#people sit and act like she killed their familys
jackmkelly · 1 year
no one understands katherine the way i do & that is frustrating! sick of it!
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cryosewn · 1 year
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@frozenambiguity asked: ¥
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Would they date them: yes | no | ????? Favorite thing about them: 
" Sir Kaeya is certainly a man of both great intelligence and company. I feel that we can talk throughout the evening about many things. It is rare to find a person that I would spend much time with willingly. I am usually not that prone to speaking so much with someone, but it feels quite natural to do so with him. Though, I suppose I should not always approach him with such deep topics and a more friendly conversation amongst ourselves would be just as well too. Perhaps it is best to simply say that Sir Kaeya is an interesting and charming individual with whom I regard with a level of respect and platonic fondness. " Least favorite thing about them: 
" ... Do you ever feel that you are looking into a body of water and the bottom looks much closer than it actually is ? That is my predicament with him. The water's surface looks calm but the current underneath might be more chaotic than what you can see with the naked eye. To his credit, Sir Kaeya certainly knows how to keep both his cards and secrets close to his chest that even someone like me has difficulty getting to them. It is understandable, though. A person's deepest thoughts, pains and fears can be worth concealing from everyone, and even though I am curious, even I know that there are certain boundaries that should not be crossed forcefully. "
" Still, I suppose that would make me a hypocrite to feel slighted by someone not showing me a bit of who they are underneath. In that case, however, I fear that we might not be able to become anything more than what we are now if neither of us gives a little more. "
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tagasaing · 6 months
i have to get this out of the way, re: dungeon meshi discussions
major spoilers ahead, obviously.
you know for a series that focuses so much on platonic and familial relationships it’s weird that dungeon meshi has attracted so much useless ship wars though. the most important driving force in the story is two sibling relationships (laios’s search for falin, thistle’s search for delgal) and one of the central themes is how loving others way too much can lead to your downfall (thistle’s desperate attempt to keep his loved ones leads to his mental state deteriorating so much he starts torturing people he claims to protect, marcille’s fear of losing her friends leads to her being easily manipulated by the main antagonist)
even with regards to falin. thistle wants to bring the ‘brother’ he raised back at all costs, he saw a young human woman as nothing more than a dragon, his tool. marcille wants to bring falin back at all costs, she didn’t care about the repercussions of using monster meat instead of animal meat even though she was an expert at ancient magic and should know why it’s such a dangerous practice.
each and every single one of the major characters has some form of tragedy with their family one way or another: the toudens, marcille and her dad. chilchuck and his wife. senshi’s entire backstory. izutsumi’s hidden desire for a mother. namari’s father. shuro and his family. kabru and his mother(both tallman and elf). mithrun and his brother. thistle and the melinis.
even some of the minor characters: flamela and her dead twin sister. the twins and the floke couple. kuro being the closest mickbell has to a family. etc etc
as someone who has reread this manga several times by now, i wonder if people just… read it once as fast as they could and act like they’re some sort of authority on fan discussion. i’ve seen people brag about reading the entire thing in one sitting as if it’s something to be proud of. this manga isn’t meant to be read that fast, that’s how you get people claiming that laios doesn’t reaaally love falin as much as marcille does.
to these people, laios just gets in the way, as if it wasn’t his idea to go down the dungeon in the first place, it wasn’t him who said his pain doesn’t matter because falin suffered more than him, it wasn’t him who felt immense guilt for leaving falin behind, it wasn’t him who found her skull, it wasn’t him who killed her to save her from her chimera form. i feel like people forget about the ‘too’ part when marcille said “i miss falin too”
marcille knows how much falin and laios love each other. that’s why she asked him if she’s allowed to resurrect her and didn’t act on her own. that’s why when both times a shapeshifting monster copied marcille to trick laios, it was what she looked like at the time she was reviving falin.
as someone who DOES ship farcille, none of the romance is canon. this isn’t meant to be anti-farcille. one of the post-canon comics is about falin gently turning down shuro because she wants to travel the world, “you can’t tie a dragon down” after all. she wants to travel the world and find herself because she doesn’t know who she is outside of marcille and laios. even marcille, who was hoping she’d reject him, tears up because of how beautiful and tragic it was.
there are a lot of ship teases because what author doesn’t like a good ship tease. but to say that dungeon meshi is a romantic love more than it is a story about family(both real and found) is a great misinterpretation of the text.
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nightingale-prompts · 10 days
Sparing Batboy
First | Previous | Next
"You need to sleep." Bruce put his hand on Dick's shoulder.
Dick ran a hand through his disheveled hair. His eyes were dark from lack of rest.
It had been two days. Two days without a sign of Danny. Not even a glimpse on a street camera or his phone or clothes going missing. He's just gone. Evaporating into thin air.
"I need to find him," Dick said resolutely.
Bruce shook his head and opened his mouth to protest.
"Don't say anything," Dick said through clenched teeth. "You don't get to say anything about what I'm doing. You have done the same thing."
"Dick this is not the time to-"
"I said shut up! If you want to be helpful then go back to looking for him. Otherwise, leave." Dick said before jumping to another rooftop.
Dick knew at the end of the day he knew very little about Danny. He never asked because he knew it clearly hurt him to talk about it. All he needed to know was that Danny needed him. From the moment he first saw that watery smile on that kids face on his face when he invited Danny to eat with him.
Bruce definitely knew by this point that Danny and Batboy were the same. Especially when he asked where his grandson was while they searched. He hadn't said anything else about it. Dick didn't care at this point. I wouldn't change anything.
Part of Dick hated it. He has spent so many years comparing himself to Bruce. Trying not to become him yet still stuck in his shadow. To not repeat his mistakes.
Dick had made his fair share of mistakes and had paid for each one. He had lost so many people either from his own actions or not acting at all.
But what can he do now?
He just wanted to find his son.
He just didn't want to hear what came next. Commissioner Gordon called in with a clue…no it was a message.
A pair of wings splayed to mimic the iconic bat signal on a rooftop. The bloodied wings were severed at the base of the bone.
There were very few villains in Gotham that would do something so violent, fewer that would show off their act so brazenly. This kind of of senseless violence just to anger Batman was the mark of none other than Joker.
Joker had gotten his hands on another member of Dick's family. Flashbacks of Jason and Tim filled his mind.
And something just snapped.
In another part of the city, a certain clown glared at the limp body of the teen.
He had hoped the kid would at least wake up after having his wings cut off but despite his body state he slept soundly. He even had goons try to beat the kid awake but while the blood stayed any injuries disappeared instantly. Metas were a pain in the ass.
In the realm of dreams, Danny was comforted in the arms of the Nocturne. He got to visit his sister and friends in their dreams.
Jazz squeezed the life out of him as she asked him every question she could. Danny tried his best to answer each of them.
"Relax Jazz, I'm fine. I just can't come back. You know how it is. A grand destiny and all that." Danny said.
"But you're still just a kid Danny. You have school and-and-" Jazz said frantically trying to find the words.
"And I'm still going. Clockwork and Nocturne are teaching me everything I need to know until I take the throne." Danny wasn't ready to tell her about his new life.
She didn't need to know that he had a new family. Not when she was what he had to leave behind despite how much it kills him. There wasn't a day he didn't miss her or think of her. Nothing could replace her.
Unaware of this Nocturne and Clockwork watched as Danny dreamed within a dream.
"We should just kill the clown," Nocturne said resolutely as he peered into the material realm.
"You swore not to interfere with the mortals anymore," Clockwork warned.
"I'm not like you, Kronos. I can't sit idly by and watch this happen. I actually care." Nocturne said leveling a glare at the time ghost, his eyes blazing.
"So you care for the boy now? I thought you said you couldn't stand children?" Clockwork smirked his eyebrow raised.
Nocturne huffed shifting the blanket he had laid on Danny to cover him properly.
"I am close to mortals. It is what I am. Children tend to have the most innocent dreams. They have nightmares they don't know how to handle. They are fitful sleepers and cry before they wake. They can't parse dreams from reality. So much care goes into forming their dreams but at the same time, I must scare them. To remind them they should be afraid of the dark. I just can't stand to make them cry and lose those sweet little dreams." Nocturne brushed his clawed hand against Clock's cheek. "I don't understand how you do it. You let them hurt. You know what will happen yet you do nothing."
"It is my purpose. I care but all actions have consequences. I can't weigh the lives of a few for all. I asked you to put the boy to sleep to spare him the pain, at least for now. Had I not, I fear his fate would be darker." Clockwork sighed leaning into Nox's hand.
"Then let's kill that man. I know you want to my love." Nocturne's smiled wickedly eager to return to the living world.
"That is not our role. No, there is another who will come soon." Clockwork said pushing his malicious lover away. "Besides if the boy wakes you know he will undoubtedly cause untold damage. You know how much he hates clowns as is. There will be no coming back from that."
"You say that like it's a bad thing. I would be very proud." Nocturne hummed in delight.
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(Am I ever going to run out of bat pics/gifs? Let's hope not.)
(Also gay ghosts dads. You're welcome.)
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yawnderu · 9 months
If Simon and bimbo!reader ever had a big fight (not petty disagreements), what would they fight about? How do both handle serious fights and making up?
ahhhh :((( anon when I catch you. It'd likely be at the beginning of the relationship, before she knows about his job and he always leaves for weeks without telling her much about it
>Simon and bimbo!reader fight and make up.
“I just don't understand why you do this to me... just tell me.” Your voice is as pleading as it is demanding, eyebrows furrowed and face scrunched up in a mix of frustration and sadness.
“I can't—” He's interrupted by a small scoff coming out of you, your arms crossed as you look away and take a deep breath. He's never seen you like this before, never so... frustrated and angry. Anxiety starts to fill his soul within seconds, stuck between wanting to keep you away from his job, and wanting to reassure you.
“Do you just.... have a second family or something? Is that what it is?” The accusation makes his own face scrunch up in a mix of mild disgust and confusion. Was his unwavering loyalty to you not obvious? He never even looks at other women at all, his eyes are for you only.
“I don't.” It's all he can say to defend himself. How does he go about telling you he kills people for a living? Sure, he's protecting the world and serving the Queen, but would you look at him differently when you find out the same hands that are so gentle with you will forever be tainted with another's blood?
“Then what is it, Simon?” You never call him Simon. Even when you first met, you've always called him Si. He lets out a small sigh, shaking his head. He doesn't want to be around to fight, he just wants it all to be okay like before— yet he also understands why you're acting that way after months of being kept in the dark.
“I'll be back later.” He turns around to leave the shared flat, only being stopped by another scoff.
“Fine. Leave like you always do.” It was a low blow, you can tell that much by the way his muscles visibly tense up, bulging out of his black shirt. He shakes his head, the hand on the doorknob trembling slightly. He loves you more than anything, but can he really handle seeing the expression on your face when he tells you why he's away?
“'M in the military.” He finally turns around, walking back to you and holding your hand, sitting down on the couch and pulling you on his lap, one of his hands running down the length of your hair.
“SAS. I'll show you my contracts if you don't believe me.” He's willing to do anything to make you believe him. Each silent second only increases his anxiety, barely managing to look down at you just to see the gears shifting in your brain, putting two and two together.
“.... Is that why you always stink when you come back?” There's enough mirth in your tone to let him know you're joking, barely managing to hide the smile tugging at your lips.
“Y'sniff me like a fuckin' police dog when I'm back, love. You like it.” No matter how much you roll your eyes in fake annoyance and pretend you don't like it, you both know the truth. You cuddle up closer to him, resting comfortably on his burly body.
“Y'wear the cool uniforms, Si?” Your voice is softer, almost shy to even ask the question. He knows you like masked men— he's heard you rant about Pyramid Head and Ghostface enough times already. He hums softly in reply, nodding his head.
“Sometimes. Cool mask and all, you'd like it.” He's just teasing you at this point, trying to hold back a smile when he feels you rapidly shifting in his arms just to get closer to his face, unable to hide your excitement.
“Yeah? Can I see?” Your giddiness is almost contagious, making a deep chuckle finally escape his lips. You're not looking at him like he's a monster, you're simply excited about the idea of him wearing a mask. Maybe letting you see Ghost isn't a bad idea.
“Hmm...” He drags out, looking away and pretending to think about it just to tease you. The smack to his arm is enough to make him grin at you, stealing a kiss before adjusting you on his lap, finally allowing his body to fully relax.
“Yeah, I'll show you.”
