#Everytime I try to make a guy with a normal gender it just kind of gets weirder the longer they exist
seafoam-taide · 4 months
there needto be more weird little freaks with weird pronouns and weird interests who do weird things in the world (<- guy who's every oc is one or all of these things)
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dollcherray · 2 months
Hello! Could you do Yandere!Mister Demi Headcanons? :D
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✮⋆˙ LOVE YOU SO </3 ୨୧
Yandere Mister Demi x Reader
A/N: so, since i think student x teacher relationships are hella wrong, you are a teacher in this, gender neutral for yall sillies, made Mister Demi in the way i see him since i dont know much about him, Edit: I GOT TRICKED!!! I JUST FOUND OUT THAT WIKI WAS LYING, HES NOT A LIBRARIAN!!! HES A FUCKING MUSIC TEACHER FUCK-
TW: Yandere topics, death topics, reader is so done, paranoia, overthinking, remember: this is not healthy, stay way from individuals who act like this and seek help if they act in such way towards you.
type: angst(?), romantic and headcanons.
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୨୧ First things first, lets get into how you met eachother, you were another teacher in that godforsaken school, having to fight everyday in that violent place like your life depended on it (and it probably is).
୨୧ Although you would share some kindness here and there with some people in the school, especially the students since they have to study hard if they dont want to... well... die by the cold and brutal hands of the teachers, you felt pity for them, sincerely, you still feel sad about Abbie's brutal death, poor kid met a horrible demise just because of an F.
୨୧ You met Mister Demi in his library of course, he was really scared at first, because you were another teacher and he knows how the teachers there were cruel in that school, but... you were surprisingly nice! he even striked an pleasant conversation with you.
୨୧ And thats how you two started to get acquainted, day after day you would stop by the library to have a chat with your new friend who seemed like a (and only) decent person in such depraved place, nice! (bold of you to assume anyone could be normal in that place.)
୨୧ Demi would grow more and more enloved by you and wouldnt really acknowledge it at first, but after some time when his heart is hurting and thumping like crazy in his chest everytime you arent with him.
୨୧ Demi would start to have obsessive thoughts of you after some time when you two start hanging out even when you guys arent in the library, its like the more intimate you become, the more obsessive he becomes.
୨୧ Demi is obsessive, paranoid, dependent, harmless and anxious, he feels like hes going to die whenever you arent with him or when you have to leave him to do something important, he REALLY enjoys your company, sometimes he just wants to grab you by the hand and hold onto you until he thinks its enough.
୨୧ but he really tries to hide the fact that he likes that much, he doesnt wanna seem noisy or annoying to you, because it can make you avoid him and he would be devastated, Demi really overthinks of how you see him, he tries to be perfect to you so you wont leave him, please dont leave him!
୨୧ But Demi knows that wasnt correct and that wasnt the right thing to do if he wanted to stay with you, so he would just let you go, fighting with his frustration, he loves you very much and doesnt know how to deal with that.
୨୧ Demi often writes in a book everything he feels about you, so he would not take the risk of his losing his cool and doing something that will push you away from him and his grasp, so he would just deposit every little sick obsession he has in his book who probably by now would have 20 pages of his feelings about you. (minimum)
୨୧ Demi would be VERY touch starved, he often would find lots of excuses just to get you to end up touching him, even if its a minimal, the librarian even fakes crying so he could feel your hug for a prolongated time since he asks for that for "comfort". Basically: he isnt crying, hes just creating reasons.
୨୧ The librarian man would try to keep his red flags down so he doesnt risks on you catching on his troubling lovingly passion for you, that would probably push you away and he really doesnt want that
୨୧ But the red flags would start to lift up when Demi starts acting more and more erratic the more you two get intimate, like, he starts to get weirdly dissapointed whenever you have to leave and asks you lots of questions of where you are going and why even if its the room right next to the libraryor how he started to cling up to an extenct where hes almost climbing on ur back.
୨୧ If you found his book, he would be really scared, fuck scared, he'd be terrified, because he knows that everything he wrote in that book was not ethical, you would probably find his book in the library balcony where he forgot to hide it.
୨୧ if you do try to leave him, he would fucking breakdown, that polite and shy facade replaced by a lovesick and obsessive Demi, that was not the Demi you knew, the Demi that was clinging to your knee and begging to you not leave him was a totally different Demi you met.
୨୧ “I was being good!- i-i promise ill behave! please- please just dont leave me!"
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nnight-dances · 2 years
pairings: mark lee x f!reader genre: fluff, angst, heated moments tropes: close friends to lovers?, mark avoids u because he's stupid, taeyong as your perfect ex who's still in love w u, u kiss mark's face to shut him up. warnings: mint ice-cream slander, mark is some guy, skinship, college frat party, not proofread.
author's note: haha guess who's in their mark phase hhhhh... sorry he's just such an interesting guy i could write him all day long. either way!!! more mark appreciation, less depression <3
at the end of the day, mark really was just some guy.
that’s what he thought to himself everytime he sat down to really consider the reality of all things. he doesn’t mean to get all self-deprecating and emo like that, but it was just a neutral truth thing that kinda hurts the first time you realize it but then it’s just the obvious thing in your daily life. but of course, if he ever did tell someone that he always felt like some guy among a bunch of cool guys, regardless of their gender, he would have to sit through one of those ultimately useless and pitiful speeches about how talented he really was.
— “you know what? you’re right!”
mark’s thoughts zap off their route when he hears you agree with his remark a few seconds ago. honestly, he hadn’t been completely sure if you’d heard him because of the lack of reaction you’d given him. but when you suddenly chuckle and agree with him, mark chokes over the stream of dr pepper in his throat.
he coughs desperately, “wait, what?”
your smile widens, “you’re just some guy. that’s like the perfect description of you.”
under normal circumstances, mark thinnks he would’ve been offended by how certain you sound. but the way you say it? it’s not like you’re trying to be mean or condescending… more like you’re just saying the truth. the neutral truth thing…
“i can’t believe you,” mark mutters, face splitting in a laugh, “i can’t believe you’re agreeing with me!” you look slightly confused but continue, “don’t tell me you’re hurt? you were the one who brought it up!”
mark shakes his head, controlling his laughter, still slightly losing his mind. “you’re really something, bro. i just didn’t expect you to actually be honest.” he laughs again, taking a sip of his drink again, becoming aware that he was being too loud for a bookstore. thankfully though, on a brief glance around, nobody seemed to care.
you fiddle with the zipper of your pencil pouch in thought. then, a shrug as you look back at mark, “hmm, isn’t that funny. i’m some thing, you’re some guy.”
mark falls into another fit of laughter before he knows it, disbelieving more than anything over your badly disguised shamelessness. you hold in a laugh as you land the last punch to his gut, “the perfect pair, isn’t it?” — the punch that sends him right into an oblivion of a world where nothing except you makes sense.
(ok perhaps, mark was being a tad dramatic. you know what he means though: he’s smitten.)
if someone were to kidnap you for the purposes of interrogating your honesty behind your claims that you thought mark was some guy, you’d probably get shot in the head instead, because there was no way you were letting anyone in on the information that you did not actually consider mark some guy.
maybe, a little, yes, but at this point, the phrase ‘some guy’ needs some more definiton. some guy as in boring and bland and dry and overdone? absolutely not. if that was what mark was, you wouldn’t have been committing every last one of your wednesday evenings, aka the only free evenings you ever get, to sitting in a crowded bookstore to pretend to do homework with him. you never did homework with mark around.
mark was the kind of some guy that was just being himself. yeah, that’s all you got. mark was mark. good explanation.
“bro? y/n, you good?”
you blink, finding mark swaying in front of you. you were currently sat on a bench near the building where your next class was.
“uhh, sorry,” you take off your headphones to look up at mark, “what are you doing on this part of campus?”
mark shrugs with a playful smile, “why can’t i be here?”
“because you literally don’t take any classes in the econ department?”
he shrugs again, “what if i’ve changed my ways? we’re still young and free, y/n, think a little outside the box, won’t you?”
“you’re taking econ? how- how did you-?”
“oh, look at that,” mark cuts you off, holding up his phone in front of your face. the time reads 11:05 am. “it’s time for our class. let’s go.” you’re busy processing his words (our class???) when he pulls you by the arm and toward the hall behind you.
and that’s the story of how you go from knowing absolutely nobody in your econ class, to sitting next mark in the extremely damp and cramped chairs of your econ class which means your arm is constantly touching his which you, for some reason, don’t hate. probably because the chilly fall wind coming through the window next to mark always makes you glad for the warmth.
mark, on the other hand, smiles a small smile whenever you shuffle closer because even though, the guy (doyoung is his name?) in front of him is always asking him to close the window, he would rather not.
“you’re kidding? ice-cream? in this fucking weather?” you question mark, coughing a fake cough to make your point.
“what are you, a coward?”
when you give mark an unimpressed look, he breaks a laugh, grabbing hold of you by your elbow. cheekily, he says, “please. for me?”
you frown, feeling your resolve crumble under his stupid gaze, “i hate you,” you say but let mark pull you after him into the tiny corner shop.
the two of you huddle over the menu of the ice-cream shop, and you exclaim quietly, “oh! i’ve been wanting to try their raspberry choco flavor for a while!” mark looks between you and menu, “ah, really? that sounds kinda good.”
then, he shifts to look at the girl behind the counter, “uhh, we’ll have one mint chocolate and one raspberry choco, please.” you gasp at mark’s choice, “m-mint chocolate?! mark. i think i might break up with you.”
mark is too busy reddening at your joke that hits too close to home to notice the worker chuckling at you. she processes your orders and mark has time to recover.
when he looks back at you, you’re still grimacing. “i didn’t think you could get any worse.”
“are you sure you should be saying that to someone who’s treating you to icecream?”
“huh?” your eyes widen and then you smile, “ahhh, i see. i wasn’t aware you were bribing me into have a favorable opinion of you.” before mark can retort though, you continue with a smirk, “i’m not complaining though.”
your smirk both flusters and scares mark because it’s evidence you’re upto no good in your head but before he can air his suspicion, you’re reaching out for the two cones of icecream that the girl is handing out.
“you guys are really cute together,” the worker remarks shyly, giving you a thumbs up of approval.
mark chokes on the first bite of his mint choco icecream. you look at mark and he expects you to shut down the worker swiftly, but then you reach for his hand, pulling him closer with a bashful smile and say, “thanks, that’s really sweet of you.”
“uh-?” you cut mark’s question off by pulling him out of the store after you.
when you’re outside, you burst into laughter at the perplexed look on mark’s look, looking absolutely adorable next to his already melting green blob of an abomination.
the next morning, mark is still suffering through it, unable to come to terms with your actions yesterday. they were honestly not out of character for you. you were always one to do shit just because you knew it would get a reaction out of someone else. like, that time you didn’t tell mark he had spinach in his teeth the whole time he was speaking in econ and only told him at the end. yeah, sure, but surely that was different from you pretending that you and mark were together. right?
mark’s pulled out of his thoughts when his phone buzzes next to his pillow. he stirs to his side, opening his phone only to find a text from you.
y/n: fuck u
mark’s heart skips a beat, no matter the fact that you’re swearing at him the first thing in the morning.
mark: what did i do now…
y/n: it’s ur fault
mark: ???
y/n: i’m fuckin sick
“oh, fuck,” mark swears, sitting up with a frown, fingers quickly shooting a flurry of concerned texts back.
mark: oh shit really?
mark: im so sorry
mark: how bad is it?
y/n: it’s just a cold, dw not that bad
mark: what does that mean?
you, however, don’t bother to elaborate any more on your condition, going silent.
he groans, guilt settling in the slouch of his shoulder as he stares at his screen for a solid 10 minutes before giving up on your response. as he gets ready for the day, at the top of mark’s to do list is to visit your dorm room with medicine and snacks.
but by the time 3 pm rolls around, mark finds himself constantly distracted by classes and homeowork. he looks at the time and sighs. you hadn’t managed to get back to him. but considering how he hadn’t seen you in econ or lunch, your cold was more than ‘not bad’.
sitting outside the library to collect his thoughts, he spots chaewon, your roommate. the two of you had run into mark on a grocery shopping errand and mark had had a decent enough conversation to make him run up to chaewon.
“oh!” chaewon is surprised at first when mark blocks her way with a quick hey. “oh hey, mark!”
“um,” mark looks at the take-out box in her hands, “um, is that for y/n?”
“oh, yeah. did you hear? she woke up this morning with a fever.”
“a fever?”
“yeah, it was pretty high too. i had to force her to stay in bed or i think she would’ve just gone to class like the dumbass she is.”
mark frowns, “oh, no. has she eaten all day?”
chaewon hums in thought, “she told me she was fine for breakfast. i’m not sure if she had lunch though so i was just going to take some pizza and salad in case she’s been starving.”
mark’s frown deepens as she adds, “oh i better hurry though! i have to get back here in time for my dance practice.”
“ah…” he scratches his head, “uhh, if you’re busy, i wouldn’t mind dropping it off to y/n.”
chaewon raises an eyebrow, “wait, really? you’d do that?”
“um, yeah. it’s my fault she got sick anyway. i made her eat icecream last night.”
she laughs, “a little icecream wouldn’t have done that. but sure! it’d be a great help, if you did that. thanks, mark.”
mark hadn’t thought this through, he realizes when he reaches the door that reads y/n on the door, right next to chaewon. he takes a deep breath, clearing his throat, before knocking on the door. “y/n?” his voice breaks mid-sentence and he wants to hide in a hole somewhere, but you’re quick to throw your door open.
your hair is up in a bun which bobs in rhythm with your head, when you find mark outside your room, “mark? what the fuck are you doing here?”
“you weren’t responding to my texts,” he mumbles, and then holds up chaewon’s takeout box in one hand and in the other, the bag of medicine and snacks he’d packed. “i come bearing gifts though.”
you cough hoarsely into your elbow, pulling at the hem of your green hoodie as you consider mark in front of you. “you could’ve told me you were coming,” you sound… shy? mark thinks as he follows into your room after you gesture him to enter.
he looks at your bed and chuckles at the mess that is your bed. then, he smiles as he looks at the eccentric yet coherent collage of pictures and letters on your wall. “this is so you,” he comments and places the food and medicine on your table.
you pout, “a room that looks like all hell broke lose… is me? wow, thanks, mark.”
mark wants to refute your comment, he does, but then he gets distracted by how the way you say his name in your hoarse inside voice and he coughs a little. “i got you medicine though?” he sounds squeaky to his own ears.
you smile though at that, looking inside the bag he’s kept. “ahhh, ramen! i knew i could count on you, mark lee.”
mark almost wants to beg you to stop saying his name so much. but instead he shoots you a thumbs up, “how are you holding up?”
you nod in thought, still unpacking everything mark bought, “hmm, i’m alive. you should’ve seen me in the morning though i felt like something was trying to crawl out my skin.”
you laugh at the imagery, pausing when you catch the guilty look on mark. you already know he’s about to apologize when he opens his mouth. you hold up a finger threateningly, “i know i said that in the morning, but it’s not actually your fault. i always get sick like this every time fall rolls around.”
“no, for real though, i did force you to come eat icecream with me, didn’t i? i’m sorry.”
“ugh, mark, trust me, i wouldn’t have eaten the icecream if i really didn’t want to,” you say, too kindly for your usual snarkiness as if you can sense how genuine mark’s apology was, “for real, my body’s just weird like that.”
when mark remains silent for another minute, you groan, “i know! you can repay me. stay and we can watch a movie or something. all the sleeping’s making me feel gross. plus, i couldn’t eat all this food myself.”
and that’s how mark finds himself settled next to you on your bed, blanket covering half his body, watching gilmore girls (your fall preference of entertainment, it seems). the first half hour went by fine, with one of you commenting ocassionally at something the characters did, but then you shifted closer to mark with a cough.
he was shocked at first but then he wonders if the medicine you’d taken before were starting to take effect. (he’d questioned how wise it was for you to be taking them before watching something, but he also didn’t want to make your condition worse.)
“you good, y/n?” he mumbles under his breath when he feels your head come to rest against his shoulder. he sounds surprisingly calm for the turmoil that is bursting within his veins at the contact.
you hum in acknowledgement, sniffing a little, “yeah, just a little sleepy.”
“oh, you should probably rest then,” mark reaches for the spacebar to pause the episode but your cold hand pulls his finger away. except you don’t let go of his finger, instead seeming to crave warmth, you’re suddenly holding his hand, icy fingertips coming to rest against the back of his palm.
mark’s hearbeat is in his ears by now but he lets you hold his hand as you protest, “mm, don’t wanna sleep. just keep watching.”
you don’t sound promising but he doesn’t argue, letting you having the final say in this situation.
five minutes later though, you stir against mark’s side, arm now in his lap and… yeah, you’re falling asleep.
mark freezes at the realization when he sees your eyelashes fluttering shut. oh god. oh no… this wasn’t good for his well-being. or his obsession with you. or anything.
he clears his throat, hating himself, “um, y/n?”
you don’t respond except for a short grunt that indicates you don’t intend to wake up. he doesn’t have the heart to move you but also, this wasn’t right, was it?
there wasn’t anything wrong with it per se, except of course the fact that it did not help mark’s big fat ugly crush on you or the fact that he spent the whole day thinking about how you were sick and it was his fault.
you move slightly in your sleep, suddenly seeming to come to. your eyes open a little, “mark?” your voice is dangerously low.
