#and yes im still listening to the new glass animals song on repeat
analogwriting · 6 months
Chapter 20: Kardiá
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3k first|next a/n: whoops didn't mean for this to take so long but thus is the price of me working every single day for two weeks straight ayeo.
You woke up with a loud gasp, sitting up quickly and falling into a coughing fit as the tubes in your throat moved around from your sudden intake of air. You felt a hand begin to rub your back and a voice followed by footsteps running into the room and yet another voice, but it was far away and you couldn’t understand what they were saying. You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes and your already raw throat began to hurt even more.
A glass of water was held in front of you and you took it, giving yourself a moment before trying to swallow some of it down. It helped a bit, your coughing subsiding. Everything still hurt, your head absolutely pounding from the suddenness of everything; consciousness, the coughing, your body moving, etc.
After a few more moments, you were able to settle yourself back down. You were concentrating on regulating your breathing and making the room stop spinning. “Are you feeling better?” You blinked, honestly forgetting where you were at the moment. Right - the hospital. You looked over, seeing Corazon sitting there with concern sketched all over his face. 
Everything seemed to hit you all at once. What your father did, the heist, the dream - and tears began to roll down your face. The concern only grew on Corazon’s face. “Y/n?” 
“I’m sorry,” you rasped out, your voice completely gone from not using it for so long. You felt terrible for everything you had put everyone through. For all the worry and stress, just all of it. 
Corazon said nothing, pulling you into his arms. Being surrounded by such warmth and love, it reminded you of what you once felt all those years ago with your parents, bringing forth the dream or whatever it was that you had while you were out. Emotions began to run absolutely wild and you buried your face in his shoulder as you cried, clutching on to him for dear life. 
You were worried that if you let go, he’d disappear. That this was the dream and you’d actually chosen death somehow. You knew that wasn’t the case logically, but your mental fortitude wasn’t exactly rock solid at the moment. 
It was even a while after that before you finally calmed down again. Your body hurt, heavy from the sudden activity it was experiencing. You’d lied as a vegetable for the past month and now you were exerting yourself, overly so. As you slowly calmed down, you felt your body slowly becoming heavier and heavier.
Fuck. You didn’t want to fall asleep. You’d just woken up, after all. You wanted to be able to see and converse with everyone. You wanted to get out of this room. Sure, you were a doctor and you loved your hospital, but you sure as shit hated being a patient. You hated being sick - even if you technically weren’t. You hated being the patient.  Besides, what if you went to sleep and then didn’t wake back up? Or what if everyone was gone somehow? What if the hospital was overrun again? Not that you could even do anything in this state.
You pulled away from Corazon, barely able to keep your eyes open, but determined to stay awake. He could see this, trying to get you to lie down. “Get some sleep, you need it.” His voice was soft, soothing. Ugh, you wanted nothing more than to curl up with him and do just that.
You shook your head. “No. I’ve been out long enough. I…” You trailed off, your train of thought becoming lost. You knew that was due to being tired. You knew how the human body worked, that was your livelihood.
“See? You need to rest. I know you’ve been out, but it’s okay this time. I’m sure you’ll wake back up in a few hours.” 
You shook your head again. “No,” you mumbled, pinching yourself to keep from falling asleep. This made him hiss softly as if he’d been the one you did it to. “Stop.” His voice was still gentle, but firm as he took your hands in his.
You looked at him, frowning as fear started bubbling up. “What if I don’t wake back up, though? What if this is the last time I see you? The last time I’m alive? There’s so much I need to do. To say. I-” 
“You don’t need to worry. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.” Corazon offered a warm smile, trying to keep you calm. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you felt a wave of calm wash over your body.
You didn’t even know what you were saying. Logically, you knew this wasn’t true. You knew the human body well enough to know what state you were in. You’d sleep and wake up in a few hours feeling a whole lot better. Then you could eat a proper meal and get some more rest in. Recover was going to be a piece of cake from here since your bullet wounds were already mostly healed.
So, why couldn’t you just let yourself sleep? Why were you still scared? Why were you saying these things? It didn’t make any sense. You weren’t making any sense.
Suddenly, you felt a wave of something wash over your entire body and you weren’t able to fight anymore. You looked behind you, spotting Marco. “Oh, you fucking bastard,” you mumbled, feeling yourself slowly sink into the bed. 
Marco sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. It’s for the best. You need to rest.” 
You didn’t say anything else as the sleeping agent he’d put into your IV took over and the world around you went black.
When you came to, your entire body felt sluggish - must’ve been due to whatever Marco drugged you with. You were still slightly salty, but from a doctor standpoint, you understood. Technically, if he’d done that to a patient it was a pretty big no no since you weren’t exactly a danger to yourself or others other than making yourself sleep deprived, but it was you. 
You would’ve done the same thing to him if roles were reversed.
The room was darker. The curtains drawn, but no light peeked through so you assumed it was nighttime. The tubes that had been lodged up your nose and down your throat to help you breathe were no longer there. Since you were conscious again, you didn’t exactly need them. You were glad too, you hated that shit. Most of the IVs you were hooked up to were gone as well. You only had your heart monitor on now, probably to make sure you didn’t freak out or at least they’d know if you did.
 You heard someone mutter something next to you, noticing Corazon sleeping at your side once more. A small smile stretched across your face. You weren’t sure what you did to end up with someone like him at your side, but you were grateful and hoped he stuck around.
Though, if he was still around after all of this, you supposed he might keep at it. And you were thankful for that.
You slowly sat up, trying not to disturb the sleeping man next to you. You knew he needed his sleep just as much as you had. He had looked absolutely exhausted. Whenever he woke up, you were going to make him go home and get some real rest. 
“You’re awake.” You looked over, seeing Law standing there with a shocked look on his face. “I heard you had an episode earlier, I wasn’t expecting you to be awake already.”
He entered the room, but stayed near the door. You watched him for a moment, thinking with amusement. How the tables have turned. You had taken care of him so long ago and now he was taking care of you. You’ve come full circle. “How are you fairing, Law?” you asked, watching him.
“I should be asking you that question.” 
“Too late. I’ve already asked you.”
Law shook his head, a hint of a smile on his face. “I’m doing just fine. Now that you’re awake and fine, I can stop having to worry about Cora.” He rolled his eyes, folding his arms. You could tell he was really concerned. For you or Corazon you weren’t sure, though you assumed it was his father. 
“That’s true. When he wakes up, can you make sure he goes home and sleeps? He needs some proper rest in a proper bed.” 
“I’ve been trying for a month and he won’t listen to me.” He was pouting slightly and you couldn’t help but chuckle quietly to yourself.
“Well, now that I’m awake, he should be more willing to listen, no?” 
“Hopefully.” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He walked over to you, seemingly over whatever weird spell that had been keeping him from coming close to you. He began a standard check up. “Now you answer the question. How are you feeling?”
You let him do his check up, shrugging. “As good as I can after waking up from a coma and having my entire life turned upside down.” 
That made the corner of his mouth turn up a little. “I suppose I can relate to that a bit myself.” 
You didn’t know Law’s backstory. You didn’t know what he went through before Corazon had found him and you didn’t exactly plan on asking either. It was probably a sensitive topic that you didn’t want to touch.
“Life be like that sometimes, huh?” A small smile stretched across your face and he just looked at you before nodding. He probably expected you to ask, but he also looked relieved that you didn’t. 
“It sure does.” He stood back up, writing down on his clipboard.
“You’re doing a great job, by the way. Stellar check up.” You winked at him and his cheeks tinted slightly. Technically, he was still your intern and you were still his boss. You just also now happened to be dating his dad. A little messy, but you weren’t going to let that get in the way of your job.
“You’re just saying that beca-”
You cut him off by holding up your hand. “Absolutely not. It doesn’t matter if I’m dating your dad or not. I will always judge fairly. If anyone can separate work and home - it’s me. Don’t undersell yourself - you’re shaping up to be an excellent doctor.” 
Law bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. “Ah, y-yes, doctor.”
Just then, Corazon stirred a bit, grumbling slightly. You watched as his eyes cracked open slightly. They looked towards you before shooting open, sitting up as he noticed you were awake. “You’re awake!” 
You laughed softly, nodding. “I am.” You felt your heart race at his excitement. For fuck’s sake, you loved his man. 
Despite his excitement, you could see the exhaustion catching up to him. The bags under his eyes, the puffiness of them. You reached over, touching the side of his face gently. He looked caught off guard, but his features softened, only further making him look more tired.
“Go home and get some rest.” That made him perk up. He shook his head. “No! I’m fine. I’ll just-”
You shook your head. “Go home. Get some rest. Law.” You looked at your intern and he jumped. “Take him home.”
“But I work overnight tonight.”
“I know Marco is here. It’s fine. Take Corazon home. If he gives you trouble, send him my way.” You looked back at your boyfriend. “Go home and get some real sleep or we’re going to have an issue.”
Corazon frowned deeply, pouting. “But I just wanna stay with you,” he mumbled with a slight whine to his voice. You shook your head, fighting the urge to giggle at his antics. “You can come back tomorrow after you’ve rested up. I won’t be going anywhere.”
There was a bit more back and forth, but eventually Corazon folded, leaving with Law. You sighed, sinking back into the bed. You stared at the ceiling, thinking.
“I hear you’re sending Law home?” You looked over, seeing Marco standing in the doorway.
“Yeah. He needs to keep an eye on Corazon. Make sure he sleeps and takes care of himself.”
“Can’t argue with that. The man’s barely left your side since you went under.” Marco sighed, walking over to your bedside.
“How ya feelin’?”
You just looked at him with an expression that could kill and he held up his hands. “Don’t hate me. Just doing my job.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Whatever.”
You were tired, but you weren’t necessarily the sleepy kind of tired. Not the kind that taking another nap would fix. Just overall body exhaustion.
“How are my charts lookin’?”
Marco pulled out his clipboard, flipping through the pages. “Everything is fine. You just need to rest and eat to regain your strength and then you’ll be good to go.” He shrugged. “The bullet wounds on your back are all healed up, but don’t overexert yourself and it should be hunkydory.” He immediately pursed his lips and cringed at his word choice.
You looked at him, a shit eating grin spread across your face. “You sound like Pops when you use words like that.”
He groaned, shaking his head. “I know. I don’t know why I said it.” He pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. He looked positively exhausted too.
“When was the last time you slept?” 
He shrugged. “I had a nap in our office earlier.” Technically, Marco didn’t have an office. You two just shared once since the two of you were always at the hospital. Eventually, he just started referring to it as the both of yours. 
“Well, you should go home and get some sleep too. I’m sure everything will be fine here.” Marco scrunched up his nose before shaking his head. “I think I’m good.” 
You rolled your eyes. Unfortunately, you knew there was no arguing or winning with Marco. At least not right now. He was the one currently in charge. You could probably convince him later. “Then could you please bring me some food? I could probably eat a horse, honestly.”
Marco snorted, nodding. “Will do. I’ll send a nurse in to bring you something shortly. I need to check on some other things.”
After he left, you sighed. Once the room fell silent, your stomach growled loudly. You were sure the sound traveled down the hallway. You groaned, holding your stomach. It hurt with how hungry you were. Sure, you’ve been hooked up to machines and fed that way, but now that you were back to running normal, you were starving. 
It wasn’t long before a nurse walked in. Lo and behold, it was another one of the interns. Shachi bounded over to you. “I heard you were awake!” He smiled widely, setting your food down on one of those lap trays and setting it on the bed over your legs. “Glad to see you’re doing better.”
“Yeah.” You looked over at him. “Thank you for the food. I trust things have been going okay? How are you adjusting to the hospital?”
He looked at you for a moment before chuckling. “Always the workaholic. You’ve barely woken up and you’re already back at it.” He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. “Things are great. I’m enjoying my time here and the people are really nice. Got pissed on the other day, but that’s whatever.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Glad it didn’t deter you, then. It’s good to have you. Hopefully you’ll be able to stick around.” Besides, after everything that happened, you thought about having all staff or at least more than what you had previously be staff that isn’t unfamiliar with the underbelly of the city.
People like you who wanted to leave that life. People like your underground staff who were looking for a way out. People who have seen the ugly and wanted to help. If you had people like that on both sides, the hospital could be more well rounded and you could probably rest a little easier.
Part of the reason you were at the hospital so much was to keep it safe guarded, but if you had more people that were aware of the stakes, it might be better.
“Oh definitely!” Shachi tore you out of your mental tangent. “I plan on staying for as long as you let me! We all do.” A lopsided grin appeared on his face. “A lot of people are fond of you, doc. And we’re all relieved to hear you’re doing well.” He nodded, his comment stunning you slightly. “Well, I’m off. Holler if you need me!” Then he sprinted off and you watched him with a fond smile. He was full of life and seemed eager to help people. That was good. You hoped he’d be able to keep that energy for a long time.
You turned to your dinner. It wasn’t much, some soup and some bread to cut up to eat with it. Since you hadn’t ate in a while, your stomach was small - it’d be a while before you’d be able to eat any big meals again. This would be more than enough for the time being.
You cut into your small loaf of bread, making bite size pieces for you to soak up the soup and pop it in your mouth. The first bite made you groan. It tasted like it was the greatest thing in the world. It probably wasn’t like a five star restaurant level good, but it tasted like it after not eating for so long.
You finished up your meal, setting the tray to the side on the table. Someone would probably come and get it later. As you set it down, you felt the air immediately shift in the room. You immediately tensed and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You looked over to the doorway and you paused, eyes widening.
There he was. Your father, Anthony.
