#but shes Not nearly as rich as people make her out to be lmao
jackmkelly · 1 year
no one understands katherine the way i do & that is frustrating! sick of it!
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pant--eater · 2 months
what do you think fry's family is like!!! i love him sooo much every time you draw him it's like a gift 🥺🥺🥺
WAUGHGHGHJ these Fry questions make me so happy since he's my Blorbo(TM) <3 Gah I'm itching to talk about him, so ask and you shall deserve!! Also thank you SO much I'm so glad you love my art <33
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little sketches related to what I'm about to yap about. ANYWAYS here's wonderwall
So on my old account I used to hc he is Indian-British, whose family hails from Travancore (Kerala nowadays). This was based on what I ASSUMED was canon info since back in January, all Chicken Run wiki articles about him mentioned he's Indian-British. But apparently that's not 100% settled info what his ethnicity is?? And the wikis have been edited since. His VA Nick Mohammed is from a mixed Cypriot/Indo-Trinidadian family though and I spent time reading about Indian-British immigrant history to get Fry's characterization accurate, so imma keep with that hc.
Anyway! I headcanon Marcus is the only child of wealthy businessmen that owned a highly successful trade company. His Vaishya grandparents moved to Britain during the late Victorian era; after all one of the only ways a PoC family could make it back then in Britain was by being filthy rich, and very early on the Fry family had been forced to adopt a "British" way of living in order to be taken seriously by the shitass imperial society. Such as switching to a British surname and avoiding to display too much of their original culture in public. A colonial trauma that still prevails, since Fry's parents christened him with a heavily English name.
I REEEALLY wanna give a try to designing Fry's parents sometime!! But I imagine his parents as sort of a healthier parallel to Melisha's parents; his father is a pristine and calm gentleman with a soothing voice and a love for theatre and literature (a trait that Marcus inherited LMAO) while his mother is more stern, headstrong and very, VERY proud of her status. (but she also has a infectuous smile and laughter and has a bombastic overdramatic streak...something that Fry inherited as well)
They're both native Malayam speakers, and while their family in public strives to keep Keralite culture hidden, they made sure to teach Marcus to speak his native language fluently as well, along with Hindi, Bengali, Tegulu and Tamil. Along with that, they frequently go on family trips to Travancore and enjoy things like inji neer, Kathakali performances (which inspired Fry on his love for theatre <3) and Carnatic music.
Both parents pushed Marcus to study hard and gain multiple academic degrees - it was all out of love and concern, because they wanted Marcus to be able to survive in the cruel world out there without only relying on his money. (Once again, a PoC immigrant family experience that I can identify with as well... even if society nowadays is not nearly as racist as it was back then, unfortunately PoC people are often forced to study waaaay harder than white people in order to make it.) Because they had lived through the years of great depression in the 1930s, and while they managed to survive with most of their wealth intact, they knew that one should not rely only on money for support since anything could happen.
Fry, as a child, was a gifted A+ grade student and a very well-behaved, so his parents called him a little ray of sunshine and a future hope. He yearned to be perfect so his parents would never be disappointed in him. Something that later on contributed MASSIVELY to Fry's gifted child burnout, and how he adopted a sinister, sadistic fascination with mind control and manipulation during his Cambridge years.
Once Marcus came out as trans and genderfluid to his parents, his father was very patient and accepting, but his mother spent several years in denial before finally accepting him. Not directly out of transphobia - but because she was afraid that Marcus would be discriminated, attacked and hurt by people, and that he should focus first on building a career for himself instead of bringing a bad name to the Fry family like this, with an outrageous gender identity. But she soon realized that hiding himself would only hurt her child on the long run. Also - the way Fry managed to fully bribe (cough mind control cough) British officials to switch the gender in his personal info and passport was nothing less than impressive to both of his parents LMFAOOOO and they're very proud
However despite all of this, Fry retains a loving relationship to his parents!! He goes to their mansion every Christmas, and they're also VERY accepting and encouraging to his marriage to Melisha. In fact, his mom was relieved to see Fry had married a very orderly, stern and no-nonsense woman, because Marcus had always been a scatterbrained mess and a reckless money-spender. He made a wonderful scientist, but business-running had never been his thing, so Melisha taking care of all that is like a lottery win to the Fry parents. ESPECIALLY since Melisha came from a poor household - a woman like this, who knows what it's like to live at the rock bottom, surely knows to keep Marcus humble and not let him make flimsy business decisions!! (either way Melisha is still a bit intimidated by Fry's mom, which says a lot considering what kind of a girl Melisha herself is LMFAO)
Pluuuus... the Harsh Expectations(TM) is something that Melisha can relate to </3 It's something that catches her entirely off guard, when she learns this detail about Fry's past. After all, the silly goofy doctor is like an endless ray of sunshine, he's rich and successful. (and we all know what Melisha's mother told her about money bringing happiness...) How could he ever have any worries or feelings of inferiority??
It's a detail that makes (in my hcs) Melisha fall even deeper in love with Fry and become tenfold more protective over him :''') <3 Once she realizes what a horrific burden this goofball is carrying on his back, and yet he still finds the energy every day to stay positive, be optimistic and support Melisha during her hard days.
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oifaaa · 2 years
lmao sorry to keep this going but. tim absolutely had it the easiest of the bat kids, not even a discussion. he had a cushy, priviledged life with parents that actually cared about him, and fanon going uwu poor sad little rich boy so so so neglected and abused... GIRL?!?! cass got the shit kicked out of her till she became the best fighter in the world, and she was homeless for nearly a decade after that and yet often feels like shes the one comforting tim ("""little brother uwu""")
I get you I think it is just frustrating when people try so hard to give Tim the back story Cass already has and then processeds to either not include cass completely or just make her a bland cardboard cutout of a character that's only job in any story is to support which ever male white lead is currently crying
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trashbag-baby666 · 4 months
Lore drop for my favorite twink <3 i love you sm Ken 💕💕 brought to you by me and @mangokittokatsu
MOTA Masterlist!
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•Kenny was born to two philanthropist, entitled, classy, rich people. But he was an accident that neither of them wanted to take care of really. They hired a nanny and she quite literally raised Ken until he was 12. That’s when his parents decided that he was old enough and fired her. This is what really starts out the, “here’s your monthly $10,000, go to school we’re going on our second cruise this year.”
•His grandma tries her best to take care of him from a distance since she lives in DC. She does call him nearly daily and they’re pretty close.
•Although, Ken’s a year younger than the others he joins a theater company when he’s 11 and meets Rosie. The Rosenthals quickly take pity in Ken and they give him rides to and from theater, let him come over and stay with them, feed him dinner. You know, actually loving this child.
•Ken and Rosie are bestie westies they would spend a lot of nights sitting in silence or talking about the boys Ken liked. Or they would make up their own theater performances and play dress up.
•The Rosenthals invite Ken to their family Hanukkah celebration. During Christmas they let him come over and Mrs. Rosenthal made Ken’s favorites and even got him a few presents. They’re really the closest thing Ken has to a family.
