#and worked a 40hour week
pecanwriter · 8 months
Me writing a new chapter: oh this one is gonna be SHORT
Me, at 3336 words: alright now we're slowly getting to the part I actually wanted to write about...........
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illjustpretend · 2 years
romanticizing my lack of sleep as a coping mechanism
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hiding-in-my-corner · 2 years
How do I hide from everything forever?
I don't want to participate in the bullshit the rich and powerful have decided is "life" anymore.
I want to live in a cabin in the woods with 5 cats, a garden, my partner and maybe another one, a body of water somewhere nearby, and no fucking bullshit.
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meow-minola · 5 months
wow I'm struggling to be a person who primarily runs a household
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uglyfruit · 7 months
what’s aba
ABA stands for applied behavior analysis. It’s a super common and pervasive “treatment”/“intervention” for autistic children-- because they're showing "disruptive" distress behaviors, because their autistic traits are seen as needing to be assimilated to fit into capitalist society, because it's just seen as the thing you do with autistic kids
Basically it tries to change someone’s outward behavior using rewards or punishments. When it was first invented (by the guy also involved in creating conversion therapy!), these included slaps and electric shocks. Today, most of the methods have been made much “friendlier”, but still arguably work to make an autistic child’s behavior easier to deal with, more “normal”, more compliant.
While it often /is/ effective in changing outward behaviors, that says nothing of its potential to teach shame, masking of autistic traits, reliance upon prompts/rewards to do things, teaching that you must always obey authority figures, that your internal feelings are unimportant, the trauma of potentially aversive punishments, the fact that kids as young as 2 get recommended to spend up to 40hours a week in intensive ABA, the fact that it rarely addresses (or even worsens) the actual issues underlying distress behaviors…. and ultimately the message is that disabled people must be changed to fit into abled society, rather than abled society changing.
As that post I reblogged said, it's important to nuance to the discussion beyond "ABA=abuse", especially regarding how so many social forces shape the reality and power and experience of ABA, incl the absence of better types of care.
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acommonloon · 4 months
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Maybe Jack Skellington?
I didn’t check for a plaque but if there was one I’m sure the artist will have named this piece something thoughtful but ambiguous. What it is, is what you make of it in your mind.
I believe it’s the same for people. For two decades I’ve been meeting people who are getting a divorce and a common theme is “I don’t recognize that person.” I heard it again on Thursday. “After 32 years I thought she was happy.”
In dozens of cases, I’ve heard that. I think it’s always been the man. I’ve had plenty of women unburden themselves about their situation but none of them were the surprised party.
I’d reluctantly agreed to appraise the couple’s property but only after speaking with both of them. From my end it feels like I’m interviewing couples to ensure they qualify for my services. I won’t be a part of their fight. I’m not his appraiser or hers.
I spoke with her on the phone before accepting the assignment. It was a friendly conversation but she chose not to be there for the site visit. At the end of my visit, he was thinking about the property he’d just shown me. He talked about the years it had taken to develop it; they’d built it together.
He was particularly fixated on all the hours he’d worked. He’d never worked only a 40hour week. Now he was finding out about…infidelity. “I feel like I don’t know her.” He apologized saying “Sorry, I’m telling you things you don’t need to hear.”
lol he was wearing a thin blue line flag ball cap and a 2nd Amendment t-shirt.
I never acknowledged his statement clothing or his grievances about his marriage but he reached out and shook my hand and thanked me.
He doesn’t know me…I don’t know him. He doesn’t know his wife. I believe, what he knows about himself is mostly the role he inhabits.
It’s the same for all to some extent. You can spend hours of every day in introspection and in the end, you can be sure that who you are is an attempt to be who you think you are and strive to be. You’re a character in a story you tell about yourself to yourself and others.
I think you should always doubt you are who you think you are. I think you should never doubt you don’t know who anyone else is.
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sock-puppetlife · 1 year
Another thing that sucks about being a neurodivergent person in the US is the fact that if I work 40hours a week anywhere, I start to go insane. Not to mention the countless studies that show the numerous benefits of working a 32 hour work week over 4 days. But whenever I complain about working a 5 day work week (I will get insanely suicidal if I do this for more than 2 weeks straight), all I get are blank stares. And it's so insanely frustrating.
