#and yelled at by an old lady ❤️
whiskey-bumblebee · 1 year
made it to Paris. Overwhelmed with happiness.
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starkwlkr · 4 months
Hi Jen!!!❤️❤️❤️
I saw your requests were open so possibly, social media au or not, Cillian Murphy’s or Christopher Nolan’s daughter (either one would be fine, but I saw your imagine about Nolan!reader x Cillian so maybe Cillian would be better, either one is fine though) dating Charles Leclerc or lando Norris
(I don’t know if this has been done yet but it feels very random, but it I saw you wrote for F1 and Cillian so I just thought of that crossover. Couldn’t decide which driver I wanted to request for so I’ll leave it up to you between Charles and lando)
But if you do, then thank you!!!
my favorite nepo baby | lando norris
faceclaim saorsie ronan (don’t hate me, yes ik there’s more irish actresses but i love saoirse) also i love this request, mixing random fandoms is my favorite thing ever
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynfans and 56,377 others
danielricciardo happy birthday, lady bird
mclarentears WHAT
dannyric333 does daniel know everyone??
bottaszz you don’t understand THIS IS IMPORTANT TO ME
landonorris my favorite nepo baby
danielricciardo the nepo baby says thank you
landonorris tell the nepo baby to make an account
danielricciardo no - the nepo baby
landonorris i tried
vettelsbees this is my roman empire
view all 23,477 comments
summer break
Y/n Murphy only knew Daniel Ricciardo because he had friends everywhere. It was only a matter of time before the Irish actress met the famous honey badger. Soon, his friends became her friends and the whole friend group was hanging out everywhere.
One of their hang out spots was the F1 paddock. Daniel insisted for Y/n to come to his favorite race, the Austin Grand Prix. It was no secret that Daniel is secretly a Texan so he wanted his new friend to experience the Texas atmosphere.
“We need to get you some boots and maybe a longhorns jersey. You’ll look so cool, trust me.” Daniel said as him, Heidi and Y/n walked into the AlphaTauri garage.
“He’s going to convert you into a Texan.” Heidi whispered to Y/n.
“Can you imagine me going home to my father speaking with a texas accent? He’ll have a stroke!” Y/n laughed.
“I bet that by the end of the day, you’ll love texas as much as I do.” Daniel smirked. “Maybe you’ll find a country boy you can take home to your old man.”
“Oh god, he’s going to have more strokes, die then come back and have more strokes.”
“Well then I can get you a British boy that won’t make your old man die.”
Y/n knew who Daniel was referring to. On the day of her birthday, which was a few days ago, Daniel showed her the comments that Lando had left on his post.
‘my favorite nepo baby’
While she told everyone she didn’t have an Instagram account, she had a secret one that only had about twenty followers which were close family and friends. She used that account to look at Lando’s account. She was going to lie, he was attractive.
“Just make an instagram! That boy keeps messaging me about you.” Daniel pleaded.
“I don’t use social media, I tried and I didn’t like it.” What a lie.
“Okay well can you at least talk to him? Wait, I should go with you, he might be the one having a stroke.”
So while Heidi stayed back in the garage, Daniel accompanied Y/n to the Mclaren garage so Lando could finally meet his favorite nepo baby. Y/n started to feel nervous, why? She didn’t know, she hardly knew Lando apart from his instagram posts.
“Hey Landoooooo!” Daniel dragged out the o.
“Is that Daniel Ric—” Lando’s voice stopped when he noticed who was standing beside Daniel.
“Is he having a stroke? I can’t tell.” Daniel whispered to Y/n.
“Hi . . . You’re y/n. Wow.” Lando tried to play it cool. “I’m Lando, but I’m guessing you already knew that because of the giant Australian yelling my name. Thank you Daniel.”
“Glad I could be of service. I have to go get ready, but you two go ahead and talk. Y/n, I’ve been told the Mclaren garage is the best spot to watch a race so . . bye!”
And all thanks to Daniel Ricciardo and his match making skills, your dad, Cillian, didn’t have a stroke when he finally met Lando.
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pablitogavii · 6 months
Coming your way! <333
Good News
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It was a grueling couple of months for Pablo. You made sure to be besides him through all of it and show your support.
Oftentimes you couldn't do much about the pain but after the long physicals you would cuddle him and play with his hair while he sleeps on your chest.
You also tried to talk to him through more depressive steps where he would watch his old videos with teammates and reminisce of the times he played for Barça.
"I want to go back amor ... I'm lost without them ... and so tired" one night he cried after a very intnse physical feeling his whole body trembling from how much pain he had to push through.
"I know, cariño ...and you will just rest now" you reassured him while he kept swiping through pictures enjoying your hands in his hair.
Today was a talk with his doctors who will give him an approximate return date and Pablo was so nervous about it. It was scheduled for ten in the morning but he was already up at five twisting and turning in bed until you woke up as well.
"Pablo, it's not even morning ...go back to bed cariño porfa" I said and he pulled you closer starting to kiss all over your face not letting you sleep.
"I can't sleep amor ... I'm so anxious!!!" he whined and you giggled opening your eyes and pulling him into a kiss.
"Want me to make some breakfast then?" you ask and he holds you tight not letting you move away from him.
"I want you here with me ... just tell me everything will be fine porfa" he said twirling a piece of your hair around his fingers.
"Of course everything will be fine cariño ... you're recovering nicely and I'm sure it won't be too long until you return to the pitch" you said and he smiled praying to God you were right.
"Thank you, princesa ... what would have I done without you?" he said and you giggled kissing him.
"You wouldn't have anyone to torture at five in the morning!" you said and you both laughed while enjoying your time in bed.
When it was time to leave, Pablo's dad noticed his son's nervousness as he opened his car door.
"Did he sleep at all?" he asked you and you smiled saying he was just a bit anxious but will be better after the meet. You sat besides him holding his hand the whole ride.
Once arrived at the camp, there was a crowd all yelling "good luck Gavi!" while he nodded holding your hand tightly and limping inside carefully. There all his friends waited and gave him a reassuring hug before we were invite into the office with the doctors.
"Let's not crowd the room" the doctor said and you offered staying out but Gavi wouldn't let go of your hand now really starting to panic.
"Can she come inside with me, doctor?" he asked adorably and the older man smiled nodding his head and letting us both in followed by his father.
"First, I want you to know these are good news so don't be nervous" he started and Pablo finally relaxed. The doctor explained that his recovery is moving better than expected and that he will be ready for preseason maybe even earlier.
"So I might play Euros too?" Pablo was already ready to jump back in but doctor told him that would be a cardinal mistake.
"Cariño, remember we need to be patient" you say touching his cheek and he nods still a little disappointed but knowing this was all a blessing.
'You just keep listening to your lovely lady, and you will be back in no time kid" his dad says and Pablo kissed the top of your head lovingly while you smiled with red cheeks.
"I couldn't of done it without her ..." he said and everyone smiled at the two of you while you rested your head on his shoulder thanking God for there good news <333
Barcelona, Spain
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From being his biggest fan to being his girlfriend ... my champion is coming back in June and I am thanking God for such a blessing every day. Love you, cariño ❤️❤️❤️
pablogavi: i love you mi amor!!!❤️❤️❤️
pedri: welcome back brother!
ansufati: the best!!!
fcbarcelona: waiting for you with open arms gavi❤️
aurorapezg: her love healed him❤️
gavisfans: love them together! come back strong champion
I'm so happy to hear he's coming back stronger! ❤️❤️❤️
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Hearts on Edge
Request: Helloooo ❤️ I hope I can request a Bradley Bradshaw imagine where his girlfriend gets in a car accident while they are on the dagger mission. So he gets informed as soon as they land on deck and his world breaks apart. Mav and the others join him at the hospital while they wait for information. You're hurt serious and are still out while they wait but when you wake up it's all cute and everyone cares for you making sure you'll be back on your feet in no time 🙊
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Wolfe!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, inaccurate medical talk, car crash, pregnancy, birth
A/N: sorry it took so long to get out but here it is!
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Deployments were never easy for you. Whoever said they were had to be lying. This deployment was especially hard for you because you weren't allowed to know any details about what your boyfriend, Bradley Bradshaw, and his fellow squad members were doing. Even though it was a short one, it still wasn't easy. You were no stranger to the military, especially the Navy, it ran in your family you just never wanted to join. It also wasn't easy for Bradley to leave you not when you were getting sick every morning, randomly during the day, to certain smells, or having weird cravings at all hours of the night. Penny Benjamin was gracious enough to have given you a job while they were away and possibly forever.
Now the history of you and Bradley goes way back. You two had met when you were 8 years old when your father was stationed in Virginia and you and your family moved in next to Carole and Bradley. Your father, Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe, then went to Top Gun so Carole and your mother got along very quickly and you and Bradley became friends fast. When Carole got sick Bradley was with you most of the time. When she passed you two never lost contact and when Maverick pulled his papers he came to you upset and you comforted him. You both went to the same college and followed each other everywhere. You began dating your last year of college and have been together ever since. When Bradley started his Navy career you were with him and when he got called to Top Gun you went with him to San Diego, bought a house, and moved in. It just so happened that your father got a teaching position at Top Gun along with his pilot Rick "Hollywood" Neven after the mission and accepted it so he and your mom, Sage Wolfe who is a doctor and had accepted a position at the hospital, so they moved down to San Diego.
When you and Bradley arrived in San Diego you both went to The Hard Deck and you walked in hand and hand. You weren't much of a drinker and you had been feeling sick lately so you backed off the alcohol completely. "Bradshaw is that you?" Natasha, whom you had met on several occasions, yelled out and you told Bradley to go on while you got drinks.
"Well, I haven't seen you in a long time." A familiar voice said and you turned around and found Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell sitting there and you smiled.
"Maverick!" You said and hugged him. "How have you been?" You asked him.
"I've been good. What have you been up to?" He asked and you just smiled.
"I've been good. We've been good. Just moving wherever the Navy tells him to go." You said and then Penny came over.
"Y/N Y/M/N Wolfe, long time no see." She said and you smiled and you hugged her.
"Hey, Penny." You said.
"What can I get you?" She asked
"Michelob Ultra bottled and Ginger Ale." You said and she nodded. She handed them to you and you nodded to Maverick and set off towards Bradley.
He greeted you with a kiss on the lips and took the beer. "Thanks, Babe. No drinking for you?" He asked a little concerned. You shook your head.
"Haven't been feeling well." You said and nodded and kissed the side of your head.
"Rooster you gonna introduce us to your lady?" A man with a southern drawl asked you looked over and smirked and you rolled your eyes.
"His lady can introduce herself. I'm Y/N Wolfe." You said with a smirk and he dropped his smirk for one second.
"I'm Hangman but you can call me Jake." Jake said and you smiled and lifted your drink to him.
"I like her. I'm Fanboy but call me Mickey." Mickey said and then everyone else introduced themselves and you could tell you were going to be great friends.
The night went on and the bell rang twice and each time you looked over it was on Maverick. You just shook your head. When Bradley played the piano the one song you loved for him to play. The night ended and you went home.
While Bradley had been training you had been spending most of your day on the couch. Then you spend your nights at The Hard Deck helping Penny by bartending. She even offered you a job and you gladly expected.
Your mother had come over one day while Bradley was training. She walked in on you throwing up in the guest bathroom. "Oh baby." She said sympathetically she said and you gagged.
"Momma." You moaned out as you had tears streaming down your face. You leaned back into her.
"Come on. Let's get you up." She said and helped you up. "How long has this been going on?" She asked going into doctor mode.
"2 months." You said as you settled onto the couch and she went and got some water for you.
"Have you been late?" She asked and you nodded.
"I thought it was just stress from him deploying and moving." You said as you took a drink of water.
"Have you told Bradley?" She asked and you shook your head.
"He knew I had been sick and he has just been so stressed out lately with training. I don't think I'm pregnant momma." You said
"It doesn't hurt to check." She said and you nodded.
"I'll make an appointment in a few days." You said and she nodded.
When Bradley had come in one day saying to get ready for the beach you were confused. "Why?" You had asked him.
"Maverick is making us do a team bonding exercise and I want you there with me. I also want to show you off." He said coming up kissing your neck and you smiled.
"Of course Babe." You said and got ready for the beach. You didn't want to put on a swimsuit because nothing fit right and you were a little bloated, although you never brought this up to Bradley but he could probably see it, so you settled for a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. You both headed to the beach.
When you got there you went to join Penny on the back deck. You greeted her and she greeted you back and then stopped and looked at you. "You're glowing." She said and you looked at her confused. "You look exactly how I looked when I was pregnant with Amelia." She said and you shook your head.
"I'm not pregnant." You said and looked down. She just hmmed and continued to do what she was doing beforehand. You watched your boyfriend flex and have a great time and you smiled.
About an hour into being at the beach, he and Maverick came over to you and Penny and Bradley kissed you hard. Penny just smiled. "Bradley you're gross." You said as he tried to hug and you scrunched up your nose in playful disgust.
"Well, I guess you better come with me down to the ocean and help me clean off." He said playfully.
"No no. Don't you dare." You said as he gently picked you up and took off with you shrieking.
"She's glowing isn't she?" Maverick asked Penny and she nodded. "Carole looked that way when she was pregnant with Bradley." He said and then just stared at the two of you. You both reminded him of Carole and Goose.
"She swears she's not pregnant." Penny said while looking up at Maverick. He smirked and shook his head.
"Oh yea she's pregnant. Just won't admit it because she's too stubborn like her father." He said with a smirk and a chuckle.
"Ain't that the truth." She said and smirked back along with a chuckle.
You had not been able to make an appointment because each time you tried something had come up. One thing is Ice's funeral. You were crushed. He was like an uncle to you.
Then they were getting ready to be shipped off to do this special mission. You had been with Bradley at the dock giving him a tearful goodbye. "I'm gonna miss you." You said into his neck.
"I'm gonna miss you too, Babe." He said hugging you back. "You have people that you can go to if you need any help." He said breaking the hug and kissing you and you kissed back.
"You be safe and get back to me." You said and he nodded.
"Yes ma'am." He replied with a chuckle and he was giving you another kiss. He then turned and gave your parents a hug and a handshake and then he was headed off. You watched as the aircraft carrier sailed out and you continued standing there until it was out of view. Your parents came up to you and your dad threw an arm around your shoulders and your mom held your hand. They took you away from the dock.
"He's going to be fine, Sweetheart." Your dad said and kissed the side of your head and you nodded. You already missed Bradley.
They had gotten you home and you immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up. Both Wolfman and Sage looked at each other and waited for you to come out and when you didn't your father went to you. "Sweetheart." He said and held your hair. "Let it all out it's ok." He said and by that point, you were dry heaving. You blindly flushed the toilet, stood up with his help, rinsed out your mouth, and walked out.
"Have you gotten an appointment yet?" Your mother asked and you shook your head.
"We've been so stressed out. Then Ice died and it's just been hectic." You said and they nodded understanding. "I'll call right now." You said and they nodded you got your phone out and were about to dial the phone number for the doctor's office but you then realized you didn't have anything set up. "Although I don't have any doctor's office set up or OB-GYN." You said almost panicking. Your parents could see a panic attack coming on.
"Hey hey hey. I'll call them you just calm down." Your mom said and took your phone while your dad helped you to the ground and held you.
"You're ok, Sweetheart." He said and you cried into his shoulder. "This baby is gonna be one spoiled little boy." He said and you looked up at him.
"Boy?" You asked sniffling.
"I have a feeling." He said and kissed the side of your forehead. Your mom walked back in and sat down on the floor with you.
"They can get you in Friday of next week at 3 PM." She said and you nodded and she hugged you.
"That's when Bradley is due home." You said and they nodded.
"It'll be a nice surprise." Your mom said. You guys stayed on the floor for most of the night until you confirmed that they could leave and you would be fine.
Friday 3 PM rolled around quicker than you thought and the next thing you knew you were at your appointment. You went by yourself just because you didn't want to inconvenience anyone, even though they would say they wouldn't mind. You waited in the waiting room leg bouncing nervously. "Ms. Wolfe?" The nurse said and you stood up and she smiled at you "How are you doing today?" She asked and you took a minute to answer.
"Nervous." You said and she smiled
"Very understandable." She said as she took your vitals, height, and weight. She led you into a room "Dr. Baxter will be in with you momentarily." She said and you nodded and she walked out of the room.
20 minutes later Dr. Baxter walked in and she smiled at you "Good afternoon Ms. Wolfe." She said and you smiled.
"Please call me Y/N." You said she nodded
"So you think you may be pregnant?" She asked looking at her notes and you nodded.
"Yes. I've been have been throwing up every morning and sometimes throughout the day. I'm also getting sick to certain smells and having weird cravings." You said and she nodded writing down what she needed.
"How long has this been going on?" She asked
"2 months but I thought it was just from stress. My boyfriend is a Naval aviator and gets deployed frequently and currently on a deployment now." You said and she nodded.
"Totally understandable. I want to run some blood work and then an ultrasound." She said and you nodded.
"Whatever needs to be done I'm good with it." You said and she smiled.
"I'll have a nurse come in and draw your blood and send it down to the labs." Dr. Braxton said and left the room. Oh you wished Bradley, mom, or dad were here but they were all busy or so you thought and Bradley was gone. A nurse came in and introduced herself and could see you were nervous and while she was drawing it she talked you all the way through it, which helped.
You waited for another 10 minutes and Dr. Baxter came in smiling. "I want to congratulate you on your pregnancy. We'll do an ultrasound now." She said and you smiled. You couldn't believe it you were going to be a mother and Bradley was going to be a father. You did the ultrasound and got a picture. You then left the office smiling.
You got into your car and turned it on and started to drive off and immediately called her parents who were at home since her mom just got off of work.
"Hello Grandma and Grandpa." You said and waited for their reaction.
"What?!" Your parents said at the same time.
"Oh! Honey! This is great!" Your mother exclaimed
"We're so happy for you!" Your father said "Where are you now?" He asked.
"Close to The Hard Deck. I'm gonna tell Penny since she is my boss." You said
"You be safe, Sweetheart." Your dad said
"We love you!" Your mother added
"Love you guys too!" You said and then hung up.
You got to The Hard Deck, parked your car turned the car off, walked in, and greeted Penny as you put your purse behind the counter.
"I have some news." You said smirking and she looked at you.
"No. Are you pregnant?" She asked a smile breaking onto her face and you nodded.
"Yup. 2 months." You said and she squealed.
"I'm so happy for you and Bradley!" She said "If you need any time off, tell me. If you need to take a break and sit, tell me." She said and you nodded. The rest of the night went smoothly you were on could 9 so happy to start a family with a man you love. You weren't supposed to be working but saw Penny was busy and decided to help.
You bid Penny a goodnight at 6 PM. You were halfway home to get ready to pick up Bradley at 8 PM when you forgot your purse. You cursed and turned around and headed back to The Hard Deck.
You were stopped at a stop light heading back to The Hard Deck to retrieve your purse. Then all of a sudden you felt your car lunge forward making your head hit the steering wheel, everything sounded like it was underwater. The person who had hit you was a teenager who was texting on their phone and wasn't paying attention or saw the stoplight and had rear-ended you. You tried to stop it but they just kept going and pushed you into the intersection as the other light had turned green. Another car had t-boned you and had pushed you to the other side of the intersection right into a telephone pole and over the guardrail turning the car on its side.
You hit your head on the steering wheel for the second time as you were flipped over the guardrail. Glass was everywhere you had blood running down your face. Your seatbelt had dug into your skin and then there was a piece of glass that found itself lodged into your ribs and punctured your lung. The windshield had shattered and a tree branch found its way into your lower stomach puncturing a kidney. Your hands immediately shot to your stomach and you were glad to find nothing had impaled you.
The car was totaled and you were hurt. You just wanted Bradley, your mom, and your dad. Then you started to panic, your parents. You tried to move but the pain spread throughout your body and it became so much that you blacked out. Your airbags deployed and it hit you in the chest and face.
The pain was becoming too much and you were starting to lose consciousness and fast. You didn't like that one bit. You couldn't move. People were shouting and asking if you were ok but you couldn't answer them. You couldn't see anyone until an older man came into view. You could hear sirens but you couldn't really pay attention to them.
"Ma'am, are you ok?" He asked but it sounded like you were underwater. Were you underwater? You began to wonder. You tried to answer but you had already let your tired eyes slip shut. You couldn't breathe why couldn't you breathe?
You heard shouting but you couldn't be bothered to listen or make out what they were saying. You heard metal cutting and felt heat but you didn't know what from. You're eyes betrayed you when you tried to open them.
"Ma'am?" That same voice asked again and you cracked your eyes open just enough. "Hey there." He said "We're going to get you out. Ok?" He said and you tried to nod your head but it was just pain and you whimpered out. "Hey don't try to move. Can you talk?" He asked.
"Yes." You said even though it was hoarse.
"What's your name?" He asked
"Y/N Wolfe." You said even tho it was slurred.
"Hi Y/N. I'm Max paramedic. We're working to get you out of there." He said as the door was lifted.
"Pregnant." You slurred closing your eyes.
