#and why didn't they consult anybody
"We didn't take the proper consideration for how this cost would affect you."
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legend-of-cupcake · 6 months
I’ve seen a bit of discourse on Twitter, with people calling Nene toxic because she shot 3 Cupid arrows into a sleeping Hanako. It’s… wild. Imagine hating the main character of the entire manga 💀 I could make an essay on why she’s not toxic, but instead I’m gonna go down the other route and say:
If you think Nene is toxic, then oh boy do I have some news for you about Hanako!!
Let’s list Hanako’s toxic behaviours:
Tricked a young girl into swallowing a mermaid scale so he could make her destroy yorishiro’s
Literally admits himself that he didn't plan to care about Nene and was just using her until he caught feelings
Heavily flirted with Nene until she became confused about his intentions, which resulted in her crying
Threatens to turn Nene into a fish when she doesn't bend to his will
Intentionally keeps Nene's lifespan a secret from her, and only reveals it to her after she confronts him about it
Tries to harm Nene's best friend twice! Despite knowing full well she would disapprove (for those who may not remember, along with literally trying to kill her in Nene's stead, Hanako attempts to drop a chandelier on Aoi to lure out the clock keeper he was hunting)
Hanako quite literally locks Nene away, against her own freewill, because he decided it was the best way to save her (despite how much she didn't want to stay there)
Becomes overly possessive and jealous about Nene, to the point that he doesn't even like the idea of anybody saving her life other than himself (there's so many examples I can give on Hanako's possessiveness alone, but just know it's a pretty toxic trait of his)
Constantly thinks he knows what's best for Nene and will act on that interest, never consulting her on anything even though it's about her
Refuses to entertain Nene's desire to die and stay with him, even Tsukasa says he was selfish for that one
Do I even need to mention chapter 71? The entire severance? How Hanako, after realising he wouldn't be able to make Nene forget, decides to try and make her full on hate him and acts cruel towards her Honestly I am certain I am forgetting things, but this is a list of Hanako's toxic behaviors from the top of my head. He isn't innocent by any means!! And sure, I admit Nene has flaws and that's okay, but if you're going to say she's toxic then I'm sorry but you have to include Hanako too because he's far worse. And btw this is just Hanako's toxic behaviors towards Nene, she actually gets off easy, because everyone else gets it far worse from him. Like? Tsukasa anyone?? Murdered younger brother who was abandoned for 2 decades?? The hypocrisy runs deep.
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poopyballz28 · 2 months
Doysumi hc's and such for the mentally unwell
• While it may seem like the clingier one out of the two would be Katsumi, it's actually quite the opposite. Hector absolutely hates the idea of anything bad happening to Katsumi, this fear causing Hector to be practically glued to his side at all times. Something in his blood just tells him he needs to be...protected. Kept away from any danger or even just things that might upset him. But on certain occasions, Hector's overall clinginess can be somewhat selfish, like keeping Katsumi from meeting with people out of jealousy. What do you get when you give a murderer psychopath who knows no love at all a nice guy who understands him and makes his heart pound in mysterious ways? A very clingy and protective murderer psychopath.
• I don't wanna make this seem like Katsumi doesn't realize that Hector can't stay away from him and sometimes does things just to keep him by his side because Katsumi does know this. In fact, he's very aware of Hector's quite clingy feelings towards him. Despite what you may say about...Katsumi's way of thinking, he's actually quite attentive! He can realize when Hector is doing things to keep him from somewhere or someone, and tries to assure him that he really loves him, but he can take care of himself. The "love you" part usually gets him.
• Before meeting Katsumi, Hector had no concept of love or any sort of affection. The tight feeling in his chest and overall flustered feeling whenever he was around him completely and utterly confused him. Up until that point, he hadn't received any kind of affection or even kindness from anyone around him, so it suddenly overwhelming him was certainly jarring. He didn't recognize the feeling as love at all, at first. He considered whether or not Katsumi was using some sort of psychological karate technique on him (lol)
• While Hector isn't particularly one for baking or cooking, he does seem to enjoy (attempting) to make certain sugary foods for Katsumi and his very concerning sweet tooth. Oven almost exploded once but its fine. It should be fine. It's ironic though how Katsumi always makes a deal about not wanting to eat too many sugary things for health reasons but whenever he's faced with double chocolate chip cookies he...loses himself. I mean, have you seen how much sugar this guy puts in his tea? It's scary. But Hector really finds a kind of happiness in the sight of Katsumi enjoying the food he worked hard to make for him. He's often learning new recipes and consulting Retsu on cooking tips.
• Hector wasn't exactly...treated too nicely by his peers when he was younger, and it wasn't just because he was always alone. That red hue of his hair made him an easy target in particular. He was often called some pretty abhorrent names during his time in school. Katsumi, though, really likes Hectors hair and tends to compliment it quite often. He thinks the color is vivid and fitting for Hector. It's beautiful. He is beautiful. Katsumi really makes sure he knows this.
• Before Hector became as clingy as he is towards Katsumi, he originally was quite hesitant to get closer to him. He's never really gotten to know anyone, but at the same time he knows he's never really tried either. But even still, he closed himself off and attempted to distance himself from Katsumi. After all, he's just your typical cold-blooded killer. Why should he need to "open up" to someone? And not just anybody, someone who was so...different from him. "Why would this prodigy with an incredible future ahead of him want to be around...me of all people?" He couldn't help but laugh, taking a drag of his cigarette. He couldn't wrap his head around it at all. But that warm feeling when Katsumi was around. It was almost addicting. It was to die for.
• One of Katsumi's love languages is gift giving. Excessive gift giving. He sees a beautiful pair of expensive earrings while shopping? He buys them and gives them to Hector. A beautiful red dress that compliments Hector's style? He buys it and gives it to Hector. Blooming bouquet of roses? He buys them and gives them to Hector. I think you see the theme here. Hector does tend to worry about how much money he spends, but Katsumi always reassures him that it's really no big deal. (He has spent 100,000 yen on Hector in the last week.)
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 00:06:51
Video Length: 4min. & 48sec.
Agent Clark spots Fig + Principal Grix's Mandatory Drug Test
Arcturus Grix: "Please give a warm welcome to law enforcement officer and agent of the Council of Chosen, Agent Clark." *Claps*
Fig does disguise self as Kristen! 😭✋
Gorgug is sitting between two Kristens! 😭✋
Fabian: "Do anybody else. Anyone else."
Brennan: "I rolled the nat20 on my Perception."
Agent Clark: "THERE YOU ARE!"
Brennan rolls a luck check!
Brennan: "One of you pick odds. One of you pick evens."
Everyone's reactions! 😂🤣💀
Brennan: "This episode's off to a rocky start, gang." 😂😂😭😭💀💀✋✋
Murph wants to silvery barbs the perception check
Brennan: "Okay. It's gonna be clear you're casting a spell."
Siobhan: "You got a two."
Brennan: "Oh, he got a two on the Perception?!"
Siobhan: "Yeah."
Brennan asks for a deception check from Fig!
Fig does it with advantage when she's disguised!!
Agent Cuspin Clark has a +10 to his perception and he got a 2 so his perception becomes a 12! 😭✋
Fig gets a 17 deception!
Brennan: "You see that Agent Clark, this literal eagle-eyed special agent, looking over a crowd that has two of the same person in it, begins to- he takes the mic off the podium-"
Emily: "With Gorgug in between."
Gorgug just put his huge axe in front of Fig! 😭✋
Ally: "I'm just smiling. I don't even know you've done it yet." 😭✋
Agent Clark: "Disguises. Pretty fun. Right, gang? Pretty fun to commit fraud, to pretend."