“yeah?” mark can hear the nerves in his voice.
you’re pulling him now, without a warning, onto your bed. “you’re warm. stay.”
mark’s eyes widen when you turn to hug him around the waist.
fuck. fuck. fuck. FUCK. this was… THIS IS…. UTREJKLSGIURKEJU?????YGSAELRIAY
mark brain malfunctions for a good minute before he remembers how to think. first, he thinks he has to leave or you’ll hate him forever. but when he tries to budge, you groan an annoyed groan making him scared to leave..
??? what is one supposed to do in these circumstances?
he stills, deciding it was better if he let you doze off comfortably. he slowly places an arm around your shoulder, patting a reassuring back rub into your skin. you nuzzle closer into him, clueless of the way mark is short-circuiting.
before he knows it though, mark finds himself dozing off, chin pressed up against the bone of your shoulder. the sleep isn’t chaotic like his thoughts usually are, but it’s a peaceful sleep, the kind that you only get when you share a bed with someone.
ever since that eventful… nap, mark has found himself growing closer to you, in all senses of the phrase. you’d seemed to start trusting mark more, your bookstore evenings turning into whole days spent in each other’s company. sometimes you’d be at each other’s room, more often yours, but otherwise, you’d end up in some new corner of campus, giggling over half-completed essays and collectively complaining about econ.
you’d also grown closer… physically. something about spending a sick evening in someone’s arms, you’d like to say. whatever the reason was, one way or another, you’d find a way to be next to each other.
you’d made a habit of holding mark’s hand, especially on colder days when your fingers lost all feeling till you pressed them into the knuckles of mark’s warm ones. other times, mark’s hand would be on your shoulder or back, casually doodling into your skin, a lazy smile on his face while you dramatically narrate some event from your life.
mark could tell something was different, though he dared not investigate what it was, too afraid to mess up what he had right now.
but then, he does the stupid thing of asking you the question.
it’s on a late night hangout in your room when chaewon’s out for the weekend to visit home, and y’all are sprawled on your bed, exhausted from a movie marathon.
something about the dim lights and the way you lean against his shoulder, makes him speak. “do you like someone right now?”
for a good while, mark thinks he mustn’t have asked the question out loud because of how quiet you are. but then, “what about you?”
“not fair! i asked you first,” mark complains with a chuckle. you shrug, “not telling if you don’t.”
he rolls his eyes, “two can play this game, y’know. i’m not giving.”
“ugh, fine. i’ll tell you about my ex for now.”
mark’s ear perks up at the mention and he waits for you to continue.
“ah, this is so embarassing to talk about. but.. last semester i was with taeyong.”
“wait. lee taeyong?”
“mhm-hm. you know him? he was a good guy, but i don’t know, something felt off. we broke up right before new year’s eve so that was fun.”
mark falls silent as he recalls everything he can about lee taeyong. so far he has: perfect face and killer charm. oh yeah, wasn’t he a student athlete?
“you dated an athelete?” mark can’t help but ask.
“see! i know you’d make fun,” you whine, hiding your face in your hands.
“no- no, i’m not making fun. that’s insane. taeyong is, like, famous.”
you groan, “and you’re listing all the reasons i broke up with him.”
mark isn’t sure what he can do with this information so he releases a strained chuckle, suddenly ready to head back to his room. he can’t be too obvious though, so he waits a bit.
“what about you?” you ask him, poking his arm. “any embarassing boyfriends?”
mark laughs despite it all, “i wish. i was in a silly little relationship but it was so long ago that i hardly remember.” with that, he sits up, a little abruptly.
you frown as he clears his throat, “um, anyway, i should get back soon. i’ve got to sleep.”
“the fuck?” you question, “it’s like 11 pm?”
“well, yeah, i have an early morning tomorrow.”
“on a sunday?”
“yeah, uhm, i forgot to tell you about this new job i have. anyways, i should really sleep soon. i’ll see you later, yeah?”
and just like that, mark leaves your room, with you gaping at how fast he’d made his exit, not even bothering to make real excuses. new job? halfway through the semester? yeah, sure. you feel your mood dampening at mark’s sudden cold shoulder, wondering if you’d upset him. but no matter how many times you thought about it, you weren’t sure what had made him act like that.
mark, on the other hand, can’t get the conversation out of his head, even as he walks to the library at 8 am on a sunday, ready to finish all traces of homework in existence. it doesn’t matter though because sitting in the silence of the study room, his mind repeats your words.
he was a good guy, but i don’t know, something felt off.
boy, did mark feel stupid as shit. for everything? for thinking you were into him. somewhere along the way, your hands on his had him confused. for a minute there, he had stopped thinking about how he was actually just some guy. some guy who you chose to hang out with now and then, some guy who was your friend. mark was nowhere close to being taeyong, and even taeyong didn’t cut it for you. really, though, he couldn’t blame you. you really did deserve the best anyone could imagine.
a text from you interrupts his self-loathing spiralling.
y/n: heyoo!! u alive?
y/n: u left kinda abruptly last night. is everything ok?
mark clenches his fist as if to obliterate the hopeful smile that threatens his face. he thinks of how he might respond: sorry cant talk i’ve to make sure i’m not in love with u before i see u again or maybe: sorry i’m just trying not to cry in broad daylight bc i love u too much hjbykyvkvyf
“fuck! sorry!” a voice pulls mark back from his head. he looks up to see who’s broken into his study room… only to see lee taeyong standing there in confusion. of course this happens to mark.
“uhh, can i help you?” mark barely controls the snap that tries to escape him at the sight of taeyong.
“um, sorry,” taeyong looks down at his phone then back at mark, “i could’ve sworn i booked this room for the next hour…”
mark frowns, certain he’d booked this room for the next two hours. usually, he would’ve just told taeyong he’s booked it wrong, but instead he just says, “oh? i guess you can take this room then. i’ll go somewhere else.”
mark starts packing up but the other boy protests quickly, “no, no! it’s okay. i- um, i’d feel bad if you did that. what if… what if we shared? it’ll be nice to have someone else in the room, no?” taeyong smiles brightly at mark and the latter wants his eyes to stop working already.
call it the law of inertia, but something in mark doesn’t let him just leave the room, almost intrigued by how this might turn out. “alright, then.”
taeyong, as much as mark hates to admit it, is really nice. he hadn’t ever heard anything to refute that, but sitting silently in a room with someone really tells you all you need to know about someone. either way, the study sessions somehow seems to provide mark some sense of peace.
or so he thinks.
what he doesn’t expect is that two hours later, as the two of them are packing up to empty the room for the next occupant, for the next occupant to be… you. yes, of course, that’s gonna happen in this story.
for a moment, mark doesn’t find it particularly shocking to see you but when he notices the stiff look you share with taeyong, he realizes what’s happening.
you’d just entered the room with a knock when you’d noticed who was inside. your eyes travel between mark and taeyong, your mind unable to make sense of this.
your first thought is… is this why mark was weird last night? because he was close to taeyong and got offended by your remarks?
that would be the easy alternate, wouldn’t it? but even you can tell there’s a dryness in the way mark looks at the two of you, a look that unsettles you. of course, the sight of taeyong also unsettles you.
he speaks up before you, “y/n?”
you awkwardly wave at the two of them, “hi mark. hey taeyong. didn’t expect to see the two of you together.”
you look at mark pointedly but he’s not giving you much to work with. he just laughs as taeyong rushes to explain, “ah, i made a mistake in booking this room at the same time as mark, and he was kind enough to let me stay.”
marks want to leave right now. because of the way taeyong’s eyes are sparkling at the sight of you, hands nervously fidgeting. but he decides against it, when he sees you uneasy you seem, tight grip around the strap of your tote bag.
“what are you doing here?” mark asks and a part of you is relieved that he’s talking to you.
“um, homework. i didn’t really know what else to do ever since my friend started ghosting me.”
mark flinches at your attack, but persists in looking as indifferent as he can. “sorry about that, i got caught up finishing this essay.”
taeyong awkwardly coughs, “um, i should probably leave now. i have practice to get to.”
mark is quick to follow after taeyong, scared to death of being alone in a room with you. he doesn’t know what to do with himself around you anymore. “uhh, yeah, i’ll leave you to do homework, then! see ya!”
and just like that, it’s a repeat of last night. mark’s back receding except this time you watch him wave at you with a half-hearted smile as he leaves. you barely manage to close the door behind you before you feel yourself tear up.
this is stupid, you realize through tears, to be crying over something like this. but something like this? it meant a lot to you. you sit where mark sat minutes ago, the same disappointment in your eyes and a similar weight in your heart.
mark is not having the time of his life either though, as he walks out the library with taeyong, who starts asking questions about you as soon as he can.
“so you’re friends with y/n?” mark simply nods at that, having seen this coming.
“that’s cool. she’s really cool, isn’t she?”
“yeah, i suppose. she’s fun.”
“how close are you to her?”
mark laughs dismissively, “haha, i feel like i’ve done something wrong. calm down, bro.”
taeyong flushes at that, rubbing his neck, “oh, sorry. i didn’t mean to interrogate you like that. it’s just… you probably know about us, right?”
that words leaves taeyong’s mouth and buries itself deep into mark’s heart. us.
taeyong continues, “it’s just that i really miss her, man. i don’t think i’ve had as much fun with anyone else since her. or maybe, it’s just because i’m always comparing everyone to her.”
mark really doesn’t know what to say, feeling himself stuck in a similar situation. “hmm, it’ll get better.”
“i hope you’re right,” taeyong says, cheerfully patting mark’s back, “well, i have to go that way. see you around, bro. take care of her.”
take care of her? marks smiles remorsefully as he watches taeyong leave. and he wonders what was going on in your mind when you broke up with someone that perfect? what went on in your head when you befriended mark, just some guy?
on saturday, it’s been a whole week since you’ve talked to mark. you’d actually stayed up all night yesterday hoping he’d have a change of heart on friday night, and he’d text you with a can we talk? or come knocking on your door with an apologetic smile with some silly excuse. and you would’ve accepted it all because you were not familar with a mark-less existence. the past week was.. not good for you.
but on saturday night, you decide it’s enough. or rather, chaewon decides it’s enough when she sees you ready to spend the night in bed.
“y/n, i’m sorry but i can’t respect your stupid decisions anymore,” she bursts into the room with a concerned look.
you frown, “ouch? you just called me stupid.”
“because that’s what you’re being. i don’t care if you’re going through it, i’m not letting you woe over some guy on the weekend.”
you grimace at the phrase some guy, remembering your conversation with mark. “hey! i’m talking to you, miss,” chaewon’s hands pull off your bed. “let’s go out tonight. i don’t care.”
“chaewon…” you complain, voice low.
“y/n, my dear friend, stop giving up on life because mark lee is ghosting you. if i know anything about the two of you, y’all will be back to cuddling each other next week.”
you want to say you’re afraid that’s not gonna happen but chaewon is moving too fast for you. she throws a dress at you and then, a coat. “wear those and come to yunjin’s room. we’re pre-gaming.”
an hour later, you’re not feeling so bad after all. you’d forgotten how fun getting wasted really was. you giggle hopelessly when yunjin cracks another “slayyy~” at chaewon’s empty glass. as sakura pours her another shot, you nudge her with your own empty cup.
your roommate frowns a little, “you sure you’re not going too fast?”
you roll your eyes, “chaewon! you’re the one who wanted to slut me out tonight. how am i gonna do that sober?” that makes everyone double up in laughter and you down the vodka with a triumphant sigh.
another hour later, you’re really feeling yourself. the pre-game finally ended with all of you walking to the frat that was throwing tonight. the first step you take into the crowded room has you regretting your decision, but your worries go to waste once you’re hearing the music blast through your veins.
you stay within chaewon’s group for most of the night. the girls are fun, yunjin being one of the best people you’ve partied with. it’s halfway through a doja cat song when you feel your bladder getting full from all the beer. you groan at all the effort it’s gonna take to go upstairs to where the bathroom was, but you could use a break.
you quickly tell chaewon you’ll be back, pointing in the direction of the bathroom and reassure her you’re fine when she asks to come with. the world is definitely spinning as you go up the stairs but you do make it to the top without falling over.
but as soon as you reach for the door of the bathroom, you lose balance as the person inside emerges. “fuck,” you groan, falling over into the person ahead, “’m sorry,” you mumble, supporting yourself against the sink.
you’re ready to push whoever it is out of the bathroom when you heard a familar voice. “y/n?”
you look up and actually gasp when you see mark in front of you. “mark?!” you sound incredulous but honestly, you’re just ecstatic. “i miss you,” you say your thoughts shamelessly.
mark reddens or so your vision tells you. “y/n, are you drunk?”
you frown and shake your head, about to explain yourself when a loud voice outside tells you to hurry up with your business, the door still open. mark shouts a, “find somewhere else, buddy!” and shuts the door, locking it behind him.
your drunk brain isn’t doing well with the concept of you in a locked room with mark. “are you drunk, mark?”
mark laughs at your question, “a little, yeah.”
“okay, good, then can you just-” you lose your balance again and mark steadies you instantly, warm hand on your elbow. you lose your train of thoughts at the feel of him, looking into his eyes wordlessly.
you think you stay there for a minute like that, the two of you just catching up on all the looks you’ve missed out on in the last week.
“why are you mad at me?” you ask the question that’s been bugging you for ages. wanting mark to understand how hurt you’ve been, you pull at the sleeve of shirt, “i’ve been so sad. why are you avoiding me?”
mark takes your hand in his, “no! it’s not like that. i’m… not mad at you.”
“really?” you question him through a pout, “really?”
he doesn’t know what to do when pinned with that gaze of yours in that moment. and then his eyes land up on your lips, your little pout.
he knew the alcohol was a bad idea because now he can’t think straight, knowing he has to explain everything to you or he might lose it all. but somehow, instead of words, he feels another ugre crawl up his skin.
just as you open your mouth to speak, you feel mark’s lips on yours, stealing the breath from your lungs. you gasp into his mouth, and he pulls away just as soon as he leaned in. he drops your hand, falling to his knees.
it takes you a moment to re-orient yourself after the taste of mark in your mouth, but you hear mark sniffle and instantly join him on the ground, hands on his face.
“are you crying?”
mark tries to stop himself but he can’t. “i’m sorry, y/n. i’m so sorry.”
“hey,” you find yourself sobering up. how could you not when mark lee is in front of you, tears staining his ever-smiling face? “hey, mark, look at me.” he wipes at his face shakily, looking up at you through a fresh flood of tears.
“i’m sorry,” his voice breaks, “i’ve been acting so selfish with you. i shouldn’t have avoided you. i shouldn’t have kissed you. i’m.. it’s all because…” he trails off conveniently at the part of his sentence you most need to hear.
your fingers trail down to his chin, bringing his face back up, “it’s all because of what, mark? talk to me, baby.”
something in mark uncoils when you coo at him lovingly like that, his name as breathy as the nickname you suddenly throw at him. his lip quivers but his words are clear as day, “fuck, i’m into you, y/n. i know i’m just some guy really but i think i like you. i- like romantically, i’m dying to be with you.” he sighs when you don’t say anything, stunned into silence.
your hand stays put on his face though which mark thinks of as a good sign. gingerly, he takes your hand, gaze pointed at your interlocked fingers. “i know it’s awkward because you’re not into me like that. it’s all good, i understand.”
“mark, you’re drunk,” you finally mumble out, hand twitching in disbelief. “you’re just saying things.”
mark stiffens, “w-what? no! i’m serious, y/n. i’m not even that drunk anymore. how could i be, when you’re right here?” but then, he stirs, hands leaving yours, “oh, but if you’d rather forget that this happened—”
it’s a replay of five minutes ago, except this time your lips come crashing into mark’s, with so much force that you topple him over. he takes you with him, hand finding purchase at your waist as he pulls you on top of him, his back hitting the door of the bathroom.
your kiss is fierce, almost angry because you did not deserve to be kept in the dark about mark’s feelings. you push closer to him, making him groan into your lips at the intensity. you pull away then, hand at mark’s chest, “i hate you for avoiding me like that, mark. i can’t believe you.”
mark tries to explain himself but you’re kissing him again, swallowing his words whole, unforgiving in the way your hands grip his arms. again, you pull away, “what did you think? that i’d stop talking to you because you like me? you’re so stupid sometimes, mark.”
“i don’t—”
“no, you don’t understand. do you see me right now?” mark nods, eyes trailing at your disheveled state. mark couldn’t forget this sight if he wanted to: your hair wet with sweat, panting in between mark’s legs, lips a breath away.
“do i look like i hate you?”
“i mean, you do look annoyed,” mark remarks and you slap his arm with a snarl.
“that’s because you’re being unfair. what about my feelings for you, huh?” you challenge with a glare. “what about how much i suffered just because you decided to not show up to the bookstore? all because you came to some stupid conclusion by yourself?”
“wait,” mark starts, but you’re not letting him talk.
