#I just think the image of a guy churning out freak after freak going WHERE ARE THE FREAKS? WE NEED MORE FREAKS is funny
seafoam-taide · 4 months
there needto be more weird little freaks with weird pronouns and weird interests who do weird things in the world (<- guy who's every oc is one or all of these things)
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explosionshark · 3 years
how to live here!
here's a special deleted scene that was supposed to go in one of the chapters after rachel and chloe start fighting, but i never really found a place where it made sense. but i always liked it too much to delete it.
The first time Chloe had talked about hanging out in a junkyard, Max had kind of assumed she’d been joking.
She’s been here a few times already since her return to Arcadia Bay, but the novelty of it still hasn’t worn off. Chloe doesn’t seem to mind, letting her wander off, camera in hand, to explore and take photos by herself until she’s halfway through a roll of film and finally satisfied.
Max lets the sound of breaking glass lead her back to Chloe and snaps one more picture. Chloe, broken off hockey stick poised at the highest arc of a big swing, aimed at the sun-bleached head of a mannequin perched atop a splintered milk crate like a fucked up golf ball on a tee.
The arc of the swing is completed. The head goes flying with a sharp crack, landing in a pile of scrap a few feet away. Chloe holds the stick up over her head and cheers.
“You get that, Max?” she calls over her shoulder. “One for the highlight reel.”
“Got it,” Max confirms, reaching up to withdraw the Polaroid as it’s ejected from the camera. She closes the distance between them to show Chloe the shot.
“Sick,” Chloe says, and then twirls the stick in her fingers. “Y’know, I never used to allow press in here before, but maybe that was a mistake. A few more like that and maybe I can finally catch some attention from the big leagues.”
“I can’t imagine they can ignore skills like yours for very long,” Max grins, leaning up on her tiptoes and craning her neck to try to spot the mannequin head in the garbage.
Chloe grins again and mimes another swing. “Wanna take a shot? Ride out my hot streak?”
“I’m good,” Max says.
Chloe nods and shrugs and swings again abruptly, for real, putting the end of the hockey stick through the screen of a boxy old TV on the ground suddenly and loudly enough to make Max jump.
“You sure?” She props a boot on the corner of the TV to hold it in place as she yanks the stick loose. “It’s hella cathartic. You’ve always struck me as having more rage than you’re willing to own up to.”
“Do I really?” Max asks, a little alarmed.
“Maybe I’m projecting,” Chloe concedes.
They wander further, Max trailing behind as Chloe beats the ever-loving shit out of anything even vaguely breakable in her path.
“Remember when you actually played?” Max asks, after the fifteenth minute of uninterrupted smashing.
Chloe pauses, turning on her heel and drawing the bandage on her arm across her forehead to wipe away a bead of sweat. “Oh hell yeah. They called me The Destroyer.”
“No they didn’t,” Max rolls her eyes. “Only you called yourself that.”
“Me and both our dads,” Chloe points out. “Yours even made a sign.”
“Oh yeah,” Max laughs. “Y’know, I think you were the hockey hooligan kid he always wanted. I couldn’t tell if he was disappointed or relieved when I quit the team.”
Her dad was a huge hockey fan and had been elated when she and Chloe had agreed when he showed them the newspaper ad he’d found seeking players for the local youth hockey team. William and their mothers had been a little more hesitant, Max remembered, but no one enough to really object to their joining.
Chloe took to it immediately, aggressive, competitive, and already more naturally athletic than Max had ever been. Max’s tenure was only a week long, but she’d remained a devoted fan of the team long after, going along with her parents to every game, home and away.
“Relieved, I think,” Chloe speculates. “You were a really small twelve year old.”
“I was appropriately sized for twelve,” Max protests. “You were tall.”
“Pint-sized,” Chloe teases. “Microscopic. Besides, you never had the heart for it. The bloodlust.”
“I liked the skating part. But yeah, you always had more fun with it than me. Did you ever get back to sports?”
Chloe shakes her head, quick and jerky, almost offended. “I never liked sports. I liked hockey ‘cause you guys would always come to my games and stuff. But then…after…”
Chloe missed the first couple weeks of practice, after William had died. It was Max’s dad that got her to go back, at Joyce’s insistence, hoping that the sport could be an outlet, that trying to preserve as much normalcy as possible would help Chloe deal with her grief.
Max and her dad had stayed in the bleachers through that first practice without William. Chloe’s play had been sloppier, and she’d left the ice early, face splotchy and red, thick hot tears running down her face into her jersey. It hadn’t gotten easier from there. It made sense that Chloe had stopped going entirely once Max’s family had moved.
“Anyway, can you even imagine me playing for Blackwell?” Chloe scoffs, brings the hockey stick down on the windshield of an old beat up car. The first blow sends a spiderweb of cracks all through the glass. The second penetrates, a small, fist-sized hole. The third, fourth, and fifth obliterate it completely.
Max closes her eyes, chases the images of a young, grief-stricken Chloe from her mind with this new fantasy. Chloe, hair undyed, strutting through the halls in a red and white letterman jacket. Chloe doing keg stands with Logan and Zach. Chloe with girls like Victoria and Juliet hanging off her arms. Chloe completely and totally ignoring a nerd like her.
“Okay, it’s a little weird,” Max admits, feeling a little embarrassed for the irrational churning in her gut. “You’ve never really been a joiner, huh?”
“Organized sports are so not punk rock,” Chloe says obnoxiously.
“It’s kind of hard to imagine you at Blackwell at all,” Max admits. “I wish I’d come back sooner. Y’know, before you left.”
Chloe’s quiet and Max knew it was a risk to go there at all, but it feels too true to keep to herself so she keeps speaking.
“I didn’t choose to be gone, but,” is it brave or stupid to do this now, actually? Has Chloe been waiting for an apology or will this just make things needlessly awkward and uncomfortable and painful? “I mean I wish I’d handled it differently. That we’d talked more while I’d been away.”
“Yeah,” Chloe shrugs. It feels like Max is on the verge of losing her, so she hurries on before the silence between them stretches too far.
“Can I be honest with you?” Max asks, stomach twisting in knots.
Chloe raises an eyebrow and nods for her to continue.
“I kind of thought,” she pauses and winces. “I mean, I was a little afraid that after I left you just. Wouldn’t want anything to do with me. That you’d replace me.”
“Max, what the fuck?” Chloe lets the words out in a harsh exhale and Max knows that tone of voice. Knows she’s pissed off for real, now.
“I know,” Max cringes, scrubbing a hand down her face. “But, I mean, you were always the cool one, right? And you were going into high school and I was still sleeping with a teddy bear and—”
“This is such bullshit,” Chloe’s voice cracks and Max was not expecting that. “You’re not just— You can’t just replace a best friend! I fucking needed you. I was so… I needed you so much and you hung me out to dry because you were scared I’d stop thinking you were cool?”
“No,” Max hurries to clarify, feeling appropriately breathless for the desperate, drowning sensation overwhelming her. “No, not like that. I just… I didn’t know how to handle it. So, I just kept putting it off, y’know? Like with homework. Remember how many times my mom had to bail me out because I’d wait too long on finishing a project and it wouldn’t be ready by the due date? Only no one could bail me out this time. And the longer I waited, the worse I felt, the more sure I was that you hated me, that you’d scream at me and tell me to stay out of your life. And I was too scared to face that so I…”
“I never hated you,” Chloe says, face caught somewhere between fury and despair. “Fuck, for the longest time all I wanted was to leave here, to be where you were instead.”
“The night you called me,” Max cuts in gently, proud at least when her voice doesn’t shake, “when you tried to run away, I was so scared for you. And I felt guilty because I realized I was wrong, that you still wanted to be my friend, and I knew I didn’t deserve it. I cried myself sick on the ride down with my mom to pick you up. It really freaked her out. But when we got there you just hugged me and you let me hold your hand the entire way back to Arcadia Bay.”
Chloe stays silent, chewing her lip hard enough to make Max wince.
“And even after, even though we were talking again the entire time I was away I’d think about being back here instead. I think about all the years I missed with you and I get mad because it feels kind of like my fault. Like if I’d tried harder it wouldn’t have taken this long. But I can’t fix that now, I know, I’m just glad we’re here now.”
Chloe shakes her head, rough, and throws the beat up hockey stick into a pile behind her. “Max, you fucking—”
She cuts herself and stomps over and Max isn’t sure what she was expecting, but she’s definitely surprised when Chloe wraps her arms around her, drags her close until there’s almost no space between them.
As tight as the hug is, Chloe’s hands hovering over her back are gentle. She’s quiet but her breathing’s rough. It takes a long time for her to speak again; when she does her voice is shaky, quiet. “I never, ever hated you, but I was pissed at you for a really long time.”
“I’m sorry,” Max tries to say but Chloe squeezes her tighter until she falls quiet.
“I got tired of it,” Chloe says. “And it wasn’t fair, either. Not really. We were just kids. God, I fucked so many things up so much worse than that. You don’t know how bad. If you did, you’d think I’m so pathetic. You’d hate it.”
“Chloe Price, you’re so many things, but pathetic has never been one of them,” Max insists, a little startled by the steel in her voice. Chloe tenses in her arms, but doesn’t move away so Max continues, gentler, “I wish I’d been here more. I know you weren’t alone the whole time but still, if I could go back and change anything it’d be trying harder to be a bigger part of your life. It’d be not letting it take so long to get here.”
It’s stupid, she knows, it’s ridiculous to think she could have prevented any of the hard knocks Chloe had taken in her absence but the thing is she’ll never know and Max thinks that she’ll probably always feel responsible somehow.
“God, imagine if we’d had a few years together at Black-Hell,” Chloe says and releases her, finally. She stays close, pushes some hair out of Max’s face. “We would have gotten into so much trouble. Me, you and…” She trails off with a wince but doesn’t linger. “You could have cheated off my science papers. I’d trade you rides around the Bay for homework.”
“Hey,” Max laughs. “Presumptuous. How do you know I would have compromised my morals like that?”
“Oh, you would have,” Chloe says, laugh all low and breathy. “When have you ever been able to say no to these baby blues?”
She bats her lashes facetiously, but the blush staining Max’s face is very real. “Okay, whatever. What else would we have done?”
“Oh, pranks,” Chloe says. “No doubt. We would have pranked it up so hard on those nerds. I always had this idea about semi-permanent hair dye and Victoria’s shampoo bottles, but I never lived in the dorms. And for some reason, Rachel refuses to be my inside man on this one.”
“I’d be down,” Max blurts out, not sure what the sudden pained look on Chloe’s face could have been leading to, but desperate to head it off.
“Wait, for real?” Chloe asks, appropriately distracted and Max realizes suddenly that her hypothetical assent to collusion had just been offered in practice.
“Uh, I mean—”
“No take-backs,” Chloe crows, gleefully. “Holy shit, dude, yes. Okay, I’ve got it worked out pretty well, this is something I’ve been sitting on for a few years at least. First, we’ll need a distraction…”
Chloe’s plan is elaborate, but thorough, and by the time she’s done laying out the details Max isn’t sure she’ll be able to follow through, but she does know that whatever lingering doubts about their friendship she’d had this morning were founded in one-sided insecurity.
“Let me sleep on it,” she says, finally.
“Max,” Chloe whines. “You promised.”
“I did not.”
“I mean, practically.”
“No, I didn’t.”
It’s almost like being a kid again, arguing about something pointless under the midday sun, a little dehydrated but having too much fun together to do something sensible like go back inside. Max has missed this for so long.
She’s deliriously happy she won’t ever have to miss it again.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
Sink Or Swim
tag list: @cleocc @feeling-kinda-so-so @hopelessromanticvirgo @dreamy-slytherin @adora8 @lockerfivethreefive @painfully-oblivious @poeticinemaa @jjustonemorething @sassy-sara @wedarkacademia @coolguyssyndrome @hischbabe @suckerforsobbe @tayspots @starmansander @theah0lt @zoenneforever @invisibleme @chibibanane @odi-et-amo85 @watermelonlover-123 @xiaomailab
Warning for panic attack near the end of the scene (after Lucas reads the messages). 
Tuesday, 18:47
Songs: nilu - Are You With Me; Michael Schulte - Falling Apart
“No, no, wait, why is it doing that?” Jens whines from the screen, delicately brushing his thumb under Lucas’s eye to wipe away the dark smudge. “Why the fuck does eyeliner drip?”
“It’s liquid, man, what do you expect?”
Lucas skips ahead as Jens groans in the background and the camera moves to Sander. He plays it again when Moyo does a close up of his own face, the eyeliner now perfectly neat, and making the blue of his eyes stark. The on-screen version of him laughs at Moyo’s dramatic sounds of awe, and then there’s a close up of Jens. His tongue sticks out at the corner of his lips, brow just slightly furrowed, intensely concentrated as he paints on a light layer of lipstick. His eyes flick to the camera, and he falters just slightly, lips twitching. He manages to hold onto his focus for another few seconds before his lips crack in a smile and then into laughter, and he quickly draws his hand away from Lucas.
“Give me peace, asshole,” he says, leaving the camera shaking as he shoves Moyo back and another laugh rings out.
Robbe has sent him the completed vlog, that they haven’t posted yet. Lucas is currently watching it for the fourth time, with the volume raised to be heard over the bartering of rain against his window. By now he’s able to fast-forward to the specific shots of Jens that he likes most. He has Instagram open in the background, where his chat with Jens still remains quiet.
He rubs his hands over his face as Moyo zooms in on Jens puckering his lips, initially indicating for Lucas to do the same and ending up blowing a kiss to the camera. Talking to him yesterday hadn’t helped as Lucas had hoped it would. The few moments of contact had helped ease some of his worry, but the gaping hole in the chest that Jens usually takes up has only grown. He had hoped he would get the chance to convince Jens to come home to him, and then the connection cut out and Lucas had to hang up on Robbe before falling into a panicked state of despair.
Sander curses from the screen and then rapidly apologises as Robbe moans a complaint. “Isn’t this almost over?”
Lucas wonders the same thing as the shot cuts back to Jens and shows him leaning back with hands raised, a grin on his face as he announces he’s done. Lucas pauses on the image, chest tightening and jaw clenching.
There’s a knock on his bedroom door and he quickly shuts his laptop before his father peeks his head in. “Can I come in for a second?”
Lucas nods, setting his laptop aside as Hugo walks in and hovers by the bed as he holds an object out to Lucas.
His phone.
Lucas examines the spotless screen with wide eyes before shooting his eyes up to his father’s, which are crinkled at the corners with his smile. He waggles the object at Lucas, and Lucas takes it carefully, running his fingers around the edges. He holds in the power button and after a few seconds, it lights up.
“The guy in the shop charged it a little so he could make sure it’s working, but you’ll probably need to charge it yourself now,” Hugo says. “It look alright?”
It’s still in his old, worn, blue case, and when it finally comes to life, his favourite image of him and Kes appears on the lock-screen. He hovers his thumb over it as it shakes in his hand. Slowly, he nods. “Yeah, it’s perfect. I didn’t even know you’d taken it.”
“Well, you need your phone. Even I can’t contact you without it. Consider it an additional late birthday present, huh? Better than those old albums I got you.”
Lucas shakes his head. “The albums are good. And the art supplies are expensive, I know that. You didn’t have to…”
“Shush,” Hugo waves a hand at him. “I don’t expect you to pay for things like that yourself. No matter how many jokes I make about you being an adult now.”
Lucas smiles slightly, though his eyes are misty as he turns his phone over on his palm. “Thank you.”
His father smiles back at him, then seems to hesitate again. “I also wanted to talk to you about this weekend. I organised a trip for the youth center. A few days away, where they can all hang out and do stuff together, can really help them out at this time of year. It just means you’ll be left here on your own.”
This would usually come as a relief. Now it makes anxiety churn in Lucas’s chest, and he has to quickly bite down on his lip. Otherwise he’ll do something ridiculous, like beg his father to stay. He’s overreacting. He’ll be fine for a couple of days on his own. “So, you’ll be going on Friday?”
“Yeah. The girls are taking them on the bus and I’ll drive down to meet them in the evening.”
“Where are you going?”
“It’s some kind of adventure center. One of the kids themselves suggested it. We’re staying at a motel nearby.”
Lucas nods slowly. “Then you’ll be back on Sunday?”
“Yeah.” Hugo seems only mildly confused by the questioning, at Lucas’s unusual show of interest. “Should be back in the afternoon. So you’ll be alright? You can call me now if you need me.”
Lucas hums.
“If you want to, you can invite one of your friends over to keep you company. Maybe Jens.”
He says it cheerfully, proud of himself for remembering the name Lucas had let slip weeks ago. He seems oblivious to the pain it causes Lucas, so Lucas tries for a smile. “Yeah, maybe.”
Hugo sets a hand on his shoulder and gives a squeeze. “Okay. Give your mom a call too when you can, alright? She keeps bugging me about you.”
“Have you been talking to her?”
“Ah, now, Luc, I still talk to your mother. Is that a new hoodie?”
Lucas blinks and looks down at himself, not understanding, until he sees the red. He’d forgotten he was even wearing Jens’s hoodie. It doesn’t smell like him anymore, aside from the faintest trace if Lucas moves in just the right way. He simply shakes his head as he looks back up at his dad.
Hugo purses his lips, nodding slightly as he shrugs. “Suits you. Alright, everything else okay with you?”
It takes a moment for Lucas to gain enough composure to smile and nod, and his father squeezes his shoulder once more before leaving him alone again.
Lucas takes a moment to breathe, then moves to his desk to find his charger, phone still clutched in his hand. He finds it hidden under a stack of papers and moves back to his bed, plugging the charger into the wall. He has to sit close to the edge so the lead will reach, but he manages, and soon he’s facing a flood of missed notifications.
Jens is right at the top.
It’s only after taking another long moment to breathe that Lucas is able to open the messages. There are a whole string from the weekend he’d left, easily two dozen, and guilt churns in his stomach once more as he reads through Jens’s concern. There’s even a selfie of him and Moyo from that Saturday, with both of them pouting at the camera, eyes slightly red. Obviously high. Lucas’s chest tightens further. He scrolls further down, through Jens’s more insistent questioning, where the frustration begins to truly slip in.
Then he makes it to the end, where he has a message from Sunday morning, sent just minutes before he had messaged Jens from Kes’s phone.
I’m getting really freaked out and I didn’t even think that was something that happens to me, but I really miss you Luc and I’m worried. please just message me. I love you
He reads it, then reads it again, over and over until the words blur and a single mantra runs through his mind.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Lucas internalises the words, letting them fill up his chest until he can’t breathe.
Jens loves him. Lucas had no idea. Jens loves him and Lucas had left him. Jens loves him and Lucas had hurt him. Jens loves him and he’s being punished for it. Jens loves him and he isn’t here.
Lucas loves Jens, and he can’t breathe.
Air finally comes out in gasps, then heaves. The world around him has blurred. He’s being flung on the floor, dropped like a ragdoll, frozen in place, and then the slap. Over and over in an endless reel. Hands are shoving him, two pairs at once. His favourite brown eyes are unfamiliar, cold and distant, unreachable. He’s running away and running away and running away.
He’s staying and making it worse.
Jens has done nothing but love him, and Lucas has done nothing but hurt him. It’s his fault. His fault that Jens is in this position in the first place. His fault that Jens felt the need to try so hard and endanger himself. His fault that Jens is hurt. His fault that Jens is gone. His fault that Jens doesn’t know.
Lucas loves him, and Jens doesn’t know, and he can’t breathe.
He tucks his head between his knees and tries his usual method. He has to drop his phone to tangle his hands in his hair as he counts in for four, holds for four, breathes out for four. Except he can’t manage it. His breaths are short stutters, insufficient, and his ring catches in his curls and he sobs.
When he feels like he is going to suffocate, he drags himself to his feet. He stops once he gets there, having to stave off the urge to curl down into himself. His hands grapple at air, curled into claws at his sides as choked sounds continue to spill from his throat. It takes him three tries to repeatedly force himself into enough motion to open his door. From there he’s overcome with urgency, and he speeds down the hall, into the kitchen where his father is sat with a newspaper at the table.
“Dad,” he croaks.
Hugo looks up, brows raised. His expression falls instantly into concern as he stands from the chair and rounds the table. “Lucas? Hey, buddy, what’s wrong?”
Lucas lets out another sob. “I can’t—“
He cuts himself off as his knees give out. His father catches him as he sinks towards the floor, drawing him into his arms and providing a sturdy support. Lucas relinquishes all his weight and lets the man hold him up, kneeling on the floor alongside him.
“Hey, Luc. It’s okay, you’re okay,” he soothes, gently rocking him back and forth, hand petting through his hair in a gesture Lucas hasn’t experienced since he was a child half his current size.
“Can you help?” Lucas pleads. “Please, can you help, can you help me?” He feels his father nod, feels a kiss pressed to the crown of his head, and he lets out a shaky breath.
Hugo holds him and guides him through it, regulating his own breaths until Lucas’s heartbeat feels just manageable. “I’ve got you, buddy. I’ll do whatever you need. Do you hear me? I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 13: I Have Trust Issues But Okay
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We spent two days on the Amtrak train, heading west through hills, over rivers, past amber waves of grain. We weren't attacked once, but I didn't relax. I felt that we were traveling around in a display case, being watched from above and maybe from below, that something was waiting for the right opportunity. We tried to keep a low profile because Percy and I's name and picture were splattered over the front pages of several East Coast newspapers. It seemed like when they saw me with Percy they realized me and my family are gone. The Trenton Register-News showed a photo taken by a tourist as we got off the Greyhound bus. Percy had a wild look in my eyes. His sword was a metallic blur in his hands. It might've been a baseball bat or a lacrosse stick. I was holding his hand with my knife on the other hand. The picture's caption read: Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson, wanted for questioning in the Long Island disappearance of his mother two weeks ago, is shown here fleeing from the bus where he accosted several elderly female passengers. The bus exploded on an east New Jersey roadside shortly after Jackson fled the scene. Based on eyewitness accounts, police believe the boy may be traveling with three teenage accomplices. It has been found out one of which is Y/N L/N, a twelve-year-old girl who went missing with her family during a trip. Percy Jackson's stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, has offered a cash reward for information leading to his capture.
