#she just has so much love for jack and those boys why do people not understand that
jackmkelly · 1 year
no one understands katherine the way i do & that is frustrating! sick of it!
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Bad News First, Eddie
Part One 🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇FInal Part
A continuation of Bad News First, Eddie. I am absolutely floored by the responses I received, and I will try my best to tag everyone who asked. I know it's not Eddie's part, but chronologically, Wayne's part felt right.
Of all the things Wayne’s been called, unobservant isn’t one of them. He’s lived in Hawkins his entire life. He knows who is who, what is what, and to keep his head down and believe there’s a cougar in the woods when he’s told.
So, when Nancy Wheeler shows up, asking questions, Wayne has answers. Is willing to give those answers because he remembers when little Will Byers went missing, and how Nancy and her friends had done more to try and find him than the entire police force of Hawkins. Nancy and her friends always seemed to be in the orbit of whatever terrible thing was happening in Hawkins these last few years.
So, foolishly, terribly, he doesn’t intervene. He thought they were like that Scooby Doo cartoon Eddie used to love; kids solving mysteries. If he’d known the true extent of the horror, he wouldn’t have let those kids go it alone. But he didn’t know then.
Still didn’t know the day he pretends to not know who Dustin Henderson is while swapping out Eddie’s missing poster. It’s easier than having to face someone who knows Eddie, someone who had been looking for him but failed to find him.
Until Dustin calls after him. Until Dustin speaks to him. Hands him Eddie’s necklace. Wayne can’t stand anymore, this breaks him. Dustin says he was with him, in the end. Calls Eddie a hero, said people would have loved him had they known him. It’s nothing Wayne doesn’t already know.
Eddie is his hero. He loves Eddie. And if he’d stepped in sooner, chased down these kids and asked just what the fuck was happening, maybe he could have changed the ending of this story.
Hawkins explodes into a hellscape days later and Wayne sets out to find Nancy Wheeler. If Eddie gave his life to protect these kids, then Wayne must strive to do no less.
Nancy’s got a good head on her shoulders, willing to accept any help offered. He can see how she’s survived this long. She gets in in touch with Hopper, who introduces him to Doctor Sam Owens and Lt Colonel Jack Sullivan.
He doesn’t think it’s fair that the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a fourteen-year-old girl.
It’s Dustin who tells him the whole story, the night before the end. Either Eleven will win tomorrow, or she won’t, but the outcome gets decided then.
“I’m s-so sorry, Mr. M-Munson. We just… just left him there!” Dustin breaks down crying and Wayne reaches out to him, an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. If Wayne sheds a few tears, too, well. Who can blame him?
“Doctor Owens, a word,” Wayne pulls the man aside after the kids have gone to bed. “Dustin said… my boy is just yards away from our trailer. He didn’t even get out of the park. I understand it’s an all hands on deck situation, but can anyone be spared? Can anyone bring my boy back? I’ll go myself if I have to.”
Doctor Owens, a genuinely kind man, Wayne can tell, has tears filling his eyes just at the request. “Mr. Munson, we will do everything in our power to bring your boy home.”
Doctor Owens pays for the headstone. Said it was the least he could do since his team failed. Wayne tries not to be bitter about it.
The graffiti starts up almost immediately. Wayne doesn’t understand why.
He thinks he’s caught someone in the act, grabs roughly at the perpetrator and yanks. The Harrington boy stumbles up and back, a little bit of fear in his eyes but no paint in hand. He’s holding a rag and small container of paint thinner. A quick look between Harrington and the grave, he can see the half-cleaned headstone.
He’s never spoken much with Harrington, but Dustin has nothing bad to say.
“You know my boy?” because he can’t bring himself to say ‘knew’ just yet.
Harrington looks just about as haunted as Wayne feels when he says, so quietly, “Not as well as I would have liked, sir.”
Wayne is observant, but even he can admit it takes longer than he thought to figure out Steve Harrington. That boy had put himself between those kids and danger again, and again, and again, and lived. Eddie did it once and… well, Wayne reckons Steve thinks it should have been him. He won’t say so out loud, but Wayne sees a lot of his younger self in Steve, knows him in much the same way he knows himself.
Steve lives with a guilt he shouldn’t; this was Eddie’s choice. His reckless, dangerous, courageous choice. And they’ve got to learn to live with it. Steve’s parents are absent, and Wayne’s nephew is gone. Without any conscious decision about it, they’ve adopted each other.
Steve wants to know everything about Eddie. Every little story Wayne can come up with. And he, well, he loves that someone wants to know. Wants to remember Eddie with him.
“Bad news. I regret not knowing him sooner,” Steve confesses to him one day as they scrub the headstone clean again.
“Good news. You know him now,” Wayne replies.
“Do I?”
Wayne can’t answer that. Not honestly one way or another. How well can you know someone from secondhand information? Steve spent a total of five days in his nephew’s company but he helps keep his memory alive. “I don’t know. What I do know is that Eddie Munson won’t be forgotten when I die. And that matters.”
He gets in an accident at the plant. He doesn’t remember what happened, not fully, but he knows that Steve never left his side. Demanded his come stay in his big empty house. Easier to move around in, with all the open space.
Wayne wasn’t really attached to his apartment anyway. If he was going to live the rest of his life in a home that had never known Eddie’s presence, it could at least be with someone who had known Eddie’s presence, however briefly.
Wayne wonders if he’s done the right thing sometimes. Indulging Steve’s need to know Eddie. At first, he thought it was fine, because learning about Eddie seemed to alleviate Steve’s guilt. But now.
He’s watching the boy fall in love with a ghost.
Helping it happen, even.
Robin and Steve aren’t nearly as quiet or subtle as they think, and Wayne’s observant. They seem to forget that Wayne’s just old, and not deaf and blind.
Or maybe, they’re comfortable enough that they don’t truly hide from him.
And it hurts his heart to think this (because he’s thinking it about his Eddie, wonderful, loving Eddie) but Steve deserves to love more than a ghost.
And then the kids graduate. Start to go to college. Steve acts fine, but he’s not. Wayne knows. It’s like he’s losing his purpose, but Wayne’s just as broken. Not strong enough to push Steve away. To make Steve go, too.
Honestly, he’s a little afraid that if he tried, then Steve would follow right after Eddie.
So, he doesn't. He decides he needs Steve, and perhaps even more so, Steve needs him.
Then, five years after Eddie’s death, the call happens. It’s about his piece of shit little brother, Wyatt. He’s gotta go, though. Because this is one last strand of Eddie. Eddie’s mother has been gone longer than Eddie, and fuck, Wyatt deserves to know. Wayne doesn’t claim to be a saint; if his brother wasn’t being released, he’d probably never tell him. He’d let him die in that prison believing his son is alive.
He doesn’t even know if Wyatt will care that Eddie’s gone. But he’s got to find out.
Steve drives him to the airport and no matter how many times Wayne says he’s coming back, Steve doesn’t seem to believe him.
But it’s not his shitty little brother waiting to greet him in Tennessee. It’s Eleven.
“Sorry for the lie, Mr. Munson,” she says. “I wanted to tell you as soon as I learned but Doctor Owens said that, this one time, we needed to be right before we could be honest.”
It’s Eddie. It’s Eddie Wyatt Munson, who looks at him shyly, almost as if afraid, from the apartment doorway Eleven takes him to. “Hey Uncle Wayne.”
It’s five fucking years too late but he pulls Eddie in a bone crushing hug. “I love you so much, you little bastard. Don’t you ever, ever do this to me again.”
Wayne learns.
They had found him, barely alive. It was better, they said, to take him away. Let the town cool down while Eddie healed, but he was catatonic for the better part of these last five years.
“Eddie woke up empty,” Eleven says softly, apropos nothing sitting next to Wayne as they watch Eddie discuss next steps with Owens. “He could be told to do things. Drink this. Eat that. His eyes never focused on anything. Doctor Owens called him a shell. I asked what that means. He said that Eddie’s body worked, but his mind did not because Eddie was not in his own mind anymore. But I knew he was in there. I had to get him back.” She reaches a hand out, waving in the general direction of Eddie’s head.
This surprises Wayne. “You brought him back?”
“Memory by memory,” Eleven says, picking at her pants leg. “Even the painful ones. Doctor Owens says every memory shapes who we are, even tough ones.”
Wayne looks at Eleven, a young woman of nineteen now, but remembers how scared and brave she’d been at fourteen.  “Words cannot express how thankful I am for you.”
“I did it for you. And maybe a little bit for me.”
Wayne makes a humming noise. Not truly questioning, but an acknowledgment of what she said. If she wants to share her reasons, he won’t stop her. He’s just not going to pry.
“I chose my friend. I chose Max.”
He knows. “You made the right choice.”
“I know. I am not guilty about it,” she frowns as she thinks about her words. “But Dustin is my friend, too, and I knew Eddie was his friend. But I cared more about Max. I had to do all I could to make it right. For you. For Dustin. For me.”
Wayne doesn’t have words, so he just pulls Eleven into a hug. It must convey all he needs because when she pulls back, she beams at him.
Wayne fills Eddie in on what has happened as best he can. It’s such a jarring difference, speaking to Eddie about Steve than it had been speaking to Steve about Eddie. Eddie just looks confused for most of it and doesn’t really ask followup questions, but Wayne understands. Eddie had known Steve for five days and he’s got time to really get to know Steve now. Steve thought all he’d ever have of Eddie is someone else’s memories.
“Just give him a chance, Eddie,” Wayne says.
“Give him a chance? As if I’d waste it,” Eddie breaths out, all wonder and awe and- Well, maybe Wayne isn’t as observant as he had always thought. “He took care of you when I couldn’t. He cares. I don’t think there’s a chance I wouldn’t give him.”
“How long have you had a thing for Steve?”
Eddie stutters over his words, eyes wide and wild. “That’s not- why would you think- when have I ever!?”
“You think I wouldn’t know this about you?” Wayne chuckles and lies, as if he hadn’t just watched all the pieces slot together in this moment.
“So, we’ll be living with Steve Harrington?” Eddie is blushing but he blows past Wayne’s question. “Will he… be okay with me being there?”
