#and yes! she would Love kath!
jackmkelly · 1 year
no one understands katherine the way i do & that is frustrating! sick of it!
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pocket-watcher · 4 months
"You have everyone thinking you're God when you're just a monster!"
"Silly human... God? Monster? They're synonyms~"
This is SO good. Oh my god. Here you go anon!!
Outsiders had breached the wall.
So many people had been against the “cult” in the first place.
They claimed the people joining were brainwashed.
Oh if only those outsiders knew how right they were…
“Where is he?!” One of them yelled as they stormed into the main place of worship.
Samuel narrowed his eyes. He had oh so many followers, how on earth was he meant to know who this group sought?
“Uh… you’ll need to be more specific. I’m not as omniscient as most believe I am.”
“Cut the crap, where is my husband?!” They stepped in front of the rest of their group. There were about 10 of them in total, maybe.
Far too little for them to make it back outside.
“Your husband…” Something clicked in Samuel’s mind. “Oh! You must be Katherine, aren’t you?”
The woman scowled.
“How the fuck do you know my name?”
“Your husband told me. He told me a lot of things, you know. About you. Your marriage. How he felt. About how he told you all of this and yet you never listened…” Samuel smiled.
Contrary to popular belief, controlling minds is rather methodical.
There are several steps. He’d never tell you them all, and neither would I, but you should know it always helps to find a problem to fix.
“His problem was his partner. Once I fixed that problem, he devoted himself to me. No mind control involved.”
Samuel was lying through his teeth, but she didn’t need to know that.
“I don’t need fixing. And he loves me. I know we fight,” Samuel shot her a knowing glance, “but all couples do! We love each other…”
It was suddenly like Samuel had flipped a switch.
That was how he’d built his empire. This power of persuasion. Even through looks and body language he found that if he wanted someone to think what he thought and believe in what he wanted them to he could.
And right now he wanted this place to be these peoples’ sanctuary.
Someone else from the crowd stepped forward to comfort the woman from the doubt growing in her mind.
“Do you? Love each other, that is. You’re all here to save this man, yes? But doesn’t it infuriate you that he needs saving at all? You seem like a take-charge type of person. How did you two end up together?”
Her face twisted.
He moved his body forward, mirroring her stance. People respond well when you show them you care as much as they do. However, when you don’t actually care as much as they claimed to they’re often side-swept by your enthusiasm. They back down.
Her body folded inwards, uncertain.
“I… he lets me take charge. I’m happy to, I enjoy being the one to-“
“But isn’t that exhausting? Being in control 24/7?”
The group murmured in agreement, trying to keep up their scowling faces.
It’s hard to be angry at someone you agree with.
“I can take you to your husband, if you’d like. You can discuss his decision with him?”
Samuel stood and slowly approached them down the steps upon where he had sat. He offered her his hand.
She gladly took it.
“Katherine. That really is a beautiful name…”
One of the group snapped.
“Kath, what the fuck?! All of you. You believe this shit? He’s putting you under the same fucking spell everyone here is under!”
Samuel turned back to the other woman, who wasn’t quite finished yelling.
“It’s ridiculous. You have everyone here thinking you’re a God. Well, I can see through it. You’re not a God, just a monster.”
Samuel approached her.
That thing I said earlier about being methodical? Samuel liked to take his time. It was more fun that way. But sometimes, he needed them to drop quick and easy.
He rested his hand on the woman’s shoulder and she went silent. Her eyes a grey haze.
“Silly human… God? Monster? They’re synonyms…”
He led the group away. To their new quarters. To reunite a husband and wife.
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sexymilfwitch · 1 year
Today was a Fairytale
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Parings: Princess!Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader 
Summary: Kate choses she wants to marry y/n after silently admiring her from her castle’s bedroom window
Words: 2197
Note: The title is after a taylor swift song, this is my second fic and idk how i feel about it but i hope everyone who sees it enjoys it!!
 “Excuse me? Y/N?” I hear in a somewhat quiet voice
I turn around to come face to face with the princess, immediately I go to bow but she stops me once she realizes what I’m doing. 
“No no, please there's no need for that!” Princess Kathrine says as she giggles a little
“Forgive me for my reaction your highness, it's not everyday you run into the prettiest woman in all the lands.” I state as the princess’ cheeks turn a light shade of pink “To what do I owe this extraordinary pleasure of talking to you Princess Kathrine?”
“Please, call me Kate” she insists “I am here because as everyone knows i am to be betrothed soon” a twinge of pink hits her cheeks as she begins speaking again “And as you probably have heard in whispers around the kingdom, i've turned down every suitor who has come to court me.”
“Yes I have heard about you declining them all, but there was talk that you and Princess Maximoff were getting along well” the second i said that her eyes widened as she playfully shook her head
“Wanda? Oh no she's one of my best friends, nothing more.” 
“Princess Kath-” she put a finger up to my mouth to shush me as i went to speak
Removing her finger from me I was met with “Kate, I told you to call me Kate silly.” 
“My apologies Kate but as I was trying to ask, what brings you here?” I questioned “Don't get me wrong, I adore your company and presence. It's just that my bakery is far from the castle and it seems you’re not accompanied by any guards.” Kate blushed and started to smile 
“Did you know that my bedroom window looks perfectly at your bakery?” 
“No your highness, I didn't.”
“Well it does, and I've been watching you from afar for a while. Your breathtaking smile and energetic personality, I realized once my mother started inviting royalty from other kingdoms to court me that none of them would ever be you!” I was a bit taken aback by this information but kept listening to the princess “I know this all sounds a little crazy but I am in love with you!” 
My breath hitched as the princess hid her face in her hands. “What i'm trying to say is that i want to wed you y/n, i want you to come to the castle and court me.” she stated as i stayed silent 
With wide eyes and shaky hands I grabbed one of her hands in mine. “Princess, you don't know who I am, how could you be so sure that you want to be wed to me?” i looked into her eyes “i am only a baker your highness, I feel honored but surely one of your royal suitors would be a far better match for you.” I whispered as i looked away from her
“I know what I want, I am not some child anymore.” she stated “you being a baker and trying to look out for me is even more endearing y/n, i get that this is an outlandish thing to spring onto you and i'm truly sorry, but if you just come to the palace and let me show you who i am i promise you won't regret it.” 
As I looked back towards her she sent me a small smile “I will come to the castle” her smile grew a little “but I will not wed you right away.” as her smile started to fade i began to talk again “i want to know you, learn who you are. I'm not the type to jump into marriage, your highness. I would like for you to know who I am and for me to know you before we wed.” that gorgeous smile made its way back onto her face.
“Oh lovely! You will not regret this y/n!” she looked so happy as i smiled and hoped i wouldn't regret this. 
It had been a month since our first meeting. I was brought to the castle the next morning, Kate had accompanied the driver saying how she didnt want me to ride alone. The past weeks have been hectic, lots of people taking my measurements and teaching me what fork was for what dish. Why were there so many utensils on a table? Honestly it seemed absurd. I had barely gotten to spend time with Kate to learn about her although I had started to warm up to her, what little time i did get with her was mostly her asking me about myself.  
I was broken from my thoughts as Kate walked in and grabbed my hand as she wordlessly pulled me along with her “Kate? Where are you taking me?” 
She turned her head to the side a little to look and smirk at me “I’m taking you out, you've been cooped up in this castle too long!” 
I smiled and giggled out “Kate, I have to go to a fitting soon!”
“Too bad! I'm taking you to meet our head guard, he's also my best friend but he won't admit to us being friends, so don't listen to anything he says." I laughed at that last part and she smiled as she started walking next to me holding my hand as we got outside.
As we reached a training round with targets in a line far away, a man with ashy blonde hair and a bow in his hand came into view.
“Y/N this is my best friend, Clint Barton!” she exclaimed as he grumbled something about only being her teacher with a smile on his face.
He put down the bow as he walked up and hugged Kate “Technically im her archery teacher, but she's a little delusional so i just let her say im her best friend.” she hit his arm as she turned to me 
“I told you he'd deny it.” she whispered as i giggled 
Clint looked at us and smiled “Look this is cute and all, but Katie has some practice to do.” 
Kate walked towards her bow and ushered me over “actually Clint y/n here is going to be shooting, And I was hoping I'd get to teach her alone.” 
The blonde man simply smiled, raised his hands in the air and walked away.
“Katie? That's a cute little nickname” she blushed “also, i’m not actually shooting this thing am i?”
She raised the bow up “this thing is my bow and yes, i know you really only know random things about me like what my favorite book genre is or my favorite color. I want to share this with you, archery is something I love dearly. Just like how I love you, and I want to introduce my one love to my other love!” 
Even though I do know she loves mystery novels and her favorite color was purple, I was happy to learn about her interests. I frowned a little as she said she loved me, i haven't been able to say it back and i want to i'm just not ready yet. She's constantly assuring me it's okay and that my emotions move at their own pace especially since it's only been a month which i appreciated. 
I smiled and looked up at her “Well what are you waiting for bishop? Introduce me.” 
Her face lit up as she placed the bow in my left hand and got behind me as she fixed my stance. Once the arrow was set on the string for me she placed her hands on my hips and moved her head to my right shoulder.
“Okay now draw the bow and look at your target.” her breath on my neck made my ears turn a shade of red “Good girl, now release.” my heart sped up and I let go of the bow string.
The arrow struck the target right in the middle. I didn't notice seeing as I had already turned to look at Kate. she didn't notice either because she was already looking at me, my breath hitched once i realized we were face to face. Our mouths were inches away, Kate lifted her hand to hold my cheek as we leaned towards each other. 
Right as our lips were about to connect Clint came back “Katie! You both should be heading back in soon it's going to rain!” our heads turned towards him so fast im surprised we didn't get whiplash
Once he left we turned back to each other and laughed as Kate rested her forehead on my shoulder. 
She lifted her head and laughed out “Some best friend he is!” 
“It's okay Kate, we don't have to rush anything, you will have plenty of other opportunities to kiss me.” I kissed her cheek and walked away to head inside “You coming? It's going to rain.” 
“Yeah you head in, I'll meet you inside!” Kate said with pink cheeks as she headed towards the target y/n had shot minutes prior to drag it inside so she could keep it safe.
The past week with Kate was heavenly. I had learned so much about her and all of her interests, she told me about everything and anything. I realized I was ready to tell her I loved her and was ready to marry her, but I had never found the right time. She was taking me out today to a ‘very special place’ so hopefully I would be able to tell her then. 
She had made me put on a blindfold the second we got into the car claiming it was a secret, she had chosen to drive her own car which i loved since her purple Firebird was awesome. Once the car started to slow down I realized we were there.
As I was unbuckling my seatbelt I heard Kate get out of the car and run around to my side of the car.
She opened my door and grabbed my hand and stood behind me as she took off my blindfold.   “Y/N i'm trusting you with this place because i love you and i want you to know all of me, this waterfall is my favorite thing in the whole kingdom, second to you of course.” 
 I looked around, and took in the gorgeous colors, it truly looked like a place you'd see on a greeting card. 
“Y/N, Look at this!” Kate shouted from the top of the waterfall how she got there so fast and how i didnt notice is beyond me.
“Kate, get down from there you're gonna get hurt!”
As soon as I said that she jumped off into the water below, after waiting a few seconds for her to come to the surface, she didn't pop back up.