Kristen wonders what Grix is talking about and then notices Fig and asks her what she's doing! 😂🤣😭💀
Agent Clark: "To pretend to be someone you're not. It's all fun and games."
Gorgug whispers to Kristen: "Change into Fabian."
Kristen: Okay."
Ally grunts and does an impression of Fabian! 😂😂🤣🤣😭😭✋✋💀💀
Fabian: "Stop. Stop. Stop. That was sophomore year. I'm cool now."
Ally just keeps dancing 😂🤣💀
Fabian: "No. Stop. Stop, this is just rude. This is just rude. The Ball, do something." 😭✋
Brennan: "Your entire section loses it over this bit."
Kristen makes a persuasion check and gets a 16! 😂
Brennan: "So you guys sort of check out of Agent Clark's speech to watch Kristen kind of body roll for a second until you hear,"
Agent Clark: "All fun and games until DOPPELGANGERS BURN YOUR NEST! Thank you for your time." 😭✋
Agent Clark hands the mic back to Principal Grix! 😭✋
Emily: "That's a lot of emotional baggage to dump on some high schoolers."
Ally: "Wow."
Zac: "You'd think some sort of agent would be able-"
Ally: "Maybe reel it in."
Principal Grix: "As this injunction has been filed in between two segments of an auditorium assembly, the question and answer period will be limited to (beeping) 3 questions."
Adaine: "Okay, so are we not allowed to disguise ourselves or use Mirror Image or anything anymore? 'Cause like we've specifically been learning that in school and it's not against the law. So, like, why is-"
Principal Grix: "Did you not hear the middle portion of Agent Clark's speech?"
Adaine: "I just wanna clarify for everybody here that maybe didn't."
Emily and Ally dancing again 😂
Principal Grix: 'Please consult the Adventurer's Handbook regarding-"
Fabian to Kristen: "It's more like this anyway." 😭😭✋✋
Principal Grix: "Authorized usage of disguise and enchantment spells are-"
Fabian to Kristen: "Your shoulders need to go up."
Brennan: "The entire section just starts going, woo!" *dancing* 😂🤣💀✋
Adaine: "I'm sorry. I don't think we ever received an Adventurer's Handbook. We were just told that chronomancy was the best kind of magic and then kinda sent on our way."
Principal Grix: "I must to the printing room at once. Copies will be provided at end of day of the Adventurer's Handbook. Only authorized uses of disguise in the service of a sanctioned adventure will be allowed on Aguefort campus. For the final bit of business today at the assembly, it has come to the attention of the student government that there may have been some illicit activity during non-school hours. You will all now be submitted to a mandatory drug test."
The awesome caption team: (scanner whirring)
Principal Grix scans the ENTIRE STUDENT BODY! 😭✋
Fig: "It's a good thing I've been too busy to do drugs." 😭✋
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ohmycale · 1 year
Of hiding and denials part 2
…or instances where Cale tries to hide that he is insecure, and has trust and abandonment issues in so many ways. 
5. When he tells his father what that love is
A reaction in the brain or the heart 
A feeling that comes and goes away whether you like it or not.  
A way of getting hurt even though you don’t want to be hurt
6. When he decided to do a quick runaway
Deruth:  Cale,  there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! 
Cale: Why?
Deruth: Why?
Cale: Yes, why? I mean, aren't you busy? With paperwork? Or with meetings with other people? Sure you're not meeting Violan? Or Basen? Or Lilly? Or somebody else? Don't you have anything else to do? 
Deruth:  Yes, by being here….
Cale: …But you can be more productive somewhere….
Deruth:  I have something to talk about with you…
Cale: Don't you want to consult with Violan first? Or your advisor? Or the elders? Oh, look at the time, I have something else to do. Bye! Deruth:...Bye, I guess?
7. When he tries to shoo people away coz his mask is slipping away...
Hans: Young Master, the count and countess
Cale: I’m not going wherever and whenever…
Hans: But young master…
Cale: I am tired…and weary…and I just want to be left alone. I don't even know why I am here.   Just go away, Hans. Make your excuses. I don't care…
 8. When revealing the secret of your hurts
Basen: Hyung-nim, can you tell me more about Lady Jour 
Cale: …Why would ask about her?
Basen: She's your mother, right?
Cale: Yes. Did anybody tell you that it forbide4n to speak of my mother
Basen: Why? Who did that
Cale: Father did. Because your mother was a new bride and he didn't want her to feel unwelcome. So he banned people from saying my mother's name and my mother's images. Besides,s the dead are meant to be forgotten and we all must move on. Or so Father says. 
Cale: I suggest you don't repeat the mistake or even tell him. You don't want him to be upset, would you? 
There is a part 3
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
Anybody who thinks that abomination of a TWin finale was BETTER than the spn finale or FIXED anything about it can fuck right off, tbh. Bad vibes, dnw.
Like the biggest thing about TWin is it's INSULTING.
It's insulting that it's called "the winchesters", when The Winchesters are Sam and Dean. It's insulting that those involved kept telling people to trust them and "canon we got you" and stringing people along a whole fucking pointless season. It's insulting that they claimed they were so passionate about it when it's... Like This. When clearly no one could bother to even consult the canon, or hire actors who would be faithful to the OG representations. When it feels like a really cheap cash grab, when the interviews with Robbie and Jensen tell a story of people who knew they HAD to make this work, but didn't actually have a vision or focus for it. When Danneel appears to have been given way too much creative control despite not actually watching most of spn. When her passion for the project appeared to be the clothes she and Jensen could be photographed in -- this isn't wife hate, this is sincere criticism of someone who had creative control in a project they didn't even know the canon for.
It's insulting they spent the money for good music and played actual Led Zeppelin in THIS STUPID FINALE.
I know the last seasons of spn got pretty out there, got pretty stupid and lackluster (ghosts redux but daytime? Ehh), but at least in s15 they were running through "greatest callbacks" territory. TWin was not only worse quality, it had no fucking purpose. They didn't have a STORY TO TELL at all. You think THIS was where they were originally heading with that "Dean" voiceover from the pilot, talking about the true story of his parents?
(None of these questions are important enough for an s2, mind you; this show gets the atla live action treatment--never happened, doesn't count)
THE WHOLE FUCKING REASONING IS JUST POINTLESS AND STUPID. AND THERE DIDN'T SEEM TO EVER BE ANY REAL STAKES FOR THIS SCOOBY GANG ALL SEASON. It was The Magic Tree House, with all the answers handed to them. (Not to mention the pretty bad acting I witnessed from Meg -- a too-short-to-be-Mary-when-Drake-is-that-tall Claire lookalike I'm supposed to believe as Mary🙄 --and the total lack of JohnMary chemistry, and the weird af lore breaking holywater!hair vamp splash that started as a joke and shouldn't have even made it onto the page🤦‍♀️-- if you wanted to be that kind of camp you should've just done a straightup AU spinoff, and not tried to tie this in to the OG while LYING about "canon we got you" and getting your tone all the fuck wrong)
This doesn't fix anything from spn finale--NOTHING NEEDED FIXED. Whatever gripes there may be about aspects of the spn finale, essentially it was PERFECT. THIS bullshit takes a Dean who had finally come to terms with the life they'd lived, who had his actual loved ones largely available in heaven (and Sam on earth, but knowing he'd meet Dean up there, and time is different in Heaven), and takes away any character growth the spn finale suggested-- because he's ALREADY LEARNED THIS LESSON ABOUT TRYING TO CHANGE THE PAST WTF.