Steve’s been loving a ghost, is what Wayne thinks. Steve’s been in love with a ghost and this. This is a ghost story that can have a better ending. But he’s not going to make those declarations for Steve, so what he says is, “yeah. Steve and I had each other when we needed it. Now I need you, so Steve won’t mind at all.”
Eddie smiles to himself, pulling a strand of his hair to hide his face behind.
If he hadn’t just figured it out two minutes ago, that would have been a dead giveaway that his boy might be a little bit in love with Steve.
He calls Steve. Tells him he’s coming home and bringing a guest. Steve says that’s fine, he’ll fix up Robin’s old room into a guest room.
“This isn’t the way to the Harrington house,” Eddie observes from the passenger seat of the rental car Doctor Owens had paid for, to get them from Indianapolis back to Hawkins.
“Steve won’t be there. He comes here when he’s overwhelmed.”
“The cemetery?”
Wayne shrugs, “we both come talk to you. Steve always starts with the bad news, you know. I think you should start with good news. Just this once. Ah. See, there he is.” Wayne points and Eddie’s eyes follow.
Something akin to wonder passes over Eddie’s face and he all but falls out of the car before it’s even stopped.
Wayne thinks he’ll give them five or so minutes before following.
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juniperskye · 8 months
Without You
Sneak Peek: Aaron and you have been dating for over a year now…the thing is, the BAU team has no idea. When Aaron does something reckless that could cost him his life, will you expose the relationship you have worked so hard to keep under wraps?
Aaron Hotchner x BAU Fem Reader
Word count: 2371
Warnings: One use of y/n, age gap, mentions of anxiety/anxiety attack, some language, canon typical violence, mentions of death, explosion, BAU case details (similar to those of s7e23), severe emotional pain, mentions of Haley’s death, mention of Jack, secret relationship, JJ is still the media liaison (it just fit better for the plot) if I missed any – let me know!
Not edited - please be kind.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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Aaron Hotchner had very quickly become your best friend. Your friendship had come so naturally, despite a pretty significant age gap. After two years of what could only be described as painfully obvious yearning from both parties, Aaron finally gained the courage to ask you to dinner. Even though it took two weeks before you could actually act on that invitation, the date had gone better than expected. Aaron had been a perfect gentleman; bringing you flowers, opening your door, holding your hand, paying for your meal, actually listening when you spoke.
That’s why it had been so easy to fall in love with him. Things with Aaron truly had been effortless, falling into a comfortable routine in which you would drive to his place after work, relieve the babysitter, get Jack started on homework while you got dinner going. Since meeting Jack, back before you’d even begun dating Aaron, you were one of his favorite people. You had spoiled Jack since you’d met the boy, he was just so sweet, and he’d reminded you of your nephews…it was easy to spend time with him. Aaron would come home to Jack helping set the table and you plating up the food. He’d wrap you up in an embrace and the three of you would sit and enjoy your meal while discussing how your days went (mostly Jack talking about school).
The one thing in your relationship that had not been effortless was keeping it a secret from your team. There had already been much speculation as to whether or not Aaron and you had feelings for one another amongst the agents. Dave was the one who pestered Aaron the most, constantly encouraging him to take a chance on love, that it wouldn’t always end like it had with Haley. In your case it had been Penelope, she and you had grown close over your time at the BAU, and she could see the tell-tale signs of a blossoming crush for your superior.
The two of you hadn’t initially planned to hide your relationship, but after many late-night conversations about it and a lengthy pros and cons list, you had determined, for the time being, keeping things quiet was the best option. That was nearly eleven months ago. You and Aaron had been together for about a year and a half, living together for four months…things had not been easy. You guys had to work hard to keep your feelings at bay on tough missions. There had been an instance of you getting stabbed by an unsub, thankfully the wound was superficial, and you were fine, but it had taken everything in Aaron not to run to you and take you into his arms. That was one of many hardships you had faced, but none of those would have prepared you for today.
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A call had come in to the BAU at 9:53 am. The call rang to Aaron’s direct line, which meant it was a time sensitive case, usually a child abduction or in this case, a hostage situation. Aaron came out of his office swiftly, calling everyone’s attention without even speaking.
“There is a hostage situation at First Union bank. We’ve been called in by Virgina PD, who is already on the scene and SWAT is currently on their way as well. Everyone needs to gather their things and head to the garage” Aaron gave his orders, and everyone sprang into action.
As you all made your way to the government issued SUVs, Aaron continued briefing everyone and he gave out assignments.
“Alright Garcia and Reid, I want you two in the mobile command unit digging into our unsubs, we need to identify them. JJ, I need you to control the media with this, I don’t want any details getting out without my approval. Morgan and Prentiss go check in with SWAT and go over our plan. Y/N and Dave you will take point on the negotiations. Understood?” Aaron looked to everyone for confirmation.
There were collective nods, and everyone went to their separate posts to get started. You and Dave made your way over to one of the command center tents, discussing with the officers there that you would be in charge of the negotiations. They filled you in on what had happened thus far, and you worked to devise your initial approach. Dave and you had made contact with the unsubs, they were demanding a helicopter and one million dollars (a truly ridiculous request on their part). Approximately fifteen minutes later, Garcia and Reid rushed to where you, Dave and Aaron were standing.
“We have identified the unsubs! The two men are brothers, Michael and James Snyder. They are connected to at least eight other bank robberies around the northeastern United Staes. The woman, her name is Katiya Kuznetsov she is not connected to the robberies, but she is flagged under the FBI’s most wanted. She’s thought to be the mastermind behind dozens of explosions in North America from the last nine months.” Garcia explained. Aaron radioed to request the bomb squad.
“Why would she be working with these two? Robbing banks isn’t quite the same M.O. as blowing up buildings.” You questioned.
“We looked into it, and it seems that she may have connections to someone who owns a safety deposit box at this bank. We don’t know what is in it, but we were able to narrow down the list of potentials.” Reid answered.
“This changes things, we need to get in there and apprehend them. We need to get the civilians out. I think our best option would be for us to breach with SWAT and local PD.” Aaron explained.
“Hotch, that seems a little drastic don’t you think? If we just barge in there, who’s to say they don’t just start shooting the hostages. Dave and I were making progress and now that we know who they are, perhaps we can get them to break.” You could feel your anxiety eating away at you, the thought of Aaron barging in there terrified you.
“Sorry kid, but I’m with Aaron on this one. We were making some progress, but not enough and given this new information, I think it is safe to assume that there is probably a bomb in the bank somewhere, the sooner we get the hostages out, the better.” Rossi shut your idea down.
You could feel the bile rising up your throat. Your palms were starting to sweat and your pulse quickening. You knew what was about to happen, Aaron was going to give out assignments which meant he was diving headfirst into danger while he ensured your safety.
“Alright here’s what we will do, Morgan and I will go in the front, try to talk the unsubs down. Prentiss and Reid you will go through the back, with SWAT and the bomb squad try to locate the explosive and disable it. Garcia, I want you to keep eyes inside the bank the whole time, keep us posted of everything you see through comms. Dave and you can stay out here and monitor the phones, I want you to call in to distract them while we enter, I think it might buy us some leeway.” Aaron gave the assignments.
You gave Aaron a pointed look, one that expressed all of your nerves and anxiety. He looked back at you, it was stern as far as any onlooker could tell, but you could see the softness flash across his features. He was silently telling you that everything would be okay, and for a moment, you believed that it would be.
Time seemed to slow then. Everyone was moving, following orders hastily. But you, you were glued to your spot…Dave’s hand on your shoulder is what finally snapped you out of your thoughts.
“He’ll be okay kid.” Dave tried to soothe your nerves.
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You called into the bank to try and steal the attention of the unsubs as Aaron had requested, all the while agents were moving through the bank. Suddenly Garcia’s voice rang over the comms.
“One of the unsubs slipped away. I’m assuming to get to the explosive. I am working to get the blueprints of the bank so we can figure out where it is set up.” Garcia rushed.
Gunshots echoed through the air, the comms were buzzing with shouts from Aaron, Morgan, Prentiss, Dave and some other voices you couldn’t pin down.
The fact that you could hear Aaron’s voice helped to calm your nerves as he clearly hadn’t been shot. His next words soothed your mind even more so.
“We have Michael and James in custody, Morgan is walking the hostages out now. I am going to go and assist the others in finding Katiya and the explosive.” Aaron called over the comms.
Dave could see you tense at Aaron’s words; he once again laid his hand on your shoulder in hopes to ease your mind. Morgan walked over to you and Dave after placing the unsubs in the police cars that were standing by.
What happened next brought your world crashing down.
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The silence over the comms had been eerie. Everything paused and then it happened. The bank had exploded, right before your eyes. You had been far enough away that the blast hadn’t knocked you over, but it still left your ears ringing.
Had Morgan and Dave’s ears not already been ringing they definitely would have been after the scream that ripped through your body.
“NOO!!!!!” You screamed.
You couldn’t form a coherent thought; you sobbed and lurched your body forward in hopes of going to find Aaron. Before you could make it three steps, Morgan had his arms around your waist holding you back. He turned you around and held you while you pounded your fists against his chest.
“Sweetheart you can’t go in there. I know we have people in there and waiting for them to get out is going to feel like an eternity. But until we get any sort of confirmation, we need to try and stay positive.” Morgan explained.
Garcia and JJ joined you, Dave and Morgan, tears streaming down their faces, all of them silently hoping your team family would make it out unscathed.
You could feel it coming on, the more time had passed. Your breaths were shallow, body clammy, your vision was going blurry, you were having a hard time keeping yourself upright. Dave was the one to notice and lead you away from the group, he held your hands and was saying something about you needing to match his breathing.
“Dave I…I c-can’t. W-what if he doesn’t make it out? I w-would d-die without him Dave!” You hiccupped.
“He’s going to make it out. But remember that you are strong and no matter what happens you will make it through this.” Dave reminds you.
“No! Dave, you don’t understand without Aaron, sure, the rain would fall, the children would play, the tides would change but I-I would die.” You looked away from Dave momentarily “I die without you.” You whispered.