"Hey don't close your eyes. How far along are you?" He asked as you cracked your eyes open.
"2 months. Just found out." You said having trouble breathing. He nodded as you blinked slowly.
"We're going to move you now ok?" Max asked and you didn't say anything. You had fallen unfocused until you felt yourself being moved.
You didn't make a sound and that worried them. You were moved onto a gurney and loaded up you heard some talking. "Y/N, I'm Jason. We're going to get you to the hospital and taken care of. I hear you're pregnant." He said and you knew they were just trying to keep you awake but it was failing and quickly.
Sage and Wolfman were sitting on their couch reveling in the best news one's parents could get, they were going to be grandparents. They were talking about names that Bradley and you would make. They had taken bets on whether it was going to be a boy or a girl but they would have to wait just a little bit long to find out.
"I can't believe we're going to be grandparents." Your mother kept saying she was just so excited.
"I know! I can't wait to meet the little bundle of energy." Your father said just as his phone rang. He answered it with a smile.
"Hello?" He asked
"Is this Admiral Leonard Wolfe?" A woman asked
"This is he." He said
"A Y/N Wolfe was just brought in due to an accident. We tried to reach Lt. Bradley Bradshaw but were unable to get ahold of him." She said his smile dropped and his wife noticed.
"He's on a deployment right now but is due back tonight." He said "We'll be there in just a few." He said
"We'll give you more information when you get here." She said
"Thank you." He said and then hung up.
Leonard turned to his wife "Y/N/N has been in an accident." He said and his wife broke down.
"No. You're lying." She said tears threatening to fall.
"I wish I was." He said and hugged Sage.
"Did they release any details?" She asked and he shook his head.
"No." He said "Bradley is going to be expecting her to pick him up." He continued.
"We'll go to the hospital. Can you call Cyclone?" Sage said and he nodded and they did just that.
You were floating, or you seemed like you were. You were on a beach, wait why were you there? You were in the back of an ambulance, right? You were confused. You were just about to forget about it when you saw Carole.
"Carole?" You called out and she turned around.
"Y/N!" She yelled out cheerily and then a man turned around and you recognized him as Goose.
"Goose?" You asked and he smiled they walked up to you.
"Hey, Pup." He said, he had given you that nickname when he found out Wolman had a kid, it just made sense. You met him when families were allowed to visit at Top Gun.
"Am I dead?" You asked and they shook their head.
"No, Pup. You just needed a little break for a bit." Goose said
"You're glowing." Carole said and then she gasped. "Are you pregnant?" She asked happily.
"Yes. 2 months along." You said happily and put your hands on your stomach and you were surprised when you felt the bump. That was the first time you actually felt it.
"Can I?" Carole asked and you knew she wanted to touch your belly, you nodded and you let her and she smiled. "This is so wonderful." Then pulled away when Goose started to speak.
"Finally! Bradley is going to be a father! We're going to be grandparents!" Goose said "About time he found the right one. I can't wait until he proposes." He said and then Carole hit him and he let out an 'ooof'. You wondered what they knew.
"GOOSE!" Caorle shouted and you smiled. Bradley definitely got his looks from his father.
"Your little boy is going to be one spoiled boy." Goose said and you raised an eyebrow and Carole hit Goose again this time in the stomach and he let out another 'ooof'.
"NICHOLAS BRADSHAW!" Carole said and you laughed. They must know something. She then turned to you. "How is Bradley?" She asked.
"He's good. He doesn't know yet. I just found out myself and you rubbed your hand over your belly and smiled looking out over the horizon. "I can't wait to marry him." You sighed out with a smile and they smiled with you.
"As much as we would love for you to stay here. You must go back and raise this baby and be happy with Bradley." Carole said and Goose nodded.
"You should totally name the kid Goose or Nick." Goose said and Carole just sighed and shook her head. "We really do love you kids. But you can't stay." He said being serious.
"We love you too." You said
"Tell Maverick to stop blaming himself." Goose said and you nodded you knew the story and what happened.
They began to fade out and you began hearing beeping "Remember to always love each other and don't go to bed angry." Carole said.
"Say hi to Bradley and Maverick for us. We love you both." Goose said and then they were gone.
Cyclone had just gotten off the phone with Wolfman since he could do that. He looked at Warlock and he had a grim look on his face. "We need to go and get Lt. Bradshaw. Also, get a helicopter ready." Cyclone said and he nodded. They had just crash-landed and were celebrating and they were about to turn his world upside down.
So they walked down to the deck and walked through the crowd and got his attention which got everyone's attention. "Lt. Bradshaw." Cyclone said and he turned to look at the man who wore and grim look on his face even more grim than his normal one.
"Sir?" He asked
"It's about Y/N." Cyclone said and Bradley's face paled.
"What about her?" Maverick asked having heard the conversation and saw the look on Bradley's face.
"She's been in a car accident. We have a helicopter ready to go." Warlock said and he nodded and followed but stopped. Everyone had heard and they were just as devastated.
"Go. We'll meet you there. I'll grab your stuff." Hangman said and he nodded and headed off.
When they got to the hospital they were greeted by Lenorad and Sage. They were just as upset as Bradley was. "Did they tell you what happened?" Bradley asked.
"No they just said that she was in a car accident and in surgery." Sage said and he nodded and sat down next to them.
They waited in silence for who knows how long. The others had arrived back on land as scheduled and rushed to the hospital to be with their squad companion. Maverick was the first one to speak.
"Wolfman, anything?" He asked and he just shook his head.
"No. All we know was she was in a car accident." He said and they nodded. Your parents decided not to say anything about the baby, they figured that it was your news to tell.
4 hrs later a doctor came out and over to them. Normally they would call out a name but not this time since they recognized Sage. They all looked up at the doctor.
"How is she?" Bradley asked being the concerned boyfriend.
"She was rear-ended and then t-boned. The t-bone car pushed her over to the other side of the intersection and over a guardrail. She hit her head twice and had a tree branch in her kidney, which we removed she also had a piece of glass puncturing her lung and we repaired it. We expect her to make a full recovery in 6-8 weeks. They're both doing ok." Dr. Xavier said
"Both?" Bradley asked shocked and so was everyone else.
"Yes, both. Ms. Wolfe is two months pregnant." He said and looked at Bradley "I take it you didn't know?" He asked and he shook his head.
"I had my suspension but we never confirmed it." He said and then looked at her parents.
"She found out today and called us. She was going to tell you but you weren't back yet." Wolfman said and Bradley broke down in tears and Maverick patted him on the back.
"Congratulations kid. Your parents would be proud." Maverick said and then brought him into a hug.
"She's in recovery now but I suspect her to make a full one. You're welcome to see her but don't overwhelm her. Room 237." Dr. Xavier said and they nodded and he left. They sat there until Jake, of all people, spoke up.
"Bradley, Wolfman, and Sage should go first and see her." He said and everyone agreed. She they all three got up and walked to your room. When they got there they saw you hooked up to wires and IVs running out of both arms and they had a device around your stomach, a baby heart monitor. They walked in and when Bradley heard his child's heartbeat he broke down crying again. They walked in and sat down waiting for you to wake up.
30 minutes or what felt like forever to you. You woke up to multiple beepings and something warm in your hand. You slowly blinked your eyes open and turned your head and saw Bradley there. "Bradley?" You asked sleepy.
"Baby? You're awake." He said and that alerted your parents.
"Hey, Sweetheart." Your dad said with a smile "You're mother went down to the cafeteria but will be back soon." He said and you nodded.
"Baby?" You asked eyes fluttering closed and brought your hand to your stomach.
"Perfectly healthy." Bradley said smiling and you opened your eyes again.
"Was gonna tell you." You said and smiled as he smiled back.
"Oh Babe. It's ok. I'm just glad we know now." He said
"I'm gonna go and get a nurse and call your mom." Your dad said and you nodded now more awake.
"I saw your mom and dad." You said to Bradley and he looked shocked.
"Really?" He asked and you nodded.
"Your dad asked us to name our kid after him." You said with a chuckle. "He says it's a boy and Dad thinks so too." You finished.
Bradley chuckled "What do you think it is?" He asked you.
"Boy. You?" You asked
"Girl." He said and you looked at him. "So I can have two important girls in my life and she's going to look like you." He said and rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb that he was holding.
He leaned over and kissed your lips which you gladly returned. You broke apart when your doctor came in with your parents. He talked to you about your injuries and recovery and then he went on his way. Throughout the night there were nurses in and out checking on you and the baby.
Everyone came and saw and congratulated you. You missed them so much and they missed you. They couldn't wait for the little bundle of joy to be born. Penny came as well and she brought your purse with her where you told Bradley to look through it and found the ultrasound and again started crying.
"Oh Maverick?" You said and he nodded.
"Goose and Carole say hi and he says to stop blaming yourself." You said and he burst out in tears. Oh how he wished that Goose was there now.
A week later you were released and you were glad about that. Bradley was nonstop fussing over you and you had no problem with that. The Daggers had officially become a squadron and your dad had started his teaching position.
When 3 months of your pregnancy came around you were able to find out the sex of the baby. You and Bradley were on the way to the appointment with him driving. He held your hand over the console the entire way. You were 2 weeks into your recovery and you had started working again but took it very easy, besides Penny would throw a fit if you did too much.
"I'm really hoping for a boy." You said and Bradley looked at you while stopped at a red light.
"Why is that?" He asked amused turning his attention back to the road.
"A mini-you running around." You said and smiled at him.
"Well, what about a mini-you?" He asked and you laughed.
"You don't want a mini-me running around. Either way, I'll love them anyways." You said and Bradley frowned which you didn't see. He didn't know why you always put yourself down and he hated it. It was silent the rest if the way.
When you got there. He parked the car and you both got out. Since your bump had popped he was more tentative to you as were the rest of The Daggers. If Bradley couldn't be with you then it was one of them. Surprisingly Jake was the one that stepped up the most.
You both walked into the building and got checked in and in turn, you two were sat in the waiting room. 10 minutes later you were called back. Bradley stood up and helped you up and you walked back to the examining room. "If they are a girl what name do you have picked out?" You asked Bradley and he thought about it.
"Lena Marie Bradshaw. You?" He asked turning his attention to you.
"Oh I like that name. Aliyah Samantha Bradshaw." You said and before you asked about the boy name Dr. Braxton came in.
"Good morning. I see that you're recovering from an accident." She said and you nodded.
"Yea that's right. Gave us all a scare." You said and she nodded and turned to Bradley.
"I'm Dr. Braxton and you must be Bradley the father." She said and he nodded his head "Shall we get started?" She asked and you nothing nodded. Bradley helped you lay down which you grimaced in pain. Dr. Braxton smiled sympathetically. You lifted your shirt and she spread the gel on your belly which you shivered at. "Sorry." She said and you waved her off "She right here in the little bundle." She said and pointed to the screen. "Do you want to hear the heartbeat?" She asked you both nodded and she played the sound and it was the most delightful sound to be heard. You both cried. "Would you like to find out the sex?" She asked you both nodded. She moved the wand and stopped "Well it looks like he is a very confident boy." She said and you both smiled. A little Bradley. You got the ultrasound pictures.
Your appointment wrapped up and you were on the way home. "Do you think we should have a cookout and announce it?" You asked him and he was all for it.
"Absolutely!" He said and it was set.
Everyone had agreed to come to the cookout and it went well very well. Hotdogs and burgers were served as well as snack foods. When it was closer to dessert time that is when you decided to make the announcement. Everyone was outside sitting around a bonfire.
"Everyone we would like the make an announcement." Bradley said and stood up and so did you with the help of him and Maverick.
"We're expecting a little boy." You said and everyone cheered, your dad cheered the loudest.
"I told you!" He said and you all laughed. You all enjoyed the rest of the night. When it was getting late you bid everyone a good night cleaned up and went to bed.
"You never did tell me the name you picked out for the boy." He said and you just smiled.
"You'll find out when he comes." You said and just grinned.
"Good thing I love you." He said and kissed you and you both went to sleep.
During your time of recovery and your pregnancy, Bradley has been a godsend. Anything you needed he was there getting it for you.
"Baby?" You asked one night at 3 AM after first he didn't answer but after shaking him he woke up.
"Yea? Are you ok? Did you water break?" He rambled on.
"I'm ok and no my water didn't break. I need to pee and I can't get up because I'm 6 months pregnant. I also want beef jerky with pickles." You whined out trying to sit up and failing and now crying. Bradley was up and awake in a instant.
"Hey don't cry. I'll help you get up and use the bathroom and then we'll go to the kitchen alright?" He asked and nodded. So he helped you get up and into the conjoined bathroom and once you were done there, you both headed to the kitchen.
He got you what you wanted and grimaced while you ate it. Ever since you learned that you were having a boy your cravings had gone weird. Especially to what boys tend to eat and craved.
He led you both to the living room and sat down on the couch as you ate and watched some boring TV show. When a commercial came on that involved animals, you just started balling, and then after you cried and had your feel you fell asleep on Bradley and that's how your parents found you when they came to check on you in the morning.
While you were off work every member of The Dagger Squad took turns watching you and sometimes teamed up. Each of them loved it and you.
Jake always got a kick out of it but quickly lost his smirk when you went into a hormonal rage on him and backed him into a wall but afterward, you cried, you told him how sorry you were and he just held you when you cried. He came with backup the next time it was his turn to help you usually both Javy and Mickey. He would never admit it but he actually became a little scared of you.
Your hormonal rage was absolutely terrifying once you were at the base meeting Bradley there and Cyclone had said something that rubbed you the wrong way. You chewed him out worse than any Admiral that he had and also backed him up into the wall. He was literally shaking and sputtering out apologies, it took Bradley and Jake to pull you off of him and he looked petrified. He also became scared of you that day afterwards when you gave birth. Everyone made fun with it saying "Don't make me get Y/N here." His eyes would go wide and would shake his head no.
Bob and Nat acted like they were your butler waiting on you hand and foot and you felt guilty. Each time you tried to do something they would make you sit and not make you lift a finger. You cried at how helpful they were and how grateful you were for them.
Maverick and Penny always came together and they worked well as a team. They also didn't crowd you and let you do things on your own. Penny was a huge help especially since she was pregnant. Maverick was just happy Goose was getting a grandson and wished he was here.
Your mother and father were over when nobody else could come. They loved you dearly and the baby. Your mother was a great help as well and you were grateful for that. They helped you move stuff and unpack some baby things that you told them that you wanted done.
By the time you were due to give birth, you were fully healed. Your water broke during the night, which woke you up with a start. "Bradley." You said and he didn't wake up. "Bradley." You said louder. Again nothing and finally you just yelled his name "Bradley!" You yelled and he sat up.
"I'm up. I'm up." He said and looked over at you.
"My water broke." You said and that snapped him awake. He got out of bed in a rush and started to run around and then came to you.
"Ok. Let's go." He said and off you went. You called the hospital and they called Dr. Braxton and she was going to meet you there.
When you arrived at the hospital they rushed you to Labor and Delivery. They got you set up and Bradley made some calls. Your mom and dad were the first to arrive and then all of The Dagger Squad and they brought a lot of gifts.
10 hrs is how long it took for you to be 10 cm dilated but once you were it was game on. "Ok next contraction. I want you to push." When it came you did just that. After 5 minutes of doing that over and over again and cursing out Bradley your little boy came screaming into the world. Bradley cut the cord while crying.
"You did great Babe." You said and kissed your head you were exhausted and sweaty. They placed him on your chest.
"He looks like you Bradley." You said and he chuckled.
"He looks like you too." He said and you smiled.
"What's his name going to be?" The nurse asked you just smiled.
Once cleaned up you welcomed guests. Your parents were the first ones to hold him and they were both crying. "What's his name?" Maverick asked and you smiled.
"Everyone meet, Thomas Nickolas Bradshaw." You said and Bradley stared at you in shock. He knew the first name but not his middle name. You had whispered it to the nurse.
"We also want to name Maverick and Penny as his godfather and godmother." Bradley said and Maverick teared up.
"We would be honored." He said and hugged the both of you and so did Penny.
Nothing could take this away from you not then and not now. You were glad you survived that crash. Bradley couldn't believe he had gotten so lucky but he was glad. You and Thomas were the best things that had happened to him and he was going to hold on as long as he could.
Carole and Goose were smiling down at their son and his girlfriend and now their grandson. "I told you it was going to be a boy." Goose said and Carole rolled her eyes.
"I knew the entire time. You weren't supposed to say anything." She said
"He's perfect. Definitely a good mix of them." He said and she nodded.
"Definitely." She said, "I can't wait to watch him grow up." She said even though she already saw his future.
"Wait until Ice hears that they named Thomas after him. I'm just glad they named him after me too." He said and again she rolled her eyes.
"You and I both knew they were going to do that." She said and he laughed and nodded.
"That I did." He said "That I did." He repeated.
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lesbianoms · 3 days
Middle-aged woman who's had a few kids in her time, misses having a tummy but obviously isn't going to get pregnant again. SO she squares the circle by keeping you in her belly so she can look cute while in the mirror and wear her old maternity clothes~
YES!!! 😵‍💫 This is hot. My entire purpose in life is to fulfill her rapidly swelling ego… almost as swollen as I’m gonna make her belly be~
I think it’s even better if I’m a bit unwilling at first. She swallows me up while I’m begging her to let me go, while I’m pleading for my own autonomy, trying my damndest to convince her that she shouldn’t do this to me, that I have my own life I wanna live-
All casually dismissed with one final, thick, slimy gulp as I slowly descend down as a bulge on her throat, destined to live out the rest of my days as a twitching, wriggling bulge in her tight belly 🥵
The fabric stretches thin over me as she huffs and pats her stomach, posing in the mirror, admiring my new trapped form. I can whimper and yell all I like but nobody can hear me except for her. She rubs me possessively, saying how I look better this way.
She has to lie to her husband. Tells him that she’d been keeping their next child a secret from him. And eventually he’ll find out the truth, but who cares? What’s done is done. Maybe he even gets a bit jealous at night when his wife is lying in bed, soothing me, running her fingers across the outside of my home, whispering reassuring words and phrases to me…
“You’ve made mama’s belly so big, hon… you look so cute on me, just resting in there 💕 you’re so hot as a big bulge in my tummy”
Honestly the idea of a jealous husband in this scenario makes me go crazy it’s just so soooo good on so many levels ❤️
Eventually I settle down in there. Unable to escape my fate as food, as fodder for my pred lady’s appearance. I’m still alive in there but nobody ever hears from me again…. hmmm… what a wonderful ending to my story~
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bb-eilish · 2 years
Such a Brat -2-
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pairing; Student!Soobin x Fem!Reader x Student!Yeonjun
warnings; cunnilingus, blowjob, public oral, somnophilia, jealousy, subtle rivalry, love triangle, threesome, kissing, dirty talk, degradation, hard dom!soobin, hard dom! yeonjun, sub! reader, subspace, sneaking around, anal, creampie, double penetration, reader zones out at the end, blackmail, cum eating, unprotected sex, multiple smut scenes, nipple play, spit roast.
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“Are you good?” You hear from across the table. You probably could’ve played this off better to be honest. Eating quietly and eyeing your bowl wasn’t the smartest idea.
Clearing your throat you say, “Yea i’m just tired, I fell asleep earlier” You hope they don’t prod anymore as you try and look more interested in the conversation. You make eye contact with Soobin but break it quickly, his stare makes you squirm.
“Right, well the market was fun. An old lady hit on Yeonjun” Beomgyu giggles, pulling some noodles out of his bowl.
“She wasn’t old, just…middle aged thank you very much”. You giggle at his weak defense, slurping your noodles after. “Don’t be mad you don’t get any” Yeonjun pokes, Beomgyu places a hand over his chest in faux offense and gapes at him. “How dare you, your mom and I are doing great actually”
Kai is the first to laugh as he tips his head back, you shoot a hand over your mouth and cackle. Taehyun and Soobin lean back and excitedly clap their hands while laughing. Yeonjun can barely control his own laughter and Beomgyu looks proud.
The guys and you finish up the last of your food and throw out the empty containers. “Thank you for dinner, whoever payed for this” You yell while splaying out on the couch.
“You’re welcome” A flirty tune comes from Yeonjun, the warmth that spreads to your face is uncontrollable and you know if Soobin saw he’d probably be pissed. Too bad he’s unbelievably attractive while mad…..
Soobin stirs in his bed, memories of earlier not going anywhere. The way you looked on your knees with your mouth full, spit dripping as well as your tears, pitiful look on your face—intoxicating.
He reaches for the phone charging under his pillow and pulls it out to check the time.
3:27 AM
He holds in the groan at the tip of his tongue and shimmies out of his bed quietly, cursing the creaking wood planks under him. Their door is already open, as well as yours. The tv light from your open door leaks into the hallway as he steps closer.
He can faintly see you due to the shear curtains lining the posts. Making his way to the end of the bed where the curtains were still tied, he gazes at you. Closing his eyes before shaking his head he crawls on the furniture—careful to not startle you awake.
