#and yeah i know its just a story about sinner in hell who cares!
asidewalksymphony · 8 months
There was one thing that's been bothering me about Angel Dust's backstory (aside from him not looking like a man who died during the 1930s in the slightest) was how he died. I dunno if this will be retconned in the future, but apparently he died from OD'ing on PCP aka "Angel Dust". It's part of why that's his name in Hell. But...he died in the 30s/40s. PCP does NOT sound like a drug that would have been around then.
And that's because it wasn't! PCP was created in 1956 as an anesthetic medication then was disallowed in 1965 due to the high amount of side effects. It then became popular as a street drug in the 1970s, because of said effects.
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storydays · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel: Episode 1 p1
(3rd POV)
"Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. 
For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world. So he watched as  the angels began to expand the universe in their ways. From the dust of Earth, they created Adam and Lilith. Equals as the first of mankind, but despite this, Adam demanded control and Lilith refused. 
Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love. Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the fruit of knowledge to Adam’s new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted.
But this gift came with a curse.
For with this single gift, evil finally found its way to Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin, and the order Heaven worked hard to maintain was shattered. As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he created, never allowing him to see the good that came from Humanity, only the cruel and the wicked. 
Ashamed, Lucifer lost his will to dream. 
But Lilith thrived, empowering a demon-kind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this, Heaven made a truly heartless decision, that every year, they would send down an army: an extermination to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. 
But Lilth’s hope remained. And her dream was passed down to their precious children, the Prince and Princess of Hell.”
A pale hand closed the story book, as a young woman held a key close to her, looking downcast. “Don’t worry Mom, I’ll make you proud.” She whispered, gazing out the window, listening to the screams outside. 
“Charlie?” a voice called startling the young woman. “Augh!” she yelped, as her key turned into a cat, who ran away to hide. Charlie winced before turning to the other woman, “Vaggie! Did you hear all that?” she asked. 
“Uh, yeah. I was standing right there.” smiled the woman, pointing at the door. “Sorry, I get pretty worked up after an extermination happens. The story helps.” Charlie frowned, staring at the book. “I know, don’t worry. I enjoy your theatrics. Are you okay?” Vaggie asked, sitting next to the blonde demoness. “I’m fine, just–ya know thinking about family stuff.” “DId you hear your from your mom yet?” Charlie shook her head sadly. 
“Oof, how long has it been now?” 
“Not that long…only…..seven….years. Off doing something important, I’m sure.” Together the women stood up, to look outside the window. “But this kingdom was something she really cared about; something I care about.” Charlie hugged herself, smiling wistfully. 
“Well, at least you’re not alone.” Vaggie soothed, holding Charlie’s hands.”I just hope that what I’m trying to do here will work.” Charlie admitted. “It will. I have faith in you.” the white haired woman smiled, cupping Charlie’s cheek. 
“All right, come on. Alastor says he’s got something he wants to show us.” Vaggie walked out of the room, Charlie going to follow her, before hearing the church bell ring outside. She turned to look out at the clock as it rang, signaling the end of the extermination. Charlie sighed before heading downstairs. 
“Well, hello there, you wayward sinner!” A cheery voice, on the television, called out to a demon currently stabbing another on the street, making the two look around confusedly. “Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do, that’s why you’re in Hell! But what would you say if there was a place that had none of that?” questioned the voice as more sinners popped up, varying emotions from annoyance to confusion. The camera then zoomed to reveal the hotel.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! A misguided path to redemption!” the camera then pushed into Charlie’s personal space as she was mid conversation, before she noticed the camera and she smiled and waved nervously. A spider demon appeared behind her, using all four of his hands to give the demoness bunny ears behind her head and on the side. “Founded 5 days ago by Lucifer’s delusional daughter, Charlotte Morningstar! Come place your faith in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you!” 
The television showed a picture of Lucifer facing away from Charile as she hugged herself, tears in her eyes. Then it showed Charlie attempting to convince sinners to join. 
“Here we offer fun things! Such as somewhat functional staff.” The camera showed a grumpy cat demon who was clearly drunk as he face planted into the bar. A little cyclops woman scurried around him, chasing a bug with a giant needle in her arm, with a maniacal grin on her face, as she attempted to stab the bug.
“24 hour pest control! Custom rooms, and just look at this tacky parlor!” The camera panned out to show a piece of wood falling near the spider demon from earlier who was lounging on a couch, clearly bored as he examined his finger nails.  “Enjoy riveting conversation with our singular resident.”
The spider sent the camera a middle finger, making an effect of the word Wow appear on screen, changing to show a crudely drawing of the hotel with different notes and smiley faces with a large toothy grin. “Wow! All this and more at the Hazbin Hotel. Your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here!” On the screen, appeared: “Call now or don’t! I don’t care! We still don’t have a working phone!” 
The TV shut off as the audience in the room sat around, emotions varying from anger, shock, and disbelief. “So, what’d ya think?”asked a grinning deer demon, dressed head to toe in red and black. 
“I’m sorry, what the FUCK was that?” scowled Vaggie, arms crossed. “Uh, yeah, one note. Alastor…” Charlie started, ignoring how the demon’s smile tightened. “I mean, first off, thank you so much for making this, seriously, amazing, but um..” Charlie played with her fingers as she tried to explain her thoughts, “The tone was maybe a bit..off?” Alastor tilted his head as she continued. 
“We want people to WANT to come here. This makes it look–um..” “Bad. The word you’re looking for is bad.” Vaggie snarled, crossing her arms. 
“Funny, I was going for hilarious!” Alastor laughed. “It didn’t explain anything about how we’re trying to save demons, which is the whole fucking point!” 
“Vaggie is right, Alastor. The commercial was to let sinners know we are trying to save them.” called a smooth voice from another armchair. The male was sitting on the chair, his legs over the arm of the chair, and the cat from earlier purring in his arms, as he stroked her back. This was the Prince of Hell, Heir to the Throne, and Charlie’s big brother, (Y/N).
“Well, my dear (Y/N), I haven’t been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show. The proper way to express oneself!” Alastor turned to the TV with a clear disdain written over his ever grinning face.
“But you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement. So I had a little fun with it.” “Oh fun, you had a little fun?” Vaggie snapped, before standing. “Well, this is not what we want to represent us. When you showed up here, a week ago, you told us you would help run this hotel. Instead, you’re mocking us. Nobody’s going to want to come to a place that a powerful Overlord like you thinks is a waste of time.” Vaggie hissed before the 4 noticed a red hand waving in the air. 
“What?” snapped Vaggie as (Y/N) started to walk towards the bar. 
“If’n you’re filimin’ a commercial, can I suggest you take advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?” The spider demon from earlier, sat up lazily, grabbing the bottle of alcohol with him, and winked at the people, gesturing to himself. 
“Angel, you’re a porn star.” Vaggie deadpanned.
“A famous porn star.” Corrected Angel, as (Y/N) came back and sat next to the spider, with a strawberry Daiquiri in his hand. 
“I’ll have the horniest sinners knockin’ down these walls to get in.” The white furred spider grinned smugly, before swinging his legs over (Y/N)’s lap, clearly comfortable. “We are not shooting a porn as a commerical.” Vaggie said firmly. 
“Why not? Sex sells, don’t it?” Angel winked. “I swear, if you film me going at it with Sexy Princey or Mr FancyTalk Creep Voice here, you’d be rollin’ in participants to stay at this tacky hotel.”. Alastor laughed loudly before deadpanning. “Haha! Never going to happen.”
The bespectacled prince cleared his throat nervously, cheeks a slight red as he tried to compose himself. “A-Angel, we appreciate you wanting to use your ‘special skills’ to, um, attract folks to the hotel. But I–WE, meant to say WE don’t want to exploit you in that way.” 
(Y/N) smiled at the spider demon who grinned, leaning into the prince’s space, close to his ear, and purred, “But what if I want you to exploit me……..Daddy?” “HAHA! OKAY!”
(Y/N) yelped, before using his wings to quickly fly up and over by the bar, startling Angel who then smirked knowingly at the demon. 
Turning towards the girls, Angel continued to talk, “This body was made to be exploited, baby. I’ve got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs, I got the lung capacity. Oh, oh! I have the legs, the gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff everyone thinks are tits..”  Charlie laughed uncomfortably as Angel continued talking.
(Y/N)’s phone started ringing, making the prince roll his eyes and walk away, answering his phone. “I’ll be right back.” 
He turned the corner, and grinned deviously as he answered the phone, “What up, bitch!”
*Back with the others*
“Hey, I have a question. If freaky face over there is so powerful, then why can’t he just make people stay here?” Angel asked suddenly, pointing at Alastor.
“Oh trust me, I can.” Alastor grinned darkly, briefly showing his horns.
“Why do you think I’m here?” A gruff voice called from the bar, making everyone turn to the bar, towards the grumpy cat from earlier. 
“You think I’d be cleaning bottles and listen to you fucks’ bitch and moan, if he wasn’t forcing me.” The bartender hissed as the little cyclops appeared next to him, grinning. 
“I like being forced.” She giggled. 
“Keep that to yourself, Niff.” grimaced the cat demon. 
“What, you don’t love being here with me, Whiskers?” Angel mocked, making a kissy face. 
“Call me whiskers again, and I’ll jam that bottle down your throat.” the cat threatened.
“Kinky! C’mon, keep talking dirty.” grinned Angel, narrowing his eyes at the cat.
“Angel, let Husk do his job. And no, we can’t force people to stay here; they need to choose to.” Vaggie stated. 
“I’m choosing to be here, and I think it’s all stupid. We’re in Hell, toots.” Angel shrugged, “That’s kind of the end of the line, ain’t it?”
“Well, maybe it doesn’t have to be.” Charlie smiled. “Just because no one’s ever made it out, doesn’t mean it’s not possible.”
Angel placed a hand on Charlie’s shoulder as he leaned down to her height. “Hey, whatever means I can keep crashing here rent free.” The women shot him a deadpanned look, and he scowled. “Crack is expensive.”
(Y/N) quickly came and grabbed Charlie by the arm, grinning excitedly. “Char, come with me!” Charlie yelped as her brother pulled her around the corner. 
“Woah, (Y/N), what’s going on?”
“So the leader of the Angel Army wants to meet…and I managed to convince Dad to let me send you to talk to them instead.”
Charlie tilted her head. “Why me? You usually take care of stuff like that.”
“Because, Char, you are the princess of Hell,and I think you’re old enough to start partaking in stuff like this. And.. you can use this as an opportunity to try to convince Heaven to give your Hotel a chance. “ (Y/N) prompted. 
“Ooh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Charlie hugged her brother before rushing to tell Vaggie. (Y/N) going to lean on the couch, as Vaggie questioned Charlie. “But the extermination just happened. What could they want this soon after?” 
Charlie started singing and twirled Vaggie who replied dizzily, “Okay but just don’t sing to them.”
“That bitch is half way down the street.” (Y/N) and Angel laughed, with the others looking out the door, watching the princess sing. 
“Is she–?” Vaggie asked, worriedly.
“Oh, she’s dancin’.” Angel tossed his head back, drinking the bottle in his hands, ignoring Vaggie’s groan.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
i struggle between the idea of "verosika, vortex, fizz, asmodeus, and other characters act ooc towards stolas when the story needs it for the sake of making him look better",
"these characters do not know the horror stolas is capable of, are not aware that stolas called blitz, knowing he was bleeding and running for his life, just to make the arrangement he explicitly set up as "favors for favors", and they probably will never know, or any of the other geninuely terrible things he did," and both feel true, even if theyre technically contradicting each other. it feels weird to say characters can act out of character without certain information to alter how they act, but.. i mean, sometimes its just comical.
is there not something inherently fucked up about knowing asmodeus, king of consent, is chill with stolas, because oz doesnt know that stolass spent an entire season pushing boundaries, belittling blitz in a fetishistic way, and coerced him into fucking monthly for something he needed no matter what for his business?
these characters dont have to know exactly what happened, but what i do know is that their attitude would more then likely change if they learned the truth. i wish stolas's line of, "why would i allow everyone to see how much i like you?" actually meant something, because who knows that stolas likes blitz besides the people in ozzie, ozzie himself, fizz, stella, octavia, and.. that's it. verosika doesnt even know, she just assumes stolas hates blitz too. it doesnt really feel like it matters that they know, because despite them seemingly being important characters within hell, they barely have an effect on it. but it doesnt matter anyway- because mammons special episode just confirmed out right that no one there actually gives a shit about class difference! so whatre we even doing here when the shows premise was built on the basis of how supposedly taboo is it for a goetia and imp to fuck?!
if these characters knew about their deal, then yeah, the show would be holding him accountable. because the world would be naturally reacting to his actions, since rape is.. looked down upon in lust, but ok in pride i guess because of velvettes lust potion? idk :/ like let's just say for the sake of this example that only shitty people that happen to be imps, and sinners, are okay with that stuff. most imps and hellhounds seem like well rounded, average people, just with a little extra sprinkling of edgy.
i just cant help but to think; what if the story actually took advantage of hells disgust for relationships with upper and lower class demons? instead of just dropping it so ozzie and fizz could have their public "i love you so much and i dont care what anyone else thinks of it!" moment?
what if blitz got caught with the book instead of being given the crystal, and started a whole political scandal throughout hell when he gets arrested, (a good way to re-implement that stupid ass concept of prisons in hell,) but threw stolas under the bus with him by confessing (in an uncomfortable graphic detail, because i think blitz is one of those people who would make everyone feel uncomfortable when things suck for him,) that he was sleeping with stolas for the book? so that way he'd be in deep shit too.
i dont think its unrealistic either- news reporters swarmed stolas with a crowd when he got his shit rocked by striker, so hes definitely important, even if we dont know what that ugly ass dry walmart rotisserie chicken even does for his job.
i'd love to see a montage of characters like stella, verosika, fizz and oz, even fucking wally wackford; reading the news paper that morning, or watching news on the TV, only to see: "BREAKING NEWS! GOETIA PRINCE STOLAS CAUGHT HAVING SEX WITH AN IMP AND ILLEGALLY HANDING OUT TRANSPORTATION TO THE HUMAN REALM!"
if that happened, then i'd be fine with stolas being a petty bitch. because he'd have practically nothing at that point, besides his daughter and his big rich house, if they dont take it from him in this scenario bojack horseman style.
its weird, gross, and unsatisfying that they set up these big stakes with big potential consequences, but the only actual consequence is stolas getting his feelings hurt, so he can feel justified into "succumbing" into thinking what blitz had was a romance, or even a relationship at all.
It's mind-bogglingly frustrating. None of these characters have any idea how terribly Stolas treats Blitzo, and that's exactly the way Viv intends to keep it.
Hell, Blitzo was there for all of it and she very pointedly never allows him to bring it up.
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joshsindigostreak · 1 year
I See Hell in Your Eyes
Chapter Three
"But pack your heart, you might need it."
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Josh Kiszka x Vampire!Reader
Authors Note: Listen, this chapter is a complete behemoth but I promise its worth it. I had so much fun writing this. I hope y’all love it just as much as I do. Shout out to @gretasmokerising @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine and @losfacedevil for being complete angels and giving me amazing feedback and not letting the imposter syndrome take over!! Love y’all 🩸🖤🩸🖤🩸🖤
Word count: 9075
Warnings: Detailed depictions of blood, swearing, you know the drill.
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You tried, and failed, to control how wide your eyes got as he said his name. On this side of the country, their last name was said in whispers, rumors, petty gossip even. Out west, they were feared. If you had friends head that way and disappear, you could bet money on them being picked off by a Kiszka. For Vampires especially, you had to be careful where you slept during the day. One of their usual moves was striking while the sun was out, and depending on which one got to you, determined how they killed you. Allegedly, one of them really, really liked the sound of Vampires sizzling in the sun, like an egg on a sidewalk. It was probably the most painful way to die. It was slow, it was brutal, and he wanted you to feel it. Sick bastard. 
While you never truly heard what their first names were, you did hear plenty of stories of a set of twins who worked together up and down the western seaboard. As you locked eyes with Josh Kiszka himself, you hoped he wasn’t one of them. If one was here, the other one was probably close by, and you didn’t need to find out which one was the more trigger happy twin. 
Josh tilted his chin, a smirk slowly replacing the snarl around his mouth. He hadn’t pulled the last name card in a while, but seeing the look on the Vampires face was worth it. The wide eyes, the little gasp she tried to hide, it always felt good to remind them of their place. Lectures from his father about how Vampires viewed themselves as Apex Predators and that it was their job as hunters to humble them. He was always taught to look at Vampires and other supernatural creatures as pests; populations they had to control for the betterment of the ecosystem. Little needed to be said now that his name was out there, he could see the understanding in your eyes, the worry starting to form between your brows. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off, hissing out your name, “Yeah…I know about you too. Allegedly turned in the 1690s, when we were still the colonies?” He raised his eyebrows at you, watching as your expression hardened at his words, “from what your file said, you kept a low profile for most of your ‘life’ but you ran into trouble during the ‘20s in…Atlantic City, was it? Yeah that Nest you were a part of at the time had a trail of bodies too.”
“It was prohibition…you’d be surprised at how desperate humans can be for a little booze.” 
“Almost as desperate as Vampires are for blood?” 
You rolled your eyes, “that's not a fair comparison and you know it. Humans don’t need alcohol to survive.” 
He ignored your reply and continued, ��...after the ‘20s you circled Europe for a few decades, spent a good chunk of time in Canada, but seemed to disappear off the map towards the late ‘90s until you popped up in this city a few years ago-”
“My favorite color is purple, was that in there?” You smiled, cutting him off. A lot of his “facts” about you were off, or flat out wrong. You would’ve laughed had it not been for the knife at your throat. He rolled his big eyes at you, and you couldn’t help but be amused at how he was almost cute when he was annoyed. 
“Can we get back to the reason why I have you against this tree?” 
“I just figured you had a thing for pushing girls up against trees.”
“Girls, maybe. Vampires? No.” 
“A shame, you don’t know what you’re missing,” you teased. Josh twisted the blade against your throat once again, this time flattening the metal against your skin, searing into the flesh underneath it. “Ah! Ok ok, yes newbies being stupid,” you sucked in breath through your teeth, “hate to break it to you but we don’t exactly keep files on each other like you hunters do with us.”
“Yes but I know Vampires love bragging about their kills. They had bounties on me and my siblings' heads when we were children.” His eyes flickered at the memory of the Vampire that broke into their house and had lifted his twin up off the floor by his hair. The way the creature had sneered at the two of them, and practically salivated while it described taking them back to its Nest to feed off one while the other watched. That was the night he learned just how hated his family was, and the image of his brother trying to wriggle out of the Vampires grasp mid air haunted him for weeks. 
As his eyes started to trail off, you could see he was deep in thought about something. The thousand-yard-stare was starting to creep over his face, and it made you pause. For a brief moment, you almost felt sorry for him. But your sympathy was limited when you factored in the knife at your throat. His fucked up childhood didn’t justify half of the shit he and his family had done. 
In the silence, an annoying realization hit you. In order to get this asshole off your back you had to find whatever Vampire was leaving the alleged bodies all over the place. He wasn’t going to leave you alone until he had another suspect to harass and interrogate. It almost made your brain itch at the mere thought of working with a hunter of all things but if it got the job done then so be it. You could leave the city afterwards and never see him again. That was the plan. 
You thought back to what you had said, about how newly turned Vampires are sloppier when it came to feeding. As you said, these things weren’t common talking points between Vampires. Bodies happened. It was part of death. But if someone had just turned someone and let them loose with zero guidance, that could turn into a problem quickly. The city you currently resided in was relatively quiet, creatures kept to themselves and the various truces between species were kept with little fuss. It wasn’t perfect all the time but the balance was a lot better here than in the bigger cities. 
It dawned on you, “have you ever been to a Blood Den, Boy Scout?” 
This snapped Josh out of his ruminations. A Blood Den? He recalled his grandfather had raided one a few decades ago. They were “public” places Vampires could feed on humans, and wipe their memories afterwards. Because of this they were hard to track down, especially in the bigger cities. 
“No…not officially.” 
“You’re in luck then! If there’s any place a bunch of Vampires are going to sit around and potentially talk about their killing sprees it would be there. Sometimes we get a little chatty after feeding. I can ask around while we’re there.” Your bright tone completely masked the gravity of what you just suggested. 
“What and have me pretend to be a Vampire? They’d see through that instantly,” Josh countered. 
“Exactly. You wouldn’t be pretending to be anything. You’d be my…human companion…for the evening.” You centered your gaze at him, arching an eyebrow as he took in your implication.
“No. Absolutely not. You are not getting a free meal off of me while you play detective.”
You tilted your head in annoyance, “Ugh, relax. I wouldn’t have to feed off of you at all. The place I’m talking about has private rooms for feedings that we can “excuse” ourselves to after I ask questions. The private rooms are soundproof for obvious reasons. No one will know we’re just sitting there waiting to leave. You just have to play along and try not to slap cuffs on people trying to enjoy their dinner.”
Josh chewed his lip at the thought, weighing his options. It could lead to the big break in his case he had been searching for, but the idea of this Vampire being in the driver's seat while he was undercover made his skin crawl. “And how do I know you’re not just leading me in there to get bled dry by you and your friends?” 
“As fun as that sounds, if you go missing I don’t need the rest of your family showing up here and completely destroying the peace around here. I know your family's methods, and I’m in no hurry to be on the receiving end of them.The quicker we find out who's being sloppy, the quicker we can never see each other again. I’m not exactly going to enjoy babysitting you all night either.” You sighed, “and besides, Dens have protocols. If I take you there as my human, no one can lay a fang on you without my permission. So all you’ll have to do is sit there, look pretty, and let me do the talking.” 
“Fine. Let's go and get this over with.” 
You tutted at him, “Oh no we can’t go tonight. It's almost Blue Hour! We wouldn’t have time to get ready and the Den is probably nearly empty by now.”
“Get ready?” 
“Oh Boy Scout, it's a classy place. You can’t just show up in khakis,” you said, giving a pointed look at his outfit. “If we show up dressed to the 9’s it’ll sell that you’re my human, even more.” 
He huffed in annoyance, “Fine. Tomorrow night then.”
“Perfect. 1 AM? We can meet here in the park. Same tree? But not against it, it’ll ruin my hair.” You replied with a small smile. 
At this, Josh finally released his grip on you, taking the knife away from your throat and slowly backed up a few feet. It was slightly jarring, you hadn’t realized how warm he had been until you felt the rush of cold from his absence. 
“Ok. 1 AM. Don’t be late,” he said, resigning himself to your plan. As much as he didn’t want to, he’d have to trust you a little bit in order to get anything done. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you leaned off of the tree and started to walk away, before throwing a look back over your shoulder at him, “Wear something black.” 
At this you sped off, leaving him alone in the park. He watched you leave, trying to process your entire exchange. As he turned to go home, he could feel the adrenaline start to pump through his system at the thought of being in the literal lions den with you.
Your stiletto heels clicked against the sidewalk as you made your way to the spot in the park you agreed to meet Josh. Your dress was simple: a black bodycon number with an asymmetrical hem that went from the top of your knee on one leg to mid thigh on the other. You always had a good night when wearing that dress, and you hoped the luck would continue as you broke several protocols by bringing in an undercover vampire hunter into a Blood Den. The price of being caught doing was almost unknown, as you couldn’t recall this happening before. Your kind was very protective about their “public” places to exist. Bringing humans back to any Nest got old, and feeding in darkened alleys could be risky. It was nice to be able to let your shoulders down in a Den and have a “normal” evening. 
Rounding the corner, you found your “date” for the evening standing under a street lamp. He was a good boy, he listened when you told him to wear something black. He looked very proper in the all black suit he was wearing, the color contrasting beautifully against his skin. He had his phone in his hand, and he was tapping a message onto the surface, before shutting it off and slipping it into his pocket. He hadn’t noticed you coming towards him yet, and for once you got to observe him in the wild. The light from the street lamp was cascading down his figure and you noticed he had reshaven down the sides of his head, making the skin visible and fresh looking. He looked beautiful, and the amount of effort he had put into his appearance tonight pleased you greatly. Who knew hunters had the time for a proper skincare routine? You could tell he was deep in thought, his eyes were fixed on the trees across the path from him. The wheels were churning in his head and you almost smiled at the way his brows slowly knitted together.   You caught yourself wondering what he was thinking about, or if he was nervous about tonight. He would be in good company, as you were nervous as hell too. He was still such a wildcard but you hoped he could use all the self control he had to play along like you needed him to. 
Your heels crunched on a stray leaf, which made Josh look up and take you in. Unblinking he looked you up and down as you approached. His own breath betrayed him by getting caught in his throat. He wasn’t supposed to look at you and think anything positive, he was raised to view any Vampires attempt at vanity to be another lure for their prey, or at best, a warning. His father always compared it to how the most poisonous frogs had the prettiest colors. And yet, there you were, slinking towards him with that ever present smirk on your face. A smirk that had invaded his dreams, causing him to toss and turn for most of the night before. Blurry images of you flashed before him in his mind's eye: your eyes narrowed at him, the surprising warmth of your skin beneath his hands, your breath on his face, and finally your mouth twisted in a smile, giving him a perfect view of your sharp teeth. If he could have tried his brain for treason, he would. 
Most of the time, when a Vampire was in his dreams, it was normally scenarios where he’d have to save his siblings, or himself. They always ended the same, with the Vampire on top of him with a stake shoved into its chest. He could always see the color drain from the creatures’ face mere inches from his own, feeling the death rattle leave its lips and caress his face. It was his default setting, being the hero in his own stories. He was reliable that way, and he was raised to know it. His father had always pulled him aside to explain his responsibilities, and he knew his younger siblings weren’t subject to the same pep talks. 