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You saw heads start turning in the direction of the alleyway that was adjacent to what was once the bank, as you followed suit, the bile returned – easing its way up your throat.  A body bag, with no other signs of Aaron. Your mind jumped to the worst-case scenario and your legs finally gave out. Dave tried to catch you as you fell to the ground, another gut-wrenching sob ripping its way through you.
You didn’t register the loss of Dave’s arms around your shoulders, not until he moved to pull you up off the ground and turn you in the direction of the group of agents making their way towards you. You tried to protest, telling Dave that nothing mattered anymore, until he physically turned your chin towards them.
“Aaron?” It came out as an exhale, below a whisper.
“Aaron?” This time was a bit louder, gaining your voice back.
“Aaron!” A shout this time as you could see his eyes scanning the crowd for you.
His gaze snapped to you as you ran towards him, looking him over to ensure that he is unharmed before you launch yourself into his arms. He lifted you fully and allowed you to wrap your legs around his waist, he could feel your tears soaking the collar of his shirt. He gently shushed you assuring you that he was okay and that everyone was safe.
“T-the b-body bag, I-I thought it. I thought it was you, Aaron.”
“It was Katiya, she was trying to detonate it when we found her, we had just enough time to get to some sort of vault, but when it went off, the debris trapped us in. Honey, I am so sorry I scared you. I’m alright though, not even a scratch.” Aaron brushed his hand over the back of your head as you brought your feet back to the ground.
He looked into your eyes, he could tell that your brain was trying to process everything, all the emotions you had just been feeling, along with the relief you must be feeling now. He couldn’t help himself when he leaned in and kissed you. It was a kiss that said I was terrified of losing you but we’re safe and here together now. As he pulled away, you rested your foreheads against one another’s.
You knew that there would be tons of questions from the team but honestly in this moment you couldn’t care less because Aaron was safe and back in your arms. This moment that you were sharing allowed a few things to become clear for you and Aaron. You knew that he was the one for you, nobody else, and you were sure you wouldn’t survive losing him. He came to realize that it was time for him to pull that ring from the back of his sock drawer and finally ask you for forever, he thought that maybe it was time for him to step back and take that promotion Strauss had continuously offered. All he knew was that he couldn’t risk what you two had. Without you…he couldn’t even finish the thought because that wasn’t even an option.
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hotchfiles · 5 months
❝ ['CUZ YOU'RE A NATURAL] ❞ — a in this house of mine prequel ; MDNI!
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pairing: aaron hotchner x rossi!reader. summary: not having a crush on your dad's friend and co-worker should be rule number one. but what are rules when said friend is aaron hotchner? content warnings: this is suggestive at best. foul language? still let's go with MDNI! age-gap flirting. word count: 1k. a/n: might do a pt.2, i just needed to get this out of my brain.
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He’s just pretending not to notice it at this point, which isn’t easy coming from a person who notices everything. Coming from the man who helped build the unit that literally analyzes people for a living. 
Granted he wasn’t the most present of fathers and he wasn’t even sure if your mother was his second or third ex-wife anymore, but he knew human behavior, and human behavior clearly showed there was no reason for you to be there, “Kid, I’m sure you hate sports of any kind.” David comments, observing as you make sure Jack’s shoes are tight and won’t get in his way. 
“Well dear father, actually, I was a cheerleader for my last three high school years. And the first two college ones.” He knows that, and you know he knows it, but your best way out of the mess you were purposefully getting into right now was to appeal to the guilt you knew he still had from not being around much. “Base of the pyramid, very important, sporty, love sports.” You noticed you were going on for too long and shut your yapper.
Lucky for you Aaron didn’t seem to mind the two of you discussing, busy watching his baby boy with the most sweetest look on his face, he looks ethereal, his smile the most enchanting you’ve ever seen. 
You can feel your father’s glance going from you to Aaron slowly, he’s observing, analyzing but trying hard to ignore the signs. The signs that you weren’t there for some dad and daughter bonding.
Unless the dad in question was Hotchner.
The sole reason you had put yourself in short rounded skirt, sports short underneath, gym sneakers and shirt, and an old baseball cap to make it look like it wasn't so out of the norm for you to be at an event like that. It was. Your dad was right, you didn't like sports, you liked cheer squad and the parties and the players, not the game. But you had your eyes set on the coach today which is why you were there instead of working on your masters' assignments.
You couldn't even pretend to know what was going on, if it was football you had some experience from watching and hearing past flings talk about it, but soccer? You could only cheer for Jack and bicker with the soccer moms around as they talked about how much better their children were.
"Hey, lady if your son gets that close to Jack again I'm gonna jump him." You point your finger at one of them, decorum almost goes to hell as she begins walking in your direction, Rossi stepping in the way to apologize for your behavior.
Oh. You can't just threaten to hurt kids. That's not okay. "Sorry, just used to fighting with guys' girlfriends to defend my team. Cheer squad reflex memory." You say lowly directly to Aaron, not even bothering to apologize to your father. Your cheeks tomato red, a combination from the embarrassment and the sun that was making everyone sweat.
"It's fine, she has to teach her son fair play anyway, he's not gonna go far like that." His expression doesn't show even one single sign of being mad at you, you notice it, Rossi notices it. Aaron's actually smiling, completely amused by the situation.
It was nice to have someone sticking up for his boy like that.
And to have someone look at him with those eyes. Not the aw you're such a good dad eyes most mothers gave him when he's around for matches. Nope. The please fuck me eyes you always shot at him even if your father was around. For the sake of his loyalty to Rossi he pretended not to see it, as he knew Rossi did too. He hoped David didn't notice the eyes he himself gave you though, or that if he did, he was kind enough to ignore it, Aaron would never act on it. Never. He was twice your age if not more even if he weren't friends with David.
Still, he enjoyed the touches, the stolen glances, the way you wore your short dresses and skirts around him, the way you showed you cared above the desire for the unobtainable. How you sent him cute videos with show Jack as a caption, how you remembered to bring a towel not for yourself, but to pat his face dry, delicate as ever.
"People will think you were the one playing sweating like this." You go through his face and his neck with it, handing him a water bottle after. You brought those yourself too, you wanted to be useful.
Before he can hold it back, a smirk deliciously mischievous takes grip of his lips, "What can I say dear, I tend to sweat a bit when I'm doing any type of exercise." You're not sure if you wished you hadn't caught the innuendo of his reply, as you were now fighting hard not to squirm in front of him. Oh you wanted nothing more than to be the one making him sweat.
"Good thing your bedroom has an A.C then." You say almost mindlessly, panicking just a tad when you grasped the idea that maybe remembering that so easily wasn't the most normal thing to do. Did you just sound obsessive? Stalkerish? You think not when he chuckles, nodding in agreement.
You both just look at each other for a minute, breathing patterns completely irregular, being interrupted only by your father loudly coughing from some steps away from you both, tired of having to deal with the obvious tension between his daughter and his co-worker, his friend! Rossi doesn't say anything else though. And neither does Aaron or you, deciding to just go back to paying attention to the match.
But Hotch had just got you an in. If he hadn't flirted back you might just keep it as a crush, but now?
Now you needed him.
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vroomvro0mferrari · 4 months
LN4 | Yeah
Summary: After many failed dates, Lando is always the one to comfort you. Perhaps it's time you look for love in a different place, in someone you already know?
Lando Norris x Reader
WC: 1.0K
Warnings: Curse words, if that’s even a warning.
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"Is she okay?" Max said as he saw you storming into the home you shared with him and Lando. You had just come back from a date and let’s just say it did not end well. You had been dating Jack for a while, but he was just expecting too much from you, so you broke up. This was the umpteenth boy that was.
You jumped on your bed, face down, and groaned. Would you ever stay together with someone for longer than a month? Probably not. You twisted around in your bed, trying to find a comfortable position. Not being able to find one, you decide to get into your pyjamas first and take your makeup off.
As you finally finished, you plopped on your bed once again, hearing the boys whisper outside your door. They always tried their best to take of you, especially when your behaviour was worrying them, like now. As expected, soon after, a knock came. "Hey love, ‘re you okay? Can I come in?" – it was Lando, Max had pushed him in to confront you because he knew you the longest and the best out of the two of them – or at least that's what he told Lando to convince him.
You just grumbled as an answer, Lando took it as a yes and walked in silently, moving to lay next to you on the bed. He held his arm out for you to lay on as he asked you: "What happened?" As soon as he stretched his arm out you were cuddling into him. "We’re over.", you said, hiding your face in his chest.
"I’m sorry." He said, holding you a little tighter. "'T is alright." you said acting as though it didn’t have any effect on you, as always. And to be honest, it didn't impact you as much as it should have: you knew it wasn't going to last.
Nevertheless, this wasn’t an irregular event for the two of you. You had been through numerous break-ups in the one-and-a-half year you’ve been living with the boys, and after every one of them, Lando would always be there to comfort you.
You hated that every single one of your relationships – if you could even call them that – would always end the same way: they wanted something you couldn’t give them. You had figured it out by now; after so many break-ups, you had come to the conclusion that you were the problem and you’d end up alone. It would end after about a month every single time. Why? Because you couldn’t let them in.
You have never been really lucky relationship-wise. The very few times you found someone you allowed in, they’d leave you heartbroken. Because of that, you haven’t been able to do it again, afraid of the same thing happening once more.
“Maybe you should try to find a different type of guy. I think that could help.” Lando said, trying his best to be helpful. He knows where your relationships are getting stuck; you had confessed to him, although it took much convincing to get you to finally admit it. Also, he has enough of this being a regular occurrence, so he will give any suggestion he can come up with to ensure you don't come home disappointed from your dates any longer.
"How would a different type of guy help? I’m the one who can’t open up. I’m the issue.” You mumbled with your head still hiding in his chest.
“I don’t think that’s true. If you don’t feel like you can open yourself up, then the guy is not right for you. Maybe you should try picking guys up someplace other than the club or online.”
“Are you really questioning my choice of men?” you ask Lando, lifting your head up to look at him, squinting your eyes. Who is he to say you're choosing the wrong people? It's not as if he's picking the greatest, most wonderful girls for dating.