You’re thankfully laid on your back already, the faint light of the tv shows the marks on your collarbones he left. He drops his head, briefly, at the sight before snatching the end of the blanket, dragging it down your body and inhaling when he sees you fully, a large t-shirt and panties seem to be the only thing you’re wearing. The shirt is pushed upward and the waistband of your panties catches his attention immediately.
He nibbles at his bottom lip and tentatively reaches out, his fingers skim the material and your warm skin. He’s hesitant but hooks a finger into it, taking a moment to look at your face before hooking another finger on the other side and slowly dragging down the clothing. Your hands jerks and it almost makes him jump, but he keeps going until he flings your panties onto the floor; just like he did hours ago.
Spreading your legs he eyes your cunt as he licks his lips, getting into a comfortable position on his stomach. His hands find the skin of your legs and prop them over his clothed shoulders before making a peace sign with his fingers and spreading you out.
Soobin can’t suppress the groan before he almost harshly runs his tongue over your opening, you jolt in your sleep but settle quickly. He doesn’t falter as his tongue meets your clit and envelopes it in his mouth, sucking is gently at first. Fingers grip into your thigh as he closes his eyes, maneuvering his tongue in different shapes and patterns against you.
Your thighs tense as your back arches, “S-Soobin..?” A quiet, breathy, whine leaves your slightly chapped lips. He groans into you and it causes your thighs to almost shut around his head.
Opening his eyes he looks up at you, “I knew you’d taste good, baby. My girl has such a perfect cunt” Before diving back down again and shoving his tongue into your clenching hole. Your hands grip the sheets besides you and your hips roll into his warm mouth.
“Soobin—fuck” You moan a little too loud.
“Baby, you’re gonna have to be quiet for me. You don’t want me to stop, right?”
You pout and shake your head.
“Good girl”
He tongues your insides again and you bite your lip trying to remain quiet, the drag of his muscle against you has fireworks going off behind your closed eyelids. He switches to your clit and firmly sucks it into his mouth.
Heat blooms in your abdomen quickly and you’re suddenly very aware of how close you are.
You slap a hand over your mouth and mutter, “Soobin, i’m so close”. Panting hotly, you gasp when a hand trails up your stomach and under your shirt, quickly finding your hardening nipple. Your free hand grips his wrist—not to stop him but to find purchase.
A particularly hard pinch had your hips bucking up and your eyes clamping shut. The euphoric feeling sizzles through your limbs and you’re not sure how loud you’re being, the blood pumping behind your ears was drowning out everything else.
Soobin works you through your orgasm until you’re too sensitive. You pant once more as he offers you a smug smile.
He rises from his spot on his stomach to hover over you, giving you a hot, searing, kiss. The tangy taste of you on his tongue has you groaning and deepening the kiss. A hand goes to the back of his head and you run your fingers over his undercut.
He pulls away to fully sit up and hop off the bed, “Goodnight, Angel” He whispers before disappearing into the dark hallway. You lay there, shocked and needy. That really just happened?
You soon feel a cool breeze over your lower half and remember you need underwear, poking your head off your bed you spot the cloth halfway under the furniture. You grab it and pull it back on, tucking yourself back into bed giddily. You’ve always dreamt of something like this.
Your heart races as you think of what could possibly happen for the remaining 4 days.
You all sit around the dinner table, slurping down cereal and deciding what to do.
“Ok, so we’re going to Dongmun market tonight, what do we do in the mean time?”
The question is put into the world and everyone pauses and thinks, it’s winter so it’s not like you can go swimming or something. Not much is coming to mind so you hope someone else has a good idea.
“I got it, we can climb Mount Hallasan” Soobin suggests, fishing out the last pieces of cereal in his bowl.
The group agrees and finishes eating. “It’s 8:17 right now so let’s get ready” Beomgyu says, checking his watch.
“I don’t wanna be stuck in here while you guys shower though, I’m gonna go on a walk” Yeonjun complains.
“Yea same” Taehyun and Beomgyu say, tying there shoes.
“Can I shower first?” Kai asks the rest of you, which is just Soobin and yourself.
You nod your head and Soobin hums in agreement before you shuffle to your room.
What should you wear? You’re hiking up an entire fucking Volcano….
You decide on some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt plus a jacket because it’s cold as fuck. While you’re on your knees infront of your suitcase the door unexpectedly shuts behind you. Whipping your head around you see Soobin. He even takes it a step further and locks it.
“What are you doing?”
“I missed you, of course” He answers with a smile as he sits on your bed, leaning back on his arms.
“We’ve been in the same house for days….” You giggle, going back to picking out your clothes.
“Don’t be difficult, come here” He grabs your arm and yanks you on top of him, you thankfully don’t knee him in the crotch or anything as you try to find stability.
One of his hands drifts up to your jaw as he leans in, meeting your lips for the first time today. It’s gentle at first and he’s almost shy about it. You sigh and push yourself against him more, the action is eagerly welcomed as he slightly nips at your bottom lip.
“Soobin, we can’t do this right now”. You murmur against his plush lips, reluctantly pulling away.
His eyes are hooded with lust and all you wanna do is kiss him again, but that’ll lead to something you can’t exactly finish right now. He sighs and nods, gazing into your eyes while the thumb on your jaw soothingly rubs the skin.
“Fine, I’ll be thinking of you though. How pretty you look with your lips wrapped around me, or how pretty you sound when I touch you….” He trails off, the thumb placed on your face moves to your lips—tracing the plushness of the skin.
“Soobin, what the fuck?” You groan, playfully slapping him in the chest. He only giggles at you and peers down at your lips. “Just one more kiss” You laugh and press your lips against his firmly before a knock at the door startles you both.
“Showers free” Kai yells, “Alright, thank you” you reply, looking back at Soobin. “Go shower, I beat you to it the first time” He jokes.
You chuckle at him and grab your towel, shuffling to the bathroom.
As the water wets your hair you think of Soobin again, this time you try not to squeal in happiness. You’ve literally had sex with him, he literally ate you out last night. And after all of that he just wants to be close to you, it warms your heart as you go back to showering.
You dry off your hair and wrap the towel around yourself, preparing for the coldness that lays behind the door. It hits you in the face but doesn’t feel bad, your skin feels like it’s burning up. You honestly blame Soobin. Opening your door again you’re shocked to see Soobin laying in the same spot you left him.
“I’m shocked you’re still here”
“And miss seeing you just in a towel? No way” He says before standing up to grip your waist, dragging you to the bed with him. You stand between his legs as he sits down. His bottom lip is trapped under his front teeth as he gazes at you, in response you lay a hand on one of his shoulders, “Don’t look at me like that”.
“I can’t help it” he mutters as he drags you closer before continuing, “you’re so prett-“.
His sentiments are interrupted by Kai yelling “Soobin have you seen my left shoe?”. He laughs in defeat and reluctantly lets you go, pressing his lips against your forehead, he leaves your room to help Kai. Your emotions are everywhere as you dress yourself and brush your hair, what are you? Are you dating? Friends with benefits? How do you ask him without sounding a certain way?
The sound of the front door opening is quiet but the sound of Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Yeonjun yelling that the uber is here was not. Phone? You frantically check your pockets and nod when you feel the item. You should bring water and food though.
“We got water bottles and granola bars in Beomgyu’s backpack get your flat asses out the door” Taehyun yells, which spurs an argument between him and Kai because Kai refuses to be called flat. “You’re both pretty ladies, get in the car” You shove them out the door. Everyone piles into the large uber and you settle into your seat, which happens to be in the last row behind all the other seats between Yeonjun and Soobin.
A good 10 minutes into the ride Yeonjun asks, “You excited, Y/n?” Which leads to your attention being only on him. The other man next to you feels a stabbing like feeling in his heart and impulsively buds in on a random topic.
“Yea I love that show too, doesn’t it have that one actor that’s in your favorite movie, Y/n?”
“Actually yea, how did you know that?” You muse, you had no idea he knew that about you. Yeonjun’s jaw clenches before he cuts off Soobin. “I had no idea you liked that movie, that’s my favorite too. We should watch it together some time…just us” His smug smile isn’t noticed by you but is studied by Soobin.
The taller man’s eyebrow furrow momentarily before he says, “That sounds great, thanks, Yeonjun” The tension becomes thicker as both men gaze at each other, daring the other to try something.
“We’re here” Beomgyu tells everyone as he gets out, the three of you snap your heads to a window and ogle the scenery. Trees as far as the eye can see, with the occasional rock or bush, of course. The rest of you pile out and take in the snowy forest you’re basically stranded in now.
“This is gonna suck” you mumble, kicking a rock for the effect. The group starts heading down the marked trail as you drag your feet through the light snow.
“I’ll make it worth your while” Soobin mumbles into your ear, the feeling of his lips and breath skimming the sensitive skin has goose bumps prickling your flesh in response. You catch his eye for a second as he pulls away and your lungs release a shaky breath.
The group stops seemingly in the middle of the forest where 4 paths meet, a sign in the middle points you in the direction of the volcano and you don’t waste a second moving. You’re not the most athletic person in the world so you’d prefer getting a move on so you don’t stretch this out.
“I hate that you guys are so in shape” You groan while your thighs burn going up a hill. They laugh at you and tease before going back to whatever they were talking about before, except Yeonjun.
“Here, get on my back”
Your eyes widen at the proposition, your head says one thing but your burning calfs say another. “Sure, thanks”.
He bends down in front of you and waits, the rest of the group doesn’t seem to notice as they continue to walk further and further ahead. As you get situated on his back you ask, “Are you sure about this? What if i’m too heavy?”
He scoffs at your concerns and stands up easily, you’re honestly taken aback but grateful nonetheless. “We’re gonna get lost I know it” you mumble next to his ear.
“You think? That wouldn’t be too bad, would it? We get to spend more time with each other”
Is he flirting with you? Or does he mean you all get to spend more time with each other as a group?
“Yea, true” you trail off.
The forest around you is serene and absolutely stunning as you all make it closer and closer to the top, a cool breeze blows past as you pass a few people on the way.
The moment is ruined as Yeonjun grips your thighs tighter and drags you further against him, the action has you biting back a gasp as you tense. “You okay?” Yeonjun mumbles to you, you’re not sure if he realizes what he did or not but you decide to not bring it up either way.
“I’m fine, sorry”
He opens his mouth but before he can say something Soobin starts, “Alright, well here are some bathrooms. We should take a short break, Y/n can I show you something?” Both you and Yeonjun raise your eyebrows at him but you agree nonetheless.
“A bathroom break sounds amazing, bacon goes right through me” Beomgyu pats his stomach, “When did you have bacon?” Taehyun asks as they both walk into the bathroom; Kai trailing behind them like a lost puppy. Yeonjun kneels again so you’re able to get off safely, “I’ll be right back”.
You smile at him before your hand is gripped and you’re being dragged down the path and soon into the forest. Your back meets the bark of a tree as Soobin kisses you, you’re shocked but you’ve been yearning the feel of him all day. His hands are cradling your jaw as he presses harder against your welcoming lips.
You, begrudgingly, pull away to look him in the eyes. His are hooded and lust-filled as he drinks you in, “Are you okay?”
He gently bites at his lip as his gaze switches between your eyes and your lips before answering, “I want you so bad” His voice is thick like honey and it has you breathing deeper. “Lemme help you”.
Before he can respond your kneeling in the snow infront of him, his eyes widen but he makes no move to stop you.
The hands hooking under the waistband of his joggers are gentle as you pull them down. Once again you’re met with the outline of his cock. The sight has a chill zip down your spine as you notice he’s harder than you thought. You do the same to his briefs as you did his sweatpants, the both of you can’t believe you’re doing this in the forest of all places.
Peering up at him while reaching up to his base, you notice the way his eyebrows scrunch as he watches closely. Soobin peers around the tree you’re behind and threads his fingers into your hair when your mouth finally envelopes his tip. You know there’s not much time to do this so you take him further and further into your mouth, breathing through your nose as much as you can.
The cold nips at his skin but the intense radiating heat from your mouth and the very subtle scrape from your teeth distracts him well.
Pieces of your hair fall infront of your eyes as you begin to bob your head, you don’t mind though, the taste of him makes up for the annoying tickling. He looks pained as he tries his absolute hardest to keep down any noises that are begging to be released, your mouth is just as warm and wet as before and it has images flickering into his mind. It’s like he’s watching porn as he remembers how fucked out you looked, tears, snot, and drool dripping down your face as his cock was nestled into your throat only hours ago.
The part that isn’t in your mouth is in your fist. The hands in your hair tighten a fraction and the pain goes straight to your cunt. A heartbeat forms in your underwear and you wish Soobin would pull out of your mouth and have his way with you right then and there. You absentmindedly tongue his underside up to his slit and watch as a shiver rings down his spine.
“I’ve made you my own personal cock sucker, hm? Wanting to suck my dick in the forest, you want people to know how much of a whore you are for me?” He mumbles to you, his words are music to your ears as you gaze downward at the veins on his shaft.
“So close, baby” He harshly whispers, the veins in his neck are on display and it causes a low moan to vibrate through him. The sensation helped him off the edge and he’s soon pushing your head against the tree and shoving the rest of his cock down your awaiting throat as he comes. He tries his best to not rip out any of your hair as he shallowly thrusts into your mouth.
The feeling of his come being shot down your throat was missed, you’ve never tasted anything like it before. As he pulls out and lightly pants you both hear the voices of your loud friends getting closer, you share a panicked look as he tucks himself back into his briefs and pulls up his pants and you try and fix your hair and swallow the containments in your mouth.
He frantically looks around and pulls a random plant from the ground that was peaking out of the white powder, pointing to it. You catch on quickly so when your friends get to you guys it looks like Soobin is showing you a random plant he found. The group eyes you mysteriously but ends up just teasing Soobin for being a nerd. You all laugh and continue walking, except Yeonjun.
He eyes you and you can only look at him with a smile, the smile, though, is wiped off your face when he reaches out and swipes his thumb across the corner of your mouth.
“Fucking finally, can we take a nap up here ?” Kai whines, taking a well deserved seat on a rock.
Everyone is breathing deep and chugging water, you for real just climbed a goddamn volcano. The view is gorgeous as you all look at the beautiful sky and landscape together. “Sorry but this isn’t worth it, i’m leaving” Taehyun mumbles, heading back to the path. You laugh almost hysterically as you follow him, playfully shoving him as well.
The view was amazing and the top of the volcano looked unreal but your legs were about to give out.
“Do you guys still wanna go to the market?” Kai asks, slouching on a corner of the sectional. You sigh and say, “We shouldn’t put it off again, it’s only-” you pause for a second to tap your phone screen, “4:30, let’s go in like 2 hours?”
The group hums in agreement and you go back to laying against the couch when you felt the urge to pee. Of course, it only hits when you’re comfortable. “I’ll be right back” you mutter before pushing yourself upward. The wood under you creaks as you turn a corner to the hallway.
You’re about a centimeter away from the door knob when someone grabs it and pushes you inside.
“Soo-” You cut yourself off immediately when you notice it actually isn’t Soobin, it’s Yeonjun.
With wide eyes you say, “S’Yeonjun, so Yeonjun. How are you?” You laugh nervously as you play off your slip up. He arches an eyebrow at you and pushes you against the sink. “I’m doing fine, did you enjoy ur hike today?” He asks nonchalantly like he isn’t caging you in.
With another nervous laugh you nod, “Yea, it was great..”
“Really? Hm, what was the plant he showed you?
“Uh, yknow, some plant he read about, I don’t remember the name, you know how he is….” You trail off with a broken chuckle.
“Right, looked like you both really..enjoyed it” Before you say anything he sends you a wink before exiting the room. He definitely knows, how could he not?
You shut the door behind you and take a breath, should you tell Soobin?
“Took you long enough” Soobin nudges you with a smile, looking at him always made butterflies settle in your stomach. Even more so now, remembering how it felt when his hands touched you.
A sudden urge to put on makeup consumes you as you remember the market you’re going to. Have you even worn makeup since you got here? Probably not.
“Guys, i’m gonna go get ready”
You should shower, you just climbed a volcano. Omg should you go all out and dress nice for the market as well? A million thoughts race through your head as you grab your towel and head for the bathroom once more.
It felt amazing to clean the sweat and grime off of you, you feel like a new person at this point. Your damp towel is wrapped around you as you bolt to your room, closing the door and locking it. Even though you want him to, Soobin shouldn’t come in your room right now. Yeonjun is already suspicious of you both.
Your suitcase looks like a crime scene, clothes are pushed over the sides and everything is unfolded. That’s how you spot the cute black dress sticking out like the gods above were sending you a message. Picking it up, you rearrange it in your hands so it’s upright. It’s nothing too crazy, just a simple spaghetti strap dress. Peering out your window you note the sun beginning to set, you’ll just pair it with a jacket.
You lay the dress on your bed and drag out your bag of makeup to the mirror in your room.
“Y/n, are you done yet? We’re leaving in 10” Yeonjun calls to you on the other side of your closed door, you finish applying the lipgloss in your hand before responding, “I’m coming”.
After slipping on your socks, you look over yourself in the mirror. Being an adult has its upsides.
For some reason your nerves flare when you go to open the door, but you push them down. You’re allowed to feel pretty. So, with a smile on your face you swing the door open and stride to the living room where your jacket is. “Sorry I took so long, i’m ready now”. You exclaim as you grip your jacket and fling it on. The group of 4 looks towards you, silently.
Eyebrows raising at their quiet stares you ask, “What?”. Nobody gets a word in as Beomgyu walks in and tells you the uber is there — not before eyeing you suspiciously. Slipping on some sneakers, you follow Beomgyu’s lead and head out of the house.
The car ride there was strange, to say the least. When you first entered the car Yeonjun and Soobin were pushing each other while trying to get into the car, so Kai was the one to get the seat beside you. He showed you pictures of his new plushies, and the cute names he gives them. When Kai wasn’t amusing you with stuffed animals the feeling of being watched settled over you.
Peering over your shoulder, you find the eyes of both Soobin and Yeonjun. They both gaze at you with predatory eyes and it has your skin prickle with goosebumps. You wouldn’t admit this, but having both of them ogle you like that had heat stir in your abdomen. You turn back to the front and, hopefully, gulp quietly.
You would think you’d be happy to get there, having heard so much about it and all. But nerves claw at your throat when you slide open the door and step out. The market was packed and you were worried about getting lost, you’re not as tall as them and there are a lot of people.
Turning around to look at the group behind you, you ask, “What if I get lost?” With a pout prominent on your glossy lips. They erupt with:
“You won’t”
“It’ll be okay”
“I’ll make sure you’ll be okay”
“I won’t let you out of my sight”
“Don’t worry”
Warmth is your face as you smile at them, you’ve always had such bad luck with friends and you really appreciate them looking out for you. “So what do you guys wanna do?” Yeonjun speaks up at your question.
“I’ll show you to my favorite spot here, they sell necklaces. I think you’ll like them, they reminded me of you” He takes your hand and guides you through the sea of people to the stand. An elderly woman sits there, hand making the cute bead necklaces. Her gray hair is pinned away from her face as she concentrates on the jewelry. Her stand is decorated head to toe with beaded necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. A soft glow comes from the right side of her as a desk lamp is propped up on the counter she’s working on.
Yeonjun speaks up softly, “Mrs. Lee, I’m back. And I brought Y/n, just like I said I would”.
The lady looks up and smiles, to your surprise she stands up and shakes your hand with both of hers. You greet her warmly while the man next to you gazes at you with an unreadable smile. “Yeonjun has told me all about you, here, he picked out a necklace for you”. Eyes widening, you look him in the eyes but he can’t hold it as she turns around.
Mrs. Lee turns back with a peach and pink necklace, strawberry decals are sprinkled through it. “How much is it?” You reach for your purse but Yeojun stops you, “I already payed for it, no sweat”. He thanks Mrs. Lee before you and says goodbye. The rest of the group is lingering around the neighboring stands.
“Do you want me to put it on you?” He says close to your ear, this entire situation has made you feel unbelievably vulnerable as you softly nod your head. The feel so his fingers skimming the sensitive skin around your neck makes your heart beat faster than it’s already going.
“Thank you, it’s so pretty. I honestly wasn’t expecting any of this, but I really appreciate it”. Your tone has him smiling back at you, Soobin can feel his heart basically shattering at the exchange. Even if you haven’t actually done anything. The longer he watched the more his sadness became anger, not at you, but at Yeonjun. He wasn’t the one between your legs at night, he had no idea what you tasted like.
He pitied Yeonjun, really. Poor guy thought he had a chance with you. His confidence skyrocketed from the thought and he found himself approaching you two. “How cute, a little cheap though, no?” He faked concern as an arm was thrown around your shoulders and you were pulled into him as he walked away.
“What was that about?”
Soobin smirked and glanced away before leaning in to your ear, “How would you feel if I fucked you with that necklace on?” Your eyes widen, “w-what?” You gulp at the thought and can feel heat settle into your skin. “I think you’ve forgotten who you belong to, baby” His nose skins your ear lobe and suddenly you have no qualms with fucking here, even if it’s in public.
“Where are you guys going? Cmon we’re going to get some ramen” Kai points out.