At last, the two of you made eye contact, and you slowed your walk to a stop. Like the hunter before you, your brain betrayed you with quiet thoughts of what this night would be like in another life. If you were both human? If you were both Vampires? If you were anything else? You knew this wasn’t a real ‘date’. To be honest, you hadn’t been on a proper date in years, maybe even a decade. You were ok with being alone. Sure, you had your flings here or there, but anything beyond that had you running. Romantic entanglements weren’t the most ideal in your world. Plus, life was too long to be attached to someone like that. You had to focus. This was a means to an end. A way to get this obsessive little shit to focus on some other Vampire, and you can go back to your mostly drama-free life. He would fade into your memories of other hunters you’ve encountered over the decades, lost in a sea of faces you can sort of recall. You’d hope you’d remember his eyes at least…or the gap between his teeth, or that deep dimple on his left cheek, or even the scar-
“You clean up nice...for a Vampire.”
You blinked at him, immediately snapped back to reality and your default amused expression slipped on your face. “And you own something other than khakis…I like it,” you said mirroring how he looked you up and down. 
Josh rolled his eyes at you as he left the warm glow of the street light and made his way to you. “So where are you taking me?” 
You smiled even wider at him, “oh just one of my favorite places in this city. You’re going to love it!” He winced with a skeptical look on his face, “It won’t be that bad! Just listen to everything I say and keep your mouth shut, got it?
“You don’t know me very well-”
“-and honestly I’m ok with that but I do know a hunter like you won’t be stupid enough to run his mouth around a bunch of Vampires who would love to use him as a cute little juice box.” You wanted to desperately boop his nose at the end of that but held back. As annoying as he was, you loved messing with him. 
But your smile faded slightly, and you faced him fully, “there is one thing I need to make clear before we go.” 
“...and that would be?”
“You have to promise me you won’t come back and raid the place like your family is known to do. I know I can’t Persuade you to forget like every other human that goes there, so you have to give me your word you won’t leak the location.” 
Josh almost looked offended by your words, but then he realized that in any other situation that's exactly what he would have done. He could almost feel his fingers itching to reach for his phone to text Jake location details, something he had done many times in the past when they scouted out Nests in other cities. Agreeing to your terms would go against everything he was taught, every natural instinct he had, but if he wanted his answers, he’d have to say yes. 
“Fine. But I also have one condition.”
“Name it,” you said, keeping your gaze steady.
“No feeding on me when we get there, even if you get hungry or want to blend in better with your friends.” 
Your smile returned to your face, “like I said last night, I didn’t plan on doing that anyway. I’m just going to tell anyone who asks that I already fed before we got there, and that we just wanted to come by and relax. People do that all the time! You just get to sit there and look pretty.” This time you didn’t fight it and you reached out and slid your finger down the adorable bump in his nose and lightly booped the end, causing his brows to furrow instantly as he pushed your hand away. 
“Ok, ok, can we go now?” 
Rolling your eyes, you turned down the path in the direction of the Den, “Ugh fine, but please lighten up a little before we get there. It's only a few blocks away.” 
The two of you walked down the path, eventually making it out of the park and into the downtown streets. This part of town was relatively quiet, especially at this time of night. It wasn’t downtown where all the human clubs were, or where all the bars were clustered together and the streets were full of people. No, this area housed the local Mom and Pop stores, devoid of chain businesses and tourist traps. It was very quaint, and unsuspecting. 
Neither of you spoke as you walked down the sidewalk. Beyond your petty banter, you found it hard to make small talk with a hunter. What was there to say? So instead you just observed him out of the corner of your eye. His jaw remained clenched for most of the walk, hands in his pockets with his eyes set firmly ahead of him. Up close you could see a tiny red mark above his ear where he had probably nipped himself with the clippers he used to shave down the sides of his head. The mental image of him standing in front of the mirror, concentrating hard on getting both sides even almost had you stumble in your heels. Shaking your head slightly, you pressed onward, glad you were almost to the Den. 
Beside you, Josh was observing you just as much. He kept it subtle, as he was taught. He could assess a situation purely out of his peripheral vision, and this skill was only heightened when he had Jake with him. He listened to the way your heels clicked in a confident rhythm on the sidewalk, and how you never looked down at your feet or the ground once. He noticed how even with a neutral expression on your face, the corners of your lips were upturned into a slight smile, as if you walked around with an inside joke with yourself. Or how your eyes shined constantly, the wheels in your head were always turning, and you didn’t hide it. He caught himself wondering what you thought about, what made you tick, what did you do with the centuries worth of memories, what were those memories, who did you have memories with-
“We’re here.”
Josh snapped out of his thoughts, and looked up at the building you had stopped in front of. The fluorescent, “Lakeside Rx” sign illuminated the sidewalk, with a smaller sign underneath detailing, “Open 24/7”. A pharmacy? What the hell? 
“Umm…I don’t think-”
“Follow my lead, ok?” You looked him in the eyes, giving him a look to assure him you knew what you were doing. “Once I open the door, you’re my Human. You do not speak unless spoken to or prompted by me. Just listen and observe. Any Vampires you interact with will probably assume you’ve been Persuaded to be there and won’t remember anything once we leave. Its standard protocol. Since you…clearly, can’t be Persuaded by me,” you resisted the urge to roll your eyes at the memory, whereas Josh resisted the urge to smirk at the thought, “you’re going to have to play along and pretend you are. I know you don’t want to, but for this you’ll have to trust me.” 
Josh sighed and nodded his head, instinctively he didn’t want to put this much trust in you, but something deep down made him feel uncharacteristically calm about the situation. Maybe it was the way you were looking at him, or the warmth of your hand as you placed it on his arm in reassurance, or maybe it was because you were the first Vampire he’d ever met that seemed motivated by something other than insatiable hunger and blood lust? He couldn’t pin it down but he did as you said and dutifully opened the door for you like a gentleman and followed you inside. 
The overhead lights of the pharmacy flickered slightly as you made your way through the aisles. Everything looked normal and well stocked, not even a layer of dust on the shelves or various products around the store. This confused Josh even more as he followed you to the back of the store, where the prescription drop off/pick up desk was located. Even that looked completely normal, even with the singular employee he had seen throughout the entire establishment looking through prescription bins with her back to the two of you.
This was your time to shine, and you could hardly contain yourself at this point. You had seen the complete confusion on the hunters face and you wanted to laugh but you had to keep up your ruse. He really had no idea. There were so many things that humans weren’t privy to. That amount of blissful ignorance was almost enviable. 
You confidently stepped up to the counter, and tapped the bell stationed on the desk. At the shrill sound, the pharmacist snapped her head up and turned around, giving you a warm smile as she walked up to the counter. 
“Hello, what can I help you with,” she greeted in her best customer service voice. 
You smiled, knowing your next line, “I believe I have a prescription ready for pick up?”
The pharmacist tilted her head and placed her hands delicately on the edge of the counter, “can I get your date of birth?”
You smiled and nodded, “of course.”
“Alright, you can enter it here…” she gestured at a number pad sitting next to the bell. 
With zero hesitation your hand flew to the number pad and punched in your actual birth date, year of 1673 and all, pinky all but slamming the enter button as you finished. 
The pharmacist turned to the computer to her right and smiled at the information you submitted, “excellent, you can pick it up at the back counter.”
“Thank you so much,” you replied with a matching smile before turning on your heel and heading for the hallway to the left of the pharmacy window.
Josh was so mesmerized by the interaction that he almost forgot his cue to follow you down the hall but quickly recovered and took long strides to catch up to you. He had so many questions running through his head but knew he couldn’t ask you anything right now. The two of you passed a couple doors for some bathrooms, along with a couple of water fountains, which made Josh even more confused as to what “the back counter” meant but he followed you along, the only sound being the clicking of your heels echoing throughout the hallway. 
  There was a door at the very end of the hallway, which Josh figured was your destination due to where you were headed but you instead stopped in front of another plain gray door to the right, just before the end of the hallway. There was no signage or even a window on the door, just chipped paint and a worn out brass doorknob. 
You swiveled your head in the hunters direction, smirking, “wanna see a real party?”
Josh opened his mouth to speak, a little unsure if he was supposed to answer, when a loud clicking sound was heard from the other side of the door. You reached out and twisted the handle, pulling the door open to reveal a darkly lit hallway lined with ornate vintage wall sconces, the walls themselves decorated in a red and black wallpaper in a damask pattern. Josh nearly kicked himself for not figuring it out. Of course they’d have a speakeasy-style entrance to their Blood Dens. He started to file away this information in his head, but then remembered the deal he made with you outside. He’d have to keep this secret, even from Jake. 
You stepped into the hallway, allowing Josh to follow behind as the door shut behind the two of you. To be honest, you had left the human world as soon as you stepped into that “pharmacy” in the front of the building, but now that the door to the “back counter” was shut, you were completely immersed in Vampire territory. This was your world, and you felt your shoulders relax the further you walked. The hallway took a sharp left turn and before you was a set of stairs descending down, the sconces continued to light the way. 
Just before you stepped off the landing to begin your descent, you gave him one last look before softly slipping your hand into his. He was your Human now, and as such you had to show it as much as possible. Granted, most Human Companions in Dens weren’t romantically involved with the Vampire that brought them there, but a lot of them were, and 9 times out of 10 if you presented that way you were mostly left alone. If you weren’t, it was common to “share” humans throughout the night. The Vampire equivalent of a blunt rotation, or sharing food off of your plate. You had partaken in said practice more times than you could count, but not tonight. Josh was off limits, not only because of the deal you made with him but because…well he couldn’t be Persuaded to forget any of it, and it would be too risky! Yes, that was it. 
He looked down at your hand slipping into his, and he didn’t fight the grip you had on him. Once again, he was surprised at how warm you were, and how soft your skin was. While you had your classic smirk on your face, the slight tremor in your fingers told a different story. It didn’t take his impeccable observational skills to understand you were nervous. It hit him just then that you were basically committing an act of high treason by consciously bringing him with you tonight. Not only because he was a hunter, but he was a Kiszka on top of that. One wrong move and both of their heads could easily become trophies -and warnings- to Vampires and hunters alike. Keeping that in mind, he gently gave your hand a squeeze as he followed you down the stairs, matching your grip with his. You were doing this, together. 
The stairs turned and twisted, taking you at least two more levels down. As you descended, music met your ears. It wasn’t the strong bass you’d expect at a typical club, but every Blood Den was different. This particular Den leaned into “the old world” aesthetic that a lot of their patrons were nostalgic for. Classical music, a mix of candlelight and gas lamps, antique furniture, this was where you could leave the modern world behind and fully relax among other Vampires. 
As you finally reached the bottom of the stairs, the familiar atmosphere greeted you. You were now in the main “chamber” of the Den, where most people gathered during the night. On the right hand side of the room was a traditional “bar” where one could sit and get a blood-infused drink if one was alone. 
Humans didn’t even know what they were missing with Vampire cocktails. Instead of human liquor being the main ingredient, here it was blood. Vampires were always aware of different blood types among their prey, and there were centuries old descriptions and books of different blood profiles based on location, age, and overall health of human subjects. But it wasn’t until humans cracked the code to blood typing in 1901 that the science of it really took off. It was similar to how humans classified different types of wine. The thought of an A-Negative Manhattan had your mouth watering, you needed to take the edge off and calm your nerves. 
Throughout the room there were multiple antique chaise lounges and matching couches. Vampires and their human companions were scattered amongst them, some in groups of four or five and some just one on one. Each group was in various stages of feeding. Directly in front of you and Josh was a couple where the female vampire was straddling the male human, fangs firmly planted on his neck while she fed. The man had his head thrown back in ecstasy, smiling softly while his hands gripping her thighs. Josh wanted to be disgusted but knew better than to let it show on his face. He stared at the couple curiously, was…was the human enjoying that? Is that possible? He had rescued plenty of humans in his time as a hunter and they never seemed happy to be in the clutches of a Vampire. Most of them were scared shitless, and grateful to be free of their tormentors. This was entirely new to him. 
The human let out a moan and the Vampire chuckled against his throat, inadvertently spilling some blood down his neck and into his shirt. Josh hadn’t realized his mouth had been hanging open until he felt the tip of your finger push his chin up to close it. 
“You’re staring…,” you whispered into his ear.
Dumbfounded, Josh turned to you with wide eyes and opened his mouth to speak but you squeezed his hand again, letting him know he didn’t have to explain himself. It was so amusing to see him react that way, like an Amish kid seeing a laptop for the first time. 
“Let’s go find a seat,” you led him over to an empty corner booth, sliding around to the middle so the two of you could get a good vantage point to the room. The table was isolated enough to allow for quiet conversation, and Josh wanted to use this precious time to ask at least a few questions, but before he could get a word out a male server appeared at the table, focusing entirely on you. Now it was his turn to slip into character. He turned to you and gazed at you with the best heart eyes he could muster, even going so far as to sliding closer to you, completely invading your personal space.  
“Can I get you started on a drink this evening?”
You smiled and licked your teeth before answering, “an A-Negative Manhattan would be amazing.” 
The server threw a sideways glance at Josh, who was blinking slowly at you, resting his chin on his hand. You respected how hard he was committing to the bit. “Anything for…?”
“Oh no he’s fine,” you turned to look at him, he was so close you could feel the heat of his cheek next to yours, “...maybe some water,” you said firmly, hoping he’d get the hint to dial it back a little. 
The server raised his eyebrows in judgment, humans were so fucking weird. “Right…I’ll be right back with those.” 
As the server scurried off to the bar, Josh continued to stare at you. He was even closer than when you were walking down the street together. The last time he was this close to you was when he had you against that tree in the park, and he was noticing details he hadn’t before. Were your eyelashes always that long, or was it your mascara? He fully took in the profile of your nose and found himself admiring how perfect it looked with the rest of your face. 
You scooted away from him just far enough to regain some space. Though you found yourself slightly disappointed you could no longer feel his breath fan down over your neck and bare shoulder. 
“Easy, Boy Scout.” 
“What? You said I had to sell it.”
“Yeah but don’t overdo it, we can’t have anyone get suspicious,” you warned. 
Josh gave a sweeping glance at the rest of the room, noting the various states the humans in the room were in. If their eyes weren’t closed in pleasure from being fed on, they were gazing adoringly at their Vampire partners, as if waiting to be bitten again. “I don’t know, I think I was blending in just fine…” 
You rolled your eyes because he was right. But still, you thought spitefully, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. “All I’m saying is, less is more because I don’t want anyone to start asking questions while we are trying to ask questions, got it?”
“Fine,” he relented before going quiet for a few seconds. A few very short seconds before he whispered, “do…do humans really enjoy being bitten?”
You briefly considered messing with him further but decided to give him a straight answer for once, “some do. It honestly depends. I’ve fed on people who just stood there and took it, but I’ve also had a few who got really into it. Every once and awhile I can get an “arrangement” if you will where I can regularly feed on the same human, mainly out of convenience.”
Josh felt a pang of jealousy course through his system that he did not expect. 
“...but the problem with arrangements like that is they often become really messy and I just don’t have the time for the fallout. I haven’t had a “regular” in years.” 
Before he could reply the server from earlier appeared again at the table gently placing both glasses down. Josh used your distraction as you thanked the server to let himself exhale the sigh of relief at your confirmation you didn’t have any current “regular” humans. Why the fuck was he even thinking about that? Get it to-fucking-gether, Kiszka, he chastized himself. He glanced down at your drink, it looked relatively normal, but the obvious dark red hue reminded him that the whiskey it contained was accompanied by blood. 
As if you could sense his question, you informed him, “A-Negative pairs really well with whiskey. Robust but not overpowering, gives you a great buzz. It's a shame you can’t find that out for yourself with your…humanity and all.” 
Josh gave you a flat look, “I like my humanity just fine.”
“Suit yourself…though a hunter turned Vampire would be hilariously ironic.”
No it wouldn’t, Josh thought darkly. That was a train of thought he did not want to entertain. The consequences of that…no. Being turned was something his father refused to speak to any of the kids about. The emphasis was always on destroying whatever Vampire you had in front of you before that was even a potential thought. He did have a memory however of overhearing his parents talk about a raid his father had conducted. He wasn’t supposed to hear it, he had just snuck downstairs for a snack out of the kitchen when he walked by his fathers study and heard the gruesome details. Just before his father had killed the leader of the Nest, the Vampire had taunted him with the possibility, using his younger brother Sam as the example but what made it more depraved was that Sam had just turned 4. 
“Oh my god, Monica!” his thoughts were thankfully interrupted by you cheerfully calling out to a woman that was passing by the table. 
“Hello!? How long has it been, 7 years?!” Monica, the tall, willowy Vampire with chestnut hair nearly shrieked your name as she threw herself into the booth to give you a hug. She had a man with her, but from what Josh could see he was also a Vampire, but there was something off about him. 
“Bitch, I told you to call me after you came back from Italy,” you squealed and giggled into her hair. 
“I know, I know! But I was just too distracted by this one,” Monica beamed and turned to pinched the cheek of the man who stiffly sat beside her. 
“Who is this, then?” You questioned as you toyed with the metal skewer the cherry garnish of your drink sat. 
“This is Ethan…,” she gushed, “I met him while in Italy, actually! He was a human companion to a friend of mine at the time and we were all out to dinner together and we just hit it off! Eventually he ended up becoming my human companion for an entire summer but I just realized…I couldn’t let him go.” Monica leaned towards you like she wanted to tell you a secret, “I ended up turning him last fall,” oh, it was a secret all right. Turning someone wasn’t a taboo by any means, but like you had told Josh the night before, your species was very selective about the process. Turning your regular snack wasn’t unheard of but…it wasn’t the classiest thing either. 
But you used this to your advantage, “So he’s only about a year old? How has the adjustment been?”
“He’s been wonderful, haven’t you sweetie?” Ethan nodded with a tight-lipped smile. 
“We’re still working on the cravings and the self control but we haven’t had an incident in a few months now.” Monica explained while Ethans eyes were trained on Josh specifically, and you felt how tense Josh got next to you because of it. You kept your attention on Monica while she prattled about how being a Maker was going for her and slowly slipped your hand under the table and firmly gripped your hunters knee. You gave it a good squeeze, signaling that you also didn’t like how Ethan was staring at him. “...but enough about me, who is this?” Monica gave a pointed look at Josh. 
“Oh this is my human companion tonight…isn’t he pretty?” You looked over your shoulder at Josh, flashing your teeth in a smile. 
“Oh he’s very pretty…where did you find him?” 
You chuckled, “would you believe it I found him near a dumpster?” 
Monica let out an obnoxious laugh, “oh my god how random! Well, I hope you keep this one around, he’s too cute.” 
The music playing over the speakers abruptly stopped, and coming out of one of the side doors was a man who walked over to the piano in the corner, dramatically dusting off the bench before sitting down and starting to play a soft melody. Both you and Monica jumped at the sight, knowing what it meant. Your friend immediately started pushing her boyfriend out of the booth, looking pale and skittish. “Well it was lovely seeing you tonight! I’ll definitely call you later!” She gave you a weak wave while she grabbed Ethans hand and scurried off to one of the doors along the back wall, where the private feeding rooms were. 
Josh turned to you confused because what the fuck was that all about, but he answered his own question when he saw…him. Weaving his way around the lounges and tables, was a Vampire that was easily 6’5”, dark hair and olive skin, his presence was massive. Every Vampire, even the ones mid-feed would look up at him as he passed. 
Dimitris Nikolou. He was the owner of this Blood Den. He was at least 200 years older than you, but you suspected it was a lot more than that. You had known him very well over the years, it was his Nest you turned to when you were caught in the Atlantic City raid in the 20s, and he had accepted you with open arms, in exchange for your loyalty. You didn’t serve him, but should any rival Nests decide to start shit, you knew which side you had to take. He and a blonde, statuesque woman made their way over to your table, Dimitris’ eyes lighting up when he not only recognized you, but when he saw Josh.
“It has been far too long since I’ve seen you here,” he announced before sliding into the booth…behind Josh. His human companion slid in next to you, effectively trapping you and Josh in the middle of the corner. 
“Dimitris, lovely as always,” you greet with a smile.
“Oh Darling, after all these years it's just Dimitri to you, you know that,” he replied fondly. He turns to give a proper look at Josh, more specifically, his jugular, “Now…who is this lovely creature you’ve brought with you?” 
You squeezed Joshs knee once again, this time for your own reassurance, and to funnel your nerves to anywhere else but your face. “This is my human companion for the evening,” you said politely. 
“What a catch…such striking eyes.” You hated the way Dimitris’ eyes were raking all over Josh, but you couldn’t do anything about it. “Does this human companion have a name?”
You felt your throat start to close, there was no way you could even give him his first name only, that was too risky. You had to play it off, “I think his name was…William…I found him outside of a restaurant and decided to bring him here.” You could see the wheels turning in Dimitris’ head and your grip on Josh tightened.
He turned back to Josh, “Well William what are we going to do with you?” Once again he was staring at Joshs neck, “I suppose a little taste of him won’t hurt, would it?”
You interjected almost too fast, “No no, he’s mine for the evening, I quite like this one.” 
“Of course he is but he just looks so delicious, we’ve always shared haven’t we, darling?” He gave a look to the woman next to you, who immediately extended her wrist underneath your face. “Oh, ignore my horrible manners, this is Yvonne. I found her while scouting a new Den location in Chicago. She’s A-Negative as well, that's your favorite if I recall?” His eyes sparkle at you, triggering the memories of the bodies you shared the last time you occupied one of his Nests. 
The thing about rules is that they only work if everyone plays along with them. Vampires like Dimitris played by their own rules, and were prone to rip the proverbial rug out from under you at a moment's notice just to make a point. 
“So what do you say? A companion for a companion?”
There was no way out of this, and if you could have grabbed Josh by the collar of his shirt and drug him out of there, you would have. Instead, you’re both trapped in a booth with someone who could destroy you both with barely a flick of the wrist. 
Josh has been politely silent this entire time, keeping his eyes focused on you. He wasn’t sure if the worst part about this was the fact he was about to be fed on for the first time in his life, or if it was because he was about to be fed on by someone other than you. He felt a strong hand coil around his neck and gently tilt his head to the side, his eyes never left yours. He watched as you weakly grasped Yvonnes wrist, bringing it to your mouth. Your fangs descended from your gums as you bit into her skin, and before he could even register his own thoughts on that, he felt similar fangs pierce the skin of his neck. His ears instantly started ringing, the sensation burning a lot more than he expected it to. He quickly realized that the actual action of having your blood sucked out of you wasn’t what hurt, but the entry wounds made by the fangs, which still burned. Having your blood suddenly start flowing in the wrong direction was…different. His body felt heavier yet he was beginning to get light headed at the same time. 
Your eyes were locked onto Josh and Dimitri, distracted to the point where you were barely feeding off of Yvonne. Slowly, you detached from her wrist and placed it on the table, which visibly disappointed Yvonne, who was enjoying the whole thing. Your hand inched forward under the table, desperate to make contact at least with Joshs hand that was limply lying between the two of you. After a few agonizing seconds your pinky brushed against his, and you tried to put every emotion you could into that action, to let him know you were still here. His eyes were starting to droop, a sign that Dimitri was nearing the threshold of too much at one time for a human. 
“Dimitri!” You yelped almost too loud. 
Dimitri popped up off of Joshs neck in surprise, but after looking at Josh himself he saw the state he was in, “I do apologize…his blood is very…different than what I’m used to. It's got almost this…spice to it? It's almost familiar to me but I can’t quite place it. ” He grabbed a handkerchief out of his coat pocket and dabbed his mouth before nicking his finger to heal up the neck wound with his own blood. Given his age and experience, there was hardly any mess on Josh to clean up, and what little there was he wiped away with his handkerchief before handing it to Yvonne to mop up her wrist. 
“He is…very special,” you agreed, inching even closer to Josh who was starting to slump against the booth wall. “I really hate to cut this short but I reserved one of the private rooms for tonight and I’d really like to take him there now.” 
Dimitri licked his lips and nodded, suddenly willing to play by the rules now, “I do remember seeing your name on the books for tonight! Right, well we’ll get out of your way, darling. It was lovely seeing you again. Don’t be a stranger, you know you’re always welcome here.” 
“Thank you…Dimitri.” 
“Always, darling.” 
With that Dimitri and Yvonne slithered out of the booth, finally leaving you and Josh alone. You couldn't bring yourself to move until you saw the pair settle down on a couch next to another couple, seemingly about to repeat the process with them. This was your chance, and you quickly grabbed Joshs hand and hauled him out of the booth. He was weak, and he needed food to replenish what he just lost. Thankfully he could still walk and you were able to make your way to the back wall where the doors to the private rooms were. The door Monica and Ethan had entered still had its “occupied” light on above the frame, but the door on the far side was open and waiting. Turning on your heel you beelined for that door, shutting it behind you and clicking the lock before pushing Josh himself against the back of the door, your forearm barred across his chest, anchoring him to the wood. You had wanted a chance to reverse the roles and shove him against something like he had done to you twice, but you hated how it happened tonight.  
“That was so fucking stupid…,” you gritted out through your teeth, frustrated not at Josh for once, but at yourself. 
“It's ok..” Josh finally spoke, his voice softer than you had ever heard it. 
“No, it's not ok. If I hadn’t stopped him-”
“But you did…that's what matters.” 
You met his eyes, those big brown eyes, and for the first time in a long time you felt your own well up. You moved your arm from his chest and cradled his face in your hands. His eyes were still droopy, but they were fixed on you. 
