#and work to a life where I’m actively thriving
clingylilhoneybee · 9 months
I am being so goddamn brave
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stacy-fakename · 8 months
I’m sorry, but my type-a ass cannot be against the Rat Grinders. They’re essentially the kids that couldn’t get the special treatment from teachers and get by on stumbling through tests and happening to get an A without studying. The Rat Grinders feel less like people who cheated the system, and more like the kids who aren’t naturally gifted or lucky, and have to spends hours on end studying, doing extra homework and extra credit, losing their social lives and free time to catch up with the kids who can just breeze through it. Fig never went to a single class or did any homework but gets away with it because the coach, lunch lad, and vice principal are her dads, Kristin and Riz did literally the worst thing their respective class can do, Gorgug actively works to avoid using the main feature of his class whenever possible, Adaine became the Oracle through seemingly happenstance, and Fabian’s rich family bought his way into the extra curricular he’s now the captain of, and all of them skipped half of freshman year! Obviously we, the audience, know that they worked their asses off to get through school each year and to get where the are today. We know they earned every little good thing they have! Fig has worked so hard to become the rockstar she is! Kristin literally brought back a god! Riz in a supergenius detective! Gorgug is an incredible barbarian and artificer! Adaine works so hard to help all of her friends survive a toxic system! Fabian slaved away to earn his achievements himself instead of letting his father’s legacy be his identity! But think of it from an outside perspective, without all the knowledge that only the audience has! These random kids stumbled into three adventures that let them skip grinding for XP, got to miss half a year with no consequence, get special privileges and quests because they are related to or friends with the faculty, never do their assignments or go to class, became popular because of their privileges, and now randomly start spouting micro aggressions towards halflings? If I was one of the Rat Grinders, I’d be pissed off too! I’ve been both the gifted kid, seemingly effortlessly breezing through classes and befriending the entire faculty while secretly going through terrible struggle and stress, and the kid desperately trying to game my way through a system built to harm me while being furious at those who seem to thrive in it, and I can’t help but feel empathy for both. I don’t think the Rat Grinders are evil, cheating monsters who plan to destroy the Bad Kids out of spite. I think they’re just kids in a harmful toxic school system that have a lot of righteous anger at their lot in life, that has sadly been misdirected. Idk if this ramble made sense, sorry for the wall of text!
Edit:Introducing Ivy Embra, the first Rat Grinder to actually be antagonistic to anyone in any way! Also introducing Oisin Hakivar, a super nice guy who’s willing to take advantage of his generational wealth in order to help a fellow student! So the first Rat Grinder to actively be nice to someone too! He likely did something with the ice mephits, but he still seemed genuinely sympathetic and helpful to Adaine!
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bberetd · 1 month
Mario and Daisy Headcanons
Currently on the road to go on vacation for the next week (and then go back to uni two days later 🫠) so I decided to take some time to write up some headcanons for Mario and Daisy! They’re a lot fun to draw, and just as much to write ☺️ I was originally going to pair it with the short ‘prologue’ story I had for them, but it got too long, so I’m gonna have it separate.
@vulpixfairy1985 @kelbreyworshipper @peaches2217 @itsavee4117 @supergay-64 @megamagimugi @pinkcreamypeach @wahooitsamee @silenzahra (when you’re ready <3) @mikibaby94 and @akiiame-blog I think you guys will like these 🤭
Meeting Each Other
• In their first few months of knowing each other, Daisy absolutely THRIVED on getting a rise out of Mario. “It’s funny seeing tiny people mad,” her reasoning was. It was always a good day for her, but it was a GREAT day when a vein was popping out of his forehead.
◦ Of course because everything is a game to Miss Daisy 😗
• The two had a rocky start… well, more on Mario’s end; Daisy was just there for a good time. For the most part, he remained civil towards her because she was Peach’s best friend and Luigi seemed to really like her (somehow).
• Not that Mario could never handle the truth, but to him, Daisy was ALARMINGLY blunt, ESPECIALLY around him, and had energy like he’s never seen before.
• What made him uneasy about her was how she interacted with people. She’s a physically affectionate person, so she’d do little things like shoulder punches/shakes, arm around the shoulder, hand on shoulder, playful pokes, etc. this was especially the case for Luigi, adding on spontaneous hugs, sometimes in the air.
◦ Luigi had to assure Mario over and over that he wasn’t uncomfortable, but the deep shade of red on his face around her convinced him otherwise.
◦ What made Mario snap was when she took Luigi on a solo tour around Sarasaland, but unintentionally got him badly hurt (more on this here), and immediately wanted nothing to do with her, no exceptions.
◦ Despite her questionable ways of showing affection, Daisy grew to genuinely like the bros, so she was disheartened when she heard the news. She wrote several letters to explain herself to give to Peach so she could give to Mario, but he was having none of it.
◦ A month after Luigi fully healed, Mario thought that maybe he was too harsh, but he still kept his distance.
• [insert event where Luigi is in trouble and they come together and bond over how much they care about him and learn a little more about each other in the process but NOT THERE YET… but at least Mario can stand to be around her again]
• What DOES make them closer is their love for sports and hands-on activities. Daisy is more eager to get her hands dirty unlike Peach, and unlike Luigi who would be more reluctant and stand behind Mario most of the time (of course the company is always appreciated)
◦ What starts off as a mission to annoy Mario (affectionate) turns into hours of cracking jokes, banter, life vents learning more from each other (whether it was what they were doing in the moment, from life or both).
• Mario’s nicknames for Daisy are Testa di spina (thornhead), D, Firecracker, Sriracha Queen, Crazy Daisy (more frequently when they were just meeting), and Petals
• Daisy’s nicknames for Mario are Red, Shortie, Short stack, SuperBoy, Fire hydrant, teletubby, Mawio, Mar-maid Man, Mustachio, Cap’n Lou (ironic right? also if you know you know), and Stimpy
Misc Headcanons
When these two work together in sports, they are a FORCE. They’re both jack of all trades on the field and on the racetrack.
When competing against each other however, it’s war. No mercy, no going easy on each other, but it brings out the best in them. Just to show respect and a sign of leaving their rivalry on the field, they do a long handshake.
Mario: *breathes*
and she’ll never go a day without letting him know it, but finds a unique way to show it each day.
They’re THE best hug givers. Mario and Daisy are incredibly warm people (Mario with his firebrand and Daisy ruling in a bright and humid environment). Mario’s stocky, so he’ll completely cover you with his love and warmth (and there’s plenty of him to hug in return), while Daisy’s hugs are tight but meaningful.
When these two hug each other, uh, let’s just hope they don’t squeeze the life out of each other 😅 they’re so competitive that they even need to compare who hugs better (creds to @teegeeteegee)
[Luigi and Peach walking and talking, then spotting Mario and Daisy either hugging or choking each other]
Peach: …What are you guys doing?
Daisy, not moving her head: We’re hugging, duh.
Peach: Why? (Not used to seeing the two showing this much affection to each other)
Mario: To see which of us hug better.
[L&P share a glance]
Luigi: Do you guys wanna, you know… unhug?
Mario and Daisy, realizing how nice the hug feels: …nah.
They’re partners in crime! They love pulling pranks on the koopas, goombas and other baddies, and maybe a harmless prank or two on the Toads and citizens over in Sarasaland.
It would take a near-death experience for either of them to ever say an emotional “I love you” to each other. At least Daisy mostly; Mario is more willing to say it. Daisy would usually say it lightheartedly (ex. “love ya!” followed by a punch to the shoulder or “you too” when Mario expresses his love out of habit). But they do show their care/love for each other through actions.
Mario knows Daisy is far from a princess who needs saving, but he still can’t help but have the need to protect her when the time comes.
Oh, and if you insult or hurt Mario, you better hope Daisy isn’t standing within a ten-mile radius with a steel chair.
Daisy loves to mess up Mario’s hair beyond recognition, while Mario loves to come up behind her and poke her sides (i imagine her making the “ah!” noise if you know, if not then this at 0:35)
When they feel playful, they talk to each other in funny accents.
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cypionate60mg · 7 months
I’m honestly so thankful you and others are blogging like this. First group of people to take trans masculinity a step further than “but I swear I’m not scary.” Delight in masculinity makes observers so uncomfortable, even other trans people. The new soundbite going around is “choosing to be a man is not apolitical,” which lays bare pretty much all the ways masculinity is feared and reviled by the queer community except in pockets of people living as they please. It makes me sad that others can’t see what a joy it is to expose and pursue truth and joy.
Hmm. There's about a dozen of these sorts of asks in my inbox, so consider this an answer to all of them.
I'm picking up some underlying implications here ("even other trans people" and "feared and reviled by the queer community") that I want to address, whether or not you meant for them to come through.
It's perfectly understandable for people to be nervous around hypermasculinity. The network of oppression that gatekeeps masculinity and manhood (different things that it wants to preserve as a single unit) is the same one that abjectifies and objectifies anything deemed 'insufficiently masculine.' Make no mistake. This is a machine that suppresses all trans people, but it thrives on the subjugation of trans women, singling them out as moral lessons for the failures of society.
I'll go ahead and respond to the quiet part out loud: I think it's ludicrous to imagine that the transphobia trans men/transmascs experience is both separate and parallel to transmisogyny. The subordination of all women of various intersecting experiences is the oppressive power that hurts us. Indirectly or directly. That doesn't mean what we experience is transmisogyny, either. And I don't think the appropriate response to the intracommunity fear is to wield masculinity like a weapon unused. I don't want to move through the world like a knife.
In my life, personally, the people who have been most supportive and excited to see me experiment with masculinity have been trans women and transfems. I'm extremely skeptical of how our sisters are scapegoated for the transphobia we as trans men and transmascs face. There are, obviously, always going to be arguments within the community. People who hate the other. But I refuse to let that define my relationship with people who I have so much to gain from loving and working with.
There are absolutely ways to talk about how trans men and transmascs struggle. It is important to our survival that we discuss this. And if anybody is ready to have that conversation without placing the brunt of the blame on trans women, I'm ready.
Of course I get scared of cis men, of other trans men, of myself, of what people think of me. But that fear won't be resolved by demanding others give up their own fear. It's resolved by demonstrating that we can make something worthwhile out of a grotesque, absurd concept. One that is used to subjugate so many people. We do, unfortunately, have to prove ourselves. We have to make community and make good on our promises. We have to push each other to be better, while still taking care of the ones who can't. There have always been people who have taken trans masculinity further than 'I'm not scary', and we would do well to continue on the paths they've paved for us.
Masculinity is a bit of a ravaged landscape. A gender Superfund site. It is a place where many things do not grow, and there is an active effort to prevent things from blossoming there. I'm making these stupid captions because I am hopelessly optimistic that we can change something. It doesn't mean we will be free of criticism or won't face transphobia from other people. But fuck, man. I'm not fighting for this because I want to jack off to being an incel without being chided for it. I'm doing this because we need to have a serious conversation about what it means to take on masculinity. How to enter into a space that we weren't necessarily invited into and not fall for its bullshit. It's high fucking difficulty, that's for sure.
I'm sorry for being intense, but this shit gets me heated.
Side note: this soundbite hasn't crossed my path, so I don't have any opinion on it.
That's all I have to say for now. I don't really want to talk about this any further, unless we can hinge the conversation on a non-transmisogynistic talking point. I'm happy to turn off asks if people can't handle that.
Much love, CYP60MG
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A Fresh Start [3]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: use of reader’s fake name, reader is on the run from her past, remember?, self-doubt, i think that’s it🤷🏻‍♀️
Word Count: 4,045
Summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night,  you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a  far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be  exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more  and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly  head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
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Chapter #03: MARSHAL DADDY
Chapter Summary: It’s difficult to eat dinner with someone who wears a helmet.
  “The greatest act of courage is to be & own all that you are. Without apology. Without excuses & without any masks to cover the truth of who you truly are.” ⏤Unknown
They say it takes three days to build a habit. Three days of an activity then your body and brain begin to crave that routine. You found that to be true, and by the fourth day of living and working for Nevarro's Mandalorian Marshal you were mostly comfortable. You had a schedule at least. In the mornings, you’d get Grogu up and start on breakfast while Mando got ready for work. Like you assumed, Grogu slept in Mando’s bedroom. There was a hammock style set up in a corner of the room surrounded by plush toys, animals, and thick blankets⏤ like a little nest. Then the Marshal would go to work and you’d spend the day with Grogu. Doing light chores around the house when able. Mando would be back from work before the sun went down and you’d have dinner ready for them. If that were all that was involved you’d consider yourself a pro already.
However, like most things in life, it wasn’t quite that simple.
Dinner time still felt rather awkward and you weren’t sure what to do with that. Mando didn’t plan on taking his helmet off around you, information you had gathered not been told, and Grogu was accustomed to seeing his father’s face in the evening. The first night you stayed in the house, you took dinner to your room to eat with the excuse of having to unpack. That’s where you hid until the house grew quiet because you were terrified of stepping out of your room and accidentally seeing Mando’s face. You weren’t sure the logistics of it all, but obviously the stories about Mandalorians not showing their face to the public were true and you’d feel awful if you screwed that up for him.
The next few nights you tried a similar tactic, but you could tell Mando felt odd about the entire scenario. Maybe he felt bad that you were hiding away in a house you technically lived in, or maybe he hated the idea of someone lurking in a back bedroom, but it was obvious this was not going to work. So, you made the excuse that Nima wanted to hang out, and on your third and fourth night you met your friend at the local cantina to drink. Mando preferred to do Grogu’s night time routine anyways so he got the kid into bed. You just had to be there in case he got called into work⏤ which hadn’t actually happened yet.
The point was, your system needed adjusting, but you were still in your first week of work. Obviously there would be issues and hopefully time would be the solution to it all.
“So, is this just where you’re going to live from 7:30 to 9:30 every single day?” Nima asked.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course not.” As a side note, you mumbled under your breath. “I can’t afford to drink that much.” Mando and you had agreed on a more than fair wage, but your salary wasn’t going to go far if you kept blowing it on drinks with Nima. “We’re still figuring things out.”
“Has he offered any solution?”
“I don’t want him to offer. I want to figure it out myself.” You argued. “That’s his  home. I’m intruding. I hate that he feels uncomfortable in any way.”
Nima pointed her glass toward you. “Counter argument. It’s your home now. He’s  paying  you to be there. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable either.”
“It’s⏤It’s more complicated than that.” You said. “It’s not like he’s doing this just to do it. The helmet thing is part of being Mandalorian, I think, and the only time he is free of that is with his son in the evening. I don’t want to take that from them.”
“Cara says it’s not all Mandalorians.”
“Apparently there are different kinds, or something, and they have different beliefs.” Nima replied. The two of you were sitting at the bar on stools you had claimed to be your own this week. Behind you the cantina was buzzing with life and music. This was a popular place to be in the evening, you weren’t alone in your routine. “The Marshal is part of the group that can never reveal their face to any living thing. But he shows it to his son so maybe that’s the exception.” Nima clapped you on the shoulder. “That’s it! You just gotta be adopted by him!”
“I don’t want to be adopted by the Mandalorian.” You snorted and lifted your drink to your lips.
“Why? You can call Marshal Mando ‘daddy’. Mmm, Marshal Daddy.”
You inhaled your sip of spotchka at her words and began to choke. Nima laughed in glee while you tried to cough up the blue, burning liquid that now resided in your lungs. When it was clear enough for you to speak, you glared at her. “Seriously?”