“no, listen, if i could, i’d seriously slap you. because i’m that down bad for you, mark! i’ve been thinking about doing this with you ever since you fell asleep in my bed that day. so fuck you, for hurting me like that.”
you’re breathless, eyes still trained on mark with that look of betrayal mixed with desire. you can’t help yourself though, mark looks absolutely breath-taking in front of you, mouth ajar in shock, lips red from your relentless kisses.
mark takes too long to process your words just then, long enough that you’re coming down from your high, embarassment flooding your veins. you go cold, standing up with a grunt. “i’m just gonna go back,” you mutter in disappointment, leaving before you can see mark’s response.
he’s coming back to his senses now, realizing that maybe you were right about how stupid he’d been. “fuck,” he breathes out, regaining his footing as he chases after you.
this chase proves to be difficult, given that the party only seems to have gotten more crowded since mark left. he struggles through the throngs of people, shouldering through, when he spots a silhouette of you in his peripheral vision. you were outside, apparently talking to another taller figure.
mark follows your shadow to the door, quickly making his way out. his breath hitches when he finds taeyong next to you. his arm is around your shoulder and you’re speaking to him in a low voice.
“y/n,” mark calls out, not hesitating to break taeyong’s hold on you, replacing it with his own embrace. he pulls you close. your eyes are teary and you sniff when you see mark, “what-”
“i’m sorry, can we talk?” he mumbles into your side, still aware of taeyong’s presence.
“oh, hey, mark. i was just,” taeyong moves to stand in front of the two of you, “taking care of y/n. she looked sick.”
“i’m fine, taeyong,” you reassure him, pressing yourself into mark’s side. “i’ll let mark walk me home. good night.” mark is impressed at how easily you dismiss taeyong, pulling mark after you.
“what do you want?”
mark stops you from walking, pulling you into a hug instead. “you’re right, i’m really stupid. let me ask you this instead: would you let me be your boyfriend?”
you release a soft laugh against his neck at his question, arms still for a moment for dramatic effect. then, you wrap yourself around him, kissing your answer into his ear, “of course, you idiot.”
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Hello! Can i request for a dg/james x reader
The reader has known dg since he james and is dg's manager, they aren't a fighter but is also weaker than normal people because they are just lazy. So the reader has been in love with james since the first time they saw him and has been helping him with planning since they are more of strategist. They just think james can do no wrong and james always prioritize the reader's safety, needs, likes, comfort, etc.
James is also just as much if not more smitten with the reader and he just loves the reader so much. He has alqays been protecting the reader, comforting them whenever they had breakdowns because being related to james was not an easy task much less being in a relationship but the reader still never left him and he is grateful.
The reader might be weak physically hut they are mentally strong. Do you know cale henituse? The reader is just like him they think they are using people who they get on james's side or allies with but in reality everyone is grateful to have them
Anything is okay it could just be fluff or them planning something related to daniel park or reader being jealous or dg snapping at people who talked bad about reader when he was james or as dg
Just anything related to this guy please!!!
It could just be your own hcs about dating him too!
I just want a dg or james x reader please🥺
This turned out to be veryyyyyy long...😟
Petty people with their traumatic tactics
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➤・ James Lee x Gender neutral!Reader
➤・One shot ; Headcanons
➤・ ooc James(?) , violent bullying tactics
:: Author's note ⇐
Hello anon!! Don't worry about it being too long, I love your idea (≡^∇^≡)!! Unfortunately the main fic kind of strays away from your idea so I added a few General Headcanons at the end if you don't mind ^^
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Being James' s/o means that your life will be a lot more tough and troublesome that it already was. Not that you aren't ready to jump in hell for him.
Not only was James a Genius, ranking at the top everytime at everything, he was handsome. Such amazing attributes means that he would become everyone's crush. It was expected that when rumours of the two of you dating spread like wildfire, the jealous evil eyes would fall on you.
It wasn't the first time James told them off and snapped at them when he heard them bad mouthing you. They just decided to act like angels in front of him. Showing their fangs towards you when he would leave the scene.
They were jealous. That's it. You always decided to pay no heed to their words. Even though they would get on your nerves sometimes. After all, they would all move on eventually. Boy were you dead wrong. You could never guess that people can go this far , just because you're dating their crush. After all, it just happened in stories ,..right?
Mentally, your body had no limits, you were intelligent, intelligent enough to rank second after your boyfriend, endure most things, etc etc but physically, you were weaker than a normal person.
"Awww y/n~ your face looks like hell, let me fix that for you" You heard Soo-young, your classmate say,you immediately taking steps back to escape only to be stopped by her friend, grabbing your arms and restraint them. The girls were known for their violent bullying tactics, and you were in an empty classroom, no one there to help you.
"Let go of me! " You struggled against her grasp, trying to free yourself. Only to be punched in the stomach by Soo-young, making you wince in pain as your knees immediately gave away, making you collaspe. Soo-young's friend, immediately releasing the grasp she hadhad , you held your stomach in pain as tears started to form in your eyes.
"Y/n ~ it's not nice to squirm like that, I'm only trying to help you.. " The girl said in a taunting tone, bending down and firmly grabbing your cheeks, making you face her .
You had never thought you would be a victim of such bullying. You tried to pry the girl off you , moving your face away from the red lipstick as she horribly swiped it across your lips and cheek .
" What the fuck get off m—" You winced in pain, the girl slapped your face, hard and again grabbed your jaw. Her face now dead serious as she spoke
" Don't you dare scream. You don't wanna know what I would do to you if you did"
"Soo-young !! I found the sissors!! "
The girl looked at her friend and gave a creepy grin at you. You could only shake your head in fear, as you feared for what could happen
"Y/n~ are you ready for your new haircut? "
You shut your eyes tight as you protected your head.
"What do you think you're doing . " You heard a familiar voice say.
You immediately looked up to see James. He held Soo-young's wrist and pulled it away from you. Throwing the sissors away from anyones grasp. The girl immediately rose up and tried to justify herself.
" A-ah! James -- Oppa— I was - she ask- she asked me for the sissors I was just giving it--" Soo-young stuttered as she failed to explain herself only to be interrupted by James.
"Why don't you explain it to the Principal then? He would love to hear your explanation. " You could see the grip on he had on her wrist tighten before fully letting her go. Had you ever seen him this mad before?
Soo-young immediately held her wrist to soothe pain.You could see the fear she felt upon seeing James. It was best for flee away before anything else happens.
"You- you'll regret this! Just you wait y/n! " Soo-young yelled out as she ran out of the room, her friend following her .
" THERE WON'T BE A SECOND TIME FOR YOU TO DO THIS TO THEM!! " James shouted at them, making sure that they heard every single word he said. He then looked towards you. If you were being honest, you were a little scared of him. You were so used to his composed , straight face, even when he was fighting, even when he told anyone off, seeing him this mad made you shiver.
His expression immediately changed to a soft one as he hurried towards you, kneeling down at your height . His hand slowly reached towards your cheek, caressing it softly as he examined your face with pure concern. You immediately reached out to him, wrapping your arms around his body and crying on his shoulder.
"Shhh... It's okay, it's okay, I'm here now... " He repeatedly mumbled, comforting you , rubbing your back as you cried loudly in his shoulder, as he mumbled soft sorrys as he was not there to protect you in time. He then let you go of his embrace, making you face him.
"Shhhh... Let's get you cleaned up okay? " He said as he wiped the tears off your face, and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before helping you get up.
There was only much water could do to the lipstick stain. James gave you a mask for you to wear and the two of you went home to properly clean up.
You sat on his bed as he wiped your face with micellar water.
"... The lipstick stain is mostly gone, did they hurt you anywhere else? " James asked, continuing to wipe your cheek.
"Hmm.... They punched my stomach... " You noticed his movements stop as soon as you said that.
".. What.? Does it hurt? " James said, placing his hand on your cheek and made you face him. You could see worry written all over his face.
"... Not much.. Just aches a bit... " You mumbled.
"Stay here, I'll bring an ice pack for you" James said, placing a soft peck on your forehead before he left the room.
You took your phone which was beside you and looked at your face through the camera.
You looked like a hot mess. Your eyes were red from crying so much, there was a pink hand print from that slap, you couldn't dare to imagine your face with the previous red stain she scribbled on your face with.
You were mad. Mad at Soo-young's petty tactics, does she think you'll stay away from James if she bullies you like this? God bless her other victims, you couldn't think what she had done to others by the way she bullied you.
You heard James return with an ice pack which he gave to you.
"So... How will you —" James said only to be immediately interrupted by you.
"Oh she'll pay for what she did James. I'll make sure of it. " You said , not really facing him as you immediately started to plot for her demise. James could see your eyes turn red with anger. He grinned. You were returning to your usual self
Soo-young chose the wrong person to bully. You were out for blood.
Some general Headcanons
- James loves when you get serious when you're planning a strategy for something. He just thinks you look cute and something about you planning something and showing off your intelligence makes him weak.
- He would always check in on you whenever you're working, bringing in snacks and a bottle of water, and he stays with you, ensuring that you take breakes and not try to stress much.
- Let's just say he actually tried to make you learn atleast the basics, so that you could defend yourself in case he wasn't there. He terribly failed 😔😔 (it's like Og Daniel and Sophia except James just wants you to learn the basics). Well, it's not like you would get in trouble much anyways.
- I don't think you would reveal your face, acting behind close doors. It's for your own safety. So there are silly rumours about you. Both of you always have a good laugh whenever you two hear those rumours .
- imagine you also being there with James and Eugene in ch 431
- like the atmosphere is thickk between you and Eugene and it's not good , like you don't trust Eugene and he doesn't trust you either.
- you two just keep an friendly smile on your face but James swears that he saw pitch black aura seeping away from both of you.
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cindysnuts · 11 months
Xander- Xander handpicked both of his retainers because he thinks they’re beautiful (canon btw. Okay well it is for peri but cmon). He of course could only marry a woman, and one of high standing at that, because of his duties as crown Prince, but he spends a suspicious amount of time with his retainer, taking “dance lessons.” Closeted bisexual. Camilla asked and knows and Leo surmised it. It is a secret to everyone else, including Elise and even Corrin (though only for a matter of time for them), as it is a scandal that could rock the nation.
Camilla~ Camilla is a lesbian. She ALSO picked out her retainers because she loves them and wants to dominate them. Well. Selena at least. She is a brat in need of taming frfr. Beruka is just a feral cat she’s trying to show love to. Technically Camilla is bisexual but she just loves women so much and only has female partners rn anyway so. Everyone knows though, she hardly makes a secret of it, much to Selena’s embarrassment. Technically an open secret due to Nohrian high society’s general intolerance, but it’s only spoken of in whispers, since no one wants to be on the bad side of the wyvern riding princess.
Leo- oh boy. This guy. The complexes… SO. Leo is very sharp. He’s very private, but very observant, and analytical. Being away from the spotlight of being the crown prince, he was able to privately deduce that he was gay very early on. Right? So like that’s it that’s the answer. So why doesn’t it feel quite right? And why doesn’t he fit his role exactly??? Must be something about being the second prince, yeah that’s it. Right? I mean he’s trying to be the man he has to be. I mean it’s weird being called a prince?? But that’s not right I mean he WANTS to be a royal so. Huh. Weird anyways he NEVER looks at the box in his mind marked “Gender” that’s rattling and SNAPPING at its lock and chain. Leo is the biggest egg this side of the bottomless canyon and everyone around him with even a hint of what trans people are know he’s a girl including all of his loved ones who already accept her for who she is. As soon as she realizes it. Camilla keeps trying to get Leo to wear dresses (while she wears the sharpest suits of all time, of course) but he just gets really weird and sweaty everytime she suggests it and always chickens out. Odin and Niles are NOT helping they’re both too insane to help (affectionate). Elise has the coming out party PLANNED on LOCK it’s in the CHAMBER ready to fire the second she gets the message. They’re all just lovingly waiting for her to crack.
Elise- Elise is ultimately straight. All of her closest, most meaningful relationships throughout her life are with women, but that’s a love that doesn’t run romantic, really. She is the STAUNCHEST ally tho!!! She isn’t really privy to many of the family secrets, not for a while at least, and is a bit oblivious when she’s younger, but she gets it eventually! And she loves her family so much you guys. She wants to throw them ALL huge coming out worries (even if they have to be private) no matter how they may object. Ultimately though, she loves boys! All kinds really. Later in life she even falls in love with a commoner boy, and they have a beautiful life together! The most normal and well adjusted of the Nohrian siblings, funnily enough, since she has the least pressure to succeed and has plenty of examples to lead from.
That’s it for now, I may do Hoshido + Corrin/ Azura or the Nohrian retainers later on, if there’s demand lol.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Partner? | Rory Keaner x reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Could you please write something for Rory from My Babysitters a Vampire? Where like Rory tells Benny and Ethan who hes dating and they think hes joking until they meet his partner (Btw if you could use gender neutral pronouns that would be amazing!)”
Pronouns: they/ them
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Rory assumed that a ‘guys night’ at Morgan’s would be the perfect place to break the news of his new relationship to his friends. He was excited to tell them about his new favorite person in the world, who just so happened to also be his lover. Sometimes, he still couldn’t believe his luck! 
Rory knew it would be a big surprise but he didn’t exactly expect his 2 best friends to start laughing uncontrollably
“I’m serious guys!”
“Dude, calm down. We don’t have girlfriends either, you don’t have to make things up.” Ethan said, trying to sound reassuring. Meanwhile, Benny was wiping invisible tears at the corners of his eyes
“But I AM dating someone!”
“On sims?”
“Nah, I think he’s had a dream about that witch from his comic again”
“I’m talking about a real person from our school!” while others would have been fuming at all the teasing jokes Benny and Ethan were making, Rory couldn’t care less. He somewhat understood where they were coming from, he didn’t expect to get in a relationship anytime soon either and yet, you walked into his life when he least expected you
“So what’s their name?” Benny asked, finally going back to his more serious self, even though his face was still red from laughter.
“Y/N Y/L/N”
“Never heard of them” Ethan said quickly
“Yeah, cause they’re not part of your stupid laser chess club”
Ethan and Benny both looked up at their friend, amused
“Well, are they part of any club?”
“They’re actually on the soccer team! Nothing that you two would be familiar with!” Both boys burst into laughter
“Ok, so you mean to tell me” Benny started “ That you charmed one of the fine folks on the soccer team with your...what? Your vampire puns?”
“Or your obsession for crappy horror movies?
“For your information, it was my good looks and top tier personality”
Benny suppressed a laugh while Ethan got up and left the room
“Course it was” he added on his way out, with a giggle
“You’ll see monday!”
“ I mean” Benny said, raising his glass of orange juice, as if he was giving a toast “I can barely wait!”
The weekend passed by quickly. For you, it had been a very busy one, spent at your desk, catching up on all the homework and assignments you put off for far too long. It got to the point where the idea of a normal and unexciting day at school felt like a relief after the hectic hell you lived through.
Rory was waiting for you at the bus station, just as he had promised last night during your video call.
“Hi love!” he greeted you enthusiastically once you got off the bus. He pulled you in a tight hug and swayed you from side to side. Everytime he hugged you, he made it feel like you hadn’t seen each other in forever. He would wrap his strong arms around your waist and pull you to his chest, leaving you almost breathless, but you didn’t complain. It was one of the many ways he loved to show affection.
He laced his fingers with yours and led you on the short walk to school. He told you about his weekend and about how he wanted you to meet his friends, which made you very nervous. 
“Don’t worry” Rory said, reassuringly, “You are like, 10 times cooler than both of them combined!” you laughed at his silly joke. It did make you feel better. Rory always made you feel better.
Once inside, Rory dragged you though the sea of students, until finally he reached 2 brunette boys. One of them was taking books out of his locker and stuffing them into his bag, while the other one seemed to be waiting for him to get done.
“Guys, check this out! I told you I had a lover!” your face turned red at how loud and obvious your boyfriend was acting but you were slowly growing used to these kinds of things with him. The 2 boys in front of you looked shocked above all else. They shared one look, as if to say “You're seeing this too, right?” before glancing back at you
“Hi! I’m Y/N!” you said, reaching out your hand to the boy with the school bag
“I’m Ethan” he shook your hand lightly
“And I’m Benny'' the other boy said, reaching out his own hand for you to shake. As you shook his hand, he looked at you curiously, as if he wasn’t sure if you were just a product of his imagination
“Nice to meet you guys!” 
“So you are Rory’s partner?” Ethan asked in an innocent voice
“Like, romantic partner? Not just a video game partner!” Benny asked, making you laugh
“Romantic partner”
“Ha! Told you!” Rory waved his arms in their face, enjoying this little victory. 
The bell rang immediately after and you were forced to say goodbye and leave for your first class. You kissed Rory’s cheek quickly, promising him you’ll see eachother again at lunch. The last thing you heard before turning the corner was Benny’s voice
“I can’t believe you got a relationship before me!”
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swtki · 3 years
Dancing Days - Edward Cullen x Reader Smut
Anonymous said: 19&24 on edward smut? love ur writing!
A/N: Thank you so much :) also I’m so happy everyone is h*rny for Eddy. I decided I want to explore more period times with Edward, changing his persona in a certain decade, but still ultimately being in the same universe as cannon. This will play into the readers character a tad bit.
19: “Fuck me like you want people to know”.
24. “Thing is, I’m a virgin”. 
I brushed my hair into its usual part, making sure I looked flawless. The year was 1976, I was a senior in Highschool. It was a wonderful time to be a teenager, no longer afraid that my friends would die in Vietnam. Even in my dinky little Washington town, the culture was becoming our own. 
The Led Zeppelin record playing on my record player stopped suddenly, alerting me that I was no longer alone in my room. I turned, my expression soft as I saw my boyfriend, Edward.
“Whats up with you and this album? Everytime I come in, its always House of Th Holy on repeat.” I rolled my eyes, lifted the record in question off of the tray, and put it back snuggly in its case. 