•So, when Ken gets his drivers license he’s left with his dad’s garage full of luxury cars. But his motorcycle is what really and always had caught his eye.
•His father tries to use this as an opportunity to love his son. Or you know, using expensive gifts to show their love. His dad teaches him how to drive it but it was really just Ken figuring it out by himself while his dad took business call after call.
•This is shortly before Curt started eye fucking Ken in gym class till he came over and talked to him. They were so down bad for each other, Curt giggled like a fucking school girl the first few times Ken took him for rides on his bike.
“Curt texted me last night telling me that Ken took him on his motorcycle!” John blabbed across the lunch table making a kissy face and sound at Curt.
Curt literally just reaches across the table and smacks him with a sandwich.
•Ken’s super super interested in engineering he picks up occasional shifts at the same garage Curt’s mom works at. Ken really knows his way around a car, he was super into them when he was younger. He’s just the kinda twink who can pop your hood and fix your problem for you.
•Ken tries out for the football just so he can spend more time with Curt. Think Kurt Hummel auditions for the role of kicker. Just look at this post lmao.
•Him and Curt listen to music together on the bus to and from football games. Corded headphones and each has one, they have a collaborative playlist together. Some of their favorites are Deftones, Mac Miller, Childish Gambino, Arctic Monkeys, etc. check out this playlist for more :3!
•Their ideal date night though is a hand selected bottle of wine from Angela Lemmons wine cellar, a cheesy movie or Marvels movie(they’re watching them in order), and a puzzle or a Lego set, sometimes they paint together.
•Usually, they finish the puzzle or lego set but sometimes they’re too wine drunk to finish or Curt’s carrying Ken up to his bedroom ;).
•If it wasn’t obvious yet, Ken is a wine connoisseur. He really likes white wines and anything a little fruity.
•Brady wants to learn his ways.
•Ken is an avid painter as well!! He liked doing it in art class and brought the interest home with him. So of course, his parents bought him the most expensive paints and brushes and canvas’s. Because that’s how they always were. He’s pretty much self taught aside from art classes. He paints this in high school and it now hangs in their house 15 years later.
•The only time Curt and Ken ever really fight it’s about money. Ken has more than plenty and Curt’s literally working every single day and pulls open to closes every weekend. Curt had been running on nearly no rest and three Red Bulls a day. He couldn’t afford to not work. over the course of five months, He watched Curt’s health decline and he was losing weight like crazy. He’d come home from work at 11 and pass out in Ken’s bed after stumbling out of his work clothes. That or he would sleep on the couch at his apartment. His back was hurting and he was so tired and nauseated.
•Flash forward it’s been too many months of this. Curt had called Ken around 8:30 asking him if he could come pick him up. He had kinda given into his body and left Ham and Dickie to man the Taco Bell without him. However, Ken was relieved that Curt maybe was coming to his senses.
•Curt literally stumbled out the door and regained his balance a little bit before getting into his car. Curt opened the passenger door and threw himself in and just said.
“Take me to the er.”
•This is when it really started, Ken had kept offering Curt money. But Curt will not take handouts or money from anyone. He feels like he needs to earn everything himself and he provides for his family at the ripe age of 18.
“Just take it, it’s not like I’m missing any of it.” Ken ripped the check from the checkbook and slid it across the table.
“No, I’m not taking your money. It’s fine I have it under control.”
“Curt, you were in the hospital.”
•Thus leads to Ken putting money into his account without him knowing. It’s never enough at a time for it to be super noticeable or he tucks it into a savings account.
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sea-jello · 1 year
every single little detail they managed to fit into bmc
yeah there are SO MANY details in this show and its driving me crazy so im gonna amass everything into posts
ik many of these are well known or obvious or whatever but im doing it so anyone who didnt know about any of these could easily learn it all in one go without having to scour the internet or rewind and watch the background in every single scene yk (also i noticed so many of these myself and im kinda proud and its a way for me to get it all out)
i’m also going to be using @/thesquirrelqueer's be more chill archive which is amazing and frankly scary so go give em some love
edit i changed my mind halfway through this cause thats gonna take me forever so if you want to see all the visual details go check that out. its like thats the artists reference and this is the writers reference i think all the little quirks showcase their personality quite well
im gonna start all the way from the beginning so FIRST UP is 2river's "More Than Survive" (album+show, specifically the one 35 minute 👢)
im telling you its LONG so prepare yourself for that. maybe pull up the video to watch side by side so yk what im talking about (the video on yt is "this isnt be more chill" because its NOT be more chill) tiny warning for very mild nsfw mentions cause its bmc
from the first "c-c-c-cmon" up to "and now of course its time to hit the road" theres a sound that sounds like a mouse clicking to the beat in the background. i thought this was to reflect the show when jeremy stops clicking at his laptop at the line "and now of course its time to hit the road" to gets up and put his pants on, but during "but that really isnt such a change/if im not feeling weird or super strange" you can still hear the clicks. maybe its there just for repetitions sake cause it breaks off at "which means ill be uncomfortable all day" and resumes for those two lines, then you dont hear it again. you can hear this one very clearly if you watched the show, but its a little fainter in the album (i figured it out from the album lmao go me)
during the bus scene in the show when everyones going to their places, jeremy almost crashes into rich and you can hear his voice hitch
christine watches this interaction before "sitting down" on the bus to read
i think brooke is asleep during the bus ride, and gets woken up when the bus jerks forward
jake nearly drops his phone too (again this is all based on the 35 minute video on yt. im sure small things change every show, but this is all we got so im picking this one apart)
jeremy keeps smoothing his hair behind his right ear with his palm, probably a nervous gesture. he does it when they "get off the bus"
during the ensembles (i dont think thats the right word but it just makes it easier for me you know who im talking about) "c-c-c-cmon", michael loses his signal on his phone when they get to school, hence the "cmon"
chloe impatiently gestures to brooke to "cmon" and follow her (yk)
jenna waves to christine. christine puts her book down and waves back, then again just watches jenna and then people
rich messes with jenna and she goes to hit him
after the "c-c-c-cmon"s rich jumps out from backstage and hits jeremy in the nuts you can hear jeremys faint noise of pain
in the little dance break jake and jenna are dancing on opposite sides of the stage, then wave at each other (im pretty sure). jeremy looks back and forth between them while they dance and mistakenly waves to jenna when they spin around (just watch it youll know what i mean)
when chloe, brooke and jenna are gossiping, up to jakes "its a good thing i rock at pool" the "rich set a fire" tune plays in the background (something something gossip rumors) chloe is holding a textbook with the earth on it, so science or something probably. there’s a magazine article page that says “what cheating does to [i can’t see what it says]”, which i’m assuming is a reference to jake?? she also have page cutouts of hair products, straighteners, etc, and i think a picture of either taylor swift or brooke i really can’t tell 💀💀when rich writes on jeremys backpack, he pulls him up by the collar to say "youre dead", then pushes him (jeremy pushes his hair back again) into mr reyes' path where hes walking to put up the play sign up sheet. (side note gerards voice cracked on 'dont touch me tall ass" so it sounds like hes having a tantrum and will connolly looks like a meerkat and i love them both)
when jake says "its a good thing i rock at pool" chloe and brooke hide behind a pillar and listen in, then chloe does a sort of "i told you so" gesture. during the whole "i navigate the dangerous hall" scene, brooke chases after chloe as she storms off upset. rich messes with jenna again and she chases him offstage, then mr reyes follows (im pretty sure he pinched her ass) i dunno if this is a coincidence but christine runs after them offstage too. christine and jenna friendship w