“Well, so far it’s not really working out it, is it?”
The look you gave him said enough, but really, you knew he was right.
“Look, I know it’s your decision to make but every time you come back from those dates disappointed, and I think you deserve better than that. Don’t you agree?” He waited for you to answer, but you were unresponsive as you put your head back down on Lando’s chest. “So, maybe it’s time to look elsewhere.”
“Where am I supposed to meet guys then?”
Lando thought for a second. He thought about how maybe you didn’t need to meet a new guy, that maybe you should look at the people already around you. At the people you had already let in, and who hadn’t broken your heart. But he couldn’t say that straight out. You would ask him what he meant, who he was talking about: was he referring to himself? He'd say no, but you'd look straight through him. He knew you well enough to know how well you knew him.
“I don’t know. Your work? At the shops?” Should he say it? If he brought it up naturally, maybe you wouldn’t notice he was talking about himself. Fuck it.
“Maybe you’ve already met someone you could be in a relationship with, but you haven’t realised it.”
You looked up again, brows furrowed. “What on earth does that mean?”
Lando shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe you could fall in love with someone you already know, someone you’ve already let in, someone you’re already friends with.” He mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
You looked at him while you thought about it. “And who would that be?”
“You?” You continued.
Fuck. Of course, you’d know Lando was talking about himself. He expected no differently, although he had hoped, and wished, you didn't realise it so quickly.
“Someone like me, yeah.” Lando responded, still looking away.
“Someone like you, or you?” You whispered.
He finally looked at you. “Maybe me.”
“Yeah?” You responded, holding the eye contact.
You thought about it for a short moment, and came to your conclusion; “I’d like that.”
“Yeah.”, you confirmed.
Silence, again. But this time he held your eye.
“Can I kiss you?” You whispered.
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therosebanshee · 3 months
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I never do ship fanart, let alone make kids of a ship, but I was compelled. The girl is Pomme, and Ignace is the boy. They're both super cute but can be little hellions, and some time straight up creepy a la The Shining (it's a hotel so it's perfect)
I don't know how the twins came to be, like did they just pop out of thin air due to magic, or what anything is possible in hell. The twins dont have antlers. Instead, they sprout horns and claws like Lucifer and Charlie. They got their cheek markings, too, but they got some melanin from Alastor. They have shadow magic, too, but usually get around by climbing the ceiling like the hellspawn they are. Their heads can swivel 360° like Alastor, which freaked Charlie out the 1st time it happened, thinking she broke her baby sibling. Charlie was sobbing while holding the baby away from her and sleep deprived Alastor, who knew they could do that just fell into a fit of manic laughter. Lucifer then walked into the demented scene holding Pomme and walked right the fuck back out.
Alastor was freaked out at first, but they look so much like his mom that he couldn't help but fall in love. I see Alastor as the more "mom" of the pair since he actually had a mom, can cook, seems to have a more 'get things done' type of personality. While Lucifer is getting better at being a dad. Hes terrified hes going to let them down like he feels he did to Charlie. But when your partner(could be platonic could be romantic although I a demiromantic personally lean towards romantic after getting to know each other and bonding) doesn't up and leave, support makes all the difference. I also feel like they're first words were calling Alastor Mama because Lucifer had been training them as revenge for the whole "It's a little funny, you could almost call me dad" line he'd be like "nuh uh not even these ones are going to"
Alastor and Lucifer argue a lot about their clothes. Alasto will not have his children dressed like members of a circus. Lucifer doesn't want them dressed like little old people. Youd think since theres two they could compromise but the one thing they wordlessly agree on is that theyre cutest when they match. Charlie or Nifty usually step in the middle of the argument and dress them during the argument and take them to the kitchen. They're low key aware of this but still argue because fighting is low key a love language.
Other than their parents, their favorite people are Charlie(sister), Rosie(auntie), and Nifty(pseudo sister.) They like cuddling with Angel and Husk, for naps because they're soft, but for awake time, absolutely no respect for those two! It's like the scene with Jack Jack and the babysitter in the Incredibles. They don't like Vaggie at first since Alastor has a bit of a tiff with her, and she takes Charlie away from them. She eventually wins them over. They like her singing and that she talks to them like big people(she's not capable of baby talk.) They hate the Vox and Val much to Alastor and Angel Dusts delight. They're awed by Zestiel, though no one is quite sure why. Zestiel is greatly amused by this.
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jester-lover · 1 year
I just loved your idea 'Dorm Leaders with a Girlfriend Who Wears Suits', it was so cute, beautiful and wonderful, it would be great to have a sequel. Do you think about continuing? Can I order a sequel please? Please!
Note: I totally understand if you don't want to. Continue to do a wonderful job.
Hi anon! Thank you for your ask! The suit post was my most liked post! I’m very proud of it, and I think it helped me develop my writing style. I’ve been wanting to do a part two recently, so here it is. You didn’t mention what you wanted by saying sequel, and since I personally think the dorm leaders have been already done, I’ll do my favorite group, the first years!!
The First Years with a Girlfriend who wears Suits
Warnings: fluff, stupid gender roles being destroyed, very flustered boys, insecurity (not from the reader), talks of gender roles/identity, whoever reads this is so cool, reader is so hot and confident (did I mention she’s so hot)
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Ace Trapolla
Oh wow
No matter how much Ace tends to blab on and on, the moment he sees you for the first time he’s left speechless
He’s never met someone who takes up all the attention of a room in such a short time
Deuce, who’s sorta concerned at this point, pokes him and tells him to stop staring at you
But before his dark haired friend can stop him, ace runs up to you and asks for your number
Congratulations! You now have a little idiot boyfriend who would do anything you tell him to
He’s so obsessed with you his dorm members become a little concerned
Your confidence is so strong, you manage to talk him out of getting into trouble on multiple occasions
He knows your sheer presence captivates the students, so he asks you to be in your best suits for formal events
Pro tip: when you put on your uniform in the morning, ask him to help with your tie. He’ll be super flustered
You managed to make him feel shyer than he’s ever felt, butterflies in his stomach with every smile, slight glance or forehead kiss
He definitely takes you to a formal dance so that you can dip him during the romantic songs
“Y/N, I wonder how you stay so confident, I could never!”
Deuce Spade
I hope you understand that he’s willing to lay down everything for you
You definitely win over his mom, showing up with a bouquet of roses and being ever so polite
He’s so surprised someone so confident and beautiful like you would spend time with a wierdo like him
You quickly quell those feelings, he’s the only guy for you!
You help him fix himself up for special occasions, it always makes him feel special, it makes him feel worthy
Your confidence break’s open a certain floodgate in Deuce, suddenly he’s not as worried about appearing completely and utterly reformed every hour of every day
When he’s alone with you, dress shirts loose and ties loosened, he’s free to be himself
“Today has been so difficult, somehow you make it seem so easy.”
Jack Howl
A confident and strong girlfriend is perfect for Jack
Wolves mate for life, and he is so glad it’s you
You always know how to make him feel special, make him feel like the only guy in the world
His tail is wagging rn
You two tend to scare people together, him being really buff, you looking like a 1940s gangster
He opens up to you quickly, he trusts you more than anything
He definitely gets shy whenever you show up to any sporting event he’s playing in, but he plays better than he ever did
You tend to lead the relationship, often times leading him away to dates, spoiling him with presents
(He’s so househusband material)
“Hey! Don’t look at me like that, you know what you do to me…”
Epel Felmier
He wants to be with you, and he wants to be you
You have a level of courage in whatever you wear, while he’s forced to wear whatever Vil puts on him
Now, perhaps you should use your skills of persuasion to get Vil to allow him more freedom
This boy asks you so many questions
How does he appear masculine without Vil noticing?
How do you pair your ties and socks?
Why does his face get all hot every time you smile at him?
Answer him!!
He finds himself being more comfortable with himself around you, his insecurities of being less masculine go away for a brief second
He can be a man for you, and he doesn’t have to pretend
Epel is most grateful for your advice, a girl like you is hard to find
“I don’t even know where to start! We both radiate manliness right now Y/N!”
Sebek Zigvolt
He immediately deemed you sketchy the first time he saw you
Where you a threat to his Young Master?! He needs to keep a close eye on you!
You keep catching the cute mint haired boy staring at you, so you approach him and ask him why he’s staring
In front of everyone
He’s outraged! How can you make such a mockery of him? In front of Lilia nonetheless! (Cue Lilia, laughing so hard he’s doubling over)
Taking a pen out of your suit pocket, you scroll your number on his wrist, press a kiss to his cheek and walk away
Now he’s quiet, wondering what just happened
Guess he’s your boyfriend now
He definitely texts you good morning every day, asking what you wish to wear today, just so he can emotionally prepare for the fashion he’s about to see
He’ll never say in out loud, but the 70s era suits are his favorite thing you wear
Emotionally constipated crocodile boy has no clue what to do with himself
This one time he caught you without a suit jacket, your dress shirt untucked, just lounging on one of the shabby ramshackle sofas, you looked absolutely stunning, and he just stood there with his jaw open
A sequel was never really in the cards tbh, but i read the request and this came to me. If you ever notice how extensively I write for Sebek, it’s because he’s my favorite hehe. Dialogue is my weak point. Thank you for reading!!!❤️
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buns0fst33l · 5 months
Cod Men Headcanons
Simon “Ghost” Riley
~sfw~ These are completely random and don’t follow any sort of cohesive theme, they’re just a bunch of opinions I have about Ghost.
- Did very well in school science fairs and looked forward to them.
- Takeout Indian food is his comfort meal. I saw someone else headcanon him as really enjoying spicy food, especially if it’s Indian food. I don’t remember who said it but it was their idea and I AGREE so I’m sharing it.
- Was one of those boys who was way smaller than his female peers until high school and hit a HUGE growth spurt one summer. He did not realize how drastic the change was. And he was confused when people didn’t recognize him.
- Helpful son. Tried his best to keep his mom safe and stress free by helping around the house as much as possible. And therefore,
- Very respectful of women. Would subtly try to put a woman at ease if he noticed she was scared or uncomfortable. Given his upbringing and what he went through when he was tortured, I feel like he has a profoundly better understanding of the mistreatment of women in general, as compared to most men.