“I can’t help it, Ed. Robert just speaks to me. I’m sure you’re like that with Louis Armstrong.” I waved my hand, walking back to my mirror to finish getting ready. 
“Maybe, but the music you listen to it’s...” Edward paused for a moment, sitting on my bed. “It’s suggestive, Y/N.” I turned to him, my eyebrow raised.
“Suggestive? What’s that supposed to mean?” I placed my hands on my hips, and waited for him to explain.
“Well, for one that one song says ‘Sipping booze’, I quite think that is blatant alcohol reference.” I looked at him, dumbfounded. Then, I started to laugh, and I walked over to him. Instinctually, he pushed his head into my chest, enjoying the comfort it brought him. 
“I love you, but god are we from two different Mars.” He chuckled, sending a rumble through my chest.
At school, I was an average kid. Fair grades, many friends, many ex friends. When Edward was paired up with me in math, I got through his cold, stone skin. At first, he was annoyed when I would fuck off, leaving him to do the work himself. Understandable, and once I realized how rude I was, I stopped. I talked to him, prodded him truthfully. I would ask him once we started dating if he had noticed me previously, because I had never noticed him. 
“Yes, I noticed that you were the only one who didn’t acknowledge me. Ironic I guess.” 
A year into our relationship, I would never let him go unnoticed. We walked the halls, hand in hand. Our outlooks were so different when it came to life. He was modest, I was free spirited. Edward was different from my boyfriends previously, I didn’t want to fuck things up, and I refused to even risk it. 
School went slowly that day, possibly because my head was focused on what I would ask Edward, my boyfriend of one year, about sex. About us and sex. 
I hadn’t told him that I wasn’t a virgin, I was worried he would only want a virgin girl, after all they can never look at you disappointed and say “I’ve had better.” A definite plus. Many a nights I tried to imagine him, moaning completely under my control. I wanted him, but I didn’t know if he wanted me. Surely in 50 years he had found a good fuck. I worried that he would be into someone else, forever tied to a vampiress. 
The end of the school day couldn’t have come sooner, my anxiety rising as I got into Edwards car, starting a long silent car ride. I tried to keep my mind off of it, an attempt to avoid the conversation until we were at my house. I kept my mind busy with the lush scenery outside of the passenger side window. 
“So... I know you want to ask me, and I know the answers to what I would ask you.” He said blatantly, putting the car in park outside my front lawn. 
“I don’t wanna talk out here Ed, lets go inside.” I swung my bag onto my shoulder. Thats the thing with Edward, I never have to say anything, just as long as I think it. 
My house was empty, making it easy for Edward to follow me upstairs to my room. I shut my door behind us, then turned to him. Unsure of what to say, I breathed in deeply.
“How long have you known that I wasn’t...you know?” He smiled, sitting on my plush navy sheets. 
“Y/N, I knew before I met you what I was getting into. Your ex had a lot of thoughts about that one night where you guys-” 
“Oh my god okay ew.” A blush rose upon my face, and I saw Edward laugh as he watched my body fill with embarassment. “Well why didn’t you say something?” I asked.
“I figured if it needed to be brought up, it would be. You and I aren’t exactly a physical couple so I didn’t worry too much.” I walked over to my bed, taking a seat next to him.
“I see...I mean it wouldn’t be a big deal for me so if you want to...” I bit my lip at him, his gaze turned to the other direction.
“Thing is, I’m a virgin.” My expression went from a seductive look, to a puzzled one. I wondered if I had heard him correctly. “I’m old school, Y/N. It wasn’t like how it is now when I was human. People didn’t just have sex in highschool, unless they were married because the man was off to war. So, it hasn’t been on the menu for me. You’re the first girl I’ve dated in fifty years, you know. And no, there was no vampiress or anything.” I smiled.
“Well, I don’t wanna scare you or push it or anything. It’s just you know-” 
“You want to touch me, to be touched by me.” his eyes trailed back to mine, looking deep into my soul.
“Yes, I want you, Edward.” I pressed my lips to his, pulling away jut as it got intense. I could feel his disappointment. “I want to...but I can’t let you down. Tomorrow night. I’ll call you and we can talk about everything we want out of it, I’ll give you a fucking fairytale, my love” I chuckled.
I called him that night as I had said I would. We talked about my first time, and everything I liked, followed by what he had seen on video, what he wanted to try, and his fears.
“I don’t want to kill you, darling.” He said.
“Then don’t. I won’t let you.” He laughed at me, enjoying my lack of seriousness.
The next night rolled along with a quick pace. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for me to start getting ready. 
I made myself look simple, a small bit of makeup and hair product, but otherwise just a tank top and jeans. Sometimes, dating an old fashioned guy was a pain in the ass. Always complaining about suggestive behavior. But other times, my shoulders counted as being half nude.
“You look stunning, as per usual.” Edward said, stepping into my room. He was tense and barely moved. “I don’t know what to do..what usually happens with it if I’m not the one doing everything.”
If he had any blood flow, he would have been blushing right about then.
“We don’t have to do anything you know. We can just lay down and watch a movie if you want to, I just want to make you happy, Edward.” I walked over to him and put a strand of his messy auburn hair behind his ear. Without hesitation, he pressed his forehead to mine.
“I want to, thats the part that’s been eating me away ever since I met you. I want to make you feel good, I just don’t know if I’ll lose it and-“ I cut him off with a kiss.
“Even if you break my pelvis into pieces, I’ll still be happy. I’m always happy when I’m with you.” we both smiled, and suddenly the thick tension that once filled the room vanished. “I’ll take care of you tonight, just as long as you’re doing it for you. I just need to know you’re doing this for you, and you need to be sure you wont roll over afterwards and hate me.” I said, my hand clasped in his marble one.
“I want you, Y/N. I have no doubts that I’ll want you afterwards, too.”
I pushed his head down, level to my own. Our kiss was deep, filled with a years worth of hunger. My hands tugged on his hair, making him whimper. Suddenly, I felt my feet lift off the ground as Edward carried me to my bed. With a soft thump, the plush sheets surrounded my body. It was a contrast of warmth on my back, and Edwards cool body on my top.
His hands were balled into fists, clutching my duvet as if his life depended on it. I pulled away, panting for air.
“Sorry, I forget you need air.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes in response.
“Well, its a shame you don’t. Because I intend on taking your breath away.” we both made small laughs at my remark.
“What now?” He looked at me for guidance.
“Get on your back.” I said.
We switched positions, he was now on the bottom. My legs straddled his torso, I sight he visably enjoyed. I slithered my hands up to his head, cupping his face as I kissed him again. My left hand left its post, reaching down to the buttons on his shirt.
I paused, looking up at him once I got to the last button.
“Does it...work like normal or...” He threw his head back and laughed.
“It doesn’t have spikes, I can assure you its just like a humans. But Emmet did tell me to pull out so...I’m kind of worried about the implications of that but-“ I leaned down to shut him up with a kiss.
His hands were still at his side, resting on the bed. I picked up his wrists, and placed them on the side of my thighs. He squeezed them lightly.
My hands roamed over his bare chest, cool to the touch. I lached my lips onto his neck, causing his back to arch below me. I could feel his excitement beneath me, it gave me a big self esteem boost. His hand reached along my waist, tugging at my shirt. His eyes lit up at the sight of my bare chest. He reached for me but I pulled away to slide down onto my knees.
He looked confused, like I had left him high and dry.
“Sit on the edge.” I said softly, my knees burning slightly due to the rough carpet underneath them.
He rid himself of the unbottoned shirt, slidding over to me once finished. My hands slowly stroked his thighs, he was desperate for some type of touch.
I smiled, tugging on his belt until it came undone. He stayed silent, looking at me like I was the only thing in the world. I unbottoned the trousers, tugging on them. He kicked them off and was left in his breifs.
“Is it okay if I..” I looked up at him and he nodded frantically. I palmed him over his underwear, feeling how hard he had gotten from kissing. My fingers latched onto the waist band, pulling them down to reveal a pale yet pink cock. It wasn’t too big, but deffinitley satisfactory. I ran my finger over the tip, earning a small groan from the vampire. My eyes trailed up to him, so I could see him when I took him in my mouth.
He let out a breathy moan, eyes focused on my mouth. His lips were parted ever so slightly. I bobbed my head, and grotesquely sexual sounds arose from my throat. I felt Edward move a strant of hair out of my face, he looked at me like I was a god.
“Fuck..Y/N if you keep doing that there wont be anything for you, dear” He said in a breathy moan. I pulled back, my mouth feeling sore and tired. “Do you still want to?” He asked, grasping his hands on my waist.
“Yes, I fucking need you.” I threw off my jeans, I would worry about finding them later, I needed him. He layed back down, propping his head up on my pillows. Our lips collided in another kiss as I leveled myself with him.
“Are you sure?” I ask him, stroking his hard member.
“I’m sure.” He pecked my lips again as I got ontop of his lean figure. I spat in my hand, lubing up my needy hole.
“How do you want me to do this? I mean like slow? What do-“ He said with genuine worry.
“Fuck me like you want people to know” I whispered, “ Fuck me like you want the entire neighborhood to know that I’m yours and yours only.”
“I can make that happen, love.” He flipped me over, now being back to where we first started. He lined up his cock with my hole, running it around the tight area. I put my fingers in his hair, making a slight tug as he pushed into my body.
Pleasure filled my body as he filled me up, his cock stretched my insides in the right ways. Without pausing, he started to push his hips into mine, making sure not to hurt me.
He reached down to suck on my neck, adding to the pornagraphic moans in the room. My hands travled to his back, scratching my nails down the cold stone like skin. His moans echoed in my ear.
“Y/N, I can’t be on top I’m going to crush you” I laughed at him, tapping his side so he fell onto the bed. I swung my legs over him, sitting on his perfect cock.
“Perfect, fucking amazing.” He said as I steady myself onto him. His face was in a euphoric expression, the most relaxed I had ever seen him.
I began to rock my hips, sliding him in and out of me. His hands grabbed onto my hips, guiding me. Everything was a euphoric experience. My gut filled with that wonderful sensation.
“Edward I’m gonna cum, oh my god” I moaned out, picking up my pace.
Suddenly, the world went still. My eyes went black and I saw stars as my orgasm washed over me. My moans echoed in the room as my body twitched. A few thrusts up into my body and Edward pulled out of me, rubbing his cum out onto his hand.
I layed there panting while he sped to the bathroom, and came back with a clean cloth, wiping down my body. He put the cloth down, pulling up his underwear and handing me mine. I slipped the fabric on, slipping under the covers.
“Get in here, I wanna kiss you”
He laughed, obeying and slipping beside me. Our lips reunited in a soft clash.
“I love you so much, dear.”
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moominnyu · 3 years
oblivious [kevin moon]
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🧸🎀 — pairings: kevin moon (the boyz) x gender neutral reader
🧸🎀 — tw: none.
🧸🎀 — wc: 3751
anyone who knows kevin to a personal level would be sorry for the guy, frustrated in his behalf even.
now, don't get me wrong, he's a handsome young man with a sweet personality, a nice car and good friends. he's a member of one of the hottest, on the rise k-pop boy groups, with a honeyed voice and great dance skills. he could probably bag anyone he wanted with minimal effort on his part, whether they work or not for the same industry as him. but the problem for kevin moon starts around someone who has little to nothing to do with the idol world.
you're kevin's friend, his little childhood friend from back when he was in america, and current best friend even here in korea. kevin's childhood friend who's only an university student, and knows as much about idols as you know about calculus— that is, nothing—, kevin's childhood friend who works part time in café, and still gets allowance from your parents, kevin's childhood friend who lives just three blocks from his dorm, who is so used to be by his side that you practically live at his dorm alongside his members. kevin's childhood friend who is... just his childhood friend and nothing more.
he's been on the unrequited love side of the spectrum for too long that his problem no longer relies on the fact that you guys are friends probably since you were both fetuses inside your mothers' wombs. he already felt this way about you when you lost your first tooth when you were six, even when you smiled at him with an incisor missing. he already felt this way about you when he taught you how to ride a bike at the park when you both were nine, even when you fell on your face and had a big bruise on your left cheek that remained on your skin for two weeks after that. he already felt this way about you when you turned fourteen and you stopped being a tiny shrimp and started looking more like what would later become his ideal type. he already felt this way about you when you guys were seventeen and he was starting his little youtube channel with one of his friends, and you would watch his videos with a genuine excitement that matched his. he already felt this way about you when you moved to korea together, not even knowing what was ahead of you but knowing that you had each other whatever happened.
he's been in love with you for way too long, so long that he already had every single inner monologue, argument, discussion and debate he could possibly have with himself about how absolutely wrong and criminal it is to have a crush, or rather, be in love with your best friend.  
he won in absolutely zero of these arguments against himself, as he always came to the conclusion that it was wrong, you two were friends and that's it, that you probably saw him only as a brother, if anything. but he had received his very needed push in the back by his members, now close friends of both of you, that insisted that it was normal: you were attractive, funny, sweet and a perfectly viable choice for him due to your closeness, anyone in his situation would probably be the same, and he would be a fool if he let go of the opportunity. with your looks and personality, you could get a partner anytime you wanted, and time was ticking for kevin, which, in turn, prompted him to act with you in mind, courtesy of sunwoo who mentioned he'd be the one making the moves if kevin didn't do it first.
and, so, it started, the tortuous process of courting.  
he didn't outright tell you he liked you, as he wanted to test the waters first, so he started with simple and minimal things, things that would go completely unnoticed by you unless you saw him as something more than a simple friend, unless you saw him in the same light as he saw you.  
hugging you a tad bit tighter and longer when he greeted you, getting leaves out of your hair or clothes for you, tentatively holding your hand when he wanted to guide you somewhere, placing his hands on your waist on hips when he walked past you; all little things that made his pale cheeks burn up a crimson color and his stupid, traitor heart beat uncontrollably against his ribcage... all little things that you remained completely apathetic to.  
“don't be afraid to up your game, hyung,” haknyeon had offered some advice, and as if it served as comfort to kevin, he had friendly palmed his back to show empathy for him, who sat with his head down, face hidden in his hands, “i think y/n is great! they definitely haven't noticed yet, and that's why they haven't said anything!”
it was another one of those nights where he was overcome with feelings, when the tug on his chest became too heavy and when the feeling of urgency became desperation. none of what he did was working out the way he wanted it to, and everytime he was left with more questions that answers: did you really blush when you brushed hands while reaching for the salt, or was it his mind playing tricks on him? were you really staring at him with such dreamy eyes when he was sketching or were you just spaced out? he could never tell.  
“well, that's obvious,” sunwoo retorted, plump lips on a straight line. he scratched his head and nudged kevin on the ribs, “you're the one who knows them best, you should that y/n had never had a partner before, it's likely they're just oblivious to your advances,”
an imaginary lightbulb flicked on on top of kevin's head at that moment when he realized sunwoo was right.
in all the years he's known you, you've never showed any kind of romantic interest in any person. it wasn't that you were short of suitors or admirers, quite the contrary, actually, you've had that sweet tendency to smile at everyone that happened to make eye contact with you since little, offer your help whenever needed and an ability to make friends with anyone in a matter of seconds. kevin was sure, during all his high school years, that the reason why he was liked was because of the halo effect, produced by the fact that he was always by your side.  
but, you, even with many suitors and secret admirers, never once brought up the topic of dating and crushes in front of kevin. he thought it was better that way, honestly, he's a bit more mature now but back when he was still a teenager, he was sure he wouldn't be able to take it if he heard you talking about another guy, all starry eyed and blushing. but that didn't mean he didn't feel curious about it.  
one time, against his own mental advices to just mind his business in case he ended up with a broken heart, kevin asked you about a guy in your class who he overheard your classmates teasing you about.
“oh, yeah, you mean james, right?” you sat on the floor of his bedroom, copying the answers from his textbook onto yours. you had bit your pencil and narrowed your eyes, thoughtfully, “i tutor him on sundays. nice guy.”
“i know who he is,” kevin answered, matter of factly, as he reclined back on his desk chair. he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as some form of idle distraction from the unsteadiness of his heart, “i'm asking you why were your friends making kissy faces at you when he was talking to you.”
he had sounded more stern than he intended, but, then again, that moment was the very first time he ever saw you blush and fix your hair in front of a dude, the first time he saw you act shy around someone.  
“he invited me to prom last week,” you answered, continuing to write down on your notebook with your cute, pink gel pen, “and my friends think he likes me because of that.”
“how are you so sure that he doesn't like you?,” it's obvious he does, kevin thought, otherwise he wouldn't look like such a fool, stuttering and scratching his nape like an idiot everytime you two interacted. not that he's one to talk, though.  
“because he's just being nice to me,” you frowned, “he always is. he walks me home when you can't, invites me to get coffee after tutoring, he saves me a spot next to him when i'm late for class,” you didn't lift your head from your notes or ever stopped writing, that's how trivial james's acts of ‘kindness’ were for you, “he even gifted me chocolates last valentine's.”
that's crush behavior, kevin wanted to say, but he didn't. he didn't want to implant the idea in your mind, making you overly conscious about it and forcing you to end up confused about your own feelings. if you liked him back or not, he decided, was for you to find out on your own, unprovoked.  
“do you like him?,” but there he was, having to open his big mouth out of morbid, masochistic curiosity.  
you lifted your head, finally looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, “no?”
“then why were you blushing when he was talking to you?”
