the deal. “Here for each other, as we figure things out?” He makes as the formal Toast to it, to go with the whole Pal Fist Bump.
Joy’s brows push up a bit in...confusion it clicking after few seconds as she gently bumps her knuckles against Macky’s, giving an affirmative nod to the promise of a sort, drawing her hand back down as she reaches in her pocket to put her two masks on, adjusting them a bit before waving bye and heading out, feeling really hungry...drawing her phone out to see what was close again mmmmm...
Macky gives Joy a quick wave goodbye before heading back inside to get back to...whatever the hell he was doing, feeling like he should be getting back to something...but first, a snack, he decides. as he locks the door behind him and goes to Do That.
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