“He’s hardly my type, but there must be something about him considering how worked up the single women in this town get over him.” Nima shrugged. You chuckled in response. She wasn’t wrong. On your first day of being a nanny, Torlee had given you rather a cold greeting and she hadn’t been the only one. There were a handful of random people around town who would give you the stink eye as if you had stolen something from them. “So? What is it? You date guys. Tell me the secret.”
To be honest, you weren’t entirely sure. You had your guesses. There was something about the strong silent type that tended to strike up intrigue, and Mando was nothing if not strong and silent. It was really cute hearing stories about how serious and deadly he could be as Marshal and then watch him hold full conversations with his son at home. Duality of man, you supposed. Then there was his figure alone. Somehow, it left nothing to the imagination while also leaving plenty for a person to imagine. You, and everyone else it seemed, had no idea what he looked like under all that armor, but by the Maker was his shoulder to waist ratio godly.
Personally, you hadn’t caught the bug for him. Probably because, despite knowing he was human, you couldn’t stop picturing large green ears tucked into the helmet. As if Grogu had taken after him somehow. It was ridiculous, and you knew Grogu was adopted, but if imagining an aged up Grogu under the suit kept you from drooling over the man then it was for the best. He was your boss after all.
“I don’t know the secret.” You finally replied. “But if I figure it out, you’ll be the first to know.”
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Grogu’s eyes had already fluttered close, soft snores drifting from him, but Din couldn’t bring himself to set the child down yet. Peli told him dozens of times that it wasn’t good to let the kid fall asleep in his arms. Children were supposed to learn how to fall asleep on their own. Din figured Grogu could learn that skill later in life. Letting his son fall asleep in his arms was quite possibly his favorite part of their night time routine. It was when Din felt the most at peace.
Din continued to lightly rock Grogu as he stood in place by his bed. A soft buzzing sound had him reaching over to his dresser to pick up the communicator that rested there.
  ‘I’m home! Are you in your room?’
‘Yes.’  Din sent back. Seconds later he could hear the front door lightly click shut followed by quiet footsteps. They passed his bedroom, and Din stared at his communicator a second longer before typing,  ‘Good night.’
  ‘Good night to you too. Hope Grogu didn’t give you too much trouble.’
Din struggled with a response before deciding to just set his communicator aside. You were hardly a stranger at this point, but he still found himself at a loss of words. It didn’t help that the two of you were caught in quite the dilemma. Din didn’t know how to fix this problem. Well, he did, but it wasn't a step he was prepared to take.
The easiest solution was to take his helmet off and show you his face. Easiest in the sense that it was the least complicated, but in terms of how ready he was to handle that⏤ it may be the most difficult solution. Technically speaking, he wasn’t a Mandalorian right now. Apostate. That’s what the Armorer had called him, and he could hardly argue otherwise. Din had taken his armor off with Mayfield in order to find where Moff Gideon had taken his son. Mayfield had seen his face. Then, when he thought he was saying good-bye to his son, he removed his helmet once more. Grogu saw his face. Cara saw his face. Fennec and Bo-Katan. At that point, he knew he should never place it on his head again, but he had.
When the Armor asked him if any living thing had seen his face, he knew what the outcome would be. His creed had been lost. Boba had spoken to him for a long time about the Children of the Watch and about the reputation his helmet carried. According to the older man, there was more to the creed than hiding his face. Boba Fett was someone he respected greatly. His opinion on the matter held great weight, but in the quiet of the night Din still found himself doubtful. The Armorer agreed to redemption after all. If Din returned to Mandalore, bathed in the Living Waters, then he would be Apostate no longer. That had been his plan until Karga offered him a home and job here.
Din's plan had been to turn it down, carry forth with his mission to redeem himself, but upon further thought he didn't want to take Grogu to a potentially poisoned planet. Maybe one day, but for now he wanted peace. He wanted a life with his son, and Nevarro gave that to him. As he hadn’t redeemed himself yet, as he was still Apostate, that meant Din was free to take his helmet off right now. Technically speaking he had no creed to uphold, not until he went on his journey to Mandalore, but he still hadn't been able to bring himself to reveal his face to anyone but his foundling. He told himself it was because he didn't want to break his creed any further than he already had before finding redemption, but sometimes he wondered if that was all.
He spent a majority of his life wearing this helmet. It was a shield that separated him from the rest of the world. To be honest, Din didn't know how to go about his day with his face out for any stranger to see. He never wanted to admit to fear, but this gripped his soul. Up until now, he was able to push the thoughts aside and just live his life with Grogu by his side. It wasn't until you came into the equation that things changed. Now, he was forced to confront these thoughts.
What were his options? Show his face to you or fire you? The latter wasn't a feasible. Grogu had already grown attached, and Din would be lying if he said he hadn’t as well. Having you around was a relief. It had taken a weight off his shoulders he hadn’t been aware he was carrying. Hiring you had been a very, very good decision. Now, he just had to figure out how to keep you.
At the end of the day, he did not regret the choices he made regarding his helmet. If Din had to relive those days he would make the same choices over and over and over again. In his entire life, he never thought he’d find something worth more to him than his creed, but he had been proven wrong. Grogu was more important. His son. Din would reveal his face to the world twelve times over if it meant he could keep Grogu safe. He’d suffer the Armorer’s disdain and be exiled repeatedly if it meant he got to keep his son by his side⏤ help raise him and watch him grow.
Din did not regret the position he found himself in, but he did not know where to go from here. He couldn't expect you to hide away when the sun went down every day. DIn could argue that showing you his face would be for Grogu's benefit. Revealing his full identity to you was for his son. That's a sacrifice he's always been able to make. Still, he struggled.
With a soft sigh, Din set Grogu into his hammock and tucked him in. He snuggled deeper into the space and Din smiled at the action.
Solving this issue would take just one minute of decisive action. Don't think, just act. He was good at that. Din ran a hand through his hair, probably only making it messier, and readjusted his plain shirt and sweatpants. He didn’t have a mirror in his room, wasn’t used to needing one, and for the first time he felt annoyed by that fact. Settling in his resolve, Din stepped out of his room and quietly treaded to your closed door.
Din went to knock, but he found his hand hovering over the wood, 'What if she doesn't like the way I look?'
The thought was involuntary. It shoved to the forefront of his mind without any kind of warning. What? Where had that even come from? His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. That shouldn’t be something he cared about, yet now he couldn't shake it free.
He found you attractive. It was one the first thing he noticed, but he didn’t pay it any attention. His dating history was by no means extensive, but he was still a red blooded man. Din was just used to putting that kind of information to the back of his mind. Especially since Grogu became a part of his life. He hadn’t pursued anyone since he found Grogu. It just hadn’t been a priority to him.
Granted, you were difficult to ignore. He thought you were beautiful, and he thought it was cute that you tended to ramble anytime you got nervous. Plus, watching you with his son was addicting. Din could watch you play and chat with Grogu all day long. That had to be it. He was just hypnotized by the domestic bliss you carried with you. There was nothing more. If he was better at convincing himself of that then this would probably be easier. Din planned to knock, he wanted to, but despite logically working through the issue the question still remained and he found himself embarrassed that he had such a silly concern.
The sound of muffled steps alerted him that a decision needed to be made. His body was moving on its own accord, and he backpedaled silently to slip back in his room. Seconds later he heard your door open followed by the bathroom door opening and closing. Din rubbed his face and shuffled over to his bed to fall into it.
Tomorrow. He’d try again tomorrow.
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As your alarm began to blare, you blindly reached out to your nightstand table to silence it. You laid in bed a moment longer, stretching each limb, then sat up with a groan. Around this time in the morning, Mando was getting ready for work and Grogu would be in the process of waking up. You climbed out of bed and wandered out to the bathroom to use the toilet and quickly brush your teeth. Still dressed in your pajamas, you peered into Mando’s bedroom assuming that since the door was open it would be safe.
“Grogu?” You whispered and tiptoed in. Typically, you’d find him chilling in his hammock waiting for you to scoop him up. He was always the cutest and most cuddly when you picked him up in the mornings. Today though, you were greeted with an empty bed. “Huh.”
You turned out of the room and walked down the hall. You could hear Mando softly talking to Grogu, and Grogu’s giggly, mostly nonsensical responses drifting toward you. There was something odd about Mando’s voice, something your mind couldn’t place, but in your morning haze you didn't think to stop and puzzle out why. You stepped through the archway into the kitchen just to freeze.
Standing at the stove was a man.
His back was to you and you could see Grogu’s ears from where he was being held in one arm. He wore a plain gray t-shirt that was thin enough to see the outline of his shoulder blades and back. His sweatpants hung on his hips and that shoulder to waist ratio was undeniably familiar. This was the Mandalorian. You were staring at Mando. His helmet was resting on the counter by the stove. Soft, messy brown hair covered his head. The ends looked like they naturally curled, and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the tan skin rising up from his collar to where his hair met the nape of his neck.
You were so in awe that it took a second to realize the situation you were currently in.
This was Mando.
You were staring at Mando.
Helmet less Mando.
You couldn’t hold back the gasp that left you, and you quickly shut your eyes⏤ slapping your hands over them as well for good measure.
"Soran?" You heard Mando call out to you in surprise, but you spun around to leave the room. Unfortunately, in your panic, you misjudged where you stood and instead of rushing through the archway you ran straight into the wall. You yelped in pain and since you were too afraid to pull your hands from your eyes to catch yourself you ended up falling on your ass instead. You grunted, and Mando cursed. “Dank farrik.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” You blurted. “I am so sorry, Mando.”
“Are you alright?” Mando’s voice was altered once more to the tone you were most familiar with as it came through the voice modulator. "Soran?" He called out again in concern, and you could feel him kneeling near you. "Are you-"
You shook your head and didn't let him speak. “Mando, I am so sorry. I swear to the Maker, I didn’t see you.” You paused. “That’s sort of a lie. I saw the back of your head. You have brown hair. Really nice brown hair, but definitely brown hair. I swear though, I didn’t see your face.”
��You did nothing wrong.” Mando said. “You can open your eyes.”
His voice sounded like he was wearing his helmet, but you still found yourself nervous. You peeked through one eye between your fingers, hesitant, but when you saw silver beskar you breathed out a sigh of relief. Mando was knelt beside you, one hand resting on the archway you ran into, so his entire frame hovered over you. It still felt odd to see his bare arms, and now with him facing you it was clear to see all of his neck and his collarbones. You were gawking. You needed to stop. Luckily, Grogu was standing in front of you with his hands held over his closed eyes much like you had just been sitting. You chuckled and at the sound he peeked through his own hands.
Finally, you lifted your gaze back to the t-shaped visor, “Mando⏤”
He held up a hand, stopping your flow of words, and spoke firmly, “Are you injured?”
“Not physically. My pride hurts a decent bit.” You admitted. Mando let out a breathy laugh and the sound caught you off guard. You really hadn’t spent all that much time with him let alone spent the time making him laugh. You were mostly with Grogu. “I am sorry though.”
“If anyone is at fault, it’s me. I forgot to warn you I wasn’t working today, and I’m the one out in the open without my helmet.”
“Yeah, but this is your house. You have every right to wander all over this place, helmet less or not.” You replied. Just last night you had been talking to Nima about this issue, and it was growing more problematic by the second. You sighed. “Maybe… Maybe I should move out?” Mando stiffened and slowly tilted his head at you. “I can get a place in town, real close, and just come here in the morning before you leave for work and then leave when you get back.” Grogu crawled into your lap cooing and you wrapped your arms around him. “If you ever need me in the night you can just message me and I’ll run right over.”
Mando didn’t immediately reply and you nervously began to play with Grogu’s ears. The kid giggled and the sound was almost a good distraction for the tension in the air. Finally, Mando spoke up, “Are you... comfortable living here?”
“Am I⏤? Of course!” You said. “You’ve been so welcoming and my room is great and the job is perfect⏤” You shook your head. “You’ve been wonderful, Mando. I just don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable." He replied in a tone that settled the matter. "And if you’re not uncomfortable then,” Mando shrugged, “I think you should stay.”
There was a warmth in his voice that brought a broad smile to your face. Grogu bounced in your lap and he held his hands up toward your face. You leaned in so he could pat your cheeks. “Okay. Besides, how could I stand to be so far away from my bestest buddy?”
Mando pushed to stand and then he held out a hand for you to take. The urge to stare and take in every inch of it was weirdly tempting, but you let him pull you up to your feet. Mando cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m actually glad you’re up. Grogu wants something for breakfast, and he’s unhappy with all my attempts.”
“Egg.” Grogu blurted, staring up at you. “Egg. Egg. Egg.”
“He sounds like a Jawa.” Mando mumbled. “I made eggs, but he didn’t want them.”
You glanced over at the stove where a frying pan sat by a carton of eggs. Grogu’s high chair had a small bowl of untouched scrambled eggs. You chuckled. “I think he wants an omelet. I made it for him yesterday and he loved it.”
“Egg!” Grogu agreed.
“Here, I can make it.” You held Grogu out to Mando who took him. The Mandalorian murmured something to his son in Mando’a that you didn’t catch. It reminded you that you meant to talk to Mando about this. Grogu used a handful of words in that language, but because you didn’t recognize them it made communication difficult. You had been working with Grogu on words in Basic, and you’d love to add some Mando’a vocabulary to it. You just needed to know it first. You went to the fridge to pull out cheese and a few vegetables that you knew Grogu liked.
Mando stood behind you, leaning against the kitchen counter top with his son in his arms, and you glanced over your shoulder only once to admire him.
“What?” He questioned.
“Sorry. It’s just so weird to see you out of the suit of armor.” You chuckled.
“Bad weird?”
“No,” You replied quickly, “It just ruins the mental image I had of green skin and big ears.”
Mando laughed again, “Sorry to disappoint.”
“I’ll just have to learn to live with it, I suppose.”
The kitchen was filled with Grogu laughing as his dad tickled him and the sizzling of breakfast. Typically, you were here alone wrestling the green bean while trying to make him food. It wasn’t overly difficult and you still enjoyed it, but there was something kind of calming from having Mando here as well and that caught you off guard. The lack of his full suit of armor might play a role in that. In the early morning light wearing his pajamas and playing with his son, he looked so… human.
“I was wondering, do you, uh, have plans today?”
You flipped the omelets in the skillet then looked over at Mando with a grin. “Well, until five minutes ago I thought I was on Grogu duty.”
“Right.” Mando blurted. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you sooner⏤”
“I’m joking, Mando. What were you thinking?”
He paused briefly, “Well, there’s a traveling market here today. Local vendors and some from neighboring worlds." Mando said. “I can show you around. If you're interested that is."
You finished with both omelets and went to grab a set of plates. “I’d love that!” You set both plates on the counter by Mando. “Sounds fun. Here. You boys have breakfast and I’ll go get ready for the day. Yeah?” Mando pushed off the counter and pointed to the omelet with a slight tilt of his head. You nodded. “It’s yours.” You point to his, then his son’s omelet. “You, Grogu.”
“What about you?”
“I’m not a big breakfast eater, don’t worry.” You shrugged. “Take your time too, don’t rush. I’m gonna take a shower this morning so you and Grogu can enjoy.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
Excited for the day, you hurried upstairs to get ready. You were interested to see the small marketplace become more lively with outside visitors. You were sure the lively city was even more bright today. Plus, this would be an opportunity to get to know your boss a little bit better. Maybe if the two of you were a little more comfortable with one another then hiding from him in your room during dinner time would be a bit less awkward.