Also, that was not Dean. I get that Jensen probably couldn't cut his hair or whatever, but that turtleneck sweater was not an outfit OG Dean would wear, AND Jensen seems to have forgotten how to do the Dean voice/accent. They should've said it was huntercorp!Dean or something, cuz that was not the Dean that died in 15.20 and went to Heaven and took a drive to wait for Sam.
The only correct thing in TWin finale is that Sam was still Dean's #1, and all the SamDean parallels to JohnMary throughout the show get rights for preserving that. But the JohnMary was so dull.
This ridiculous show is NOT CANON, and I hope whatever future endeavors come out of spnverse has greater respect for the OG and its fandom, and better writing and casting. (I would prefer for it to die than become another abomination.)
I'm sorry for Drake's decent acting that this was the story he got, since he seemed to actually be a fan of the og -- even though some of his comments lost him some points with me. Sorry for some of the other wannabe scooby gang actors, who should've just gotten their own spoofy spinoff. I would be happy to not see Meg in anything ever again -- not that I wish for an end to her career, just that *I* won't have to see her face act. I would also be ecstatic for the Ackles' friends to not be cast in roles they're unsuited for just so they can all work together 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 how the fuck was that supposed to be Samuel?
You make a variety show for this shit, not a fucking prequel-that's-not-a-prequel. Good grief. Get you some good people that will tell you no. Maybe talk to Jared about it, jfc. He actually gets thoughtful about his headcanons.
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probably-impossible · 4 months
Habeas Corpus
A snippet of a Lawyer AU for day 7 of @dollarstrilogyevent - justice.
Blondie heard the phone in the outer office ring and Maria's muffled voice say “Sentenza & Biondo, how can we help you?” It was quiet for a while, and then the phone on his own desk started to ring. He sighed and picked it up. 
Before he could get a word out, a voice on the other end said, in a heavy Mexican accent, “Are you Sentenza or Biondo?”
“Can you put Sentenza on? I heard he's better. No offense.”
“He's, uh… not with us anymore.”
“Oh. Sorry.” 
“'S alright.” Blondie took a moment to wash down a propranolol with his watery coffee. “You want a consultation?”
“Nah, skip it. I'm at the police station right now. They're gonna arrest me for murder. But I didn't do it!”
“Sure,” Blondie muttered. He reached for a pen and notepad. “Name?”
“Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramirez."
“Right.” He scribbled down the first and last names and shrugged on his olive-green blazer, which he had forgotten to have dry-cleaned for the fourth week in a row. “Don't say anything. I'll be right there.”
There were only about twenty officers in the Betterville Police Department, and Blondie knew all of them. The one who met him at reception was named Wallace. He was the kind of cop who made the cameras in the interrogation rooms necessary. “You here for the Rat?” he asked.
“If the Rat's name is Ramirez, then yeah. Who's prosecuting?” 
“Christ. You guys are taking this seriously.” 
“Murder's a serious crime.” Wallace led Blondie back to one of the little interview rooms and opened the door for him. “Your lawyer's here,” he said.
Tuco sat up from where he was slouched in a corner of the room. He was a shorter man dressed in a brown jacket, chinos, and flashy white pirarucu boots. He had gold rings on his fingers, a gold tooth, and a gold crucifix on a chain around his neck. “Hey,” he said to Wallace, “you got an ETA on that cheeseburger? I'm starving in here, man.”
“It's on its way.” Wallace motioned Blondie towards the table in the middle of the room. “Don't take too long, we want him booked tonight.”
“Yeah, alright.” Blondie sat down at the table and waited for Wallace to leave the room before turning to his new client. He opened his brown leather briefcase and pulled out a sheaf of papers and a pen. “Fee agreement,” he said. “Take a look, say if you want me to explain anything.”
Tuco nodded, took the papers, and signed the bottom one without reading a single word. “I don't know if you had a chance to look into my record,” he said. 
Blondie nodded. “It's pretty bad. You're not getting bail with those priors. Or a plea deal.” He put the fee agreement back in the briefcase and took out his notepad. “And Mortimer’s prosecuting. Likes to play hard ball and he's the best trial attorney in the state.”
“You fill me with confidence.” 
“Well, Sentenza was the best. I don’t like talkin’ as much as he did. But I'm smarter than he was. That's why I'm still here.”
Tuco drummed his fingers on the table. Despite the fact that he'd certainly been through the system before, he looked nervous. “I really didn't do it, you know.”
“Sure,” Blondie said. “But assuming you did—” 
Tuco slammed his hand on the table with a force that almost made Blondie jump. “I’m innocent this time,” he insisted, raising his voice. “And that's the truth! If you don't believe me how the hell is anybody else supposed to, huh?!”
Blondie raised his eyebrows. He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “Alright then,” he said. “Convince me first.”
Tuco growled. “Son of a whore… You're lucky the Rojos recommended you, otherwise I'd take my chances with the public defender.”
Ah. The Rojo cartel were Sentenza & Biondo's best customers. “This have anything to do with them?”
Tuco avoided his gaze. “Well, maybe. A little. I may or may not have been doing a favor for Ramon at the time.”
Blondie sighed, almost in relief. “If your interests end up going against theirs, ethics-wise I'd have to drop the representation. Best to play it safe. Hope you get a good public defender.” He started to put his notepad back in his briefcase.
“Shit! Wait!” Tuco reached across the table and grabbed Blondie by the wrist. His grip was surprisingly warm and firm. 
“Let go of me,” Blondie growled.
“No, you just listen to me for a minute,” Tuco said. “Are you fucking kidding me, man?! I called you because you're supposed to be the scummiest lawyer around!”
“Sure, but I don't think you're worth pissing off the Rojos.”
Tuco seemed to hesitate for a moment. “...Alright, well, I can make myself worth it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just shut up and listen.” Tuco's wide brown eyes had Blondie pinned to the spot. “The dead guy, Bill Carson. Ramon wanted him roughed up a little and I owed him a favor. So I followed him to the alley behind that strip club downtown, Mirage, I think. But when I found him, somebody else had already shot him. He was still alive, just barely. He gave me something.”
Blondie just glared at him silently.
“A key to a safety deposit box,” Tuco whispered. “With two million dollars inside. Clean cash. I managed to hide the key somewhere safe before they brought me in. I'll give you a cut of the money if you get me off.”
“Oh fuck you.”
“What's the cut?”
“Twenty-five percent.”
“Fuck your mother too. Fine.” Tuco let go of his wrist finally and leaned backwards, scowling. “Well? Are you gonna be my lawyer or not?”
Blondie thought about it. Not for too long. A million dollars was a nice amount of money. And the firm had been in the red ever since Sentenza kicked the bucket. “Sure,” he said, and put the notepad back on the table. “For a million dollars plus my fee, I'll get you off all day long.”
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tessa-liam · 1 year
Smoke and Mirrors
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Smoke and Mirrors 
Chap 5 The Search Begins 
Book: The Royal Romance Finale AU 
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and of friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.’ 
Catch up: Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi’ 
2nd Pairings:   Leo Rys x Amalas, Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Delaney Leigh and Officer Alex Cossoy 
Rating: M🔞*Series Warnings: NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult language/swearing/drinking 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 1971, Read: 10 minutes 
Chap 5: The Search Begins 
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Chapter Summary: The search for Lena begins in Monterisso.  
Music Inspiration: Like I’m Gonna Lose You – Meghan Trainor/John Legend 
A/N1: @choicesflashfics Week #23, Prompt #1 - “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.” 
A/N2: Not beta’d - please excuse all errors 
A/N3: This is my submission for Choices March Challenge, Prompt: “Forehead kisses”, @choicesmonthlychallenge @lovealexhunt 
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Catch up Here... Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Monterisso Royal Palace 
As the Royal SUV passed through the entry gates of the palace grounds, Ellie excitedly bounced in her car seat next to Riley. 