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lxghtbound · 2 years
playlist challenge based on this post for scout, prose and mint! yes im cheating a bit but i couldnt choose between them
1. Coyotes -- Modest Mouse specifically the alternate vocals version for this which isnt on spotify bc i like it
2. Coyote -- Mako new challenge how many songs called coyote can i find that fit the pack. also go listen to the midnight version of the song too it’s pretty good
3. The Wolf -- SIAMES updated challenge how many songs with animal or animal adjacent names can i find that fit the pack
4. Black Mambo -- Glass Animals
5. All Eyes on You -- Smash Into Pieces
6. Infinitely Ordinary -- The Wrecks
7. My Ordinary Life -- The Living Tombstone
8. Mr Fear -- SIAMES leave me alone theres no rule that says i cant have the same artist twice i like this song too much
9. Tip Toes -- half.alive
10. Ease Up Kid - Hippo Campus
11. 222 -- Low Roar
12. Your Love -- Glass Animals figured this version fit better but i also really like the stripped back version of the song it’s very chill
13. Window -- Still Woozy
14. Crazy (Cover) -- Glass Animals LAST GLASS ANIMALS SONG I PROMISE. i just,,,,,i was scrolling through my old youtube playlist to see if there was anything there and i completely forgot they covered this bc once again it is not on spotify and i like it a lot flashing lights warning for the video, but it’s not a music video or anything just a repeating visual so u dont have to watch it really
15. Worst in Me -- Unlike Pluto
16. Die Young -- Kesha
17. Lone Digger -- Caravan Palace
18. I’m So Humble -- The Lonely Island
19. Do It All The Time -- IDKHow
20. Dear Fellow Traveller -- Sea Wolf
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
What’s your name?
Where do you live? kentucky
When’s your birthday? december 24th
What’s your astrological sign? capricorn
Do you actually believe in that stuff? no. it’s fun tho
How old are you? 30
Do you have a high school diploma or the equivalent? yeah
Do you have an undergraduate degree? If so, in what? never finished
What is your favorite…
i don’t have one
Color? orange
Song? i dont have one
Band/singer? lana del rey
Book? harry potter
Author? jk rowling
School subject? -
Science (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.)? -
Math (algebra, geometry, calculus, etc.)? -
Language? french
Operating system? apple
Instrument? piano
Letter? I don’t have one
Number? 3
Car? 1967 chevy impala
Pattern (polka spots, stripes, plaid, etc.)? plaid
Word? -
Animal? Kitties!
Country? europe
Drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? coffee
Food? pizza
Restaurant? mexican
Website? tumblr
Sport? gymnastics
Flower? lilies
Ice cream flavor? chocolate chip cookie dough
Television show? supernatural
Shirt? i don’t have one
Shape? star
Eye color? brown
Hair color? blonde
Movie? titanic
Gum flavor? peppermint
Random Stuff About You
Do you have your drivers’ license?
Have you ever been swimming in an ocean? yeah
What’s the last song you listened to? -
Do you prefer coloring pencils, crayons, or markers? coloring pencils
Can you make any origami figures? If so, what? no
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? yeah
Do you get cold easily? no
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? no
Do you have great eyesight, or do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses
Do you know how to play chess? no
Do you know how to play checkers? no
Do you like Sudoku puzzles? no
Do you like word searches? no
Do you like crossword puzzles? yeah
Do you like logic puzzles? no
Can you play any card games? no
Do you play board games? yeah
Do you do jigsaw puzzles? no
Do you listen to the same song on repeat for a long time, even occasionally? i do
Do you take any prescription medications on a regular basis? yes
Would you prefer to be too hot or too cold? neither
Do you like to swim? no
Have you ever been to a farm? yeah
Do you like instrumental music? yeah
Do you drink diet soda? yes
Do you drink soda? yes
Have you ever put Mentos into soda? no
Have you ever combined baking soda and vinegar? yes
Did you ever make Oobleck in science class when you were a kid? no
Do you know any HTML? not anymore
Have you ever read any of Shakespeare’s work? many
Do you write poetry? sometimes
Do you read? yes
Can you throw a frisbee? not well
Do you watch a lot of television? not really
Do you think that you have a good sense of humor? yeah
Are you a mean person? i can be
Do you have any bruises? If so, how did you get them? no
Does the thought of public speaking make you nervous? no
Are you afraid of heights? yeah
So, what ARE you afraid of? fish
Are you listening to music? No
Has anyone ever called you ‘disturbed’? i dont’ think so
Have you ever been kicked out of a place? If so, where? And why? no
Do you take a lot of these surveys? yeah
When was the last time you fingerpainted? idk
When was the last time you sent an e-mail? idk
A text message? today
Called someone on the phone? today
Tripped over something? today im’ sure
Do you like chocolate? yeah
How many pillows are on your bed? 6
Do you have any pets? yeah
Have you ever been on a horse? yeah
Have you ever climbed a tree? yah
Do you like art? yeah
Do you use any sort of social networking site? yeah
What time is it? 8:47pm
Have you ever been in a car accident? yeah
When was the last time you felt embarrassed? today
Did it rain today? yeah
Have you ever had a poison ivy rash? no
When was the last time you felt immensely happy? today
Do you take a multivitamin or any other supplement? yes. prenatals and iron
What household chore do you absolutely hate? all of them
Tell me something random about yourself. i’m pregnant
Can you cook? yeah
Do you like to be silly? yeha
What kinds of things have you wanted to be 'when you grow up’? singer. actress.
Have you ever been on a boat? yeah
Do/did you like school? i liked college
Do you have a camera? on my phone
Have you ever been bitten by a tick? No
Have you ever seen a wild snake? no
Have you ever gone hiking in the woods? yeah
Do you have a lot of friends? no
Do you keep a diary/journal/blog? not really
What color are your eyes? brown
Do you like snow? yeah
Would you prefer to sing or dance in front of other people? sing
Would you prefer to sing or dance when you’re by yourself? both
Can you spell really well? no
Do you mind poor grammar? i do
What’s your favorite texting/IM abbreviation? omg and lol
Do you wear a watch? no
Do you shop at thrift stores? no
What is your dream job? to be a stay at home mom
What is one thing that really freaks you out? fish
Do you like bananas? Yes
Do you eat meat? yes
Do you drink coffee? not since i’ve been pregnant
Do you clean your computer screen often? no. i should tho lol
Have you ever sneezed onto your computer screen? yeah
Let’s talk about numbers.
How many people live with you?
How many digits of pi do you have memorized? 3.14159
Can you count using binary numbers? no
How many states have you visited? a lot
How many countries? none
How many browser windows/tabs do you have open? a lot
How many times have you blinked in the past minute? idk
How many seconds are in a minute? 60
Are you afraid of mathematics? no
What’s the square root of 121? 11
Sorry, sorry, the nightmare is over :) How about some more random questions to let you relax?
Have you ever read the webcomic xkcd?
Can you play an instrument? no
Can you read sheet music? yes
What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? italian sub
Do you have a bedtime? no
Have you ever gone sledding? no
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? If so, what kind of face did you make? yeah. a normal one
Do you ever make funny faces at yourself in the mirror? yeah
Have you ever played the classic shaving-cream-in-the-hand prank on someone? no
Do you think that’s a mean thing to do? yeah
Do you like cake? yeah
Do you like pie? yes
Do you like popsicles? love
Do you use the television or computer more? Computer
Do you have a favorite chair to sit in? yeah
Are you getting tired of this survey? yeah
Do you like to wear hats? no
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yes
Do your shoes provide lots of arch support? no
Do you like to go to yard sales? no
Have you ever had a yard sale at your house? yeah
Do you like apples? allergic
Do you like peanut butter? yes
Do you like licorice? nooo
Do you like lima beans? ew no
Do you like limes? yeah
What color are your bedroom walls? off white
Guess how many questions you’ve done. I don’t know either, so just guess. no
What’s your favorite color to wear? black
Do you tell secrets when people confide in you? depends
Do you listen to your music with the volume up really high? depends
Do you like to try new foods? no
How many different programs are you currently using? just firefox
How many different operating systems have you used? i’m old so alot
What time is it now? 8:53pm
Are you wearing socks? no
Are you comfortable with yourself? no
Do you lose small things (like your car keys) often? no
Is your mind in the gutter? No
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
Do you read the dictionary for fun? no
Tater tots or fries? fries
Do you like to wear flip flops? no
Are you more of an optimist or pessimist? pessimist
Do you like animals? yeah
Do you like little kids? yes
Are you a 'people person’? no
Have you ever seen a rainbow? yeah
How was your day? chill
What do you plan to do tomorrow? work
When was the last time you did laundry? today
Have you ever played Snake? yes
Have you ever played Scrabble? yes
Are there any television commercials that really get on your nerves? all of them
Do you like scary movies? yes
Are you itchy anywhere on your body? yes
What’s the title of the last book you read? a pregnancy book
Do you read more fiction or nonfiction books? a good mix
Are you a member of any clubs or organizations? Nope
What color is your favorite pair of socks? i don’t have any
Do you own a lava lamp? No
Do you have anything else to say? no                            
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btxtreads · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @txthearteu​
tagging @markhyucknorenminchenji​ @qtsoobin​ @beomberry​ @txtdiaries​ and other people who wanna do it idk
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course, none other than king943 hSJADJSAJHAS. He’s a little secret I’ll let you all in on: the first person I actually noticed in TXT was,,,,,,, Kang Taehyun hSDHJAHJSDAHSA but he wasn’t my bias. I just thought he was cute (also amused me bc my BTS bias was Taehyung and I found a guy named Taehyun cute), but I didn’t stan them then. I started stanning when I saw ONE DREAM.TXT where they talked to BTS and found them really cute and endearing. Looking into them, they were wild, and chaotic and so fun and also i got rEAAAALLY attached to Soobin. So here I am. There u go, my stanning story.
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a famous actress or singer hJSHADJSA
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
Went to a theme park. I miss going to theme parks 🥺
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
hmmm most of the time i just go out with just my phone and money unless I need to bring a bag due to safety concerns/more items needed. So I’d say nothing unconventional.
favourite type of plushies and why?
God do I seem boring hsahsajjsa but i wasn’t too big on plushies. I had a gigantic teddy bear named Justin when I was a kid (it’s a bear with shades that my brother gave me) and I used to buy plushies whenever I’m in disneyland, it’s all in my sister’s reading lounge. The only plushie in my room now is a Mollang doll wearing like a blue shirt/dress, it’s my favorite rn It’s squishyyyy
favourite song right now?
right now, it’s Work It by Sabrina Carpenter.
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
Dancing (i literally suck. i have no idea how. no joke), Vocal Lessons (had some lessons briefly for like a year but i stopped and want to take some again), music production, acting, hosting
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
ok okok so one time in our class groupchat we were talking about class elections for officers. There were muse votes and some people were saying they want me to be the muse but i didnt want to bc i was busy with work. Then they started saying that they want me to be the muse and this guy that i rejected be the escort. while this is happening, i was simping hard for soobin in another chat. anyways, i got everything mixed up and accidentally sent the soobin simp stuff to the class chat and everyone thought i was simping for the classmate i rejected i was so asHAMED.
headphones or speakers? why?
speakers! idk i just like blastic the music loud.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
anything with cheese
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since its free for me askjjksad someone pays for my subscription lmaooo
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questions from cj to me:
android or apple? why?
APPLE because im loyal 😌 and i guess im just used to it so its easier to use for me + all my gadgets at home are mac
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
I think there should be a good balance of both. The words will have the ability to give you this sense of comfort and satisfaction and you know just overall a peace of mind when you hear the right words??? and physical affection bc sometimes it’s just better to get a hug or a kiss isntead of talking yk? actions speak louder than words sometimes
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
Honestly, this would depend. If I’m reading a book and feeling very vintage with a hot cup of coffee, definitely a rocking chair. If I’m watching TV and basically just chilling I’d go for Bean Bag. I like maintaining the atmosphere.
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
I view it as in-between, because there’s always room for improvement. There’s always things to change, and consider, and make better. There’s no such thing as perfect.
If someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
Please stop corona right now and let everyone go back to their daily lives and please let me attend a TXT concert bls im begging on my kNEES
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
Give me Soobin I just want to give him a hug. this is valid i can hold him
favorite season and why
Winter! Even if I’ve never experienced snow or winter before, the whole idea of snow is just really fun and endearing to me. One of my bucketlists is to see snow in real life. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve always been this person to prefer the cold over heat.
what made you enter tumblr?
I’ve always been here! Just not in kpop tumblr. I’ve since deleted my old accounts and shame  but i came back to write. It’s always been so stress-relieving to me, to write without any expectations on my back because I’m thinking about grades or a competition. Also Soobin simping is a daily thing and I gotta release it somewhere man
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
Yes. I may not be the richest or the prettiest, or smartest or whatever, but I have a good family that loves me. I have good friends that support me and I have TXT and BTS to help me cope when things get overwhelming. I have a job that gives me a little bit of income (it’s not too common for college students here to get jobs like in the US, most of them just focus on acads) and all the means to continue my education amidst the pandemic. So really, I’m grateful for where I am now.
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
Why do you have to do me dirty cj,,,,, prolly online. I may not get to hug them or anything but I get to talk to them still. As may times as I want to. And as a girl whose sanity literally just depends on Soobin giggles rn it’ll be very therapeutic to me to see them and talk to them as much as I could, even just through a screen.
Cinema or Netflix? Why?
Fire or Rain? Why?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had as a KPOP stan?
How do you handle stress?
Favorite Disney Princess and why?
Which fictional character do you say you relate the most to?
How did you get into KPOP?