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tezzbot · 6 months
Okay.. so... fairly long post under the cut with the sort of background to my Sonic Underground AU!! If anyone's interested fjdgv I have thought about it a Lot lol
So basically, The background is that Eggman has definitely been up to shit since before Sonic was born lol and one of his sort of things when he I guess started out in villainy ? was he started trying to claim land and take over so that he could build his cities and theme parks and factories and what have you and rule over everything. So, after claiming some untouched land he started attacking “Mobian'' settlements, (not sure whether to stick with Mobian or what but the word gets my point across so I’m using it now sfgdh) and I guess started working his way up until he found Christmas Island, which is the small Kingdom Aleena ruled over at the time. This caused the Kingdom to fight back and started a war with Robotnik. However. Obviously the warzone was no place to be raising the Very recently born heirs to the throne (the three who would grow up to be Sonia Sonic and Manic, they might’ve had different names back then lol) and so Aleena with a Very heavy heart sent the three Far away, they had them sent to a dinky little orphanage in a fairly distant zone, intending to pick them back up when the war was over.
Unfortunately, Very early on in the triplet’s stay at the orphanage, when they were still practically babies, an unfortunate cot placement led to Manic being kidnapped sometime in the dead of night (don’t ask why they did it I just think it’s funny love and light). He was taken to a nearby city, and somehow managed to endear himself to Ferral, the leader of one of the larger sort of crime rings active there. This is where he learned to get by and live and thrive, little crime family they love each other and rag on each other so much smile smile smile.
Sonic stayed in the orphanage a lot longer than Manic, but doesn’t really remember his time there all that much. As soon as Sonic figured out how to, he ran. Ran as fast and as far as he was able. Ran until he had no idea how to get back. But he'd not a guilt on his conscience. He was free, for the first time felt truly free. He learned how to survive on his own and met a little two tailed fox cub and his life played out pretty much exactly the same as it does in the main line continuity :)
Sonia is the only one of the three who has any memory of staying in the orphanage and was the only one to leave there by regular means dgfhfg. At about five years old, she was one of a few girls from across the continent to be chosen to attend and live at an all girls school where they would grow into proper ladies™, being taught etiquette and manners and so on. She managed a fairly cushy lifestyle here but was never truly happy there. She obviously has her besties like Mindy, but it always felt far too restrictive and (figuratively) cold. So while she does do well there, she is slightly prone to getting in trouble and feels kind of belittled and invisible among her peers at times
So in the triplet’s maybe 3rd year? The war on Christmas Island ended and the Mobians were unfortunately forced to go into hiding. Aleena made it out and went into her own hiding in the form of laying low in a residential area in a nearby city, and attempted to blend in there for a few years before making the trip to finally reunite with her children. Unfortunately by the time she gets there, all three are gone :( Even though the orphanage may know where Sonia is, she feels as though she has failed all three as their mother and wouldn't be able to face any of them (despite the fact they're like. 6 year olds lol), and so retreats back to her city home.
Until, over a decade later, Aleena sees the world renowned hero Sonic the Hedgehog that she hears so much about, (maybe he’s just saved that part of the city from a badnik attack or something like that) and there is just… something about him that is so uncannily like her Bernie… His heroism and humility right down to his mannerisms, the being blue also adds to the effect. And… Aleena is not one to get her hopes up, but the chance of this being one of her missing children after all these years…
Then I’m thinking maybe, she is wearing the equivalent of the three medallions and, maybe as she gets closer to Sonic one of them has some sort of magical reaction ? or something I’m not actually sure. But something DOES confirm to Aleena that This is one of her kids oh my god!! And he’s just like his (other) mother… Aleena gets overwhelmed and ends up not talking to him. Sonic maybe notices someone in a long flowy jacket running away from the crowd, but gets distracted by the many other thankful citizens around him to really take note of it lol
This is when Aleena writes her letter to Sonic. She looks him up, tries very hard to find out where he lives. Ultimately coming up with nothing she’s like IS MY BOY HOMELESS?? But then what comes up eventually is a plethora of small garages and laboratories under the name Dr. Miles Prower and is like Oh! An apprentice maybe :) lol and so she rolls the dice and chooses one of those locations at random and hopes her message gets to him soon.
This is just the leadup to what would be the "main plot" of the AU and I do have more for it!! So if this like. Text based way of explaining my ideas is alright I can share more from the google doc if ppl are interested!! And maybe I'll doodle some stuff for it here n there who know (seems likely tho lol)
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Slight explanation: an AITA style a/b/o steddie. Unsure if the Upside Down shit still happened or if some other shit happened to The Party.
AITA for telling my bio parents that they aren’t my daughter’s grandparents?
I (26 M-A), am the proud parent of two children G (8 M) and L (6 months F). For some backstory G is the product of a one night stand when I was 17/18. When my parents J (56 M-B) and M (48 F-B) found out they disowned me and kicked me out of the house. We live in a small town that is stuck in Reagan Era bullshit. They’re ‘pillars’ of the community and had an ‘image’ to protect. I was almost immediately swept up by two parents (not a couple) of two of the kids I babysat. I’ve been babysitting their kids since I was 16 and I’ve protected them some serious shit. They’ve been there for me.
Each made up a room for me, bought baby stuff, talked me off of several ledges. They were there when I went into labor early. They were there when G developed issues due to being premature. And they were there when I found and almost lost the love of my life E (27 M-B). They were at my wedding. My parents in all but blood.
I tried frequently to get my bio parents to talk to me, to be in G’s life several times and like all my life I was rebuffed. Their secretaries refused to let me talk to them. Letters were sent back unopened. I am blocked on all social media. They wanted nothing to do with me, G or E.
Which brings me to a week ago. I’m not terribly active on social media and I’m not a big fan of sharing my kids on there. (Thanks to some of the girls I babysat I watched too much true crime and call me paranoid but no thank you.) A week ago, however, we went to a work function for Ma (essentially adopted mother not bio mom). While there we were photographed and put on the events FB page. They mentioned how happy they were that G was thriving and that L was here.
Someone must have shown my parents the photo as I got an early morning call- who cares about time zones when your disowned son finally has a child within wedlock am I right? Where my father proceeded to beret me for not informing them of L’s birth. Not once in the rant did he mention G or how much he missed me. I was tired and hurt and frustrated but I let him get it all out. I snapped, though, when my mother called me cruel for not letting her know her grandchild. That it was petty and mean to violate their rights as grandparents.
I told them that they had no rights. That they would never have any rights, especially since even now they refuse to acknowledge G, that they were *not* L’s grandparents. I said a whole lot more but I can’t remember exactly what just that I was crying by the time I hung up on them.
I’ve received phone calls from ‘family’ friends telling me I was an asshole for saying what I did to them. Ma and Pop are being harassed at their work. E’s getting threats at his. E, Ma and Pop and everyone else that love me are saying that I was in the right but… they, my bio parents, weren’t always terrible. They loved me once. And I know sometimes you can be a better grandparent than a parent.
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
"I feel like they know (at least Nic) they won't work as a couple, but also have ruined themselves for other people in a way they cant have a truly meaningful relationship with anyone else (eg : A)."
In regards to this, I think it’s valid to say they could potentially have a connection that makes it hard to fully commit to another relationship. We’ve all seen them thriving in their bubble the last few months. However, saying he could never be a good partner to Nic seems reductive and disallows for growth. We also don’t know what kind of support he provides for her behind the scenes. She is really private about her personal life, she might prefer a partner who is more reserved in public. I’m not saying he’d necessarily be a good partner now cause it seems obvious dude is spiraling, but they say timing is everything for a reason. If he comes out of this more mature and understanding, I think he could make her a great and supportive partner. They obviously have a lot of fun together and vibe really well and very much seem best when it’s just the two of them together. N constantly says how supported she felt/feels by him and how amazing he is, so I think we have to believe he is there for her way more behind the scenes than we see publicly. That video shared earlier where they’re watching their scene back and he gently checks to see if she’s ok and then goes to hold her hand…come the fuck on. How stupid cute was that?
As an extra thought in regards to her charitable and activist work, he supported her by modeling her t-shirt, he may have donated anonymously to her Palestine fundraiser so as not to draw attention to himself cause he clearly is uncomfortable talking politics (or really anything having to do with himself and not his character) in person, but ultimately we’ll never know. He could potentially share a lot of her ideas and passions, but again is more reserved and happy to support from the sidelines. In interviews he always seemed engaged and a little proud when she would talk about her pin and her social activism. I wouldn’t discount him so quickly as a partner. I’d say his ego would be the thing to get in the way.
perfectly said, love it
couldn't agree more
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
this is meant lighthearted : instead of “all men are trash, women do no wrong” a secret third thing “PEOPLE suck in general”
as someone who grew up with an absent father who tried to make life difficult for my mother once she took him to court for child support for me and my siblings - ing…I grew up with a not nice view of older men BUT my grandpa was a big big influence in not making men a negative experience for us.
the recent shift of the last 4-5 years has been worrying. I used to liked jkr and could emphasize where she was coming from originally. but it was scary to see the gradual descent into where she is now and the stuff she is saying. Bc she is so far removed from what she originally stood for. It can happen to anyone, I even get worried if I’m on that slope sometimes. This whole situation had me second guessing myself bc I gave gnf time and believed in him. I had a moment when a few female creators made remarks (not from mc community) and I checked myself bc I was scared I was falling into the conservative rhetoric to blame women and protect men. Then I saw others who had more information and actually looked into it and also found this blog where the nuances were being discussed and let out a breath of relief that I was just using my critical thinking skills lmao
There are so many men out there who just aren’t given a chance bc society is set up for them to fall into a certain role. And I think a lot of men are trying to break that role and stereotypes. I became a dream fan bc I saw him doing this, saw a gamerboy in 2020 who was passionate and excelled at the game but didn’t fall into the toxicity of the space, actively fought against it.
and women should not be encouraged to drag men through hell bc they feel empowered by the rhetoric of recent years. women can and are just as selfish and shitty people as men. Sometimes they are worse
we’ve gone so far off center, we’ve essentially gone from one extreme to another. Which I learned two years ago was called terfs 😂 the movement needs to go back to its previous meaning. Feminism is not solely female empowerment it is the deconstructing of the patriarchal roles and belief that push men and women into boxes. Feminism, as I was taught over a decade ago, was the fight for women and MEN to be equal and have the same rights and opportunities. We can uplift women without putting down men. if this feminist movement doesn’t correct itself, it will allow more men like andrew tate to grow and influence young men.
The lack of female representation in the sphere cannot be corrected by women. It just can’t. Men need to be part of the change bc if the environment is not corrected, women cannot succeed and thrive. They can become successful but the hate and obstacles directed towards them is crazy. This is in general not just for streaming.
It can’t just be women solidarity, men need to learn and actively engage in calling out misogynist behavior. Women need to talk with their males friends and call them out when they say or act in disgusting ways. Women need to hold women accountable as well! It is unfair and unattainable to put female equality solely in the hands of women. We need to All work together.
Puffy is so good at this when she streams, especially on the smp. Hell, she even created a whole villain arc to call out the people telling her to “be a therapist to Tommy, omg your like dreams mom”. Puffy is awesome 🥹
men =/ bad
women =/ good
this breaks it all down so well and i really sympathize with you about having a poor view of some men in your life and trying to not let that influence your views but also not go so far off the other end that you end up blindly defending them without critical thinking.
Really important discussions and introspection about how your thought processes work that I think everyone should have at least once when situations like this come up
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tania05 · 1 year
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The way I fought with ChatGPT to write all of this correctly should be a crime😒. This is really for me to get a basic gist on my Juno Persona Chart. I’m not a professional. I’m literally using ChatGPT to do all of this because I don’t feel like analyzing right now.
An Aries Sun in the 11th house at 26° in a Juno persona chart reveals a dynamic and assertive personality when it comes to friendships and social circles. These individuals are natural leaders within their social networks, often taking the initiative and inspiring others to action. They thrive on challenges and bring a competitive edge to their interactions, making social gatherings more exciting and energetic.
Their passionate Aries nature extends to their advocacy for causes and shared interests within their friend groups. They are fervent advocates, willing to fight for what they believe in, and are often looked up to as leaders in pursuing humanitarian endeavors or group activities.
Furthermore, their willingness to challenge traditional perspectives and introduce unconventional ideas adds an innovative touch to their social interactions. They're open to new concepts and unafraid to push boundaries, encouraging their friends to think beyond the norm.
The specific degree placement of 26° underscores their individualistic and determined approach within their social circles. They don't aim to blend in; instead, they desire recognition for their unique contributions and ideas. This degree of individualism adds an extra layer to their already assertive Aries personality.
In summary, an Aries Sun in the 11th house at 26° in a Juno persona chart describes an individual who is a charismatic and innovative leader among their friends and social groups. They bring a competitive spirit, a passion for causes, and a drive to stand out while inspiring others to embrace new ideas and perspectives.
With a Scorpio Moon, he experiences emotions on a profound level. He tends to feel things intensely and is often inclined to uncover hidden truths and mysteries. Emotional privacy is a common trait, and he reveals his inner feelings primarily to those he deeply trusts.
Placed in the 6th house, his emotions are intricately connected to his daily routines, work, and health. Finding emotional fulfillment through maintaining an organized and structured daily life is a prominent theme. The way he manages his everyday affairs significantly impacts his emotional well-being.
At the specific degree of 26°, precision and determination characterize his approach to both work and emotions. He has a keen eye for detail and exhibits a meticulous nature in his tasks. This precision extends to how he handles his emotions; he prefers to manage them in a controlled and disciplined manner.
In the Juno persona chart, a Scorpio Moon in the 6th house at 26° signifies an individual deeply emotionally involved in his daily work and routines. He might be drawn to professions involving investigation, research, or psychology. His emotional intensity becomes an asset when dealing with challenging situations and complex tasks, where his strong determination shines.
However, it's important for him to be aware of the potential for emotional intensity to lead to stress or obsessions, especially in the context of work and health. Finding healthy outlets for his emotions and maintaining a balanced daily routine is crucial for his emotional well-being.
In summary, this placement indicates an individual who brings emotional depth and intensity to his daily work and routines. His meticulous and determined approach can be an asset, especially in fields related to transformation, healing, and investigation. Balancing emotions and maintaining a structured routine is essential for his emotional health and overall well-being.
In his Juno persona chart, the placement of his Mercury in Pisces in the 10th house at 29° holds significant insights into his communication style and its impact on his career and public life. Let's delve into what this placement signifies.
Mercury in Pisces individuals possess a unique and intuitive way of communicating. He is highly imaginative, empathetic, and attuned to the emotions and unspoken messages in conversations. His thoughts often flow like a stream of consciousness, making him adept at understanding the subtle nuances of human interaction. In his case, having a Pisces Mercury suggests that his communication style is characterized by a deep emotional sensitivity. This sensitivity can make him an excellent listener and a communicator who excels at empathizing with the feelings and needs of others.
The 10th house in astrology represents one's career, public life, and reputation. It's the house where he projects himself into the world, and how he communicates plays a crucial role in shaping his professional identity. With Mercury in the 10th house, his communication style is closely linked to his career and how he presents himself to the world. This placement often signifies that he has a strong need for effective communication in his professional life. He may find that his skills in articulating ideas and conveying information are central to his career success.
