#adding this but ALSO mind u! SHE does not like her father.
jackmkelly · 1 year
no one understands katherine the way i do & that is frustrating! sick of it!
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tojiwrd · 1 year
3: fate is fickle ; gojo satoru
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pairing gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary when satoru breaks off your engagement, you understand and accept it. but when he marries someone else, you don't understand because he didn't want to be tied down.
content warnings drinking, reader being referenced to as a party animal, nanami being soooo fine lol, mention of drugs but nobody does it, mention of death, gojo being meannnnnn and weird
word count 3.1k
a/n thank you SOO much for the support i luv u guys <33 interaction is always appreciated i love talking to u guys also first part is set in the past j in case there is any confusion
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When Gojo Hana, Satoru’s first wife, had come up to him after going to the bathroom for only a short of three minutes with a baffled expression, he wasn’t sure what to expect. 
Her lithe fingers curled themselves around his biceps as she found home between his thighs. Satoru’s mind was fuzzy, especially after three drinks and four shots, and that merely intensified the feel of her skin against his. It was her expression that he wasn’t sure if he was imagining to be tenfold more worried than it truly was, which pulled his lips into a straight line before he asked, “You okay?”
“Satoru,” she started, a small crack in her voice and Satoru leaned back against the chipped wood of the high table. “You know L/N Y/N, right?”
It was funny, and Satoru realized it was funny because he let out a small, nervous chuckle as his wife dropped your name, that all it took was a mention of your name to get his muscles to tighten like he was going to war. He had gone through every single opportunity for Hana to find out about you—not your existence, because there was hardly anybody within his circle that didn’t know of you—and come out of it unscathed (translation: Hana remained unaware). This couldn’t be any different, though she’d never outright mentioned you before. 
He remembered when Hana sat across the quartz tabletop, writing down name after name in delicate cursive, and asked about the L/N family. He’d stiffened, but only momentarily, before he said something along the lines of of course, father would have it no other way. And that, for the time being, was true because there was no way his father wouldn’t want your family to be there after so many years of working together. Satoru wanted to ask Hana, at that moment, if she was sending out invitations addressed to family but he held off until later to make it not seem suspicious. She’d said, ‘Of course not! I want them to be personal and meaningful.’ Satoru felt as though he was ready to change her mind, but how could he argue with something as sweet-intentioned as that?
“My father worked with hers,” he replied, pushing away memories. “Why?” he asked hesitantly. 
There was no suspicion on her face, just curiosity, and Satoru hated himself at that moment. 
“I think I saw her in the bathroom?” It felt as if all his senses perked up and heightened at her words. Fuck. “She was with another girl. I don’t know her name—brown hair, brown eyes, and… about this tall?” Her hands raised up to demonstrate how tall Reina was. He knew exactly who his wife was talking about because if you were out, Reina was with you. He’d always joked how both of you came in a package, and even Suguru only informed one of you about a party and when the other asked him if they were invited, he always said you both always come together.
It had been ages since Satoru saw either of you, but it was hard to forget how Reina always fought for you when you were his girl. And he was glad you still had her because she wouldn’t leave you abruptly, figuratively packing up all the pieces she left in your life in an instant like he did.
“I wouldn’t know,” he coolly said. 
Hana’s lips curled into a small frown. “Her friend said something about how all I know is Y/N’s dad and yours work together.”
“Well, not anymore but yeah.” He feigned indifference, though every nerve of his body felt as if it was on fire. He noticed how her frown only deepened, and he asked, “Were they mean to you or something?”
Hana, sweet, precious fucking Hana, instantly shook her head before she paused and looked down at his chest, as if cowering away from his gaze. “Kind of? I don’t know, maybe she was offended that I only knew her because of your dad?” When she realized she was implying you were being righteous, she took her hands from his arms and raised them in surrender. “I mean, I don’t think she’s, like… a bitch or anything! I might’ve heard them wrong.”
Satoru tried to stop himself, he truly did. But he had to ask. “They still here?”
When she nodded and subtly pointed to the table you sat at with Reina, he couldn’t stop his neck from immediately turning in your direction, a haze of confusion and animosity behind his eyes. Not because you were being rude to his wife, but because he had to be in your presence after months. With his wife. It was truly a miracle that Hana hadn’t noticed the entire emotional turmoil behind his eyes as soon as your name was brought up, which is why he turned to meet her eyes once again and said, “She won’t bother you again, love.”
“You look especially happy today,” Reina commented as her body slithered into the passenger seat of your car. 
She was right, you did look happy and you felt it, too. After the conversation with your mother—the unmangling of a burden of emotions between mother and daughter—you felt as though a weight had finally been lifted off your shoulders. The small conversation with Satoru felt like a faraway memory, one which your mind didn’t feel the need to unpack and decode anytime soon because, as Reina had said, he was a taken man. He had a girl at home, and that scratched away any possibility of you and him ever being anything, even friends, because you were engaged to him at one point.
Did that fact hurt? To a whole different level, but you weren’t going to let it tear you down like it had over and over again in the past few months. 
“I’m just happy to be invited to the biggest club opening of the year in Kawasaki,” you replied, giggling as you began driving to the location. This was a date you marked on your calendar months ago in big bold letters that said ‘PARTY CLUB LEVITATE.’ It was mere seconds after you opened the dark papered invitation with gold embossed lettering inviting you to a new club, Levitate’s opening. You had dressed yourself in leather pants that hugged your skin perfectly and a shimmering silver halterneck top that covered everything it needed to and just that.
You and Reina glossed over the fact that both of you would be drinking, which meant neither of you would be in condition to drive back. And, even though there were a few people from your circle who would be there, too, it was a hard guess to assume who wouldn’t be drinking. 
That was a bridge to cross later because as you stepped through the large gates, flashing your pearly whites as you said your name to the security guards, you were overtaken by the instinct to let go completely loose. Within a blur of moments, you’d downed five shots and you were nursing a glass of—what the bartender said was—a fucking expensive glass of hennessy. 
Once you deemed yourself buzzed enough to go onto the dance floor and find Reina, your hips began moving off their own accord. You loved letting go. The music reverberated off the newly-done walls, a sheen of excitement running through the air as everybody had large smiles plastered on their faces. You and Reina’s arms were on each other's shoulders as you both let the heavy thrumming take over. 
At one point of the night, many drinks and dances later, you were sitting comfortably on the high chair in front of three bartenders who made small talk and recommended drinks. They recommended the ‘sinner’s delight’ to you which was a combination of fuck-knows-what, and you had to admit it was delicious. Reina was still on the dance floor, taken with a man that had been giving her googly-eyes all night, and you were merely trying to catch your breath. 
“Hey, stranger.” You heard someone say as the bottom of the chair next to yours scraped against the floor, indicating they were sitting next to you. You, your mind hazy, turned to your side and were stunned to meet a pair of familiar dark eyes. 
“Geto…” you trailed off, and he shook his head as a small smile overtook his lips. 
“I’m out of here if you want, trust me. If you—y’know, don’t wanna talk.”
It was your turn to shake your head, and you did it with vigor. “No, no. Stay. I’ve actually been meaning to get in touch with you.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. You were planning on getting in touch with Geto, you just weren’t thinking about it to the point you’d actually go through with it. “It’s just been crazy hectic recently.”
There was a sad smile on his lips, and you could imagine he was probably thinking that by recently, you had to mean just about a year which clearly meant you were lying. You were lying, but you also felt you had every right to since you and Geto became friends through Satoru, and Geto was always going to choose Satoru if he had to. In fact, he did choose Satoru because from all the posts you saw on Instagram, they were still as thick as thieves. 
“What have you been up to?”
Your mind was blanking, it was a combination of the alcohol and reconnecting with your past, but you tried to go through your timeline since the last time you truly talked to Geto. “I’ve been looking to start a company—or something, I’m not really sure—and my father was helping until… Well, yeah. Right now, though, I’m just helping my mother out with papa’s company and getting stuff in order. Reina and I are actually doing this thing where we read twelve books a month, too, so—” You cut yourself off, realising you were rambling and you felt your cheeks warm up when you noticed Geto was hanging onto each of your words. “I don’t know. Anyways, how about you?”
“I’m sorry. About your dad. I know I wasn’t there for you but—”
You raised your palm, attempting to stop him because you didn’t wanna get too deep into the topic of your father. “No, I know. You called, texted, sent letters, Geto. You don’t have to apologize.” He looked forlorn, and your fingers instinctively reached up to place themselves on top of his own to reassure him. “Trust me.”
Geto took that with as much stride as he could, and attempted to make normal conversation with you. He told you about his art gallery which you knew was picking up since the last time you met him. He asked you for your opinion on some pieces he was looking at, and you tried to give him your best advice. And even though you knew he hadn’t meant to scroll through his camera roll of paintings and accidentally scroll past an image of Satoru and Hana, your lips still curled into a frown because it reminded you he was friends with not just him, but Hana, too. Hana was Geto’s friend the same way you were his, through Satoru. Geto masked his mistake by immediately giving you a backstory of one of the artists, and it did get you interested, but not too distracted from your new realization. 
“Suguru! You made it.” Your head snapped up and you thanked every God above for the intrusion of the new voice. Geto locked his phone and looked up at the same time as you at the blond man whose eyes were crinkled up showing the tiniest hints of a smile. “And you.” His gaze shifted, landing on your figure that was leaning against the table. “Glad to see you made it too.”
You remained silent, unsure of how to respond to a stranger as charming as him. 
“Of course, I did, Nanami,” Suguru said, rolling his eyes lightheartedly.
A lightbulb flickered in your mind and you were instantly on your feet. “Oh, god. I’m L/N Y/N, thank you so much for the invite. The opening is great.” You were standing across the owner of Levitate, and you couldn’t help but drink every feature of his in. He was tall, and if you got any closer to him, you were sure his figure would cast a shadow over you instantly. 
He laughed. “I’m Nanami Kento.” He bowed slightly, and his hand reached out for yours and his fingers gently lifted it up before he grazed his lips over your skin. “The pleasure’s all mine, of course.”
Geto shifted uncomfortably in his seat, and you realized it was probably because neither you nor Nanami were pulling away from the other. You cleared your throat, mustering up an awkward smile as you slid back onto your seat. Your eyes still remained on him, and his remained on you and you found yourself slightly burning warm under his gaze. 