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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theloyalpin · 11 days
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Lezone, a student who survived the apalachee high school shooting in georgia made a song for his teacher and the other victims. i felt like sharing this because this cesspool of an app is so full of antiblack freaks who constantly act like rap promotes nothing but violence and sexism when you clearly don’t even listen to it and just fucking hate Black people so you want to demonize anything centered around, created by, and still heavily influenced by us. this was his full caption:
I'm pretty sure y'all watched the news, seen or heard about the horrifying mass shooting at apalachee high school, when everything was going on my mind wasn't in the right place and I wasn't taking it serious because it just did not feel real.. this some stuff you see on the news from across the country, feel bad for a couple seconds and go on wit your life, but I just couldn't and still can't believe that it was MY school. On the night of September 4th when I got home l turned on TV and just kept seeing my school everywhere so l decided to tune in and do my research just to find out my 4th period teacher Ms.Irimie was one of the innocent victims that were killed, I met her my freshman year and I had her as a substitute teacher for my 3rd period class and you already know how it get when you have a sub, I really regret disrespecting her and when I came back to apalachee my junior year she hardly remembered me but she accepted my apology and respected me for apologizing, man bruh I suck at math so bad I can't solve a math question to save my life but Ms.Irimie never made me feel ashamed of myself, she understood that I got kicked out of school my freshman year over petty lil referrals and never wrote me up for coming to class late or having my phone out, she use to pull me for small lil pep talks after class it was 4th period so not got lie I was ready to go home and wasn't really trying to hear anything she was saying but looking back I really regret it and I really appreciate her taking her time to sit and talk with me & help me, The day she died she had the fattest smile on her face with her lil dimples when she seen me and asked me to come into class on time and asked if I was okay.. man I wish I could go back and give her hug, I never thought that was gonna be my last time seeing her smile and speaking to her, I really don't know much about the other victims but i pray for speed recovery to those who are injured and thank God they're alive, and I send my condolences to the families of those who lost their loved ones, WE as students who survived really can't do nothing but keep our heads up and pray and thank God for keeping us #Foreverlrimie❤️🕊️
​nonblack people are encouraged to REBLOG this especially since you can never seem to tag antiblackness when you engage with dumbass antiblack racist polls like the one i linked 🙃
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letorip · 2 months
Do you think you can do obsessive Wednesday headcannons? If u can thanks. Also love your headcannons
obsessive wednesday addams headcanons
okay so she may definitely be borderline stalking you a little but it’s out of love, mate. thank you to the anon who submitted, this was fun to think about and thank you for the compliment! genuinely so sorry for the delay, i've been working on so much stuff it's been insane
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you see each other for the first time while she's touring nevermore with enid, wandering the greens on a warm day, and you're sitting under a tree in the shade, at the opposite end with a textbook in your hands and a notebook. you both look up and see each other, and wednesday is immediately transfixed. you just look back down and do your homework
she immediately asks enid who you are, trying to seem disinterested, but enid just shrugs and tells her your name. she learns you live in the hall across from hers and finds herself watching doors for when you come in and out, even if she herself has yet to actually talk to you
she's definitely a little bit disgusted by herself, and how much she clearly wants you right away. it's giving her annoying flashbacks to how much her father is obsessed with her mother, and she realises she does in fact have a crush when she catches herself watching the back of your head in class
you catch her staring once, and send her a kind smile, but you're definitely a bit wary of her, considering there are rumours she killed people at her old school. even though you find her breathtakingly pretty, you're a bit worried by how she's staring at you, that maybe you might be her next victim
you actually strike up a conversation with her first, trying to be kind and welcoming, and wednesday just stares back at you with a blank face, not saying anything and struggling to compute. it's very funny, and wednesday.exe has stopped working. she just watches you talk
'blah blah blah, proper name, place name, backstory stuff'
she has to talk to you next, trying to make up for your weird, one sided conversation. she definitely still has her quirks, but you kind of roll with it, becoming one of her closest allies and friends
once you do actually get together after getting caught in the rain during an investigation and kissing, you start to notice how much wednesday actually listens to you. not in that way where friends listen to each other, but how she laser focuses in on the things you'll say
out of nowhere, she'll buy tickets for a date night, to go see a movie you offhandedly mentioned three weeks ago and never again. she's full of small gifts like that
for your birthday, she buys you a perfume/cologne that's very expensive and you wore six months ago, before you were even dating. you never even told her the scent name or anything, but she somehow figures it out and buys you it with a small note that says 'mi amor' with a small 'w' at the bottom
when you open up to her about your family and stuff, she acts as if she didn't know you had siblings or anything about your parents, but she absolutely, definitely already googled them with help from enid and knows about some of the things you bring up
you're not too sure, but it's possible she has a file on you somewhere in her room. you wouldn't be surprised, still struggling to understand how she remembers all of this stuff you say. she listens to you ramble about anything, and you know she really is truly listening, and not just hearing, like exes have in the past
your exes still do bother her a little. not in a way that she'll ever mention to you out loud, but she'll grip your hand a bit tighter as if trying to hold you to herself, or dramatically roll her eyes if they ever come up in conversation
you'll find old sweaters of yours in wednesday and enid's shared room, thrown over her chair or hung up in her closet. you remember giving her one or two, but not as many as she has, and she has to explain to you, while a little bid of red peeks onto her pale face, that she likes that they smell like you. she of course tells you, "don't get obnoxious about this," afterwards, but you just smile and shake your head. once you're done hanging out that night, you leave your hoodie on her bed while she goes to brush her teeth, and slip out with a single goodbye kiss, leaving it for her to find
she likes how warm you feel to the touch. she doesn't usually like warm things, but she'll lay right on top of you and tuck her head into the crook of your neck or right under your chin
wednesday memorises the curves and planes of your body, and she loves the familiarity it brings after a long day. it does quite genuinely feel like home to her, when she's laying against you
when you have a petty argument that's far from anything serious, you wake up in the middle of the night during a rainstorm, to see wednesday, sopping with rain in the middle of your room. her lip is bit, like she's stopping herself from crying, water dripping from her bangs, and she begs you not to go, apologising right there on the spot. it's a softness that catches you off guard, and you have to dry her off and explain that you weren't going to leave her because of the disagreement
she watches you sleep sometimes, when she's snuck over to your room. she likes to watch your chest rise and fall and the level of peace on your face as you rest. she'll pretend to be asleep when you turn over or stir, and sometimes you'll smirk as she watches you and mumble, "i know you're looking, wednesday."
she denies these sorts of things, especially at first, but when you don't shame her about it or bring it up that often, she becomes more comfortable in her little quirks and obsession over you
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was very cute? not sure if you wanted to go into stalker territory, but it almost somewhat did
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" But daddy, I love him "
Mattheo Riddle x Fem!Potter!Reader
Part 2
Summary: Harry finds out his sister is dating Mattheo Riddle Ft. James, Lily, Remus, Sirius - No war au }
Wc- 5178
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, a lot of people saying a lot of mean things, sexual themes cussing}
A/n: Possible part 2 later
Mattheo Riddle had a reputation for himself. Everyone knew him bloodied before they'd seen him presentable. A Hotwire, fizzling and popping, just waiting for the next person to cross him in a way he deemed punishable, ‘the muggle way.’
He never truly had a distaste for muggles or muggleborns, but they stayed clear of him regardless. Voldemort's son was like a cautionary tale told through the halls, of just how ruthless and unhinged death eaters could be. His mother, Beatrix Lestrange, in Azkaban for life for such cruelties, his father had a name no one dared to say. That left very little to the imagination, or maybe just too much? 
Another thing about Mattheo Riddle, he never said what he was thinking, he only acted. So no one knew the true boy outside of his blinding rage, insatiable flirting and the horrid legacy his parents so carefully wove for him. No one, aside from you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, truly, it was just an assignment.
“I have a student, he is failing in my class, but I know he has so much potential to do better.” McGonagall began. “If you tutor him, I will give you credits towards one of your less favorable classes.”
Was it bribery? Yes, was it technically against school policy? Most definitely. Were you going to say no to free credits for the history of magic? Absolutely not.
You should have been clued in, when she didn't tell you who you were tutoring, but like your father and brother, your eye was on the prize. Instead of a snitch, however, yours were the new napping opportunities in your least favorite subject. 
You were told by the professor that the study sessions would take place during dinner, and you were allowed to request food from the house elves before or after the meetings. You had to wonder; why was this student getting all these special treatments? And what did you have to do with it?  Imagine your surprise when you walked into the library when dinner was taking place, only for your eyes to land on the candle lit silhouette of Mattheo Riddle himself.
You knew him, of course you did, his father had tried to kill your entire family, while you didn't endure the worst of it, Merlin, you were still in your mothers stomach at the time, your fathers horror stories of the DeathEaters and the recounting of the night was so etched into your brain you could likely recall it as if you stood in that room. The day your father saved the wizarding world, by simply, picking up his wand from the couch when he opened the door. 
Despite it all, you tried not to judge him by the actions of his father, so that the only thing you had left were the numerous bloodied fights he'd been a part of since he walked through the doors of Hogwarts. Not to mention the amount of broken hearted witches that clung to his heels.
Though, now, as you stared at him across the empty Library, he seemed so… peaceful. Calm and reserved, maybe it was the yellow light, or maybe it was the way he seemed to be genuinely enraptured by whatever he was reading. Sitting patiently, just waiting. Waiting for you. You quickly snapped out of your daze, walking forward to stand in front of him.
Mattheo lazily glanced up before his eyes widened slightly and his mouth opened a bit in slack shock. “Potter.”
“Riddle.” You acknowledged him. He didn't seem offended or bothered by your presence, more, confused. There was an easy silence between you two before you gestured to the seat beside him. “May I?”
“... be my guest.” 
That's where it all started. Mattheo was nothing like who you thought he'd be. He was respectful, kind, studious and incredibly clever. You had to admit, Minerva was right, he had incredible potential beyond what he seemed to think of himself. He just needed time to sit down and work, instead of his usual activities, and whatever impression he was trying to make for himself.
Your meetings were frequent, and his grades started to improve. As you got closer, the change in his behavior in class was the first thing you noticed. He began to actually work in potions, probably the only class you shared being a year younger and a Griffondor. You heard from Harry that he had actually scored higher than most of their shared class in Transfiguration. Though, it was a comment out of malice, you couldn't deny how it made you preen with pride.
In the halls you were strangers, but in your personal nook of the library, you were a deadly dynamic. He was a flirt, you knew that before, but he never said the raunchy things he'd say to the girls in the halls he'd flirt with, to you. The occasional comment on your eyes or your calligraphy, maybe some that toed the line of platonic study buddies. You figured that was how he showed affection, but you had no real reference point for it. 
If it was another thing that you knew about Mattheo that not many others knew, it was that he adored praise. All forms of it. He would get bashful and try to hide away from it, but you would see how much harder he tried to impress you everytime. You found it amusing, you would hear the teachers praise him and he'd simply shrug it off, trying to play it cool. But in those private moments between.. friends, when you were revising his essay, with mutters of, “That's a spectacular way to look at it, Riddle.”
“That's brilliant. You're brilliant.”
He would turn as red as a tomato. It made you smile. This was the version of him no one else could or ever would have. It made you cocky, it made you want more of the secret Mattheo, the one he only showed to the closest people.
You had gotten so used to Mattheo’s presence. He had stayed out of trouble, been doing wonderfully in his classes, and he still insisted on your study dates. Said they were the only thing keeping him interested in the classes he took. Ever the flirt.
You guessed being used to Mattheo Riddle of all people was the first part to an awful downward spiral. You had fallen for him. Hard. 
You first noticed when he had to cancel one of your meetings. He was passing you in the hall, two Prefects had him by his forearms, and Snape was rattling on about a proper punishment for him. He had a cut lip and a gnarly battered nose. You were on your way to the library to meet, but when you made eye contact with him you visibly deflated. He had that stupid cocky look on his face, teeth stained red as he winked at a few girls he passed, focusing on anything but Snape’s words.
When his eyes met yours, however, his lips twitched and his eyes lost their twinkle. Like a puppy being told no. Or properly, a boy ashamed. And he should feel ashamed.
You had forgotten who he was when you weren't buried in your books. So for the first time in weeks, you were at the Gryffindor dining table, across from Ginny and Seamus, poking at your food in disinterest. Surrounded by friends and family, and yet so incredibly lonely. Ginny eventually caved to your moping, looking over with a loud click of her tongue. 
“{Y/N}?” She called over and your eyes flicked up and an easy smile took over your face. “Ginny?”
“It's good to see you, you've been avoiding the dining hall for a while now.” She teased and leaned her legs forward to lock her ankles around one of yours to keep you in place. You couldn't help but give a cheeky grin at this.