At the 29th degree of any zodiac sign, there's a sense of culmination and transition. It signifies the end of a cycle and often brings a deep understanding and mastery of that sign's qualities. In the context of his Pisces Mercury, this suggests that he's developed a profound and mature approach to his intuitive and empathetic communication style. He's likely honed his skills in understanding the subtleties of human emotions and the unspoken aspects of communication.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Pisces Mercury in the 10th house at 29° has several implications for his career and public life. His compassionate and intuitive communication style can be a valuable asset, especially in professions that require deep emotional understanding. Fields such as counseling, psychology, or creative arts often benefit from individuals who can connect with people on a profound level. His communication may inspire and uplift others, making him a source of comfort and guidance in his professional sphere.
However, it's important to be aware of potential challenges associated with this placement. The sensitivity of Pisces Mercury can sometimes make him susceptible to criticism, and there might be occasions when he struggles to convey his ideas with clarity. Striking a balance between his intuitive abilities and practicality in his professional life will be key to his success.
In conclusion, his Pisces Mercury in the 10th house at 29° reveals a compassionate and intuitive communicator whose skills are closely intertwined with his career and public life. His profound understanding of emotions and subtle communication nuances can serve him well in professions that require deep emotional connections. With a mature and culminating approach to his communication style, he has the potential to inspire and comfort others through his words and ideas. However, maintaining a balance between his intuitive abilities and practicality will be essential in navigating his professional journey.
In your Juno persona chart, you may find that the placement of Venus in Pisces in the 10th house at 10° offers unique insights into his approach to love, relationships, and how these factors intersect with his public life and career. Let's explore what this placement signifies.
Venus in Pisces individuals are known for their deeply romantic and empathetic approach to love and relationships. They tend to be dreamy, sensitive, and highly attuned to the emotions of others. In his case, having Venus in Pisces suggests that his romantic and social nature is characterized by a profound emotional sensitivity. He may often find himself seeking soulful connections and experiencing love in a deep, almost mystical manner.
The 10th house in astrology is associated with his career, public life, and reputation. It's the house where he projects his professional image into the world. With Venus in the 10th house, his approach to love and relationships is closely intertwined with his public persona and career. This placement often indicates a strong desire for harmonious relationships in his professional life, and he may place a significant emphasis on maintaining a positive public image.
At the 10th degree of any zodiac sign, this placement signifies a sense of initiation and a focus on laying a strong foundation. It suggests that in his public life and career, he's likely to initiate or emphasize romantic and harmonious themes. This could manifest as a desire to project an image of charm and diplomacy in his professional interactions.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Venus in Pisces in the 10th house at 10° suggests that he's likely to seek or experience romantic and harmonious connections within his career or public life. He may find that his ability to foster positive relationships and to create an atmosphere of harmony is beneficial in his professional endeavors. His public image may reflect qualities of compassion, empathy, and a strong desire for beauty and harmony.
However, it's essential for him to consider potential challenges associated with this placement. The deeply empathetic and sensitive nature of Venus in Pisces can sometimes make him susceptible to being overly influenced by the emotions of others, potentially affecting his professional decisions. Striking a balance between his emotional sensitivity and the demands of his career and public life is key to his success.
In conclusion, in your Juno persona chart, the placement of Pisces Venus in the 10th house at 10° highlights a romantic and harmonious approach to love and relationships that's closely intertwined with his public image and career. He may excel in professions that require charm, diplomacy, and the ability to create harmonious environments. Balancing his emotional sensitivity with the demands of his professional life is crucial for navigating his career successfully while maintaining meaningful and loving connections in his public sphere.
In your Juno persona chart, you may discover that the placement of Mars in Cancer in the 2nd house at 1° holds significant insights into his energy, drive, and how he channels these qualities into matters of personal values and resources. Let's explore what this placement signifies.
Mars in Cancer individuals tend to have a nurturing and emotionally-driven approach to assertiveness and energy. They're often deeply connected to their feelings and can be very protective of their loved ones. In his case, having Mars in Cancer suggests that his actions and desires are closely tied to his emotional well-being. He may find that his motivation often stems from a desire to care for and protect those he values most.
The 2nd house in astrology relates to personal values, finances, and material resources. It's the house where he defines what's essential to him and how he can acquire and manage his resources. With Mars in the 2nd house, his drive and assertiveness are deeply connected to issues of personal worth and material security. He may pursue financial stability with vigor and determination.
At the 1st degree of any zodiac sign, this placement signifies a sense of initiation and new beginnings. It suggests that in matters related to personal values and resources, he's likely to start new ventures and take the initiative to secure his material well-being.
The combination of Mars in Cancer in the 2nd house at 1° suggests that he's likely to be motivated by a strong desire to protect and provide for those he holds dear. His assertiveness and drive may be channeled into acquiring and managing personal resources, as he values financial security and material comfort. His approach to matters of personal worth is rooted in emotional considerations, making his financial decisions often driven by a need to create a sense of safety for himself and his loved ones.
However, it's important for him to be mindful of potential challenges associated with this placement. The emotional nature of Mars in Cancer can sometimes lead to mood-driven actions, and he may find that his assertiveness is influenced by his ever-changing feelings. Striking a balance between emotional sensitivity and assertiveness in financial matters is essential for him to achieve his material goals successfully.
In conclusion, the placement of Mars in Cancer in the 2nd house at 1° highlights a nurturing and emotionally-driven approach to assertiveness and the acquisition of personal resources. He's motivated by a desire to protect and provide for those he values, and his actions are often aimed at creating financial security and material comfort. Balancing his emotional sensitivity with assertiveness in financial decisions is key to his success in managing his personal resources and material well-being.
In your Juno persona chart, you may see that he has the placement of Scorpio Jupiter in the 6th house at 16°, which provides valuable insights into his approach to expansion, growth, and how these aspects influence his daily routines and service to others.
Scorpio Jupiter individuals have a deep and transformative approach to expansion and learning. They often seek profound knowledge and personal growth through intense experiences. In his case, having Jupiter in Scorpio suggests that his beliefs and opportunities for growth are often linked to themes of transformation, power, and the mysteries of life.
The 6th house in astrology relates to daily routines, health, and service to others. It's the house where he focuses on practical matters and how he can be of service in the world. With Jupiter in the 6th house, his quest for growth and expansion is closely tied to his work, health, and the ways he serves others. He may find that his belief system and principles are reflected in his approach to everyday life.
At the 16th degree of any zodiac sign, this placement signifies a sense of seeking higher knowledge and wisdom in his daily activities. It suggests that he's on a quest to transform and elevate his daily routines and service through the profound wisdom of Scorpio Jupiter.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Scorpio Jupiter in the 6th house at 16° indicates that he seeks growth and expansion in his daily life through deep transformation and service to others. His belief system may be intertwined with themes of healing, psychology, or the mysteries of life. He's likely to approach his daily routines with a sense of purpose, seeking to transform and elevate his work and service to others.
However, it's important for him to be aware of potential challenges associated with this placement. The intensity of Scorpio Jupiter can sometimes lead to obsessive or overly controlling tendencies. He may need to balance his desire for transformation with a practical and organized approach to his daily responsibilities.
In conclusion, in your Juno persona chart, the placement of Scorpio Jupiter in the 6th house at 16° highlights his deep and transformative approach to expansion, growth, and daily routines. He may seek profound knowledge and wisdom through his service to others and daily activities, and his belief system is likely influenced by themes of transformation and healing. Balancing intensity with practicality in his daily life is key to his success in achieving his quest for higher knowledge and personal growth.
In your Juno persona chart, you may observe that he has Leo Saturn in the 3rd house at 4°, offering unique insights into his approach to responsibility, structure, and how these aspects influence his communication, learning, and immediate surroundings.
Saturn in Leo individuals often have a disciplined and responsible approach to self-expression and creativity. They may take their self-imposed duties and obligations seriously when it comes to creative projects and self-presentation. In his case, having Saturn in Leo suggests that his sense of responsibility and discipline is closely linked to how he communicates, learns, and expresses himself.
The 3rd house in astrology relates to communication, learning, and immediate surroundings. It's the house where he focuses on gathering information and expressing himself effectively. With Saturn in the 3rd house, he may approach these matters with a sense of structure and order. His communication style is likely to be thoughtful and well-organized.
At the 4th degree of any zodiac sign, this placement signifies a sense of building strong foundations and structure in his communication and learning. It suggests that he takes a disciplined approach to the development of his communication skills and the way he gathers information.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Leo Saturn in the 3rd house at 4° suggests that he takes his responsibilities in the realm of communication and learning seriously. He may have a strong desire to establish a solid foundation in these areas, leading to well-structured and thoughtful expression. His disciplined approach can contribute to his effectiveness in gathering and sharing information.
However, it's important for him to be aware of potential challenges associated with this placement. The seriousness of Saturn can sometimes lead to self-criticism or a reluctance to take risks in self-expression. Balancing responsibility with a sense of playfulness and creativity in communication is key to his personal growth and effectiveness.
In conclusion, in your Juno persona chart, the placement of Leo Saturn in the 3rd house at 4° highlights his disciplined and responsible approach to communication, learning, and self-expression. He takes his responsibilities in these areas seriously and strives to build a strong foundation for effective communication. Balancing structure with creative self-expression is important for his growth and success in these aspects of his life.
In your Juno persona chart, you may observe that he has Pisces Uranus in the 10th house at 13°, which offers unique insights into his approach to individuality, innovation, and how these aspects influence his public image and career.
Individuals with Uranus in Pisces often have a unique and unconventional approach to spirituality, imagination, and collective consciousness. They may be visionary and forward-thinking when it comes to embracing spiritual or universal themes. In his case, having Uranus in Pisces suggests that his desire for individuality and innovation is closely connected to themes of compassion, artistic expression, and the mystical.
The 10th house in astrology is associated with his career, public life, and reputation. It's the house where he projects his professional image into the world. With Uranus in the 10th house, his approach to his public image and career is characterized by innovation, independence, and a strong desire to stand out. He may seek unconventional career paths or be recognized for his unique and progressive ideas.
At the 13th degree of any zodiac sign, this placement signifies a sense of seeking transformation and breakthroughs in his career and public image. It suggests that he may be driven by a desire to introduce visionary and unconventional ideas into his professional life.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Pisces Uranus in the 10th house at 13° suggests that he's likely to bring a visionary and imaginative touch to his career and public image. His desire for individuality and innovation may lead him to explore unconventional or spiritual paths in his professional life. He may be known for his progressive and imaginative ideas, and his career could involve themes of compassion and artistry.
However, it's important for him to be aware of potential challenges associated with this placement. The influence of Uranus can sometimes bring unpredictability and sudden changes in his career. Maintaining a balance between his innovative ideas and the need for stability in his public life is key to his long-term success.
In conclusion, in your Juno persona chart, the placement of Pisces Uranus in the 10th house at 13° highlights his unique and unconventional approach to his public image and career. He brings a visionary and imaginative touch to his professional life, with a strong desire for individuality and innovation. Balancing his innovative ideas with the need for stability in his career is essential for his long-term success in the public sphere.
In your Juno persona chart, you may notice that he has Aquarius Neptune in the 9th house at 19°, which provides intriguing insights into his spirituality, ideals, and how these aspects influence his quest for knowledge, exploration, and his beliefs about the world.
Neptune in Aquarius individuals often possess a highly idealistic and visionary approach to matters of community, progress, and the collective consciousness. They are often drawn to unconventional and progressive beliefs, seeking to contribute to the betterment of humanity. In his case, having Neptune in Aquarius suggests that his spiritual and idealistic beliefs are closely tied to themes of innovation, group dynamics, and societal progress.
The 9th house in astrology is associated with higher education, philosophy, and long-distance travel. It's the house where he seeks to expand his knowledge and understanding of the world. With Neptune in the 9th house, his pursuit of spiritual understanding and ideals is often channeled through higher education, philosophical exploration, and perhaps even travel. He may be drawn to unconventional or mystical philosophies.
At the 19th degree of any zodiac sign, this placement signifies a sense of seeking deeper understanding and profound insights in his quest for knowledge and higher beliefs. It suggests that he's on a journey to explore innovative and visionary ideas in the realms of spirituality and philosophy.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Aquarius Neptune in the 9th house at 19° suggests that he is on a profound and visionary quest for spiritual knowledge and ideals. His approach to exploring higher beliefs may involve unconventional or progressive philosophies that focus on societal progress and collective consciousness. He may be drawn to innovative and forward-thinking ideas in his quest for spiritual understanding.
However, it's important for him to be aware of potential challenges associated with this placement. The influence of Neptune can sometimes lead to idealism or a tendency to become lost in the world of abstract ideas. Striking a balance between his visionary beliefs and the practical application of these ideals in his everyday life is crucial for personal growth and understanding.
In conclusion, in your Juno persona chart, the placement of Aquarius Neptune in the 9th house at 19° highlights his visionary and idealistic approach to spirituality, higher education, and beliefs. He is on a quest to explore unconventional and innovative ideas in the realms of philosophy and spiritual understanding, with a strong focus on collective progress and societal transformation. Balancing his idealism with practical application is key to his personal growth and quest for profound insights.
In your Juno persona chart, you may observe that he has Sagittarius Pluto in the 7th house at 26°, offering valuable insights into his approach to transformation, power dynamics, and how these aspects influence his partnerships, relationships, and sense of balance.
Individuals with Pluto in Sagittarius often have a transformative and intense approach to expanding their horizons, beliefs, and the quest for truth. They are often drawn to profound experiences that challenge their worldview and foster personal growth. In his case, having Pluto in Sagittarius suggests that his journey of transformation is closely linked to themes of exploration, expansion, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
The 7th house in astrology relates to partnerships, relationships, and how he seeks balance through interactions with others. It's the house where he focuses on one-on-one connections and how he shares power and resources in these relationships. With Pluto in the 7th house, his approach to partnerships is marked by depth, intensity, and a desire for transformation. He may experience powerful dynamics and profound changes in his close relationships.
At the 26th degree of any zodiac sign, this placement signifies a sense of seeking transformation and evolution within his partnerships. It suggests that he may be driven to explore deep emotional and philosophical connections with his significant others.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Sagittarius Pluto in the 7th house at 26° suggests that he experiences profound transformation within his partnerships and relationships. His interactions with significant others may involve themes of deep exploration, a quest for truth, and a desire for personal growth. His approach to partnerships is marked by intensity and a strong desire for transformation, often leading to profound changes in the dynamics of his close relationships.
However, it's important for him to be aware of potential challenges associated with this placement. The influence of Pluto can sometimes lead to power struggles or intense emotional experiences in his relationships. Finding a balance between personal transformation and maintaining harmonious connections with others is key to successful and fulfilling partnerships.
In conclusion, in your Juno persona chart, the placement of Sagittarius Pluto in the 7th house at 26° highlights his transformative and intense approach to partnerships and relationships. He seeks profound experiences and personal growth through his interactions with significant others, often exploring deep philosophical and emotional connections. Balancing the intensity of these relationships with harmony and mutual understanding is crucial for successful and fulfilling partnerships.
In your Juno persona chart, you may see that he has Aquarius Chiron in the 9th house at 9°, which indicates that he may have experienced wounds or challenges related to matters of higher education, spirituality, and a broader perspective on life.