“Kate stop it, you're scaring me Kathrine!” no response “god damnit bishop” i said as i ran and jumped into the water.
The second I jumped in and my body hit the freezing water, there she was popping her head back up. 
I swam over to her laughing form and hit her shoulder “you scared me, don't ever do that again! I thought I lost you before I had the chance to tell you I love you, you idiot.” 
Her eyes widened and she smiled “you love me?” 
“Of course I love you Kate, I have for a while now. Since the day we almost kissed at the archery range. I've had feelings for you since you walked into my bakery and asked me to wed you” i smiled at her lovingly 
I wrapped my arms around her neck as her hands came down to rest on my waist. “Kate, can I kiss you?” 
“Yes y/n please kiss me.” kate begged 
The second she said yes our lips were crashing against one another. My fingers ran through her hair and her grip on my waist tightened, we parted smiling and slightly out of breath as our foreheads rested against one another.
“I love you Kate.” i finally whispered 
Kate smiled “You don't understand how badly I've wanted to hear you say that. Y/N i truly deeply love you.” 
Our lips found eachother once again, but this time it wasnt messy or rough it was just passionate. As her grip on my waist tightened again I pulled her even closer to me, we were soaking wet kissing under a waterfall, it was like one of those cheesy scenes in a rom-com.
As we broke away again I smiled at her “Did you just quote Padme from Attack of the Clones to tell me you love me?” 
The raven haired woman smirked “Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.” 
“Marry me Kate.” her eyes widened and smile deepened. “I'm ready to marry you.
Two weeks later we were married. The wedding was a lovely lilac and white theme with plenty of people in attendance. The honeymoon was even better if you catch my drift. When we got back home Kate had gifted me with the target I had shot all those weeks ago, the arrow still embedded in the bullseye.
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we-are-inevitable · 3 months
may i know everything ever abt Jack and Crutchie's friendship in the frat au?? im so interested in it all it's hard to decide what to ask really so infodump away
oh my god yes.
okay so the thing about this jack and C: they don’t know each other at all beforehand. which is wild from my other fics, bc in every single universe ever, jack and charlie are destined to be brothers, right?? but in this one they aren’t!!! not yet!!!
so they meet in chapter 1 when jack goes to the coffee shop that crutchie was recently hired at, and ive always imagined that crutchie can make friends with a fucking wall, so of course he gets on with jack- and it helps that crutchie recognizes jack as oscar’s roommate. n e ways i think for a bit, their “friendship” is just that- little conversations while jack gets his coffee and charlie sits at the counter, until jack and davey get closer and he realizes— oh. charlie is one of davey’s best friends. and as jack is integrated into the group, i feel like him and charlie get SO much closer- and here’s how im imagining the different friendship dynamics:
jack and charlie: twin brothers. they give each other hell, they joke around and prank each other and argue like crazy, but they get on like a house on fire and there’s no denying it. it’s like theyve always known each other, have never been away from each other, have never not had each other.
jack and kath: best friends. they tell each other everything and have some mutual understanding of each other- they both have ties to greek life, after all- and they really focus their energy on supporting each other through the difficult situations.
jack and racetrack: older brother, younger brother. jack takes race under his wing and feels protective of him, but doesn’t realize that race does the exact same thing. as they get closer and closer they both learn more and more from each other and sure, maybe there’s tension and arguments and strife, but at the end of the day they love each other.
jack and albert/jack and spot: mirror images. they all three work hard to be the best they can and be the pillars keeping everyone else from falling down, so they help each other take a load off. they aren’t as close as they could be, but you don’t have to be close to understand each other. jack and spot have similar backgrounds, so she helps him put things into words and he helps her realize she doesn’t have to be the one calling all the shots all the time. jack and albert are scrappy in the same ways, fighting tooth and nail to have some sort of reputation, and they help each other calm down.
jack and davey: the different sides of the same coin, the opposites in every room, the red and blue, the fire and water, all the dumb cliche shit. they’re much more similar than anyone would ever guess and it gets them into trouble, but it also brings them closer, and they may have their differences but i’ll be damned if they don’t make it work.
i know this was just supposed to be about jack and crutchie but FUCKKKK i love jack having FRIENDS and jack having PEOPLE and crutchie. crutchie is his main man. u don’t understand they are SOULMATES!!!!!!!!!
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kasagia · 2 years
Our little game pt. 3
~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: Thomas has been trying to mend your relationship all weeks leading up to the wedding. You must admit that he was a true, sweet gentleman, but… something was wrong. You didn't feel those butterflies (or moles as Kol used to say) in your stomach when you were close to him. You thought that maybe after bachelorette party and wedding you two would again get along with eachother and everyting will be fine. But drunk you had a completely different idea to solve this situation. Warning(s): smut mention, swearings, I used the thread from "Friends", I don't regret anything (I guess) Word count: 4,6k
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*Two months later*
"I can't believe it has gone by so quickly, I feel like I just arrived in New Orleans." I said to the girls while we were putting on our dresses for the party.
"Yes. Me too. I feel like Elijah proposed to me yesterday, and now the four of us are going to my bachelorette party."
"Actually five. I invited Cami." Rebekah corrected Kath while fixing her makeup.
"Since when have you exactly been friends with Klaus' therapist?" I asked, not believing for a moment in her good intentions toward the bartender.
"Since she's trying to talk you out of the ridiculous idea of getting back with your ex."
"Hey! We all agree that we're not going to discuss that topic. Today is about Katherine. Only her."
"Take it easy, Y/N. We're just worried about you."
"There's no need, Katherine. I can take care of myself. Also, I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with this mess around me. It's enough that the Mystic Falls gang put me on their blacklist a week ago. I don't need more complications."
Yes. Officially, Damon Salvatore has become my enemy because I refuse to help him bring Elena back from her "sleeping beauty state." At least Bonnie stayed my friend.
"Well, I saw both of you in that new restaurant. You two seemed quite enjoyable with your company." Rebekah snapped me out of my thoughts.
The original vampire spent the whole two months trying to force me to set up with her brother. It was getting pretty tiring to the point that I decided to avoid Klaus like the plague and not give the blonde a chance to put her plans into action. I loved her with all my heart, but I will not allow anyone to meddle in my affairs and try to set me on a particular path. Not even one of my best friends.
"Yeah, like one meeting was a declaration of true, unconditional love." I replied sarcastically, turning my attention back to my reflection in the mirror. I started putting on my makeup, being careful not to accidentally gouge my eye out with mascara. "Thomas and I spent half life with ourselves. It's obvious that we're feeling good together when we know each other better than anyone else."
"That's what we're all trying to tell you!" the woman snatched the mascara from my hand and turned to look at me in the eyes. "You don't love him anymore! He is like an old, favorite movie; you watch it because you have a soft spot for it, not because it brings you new, amazing emotions. You got used to having him around. And you're afraid that my brother will destroy your idea of loving Thomas. Even if it's obvious to everyone that you don't have any feelings for him. You fell for Nik, finally admit it to yourself!" she burst out, reproaching me again.
"Rebekah, enough. You're crossing the line." Freya stepped between us, wanting to reassure her little sister and trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"You want me to finally make a decision? Fine. Right after the wedding, I'm going back to Thomas. You don't have to wish me luck. I already know I'll be very happy with him." I replied, staring furiously at the blonde over Freya's shoulder.
"You have to be joking?! Seriously? Are you doing it just to spite me?"
"I'll meet you all downstairs. I promised to call Tom before we went out all night." I said, ignoring Rebekah's angry look at me.
I left the room quickly before any of the vampires (or the witch) could stop me, heading for the only place I could get some privacy.
Klaus' art studio.
The guys had already left the mansion an hour ago, teasing Katherine that they would make one last effort to find someone better for Elijah before she "ringed him with a golden muzzle," so I was sure no one would find me there. Who would have guessed I was hiding in the "cave" of a big bad wolf?
I was walking in a dark room, lit only by the moonlight. I took my phone out of my dress pocket and dialed Tom's number. I put the device to my ear, staring at the unfinished painting on the easel. Klaus must have been pretty pissed while painting it. I hadn't even seen so much intense red when the hybrid returned covered in blood from one of his "preventive missions."
"Y/N?" Thomas's voice snapped me out of my thoughts about the original.
"Hi." I replied with a little smile, sitting on the piano opposite the easel. Klaus went all out designing his studio.
"Hello, honey. Are you going out with the girls?"
"Yes. So don't bother calling; I won't answer, and even if I do, I doubt I'll be in a good condition." I replied jokingly, smiling wider as I heard his laugh.
"Ha ha. You know what they say: You are the truest version of yourself after alcohol."
"Is this your way to tell me that you're waiting on a drunken love confession from me? It isn't quite romantic, don't you think?"
"I don't care about it as long as it's true." I smiled. I wanted to respond to his taunt, but I froze in place as I saw someone's all-too-familiar blue eyes in the darkness of the studio. As our gazes met, he went out from the shadow and stood right in front of me. "Y/N? Can you hear me?"
"I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, Tommy." Klaus wrinkled his nose at the "cute" diminutive.
"Have a good time, honey. Don't drink too much or I'll have to pick you up." before I could answer, Klaus snatched the phone from my hand.
"You don't have to worry about her. She will be in my excellent care, Timon," he said maliciously before aggressively hanging up.
"Seriously? Don't you have a brother to drink up instead of messing with my boyfriend? By the way, his name isn't Timon."
"Your boyfriend?" he laughed incredulously, shaking his head. "Since when? If I remember correctly, he left you for like... two years ago?"
"So what? You're not better at all."
"Unlike him, I was interested in your fate, love."
"Sending your minions to follow my every move is stalking, not caring. And stop calling me that. It's disgusting." I said, turning towards the exit, but the hybrid blocked my way as usual. The look of displeasure on his face instantly made me feel much better.
"They didn't follow you... most of the time. I just wanted to make sure you're okay and you're not putting yourself in unnecessary danger for the sake of those imbeciles."
"Did you know that there is an ancient gadget called the telephone? You could have checked for yourself if I was alive."
"You changed your number." I blushed at my stupidity. He was right. Right after breaking up with Tom, my phone suffered minor damage due to my sudden emotions and relative lack of control over my magic. I just don't know why it hurt so much that he couldn't text me. It's not like I've been waiting for his call all these years... right?
"Well, we can't go back in time and change that anyway. There's no point in dwelling on it." I finally replied, looking away from him to hide my true feelings.
The man wouldn't let me get away from him so easily. His left hand went to my chin, forcing me to look again into his blue eyes, which gradually began to give way to his night-black pupils.
"So that's it? You want to go back to him as if nothing happened? Like I didn't send you a thousand bloody letters to beg you for a little piece of your attention like a desperate fool, that I am every single time you look at me!" he exploded.
His jaw was clenched in anger, and his other hand was clenched so tightly that it seemed to me that droplets of blood were dripping from it. But my stupid brain could only process one goddamn thing in this improbable situation.
"Letters? What letters?"
"Oh, don't play with me like this, love…" he tried to walk away from me, but I grabbed his arm before he made any step towards the exit.
"Klaus, what letters? I didn't get anything from you since you went." I asked, searching his face for any explanation.
"Don't lie to me. It's even beneath you." he replied contemptuously.