"Don't worry," Annabeth told Percy. "Mortal police could never find us." But she didn't sound so sure. The rest of the day we spent alternately pacing the length of the train (because I had a really hard time sitting still) or looking out the windows. Calm Once, I spotted a family of centaurs galloping across a wheat field, bows at the ready, as they hunted lunch. The little boy centaur, who was the size of a second-grader on a pony, caught my eye and waved. I looked around the passenger car, the adult riders all had their faces buried in laptop computers or magazines, Percy and I saw an amazed look. Another time, toward evening, Percy said he saw something huge moving through the woods. He swore it was a lion, except that lions don't live wild in America, and it was the size of a Hummer, then it leaped through the trees and was gone. I told him he might have been seeing things and Annabeth agreed. Our reward money for returning Gladiola the poodle had only been enough to purchase tickets as far as Denver. We couldn't get berths in the sleeper car, so we dozed in our seats. My neck got stiff. I sat between Percy and Annabeth. Grover kept snoring and bleating and waking Percy up. Once, he shuffled around and his fake foot fell off. Annabeth and I had to stick it back on before any of the other passengers noticed. "So," Annabeth asked me, once we'd gotten Grover's sneaker readjusted. "Who wants Percy's help?" "What do you mean?" "You heard it too didn't you? When he was asleep just now, he mumbled, 'I won't help you.' Has he told you what he's dreaming about?" "Gossiping about me?" Percy yawned. "Pretty much everyone is. So I think we'll join." I said. "Annabeth wants to know about your dream. I could tell he was reluctant to say anything. It was the second time he'd dreamed about it. Then he finally told her. Annabeth was quiet for a long time. "If you think it's Hades, that doesn't sound like Hades. He always appears on a black throne, and he never laughs." She pointed out. "He offered my mother in trade. Who else could do that?" We could. If you bring us together we could trade. "What?" Percy and Annabeth looked at me in worry. "Something on my face? Is there something close?" "Y/N, you did it again." Percy said. "Did what?" "You... Talked. Differently. Like weirdly." "Your definition of weird doesn't describe me. I did nothing wrong. I haven't even given an in put on your topic. Which we should get back on." I don't know why I had no idea what they meant by me talking weirdly, but I felt like I should stay away from that topic. "I guess ... if he meant, 'Help me rise from the Underworld.' If he wants war with the Olympians. But why ask you to bring him the master bolt if he already has it?" She explained looking at me as if I was the one that needed convincing. I shook my head, wishing I knew the answer. I thought about what Grover had told me, that the Furies on the bus seemed to have been looking for something. Where is it? Where? Maybe Grover sensed my emotions. He snorted in his sleep, muttered something about vegetables, and turned his head. Percy readjusted Grover's cap so it covered his horns. "Percy, you can't barter with Hades. You know that, right? He's deceitful, heartless, and greedy. I don't care if his Kindly Ones weren't as aggressive this time-" "This time?" I asked. "You mean you've run into them before?" Her hand crept up to her necklace. She fingered a glazed white bead painted with the image of a pine tree, one of her clay end-of-summer tokens. "Let's just say I've got no love for the Lord of the Dead. You can't be tempted to make a deal for your mom." "What would you do if it was your dad?" "That's easy," she said. "I'd leave him to rot." "You're not serious?" Annabeth's gray eyes fixed on me. She wore the same expression she'd worn in the woods at camp, the moment she drew her sword against the hellhound. "My dad's resented me since the day I was born," she said. "He never wanted a baby. When he got me, he asked Athena to take me back and raise me on Olympus because he was too busy with his work. She wasn't happy about that. She told him heroes had to be raised by their mortal parent." "But how ... I mean, I guess you weren't born in a hospital...." "I appeared on my father's doorstep, in a golden cradle, carried down from Olympus by Zephyr the West Wind. You'd think my dad would remember that as a miracle, right? Like, maybe he'd take some digital photos or something. But he always talked about my arrival as if it were the most inconvenient thing that had ever happened to him. When I was five he got married and totally forgot about Athena. He got a 'regular' mortal wife, and had two 'regular' mortal kids, and tried to pretend I didn't exist." I stared out the train window. The lights of a sleeping town were drifting by. I wanted to make Annabeth feel better. I don't know but the only way I could think of was a hug. So I wrapped and arm around her shoulders. She stiffened unsure of what I'd done. "My parents, they loved me all the same. The closet I got to talking about Gods was when they thought me. Not a single hint was dropped about me being a halfblood. I mean if you count my grandma Hestia. Which I think is just named after the goddess. I mean yeah, you had a not so wonderful life... But at least you're who you are now." I smiled at her. Eying Percy I gave him a nod towards Annabeth telling him to comfort her since he'd started it anyway. "My mom married a really awful guy," he told her. "Grover said she did it to protect me, to hide me in the scent of a human family. Maybe that's what your dad was thinking." Annabeth kept worrying at her necklace. She was pinching the gold college ring that hung with the beads. It occurred to me that the ring must be her father's. I wondered why she wore it if she hated him so much. "He doesn't care about me," she said. "His wife-my stepmom-treated me like a freak. She wouldn't let me play with her children. My dad went along with her. Whenever something dangerous happened-you know, something with monsters-they would both look at me resentfully, like, 'How dare you put our family at risk.' Finally, I took the hint. I wasn't wanted. I ran away." "How old were you?" "Same age as when I started camp. Seven." "But ... you couldn't have gotten all the way to Half-Blood Hill by yourself." "Not alone, no. Athena watched over me, guided me toward help. I made a couple of unexpected friends who took care of me, for a short time, anyway." I wanted to ask what happened, but Annabeth seemed lost in sad memories. Luke had already told me some of these part where he went here with Annabeth and Thalia. So I gazed out the train windows as the dark fields of Ohio raced by. Toward the end of our second day on the train, June 13, eight days before the summer solstice, we passed through some golden hills and over the Mississippi River into St. Louis. Annabeth craned her neck to see the Gateway Arch, which looked to me like a huge shopping bag handle stuck on the city. "I want to do that," she sighed. "What?" I asked. "Build something like that. You ever see the Parthenon, Y/N?" "Only in pictures." "Someday, I'm going to see it in person. I'm going to build the greatest monument to the gods, ever. Something that'll last a thousand years." Percy laughed. "You? An architect?" Her cheeks flushed. "Yes, an architect. Athena expects her children to create things, not just tear them down, like a certain god of earthquakes I could mention." "Percy! I think she'll be incredible." I pinched his arm. We watched the churning brown water of the Mississippi below. I took Percy's hand in fear that the water would just grab me and drag me down. "Sorry," Annabeth said. "That was mean." I nudged Percy to apologize as well, "I didn't mean to make fun of you. I'm sorry." "Can't you two work together a little?" I pleaded. "I mean, didn't Athena and Poseidon ever cooperate?" Annabeth had to think about it. "I guess ... the chariot," she said tentatively. "My mom invented it, but Poseidon created horses out of the crests of waves. So they had to work together to make it complete." "Then you two can cooperate, too. Right?" We rode into the city, Annabeth watching as the Arch disappeared behind a hotel. "I suppose," she said at last. We pulled into the Amtrak station downtown. The intercom told us we'd have a three-hour layover before departing for Denver. Grover stretched. Before he was even fully awake, he said, "Food." "Come on, goat boy," Annabeth said. "Sightseeing." "Sightseeing?" "The Gateway Arch," she said. "This may be my only chance to ride to the top. Are you coming or not?" Grover, Percy and I exchanged looks. I wanted to say no, but seeing the stars in Annabeth's as she watched, she was too adorable to say no to. Grover shrugged. "As long as there's a snack bar without monsters." The Arch was about a mile from the train station. Late in the day the lines to get in weren't that long. We threaded our way through the underground museum, looking at covered wagons and other junk from the 1800s. It wasn't all that thrilling, but Annabeth kept telling us interesting facts about how the Arch was built, and Grover kept passing me jelly beans, so I was okay. I kept looking around, though, at the other people in line. "You smell anything?" Percy murmured to Grover. He took his nose out of the jelly-bean bag long enough to sniff. "Underground," he said distastefully. "Underground air always smells like monsters. Probably doesn't mean anything." I took a peek at my knife and saw there was a very weak glow, or maybe a sunlight reflection. Somewhere in between. "Guys," I said. "You know the gods' symbols of power?" Annabeth had been in the middle of reading about the construction equipment used to build the Arch, but she looked over. "Yeah?" "Well, Hade-" Grover cleared his throat. "We're in a public place.... You mean, our friend downstairs?" "Um, right," I said. "Our friend way downstairs. Doesn't he have a hat like Annabeth's?" "You mean the Helm of Darkness," Annabeth said. "Yeah, that's his symbol of power. I saw it next to his seat during the winter solstice council meeting." "He was there?" Percy asked. She nodded. "It's the only time he's allowed to visit Olympus-the darkest day of the year. But his helm is a lot more powerful than my invisibility hat, if what I've heard is true...." "It allows him to become darkness," Grover confirmed. "He can melt into shadow or pass through walls. He can't be touched, or seen, or heard. And he can radiate fear so intense it can drive you insane or stop your heart. Why do you think all rational creatures fear the dark?" "But then ... how do we know he's not here right now, watching us?" I asked. Annabeth and Grover exchanged looks. "We don't," Grover said. "Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better," Percy said. "Got any blue jelly beans left?" Someone else could be watching. Hades isn't the only one to blend in the shadow young vessel. But worry not, all in the darkness, shall be your ally. So Hades will also be my ally? As air and water refuse, land and all there is shall be your ally. Can't I be allies with all? Hades, Zeus, Poseidon. Everyone. The three of them looked at me in surprise. "Don't say their name!" Grover whispered loudly. "Whose name? I haven't said a name!" I could talk through you young vessel. Is this the first time this happened? How can you forget about our conversation? Talk through me? Who are you? I am one of which that'll make sure you become one with yourself. "Y/N!!" Percy yelled. "What? Geez, you're too loud." "We've been calling your name for three minutes." Annabeth said. "Are you... Okay?" "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" When the tiny elevator car came. We got shoehorned into the car with this big fat lady and her dog, a Chihuahua with a rhinestone collar. I figured maybe the dog was a seeing-eye Chihuahua, because none of the guards said a word about it. We started going up, inside the Arch. I'd never been in an elevator that went in a curve, and my stomach wasn't too happy about it. "No parents?" the fat lady asked us. She had beady eyes; pointy, coffee-stained teeth; a floppy denim hat, and a denim dress that bulged so much, she looked like a blue-jean blimp. "They're below," Annabeth told her. "Scared of heights." "Oh, the poor darlings." The Chihuahua growled. The woman said, "Now, now, sonny. Behave." The dog had beady eyes like its owner, intelligent and vicious. I said, "Sonny. Is that his name?" "No," the lady told me. She smiled, as if that cleared everything up. At the top of the Arch, the observation deck reminded me of a tin can with carpeting. Rows of tiny windows looked out over the city on one side and the river on the other. The view was okay, but if there's anything I like less than a confined space, it's a confined space six hundred feet in the air. I was ready to go pretty quick. I could see Percy was too. So I took his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze to calm him down despite my breakdown. Annabeth kept talking about structural supports, and how she would've made the windows bigger, and designed a see-through floor. She probably could've stayed up there for hours, but the park ranger announced that the observation deck would be closing in a few minutes. I steered Annabeth while Percy with Grover, toward the exit, loaded them into the elevator, and we were about to get in myself when I realized there were already two other tourists inside. No room for me. The park ranger said, "Next car, sir." "We'll get out," Annabeth said. "We'll wait with you two." But that was going to mess everybody up and take even more time, so I said, "Naw, it's okay. We'll see you guys at the bottom. I'll keep an eye on him." Grover and Annabeth both looked nervous, but they let the elevator door slide shut. Their car disappeared down the ramp. Now the only people left on the observation deck were me, a little boy with his parents, the park ranger, and the fat lady with her Chihuahua. Percy and I smiled uneasily at the fat lady. She smiled back, her forked tongue flickering between her teeth. Wait a minute. Forked tongue? Before I could decide if I'd really seen that, her Chihuahua jumped down and started yapping at Percy. "Now, now, sonny," the lady said. "Does this look like a good time? We have all these nice people here." "Doggie!" said the little boy. "Look, a doggie!" His parents pulled him back. The Chihuahua bared his teeth at me, foam dripping from his black lips. "Well, son," the fat lady sighed. "If you insist." Ice started forming in my stomach. "Urn, did you just call that Chihuahua your son?" "Chimera, dear," the fat lady corrected. "Not a Chihuahua. It's an easy mistake to make." She rolled up her denim sleeves, revealing that the skin of her arms was scaly and green. When she smiled, I saw that her teeth were fangs. The pupils of her eyes were sideways slits, like a reptile's. The Chihuahua barked louder, and with each bark, it grew. First to the size of a Doberman, then to a lion. The bark became a roar. The little boy screamed. His parents pulled him back toward the exit, straight into the park ranger, who stood, paralyzed, gaping at the monster. The Chimera was now so tall its back rubbed against the roof. It had the head of a lion with a blood-caked mane, the body and hooves of a giant goat, and a serpent for a tail, a ten-foot-long diamondback growing right out of its shaggy behind. The rhinestone dog collar still hung around its neck, and the plate-sized dog tag was now easy to read: CHIMERA-RABID, FIRE-BREATHING, POISONOUS-IF FOUND, PLEASE CALL TARTARUS-EXT. 954. I immediately pulled out my knife. And waited for the moment to jump in front of Percy who was ten feet away from the Chimera's bloody maw, and I knew that as soon as I moved, the creature would lunge. The snake lady made a hissing noise that might've been laughter. "Be honored, Percy Jackson and Y/N L/N. Lord Zeus rarely allows me to test a hero with one of my brood. For I am the Mother of Monsters, the terrible Echidna!" Percy and I stared at each other for a second stared at her. All he could think to say was: "Isn't that a kind of anteater?" She howled, her reptilian face turning brown and green with rage. "I hate it when people say that! I hate Australia! Naming that ridiculous animal after me. For that, Percy Jackson, my son shall destroy you!" The Chimera charged, its lion teeth gnashing. I managed to take Percy's arm to pull him aside and dodge the bite. We ended up next to the family and the park ranger, who were all screaming now, trying to pry open the emergency exit doors. I couldn't let them get hurt. I positioned myself able to parry any oncoming attack. Percy uncapped his sword, ran to the other side of the deck, and yelled, "Hey, Chihuahua!" The Chimera turned faster than I would've thought possible. Before he could swing my sword, it opened its mouth, emitting a stench like the world's largest barbecue pit, and shot a column of flame straight at him. Percy dove through the explosion. The carpet burst into flames; the heat was so intense, I could feel it where I stand and it was like I was in a sauna. Where Percy had been standing a moment before was a ragged hole in the side of the Arch, with melted metal steaming around the edges. Great, I thought. We just blowtorched a national monument. As the Chimera turned, Percy slashed at its neck. That was a fatal mistake. The blade sparked harmlessly off the dog collar. I saw the serpent tail lifted it whipped around and with all I could I ran and raised my knife to block it. Percy tried to jab Riptide into the Chimera's mouth, but the serpent tail wrapped around his ankles and pulled him off balance, and my blade flew out of my hand, spinning out of the hole in the Arch and down toward the Mississippi River. I pulled a weaponless Percy behind me and raised my small one. We backed into the hole in the wall. The Chimera advanced, growling, smoke curling from its lips. The snake lady, Echidna, cackled. "They don't make heroes like they used to, eh, son?" The monster growled. It seemed in no hurry to finish us off now that we were beaten. I glanced at the park ranger and the family. The little boy was hiding behind his father's legs. I had to protect these people. I couldn't just ... die. I was facing a massive, fire-breathing monster and its mother. And I was scared. There was no place else to go, so I stepped to the edge of the hole. Trust our hero. Jump with him. He had sworn to save us. Far, far below, the river glittered. Percy and I shared a reluctant and fearful look. If we died, would the monsters go away? Would they leave the humans alone? "If you are the son of Poseidon," Echidna hissed, "you would not fear water. Jump, Percy Jackson. Show me that water will not harm you. Jump and retrieve your sword. Prove your bloodline. Maybe your small friend could survive with you." We both knew the water hated me. But I trusted Percy. I'd jump if he told me. The Chimera's mouth glowed red, heating up for another blast. "Either you have no faith," Echidna told me. "You do not trust the gods. I cannot blame you, little cowards. Better you die now. The gods are faithless." Percy took my hand and backed up, he looked down at the water. Percy looked at me and smiled. I knew what he wanted. Holding his hand tighter, I got closer to him. "Die, faithless one," Echidna rasped, and the Chimera sent a column of flame toward our faces. "Father, please," I heard Percy say. "Don't hurt her. Help us." We turned and jumped. Our clothes on fire, we plummeted toward the river.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000
42 notes · View notes
redhawtriot · 4 years
Baby Boom (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I felt as though since this story had such a specific narrative (especially delving into the harsh world of modeling and the effects of discrimination) that it would reach out to a very specific niche of reader.
I was actually astonished by loud support this fic has obtained so for, so thank you so much! I cannot stress enough how much that means to me. 
HnM 💕
Tag-list: @steggy4ever​ @library-trash​ @watevermelon​ @glimmadora-ble​ @persephones24​ @dragonempress123​ @your-pri-ncess @broken-from-fandoms​ @hot-pocket01​ @tsukineho​
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Month 1, Month 3
--Month 2--
You looked at the stick of plastic in your hand with wide eyes as your mouth stuttered into a slack jaw—your breaths hardly making their way in and out of your lungs evenly.
You squeezed your eyes shut so hard that you saw white spots underneath your lids before you snapped them back open again, internally praying that you would wake up form whatever nightmare you were having.
However, you couldn’t blink away the big, fat smiley face that stared back up at you from the piece of purple and white plastic that sealed your fate.
No. No. No!
The sudden urge to puke came back with a vengeance and you threw yourself to the toilet, slamming your knees to the ground in the process. As your stomach lurched up into your chest, you couldn’t tell whether the tears forming in your eyes were from the harshness of the motion or something else entirely.
“Gah!” you loudly choked out as you pulled away from the mess in the toilet. 
Once the nausea became slightly less debilitating you leaned back against your bathtub, throwing your head up as you groaned to the ceiling, “No, no, no, nooo…” you softly sobbed. You tried your best to keep from bawling so you didn’t find yourself with your head back in the bowl, but you couldn’t help the stream of hot tears that spilled from your eyes as you stared at the vent in the ceiling.
How could this happen? How could you be… pr...
A sudden stirring in your gut made you swallow hard as you tried to keep your stomach out of your throat.
Don’t be an idiot, Y/N. You took sex education in high school. You put the condom on the banana and were scolded with constant threats of STDs and the fires of Hell like everybody else. So yeah. You know how it happened.
You sighed as you thought back to all the guys you had slept with recently-- which was luckily not too many within the past few months, and only one since your last period.
Fuck, you didn’t even remember what the damn fathe-- guy looked like.
Well, excluding his rippling muscles.
You threw your head into your hands as the uncanny image of a body builder newborn infiltrated your mind. Well, that didn’t fucking help at all. Grabbing your hair tightly as you stared at the tile between your legs, you cursed yourself, “You dumbass! How could you be so goddamn stupid!? Stupid, stupid, stupid!” you repeatedly knocked against your skull.
You reached into the recesses of your memory for any information you might have about the guy. Where was his apartment again...? On the other side of town somewhere right… Near Club 52? God, you didn’t even fucking know! and what did it matter anyway, huh? What were you gonna do? Storm up to his place, pregnancy tests a-blazin’, and tell the complete stranger that you were carrying his kid?!
With a weak and tired moan, you lifted yourself off of your bathroom floor and went to the sink to rinse your bile infested mouth out and wash the salty tears off of your cheeks.
But not before you got a good look at yourself in the mirror.
Swollen eyes.
Red nose.
Drying, teary snot pooling on the rim of your upper lip.
“You look like shit,” you harshly reprimanded yourself before turning the sink on and sticking your face into the cool water. Your hands blindly reached around your counter until you finally grabbed a nearby hand towel to bring to your face. As you patted your cheeks dry, your eyes wandered to the counter where three other positive pregnancy tests that you had taken earlier that morning resided.
The trio all sported a similar smug smile as they looked up to you as if to say ‘we told you so.’
The little shits.
“Shut up.” You quickly grabbed all four tests and with a hint of bitterness chucked them into a nearby trash bin before making your way to your bedroom across the hall.
Plopping down onto your screeching mattress, you took your phone out:
Boss Lady
[2:50 pm]
Hey, brat. I hope you’re doing better.
Don’t forget that we have that runway fitting next week. And the test shots. And the international scouting event.
Think. Thin.
No carbs. No red meats.
Fucking no alcohol for nine whole months. You attempted to scoff at this, but what came out could have probably been mistaken for the last sounds of a dying animal.
[3:31 pm]
Hope you made it home safe last night!
As you read this text, a piece of you wished that maybe you hadn't made it home safe last night... Your brain briefly wandered into the dark territories of ‘what if’s’ as you imagined falling in front of the train at the subway, walking past a drug deal gone wrong, hell-- drowning on the water you took with your Pepto Bismol. You quickly brushed these thoughts away as you continued looking through your phone, 
Boss Lady
[4:45 pm]
Oh, also Deku just asked for a meeting with you personally.
You’re going of course. Glad you got his attention. Good girl.
Tomorrow.  5:00pm. El Vino’s downtown. (EAT LIGHTLY!)
Inches! Inches! Inches!
You slammed your phone down onto your mattress as you loudly sighed.
Inches. Your entire livelihood depended on your damn inches and now there was no way you could maintain the “golden ratio.” The thought made your blood churn.
Modeling… was all that you had. You didn’t have any other fucking talents—no quirk to depend on-- so when would your growing stomach steal your life away?
When do people even start ‘showing’? 
You haven’t come across many pregnant women, but all of the ones you have seen either looked like normal people or like freaking beach balls. For some reason your brain couldn’t conjure an intermediate.
Did they just blow up out of nowhere? If so, then when? How long could you pull a ruse off before your growing organ snitched on you? 5 months? 6 months? Next fucking week?
You realized then that you knew next to jack squat about pregnancy.
Or damn kids for that matter.
Okay so... abortion? For some reason, even just the thought of that word made an icky taste surge in your mouth—or maybe it was the leftover vomit, who knows?
To be honest, you had never really thought much on abortion before—it was one of the many topics filed into your brain under ‘that does not and will not pertain to me, so why the fuck should I care?’ Filtered out and forgotten, your feelings on abortion had yet to be developed.
Until now.
After a few beats, you opened your phone back up and began to dial Kimi, fearing that you might soon explode with the brunt of knowledge that weighed heavily upon your shoulders.
You paused.
Had you ever actually talked to her about anything that wasn’t exclusively work related? In the past two years of knowing her, have you ever actually learned anything about her, and she about you? Very suddenly, you were slapped in the face by a crude fact: Kimi was just a work-friend.
That was fucking fine and dandy up until now. You pretty much either worked, or drank, or showed up to work drunk. But now…
Who the hell else could you call? You barely had any friends, and you hadn’t talked to your family in what felt like ages. Who was there for situations like this? If half of your life was working, and half of your life was drinking, and your work friends were a no go… what about your drinking friends? Your mind briefly fled to the stashes of your best buddies-- vodka and tequila-- that you kept in your kitchen.
But not even they could save you now.
Fuck you really were alone.
That night, you found yourself constantly flipping your pillow to find a new dry spot to assault with fresh tears. You hadn’t cried so much since you were a kid. Wait-- come to think of it, you couldn’t even remember the last time you had cried at all.
So, was it hormones? Pregnancy hormones?
The surreal thought made your tears fly down your face even more furiously.
The next evening there was practically no trace or evidence of your mental breakdown from the night before as you strolled up to El Vino’s. It was honestly kind of frightening how quickly you had managed to pull yourself together before this little meeting—but mostly, it was empowering.
Okay, Y/N. You fucking got this. Hormones or not, you were still a baddie to your very core.
Deku was easy enough to spot in the little Mediterranean themed restaurant—with the green-ass hair and all. You strolled up to the table with the warmest smile that you could muster, “Mr. Deku,” you quickly approached his table and gave a slight bow.  
“H-Hey!” You seemed to startle him with your sudden appearance. He jumped a bit in his seat and awkwardly shifted as you made your way to your own chair. His face was a bit red as you maintained your eyes on his shying expression. 
“Look, before you say anything. I just want to say sorry,” his shocked eyes suddenly snapped back up to yours as you continued, “I had no idea that the event was yours and I probably ruined the rest of the night for you. If you want me off the brand deal, then I completely understand, just... don’t blame Ainu’s agency.”
His mouth fumbled over itself for a moment, causing you to quirk an unsure eyebrow before he could finally speak up, “No t-that’s not what I am here for at all, Miss L/N.”
“Call me Y/N. please,” your smirk was a little less sure than usual and you prayed that he couldn’t detect how off he had thrown you. This was going much different than you had expected it to. For one, he wasn’t trying to ‘put you in your place for disrespecting him’ or bargain  sex ‘as an apology’ like most power hungry men in his position would.
“Okay, M-miss Y/N,” the blush that adorned his cheeks confused you even further and you felt the space between your eyebrows involuntarily tighten. That was another thing… He didn’t seem like a typical man in a position of power. He was… soft... you didn’t know how else to explain it other than unusual for a man of his size and stature.
“I actually wanted to apologize to you,” he spoke up once more and you were completely lost by then. You could only blink as he continued to speak, “You really got me thinking about things the other night-- you were totally right. The brand of my sneakers did lose its true meaning. I really meant to have it be a symbol for kids growing up without a quirk to enjoy—to give them hope, but it turned into more of an endorsement to myself. The whole thing. It was wrong. That’s why I have decided to give 100% of my personal Red Sneakers profits to establishing my Quirkless Youth Initiative,”
You looked around for any hidden cameras—any hidden agenda behind his motives before looking back to him with a stiff expression. You had to physically keep your face from scrunching, “And just how are you going to make a living out of a mindset like that?” you dared to call his bluff.
“It’s just gonna have to work. It’s what my mentor would have done—given 100%. Beyond actually.”
Holy shit. This man was being serious. ‘100% and beyond’ serious, to be exact. Your face scrunched up once more, “Why do you care so much anyway?” you cut back on your tone as you noticed his eyes widen a bit at your accusatory voice, “Not to be rude, but… what’s a strong hero like you doing caring about us quirkless?”
He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment or two. Contemplating on whether or not he was going to lie, you noticed, “I… I…  didn’t have a quirk until much later in life. I was 14. Growing up, I always wanted to be a hero, and I just wish that I had someone back then believe in me. I want to be the one that tells kid’s—with a smile-- that they can do it. That they have at least one person who believes in them.”
His name-- Deku-- it meant worthless. The puzzle pieces were finally coming together and things began to make sense. It was a name that either himself or others used to describe him when he was growing up probably, and the man had taken it and spun it around to make it his own. Even you had to admit--
“That’s pretty damn impressive,” you couldn’t help the curl that tugged into the corners of your lips as Deku bashfully looked away from you,
“It’s nothing, really!” he tried to deflect. You gave a small laugh before smoothly bringing up the glass of wine in front of you to your lips. As soon as the liquid rushed in your mouth, your eyes flew wide open with realization,
Shit! What the fuck were you doing?
You immediately spit the alcohol back into your cup and snapped your eyes back to Deku who had, thankfully, been too caught up in his own embarrassment to be paying attention to you. You gave a sigh of relief and sat the wine glass as far away from you as inconspicuously possible. 
“So,” you leaned into the table a bit to get his eyes back on you, “Tell me about this Quirkless Youth Initiative,” you smiled. 