“Look mommy, Micaela’s palace!”  
“Yes, princess, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Princesses Eleanor and Micaela were spending the week together while the search for Lena begins. Riley was looking forward to spending some one on one time with Queen Amalas, as well as, learning more about ‘Lena Rys’. 
Unbeknownst to Riley at the time of planning, however, her husband had arranged for her to stay exclusively at the Monterissan palace for the week. Liam wanted his pregnant wife to stay out of the active search and be sheltered at the palace with guards while being away from him physically. He had made the arrangements ahead of time and without her prior consultation; which irritated her. 
Riley wanted to take part in the search, but after hearing Liam’s concerns earlier in the morning, she realized that his concerns were justified. 
Earlier that morning, inside the royal chambers aboard the royal yacht... 
Riley was livid. She didn't want to be forced to stay behind in the Monterissan palace, under any circumstances. Her anger was focused on Liam, because he wasn't willing to come to a compromise with her on this issue.  
“Why did you not tell me this before?” 
“...because I knew that you would fight me on this. I needed to have the arrangements in place before we entered this country.” 
Liam knew his wife. He knew that if she could, she would lead the search party with guns blazing.  
“Let Interpol take the lead on this. The sooner we find this woman, the better. I will keep you informed with every detail as it happens. I promise, love.” 
Riley glared at Liam and then looked out the window. He was right, but she still felt annoyed that being pregnant meant ‘sitting on the sidelines’ and not being productive.  
The royal yacht had anchored, and she watched as Drake and Delaney were stepping into an SUV on the dock. 
“Love, remember our wedding night?” Liam interrupted her thoughts and continued. 
“One minute we were dancing in the ballroom, and then in the next moment, I was being told you were taken. 
I had let my guard down...” 
Riley turned to Liam, taking his hands in hers. “Liam, how could you have known that was going to happen? We cannot let the past dictate our future.” 
“Yes, but only a fool doesn’t learn from his mistakes. Last night, I dreamt we were dancing, Riley, and I was holding you in my arms. Just like our wedding night. Then, just like that night, Bastien informed me that you were taken. The man I had entrusted with our safety. The man who is now incarcerated for treason. 
I woke up in a panic.  
The anxiety was back.  
I could not breathe. 
When I finally realized that you were lying next to me, sleeping peacefully; the relief was palpable. I think I had this dream as a reminder, to not take your safety for granted again. Ever.” 
‘In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke, you could lose everything, the truth is you never know.’ 
“Riley, I know that you are early into the pregnancy, but you need to take care of yourself.” Placing his hand on her baby bump, “and our babies.” 
“After that dream, I knew what I had to do. We are not promised a tomorrow, Riley. If something was to happen to you, if I made the wrong decision for your safety, and you were harmed in any way; it would destroy me.” 
Riley lovingly cupped Liam’s face and reached up to give him a lingering kiss. “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”  
Overcome with emotion, she hung her head. “I’m so sorry Liam, I am acting like a child.” 
Liam looked down to her face and lifted her chin with his thumb and forefinger. Gazing into her chocolate brown eyes, he gently wiped the tears that were falling on her cheeks. 
Kissing her again, “my queen, when this issue is resolved, I think we will go on a vacation. Just you and me, Ellie, and these two little ones.” 
“You have my attention, Liam.” Riley smiled, pulling his body close to hers. 
“Mommy, Daddy, I am ready.” Ellie announced as she stood beside her nanny at the door.  
Liam dropped his forehead to his wife’s forehead and whispered, “stay safe, my queen. I love you.”  
“I love you too, my king, so much!” 
“Oh, and love....I will take you anywhere you choose.” Liam winked and placed his hand on the small of her back, to guide her towards Ellie. 
Riley turned to her daughter, taking her hand, as Liam reached for Ellie’s other hand. They walked together to the dock to the other waiting SUV. The royal guard opened the door for Riley, while Liam walked with Ellie to the other side of the@ SUV. 
“Ok, Daddy, I will,” her blue sparkled as she looked up to her father. 
After ensuring his daughter was secured in her car seat, Liam kissed Ellie’s forehead. “Take good care of your mommy, princess.” 
After closing the door, Liam sighed as he watched his family drive off towards the Capital. He then turned to walk towards the other SUV to join Drake and Delaney. 
The driver slowed to a stop; the security detail of the Monterissian palace moved into position surrounding the SUV carrying Riley and Ellie. 
Amalas was waiting outside the palace doors, as the royal guard stepped up to open the door for Riley, as Ellie and her nanny followed. 
Royal Monterisso Hotel 
Walking into the opulent hotel lobby, Drake and Delaney were shown to the concierge desk for the check-in while Liam was ushered to a secure meeting room by the Interpol operatives. 
“Your Majesty,” Officer Alex Cossoy, along with the detectives bowed. 
“Gentlemen, ladies,” Liam answered in response. 
Leo and Olivia were already seated at the conference table, when Drake also entered and sat down. 
“Let’s get started.” Officer Cossoy began with a briefing on the current 
situation and confirmed that the search party had narrowed the search area down to a five mile radius. 
“A five mile radius from what point?” Leo asked, sitting forward to view the map of the area that was laid out on the table. 
“That would be here,” the detective pointed to the map. “Five miles north of the city center, according to the last reported location,” the detective replied pointing to the map. On the screen the detective typed in the coordinates that they had received earlier from the local authorities. 
Leo pointed to the harbor on the map. “Can you zoom in, here?” 
“Yes, sir.” The detective moved a curser over the map, and a magnified 
image appeared. Liam pointed to a large boat docked at the pier. 
“Get the team down there now.” 
Monterisso Royal Palace 
In the garden, Ellie and Micaela and a bevy of stuffed animals sat at the table at their afternoon garden tea party.  
Amalas went all out for the girls’ party, having the kitchens prepare finger sandwiches, petit fours with iced tea. 
Both girls were wearing frilly party dresses with white knee high socks and Mary Jane shoes. 
Ellie and Mikaela were giggling as they played with each other's hair, and then laughing as they ran around the table chasing after the same doll. 
Riley and Amalas sat on lounge chairs on the terrace overlooking the gardens. 
Amalas patted Riley’s leg comfortingly. 
“How have you been feeling with the pregnancy?” 
Riley smiled, “It’s going well so far. I’ve been a little emotional lately though.” 
Amalas raised an eyebrow, looking at her friend. 
“Oh, is anything in particular bothering you?”  
Riley shook her head, “no, it's just these damn hormones.” 
“Well, you are having twins. That means everything is doubled.” 
Giving Amalas a smirk, “Liam and I are finding out the sex of the babies next week.” 
“That's so exciting! Have you and Liam picked out names yet?” 
“We started the day we found out we were having twins! Liam is beyond excited! For girls, we were thinking ‘Eliana’ and ‘Elise’. For boys. ‘William’ and ‘Stefan’.” 
Riley continued, “Elise and Stefan were the names of my parents.” 
“Oh, my goodness, those names are perfect,” Amalas smiled. 
The team of operatives, dressed in black tactical gear were all armed with automatic weapons and bullet proof vests, and they were also equipped with GPS tracking devices. 
However, Lena continued to evade the authorities. 
Frustrated, Officer Cossoy kicked a storage container, sending its contents pouring onto the deck of the boat. 
“Take it easy, Officer, Lena isn't in there.” Olivia cheekily called out to the annoyed Interpol officer. 
“Damn it, I should have known this was another false lead!” 
Olivia, who was walking with Leo behind the officer, overheard the comment. “What do you mean?” 