“Well, I would argue anything is better than being forced to watch you make heart eyes at my brother.” You shot back and Harry looked up from his plate curious, met with the view of you being smacked in the face with a bun. 
“Hey!” You challenged and grabbed your own bun before you heard your head of house clear her throat behind you. Slowly, you set down the bread and looked back at her as she gave you a quizzing look. Clearly confused by you being there, asking with her eyes. Not even having noticed the gluten assault.
“Rain check.” You remarked and shrugged before she let out a simple ‘ah’ and walked off. This just set off Ginny’s and now Harry’s curiosity. 
“What was all that? Thought you were meeting a boy, if I'm honest, now I'm not sure.” Ron mumbled and Harry tilted his head at you. 
“Ew, don't say that, that's my baby sister.” Harry huffed and looked over at you. His expression said it all. “What have you been getting up to?”
You stared at him before slowly smirking, leaning your chin on your palm. “Huh, well, me and Ginny are the same age-”
Then, another bun, to your face, courtesy of your brother. “That's enough out of you.” He huffed.
That's how you got here. Sitting in the forbidden woods, trying to demonstrate to Mattheo how to use a patronus, something your parents showed you when you were younger. Your study rendezvous has long since become time to study more than just your core classes. No one else was around, just you two, while everyone else was hidden away in the grand hall eating. 
“So, firstly, this is a spell that most wizards and witches cannot use. So don't be afraid if you never come to pass.” You explained and he rolled his eyes playfully.
“Right, if I'm not past the level you were at as a toddler, end my misery early.” He teased and you gave a playful scoff and crossed your arms. “Not a toddler, just 12.”
He rolled his eyes with his own smirk playing on his lips. You found yourself staring at the peak of his teeth, threw his lips, you felt your entire body respond in kind. “To be fair, you don't need to feel self conscious, I mean, I am leagues above you, even now.”
He gave an offended gasp and put his hand on his chest. His smirk turned wolfish as he walked up to your side. “Is that a challenge, Potter?”
“Define a challenge, I usually just call it confidence.” You quipped and he gave you a once over, you rolled your eyes fondly. 
“Okay, minx, I get three tries. If I summon my patronus, you have to go to Hogsmeade with me this Sunday.” He mused and leaned into your space. You smirked and stood taller, wetting your lips before you glanced from his eyes to his lips then back. “Let's hope you prove me wrong then, Riddle.”
He did not. Prove you wrong, that is. 
Once you told Riddle about the happy memory clause, he seemed less confident. He wasn't even able to produce sparks, and got increasingly agitated with each failure. Usually, he would pull out a smoke and take a break, and you were curious as to why he didn't.
Every other day before you grew close, you would spy him smoking with his friends in the courtyard, but when you mentioned you hated the smell in the library, he started to hold off until after to smoke.
At least, that's what he told you. He would not tell you the truth, that the moment you told him you hated the smell he chucked the last box he had into the black lake.
Mattheo went through his life without any real care. He only ever experienced fear, anger, and disappointment directed at him. He had his friends, Draco, Theodore, Pansy, even Blaise but none of them were particularly affectionate. Past his playful flirting with Pansy, that he now used as a reference for your friendship, he didn't truly have positive influences on his emotions.
Usually, that would result in him using a poor girl or two to get over whatever he was hung up on. Then, he met you. 
Out of everyone, he figured you had reason to hate him most. His father tried to kill your family, his mother killed your parents' friends, his current friends bullied your brother, and he was assumed a death eater before proven one. But that night, he was proven wrong for the first time, when you sat down next to him and smiled. He had never seen something so breathtaking, something that was meant for him.
He had felt for women before, physical and emotional, but never had he experienced you. In all honesty, he never truly looked at you before. You were Harry Potter’s sister, that was enough reason to stay away. Merlin, did he fuck up.
Being friends with you was hardly acceptable, but falling for you? It made him feel all the more pathetic. Knowing he was falling for someone who would never think of dating him. Here he was, making the worst mistakes of his life over and over again.
“Don't get in your head about it.” Your voice called him from his thoughts. He snapped out of it and looked at you. You tilted your head and smiled, hands on your hips in determination. You had taken off your robe, as if to say you meant business. Sleeves rolled up to your elbows and wand brandished. “Just think about something that makes you happy. Happy enough to smile at nothing.” 
“Smile at nothing?” He muttered in an amused tone. Breathing you in like fresh air.
“At. Nothing.” You insisted and waved your wand. “My memory is when my dad took me to visit my grandparents' graves.” You hummed and he gave a startled laugh. 
“Morbid, darling.”
“Oh, not like that.” You laughed. “I listened to my dad talk about them, like, all the time. Mum too.”
You gestured to the pond and his eyes followed yours. “My dad made it easy, it felt like I was really meeting them, ya know? He talked about me and Harry like we were the most important things in his life. I think I felt his love for them in me too, but towards him. I just felt so lucky.” 
Mattheo stared at your awe filled eyes and he gave a small sigh through his nose. It was out of fondness, of course, but he couldn't deny the bit of jealousy that perked up in his chest when she said that. “Yeah.. lucky.” He mumbled.
You looked back at him and your face fell a bit. You had just spent the last two minutes rubbing your fathers love in his face- Merlin. You slowly gave a cautious smile, considering he was still staring at you like you hung the stars. It maked your ears grow hot and your nerves light up.
You reached over to graze his hand, and he seemed to snap out of his trance, slowly, he wrapped his hand around yours, his calloused fingers covering your hand fully. You guys sat like that for a moment, before you raised your wand higher and stepped closer. Leaning your head against his chest and waving it. 
Your patronus whipped out of your wand, the fox wiggling its nose in greeting before she ran around you two in circles. You began to laugh at her enthusiasm, and Mattheo even gave a chuckle. Your eyes on your patronus, his eyes on you. How was he going to win anyway? He was making his happiest memories now.
“I think I can try again.” He whispered and you looked up at him, your patronus vanishing behind you as you lost your focus. He was giving you a look you had never seen before, it was almost dangerous, how easy it was for him to make a mess of you. 
“You think?” You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything above a whisper. He pulled you flush against him, taking the dazed look you were giving him as confirmation. You wanted him too. He could have fainted. 
“Want to help me?”
You got your answer, in the form of his lips pressing so gently against yours. It was electric, your entire face grew hot and you forgot how to breathe for a moment. His hands found a firmer grip on your waist and you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. You lost yourself in the kiss, letting him lead as he clearly had more experience.
Mattheo couldn't help it, maybe this wouldn't be a mistake. Maybe it was only fair. Being with you made him feel human, like just another boy falling for just another girl. He wanted to feel like this forever. Normal, with you.
He did not try again that night, far too distracted.
You met him like that several more times, dinner study bled into evenings, innocent touches became intimate, and bold teases became hushed whispers in his dorm room. The very dorm room you were coming back from now. Walking back just after curfew. 
When you made it back to the common room the first thing you noticed was your own reflection, your hair was frazzled and your uniform was creased. You found yourself wondering how all of that could happen from just a kiss. Followed by a few more. And then some more,, you could completely understand how it happened, actually. You’ll remember it forever.
Once you fixed your appearance, the second thing  you noticed was Harry sitting on the couch with a parchment on his lap, next to him was a nervous Ron and a shockingly ridgid Hermione. Harry’s eyes were on you, Ron’s was on his hands, and Hermione was faking reading a book. You pause before you made it to the stairs, slowly walking over to the three. “Hey you guys! What are we up to?”
“Nothing, just been waiting a few hours.” Harry snarked and you narrowed your eyes in confusion. Suddenly you remembered, you had agreed to meet the trio out for Quidditch practice, they had managed to just get enough people for two full teams, guilt filled your chest. 
“Shoot, Harry I am so-” Before you could even start to grovel he stood up and Hermione sighed, Ron quickly speaking up.
“Where were you?” Harry demanded.
“Come on, Harry.” Ron tried to interrupt. “At least not in the common room.”
“What?” You whispered and Harry shoved the parchment in your hands. It wasn't just any piece of paper, it was the map. Your fathers map. 
Your jaw went slack and you looked up at Harry, Your guilt was quickly overturned by anger. “Were you stalking me!?” You exclaimed and thanked Merlin the common room was empty this late.
“I thought something had happened! Don't deflect! Where were you?!”
“None of your business you slime!”
“You come out of the Slytherin dorms with Voldemort’s son and it's none of my business?” He whisper hissed, You scoffed. 
“Yes, none of your business!” You snapped back and threw the map on the ground. “I don't have to answer to you! And his name is Mattheo!” You hissed back and stepped on the charmed paper, dragging it under your heel. “You’d do best to remember that. I'm not a bloody kid, Harry!”
“You're my sister!” He challenged and you scoffed.
“He's a monster! A Slytherin, his parents are horrid, and our-”
“Do not say another word, Harry.” You threatened as you began to stomp off to your dorm and he huffed. Kneeling down to pick up the parchment and dust it off. 
“I’ll make it easy for you.” He called over and you turned to face him with a glare. “You break up with him, or I’ll tell father over the summer.”
Your face fell and your heart stopped. Harry had this look about him, like he didn't want to be doing this, but yet, he was. 
“You wouldn’t-” You spoke slowly and Harry sighed. 
“Two days.”
Those two days were blissful hell. You weren't going to break up with Mattheo, there was no way in muggle hell you were going to willingly give him up.
You did try to talk to him about it, however, several times. At least to warn him why he may have a war hero Auror setting a bounty on his head soon. Your father was protective, far more than you thought was necessary, but he treated everyone as black or white. Usually, everyone was allowed his love and care, that being said, Voldemort was a sore subject.
You would say you were trying your best, but Mattheo was so… Mattheo. He was hard to talk to. A very… physical person? He would complain about how you would be leaving the school in mere days for summer, followed by you being drowned in kisses and wandering hands.
Merlin two days was not enough. Next thing you knew, you were home, in your room, counting the minutes until your mother called you down for dinner.
You began to bite your nails, scrunching up your face when you bit down too far. You sighed as you heard Lily call you and Harry down.
You walked into the hall to see Harry waiting at the top of the staircase for you. He looked regretful, but stern. “Harry-”
“I’ll give you the chance. To tell them yourself.” He mumbled before he walked down the stairs. You mentally prepared yourself and walked as slow as you could down the stairs. Not noticing as Harry glanced at your neck.  
When you walked into the dinning room, your heart dropped. Your mother, father, Uncle Moony, and Uncle Padfoot were all at the table. You cursed and clenched your jaw, Harry stared down at his plate and you sat beside him by Remus. You gave your mom a small thank you as she served you. Sirius and your father were making jokes about their Quidditch days after Harry bragged about their most recent win. You relished in the moment, before all hell broke loose.
You asked your father a question about the story, just trying to seem engaged. He lit up at your interest, turning to face you fully. “Well! When you're a beater, there is this unspoken rule that everyone follows and.. what the bloody hell is that?” 
You narrowed your eyes at his sudden tone change. “What?” You whispered as you looked around the table, all eyes were on you. You took a shaken breath and bit your cheek. “I-”
“That's a hickey, dad.” Harry muttered and took a bite of his food. Your face fell and all the blood left it.
“A what!?” He exclaimed and fixed his glasses on his face, you quickly covered your collarbone. Sirius gripped his silverware, hard, taking a steady breath. “How old are ya, hun?” He asked and you snapped your attention to him. Stuttering and stammering for a moment.
“I think the better question is, who did that? It's bloody horrific.” Remus muttered and you stared up at him with wide, horrified eyes. “U-uncle Moony!”
“Boys, calm down. She's 16, and James, we talked about this. Our kids will be dating soon, I mean, Harry has that Ginny girl and you never fuss at him.” Lily tried to defend and James scoffed. 
“This is hardly the same! I raised him! I don't know a thing about this boy!”
“Or girl.” Remus smirked and James felt his face fall in shock and you groaned, slowly covering your face.
“Remus.” Lily hissed out. “James.” She warned before Sirius spoke up. 
“Fine, fine, it's all fine. I mean, what harm could he do? We've taught her everything she needs to know about the world. Probably some Hufflepuff boy.” He tried to dismiss, and Remus, ever the instigator tonight, spoke up again.
“I'd be shocked if a Hufflepuff did that to my nieces neck.” He mumbled and James began to breathe quicker and heavier.
“Right, right, fine. You're being safe, right?” He asked bluntly and you groaned, melting into your seat. “Please, anything but this conversation right now.”
Lily gave a small fond smile and tutted at the boys. “Well honey, you should invite him over this summer break. I'd love to meet him.” She offered and then Harry gave a laugh. You shot him a look. “Don't you dare.”