The entire time there was just like that, moments where Soobin was trying his best to drag you away but couldn’t. He was ready to snap by the time you left, he wanted to see you moan his name while wearing that stupid fucking necklace.
Now finally it was night, 1:57 to be exact. Everyone in his room was fast asleep and he was sure the other rooms were as well.
His feet touched the cold wood just like before as he snuck out of his room and into yours. The emotions he felt earlier came back once he landed his eyes on you, necklace still on. He closed the door quietly and wasted no time crawling on top of you. You were always so pretty it amazed him, even when you were asleep you looked angelic, he was truly so lucky to be able to be with you like this.
“Y/n, baby” He ran a warm hand up and down your side, “Y/n” he said a bit harsher. You groaned and opened your eyes slightly.
“Soobin?” He smiled at how cute you were, “You’re so pretty, you know that” He mumbled into your neck as he started leaving kisses across your collarbones, he moves both hands to your thighs and glides up, taking your shirt with it. He can’t describe in words how much he missed the feel of your skin on his.
Once he deemed you awake enough his kisses traveled up your neck, over your jaw, and to your slightly chapped lips. Kissing you was like a drug, he was obsessed with it. Your quiet hums and gasps added to the ache in his briefs as he pressed himself into you more and more.
He pulled away, taking your bottom lip with him before speaking. “Missed feeling you, baby” His hands drifted up more and more until the shirt you were wearing was off, pride filled his veins as he gazed at your almost completely naked form. You were absolutely stunning, and you were his, his to mess with, his to play with.
His eyes zeroed in on your hard nipples, so his large hands enveloped your entire left breast, and soon your other one as well. All he wanted to do was take his time with you but he unfortunately couldn’t do that right now. So he slipped his fingers into the band of your underwear and shuffled them down and off.
“Been waiting for this all day” he mumbled, “Soobin” you quietly whined. He smiled at you before doing the same to himself, he dragged down the cloth on his lower half and settled in between your welcoming legs. One hand propped himself up next to your head as the other rubbed your hip bone soothingly.
“You’re always so pretty for me, aren’t you? Nobody else?” He lazily dragged his tip up and down your drenched slit as he spoke. “Only you, Soobin”.
He seemed delighted at your answer and pushed into you, both of you fought to keep the noises down as you relived the euphoric experience over again.
Soobin was sweaty and out of breath when he closed your door behind him, the first thing he noticed was the light underneath the bathroom door. A large part of him wished it was Yeonjun, so he could see you were off limits. Apparently someone above was listening because the door inched open as Soobin walked closer. Yeonjun rounded the corner and caught Soobin’s eyes when he became aware of his presence.
The eldest’s eyebrows shot up when he noticed how flushed and damp he was. His hair was sticking up in several directions as they stared at each other, the contact ended once Soobin entered his room. Yeonjun understood enough and he mulled it over in his head as an idea formed.
Everyone sat around the table once again, instead of the elegant feast you and Beomgyu usually prepare, there was only cereal — probably because you all decided to relax for most of the day and it was currently almost 3. “What are we doing today? We've already done so much" Kai asks Beomgyu, who's currently sipping the milk from the bowl. He makes a thoughtful expression before answering, "How about we go downtown? There's a bunch of shops and restaurants we can go to"
"I wanna get a souvenir, that sounds like fun"
"When are we leaving?"
"Probably in an hour, get your asses showered and ready or I'm leaving you here" He exclaims as he stands from the table to enter the kitchen and toss his bowl and spoon in the sink. "This has honestly been so much fun, this was such a good idea. THANK YOU BEOMGYU" You yell the last part so he can hear you from the table.
"YOU'RE WELCOME, LOSER" He yells back, the teasing name brings a smile to your face as you get up and follow his lead putting away the bowl and spoon. Once again you find yourself digging through the piles of clothes spilling out of your luggage, you end up settling for a casual look.
You peer over your shoulder and spot your makeup bag, the want to do your makeup calls to you.
“Wah, Y/n you’re so pretty. The glitter under your eyes is so cute” Kai gushes while staring intently at your face, warmth becomes your skin at his compliment. Attention is directed at you and it has a shy smile blooming on your features. You notice that Soobin always has this look in his eyes when he gazes at you, it’s like you’re the only person in the world.
Yeonjun also has a certain look in his eyes, it’s more predatory and it has you shying away. You don’t dislike it but it definitely makes you nervous. “Yea yea she’s gorgeous cmon” Beomgyu teases as he flings the front door open. You can’t help but smile all the way to the awaiting car as the rest of your friends trail behind you.
You seemingly don’t notice the way Yeonjun sprints to the seat next to you, and how he passes a fake sympathetic look towards a stunned Soobin. “Kai was right, you are so pretty” He leans closer to you and tucks a loose strand behind your ear. You’re not the type to get many compliments so that on top of his ,very, obvious flirty aura has you stuttering out a reply.
“Oh, u-um, thanks” You can’t hold his eye contact so you stick to looking at your fidgeting fingers or the window. You suddenly flinch when he presses his thumb into a particular mark that might’ve been left by Soobin. “Did you get hurt?” His tone isn’t convincing but it’s not like you can point it out.
“Yea, I burned myself..on accident”
His eyebrows furrow as a look of understanding comes over him, “I see, you should be more…careful”
You nod and smile on the outside but in the inside you’re having a meltdown, he totally knows.
The car was mainly Yeonjun being touchy, he’d play with your fingers, the sleeve of your jacket or lay his hand on your knee. You feel guilty for being attracted to him, you’re not dating Soobin but still. The heat from his hand sinks into your skin and it has you captivated.
“Ok, we’re here”
As you basically run out of the vehicle, you glance around you. The street is lined with buildings and shops, it’s also crazy busy. “What are we doing first?”
The group erupts into different responses but Beomgyu wasn’t having that, an unimpressed look settles over him as he nods. “Let’s walk this way” He says as he ignores the suggestions being hurled at him. "Can we get boba" You whine, the cutest boba shop so happens to be at the end of the street.
White and pink cat paw prints scatter across the glass leading to a cup of pink boba. The inside just as cute and it calls to you. You look around for Soobin and when you spot him you take his hand and drag him to the shop. The inside was freezing cold but Hello kitty figurines littered the building along with random anime characters.
He chuckles as he asks you what you want, a pout comes over your lips as you thoughtfully gaze at the menu. “Hello, what can I get you?” The cashier asks, ready to punch in your orders. “Um, can I get the melon boba with tapioca pearls, please?”
“Alright, and for you?”
Soobin peers down at you for a second before looking at the worker in the eyes. “I’ll have the vanilla boba with tapioca, please” The worker nods and tells you the price. Getting out your wallet you’re a second away from handing them a $20 bill before Soobin grabs it from you and pays it with his own money. You look up incredulously at him but he only waves you off. The worker says thank you and gets started on your orders.
A few tables sit next to the counter but most of the chairs are taken besides one. A smaller table off to the corner has one free chair, he follows your line of sight and laces your fingers together as he guides you to it before sitting down.
“Why did you drag me over here if you’re just gonna take the chair” You laugh, “You’re a genius, Y/n. Truly”. He says as he spins you around and pulls you to sit on his lap, you slap a hand over your mouth as you laugh loudly at the situation. His free hand settles on your lower back and soothingly rubs up and down. There’s a pause in your interaction where you can’t help but stare at his face as he takes a moment to look around.
Very unlike you, when he catches you staring you don’t budge, only offer a small smile. The air between you suddenly feels much warmer and it has your insides twisting, his hand on your back stops as he notices the change. He’s even prettier up close, his skin is practically glowing and his lips are the perfect shade of pink. Soobin wets them and your eyes follow the entire motion closely, the distance between you slowly becomes minuscule and he’s now very close.
“Can I kiss you”
“Melon and vanilla with tapioca” A worker calls, both of your eyes widen and he clears his throat as you hop off of him to grab the drinks. Walking to get the boba honestly sucked, the warmth was gone and you were cold again. Even though you were uncomfy a permanent smile was etched onto you, and you blame Soobin.
He follows behind you and takes his drink, as you both walk out and try to find your friends you regret not kissing him. You really wanted to, you still do. He was so close and just thinking about it had your heart rate spiking again. Nerves claw at you as you look at him, ‘just do it’ echoes through your head. Taking a sip from your drink you sigh deeply and tap him on the shoulder.
Even if you’re directly infront of the shop doesn’t matter to you. He looks at you expectantly and hums in question. Turning to face him fully you stand on your tippy toes and briefly connect your lips, he tastes like vanilla and it has you wanting more. Just as fast as it happened it ended, Soobin looks at you shocked but grips your jaw and kisses you again. This one is deeper and has you momentarily forgetting you’re in public.
He nibbles his lip with a dopey smile on his face when he pulls away, “I love you”. Both of you gaze at each other in shock, he didn’t mean to say that yet, he probably screwed everything up now. You’re probably scared and freaked out, god why didn’t he just keep his mouth sh-”
“I love you too”
You’re giving him the prettiest smile he’s probably ever seen and it causes the words to stop in his throat, looking down at you uttering those words back to him has his brain short circuit. So when you turn around and wave eagerly he still doesn’t know what’s happening until chattering surrounds him.
“What did you guys get?” He opens his mouth and closes it a couple times at the question before you decide to answer for him with a giggle, “I got melon and he got vanilla”. They nod and direct their attention back to Soobin.
“You good?” Beomgyu asks, patting him on the shoulder. The elders brain restarts and he nods, “Yea, sorry”. He receives odd looks before they go back to discussing where to eat.
“Actually guys I don’t feel well, I think i’m gonna head home” You look at Soobin and secretly nudge him, “Oh, i’ll help you. Wouldn’t want anything bad happening, I’ll call an uber”
“Are you okay?” Taehyun asks concerned, he extends a hand to feel your forehead. “Wow, yea you’re burning up. We’ll get you some medicine while we’re here”. Now you feel guilty, your friends are concerned. All of them look at you sympathetically except for one ,of course, his eyes stare at your soul as you try your best to keep up the act.
“Alright, it’ll be here in 5” Soobin tells you.
Your bra is flung to the side as Soobin makes out with your neck and collarbones. His shirt is gone, as well as yours and your pants. His hands are intoxicating as they skim your skin, the soft drag of his nails has you clenching around nothing. The bites he trails down your skin are a bit rougher than usual causing you to buck up into him with a whine.
“You’re so pretty”
The praise causes a smile on your face and a pool in your underwear.
Soobin welcomes a nipple in his mouth as a hand drifts down to your thighs, he cups you over the fabric and grinds his hand upward. A soft gasp escapes you when the door loudly swings open. The air is sucked from your lungs and it’s like time stops.
“How sweet of you, Soobin to accompany poor, sick, Y/n home” He fake pouts before continuing, “You guys are seriously so obvious” He scoffs. You shoot your hands to your chest and Soobin blocks your naked body.
“Yeonjun, get out” Soobin seethes, his eyebrows are clinched together as he glares daggers at the older man.
“Or what?”
The answer has Soobin clenching his fists, “Please, don’t tell. We’ll do anything”. You beg from behind him. Panic shoots through you as Soobin gives you a wide eyed look, you argue with your eyes and he backs down.
Yeonjun hums at you and taps his chin thoughtfully, “Alright, let me join” He says like it’s the most casual thing.
Soobin’s mouth falls open as you both look at him, “W-what?” You say.
“You heard me, don’t want anyone to know? Let me join”.
“Leave while we talk about it” You tell him with a huff. When he’s gone Soobin and you stare at each other dumbfounded for a second. “What do we do?”.
Soobin bites his lip and closes his eyes as he thinks, this will be a one time thing so Yeonjun will shut his mouth. He’s sure he’s gone crazy, no sane person would do this, hell, no sane person would even be in this situation in the first place. Anger and frustration nip at his brain but he tries his best to push it away.
“I’m okay with it if you are”
You stare at him for a moment before slowly nodding, “o-okay, let’s do it”.
You feel incredibly guilty for not being totally against this, your feelings towards Yeonjun have definitely changed over the trip. Soobin will always be your number one though. He calls in Yeonjun and reluctantly tells him the news, a sinister smile spreads across the oldest’s face before he grips the hem of his shirt; tossing it over his head. You can’t help but eye the newly exposed skin, his toned stomach and chest on full display for you.
Soobin hesitantly scoots out of the way, and Yeonjun doesn’t waste a second to look at you, all of you. He steps closer and closer until he’s right before you, the look in his hooded eyes sends wave of arousal over you and you find yourself waiting for him to touch you. Almost like he can read your mind, his hand finds the nape of your neck and drags you in for a lustful kiss, his naturally pouty lips are like sin pressed against you.
His kisses are messy as they nibble and suck your lips. He pulls away just to push you against the sheets, hands going to grip your waist and drag you closer to the edge of the bed. He’s been thinking about seeing you like this for so long now, and you’re even better than he imagined.
You wait eagerly for what he’ll do next, which is pulling down your underwear and throwing it behind him. “You’re so wet, I knew this was a good idea”.
Before he touches you he leans up and grips your throat; leaving a quick, searing, kiss against your swollen lips. As he kneels he grips your thighs and traps them against his head, the questions die on your tongue as his tongue swipes over you. His licks become harsh as he sucks your clit and groans.
Pleasure racks through you as clamp your eyes shut and grip the sheets. “Soobin, come here” Your voice is breathy and whiny as you call him, when he’s close enough you firmly press your lips against him. He gladly reciprocates and swallows your moans. A hand drifts back to your breasts and encases one, his gentle kneading has you breaking away for air as it’s currently leaving your lungs quickly.
The one between your thighs removes himself to lean his head against one of your limbs, “Knew you’d taste amazing” he mumbles into the skin as he leaves sloppy, wet, kisses and bites. The slight pain mixed with his praise has you moaning and leaning back against the bed. It doesn’t take him long to dive back, his tongue twirls around your clit before moving down and licking around your opening, when the muscles enters you Soobin happens to pinch one of your nipples and you’re suddenly shoved over the edge.
Your legs tighten around his head and you grip soobin’s hand around your breast as the euphoric feeling flushes through you. Yeonjun parts from your legs to lean close to your face, taking a fist full of your hair in his hand; he yanks your head so you’re staring up at the both of them. Their predatory stares making you feel small. You’re gonna be a good whore and do what we say, right, babe?”
You stare wide eyed and nod your head, “Good, bend over and suck Soobin off”
His demanding voice has you scrambling to bend over, ass in the air as Soobin positions himself to stand on the other side of the bed; next to your mouth. So now Yeonjun has the perfect view at your cunt as you stick your ass in the air. Leaning on your elbows, you peer up at the younger man who’s currently fisting himself in front of your face.
He would never admit this but sharing you is way hotter than he thought, watching someone else touch you but knowing you’re strictly his causes him to throb. In no time Soobin is lodged down your throat and you’re already moaning around him. You bob your head slow at first in a calculated way until Yeonjun prods at your opening, as he pushes in your legs quiver and you dig your nails into Soobin’s thighs.
This whole ordeal is incredibly erotic and has your mind hazy and fuzzy.
Your eyes glaze over as Yeonjun rolls his hips into you, gradually harder and faster, and it doesn’t help that soobin is starting to stutter into your mouth and the feeling of getting fucked from both ends is intoxicating.
“You have such a pathetic whore, Soobin. She’s fucking dripping right now” Yeonjun grits out as his grip on your waist tightens, a moan slips out around Soobin in your mouth and it has a smug smile slipping onto his face. “She feels amazing doesn’t she? She has the perfect pussy”. Yeonjun hums at him as he reaches around to scribble circles on your puffy clit.
Everything is too much for you and you soon feel incredibly close to coming once more, the new feeling of Yeonjun inside of you and the known feeling of Soobin in your throat. Speaking of Soobin, his subtle thrusting turns into face fucking and it has you gagging every few seconds, your eyes tear more and more every time and he swears it’s his favorite sight. He’s missed the way you look fucked out from just blowing him, his lust-blown eyes zero in on the way your mascara trails down your face in tear form.
You look absolutely gone and it has him coming sooner than later. Once you recognize the feeling you moan and whine around him and it causes his hands to grip the strands of your hair right.
Soobin pulls out of you and demands, “Open your mouth, tongue out”
When you do it his gaze is fierce and has you feeling small, he closes your mouth for you after murmuring subtle praise and leans down to take your lips. The kiss is sloppy and his tongue finds yours like a heat sealing missile, the burning pleasure spreading over your skin becomes stronger and you pull away to warn both men.
The man in front of you grips your hair at the base of your neck and angles your head to look at him directly, it’s an awkward angle but he has the best view of you as you come. Yeonjun pulls out before he can finish as a devious idea springs to mind. He signals soobin to lean over and whispers into his ear, you don’t even realize what’s happening until soobin asks you.
“What do you think about anal?”
Your eyes widen the most they’re able to — which isn’t much. But the amount your brain is able to think at the moment leads you to begging.
“Please, want you both so bad” Your sentence is ended with a breathy whine, both dryly laugh at you before getting into position again. You’re manhandled into sitting up on your knees, Yeonjun settles behind you; back pressed against his chest and Soobin presses his chest into yours. You’re sandwiched in the hottest possible way.
The one behind you drags into fingers against your slit to collect your arousal, the same fingers press against your other hole to get it ready. His other hand does the same but ends up on his cock to make it wetter. The new feeling has little electric shocks sparking over your skin and when he asks if you guys are ready you’re suddenly nervous.
Soobin pressing into you is already hot, but paired with the foreign feeling of Yeonjun pressing into you as well has your legs shaking this early in. You’ve never felt so full in your life as both men bottom out at the same time, their flushed skin pressed into yours feels like heaven and the fuzzy feeling in your brain multiples.
Your head lawls onto Yeonjun’s shoulder and you’re suddenly aware of the harsh grip both men have on you. The closeness causes your nipples to drag deliciously against Soobin’s chest and each time it makes your jaw clench.
It seems your hair can’t catch a break as Yeonjun grabs a fist full and guides your mouths together, his moans and groans flow down your throat and you’re not even sure if you’re kissing back anymore. He surprisingly pulls away quickly but pushes your heads towards Soobin who takes over, this kiss is longer and it has Yeonjun leaving marks all over the back of your neck and shoulders.
Your senses are totally wiped as the feeling of pure euphoria bubbles inside you again, it’s unstoppable as it bursts and you open your mouth in a silent scream. Yeonjun and Soobin can’t help but smugly smirk at you between them, “You’re such a disgusting little cockwhore for us, aren’t you?” Is harshly whispered in your ear, if you’re honest, you have no idea who said it but it causes you to clench either way.
The house was otherwise silent, you couldn’t imagine how loud you were probably being. If the rest of your friends came home right now what would they hear? A chill runs through you at the thought of someone knowing you’re being filled this way, your thoughts are halted by Soobin as he meets your eyes.
Your jaw is grabbed tightly by him as he grits out his words, “You love being treated like this, don’t you?” You nod frantically and moan at his tone of voice, he leans closer and says, “What a disgusting, pathetic, whore you are. You’re only good for taking cock hm?”
His words outside of this situation would probably sting but here they have tears of pleasure rolling down your sweaty face. Yeonjun only chuckles at the interaction before he feels his high coming again, he leaves more kisses on your skin and Soobin decides to do the same. Yeonjun’s hands slither from your waist to the insides of your thighs as he pulls them apart more, the angle has them both sinking deeper into you.
Their thrusts become more frantic and you know you’re gonna come again. The sinful words they spew at you, the smell of them surrounding you completely, the overwhelming feeling of both of their lips on your skin, the unforgiving thrusting, and the volume of their moans is so raw it’s the only thing you can think of.
“Gonna fill you up, you’re gonna take every single drop of us, aren’t you” Yeonjun mumbles into your skin, his nails dig into your flesh harder as he feels himself coming for the first time that night. His thrusts become erratic as he leans his head into your neck, moans of different pitches leave his mouth one by one.
Soobin is right behind him as his movements stutter and he buries himself deeper in you as he finishes with a low groan. The feeling of both of them coming inside you at the same time subsequently triggers you, a breath is sucked into your lungs and then everything slows.
Your senses are blown and you feel like you’re floating. What’s even going on anymore? You’re not sure.
You don’t know where they end and you begin, being filled this way is mind frazzling and you can’t handle it.
A couple minutes later you come to, you’re laying down and both of them are leaning over you, worry obvious on their flushed faces. When they notice your eyes open they breathe a sigh of relief. Soobin speaks up first, “Are you okay?”
Before you can answer, Yeonjun leaves towards the bathroom, probably to get wet towels.
Your voice is hoarse as you answer, “Y-yea, I’m okay”. He doesn’t answer, he leans down to press a quick, loving kiss before saying, “I love you, you did amazing”. It takes you a second to comprehend him but when you do you smile and return the words gratefully.
“I love you too, Soobin”
TAGLIST: @loverhyunn @tyunlovie @kyrkitten @rencarnationofangel @jimin2014 @starstruckluminarytale @soobsfairy444 @fathersoneric @bergandysam @ethie @rlvslouis @gyulz @woniebae @rjsmochii @wtfjongseong @boba-beom @mybabywearschanel @chiefturtlebonkghost if i didn’t tag you it’s bc tumblr couldn’t find your blog!!