(I imagine this plays a part when he and Soap are questioning Milena. He didn’t step in and intimidate her until he had to, even though it would have been easier to start with.)
- Demisexual. I don’t think I need to explain this one.
- Thinks he’s a dog person because he doesn’t know anything about cats and hasn’t been around them much. Is actually a cat person who also loves dogs and just doesn’t know it.
- Laughs exclusively at the dumbest shit ever but it’s CUTE. laughed at a weevil the first time he saw one because it looks just like its name. One time Riley got too excited when Ghost gave him a bit of table scrap chicken; tried to swallow it whole, gagged dramatically and cough-launched it across the room. Soap has been trying to get that kind of laugh out of Ghost ever since. Not even close.
- Secretly likes American football. I don’t know why I feel like he’d be ashamed to admit this but I do.
- I’m very torn on what kind of vehicle he would drive. I want to say he would have like, an old black 2008 pathfinder as his everyday normal car. But he’s cocky and I feel like he’d also have a very well kept NICE car as more of a toy. Something like a souped up black Audi. Either vintage (maybe a Quattro?) and in mint condition or brand new and shiny. Note: I do not know jack SHIT about cars I am using so much Google
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a-god-in-crime-alley · 5 months
So I’mma do a quick rant on Tim and the whole “forever 17” thing people are always going on about.
Disclaimer: some of this is based on my own experience with how I changed as I got older and comments from people that I went months and years without seeing.
I’m AFAB so it’s not quite the same. But I’ve never been one to remember a skin care routine and have relied on good genetics and good hygiene to make this point.
When doing some calculations for another post (you’ve probably seen that post I reblogged about the batkids ages) it hit me WHY it doesn’t look like Tim has aged.
Sure it might just be a style choice because DC wants to keep a chokehold on their Teen audience with Tim. (Even though Damian is RIGHT THERE!!! DC stop making Damian look like Tim for the love of GOD!)
A lot of people don’t actually CHANGE that much from ages 16-24 as long as they are keeping to the same exercise routines and diets. With the exception of Tim’s Brucequest, he kept to a fairly stable routine for Years!
The reason most people change so much early on is because they drop off their usual exercise (gym class) and repetitive diet (school or packed lunch). So you see people’s weight fluctuating (this can have an effect of visible face shape) hair either thinning or thickening and skin either clearing or getting more acne.
Add this to Tim probably having pretty good genetics (his mom looked like she was maybe pushing 30 when she died but was probably closer to mid 40s. Both Janet and Jack were around 10 years older than Bruce, who would have been mid 30s at the time.)
Tim not showing any signs of facial hair can also be down to genetics. Some cis men just NEVER get more than a single chin hair, maybe a max of 5 sparsely scattered along their chin. Those guys usually just pluck them out. They never actually have to shave. Though I think we Have seen Tim shaving again one point. Can’t remember when.
Either way, it makes sense for Tim not to actually look his age in any more than muscle mass. He’s noticeably built compared to how he was when Damian was introduced. (When the artists are going for a more realistic art style.)
Then considering his most recent dimensional adventure to save Bruce after the shit with Failsafe, you see just how much older he looks next to his mother (from that universe) and she didn’t seem that surprised with how he looked. Meaning her version of him is probably around the same age, and anyone who read that issue can see she looked pretty young.
Add all this to the fact it’s Canon that Jason is 23! He’s only at most 3 years older than Tim but is probably closer to 2 years older. (With Jason being 15 going on 16 when he died. And Tim was 12-13 by the 6 month mark after Jason died and Tim became Robin.)
So in conclusion, DC needs to stop acting like Tim’s still a Teenager and acknowledge that he’s a lot closer to 21 (hell, if we go by proper calculations he SHOULD BE 21).
What I’m saying is give us Tim going out for drinks with his older brothers. Have him show up at Jason’s after something bad happens and ask if he’s still up for that drink (in reference to that one time Jason offered to get a 16 year old Tim into a bar.)
Give us Funny Drunk Tim shenanigans to balance out that Dick is a miserable drunk! Have Jason get stuck babysitting both of them because he’s the only one that can actually hold his alcohol. Have the Girls be watching and laughing from across the bar because they unintentionally had their Girls Night and the same place the guys had their Boys Night.
Please DC, I am Begging you!
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
25 asks! :00 Thank you! :}} 💖
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I would like to yeah :0 for now I'm just kind'a goofin around and drawing whatever. Also thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like it! :}}}
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I don't think kid Gregory and Vanessa would realize that the other is a younger version of the guard that's pursuing them.. They would just think they have the same name.
What would be confusing though is who went into who's world. If Little Vanessa went to little Gregory's world, she would be so confused. "Where's Bonnie and Foxy? Why do Roxy and Monty look so different..? Why does the entire BUILDING look different..??"
For adult Gregory going into the kid Gregory's world.. it'd be the same thing. "Why is the building so different and where is Bonnie and Foxy?... Also why is there this random gal that has on a security uniform and why is she in my office-"
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Thank you! Happy new year to you as well!! 🎉🥳🎊
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YOOOO THAT'D BE SICK!! :DDD Also I love all the puns XDD
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Yeah, that post is outdated and should not be followed. My pinned post has all the up to date information. 👍
(Also thank you! :D)
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That's a thing?? Man. I'm not sure what to think. I was never super into Bendy.. I guess I just hope that the fans get what they're hoping for? <:D
Or at the very least I hope that the people who made Bendy have the freedom to put what ever they want into the movie. :}
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Thank you so much! :DD As for my favorite character from my AU specifically? I'd say its a tough pick between Freddy and Foxy.. I thiiiiink I'll pick Freddy XD I just love him man 🥺
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N-No.. she was so young...💔
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XDDD That's hilarious, also thANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD
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Calico Jack? I don't think so.. scurvy is caused by a severe vitamin-C deficiency. And sailors usually got it becuase they didn't have fruits and vegetables on the ship.. But it looks like Calico Jack has gotten shipwrecked quite a few times in his life. I imagine he's been stranded on islands for a few weeks at a time where he ate nothing but fruits, Veggies and fish. Not to mention his time in the Amazon where he likely had access to all kinds of fruits.
Natquik though? Its possible.. out in the Antarctic his diet was probably mostly fish.. although it seems that real arctic fox diets don't really demand many fruits and veggies.. Still, Natquik seems more likely to have contracted scurvy at one point then Calico Jack :(
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:DDD THANK YOU! And boy do I have a lot of that XD
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I do have many theories/headcannons yes!.. Although I think I'll keep those tucked away in my brain for now- :x
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(Post in question)
XDD I sat on the first ask for a while because I was intending to draw something for it. But I'm realizing now that I might not ever draw it so--
What was going on in that drawing is an evil Undyne threw a spear at the group while they were passing by. Seam was struck in the head by it and was killed.. hence the blood splatter on her face. (My darkeners bleed)
BUT ITS OKAY! Through some uh... very dark methods- Frisk was able to reset to a few moments before and pull Seam out of the way. Then she got into a brawl with the evil Undyne no doubt <XD
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I have, and uh, I'm not so sure about the whole "in character" thing.. or at least its not the character I imagined Fazbear Entertainment would be- <XD
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It just means they're both rough and tough and their hands get beat up a lot. Kwazii gets them beat from scraping them on stuff and dealing with dangerous creatures while on missions. And Calico Jack gets them from scraping them on stuff and.. dealing with dangerous creatures while on adventures XDD
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XDD I have now! What an odd specimen..
(Also thank you! :DDD)
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Its hard to explain exactly why I don't like them.. But I don't like them-
I guess it feels kind'a.. mary sue-ish..? If that makes sense? Or at least having all these sans' that act nothing like the original sans is kind'a off putting? I guess? Not to mention loads of them are shipped together- uhg idk- Its hard to explain but I don't vibe with them personally. So I didn't add them to my au :/
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OOOO THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!! :000 I like how it creates a spin on Grillby and River. While Jevil intentionally grabbed Grillby's hand and saved him, and River was dragged along by mistake.. Frisk CHOSE to follow Jevil, it wasn't his doing at all this time. That's a really cool thing to experiment with!
I'll have to look into this idea, thank you for sharing! And thank you for the complements! AND happy new year to you too! XDD
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XDD For receiving hugs? I'd say he's about a 11/10 sometimes, maybe a 6/10 other times. Its harder to hug him comfortably if you're significantly shorter/smaller than he is. But if ur the right size his hugs will just fix all your problems 🥺
As for giving hugs? It might be about the same. But I can see him giving them out only to people he's really close to. Otherwise a tender yet professional hand on the shoulder seems more his style.
XD And I see the prompt there, perhaps I'll have to draw that sometime!
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Aww shucks 😊 Thank you!
