#and work on that instead of making everyone else hapy
totouchthcstars · 1 year
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Look who just woke up- is that LUDOVICA MARTINO? No, I must have been mistaken that’s GIULIA MARCOVALDO from LUCA. I heard she is 21 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off CHALLENGING HERSELF BY NOT WANTING TO FIT IN ANYWHERE; USUALLY FIGHTING ALONE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO MAKE FRIENDS; LOVES THE UNIVERSE AND STARGAZING impression. They’re known to be quite WITTY but have a tendency to be RECKLESS on their bad days.
Gender/Pronouns : she/her
How long have they been in Sydney : A character may have been in Sydney for up to seven years. However, in their fake memories, they can have lived there for any amount of time.
Which suburb do they live in? Tba
Personality description : Giulia never wanted to be like the rest and enjoys being an outcast, instead of seeing it as a hard fate to carry. She also is proud, and did not like to ask for help, even when she is visibly struggling. On the other hand, she does not enjoy people bullying her because she is no typical girl, and feels like she also needs to prove herself in some way to make people accept her, even when often claiming she would not care about such things
Memories of their real life : of course her growing up before the Luca movie, and then everything that happened during the movie until the end credits, aka the race in her town she wants to win, meeting Luca and Alberto and finding out about the whole sea monsters topic....
What was their fake life like : 
Giulia was raised as the youngest child of the family with 3 older siblings - all boys. So, of course, her mother was hapy to finally have a girl. And dreamed of pretty pink clothes and braids and pigtails with ribbons…..
It did work for a while, however, when Giulia was around six years old, she would prefer to play soccer with her brothers in the garden or ride around on her bike instead of drawing cute pictures of flowers and butterflies and her braids would end up being a mess thanks to rolling around on the grass.
In her teenage years, her mother got worried Giulia would not find a man to marry him with a behavior like this, so she hired a private teacher for the girl. However, also this dod not really work out. Even more when G outright told her mother she was not interested in getting married.
G was still having male friends, though. In fact, it was easier for her to befriend guys, and she often hang out with the gang of her brothers who would often make fun of the girls in school.
Though, despite this all, G loves her mother. It is just that the woman was raised in old-fashioned ways, and Giulia had decided to break out of those. Like her goal now is to go to university to study instead of just finding a man she could marry….
quote: “You know, we underdogs have to look out for each other, right?” (to Luca and Alberto)
theme song: Katy Perry - Bigger Than Me
hobbies: racing around with her bike, stargazing and reading books, going to school, the beach and diving, hanging out with her friends.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
reply roundup!
thank you also to kellie who was not in the last patron thanks due to an error but is still entitled to thanks :v
this month’s wallpaper [preview] is up!
I [ranted] about how things are going for the disabled community and y’all were kind enough to share it around :’)
patreon drawing is up for [fleurdelis]!
there is a spreadsheet about sheep under the cut somewhere lol
on [bear]:
@vincentvarlotto said: is kirby naked
this is by far one of the funniest comments I’ve ever received. I thought about it for days after I received it. isn’t he always naked???
@the-halo-of-my-memory said: hapy bapy, you always post before bed so i get a big dumb smile on my face while i cozy up with thr blankets 🥰🥰🥰
aww that’s lovely :’) thank you for sharing with me!
on [this big]:
@ceylonsilvergirl said: I want to see a spreadsheet about different sheep breeds!
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spreadsheep (all data taken from the American Sheep Industry Association website, it’s very oriented around fiber production because that’s what I want sheep for - the green ones are my favorites based on fiber output per sheep weight and the qualities of that fiber.)
on [cat ears]:
@novasbeans said: i.... didn't realize those were his arms at first... also love the cat ears
@porkchizz said: buttcrack
please, please, if I am trying to give kirby any kind of cleavage, you [will] [know]
on [bro.]:
@zer0cracy said: Kirby after the newest sidekick turns out to be another eldritch horror
weird how often that happens. he can’t even work up a fuss about it anymore.
@the-beeses-kneeses said: bruh a mood. i hope its okay to save this for a reaction meme
absolutely, I hope you have fun with it lol
@inexplicably-spookified said: the ultimate copy ability: not mad just disappointed
the strongest power of all: mild interpersonal consequences
on [carby]:
@imkirb said: carby makes me feel a wide range of some of the strongest emotions I've ever felt, none of which I can describe. like the shrimp that can see a billion colors that we cant
shrimp emotions. emoshrimps? (he mostly just makes me feel delight lol)
@pinkdaruma said: I somehow frel proud this was rec in my "based on your likes"
nice B)
@snowthedemonfox said: carby is the dumbest thing ive seen ever yet its that hilarious and stupid i cant help but laugh /lh
it’s just kinda like wow, they actually went for it. and I think it’s great.
@pancakecherub said: carby is literally the pinnacle of 'hehoo funni ponk blib eat evvyting'
kirby can have a little car as a treat! lol
on [keyblade]:
@bluebayard said: he can weild the keyblade because he is pure of heart smash bros ultimate is WRONG. kirby would heal me. kirby would use curaga for me unlike SOME people. ducks. donald.
he would also do a much better job of bopping the boss with his silly little stick while I run away instead of just heading directly into every attack :v
on [too small]:
@angst-and-fajitas said: perfect sized to me :)
it’s him!! the littlest of guys!!! keep him in a thimble house!
on [cupid]:
@slimey-boo said: gorb this is so cute :) lil man is so happy. and possibly dangerous
hehe thank you :> he was given the gift of a bow and arrow and he is going to make it everyone else’s problem.
on [lost]:
@ceylonsilvergirl said: I know that this was literally created as a representation of a cat, but isn’t this just every single human alive? you’re born knowing nothing, and the more you learn the less you know. I mean, what we know as a species is just so infinitesimally small. interacting with brilliant people makes me even more convinced we know nothing. I’ve met a Nobel lauriat who smoked, he had no idea how to quit. I know a rocket scientist who tried to correct my word usage, and he was absolutely wrong. I’ve met a brilliant mathematician who couldn’t figure out how to work a camera. we’re all in a perpetual state of confusion
what are humans if not mammals that mistakenly assumed we were smarter than everyone else lol, I think it’s fine to not know much but we’d all be better off if we were willing to admit it.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Jerk (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Fem!Reader
@adainelartz​ asked:  “ I read your oneshots and I think they're great! I wanted to request an angst (sad or hapy end) oneshot where the reader has a fire quirk or something similar, and Shouto and Her had been classmate in elementary or middle school and people used to bully Y/n chan for thinking she could be like endeavor with her being weak or a top hero with a quirk like hers and Shouto just watches every beat ups given to y/n chan and Y/n chan decides to snap in UA and take revenge and targets to hurt Shouto most.”
Genre: Angst to slight fluff
Word count: 3,361
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
a/n:  I swear this was going to take a shorter amount of time to write and it was going to be a lot shorter as well.  But what can I say, I’m a writer; I write, my brain starts working, I write more, the gears turns more, what do I do, say no?  No, I keep writing.
This ending isn't the best and it feels kind of rushed, but I also didn't know how else to end it and I wanted to hurry and finish it and I already almost fell asleep sitting up at my keyboard at least twice, so I wrote the first thing that came to my head.  I hope I did your request justice, babe~ Thank you again for letting me write it~
Also, if you haven’t seen, I hit 600 followers yesterday!  Though I don’t know why you all are here, thank you for being here and sticking through my poor update schedule.  I appreciate you all.  Enjoy the story~
I hate him.
He's oblivious as I bore holes into the back of his head.  Mr. I-Got-In-On-Recommendation just sits there studying like the studious boy he is.  Everyone thinks he's so great, but I know he's no better than a bully.
"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Jirou asks, eyeing me warily as he headphone jacks flit around.  "You need to calm down, your food's already dead."
Looking down, there were holes in my salmon from me poking at it.  "I'm fine, just thinking of something."
"You must be thinking of killing someone then," Kaminari laughs nervously, scooting an inch away from me.  "I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that."
He flinches when I smirk at him.  "You probably should be."  I'm only joking, but after Bakugou, I'm the next scariest person in 1-A.  It doesn't help that my quirk is also dangerous.
But it wasn't always that way, unfortunately.  Back in middle school, I could barely light a candle with my fire quirk, flames barely stuttering out a cold, dark red flame before collapsing on itself.  I've always been vocal about being a powerful top hero, and my quirk should've matched those ambitions.  Instead, I was a weakling.  No one believed me or took me seriously.  They laughed at me, teased me, scoffed at me, disregarded all my dreams.  But I never gave up, I kept my dreams close to me and resolved to work harder.
I tried befriending Todoroki just because I thought he could give me pointers, since he has a Fire quirk also, but he wasn't very open to making friends or talking about that half of his quirk.  In fact, he was always cold to everyone, but somehow he was still popular.  So popular that some girls in my classes berated me for getting close to him.  They were my worst bullies; just because I tried being friendly with their crush, they started teasing me about how weak I was, humiliating me in front of the class, writing nasty messages on my desk, pouring water on me.  It even got to the point where they started pulling me out after class and during lunch to beat me up.  I would be the punching bag or target of all their quirks.
"This is what a real hero fights like!  Not some puny whore like you!"
They'd growl and laugh at me, and I couldn't defend myself.  And on a few occasions, I'd see Todoroki standing a distance away as I was battered and bruised.
I didn't care that he didn't know it was because of him that I was being abused.  I was angry because he just stood there, watching as those girls beat me up and called me names.  I curse his apathy, those cold eyes as he stared right at me, met eyes with me, and chose to walk away as if nothing was happening.  Just because his quirk is already strong, he looked down on weak fools like me.  What a pompous asshole.
Months before entrance exams, I'd had enough of being a busted-up rag doll.  I trained late into the wee hours of morning, pouring over countless online guides for unleashing your quirk.  The first time I was able to sustain a bright red flame for more than 30 seconds, I almost cried in victory.  The more I trained, the more powerful and hotter my flames became, spanning from red to orange to bright yellow, even white in short bursts.  By the time the UA Entrance Exam rolled around, I'd attained incredible control over the temperature and sizes of flames I can make.  Getting into UA has been my best achievement since I worked so hard for it.
Imagine how bitter I was when I heard Todoroki got in on recommendations.
I wasn't just bitter, I was pissed.  A cold, pompous jerk like him got in just because he's known to have a really powerful quirk and his father is a Pro Hero.  He doesn't even have a hero attitude!  How can someone who doesn't even help a bully victim be a real hero?
From the first day of starting UA, I vowed to make Shouto Todoroki pay for his mistakes.
"Hey, (Y/n)?"  Kirishima places a hand on my shoulder as we walk back to our classroom.  "You went to the same junior high as Todoroki, right?"
"Yeah, why?"  I try not to visibly bristle at his name.
Shark-Teeth hesitates, trying to word his next question as delicate as possible as his features twist awkwardly.  "You two aren't very fond of each other, are you?"
"We just didn't talk," I put it bluntly.
Kiri rubs behind his neck.  "I would've thought that, you know, since you two have similar quirks you would've at least-"
"He's not a very..."  Friendly, kind, decent- "Talkative person.  He didn't really have friends in school."  I sit down in my seat and pull out my books, signalling I want to end the conversation.
Thankfully, Kirishima recognizes this, mouthing an "Okay..." before retreating to his own seat for class to begin.
Later that day, we're into duo teams for battle trials.  My teammate ends up being Ojiro.  At least it's not that jerk.  As Bakugou and Midoriya fight it out, we're discussing tactics in the back of the room.
"You're much better at close combat than me," I explain, "So you should go out and take on the other members while I guard the weapon.  If you need backup, I'll come out to help you."  I already anticipate how Todoroki's going to attack.  Being pitted against him is the perfect opportunity for me to get back at him.
When it's our turn, we set up inside the building near the weapon.  I tug my gloves over my long sleeves.  "Stay behind me.  Whatever happens, don't panic," I mutter as I stand near the blond's tail.
Ojiro's confused expression is about to ask me why when the entire building starts rumbling.  I activate orange fire out of my hands as the ice starts sweeping inside the room.  Typical.  At first, the ice is about to trap us, but I expand the size of the flames and sweep them over the entire inside of the room, careful not to burn the weapon.
"How did you know he would do that?" Ojiro asks, obviously impressed by my foresight.
"Instinct.  Todoroki's going to come in here thinking he's frozen us to capture the warhead.  When he does, I'll distract him while you run out and get the jump on Shoji, okay?"
As I predicted, Todoroki strolls into the room, eyebrows furrowing when he sees the room is completely rid of ice.  "What-"
I don't give him chance to react as I blow orange flames directly at him.  He puts up an ice barrier in the nick of time, my quirk completely encompassing him in heat.  I nod for my teammate to hurry, and follows my orders, slipping through the door and bouncing out a window.
You're mine, jackass.  I rush at him through the flames, heart pumping fresh rage through my veins.  He raises his arm to shoot ice at me, but I jump up above him, propelling myself with flames from my left hand and shooting from my other one at him once I'm soaring near the back of his head.  Landing right behind, I swipe his legs before he can spot me, effective in tripping him to his knee.  I kick down, sending him onto his face with a groan.  Gotcha.
Unfortunately for me, his right arm finds my ankle, sending numbing ice up my leg.  "You can't win that easily," I grit out.  I step on his free left wrist, hearing the crack under my foot, and shoot another flame blast at the ice on my leg.  Ignoring his grunts of pain, I crouch down and pin his right hand behind his back.  "And that's checkmate, Todoroki-san."
"Alright, that's enough, Young (Y/n)!"  All Might yells out through the speakers.  "The villain team has captured the hero team!"
Smirking, I shove Todoroki aside and walk away without bothering to look at him again.  "So much for someone getting into UA on recommendations," I mutter to myself.
Once I'm out of the building, Ojiro raises an eyebrow at me.  "Where's Todoroki?"
I simply shrug.  "He'll be down in a little, I guess."
Turning back around, the jerk is exiting out of the building, nursing his left wrist against his chest.  I face away quickly, just a twinge of guilt invading my mind.
"Hey, (Y/n), I think he's hurt," Ojiro's calm voice points out.
I scowl at him.  "It's just his wrist, he'll be fine," I bark, stomping off to the rest of the class.  It's not fair that I feel guilty, he deserves it!
"You sure there's no beef between you and Todoroki?" Kirishima asks as he walks next to me at the end of the day.
"Fuck off, Shark-Teeth!"  I'm still in a bad mood.  It's just his wrist, come on!  "One trip to Recovery Girl and he was completely fine, I don't know why everyone's so bent out of shape about it!"
"Because you didn't even help him afterwards.  That's kinda not heroic, don't you think?"
I round on him, about to grab his shirt and blast him in the face, instead choosing to clench my fists.  "You don't know what 'mean' is!  Stay out of this!"  I walk away from him without looking back, mumbling to myself.  How can he say that about me not being heroic?  If he knew what Todoroki did, he would say the same thing.
On my way to the train station, I spot that familiar mop of bicolored hair staring at me with the same neutral gaze I hate.  Glancing down, I see his wrist is fine before quickly darting away.  Pompous jerk making me feel bad.
After that day, this idiot always had the audacity to stare at me.  I always feel his eyes on me, it's so annoying.  And he makes it so obvious, he doesn't even look away when I catch him, he just stares at me.  It's enough that Kirishima's words got to me, I don't need him confusing me with this staring contest we have going on.  If he wants to talk to me, he should do it already.
During the next few training sessions, we began sparring against each other with our quirks.  People have slowly been becoming scared of me during these times because of how rough I was.
Once, I got to fight Bakugou.  It was really fun going all out against someone who's just as aggressive.
This time, my opponent is the jerk himself.  When Aizawa announced the pairs, Kirishima was about to pull me aside, but saw my murderous look and chose he would like to live.  Everyone around us found their partners and started their individual training.  While the two of us stared at each other from across the mat.  I want to smash his emotionless pretty face in, I hate that I don't know what he's thinking!
If he's not gonna make the first move, I will.  I rush up to him, igniting the flames in my palms.  He's ready for me this time, standing his ground as I bound up and hunkering into a fighting stance.   I throw up a hand towards his face once I close in on him, ready to blow his face off.
Todoroki catches my hand by the wrist, bringing his right hand up to trap me in an ice coffin.  I slap that hand away and explode out a burst of orange flames, making him let go and stagger a few steps back.  He immediately sends a trail of ice down to secure my feet in place, but I respond by directing both my hands downward, propelling myself off the ground and towards him in a giant, sweeping leap.
The familiar weightlessness of being in the air fuels the adrenaline pumping through me.  He's my enemy, and I'm taking him down.
As I launch more continuous blasts at him while I soaring towards him, Todoroki coats his arm with ice to block his face.  But he's in for a surprise.  Moving close enough, I drop kick his arm down before landing a punch straight in his face.  My body lands on top of his torso, pinning him to the ground.  Winding back to land another punch on him, he suddenly launches his upper body upwards, headbutting me in the nose.
I let out a pained growl, reeling back as I feel the tingling of tears pooling in the corner of my eyes, and Todoroki uses this opportunity to flip us over so he's on top.  Placing his hand on my shoulder, I'm instantly plunged into an ice coffin under him.  Heaving out an icy breath, he slowly rises to his feet.  The puckered skin of his scar already starts swelling into a bruise where I punched him, and forehead cracked from where he headbutt my nose.
The anger boils my blood hot as my flames.  He's not winning over me!  I'm not letting that happen!  With a growling scream, heat floods from my iced palms before I'm broken free from my confines.  White and blue flames erupt from my hands, directing them straight up at Todoroki.  The ice barrier he puts up to protect himself melts faster than ice cream on a hot day against this new color of my fire.  It continuously flares out from me as I stand up, pointing right at him and getting closer.  I ball my fist up and throw my fire-coated fists at his forearms, the anger still building inside me.  I want him to yield before me already, so he can pay for his sin.
Even after my quirk blinks out, I continue punching at him, blinded by both rage and hot tears.  It wasn't until something wrapped around my arms and restrained me suspended slightly off the ground that I finally stop.
"I'm not putting you down until you're cooled down," Aizawa growls, his quirk and capture weapon smothering me.
Everyone was already staring at the scene.  Although I scowl, I go limp and show no signs of resistance.  When my body finally relaxes, I feel a sharp pain shooting up my hands and forearm.  Once I'm free, I inspect my hands, noticing the beginning blisters of burns coating everything from my fingertips to my elbows.  Ouch.  My fire's never done that before.  It's probably those flames I used.  The dull pain in my nose starts throbbing.
"Both of you took this training a little too seriously," our teacher glowers at us.  "I'll deal your punishment later.  Can I trust that you won't kill each other going to see Recovery Girl?"
"Yes sir," we both mutter out.