“You need to eat something…,” you whipped your head around the room to find the mini fridge they always stocked with food for the humans to eat after feeding. It was a small courtesy to prevent any liability issues. Taking his hand, you lead him over to the antique couch in the middle of the room, gently sitting him down before crouching down in front of the mini fridge, grabbing a bottle of orange juice and a bag of chips. You shoved both items into his hands, not caring if the combination didn’t taste good. The faster you got him well enough to walk so you could get out of there, the better. Josh ripped open the bag of chips and unscrewed the top of the orange juice, wincing at the flavor combo but eating it anyway. As he worked his way through snacks you sat next to him, staring at him to make sure he was eating it all. 
After a few minutes of silence, you finally said, “I am…so fucking sorry Josh. I thought he was still in Chicago, I didn’t know he was going to be here and I definitely didn’t know he was going to do that. I know that was your one deal breaker tonight and if you end up giving the location to your brothers I underst-”
“I won’t go back on our deal,” he cut you off, voice sounding a little stronger than before. 
“But you said-”
“The deal was you were not to feed on me, and you didn’t. That creep doing it was an unforeseen circumstance, but at the very least you stopped him before anything happened. You could’ve let him finish me off and got rid of me so easily, but you didn’t. You got me back here and made me eat something,” he downed the remaining orange juice, “I might not know all the ins and outs of your world, but I do know the risk you took by bringing me here, and it won’t be forgotten.” 
“I just-”
“No, now we get out of here and think of our next move. Your friend with the newbie? We need to talk about that. He was two seconds from launching himself across the table had Count Chocula not made his grand entrance.” There it was, the humor that let you know he was feeling better. His face wasn’t as pale as it was, and while he still needed time to recover, he was well on his way. “I don’t think she was telling the whole truth about there not being any ‘incidents’ recently.”
You nodded, agreeing with him, “can you walk?”
“Yeah I think I’m ok.”
“The exit is through that door,” you pointed at the solid black door in the corner, “it leads to a set of stairs to take us back to street level.”
Josh tested his legs and stood up slowly, you quickly helped him all the way up and stood in front of him, making sure he didn’t fall back. A few deep breaths later, he nodded at you and the both of you exited through the black door. The stairs to the street were at the end of the hallway, and as you started to ascend a new panic ripped through you. On the second landing, the faint early morning glow of sunlight was creeping down the stairs. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. You couldn’t believe that much time had passed down there. Another stupid move on your part. Josh felt you retreat down a few steps, before looking ahead and seeing what you were backing away from. Without hesitation, he ripped off his suit jacket and draped it over you. 
“My place isn’t very far, we can get there quickly if we’re careful.” 
You stood there, stunned by his actions, just like how you could’ve easily gotten rid of him in the Den with Dimitri, Josh could’ve led you to your very death with little effort, but he didn’t. 
“Ok…” Securing his jacket over your head and arms, you restarted your ascent up the stairs, hoping he was true to his word in his place not being very far. 
“Come on…I’ve got you…” was all he said as he led you up to the street, and into the sunlight.
To be continued…
Tag me List: @lightmylove-gvf , @dannyandthekiszkas , @gretasmokerising , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @andromeda-raine-gvf ,
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blueink01 · 6 months
Ch. 4: Overtune
Charlie Narrating-
"Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven."
"For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world. So he watched as the angels began to expand the universe in their ways. From the dust of Earth, they created Adam and Lilith."
"Equals as the first of mankind, but despite this, Adam demanded control, and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the Garden. Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love."
"Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the Fruit of Knowledge to Adam's new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted. But this gift came with a curse. For with this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way into the Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin."
"And the order Heaven worked to maintain was shattered. As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked."
"But Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power.”
“Threatened by this, Heaven made a truly heartless decision. That every year, they would send down an army, an Extermination, to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. But Lilith's hope remained. And her dream was passed down to their precious daughter, the princess of Hell." As Charlie finishes narrating, she closes a book titled "The Story of Hell" and looks out to Pentagram City.
"Don't worry, Mom. I'lI make you proud." Charlie soberly looks out the window to Pentagram City burning to the ground, just as Yn and Vaggie come into the room.
"Charlie?" Vaggie questioned, looking at Charlie. The key Charlie was holding transforms into KeeKee who scampers away.
"Aah! Oh, shit. Did you hear all that?" Charlie looked down as she turns to Yn and Vaggie in surprise.
"Yeah. We were right there at the door.." Yn points her thumb to the doorway.
"Sorry. I get pretty worked up after an extermination happens. The story helps..." Charlie smiled.
"Don't worry. I enjoy your theatrics." Vaggie chuckles.
"Are you okay?" Yn and Vaggie sit down with Charlie
"I'm fine. Just... thinking, ya' know? Family stuff." Charlie sighs, Yn could feel how sad her girlfriend was.
"Did you hear anything from Lilith?" Charlie shakes her head in dismay. Yn sighs, Vaggie was rubbing Charlie's back.
"Oof... how long has it been now?" Vaggie questioned.
"Not that long, only... seven... years, off doing something important, I'm sure. But this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about." Charlie looked at the city.
"well, at least you're not alone." Vaggie smirked.
"Yeah, even if Hell froze over, you can be sure that me and Vaggie will be by your side." Yn added too.
"I just hope that what I'm trying to do here will work." Charlie said with a small smile on her face.
"It will. We have faith in you." Keekee then leaps into Charlie's arms, Yn and Vaggie smiled as they stand up.
"Alright, come on now. Alastor says he has something interesting to show us." Yn said as she and Vaggie head to the door. As they leave, a loud bell rings throughout the city, and Charlie turns to the Bell Tower at Heaven Embassy. She looks on with sadness, knowing that it's another year before the Extermination comes again before she leaves.
-Time Skip-
In the Commercial-
The scene turns static before it fixes itself to reveal a sinner stabbing another demon to death with a knife before Alastor caught their attention.
"Well, hello there you wayward sinner. Do you like blood violence and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do. That's why you're in hell." As the camera rolls, scenes switches from the front of the Hazbin Hotel, to Charlie on camera and she waves at it.
"But what would you say if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that? Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption. Founded five days ago by Lucifer's delusional daughter, Charlotte Morningstar! Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her mommy issues by fixing you." Angel Dust omes into view, putting two-fingers over the head prank behind her.
"Here we offer fun things such as somewhat functional staff and 24-hour pest control. Custom rooms. and just look at this tacky parlor, enjoy riveting conversation with our singular resident and our residential Overlord. Wow." The camera to the bartender, Husk, who was clearly drunk, passing out on the ground as Niffty, the hotel maid, tries to stab and chase after a bug, and then to Angel Dust, with a support beam falling close to KeeKee, scaring the demon cat before running off, and Angel Dust flipping Alastor off who films Yn who smiles and waves at him.
"All this and more at the Hazbin Hotel. Your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here." Then the poor drawing of the hotel before the commercial ends.
Back to the Hazbin Hotel-
Alastor turns off the television.
"So what do you think?" Alastor crossed his arms. On the couch, Yn, Charlie and Vaggie were surprised of the commercial being poorly misleading and very offensive to their nature, that Vaggie throws a fit at Alastor.
"I'm sorry. What the fuck was that?" Vaggie cursed at him.
"That was... interesting for sure Alastor." Yn compliment his work.
"Uh, Yeah. One note, Alastor, I mean, first off, thank you so much for making this seriously amazing, but um, maybe the tone is a bit off, We want people to want to come here. This makes it look, um." Charlie thought of the nicest thing to say.
"Bad. The word you're looking for is bad." Vaggie bluntly replied.
"It wasn't that bad, it could have been worse." Yn added.
"That was as bad as it can get." Vaggie stated.
Alastor gave a slightly annoyed face, "Funny. I was going for hilarious." He smiled.
"It didn't explain anything about how we're trying to save demons from extermination, which is the whole fucking point." Vaggie grumbled.
"Okay, Vaggie does have a point Alastor. The commercial was supposed to let sinners know we are trying to help them." Yn stated.
"Well, Darling, you know I haven't been active in hell for some time and everyone remembers me from my radio show, the proper medium to express oneself. But you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement." He taps the Television twice with his microphone cane.
"So I had a little fun with it." Alastor said passing his cane to his other hand.
"Oh fun? You had a little fun with it?" Vaggie stands up on the couch.
"Well, this is not what we want to represent us. When you showed up here a week ago, you told us you would help run this hotel. Instead, you're mocking us. Nobody's gonna wanna come to a place that a powerful overlord like you thinks is a waste of time." Angel Dust then raises his hand from the couch, catching everyone's attention. Holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
"Yes angel?" Yn sighed.
"If'n ya filming a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?" Angel Dust takes a bottle with one arm before pointing all three arms at himself, but Vaggie doesn't like it.
"Angel, you're a porn star." Vaggie noted.
"A famous porn star. I'll have the horniest sinners knocking these walls down to get in." Angel smirked.
"We are not filming a porn as a commercial." Vaggie explained.
"Why not? Sex sells don't it? I swear if you film me going at it with either Yn or Mr. fancy talk creepy voice here, you'd be rolling in participants willing to stay at this tacky hotel." As he was explaining, Alastor appears right besides the couch next to Angel Dust and laughs with amusement.
"Ha ha. Never going to happen." Alastor stated with a creepy smile.
"Yeah, I'm not going to film a porn." Yn stated.
"Oh! What about a video of both Yn and the creepy going at it?" Hearing that both Vaggie and Alastor twitch, both for completely other reasons.
"No." Yn said bluntly with a small blush to Angel.
"Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but I really don't want to exploit you... in that way." Charlie noted.
"Oh, please, baby. This body was made to be exploited. I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs. I got the lung capacity." He laughs.
"Oh, I got the legs. The gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff." Charlie chuckles nervously until Charlie's phone rings from Lucifer calling her.
"hold that thought? I'll be right back."
"I could keep going all night, baby." "Please don't Angel." While Angel drinks her beer, Charlie breathes nervously and answers the call.
"Hello? Dad?" As Charlie take the phone call, the scene switches to Vaggie, Angel, and Alastor.
"Hey, I have a question. If Yn and freaky face over there are so powerful, then why can't they just make people stay here?"
"Oh, trust me," Alastor smiles in a mischievously creepy look with dark magic.
"We can." Yn smirks with deadly glowing eyes and dark magic surrounding her.
"Why do you think I'm here?" Husker spoke from the bar as he puts his bottle down.
The camera moves to Husk at the bar.
"You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fucks bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcing me?" Husk grumbled, "Puff is the exception..." He gestured to Yn.
As Husk cleans a bottle, Niffty pops up from behind the counter with a hand raised.
"I like being forced." Niffty smiled.
"Keep that to yourself, Nif." Husk grumbled.
"What? You don't love being here with me, Whiskers?" Angel Dust pouted.
"Call me Whiskers again and I'll jam that bottle down your throat." Husk threatened, holding the bottle.
"Kinky. Come on, keep talking dirty." Angel Dust arches his back in a seductive way as Yn giggles quietly.
Vaggie sighs, "Angel. Let Husk do his job. And, no, we can't force sinners to stay here. They need to choose to." Vaggie crossed her arms.
"I'm choosing to be here and I think it's all stupid. We're in hell, toots. That's kind of the end of the road, ain' it?" Angel Dust smirks.
"Well, Maybe it doesn't have to be. Just because nobody has made it out before doesn't mean it's not possible." Yn states as she plays with Angel Dust hair.
Angel Dust places a hand on Yn's shoulder, giving her a deadpan expression while the latter makes the same one.
"Hey, whatever means I can keep crashing here rent-free. Crack is expensive." Angel Dust snickered.
"You don't have to be blunt about that." Yn said pushing Angel back down on the couch.
The scene comes back to Charlie, and after the phone call, she seemed really happy with the news her father brought to her.
"Yeah, I can totally, yeah. I'll head over there right away. Okay?" Charlie hangs up the phone and gasps in excitement.
"Yes..YES!" Charlie chuckles in excitement when she hears about the news until she calls Yn and Vaggie in gibberish, waving very franticly that freaks Yn and Vaggie out, "Vaggie! Yn! Holy, shit!"
"Ah! What?" "Whoa!" Vaggie and Yn turned to see Charlie.
Charlie whiel biting her lip with excitement waves them to 'Get over here!' for some exciting news.
Yn and Vaggie sigh happily and come to Charlie while she is jumping around in a very happy mode. As Angel Dust drinks in the background, Yn and Vaggie meet Charlie behind.
"So, what's going on?" Vaggie asked. Charlie breathes in and out to calm her nerves so she can explain, but she was explaining so fast due to her excitement. Yn pats Charlie's back, trying to calm the poor girl down.
"My dad just called, he said that the leader of the Angel Army wants to meet. He asked if I could go instead." Charlie was hyperventilating, grabbing Yn and Vaggie to get up close. Yn and Vaggie, however, were confused since the Angels were already done with their extermination and won't be back for another year.
"The leader of the Angel Army wants to meet?" Yn asked.
"But...but, the extermination just happened. What could they want this soon after..." Vaggie started. As Vaggie went on, Charlie was in the mood to get her hotel project to work, and remained hopeful that she starts singing.
Song starts here-
"~I can do this! Somehow, I know it! I'll get Heaven behind my plans!~"
"~Charlie, hold on...~"
"~There's just no way I could blow it. Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance!~"
"~It's just a meeting.~"
"~To change their minds, And touch their hearts, Or... whatever angels have!"
"~This could be bad...~"
"~Most likely will be bad.~"
"~Cheer up, girls! This could be swell! Something tells me that today will be a happy day in Hell!~" Charlie grabs Vaggie and Yn's hands and spins them around. She lets go of them and runs off.
"Okay, but just don't... sing to them."
"Charlie?" Just before Vaggie could warn her, Angel Dust, Alice, Niffty, and Keekee were already at the window where they can see Charlie singing out in the destroyed Pentagram City, as Angel Dust turns back to Yn and Vaggie still drinking from a bottle.
"That bitch is halfway down the street!"
"Is she?"
"Oh, she's dancin'!"
"Ugh, no..."
"Charlie! Come back here!" Yn runs after Charlie.
Pentagram City-
Charlie makes her way down the street, oblivious to the destruction and bodies of dead demons everywhere as she continues to sing her song.
"~There's a warm, fuzzy feeling. That wafts through the air. Every street so revealing: It's hard not to stare!~" Charlie comes to a a window of a sex dungeon where a Hellhound is humping against an Imp wearing a sadomasicism mask. They notice her, and Charlie awkwardly fees before continuing to sing.
"~It's a realm so appealing it beats anywhere. If you don't mind the smell...~" Charlie accidentally steps on a dead shark demon that was releasing a very bad smelly fume into her nose. She cautiously avoids the corpse and presses on the street.
"~It's a happy day in Hell!~" Charlie waves at a demon who was holding a newspaper before she catches his attention, revealing himself to be a meth addict with a spoon full of meth.
"Hi, mister!"
"Go fuck yourself!" One demon opens his window, revealing his apartment on fire.
"~There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul~"
"~And a ton of barbed wire to shove in his hole!~"
"Ah, excuse me!"
"~Doing what is required, we all have our role.~"
"~I'm not doin' well!~"
"~Another shitty day in Hell!~" Charlie climbs on the trunk of the destroyed car and faces the other direction.
"~If I can show them the dream I've dreamed. That any soul can change!~"
Hazbin Hotel-
From the Hazbin Hotel, Vaggie comes into the watchtower, as if she's calling out to her girlfriends.
"~Those angels minds are hard to change.~"
"~Then they will know everyone can be redeemed. From the evil to the strange!~" Yn pushes through a group of demons that run away or moved aside at the sight of Yn.
"~They're bloodthirsty and deranged!~"
Pentagram City-
"~I can hear all their stories. The lost and displaced. And I know that they're more of an acquired taste. But if I open the door and I give them a place. At my Hazbin Hotel. It'll be a happy day in Hell!~" A truck comes by, and Charlie hitches a ride from behind so she can get around the city such as the porn studios, and the Cannibal Colony. Yn sighs as she looks Charlie riding away.
"Come on Charlie!"
"~From the porn studio. Where the cinephiles go. To watch award-winning demon bukkake shows! To the cannibal town. Where they don't wear a frown 'cause.~" Charlie was shot in the eye with blood from one of the corpses that the cannibals were eating on.
"~Holy shit! Ew, my gosh! WHY?! And I don't give a crow that His brain's got in my eye! Cause I know I can spare them. From Heaven's genocide! I can do this, I just know it!~"
"~There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul.~"
"~I'll get Heaven behind my plans! There's just no way I could blow it.~"
"~I kinda like the barbed wire that's shoved in my hole.~”
“~Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance! To change their minds.~" Right in the moment, a slug with a Trenchcoat comes into picture, exhibiting his nudist body in front of Charlie, which creeps her out.
"~And touch my parts!~"
"Uh... No thank you. I'm just gonna... ~Fulfill my destiny!~"
"Your loss, bitch!"
"~I can already tell! Today is gonna be a fuckin' happy day in Hell!~" Charlie has gotten to right where she wants to be: the Heaven Embassy with the watchtower.
Song ends here-
Yn run up the stairs and stand next to Charlie while panting a little and wiping some blood off her face, Charlie looks at her conerned.
"Are you okay?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah... Just had to break through some crowds of sinners to get to you... You could have slowed down a little..." Charlie chuckles a little.
"Sorry." removes a piece of flesh off Yn's hair.
"No, never change." She smiles at Charlie and kisses her cheek.
"Why don't we go in, we don't wanna let the Angel Army leader wait." Yn suggested.
"Right!" She opens the door to peek inside with Yn.
"Hello!" Charlie's voice echoes.
Yn and Charlie enters through the door and finds the whole embassy deserted. She walks to the front desk to check in.
"Hello?" Charlie's voice echoes again, "Well, this is Creepy.." Yn said.
She and Charlie comes to the front desk with no one but a single bell. She taps the bell to ring it, and at the instant, a golden scroll and feather ink pen floats from above over to them.
"Oh, okay.." Charlie signs it.
"That's also creepy." The scroll and feather flies up before disappearing. Right then, the twin doors slide open to show Yn and Charlie the meeting room, and they enter inside the dark room with no one around.
"Uh... hello?"
"Is anyone here? Did the assholes prank us?" The lights suddenly switched on, revealing two angels at the end of the room, with one being a exorcist lieutenant, Lute and the big boss leader of the Angel Army, Adam, who is eating a rib in his hand.
"Holy shit!" Charlie immediately falls back but Yn catches her after getting surprised by the sudden appearance of two angels in the room. Yn places Charlie back onto the ground and she readjusts herself to introduce herself properly.
"Hi, I'm Charlie, this is Yn. My dad asked me if I could meet you."
"Yeah, I know." Adam eats his rip like a buzzsaw.
"Okay, well. It's nice to meet you."
"Totally. It's nice to meet you too." Adam reaches over to give Charlie a handshake, and as she was about to shake his hand, her hand slips right through, revealing him to be a hologram, fizzing on and off after being touched, which freaks Charlie out.
"Ha! I fucking got you." He turns to Lute.
"Did you see that?" Lute nods once.
"Ha. Good shit." Adam laughs more. Charlie was trying to get something straight with Adam being a hologram.
"Wow, what an old trick." Yn said not amused.
"Still fucking funny." Adam laughed.
"Whatever gets you hard buddy..." Yn said, Charlie was trying to get something straight with Adam being a hologram.
"Uh... so wait. you aren't here?" Charlie questioned.
"Eh, makes senses, I hardly think anyone would willingly come down here." Yn said, Adam laughs.
"Yeah, no, I mean, I love the vibe, totally, I love your tunes. Pretty fucking hardcore, don't get me wrong. But it's such a bummer man. Everything down there's just so "ugh", ya know?" He chuckles dryly.
"Right. 'Snobby c**t.'" Yn insulted him mentally.
"So, I'm happy we've got this opportunity to meet. There's a project that I've been working on that I really want to talk about-" Charlie smiles nervously.
Adam puts his finger on Charlie's lips to quiet her down for a moment.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down. We've got time. How about we get to know each other a little. Mmm. How about lunch? You hungry?" Adam smirked as he took a plate of ribs he's been eating toward Charlie, "Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it."
"Uh. thanks." Charlie smiled a bit.
"No Charlie, don't-" Charlie went to take a piece of a rib, but her hand past right through them, also revealing to be a hologram, as they fizz on and off from the touch, and Adam laughs while Yn stares at Adam clearly not being amused.
"I got you again! Bitch! Fuckin' hilarious!" Charlie makes a small unamused chuckle alongside Adam's hyper laughter.
Hazbin Hotel-
Back at the Hazbin Hotel, Angel Dust was constantly looking at Husk with seductive gaze while Husk was glaring daggers at her. Vaggie's feet comes into the camera before switching back to in person.
"Okay, so, Charlie is dealing with something very important, so while she's gone, we are making a new commercial. One that represents her vision and what we're doing here. So, we need a camera." Vaggie said, turning to Alastor, "Alastor?"
Alastor snaps a finger to conjure up a camera for Vaggie; however, the camera is a folding-type old camera from the 1930s with no recording films at that time. Vaggie is unamused.
"A video camera?" Vaggie questioned.
"Hmmm." Alastor's lips made a straight line in annoyance.
Despite his extreme distaste for modern technology, Alastor did what Vaggie requested and snaps his finger again to conjure up a video camera that was poorly used with tapes sticked together.
"Alright! Let's do this!" The camera switched into the camera point of view recording the bar scene with Husk behind the counter reading a script in his claws with Angel Dust at the opposite counter. The camera whirrs back to get a better focus of the two.
"And. Action!" Vaggie called. Husk carefully reads the lines on his script, bringing the script closer to read.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help with anything?.." Husk read slowly.
"I've been a bad boy, and I need a big, strong daddy to put me in my place..." Angel Dust spoke in a seductive tone before straightening himself up, "on the path to redemption!" He smiled.
Husk groans with displeasure and reads the script again, "Well, you come..."
"Oh, yes!" Angel Dust starts moaning.
Husk paused, bored, "to the right place." Vaggie has had it, and stops recording.
"Cut! Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny if possible, and Husk, can you maybe not have a script in front of your face." Vaggie demanded.
Husk spoke angrily, "I ain't no actor! I can't memorize this shit!"
"Well, we could improve this shit, baby cakes." Angel Dust then got closer to Husk's face, "Rraww.." He purrs seductively.
Husk gets irritated by Angel Dust and shoves him out of the counter painfully hard.
"Whoops." Husk blankly he then grabs a bottle and drinks it.
Vaggie spoke offscreen, "Husk, come on."
The Embassy of Heaven-
Both Yn and Charlie look bored, Charlie propping herself on her elbows while listening to Adam exaggeratingly boosted himself and his sex life. The camera cuts to Adam.
"So, I was playin' this gig, and for some fuckin' reason, this virtue chick was diggin' on the drummer, and it's like, 'do you know who I am? I'm fuckin' Adam. I'm the original dick!' Adam pointing to his penis down the table, "All dicks descend from me. You think you want drummer dick?" Lute shaking her head, "No way! I'm the Dick-fuckin' master!" Adam eats a mouthful of ribs sloppily, "So, anyway, then we fucked, and it was awesome. What'd you do this weekend?" Charlie caught on what Adam said and realizes one thing about the boss.
"Wait, your name is Adam? The first man Adam, that means you... Oh...." Yn laughs at Adam while Charlie pieces the puzzle together and was surprised that this is very awkward and disturbingly cringy from hearing the story Adam was proclaiming, realizing that this is the reason why her mother left him, making her wince with gawkiness.
"That explains so freakin much." Yn tries to calm down.
"I know. I fucking rock, Hottie." He holds a rock pose and smirked at Yn.
"More like suck." Yn stated.
"What did you say?!" Adam shouted.
"I said. You. Suck donkey balls!" Adam scoffs, clearly feeling offended.
"What the fuck do you mean?! I'm awesome!"
"Man, you're the first human ever created, I have a long list of things you fucked up!"
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Adam questioned, Yn summons a scroll in her hands and rolls it open making it roll all across the room very comically, she clears her throat and looks down at the scroll.
"Let's see here..." Yn suddenly burns the scroll and slams her hands onto the table startling Charlie and Adam.
"Why don't we start with the fucking animal names!" Yn shouted at Adam.
"There's nothing wrong with them!" Adam
"Really?! What were you smoking when you named two insects a cockroach and a grasshopper?" Yn questioned.
"Well one of them eats its own shit, what else would I call it?" Adam said, Yn thinks about that and scoffs a little.
"Alright, cockroach is passable but what about grasshopper? You saw that bitch hopping around in the grass and thought: "Oh shit! Thing hops around in the grass like crazy! That's a grasshopper! Bet Heaven would love that." Yn looks at Adam with his eyes wide like a crazy person.
"Yeah, that's pretty much how it went. How'd you know?" Yn's eye twitches.
"You fucking... What about..." She looks down at another scroll.
"A fucking Sarcastic Fringehead! What the hell is that?!"
"It's a very fucked up fish!" Adam answered.
"A fucked up fish? A fucked up fish?! You're a fucked up fish!" He points at Adam who gasps.
"Did you just call me a fucking fish?! I'm not a fucking fish!" Adam threw his hands up dramatically.
"Wow! Congratulations! Then we have a damn.." Yn looks down at his scroll with disbelief.
"A Aha ha Wasp... Were you laughing while naming that and you decided to go for it?! There's a fucking bird called Boobies! What are you 12?!" Adam chuckles when he hears the name pissing Yn off.
"Then we have a small spider named: Sparklemuffin. Sparklemuffin! Now even I'm starting to get offended, that's a name a small girl calls their new pet cat!" Yn stated.
"You know, I'm... I'm really starting to get bummed out." Adam said.
"Oh? Is the little bitch boy getting upset? You wanna take a nap before you throw a tantrum?!" Yn said with a hand on her hip, Adam slams his hands on the table and gets up into Yn's face as the two glare at each other.