With Chiron in the 9th house, he might have encountered difficulties in his pursuit of higher knowledge and personal growth. It could be related to educational challenges, philosophical crises, or experiences that have tested his beliefs and principles. These wounds may have affected his confidence in exploring different worldviews and philosophies.
At 9° in Aquarius, this placement may point to an intellectual and humanitarian wound. It suggests that he may have faced challenges in embracing unconventional or progressive ideas, which are often associated with Aquarius. This degree emphasizes the need for innovative solutions and a willingness to challenge traditional perspectives.
Overall, Chiron in the 9th house at 9° in your Juno persona chart highlights that his journey toward healing and personal growth may involve addressing wounds related to his quest for higher knowledge, personal beliefs, and his ability to embrace unconventional ideas and philosophies. Confronting these wounds can lead to a greater sense of intellectual and spiritual enlightenment.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of the North Node in Aries in the 11th house at 4° suggests qualities that your ideal partner may possess in the context of friendships, social circles, and shared aspirations.
The North Node represents qualities that are important for personal growth and development. In Aries, it indicates a need for independence, assertiveness, and taking initiative. Your ideal partner may be someone who brings these qualities to the forefront in your shared social and aspirational endeavors.
The 11th house is associated with friendships, group activities, and your hopes and dreams for the future. With the North Node here, your partner may encourage you to be more assertive and independent within social circles and group activities. They may push you to take initiative in pursuing your aspirations.
The specific degree placement at 4° adds an element of initiation and new beginnings to these qualities. Your ideal partner may inspire you to embark on fresh journeys and assert yourself more independently within your friendships and group endeavors.
In your Juno Persona Chart, this placement suggests that your ideal partner embodies the qualities of independence, assertiveness, and initiative, especially in the context of your friendships and shared aspirations. They may encourage you to take the lead and embark on new beginnings within your social circles, pushing you to assert yourself and be more independent in pursuit of your dreams.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of the South Node in Libra in the 5th house at 4° provides insights into qualities or tendencies your ideal partner may bring from past experiences into your shared romantic and creative pursuits.
The South Node represents patterns and qualities from past lives or early experiences. In Libra, it suggests that your partner may have a natural inclination toward harmony, balance, and a strong desire for pleasing aesthetics and relationships.
The 5th house is associated with creativity, romance, and self-expression. With the South Node here, your partner may have tendencies to seek harmony and balance in these areas, valuing pleasurable and beautiful experiences.
The specific degree placement at 4° adds an element of initiation and new beginnings to these past life tendencies. Your ideal partner may be working to balance these Libra-like qualities with the need for self-expression and creativity. This might involve a desire to assert themselves more and take initiative in their creative and romantic endeavors.
In your Juno Persona Chart, this combination suggests that your ideal partner may bring qualities related to harmony, balance, and a desire for pleasing aesthetics from past experiences into your shared romantic and creative pursuits. They may be in the process of reevaluating and balancing these tendencies, working to assert themselves more and take initiative in the realms of creativity and self-expression.
In your Juno persona chart, he may have Gemini Ascendant at 19°. The Ascendant, or rising sign, represents the persona he typically shows to the world, including his appearance, body type, and outer personality.
With Gemini Ascendant at 19°, he is likely to present himself as a communicative, adaptable, and intellectually curious individual. His appearance and body type may reflect a sense of youthful vitality, and he may have a slim or agile physique. He often comes across as someone who is quick-witted and sociable, making him approachable and open to conversations with others.
Gemini Ascendant individuals are known for their ability to express themselves effectively, and they often enjoy sharing information and engaging in light-hearted banter. He may have a friendly and curious demeanor, and his personality is likely marked by a sense of versatility and adaptability.
The 19th degree of Gemini further emphasizes the communicative nature of his persona. He may have a gift for storytelling and the ability to connect with others through words and ideas. His persona may also carry a sense of youthful enthusiasm and a desire to learn and experience new things.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Gemini Ascendant at 19° suggests that he is likely to present himself as a socially engaging and communicative individual. His appearance and body type may reflect his agility and youthfulness, and his personality shines through as adaptable, inquisitive, and approachable. He's often the type of person who enjoys conversations and exchanging ideas, making him a friendly and versatile presence in social interactions.
It's important to note that the Ascendant represents the external mask he wears, but it doesn't encompass his entire personality. As with any astrological placement, there are multiple layers to his character, and the Ascendant is just one facet of his overall self.
In your Juno persona chart, you may see that he has Sagittarius Descendant at 19°. The Descendant sign represents the qualities he may seek in a partner or the type of people he tends to attract in relationships.
With Sagittarius Descendant at 19°, he may be drawn to individuals who embody the traits of Sagittarius, such as a love for adventure, a quest for truth and knowledge, and a free-spirited and optimistic nature. He might seek partners who are open-minded, enthusiastic about exploring new horizons, and who enjoy philosophical or intellectual pursuits.
Individuals with this Descendant sign often value freedom and independence in their relationships. They may be attracted to partners who share their passion for travel, education, or cultural exploration. These partnerships may involve a strong sense of adventure and a quest for personal and spiritual growth.
The 19th degree of Sagittarius adds an element of transformation and expansion to his partnerships. He may be drawn to individuals who are open to growth, change, and who encourage him to explore new philosophies and beliefs. These partnerships may have a profound influence on his personal and spiritual development.
In you Juno persona chart, the combination of Sagittarius Descendant at 19° suggests that he seeks partners who are adventurous, open-minded, and who share his enthusiasm for exploring the world and seeking truth and knowledge. His ideal partners may value independence and personal growth, and they may play a transformative role in his life, encouraging him to expand his horizons and explore new philosophies and beliefs.
It's important to remember that while the Descendant sign can reflect the qualities he seeks in a partner, relationships are multifaceted, and compatibility is influenced by many factors beyond astrology.
In your Juno persona chart, he may have Pisces Midheaven (MC) at 17°. The Midheaven represents his career, public image, and the way he's seen in the world. With Pisces MC at 17°, he is likely to approach his career and public image with a compassionate, creative, and spiritually oriented perspective.
Individuals with Pisces Midheaven often excel in careers that involve creativity, spirituality, healing, or service to others. They may be drawn to professions in the arts, music, healthcare, or spiritual guidance. His public image is likely to be seen as sensitive, empathetic, and marked by a sense of idealism.
The 17th degree of Pisces adds an element of transformation and deep insight to his career path. He may experience profound changes or opportunities for spiritual growth in his professional life. His career may involve working with individuals or causes that are transformative and emotionally significant.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Pisces MC at 17° suggests that his career is likely to be in a field that involves creativity, spirituality, and service to others. He may find fulfillment in professions that require empathy and a deep connection with people's emotional and spiritual needs. His public image is characterized by sensitivity and a strong sense of idealism, and his career may provide opportunities for profound transformation and spiritual growth.
It's important to remember that while the Midheaven sign can reflect his career inclinations and public image, individual career paths are influenced by many factors, including personal interests, skills, and opportunities. The Pisces Midheaven represents a general approach and aspiration, but his specific career choices will depend on his unique circumstances and preferences.
In your Juno persona chart, he may have Virgo Imum Coeli (IC) at 17°. The IC represents his roots, family, and the foundation of his life. With Virgo IC at 17°, he is likely to have a strong connection to themes of organization, practicality, and service within his family and personal life.
Individuals with Virgo IC often have a keen sense of attention to detail and a desire for order in their family dynamics and home life. They may value a structured and organized environment. He may have grown up in a family that emphasized practical skills, service to others, and a focus on health and well-being.
The 17th degree of Virgo adds an element of transformation and a quest for deeper understanding to his family and personal life. He may have experienced or sought profound changes and insights within the family dynamic or his personal foundation. This could relate to personal growth or a transformative experience within the family structure.
In your Juno persona chart, the combination of Virgo IC at 17° suggests that he has a strong foundation rooted in practicality, organization, and service to others, especially within the family. He may place importance on creating an orderly and healthy environment in his personal life. His family dynamics and personal experiences may have included a quest for deeper understanding and transformative growth.
It's important to note that while the IC sign reflects themes within the family and personal life, the dynamics of individual families can vary significantly. His experiences and upbringing are influenced by many factors beyond astrology, such as cultural background, family values, and personal experiences.
In your Juno persona chart, where you're considering the qualities he might possess, having Gemini in the 1st house indicates that he is likely to be a versatile, communicative, and intellectually curious individual.
Gemini in the 1st house suggests that he may come across as someone who is always eager to engage in conversations and learn new things. He's likely to have a quick wit and a charming, adaptable personality that allows him to connect with people from all walks of life. He might enjoy socializing and have an approachable demeanor, making him easy to talk to.
This placement also hints at his natural curiosity and a strong desire for mental stimulation. He may be drawn to a variety of interests and enjoy exploring different topics, which can make him an interesting and engaging partner in conversations. His adaptable nature means he can easily adapt to various situations and people, making him a flexible and open-minded spouse.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Gemini in the 1st house suggests that he is likely to be an intellectually curious, adaptable, and versatile individual who thrives on communication and learning. His quick wit and charming personality make him an engaging partner, and his adaptability ensures that he can easily navigate the ups and downs of life together with you.
In your Juno persona chart, where you're exploring the qualities he might have, having Cancer in the 2nd house indicates that he is likely to place a strong emphasis on emotional security, family, and comfort.
Cancer in the 2nd house suggests that he may have a deep sense of attachment to matters related to personal values, finances, and material possessions. He is likely to prioritize the well-being of his family and loved ones and may be very nurturing and protective in his approach to financial matters.
Family and home are likely to be significant sources of emotional security and comfort for him. He may have a strong desire to provide for and take care of those he loves, which can make him a devoted and caring partner. He might be drawn to careers or financial endeavors that are closely related to his home life or involve caring for others.
This placement also indicates that he values sentimental and emotionally significant possessions, and he may have a tendency to accumulate items that hold sentimental value. His approach to financial stability and personal values is rooted in his deep emotional connections with family and loved ones.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Cancer in the 2nd house suggests that he is likely to be a loving, nurturing, and family-oriented individual. He places a strong emphasis on emotional security, comfort, and the well-being of those he cares about. His devotion and attachment to his loved ones make him a warm and caring partner, and he values sentimental and emotionally significant possessions as part of his sense of financial security.
In your Juno persona chart, where you're considering the qualities he might possess, having Leo in the 3rd house indicates that he is likely to be a confident, expressive, and communicative individual.
Leo in the 3rd house suggests that he may have a natural flair for communication and self-expression. He's likely to be confident and may have a charismatic way of conveying his ideas and thoughts. He could enjoy activities that involve self-expression, such as public speaking, writing, or creative arts.
This placement often suggests a strong desire to be recognized for his ideas and communication skills. He may enjoy being the center of attention in social or intellectual settings, and he might thrive in situations where he can share his creative ideas and engage in lively conversations.
His approach to siblings, neighbors, and the local community may also be marked by a sense of pride and leadership. He may be protective of those close to him and take on a leadership role within his immediate environment.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Leo in the 3rd house suggests that he is likely to be a confident, expressive, and communicative individual who enjoys sharing his creative ideas and thoughts with others. His charismatic approach to communication can make him engaging and enjoyable to be around, and he may take on a leadership role within his immediate community or among his siblings and neighbors.
In your Juno persona chart, where you're exploring the qualities he might have, having Virgo in the 4th house indicates that he is likely to be a practical, caring, and detail-oriented individual when it comes to matters related to home, family, and roots.
Virgo in the 4th house suggests that he may have a strong focus on creating a well-organized and harmonious home environment. He's likely to be attentive to the needs of his family and dedicated to providing a comfortable and efficient household. His practicality and attention to detail can make him an excellent caretaker of the home.
This placement often indicates a deep connection to family and a strong sense of responsibility towards them. He may prioritize the well-being of his family members and may be relied upon for his practical advice and assistance in family matters.
His approach to his roots and personal history may involve a desire to understand the details of his family's history and traditions. He may value a sense of order and structure within the family and may work diligently to maintain it.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Virgo in the 4th house suggests that he is likely to be a practical, caring, and detail-oriented individual when it comes to matters of home, family, and roots. His dedication to creating a well-organized and harmonious home environment, as well as his deep connection to family, makes him a reliable and responsible partner in family matters.
In your Juno persona chart, where you're considering the qualities he might possess, having Libra in the 5th house indicates that he is likely to be a charming, artistic, and romantic individual.
Libra in the 5th house suggests that he may have a strong appreciation for beauty, art, and creativity. He's likely to enjoy artistic pursuits, such as painting, music, or theater, and may have a natural talent for these endeavors. He may be drawn to romantic and elegant expressions of love and may enjoy courtship and romance.
This placement often suggests a desire for harmonious and balanced relationships. He may place a significant emphasis on creating a sense of fairness and equality in his romantic partnerships. He may also be drawn to social and cultural events and may enjoy attending parties, art exhibitions, or other gatherings that allow him to socialize and appreciate beauty.
His approach to creative self-expression and hobbies is likely to be graceful and charming, and he may have a talent for making life more enjoyable for himself and those around him.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Libra in the 5th house suggests that he is likely to be a charming, artistic, and romantic individual. He enjoys the beauty of life and may excel in creative pursuits. His desire for fairness and balance in relationships, as well as his appreciation for romantic and elegant expressions of love, makes him an enchanting and delightful partner in romantic endeavors.
In your Juno persona chart, with Scorpio in the 6th house, he may approach work, health, and daily routines with a passionate, intense, and determined mindset. His work ethic is marked by a deep focus on his tasks, and he's driven to excel in his professional life.
Individuals with Scorpio in the 6th house often have a strong desire for personal growth and self-improvement. He may be dedicated to maintaining good health and have an interest in exploring the hidden aspects of life, such as psychology or the mysteries of human existence. This commitment to self-betterment can make him a determined and driven individual.
In his approach to daily routines, he pays close attention to detail, and he has a penchant for uncovering hidden truths. Privacy is important to him, and he may not readily disclose every aspect of his daily life to others. He values depth and intensity in his work and daily activities.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Scorpio in the 6th house suggests that he approaches work, health, and daily routines with a passionate and intense determination. His dedication to personal growth and self-improvement makes him a committed and hardworking individual. His ability to delve into the hidden aspects of life and his attention to detail add depth to his approach to daily life.
In your Juno persona chart, with Sagittarius in the 7th house, he is likely to seek a partner who embodies the qualities of Sagittarius, such as a love for adventure, a quest for truth and knowledge, and a free-spirited and optimistic nature.
Individuals with Sagittarius in the 7th house often value freedom and independence in their relationships. They may be attracted to partners who share their passion for travel, education, or cultural exploration. These partnerships may involve a strong sense of adventure and a quest for personal and spiritual growth.
He may be drawn to individuals who have a strong sense of wanderlust and who encourage him to explore new horizons, both physically and intellectually. In his partnerships, he may value open-mindedness, a love for learning, and a shared sense of optimism and adventure.
Sagittarius in the 7th house often suggests a need for a partner who can provide intellectual and spiritual stimulation. He may thrive in relationships that allow for growth, exploration, and shared experiences. His partnerships may be marked by a sense of enthusiasm and a mutual quest for truth and knowledge.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Sagittarius in the 7th house suggests that he is likely to seek a partner who values adventure, exploration, and personal and spiritual growth. His ideal partner is open-minded, optimistic, and willing to share in his enthusiasm for learning and experiencing new things. His relationships are characterized by a quest for truth and a shared sense of adventure.