From that point on, you and Deku actually found talking to each other relatively easy—okay, extremely easy. In fact, you stayed past the point of dinner and ended up talking at your table hours after the bill had been paid.
You talked about everything and nothing altogether and didn’t know just when to end the conversation. You lowered your borders for some reason. Well-- you knew the reason. It was because you had been dying to talk to someone since you found out that you were the ‘p-word.’
 He ended up walking you home. Past that, for the next two weeks you guys pretty much saw each other every other day or two and talked fairly regularly. Things became habitual.
In fact.
As you stood in the beaming light of the wardrobe, getting your makeup done, you found yourself stealing little glances here and there to your phone to text with your new friend, Deku. Every buzz of your phone left you with a giddy sense of excitement.
One of the models sharing the gigantic mirror with you quickly took notice of your demeanor, “What are you smiling at, Y/N?”
“She’s texting someone,” another spoke up as your friend/babysitter, Kimi strolled up next to you,
“What?! Y/N L/N texting someone back? Have we entered the Twilight Zone??” she joked. You only responded with poking your tongue out at her before your phone buzzed again, 
[1:00 pm]
Good Luck on your runway thing today!
More like run away thing🏃‍♀️💨
I could help? Bring comfort snacks?
Most of us haven’t eaten a full meal in days BB
You would literally be stampeded by women
Wait that sounded too good🤔
You will literally be stampeded by hungry women***
You haven’t been eating?!
Since when?!
That’s not what I said. 
Just pre-show prep to keep the waists snatched and the legends skinny💁‍♀️
Sorry I don’t know how your job really works.
I’ll come over again tonight after your show and bring dinner!
If that’s okay. Sorry didn’t mean to sound pushy.
“Didn’t you hear? Her and Deku really hit it off on their date,”  Your attention was instantly snapped away from your phone screen.
You gave an ugly snort, “It wasn’t a date.” And you certainly weren’t lying. The friendly atmosphere between you and Izuku felt comfortable as best—nothing intimate about it.
You wouldn't have it any other way. It felt as though he was placed in your life to perfectly fill the holes in your boat just before you started sinking.
“Girl your phone is blowing up!” a co-worker exclaimed, loudly.
Kimi laughed as she pinched your cheeks, “Look at that smile on her face”
All of the commotion gathered the attention of Boss Lady, who was currently storming up to you with the ‘phone box’ (or phone cemetery as some of you liked to call it) in her hand. She liked to have this on her especially in big events like runways or show casings because some of the girls—you were guilty as charged—spent quite a bit of time on their phones behind the scenes, “Phone. Bin. Now.”
Usually, you would put up some type of argument or give a quick-witted remark, but this time around you only rushed to send one final text in before you threw your cellphone into the crate.
I should get off at like 11 see you then broccoli boy🥦🤪
Kimi looked terrified as though she was the one who had just incurred Ainu’s wrath, “Still smiling, huh...?” 
You hadn’t even notice that you had been.
Talking to Deku really did make you happy when you needed it. Just like he spun ‘deku’ around and made it make sense, he had spun your life around and did the same. He made you feel like life was normal—whatever the hell that was. You’d never really been classified as normal anyway, but you had some impression that this resembled what it must feel like.
For a fleeting moment you think that maybe you should just sleep with Deku and pass this pregnancy off as his since you had yet to tell him-- or anyone-- about it. 
But the better half of you instantly slaps this thought out through your ears.
Hello? Welcome to psycho bitch incorporated. Seriously. What the fuck was wrong with you?
Damn, you had been separated from your phone (and Deku) for exactly 23 seconds and you were already outta your cot-damn mind. You get one friend and suddenly you don’t know how to act. 
You needed to somehow find “blond muscle man” and let him know what was up. Fuck, how were you supposed to do that when you didn’t even know his name?
The runway that night went pretty much how every single other runway went, except this time-- you opted not to attend any of the after parties. Instead, you went home and had Deku over, who delivered on his promise with sushi. 
You could smell the sushi as soon as he walked through the door and your mouth instantly watered. He really was god sent. 
The two of you settled quickly in your apartment, deciding to risk it all and eat on your living room couch to watch TV; however, you quickly noticed that the TV wasn’t the only thing that Izuku was watching. As soon as you turned to raise an eyebrow on him he feebly attempted to avert his gaze, but you caught him anyways, “What? You better stop sizing me up unless you wanna fight, Deku,” you sang as you popped another sushi roll into your mouth.
“W-what sizing you up?!”
You cackled at the sudden redness of his face, “I’m just joking. We both know I’d probably kick your ass!”
“You think so?” he actually sounded a bit nervous in his tone, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Oh, I know so,” you shrugged with a growing smirk, “Anyway. What are you staring so hard at me for?”
The air became very still around the two of you as he looked down to think. This was something that became pretty expectant of him these past few week-- a funny little habit.
“It’s just… we’ve been hanging out a lot the past few weeks and I never really noticed it—your… dieting,” he seemed to fall into that last word a bit as if it wasn’t exactly the word that he had wanted to use. 
You knew that he meant to say ‘starving yourself’ but was too reserved for that level of bluntness. That was okay with you. You weren't particularly ready to open that can of worms, “Damn, and here I was thinkin’ I was looking pretty damn good,” you joked as the both of you began cleaning up your food mess.  
“No. That’s not what I meant I—”
“Joking! I’m just joking with you, Big D,” you found yourself using this nickname for him whenever you wanted to see his face fall into it’s deepest shades of red. It worked every single time,
“I have just been at this for a long time—modeling for Ainu’s agency. Since I was 15 actually,” you shook your head a little at the surge of nostalgia that wanted to bubble up your back. You clutched a nearby pillow and hugged it to your chest, “She scouted me at a mall food court. She changed my entire life—for the better of course. She is practically my mom... I owe her a lot,” you found yourself giving into the nostalgia a bit-- a small, fond smile tugging at your lips. You looked up after a few beats of silence filled the air and was met with Deku’s admiring stare, “What? You nerd!” you exclaimed with a giggle, chucking the pillow at him. 
“It’s nothing. I just like hearing about you. I feel like I have been doing a lot of talking about me since we have been hanging out.”
Yeah, he was a Cancer zodiac for sure. You pretty much knew his entire life��s story after only the first week of knowing him, “Are you kidding me?! Your life is straight out of a comic book, BB! I love hearing about it!” You began talking to him from out of the kitchen as you put your leftovers in the fridge,
“You went up against the League of Villains, the Vanguard Action Front and The Paranormal Liberation Front as a freshman?? You powered up from a quirkless crybaby! (Hey!) to an amazing, uprising, super considerate, overpowered crybaby on his way to number one! Your U.A. friends all seem like comic book characters, too. I love them already from what you tell me,” you closed the fridge, revealing his shocked expression.
“Really?” You nodded, igniting a spark in his eyes, “Well, I am actually having a little get together at my place for my friends if you wanna stop by.”
“Yeah sure. As long as my favorite character, Kaminari, is there,” Izuku seemed shocked and slightly offended by your choice in favorite, so you clarified, “He sounded really cool and all with his ‘chatty zappy’ thing going on,” you suddenly rolled your eyes as a bad taste emerged in your mouth, “Kacchan sounds like a little bitch baby though, no offense.”
“What?! Kacchan can ‘Kach’ these ‘hans’! Oh come on. Not even a pity laugh? A little one?” You apparently thought you were a lot funnier than Izuku did. 
“I think the two of you might actually get along. You’re very similar now that I think about it,” he trailed off on his last part, seemingly talking to himself as he grabbed his chin. 
You almost felt offended by his comparison, “Fuck that. Oppisites attract, Similars repel. Besides. Why would I wanna be friends with a little bitch baby that bullies and pisses on quirkless people?”
“Well, when you meet him next week you might like him…”
You clicked your tongue, “So now I am obligated to come, huh?” you smirked.
“N-no well that’s not what I meant but I would appreciate if you—”
You were only half paying attention to his freak out as the abrupt craving for orange juice infiltrated your mind and placed itself on the forefront of your thoughts, “Deku. I am joking!” you absentmindedly reminded him as you scoured your pantries for a wine glass. You had taken to drinking out of these instead of regular cups to at least maintain a semblance of your old self. 
Izuku’s eyes widened at the sight of your collection of wines and alcohols in one of your cupboards. You smirked at him-- throwing him  look that said ‘you ain’t seen nothin yet’ as you opened your freezer to reveal the insane hoard of alcohol you had stored.
His jaw practically dropped to the floor at the sight, “Holy woah, you have an entire liquor store in here!”
“Saving for a rainy day,” you almost immediately realized the error of your words as Izuku motions to one of the windows near you. The two of you sat in a beat of silence as the pitter-patter of rainfall splattered against the glass pane.
“It’s raining today,” he grinned excitedly. 
“No... I cant,” the way that the words fell out sounded about as convincing as a disguise with groucho glasses. You could really go for a drink right about now.
He looked to you a bit sadly, if not disappointed, “Y/N if this is about your diet… I am just saying, I don’t think one day will hurt too much.”
“No, I really shouldn't.” Understatement of the century. 
Izuku grabbed two glasses out of your cupboard with a soft smile gracing his features, “We’ll pour you just a little bit in case you change your mind—”
Maybe one glass wouldn't hurt... No. NO! God, you knew he meant well, but he is really fucking making this hard for you!! “I cant, I’m pregnant!!” you suddenly yelled. He immediately froze, 
“I’m pregnant...”
“Oh... Uhhh congratulations,” the most unconvincing thing to have ever come out of his mouth probably, “Who…”
“I don’t know,” the look of utter horror on his face had you instantly backtracking your answer, “Well—let me rephrase that. I do know who it is, but I don’t know his name. It was a umm.. ‘Wam. Bam. Thank you ma’am’ type deal.” Your face began burning as hot blood rushed into your cheeks. You literally couldn't have phrased that worse if you tried. What the hell was wrong with you? 
“You don’t look pregnant...” the horror on his face now registered into your mind as pure shock. 
“I sure as hell would hope not. I am like a month-ish along—I think.”
“You haven’t been to the doctor?”
“Uhh no...” He was right, you didn't even look pregnant. There was no way in hell that you needed to go to the doctor yet. Right?
“W-wait! Y/N the night we met! You were drinking alcohol!”
“So? I am probably only like a few weeks pregnant and I drank like two glasses. I am sure it didn’t do anything…?”
“Are you really sure? How can you know!? You have to go see a doctor!” he looked terrified. It was as if he suddenly was the embodiment every stressed emotion that you had been shoving away from you these past few weeks and the sight scared you. 
“You’re freaking me out, Deku.”
He instantly froze, “S-sorry,” he looked down to his shoes. Maybe you just might let him pour those drinks after all. He looked like he could use both of them right about now...
The next week dragged on for what felt like eons, as Izuku seemed to cautiously dance around the topic of your “preexisting condition.” It was quite obvious that every time the topic came up, a cloud of discomfort would come and sit on his shoulders; however, the man still made it a point to urge the fact that you needed to set up a doctor’s appointment.
Eventually, you caved in and scheduled for one at a local clinic, but they couldn't get you in for a few weeks anyway-- the joint was at maximum capacity, you guessed?  Apparently, there were more pregnant bitches waddling around than you thought.
Still, Deku urged you to read up and research some things prior to your appointment so that you could ask the doctor any questions that might pop up. It seemed like he was almost way too into this-- taking notes in a composition notepad that he dubbed “Baby Notes Vol 1″ and even mentioning coming along with you to your clinic visit.
It made things extremely real. 
Your little safe space with Deku had effectively been conquered and subjugated by the little parasite that took residence in your body. You shook your shoulders with a sigh as you neared Deku’s door for the party. 
When the door opened you couldn't help the way that your eyebrows flew up in surprise at the sight of a woman opening the door. Uhh... did you go to the wrong house?
The brown haired girl in front of you looked just as surprised as you-- if not even more so. 
Okay, you definitely went to the wrong house.
The sudden sound of Izuku’s voice coming deep from withing the apartment led you to breath easy. You deflated a little bit as you relaxed. You wouldn't have to make a mad dash in a lagged game of ‘ding dong ditch’ after all,  “Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.”
A series of emotions flashed across her expression at your greeting: shocked, nervous, then... disappointed? “Y/N! I’ve heard... so so much about you!” the smile that stretched across her lips seemed almost painful, “I’m Ochako Uraraka! I... love your hair!” she threw out the last part like a rabbit would throw steak to wolves. 
“Thank’s...” you felt fucking awkward and she still hasn’t let you into the apartment, “I’ll make sure to thank the stylist and the bottle of dye she used.”
“That’s not your real hair color? It looks so healthy though!” she seemed heartbroken as she used a pitying tone and you could gauge that the pity was not for yourself. 
“Nah. My agency pretty much determines what hairstyles I wear...”  You made eye contact with Deku inside of the house as he made his way to the door... Thank god! you were saved from that terribly awkward interaction.
“Agency? Hero agency?”
“Modeling, actually. I’m not that badass,” you smirked before walking into the party.
Her figure deflated as if to say, ‘of fucking course’, “Oh. That’s cool!” You didn’t see much of Uraraka after that 
Meanwhile, Bakugou was just a tick away from being angry enough to kill. His roommates had all three convinced him to go to this get together over Deku’s house and they weren't even going to be there on time! 
He had honestly never been to a party with these losers without at least Shitty Hair being with him, so he wasn’t exactly sure how it would pan out and that really bothered him. He wasn’t exactly social at these events, but at least the three stooges kept him somewhat entertained (he would never admit this aloud).
What could those other losers possible do to entertain him?
“Whyyyyyyy?” he heard crying as he neared Deku’s home. His face scrunched in on itself even further than usual as he approached the whining noise. He scoffed at the inebriated mess in front of him,
“What the hell are you doing, round face?”
Uraraka, who was leaning against the edge of Izuku’s front patio looked up, causing Bakugou to deeply grimace at the germy snot that trailed down her red face, “Deku’s new girlfriend sure is cool. He deserves someone like her, right? She’s perfect!” Bakugou couldn't help the way that his face shriveled into itself in disgust. 
It wasn't too late. He could still turn around and go the fuck home and no one would even know he was here. Well, save for bubble cheeks here, but she probably wouldn't even remember to be honest. 
But as soon as Bakugou turned back around to make his escape Uraraka spoke up again, “She’s a model. They met at the Red Sneakers Event apparently,” Of course this piqued the man’s interest. There were only a few models branding the event and he just so happened to be searching for one of them. Uraraka continued with her drooling of words as Bakugou brushed past her and made his way into the house-- not bothering to knock,
“You know I am the one who gave him that idea in the first place? It’s kinda like. I set him up with his future wife!” she drunkenly cried to no one in particular as Bakugou stormed away.
He passed Iida on his way in, “Go get round face and shut her drunk ass up-- she’s outside,” he didn't bother on stopping to further explain before walking back to the commotion of the party.
 As soon as he entered the packed room, his eyes landed on you. It was like the Red Sneakers Event all over again. You were simply glowing-- hard to miss-- especially with the crowd of his old classmates hovering around you like some damn flies on shit-- especially Deku. He was way too close to you-- the rat bastard. 
“Oooh! You’ve been to Milan! That’s so cool, girl! So you must get to sight-see like a lot!”
The way that your shoulders leaned and swayed as you talked sent flutters into Bakugou’s heart. Fucking gross. He watched you speak very intently-- searching for the magic you had used to bewitch him, “Actually I was working a lot when I was there, so I really only got to see the sets and runways,” you made fleeting eye contact with him from across the room, furrowing your eye brows a bit at his stare before breaking the gaze. 
“Do you get to keep the outfits after the shoots?!”
“Pfft. Hell no! This loser still hasn’t sent me a pair of his red shoes. What happened to helping the quirkless, huh, broccoli boi?” The most primal urge of jealousy that Bakugou had ever felt sprinted through his body as you leaned over to playfully tap that shitty Deku in the arm. The feeling was so intense that he hadn’t even registered what you had said fully. 
“You’re quirkless?” Racoon Eyes inquired, snapping Bakugou out of his feral trance. His face fell a bit as he dutifully awaited your answer. 
“Yeah. It’s whatever,” you shrugged.
“The competition must be so difficult!” Momo spoke up as she placed and apologetic hand to her chest. The gesture made you tense up a bit, but you reminded yourself that she probably didn't mean it in a belittling way as she continued,  “I’ve been to a few magazine shoots myself and it is always girls with flashy quirks who end up in front and center!”
“Well, I compete well, I guess,” you knew that hero hero modeling and your fashion modelling were two completely different worlds. Designers saw you guys mostly as clothing racks and mannequins for their clothes, so usually they wanted their models to be as mundane as possible-- not to distract from their fabric art. So basically the perfect job for someone like you, “it’s no big deal. I get by like everybody else.”
“You just live your life like normal!”
“Awhhhh. Y/N. You’re an inspiration!”
Suddenly you felt extremely tired. You couldn't find the energy within  yourself to filter out and soften your next response, “Glad I could inspire you just by breathing I guess.” you gave the girls a slight smile as you shrugged, but the undertone of your comment had not gone unnoticed-- especially by Bakugou who found himself stifling a proud smirk.
You once again made eye contact with him in this moment-- this time not daring to backtrack your gaze until he did-- a warning sign to back he hell off with that staring shit.
As the night progressed you found yourself becoming more and more tired. The debilitating sense of sudden fatigue actually felt like it had taken over even your bones at this point as the aching structures weighed heavily inside of you skin. You decided after about an hour that you were gonna make an early trip back home.
“What, why!?” Deku scanned your face nervously-- he thought you had been having fun!
“Just really damn tired suddenly.”
“Oh...” he trailed off, but suddenly realized the hidden context of your words. Baby Notes vol 1 page 4 section 3: ‘prenatal fatigue’, “Ohhhhh okay! Right! Well Let me call you a taxi or something.”
“Nahh, I’ll walk,” you waved him off as you made your journey toward small crowds of his friends-- waving them goodbye. Deku followed you in your path around his house, 
“W-what? You can’t be serious! You shouldn’t do that!”
You turned around and threw your hand on his shoulder, causing him to instantly freeze up, “I’ll be fine,” you smirked throwing your hand up to his cheek to gently pat his face. Of course, he was left a shivering, blushing mess. It was a low blow, but, hey, it gave you a good opportunity to escape. 
You felt a wave of relief as soon as you made it a few steps outside of the apartment. You released a heavy sigh as you continued walking away. 
Finally. You internally planned the rest of the night in your head: orange juice, Netflix and sleeeep. You could finally just let yourself relax and--
“HEY!” you jumped out of your skin a little at the sudden loud shout. You whipped around to see that blond spikey-haired dude from Deku’s house attempting to close in on you. 
You rolled your eyes as he neared. Hardly throwing him a glance as he approached you to walk a little behind you, “God. You’re the weirdo that was staring at me all night,” you groaned, hoping he would catch your drift. 
“We need to talk!” 
One of you eyebrows instantly quirked up as your lips curled into a look of disgust. You whipped back around towards him, “Look, I am actually tired as hell, so excuse me for my bluntness, but FUCK OFF!” You only caught a glimpse of his flabbergasted expression before you spun back around to storm down the stairs entering the subway. 
“You really don’t know me?” he sounded pissed. 
That’s when it hit you. 
“Oh! it’s you!” you snapped your fingers at the sudden realization, 
“You’re Kacchan!” the look of disgust that hardened on his face intensified by ten fold when he heard you use that nickname. You continued regardless as you neared the train platform, “The asshole bully who likes to pick on quirkless kids. Yeah, well, I don’t give a damn how great you think you are, buddy. You can really fuck off now!” you spun once more to ditch him; however this time around your ankle twisted from underneath you, causing your body to fall down toward the ledge of the platform where underneath the tracks resided.
Bakugou cried out something like ‘you idiot!’ before grabbing you by the waist and yanking you into him before you could completely fall down the ledge. Everything happened so quickly that you hadn't even realized that you were holding your breath until you gasped heavily into his chest.
With a shocked expression you trailed up his neck to his face until you were met with his vermilion eyes, “Shit…” suddenly a wave of familiarity crashed into you. you breathed deeply, “I-It’s you...”
662 notes · View notes
Humans are Space Orcs, “Starhunter.”
Hope you guys have a great friday. 
The camera Hadn’t been in a good position, it was far too low on the jet and the creature was too big. Multiple cameras from the four jets allowed them to see just enough to send up a murmuring through the bridge crew and the officers.
Commander VIr sat in the captain’s chair calm and collected where earlier he had been in a near state of panic.
“I think it’s related to the starborn.”
The entire room turned to look at him, where he sat rubbing his chin and staring at the limited video feed.
“What makes you say that?”
“Because the sucker is telepathic.”
More muttering gone up around the room, “It talked to you?”
He nodded his head.
“What did it say.”
The room went still, they recognized that word. The infected starborn had talked like that once upon a time when they were being used and tortured by the mad Gibb scientist.’
“Deus….. Isn’t that latin?”
“Like Deus ex machina?”
“Remind me what that means again?”
“God of the machine, right?”
Behind him the group continued to debate about the meaning for the word while he saw in his chair tapping his fingers against the seat.
“Well why would it look at the Commander and call him a god. I can understand the big lizard looking in a mirror and calling itself that, but this has happened to him like five or six times, and.’ the man turned to look at him, “No offence sir, but you aren't any kind of god.” 
“Clearly he sees something in me that you don’t.” 
That raised a bit of a laugh from the rest of the room as he stood, “Someone get Conn in here.”
Just as he said that, the door at the far end of the room opened, and the starborn came floating in his ribbons undulating and churning in the sudden pressure change from out in the hallway.
The group went silent.
“Kill it.”
Commander Vir frowned.
“I said kill it.”
“Do you know what this thing is?” He asked pointing towards the video feed.
“So you knew about space dragons the entire time, and you failed to mention this to us?”
Conn’s ribbons flicked as he glowered icily towerds the commander, “It was not relevant at the time. It eats starborn, specifically starborn queens , but it is not a starborn. That thing hanging around its neck would have been it’s mate, who does eat regular starborn.”
Another murmuring around the room.
“And you’re sure you have no idea what deus means?”
He shook his head, “it is a human word, not a word of the starborn, so I have no idea why the creature would use it. Probably saw it in your head is all and wanted to freak you out before eating you.”
“It didn’t try to eat us.”
The starborn shrugged, “Doesn’t matter, kill it.”
“Conn, You know I’m not authorized to go around the galaxy slaying dragons.” He turned to everyone else on dec. I’m setting a course back to where I saw it, who knows, maybe it is still there, either way we are going to be safe and keep our distance. Everyone back to your stations.”
The crew turned and did as ordered, as the commander went back to the ship controls. Conn floated behind him looking a little more than Td off, but commander Vir ignored him. Conn was safe on the ship,so the creature would not be feasting on starborn today.
Slowly, he engaged the engines and turned them in a slow arc to drift back towards the overly thick dust cloud.
Looking at it, the cloud was still billowing a bit, sort of spreading outward, but he assumed that was leftover residual movement from the stardragon earlier.
Stardragon? Voidhunter? Lord of the cosmos.
He would have to think up something cool to call it later.
He had seen it first after all and that gave him the right to name it something awesome .
He locked their drift and then stood from his seat eyeing the viewing window. There appeared to be nothing there, and no evidence of the glowing white light that had cut through the mist before.
“Any radar readout?”
There was a pause followed by a shake of the head, “Sorry, Commander,  nothing, but that cloud is thick and it looks like there's some sort of debris inside as well, which is probably not helping. It might be there and it might not.
He leaned back against his seat with a sigh.
Get me a feed through to the UNSC and the GA.
He didn’t have to wait long before the two feeds were up.
One of them was of the Rundi chairwoman and a small council of other alien species, while the second was the UNSC control room. An admiral he didn’t recognize was heading the operation, but he kept it professional.
“Commander, how are opperatons going on at the black hole. We received some of your images. Truly remarkable; the scientific community is thrilled.”
“Yes commander, you are the first to dare venture this close to a singularity. I worry but it is remarkable.” The Chairwoman agreed.
He held up a hand, “I…. well yes, of course, but I am afraid our focus has been momentarily diverted for the moment.”
“What could be so interesting as to temporarily divert you from a black hole.”
He turned his head towards the admiral, “Space dragons, sir.”
There was a pause 
“What is a dragon?” The chairwoman ased.
The Admiral opened and closed his mouth like a suffocating fish.
The commander rested his hands in his lap, “Approximately two hours ago, while piloting one of our jets, I noticed an inconsistency with the way the dust was being settled in this particular system. There was movement where there should have been none. I called in for backup, and we went to investigate. When we got there the dust parted momentarily enough for us to see a creature. This thing could easily have wrapped itself around a GA imperial Cruiser. It has a very long, thin body, no legs or arms. It’s head is the head of a predator, a snout, lots of teeth and some horns.