“because julia was making a big deal out of it,” you said, frowning with certain annoyance and embarrassment, “and because noah kept telling him we look so cute together.”
“no, you don't.” kevin chimed in, perhaps too fast for his liking.  
“that's what i'm saying! we're just friends!” you sounded a bit exasperated, probably tired from all the teasing, “just like you and me.”
thanks to sunwoo, remembering that useful, albeit painful, conversation served kevin to switch his approach around you. thinking about it, back then, it should have been his first clue about your lack of awareness. he discarded as simple, intentional obliviousness— he thought that james was so obvious about his crush, you might as well were just trying to ignore it and not acknowledge it to avoid having to awkwardly reject him; but this obliviousness of yours lasted even much, much after that, when you guys moved to korea together and the people you met there were equally interested in you but ended up receiving the same treatment of complete lack of interest. even eric had, at some point of your early friendship, when he had a pitiful crush on you that lasted a couple of months.  
with a new, more direct approach in mind, kevin moon hadn't given up yet.  
he began to make his hints a bit more obvious so that the wouldn't fly over your pretty, little head like the ones before did, and he was pleasantly surprised to find out that it worked with great efficiency.  
complimenting you every chance he could, both looks and personality wise, often mentioning how you're the only person to make him this happy, how his day gets better when he sees you.  
and alongside the not so subtle flirting, your reactions began to grow in intensity as well. instead of the usual, coy nudge you'd give him when he complimented your appearance, you'd purse your lips and look down when he'd say that he thinks you're absolutely stunning. you'd bite a smile, cheeks heating up, when he'd, purposely on accident, casually sit close to you while watching movies, both of your sides pressed against each other. when he'd press an unassuming kiss to your temple after dropping you back at your place, you'd lean into his touch for a bit longer than usual, and you'd look a blushy mess of shaky eyes and pursed lips once he did pull away. even when he wasn't trying, even when his focus was on something else entirely, the amount of times he'd catch you staring at him and then move your eyes away as soon as he noticed were too many for them to be a simple coincidence.  
all of these interactions made him hopeful, made him think that he did the right thing by slowly approaching you in a way that you felt comfortable with. by the time he decided to finally confess to you, he was so sure you were, at least, confused about it, that you were seeing him in a new light now and that you weren't sure how to act around it, and that was enough for kevin, he just needed to go past that friendship relationship and then he'd work the rest, with you.  
and with this realization came yet multiple other inner debates about how to go around the confession. should he prepare for it? invite you to a picnic at the beach and confess to you when you both are enjoying the sunset? or should he just be spontaneous? you've never liked anything too flashy, after all, and you valued honesty over anything else.  
he chose to just do it one day, chose a time when you two are alone and tell you normally like he would do with any other thing. after all, you two were best friends who could tell absolutely anything to each other with no shame, and his feelings for you didn't change this.
but, whenever he thought about finally doing it, whenever he practiced his exact words in his mind over and over again until he was confident enough he wouldn't stutter, the moment would get interrupted by outside forces. like younghoon deciding to watch a movie in the living room where you guys were at, just in time when kevin had said he had something to tell you, like sunwoo coming uninvited into his room when you two were finally alone, saying that he was bored and asking if you wanted to play mario kart together. or that one time when kevin had managed to build momentum in his favor, mentioning how much he appreciates you and how lucky he is to have you by his side unconditionally, and just as he was about to utter the three important words, your mom had the inopportune need to call you, at three a.m. in the morning, because she had a nightmare about you being swallowed by the kraken.  
being stuck in this predicament didn't dishearten kevin, though. he's wanted to tell you how he feels since forever, he wasn't gonna give up over a few unfortunate interruptions.  
the perfect time to do it comes spontaneously, unprepared, just like most of those peaks of inspiration he feels out of the blue somedays.  
tonight, you're staying the night at his. you had went grocery shopping earlier in the afternoon, and kevin bought the ingredients to bake you some brownies after your insistence and pleads, clinging to his arm and pointing at the deliciously looking pictures of them in the premade mixture boxes, so now you're sitting on the counter of his kitchen while looks for the ingredients in the frige, reading the recipe out loud for him from your phone while swinging your legs up and down.  
“a double boiler?”, kevin leaves the fridge door open when he walks up to you and leans in so that he can get a look at your screen, “what the heck's that?”
“it says here that it's a fancy term for a... small saucepan filled with an inch of two of water set over low heat,” you read out loud, then lifting your head with a confused grimace, “huh?”
“i don't know,” kevin kicks the door closed after retrieving the butter, shrugging and trying to pretend he didn't notice how you stared at his lips just a second ago, “i'm just gonna make that one old recipe, the one we know and adore.”
“yeah, i don't know why you felt the need to change it,” you set your phone down and hop down the counter to give him more space, “you know i just eat whatever you make.”
“you like your brownies a bit more fudgy, don't you?” he takes a bowl out of the cabinet, and places it right beside where you're standing. he offers you a smile, a bit shy but genuine, “and i like to spoil you.”
at that moment, sunwoo walks into the kitchen. he makes a small gesture of acknowledgement to you and walks past kevin to get to the fridge. you follow him with your eyes.  
“hyung, i'm heading out,” sunwoo grabs a water bottle and closes the fridge again. he stands by kevin and points at the bowl where he's wisking the eggs, taking a short sip of his water, “can you save me some brownies?”
“i'm not making these for you, you know,” kevin sighs.  
“just one, then,” sunwoo insists, eyebrows up and pout on his lips, “you know i love brownies.”
“i'll save you some,” you smile at the younger guy lightly, “where are you heading?”
sunwoo shrugs and scratches his nape, “had the sudden urge to go to the movies.”
“alone?” you inquire, trying to supress a laugh.  
“don't judge a man for his hobbies, y/n,” sunwoo flicks your forehead with little force, and kevin hates that ugly feeling in his gut when you giggle and poke your tongue at him, “gotta go now, i've already purchased my ticket.”
and with sunwoo leaving, everyone else out on individual schedules and chanhee dead asleep on his room, you both are, technically, left alone in the dorm for once and for all.  
kevin pretends to be too preoccupied with spreading the thick batter in the baking pan to notice that the perfect opportunity to do it is just unfolding in front of him. he knows that the reason why he keeps getting interrupted is because he likes to take his sweet time with it, dragging it out as much as he can so he can prepare his heart for it. he decides he's not gonna do that tonight.  
just as he opens his mouth, your phone dings on the counter. kevin busies himself with putting the baking pan in the oven while you reach for your phone with the spatula he used in your mouth.  
“who are you texting?” he asks once he notices your wide smile and soft giggles.  
“yurina, one of my uni classmates,” you lick your lips after you're done licking the batter off, tossing the spatula into the sink, “she's happy because she asked her crush to be her girlfriend,”
“and did she say yes?”
“well, she wouldn't be happy otherwise, don't you think?”
there's an one-sided awkward silence when kevin rests against the counter while staring at you intently texting back and forth with this girl from uni.  
a moment of doubt crosses his mind. should he really do it? something tells him he shouldn't, that he should just keep quiet, but he's been walking through this desert for so long ago that stopping now feels wrong when he can practically see water in front of him.
love gives him a push in the back.  
“what about you?” he asks, and he internally cringes at the way his voice cracks a little at the end. he clears his throat, “i mean, are you interested in anyone?”
your thumbs stop typing suddenly, and you remain frozen for a moment, staring at your screen. you're blushing a little when you slowly lift your eyes towards him, and he mirrors such expression when his hopeful heart does a little flip.  
“why—why are you asking all of a sudden?”, your voice sounds tiny and you look a bit doubtful of him.  
“well, you never tell me about stuff like this,” he scratches his eyelid as he looks down at his shoes. the awkwardness is almost painful, and he's sure he isn't the only one feeling it right now, “is it someone you can't tell me?,” he makes a small pause in which he lifts his eyes from the ground and looks at you, “a close friend, maybe?”
silence fills the kitchen. the hen shaped cooking timer clicks as it counts down the minutes for the brownies to be ready, hour phone pings with new upcoming messages, the tv in chanhee's room makes deaf noise in the backround, yet, none of you talk.
when you refuse to meet his eyes that come looking for you, biting the inside of your cheek and looking down, kevin realizes he's going to be the one who breaks it, unfortunately.
“did i hit the jackpot?,” perhaps he sounds hopeful, or perhaps the silence was too loud that his voice now seems to over-volume it.  
you finally look up from the floor, “why am i the only one being interrogated?,” you sound a little more like yourself when you block your phone and cross your arms on your chest, lips pouty and the tip of your ears a little bit red, “you also never tell me anything about stuff like that!”
“i'll tell you if you want,” he murmurs, trying to analize your reaction, “if you tell me first.”
in the heart fluttering moment, odds are in his favor, he knows. it's on the way you look at him through your eyelashes, shy and maybe even a bit flustered, the sugar rush on his veins at the sight of your blush, ever telling of your feelings. because he knows you so well he knows that his hunch is right, it's because of your connection that he can feel that it's no longer one-sided, that, as much as he feels for you, you feel for him.  
“why don't you,” you make a small pause to press the back of your hands to your hot cheeks, “why don't you say it first, then?”
“how about we say it at the same time?,” even in his certainty there's still cautiousness, as if he needs confirmation even if he can read your heart, “at the count of three.”
“okay,” you smile at him with warmth, gentle, still laced with a shyness that makes your eyes a bit glossy, and it's the prettiest thing kevin has ever seen, “one.”
“two.” he says, his heart on a frenzy, mind a bit hazy with quiet excitement for what's about to come.  
“three!” you both say, and there's a small pause before any of you continue:
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honeybunnybeez · 3 years
Duuuude. Sfw alphabet for Eret or Bad??? Or even Fundy. All very underrated and I need see much content for them -⚰️
SFW alphabet:
♡Reader is Gender Neutral!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Bad is pretty affectionate when it comes to you, almost never leaving your side if he can.
He's very affectionate physically and verbally, clinging to you and giving you kisses while calling you sickly sweet pet names and praising you. Despite what he's supposed to be, he's incredibly adorable and hard to resist.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship starts after you're introduced to him thanks to Skeppy, who you met first around the server and clicked well with. After getting to know you better and seeing you get along great with Skeppy, he easily accepts you as one of his close friends.
As a best friend he's kinda clingy, often wanting to see you and knowing what you're up to. He also likes to make sure you're okay and comes to visit you often, making sure no one messes with you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles are his jam and given the opportunity you two would probably never leave the bed for the whole day. He doesn't have a set cuddling style, though one thing stays the same and it's that he wraps his arms around you pretty tight.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does seem like the type to want to settle down. It sounds like a very nice thing to do once everything in the server calms down, well, if it ever does calm down.
Domestic life wise, he's pretty decent at it! His best chore is cooking, he makes a pretty good meal when he cooks.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Depending on the situation and what led up to it, I think it'd end on good terms but he would get very emotional while doing so. He would be crying while apologizing and explaining why he feels like a romantic relationship wouldn't work as to not hurt you too severely. He still wants you to be in his life as his best friend though so you two do keep in close contact if you're okay with that.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He is rather loyal and commited to the ones he loves so I think he would get married. Maybe after being together for 6 months or a year would be when he pops the question.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is very physically and emotionally gentle with you, not wanting to hurt you in any way.
Sure he does tackle hug you in his human form but in his demon form with his tall height he makes sure to treat you like glass if he ever handles or holds you.
Emotionally he doesn't ever want to say mean things to you. He always apologizes profusely (almost crying himself) if you ever get truly upset with something he teased you about.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves hugs, the moment he sees you he's running up to give you a big old hug. Hug him back, please. Please, (y/n). Hug him back, he wants you to.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He used to say it quite often back when you two were friends, so there's no exact way to tell when the I love you's started to be genuine.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Lord above, we've seen this man be jealous. He's super jealous when you start to spend more time with others. Can and will blow up your communicator asking you where you are and who you're with. Sometimes Skeppy joins in too half jokingly. If you're with Quackity you bet your ass you're getting dragged somewhere far away from the man.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves giving you surprise kisses and half expects you to return the gesture. ESKIMO KISSES! All the eskimo kisses, he loves them. He love giving and receiving eskimo kisses from you so much.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Oh he adores kids quite a bit. Innocent, active and still full of life, he thinks they're precious. Though he can't really handle the spoiled ones, the ones who scream and throw really bad tantrums when they don't get what they want in the supermarket.
I don't think he's capable of having his own kids with his partner (being a demon and all) but he'd like to adopt one or two if you're into that idea. He's had experience raising Sapnap (and he doesn't hate bad's guts as far as I remember) so he's sure he can handle it.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Before you wake up he likes to stare at your peaceful face while you rest. At first you did get a bit surprised when you wake up to see a pair of dimly glowing eyes staring back at you so closely. Now, you just instinctively reach out to give him morning kisses when you wake up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He holds you in his arms while you slowly drift off to sleep. Sometimes he hums a soft happy tune while playing with your hair as your eyes grow heavy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Skeppy totally tells you a few of Bad's secrets before you two started dating, only very minor ones though. Other than that, he's a pretty open book and if there was a secret he has he spills pretty easily when you say his name in a dissapointed tone.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Unless you insult him or swear like a sailor on purpose to annoy him, he has a good bit of patience with you and your shenanigans. If you're best friends with Skeppy then you're bound to get into a little bit of trouble.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers things about you quite well. Such as what you like to eat, what your favourite ore is, your schedule, etc.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He loves you and he loves his best friend Skeppy too. He enjoys every moment you guys are all together but his favourite moment was when you three all hung out with one another watching the sunset on the roof of your home. It was all so unsually calm during those few minutes. You 3 totally held hands, just saying.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He knows you can hold your own but even so he does get pretty defensive when others try to threaten you. Will stab a person for you if they really hurt you, no hesitation.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in a lot of effort to make you and everyone happy! It doesn't always feel like a chore when he's trying to find something you like or helping you around here and there. Anniversaries with him are simple but they're very sweet and memorable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Oh boy, his clinginess and jealousy does tend to be a bit of a problem. You have to remind him that you need personal time too. He always pouts when you say that and often times you do give in because of it. Though, if you really do need to be somewhere without him, promise to spend your next free day with him and he'll happily agree.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very concerned, he's aware that he looks a lot different than others but he doesn't think it matters when almost everyone in the server is a different kind of human or hybrid. Everyone's different and that's normal, he thinks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Sure we know that Skeppy is his whole heart both metaphorically and literally in a sense, but he would be devastated if anything were to happen to you. He would feel like a part of him is missing and it would frustrate and upset him to no end knowing that the missing piece could never be found again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
In his 9'6 form he will carry you around in his arms like a doll just to tease you. He think you look adorable as you whine and tell him that you aren't a toy to haul around.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn't like someone who takes advantage of him or does things he doesn't like consistently on purpose. Like, teasing him is fine, he does that too, but don't do what he doesn't like on purpose everytime you see him. He just thinks that's disrespectful even if you were just teasing.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When he sleep he's absolutely wrapped around you. Laying by your side, arms and legs wrapped around your torso and waist respectively. You are his pillow now and you're being held hostage until he's decided he's satisfied.
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A/N: Hey ⚰! Thank you for the request! I have to admit it was a little hard not to make it reference poly!c!skephalo because of how often its referenced that Bad and Skeppy are close to one another. (Someone please give me an excuse to remake this with poly!c!skephalo-) Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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maki-s-wife · 3 years
Pairing: Reiner x gender neutral!reader
Warnings:attack on titan season 2 spoilers, angst, cursing
1.3k words
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I’m very sorry it took almost a whole month to get this out, I unconsciously made this a gender neutral reader This also ended up only being a Reiner fic I completely forgot about the Bertholt part I hope that’s ok if you’d like me to add something or change it you can request again for it
Request from: @sugarandsoft
The requests had spoilers that I couldn’t hid from first glance so I hope i tag this right
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"I wish I'd never learned that there were people like this, that way...I wouldn’t have become...such a half assed piece of shit” Reiner said as he looked down at his feet.
What was Reiner talking about you thought. You slowly walked closer to him and reached out to touch his shoulder. As you did he started to remove his cast and once he did you froze in your tracks. That steam...that steam was same when eren was regenerating when he got hurt. There was no way out of all the people Reiner the man you had started to fall for in the years you trained together could be a titan. You and eren stared at his arm miraculously healing before you.
“Reiner are we really going to do it? Right now!” Bertholt screamed. “What are you guys talking about” you said as you stood in one place shaking. Your hand slowly creeping to your menuver gear. Reiners eyes went from cold and scared to soft. They were so uncertain as they stared holes into your own eyes.
Bertholt also turned his attention to you. You were about to say something else, demanding them for more answers even though you had an idea of the truth when Mikasa yelled “y/n” “eren”. You jumped out of the way to see her attack Reiner and bertholt. You were nothing less than confused. You couldn’t think properly...why was everything happening so fast. The next time you looked up you saw little yellow sparks surrounding Reiner and bertholt. “Eren, Y/N get away from there” armins voice yelled.
You took one last look at the two. Taking in their faces one last time you could have sworn to see them both mouth the same thing. “I’m sorry”. You let out silent tears as you grabbed onto the wall for stability and watch the man you’d give the world for and the other you saw as the closest thing you saw to family turn into the beasts you sworn to kill. The ones that killed Eren parents and hundreds of others. They destroyed wall Maria and sent many people into poverty.