The walk over there was quiet.  I trudged ahead because I didn't want to see his face, but I had to feel his gaze bore into my skull again.  After a good scolding from Recovery Girl, we were told to rest for a little while in the office before going back to class.  I try to lie back and ignore him, indulging myself in quiet.  I was so full of emotion that my flames turned hotter than they have before, but I have to use them sparingly since they can burn my normally fire-resistant skin.  I'll have to make some adjustments to my hero costume gloves too.
"Do you have a person vendetta against me or something?"
Even just the sound of his blank voice makes me roll my eyes.  "Hm, I wonder what could've given you that crazy idea."
Todoroki rolls up to a sitting position and faces me.  Just like mine, his arms are wrapped in bandages.  Apparently, because I punched him with my white-blue fire, he has some burns too, though not as severe as my own.  He peers at me from one grey eye, the other one covered by a bag of ice he nestles against his new bruise.  "I'd like to know why."
I clench my fists weakly against the pain.  "I really don't feel like burning this office to a crisp right now, so we shouldn't talk about it."
"I think it's only fair when someone's holding a grudge against another, both parties should be clear on what the grudge entails."
Stupid logical idiot.  "Fine."  I sit myself up with a little more difficulty and flash him a harsh glare.  "When we were in Junior High, you pushed me away when I tried to be friendly with you.  I know you remember how weak I was and how much everyone else teased me because I said I want to be a top hero, like your dad.  You were cold to me that way, but that's not the only reason I hate you.  These girls in our class didn't like that I was getting close to you, so they started teasing me, harassing me, and beat me up."  I pivot my entire body towards him as I hiss my next words, "And you watched them without interfering.  You let a victim get bullied and you did nothing.  Someone who wants to be a hero and save people, and got into this school on a recommendation, can't even be bothered to be a hero to his classmates when they're being bullied."  Shaking my head, I add, "You disgust me.  You're no hero, you're just an extremely powerful pompous asshole.  You make me sick."
Todoroki's entire demeanor changes.  Instead of the cold expression he always displays, his eyebrows relax out of their furrowed position.  He looks down at his wrapped arms.  "I...didn't think at the time.  Yes, I saw it happen.  Frankly, I was disgusted by you having a similar quirk as my father and wanting to be a hero after him."  His left hand clenches.  "That power repulses me, which is why I never use it in combat.  Watching you go through all that, I rationalized to myself that you were strong enough to take it."
His fist relaxes and he bows his head somberly.  "I know it's no excuse for what I did, I apologize for that.  I take full responsibility for your hatred."
I'm quiet, kind of stunned.  I've sometimes imagined Todoroki apologizing to me, but seeing it happen is somehow surreal.  Rubbing the back of my head, I admit, "Well, I have to say that it's partially because of you that I was spurred to start training and become as I am now.  So thank you, I guess."  And although I really don't want to, I also say, "I'm sorry I broke your wrist in training last week.  And burned you today.  And almost tried to kill you in general.  It was all overboard and I've been a huge jerk about this whole thing."
He offers a nod.  "I believe it's safe to say our differences have been settled, then.  I hope we can patch things up and become better classmates now that this is all behind us."
Without looking at him, I hold out my fist between our beds.  When he takes too long, I roll my eyes.  "It's a fist bump, it's what f-friends do."
I sense his eyes dart between my definitely tinted cheeks and my fist, before his fingers daintily close over it.  "I'd rather do this, if you don't mind."
Peeking over at him, I open my hand, allowing him to gently clasp my hand between his fingers and his palm.  A new sense of warmth washes over me when I look into his eyes.  Though his features are as non-emotive as ever, his relaxed, mismatching orbs rest on me in what I can only place as support or respect.
"You're strong, (Y/n), and although my previous unfair actions towards you are what primarily coaxed it out, I know you already were in your mind and heart.  I look forward to seeing it as we both progress to becoming heroes together."
His slight softening shifts something within both of us.  And that moment told me that our new relationship would evolve into something greater.
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crackimagines · 4 years
Overlord Three Houses Supports
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Overlord 3H AU Masterlist
Universal Supports: Byleth, House Isekai
Ainz Ooal Gown
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Closest Friends: Edelgard, Linhardt, Claude, Dimitri, Hapi, Hubert, Mercedes
Ainz, to his Floor Guardians, is a merciful and fair being, striking any who oppose Nazarick down, always seeing the bigger goal ahead, and is perfect in every way. Ainz is cold and calculating, and extremely pragmatic.
To everyone in the Monastery, it’s very clear he has no idea what he’s doing, but no one says anything due to not wanting to be murdered by his group.
When not around his group, they tend to see the real Ainz, which is just a regular person, skeletal appearance aside. He is respectful, but is absolutely brutal to any enemies of his fellow students and his own House. 
Ainz sees Fodlan as a bizarre world, not at all similar to Yggdrasil, the DMMO-RPG he played almost religiously before being teleported to a new world. While he doesn’t particularly care about the politics in it, he at least cares somewhat for his classmates.
Rest of the cast under the cut!
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Closest Friends: Dorothea, Hilda, Manuela, Petra, Hubert
The first thing that everyone noticed about Albedo was that she was absolutely beautiful. The next thing was that she was a succubus. The fact a literal monster was at Garreg Mach was unnerving, but she seems to get along mostly with everyone. She is seems to be polite, but is terrifyingly in love with Ainz, and would definitely kill every one of them if he ordered it.
Sylvain and Lorenz have been the only ones to make her genuinely mad, and extremely close to murdering them. 
Despite her disdain for humans, she doesn’t seem to dislike most of the humans at Garreg Mach and in her own House. Mostly due to the interactions from the last classroom environment, and finds House Isekai with the most tolerable to likable humans.
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Closest Friends: Edelgard, Hubert, Mercedes, Linhardt
Being an undead vampire makes mostly everyone stay away from her, but she doesn’t appear to be malicious. At least at first.
Those who spent any amount of time knows that she is sadistic, just as kinky as Darkness, and absolutely terrifying. She has a distaste for humans like most of Nazarick, but seems to keep it under control at Garreg Mach, going so far as to like a few people here.
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Closest Friends: Edelgard, Hubert, Shamir, Claude
Whenever Demiurge enters the room, everyone gets a cold chill running down their spine. He is even more cold-blooded than Ainz, and calculates things down to a brutal efficiency. Everyone is convinced he has a plan to kill the entire Monastery. Which he does.
He is one of the most loyal to Ainz, right behind Albedo. The church keeps a close eye on him, and he returns the surveillance in kind with his magic.
While he prepares and plots against his classmates, he doesn't harm them and gets along fine with them, especially Hubert. He enjoys working in this new environment, and seeing those in awe of his great ruler, Ainz Ooal Gown.
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Closest Friends: Felix, Ingrid, Ashe, Caspar, Leonie, Catherine, Jeritza, Dimitri
Everyone pulled their weapons on Cocytus when they first saw what he was. After a bit of time, people are still not used to him, but his classmates see him as one of the few nice people from Ainz’s group.
He is a warrior through and through, and has an honor system that would humble anyone, especially those training to be knights.
Cocytus specifically likes training the students, seeing such young warrior spirits waiting to unlock their full potential. He genuinely likes a lot of the students at the Monastery, along the Knights of Seiros.
Pandora’s Actor
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Closest Friends: Flayn, Annette, Marianne, Yuri, Dimitri, Ashe, Ingrid
Even though Nazarick’s group has literal demons and monsters walking about, everyone finds Pandora’s Actor the weirdest of the bunch.
He is a shapeshifter, but that is not what makes him notorious. He is extremely flamboyant in his speech, actions and even poses. Despite his flashiness, he is generally a nice enough person, albeit annoying sometimes. Ainz does everything in his power to avoid him, and to prevent him from embarrassing the group further.
Ainz’s attempts do not work.
A exaggerant and jolly figure who wishes to do all to help his creator, Ainz. Be it from getting his attention to even fighting him if he has to. He's prone to be rather embarrassing to Ainz yet Pandora’s Actor does not care.
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Perhaps the most normal and kind one of the group, he is fairly popular around the Monastery. While not human himself, he does not hold contempt for them, in fact its the opposite. Willing to help train the younger students to hone their skills and being an advising figure for all, he was voted to be an Instructor for House Isekai. He is a brutal fighter, able to punch people’s heads clean off, making him loved and feared. 
Sebas likes the enthusiastic natures of the Youths of Garreg Mach, and is more than happy to spend time with them, making sure the rules are being kept and helping those in need. Sebas is the first person of Nazarick that people go to for advice, followed by Cocytus.
Despite his overall friendly and respectful manner, his absolute loyalty is with Ainz, not anyone else.
Aura and Mare (Respectively)
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Aura is a very cheerful, tomboyish girl who is often straightforward and blunt with her remarks. Mare has a shy and cowardly personality, the kind which is a polar opposite to his sister, Aura. He often stutters when speaking and maintains a subservient demeanor during conversations. Despite their appearances, they are able to carry out the most cold-blooded orders without question or hesitation for Ainz, as their loyalty is unwavering towards him.
Even though they are very old (Around seventy in age), they often get lumped in with the younger students of the Academy, and their childlike-demeanor does not help make them seem like their age. They are completely neutral towards humans, and get along with the students relatively well.
The Monastery also notes Aura and Shaltear not getting along, though students with siblings point out that it’s more of a familial way of acting, as if they were actually sisters.
The Pleiades
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The Pleiades Six Sisters, left to right
Yuri Alpha,  Lupusregina Beta, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta, CZ2I28 Delta, Narberal Gamma, Solution Epsilon
They generally do not interact with the students of the Monastery, due to a majority of them hating humans, but can get along if ordered to.
Though due to a majority of them having to interact with humans in their own world and with Kazuma’s group, the Pleiades have grown slightly more tolerant of them.
Those of House Isekai are the only humans they get along with right off the bat, since some of them have been with Ainz before.
Universal Supports: Byleth, House Isekai
Closest Friends - Byleth, Ashe, Ingrid, Lysithea, Leonie, Seteth, Edelgard
A dullahan (Undead who can remove their head) and leader of the Battle Maids, she is one of the two sisters that humans can “safely” talk to. She is the one of the few among Nazarick who do not outright despise humans, and likes them. Her behavior is strict and is like that of a teacher, but acts more like a tomboy in private.
Closest Friends - Claude, Yuri, Hapi, Dorothea, Hilda, Mercedes, Annette, Ignatz, Raphael, Ferdinand
A werewolf and the most cheerful one of her sisters. She has a very bright and outgoing personality, but is able to act accordingly like a perfect lady. She is sociable and friendly towards humans. However she is brutal and cunning, and has an extremely sadistic nature, making her one of the most dangerous to humans.
Closest Friends (Used VERY LOOSELY) - Flayn, Cyril, Lysithea, Annette
Entoma has the appearance of a young girl wearing traditional Japanese attire. Her eyes and mouth never move, but that is due to her true form being an spider-human. In fact, she likes to eat humans, finding them delicious. 
Despite her literally eating them, she doesn’t particularly care for them much, if they don’t bother her, she doesn’t bother them. When she isn’t hungry, anyway. Though having to be at the Monastery, she instead eats any bandits or prisoners around Garreg Mach.
Closest Friends: Mercedes, Annette, Ashe, Hapi, Costance, Flayn, Dedue, Dimitri, Hilda
CZ2I28 is emotionless and usually silent, due to being an automaton. However, she likes cute things and likes to mark them with a one yen sticker. She normally does not respond to humans and ignores them, though there have only been a select few she actually responds to. 
She is the second of the two sisters that humans can safely talk to without the threat of being murdered for saying the wrong thing. 
Closest Friends (Used VERY LOOSELY) -  Ashe, Edelgard, Hubert, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix
Narberal is a doppleganger like Pandora’s Actor. She views humans as nothing more than low-class creatures, always pondering to kill anyone who dares look down upon Ainz before asking his permission to do so. Ironically enough, she dislikes the thought of killing humans, she will not hesitate to do so if there is no reason to let them live, or unless given an order by Ainz. 
She is generally calm, but prone to anger quickly. It is also very easy to make her flustered.
Closest Friends (Used VERY LOOSELY) - Hubert, Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri
Solution is a slime-like predator creature and thinks of humans as food and toys. She loves to swallow humans alive and enjoys the suffering and struggling of her victims. She is also very logical, often questioning her more powerful superiors if their actions are not beneficial to Nazarick as a whole.
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
I am replaying Blue Lions with the DLC and I just got his and Hapi's B-support. I was struck by Hapi explicitly identifying him with Patricia/ Anselma. Commenting that he reacted the same way his step-mom did to Hapi's plight. Patricia clearly influenced him a lot. I think that gets overlooked a bit. Also, playing the game a second time, it occurred to me that Dimitri was a bit female coded. Like a lot of his custom interactions would normally be seen coming from a female anime characters. IDK
Hapi saying he has some of Patricia’s mannerisms is confusing, admittedly. It’s hard to reconcile with Dimitri’s accounts of his stepmother as a distant woman who never allowed him to get too close to her. This indicates that Dimitri is ridiculously empathetic to pick up traits from someone who was never very intimate with him, or else this is another case of the writers not comparing notes. Given his character, I could accept either.
Even aside from that however you’re right that Dimitri is strongly feminine-coded. Part of that could just be retroactive association with the “girly” male lords of the past like Marth, Seliph, and Eliwood who contrast against more conventionally masculine ones like Hector, Ephraim, and Ike, but I think in his case it’s more deliberate. That contrasting dichotomy is most likely something that only Western and more specifically English-speaking fans bring to the games, firstly because it relies on Anglo (northern European?) conceptions of masculinity and secondly because those of us who’ve been following FE for a long time were conditioned to see that type of dynamic in the male leads via FE7 explicitly creating it with Eliwood and Hector.
And that doesn’t work for Three Houses, at least not in terms of two male leads who are foils to one another, even though many people were expecting it as soon as we found out about the lord trio setup. Claude is not a wholly original character type, but he’s the first time we’ve had someone in the vein of Jeorge or Lewyn as a lord (and if we’re making comparisons to the Blazing Sword lord trio Claude’s backstory is almost identical to Lyn’s.) and as such brings an entirely different style of characterization to the role of protagonist. 
Instead Dimitri alone embodies both male lord archetypes, but in a much less superficial way than Chrom the blue-haired bishonen + biceps does. Dimitri loves his friends and relatives and relies on them for emotional support, he has no grand ambitions of conquest, he’s sensitive to his people’s needs and wants to take care of them as king, he’s fond of children and especially orphans, he is resolutely queer-coded...and yet all of that is superseded (in the story temporarily and by his critics in the fandom) by his “feral” state, in which he’s this gravely-voiced, superhuman murderer obsessed with revenge and cut off from everyone in his life who wants to help him. It’s easy to see both how much of that is the product of repeated and intense trauma and also how destructive it is, not just for Dimitri himself but for his loved ones and the Kingdom as a whole, and in that you read some commentary on toxic masculinity and on how the story of AM encourages growth away from that mentality toward one focused on love and forgiveness and community.
I find that very fascinating, and it’s a tragically unappreciated element of Dimitri’s arc and of AM. There’s so many other avenues to explore there too, like for example how it plays into his deeply intimate relationship with Dedue who is incidentally also scarred by wartime trauma and who balances a masculine physical presence with conventionally feminine hobbies. Another would be the contrast with Edelgard’s pronounced masculine coding, which is arguably at its strongest in AM because it’s the route that gives her the most focus as an antagonist and dilutes her character the least with the way her attraction to Byleth warps that coding for maximum self-insert romance appeal. I’ve used it myself to talk through my problems with Dimileth and why turning AM into La Belle et la Bête just doesn’t work for me and why I don’t think that approach is even necessary for getting the most out of Dimitri’s arc. Obviously I’m of the opinion that Dimitri is pretty much the best and most consistently-developed character in FE16 and that these diverse elements of his character deserve to be talked about more, because he’s a whole lot more than just a damaged man to “fix” and/or fuck and the “KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!” meme. 
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Cindered shadows Reaction
tl;dr - Fodlan is a crapsack world and I want to strangle Rhea (or break Amyr on her again). Yuri is a very good contrast to the others and a cool addition to the ‘verse  for all that he is basically Joker XD
I took live notes while playing
One thing to take note of here is the house leader’s “canonical” classes (Fortress Knight/Warrior, Hero/Paladin, Assasin/Wyvern ride, though some of those assume the budding talents to be unlocked already) as well as just more of a look into what their dynamic is when they’re together - as such well-contrasting characters I always thought it was a shame that they didn’t interact more so I’m glad for this
 Edelgard is always somewhat standoffish/ closed off and generally the ‘logical’, least personable one, Claude is surface-level friends with both. Dimitri would like to think they are full-on BFF, calls Claude “my friend”, defends him etc. Claude’s friendship with Edelgard is very banter-driven, but there (the bit where she says “wow this trap could have been your idea” and hes flattered). Of course both of these carry over into their post-timeskip interactions especially when they part on good terms (Dimitri always does, and Edelgard easily can part with him on good terms, but Claude, though he doesn’t like the thought of them dying,  wouldn’t take risks on either them) - and of course it’s Claude who proposes the feast after the mock battle where they all eat together. Edelgard and Dimitri were never friendly (at least not during the academy), but at this point they’re civil. 
Claudes Dialogues are BRILLIANT like he really shines in this one (Edelgard probably gets the least exposure but all of this is set before the reveal, so she has to keep her cards close to her chest - Or maybe there just cant ever be enough Edelgard for me lets be honest)
First impression of the Ashen Wolves is that they’re all very dramatic with a lot of bluster (Hapi being the contrasting exception but over-the-top in concept) - they have really been the Kings of their own little world, having a lot of free reign underground, accountable to few and throwing down for the heck of it
So it’s Yuri Leclerc and he was adopted by a Kingdom noble, the same Gwendal and Lonato served  and who dies if Arianrhod is blasted, but it seems like unlike wish Ashe who was taken into the family this was just a temporary gig for him
That makes him a commoner, which by itself is a big difference from the other three. Dimitri is and always was the crown prince whereas Edelgard suddenly ascended the sucession list due to tragedy and Claude has a much doubted claim on both sides of the border
I suspected he was going to be from the kingdom as we already had the Alliance, the Empire and the token Foreigner accounted for - also ‘Yuri’ is a slavic name like ‘Dimitri’ - though being adopted he isn’t necessarily from there
(Later we learn that he was in fact born in a village in the Kingdom)
Also liked the callback to count Gloucester’s sheming and how he had Balthus spy on Claude
They do go through some work to flesh out Abyss and make it feel lived in as a sort of society. 