“I gotta go, duty calls,” Geto said over the silence though the music was still going on. He flashed his phone screen that displayed an incoming call from his assistant before he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into a side hug. It wasn’t much—not the bone-crushing huge the two of you used to share—but it bloomed a sense of familiarity within you, and you could sense Geto felt the same too because he smiled slightly. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
You nodded, overcome with a sense of joy that only occurs after you reunite with somebody that has done you no wrong. 
Nanami bids him goodbye, too, before he slides into the seat Geto was occupying.
“Are you liking the place so far?” he asked, hands gesturing to the surroundings. “I wasn’t sure if I should invite the area’s biggest party animal because you’ve seen many of these kinds of places. But I can at least expect an honest review from you, right?”
You gulped at how he referred to you as a ‘party animal’ and you knew that people had begun seeing you that way over the past few months, too. You weren’t sure if it sat right with you, but you didn’t have anything particular against it. 
“Hmm,” you hummed, trailing a finger over the wood of the table, feigning serious thinking. “I think you could change…” You paused, noticing how his brow went up at your words in curiosity. “Everything. It’s trash.”
He narrows his eyes before he lets out a laugh, and you follow along. His hand lightly covers your knee as the two of you laugh a little too obnoxiously over a joke that was hardly funny, but you blame the ‘sinner’s delight.’
“I thought I’d have to close this place down, no joke,” he said, still between bits of laughter.
You smiled. “Hey, don’t do that. This is my new weekend spot, I’d hate to have it taken away.”
His eyes turned warm and he tilted his head at your comment. “Yeah?”
You nodded, ignoring the feeling of his hand against your knee. “Yeah, to the point you’ll have a drink named after me.”
He blew out a breath as he called the bartender over and whispered something into his ear.
“What was that? You order drugs or somethin’?”
“Oh yeah, the code is strawberry and pickles if you want some.”
“I’m glad to know this place has options, then.”
“No, but I just ordered you a drink you’d like.” When you pointed at your half-full glass of ‘sinner’s delight,’ he shook his head and said, “This one’s not on the menu. Just for you.”
Gojo Satoru always hated meetings.
He hated having to prepare what he would say, and hated even more whenever the conversation didn’t go the way he’d prepared. It wasn’t good that he saw meeting his father as a meeting, but that was what it was. An extremely rage-filled meeting that he was never prepared for because he had no idea what his father would say. 
“Listen, Satoru.” Oh, Satoru was listening, alright. “Mrs. L/N isn’t backing down. I fear she’s taking selling the company off the table.”
“Probably because you told her you didn’t want to buy it and just have it.” Satoru knew his words held bite to them, but that was the only way his father would realize that he can’t merely get whatever he wants. And also because he couldn’t stand talking about your family at all as the memory of the last time they had dinner was still fresh in his memory.
“I said I wasn’t paying the money she asked for, not that I wasn’t paying at all.”
“Father,” he said, letting out a strained breath. “You have to ask, not demand. And I’m not talking about this anymore—it’s not my problem and I’m not getting involved in it.
When Satoru walked out of the office, he realized that he was being harsher on his dad than he ever was. Hana seemed to realize the same, because she froze up when he opened the door and caught her standing a few feet away, probably having heard the entire short conversation. 
He brushed past her, giving her a small smile, towards their shared bedroom but she followed while saying, “Satoru, darling, are you okay?” She followed him to the bed where he laid down, fingers rubbing at his eyes as he tried to alleviate some of the tension away. “Talk to me, Satoru. Are you upset with your father?”
Of course. Of course he was upset with his father because when was he not?
“Hana, please—”
“No, Satoru.” She cut him off and he could barely inhale at her tone. Rarely had she sounded so curt with him, and everytime she did, he wasn’t sure how to pull her out of it except for leaving her alone. He hadn’t been able to figure out the specifics, despite it being many months since they’ve been married. “You’ve been acting off for the past week, and it started after dinner at the L/N’s. Did something happen?” “No.”
“Then what is it?”You. It was you who he couldn’t get out of his mind. He couldn’t forget how you’d once and for all, completely solidified that you and him were over. He couldn’t forget that he could’ve tried harder. He couldn’t forget that he could’ve explained everything. He could see that you were still seeking closure, and he knew he should give it to you but he couldn’t have. Not unless he wanted you to fall down the path of having to heal all over again. Because of him.
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rainbowmothed · 7 months
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╰ ⋯ ➢ just some random hcs i thought of off the top of my head!! ♡ as always, reblogs and likes appreciated! includes both main cast and heaven hcs. :3
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Vaggie says stuff like “rad,” “dude,” etcetera unironically and definitely gets made fun of for it. Mostly by Cherri and Angel– Pentious says it is ‘hashtag trending awesome sauce.’
Vaggie sets 6 alarms in the morning, all with custom minute intervals between the snooze alarms to make SURE she doesn't sleep through it. Charlie doesn't mind, though, mainly because she wakes up at four in the morning to work on projects anyway.
Charlie has made playlists for everyone in the hotel on hell's equivalent of spotify; Vaggie's is the most well thought out, but they all describe them very well. Alastor never listens to it due to his dislike for modern technology/apps, but he appreciates it– or at least acts like he does– nonetheless.
Charlie definitely rides on Alastor's shoulders like a little kid bro IDC WHAT U SAY
Vaggie has cried ONCE in front of the rest of the hotel after being genuinely dogged on repeatedly on one of the worst days of her life, and they all just stared at her in shock. They hate on her so much because it never impacts her– or so they think so, because Vaggie always shrugs it off. They refuse to talk about it.
Vaggie's spice tolerance is unmatched.
Each night, Charlie visits Pentious’ memorial and wraps a weighted blanket around it, saying that maybe it'd remind him of the Egg Bois and the way they snuggled around him in the afterlife.
Vaggie is a huge Hunger Games fan. 90% of her personality derives from Katniss Everdeen.
Adding onto the last one, if Charlie and Vaggie were to have a child, I feel like it'd have the personality of Lucy Gray Baird.
Niffty definitely writes strange fanfiction. Also has BL as her header on the Hell's equivalent of Twitter. She's a little twisted, but we love her.
Cherri is an absolute menace. That is the best word to describe her.
Angel and Cherri did the “screaming in public restrooms” prank once.
Everyone assumed Charlie was mid-20s until she dropped the bomb that she's over 200 years old. They were all flabbergasted (minus Vaggie, who already knew. Angel also called her a “gilf lover.”)
Angel asked Vaggie about her body count once to tick her off, and she answered “around 1,000 or so, roughly estimated,” thinking he meant kill count. Charlie was shook.
Vaggie is a Paramore, Flyleaf, Evanescence, etcetera fan. Proud listener to 2000s emo girl music.
Charlie's guilty pleasure is punk/metal/rock music. She says she only listens to “Taylor Swift and musicals,” but she has a hidden playlist with KORN, PTV, and all of those bands on it.
Angel wakes Husk up by blasting Ayesha Erotica songs into his ear occasionally since Husk is a heavy sleeper and refuses to get up sometimes.
Pentious calls himself a “semi-proud father of the Egg Bois.”
Charlie ran a hate page about Katie Killjoy. She has since moved on from it... probably.
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Vaggie definitely played about 100 sports back in Heaven. Fencing, soccer, and, bare with me here, she definitely did ballet. She refuses to admit so, however.
The exorcists actually aren't brought into the world as adults. Instead, they're raised by volunteer parents of Heaven their entire lives, starting fighting training at age 6 or so. They claim that “children's brains are easier to mold.” Basically, they're taught to be murder weapons from a very, very young age. It's also instinctive, but it's the training that truly brings it out.
Each exterminator is based on a different bird breed, but the most common are eagles, falcons, hawks, and generally predatory avians.
The Exterminators are also very fast flyers, and they establish the quickest flyers through racing. Vaggie was formerly the fastest until she was cast down to Hell. Now, the fastest is Lute.
Adam also referees these races, and instead of a gun or whistle to start them off, he uses his guitar.
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candyskiez · 4 months
I like hearing ppl infodump n u seem like a cool bean. would u be willing to talk abt shou from mp100(?) a bit with just a lil context added in for someone who only has a passing familiarity with the show. side note: plural mob be based
SLAMS DOWN ON TABLE. Before I get into this I want to say this is not a Serizawa hate post. Because I am reading what I wrote and it sounds like it at points. It is not. I was writing what I think Shou feels about him. I love Serizawa and I love them being friends, this is me talking about Shou having complicated feelings about his trauma. Okay? Okay.
Okay okay so. Shou is the son of a guy who tried to take over the world, and his entire life was spent trying to stop him. And then someone did. Someone stopped Claw. His dad got locked up. And Shous whole life had been built around trying to stop him, he had zero time for anything else other than occasionally visiting his mom (who left when he was a kid. We don't know what happened. We don't know if she tried to take Shou with or not. All we know is that Shou kept her presence hidden from his dad. We don't know how Shou feels about his mom or if he lives with her after his dad gets locked up. We know he had adults who were also rebelling in claw (the organization his dad ran), and he seemed to trust them a lot. I like to imagine they're a weird family and like. I imagine there's some Shit there. I like to imagine at least one of them was kinda giving up on everything, not really caring one way or another about what happened to everyone because they're just. Done. But then this wide eyed idealist of a kid comes by and he wants to stop his dad, holy shit the boss has a kid, and the kid is taking all this on himself. Maybe they didn't think they could fix anything but they had to save this kid. Did they believe Toichiro could be stopped at all? What were they like? We don't know much about them. How many of them were just in it to protect the kid? In hopes that maybe that idealistic, weird little boy that stumbled over to them would come out of this still a good person? God. I'm sorry I'm emo about found family. Don't mind me.
And I'm just. Okay. Okay. I think so much about how we get to know what other claw members are up to after everything, but...not Shou. Besides in fan books and stage plays, we uh. We got very little. And that makes him very interesting to analyze.
I just. Always think about how Serizawa stopped Shou from hurting Toichiro and how Serizawa got a happier life. Does Shou ever resent Serizawa? I think so much about their potential claw dynamic. Maybe he was one of the few who was kind to him, but was so disgustingly *loyal* to his dad it made him feel sick to look at. Serizawa would bring him snacks if he looked upset but would always respond to any criticisms of his father with the same unwavering Faith in him. Serizawa would comfort him after he lost a training session, Serizawa shielded the man who hurt him the most. Serizawa was a victim, Serizawa turned a blind eye to him. He needed to save Serizawa, and Serizawa never saved him. Did he feel responsible for Serizawa?