“Well, intelligence reports suggested that the palace would be the most likely target area. I should have followed my gut.” 
“Officer Cossoy,” as Olivia began to speak, he interrupted, “Alex, please call me Alex.” 
“Alex, what is your gut telling you?” 
“Duchess Olivia, I am positive that she has a connection in the royal guard in Monterisso through Bastien Lykel.” 
As Liam overheard the words of the Interpol officer, the anxiety he felt last night returned. He needed to find Riley and get her and Ellie out of Monterisso now! 
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softsmolbirb · 2 years
Dancing Queen (Harry Hook x Reader x Uma)
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(Y/N) finds themselves pulled into a Dress Code protest and ends up dancing on a table with Harry Hook.
FULL FIC on Ao3: 5175 words, CH 1/2
"Here we go," Audrey muttered. You glanced at her and raised an eyebrow, perplexed, but she didn't see you. She was turned to watch the king's table, looking torn between exasperation and fondness.
You followed her gaze just in time to catch the movement from the table as several VKs - and the King himself - stood up. They'd been hidden by the table before, but everyone could now clearly see that the boys were wearing skirts. Totally acceptable, up to dress-code skirts... but Auradon Prep was notoriously gendered about the dress-code and these were skirts that would be acceptable under the women's guidelines. They weren't permitted at all under the men's.
As gasps and conversation echoed around you, you leaned toward Audrey.
"Do you know what they're doing?" you asked, keeping your eyes fixed to the table of the hour. Even so, you could easily make out Audrey's sharklike grin.
"Dress Code protest," she preened. "I helped Ben and Harry pick out their skirts, and Jane consulted me on the music choice too."
You realized what the music was just as the lyrics began and the boys began climbing onto tables.
Friday night and the lights are low~
Looking out for a place to go~
Whoops and cheers of delight start up and you joined in happily, cheering louder as the boys begin to dance on top of the tables. Queen Mal, Princess Ruby of Corona, and half a dozen other notable figures start climbing onto tables as well, the group quickly spreading out throughout the room as they jumped from table to table.
Where they play the right music~
Getting in the swing~
You couldn't stop laughing. This was too good. Audrey was right there with you, laughing so hard you were pretty sure you saw her eyes watering, which only got worse as Harry Hook danced his way over to your table just in time to croon the next line along with Abba.
You come to look for a king~
He did something incredible with his hips in tandem with the line, drawing everyone's appreciative stares, before finishing a strut down the length of your table and turning to strut back.
Anybody could be that guy~
Night is young and the music's high~
You tore your eyes from the very attractive VK dancing above you to watch the others for a moment. King Ben and Queen Mal had ended up on tables next to each other and seemed to be having a bit of a dance off, to the delight of everyone. Across the hall you could just make out someone else - Jay, maybe? - pulling someone onto the table to dance with him when your attention was suddenly pulled back to your own table.
With a bit of rock music~
Everything is fine~
You're in the mood for a dance~
Harry pulled off several tight spins and struck a pose, throwing his head back and exposing the full length of his throat as his skirt flared. Then, he was looking down toward where Audrey had been a moment ago. You looked around too, surprised that you hadn't seen your friend move.
Everything that happened next happened very, very quickly.
And when you get the chance~
Harry reached down toward you. You blinked up in genuine bafflement, not understanding why the fuck he'd do that. You heard Audrey go "eep" and peripherally saw a blur of pink dash behind you. And then, suddenly, you had a famously recognizable hook tangled in the fabric of your collar and were being yanked up onto the table.
To say Harry looked more surprised than you were may be an understatement.
It didn't matter what just happened, though, you realized a heartbeat later. You were now a part of a gender movement and like hell were you gonna let the people down.
Harry took a slight step back, opening his mouth to say something, but you knew this song well enough to know you had less than a measure left before the most dramatic line and there was not a moment to spare.
You couldn't believe you were doing this.
You are the dancing queen~
Young and sweet~
Only seventeen~
Just in time, you grabbed Harry's hook, lifted it from your collar, and spun him like both your lives depended on it.
Dancing queen~
Feel the beat from the tambourine~
Oh yeah~
Audrey cheered so enthusiastically you'd be embarrassed if you had the focus to waste on such things. As is, Harry came out of the spin with his face flushed and eyes alive with an electricity as alarming as it was attractive.
You can dance~
You can jive~
Having the time of your life~
From there, instinct kicked in and you let it. Ballroom dancing has two very distinctive roles: Leading and following. The goal of the leader is to show off their follower. The goal of the follower is to be shown off and look fantastic.
Ooh, see that girl~
Watch that scene~
Digging the dancing queen~
You allowed yourself to lock in on Harry, and your world narrowed to nothing but Harry and the path of tables available to navigate. He synced up with you and allowed himself to be flaunted with an ease you'd never experienced before.
It was as natural as breathing. You'd always enjoyed leading just because you weren't a huge fan of trusting your peers to guide you as you go through the steps backwards - but this felt totally different.
You're a teaser, you turn 'em on~
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone~
Right now you had a fucking gorgeous specimen of humanity on your arm and nothing had ever seemed so important as making sure everyone saw how wonderfully his spinning skirt showed off his grace. That their attention was drawn to his hips; his waist; his chest. You wanted everyone to see the delight on his features and feel like they could never look away.
Looking out for another~
Anyone will do~
You're in the mood for a dance~
You guided him across several tables, enjoying the feel of everyone's eyes following Harry. Spinning, flourishing, sidestepping - he was brilliant.
And when you get the chance~
With a deep breath, you did something you never would have done if you'd thought it through ahead of time.
Harry was 6' of solid muscle and a complete stranger to boot... but your head was in the game and you could think of no more dramatic way to take Harry across tables than to do a lift. You just had to position him over there... and get yourself onto the other table with solid footing... hands firmly on his waist...
You are the dancing queen~
Young and sweet~
Only seventeen~
It wouldn't be until much later, in the privacy of your bed, that you allowed yourself to fully appreciate the look on Harry's face as you cleanly pulled off the lift.
He gripped your shoulders as soon as he felt you pulling him off his feet. Harry gasped into the lift, eyes fixated on your face, not glancing away once while he was in the air. By the time, only a moment later, that you had his feet securely placed on the new table, his eyes were half-lidded, ears red, and Harry was biting his lip delectably. Gods; he looked like you two had just done a lot more than dance.
Dancing queen~
Feel the beat from the tambourine~
Oh yeah~
In that moment, though, you just smiled back at him, pleased. Your instinct was 110% on the "show him off" setting and you only had one chorus left.
You can dance~
You can jive~
Having the time of your life~
Spin. Twist. Whirl.
Harry kept his hands on your shoulders, so you adjusted to a different dance step that would let him stay closer to you. It was more of an intimate step; more swaying of the hips.
You realized really quickly, though, that Harry might not be familiar with that dance step.
Instead of following you to it, he swooned in closer, wrapping his arms around your neck. You shifted your hands from his waist to his hips reflexively, but you missed your next step out of surprise as Harry started grinding on you.
That... was a bit more swaying of the hips than usually intended.
Ooh, see that girl~
Watch that scene~
Digging the dancing queen~
He kept up enough of a dance step to keep his skirt sashaying, leaving you to just keep the two of you traveling in small circles along the table and hold on for the ride as Harry clung to your neck and did lovely, wonderful, completely inappropriate things with his hips.
Digging the dancing queen~
The song came to a close and the cafeteria erupted in cheers.
You broke out of whatever trance you'd settled into with just enough time to lift Harry's hands off your shoulders, forcefully spin him away a step, and trip one of his feet so you could drop him into a low dip. The surprise in his expression quickly shifted to delight, and he was laughing wildly as you helped him right himself a moment later.