Your vision was blurry now but you carried on trying to survive this heavy blast. Though you were loosing your grip. You didn’t have any strength left. Whether it was because two of the people you trusted the most betrayed you or the pressure of the blast everything hurt. You watched as the armor titan and the collosal rises from where Reiner and Bertholt stood. "Shit" you yelled as you accidentally let go of the walls. was this really the last time you'd see the love of your life and best friend. Before you could even finish your thought you realized you were now in the hands of the armor titan...Reiner.
He had you in his hand now. Reiner looked down towards you.
His eyes were not the same eyes that would look at you Only just hours ago. Those weren't the eyes you fell in love with now they were glowing but cold. You shut your eyes tight as you went done the wall at a quick speed. you looked to refiners other hand to see Eren crying. you couldn't help but let out even more tears than before. Too much was happening and you didn't understand any of it. Why did it have to Reiner and Bertholt out of all people. you thought back to when Reiner told you about his hometown.
"I want to return to my hometown...and I want to take you with me y/n"
Thinking back to everytime Reiner and Bertholt protected and comforted you when you needed it. When they'd train you with full power for you to do your greatest. Whenever Reiner would say the sweetest things and you'd just fall harder for him. Everytime Bertholt would sit down and talk to you about cool things he read in books.
you snapped your eyes open to see Eren transforming in Reiners other hand. You felt Reiner grasp you slightly harder. Your conscious was slowly subsiding as Eren punched Reiner. Your head was pounding, you could barely breathe, you wanted to throw up from all the commotion and betrayal, you couldn’t even tell if you were truly alive at this moment. You closed your eyes, the pain of everything finally wearing you down.
The next time you opened your eyes you saw a tree in front of you. You attempted to lift one hand and looked down to see your hands tied together.
Quickly looking around you spotted Reiner, Bertholt, Eren and Yimr. Reiner took his head out of his hand and looked at you. The two of you made eye contact. He looked almost scared of you. He looked away once again.
“Oi what’s going on....”you said quietly ,Then it hit you.
Everything that had happened Prior to you passing out. You tried to get up but noticed you legs were in the same condition as you hands. Eren stood up looking angry. He started yelling at the two as yimr just sat there Regenerating her leg. You just looked down thinking about the situation.
“Reiner and Bertholt betrayed you. Reiner...Reiner betrayed you. You didn’t know where you were. Are you going to die? You had a lot of questions but it be stupid to ask them wouldn’t it.
Your head snapped up when you heard Bertholt speak. “Back then...I thought I felt sorry for you” he said averting his eyes from Eren. Looking at eren now you saw a scary look in his eyes. You never saw that kind of look in Erens eyes before. Before Eren could speak you cut him off. “Reiner...say something” “say something right now, you killed so many innocent people you have to say something” you yelled in a raspy voice. You were crying again. You were conflicted.
One side of you wanted to run to Reiner tell him things are going to be ok and that you two could run away and forget everything...start over. The other side wanted to punch him. Punch him a million times to kill him.
You hated yourself for wanting to forgive him but you were in love with him. And for Bertholt...you just didn’t know. He seemed so much colder than normal...or what you thought was normal.
Eren looked at you and spoke again. You just kept looking at Reiner, you wanted him to speak but he wouldn’t. “Don’t you think I know that” Reiner yelled at Erens statement. Eren continued calling the murderers. He wasn’t wrong.
Then there was a gross feeling in your stomach. You were in love with a murder, your were friends with one. The same feeling when Annie was revealed to be the female titan.
Back with the corps is where you wanted to be. Back home and things back to normal.
That’s what you thought as Reiner yelled more. Yes you wanted him to apologize, to feel regret for what he and Bertholt did. He showed no remorse and that was scary.
They were both quiet now and you let out a hurt chuckle. Everyone’s attention was on you now. “Reiner why don’t you come over here” you said still looking down. You weren’t scared as you heard him make his way towards you and crouch down. Looking up slightly more you spoke
“I was a fool to fall in love with you”.
Wether you thought that was true or not Reiner was beating himself up inside. He was in love with you as-well. He hurt the person he loved. He wanted to take you with him back home. To have a wonderful life with you. But after hearing your words those dreams shattered.
All he whispered was an “I’m sorry”. And turned and went back to his original place.
Somehow nothing and everything made sense right now but all you could think about was how your own dreams shattered
And unknowingly to you so did Reiners
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bl597 · 4 years
Hello! I just found your blog and I loved your writing 💜 Idk if I can request something? Like the reader forgot her clothes or ruin them, wanted to lend some from Ginny but she is smaller so ends up using Fred's, he is shooked, flustered, and happy. All fluffy and stuff. Thanks 💜💜💜
hello, sweetie! thank you sooooooo much 💞💞 of course you can, feel free to request as many imagines as you want to! I hope you enjoy it, sorry it took me so long to post it! 💖
warnings: fluff yay, kind of gender neutral!reader (?), it got a little small (sorry), english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes! requests are open!!
my masterlist ♡
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Ginny, your best friend, had invited you to stay at the Burrow during your summer break, and you, of course, accepted it. You loved the family of redheads as if it was your own, and loved to stay at the Burrow. It had been almost two weeks since you arrived and you and the 'kids' were having lots of fun together.
You, Ginny, Ron, the twins, Harry, Bill and Charlie were playing quidditch, and Molly (as she told you to call her), Hermione and Arthur (as he also told you to call him) were cheering for you all. It was funny to play with them, since you were competitive little shits and didn't want to lose, so you all made a bet: the team that loses has to degnome the garden, and no one wanted to do it.
Your team lost and you had to degnome the garden right after the game because the twins wouldn't let you guys live if you didn't do it as soon as possible. After about an hour or so, Molly told you all to take a shower so you could eat something. You and Ginny went first and the boys went after.
You were with Ginny in her room, looking for something comfortable to wear. Frowning, you turned to her “Hey, Ginny, could you borrow me a shirt? Mine are dirty.”
“Sure” she said, looking for a shirt in her wardrobe. She then handed you a white shirt and you thanked her, putting it on but pouting when you realised it was too small and too tight for you “Do you want me to look for some other?” she asked.
“Yes, please” you nodded, smiling at her and folding the shirt, putting it where it was again.
She then left the room and you sat down on the bed, waiting for her to return. After a few minutes she came back with a bigger shirt, handing it to you with a small smirk. You thanked her, finding her a little suspicious but just ignoring it.
The shirt was big and really comfortable, it smelt like the Burrow and a weirdly familiar cologne, but you couldn't identify where you had smelt it before. When you turned to her, she was smiling widely at you, practically beaming with pride. You opened your mouth to ask why she was like this, but Mrs Weasley's voice interrupted you, calling you two to tell you dinner is ready. Ginny then dragged you downstairs with her, the smile as big as always.
The first person you saw was Ron, who looked at the shirt you were wearing and then at Ginny, mouthing something like 'is that his shirt?', to which Ginny nodded excitedly. Ron then left, smirking at your confused face. You turned to Ginny, ready to ask her what the hell was that when you were interrupted once again, this time by George.
“Look what we have here.” he said smirking while placing an arm around your shoulder. “So you liked Freddie's shirt, uh, (Y/n)?”
“What?” you asked, already feeling your face getting hot.
“Hey, Fred! I've found your shit!” he yelled to his twin, who just entered the room. When he locked eyes with you, his face became as hot and red as his hair, just like your face was and he lowered his head to avoid your curious eyes, with what looked like a shy smile on his lips.
“Ginny!” you exclaimed, blushing furiously.
But when you turned around to face her, she was smirking. She then cupped her ear, as if she heard something “Oh, sorry, mom just called me and George to help her. Have fun, you two” she said, pulling George by his arm so he could follow her, they both giggling.
You and Fred stayed quiet, too embarrassed to say something or look at each other. You glanced at him, noticing he was shirtless, but then you quickly looked away, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable, focusing on the roof instead. “So,” you shyly spoke “why are you shirtless?"
“Because you're with my shirt” he said, chuckling.
“Oh.” you looked at his face, an apologetic half smile on your face. “I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was yours. I can ta-”
“No, it's okay” he cut you off “It's okay, you can stay with it. I'll just find another one.”
“Okay, then.” you smiled at him “Now, if you excuse me, I'll kill your sister right now.”
“I'll put some clothes on before mom catches me and then I can help you” he winked, climbing the stairs to go to his room, leaving you a blushing mess.
After that day, you and Fred were kind of awkward with each other, and whenever you two were alone, there was this uncomfortable silence. Like, he made a few jokes but it just felt weird. Ginny and George didn't stop teasing the shit out of you two ever since then, always nudging you when he entered the room or vice versa.
It was kind of boring, actually. You really liked spending time with the twins, especially Fred, but now you couldn't say anything without making the situation awkward. The fact that you always remembered that moment also didn't really help, since all you could think about was Fred's face when he saw you in his shirt. His face was as red as his hair and he was looking down, but there was still that small smile on his face that made you wonder a lot. Was he trying to hide his laugh? Or was he actually smiling?
The thought that he probably was smiling made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. You didn't really want to admit it to yourself, but you may or may not have feelings for the redhead). It was obvious to anyone who looked at you whenever Fred was around; you were a blushing and stuttering mess, and could barely function like a normal human being. Ginny – and honestly the whole castle – knew about your 'secret' feelings for her old brother, she noticed the not-so subtle stares you sent Fred's way everytime you were in the same room and she was sick of watching her brother doing the exact same thing with you, so that was why she and George came up with the 'shirt plan'.
You were now sitting with Ginny and Hermione on the Burrow's garden, just admiring the beautiful sunset in front of you. Hermione then nudged Ginny with her elbow, raising her brow at the redhead with a look that you didn't really understand, which made you furrow. Ginny then nodded, the same diabolic smile on both their faces.
“Mione, I just remembered something! We have to do that... thing! Yeah, that thing! Remember?” she exclaimed, already getting up. “Let's go!”
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, the thing!” Hermione said, quite awkwardly, getting ready to leave with Ginny.
“Can I go too?” you asked, looking at them whilst pouting.
“No, sorry” Ginny said “It's..”
“A thing for only two people! Sorry, (Y/n/n)” Hermione quickly cut her off, giving you an apologetic smile before dragging Ginny with her, whispering something you couldn't hear.
You sighed, enjoying the view anyway. You stayed like that for a few minutes, the sunlight kissing your skin, its warmth making you feel a little less cold. Despite being summer now, the night breeze was really cold, and you cursed yourself for not bringing a jacket or a jumper like Hermione told you to.
After a minute or two you heard footsteps quietly approaching you, then the person sat down next to you without saying anything, just enjoying the beautiful view. You saw the messy red hair sitting beside you, his blue sweater with a large yellow 'F' on it made you realise who it was.
“Aren't you cold?” his deep voice brought you back to reality and you blinked at him, shaking your head slowly. “Are you sure?”
“I'm fine, Fred” you answered shyly, still not looking directly at him.
He didn't say anything and you two fell in an almost comfortable silence for the first time ever since the 'shirt plan'. You then felt something on your shoulders, something soft and that made you warm up. Looking down, you saw a jacket that you recognized as his and it smelt exactly like that shirt, Fred's scent was intoxicating and you swore you could never get enough of it.
“Nice view, don't you think?” he asks whilst turning to face you and smiling.
“Yeah.” you nodded “The sun is amazing, especially at this time of the day.”
“The sun is beautiful too, but I prefer another view” he said quietly, his husky voice sending shivers down your spine.
“And what is that?” you asked shyly, seeing his face lit up and a smirk replace his smile.
You opened your mouth to say something, but you never found the right words. What were you supposed to do at this moment? You didn't even need to see yourself in a mirror to know that your face is just as hot and red as fire now, and you were pretty sure he definitely noticed it, the playful smirk on his face confirming your suspicions.
“Oh” was all you managed to say. You mentally face palmed yourself, embarrassed by your lack of coherent answers. “Thank you?”
He laughed quite loudly, throwing his head back. You confusedly looked at him, silently asking what was so funny and he just shook his head, still giggling. “You're weird.” he replied between giggles, giving you a big smile.
“That's really rude of you, did you know that?” you asked, furrowing your brows.
“I meant it in a good way, love”
You crossed your arms, huffing, and turned to watch the sunset that was now almost gone. The sky was a beautiful mix of orange and pink shades and it looked like a real life painting. You were too focused on the beautiful sky in front of you that you didn't even notice Fred's silly smile, looking at you in awe.
“So, someone told me you have feelings for me. Is that true, (Y/l/n)?” he asked in a playful tone, slowly inching closer to you.
“Who told you that?!” you exclaimed, looking at him with wide eyes “It was Ginny or George, wasn't it? Oh, I'll kill them!”
“Maybe” he quietly spoke before smirking again “Well, I might return these feelings.”
“You heard me the first time” he playfully rolled his eyes “Can you confirm if the rumors are true?”
“Which rumors?” you stuttered, blushing.
“That we have a date next week”
“You're not as smart as I thought you were” he joked “I was asking if you wanted to go on a date next week? With me?”
You only nodded, not trusting your own voice to say anything at the moment. He smiled widely at you before turning back to the sky in front of you two, you both watching it silently, just enjoying each other's company.
You smirked when you heard whispers a few feet behind you, whose voices you recognized as Ginny, Hermione and George's excitedly cheering that their little 'plan' worked.
taglist ♡
@witchorical @fific7 @iamak20 @msmimimerton @grierpilots @idontknowwhatthisisfam @imseeinggred
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thechangeling · 3 years
Say my name or I won't survive
This is an extension of my headcannon for non binary Kit. He uses he/they pronouns. Kit comes out to Jessa as nonbinary.
Tw: mentions of transphobia/enbyphobia
A lot had happened since that conversation with Magnus. Kit usually didn't like to make a habit out of breaking down in people's arms. But it had become clear in that moment that they needed to talk to someone. That they needed to face the things they had been pushing down, trying to avoid.
Kit was currently standing in front of the mirror in his bedroom. Magnus had let them take some clothes that had been magically altered to fit Kit. Just so he could experiment with wearing them.
So far he hadn't made it out of his room wearing a dress or a skirt, but Kit was trying to take baby steps. Well mostly they were just scared. Scared of what Jem and Tessa would say.
Scared of what everyone would say. Like what if he was just making everything up? Or maybe he was just confused? Shadowhunters were big on tradition. Asking people to use different pronouns for Kit and stop using his full name might be a challenge for some people.
Like Jace, their brain supplied.
Kit stared at their reflection on the mirror. Magnus had started teaching them how to apply makeup and experiment with it. Kit confessed that when they were younger they used to steal eyeliner and lipstick from drug stores and put it on when Johnny was otherwise occupied. Kit was still no where near Magnus's level of talent but they were pretty good.
Kit had done simple makeup today, not looking for anything too crazy, just a little mascara to make his eyes pop and concealer to cover his light bruising from training. He hadn't wanted to look too girly during this conversation, he figured it was better to ease Tessa and Jem into this whole thing.
Also Kit didn't always feel like looking too girly, even though as Magnus constantly reminded them, clothes and makeup didnt have a gender. They liked playing around with different concepts, different styles. The societal ideas of femininity and masculinity were just that, ideas. There were no real rules, not when Kit stopped playing the game.
They stared at themself in the vanity mirror, trying to think of exactly what Kit was going to say to Jem and Tessa. Just saying the words, "I'm nonbinary" didn't seem good enough. They felt like they needed to give a proper explanation of their feelings and experiences or else they would be accused of faking it.
The urge to prove ones validly, the need to make sure people knew he was real and he wasnt crazy, it was more importent then anything. It was infuriating. Knowing that his experiences could be so easily dismissed as delusional feelings.
Not trans enough. Not cis enough. Not gay enough. Not straight enough. Kit's mere existence was a controversy on it's own. It was exhausting enough to make Kit want to abandon the whole idea of coming out again all together. Maybe it was easier just to smile and nod everytime someone misgendered them. Ignore the clenching of their stomach and the punch to the chest that came with it.
Smile and nod and be the man he was meant to be. But he had been doing that for 18 years and he couldn't survive it much longer. Kit needed to come out. People needed to acknowledge his reality and use the proper pronouns for him.
Or else Kit was going to wither away, shrivel up into something unrecognizable. A shell of their former self. They were going to die if they had to hear "Christopher" one more time.
The only time it was tolerable was when Ty said it. Kit could almost pretend that he could be the person Ty thought he was, if it would make Ty happy. He used to think that he could let himself wither away and die as long as Ty was ok. As long as Ty was safe and happy.
But that wasnt ok. That wasnt fair. Kit deserved to be safe and happy as well. One of the things they had learned with Jem and Tessa was that Kit deserved to put themself first sometimes. Kit deserved good things despite what Johnny Rook had made them believe. Kit wanted Ty to be ok. They wanted Ty in general.
But Kit needed this.
He took a deep breath and exited his room, heading downstairs to the kitchen where Jem was cooking breakfast and Tessa was trying to get Mina to settle down. Everyone looked up as soon as Kit entered the room.
"Kitty!!!" Mina screamed excitedly, waving her arms around. Tessa shushed her fondly, scolding her for yelling.
"Good morning Christopher," Jem said with kind a smile. "How did you sleep?"
Kit tried to ignore the way their stomach clenched at the sound of their birth name. Dead name, their brain supplied. They needed to tell Tessa and Jem. Kit slid into a nearby chair with a heavy sigh.
"I need to talk to you guys about something," he muttered, trying not to sound too nervous or dejected. Tessa and Jem shared a worried glance.