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Whaaaat?? Nooo Its not traumaaa,,🥺 its character development!😇
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I do! I'll have to post more about them sometime-- 👀👀
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tenderhungering · 1 month
howdy howdy!!! do u have any thoughts on jack’s background? I think it’s really interesting the few tidbits we have (Illinois Boy™️, the Oh Calcutta story, getting his start in radio) + in the case of those first two its like. clearly been told time and time again for an audience. or if you’d prefer something else any thoughts on minnie 🙏😭 haunting the narrative icon
hello hello ! i so wish we’d gotten a little bit more about him but i’ve always imagined jack as being a little more introverted in his younger years? i think he really enjoys validation and this is such a difficult thing to achieve as someone as slightly awkward as jack. (don’t know why. maybe i just enjoy pathetic men but his blushing at naked bodies and his little “oh! not my chair!” has always made me feel like he has had to build up this persona he has made for himself) charming and quick-witted but very easily crumbles whenever he’s in an uncomfortable position (he seems to almost dissociate often?)
i think he might’ve been in some sort of college radio and broadcast (i’ve discussed this with a friend before!), and he was just so happy to build an audience. there’s no mention of his parents (my memory is foggy!) so part of me thinks that they’re either not in the picture or he’s lost them? so you know,,, mommy and daddy issues galore despite either one. maybe even one of them didn’t think being someone on television would maintain a steady flow of income. regardless, it might make him more interested in gaining that connection with the audience, getting validated for his feelings. getting praise for it. no you’re so cool please continue to make your show! i’m such a big fan!
he doesn’t know who is there for him as Mr. Midnight and who is there for him Jack Delroy so he blurs the line and vents to his audience, looks at the camera with every intention to impress.
i imagine meeting minnie was very sweet though. they were both sort of up and coming and it’s nice to have someone who understands that struggle! i imagine minnie being in theatre makes her the more extroverted out of the two ! (she was the one sharing stories and jack getting shy about them!), but also a lot more open about her emotions. jack seems like someone who keeps to himself and doesn’t quite understand how to communicate well (he does hide a lot from others when they ask what’s going on. might just be that 70s toxic masculinity upbringing that makes him unable to express these,, daddy issues? who knows!)
i do fully believe he loved her though! younger jack probably never dreamed of finding a girl like minnie. maybe a bit of idealization for her occurred earlier on but minnie was so fresh and bright and full of life even during her time spent ill that i always thought she just good humor and a knack for just being naturally talented at the arts.
which is a big difference between the two! minnie just had that spark of life, she was always going to end up being someone big, she knew how to capture a room. jack was awkward and had to find his voice, he had to learn what people liked, what good jokes landed and how to deliver them, he had to work hard (and i don’t mean this as minnie not working hard! jack just had to work to become this persona while minnie was able to become her characters almost immediately, she’s able to understand their emotions and feel for them immediately. i think it makes her a much more empathetic person while jack is a lot more sympathetic. jack needs to be verbally told what people are feeling which might be why ratings are so comforting. they’re either good or bad! they’re easy to read.) and become who we know as Mr. Midnight. something of an artist obsessed with not their craft but what their craft will mean to others
sorry if this wasn’t exactly background stuff pfft! i more so focused on how their personalities were! i do think that minnie was possibly in dance, and has that ability to be able to play a song after she hears it on time on the piano. i think she has to teach jack how to pick up on it though, he’s sort of stumbling and his keys are sour baha. he probably used to stay up late studying little mannerisms talk shows had. i think he has a natural charm to him but that charm is a lot more meek than what we see? i love them both dearly,,,
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swe3troses · 1 year
🐚10 Things I Hate About You (pt.1) Jack Hughes X Reader
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 ‘I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.’
 Luke Hughes was over the moon. He was finally gonna get to play high school hockey like his mother always wanted him to. Of course, he didn’t mind that his older brothers were also on the team, and he was most likely going to be called the ‘littlest’ Hughes. He made his way to the castle like high school, meeting up with his oldest brother, Quinn Hughes, so he could get a tour of the huge high school.  
��Hey! What’s up Luke.” he heard his brother say casually as he walked towards him.
“Hey Quinn…what are you wearing?” Luke said, looking at his brother. His brother was wearing a white and blue button up t-shirt that was obviously way too big for him and some khaki jorts.
“What are you talking about, this is some top tier styling.” Quinn said while posing a bit. Luke rolled his eyes.
“Just give me the tour.” he said with a little sass looking at his brother.
“Ok well, here are your emo pixie manic dream girls…don’t act too much like Micheal Cera around them.” Quinn said gesturing to a group of girls that were all either singing or reading some obscure book that they obviously found while thrifting.
“Then we have your Stoner’s and mathletes, they all hang around each other, please don’t ask me why.” Quinn says gesturing to a group in a big ball of smoke and some kids solving a math problem on a whiteboard. Luke raised his eyebrow. What the hell was going on at this school.
“Then those are your popular people and elitists…don’t bother talking to them.”
“Hey!” Quinn says to the group, they all stare at him with weird looks and one of them says ‘bite me.’
“Ok, now I see why.” They continue walking as Quinn points out groups to his little brother. But soon his voice falls on deaf ears as Luke watches a girl pass by. The girl had long black hair and sharp siren-like eyes. She was wearing a floral sundress and white chunky sandals. She had gold hoops in and freckles that spread perfectly across her face. She had pink plump lips and a smile so white it blinded him. She was tiny, standing at around 5′0, the only big thing about her being her boobs. She and her blonde friend were talking about something.
“Jesus, who is that?” Luke questions wiping his chin as he looks at the girl who was about a foot shorter than him. 
Quinn laughs obnoxiously, “Luke, do not even think about that at all. That there, my friend is Bianca L/N and she is untouchable and totally conceited.” 
“Hey, don’t say that, look at her, I mean she’s gorgeous.” Luke said as the girl smiled showing her dimples. 
“Listen, Luke, Girls like that, will never look at you, she’s wearing that strategically planned sundress to let guys like us know that we will never touch her and boys like Trevor Zegras realize they want her.” He gestured towards another hockey player that was on their team named Trevor Zegras who was also staring at Bianca.
“Don’t say that look, she is just so deep.” Luke said gazing at the girl trying to listen in on what she was saying. 
“See, there’s a difference between like and love, because I like my Miss Dior perfume, but I love my Prada backpack.” 
“But I love my Miss Dior.” Her blonde friend replied.
“That’s because you don’t have a Prada backpack.”
“I need her…how can I get close to her.” Luke asked his older brother.
“I mean, I heard she’s looking for a French tutor if you somehow learned French and have time for it in-between hockey.”
“That’s perfect!”
“So you learned French and have time?”
“No! But I will!”
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While that was going on a girl by the name of Y/N L/N was in her literature class, Jack Hughes came into the class for a moment and started speaking. 
“Has class started?”
“No, but please take your-”
“Ok! Later!” Jack said before walking out the class.
“Hey you can’t just-!” The teacher said before quickly giving up, obviously tired of his job.
The bell rang and then the teacher, Mr. Morgan, started speaking.
“So, what did everyone think of ‘The sun also rises?’”
A pink short haired girl raised her hand and instantly started speaking without the teacher even calling on her.
“I loved it, it was so romantic.” she said dreamily, clasping her hands together.
“Romantic? Hemingway?” Y/N said scoffing “He was an abusive alcoholic misogynist who spent half his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers.” She finished rolling her (e/c) eyes.
“As opposed to a bitter self-righteous hag who has no friends.” Trevor replies looking around the class with a smug smirk.
“Pipe down chachi!” Mr. Morgan yelled, causing Trevor’s ego to deflate.
“I guess in this society being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time.” Y/N replies, turning her body towards Trevor as the class laughs. “What about Sylvia Plath, or literally any other female writer that doesn't have a negative connotation associated with them.” Y/N said putting some of her h/l h/c hair behind her ear.
“Mr. Morgan, is there any way we could get Y/N to take her Midol before she comes to class.” Trevor says with a smug look.
“Someday you’re gonna get bitch slapped and I am not gonna do anything to stop it.” Mr. Morgan replies with a smug look back “Y/N I want to thank you for your point of view, I know how difficult it must be to overcome all those years of upper middle-class oppression, must be tough, but before you start talking about that think about why they can’t buy a book written by a Black Man!” Mr. Morgan says looking at her.
“That’s right man!” two white boys say.
“Don’t even get me started on you two…” Mr. Morgan says as the two boys put their fists down.
“Anything else?” Y/N asks.
“Yeah, go to the office you’re pissing me off again.”
“Mr. Morgan-?” 
“Later!” He says dramatically before Y/N grabs her books walking out.
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Y/N walked with her friend as she explained what happened walking to her car.
“Well then Mrs. Meyer reminded me that I kicked Trevor in the balls, and I still maintain he kicked himself in the balls.” she said casually as her friend Nayeon laughed.
“I don’t think that is exactly what happened.” Nayeon said as she got in Y/N’s car pulling her red skirt down a bit.
Quinn drove in front of Y/N’s red car on a motorcycle. Knowing her and her temper she looked at the hockey player in disgust.
“Get out the way Bozo!” she shouted speeding away before seeing her sister, Bianca.
“I know you can be overwhelmed, and underwhelmed but can you just be whelmed?” Bianca asked her blonde friend Chastity.
“I think you can in Europe!” Chastity replies before Trevor pulls up in his bronco.
“You hot young thangs need a ride?” he asked, smirking before Bianca and Chastity giggled getting in the back of his Bronco before he sped away.
“That is one shocking new development.” Nayeon stated in disgust.
“I am not surprised,” Y/N said before honking her red car once again, but this time at Luke. 
“Jesus! Get out of the way!” she said before speeding away blasting Indie rock music.
“Who was that?” Luke asked, obviously a little annoyed.
“That my dear brother is the shrew, Y/N L/N, your girlfriend's sister.” Quinn said trying not to laugh at his brother’s reaction.
“That mean, pretty girl is Bianca’s sister?” Luke asked in shock.
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Later, Y/N was reading ‘The Bell Jar’ while sitting in a green chair. She was in some gray PJ pants and a blank tank top. Her dad came up to her flipping through a newspaper.
“Make anyone cry today Y/N?” Her dad asked her looking at a story in the newspaper.
 “Sadly, No, but it is only 4:30.” She said, smiling at her father. He returned the smile before Bianca came into the room.
“Hi dad!” she said, kissing him on the cheek, having to go on her tiptoes to do so.
“Why hello precious.” her dad said back smiling at his daughter.
“Where have you been?” Y/N asked, tucking some of her h/l h/c behind her ear.
“Nowhere.” Bianca replied sassily, flipping some of her long black hair over her shoulder a pink tint painting her freckled face.
Y/N’s dad picked up some mail before looking at it confused.
“What’s this, it says Sarah Lawrence?” her dad said looking at the letter before Y/N squealed and jumped happily taking the letter in her hands smiling “I got in!” she said, running to another couch.
“Honey…that is great but isn’t Sarah Lawrence a Law firm on the other side of the country?” Her dad asked, “Don’t you wanna stay here to find a college closer to home…so you could fully become a husky like me.” her dad said, faking a growl.
“Sarah Lawrence is one of the best colleges and the basis of its appeal is being far away from Michigan.” the girl says, still smiling at the paper.