“Dare. Very much dare, Harry.” Sirius quipped and Harry looked at you with a pursed lip before he sighed and spoke up. “Don't think you'd want him here is all.”
“Harry.” You warned, Lily sighing. “Harry, you stop that right now.” 
“What? I'm just being honest, dad and padfoot hate Slytherins.” He mused plainly, and James dropped his silverware. 
Sirius gave a laugh, throwing his head back before it slowly died out as he saw your red face. “No-”
“Why does his house matter?” You scoffed. “Not all Slytherins are the same.”
“Yeah, just so happens that he's just the type dad hates.” Harry muttered before he took a sip of water. “Happens to be one he particularly-”
“Harry James Potter!” Lily shouted at him and he had enough sense to seem guilty. He looked down as you tried to sink deeper into your seat. 
“I had a feeling.” Remus spoke up and you looked at him in shock. He gave you a side eyed glance. “You had a quidditch jersey in your bag. You don't play and certainly not for Slytherin.”
You looked down at your hands on your lap as your father shouted. “Why didn't you tell us, Remus!”
“This,” He gestured with his fork towards his husband and best friend. “You're terrifying the poor girl. I saw the name, I have to agree with Harry, you'd lose it.”
“What?” James snapped and Lily slammed her hands on the table. “Will you cut it out? All three of you! Do you want her to hide things from us forever? She'll tell us in her own time.”
Sirius groaned and began to pick at his food. “Whatever. As long as it isn't Malfoy.” He huffed and you shyly shook your head. Sirius gave an exaggerated groan of relief. “Thank Merlin.” 
“Who did that, sweetheart?” James prodded with a warning glare from Lily. “James.” She whispered and they locked eyes. They held that look before he clicked his tongue. 
“I asked you a question, niffler.” James prodded, and Lily slowly closed her eyes, covering her face.
“Dad, I really think-”
“Your dad asked you something.” Remus suddenly spoke up and you looked over at him to meet his eyes. Then it hit you. What he had said moments ago. He knew. 
“Y/N.” Sirius prodded and Lily gave you a sympathetic look. She could command your father on a lot of things. But never about you and Harry.
“Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle.” Harry suddenly spoke up, and your blood ran cold. You sunk as deep as you could into your seat and Lily gave a squeak of surprise, before covering her mouth. Remus thinned his lips and clenched his jaw. 
“No you aren't.” James said simply and you covered your face.
“{Y/N}. No you aren't.”
“Dad, please.” You sniffed, overwhelmed. You sat up and straightened yourself. “He isn't some, bad guy-”
Remus scoffed and Sirius slammed his fist on the table. “His father-!”
“He isn't his father!” You challenged, shooting up from your seat and glaring at your uncle. “You of all people should understand that!”
“Watch your mouth.” James hissed and stood up as well. You scoffed and threw your hands up. “I don't understand! He's done nothing wrong! Nothing to any of us! I get that he's not this image you had in your head of what you wanted for me-”
“Dorcas.. Marlene.” Your mother whispered and your body stiffened. You looked over at your mother and your heart broke at her distress. You reached out and she sniffled, dismissing herself. Your shoulders fell and you looked back to your father. 
He was staring at you with a look you've never seen.
“Your room. Now.”
“Dad! That's not fair in the slightest I-”
“Room!” He boomed and you sniffled before running off. Slamming the dining room door behind you as you walked upstairs. 
It would be a long summer.
Mattheo was missing you. He had been missing you for days now. You said you would write to him, but he didn't get a single letter. He figured it was likely you were busy, you did have a family to distract you after all. 
So, he wrote you a letter instead. He didn't want to think about how desperate it sounded, how desperate he was for you. He didn't look over it more than once before he sent it.
Little did he know, the second James heard an owl outside, he shot to his feet and hurried to intercept it. You were ever oblivious, in your parents room as you and Lily shared one of many heartfelt conversations over the brief summer. Your mother was doing her best to understand, but it was trouble, trying to believe he wasn't doing this for some master plan down the line. You both went quiet when you heard your father call you both.
When you walked into the parlor room, you sat down on the couch, You looked at the table in front of you and grimaced, You'd know that parchment anywhere. 
There was a long pause, before James spoke up. “The last time I saw this parchment, it was a letter Beatrix Lestrange sent us in our third safe house. Telling us she knew where we were, and that she was coming. Coming to kill your family, {Y/N}.” He leaned forward and picked up the letter and you refused to look him in the eyes.
“It’s nostalgic, really. But these words? ‘I yearn for you. I look at my textbooks from over the years and I wonder what it would be like to have you read them to me’.” He declared. “ ‘You made even the most complex of spells doable. You made things doable’.”
Your mother couldnt help but smile a bit at his words. You grimaced.
“Charming, isnt it? If only the rest of the letter wasnt riddled with innuendo of what this fuck wants to do to my daughter.”
You winced and sighed, the grimace not leaving your face. Mattheo that.. Idiot.
Then,, your mother began to laugh, and James looked at her from the corner of his eyes. “What? Is this funny?”
“Quite.” She smirked. “Sounds like the letters you would send me in school. I used to burn them.” 
He scoffed and leaned back in his seat. “That makes me feel fantastic. He’s a bastard like I was in school.”
“Well.” Lily spoke slowly. “Look at us now.” 
Lily looked over at you just in time for you to glance up and meet her eyes. She smiled sweetly before she continued. “I think its sweet.”
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frudoo · 2 months
The 141!slasher au has me cackling. Reader lowkey being like "well, if the dick is good"
Imagining reader being taken in to be questioned by the cops for something unrelated to the boys killing. Maybe she witnessed a crime, or maybe someone else got assaulted by the guy who grabbed her. Would the guys be suspicious? Do they have a "get picked up by the cops" protocol, or do they believe there's no chance of ever getting caught? (Does reader already have a "don't talk to the fucking cops without a lawyer [ACAB!]" mindset that helped Johnny be confident in telling her the truth?)
Does reader ever help with kills? Ngl kind of seeing reader work at a children's hospital or as a social worker and taking note of ppl she knows are abusive and being like hey...Simon...<3...did u need ideas of who to kill next...
Anyway thank you for letting me share my thoughts:)
We love a reader who has her priorities straight ;)
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse/trauma.
Deep breaths. It has nothing to do with you or your boys.
     The blinds are shut and there’s a weird buzzing noise coming from somewhere inside the room. Across from you sits a social worker and a detective, and your leg bounces anxiously. 
     It’s mandatory. You’re helping a child and his mom out of a bad situation.
     You’d suspected something was wrong the first time Oliver was brought to your class with a couple of bruises on his leg. You had immediately written your observations down on his sheet and reported it to your bosses, but they brushed it off. Little boys are clumsy, after all, especially when they’ve just recently learned to start walking. The next couple of weeks, the toddler showed up unscathed and happy. 
     This morning, however, his mother dropped him off with a black eye and scratches all over his torso. You could see cuts of her own beneath the makeup she’d been crying off. You’d paged your bosses to come to your classroom immediately, and this time, they took it seriously. You weren’t thrilled that the police had to be involved, but you understood that it was necessary in saving this sweet family. You answered all of their questions honestly—neither saying too little nor too much.
     “Thank you for your time, ma’am. You’re dismissed,” the detective gives you a solemn smile and rises from her seat, opening the door to allow you out. 
     You clutch your purse tightly as you walk through the precinct, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. You’re no stranger to facilities like these. Much of your childhood was spent sitting beside your father at his desk, acting like a good little girl, coloring on blank sheets of paper and pretending that daddy wasn’t such a monster. At work, he was a hero who citizens and coworkers alike depended on to keep them safe and happy. At home, he was a tyrant, taking every opportunity he could to use you and your mother as a punching bag.
     As a child, you’re taught to depend on all the people who are meant to care for you—family members, the police—those whose first priority should be to protect. You should have been able to trust your father. You should have been able to run to him whenever you scraped your knee or got bullied at school, but instead, he was often the one causing you harm. Your mother got sick of the abuse and left when you were five but didn’t bother taking you with her, so he was all you had. He intimidated you into silence, but even if you had reported him, who would have believed the troubled young daughter of such a dependable officer? You learned too quickly, too young, that it would always be their word over yours.
     When you first became a daycare teacher, you didn’t expect to see yourself in so many of the children you either cared for or saw in passing. It broke your heart every time you saw a toddler with a limp or an older child who still wet themselves at naptime, because you knew what they were feeling. You knew the despair they felt in every step they took, the fear they felt every time someone came to pick them up and take them right back to their broken home. The very day you started is the same day you decided you had to stay there, to be some kind of light in the darkness too many of these children should have been too young to ever know.
     You have an unspecified amount of time off—your bosses decided that there was too much of a risk that Oliver’s dad might show up and try to start shit with you for reporting him. There’s still a lot of investigating that the police and child services have to do, and as of right now, the scumbag’s whereabouts are unknown. It’s nerve-wracking to leave your babies even despite knowing they’re in good hands. You’ll have to make sure and call in every day to check on them. 
     It’s about an hour drive back to the farm, and you spend every minute dreading the reunion with your lovers. None of them know about the situation, and you’re not exactly thrilled to catch them up to speed. Still, you owe it to them to be honest. God forbid they find out about it somewhere else and start believing some warped version of the truth. Just the mere idea of them distrusting you makes a sour feeling rise in your gut. 
     Kyle is working in the garden when you arrive, a wide smile on his face as he waves to greet you. The grin you send his way isn’t quite so excited, and immediately he knows something is up. If he was a bloodhound, you’d be sure he could smell the unrest in the air. The slam of your car door alerts the other three men of your presence, and they all line up by the front door curiously. Your heart is racing as you walk inside, motioning for them all to join you in the living room.
     You sit in the recliner with your hands folded in your lap, nervously eyeing each of your husbands. The fear that they might hate you because of what happened gnaws at the front of your brain, chewing until it aches. You’re not even sure if you could blame them—after all, they had a good thing going before they met you. One wrong move and the cog in the machine gets tossed aside like trash. 
     “Speak, lovie,” Simon grunts impatiently, syrupy brown eyes scanning over your face, watching, analyzing.
     “There was an incident at the daycare today,” you begin. “Child services had to get involved, and I was called to the police station to explain my side of things.”
     You’re shaking like a leaf, unable to look at any of them. The tension in the room is so thick that John could probably cut through it with his machete. Not one of them has so much as blinked, each waiting on another to say or do something first. You do.
     “It had nothing to do with any of you, I swear. I’m off work for a few days while the whole thing gets settled. I can’t say much about the case, just that… there was an abusive father involved. They haven’t found him yet, and they’re exercising the idea that I might be a target for reporting him.”
     “Fuck,” Kyle mutters exasperatedly, rubbing his hands over his face as Johnny wraps an arm around his shoulder.
     You finally gather the courage to lift your head, and to your surprise, there is no fury or hatred in any of their expressions. At least, not directed at you. They look more like they’re waiting for an order, leaning forward in their seats like attack dogs ready to pounce. Suddenly it’s clear to you—they may have been an item before you entered the picture, but once you joined them, you became their commander, one that they’ll remain loyal to until the day they die. 
     “I have a proposition,” you whisper, looking directly at John.
     “Give us a name, sweetheart.”
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"anything" - emily prentiss x liaison!fem!reader
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summary: you take an unnecessary risk out in the field
wc: 1.4k
cw: flangst? typical cm violence, but mostly just mentions, pre-establish relationship!
this is my first emily fic plz lmk if u like it!
A steady beeping slowly drags you awake. Your eyes flutter open and you take in the hospital room around you. The first thing you notice is the source of the beeping, from the patient monitor beside your bed. Then the pain hits you like a muffled train wreck, crashing into you but hitting a wall, so it doesn’t hurt quite so bad. They must have you on some strong medication, because it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as you thought it would. The worst feeling of all, though, comes from your abdomen, and when you shift in the bed, it aches and this weak little whimper uncontrollably escapes you. 
“Don’t move,” the velvet voice beside you warns. You didn’t even realize Emily was in here, that’s how knocked out you feel. When you turn your head, you see she’s got the chair pulled up as close to your bed as it can go, her elbows connected to her knees in a C-shaped hunch. “You’ll pop your stitches, and it still wouldn’t be the stupidest thing you’ve done today.”
You hear the sternness in your girlfriend’s voice and feel the color drain from your face. She always said you could never control your face, at least not around the people you love. In family interviews, or talking to the press? You could be stone-cold, unreadable. But once you’re comfortable around someone, your visage has a mind of its own. 
