#and will try to reblog everything i see
strhwaberries · 4 months
every day i come here after work and other people than me have giffed hwa and i feel stupid and useless :((
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 24 days
fyi swifties this blog is not for you and never will be. i don’t care how many taylor critical posts you reblog so long as you continue being her stan/fan you are irrelevant and unwelcome here.
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bottom he xuan be like
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get's railed while thinking !!evil!! thoughts
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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dip pen ink comm round 3! for one Bakugames, one Mouse, and one Sol
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lacunafiction · 1 year
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In honor of Book One’s release, I have updated the long-form physical descriptions of TFS's characters by including more of them and organizing the list by chapter so you can follow along as you read. There will be spoilers ahead, so please keep that in mind. You can find it: here. This will be a great reference for artists and writers, but also for readers who might be curious.😉
The descriptions are in a public GoogleDoc; I’ll update it as needed.
Thank you! 💚
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i still cannot believe that people actually read my posts. case in point: i got this notification (from @tumblemumbler, thank you) and laughed until there were tears.
it's true: i want to take fox mulder to the zoo. i'm guilty as charged. i wanna point at some lions and be like "woah", and see if he thinks the lions are amazing, or if he tries to play it cool and deny that sense of wonder you get from seeing a magnificent beast. is it so wrong to want to take a full grown man out to see the Creatures, and then watch him enjoy the gift shop.......? to find a nice little novelty tie with the funniest animal from the day on it...? to say, hey fictional man, let's put aside that decades long quest for answers on the existence of aliens, and marvel at some otters splashing about... now wouldn't that be lovely?
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mcdannowave · 1 year
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
there's a lot of things people blame for why fandoms feel like ghost towns these days, but no one's really talked about the way discord's contributing to it
#its like#people are trying to force fit discord's chatrooms into forum boards#except discord is just. really really *really* poorly setup for that#and theres no way to archive or share it so everything said in it is easily lost despite personal export or community pins or search option#and like#vaguely hearing about the way some people are unsatisfied with them/feeling unfufilled in the response to them#a lot of people would be better off posting those things to places like tumblr#where there isnt a time limit on when people see or respond to them#part of what's scary/frustrating on tumblr rn is some fandoms arent good about reblogging to posts or tag rambling#like with bad buddy a large part of the fun was the enthusiastic and in depth tag rambles and the way responses built on each other#vs something like kinnporsche which feels much more like-oriented#like? its not like theres any one way to fandom#and there's nothing actually wrong with likes or quiet reblogs#but vaguely hearing about the way some people were/are really upset with some servers im just kinda like#idk#feels a bit like people trying to force a square thru a circle or that they're looking in the wrong spaces for what they want#.......this is not a complaint for my space ajkds i think i've carved out a pretty happy space for myself!#im just checking the reblog graphs of some old vs new stuff and thinking about a convo other cookie and i were having over the weekend#i have a lot of friends around and i love everyone who's happy to ramble with me#but i do feel a slight case of DM burnout rn where mostly people reach out to me via DMs instead of reblogs#which is a very different dynamic#its like. hmmm words#i love DMs but the pressure of responding to a lot of individual messages#vs something like reblogs which is more open forum for everyone and feels more communal#if that makes sense?#the difference between visiting one person at home vs casually hanging out with a group at a cafe#and the lovely thing about tumblr specifically is that i can set down a reblog chain for several days if i need#before returning to it later when i have more time/energy#its got Longevity that discord lacks u know#........okay enough tag musings from me ajkfhjdgfhj BYE
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bugsbenefit · 7 months
i don't follow new people often and if i do it's usually only the mutuals mutuals who's scents i slowly get accustomed to via dash osmosis, or someone that interacts with my posts regularly, and that strategy is once again proving to be the only reasonable one to keep your dash normal
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freckleslikestars · 6 months
genuinely do not get the point of replying to someone's gifset with 'I hate these characters. I stopped watching after they were introduced.' sorry you feel that way, but I don't actually give a shit. now get off my fucking post.