What kind of merch you got 👀
Would you date a KPOP idol? What would you do if you do date one? (doesnt have to be your bias, just wanna see what y’all would do)
Would you rather be with someone you love but doesn’t love you back or be with someone that loves yu but you don’t love them back? (Or, as the Filipinos would say, Mahal ko o Mahal Ako)
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: rina
birthday: - 
zodiac: gemini
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino 
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5′2 like 2 years ago, i probably grew like an inch or two 
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: bts and txt fanfics to read hasjhsahj
blog established: ,,,,, i cant remember askjjksdjkdsa but the blog is only a few months old!
followers: 384!!! love yall 
favourite animals: b u n n y y y y y
favourite colour: black, blue, purple
favourite fictional characters: Percy Jackson, Jaron from Ascendance Trilogy, Chimmy!!! hihi
favourite flower: white roses
favourite scent: coffee
favourite season: winter
average hours of sleep: 3-5 or 8-10.
cats or dogs: dogs because cats scare me
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!!! especially if it’s iced and sweet
current time: 12:21 AM
dream trip: California. Look I have the visa, pls miss rona. just leave so cali can just let me IN
dream job: actress or singer
hobbies: writing, reading, watching crackvids
hogwarts house: gryffindor
last movie watched: Work It (bc it has sabrina carpenter ahshsahsa i have low standards when we talk about Sabrina)
last song listened to: Helpless - Hamilton OBC
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, I would go on a date in high school. Also try to exert more effort in my appearance back then i looked like an honest to god M E S S (tbh i still do but now i have eyebrow liner on) hsajhsajhh
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10 things I can’t stop listening to (at the moment)
Run Away - TXT
Work It - Sabrina Carpenter
Euphoria - BTS
Song Cry - Yeonjun
Helpless - Hamilton OBC
Satisfied - Hamilton OBC
Journey to the past - Anastasia OBC
Lost in the Woods - Frozen OST
Perfect Song - Sabrina Carpenter
Friends - BTS
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txthearteu · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @soobindipity​ 🥰 thank you bb 😌❤️
tagging @btxtreads​​ @choisoobinie​​ @unlocktxt​​ @bffsoobin (this one is long so feel free not to do it ahahahaksksksks)
note: i found the breakers somewhere here in tumblr but i forgot who the owner is, so full credits to whoever owns these breakers
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course it’s their debut song Crown. I have to admit, I listened to them not because i discovered them but because of the whole “bighit is releasing another boy group” fiasco. people thought the hype would die down, i did too, but to this day the boys never failed me. they consistently made me happy with the content they gave out for everyone to enjoy. also adding, i think i’m attracted to them more (compared to their seniors) since they’re around my age– something in which i feel like i can relate to (in terms of the content they put out, or the jokes, etc)
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a music artist (pop star) 😔
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
travel to Japan and explore the place 😩
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
chopsticks hahahahaha because i usually eat using the spoon and fork when i eat out 
favourite type of plushies and why?
anything twotuckgom related! they’re so soft and convenient because of the size. i also kinda wanna buy the bolsters 👀
favourite song right now?
i don’t have any but if you ask what i’ve been jamming to i’d say its city girls by chris brown
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
producing music, japanese, korean, hacking 
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
so in the city where i live, there are places in which the canals don’t have any stoppers. i saw this kid walking with his family alongside these canals and he was just vibing with the song he was singing to. he was so into the song he was singing that he missed a step and he kinda slipped and fell in to the canal (don’t worry though there weren’t any serious injuries) and i swear it was a funny sight 
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones! when the opportunity is present then i’d listen to my music with no outside noise
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
corndogs 👀
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since i’m on spotify family 
questions from eri to me:
what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
the vacation i had in Japan last year! 10 days never felt so short in my life and i was planning to go back earlier this year but you know...’rona....
do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
i’m the toughest gal everyone knows but i get really creeped out by butterflies or bugs. i also get scared with inanimate objects that look like a human being when it’s laying still in the dark, i’m scared of mirrors as well HAHA.
weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
i can curl my tongue into what seems to resemble a three-leafed clover. i can also mimic voices well and, from what my friends said, i could actually dance well and im super fast in picking up choreography hahaha (ok but it’s what they said okay)
what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
biking/hiking/camping :> 
when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
i think it was back in 4th grade and it was the famous nokia 3310 
what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
biggest pet peeve?
 i absolutely get annoyed when someone tries to rush me and by the time i’m ready, they haven’t readied themselves
earliest childhood memory?
i put sand in this ice-cream-cone-looking rock, and i ate the sand thinking it tasted like ice cream
as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
a music artist (pop star), until now that’s still my dream but unfortunately, i had to be “practical” 
questions from me to you:
android or apple? why?
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
if someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
favorite season and why
what made you enter tumblr?
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: cj
birthday: oct 12
zodiac: libra
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino (and my dialect), lil teeny bit or korean and japanese kskskskksks
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5'1 and a half (spare me the half pls im trying to act tall)
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: to put it simply, i love txt
blog established: start of quarantine
followers: 43 lovely followers! 
favourite animals: do you know cat and dog?
favourite books: anarchy by styleslegend (swear i've been hyping it since my 1d days) ; the tale of heidi by johanna spyri
favourite colour: yellow/brown/black (can’t choose)
favourite fictional characters: hulk, hinata shoyo, tomoe (from kamisama kiss)
favourite flower: i don’t have any ahahahhaha
favourite scent: mens perfume/deoderant
favourite season: spring
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: (i love them both but i really love dogs but i just wanna hug them both because i love both cats and dogs)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee is my go to energizer, for some chill time i’d go for hot choco
current time: 22:34
dream trip: japan(again)/australia/europe 😩
dream job: music artist 😔
hobbies: playing instruments [violin piano ukelele sometimes guitar and drums], listening to music, writing songs, beatboxing
hogwarts house: slytherin 
last movie watched: oh dear god i cant remember HAHA
last song listened to: bbibbi by iu
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, i’d combine mint choco and bubblegum ice cream; when i’m bored i try to re-read all my past lessons AHAHAHAHAHA; currently in a 5-year relationship akshsskskssjsjduskgkad
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10 things I can’t stop listening to
city girls - chris brown, young thug
angel or devil - tomorrow by together
paradise - bts
zombie - day6
see you again - tyler the creator, kali uchis
dally - hyolyn, gray
love - kendrick lamar, zacari
redemption (with babes wodumo) - kendrick lamar, zacari
pyramids - frank ocean
all in - monsta x
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forehead-enthusiast · 4 years
A Buncha Tag Games (and yet not all of them)
tagged by: @eggyukhei mwah
tagging: this is a LOT of games so i’ll only tag @atinyphobe @nsheetee and @veonjun for the SECOND (2nd) game. if they or anybody wants to do any of the other games, absolutely go for it and say i tagged you <3 i’d love to see what you guys say!! (also, tk if you felt like you wanted to answer my questions from the second game i’d be interested to see!)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
ok SO the song that probably got me into rv 100% (also yes ik this blog is 99% nct but rv is my forever fave no question) was probably ice cream cake!! i had been a casual listener of many groups up until that point and had never really stanned anyone, but icc was so infectious i found myself watching it over and over. i had heard happiness and be natural before but hadn’t really listened too closely, so icc was the song that captured me. after that, dumb dumb only cemented my love for them more, and the red is still one of my favorite kpop albums to date. rv attracted me primarily because of their incredible vocals and their versatility in genres and concepts. i still get so excited wondering what they’ll tackle next!! they’re just soooo unique and have one of, if not the best discographies of any group. i cannot stress enough, I. Love. RV!! also they’re funny and gay so. anyway stream monster once it drops uwu
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
1. what is your favorite song that’s been released during quarantine? ooooo honestly??? probably something off of Sawayama. literally every song bangs so hard i highly recommend that album to anyone!! i can’t pick a favorite off it but who’s gonna save you now is awesome and xs is just,,, chef’s kiss
2. what is your greatest mishap when you tried cooking? (or something you’ve witnessed) one time, while making soup at my late grandmother’s house on her like gas stove, i put a lid on a pot and somehow that led the pot to be engulfed in flames. IN MY DEFENSE i was like 7, and i’m great at cooking/baking now
3. what’s your go-to outfit or article of clothing? oh i love a nice dress. they can be casual or formal, and you look like you put effort into your outfit except i didn’t because i didn’t have to match anything yo!!!! also shorts have trouble fitting me cause i’m a weird body type so dresses tend to be very comfy for me
4. what is your comfort food? am i allowed to say like all food??? eating in itself is comforting,,, that sounds depressing but also i just like eating yummy food. i guess i’d say like my dad’s fried rice?? its my fave and no one makes it like him soooo
5. what singular moment in your life would you like to relive? i couldn’t tell if this meant like, a good moment you want to re-experience or go back in time and redo a moment and fix it. it’s kind of a hard question so i might cop out and go with a bit of a silly answer: i want to relive the hi touch with astro...... i wanna look at rocky’s beautiful eyes and touch moonbin’s hand ok,,,,
6. what is your favorite line and/or character from a movie, show, or book? i got a bunch but a few off the top of my head are genie lo (the epic crush of genie lo), ty lee, suki (atla), klaus, and ben (umbrella academy) 
7. if you could only choose one ice cream flavor and pizza topping/style for the rest of your life, what would it be? ice cream flavor: this very specific one from a local store that is banana ice cream with strawberries and oreo mixed in. it is heaaaavenly. as for pizza topping, i love a breakfast type pizza with an egg on top and like sausage and stuff!!!
8. what is the worst injury you’ve ever had or witnessed? funny enough, i’ve actually gotten badly injured quite a few times, and always on the face!! god hates me. the worst was probably when i hit a metal bench with my face and it took a chunk out of my cheek. i still have the scar! as for “witnessed” i accidentally broke a grown man’s rib once as a child, so i guess that would count.
9. would you rather explore the unknown of space or the bottom of the ocean? oceaaaan!! i answered this in some other game, but i like how mysterious and yet close the ocean is. like proximity wise it’s so near, yet there’s an insane amount we know nothing about. that’s so frightening but so intriguing
10. if you could be any cartoon character, who would you be? my first thought was literally “kirby. eat fast” GOD my followers are gonna think i’m just a glutton and they’re not even gonna be wrong im dying. but uhh idk mulan or smth?
my questions:
what is your go-to feel good movie?
are you the type of person who’s indecisive about buying, or the type to impulse buy once you see something you like?
do you prefer chocolate-y or fruity candy?
what idol do you think is most similar to you? (not your bias necessarily)
do you have any silly dealbreakers? if so, what are they?
what do you do to unwind?
what is a small thing you like to do for people you love? (be it sending memes, remembering their favorite shows, etc)
what’s/who’s your favorite myth/mythological being?
what is a non-typical pet you would want to have?
do you say pronounce data as day-ta or dah-ta?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people. 
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better! 
name: sarah
nickname: bells
birthday: april 17th
zodiac: aries
nationality: chinese american
languages: english, some spanish, some korean
gender: female
sexuality: baby bi bi bi~
height: 5′10
inspiration for muse: i suppose nct since i write for them the most?? but i feel like sometimes i come up with the idea before i think of a member so sometimes the muse is just my own fantasies oops
meaning behind my url: i made it at a time where loads of idols were getting bangs and honestly i believe most of them look infinitely better without them, thus i was and still am enthusiastic about foreheads.
blog established: like winter of 2018...?? i think
followers: over 2.5k but most deactivated/left during my hiatus lol
favourite animals: sharks, chickens, snakes, cats, penguins
favourite books: the epic crush of genie lo and then iron will of genie lo, PERIOD
favourite colour: pink and purple!!
favourite fictional characters: lol, again, genie lo, ty lee, suki, klaus, ben, and just a few more: richard and evelyn o’connell (the mummy), dave (dave), michael (the good place)
favourite flower: sunflower
favourite scent: baking chocolate, heating butter, blackberry, wisteria
favourite season: probably spring! i like warmth but not HEAT
average hours of sleep: ugh idek i sleep horribly
cats or dogs: both, but unfortunately i’ve never had either
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea but then hot chocolate
current time: 5:29pm
dream trip: go to paris and eat loads of pastries and enjoy the fashions and beauty of the city, and also learn to bake better maybe?
dream job: actress
hobbies: making jewelry, drawing, singing, reading comics
hogwarts house: according to the quizzes, all of them. people who have just met me think slytherin or gryffindor, people who i’m friends with think ravenclaw or hufflepuff, people who know me really well know you can’t box a person into oversimplified archetypes :’) in my assessment of myself, it varies by the day, but i think perhaps gryffindor today?
last movie watched: hot fuzz (a classic)
last song listened to: summer breeze by sf9
no. of blankets you sleep with: like 2
random fact(s): i won lego building competitions as a child, one of my dream roles is anastasia from the musical named after her, i played violin for a very short time, i bake the cakes for all my family and friends’ birthdays, i have strangely strong grip strength
10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
love me 4 me- rina sawayama
cherry- rina sawayama
in & out- red velvet
crush culture- conan gray
manic- conan gray
the king- conan gray
summer- pentagon
told you now- jeremy jordan (originally sung by sam smith)
fuck this world (interlude)- rina sawayama
someone who loves me- sara bareilles
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haikyuutrash11 · 6 years
1:                                        My name?  Jess, but most online people call me Jet              
2:                                        Do I have any nicknames? I have loads of nicknames and I pretty much answer to slurred words too lmao             
3:                                        Zodiac sign? Taurus    
4:                                        Video game I play to chill, not to win? Overwatch                 
5:                                        Book/series I reread? Junjou romantica and a few others                
6:                                        Aliens or ghosts? I like both... but I guess aliens                 
7:                                        Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? @yakulev-trash               
8:                                        Favourite radio station? don't have one... oh wait... maybe kerrang                
9:                                        Favourite flavour of anything? toffee               
10:                                        The word that I use all the time to describe something great? sick                
11:                                        Favourite song? worst question to ever be asked... fuck knows fam               
12:                                        The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? got any kinks? lmao               
13:                                        Favourite word? yaaaars               
14:                                        The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? my ex and no I do not               
15:                                        Last song I listened to? post Malone better now              
16:                                        TV show I always recommend? the big bang theory or anything Michael McIntyre                 
17:                                        Pirates or ninjas? ninjas                 
18:                                        Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? I don't really watch a lot of films to be honest               
19:                                        Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? at the moment BTS- idol ft minaj                
20:                                        Favourite video games? overwatch, rayman, bloodbourne                 
21:                                        What am I most afraid of? losing my son               
22:                                        A good quality of mine? non judgemental                
23:                                        A bad quality of mine? quick to assume                
24:                                        Cats or dogs? dogs               
25:                                        Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? Jason stathem                 
26:                                        Favourite season? winter                 
27:                                        Am I in a relationship? no im happily single                
28:                                        Something I miss? lay ins                 
29:                                        My best friend? Jody and wife                
30:                                        Eye colour? blue               
31:                                        Hair colour? at the moment its half purple half red               
32:                                        Someone I love? Yaku! my omega :D               
33:                                        Someone I trust? my mum                
34:                                        Someone I always think about? my son                
35:                                        Am I excited about anything? Haikyuu season 4               
36:                                        My current obsession? Reinhardt x Lucio smut               
37:                                        Favourite TV shows as a child? Sailor moon and digimon                
38:                                        Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? yeah, my gay American friend Jacob                
39:                                        Am I superstitious? nahhhh                
40:                                        What do I think about most? getting all my shit sorted                
41:                                        Do I have any strange phobias? ……. nunu from teletubies and wind turbines                 
42:                                        Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind it                
43:                                        Favourite hobbies? writing, gaming, painting, drawing                
44:                                        Last book I read? deviations submissions                 
45:                                        Last film I watched? 47 ronin               
46:                                        Do I play any instruments? I used to play the violin and guitar. but don't anymore, although I do want to learn piano                
47:                                        Favourite animal? leopard                
48:                                        Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? bun that               
49:                                        Superpower I wish I could have? telekinesis                 
50:                                        How do I destress? vape                
51:                                        Do I like confrontation? mate I love that shit                 
52:                                        When do I feel most at peace? when im cuddling my son                 
53:                                        What makes me smile? a few things... okay a lot of things but too many things to name                 
54:                                        Do I sleep with the lights on or off? off, what made man sleeps with them on?!?!               