I think he felt like it was his responsibility as Toichiro's son to be the one to stop him. He needed to save everyone. He needed to make things right. He wanted his dad to go back to being who he was before things got really bad. I feel like. At first, Toichiro was an okay dad. And that's why it hurt so bad when everything went to shit and he started being so fucking horrible. Because Shou knew he was fully fucking capable of not sucking and he CHOSE to treat them like this anyway. He couldn't recognize him. He was a stranger with his dad's face and he had no idea what he did. Did he ever think if he could just fix Toichiro his mom would come back? Everything would go back to normal if he could just make Toichiro be a good person again? How long did that thought last?
I just. I always think about how aimless Shou strikes me as being the few times we see him in season three. He doesn't know what to do now. He had this whole purpose and plan. And then it didn't work. He didn't stop his dad. Mob did. His dad's alive. His dad changed his mind, but he's arrested. His mom and dad aren't together. Everything feels like it's tied up in a neat little bow for everyone except for Shou.
Of course we know that's not the case, but Shou doesn't know. Shou doesn't know that Serizawa was fucking panicked about disobeying Reigen even when their lives depended on it, Shou doesn't know that Mob's haunted by that battle. So from his eyes, it's very likely that he thinks he's the only one who hasn't moved on.
He goes from being always so dramatic sounding in all his lines in s1 and 2 to in season three just sounding...so much less? I don't know how to describe it. He sounds so much less...well. Everything was over for him, y'know? He built his whole life around carefully avoiding his dad and saving everyone and being the hero and then. Everything's done, and he didn't have a plan for what he'd do after. It all seemed like the end of Everything, and that'd be it! Nothing after that. But it's all over and he still has to live. Now what? Now what does he do?
How is Serizawa a functioning adult with a JOB now? Minegeshi joined when they were a teenager, how are they just...okay now? How did everyone, EVERYONE else get to move on, but Shou couldn't? Everyone else got their nice little ending, and Shou has nowhere to go. Does he tell his mom everything? That his dad tried to kill him but suddenly decided fine okay murder is wrong now, not soon enough to never have done that to him? Does he ask if he can stay with her? Will his lackeys want anything to do with him? Will Ritsu Everything's done and nothing's over, not for Shou, but everyone just fucking moved on. Everyone seems to be a better person than him now. Everyone seems to be fine in a way Shou just isn't.
Not to get back on my Shou and Serizawa bullshit but. Do you ever think about Shou seeing him again. And having no fucking clue what to think. Serizawa is just ...fine now. Suddenly he's no longer the guy who trailed after his dad and did horrible things for his dad without a THOUGHT. Suddenly he's smart and responsible now. Suddenly he's soooo good now. Where was all that when he needed it? Where was this functional, kind guy when he was TWELVE and trying to stop fucking terrorists. Where was this guy he would've done ANYTHING to have on his side when he was trying to save everyone from the man who raised him. Where was he. Why did he change now. Why had EVERYONE changed now. Why was Minegeshi trying for Mob, not Shou. Why was Serizawa trying for Mob, not Shou. Why was Toichiro trying for Mob, not Shou. Why didn't he MATTER. Why had NO ONE cared that he was in hell, that he wanted things to be okay. What's that one line. "If [Serizawa/Toichiro] has truly changed, it means he was ALWAYS capable of change. It means that I just wasn't worth changing for." And like. Objectively that's not what happened, objectively there were other factors and Serizawa and Toichiro are on very different levels, but Shou is like. Barely thirteen. He's BARELY thirteen. He is a child and all he's gonna see is that nobody cared when he needed them to. And now he's lost and has no idea what to do and everyone's just fine. Like he didn't almost die. Like his dad didn't try to kill him. Like he wasn't in hell for twelve goddamn years. Like he hadn't tried to save everyone. He's thirteen. He's not handling this well.
I feel like he just. Has no clue how to be normal. He doesn't know who he is now. He doesn't know what to do. His whole life orbited around stopping his dad and now his dad is different and locked up and he can't see him all the time, and things were so much worse back then so why does everything feel worse now. He doesn't know who he is now. He doesn't know what he wants now. I think so much about he says hes never using his powers again. Is he just trying SO hard to be normal. That's what he decided he wants now. He wants to be a normal kid who has friends and that's the only way to do it. He didn't have a Reigen in his life who'd tell him like he told Mob that powers are just another attribute. Maybe one day he'll talk to his lackeys, and maybe they'll hold him and tell him that that's his choice but that his powers aren't a curse or a weapon, they're just a *trait.* Or maybe he won't. I don't know. It's just so fucking. God. Shou, man. Shou.
Maybe one day he comes to spirits and such for Ritsu and sees Serizawa. Maybe they fight. Maybe they don't. Maybe they'll talk. It's just. God. Shou has so many loose ends in his life. Is he just trying to leave claw behind by never using his powers again, like he might think everyone else did? He went from "I need to save the world" to "I need to be a normal person." Did he shave his hair to look normal or did he shave it after he had a long talk with a friend that made him reevaluate things. What happened to him. If he has the spirits and such crew still, maybe he'll end up realizing that his powers are just another part of him. Maybe he'll realize they're not a curse or another thing his dad shoved on him. God. Aughhh. Sorry for being ill about Shou and possibly ooc about him but. Aughh.
Once again this is not an anti Serizawa post. I love Serizawa. Shou however probably has some Issues and I like to address them and try to give him more closure. Because I love him. Again, sorry if this is ooc, I'm still trying to get a grasp on him. If anyone who has a better grasp on him wants to add anything PLEASE let me know. I do not fully understand this guy yet but I would love to try to
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house-strong · 2 years
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summary ; requested by anon.
“hii i have an idea for a lucerys x fem reader !! where shes his betrothed and shes like a couples of years older than him??, also luke acting very shy bc of that.”
pairing ; lucerys velaryon x betrothed!reader
notes / warnings ; slight age gap mentioned. this was a little shorter than what i wanted but i didn’t want it to drag on,, viserys is also still alive and healthy,, hope u enjoy!
returning to court in king’s landing was something lucerys was never excited for.
his uncles, aemond and aegon targaryen, both had a shared hand in bullying the younger velaryon boy. despite having his brother jace with him at all times, it seemed that lucerys himself was always caught in a finicky situation. although his grandfather often berated aemond and aegon, it did little to help quell their hatred for their nephews, especially aemond.
however, this time, lucerys was betrothed to you and set to make public appearances before your marriage. you were originally supposed to be married off to aegon, but queen alicent ignored the wishes of her husband and instead, married aegon to his sister, helaena. whispers of calling your family ‘drunken cunts’ were rumored to have fallen from the lips of the queens mouth. though, it was only speculated.
in attempt to desperately repair an amend that was unraveling with each week that passed by, king viserys decreed that prince lucerys velaryon would take your place as your husband as prince jacaerys was already betrothed to his cousin. this was the right step in making repairs to the relationship between house targaryen and yours, as your family even agreed that it was far more suitable to marry the heir of driftmark than marrying a prince who held one of the farthest claims from the line of succession.
the only problem lucerys faced was the slight age gap between him and yourself. he always imagined himself to be with someone his age. you were older and more politically savvy; refined and pampered for royal court in ways that lucerys found intimidating. tales of your beauty and wit were never strangers to his ear which only added to the nerves that never seemed to go away.
perhaps a girl of nine-and-ten was a better match for a twenty year old man, rather than a boy shy of fifteen. however, lucerys did understand westerosi customs and gave no argument.
he’s well in thought whilst staring up at the ceiling of his private quarters. his ears are tuned to the hooting owl and the singing crickets outside the balcony adjacent to his bed. the breeze flits inside, ruffling the linen that allowed some privacy in the room. he sighs, hands clasped behind his head.
what could he do to dull this feeling of anxiety? this ceaseless dilemma of shyness that forever haunted his being like a phantom to a barren castle? he was so sure, since his life was full of constant worry, that he would be growing gray hairs like his uncle corlys. except, uncle corlys was shy of sixty and lucerys was barely a man. perhaps he’d grow fine lines like his beautiful aunt, rhaenys, or he’d grow the stern, brooding face of his father-in-law, daemon.
he wanted so desperately to be rid of the thoughts that ran marathons in his head.
a creak in the floorboards is quick to cease his torment; his mind going silent as the sound interrupts. he’s frozen in place what seems like, but he slowly removes his hands from behind his head. one hand searches blindly underneath his pillows, desperate to find the handle of the dagger.
“who goes there?” his voice sounds the least bit intimidating as the end of his sentence ends in a wavering voice crack. he curses himself, who would ever find him menacing?
there’s a warm, orange glow that appears at the bottom of the closed door; shadows dance in minuscule detail. the door opens with a soft croak and he noticed that it’s a woman covered in a shawl carrying the candlelit flame.
only when the figure comes closer and his eyes adjust to the light does he see who it is; it’s you.
“i didn’t mean to frighten you, my prince,” you say, voice bordering a whisper as you approach. lucerys’ hand abandons going for the dagger and instead, he props himself up on his elbows.
his face scrunches in mock offense, “frighten me? i wasn’t frightened. just curious, is all.”
with obviously ruffled feathers of his black hair and parted mouth with doe-like eyes, lucerys velaryon was the farthest thing from a good liar. instead of calling him out, you smile and move to light a few candles that decorated his bedside. soon, the entire room is filled with a mellow ambience. he sees your face more clearly and he’s almost left breathless.
“i don’t mean to sneak in here like a common cutthroat, but i was eager to meet my betrothed. i hope it’s not trouble?” lucerys can’t lie, your voice is like music to his ears. he feels himself sinking deeper and deeper with each word that flows beautifully from your tongue.
he almost doesn’t respond, “not at all, my lady.” he swallows the hardness in his throat and clutches his sheets in attempt to ease the wetness of his palms, “we’re to be wed.”
you sit at the edge of his bed, one foot propped up, dangling in the air while the other foot rests against the floor. you quietly set the candle your holding on his bedside table.
“indeed we are, i hope i don’t disappoint my prince?”
lucerys is almost offended for you by the notion. he’s quick to shake his head, “not at all, my lady. you are.. you’re everything i could hope for and more.”
you smile and duck your head at the compliment, hiding behind the shroud of your hair.