A red light went on in my head. The son of a bitch had no right to walk into my already messy life with his fucking shoes and accuse me of whatever shit he fancied. This is exactly what caused my agitation. Not the hostile look I couldn't take from him.
"Beneath me? How can you tell if something is in "my type" or not?! You don't even fucking know me!" his jaw tightened. In the next second, he pushed me into a wall and put his hands on both sides of my head. His eyes were enraged, mad, and... passionate.
"I know you better than myself. I spent months admiring you in the shadows until you decided that I was curious enough to be noticed by you. It took you a bloody year to warm up to me and to treat me like something more than a monster. And when we were apart… I've never missed anyone as much as I have missed you in the thousand years I've lived. You told me here months ago that you would be the one to burn me. You were too stubborn to admit our connection that much, that you, love, didn't notice I was already burned by you a long time ago."
"You're lying. You wouldn't even have come up with that stupid excuse if Thomas hadn't shown up. You want me to lose my chance at happiness, don't you? The moment I trust you, you'll stab me in the back for your own amusement."
"Is your beloved ex-boyfriend, as I would like to point out, clouding your mental clarity so much?"
"Maybe he's my ex, but unlike some people, he really cares about me, not my power."
"Did he? Because if I had a chance, which you gave him, I would never, ever leave you. Not even if I could rule all of this damn world."
"Please, it's impossible that you could truly love…" he cut me off, pulling my face closer to his lips to shut me up by kissing me.
I imagined that moment so many times in my head, but nothing conveyed the true feeling of his lips on mine.
I moaned as he bit my lips and opened a way into my mouth like that. His treacherous tongue slipped inside like a snake, catching mine in his snare.
The sounds of brushes and paints falling were my only warning before he grabbed me around the waist, set me down on the table, and made me his height to (surely) kiss me dead.
The moment one of his hands started wandering toward the zipper of my dress, making me shiver every time his fingers touched my exposed skin, was a time when the warnings of my mind shouted over the dark, hidden desire of my foolish heart.
My hand left a small red mark on his left cheek for a while before his vampire power healed it. He slowly turned his head towards me, with his own hand on the place I slapped him, shocked that I (a little, mortal witch) was that dumb-brave to do this.
I breathed heavily as I stared into his impenetrable oceanic iris.
"Because I… you… we can't…" He leaned his head down toward mine so that our noses were touching. Our lips were disconcertingly close for me to express any logical thought that wasn't related to HIM.
"Y/N!! We're going to be late! Hurry up!" Katherine's voice made me jump out of the hybrid's embrace, scared of what might have happened in the art room if she hadn't interrupted us.
Before I left the room, he grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I fell straight into his chest. His second hand grabbed around my waist, making sure I wouldn't go before he stopped talking.
"Have your fun, love. We'll continue this discussion when you return." he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. 
"Y/N! What could possibly be taking so long?!"
"We have nothing to discuss." I growled, yanking myself out of his grip, and went out without even looking at him.
I need vodka or I'll completely lose my mind.
"Ha ha, I can't believe it!" I was laughing so hard when Rebekah finished her story about Klaus and Elijah running from bees when they were humans.
"I swear to you, they came out of the river drenched as ducks, only to meet some "huge and terrifying wild beast" and roll in the mud to let him lose their scent. They screamed like little girls as he approached them and growled at them. Kol was bursting with laughter, but in the end our mother's old fur fell off him and he had to run away from them."
"All right! How do I look?" Katherine emerged from the dressing room, making an impressive turn in front of us to present her dress (not a particularly successful one, given how much alcohol we had consumed).
"I like it, but you look much better in your real wedding dress." Freya commented as she adjusted Cami's fake veil.
Yes. All five of us decided to put on white dresses and continue our evening dressed like this. I have no fucking idea how it happened.
"I know where we should go next!" Rebekah screamed, threw my legs off her and got off the couch. She ran over to Katherine, showing her something on her phone and whispering conspiratorially. I shrugged, grabbing a bottle of champagne.
Freya snatched the bottle from my hand, handing it to Cami. The barmaid drank the rest of its contents and sat down next to me. I put my head on her lap so she could comb my hair. I closed my eyes, feeling a little relaxed for the first time in weeks. The quiet whispers of the vampires in the background and the slow, calming movements of the blonde's hand were a wonderful sleep aid.
"Don't fall asleep, sleeping princess! We're going dancing." an enthusiastic Rebekah nudged me gently on the arm, trying to pull me out of my own world.
"Dancing? Where?" I asked, opening one eye to look unconvinced at the blonde.
"You will see. Come on, the night is still young, and we're not drunk enough." the vampire grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs to the waiting limousine.
The five of us drank chilled champagne from the limousine in seconds, continuing to talk nonsense until we were at the door of the club Rebekah wanted to take us to.
If I had seen its name better, maybe I would have realized that this is the same place the guys went to celebrate Elijah's bachelor party, and maybe what happened later that night wouldn't have happened at all.
But we all went inside and lost each other in a sea of other people.
I looked around the crowd until I saw a familiar face at the bar. Instantly, my heart warmed, and the unreasonable desire to approach him overcame the rational side of my brain. I ran towards him, doing my best not to step on the white dress. Without knowing why, the people around me immediately let me through, so I didn't have to push through them.
"Nikkie!" I screamed when I saw the hybrid. I made a few steps toward him, and I fell into his arms, tripping over my fake wedding dress. I could hear Kol chuckling in the background. "I've missed you, love."
"You know I can get you two married at any moment, brother? Just say a word."
Kol took his beer from the bar as I leaned dangerously close to him, threatening to accidentally spill the alcohol down my dress. Klaus held me closer to him so that I wouldn't wobble from side to side, checking to make sure my drunken walk towards them didn't injure me in the process.
"Shut up, Kol. She's drunk."
"Hey! I'm not drunk, but you're ridiculously hot when you're mad." I giggled as I cupped his face and kissed a crease between his eyebrows. "And so sweet when you're confused." I said, chuckling after he gave me an incredulous look.
"The offer is still valid." a vampire muttered under his breath, teasing his brother.
"For bloody hell, Kol, I'm not gonna marry her!" he growled at him. Suddenly, I felt very sad. Tears came to my eyes from nowhere.
"No? Why? You don't love me?" I asked, sobbing. His eyes immediately fell on my weeping form in pure panic. Nik gently pulled me to him and cupped my cheek, wiping away my tears with his thumb as he looked at me softly.
"Yes, Nikkie, don't you love her?" Kol interrupted our moment, much to Klaus' annoyance and anger.
"If you want to live to see tomorrow, get out of my sight. Now."
"Have fun together, Nikkie!"
He followed him with his eyes until he disappeared into the crowd of others. His eyes softened as he looked at my tear-stained face.
"Love, why are you crying?" he asked softly, wiping away my tears.
"Because you don't love me at all!" he sighed, hugging me tighter and kissing my head tenderly.
"Of course I love you." he whispered timidly into my hair.
"You do?" I moved away from him, placing my hands on his chest so that I could hold onto his body the whole time while looking into his eyes.
"It's impossible not to, love. Can we go home now?"
"No. Say it again."
"That you love me."
"Y/N. You're drunk, just come with me and…" I cut him off by catching his stupid, beautiful lips in a kiss.
At first, he stayed there, shocked, not even making the slightest move. I got a little irritated after a while, so I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him closer, biting his lower lip until it bled. I moaned in a kiss, as I could feel his sweet, addictive blood on my tongue. Without knowing why, I felt "the alcohol mist" in which I found myself begin to slowly leave my body. In the next moment, that annoying man finally started to respond to my affection. His arms were all around me, reaching into every part of my body.
In an attempt to regain control, his lips began chasing mine. We fought with each other, giving all our hidden passion, anger, and frustration into that kiss. But it still wasn't enough for me. And he knew this.
"Don't be such an asshole and stop teasing." I groaned, breaking away from him for a moment.
"Never." he whispered against my lips, skillfully avoiding mine.
"For the love of God! Kiss me right or…" I moaned as he interrupted my threat by biting into the sensitive skin of my neck.
He was drinking from me.
Klaus. Fucking. Mikaelson. Was drinking from me.
And it felt amazing.
I gasped, pulling his hair with one hand and grabbing his muscular shoulder with the other. After a few minutes, he pulled away from my neck and kissed me again, this time complying with my request. During our demanding kiss, I felt a trickle of blood running down my neck to my chest. The wound closed in a matter of seconds.
I summoned my magic to teleport us to his room. More specifically, his bed. I started to rip off his shirt so as not to interrupt our kissing session. But hybrid has other plans.
He pulled away from my bruised, tingling lips and grabbed my hands just as I was about to get to the waistband of his pants.
"We need to stop, love."
"Why? I thought you wanted me."
"I do."
"Then shut up and kiss me."
"No. We can't. Not like that." he sighed as I started to bite and make hickeys on his neck. He grabbed my hair, pulling me closer.
"Don't act like you didn't dream of it. Like you don't wanna feel my hot, naked body on yours. Like you don't wanna drink from me while fucking me and leaving marks on all of me to make it clear to everyone that I'm yours." I whispered against the skin of his neck.
"Y/N. Stop." he growled, pushing me away from him when he felt my hand dangerously close to his pants' fly.
"Why? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't finally get this damn feeling out of our system!"
"That's not how it works and you well know that."
"God! Why do you always have to make things so hard for me?!" I started gathering my things, intending to leave the refusing-me hybrid.
"Where are you going?!"
"To Tom! Maybe he will be a man and fuck me, if you don't want." I found myself instantly in his strong embrace. He was breathing rapidly, his pupils so dilated that his blue irises were almost impossible to see. He desired me. If he wanted me too, then why didn't he use his chance?
"Be careful what you wish for, love."
"Let me go. I wasted enough time for you." I groaned as I tried to break free from his grip.
"You're not going anywhere."
"Why?" I asked, lifting my head in challenge.
"Because you're MINE. Mine to touch, mine to kiss, mine to fucked from your mind every single thing that isn't me. We belong to each other. And you hate it. So much so that you can't accept the feelings that are between us. This is why you gonna go back to my bed and sleep by my side so I can make sure you're not going to do something incredible stupid tonight."
"Don't act like a protective boyfirend, if you don't care about me." I choked out, taking advantage of the fact that he doesn't look me in the eye and instead places small kisses on my face.
"You stupid woman, don't you see how much I've already done for you just to keep you safe and happy?"
"You wanna make me happy? You wanna satisfy me? You wanna make sure I'm only yours? Then shut up and finally let it happen." I kissed him, pushing him on his back, so I could sit on him.
I started to strip myself, looking straight at him. His chest rose and fell at the speed of light, black pupils completely replacing his blue irises. I take a moment to appreciate his tattoo and kiss every flying bird.
"Lie that you love me." he said, after turning us so I was under him.
"It wouldn't be a lie." I thought as he kissed his way to my underwear.
"I know it's part of your game. Just... pretend for a moment you really feel something for me Y/N."
"It's not a game anymore. And since our first meeting, I have felt for you... everything."
"You win." he said, kissing me with all of his desire for me, and trying to get any response out of me.
"You win.'" I thought, letting myself get lost in the feeling of his skin on mine. "And I'm fucking terrified of it."
Consciousness begins to slowly return to my battered, relaxed body. I sighed, snuggling into something warm and cozy beneath me. I put my head in a more comfortable position and took a breath of the amazing perfume.