On its back there are two ridges that, when opened look like flowing white tarps. Somehow the creature can harden these tarps to create solar sales which it uses to move, sort of like a starborn.
“Is this some kind of joke, Commander.”
“No sir, I wouldn’t be so dumb as to joke about something so unbelievable. I am sending you the video feed now so you can see for yourself. The quality is not good but we have moved further into the system with the main ship to see if we can get a better look as I assume sentient life trump's phenomena we have known about for more than two thousand years.
The admiral sighed, “yes, I suppose it does.” 
The GA chairwoman only nodded her head, “Do what you must commander, and be careful. Try not to make the creature angry.”
“Yes, Chairwoman.” He cut the feed and leaned back in his seat.
“No duch.” He stood from his seat, “Like I was planning on pissing off the massive ass space dragon.” His sarcasm went mostly unheard and he finally turned to look towards his second lieutenant, “Lt. Take command, and call me down if you see anything.”
The Lt Stood and commander Vir stepped aside for her to take his seat as he turned and walked for the room.
The halls were mostly empty as the ship was technically past working hours. 
He rubbed his temples again dragging his hands down his face.
Today had been an eventful day, more than he had wanted it to be, and he hadn’t forgotten the reason he had been driven into  space to see the creature in the first place. He was going to have to confront that at some point and decide what it meant.
He walked onto the observation deck leaning his back against one of the tables as he stared out at the vast dust cloud backlit by some unseen stars.
He had to think about what to do, though at this moment he was completely blanking on the subject. He had been running from situations like this for as long as he could remember. 
The first time he had ever had any sort of feelings for someone, though granted they were the underdeveloped misunderstood feelings of a teenage boy. He had been burned. He knew it was stupid to hold onto those old issues, but that was a part of him that had just never grown up, it was still a cowering child hiding in the back corner afraid of rejection again.
He leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling.
Just when he thought he was starting to grow as a person, as a man something came back to remind him just how much of a lost child he was.
This time was even different than the last time. That other person initiated the contact, and it was more than clear that she was interested in him, she had admitted that much, so what was wrong with him?
What was the problem?
Well, perhaps a part of him was afraid to prove everyone right. He had been teased for so long about having a weird thing for aliens, and he knew that wasn’t a view that a lot of people were likely to hold on to, but still proving right the people you didn’t like always hurt.
Maybe that was his problem? Maybe he cared too much about how other people saw him?
Another reason why he was still just a child playing at a man’s work.
Was this just him having problems, or did all of humanity feel this way. He felt like that wasn’t the case, every admiral he had ever met seemed like the kind of person who had been born old.
Footsteps behind him on the deck.
He turned his head slightly recognizing the pattern of footsteps as they walked quietly across the observation deck to stand next to him.
Distant white light filtered in through the opening  bathing both of them in a soft halo glow.
Sunny’s blue carapace glittered delicately in the dark as she leaned back against the table to stare out at the darkness with him.
“You ok?” she finally asked 
She shrugged, “Am I ever/”
“Most of the time, actually, yes.” 
He went quiet, reaching down to rub nervously at his prosthetic leg, “Look, I…. Uh…. I’m sorry I bailed on you. That was stupid.”
She shrugged, “I expected as much.”
“Ouch…. Not sure if I should be offended or not.”
She huffed, “if I was trying to offend you I would probably say something about your face. I have a lot more ammunition to work with.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth,”very funny, especially coming from someone who looks like you”
“You’re just jealous.”
“Of what, you two toed four finger monstrocity.”
“Cute, are we picking pet names now. I can call you fleshy, or cyclops or peg leg.”
“That’s Captain Peg leg to you. Captain Peg leg the blond beard space pirate.”
“Captain Jackass the one eyed lunatic.” She said elbowing him in the ribs.  He grunted and elbowed her back, an action which quickly devolved into a slap fight, that Sunny inevitably won because she had more hands.
The play fighting died down leaving him staring out into space and eyeing the dust cloud. She watched hi with some curiosity, “What is a dragon?”
“A legendary monster in human lore. It goes back thousands of years and has origins in hundreds of human cultures. A dragon sort of takes the shape of a lizard, but with wings, and a hundred to a thousand times larger. Sometimes they have massive wings, and generally they can breathe fire.”
“Like a flamethrower.”
He smiled, “Exactly, they are usually connected to power and wisdom.”
“Did these dragons ever exist?” she wondered.
“Not as far as anyone knew.” he motioned to the window, “but I guess we were kind of right.”
A pulse of light lit up the interior of the cloud.
Sunny and Adam stepped forward staring intently at the window.
The light happened again growing brighter and brighter. Dust puffed outward from the cloud.
Sunny pressed her hands against the viewing window in awe as the cosmic creature looped from within the clouds, its long body rotating in great spirals loops and acrs as it twisted through space.
Light rolled up and down it’s blue scaled body seeping through the cracks in it’s scales. The smaller silver dragon curled and uncurled about it’s neck as it rolled through space, like a ribbon at the end of a ribbon dancer’s wand.
It’s beauty, and the silence cast them into  a dull glow.
As silhouettes in the darkness. 
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 2: Second Chance at First Line (Part Two)
Hey there beautiful reader! If you’re new here, this is a series I’m writing where each chapter is an episode from the first season of Teen Wolf. If you’ve been here before, hey! I missed you! Previous and future chapters are linked at the end of each part if you want to catch up.
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader (eventually)
P.S. Stiles and Scott are really bad at keeping secrets and Jackson is a suspicious asshole.
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I stared down at my algebra homework, the numbers blurring together until I couldn’t read them anymore. I blinked a few times in an effort to clear my vision. My head was killing me. I groaned and slammed my pencil down onto the desk in front of me. I’d been working on this for almost an hour now, but I couldn’t quiet my mind. It was already dark outside and I wasn’t even close to being done.
Every time I closed my eyes, gruesome images flashed behind them. Scott and Stiles walking through the forest with shovels, half a body buried in the earth, mangled animals.
I rubbed at my temples and let my head fall down onto the textbook in front of me. As I rested for a moment, I felt myself becoming faint. My eyes fluttered open and black dots floated around my bedroom. I cursed myself for fighting it this long. I knew that always made it worse.
All I could do was whimper as my limbs grew weaker. My eyes rolled back involuntarily and my phone clattered onto the hardwood floor. After that, everything went dark.
I woke to the sound of voices. I was laying on my side, one arm outstretched above my head while the other lay against my stomach. I pried my heavy eyelids open and the whole world tilted. My stomach churned painfully as a wave of nausea crashed over me. It felt like I’d just been hit by a semi-truck. My muscles protested as I forced myself up off the cold ground.
Wait. Cold...ground...
Shit. I was back in the forest. Why did it always have to be the forest? I couldn’t sleepwalk to one of my friends houses or something? My head was no longer pounding, so I knew I was in the place it wanted me to be. Why, though, I had no idea.
“What if he comes back?” It was Scott’s voice that drifted toward me with the wind.
Judging by the volume, he couldn’t be far.
“I have a plan for that.” Stiles responded, sounding slightly out of breath.
I wiggled my fingers as I waited for my body to regain it’s strength. It always took a minute or so after an episode.
“Which is?” Scott was gasping gently too.
Once I felt confident that I wouldn’t face plant, I used a nearby tree to help me get to my feet. I took a few slow steps forward to test myself. Satisfied that I was mostly back to normal, I headed in their direction. Goosebumps erupted on my skin as a soft breeze brushed against me. Once again, I was only wearing a t-shirt and it was freezing out here.
“You run one way, I run the other. Whoever he catches first...too bad.”
I climbed up a small hill and saw Scott and Stiles kneeling before a large hole in the ground. Two shovels lay discarded on the dirt beside them. I swallowed thickly. So, that part of my vision had already happened.
“I hate that plan!”
I didn’t want to waste anymore time. They might think I’m a psycho for sneaking up on them, but I had to find out why they were so hellbent on solving a murder case. I knew my mind wouldn’t let me rest until I figured it out. And I wanted to get home, so I needed to act fast. Within seconds I was standing on the other side of the hole they’d obviously just dug.
“What the hell are you guys doing?” I crossed my arms to maintain some of my body heat as I started shivering.
“Gah!” Stiles jumped aggressively at my voice and fell face first into the hole.
I winced and peered inside to make sure he didn’t hurt himself.
“Y/N? How-how did you find us?” Scott bolted to his feet and looked at me with wide, nervous eyes.
I was honestly surprised he knew my name. I’d been around him plenty of times with Allison, but never really talked to him directly until now.
“That’s...” I hesitated. It wasn’t like I could tell them what actually happened. “Not important. What are you doing?”
“Why are you everywhere?” Stiles popped back up like a whack-o-mole and braced his hands on the dirt edge of the hole.
“What?” I asked dumbly, my own eyes widening.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you spying on us all week.” He wagged a finger at me like a disgruntled father.
My cheeks grew hot under the accusation. I really didn’t want them to think I was some weirdo stalker. I tried to keep the rising defensiveness out of my voice. “It’s not my fault you two talk about halved bodies and animal bites in public.”
“You heard that?” Stiles dropped his hand, his eyes twitching slightly.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “It was kind of hard not to. You really think Derek killed that girl?”
Scott took a step toward me with a hand outstretched. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to intimidate me or reassure me with that gesture. Either way, he looked close to a panic attack.
“Y/N, you can’t be here. You need to go home.” His brown eyes were boring into mine, practically begging me to listen.
I frowned. I did not take orders from anyone but my mother, occasionally. I closed the distance between us with a few long strides.
“Not until I get some answers. I’d like to know if I accepted a ride from a murderer. Why are you two so interested, anyway? And talking about scents and bite marks?”
“Oh, God.” Scott instantly started spiraling. He backed away from me and shoved his hands through his hair. He was muttering something to himself that I couldn’t make out.
“Uh...guys.” Stiles’ shaky voice fluttered up from the hole he was still standing in. I moved my attention from Scott’s freak out to see what he wanted.
I looked inside and let out a loud shriek at the sight before me. One lifeless eye stared up toward the sky, attached to the upper body of a wolf. A very much dead wolf. That was cut in half. Bile rose up my throat and I gagged, staggering away from it.
Stiles pulled himself out of the hole and Scott ran to my other side.
“What the hell is that?” He yelled, still freaking out but probably because of the corpse in front of us now.
“It’s a wolf.” I deadpanned, still staring at it. I couldn’t take my eyes away from the gruesome sight.
“Yeah, we can see that.” Stiles sent a glare my way and leaned over me to look at Scott. “I thought you said you smelled blood. Like human blood.”
Did he just say...?
Scott took a deep breath to calm himself down. “I told you something was different.”
I looked back and forth between them, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
“It doesn’t make sense.” Stiles threw a hand up in frustration.
“We gotta get out of here.” Scott just shook his head and picked up one of the shovels from the ground.
“Yeah. Okay. Help me cover it up.” Stiles grabbed the other shovel and was about to stick it into the loose dirt when something caught his eye.
My heart started pounding with uncertainty. What if it was Derek coming back? If he saw us on his property and he actually was a murderer, I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to add three more bodies to this grave.
“What’s wrong?” I breathed, unable to wait any longer for him to tell us what he was seeing.
“You see that flower?” He pointed somewhere in front of us.
True to his word, there was a single flower sticking up from the ground a few feet away. There were a few small green leaves at its base, and light purple pedals that formed an almost perfect cylinder at the top.
“What about it?” Scott sounded annoyed that he was stalling the clean up process.
“I think it’s wolfsbane.” Stiles was still staring at the flower with wide eyes.
Wolfsbane? Like the plant from werewolf mythology? There was no way that could be a real thing.
“What’s that?” I let out a sigh of relief when Scott asked the question, glad I wasn’t the only one confused right now.
Stiles’ brows rose and his lips parted in scrutiny as he gave Scott a long look. “Haven’t you ever seen The Wolfman? Lon Chaney Jr? Claude Rains?”
He shook his head. Stiles’ eyes snapped to mine. “The original classic werewolf movie?”
“Of course I’ve seen it.” I admitted. I’d always loved old films, and I actually had to watch that one for a class at one of my old schools.
Stiles sighed and closed his eyes for a brief moment before turning his attention back to Scott. “You’re so unprepared for this.”
My mind was racing with questions. The way they were talking...it was as if something else was going on with all of this. Something other than human. I’d already heard Scott talking about smelling and hearing things he shouldn’t be able to...
Was he...?
Stiles plucked the flower from the ground, a big clump of dirt coming with it. That’s not all that emerged from the ground, though. A piece of rope was seemingly attached to the roots. He looked back at us in question and both Scott and I shrugged.
He pulled on the rope and followed along the path it was creating in the dirt. It became clear almost instantly that it had been buried all the way around the grave, in a huge spiral. Stiles continued walking until the entire length of rope was wrapped around his hands. I heard a soft gasp from beside me and watched as Scott stood to his feet slowly.
“Stiles.” He muttered, staring right into the grave with a horrified glint in his eyes.
I looked down and yelped, nearly shitting myself at the transformation that had happened. The severed upper body of a woman was now lying where the wolf had just been. Stiles joined us quickly.
“Oh, whoa.” He stumbled back at the sight.
The three of us stared down into the hole in stunned silence for a few long moments. I took a step backward to put some distance between myself and the body. This was all too much. What I just witnessed is not possible. It shouldn’t be possible. But it had happened right before my eyes. Wolves don’t just turn into people.
I wrapped my arms around myself tighter, feeling my entire body start to tremble. I didn’t know whether it was from the cold or the events of the last few minutes.
“Y/N?” Stiles suddenly called out as he noticed that I was retreating.
At this point, I wasn’t sure if either of the boys in front of me were entirely human. There had to be some kind of supernatural shit going on here, and I wanted no part of it. I just moved. I couldn’t let us be forced out of another town already.
“I—I’m gonna...I have to...” My teeth were chattering now and my words kept getting all jumbled up. 
“We can explain.” Scott went back to having a major freak out. “All of it.” 
I didn’t really want him to, to be honest. I’d seen enough to know that I didn’t want to be involved anymore. I just hoped my mind would be satisfied at this point and not force my hand again. I couldn’t help it if I just kept showing up places, but at least while conscious, I would be keeping my distance from now on. 
My shoulders tensed as I felt something heavy wrap around me. I’d been so lost in thought that I hadn’t even noticed Stiles walking toward me and offering his jacket. My muscles instantly relaxed under the comforting warmth and I sighed tiredly. Even if I wanted to get away from them, I wasn’t about to turn away a coat right now. 
And, God, it smelled good. 
I sent him a small, grateful smile and his eyes flickered around my face quickly as if checking for signs of insanity. 
“I’ll drive you home.” I sighed in relief that he’d somehow read my mind and nodded. My shaky hands pulled his jacket tighter around my torso as I followed the two of them toward a trailhead. 
I chewed on my lip nervously as I sat in the back of Stiles’ blue Jeep. He and Scott had been throwing ideas around about wolfsbane and it’s uses since we pulled out of Beacon Hills Preserve, but I hadn’t said a word. I was still trying to process everything I just saw while coming up with a plan to avoid these two for the rest of my life. 
“Maybe it’s a special skill, like something you have to learn.” My attention snapped back to the front of the car with Stiles’ words and I realized I had no idea what they were talking about. 
“I’ll put it on my to-do list. I already need to figure out how the hell I’m playing this game tonight.” Scott barked back, seeming a little breathless. I leaned forward a bit and watched as he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. 
“Maybe it’s different for girl werewol...” Stiles let his last word trail off. His head jutted forward and he rolled his lips inward as he visibly cringed. 
A heavy silence filled the car. His eyes fluttered and snapped to mine in the rear view mirror. My jaw was slack as I stared right back. Did he just...was he going to...
“Stiles, finish that thought.” My voice was barely above a whisper. I tried to ignore the fluttering in my stomach as I said his name aloud for the first time. 
He hesitated, chewing on his lips in thought. He looked between Scott and I. Back and forth. I saw Scott shake his head minutely and clenched my jaw shut. If they didn’t tell me what the hell was going on soon, I couldn’t be held accountable for my irresponsible actions. Like jumping out of a moving vehicle. 
“I...I was going to say...” I started taking off his jacket as he tried to think of a believable lie. 
Yeah, I was done. The second we slowed down enough I would be removing myself from this situation and never speaking to them again. 
“Stop that!” Scott suddenly yelled and gripped his hair, so I froze with one arm free. 
“Stop what?” Stiles’ fingers tensed on the steering wheel as his head snapped to the right. 
“Talking!” He was breathing heavily now and clutching his hands into fists. I pressed my back into the seat behind me, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. 
“Are you okay?” Dumb question, Stiles. He was clearly very much not okay. 
He began hyperventilating and pulling at his seatbelt. “No! No, I’m not okay! I am so far from being okay!”
Good God. I’m going to die. 
“You know, you’re going to have to accept this, Scott. Sooner or later.” Stiles’ spoke with that parental tone again and all I could think was that this was so not the time for a lecture. 
“I can’t!” Scott’s voice was thicker now, more guttural. I pushed myself against the door to my left and gripped the handle. 
“Well you’re gonna have to!” Stiles was yelling now too, only making the situation worse. 
“No, I can’t breathe.” Scott slammed one of his hands into the roof of the Jeep with a loud groan and I yelped in surprise. I covered my mouth and froze in fear. My heart was racing in my chest. He was really freaking out, to the point of potential violence. A small car was not the place to be with someone like that.
Suddenly, jumping out seemed like a really good idea. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Stiles swerved to the left and I lost my hold on the door handle. My shoulder slammed into the plush cushion beside me and the seatbelt dug painfully into my hips. 
“Pull over.” Scott demanded, breathing heavily. He hunched over and groaned again. 
“Why? What’s happening?” Stiles was watching him carefully instead of focusing on the road. 
“Oh my God, Stiles! Just do it!” I shrieked, wanting nothing more than to get away from them both. 
Just then, Scott peered into the duffle bag resting on the center console between them and...growled? 
“You kept it?!” His voice was deeper than I had ever heard it and raw with emotion. Anger, mostly. But there were traces of anxiety and fear too. 
“What was I supposed to do with it?” Stiles’ voice cracked with panic as he continued to race on down the road. 
Scott moaned loudly. It sounded like he was in agony. He lowered his head to his chest before snapping it back up quickly. I gasped in shock and scrambled as far backward as I could at the sight of his face. Here eyes were no longer their normal brown, but now looked more like fireflies as they glowed a bright yellow. His canines elongated into pointy spikes. 
“Stop the car!” The metal cage around us shook with his intense scream. 
All I could do was stare at him with wide eyes as Stiles’ skidded to a violent stop in the middle of the road. Thankfully, no one was coming at the moment. He immediately jumped out of the driver’s seat, taking the duffle bag with him. He chucked it over a nearby hill as hard as he could, and it disappeared instantly between the trees. 
“Okay, we’re good.” He called before walking back to the car. 
I hesitantly let my eyes trail back to the passenger seat. I had no idea what I would see sitting there. Would it be Scott? Or some kind of monster?
“Oh, no...” Stiles muttered, noticing at the same time as me that he was gone. 
I tried to catch my breath as I unbuckled myself and fell out of the Jeep. At once, I was both relieved that he was gone and worried about him. The chilly night air helped shock me back into reality. That really just happened. 
“Werewolf.” I whispered, breathless. My eyes met Stiles’, which were practically bulging out of his head at my declaration. “You were going to say werewolf.” 
I watched a cloud of condensed air gather in front of my lips as I exhaled and shoved my hands into the pockets of my coat. It was way colder than I’d expected. Part of me wished I’d taken Allison’s advice and worn a scarf. 
“What do you think she’s saying to him?” She asked from beside me, watching Lydia invade Scott’s personal space on the field. 
I had no idea, and I didn't really care. I had so many other things to worry about. Like the fact that he’s a fucking werewolf and we just discovered half of a dead body on Derek Hale’s property a couple hours ago. 
I just shook my head. “I don’t know, probably bribing him to pass to Jackson.”
After losing Scott, Stiles drove me the rest of the way home. He’d practically threatened me when informing me that I couldn’t tell a single soul what happened tonight. I caught him looking up at me from the bench and swallowed nervously. I really wanted to tell Allison. She was practically dating him, for God’s sake. She deserved to know.
I still had no idea where Scott had gone. Either way, he was here at the lacrosse team’s first game. Something in my gut told me that he shouldn’t be here. That it was a terrible idea and bad things were going to happen. 
Lydia joined us in the stands, looking smug. Allison asked her what she’d been talking to Scott about, and she played coy. I kept my eyes trained forward. I just had such a bad feeling. 
The game started out slow for Beacon Hills. We were currently behind a few points, and time was almost up. I noticed that Scott and Jackson kept ramming into each other and intentionally keeping the ball out of the other’s hands. It probably had something to do with the way Jackson had threatened Scott about his alleged drug use in the hallway.
Suddenly, Scott got good. Really good. He was catching the ball left and right, and making every goal. The stands were erupting in cheers at each successful goal he made, but I was watching him closely. He seemed agitated. He was breathing heavily and hunching over every few seconds. I glanced down at Stiles and saw that he was chewing on one of his gloves nervously. 
“That’s it, Jackson! Get fired up!” The coach yelled excitedly from the sidelines. 
“Here, help me with this.” Lydia pulled a sign out of seemingly nowhere and grabbed mine and Allison’s hands.
I stood up and peered around to see what it said. In big bubble letters it read, “We Luv U Jackson!”
As if sensing it, Scott’s head snapped in our direction. Stiles whipped around and cringed before turning back to the field. I watched Scott’s shoulders heave as he took long, labored breaths. He was about to shift, I could feel it. Any minute now, the entire school would know that he’s a werewolf.
He caught a pass and practically jumped over another players shoulders. My lips parted in surprise. That was actually kind of badass. He weaved past every player that tried getting in his way and somehow scared them enough to start passing directly to him. 
Then, he threw a ball so hard that it broke through our opponents goalie net. 
The crowd exploded with pride, but I was frozen. That is not good. There was no way a normal person would be able to do something like that. He was going to get himself caught. 
Time was running out. There were only six seconds left on the clock. Scott managed to score the winning goal and everyone, including Stiles, cheered happily. I watched as Scott threw one of his gloves off and gasped at the sight of brown claws at the tips of his fingers. The people around me started ambushing to field to celebrate. I quickly lost sight of Allison and Lydia. 
I managed to see Scott bolting toward the locker rooms through the dense crowd. Stiles seemed to notice too and went chasing after him. I wanted to help, but I knew I couldn’t just run into the boy’s locker room. I would have to trust that they could handle it. 
I turned to walk down to the field, but stopped when I caught sight of Jackson holding Scott’s discarded glove. My eyes widened as I watched him inspect it. He was paying close attention to the ends of each finger, where claws had poked through. He looked around, probably trying to find Scott. 
This is so, so not good.
Episode 2, Part One      Episode 3
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jawritter · 4 years
One Hell Of A Thank You...
Request: Can I request a Dean Winchester x plus size reader, where the reader is really quirky and dorky and goes on a date but turns out her date is a vampire and kidnapped her and dean saves her and falls in love with her, maybe some angst, fluff, and smut 💕
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning: Smut, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving), Angst, Fluff, hint at insecure reader, hint of body image issues. 
Word Count: 1994
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you guys enjoy this one!
Want more? Check out my Masterlist!!
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The room was dark and cold, everything felt damp, the faint smell of mildew made your stomach churn a little and an uneasy feeling settle deep inside your chest. Thick, heavy ropes held your arms above your head at your wrist, keeping you in the awkward sitting position that made your muscles strain.
You never thought that you would find yourself here, never in a million years. Derick seemed like a nice guy, boy where you fooled. Hell, he wasn't even human! 
You had met Derick online in a hacker chat room, you had been talking for weeks before he convinced you to meet him for dinner tonight at a local restaurant. Everything was going great..... Until it wasn't, and now you were here...
This was just your luck. 
You were never popular in high school... Always dorky and quirky... Always a little heavier than the other girls, never fitting in with the popular crowd. 
That hadn't changed much as you became an adult. 
You were still overweight by everyone else's standards, you were still dorky, you were still quirky, and most people did pay you the time of day, so you knew that no one would come looking for you, and in the very unlikely event you got out of this alive, no one would believe you. No one believes in vampires, hell, you didn't until less than an hour ago... 
Would they turn you.....
Drain you.....
You had been alone most of your life, where are you going to die alone now?
Your head was still throbbing where Derick had knocked you out in order to take you to wherever the hell you were now. A part of you just wished that they would just kill you instead of keeping you strung up like some piece of meat... Then it crossed your mind that's probably what you were to them, and you knew there were more than one of them, you could hear the footsteps moving around above you...
You don't know how long you sat there before you finally heard movement above you again and your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest. 
Are going to kill you?
The noises got louder and louder, people yelling, more people than you thought there would be. Loud sounds you couldn't make out hitting the floor. 
What the hell was going on up there? That didn't sound like anything you had heard since being brought here.