55:                                        Play any sports? pfffffft               
56:                                        What is my song of the week? why is there so many song questions                
57:                                        Favourite drink? milk                
58:                                        When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? ………… hand...…. written...…. letter?               
59:                                        Afraid of heights? nope               
60:                                        Pet peeve? chewing gum loudly               
61:                                        What was the last concert I went to see? reading festival and I only went to see metallica lol                
62:                                        Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? no                
63:                                        What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? red arrow pilot               
64:                                        Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? yeah                 
65:                                        What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Haikyuu… and I would be such a slut lol                
66:                                        Something I worry about? all the legal stuff im going through right now               
67:                                        Scared of the dark? embrace the dark                 
68:                                        Who are my best friends? what... like you want me to name them all?????                
69:                                        What do I admire most about others? honesty. if a person is honest with me all the way through then I will really appreciate them                
70:                                        Can I sing? don't think so                
71:                                        Something I wish I could do? dance and play the piano                 
72:                                        If I won the lottery, what would I do? treat my mum and dad to what ever they wanted and the fly over to Hawaii and be with my omega and then move to Japan               
73:                                        Have I ever skipped school? no kids don't skip school!               
74:                                        Favourite place on the planet? Tokyo                 
75:                                        Where do I want to live? Tokyo                 
76:                                        Do I have any pets? nope              
77:                                        What is my current desktop picture? Kuroo and Tsukki in suits sat on a sofa                
78:                                        Early bird or night owl? night owl                
79:                                        Sunsets or sunrise? sunsets               
80:                                        Can I drive? legally no               
81:                                        Story behind my last kiss? goodbye lmao               
82:                                        Earphones or headphones? headphones              
83:                                        Have I ever had braces? yes for 2 years then I didn't wear my retainer and they moved back lmao               
84:                                        Story behind one of my scars? I have a scar at the top of my finger where I caught it in the part of the door where it locks and I was on skates and slipped and chopped my finger off. I went running to my mum and she put the tip back on and rushed me to hospital lmao               
85:                                        Favourite genre of music? metal               
86:                                        Who is my hero? my mum                
87:                                        Favourite comic book character? do overwatch comics count? if so then Genji                
88:                                        What makes me really angry? having to repeat myself                
89:                                        Kindle or real book?  real book              
90:                                        Favourite sporty activity? *throws up*                
91:                                        What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? sorting out bullies                
92:                                        What was my favourite subject at school?                
93:                                        Siblings? yes 3... 2 sisters and 1 brother               
94:                                        What was the last thing I bought? bread                
95:                                        How tall am I? 5″8
96:                                        Can I cook? yes I can                
97:                                        Can I bake? indeed                 
98:                                        3 things I love? anime, Tsukki, and petals               
99:                                        3 things I hate? slow updates, not getting haikyuu season 4 and my ex lmao                
100:                                        Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? boy friends                
101:                                        Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? usually boys               
102:                                        Where was I born? Hastings UK                
103:                                        Sexual orientation? pansexual               
104:                                        Where do I currently live? Hastings                
105:                                        Last person I texted? my mum                
106:                                        Last time I cried? I couple of weeks ago                 
107:                                        Guilty pleasure? im not guilty about any of my pleasures ;)                
108:                                        Favourite Youtuber? the anime man                
109:                                        A photo of myself. nope                
110:                                        Do I like selfies? if im the one taking it                
111:                                        Favourite game app? summoners war               
112:                                        My relationship with my parents? really good with mum and a bit rocky with dad                
113:                                        Favourite accents? Australian                 
114:                                        A place I have not been but wish to visit? Hawaii to visit my omega                 
115:                                        Favourite number?  7             
116:                                        Can I juggle? not a chance                 
117:                                        Am I religious? science                 
118:                                        Do I like space? yes               
119:                                        Do I like the deep ocean? nooooooo                
120:                                        Am I much of a daredevil? yeah, stupidly sometimes ahahaha               
121:                                        Am I allergic to anything? peanuts               
122:                                        Can I curl my tongue?  yeah I can ;)              
123:                                        Can I wiggle my ears?  yeeeeeee              
124:                                        Do I like clowns? I don't hate clowns?               
125:                                        The Beatles or Elvis? the beatles                
126:                                        My current project? wildest dreams                
127:                                        Am I a bad loser? sometimes               
128:                                        Do I admit when I wrong? yes I do                 
129:                                        Forest or beach? forest                
130:                                        Favourite piece of advice? “each day is a gift and not a given right” 
131:                                        Am I a good liar? I am really!!! shit at lying. I twitch and stutter, its not pretty.                
132:                                        Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Hogwarts house- Slytherin                
133:                                        Do I talk to myself? sometimes                 
134:                                        Am I very social? I can be                 
135:                                        Do I like gossip? its like asking if I like to breath                
136:                                        Do I keep a journal/diary? nahhhhh               
137:                                        Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? I failed a few tests                 
138:                                        Do I believe in second chances? yeah                
139:                                        If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? find the ID and return it                
140:                                        Do I believe people are capable of change? no                
141:                                        Have I ever been underweight? nahhhhhh               
142:                                        Am I ticklish? yes, very...its embarrassing                 
143:                                        Have I ever been in a submarine? I have but it wasn't going under water lol                
144:                                        Have I ever been on a plane? indeed I have                
145:                                        In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? rebel Wilson to be me, Melissa McCarthy to be my mum lol                
146:                                        Have I ever been overweight? yeah still am a thic bit ahaha               
147:                                        Do I have any piercings? yes I have 10                
148:                                        Which fictional character do I wish was real? Tsukki or Kuroo maybe even Yamaguchi for best friend material or Tanaka for banta                 
149:                                        Do I have any tattoos? yes I have 4                
150:                                        What is the best decision I have made in life so far? to break up with my ex lmao                
151:                                        Do I believe in Karma? 100%              
152:                                        Do I wear glasses or contacts? no I have perfect vision                 
153:                                        What was my first car? n/a                
154:                                        Do I want children? if I didn't then I would be pretty fucked now ahaha                
155:                                        Who is the most intelligent person I know? I did have a friend called Aaron and he was very very very very smart                 
156:                                        My most embarrassing memory? I don't get embarrassed                
157:                                        What makes me nostalgic? the smell of clay                
158:                                        Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? yes many times                 
159:                                        Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? brains                
160:                                        What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? black lmao!!                
161:                                        Have I ever had a paranormal experience? yeah loads lol                 
162:                                        What do I hate most about myself? my weight                 
163:                                        What do I love most about myself? ugh.... my humour lol                 
164:                                        Do I like adventure? hell yeah!               
165:                                        Do I believe in fate? yes I do               
166:                                        Favourite animal? …. wasn't this already asked? well in case you forgot! leopard                 
167:                                        Have I ever been on radio? nope                
168:                                        Have I ever been on TV? yes I have hehehehe               
169:                                        How old am I? 25                
170:                                        One of my favourite quotes? because we don't have wings we look for ways to fly                 
171:                                        Do I hold grudges? a few                
172:                                        Do I trust easily?  no I really don't               
173:                                        Have I learnt from my mistakes? yeah, its important to always learn from your mistakes               
174:                                        Best gift I’ve ever received? a child               
175:                                        Do I dream? I dream big fam                 
176:                                        Have I ever had a night terror? yeah and its fucking horrible and wouldn't wish it upon anyone!!               
177:                                        Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? I do remember most of my dreams. one that comes to mind was a very very smutty one between a haikyuu pairing but I wont say it because ill be adding it to wildest dreams hehehehehe               
178:                                        An experience that has made me stronger? a break up from a long term relationship has made me grow as a person                 
179:                                        If I were immortal, what would I do? try and become what ive always wanted to                 
180:                                        Do I like shopping? I love shopping but only if I know what im going for or if I have money to spend                
181:                                        If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? murder                
182:                                        What does “family” mean to me? it means home                 
183:                                        What is my spirit animal? a leopard or a bunny lol                 
184:                                        How do I want to be remembered? I want to be remembered for having a sense of humour and for being very accepting                
185:                                        If I could master one skill, what would I choose? dancing                
186:                                        What is my greatest failure? not passing some gcse’s
187:                                        What is my greatest achievement? becoming a mum               
188:                                        Love or money? love                
189:                                        Love or career? career               
190:                                        If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? to the future about 5 years                
191:                                        What makes me the happiest? when my son is laughing and when I talk to the people I love                 
192:                                        What is “home” to me? home is where the heart is                
193:                                        What motivates me? ive had to be my own motivator most of my life                 
194:                                        If I could choose my last words, what would they be? just lost the game               
195:                                        Would I ever want to encounter aliens? yeah but the seem to only kid nap dumb arses                 
196:                                        A movie that scared me as a child? robo cop lmao                 
197:                                        Something I hated as a child that I like now? toad in the hole               
198:                                        Zombies or vampires? vampires                
199:                                        Live in the city or suburbs? city                 
200:                                        Dragons or wizards? dragons                
201:                                        A nightmare that has stayed with me? dunno               
202:                         ��              How do I define love? it cant be defined by another person, each person has to figure out there own type of love and for what reason and if it matters to them then no one else can judge                
203:                                        Do I judge a book by its cover? hell no I don't! I love people for who they are as a person not there appearance                
204:                                        Have I ever had my heart broken? yes of course                 
205:                                        Do I like my handwriting? nahhhh my hand writing is horrible                 
206:                                        Sweet or savoury? savoury                
207:                                        Worst job I’ve had? caravan park... cleaning them ><               
208:                                        Do I collect anything? anime stuff!!! :D               
209:                                        Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? shoes lmao!               
210:                                        What is on my bucket list? to move to Japan, to learn Japanese, to become an author, to learn an instrument.... the list goes on                 
211:                                        How do I handle anger? not very well ahahahaha               
212:                                        Was I named after anyone? no I wasn't                 
213:                                        Do I use sarcasm a lot? pfffft me? would I ever? of course not! *looks to the corner*                
214:                                        What TV character am I most like? ermmmmmmmmmmmm I would say a mix between Rosa from Brooklyn nine nine and Michael McIntyre                
215:                                        What is the weirdest talent I have? erm… I can twitch my nose and move my ears at the same time without touching them               
216:                                        Favourite fictional character? Tsukki 
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kmbtob-monthly · 6 years
July 2018 Story # 1 : Beautiful Melody
Title: Beautiful Melody
Author: Mika
Summary: Hyunsik met Melody in probably one of the most cliché way. Now seeing her walk down the aisle made him remember their moments and a lot of beautiful things about her.
As far as my eyes can see, faces of people I knew almost half of my life were there. All of them anticipated with glee for her to come through the doors of the chapel. And I was not an exception. As a matter of fact, I think I felt different kinds of emotions all at once that time.
When she appeared at the entrance, my heart raced at an increasing rate. To say that she is beautiful was an understatement.
She held a bouquet of pink and white peonies. I remember her saying that it’s her favorite for it embodies romance, prosperity and a happy marriage.
The moment our eyes met, I felt nostalgic. I can still remember in detail the day when I first saw her.
I met her in spring...
The moment when I first met you
It's still very clear
The moment you hugged me
"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" A voice bellowed from behind. I turned around and saw a speeding bike a few meters away from where I was standing.
The girl riding it seemed to have lost control of the bike as I saw her hand was continuously pressing the brake handle and still, it was not stopping. The downward slope of the road made the situation even worse.
"You might get hurt! Stay away!" She warned me again. But instead of avoiding her, I put down my guitar and readied myself to catch her. I don’t know exactly how I will do that but I can’t just let her go into a bigger trouble.
She hit an uneven part of the road, causing her to separate from the bike. The impact sent her flying.
Everything happened so fast. I caught her with my arms and we stumbled on the ground where fallen cherry blossom petals were scattered.
“Are you okay?” I asked when I felt her grip on me loosened. She lifted her head, frightened eyes stare into mine. My face were inches away from hers and my breath hitched at the sight of her up close.
She’s pretty.
She pulled away from my embrace, I forgot that I was still holding her. “Y-yes, thank you.” she answered when we both stood up and shook the dirt off our clothes “How about you?” she asked full of concern.
I nodded then smiled and I saw her sigh in relief. We decided to check her bicycle that fell on the pavement. It was a good thing that no one was near us when the accident happened, so no one got hurt.