#do people just...not remember the phrase 'if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all?' because like...#now I just feel like shit.#and like...its happened three or four times in the past couple of months. where people will leave a reply on one of my gifsets that's not#negative towards the gifset itself its negative about the character or the episode or the series or the actor#and it's like...well okay you're allowed to not like it but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to like it yknow? but also I worked hard on i#and whilst you're not directly being negative about the work I put in#you are saying its less valid because it's characters that you don't like#it's also always been hidden blogs#which means that I get the email notification of the reply but I can't actually go to the blog itself and block them to stop it happening#I try not to let it get to me but honestly I'm really fucking tired of the userbase of this site right now#it's the constant stream of 'we've got to reblog gifmakers and artists otherwise they'll stop posting' posts being reblogged and then#gifsets that have a reblog to like ratio of 1:4#and it's been getting bad for the past five years or so#but now its getting to a point where it does really fucking bother me#because what the fuck is the fucking point#and like...I get it. I'm not great at reblogging every single gifset I see. Not everything I like is something I'm interested in.#but there comes a point where you start thinking... where are all these people that like this gifset but not enough to reblog it coming fro
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comfortstars · 6 months
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pechaberriesandsoju · 8 months
Fuck not again
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i love your blog, thank you for reblogging papyrus for me to look at!!!!!!!!!
💚💚💚!!! Of course! I love papyrus and i love sharing papyrus! I think out of every blog i have ever made, this one is the most worth it for people like you💚! Cheers to the coolest skeleton!
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designernishiki · 1 year
aight im just gonna say it. some folks really gotta stop treating nishikiryu like they’re actually related and considering anyone who’s so much as Okay with them as a pairing of being incest apologists. like. that’s a legitimately fucked up and serious thing to accuse someone of just because of your view of two factually unrelated fictional characters.
#like. i really don’t like yumi being a love interest for kiryu and think she’d be best as a sister figure to him#a dynamic which could’ve formed while growing up alongside him at sunflower. that absolutely does not mean I would start blocking#and shittalking people for being ‘incest shippers’ as if I have the mora high ground and self righteousness to do so#it is really not different. only difference is the use of the word kyodai. which is an honorary title and not inherently synonymous with#viewing someone as your Actual Literal Sibling.#like just. chill the fuck out.#throwing that kinda accusation around is honestly no better than someone throwing around terms like ‘abuser’ or ‘gaslighting’#over subjective and unserious situations#no one is asking you to change your view of them. no one’s asking you to like them as a pairing. just say you don’t see it that way and move#on. not everything is a moral issue where someone needs to be condemned for something.#tldr: don’t be an asshole#this reminds me of the post that’s like. hey sometimes it’s okay to just say you don’t like someone/something without trying to prove#that disliking it is the Morally Correct thing to do.#like for real dude.#anyway might delete this later or simplify it becuase I have honestly been scared to say anything about this for a long time#due to seemingly the majority of people considering this a highly controversial hot button issue#also sure blocking people is an option but. if you like someone/most of someone’s content and just don’t like a certain pairing or topic or#whatever that they’ll reblog on occasion you can also just. block the tag. unless they don’t tag their shit then it’s more understandable#but i most certainly do and I appreciate when other people do the same because I have one major pairing tag in this fandom blocked because#of how much i don’t like it and plenty of people I follow post this pairing occasionally and shockingly it does not bother me. because#of the ability to filter via tags. it’s really not hard#anyway yeah sorry. let’s see how fast I delete this cause boy am I scared of getting eaten alive for this Apparently Hot Take#rambling#edit: also just wanna note that this isn’t even my main/favorite pairing or anything. im not a diehard nishikiryu guy#im a diehard kazumaji guy though for sure. but I have a strong opinion on the topic because. like I said. the gravity of people’s#accusations is beyond Not Okay
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milimeters-morales · 9 months
im finally getting ads completely in spanish now including the close/exit/proceed/shop now buttons that are on them ^_^ gonna start a journal soon for it as well!
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seafoam-taide · 4 months
there needto be more weird little freaks with weird pronouns and weird interests who do weird things in the world (<- guy who's every oc is one or all of these things)
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