You breathe quicker as you could hear footsteps coming down the stairs in the basement you were tied in.
You wanted to scream, but you were too afraid to. White hot fear rolled down your spine as if someone had cracked a rather large egg on top of your head, and it was working its way down to your toes. A sickening, slick fear.  One you had never experienced before...
A thick light pierced through the darkness and landed on you, blinding you from seeing it's wielder, and for a moment they froze... Shining their light on you before they started to make their way closer to you...
"Sammy!!" The deep voice behind the light yelled towards the upstairs part of the house, followed by a rush of quick footsteps as they descended the stairs toward you. 
The man made his way over to you, putting the flashlight on the ground, a machete covered in blood in his hand. Your world was spinning... You didn't know how much longer you were going to be able to say conscious.
"Hang on sweetheart, we're going to get you out of here..." 
Were the last words you heard before everything faded to black...
The next thing you remember was the warmth of a comforter wrapped around your body, and a bed underneath you, the distinct smell of a cheap hotel hit your nose... 
Forcing your eyes open you look around the room at the stains on the walls, and the cheap hotel furniture before eyes landed on the most gorgeous pair of green eyes you had ever seen...
"Morning," his deep voice graveled out from the little couch he was sitting on in the room before making his way over to sit on the bed next to you.
"Feeling better?" he asked you, and you had to swallow really hard to make your voice work. 
"Yeah... I guess... Where am I?" you asked him, wondering if you had been saved from the vampires, only to be kidnapped again by some very hot serial killer...
"Motel 6 just outside of town... I assume by now you know those guys were vampires that had you tied in that basement." 
You nodded your head and cast your eyes anywhere but at the beautiful green eyed man sitting next to you on the bed. Afraid you'd start crying, and he'd see how big of a dork you were. After all, you had lived through in the past 48 hours, crying just seemed stupid now...
A thick calloused hand wrapped warmly around yours, pulling it closer to him, and running small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, almost sensing you were uneasy.
"It's okay, those things are dead, they won't be bothering you anymore, but I have to ask, who  did you end up with them, sweetheart?"
Now you really were embarrassed, the thought that you were so stupid as to meet that guy for a blind date, he turned out to be worse than a serial killer.
"I... Fuck..." 
You covered your face with your hands and you felt his large hand place lightly on your knee. His thumb rubbing across the exposed skin there. 
"It's okay, tell me, how does such a pretty girl end up with a bunch of freaks like that?"
His word stopped you dead in your thought process. No one had ever called you pretty before, dork, fat ass, and a lot of other names you rather not remember, but never pretty. 
Looking up you meet his soft gaze and you swear your heart stopped beating for a moment. 
"I met him in an internet chat room. I work as a hacker... He convinced me to come on a blind date with him. Men aren't usual, you know flocking to me, so anyway I agreed to go. Long story short he knocked me over the head after showing me his teeth, and then I woke up tied up in his basement." 
You looked down at your lap, not able to meet the man's gaze.
“That’s their loss, Sweetheart,” Dean said. You couldn’t help the blush that crept in over your checks.
"What's your name?" he asked softly. 
"I'm Dean."
Dean slid over closer to you, checking you for injuries and looking at your head where they'd knocked you out, his fingers lightly grazing over your neck making you shiver, his cologne surrounded you, mixed with a hint of gunpowder and whiskey. It was intoxicating, and you found yourself leaning into his touch without even thinking about it.
"You so beautiful princess. I can see why he wanted to keep you. Hell, I wouldn't mind you staying with me either, but I won't lock you in the basement. '' Dean chuckles trying to lighten the mood. His eyes stayed glued to you as you stared at each other. Moving closer and closer to one another. 
Before you knew what was happening his lips brushed against yours, softly, tentatively. Giving you plenty of room to push him away if you wanted to. The thing was you didn't want to. You didn't normally do something like this with random men, but there was something about Dean that just drew you to him. Some invisible pull that you just could shove off, and the moment his lips touched yours again it was like electricity shot through your body, waking you up in ways that you never had been.
His hands made their way around your waist and he slowly laid you down on the bed you were both sitting on. His fingers brushing under your shirt and on the bare skin of your stomach.
"You know we don't have to do this baby girl. I don't want you to think..."
In a rush of panic that this beautiful man would decide against what you had already started together, you cut him off by placing your lips to his. Neither of you seemed to be any good with words, but you knew what you felt, and felt more alive than you ever did as soon his lips touched yours, and damn it you weren't about to stop now. 
"I want to, Dean. You’re not making me do anything I don't want to do." Reaching down you grabbed your shirt and lifted it over your head. His eyes raked over your body like a starving man, and for just a moment your insecurities almost got the best of you.
"So fucking gorgeous sweetheart." He growled as he ripped his shirt from his body and threw it to the floor. 
Clothes began to fall as you both remove your layers quickly, all you could think about was the need to be with him. Feel his skin on your skin. This hands-on your body.. his lips on yours. 
His lips grazed over the skin of your shoulder as his hands explored your body and you arched into him. 
"Dean.." You whimpered, and he nodded knowingly. His calloused hands slipping down your body, finding your little bundle of nerves, and running small circles. Pulling a moan from your lips. 
His lips began to make their way down your body. Over your stomach and your thick thighs that you hated so much. He worshiped your body like no one had ever. Finding you quickly dampening folds and replacing his fingers with his tongue. You all but screamed as he slipped two thick fingers into your waiting heat, growling as your walls already fluttered around him.
Before you knew what hit you your orgasm nearly knocked you unconscious. His mouth doing things you didn't even know was possible. Sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through you. His name fell from your lips like a prayer as he worked you slowly through it.
As soon as you came down from your high Dean was hovering over you, his mouth finding yours again, giving you a taste of yourself still on his lips. 
Dean's eyes met yours against as he lined up his thick length with your center. Pumping himself a few times before he slowly presses himself in, fulling seating himself inside of your warmth with a grunt. Still for a  moment before he pulled out all the way and slowly seating himself back. Setting a  slow steady pace that was quickly gaining speed. 
Every trust he made drove you higher and higher, his mouth barely left yours as worked his body over yours. Before you knew it you could feel the coil tightening once again in your stomach, your nails digging into his shoulders, spurring him on.
"Fuck Dean. I'm..."
"I know baby I'm right there. Let go." 
With that, your walls clamped down around him, and your release washed over you as he spilled himself deep inside of you. Working you both slowly through it until you had come down completely before collapsing on top of you. Catching himself on his elbows to keep from crushing you under his weight. Even though you wouldn't have minded it. There was something so safe and secure about being there underneath him, his body caging your own. 
Finally, a chuckle left his lips as he pulled out of you slowly. Settling down on his side and pulling you into his chest. 
"All I did was kill some vamps and drag you out of a basement. That was one hell of a thank you, sweetheart." He teased you, and you playfully jabbed him in his ribs, electing the most contagious laugh you had ever heard, one that you could totally get used to hearing every day.
"You know you're stuck with me now right Dean. You're never getting rid of me."
Dean sat quietly for a moment before bringing his lips to yours. "I don't want to get rid of you, your mine now princess.."
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@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​
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kimjongdaely · 4 years
Haunted [Fifth Room]
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All members; EXO
Genre: Mystery, horror, choose your own adventure
Warnings: gore, blood, death, violence, language
Summary: Following your friends into a random creepy abandoned house will be a mistake that haunts you forever.
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Entrance│First Room│Second Room│Third Room│Fourth Room│ Fifth Room│Sixth Room│Seventh Room│Last Room
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You’re not ready.
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Sent by anons and @graynightreader​
“Do we go?” Baekhyun asks, breaking the scared silence heavy in the air. It’s suffocating as you stare into the next room, fear settling in your stomach and making you want to hurl.
“I think so.” Kyungsoo says quietly, re-gripping his flashlight. “Shall we go in groups?”
“Yeah, half should stay here just in case.” Junmyeon says, voice trembling despite the brave façade he’s trying to show.
“In case of what?” Yixing asks, but the question goes unanswered. Everyone knows.
“L-Let’s go.” Jongdae steps forward, feigning confidence as well. “Who’s coming with me?”
Everyone is silent. You shift your weight, hands sweating furiously.
Oh, fuck it.
“I’m going with you.” You’re too morbidly curious about the next room, why it looks so similar yet different. If you’re going to die anyways, you might as well take the leap.
Yixing and Kyungsoo step forward, volunteering to go with you and Jongdae. You eye the remaining group, their eyes downcast and body trembling.
It’s now the five of you who will be moving on. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Jongin, Sehun and Junmyeon stay in the room, watching with wide, fearful eyes as you begin to step through to the other room. You hold hands with each other, Jongdae to your left and Yixing to your right, and then Kyungsoo to his right.
You all step into the new room, holding your breaths. As you pass through, the door behind you slams shut, and you can hear the panicked yells of your remaining friends. 
“Shit!” Jongdae curses, banging against the door. “Was it a trap?”
“Guys!” You yell, hoping to hear from your friends. “You guys okay?”
You hear them yell incoherently for a bit before it goes silent.
“Maybe...maybe they went to check another room.” Yixing says uneasily, his voice trembling.
“We have to keep moving.” Kyungsoo says after a moment, straightening himself though you can tell he’s freaked out as well. His voice is strained. “Come on.”
As you exit the room, you find the house surprisingly brightly lit. Everything is tinted slightly light green, a misty, dreamy feel as if you walked into a ghost dimension.
The hallways and rooms, as far as you can tell, are exactly the same as the other side, but flipped like you’re in a mirror.
“This is freaky.” Jongdae says, shaking his head. “God, I really wanna go home and just watch a horror film or something.”
“I’ve had enough horror for a lifetime, thank you very much.” You mumble.
“Hey, should we check the basement?” Yixing asks, suddenly. “Maybe Minseok is there! Maybe he’s still alive.” He sounds too hopeful, but your stomach churns uneasily.
The five of you make your way towards the basement. Everything in this house is so eerily silent. All you can hear is the echo of your footsteps. When you reach the basement door, you swallow before opening, finding it clicking open easily.
You exchange uneasy glances with the others before you swing open the door. There seems to be a lot of fog and mist in the basement, so you can see very deep.
Kyungsoo goes first, since he has the flashlight. Jongdae has the other but you decided it’s better to use one flashlight at a time to save the battery in case of an emergency.
You follow him tentatively down the stairs, the fog and smoke making it increasingly difficult to do so. The stairs seem to go on forever, and soon you can barely even see Kyungsoo in front of you.
“Wait!” You call, your voice echoing. “Kyungsoo, slow down. I can’t see you.”
No response.
Your heart does a flip. You look back, finding Jongdae and Yixing gone as well.
Oh no. No, please.
“Jongdae?” You yell, cupping your hands around your mouth to amplify your voice, hoping they’ll hear you. “Yixing? Kyungsoo?”
Please. Please, please, please.
Someone answer, please.
You almost stumble onto the floor when you finally manage to land on the basement floor. You stand uneasily, hoping to find your friends now that you’re in the basement.
Still nothing but fog.
“Guys!” You yell louder, feeling tears prick your eyes from the sheer panic and fear. Oh god, you’re separated from them. What do you do now?
All of a sudden the room goes dark, and you scream.
Laughter fills the room, the same laughter from the phone. A shiver goes up your spine when you feel someone breathing against your nape, and you quickly swirl around to find nothing but darkness.
“Alone and scared,” the woman’s voice whispers in your head and no matter what you do, you can’t escape it. You’re stumbling across the room, swatting at nothing in hopes to get her away from you, but it’s all futile. “Where can you run? Where can you hide?”
“Stop!” You scream, covering your ears. “Go away! Leave us alone!”
“You must catch me.” She says tauntingly. “Or I will catch you.”
In a flash, the lights are on again, and you scream, falling backwards from seeing your reflection unexpectedly.
You stare at a wall-sized mirror, mirrors all around you, closing you in.
You stare at your terrified expression.
And then suddenly, the reflection changes. The mirrors around you show your friends that stayed behind, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jongin, Sehun and Junmyeon.
Hanging from the ceiling, nooses around their necks. Their eyes are glossy, their bodies limp as they sway gently.
You gasp, then feel a wave of nausea hit you.
You gag, unable to handle the sight. You fall onto all fours, dry heaving against the concrete ground, heart thumping wildly in your chest. “No...no...it’s not true...it can’t be...you’re lying...”
“You must catch me.” The woman says again, right into your ear, breathing out coldly and making you shiver, curling up tighter into a ball. “Or I will catch you.”
Then the mirrors shatter, along with the images of your friends. You sob, seeing yourself in the broken shards around you. Some have cut you, but you don’t feel the pain.
“There you are!” You hear Jongdae call, his shadow approaching you. You can hear their running footsteps come closer. “We were looking all over for you! We thought you died!”
You sob harder, unable to control your emotions. Yixing crouches beside you, putting a hand against your back. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“You’re hurt.” Kyungsoo says, concerned as he crouches beside you too. “We need to get you bandaged up.”
“They’re gone.” You cry out, sniffing and weeping. “They’re gone.”
“Who’s gone?” Yixing asks, voice gentle and soothing.
“The others.” You sniffle. “Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Junmyeon. They’re all dead. I...I saw them.”
They’re silent, probably trying to process what you just said. All you can hear is your own weeping.
“Come on.” Jongdae says after a while, voice solemn. You can’t see him properly through your tears, but you can tell his face is pale and dark. Was he crying too? You can’t tell. “We have to keep going.”
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There’s no way back. Only forward. You only have two choices: to live or die.
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Previous Chapter│Next Chapter
Haunted Mini Masterlist
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A/N: I had to make a lot of people die at once or else there’s no way I’ll be able to finish this one time. Sorry! The scaredy cats must die. Please do send in your votes~
@baek-byunies​​​​​ @emokpoptrash14 @kaydne​​​​​
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raineydaywrites · 3 years
Nesting, Chapter 9
link to ao3 in the reblog
Fic Summary: Taako and Lup are determined to kick ass at going to university, even though their childhood education was anything but traditional.Then, Taako finds himself in a situation that threatens to undermine all their hard work.But there's plenty of university students that have kids! Really, this is just another chance to show how much better they are at everything they do- they can definitely manage to graduate and raise a kid at the same time.
Chapter Summary: This chapter has it all! Panic attacks, Magnus cameo, baby clothes, crushes, siblings messing with each other! Also, yeah, this definitely moving into some solid Lupcretia.
Miscarriage. How had that never occurred to him? He should have thought about that.
It wasn't likely, he tried to remind himself. It probably wasn't going to happen.
He should focus on other things instead. Like school work. The rest of his life wasn't going away just because his mind decided to go crazy over something that wasn't even happening.
Despite the rationality of his thoughts, Taako couldn't bring himself to actually follow through on them. His mind kept spiraling. He couldn't stand the thought of losing the thing now. He'd finally let himself actually want it!
He was so deep in thought that he forgot himself and where he was- namely, in public- for a little bit. It took the realization that someone was speaking to him to bring himself back.
"Hey, buddy? You okay?"
Taako startled backwards away from the stranger speaking to him, but he was already in the corner of the tiny booth in the coffee shop, so there wasn't really anywhere to go.
"Fine," he managed, watching the human in front of him carefully.
The guy was about the same height as he was, but he was a lot broader. Clearly more of a physical type of a guy than a magic user or anything else. He had reddish hair and big, worried eyes.
"Are you sure?" he asked, as those worried eyes looked Taako over. "You seemed kind of out of it there."
"I'm good, homie." Taako waved a hand dismissively, despite the way that his mind was screaming and his fingers were trembling.
And oh. Great. He wasn't sure if it was the anxiety or the morning sickness or some dreadful combination of both, but his stomach had started churning too.
"Did you come here with anybody? Can I... help you somehow?" the guy asked, looking around worriedly as if someone would pop up to relieve him of this duty he'd taken on himself for no apparent reason.
"Nah, man, you're good," Taako insisted. This guy needed to fuck off before Taako puked on him.
"Hey, just breathe, okay?" the guy said, and oh. When had he started to have trouble with that? Taako wasn't sure, but he was definitely breathing too fast now, the oxygen not quite getting through to his brain like it was supposed to.
He did so, because even if this guy was intruding on his personal shit, he wasn't wrong about the breathing thing.
"You wanna get out of here? Go somewhere quieter?" the guy asked, watching Taako carefully.
Taako nodded, because he did. Started to gather his shit, kept dropping stuff, godsdamn he was too clumsy. He had to get that under control before the baby got here- if he didn't fuck it up first.
The guy leaned over and started to help, holding Taako's things with steady hands.
"Thanks," Taako choked out.
"No problem," the guy smiled. "Is it okay if I touch you? Just to help you get somewhere else."
Taako shrugged, and the guy lifted one arm protectively over Taako's shoulder, but didn't let it drop to actually touch him. He led Taako carefully away from the cafe, finding an empty room and ushering them both inside.
Taako planned to say something, but before he could, his stomach started protesting again, and he was very glad to see that the room had a trash can nearby.
"Ew," the man who'd helped him muttered, seemingly torn between stepping closer to help and leaving.
Taako snorted, amused by the reaction. He seemed a decent guy, but Taako could hardly blame him for being grossed out.
"It's chill, my dude. You don't gotta do anything," Taako said, leaning back against the wall.
"Okay," the guy said, offering a sympathetic smile. "You still gonna try to say you're fine? Cause that must have been a hell of panic attack to make you puke."
"Nah, not really," Taako deflected. "I mean, yeah, unpleasant, but actually, this," he gestured to trash and wrinkled his nose, "was just morning sickness. Not nerves. Thanks, though, for checking and whatever."
"Oh. Uh, are you feeling better now, though? On both fronts? If you need to vent, dude, I'm cool with that. No pressure or anything. Just maybe easier to vent to a stranger, ya know?" the guy asked. "Or I could... get you some... water?" He sounded painfully unsure of what to do, in a way that was endearing, not that Taako would let it show.
It was awful sweet of him to offer, and he might have a point. If it didn't work, not like Taako ever had to see the dude again.
Still, he only shrugged in response, not loving the idea of opening up to a stranger- especially considering the guy had already seen him so vulnerable already.
"I'll get you that water," the guy said, hurrying out of the room.
Taako watched him go, not really expecting him to come back again. The guy had been nice and helped him out, and he'd repaid the kindness by being surly, so he could hardly blame him. Not like it mattered anyway. Taako didn't need some stranger poking his nose in his business.
Still, it was harder to hold off the nerves without the presence of another person. He wished he'd asked the doc more about any signs that anything had gone wrong. Better to know that as soon as it started right? If he noticed fast enough, maybe they could do something to save the thing.
Unless there was no chance of saving it. Then maybe it would be better to live in blissful ignorance for a while.
Taako realized that he'd pulled his knees up to his chest and reminded himself to breathe. This was hormones and senseless worries, nothing more. He was fucking up his bad bitch image by having anxiety and he needed to stop it.
The door opened back up, and the guy came back. He had a bottle of water in his hands, and he handed it to Taako.
"Drink that. And breathe, okay?" he said.
"How do you know what to do?" Taako asked. He’d meant for it to sound more like doubt in the guy’s skills then it did, but he figured the point would still get across.
“My sister gets panic attacks a lot! I help her sometimes!” The guy apparently didn’t get the point, as he spoke with pride and smiled widely at Taako.
Well, it was whatever. If the guy took it as genuine gratitude, more power to him. Didn’t hurt Taako.
He stood up again after a moment, still feeling a little shaky but back to himself for the most part.
“Hey, homie, thanks or whatever, but I’m good and I’m out, ‘kay?” Taako said, gathering his things.
“Uh, yeah, okay,” the guy said, still watching Taako carefully as he left the room. Taako decided to believe that he was watching his ass, instead of admitting that the guy was probably worried something would happen.
Didn’t need to be that honest with himself, after all.
“My name’s Magnus! Magnus Burnsides! I’m-“ the guy called.
“Yeah, uh, hail and well met,” Taako said, closing the door behind him.
He didn’t tell Lup about the incident. Why should he? What good would it do? It happened and it sucked, but she couldn’t do anything about it.
He just had to accept that things were going to suck for a while. He couldn’t do anything to change that at the moment or for the foreseeable future so he just had to deal.
When he got back to the apartment, Lup was there, digging through some bags from the store.
“Groceries?” Taako assumed, glancing into them as he passed by, prepared to help her put them away.
“Yep,” Lup agreed, but she quickly shoved one bag behind her back, refusing to let him see into it.
Taako raised an eyebrow at that, but he didn’t press it. He'd figure out what was in there sooner or later, and it would be better if Lup let her guard down first, instead of just trying to grab it out of her hands. His center of balance had been off lately, and she’d have a definite advantage at keeping shit away from him. Not about to embarrass himself like that.
As they finished up with the groceries, Lup pulled the secret bag back out.
"I was gonna wait to do anything like this, but I saw this and couldn't fucking resist," she said, reaching into the bag and pulling out a small scrap of fabric something- oh. A baby clothing- a onesie or whatever it's called. It read "My Aunt is like my Dad, but Cooler."
"You shouldn't have," Taako started. "Parasite's not gonna go out wearing such an obvious lie."
Lup scoffed, a bit of relief slipping into her expression at the fact that he didn't freak out about it.
"You really think you're gonna be able to keep up with me on the cool factor when you've got a sticky monster crawling on you and keeping you up all night? I'd love to see that," she said, setting the onesie down on the counter, and pulling out some very small socks.
"Oh my gods, those are tiny," Taako said, immediately, momentarily disregarding the first part of her comment in favor of grabbing the socks and staring, because how. How could any person be little enough to need those?
"I know!" Lup shouted. "Get this, apparently a ton of newborns are so small, these are literally too big at first."
"How?" Taako demanded. "Also- the little thing is going to be messy, yeah, but also adorable, natch, so it'll even out."
"Ehhh," Lup made a skeptical face at him. "Maybe when they're bigger, sure. But newborns are kinda ugly, not gonna lie. You can't say it, because it's rude, but they are. All scrunched up and red and shit, and they can't smile or anything either. So as long as it's this little, it's gonna be accurate."
Taako just flipped her off, digging into the bag and seeing a few other pieces of tiny, tiny clothing. Lup hadn't gotten much, and the rest was pretty plain, but it was blowing his mind how little all of it was.
He supposed that they had to be pretty little, to actually get born without killing their parent, but it was still hard to imagine.
He scooped the clothes up into his arms to put them away when it occurred to him that he had no idea where to put any of this.
"We're gonna have to move, aren't we?" He groaned.
"Yeah, probably," Lup agreed. "But that's way too far away too worry about. Just stuff it in your room for now."
Taako grumbled under his breath, but figured she had a point. Their lease wouldn't run out for months and the little guy was even further away. Still wouldn't be fun trying to move later on, because by then he'd probably have a lot more trouble with the whole 'moving around' thing.
He hadn't started to show at all yet, which was apparently normal, even if it seemed kind of weird to him. His whole fucking life had changed since he found out he was pregnant, and yet, there was still nothing to show for it. He didn't mind not being huge and awkward already, but something this big seemed like it should be noticeable.
But once it was noticeable, then he'd have to deal with reactions. Everybody he knew would be able to see it. And they'd have questions, or want to talk about it out of politeness or whatever. And strangers would be able to tell even. And they would think- who even knew what? It was going to be another layer on the bullshit sandwich.
He could handle it though. He could handle a lot of bullshit, and it had to happen for the kid to get here. And when the kid got here, that crap would be over with, and he'd have his baby. And that would be good. Probably. He hoped.
Lucretia figured that it might be best if she kept working with the twins on the paperwork for the child support. Now that she knew that Sebastian didn't plan on skipping out completely, it was less necessary that she play a role in the process, but it still might be the wisest decision. She had a rapport with the twins that Sebastian was lacking, and, despite everything, she actually liked seeing them. So it wouldn't be a hardship to work through this with them and relay the relevant information to her brother later.
Today, for the first time, Lucretia had been invited over to the twins' place. Lup had texted her the address of their apartment, and Lucretia was curiously looking around as she made her way over.
The place wasn't far from where the actual IPRE classes took place, which wasn't surprising. Still, it was an area that Lucretia wasn't very familiar with, and she was careful to keep track of where she was so she wouldn't find herself hopelessly lost.
It was a nice area, if definitely designed for college age kids. Lucretia and Sebastian still lived with their parents, in a completely separate part of town, and that might make it difficult for them to see the baby very often. If Seb even wanted to, and if Taako and Lup even let them.
Lucretia knew that she wanted to, at least. And she thought- hoped- she'd have a decent chance of being allowed that.
It was strange, thinking of her brother as a parent. And Seb's attitude wasn't doing anything to help that. But even if her brother never actually acted as a dad to this child, Lucretia still found herself thinking of them as family. It was irrational, maybe. There was nothing tying them other than blood, and it wasn't even a direct connection. But she couldn't shake it regardless.
The baby was her brother's kid, which meant that they were family. Family- family was important. It wasn't fair to take away the kid's only chance of accessing that part of their family just because Seb was an immature dick. And- it wasn't fair to her, either, that she cared about the baby already and she could have lost any chance of seeing them because of her brother's irresponsibility.