“The brake cable snapped off, that’s why it didn’t stop when you pulled the handle” I explained to her when I saw the cause. I can tell that she has been using it for a long time now. The color already faded, fenders were dented and the chain is rusty. “It’s not safe riding this, you must get it fixed.”
She said she was about to go home from the convenience store and forgot to check if the brakes were working. We were going the same direction so I picked up my guitar and walked with her, I learnt that they just moved in their new house a few days ago and she also transferred to the school where I go to. She pointed at a house a couple of steps from us. “That one is ours.”
And I pointed at one, two doors away from hers saying that it is where I live. We walked a little more and halted in front of her house “Thanks again for saving me, I’ll get my bike fixed.” her lips curved upward.
“No problem. You should, and always remember to check the brakes before riding it.” I said, adjusting my glasses.
“Yes, sir.” She jokingly saluted and we laughed “I’ll go in now.”
I nodded and waited for her to go inside but I just remembered something.
“Hey uh- I forgot to ask” she turned back to me “What’s your name?”
She smiled a toothy grin and I thought that was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen all day.
“Melody” she said “My name is Melody.”
Wow. Even her name is pretty.
“I’m Hyunsik.” Giving the same smile, I stated “Welcome to the neighborhood, Melody”.
And to cut a long story short, we became friends. We became comfortable around each other for we meet and talk everyday, whether in school or while going home.
In school, we also share the same circle of friends and teasing us became their habit. Melody and I will just shake our heads and laugh it off.
I know the whole world become brighter
I felt it was different from yesterday
Oh because of you everything has changed
“Is that a new song you are writing?”
I was too focused on what I was doing that I didn’t notice her sit next to me. We were under a tree nearest to the school building.
“Mm- yeah. It’s only halfway done.” I said still scribbling on the notebook.
“Can I hear a little bit of it?” I felt her move closer as she slightly pleaded “Just a teeny tiny bit?”
She knows that I won’t let her hear the song until it’s finished but her puppy dog eyes never fail to make me say yes.
She always wins.
“Okay okay, I’ll sing a bit” I surrendered.
“Yay!” Melody clasped her hands and I started to sing the chorus. She put her hands under her chin and leaned.
Just wait, I will fly high just like you Higher than the countless twinkling stars above you Just wait, I will always be by your side I’ll be your star that shines brighter than anyone else
She listened intently as I sing until the last line. When I finished, she clapped and her eyes twinkled with delight. “Woah Mr. Im Hyunsik! The song is soooo good and your voice is amazing as always.” She sincerely said “What’s the song called?”
“I haven’t decided on it yet.”
She was silent for a moment before saying “Star. How about ‘star’ for the title?”
I nodded in agreement “Star it is then.”
The next minute, we heard meowing sounds and she followed it to see where it came from. It led her to a bush. “Hyunsik, come and look at this” she called to me.
It’s a mother cat with three kittens, their colors were a mix of black, gray and white. Melody scooted down and carefully patted them “I bet you’re hungry, it’s almost lunch time” she talked to them. I watched her get a canned tuna from her bag. She opened it and fed the tuna to the kittens and their mother.
Melody has this soft spot for animals, especially for cats, albeit she can’t keep one because of pet allergy. She always carry cat/dog food or canned fish so that whenever she met stray cats or dogs, she’ll never think twice to entertain and feed them. Also, she always find time to volunteer in animal shelters.
“Imagine you are alone in the street, you have nowhere to go to, nothing to eat, and no one is there to take care of you. It’s sad right?” she said to me once. “If only people will just care more about these kinds of things then the world would have been a better place.”
If you’d ask me what is the most beautiful thing about her and I only need to pick one, I’d say it is her heart.
“They’re so cute, don’t you think so?” she looked up to me with happy eyes and she giggled. I heard her humming to the song I sang earlier.
At that moment, I noticed something different about her. But what is it?
Did she change her hair color?
Did she put make-up on?
Why does she look extra pretty today?
I might be over-reacting but I thought she was glowing.
It was the first time that I felt something different too.
When I close my eyes, I see you again
In my head, I only think of you
I somehow, only for today
I want to say it to you
Her eyes.
Her smile.
Her laugh.
My mind kept replaying scenes on the things that she does or the things she likes to do like when she likes something so much she’ll say “this is soooo good” for not less than 5 times or how she ties up her hair in a bun when she will do something that needs her full concentration or how she fiddles with her watch when she’s nervous or the way she sketches when she’s in a good mood and when she has nothing to do. Those little things I noticed whenever I secretly look at her.
I kept thinking about her. Not a day passed without me wanting to see her, wanting to hear her stories and her hearty laugh.
I wanted to confess that I like her but I just couldn’t bring myself to say it.
Prom came, Melody and I each had our own dates but that night, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She wore a simple maroon chiffon dress, light make-up and her hair had curls on the ends. Melody’s beauty radiates without her putting on too much effort.
I saw that she was genuinely happy....happily dancing with her date.
He is a transferee like her and he came from the US. The guy is her crush she often talks to me about. I silently hope that at some time, she’ll notice that I don’t really like that topic.
More days gone by and the feelings I have for her grew. My eating and sleeping habits were a mess. I keep spacing out and one day my brother snapped me out of it “You could just tell her, you know. What are you so afraid of?”
“What?” I just went back to my senses, we were taking a break from playing a video game and he just said that out of the blue.
“Melody. You like her, right?” He leaned back on the couch.
“I just couldn’t say it to her, hyung. I feel like I’ll ruin the friendship we have.” I hugged the cushion and buried my face.
“You should, Hyunsik. Either she feels the same way or not, that friendship will never be gone if it’s true.” He stood up and said “Besides, you’ll never really know what she feels about you if you don’t tell her. Worst case is, what if someone confesses before you do?” hyung left me and went to the kitchen.
As if on cue, my phone lit up and a text message came in.
From: 🎶
I ran some errands a while ago and decided to get the tickets since I’m near the cinema. Don’t forget later okay? See ya sikkie~
Oh right, we were supposed to watch The Incredibles 2 tonight. She kept telling me that she wants to watch it with me since the first Incredibles movie were both our fave movie of all time.
And then I remembered what my brother said.
I need to confess now.
8:30 p.m.
The movie won’t start ‘till 9 and here I am outside the movie place thinking of how I will bring it up to Melody.
I can do this, I repeated over and over.
I went inside and my eyes found her immediately. She wore a sky blue top and denim pants and was sitting at a table near the arcade.
I sneak up behind her and covered her eyes with my hands “Guess who~” I said in a higher pitch-female tone voice and I can’t help but giggle with what I was doing.
“You need to practice more, Im Hyunsik.” She confidently said.
“I’m not. You are wrong.” I said in the same tone.
She burst out laughing “Hyunsik! Stop with the voice already.”
I removed my hands and sat across her. “I know you too well to not recognize that it’s you.” She chuckled and rested her hand under her chin.
She did that twinkling eyes again I can’t help but stare at her. She was telling me something but I was not paying attention. I want to tell it to her. It’s now or never.
“Hey, are you still listening to me?” she tapped my hand that was on the table.
“Melody” I switched our hands and put mine on top of hers.
Her expression changed to a serious one “Hyunsik, is there something wrong?”
I pursed my lips and shook my head “No. There’s… there’s something I want to tell you.” my heart was beating so fast I think it’s going to explode.
It was a weekend so many people came to watch a movie but suddenly, all I can see is her.
She’s looking at me, her eyes telling me to go on “Melody, I’ve been wanting to say this to you for a long time. I-“
“Oh hey sorry, the line in the restroom is too long.” I was surprised when someone interrupted.
It was her prom date that she has a crush on.
He gave an apologetic smile and then looked at me “Hi! You’re Hyunsik right? Melody told me a lot of things about you. Don’t worry, they’re all good though.”
“Hyunsik, you remember Peniel right? He’s at the class next to ours.” She pulled her hand from mine and stood up from her seat, I felt the emptiness.
“Nice to meet you, bro.” he held out a hand.
I took it and greeted back. “Nice to meet you too, Peniel” I forced a smile but inside I was not really pleased in meeting him. Not to be rude, but he just ruined the moment.
I saw his hand intertwined with hers. I think I stopped breathing for a while.
“I’ll get us some popcorn, what flavor would you like?” He asked us both.
“Anything would be fine, Hyunsik and I eat everything.” She said then looked at me “Right?”
“Y-yeah, right.” I faked a laugh.
Peniel went to the counter and waited in line and Melody got back to her seat.
“What were you saying again?” she asked me.
“Oh that… I just want to tell you that uh- I finished ‘Star’. I already recorded and I’ll let you hear it.” I half lied. Well, I really finished it and I’ll give the song to her.
“Wow! Really? I can’t wait to hear the whole song. Every song you make is really good and worth to listen to everyday. I also let Peniel hear your other songs and he agrees with me.”
Since when were they that close? And since when are they dating that I didn’t even noticed it?
It seems like she read my mind “Oh, we’ve been constantly contacting each other since prom night and earlier he said he wanted to meet me. I was at the bank that time, mom asked me to make a deposit and I said to him that I’m going here, so we met here. And-“ I saw her blush before she continued “He confessed to me and I still can’t believe my crush likes me back.” She slightly squealed.
I felt like a bucket of ice cold water was poured on me. The whole night I continued to fake smiles and laughter.
Peniel is a gentleman and very kind, even to me. Whenever he asks her something, he’ll never forget to include me in the conversation. He’ll crack jokes about the characters in the movie that’ll make her laugh, from time to time he’ll feed her popcorn. I think I watched them more than the movie.
Her smile was different that time, she was blooming and oh how beautiful her lips curve up into a smile and her eyes formed tears from too much laughing.
I really wish that it was me making her laugh like that, making her eyes disappear to thin lines, making her happy.
It was supposed to be just the two of us.
It should’ve been me.
If only I was a little braver.
When you’re tired, when the tears fall out
Just remember this one
You are more precious than me
I will hold your two hands, I’ll be here
We graduated high school and we went to different universities. I majored in music while she majored in architecture. Albeit having different schools, we still had the same schedule. Peniel goes to the same university with Melody but they have different schedules so I still go home with her since our schools were just near to each other.
That’s the only time I can catch up things with her because her free days are for Peniel.
Now how can I argue with that?
I just can’t, because I’m only the bestfriend and he is the boyfriend. I let it be.
I tried getting out of this one-sided feelings by focusing on my studies, composing songs, spending time with my family and other friends.
But at the end of the day, it’s still her.
I also tried to look at other girls. I was in my last year in the university when this girl in one of my classes gave me homemade chocolates on Valentine’s Day and she confessed to me thru a letter.
I gave it a shot and dated her. I thought I was happy with her and that I have moved on but every time I’m with her, Melody was all I could think of. When she took care of me when I had a fever and I was at school, I remembered how Melody always bring me herbal drinks whenever I’m sick.
Every thing she does reminded me of Melody. We were nearing our anniversary when I decide to tell her how I really feel. I thought that I can reciprocate fully what she felt for me so I tried to focus on just us and we’ve come this far, but I guess my heart was really held by someone else.
It was New Year’s Eve, and I know how she loves watching fireworks so I took her to the rooftop of our school building because that is where it can be seen clearer and it’ll feel more closer.
As expected, she was very happy when it started “I feel like I can reach them with my hands.” She said chuckling and she looked at me “Thank you Hyunsik” she rested her head on my shoulder.
I thought about Melody again. We didn’t really had much time to talk with each other because college life had been busier and also we had different schedules now so we rarely see each other.
Is she also happy watching the fireworks now?
“Sami.” I held the hands of my girlfriend “I am glad that you liked it.” I brushed my thumb against the back of her hand and I inhaled deeply “I have been nothing but happy these past months. I realized you are a wonderful person as I got to know you more.” My eyes never left hers as I say those words.
“But I can’t go on with this anymore. When I’m with you, I can’t help but also think about her. I felt like I was cheating on you and you don’t deserve that. You don’t deserve me.” This time my gaze dropped to our hands, I swallowed hard “I’m sorry, I’m in love with someone else.”
I was waiting for her to cry and be angry with me but instead she gave my hand a squeeze and she lifted my chin so that we were face to face again.
“I know.” I was surprised with her reply
“When we took pictures in the photo booth in an arcade, you went to the restroom and left your wallet with me, our pictures came out and I decided to put it in your wallet.” She paused for a while “But when I opened it, I saw your picture with her. And I recalled the many times I’ve seen you staring at it, the happy tone of your voice and the different glint in your eyes whenever you mentioned her name to me. It made me jealous but I didn’t say it to you.”
My heart was breaking, that day we went to the arcade was our first date as a couple. I didn’t remove my picture with Melody because I didn’t have to. Or maybe… I didn’t want to.
“And that time when you introduced us to each other, I saw how you looked at her and I know that you’ll never look at me the way you do to her.” Her voice faded and she cleared her throat before continuing “This was the day that I feared the most, but I still prepared my heart for it. So don’t feel too bad, okay?” she smiled even though her eyes were glassy, she was fighting back her tears.
I pulled her into a hug “You are beautiful inside and out, someone is out there waiting for you and you deserve his full attention and love. You deserve to be really happy.” And I sincerely do want her to find the love and happiness that I can’t give “Thank you Sami, thank you for everything.”
She hugged me tighter, her voice was faltering “Thank you too, Hyunsik. I wish you luck and hope you’d be happy too.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you very much” I ended the call and shouted with glee “Yes!” I was accepted at Cube Entertainment and will become part of the music production team. It is a step closer in reaching my dream to become a producer.
I instantly thought of going to Melody. I want her to be the first one to know. After being an intern for a year and a half, she also got accepted in her dream company. As for Peniel, he went back to the US because his family misses him and so does he so when he got the opportunity to work there, he didn’t let the chance slip away.
Melody was hesitant about the long distance relationship at first but she didn’t want it to look like she was keeping him away from his family.