"Fuck you! I can see why you're in hell, you hotass looking whore!" Yn gasps feeling offended.
"Did you call me a whore?!" While Yn and Adam argue Charlie and Lute just blankly stare at them.
-Time Skip-
After a good 20 minutes of arguing and throwing insults at each other Charlie groans as she's slowly getting fed up with the arguing and yelling.
"At least I don't look easy to draw!" Yn insulted Adam.
"You did not just say that to me!"
"Yes I-"
"Yn!" Charlie shouted, Yn freezes when she hears Charlie yell out her name. She slowly turns to look at Charlie who is looking at her sternly.
"That's enough! You're on time out!" Yn looks at Charlie in disbelief while Adam laughs at him.
"What! Time out? But Charlie." Charlie points to a chair next to her, Yn lowers her head with a groan and sits down on the chair with her arms crossed.
"Victory!" Yn glares at Adam as she mumbles to herself.
"At least I've slept with Lilith unlike you! She must have seen how sad your dick is and that completely turned her off, you might be the original dick but mine (Yn sometimes like to change her gander during a fun time) is evolved to another plain of existance!... I mean it might not be me really fucking her, it's more like Lilith fucking both me and Lucif-" Charlie slaps a piece of tape over Yn's mouth and forces her to sit back on the chair. The whole room stays in silence, the only small noise heard is the small huffs coming from Yn who is quickly silenced by Charlie.
She brushes off the awkwardness from Adam and gets to her subject of matter in hand.
"Well, Adam, sir. Mr. Adam, sir." Charlie tried to grab Adam's attention.
"Call me, Dickmaster." Adam smirked. If looks couldn't kill, Yn was so done with this guy.
"Adam. You seem like a smart..." She paused, "well, stand up guy" Charlie smiled nervously.
Adam picking his teeth, "Uh-huh."
"And I know you are the leader of the angels. And you are a big thinker, a revolutionary. A...A genius!" Charlie noted.
"I mean, your words, babe." Adam leaned forward.
"Who would really love to put his name on something." Charlie smirked.
"Fucking love putting my name on shit! Shit's the best!" Adam seemed excited.
"It's a solution to our biggest problem!" Charlie got excited.
"Oh, Herpes. Yeah, that's a bitch." Adam sighed.
"No! Our... other biggest problem." Charlie stated, slightly annoyed.
"Oh...uh. ugly people? Math? Global Warming? Nah, wait, that's Earth's problem." Adam tried to remember.
Yn and Charlie could not believe how dumb Adam is about the oblivious fact to their overpopulation and Extermination problem, as Adam tries to make something sense only to him, and stared at him with a deadpan annoyance
"Ummm..." Adam thought.
'Now I get why humans are a bunch of morons...' Yn thought.
Hazbin Hotel-
Niffty tries to stab a bug. She tries to stab the bug, but misses, and starts stabbing the bug multiple times before Vaggie stops her.
"Stab! Stab! Stab!" Niffty smiled brightly.
"Alright Niffty, Niffty. Your line is "We have the cleanest rooms", okay?" Vaggie informed.
"Got it. I'm ready." Niffty gave a thumbs up Vaggie turns the camera to Niffty, "Action!"
Niffty freezes and stares blankly at the camera, leaving Vaggie puzzled. Angel also peers in.
Niffty freezes and stares blankly at the camera without a breath or blinking from the scene. Vaggie panels away, looking puzzled. Angel also peers in. Close up on Niffty making a blank stare with an ominous shrinking pupil. Angel slowly backs away, already creeped out.
"Uhh, cut." Vaggie stated. Niffty snaps out of it and back to her cheerful self as she giggles, "How was that?"
"Well, Niffty you actually have to say the line, so let's roll again..." Vaggie sighed.
"Ok!" Niffty smiled wildly.
"Action!" Vaggie yells as she sat in her director's chair.
Niffty freezes again staring blankly at the camera.
"You're doing great, Vagina." Angel Dust leans over to Vaggie, smiling smugly.
Vaggie seemed irritated, "Cut! Alright, uhh maybe we can try to fix it in post."
"Do you even know what that means?" Angel Dusk asked.
Vaggie sighed, "I'll figure it out!" She yells out angrily.
-Time Skip-
In a dark room with Vaggie sitting in front of a broken TV, watching the poorly edited shots of the commercial. She groans with frustration before Alastor enters the room.
"Seems like you're having a bit of a trouble there, hmm?" Alastor smirked.
"Ugh, este pendejo (this asshole)... Why are you even here?" Vaggie grumbled.
Alastor takes a seat on a couch next to her, "For the entertainment," Alastor's shadow slips out of his form before reappearing behind the couch, making laughing gestures, "I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and..." The shadow disappears, "..fail spectacularly, like you are doing now. Good job!"
Vaggie was getting ticked off by Alastor and his carefree insults, stands up and turns the camera toward him.
Vaggie points the camera to Alastor, "And here is Alastor, the egocentric piece of shit that..." As Vaggie was viewing the camera scene up to Alastor's face, the video camera glitches violently from green to red and Vaggie freaks out, dropping the static camera on the floor.
"UGH!" She groaned.
"I wouldn't try that, my dear." Alastor said, pointing to his face, "This face was made for radio." As Alastor explains, his pupils turn into the shape of radio dials, He had a nightmarish smile while red symbols float around him and the scene goes nearly static before fixing itself back to normal on Vaggie. She has had it with Alastor's insults and walks up to him.
"That's it. I don't care who or what you are. If you're staying here, you're going to make this work, because it won't be so..." Vaggie spoke imitating Alastor's voice, "...' entertaining'.." She went back to her normal voice, "to watch over an empty hotel, will it, shitass?" As Vaggie returns to her chair, Alastor approaches her, "Fair enough. I'll tell you what." Alastor smirked.
"Let's make a deal." Alastor smirked.
"Pfft, you think I'm that stupid making a deal with a demon like you?"
"Not for you soul, just a simple deal. I do this for you and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology every again. Or my dear Yn and Charlie can come back to absolutely nothing: Your choice." Alastor crossed his arms. Vaggie glances away for a brief moment before making her decision as she sighs, "Fine" Vaggie picks up the camera and gives it to Alastor, which he evaporates it with a clap of his hand.
"Now then!" Alastor smirked. Alastor snaps his finger and transforms the hotel into a film set with the hotel staff into a 50s style film crew. Ink demons conjure up as additional background characters.
"Alright everyone, let's make a fucking commercial." Vaggie smirked.
The Embassy of Heaven-
Yn who's mouth is still taped while sitting down and Charlie looking exasperated with another of Adam's sexist rants.
"When you take her out for the fifth time and she still expects you to pay the check but you're like." Adam speaks in a high pitched-voice, "Hey, I thought you wanted equality."
"NO! our shared problem of overpopulation in Hell!" Charlie exclaimed.
"Ohh, well that's not a problem! We got that covered!" Adam said turning to Lute, "Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?"
"Got a good 275 this year, sir." Lute stated.
"275? Woah! Badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it." Adam raises a fist for Lute to make a fist-bump, which she did.
"Uh no, not awesome. Those are my people, you know that right?" Charlie exclaimed.
Adam paused, "Oh yeah. That must suck for you!" Adam bursts into laughter.
"But these are souls... Humans souls just the same as the ones you have up in heaven." Charlie stated.
Lute spoke coldly, "They're not the same. They had their chance and they earned damnation."
"You're wrong. Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes." Charlie noted.
"Angels don't make mistakes." Lute noted as Adam glared at her, "Excuse me. I'm sorry."
"You really think that." Charlie exclaimed.
"I know that." Lute looked away.
'I bet to differ bitch, than what does that make Lucifer?' Yn thought.
"Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fuckin' life." Adam smirked. Lute starts to walk around Charlie while the room starts to slowly become dark with a hit of red light inside.
"The only reason you're still here is because daddy gave you and your hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade. How does that feel, to know how little you matter?" Lute looked at Charlie close.
"How does that feel, to know how little you matter?" Yn glares at her, her eyes glowing red with fire.
"Oops, almost out of time. Guess we should get into it." Adam smirked.
Song starts here-
"Oh fuck!" Charlie rushes to present her plan as fast as she could, "Okay I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here it goes."
she opens a small portal where she takes out her drawings of her plans.
Charlie coughs as she starts making a fast-talk, which is close to singing as she gets all over stuff out on the table to show them what she means.
"~I know Hell's population is out of control. It's a bad situation It's taking a toll, If we rehab these Sinners And cleanse all their souls. At my Hazbin Hotel-~" Charlie rambles through the stacks of paper to get something. "Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!" Charlie smiled and held up some more papers. "Right Extermination!"
"~I know you guys fly down Just to kill once a year, And it must be annoying To schlep all the way here, If they join you in Heaven That trip disappears! You can wave that chore farewell *deep breath* It'll be a happy day-~"
"~Let me stop you right there, safe us precious time~"
"Oh" Charlie gulped.
"~If what you're suggesting Is letting them climb. Up the ladder. Oh, they'd rather cross the Pearly Gates?"
"Well, uh..." Charlie tried to speak.
"~Sorry, sweetie. But there's no defin' their fates! 'Cause Hell is forever. Whether you like it or not. Had their chance to behave better. Now they boil in the pot. 'Cause the rules are black and white. There's no use in tryin' to fight it. They're burnin' for their lives. Until we kill'em again!~"
"Okay, but.." Charlie was interrupted.
"~Just try to chillax, babe. You're wasting your breath.~"
Charlie laughed nervously, "Hehe..."
"~Did I hear you imply. That they don't deserve death? Are they Winners? Are they Sinners? 'Cause it's cut and dry.~"
Charlie held up one of her drawings, "Well, actually, if you take a look..."
"~Fair is fair, an eye for an eye! And when all's said and done 'Said and done' There's the question of fun 'Fun' And for those of us with Divine Ordainment, Extermination is entertainment!~" Yn stands up and rips the tape from her mouth with an angry expression but it's replaced with a smirk as she levitates into the shadows of the room.
"~Bow-now-now-nownow Guitar solo, fuck yeah! Oh, da-ah-ah now-now-n-now-n-now-n-now-n-nownownow.~"  Adam plays a fake guitar. After Adam throws Charlie's papers at her, she gets so angry that she turns into her demon form, making growling noise.
"Ugh..." Charlie growls.
"~Hell is forever. Whether you like it or not. Had their chance to behave better.~" Four golden mirages of Exorcists appear, surrounding Charlie from all sides. Charlie seemed shocked, "Where the Hell did you people come from?!"
"~*Everyone except Charlie* Now they boil in the pot. 'Cause the rules are black and white. There's no use in tryin' to fight it. They're burnin' for their lives. Until we kill 'em again! Fuckin' Hell's forever.~"
"~And it's meant to suck a lot. So give up your dumb endeavor. 'Cause you don't have a shot!-" Charlie glares at Adam, starting to transform into her full demon form while burning her papers that are in her hands.
"~Long as I've got your attention. I guess I should probably mention. That we made the determination." Adam summons a golden scroll that he shows to Charlie. The scroll reads: FUCK YOU I DO WHAT I WANT!! with a crude drawing of Adam at the bottom flipping Charlie off, "~To move up the next Extermination!~"
"What?!" Charlie seems shocked. Yn's eyes widen in shock but her eyes narrow quickly and she grits her teeth.
"~Can't wait a whole year. To slaughter those little cunts. I know it's just been a week. But we'll be back in six months!~" Despite being a hologram, Adam grabs Charlie and throws her right out of the door.
"Um, wait, you-you Ugh, SHIT!" Charlie runs towards the closing doors trying to talk to Adam and when the doors close right in front of her she punches it with small tears welling up in her eyes.
"Yn!" She looks around and realizes that Yn is still in the room.
Inside the room Adan is laughing at Charlie, he turns to look at Lute.
"Did you hear that bitch?! She, she really thinks those cunt's could go to Heaven." Adam laughed.
"You really are pathetic, aren't you?" Adam and Lute turn to look towards a corner were they see Yn levitate out from with a smirk on her face.
"What the hell are you still doing here?!" Adam shouted at her.
"Oh, I'm here to kill you." Adam stares at Yn before he bursts out laughing while Lute smirks.
"And how are you gonna do that? Don't you remember?" He waves his hand through the table.
"We're not down there!" Yn smiles showing his sharp teeth.
"That doesn't matter." In a blink of an eye Yn appears in front of Adam and Lute, she grabs their hands but what they didn't expect happens, Yn is able to physically grab their hands.
In a similar room but in Heaven Adam and Lute stare horrified as Yn slowly starts to break through the "hologram". Yn's face becomes distorted, her eyes twitch with three glowing orbs floating in them, her mouth becomes wide revealing multiple rows of teeth.
"What's wrong? You getting scared bitch boy?" Yn laughed.
"Cut it!" Lute runs over to a switch that cuts off the hologram connection between Heaven and Hell.
"Ahh!" Adam screams in pain. Lute turns around and she comes face to face with Yn who grabs her arm and burns it causing her to scream, but she fights through the pain and pulls on the switch causing Yn to disappear but not without letting out a small haunting laugh. Adam stays silent for a second before laughing.
"Whoo! That was hot for a weird one! I'm hungry as hell, I'm gonna get some food." Adam walks out of the room leaving, he looks down at his arm that had a burnt symbol. Lute who falls onto her knees alone, looks down at her arm and sees a symbol burned onto it as well.
The symbol glows red and both Adam and Lute's veins turn red too as the energy travels up into their head. They groan but stop when the symbol stops glowing. Both opens their eyes that flash red.
"That fucking... Dirty... sinner~" Adam and Lute said nsync. They both held their arm and chuckles.
The Embassy's of Heaven-
Charlie is walking back and forth in the hall ways, waiting for the doors to the room to open and hopefully Yn walking out of there fine. She gasps as the doors open, and Charlie sees Yn walk out.
"Sorry I took-" She is cut off as Charlie hugs her tightly.
"You're okay!" Yn chuckles.
"Of course I am. I just had to stay for a while and show that asshole who he's talking to." Charlie hugged Yn tighter. She sighs, thinking about that Adam said.
"Can we just go home?"
"Yeah. Let's go hun."
Hazbin Hotel-
Yn and Charlie sadly return to the hotel. Vaggie runs to them and hugs them.
"Yn! Charlie! How did it go, did they listen?" Vaggie smiled.
"Oh, they sure did hear it But..." Charlie didn't get to finish.
"Oh come here, we have something exciting to show you." Vaggie leads Yn and Charlie to group, "Alastor pulled some strings and it's about to air."
"I pulled a few limbs too, hahaha.." Alastor laughed.
"Wait, the commercial? You all made a new one?" Charlie smiled.
"Yeah, one of my better performances if I do say so myself." Angel Dust fixed his fluff.
Charlie beams brightly, "That's... that's amazing."
"Well haven't you been productive." Yn smiles at Angel Dust.
"shh, it's starting." Vaggie squealed.
TV: "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel -" The TV cuts to the News report. The group except Yn, Alastor and Niffty annoyed and angrily complain Charlie even slightly transforming into her full demon form.
"Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next Extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means, Tom?" Katie Killjoy exclaimed.
"No, what does that mean, Katie?" Tom Trench replied.
"It means we're all royally fucked!" Katie's eye twitches.
Screaming can be heard from Sinners as the time on the Clock Tower reduces to 176 days till the next Extermination.
"Wait what? Why?!" Angel Dust spoke.
Yn then stands up and starts to walk towards the front doors but she's stopped by Vaggie who grabs her shoulder.
"Where are you going?" Vaggie questioned.
"I'm just gonna go talk to someone... important." Vaggie looks at Yn who narrows her eyes concerned.
"Okay.. Just be safe out there." Yn smiles at Vaggie.
"You don't have to worry about me Vaggie." Yn kisses her forehead and walks out, six wings grow out of her back and she blasts off into the sky as Vaggie looks up at her.
"But I do." Yn flies higher and higher into the air when she sees a barrier that surrounds Hell. Yn closes her eyes and after a second they snap open revealing glowing white eyes. The barrier in front of Yn breaks open allowing Yn to fly out of Hell and right towards Heaven.
Yn lands in front of God's golden castle but her form has changed instead of her more demonic form Yn's form has changed into a beautiful angelic being that looks like she's made out of pure light and holy energy with multiple pure white wings and a huge white halo that surrounds a huge crown made out of holy energy.
Yn walks towards the gigantic golden doors that are guarded by powerful angels. When the angels see Yn walking towards them, they step back and bow in front of her acting if she was God himself. The doors open automatically in front of Yn who walks in.
God's Throne Room-
In God's throne room a seraphim angel is talking to God when they are cut off as the doors to the throne room open and Yn marches in, her presence shaking the room. God smiles at the sight of Yn while the angel bows, Yn looks down at them.
"Leave us please." The angel nods and walks out of the throne room. Yn folds her arms and looks at God who lets out a small sigh.
"What's wrong dear?" God questioned sitting on his throne.
"What's wrong? What's wrong?! What's wrong is that the extermination was shortened to six months!" She yells out shaking the entire castle violently. But the shaking eventually dies down.
"Yeah... I heard about that..." God said still smiling.
"You have to stop that, it's complete insanity!" She starts walking back and forth while waving her arms around.
"I don't even know how that was allowed! I know it's Hell but that doesn't mean everyone should be killed without a care!"
"I know, I know Yn." Yn looks at him.
"If you know, do something about it." Yn demanded.
"I can't. It's not that dire yet."
"Not that dire. That's bullshit." Yn scoffs and crossed her arms. God sighs and walks over to Yn and hugs her from behind, putting his head on her shoulder.
"I might do something about this, I only ask if you let me have you~" God offers. Yn moves away from him with an expression that tells him 'No'.
"Then that's that. Since when did you start caring about the sinners?" God question.
"I don't. but down there are people that I care about deeply and if this continues I'm afraid that they'll get hurt. And if they do, I'll erase all of creation as a whole!" Yn said. God spins Yn around to face him as he wraps his arms around her.
"I promise you, I'lI take care of this if it crosses the line." God swears to her dead in the eyes as he held her close to him.
Pentagram City-
A drone scours an area until it finds a dead Exorcist corpse with its head missing. The drone scans the corpse.
"We found the body, sir. They've never managed to kill one of us before. We should just go down there now and destroy them!" Lute spoke, upset and pissed off.
"No, no. We can't risk them catching on. But, don't worry, when we come back, there won't be a demon left alive to pull a stunt like this again!" Adam sighed as he looked at his burnt arm as it glowed.
(At this point I’m not gonna cover up the bad words so keep in mind I’m future they will be revealed bad words for some)
Previous Page: Ch. 3: The Murder Family
Next Page: Ch. 5: Radio Killed the Video Star
Beginning: Front Cover
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bloogers-boogers · 2 months
Hi I know its been awhile but I need to ask is how do you ship Adam and Lucifer
Since they only interact with one episode and Adam dead ??
Agsisgskwushs dude where have u been??! Missed u💕🥺
Anyways, the whole reason why i shipped Adam and Lucifer is just their small interactions made it easy to imagine many possibilities, alternatives, hcs, etc. Mostly based on their funny dynamic alone (like Lucifer being a tease and Adam pissy about the whole cheating thing i was like agdjwgekwhe funny af and then THE joke of fucking him sealed their dynamic for me as my favorite from the show right there and there) and also to picture what it could’ve been? Like, there’s so many holes you can fill in there. That’s what got me so stuck with it, that you can add so much to their backstory, also, the fact that they use Adam being an asshole and stuff as a joke bc he was the first man so ‘it makes sense or whatever’ blah blah so my mind immediately goes, oh, so he’s like the punching bag of the show? Bet bet I love him. When they’re like the ones doing all the bad shit, villains, does the crazy stuff (Cartman for example) or taking the shit of everything/being the joke (Meg from family guy for example) I immediately just like them for no reason, I love my failure characters. It’s interesting cause I was so nonchalant about Adam when I first saw him on screen, if im being honest. I didn’t even blink an eye when he got killed off but then, I saw him without the mask and I was like, he’s hot agdosgslabxlshxos like i was more shock that there weren’t more people who agreed with that than him dying. But still, he wasn’t like a character that I thought of while watching the show.
BUT ANYWAYS to responding ur answer?
I just liked Adam. His personality is funny, his character is interesting. I like him. The same happened with Lucifer. He’s goofy and sad. His backstory is drawing but there’s so much left out that makes you wonder more about him. I love him.
It’s was all based on their funny dynamic alone that drawn me to be like, ay? Im gonna look them up and see what I can find. And OH BOY i was sucked in immediately agdkwdhwosueuo
And the fact that Adam’s dead could’ve made me not consider the ship at all, but the show is about redemption and ALSO hell and heaven. Aka souls. Meaning they already died. Soooo the possibility is there and we have a dead character and he was an angel but was very awful! And deserved to be in hell. Sir pentious could redeem himself (a sinner) so it only makes sense that winners can go down there too! If they’re deserving of it and obviously Adam was deserving of it agrlwbdkwdbwj
My brain works like that it’s silly but
Adam/ bad winner+ dying = sinner
Sir pentious/ ?? (This is a whole other rant I don’t want to dive in to abdoabdwksk) I do believe Sir pentious could’ve gotten to heaven regardless, but I feel it could’ve been written off better just cause … i mean, yeah, he sacrificed himself but like u can still sacrifice for the people that matter to u and STILL be a bad person/do bad things?? Im just saying ok??
Anyways, he’s now dead (again) and a winner.
Point be told. In this show it’s possible for him to come back (I don’t care if he was killed with angelic steel im ignoring it everything’s possible skgdakdvakvdw) and it doesn’t even matter if he doesn’t return in the actual show. In this universe u can still picture a sinner Adam and it would make sense??
Cause it’s hell and heaven we’re talkin’ about. And it’s fiction too so u can create your own story and it just I REALLY LOVE THEM.
Also other ships weren’t interesting enough for me to get stuck on them. I initially shipped Alastor and Lucifer the moment they were on screen and bf they got popular! Bc i thought their dynamic FUNNY/INTERESTING. Thats what gets me into shipping. It must be funny but also u can add some lore into it. I think I’ve mentioned this before with kyman.
But yeah, don’t get me wrong I like radioapple but once the popularity hit off and different hcs and the thousands of interpretations of the characters started coming out, i dunno i couldn’t keep up and I just kinda just stirred away from it. I ship basically everything on that show, it doesn’t even matter skgdwlshow so I’m open for any ship there is on there but adamsapple? MWAH. Always.
Sbdowosbdk thennnnnnn I started reading amazing fics about them and boi u can imagine how good they were!!
Anyways sorry for the long rant. In short. Adamsapple for the win 🥇💕💕👏🏼👏🏼
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manicali · 2 months
As per my last post, now I have to post this character
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This is Gene, my Hazbin Oc. They’re a dragonfly, because I saw one crash land and die in my yard a couple days ago, it was huge and my cat ate it, so I decided to immortalize his memory into an OC. He’s also a music based demon, because stayed gone started playing while i was drawing him and I thought, yeah, that sounds cool.
LORE! Warning, me and my brother came up with this and neither of us ever know what were talking about.
Anyway, he’s in hell for murders, two of em. One was when he was nine, he drowned a playmate, and nothing happened due to the surprising stupidity of the police (based on not one, but several true stories.) the second is how he died. He was kidnapped, killed the guy, burned the place down and killed himself, simultaneously disposing of all evidence. Yay, crime.
His life in hell consists of three things: his job, an IT guy, he works for Vox, sleeping, and making deals.
He stumbled upon one of those crystal thingys that the succubi have (I don’t know how they work and I don’t care) and started helping sinners escape the Pride ring, for a price. That being their souls. (Note, he also helps them get back. Usually) anyways, nobody knows who he is, because he doesn’t tell people who has their souls. Eventually he becomes a recognized problem by other overlords.
Oh, an idea i had for him, because he is just my obsession with music personified, is that music that shows his thoughts is always playing around him. The only control he has is volume. Because in his life his main focus was being unnoticed. He was very stealthy, staying out of sight. Now he’s a glowing music demon who can’t really lie if people figure out his music thing. Because I’m mean
Edit: I had another idea. AKA more projecting onto my ocs. So Gene ABSOLUTELY HATES BUGS. Particularly the repugnant creatures that seen to inhabit all of hell. So he is constantly bugspraying everything. But he’s a dragonfly so that would make him sick like all the time. So yeah he’s usually high and or dizzy from the copious bug spray.
Edit: MORE PROJECTION ONTO MY OC TO THE POINT WHERE ITS A SELF INSERT!!! He can’t make faces normally. This isn’t even like a cruel thing for his crimes I just can’t make faces normally If i smile i look like i will eat you, which I love because it’s funny
Edit again: When he makes a deal, or like does cool demon shit colour inverts. Why? Because i was playing with a colour inversion filter on ibspaint
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And that is the needlessly over complicated, and quite honestly self indulgent dumb lore of Gene.
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g-on-ef · 5 months
Omg 👁️👄👁️ hell nah 🤯🤯🤯 like I just saw the asks and that's crazy... Like bran going missing for a whole year 🥺🥺🥺 that's gonna put so much of emotional stress on everyone especially lan and I can already see bran having a severe mental breakdown because of that ( maybe worse than lia's) like not seeing any of his family will put one into depression ( like he is already depressed to the point of cutting himself) damn I just know now how much angsty it will get.
And I agree with you, we didn't get to see much bonding among the king siblings and cousins like yeah we know that they are close but it would have been better if we would have gotten to read about that too.
And I know the reunion between the brothers will be so good too . I am now more curious to see who finds Bran first. Now I am just praying for niko so that he can survive.