"Is everything alright Kit?" Tessa asked sparing Mina a glance, probably wondering if she should be removing her from this conversation. Kit shut his eyes briefly and took a breath.
"Yeah I hope so. I just need to tell you something," Kit ran their fingers through their curls. Jem and Tessa watched them, waiting patiently. Kit tried to ignore the shakiness of their breath and the way their palms.
"Here's the thing," Kit began. "You might not get it but I need to ask you to respect it ok?
He didn't wait for their responses. "I'm nonbinary. Which basically means that I'm neither male nor female. I'm something else, something seperate. I don't know I guess I just think of myself as a person who doesn't really have much of a gender," he was staring at the tabletop refusing to make eye contact. "It's just sort of like, if you think of the colour spectrum as gender, I would be a blurry watercolour. A mixture if all kinds of different things and sometimes some colours are more vibrant then others. And then sometimes it's just gray."
Kit wasnt sure if any of this was really making any sense but they knew they had to try. Jem and Tessa were both still silent. Mina was happily chomping down on her breakfast and ignoring all of them. Kit took this as a sign to continue.
"I don't exactly know why I'm like this or how I know. But maybe there are some things that you just can't explain. You just know. Like I know that the sun will set and then rise again tommorow and I know that I love you guys," Kit voice faltered at the last part. He looked up at Tessa and Jem, panicked over seeing their reactions.
But they were both just staring at Kit with huge, loving smiles on their faces. Kit's breathing slowly began to return to normal but their hands were still shaking. Tessa csne towards them slowly, grasping Kit's hand in hers.
"Baby it's ok," she cooed. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. It's just like we told you when you first came out as bisexual, we will always love you no matter what." Jem nodded.
"I have admit this whole thing is rather fascinating," Jem chimed in with a smile. "I've never heard the term before." Kit fought the urge to remind him that two weeks ago he had never heard of playstation, but decided against it.
Mina was paying attention to them now and she was smiling at Kit. "No bany!" She cried excitedly. Kit couldn't help it, he through his head back and laughed. Mina scowled at him slightly. "Not quite Min-Min," Kit told her playfully.
"Do you have different pronouns that you would like us to use?" Tessa asked. Kit's heart fluttered at the question. They didn't actually think either Tessa or Jem would think to ask.
Kit cleared their throat. "Yeah do you think you guys could use alternating he/they pronouns for me? Like use he in one sentence and then use they?" Kit instantly felt kind of guilty for complicating things further. "I'm sorry I know that's kind of confusing."
Jem shook his head, "no it's fine! We just want you to feel comfortable." Tessa nodded in agreement. "Is there anything else?" Kit pulled Mina's hands off of their shirt. She had begun to tug and pull out of boredom.
Kit nodded. "Yeah do you think you could stop calling me Christopher please?" He hoped he didn't sound to harsh. There was something so guilt inducing about having to ask for these things. It felt like Kit was making unneccessary demands. But he wasn't. He had every right to.
Jem instantly looked sheepish. "I'm so sorry Kit," he said softly. Tessa looked guilty too. Kit shook their head.
"Its ok. You didn't know. Just don't do it anymore ok?" Kit felt significantly lighter, like a giant weight had been lifted off of their shoulders. They slid out of their stool to walk around to the other side of the kitchen island and hug both Jem and Tessa.
Kit knew it wouldn't always be this easy. He knew that this life would be complicated and difficult, but it would also be full of exploration and freedom.
Kit would always have a place he belonged.
"I am also a we."
- Sense 8
Tag list you know the drill, let me know if you want on or off: @scrat-is-god @playwithravenclaw @lavender-scented-rat @knifescythe @ti-bae-rius @dianasarrow @doitforthecarstairs @jazzkaurtheglorious @waterlillies @zfoxdraws @julieandthefandoms @older-brother-kit @ilikebooks8 @nott-the-best @stxr-thxif @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @autumnangel20 @hufflepuffyskam
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this is it! the official last part to UTCM! thank you so much for reading <3
wc: 1.8k
story masterlist | masterlist
part one part two part three part four
͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
“Harry! Hurry up, they’re almost here!”
You were rushing in the kitchen, trying to get everything in decent sized platters and on the table as soon as possible. You had made the mistake of waking up later than usual, and you immediately rushed out of bed, heading straight to the kitchen when you saw him cooking.
He was shirtless as per usual. Hair a mess, but nonetheless, messy hair looked good on him. And he was in his boxers, telling you that he hasn’t been up for long. His back was facing you, and you had walked slowly towards him as you watched the muscles flex with every movement, making your knees weak.
You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek against his soft back. “Morning. Why didn’t you wake me?” You kiss his skin, making it rise with goosebumps.
He turned around in your arms and looked down at you, flashing his lazy smile, confirming that he had literally just woken up. “Goodmorning, darling.” His pet name for you had plastered a big smile, showing so much love you have for him. “You look beautiful when you sleep. Plus, I wanted to help out. Know you’ll be running around before they arrive.”
He was right because you were doing exactly that.
“Harry! Hurry up, they’re almost here!” You call out from the kitchen.
“Darling, you know everything doesn’t have to be set up right when they get here, so please just slow down.” He kisses your temple, and for a second you felt yourself relax, but that was just for a quick second.
“I know. I just want everything ready when they get here so I don’t have to worry about anything.” He softly says an ‘okay’, knowing there was no point in getting you to calm down.
“So, what can I do to help? Put the sauce in this?” He holds up a saucer cup, but you instantly snatch it from him.
“And have you ruin your expensive shirt? Not happening.” You shake your head.
“Oh, come on! Let me help you out please?” He pouts, giving his best puppy eyes.
“Oh please! Quit that!” You swore it was like living with a four year old. He didn’t change his face, grabbing your arm and blinking furiously. “Ugh! Fine. Set the table and get the casserole out of the oven. My back hurts.”
Harry’s face went back to normal and proceeded to kiss your cheek, which you still smiled at, chuckling at his behavior.
The table was set, and the food had already been transferred onto nicer and bigger plates that were set on the table. Everyone was starting to arrive, saying hi to each other, going straight for drinks, and taking their seats at the table.
“So, why’d you call all of us here?” Gemma asks, and you know her suspicion had been high ever since she got the call from Harry when he asked you were having a big dinner.
“Nothing. Just wanted the whole family to get together again.” She eyes you suspiciously, and you mentally curse, knowing she’s too smart to be put through any games.
Everyone was there right in front of you. Minny and her family, Anne and Gemma, and your mom. Everyone you needed was right there. Food and bowls were passed around and across the long table in the dining room, and everytime you looked up, Harry would be looking right at you.
He would always put up a front saying that he should sit right next to you when you have family dinners instead of across from you. ‘It’s a long distance away from you’ he would say, making you chuckle and telling him that he can survive an hour of dinner without him right next to you.
After everyone was comfortable and settled with their plate of food, Jenny stood up from her seat and raised her glass. “A toast. To everyone in this room and my husband, who is not here, but with us, always. To Whitney’s number one fan.”
“To Whitney’s number one fan!” The entire table yelled out before sipping from their glasses.
You caught Jenny’s eye and smiled before mouthing ‘I love you’ to her and her doing the same. The amount of strength your mother had was admirable, and you had always hoped you would amount to her strength and kind heart everyday.
The conversations had flowed throughout the table as they laughed and ate the food you and Harry had prepared.. And you were happy. Happy with the people that were in the room. The people that you surround yourself with. And you thought, ‘this is the perfect time.’
“I’m pregnant.” You blurt out. The whole room went silent, conversations were ended, and you were filled with anxiousness; thinking of what they might say and how they’re going to react. But then everyone gasped and started cheering. Smiles went all around the room as they walked up to you and hugged you, asking you ‘how long?’ and telling you how happy they were to get a baby in the family.
You were filled with joy by how they reacted, but the only reaction you were worried about was the one across the room.
You hadn’t even told Harry before announcing it to the whole group, and you figured you would surprise him as well. But so many thoughts ran through your head, thinking he was going to be angry with you for not telling him in private.
Your eyes had remained on his, and his, yours. He was in so much shock that he hadn’t realized the people around him were hugging him as his eyes never left yours. Yours were glossy from nerves, but happiness that the news was out.
His family had finally given him some space as they went on hugging each other, and discussing gender and baby names. He started walking towards you, and before he could speak, you beat him to it.
“Harry, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, nor did I tell you when we were alone. I was just thinking that it’ll be nice to surprise you, like really surprise you, but I wasn’t thinking. I-” your rambling was cut off by his lips as they met yours. You were shaking in his hold, but soon calmed down as his tongue met yours, making you weak. You could have fallen right then and there, but his strong arms held you up, and therefore, you were grateful. He pulled away, breathless and speechless. “You’re not mad?”
“Of course not, my darling. How could I ever be mad when I’m the absolute happiest guy in the world right now.” His smile was beaming so bright that it could provide light into your house for hours.
“Thank goodness. I thought you would want me to tell you when we were alone.” You felt a sense of relief run through your rest that eased your shoulders.
“You could tell me in the movie theatre, and I would scream and cry, not caring if we were supposed to be quiet. Could care less where you told me.” You tippytoe to peck his lips. “So, we’re having a baby. You’re really having my baby.” You nod, happy tears coming down your face as you hug him tight, burying your head in his chest as he cradles you.
You look around the room and see everyone with excited smiles on their faces and their eyes filled with fondness for a baby that’s not even born yet. This was it. This is your life.
You had always wondered how your life became to this. You were so utterly grateful for what was given to you. Everyone around you was your greatest treasure.
A two years ago, you wouldn’t have known if Harry was going to be in your life again. But a trip to the lake house brought you two together. The kiss under the canyon moon ignited a spark in you, giving you a sign that you couldn’t do life without him.
After you had shown up on his doorstep the minute you got back to the city after the trip, he had let you in without hesitation. You two had talked a lot because things needed to be spoken about, and it was the start of working your way back into a relationship and trusting each other again.
You started going on dates and letting him take you out, and it wasn’t awkward for a second; the connection had always been there from the start. After a month of dating again, you had let him do unspoken things to your body that involved his mouth and tongue, guiding you to pleasure. And of course, you wanted to reciprocate, but Harry being the gentleman he is, told you it was about you. But a week after, he had let you pleasure him to his high.
A year later, he proposed. He took you on a weekend trip, telling you to take Thursday and Friday off of work. He drove you down to a lake house, and you weren’t surprised when you entered the route with trees and the woods surrounding the road. It was a romantic getaway that you both needed, but after dinner one night, he took you to the back where twinkled lights were hung up under the stars and the moon. He got down on one knee and said an entire speech about how much he loves you and how much he needs you in his life, that you can recite back to anyone if they asked. Of course, you said yes, and he took you—carried you back inside and made love to you all night on a blanket in front of the fireplace.
You and Harry got married three months after he proposed. You had told him the idea of not wanting a big wedding, just your usual people and some friends. Harry had thrown the idea of getting married at Lina and Dan’s lake house, and you wrapped your arms around his body while kissing his face, telling him you loved the idea. Of course, Lina and Dan agreed, how could they not when their second daughter was getting married. It didn’t take long to get decorations or tables; you really only needed about 4 big tables since there were only 25 people going. Caterer was handled by Anne since her friend was in the catering business. Everyone was happy to help, and you and Harry were entirely grateful for it because you wanted to call him your husband already and vice versa. And when that day came, it was magical.
Under the canyon moon was when it all started again, so you two said ‘I do’ when the moon was bright enough to shine (along with big lights that were set in the back), sealing your lifetime together as one.
You look up at Harry, not disconnecting your bodies that are pushed up together. He looks down at you with tears in his eyes that have fallen down his face.
“I’m home, baby.”
thank you for reading and tuning in to UTCM! this is my first (mini) series, and it was so fun writing this! hope you enjoyed <3 also send me requests on what you’d like me to write so I can turn your imagination to a fic! but i will warn you, it might take a while cause i’m currently working on something else!
talk to me about UTCM here !!
taglist: @pradaxstyles​ @iconicharry​
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itsbajabitch · 4 years
You're my favorite thing to watch (Abed x Annie oneshot)
NOTES: So I like the concept of Annie not being skinny and basically just wanted more fat Annie content and was thinking about how I imagine Annie might remember the Abed insult episode stuff (S2E7 “Aerodynamics of Gender”) when they’re dating and get worried that he’s noticing all these ‘flaws’ about her, but never tell her. I imagine this is like season 4ish. There is discussion of body image and insecurity and that kind of thing but nothing graphic or detailed, it’s just a cute Annie x Abed comfort fic. Thank you to @s1owdanc32death for helping me get unstuck on the ending! Sorry if there’s weird grammar or formatting stuff, thats not my forte. Enjoy! 
It was another movie night in the Trobedison household.
I was perched on the arm of Abed’s chair and Troy sat in his own chair while we watched the Dark Knight Rises. This was a good day, or at least it should have been. Nothing bad happened, I had classes, study group and now I was in the comfort of my own home with my boyfriend and our best friend watching a movie. This should be enough to keep me happy.
It was one of those days though. A day where I felt restless and am hyper-aware of my body. A day where as soon as I woke up the feeling of hunger in my stomach awoke the part of me that makes each bite of toast at breakfast a battle and makes getting dressed take double the normal amount of time because I don’t like the way my body looks in anything. The kind of day that makes trying to sit through a conversation in the cafeteria so panic-inducing that I excuse myself to the library for some paper I have to work on. I know I can’t punish myself for having days like this, it's a part of the recovery process but that doesn’t make it any easier. 
And I know Abed can tell something is up, he’s been giving me looks all day, private check-ins. Each time I give him a smile and try to project some semblance of happy and normalcy. I don’t know how to explain that today some of, okay a lot of, my anxiety is Abed related. I don’t know how to have that conversation so I close my eyes tight in an attempt to center myself and when I reopen them I fix my eyes on the screen and try to focus on the movie. 
This plan instantly backfires.
On screen Anne Hathaway is in a skin-tight black bodysuit prowling around Gotham and immediately the comparisons and the insults come racing through my mind.
Abed had mentioned wanting to go to a convention together someday, what if he wanted me to dress like that, to be the Selina opposite his Bruce. What would he think seeing my body like that, completely on display with no cardigans or layers to shield me. I can hear it in my head, a ruthless cataloging of all my flaws in his cool monotone. Ever since Shirley, Britta and I used Abed as an insult wielding machine I’ve been thinking of all the things he might notice about me, but not say. It was getting better but then we started dating and I noticed myself thinking about it more and more until today and it’s like a damn broke and everytime I so much as breathe I’m imagining Abed picking apart my every imperfection. And it’s not fair. It’s not fair to myself or to Abed because he’s never done anything in our relationship to make me feel ugly or scrutinized but I can’t stop thinking about it and I don’t know how to stop and I’m to scared to talk to him about it and oh god what if I ruin the best relationship I’ve ever had because I can’t stop obsessing….
I move suddenly and my eyes jump back to focus. The movie is paused. I feel Abed’s hand on my back and realize Troy and him are both looking at me, concern etched on their faces. I straighten myself and start to sit up off the chair. “Gosh, sorry I just zoned out. I’m not feeling great. I think I’m going to lie down, but you guys should finish the movie. I’ll catch up later when I’m not so out of it” I say, trying to keep my tone even and not look so suspicious as I avoid eye contact and head towards my room.
As soon as the door closes I curl up on my bed and surround myself with my stuffies, clutching one to my chest. I feel like a kid again. I feel like it's high school and I’m spinning out of control using anything I can to try and get that control back. It’s really hard in moments like these to remind myself that I have grown and adapted and I don’t need that kind of control anymore. I sit up and force myself to do a deep breathing exercise. I’m focusing on counting each intake of breath, each hold, and each exhale. 
Time passes and I start to feel a little better, more grounded. My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I reach over to check it. 
A text from Abed, “water, tea, or special drink?”
I smile and think for a moment before typing my response, “tea” and then, “thank you” 
Barely a minute later there is a soft knock on my door and I look up to see Abed entering with two mugs, one gently steaming the other likely his special drink. He sets my mug on a coaster on my nightstand then turns to me,
“Do you want me to stay?” 
I nod and start to move over all my stuffies so he can sit beside me. As Abed settles in next to me I grab my mug, blowing lightly before I sip. 
“Did you guys finish the movie?” I ask, still looking at my mug. 
“No, we decided to pause and wait to finish it another night with you” he answers, no hint of annoyance in his voice. 
“We might need to start at the beginning”, I reply sheepishly, “I kind of zoned out”. 
“Are you feeling better?” he asks and I finally turn towards him, 
“I’m starting to. Thank you for this” I add, gesturing to the tea. 
“Of course” he says looking at me contentedly. 
I turn to set my mug back on its coaster, “I want to talk about something, but I’m pretty embarrassed and I don’t know exactly how to say it so is it okay if I just start talking and you listen for a bit?” 
Abed nods. I take a deep breath and face him.
“So I’ve been anxious lately, while more than usual, and it was really bad today and I guess I’ve just been really self conscious and stressing about how I look and that kind of thing except that now I’m worrying about how you think I look and I know it was a while ago, but I keep thinking about that time Britta and Shirley and I used you as some kind of take down machine, which I’m still sorry for doing that to you, but I can’t stop thinking about all the things you’ve noticed about me and didn’t say because you were being nice like do you really think that my laugh sounds like a piglet or do you think my face is too round or not symmetrical or notice that my clothes don’t always fit right and I know won’t look like Anne Hathaway in a catsuit and I…”
Abed’s voice pulled me back from my rapidly derailing train of thought speech.