jeremy genuinely sounds so excited when he realized it was a sign up sheet and i wholeheartedly believe he wanted to join the play even before christine, she was just the final push
when the ensemble comes back out before the "christiiiiiiiiine" mr reyes comes out dragging rich by the ear while jenna smugly walks behind them (read back to him pinching her ass). rich flips him off after he lets go. jake walks past chloe without looking up from his phone and chloe does a 180 to chase after him. forgot to mention michael has his hood on and bops to his music in the background of all the ensemble scenes but yk its pretty well known
oh god class scene here we go. rich and jake make the 👌👈 sign at michael. rich very aggressively shoves his WHOLE HAND into the circle and opens his hand. jenna raises her hand and mr reyes brushes her off in favor of trying and failing to get jake to stop, so he moves on to rich. he puts a hand on richs arm and sorta makes the "wtf" gesture. rich makes the "sorry about that" motion with his hand still around his wrist which is kinda funny to me (just watch it i cant even describe it) jake turns to talk to brooke, who was previously talking to chloe. jenna waves to christine again. also christine seemed really shy every time jenna waves at her, and never waves first. idk if this is a coincidence but chloe flips her hair back and brooke mirrors it right after. there’s a poster for an anime club on the bulletin board with the sign up sheet
jeremys fucking bops to his intro i love him
really quick when michael goes "and were almost at the end of this song" and does his dance jeremy bops along with him. NOW if we stretch a bit and say this actually happened then that means jeremy knew what song he was listening to/where hes at based on him dancing to it earlier they know each other so well they are best friends and possibly boyfriends in this essay i will
jeremy flops his head to the side on the beat and with michaels "how was class" slap hes so dramatic
i think i might be tripping but right after "i hate this school" and during the tore it up and flushed it thing michael in the bathroom plays very very faintly in the bg. IM NOT TRIPPING in the album mitb plays during the humanity stopped evolving thing up to "better time in history to be a loser". and THEN from "so own it" up to the christine jingle THE PANTS SONG PLAYS. you can just barely hear it in the boot too
during the first "canigula" michael waves in front of jeremys face and he kicks at him
before jeremys sign up verse michael takes his lunch tray and jerks his head towards the sheet in a "go on" motion and then ofc pushes him towards it HES SUPPORTIVE OF HIM HELLO this furthers my belief of jeremy being a secret theatre kid. jeremy looks back at him on "who cares if people think im lame" like hes reassuring himself can you hear my heart
when rich shouts "GAAAY" mr reyes points and goes after him
when they all come out to dance, jeremy first mistakenly waves to chloe when she waves at jenna, then rich when he goes to dap jake up, then tries to wave at michael but he spins away while presumably listening to his music. christine just watches chloe and brooke talk again
when they all start slowly standing up at the "go"s jeremy looks so confused
also when he jumps off the chair that is PEAK meerkat moment. then he lands and just stands there for like a solid 3 seconds its so funny to me
LORD almighty we're done that took weeks okay uhh please tell me if i should do EVERYTHING everything like broadway off broadway australia cause lord knows im the ceo of bmc australia rn also i dont want to sound pretentious but please reblog cause i spent so much time and effort on this useless fucking post 😭😭 but whatever i had fun
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blueingenuefics · 1 year
"Evasive Maneuvers" - Part 1
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please go to @blue--ingenue for future chapters/updates
Summary: You've been in love with Sebastian since the moment you knocked him on his arse on your first day. Entering your sixth year, you finally begin working up the courage to confess your feelings when he suddenly becomes the best Beater Hogwarts has seen in decades - and subsequently becomes the school's most eligible bachelor.
Author's Notes: i have been diagnosed with quidditch player!Sebastian brainrot, and i'm about to make it everyone's problem. cue angst, mutual pining, fluff, and (eventually) a happy ending
Your heels clicked across smooth marble as you strode to the Great Hall, arm-in-arm with Natty and Poppy. The heavy double doors were thrown open revealing hundreds of students embracing and chatting away. Although your robes were a rich scarlet, your gaze cut immediately to the sea of green, searching in vain for a head of chestnut curls. Observant as ever, Natty noted the anxious flick of your eyes and ribbed you, playfully.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure he’s saving you a seat already,” she teased.
Distracted, you continued to sweep your gaze over the animated crowd. “Who?” you asked, your expression indicating that your attention was nowhere near the conversation at hand. Natty and Poppy shared a knowing look and unhooked their arms from yours. This seemed to finally be enough to pause your search. “Where are the two of you headed? We can still sit together until Headmaster Black begins the sorting,” you inquired.
“Natty and I have a few people we’d love to catch up with before then,” Poppy explained. A smile, one you had only ever seen when Natty was about to strike at Crossed Wands, formed as she added, “And I’m sure Sebastian is more than eager to see you again.”
And with that your friends stepped into the crowd and disappeared from sight. You decided to brush off their odd demeanors and made a beeline for the Slytherin table. Your gaze flicked from face to face, searching for storm-blue eyes and the head of brown locks that were never far away from them. You were nearing the end of the table, only a few seats left between yourself and the faculty seating, when a familiar pulse of light caught your eye.
“You aren’t rushing about on another of your adventures, are you? Term has barely begun,” the owner laughed. You blinked twice to make sure that your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you before you registered that the young man speaking was none other than Ominis Gaunt.
“Ominis!” you exclaimed, embracing him with enough force that a puff of air left his lips. His enthusiasm matches yours as he huffs out your name, his voice muffled by your vise-like hug. The two of you catch up on your respective summers. Ominis doesn’t have much to say regarding his family, and you don’t press him for more. Returning to the Gaunt manor always takes its toll on Ominis, especially over the summer. You regale him with tales of star-charting and researching ancient magic. You had read nearly every written text on the subject before deciding to do a bit of research on your own. Ominis laughs, and you make a noise of confusion. You hadn’t said anything funny.
“You know you sound just like him. And before you ask, no, I have not yet had the chance to speak with him,” he declares. You could feign ignorance with Natty and Poppy (with varying results), but never with Ominis. He’d been the first to catch onto your feelings for his best friend and had since become your confidant. Before you can reply the candlelight shines upon a familiar shade of chestnut. Anne’s hair is pulled up into its usual bun and she adjusts it as she takes her first steps back into the Great Hall. She looks ecstatic, more stars in her eyes than you’ve seen in all the first-years combined. She spots you and Ominis and breaks into a grin that takes over her whole countenance. She immediately slides and weaves between students before crashing into Ominis with the same brute strength you had embraced him with just minutes ago. A figure leans against the door, his impossibly loving gaze following Anne’s warpath through the crowd. You inhale sharply as Sebastian Sallow comes fully into focus. He looks so different, and yet so unmistakably Sebastian. The light of a thousand flickering candles grace his features. ‘Solid’ is the only word you can think of to describe his transformation. He’d spurted at least six inches over the summer and you can’t help but notice the way he fills out his uniform. Even from here you can see the corded muscle of his forearms flex as he rolls his sleeves to his elbows. He looks about the hall, and his searching gaze is not unlike the one you expressed upon arriving. Your eyes meet, and even from across the hall you can see his shoulders sag in relief. 