I can already see protective Levi, but are we also gonna see protective Johnathan and Aiden? In the book Aiden really did threaten niko
I am just so excited for the next chapters of to kidnap a lotus flower
As for born sinner damn that stalker is so crazy man, like to use bran's vulnerability to get to him. If he can go that far then I can't imagine what that stalker will do. I hope niko and lan team up again to save bran.
Also I can't wait to read the mafia arc and the kidnapping arc in the heart was build to break. I am so excited to see how niko will react about the bruises and learning about bran's past on why he harms himself. I also wanna see what actually triggers niko to take bran away and as I can assume here also bran goes missing for a long period of time. I can't wait to read more of this
Also I am excited for your other fics too
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Oh honey Bran is gonna be a mess !!! Especially after seeing his brother being beaten down and the state Creighton was in poor baby is gonna have the worst case scenarios with Remi he's gonna be a hot mess.
Be prepared for the water works Bran is gonna have a severe case of depression and he and Niko are gonna be in for one emotional roller coaster that is gonna take a long while to heal especially with Bran and his cutting.
The Kings relationship is gonna play a huge role especially Glyn and Lan I wanna heal this relationship and make it better and I want them both to realize they fucked up Glyn with her willing to understand Kill but not Lan and Lan never giving Glyn a reason that he loved her or even cared about her
Jonathan is gonna be the biggest mess ever !!! Chapter 3 is gonna show how much Bran means to Jonathan but he's also gonna hate himself the most because he can't do anything {I'm so excited for yall to read why he can't and your reactions to it ^^}
Aiden is gonna have PTSD and flashbacks on the time he was kidnapped and left wondering if something bad is happening to his innocent nephew hell the poor man is gonna be a mess when he sees his son and the pain he's in
Niko will survive but will he try kidnapping Bran again after they come back since its gonna be a shit show ... ... ... hmmm 👀
But yes once Lan and Bran are reunited they are gonna be inseparable more on Lans part than Bran ^^
The stalker is gonna be a huge pain and yall are gonna how far he'll go no one is safe not even the girls {spoilers one of the girls ends up badly hurt to the point she ends up in a comoa because bran did something he did not approve of}
That stalker is not one to mess with and niko and lan are about to see the extent this crazy fucker will go ^^
Trust me no one is more excited for this arc than me I can't wait for yall to see the Mafia arc especially when Bran finds out omg I'm not gonna say anything else because I don't wanna spoil it ^^
Can't wait for yall to read the rest of these stories and see your reactions ^^
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fairydust-stuff · 3 years
Thoughts on Girl from Nowhere ships Nanno and the Sinners
Girl from no where is the show where my ships will increase by next season I assure you Nanno just has so much chemistry with everyone she meets.
 I really don’t get fans desire for Nanno to have a flawless partner she’s a karma demon! And Nanno is kinda soft for the sinners yeah she’ll push and punish and when they dig their own graves she’ll torment them/ possibly take their souls. But she wants people to do the right thing. She’ll make it tough for them, she’ll push them to their limits, but she always gives them a chance to make things right. And she’s proud of them when they make the tough choice to claw their way out of their own Hell. 
When Yuri inform her Kaye should die because he’ll just do it again even after her torment and causes him to be killed. Nanno is angry at her because she actually believed Kaye deserved a chance. Nanno even gave her high school reunion class who beat her senseless the chance to be good friends to each other. Even TK who she liked was a thief and widely disliked by his classmates. Nanno is drawn to the sinners.  
Nanno x Jenny 
     For now though Nanno x Jenny X  is my big one I know the fallout between them was bad but Yuri forced it and Nanno knows she went too far in that situation.
 They had great chemistry in the  start and Nanno was Jenny’s safe space the only one she could be herself around and Nanno cared about her so much she lashed out due to hurt over Jenny killing her. Nanno didn’t even give give Jenny a chance to make it right she was so emotionally compromised. 
 So yeah Jenny meant something to her and by the end of episode Nanno is raw  because of her empathy toward Jenny. (Though I do think she played Yuri as well). You cann’t deny Jenny meant something to her. 
I would be fine with it never being cannon but my shipper heart would love a reuniting  between the two of them in the future and the chance for both parties to make things right before Nanno moves on. 
Nanno x Nani 
 I like the gender reverse nature of their whole dynamic and I don’t think Nanno bore him any resentment in the end. Since she gave him a baby care starter kit before she left. (Honestly its more then TK got). Also I love odd couples and these two would just be so interesting. They started off using/inflicting karma but I do think they ended up in a good place. With Nani realizing how selfish he was (though he still needs some time to grow up).  and Nanno seeming oddly proud of him. 
The only thing i’d like in cannon for these two is for Nanno to pop in on an older Nani and baby occasionally to see how their doing.   
 Yuri x Nanno 
 its fine, I’d be more into it if I didn’t get the impression that Nanno finds Yuri annoying and has given up on teaching her anything. Nanno seems to have lost any interest she had in Yuri. Its like the relationship that started out exciting but the flame slowly died due to realizing your partner refuses to change their outlook. 
The interest always seemed more on Yuri’s side and it seems more of a desire to conquer Nanno. Yuri ‘s obsestion with Nanno is to disempower and replace her. Maybe it leans into the sexual nature of things. ( I mean she did have her former tormentors raped and seemed to be planning to use their company to assault more girls she deemed deserving of it). So to Yuri there does seem to be a link between sex and power. I don’t hate it but I think its a shallow attraction that doesn’t lend itself well to deeper ideas or stories unless you ignore who Yuri is. Still I don’t hate it and I’ve read some good fanfics.  
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Don't know if I have used this already or not: "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." - Oscar Wilde.
God, the first timeline was so fucking sad and painful to read, Robert deserved better😭 I love the growth he had along the story, the way he, at the end, supported Alec and made sure to fight by his side...
But also its so goddamn interesting on the way Alec deals with pain by being hurtful and bitter and hurting others and himself (parallel with Max!!) And they were so close to passign the law!!!😭
"But do they hate people like him this much? Is there hate strong enough to kill?" Unfortuately, yeah...
Rafael not knowing what to do but trying to help makes me emo🥺 Also not them trying to learn spanish for him😭
It doesn’t come out as a cry of pain and agony. That is unfamiliar to him. No. It comes out as something much more familiar. Something easy. I could go on a whole analysis of Alec dealing with pain but akhdkfbdkdjd too much!!!
Magnus was kinda right though, even if he was hurting by seeing Alec hurt too
All this talk about grief, guilt and pain was simply beautiful. It was raw but so beautiful at the same time
Lightwood siblings supremacy only!!! Also yey!!! Izzy is pregnant!!!!!!! 💙💙💙 Just Jace, Izzy, Maryse, Alec..... I LOVE THEM SO MUCH<333
The way he always feels responsible for everyone around him is both beautiful and kinda heartbreaking😭
The scene with Max and Alec.... Fuck it I'm crying🙂
It reaches his face.
The tears start to cascade down his cheek. Alec sobs into Magnus’ shoulder.
Magnus sinks his fingers into Alec’s hair and holds him tightly, gently whispering to him in Indonesian.
Alec doesn’t understand.
But it soothes him anyway.
🥺🥺🥺The way he could find confort and finally let himself fall with Magnus, in this essay I will-
Second Timeline was a bitch. All those therapy sesions, the way Alec keep pushing and pushing but it also hurted Magnus in a way, besides the fact that he is going through an episode
Everyone else felt far away. Rafael had always been there – hovering around him. He is always there. Not me crying everytime I see how they leaned into Rafael without noticing how it affected him🙂🔪
Fuck those therapists!! Also Verlac... Wtf???
Fuck, I have forgotten about the apartment and all the issues it caused, but Magnus did had a point...
“Well, that’s what therapy is! It's exhausting!”  Magnus snaps. “It sucks, okay? Therapy is about holding yourself accountable for your own damn life. It comes with a lot of guilt and responsibility. It’s about getting to the root of your issues which can be triggering as hell. It’s about making yourself vulnerable which is never easy.”
Everything about this is just ✨WOW✨
All that talk does make you realize about the importance of Alec’s work and all the impact he has, he couldn't give up on it!
“Love isn’t enough?” Malcolm chuckles. “It seems to be that you’ve already made your choice.” bro you practiced necromancy, you are not that if a reliable source tbh...
Seeing Scott so suddenly and so randomly and after all these years feels like a sign Maybe he will survive this too. The scene with Scott... Jdhskdbdk I loved it!! I loved the way they have both gone so far in their lives and that they care for each other, but god if that was frustrating as fuck! And Alec was being an asshole about him and Tessa!!
Third timeline cured everything that was wrong with me, fixed my traumas, cleared my skin-
Honestly, it was so beautiful in the way they are trying to heal and help each other in such a healthy way!! God, I know I love angst but I'm also a whore for this fluff!!
I hope Max gets to figure it out. Love him💙
Magnus literally running bc it was late while looking gorgeous as fuck and Alec fixing his shoes is everything that is ok in this life kshsidhdldk💜💜
“And if he doesn’t work out, we’ll keep looking,” Magnus says gently. “I’m not giving up this time.”
This man who had taught Alec what happiness feels like.
Jem fucking Carstairs!!! OF course this man is the one that comes and says all this wise and smart things and fixed a lot of things in my life!! I am love him. No one can do it like my boy 😎
All the things about parentification hit to close to home. I didn’t know it existed even!! But god if that was actually really great to read. I actually researched more about it later lmao
The way they care about helping the kids and they are doing something about it to become better parents- fuck, this is amazing🥺
Also all the things about Max and his self-steem and the way he acts like he doesn’t care made me almost cry at my father's office kdhskbdjd
Some of my favorite quotes of my beautiful Jem😍
“But we don’t always feel what we’re supposed to feel, do we?”
"Don’t let your guilt take away his choices.”
“Therapy is not about making things go away, Alec,” Jem says gently. “It’s about to learn how to deal with what exists and learning how to accept what doesn’t.
"Unlike with Rafael, where a lot of his problems were caused externally, Max seems to be struggling with his internal self.”
“Everything I know about love, I learned from my dad and bapak.”
"Who you are now is not who you were four years ago."
Everyone should be scared of Anjali😌
They are both nerds and that is verh sexy of them kdhdidhdkd
Oh my fucking god. That scene😭😭 all of them showing up, Max crying, David being the absolute best!!! The lady of the ice cream shop.... JSGDKBFIDJD I DID CRY AT MY FATHER'S OFFICE FOR THIS😂
"Because sometimes, just sometimes, love is enough." That's it. I'm dead. I am deceased🥺
Song rec: Atlantis by Seafret
@noah-herondale-lightwood i think you sent the ask in anon :)
if you haven't cried at your father's office then what are you even doing am i right???
I'm glad you liked the bits with Jem and the therapy. I was excited for you all to read his scene!
And the song rec is so 🥺🥺🥺
sending love!
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Prompt: Peggy & Morgan Stark 😍🙏
I’m gonna try out my AU where Tony goes back in time and uses the time stone to make his Auntie young again. This is so not what you asked for and I am so sorry. I just kept adding to the back story.
The last few weeks seemed something out of a dream if you ask Peggy. Her godson had shown up to her dying body just over a month ago, missing an arm and scarred all to hell, but seems so happy, so proud over something. She should know that glint in a Stark’s eye by now, young or old. Before she could even gather enough energy to ask what he was doing or what in the hell happened to him, he’d pressed a glowing stone to her body and Peggy found herself...well, simply put, young again.
She couldn’t even think of to describe the sensation, no matter how many times Tony asked. It felt like her entire body was vibrating, every single cell, molecule, atom inside of her was vibrating at an intense rate but on the surface, she felt fine. When she opened her eyes next, she was young again. 
Not only was she young, where she could breathe on her own, where she had her own mind in whole again, she wasn’t alone. She laid in some bed, much comfier than the hospital bed, in a much smaller room that wasn’t her own. The smell of the woods wafting through the sweet breeze came through the open window, washing away the stench of the city certainly told her she was no longer in the city.
She wasn’t alone. Tony sat beside the bed, looking pleased and both relieved. Enough to drop to his knees beside her and hug her frame to him, crying into her shoulder like he was seven years old again and terrified of Howard coming home to find the mess he made.
“I’m sorry,” He whispered in a choked voice. “This was selfish of me, entirely selfish. Not that isn’t on-brand for me.”
Wiping at his face, he pulled away with another watery grin. “You just...missed so much and have so much to see, to do, to live, Auntie.”
She did as any auntie would do and calmed him down, smoothing his hair back and held him close, mindful of his injuries. She had so many questions on the tip of her tongue and he answered them all after he calmed down.
She was in the year 2023. She was at his lake house. She was in the body of her 29-year-old self and yes, the scar along her shoulder and abdomen were still there. Tony told the tale of how he got to be this way, a tale she almost didn’t want to believe. Stark men were well known to boast about their accomplishments and drag them out, but there was something in his eyes that told her that he wasn’t lying.
“Did anyone…?” Peggy wasn’t sure if she could finish that question. 
Luckily Tony seemed to know the answer and as always, there was the rude but if not on-point timing of Steve bursting through the door. And she does mean bursting. It’s like he’s fresh out of the machine and figuring out his body on the serum again, blowing through the door and tearing it off its hinges.
Steve doesn’t even seem to notice as he stares at her, but she notices. She sees the pain in his eyes, the guilt, the weight of the world he bore on his shoulders time and time again without anyone asking. She notices because she sees through the mask he wears, figuratively, and literally. 
It’s all Peggy can do not to cry when he drops beside her and holds her close, almost bruisingly close, but Peggy finds she likes the closeness. The smell of his musk. His soft touch despite how calloused and rough he could be. She likes to see the pain melt from his face as he touches her, pink lips parted, and baby blues wide, as if this is a dream.
If so, she doesn’t want to wake up.
“Tony,” Steve breathes, his voice hitching slightly.
“On it, Cap.” He paused, looking down at the pair with a warm look in his eyes. “You two got the east side to yourself, just don’t knock down my walls.” He still pauses in the doorway, shaking his head with that same fond Stark look. “Happy birthday, Cap. Told ya...it was worth sticking around for. Told ya she’s important to me too.”
It was the next morning before Peggy was introduced to everyone else. Sam, someone she’s met a few times before, who laughs and hugs her tightly just as Steve had done. Sam, who grew up with Uncle Gabe, a Howling Commando. “You and Gabe had something going on,” he teases, making Peggy both flush and roll her eyes. “Admit it and settle this bet between me and him that he took to his grave.”
“Uh, Sam,” Steve warns before Peggy chucked a biscuit at his head. “Told ya not to bring that up.”
Thor, a vague memory of an incident in Mexico flashing before her eyes. She is still struggling with memories and Tony promises they will come back, just give it time. Stephen Strange, this doctor whoever it was, insisted she’ll recover fully in time. His eyes light up when he sees her and calls her a warrior before pulling her into a bone-crushing hug before promising to wrestle later.
Bruce is an interesting character, Peggy notes. She’s met Doctor Banner once or twice, just a bare handshake before she’s rushed off. But this...Banner before her large and green but with a smile all his own makes some sort of pride twist in her stomach. 
Natasha introduced herself when Peggy was getting out of the shower, quiet and standing in just the doorway but she’d noticed her. “You’re real,” is all she says, touching Peggy’s arm as if to confirm it to herself.
“Real as the day Barton and I brought you home,” Peggy snorts, shaking her head. “Glad to see you made a name of yourself, Natalie.”
“Thank you for making that call, even if Barton took the rap for it.”
“Barton’s never had much sense. Where is he anyway?”
Natasha’s eyes look outside and she follows, to see two figures on the other end of the lake. A blonde that’s taller than a brunette with a metal arm. That’s all Peggy needs to know.
Clint makes himself known to her in his usual fashion of making her trip over his boots when she’s coming inside. Tony had to leave to make an important trip so she was just saying goodbye. He’s there to catch her before she falls with that stupid grin on his face.
And clearly has learned a few moves when she twists them so he’s on the floor, but finds herself pinned before he helps her up.
“Good to see you again, Director,” he purrs before his head tilts towards the door. She can see the flash of purple aids and something in her chest pulls. Those weren’t there before. “Someone wants to meet you.”
That’s the last face she ever thought to saw. Steve had warned her, struggling to find the words that Bucky was alive and gave her the brief rundown of the Winter Soldier and Hydra, but seeing it was far easier than believing it. Her mouth fell open into a perfect O as she watched Steve lead inside a very nervous Bucky.
“Dear Lord,” she whispered, ignoring Barton’s snickering. Her hand tries not to cover her mouth but she gives way to the motion. “Sargeant Barnes.”
Bucky, for all his might, is trying to make himself look so small and it works. He looks so incredibly small tucked into himself, tilting his left side away as if she could make out the golden laced arm. Yet, for all his might, flushed face, and newly cropped short hair, she sees that trademark, annoying Barnes smile. Even his sister possessed it.
Peggy’s hold is tight around him and she feels him collapse to his knees, holding her around the waist as if he’s a sinner begging to be forgiven. She knows the crimes he’s been forced to commit, but they’re not him. They never were. She’s lost personal agents to him, friends, family even. She doesn’t blame him. She’s met him personally and he’s almost killed her, crushed her throat even. She still doesn’t blame him.
She drops to his knees and holds him for as long as he needs it, letting him be the one to pull away. He holds her face carefully as if the arm is new and he’s trying to be careful with the strength. His silver eyes gloss over with tears before his forehead touches hers.
“You do realize now that I win our bet, right?” He asks, washing away any sedimental moment that makes her want to snort.
“I love you too,” she breathed, pulling him into a tight hug. “And technically I do. You died, by all records mean.”
“Technically I didn’t. Frozen is not dead, ask Steve.”
“Steve is not a part of this. He was declared dead too.”
“You just don’t want to lose.”
“Of course not. I’m not giving you a year’s worth of chocolate for Christ Sake.”
“Yeah, well it’s shit anyway.”
When the car pulls up later that afternoon, Peggy is called outside by Tony’s voice. She untangles herself from Steve’s side where they sat by the fire, quietly holding hands while listening to Bucky and Clint talk about some baseball game. There’s a knowing smile on Tony’s lips when she’s out in the sweet, summer air. She can make out two figures in the car. One feminine and one...small.
“Tony, what’s going on?”
The answer makes itself known when he helps a woman out of the car, slim with strawberry blonde hair, and a poised demeanor that matches Peggy’s. They’ll get along great. In her arms is a five-year-old little girl with Tony’s brunette hair, but her mother’s eyes.
And that trademark Stark scrunch of her face when she’s trying to figure out the situation.
“Auntie, this is my wife Pepper and our daughter Morgan.” He paused, pride just emitting from him as he looks up at Pepper and reaches out to take Morgan into his arm. “We’ve talked it over and...we’d like to carry on the tradition. We want you and Steve to be Morgan’s godparents.”
“But Steve and I aren’t…” The protest falls from her lips at the pair’s looks.
“Please, give it a week and he’ll get over the shock and pop the question if you don’t do it first,” Tony sighed, rolling his eyes.
“He’s already looking at rings,” Pepper noted. 
“You two are horrible,” Peggy teased, rolling her eyes. “Horrible for each other.”
“Love you too.” Tony is grinning from ear to ear. “Morgan, do you wanna meet your Auntie? She’s come a long, long way to see you.”
Morgan is unlike Tony. She’s curious, intelligent, but she’s cautious and Peggy can guess that’s a sheltered life growing up so far and she can understand why.
Peggy slowly gets on the little girl’s level and offers her a charming smile. “Hi, Morgan. I’m your dad’s auntie. I can tell you all the embarrassing things about him later to make sure you get extra ice cream.”
She hears both Pepper laugh and Tony’s groan before Moran is in her arms and that’s that. It’s a sealed deal between them.
Morgan is unlike Tony, Peggy notices. She’s almost an exact copy of half and half. Curious, rambunctious, but with the free spirit of a child who doesn’t have the world on her shoulders even at such a young age. Forced to grow up in the media light. 
She takes to Peggy as a fish takes to water, grabbing her Auntie’s hand and running out to have ‘tea parties’ and asking hundreds of thousands of questions in a single breath.
And Peggy loves it all.
She teaches Morgan how to ride a bike with her parents, much like she taught Tony. She’s there to help her bake, and the first one there when she has a nightmare and sleeps with her in an impossibly tiny bed. She knows Steve and Tony have photos of that night. She intends to destroy them.
After breakfast of muffins and a day of tinkering with some little robot, Morgan has, of course. She’s learned from the best, after all.
Peggy is in love with her goddaughter in the same means she was in love with Tony. She’s fiercely protective and loving and refuses to let the love get in the way of a life lesson, but there’s plenty of hugs and kisses to go around.
Morgan is a big part of Steve popping the question and as things go with her and Steve, it is a wonderful disaster that still ends in a yes. Except for Morgan and her dress are both smoldering after catching on fire. Steve’s suit is singed and the tie he was wearing is now around her arm to stop the bleeding.
Still, Morgan is happy that they’re getting married and declares herself a flower girl. As if Peggy was going to tell her no.
“Hey, Pegs,” Pepper asks her one morning over coffee. “Morgan needs some new shoes, do you wanna take her into town?”
Never one to say no to shopping, Peggy agrees. Steve just tags along with her like the loyal golden retriever that he is.
The day starts with shopping for shoes. Shoes that light up, shoes that have ridiculous bells in them, shoes that squeak when you walk, shoes that even have skates in them. Peggy enjoys them all and in their most ridiculous state. She buys them all too, even if Morgan might outgrow them in a month because they’re adorable and she loves how happy they make her goddaughter.
Plus, the bells will be payback for that god-awful cowbell Mr. Jarvis had given Tony when he was a kid.
They stop for lunch at a cafe, the girls going to sit while Steve brings them their food. Morgan instantly declares she has to sit in her Aunt's lap.
After lunch is dress shopping for the wedding and of course, traditions are traditions that are meant to be broken, so Peggy allows a flushing Steve in.
“What colors should the wedding be?” Peggy asks Morgan as she looks at an overpriced and sequin dress.
Morgan’s nose scrunches up from where she’s sitting on Steve’s knees, kicking her feet. “Pink,” she declares proudly. “Wait, no. Purple, like Uncle Clint’s hearing aid!”
“How about blue and red?” Steve muses, making Morgan gasp loudly. 
“Yeah! That one!”
Peggy laughs, beside herself. She’s outvoted, even if she agrees blue and red seem to be the colors of their life.
Their dresses are fit to order and promise to come within two weeks. Tony has already made promises on a suit, even if Steve insists he could wear the old WWII dress uniform and Peggy scoffs at him.
The ride home is quiet, Morgan soundly asleep with a belly full of food and holding onto a teddy bear she’d been eyeing that Peggy couldn’t say no to.
It’s late by the time they’re home. She tucks Morgan into her bed, smoothing her hair back and kissing her temple. 
“I made many promises to your dad that I couldn’t keep,” Peggy whispers, kneeling down beside Morgan’s bed. “Some through the fault of my own, I will admit, but mostly Howard and his vile change of heart. I regret everyone I had to break because I knew that put us further and further apart. I wanted to protect Tony, protect him from this world, from Howard, even from himself, and I couldn’t do that. I failed as his godmother, no matter what he says and I promise, I will do everything to make it right and protect you, little one.
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vgckwb · 3 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 42: A Woman, A Child, A Sinner, A Monster
The day after the park clean up, the thieves met up at Madarame’s exhibit after school to look out on the effects of the calling card they sent the previous evening. Madarame had shown up, but a guard was always with him. When he had some free time, he pulled the guard aside and asked “OK. What’s this about?”
“I’m sorry sir” he said. “I was told I had to wait until Captain Ogawa got here.”
“WHAT?!” Madarame screamed.
At that moment, Kosuke walked in and walked up to Madarame and the guard. “What’s going on?” he asked.
The guard was somewhat hesitant. “Well, uh, early this morning, we found these scattered throughout the exhibit.” He took out a copy of the calling card. “We think whoever did this might make a move against Madarame.”
“WHAT?!” Madarame said.
“Did you see who placed them?” Kosuke questioned.
“All the security footage we looked through only showed a black cat” the guard responded
“I see. Do you know who sent it?” Kosuke asked, matter of factly.
“Well, it’s addressed from those Phantom Thieves we’ve been hearing about in the news recently” the guard answered.
“Phantom Thieves, pah” Madarame dismissed. “Why would they go after me?”
Kosuke seethed a little, not enough for it to be noticeable unless you were really paying attention. “Well if you’d like,” the guard spoke, “you could read what the card says.”
“Let me see,” Madarame said, ripping the card from the guard’s hand. He began reading. “‘Sir Ichiryusai Madarame, the egregious sinner of vanity. You pretend to be a noble and kind light in the world of art, when in reality we know you’re anything but. You take students under your wing and abuse them without mercy and steal their art to claim as your own. Then you leave them destitute once you believe they no longer serve a purpose. You also use your immense influence to prevent people from speaking out about it. We are not alone in noticing this. Someone wishes to purge you from your perch and watch as you fall face down into the roaring flames of Hell itself. We cannot allow that to happen, nor can we allow you to continue on your path of destroying people’s hopes and dreams. To prevent both, we will steal your desires and make you confess your sins. From, The Phantom Thieves of Heart.’”
Madarame ripped the card in two. “What rubbish! Slander is what that is!”
“Uh sir?” the guard said.
“What?” Madarame said forcefully.
“Um, it’s just, people around the museum are already talking about it” the guard informed him.
“Well, none of this is true, right?” Madarame insisted.
“Right, uh, sir” the guard said, panicking.
Madarame sighed. “Now I have to figure out THIS PR disaster,” Madarame said.
“But what about the Phantom Thieves?” the guard asked.
“What about them?” Madarame chded. “You don’t believe they exist, do you?”
“Well, uh…” the guard began answering.