“can i confess something?” lucerys asks, releasing the grip he had on his sheets. he rubs his palms against his clothing and looks down while he fiddles with them. a soft ‘yes’ is heard in response and he takes a breath, releasing it slowly. “i must admit that i’m.. rather uncertain about this marriage.”
your brows furrow and you tilt your head, “how come, my prince?”
“lucerys, or– or luke,” he corrects. he blinks for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip tentatively. “you are.. my elder. i fear i won’t be as good to you as.. as aegon could be.”
aegon was the farthest thing to be compared to good. you supposed lucerys didn’t know, so you didn’t want to be the one to tell him about the rumors about his uncle.
you smile and reach for his hand, not minding the sweatiness that meets your skin, “have no fear, lucerys. i was once in your shoes,” you pause to take a thoughtful breath, “we all learn while we grow older. i can teach you some things too, if you’d like. there’s no shame in it.”
lucerys is thankful that you don’t share his same sentiment and also enjoys that you’ve offered to aid him. maybe he shouldn’t be so anxious about things. he gives you a sheepish smile.
“i’m glad you think that, my lady.”
“(y/n).” you’re quick to correct him, just as he had done to you just moments before. “if i know your name, it’s only fair you know mine.”
lucerys titters happily.
you’re first to beat lucerys at breaking the silence, “i fear it’s time for me to go, luke.” he likes the way you say his name. “before they start to miss me, perhaps i’ll see you again?”
lucerys catches himself blushing, “i would like that, (y/n).”
you lean forward and place a kiss on his cheek, wishing him a good night before grabbing the candle you originally came into his room with. you begin to sneak away, casting a glance over your shoulder to the princeling who was watching you get away.
you give him one more smile before opening his room door. you slink through the crack with practiced ease and disappear into the hallway.
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stevie-petey · 1 month
The way you write fights amazes me. And I have so so much to say about chapter one.
First of all you set everything up perfectly. I can see how Nancy is going to play into the conflict with Steve and bug. Steve feels left behind by bug and Nancy feels abandoned by Jonathan. Steve's fear of bug leaving him hurt me to my core, but I understand where bugs coming from. She doesn't want Steve to resent her for "taking him away" from everything he knows. She doesn't want her life with Steve to fall apart. She doesn't want to be like her father but her holding onto that resentment, fear and guilt is going to fuck up her relationships. You made it so believable with Dustin and bug. Bug was hurt by her brother and was upset with him mindlessly following Eddie around, without meaning to she pushed him more towards Eddie. I love that you don't hide bugs faults, and you always make both sides of the argument valid. How will Robin react to Steve and bugs fight? Will she be included when the murders first start or will Dustin's anger keep her out of the loop and feeling more abandoned? Also, OH MY FUCKING GOD THE JONATHAN PHONE CALL!!!!! As the self appointed president and member of the J.N.U ( jug nostalgia unit) THAT SENT ME INTO A SPIRAL! It also hurts because Jonathan still loves Nancy, and I feel like these "feelings" are only coming back because he misses his life before. He thinks everything went wrong after he left bug because it was different and new and that was hard on him. He doesn't necessarily want bug back, he misses when things were easy. He wants things to be easy again, and he's connecting bug with his life before. He thinks bug= easy/happiness when that's not necessarily the case. Or maybe he does have feelings for her, I just feel like they aren't coming from the right place. I do wonder if he'll remember when he sobers up, I feel like he would cause that's probably the first time bug hung up on him. He probably told argyle and argyle would remind him what he said and Jon would freak out. Bug probably feels so guilty about it. She's so worried about Nancy and Steve. Not only them but the whole party would fall apart. And bug would feel responsible. So she's holding all these feelings inside and we know what happens then😶. I feel so bad for my baby girl. I really like that alex started to sit with her. She deserves company after all she does for everyone else.
my dear anon u nailed everything so perfectly it makes me so :)) because you GET IT !!! you always understand my characters so well i love you for it sm
bug and steves fight is my roman empire because NEITHER were in the wrong. it ISNT fair of steve to place his entire future on bugs shoulder and it ISNT fair of bug to allow her past trauma to dictate how she reacts. she also shouldve put more thought into her relationship with steve and college. did she really think steve would just be a little toy that stays behind ??? he deserves more than that and she realized as much in this chapter lmao. robin and steve have a scene later about the fight so dw bbg i will explain it all soon <333
same goes for bug and dustin !!! for this one im more team dustin purely because bug IS being a little too possessive, but she also has always had her brother in her corner. him growing up and changing is jarring to her. and i loved exploring the faults with her !!!
jon :( i would love to be a member of the jnu pls </3 you so wonderfully explained everything and i cant say too much because i dive into the fight a bit more later, but youre right. jonathan misses when things were easy and in his mind: bug is easy. what they have is easy, but this doesnt mean its RIGHT. he misses how things were, jon hasnt really grown up yet like bug has. hes been left behind, almost. stuck in the past and hes really struggling. the feelings def arent coming from the right place just like steves feelings werent in season 2 :(
also shoutout to alex fr i love adding him in every season hes my own silly character who adds nothing to the plot except be funny and cool. a real one
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mothiepixie · 1 year
id love to know more abt Míngqín! her backstory, personality, how she got w her boys! if u dont mind sharing that is lol
Absolutely, I'll be adding some old art so I'll put this under read more.
Míngqín once was Wukong's lover just before he was trapped underneath the mountain. She was a naive little princess and extremely loyal to a fault. Wukong informed her, he would be back and asked that she wait for him. She waited for him til the end of her life.
She waited every day under their tree for his return. She was happy to do it, but as the years went by Míngqín knew that she'll never see Wukong again. She was both at peace and resentful over this.
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He returned 500 years later to her grave and the remorse weighs on him heavily to present day.
Now cutting to the present;
Míngqín is an internet café owner who is also an expert in the martial arts. She was supposed to take over the family martial art school, but she couldn't see herself being passionate about it long term. She wanted to own and run an internet café. 
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Her parents were against the idea, but her grandmother left Míngqín her café in the city where Míngqín lives above.
She met MK and the gang before Wukong made an appearance with her. But once he came to grab MK for training, he was immobilized recognizing Míngqín right away.  At least.. her reincarnation. 
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Míngqín has no memories of her old life at the beginning and the person who she was back then is completely different now. As her past self vowed to never waste her next life waiting on anyone again. 
It was slow coming, but Wukong and Míngqín were starting to fall for each other again.
Eventually Macaque takes an interest in Míngqín as well when she defended MK from him.
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He constantly teases her and she might be frustrated but she grows to care for Macaque deeply as well. 
Eventually, the three of them will become a throuple. And Míngqín will eat an immortal peach to remain by their sides.
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She visits the Flower Fruit mountain every so often, but the boys usually visit her more at her café. Macaque takes helping her out there and Wukong just likes to wreak havoc instead.
Míngqín's personality:
She is a rather stoic individual with a level head on her shoulders and great observation skills. She's not one for nonsense, and often the butt of Wukong's absurdity. Which she'll give him an ear for. The very same with Macaque although Macaque chooses to fluster her instead of pulling pranks or eating the goods at the café. 
She observes what's happening before her and decides how to act rather than acting without purpose.
Wukong and Macaque are able to bring more emotions out of her. They're a thorn in her side, but would do anything to protect them. 
Despite her hard appearance, she is actually quite kind, motherly and sweet. She has her own form of humor which is more in ties with her gothic aesthetic and can be a bit disturbing to some. Much to MK's dismay. 
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Míngqín cares deeply for MK as if he's her own little brother and is very protective over him.
She gets long fabulously with Sandy as they swap tea leaves and gossip.
Mei is like a rambunctious little sister and doesn't worry as much for her as Míngqín does for MK.
Pigsy and Míngqín have a father-daughter relationship, and she learns other recipes from him and vice-versa.
She likes Tang and thinks he's a funny little nerd, but he needs to pay his tab.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
actually what do u think of romkerry and that bag moment if you have any thoughts? def feel like there’s an implication of parallels and him relating to her at least even if roman is resistant to it(insulting her etc) lol
i think there are basically two things going on in that sequence. the first is that roman is genuinely sympathetic to her. he rushes over after she has a physical confrontation with colin, and even after kerry's been escorted out roman still seems pained by the whole thing and asks marcia if that was "really necessary." roman is good with people in a way his siblings aren't, and i do think he's genuinely empathetic here and at other times on the show (not, ofc, incompatible with him being an asshole).
largely his empathy here is because he can't help identifying with kerry at this point. roman always wanted to be wanted by his father, so when logan was alive kerry was essentially in competition with roman. now that logan is gone, roman understands kerry's position more as a mirror to his own. she's not trying to play mommy anymore, she's just another discarded and unloved person, and he does see that as pitiable. so that's all part 1.
the other aspect is that he asks for her phone number multiple times. roman's relationship to the concept of women as sexual partners has always been refracted through his relationship to logan. he was interested in tabitha initially because he perceived her as someone logan would find attractive; he pursued gerri as a logan proxy; and in season 3 there's a critical scene where logan encourages roman to sexually objectify kerry, with the implication that if he does so that'll count as "getting straightened out" and make him into someone logan could respect.
so, bearing in mind that in like 7 tv minutes roman is going to propose adding himself to kendall's takeover plan, i do think this sequence is also showing us that roman is displaying interest in his father's former sexual partner. roman has always viewed 'becoming logan' as the key to earning logan's love, which is what he's actually after. i think he's still sort of unable to face the fact that he's never actually going to be able to earn that love now, and caring for kerry is an action that makes sense to him because it's clearly what logan would've done. that it has a sexual overtone is not an accident.