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smokiebambie · 1 year
TW// ed// ranting
Sometimes i get so frustrated with my ed.
I always see posts about low calore plans, healthy/small meals, but i work about 40hours a week.. in restaurants….
Im always walking around, getting extremely exhausted.
And i get it. I can easily buy healthy, nutritious options to keep my body feuled and working while still being low cal/healthy. But those good options come with a price. Im constantly worried about paying rent and bills and car payments on time and even gas that i really dont have a whole lot of money to spend on ‘good’ foods. So i buy the cheap stuff. The food thats on sale, etc. and i cant not buy food because i live with my boyfriend who can and will eat anything and everything.
I hate the situation im in and what my body has become.
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pleatedjeans · 1 year
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40 Hilariously Relatable Work Memes For Each Of The 40 Un-Funny Hours You Have To Work This Week (August 28, 2023)
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isntsmart · 11 months
I'm so jobcel I only feel normal working 40hours a week
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archive111323 · 1 year
done with my 40hour work week
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warlock-enthusiast · 2 years
the family thing yesterday reminded me why I was no contact with most of my family. We decided to go, because my grandpa extended an olive branch and well...
some quotes:
Young people do not want to work any more
Anyone can do anything doesn't matter where they are coming from (it was the bootstrap speech)
We worked from 7am to 6pm and didn't complain
All of these young people don't have a work ethic any more, because they are only interested in their phones
Ukrainian people are all rich and do not deserve money from the state
insert some racist stuff about migrants here
Just work more if you want more money!! young people only want to work 30 or 20 hours and demand that the state pays for their lazyness
Putin isn't the bad guy media makes him out to be
something about gender neutral bathrooms
climate change isn't real
I may have blown up at my aunt at one point, grabbed the hubby and left. My aunt lives in a cute, paid house and her daughter just inherited a cute, paid house from her grandparents.
the funny thing is that all of these people have kids that are working 40hours per week lol
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bluiex · 2 years
Part 3 of Children of The Night
Little snippet for day/night cycles in my world, they are based of the minutes that pass for every day and night in minecraft. There are 20min for a day and the same for a night. So adding that up, minecraft has 40hours in a full cycle. I the normal week cycle by a day to hopefully fill in the amount of time going by each year. I don't have a number for the days in a months or how many months there are. But there is 450 days in a year for them. You can sugest thing for this if you like.
Grian and Scar are walking down a side road of The Central City, passing a book store, an old cartography shop Grian worked at, and a lovely little bakery. They can see Green helping a lovely blond woman, keep pace with people coming in at such odd hours of the night. Well it's not so odd when people and mobs alike live here. Mobs run the shops during night and people run them during the day. So that way some shops can be open 40/8 a week.
As they walked side by side, Grian refused to hold Scar's hand. As to why, is because when they had been out side the wall of the city, Scar put his cold hands up under Grian's sweater. So the two of them have a arguments over this, to fill what would have been silence. During this they walk past some skeletons rattling on about some failed attempt to make a famous map maker fall from fame. This stops Grian as he only got half of whats being said, he needs to brush up on the rattling pattern of skeletons. Scar noticed Grian stop to ask the skeleton what it is their talking about, with brief explanation of being a bit rusty to the patterns. One of the skeletons was happy to explain. Apparently the con-artists that have harassed Grian in the past had planned this to be the end of his career, but in the city, because of the redstone artisans. His name is well preserved as being one of the kindest, and most talented Cartographers to live. It won't take long of the damage to be corrected outside the city walls. Scar thanked the Skeletons for the information, with a sightly glowing eyes. One of the skeletons only bows and telling him it's their job to collect information and send it around.
Grian takes hold of Scar's hand to calm him down. Giving a smile to his tall loveable goof, he starts dragging him to a candy store near by and get some thing sweet. The taffies in the store look like the best treat to Grian, but for Scar, it looked to be the chocolates. Once they picked out and payed for their treats, only costing two gold total. They continue on down the street into a plaza with an interactive redstone art piece made by Mumbo Jumbo. The plaza also had a unique redstone water fountain play area for the kids. You could see a few Drowned, Zombie, and Husk kids playing in the fountain at this moment.