Just look at that very very makeshift classroom. Few down there were getting any sort of education before Aelfric set this up
They do something clever here where Balthus tells you part of why he’s wanted, prompting the question of everyone else’s stories
This idea of a wretched hive beneath the Church reminds me of Amsterdam where the big church was in the prostitutes’ quarter and they actually had flourishing trade agreements going on
But as a hiding place for outcasts it shows us all the uglyness about fodlan and how much persecution/ need for change there really is (Really wants me to play Crimson Flower again. Or Verdant Wind.)
There’s people “chewed up by the Nobility”
Duscurians and Almyrans
Many in the church want the place “purged”, Rhea wouldnt go so far but is at the very least unsympathetic
Tons of Banned Books (is this where Seteth puuts them?) Claude and Linhardt have a field day over it
That poor woman (probably Dagdan since she talks of a war) who was persecuted for believing in other religions (which was a thing under Rhea - I’ve been saying it, Shamir and Cyril are “allowed” because they work for Rhea which to her is the same as believing, both are “working for her family/ for us instead of against us” because Sothis is not just her god but someone she knows personally)
Yuri and his trouble are a sort of quasi-police or keeping order, reporting to Aelfric. As his second in command Yuri is a sort of “prince” and already lead his own bandit troupe, or perhaps more a chieftain than a prince, he’s a leader, an authority but not an inherited one but 100% selfmade, he comes from nothing - People call him “boss”,
One wonders if he already dressed in this noncomforming manner before comming to the abyss
He is very very self-reliant, decides and opines for himself, gives Byleth backtalk, very much a natural leader who owns his influence entirely to that natural-leader ness 
Byleth asks very good, very direct questions 
Hilda, Linny and Ashe are here because of their connection to the Abyss characters and the information they can provide - Ashe knows Yuri, Linny knows his book lore, Hilda heard rumors from Holst...
Here we get to appreciate why Claude keeps Hilda around she knows all the gossip, all the ‘local’ information that Claude doesn’t have, she’s an excellent info source
Lets appreciate that it was those three specifically because they were slacking off
Ppl say there the church scorns them pretty much I like how they’re no longer even pretending that the church is nice
The four MCs, meanwhile, might all have ended up here in a different life; If El had escaped the experiments she could’ve been like Hapi, Claude was already an outcast, Jeralt fled with Byleth as a refuge(or could have been sent there as a mercenary to torment the locals and then decided to stay there instead), maybe not young!Dimitri, but timesskip Dimitri was outright a vagabond and says in his lecture questions that he travelled many places and temporarily lived in slums he didn’t go full murdery until a few years in, as Gilbert recounts
AU where they all grew up  or met in the Abyss is what im saying, and the four MCs and Yuri team up. The slitherers still stir up war, perhaps Duke Aegir or Arundel made themselves Emperor etc. 
Characteristically, Dimitri really likes the idea of a secret haven for the outcasts (see all his dialogues about “acceptance” and general ‘help-the-orphans’ thing) - but also characteristically he’s a bit of a tool for the status quo- “Claude don’t be rude this guy is giving out charity~” but the issues Dimtri the issues they shouldn’t need to hide anyways and this is why I prefer the ‘revolutionary’ routes (CF and VW) - though to his credit Dimitri does do charity and stop ppl being poor when he’s king. 
Claude is absolutely having a field day, this is right in the way of his “Political program” - “What you’re helping the poor and downtrodden by barely tolerating them in a sunless hole where they have to hope the church doesn’t decide to purge them” They basically live in ever present danger
Bit sad that they had Edelgard “tied up” catching up with Constanze rather than stating a reaction to the abyss as a whole though it’s probably very deliberate that she keeps her cards close to her chest - As constance asks “What is the princess doing here?” - investigating that’s what. She mostly asks questions or voices conclusions - shes certainly also investigating for her own purposes
But of course Dimitri and Ashe, pure as always, immediately want to help the locals
Edelgard meanwhile is thinking strategy, talking of capturing and interrogating the enemy
Of Yuri ppl tell you both that he’s a real scoundrel/ “our scoundrel” - he loooks out for them so they obey him, “when I say jump they jump” - a Mafia leader of sorts. He’s like Claude in the ‘motivating ppl through taking care of their interest’ parts but claude’s alliances are looser and no one does “jump” like Yuri projects authority, its not quite the honor loyalty Dimitri inspired because he “pays”, Edelgard projects authority but it’s loyalty to the cause more than personal loyalty, and she’s an ideologue and inspires the same in her followers theres no “pay” from Edelgard. She warns you that you might die and that’s it. She is the same herself. 
I think Yuri would die for another the way that Claude and Edelgard would not, like when Aelfric got his mom putting her in danger was never an option. I don’t think you could pressure Edelgard with a hostage, she’d just be like “Hostage-kun, I won’t let your death be in vain” and then tell their captors to screw themselves. 
He has things in common with all the others - he has a certain honor and a people-driven leadership style like Dimitri (rather than ideals-driven like Edelgard, Claude and Seteth) - though unlike Dimitri his honor is only for the “in” group, he cares about protecting his turf, his people... and nothing else. Thus he doesn’t fit into the revolutionary (Edelgard, Claude) vs restorer (Dimitri, Seteth) dichotomy because he’s not concerned with the system as a whole - he doesn’t like it or have faith in it, but he will absolutely work with it when it suits his aims (such as when he makes his own alliance with the church behind Aelfric’s back, or just working with Aelfric in the first place)
This alliance is probably also supposed to give a reason why the Wolves would sttick with the church later (though Hapi’s non CF supports talk alot about reforming the crap institution that it is) even though they mostly have reason to dislike them
Like Edelgard he is calculating and ruthless more than Dimitri or Claude. (He laughts at peeps who fell in his trap) But you couldn’t see Yuri sacrificing an ally like Edelgard does (like with Dimitri the people come before the plan) and Yuri often markedly does NOT tell allies what they’re getting into while El makes a big point of telling everyone the risks and allowing them the chance to step out
In a way he’s Claude with a edge but without the big vision. Yuri is the most small-picture, Claude the most big-picture of the lords
They also have a different relationship with trust - some describe Yuri as “devoted to his own but too trusting” , he says it’s a choice... but he is never really fooled, just pretending to be, he solves a great part of his plot on his own. 
Like Claude and Seteth he prefers to play it safe/ know he can win (though Claude and Yuri arent against calculated risks) whereas Edelgard and Dimitri will do what they think is right with no guarantee of victory and don’t care much if it kills them or their followers
Otherwise tho they have a lot in common and are fast friends XD Yuri makes some great observations “Wow look at you three trying to suss out each other’s motivations must be exhausted”
“Doesnt take a title to have an agenda“ - Yuri and Claude are really... a “takes one to know one” situation
Claude tells us they generally get along tho (”Any misunderstanding might spark a war... ”... yeah)
Likewise, Yuri immediately gets that Claude’s friendliness is esentially “maintaining neutrality” more than actual allegiance
Yuri also seems relatively forward in romantic matters which is unlike the others lol
Remember how I was frantic for Claude/Linhardt or Claude/Hubert friendship content? Here’s another great team that ought to have interacted more, I could even see them working romantically assuming that Claude would be so inclined. 
Hapi/Sylvain, too! Because they’re both cynics
But despite her cynism Hapi is also characterized as considerate
Yuri likes board games! hes in the board game squad with Hubert, Claude, Sylvain and Edelgard. The Board Game squad is incidentally the Best Characters club
 He’s not big picture and only develops something like that toward the end of his support chain (to fight poverty)
So in a sense his style and the hole in it is more like Byleth’s own - he learnt practical leadership in the field and applies it for those he likes. He’s more self-directed
aaand more undercover fun
It seems that both the slitherers and Alferic were after the Chalice at the same time - the Death Knight’s presence hints at it, Metodey’s confirms it. So far I’d assumed he was one of Edelgard’s loyalists like Ladislava but it seems he works directly for Arundel, Edelgard is not too friendly with him and accuses him of “Disrespecting her house” 
Since Aegir was in power during the Bridgid and Dagda war, the slitherers could definitely have had something to do with how Constance’s family was treated, if they were onto her secret - I don’t see how Aelfric could have done it
Bold of El to order Jeritza away in broad daylight. At this point she’s probably come to accept that no orders are gonna keep him from Fiting PPl where he can, especially her she is a very tough opponent
I trusted Aelfric until he spoke. The voice is... its not a good guy voice. Same with how the eyes are drawn
then he called people “his flock”
“They are charitable only when it suits them”
“they have eyes and ears everywhere”
Yeah. I’ve always said that Rhea is like one of those millionaires who give their pocket change to charity but then support policies that keep people poor. Hopefully no one will keep arguing that she cares about the poor or the disenfranchised. 
“Her grace thinks its a nuisance”- This tells us alot. Alfric had to convince Rhea to give half a rats ass about the poor but still speaks of her with honorifics. That’s the crack in his soul right there
I also love how Yuri protests whenever anyone - the church etc make plans for him, hes very self-governed
Hapi, Lysithea, El and Byleth should have a “victims of human experimentation” support group
Alternatively, Cursed People support group with Hapi, Marianne, Bernadetta and Dimitri
I like the C supports with Byleth and Balthus as well as Hapi because they tell us not just about them but about Byleth - Both adress Byleth’s go-with-the-flow tendencies and lack of own direction, though Byleth makes clear that by this point they actually like the professor gig
“I could see this person just about anywhere”...in a bad way. Oh but Hapi you too can be recruited to all routes XD No she’s right. By-By is being used and she should tell them. 
MORE PARENTS LORE I rejoiced so much and this was such a cool thing to adress here
At first it seems that Rhea was also after the chalice but turns out she had written it off and the one pursuing it within the church was Aelfric
But you all do catch the implication that she did this all before and “great tragedy” resulted? Right? You get what that means?
For once she actually noticed a mole though Aelfric likely wasn’t subtle
It results in a zombie dragon because she meant to revive a dragon not a human
By now people should really be used to Rhea handing out legendary treasure to byleth
there are friendly reminders of the western church purge still going on
I like how constance smells a spy right away
Also the contrast between Hapi’s jaded “Lets just give them the thing so they leave us in peace” (Yes, Lapis Lazuli) and Constance’s “We can’t let them have the artifact! theyre bad” - Constance might be shrill but she’s a person of action
The sunlight thing is a tad over the top/unrealistic but it’s not per se the cliched split personality thing, more like going outside brings out the bad memories after hiding away underground for so long (she tells mercedes as much) while she otherwise covers it with bluster. Her parents and older brother were killed and her hometown destroyed, after all. She is still basically talking the same overdramatic/ formal way
Perhaps two sides of nobility like the pride but also the demure good breeding n shit, there is some forced quality to the bluster even indoors
But ultimately she’s pretty hard working and determined underneath
At one point Hilda says something like, “You sure that we should interfere? I don’t want to make anything worse it might be better to stay out” - This right here is why you can’t get CF Hilda
Further Hilda facts: She had countless suitors and knows her way around “magical doo daads” and fortune telling
Having her mildly superstitious is of course a fun contrast to claude
“Compared to you even Hubert looks like a spring chicken” lol
I was going “Linny I love you” the whole time
Speaking of love... The moment I decided I loved Yuri is when I learned why he was expulsed - because the church sent him to kill someone he knew and rather than be upset, or thing how he might change society to prevent it or draw other conclusions from it... He refused on the spot and fough church ppl. That’s when I saw how he fits with the other characters. What the contrast was.
Yuri is one of those rare types who would never give the full voltage in the milgram experiment
Because see? That ties back so well into the themes
One of the main scenes that contrasts the house leaders is their reaction over having to fight Lonato. They all sympathize to a degree, but none acts against it. Claude and Edelgard show their dislike of the church and want to stop crap like this, but right there right then, they play along for the sake of their plans. (Claude’s plan at this point still involves stealing relics)
Dimitri is the closest to Yuri in that he immediately regrets it massively and says they should have found another way (in part because he is against the notion of “sacrifices for the plan”) but this realization comes to him only after all is done because ultimately he follows authority/ sees some good in it and the status quo
Yuri,  meanwhile, flat out refused. Yeah he also killed whoever the knight escord was but he refused
Also let this sink in: Yuri was slated for execution because he refused to kill someone he knew. This is what might have happened to Ashe, Sylvain etc. if they had refused to fight Lonato or Miklan. 
Aelfric arranged for him to fight someone he knew but that’s all he did, the rest is the result of normal church policy and then begged for pardon (meaning the normal policy would be to kill him) The mission might have gone to a different house, but the church constantly makes ppl fight ppl they know. You realize just how easily all our beloved characters could have ended up just like Yuri?!
I loved how, when offered info about their parents, Byleth immediately seeks it out with no delay
“Never discard a wild hunch lol“ Claude I love you Linhard I love you
Generally we see Dimitri being the local people person and catching onto details about people’s emotions and dispositions , while Edelgard is like, “Investigate this, investigate that” (i love that about her), and Claude is the oddball/curveball and follows his intuition. Yuri goes on instinct, Seteth, if I had to say, on experience perhaps, certainly caution. 
So she doesn’t even recognize Dimitri. She did say that “she can’t say the name” so she probably never learned that her little friend was the prince. Can ppl stop acting like she snubbed Dimitri or like she has any reason to treat him like a brother?
I don’t think he pieced it together until the ball, and she only realized either during the parlay (AM) or some time before their final confrontation (She distinctly knows by the time she killed him)
Another poignant moment is when she basically didn’t trst Aelfric and only started considering that he might be good by the time Team Slither showed up. Yeah she’s not trusting and would have zero base assumptions that any church ppl are good
By the time she learns about the Nuvelle crest she’s so done like, “Are there any MORE conspiracies I should be aware of?” And indeed there are
Aelfric is sort of a consequence of Rhea’s coverup certainly not an 1D villain. He started doubting her after the coverup began semi thinking for himself and at first this led him to try and make the abyss less chaotic and speak in their favor before Rhea, but then when Sitri’s body fell into his hands he was just too tempted
And UGH remember when I said that for all that im not a Rhea fan, i don’t thnk the human experimentation was so bad because she didn’t harm anyone and it seems like the homunculi lived out normal lives? yeah i take that back
Even if Sitri wasn’t healthy enough to travel she didn’t need to be completely isolated exept for trusted church peeps
This would have happened to Byleth. You see how this would have happened to Byleth? Completely isolated and controlled?
Oh Jeralt jeralt baby you were so right to flee with Byleth so right
Worse because Rhea was a parental figure
Also she kept creating more homunculi though they turn out frail and basically live miserable lives
and the first attempt with the chalice probably did kill ppl
sitting with the corpse all the time is creepy too
doest that mean Byleth won’t rot either?
So she was a book worm - Jeralt did say she was brainy
It did start as a mentor crush, much like Byleth’s own relationship might
I love how Edelgard is all subtly concerned after Yuris fake attack
I wonder how that apology line was phrased in Japanese, “useless” seems a bit harsh given that Edelgard generally seems to love her father, but there is no denying that he lost control of his empire and that as a result villains wrecked havock all over it so there’s nothing better she can say there excuses wont help constances situation
Like this must be very hard for her
Constance’s support definitely confirms that it was the Seven Families/ ie the PM and Arundel who did this to her (also lol at the concept that she basically wants to make Byleth her very own Hubert or Gilbert)
Edelgard is saddled with all this stuff from the previous administration - I mean so is Dimitri with the instability, the recent anexation of Duscur and part of Sreng... but she gets confronted with it more, iDK if it’s common knowledge who’s really in charge
Because Yuri is concerned with his turf, not the world, it makes sense that “his” route would be the sidestory. I kind of wanted a part 2 in the sense that I like this cast and want more of him as a main character but I also get why there isn’t one... because he wins no matter what. Lucky seven! He’s the one who can’t lose (except if you dont do the sidestory I guess) ”He works with whoever’s in power to maintain his own, just like when he made the deal with Rhea. He gets all three house leaders and Byleth to promise that they will look out for the Abyss so his bases are covered no matter who wins.
- even so he basically solved his own problem and Byleth’s presence just kinda gave him the opportunity . Well, one defining factor is that they trust Byleth exactly because they don’t “seem like a typical church funky
Still since Rhea tells us the backstory here what use is the silver snow ending? I suppose she doesn’t mention the homunculus/ “I created you” bit but the lack of decay and the transplanting heart bits do sort of hint at it
Certainly a contrast tho, like in SS you learn the magicky parts us in CS you get way more about who mommy actually was as a person
Poor, Poor Byleth. This must be such a mindfrick for them. Like I had so many feels for By-By
It’s so weird to go back and have the Yuri & so present throughout the monastery,but  not know us yet
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dyns33 · 5 years
I loved the Jim story!🙌 Xavier, my poor boo, you can write something happy for him. Something like when he was teaching classes in the gym, you can write around that scenario instead. Happy you know, he deserves a happy story as well.
So I forget this ask ? "I forgot about Xavier! In this he's the good guy, not the dark version (I don't like it). Xavier gets ready for the party that he had been invited to. It was going to be by the lake. He and Y/N arrive but something's not right, the music is playing but the people are not there. When they hear rustling in the woods they go investigate. What they find next is a creature sucking people's blood. You make it whatever creature you want." Okay ! I was not sure what to do with it, so I’m glad ^^”... 
I agree with you, the boy deserves some hapiness, so no more creature, killer, camp Redwood, let's go back to the gym class where he was safe and having fun ! But let me do my magic, even if it will be a bit weird and angsty, just trust me.
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             After a year stuck at Camp Redwood, killing people was not as fun as it was at first, if it had been really fun at one point. Xavier did not really know why he had begun to attack those who were hanging out in the woods. Because he was bored ? Because he was tired of trying to save everyone ? Because he was dead, so what else could he do ? Sometimes he wanted to listen to Ray, stop the slaughter and try to find peace, even though he knew it would not help. He did not want to be like those old ghosts who had no hope anymore, who wandered between the huts without knowing what to do, without any purpose, thinking that being poor lost souls would allow them to be saved one day. After a year for them, years for the elders, they all knew that they would stay here forever. So Xavier was killing time fucking and joining Montana in her bloody orgies. But after a year, shit, he was really getting bored.
           "We could... leave these two ? Like look at them, scare them a bit when they sleep and watch them run away screaming in fear ?"
           "You kidding right ?" Montana asked, staring at him with disgust. "We died here, why would they have the right to live while they encroach on our territory ?"
           "I do not know, maybe because we deserved to die and not them."
           "You start talking like the others, be careful."
Xavier did not believe in fate. If his death had taught him anything, it was that no matter your choice, your desire to be nice, your good deeds, you could be fucked at the end, while others, real bastards, got everything they wanted. There was no justice. There was no merit. Now they were the masters here, gods as Montana said, they could do anything they wanted... except what they really wanted. Become a famous actor. See his parents, his friends again. Start a family. Travel around the world. They had no future, trapped for eternity in this rotten place ! Xavier would have almost preferred to stay burned, to work on the radio. Almost. If he had a second chance, he would do things differently. He would refuse to do that fucking porn for Blake. He would not need to escape LA. then. He would not be so pretentious, so difficult, but he would not be so kind and naive either. He...