In your Juno persona chart, with Capricorn in the 8th house, he is likely to have a deep and ambitious approach to matters related to transformation, intimacy, and shared resources.
Capricorn in the 8th house suggests that he takes transformation and personal growth seriously. He may have a strong desire to excel in areas related to psychology, occult studies, or areas that require a deep understanding of human nature. He approaches matters of intimacy and shared resources with a sense of responsibility and a commitment to building stability and security.
This placement often indicates a practical and cautious approach to shared finances and resources. He may be diligent in managing joint assets, and he values financial stability within his partnerships. He may also be drawn to careers or roles that involve finances, investments, or managing other people's resources.
In matters of intimacy, he may be patient and focused on building trust over time. He values commitment and may have a serious approach to deep emotional connections.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Capricorn in the 8th house suggests that he has a deep and ambitious approach to transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. He values commitment, responsibility, and financial stability within his partnerships and takes a practical and diligent approach to managing shared assets. His focus on building trust and long-term connections makes him a reliable and serious partner in matters of intimacy.
In your Juno persona chart, with Aquarius in the 9th house, he is likely to have an open-minded, innovative, and intellectually curious approach to matters related to higher education, travel, and a broader perspective on life.
Aquarius in the 9th house suggests that he values intellectual freedom and is drawn to unconventional ideas and philosophies. He may have a strong desire for higher education and may excel in fields related to science, technology, or humanitarian causes. He thrives on the exchange of ideas and is often open to exploring various worldviews.
This placement often indicates a love for travel and a sense of adventure. He may be drawn to exploring new cultures, ideas, and places. He may also have a passion for social and humanitarian causes and may be involved in activities related to community or global improvement.
In matters of spirituality and personal growth, he approaches these with an open mind and a desire for innovation and progress. He may be drawn to spiritual or philosophical practices that challenge traditional beliefs and encourage personal growth.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Aquarius in the 9th house suggests that he has an open-minded, innovative, and intellectually curious approach to higher education, travel, and a broader perspective on life. He values intellectual freedom, is drawn to unconventional ideas, and has a passion for exploring new cultures and worldviews. His involvement in social or humanitarian causes and his open-minded approach to spirituality and personal growth make him a forward-thinking and intellectually stimulating partner.
In your Juno persona chart, with Pisces in the 10th house, he is likely to approach his career, public image, and life's ambitions with sensitivity, creativity, and a desire to serve others.
Pisces in the 10th house suggests that he may have a strong inclination toward careers in creative or compassionate fields, such as art, music, healthcare, or spiritual guidance. He may be known for his empathy and compassionate nature in his professional life. His career path may involve helping others and contributing to the greater good.
This placement often indicates a deep connection to the collective consciousness and a desire to make a meaningful impact on the world. He may feel drawn to roles that involve healing, nurturing, or offering spiritual guidance to others.
His public image is likely to be seen as sensitive, empathetic, and marked by a sense of idealism. He may be known for his artistic talents or his ability to connect with others on a profound emotional level.
In his pursuit of life's ambitions, he may be motivated by a strong desire to bring about positive change and to make the world a better place. His approach to success is marked by a deep sense of compassion and a commitment to serving the needs of others.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Pisces in the 10th house suggests that he approaches his career and public image with sensitivity, creativity, and a strong desire to serve others. He is likely to be known for his compassionate nature and his ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level. His career path is marked by a commitment to making a positive impact on the world, and his public image is seen as empathetic and idealistic.
In your Juno persona chart, a stellium in the 10th house with Pisces Venus, Mercury, and Uranus indicates that your future spouse may have a unique and creative approach to their career and public image. Here's how this stellium might manifest in their persona
Pisces Venus in the 10th House:Your future spouse may value careers and ambitions that allow them to express their deep sense of compassion and artistic sensitivity. They are likely to be drawn to professions that involve healing, art, or helping others. In their public image, they may be seen as someone who brings a sense of harmony and beauty to their field.
Pisces Mercury in the 10th House:Their communication style in their career is characterized by empathy and the ability to connect with others on an emotional level. They may excel in roles that involve storytelling, counseling, or creative writing. Their words and ideas may carry a profound and spiritual undertone.
Pisces Uranus in the 10th House:Your future spouse's approach to their career and public image is marked by innovation and a willingness to challenge the status quo. They are drawn to cutting-edge or unconventional professions and bring a sense of originality to their field. Their uniqueness sets them apart and makes them a trailblazer in their chosen career.
In their Juno persona chart, this stellium suggests that your future spouse's ideal partner may value their creative and compassionate approach to their career. They may seek a partner who appreciates their unique ideas and who is open to unconventional paths in life. Together, they are likely to share a vision of making a positive impact on the world through their creative and compassionate endeavors.
In your Juno persona chart, with Aries in the 11th house, he is likely to be an individual who is dynamic, independent, and enthusiastic when it comes to matters related to friendships, social circles, and his approach to goals and aspirations.
Aries in the 11th house suggests that he values individuality and independence within his social groups and friendships. He may be drawn to friends who are equally dynamic and forward-thinking. He often takes on a leadership role within his social circles and is motivated to initiate new activities and goals within these groups.
This placement often indicates a strong desire for personal achievement and a tendency to approach his goals with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure. He is not afraid to take risks and is known for his pioneering spirit when it comes to pursuing his aspirations.
His approach to friendships is marked by a strong sense of loyalty and a willingness to defend and support those he cares about. He values the importance of authenticity and is often seen as a passionate and independent friend.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Aries in the 11th house suggests that he is dynamic, independent, and enthusiastic when it comes to friendships and pursuing his goals and aspirations. He values individuality and independence within his social circles, and his leadership qualities often shine through. His approach to friendships is marked by loyalty, and he's known for his pioneering spirit in achieving his dreams and aspirations.
In your Juno persona chart, with Taurus in the 12th house, he is likely to have a deep connection to matters related to spirituality, the subconscious mind, and hidden aspects of life.
Taurus in the 12th house suggests that he may find solace and comfort in activities that connect him to the natural world and a sense of tranquility. He may be drawn to practices such as meditation, nature retreats, or activities that help him tap into the deeper layers of his subconscious mind.
This placement often indicates a strong connection to the material and sensual world, and he may find a sense of spiritual fulfillment in experiences that engage his senses, such as art, music, or nature. He values stability and may seek to create a sense of security within his spiritual and inner life.
His approach to matters related to the subconscious and hidden aspects of life may involve a deep sense of grounding and a desire for practical understanding. He often finds beauty and comfort in simplicity and may connect with his spiritual self through routines that bring a sense of peace and harmony.
Overall, in your Juno persona chart, the presence of Taurus in the 12th house suggests that he has a deep and practical connection to matters of spirituality, the subconscious mind, and hidden aspects of life. He finds solace in simple and sensory experiences and may connect to the deeper layers of his mind through practices that engage his senses and create a sense of security and tranquility.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of the Briede asteroid in Sagittarius in the 7th house at 2° adds a unique astrological layer to the characteristics and themes associated with your ideal partner in the context of committed relationships and partnerships.
While the Briede asteroid doesn't have as widely recognized astrological significance as major planets, its placement can still provide insights into specific characteristics and themes related to your partner.
Sagittarius is associated with qualities like adventurousness, a love for exploration, and a quest for knowledge. In the 7th house, this placement may suggest that your ideal partner values these Sagittarius-like qualities in the context of partnerships and committed relationships.
The 2° placement adds an element of initiation and new beginnings to these partnership dynamics. Your ideal partner may be in the early stages of exploring and embracing the adventurous and exploratory qualities of Sagittarius within the realm of committed relationships.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the presence of the Briede asteroid in Sagittarius in the 7th house at 2° suggests that your ideal partner may highly value qualities related to adventure, exploration, and a quest for knowledge within committed relationships and partnerships. This placement indicates a desire to initiate and explore these themes within the context of partnerships, emphasizing an adventurous and exploratory approach to committed relationships.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of Juno in Cancer in the 2nd house at 7° suggests qualities and themes that may be significant in the context of your ideal partner's values, self-worth, and material resources.
Juno represents the qualities that are important to you in a committed partnership. In Cancer, it signifies a need for emotional connection, nurturing, and a strong sense of home and family within your ideal partnership.
The 2nd house is associated with personal values, material resources, and financial matters. With Juno placed here, it indicates that emotional and nurturing qualities are vital in your partner's approach to financial matters and personal values. They may prioritize creating a secure and emotionally nurturing environment in their pursuit of material resources.
The specific degree placement at 7° adds an element of initiation and new beginnings to these themes. Your ideal partner may be in the early stages of working on aligning their emotional and nurturing qualities with their financial and material pursuits, emphasizing a need for emotional security and a sense of home in their values.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of Juno in Cancer in the 2nd house at 7° suggests that emotional connection, nurturing, and a strong sense of home and family are important qualities in your ideal partnership. Your partner may be in the early stages of working on aligning these qualities with their financial and material pursuits, emphasizing emotional security and a sense of home in their values.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of Lilith (Mean) in Virgo in the 4th house at 9° provides insights into qualities and tendencies associated with your ideal partner, particularly in the context of home, family, and emotional well-being.
Lilith represents themes related to rebellion, raw desires, and hidden or repressed aspects of one's nature. In Virgo, it suggests that your partner may have tendencies related to perfectionism, practicality, and a strong sense of duty, particularly within the context of the home and family.
The 4th house is linked to one's roots, home life, and emotional well-being. The presence of Lilith here may indicate that your partner has hidden desires or tendencies that relate to the need for perfectionism, practicality, or unconventional approaches to home and family matters.
The specific degree placement at 9° adds an element of focus or intensity to these themes. Your ideal partner may be actively working on understanding and expressing these hidden or repressed aspects of their nature within the context of home and family life.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of Lilith (Mean) in Virgo in the 4th house at 9° suggests that your ideal partner may have tendencies related to perfectionism, practicality, and a strong sense of duty within the context of home and family life. They may be in the process of actively working on understanding and expressing these hidden desires or tendencies, emphasizing unconventional approaches to domestic matters and emotional well-being.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of the Part of Fortune in Capricorn in the 8th house at 19° reveals aspects of well-being, joy, and success that may be particularly significant in your ideal partner's life and their role within the partnership.
The Part of Fortune is associated with one's sense of happiness, fulfillment, and alignment with their life's purpose. In Capricorn, it signifies that your partner may find well-being and joy through qualities related to ambition, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility.
The 8th house is linked to transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional bonds. With the Part of Fortune here, your ideal partner may experience a sense of fulfillment and success through matters related to shared resources, personal transformation, and deep emotional connections.
The specific degree placement at 19° adds a specific focus or intensity to these themes. Your partner may be strongly focused on personal transformation and the responsible management of shared resources to enhance their sense of well-being and success.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the presence of the Part of Fortune in Capricorn in the 8th house at 19° suggests that your ideal partner may find well-being and joy through qualities related to ambition, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility. They may emphasize personal transformation, responsible management of shared resources, and deep emotional connections as significant components of their well-being and success within the partnership.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the placement of the Part of Fortune in Capricorn in the 8th house at 19° reveals aspects of well-being, joy, and success that may be particularly significant in your ideal partner's life and their role within the partnership.
The Part of Fortune is associated with one's sense of happiness, fulfillment, and alignment with their life's purpose. In Capricorn, it signifies that your partner may find well-being and joy through qualities related to ambition, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility.
The 8th house is linked to transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional bonds. With the Part of Fortune here, your ideal partner may experience a sense of fulfillment and success through matters related to shared resources, personal transformation, and deep emotional connections.
The specific degree placement at 19° adds a specific focus or intensity to these themes. Your partner may be strongly focused on personal transformation and the responsible management of shared resources to enhance their sense of well-being and success.
In your Juno Persona Chart, the presence of the Part of Fortune in Capricorn in the 8th house at 19° suggests that your ideal partner may find well-being and joy through qualities related to ambition, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility. They may emphasize personal transformation, responsible management of shared resources, and deep emotional connections as significant components of their well-being and success within the partnership.
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calder · 1 year
your enoch / mark post lives in my head all day every day bc i’m mildly obsessed w the book of enoch and i’m really interested in how you’re relating apocalyptic text to fallout - i don’t know much abt the games except for nv but i’n interested what lead you to connect texts like enoch to fallout n is dee’s system part of this framework/interpretation?
(i don't know what dee's system is offhand)
ive struggled with how to answer this. i think it is largely that i found the text so movingly beautiful even as it was wrong with every assertion. it is the manic scrawlings of a schizophrenic person, pseudopigraphally attributed to an antediluvian, and purported to be the The First Book. the text is relentlessly vivid and evocative.
he'll spend pages rambling about how the sun orbits the earth and the moon is a woman, then left-turn into vague call for violence or attempts to describe the undescribable. i think this is my favorite part
1. Wisdom found no place where she might dwell; Then a dwelling-place was assigned her in the heavens. 2 Wisdom went forth to make her dwelling among the children of men, And found no dwelling-place: Wisdom returned to her place, And took her seat among the angels. 3 And unrighteousness went forth from her chambers: Whom she sought not she found, And dwelt with them,  As rain in a desert And dew on a thirsty land.
while i cannot even comprehend Enoch's position, much less agree with it, i am rocked by the scope and beauty of the author's internal life conveyed by the text.
i was already using the phrase "fallout apocrypha" to describe my area of interest. the beauty inherent to people disagreeing about how fallout works & making shit up
i'd like to share my favorite piece of fallout fan art with you. the original post seems to have been blanked by tumblr for some reason. this is quick redraw of an old indigenous Benny concept I drew by Frank Odlaws. his later comment regarding the work is included as a readmore.
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odlaws: " this was all left in the notes as reply to someone asking why he is speaking spanish if he is native but the context for this comic is that Benny is schizophrenic native american from a mexican tribe “my hc for benny is tailored to my own heritage for self indulgent reasons lol, so in this he is based on my people, which is an indigenous tribe in mexico, i hc that he isnt connected to the actual native language of his people, only the spanish they were forced to assimilate to in mexico just like english in america, and just like many native american mexican people lose touch with their tongue after generations of forced assimilation i sort of figured people would just know but thats kind of foolish of me lol, my people are the purepecha people, who have a long history of exploitation and forced assimilation as well as a running trend of people trying to break from the communities to find better lives because of how actively our communities are suppressed and exploited through actively violent means, history of revolution and communities trying to take law into their own hands even to this day which i think is pretty fitting for bennys arc in the comic and narrative of the game, seeing his story go from abandoning his “tribe” (what nv refers to as tribes lol) in search of dignity and security, and the whole quest to take things into his own hands to take the land, acting as if its rightfully his, feels alot more powerful when seeing it through the lens of a native man whos lost access to the pride of his people and history only seeing the desperate remnants of his once thriving community, where that idea of power and dignity seems so distant and foreign it almost feels like fantasy, the catholic imagery that follows his design also is very in line with my people, who created an entirely unique sort of image of Catholicism after it being so forced upon us they created an image of their own native religion thru the catholic lens as a means to continue our reality without fear of punishment”
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elminx · 3 months
Witch Tips: 8 Ways To Advance Your Kitchen Witchery
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Note here: as always, not all of these tips will work for everyone. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Where you are in life (how old you are, your budget, and where you live) will influence which of these are available. That’s okay.