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Have u ever thought about trans henry who says shit to try and fit in
Who did like and care for Victoria but never told her because he was afraid and just covered it up with the idea that they just married for status things
Who resents the idea of marriage in general because of that fear
Who only ever told Basil and loved the fact that Basil loved him anyway
Who secretly resented Basil when he drifted away cause Henry thought that maybe he didn’t like him anymore because he wasn’t a “real man”
Whose father would rather have never acknowledged his existence but given the death of his younger brothers and the disownment of his elder wasn’t left with much of a choice (at least he had another “son” to be his heir which also made henry hella conflicted cause at least his dad acknowledged him as the man he was but he knew his dad didn’t really believe that)
Who wishes for a more hedonistic world so maybe then his existence won’t be so taboo
Idk just a thought 🤷
Hey, Q, hey buddy, beloved mutual, friendo, this is a fantastic idea that one day deserves a fanfic and will be on my mind for the next week—are you trying to make sure I never finish TLG???!/joke/lighthearted
On a genuine note, that sounds like such a cool idea to explore! Not to impose my understanding of the characters, but that gets so interesting because I have one of Victoria’s biggest struggles being that she feels she’ll never live up to what a ‘woman’ is supposed to be. Henry could’ve found a lot of respite from her—since she is already open to the notion that 1) gendered roles are dumb and harmful and 2) they aren’t something set in stone. But, because Henry is who he is and lives in the time period he does, that wouldn't be enough reassurance to ever tell her.
Also since Gwendoline (Gwendolen???) is the only sibling Henry often comes around to hang with and is only two years apart from him (for my Henry), perhaps she knows but just immediately accepted it and has never seen Henry as anything but her brother—idk could be some cute sibling support. 
I think it would be a fascinating exploration of gendered roles in line with the og book as well! You have Dorian, a man who is often coded with feminine attributes and language (for the time) and then on the other hand Henry who has struggled with his identity for so long and yet sees Dorian succeeding in his assigned gender while maintaining those very feminine traits. It could be why Henry needs Dorian so much, because Dorian serves not just as proof that a taboo world would be the ‘better’ world but also that reaffirms his gender identity. Moreover, it could asks questions about why masculinity is always internally pitted against femininity and the roles 'men' and 'women' are expected to play.
But I will leave it there, because I have not done enough studies in transgender history and experiences for me to feel any more comfortable in adding any more (I am pretty sheltered and have been for a while. Even though, I am unsure of my own gender identity, I do not wish to contribute to any misconceptions of any group of persons). But, hey Q? You should totally explore this more!
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of-naboo · 11 months
—    BASICS.
▸     IS  YOUR  MUSE  TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE? Short | 5'3
▸      ARE  THEY  OKAY  WITH  THEIR  HEIGHT ? Yes, she's never really seen her height being an issue with the jobs / task needing to be done.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE? Brunette, silky, always taken care of and always being placed up in different designs to fit her current attire for whatever situation it may be.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING? YES, honestly seeing and reading the amount of effort she as well as her handmaidens put into her hair and just looks in general was mind blowing to me, but it also makes sense given where she came from and what she feels is to be expected from her.
[[Also, this is pretty long so I’m adding the read more.]]
▸      DOES  YOUR  MUSE  CARE  ABOUT  THEIR  APPEARANCE  /  WHAT  OTHERS  THINK ? Yes, in her line of work there is a means to keep a sense and look of professionalism at all times when in the eyes of her peers and the public.
▸     INDOORS  OR  OUTDOORS? Outdoors, there is a sense of freedom and beauty outside of walls of a building.
▸     RAIN  OR  SUNSHINE? Sunshine.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH?   Beach, it gives a sense of home on Naboo, especially at the lake house.
▸     PRECIOUS  METALS  OR  GEMS? Gems are for appearance, outside of that, she doesn't really have a preference on this. She holds what means something to her no matter what it looks like / or is made of.
▸     FLOWERS  OR  PERFUMES? Truth be told, despite the smell goods, she loves flowers. They remind her of her father's garden and takes her back to more simpler times where she would help plant / water the plants with her family.
▸     PERSONALITY  OR  APPEARANCE? Personality is preferred, appearances are a b o n u s.
▸     BEING  ALONE  OR  BEING  IN  A  CROWD? Crowds.
▸     PAINFUL  TRUTHS  OR  WHITE  LIES? Painful truths, a lesson she learned from her own mistakes as well as personally down the line. A truth means more, even if it hurts.
▸     SCIENCE  OR  MAGIC? Science, it has a line of basic understanding, though she isn't opposed to what people would call 'magic.'
▸      PEACE  OR  CONFLICT?   Peace, all she craves and wants for the galaxy and others is peace.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY? Day.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN? Dawn.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ? Warmth, it brings a sense of comfort.
▸     MANY  ACQUAINTANCES  OR  A  FEW  CLOSE  FRIENDS? A few close friends.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME? Reading.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS? I feel to some degree, based on movie / show and books, she can be too trusting of those who don't entirely deserve it. And also my girl wears those rose colored glasses when it comes to certain people and certain behaviors.
▸      HAS  YOUR  MUSE  LOST  ANYONE  CLOSE  TO  THEM?  HOW  HAS  IT  AFFECTED   THEM? Yes, there have been many who took up the job offer as handmaiden and lost their lives in the process. It led to forms of trauma regarding situations that could have easily played out but didn't. The thought still there, and the constant fear of it playing out again. Others didn't even lose their lives, it was a matter of being distant in the end. The life Padme lives isn't open to the public, even to those she wished it could be. So it takes a toll on her from time to time, but she tries not to show it in order to keep herself focused on whatever is her current target.
▸      WHAT  ARE  SOME  FOND  MEMORIES  YOUR  MUSE  HAS? The bonding with her friends/handmaidens. First interaction with Anakin Skywalker. Saving Naboo with help from others. Marriage. Pregnancy. Many things, but I'm answering this pretty late and have it queued for later.
▸      WHAT’S  IT  LIKE  WHEN  YOUR  MUSE  BREAKS  DOWN? Denial, tears, heart ache. Wondering if it could have been different.
▸      IS  YOUR  MUSE  CAPABLE  OF  TRUSTING  SOMEONE  WITH  THEIR  LIFE? Yes, canon. In AUs set for her, however, not as much.
▸      WHAT’S  YOUR  MUSE  LIKE  WHEN  THEY’RE  IN  LOVE? Over the moon, starstruck, flaws are nonexistent {for the most part}, laughter, talks about the future.
Tagged by stolen from old blog
Tagging: @rush-to-greatness @clairophant @citadel-survivor @mutatiio @mayxthexforce @acoldsovereign & anyone else interested in doing it!
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taegularities · 2 years
Omgggg just finished reading c&f and wow🤭 I’m usually not into period pieces, idk maybe it’s the disconnect, but this was so good omg
The scene where y/n and jk are listening to the little boy recite his poem and she’s just gushing about how much she enjoys and appreciates the kids was so cute🥲
Ik the premise of their relationship is being rivals, but are we going to dig in deeper to more specific issues bc ik jk hinted at y/n to be the one to find his dad? (I really hope I’m not pulling this out of my ass) and the overall bullying they did to each other, but I wonder if there was more bigger arguments between them
The end💔💔💔💔 ik it’s the hopeless romantic in me, but I also think there was a small truth to what jk was agreeing to w his uncle, I feel like maybe he first planned to get w y/n to use her, but spending more time w her made him actually appreciate their friendship, but why can’t he just admit he actually liked her??(if he actually does)
Also the cmi snippet😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 the angst is definitely angsting
But it was such a fun read thank u
omg i think that's the 3rd ask in succession that i'm answering that starts with "i'm not usually into royal aus but..." lol i love you all, thank you so much for giving my fic a chance 😭
yes, i added the entire poetry scene in the very last moment; it wasn't planned, so i'm happy you enjoyed the final addition 🥺 and i like your hopelessly romantic theory! it's very possible that he changed his mind as he got to know her. his thoughts are a puzzle, and he better explain them to her.
regarding your question about their relationship – in my head, their dislike for each other did start bc of the bullying, but even before that, it was the fact that jk connected his father's death too much with oc. it made despising her easier, bc the memory still hurt(s). but now that all that shit went down at the end of ch1, their rivalry has truly started, bc oc is pissed pissed. :') there were def huge past arguments between them, but i'll see if i'll get into them in the next chapters!
and no no, oc didn't find his dad, he died due to something natural, in his home! she found jk, after his dad's death. thank you for reading, star, it means a lot that you came by and told me all that 🤍
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carolinemillerbooks · 6 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
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8000 Years Of Mysogeny
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I’ve given up worrying about the existence of God.  Discussions about diety I leave to the young. After decades spent thinking about the inscrutable, all I gleaned from religious precept was that misogyny rises from it like a noxious odor.  I’m not alone in this opinion. Donna Nolan Fewell, a scholar of the Old Testament writes, The Bible, for the most part, is an alien text (to women), not written by women or with women in mind. Christopher Hutchins cast a withering eye on the Scriptures, as well, and arrived at an ancillary conclusion. The cure for poverty has a name; it’s called THE EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN.  Now, name me a religion that stands, or ever stood for that. Feminist writer Barbara G. Walker also added to my knowledge.  She pointed out that Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine held grudges against women and that holy father John Scotus Eriuge made men the following promise. ..when the heavens finally open in glory, women will be eliminated. (“Does Religion Make People Kind, Generous?” by Barbara G. Walker, FreeThought Today, March/April. pg. 14.) A prediction like that makes God irrelevant to the future of womankind and raises a question.  If the weaker sex is to be barred from heaven, why can’t men be more charitable to them on earth? So far, the patriarchal doctrine has done nothing except insist that women are inferior creatures unworthy of simple justice Honor killings are an example. That a woman who has been raped should pay with her life while her attacker goes free is perverse.  What’s more, the myth that sustains it is absurd.  Reason balks at the suggestion that all women should be punished because one plucked an apple from its branch. In Western societies, Honor killings aren’t prevalent, but other injustices prevail. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a heinous example.  No longer allowed to control their bodies, women in the United States have been returned to the status of chattel. After 8,000 years of brainwashing, it’s not surprising that many women have accepted their inferiority, helped by Judas Goats who betray their sisters for a smattering of patriarchal privileges.  Phyllis Schlafly, an attorney in the 1960s, is an example.  She railed against the Women’s Movement and warned equality was the enemy of domesticity.       Amy Coney Barrett, U. S. Supreme Court Justice, appears to follow in Schlafly’s footsteps. Her religious conviction that a husband is his wife’s master made her vote to overturn Roe v. Wade inevitable. Katie Britt, U.S. Senator from Alabama, may be another of their ilk. That she chose to deliver the Republican response to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address from her kitchen is noteworthy.  My comments about these women may seem unfair. Nonetheless, I’ll wager none of them found the time to make biscuits from scratch. If they are or were to be blind to their hypocritical positions, I must blame 8,000 years of patriarchy.     Masculine paranoia predates the Women’s Movement, so I’m inclined to question the conclusion of a 2024 study laying blame for misogyny at women’s feet. If true, the cause and effect is unclear to me. Why should a woman’s desire for equality disconnect men from society and send them into private lives of underachievement, underemployment, online addiction, and white supremacy?   I propose we search for masculine hostility within the male psyche. At the subliminal level, is it possible men doubt their superiority or harbor the fear that nature favors women? Consider this solitary fact as evidence. The male-defining Y chromosome is disappearing. The fault has nothing to do with women. It lies within the human genome.  The female X chromosome reproduces through genetic recombination, but the Y chromosome uses a cut-and-paste procedure. The latter is inferior to recombination because it produces errors that cannot be corrected.  Over time, these flaws accumulate so that, according to scientists, within another 4.6 billion years women will find themselves alone in the universe.  Let me hasten to assure my male friends that neither I nor a majority of women rejoice in that outcome. Nonetheless,  nature is experimenting with unisex reproduction. Enter the Japanese spiny rat, the first among mammals to shed its Y chromosome yet continue to procreate.       And so, my male cohorts, given your prospects for the future, it’s time to consider the olive branch.  Women are willing to forgive 8000 years of neglect if over the next 4.6 million years you join us in peace.  Together we can confront a deaf, dumb, and blind universe confident that we are unique because we know how to love. If any man doubts the generosity of this offer, let them remember this.  A woman’s voice is the first sound a child hears in the womb. At the closing, a woman’s tears may be the last sound a man hears.     