The world around you continued to filter in as he lifted your hand to his lips and left a parting kiss - turning and strutting off once he'd let your hand drop. You watched him flourish his arms as he jumped down from the tables and wove his way back toward his friends, the cheering intensifying around him.
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Hey yumiiiii hope you're doing great! So yeah while I was reading Guerrilla I realised.. the whole skewed morals where they kill people who are criminals and have ways to evade law.. is kind of what happens in my fic Black Pirates (I swear I didn't abandon it but yeah it feels like I forgot about it 😃) and I was thinking I have to let you know that it's going to be similar going forward.. and stay in he clear yk cuz it was a coincidence.. but THEN I remembered.. ateez in my fic don't kill anybody they just .. raid and steal stuff from them to hand them over to people that have been wronged by them. So NOT EXACTLY THE SAME XD and I also realised that the chaps I released so far does mention that so phew I'm in the clear... but yeah 😭😭😭 I thought I should mention it 😭😭
Even tho later the plot curves into more complicated stuff (I have it planned but haven't written it 😃) but yeah it's the whole robinhood thing and taking law into their own hands cuz the criminals can evade law.
Again YOU'RE SO GOOD AT WRITING I always fangirled over it and will continue to do so :D
Also I plan to write a oneshot surrounding an idea I had in mind and you have written a few inspired fics so I think you'd be the best person to consult about it.. so will you be interested to proof read or help me figure out the plot of that some time
Till then HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT AND will be waiting for any future works you post cuz I'll be READY TO FANGIRL ☺✨
-hana ♡
HAHA pls yes you're in the clear (why you making it sound like i'm sending serial killer yunho after you if i find it sus) (if you still want serial killer yun at your doorsteps lemme know) and i remember black pirates has similar stuff but honestly this 'vigilante' trope where they take the law into their own hands isn't a new trope! i bet a lot of people have written about that so you really don't need to warn me of anything, your black pirates fic is a unique work! (i promise i'm reading it soon hehe i hope you don't abandon it bc where i left it was just getting interesting!!) you're so cute and kind warning me like this tho 😭😭 like you don't need to do any of that come here lemme hug you 😭😭
i have very little attention span and i dont think i can proofread (i have my own little proofreader for my fics LOL) BUT i'll be up for some plot discussion any time of the day, it's what i'm good at! i really enjoy sharing plot ideas with anyone so don't hesitate to ask me when the time comes <3
thank you hana and have a great day/night too! as for my future wip, i have 0 words written so far (this girlie needed a break) but i'm hoping to post sth in the first week of march, so fingers crossed that i make that deadline hehe!
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nothingenoughao3 · 3 months
Victor Frankenstein-Reanimator
Since whether or not a thing is a fanwork, or fannish, or fanfic has been doing the rounds lately, I thought I'd contribute my take.
This started because @andalusiapunk and I were debating the merits and demerits (mostly demerits) of classifying "Frankenstein" as fanfic. This led us to consulting different academic definitions of fanworks. I was technically the devil's advocate, but not because I believed "Frankenstein" was a fanfic--it had to do with a related point, which I'll make by asking another question.
Why isn't Lovecraft's "Herbert West-Reanimator" fanfiction?
"Reanimator" was openly labeled by Lovecraft as an homage/pastiche/parody of "Frankenstein"... terms now often used to describe fanfic. He wove references to literary works Shelley quoted/relied on... a tactic also used by fic writers to ground their works in the original canon. The cultural impact of "West" primarily lies in "Frankenstein" adaptations, for 'Victor as a total madman with a slavishly-devoted assistant who hates and fears him for reasons unclear in the text' is not even slightly justified in the original work... but that is the plot of "Reanimator". Similar to how Kirk Drift will occur in fandoms where headcanons displace the original characterizations.
So what gives? What makes "Reanimator" an original work? It can't just be "capitalism", my original answer, because "Frankenstein" was very much licensed back in its day.
The difference, I feel, is that writers used to have a sense of ownership over their words, but not their ideas.
Lovecraft didn't own the Cthulhu Mythos, and he didn't originate a lot of its ideas. Most of what we refer to as the "King in Yellow" aspects of the Mythos actually originated with Robert W. Chalmers... who also borrowed and reworked terms, such as the name Carcosa, from other writers of weird fiction. Much of what we think of as codified and settled canon in the Cthulhu Mythos also came from August Derleth's works.
IOW these weird fiction writers considered publication to be something they could profit off of, but also the moment where their own ideas became available to inspire others. It does not seem to have occurred to any of them to sue, or threaten to sue, someone else who worked the Necronomicon into their story--for that was the point, tricking readers into thinking the book was real because so many disparate authors claimed it existed. (Which, for God's sake, actually worked.)
This relates to some of the action we saw on the Holmes front in the past few years. For decades, the Doyle estate claimed (incorrectly and illegally, IMO) that they controlled the ideas behind the later parts of the Canon, and not just the words. Accordingly, you could write original fiction featuring Holmes, Watson, et al., so long as you didn't refer to or rely on those later works without permission. If you wrote something for that part of the Canon, it was fanfiction.
Recently, their hold expired. Now you can publish original works referencing the latter part of the Canon. (I'm going to get around to publishing mine, which is, funnily enough, a Sherlock Holmes vs. The King In Yellow tale.) But there was nothing meaningfully different between one year and the next--solely the perception that, legally, the estate could no longer force people to label their works as fanfiction.
The strict definition of "fanfiction" involves writing based on works that are licensed to another entity--meaning, somebody else has the publishing rights. But again, Shelley had the publishing rights to "Frankenstein", and Lovecraft had the publishing rights to "The Festival"... but it never seemed to occur to either them or the holders of their literary estates to demand that publishers quash anybody writing pastiches, parodies, or works referencing corpse-construction or the Book of the Dead.
Whether or not fanfiction is forbidden by license holders is immaterial to whether or not fanfiction exists. We see Gaiman approving of fanfic all the time, which (not to accuse him of anything untoward, because it's fine for him to do this) does have the convenient effect of nobody trying to profit off tales of Aziraphale and Crowley. Notoriously, Anne Rice used to send cease-and-desist letters to fanwriters, -artists, and archivists who produced works related to the Vampire series. This did not stop fannish works from being created. But it did create a category of "fanfiction", which could be defined as "anything related to the Vampire series which was not produced by or approved of by Anne Rice". Conveniently, Gaiman has the same definition of fanfiction for "Good Omens": anything not written by or considered canon by Gaiman is fanfic.
"Reanimator" is not fanfic because the license holders of Shelley's works didn't think of it as fannish. Because, in part, the category of "fanfiction"--despite attempts at legitimizing fics by retconning various stories as such--was an invention of, primarily, Paramount to differentiate between "legitimate" Star Trek-related writing and the "illegitimate". Which stories they were willing to take a cut of and which stories were banished to the shadow realm of zines.
What makes a work fanfic, then, is whether or not the license holders consider it to be fanfic.
Which, when you think of it, is a sobering thought.
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frazzledsoul · 8 months
I was thinking lately about the ret-conning in AYITL and how out of all the stuff we see that doesn't feel right, it's the ret-conning of Christopher and Rory's relationship that feels the most wrong.