One of my biggest frustrations with Kitchen Witch spaces online is that they are (almost always) simply a list of recipes or general kitchen correspondences. Sure, these are parts of kitchen witchery, but there’s more to it than that. I’ve decided to compile a list of things you can do to up the practical side of your craft. You’ll notice that these are not magical tips, per se, but tips on how to deepen your connection to the food you eat and craft with.
Join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farmshare
I’m starting with the big guns here. A CSA is a way to buy a share of a local farm. You give the farmer money ahead of the season (often in the fall, but you can sometimes sign up year-round), and then you get weekly or monthly pickups of their produce all season long. There are so many ways this supports kitchen craft: you are supporting a local farm in your community, you are guaranteeing yourself local seasonal produce, and it’s a great way to save money.
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CSAs tend to be a big investment up front, but the payoff is great – pound for pound, you don’t get those prices in a store. With some CSAs, you can go directly to the farm and choose some or all of what you take home, while others give you a premade box. Some deliver or have pickup points in major cities all over the country. Some come with pick-your-own herbs, tomatoes, and flowers. This is a better choice for an adventurous eater – you will encounter things you’ve never eaten! (If you’re a pickier eater, the next tip might be more your style) Some places have CSAs that include more than just vegs, too. In my area, I could sign up for a meat share, a fruit share, an egg share, and even a flower share!
Visit Your Local Farmer’s Markets
If you like complete control over what you eat but also like the idea of supporting local agriculture, farmer’s markets are a great place to start. You will find anything from in-season fresh-picked produce to eggs, meat, local honey, and more! They are also a great place to find fruit seconds during canning season. When you buy directly from a farm, the money goes into the farmer’s pockets, and the food is often cheaper without the grocer’s markup. Plus, you may get to talk to the people who grow your food, which is a big win in my book. This option is great because it does not involve a big investment like a CSA, and you can buy only what you will use.
Grow Your Own
If the above two options aren’t available to you, or you want to try out your green thumb, why not grow your own herbs, fruit, or veggies this season? I’m not suggesting starting a whole-scale garden if that’s not something you have ever done before – start small and manageable. Pick one thing you KNOW you will eat and grow that. This takes more planning because you must consider your space and time constraints. All plants need soil, light, and nutrients, but each has different needs. Most herbs, tomatoes, and peppers can be grown in containers in smaller spaces, while other plants need a lot of room to grow. A lack of outdoor space can be remedied with a few grow lights. If you’re starting for the first time, this is a list of herbs that are very easy to grow for beginners so long as you give them enough light to thrive: basil, cilantro/coriander, garden sage, lemon balm, mint, lavender, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and thyme.
This can be a really budget-friendly option, too! Many areas have active plant groups with friendly people who are very willing to donate an old grow pot and a start to a newbie gardener. Plus, if you’re growing it yourself, you don’t need to purchase it in a store.
Can, Freeze, Dry, Dehydrate, and Save
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If you end up with a CSA or grow your own, there will likely be a point in the season when you have a bounty too large to consume. When we have enough, we share or save for later. This isn’t a manual on the best ways to preserve your harvest, but you definitely can preserve it for a later date. And, I promise you, nothing is more rewarding in the dead of winter than pulling out something you preserved in the height of summer. Your preservation methods will change depending on what you have an excess of. If you want to get into water bath canning, I suggest picking up any version of the Ball Blue Book, which gives you directions on safe canning methods. If you live in a dry climate, you can dry your herbs by hanging them, but if you’re like me and live in a humid zone, a dehydrator is a safe way to avoid pesky mold issues. Many fruits and vegetables can be frozen, cut up, or whole. Do some research here – you’ll be surprised by what you find.
Use Those Scraps
If you want to be frugal and more environmentally friendly, start keeping your kitchen scraps. Bones and leftover vegetable ends can be frozen and later turned into broth. Citrus peels can candied, dried, or infused into vinegar or vodka. Apple peels can be turned into pectin for jam or jelly making. The ends of tender herbs like cilantro, basil, and parsley can be pulsed into pestos and sauces. The rinds on parmesan cheese can be saved to add to soups or sauces for some extra umami. I could go on, and I’m sure there are a million uses for kitchen scraps I’ve never heard of. If you are interested in this, there are many folk magic resources about using what you already have, and that would be a good place to start. Being frugal saves money and keeps unnecessary waste out of landfills.
Speaking of landfills, how about keeping your vegetable scraps out of them altogether? Many improvements in composting have allowed it to be done in much smaller spaces. I have a postage stamp-sized backyard, but I have two large compost bins that I rotate using yearly so that one is always curing while the other is being filled up with new produce. Plus, I have natural fertilizer for my garden that came from my kitchen! If you don’t have outdoor space, devices on the market now can compost your kitchen scraps in a few hours. Some seem to be rated for bones, which is pretty cool. They still seem to be pricy, but it’s an option if you can afford it.
Make Your Own
Are you into baking? Did you know you can make your own vanilla extract by putting a vanilla bean into some vodka? It’s virtually eternally reusable because you simply refill the bottle every time you use it. (Sidenote: for a deeper flavor, sub in your favorite dark liquor for the vodka here) Now, you have vanilla extract, which is also vanilla vodka. This also works for other extracts (mint, coffee, and almonds come to mind), but you should research how long to infuse them. Do you love pies? You can make and can your own pie filling while the fruit is in season. Do you love tacos? Make your own salsa. This can really level up your witching because it gives you an extra chance to infuse your magic into your food – once while you prepare the base ingredients and again when you cook them into your meal.
There is nothing quite like making a strawberry shortcake from start to finish. For me, that starts in the strawberry fields. Picking the berries myself guarantees the best and freshest berries! And it creates a great link between me and the plant where it was growing. In my area, I can pick herbs, flowers, salad, tomatoes, and beans at my local farm share, but depending on the season, I can also find you-pick strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and apples. I try to take advantage of every one. This weekend, I’ll be staying near a you-pick lavender farm and will definitely be visiting there, too! Since you do the work to pick your own, the produce prices tend to be lower, too. This is a great way to get outdoors and connect with what you are cooking with where it is growing.
Wild Harvesting
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This comes with several caveats: You ABSOLUTELY need to do your own research and be 100% sure of your plant identification before you eat anything you harvest from the wild. A mistake can literally kill you! If you have known food allergies, this is not the tip for you—trying any food you haven’t had before is a risk of an allergic reaction, so don’t risk it. Additionally, some wild foods are protected or endangered. Know before you harvest. Take only what you’ll use and leave some for the animals. Practice safe wild harvesting, too – avoid taking from places near major roads, cemeteries, or known hazardous waste dumping grounds for your own safety. On the other hand – harvest invasives to your heart’s content!
There are, of course, a million ways to kitchen witch and this is simply some of the ways that I like to connect more deeply with my food in all stages of its journey. How do YOU kitchen witch? I'd love to hear more about it - feel free to send me asks telling me what you like to do.
Do you like my work? You can tip me over on Kofi, commission me to write an astrological report for you, or signs up to be a monthly supporter of my writing.
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themedialmercurial · 2 years
✈️🪁Asteroid Vibilia (144) and how you travel🪁✈️ pt. 2
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This asteroid was named after the Roman goddess of travel, representing both short and long journeys. Depending on the placement of said asteroid, it can point towards your preferred travel destinations and where you may choose to take a journey - - - 🛩️
P.S this is based on my observations, by all means I’m far from a pro. Take this with a grain of salt and feel free to share your thoughts!
See part 1 here!🛩️🛩️
Aspects to the sun-many prominent and important trips during your lifetime
Aspects to the moon-intimate trips, meant to evoke strong emotion, emotional development
Aspects to mercury-trips involving a life lesson, challenges your way of thinking
Aspects to Venus-trips based on aesthetics, art and love
Aspects to mars-action filled trips, fast-paced, living on the “wild-side”
Aspects to Jupiter-potentially winning a trip to a destination, or winning something during a trip, luck
Aspects to Saturn-trips that are structured/serious in nature (defined itinerary), prominent business trips
Aspects to Uranus-random and spontaneous trips, many of surprises during the vacation, expected events
The native with this placement will travel in relation all things self-expression and entertainment as the fifth house is representative of all things fun. They may also embark on their travels as a means of finding romance (maybe even THE one!) if they don't already have a partner. These individuals seek leo-like activities on vacation such as live shows, the circus and cinema overall. As they are prone to seeking the spotlight, destinations where the native can join in on festivities are likely to be preferred.
The native would thrive in a resort-like setting, Jamaica or the Caribbean comes to mind. Plenty of activities in which tourists can join in on such as dancing and singing. They too would enjoy the festival . Also, the native would love the social aspect of the activities! Rather than collecting physical souvenirs, the native would collect many new friends!
The native with this placement may be meticulous in their travel plans, having something that ressembles an itinerary to keep themself organized throughout the journey. Since the sixth house represents also health and work, this individual is likely to embark on trips that remind them of their career somehow or, they may actively seek connections to their career. As per their health, they are likely to actively seek whether food or activities, things that ensure that they maintain their health-style. The native may enjoy collecting souvenirs such as books and stationery to keep their busy minds stimulated.
A travel destination that is suited for this placement would be Slovakia as it is said to have the most public libraries for its residents. Also, the native may prefer a more structured approach to travelling, thus a tour guide with a pre-planned itinerary may help the native relax.
The native with this placement will travel for affairs related to contracts, whether that be marital or business. This can be someone who enjoys travelling with their partner and/or someone who must travel abroad in order to sort international business contracts. Also, this placement will find great comfort in all that is aesthetic during their travels, with special attention to jewelry and clothes. They will likely see no problem splurging on these items, claiming them as souvenirs.
A libra-like activity that comes to mind is visiting an art gallery or a museum, subjecting the native to an environment dedicated to aesthetics. In particular, the Louvre museum in Paris comes to mind, offering a great balance between visual beauty and learning.
The native with this placement will travel for reasons related to their thrill-seeking nature as the eighth house represents mystery. This person will likely have a go with the flow mentality while travelling, opting for opportunities they'll never forget.
Some activities for this placement include: bungee-jumping, cave exploration, skydiving, hiking in the woods, national parks and camping to fulfill their desire to complete activities that can be considered dangerous generally. In particular, Yellowstone national park in Wyoming, Montana, deemed to be one of the greatest national parks to exist, should have the native feeling right at home.
As a collective, water signs would likely prefer travel destinations closer to bodies of water such as an island or coastal environment🏝
As a collective, fire signs would likely prefer travel destinations that are warmer in temperature with sun-filled days 🏜
As a collective, earth signs would likely prefer travel destinations that are mountain-filled along side valleys and rocky places. The Appalachians come to mind 🏞
As a collective, air signs would likely prefer travel destinations riddled with cooler, windier weather🌬
Keep your eyes peeled for parts 3!
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thinkpink212 · 2 months
A life update
The summer started out with lots of rain, a new job at a museum where I get to work with crystals, cool books, butterflies and just an overall gorgeous environment. I quit from my massage job after they played one too many times in my face — long story short, I was being overworked despite protest, had immature colleagues with conflict resolution issues, incompetent employers and just not enough pay. Gave up for a while on the idea of opening up my own massage place due to how expensive it can be to rent a place. Eventually my birthday came around, tears were she’d, laughs were had. Managed to read 14+ books at this point (on book 17 now) and a week later my roommate tells me she’s convinced her boyfriend to move in, so I have to move out. No thoughts were put towards me so I have till end of august to be out, which broke me but after a good cry and some slandering to friends and family, I’ve calmed down and am actively searching for a new home. I realized I’d asked the universe for a new place to live after realizing just how dirty, inconsiderate and just overly unpleasant it was to live with this girl, to show me a new way, bring me a new home. So, looking at it all with newfound optimistic eyes. It’s still unsettling and nerves wrecking, I have moved 13 times now and you can imagine a girl is tired. But no more shitty roommates, no more unfortunate situation. I will find my home soon. With dreams of finding my own place, studying next year (Fall start) and writing a book, I have loads on my plate. Being busy feels nice but I’m still working on tweaking the perfect schedule for myself so I can do it all. I was ready to give up on opening my own studio, but after announcing to my #1 loyal costumer it was my second to last week, he offered helping me with guidance, website, taxes etc setups as he’s a seasoned entrepreneur (and has helped many). His enthusiasm and encouragement relit that fire and I thought ‘yeah, why not have it all?’
By the end of 2024, I will be a business owner (part time), have my own apartment, have finished my 1st draft and glowed up to levels beyond my imagination. And next year, I’ll have finished my book and started on the sequel, been accepted into University, have a booming business and continue to thrive! never give up never what, NEVER BACK DOWN! hope you’re all doing well, hope this was a bit of a motivator. Life will have its upset and downs, so please don’t give up. Step away and take everything in shorter strides. You can and will have it all, if that’s what you desire.
Xo Thinkpink
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dballzposting · 1 year
I do believe that Pan needs to be the next Mr Satan.
It goes like this: Pan sort of floats around for a while and doesn’t know where to put down her roots.
She feels bad about it, and wasn’t expecting this of herself - she was an opinionated and willful child, and she can’t believe that she’s lost now that she has the volition to go far. 
Her parents are settled and set. Her uncle and Trunks seem settled - Goten had told her, as to soothe her, that “hey, I was a floater for a while too. I knew I wanted a family but I didn’t know what I’d do for work - and then Trunks approached me with the sword-fighting dojo idea, and now I’m here. He was a wandering soul himself, even. It took him a while to find the sword thing. So don’t sweat it. You’ll figure it out.”
But Pan is not mollified by this at all because it does not help her now. She’s lost NOW - and doesn’t know how to get to the supposed future where she isn’t. 
Gohan, who has seen horrors unimaginable, cannot understand her attitude. There is peace. She can do anything she wants.
“But WHAT do I do?”
“But WHAT?”
“Anything! There’s potential for anything! Don’t you see how that’s wonderful?”
But Pan almost wishes for another apocalypse so that her life journey would be clear.
Videl has always wanted to give Pan many options for conducting her life, and she’s affronted like Gohan when that is now somehow to Pan’s detriment. 
She encourages Pan to try teaching at her martial arts school, and Gohan encourages her to be a tutor at his university - and neither feel right to Pan.
Meanwhile, Bura’s path has always been clear. She’s thrived in the environment of Capsule Corp. She has enough training by her father to hold her own against any Earth-borne foes, and she’s free to be a fashionable and intelligent powerhouse, even more intense than her mother. A career somewhere in the structure of Capsule Corp was imminent, and when Trunks finally abdicated the President’s chair, Bura knew precisely where she was to go. She became the second youngest Capsule Corp president at 21, and she’s on course to being the CEO after her mother.
Meanwhile, Marron has never had issues with feeling lost. Maybe it’s because she was always in an environment of ease at home, where lounging about at Kame House was a preferable and regular activity. She moves on to do something sweet and docile with her time, like becoming a dance teacher, or doing something with flowers, and she lives calmly and peacefully away from the spotlight and off of the radar.
Oh, but Son Pan just cannot find her roots! She snubs the footsteps of her parents, which feel right for THEM, but their place is not her place. She abhors the drama and show of her Grandfather Satan, which is dire to him, and something that he thrives in, but is only FRIVOLOUS to her. She needs something REAL. Her other grandfather, good lord -  she could never compare if she wants to have hobbies other than fighting. Besides, fighting is only fulfilling when there is someone bad to fight - and how often will that come up? Is she meant to spend her life training and waiting?