You had caught him asleep in the Undercroft once, one arm dangling over the couch as the other clutched a weathered novel to his chest. It was Pride and Prejudice, a muggle romance that you had since read cover-to-cover. Between one beat and the next you feel as though every loving word spoken between those pages sings through your blood. Elation flares from your chest and a few arcs of blue lightning crackle from your hands. Sebastian pushes through the crowd to get to you. His strength allows him to cut through the throng like a knife through warm butter and heat blossoms somewhere entirely different. He stops just short of you and you shoot from the bench, crossing the remaining few steps to your best friend. You raise your arms, not sure if you’re intending to hug him, but certain that you need to hold him. He makes it to you first. Just as you’re about to reach forward he captures your hands with the gentlest of grips and just- holds you. His hands have always been larger than yours, but with his proximity and the warmth radiating from his toned physique you’re struck by just how much he’s grown. Purely on instinct you fold your hands over his, relaxing into his grip. 
“Hey you,” he smiles, gazing at you with an intensity you’ve only ever seen him sport while dueling. 
“Hi,” you reply, eloquently. You feel giddy with happiness and you’re sure that your cheeks are flushing a deep crimson to match your robes. His right hand drifts toward the lock of hair that has fallen into your face and your breath catches at the proximity. His eyes are far away, yet determined. You tilt your head, ready to lean into his touch, when his hand makes an aborted motion and he scratches his head. Sebastian clears his throat and releases your hands, taking a step back. 
“It’s ah- It’s good to see you,” he says sincerely. You feel a familiar wave of disappointment roll over you. Whatever had charged the air between you mere moments ago dissipated instantly. “It’s good to see you, too,” you muster. You open your mouth to say something, but are cut off by Headmaster Black calling for the sorting to begin. You glance sheepishly at Sebastian before heading back to the Gryffindor table to sit with Natty. From across the hall, you swear you can almost feel his gaze on you. Turning your attention to the podium, you sigh. This was going to be an interesting year.
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Genshin Actor AU; Pt. 2
pt.1 here!
-Xiao is actually very soft-spoken and gentle, but he is one hell of an actor
-He's often seen hanging out with Aether outside of production, or being enthusiastic with Bennett
-"I first saw Xiao while he was acting his role out and thought he was the serious types, when he came up to me and introduced himself with a big smile I nearly dropped my coffee cup!" -Venti
-Qiqi is a hyperactive but quiet child who doesn't really understand the concept of acting but does what she is told and has fun on set
-She keeps running away from poor Hu tao even off set
-She is also very attached to Baizhu off the set
-Childe probably auditioned for every other role except the one he got
-He has also starred in many other shows with Zhongli before and the two had been a ship long back
-To say the Chili fandom went wild when they saw their duo
-The fight against Childe scene also had a lot of retakes because Childe kept dropping his weapon...and his mask...and his other weapon
-Keqing is a big fan of Zhongli in real life as well
-Hu tao auditioned because one of her friends in college dared her to try out
-Chongyun and Xingqiu are youtuber besties popular for their ghost searches and horror stories
-Their fans decided they would be perfect for the role and encouraged them to try out
-Ningguang is actually quite humble and shy in real life, but still very, very rich
-She's usually seen taking the actors out to eat
-Beidou's social media account having enough Kazuha content to rival Albedo's Klee content
-Those two never even met before the show but Beidou adores Kazuha
-Kazuha and Heizou are idols from the same group
-Kazuha and Aether recreating that one spiderman meme that went super viral
-You'd think Childe was the one to drop spoilers the most but no, it's Itto and Lumine
-Itto usually says things by accident or posts selfies of him and there's almost always a spoiler in the background
-Shinobu is now in charge of keeping him in check both in real life and in the show
-Lumine just thinks it's funny
-She takes selfies with new characters and draws over them or makes them hide their faces to keep the fans guessing
-she now gets paid to shut up
-Popular actor Ayaka who convinced her brother to audition as well when she found out the role existed
-Ayato and Thoma are models from the same company and are often seen going out to get drinks together
-Yoimiya was properly taught how to use and make fireworks
-Kujou Sara who's also a long time fan of Ei and is quite excited to work with her
-"I've never played the role of such a serious character before but being devoted to Miss Ei is something I can do easily!" -Sara
-Gorou is scared of dogs lmao
-Cue shenanigans of Itto and Razor trying to help him get over his fear
-Sayu is actually a kid who's naturally talented at understanding roles and such
-She's usually seen taking naps on chairs or other character's arms though
-Cyno is super goofy and fun to be around in real life
-After his character was introduced in the show he posted stories of him making Tighnari laugh to prove to people he's actually funny
-Tighnari posted a story of him explaining that he was laughing out of pity, just to mess with Cyno
-Collei is a dedicated fan of the game and has probably played it the longest amongst everyone, her biggest competition is none other than Ganyu
-Al Haitham is often found reading around the set
-If he's not he's usually hanging out with the quieter ones such as Eula and Yae miko, or with the kids.
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xannerz · 9 months
ElJellyBeeTea griping ahead
granted, i could be saying this b/c i've been in a really negative/frustrated headspace lately - and b/c i've been forced into coming out to my mom 3x within the past week b/c she's caught on, won't leave me tf alone, and yo-yos between denial and panic - but i really cannot relate with people who treat coming out as some cathartic, bombastic, celebratory thing. ik there's the backdrop of queer liberation; i also see the value in Pride and i'd like to enjoy that one day (again?).
i'm not trying to dismiss that. this is 100% my own bitterness and fatigue from feeling isolated within my own family, and not meant to police how others be Queer or w/e but like. goddamn. there are a million bi bitches in the world. leave me alone. stop staring at me like you found my corpse in a drug den. this shouldnt be a big deal. fuck.
i told her i want us to go to therapy together because i'm sick of this shit. mothers are exceptional at making you feel like you're a child when you're nearly 30. immigrant mothers esp.
anyway, again. i'm just really cranky atm and my sentiments will probably change in time. i probably dont even mean what i'm saying deep down but also whooo gives a fuck LMFAO.
but anyway idk. i've been living on autopilot for most of this year. this is so fucking stupid. the pearl-clutching around queerness is so overblown and i need my mom to stop being so dramatic about it.
this came up w my dad recently, and i was being dodgy when he asked about my orientation. the most he said was that he's relieved i'm straight b/c it's traditional in our culture, and life would be harder if i was Gay. honestly if my 67 y/o dad from ir*n could ultimately get over it though then so can my mom. fuckin. they dont have to like it but they should love me. this is so stupid.
i've felt like more of the parent in this house because i've had to be for a long time, and i'm just. tired. and i'm sick of my mom feeling this sense of entitlement to live her dreams through me. no, i wont be a lawyer. no, i wont marry a rich dentist and settle down in the hills. i dont! fucking care. fuck!