           "Xavier, you're okay ?"
The voice made him jump, he knew that voice but he had not heard it for months. Xavier looked up to discover (Y / N), his friend, whom he often saw when he was still giving gym classes, when he was still alive, when everything was fine. Why was she here ? No, she was going to be killed, she should not stay here !
           "You have to leave, quickly."
           "What ? Why ?" she asked.
           "It's too dangerous here."
           "Uh, okay ? I know your classes are sometimes very intense, but I think I can handle. You're sure you're okay ? You smoked something weird lately ?"
His classes ? Why did she talk about his classes ? Slowly, he looked around to find out that he was in the main room of the gym, where it all started, where he had the stupid idea of ​​accepting the councillor position at Camp Redwood, proposing to others to come with him. (Y / N) had already told him that she was busy during the summer, that's why he did not ask her, that why she did not come. Lucky girl. But how was he here ? Why ? It was impossible.
           "It's... is it real ? Are you real ?" he wondered, touching his hands, which seemed full of life, which were sweet, which had not been destroyed by the flames.
Maybe after a year, the camp reserved for him new tortures. He went mad, seeing what he wanted to see, starting to attach himself to his visions that would be taken away at the worst moment, so that he would suffer terribly. But (Y / N) really seemed to be in front of him, looking at him anxiously, putting her hand on his forehead even though he had forbidden her to touch his hair.
           "No fever. You had a party last night ? Too drunk, hangover ? I can warn the others if you do not think you can do your class today, they will be very disappointed because they all come to admire your perfect ass, but they will understand. "
           "No ! I'm fine, I'll do the class !"
The others were all there, Brooke, Montana, Chet, Ray, alive, happy, following his movements with a smile. It had been a year since Xavier had not done any sport, no need since he was dead, so he was a little afraid of not knowing how to do it at first, but soon it came back naturally, he remembered this lesson, he knew the movements by heart, he had the rhythm of the music in his skin. It was so fucking goof to feel so... alive. All eyes on him, admiring him. It was even a little too much for him and he cried at the end of the class, which surprised everyone. Unlike last time, he did not return to the main room, saving the others from Camp Redwood, as no one else could talk to them about it, preferring to hide in the locker room to wipe his tears. (Y / N) joined him, to see if he felt better.
           "No, but... they are tears of joy." he reassured her. "I .. It's hard to explain, but a lot of weird things happened and... I'm so happy to be here. Sorry, I must look ridiculous and confused."
           "You're not ridiculous because you're crying Xavier, especially if it's because you're happy. I wanted to make sure everything was fine before leaving, since we will not meet again for two months."
           "I... could I come with you ?"
           "And your work at this camp ? I thought you wanted to relax in the woods, breathe fresh air, all that bullshit ?"
           "Well, I do not really want to go. I do not know, a bad feeling, but if you do not want my little perfect ass in your car..."
           "Hmm, I should be able to make you a place in my suitcases. At my home, 8 AM, tomorrow ?"
Maybe it was a dream. Maybe it was Redwood who wanted to make him suffer. But Xavier wanted to believe that it was true, that he had a right to a rebirth, knowing what he had to do this time. There was always Blake who was going to pursue him, but he knew it now, he was ready to face him, he was even ready to assume this porn even if it prevented him from playing in some movies. It was better than being dead and a lot of actors had started like that. He knew all the secrets of the others, he knew what Chet and Ray had done, he knew that Montana was going to try to kill Brooke, but he did not want to get involved, he did not want to think about it anymore, it was not his problem. Not a killer, but not a saviour either, he would be neutral, to avoid trouble. Fuck all those bastards, fuck Camp Redwood, he was going to do a long road trip with (Y / N), they were going to have fun, they were going to enjoy life and he was never going to cook anything in an oven again.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Animation Reviews:Star Vs: Mr.Candle Cares
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Tom is back! Yeah I know this took about a month, with the pride month reviews and life being kind of chaotic, I put these next two tom reviews on the back burner, even doing another star review in the meantime for Father’s Day. But with Pride Month winding down and our next episode up being gaytatstic, it was time to come back. It’s just a shame it had to be this one.  We’re in Season 2 now, and early in it, with this being only the third episode and the first to not involve the main plot, as the first two dealt with the fallout of the first season finale, and set up some of the main conflicts for the season. I WILL cover those arcs eventually and recap parts of them if necessary but for now they have zero impact on what happens here. That being said just because it dosen’t tie into the main arc with Ludo and Toffee-Wand, dosen’t mean it’s not important, as this episode both marks a major turning point for tom and also digs into the recurring theme for the next two seasons of star grappling with her responsiblities.. in this case future ones. We also get a peak into her mom’s personality. So with not much exposition to cover, I will see you under the cut.. please?
We open at school and it’s career day, something my school didn’t have for whatever reason, but is a common thing as new Gudiance Counsler mr candle has so far been giving everyone really great advice that fits what they want. Star is eager to have her turn and soon does.  Inside the office Star is offered Candy, which she politley refuses before we find out, unsuprisingly, Star thinks he’s a fourtune teller. A great bit. The mood quickly drops deep into the basement when Candle hammers into star that her destiny is to be queen and it’s carved in stone despite what other plans she may have. THen things get.. a bit creepy with Mr.Candle asking if Star’s dating marco and when she says no and that i’d be weird to date given they live together he urges her to start thinking about her future husband.  And yes I’m aware Tom probably wrote his script, and Tom knows about as much about school as star Does or else Mr Candle would’ve been suspended, at least for this, it’s still unnerving to hear a grown man not only before this tell a teenager she has no choice in her future, but then try and set her up with an unstable teenager in the creepiest way possible and somehow not get fired. It’s hard to watch Star leaves depressed and it’s marco’s turn.. and once again Mr.Candle proves to be a pretty terrible minon, suggesting Marco be a janitor on garbage island. Now as probably isn’t a shock to you given most of you have probably seen this ep, and we’ll find out in a minute anyway, Tom is behind this: trying to keep star and marco apart and get her back with him. And while parts of this do stink of Tom’s own lack of understanding of star, more on that later, and hatred of Marco, as well as not getting earth, as we’ve seen Mr.Candle is actually godo at his job and we see a bit of a real session that’s not part of an emo’s poorly thought out scheme that proves it. He could EASILY manipulate both, or at least try to with marco, but instead just goes along with a script written by a teenager that instead makes one of his targets depressed and the other instantly ready to tell him off or , had Candle been less lucky, go to the principal with this. Now granted this level of gross incompence is another day at echo creek, but it just dosen’t work. I don’t buy that tom couldn’t of found someone more competent with the giant amoutns of money he has to throw around. Then again Tom is really bad at evil when you think about it: I mean sure he can throw hands, as we’ll see in later episodes, but his evil schemes are poorly thought out at best and i’m certain if he had stayed a bad guy after this episode, he would’ve dropped to just proposing to star every time he sees her like teddy from brooklyn nine nine. 
So naturally Marco and Star talk about this with Star really depressed about seemingly being trapped becoming queen, while Marco gushes about how great being queen would be from his perspective... including never having to pick out clothes, fair enough, and never having people not like you, which is depressing. Poor boy. I missed this Marco: Awkward, insecure, but likeable. and also very much possibly gender fluid. Why they threw that out i’ll never know, but it’s canon for me now at least.  Anyways, Marco decides to confront candle int he bathroom because why not. It’s not any more awkward than Candle trying to convince star to make out with tom without saying tom’s name. But yeah as I let out of the bag early above, Marco finds Candle talking to tom via the toilet, and tom is livid he didn’t mention his name, while Candle insists he’s working on it and that Starco, and he uses that word exactly to Marco’s confusion and my delight as I do like when writers latch on to fan terms and poke a bit of fun at them, is platonic. Tom tells him to be sure and Mr Candle dismises him. Before tom can get too mad about this, Candle reveals i’ts becaue he has to pee and tom insists he flushes first. A really great gag.  So to try and compete with tom and candle for dumbest person this episode, Marco has his own stupid plan: Brag about being “smooch buddiess” with star to piss him off.  I assume the next two steps are ???? and profit. I”d also like to note for those unaware that this clip was used in the promo and assumed it was a love spell or some sort of altered mind thing, as it was way too early in the series for them to get together, and smacked of “let’s bait the shippers and hope they don’t get too pissed”. Given I did ship them at the time, it was massively annoying knowing this was obviously out of context, but it’s better than when I watched avatar first run and any hint of kataang was played up and an entire fucking episode was dedicated to fucking with shippers heads. I really need to rewatch avatar on netflix I have NOOOO excuse. Anyways naturlaly the obvious happened; A pissed off tom, who Need I remind you last time nearly killed marco and only didn’t because star used freeze dry and it was super effective, who drags marco away to a tourture wheel. Meanwhile, Star goes to her mom for support. So I get to talk about Moon: Star’s distant mother who’s her exact oppsite: strict, stone faced and in control at all times. And she does LOVE her daughter and get some development later on, but it still dosen’t change her core and she still has real issues actually listening to star that, like some of star’s own issues, she never really grows past. So natrually this goes about as well as trying to get a cat to do anything: She confirms star is kinda stuck inherting the throne before , in an oddly sad moment.. being genuinely confused when Star asks if she’s happy. It’s... a really good character moment to be honest, and sets up her character well now she’s being fleshed out better this season: Moon just.. really dosen’t care about herself or her own hapiness. I mean her marriage is , paradoxically, one of the only marriages in the mewni queenship that not only lasted but is very healthy, but otherwise she just dosen’t care. The kingdom comes first... and to me it comes from the later revlation she was orphaned around 15. She just spent most of her life putting the kingdom FIRST, just like she figured her mother would’ve and probably did, and putting her heart and soul intot hat. And thus she can’t really fahtom someone being SCARED of all that responsiblity and drudgery when for her, it was just a fact she had to accept at star’s age. She probably woudl never be happy but the kingdom’s what important. The thing is A) that’s deeply unhealthyt o begin with and B) it’s easier to accept something like that when you’ve lost your mom, your dad’s never been around and you have only one other person in your life supporting you. Star has LOTS Of other things to her life: friends, hobbies things moon never had a shot at. Not only that but Star’s lived her life iwth a mother who, rather than be supremley happy and beloved like moon’s own mother, seemd miserable, strict and a workaholic.. things star wants to avoid being. Their very strained relationshp probably isn’t helping this. Moon quickly leaves the conversation, but it instead just makes Star spiral further and decide to do something.. drastic.  Meanwhile in hell. 
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Okay not that bad. Let’s try this agian meanwhile in hell. 
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I said not THAT bad. Jesus. 
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Close enough. So in hell, specifically Tom’s room. Marco admits he was just getting tom’s goat, which his goat skull objects to, and while Tom is oddly mad Marco lied marco actually gets to tom by countering he lied to star... which is true not just this time but last episode too. Tom relases marco from his pain wheel. 
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And states that he can’t let him go, he knows too much etc etc, and challenges marco to a fight to the death, which marco acccepts.. inping pong. However tom is really great at ping pong and destroys him.  Back with star she’s gotten a great punk makeover. I do wish that star had a permanent outfit change at some point as her temporary looks are always great, and it woudln’t of killed them to do it in season 3 when they had to change over the intro anyway. Alas. She plans to do something drastic.. we’ll find out why in ab it. Back at ping point Marco challenges for double or nothing, despite tom having multiple paddles and him having none and the scorring demon begging him to stop. Tom obliges him, and the two.. actually start to bond. We’ll get way more of that next time. Btu the two bond over how star just tends to cheat, making up rules or changing them to win at the last minute, and how she just does what she wants.. and it’s then.. Marco FINALLY gets through to tom and points out the obvious: Star won’t get back together with him unless it’s what Star wants and Tom gives a face that screams ‘my god what have I done” realizing both how hew’s screwed up and how for now at least, he may never get her back and no amount of scheming will fix it. It’s a great character moment: Tom finally realizes that he can’t just.. MAKE star love him. You can’t MAKE someone love you, they have to want it too. And star dosen’t want him right now and his stalking is only hurting her.  It’s here Tom turns a corner. This episode was his lowest moment for sure, as while the blood moon ball scheme was sleazy, trying to make her love him via a magic moon thing was creepy, it wasn’t horribly intentioned and while I do think tom knew it’dmake her love him again I don’t think he knew the full extent of the moon’s magic or how it’d tear her apart inside if she say loved someone else, as ended up happening since it didn’t let her let go of her feelings for marco while with tom himself. Here he knows what he’s doing is wrong,  as Marco’s comment makes clear, but is so desperate he’s gone with an insane, dumb and really creepy and manipulative scheme. He TRIED being nice, that didns’t work so he probably felt he had to get more creative and more manipulative... i’ts just he didn’t realize while he LOVES being Royalty, star hates it. While Tom’s parents, who we’ll get into more in a review or two, were loving and supportive, even if his dad may not have been at this stage again we’ll get to his parents when they show up, are fully loving and supportive star’s are loving.. but one of them as we saw just dosen’t GET HER. So while to tom the crown is a great thing to star it’s not so mucha nd given he has trouble with empathy, Tom simplyc an’t understand how much he hurt her until marco spells it out for him And it isn’t just in the text either; As I said in the previous tom review, the writers clearly weren’t wure which way to go with tom, so this episode was the turning point: would tom get worse and become star’s enemy fully.. or would he do the unexpected, at the time anyway, and truly try to change and become another loveable member of her inner circle? And honestly.. I feel they made the right decision. Tom really dosen’t fit into the mewman oppresion cycle as neatlya s the other antagonists who are either the opressors or the result of them. He’s a privlaged kid on the outside of it, as , again , i’ll dig into more in the future. And the show kind of.. outgrew recurring antagonists by season 3. They had a few set up this season, but most either faded away or went all the way up to big bad, and I feel the writers realized that tom just.. didn’t work as that and worked better as a kid struggling with being better than as an incel douchebag antagonist. And given he’s one of the two things that helped prop the show up during it’s worse moments in the latter half, it was the right call and the reason i’m doing this arc at all.  Anyways Tom and Marco head back to the diaz house where Star.. has a mermaid and is complteplating chopping off her tail so she can legally never become queen... yeah I meant what I said when I said drastic. Tom however reveals his deception, and .. genuinely apologizes, another sign of growth, letting star go for now. He does get a WELLLLL earned slap, as I said his actions this episode were the lowest he’d sink and still really creeptastic.. but accepts his apology after that, appricating that he at least apologized and grew a bit.  Star, while now not going to disfigure someone to save herself, I mean that sort of thinking did give us the doom patrol but still, is still bummed about being queen when Marco, in a good bit of ship tease back when this ship wasn’t in my nightmares, tells her that yeah she’s stuck being queen.. but tid osen’t mean she has to be miserable. Don’t do it like moon, do it like you. They hug, and Tom, in another great bit of growth, just smiles and heads off, letting them have this moment and letting star go.  We get one final scnee where candle bails on local alpha bitch britney after tom recalls him which sends her into a depressive spiral later in the series. Ha ha... why did they bring this character back for Season 4?  Final Thoughts:  This episode is the queen of mixed bags. Seriously on one hand there IS some really damn good character stuff, with Star confronted with the hard truth of her becoming queen and begining this and next season’s theme of star building up to her future, and Tom going from 1 and a half dimensoinal douchey stalker to the complex and relatable character he’d become in future episodes. However the good is smothered like bad.. just like smokey the bear had to smother his joint before each PSA. Like “Red Action to the Future: over in my OK KO reviews, it feels like wasted potetial: the idea of both Star and Marco rexamining their future and Star being confronted with having a fixed path and trying to avoid becoming queen are great.. it’s just Star ends up being a supporting player in the episode, and I feel it would’ve been better if moon had been forced to deal with the effect of her words on her daughter, as she’s gone after her scene and what she nearly caused star to do never has any effect. And Mr.Candle is just an.. awful character. Incompitent, even if parts of that are on tom, unfunny, kinda creepy.. ther’es just nothing really enjoyable about him and it makes the first  few minutes a slog as he gaslights two teenagers for money and we never learn just what the hell he is or what his deal is. He just drags the episode down.  Really whiel i’ts not TERRIBLE like some of the series worst episodes (Lint Catcher, Stump Day, Marco Jr, Mama Star), it just feels like it could’ve been better paced or made a half hour so star and moon could have more of a plot.  If you enjoyed this you know the dril; like, reblog etc and if there’s a star or other animated show or movie you want me to review , just shoot me a suggestion or comission it outright for 3 bucks! I’ll get back to tom this weekend hopefully with freindenimeis and hopefully get to my last two reviews before pride lets up. Until we meet again, later days. 
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crockettmarcel · 5 years
It felt like the stars had aligned for this dinner. They hadn’t eaten together as the five of them for well over a week, and now suddenly they were all here. Sarah was the only one that was supposed to be on shift, but after a little persuasion, Dr Charles had given in and allowed her to stay home. He'd learnt the hard way how important family time was, especially around the holidays, and saw no reason why Sarah should have to learn that way as well.
So now, here she was, two days before Christmas, with everyone she cared about most in the world under one roof. Ava was curled up next to her on the couch, covered in a thick tartan blanket. She’d put on some shitty Christmas film, and as much as she refused to admit it, she’d been completely drawn into it within ten minutes, shushing Sarah every time she spoke over the characters.  
Sarah moved closer to Ava, resting her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder as she listened to the voices coming from the kitchen. Crockett was in there with Ethan, teaching him how to make yet another complex dish, and by the sounds of it, things weren’t going well. Every time Crockett had to correct a ‘simple’ mistake, his voice got more high-pitched, and Sarah was beginning to think Ethan was doing it on purpose at this point just to see how high he could go.
 But above all of this was Sarah’s favourite sound: a child’s laughter. 
Her child’s laughter. 
Her daughter. 
She was six now, the perfect age in Sarah’s eyes. Old enough to engage in all the Christmas activities, but young enough to still see the magic of the holiday, something Sarah had almost given up on. It had all changed when Lolly was born though, and more and more Sarah found herself looking at the world the way her daughter would, instead of through the cynical lens her parents had taught her to use. Simply put, she was the best thing that had happened to Sarah.
Ava’s film had just ended when Lolly came back into the living room. She launched herself at the couch, clinging onto Sarah and trying to pull the blanket off Ava so she could share in it.
“Dad says dinner’s ready.”
“Oh really?”
“Well then shouldn’t you go and wash your hands? We don’t want mucky hands for eating do we?”