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Fight Me, Love Me, Save Me Pt. 1
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This will fill the "It's mine, and you can't have it." square on my @jacklesversebingo card. The quote will be bolded.
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Summary: A series in three parts exploring Y/N's and Dean's relationship from bickering children, to love and broken promises, to a plea for salvation.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: None really. This part is mostly fluff, with a tiny bit of making out at the end. They are both 17 when they're making out, so technically underage, but barely - and they are the same age.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 4,398
A/N: So this series will fill the last three squares on my bingo card. This part covers "It's Mine, and you can't have it." Part two will cover Broken Promises, (Nov 12) and part three will be for the Isolated/Trapped square. (Nov 19)
I hope you enjoy!! If you do, please remember to like, reblog and/or comment. Means the world to us writers! ❤️
The dividers included here were created by @talesmaniac89
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Dean and Y/N basically spent their childhood bickering. They met when they were six, when their fathers teamed up for a hunt. The two of them, and Sammy had been left together with a friendly old lady who was mostly deaf, so she very happily didn’t have to hear their constant fighting. 
They fought over toys, they fought over snacks, they fought over who would get the first turn on the tire swing in the old lady’s backyard. Dean’s longer legs always got him there first and he’d gloat down at Y/N, his smile wide and wicked.
“Too slow, Y/N!” He’d taunt. “It’s mine, and you can’t have it!” 
Since their fathers often teamed up, they ended up with the same babysitters, or in the same schools all the time. Dean was always popular; the teachers always adored him and his sweet smile and big green eyes. But Y/N was shy and slightly awkward, so the other kids didn’t usually play with her and teachers tended to ignore her. 
Dean would never let that stand though. When they'd play tag in the schoolyard he’d purposely go up and tag Y/N even though she hadn’t been invited to play the game.
When he’d tap her arm, she’d scowl at him. “I’m not playing, you idiot.” 
But Dean would ignore her and any of the other kids saying she couldn’t play. “You’re it!” He’d yell and then run away, sticking his tongue out at her and taunting her because he knew she’d never stand for it, and be forced to play. Once she was playing, the other kids usually didn’t care and the game would go on.
No one teased and tormented her like Dean did though. He was constantly yanking on her ponytail, or shooting spitballs at her from across the classroom. They competed over everything; test scores, who got to be the Christmas tree in the Christmas concert, who could skip with a jumping rope more times in a row without stopping, who built the best sand castle, who made a better volcano in science class - anything and everything.
In spite of that, however, Dean was also her biggest champion. When they were in third grade, Chester Hugo, a wiry little blonde boy, called Y/N fat and ugly and laughed at her. He showed her a picture of a whale in the encyclopedia in their classroom and laughed as he pointed to it.
“That’s you.” He whispered, and all his friends giggled with him silently. 
Y/N tried to ignore him, but at recess she was standing up against the brick wall of the school as usual, and Chester began waddling around in front of her and puffing out his cheeks. “Look everybody, I’m Y/N.” He called out before doubling over with laughter.
He only laughed for a second though, because without warning he was tackled to the ground by Dean, and began shrieking and covering his face as Dean pummeled him.
Dean got detention for three days because of it, and got grounded at home too. Y/N felt terrible, but Dean said it was worth it because now every time he walked past Chester, the bully shrank away or ran inside. 
When they were in the sixth grade, they went to Truman Middle School in Fort Madison, Iowa for a few months and ended up with a teacher who was absolutely terrible - Mrs. Abernathy. 
She was ancient and obviously didn’t really like kids anymore - if she ever had. Her classroom rules were arbitrary and confusing. She was constantly yelling at her students for doing things that had been permissible the day before. She barked orders at them and expected silence from them at all times. 
One afternoon the class was set to dissect a frog and Dean and Y/N were paired up to share one of the hapless amphibians. Mrs. Abernathy gave them their frog, closed inside a glass jar, along with a jar of cotton balls soaked in ether to toss in with the frog to kill him.
As soon as the grouchy old lady had moved on, Dean picked up the container holding the frog and pushed it into Y/N’s face.
“Hey Y/N look! It’s lunch time!” He said quietly, thrusting the frog towards her over and over.
“Stop it!” She said in an angry whisper, turning her head. After a while Dean grinned proudly at his ability to gross her out and set the frog back down.
Y/N looked down at it, and then got closer to the jar as the frog lifted its two front legs to press against the glass, looking for a way to hop out. It hopped around the confined space, rather pathetically trying to get free. Suddenly Y/N felt sick to her stomach and tears came to her eyes. 
She looked at Dean. “I wanna let him go.” She said quietly so only he could hear. 
Dean frowned at her. “What are you talking about? In like two minutes we’re gonna kill it and then look at its guts.” He said, trying to tease Y/N out of her concern for the frog.
But it didn’t work. Y/N shook her head, her tears falling fast now. “No, Dean, don’t kill it. I don’t wanna kill it. Look at him.” She said pointing to the little green creature desperately hopping around as though it could sense its impending doom.
Dean shook his head, trying to reason with her. “Y/N it’s just a frog. It isn’t gonna feel anything, the cotton ball will just make him fall asleep and then he'll die.” 
But Y/N was shaking her head, her eyes slightly frantic as Mrs. Abernathy reached the front of the classroom, having given everyone their frogs. Suddenly Y/N grabbed the jar and yanked it open, allowing the desperate frog to immediately hop away. 
She realized her mistake quickly as the frog simply jumped up onto another table and made the boys there scream and jump back, knocking their own frog to the floor so it smashed open, giving a second frog its freedom. The class erupted into chaos as the two frogs hopped around the classroom. Three more frogs had their jars smashed open as some kids scattered and stood on chairs, and some kids chased after the frogs.
Eventually, when all the frogs were finally rounded up and put back into new jars, (much to Y/N’s dismay) Mrs. Abernathy began looking for a culprit. She stood in front of Y/N’s desk and her always stern face was particularly harsh as she pointed a bony finger at her.
“That frog came from your desk, Miss Y/L/N, do you care to explain yourself?”
Before Y/N could answer, Dean stood up. “It was me. I opened the jar.”
Y/N looked at him, frowning and shaking her head. But Dean waved his hand at her. “Y/N told me not to, but I thought it would be funny if he got out.” He shrugged and gave a wholly unrepentant grin. “And it really was.”
Y/N tried to say something, but Mrs. Abernathy was too busy grabbing ahold of Dean’s arm and manhandling him out of the room. “Principal Yates is going to hear about this, young man.”
Y/N felt her stomach plummet as Dean was yanked out of the classroom. She sat quietly at her desk, guilty and sick feeling, as the other kids took full advantage of the teacherless classroom to discuss the frog escapade - loudly and with many sound effects. 
When Mrs. Abernathy returned, Dean wasn’t with her. Y/N tried to talk to her and explain the truth, but the teacher wouldn’t listen.
“Enough!” She shouted angrily. “There has been more than enough disruption in this classroom for today. Sit down and take out your math textbook.” Y/N opened her mouth and the old lady sliced her hand through the air. “Now!” She barked loudly, making all the other students pull their textbooks out as well.
Y/N didn’t see Dean again until the end of school. He was walking down the side road that led to the motel they were all staying in.
“Dean, wait up!” She called to him and he slowed his long stride. When she reached him she shook her head. “What were you thinking? Why did you say you did it?”
Dean shrugged. “Dunno. I just like to see Abernathy go berserk.” He said with a lazy smile.
Y/N frowned. “You got in trouble. Did you get detention again, or -” She stopped still and gasped. “Were you suspended?”
Dean just shook his head and kept walking. “No, it’s fine.”
Y/N ran after him. “What do you mean? What did Mr. Yates do?” When Dean just sped up and kept walking Y/N reached out and grabbed his hand, trying to force him to stop.
Dean winced and inhaled sharply, his face contorting in pain. He tried to pull his hand away, but Y/N had already seen the huge red welts that were spread over his palm and fingers. Tears immediately flooded her eyes and fell down her cheeks as she stepped closer and cradled his hand in hers.
“He gave you the strap?” She whispered, horrified at the image of Dean’s hands being struck over and over with the thick leather strap the principal kept hanging just outside his office.
Dean shrugged as Y/N lifted his other hand and looked at the damage there too. “Yep, five licks for each hand. Said it was supposed to make me remember to not let the devil use my idle hands for mischief.” He rolled his eyes. “I can’t wait till we're out of this bible-thumping, piece of shit town.”
Despite the life they led, Y/N was still sheltered enough that hearing Dean swear felt rebellious and she blushed a little. Then she sniffled and looked at Dean with remorse suffusing her face. “I’m so sorry. I never should have done it. And I really wish you hadn’t said it was you. I should have been the one getting strapped.”
Dean frowned darkly. “No, that would have been so much worse.” He said quickly. 
Y/N’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Dean’s face flushed and he just shrugged and pulled his hands away from her. “No, I mean - I just mean, you know I’m a hunter, I’m used to it. I mean the last hunt I went out on, I took down a werewolf.” He bragged. “You and Sammy, you’re still soft.”
Y/N scoffed at that, running to keep up with him as he walked on. “Whatever, oh great Winchester. ‘Took down a werewolf’? I feel like you probably had some help from your dad and mine.” She said, rolling her eyes.
“Doesn’t matter! I still fought him.” He argued, and the fight was back on. 
Within a few years though, Sam and Y/N did begin to join the hunts. They started slowly, hunting ghouls and wraiths, and other easier-to-hunt monsters.
However, in Y/N and Dean's Junior year, the end of middle school for Sam, their Dads began asking more of them, claiming that they needed to concentrate on learning to hunt. They told the two of them that they were needed for more important things than algebra. That was when Dean dropped out of high school, going to work with them and hunting full time. 
He told Y/N that he was just sick of school, and he’d never need it anyway. But Y/N knew he’d done it to give their Dads the help they wanted while giving her and Sam more time to be students.
By the time they were sixteen Y/N had figured Dean out. He still teased her mercilessly, constantly trying to annoy her with his hard rock, making fun of the boy bands she listened to. When she scored a ninety-five on her chemistry test, he’d called her poindexter for two weeks straight. 
But he was also fiercely protective, and he would bloody the nose of anyone who tried to hurt either her or Sam.
And she knew she was right about why he dropped out of school. Sometimes, when she and Sam were sitting around the motel room doing homework together, discussing the novel one of them was reading, or trying to make sense of trigonometry, she’d look up and catch Dean watching them with a look of longing on his face as he was cleaning weapons.
It was always gone in an instant when he noticed her watching, and he’d usually crack some kind of joke about what nerds they were, but Y/N knew what she saw. She would usually suggest that they stop their homework and watch a movie. Or she’d beg Dean to take them for a ride in the Impala that he’d inherited when he turned sixteen and his dad bought a truck. He’d always act like it was a huge pain, but she knew he loved it when they all piled into the car, rolled the windows down, and pretended to be carefree teens for a while.
She knew him and he couldn't get anything past her.
What did sneak up on Y/N, however, was how much she actually liked Dean. Like…like-liked him.
It became clear to her one day when she was seventeen, and in her senior year. Dean swung by one afternoon to pick up her and Sam after school. He was standing outside, leaning against his beloved car, waiting for them to show. She rounded the corner with a few girls she was doing a group project with; they were trying to iron out details of when they were going to meet to collaborate. 
When she saw Dean waiting there, she raised her hand to let him know she saw him and she was coming. Sam bolted past her and ran to the car. “Tell him I’m coming!” Y/N yelled after him.
She turned back to the discussion wanting to hurry up so she didn’t miss her chance at a ride. But all of the girls were just staring at her like she’d grown a second head.
“What?” She asked, self consciously covering her face slightly, worried she had something in her teeth.
The short girl to her right, Tracy she thought her name was, sputtered slightly and then looked pointedly at Dean. “Are you kidding me? What? Who?” She asked, flipping her hand quickly in Dean’s direction. “Who the hell is that?”
“Oh,” Y/N responded slightly confused, “that’s just Dean.”
“Dean?” The red-headed girl across from her asked. “Is he your brother?”
“What? Ew! No.” Y/N denied vehemently, and it took her a moment to figure out why that idea grossed her out so much. When the girl with braces (Sheila?) spoke though, the reason hit Y/N like a Mac truck.
“He’s so ridiculously hot!” Sheila exclaimed and all the other girls agreed quickly, giving giggly little moans and being incredibly obvious about staring at Dean.
At first Y/N’s mind wanted to mock that idea, remnants of their childhood rivalries and bickering jumping forward. But then she looked back at him where he still stood, talking to Sam. 
Holy crap, she realized with a bolt of lightning kind of realization, he really is ridiculously hot.
He wore black jeans and his black Metallica t-shirt which stretched tightly across his newly broadened shoulders. His hair was thick and perpetually looked like he’d carelessly run his fingers through it. His smile was bright and blinding even across the schoolyard, and though none of them could see it, she knew his eyes would be twinkling in that mischievous way they did when he was bent on getting into trouble.
She could see that he was noticing all the attention he was getting, and he patted Sam on the shoulder and started to walk towards them. Sam gave a full-body eye roll and got into the back seat.
The girls all turned shrill as he approached, laughing like dying hyenas. Y/N felt anger start to burn in her stomach and it confused her. But when Dean stopped in front of them and smiled charmingly at each of them, Y/N recognized that it was jealousy turning her heart green and she was shocked. 
“Hello, ladies.” Dean said in a would-be suave kind of way. It made Y/N roll her eyes, but her classmates practically swooned. 
A chorus of dreamy hellos followed and Y/N grabbed on to Dean to pull him away. But Dean resisted and shoved his hands in his pockets. “So I’ve, uh, got my car over there.” He said, thumbing towards the Impala, his face full of teenage boy pride. “Anyone need a lift?”
All of them began nodding and squealing, but Y/N shouted over them. “No, it’s fine, Dean, let’s just go. They’re good.” She succeeded in dragging him off but when they were a few yards away from them, Y/N ran back quickly to warn her temporary classmates, using a paraphrased version of she and Dean’s childhood refrain.
“Stay away from him. He’s mine and you can’t have him.”
Once Y/N realized her feelings for Dean, things became very awkward for her. All the things that used to be simple, sitting beside him to watch a movie, training with him for hunts, simply sitting across the room from him and looking at him - they all became unbearable situations that she didn’t know how to deal with.
When she sat beside him now she could feel the way he radiated warmth, she could feel her heart skip a beat when he’d shift his leg so his thigh pressed against hers. When they were training, simple holds that she had only ever cared about breaking out of before, now left her breathing heavy. When his big hand would wrap around her wrist or whenever he'd reach his strong arms around her waist from behind, it was everything she could do not to just sink into his arms like putty. 
About a week and a half after her epiphany hit, she and Dean were alone in the motel room, sparring, and he pushed her up against a wall, pinning her there and expecting she'd try to get out. But he was breathing softly across her cheek, his face inches from hers and her whole body started tingling, making her lose her grip on the knife she held. It fell from her grasp and ended up slicing his calf on the way down.
“Aah! Jesus!” Dean shouted as he let her go and hobbled away from her. “What the hell, Y/N? What’s wrong with you?”
He sat down on the bed and Y/N ran over to pull up his slashed jeans, gasping at the long wound that bled down the side of his calf.
“Oh my god, Dean!” She said, jumping up and quickly grabbing the first aid kit. She got back on her knees beside the bed and pressed pads of gauze against his leg to stop the bleeding. She looked up into his face and saw his eyes closed in pain. “I’m so sorry! I just…”
Tears hit the backs of her eyes and she shook her head, looking back at his leg. “God, I’m so sorry.” She repeated in a teary voice.
“Hey.” Dean said as he lifted her chin so she was looking at him again. His thumb brushed away a tear that fell down her cheek. “Sweetheart, it's fine. No need for tears. I’ve survived worse.”
Y/N’s breath stilled in her chest and she whispered quietly. “You’ve never called me that before…sweetheart.”
Dean immediately tried to act casual, but he wasn’t a very good actor. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t, like, freak out about it.”
Y/N nodded and went back to caring for his wound. Once she got the bleeding stopped, she could see it wasn’t very deep. As she cleaned it, she could feel the tension between them rising, like something thick and palpable. 
Dean cleared his throat. “Did you, uh…I mean do you want me to call you that? Or, I mean…did you like it?”
Y/N felt her cheeks turn a burning red and she shrugged as she taped a big piece of gauze over the long cut. “I dunno.” Was her only response.
She was finished taking care of him, so she stood up and started to walk away. But Dean’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the back of her t-shirt. He let go as she turned back to face him. 
“Why have you been so weird lately?”
Y/N laughed nervously. “What are you talking about?”
Dean stood up and pressed closer to her, slipping his hand around her so that it laid against the small of her back. Her blood pumped hard in her veins and she licked her lips. Dean’s jaw clenched and his eyes fell to her mouth.
“I mean that you’ve been weird with me all week. Ever since I picked you up at school and you got all jealous.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped open before she slammed it shut and spluttered. “Whatever! You wish! Like I care about the dozens of girls you riffle through in every town we stay in.”
Dean moved closer to her and brought his other hand up to cup her cheek and trail his fingers along her jawbone. “I mean…it does actually seem like you care a little bit.” 
He walked her backwards a few more steps so that she was pressed up against the wardrobe that sat in the corner of the room. His eyes roamed over her face and then he looked deeply into her eyes, and his green-eyed gaze made her feel exposed, like he could see into her soul so there was no point in lying to him. He’d always known how she felt. He knew when she was scared, knew when she was annoyed, and when she was furious; he knew her sadness and the loneliness that seized her sometimes. 
He always knew, and he always knew just how to make things better for her. She’d already realized that she was actually incredibly attracted to him, but now she realized that he was also her best friend. She felt incredibly stupid for not realizing that sooner. She’d always thought of him as this annoying gnat that wouldn’t leave her alone. But really he was the person who knew her the best, the one she was never afraid to go to for anything, the one she knew would always have her back.
Dean’s breath was soft against her lips as he hovered there. “So, do you care, Y/N? Even a little?”
She could do nothing but nod, and then close the distance between them, pressing her lips against his briefly before pulling back, terrified to see his reaction. 
But a wide, slightly goofy smile spread across his face and it made her smile in return. “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” He said before he planted his mouth over hers and kissed her for real. 
She’d never been kissed before, but she’d imagined it many times. This was nothing like she’d imagined. It was much wetter, much hotter, and much more all-consuming than she’d imagined it would be. Her head was swimming, and she felt like she might pass out. He swept his tongue into her mouth and she moaned. 
The thought of “french kissing” had always weirded her out a little. Who wanted someone else’s tongue in their mouth? But Dean’s tongue was silky and skillful as he trailed it along the roof of her mouth. It felt possessive and that feeling made her stomach clench in a pleasant and shaky kind of way. 
When she reciprocated, slowly allowing her tongue to trail along his, Dean groaned and slipped both his hands down over her hips to press her closer to him. She gasped as she felt his hard on through his jeans, pressing against her lower belly. 
Dean pulled his mouth away from her and dropped his forehead to her shoulder, before turning his head and pressing soft kisses along her neck.
“Sorry.” He said gruffly. “It’s just…I mean, fuck you’re crazy hot. Sorry.” He said again, but Y/N giggled, more thrilled than she could say at his reaction to her and to their kisses.
“But,” Dean continued, “there’s no rush or anything, no rush to, you know, do anything.”  He raised his head to look her in the eye. “I’m just so glad that you're, uh…that you like me, you know…like that. I’ve liked you for so long.”
He brushed his lips across hers. “Been wanting to kiss you since we were about eleven years old.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Seriously? I just realized last week that I wanted to kiss you. How have you known this long, and not tried to kiss me even once?”
Dean shrugged sheepishly. “Never thought you’d want me to, and I wasn't about to try something and weird you out…or make you stay away from me. But then, you seemed so jealous the other day, and the daggers you were shooting at those other chicks gave me some reason to hope. Then you’ve been so weird ever since.”
Y/N snorted. “Whatever, I wasn’t shooting any daggers. I’ve been very cool and collected this whole time.” She lied.
Dean laughed. “Yeah, the gaping wound on my leg says otherwise.”
“Hey, don’t blame me because you lost focus and got yourself hurt.” Y/N said haughtily. 
“Lost focus? I did not lose focus. You got all swoony and dropped the damn knife.”
“That’s totally not true. You know you always - “
Suddenly Dean cut her off with another kiss, one that was deep and probing and left Y/N completely senseless.
Dean’s breathing was harsh and shallow too as he rested his forehead on hers and spoke against her lips.
“God, I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“Kiss me?” Y/N asked, her eyes still closed.
“No. Shut you up.”
It took Y/N a moment to register his words and then her eyes popped open and she saw his wide, mischievous grin and punched his upper arm lightly. “You’re an asshole.”
Dean nodded and yanked her tight against him. “Yeah, but I’m your asshole.”
Y/N laughed. “Yes.” She nodded. “But let’s just remember who kissed who first.”