“This is just a fairy tale meant to try and scare me and stir up trouble” Madarame said.”Well it won’t work!”
The world flashed, and we see Madarame’s shadow clearly frustrated. “Heh. Those thieves think they can steal my treasure? My security is state of the art. And when it comes to art, no one is better than me.”
It flashes back to reality. Madarame walks off in a huff, pondering over what to do next. Meanwhile, Kosuke had been essentially frozen this entire time. “Uh, Captain Ogawa?” the guard asked.
Kosuke smiled. “Don’t worry,” he said, placing his hands on the guard’s shoulders. “We're the best, right? I’m sure whatever threat these thieves may or may not pull, we can take care of it with ease.”
The guard nodded. “Thank you sir.” He rushed off to prepare for what might come next.
Meanwhile, it flashed back to the darkness with Kosuke’s shadow, visibly upset, but grinning. “You think you can destroy my masterpiece like this? All you’ve done is given me a happy little accident to work with.” It flashes back to reality, and Kosuke walks off.
The thieves conversed among themselves. “Well, it looks like the message got through to them both,” Yusuke noted.
Jose nodded. “Yup. Now all we have to do is follow through with our plan.”
“Is everybody ready?” Morgana asked. They all nodded. “Good. I don’t need to remind you that this is our only chance. I believe we can do this!”
Ren nodded. “Let’s go!” she called. The thieves left the exhibit and went to Madarame’s palace.
At the entrance, Ann lamented “We’re not going to have a short route like last time, are we?”
Ren shook her head.”However, we know the ins and outs of this place. We should avoid detection fairly easily.”
“She’s right,” Morgana said. “We should conserve our energy until we make our play. Now let’s move!” The thieves began sneaking through the palace to get to Madarame’s treasure room. Once there, they all got into position.
Outside the control room, Ryuji was psyching himself up. “OK. You can do this.” He banged on the door. “HEY! There’s an intruder here!” He then bolted.
“What?” said the shadow. They opened the door to try and track Ryuji.
Ann crept out of her hiding space. “You can do it Skull.” She snuck into the control room and went straight for the light panel.
In the treasure exhibit hall, Madarame was standing there with a plethora of guards patrolling. One of them was shot. “WHAT?!” Madarame called out.
He and all the remaining guards look up to see Jose holding his sniper rifle. “Hi,” he said. He fired another shot, taking out another shadow.
Most of the guards tried to confront Jose. However, one took Madarame aside and said “You’re not safe, we must go!” Madarame nodded, and the two walked off. Jose made a break for it, dodging all of the shadows.
Once Morgana was in place, Yusuke gave the signal. Ann shut the lights off while Ren lowered the crane. Sumire kept watch to make sure no one came in that wasn’t supposed to. As Morgana started to head up, Jose used his grappling hook to latch on to lose the guards chasing him and meet up with the rest of the group.
When the lights came back on, the guards were confused. They decided to investigate the control room. Fortunately, Ann had already left, and was making her way to the crane control room. Ryuji lured the guard chasing him away and took care of them discreetly. After he finished subduing the guard, he made his way over there as well.
“Alright! Success!” Morgana cheered.
“Way to go, Mona-senpai!” Sumire compliments.
“Now all that’s left is to sneak out,” Ryuji said enthusiastically.
“Where are they?!” they heard a guard shout.
“Easier said than done,” Yusuke said.
“We did cause a lot of commotion” Ann noted.
“Spread out!” they heard another guard say. “They couldn’t have gotten far!”
Ren smirked. “I know that look,” Morgana said. “You have a dangerous plan, don’t you?”
“I would have said ‘bold’, but yeah” Ren answered. “Follow me.” She headed up to the rafters, with her crew following her. Ren looked down. “I knew it.”
“Knew what?” Ryuji asked.
“The guards aren’t here because they’re looking for us elsewhere” Ren surmised.
“...Yeah?” Ryuji continued.
“So, we can just jump down and rush through” Ren finished.
“OK, OK” Ryuji said. “Wait, WHAT?! For REAL?! No way, look how high we are!”
“As ludicrous as this sounds, I think that’s our only option” Yusuke pointed out.
“Follow my lead,” Ren said. She jumped, and as she was falling, she tethered herself to one of the rafters to swing gracefully down. She let go when she was close enough to the floor, and then proceeded to hit the ground running. One by one, her fellow thieves did the same.
They continued through the museum, hiding from guards and taking whatever shortcuts they could. When they got to the extremely damaged room just passed the broken Madarame statue Morgana tripped. “Woah!” The treasure slipped out of its covering, only to reveal a crude self portrait of Madarame. The thieves stopped.
Ren picked it up. “What the?”
“Hm” they heard Madarame grunt. “So you figured out my trick.” The thieves all looked at him. He was being escorted by two guards. “No matter. I’ll just eliminate you here!”
“You switched the paintings?!” Morgana yelped.
“I wasn’t going to let you steal my treasure so easily” Madarame chided. “If you had left with that I would have let you live. But now, you must perish!” The thieves began drawing their weapons. “But before that, I suppose you deserve a glimpse of the treasure you so foolishly tried to steal.” He takes out a canvas. “Behold, the REAL ‘Sayuri’!”
The thieves were stunned. The white cloud was no longer there. Instead, there was a portrait of a small child. “That…” Yusuke said. “That’s me…” The other thieves looked at him.
Madarame nodded. “Your mother was the true author of the ‘Sayuri’. It was a portrait of her with her child. Unfortunately, she died before she could make it public.”
The thieves were appalled. “You stole his mom’s art?!” Ryuji yelled.
“And I let her die too!” Madarame said. “She was so weak and sickly, no one would have given a second thought to her perishing. So I intentionally took my time calling the ambulance.”
“Why are you telling us this?” Sumire said.
“Because you’re going to die,” Madarame said. “There’s no point in lying to the dead.”
All the other thieves were furious. Yusuke smiled. “Heh” he chuckled. “I see now. You said that Madarame the artist was a facade. Yet I can see now that Madarame the human being is also nothing more than a facade to you.”
“Well put Yusuke,” Kosuke’s voice rang out. The thieves looked around. Kosuke jumped down to get behind Madarame. One his way down he splashed the two guards with ink. After he landed, he created two knives from his ink and threw them at the guards, destroying them.
Kosuke walked over to Madarame. “I used to think that my opinion of you couldn’t GET any lower. But you’ve proven me wrong, yet again. Taking your student’s artwork and claiming it as your own is despicable. But EDITING it? Taking out the most IMPORTANT PART? That’s just downright disgusting.” Madarame was sweating bullets. In a panic, he dropped his treasure. Kosuke cracked his neck. “And now, it’s time for you to DIE!”
Kosuke raised his fist, ready to take out Madarame. However Yusuke jumped in between and stopped him. “I WILL NOT LET YOU KILL HIM!”
Kosuke backed up. Morgana went in and grabbed the treasure, while Ryuji took the fake treasure, slammed it over Madarame, and proceeded to drag him away as well. Kosuke called out. “You've seen his treasure now! You know what he’s capable of! You know he’s beyond redemption! Why do you insist that he live after everything he’s done?!”
Yusuke smirked. “While it’s true Madarame may be irredeemable, that doesn’t mean I have to be. There’s no shame in doing the right thing. Madarame is truly the worst of humanity, and I aim to be the best. If that means not letting the very worst happen to him, then so be it.”
“Grrrrrr” Kosuke hissed. “Very well. If you wanna play hardball, LET’S PLAY!”
The museum around them started to bleed ink heavier. “It looks like Kosuke’s starting to take over more,” Morgana pointed out.
“I guess we’re fighting this guy now,” Ryuji said.
Ren smirked. “Just so you know Kosuke, we play to win!”
They began battling each other. Kosuke was fairly aggressive, but the thieves were doing a good chunk of damage. After a few rounds, the ink distortion started growing stronger. “What’s this?” Yusuke shrieked.
“What’s going on?” Sumire asked.
“Don’t worry!” Ren said, trying to calm down her teammates. “This happened with Kamoshida too! So long as we keep Madarame alive, everything will be fine!”
“Sensei?” Kosuke’s voice rang out.
“What?” Yusuke said
“This happens too,” Morgana informed. “This a memory Kosuke has.”
“What is it?” Madarame asked.
“Why are there countless copies of the ‘Sayuri’ in the back?” Kosuke asked.
“What were you doing back there?” Madarame returned, anger in his voice.
“I was trying to figure out how to get my name back on the piece of art I made!” Kosuke retorted.
“Heh. Did you forget? I made that” Madarame said.
“Bullshit!” Kosuke said. “I made it! You just stole it from me!”
“I made you the artist you are now” Madarame chided. “So anything you make is mine!”
“WHAT?!” Kosuke yelled.
“As for the ‘Sayuri’, it’s also mine so I can do with it as I please’ Madarame continued. “I can forge it and sell it to suckers who think it went missing.”
“You WHAT?!” Kosuke screamed.
“Now, do go back there EVER again!” Madarame insisted. “Or else I’ll have you arrested!” Kosuke could be heard fuming, and stomped off.
“So this is when he figured it out” Yusuke reflected.
“Tell me you wouldn’t react similarly” the Kosuke in front of them demanded. “When the image of Madarame as he presents himself breaks, you’ll see nothing but a horrid creature, meant for the flames.”
Yusuke sighed. “While it is disappointing to see what Madarame is really like, I cannot condone your behavior here either.”
“Very well,” Kosuke said. “Shall we continue then?”
They went back to fighting for a bit longer before another memory started playing. “YOU STOLE THE ‘SAYURI’?!” past Kosuke yelled.
“What are you talking about?” Madarame threw back.
“The ‘Sayuri’!” Kosuke said, forcefully. “You didn’t make it! You stole it!”
“What do you mean?” Madarame obfuscated.
“I went back into that room and found the real ‘Sayuri’” Kosuke said, seething. “After looking it over, the style, the paint lines, and the subject itself, it hit me. The ‘Sayuri’ has Hoshiko written all over it!”
“Hoshiko?” Ann asked.
“My mother” Yusuke informed her.
A smack could be heard. “I told you never to go back there again!” Madarame shouted. “And as for your insinuation, I’ve told you before: ‘I made her, therefore anything that’s her is mine’! But apparently you don’t listen. You should appreciate me. I took you in when you had nowhere else to go!”
“Did you kill her as well?” Kosuke asked, definitely. “Just to take it?”
“IT’S MINE!” Madarame insisted. “You need to listen! Especially to these next words! Leave here, and never return! And if I see even a glimpse of you trying to make it as an artist, I will have you behind bars so fast, the ink will not even have dried on your first stroke.”
There was a bit of silence. “FINE!” Kosuke screamed. “But someday, this will all come crashing down!”
“I have the art world eating out of the palm of my hand” Madarame said, rubbing salt in the wound. “Just how do you think that will happen?” The voices stopped. However, there were some angry footsteps, followed by a slamming door. “Bah. He won’t bother me again.”
There was more silence on the part of the thieves. “I remember that day,” Yusuke said. “I had only heard bits and pieces, but the anger was clear. The door came off the frame after he slammed it. Despite everything, I felt powerless.”
“I felt powerless too,” Kosuke said. “He beat us, stole from us, and yet WE were the ones who would get in trouble if anyone outside of Madarame’s shack heard anything. For too long, Madarame has avoided any consequences. But not anymore! It’s time for him to pay!”
“I agree,” Yusuke said. “Although I’d rather him pay society than the piper.”
“Heh. So quick witted” Kosuke said. “Let’s see how much longer you can last.” They continued their battle for a bit. After the thieves got a few good hits in, Kosuke chuckled. “Heh heh. You guys are powerful. Lucky for me, I have an ace up my sleeve. RAH!” He slapped his hands to the ground. Ink left them, creating little pools. Out of the pools of ink, copies of Kosuke appeared.
“WHAT?!” Ann shouted.
“Heh” Kosuke laughed. “Let’s see how you can handle an army of me!”
“What do we do?” Sumire asked.
The thieves looked them over. “They seem to be color-coded,” Jose noted. “Maybe that has something to do with it.”
“Good eye, Sunshine” Ren complimented. “I think they correlate to the elemental attacks we can do.”
“So we attack the one that matches?” Ryuji asked. “Seems simple enough.��
“Right,” Ren said. “This match is just about over!”
The bout continued for a little while longer. With some expert coordination, the thieves managed to deal with Kosuke’s clone easily, while also doing formidable damage to Kosuke himself.
After a decisive hit to Kosuke, he yelled. “GAHHHHHHHHHHH!” The ink started to melt off his head and hand, revealing his true appearance. He hell to his knees and started punching the ground beneath him. “GAHHHHHHHHHHH!”
The thieves were shocked. While they were expecting something, this was slightly different than what happened with Shiho. Yusuke walked over to him. “Kosuke.”
“Why?” He trembled. “Why am I never strong enough?”
“I beg your pardon?” Yusuke asked.
“My parents...you...everyone else I met under Madarame...I’m never strong enough to protect them,” Kosuke lamented. “Time and time again, I fail! I’m pathetic.”
The thieves remained silent for a moment. Sumire walked over. “You protected us yesterday,” she pointed out.
Kosuke looked up. “Heh. That is you, huh. Heh heh. I guess I am good for something sometimes.”
“I understand how you feel,” Yusuke said. “I’ve had trouble proving my own worth for quite some time as well. While I can’t relate to what you went through exactly, I can understand why you would want to do all of this.”
“You’re not mad at me?” Kosuke asked.
Yusuke shook his head. “I’m only mad at Madarame.”
“HA!” Kosuke laughed. He laid down on his back. “I guess I was being a bit selfish by only allowing me to get my revenge. That’s why you were always the best of us Yusuke. You always had eyes on the bigger picture.” He looked at Yusuke. “What you’re doing will make Madarame pay for his crimes?” Yusuke quietly nodded. “Good. Promise me this: Once all this is settled, I want you to be the best damn artist you can be.”
Yusuke kneeled down to meet him. “I promise.”
“Good. See you on the other side” Kosuke said, fading away.
Yusuke stood up. “Farewell.”
“Now, about Madarame,” Jose pointed out.
“I got it,” Ryuji said. He dragged Madarame out, still trapped within his fake painting. “Yo. We’ll be taking the real deal. You gonna confess, or do we have to mess you up too?”
“I’ll confess!” Madarame said, worried. “I never thought that darkness would return. But I don’t want to face it any more!”
“Darkness?” Sumire wondered.
“Yeah” Ann answered. “When someone takes over, the palace owner faces a darkness that apparently swallows them.”
“Wait a minute,” Ren said. “What do you mean ‘return’?”
“Huh?” Ann said.
“He said he never thought it would return'' Ren said. She grabbed Madarame “What does that mean?”
“I’ve faced it before,” Madarame said. “As an example of what happens when you cross them!”
The thieves were surprised. “Who is ‘them’?!” Ryuji demanded.
“I don’t know all of them,” Madarame said. “But they tell me they’re using this sort of power to help shape Japan. They said I could be among the elite if I helped them, so I did. They wanted to see how a mental shutdown works, and I volunteered.”
“You wanted to be even greater than you are now?” Yusuke said, raising his voice. “Pathetic.”
“I’m sorry,” Madarame said.
“Tell that to the public,” Yusuke told him. Madarame faced with a horrified look on his face.
There was an explosion. “What was that?” Sumire asked.
“The palace is about to collapse,” Morgana said. “Panther!” He threw the treasure to her. He transformed into a car. “Hop in!” The thieves entered the car and they drove off.
Once they got out, the phone sounded. “Location Deleted.”
“Man, that was something else,” Ryuji said.
“You’re telling me,” Sumire said. “I haven’t done one of these before.”
“I didn’t know the metaverse could break like that,” Jose said.
Ann was still breathing heavily. She looked at the canvas. “Huh?”
“What is it?” Yusuke asked.
Ann turned it around. It was still the real “Sayuri”, baby Yusuke and all. “I’m just surprised because last time Kamoshida’s treasure changed shape once we took it out of the metaverse.”
“Huh” Jose said.
“Well, I guess that shows how much influence the ‘Sayuri’ really has,” Yusuke noted.
“No kiddin’” Ryuji said.
“Are we good?” Ren asked.
“I think so,” Morgana said.
“Good,” Ren siad, sighed. “I’m exhausted.
“Wait, what about that thing Madarame told us about?” Ryuji asked.
“I’d like to know more about that too,” Yusuke added. “As well as a few other things.”
“Me too, but” Sumire began, “maybe that can wait for another time.”
“Yeah today was enough as is” Ann said. “We should probably meet up to discuss this when our heads are clearer.”
“Agreed” Yusuke said.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m beat” Ryuji admitted. “Well, see ya.” He started walking off.
Just as the rest of the thieves were breaking off, Ann stopped Yusuke. “Yusuke.” She handed him the painting. “I think this should go to you.”
Yusuke was surprised. He smiled, said “Thank you,” and headed back home. Ann smiled and she headed home as well.
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Hi, i hope you are feeling good! Im better than yesterday so i can finally answer you. First of all: i am so happy that you shared your fanfiction! i had a great time reading it! Im always open for more recs. Maybe your all time favorites? Or if you know some good h/c these are always welcome :) And YESSS please send me a link to your fanvids. -- yeah 13rw was super cursed. haha i also watched season 1 but thankfully i was able to sto watching becaue i could feel it making me feel bad (1)
I agree the suicide scene was just cringe (but i think i remember reading somewhere that they cut it out? idk) and overall this show just gave me the feeling that there was no hope and things are always getting worse instead of better and i hated that. but enough of that cursed show. can i just say i really admire how open you are about your feelings (like being suicidal and that) i realy, really admire this about you. i have so much respect for you that you can just share your feelings here (2)
I have never heard of ace attorney but that story you described sounds really good. and i get reading sth that isnt good for you and still doing it (because im a dumb bitch too :D) -- okay i might accept that Root will never grow on you (but i thought so too and look at me now :D) but i havent fully given up yet :)-- yes thats the girl. i think it was really sweet when she said that to Shaw. and i think Shaw appreciated it that someone tried to figure her out instead of just writting her off (3)
Shaw is really cool and definately also a badass and in combination with John its just great! but you will have to suffer trough some Shoot.  but maybe, maybe you will end up not hating Root. hope dies last (idk how the saying goes in english, sorry). -- Did you ever ship Caresse (in a romantic way)? cause sometimes i do and sometimes i dont and i get so confused about it :) but i think most of the time i like them more as friends. anyway her death really sucked and you are right with (4)
her death and them losing the library it felt like a different show (i mean i guess it was a different show then). i kinda get your feelings about the destroyed library because i also really loved it (and im really bad with change) but i dont think it affected me as much as you. but yeah i still missed the library very much. and while the subway is a really cool new place its not the same. (also the subway is super dark cause its underground and idk it just makes the whole thing less homey) (5)
Yes he is everything! such a great, interesting character and i wish there were more John-centric episodes! (like ones that explored his character more). that was one of my biggest dislikes of the later seasons that John wasnt featured as much anymore. i think he chuckled a few times in the show but a real laugh? i cant remember one :(  -- He did promise Joss to talk to Tyler so @show were is that talk? -- if seen the vid its awesome! thehiddenmemory has some great poi vids! (6)
yes i think so too. Like Grace would probably be relived and thankful that Harold is still alive and maybe they would even try again but eventually she would figure out that she cant trust him after lying to him for so long or sth like that and Harold would ofc realize that he is in love with someone else now. And then he finds out that John is still alive but stayed away cause he didnt want to get in the way of Harold/Grace. But then Harold comes back. And when they meet again John is like (7)
you came back for the machine? what about Grace. But Harold tells him he came back for John not the machine and then they kiss and have a happy live with Bear (sorry i got a little carried away here :D). -- Yeah Zoe is really hot and she needed more screen time! -- i hope you have a good day and i hope i havent messed up the numbers on the asks! :)
Hi ! I'm finally free from the resits, I hope you're doing okay with your thesis 💛
Sorry for replying late, there was the exam resits, and I read a bunch of fics, then I fell into pokémon and started bingewatching it. (Also I had a breakdown during therapy today so I'm gonna finish writing my answer to distract myself - it's been sitting in my drafts for so long rip)
Thank you !! It was a very personal thing, I'm really happy you liked it !! Your support and your comment made me thrive 💛💛
Tbh I was surprised to see it get kudos given that the only intended audience was my self projecting ass 🤣
So, my fav fics (my fav fic ever is in French, rip to y'all bc it's so good):
I am, I am, I am by RavenWhitecastle
Actually check the entire series this work belongs to: The Sinner and the Saint. I haven't finished it yet but I love it (I just skipped the explicit fics bc I don't like smut or sub!John)
Breaking All The Rules by talkingtothesky
Outsider Perspective by Neery
A Really Private Person by astolat
Hamartia (the hero's fatal flaw) by astolat
If Only for Tonight by spacemutineer
From Here, Where? by AKMars
Stroll by TheaNishimori
and the world was gone by lunarcorvid
a light that never goes out by vindicatedtruth
Limitations. by Michaelssw0rd
Reel you in and spit you out by Michaelssw0rd
All I Want For Christmas Is You by richmahogany
By What Power I Am Made Bold by brinnanza
Aftershocks by darringtons
At Certain Hours It All Breaks Down by nogoaway
construction of a kingdom by the_ragnarok
You Take Me Higher Than I've Gone by talkingtothesky
All Together Now by beadedslipper
I'll Let the Waters Still by brinnanza
Birthday Tradition by talkingtothesky
Things My Father Taught Me by KRyn
Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder by infiniteeight
Better Luck This Time by Lisztful
Motivations by JenNova
What's On the Table by cortue
In Another Life by Della19
I Thought We Already Were by talkingtothesky
Misunderstandings by thisstarvingartist
This is already fucking long omg so for the h/c: my bookmarks filtered with Rinch and h/c
Here's my playlist, it's mostly Rinch, but there are a few not Rinch vids, plus some scenes I like
This is long enough already, so it's time for a read more. Also, warning, we be talking about suicide
The portrayal of suicide is cringe most of the time anyway. If my suicidal ass can find a list of suicide methods and their lethality in 2 mins on Google you'd think writers who are supposed to do some research would be able to find them too but no they're like "ah yes slicing wrists" even though it's literally the shittiest method 🙄 (I just don't understand why slicing wrists seems to be such a popular method in the collective imagination ? It's weird.) At least in 13rw she took aspirin and cut herself vertically instead of horizontally but still, no hesitation wounds, and she dies even though she only got 4 wounds iirc ? I know more about jumping off bridges than slicing wrists, but it kinda sounds like bullshit to me. Also Netflix once suggested "beyond the reasons" to me, it's a sort of discussion with the cast and crew of 13rw and the only thing I remember is a moment of intellectual masturbation abt how they "opened a discussion abt suicide" 😬😬😬
They may have cut it out it's not impossible, idk I didn't hear about it, but it's not like I look for info about this dumpster fire lol. Maybe they faced backlash ? Wouldn't be surprised given how shit the show was. And yeah it has a hopeless vibe, I mean that's how it be when you're suicidal, but I didn't like it either.
You're sweet 💜💜 it's interesting that you find it respectable or admirable, I don't have an external point of view, so I'm just like 🤷 it is what it is. I understand where you're coming from though, I guess it's still quite a taboo subject, and suicidal people don't always feel comfortable talking about it, so me throwing around that I jumped off a bridge must be surprising. I'm detached enough from my suicide attempt that I'm able to talk about it without much of a problem, and I'm not really suicidal anymore.
Dumb bitches unite 👏👏👏 we be out there reading shit we shouldn't read
Yeah I think it's nice how the show didn't portray Shaw as a bad person for not having "normal feelings". Well, hope makes one live as we say in French (idk the English saying either lol) but don't hold much hope about me liking Root lmao
I used to ship careese bc they kissed in the crossing, but then I read some Rinch fics and I just ended up falling into it to the point where I stopped caring about careese. Now I think their relationship works better as a friendship.
Yeah all that change really puts me off... It just gives me "bad spin-off" vibes. Especially since there is less John :( and less Rinch :((((
Lmao yeah I just have a lot of feelings about early poi hgkfglrk. Also :/ I'm sad about the subway being less homey pls I just want happiness ?? I swear this show destroys my heart on top of owning my last braincell (brb changing my blog title to this lmao)
Mood I need all the John-centric eps, give me m o r e characterization and development and backstory and feelings hhhhhhh. I love him so much I just wanna spend more time with him. And that's what fics are for ! Yeah thehiddenmemory is so talented ! Astolat made some good ones too, on top of writing really good fics ! (Our fandom has been blessed with the presence of one of the ao3 founders hell yeah)
Also, remember how we talked abt the poi subreddit ? The other day I left a comment on there, wild I know. It wasn't a discussion about the last seasons though, I'm not crazy, it was about the impact poi had in our lives so I said it literally taught me English. Who knows maybe sometimes I'll comment again lol. I just don't wanna meet one of those people who prefer late poi over early poi.
Allow me to uuuuh write something based on what you said. Don't ask me how John survived with no major injuries, my man got that Thick Plot Armor alright. Hope you appreciate me getting carried away sjdkdksk it's kinda rushed and the first part isn't that good bc idk how to write Grace I'm just here for that sweet sweet Rinch stuff
Harold is eating breakfast with Grace in her kitchen – he can't think of her home as his home – when his phone vibrates. It's a text from the machine. It's a surprise, she barely contacted him since... He blocks the thoughts and the images coming to his mind. The machine sent him a picture. When he opens it, his heart misses a beat. Right here on his screen is a silhouette he thought he would never see again. His phone vibrates again. Another picture, this time it's unmistakably John, wearing his signature suit, Bear next to him. Transfixed, he stares at his phone until he feels Grace gently touching his arm. She goes straight to the point.