Lolly shook her head and jumped off the couch, barely missing the coffee table in front of her. As she ran out of the room, Ava sat up, pulling the blanket off herself.
“Where does she get all this energy?”
Sarah smirked. “It probably comes from not working twelve-hour shifts all week.”
She stood up to go and see if she could help with anything in the kitchen, placing a kiss on the top of Ava’s head as she went.
Ethan and Crockett had done a pretty good job of setting the meal up, even sprinkling gold Santa confetti all over the table, so there wasn’t much left for Sarah to do. By the time she’d put a few dishes out, everything else was ready, and she was soon joined by everyone else. 
Except for one person.
“Where’s Lolly?” Crockett was the first to notice her absence, partly because there was no one kicking him under the table for once.
“Didn’t you send her to wash her hands?” Ava turned to Sarah.
“Yeah, but she never normally takes this long.” She frowned, prompting Ethan to stand up.
“Do you want me to go get her?”
“Don’t worry about it, she’ll be here in a sec.” They all began to serve themselves, complimenting Crockett as they went. Even though he cooked whenever he could, he still never failed to impress people with what he could whip up in just a short amount of time. Tonight it was a Thai green curry, as well as a frozen pizza for Lolly.
After a couple of minutes, she finally appeared, holding something behind her back. She sat down, managing to kick Crockett in the process, then placed a couple of objects on the table next to her.
“Look!” She picked up what seemed to be a small mason jar off the table and held it out for everyone to see. It was filled with water, and there was a little reindeer toy inside, glued to the base. Once she was satisfied that everyone had admired it, she shook it, watching as swirls of glitter appeared.
“It’s a snowglobe!” She shook it again, beaming at her creation.
“Where’d you get it?” Crockett asked.
“I made it at school today. Miss Emerson let us do crafts because it was the last day.”
“Can I take a look?” Ethan held his hand out for it, and Lolly nodded, carefully passing him the jar so she could pick up something else.
“I made this as well.” She held up an oval-shaped piece of wood with Santa's face painted crudely on it, and some gold string looped through a hole at the top.
“It’s handmade. Miss Emerson taught us that word. It means I made it myself.” Without even asking him, she passed the Santa face to Crockett, focusing all her attention on the final item she’d brought to the table. Her pièce de résistance.
It was a drawing of a family of five - two moms, two dads, and a dark-haired girl in the middle. At the top of the page was written: “hApy cristmAs by lolly r”.
“It’s us!” She pointed to each of the figures on the page and then to their real-life counterparts, making sure that everyone was paying attention.
Sarah looked on as Lolly described the other parts of the picture - the Christmas tree, their house in the corner, and her dad’s purple stethoscope - and she was sure her heart was going to burst. Her baby girl wasn’t a baby anymore, and she couldn’t be more proud of her.
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Toblerone to obliterate someone
Challenge prompt made by @gale-of-the-nomads
It was already Christmas season and the all the junior classes from College Dupont were having a christmas party on Grand Paris Hotel courtesy of Mayor Bourgeoise and, to everyone's surprise, Gabriel Agreste itself. To give the party a bit of entertainment, there were small events, like a Miss Miraculous contest, a small desgining contest and a micro concert by Jagged Stone, who had insisted to spend the afternoon with the teenagers misteriously.
Of course, the cattering was handled by Alya's mother as the headchef of the hotel, but the boulangerie-pastisserie Dupain-Cheng had mad a littlr contribution providing some macarons, an enormous cake and the newest pastry on the bakery: four-flavoured mistery buns, which were buns stuffed with four different fillings: chocolate, apple and cinnamom, cheese and the most popular, spicy sausage.
Everyone was having fun. They had a bit of music played by Nino, food from the best chef and the best bakers in Paris, their friends all together having fun, their families, the bits of entertainment the mini events gave them,... However, everybody had at least a bit of curiosity towards a weird section of the room, filled with toblerone but heavily guarded. They had been told it was a secret reward of one of the events.
Adrien decided to participate in the designing contest, but instead of a designer, he went as a model. Thought initially he had no intereat in participating on any of the events, but he decided to help his friends with the events. He had been Nino's buddy and kept him fed as the Dj did his job. Adrien helped Alya get a permission to film and take pictures of everything in order to document the whole party. He was going to judge on some of the contest as well, but right now he was Marinette exclusive model.
The bluenette had almost fainted when he offered to be her model, but she did an splendid job tailoring. The participants only had to design a Christmas sweater, but Marinette had surpassed by far the expectations. She made a Chat Noir-themed Christmas sweater (it had written Merry Catmas right on the front) with an acid green scarf and a Ladybug-themed sweater (the polka dots had something Christmasy on each of them) with a white fluffy scarf to pair it with. Then she had decided to make Santa's hats too and added cat ears to one of them. Adrien was more than tempted to keep the Chat Noir outfit for himself, but Marinette told him that someone else had already asked for it.
Still, when Adrien put on the sweater, the scarf and the black hat, he couldn't help but wanting to keep it. That is, until he saw Marinette wearing the Ladybug's combination. His heart skipped a beat and he could only gawk at Marinette for a solid minute before he calmed himself down and acted profesionally once more.
On the other side, Marinette was exstasic that she was just simply going to model her designs alongside Adrien Agreste, her friend and crush. Ah, it was like a dream for her. She knew Adrien liked the sweaters, but she really hoped that the jury would do so, but she wasn't as nervous as when she had participated on other contests, she had improved quite a lot since then.
And their turn came. They walked down the improvised catwalk, let the judges see the sweaters and went nack inside to wait for the veredict. Ironically, Adrien was more nervous than Marinette for once, hoping that his amazing friend would win the contest. But saldy enough, she didn't.
Marinette wasn't sad or anything, rather, she was happy for the winner, Juleka. She hugged Juleka and congratulated her for winning with her black and purple sweater, which the jury had stated to be daring and refreshing. Neverteless, the jury called Marinette to go again onstage and awarded her with an honorable mention for her tribute to the local heroes.
Adrien was confused for sure. He didn't understand how Marinette could be so happy even if she hadn't won. Sure, she was someone so positive that Adrien couldn't help to admire, but it was almost like Marinette was the embodiment of hapiness right now. His heart bumped insided his chest and a very faint shade of pink dusted the model's cheeks. She was so amazing. And he didn't deny it now. The times where he'd deny his feelings for Marinette insisting that he only loved Ladybug were long lost, but he wouldn't confess to her, afraid of ruining the friendship they had because Marinette was in love with Luka, even if they had broken some time ago.
"Hey Sunshine, why the long face?" called him Kim.
"Uh? Oh, I was lost in thoughts, sorry" appologised Adrien awkwardly.
"Then cheer up Buttercup, next contest is Miss Miraculous and then Jagged will play for us" said Alix.
"And according to my intel, Marinette us going to participate in both events" said Max.
"Mari? How-" began Adrien.
"Alya" said the trio at unison.
"That makes sense" agreed Adrien.
The trio left and Adrien decided to simply take a look at the pastries before the contest began. He decided to pick four of the mistery buns, hoping to get all of them except the cheese one. But there were two filled with chocolate and two filled with cheese (he hated to admit it was delicious).
Four hands grabbed him from behind and pulled him aside from the food table. He turned to see who had interrupted his little moment of joy and recognised his two bespectacled friends who had a worried face.
"Hey dude, Alix told us you weren't looking good" said Nino.
"Don't waste your model figure by eating away your problems" said Alya with a teasing remark on her voice despite her serious face.
"Don't worry, I'm okay. I was just thinking for real" reassured Adrien. "And no Alya, I wasn't eating away my problems, I happen to be addicted to the Dupain-Cheng's food".
"And who isn't? Even my mother loves their bakery" said Alya.
"What were you thinking of dude? Your father is making you work a lot again?" said Nino, but not seeing any change on Adrien expression decided to change his aporoach. "Or perhaps it were lady problems?"
Adrien blushed a bit and Alya gave him a knowing look. "I'll leave the interrogatory for you sweetie" said before she left.
"Forget about Alya, you know how she is" said Nino rolling his eyes and putting his hand over Adrien's shoulders. "Now, tell uncle Nino what girl has our little Sunny boy so distracted".
"What? I didn't say there was a girl or something!" saud Adrien blushing.
"Oh, then it's a boy?" teased Nino fully knowing it wasn't.
"No Nino, I'm not into boys" said Adrien and sighed. "If I tell you will you stop?"
"Man, you know I won't stop until you talk" said Nino.
"More like you won't stop because you fear Alya's rage" said Adrien. "Okay, there is a girl I'm friends with, but she is totally out of my league and I don't want to ruin our friendship".
"Does this marvelous girl has a name per chance?" asked Nino. "I promise I won't tell anyone except Alya, because you're right, her rage scares me".
"It's Marinette" confessed Adrien blushing and awkwardly looking away.
"Not even my supermodel dude has escaped the sweets!" exclamied Nino laughing. "Don't worry man, I won't tell a soul. Be grateful that Papa Nino and Mama Alya are going to give you a hand".
"I thought you were Uncle Nino. Besides, why give me a hand? I don't want to confess and screw our perfect friendship. She's way out of my league" said Adrien.
"Dude" deadpanned Nino. "You are a supermodel, famous all around the world and have a horde of fans. I know Mari is incredible, everyone has had a crush on her including Alya and myself, but she is a quite ordinary girl".
"She's definetly not. She has designed for a lot for big names in the music industry and is also famous around the world because of that. She even has a lot of connections with famous people across the world. And let's not talk about her fanclub, every boy and a lot of girls in our school are in that club. Also, her parents own the best bakery in France and she's realky talented on baking, designing, drawing, painting, dancing and a lot of other things" said Adrien not noticing his blush nor Nino's smug smirk.
"Have you finished yet? Is that why you like her?" asked the DJ smirking.
"No, I like her because she's the sweetest, kindest, most attentive, caring and positive girl I know. And she is beautyfull. I could lose myself contempling her Bluebell eyes or her obsidian black hair or her flawless doll-like skin. I know I used to have a crush on Ladybug, but when I said she was our everyday Ladybug, I wasn't joking. She is amazing" finished Adrien, almost out of breath.
"Boy, I hope Alya hasn't put another hidden microphone on me, because that was so toothrooting that she'd get diabetes like me" teased Nino.
"Alya puts hidden microphones on you?" asked Adrien weirded out.
"A few times to use me as her personal infiltrator" confessed Nino. "I swear I don't know how she manages to hide them so well that I don't notice them until she takes them back".
"I'm going to die of embarrassement if you have one of those microphones on you. Alya, if you're listening to me, don't say a word" begged the blond.
"Don't worry about it dude, let's go see the beauty contest. Lucky for you, your bro here has two spots on the front line reserved for us, so you'll see Marinette perfectly" teased Nino.
"Let me guess, Alya?" said Adrien still nervous.
"Nope. Marinette's parents. Who do you think that helped Alya to secretly prepare Matinette's participation?" said Nino.
"Honestly? I think that Jagged Stone would. I mean, he's been here with us all the time just to see Marinette and check upon her friends. He has totally adopted her as his niece. I'm sure it's great to have your favourite rock star as your uncle" pointed Adrien.
"True, but her parents are even more attentive to her than Jagged" said Nino.
"Which is totally true" said Jagged Stone from behind them, surprising both teens. "Tom and Sabine are probably the best parents in the world".
"Jagged, I think you've scared them popping out of nowhere" pointed Penny sounding a tad tired.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine dudes" said Nino. "Hey, Mr. Stone, my friend here Adrien is a fan of yours".
"Glad to meet you then. Hm... I think I've seen you somewhere else" said Jagged thinking.
"He's a famous model, his face is all across Paris and Marinette had a lot of posters of him, for fashion purpouses" said Penny flatly.
"Oh, is that so? I knew I had seen him somewhere. Are you friends of Marinette?" asked Jagged overenthusiastically.
"I have known her since we were three, we're childhood friends" said Nino proudly.
"She's my friend too, she the most amazing girl I know and she's very easily to care about" said Adrien.
"Ah, I like you two boys, you know how to apreciate the good things! Were you talking about Marinette and the beauty contest?" asked curious Jagged.
"Yeah, the girl is participating. My girlfriend and her parents managed to sign her in without her knowing. We're going to take a seat,want to come with us?" offered Nino.
"Of course! I wouldn't lose that for anything" said Jagged enthusiastically. "You said your girlfriend planned this? You must be Nino right? Aspiring film director and part time DJ?"
"Yup, that's me" said Nino.
"Oh wait, then you're Adrien Agreste right? Marinette's model friend" realised Jagged.
"I am and I'm glad to be her friend" said Adrien smiling fondly.
"But you would like more right?" said Jagged smiling knowingly. "You have the eyes of someone in love and your heart plays a ballade when you talk of her".
"Jagged, remember to play nice. That's not something to say to someone you don't know" scolded him Penny.
"Sorry, she's right, I may have overstepped my boundaries" apollogised Jagged.
"Oh, don't worry, it's fine" said Adrien politely almist robotically, even if he was a blushing mess inside.
An awkward silence set on, or at least it would if Jagged hadn't decided to overenthusiastically give Adrien a third degree. Nino could barely hold his laugh at the situation, but Penny seemed to worry about Adrien, probably because she knew better than anyone how Jagged could be sometimes. Eventhought, Adrien was spared when Tom and Sabine saw the four of them and invited them to seat with them.
"Hello Nino, nice to see you again. Is Alya being to rowdy with you as usual?" said Sabine with a gentle smile.
"She might be, but it's what I love about her, so no complains from me" said Nino.
"I see, your a tough guy Nino. I swear I sometimes think that Alya will break Marinette sometime, if Mari doesn't breaks her first thought" said Tom laughing.
"Hi Jagged, hi Penny. Checking on Marinette?" asjed Sabine politely.
"Yeah, I can't wait to see her shining like the rockstar she is" said Jagged enthusiasticly.
"I'm sorry for always causing trouble to you two" apologised Penny.
"Don't be sweetheart, it's lovely to have someone so lively around" said Sabine.
"And last, but not least, our local sunny boy Adrien. How have you been son?" asked Tom.
"I've been fine sir, having lots of fun today specially" said Adrien with a genuine smile.
"Oh, come on boy, how many times I've told you to call me Tom instead of sir, I'm not as old as my father yet" said Tom with a very contagious laugh.
"Oi Tom, what do you think of the model boy? Is he a good one?" asked Jagged.
"He is Jagged. Always so respectful and yet so sweet to others" said Tom smiling. "It makes me want to adopt him sometimes".
"I see. If you say the boy is good then he has to be" declared Jagged, ignoring the glare Penny was giving him.
"Jagged? Sweetheart? What are you two talking about, in front of the one you are talking about?" said Sabine smiling, but her smile made everyone shudder and Adrien almost run for help, and he was a superhero.
"We're sorry" gave in both men.
"Now, now. Don't worry about them Adrien you are always welcomed home" said Sabine. "I'm sure Marinette will be thrilled each time you visit".
"I don't think so mad- Sabine. Mari knows so many awesome people, I'm hardly someone special" said Adrien smiling a bit sheepishly.
"Come on now, don't undervaluate yourself like that. You are a great child and you'd be surprised to see how close does Marinette holds you. You are her friend, and a very good one at that" said Sabine.
"I told you dude, you are underselling yourself a bit too much" said Nino.
"The show is going to start!" said Jagged and everyone sat to see the contest.
The contest itself consisted of three rounds. On the first one the participants had to show their talents. Marinette, wearing a very girly and adorable outfit, had decided to show her skills in ballet. For someone who trips over air almost daily, Marinette showed a graceful and astoundingly beautyful dance. She got an inmediate pass to the second round.
On the second round, the participants had to prove that they were indeed miraculous, being at the same time strong and beautiful, so they had to show some muscle and skills on an improvised mini circuit lifting weight, jumping between platforms and, of course, swinging with a yoyo. It was meantto show beautyand strength at the same time, so noone expected that a participant would finish the task given. But Marinette showed up in a sort of Chat Noirish street dancer outfit that revealed a bit of the muscles she really had. The public was surely impressed. Marinette looked fragile and beautiful, like a doll made of glass. But her tonified abdomen and arms proved that this girl could and would do some butt kicking if needed. She started the second round and complete ut flawlessly with the grace of a swan, making the public roar in awe. Adrien was speechless, totally embellessed by her looks and, if he had to admit, he was getting very flustered by how badass could the petite bluenette be.
The final round was diferent fron the previous and more like a nornal beauty contest, not a superhero contest. The girls simply had to wore something eye-catching and the jury would decide the winner. Alya would enjoy this one for sure. She had been observing little Sunshine reactions on her girl after hearing his love confession via Nino's hidden microphone and she knew that someone would lose his cool when he saw what she had in store for him. She was no designer or fashion mogul, for sure, but she knew how to dress and how to make someone lose their mind. She smiled as she sended Marinette onstage, having styled her hair and done her make up to fit with her outfit.
And Marinette went out on the stage. Everyone took a breath when they saw her, she was radiant, simply a truly magnificient sight to behold. Adrien couldn't take his eyes off her. She was wearing a light pink silky dress, almost as if it was pulled out of a fairy tale. Adrien felt warmth through all his body, as if someone had set him on fire. He felt as if Hawk Moth had infested his stomach with akumas and Ladybug had unleashed her Miraculous Cure inside of him as well. Gosh, he loved that girl.
Marinette was nervous, freaking out, but still waiting patiently for the results of the weirdest beauty contest she had ever seen, a contest she didn't had intention to oarticipate until a certain bespectacled ginger hijacked her plans for the night. She was waiting expectantly as she heard what happened on the stage. And then silence came, so probably the jury had to debate who was the win-
"May Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng cone onstage?" exclaimed someone fron the staff.
"I'm coming!" said Marinette doing as asked.
She hadn't had time to change, but the jury didn't seem to be interested on that, rather, everyone seemed to be happy to see her again like that? Strange. But she focused and looked directly at the jury, expecting them to finally talk. Instead, the jury look at one another, nodded their heads and went back to stare Marinette, making her a tad incomfortable.
"Uh.... Excuse me? May I know why am I here?" asked Marinette worried.
"Huh? Oh, right, right" said one of the jury, finally snapping out if whatever was going on everyone's mind. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, we are proud to announce that you are, without a doubt, Miss Miraculous!"
Some people from the staff came and gave Mari some flowers and a banner that said Miraculous. She bowed to the jury and then to the public and smiled widely from the bottom of her heart.
"Um... Thank you a lot for this. I'm not sure what to say, I didn't know I was participating until my best friend announced me that she had onesidely signed me in. I didn't expect to win also, there were a lot of more beautyful girls on the contest..." said Marinette humbly and everyone clapped.