"i feel like i'm losing you/ i want to you to follow the right path"
why are you sooo dramatiiiic ohhh my goDfjlksjdfLSDFSDLfkj LMAO
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bisluthq · 18 days
As a fan of her music who also happens to be a woman who makes questionable-bad choices ™️ (though of a different nature), and has blown up aspects of my life in a much smaller scale (because it’s easy for me to have work, friends, family all know a different version of me cause I’m not a global superstar)…. I very much appreciate Taylor releasing TTPD and letting it all out and sharing such personal details.
As a fan of the woman and only wanting good things for her, I can’t help but feel releasing a large portion of TTPD was equally cathartic as it was part of the self harming.
Like it’s cathartic to write and get it all out. And it’s cathartic for her to sing those songs and have them sung back to her because it makes her feel less alone (her words) and I wonder if she feels she has a “duty” to release some of this stuff because she knows it’ll hopefully resonate with someone…. But she also painted a very unflattering picture of herself - which I admire cause it’s real and… good for her. But for someone who has been so image conscious for nearly 20 years, releasing the songs that paint her in a bad light and make her look psychotic - so much that she in part ANTICIPATED the reaction because she called it a manic phase and self harm… like was releasing it part of throwing her life to the wolves or ocean rocks? Is she wanting to be understood by people who don’t need to, or don’t deserve to understand her and the whole tatty thing? From an image pov, the consensus was she was so heartbroken and fucked in the head that she rebounded with a “loser” because she was so broken. Did she release all those songs to defend his honour or explain herself? Or just sharing dope songs?
One of the best things my therapist told me was that when I feel misunderstood (which is a lot lol) it’s actually ok and not a bad thing that the person at the post office thinks I shop too much online (but they don’t know that I’m buying things for a side hustle), or that a colleague thought I had no personality for having a capsule wardrobe (I did it to reduce decision fatigue and be economical. I had a uniform and never had to iron, sort my washing or think what to wear). Or a friend thought I was rich cause I went to a string of concerts in a row (she had gone on an overseas vacation, I did not go on a weekend away and just spent my money on concerts and festivals which just all happened to be in the summer). Weird examples, but there wasn’t any problem in those people perceiving me the way they did and it didn’t affect me in a meaningful way that needed correction. If my colleague thought I didn’t shower and said I stank and told HR, or thought I was coming to work high - that is worth saying ‘umm actually…’ or if someone thought I was cheating on my partner or doing something bad where it affected those relationships, then it’s important to correct the narrative. This has been a huge issue for me and I’ve worked with my therapist when she realised I was starting a lot of my downfalls by over sharing lmao because I just wanted to be understood and hate hate hate being misunderstood!!!! But “not everyone needs or deserves to understand you” honestly changed my life.
I’ve typed too much but idk ijbol but yeah like I’m not saying Taylor should have kept TTPD in a vault, and there are some songs that wouldn’t have added to the shitstorm in Texas. But she created a bigger monster when she released it and idk I just wonder if for her, if that was healthy… or if she really wanted the songs in the wild if she would have been better off releasing a ‘eras from the vault’ but not saying when the songs were written. Like half could be John mayer smack cams and Smallest Man would’ve been better received if it was perceived to be him outside the fandom imo lmao.
I love so much of what you’ve said and I’m gonna reread it later because it just hits tbh. I love it. There are so many true things here.
Taylor releasing TTPD should put an end to “she only does this for clout” because yes absolutely she didn’t have to tell us all this.
Taylor should go to therapy lol like ofc she should. most of us should and she doesn’t have money barriers to it so there’s no reason she doesn’t go regularly (I do think she’s been but didn’t like it and you’re not supposed to every time)
Taylor as of TTPD does not seem well lmao like that shit’s not okay and it’s relatable and stuff and she’s very productive but she… does not seem well… and that’s fine lol I’m not judging but come the fuck on lol. People acting like she’s super okay and better than she’s ever been are a bit weird. She seems unwell but that’s fine like we all do dumb shit sometimes ykwim?
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
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Leslie, as the youngest of Westley and Anna's children, had three older siblings: Jesse Burke (1934-1999), Beth Burke (later Armstrong) (born 1938), and Martin Burke (born 1944). Though she would lose contact with each of them as she grew older, each of them was successful in their own right. From a young age, Jesse was always intelligent, with a biting wit and excellent memory. More than that, however, he was charismatic. Jesse's greatest talent was always finding the right people at the right time so he could network with them. It was this very talent with networking that led to him being granted a prestigious internship at an investment firm fresh out of college, which paved the way for him becoming one of Wall Street's most cutthroat stockbrokers. Though Jesse quickly adjusted to his newfound life of luxury, he never forgot his modest beginnings. He was, however, quick to cut contact with much of his family, especially his mother Anna. As far as he was concerned, that hateful old crone could go fuck herself. Beth, meanwhile, was always very outspoken and headstrong. After her father's death, Beth was often expected to care for her siblings while her mother was at work. This wore on the girl heavily over the years, and she began resenting her family nearly as much as Anna did. As she got older, she and her mother butt heads more and more, culminating in an explosive argument in 1961 (when Beth was 23) that led to Beth storming out of the house, planning to never return. For the next five years or so, Beth lived on her own, forging a new life for herself. In this time, she became very active in activist circles, participating in various protests during the civil rights movement, as well as various anti-war and feminist protests. She wanted nothing more than to make a better world and fight back against the people in power. Though she was at times too stubborn to admit when she was wrong, her heart was in the right place. Finally, Martin lived much of his life in the shadow of a man he hardly knew. Though Martin never really got to know his cousin Scott, his father Westley regaled him near-constantly with stories of the war and Scott's heroism during it. Even from a young age, Martin always got the sense that Westley wished Scott was his son, rather than the children he had. And after Westley's death, Martin was determined to make his father proud, whatever it took. When Martin was 18, he enlisted in the US military, and when the US entered the Vietnam War in 1965, Martin was eager to go to the front lines, chasing stories of war heroes who protected innocents and always did the right thing. What he saw, however, was anything but, and when Martin was medically discharged only a few years later, he was left an angry, bitter man, deeply disillusioned with the country he thought he knew and wanting nothing more than for it all to burn to the ground.
posting this inktober a bit late, but i decided to combine the prompts from days 5-7! i figured it also makes sense thematically, since these prompts refer to salvatore's siblings.
i originally planned to share more info about each sibling, but this post is long enough as it is lmao! and also honestly.... i'd rather talk more about each sibling's fate later down the line. i'm trying to tell this story as linearly as i can, but it's definitely hard when i wanna share everything that happens with each character.
also, as an explanation for the grouping of these prompts: 'sonder effect' is basically my attempt to just make the word sonder work here. sonder referring to the uncomfortable realization that all the people around you are living rich, fulfilling lives that you may never know anything about.