Scar watched the kids play with a smile. He did after all, feel really grateful to the leader of the city, for the kindness he shows to people and mobs alike. It had been rare before the city, to find mobs living in anytype of settlement. Any still outside the walls fight to survive, even if passive around people.
Grian had to bring Scar out of the clouds of thoughts to get back on track. "Well come back HotGuy, I was asking you if you wanted to sit for a moment to relax. Maybe have a treat." Grian teased, tacking a giggle to the end for effect. Scar blushes in response, and agrees to sit down. The bench they sit on it closest to the art piece so you can see the diamond plake with Mumbo's name.
Grian smiles at the piece remembering when it was being built. Grian decides to tell the story to Scar, seeing if he'd find it just as funny as Grian does. "I was there was this piece was built and boy was it a disaster of redstone dust and explotions. It even made Mumbo confused why it kept exploding when there was any tnt going into it. It took weeks for him to figure out there was way to much dust going to a few of the pistons making them go to fast and burst apart. I was a sight to see when it was finished with no more problems. I was also funny to try to kept up with the ladder jump staircase. Also the reason for that name, is because this piece is just a back a forth stair case going straight up instead of diagonal." Scar does laugh with a goofy grin spread wide across his face, at the idea of pistons exploding because extra redstone dust.
In the still moment after, Scar takes some taffy out of the bag full of sweet and hands it to Grian, who take it happily with a thank you slipping out mindlessly. Scar takes a piece of chocolate and savors to taste. While he does he notices Grian staring at him with a longing look on his face. It's a cute look to Scar, but question the other without words hoping he'll get an answer.
The answer he gets, isn't one he expected. Grian pulled Scar in to a kiss to lick chocolate out of his mouth and while also leaving him flustered. "Chocolate always tastes better when it from you partner~" Grian's teasing tone flustered Scar more then before, and got him covering his face. Earning a laugh from Grian who can't help love looking at a flustered Deity.
Once Scar has clamed down enough, he starts a little flirting war with Grian. As they continue to sit there, with quite a lot of teasing flirts. They hear someone clear their throat. Grian turns to look first, and finds his best friend standing in front of then with lots a bucket of slime to oil to piece behind him. He was glad to see Grian again though, hence why he cought his and the Brines attention. "It been a good while sense we've seen eachother hasn't it."
Grian jumps up and hugs Mumbo grinning like he just won a prize. Just to pull back and just start talking about the time he been outside the walls. Starting with a mishap that happened in a village, that burned down years after. To an event called "The Race of Destruction" where they see who can blow up a build the cleanest and fastest. Leading into how he met Scar. Ended it off with the con-artists attempt to sully his name.
Scar sitting on the bench almost falls off with how hard he's laugh. It wasn't the stories thay madenhim laugh so hard, even with how funny they are. It was the look of shock that is visible in the very way to stands. He even goes on to sputter out a few words before giving up on them. All while Grian is grinning like a mad man, whatching his best friend prosses everything he spoke of.
Once Mumbo got a single sentence out, it wasn't anything to do with what he had been told. It was about needing help oiling the old art piece so that can still be used for the next few years. Scar was the first to agree, wanting to get to know Mumbo so that it not so awkward to see eachother in the future. So for the next few hours Scar and Grian helped Mumbo out with his self-appointed task of maintaining his art piece. Before start to wonder again to the end portal under the city.
Their was a few more encounter they had with other redstone artisans, as some of them had been commissioned to do a new art piece in a few of the barer plazas. Just to name a few of the people they ran into, there is Etho, Impulse, Doc, and Iskall. Scar was suprised to meet Doc, a creeper hybrid, with world breaking redstone skills. Doc in return was just as suprise to meet one of his lords. They seemed to habe gotten along the best, even if their convesation was short.
I thought was going to be able to do more for our redstoner artisans, but as you can tell I only put some detail into Mumbo and even less into Doc.
But yeah these are the Redstone Artisans that kept Grian's name from being a bad omen. I will admit though that Scars eyes are still glowing as he's wait for Grian to pass out so he can put him to bed and sneak off to possibly torture some con-artists for their attempt to drag Grian from his grace.