As she got closer to the twins' apartment, Lucretia forced herself to focus on the numbers of each address, rather than let her mind run wild.
She found the right building, and made her way inside and up to the twins' unit quickly, pausing only briefly when she arrived at the door.
It was quickly answered by Lup, who smiled brightly and grabbed Lucretia's hand to pull her inside.
Taako was in the kitchen, cooking something that smelled really good. He waved as Lup pulled Lucretia behind her into the kitchen and shoved her towards a chair, before joining her brother.
"What'd you bring us?" Lup asked, indicating the envelope Lucretia had been fiddling since she'd arrived.
"A gift," Lucretia said, pushing the envelope over.
Both twins looked at the envelope curiously, almost eerie in the similarity of their expressions, but Taako was the one to grab the envelope from the counter.
He opened it, pulling out the money inside.
"My favorite kind of gift," he said, grinning.
"Nice!" Lup agreed, looking over at Taako excitedly.
"What's the occasion?" Taako asked, pocketing the money and resuming his cooking.
"It's from Seb. You could call it the first support payment, I suppose," Lucretia explained.
"Why's he suddenly being nice?" Taako asked, turning to face Lucretia as he spoke. "He doesn't have to fork anything over yet. What's in it for him?"
"This counts for some of the support he owes during the pre-natal period. Seb decided he'd rather make a bunch of small payments than a couple big ones later on," Lucretia said. "Figured it would be easiest for everyone. He doesn't have to save up so much, you guys get cash faster."
"Best for everyone, huh?" Lup said, a little skeptically.
"Yes," Lucretia responded, exasperated. "He's not a monster, you know. If it's good for him and good for you, then he's not going to go out of his way to make things harder just to spite you guys."
Taako and Lup exchanged a quick look at her words, and Lucretia got the feeling that they were having a whole conversation without her.
"Still an ass, though," Lup muttered, finally.
"Never said he wasn't," Lucretia said, a peace offering.
The kitchen fell into silence for a moment- not quite awkward but not entirely comfortable either. Lucretia found herself tapping her fingers against the counter nervously, wishing she had a notebook to doodle in.
"Hey, now that we have more cash, we can go supplies shopping," Lup said, breaking the silence.
"Oh, hell yeah!" Taako immediately perked up at her words, excitement breaking across his features. "Time to make a bombass nursery!"
The juxtaposition of the words made Lucretia grin in amusement. But she was glad that the twins were getting excited about this. She wanted her nibling to have a good family and childhood, and it was something of a relief to see the obvious affection they twins had for them already. She liked Taako and Lup, but they didn't exactly give off mature or parental vibes. Lucretia hadn't been worried about it, exactly, but she liked the reassurance that they cared anyway.
"You know any good baby stores, Luce?" Taako asked.
Lucretia hadn't been expecting the question, but she responded eagerly.
"I do! I actually helped out on a ranking of local baby-centered supplies shops only a few months ago, so I can look over my notes from that and give recommendations."
"Ranking? For what?" Lup asked.
"I'm a writer. I do some work for a local media group. I haven't done many reviews in a while, not since I was a junior writer, but a friend asked for some help on that project," Lucretia explained, sheepish at forgetting to give context.
"Wait, how old are you? If you're already a senior writer, or whatever?" Lup asked, tilting her head curiously.
"I'm not a senior writer, just not a junior writer anymore. I've been working for them since I was sixteen and I'm nineteen now," Lucretia explained, letting a little pride slip into her voice. She was a good writer, and she knew it. She'd gotten the job as part of the youth outreach and education program, but most of the teens employed through that program were temporary hires. She was one of the few who proved herself enough to stay on longer.
"Damn, that's pretty good for a baby!" Taako said, raising a hand for a high five that Lucretia returned with a giggle.
"Thanks. But I'm not a baby, and you probably don't want to call me one," she said.
"You're nineteen. I hadn't lost all my milk teeth by nineteen. You're a baby," Taako said.
"Okay, I guess, but if I'm a baby and my brother is a year younger than me, what does that make you?" Lucretia responded.
Taako and Lup both made disgusted faces at the words, which made Lucretia laugh.
"Okay, shit, you're an adult, just don't ever remind me of that again!" Taako said, mock gagging. "I'm never fucking dating a human again, gods."
"Deal," Lucretia said, still laughing a little.
"And here I was trying to be nice," Taako said, face relaxing out of the disgust. "You're an ass too, huh? Just a sneaky one."
"Takes one to know one," Lucretia said, dry. "How'd you think I had you two figured out so fast?"
"Hey, non-assholes are boring anyway," Lup shrugged. "This way, we can actually be friends."
Lucretia smiled at the suggestion that they were friends. She wasn't a complete loner, but she hadn't made very many friendships here so far. She was glad to have more among that number.
Still, amongst the happiness was the slightest twinge of discomfort at the words. She wasn't quite sure why, and mentally prodded at the feeling, reminding herself that this was a good thing. She liked the twins and she liked spending time with them. Yes, it may be a little awkward and complicated because of the situation with Seb, but overall this was good.
The twins finished cooked, and started to plate their food. Lucretia was surprised when they made up a third plate for her, and took it from Lup gratefully.
"Thank you. This smells wonderful," Lucretia said.
"Natch! We're fucking awesome cooks," Lup boasted, and Lucretia believed it, as she took a bite and had to hold herself back from eating it too quickly.
"You certainly are," Lucretia agreed, between mouthfuls.
Taako and Lup both preened under the praise, but Lucretia only had eyes for Lup's happy expression.
Lucretia almost choked on her next bite as it hit her. She had a crush on Lup. And she couldn't do anything about it, because she couldn't take the risk of making things awkward with one of her nibling's only family members. Because it would be awkward, because no way would Lup feel the same. Not only was she absolutely gorgeous and amazing, but this whole conversation had proved that Lup saw her as a child and a friend, not a potential partner.
She willed herself to calm down and not react. She didn't need to say or do anything about this. It would pass as long as she reminded herself that it wasn't going anywhere. It would be fine.
"I'll make sure to send you my notes," Lucretia said, turning to Taako and changing the subject. "On the baby stores."
"Nah, actually, you should just come with," Taako responded. "I'm sure you write great and all, but I don't feel like reading all that when you can just tell us."
"I- are you sure?" Lucretia asked. "I don't mind- but it's not my apartment or my baby. I don't want to intrude."
"That's even better. You can be a neutral opinion when me and Lulu start bitching over what to get," Taako said, grinning mischievously at Lup as he said it.
"Then, yes, I suppose I can come," Lucretia agreed, trying not to think about the fact that she was agreeing to spend hours shopping for cute and domestic things with the girl she'd just realized she had a crush on. Taako would be there, and none of this was her stuff, so it would be fine.
"Nice. Me or Lu will text you with the deets, okay?" Taako said, still looking at Lup as he said it. Then- "Ow!" - the look turned into a scowl.
"Whoops! I gotta be more careful where I swing my legs, sorry 'Ko."
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I Want You Here With Me (Is It Too Much to Ask for Something Great) ch. 2
Title: “I Want You Here With Me (Is It Too Much to Ask for Something Great” Ch. 2 of 14 (ch. 1) Pairing: Isak Valtersen/Even Bech Næsheim Warnings: Language, internalized homophobia and implied child abuse Word Count: 3950
Summary: The one where it’s been two years since Isak last saw or spoke with Even, and no one knows that Isak ever knew Even at all.
Fucking, fuckity fucking fuck, fuck.
Isak’s fucked.
This was supposed to be his year. The year where he turned everything around, the year he got well again, managed to take care of himself again, the year where he wasn’t so damned sad, where he’d finally be happy again.
The year he’d finally get over Even fucking Bech Næsheim and get on with his life; move towards getting his degree in Biovitenskap where he’d finally managed to excel in that fucking physiology class last semester – he fucking aced all of the anatomy questions after having studied for three days straight with only one hour sleep – and things were going to get better, for fuck’s sake!
He’s so angry. His fists are clenched and he can’t keep his breathing under control. People on the street keep looking at him as if he’s about to attack anyone who walks too close. A mother moves her pram over onto the other side of the street and Isak wants to shout at her that he’s raging about the unfairness of his life, he’s not a baby-murderer.
Because everything is unfair. So unfair.
He’s worked too hard for this; for his friends, his education, this new life he’s trying to build – a life without Even – but somehow it’s all ruined again.
He knows the guys will ask too many questions, things are too suspicious and he can’t fucking answer any of them, fuck. And Magnus is Even’s biggest fan, he’s not getting out of this.
Isak’s panicking, he knows he is. He can’t breathe and he doesn’t know if he’s even headed towards the flat because the earth is spinning all around him and suddenly he’s on the ground, head hurting from the impact.
He’s not bleeding, at least, Isak can’t help but think as he sits up and looks around. There’s a group of young women warily watching him, not sure if they should go over and help or just pretend he doesn’t exist. Isak doesn’t know whether to shout or cry.
He hasn’t been this bad, hasn’t let himself fill his body to the brim with alcohol, for several months by now, and just the thought of how much he’s regressing just from seeing Even less than a second makes his throat tighten and chest hurt. He feels unshed tears burning in his eyes as he slowly gets up.
He needs to get home.
He stumbles forward and tries to ignore the group slowly beginning to go their own way, still keeping an eye out for him. The hard knock on his head was at least beneficial in startling him out of the full-blown panic attack he was about to have.
He’s not far from the apartment, actually, but when he glances at the clock on his phone, he sees it’s been at least four hours since he left fucking Mikael’s apartment.
The guys will surely be back by now; maybe they’ll have been there for a while because Isak ruined the party by freaking out. Maybe they’re still at the party and Magnus is hanging onto every sound that comes out of Even’s mouth, just like Isak once did.
Well, maybe not quite like Isak did, because he’s at least 79% percent sure Magnus isn’t interested in dicks – the male sex organ, not the personality, although Even sure does fit into both categories – but were Magnus to go gay for a guy, it would definitely be for Even.
He can almost hear Eskild huffing at that phrase, but Isak tries not to think of Eskild too much, even though it makes his stomach churn from guilt. Eskild, the only one who’s actually figured out Isak even though he never confirmed it as much as he fled the Kollektiv.
He’s good at that. Fleeing, that is.
But not as good as Even was.
Isak breathes out and tries to make the world stop spinning as he turns the corner and heads down the street he knows is a straight-way to the apartment.
It feels shorter than usual, though, even though he knows objectively it’s supposed to take nearly ten minutes, it feels like he blinked and then he’s typing in the code for the apartment complex’s front door and then he’s trudging up the stairs to get to his own front door.
He pats his front pockets, and then his back pockets, and then the front again because, fuck, if he’s dropped the keys somewhere he’s completely screwed. Not only does he not have enough money to get a spare made, Jonas will rip him a new one and he’ll be on kitchen duty for a month because of that stupid bet they’d made when they moved in.
He’d been so certain Magnus would be the first to lose, though, and Magnus makes the best pasta dishes in the entire world, so at the time it had seemed like a safe bet. Besides, Isak had never actually managed to lose anything important – sure, he’d forget a hat somewhere, his headphones if he was really scatter minded, but he’s never lost his keys or his wallet anywhere, which is something that can’t be said for the other guys.
“Fuck it,” Isak mutters, just about to bang his head against the door frame, body already moving towards the wall, when he feels a lump in the pocket in his jacket.
Alright, so he’s a forgetful idiot. He doesn’t even have the excuse of being drunk, because he hadn’t actually stuck around the party long enough to have more than one beer and then the two beers he’d had during their pregame before they’d left.
He fishes his keys out of his pocket, cringing every time he they clang against one another. His head is already starting to hurt, but he’s more bothered by the completely irrational idea that the guys – if they are even home yet – can hear every single noise he manages to make, but if he inserts the key really slowly and then twists it equally as slowly so that he can literally feel the movement of the lock sliding out back, then they won’t know he’s gotten home.
Door unlocked, check, handle down, check, door opened to just a big enough slot that Isak can slither in smoothly?
Isak sneaks in past the doorstep, careful not to step on it because it creaks like hell, he turns around, holding onto the handle with one hand, the other hand pressed against the door on top of it as he slowly closes the door. He doesn’t dare to breathe until he’s heard the small click of the lock.
All the air he’d been holding comes out in a low whoosh as Isak straightens up, smirking at the door because he definitely won this round, thank you very much. Now he just needs to get to bed, and then –
He turns around to see Magnus, Mahdi, and Jonas all staring at him.
Their arms are crossed over their chests and Isak has a weird, unwanted vision of being the villain to their heroic tales where they take him down in their formation.
Isak shakes his head to get rid of the image, but stop as soon as he sees Jonas’ nostrils flare slightly.
“What the hell, man?” Mahdi asks. He looks like he wants to move towards Isak, but he doesn’t, and Isak is pretty sure his legs no longer function.
“Hva skjer?” Jonas asks. He looks so irritated, they all do in fact and, yup, Isak’s legs definitely don’t work anymore, but he’s pretty sure he’s about to cry, so he doesn’t have to worry about his lacrimal system.
“Where the hell have you been?” Jonas tries again. His arms are uncrossed, but he doesn’t look any less pissed, and Isak doesn’t know how to do this. “You’re supposed to pick up your phone when we call you. Are you aware of that? That’s how phones work?”
Isak opens his mouth, but he honestly isn’t sure if it’s to talk or to throw up. Maybe he’ll throw up some words – that would be a nice change, because he honestly doesn’t know what to fucking say.
“It’s been four hours, man!”
Magnus is surprisingly quiet and Isak can’t help but worry that this is the beginning of eternal silence because Isak is now a traitor. He clearly knew Even and had never introduced him and Magnus, and he loves Magnus, he really does despite all the Even-fangirling and the invasive questions and he’s still pretty sure he might cry any second now.
“What the hell happened at the party?” Jonas now sounds more angry than he looks, and Isak can’t stand to look at him but he can’t seem to look away either.
But now Jonas isn’t talking anymore, and Mahdi hasn’t said anything since his initial outburst and Magnus is still just looking at him, and Isak isn’t even sure if he looks worried or betrayed and his head hurts and he just wants to disappear. Right about now, actually, would be really, really great.
“Hmm?” Is all he manages to get out, and it’s the wrong thing to say. It’s quite possible the most wrong, the wrongest thing he could’ve said, because now even Magnus looks slightly angry and Mahdi is positively fuming.
“’Hmm’? Are you fucking kidding me? ‘Hmm’?” Mahdi repeats angrily, actually breaking superhero-team formation and taking at step towards him.
Isak instinctively takes a step back, his back hitting the door harshly and the force of it jars all the way up his spine.
Mahdi thankfully doesn’t notice, but Isak can’t tell if Jonas does or if it’s just a reflex to grab onto Mahdi’s shoulder to hold him back. Jonas’ facial expression doesn’t change at all, though, so maybe Isak’s lucky for once.
They’re all quiet, heavy breathing almost echoing throughout the flat. Isak can’t meet their eyes, so instead he looks at the shoe rack that none of them actually bother using, which is why he’s standing in a pile of shoes at the moment.
“Do you even have anything to say?” Jonas asks. His voice is harsh and Isak now feels the anger start to bubbling inside of him. Fuck, he’d promised himself that the angry outbursts were a thing of the past.
“You disappear for hours, and like that isn’t enough of a shitty-friend thing to do, Magnus met his goddamn hero tonight, and I know you for some reason don’t like the guy, but you could be a decent friend and support Magnus!”
Isak can’t hold the wince back. He’s not even sure if it’s because he feels bad about not being a better friend to Magnus or if it’s from hearing Even being spoken about as someone’s hero. Some fucking hero. Isak learnt that the hard way.
“Not even mentioning that Even – Even Bech Næsheim, world-famous director apparently knows your name? How do you know him?”
“Jonas…” Magnus starts, reaching his hand out to hold onto Jonas’ shoulder, but Jonas shrugs him off.
“No! I’m sick and tired of this. Are you going to start this shit again? You said you were going to stop, or was that just another lie?”
It feels like a slap. Or maybe a punch to the gut, because Isak can’t breathe. He can’t breathe and he needs, he needs –
He fumbles with the door handle without even turning around, mind barely registering that he needs to unlock the door first, but then his fingers apparently remember and he twists the handle, body thrown backwards with the force of the door opening and then he’s gone.
He can hear the boys shouting after him. He doesn’t even know if they’re trying to follow him – he just slams the door behind him and then starts running down the flight of stairs before he bumps into the front door.
He thinks he hears the apartment door open behind him with a last frightened “Isak!” but then he’s outside and he’s running and he doesn’t stop until he’s turning so many corners he’s managed to get himself lost.
Isak stumbles for a moment, trying to get his bearings back, but all it accomplishes is the nausea rising up until he’s throwing up on the side of the street.
There’s no one there to see it, thank god. He’s even more grateful no one’s there when the first sob escapes him.
This is not happening. This is so not happening. God, why is this happening to him? This was supposed to be his year, god damn it!
He bites down on the sleeve of his hoodie, trying to keep any and all sounds in. The last thing he needs right now is someone calling the police because of a disturbance, it’s bad enough that he’s publically intoxicated. At least he’s not a minor anymore.
Isak knows he can’t stay here, though. First of all, he’s in the middle of a street in a very nice area in Oslo, he clearly doesn’t belong here. Second, he’s absolutely freezing and he really doesn’t want to go home.
It almost feels like another punch when he realizes that it’s the first time in a couple of years that he feels like that. Alright, he needs to leave unless he wants to give himself another reason to be crying.
He gets up on wobbly legs, almost stumbling into the pile of vomit before he manages to grab onto a street light and balance his weight out properly.
He knows he should call Eskild up, but Isak knows Eskild will want to talk about everything and he’s definitely mad at him at this point for the radio silence.
Isak will survive. That’s all he seems to be good at, anyway. He hopes he’ll one day know how to live again.
He can find a basement somewhere. He was practically a pro at breaking into them back when he was starting high school; he’ll recall the practicalities when he gets there.
He shouldn’t have done this. He really shouldn’t have done this. He is an idiot for doing this, and he can’t stop pinching his underarms even though it hurts like hell, because he’s a goddamn idiot and he shouldn’t be doing this.
The coffee shop is loud around him, or behind him, really, seeing as he’s sitting at the elongated table along the window, nervously twisting his cup of black coffee in his hands. Isak watches the people’s reflections, trying his best not to pay attention to any couples or any mothers. There’s a small group of friends sitting near the back. They’re the furthest away from him, but they’re the ones he can hear the clearest.
Isak’s an idiot and he doesn’t even like coffee, especially not black coffee, but it’s all he can afford right now until either of his parents remembers his soon two-week overdue monthly allowance.
He shouldn’t have come. He’s already regretting this and Even hasn’t even shown up yet.
If he even shows up, a morbid part of Isak’s brain gets through before Isak can force himself to think differently.
Isak’s regretting showing up, because Even is clearly regretting asking him to come, because Even himself hasn’t even bothered to show up, and Isak kind of wants to leave, but then he really doesn’t want to risk it because what if Even actually does show up –
Oh god, what is he even going to say? Isak hasn’t prepared for this, despite not having thought about anything but Even since he kissed –
He can’t start blushing now, not if Even is just about to walk in – which he should be, considering he’s fifteen minutes late – because if he does, he’ll never be able to stop.
Although his face will be turning red for an entirely different reason if Even doesn’t show up soon. Not that there’s any actual public embarrassment in it – no one here knows that Isak’s supposed to be on a… on a date, oh my god, he was asked out on an honest to god date with a boy, with Even, and, yes, he’s blushing, but his pulse is also racing in a bad way because Even still isn’t here, and –
The small bell hanging over the door rings out clearly as the door pushes open, Even gracelessly stumbling in, eyes frantically moving over the people sitting in the café.
Even’s shoulders slump when he’s finished going through all of the people sitting at the tables; most of them at this point already done with the distraction to their everyday lives that Even had caused.
“Fuck,” Isak hears Even mutter, his hand raises to push his hair off of his sweaty forehead. Isak watches as Even’s entire body sort of just slumps in on itself.
Even lets out a shuddery exhale that Isak knows he’s only able to hear because he’s sitting right next to him.
“Fuck,” Even repeats, words coming out at an even lower volume this time. “Did he even show?”
“Maybe he’s fifteen minutes late,” Isak says, voice matter-of-factly as he tries to keep a straight enough face that he can take a sip of coffee without spilling all over himself.
He doesn’t even manage to take a sip before he’s sputtering into his cup because Even fucking jumps, one hand grabbing onto the table, the other grabbing onto his chest over his heart and Isak can’t wipe the smirk off of his face.
“Oh, you asshole,” Even moans, but he’s already sort of laughing as he doubles over, utterly failing in drawing in deep breaths. “Fuck, I have, fucking, palpitations!”
Isak actually lets out a startlingly loud laugh at that. “Oh, dear me.”
“’Oh, dear me’,” Even mocks as he clutches onto the vacant high chair next to Isak, already clambering onto it as he pushes against the metal step on the chair. “What are you, eighty?”
Isak snorts and tries to give Even an indignant look, but he can’t keep the grin off of his face.
“Well, let’s hope the guy you’re meeting is a little closer to your age than that, then,” Isak draws the coffee cup up to his face in order to hide his smirk away from Even.
“Asshole,” Even repeats, tone so fond and expression open and honest that Isak kind of forgets to draw in a breath.
Even hooks his foot around the leg of Isak’s chair, pulling back sharply and with enough force to actually move Isak’s chair towards his own. He’s grinning so widely even as Isak has to grab onto the table with both hands, nearly sending the cup flying as he drops it in order to save himself.
Even lets out a laugh as he grabs onto Isak’s left arm, curling his hand around his bicep, not letting go even as Isak manages to right his balance again. God, Isak is well on his way to palpitations.
They just sit there, not saying anything. Isak switches between actually looking at Even, who doesn’t seem to be able to look anywhere that isn’t at Isak, and looking out of the window, not seeing anything really. He doesn’t have any attention span left that isn’t already directed at Even.
“So what should I say to my date when I’ve shown up fifteen minutes late?” Even asks, gaze finally moving from Isak’s face to the coffee cup he’s pushing around on the table.
Isak hums, scolding his face into a completely serious grimace as his stomach flutters with giddiness at the word ‘date’. “Well, it depends.”
Even breaks character immediately, cheeks already splitting from a too wide grin. “On?” He prompts.
“Did you tell him you were going to be late?” Isak twists his upper body to better face Even, faux-serious expression on his face.
Even shakes his head whilst trying to mimic Isak’s facial expression. “No. You see, I was kind of an idiot and didn’t ask for his number, nor did I give him mine.”
“Ah,” Isak sighs out. “A rookie mistake,” Isak says, nodding slowly like he has a lifetime of experience on the matter.
“Hey,” Even whines indignantly, giving Isak’s arm a soft push before resting one arm on the backrest, the other on top of the table, his hands hanging in the air, wrists crossed over in front of his chest. “For your information, I was quite nervous when I asked him to meet me here!”
Isak doesn’t even try to hide the grin on his face. “Is that so?”
Even hums affirmatively, grinning back himself as he presses the tip of his shoe against the metal bar functioning as a foot rest on Isak’s chair. Isak can feel the side of his lower leg, all the way up to his knee, pressing against his own leg.
Forget palpitations, he might just combust on the spot.
Even clearly feels the same, because his hands can’t seem to stay still, so he reaches out and grabs onto Isak’s coffee cup, his hand so large it curls all the way around the cup, before drawing it to his lips.
Isak doesn’t even bother moaning about that Even is technically drinking his coffee.
Maybe he should’ve, though, in order to save Even from literally sputtering it back out.
“Jesus!” Isak exclaims, moving back instinctively even though Even didn’t even spit it in his direction, his hand already moving to pound Even on his back. “Are you okay?”
“What the hell is this?” Even coughs out, voice hoarse as he rubs his throat with his free hand.
Isak’s eyebrows furrow together in confusion. “Coffee?” This was a coffee shop, after all – surely that fact that he was drinking coffee shouldn’t come off as too big of a surprise.
“That was not coffee!” Even replies crossly as he puts the cup back down on the table. “That was…” Even stops as he searches for words to properly describe the atrocity he just tasted, “utter despair!”
Isak shouldn’t be laughing – he doesn’t think, anyway, that he should be, but the first laughter kind of just bubbles out of his chest all the way out of his mouth, and then he can’t really stop himself.
“Could you be any more dramatic?” Isak asks rhetorically once he’s managed to get his breath back.
And promptly regrets it from the look Even gets across his face.
“Wha–“ Isak starts out, but Even has already locked his hand around Isak’s wrist, tugging him off of the chair, only stopping long enough to make sure Isak doesn’t fall flat on his face.
“First, we’re getting some real coffee to drink,” Even starts out, twisting around so he’s walking backwards to the counter.