since salvatore lost contact with his siblings early on... i think that's fitting.
art taglist (ask to be added or removed): @skitzo-kero @anexor @jezifster @albatris @transmasc-wizard @lychniscitrus @lower-ones-eyes @astral-runic @lesbian-apple-yogurt @kingkendrick7 @chaieyestea @invaderskoodge @moonflowerss @presidentquinn @approximately20eggs @rosesandartss @midnight-and-his-melodiverse
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bubblin-trouble · 2 months
This post is inspired by @night-raven-miscellany EHEEEHHHEHEEEHHEHEHHEHEHE
(Warning : this is LONG lmao)
🕯️ It’s show time! 💜 — Calypso Xaymaxa trivia
• Calypso is loosely inspired from POTC, specifically Tia Dalma and her goddess form, Calypso. (Her name is a tribute to her :3)
• Calypso’s full name — Calypso Ezili Xaymaxa — has references to a few world mythologies, which have a play on her character. (Meaning for each name below)
Calypso — Daughter of the Titan Atlas, Calypso was a goddess of renowned beauty. She controlled the seas along with Poseidon, and her temper was well-known to be as unpredictable as the waves. In Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, Odysseus landed on her island called Ogygia shortly after he lost all of his men.
Calypso is known for her small temper, since she does snap at the students viciously on occasion. It’s very unpredictable when she’ll snap at someone, and some students are always on edge. But, in the eyes of most of the students, she is actually very good looking. When she’s not angry, of course.
Ezili (Dantor) — Ezili Dantor (from Haitian Vodou) is widely regarded as the Mother of the Revolution. She is a fierce warrior goddess associated with motherhood, strength, and liberation. She is also known as the loa of love.
Calypso herself has even been told that she’s a bit fierce, like a warrior ready for battle. But, she also has a bit of a protective side for the younger students at NRC, kinda looking over some of them like that one cool rich auntie. She can also bench press 200 kg. So. Good luck.
Xaymaca — Xaymaca is an Arawak word that means "land of wood and water" or "land of springs". The indigenous Taíno people used the word to name the island of Jamaica, which is still its name today.
Her last name is a tribute to her heritage, since she has more than a few ancestors who have Arawak blood. And, also, because she’s from Jamaica.
• Calypso was less than happy when she was first admitted to live in Ramshackle, since everything was so run down and old. And the ghosts, too. But, surprisingly, she was able to clean the place up record time. Or, as much as she could. It’s fairly presentable, now, and doesn’t look nearly as bad as it did before.
• Calypso made her own uniform! She observed the other students’ and sketched out what theirs looked like, and modeled and made her own — with her own style to it. She learned how to stitch and sew at a young age, so it wasn’t that difficult for her. It just took a little while.
• Calypso actually enjoys hanging out with others! …If she gets to know you first. She can be just a bit abrasive with people she doesn’t want to chat with, but she’ll be sweet as apple pie if you’re considered lucky enough to be her friend.
• She loves loves LOVES hosting sleepovers, since it was something she did often back on her island. Since he has not other dorm mates (except Grim, technically), she hasn’t gotten the chance to host such an event. She hopes she can soon, though.
• She has had multiple near death experiences. She actually has died once! For roughly a minute and twenty nine seconds.
• Calypso is multilingual! She is fluent in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, French, Latin, and many more languages!
• She loves to sing. And she’s very good at it, too! She loves singing in different languages from different cultures, as it gives her an insight into what it would be like to live in that place.
• Calypso broke a glass singing once.
• Calypso loves to read and write, and even makes her own little short stories in her free time. She makes her own songs and poems, but she’s never showed anyone.
• She’s never seen someone having an overblot herself, but when she heard about it, she made sure she would stay the hell away if it were to happen again. (Little did she know 🌚)
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snowandwolves · 10 months
questions for when lighthouse au is done:
is there a scene or plot point that you didn't expect to write/surprised you?
how much of the story did you plot out/have in your head before you started writing?
is cold hot chocolate just hot chocolate with ice? / do you have a recipe for it bc i'm intrigued
do you have an idea of what cam was texting bea during that bit when bea basically questioned if ava could top?
does ava have a fav character or ep in grey's anatomy?
how much does bea lift?
does jillian have her own helipad and private jet and all that?
is there a scene you loved writing? or were like so eager to get to?
uh pls don't feel pressure to answer any or all of these! was rereading from the start and had lots of feels and love for this fic <3
lmao i can finally answer this [sobs]
1. definitely diego making a surprise visit. that was supposed to be resolved through a phone call but i got tired of writing phone calls so i was like “hey maybe just have him go there?” 😂
2. i got the idea while i was writing sixth to the ninth hour and then immediately jumped into planning it right after i finished that fic. i have,,, so much content on this fic it’s mildly insane 💀 it started in a notes app then moved to notion then to a word doc then just all of the above. i have fragments of it in work files akhdjadk
3. yes! and i don’t actually have a recipe for it. anything chocolate will do though, and i’d recommend drinking it like 5 seconds after you put the ice in for maximum confusion.
4. also yes! just cam being casually chaotic in bea’s inbox and telling her how they’d be a perfect match because ava radiates bottom energy 💀 and also being a menace by reminding bea that she was the one who told them all about her bedroom activities before she went with lilith and fucked up a homophobe.
5. you know that episode where they sing for the whole of it? ava nearly died laughing.
6. this, i haven’t actually thought about. let’s say exactly ava’s weight and chalk it up to fate 😌
7. she’d get an earful from her children about environmental awareness if she ever tried to buy a private jet 😂 so no, i don’t think so. maybe a friend with all of the above though because rich people connections ig 😂
8. definitely the storm. that was the very first scene that popped up in my head vividly waaay before i started planning this fic. i waited months to write that 😭 also the ending! i spoiled that way back in chapter 5. so for anyone who might catch that easter egg, you have my whole heart.
this was genuinely so much fun, anon. thank you so much 🥹💙 and also sorry it had to wait til now 😂
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Hiiiii again, how are you ???
I completely agree with your response regarding the comment I made about Daniel and Patricia!!!
I also really liked the theory about her, I really believe that she grew up surrounded by luxuries, that somehow her mother "taught" her the things she knows today (like her obsession with money and finding a rich husband to pay her bills and things like that), and at some point she passed away and Patricia was left with this "souvenir" of her. I really would have liked to have met Patricia's father, to see their dynamic together.
And about Daniel: Oh, I just know that that man has serious problems. In addition to being a criminal for the things he did to Patricia, he is also a terrible person.
When I went to rewatch the ysblf again, I noticed that in the scene where Daniel calls Patricia (in that chapter where Mario cheats on her with Aura Maria and her finds out), he (Daniel) speaks to her (Patricia) as if he was sure that she had enjoyed their first “meeting” (in her apartment), and that she wanted it again. The same thing when she goes to his apartment (I think 1 episode after this one), and as we know there's that blackmail scene and at one point in their conversation he says something like: "there's no need to deny it, Patricia, I know you liked it .", and when she is reluctant, he manipulates her and says things like: "so if you liked it, let's continue enjoying it". I could be wrong, but in those scenes it made me seem like he's sure the things he does to her are wrong, but somehow tries to believe that she likes it, so "it's okay", which makes me believe that Daniel has done this before and not just with her.