To be truthful, there's quite a bit of revisionist history going on in AYITL because ASP is putting her preferred opinions in the mouthpieces of the characters. Dean was the perfect boyfriend and Rory was actually too immature for HIM! (lol). Luke and Lorelai never discussed kids at any point in their relationship, nor did Lorelai even think about it! (I guess ASP was as traumatized by season 6 as the rest of us and forgot a lot of those conversations). Logan has never even thought about not working for his father and making his own decisions as an adult! (Honestly, there's the seeds of a good story there about the recession and it makes Logan look a lot less pathetic if he HAD to start over, but ASP is more interested in how rich he is to talk about it). Oh, and Rory is an aimless, jobless, rootless commitphobe who's seemingly content to be tied to no one and nothing, but is just sad that this peripatetic phase is ending? (Sooooo out of character. OS Rory would HATE this life).
However, let's put all that aside and talk about the Rory/Christopher scene. I didn't mind it at the time because I was afraid ASP would use the revival to write the Lorelai/Christopher storyline she always wanted and wouldn't care that it was done without her. I just wanted the guy to be ignored or to sit in his corner and not bother anybody and he at least did the latter so....yay? However, putting Lorelai aside it really does a disservice to Rory that Christopher claims that he wasn't allowed to help raise Rory because he "wasn't consulted" and that it was no use fighting Lorelai because she had already made up her mind and she wasn't going to let anyone get between her and Rory. Rory doesn't question him on this, but only asks why he didn't fight Lorelai on her supposedly unreasonable decision to exclude him.
Look, I guess he's bitter that Lorelai loved Luke instead of him. Maybe he's just a petty man child and has chosen to rewrite the story in his own head that it was all Lorelai's fault and he was helpless to do anything about it. But that is not the story the OS told, and it was repeatedly affirmed by Lorelai, Christopher, and Rory that he had every opportunity to participate in Rory's childhood ON HIS OWN and for the most part he chose not to because unless Lorelai was willing to be in a relationship with him, he wasn't going to bother. Lorelai didn't keep Christopher away. CHRISTOPHER kept Christopher away. Rory was always a consolation prize and he didn't want her if she was all he got.
And Rory's not allowed to question his version of events, because she's never allowed to be angry at him, to hold a grudge, to resent him for all of the things he didn't do for her, or even for at this late stage his belief that she forced him to stay away because she wanted Rory all to herself. No one is ever allowed to question Christopher or blame him for his own behavior. Compare this to how Lorelai is allowed to rage at her parents, Logan at Mitchum, Lane at Mrs. Kim, Jess at Luke or Liz. Rory's not allowed to be mad. Even when she is angry for a few months, it's a phase Lorelai hopes she'll get over because (again) she never kept Rory away from her dad or wanted them to be at odds.
Why? Because Christopher is ASP's favorite. She's perfectly happy to let him rewrite history so that Lorelai is solely responsible for Rory not having her dad around, especially if it points to her preferred endgame, which is Rory becoming a single mother just like Lorelai, raising her child with limited participation from her rich, weak-willed baby daddy, and eventually marrying the surrogate dad with gigantic arm muscles who remains involved in their lives.
I do recognize the difference between a character's opinion and the actual reality of the events as they happened in canon, but given the level of ret-conning that we already see in AYITL and the fact that the writing is about as subtle as a sledgehammer most of the time, I do think we're actually supposed to believe that Lorelai kept Christopher away. And it kind of sucks, because the story should be centered on Rory and her pregnancy dilemma, but instead it's about Christopher the man-child and how sad he is. Pathetic.
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thenexusofsouls · 3 months
PSA: Hiatus until 3/5
{i am the caretaker of souls} So sorry guys, but the upshot is that I've decided I need a little hiatus from my usual rp schedule because my anxiety is a bit overwhelming at present. Details below the cut for those who would like to know, but basically I'm going to be on hiatus until at least 3/4, for both anxiety reasons and grading responsibilities, and after an appt I have on Mon I'll know whether that needs to be extended further or not.
I'm sorry to do this when everyone was expecting replies tonight, but I need to do some self-care here, because I'm feeling very anxious and overwhelmed. I love you all, this isn't anything anybody did, and I will come back, I just need to take some time for myself. I will be back to my normal schedule once things have calmed down. Thank you for understanding. Hopefully things resolve themselves sooner rather than later. Keep your fingers crossed!
Okay, so... I've decided to take a short hiatus until I know what's going on with the surgery I'm going to be having. I vastly underestimated the amount of anxiety I would feel regarding even just the consultation appt, which is Mon (3/4). It's not that I don't want to write the muses/threads I have here, it's just that some require more creativity and/or focus than I have right now. I need to feel relaxed, happy, creative, and/or at least be able to concentrate and focus to write a lot of my muses, and lately that's been in short supply for me.
I felt anxiety creep in yesterday and thought I was just having a moment, but no, it seems like I'll be this wigged out until Mon. I hope to have a surgery date after the appt. Until then, I know the surgery and recovery will disrupt my life, my job, my diet, my mobility, etc. but I can't prepare for that disruption until I know when it's happening, and that's driving me crazy. I also have an evaluation for this promotion I'm applying for that's supposed to be done this month, but the university won't tell me when it's occurring or what it even entails. So not being able to plan for and around these important events is causing almost more anxiety than the events themselves, heh.
I realized tonight, as I've been sitting here trying to force myself to write and instead I stress-played Minecraft for four hours straight, that I've been adding to my own stress by worrying about upsetting you all, feeling that I let everyone down by not writing a lot, or by feeling pressured to write when I really didn't feel like it. It's gotten out of hand, and I need to take some time to just be with myself, feel the anxiety, and process it so I can let it go.
Right now, the muses on @tarnishedxknight are coming very easily to me, as they have been for a couple months now. *shrugs* I honestly don't know why those muses are coming through loud and clear, but they've been cutting through the anxiety fog when not many others are. Even at that, I'm not writing as much for them as I usually do. Nevertheless, I'll leave that blog open during the hiatus, and I may do some things here and there as time and anxiety allow. Even under stress, I need some writing to do. ;) But it'll be very much when and if I'm able.
Other than that, I'm going to be on hiatus from my usual rp schedule until at least Tues (3/5). I have grading to do Mon and Tues anyway, and tonight and tomorrow night I'll try to calm down and then see how this appt goes on Mon. If I get a surgery date or any better idea of when things will happen, then I'll know if I need to continue the hiatus beyond that or not, either because of surgery/evaluation scheduling or just due to anxiety.
I feel like once these two honking balls of stress (the surgery and the evaluation for my promotion) are done and out of the way, I'm going to feel a huge sense of relief and I'll be back here full force again, heh. I'm optimistic that that's what will happen. I just need you all to be a little bit patient until then.
Love you guys, be back soon I hope! ❤
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khickuwa · 11 months
My thoughts on "Orange Scent" - Luke's 2nd Anniversary Card
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did anybody ask for my opinion? no. am i going to say it anyways? yes...