"Is it John ?" He looks up in confusion, but before he can say anything, she adds, "I hear you call him in your sleep every night."
"It's him, yes." He doesn't want to explain. He only wants to see John, to touch him, to tell him how much he loves him.
"You should go back to him. I like you, Harold. I am deeply relieved to see you alive. But I've been thinking, and... It's not working. This, us... You aren't really the man I fell in love with, the man I grieved... I can't trust you anymore." She doesn't say 'You lied to me' but Harold hears it all the same.
Harold sits on their bench. The machine indicated John often comes here. Soon enough, his arms are full of Bear, and John is standing in front of him.
"John. How are you ?" he asks when Bear finally calms down.
"Busy. And you ?"
Harold eyes him suspiciously – John once said he was busy when he was bleeding and way too close to death – but he seems to be well.
"I'm fine." He doesn't have time for awkward small talk." I thought you were dead. Why didn't you contact me ?"
"The machine told me you were with Grace. I thought you wanted to come back to your previous life. I didn't want to crash into it and ruin what you had."
Harold wants to be angry at him, but he understands. He did the same with Grace.
"You would never ruin anything. Besides, my relationship with Grace... didn't survive my lies. She's very dear to my heart, but she's a part of my previous life, as you said."
"So you came back for the machine, and the numbers, like the good old times ?"
Harold gets up from the bench.
"I came back for you. You are an important part of my life. The most important part."
John smiles, finally. He takes a step towards Harold, they're so close they could kiss. Harold reaches out, grips his shirt and slowly inches closer. He's still afraid of being rejected but John wraps his arm around him and kisses him. The kiss is over too soon. John's smile is even wider when they part.
"You're the most important part of my life too," he says before kissing Harold again. "You will stay ?"
Damn I live for sappy Rinch stuff.
Bitches decided that Harold saying "always" is peak Rinch. It's me I'm bitches.
Also ofc I had to make a reference to number crunch, who do you think I am
Anyway. I hope you have a good day ! 💛
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ghouls-dream · 5 years
Ait so that’s the promised smut, sinners. Enjoy!
Dewdrop x Reader 
(WARNING!!! SMUT, +18, NSFW for days and please don’t read if you’re too sensitive) I hope you like it guys, I was really nervous before posting it bc I’ve never been this descriptive sooo uhh :”) love u.
 What was the time again? I didn’t even bother to look once again at the old, stupid clock, hanging over the stone wall. However my eyes unintentionally glimpsed at it. ‘Fuck dammit’ my mind swore. Was it because I did what I really didn’t need to do, or because of the hour. Exactly three thirty in the fucking morning and my head was spinning… Maybe the alcohol was finally kicking in? Or maybe it was the combination of my exhausted self and… Well the damned alcohol. Being a witch in the Church of Ghost, having Imperator as your class teacher and constantly being torn between the need to leave because of pressure, or burn yourself voluntarily was all leading to this state of… Mind?! Or insanity. I was drained - emotionally and physically. Striving to fulfill Imperator’s expectations wasn’t an easy thing and honestly - I was close to giving up on that “fantasy”. I wouldn’t sacrifice my own liver because someone has ambitions bigger than their ass. Alcohol had never been my friend. We weren’t even acquaintances to be fairly honest! Maybe perfect strangers described our “relationship” the best. That night - I didn’t care and that was probably my biggest mistake. Or at least that’s what the sober part of my mind (what was left from it) was trying to tell me. Did I listen? Obviously not, since my legs were already leading me out of my chambers. 
I felt myself swinging from side to side, with each step becoming lighter than before, with only one thing on my mind. Only one person to be exact… And to be even more precise, it wasn’t even a person. It was something between a human and a demon, but Hell knows how much I had a taste for trouble and horrible men… Human or not. And Dewdrop was a perfect choice - or at least he seemed like one right now.
I wasn’t sure what I was looking for - sex, fucking, talk, another drink, a shoulder to cry my exhaustion on? It was either all of the things or none, but I was about to find out. One thing I knew for sure - he wouldn’t have hesitated to have me, since his dirty hands, mind, tongue and whatever the hell other part of his body you can think of, was at some point in contact with my own. We’ve always been like magnets me and him… Attracting one another then one of us turns around and… Boom! We don’t speak for weeks until the one of us gives up and… And creates some gossip for the curious Sisters of Sin. 
Enough of that… Now more than ever I just wanted to get straight to his room, which seemed like a mission impossible, but then.. A miracle happened! Or at least I hoped it did - I was finally standing before a door. The third door to be exact. I looked around myself, feeling a slight episode of giggle coming out, but luckily - my reflexes were still strong. I put a hand to cover my idiotic chuckles as the other one knocked on the ghoul’s door. 'Shit I hope it’s you’ I thought to myself, realizing what I was doing few moments after. I waited and waited… And waited, until I was almost ready to make an attempt and leave, but the door suddenly opened. My eyes immediately locked on his icy-blue ones, which didn’t make my knees weak, strangely enough… But just fed my need to laugh even harder! And so.. I did!
“Well someone is knocked out…” his raspy, sleepy voice fonded my ears. I blinked a few times before taking a hold of the wall and answered.. Maybe a little too louder than neccessery “Wanna finish me off?” There’s no need to say that the attempt of me trying to sound as seductive as possible was more than miserable. I was making a fool of myself… And strangely enough - I loved it because I couldn’t care less. I let out another chuckle, shaking my head. Dewdrop raised his eyebrows, before putting a playful smirk dance on his lips and spoke quietly “Yeah, there are two things I’m not really into - necrophilia and rape, so I’d pass.”
“But I’m not dead?” I laughed loudly, before feeling his hand dragging me inside his room. He seemed pissed for some reason? Was it me? I gasped slightly at his sudden move, before feeling my back hitting the door that locked behind me. Only now I could see Dew fully. He was still having his black pants on, while his shirt was gone, leaving him only with his not-so-well-defined abs and tattoed, bruised body. I instantly bit my lip as his hands went on both sides of my arms. His eyes were piercing me like spears and it felt… Absolutely insane. “You reek of alcohol, Y/N. Which means you’re drunk. Therefore you’re not thinking straight and that by itself means rape. So my answer is no. Try again in the mornig. I promise you, you’d like it better” Dewdrop whispered against me - his hot minty breathe hitting my lips… And there it was. The weakness in the knees. It showed! Finally - all joined the “game” - my weakness for him, the alcohol and my hormones. All were thriving! 
“But I want you…” I whispered, getting closer to his lips as my hands wrapped around his neck. My body immidiately relaxed as I almost dragged him down, before he caught me up and scoffed “The alcohol wants me, not you” “No I do!” I chuckled. Dew rolled his eyes, letting out a deep sigh as I continued my teasing “Come on… I’ve heard "stories” about your… Er… Tastes? The ropes and shit. You like BDSM? I’ve never tried. Come on, give me a ride, Dew. Should I go down on my knees and wait fo…“
"Woah, woah, woah. Who the fuck told you all this?” finally he laughed as well, still holding onto my arms tightly. His blue eyes locked onto mine. He seemed entertained. Finally! I was starting to figure out what I actually came here for… “The sisters? Some of the girls you’ve fucked before? Come on i’m starting to feel less special… I’ll tell Imperator Dewy doesn’t wanna have fun with mee” my voice instantly became a lot more high pitched and childish. The ghoul didn’t seem to like that, judging by his strict expression and the frown. His face became darker, even his lips formed a thin red line… And the weakness in my knees grew bigger in proportion of my heart race.
I swallowed slowly, feeling his grip over my arms becoming a little tighter. The atmospheric change could be sensed as well. It was getting harder to breathe… And also hotter. But maybe that was the Jack Daniels reminding me of himself and my bad decisions. “As much as I want to tuck you in bed, I also want to get you down on your knees and shut that pretty little mouth with something big enough to silence it.” his voice spoke. The way he didn’t even sound angry was making it unbelievably creepy… Because I could feel the rage radiating through his pores. The knot in my throat grew bigger as I opened my mouth slightly and managed to whisper “Please… I want you.” “How? With or without the ropes?” Dewdrop whispered, still not breaking the contact between our eyes. I could sense how he was trying his best not to rip my clothes off.. Because I was feeling exactly the same. My heart was pounding like crazy as his fingers started dancing over my bare arms all the way to my cleavage, pulling it gently just so he could tease me… And he was succeeding! I swallowed hardly finally, before hearing the warm summer wind through the cracks of the stones. One of the near candles was put out as my eyes quickly fixated on the thin smoke. And then my mind was striked… With probably another bad idea.
“Wax” I simply whispered out, stepping a little more confident on my feet. My eyes finally met his confused ones. Dew questioned me “Wax?” “Yes. Use it.” I responded. “It will hurt. You can’t just do it with any wax..” the ghoul tried to speak reason into my already aroused self. I pressed my hips to each other, feeling the wetness growing between them as I whispered next to his lips “Then let it hurt.”
And that was all needed. All needed for Dewdrop to put the most sinister of smiles over his face. He pressed his thin lips onto mine, creating the blissful sensation of euphoria in my body that I craved for so long. His long fingers tangled in my hair, getting a hold of it, his tongue fighting with mine… Pure primitive instincts for domination.
I felt my legs walking again. This time they were led by the ghoul, walking backwards to his bed. While his left hand was pressing me towards his chest, the other one was desperately trying to find something else rather than my hair. This moment he separated from me, leaving me absolutely breathless with… Probably arrhythmia and spoke, while panting “Get on your knees.” Done. I immidiately did what I was told as I watched him taking out on of the candles from its candlesticks. Dewdrop then turned to me, smirking down at my aroused persona “Take off the dress”
Done. Once again without hesitation from my side. My shaky and excited hands quickly removed the black lacy piece of clothing, before throwing it to the side. That was obviously amusing to watch since Dewdrop let out a deep chuckle as he blew out the candle “So impatient… I bet you’ll regret it” “I bet I… Oh!” I tried to speak out, before I felt the hot wax dripping over my exposed skin. It was burning. It felt like hot blades piercing my skin… But just for few seconds. After that it wasn’t this bad at all… Until it hit my left nipple. Dew knew exactly what he was doing. It was entertaining to him for sure!
I squeezed my eyes, letting out a small whimper the moment the wax made a contact with my right one. “You sure you still want that? You can always give up, girly..” the ghoul reminded me, still watching from above. I opened my eyes just to see the blue shades in his gaze becoming… Darker. Filled with lust. Arousal! “Yes…” I moaned out the moment he bent the candle once again and the wax hit the skin over my collarbone. “Oh, I love that sound…” Dew remarked. My gaze immidiately shifted to the growing buldge in his black pants. And suddenly… I couldn’t feel the pain of the burn. Only the need to have whatever it was in there inside me. One way or another!
My hands instinctivly traveled to his zipper, pulling it down slowly, still not breaking the visual contact between us. Dew clenched his jaw which made me smirk. Now I was the one in power! My fingers quickly unbuckled his belt as I pulled his black pants down, along with his boxers… But before that - I made sure to give his still covered memeber the “attention” it deserved. My lips roamed the tip of his head, while my eyes enjoyed th faces Dewdrop pulled off - lip bitting, brows coming together.. He was fighting the urge to shove it in my mouth. Even his hand was giving him out - that poor candle was at the point of breaking thanks to his grip.
“Suck it. Suck it now!” he finally hissed at me, before pulling down his boxers and forcing my mouth into it. I squeezed my eyes immdiately. My reflexes were telling me to pull back, but his hand went behind my head, pushing me to take him all in. His member was hitting that certain spot deep down in my throat that was making me slightly regret my decision… But I did my best not to make much more noises than needed.
Seconds after I started choking, while holding onto Dew’s hips. He grabbed a fistfull of my hair, pulling me away just so he could bend over to my level and “reward me” with the most content, terribly… Insanely aroused face he could pull and a sinnister smirk. He whispered against my face as tears started falling down my eyes. Not because I hated what I was doing, but because it was unexpected… And rough. And I loved it!  “I’ll fuck the drunk out of you and leave you sore and sober for days, Y/N.” And this was the moment I lost my words. My mouth formed a small o-shape due the shock of his sentence, but then… Then again I met his member up close. This time not so roughly - Dew felt merciful (on himself of course) for once and only pushed my head towards it. My tongue knew what to do - it licked every inch of his lenght all the way to the tip of the head, where it stopped. Circles and small sucks were all that this specific spot received from my side. “Look at me!” he commanded, reminding me of that action. I immidiately locked eyes with him. 
Dew was a frowning, grunting, sweating mess. I smirked to myself before making an attempt to take as much as possible of his erection in my mouth, despite the pain from the sudden deep-throat. My eyes never leaving his as I bopped my head back and forth. And then again… I felt his hand roughly pushing my head towards his member. I squeezed my eyes, gripping his thighs once again, before sensing how my limit was close. I gagged lowdly, as I felt Dewdrop’s hand pulling and pushing my head towards himself… Moans and swears in latin, leaving his mouth. Music for my ears! It was all worth it - mutually! The wetness between my legs was starting to almost drip like the hot wax from few minutes ago….
“Oh, fuck, Y/N!” he growled one last time before tilting his head back. I thought that this was the end of him… But i was wrong and naive. And he - experienced a lot more than me. My tongue was desperately trying to give his member the needed attention - swirling around the lenght of his erection, even my fingers joined the game. I finally opened my eyes just to see him starin at me. Dew whispered “You little harlot… Lay down on the bed and spread your fucking legs for me”. Third time - done! The softness under my back devoured me as I felt the world spinning slightly… Luckily the slight breeze brought me back to my senses, just to find myself beneath Dewdrop’s body. His lips immidiately crashed onto mine - hungrily kissing and abusing them as I traced my nails over his back, leaving red marks. My hips instinctivly buckled up towards his erected member.. All I needed was some sort of friction! Even a touch would have been enough at this point!
Dewdrop chuckled above me, before bitting my lip as I gasped. Everything was so unexpected with him and it was driving me insane! And closer to the edge, which was actually pathetic having in mind he didn’t even touch me the way I needed him to! “Nice nipples you have there…” he whispered towards my lips as I felt his skillfull fingers moving dangerouly close to my right nipple. 'Oh, no..! The wax!’ I thought to myself as I felt the slight pain of his actions - Dew “ripped” the sitffened wax of my sensitive spot and I gasped, arching my back. He smirked before doing the same to the other one… Sweet pain was shooting through my body as I whimpered.
“Should I take it further and drip some hot, melted wax over….” his seductive voice whispered in my ear as I felt his fingers traveling down my body towards my wet, throbbing core. Once they touched it, I instantly moaned, feeling how they sunk deep into me.“Here?” he finished his sentence. “No! No please not there!” I begged throwing my head back to the his pillow. Dew pumped his fingers a few seconds just enough to drive me insane and almost make me come… The knot in my stomach was getting tighter with each movement, before he pulled his two fingers out of me and gave my mouth a hard, passionate kiss.
Immidiately after that I felt his member entering me, making me widen my eyes in surprise as I moaned loudly into his mouth. Dewdrop moved in agonizing speed… It wasn’t too fast, but far from being enough to make me each of us come. The moment he separated his lips from mine, his hand got a hold of my neck and squeezed it slightly. I gasped. “That’s right, Y/N… Tell me now how much you love to get railed by half-demons! I bet you’re so proud of yourself, girly…” Dew remarked as his hair gotten into his face the more and more he thrusted into me. My limbs were way too numb to try and move it away and even if they were capable of doing it, I’d probably get denied by him. Dew’s suddenly pinned my wrists down to the bed, still keeping his speed as my moans became louder and a lot more desperate.
“P-Please…” I managed to speak out. “Please what? Say it and you’ll have it” the ghoul whispered. Looks like the words were true after all - the devil is not an little red man with horns and a tail… Instead he’s a fully grown man with tail, horns and a dirty mind that would make even Satan blush in shame. “Come! Make me come!” I shouted out arching my back as I felt what was left from the wax on my chest breaking. This shot another small sensation of pain through my body as I opened my eyes. Dew smirked at me, before tightening the grip around my wrists… they were starting to hurt.
Suddenly he flipped me over to my stomach. I gasped in surprised as he once again separated my legs as he moved between them. And again - that well known feeling of his member entering my throbbing core. I moaned as he started to thrust harder in me, his hand pulling my hair to his chest as the other one started playing with my sensitive clit. I squeezed my eyes, feeling the bubble in my stomach ready to burst before he growled… Almost inhumanly “Veni!” And for the last (hopefully) forth time this night… I did what i was told. The sweet release of my orgasm hit my body like a lightning, paralyzing every part of my limbs. I got a hold of the wooden bedframe, panting wildly as I felt Dew’s release inside. Still gripping my hair, but this time kissing my left shoulder, he breathed out “A-Are… Are you sober already? Or should we go for round two?”
“No, no… No!” I chuckled, feeling how Dewdrop was pulling me into his soft, warm embrace. He spun me around swiftly, being careful not to make me completely lose control of myself, as he stared into my eyes. “You seem tired” I remarked, gently brushing his cheek with my knuckles as I gave him a sweet smile. My body relaxed into his arms as he made us both lay down on the bed, me putting his head on his chest as Dew whispered “Tired of your bullshit, yeah.” “You dickhead! I’ll never fuck you again!” I squeeled out jokingly, hitting him with his pillow as he laughed, before pulling me back into his arms “We both know that’s a lie… Now rest. You’ll need it.”
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nightcoremoon · 4 years
everyone sucks dark souls' dick over how it's triumph over hardships and whatthefuckever
asylum demon is a little bitch.
taurus demon is a little bitch.
moonlight butterfly is a little bitch.
titanite demon is a little bitch.
capra demon is a little bitch.
havel the rock is a little bitch.
stray demon is a little bitch.
bell gargoyles are cheating little fuckers.
these fights aren't hard. they're not difficult. they're painfully easy. those first seven I beat without breaking a sweat, most of them on the first or second try. would've been the first for some but the game just loves artificial difficulty. what's that, you want strategy and tactics and reaction time? too bad, fuck you, have random ass bullshit, skewed numbers (enemies have fuckhuge hp and damage and you have wet paper), extra enemies on the side who fuckin teleport and ignore physics (oh right it's havok physics so fuck it who cares let's all teleport), oh yeah and your framerate is cut to ribbons because the game tries to render THE ENTIRE WORLD AT ONCE and when your framerate is low guess what YOURE LITERALLY NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO PLAY because it kicks you to the main title. oh and the bonewheels? yeah I made jokes about them before but jesus christ who fucking OK'd these? was there any QA at all? oh you rested at that bonfire, fuck you you're here forever now because you move at half speed and they move at double speed and they can pivot midair a full 360 and they instantly break your poise and do a hundred damage each hit oh yeah and they can all hit you at the same fucking time. there's a literal zero frame window whatsoever to roll out of the way. all you can do is pray to the RNG gods that it'll let you play. and that's bullshit.
this game
is fucking
every single complaint I've seen about the prequel- WHICH I LOVE- and the sequel- WHICH I USED TO HATE BUT NOW LOVE BECAUSE ITS SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER THAN THE TRASH HEAP OF THE FIRST GAME- can be levied tenfold against this game.
fuck this berserk fanfiction trash that namco bandai threw money at for the art department and level design crew. they got all the budget, leaving nothing for the fuckin nonexistent ai.
the bosses all suck too. yeah ds2 had shitty bosses and reskins too, but IT HAD TWICE AS MANY AS DS1 DID. it's allowed a couple of trash bosses. and it has some absolute gems. the last giant is a perfect first boss that will decimate you if you don't know what you're doing but if you understand it you can plow through it easily, but can't be complacent with.
flexile sentry is a cool design and has two different moveset to content with, AND a level timer. skeleton lords? good boss. executioner chariot? good boss. mytha? eh, decent boss. smelter demon? fucking amazing boss. old iron king? cheating bastard but hey just don't fall in the lava idiot. git gud. fume knight? *chef's kiss* sir allonne? *chef's kiss* rat vanguard? incredible puzzle. the rotten? it's ok I guess but it's still better than half the ds1 bosses. najka? quelaag reskin but still ok. rat authority? sif and capra had a baby. prowling magus? ...ok that one is just embarrassing, I'll give you that. freja? great. pursuer? he'll crush you if you don't know what you're doing but all of his attacks are unique and avoidable and he looks fucking cool. ruin sentinels? tough as hell and worth the struggle in learning them. gargoyles? it's not a reskin, it's the ds1 gargoyle fight but not a completely horrible steaming pile of shit that's just a worse version of maneaterds in the prequel. lost sinner? good boss. mirror knight? good boss. demon of song? good boss. velstadt? good boss. vendrick? holy shit is he the best character in the series or what? and his boss fight... everyone says lord gwyn is the saddest because of sakuraba-sama's amazing talents at musical composition (so uh tales of symphonia is the best video game soundtrack ever made hands down don't @ me I'm sorry metroid prime but you have too much ambient noise) and PLIN PLIN PLON but I guarantee you that PLIN PLIN PLON would work well against vendrick too. oh yeah then you have the fake dragons (ok), throne duo (mediocre version of ornstein & smough), nashandra (meh), and aldia (meh), and also the bosses of shulva (meh) and the dogs of eleum loyce (meh) and the burnt ivory king. who is the best boss in the series hands don't don't @ me I'm sorry soul of cinder but you rely too much on nostalgia.
dark souls 2 is a fucking masterpiece with a few hiccups that are all holdovers from the first game. standing alone, this is probably the best action rpg ever made, and what everything else should build itself off of.
ds1 has a bunch of copypasted enemies with the word "boss" slapped on them, shitty mechanics, and even shittier stages.
quelaag is good. four kings is good. nito is good. seathe is good. sif is good. o&s are good. the dlc bosses are good. every single other boss is fucking stupid or fucking terrible and either can be cheesed or REQUIRE cheese.
what I mentioned before are jokes. ceaseless is just a pathetic version of dragon god who was vastly improved when he became old iron king. centipede demon is fucking garbage. bed of chaos is worse than garbage. priscilla is a meme. gwyndolin is a hallway. demon firesage is a reskin. gaping dragon is a waste of a cool design. iron golem is a joke who can be 1v1'd by tarkus. pinwheel? shut the fuck up about the prowling magus and congregation, pinwheel is not a real boss. lord of cinder? he's the reason why I don't parry, because parrying is cheese and it's fully dependent on having a $1000 graphics card and a brain that's wired to look at 60 frames per second. "but the human eye can only see 26" yeah exactly. man that's a short list of shitty bosses though. you're right? it's because I've listed all the dark souls bosses. and I haven't even listed all of the ds2 bosses.
I'm with hbomberguy here. ds2 gets more hate than it deserves. but I'll take it a step further.
dark souls 1 sucks.
it's not fun. it's not cool. it has a story ripped from a manga. its level design is a gimmick. the animations are shit. the hitboxes are shit. the physics are shit. the lighting and textures are still shit AFTER A REMASTER. the weapons and moveset variety is shit. the enemy design is shit. the locations all look exactly the same. the NPCs are boring and forgettable- I don't even know their fucking NAMES besides andre and gough (and gwyndolin but she's as real as her tits). it's built from salt and cyanide and broken glass rather than love for its roots. the music is the only part I can salvage without any buts. I can't even say that actually because THERE IS NONE EXCEPT DURING BOSSES WHEN YOU CANT LISTEN TO IT BECAUSE IT THINKS THAT DIFFICULTY IS SPEED AND SHEER NUMBERS.
it's a bad game.
you can like it. you can play it. you can love it.
but holy shit, shut the fuck about about it. I get it. I understand. I know. okay. got it. shut up.
I'll stop talking shit about your baby when you stop bitching and moaning and whining over how much you won't let yourself enjoy 2.
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tallglassofsweetpea · 6 years
Little Darlin’: Chapter Five
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Sweet Pea x OC, 1950′s AU
Warnings (this chapter): language, angst, mild sexual content, underage drinking, think that’s it for this chapter??
AN: I’M BACK FROM THE DEAD! Thank you all for be patient over the past few weeks. I was having some serious writer’s block during the holidays, but I’m back and ready to get back into it. I’m already working on Chapter Six and will hopefully have that put up soon as well. I’ll also be working on some of the requests you guys have sent me! I hope you enjoy the new chapter! :)
(Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future chapters. Also feel free to message me if you have any suggestions for this story and where you’d like to see it go, or if you have any general comments/questions! My ask is open :) Also I am taking requests!!!)
Chapter Five: Tears On My Pillow
Summer quickly faded into the fall and school was in full swing. Lily was somewhat thankful for the start of the new school year. She had plenty of things to occupy her time, there was homework to be completed and tests to be taken. Although, her mind would often wander to thoughts that weren’t exactly school related, like Sweet Pea. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since the night of their date to the drive in. She figured he was just busy with the Serpents, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed that he hadn’t so much as called.
Trish was over, getting ready to go see Fangs, it was the first she had seen of her in awhile.
“I take it everything worked out between you two? He seemed really upset that night at the drive in.”
“We talked.”
“And…He told me he loved me.” I guess he had listened to Sweet Pea’s advice after all.
“Did you say it back…?”
“I did.” Trish broke into a bright smile.
“That’s fantastic, Trish! So, what about Archie?”
Her face immediately dropped. “What about Archie?”
“Oh, Trish you can’t be serious…You can’t keep seeing them both. Someone’s going to end up hurt.”
“I know what I’m doing, Lily.”
Lily took a deep breath and chose her words carefully. “Are you afraid of what Archie might do if you call it off with him?”
Trish scoffed, an unconvincing look of confidence on her face. “He won’t do anything to me.”
“Trish I’ve seen what he’s done when he merely thought that you were-“
“Lily, drop this. And stop frowning, you’ll get premature wrinkles.”