It was okay at first, Peniel’s contract there is 3 years and they’re halfway through the LDR. But as months passed by, even if she doesn’t say it, I noticed that Melody got sadder. She told me they rarely talk now and sometimes Peniel would sleep in the middle of their conversation because of the different time zones and he got busier as work loads got heavier.
I stood outside her apartment door and rang the doorbell, no one answered. I rang it another time. Still, no answer. I purposely didn’t text her for I wanted to say the good news to her personally. But, she’s not at home.
Where could she be?
I fished out my phone from my pocket, I was about to dial her number when it buzzed and musical notes appeared on the screen.
“Hyuuuuunshiiiik… he he he” she said on the other line when I answered.
“Melody, where are you? Are you drunk?” I quickly noticed the way she spoke.
She stifled a laugh “Nooooo…. We came heeeere… last time…. Changsub’s birthdaaay… lights are really pretty here.. you know?” she giggled in between her words
“Stay there okay? I’m going to you.” I hurriedly drove to the bar where our friend Changsub had his birthday party last week. I hope she’s not too drunk, people might take advantage of her.
My worries subsided a little when I saw her sitting on the gutter just outside the bar. Melody was clutching her bag and she rested her left cheek on top of it. I can’t help but admire her peaceful face. I crouched down and woke her up “Melody” I slightly shook her arm “Come, on I’ll take you home.”
She lifted her head. She smiled widely as soon as she recognized me. “sikkieeee” her limbs encircled my arm and pulled it close to her “you smell niiiice… he he” I chuckled at her actions. Whenever she’s drunk, she’s clingy and tends to say a lot of cringey things.
She let go of my arm and looked at me again “You” she pointed at my face “cutieeee… you look so cute todaaay” I stifled a laugh “You think so?”
She nodded “Uh-huh… you’re Mr. Im Cutesik todaaay.. cutesik… cutesikkieee... cutiesikkie” she sing sang and I swear my heart fluttered.
I made her stand up and supported her body as I walk her to the car. She was still chanting the nickname until we reached her place.
I sat her on the sofa and she leaned sideways, her hair covering her face and within seconds, I heard small sobs. I sat next to her and reached for her hand “Hey, what’s the matter?”
She didn’t say anything and cried louder. I wrapped her in my arms, it was the first time I saw her cry like that. She usually cry over sad songs and movies but not like this. This was different. She was crying her heart out.
I wanted to punch whatever or whoever hurt her.
When she calmed down she leaned back on the sofa “We’re over-” she sniffed “We fight every time we talk… I’m so tired of it.” the sadness in her voice made my heart ache “Peniel... he- he’s going to stay there for good.” She cried again after that.
I brought her to bed when she stopped crying and tucked her in “You’re tired, sleep now.”
She clutched the hem of my shirt “Don’t leave me.” She said in a weak voice
I nodded and smiled to assure her “I won’t.”
I lied down beside her. Her eyes slowly closed when I ran my fingers through her hair and started to hum a lullaby.
I watched her sleep that night. She tossed and turned, her legs and arms were going everywhere, and her mouth was slightly opened. It was a funny scene to look at and she must’ve been really tired and sad.
But even with those things, she still looks beautiful to me.
So you can be happy, you can always laugh
I will always be there
Every moments of moments
I promise to protect you
The day after she got drunk, I took care of her. I learned that Peniel’s contract was extended and he decided to stay there for good. The relationship didn’t work out anymore and they didn’t end on a good note.
Since then I told myself that I wouldn’t let anything or anyone make her cry like she did that night again. I wanted to help her move on and so I did.
But, it was not easy. She still cried for more than a week or two so I encouraged her to do new hobbies and focus on other things like playing sports, or video games, tuning in to k-pop and stuffs, travelling to different countries and I slowly observed her improvement because I am with her in every step of the way.
She was getting better everyday and when I saw her beautiful smile more often, I know that the Melody I knew is back. She may not have totally gotten over him but at least she’s not crying anymore.
I started writing a song and this time I want to sing it to her personally, conveying all my feelings for her. Nothing is holding me back this time.
In more or less 2 days, I have finished the song and I called her to meet up with me later that day. I brought my guitar with me and also bought her favorite peonies.
I put in my whole heart to the song. It portrays the things I want to say to her and to remind her over and over how she is important to me and that I’ll never leave her side.
This time, I’ll confess with no hesitation. I’ll tell her that I love her and that from the start it has always been her.
I’ll never forget that day.
Because that day, was the turning point of my life.
Thank you that you are there for me
you are here
I promise that I will love you forever
Baby, baby you are the one
When I wrote this song, I thought of marrying her. I promised to myself that one day, in God’s will, I’ll sing it to her as her groom.
Now that I am here in front of Melody, singing the song I wrote for her and she was wearing a wedding dress, it was like a dream come true.
So you can be happy, you can always laugh
I will always be there
Every moments of moments
I promise to protect you
I sang my whole heart out looking at her, I saw how her two orbs shined, how her smile reached her eyes, how stunning she is.
The entire song I was looking at her.
Even though she looked at someone else.
Her happy eyes and wide smile were for the man beside her.
She is the bride.
But the groom is not me.
That day when I decided to confess for real, she didn’t show up. It turned out that the man she had always loved came back to her that same day.
Peniel left everything to be with Melody and they got back together and a year after, they decided to get married.
I never really got the chance to say to her how I feel. But at least as a singer for their wedding, I was lucky that I can sing it to her.
When you’re tired, when the tears fall out
Just remember this one
You are more precious than me
I will hold your two hands, I’ll be here
I will never forget the first time we met. I’ll always keep in my heart the memories I had with her, and the things she does and likes to do.
I will never leave her side whenever things get tough and I’ll always be the bestfriend whenever she needs one.
I will always remember her beautiful eyes that twinkled, her beautiful laugh that resonated, her beautiful mind that thinks, her beautiful heart that loves and always cares and all the beautiful things about her.
And I’ll always be here for her.
My Beautiful Melody
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acidwaste · 6 years
hey so it seems i’ve forgot to do a l o t of tag memes, and i’m lucky i drafted a big bunch of them! lots of questions overlapped so i did my best to answer in different ways, sorry for the lateness! also @ the people that tagged me here, i wouldn't hesitate to kill for you
@natcaptor / @gayspaced
name: leon or lionel!
nicknames: literally the only nickname I’ve been referred to is “big gay” and like. word!
gender: im pretty sure im a guy, i have been kinda 🤔🤔🤔 abt my gender identity since around november-ish though
star sign: sagittarius!
height: 6’1! i’m told that I’m tall but my uncle is 6’7 so...
time: 3:36pm rn! ive been watching video essays and binging music all afternoon
birthday: december 9th!
favourite bands: animal collective, beach house, camp cope, car seat headrest, death grips, fleet foxes, florence + the machine, gang of youths, glass animals, gorillaz, hop along, iceage, idles, kero kero bonito, mgmt, miike snow, modest mouse, run the jewels, superorganism, the avalanches, the cat empire, the go! team, the mountain goats, the wombats, xiu xiu
favourite solo artists: alex lahey, anderson .paak, ariana grande, billie eilish, bjork, cashmere cat, charli xcx, courtney barnett, cupcakke, d.r.a.m, eric taxxon, frank ocean, gfoty, hatchie, janelle monae, jeff rosenstock, joanna newsom, jorja smith, jpegmafia, kacey musgraves, kali uchis, kendrick lamar, khalid, kimbra, lorde, mac demarco, madeon, mick jenkins, mitski, oneohtrix point never, perfume genius, ravyn lenae, rina sawayama, serpentwithfeet, sophie, st. vincent, sza, vince staples
song stuck in my head: caramelo duro | miguel // kali uchis! its a bop, miguel is one of the few singers that can convincingly make sex jams
last movie i watched: deadpool 2! it was even better than the first, which is a feat in itself ngl
when did i create my blog: december 2016??? i only started using it properly in february last year tho
last thing i googled: “im in my mums car broom broom.” dont @ me
do i have any other blogs: yeah, plenty actually!! i have blogs for aesthetic (@moltenstar), general inspo (@wverns), flight rising (@szarising, kinda inactive?), and overwatch (@blackhardts) tbh the vast majority of my ‘sideblogs’ are just saved urls H
do i get asks: when i say stupid shit like “rung has the ass of a dilf but the dick of a cockroach”
why i chose my url: that one panel where kobd have a vacation at the acid wastes because fuck its finally canon babey!
following: 1,767, which is kinda horrifying!!
followers: 890?? somehow??? thats almost One Whole Thousand and i don't even make content
average hours of sleep: around 6 or 7!! n e v e r more though
lucky number: 43 and 64!!
instruments: i'm too poor to afford music lessons or instruments jsbddsjknfs
what am i wearing: a grey shirt and nothing on my bottom half so my [redacted] is hanging tf out, i should put on some damn clothes
dream job:  oooo uhhh, i’m studying to get an education degree rn because i’d love to teach children (around grade 3-4s preferably because i'm too jittery to handle anyone younger and older kids probs won't listen to me as much as i lack plenty of assertiveness), but!! i’d honestly love to be a musician, one of those underground ones that get lots of critical acclaim
dream trip: one day i wanna gather up some friends and just go on a road trip! idm where we go to, as long as we just have fun and just! adventure!
favourite foods: rare steak, mashed potatoes, eggs, and energy shakes made with like. fruit / cheese / yoghurt / oats / chia seeds ! protein is a large part of my diet
nationality: new zealand, but living in australia
favourite song right now: best part | daniel caesar // h.e.r - gosh i need to re-listen to daniel’s album again, i don’t remember this beautiful song being there and that’s a crime
@damndesi / @novarebel / @luciform-philogynist
APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo (but I am getting a tā moko in December, I believe) - I have at least one piercing (planning to get a nose ring, like a bull!) - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined (b a r e l y) - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (barely) - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol (tastes like shit) - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live relatively close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone (do fractures count?) - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages (not fluently) - I have made a new friend in the past year
age: 16
birthplace: auckland, nz
current time: 4:19 pm rn!!!
drink you last had: i just skulled half a liter of water whoops
favourite song: jesus etc. | wilco if we're talking abt an all-time favourite
grossest memory: accidentally swallowing a bee when i was seven years old (somehow nothing bad happened?)
horror, yes or no: not unless it’s an incredibly tame horror t b h, my threshold for scariness is very low
in love: i believe so!
jealous of people: lots of times, over really dumb things
love by first sight or should I walk by again: i believe that infatuation can exist at first sight but true love not so much. wish that could happen tho :C
middle name: shane!
siblings: my sister is eight years old, and my brother is seven!
one wish: EZ, make my anxiety disappear, i’d have a much more productive life
song i last sang: jupiter | haiku hands
time i woke up: 7:13, woke up immediately because i usually like to wake at 6:30
underwear colour: blue + purble
vacation destination: auckland / kingston / sydney!
worst habit: not remembering to make my goddamn bed, it looks like garbage
favourite food: mashed potatoes….
zodiac sign: sagittarius !!!
relationship status:
at the moment i’m single! and while being in a relationship sounds brilliant, the last two relationships i was involved in? didn’t work out to say the least, lucky i’m still young
favourite colour:
it’s been emerald green for the longest time but orange seems to be dethroning it at a steady pace
lipstick or chapstick:
i haven’t used chapstick since i was six but i probably should use it again, water is my substitute rn fdghdgh - and i haven’t ever used lipstick in any capacity? so i’d have to go with the former
last song i listened to:
the space traveller’s lullaby | kamasi washington - i’m trying to get through his second album rn (i left off on the second disk yesterday) and while everything he makes is undeniably amazing, it’s? a three hour album? i don’t have the attention span for his spiritual jazz, as great as it is
last movie:
monsters inc is playing on the television right now, i’ll go with that! the animation aged kinda badly but it’s still such a fun movie! sidenote: james p. sullivan? a childhood crush, so this gives me memories
top 3 tv shows/podcasts/comics:
i rarely, if ever, venture into these forms of media but! if i had to answer, i’d say;
unbreakable kimmy schmidt / parks & recreation / luke cage
taz / mbmbam (i havent like. watched a full episode of either but they seem cool,)
tf idw / …………. yeah that’s it, i’ve never read anything else. probably should!
additional favs:
my friends, writing (in theory), listening to video essays, learning music theory + instruments and understanding audio production software
top 3 bands / artists:
HHH okay if i had to limit my choices to just three artists, uh. lorde, the mountain goats, and sophie. i couldnt even fit janelle in i hate th is
color(s): light colors are always nice and pleasant, though anything peachy and sandy are the best! orange (specially pastel orange) is like. the best thing
last band t-shirt i bought: usually merchandising is very expensive and i dont have the money to accommodate that, but like. i do recall having a wiggles shirt when i was five. i wore it all the time, shjdjgsksd im sure that counts
last band i saw live: i almost went to splendor in the grass last year with family, which wasn't only cool since i’ve never been out of the state since i immigrated - the festival was in queensland, which is around a two hour flight from victoria - but the lineup was pretty fuckin lit too! the xx, haim, peking duk, tash sultana, future islands, vallis alps, a.b original,, i was p excited! unfortunately my uncle fell ill and so they had to give the tickets to extended family :( otherwise, i haven't been to a single concert in my life
last song i listened to: street fighter mas | kamasi washington - up to this song on the album and i really fuckin dig this! also the video is hypnotizing
last movie i watched: monsters inc is about to finish and up next is monsters university! which like…. honestly, this is an extremely unpopular opinion but, i like it just as much as the original? my opinion might be skewed because i’m a monster [hugger], but i like everything abt the movie! except for the finale of the scare games and the last five minutes of the movie, both were just. dreadful.