“C’mon Y/N are you just gonna pick up and leave, is that it?” he says a little frustrated now.
“Let’s hope so!” Bianca said smiling.
“Tell dad who drove you home today.” Y/N replied.
“Who drove you home?”
“Now don’t overreact dad but this guy named Trevor on the hockey team-”
“Who’s a flaming imbecile!” Y/N added as Bianca tried to step closer to her.
“And I think he might ask me-”
“Please, Please I think I know what he is going to ask you,” Bianca’s dad said as she guided her to the couch next to Y/N
“I also think I know the answer, No! It is always No! What are the two-house rules? Number 1, No dating till you graduate college, Number 2, No dating till you graduate high school, That’s it.”
“Daddy, that is so unfair!” Bianca said, folding her arms over her chest.
“You wanna know what is unfair? This morning I delivered a set of twins to a 15- year-old girl, younger than both of you, do you know what she said to me?” Y/N’s dad said as he looked between both of his daughters.
“I am a dumbass who should’ve made my sleazy boyfriend wear a condom?” Bianca replied, rolling her brown eyes.
Their dad pursed his lips before speaking again “Close, but no, she said I should’ve listened to my father.”
“She did not!” Bianca replied as Y/N rolled her e/c eyes at her father.
“But that is what she would’ve said if she wasn’t on so much anesthesia.” he replies.
“Can we focus on me for a second! I am the only girl in school who doesn't date!” Bianca states dramatically, twiddling her fingers.
“Oh no you’re not, your sister doesn’t date.”
“I also don’t intend to, have you seen the unwashed monsters that attend and roam that school spreading their stink around?” Y/N said, folding her arms in front of her chest.
“What planet are you from? Planet loser?” Bianca said about to tackle her sister. 
“As opposed to Planet ‘Look at mey, look at mey’” Y/N replied, flapping her s/c arms around as she mocked Bianca’s voice.
Their dad claps, causing both of the gorgeous girls to look at him one with a pout and one with a smirk.
“Ok new rule out new rule in, Bianca can date.” Their dad says smiling as Y/N looks at him like he's crazy and Bianca smiles smugly sticking her tongue out at her sister.
“When Y/N does.”
A/N: hey guys sorry this wasn’t so focused on Y/n(you) and Jack just yet, I am trying to establish the plot first, the next chapter will be more romantic and focus more on y/n. there will be 10 parts because, 10 things I hate about you, and they will be released between 2-4 days, thank you for supporting and reading. Also here is a key.
Y/n-Your name
L/n-Last name
e/c-Eye color
h/l-Hair length
h/c-Hair color
s/c-Skin color
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slicedmayonnaise · 8 months
Dutch was NOT always bad.
a lot of people overlook the fact of how much pressure dutch was under 24/7. for ~20 years, he had the burden of taking care of those around him and it only got worse as time went on and more and more people joined the gang. whenever something happened, good or bad, everyone looked to him to place blame because he was the one in charge.
i believe the first cracks started after colm killed annabelle. she was his responsibility; therefore, her death was his fault.
he was able to continue on normally until blackwater.
he lost davey, jenny, mac, and sean in blackwater. two dead and two mia and that blame is put on him. it is his fault that those four people are lost. it is his fault that his family is dead and hurting. then, when he gets sean back, he finds out mac is dead.
then arthur gets kidnapped by colm on a set up to discuss peace between the two gangs. arthur is shot and tortured. he's barely conscious when he makes it back to camp. dutch's fault. if only he'd realized. if only he'd taken arthur's absence more seriously. the pain in his voice when arthur tells him colm set them up.
then he loses sean again in rhodes. again, it is his fault sean dies. he is the leader. he is responsible.
then jack is kidnapped.
then kieran is captured and killed, whom dutch still feels responsible for despite the circumstances of how kieran came about. he clearly expresses sympathy for kieran's death.
then, of course, he loses hosea, lenny, and john during the saint denis bank robbery.
hosea's death itself is what finally breaks dutch. during the entire sequence in the bank, dutch does not move or fire his gun. he has to get arthur to blow open the wall because he is in shock. he can't even bring himself to move when he sees john get taken by the pinkertons.
everything went so wrong so quickly over the past few months and everything was dutch's fault.
the deaths of the two people he loved more than anything- annabelle and hosea- were his fault.
even when it's just dutch, bill, micah, arthur, and javier in guarma, dutch can't help javier when he gets shot and taken by the guarma officers.
at this point, he's lost his patience with himself and the world. he can't stand to see another of his boys die because of him. so he goes to immoral lengths to ensure he saves javier (killing that old lady in the cave).
nothing and no one else matters to him but his gang anymore. he has to keep them safe. so when micah gets in his ear about a rat and throws john under the bus to save his own skin, dutch can't help but go along with it in his fragile state because circumstantially, it does make sense. john was the only one who was taken alive at the bank, and his wife somehow managed to get away when hosea was grabbed by the pinkertons.
i don't believe dutch really would have let john hang in sisika. i do believe he had a plan to go for him eventually, but after john's return, he only got more and more antsy. he lost his mind more and more and trusted john and arthur less and less because of all the shit micah was feeding him. arthur did go behind dutch's back, after all.
"i gave you all i had" is the statement that makes dutch realize how much of a damn fool he's been. arthur- his son- laying at his feet and dying, once again, because of HIM. it's his fault that the gang fell apart. it's his fault that arthur is dying. it's his fault that john- his other son- is suffering. he was the one that betrayed the gang, and he recognizes it. he abandons micah on the mountain and breaks down crying over his own failure.
annabelle, davey, jenny, mac, sean, jack, kieran, john, hosea, lenny, molly, susan, arthur. all his fault. everything was his fault.
i doubt dutch stayed with bill and javier after beaver hallow. i believe he left out of shame. shame of what he'd become. shame of what he'd done.
i don't know why or how he ended up working with micah again by 1907, but my best guess has to do with that fact that he has completely lost his mind at this point.
well, not completely, as he does shoot micah for bad-mouthing arthur, and he does let john live.
john. his son. his last son. john misses dutch. dutch misses john. but john is too hurt. and dutch is too ashamed. dutch leaves, and he leaves john with the fortune he and micah had stashed away.
shame. guilt. all his fault.
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TBOSAS where the thing that fixes the pain and suffering is the Capitol’s cruelty. Because I love positive irony like that.
Somehow, the zoo enclosure where the kids are kept is destroyed. Since it’s so unbearably hot in the books say something caught on fire and the tributes were taken out of the enclosure because there won’t be any games if all of them are dead. This conveniently sidesteps Brandy’s death because it happens either just before or right after she stabbed Arachne. If she did kill her bitch of a mentor the fire was so beautifully times that all evidence of her little crime was destroyed and nobody knows it was her. How convenient. One could almost say it’s divine intervention. Now, the kids need to be kept somewhere, and the zoo was sooooo annoying for the mentors, so the tributes are put in cages around the city. Near the academy so those poor oppressed rich kids who aren’t about to die don’t have to suffer even more for traveling 10 minutes to see the vile district scum. This… backfires horribly for the Capitol. See, the tributes are separated. For the sake of this story they’re all in separate cages on their own.
How does this lead to a fix-it? Well, it’s now much harder to not interact with the tributes. You don’t have to go to the zoo to see them, and you won’t have to pay money either. The tributes can’t hide in the enclosure, so everyone can see the discomfort plain on their faces as they try to cling to some kind of privacy. The cages have one side agains some kind of structure, so seeing these kids ducked agains the one solid part of their cage is very hard hitting because it’s impossible to ignore what they’re going through now. Even the biggest tributes look small, all alone and helpless.
And then the mentors get involved, and things really kick into high gear. All the tributes like Sejanus, and at first people thought it’s because he’s district. Now they can see it’s because he’s actually nice to them. The nicer mentors are trying their best to help their tributes, and the less amazing ones receive a bit of a cold shoulder. Several fights between different pairs of mentors and tributes happen, and all of them color in the kids’ perspective of everything in a way that’s undeniable. I feel like a big part of why the Capitol citizens had so little empathy is because they refused to see things from the tributes’ perspective due to not seeing them as people. But when massive crowds witness these arguments, it’s hard not to. When all you see is a figure deep in the enclosure and a face on a screen it’s easy to chalk their anger up to some irrational grudge or just vile beasts being their vile beastly selves without thinking about it too much. It’s a lot harder to do that when you have Facet screaming at Livia for treating him like a disposable object and shirking all her duties as a mentor, such as providing his basic needs, while pretending she’s done jack shit for him. When the citizens hear the raw emotion in his voice, it’s very difficult to not feel even the slightest bit of empathy.
And when they watched Lamina cry on a screen, it was easy to laugh at her for being so weak. But when this young girl is sobbing right in front of you, and you can see the pain on her face? Suddenly it’s a whole lot less funny. Even more so when she calls Pup over and ignores the food he offers her in favor of asking about her district partner. The crowd can’t ignore what they’re putting these kids through when they watch a clearly starving girl only accept food when she’s reassured a boy that has to die for her to live is being fed. When Lucy Gray sings for food it feels like the beggars in the city until she asks her mentor to bring more than half of what she got to Jessup and whichever tributes have gotten the least that day. And when all the tributes keep asking about each other with clear and obvious worry, even for the tributes from other districts who they’ve only known for days, suddenly the people find themselves stuck with the unescapable notion that these are kids who are being forced to perform like circus animals, who are about to be forced to kill each other, yet still find it in themselves to show empathy. It’s especially inescapable when the tough, strong tributes who everyone expects to be vicious are the ones doing this. Reaper and Coral for Dill and Mizzen, of course, but even more impactfully Marcus for Sabyn. Two of the stronger tributes showing concern for one another, despite neither having that underdog or innocent air the younger tributes have.