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu @jackles010378
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26 @slut-for-evans-stan
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous @k-slla @stoneyggirl2
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dduane · 10 months
Hello Lady Duane! 😊 (I feel that if we can call Neil Sir Gaiman, you certainly deserve a title as well!)
I've wanted to tell you for ages now that you are one of my absolute favourite Trek authors, have been since I first read some of your novels over a decade ago as a teen - my parents and I have about? 4 or 5 copies of The Doctor's Orders between us, German and English alike (my dad even bought a copy to keep at the office for reading during his lunch breaks). The Wounded Sky is another one of my favourite Trek novels ❤️
My sister and I also occasionally watch old Barbie movies for the nostalgia. So when we watched Fairytopia a few months ago, we found out that you had written the script for the movie! I literally let out a happy yell when I saw you show up in the opening credits and went "omg, it's Diane Duane!!" That was so unexpected but also very delightful! 😊
And now, thanks to you being on tumblr as well, I found out about your other novels and bought your ebook bundle the other day. :D I'm currently a bit over halfway through So You Want to Be a Wizard and I just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying it so very much!! ❤️
Thank you for all the wonderful words over the years! It continues to be a joy! 😊💜
Hi there!
Regarding titles: Well, okay... as long as everybody's clear that as a US citizen, titles are usually off the menu for me. (As an Irish one, not so much—the government can approve the use of them if it likes—though the neighbors'd snicker at me down the pub.) Anyway: I accept gratefully.* Though yelling "Yo, Trekkie!" might well be just as effective. :)
I'm glad you've enjoyed my Trek work! It's always been very satisfying to do. The chance to actually write professionally in what was my main fandom (after Holmes) during my late teen years has been a most unexpected—when I got started—and extraordinary thing.
And as for Fairytopia: That was a lot of fun too, and also unexpected. My agent just called me up one morning and said "How are you about Barbie...?" and I said, "Well, okay I guess, I had the usual number of them!" —and we were off. The Mattel people were fabulous to work with, and I look back on that whole project with affection.
Meanwhile, I'm delighted you're having fun with the first of the Young Wizards books! There are plenty more of them in that package (still discounted) that conform to the new timeline, which now launches in 2008 rather than the mid 1980s. (Book 10 of the series didn't need that treatment, and so isn't available in a revised edition.)
Anyway: thanks for letting me know. It's always nice to find out that I'm getting the job done. :)
*But also: according to the usual protocols, Neil—when they finally get around to knighting him, probably when a more literature- and intelligence-friendly government takes over—will properly be "Sir Neil": as UK knighthood's an acknowledgement of the person, not the family, and knights are therefore addressed by their first names. (Not to fret: people from both sides of the Water sometimes get this detail backwards.)
(...Be fun if they stuck him straight into the Lords, though. Usually, if you don't want to use your last name in your lordship's title, you can select the name of someplace in the UK that has personal meaning for you. Seeing Neil ennobled as Lord Neverwhere would be a trip.) :)
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Hello love ❤️ could you do these prompts if you wanna do ... feel no pressure 😅😅
7. Almost kissing but someone walks in 0_0
13. “would you acknowledge my feelings for you if i kissed you right now? you can’t seem to take a damn hint, [name]”
18. they’re teasing each other when one character goes “then kiss me” and is surprised that the other character actually does it.
19. ARGUING!!!!! then a heated “kiss me.” and suddenly their hands are all over each other
The Boss (Moon Boys x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be Tagged?
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A/N: HI LOVELY! Thanks for the ask!! The idea I had for this was born out of very very very spicy noodles and I was crying on the inside hahaha. 
Word count: 2.3k
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Your hands were shaking. You could barely gesture around the exhibits to the group of people around you and you had caught yourself twisting the edge of your blazer one time too many. One lady in the group nodded sympathetically to you, connoting your nervousness to the fact that you were leading around a large crowd in a huge museum. Any other employee would have been scared. Scared that their employer would fire them for not doing their job right.
But your situation was something completely out of the ordinary.
It all started the night before, when you and your boss had been finishing up the day's work, making sure that everything was in order. Your boss, or bosses, were a peculiar bunch. For starters you had three, and all three of them resided in one body, or you could say, mind. There was Steven Grant; the nerdy, enthusiastic, sweet man, Marc Spector; the hard and efficient boss and Jake Lockley; the one who was barely there, preferring to work away from people.
You had taken a liking to all of them, accidentally finding out their situation when you caught Steven yelling at a mirror, only to realize that he had a strong American accent instead of his usual soft British drawl. You had picked up their differences fast, the way their posture was, the expressions on their face, all of the slight changes letting you know who you were addressing. As far as you were concerned, they were fine with your company too, and all of you chatted away happily as the piles of work got smaller and smaller.
Once the pile had about 30 minutes worth of work left, Marc got up and came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. You stared at the bottle he was holding, noticing that it was an old, expensive red wine that was gifted by one of the museum sponsors. You watched as Marc set down the glasses, pulling the cork off the bottle and pouring a generous fill for the both of you. This was slightly out of the blue and you never usually drank on the job, but Marc smiled sweetly and handed you your glass. You took a sip, savoring the rich aroma and matured taste of the aged wine as you watched Marc from over the rim of your glass. He was pulling off his jacket, draping it onto the chair before loosening his tie and unbuttoning his cuffs.
The one thing that smashed your brain up was how hot your bosses were. They were attractive, almost like they had their own glow from within them that radiated a confidence that you felt like you could never achieve. You try not to stare as he started to fold his sleeves until they were over his elbows and slightly strained at the biceps. He sat down and fully pulled at his tie until it unfurled from his neck and sat limp in his hands. He quickly balled it up and set it aside, reaching for his glass of wine.
“Do you like it?” he suddenly asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Huh?” uh oh, you felt like he had caught you staring and your face flushed.
“The wine, sweetheart.” he chuckled and suddenly you forgot to breathe.
The word of endearment sent sparks down your spine and you felt yourself getting dizzy but you nodded and went back to nursing your glass.
“You’ve done some good work here.” It was Steven now and he was looking at you with a smile. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”
“That’s alright Mr. Grant, happy to help.” you return his smile, happy at his genuineness.
“How many times have I told you to stop calling me that? You can call me Steven!” he laughs and takes another sip and you smile shyly.
After a couple of silent minutes, you heard a tapping against a seat, making you look up. It was Jake now, and he wore a relaxed look on his face, one that you had not seen before.
“Come, sit closer to us, we don't bite.” he says, sounding amused.
You found yourself obeying his simple request, getting up and taking a seat next to him. Jake reached for your glass and set it beside you. While Marc and Steven made you feel somewhat equal to them, Jake made you feel like you were prey and he was at the top of the food chain. He eluded so much swagger that you felt smaller than usual around his presence.
“The boys and I were talking,” he started, keeping his eyes on his glass as he watched the wine swirl, “we wanna do something for you.”
You turned to him, slightly surprised at the predicament before you. You nodded, urging him to go on. He leaned closer to you and you couldn’t help but breathe him in. He smelled expensive, leather and sandalwood radiating off him excessively. You found yourself looking at his eyes, watching his long beautiful eyelashes every time he blinked. You pleaded for your heart to still, fearing that he would hear from how painfully hard it was thumping in your chest.
“We want to give you a promotion, cielo.” he whispered it and your mouth dropped open.
He smiled at your reaction and leaned back on his seat to take in more of it.
“Why?” you managed to make yourself whisper.
“You’ve been so good for us, cielo, you’ll be a good asset to the management. But we won’t take you out of your tour guiding, we see how charismatic you are with the people. We just wanna treat our best employee a little better, you know?” he jabbered away, the slight Spanish accent feeling like a delightful tingle in your brain.
“Thank you.” you said, clinking your glass with his glass that he held out.
You took a sip and suddenly you felt a small gust of wind form the open window picking up a paper that was on the table, sending it tumbling away. You set your glasses aside and quickly get up to grab it, only to find that Jake was doing the same. The both of you grabbed the paper at the same time, the both of you kneeling on the ground.
You made the grave mistake of looking up at his face, suddenly realizing that you didn’t know who you were looking at. You couldn’t tell exactly who it was from the thundering in your ears. You stared into the deep brown orbs, almost like you were leaning into the edge of Tartarus, staring down at Kronos as time slowed around you. You watch as the man’s eyes drop to your lips and you know the both of you are tipping towards dangerous territory, the wine softening your hardened edges.
You felt yourself unconsciously crawl forward, setting your hands on top of the man’s thighs, watching something sharp form in his eyes. You let your eyes drop to his lips, studying its shape and resisting the urge to paint them with the lipstick on your own lips. You wondered if they had drugged you, your brain surged into overdrive as he leaned slightly towards you, tipping his head. His eyes were hooded now and so were yours and everything seemed so blurry.
The sound of the door brought the both of you out of the thick tension that had been brewing. While your head swerved towards the door, Marc was still looking at you, his head completely void at any thought but the feeling of your hands on his thighs. Your grip on your boss’ thigh deepened as your eyes widened at the sight of the security guard who was at the door. You were too frozen to move and you were silently pleading with one of the boys to say something.
Fortunately the security guard beat you to it.
“Oops, sorry sir, I’ll come for my rounds later.” he hurriedly said, shutting the door and scuttling away.
The loud bang of the door shutting made you pull away from your boss at lightspeed, as if he was on fire. You acted quickly, jumping to your feet and gathering your things, shoving them in your bag as fast as you possibly could.
“Wait, hey, sorry.” Marc’s voice? No Steven, might even be Jake
You couldn’t think and you didn’t let yourself look at them, eyes glossy and brain foggy, trying to make your legs move as fast as they possibly could to get you far away from them.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Back at the present moment, you found yourself in a corporate meeting, surrounded by executives, discussing the transport of a new object to the museum for a special temporary exhibition. You bosses were nowhere to be seen and you sat taking notes, trying your best to put all of your attention to the project. The door of the meeting room slammed open, a little louder to you than anyone else sitting in the room and you could physically feel the atmosphere in the room change and you could hear the taps of your boss’ shoes on the tiled floor.
He pulled a chair beside you and took a seat, his clothed calf brushing your bare one. From your periphery, you saw him nod, acknowledging the executives. Your right hand shook slightly and you stopped taking notes, fighting hard to focus on the meeting. Suddenly, a large hand covered yours and pulled your notebook away, making you almost jump. You turned to watch your boss flipping through the meeting minutes that you had taken down.
You noticed very quickly that it was Steven and that he was wearing his glasses that were gradually sliding down his nose. You had to resist the urge to push them up his nose and comb back the stray curl that flopped onto his forehead. Instead you watched as his fingers traced your words on your notebook and his familiar scent that burned your senses.
“All of these plans are looking good. I will decide who will transport the item.” Steven’s voice brought you out of your hyperfocus.
He snapped your book shut and stood up, making you remember something.
“Actually, sir, I’d like to volunteer.” you piped up, standing up to meet his eyeline.
“That would not be necessary, Miss, I have made my decision.” Steven said, almost coldly.
“But I-”
Jake’s intimidating face was enough for you to stop in your tracks and take a deep breath.
“Alright, sir, sorry.” you said and the meeting was dismissed.
You turned to follow the stream of people walking out of the meeting room when a hand grabbed at your wrist. It pulled you into a hard chest and you gasped but played it off with a cough. You turned to stare at your boss as the door shut behind the last person who exited the room.
“Why can’t I take the project?” you whispered, noting how their eyes didn’t meet yours.
“Can't let you take that job, love, it's dangerous.” Steven said, wincing slightly at the word of endearment leaving his lips.
“It's just transporting, I don’t think it's that dangerous, stop tryna shield me. So all you said about me being an asset was just bullshit?” you raised your voice and wrenched your arm from his grasp.
“We’re not shielding you, we just have your best interest in mind. And we were not lying.” Marc said, an edge of desperation clinging to his words.
“Well, you are taking away what I want, Mr. Spector.” you counter, anger creeping up to poison your heart.
“Why can’t you get it through that stubborn beautiful head of yours that we’re tryna protect you.” Jake said tapping the side of your forehead.
“This is not protection. I don’t need protection, I want a little bit of freedom!” you spat.
Steven scrubs his face with his hand.
“Can’t you come to terms with the fact that we care?” Steven soothes you softly, holding onto your hand again.
“This is not care-” you stop as you watch Steven’s face contort in pain as Marc tries to push through.
“Fine then, fuck it, would you acknowledge our feelings for you if I kissed you right now? You can’t seem to take a damn hint through the fog that is your stupid stubbornness.” He breathed, moving closer and holding your forearm.
“What?” He said it so fast that you didn’t have time to process it and you were confused at the turn the conversation had taken.
“Kiss me and I’ll show you how much we really care.” he said carefully and your brain stopped working.
Something clicked and you grabbed onto his tie and pulled him, closing the gap as his lips touched yours. It was like they had set you on fire and all you could think of was them. Marc sighed into the kiss and pulled you closer till your body was flushed with his. Their glasses pressed into your skin and you pulled back slightly, searching their eyes, yanking them off and throwing the pair onto the table beside you before slamming your lips back onto their’s. You didn’t know who you were kissing but from the way they were, you knew that you could be given the chance to learn their patterns with more practice.
Your hands cupped their face, their light stubble scratching against the soft skin of your palms. Your nose found its sanctuary beside theirs as you kissed them breathless, moaning as they parted your lips with a hard lick to yours. Their hands couldn’t help but feel you up at their kisses alternated between soft sweet pecks to full passionate breathtaking ones.
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~
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yukikogazingthestars · 5 months
Heyyy so could I request Mori x fem reader who is Hirotsu's granddaughter? Port mafia had a meeting and Hirotsu told reader to wait Infront of port mafia building she was waiting and smoking and listening to music when Elise came and took her to meeting and reader has crush on mori for some time and everyone were shocked that Hirotsu has a granddaughter but the thing is thathe found her on his doorstep one day
Ability:Siren voice, she can control people by singing
If you are comfortable make her 20s if you not make her age you want
Well, I terribly took a long time to finish it. But, if you're happy to read it, please do leave a comment. If you don't feel comfortable, anon in ask-box will be fine too❤️
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Hirotsu never knew he had a granddaughter until he found that someone abandoned a child in front of his door with a letter claiming that that little child was his granddaughter. He was puzzled. How could he be a grandfather when he was just only 25 years old? Again, he never did that with someone, well at least not someone with blonde hair. That child had blue ocean eyes, blonde hair and cute dimples that proved that she wasn't his descendant.
He knew that that's absurd and a scam but he still wasn't heartless enough to send this child to an orphanage because he knew how an orphanage could be so fucked up in those time. Again,he couldn't leave the child alone in this darkness. So, he decided to be a guardian for the child. Of course,he also kept a secret from the organization since Port Mafia at that time was so fucked up and so cruel .He worried that the crazy boss would do something terrible to the child or he would use her as a hostage to keep him loyal.
Years later, it was finally Mori's reign.But, Hirotsu decided to keep the secret with him all his life as he was used to it. Y/N gradually grew up into a fine and intelligent lady and like Hirotsu, she had an obsession with cigarettes .
Hirotsu always told her not to smoke too much but Y/N never listened. Hirotsu didn't want Y\N to join the Port Mafia since he believed that Y/N deserved to be in the light while he was in the dark protecting her. They may not be blood related but their bond is like a real father and daughter.
"Like I said, you can't go " Hirotsu frowned his eyes when he heard Y/N's request.
"If you have so much time, why don't you go shopping with your friends? Moreover, they don't even know I have a tantrum throwing brat" He smoked out the Cigarettes while he watched Y/N rolling herself on the floor yelling that she wanted to meet Mori.
"I said that won't be happen"
"Hirotsu San! You meanie!"
Although Hirotsu kept refusing her request, he knew he had to take her to the HQ today because of the incident of disappearing Port Mafia's building because of the Guild. He sighed,killed the cigarettes and got up .
"I will leave the house in 15 minutes so you better hurry"
"You mean I can come with you? Right!? Right!?"
"If you agree not to disturb our job"
Y/N happily got up and jumped into Hirotsu causing him a little backache.
"Please piggy back to HQ!!"
"What do you think you are? An elementary school kid? Get off. Again,they don't know you're my granddaughter.Moreover.. "
"They don't even know you have one ."Y/N giggled and got off from Hirotsu. She picked up the bag which contained a book, cigarette case and some chewing gum.
"Just tell them I'm your daughter.That's more relevant la."
"Thanks to someone,I got a grandchild without having a daughter or son"
That's their daily conversation. Although Hirotsu wanted to keep the adoption a secret, Y/N found out that when she was just a kid since their appearances were too different . But, she didn't feel any remorse or anything as she accepted Hirotsu as her father and she was gladly grateful that he decided to adopt her.
The only problem was that she took a crush on his boss, Mori Ougai and that's the reason that she kept being a brat throwing tantrums to visit the Port Mafia. Hirotsu never allowed in the past but thanks to Guild being ridiculous, she had a golden chance to visit there.
But, to her disappointment, Hirotsu clearly told the guards to watch her . He clearly reminded them not to let her go near the meeting room. He even told her just to sit quietly in the reception. Y/N pouted but she had to agree.
Y/N just sat on the couch scrolling her phone and smoking until a little girl bumped into her. The young, short girl with pale skin and bright blue eyes. She has long, blonde hair, styled with straight, blunt bangs across her forehead and long, thick ringlets that curled past her waist. She wears a large red bow on the right side of her head.
Y/N whistled softly and rubbed her belly after putting that girl away from her. She killed the cigarettes and waved her hands in order to make the smoke disappear.
"That hurts! Kid, you should spare me since I am in my 20 and I started to be old"
"You are not fun.By the way, I'm Elise"
Y/N giggled and patted Elise's head.
"Hello Elise, I'm Y/N"
She had no idea who that girl was but she decided to play along since she was too bored in scrolling and watching Instagram Reels.
" I'm bored"
"Me too"
"How about doing some fun? How about annoying Rintarō ?"
"Who is Rintarō?"
"Annoying man"
Their conversation was really something. Y/N didn't know what Elise was talking and again Elise didn't know what Y/N was talking.
"I can sing" said Y/N while she was chewing a gun. Elise looked at her and she made a large big smile.
"Sing for me!"
"Okay, any special request?"
"I don't have one. Just sing and I'll listen"
Y/N stood up and cleared her throat. She was thinking hard about what song she should sing.
"Ah! How about we go upstairs? We have an empty place where we can use" said Elise.She grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged her to the upstairs.
Y/N couldn't refuse. To her surprise,no one stopped them going upstairs. So, she realized that Elise was somehow associated with high ranking members of the Port Mafia.
"How about here? It's better than Reception right?"
It was a corridor. But, to be exact,a long corridor with stained glass window, huge pillars. As expected for the Port Mafia, even the corridor was so grand.
Y/N put on her airpod, selected a song.
"I will sing Enchanted by Taylor Swift"
She told herself just to put on the mood. Elise was smiling and put her hands on her cheeks . She sat on a chair which she dragged from nowhere.
The meeting was still ongoing. Hirotsu was reporting the news about the Guild and everyone including Mori himself was paying so much attention. The atmosphere inside was really intense since the Guild had their first move .
Mori massaged his elbows softly and sighed. They were so stressed out about the case .
Until they heard a voice.
“This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you”
“Who is singing outside?”asked Mori curiously. He meant no harm or no anger in his voice, it's just the voice was so sweet and alluring that he wanted to know who was singing.
Poor Hirotsu, he was pale and sweat dropped on his forehead. He knew it was Y/N singing outside,using her ability to sing alluringly and sweetly to make her audience happy.
“It was…”
“You know who is singing, don't you?”
Kouyou was listening while she was smiling.Chuuya was frowning his eyes but he somehow enjoyed the song.Higuchi hummed the music without even knowing. Even Akutagawa didn't give negative feedback and the rest of the black lizard also enjoyed the song.
“It was..”
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
It became silent again after the song. But, the happiness and the calming energy was still here and they wanted to meet who was the owner of that angelic voice.
“Hirotsu San, if you know who was singing, do bring her here”
“But, boss-”
Hirotsu couldn't finish his words since Elise bursted into the room grabbing Y/N .
“Ah ah, it hurts Elise chan”
“Rintarō, I made a new friend. She can sing! She has angelic voice”
Elise was shaking Y/N violently and jumping like a rabbit with excitement.Poor Y/N, she was so excited and shiver to see her crush here. But, she couldn't do anything since Elise was yanking her hands in and out. She helplessly looked at Hirotsu and as expected, Hirotsu was giving that look .Yes, he was clearly angry.
“Elise chan, please stop . You're hurting that poor girl” Mori cooed and he gently grabbed Elise towards him.
“Sorry, she’s just really happy to make a new friend “
“...it’s okay”
“Who are you,if I may ask?”
Y/N looked at Hirotsu with *asking for help* eyes. Hirotsu sighed and decided to step in.
“Boss, if I may answer, she is my granddaughter”
Kouyou put her hands to her mouth trying not to laugh. Chuuya couldn't close his mouth from surprise. Tachihara and Higuchi couldn't help but laugh till their stomach hurt since Hirotsu and that girl didn't resemble each other in any way.Again, how can a 50 years old man have a granddaughter of that age.Mori was a little surprised by his answer too.