last three tv shows i watched: if aggretsuko counts that’s the last series i watched of my own volition, which is a miracle in itself considering that’s legit only the second anime i’ve watched to completion (the first being shirokuma cafe, which i probably need to re-watch). otherwise, the last two shows i had beared witness to were thirteen reasons why and queer eye bc my cousin put them on! that first show i could completely do without but queer eye is iconique
last 3 characters i identified with: grimlock (legit. all of them), urdnot grunt (mass effect) and vector the crocodile (sth), i’m not sure what this says about me other than Big
book(s) i’m currently reading: i’m reading ‘maus’ by art spiegelman at the moment, for the third time i believe? i believe my classmates are supposed to be writing an essay on this next term and shit, this novel is heartbreaking, i haven't been this emotional when reading a book than… ever, really. it’s a recommendation of the highest caliber
name: leon / lionel, i picked up the second name because i was in a server with an admin that was also a Leon™
nickname: besides ‘Big Gay’ i also have the nickname ‘lemon lion’ which is! nice!!
zodiac sign: archer man
height: Tall™
language(s) spoken: english / some maori + italian
fav fruit: watermelons (only when in season)
fav scent: the smell of a freezer tbh? it just smells Nice i don’t know how to properly explain it
fav season: spring! the breezes are welcoming without being overbearingly freezing
fav color: ornge,,,,
fav animal: SHARKS + CROCS + FERRETS
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea! with some milk tho
average hrs of sleep: too little
fav fictional character: One character?????? uhhhhhhh……. like. biggest cc right now is either idw skids or oz from monster prom
no. of blankets you sleep with: depending on my mood but i’d say the average is like, 3??
fav songs: i quickly whipped up some songs i listen to
fav artists: i came to the realization that i like acts that are considered ‘bad’ like maroon 5/drake/lil yachty etc in specific doses… i wouldn't call them good yet, but! i have no beef and thats good
fav books: remember ‘where the wild things are’??? that shit was like. literal childhood, man.. :happytears: i really need to look for a copy again
name: leon / lionel, interchangeable really
gender: male, im probs an nb guy
star sign: sagittarius!
height: 6’1
sexuality: gay??? im not sure, im mostly attracted to other guys but i have had very brief crushes on girls + nb people? sexuality’s confusing so im gonna just latch to the gaybel (gay label) for now
lock screen image: its the album cover of 1992 deluxe by princess nokia, tho it was “T Hanos” a few days ago since i change it often - my home screen is venom but his torso says ‘fuck machine’
ever had a crush on a teacher: no??
where do you see yourself in ten years: ideally i’m teaching kids math n english, realistically i’m probably going down with the political climate
if you could go anywhere, where would you go: new zealand!! or the netherlands
what was your favorite halloween costume: halloween is not big at all where i live, the only time i tried trick or treating was when i was like 7?? i threw a bedsheet on myself and pretended to be a ghost, though since there were no eyeholes + the sheet was blue, it looked more like i was just a moving lump
last kiss: never had one
have you ever been to las vegas: nah and i dont plan to?? how do you handle regular days of 40C wtf
favorite pair of shoes: i have this pair of jandals that ive worn for a fair bit longer than my other pair of shoes, tho i only wear them in summer + very warm nights
favorite book: ngl its. ‘the very hungry caterpillar’ by eric carle. i just, love it alot and i cant explain w h y
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gryewaren · 7 years
i was tagged in a couple of games this past week so i’m just gonna make one post answering them all because they’re fun and i have the time so here we go
rules: answer the questions and tag blogs you would like to get to know better tagging: (you can choose what game u wanna do or something lol or ignore if u want but i wanna know u all a bit better <3) @pcnsypcrknsn @polaroids @gansaey @twinminyards @henriettablues @adamparrishes @aridantes @ccress @dirkqently @mavenbarrow @donnattartt @perspective
tagged by: kahlia @monstrouss  ♥ 
nickname/s: kim
gender: female
star sign: cancer 
height:  5′2″ fuc
time: 1:37 pm, i don’t have classes rn which is a fucking miracle
birthday: july 21
favorite bands: mayday parade, pierce the veil, 5sos (yES), fall out boy
favorite solo artists: ed sheeran, sam smith, selena gomez, kaleo, niall horan, james arthur, lauv, lorde
song stuck in my head: laro by autotellic
last movie i watched: in the cinema? thor: ragnarok (11/10 recommend)
last show i watched: black butler, it’s an anime
when did i create my blog: created this one december last year
what do i post: lit, some films, and just anything i find pretty 
last thing i googled: "how to get rid of ‘index’ in photoshop”
do i have any other blogs: nah
do i get asks: what are thoooose
why i chose my url: bc i’m ronan’s bitch
following: 400-something
followers: 1,6k-something
average hours of sleep: 4??? 5???? most of the times i get around 3 hours of sleep bc the universe thinks i dont deserve rest
lucky number: seven
instruments: none
what am i wearing: a shirt and boxer shorts
dream job: a surgeon
dream trip: greece
favourite food: shanghai rolls???? hAHAHA
nationality: filipino
favorite song right now: midnight train by sam smith
tagged by: nicole @nhmesis  ♥ — Relationship Status: ???? — Favourite Colour: soft colors like rose gold, beige/nude, white — Lipstick or Chapstick: lipstick??? — Last Song I Listened To: queen by atronach’s aura — Last Movie I Watched: thor:ragnarok — Top 3 TV Shows: friends / big bang theory / yuri on ice (bc why not) — Top 3 Bands/Artists: mayday parade / ed sheeran / 5sos — Books I’m Currently Reading: the goldfinch
tagged by: shanaz @aphrocilles  ♥
name: karen nickname: kim height: 5′2 birthday: july 21 fave color: beige, white, rose gold 10 most played songs: wolves by selena gomez / the thrill of it all by sam smith / get you by daniel caesar / lie by NF / stranger things by kygo / nightmares by all time low / beside you by marianas trench / drunk by zayn malik / sleep tonight by december avenue / three cheers for five years by mayday parade 7 favorite movies: kill your darlings / the great gatsby / salt  / inception / call me by your name (even tho i still havent seen it) / the curious case of benjamin button / the hangover 1,2, and 3 6 favorites tv shows: im not a big fan of tv shows omg sorry 4 celebrity crushes: selena gomez / angelina jolie / tom cruise / timothee chalamet 1 thing that defines you: is it bad that i can’t think of anything
tagged by: ana @kerahs  ♥
nicknames: kim gender: female sign: cancer height: 5′2 time: 10:56 am birthday: july 21st favorite bands: mayday parade, ptv, fob, 5sos favorite solo artists: ed sheeran, niall horan, sam smith song stuck in my head: HIM by sam smith last movie i watched: thor:ragnarok last show i watched: black butler when did i create this blog: december 31 2016  what do i post: mostly the raven cycle, all for the game, and six of crows. some ya lit edits and the occasional aes posts what did i last google: latin translation (bc of that maggie reply on one on the posts of her tweet) other blogs: deleted them all lol but i used to own vxalentino and hemmosbitch do i get asks: i wish following: 380 followers: 1,669 babes  ♥ average hours of sleep: 3-4 hours??? on school nights lucky number: 7 instruments: zero what am i wearing: fuck im still in my pajamas favorite food: uhm???? last book i read: the goldfinch (but i havent finished it yet, that still counts right?) 3 favorite fandoms: trc, aftg, and yoi
tagged by: victoria @neiljostnss  ♥ 2ND RULE: bold the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short(ish) hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it   There is something much I would change about my personality ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports (i used to, sigh) I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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princeshushu · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Helloooo~ I got tagged by @himeaegyo!! Thank you btw :>
Mmmm, I’m tagging @jejublr, @justsomekpopstuff, @kingyu97, and @kwoncity!! (I’m only tagging 4 asdfhjkl I don’t wanna bother anyone ehehehehe)

I am 5'7" or taller

I wear glasses

I have at least one tattoo

I have at least one piercing 

I have blonde hair

I have brown eyes

I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined (WHAT IS THIS QUESTION AAAAAA)
I have or had braces (I need braces pls save me)
I love meeting new people (I’m shy though eheheheh)
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (Idk how and I’m not good at comforting but I try asfghkl)
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (mostly the guys)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it 
I can sing well (I’ve been in a few singing contests but not that well;;; I have trouble singing with background music or a duet)
I can play an instrument (piano, guitar, and soon I’ll learn violin~)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (wtf I can barely do one)
I’m a fast runner (다시 RUN RUN RUN)
I can draw well (I wish it was good enough to be called well but I guess)
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports (badminton, tennis, volleyball, and basketball~)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (I used to be)
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (I used to be)
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing (Y E S @/neoyeppuda)
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (Hi animes and smallville)
I have been at an overnight event (i wouldnt be there but my mom)
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day (yes like 293947582 games)
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (Seventeen and EXO)
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year (lasted 10 months :“) )
I have had feelings for a friend
My Life:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school (I moved. It went from a 1 hour drive to a 2 minute walk)
My parents are still together (legally but im trying to get them back together)
I have at least one sibling (one younger sister)
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live 
I have hung out with a friend in the past month (ishi!!!)
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
Random Shit:
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie (can it be Jamie Kelly from DDD)
I have had a teacher that has a name that was hard to pronounce (ms. Sinining)
I have dyed my hair 
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone (not my bone)
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages (6! Does dialects count???)
I have made a new friend in the past year
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briteboy · 7 years
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yelling @ santi, i’m evil again (what else is new), SOME REALLY REALLY OLD ASKS, one GoT spoiler at the very bottom (beware)
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Lou and Fiona deserve happiness pls let it happen ty
they do ;-; it will happen, don’t worry, no one suffers forever <3 i’ve actually been planning out lou’s story and i’m excited to actualize it hehe
I just read all of Santis story. Dear god, it is amazing. I cannot begin to describe how much I love it. I have been really sick lately and have such a hard time concentrating on anything for more than one second but I have not been able to look away from this story, not even when I re-read it for the third time. You are an amazing writer and I have fallen in love with every charachter you have introduced. I teared up so many times and my heart began beating fast, it was really an experience.
OH MY GOD ;___________; YOU READ IT THREE TIMES WHAATDOSOIGODFSKL holy shit thank you so much, i don’t even know what to say right now lmao ;-; i’m just kinda in awe that i was able to grab your attention like that and that you enjoyed it so much and just askjdjfsd THANK YOU i can’t say anything else but just thank you, people like you make this all worth it <3 
A case of the novembers is the kinda story you read and you just know its going to stick with you for awhile. Like ones day, you'll be long gone in the future, doing something totally different, older wiser, all that bullshit, and you'll just randomly remember what a bittersweet story it was.
OMFG ;___; holy heck asjdjnfkdkjs this really got me right in the heart lmao. that’s the kind of story it’s always been for me and seeing other people interpret it that way as well is just mind boggling, thank you <3 
You are evil. My poor heart hurts. ;______________;
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you've ruined my life
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Life hack: listen to the entire Hamilton soundtrack whilst working out at the gym. By the end of it, you'll have lost half your body weight due to sweating and crying at the same time (pls help this was such a bad decision)
OMG that’s me with grimes’ art angels lmao i go hord to kill v maim and venus fly
hamilton fans also go hord i respect it. learn more about history get swole killing two birds with one stone
Okay this is so fucking random but a while ago you did a post where you talked about perfect bby gianni saying that he spent a lot of time in introspection and like Thank you 'cause now I have a word to put on this thing I do when I try to figure why I feel certain things or what my relationship with people/random shit is and why and yeah I kind of understand myself a little better now so thx a lot!!! 😘😘😘 Also, you're great.
i think i was actually talking about santi (’cause that’s where we’re at right now, in that period of introspection for him heheh) but YES omg that makes me so happy ;-; it’s a good word lmao and i do the same thing, in fact i’m always trying to figure out my relationships with everything in order to understand myself more. that’s kinda why i’m so into astrology haha. i’m glad you finally got to pin down that feeling for yourself, it’s the best when that happens <3 YOU’RE GREAT TOO 💫
let’s start protesting santi in the streets
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Hi!! Umm I'm guessing you do but just in case, did you know there was a tear accessory? I think it's an eyeliner (cause you mentioned having to draw them yourself)
yeah i do! i mentioned the ones by s-club, i’ve used those a couple times. but i like drawing them myself because i feel like it’s weird to have the same single teardrop every time one of my characters cries (and we all know they’ve been crying a lot lately lmfao) if they didn’t cry often i probably wouldn’t feel compelled to draw the tears. but i don’t mind drawing them honestly, it’s kinda fun lmao. thanks for your consideration <3 
so im sitting here thinkin....... what if santi goes on this trip and coms back and lou is in a relationship!?!?!
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i want to die
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wait santi tried to kys :'(
WHERE U BEEN he did  :{
what font do u use in your histories?
hi u have a really pretty blog and I hope you have a good day
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@teishajenaie on instagram looks like Rooney to me, idk if you'd agree but ??
i see it!! definitely in the eyes and nose. also sorry i answered this literally like 3 months later lmao
gooey by glass animals gives me santi vibes :) ive been listening to it on repeat (bc im tht bitch) and it was making me think of you and his story! c: i hope you dont mind me over here lmao anyway, im excited to see where it goes and real excited for a back story for lou!! <3 lots of love
omg haha that’s actually funny because i used it in that one scene of him tripping, although it’s like completely a gianni song to me (at least personality-wise, it’s even on his playlist on my character page) and noooo i don’t mind, i love that song and i love when people recommend me songs!! i have a whole bunch of recommendations in my inbox that i need to acknowledge omg. anyway I’M EXCITED THAT YOU’RE EXCITED, especially for lou’s story, it’s coming up reeeeeal soon <333
i feel so late to the party but i Just started reading your story like five minutes ago and im absolutely entranced by it already and i cant wait to catch up and finally understand what to heck is going on
this was sent literally forever ago when santi and molly were out there being wild in the desert lmao so i hope you caught up and everything. “entranced” omg that’s such a wonderful word i’m honored
i didnt think i could love you more but the fact that you watch arrested development makes me so happy. i cry. my boyfriend has a mr manager, bluths frozen bananas shirt thats literally my favorite thing ever.