At one point, Treech is performing for a crowd and some of the mentors pass by, including Vipsania. As soon as they approach he stops what he’s doing and retreats to the one solid side of his cage. Vipsania calls for him, and he utterly ignores her existence. All he dignifies her with is a hateful glare. Then Pup comes into his line of sight, and he shoots up immediately to ask whether Lamina’s okay. It’s only when Vipsania gets huffy about this that Treech actually acknowledged and responds to her. Not nicely though. Rather, he goes “now why ever would I not want to talk to you? It’s not like you starved me so I’d perform or anything. Gosh, it’s such a mystery!” Before turning back around intending to sit down. Vipsania tries to defend herself and it goes about as well as you may expect. By which I mean, a one-sided screaming match ensues. More like Treech giving into the urge to start ranting and raving about all the shit he’s been through while finally telling Vipsania how he feels about her treating him like a toy to use and discard once he’s no longer of use to her. When she says she just wants to help him now, he reminds her that her “help” so far has come down to actively making his life harder for her own benefit. “You’ve done enough, Sickle. Go back to your prissy princess palace and leave me alone.” Very similar to Facet when he finally gave Cardew a piece of his mind, actually.
And slowly people start giving the tributes food, even when they’re not performing. Slowly they start to change their minds about the games, and once the interviews happen they finally realize all these kids have families and friends waiting for them in the districts. And only one of them gets to go home. But… they’ve seen how sweet these kids are to those that don’t treat them like shit. And honestly, nobody really wants to see them die anymore. And they realize if they don’t act now it’ll be too late. So they act. And long story short the games are finally stopped for good.
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sgrumby · 2 years
(1.05am) Lup: you might be a red robe but that's not necessarily a red flag. wanna get lunch some time?
(1.20) Red Robe: oh boy I just knew this was a bad idea
(1.21) Lup: listen if you'd wanted my number you just needed to ask. What did you do, steal my phone and swipe right?
(1.22) Lup: because imagine my surprise when I reinstall tinder on my stone and find that I matched with an evil ghost. I've made some bad decisions on this app but that isn't one of them
(1.26) Red Robe: maybe it was a butt swipe
(1.26) Red Robe: like a butt dial
(1.26) Red Robe: you know
(1.27) Lup: god, you're so much less spooky on tinder than in person
(1.28) Lup: although I knew that already. your pictures make you look like a dork
(1.29) Red Robe: what? I like those pictures.
(1.30) Lup: well, okay, number one, the fish pic is always a bad look. no woman sees a man holding a big fish and thinks "I'd fuck that"
(1.31) Lup: and number two, no pictures of small animals. stick a dog in there or something. I'm thinking a jack russell terrier
(1.31) Lup: also, "my interests include: magiscience and being a nerd"? c'mon man get some better hobbies. even walks on the beach would be an improvement
(1.35) Red Robe: okay the fish pic was a joke
(1.35) Red Robe: this whole profile was a joke. I didn't even realise tinder was still installed on my stone
(1.36) Lup: ah, a joke profile, but then you saw me and fell in love at first sight, just had to swipe right. happens to the best of us
(1.37) Lup: well, it doesn't happen to me, I'm the one making other people fall in love. tough job but someone's gotta do it
(1.54) Red Robe: so, downloading tinder. looking for love on the moon must be tough. getting anywhere?
(1.55) Lup: don't think you can mine me for information
(1.55) Lup: IM mining YOU for information, it'd just be embarrassing if we were both at it. it's not even mining at that point, just two idiots digging holes
(1.56) Red Robe: I'm not trying to mine you for information!
(1.56) Red Robe: just genuinely curious. How is life on the moon?
(1.58) Lup: pretty rad, I guess. I get as many hot dogs as I can steal from fantasy costco and you can jump SO high because of the low gravity. me and ko keep getting up on the roof and throwing eggs at leon
(1.59) Lup: madam director won't let us have pets, though. maybe that's why I'm so horny for jack russell terriers
(2.00) Lup: how's life, like, menacing faerun and building weapons of mass destruction
(2.05) Red Robe: nowhere near as rad as living on the moon, I bet. I live in a cave
(2.06) Lup: mmm, bad thing to admit to a tinder match, my guy
(2.06) Lup: now I'm definitely not coming home with you
(2.08) Red Robe: I actually don't have a dick in this form, so. Probably for the best?
(2.09) Lup: ah, finally, some information. sometimes has a dick. that's going in the file
(2.10) Red Robe: you've got a FILE?
(2.11) Lup: sure. spooky, red, likes fishing, has a dick - question mark?
(2.12) Red Robe: I don't like fishing!
(2.13) Lup: not denying being red, though. inchresting
(2.13) Red Robe: what are you even saying at this point
(2.14) Lup: caught
(2.14) Lup: red handed
(2.15) Red Robe: doing WHAT
(2.17) Lup: okay but for real your profile is sad. what are your hobbies. let love goddess Lup help you out. We'll fix you up with a hot lady evil red ghost in no time
(2.17) Lup: with huge bone bazongas and eyelashes on her skull so you can tell she's a girl
(2.17) Lup: or, sorry, guess I shouldn't assume. are you even into the ladies? or do you want a sexy man ghost
(2.18) Lup: with a huge bone dick
(2.18) Lup: what're you looking for
(2.20) Red Robe: either, really
(2.21) Red Robe: I don't know, someone who's brave and strong and stands up for what she believes in even if no one else does
(2.22) Red Robe: but compassionate
(2.22) Red Robe: the kind of person who'd bring you soup and comfort you if you were crying even if she didn't know you that well
(2.26) Red Robe: and huge bone bazongas obviously
(2.34) Lup: what kind of soup?
(2.36) Red Robe: hah
(2.36) Red Robe: potato, I think
(2.37) Lup: huh
(2.37) Lup: I make a mean potato soup
(2.38) Lup: maybe I'll bring a flask next time I go on a mission, just in case
(2:38) Red Robe: I mean, I can’t eat in this form, but you could come over and I could watch you eat soup
(2:40) Red Robe: wait
(2:40) Red Robe: is that weird?
(2:40) Red Robe: sorry that’s super weird right?
(2:41) Lup: I mean, yeah, but I might be down to eat soup in your spooky cave sometimes
(2:42) Red Robe: really?
(2:43) Lup: yeah I bring the soup you bring the
(2:44) Lup: bones?
(2:44) Lup: is that anything?
(2:44) Red Robe: not really, but you can come eat dinner anytime
(2:44) Red Robe: if you want
(2:45) Red Robe: no pressure
(2:45) Red Robe: :)
(2:46) Lup: :P
(2.46) Lup: thats a spoon not a sticky out tongue
(2:46) Lup: like a soup spoon
(2:47) Lup: I gotta sleep but I’ll catch you soon?
(2:47) Lup: for spooky prophecies or soup?
(2:48) Red Robe: maybe a bit of both
(2:48) Red Robe: sweet dreams, Lup
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pumpkinfreak · 5 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2e5-e6
Only two episodes for this post, because too much happened in episode 6.
Ep 5
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Hey...remember how Beverly found Hannibal's (unconfirmed Beanie Baby collection) secret bunker? Yeah, she got super murdered. How does Hannibal find the time to slice a body up, and artfully place it between giant panes of glass. I know this man did not cheap out and use plexi, real glass, or bust.
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We get Sad Science Boys in this episode. I haven't really talked about these two. I've been too distracted by everything else going on. Usually, they're Sassy Science Boys but their buddy Beverly died via ironic murder. So they are Sad Science Boys now. You know who else is sad...Will.
Will loses his chill, like all of it, and he decides he really wants to talk to the Ripper. He just wants to talk I swear...
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He doesn't want to talk...you guys..he wants to super-murder Hannibal
SO HE GOES TO FREDDIE. He wants to put a secret message in her blog to the person who killed the Bailiff from his trial, Because guess what the Judges' murderer and the Bailiff were two different people. Turns out one of the Nurses looking after Will. He's like, " I want us to be murder boyfriends!" and Will is all, "Okay but you have to kill my ex-murder boyfriend first." Sure enough, the nurse finds Hannibal at a country club pool.
This nurse shoots Hannibal with a tranquilizer dart... because this is a Loony Tunes skit...
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First of all. Where was the scene shot? He was tranquilized at the pool and then cut to this stone shower room? It's the most bizarre area. I don't know why but it makes me think of the scene in Narnia where Aslan is sacrificed. I wish I could explain why. I do not think the showrunners were going for Narnia vibes. anyway, the Nurse dies after Jack and Alana find him.
Ep 6
THIS EPISODE...like a season's worth of things happened
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Will denies trying to kill Hannibal
The murder Rolodex comes out of storage because Hannibal is throwing a dinner party.
Hannibal kidnaps Gideon, amputates his legs, and then feeds it to him
Hannibal and Alana sleep togother
Will is proven innocent
Miriam Lass is alive
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THAT IS SO MUCH. I was not ready for most of it.
First of all, I don't think I've talked about Miriam Lass? She used to be Jack's protege, and she got taken by Hannibal two years ago when she was investigating the Ripper case. Apparently, she's been in well, just chilling, in a well in an abandoned cabin. Also, Hannibal took her arm. The boy can't help himself.
Alana and Hannibal sleep togother...
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Girl. Listen, I know he's a serial killer and a cannibal...but...I would also fold like a cheap plastic lawn chair faced with a brisk breeze. If you do not want me to fall for the killer? Don't make him a Renaissance man with a cute European accent, AND HE'S A DOCTOR! I could learn to ignore the screams coming from the Beanie Baby Bunker.
"It's just a draft, a very shrill draft."
Also, we see more of Hannibal's home during this episode. It's so beautiful. I could fix him.
Anyway, Hannibal's whole reason for sleeping with Alana, is so he has an alibi for when Gideon goes missing. Who as I mentioned is nabbed by Hannibal so he won't squeal about who the Ripper is. ALSO, HANNIBAL FEEDS HIM HIS OWN AMPUTATED LEG. Just to rub salt in the wound, I guess?
Lastly, Will is proven innocent! They freed Pookie! When Hannibal snatched up Gideon. He strung up a guard, like Christmas tinsel, and left evidence proving Will could not have murdered all those people. Looks like Hannibal took the hint (the attempted murder) that Will did not appreciate being framed.
Will Hannibal learn the true meaning of friendship? Can Will learn to love again? Probably not, none of us are getting out of this mess alive!
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