Sorry I murmured 
“Thank you for sharing that with me. You’re right, I do notice a lot of things about you that I don’t say out loud, but it's not the way you think”
“What do you mean?” I ask trying to regain my breathe
“You’re my favorite thing to watch Annie. You read about 1 page every four minutes when you're studying, that's faster than the national average, and it's faster for non academic reading plus your forehead scrunches when you have to reread a passage. I notice which cardigan you wear most often and the different outfit combinations you favor. I don’t tell people these things because most people find it uncomfortable to be watched that closely, but I can’t help but watch you Annie. And I do notice your body. How soft you feel pressed against me when we watch movies or sometimes the light catches your face and it's so perfect I wish I had a camera on me to try and capture it.” 
I couldn’t help but smile. When Abed talks like that, so straightforward and sure, it’s hard to doubt what he’s saying, to not accept it as fact. I leaned forward to embrace him, but he stopped me holding me up instead and I looked up, finding his eyes staring back at mine.
“I am attracted to you, all of you, and I’m sorry if I don’t always verbalize that”.
He held my gaze for a long moment
My eyes watered and he loosened his hold allowing me to rest my head against his chest and wrapping my arms around him
“Thank you” I murmured, not moving my face from against his body. A moment later I part slightly to look back up at him 
“I’m attracted to you too”
A smile spreads over his lips and i can’t help but mirror it
We both let ourselves fall back onto the bed, lying down I nestle close to him
“For the record I think you’d make a great Catwoman, catsuit and all” 
I hit his arm playfully in response
“I’m serious. I’d never make you cosplay in something that made you feel uncomfortable, but it's all about commitment and character. We both know I don’t look like Batman, but when I put on the costume I commit so it works and Annie you’re so committed to everything you do so you’d be great. You as a Catwoman, hot. hot hot hot”
I grin again, pressing a kiss against his cheek then I whisper into his ear     
“Maybe for your birthday”
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
Netflix and Chill🍿[F]
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader 
Gender of the Reader: gender neutral  
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: Fluff, a bit of Comedy/Crack (or maybe I'm just not funny😅) and at the end a little bit Smut
AUs: University Student AU; Best Friends to Lovers AU (the two just have an almost painfully hard crush on each other without realizing it!🤦‍♀️)
Warning: A really questionable passion for massages and hair play/fondling, some weird situations and a little bit sexual tension in the end but nothing graphic!
A/N: Why did I write this fanfic? Because I count to those peoples who just love to be massaged and have their scalp rubbed. And I have a friend who loves it as much as I do and on our last Netflix night this weird and at the same time hilarious situation really happened. (Yes, I write whole fanfics about strange incidents🤦‍♀️) And when I said goodbye to her, I promised her that I'll write a fanfic about it! She just shook her head laughing and just said:"You can't be serious!" Yes, I'm serious! (Love you Nini♡~)
Please just read the fic, it's really cute and adorable and it won't be that weird like you think now! 🙇‍♀️🙏
I chose Hoseok because a long time ago I read this:
"J-Hope likes if someone stroke his hair-he says it helps him to sleep, a routine he picked up from childhood (when he was young, his mother used to pat him gently to put him to sleep)"
[Source: J-Hope's Profile on KProfiles (I don't know how relieable this Source is!)]
Information: My Masterlist can be found at the end of the Fanfic! 📝
Summary: Hoseok and you are best friends, especially because you two share an unique passion for which you get sometimes quizzically looks from others. Like every Friday Night you meet up to watch some series on Netflix together and massage and fondle the hair of each other. All the same, all innocent as ever. Until it comes to a certain situation and you realize the true meaning behind "Netflix and Chill" faster than you expected...
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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Pleasurably sighing you turn your head in Hobi's lap to the left side so he can run his fingers through your hair on your right side and massage your scalp with the gentle pressure of his fingertips. If you could, you would start purring like a cat right away, you just love how your best friend knows exactly which massage techniques you like the most.
It's a typical friday night at your place. Like every week you meet your best friend Hoseok either at his dorm room or he comes to your place to gossip a little bit about the university events of the week and to speculate who is into whom, whether person A finally dared to made the first step to person B at the last party and person B still didn't get the hint at all.
Normally you're not the type for gossiping at all and you usually don't do it either. After all, you should mind your own business and don't put your nose in other people's business. But sometimes you can't stop fantasizing together with Hobi how happy some peoples in your university could be if they would only dare to talk to their crush. Or, seen from the other side, believe this person and give them a chance.
Oh, it's just always so easy to discuss other people's problems rather than take care of your own, isn't it?
On these evenings you binge-watch various Netflix Series together and live out your almost "secret" passion. You both just love to get a massage, your hair fondled and a great scalp rub. But you have often noticed that most of your friends don't share this passion and even some of your closer friends look at you quizzically when you ask if anyone can give you a massage.
You talk about the dirtiest secrets with these people, but as soon as it comes to innocent massaging, you find yourself in a "No-No Zone" and some people looked at you as if you're a complete weirdo.
Well, maybe, you two really so have a special relationship for massages than the "normal" humanity. But in these moments you don't care, you have each other to get your desired caresses and that's enough. At least you think so. At least you hope so.
You still try to believe that you've taken Hobi into your heart because of your shared love for massages and hair fondling and not because there are more than "normal" feelings of a very, very close friendship building up in your chest.
Maybe there is really reason why you like it so much to talk with Hobi about other people's crushes. Maybe because not to think so much about your own crush on your best friend and to eventually learn how Hobi sees these things. To get maybe some info on what it means for him to have a crush on someone.
Ah fuck, you just want to enjoy your head massage, nothing more! You're overthinking and overinterpreting things again. There is nothing between you two and there will certainly not be anything. Why you just can't be satisfied with what you have?
"Honey, why are you knit your eyebrows together like that? Does anything hurts or is the pressure to much. Please tell me when I accidentally use to much pressure in my fingertips. Okay?", asks Hobi and strokes tenderly with his thumb over the furrow between your eyebrows until you have relaxed again and the crease has disappeared.
"No, everything is fine, Hobi. I just was thinking about my last lecture, nothing important.", you quickly say, you don't want to make him suspicious because of your unusual behaviour.
...and that's just another thing that makes it so hard for you not to like him even more that you already do when he gives you such cute petnames.
When you once asked him about it, he just shrugged with his shoulders and replied that your female friends call each other (and you included!) Sweetheart or even Darling and he's your best friend after all, why he shouldn't be allowed to do it too?
Yes. He is your best friend. And not your boyfriend. That's the terrible difference! You absolutely don't mind him calling you that way. Just... your damn feelings seems not to understand that small but significant difference!
With gentle stroking movements of his long fingers he indicates that your head massage is gradually coming to an end and that he indirectly wants his favor in return now. You two just enjoy these caresses too much.
A little playful smile forms on your lips as Hobi softly says:
"So... it's my turn now, right?"
"Why do I get the feeling that your massages getting shorter and shorter, just because we can switch places earlier then and you can get your turn of the massage?"
A slight blush tints Hobi's cheeks in a soft pink and he starts pouting in such a damn cute way, so that you can't be mad at him at all, even if you wanted to.
"Take it as a compliment that I can't get enough of you! ...your massages and all, you know...", he mumbles and is suddenly in a hurry to position his head in the hollow of your cross-legged seat and closes his eyes so he's no longer at the mercy of your intense gaze.
A soft giggle leaves your lips and you shake your head, but gently turn his head to the side and let your fingers slide through his hair with light pressure as well.
A deep sigh from Hobi's chest comes over his half-open lips as you start to massage his scalp with small circles and the perfect pressure.
God, that's one of the many things he loves you for. That you didn't laugh or tease him when he told you at your first Netflix marathon a year ago, that he loves to get massages and hair fondling. Sometimes he needs it to fall asleep, that's why he usually watches ASMR massage videos now, to relax and then finally be able to finds his way into the dreamland.
But then there was you, completely different than all the others. Instead of teasing him you looked at him a bit shyly but with a bright smile on your lips and nodded strongly in agreement. Told him that you love it just as much he does and that all your friends look at you in the same confused way too, just like his.
And that was it when it started. With every new meeting he got to know so many other, also so lovely little habits of yours, so that's now difficult for him to keep his feelings for you in check everytime he sees you.
His friends already bother him constantly with the fact that he has his best friend saved as "Sunshine" together with a yellow little heart in his phone. Moreover that he calls you with various petnames, as if you're his partner and not his best friend.
Yoongi also start to asks him all the time when they finally get to the point of not just philosophizing about other people's lovestories and relationships and finally change their relationship-status from "friends" to "couple".
If only everything would be so simple. But that's just only dreaming and not reality. You two are friends, best friends. Unfortunately, to Hobi's displeasure, nothing more than that.
At least you allow him to call you with these petnames and he secretly enjoys it when other guys think that they don't have a chance anyway because it seems like you're already in a relationship with Hoseok.
Hobi hardly understands himself why he mutates into an almost shy and blushing mess when he's with you. Normally he's quite extroverted, outgoing, speaks to everyone and everything in no time, doesn't mince his words and he can be terribly direct sometimes too.
And you? You make your best friend discover unintentionally completely new sides of Quiet- and Shyness. Maybe just out of fear that you'd say that even as friends, if you knew he had a crush on you, it wouldn't work out. He doesn't want to lose a precious person like you just because of a rash gesture or certain words.
"I think you have to turn over on your stomach so that I can massage the back of your head too...", you say in a soft voice that makes Hobi's heart jump again. How he hates his lovesick heart...
He nods and without thinking about it, he turns around on his belly and shifts into a comfortable position. He's about to put his face right into the hollow of your crossed legs and that would mean, he would press his nose directly into your crotch.
That's the moment he realizes what he is about to do and stops abruptly.
"U-Uhm... I-I don't think I should do this...", he stutters in a raspy voice and clears his throat, laughing somewhat awkwardly.
Now you notice too what a questionable imagine this position would give and your head turn bright red. Oh God, why didn't you think of that?!
"Oh shit, I don't think I had thought it the whole way through. Maybe... maybe it would be better if you sit down properly and I would massage your neck and the back of your head in that position?", you say quickly in a nervous voice that almost rolls over.
Hobi nods quickly and gives you an embarrassed half smile before he sits down in your bed in an upright position and his back faces you.
Concentrated you start to massage Hobi's shoulders. You notice how he flinches and automatically stiffens when your hands touch him. Now your pressed lips forms a thin line, you're incredibly sorry to have put him in a such uncomfortable position.
"Sorry about... that. Let's just forget that stupid thing ever happened.", you murmur and stroke gently over and as calmingly as possible over his shoulders. Hobi nods slowly.
"I think we really should. Don't worry about it too much. I didn't realize it right away too. And nothing weird happend in the end anyway."
You hum in agreement. But you can't help it, you start to fantasize about what would have happened if it had happened. To fantasize a completely absurd, but for you completely comprehensible storyline together, why it would have been possible to kiss him. You're sure you seem to be losing your mind.
Yeah, if you only knew that Hobi had the exact same thoughts in his head as you in your own. How he could have managed to kiss and touch you after this hilarious situation. Maybe with a sassy comment like "I wouldn't mind to stay between your legs" and to elicit a cute and a bit embarrassed laugh from you. Then he would have "jokingly" wisper into your ear that he would like to be everywhere above or under you. Maybe you would have got the hint and maybe it would have given you both really a chance.
Maybe. Who the hell knows?
Hobi closes his eyes, relaxes again. God, why do you have to be so freaking good at massages? And before he can watch his mouth, a soft moan escapes his lips with the words:
"Yeah Baby, right there! Yes, that's the spot!"
You swallow hard when you hear this sensual sounds comes out of his mouth. Is he doing this on purpose to tease you? To take revenge to have embarrassed him? You can do that as well!
"Do you always moan like that when you have Sex?", you purr in his ear in your most seductive voice. In the corner of your eye you see Hoseok's Adam's Apple nervously bobbing.
"...do you want to find it out?", he asks with a growling voice and turns to you with darkended pupils.
Now there's nothing to stop you two anymore.
When Yoongi sees the unmissable hickeys on Hobi's and your neck on Monday morning and the way you two smile at each other like two idiots in love and can hardly keep your hands of each other, he sighs in relief.
"Thank God! Finally the miserable sneaking around like two lovesick cats has come to an end! Gradually we couldn't look at that anymore either!", he says it in the moment as the other boys turned around the corner.
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asingularitea · 4 years
Stupid BTS (JiKook) Thoughts No One Asked for
**These are all half-cooked theories/observations. I don’t know them, anything about them, their sexuality, their relationship status, anything. Just food for thought**
-that one v-live from ~ages~ ago, like when they were first starting out where little Jimin has black hair and a jersey on, he says ‘Ah, to be surrounded by women’ and I don’t think I’ve ever heard a straight guy say that seriously (but a not straight one trying to overcompensate to fit in...yes)
-In Bon Voyage I’ve noticed a lot of the Jikook moments come from behind the scene cams, so they’re not included in the main narrative so to speak, which is a conscious choice on BigHit’s part 
-The main visible part of JK’s tattoos are ARMY so it’s interesting that they cover that up
-BUT then again he also literally has JM tattooed on his hand soooo
-(also that lands on the ring finger which I know is just how ARMY is spelt but Shhhhh)
-In Bon Voyage 4 Jimin seems to be putting in more effort to spend time with Tae (remember Tae’s v-live where Tae said Jimin wanted to come hang out with him but JK said no) and stuff like that so perhaps they had a friendship talk about how to manage that 
-J-Hope seems to the be JiKook ambassador and I’m all for it
-In Run BTS or Bon Voyage recently (in like the past two years) whenever JiKook does something really loud a lot of the time the next shot Jin is literally wedged between them. Poor Jin lol but also BigHit...I see you
-I personally find it just a bit invasive that on the Run BTS and Bon Voyage they add captions like they know what the guys are thinking. It frames viewers to see them in a certain way which yeah all media does but when the caption sometimes contrasts the words it’s just unsettling ya know?
-It’s interesting that Jimin (guess my bias lol I’m sorry) really wanted to appear muscly and masculine at their start. I mean they all did, that was the trend but the way he talked about it (especially because now he presents in more feminine styles sometimes) it seemed like an over compensation for something (like his height but also a lot of not straight guys try to look really masc. to hide) (not that non straight guys can’t just prefer to appear masc. but especially in teenage/young boys closeted guys tend to over compensate with masc.)
-the fact that in the latest G.C.F (also can we just talk about that there’s the word closet, as in coming out of the closet in JK’s own film company) as it gradually becomes saturated Jimin is the only one wearing a bright color (and it’s VERY bright) (also red which this is really a reach but like red is the romance color)
-(this is from MizGator’s YouTube analysis) all the songs JK has chosen to be in his GFC films use either male or neutral pronouns never ‘she’ which tbh is really hard to find a song sung by a guy and not use ‘she’ pronouns and he’s found multiple
-It seems like the boys have realized how valuable they are to the company so they get to be more in charge of their lives (not having to do challenges they’re really afraid of, driving themselves, etc.)
-Get BTS better security I S2G watching videos of them going through airports is terrifying
-Going off of the pronoun thing; neither Jimin’s or JK’s solo songs have used ‘she’ in them (that I’m aware of, correct me if I’m wrong)
-The group’s appreciation/effort to make/capture rainbows in Bon Voyage season 4 was interesting. Cool
-JK apologized profusely (and appeared to genuinely be very distraught) about having tattoos, tattoos a completely normal thing to have just WHAT. That’s so sad that they think their own bodies are up to the decision of the public. I get their idols but it’s their bodies it’s so sad
-JiKook is just so loud. Like. They’ve literally almost kissed like 5 times. Jimin flew back (a 16 hour flight) to Korea for two hours to see JK on his bday and got him a rainbow cake. When asked about his fav part of their Tokyo trip, JK said it was staying up until 5 am doing...something. Hmhmmm. 
-The guys rough house around with each other all the time. They teased each other all the time. Friends do that. But, especially in the last few years, JiKook are gentiler to each other. LIke for the push game in Run!BTs They literally just stood there. There’s other instances like that too. If I was in a committed relationship (or any really) I wouldn’t want to be physically harmful to my partner, that’s abuse. 
-Also Jimin really only takes teasing from JK. Two examples that come to my mind are in BV Season 4, he literally just lets JK splash him in the face with water staying still, the moment anyone else does it, he turns his back. There’s that other video (I’m so sorry there’s just so many videos) when they’re shooting a promo of some sort, JK keeps playing with JM’s suspenders and he doesn’t do anything. Suga does it once and JM’s expression turns ice cold
-Everyone loses their shit when JK or JM call each other bro but everytime they do it’s clearly in a joking, ‘isn’t this funny because it’s ironic’, kind of way. Bro is the same as dude and if you’ve never jokingly called someone dude or bro regardless of their relation to you you’re lying
-No matter any of their sexualities, they’re publically normalizing guy friends showing verbal and physical affection for each other on a very, very large platform and that’s really cool because fuck toxic masculinity
-Lastly, a lot, a lot of the content Jimin and JK post of each other, if you swapped out someone of the opposite gender it would 100% be perceived as if they were dating 
If you made it this far why, but thank you. Comment, let’s chat. Am I crazy? Or onto something lol
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