Even though I don't sympathize with Patricia, it's impossible not to feel sorry for her in the scenes with him. Deep down I think she just felt very alone, that girl needed a hug!!!
By the way, I was looking for news about this continuation of ysblf that will be released this year, did you see that a photo of the script was leaked and it looks like Patricia will be pregnant? And from what I understand, it is from Nicolas. I don't know if it's fake, or just a character's dream, but I wouldn't want Patricia to come back and get pregnant, I think it wouldn't make sense and also, it would end the character's arc, but that's just my opinion .
Helloooo! I'm good, thank you🥰🥰
Thanks, I'm glad you liked my answer!! The characters' backgrounds would have been a great addition to the show definitely!!
For what we know through Marcela about Daniel's past, he was a womanizer much like Mario and Armando. Marcela says that Daniel simply now is too busy for that so he became very picky about it. There's the strong possibility that Daniel actually believes that Patricia enjoyed it and she simply has too much ego to admit it. After all, he knows Patricia was initially attracted to him, he thinks he's good in bed, and knows Patricia is practically walking ego. I think he believes what he says about her liking it. So it's hard for me to say whether he has done it before or not.
Yes, that's the thing with Patricia!! I find her incredibly annoying and by the time Betty returns from Cartagena I can barely stand her scenes. She's annoying and pretty empty by that point. But I definitely felt pitty for her at those specific moments. I think it's part os this novela's charm, that it can get you to feel sorry for characters at specific times before it reminds you they still suck as people lmao. Like Sofia, I dislike how she's always talking shit about Marcela even though she helped her a lot, and then I feel bad for her in specific scenes, like the Jail scene. Or Hugo, that I generally dislike how he's extremely arrogant and borderline misogynistic at times, but then I feel for him when Armando threatens him and insults him over his sexuality in front of everyone back in the firdt collection.
Honestly, Patricia is jut the kind of person that it's just nearly impossible to help. More than loneliness, she's probably mentally unwell. It's not normal to just prefer starvation over letting go of her gym subscription or her cellphone lmao.
Perhaps she needed to hit rock bottom, and I mean REAL rock bottom. Homelessness, disease. The thing is that if Patricia's story had been taken seriously, it could have been amazing and very heart wreaking. I mean, we are literally told that she doesn't eat for DAYS straight. Rhat definitely has to leas to some consequences.
Oh I haven't seen that! Definitely agree, I wouldn't like to see that, either. Nicolas and her ending up together sort of makes sense considering thay there were certain points in which it seemed to lead to that before being abruptly cut off, but I don't like that pair. Well, they definitely fit in together by bith being arrogant and superficial and always bragging about what neigher of them actually had lmao. But for them to end up together as A REAL COUPLE in love, there needed to be much more work. But well, it's been over two decades, perhaps those two finally reached maturity lmao
Thank you for the ask!!🥰
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
Hello Chai!!
I need to say this every time, but I appreciate v much how much time and care and energy you put into your writing. It never goes unnoticed. 
I LOVED ch.8. It was most definitely a fantastic smutfest, but I also wanted to say that this chapter felt exciting to me in so many other ways too.
1. This chapter was chock full of moments where we really got to see woosanhwa's individual thought processes – preferences (sexually and otherwise), insights into how they show care, how they all feel about each other and how they feel about mc being amidst the dynamic. Etc etc etc. All those details were expressed so seamlessly and made the characters so fun to read. 
1b. A sub-point re characterisation: the individual differences between woo, san and hwa made the smut SO interesting. The comfort of woo, the playful teasing of Mr. I-want-you-to-beg-for-me hwa… and then san! You see that initially he's caught off guard seeing mc suddenly involved in the unit, and as a result his approach to sex with mc feels much slower – slightly cautious even. He’s lasered in on care rather than pleasure, in a way that feels much more serious than the way woohwa approach looking after mc. Also stark contrast to how he’s just so consumed by NEED for hwa, fucking throwing him around like a paper doll with his big buff Sannie arms lmao. Anyway, the differences in the way they handle mc are really nice. It varies the pace, creates opportunities for you to see all the characters from different, nuanced angles.
Also, a question as a follow-on from the observation of san seeming more reserved with mc: he's obviously so so caring and wanting to make mc feel good and safe, ofc, but he seemed like he didn't want to cross a certain line of intimacy with her? When san used the toy rather than giving his own knot, that sort of confirmed that to me. That's not me reading san as distant towards mc in any way, but instead I think the way you wrote San here reflected (or maybe I'm projecting) my own headcanon of san being a loving and caring guy to everyone equally, but only ever giving himself fully to those he loves loves. Was that your intention with san? Either way, that's how I read him and it rang right for me!
2. The stuff about the reality of being an omega: the looks they get. Not feeling safe with alphas out and about in the big wide world. The reality that these certain alphas only back off if they think an omega is "taken". As a WoC in a MaN's WoRlD, it just felt really real. It's fucking sad, but I'm insanely in love with how you're consistently making parallels with the real world in this fic, and I really appreciate that that conversation was in there.
3. Okay so the line 'even in the easiest relationships, things are hard' was so perfect for summing up the absolute idiotic lovesick mess everyone's in. Because even though this chapter is most definitely fun™, when the theme of "complicated relationships" started emerging - when sanhwa's story started coming into the picture, woo not wanting to get caught between them (what's his deal anyway..? He seems suspiciously easy going about it all👀), and then that last line about mc thinking that when it comes to yungi maybe she just needs to learn to dance around it like san – god, i nearly wept. I really like this subtle shadow you've added to what on the surface essentially is meant to be a light chapter. It makes the chapter really rich and full and I loved it so so much. 
Literally, to the anon who called your fics literature - AMEN.
☁️ anon xx
omg ☁️ bless you for your long reviews i love how thoughtful you are 😭
to answer your observations / questions:
thank you for noticing those differences in woosanhwa's approach and liking it!! you're absolutely spot on about san too, and i really was trying to write that intentionally and i was hoping people picked up on it. he never knots reader himself, and i wanted to make sure i spelled out that he was happy to be involved and help, but he's not going to cross that line. you're right too, that's both for himself because he's not going to give himself over like that, but it's also for the MC. she was deep in heat when he came over and he's not going to just assume consent here for something like that. i wanted to make sure that that contrasted heavily with how he is with seonghwa, someone he's already crossed those lines with and where consent is fully assumed and understood and somewhere where his emotions are already well established. anyways i really appreciate you reading it that way, i meant it that way!!