“She was…she was adopted.That was a long story.”
Hirotsu explained the situation in short. Mori nodded softly while he was listening to the whole story.
“So, you hid your granddaughter from the organization for a long time”
“It was my personal life.So, I thought I shouldn't make a scene”
Mori didn't blame both of them. Instead he offered Y/N to live in Port Mafia for a time being until the Guild was solved.
Y/N was blushing from the idea of sharing the same roof with her Crush. She wanted to refuse but Mori said,”You won't make Elise cry,will you” and she finally agreed.
Hirotsu didn't like the idea,but it was the safest option so he had to agree. Even Poor protective Grandpa had the time to give up.
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Could you do a story where Y/N Is tony starks kid and is a total mini tony has his sarcasm and attitude buts it’s been getting worse then usually so he has to take matters into his own hands and twords the attitude out of them (playful twords everywhere and maybe some chasing 👉👈)
If you don’t want to do it I totally understand ❤️
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Hey Teddy:) sorry it took so long, writes block was a real pain but I'm back.
I hope you like it 💜
You were sitting in the avengers tower living room, playing a game on your phone with music blasting in your ears.
Suddenly a slap was delivered on the back of your head and you turn around, seeing your Dad Tony stark standing there with a grin.
"What was that for"?! You yell with a pout as you rub the back of your head.
"you weren't listening and aren't you a little to old to pout"? He chuckled
"Aren't you a little to old to play superhero" you say with a mischief grin and turn back to your phone.
"Careful there young lady, i might just have to TICKLE that attitude out of you" Tony whispered in your ear knowing that you were ticklish by your ear.
"Oh really? I could easily escape you old man" you giggled.
It was silent for a while until you heard a whisper against your ear "You have five seconds to run"
You didn't need to be told that twice, you jumped up from the couch and ran down the halls of the tower.
Giggling madly you heard Tony coming closer, the pounding of his footsteps only made you run faster as you slide around a corner. The lab doors came in view and you knew you could just lock yourself in there until your Dad went on his way again.
You almost made it to the doors when two pairs off arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against Tony's chest.
"Gotcha" Tony said with a grin and traced his fingers over your ribs.
You were already giggling and tried to wiggle free but to no success, he wrestled you to the ground and sat on your legs to pin you to the ground. He immediately went for one of the worst spots.
Your underarms.
"Your such a Jerkhihihi nohahahahh" you squirm around in his arms as you giggle madly.
"There are those sweet giggles of yours" Tony said with a grin and tasered your sides with both hands.
You threw your head back as your giggles went to full on belly laughter "YOUR EVIL"!!
"I know" he chuckled darkly and traced a finger over your belly.
"hihihi" your laughter calmed down a little so you could breath, giving you one chance to escape.
So that's what you did, you wiggled around in Tony's arms but he was already faster then you, he lowered you to the ground and sat down onto your upper legs to pin you down.
"Your not going anywhere you little troublemaker" he said with a smirk and turned around on your legs so he was facing your feet.
"Don't you darHAHHAAHA DADHAHAHAH NOHIHIHI" you laughed your head off and trashed around as he scribbles over the sole of your feet.
"What's the matter? Can't handle a little tickling" Tony said with laugh and switched to scribble his fingers under your knee caps.
"OKAY OKAY I'M SORRYHAHAHAHA" you laughed loudly and kicked out your feet.
"You promise not to call me a old man again"?
He scribbles one more time under your knees and then got off of you "Your adorable" Tony said with a soft smile.
"and your evil" you giggled and curled up in a ball to get rid of the ghost tickles.
"Aww you love me" he said in a sing song voice and pulled you to your feet.
"Yeah i do, love you Dad" you smiled and Tony hugged you tightly.
"Love you too, Teddy bear" he smiled and kissed the top of your head.
Tony stark may be a genius, billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist. But he was also your Dad.
And you wouldn't want it any other way.
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jacks-little-jacky · 1 month
Heyheyhey!! Anon here again! Do you mind writing a scenario in which Jack’s crush absolutely adores adopting children (I’m not talking about one or two, I’m talking about an ’army’ of them, like, 6/7) ?
Like, those kids are incredibly fond of him to the point that in the future they accidentally call him ’dad’? (maybe you can end it with some smut, with Jack offering them another sibling 👀) (IM SO SORRY, THIS HAS BEEN ON MY MIND FOR SO LONG AND I’VE BEEN MEANING TO ASK FOR A LONG TIME, BUT IVE NEVER MET ANOTHER JACK SIMP BEFORE— I HOPE I CAN REQUEST AGAIN SOON, I ADORE YOUR WRITING!!❤️❤️❤️)
The Littlest Army | Jack x Reader
Okay so I ADORE Dilf! Jack. Sorry that this took so long but I'm getting back into this blog and I hope the quality is to your taste. Bon appetit.
Warnings: inappropriate use of children (Jack throws them), NSFW Under The Cut! Everything above is pretty SFW, breeding kink/unprotected yee-hawing, mention of pregnancy, I tried something new so idk
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Jack has never seen this coming.
Never, in all of his 28 years of living has he seen himself as a father figure. Sure, leading a Squad that accepted 15-year-olds sometimes made him somewhat of a caregiver. More or less.
He didn't see himself as the domestic type. He could handle the young recruits, they were his subordinates after all. Of course, they were teenagers, but there still was this distance. Professionalism, as little as Jack would bring it with him at least.
Jack wasn't one to settle down, have children and drink tea in his little cottage by a lake. No, that wasn't him. Or so he thought.
Until he met you.
A pretty thing, how couldn't he notice you? Always smiling, waving at the Magic Knight with the two little bundles next to her knees.
He never meant for this to happen.
But the preparations for the Royal Knights Exam came up and everbody was oh so busy. So busy that the Captains would come from their high horses and take over the boring patrols and mediocore missions so their knights would have further time to train.
And Jack always was a working bee, anything that was preventing him from sitting hours in his office going through reports and filing documents about broken equipment and whatnot was good to him.
Really, with the way he was patrolling almost each day the cities around his base location he shouldn't be suprised he picked up on people there. He wasn't unobservant, he just didn't care most of the time.
But after almost two weeks he knew the names of the baker and the lady who spilled coffee in a rush on him. He knew the names of some children he saw running around, learning them from their mothers yelling after them. The names of some of the nuns taking care of the orphans too.
And of course, you. Sweet, temptating, captivating you.
Always running around, helping the nuns. Always running around, bumping into him. Always running around, never leaving his mind.
It was unfair. A sick kind of joke the universe played on him. But how was he supposed to resist? Resist you and your kind smile, your little giggle, and the way you'd bat your eyelashes at him. The way you silently pleaded for him to take the cookies the kids made for him.
And he did, lowering on his knees slowly while staring into your eyes. His golden eyes only leaving your captivating eyes when his knees hit the ground and he redirected his gaze to the actual kids around him.
They were loud, tugging at his robe and shoving the cookies almost into his face. He cracked a little smile, before giving in and laughing. Ruffling their hair and taking cookies, biting a chunk off and praising how good they were.
Asking if they had any help. Which of course, he knew they had. His eyes darted to you when they started laughing, telling him about how you helped with the baking but they did all the decorating themselves! Such proud little bundles of joy, cheering your name.
It made something in his stomach churn.
The way your proud eyes sparkled, the way your plump lips spread into this stupid smile that had his heart aching. How you watched over them, even with him near.
At first, he didn't think he'd ever have a chance. With how much you helped the orphanage, Jack's working theory had been that you were in training maybe. Although you didn't wear the robes, the way you'd almost always be there when he passed on his patrol and the way the children often referred to you as a big sister or mother figure was evidence for itself.
He often wondered, about the two bundles that would always be around you. If those children were just especially attached to you, or if they even were your own in a way.
And of course, you two got talking. After all the kids were amazed to not only see a Magic Knight but a Captain regularly patroling their place! And you were just making sure, that he wasn't a danger to them, or that they didn't bother him too much.
Just making sure. Definitely not being interested in the tall commoner yourself. No, that would be ridiculous.
It didn't take long for Jack to figure out that you were not really one of the sisters who worked at the orphanage. But your two adoptive kids were close friends with some of the kids there. So they'd get to see their friends and hang out and you did your part in the community. You just liked kids, helping them and being around them.
Something Jack, oddly enough, has come to appreciate more and more with every visit he paid you guys.
He soon found out that you didn't only have two kids, but four. A ridiculous amount if you ask him, not that you do but he tells you that anyway.
Oddly enough, with his attitude, you would've thought he'd start backing off. The subtle flirtatious, the little touches that lingered a bit too long. A single mother wasn't held in the highest regard in the Clover Kingdom. You didn't care, of course, you chose to take in these kids and were planning for more.
But Jack did not back off. In fact, he slowly started seeing why you liked these brats so much. Even if it was just because they never failed to make you smile in a way that nothing else could at first. Still, he worked himself up with these children. From the little awkward encounters at first, he worked his relationship with these kids up to ruffling their hair and occasionally carrying them, throwing them up, and catching them. You had to reprimand him multiple times that it was dangerous. What if a little one slipped from his hands and got hurt?
It didn't stop it though, even if he wanted to listen he couldn't with the way he got begged by some of these brats. The little ones loved sitting on the shoulders of the tall man, he just... wasn't refusing it. And of course, you did not miss the way his eyes hushed to catch yours each time, silently seeking approval.
Neither of you could really grasp it.
Jack felt a pull towards you and he couldn't resist it. And although you denied it, you could feel it too. The way your eyes would meet although you weren't even talking with each other, the way you'd know when he'd come by each day. How he'd make the kids laugh and amaze them, acting, unlike his brash and brutal reputation with the little ones in your care. The way his tongue would brush against his lips whenever he heard your little laugh.
You were irresistible to him. And so was he. It was like there was an invisible string connecting you two. It wasn't visible, hell it wasn't reasonable, but there was this clear pull toward each other and you could only try to resist for so long.
So long. Until it snapped.
Lips crashed into yours, you weren't even sure how or why it was happening but you found yourself in the arms of one of the most powerful men of the Clover kingdom.
The children's laughs and yells from playing some game faded into the background as your fingers dug into the fabric of his robe. His big hand was caressing your cheek and fingers tangling into your hair. A gasp crawled out your throat at the sensation of his teeth nibbing onto your lower lip.
It was warm. So warm.
Your breath was heavy after your lips separated, feeling like he had just kissed the air right out of you. A smile spread onto his lips, that wide, proud smile that just promised trouble.
"I figured...", his raspy voice spoke up. His face was still so very close to yours that you could feel his warm breath hitting your lips. "What?", you asked. The smile creeping on your face couldn't be more obvious. "Figured you might... need... some help with your kids?" Jack suggested in a hushed voice.
"I'm quite alright with them.", you stated amused. Jack's teeth bit down onto his lower lip ever so slightly, a gesture you probably would've missed if not for the close proximity. "But... I might need help when I get the next ones....", You whispered.
Jack's eyes visibly lightened up, the golden pool of honey gazing down at you. "Even more?" He asked, voice quiet with disbelief. "Of course. I still have plently room in my heart. And at home. I want a big family, so beware...", you whispered.
Your heart was pleading he'd be fine with it. Knowing his reputation, he probably wouldn't be. But Jack had surprised you more than once already and you'd hope he would do it again now too. You wanted him, but you still had your priorities. Your family, and the wish to extend it was more important than a little crush.
Even if it didn't feel like just a little crush.
You could hear the tall man gulp quietly before placing his lips upon you again, the kiss was shorter, softer. Your lips responded softly to his, mind easing a little that he wasn't running.
"I might have to start numbering them if you get any more..." Jack joked quietly against your lips and it actually made you laugh. He wasn't against it, he just found the amount of children one woman would adopt ridiculous. Like everybody else, just that he was offering to try it. With you. All of you, even the family.
Jack was a ridiculously good partner. The reputation he had was nothing like how you knew him. Yes, he was a little crazy, a brute but he also was the best guy you've dated.
He cared for the kids, to the point the name "Dad" slipped more than once before it really was official. When it was, your children were almost happier than you. They liked the captain, loved how he'd take them on little trips whenever you needed a pause. Or the way he made their mother laugh so cheerfully at his jokes, although they didn't always understand them. They will, when they're older, you tell them.
After you and Jack became official you adopted two more children and they were the first ones to meet Jack as their Dad, not as the awkward man stumbling out of their home half-dressed some mornings. He was a bit scared at first, own children, adopting them with you and being their legal guardian from day one felt... odd.
He never saw himself there. He thought it just was not for him. Until you.
Jack even suggested tying the knot before you, if you'd like that. He loved your kids like they were his own. Hell, they were his now. And if he rushed away after a meeting just to pick them up from visiting friends or anything he was used to the stares. After all, the magic knight captains weren't exactly unknown.
The children weren't home, it was a rare day that the house was so quiet. Your little bundles of joy were at a birthday party with some of the children which gave you the rarer occasion of relaxing with your boyfriend.
Boyfriend. It still gave you a tingling feeling to think about it. How far you've come with him. It did not feel like you two had been together for that long, but you have.
A while back he was just a stranger doing his patrol and now he was the legal father of two from your six children. And that was only legal, the others still called him Dad. You never had thought this could happen, that you'd end up in bed with Jack the Ripper. Your back pressed against his chest as you cuddled up on the bed, spooning.
His fingertips ghosted over your hips. You couldn't remember a moment in the last weeks when you could just lie down with him and relax without anything interrupting you. As you closed your eyes you decided just to relax and ease into the touch, you deserved it. The gentle touches, the way his hand was brushing over your side and stomach.
His slender fingers traced your figure so delicately but with just enough pressure to spread pleasurable tingles across your body. The way he increased the pressure, kneading your flesh softly before his fingers continued his mindless search, fingernails sending goosebumps all across. It was causing your mouth to let loose the softest moans. His hands were warm and big, and he knew just where you liked to be touched, how you liked to be touched.
One of his hands crept up your stomach, cupping one of your tits and gently kneading there too. The sensation causes you to buck your hips back into his, your ass rubbing against his growing erection. The deep rasp of a low laugh was ringing in your eyes. His lips nipped and kissed at the nape of your neck. His lips turned up into a cocky smile as he heard the little muffled sound spilling from your lips.
Jack was slow, taking his time. No matter how often his hands would explore your body, he'd never tire of it. Although there was a thought stuck in his head. How you'd look with his child, how happy he could make you.
He bit his lip a little, trying to imagine how it would be for the little ones to get another playmate. And how you'd look, plump tits full of milk and your body getting more plush and soft. How happy he could make you, picking out names and going shopping. Having a little girl or boy that looked just like you running around the house.
And of course, he thought about how it would be to make this theoretical child. Definitely one of his favorite parts of this idea.
How your tight cunt would squeeze around his cock for everything he got. How it would be to go in raw and feel your sweet walls engulf him, squeeze and milk him. How you'd moan for him, how nice and deep he'd fuck you. Nice and deep, he would make sure it takes.
You turned your head to face Jack, your lips puckered a little and Jack did not waste a second to give you the kiss you silently asked for. His breath was heavy, his nose nuzzling against yours as he was claiming your lips with eager. It was one of the things you loved about Jack, his eagerness, his need to please. He wasn't a man who half-assed.
"I have an idea...", he mumbled with his mouth close to your ear. "Oh?" Your voice was a little amused as your hand reached back into his hair. Another sloppy kiss was shared before Jack laughed against your lips huskily.
"How about another brat, keke?" His question was voiced with lust, tone sultry making it oh too obvious what his intentions were even before he ground his hard cock against your ass. Your lips turned upwards in a little grin as you pressed back against him. "Oh?", you asked before laughing a little, "I thought I was insane for building a little army, as you have put it?"
"Let's make it a strong one." He whispered to your ear, his hands wandering to places they wouldn't belong in any more public space. "I promise I'll give you a strong addition.", he purred in your ears. A wide smile crept over his face as your sweet moans reached his ears. His fingers shamelessly toying with your clit. "I bet your brats would like another sibling."
"They probably would...", you agreed between heavy breaths. Your lips crashed against his again, your kisses eager and sloppy. Jack couldn't help but grin against your lips at the way you moaned into the kiss, his fingers wandering lower. Your slick collecting on his fingers before he pushed inside.
Jack's fingers were long, strong, and precise. His ring and middle finger worked on easing in and out your tight entrance, curling them to reach just the spot that had you bucking back into him. His thumb was still drawing sloppy and lazy circles on your clit while his mouth nipped and kissed on your throat, leaving little hickeys and marks.
He was impatient, hungry for you. His soft pace soon turned sloppy and fast, his cock rubbing against your ass through his pants. He responded to your moans with his own, your kisses getting messy, lips smashing against each other urgently.
His cock was throbbing in his pants, straining against the fabric and begging to be freed. To be engulfed in your sweet, slick walls instead of this fabric. His tongue was pushing out his mouth to get a taste of you, sweet, slutty moans that matched yours rolling off his lips.
"Can't wait to fuck you." He whispered shakingly, the pace of his fingers was still going, it was messy but unrelenting. "Then don't," you moaned against his lips.
In an instant, his hands retracted from your pants. His tall body crept over you, not even a minute after your clothes were discarded on the floor while Jack was making quick work of his own clothes. It was hot, and your vision was blurry, not like Jack felt any different from you. His vision was blurry and the only real point of focus was you.
Naked, spread out for him. Just for him. Ready to be devoured.
There was this insatiable hunger Jack felt every time he looked at you. It wasn't that bad at first, but it was there. But once you let him have a taste there was no turning back, he was hooked. Hooked on your body, your love. Hooked on you.
He grabbed your hips, pulling you closer with ease to align his length with your entrance. A gentleman, he teased you a little first, making sure his cock was covered in your juices and you were whining with your hole clenching around nothing for him. Such a gentleman, sinking his cock in slowly, making you feel every inch.
"Take me like a good girl, yeah?" He cooed at you, his lips turned upwards in a huge smile when he saw your face. You were so cute, red-faced, and heavily breathing. How could he ever resist you?
Your cunt was gripping him tightly, so tightly it was melting parts of his brain. He was only sinking in fully once and he already felt drunk off your pussy. Your sounds the sweetest thing he has ever heard.
He was breathing heavily, slowly sliding out and in, creating a rhythm that made you mewl with pleasure. Jack's eyebrows were furrowed as he tried his best, his very best not to lose his mind with the way your walls were pulsating around him and he could swear it was hypnotic or something. His kisses were sloppy and messy, hot breath coming out in short bursts.
It wasn't long after that the slow work-up did in fact not work for you two. Your sounds were loud enough to alert the neighbors, it was a good thing the kids were out. Jack couldn't control himself with the way he was fucking bullying his cock into your soaking cunt, loud squelching noises accompanied by the sound of his tight balls smacking against your ass over and over.
Your moans were lewd and loud, spilling into each other's mouths as your kisses were messy and full of tongue. Each thrust, each kiss full of lust, of desire for one another. The Captain rocked his hips into yours over and over again, his leaking cock nuzzling against all those places that had you in ecstasy. The heels of your feet digging into his lower back, trying to push him deeper.
It was almost animalistic, the way your bodies moved. His thrusts were sharp, hard, and fast. The sounds of your moans vibrating from the walls, the creaking of the bed, and the headboard slamming against the wall mixed with your voices creating a symphony of sin.
"I'm close, so close", you whined against his lips. Jack's grip on your hip tightened, his rhythm changing just a little to adjust his hip to slam in deeper, harder. Your fingers scratching his back and tugging at his hair was causing him to moan loader, to fuck into you more eagerly. His eyes were darting between your pleasure-struck face, a sight for the gods if he could say so himself, and the creamy white ring that built on the base of his cock.
"Good girl, such a pretty thing.", he praised between shaky breaths. A big grin plastered across his face, and one of his hands came up to cup your cheek. He made sure you'd look at him, basking in the sight of how flustered you got. Chest heaving and teary-eyed, a sight he'd never forget. His thrusts got harsher, forcing you to look at him while your face twisted and contorted in pleasure. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter, until it couldn't hold.
A loud moan escaped your lips, thighs shaking violently as your pussy clenches tightly around his length. The sensation was too much for the tall man, his moans becoming slightly more high-pitched as his hips stuttered, rhythm losing as he fucked himself into you more desperately. You were gripping him so tightly, your cum running along his length and dribbling down your legs and he couldn't compose himself. His hips rutted and ground into you with carnal need, chasing his high until he was spurting hot, sticky streaks of his release.
The tall man was still grinding his hip against yours after a few seconds, letting his orgasm wash over him before his arms gave out. He let himself fall on you, not his entire weight at once but he still wanted to stay there, on top of you, close to you, inside of you.
"Bloody hell", he laughed quietly, breath heavy as he peppered lazy kisses to your cheek. "You think it'll take?", he asked after a moment, rolling over and wrapping his arms around you. "I think it's a little early to say", you replied amused. Jack nodded understandingly.