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aquariium-ediits · 2 years
Take this as your opportunity to talk about your source!! I'd love to know more about it!
Long post. Probably. There's a lot.
CW: Quick occasional mention of blood as it's relevant to my quirk, although no graphic descriptions of violence or anything similar!
Uhmmm where to start. I'm a villain (22yrs in-source) and was recruited to the League sometime shortly after Dabi and Toga and have been with them ever since! My quirk doesn't have an exact name, however my blood has healing properties if people consume it. (I remember hearing that Toga insisted I join because it was an excuse for her to be able to drink.) Shigaraki was reluctant at first because I had never had any experience with actual villain-y things (according to Asahi, intro later, and neither of us know what he meant but ok), but realized a healer who could come along on missions would probably come in handy, even if the healing was through unorthodox means. Soo that's basically the long story short of me joining the league.
I also have other non-canon sourcemates! Uhmm Asahi (28yrs), who has a tarot related quirk and is basically the big brother I never had. Asahi's adopted kid, Bee (11yrs), a very nice boy who never really does any actual villain work but uhm. People like him (including me! He's polite and doesn't cause trouble so nobody really minds him) so he stays. Also Asahi would hate being separated from his son soo. Yeah. Keiko (16yrs), a girl with a cat quirk who's like. Weirdly good at using weapons? I don't even know how she learned to use them but. Oh well. There's also Mio, Riku, Hatsumi, Seiko, Lucy and Eighty-One but if I talked about them all we would be here for way too long. This is about me! However I may also talk about them some other time.
This is not going to be organized at all. Uhm. Oh gosh. Let's talk about relationships?? Obviously what I say here does not apply to other irls, fictionkins, fictives, etc of these characters, it is simply how they were in the timeline where I existed. Ok? Ok. Right off of the bat, me and Shigaraki were dating for a while (I say this because my memories of the more recent events in the series- Because of things being complicated as the final war started, dating makes things complicated so. Uhm. Yea?). Obviously when we first met we weren't anything special, but as time went on we became official, although Shigaraki never really liked being affectionate in front of anyone, even the League. This is why I consider him my f/o and get upset if people say they're his partner or whatever :'D (although in the end, the only thing that matters to me is that he's happy and doing alright.) He was also bi in my timeline, if that means anything to spinaraki/shigadabi shippers, lmao.
Uhmm other canon characters.. Dabi and I were on pretty good terms, I guess? Not bad, not amazing, but naturally because I was the healer of the group, he didn't really have a bad opinion of me. As far as I know, nobody really did. You know how people call the LOV something like a family? The way I remember it, I'd say that isn't very far-off. The League allowed Bee to have a father, Hatsumi to have acquaintances and even friends, Toga to have some friends her own age who wouldn't think badly of her because of her quirk, etc etc. Sure, us being villains certainly added a lot of complication to us being friends, family or romantic partners but nonetheless we cared about eachother.
Nothing was really canon breaking aside from there being like, eight extra villains with their own backstories that may or may not affect a few things. Like, for example, because of Riku, there's now a well-known family who's responsible for lots of the pharmaceutical industry. Because of Seiko, who screws with the canon a solid bit more than the rest of us, there just so happened to be another Todoroki child. Because of Lucy, there's a well-known pro hero who went rogue. Mio is another assistant of AFO's, specifically aiding Garaki around his lab (apparently at first it was just cleaning, but she's eventually became a very good scientist herself with some knowledge of medicine and such). So I mean.. On our own, none of us (me, my noncanon sourcemates) really break the canon, but I guess us all existing together has kinda made our canon uh.. a little tiny bit canon divergent, to put it softly. But I love all my sourcemates, the only thing that sucks is I'll never see my noncanon ones ever again. Shigaraki is definitely the one I miss the most, though, but because I'm noncanon I heavily doubt there's any Shigarakis out there who remember me :'D
Okay, wow, that was a lot for something that didn't even really scratch the surface of who I am or who my noncanon teammates are, but uh.. Maybe I should continue that rentry wiki thing. I was working on a massive rentry with information about me, my past, my relationships/opinions of others and as well as some mini bios for my noncanon sourcemates because. I guess. If there's no fandom wiki for you, make one yourself! But it's been taking a VERY long time, sadly, just cuz there's so much to work on. But hey, who knows, maybe someday I'll finish it (or have it done enough that I feel comfortable sharing it with you guys, for those who want to read it?)
Anyways this is getting really long, even with the small text, so thank you so much again, Anon! T'was a truly kind thing you did for me !! /gen
I have some doodles of my sourcemates so let me see if I can find some..
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The images got squished so you should totally click on them to see them better. The first two are doodles of me, then one of Asahi and Bee, then Riku, Riku+Seiko and then just Seiko :D
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
Why do you dislike edgeshot? (I'm just curious, not offended or anything. I hope u don't mind me asking.) Is it just because he is a depthless personalityless stereotype that's just there taking up panel count without adding anything worthwhile to the story (bnha does have a lot of these so I can understand being fed up of that), or is there a particular reason?
You’re pretty close to on the mark, anon! (Also, you are a witty and succinct person who gave me a solid laugh, so thank you for that.)
I’m not afraid to admit that the main reason is pure personal pettiness that he’s apparently the one who defeated Re-Destro, off-camera, somehow, despite me being hugely unclear as to how exactly his ‘piercing’ gimmick would even work against RD’s concentrated Stress (on his prosthetics, sure, but that just reduces RD's mobility, not his defense).  That’s, like, 95% of the reason right there.
Edgeshot does compound the problem by being all the other stuff you said, though.  I could maybe take some Copium and get over it if he had anything else going on as a character, but he just doesn’t.  It’s not even just that he’s pure stereotype (and not a particularly interesting stereotype, at that), but that, compared to even just his fellows in the Top 10 Hero Rankings, he’s so impossibly dull, with no interesting relationships, drama, frailties, weaknesses or losses whatsoever.
Like, take a look at this, then hit the jump with me:
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Endeavor: HIS FLAWS ARE LEGION.  And while he wins his fights, he doesn’t do so without taking damage—first the scar from High End, and now he’s just lost an arm to AFO, and isn’t out of the woods yet. Has distinct relationships with quite a few different people in the cast.
Hawks: I may not be very happy with how the narrative is handling him right now, but there’s no denying that it’s gotten a lot of mileage out of the conflict between his conscience and his training, his cheerful mask and his lethal pragmatism.  He hasn’t yet and apparently may never fully grow his wings back after his Dabi run-in, and he's still in the middle of a fight with AFO, so there's time for more to go wrong yet. Has a handful of reasonably well established relationships with other characters, including some heavy duty worldbuilding stuff.
Best Jeanist: First character to baldly state, “Heroes and villains are two sides of the same coin,” reflecting a nuanced understanding of the impact of image long before that element would come into play with Dabi’s video.  Lost a lung to AFO; still tends to cough blood when he exerts himself overmuch. Has a whole thing with Bakugou.
Mirko: Says disparaging things about teamwork just as the manga is swinging towards it being The Done Thing for heroes post-Kamino.  A blood knight rabbit.  Lost an arm and a leg against the Near High Ends, currently fighting with very visible prosthetics.
Crust: Uncool, heart-on-his-sleeve weepiness.  Only heroic character to express sympathy to the Near High Ends.  Dies saving Aizawa’s life. Seems to have a hero father?
Kamui Woods: Interestingly stark moral binarism towards villains.  Got taken out during the raid on Jakku because he dropped his guard and swung face-first into a blue fire inferno. Is maybe-probably dating Mount Lady.
Wash: Strange cartoon character.  Showed sorrow about the state of his turf after the raids.  Got beaned with a ballistic frying pan and shouted at by angry, unsympathetic civilians.
Yoroi Musha: Did a sturdy, admirable job for decades, but what he’ll be remembered for is that he retired after the war because he valued being wanted more than he valued helping people.
Ryukyu: Self-effacing, has a semi-solid relationship with her interns we see periodically, gets her hand rather hideously punched through at Jakku by Shigaraki’s raw strength.  Still hasn’t shown up in the current arc, though she was at least shown as active in the interim, so we know she’s not out of commission.
Like, of that lot, Ryukyu doesn’t have a tremendous lot of personality, not has she taken any particularly bad damage or losses, but she at least has something established with some of the students, and when she fights, she has to work for it.  You can see her straining, see the pain she’s sometimes in; she soldiers through it, but it isn’t effortless.
Crust is basically a caricature, but he’s not a caricature who’s out there defeating major villains.  When he faces a snap decision to save Aizawa or save his own skin, he doesn’t get a miracle; he doesn’t manage to somehow do both and look effortlessly cool doing it.  He saves Aizawa, and he dies for it.