“I know, you’re sorry,” Emily scoffs. Her voice reminds you of bitter, dark chocolate right now. She’s clearly irritated, but remains by your side loyally. That’s how you know she loves you. “That doesn’t change the fact that you made a thoughtless, reckless decision.” 
“I was actually going to say that I’m not sorry,” you huff, groaning softly as you move your rear back to sit up a little. Emily leans back in her seat and her jaw hardens. “Maybe I did act on impulse, but you would have done the same thing.” 
“You disobeyed Hotch’s direct order to stay put,” Emily’s chocolate eyes darken, and she rises from her seat, towering over you with her arms crossed over her chest. “And it got you shot.”
“I thought you were in trouble,” you grumble, your voice just barely above a whisper. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You and Hotch and Morgan all went in different directions, and I heard a scream and a gunshot from where you had gone,” you rattle off, your words all stringing together from the drowsiness. 
You recalled the vast farmland property where Garcia had nailed down the Unsub, how Hotchner didn’t want to wait on SWAT to show up because the guy’s endgame was so close to playing out. He killed at exactly noon with every single one of his victims, so the team had three minutes to find this missing girl. 
“And I couldn’t just stay put, Emily, not when I thought you’d been hurt,” you wring your hands over the top of the scratchy hospital blanket, your knuckles going stark white. “I couldn’t just wait to see what had happened. I couldn’t be helpless like that, not when I thought you might be hurt.” 
Emily’s got her eyes closed and she’s breathing in and out sharply, like she’s forcing herself to calm down, to filter through her initial thoughts so as to not say anything irreversible. “But Hotch told you to stay put,” she repeats in a defeated murmur, lifting one arm to run her hand through her hair. Her fringe is all over the place, and you’re just now noticing the dirt on her milky white cheek. She’s not rested since the farm, you realize, not even taken a second to wipe the dirt off her face. 
Guilt pours over you like a rainstorm, and you feel angry, frustrated, self-reproaching tears well up in your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. “I didn’t do it to scare you,” you whisper. “I’m sorry, Em. I’m sorry that you had to worry about me like that. But I’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant knowing that you were okay.” 
“Don’t Em me,” her voice cracks and you see tears start to fall from her eyes. She must be so tired. You don’t know how long you’ve been out, but you can tell from her posture, from her expression, that she’s not had a moment of respite since she saw the bullet take you down. 
You recall the look on her face - horrified, when she hovered over you, lying in the dirt. She shot the Unsub directly after he shot you. Hotch and Morgan made it in time to help the victim out of her ties, so she ran over to you the second the Unsub was down. 
“What were you thinking?!” she shrieked, lifting your shirt only to find blood oozing from the hole in your stomach. 
“I thought…” you murmured breathlessly, your eyes immediately feeling heavy. 
“Someone get a medic over here now!” she shouted, holstering her gun and pressing her hands onto your stomach. You woke up in the ambulance a little bit after that, but were too hazy to say anything. 
All you remember is Emily crushing your hand between both of yours and muttering something under her breath repeatedly. "Stay with me, baby." You hear it now. "Please don't go."
You reach gingerly for her hand as she stands over you now, unable to stretch your arm out too far for fear of popping a stitch. She helps you out and shuffles forward a step, sitting back down in her chair and pulling it next to the bed. Your fingers grasp hers, and then your palms are flush together. “I’m still really pissed at you,” Emily says. “So is Hotch. Says he has half a mind to take you off active duty altogether.” 
You purse your lips. Surely that’s not totally true. “Well, then he’d have to deal with the press on his own, and he’d want to rip his hair out,” you say. Emily squeezes your hand and you squeeze back. 
“I think he’d do it if it mitigates the risk of you getting shot,” Emily admits seriously. 
“It’s just a graze,” you grumble. Emily’s glowering at you again, and you concede. “A graze that required emergency surgery, but still a graze.” 
“Baby, I don’t think you know what a graze is,” Emily says. “They had to remove a bullet from your stomach. That’s not a graze.” 
You feel your cheeks tingle as they turn pink and you shrug your shoulders, pretending to be none the wiser. “Tomato, tomahto,” you wave your free hand nonchalantly. 
“You feel okay right now? D’you need any more pain meds?” Emily asks, the caretaker in her taking over, despite her frustration towards you getting into this situation in the first place. 
“I’m alright,” you say quietly. Emily’s eyes, beautiful orbs of brown so dark they’re almost black, float down to where your wound is. “Em, hey,” you insist, and those eyes snap back up to yours. “I’m alright. Promise.”
“You’re an idiot, is what you are,” Emily chastises with a sigh. 
“How long are they keeping me here?” you ask in a feeble attempt to change the subject. 
“Probably just a couple of days,” she says, lifting your knuckles to her lips and kissing them gently, like you’re made of fine china, like you could shatter at any moment. “Everyone wants to see you. I told them you probably wouldn’t be up for visitors until tomorrow,” she says. 
“That’s fine,” you agree, leaning your head back against the pillow. Whatever medications flowing through the IV in your wrist has you feeling very low-energy. “And how long are you gonna be mad at me?” you ask, sticking your bottom lip out a little in an attempt to earn some sympathy points. 
Emily shakes her head a little, but you see the faint uptick of her mouth that gives her away. “At the very least, however long it takes you to recover,” she jokes halfheartedly. 
“Does my punishment come with a ban on kisses?” you ask, tugging her hand with your own. 
Emily leans forward in her seat, her lips mere centimeters from your own. “That would be a punishment for me, too, and I didn’t do anything wrong,” she teases, then pecks your lips briefly. 
Your eyes are feeling heavy, and you heave a small sigh. “Love you, Em,” you say softly as the room goes dark. “Do anything for you, Em.” 
“I know you would, baby,” Emily sighs as well, but you feel her thumb swiping over the back of your hand. “That’s the problem.”
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strangesmallbard · 6 months
aegon 2 and 3 are such. wildly tragic characters. your name is aegon you were never a person because your name is aegon and your father sacrificed everything for a son. not you, though. you were his duty. so your name is aegon. and your mother loves you, but you were also her duty. she resents you for it as much as she loves you. who cares what type of person you become? you’ll still become aegon and you’ll sit on that throne. you’re simply a reflection of every violent act such a throne requires. history will remember that you lost, and history will remember that you are aegon II targaryen; you were king and then you died. who are you?
and then! your name is aegon. your mother named you aegon because your uncle is aegon and your mom needed another aegon. your mom loves you desperately. she keeps you like a shadow. you watch your mother die in fire. you watch your brother die in the ocean. you watch your brother die in the air. men you don’t know put you on the throne that killed your mother and your father and your brothers because your name is aegon and you are king. you try to be a good king. you marry the daughter of the man who killed your family. she’s the only person who can possibly understand you. and she dies too. your name is aegon and the people know you as the dragonsbane, a destroyer of legacies, sullen and angry. you only smile once in recorded history: when your little brother unexpectedly comes home alive. but then he has a son. and he names that son aegon. and all the dragons die, but the fire that killed your mother spreads.
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golddust-if · 8 months
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you're a wanted person. that isn't new to you, but after years of working, someone. no. something is after you.
you were taught by the best, your mother, she was an amazing woman but she was too trusting and in the end, that was her downfall. you won't make that mistake. you're a killer, but a righteous one. you kill those who deserve it, the disposable.
with your abnormal abilities, of which only twenty-five percent of the population is gifted with. you can succeed in what she was never able to do, rid the world of sinners.
you work for the slaughterhouse, a bar... with a dark side; in a rowdy part of the city. your mother was the owner but she didn't pass it down to you, she passed it your younger twin siblings. she believed you were far too talented to sit behind a desk, dealing with paperwork.
you've traveled all over the world, exterminating. you've claimed plenty of people, but perhaps this time you went after the wrong one. having no other choice you flee back home, but you aren't safe there either, you never are.
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play with a customizable mc [gender (male or female), physical appearance, personality, sexuality]
protect those you care about or turn your back on them when they need you.
romance, befriend, or make enemies between any of the sixteen characters. four gender selectable, six male, and six female.
decide what supernatural ability you were gifted with; telepathy, telekinesis, or teleportation [figure out how to develop it and what other ability you have]
define your mc's signature weapon, fighting style and overall skillset; how you feel about killing, and the supernatural abilities you were gifted with.
this story is rated 18+ for sexual themes, substance (drug and alcohol) use, explicit language, and violence. [more themes might be added later]
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the tattoo artist [male or female] [ro] wren price – partner in crime. they've been by your side since you can remember. always with a bright smile and cheeky remarks, you can't think about how your life would look without them. though they act differently with others, more serious, with a glint in their eyes you can't quite figure out. they never look at you like that.
the bodyguard [male] [ro] theodore price – the older brother of your best friend. there's no doubt in your mind that they're related. he's protective over you, although you can't hold that against him as that's what he does for a living. protect people. he's hard to get to know on a deeper level and you can't help but wonder what's going on in his mind.
the detective [female] [ro] rori hayes – now, if you weren't yourself, perhaps you could have been friends with her. but unfortunately for you... she's extremely suspicious of you and set to bring you to justice. she's recently been promoted and she cannot afford to fail, not when her family is counting on her.
the chief deputy sheriff [male] [ro] charles butler – good ole charlie, you're acquainted with each other. he can't say he isn't a little impressed with you. but you're endangering the citizens of his city and that includes his little girl. he may not have any evidence on you but you need to be brought down, and he's going to be the one that books you.
the model [male] [ro] julien ripley – son of the sheriff. he always looks uncomfortable with his own father. he’s never talked to you before and you’re almost positive he has no opinion on you. he’s a very well known face, although you can tell he doesn’t like being stared at and overall talking to anyone. *male mcs only
the journalist [female] [ro] sloane campbell – she's fast alright and always seems to know your moves. too bad she isn't on your side. always trying to announce to the world, where you are and what you're planning to do next. good thing she's overlooked at her job, consistently being handed stories that, even you know, aren't going anywhere.
the bartender [male or female] [ro] hale/hart vaughn – a family friend, and your sister's best friend. with their tantalizing words, they don't know the meaning of being serious. they are quite insufferable and you can't seem to be able to get rid of them. you have a feeling if you did, your own sister would come after you.
the florist [female] [ro] paris graham– at first glance she doesn't appear to be anything special, but that would be wrong. she's a firework waiting to explode and you want to be there when it happens. her work doesn't suit her but you have a feeling, that being a florist isn't all that she does. *female mcs only
the apartment owner [male] [ro] nolan adams – he knows about you and what you do, but he doesn’t give off the feeling of someone who’d go running to tell. you’ve always come back to lay low at his apartment complex when you need to and as long as you pay on time he doesn’t care what you do. 
the actor [female] [ro] ophelia wylie – a face from your past, one you can’t say you particularly enjoy facing again. she seems remorseful for what she did to you, in fact she looks like a completely different person and she’s offering to help you, but for what in exchange… after all, no one gives anything for free.
the crime lord [male] [ro] louis foster – of course you’ve heard of lou, you’d be an idiot if you didn’t. he's tried and failed to recruit you and he never fails. you’ve been warned before, it would be a mistake to make an enemy out of a king.
the informant [male] [ro] vincent sutton – it’s rare to ever see him out, only ever seen accompanying lou. if you had the ability to feel fear, you’d fear him. he shows every sign of being against you, but then again, it seems as if he does that to everyone around him as well. 
the chef [male or female] [ro] mateo/melanie olsen – you see them quite often, as their restaurant is one of your favorites. they always serve you with a smile and if they do know you, they play oblivious. they're just happy to have a customer who enjoys their food.
the doctor [female] [ro] eileen yates – serene and calming, a voice who always knows exactly what to say. she may look innocent but she’s far from it, you’ve known her for years yet you don’t truly know her, for all you know eileen may not even be her name. 
the accountant [female] [ro] felix price – the youngest of the price siblings, she helps out with all the money coming into and out of the slaughterhouse. she’s always been compassionate and reasonable. you can't imagine her hurting a fly.
the rival bar owner [male or female] [ro] kinslee dean – they own a bar just a couple streets down from yours. it’s always been a problem and they’re actively trying to shut down the slaughterhouse. but they’re surprisingly level-headed and want to 'handle' this problem with logic.
the owner of the slaughterhouse [male] archer – your younger brother, he’s honestly kind of a mess. he was not ready for this responsibility but he’s trying. the mischievous boy you grew up with, you don’t know where he is anymore.
the owner of the slaughterhouse [female] iris – your younger sister, she’s always been loud and bold. but she’s changed too, she’s calm and collected. she’s trying her best to help her brother along too.
the sheriff [male] lazlo ripley – a pompous man with nothing else to do but terrorize those he thinks are inferior to him. 