Klaus' perfume.
I froze in place, afraid to make any move. After a few minutes, I finally decided to hesitantly open my eyes and lift my head slightly.
My fucking God.
I slept with Klaus Mikaelson.
With my brain overheating from the new information, I had the opportunity to take a closer look at the unconscious hybrid. He looked so... innocent when he slept. And carefree, even blissfully, judging by his gentle smile, which I could see despite the darkness in the room.
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The disheveled hair on his head only made him even hotter. It was also helped by the fact that I was probably the perpetrator of his messy look.
I tried to slowly put myself out of his arms to get the phone, but Klaus instantly held me closer when he felt from his sleep my littlest move. I carefully placed my head back on his chest. I let myself hear his beating heart and smell his addictive perfume for the moment.
Curiously, I looked around his room, enjoying as much as I could of what little peace I had left before my partner woke up. For a moment, I could imagine that Klaus was my boyfriend, we led a dull, safe life together devoid of anything supernatural. Hope lives with Hayley for a week, with us for the second, his family comes over once a month for dinner together. And above all, no one wants to kill us, we have no enemies from whom we must defend our loved ones. Maybe we'd even get married and have children of our own?
"OH MY GOD! Klaus! Hey. Nik. We have to get up, or we'll be late for the wedding! Oh, come on! You can't sleep that hard! Niklaus!" I screamed. I tried to pull his arm to wake him up, but his eyes were still closed. "If you don't wake up, I'll smear your room with all those expensive paints you have."
"Shh, five more minutes, love." he mumbled, turning on his side and pinning me to his bed with his arm. He pulled me closer, burying his nose in my hair.
"Katherine is going to kill me if we miss her wedding." I said in panic, unknowingly brushing his hair with my fingers.
"I won't let her do this." he tightened his grip on me, still in his semi-conscious state. "You might as well not mention her name in my bed."
"Klaus, I'm serious. Move. We have to get together."
"Vile woman, have you no pity on me?"
"Not even a little. Now get off me, you're heavy." I moaned under him, trying to move his body.
"I have a better idea of how to spend the day than being at my brother's wedding with the devil. I think you'll like it too. Last night, you did. Very much, considering the moans of my name coming out of your beautiful, alluring mouth."
"Yeah… talking about last night. It doesn't change anything, right? I mean… we're… we not…"
I stopped as he placed his head close to mine so he could lick up the dried blood from my neck. This man would be my death.
"Penny for your TRUE toughts?" he whispered against my neck, pulling away from it to look into my eyes.
"I just..."
"Yhm?" he leaned closer to my lips, but before he could kiss me, I pushed him off me and off the bed, sending him crashing to the floor. I took the opportunity to wrap myself in his duvet, running into the hybrid's bathroom before he recovered from my unexpected move.
"Dress up. We have to be there in 10 minutes. Don't forget the wedding rings!" I screamed, knowing full well that he would hear me through the closed door even if I was whispering. I listened for a moment, standing perfectly still, until I heard his grumpy mumbling and footsteps walking away.
With a sigh, I leaned against the door, sliding myself down to the floor. Memories of last night started to slowly come back to my mind, including his half-drunk "I love you."
What the hell have I done?
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beachlifelez · 14 days
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“Everything OK, Lily?”
“Oh, Kath, you know…hormones are flowing wild this morning.”
“Anything I can do?”
“Oh, babe, would you?”
“Need you ask? Of course, silly. Lean back. That’s it. Show me those big, veiny boobs. Mmm, so sexy. Massage them for me.”
“Oh, fuck, that feels so good. They’re so heavy now. And sensitive.”
“Pinch those gorgeous nipples for me. Work them; get yourself going. That’s it.”
Kath moved to the couch and knelt in front of Lily.
“We won’t be needing these, will we? Keep massaging and pinching, you sexy thing.”
Kath reached up and pulled Lilly’s panties off.
“Mmm, I’m so glad I shaved you last night. Did you enjoy me going down on you after that, baby?”
“You’re just going to tease the crap out of me, aren’t you?”
“The teasing makes the cumming oh, so much more enjoyable. Is mama wet? Oh, yes she is.”
Two of Kath’s fingers slid easily inside Lilly’s pussy. Kath built up a slow, steady rhythm. Lilly’s hips began gyrating in kind.
“How are those hormones now, hmm?”
“I feel like…I can cum…all morning long…Ohh, Kath…don’t ever stop.”
“I won’t, my love. For as long as you can take it. I know you’re just going to explode when I finally touch your clit. But not just yet, no. Finger fucking you is just too fun.”
“Yes…yes…keep fucking me. My god, what you do to me. I love you.”
“And I love you, my Lilly girl. I think it’s time to test your theory. Let’s see if you can cum all morning long. Ready?”
“So ready. Take me there. Keep me there. Hold me there. Now, please.”
As Kath continued her fingering, she brought her thumb to Lilly’s clit. Lilly’s morning of the everlasting orgasm was about to begin.
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rosecoloreddesire · 2 years
Never Know How Much I Love You (Elvis 2022)
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Austin!Elvis x reader
Summary: Your friends tell you it’s now or never to lose yourself to the pleasure of a one night stand. Though, what would you do if that one might stand was newcomer, Elvis Presley?
Note: Thank you for 200 followers! Just wrote this small thing while college finals were killing my brain last week so I hope it makes sense and y’all like it! This is supposed to mimic desperation and naïveté in one night stands :)
Warnings: SMUT! Minors DNI!
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me, Kath! I can’t do that! I’d be embarassin’ myself in front of that Memphis boy if I did that!” You covered your face in mortification.
“Come on! You gotta admit y’all two had a real good connection on that stage! He was only lookin’ at ya! Ain’t that right, Patti?” Your older friend elbowed the love struck nerd in the side rather roughly. She wheezes out the air she was sobbing out earlier.
“Y-yes, Y/N. Go seduce that Presley boy so I can stare at the other talents.” She waved her manicured hand in the air as you rolled your eyes and huffed in defeat. What the hell were they thinking sending you to the hotel door step of THE rising star of the Louisiana Hayride?
“I gotta great idea! You can borrow some of my clothes! And Miss Dreams-a-Lot can do your makeup? Sound good? Good!” She stops you before you can even answer. You sip your milkshake in annoyance even if Kathy was buying. Why you out of this group? You all thought he was hot!
“Hey, you gotta live a little! Your parents ain’t gonna kill ya for havin’ a little fun! What do you thank they were doin’ at our age, purity!” You scoffed at the nickname and gulped the rest of your milkshake down.
“Fine! I’ll prove I ain’t no innocent little one time girl! Doll me up, chicks!”
“I-I look so good. Holy smokes!” You pose in the mirror as the girls put the finishing touches on your seduction outfit of the night.
“You look like ya ready to snatch a man’s soul tonight!”
“Or his wallet.”
“Sorry!” She raised her hands in defense as you twirled around. The dress was just tight enough that if your parents saw they’d keel over right that second.
“Y’all really think this is gonna work. That boy prolly has a type. And I don’t think this is it. “ you gesture to your whole body. Kathy pushes you and fixes a stray curl on the back of your hair.
“That boy has hundreds of girls falling at his feet. C’mon, it’s a worth a try. You may never get another chance! Also that lingerie underneath is too die for!” Kath places a gentle hand on your shoulder and gives you a soft smile.
“And hey, maybe he likes sleepin’ with the same girl. He seems like one of those innocent churchly types, ya know?” Patti fixes her lipstick and Kath elbows her again. Her lipstick going up her face. The two begin to bicker as you watch from your motel window. You watch as Elvis passes by. He’s unbuttoning his shirt and you bite your lip. The blue lace shirt looked ethereal on his skin in the pale moon light. You looked down at yourself once again and took a deep breath. You looked back at the pair and they continued to fight as you slipped out as quiet as you could. You watched as Elvis retreats into his room.
“Breathe, Y/N. We got this.” You smoothed your dress down to your body. You look through the small crack in his curtains. His shirt unbuttoned all the way and wincing on the phone. You could see the heart shaped paper on the rotary numbers. He has to be talking to his girl back home. What the hell were you thinking? God, he looks good though. All of your conscience is void as you wrap your knuckles to the door. The wood cold against your sweating hand. You begin to turn and try to forget you ever wanted to do this.
“Hey Scotty, I-“ his breath hitches as he notices your not his friend and band mate but something better. You smile up at him softly and walk in, dragging your hand along his bare chest as you pass.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m sorry if this is too forward but-“ Elvis’ hands are on your waist in seconds as yours fall around his nape. He stares down at you, biting his lip. His eyes are beautiful in the dark room as you feel your legs threatening to give out from beneath you.
“You are one brave chick for walk-in’ in like ya did. I like that. You a fan?” You shake your head as he chuckles.
“I-I mean yes but I ain’t one of those ones that sits outside your door waitin’ for ya. Sometimes they mistake my room for yours! It’s somethin’ awful!” His eyes flicker from your mouth to your e/c orbs. You decide to say screw it and pull him down towards you.
“You talk a lot, doll.” He smiles and you flush. Your hand drags down his chest as his breath hitches. Your hands are cold against his warm embrace.
“Then shut me up, Elvis.” A growl rips from his throat and his lips are on yours in seconds. He’s clearly just as new as you are to this but it feels otherworldly. His hands can’t find a place to sit and grasp your body wherever he can reach. His tongue traces your bottom lip, a moan squeaks from your throat as his tongue delves into your mouth. You take his hand and place it on your chest. His hand pulls the top of your dress down and all but tears your bra.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous, Y/N. Lord, bless me for you walkin’ your pretty little ass in here.” He bites his lip to stop from groaning. His lips and teeth attack your throat as he tries to calm himself down. Your neck and chest were wet and bruised as Elvis tried to clutch onto any sense of reason.
“E-Elvis, more. Please. Make me yours.” His hands are gripping your waist so hard you’re sure bruises will be the harshest reminder of what you’re getting yourself into. His eyes hardly leave your tits as he gulps audibly. His lips are hot and wet as he twirls his tongue around your budding nipple. A sharp gasp leaves your reddened lips. His grasp is harsh on your thighs as he spreads them apart.
“Look at you, baby. All this for me? You’re my pretty little play thing, right?” You nod desperately as you claw at his chest for any sort of touch. His lip caught between his teeth, a moan raring to leave his lips. He drags a finger up your dampened light blue panties. You whimper as he pulls them to the side. He blows his hot breath against your pussy, your voice caught in your throat. A smirk spreads across his face as he places a soft kiss to your begging clit.
“P-please. Elvis- AH” his mouth is on you before you can even get his name out from your mouth. His tongue is slow, teasing. His grip on your thighs are still harsh and commanding. Your grip on his hair makes him chuckle and the vibration sends you into a frenzy. He pulls away as quickly as he started and looks down at you. Unzipping his pants and pulling his cock out. Rubbing up and down your pussy. You grip his shoulders, the warmth of his body was the only thing left to ground your mind as you slowly delved into this sinful act.
“I’m sorry, mama. I need to feel you is that alright? We can sto-“ a growl is torn from his chest as you take his cock in your hand and push him inside slowly.
“You are so big, fuck. Shit, more please.” He nods and places his hands beside your head on the pillows.