Wash may be a bonkers character who we don’t know if is a man in a strange costume or one of the series’ more bizarre heteromorphs, but he demonstrated more humanity in Chapter 300 than Edgeshot has in 300 chapters altogether.  Out in the ruins of a city, being attacked physically and verbally—and not being unshaken by either!—Wash nonetheless rallies himself to help those people anyway.
Edgeshot?  Never comes up against a villain that makes him work for it.  Never shown actually interacting with interns or teammates outside of combat, as opposed to just being on-panel with them.  Always cool and collected.  Never shaken, never falters, never takes significant injuries.  Okay, yes, it looks like his hand is a bit fucked up in Chapter 296, which I’d probably call about equivalent to Ryukyu’s injury, but he’s a total stoic about it.  We don’t get to see him take that injury or react to it in any way.  He’s on-scene at Kamino and even goes a few rounds to keep AFO distracted, but somehow comes out of that totally fine. There’s never any sense that Edgeshot is seriously up against someone who outclasses him because he never seems to have to work for anything he does; the closest he came to having to really struggle was his fight against Re-Destro, which happened almost entirely off-camera.
You know the closest anyone has ever come to handing Edgeshot a significant failure? Haimawari Koichi, from the damn spin-off manga. And even that's probably more Jeanist's failure than Edgeshot's; regardless, it doesn't cost Edgeshot anything because all Koichi's trying to do is run away.
So, that's the sum of it. There’s just nothing the slightest bit engaging about Edgeshot to me.  God in heaven, someone hand that guy a loss.  I am ready and past ready.
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Summary: Harry and Y/n meet again. This time spending more time together and getting to know each other. 
warnings/ disclaimers: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of childbirth. 
Harry was out searching for a book. He had left Loralie with his mother for the day since he had some errands to run and it would be a busy day. He had finished all of his books and he was on the search for another, maybe even some extra ones for his classroom. He had stopped by his favorite coffee shop and ordered his favorite black coffee to start his day of errands, then he went to the market to get everything for dinner tonight- he thought he might as well get it out of the way since he hates grocery shopping.
Now he’s on the way to a bookstore, he didn’t want to order it on Amazon or just go to a big chain store so he did a quick google search and found a small book store a block down the road from the coffee shop he had gone to. He wanted to find the book burning in water, drowning in flame- his sister had recommended it to him and now he was itching to read it.
He made his way to the bookstore, it looked like a homey place just from the outside of the store. It was a rust colored brick with two sconces on either side of the top of the book shop, a rather tall building- possibly a flat at the top. Harry looks at the cacti peeking through the windows, little flower stickers to decorate.
Harry walks into the book shop, opening the door making the golden bell at the top of the door frame sound off. As soon as Harry steps in he notes the warm scent, it smells like the owner had been baking cookies. “Hello!” He hears a cheerful voice sing while he steps toward the poetry aisle in search of the book. “Is there anything I could help you with today?” He hears the voice again making him turn his head. To his surprise it’s Y/n, he’s been thinking about her. “Oh, hi.” He says bashfully, smiling and stepping over to the cashier counter she was behind.
Y/n smiles, continuing to add price tags on the back of her new shipment of books. She had started her little business officially a bit after she had gotten pregnant with Milo. Milo’s dad had left her after she broke the news to him, they were in their early twenty’s (Y/n being twenty one and him being twenty two) so it was understandable that he didn’t want children yet but the way he dealt with the situation was just dramatic and too much on Y/n. So she put everything into her little book shop, she took out a loan and bought this place, starting planning and putting her all into it, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
“Hi Harry.” She says, adding a book to the stack. Harry blushes at her tone again, she’s hard to read. “Um… do you happen to have burning in water, drowning in flame?” He asks, whirling around her display of different styles and colors of bookmarks. He is a twenty six year old man, why is acting like one of his students who thinks he’s handsome? Y/n laughs, nodding while she pulls her mug up to her lips- Harry thinks it’s hot chocolate (and he’s right). “It’s in poetry, first aisle, third shelf, second row.” She says, impressing Harry in how she has memorized every single spot of her book store.
Harry gives her a tight nod, walking over to the poetry section and looking for the book. “Is this your place?” Harry asks, making conversation while the rest of the store is dead silent.
“Yeah, me and Milo live in the flat upstairs.” Y/n admits. Harry’s ears perk up, she didn’t say anything about a partner. He walks back to the counter placing his book down, not handing it over to her yet. “When did you open this place?” He questions, looking around the shop. He sees some crystals, some candles- that both look up for sale and also her personal ones. It’s cute.
“After I got pregnant with Milo. Right after Xavier left me.” She says, leaving Harry wondering. “Xavier is…?” Y/n sighs, rolling her eyes a bit. It’s only their second time meeting and she’s already giving him her sob story. “He’s what would be Milo's father.” She says, picking at her bare nails. She doesn’t consider Xavier Milo's father, he’s never been there for him so he’s not a father. Harry’s lips form a tight line, “um, Loralies mum died… so… we’ve all got baggage.” He laughs, trying to cut the tension.
Loralies mum had died, she died during childbirth. She already had a particularly painful and rough pregnancy with Lora and that was just extremely unexpected, Harry just thanks his stars everyday that his little one is safe with him. “That’s awful, Harry. I‘m sorry.” Harry smiles at her, “it’s okay. I’ve got my Lora so I’m okay.” Y/n nods, smiling and grabbing the book from between his fingers. “She’s a sweet girl.” She compliments.
Harry nods, feeling a little cocky over how well he has raised his daughter. “Is this all for you?” She asks, pulling out a small brown bag with the logo and name on it- they are cute. “Yes please.” Harry politely says, making her laugh under her breath. “If this is your first time here? You get a free bookmark with every book you purchase if it is.” She says, nodding over to the bookmarks. Harry nods, looking through the bookmarks and picking a random Fleetwood Mac one- cute, he thinks. Y/n adds the bookmark to the bag, setting it infront of him. “13.22” she says, Harry fishing his wallet out.
“Are you doing a lot today?” He asks, motioning down to all the books stacked around her while he hands her a ten and four singles. She shrugs, “the usual.” Y/n says, handing him back his change. Harry thinks for a second, pausing his response making Y/n a little nervous. “I could help?” Harry offers, setting his coffee on the table. Y/n gives him a questionable look, sharpening one of her eyes at him. “You want to put tags on books and reorganize with me?” She asks, making Harry laugh. He nods, putting a bookmark back in its place “see, I’m already helping.” He says cheekily.
Y/n smiles, shaking her head. “I guess you can help.” She says.
Soon enough they are sat on the brown carpet, mountains of books around them. Y/n has a blanket wrapped around her and Harry has his legs stretched out. Y/n is tagging books while Harry is setting by the book shelf closest to them organizing. “I swear they put something in the water fountain at that school, the kids are always running and screaming around my classroom while I’m trying to talk about how Van Gogh cut off his own ear.” Harry says, making Y/n loudly giggle, thinking about how Milo probably gives him a horrible time on Wednesdays.
“You like working where Loralie is?” She asks, Harry of course nodding. Loralie is his baby, he loves knowing she’s just up the stairs- especially if she were to get sick or hurt he would be right there to take care of her. “Yeah, I wish I could always be with Milo but one of us has to make the money.” She jokes which makes Harry laugh.
“She always comes waddling into my classroom screaming for me- which disrupts the class but I don’t care.” He shrugs, his mind going back to Loralie. “Oh shit, I’ve got to pick her u-“
“Hi! How are you, baby!” Y/n cheers, Milo running toward her then crashing into her in a hug. Y/n’s friend Mikaela had babysat Milo for the day while Y/n tried to get as much work done as she could. Usually on the weekends (like today) Milo will be in the store with her… which tends to distract her. “Um, I’ve got to go but we should do this again? Maybe… over dinner?” Harry asks, Y/n’s face lighting up.
“Are you asking me on a date?” She teases, Harry blushing and nodding. Y/n laughs, slipping her phone from her pocket, “take my number and we can schedule that date you’re begging me for.” She teases.
Harry gets her number, thanking her for the book and letting him stay before he slips out. Now he’s got to get back to Loralie. But he’s got a date!
Later that night when Harry and Loralie are practicing her memorizing her ABCs his phone beeps. He ignores his at first, just expecting it to be a stupid text from his friend Mitch, but once he looks down he sees Y/n’s contact name. “Keep going, bug.” Harry says, grabbing his phone from the carpet while they set on the floor of the living room, unlocking his phone.
Hii, im free next Friday :) let me know if that works with your schedule!
Harry laughs at her cute little smiley faces, trying to think up a response that doesn’t make him sound a thousand years older than her. The tip of his tongue sticks out while he types back his response, his eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Hello! Friday works, how about 5:30? I can pick you up.
He lays his phone back down and helps Loralie with her letters, pulling her onto his lap. “D is for Daddy!” She cheers, making Harry smile, chuckling and kissing her round cheeks while she squeals. Harry hears his phone ding, grabbing it and reading the response, thanking god she answered. He thought his heart would explode out of his chest. It was beating so hard.
That sounds good ☺️ see you then!
Harry got her to say yes, but now he has to deal with the anxiety of actually going on the date. What should he wear, where should they go? Should he be opening the door and pulling out her chair or is that not in-in dating anymore? He hasn’t dated since Loralies mum and his baby is two years old now, it’s been quite a long time since he dipped his toe into trying to charm a woman. He just hopes he’s still got it.
The day is here. Loralie is with her grandma so Harry can get ready for the date. He’s been panicking and running all around his little house. He showered and smothered himself in lotion and his best cologne- he wanted to smell nice for her. He was adding leave in conditioner to his hair (which he hardly remembers to do) to make it more silky and the curls look a bit prettier than they usually do- he doesn’t know much about hair, he just does what his sister tells him what his hairdresser tells him he should do.
He planned out an outfit, a pair of tan dress pants with a white tank top and a cardigan over it. He had thought over the outfit a bit too much, was it too casual for the date? Was the cardigan too much? He decided against his thoughts and layers some pearls on, sliding his rings on that were in a jewelry dish, placed in there before his shower. He takes a look in the mirror, readjust his cardigan before he gives himself a little nod. He feels good about this.