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DEMO [Coming Soon]
warning: this story is still under development, all elements are subject to change!!
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lowkeyerror · 6 months
The Family Business Ch.8
Word Count: 3k
Ch notes: Angst, Nightmares, Fighting
Summary: The family copes with the situation revolving Dragos
An: Sorry for posting so late.... hope you like it. Also posting from my phone, so sorry formatting issues.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“ Enough time has passed Wanda. We have to act now before we lose everything,” you speak to the woman in her office.
“I'm not ready for war Y/n,” She tries to dismiss you.
“Detka, I think she’s right. If we wait any longer it could, everything your father built would be over,” Natasha backs you up.
Wanda puts her head down on the desk, "I don't think I can do this.”
“It’s just like we planned, Wanda. Nat and I have everything on standby to close the ports, we’re just waiting on your word,” you speak softly to her.
“Fine, just do it,” she waves her hand, but doesn’t move her face from it’s place on the desk.
She had been like this for nearly two weeks. The shooting of her father seemed to hit her the hardest. She felt like she wasted too much time away from him and now he was gone.
The only way you were functioning was hope that he would wake up. He wasn’t gone, he was just in a coma. People recover from being in comas, they wake up. You just keep telling yourself that Dragos would be waking up soon.
“Wanda, maybe you should go home, I can handle this,” your eyes are full of worry, but your voice is firm.
“I’m capable of running this business Y/n,” she snaps back at you.
“ I know you are, that’s why they put you in charge. However, this is not a one man job Wanda. Dragos had days where he needed someone to take charge. I’m one of those people. Whether he’s sitting in that seat or you’re sitting in that seat, I’m going to continue to be that person. Now go home.”
She looks at you with something you’ve never seen before. It makes your brow furrow. The intensity of her stare isn’t malicious, but it’s unfamiliar to you.
“I’ll take you baby,” Nat offers, taking Wanda’s attention away from you.
Wanda takes one more look at you before agreeing to go with her wife.
“Stop by after work, I don’t care how late it is,” her demand makes you want to gulp, but you hold it and nod.
She’s out of the door first. You share a look with Natasha as you take s seat at the desk.
“I’ll be back, I can have everything ready for tonight,” the spy says.
“Thank you, Natasha.”
She leaves and you get to work immediately. You call in your dealers and suppliers to inform them of potential uptick in all products your pushing to prepare them adequately. You call your supposed allies, you’re vague but they know it’s a threat. More than threat, but a test of loyalty. Some of them dismiss you as you aren’t Dragos, but you’re sure by morning they’ll come around or go out of business.
There had been too much silence on your side of the business. Fisk was parading around the city saying that he killed Dragos. The lack of movement from your side of things only made it seem true.
Wanda had been placed temporarily in charge of the business while Dragos was out of commission. However, she wasn't emotionally prepared for this yet. None of you were in actuality, you all needed more time.
“ Where’s Wanda?” Pietro strolls into the office.
Your eyes are locked on the screen, “ Sent her home.”
“You’re running things today?”
You nod, “We’re going through with the plan to shut down the pier tonight. I put out some feelers, stayed pretty vague. I know they'll get on board when there's no other option.”
“You sound like him,” Pietro chuckles.
“I hope so, I got brushed off by one too many people over the phone. We need to let them know we aren’t weak. We will not be usurped, we are this city and it’s time to remind them.”
Pietro agrees, “My eyes and ears on the street have been telling me about Kingpin He’s telling others he fixed the Maximoff issue. We need to get a handle on this.”
“They will be dealt with and I’ll save Fisk for last. Next time I wont miss when I shoot,” your jaw clenches.
“How are you holding up?” He asks, taking in your appearance.
The bags under your eyes spoke for themselves. You hadn’t been sleeping well, getting 3 hours seems like a blessing some days.
“Not well, but I’ll be alright.”
“You haven’t been sleeping.”
You sigh, “How can I rest well, knowing that the man who has taken someone important from me walks around the streets celebrating it? It’s like he’s taunting me.”
Pietro’s hand lands on your shoulder, “We’re going to get him Y/n, I swear.”
Natasha strolls back into the room, “I’ve got everything set we're just waiting on nightfall.”
“Good, I’m almost done here. I’ve got some paperwork to get through and if it’s not too late, maybe we can carpool?”
Natasha smiles, “I’ll wait for you, it’s no problem.”
“I guess we’ll leave you to it Don Y/n,” Pietro jokes as he pats your shoulder before exiting the office, Natasha’s following behind him.
The paperwork takes longer than expected. You’re exhausted by the end of it, your eyes are strained as you finish the last of it up.
When Natasha comes to check on you , she can tell you’ve dissociated from the work you’re doing. It looks mindless yet stressful at the same time. You don’t even notice she's standing there for another 10 minutes.
“Ok you’re done, lisichka. Time to go home,” Natasha’s voice startles you.
You give her little protest, moving out of the seat. Your bones crack and you let out a yawn as you grab your belongings.
“Wanda’s going to need help tomorrow. The lines should be busy. We can open them up so Kate and I can help filter orders,” you mumble as you leave the office.
“No more work talk, we’re out of the office,” Natasha reminds you.
You let out a tired laugh, “Now you’re sounding like a Maximoff."
“I am married to one,” she says as the two of you get in her car.
“I don't know who's luckier you or her.”
Natasha quirks an eyebrow as she begins to dive, “I’m pretty sure it's me.”
“You’re good for her too; don't discredit yourself. Wanda has always been a caregiver of sorts. She wants to take care of everyone. It's nice to see she has someone who can take care of her,” your eyes begin to close as you speak.
“You’ve taken care of her before. When she was fighting with Pietro, the whole situation with Dragos; you kept her grounded,” Natasha points out.
You shrug lightly, “I couldn't when I was younger.”
Natasha glances at your nearly sleeping figure, “You were just a child, lisichka.”
“I was fragile, she needed someone strong,” you feel sleep overtaking you.
Natasha goes to respond, but hears you snoring softly, “I don't think you could've ever been fragile.”
The spy doesn't wake you when you arrive at the condo. Instead she carefully removes you from the car and carries you up to her door. She rings the bell unable to get her keys while holding you.
When Wanda opens the door her eyes soften at the sight of you asleep in her wife’s arm.
“I didn't want to wake her. I overheard her telling Pietro she hasn't been sleeping,” Nat explains to her wife.
“Just lay her in our bed,” Wanda says, and Natasha complies.
Wanda heads to the kitchen, unable to sleep. She stays to make herself some tea.
“She cares about you a lot,” Natasha says meeting her wife in the kitchen.
Wanda just hums a response.
“You care about her a lot too,” Natasha looks to meet her wife’s gaze.
“Astute observation, sweetheart,” Wanda responds dryly.
Natasha steps into Wanda’s personal space, “You know what I’m insinuating then?”
Wanda finally looks at her wife, “No I don’t.”
“I think you're in love with her,” Natasha is gentle when she speaks.
Wanda laughs, “What are you talking about? Y/n is a part of my family. I’ve cared for her for years; healed her wounds, held her when she cried, taught her how to defend herself. Natasha, she was barley turning 17 when I met her.”
“I see the way you look at her Wanda. It’s the same way you look at me,” her tone doesn’t convey anger or sorrow.
Wanda’s laughter has yet to die down, “She’s my little brother’s best friend.”
“Then tell me why she can ground you the same way I can? Her touch calms you, her look quiets you, and her figure causes your eyes to drift. Just be honest with me Wanda.”
“Look, I love Y/n. I would do anything to keep her safe, but there’s nothing between us romantically,” Wanda gets serious for the first time in the conversation.
Natasha rolls her eyes, “You lost your mind about something from 5 years ago involving her, you were in tears when you couldn't attend her graduation, you talked about her more than your brother, mother, and father.”
Wanda’s eyes shift for a second, it’s the only sign Natasha needs. Her hand reach for her wife’s. Her thumbs pad the back of Wanda’s hand.
“Natasha I can’t. I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” she tries to escape but Natasha won’t let her.
“Talk to me, detka.”
For a moment it seems like Wanda is going to talk it out with her wife. However a commotion in their bedroom puts brakes to the conversation.
They both rush in that direction. In the bedroom they find you fighting in your sleep. You’re thrashing, punching, and screaming.
Wanda’s eyes go wide at the sight. The distress on your face send her into fight or flight. She wants to help, but she’s unaware of what to do.
Natasha on the other hand has had her fair share of life like nightmares. She knows how delicate of a situation that they can be.
“Easy lisichka, it’s not real,” Natasha’s voice is firm as she speaks, slowly inching towards you.
Natasha’s hand slowly reaches for your forearm. The action cause you to jerk, but Natasha is unflinching. Her hands trailing up and down your arm trying to calm you.
“Baby you’re safe here,” Natasha slips her fingers between yours.
It’s sudden the way you jolt forward into consciousness. Natasha’s arms wrap around you securely as your chest heaves up and down.
Wanda joins your side, hand running through your hair, “It’s ok, you’re ok. You’re safe little krolik.”
You sniffle a couple of times. Before realizing the position you're in. You sit in a bed that you can only assume belongs to the two women, that are slowing your erratic heart rate.
“I uh- I fell asleep in the car,” you say pushing the women away from you slightly.
You wipe the sweat from your forehead and then rub at your eyes roughly. The feeling of embarrassment starts to creep in on you.
“ You did, exhausted from all that work and no sleep,” Natasha says.
You nod lightly, “As you can see I have a hard time with sleeping.”
“It’s like that every night?” Wanda’s voice was laced with concern.
You try to laugh it off, “I get by with the little sleep I get before the nightmares.”
“Y/n, we’re being serious,” Wanda’s use of your actual name startles you a bit.
You take a deep breath, “Nearly every night since the shooting. But I’m a big girl guys, I’ve got it under control.”
“Wanda’s been having trouble sleeping too. If I leave just for a second, she starts panicking pretty bad,” Natasha mentions, causing her wife to glare at her.
Wanda crosses her arms over her chest defensively and that’s how you know Natasha is telling the truth.
“I’ve been trying to run a company and a business. There’s no time for a comfortable rest.”
It was your turn to give a stern look, “You won’t be able to lead well if all your senses are weakened from lack of sleep.”
“And how much sleep did you get last night before so graciously kicking me out of the office today?” She counters and your face heats up.
“It's not like I don't want to sleep. I’ve tried a bunch of shit, but nothing is enough for the nightmares. It’s triggering, you know because not only are the nightmares themselves intense, but having them in the first place reminds me the ones I used to have about my family.”
Though you've arguably been vulnerable with both of these women before, it feels harder this time. It feels like they are seeing a piece of you that is supposed to be neatly tucked away. Yet you’re too tired to hide it and you trust them not to use it against you.
“If you’re comfortable with it, I know something that might help,” Natasha offers.
“I’m willing to try anything,” you give her your full attention.
“Stay here with us tonight,” her eyes pierce through yours.
“Here as in…”
“The bed, yes,” Natasha elaborates.
Almost reflexively you look to Wanda to find her staring at her wife. The look isn’t entirely inviting and you take note of that.
You look directly towards Wanda as you speak, “I don't want to impose or be anymore of an inconvenience than I already have. I can actually just go home and try again.”
You attempt to get out of bed, but Wanda places a hand on your chest, keeping you down, “Y/n, you will never be an inconvenience to me. I don't want to keep you here if you’re uncomfortable, but if Nat thinks this could help you then I think it’s worth a shot.”
Your skin is hot under her hand, and you hope she can’t feel the way your heart is beating. It truly shouldn’t feel like such a big deal, you’ve laid with Wanda before . You knew what it was like to have her arms tightly secured around you while she played with your hair until your nerves died. Something about it felt more innocent then.
Now that you were both adults and Wanda was married, it almost seemed like crossing a line.
“What if this works?” You say looking between the couple. They share a quick look at each other before fixing their eyes on you.
“ We’ll cross that bridge when we get there lisichka. We should all get some rest, tomorrow will be very hectic for everyone,” Natasha again reassures you.
“ Do you want something more comfortable to sleep in?” Wanda says, as she pinches the fabric of your work shirt.
You nod lightly and not even a second later Natasha is shoving some pajamas in your hand. She points you to the direction on the restroom and you go leaving the two redheads alone for a moment.
“Natalia,” Wanda’s voice is low and cold as she speaks to her wife.
Natasha shrugs, “What was I supposed to do, Wanda? Did you see the poor girl?”
“You did this to prove a point,” Wanda keeps her voice down with much effort.
“I think you’re doing that all on your own. This is simply helping a friend out. It’s not like you haven’t shared bed with her before,” Natasha shoots back.