“You look and f-feel divine. Lord, you are so fuckin’ hot.” His head falls between your neck and shoulder. His teeth scraping against your throat. Was he this possessive with all those girls at his door? Your nails are sharp on his back as he hisses at the feeling. His hips bucking tougher than before.
“More. Fuck me, Elvis!�� You scrunch your eyes closed as his cock delves deeper inside you. You want to remember the feeling of Elvis inside you. Lord knows that this will be the first and only time you’ll have this sensation deep within you. Elvis is whimpering now as you tighten around him. No longer keeping his moans hidden as he loses himself.
“Fuck, I wanna- can I cum inside you?” Your hands are gripping the pillows beneath you as you nod. God, you didn’t want this night to be over but holy hell was this boy doing a number on you!
“I’m gonna cum!” The two of you are sweaty as Elvis lays on top of you. His cum drips out onto the hotel sheets and he apologizes while grabbing some towels. He grabs a satin shirt of his and helps you into it as he placed a soft kiss to your head.
“I-I don’t usually do that sorta thing, mama.” You smile.
“I don’t either.”
“YOU LEFT HIS HOTEL BEFORE HE WOKE UP? You’re kiddin’!” Kath all but screams as you enter the door way to y’all’s room. You pulled his shirt tighter to your body as she scanned you.
“Look at her, Kath! She’s covered in bites! She really did do it! Look at you, purity!” Patti comes up to hug you and you wince. Your shame was rising higher by the minute.
“You do know we’re followin’ him to the next show right?” Your jaw dropped.
“KATH! We are not! What in the sam hell do you think you are? You tell me to go do somethin’ and I did it!” The two girls sit you down and help you cover up the marks on your visible skin and obvious bags under your eyes. You sigh.
“At least this one tonight, Y/N? Maybe, he liked ya! And he’ll wanna see you more?” You rolled your eyes and looked at yourself in the mirror feeling a pity that sunk its claws within your features. It was dark last night there was no way he’d be into you. You weren’t anyone’s type.
“Let’s go. As long as y’all are gonna get me a milkshake after.” The pair hug you and rush to their suitcases for their clothes.
“Backstage?! C’mon girls. You have gotta be pullin’ my leg here!” Kathy takes your hand and you three sit on a bench in the back watching as Elvis performed. You’d never tire of seeing it as the electricity of his passion shot through your very being every time. Soon you find yourself thinking of last night. The way he gently caressed your body and then grasped it like you were going to disappear. His lips…how full and sweet they tasted. You drift off and tune back in when you hear familiar panting.
“Thanks, guys. Was that good? Is that wigglin’ thing really all that?” His band mates were handing him towels and water as he stood drenched in sweat. You turn to tell Patti you needed to go and that’s when you see the two had left you. You try to hide your face but it’s too late as you hear a light laugh coming from the boy.
“I-I- think the wigglin’ was just fine, Elvis.” Your voice is meek as he stalks closer to you. His hand curls underneath your chin.
“You’ve got a lot of bravery comin’ back to me a second time, lil’ birdie.” His eyes are dark and firmly on yours as you stutter a response.
“I-I’’m sorry I didn’t think you’d want me to stay-“ His lips and tongue are harsh as he covers your body with his. The heat of his body is dizzying as you grab onto his suit jacket with all your strength. His body isn’t close enough. His taste is addicting. The clothes on his body needed to be off.
“Who said you weren’t mine, lil’ birdie? Didn’t you say you wanted me to make you mine,” your eyes are glossed over as he pulls your chin to lessen the gap between you both. You gasp as he forced you to look at him, “Hm? Give me an answer, mama.” You nod as he gives you a stern look.
“Yes. Yes, Elvis.”
“That’s my good girl.”
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so I saw the Wembley Park Theatre production last night and if u don't wanna be spoiled dni
But if you have no chance of seeing it here are some of the little details <3
First of all the casting was perfect???
Michael Alomka dove into a more sensitive part of Jack - and it was super interesting
Katherine was so much more headstrong and it was suchhhh a new flavour of her - Katherine has never been one of my favourite characters but god she was so strong and wild and unduly it was brilliant.
Ryan Kopel as Davey has to be my standout tho - he seemed much younger in the role than BF did, and much more uncertain and afraid - I loved it - and his development oh my god he became boisterous and ahhhhhhhhh
Docket as Crutchie was brilliant he was much less happy-go-lucky than AKB was and oh it worked - he was frustrated and angry and real.
AND Crutchie played a much larger role in the leadership of the strike here!! Just through little interactions and stuff but it was coooollll and he even seemed to form a friendship with both Kath and Davey
Even the kid playing Les was brilliant and I usually don't like Les all that much - but the kid I saw was brilliant
The Newsies would swing out on lamps and ropes over the audience and oh my godddddddd
THE BROOKLYN NEWSIES WERE GIRLS (and it added balance since earlier they'd been the bowery beauties so it changed them up and showed the power of women plus finally included girls in the strike, sometbing 1992 and bway missed) AND THEY WERE SO GOOD
Jack and Katherine had Beatrice and Benedick vibes from Much Ado - that's the only comparable thing, they were so brilliant and the chemistry was so goooodddd
Ngl it probably didn't have enough Javid content for you addicts.
Butttt there was a hug when Jack tells Davey they won the strike that is so good. Davey can't retain himself, he jumps and hugs Jack and then picks up and whirls around Les
'we are inevitable' was delivered PERFECTLY I can't even explain
There are so many stunts and jumps and tricks and we all knew the dancing was gonna be perfect but dear god it still got me
And finally, my favourite thing, THE SET
I was sitting stage right in Woodside (I think) and if u can get tickets like that it is so worth it. The actors are running up behjind and beside you
There's even a little slide for the escape from snyder
And they utilise the scaffding part of the set super well
There are lamps that lifted up for ariel tricks
And so much more
Even a fuckin zip line!!!!!!!
okay you've nearly made it to the end
There were a fewwww lyric changes buttt the orchestrations were changed quite a lot to make room for more dance and honestly? I think I prefer broadway music wise
The Pulitzer's set was built in newspapers to show class and how the Newsies have built their entire empire etc
And all the set was moved on and off by the Newsies, too, again to show class and how the Newsies (and working kids) run the world, really
Yes, Race was perfect.
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lokiwhitewolf · 1 year
Red Hot Winter Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: "I won’t crucify the things you do."
After spending more time with Davina, in which Elena learned that the witch feels suffocated by being forced by Marcel to stay in the attic, even though she loves him because he saved her from a much worse fate, the brunette vampire leaves, promising to come back soon.
"Katherine! Can I ask a favor?" Davina said this before Elena could leave.
"Of course! Anything!" 
"I know you don’t like to go to these types of events, but would you go with me to the Dauphine Street music festival in a few days?"
"Yes, I would love to! But do you think that Marcel would let you?"
"He will. After everything I do for him, he has to let me go out for a night."
"Oh, he better let you!"
Elena left the attic and walked into the streets. She intended to go back to the Originals' mansion but was stopped in her tracks by two vampires.
"Miss Pierce, Marcel would like to see you."
"By all means, lead the way, boys." She said it smiling. Elena was escorted to Marcel's compound, which, according to Rebekah's stories, was where the Mikaelsons lived before he took over. Even though the Originals didn’t live there anymore, Elena recognized their family crest on the walls, well hidden by plants.
She was escorted to what could only have been Klaus’s office at other times; there were even some of his paintings on the walls. What she didn’t expect to find was the hybrid himself beside Marcel, but she guessed he could help corroborate her story.
"Katherine Pierce, as I live and breathe!" Marcel said, smiling and standing up to be in front of her.
"Marcel Gerard, so we meet again." Said Elena, looking at him for the first time. It was easy to see why Rebekah fell in love with him, but it was also easy to see the threat underneath the warmth of his smile.
"I didn’t expect you back in my city so soon after the fun we had last time," He said, touching her face. Well, of course Katherine slept with him, thought Elena. Klaus scoffed at Marcel’s use of "my city."
"I wish I was here to have more fun with you," Said Elena, smiling and leaning into his touch. "But Klaus had other plans for me."
"Well, you see," Klaus started talking, "Ever since Elena Gilbert died, Katerina had decided to stay in Mystic Falls, and since I decided to come back to New Orleans, I thought why not compel Katherine and have her do whatever I wanted her to do?" She did run from me for half a millennium, and it’s only fair."
"You call this fair?" Marcel said, visibly enraged. Marcel did like Katherine.
"Marcel, this is between me and Katerina. And besides, right now all she has to do is look after Hayley." Said Klaus.
"You’re in my city, Klaus; remember that," Said Marcel in a threatening tone, turning to Klaus.
"Marcel," Said Elena, trying to get Marcel to calm down. Somehow she knew that Klaus could and would kill Marcel if he kept pressuring "It’s okay. He won’t do anything to me. Elijah won’t let him. And I just went to see Davina! She wants to go to the Dauphine Street music festival with me."
"I don’t know Kath; it’s too dangerous…"Marcel said, but Elena silenced him with two fingers.
"She’ll be safe with me, Marcel; you know you can trust me." She then kissed her fingers and hugged him.
Okay," Marcel caved in, "But my guys will be watching at all times, and also my friend will come too."
"Which friend?"
"Camille. She’s a bartender." Marcel said, smiling after they separated.
"I’ve been gone for a while, and you already have another friend?" Elena pretended to be jealous.
Now, c'mon, Kath, she’s nothing like you." He kissed her cheek and said, "One day I’ll get you out of Klaus's grasp, I promise."
"Thank you," Elena said, then she kissed him near his mouth.
"I’m impressed," Said Klaus, when both of them got into his car to go back to the Originals' house.
"What? You didn’t think I would be able to pull it off?"
"No. I think you and Katherine are not so different after all."
"Katherine and I are nothing alike."
"That’s where you’re wrong. You both survived me, and apparently, you both fell for Elijah." He said it, smiling.
"What? No, I…" Elena was at a loss for words.
"You think I didn’t know where Marcel was keeping my brother? Of course I did; I helped build that church, Elena."
"I just wanted to know where he was so I could tell Rebekah," Elena said.
"Katerina would be proud of you, Elena."
As soon as they got to the house, Elena found Rebekah and Hayley in the wolf's room, along with someone else that she didn’t recognize.
"Katherine," Said Hayley, standing up. She grabbed Elena by her neck and lifted her against the wall. "You almost had me killed!"
"Well, that didn’t work, did it? Klaus saved you," Elena said, remembering how Klaus, Hayley, and Rebekah filled her in on everything Katherine had done before this point. Elena balanced herself and got Hayley off her carefully. "And besides, Klaus compelled me to your little maid thanks to the five hundred years I spent running from him."
"Katherine Pierce," Said the unknown woman.
"And you are?" Elena said.
"I’m Sabine," The woman said, raising her hand, which Elena was going to grab until Rebekah interrupted her.
"Katherine, come with me."
The brunette and blonde vampires left the room and went into Rebekah's room.
"She’s a witch," said the blonde after closing the door. "If you touch her hand, she’s going to know you’re not Katherine."
"A little heads up would’ve been nice," Said Elena.
"I’m sorry, I had to take care of Hayley. She was attacked too last night."
"Is everyone in this family going to get attacked? Is this what’s going to happen to me?"
"Not if you play your cards right. Now tell me, did you find him?"