Lily sighed at her.
“I’ll be fine, I’m a big girl. I just need a few more weeks until Archie messes up again and then I’ll be free.”
“…You’re waiting for him to cheat on you so you can break up with him?”
“Sure! That way there’s no blame put on me, and he can’t get upset with me because it will be his own fault. It’s fool proof!”
“Trish. You can’t be serious…”
“Don’t patronize me, I’m a woman with a plan. She said decidedly. “Speaking of plans, Fangs and I are going to some party by Sweetwater River tonight. You should come! I presume Sweet Pea has already invited you-”
She felt her heart sink a little bit. “Actually no.”
“I haven’t seen him since our that night at the drive in. He hasn’t so much as called.”
“Did the date not go well?”
“I had thought it was great. We went to Pop’s, we watched the movie at the drive in, we kissed…”
“Which led to…”
“Oh come on, how can you possibly resist him? He’s got that dangerous look in his eye. Talk of the town is that he’s very gratifying. Hell, if I hadn’t met Fangs-“
“Sweet Pea is…very attractive. But he’s far more experienced than I am, which he said he understood but I just don’t want to make a fool of myself. Not that it matters anymore. He has clearly lost interest.”
“Well we won’t have that, will we?”
“Its fine, Trish. I don’t know what I expected.”
“It is totally not fine, Lily.”
“I’m just not the type of girl that guy’s like Sweet Pea go after.”
“But he did go after you…”
“Yeah, and then suddenly ran for the nearest exit sign!”
“He’s probably just nervous.”
“You know, Trish. He doesn’t really seem like the type of guy that gets “nervous.”
“Oh come on Lily. He’s just a guy. A guy that to the best of my knowledge has never pursued anything beyond hookups. Sweet Pea probably has no idea what he’s supposed to be doing.”
“You may be right, but that’s not an excuse to completely fall off the map for weeks with no explanation. I feel so stupid! I never should have let my guard down.”
Trish’s eyes softened, she pulled Lily into a tight hug. “If you want, I can always tell Fangs we’re just gonna have a girls night in. My poor Lily-pad is having her first heartbreak.”
“No, it’s okay. I want you to go have fun, I don’t mean to bring you down. I’ll be fine.”
“Alright, well I hate to leave you in such a state but Fangs should be here soon.” She walked over to the window, propping it open.
Lily lay back on her bed, taking a deep breath. Another night alone, moping around her room. Her mind would often drift to the few nights she had gotten to see Sweet Pea. She missed the way his lips would curl up into a smirk, and the way he caressed her skin. Gosh. She hadn’t even known this guy for that long, so why was this eating her alive? How much longer could she possibly sit around and do this?
“You know what, Trish? I changed my mind, I’m coming with you guys.”
Lily had never been to Sweetwater Forest at night. Her father warned her of the “hoodlums and sinners” from the Southside that were out hiding in the woods preying on the innocent. From the sound of it, you’d think there were sacrificial rituals being performed out there. In reality, it was just a hangout for the young Serpents where they would drink and socialize around a bonfire. Lily followed Fangs and Trish through a discreet trail tucked away in the woods. The trees towered over their heads, umbrellas of brightly covered leaves indicating the shift into autumn. Lily could barely make out the bright flames through the trees as they came closer to the party. Serpents gathered around the fire, some sitting on the chopped down tree trunks while others leaned against the trees that still stood.
Fangs and Trish greeted some of his buddies that stood by the fire. Lily scanned the area surrounding the fire, no sign of Sweet Pea. Perhaps he actually was busy. She felt a slight sense of relief, at least he hadn’t just been avoiding her. She found an empty spot on one of the fallen trees surrounding the fire, took out her handkerchief from her purse and lay it down before taking a seat. The young Serpent that was sitting next to her laughed. “Can’t say I’ve seen you around before.” Lily turned to him, he was a good looking young man with short brown hair. “I’m not usually around.”
He looked her up and down. “Never would have guessed.” He joked. He reached down beside him and offered Lily a bottle of beer. “Care to indulge?”
Lily waited a beat. “No thank you…sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
The Serpent offered her a smile. “Slash.”
“Right, Slash. You all seem to have such unique names… I’m Lily.”
“Nice to meet you. Dare I ask what brings you around here? No offense, but you seem out of place.”
“Well, actually I came looking for-“ Lily lost her train of thought at the sight of Sweet Pea stumbling out of the darkness of the forest. He was laughing with his arm around the waist of some dark haired girl. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart sank into her stomach.
She made eye contact with Sweet Pea as he approached the fire. His eyes softened, while hers hardened.
Lily rose from the stump she was sitting on with Slash and stood with her arms crossed.
“Looks like you’re really busy. I guess this explains why I haven’t heard from you.”
Everyone’s eyes were on Lily. Including Fangs and Trish who was shaking her head at Sweet Pea.
“Oh come on, Lily don’t have a cow.”
“Don’t have a cow? You’ve been avoiding me for weeks with no explanation Sweet Pea!”
The dark haired girl hanging off of Sweet Pea laughed. “Looks like little miss goody two shoes is having a temper tantrum.”
Lily turned to the girl and threw a punch, sending her back. Lily’s eyes widened when the girl bounced right back up and lunged after her, Slash jumped up and grabbed the girl by her arms. “Lily, I would run if I were you.” Lily looked at Sweet Pea one last time before booking it into the woods. She ran as fast as she could out of the woods and into the parking lot. She leaned against the closest car she could find, trying to catch her breath. She heard some rustling from the woods and her head shot up in fear. She knew if that girl was coming after her she didn’t have enough energy to run away.
Luckily, it was just Trish and Fangs.
“Lil’ are you alright?”
“I’m fine, can we just please go?”
Lily walked over to Fangs’ car and opened the door to the backseat.
Trish and Fangs shared a look.
“Trish do we have to go? We just got here..” Fangs whined.
Trish sighed and shot him a look.
Fangs groaned. “Okay, fine.”
The car ride was completely silent, save for the radio.
Lily watched the pine trees zoom by as they sped down the road. She felt defeated. She fiddled with her necklace. The one time she let her guard down, the one time she believed someone really liked her. She tried to fight back the tears that threatened to spill over. She felt a cool tear roll down her cheek, followed by another. Silently she let the tears fall down her face. She felt so naive. To think that a guy like him would actually want to be with a boring northsider like her.
“Lily?” Fangs glanced at her in the rearview mirror. Lily looked up.
“Nice punch.” He said, smiling. Lily forced a small smile through her tears.
As the days passed by, Lily did her best to keep herself busy. When she wasn’t in school or working on homework, she was at dance class. When she wasn’t at dance class, she was at bible study . Life seemed to have resumed it’s normalcy.
A few weeks passed, it was late September.
Lily sat down in her seat for chemistry class, her usual lab partner had been out with the flu all week. Mr. Beaker presented the weekly project to the class.
“Lily, since your usual lab partner, Mr. Doily is absent today I’m going to pair you up with Reggie who also doesn’t have a partner.”
She nodded her head and glanced over at Reggie, who was on his way over to take the seat next to hers. He had a cast on his left arm with various signatures and doodles from his friends.
“Hi.” Lily gave him a polite smile. “So, I figured we could split up the reading, we could both take notes and then compare once we’re done.
Reggie chuckled. “Well that sounds like a great idea, but unfortunately I’m left handed.” He lifted up his casted arm.”
“Oh-uh. I’m sorry. I guess that won’t work after all.”
“That’s quite alright.”
“I guess I will be the notetaker.” Lily and reggie both flipped open their books looking for the right page.
Lily glanced over at his arm. “So…how did that happen to you anyway? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Sprained it during a game. I’m hoping it’ll be healed in time for the homecoming game next week.”
“Oh right, I forgot that’s coming up soon. Well I hope everything heals up in time. From what I hear, you do the team fine.”
“I do what I can. I can’t say I’ve ever seen you at a game. I think I would’ve noticed a cute girl like yourself.” Reggie smiled at her.
Lily felt the heat rush to her cheeks, a smile threatening the corners of her mouth.
Mr. Beaker stopped by their table and cleared his throat. “I assume this chatter is related to the assignment.”
“Of course, Mr. Beaker.”
Lily went back to reading the assigned chapter, but Reggie’s gaze lingered on her. He leaned in and lowered his voice, not wanting to get scolded again.
“Hey, uh…if you’re free after school today, would you want to grab something to eat at Pop’s?”
Lily looked up from her book to see a smiling Reggie. He was very cute, and she did have some time between school and dance.
She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and returned the smile. “Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.”
Once the school day ended, Lily met Reggie in the parking lot and they headed over to Pop’s. They found a booth and placed their orders  talked. The conversation was light, mainly small talk about school and sports. She had at first assumed he was just like the rest of the buffoons on the football team, but it turned out that he was very nice guy.
“So are you planning on going to the homecoming dance?”
Lily took a sip of her vanilla shake. “Oh, I don’t know. I signed up to help decorate but..”
“I think you should go, it’s gonna be a blast.”
“I don’t know, I don’t have a date.”
Reggie shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll be your date.”
Lily nearly choked on her milkshake. “Y-You want to go with me?”
“Sure, I haven’t got a date. I think we’d have a good time.” Lily was entirely thrown off guard.
The bells on the front door jingled, in walked a group of leather-clad young men, led by Sweet Pea. She sunk a little in her seat, her eyes shifting around the room. She watched them pile into a corner booth on the opposite side of the restaurant. Sweet Pea’s dark eyes locked with hers.
“So whaddya say?” Her eyes snapped back to Reggie.
Sweet Pea was watching her, she could feel his eyes on her. She couldn’t let him know he made her nervous. She could hear Trish’s voice in her head. Make him realize what he’s missing. She reached across the table and placed her hand gently over Reggie’s and gave him a flirtatious grin.
“I think that would be lovely, Reggie.”
“Great, I’ll buy our tickets tomorrow!”
In the corner of her eye, she could see Sweet Pea’s eyes narrow and his jaw clench before he looked away from their table.
Lily: 1 Sweet Pea: 0.
“Hey Reggie, would you mind lending me some money for the jukebox?”
“Not at all, doll.” He reached into his pocket and dished out some coins to hand to Lily.
She smiled and thanked him then sauntered over to the jukebox located on the opposite side of Pop’s. She had taken a few more notes from Trish’s book and swayed her hips as she made her way through the restaurant, making a point of flipping her hair as she walked by the table of Serpents silencing the table as she passed by and rounded the corner to the jukebox. She began to shuffle through the songs when she felt someone move next to her.
“Hey blondie.”
Lily didn’t look up, she just kept flipping through the music library.
Sweet Pea sighed. “So are you ignoring me now?”
Lily raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t feel very good, does it?”
“Look, I’m sorry. If you let me explain-“
“Any idea as to what Reggie might like to hear?” Lily looked up to him with a forced look of curiosity on her face.
Sweet Pea couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her. “Okay Lily, you can quit the theatrical bit. You got my attention.”
“Theatrical bit?”
“I mean, you can’t seriously be interested in that meat head.” Sweet Pea nudged his thumb over to where Reggie sat eating his fries. “And the way you walked by me-”
“He’s actually quite lovely if you give him a chance, there’s more to him than meets the eye.” She had once thought the same to be true of Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea looked at her, dumbfounded. “Mantle? Reggie Mantle? The guy eats rocks.” He scoffed.
“And what makes you so special?”
Sweet Pea’s shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I don’t know. If I remember correctly, it wasn’t too long ago that you saw something in me that you liked.”
Lily threw some change into the jukebox and selected a song, “You Don’t Own Me” by Lesley Gore, before turning to look Sweet Pea in the eye. She hated how no matter how anger she felt toward him, the second she looked into his chocolate brown eyes, her heart would melt. A smirk crept up on Sweet Pea’s lips. Lily looked down to the floor and cleared her throat. “Well, I’m starting to think maybe I was blind. If you don’t mind, I’ve got a date to get back to. Goodbye, Sweet Pea.” She rushed by him before he could respond.
Sweet Pea let out a sigh and watched her blonde curls bounce with every step she took back to her booth. He shook his head. Why couldn’t he just let her go?
It was the week of the big homecoming game and dance. Lily and Reggie had been hanging out more often, they would usually go to Pop’s to grab a bite to eat and work on homework together. Lily thought Reggie was a very charming young man, he was handsome and a real gentleman. When Lily told her mother that she had a date to the homecoming dance, she was thrilled. She drove them right down to the town center to pick out the perfect dress. They settled on a pale pink tea length tulle dress with a satin sash across the waist that tied into a neat bow in the back. Her mother was of course far from fond of the strapless bodice and insisted she wear a sash to cover her shoulders. “We want you looking like a decent girl, unlike that redheaded girl you spend too much time with. She’s far too fast for that age.”
Trish was also ecstatic that Lily had found a date, she had their entire night planned out not even two minutes minutes after she told her on the phone.
“Okay, so first we have to go to the game to cheer on the boys. Then we have got to get our hair done together, I know just the place! Oh my goodness, Lil’ this is truly going to be a night to remember!” She really was happy to go. She liked Reggie, and it seemed like he liked her too. But there was something in the back of her mind that made it difficult to feel the full excitement Trish felt.
Suddenly, Lily heard a rapping at her window, she rose from her mountain of frills and walked to her window, stretching the coiled phone cord across the room. She pulled back her curtains and nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight of Sweet Pea on the other side of the glass.
“Trish, I’ll call you back later. I’ve got to help my mom with something.”
“Oh okay, well-“
Lily hung up the phone and went to open the window with wide eyes, and stepped back so the tall Serpent could enter. He somehow managed to fit his large frame through her window and stood against the wall.
At first she was infuriated, how dare he show up like this in the middle of the night.
“Sweet Pea, what on earth are you-“ Lily examined his appearance, he looked like hell. His forehead had a large gash on his brow, and he had a nasty black eye. She came closer to him, pulling his face down into her soft hands, examining the damage.
“What happened to you?”
“I was out running some errands with Fangs when these psycho Bulldogs came out of nowhere, tried to start shit with Fangs. So we got into it and then some kid came out with a gun, we had to get out of there. I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Was Archie there?”
Sweet Pea scoffed. “Andrews? Please. He’s too much of a candy ass to fight his own battles.”
He reached up to slick back his hair. “Fucking Bulldogs.” She wanted to ask if Reggie was there or not but then she noticed the gashes on his hands.
“Oh my goh! Look at your hands.” She gently took his fist in her hands, the knuckles were cut and swollen. “Let’s get you into the bathroom, you don’t want this to swell anymore or to get infected.”
“Princess, you don’t have to do that. I’ve survived a lot worse. You should see what the other guys look like.”
“Well I might not survive my mother if you get blood on this carpet.” She led him over to her private bathroom that branched off of her bedroom and instructed him to sit on the edge of the pink bathtub.
“I know I’ve got a first aid kit in here somewhere.” Sweet Pea watched Lily walk over to the bathroom closet and begin rummaging through it’s contents. He looked around the small bathroom, everything was pink and covered in frills and flowers just like her bedroom.
“Sorry, I didn’t know where else to go around here…and I’m real sorry I didn’t reach out to you before, I’d been dealing with a lot of-“
Lily poked her head out of the closet to look at him. “Serpent stuff? Otherwise known as you busy with your tongue down that girl’s throat? And lord knows where else…” She mumbled the last part.
Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow at her choice of words and shook his head. “I wasn’t doing anything with her, we were just hanging out.”
Lily gave him a pointed look. “With your arm around her?”
Sweet Pea sighed. “Look, I’m sorry I was avoiding you. I just-“
“You just what?”
Lily went over to kneel between Sweet Pea’s legs with a first aid kit in her hands. She took out some rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, and bandage wrap.
“I just got…scared?”
“You were avoiding me because you were scared?”
“I know it sounds lame, but…I’ve just never liked a girl as much as I like you.”
Lily dabbed some rubbing alcohol on one of the cotton swabs. “You could have called.”
“Yeah, well the phone works both ways toots.” Her eyes narrowed, she took the swab dipped in rubbing alcohol and ran it across his knuckles.
Sweet Pea winced at the sting. “God. You’re on a mean streak, blondie.”
“I don’t like to be made a fool of, Sweet Pea.” She set the cotton swab aside and began to bandage his fingers.
“I’ve gotta say, watching you knock out that girl at the bonfire was pretty hot.” He smirked.
A blush rose to her cheeks as she tightly wrapped the bandage around his fingers.
“There, you’re all fixed up.” She sat back with her legs tucked beneath her and started to put her things back into the tin box of the first aid kit. Sweet Pea looked down at her, she wore no makeup and her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. Lily sat there a second, looking into his dusky eyes before sitting up and bringing her lips closer to his, her eyes fluttered closed. Sweet Pea met her the rest of the way and captured her lips between his. He held her there like that for a moment before he pulled away, tucking a stray blonde curl hair behind her ear.
“You really hurt me, Sweet Pea. I thought that you liked me.”
“I’m sorry. I do like you.”
“I mean, come on. Me and you? We couldn’t be more different. I’m just some greaser from the wrong side of the tracks. But you’re this sweet, beautiful girl from the Northside. I mean seriously, you’re like an angel.”
Lily fiddled around with her necklace as she listened.
“I guess I just felt like you were too good for a guy like me. Figured it’d be best if I left you alone, let it fade out.”
“I don’t want you to leave me alone. And all of this Northside/Southside stuff? It doesn’t matter to me. I-I just want to be with you.”
Sweet Pea’s eyes softened, he swallowed hard. “And I guess I kind of messed that up, didn’t I?”
Lily paused, then shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t say that…”
His face lit up almost instantly. “So does that mean you’re gonna give me a second chance?”
Lily tried to keep her composure, but the corners of her mouth kept threatening to lift into a grin. “Maybe I am.”
Sweet Pea’s smile stretched from ear to ear. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
“Don’t give me a reason to.” Sweet Pea leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips.
Lily couldn’t fight the blush that rushed to her cheeks. “Alright, now that I’ve got you fixed up, you should probably go. It’s getting late and I have school tomorrow.”
“Well, uh. That’s the thing…”
“I have a feeling those creeps are still out there looking for me…Do you mind if I stay here tonight?”
Lily instantly shook her head at the suggestion.
“Noooooo way, my father would have a cow if he knew I had a boy in here. Never mind a Serpent!”
“Oh come on, Lily. I’ll be gone before the sun rises. I’ll be as quiet as a mouse, it’ll be like I’m not even here.”
“I don’t know…”
“Are you really gonna send me out there with a gun wielding maniac on the loose? That’s not very Christian of you.” He joked.
Lily shot him a glare. “Okay fine, you can stay here. But you cannot make a sound. My parents would have me sent to a convent if they knew about this.”
“I owe you big time. Hell I’ll even sleep right here in the bathtub.”
“You don’t need to sleep in the bathtub, you can have my bed.”
Lily got up off the floor and headed into her room where Sweet Pea followed. Lily locked the door and leaned up against it, gesturing to her mattress.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve done more than enough for me already. I’m not kicking you out of your own bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“Are you sure? That can’t be comfortable.”
“Trust me darlin’, I’ve slept on a lot worse.”
Sweet Pea stood in the middle of her room, taking in his surroundings. Lily found it both amusing and incredibly cute seeing the tall, dark serpent standing in a sea of pink flowers and ruffles. How on earth did this happen? Lily chewed on her lip.
“At least let me put down some blankets and pillows for you.” Sweet Pea glanced back at her and shrugged before he returned to his examination of Lily’s bedroom. She walked over to her closet and pulled out some extra blankets and pillows for him to use.
“I would offer you some clothes to sleep in, but something tells me we’re not the same size.”
Sweet Pea shrugged off his jacket and as he continued examining the room. He tossed it onto the pink velvet chair that was in front of the window.
“That’s alright, I’ll make due.” He walked by her shelf of Dance awards and trophies. He looked back at her, she was now sitting on her bed.
Lily shrugged. “I’ve done my fair share of competitions.”
“I guess so, huh?”
Next to the shelf, Lily’s homecoming dress hung from a coat hook in the wall. Sweet Pea reached out and fingered the fabric.
“What’s this for?”
Lily’s heart sank. Reggie. “That’s my dress for the homecoming dance.”
Sweet Pea looked at her. “Homecoming dance?”
She nodded her head. “It’s this Saturday.”
Sweet Pea snorted.“Let me guess, Mantle asked you to go with him?”
He shook his head. “I don’t trust that guy.”
Lily sighed. “He’s really nice to me.”
“That’s exactly why I don’t trust him.” Sweet Pea started to make his bed on the floor.
Lily crossed her arms. “I think you’re jealous.”
“Jealous? Don’t make me laugh, Lily. Guys like that aren’t just “nice” for the hell of it. He’s after something.”
“Reggie isn’t like that. He’s never been anything shy of a gentleman with me.”
“If he starts to get too handsy, you let me know.”
“I think I’ll be okay.”
Sweet Pea sat down on his makeshift bed, untied his boots and tossed them to the side. Lily watched as he reached back and pulled off his white tee in one swift motion, baring his strong chest.
“You’re catching flies, sugar.”
I can’t believe this is happening right now. She opened the drawer of her bedside table and took out her rosary beads and slid off the bed and onto her knees. It wasn’t every day that Lily had a half naked gang member in her bedroom. The least she could do was pray for forgiveness.
Sweet Pea knew the bulldogs most likely weren’t out looking for him anymore, he had just wanted to buy some more time with her. He watched her as she kneeled down to pray, she wore a white satin button down pajama top with a matching set of shorts that slid up a little higher when she sat with her legs tucked beneath her. She really looked like an angel, with her golden locks pulled back behind her shoulders. Tonight he was going to have to practice some serious self control, which was always a challenge with her around.
Lily quickly said her prayers before turning off the lamp on her bedside table and getting under the covers. She quietly whispered “Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
“Sweet dreams.”
She closed her eyes in hopes she would fall asleep. She could hear Sweet Pea rustling on the floor. Once she thought he was settled in and comfortable, he would shift again. She let out a sigh.
“Is everything alright?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Just having a tough time getting comfortable.”
Lily squeezed her eyes shut, she couldn’t believe the words that were about to escape her lips.
“If you want, you can sleep with me.”
Sweet Pea paused for a beat.
“I-I mean, you can sleep in my bed.”
Sweet Pea clicked his tongue. “Are you sure?”
“Y-yeah, it’s no big deal.”
She moved over to one side of her full sized bed, making room for Sweet Pea.
She felt the mattress shift when Sweet Pea got into her bed. She closed her eyes again, trying to relax herself, but her heart was beating like crazy.
“I don’t think the good pastor would approve of this sleeping arrangement.”
“Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
He let out a quiet chuckle. She could feel him breathing behind her, it sent small tingles up and down her spine. She felt the warmth of his body press against hers. She felt his arm drape over her waist. They lay like that for a few moments. Lily opened her eyes when she felt Sweet Pea’s lips dance along the side of her neck until her breathing became a bit heavy. He brought his hand up to her jaw, tipping her head back and kissing up her throat. Her body pushed back against his involuntarily, earning a small groan from Sweet Pea. He turned her face to him, her emerald eyes opened. God, he looked so irresistible. Sweet Pea leaned down to capture her lips between his, his hand coming up to caress her cheek. Lily sighed into the kiss. She had missed the way his full lips felt as they moved against hers. She felt his tongue glide over her bottom lip, she opened her mouth slightly, letting her tongue gently caress and tangle with his. Lily softly moaned. Sweet Pea’s heart dropped at the sound of her. He pulled back from the kiss, both of them were breathing heavily.
“Sweet Pea?”
“Touch me.”
Sweet Pea looked down at her and swallowed hard. Her face was flooded with a deep blush, her lips slightly parted, and her eyes yearning.
He pulled her hair back and began kissing her neck. He let his hand slowly drift from her cheek down to her arm. He pulled her closer to his body, his bare chest pressed against her back. His hand slid down her arm.
He whispered into the crook of her neck. “Show me where.” Lily let out a small sigh. He was driving her crazy, she couldn’t even think clearly. She had no idea what she was doing, she just knew she wanted more.
She covered his hand with hers and let them slide up the side of her stomach beneath her shirt until they reached her underside of her breast. Sweet Pea groaned into her neck. Her skin felt so unbelievably soft and smooth. Lily slowly brought their hands up higher until she felt his the rough skin of his palm cup her breast. Lily let out a small moan. She felt him suck on her skin, sending a tingle down between her thighs. Her heart was racing. She felt Sweet Pea’s hand make its way down her stomach until he reached the waistband of her silk bottoms, his fingers slipped just past the waistband. Lily froze up. “We should stop.”
Sweet Pea halted and kissed her temple. “Okay.” She did want him to do more, she really did. But something kept stopping her. He draped his arm around her waist once more and closed his eyes. They both lay there, letting their breath catch up with them. Lily turned to face him. She reached out and let her finger trace over the lines of his serpent tattoo on his neck. Sweet Pea half opened his eyes to look at her.
“You’re beautiful.”
Lily averted her eyes. “Thank you.”
“I mean it. You’re beautiful.”
Lily looked up to him for a moment before she let out a nervous laugh, shaking her head. Sweet Pea looked at her, perplexed.
“What’s so funny?”
Lily looked down, she was fidgeting with her gold cross. “I don’t know. It’s just… no one has ever said that to me before.”
“I find that hard to believe, darlin’.”
“I mean, people have called me beautiful before. Just…not the way that you do.”
Sweet Pea cocked his head at her. “And how do I say it?”
Lily paused for a second before she answered.
“Like you mean it.”
Sweet Pea lifted her chin up to look her in the eye. “That’s because I do mean it.” He gently pressed his lips to hers before he laid back down. Lily curled into his side, letting the sound of his breath evening out lull her to sleep.
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