“T-this is different,” she stumbles over her words.
“Why?” Natasha raises an eyebrow at her wife.
“Can we drop this please?” Wanda looks away.
Her wife reaches to caress her face, “Detka, we can drop it for now but sooner or later we’re going to have to talk about your feelings.”
Wanda draws in a large breath . She focuses on the way Natasha’s thumb cascades across her cheek.
She looks at her wife, “I love you. More than anything Natalia. I would never put you through anything that I think would hurt us. This to me is the most important everything .”
“I’m not doubting that baby. I’m not asking you this question to make you pick between the two, I just want some clarity,” Natasha kisses Wanda briefly after speaking.
Before Wanda can speak again you’re back in the room. You stand awkwardly as the couple behind you to the bed.
“So, how does this work? Do you want me on the edge or in the middle or..?”
“We’re following your lead little krolik."
Alarms go off in your brain but the aren't loud enough in your sleep deprived state. You take your place at the edge of the bed, closest to Wanda.
You try your best to keep your arms stiffly to yourself. There isn't any chance that you'd willingly embarrass yourself further.
It would be so easy to put your arm around her waist. The more you think the less sleep you get.
Wanda can sense the tense state of your body. Natasha words echo in her mind and it causes her to hesitate. Usually she would’ve already taken initiative to make sure you were comfortable. However here she was, scared that the feeling of your arms around her would send her into an overload.
“Can I- ” your sentence is aided by the action of your hand coming to rest respectfully on her stomach.
Wanda doesn’t speak but her hand lands gently over yours, keeping it in place. You relax at the action and unintentionally pull the woman closer to you. Her back is flush against your front as soft snores fall from your lips. You fall asleep instantly.
She doesn't want to admit it, but being this close to you makes her heart thunder in her chest. She feels warm in your hold. It’s a new feeling.
Being held by you is different than holding you herself. Her free hand reaches out for her wife. Natasha scoots closer, to be face to face with Wanda. Her hand interlaces itself with Wanda’s.
Natasha kisses the back of Wanda’s hand, “I love you.”
“Love you more,” Wanda whispers as her eyes flutter shut.
The three women lay together. For once their minds are quiet as they sleep. It’s peaceful, something that they can revel in before the storm of the morning disrupts their peace.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok
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knight-of-flowerss · 3 months
I Will Wait.
Part one.
|__> part two will have smut I think :p also if u wanna be added to the house of the dragon tag list pls comment on here and I’ll add u!!
Benjicot ‘Davos’ Blackwood x Bracken!Reader.
Fluff + a bit of angst
Song inspo: I will wait by Mumford & Sons
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Being a Bracken was hard. Well, being a Bracken girl was hard. Your brother, Aeron, was a pompous arsehole. Always acting like he was this big, tough knight, when in reality, he was a little boy who was playing as a pretend knight.
Your uncle, Humfrey, also known as Lord Bracken, was also a pompous arsehole, but he knew how to toy with people. He wasn’t a pretender, he would make promises and keep them. Like the promise that he would get one of his guards to whoop you as a child if you didn’t stop misbehaving, and as all children are, you continued misbehaving, and as you can expect, your uncle stuck to his words, even had the nerve to laugh at you when you tried to sit down on your sore bottom the next morning.
There are many things wrong with House Bracken. But the worst and most annoying of all was the ongoing rivalry between House Bracken and House Blackwood.
Apparently, to the Blackwood’s, years and years ago, the Bracken’s poisoned their dear Weirwood tree. It could be the truth or it could be another of the miscellaneous lies that both houses seemed to spew about each other to back up their rivalry. But in reality, I don’t think either side really knows why they hate eachother.
But what you did know is that you love a Blackwood.
And that was wrong.
Benjicot Blackwood was a sweet boy. Shy and caring. He was everything you wanted in a man. And he didn’t care that you were a Bracken.
Even when you were little, Benji always intrigued you. He was an honourable boy, an honourable man. He would never include a girl in a family feud that all stemmed from jealous men.
“Benji.. the war is coming, isn’t it?..” You whispered to him. You were both deep in the forest, Benji sitting up against a large tree, and you lying in his lap, your head resting on his chest as you get your large dress comfortable on the ground. Playing with his shirt, you look up at him, seeing him staring infront.
“Yes my love. I’m sorry but I must fight, it’s what I was born for. If I cannot protect my Queen then what type of Lord am I?” Benji breathed out. You sit up slightly, placing your left hand on his leg and your right on your chest, your faces inches apart.
“And what about me Benji? If you cannot come back alive then where does that leave me? Married off like a brood mare to the highest bidder? Dead at the hands of the other Blackwood’s? And what if Aegon wins? You could get executed for going against the crown-“
“And you can’t? Rhaenyra will win. And when she does she just might have mercy on the disloyal houses like House Bracken. Or she might kill you. But I know my Queen. The backers of the usurper cunt call her King Maegor with teats. She mourns her children! Her legacy! But even after all that she would spare the lives of those serving the pretender, because she is a good Queen.”
Tears brim your eyes as you stare at him. Wishing this could all be different. “Benji.. I don’t care who wins and who loses, I just want you. I want us to marry and grow old and have children, I want to not be afraid to love you Benji..”
Leaning your head against his, you squeeze your eyes closed and pressed your lips together tightly, trying not to spill tears or a pathetic whimper.
“I’m sorry my love. I promise you I’ll be back. And when I do, I promise I’ll marry you under the Weirwood tree, under the Old Gods and the New. I’ll love you unconditionally, no matter what any Bracken or Blackwood say. You are mine and I am yours. The day we get back, I either ask for your hand or take you as mine if anyone objects.”
You open your eyes and look at him, lips parting slightly. “Really?..” He adorns his sweet little smile finally and let’s out a small, breathy laugh. “Of course my love, you mean the world to me and I’d rather die than let you be used as a political piece for those piece of shit Brackens. Always have been a piece of shit, do you know what your uncle did to my father when they were-“
You grabbed his face, slamming your lips onto his, it was probably the last time that you could and you were going to make the most of it.
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It had been two years. Two full Fucking years. It was over, finally. The usurper, Aegon, had been defeated.
From the start of the war ‘til now, you had matured a lot. All Noble women and children of the Riverland houses had lived in Riverrun since the war started, protecting the houses heirs and family.
Two years ago you were naïve, wide-eyed, and dependent on your surroundings to comfort you. Innocence was your very essence.
Now, post-war, you had come to terms with the world, it couldn’t change, people will continue to kill each other for power. But also, you were ‘ready for children’ according to Lady Tully. She claims your hips have widened and your breasts have grown. She is determined to find you a living husband to carry on your Bracken line but in reality, you wanted to taint that line, with Blackwood blood.
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Soldiers were returning home.
Finally, your family was returning home.
Thousands of men from each houses spewing through each and every crevice, determined to get home.
Tully men made their way towards the Riverrun to celebrate their victory with their wives and children, with those who fought bravely along side with each other.
Darkmont men marched their way home, proud banner men who were eager to pray to the Seven, giving thanks for the victory that the Warrior gifted them, grateful that the Warrior answered their prayers of protection, valour and skill in battle.
The Piper men stalked towards the Pinkmaiden Castle near the Golden Tooth and the border with the Westerlands. Their loyalty towards the Tully’s unwavering in and out of battle. They make their way home while their faces reflect their words, ‘Brave and Beautiful’.
Other houses marched home, House Endymion, House Deddings, House Teague and others. They were all either matching home or to Riverrun to celebrate. You would try and pay more attention, but you’re too busy to acknowledge each and every men as you’re looking out for your man.
Your silly, crazed, depraved man that, hopefully, still has that shy, tender-hearted, gentle and loving boy inside.
You were just about to turn away, to pack up and return home to see what was left of your family, when you see it.
Three sets of flags, each having a trail of burned, bloodied and beaten soldiers following.
In the middle there rode a man holding the Clement House coat of arms on a large banner, a white flag with for blue, jagged line going down vertically.
They were loyal men of the Tully’s, Defenders of the Riverlands but there is only so much those soldiers can do before they stick their swords through their chest due to the constant bickering of the houses on either side of them.
On the left of House Clement, there was your family. House Bracken. Holding their golden banner with the Carmine coloured Stallion plastered in the middle up high as if they weren’t serving the pretender, the usurper, the loser. They had been defeated, yes. But their life long rivalry with the house over the field seemed to make them forget that.
You finally spotted your brother, Aeron. He looked utterly defeated. But that was in his eyes, his body and mouth concealed his battered condition with a confident facade.
Even from so far away you could tell they were bickering. They always were.
Finally your gaze drifts towards the right of House Clement, to your enemies.
A large, grey Stallion, big hooves, a dark matted mane with bit splotches of white and grey littering it the further you get towards its back legs moved in sync with the others at the front of the House Blackwood line. It was the most beautiful horse you had ever seen, trotting at a slow pace and showing off its regal strut. For being such a big and burley horse, it was quite elegant.
But, as beautiful as the horse was, a god sat atop it. The Maiden herself reincarnated as a Blackwood boy, Man.
Benjicot Blackwood had returned, more a man than those marching. He held his family’s banner up high, displaying their victory.
You smiled and stepped away from the window, running through the halls of the Riverrun. You stood at the front of the gates, greeting men as they trotted in.
All the other houses entered or passed and then finally House Clement entered, the banner men leading the Fyrd.
Next came your house, House Bracken. Your cousins and siblings came boasting in. Upon an auburn horse, your brother chucked the banner to the on foot soldiers and got off his horse.
“Sister!” Aeron shouted as he rushed towards you, “The fucking bitch Queen won, the little fuckers burnt half our house, I’ll fucking kill them.”
“Maybe it is for the best Aeron, we should at least be grateful she hasn’t burnt us to a crisp. And.. I’m glad to have you back brother.” You smiled and pressed a palm to his cheek. He sighs and wraps his arms around you tightly, “I’ve missed you sister, truly. It was horrifying out there, you ever seen a dragon rip a man to shreds? Well, hopefully not. Has everything been alright while we’ve been gone?”
“Of course it has brother, I’m a Bracken after all. A Bracken woman. I know how to handle myself. Now, go inside and show everyone how a Bracken stands tall, even after a loss.”
He smiled at me, tightly nodding. He let of me and started walking inside, catching up with our cousins on the steps.
Finally, finally the Blackwoods came marching. But that large stallion wasn’t matching at the start, Benjicot Blackwood, your Benji was no where to be found in fact.
Panic set in through you. Where had he gone? Had he fled? Had your family hurt him? Your questions were left un-answered as Lady Tully came out.
“Sweetheart, come inside, celebrate.” She spoke to you with great kindness, her hands gripping the sides of your arms and gently pulling you away into the Riverrun.
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While the Lady Tully was coercing you inside, Benji was arguing with your uncle, Lord Bracken.
“Your false, usurper, cunt of a ‘king’ has been defeated Lord Bracken, I see no reason why you still think you can act like you have the upper hand.” Benjicot had started to lose his temper.
He had came to Lord Bracken to ask for your hand in marriage, to throw away their rivalries and start a new beginning of joint houses. Of course this was not Benjicot Blackwood speaking, Benjicot Blackwood would rather die than admit this. No, this was Benji speaking. This was the boy who loved a woman speaking.
But as time passed, his new nickname gifted to him in the war came shining through, Bloody Ben came out. He started losing his temper, lashing out at your depraved uncle, calling out his foolishness.
In reality, Benjicot was being just as foolish, lashing out at a Bracken while their large hoard pricks surround him, fucking stupid. But, he had brought Oscar and Kermit Tully alongside him, two long friends of his. So if shit went down, at least they’d die together.
As the bickering continued, both Bracken and Blackwood became increasingly more agitated and aggressive, the two Tully boys standing there like they’re ready to kill them selves and not the men coated in yellow.
“Young Lord Blackwood, do you really think I’d let your tiny Blackwood cock defile my innocent neice?”
Benji huffs, “Lord Bracken, your neice will have the taste of a real man, not a Bracken boy. The gods know we are destined-“ , “You worship the old gods! You will not say the fake gods destine you and her.”
Kermit moves forward, leaning to whisper into Benjicot’s ear, “Ben, maybe we should leave”, Benjicot puts a hand on his chest and softly nudges him away.
“Lord Bracken, rest assured, the old gods and the new know our binding of houses will avoid years of bloodshed in the future-“
Lord Bracken interrupts him, “Why would you want out houses binded? The Blackwood’s hate the Brackens and vice versa, it’s been like that for years, why would you of all people want that? You wish to take a jab at House Bracken while we are at our weakest? Belittle us?-“
“I love her.” Exclaimed Benji, Kermit looked to Oscar and Oscar rolled his eyes, just wanting to sit and feast, tired from the war.