"I did! I found Elijah! He’s in the attic, in the church, with Marcel’s witch. Her name is Davina. She can’t control her powers yet, but Marcel asked her to kill him anyway, but Elijah doesn’t believe she will. He asked me, "
"Wait, he talked to you?"
"Yes, I touched his hand, and he told me what to do. He asked you to bring him your mother's grimoire. Do you know where it is?"
"Yes, I do! Did he tell you anything else?"
"He asked me to take care of Hayley because he doesn’t trust Klaus, and..."
"And that the vampires of New Orleans think he and Katherine are having a relationship, so he and I will have to pretend once he is out of his coffin."
"Oh, I guess knowing it's you and not Katherine makes it better for me."
"What do you mean?"
"Elijah certainly has a type. I think he fell for you, Elena; coming back to Katherine was a relapse. And he was the one that brought you back, not the torture session from the Salvatore boys."
"I don’t know how to feel about this."
"I think this time you need a man, Elena, not a boy. And from the looks of it, you’re not going to have much time to think. Elijah is going to get himself out of that coffin, and he is going all in for the kill, even if in public he has to call you Katherine or Katerina."
Rebekah knew which spell her brother was talking about. It was a spell to unlink two people. He wanted to break the spell Sophie’s sister had cast. The vampire removed the page from the grimoire and gave it to Elena, who put it in her pocket. Both of them returned to Hayley’s room, but she was no longer there. They found her with Sabine in the kitchen. Hayley was lying on the counter, and the witch was in some sort of trance.
"I thought witches couldn’t do spells," Said Elena.
"It’s not a spell. She’s just figuring out the sex of the baby," Said Hayley.
"Yeah, I’m pretty sure you could go to a hospital and get the same answer." The brunette vampire said this, thinking something was wrong. And she was right. Right before Sabine said the sex of the baby, she made a horrified expression.
"It's a girl," Sabine said, smiling. "You're having a girl."
Hayley and Rebekah were static, but Elena was suspicious. Sure, Elijah would love to know he was having a niece run around the house soon, but still, something was off.
Sabine took off shortly after, and while Rebekah filled Hayley in on the news about Elijah, Elena followed Sabine.
She ended up in the city's cemetery. Following the witch closely behind, she watched the woman get into an old crypt.
"The wolf is having a girl, but the baby is going to be powerful. More powerful than any other creature that’s ever existed, it's one of its kind," Said Sabine.
"What did you expect? She’s the daughter of an aberration; of course, it's a threat, not only to us but to the balance of nature itself." Said an older witch. "I don’t like what I’m going to do, but it needs to be done."
That older witch grabbed an ancient box with an old syringe inside. Two other warlocks brought Sophie into the crypt.
Please, Agnes, don’t do this!" Begged Sophie
"Your sister shouldn’t have done this in the first place!" Said the witch named Agnes, putting whatever was inside the syringe inside Sophie.
Sophie passed out immediately, and the other witches and warlocks left the crypt. As soon as everyone was out, Elena got in and grabbed Sophie, taking her to the Originals' house.
Elena left Sophie inside her room in the Originals' house. She didn’t know what was inside that syringe, but she knew it couldn’t be good since Sophie was linked to Hayley.
The brunette vampire came back to the attic; this time it was empty. Davina was most likely in the shower since Elena could hear water running.
Elena simply removed the dagger from Elijah’s chest, just like she had done in the past, and left the spell inside his suit jacket. They needed him more than ever now.
Sophie woke up two days later in the living room. Elena had told Rebekah what had happened because Klaus was nowhere to be found.
"You have two seconds to tell me exactly what was in that syringe before I kill you," said Elena, in a very Katherine manner.
"It’s an old potion. It’s meant to abort a baby. I’m not pregnant, but Hayley is," Said Sophie.
"Unlink yourself from her right now!" Demanded Rebekah, with her hand around Sophie’s neck and her fangs starting to show up in her mouth.
"I can’t! Marcel will know, and I’ll die!" Sophie said. 
"Sister, if you kill her, our niece will die too. So if you please, remove your hands from her neck," Said a very polite voice.
Rebekah dropped Sophie on the couch. That voice could only belong to one person.
"Elijah!" She said, happily, she was going to hug him.
Elijah hugged her back and kissed her cheek. Rebekah separated herself from him and smiled at Elena.
"Katerina," Said Elijah, smiling. He walked up to her, and one of his hands went to her waist while the other went to her face. "I missed you," He said sincerely, almost whispering. Then he kissed her so tenderly and so sweetly, like he was worshiping her. Elena kissed him back, her hands going to his hair, as if Katherine would do it, but mostly for herself. She always wanted to know what his hair felt like.
He ended the kiss with a peck on her lips. "Come with me, help me pick another outfit"
"Yes," said Elena, breathless.
They both went up the stairs, Elijah never letting go of her hand, while Rebekah and Sophie went to take care of Hayley, who was starting to develop a fever.
Elena walked into Elijah’s room. It was very spacious, with a king-size bed and two large windows with white curtains. He had modern things, like a smart TV and a stereo, but the room also had space for a desk with some papers on it, along with shelves with books and a walk-in closet packed with suits but, surprisingly for Elena, regular clothes as well.
"I’ll make space for you here."
"What?" Asked Elena.
"I know you’re here of your own free will, but I don’t trust my brother Elena. I’ll feel better if you’re in my room with me. And besides, we have to put on a little show, don’t we?" He said this, smiling at her, picking up his suit and changing in front of her, removing his shirt first.
"Elijah!" She said, turning around somehow mortified. The original vampire chuckled.
"We’re playing a couple, Elena; we might as well behave like one." He said "It’s okay if you want to look at me while I’m changing." He said this, whispering in her ear and kissing her neck, making Elena tremble. He smiled and stepped away from her to put on his suit.
Elena turned around.
"How do I look?" Asked Elijah.
"Dashing as always," Elena replied, smiling.
Hayley’s fever was getting worse as the day went by. The concoction Sophie made had helped a bit, but Hayley depended on Davina's ability to unlinked both of them. Elijah had faith in the young witch, saying that if she completed that spell, she could choose the next spell they would work on. It was already night, and they didn’t know what else to do to get her fever down.
"Take her to the pool!" Elena said. "The water is freezing; it will make her body temperature go down!"
Elijah grabbed Hayley, and both of them got inside the pool. Hayley was having convulsions and holding onto her belly. Elena got into the water, not caring if her impersonation would blow or not. She held Hayley’s body along with Elijah's.
"Davina is going to make it; I know she is," Elijah said, almost sounding scared.
"Elijah, it’s going to be okay." Said Elena, looking deep into his eyes.
All of a sudden, Hayley’s body stopped moving. Sophie grabbed a knife to check if they were unlinked by making a small cut on her palm. Elena grabbed Hayley’s palm. It wasn’t bleeding. They were unlinked.
"It worked," said Elena.
Elijah breathed out in relief and was about to take Hayley inside when Sophie asked him something.
"Please don’t let Klaus kill Agnes. She’s one of our ancestors; she didn’t know what she was doing."
"Agnes won’t die at my brothers' hands; you have my word," Said Elijah.
Elena was following him, only to be stopped by Sophie.
"The Katherine I knew would’ve never gotten into that pool."
"If Hayley dies, I die, remember? I’m Katherine Pierce; I’m a survivor." Elena said, "If you pull another stunt like this against us, I don’t think you’ll survive to tell the tale. Elijah has a rather bad habit of ripping out people’s hearts.
After making sure Hayley was safe inside her room with Rebekah watching over her, both Elena and Elijah got changed. Elijah had gotten a phone call from Klaus to meet him in the church.
"I’ll go with you. I don’t trust Klaus around you," Said Elena. They both got into Elijah’s car and got to the church shortly after.
"Elijah! Katherine! Welcome to the party! You see, while you two were making sure that Hayley was safe, I was hunting down the witches that had threatened my family. And I found them here!" Said Klaus, going around the church killing the witches one by one but leaving Agnes for last. "This one here is the one that poisoned my heir. What am I going to do with you?"
"Niklaus, you asked for my forgiveness, remember? You shall have it if you don’t kill Agnes. I promised Sophie she wouldn’t die at your hands. If you want my forgiveness, this is how you shall have it."
Klaus let go of Agnes’s neck. Elena knew what was following and looked down.
Elijah went to Agnes, who was crying.
"I promised Sophie you wouldn’t die at my brother's hands; I didn’t say anything about mine." Elijah put his hand inside her chest and said, "No one messes with my family and lives," and then he removed her heart.
The first time Elijah had done this in front of her, it had certainly terrified her. It proved to her that he was a very powerful man, not to be messed with.
Elena doesn’t condone violence in the slightest, but she had seen what those witches had done. They would’ve killed Hayley’s baby. That should’ve been a decision that Hayley should've made, and she decided to keep the baby. She knew the Mikaelsons would do anything for each other, but now she has seen it, and she was in the middle of it. Right where she should be.
"You two love birds Go ahead; I need to do something before I get home. I need to tell someone justice was done."
Elijah got a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his hand, grabbing Elena by his other hand.
"I’m sorry you had to see that," He said.
"Well, it’s not the first time I’ve seen you rip someone’s heart out," She said.
"Elena," He said, putting both of his hands on the car, trapping her between the car and his body. "Thank you for removing the dagger from my chest."
"Well, I did dagger you once, if I recall correctly."
"You were trying to stay alive and didn’t know if you could trust me. I don’t blame you."
"I still feel bad for it, though."
"You don’t have to. It’s not your fault. You helped me with Hayley tonight. And looked out for her when I wasn’t there. Thank you."
"I was just keeping my word."
"This...relationship that we have to fake. I don’t want to fake it with you, Elena. I want you. All of you"
Elena’s heart was beating so loudly that she knew Elijah could hear it.
"I know you might be afraid of history repeating itself because of what happened between me and Katerina, but I assure you my lovely Elena, she is in the past. I want you."
And with that, he kissed her. He kissed her like she'd never been kissed before. It was not like she was with Stefan and Damon. It was so much better, like she was in heaven, as if Elijah was perfectly made for her, or as if she was made for him. The best part about being a vampire is that you don’t need to breathe. So Elijah grabbed one of her legs, wrapping it around his waist, while his other went inside her t-shirt. And to think that one of his hands, which had ripped out a heart just half an hour earlier, was now on her back. Her hands went to his hair, pulling it hard from his roots, which he seemed to like. It was the softest thing she had ever touched.
Hey, love birds, this is a church, not a motel!" Said Father Kieran, he said, interrupting them. Elena hid her face in Elijah's neck, holding back a burst of laughter.
"I’m sorry, Father, for I have sinned." Said Elijah.
Elijah and Elena got into the car, and holding each other's hands, they got back to the house.
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Okay now I have to ask, glee crossovers 👀👀
Okay okay I was waiting for this!! I will not give you the lists bc it would take ages (it would just be everyone with everyone lol) so I will give you the "most vibes".
Nate already have so much sisters and he definitely needs more but, just saying, him and Cole would be great boyfriends 👀 (we already talked about this? I really can't remember lol) Also, about sisters... Demi, Dolly & Barbie, Jaci, Kendall, Lilibeth, Perrie, Sandy, Satine, Savannah, Zoe... Carla!! Oh! And Nate would be the best big brother for Jeremy 🥺
Coming Of Age and SOWK crossover 👀 Like, Christine and Aurora, Garreth (& Ellie ovb) and Josh (they would be the best parents to all the kids lmao) Christine and Carla would also get along great ngl (They're the sweetest, they deserve the world and they would hate Rachel Berry together lol)
Also Chrissy (she is Blaine's bestie so her and Aurora would be so close I just know it) and Cosette, Cosette especially with all the older main group (Roman, Amelie, Ash...)