(warnings: obviously spoilers for the card, some mentions about luke's illness (i will never shut up about this), you have been warned)
i didn't like this card as much as i should- *GLASS BREAKING, CARS CRASHING, SIRENS SOUNDING*
"WHAT!?!1!1!1!?!!??? BUT CHIKA??!1?!1!?"
i reaaaaally tried to like this card but, to me at least, i think it didn't quite met the expectations i was hoping for. compared to "Shape of You", "Under the Milky Way" and "Dreams of Benji" (my beloved), i felt that this was a weaker card.
to me at least, it felt rushed (though i can't blame the writers cause cramming everything into only 3 parts probably isn't enough to expand... well everything) and i truly think that luke kinda deserves more.
just to summarize everything that happened in the card, luke and rosa was cleaning up luke's room when rosa found a ring box tucked in one of luke's shelves, in which luke quickly became flustered over the discovery of it and tried brushing it off. apparently, luke has made a new engagement ring with a master jeweler. but even so, he's still hesitating to propose to her.
so, rosa comes to consult aaron about why luke is acting so strange and aaron told her about how the ring box is for her. worried for luke, she decides to bring it up with him when they visit luke's parents' graves the next day.
so they visited luke's parents' graves. luke says some words, about how he's fine and such before introducing rosa to them as his girlfriend. when it drizzles, luke urges rosa for the both of them to leave the cemetery before it rains, and rosa suspects that he isn't going to let rosa say anything or bring up the subject of the ring box.
they get into a argument about it, luke tries to convince rosa how he's content with everything he has right now, and how proposing to her would only burden her. (HE ALSO BOUGHT HIMSELF HIS OWN GRAVE?? DO WE GET TO TALK ABOUT THAT???) rosa brings up an old memory of their childhood of when rosa asked luke whether he missed his parents or not after they had died. in proper luke fashion, he tried to not worry rosa and her parents always saying that he's fine.
this is where i think the card lost me...
the cemetery closes and their walk back home is silent. then a double rainbow shows up??? (iridescent heartbeat is a cute card, but this really comes off a tad bit cheesy for me) rosa says her little speech (which i think she tried, but with the severity of... well, everything going on with luke. i feel like it would take much more convincing to the readers and probably luke himself too), and then luke just completely convinced on the spot, drags her home and just immediately proposed to her just like that??? (don't get me wrong, luke just manages to be effortlessly romantic and i really did love his little proposal, i'm going to cry)
while the core message of this card was for luke to "burn for himself", to not worry about worrying others, to not sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of others, and such.
while rosa is the Literal Embodiment of "hope and living in the present" I KINDA HAVE TO AGREE WITH LUKE- (I'M SORRY) and i can completely understand where he's coming from (and just the fact that he keeps thinking about her happiness first makes me want to Cry. UWAHHHH-)
ok some things to consider:
1. luke is sick. he has 3 years left to live. while there might be hope for that a cure could be discovered, there's just so much uncertainty about the future.
2. luke cares about rosa. A LOT. (TO A FAULT? YES) but if i were in his position, i would probably do the same, because-
an engagement is like, a Huge Commitment. it's a Promise to share a Future Together, one that luke isn't able to promise yet, especially with everything that's going on. (but chika it's just a fictional dating sim, chill out-) i just think that it's not something that could be easily resolved with one Motivational speech- ("but it's rosa :(" JFJSJD SHH-)
maybe the whole engagement thing was just too early in the timeline-
i would've loved if they had gone with a promise ring kinda route? imagine getting proposed by luke with the ring he kept with him throughout his nsb years, yearning to be at her side once again. maybe it wouldn't be as pretty as the newly made ring... maybe it'd be a bit uneven since it's his first ring he's ever made. it's not perfect, but it'd be very much like him, messy and flawed. it's not perfect, but it's the very same ring that he held on to for 7 years, that kept him alive, until he finally found her again. and when he finally puts this ring onto her, even though it's not a marriage proposal (yet), it's like a good luck charm, a wish, a prayer. it's a promise that he'll return to her side no matter what. and as long as she keeps this ring with her, he'll do whatever it takes to get better and when he finally does, he'll finally replace it with an engagement ring...
sometimes, i don't want rosa to always have the right things to say and to solve luke's problems immediately. sometimes, i want the fact that luke is always thinking about her first because she's the most important thing on his whole to be something that is acknowledged and appreciated. not portrayed as his self-sacrificial tendency, but just as genuine concern for her happiness and their future together. i want them to reach a compromise where luke's "anticipation for the future" and rosa's "live in the present" can find a middle ground somehow-
well those are my thoughts, people are allowed to disagree on them. idk if this is also the case for all the other mls, but yeah... i just want luke's illness to be addressed and not just simply pushed to the side or simply resolved that quickly fjshdhsj
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lunarsilkscreen · 4 months
NA: Innocent, Guilty, No Contest
There are three ways to plead in a court of law. Who's ever heard of the third; "No Contest"?
If you look it up, "No Contest" essentially means forfeiture of an innocent plea. "I'll take the punishment, but I'm not guilty." However; lots of "advisors" might tell you that it is no better than a guilty plea. And on paper, in some circumstances might look worse than simple pleading guilty.
When you make a plea; Innocent or Guilty. It doesn't mean that you are innocent or guilty, or did or did not break the law. It is how you, the individual feel. This is because of a few reasons; [Men's Rea] being one.
If you weren't in a good mental state (mental health ways, not under the influence in public) or you did break the law but were in a position of Entrapment; meaning the choices were "break the law" or "break the law". Or the choice was between "break the law" and death". Then breaking the law can still be an innocent act.
When Jury finds you guilty; That means that they both found that you broke the law AND did so purposefully. Unless it's negligently; which means you both broke the law AND while not purposefully; didn't care what the standing law was.
Or, lastly; knew that your actions could cause public or individual harm to somebody, and did not care. Even if it didn't break any direct law; your intent was to deprive somebody of their life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness on purpose. (United States Law). Whether it be for self-gain or not.
So what is "No Contest"? Why would anybody plead "No Contest"?
I can tell you, because I've done it twice now. I won't go into the exact circumstances here, and I'm still not sure if it was the right decision.
You plead "No Contest" when you have no other choice. I would say "Plead no contest if they offer you a plea deal and you're not guilty" but that sure as shit is NOT legal advice.
I did it when I felt two things were true; I'm *not* Guilty, BUT; I have no way of defending myself adequately in court (including with a public defender). I accept the consequences of my actions; despite having a valid reason to act the way I had.
"No Jury in the world would be on my side."
Sometimes the consequences of doing the right thing is getting punished for it.
And I'm not gonna admit guilt to something that felt like Entrapment the entire time. And you shouldn't either.
[This is not legal advice, please find a proper legal consultant for advice on all legal matters.]
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
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May 11, 2023
Woke up at around 5:30am to Alexa. Cuddled a bit then Ed went down to get ready. I fixed the bed. Ed wanted to cycle all the way to work today so he left earlier than me. I reminded him to wear a helmet because he's just an accident-prone guy. I saw that the other pork dumpling I left in the fridge has been eaten already by him and I ate the other one.
Took the train to Kingston and arrived around 7:30am. My stomach was acting up while riding the train and I took a shit when I got to work.
Attended the morning huddle and Sister Resa extended her thanks to me for giving a few days after my last day of work last week for helping the unit because we are severely understaffed. I gave a quirky thanks to everyone.
I was assigned to do the ENT list with Alex and Kuya Rex. We had two cases but finished around 12:15pm because the other case took a bit long to finish. The first case really made me a bit enraged because the kid had to undergo surgery just to make her ears stand up less because the other kids were bullying her because her ears were very noticeable. Why can't we all just be a bit nicer to everyone? I mean honestly. It never hurts to be kind.
Ate lunch at the staff room and the Bicol Express that I made tasted really good if I do say so myself. Ed even sent me a text complimenting that I cooked the dish really good. We also had some chicken biryani that Dr. Nizar gave.
In the afternoon, I did the Plastics list with the same team with Mr. Soldin as the consultant. Finished a bit early. Shift was a breeze albeit me being annoyed because the cases were bang bang bang fast-paced.
After the shift I asked Carla to take some photos of me in the unit. It's my last day in Day Surgery and I want to have some keepsakes just to look back on.
Got home around 7:15pm and went to the gym after fixing my hair because the surgical cap isn't really its friend at the end of the day. Did back, abs, and a bit of walking on the threadmill. Didn't have dinner because I was a bit full.
I just realized, and maybe come to terms, that I'm such a jealous person. I don't want to share him with anybody but I'm genuinely working on it.
Life's been beautiful lately.
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