I hope you enjoyed~♡
Oo I like the minecraft days/years being much longer, instead of min it's hrs
Heheh Grian such a tease, love this for them. YAY MUMBO. I love how they're artists, so cool
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disizletzi · 2 years
Day 1 of my journaling year!  Happy New Year everyone!  I don’t want to clog everyone’s dash so I’ll put everything under a cut: 
I wasn’t in a great mood yesterday, and so I ended the year on a somewhat depressing note, because, as usual, I was alone for NYE, and as usual, I was thinking it was going to be cosy and nice and it ended up feeling pretty lonely.  This prompted me to go search google for an hour, to see what dating app was the best lol, but yeah, I didn’t register on any of them. I’m still scared of men who  jump on you with a sexual come on, and this is something that can be bordeline triggering for me. I guess I need to build a bit of confidence still, but it would be nice to spend the end of 2023 with someone. Here’s hoping!  I have been single for... ugh... 13 years? So it’s kind of difficult to imagine myself with someone. Giving my trust to a significant other is the toughest thing ever for me, so I think that’s why I’ve been alone for so long. Plus, I’ve been sleeping alone for a long while, I’m used to having my space!!  In other news, my car “broke down” on friday, which sucks, although the timing was good because I have a trip coming next week and I’m glad it won’t happen then because it would’ve been a huge problem. As it is, I was out with my aunts and some cousins, we went to see a play and on the way home my car started making the weirdest noises. Turns out it’s just usual wear and tear and I need to change the clutch system, because it’s old.  So I am carless for now, but I need to check with my mom’s boyfriend, who knows a lot about car, and I don’t think it should be that expensive. It just that the money I had set aside was for fixing my teeth, but, well... I guess it’ll have to wait a couple of months.  I also have been studying remotely for 3 years, to get a degree in English Lit (here in France the undergrad degree is 3 years), and the trip I was talking about that I need to be taking is to go the city where my university is and take the end of semester exams. Which means I had to take two weeks off from work. It’s been a pretty busy 3-year period tbh! I work 40hours a week, and I don’t know how but I managed to do this at the same time so I guess I can say I’m pretty proud of that. I’m also pretty excited about being done. I have to take these final exams and then the ones in May and I’ll be done.  I don’t think i’ll try for a graduate degree because the remote program doesn’t have a lot of options, and also, I’m tired lol.  So, I don’t like NY resolutions, but I do have a “year’s program” every year (because resolutions make me anxious, I feel like i /have/ to do them and when I don’t I feel guilty. A “program” is less guilt-ridden!): - I have to finish and get my degree (not worried about this one).  - I have to go to the gym more often: the goal is once a week for starters, to get used to it and find real pleasure in going there.  - I really have to finish my WIP that’s been on hold since august, I’m sorry to those of you who are reading it and waiting. Classes and work take all of my free time! - I want to write an original novel. The goal is to at least start it this year lmao! And this is it for today! I guess the 1st day of the year always brings a mood where I’m just reflecting on myself and making lists of stuff I would like to achieve (and not even half of them happen but if a few do it’s a good thing!).  I do wish you all who have read until now a very happy 2023. Let me know about your “program” if you have one! And see you tomorrow :D 
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risu5waffles · 1 month
idly wondering what percentage by volume of my room is ash, and what percentage is dead flesh.
i feel sick? -ish? run down and bedraggled. crummy enough to warrant going back to bed (it's still only 9.35a, i've been up five hours already), but maybe too wired to actually do so. we'll see. i've still got a couple of things to put a ribbon on that i want done now.
it is deeply frustrating to have my days off be like this. i was telling my folks last time we talked. well, more honestly i was having a bit of a breakdown last time we talked, and da said "there's a difference between working hard 40hours a week, and being paid well for it," and i was so gobsmacked it almost shocked me out of my up-cycling despair. 's like, no shite there's a difference. the difference is, in fact, why i am shaking and near tears. what the heck, da?
i know, 'cause i've done it more than enough times myself, that sometimes you just say a thing, because you feel like something needs to be said in the current conversational slot, but, like, maybe don't?
anyway, i'm nannering now. gonna sort a thing or two and get hopefully get some more sleep.
then make a stab at cleaning. it's been real dust hours here this summer.
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vs-blog-and-thoughts · 10 months
being 20 sucks…and feels like im on hold even though im working my ass off at an 8 hour a day/ 40hour week …. fuck man
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