For Ronnie and the girls, I need to go with Betty & the boys bc yes. But also more specifically for Ronnie, Toni, no vibes at all, just the st content lmao.
All the Berry/Corcoran crossover obviously, but more specifically: Linda & Barbie & Dolly Jake & Jo Jake & Sadie Dorothy & Sadie Dorothy & Leonard Linda & Oz Dorothy & Oz (Also Toni but Idk her vibes rip)
Benjamin and Carla are ofc the best babies, I love them so much and they're my everything. But! Savannah bc she's her older sister and we need to talk about this way more, Jeremy bc they're the babies of the group and Kath and Oz for no reason at all just vibes.
Jean and Betty, half bc of the Sabrina&Olivia vibes, half bc they would totally understand each other for the "shitty boyfriends and shitty parents" situation.
Connie with Betty and the Band for obvious reasons, but also they would just be so cute, they're like, the sweetest.
Lia and Charlie bc the best cousins that are actually sister bc they were raised together (Also any Schuester crossover but Lia and Charlie would be everything)
Mack and Kendall for the sibiling vibe, just like Dahlia and Jaci (they're both Mercedes' cousins so... sisters?) and Luka and Betty.
Maya and Hillary just for the Euphoria sources ngl.
Also more generally, any combo of the Schuester / St.James / Sylvester would be the best.
Anyone, LITERALLY ANYONE, with Colton and Cece bc they're my weakness, I can't choose, I love them too much.
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so-long-soldier28 · 9 months
if you could omit a storyline from the tvd show. which one would it be and why???
okay to complete this ask, i had to recall the main storylines from each season. this is what i produced. i will stick that below along with my decisions and thought processes.
also, i say it in the notes, but if this form of answering asks is too chaotic, i can switch back to the neat paragraph format i used in the avengers x kai post. i can cut out my gibberish and actually capitalize my sentences again 😅 just let me know which you prefer!
no tw except for spoilers all the way to season 8
the seasons & their storylines
1 - damon + kath / tomb
2 - stefan being a dick (+ wolves)
3 - mikaelsons
4 - shane + cure
5 - silas + travelers
6 - kai + geminis
7 - heretics + rayna cruz
8 - fucking sirens + stupid donovan family reunion
now... to judge them all and remove one...
alright… tbh, it took me way too long to remember the second villian of s7, because post-lily, my mind went blank
then it went, ah, yes, that stupid hunter storyline
and then i immediately selected that one bc i hated watching bonnie get abused again
this storyline was so stupid; the seven year time jump was so confusing
we were also given NO CONTEXT and MINOR HISTORY into bonnie and enzo's THREE YEAR RELATIONSHIP
like i love both these characters, but them together came out of nowhere
also… damon caring so little for enzo and vice versa in seasons 7 & 8 after all the history they had together PISSED ME OFF SO BAD, like they don't care for each other at all?? not even romantically, just platonic care / trauma bond, NOTHING?
anyway that's aside the point
i loved early season 7
nora, val, and mary louise were funny; matt being angry all the time was funny; bonnie and damon coming back from europe and immediately killing a heretic was funny
bonnie had so much sass in this season
but then plec had to drive her underground again with the magic pills & nearly killing her & all that shit
and i liked rayna, to some extent; she was pretty cool
but there was no reason to drag bonnie in the mix and make her kill her friends just because she took some stupid pills, just because some relative of enzo wanted her to open a vault
that st. john stuff was insanity; i still don't understand it
i don't think the characters did either; probably not the actors, either
i also don't like that the rayna storyline killed off nora and ML, like, let the lesbian heretics live, fuck off julie plec
and bonnie and nora should've had a fling but that's a different story
so yeah… the 7 years into the future storyline + hunters is the storyline i would erase
also… i don't know why caroline kept showing up with blood on her face and ranting about stefan, like, i was genuinely confused
it kept reminding me of season 2 when damon dated that newscaster but then stefan killed her.. or whatever happened...
anyway, let's take a look at a close contender… season 8 - donovans
why… the fuck… did the donovans have to have a family reunion?
i do not care about his dad, i do not care about his mom, i do not care about vicki, i don't care about matt, and i certainly don't care to see them all in one place
matt only survived bc zach and julie plec were hooking up i stg
this man and his whole family are weak links
the sirens didn't bother me all that much, compared to the donovans fucking existence
i actually liked seline, ish
[unless i just liked the actress bc she's in that containment series so i associate her with chris 💀]
but i liked that she was playing games with alaric
i think she and kai would get along well… fucking with alaric, nearly killing twins… plus his comment about wanting to fuck hot cannibals…
this post isn't about kai moving on
the sirens were hella annoying at first and i hated them, but as soon as they released damon & enzo, i started to like them
then they died
speaking of death, stefan's death was so stupid
i have a lot to say about that but that's for a different time
kelly ruining steroline wedding was so stupid
gtfo woman
another contender… the stupid travelers of season 5
what tf was happening bc i genuinely don't know
i have no idea what happened when tyler was possessed
i don't even know what to say bc i was so lost the entire time
but i wouldn't omit the storyline bc the spell that eradicated them is what kai sucked up later
and then he became all hot & dangerous
but where did they go after the spell kept them out??
where did they come from, where did they go??
i liked liv & luke, they were both grumpy & slightly dickish
the travelers shit introduced them so that's cool... bc they had to stop the dopplegangers or something, i have no idea
liv has a vendetta against life for no reason. she's just so angry
she doesn't even remember the Great Sibling Slaughter of 1994, she was 4. why are you so bitter, liv?
we'll never know ig
idk tho living with joshua parker post-1994 doesn't seem fun. doesn't seem fun pre-1994, but i feel he'd be even 10x angrier after, so maybe it's just the childhood trauma. sorry, liv
also i might've shipped her with bonnie just a little bit… just a smidge… thought bon would be real cute with another witch
aside the point
stefan's dopplegangers were great… i like both of them more than i like stefan
but the kill the dopplegangers thing was confusing and if not for early s5 with silas & quetsiyah + blonde twins in later parts, i would hate s5
other seasons' notes
season 4... i hated shane bc he was creepy, but i found it funny that bonnie was so into him. damon was so perturbed at this
oH! not a storyline, but omit them killing kol bc fuck elena. that's my other man
but i know why they did it
and i adored davina bringing him back
so ig not omit, but fuck them for killing him, especially for their own personal gain
kol died so that jeremy could dramatically yell while ripping off his shirt
season 2... so i just remembered that s2 was more than just a precursor to klaus / middle part elijah; it also had wolves
i forgot about them initially, bc i don't care about most the wolves
tyler, i have so many mixed emotions; hayley, hated in tvd, liked in s1-2 of the orginals, didn't care for her later on; mason, nice to look at, don't care about him; jewel, or jade, idk, blonde girl that was looking for mason and found tyler, hated her; the random apperance of stephen amell… gtfo off my screen
wouldn't omit the wolves bc they had a point (ish) and grew the show, but i just don't care
not to say i don't like werewolves bc i fucking love the werewolves (cough twilight cough) but i don't care for the tvd wolves - the originals included, fuck off jackson
that was mean… he was a good man, good husband… i just don't care, i'm sorry
oliver was way worse, let's focus on him instead. he can fuck off; jackson can stay
so yeah, the hunter curse thing in s7 needs to go
unless you're kai and there's sexual tension involved & you're mutually causing each other pain, don't hurt bonnie
the magic pills were confusing, don't hurt my lesbian heretics, either
st. john stuff made no sense; probably just an introduction to the armory so alaric could feel important again
one final note
i hate that the beautiful salvatore mansion was turned into a school for weasel-y children to destroy
children are messy, that thing's an antique
i hate alaric
oh, i know i also made a post about wishing kai didn't kill jo so that alaric wouldn't have feelings for caroline, but i don't know if i fully stand by that post
as much as i wanted kai to have a redemption arc, him being a heretic was fun (while it lasted)
if they were dedicated towards keeping kai alive (therefore omiting his death storyline), he'd be a great time
i can see him and damon becoming buddies & being absolute menaces together
damon fights it sooo hard at first, but can't help wanting to dive into kai's bad influence
he makes vampirism feel like vampirism again… raising hell and not being afraid to be the bad guy
while simultaneously getting bad looks from all his friends and promising he's trying to be kai's good influence, but we all know he's not trying that hard
jo would survive and raise her twins with her creepy husband
she'd live in fear of kai coming after her kids any given day, but would try to ignore the thought
maybe they move away & free us from ric for good
but while this sounds really fun, i don't know where the story would go from there
kai would definitely get stuck under lily's control with the rest of the heretics & he'd have a big fucking fit about it
if enzo got with bonnie with kai still alive, that would be ugly
he would totally fuck a siren… and then help them kill the twins
him killing jo & raising absolute hell was very fun & i loved it
his sudden return in s8, effectively pissing off damon & ric was hilarious
loved that he got back & immediately killed a grill employee
just like old times
i really wished they didn't kill him off, but i did like his pop-up later on
so… the storyline I would omit:
hunters. as explained.
back-up omissions:
kai death
stupid legacies
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
What animals do you think each Newsies would get (tbh a good amount seem like cat people)
Lowkey would you think in cannon someone brings in this poor scruffy cat and all the Newsies take it in as there own child even though Jack said no
you have no idea how excited I am for this one
and so in true emme form, imma do it first
(I want you all to know that @sparkedblaze literally made rules about the order in which I did the masterlist because of my predictability when I get excited.)(yeah.)
I’ve already said that jack and davey have a dog named mr. cuddles, and I’m sticking to it. he’s a rescue, and mr. cuddles was the name he had when they adopted him. they were going to name him something else, but couldn’t agree on something (at all), and eventually just shrugged and went with it. 
spot has a golden retriever. her name is josie. he totally didn’t buy her because she reminded him of a loud italian that he definitely hates. for sure. 
les’ frat house that includes tommy boy and ike has two goldfish that they’ve named sunny and goldie. they care for them religiously, and will hear no slander upon their names. (watch me make this frat house thing a legitimate au. watch me.)(someone please tell me no) 
crutchie has a cat and dog (named arnold and fisher) who absolutely HATE each other. he’s in denial about it, and swears that they love each other, even as they aren’t allowed to be in the same room. 
finch has a beta fish named gills and a cat named birdie (albert named her). 
albert has no pets, because when he had a fish, he forgot about it, and it died. 
henry also has no pets, but that’s because he’s allergic to literally everything. 
smalls has a cat. no one ever gets to see or hear about the cat. jojo swears it exists. 
jojo has two guinea pigs that are named neville and seamus (yes, he loves harry potter. yes, he hates jkr. he watches the movies AT LEAST once a week)
elmer fosters dogs, so he constantly has different animals moving throughout his house (he also fosters children. fight me.)
mike is uncomfortable around animals, so he doesn’t have one. 
specs has a cat named talia. she is an egyptian mau, spoiled to high heaven, and the light of his life. 
skittery has a dog named spencer. he is probably the worst behaved dog you’ve ever met in your life, but lord save you if you mention that to him. (bumlets claims no ownership of this dog, but spencer loves him more than anyone else in the world. it’s great.)
bumlets has no pets, because why would he have pets if spencer loves him so? (-the actual response he gives to people to make skittery mad)
mush and blink somehow got a snake? I don’t know. I’m not sure they know, either. mush is a little terrified of it, but blink adores it, so they can’t get rid of him. his name is sir slithers. (they think they’re hilarious)
medda has three cats- pearl, octavia, and grace- and they’re super friendly. super cute, too. 
buttons had a dog, but then the doggie passed away. his name was skittles. 
splasher adopted one of elmer’s foster dogs named lana (after lana del ray). she’s old, super tiny, and really sweet. he sometimes carries her around. 
sarah and kath refuse to have pets, because their furniture, jack, god
and race has a habit of drunkenly bringing home animals- birds, dogs, cats- but the only one he’s been allowed to keep is stripes, who is the most offended cat, I swear to god. she bites, hisses, claws. he adores her. jack originally said no, and davey basically agreed with him, but then race asked spot, and spot’s a pushover who can’t say no to antonio higgins. so. he got his cat. 