Isak laughs as he grabs onto Even’s hoodie, holding tight to make Even stop moving so he won’t bump into the woman standing in front of them in the line.
Even’s eyes are twinkling and Isak can’t look away.
“Does ‘real coffee’ mean overpriced, hot, sugary water?” Isak asks petulantly, making Even give him a look of faux-horror.
“Real coffee, Isak,” Even repeats. His hands curl around Isak’s wrists once again, pulling Isak closer until they’re standing toe to toe again.
It feels so much like the last time they were standing in front of each other that Isak almost pushes onto the tips of his toes so he can kiss Even. He probably would’ve if they hadn’t been standing in the middle of a busy coffee shop.
“And then,” Even continues without missing a beat. One of his hands leave Isak’s wrist to curl around Isak’s waist underneath his jacket instead, “We’re going to see the world.”
Isak thinks his own eyes might be twinkling as well.
Next part
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dolanswhore · 5 years
Moonlight. (5) never going home.
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Tags : @graydolan12
The morning wasn't a friend to her, the cold, crisp morning air danced along her face causing red cheeks along with goosebumps to show for it. The moment her eyes opened, the sun shined against them from the window, lighter color iris expanding, waking in it's blaze. Despite how warm the wools and furs underneath her were, she noticed the beautifully sown, brown fur drapped across her shoulders and tied into a perfect knot forged from some kind of leaves against her neck. One of the twins had to notice how cold she was and instinctively fixed the problem. On the table sat a bowl of freshly picked strawberries, which the two males retrieved this morning, but there was no sign of either one.
Without even thinking, feet carrying her to the exit of the shack. It didn't feel right, something stirring deep in her stomach, warning her this wasnt a good idea, it wasnt right to be leaving them. She continued to run though, with thoughts of her family, seeing them again, seeing her friends, telling them about the beast that guards this forest. It was difficult with no shoes, branches and sharp rocks creating bruises and bleeding cuts with every step.
Y/N was running so fast, her eyes squeezed shit from the chilly wind drying her eyes, which caused her inevitable crash into a large, solid tree that knocked her right onto her rear with a loud gasp. When finally opening her eyes, mouth falling ajar, it wasn't a tree she ran into but the wall of a man Grayson. His arms crossed against his hard, solid chest, a snarl clearly shown against features. Disappointment as well, as he clicks his tongue. Disappointing him didn't sit well in her stomach, squeezing and gargling causing heat to pain her chest. All she could think was how stupid of a pull the moon goddess gave her.
"How could you be so foolish?" Grayson's feelings were obviously hurt, his one and true mate running from the home he had provided for her. "You know what is in these woods. Do you want to be killed? And look at your feet. You hurt yourself in the process, and didn't even succeed."
She says nothing, only hangs her head low at his ill words. Those words burn in Grayson's throat, even the comment of death makes him sick to his stomach. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said that to you."
It is sincere, but she still can't help but feel a burning inside his chest. She couldn't deny she was mated to these two males, feelings with them were just to easy to feel, too strong, and with her body showing how much she hates making him upset. "What have me and Ethan done wrong? Why are you running away my half?"
She chooses not to answer, to turn her head back towards the direction of the shack, stumbling as she stood. She manages to limp a foot before Grayson's strong arms lift her bridal style carrying her the rest of the way.
Ethan was already there, a deer carelessly draped over his shoulder like it was nothing. Her eyes studying the giant bite that ended the deer's life on its neck, delievered by Ethan's beast side. Grayson had already told him through the mind link the two shared. Y/N could tell he knew because the same look of disappointment that covers Grayson's features are replicated against Ethan's.
Both followed her inside, Grayson resting her against the furs gently as Ethan graps the bowl on strawberries placing them next to her, "Eat."
Her feet stung, the look on her face said it all. She expected them to help her, freak out that she had injured herself seeing they were so protective, but nothing came. She couldn't wabble to the bucket of water if she wanted too, her feet were sore, raw to the touch, the furs of the blanket worsing them. Wincing in pain, she held her right foot, by nature, the one she favored and held it to nurse it. She expected at least one of them to help, but felt her heart drop to her stomach as both turn away without a glance. Shoulders sludged instead of how tall and strong they always stand, like kings. Her attempted escape for freedom, not only hurt her feet but broke the hearts of the two males that would do anything for her.
After hours of anticipation her stomach growls not only in hunger but from how hot her chest burned at sadness she created for the twins. Luckily she did manage to clean her cuts, wrapping her feet in patches of animal skins that were dried out and left in a box. The forest's bandaid. When the door did finally open, the smell hit her instantly, all of a sudden the males help a srong, sweet smell. When closing eyes all she could see is vanilla and cinnamon, but behind them but not as strong, the smell of smoked deer meat that they carry on plates made of clay, by their hands. The forest smell was many things, metallic, flowers, the wind even seemed to have its own smell.
No words were said, they barely even glanced at her, leaving that sickening twisting of her stomach. The males got three plates out, placing an heaping amount of food on theirs and enough food on hers to keep her full for days. They say nothing, Ethan just reaches over the table placing it to the opposite side of him with a small thud.
They eat without her, like some kind of exile. Y/N couldn't take it anymore, their pain was her pain. Standing wasn't easy, but didn't hurt as much either. With every step a new sound of pain left her lips, leaving the twins mouth dry, Ethan pushes his food away, suddenly not hungry. She stops right in front of them, dropping to her kness. She looks at Ethan and Grayson, meeting their eyes with sincerity. "I'm sorry. It hurts disappointing you like this. I just wanted to see my family, don't hate me." The thought alone making her heart crumble inside her chest.
It was a churn inside both of the Male's stomachs. A knot forming seeing their queen on her knees in front of them. She was a queen, a queens are equal to their kings."Don't you gravel to us."
Grayson's fingers wrap around hers, helping her onto his lap. "Never do that again." Ethan mumbles, hating the sight of it. "We will always forgive you. You were crafted from the moon for us, my heart."
She had never felt so much love as her cheeks fill with heat, a small blush warming every inch of her body. Without thinking her nose falls into Grayson's neck, mocking the way he does to her, sniffing the sweet smell of cinnamon. Grayson's body burns at her touch, a pleasurable sting that warms his cheeks and thighs. Ethan and Grayson look at each other shocked. "You smell so good."
Next she crawls onto Ethan's lap, nose pressed against his carotid vein, the place her mark will lay. Vanilla so strong her stomach twists as her tongue meets the skin, a small moan falls from Ethan's mouth. Involuntary, but she was touching his most sensitive spot, the spot the held so much meaning amoung wolves. "You do too. I could smell both of you forever."
Grayson's nose now takes in her scent, her chest pressed against her back, heat where they touch. Her skin begins to buzz as Ethan mimics his brother, lips wrapping around her shoulder, sucking the skin that it will leave purple marks. "I like when you touch me."
"Your wolf is in her wake." Grayson's fingers trailing against both of her arms, soaking up the heat along them. "Being with your mates must have brought her along. You're smelling us, which means you must smell the forest against us."
"Tell us what you smell." Nose against the tanned skin of Ethan had him shivering. "You smell of that deer you killed earlier." Her hands bring one of his to her nose, "berries, and dirt."
She was back to Grayson, straddling his lap, her nose to his chest, "water, and leaves." His hands to her, "ashes, and cooked deer meat."
"Seems like we have a great hunter, Ethan." Ethan smiles in agreement, large arms crossing over his chest. Looking up at Grayson in confusion, his nose presses to her neck. "A great nose you have, you will be a gifted hunter and tracker."
Ethan is taking in her intoxicating scent as well, "and you smell like us, my little hunter."
Ethan's long fingers hold a piece of deer meat out, she leans closely, taking a bite from it. They were providing for her, filling her with the food of their hunt, nothing comes with greater respect.
She continues to take food from their hands, in their culture, the greatest sign of acceptance, the greatest honor she could give them. After dinner, their belly's full, Grayson had carried her to the warm comfort of the furs. "Sleep. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." With a soft touch of her cheek bone and a kiss to her forehead. Ethan was right behind him, sniffing her scent and placing a kiss against her hair.
"We have decided to go back and take our rightful place."
The memories of the moon goddess talking through Grayson fills her head with vivid images. "Where are you guys going?"
"To train."
"Sleep." Ethan says softly, pulling the furs to her chin. "Tomorrow we should you our way of life, the way we were raised. Tomorrow you will be trained as the great warrior we know you will be."
With one more kiss to her head, they were of into the night, not returning until the sun had risen. The lines of the moon once again painted against their skin, blood smeared across their lips, a sacrifice to the moon goddess for great fortunes.
In Ethan's hand were a small wooden box, a small rattling sound with every step taken towards Y/N. "Goodmorning."
Grayson's couldn't help but touch her, fingers under her chin to meet his yellow eyes. "Would you like to bathe?"
She nods unsure. Feet are better today, a little sting but not enough that she was able to walk. The morning was beautiful, it was hot for what the past days have been, almost like mother nature was giving one last day of sunshine before the deadliness of winter comes. The strong smell of cleaness, along with the swishing of water, she knew they were close to the source.
Grayson was the first to strip, pulling the linen cloth down his muscular thighs. Her mouth dries instantly at the sight. Ethan was soon to follow, water reaching to his belly button, her cheeks heat at the sight of them. Mountains of hard muscles, chest swelling into pecs, defined stomachs. All eyes were on her. " i am not getting naked in front of you."
"Modesty isn't know along our kind. " Grayson takes the bar of soap that was shaped like a jar, guessing he or ethan had made it themselves.
"Its normal to be naked, natural." Ethan offers as Y/N shakes her head.
"Lesson 1 of today. Most of the pack will be naked, when you shift wolves don't wear clothes. Now come bathe with us my half." Grayson's hand extends holding the soap out for Ethan to take.
"Turn around."
"We are your mates we will see you naked eventually."
"Not today wolf."
Ethan and Grayson follow her wishes, turning for they cant see the sight of her, only the thousands of trees in front of them. The water is cold against her legs but feels so good, the grime against her feet already peeling from her skin. She's not as tall as the males, but stands for her nipples are covered. "Soap please."
Ethan and Grayson turn at the same time, eyes roaming the bare skin of her shoulders, the swells of the top of her breast. Ethan's soft hands meet hers. "Let me wash you my heart."
"No, I got it." It was hesitant, but she stayed strong, her fingers taking the soap, pressing the bar against her bare skin.
"We made you this." Grayson stands above the pond, nakedness making her cheeks pinch pink. A beautiful silk dress, tan, seeing it was made from a deerskin, sewn beautifully at the sides, from the hands of the two males.
"It's beautiful."
Grayson smiles sweetly, as Ethan exits the water as well. "Come, your training starts soon."
"What about breakfast?" The twins turn around, allowing her to slip on the soft dress, it fit exact, showing off the curves of a woman. "That is next the lesson, to find your own."
Ethan and Grayson dress themselves in their linens. "Come here."
She is placed between Ethan's legs as his soft hands squeeze her hair, allowing the moisture to fall against his thighs. The comb runs through her knotty hair quickly with his strength. Grayson sits in front of her, legs crossed. A green thick muck of pain in the palm of his hand as his fingers draw lines against her face. "I just took a bath wolf."
He rolls his eyes as her hand meets his, stopping him mid line. "How will the moon ever see you then my half? She will see you as a warrior."
Ethans fingers began braiding her hair into tight little braids, corn rolls against her head. At the end of every braid bead of red, blue and gold are placed. "Why are you putting these in my hair?"
"The female warriors wear these. Its a sign of strength, of endurance. The red represents the blood you spill for the pack, the blue shows loyalty to the moon and pack. The gold show you are mated."
Grayson and Ethan finish quickly. Grayson's finger always seem to find her skin, while Ethan allows her to have time to adjust but Ethan couldn't help bit touch her cheek, dried paint against fingers. "You look beautiful."
"A dream, truly." Grayson talks as well, both hearts swelling for their female.
"What if I don't want to be a warrior?" She doesn't meet their eyes, head handing low not wanting to actually know.
"You were born for it. A luna must protect her pack."
"I don't want to be luna either." Ethan sighs, the feeling of his fingers missed as he removes them. Grayson's lips kiss her shoulders, "you were born for that as well. You were never taught these ways, you were raised wrong."
"I was not raised wrong! My family loves me."
"You're family has wakened you. Left you defenseless against these woods." She looks at Ethan, the one who usually agrees with her but is suprised as his eyes are hard, agreeing with his brother.
"Will I ever go home?" She felt sick as Ethan answered, "No."
If she has eaten, it would be all over the ground in front of her, but instead her lip quivers, pushing away Ethan and Grayson's comforting touch. "Why?"
Both look at the ground, grayson decides to speak, feeling his brother's heart thump against his chest. "You'll never come back if we allow you to go."
Chapter 6 coming next week!! Let me know if you want to be tagged.
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Reddie with “I missed you.” and “Kiss me.”?
This was super fun to write so thank you for the prompt!!! It’s taken from this list 
AO3 link 
It was like the universe had been testing him for some reason and Eddie wasn’t sure how much more of it he could take. After finally getting together with his long term crush and best friend, Richie Tozier, Eddie was finally looking forward to spending the entire summer with his friends, and spending time with Richie as boyfriends. They even had a plan set out between them all, as well as all the things they were going to do over the course of the summer.
Then his mother had to go and announce that he was to spend the whole 10 weeks of his summer vacation with his aunt in Michigan. There was no arguments, Eddie was going and that was final. There was a part of him that hoped it was just a weird coincidence, but Eddie knew deep down that his mother must have known about him and Richie, and this was her master plan at keeping them apart for the summer.
Of course, Richie was pissed, as were the rest of the losers. Eddie’s departure put a dent in their summer plans, but Eddie assured them that things will be easier now, as they had an even number. He said all this with a huge smile, even though he was dying inside. His summer plans were screwed and he’d have to spend ten weeks doing old people things that were extremely boring.
His suspicions were proven to be correct the second he touched down in Michigan. His aunt was there to collect him, the spitting image of his mother and ushered him to the car. On their way to her house, she explained the numerous rules in place for his visit. He wasn’t to watch television after nine, phone calls home were only to last fifteen minutes and he was to be in bed by ten.
The ten weeks dragged by, and Eddie found himself wanting to go back to school. At least then he would get to see his friends and spend time with his boyfriend. He divided up his call time between his mother and Richie as well as the occasional call to the losers, but his mother always sounded bitter when he didn’t call her every day.
During his calls with Richie, he described all the fun they were having, at Eddie’s insistence. He described how they went swimming to the quarry, or went to see the new blockbuster movie at the Aladdin. Eddie felt his stomach churn with jealousy at each word Richie spoke, and he had to hide his tears from his aunt. If she found out he was crying, she might have blocked all calls to his friends all together.
“It’s not fair, Rich…I wish I was home with you. All our summer plans…” Eddie whispered one day, about five weeks into his visit. His aunt was out shopping so he got to spend a little more time on the phone to Richie.
“I know baby,” Richie breathed back down the line and all Eddie wanted to do was reach through the phone and grab him, holding on tight. “But you’ll be back the night before the Derry Fair, so we can still go together. We can still play all those rigged games and ride the Ferris Wheel.”
Eddie sighed, but nodded, even though Richie couldn’t see. The Derry Fair was his silver lining in all this mess. He would be home in time to experience it with his friends and that was what kept him going for the rest of the five weeks he remained with his aunt.
Finally, the day came for him to travel home and his aunt drove him to the airport, planting a huge sloppy kiss on his cheek and reminding him to let her know he arrived in Bangor safely. He nodded with a tense smile, edging further and further away from her until he couldn’t see her anymore. Scared that she would pull him back for another week, Eddie sprinted off towards security, breathing a sigh of relief when he was on the other side.
Through security. I’m almost home! - E
Can’t wait to see your cute face, Eds. I’m deprived! - R
Beep beep, Richie. - E
Can’t wait to see you too. - E
The flight back home went by quicker than Eddie expected, which was a good thing, and soon he was landing in Bangor and collecting his suitcase from the baggage claim. When he walked through into the arrivals lounge, his mother was waiting for him with her overprotective smile and Eddie deflated.
“Eddie-bear! You’re home!” She cooed, pulling him into a hug and planting a kiss on his forehead. She pulled back and held him out at arms length, clearly inspecting him for some reason or another. “You look pale, and tired. Do we need to make a visit to the emergency room?”
At the mention of the hospital, Eddie perked up and shook his head violently, “No ma, no need to go to the hospital! I’m not sick, I’m just fine. I’m sleepy from the long flight. A good night’s rest and I’ll be good as new.”
His mother pursed her lips, and Eddie could see the wheels in her head turning before she finally nodded and they headed out to the parked car. “Alright Eddie-bear, but maybe you should stay at home for a few days, I don’t want you getting sick before school starts.”
And there it was…the icing on the cake. His mother knew about the Derry Festival and she also knew that Eddie would want to go with his friends. Not wanting to miss out on the last chance of summer fun, Eddie put his foot down. “I’m going to the Derry Festival tomorrow with my friends Ma. I’ve missed them all summer and I’d like to have some fun with them before we go back to school.”
She clearly wasn’t happy with that, but there wasn’t a valid reason for her to keep him indoors, so she relented. “Fine, but you have to be home by eleven, after the firework display. Understood?”
Eddie nodded his head, exhaling in relief. He understood, and was perfectly fine with that.
* * * * *
The following afternoon, Eddie got himself dressed for the day before rushing out of his house to meet his friends, not giving his mother a chance to change her mind. He saw Ben first, who was waiting outside the Aladdin, looking at his phone and Eddie let out a scream of his name.
“Ben!” Ben turned around and his face broke into a wide smile.
“Eddie!” They met in the middle, hugging each other tightly and Eddie had to resist the urge not to cry. When they pulled away, Eddie told Ben all about his awful summer, until the other losers were spotted from over the hill. As much as Eddie would like to have said he spoke to all his friends first, he didn’t. The second his eyes landed on Richie, he was off like a rocket.
The second he was close enough, Eddie jumped into Richie’s arms, wrapping his arms and legs around him like an Octopus, not planning on letting go. “Oh my god, I’ve missed you!”
Richie chuckled into his neck, holding him close, clearly returning the passion of ‘not letting him go’. “I’ve missed you too Eds, so freaking much.”
A clear of a few throats caused them to break apart and Richie sat Eddie back down on his feet, lacing their fingers together instead. “Sorry guys…”
“You’re forgiven, but come on, I’d like to see the fair!” Bev grinned, taking Ben’s hand and walking ahead of the others. Eddie blinked…when did that happen? Richie seemed to sense his confusion and leaned down to whisper as they walked.
“Last week, during a game of truth or dare. Finally, right?” He laughed and Eddie chuckled along with him. When they reached the fair, it was already busy with families, teenagers and adults alike. All the losers went their separate ways then, making a promise to meet up for the fireworks at the end of the day.
Richie tugged on Eddie’s hand, leading him towards the stalls where they got some candy floss and attempted to win some prizes at darts and other games. It was almost like Eddie had never been away, how comfortable they were with each other, and soon they found themselves in the line for the Ferris Wheel.
Luckily, at that point there wasn’t much of a queue, so they were seated in no time and being sent up to the top. When it came to a stop, right at the peak of the wheel, Eddie looked around at all of Derry and for a second he thought it looked rather peaceful. He turned around to voice his thoughts to Richie but when he did, he realised that Richie was staring right at him.
“That’s not creepy at all,” Eddie teased and Richie nudged his side playfully. “Seriously though, do I have something on my face?”
Richie shook his head, and in a moment of softness, he reached a hand out to tuck some of Eddie’s hair behind his ear that his blown astray with the wind. “No…no you’re just…you’re beautiful and I’ve missed you.”
Now Eddie’s heart was hammering in his chest. He took in their situation and setting. It was almost considered romantic in every high school cliche movie. Eddie wasn’t a fan of them, not really, but right in that moment, with Richie staring at him, he wanted nothing more than for them to kiss.
“Kiss me?” Eddie voiced, his breathing a little light and he exhaled as Richie moved his hand to cup his cheek, bringing their lips together in what would be their second, but best, kiss so far. Richie’s lips tasted like the candy floss, sweet and strawberry and they were so damn soft that Eddie melted into the Ferris Wheel seat like goo.
So Eddie might have missed his summer with his friends and Richie. He might have not gotten to do all the things that he wanted to do, but as long as he never had to trade this moment up? He wasn’t going to complain.
* * * * *
@richietoaster @tozier-boy @eds-trashmouth @fucking-reddie @strange-reddie-loser @eds-kas @propertyofthelosersclub @its-stranger-than-you-think @yes-dillman-yes @totaltozier @reddietofall @reddietofight @reddie-to-fight   @hypnoidvoid @imeddie @reddie-eddie-spaghettie @bitchbrak @reddieways @maximusfraker @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @thejadeazalea @reddie-eddie-spaghetti @halfway-happy353 @ellomello16 @lili-back-from-the-dead @tinyarmedtrex @cacti-cool @inthebreadbinwrites @kat-ships-everything @takeourpure @lo-v-ers @mrs-vh @studpuffin @aizeninlefox @reddie-for-anything @adhdtozier @trashmouthtozierr @richietoizer @girasol-eddie @bi-bi-richie @honeybeehanlon @mars-14 @hawkinsbabe @reddiesetandgo @marsisaplanetyall @xandertheundead @sedanleystanley
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nbapprentice · 6 years
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there’s so, so, SO much nonsense surrounding this game that i’m gonna do my best to separate it into digestible bits, with its own categories. even then this is... wow. it’s big.
Warning tags will be added at the start of every section, but the general gist is: incest, pedophilia mentions, fetishization of rape and abuse, fetishization of mlm, fetishization of people of color, racism, ableism, nb erasure and transphobia. aside of the warnings, this post will also touch upon Scummy Business Practices
let’s get going
Dana Rune’s and Elle’s lack of moral fiber: #incest #pedophilia#rape and abuse fetishization #homophobia
tl;dr: dana loves incest porn, elle loves guy on guy rape, and the both of them are friends with at least one pedophile
dana rune has run, is still running an incest zine (please visit my faq on what i think about “thats not really incest” and “it’s just fictional!”). The Arcana, as a dev team, clearly does not care, as shown in their e-mail responses.
dana also very much doesn’t care and has reacted to any criticism on this by dismissing people and blocking actual incest victims who tried to contact her about it claiming it was for her “mental health”
in some tweets she claims she “interprets” the characters as not siblings, but she never really cared enough to cover her ass when it all began (she happily admits she’d “cross the incest line”)
dana has commissioned artists who also ship incest, draw near-pedophilic art that’s supposed to pass as acceptable because the character involved is supposedly not a minor despite looking like a child down to wearing pigtails (the character is also wearing a racist-ass belly dancer outfit), AND even made white-washed fanart of The Arcana.
dana follows twitter user kapymui who also produces incestuous Fire Emblem art
dana has retweeted omocat long after it came out that omocat is, at the very least, consuming pedophilic content (on “omocat didn’t know what shota meant!”: yes they did)
moving on, elle has a long, long, LONG history of fetishizing mlm and the rape and abuse that comes with yaoi and had a rich, RICH “yaoi” tag before they deleted their tumblr
they curiously deleted their tumblr right after i made this reblog
shortly after that, tumblr user thalassiq remade and started attacking and insulting any blogs criticizing them - even people providing support in IMs. Since this doesn’t match Dana and Elle’s normal pity parties I’m personally willing to believe they were just a person wanting to start shit - but it’s so telling how Elle used this chance to dismiss everyone who disagrees with them by calling them “children” and did not even bother to offer a kind word to people who were harassed and even had their trauma mocked by this person. It costs 0 dollars to say “that was not me but I’m sorry about people who were hurt.”
Dana and Elle are close with Ava’s Demon creator Michelle Czajkowski aka that one person who endorses child porn of her characters, and even had her draw a promo image for the game. Michelle has been creating highly sexualized content of her minor characters for a while now.
ok so elle and dana are gross freaks, how is that related to the game?
oh it’s very very related
Dana Rune’s and Elle’s lack of moral fiber that’s Actually Inside The Game or The Game’s Blog: now with more #racism #fetishization of poc and mlm #whitewashing #fat hate #pedophilia #nb erasure #transphobia
tl;dr: the arcana is filled to the brim with racism! so much of it! haha holy shit! and that’s not even where it ends!!!
their game is rated PG-13 but includes incredibly sexual situations such as Julian making this fucking face while getting off on pain. This isn’t the only time Dana and Elle use their videogame aimed at young teens to showcase their kinks and fetishes. I have no issue with NSFW or titillating content, as long as it’s rated accordingly. This content is NOT and it’s a blatant disregard for their audience just to have a larger, more pliable demographic and have more money sent their way.
if you start your argument with “well, teenagers look at porn” 1. shut up 2. theres a HUGE difference between teenagers going after adult content aimed at adults, and adults creating content they know will be seen by kids barely starting puberty
as pointed above, dana has 0 qualms literally commissioning people who make whitewashed fanart of her own fucking game that’s supposed to be all about the inclusivity and safe spaces
thearcanagame blog has a pattern of reblogging whitewashed fanart (before you come in swinging with the good ole “ITS THE LIGHTING”: 1. no it isnt 2. the artist should’ve picked better lightning then 3. i draw and post shit online too so dont come telling me i just dont understaaaand),
fanart of their fat characters showed skinnier than they are in their sprites (although to be real for a moment - Portia is curvy at most and them behaving she’s fat rep is HILARIOUS).
going back to NSFW content: nadia and asra are overwhemlingly sexualized in the game, and were the first to have sexualized CGs and sprites introduced.