"Then we should just keep repeating this until we have confirmation."
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moonswolfie · 10 months
Rice Ball Rival
Timeskip!Osamu x Onigiri shop owner!Reader
My first multi-chapter work!! I really hope I do well and it seems a little daunting but I'll do my best😤❤️ Also yeah, it's only 5 chapters long because my brain cannot to dedicate itself to anything at all
I will warn you, I use swear words occasionally
Time for some enemies to lovers now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(I actually had to research onigiri flavours and fillings, still might not be the most accurate, so if anyone happens to know more about onigiri or japanese cuisine in general don't be afraid to correct me 😊)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
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CHAPTER 1: It's just buisness
"One kombu and one ume onigiri coming right up!" you yelled happily, placing the food on the table. You went back behind the counter, smiling happily, watching the customers dig into the food from the corner of your eye.
It always makes you indescribably happy to see people enjoying your food. Whether it was your friends, loved ones or complete strangers.
It was really close to closing time right now and the two ladies were the last people at your place before you're closing up shop as scheduled.
As you were putting away some kitchen appliances, you overheard the two ladies talking.
"See, I told you it was good!"
"Yeah, but like, the umeboshi ones are WAYYY better at Onigiri Miya."
There it is again. That wretched Onigiri Miya.
The thing you least expected after finally opening your own onigiri place was for a completely new place to open a year after yours. In your area, too. At first you really didn't pay too much attention to it, but then people started talking about it in your restaurant and you even lost some loyal customers to that mysterious onigiri place.
You sighed, cleaning the kitchen counter with an old shirt of yours. It's only natural that some will prefer one place over the other if they're in the same area, but it made it tougher for your buisness to stay afloat. And that's never a good thing.
You'll never forgive the person who owns Onigiri Miya for stealing the precious old lady who came in for onigiri every so often, though. Or any other customer for that matter.
Hideaki, your employee, yelled from the exit that he's leaving and you yelled bye back. You're always the last one left in the restaurant, which is obvious since you're the owner, but it always felt a little depressing seeing the place completely empty.
You worry that this might become your fate if Onigiri Miya keeps stealing your customers.
"We're done with our food! Thank you!" you heard one of the ladies yell, and you exited the kitchen to see them off, thanking them for visiting.
As you watched them exit through the door, your smile faded. You returned to your tasks when they were completely out of your vision.
You cleaned up anything else you had time for, changing into normal clothes and then locked the place up. The final step was switching the sign on the door from open to closed. You smiled at your restaurant, your pride and joy, one last time before turning around to go home.
Only to find a flyer for Onigiri Miya when you turned the corner.
...That asshole. Advertising their own place right next to yours?! That's playing dirty!
If you weren't pissed before, now you are. You're getting sick of hearing about it everywhere and now you have to look at it on your way home, too?
You know what, you don't have to look at it. You ripped the flyer off the lamp post, about to tear it to shreds when you noticed something. Onigiri Miya closes one hour after your place.
Even if you wanted absolutely nothing to do with Onigiri Miya, you did end up becoming curious as to what their onigiri tastes like. You hesistated. Should you go to Onigiri Miya, just to test out their onigiri? It would satiate your curiosity, but you would be giving your direct competitor money.
You're free today, so you do have the time, but is it worth it? What if something happens? Surely not... You stood there, staring at the flyer for a few minutes.
Sighing, you decided to take the plunge as you walked further down the street. It'll just be one time, and then never again. Then you'll go back to being competitors. If anything, this is intel on your opponent.
Besides, they don't have to know who you are. Soon, you found yourself in front of the restaurant, taking a deep breath. The entrance had a big "Miya" kanji written on it, so there was no way anyone would mistake the place for something else. It looked quite homey, atleast from the outside.
You walked in, immediately hit by the scent of onigiri. It's a scent you're very familiar with but it's always so invigorating when you smell it. It feels like home to you.
"Welcome!" you heard someone yell from the kitchen. That quickly reminded you that you're in enemy territory. You acted like an innocent customer, sitting down at the table and browsing the menu inconspicuously. Huh, they have some interesting fillings here.
Maybe you should, uhhh, get inspired by some of them and add them to your menu. If they can steal your customers, you can steal their fillings, right? Since you're supposed to be a normal customer though, you should probably stop grinning mischeviously at the menu.
You heard someone's footsteps approaching and you looked up to find a surprisingly buff man around your age with black hair and grey eyes looking down at you.
He had an apron with the Onigiri Miya logo on it so he must be an employee at least. "Welcome, what wouldya like ta order?" A Kansai dialect, huh? He must not be from here. Not that it matters, you have onigiri to order.
"I'll have the ume one, and one nori tsukidani one." you decided to prove the lady from your shop wrong and try a completely new flavour that's not yet on your menu while you're at it.
"Got ya." he smiled at you, walking back behind the counter and into the kitchen. When he left, you looked back at the menu, comparing it to yours.
It's got quite a bit of variety, but if the variety came at the expense of the flavour then you wouldn't be losing so many customers. What a frustrating thing Onigiri Miya is.
You quickly got lost in thought, thinking of how to improve your menu and new onigiri fillings. So much so that you didn't even notice the plate of food being placed in front of you.
"...Are ya good?" the mystery guy asked, looking at your spaced out expression with concern. You quickly snapped out of it, assuring him you're fine. That was embarrasing, but he's just some stranger that you'll never see again, right? Since this restaurant visit is a one-time thing. So no worries.
One thing you noticed right off the bat is that the rice balls here are bigger. But that's just because the guy's hands are bigger.
You picked up the umeboshi-filled rice ball, blowing on it to cool it down before taking a bite. Wow, you hate to admit it, but this actually tastes great. The rice is nice and firm and isn't overcooked and the sour flavor of the umeboshi compliments it well. There's a good amount of filling, too.
You furrowed your brows, staring at the rice ball. You're really mad that it's this good. Normally you wouldn't be mad about good food, but this is your direct competitor we're talking about.
Suddenly, you feel inspired to improve your recipes, to change up your menu, maybe even branch out. You devour the rest of the ume onigiri, not wanting to let the amazing flavour distract you from the sudden burst of inspiration.
You quickly reach for the nori tsukidani-filled rice ball, taking an experimental bite immediately. The onigiri has a rich, complex flavour to it. It almost makes you jealous of the owner of this place, and you hate it. It's not that you don't think your onigiri can't possibly compete with theirs, but the fact that you now know that people's claims of Onigiri Miya being better aren't unfounded only fuels your desire for revenge.
You swallowed the onigiri with vigor, walking over to the counter with fast, determined footsteps. You're so taking out your cookbook when you get home.
The guy behind the counter seemed to notice your strange expression. "Seriously, are ya good? Ya scarved down those onigiris like yer goin' through an intense break up." he asked half jokingly.
"I assure you, I am perfectly fine." you fiddled with your wallet, taking out your credit card and placing it on the table.
"If ya say so." he took it, handing you the bill. And they're fairly priced, too! Dammit, Onigiri Miya! You simply can't wait to best them now. As you walked out, already planing the next 20% off promotion, you heard an employee approach the man at the counter.
"Miya-san, where do I take these boxes?"
Wait... but this means....
He's the owner?!
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Idk how it happened but I got an error and lost a big chunk of this fic and had to rewrite it (T_T)
Sometimes I hate tumblr istg
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader x Daughter x Instagram AU
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Liked by allabouttheharlows, harlowsupdates, and 7,678,345 others
enews Like father, like daughter. Seems like little miss Harlow doesn’t like being captured by paparazzi. Every time we tried getting her attention she would ignore us and give us attitude. Link in bio for the rest of the pictures.
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alizemiaharlow My pet peeve is a camera in my face. Have you ever heard of personal space?
alizemiaharlow Also, the person who took these was following me all day. And being rude, This is why I have that look on my face. I’m always nice and I don’t mind saying hi, my parents raised me to be kind but to also respect myself. don’t yell nasty things my way and don’t whistle to get my attention, I’m not a dog. The only time my name was called, was when I put my glasses on and I was called a bitch for it ❤️
jackharlow EXCUSE ME??? I must be reading shit wrong? I must’ve gone completely blind, because no way I’m reading that people were following my daughter and being rude to her, because if that’s the case, you’re going to be really sorry.
yourusername ENEWS RUN ME MY MONEY! what you’re not about to do is say my daughter was being mean, when clearly your worker was harassing her.
urbanwyatt 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
yourbestiename DISGUSTING!!! Leave my niece alone.
allabouttheharlows 😬 😱 Yoooo Jack and y/n have never cared about paparazzi drama.
harlowsupdates true!!! But they were attacking their daughter so totally understandable.
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, alizemiaharlow, and 8,678,345 others
ezharlow She might be older but don’t get it twisted, I’ll catch hands to defend her. My ride or die. Love you Mia bug 🐞 ❤️
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jackharlow That’s right!!!!
alizemiaharlow 😂🥺🫶🏻 ilyyy Ez cheesy 🧀
yourusername Ok we’re not catching anyones hands. Let’s just relax a little before doing something bad.
urbanwyatt As you should little punk ❤️
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Liked by yourusername, ezharlow, urbanwyatt, nemoachida, and 8,667,355 others
jackharlow Lunch dates with my first born 💜
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yourusername My little lady 😍
cassiewyatt 😍💗
ezharlow  Admit it, she’s your favorite!
jackharlow I’m not doing this with you again punk.
ezharlow 🙄
yourusername Stop calling my son a punk.
jackharlow Babe, he’s a pot stirring punk.
ezharlow Harlow, listen to your wife!!!!!!
alizemiaharlow Lmao you start shit because you know mom will defend you. Mommy’s boy at your age???
ezharlow Sure am and what?? 🥰
jackharlow She was my mami first 🤪🤤
alizemiaharlow OH COME ON DAD 😩
yourusername Zadddyyyyy 😋 😘
jackharlow 🤪🤪🤪🤪
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Liked by yourusername, ezharlow, urbanwyatt, jackharlow, and 8,677,345 others
alizemiaharlow Bring your kid to work day! It’s settled, I’m the favorite because he could’ve brought the other 3 😊🤭😇
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ezharlow Aww you thought your were going to hurt my feelings? I’ve been known. The twins tho, they might cry.
alizemiaharlow As long as you know you’re not the favorite.
ezharlow I’m moms favorite
alizemiaharlow You’re such a moms boy is disturbing
ezharlow Says daddy’s princess 🤮
jackharlow I’m not even going to entertain this subject
alizemiaharlow Dad, it’s settled, book closed! Move on. We know!!!
jackharlow Young lady I’m not about to get in trouble.
ezharlow You already are, I showed mom.
yourusername You know, as a parent it’s our job to deny any accusations like these. Husband, you have failed miserably.
jackharlow I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING!!!!
yourusername My point exactly.
twin1 Ezequiel I think you’re just nobodies favorite
twin2 I don’t even care, I rather be left alone.
ezharlow Mom, dad, the twins aren’t supposed to be on social media, they’re 12?
jackharlow True, who let y’all be on Instagram?
yourusername Who made the accounts?
twin2 My godfather @ druski2funnny
twin1 But you said it’s always fun when we do the snitching and the pot stirring, so make up your mind?
twin2 Yea especially when you get to see everyone go crazy at each other 😈
twin1 What life?
urbanwyatt HAHAHA I love the twins
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
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lunathebee · 2 years
hello beautiful person!, is it possible i could request a one shot with marc where you are stressed out because of work, you got sick, and you guys got into an argument that just put the cherry on top? i love your writing so much and i love angst and you were the perfect person i could think of. if you can not, i completely understand. thank you so much!!❤️
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Pairing: husband!Marc Spector x wife!fem!reader
Warning: angst (a lot), cursed words, mostly yelling dialogue
A/n: this fic genuinely broke me tbh, I love angst but sometimes it's a curse 😭 you said "cherry on top" and my job is to served
Summary: You are sick, physically and mentally because of Marc
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Y/n are sick.
She is so sick of her job and her husband that she becomes physically ill, vomiting up any food she forced herself to eat and crying over any minor inconvenience.
Everything is so hard. She thought marrying Marc was the right decision. Now look at her, sick and uncared for, alone with the emptiness and cold wind blowing through the window.
If it's not because of the wedding ring on her finger, people would think she is still single. That's what the old lady from the pharmacy store also thinks of. "You shouldn't be out when you're sick. Where is your husband?"
The question is like a knife digging inside Y/n's heart. She blinks her eyes a few times to stop the tears forming before asking how much the medicine is worth, earning a pity look from the old lady.
After buying some medicine, Y/N dragged herself home, eyes hazy and barely breathing through her nose. She remembers there is still some leftover soup in the fridge; maybe that will help her get better.
Y/n reached in her bag for the house's key, not realizing the door was not locked; someone had already been home before her.
"Babe...where have you been?"
Y/n doesn't even bother to answer Marc's question, her mind filled with the image of a piping hot bowl of soup.
"I said...where have you been?" Marc grabs Y/N's arm, stopping her from going to the kitchen. Maybe Y/n is getting too weak, she feels as if Marc's grip is a burning hot iron, ready to crush her arm.
Y/n held up the bag filled with pill tablet and a small bottle, eyes refused to look at Marc. She doesn't know how he is going to react, but that doesn't matter anymore. "I bought medicine. Can't you see? "
"Why don't you tell me you're sick? Babe, why are you hiding it from me?" The concern in Marc's voice only makes Y/n want to laugh, and she does. She laughs so hard that tears fill her eyes.
"Hiding? What are you talking about, Marc? I've been sick for WEEKS in my own house, which I share with my HUSBAND. Y/n pushed Marc away with her hand, making him stumble back in shock.
Before he could even say anything, Y/n glared at him and gritted her teeth. "No...no, you don't get to talk, it's still my turn, you hear me?"
Marc held up his hands in defeat, letting Y/n talk without interrupting her.
"I.am.sick of you. I don't know when you changed, Marc, but you're not the same man I used to know, or at least the same man I married. You're never home, you barely stay with me anymore, all because of your stupid superhero crap! " Y/n speaks with tears running down her cheeks. She doesn't even bother to wipe them off.
"Y/n...listen, I know you're upset, I know, but I can't just push my job aside, this is-"
Marc's speech got cut off when Y/n yelled at him, her whole body trembled with rage to the point she turn red.
"Ok now you're just switching the topic, what does me not knowing you're sick got to do with us marrying and my job?! GOD" Marc punches the wall in anger, making a big hole in it.
The loud noise makes Y/n stunned and intentionally takes a step back. She feels scared and worried about Marc. Before meeting him, Y/N knew he suffered from anger issues, but she brushed it off as it rarely happened, never in a million years would Y/N think she was now the victim of it.
As much as she knows Marc would never hit her, she can't live like this anymore.
"Oh, I know a lot. Got nothing to do with your job? Marc are you FUCKING INSANE? You don't care about me anymore! Everyday I wake up and you are gone, and every night I sit in the kitchen with one light on, waiting for you to get home so I can heat up the food, and when you're finally home, YOU WENT TO SLEEP. "
"Because I am tired?! Imagine working almost 24/7 a DAY, I didn't told you to wait, you could go to sleep, LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN"
"I'm not just a normal human! I AM YOUR WIFE, Marc. I am your fucking wife. Could you imagine how my life would turn out if I hadn't married you? You wipe me off your life, how do you end up? Still the same superhero in your glamour suit. What if I wipe YOU off my life? My life would be...so much....so much better...than THIS"
Y/N kneels down to the floor, clutching her chest and lets out a painful cry. She doesn't care if the neighbors hear her, she doesn't care about anything anymore, this is her final straw.
Marc doesn't look so much better. It hurts him to see how much you're in pain. Your tears drive him insane. He just wants to hug you, to comfort you, but he knows you will never let him do that again.
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
▼+❤️ between Hornet and PK. (Are combos allowed? Sorry!)
Ooh yeah sure!
▼ - childhood headcanon
Vyrm essentially raised Hornet on his own, following the sealing of Holly which left Hornet without a mother, and Vyrm's separation with The White Lady which happened shortly before. he never expected to love her as much as he did, his experience with Herrah was... less than pleasant, for multiple reasons, so he was afraid that looking at Hornet would remind him of it. But the moment he saw her, he fell in love. Hornet was visited by him multiple times while she was still a baby in Deepnest, she also visited the palace a few times, before permanently moving there not long after. She was still very young, too young to know exactly what was happening, and while being separated from her mother made her upset, Vyrm tried his best to make her feel as comfortable and safe as he could.
Yhey were close, basically inseparable. Whenever Vyrm had royal duties to attend, Hornet would follow him around, unless she was not allowed to go. She enjoyed running around the palace, pestering the Kingsmould and trying to catch the Wingmoulds, and Vyrm loved her too much to tell her to stop doing it. He was most certainly spoiling her, letting her do whatever she wanted, which eventually lead to Hornet developing something of a bully personality. Now, Vyrm always taught her to be nice to others, and she loved and respected him more than anything, so she had boundaries she wouldn't cross, but at the same time, she was quite a troublemaker, and would use her father's position to get out of said trouble.
After Holly was sealed a way, the kingdom went through a few years of relative peace, with the infection seemingly gone. Vyrm was still being eaten from the inside by the guilt associated with the vessels, and the stress of having to run the kingdom all by himself without his wife's help. It was a lot for him, and while he tried to remain positive when around hornet, it didn't take her long to notice that he wasn't as alright as he kept telling her. She was frustrated that he wouldn't tell her what was happening. That was a major issue in their relationship - he would always be there whenever she needed him, but never shared his own struggles out of fear of burdening her, which eventually led to him disappearing when the infection returned, and her not knowing what caused it, which resulted in a lot of issues later on when they reunited after years. His physical weakness was also something she noticed, over the years he got very skinny and frail, she would frequently have to help him with physical activities, but no matter how much she asked, he would tell her he's going to be fine. He was slowly starving himself to death and she had no idea, and wouldn't learn about it until after they met again.
But generally, Hornet had a very happy childhood with him that she remembers fondly. He would take her on walks around the palace gardens, let her watch the great knights as they did their regular training, and traveled around the kingdom with her, letting her experience all it had to offer. Whenever he was doing paperwork or in his workshop, she would sit by his side and watch. He would comfort her whenever she felt sad, let her vent her frustrations to him, and generally was very affectionate with her. She was everything to him, the only thing keeping him from breaking down from the pressure. Later, once she was old enough, he sent her to the hive to train under Queen Vespa, so she could learn how to wield the needle Herrah gave to her before the separated.
He was a good father to her, the best she could ask for, which made him suddenly vanishing that much more shocking and painful to her.
♥ - family headcanon
Their current relationship had a very rocky start, Hornet spent all the years after his disappearance on her own, and grew bitter and angry - at him, at herself and at the world. After their reunion, she would frequently lash out and yell at him, which made him paranoid about making her upset. She eventually realized what she was doing and that it wasn't helping her or anyone else, so with Grimm's help, she slowly learned to keep her anger in check. But the damage was already done - even though they talked a lot of things out, and became closer as family, he's still terrified of upsetting her. He has to ask for her permission about everything, even something as simple as sitting next to her on the couch. It frustrates her, and she occasionally snaps back with something mean, before the realization hits and makes her correct herself.
Hornet is scared of being affectionate with anyone, including and especially with her father. She doesn't want to get attached since, from her experience, it only makes the inevitable separation that much painful. But she still cares about him and her family, and over time starts showing it more and more. Not through affection, hugs initiated on her part are quite rare and always painted as something she's only doing because she's asked to ("okay, fine, I'll hug you" kind of attitude), and she would rather jump head first into the Abyss than say "I love you" out loud. Instead, she shows her love through little actions. Bringing him some tea whenever he's stressed, putting a blanket over him if he falls asleep on the couch or at his workshop desk, or bringing him items that she found, which she thinks he would enjoy tinkering with. She loves him dearly, but her personal struggles make it difficult for her to be more open about it.
On Vyrm's side, he does everything he can to show Hornet how much regrets leaving her all alone, and how much he still loves her. He tries to be as helpful as he can, sometimes attempts to cook something for her (it always ends up horribly and she tries to be as polite as she can when letting him know), and he always offers to make new tools for her and improve her current gear. At the same time though, he's terrified of upsetting her, and if he thinks he's done something wrong, he will keep apologizing to her until she gets annoyed and tells him to stop. He wants to be close with her, but that fear keeps him paranoid, and he always second-guesses everything he does. "Will she appreciate this, or find it irritating? Does she want to spend time with me, or am I bothering her?". He always questions himself, not realizing that deep down Hornet appreciates everything he does and wants him to be there for her. This poor communication between them is a massive obstacle in their relationship and causes a lot of misunderstandings, even today.
In general, they are on positive terms even after everything that happened. They both care for each other, that much is clear, but they struggle to communicate it properly, especially Hornet. There is an event, the aftermath of which brings them closer, where Vyrm nearly dies and Hornet realizes what she almost lost and that she needs to make it more clear that she cares about her family. Even then, it's still miles away from their pre-hibernation bond, and I don't think that will ever change. They've been through too much, some hiccups are inevitable, though they certainly try to make it work.
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