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shutup-andletme-go · 8 months
ok soooo brief tiny little tw for mentions of eating disorders because uh…. yeah
They say a ballerinas life is split in two seasons, as compared to your average humans four. Nutcracker, and the rest of the year. Weather changes are merely a distraction. Ask any of the dancers at the New York City Dance Academy.
It’s certainly true for Katherine Pulitzer, an up-and-coming prodigy, who’s rank as Medda’s darling and queen of the Sugar Plum role has gone uncontested for a good six years, now. (And, well, not everyone goes on tour with the Bolshoi at thirteen.) When the teachers need an example, Katherine is the one they choose. When the audience tosses their expensive bouquets of tacky roses at the stage, it’s for Katherine. A dream to watch, people call her. Easily one of the most promising dancers of her generation, people call her. So strong, so disciplined, so beautiful, so perfect. Anyone with even a teaspoon of vanity would revel in it. Anyone.
And she deserves it, she tells herself. She’s done everything the way she’s meant to. She left school, she pours thousands of dollars a year into shoes, leotards, makeup, tuition, skirts, shoes… the list goes on. She eats about the same amount as is recommended for a fucking 10 year old. She does what her teachers and her father tell her. She deserves praise. 
nutcracker season and the "rest of the year" lmao it's pretty true
Medda would adore kath that's just facts
idea the song dancing queen should be included somewhere
can u tell me more abt the Academy what it's like, bc if she toured with bolshoi at 13 surely julliard or someone would have snapped her up (so is the Academy kinda like julliard?) and she'd be dancing in a pro company by now cause she's at least 19 right? (or is the Academy a pro company?)
(^sorry that feels like I'm picking holes Im not meaning to, tell me to fuck off if u want)
is kath gonna go rogue I feel like she's gonna go rogue at least a little bit
christ eating disorders and ballet are such a toxic cycle
yes you deserve praise darling
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jack-kellys · 2 years
hey hello hi. after reading a few asks i wanted to see what your opinion on the Sarah X Katherine ship. some people like and hate it- and it’s undoubtedly an 100% fandom invention due to them not even sharing the same media and it being implied they don’t even exist in each other’s universes (Davey’s Family is kept vague in the musical and pulitzer is much more based upon the real life one in the movie who didn’t have a daughter at the time) and idk.
it’s a long running fandom consistency i see of wlw parings getting sidelined or made of convince, and it’s hard to dispute them because in fandom spaces it’s hard enough to get a good wlw pair, and even it’s stretching it a whole lot here. especially with them both bing jack’s love intrests in cannon, feels like a “oh what do we do with them?” to make way for him usually being shipped with Davy or Cruchie.
i don’t think it’s an active type of ignorance by most fans at all but it’s not just newsies- it’s in a lot of spaces that ususally have queer relationships as a main fandom focus, and like in the Sprace post- lots of people have a point their mind for those queer relationships and them not being white mlm ususally with specific body and personality types it can be difficult to get real attention for it or justify it’s existence.
sorry for the rambling on, would love to hear someone elses’s stance.
I MEANT TO ANSWER THIS WEEKS AGO (or whenever this was sent)
send me asks dudes! what’s up!
you honestly are correct. it is so common in fandom spaces as a whole to consistently center mlm ships based around a piece of media’s text and then put the women elsewhere- often into a wlw relationship for diversity win points. and this is so true for katherine and sarah in favor of centering javid mainly.
but what i think is the most annoying part isn’t the fact that they’re put together—because honestly they’re a fun pair based on their personalities in newsies.. sarah can be both gentle and quite to the point while katherine is sharp and a bit messy—it is that they are sidelined. katherine, who is literally one of the main characters of newsies like more than davey in terms of plot, and sarah, who was the literal one woman in newsies 1992. they are both genuinely interesting characters that objectively mattered a lot in their respective versions of newsies (YES SARAH MATTERED… she spread the children’s crusade further through the city’s more general workforce and helped print it). they have very clear personalities and impacts. and they often just poof away in favor of “the boys” or whatever which is very. old fashioned.
i think sarah and kath can be a “forced” wlw pair and work because they as characters work well— also because the writing of newsies is honestly weak when pairing each of them with jack, like the context we as fans have of them with jack is… not very exciting compared to jack’s extensive and more arced relationship with davey within the context for example. but if you pair newsbians for the sole purpose of like. making them go away. then what the actual fuck. you know. because then that really is only seeing mlm ships as what fandom should center or “be about”. and that doesn’t mean more fics have to be About newsbians (though. i mean. yeah), but when they’re a couple in a fic it should be less of a throwaway like easter egg thing…. because those are two literal prominent characters in the World of newsies so it’d be weird to put them away.
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knightsteapot · 2 years
Chapter I | Chapter II
Jason Tood x Latina!reader
Action | fluff
Minors DNI, cursing, sexual references
Author's notes: This is the first chapter of the story I've been trying to write for so long! Check the info before reading to have some context 💕
Thank you for reading, no matter if you're a latina or not, just enjoy it 🔥
Here some things I want to share:
Wanna listen to the song Bizarro was signing? Here
Wanna listen to the whole sinful playlist? Here
Wanna see some art of the suit, wig, gadgets and Admena, your inner goddess? Here
Feel free to imagine the suit in the size your want, the same with the skin color. The illustration is only a visual.
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You had to admit that the life of a vigilante was exciting. Everyone talks about the risks, how it can destroy your life quite literally, but what about the other side of the coin? Being a vigilante, a hero or anti-hero was indeed cool, however, few people was selfish enough to accept it. If being a vigilante boosted your battle lust, being magical, belonging to the Justice League Dark (from time to time because apparently they couldn't trust an anti-hero like you) was out of this world.
Probably, after being experimented on, your brain decided that you needed power to feel safe, you were aware but in denial because... power itself wasn't bad, despite the horrible things you did in the past (which weren't never your fault, you were just a mere little stupid puppet without will) you had a good moral compass. You'd take yourself to the extreme if that meant doing the right thing, not the politically correct thing, no, just what was needed to be done. That's why you liked it to work with this group of weirdos, exterminating magical threats under your own rules or sometimes Constantine's rules, which were... not rules but a "Do your shit right and don't get us killed"
Your current situation was no different from other situations, yes, probably using Admena's full power wasn't a good idea, her divine aura needed your vital energy to manifest but, fuck it, the job must be done, isn't it? Those words made you smile in the middle of an epic fight against a chimera, suddenly remembering your other team, the misfits you respected, protected and wished all the happiness in the world: the outlaws. You'd be lying if you say you don't have a favorite, but thinking about him just destabilize your mind, energy and dramatic heart, Jason Peter Todd was invading your mind again and meanwhile you were sealing the monster with Admena's aura, you couldn't help but wish your longing was everything but love.
With a deep long sigh you let your body rest against the rotten wood of the church, closed your eyes and tried to recover your energy, Admena even took part of your technology's energy, how ridiculous, you had to become stronger to have full mastery of your power, your mind and yes, again, your dramatic heart.
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Artemis, that amazon was a fine piece of art. You probably had one or two wet dreams about her, nothing to be embarrassed of because no one would never know, but jokes aside, you looked up to her, she was strong, determined, a bit brazen but that was part of her charm. Inside the team you had a good dynamic and synergy, you weren't best friends, that was Kath's place but as coworkers you usually complemented eachother.
Once Kath and Constantine arrived the three of you contacted Batman to give a report, the case was still open after all. In the meantime you checked your phone again, Artemis wasn't exactly fond of social media so it was uncommon of her to text you, still sharing pictures or funny things could happen, why not?
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With the anxiety in its peak you opened Jason's chat. You weren't really sure what was the problem until you realised something, Bizarro, sweet big Bizarro was using your Spotify account and despite having a bunch of playlists you had one, one with your deepest dirtiest thoughts... Hopefully Bizarro didn't expose you but the situation was pointing in that direction.
You bit your lip with your face contorted into a mix of worry, anxiety and fear, but when you were about to engage in the conversation and put an end to your suffering despite the consequences Constantine opened a portal and you three had to go. The energy was taking time to return to your body, so you stayed at the House of Mystery's gothic and beautiful sofa feeling like a very anxious and tired jelly.
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You freezed and then acted in the most immature way. Your body sank into the sofa as your eyes focused on the chimney, angry fire burning and dim light illuminating the dark room, your body and some relics that John kept inside the house here and there. You took off your black gloves hiding your face behind your shaking hands ignoring your phone after evading a bullet Jason shot or that, actually, you shot to yourself. Silence was so noisy.
No matter how warm the living room was, you felt cold and so disappointed, who was James? Who? the only James you knew was the lilac haired guy from Pokémon and still you imagined a whole relationship with a non-existent person, great! Being honest shouldn't be so hard but fear, fear was so strong. Your life was a mess, one that you were trying to hold onto hard but that was crumbling little by little.
Jason wasn't reacting any better. At the beginning the scenario was funny, Bizarro was enjoying himself, then the situation made Jason feel a sparkle of excitement, he couldn't wait to tease the hell out of you and see what would happen, no one ever had created such unholy playlist for someone they wanted as friend. The moment he noticed his thoughts going too far from him, he stopped in his tracks and texted you.
Artemis saw the scene develop in front of her eyes, but once Jason ended up completely dumbfounded she knew something was wrong. Jason placed his phone aside and got ready to take a cold shower, damn expectations. Your relationship rested in a comfortable yet unhealthy uncertainty and neither you or Jason were brave enough to do something about it.
Who the fuck was that James?
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YES THEY HAVE PETS a lot of cats
They are a lot of stray cats but the cat they "technically" own is called Beatle!! He was Kath's original cat that bit her so she became a cat girl KABDALJA
He's like a fluffy black cat, yellow eyes nd all that. But like some other cats they have named are Dutches, Angel, Biscuit, Rango, and Cricket they are still all strays but they come around a lot they gave them names.
BUT THE ZOO they go to a lot of wild life centers that are free, zoos are expensive. But Kath loves the farm animals ((SHES FROM THE COUNTRYYYYYYY))) and Hobie loves birds, escp parrots, and the occasional macaw
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