CGs: Asra’s here, here aND HERE, Nadia’s here with a NSFW warning because she’s just got her whole fucking ass out. Sprites: Asra’s thank god for whoever compiled it all in one image, Nadia’s and once again, NSFW warning lmfao!
Julian’s sprites on the other hand are noticeably tamer, including the one where he’s fucking strapped in leather. His only sexual (NSFW warning because its literally softcore tentacle porn WHICH, ONCE AGAIN, SHOULDN’T BE PUT IN A GAME AIMED AT 13YOS) CGs were also included months after Nadia and Asra received any of theirs.
Through all of the updates, people have constantly requested that Asra and Nadia’s sexualization be toned down, and time after time The Arcana just churned out fetishistic, hypersexualized content at an absurd rate, especially when compared to the one white love interest.
Oh, speaking of the one white love interest: Julian is based off of Jeff Goldblum (this is not spectulation - they p much bring it up at any given time) but like. If Jeff Goldblum was white. They base their favorite love interest off their supposed favorite man in the world but casually leave his skin tone behind. Lmao.
they also play favorites very obviously - in the prologue, Nadia and Asra have a romance paid scene each. Julian has a scene... that requires no coins. Julian was also the first LI to receive three CGs, two of them requiring no coins, while both Asra’s and Nadia’s first CGs were behind a paywall
Dana and Elle have been notoriously skittish about confirming or denying their characters’ ethnicities. After hyping for weeks on thearcanagame that they would confirm the character’s races they basically made a post that amounted to “well they’re not white lol!”
they only relented after the perfectly understandable outrage... and posted a thread about it on Elle’s twitter. Nothing on the actual thearcanagame blog. Anyway, here’s the thread. Note how there’s mention of Julian being Jeff Goldblum... but nothing about him and Portia being Jewish (or “fantasy Jewish” as it were).
The one time they did confirm their jewishness dana then backpedaled and said she shouldn’t have done that lol.
another fun tidbit of how well The Arcana handles race and how much it cares about feedback from fans: an ask was sent about an anon begging for Nadia to step on them. The blog, with the finesse of a bunch of horny dumbasses, didn’t just publish the ask, but approved of it (even though the fans of color had long, long, LONG been telling everyone not to fetishize Nadia into a “step on me kween” wet dream). People were outraged, of course, and the blog ~apologized~ and said they were still learning.... then a new chapter included a scene of Nadia stepping on the Apprentice. 🙃
not to mention elle, on their twitter, made a passive aggressive “women can be doms?” tweet, trying to twist it into a “yr oppressing women” angle (when the issue is that women of color are always constantly portrayed as aggressive and domineering)
Now for a wombo combo of racism and Elle’s fetishization of mlm:
the devs have spoken at length of how Julian’s and Asra’s relationship was quite unhealthy. In a paid scene in Asra’s route, they’re depicted as Asra being disgusted w Julian touching him+Julian following Asra to his shop when Asra refused his offer to go with him (aka julian... stalked him lmfao).
.......... this scene is promptly followed by a highly sexual scenario where Julian’s pain fetish is played up. Remember how this game is rated PG-13? Me neither. Asra’s previous disgust with Julian is also forgotten, for some reason (and by some reason i mean Elle wants to make them fuck w/o buildup or logic).
Then Asra’s route has yet another paid scene dedicated to Asrian, even though he’s supposed to not even like Julian! And be head over heels with the Apprentice! But Elle just has to make these two be entangled despite insisting their relationship was not good for either of them!
Now here’s the kicker: Julian doesn’t have any paid scenes related to his romance with Asra. Note how it’s one of the brown LIs whose route is highjacked by the white LI, but not vice versa. Hmmmmm.
Now, on the topic of Asra: thearcanagame has said repeatedly that he’s nb and uses he/him pronouns, and promised (since last year) that there would be dialogue where he speaks about his gender
as of the making of this post such dialogue still does not exist
so basically asra is the nb to dumbledore’s gay: anyone who just plays the game w/o keeping up with the official blog has no idea of what asra’s gender is supposed to be.
aka he’s not nb. he’s just a cis guy. the arcana just doesn’t want to put its money where its mouth is, i dont care if elle is nb themself. the team made a promise which has not been fulfilled yet and i suspect will not be.
instead, our introduction to canon nb characters is... these two.
By “these two” i mean neither vulgora nor valdemar are even fucking human, and stick out like sore thumbs with their monstruousness.
so our nb rep is... non-human villains. a few books later one of Nadia’s sisters with they/them pronouns shows up, but that’s too little too late on top of the fact that we should’ve known Asra was nb from the first to begin with. It’s a fucking embarrassment and an insult.
at least two villains are visibly disabled (Lucio’s missing arm and Volta’s blind eye+intentionally asymmetrical face). Julian’s eye doesn’t count because, spoilers, he’s not lacking an eye and even if he was it’d still be hidden behind a dashing eyepatch instead of grotesquely displayed as a sign of his lacking morality.
The Arcana Exploits The App Business Model To Price Their Full Game at $500, $1000 if the three extra routes make it out, and they never delivered their Kickstarter rewards:
tl;dr: you heard me
the original price per route was planned on being $1.99
they took that “subject to change” really seriously, it seems, because now each route, once the game is fully out, is estimated to cost around $170 each.
both those screenshots are taken from this post which explains in detail just how truly scummy all of The Arcana’s business model and decisions are: https://mysticmicrotransactions.tumblr.com/post/174308723344/dishonesty-from-the-arcana
the tl;dr is basically what’s listed in the beginning of this section, but other highlights from that post are: the use of addictive gambling mechanics such the Wheel of Fortune, and the dazzling calls to action in the new mini-game.
something that The Arcana supporters forget (or choose to ignore) is the fact that for a long, long time the game did not have the mini-game or the log-in rewards for coins. Players depended only on the gambling of the WoF or paying absurd amounts of money for the new chapters.
the devs went from playing the victims who were unable of controlling prices to (as spoken of in the link from mysticmicrotransactions) saying the making of the game (a pathetic little app game backed by a studio and a kickstarter) justifies the prices
they also gave people false hope about maybe changing the prices in the future, all while bleeding money from loyal players in “micro” transactions
the arcana literally added a $99.99 coins option on their latest update
in case it hasn’t sunk in yet: you can pay a hundred dollars upfront to the arcana, and you still will not have access to the whole game
there is no defense to this
“it’s free stop whining” let me explain:
“spend months on end accumulating fake currency or pay hundreds of dollars up-front to be able to play” is a scummy business model no matter how you look at it
if i can spend $60 upfront to play an AAA game there’s no excuse to demand more than that for a game with much smaller and, honestly, inferior content
the combination of there being already far and few games featuring lgbt characters and characters of color AND the little cult of personality set up by Dana and Elle makes people feel that spending money to support them is an acceptable expense.
it’s not
manipulating people into spending ridiculous amounts of money and then claiming “it’s their choice” is just scummy business, baby, and thats all the arcana does
the devs are brats who instead of admitting $500 is absurd for a game instead write petty little caricatures into their game - like, lbr: dana, elle, if i could afford diamonds in my hair i wouldn’t have even bothered with your shitstain of a game
despite bragging that ppl would get the full story w/o needing to pay, the paid scenes are pretty much required - the first few books of julian’s route have no romance without accessing any of the paid options. you dont even get so much as a kiss in without handing coins over. many, many people were baffled when julian had a teary break-up scene when from their perspective they hadn’t even started building a relationship.
wow that’s more than i ever thought it’d be
and i’ve been aware of their bullshit for near a whole year now!
i don’t have much of a note to end this on, other than: the arcana just isn’t even that good. it suffers from weak writing, pathetic character development and above all actually harmful content. do not try to argue with me on any of these points unless you’ve read all of that, because whatever you have to say i’ve likely mentioned before. if you still are that determined to yell at a me on the internet, please preface your argument with the phrase “I’m a pee pee poo poo man” so I know you’ve read everything in here. thank you!
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stormbornbastard · 5 years
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Sansa + Podrick 
( Summer Romance Modern AU)
Sansa Stark had spent her entire life chasing an image of a man that only existed within the pages of her novels. Men who were kind, gentle and brave. Men who loved with tenderness and soft security. Who loved unconditionally. 
Men who she’d discovered didn’t seem to exist.
On her quest for the love she craved, she had met only cleverly disguised cruelty. Her handsome prince turned out to be a sadist, her blue-eyed bastard who she saw the best in, had only left her with scars. She had been battered and bruised chasing that image. 
Sansa Stark had grown to believe that a love she craved was too much to ask for. 
Now, as she returns to Winterfell Manor from Red Keep University the summer after her Junior year, she’s pretty much given up on love completely. Learned to believe that a kind good love just wasn’t in the cards for her and would remain within the confines of her beloved fiction.
She was surprised to find that her fellow siblings have found what she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl. The right kind of love. 
Her eldest brother, Robb, had fallen into the arms of one Margarey Tyrell who seemed to make him better and happier. Jon had Daenerys, a woman Sansa figured she hate but had soon come to form a strong bond with through their shared trauma. She understood her pain and never judged her for it. Both their exes had left their fair share of marks and Dany had this way of reassuring her that the abuse didn’t have to define her. That she could find genuine love, like she did with Jon. Sansa wanted to believe her. A small part of her did. 
Even Arya and Bran had found people. Gendry was nice and he and Arya argued like an old married couple. Sansa called them cute once and Arya shot her a look of disgust before her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her waist. She could still think they were cute, even if her sister would detest her saying it aloud.
Bran had found comfort in his best friend’s brother, Jojen Reed. She hadn’t even known he was into guys until they showed up, hand in hand. Then again, he was never really the type to share much about himself. That and the fact that they were never that close as kids. 
She liked Jojen though, Bran seem more alive in his presence. He actually got him to respond to the world around him and she hadn’t seen her brother seem so happy since before the accident. 
It seemed like it was just her and Rickon now.
Until it wasn’t. 
She didn’t even know thirteen year olds could have relationships. The Stannis and his family came over for dinner one night and he caught Rickon and Shireen holding hands under the table when she moved to get the fork she dropped. 
Sansa was the last Stark who wasn’t in love. She tried not to dwell on it but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t hate it. 
And then, came him. 
Her mom, Catelyn had made partner at her law firm and with the extra money she decided to hire some help around the house. Brienne’s nephew came to work for them as a groundskeeper. She had met Podrick Payne once before and she was not impressed. Not even in the slightest. 
She remembered him being aloof and always with this goofy grin on his face. He seemed to stumble throughout life, like a newborn deer. He had a crush on her when they were kids, an awkward crush and Sansa had made it a point to avoid him ever since. 
She doubted anything had changed so without actually interacting with him, she decided to avoidance was the best route. The last thing she needed was to deal with some helpless, love-struck man baby who wouldn’t leave her alone.  
Sansa had successfully remained ignorant to his presence for the first few days and it was a pretty proud accomplishment might she add. And then she actually saw him, sweaty and shirtless outside of her bedroom window as he mowed through the lawn. 
And something inside her, stirred. Awoken like a bear in hibernation.
Podrick Payne...was hot. 
Gods, she felt like a fucking cliche watching him from her bedroom window. 
He had lost his baby weight, grew out his hair and had a beard. 
She had never pictured Podrick Payne with a beard. She never even thought he could grow one. Nor did she think he’d ever.  
She hadn’t thought he’d fill out the way he had either. He had strong arms, really strong arms. He didn’t have abs but his stomach was flat and his chest, covered a little bit in hair. 
She bit her lip as she watched him, she actually bit her lip like some silly school girl seeing an attractive man for the first time. 
Podrick must’ve sensed her gaze and looked up in her direction. Sansa’s eyes widened when he waved at her. Fuck, she probably looked like some random creep. 
She didn’t wave back, just closed the curtain swiftly and ignored the churning in her stomach as she sat back down on her bed. 
Was she-Was she just thirsting over Podrick Payne? 
Podrick. Fucking. Payne! 
After that, Sansa avoided him for an entirely different reason. 
Yet she couldn’t avoid the Summer Harvest. A religious holiday that people just used as an excuse to eat good with their families and friends. Her mother, ever the socialist, invited Brienne and her family along with a few others. 
Podrick sat directly across from her and Sansa hated to admit that he made her nervous. She wasn’t an anxious person yet here she was and this was Pod for crying out loud. He cried when he stepped over a snail in Kindergarten. Why was she nervous over Podrick? 
After Dinner, Sansa just wanted to disappear but if she left, it’d spark some kind of suspicion amongst her family members and friends. The last thing she wanted to do was explain her crush and she was a shitty liar. 
By the luck of some very unforgiving gods, the very subject of her anxiety approached her. She felt her stomach flip when he smiled the same cheeky little grin that made her want to throw sand on him when they were kids. 
“Hi.” He dug his hands into his pockets and Sansa felt her cheeks turn red. He was so cute and he didn’t even know it. 
“Hi.” She couldn’t remember the last time her voice had been so soft. Or high.
“You uh, you look nice.”
“Thank you, you uh, you look tall.” 
Tall? What? What did she just say? 
“I meant, you look taller. Taller than the last time we met.” she fumbled out as Podrick stared at her, a small smile playing at his lips.
“Yeah well, puberty I guess.” 
And Sansa laughed, a little too loudly but it made Pod smile and it was nice. Talking to him after that was nice to. Easier than she thought. Podrick listened and only spoke when he felt it necessary but Sansa didn’t mind. She actually preferred it. 
It was comforting. 
After the harvest, she found herself around Podrick more than she ever thought she would be. Sansa talked to him while he worked the weeds, ignoring the way his shirt clung to him and the way his muscles flexed as he did so. She helped him when he worked in the greenhouse, admiring the difference of how firm he was with the weeds and how gentle he was with the roses. 
Then it happened. The moment. 
The moment where the both reached for the watering can at the same time. Their hands touched and shivers ran up her arm and down her spine. 
Podrick turned to her and the look in his eyes, the shift in the atmosphere scared the living shit out of her. He was going to kiss her, she knew it. 
“I have a midterm to write!” She screamed suddenly, taking Podrick by surprise as he pulled away from her. 
She didn’t wait for him to answer before running away like a frightened school girl. It was summer vacation, mid terms were half a year away. That was by far, the worst excuse she could have ever come up with. 
She avoided him for a week after that. Mentally tormenting herself for her freak reaction. 
What was wrong with her? 
Podrick was cute. 
He was kind and he made her feel safe. 
And he made her laugh, without even really trying. Nobody has ever made her laugh the way he has. 
He was everything she had ever truly wanted and she freaked out when he tried to kiss her. 
She was so stupid. Gods, how could she face him again after this? 
She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. 
Summer would be over soon. Six measly weeks and then she would never have to face him or her actions again.  She could do it.  
After the first day, she actually believed it. She doesn’t know if it was her or if it was Podrick but she didn’t care, only thanked the gods. 
And then, the second day came. 
There was a dinner that was way too romantic for her taste. She felt like the third wheel amongst her family and by the time appetizers’ came out, she had found some flimsy excuse to go home.
He was there, in the greenhouse. She knew he worked tonight and that he probably would be nurturing the winter roses Daenerys brought from Dragonstone which needed to be tended to at night. Her plan of avoiding him slipped her mind as she  but she’d be lying if she made her way over to the crystal building. 
She wanted to see him and that also scared the living shit out of her. 
He must’ve heard her heels clicking on the sidewalk because he turned to her, stepping from the greenhouse and into the moonlight.
Shit, why was was he so cute? 
“I know I freaked out yesterday bu-” 
He didn’t let her finish before closing distance between the two of them with four short strides. The feeling of his hands on her waist halted her words in her throat as he pulled her gently into him. Her stomach dropped and her legs wobbled but he held her steady. 
“I just, can I kiss you? Just once.” 
She nodded, not able to form coherent thoughts as his lips pressed against her own. They were soft and Sansa melted into him. The once feverish kiss turned passionate as her arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled her into him even more. Her mind was hazy as her fingers moved to entangle themselves in his hair. 
Thunder crackled above them but neither cared enough to pull away. 
Only when soft droplets of rain fell on their skin did she and Podrick finally move away from each other. Foreheads resting on the other’s as they breathed in sync. 
She couldn’t believe it, she had kissed Podrick Payne in the rain like some kind of Disney movie. And she still wanted to kiss Podrick in the rain so she did. Closing the gap once again, a smile playing on her lips as she lost herself in the moment and him, especially him.
The cold they both got a week later was so fucking worth it. 
Suprisingly, she and Podrick worked. It wasn’t just some fleeting kiss, it became so much more. They explored Winterfell Manor together. Stealing kisses in the nooks and crannies of the old noble home. They went on a few day trips together, sometimes just to drive and find the most secluded clearing to have picnics in. He took her hiking and she took him to art museums. 
They worked and falling in love with him was a natural occurrence that summer. 
By the end of it, Sansa came to the conclusion that maybe she had it wrong before. That maybe kind, brave and gentle men didn’t just belong in her novels. Maybe they were just clumsy frogs who needed time to blossom into the handsome prince, or in her case, the cute groundskeeper who made her feel safe and happy. Really happy. 
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Snafu {Oneshot}
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Bad text? Implied smut? Maybe if you squint? Fluffy Steve!
Summary: What happens when the leader of the Avengers, your leader, sends you a text that wasn’t meant for you. The image he sends is hilarious and is obvious it was meant to be sent to Bucky, but the caption reads: what if I send her this? Will it work? How does he handle the aftermath and it being Valentine’s day on top of it? Enough said! You have to read to find out how it is handled!
A/N: This is my entry @teamcap4bucky Valentines day challenge! My person is @marisabay! I thought I would do a short story for you! I hope you enjoy being an enhanced soldier and kick ass at that! I hope you enjoy this short blurb!
Words: +1,550
Quiet time in your room at the compound. Thank God, you thought to yourself. Stretching out on the couch to look over mapped hiking trails close to the Avengers compound. Looking for one you hadn’t hiked and realized, you had hiked them all.
“Yikes,” you spoke out to the cell phone you held in your hand. Finger touching over the screen to continue scrolling, beginning to think of the surrounding states and what they may have to offer. Looking further down you found the different trails leading to the Appalachian trek that would take you from Maine to Georgia.
The thought springing to mind that you would love to hike the entire thing. Sometime, but maybe never thanks to being an Avenger. You know, the world needed saving and all. Well, you could take a quinn jet to a trail head in North Carolina, be gone for a day, maybe. The phone vibrating in your hand alerting you to a text. The name reading Captain.
“Damn,” you sighed, this could only mean one thing, a mission or debriefing. Pressing the badge to open it you where in shock at what you opened. It was a picture and you couldn’t stop from falling across the couch laughing because of who it came from.
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What do you think? Should I send this to her to ask her out! LOL!
After reading the caption you had to stop. Her? Her who? Who was her?! You sat there, tears of laughter running down your face, thankful you weren’t up tight about things like this. Boy, you had some material to mess with the prim and proper captain now. Your mind was churning thinking of what to do or text back when the bubbles he was typing popped up on the screen followed by a pling.
Captain: Wait I may have a better one.
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“Oh. My. God,” you blurted out, the great stoic captain America was a total freaking goober! But you where kinda jealous of whoever ‘she’ was and wanted to know. Swallowing the laugh that was threatening to choke you. You decided to give the poor guy a break and let him know he wasn’t texting who he thought he was. It was probably Bucky, since those two figured out how to find gifs and memes and message them, thanks to you, it had turned into a flurry of things like this.
Y/N: Hey cap. You are texting me. But who is the girl?
In no time the bubbles popped up, then disappeared, then back again, then disappeared. It had gone silent all around. You stared at your screen, not sure how to respond. Poor guy was probably running around his room in a panic or wherever he was at the moment. You were picturing Steve turning 10 shades of red when you decided to put the phone down and go to your small kitchenette to rummage for something to eat.
A knock on the door had you diverting your path to answer it. Figuring it was probably someone asking you what you had planned for dinner and taking an order, so no one had to cook, or at least the ones who weren’t going on a night out.
Before you opened the door, you knew who it was thanks to your keen senses. It was a scent and heartbeat that was uniquely it's own, uniquely Steve. Taking a breath, you realized you were nervous, and that wasn’t you. The serum in your veins made you fearless, a serum that was superior to Steve’s and Bucky’s.
Swallowing your fear, you opened the door before he could knock again. Opening it to look up into nervous baby blues that dilated for a moment then went back normal. It was an action you would have never caught if not for who you were. With a smile you wondered why that happened, you were dressed in the baggiest shirt and lounge pants you owned. You hadn’t planned on interaction with any of the team today.
“Hey Y/N. Can I come in,” he asked nervously, a blush already rising as he placed his hand on the back of his neck. His nervous tic, you had noted, but he did it a lot around you.
“Yeah. Um, I look like a hobo, but you are welcome to,” you spoke up, moving to allow him into the room. His cologne wafting around you as if he had just put it on, taking in the jeans and button shirt he wore as if he was about to go out on a date.
Shutting the door, you turned to face the nervous captain who was looking at his hands before finally looking to you with a nervous smile. Hand going to the back of his neck again as he pushed the other into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone to hold it as if it will help.
“Look… I'm sorry,” he began slowly, holding the phone and his knuckles going white as he met your gaze.
You couldn’t help but smile. It was really the highlight of your day and you were surprised it hadn’t happened until now. You had crossed up text yourself and you were always spot on with any coding or tech in your hands, but the complexity of a cell phone made your brain take a hike, no pun intended.
“It's fine, you know I do it myself all the time. I'm surprised it hasn’t happened already,” you smiled trying to help him feel better, but the rising blush was making you realize, you where the one he was wanting to ask out.
You couldn’t speak, your discovery had to been written all over your face as he stepped forward. Your mouth opening and closing like a dying fish. Your heart fluttered hard in your chest at the thoughts that the blond before you had a crush on you, as you had done him when you first came to the compound.
“Umm, I'm her,” you finally squeaked out as he smiled at you, he was turning redder.
Damn it's hot in here. You could feel the room heating up, it was a little hard to breathe as you looked at him and that was very unusual. It dawned on you, you hadn’t felt nerves like this since you were small and were presented with your first mission as a 13-year-old soldier.
“I'm sorry. I’ll leave. This was dumb, I shouldn’t have… I need to shut up… I'm going to go hide in my room and die of embarrassment,” he blurted out as he made a move to step around you, but you grabbed his forearm carefully. Damn he ran hotter than you, in more ways than one of course.
“I would love to be her. If I am her, I would be glad to go out with you,” you blurted, not trying to sound desperate but you had let the opportunity pass you by more than once. He turned to face you, a shit eating grin on his face as he visibly calmed his nerves.
“YES! I mean yes. You are her and how about 6 this evening? I will take you on a date… that is if you don’t have plans and it's Valentine’s day… I should,” he rambled until he made himself stop as you released him, a smile on your face so wide it hurt.
You had never had an actual date for Valentines day before and you where excited to say the least. Looking at the clock on the stove, it gave you 30 minutes to get ready and say yes.
“It would be great to go on a date with you Capt. Rogers,” you spoke quietly as he stepped almost flush with you. You had to look up into his baby blues, but that was fine, unable to stop the goofy grin on your face.
“Call me Steve, doll,” he smirked at you, his confidence coming back as he leaned down slightly, making it clear you were going to have to bridge the gap.
“Steve,” you spoke, going to your toes to press your lips to his in a tender kiss. Breaking it as you both pulled away.
“I’ll be ready in 30, and keep calling me doll,” you smiled, swearing your face would split if it became even bigger.
“Good, I’ll just… wait… outside…,” he stammered once again as you stepped away to head to your bedroom.
“You can wait on the couch,” you laughed, hinting to the couch you had been sitting on, stopping to grab your phone on your way to the bedroom.
“I will. Doll,” he spoke up as you disappeared into your room to fret over what to wear and how to do your makeup. This was going to be a fun night to remember!
Tags open! And re-blogs are ALWAYS welcomed!
Tags: @dark-night-sky-99  @prettybubblesintheair  @gramaeryebard  @reallyheckinggay  @jovanna-shewolf  @andiyholly  @katstablook   @nickyl316h  @beets1bears1battlestargalactica @aslandia726 @moonfaery @furstinnajoelle   @itsbqueenthings @lookwhatyoumademequeue @whovianwookie86-captainxev@jazzieomega   @tomhardy41 @get-loki @drakonwild
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