After clearing everything from the beautu contest, the staff went to fetch Jagged for his little concert. Everyone, minus Jagged and Penny, were surprised to hear that Jagged would take some people onto the stage and that he was going not to sing his usual songs, but he was rather going to improvise some. Adrien felt specially worried when after saying that Jagged winked at him. Either way Adrien would go onstage or he would most likely feature one of the songs or maybe even both. But Marinette arrived and that distracted Jagged from Adrien, instantly hugging his adopted niece and congratulating her for winning.
Adrien felt a little sting on his heart when he saw Marinette, as if his heart was trying to escape from his body, trying to go to her hands. He awkwardly waved and Marinette noticed, waving back as she brightened and smiled.
What Adrien didn't know was that Marinette was also a bit nervous inside as well. She no longer had the enormous crush that didn't let her say a word to him, but she still felt something for Adrien even if she had tried to drown those feelings to let Kagami had a chance with Adrien and gave Luka a chance. Also, it didn't help that he remembered her so much of her dorky partner for whom she had growed affection, even if she couldn't let those feelings materialize because she had a duty and it wouldn't be fair for Chat Noir.
And yet, there they were, dancing around each other without knowing who the other really was. But Jagged was between them, not letting Marinette go. But Alya came to the rescue and pulled the girl from the rockstar while Penny scolded him once again. She knew what was going on between the two, even if both were hopelessly oblivious to notice it themselves, but she could give them a little push, couldn't she? And she did, literally, she pushed Marinette to Adrien and the girl demonstrated her usual clumsiness falling on him. They both fell on the floor, Marinette falling on top of Adrien, but both of them blushing equally. Marinette looks up and her saphires met his emeralds, entangling themselves in a magical moment, but the realisation of how they were positioned made them both evade each other and quickly stand up again.
"I'm sorry I made you fall" apologised Marinette, not daring to look at him.
"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault, Alya pushed you to save you from Jagged's affection" said Adrien, suddenly taking an interest on the ceiling.
"You two okay?" asked Nino worried.
"Yeah, it was nothing" said Adrien quickly, making Nino grin.
"Great, we don't want anything to happen to our Miss Miraculous, do we bro?" said Nino smiling knowingly.
"Don't say that Nino, I wasn't that special, I think I don't deserve the price" said Marinette blushing.
"Are you kidding Pri- Marinette? You were incredible" said Adrien indigned but wishing that no one noticed his slip.
"Y-You saw me?" asked Marinette shyly.
"I couldn't take my eyes of you Marinette" confessed Adrien, then realized what he had just said and he blushed again.
"I don't think anyone did girl, the whole public was focused on you" said Alya trying to avoid an awkward silence.
"Yeah, you were breath-taking" said Nino teaming up with Alya.
"Oh stop it you all, you're making me blush" said Marinette sheepishly as she blushed.
"We're just stating the facts girl" said Alya. "I'm sure that you could win the heart of anyone who saw you up there, even mine".
"And I can't even be jealous" said Nino.
"Oh shush it you flaterers. If that was right I would have you three kissing my fee- I was joking!" said when she saw Nino, Alya and Adrien already kneeling down. "Okay, okay, I'll believe you".
"What can we say Marinette, you left us completely speechless" said Adrien.
"Oh stop it pretty boy or ypu'll have me falling for you" said Marinette, confusing Adrien for Chat.
"What if I want you falling for me? I mean, I already have you falling on me Princess" bantered Adrien, having a familiar feeling but not noticing his slip.
"Princess? Dude, I thought you were shier" said Nino.
"The banter sounds awfully usual for them too. Are you two secretly dating and didn't told us anything?" said Alya with that reporter look of her.
"What! No, we're not dating" said both at unison.
"They are also syncronised" pointe Nino with a knowing look.
"Nino, I swear to god we are not dating. If I was dating Marinette you'd be the first one I would tell, even before my father" said Adrien with a nervous voice.
"Alya, you know I'm not dating Adrien perfectly well" said Marinette with a somewhat menacing voice, as if she wouldn't want Alya to slip and say what she knew.
"Okey, okey. We trust you. Just saying, you would make an excelent couple" said Alya grinning as she dropped the bomb.
"Hey, maybe you could dance together on this night ball, neither of you have a partner" proposed Nino.
Adrien brightened for a moment. "He is right Mari, I don't have a partner yet. Would you give me the honor of being your dance partner?"
"I'd love to Adrien" said Marinette smiling fondly.
"Then it's decided!" said Jagged, scaring the four teens.
"Jagged!" exclaimed Marinette.
"What? I just wanted to propose you four to go onstage with me" said Jagged.
"Oh, I'm sorry Jagged but I'm very tired after the contest, so I'll be resting for a bit" said Marinette.
"Okey, but make sure not to bore yourself" said Jagged. "Oh! How about we leave this fine gentleman with you so he keeps you awake?"
"Yeah Adrien, keep her company, we want to rock" said Alya as she took a microphone of Nino, making both boys open their eyes like plates.
"I will do it, I couldn't leave her alone just like that anyway" said Adrien glaring at Alya.
"I'm sorry bro, I didn't knew" whispered Nino to the model.
"It's okay man, just make sure she doesn't spread a word" said Adrien.
"What's going on?" asked Marinette suspicious.
"Not much, just Alya trying to pulll a prank on me, right Alya?" said Adrien sending a murderous glare.
"Sheesh Buttercups, calm down. I'll be good" said Alya putting her hands on the air.
"What were you trying to do Al?" asjed Marinette.
"Not much, just use Nino to get some info" said Alya. She put her hand over Adrien's shouders. "I'll tell ypu what Sunshine, I won't say a thing but you'll have to get me some good scoops".
"I'll see what I find" said Adrien thinking she wanted some rumours.
"Well then, let's rock!" said Jagged enthusiastically.
Jagged and their friends left them alone and the awkard silence settled again. Without a topic to talk about, they both simply went to find a place to seat and sit down on a small coach. They heared the music and hoped their friends where having a good time, but no conversation .
"Um... How are you doing?" asked Adrien, mentally cursing himself for being so brilliant.
"Oh, fine, the party has been great until now, even if it wasn't what I expected. And you?" asked Marinette.
"I think it's one of the best parties I've attended. At least this one isn't super formal" said Adrien with a small smile
"I think your dad and the mayor overdid themselves this time. It's really amazing" agreed Marinette.
"Hey, Marinette" said Adrien.
"Yes Adrien?" replied the bluenette.
"I was serious before, would you like to be my partner for the dance?" asked Adrien staring at her.
"Oh... Are you sure about that? I have to warn you, I have two left feet and a total lack of coordination" said Marinette, not daring to look at him.
"It doesn't really matters, it'd be fun to dance with you" said Adrien.
"Sure, it will be hilarious to see me stumbling and stepping on you" said Marinette sarcastically.
"I didn't mean that. Also, since when are you so sassy Mari?" said Adrien.
"Maybe it's since you became so curious" replied Marinette. "You almost sound like Chat Noir when he stops by, except that you're not trying to impress me".
"Well, you almost sound like Ladybug when she banters with Chat Noir, sassy but not rude" pointed Adrien smugly.
"Wasn't I your everyday Ladybug?" asked Marinette smugly.
"That's right. I guess I'll have to be your everyday Chat Noir then, won't I Merrynette?" punned Adrien.
"That was horrible even for Chat Noir standards" said Marinette rolling her eyes despite her smile.
"Your eye rolling is purrfect thought" said Adrien almost laughing.
"God, are you secretly Chat Noir's best friend? I wouldn't expect those from anyone but him!" said Marinette giggling.
"Ah, but I got what I wanted" said Adrien proudly.
"And what did you want exactly?" asked Marinette.
"To hear your meowvelous laugh" said Adrien winking.
Marinette snorted and giggled. "Okay, yes, your everyday Chat Noir title is granted good sir".
"You are a lovely and fair lady" said Adrien bowing his head.
"You really remembered Chat thought. He sometimes stops by my balcony when I'm outside. I think he just stops to make sure I don't get akumatized, but it's still nice from him to do so, he knows how to cheer me up" said Marinette smiling melancholically.
Adrien was quiet. He felt torn inside because he wanted to tell her, but at the same time he was afraid of her discovering him. After what had happened on the Weredad incident, Adrien was quite nervous around her, feeling atracted like a moth to a lamp, but also scared of what would she think if she knew that he had fallen in love with her after rejecting her. That would definetly mess things between them. Also, she had recently broken up with Luka, so she wouldn't probably be extasic about another relationship.
"Adrien?" asked Marinette worried.
"Uh? Oh, sorry, did you say anything, I was lost in thought" apologised Adrien.
"Oh, no, don't worry, I do that quite a lot" said Marinette with a gentle smile.
"Hey, do you want to know what is going to happen next?" said Adrien smiling again, but with a mischievous look on his facr.
"Okay, surprise me model boy" said Marinette.
"My father is going to give an award to someone. For what I know, it will be an award for dedication put into work, but since only Lila and I work for him here, Lila will be getting the price" said Adrien. "What she doesn't know thought it's that the price is a giant Toblerone".
"No way. She's getting a guant Toblerone? I'd love to get one" pouted Marinette.
"Well, anyone who recieved a price today is getting ten normal toblerones, so don't worry. The funny part is that Lila hates chocolates" said Adrien smiling.
"No way. I knew she is quite a bitter person, but not liking chocolate?" said Marinette.
"There is also an extra part. While she doesn't know it, her reaction to the price behind tge courtains will be filmed and reproduced for everyone" said Adrien. "I know having to put up with her has been a lot with you, but as I promised, she's going to get what she deserves without you having to be the bad person".
"I could kiss you right now" said Marinette, then realised her words and blush.
After an awkward silence Adrien decided to talk. "Marinette?"
"Forgive me if I'm rude but, do you like someone?" said Adrien.
"I- I do" said Marinette blushing. "Ther-re a-are two boys..."
"I see" said Adrien using his model smile to hide his sadness, already deciding he wouldn't be one of the boys. "I used to like a girl, but the feeling wasn't mutual. Then I dated Kagami, giving her a chance, but all this time I haven't acknowledged my real feelings. Yes, I liked that first girl, but there's a girl I've been in love since I met her even if I didn't know until recently".
"I see..." said Marinette a bit down. "I do still like the boy who stole my heart with his kindness, but I let someone else took the chance of being with him. And there is this other boy, that has loved me for a long time, but I rejected him because I couldn't afford to get distracted by him. And here I am now, liking him secretly because it would be unfair for him and because I still can't be distracted by him".
"Seems like we both have it bad" said Adrien.
"Yeah, we do" agreed Marinette.
"Can I ask you, if it's not a problem, who are those boys?" asked Adrien sheepishly.
"Only if you tell me who are the girls first" said Marinette forcing herself to smile.
"Heh, I can't tell yo who is the girl that doesn't loves me because if work secrecy. And the other one..." said the blond.
"It's okay. I can't tell you who liked me anyway, it's part of a secret. But the guy who stole my heart..." said Marinette, doubting whether she should tell him or not. She feels Tikki patting her calmly on her leg, supporting her no matter what she chooses and she decides. "The other one is you, Adrien. Since you gave me that umbrella you've greedily taken my heart prisioner. It's okay if you don't like me, but I felt the need to finally tell you".
Adrien was speechless and almost failed to notice her standing up to leave, but he noticed. "Wait, Marinette!" said the model desperate.
"I'm coming in a bit Adrien, I just... I just need to go to the bathroom a bit" said Marinette with a fake smile that broke Adrien's heart.
"You can go later I need to tell you something first" said Adrien determined. "Marinette... I like you as well. You were the girl I've been loving for a long time, but I just realized how much I loved you a few weeks ago".
"You..." said Marinette doubting, but shake her head and put that fake smile again. "There's no need to lie Adrien, we both know you're way out of my league, it was just a stupid innocent dream. I won't hate you, don't worry. We can still be friends. That's what I've always been after all".
"But I don't want to be just your friend!" said Adrien desperatedly. "I wasn't lying Marinette. I like you, a lot. This is not a lie or something to keep a good relationship between us, I swear!"
Marinette looked doubtful. "I'm sorry Adrien, I really want to believe you, because I'm selfish and I want you and I want to have a life with you. But this is so surreal... How can I- How can I know you really like me and this is not just... Confusion? I don't really know..."
Adrien got serious, gebtly grabbed her hand and place it on his chest. "Can you feel- Wait, why is there something poking on my chest" said as he let Marinette's hand and pulled out a microphone. "Okay. I'm dead. Please bury me alive" said blushing as he let the microphone fall, but Mari caught it, analyzed it and turned it off.
"Why has Alya put a microphone on you?" asked Marinette weirded out.
"Uh..." said Adrien as he blushed so much that even Marinette noticed.
"Adrien? Do you have a fever? You’re completely red" asked Marinette worried.
“I’m okay, it’s just that... Well... How do I say it? I told something embarrassing to Nino and Alya happened to listen to it through the microphone. So I guess she put the microphone to hear about what we where talking. Wait, she knows you have feelings for me, right? That’s why” realised Adrien and covered his face.
“Adrien, i’m confused. Why did she put it on you? Was it because of what you told Nino?” asked Marinette.
“I think so, but it’s just one of the reasons. The other is... Well, you said you like me, so if she knows, she put it on me and left us alone because...” said Adrien, blushing an awful lot and not finishing his sentence.
“Because she expected us to confess? Why would she expect that? She knows that everytime I try to confess ends... Not well” said Marinette.
“Uh... Remember I told something very ebarrassing to Nino and Alya heard it? I may have or may have not confessed my love for you in a very cheesy way to Nino and she might have or might have not heard the whole thing through the microphone” said Adrien awkwardly scratching his neck and not daring to look at Marinette.
She fell silence. She was processing what she had just heard and was double checking that yes, Adrien Agreste loved her and Nino and Alya knew that before her. So that’s why tey were being so pushy. That’s why they had left us alone to go with Jagged even if neither of them were fans. Oh no. She had been so rude with Adrien. She had doubted him and his feelings. Marinette almost cried, but Adrien put a hand on her shoulder.
“Marinette? Mari? Are you okay? I’m seriously freaking out right now” said Adrien sick worried.
“I’m fine... Sorry. It’s just... Everything hit me so hard and I was processing everything and I’m sorry I was so rude with you or that I doubted you or your feelings. I’m trash” said Marinette.
"Marinette, you are not trash" said Adrien deadly serious grabbing her by her shoulders and looking at her directly to the eyes. "I get why it was hard to believe. I mean, it's like if Ladybug confessed to Chat Noir suddenly after him pinning her for so much time".
"But I'm still a bad person" complied Marinette.
"You are not Marinette. You are the most amazing person I've ever known. You've been through a lot, an awful lot of bad experiences and yet you've been positive enough about it to surpass any hardship. But you are human Marinette, you can doubt too. I mean, it is weird if the person you've liked for a long time suddenly confessed that they love you. I would doubt as well. But that's because we are humans and, personally? I think that's our best trait" said Adrien.
"I'm sorry for being such a worrywart" said Marinette trying to look away to hide her blush.
"Don't be, I think it's endearing. It's part of your Marinette charm" said Adrien smiling.
"Thank you" said Marinette mostly to herself.
"So... What are we going to do?" asked Adrien awkwardly.
"What do you mean?" asked Marinette confused.
"Well, our so lovely friends might have heard a huge part of it, and we both kniw they'll want to know what happened between us and..." said awkwardly blushing the boy, but Marinette put a finger on his lips, shutting him.
"No need to worry about that. They can suffer a bit for being so nosy" said Marinette smirking.
"Okay. Then... Marinette?" asked Adrien.
"Yes Adrien?"
"I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" said nervously Adrien bowing like he had seen on anime.
"Pffft. Adrien, there's no need to bow you know? I think you've been seeing too much anime" said Marinette giggling incontrolably.
"I- Uh- Hm...." babbled Adrien very, very embarrassed.
"I do want to be your girlfriend dummy" said Marinette and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Is this clear enough?"
"I don't know, I think a few more woud make it clearer" said Adrien smiling stupidly. "Wait, you gave me a peck on the cheek on Hero's day last year as well, didn't you? Was that like this?"
"Who knows? It's been a year and a bunch of months after all" teased Marinette.
"Please, don't make me feel more stupid than when I realised I liked you and I had been wrongly calling you a great friend" said Adrien pouting embarrassed.
"At least you recognised what you did wrong, even if it took you so long. I mean, it hurt so much to be one sidely friendzoned without having confessed" said Marinette feigning hurt dramatically.
"Hey! I'm sorry for being so oblivious!" said Adrien.
"Don't worry, I'll forgive you someday" said Marinette and kissed him on his nose. "At least you got another kiss".
"It's not fair! You're teasing me too much Marinette!" said Adrien.
Someone coughed behind them. "I hope I'm not interrumping anything" said Gabriel Agreste.
"Dad! That's not what you think! It's-" began Adrien, but stopped when his father signaled him to do so.
"There is no need for excuses Adrien. I know you've like Miss Dupain-Cheng for quite a long time. At the same time, she has also liked you and from what I've seen, her feelings are nothing but pure love" declared Gabriel Agreste. "I must say, she is an aspiring designer and a promising one. I would normally be worried if I didn't know about her, but I do aprove your relationship. I believe she'll be a great addition to the fashion world" said giving Marinette a discrete tender smile.
"Th-Thank you sir" said Marinette blushing.
"However, I'm not here to talk about your newly founded relationship" said Gabriel. "Marinette, as Miss Miraculous there is something you must do. If you may, please follow me".
"Good luck Marinette" said Adrien holding her hand.
"Thank you" said Marinette and then followed Adrien's father.
Part (1/2)
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ac-liveblogs · 4 years
Honestly, if there was a final boss for the Cindered Shadows Route - let it be Rhea, because from what I'm getting (at least with Yuri and Hapi), Rhea is partially to blame for their strife and the Cindered Shadows route further reveals how messed up of a person she is. I can understand the oil bit, but halting medical and technological advances for the sake of the goddess is pretty dangerous and reckless. Not to mention people in the Church want abyss gone, so a set up there.
Uh, I disagree. Rhea isn’t even a little bit to blame for their strife. Yuri killed some Church folk (after being manipulated into it by Aelfric), he got punished for it, he ended up in Abyss. That was his own fault. Even then, his supports make it clear he does what he can to cosy up to people in power, which would indicate he chose to work for Rhea of his own volition.
As for Hapi, that also wasn’t Rhea’s fault. Hapi was experimented on and became extremely dangerous to society, and instead of putting her down like Old Yeller Rhea let her stay in Abyss where if anything does go wrong, it can be controlled. It sucks but it was genuinely the safest option for everyone that wasn’t actually killing Hapi. I get why Hapi’s bitter, but come on. 