“You know nothing of love, boy.”
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Tags: @thethreeeyed-raven @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom @tiredsleepyhead @onlyrealjoy
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wanatasha · 23 days
˗ˏˋcat & mouse´ˎ˗
chapter one
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⤑ bounty hunter!natasha x fem!reader
how she met you, seated across from you at the bar. leaned back, twisting her knife from under the table. it was the first chase of many.
summary ༯ space/star wars theme, not proofread (i’ll come back later), enemies(?) to lovers, bounty hunter!natasha, criminal!reader, cat/mouse dynamics, hurt/comfort, eventual smut (MDNI — top!n, bottom!reader), ambush, injuries (n and r sustaining), alcohol mentions, blood mentions, r doesn’t have a family, weapon discussion/mentions (knives & blasters), sensual dynamics, N is stronger than R
╰━━━━⋆series m.list • ✎1.7k • next chapter ⋆━━━━╯
“What,” your friend exclaimed from beside you, leaning closer, “please don’t tell me I hear that correctly.”
       “The black widow is after me,” you hissed over to him, eyes remaining on the people surrounding the pub as to act inconspicuous despite being the third most wanted on the list of criminals. You’re confident at least seventy percent of people in this building recognize your face. That other forty percent are stupid and probably entered the pub after you took down the flyers just outside on the door. 
“What. The. Hell.” He said each word with an emphasis, dramatically leaning himself back into his cair, “how the fuck and where the fuck did this even happen?”
        “Well good thing is I’m on the list like we wanted, bad thing is–I’m on the damn list. I’m going to get killed now.”
“Yeah, ain’t no way you’re running from her. Nobody does. That’s why she has the title black–”
        “Keep saying her name and she’ll appear,” you say, mumbling into your glass, “and that’s the last thing I need happening right now when I’m trying to think of a way out of this.” 
“You’re slick, but not that slick. Nobody’s that slick. I guess except for the bla–”
Your foot collides with his and he cuts his sentence off. 
It’s busy tonight as it always is. People and species from all over the universe are entering and crowding the pub. Drinks of all colors and textures are passed around, the bartenders hard at work creating such drinks and handing them out. Your friend leans over the counter, hand raised to catch one of the bartender's attention while you down the rest of your drink. 
He finishes his order with the bartender before facing you, “is there any specific way you can think of getting out of this with her?”
       “Not right now, no. The price on my head is too grand, I can’t pay higher. I can’t run or hide from her, I can try but that’s useless. I could try to kill her, but the chances of that happening are less than one percent. Best I can think of doing is running, but I don’t really–” 
Your speech slows when you feel like the hairs on the back of your neck stand. Just across the way your eyes landed on a woman with red hair and an outfit so dark it blends into the shadows of where she sits in the pub. The world closes in on you, making it hard to breathe. Your friend notices and looks in the direction you're looking, his reaction similar to yours. Just under the table she holds a knife in her hand. You watch as she twirls it with ease, flicking between each hand as she stares you down with a look. It’s a quiet confidence that surrounds her, almost playful. 
“You should run, I can try to hold her back. If you’re alive, meet me back at the ship,” your friend says beside you, voice monotone and low. 
You nod, keeping eye contact with her as your hips begin to slide off the chair you’re sitting in. In a split second you take off behind you, shoving past everyone to shove the back door open. You twist around, climbing straight up the ladder. On top you can see everything, and you wait until she comes out. Nothing. You turn around and her body collides with hers–throwing the both of you off of the side of the building. Your vision blackens around the edges as you try to inhale oxygen. She has you pinned onto the ground, her hands on your biceps and her body straddling yours. 
You take a deep breath and slam both your feet into her back–pushing her to knock heads with yours. It makes you even dizzier than before but at least it throws her off balance. She brings a hand to her face while you try to drag yourself out from her hold with a wince. No surprise that she recovers fast, bringing her hand right back down to hold onto your shoulder–stopping you. 
The sight of her left hand reaching for her knife wakes you up. Adrenaline fully rushing through you as you bring your legs up again to land your knee against the bone of her crotch. Her grip loosens ever so slightly, giving you time to use it to whip yourself out. Instead of trying to even fight, you run.
You run and run across the town. You run through a market, pushing past the people–ignoring the dirty looks they give you as you do. You run through the neighborhood, past the houses and families towards the other end of the small town. You want to scream when you hear her footsteps behind you. The sound of her feet hitting the ground creeping you out and making you almost stumble in your walk. 
An alleyway arrives and you twist into it, your hand reaching onto your thigh to take your knife. Just as you do she swats it away. The knife flies, landing in the sand about a foot away. You elbow her and move past towards your knife but her foot comes under you, tripping you and causing you to land face up on the ground. You groan, looking up and still trying to reach for your knife again. She catches your wrist, halting your movement and holding it still above your head. You meet her free hand halfway, using her momentum to swing the two of you over. With her beneath you, you reach over her to grab your knife and you quickly angle it at her neck. 
You pant above her, your legs straddling her waist and your eyes staring down at her cool, blue ones. 
“It’s a shame you’re hot,” you murmur.
      “You think I’m hot?” 
Just then a whizzing sound flies by your ear and you’re looking to find your friend standing to the left of you two, a blaster settled in his hands. He aims it lower, towards her–and you rush to pull yourself off of her. You trip and stumble a bit as you find your balance, running towards your friend. The two of you sprint, both aware you need to be getting back onto your ship and booking it to another planet. 
“Are you alright,” he asks, looking you over as you both make quick work of trying to make it to your ship.
       “Yes,” you reach to press the button on your remote to make the hatch open. He follows behind, shutting it immediately. As the door shuts, you watch her just run out of the city–slowing down to watch your plane take off. You breathe deep, almost laughing as you lean back onto the walls of the ship. Your friend on the other hand rushes up front towards the main panel, flicking switches to set the ship to fly. 
“We should head to Tatooine. Jakku isn’t safe anymore, at least for now.” 
      “Okay,” you gulp in air, holding onto the back of his seat, “yeah, I don’t care as long as it's not with her.” 
He sets the coordinates into the ship and proceeds to switch on hyperspace. The sight of the stars flying by finally relaxes both of your muscles. You tear up, reaching a hand to rest onto his shoulder. 
“We lived,” you laugh, “we lived.” 
He smiles sadly, moving to hug you tightly–embracing you in the helm for a minute as you cry your shock and adrenaline away. He welcomes you to sit in the seat as he walks back to grab the medical kit. While you wait, the gentle humming sound of the ship almost lures you to sleep.
“Where did she get you?”
       “Face, ribs, arms mainly.”
He hums, setting the kit down beside you. Wipes are applied, swiping over the area to clean them and wipe off any blood that seeped out. Your face and arms had minimal damage, it was when he lifted your shirt up that he was able to see a majority of the damage. 
He whistles, “she did some damage to you for sure.”
        “We fell off a building.” 
“That’ll do it.” 
He moves his fingers around the area gently, watching your face for any show of pain. The areas around where your bones lie had the most reaction from you, a singing hiss and the sight of you closing your eyes. 
“It’ll be best if you let me keep watch and land tonight, you need to rest.”
     “I’m not going to fight you on that,” you say tiredly, looking at him with a smile that used the last bit of energy you had. He watches you wander back to the cot–ensuring you don’t faint before he turns around and keeps watch. 
That was the first time you ran into her. 
It’s been a week and a half now of playing this cat and mouse game. You fly to a new planet, she finds you, you two fight, and repeat. It’s the same game. Rinse and repeat. Your friend sits beside you at yet another bar, sliding his finger around the glass. 
“Think she’s going to show up,” he asks, shifting his gaze to the doors surrounding you. 
“Are you two going to flirt again?”
        “What,” you blink, looking directly at him, “excuse me, wait. What?”
He shrugs and it seemingly offends you. 
Your mouth drops open, “flirt? You think we’re flirting?” 
        “It’s been over a week and she hasn't ‘caught you yet.’ I have a feeling she’s just messing with you now.” 
“Okay whatever,” your tone is sharp, curt as you turn from him. 
Maybe it’s not been the same. She’s been tracking you for a week and a half now, strange when her motto as black widow is that she always kills her bounty on her first day. You spiral, going back over every one of your encounters. This time when the shivers wrack your body and the hair stands on your neck, it’s for an entirely different reason. 
There she sits again, across from you at the bar–and this time she smiles when you notice her.
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makethemhoesmad · 12 days
liability(pt. 3)
pt 1. pt 2
only a couple months late, but here it is!!
i’m thinking there will be one more part, hopefully coming sooner
thanks to @imaginespazzi, @azzibuckets, @patscorner, and @barbspeaks for dealing with my copious amounts of yap
“it’s for the better,” paige says, for the third time. the first two times, she’d whispered it to herself, trying to make herself believe that it was true. now, she said it to nika, who had witnessed azzi’s erratic flight to and from paige’s place, and wanted to know what had happened.
“thats what she said? verbatim?” nika questions. that’s not the azzi she knows. the azzi she knows is the one that would fight, tooth and nail, to keep her and paige together. that, even if they were separated for years, decades, lifetimes, she would be determined to find her way back.
“yes, nika i told you it was crazy. i announce that im staying another year to play with the people i love and.. oh.” paige breathes out the last word, tucking her head into her hands as she realizes something.
“what, paige? why’d you say oh?” nika inquires.
“she thinks i should have left,” paige murmures, standing up. she begins to pace the room, speaking quickly to what seemed to be only herself, forgetting nika was even there.
“she must think that i’m wasting my career by staying here, she must think that it’s her fault and that she’s the one ‘ruining my career’ in her mind. typical azzi. she’s on a spiral right now, she’ll come down, probably. probably.” the last statement seems to bring paige back to reality, and tears start to well up in her eyes. she looks to nika, sniffling and asking, “how am i supposed to make her see that she’s not, and never will be a liability.
in another room on the same campus, yet somehow seeming miles away, azzi is alone in her room, curled up under her blanket that still smells like paige, in paige’s hoodie and paige’s sweatpants. she’s giving herself only tonight to grieve for what she killed, and then she’s going to try and move on. that’s what she keeps telling herself, to justify the way she’s sobbed on and off all night. she’s about to start another round when she hears a loud knocking on her door. grudgingly, she sits up and trudges out of her room, opening up the door.
“paige, what are you doing here?” azzi gasps, even though she knows full well why exactly paige has just knocked on her door a mere five hours after their breakup. 
“az, we’re still teammates. we have practice in two hours i don’t want you to ever think that you’re holding me back. i’m doing this because i love you, but also because im doing this for me.” paige says, her eyes glistening. azzi wants to take her back, right there. but she shouldn’t, she can’t. so instead, she says something she’s sure to regret.
“you know, paige, if you had just stayed healthy, this wouldn’t have been a problem.”
paige recoiled at azzi’s words, shocked at the harshness in her voice and the statements she made. in a moment of what she will eventually remember to be nothing but complete stupidity, she fires back.
“damn, i mean, if you hadn’t insisted on continuing to play after you fucked up your knee, you might’ve been able to figure it out instead of hurting it worse.”
“don’t do that, paige.” azzi says, her face going scarlet. “you do this when you get mad, hurt people’s feelings and don’t mean it.”
“i could say the same about you, azzi. we’ve played almost zero games together, and that’s the reason i wanted you here in the first place. it’s almost like i want to play basketball with my girlfriend, you know?” 
“ex girlfriend,” azzi corrects quickly. she slams her teeth together, trying to trap the words back into her throat. why did she need to correct her so quickly?
“so that’s what we’re playing at, then? we’re playing pretend? we’re gonna sit here and we’re gonna act like we haven’t lived in each other’s skins for five years? our families are best friends, azzi. we can’t lose all that because you got insecure”
and azzi doesn’t know how to answer that. she doesn’t have a rebuttal, doesn’t have a defense or a witness. it’s just her, her thoughts, and her now seemingly unexplainable reasoning to break up with paige. right now, really all she wants to do is fall into paige’s arms and cry until she feels better, because paige always makes it better. something tells her that paige might not want to hold her, right now, though. so instead, she takes a deep breath, firmly points towards her door, and demands, “out.”
ironically, if azzi had in fact just thrust herself it paige’s arms, they’d probably be reunited right now. but instead, paige is standing outside azzis apartment door, debating whether to speed home and put on her gym clothes and wait for azzi to leave for practice outside her door, or corner her after practice. corner her, paige thought, speed walking to her car and grinning.
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