He makes his way over to Y/n flat, walking up the metal steps to her flat and knocking on the door. When she opens the door he notices just how amazing her home smells, just like her book shop. He needs to remember to ask her where she gets her candles. “Hi,” Harry smiles, looking his date up and down. She was dressed nicely. It was a sage green dress with spaghetti straps, it stopped a couple inches above her knee. Harry thought it was cute.
She paired it with gold jewelry and a black cross body bag. Dirty white vans to go along with it that added a child-like feel to the outfit. Harry thought that was cute too.
“Hi,” she smiles, glancing behind her. “You look nice.” Harry says, suddenly feeling hot. Y/n laughs under her breath, thanking him. “You look nice as well.” Harry smiles bashfully, looking down at his feet. “Thank you”
Y/n says her goodbyes to Milo, hugging and kissing him before thanking her friend again for watching him. It’s the same one from last week, Mikaela. They get into Harry’s car, a bit of awkward silent before Y/n breaks it, Harry stopping the tapping of his fingers along to the low radio once her voice interrupts it. “So, where are we going?” She asks, smoothing her dress out against her thighs.
Harry laughs, he’s not prepared for dates and for some reason he hadn’t thought about the most important part. “I’ll eat anywhere to be honest.” Y/n admits, looking through her window at all the different places.
Harry was looking around in a panic and he finally pulled something out of his ass that sounded good, especially on his teacher salary. “Olive Garden?” Harry says, trying to say it confidently but it definitely comes out as more of a question. Y/n’s eyes light up, she’s in the mood for bottomless salad and breadsticks. “That sounds heavenly.” And Harry is happy to hear that.
They walk into the busy restaurant, instantly getting escorted to a table. Harry is happy they didn’t have to wait- that would have just been embarrassing since he threw this together last minute. They sat in the booth, sliding in and getting comfortable. “So, how’s the bookstore?” Harry asks, pulling apart his breadstick. Y/n knocks her shoe with his under the table, she thinks it’s cute how bashfully he can get when just asking a simple question. “It’s good. How are your little art students?” Harry playfully rolls his eyes at her choice of words.
“It’s good. They are doing self portraits.” Y/n laughs, her eyes widening.
“How’s that going?” Harry laughs, shaking his head. “They look like shittier versions of Picasso’s paintings.” Y/n dramatically gasps through her laughs, “aren’t you supposed to worship the ground that man walks on? Why would you say that?” Harry rolls his eyes once again, chuckling at her. “I’m just behind honest!”
Their date goes on the same, they order their food, giggling while they eat and even getting into a little food fight with the leftover breadsticks. (They weren't being humble, they asked for another basket) They finished their food, “That was fun.” Y/n admits smiling. Harry nods, taking the check and opening his wallet. “Here,” y/n holds out her card, Harry shaking his head. “I’ll pay.” Harry shrugs her off, handing his card tucked in the black check book the waiter had brought over back to him before she can further protest.
Y/n scoffs, throwing another breadstick at him that he tried to catch but it’s too greasy. “Hey! I thought we had a truce?!” Harry questions her. She shakes her head, apparently swearing off the truce. Harry shrugs, thanking the waiter when he brings his card back along with their mints. “You better sleep with one eye open then.” Harry says, standing up and waiting for her. She laughs, standing up and pulling her bag over her shoulder. “I have a three year old, I basically sleep with them both open. You’re nothin’.” She says, Harry nodding his head in agreement. He knows just how she feels.
They drive back to her flat, Harry of course walking her to her door. “I had so much fun tonight.” Harry says, looking down before he looks up at Y/n. She smiles, blushing. She hasn’t dated since Xavier and she admired that to Harry tonight, they both admitted that they haven’t dated since their children’s parents so they felt a lot comfortable knowing they were both rusty.
“Me too, you’re a really sweet guy, Harry.” She says. She needs to remember to thank her forgetful little Milo for leaving his folder in Harry’s classroom. “Thanks for agreeing to go out with me. I was pretty nervous.” Harry admits a bit sheepishly. Harry is a bit giddy on the inside about them hitting it off so well, they were having the best conversation and at times they were getting extremely loud, probably annoying the people around them, but they didn’t care, they had fun. “Yeah, I was nervous as hell but I haven’t had this much fun in a while. Thanks for tonight.” Y/n smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
Harry’s eyes widen, but he still kisses her back. He hasn’t kissed anyone in so long he thought he had forgot how to for a second. His hands come up to cup her jaw, moving his lips with hers. “I’ll see you soon. Have a good night.” Y/n smiles, opening her door with red cheeks. Harry nods, a little flabbergasted. “Have a good night.” He says, trudging down her steps.
And now he’s hooked on her.
Tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
If you liked this please reblog and please tell me what you thought of it ☺️ thank you for reading!! I hope you all like the series so far I’m writing part three right now so it should come out soon ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫:
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Author's Note: So I completely forgot that it was Holi. In my defense, I don't celebrate Holi cause I'm Muslim and I live in London 😂 even my very Indian Amma forgot. Anyway, thanks to @moaengenesworld for the inspiration and now I have a billion different desi reader ideas in my head.
Permanent Taglist: @staysstrays @chirokookie Send an Ask to be added to the taglist.
Also I'm writing on my phone so sorry for spelling and grammar... And I'm the one getting a degree in English 💀 turned out longer than expected so read more.
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This is only the second time he's meeting ur parents.
You told the guy to wear clothes he wouldn't mind getting dirty.
Did he listen no.
Man comes in nice clothes but thankfully he has a bag with old clothes.
You show no mercy. It's Holi.
Poor guy has just come out after changing and you've already thrown colourful powder at him.
This means war.
Somehow Heeseung charms your cousin's into being on his side.
Before you know it, there's an all out war going on between all the families involved.
Even the gossip aunties have chosen a side.
Surprisingly they've chosen ur boyfriends side.
Heeseung goes all out to make sure he wins. This unnofical battle.
Needless to say ur parents love him.
Literally everyone loves him.
Your make cousins have decided to idolise Heeseung and he's very proud.
The elders think he's the cutest, most innocent bean ever.
They threaten you on his behalf.
All in all a very successful Holi.
He has done his research.
Knows the cultural and religious importance of Holi.
Secretly also has been practicing Hindi to speak infront of ur parents.
Has watched his fair share of Bollywood movies for research purposes.
Shocks literally everyone by speaking in Hindi.
Your mum takes you aside and tells you he is a keeper.
Shockingly your father is the first throw colour at Jay.
Scared to retaliate, Jay targets you instead.
All anyone sees is the two of you running after each other.
Your parents laugh and take as many pictures as they can.
The gossip aunties take him aside and ask him all sorts of questions.
They are impressed.
There's that one aunty that hates you.
She starts to badmouth you in Hindi.
Thinking jay won't understand.
Oh he does understand.
Replies to her and shuts her mouth.
Everyone loves him after.
Tries to pull a filmy move.
You know the one, holds your pallu to pull you towards him.
To mess with him you pull back suddenly.
Causing him to fall into some random uncles.
They aren't even mad, just laugh.
He shut up the aunty everyone hates.
Is now invited to every single family function.
Is the most excited.
So excited he's there before you.
Has already greeted your parents.
They love him.
Of course they do.
The older aunties think he's the perfect gentleman.
The uncles just love his accent.
By the time you get there.
He's already playing with the kiddos. When you try to join.
He's like sorry I promised to play with your cousin's next.
Your a pouting mess.
He's ur boyfriend.
This is UR families Holi party.
But he makes up for it.
Man has a whole song prepared.
You recognize the quintessential Holi song and the voice.
Confused you look at the makeshift stage.
There is your boyfriend singing in a foreign language perfectly.
Literally every female is swooning.
The men are groaning cause now the expectations are high.
It's one of the best holis.
Is nervous but will do this for you.
Has watched Bollywood movies for reference.
They aren't much help.
Your family is chaotic.
There is no time to breath.
You haven't even stepped inside that you already have colour thrown in ur faces.
And it's on.
U forget abt ur shy boyfriend.
You have a cousin to attack.
Confused Sunghoon finds himself with the elderly.
They make small talk with him.
They think he's adorable.
At some point you remember that Sunghoon isn't with you.
Finding him with the elderly.
They encourage him to go have fun.
He actually joins in. But not for long.
He goes back to the elderly aunties.
They welcome him back.
At some point they are telling him their life stories.
And he's very interested.
They've lived dramatic lives.
When it's time to leave.
He gets all their numbers.
He is now known as dadis favourite.
Immediately joins in the fun.
Doesn't even wait for you.
He's running around with everyone.
When he gets tired he sits at the gossip aunties table.
He's very interested in the tea.
Doesn't let any of them say anything bad abt u or ur family.
Very much interested in all the drama.
Your cousin's get him up and running again.
Surprises you when you least expect it.
Eats with the gossip aunties.
The gossip aunties tell you they love him.
He's now part of at least 3 different whatsapp groups.
He's getting all the tea from everyone.
They all love him tho.
Nervous but wants to join in.
Takes a bit of reassuring from you but he does join in.
Is the cutest bean.
The uncles and aunties can't target him.
He's too cute.
They just think he's adorable.
The kiddos love him.
They think he's the most fun.
He offers a helping hand to anyone who needs it.
Everyone thinks he's the best.
Your family definitely approve.
He uses being the cute to his advantage.
No one throws colour at him.
But he's targeting everyone.
No shame.
They just let him tho.
Almost like he's put them all under some spell.
Even the grumpy aunty and uncle love him.
This is madness.
But you live that they've accepted him.
Is an absolute menace.
This is chaos.
He is having the time of his life.
Charms everyone somehow.
Even while causing the most mess.
They all think he's good fun.
Your little 5 yr old cousin Saanvi is in love (think that little girl from the hello82 video).
She sticks by him.
He doesn't let anyone get any colour on her.
Saanvi's got him wrapped around her little finger.
He doesn't care.
Your uncle and aunt are just confused.
Saanvi's a shy girl yet is in love with ur boyfriend?.
You just shrug.
You think this random but sudden bond is cute.
Literally she never leaves Niki.
For more chaos.
There is an impromptu dance competition.
Saanvi and Niki win obviously.
Niki cause he's actually the best dancer.
Saanvi was too cute for anyone to say anything bad.
Saanvi actually cries when it's time for her to leave.
Makes you promise to never break up with her Niki Bhai.
Saanvi hugs Niki and tries to stop him from leaving.
That doesn't work. Niki promises to come and visit her.
To date, he still visits her.
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