Anyway, both of them can pretty clearly leave whenever, so it’s not like real house arrest or anything. Abyss reads as Rhea going “yeah these people have nowhere else to go and I can’t keep them upstairs for [x] reason, I’ll turn my head the other way”, which reads as pretty damn benevolent to me. In the canon timeline, Abyss isn’t even a secret… 
If the Church wanted Abyss gone, it’d be gone. The Knights are right there. I’d be very wary of taking any information Aelfric provides as gospel, ditto the opinions of the Wolves that had absolute faith in him at the time they gave those opinions. Aelfric had every reason to try and isolate the Wolves to make them think they couldn’t ask for help or try to leave - of course he told them the Church was against them! (also, we never fought church units.)
Although I wouldn’t blame Rhea for being extremely wary about any of the more dangerous criminals taking refuge down there. 
As for Rhea blocking technology… I haven’t seen all the books yet, but uh, re: Rhea blocking medical developments, that refers specifically to autopsies. And we know that’s wrong, because Manuela literally keeps an anatomical model in her office. (Also, iirc Manuela autopsied Jeralt.) Since I believe it’s said that some of the books could be fakes, I would take that with a massive grain of salt.
Rhea isn’t evil. The Church needs some reforms, but there’s no reason to make a final boss of her unless you’re an invading Emperor that wants to consolidate all power in Fodlan under your country’s banner. 
Anyway, on the flipside, Yuri and the Wolves would be a much better pick for a neutral “discovering the truth” outsiders route than the Golden Deer imho. Abyss has every reason to try and investigate both Edelgard and Rhea once the war starts, since they could be absolutely fucked depending on which side wins. Yuri’s savvy enough to smell a conspiracy if there’s one afoot and smart enough to sift through Aelfric’s bullshit, so I imagine it’d be very natural for him to want to start working out what the Church is hiding. (Plus Abyss is literally a dumping ground for outsiders.)
Abyss is in a prime location to clash with the Flame Emperor’s crew and apparently does run the risk of random Death Knight incursions, so it’s easy to see how they’d get dragged into that mess and why they’d want to investigate. Plus, Hapi probably even has a grudge against Those That Slither, since apparently they’re responsible for what happened to her. 
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blackoxigen · 5 years
I need to take this off, im sorry
First im so sorry for my bad english, im not really good at this, but i want  let everything off my chest, i dont know what else to do or ask for help ...
He was not the best boyfriend, he was not the best person, but he was my first boyfriend, and was the first person to show and fight for my love ...i never felt love before, not my friends, not my family, not other guys. We broke yesterday, in a special day for my university and that all student wait all year, so instead of listen to the tipical genre of my country, “fado”, i felted ... i felt “saudade”, i felt the nostalgy and the sadness in the voice of the singer and on every words he singed ... i know was not totally my fault cause is need two for dancing tango, but i also know that i am to much ...
Im having again problems with my body and i stop eating almost everytime exept if im high, one of my closed friend catch something that is also my biggest fear, so I dont leave him, but i cannot control my paranoias,  im not talking to my mom cause he fight a lot and i was never really close to her and i put a end up on it, im having money troubles, im getting addict to drugs, i no more function without them, im having panic attacks almost everyday, my OCD is taking almost EVERY BIT of my time to think, my voices dont shut up, im feeling so fucking lonely, i miss so much some days ... some people ... but what i miss most is being calm ... is being stable, i cannot control my feelings anymore, i cannot express them ... i cannot be happy ...
Im getting worst, the other day i went to the emergency room from the hospital I end up in the psychiatrist wing, and i talk a bit, not much, but a bit. I was afraid of being lonely so i went with a friend, but he take to much time to see the first doctor so i said him to go ... after that was hours of pure fear ... i think a lot ... everything that i was or i have been ... im having a lot of this now, thinking in life and death, trying to understand the realitty but that is even worst, im losting my capacity to tell a part what is “real” and what is “fake”, i was never good with feelings so I relly a lot on my brain and science ... is falling now, the only pillar that i had left ... my mind is not working anymore, this is my last chance to end my bachelor degree and im still falling, i even fail a examn today ... i sleeped 6 hours for over a week and half.
I want to run, I want to be happy, i want to feel protected, his arms were that in the first time ... but it wasnt anymore in a few time ... so when i went to another city because of work i seat in the train station and see the train living to my city, one by one, i couldn’t enter on one, because i knew that wasnt my home, so i thought about going to my hometown ... but there is not my house as well ... i dont have “familly”, that incondicional love, i dont have the friend that will protect me with finger and theths, i dont have the love one that will fight for me because he love me ... i will never be the first choice, i never been, even if is against a single chocolate, people prefer the chocolate over me, that happen with my ex-boyfriend ...
And with that i still have the problem with my voices, that are the only one that stay with me and never leave, they make me feel bad but they are also there for me .. like no one ever been, they understand me, why is everyone asking me to change? Dont they understand that they are my familly? There are everything that i have left ... they protect me, they hug me, they fight for me, they pick me ... u guys just never try to get me, i try everything to protect u, i try everything to make you smile, i hide everything so u dont need to choose if u want to leave or not, i take the blame in everything ... i dont want anybody to get hurt ... and in the end i just get hurt by everything ... the worst of that is that was my choice ... and in the end nobody try to understand why do I do what I do, no one ...
I don’t know what is happening, i dont understand what im feeling, i just know that im getting super tierd of everything, im just getting affraid of everything ... I just want something to keep me trought, something that i can hold on ...
I just want try feel real hapiness and love ... i just want to be okay ... i just want to live and not survive ...
If u read this thank u so much ... just be happy okay, u are amazing just keep going and keep fighting <3
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got to crimson flowers on my maddening but everyone is a terrible class run.
surprisingly its now edelgard that’s lagging behind on damage/survivability, her speed isn’t high enough to double enemies and her strength isn’t great though that’s more rng than class choice. it also might be because the enemies are 10 level higher than my units. i had to restart myrdin because i forgot there was a second chest so i couldn’t reach it before judith fled. the next attempt leonie+gang managed to corner dorothea (will die from any one attack) so instead of going slow and methodical i decided  to grab the treasures and then warp/stride like 3 units to judith and then i divine pulsed until they all got their hits in. also enemy chadnatz.... the deadliest unit on the map. no joke most of the map was baiting enemies into range while avoiding ignatz because he kept killing even my sturdiest units. ignatz growth are very jack of all trade master of none so its really easy for him to not get enough strength, but enemy ignatz hoooooo enemy ignatz is always a beast. ingrid has a similar problem with enemy ingrid being the deadliest thing on the field by recruited ingrid often being pretty useless. also edelgard maxed out swords so she’s a mage now aka even worse. and balthus maxed axe so now he’s using lances with a skill level of E aka he can’t hit anything.
derdriu is next and... i miss claude.... so no joke my units are level 25 and this map’s are like level 35-37. so i was thinking of ways to stride/warp to claude in one turn and take him down. i sadly don’t have any good flying units. like anna is a level 25 wyvern rider but she also does 0 damage. annette is actually pretty good actually but that’s only in comparison to everyone else she’s fragile and doesn’t hit too hard. jeritza is actually probably my best unit and thats only because he wasn’t stat screwed by me putting him in bad classes. also im jealous of enemy claude’s stats, i wish my claude’s stats were that good.
welp that didn't work. so I can get byleth over there in two turns with warp/stride/dance but byleth's only flying class is dark flier and again 10 level difference. he actually vl 38. so byleth cant 1 turn him and the archers take her down on the next turn. i could try to get a 2nd unit up there between rescue, keeping hapi alive for another warp, and more stride. to get byleth into another class i'd have to redo like 2 weeks so thats not happening. i also could just take the L and do things the intended way aka cutting a bloody path and killing everyone. i have confirmed that caspar and ferdinand can dodge tank.
rng giveith and rng takeith away. wow that was a bad level up. well ferdinand and caspar are my wyvern killers now i guess. I problem i’ve had with dancers in the past is that i made a magic user into one like dorothea or marianne but then they always die because they’re dancing someone on the front line. so caspar is unexpectedly making a good dancer.
these paralogues are HARD. 4 wyvern riders every turn that are 10 levels higher than me. and the land and sky i have to race catherine to the finish line through the forest and aggroed at least 20 enemies. ok im doing these later.
i did 2/3... but at what cost orz. now’s there’s just the insurrmountable. and all the items i have to steal... maybe I’ll just warp/stride constance does have dark knight now. i want exp tho...
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crackimagines · 4 years
Daisy and Sunshine (FE: Three Houses Full Fic)
All 3H AU’s Listed Here!
DOOM Paralogue
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On the Doom Slayer's day off, he loses track of his beloved pet Daisy, and he goes on the hunt to bring her back. He finds out quickly his day off is about to be put on hold...
“Against all the evil that hell can conjure,
All the wickedness man can produce,
We will send unto them, only you.
Rip and tear, until it is done...”
[Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
Doomguy rose from his bed and looked over to the side. Before he smashed his homemade alarm clock, it was about 8 in the morning.
Once he finished stretching, he looked at the calendar and sighed in relief. 
Being an instructor for House Isekai was tiring work. Even though he never spoke, there hadn’t been a day for these past few months where he hasn’t sighed out of disappointment.
Compared to the other houses, this one was trying to herd several cats.
Megumi, Cocytus, and if it ever got too bad, Byleth had to try and calm them down.
Sara did nothing to help and in fact only added fuel to the fire.
(Hayden) “Must you keep destroying the alarm every morning? We do have to keep an eye on our resources.”
The voice speaking was one of the AI’s that Doomguy had on him when he was transported to Fodlan. Personally he would have preferred if it was just his main assistant, Vega, here but he made do with it. It’s not as if Hayden could do anything.
Ignoring him, Doomguy got dressed in his Praetor suit and checked his rabbit pen.
Daisy was normally still sleeping at this hour, but she was wide awake. Her head turned to Doomguy.
Getting a small hay cube, he held his hand out to her, which she nibbled off his hand.
Nodding in satisfaction, he left his room for breakfast.
At the mess hall he met up with Megumi, Sara, Cocytus, Byleth and Seteth.
Once they all grabbed their plates and food, they sat down at a table near the entrance. More and more students eventually poured in and the Mess Hall went from nearly dead quiet to extremely busy.
(Sara) “Finally, a nice old Sunday! These aching bones need to rest.”
(Byleth) “...I don’t recall you doing anything other than do lectures, Sara-”
(Sara) “Exactly! Teaching is hard work, ESPECIALLY with the kiddos that we have!”
(Seteth) “Hmph, that I will agree with. House Isekai’s students seem to be more high maintenance than any of our three houses.”
(Megumi) “You have no idea, but it is fulfilling work!”
Doomguy nodded in agreement.
(Sara) “Bah, enough talking about classes already! I’m gonna be drinkin’ the day away as soon as breakfast is done!”
(Seteth) “My goodness, it is not even twelve yet!”
(Byleth) “I haven’t decided yet.”
(Megumi) “Neither have I. What about you, Slayer?”
Doomguy put his hands to his helmet’s chin.
He wasn’t too sure himself. He supposed he could read for today. It’d make a nice change of pace.
Doomguy shrugged at Megumi and went back to eating.
After everyone finished their breakfast, they all went their separate ways.
Turning off the chainsaw, he had finally finished making a makeshift hammock for himself and sat down. He put his helmet onto a leftover parts of a tree he had punched off.
Opening his book, he continued where he left off.
Dungeons and Demons, 6th Edition.
As he read, the morning slowly turned into early afternoon, students and staff passing by and waving hello at him.
He waved back, but hadn’t moved from his spot in hours as he tried to better understand how to play this new tabletop game.
A little later passed and the sun was still shining nice and warm over him. It seemed like the rules and lore within this never seemed to end, so he put it down to catch a small break.
It was then he noticed his helmet’s visor was glowing.
Raising an eyebrow he put the helmet back on and Vega’s voice appeared on screen.
(VEGA) “Slayer, your pet rabbit Daisy has escaped the cage.”
Normally he would have let Daisy explore and come back on her own, since she had a habit of doing that anyway, but he was in the mood to stop reading for the moment, so it was a perfect excuse.
Knowing already where her favorite hiding spot was, he put his book down on the log and went down to Abyss.
[The Forgotten - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
When he turned the corner, he was greeted by the Abysskeeper.
(Abysskeeper) “Oh, hey Slayer. Got something to report.”
Doomguy stopped walking and nodded at him.
(Abysskeeper) “We got that shipment of supplies we’ve been needing for a while thanks to your assistants. So thanks.”
Doomguy nodded again and grabbed a piece of paper nearby. Quickly scribbling onto it, he showed it to the Abysskeeper and pointed towards the paper’s drawing.
It was an extremely crude drawing of a rabbit.
(Abysskeeper) “Ah, your rabbit. Yeah I saw her run by, she’s fast on her feet. Think she went towards the former classrooms.”
Doomguy gestured his hand upwards as a sign of thanks and went towards that direction.
As he was walking, a familiar face emerged from the corner.
(Hapi) “Oh, Teary. What’s up, Daisy got down here again?”
Doomguy nodded.
(Hapi) “Hmph. Alright, I’ll help you look for her, wasn’t really doing anything anyway.”
Not needing to say anything further the two continued walking and searching every crevice for Daisy. After about 10 minutes of searching the classrooms, they decided to see if anyone else had seen her.
(Yuri) “Oh, hey you two.”
(Balthus) “Heya.”
Yuri and Balthus were in the main room with Angelica, and Sharon.
(Angelica) “’Sup?”
Sharon bowed.
(Sharon) “Good afternoon!”
(Hapi) “Supplies still being brought in, Yuri-bird?”
(Yuri) “Yeah, figured we would’ve been done about half an hour ago. Just how much were you able to get?!”
(Sharon) “When you’re as convincing as I am, you can get whatever you want!”
(Balthus) “That’ uh...ominous.”
(Angelica) “And that still didn’t answer his question.”
(Yuri) “Well anyways, we appreciate it. We’ll be good to go for the next few months with what we have. But I digress, what brings you to our humble abode, Slayer?”
(Hapi) “Teary’s rabbit got lost down here again. We were wondering if you saw it.”
(Yuri) “No idea, but I can send word for everyone to keep an eye out if that’ll help.”
(Constance’s voice) “AAAH!”
Everyone spun around as Constance ran in.
(Yuri) “That should be nothing new, but a large one?”
(Angelica) “Would that rat happen to have been a light brown color?”
(Constance) “Yes! It had massive ears and-”
(Hapi) “Coco, that’s a rabbit.”
(Constance) “A rabbit does not move like that! They hop around in an adorable manner, not bolt around at super speeds!”
(Sharon) “Well, looks like we have found your rabbit!”
(Yuri) “Which way did it go?”
(Constance) “Ugh, we are chasing it?! Let’s see, this way!”
Finally chasing her down towards the arena, she was sitting in the middle.
(Sharon) “Oh, I have not been down here in a while!”
(Angelica) “Wait, what?”
(Balthus) “Er, long story short, she, Megumin, Momon and Nabe, and Akechi were down here a couple months back. They actually helped us stop that Demonic beast in the cathedral.”
(Hapi) “Yeah, pretty sure I saw Sharon slit so many throats down here that some of the stains are still here.”
(Angelica) “Huh, so THAT’S what the whole demonic beast attack was about.”
Doomguy did have some recollection of defending the town during that period of time.
(Constance) “Now, mister Slayer shall you get your rabbit, please?”
Doomguy nodded and knelt down, trying to catch her attention.
Instead of running to him, she ran away in terror.
(Yuri) “Huh, that can’t be good.”
[Woven by Fate - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
A portal slowly started to emerge, with red alerts blinking on Doomguy’s screen.
(VEGA) “Alert! Demonic presence detected!”
Doomguy’s eyes widened as he quickly got up. He instinctively reached for a gun but had none on him.
(Hapi) “Ooooh crap!”
(Balthus) “Demons, seriously?!”
(Constance) “Did you sigh, Hapi!?”
(Yuri) “Everyone, just get ready for whatever’s coming through that portal!”
Everyone pulled their weapons out as Doomguy walked closer to the portal.
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“Slayer...I have found you once more...”
(Balthus) “Uh...are they buddies?”
(Hapi) “B, does it look like they’re friends?!”
(Constance) “Then what is he?!”
(VEGA) “That is a Marauder.”
His voice was coming from nowhere, in which they were all confused by.
(Hayden) “Do not be concerned of where his voice is coming from, focus your attention to the incoming portals!”
Behind the Marauder appeared several demonic beasts, some from Fodlan while some others came from Doomguy’s world.
(VEGA) “He will handle the Marauder, I recommend taking out the smaller beasts so he may focus on his task.”
Angelica cracked her knuckles.
(Angelica) “You got it!”
(Yuri) “Everyone, on me!”
Doomguy was looking back at the group and was relieved. VEGA and Hayden would be ensuring they’d be alright.
(Marauder) “How amusing. You think that they will be safe.”
Doomguy slowly turned to the Marauder and gestured towards him, daring the Marauder to even try.
They circled each other as the Marauder activated his Rune Axe, and Doomguy’s wrist blade shot out.
(VEGA) “Your team’s current objective, Rip and Tear!”
[Super Gore Nest - Doom Eternal]
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Begin the slaughter?
>[Yes] Yes
Victory Conditions: Rip and tear the enemy commander.
Defeat Conditions: Leave the area not filled to the brim with demonic organs.
Doomguy threw the first swing, the wristblade bouncing off the Marauder’s shield. 
The Marauder retaliated by swinging the axe overhead, crushing the concrete beneath him as Doomguy dove out the way.
A demonic imp jumped onto Doomguy’s back. Doomguy grabbed the imp by the throat and slammed it down onto the floor, his boot completely crushing the upper skull with its guts and blood splattering onto the floor.
The shoulder cannon spewed out flames behind Doomguy catching a demonic beast into flames as it howled out in pain.
Doomguy countered the Marauder’s axe with his wristblade, and used his freehand to gut punch the Marauder.
Staggering backwards, several hell hounds formed next to the Marauder and charged Doomguy.
(Yuri) “I can’t believe that guy’s so used to this!”
Yuri got his sword out of a demonic beast as another one tried to eat Balthus.
Balthus managed to punch it away, making it fall back onto its side.
Sharon used her wires to tangle it’s mouth shut as she threw her knife into its eye.
(Hapi) “His name is Teary for a reason, Yuri-bird!”
(VEGA) “Actually, his name is-”
(Hapi) “Not now, VEGA!”
Constance used her magic to disintegrate several demons into dust while Hapi did the same with her magic.
Angelica grabbed one of the demons and slammed its face into the wall, and kicking the head so hard into it, it exploded.
Another one tried to swipe at her, but was grabbed by Balthus. He snapped off its neck before slamming it into the floor, with him stomping it to death.