Lastly, her grandmother is a commendable woman, but after her children grew and flew away, she had nothing much to do. Pan sees her own youthful lack of direction mirrored in her grandmother’s late age, and she is not keen on living a life where she is doomed to repeat that era again. Even if she is already pretty good at keeping a house structured and clean.
So ... what does she do?
With Goten away at the dojo, Pan is eventually encouraged to step in on the Son family farm. Her father especially encourages it, as he thinks that it will benefit her to get in touch with the reality of wild nature. Furthermore, if she is trying to find roots, then Mt. Paozu is the place to find generations of them.
So for a while, Pan lives like her father, uncle, grandfather, and grandmother have; with the elements, organic and true. In this time, she helps to take care of her grandmother, works alongside her, and spends a lot of time with her. Chichi teaches her recipes, she tells her true tales of the epic adventures of years past, she teaches her how to haggle at the marketplace; she teaches her the value of a dollar, and Pan learns how much it pales compared to a drop of rain. 
Pan vacillates in her opinion of the farm. She finds it useless, she finds it endless, she finds it secretly wise, she finds it mysterious, worthwhile, important, temporary, stifling, healing, not for her, the greatest gift, or just boring.
Her grandpa Goku, always warm yet ever absent, stands as a paragon of answers to her still. He’s a wise man to her, and she wonders more and more if she shouldn’t train with him for a maintained period of time. Then she hears his stories from Chichi, and she realizes that Goku had many wise old teachers in his day: from Korin to King Kai, he was always enabled by another. Goku himself is not a contained pinnacle of greatness, but the product of many teachers and warriors coming together and contributing their wisdom.
Pan is not prone to placing any one person on a pedestal anyway - and this is a Son family virtue in of itself - but the realization that the journey made the man and not the man the journey sinks in like new to her. Without realizing it, and without intending to follow any particular footsteps, Pan does set out on a journey like the one that Goku has in the original dragon ball. She packs a bag, and with no real agenda but to travel and see, she leaves Mt Paozu and starts walking in one direction.
She ends up being a bonafide wanderer for a few years. Trudging about with a walking stick. Swimming across rivers. Eating what she catches. And most importantly, solving problems from town to town. 
It’s a big world outside of her big city. Every town has its own customs, traditions, beliefs, realities, and it doesn’t take long for her to forget all about the small world of global fame and space-traveling that she’s come from.
And it really is a fucked up world out there. Demons. Creatures. Pirate coves and booby traps. Man-eating gourds. Bullies and con-artists alike. Pan finds herself in some real situations, much like when she was in space, and exactly like the ones that the young Son Goku found right here on Earth - just some fucked up shit that takes some creative and quick thinking to get out of. Pan learns to love and admire and venerate the Earth based on the suffering and discomfort that it forces her to persevere through.
It’s a big world out there, and every anthill is rich and every fossil a book. Every town has its own mysteries and she does what she can to remedy their woes when applicable.
As she gets more and more capable at hunting, she comes to refuse all monetary payment. She expects nothing in return, but is more than grateful to accept clothes, tools, good food, good company, a warm place to sleep, good advice, and good conversation.
Son Pan becomes the Wandering Hero. She strengthens her moral center and finds only fulfillment in navigating - and sometimes failing hard at - the difficult ethical questions and circumstances that arise. It’s nothing that she could have accomplished reading her father’s philosophy books or listening to her mother preach passionately about justice - these are lessons that she can only learn herself, in action. Her mistakes cut deep and vindicate her reality; her regrets never leave and always steer her straight; and her successes are defined by the harmony of due comeuppance that sings in all parties.
In this time, she learns of what honor and justice are really, and she comes to dedicate herself to the virtue of balance in all contexts. This is something natural to her blood, but not something that she was to come into on blood alone. She becomes more a martial artist in this time, in head and spirit, then she ever would have training in the city.
She travels the globe and finds the definition of beauty in every corner. All the actions of her predecessors in the fantastic stories she’s heard make perfect sense to her now, and she realizes not that she comes from a group of rational or well-opinionated beings, but that she comes from a group who is astute and perceptive enough to read the overt truth: that there is no choice, there is no room for opinion - the Earth NEEDS to be protected at all costs. She comes from a group who’s been courageous enough to face that.
When she reflects back on why she had first embarked, she feels silly. A quest to find her place - it’s shallow. Her place? She’s alive on the planet Earth, isn’t that enough?
In this way, however, she does come to find herself. In searching the coves and corners of the Earth, she finds herself in all of it, and realizes her consummate place to be a denizen of it.
After this, she is inflamed with the necessity to strive to protect the Earth. Whereas before, waiting to defend it seemed dull, now she sees that the point isn’t in the success, but in the time spent preparing. To spend time not working in favor of the Earth is to waste time. She does train with Goku - and all of the rest who are willing. She spends a year with Roshi, even, running milk and plowing fields, and she leaves only because she becomes self-realized and noble enough to deign it fit to strike him HARD for his lecherous attempts at her.
She dares to train with Vegeta for a moment. At first he wouldn't have her, but she proves her determination and pride enough that he allows her to disappoint him properly. She spends a time with King Kai, and she has tea with the Kaioshins, and suddenly it’s looking like her space-traveling days again.
She eventually returns home, which is the point of it all, and her Grandpa Satan is getting old. He would like to spend the rest of his golden years watching the Golden Girls, and the stress of operating as the soothe-sayer and rallier for the world has begun to weigh on him. During these late years, Uub has begun to shoulder some of the responsibility, and he fights for Mr Satan as one of his pupils in the tournaments. Mr Satan still maintains the World Champion title, though at this point it is mostly honorary, because it is Uub who actually makes an appearance on the ring.
Uub is wicked strong, he brings fame fortune and honor to the human name, he has fought alongside Goku and Vegeta and I think at this point has even made a trip to Beerus’s world once - but he is a shy lad all the same, and he doesn’t necessary want world fame as much as he wants good friends. He’s happy to lead if he must, and will find great responsibility and satisfaction in the role, but, yknow, he likes eating and laughing with Goku, and training with Vegeta, and watching The Golden Girls with Mr Satan. He gets nervous on camera. And he’s not a good yarn-spinner. He’s a sensitive, genuine, and honest kind of person; he is nothing if he can’t find a place in and serve well his community, but there are other things he is more fit to do than be World Champion. 
Pan and Uub have no doubt trained together. And TBH they’re not that far apart in age I feel like they could be gal pals. They could definitely talk. Oh they could definitely call each other on the phone and chat it up. Oh they would just understand each other so WELL. They’ve both spent time away from family and have a reserve of pain dedicated to that. At the same time, they’ve made the whole world their family. They are both dedicated to protecting it and serving it well. They have both humbled themselves before the endeavor of self-improvement.
They are both honored to be of service, but they get to talking, and Uub, in the name of paying comeuppance for the grief he’s caused himself, must lay bare his nature: he doesn’t know if he can be the World Champion after Mr Satan. He absolutely will if he must, but he scares himself when he thinks of how he’ll go about it. He can’t help but to think that he won’t inspire much confidence, that his character isn’t luxurious enough to rally an audience, that maybe it’s an ostentatious position that ought to fade from existence, that maybe the Earth doesn’t need talkers but walkers. He’s struggling at differentiating between when doubt is harmful vs when it’s a saving grace. He relents that - if his journey is to be perilous and perplexing and strenuously difficult, he will accept it with grace and graititude and stumble along. If he is to be handed the torch, the honor bestowed upon him by that action will carry him through, and he will become built for it out of necessity. He makes clear that he will be beyond humbled and will know the highest enjoyment if the Earth is to trust him with its delicacy and he is to take it in his hands, and he will conduct himself with valor, and he will believe in himself if the world does, because he would never forsake its opinion.
He’s made all the world a teacher, and he will never stop improving himself by it.
But. Well. It’s just that. He can’t help but to think. Well - he wants well for the world. And wouldn’t the world be better off with with a leader who was already fit for the job? So that it wouldn’t have to sit through a learning curve? No one can replace the King Lion that was Mr Satan, but, like, it’s just that, well Uub has been getting really into realty TV these days, and he would like to have the downtime to watch that, and also he hasn’t seen his mom in a while, and he starts sweating when you point a camera on him, and if he had to wear that hot and heavy World Champion cape he may just faint, and, like - all the world’s a teacher, and he feels that there is harmony in that, and if he has to go up on stage and rally a crowd for no good discernible reason, just to maintain a title, well, what’s the point of that? 
When Pan was young, she made clear that she did not want to be the next Mr Satan. Then she moved farther from her parents’s paths, and now in a circuitous way, she’s arrived closer to all of them than where she’s started. In the interest of finding a role, in placing roots, is there anyplace more pertinent than the life of her grandfather, whose life work has been to unify and heal the hearts and minds of the people on Earth? In studying tight niches to find herself in all of it, in traveling far to find herself in the blood she’s always carried with her - the role of her grandfather Satan is the one role of her kin that she hasn’t yet indirectly and inexorably pursued.
It’s the role to tie it all together. At a few key points, Earth would not have persevered, or navigated with much health or success, through dire circumstances without the spokesman unifying all of Earth’s various, small, beautiful corners. When the Earth at large is at stake, all the forces therein need to join their efforts together to protect what they love, and there is a necessary catalyst for that, a unifying voice that all can sing to.
The Earth has warriors looking out for it, training far in space in order to maintain Earth’s place in the broader order. There are warriors training within the Earth to enable a good cause, in swordfighting dojos and schools that bear a family name and significance. There are business leaders, presidents and CEOs, doing what they were born to do and wearing what they love to wear. There are farmers and mothers, there are scholars, there are people adding to destiny by doing what they enjoy.
And there’s a symbol for all of this, one individual who can stand at the top with solid feet and a confidence that reflects not just inner strength but the strength that comes from serving, and being loved by, others.
It’s in her blood. It’s in her roots. She’s when the unstoppable house of Goku meets the dazzling house of Satan, where the soul is of pure passion, where humility embraces confidence, where love and and devotion is multiplied beyond count.
She couldn’t have become the next World Champion when she was young. Though she was photogenic and flamed with showmanship when inspired, that was all the merit she saw in the job, and that was not enough for her; ibso facto, she was not enough for it, all the symbolic meaning being lost on her.
Now, she can do it, and may be the only one who can. It all comes together. Everything that she’s learned, seen, heard - all the values that have been endowed upon her since the cradle - can come into play.
She loves her Grandpa Satan anyway. She would be so happy and honored to take the torch, and to make him happy.
And she loves the Earth, and she loves the people on it. There’s power and hope and potential in every soul, no matter how small of a corner one hails from, and Pan would find actualization in harmonizing them all into one consolidated force. This is the Earth loving itself. Consider this her Saiyaman phase.
As World Champion, she would be very different from the lion Mr Satan was. Mr Satan had his beginnings in a genuine passion for the martial arts, but he is also grandiose and self-important by nature, and so he took to fame as fate expressly bid it. He is sustained by the veneration and adoration of others, and this served him well as he always sought to communicate to the public a version of a story that was both believable and that inspired confidence, comfort, and excitement. Despite it all, Mr Satan is still the most in-touch with the average human out of all of the Z fighters, and this has made him an effective leader. He is also a very gifted yarn-spinner. As in big fat liar. And that’s fine. It all worked out perfectly in the end. But.
That’s not how Pan is gonna be World Champion. She has no interest in lying, or gloating, or extolling, or embellishing, or fabricating. The job does require some small ... re-identifying of certain events, and Son Pan will not be too good to lie by omission. But she’s not here to make up tales. That was her grandpa’s job. Her job is to walk, not talk. 
Her presence on stage is much less for the benefit of the audience. Rather than giving them what they want to hear, SHE tells THEM what they want to hear - she steps out on stage in heavy boots, heavy belt, heavy cape and says “Alright, listen up-” and tells them what they need to hear and what she needs them to understand.
This presence of course commands so much respect, and it still runs well on camera. This is an aesthetic and presentation that the magazines can run fine with.
If Mr Satan was the King Lion, she is The Sergeant - all the command of her grandmother, all the competence of her paternal grandfather, all the conviction of her mother, and all the commitment of her father.
Despite this look, she is not into the cigars like her grandfather and mother are. She prefers to not compromise herself with substances, and when she does, it is with sweets and treats and ice cream delights.
She doesn’t humor dumb questions at interviews, and she is incredibly perceptive, knowing what’s being asked better than the interviewer - she will ascertain what REALLY wants to be known, and she won’t hold back when delivering.
She is succinct, effective, and at times laconic. She’s stoic when she needs to be, but she’s also comfortable on camera, and she knows when and how to have a little fun. As a fighter in the tournaments, she likes to prolong the battle for a while, and teach as much as she can in that time.
As a leader, she inspires obedience and confidence, and all the world can feel that she loves them more than they know. May they never know, and never have to see her fall for them.
But hey. It’s just the family business, right? Everything will always return to this, because nothing else has ever actually mattered.
And she still has Girl’s Night with Uub and Bura and Marron and you know she’s buying. After all, a dollar’s value pales when compared to a drop of rain, and its best use is when buying for friends.
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sluggybasson107 · 4 months
Life chat
Hey! Um I’ve been absent for a long time and haven’t really posted about it. Although I think I’m ready to talk about it now? I think this is just a ramble about where my minds been at for some time.
Tw for chronic pain/illness, depression
As someone who deals with two chronic illnesses, it’s been hard to make content and talk online. My pain makes real life tasks such as work and chatting consume all of my energy. Even though I think about Digimon more than ever, it’s harder to find energy to go on tumblr/discord and talk about it.
In the past, the Digimon community has been an escape for me. A place where I don’t have chronic pain and depression. Unfortunately, these two issues have been strong enough to affect my activity in the online sphere, which makes me really sad. I had plans to do a redesign series for Tri (I love the movies, but I can admit the designs can be lacking near the end), an animatic for one of my favorite characters, and memes of the tamers and frontiers kids…but I just feel so worn out.
Right, so the main reason why I haven’t been here is unfortunately depression. Its gotten tough the past year and a half. I’m in therapy and have the Finch app to try combating this, but I’ve still had really rough periods that last around a month. My friends are aware and I’m currently doing better than a couple months ago, but I can’t help but feel absolutely exhausted from trying to do daily tasks.
Combine this with my chronic pain and I’ve just been a mess lol. I’ve had a couple of moments where I’ve snapped at irl friends from my frustrations and anger at my own limitations, which gave me lots of social anxiety with interacting and talking. I’m scared of being sad and negative all the time and dragging others down. I’m at a period where I want to reach out to others again and talk, but I’m scared.
I’m usually someone who thrives on social interactions and is great at reaching out to others online and irl to meet people, so it’s really weird for me to feel scared talking to others. I think my anxiety is now even worse online because I haven’t been supporting people here on tumblr and discord because I’ve been overwhelmed with the backlog of stuff I’ve missed. I feel so guilty. I’ve gotten notified about new chapters of my absolute FAVORITE fics, yet I can’t open a tab and give it a try.
I don’t know, I’m just kind of lost and trying to find balance in stormy waters. If I repetitively back online then disappear, that’s why.
I hope you’re doing well. I care about you all so I’m sorry if I came off as distant and upset. Thank you for reading my silly post 💛
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