THANK YOU!!!! I've been reading omegaverse for years and it's literally impossible for me to not see very obvious parallels with how real life is. omegas are marginalized heavily and treated like a commodity, and while there are safe spaces for them, unfortunately very few places are 100% safe for marginalized folks. it's really important for me to have that inform the story here, otherwise i think what makes our boys good alphas is a little lost in the sauce.
what's woo's deal........ honestly i've always read wooyoung as someone who gives his 110% authentic self to everyone, but not everyone wants to receive it. so despite his positivity and chill attitude, he's seen some shit and been treated poorly in the past. that will come up a bit later as i reveal a bit more of his character, but i think ultimately he's protective of both seonghwa AND san but at the same time they're protective over him. it just leaves us in a pool of emotional soup and even though they all talk like they know their shit, they're just as confused and relationship fucked as y/n is.
thank you as ALWAYS for your lovely reviews!!
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alolanrain · 2 years
I’m calling myself out as well lmao dw
Question for the au: would anyone find out about ash dancing habit and if so how would they react? (I can see Brock finding out but idk) -🔶
Brock doesn’t actually find out surprisingly. The club scene in general isn’t his idea and he doesn’t go to local dance studios either as he doesn’t dance himself. Ash doesn’t like showing off in front of his traveling companions because he gets this gut feeling they’ll ask to many questions or brag about it to almost everyone they meet in some way. Like an anxiety thing instead of being pompous about it.
Dawn finds out about it because she decided to take a dance lesson a local club was hosting for her contest, it included their Pokémon partner so Dawn was getting inspiration from it. Brock and Ash went to do their own thing as they had wanted to just take a ‘me’ day as well. She ended up seeing Ash in another room like across the hallway from where her lesson was being held.
Rap and all sort of other music would change frequently in the room but she caught Ash going through a free style run to a Unovian pop song and him and his partner was really in sync. She stopped and watched in amazement with Piplup how Ash barely even sweat as he did all these crazy dance moves across the whole floor while the few other people with them were hyping him and his dance partner up. She ended up missing her lesson just to watch Ash, secretly because she’s just like that. 
Trip was the next to find out. Surprisingly going to the gym to work out himself and spotting Ash and Burgh of all people in a studio that was by the rack he was setting up at. He tried to ignore it but soon the two’s movements caught his eye. It was a mix of freestyle and ballet and honestly one of the coolest things Trip has seen in a while, though he’ll take it to the grave.
Trip had switched to a treadmill after a couple of minutes, not even finishing his set on the rack, because he couldn’t keep his eyes off the two. He could hear what Burgh was telling Ash though he could barley hear the music from the very sound proof room and the window pains shook just noticeably. He also didn’t know just how flexible Ash was at the moment.
Ash had joined a salsa/tango class in Kalos for the bell of it, after returning to Lumiose city with the gang and going off to get a breather from them, and he was surprisingly paired with Malva. He was new to the class and everyone else wasn’t so the instructor wanted to see where his skill lie. It was also the first time he met Lysandre but Ash didn’t know it at the time as the man looked nothing like the evil asshole during the Kalos Crisis. It wasn’t until later that Ash made the connection between the two.
Alola is rich with dance and music so the entire class knew about Ash’s like of performance, though not nearly the entire extent of it, so they were more then happy to try and teach him. Kukui even made it as a little class bonding event during school hours and a project for each student to learn one specific dance and try and teach it to Ash during the week.
The Professor, and Burnet later down the road, took to teaching Ash the slower dance’s. Kind of like a wind down method after a hard week or a particularly stressful day. Sometimes they didn’t even do Alolan dances, sometimes just having their own dance battles down at the beach and making fun of each other. Hau was on a mission to teach Ash more of the strict traditional dances before he left.
Gou and Chloe don’t know about Ash’s hobby, though their catching on to their friends disappearance act that he does every couple of times every week. Since he’s stationed in a well known town Ash is able to go to a lot more spots to freestyle with people and actually make connections that way.
They do catch him in the future though on a particularly rowdy night. A festival held in the honor of Mew and everyone was wearing mask’s and clothing both traditional and not to Kanto’s culture. A sort of dance mob surrounded the middle park of the city and Ash was in the direct center of it all, dressed as Lugia in non traditional clothing with his own painted mask that flowed in the dark. Other friends from his dance endeavors had joined him that night to do what they always do, this time in the midst of the public and giving out a free show to everyone, and they all made their clothes glow in the night sky.
The park they chose was gorgeous, street lamps weren’t on and instead lanterns and fairy lights strung from the tree’s. A gazebo located behind them and was used during all the coordinated dancing they did. Much like those dancing movies when that finally scene happens or something like that.
Goh and Chloe knew it was Ash by the sound of his voice and were openly surprised, like jaw to the floor, as Ash took charge of most of the group dancing. Being the center of attention for a good chunk but not the majority of the night, more so than anyone else in the group though, and he radiated confidence and cockiness through his motions. Definitely because of the veil and security of the mask in his face.
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
Word vomit incoming 😂
I started succession and i blame you 😂 and like this is the most unhinged show ive ever seen, i’m only 4 eps in but what i actually wanted to say is that this entire time i can not stop thinking about texas sun’s reader and how i kinda imagine her being a member of a similar family except everyone is as unhinged as in succession and she’s the closest one to being a normal human being. And just like i feel that at some point (if we ignore the outbreak and pretend they had more time) she has to have a conversation with joel about their family having a wealth consultant and i think thats just such a hilarious convo to have with someone and she’d think joel is gonna make fun of her and just like little snippets or similar plot here and there, like WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IM UNHINGED 😂😂😂😂
hahaha i LOVE FORCING PEOPLE TO WATCH THIS SHOW. it's so unhinged like i truly went into that show watching it thinking it was about one thing when it ended up being about a completely different thing.
so im lame and i like to fill out extensive character sheets before i start fics so i have THOUGHT about all these things you are talking about and if you're interested they are all below the cut. worldbuilding/backstories are genuinely one of my favorite parts of writing fic
so weirdly i think her life is somewhat inspired by succession but i also was really pulling from phoebe and holden caulfield from the book catcher in the rye (i was obsessed with it in high school). i always thought holden's sensitivity towards his little sister phoebe was really sweet and that's what made me write reader and her brother the way i did. BUT in general, pieces of media about rich people living in nyc will always have a lot of similarities.
i feel like her family is not nearly as rich or famous or as fucked up as the roys. like i wrote her dad as a criminal defense attorney, i could see him making headlines for taking on cases with a lot of media attention but she wouldn't have to worry about being in the public eye. i also don't think her dad forced her and her brother to compete with each other to be involved in the business or to get his approval -- a lot of the tension between her and her brother stems from how they both responded to their dad's abuse and neglect. her brother stuck around and tried to mend his relationship with their father, but she was like 'fuck this, im out'.
but the wealth consultant!!! lmao. i feel like joel definitely got hints that she was rich but she maybe never rubbed it in his face or she tried to (poorly) play it off. like her ass went to private school and played tennis i think he gets it. but i did imagine that she had cut herself off financially from her dad at that point, just to prove she could do it alone. BUT i still think her dad would've left her money after he died. and maybe that's when she'd be a little more forthcoming about the differences in their upbringings. he might've teased her for being kind of spoiled but i also feel like even though she was spoiled there were a lot of things she DIDNT get growing up. but yeah, he would've ultimately been fine with it because without the outbreak, he probably could've ended up being a stay at home dad 😂😂😂
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