Angelica turned to Doomguy and noticed just how many enemies were around him.
(Angelica) “Some of us need to back him up!”
(Hayden) “That is ill advised, Rogner. Getting in his way is a good chance for you to lose your limbs.
(Sharon) “We should leave him to his fun, yes?”
(VEGA) “That is the recommended course of action. Several more portals appearing behind you.”
A demonic beast came charging out with everyone diving out the way.
With the last of the hellhound being punched so hard, the skull exploded into fragments, he checked his surroundings and noticed a massive shadow above him.
Doomguy spun around and ripped apart the jaw of a massive demonic bird-like beast that tried swooping in, using the upper beak to stab it in the skull while using the lower beak as a makeshift weapon.
Several more demons tried to rush him, and were immediately impaled with the sharp end of the beak.
The Marauder fired an energy projectile from his axe and flew towards Doomguy.
He threw the beak at the projectile, letting the beak and the demons stuck in it get cut in half as he charged the Marauder.
The Marauder charged and the wristblade and axe clashed against each other.
The Marauder brought out a shotgun and was about to fire before Doomguy headbutted him, and grabbed it from his hands.
He ripped the gun in half and threw it to the side, taking out one of the Marauder’s main weapons.
(VEGA) “Friendly portal inbound, we are dropping a weapon for you, Slayer.”
A blue portal appeared above Doomguy, and he raised his hand upwards and caught his super shotgun.
Finally having a gun again, Doomguy started to smile underneath his helmet.
The first Demon that tried to rush him got the barrel in its mouth, its head completely blowing apart into tiny chunks.
Reloading, he looked at the group of demons enclosing around his group. His shoulder cannon shot a grenade out behind him as he rushed to help.
Angelica and Balthus shattered the skull of a demonic beast with the force of their punch while Yuri was dodging swipes from several imps.
Sharon’s wires grabbed and wrapped around their necks as she pulled them over to her.
It tried clawing Sharon, but its head was immediately sliced off from the garrote going through its neck.
She continued smiling as she threw her knife at an imp’s head attacking Yuri, which he grabbed the dagger and drove it into mouth of the last imp.
Hapi and Constance closed the last portal with their magic before making it explode, the demons around it bursting into limbs with blood flying everywhere.
(Constance) “Such detestable creatures!”
(Hapi) “We keep killing but there’s so many!”
A flying demon was about to attack them from behind until it was grabbed out of the air by a hook.
The hook suddenly closed in with Doomguy flying towards it and ripping the beast in half with his wristblade.
(Hapi) “Teary, any chances of this fight finishing up soon?!”
He looked at Sharon and pointed at her wires.
(Sharon) “Oh, you require this? Of course, mister Slayer!”
He nodded in thanks as he held the wires firmly in his hands and turned to Hapi, gesturing towards the Marauder who was running towards them.
(VEGA) “Everyone, the last of the demonic forces are closing into your position, a defensive line would be recommended!”
Hapi ran ahead of Doomguy and readied her magic while Doomguy was catching up behind.
(Marauder) “A friend to the Slayer? Then allow me to open your eyes to this-”
Hapi interrupted him by shooting a fireball at him, which he reflected with his shield.
(Hapi) “Shut the hell up, would you?!”
The smoke disappearing, the Maruader took his chance and swung towards Hapi, only to be blasted in the chest by Doomguy who was now standing in front of her.
Wasting no time, Doomguy used Sharon’s wires and wrapped around its neck, and he kicked him towards Hapi.
Hapi used dark magic and blasted the Marauder upwards into the air.
Tugging the wires forcefully down, the Marauder went crashing down into the concrete, shooting up several bricks upon impact.
Using the wristblade to stab into his eyes, he used the wires to get him out of the hole, shot a grenade into it, then threw his body back.
Using his suit’s dash, he went over to Hapi and shielded her from the explosion that sent body parts and blood raining down on the arena.
No one was spared from a shower of gore that landed on them.
Yuri and Balthus looked slightly annoyed while Constance was screaming that so much bits of guts was on her.
Angelica made a noise that didn’t decide if it was a swear or sound of disgust while Sharon stood completely still, her smile not even twitching.
(Yuri) “Well...didn’t think a rabbit hunt would turn into a demonic invasion.”
(Balthus) “Sure was fun!”
(Angelica) “Eugh, son of...Well, at least it’s over.”
(Sharon) “I would be happy to wash everyone’s clothes if they wish for it!”
Doomguy’s shoulders relaxed as he turned to Hapi.
There was only bits of blood on her, but she looked more annoyed than anything.
(Hapi) sigh “Finally that’s over with.”
(Constance )”H-HAPI?!”
Doomguy cocked his shotgun back and turned to the side, blasting a demonic beast that came charging in.
The blast sent skull and eye fragments scattering into the air as it stopped in its tracks, sliding across the bodies and debris.
(Hapi) “Thanks. Now, let’s go find Daisy, yeah?”
(VEGA) “Daisy is currently hiding in a small hole to your right.”
Doomguy nodded and motioned for Hapi to follow. Everyone else joined him.
[Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
Doomguy emerged from the entrance of Garreg Mach alongside everyone else, while he held Daisy in his arms, softly petting her to calm her down.
Byleth passed by and stopped, looking at all of them.
(Byleth) “...Is...everything alright?”
They were absolutely soaked in blood and giblets, all of them standing awkwardly.
Doomguy nodded at Byleth.
(Hapi) “We’re uh, we’re fine thank you. Everything’s fine...How are you?”
(Yuri) “Hey, professor.”
(Balthus) “Pay no attention to our gut soaked rags, professor!”
(Angelica) “Yeah, don’t mind us.”
(Sharon) “Excuse us, we had a bit of a struggle down in Abyss.”
(Byleth) “I can see that.”
(Constance) “P-Please direct us to the baths, Professor Byleth.”
(Byleth) “...To your left, up the stairs.”
Everyone went towards the baths to get washed up.
Once everyone was finally washed up and went their separate ways, Hapi went with Doomguy to this room.
Doomguy set a small tea set down at the table and poured them a drink.
After a few minutes of silence as they ate some snacks, Hapi laid against her chair.
(Hapi) “Thanks, Teary. That hit the spot.”
Doomguy nodded as he drank the remainder of his tea.
He looked over at the cage where Daisy was resting comfortably.
(Hapi) “By the way, thanks for saving our butts there. Not that I had any doubt that you would’ve left us anyway.”
Doomguy didn’t say anything, but Hapi knew he would have said “No problem”. Or at least that’s what he gestured.
(Hapi) “...Ya know for being a person who never speaks, you’re a really nice guy.”
Doomguy tilted his head in confusion but she just chuckled.
(Hapi) “The scariest man alive serving tea and caring for a pet rabbit. I’m sure girls like me would just be swooning.”
Doomguy waved his hand dismissively.
(VEGA) “Perhaps we can get a dating site when we get back, Slayer?”
(Hayden) “As if.”
Doomguy punched the wall to signal to the both of them to shut up.
(Hapi) “I said that as a joke but now I’m pretty curious...”
Doomguy glared at her.
(Hapi) “Alright alright, forget what I said!”
She continued to chuckle as he sighed through his helmet. The two continued to sit in silence as his attention was brought over to Daisy.
Daisy was woken up by the sound but looking at Doomguy. He walked over to the cage and fed her small hay cube, which she nibbled off his hand.
Nodding in satisfaction, he went back to the table and enjoyed a quiet tea time with Hapi.
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namsmaboi · 6 years
Jin- Happy new year…
Hi everyone. Happy new year. Wish you a new year full of hapiness, health, achievements but mostly full of self-love.
This is a scenario about celebrating new year with Jin. Enjoy and feedback is always welcome. Bonne lecture.
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You’ve spent the whole day of new yeat at Jin’s parents. You’ve exchanged gifts and wishs and filled the living room with heartfelt laughs and joy.
Dressed in a cream wool sweater and dark jeans, Jin’s cheeks were flushed by the heat provided by the thick turtle neck. He looked cute and it is only sfe to say that you couldn’t part from his side the whole time.
As night started to get darker, Jin insists that you leave to continue the celebration somewhere else where he booked a table for you two, a plan you were not aware of.
“Why didn’t you tell me we were celebrating together tonight? I thought we’d stay at your parent’s.”
“I wanted to spend the last moments of this year with you. And … I wanted to show you something.” Intrigued by his words, you let him drive you to one of the most expensive hotels, drag you to the rooftop restaurant and towards the table set in a beautiful place with a breathtaking scenery of the city.
It wasn’t cold surprisingly. Your casual yet chic outfits kept you warm, and you didn’t look odd to the sophisticated environment, for you were two posed and a beautiful couple that seemed to even outstand the beauty of the place.
People say you are a match made in heaven. You are both kind hearted, beautiful, successful in your careers, and make lame jokes.
Actually, it was the reason why you clicked easily at your first encounter. You were both on a plane, heading to your own appointments abroad. You were bored so you started cracking jokes to your co-worker sat next to you. You were used to receive silence and eye rolls, but that day a unique laugh was heard coming from the seat behind you. The least we can say is that the rest of the flight wasn’t boring anymore for the both of you.
Keeping in touch and finding time to meet as friends at first was hard, yet the more you knew about each other, the struggle and distance seemed to evaporate.
After a year of being friends, he asked you on a date and it was the start of many others.
Jin is anything but boring, and he lived on that basis throughout your relationship. He bought you a puppy on your birthday, made you pack in an hour for an unexpected week road trip, took you to meet his mum when you were wearing sweatpants thinking you were out shopping for ingredients for a stew…
He is known to be very careful at planning things and paying attention to details and wary of risks, yet when it comes to you he can’t be patient or organised, the fact that he barely has free time to spend with you makes the moments he’s by your side the most precious to him. He learned to cherish time when he’s with you, but that still doesnt explain why he is looking at his watch every two seconds throughout dinner.
“Is everything okay? You seem preoccupied.” You ask him, laying your hand on top of his soft one.
“Yeah, it’s just… I don’t want to miss our midnight kiss.” He smiles at you but surprisingly it doesn’t reach his eyes.
Paying closer attention to his body language, you realise he’s actually nervous, which is a foreign sight on Jin.
As you open you mouth ready to ask him more seriously what is bothering him, his eyes look up and fixate on something behind you, making you turn you head too.
The waiter approaches your table, hands carrying a black leather folder, and stands right at Jin’s side.
“Sir.” That’s all he says before giving you a polite smile and disappear into the building.
“What is that Jin? Is it work? Is everything okay?” Your heart starts beating faster as your worry grows deeper, especially when you catch the trembling in his hands.
“Yeah… it’s nothing…” His voice has never sounded so small and weak.
Not knowing what to do, you keep staring at him in silence while his eyes avoid yours, until he let out a long sight and says “ Actually, this is for you.”
Confused and lost, you look at Jin as he takes the two strides twards your side, lays the folder in front of you and ushers you with a hand sign to open it.
Now it was your turn to have shaking hands, opening the folder and reading the black bold title at the top of the first page.
Jaw to the floor, eyes watering, you can’t believe what you have in front of you, reading again and again the same words.
Attempting to ask the words, you lift you head to find Jin already crouching on one knee, holding in his trembling hands a black box.
“Thanks to my job, I have been to too many places, seen different people and felt different emotions, yet there is no comparison to the way I feel right now, next to you. I’m used to performing in front of crowds and you know, I’m not easily intimidated, but the nervousness I feel right now is overwhelming.” He stops to take a breath and continues. “I was most of the time made fun of by the boys, saying that I’m head over heals for you, I guess that is why I’m scared right now of doing something that would ruin this. Aaah… I’m talking too much sorry…” He says letting his free hand running over his face.
“It’s okay.” Your voice is equally weak.
“What I mean to say…” He clears his voice that came out so soft and trembling. “What I mean to say is that I love you too much to imagine my life without you. You have become the thing I’m scared to lose more than my life. You have become the reason I stand tall and confident in who I am. You have become my everything, and because I’m impatient, instead of just proposing to you today, I brought the papers to sign and become one officially today. So, would you be my wife?”
Closing your eyes tightly to clear your view from the tears, you lean in towards his face, placing your right hand on his cheek and connect your foreheads.
“Yes.” You almost whisper making your lips touch.
You nod taking his lips into a deep kiss.
When you part from the kiss, you feel your ringfinger heavier as Jin’s hand caresses your palm.
When you look down at your intertwined hands, you see a beautiful ring ornementing your finger.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes. I love it. Thank you Jin.”
You stay long in silence, content in each other’s embrace, lost in your feelings.
Sitting on you seat, having you on his lap, you ask Jin pointing at the forgotten folder in front of you “Should I sign this now?”
“Yes. I’d like to take you home tonight as my wife.” He says resting his chin on your shoulder, his eyes following the curves of ink you draw on the paper.
The moment you stop dragging the pen on the paper, fireworks explode in the sky surprising you. It was midnight.
“Happy new year Jin.”
Tightening his embrace, he whispers into your ear “ Happy new year dear wife.”
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jimmynames · 3 years
took me long enough.. 
I don’t know why I put this off, I was meant to write something along these lines on the 4th of July as I have done religiously for the last 4 years before.. but something felt different this year.. I feel different tbh.. where to start..
I guess from right now to as far close as the 4th as I can remember.. It’s been an incredible year.. I’ve learnt a lot, both in code and my self but now also music.. I’m growing and have grown as a person, man, individual.. it cost me some friends and even some shame along the way but tbh can’t change anything and it made me who i am today so /shrug emoji lol It’s odd this ‘growing up’ thing.. so many constraints implied by society as to what a 29 (now) (was 28 when i shoulda wrote this) man should be doing with his life.. thankfully I feel writing this now more so than say the 4th aligned with ideals within myself as to what maturity is and what I want rather than should be doing.. I guess I have a lot to say =} 
I love you Dad, I miss you so much, it’s so cruel that I carry on growing and you can’t see it - althuogh I do believe you are watching, with your signs and whatever else idk could be a cope but still.. I am your son.. I feel it.. I see it.. I know it and it’s a wonderful feeling - to grow into the shadow and shine to cast my own in the image of yourself but inherently through my own agency and digression - myself. Quite the model to follow so thankyou with all my heart. Still looking forward to dying.. even completed the fucking motorbike mission but as it so happens I wasn’t as reckless as I intended and didn’t die - but instead I was safe and found a real desire to live.. sentiments remain about the alure of death but it’ll come in good time no doubt :D
This will, and happiness it’s the result of the past years work. I moved home around September and embarked on so many changes it’s unreal actually lol.. I lost mates, I started therapy.. I made some mistakes and I took accountability.. I discovered what real friendship is and who my real friends are.. still pains me to think of some friends who might not be friends but everyone’s human and as jeff said, a bitch ass ni***a so gotta account for people’s weaknesses as much as you consider their strengths.. jsut wish those that wronged me would consider the same for myself but we stay moving.. 
Therapy was amazing.. first I saw Kirsten and whilst she was good Laura really was the one.. shoutout the NHS.. processing some stuff and even just having a healthcare professional acknowledge my pain was theraputic.. 
I bought a motorbike and fixed it up.. proper took it apart, repaired , painted, put back together and then had the pleasure of speeding around and doing missions, cruises and what not all this year.. it was a sick project and an unforgettable journey.. there’s no cmd+z on a motorbike that’s all im saying.. it was sick to go from 0 to hero lol but like have an idea and execute it.. I do believe this is my power - execution and tennacity.. 
I told myself from the 1st of janurary 2020 i would label myself as an artist in whatever form or shape that takes.. I could of done nothing and I would still hold this true.. and I’m glad I did because I guess I started making art.. What’s cool is in doing so.. I starting producing more work, both in music and graphics.. I found myself friends and in circles I’d only ever consumed via soundcloud.. I even got invited to join a art crew and travelled to berlin to hang out with some artists.. shoutout n0_ZoN3 for real for real based group of people who aint into PC culture.. low key refreshing btu still decent human beings.. 
Erm so music =}}} I got into Hong Kong Radio!! Had dj collectives from around the world hit me up for mixes and made some super cool friends and connections.. started studying music theroy and even had a respectable musican say he’s seeing growth and musicality from myself in each and every release so that’s exciting.. I didn’t even know the word ‘musicality’ until then.. in the past year I kinda grounded myself.. I’m not a DJ I’m not a producer.. so don’t act like one :D but also I’m jsut a guy who has decks and knows some basics about ableton :)) and that’s al there is to it.. I share what I make when I feel proud of it and I stay learning.. we’ll see how far I get but tbh it’s not like ‘i uave to do this’ lol it’s just something im pationate about :) I’m sooo hapy and glad I got into it FINALLLY fuck sake james.. silly boy.. either way I’m a man now and all I can say is I’m discovering my sound through making beats and songs and I’m excited for the next year.. plan on getting piano lessons and just dedicating more time to it.. especailly when im living on my own omg.. just finishing work and spinning the decks no one else.. jsut you and the vibe.. yeah dreamy stuff.. and all of this ALL of this.. 
is soley possible because of CODE. my god. how grateful I am for it and myself for makign this deicison and begingin this path of learning and ‘development’’... it’s amazing how much it’s all entertwined.. everything.. from inception and conceptuation and delivering dreams into reality which seeps into that of other realsm like music and the motorbike. 
okay so i spent the last two nights refactoring my code on my personal site as a means of exercising some redux knowledge - and I was successful :D feels so good to have had enough eureka moments at least to get some basics down.. just need a few more xp’s and should have it on lock.. fuck july 2019 was so long ago.. I built a VR world for a mix to celebrate one year in music.. should really record 2nd year soon :thinking-face: maybe new vr world :thinking-face: built some sites for businesses both indivudally and also as part of Verlay which is myself, Jacob and Jeff and Ari as consultant either way im running out of time becfore the year ends.. 
I’m happy
life is good
life is life
life is pain
I wrote some poems
I made some songs
I mixed some mixes
I fixed a bike
I moved home
I healed
I reconnected
I natured
I quit smoking
I became clean from drugs
I went to therapy
I swam every day for a while
I started the gym
I ate a lot
I grew up?
I got into skincare
I got into sleep
Im still me
I started telling people my name was james 
i fell out with some friends
I made a lot of new friends
Im moving to glasgow
I’m excited for the future
like really excited..
like I can’t believe how lucky and happy I am
I miss you Dad so much more than words can evoke
I got closer with alex
I helped my siblings and i grew closer with my mum
redux on lock
nick mills’ website
verlay ramp up efforts x deliverables
travel scotland
get full bike licence
get my own place
gym x gains
more react
more organisation
more chords
more midi
more music
more freedom
more self
more love
more life
shoutout the real ones
love to the closest and dearest 
fuck the haters <3
0 notes