OMGGG YES i watched it once forever ago and i need to re-watch it asap lmao. I’M PRETTY SURE I BOUGHT THAT SAME EXACT SHIRT FOR MY BROTHER FOR CHRISTMAS ONE YEAR
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Just a biiig prank. Huge
this one is from so long ago i don’t remember the context but i laughed at loud when i read it. huge
i was playing with uncharted for the first time today and they said Navarro in it and i was like THATS MY BOI SANTIII
santi infiltrating everyone’s lives my bf played uncharted tho!! it looked cool. like indiana jones. i liked the marketplace part. a monkey stole his apple
Hi sunny! I really am in love with your story (even if it's tearing me apart at the moment) and just wanted to say you're cool Stay strong ma dude
HI THANK YOU <333 you’re also cool my dude and i’m sorry for tearing you apart (if it makes you feel any better this story tears me apart on a daily basis)
what packs and expansions do u have for ur game?
ummmmmm all of them except vintage glamour and fitness stuff. i wish i didn’t buy some of the stuff packs lmao but what can ya do i actually didn’t even get vampires or bowling or parenthood until like a month ago lmao i’m late to the party
Oh shit she's been dead hasn't she. Like this is all a drug or alcohol infused bender of mollys memory, she's probably never left. They're probably still at the hospital. I hope I fucking wrong but shit I also hope not. Poor santi
we’re so far past this but i just wanted to publish this anyway lmao it was a good theory! and this person was so sure of it it kinda made me wish it was true lol. sorry if that disappointed you but i’ll always remember this one in my sad sad heart 💔
how long did it take for you to make friends here? I started a simblr because I really like storytelling with my sims & I thought it'd be fun to meet people who enjoy that, too, especially since I don't have many friends irl...but I've been here for quite a few months now and it seems like no one even cares that I'm here....everyone I try to interact with pretty much ignores me after a message or two....I'm just feeling really discouraged about my presence here :/
I’M REALLY SORRY I DIDN’T ANSWER THIS SOONER ASKJDKJFSDKA (i’m sure it didn’t help the fact that you feel ignored, i really really hope you see this) but okay uhhhhhhh i only had acquaintances from 2015 up until like this year? then i started really becoming close with people. so it took a while lol, but i think everyone starts off slow because it’s mostly about the actual game we’re playing at first and then making friends just happens through that. don’t get discouraged, like i said it took a while for me. you really just need to reach out to the people you’d like to become friends with, reply to their posts, give your genuine thoughts, say something that’ll make their day...people notice that no matter what they have going on, i promise. i hope you’re still here and hanging in there. don’t get caught up in who’s talking to you or not talking to you, just do your thing, enjoy what you do, and people will notice you. <3
3. Hi so I just wanted to say that I love your story, I'm here for every update. I'm an s3 player I play s4 every once in awhile but s3 has my soul. I love Santi and I know he will be happy in the end, whether it's with Lou or not(hopefully it is tho) I only want him to be happy. I go through so many emotions in one post, like this is a tv drama and I can’t wait for the next episode. This is the end of my cut and paste. Have a nice day.❤️
HI HELLO <3 this is so sweet and i can’t believe you actually care about my story lmao thank you i’m glad you have faith in his happy ending, i don’t want anyone to think i genuinely like making my characters suffer lmao. i only do it to make the happy ending more satisfying. asjdfjksd comparing my stuff to film or tv always makes me so giddy so THANK YOU ily <333
"Suicide before you see this tear fall down my eyes" (Beyonce) reminds me of Molly's situation soooo muchhhh aaaahhhhh
OMG YES what a good connection. good song good connection yaeeahhh better call molly with the good hair
Ummmm... hello! I just read through your whole story with Santi and I'm like... holy fuck. Not only is your story wonderful, your editing is so good. I'm surprised I didn't shove my eyes up against my computer screen. Please continue making wonderful things and being great. Signing off 12:31 in the morning, I hope you have as much fun as you want to
“as much fun as you want to” omfgasdkngjd why did that make me laugh so much. don’t have too much fun, have the responsible amount of fun anyway HELLO thank you soooooO much ;-; pls don’t shove ur eyes up against the screen i’m almost positive that’s not good for them. but i appreciate this so much thank YOU for being great <3 signing off at 2:18 in the morning after ignoring this message for months now (i’m sorryyyyyyy) but um ily
HELLO??? I JUST READ A SERIOUS CASE OF NOVEMBER FOR THE FIRST TIME AND I'M LIKE CRYING???? y u do dis to me I hate you and love you at the same time
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(I need to rant I'm sorry) My uncle is really positive towards the army and war and stuff like that and all day he's been going on about how it should be mandatory to serve in the military, especially for "little brat girls" like me? And it's stressing me out so much I want to cry :( The army and war is something that genuinely scares me and I don't want anything to do with it, but he's just going on and on! What should I do?
this is literally sooooooooo late and i feel so bad i’m sorry, i hope this still helps you out and i hope you see it tho okay. i’m pretty sure this was even before the trans military ban like whew idek what your uncle must think about that. tbh just ignore him, like i know it’s hurtful but like...what is his point in telling you this? i would’ve literally been like (sarcastically) “ok then sign me up” but i’m also a lil shit so that’s probably not the best thing to say. but really like the only thing he’s trying to do is feel powerful by means of expressing his militaristic (no pun intended) opinions to someone far younger than him. it’s so that he feels bigger and better than you (especially by calling you a brat). he’s a sad man and anyone who relies on the military, of all things, to shape a person probably doesn’t have a strong sense of self anyway. i love you okay, just ignore him, don’t let him stress you out <3
I'm a little high and it's late but I have a lot of courage now so I've been following you for a while and I just want to tell you how much I love your story! I have come across other places on tumblr who do this but none have captured me as this one did! You are amazing and I am in love with this story! Thanks fo being you! :)
ONMG YOU HAD TO BE HIGH TO SEND THIS LMAO that was me this weekend anyway thank you so much, it floors me every time anyone says these kinds of things to me and it never gets old ;-; you are so amazing ok <333
you can't possibly be offended by a homophobic joke in game of thrones, it's set in medieval times. they had several lgbt characters in it, it's not the show that's homophobic, it's the characters, which is accurate for that time period.
o i can and i will lmao i mean i get where you’re coming from but with that logic you could say it’s only accurate to put homophobic jokes in today’s media just because people are still homophobic in the time live in. i know it’s the characters, but you do understand that someone writes those characters, right? it’s bad writing. it’s lazy and pandering and because of that it’s offensive. idk if you know the exact dialogue i was referring to but it was so completely unnecessary lmfao. they could’ve made a million other jokes. regardless of how it offended me it was just BAD lmao
@ I wanna watch GoT anon: don't. It's just so fucking bad. The definition of overhyped tbh (and btw, sunny, PLS HELP HE SCREWED HIS FUCKING AUNT WTH)
LMAO SOMEONE ACTUALLY AGREES WITH ME? wow bless u. it is definitely overhyped, like it was good at first but it’s been riding that hype through these past couple of seasons to disguise the bad writing. i understand being entertained by it, but i’m always surprised when people think it’s actually well written at this point...it’s so cringey and now thanks to the season finale this fanbase will be justifying incest. great!
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smolbeanjoker · 7 years
oooooo! I got tagged by @khenq
Rule one: tag nine people you want to get to know better. @mordredllewelynjones  hhhhhhh pretty sure that the others have done it already soooooooo ‘ . ‘ 
Rule two: bold the true statements:
I am 5'7 or taller (it’s actually weird I don’t know my doctors say i’m 5′7 but then they’ll say im 5′6 ??????? soooo )
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
My abs are somewhat defined (lmao gibe me that 9 pack)
I have or had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me I’m funny (I’m funny when I’m tired or when i have a good day i guess lol)
Helping people with their problems is a big priority to me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges (on the occasion) 
I’m playfully rude to people I know well
I started to say something ironically, now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality (Like most of it :)) )
I can play an instrument
I can sing well (only on the weekends)
I can do 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory 
I’m good at doing Maths in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in an arm wrestle
I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch
I can throw a punch (people tell me I hit hard apparently idk)
I enjoy sports
I have learned a new song in the past week
I’ve gone running at least once a week in summer
I work out at least once a week (hahaha whats that?)
I have drawn something in the last month
I enjoy writing
I have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol (lmao it was more of a sip)
I have scored a winning goal in sports
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been to an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in a hospital/er in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
I have at least one person I consider a best friend
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the US
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with friends in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with somebody (do animals count lo)
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least three relationships
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush for over a year
I have been in a relationship for more than a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have break danced
I know a person called Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (it’s currently green lmao)
I am listening to a song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I have known someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone (this one time I broke my foot by tripping over my cat.. you can laugh :’)))) )
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what to do with my life (sooorrttaa??? but not really. just wanna do arts)
I speak at least 2 languages (I took french... I can bless your sneezes.... uh.. ye)
I have made a new friend in the last year
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flamboyant-king · 7 years
Tagged by @searahdurian
1ST RULE: tag some people you’d like to get know better (ffff ill do it this time)
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
Tagging:   @straight-outta-nohr @psiioniichearts @sadistriku @orbital-angel @queen-of-freege @kuronshi
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller (HA!)
I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo 
I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair (i used too *cries*) My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people (i mean depends on my mood pff)
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges (*laughs*) I enjoy mental challenges (*laughs harder*) I’m playfully rude with people I know well  I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (I say yo, yall, and woah a lot now) There is something I would change about my personality (stop being such a dick pff)
ABILITY: I can sing well (in private) I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 push ups without stopping I’m a fast runner (my gym teacher wanted me to join track but uhhh that was years ago) I can draw well (¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) I have a good memory (LOL) I’m good at doing math in my head (the cause of all my strife) I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (im going to die) I know how to throw a proper punch (if my dreams are any indication...no)
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month (IF NOT THEN IM DEAD) I enjoy writing (i specialize in sarcasm and making my handwriting pretty) FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION (considering the discourse ive witnessed: no) I do or have done martial arts 
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol (i licked a wine and hated it) I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event (senior all night party lol) I have been in a taxi (we dont take a jeepney in the Philippines so there) I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (exactly last year i went to get an IV cause of dengue pfff) I have beaten a video game in one day (I havent beaten a video game in my life) I have visited another country (Philippines and Canada) I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship (People are gross) I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily  I have had a crush on someone for over a year (try 9 years. My stupid tween mind infected me) I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” (The number has gone down but yes i have at least one ) I live close to my school (i mean shouldnt you considering how youre enrolled into them?) My parents are still together I have at least one sibling (two older bros) I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live (Soon) I have hung out with a friend in the past month (*does some math*...uh....yes) I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone (5000 stuffed animals)
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (All the ones ending in -ski) I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (Matryoshka by dem vocaloids) I have punched someone in the past week (myself) I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life (AHAHAHHAHAHAHA) I speak at least 2 languages  I have made a new friend in the past year (*does some math*...uh...no)
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bunnkick · 7 years
Getting to Know People
Tagged by @sakamotorei​ (i haven’t done one of these in a long time, thank you!)
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I TAG (of course, completely optional): @floweredtatamis, @kuyuan, @wolffgore, @nakamatachi, @im-sorry--im-so-sorry, @boogiekun
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing (kinda, the holes in my ears grew over and I haven’t done it again yet)
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny (I’m really bad at having my humour come across in text, but I’m good at opportunistic and in the moment jokes)
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (although I gotta be careful as I tend to go overboard and neglect myself for others a lot)
I enjoy physical challenges (it’s gotta be something I want to do though, like outside, I don’t like to be in a gym and pushing for goals there eas I find gyms hellscapes of misery)
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (not so much know well, but with people who also treat me playfully the same, I’ll do it back)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (chill, cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt no doubt, fresh to death, referring to things as ‘hella’)
I can sing well (I can but my brother used to make fun of me for signing so you rarely catch me doing it :I)
I can play an instrument (I learned guitar for 3 years and even my teacher couldn’t believe how bad I was and how I wasn’t improving, he and I both gave up lol)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (yes but I’ll hate every second of it)
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (it’s my career and the only thing I excel at so frick I sure hope I do )
I have a good memory (memorization for recipes, events, and animal facts, yes. Knowing what day it is or what I did yesterday? Good luck me)
I’m good at doing math in my head (I’ve never been good or even passable at mental math)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (I once got to 2 min 30, not bad?)
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (I’m really competitive and I’ll take any wrestling or sparring challenge)
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (I cook a lot for myself and really like trying out new recipes, I get bored without food variety and I’m primarily motivated by the promise of good meals)
I know how to throw a proper punch (never had the chance to use this skill which I suppose is a good thing)
I enjoy playing sports (I avoid them though as I can really be competitive and it’s only fun for me if there’s little to no stakes, as I really hate to lose :I)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week (I officially finished learning ‘Not Tomorrow’ I guess?)
I work out at least once a week (I hike and run everyday with me pup)
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION  (I like a great many things but I tend not to overobsess)
I do or have done martial arts (I have a black belt in Shotokan Karate, pretty rusty, but I still know the basics!)
I have had my first kiss (unfortunately I don’t remember it fondly :’I)
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event (many)
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (had some surgery in May, first time I’d ever been to the hospital for such a thing)
I have beaten a video game in one day (ReGRET)
I have visited another country (I love travelling and go elsewhere whenever I have funds to do so, which isn’t often, but hey, it’s always worth it) 
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (Yep! Saw a crazy amount of them at Osheaga and have been to a lot where I used to live, great music scene in the East Coast of Canada)
I’m in a relationship (ahahahaha I’ll be lucky to be in another before I die)
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships (and they were very mediocre, really turned me off of being in them :I)
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year (yeah and when I was going to confess and ask them out, my friend group kindly informed me he was gay before I did it, thank you! We remained friends but like I really had wanted to date him before I knew there was no way ;-;)
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States (Yikes, I used to, don’t regret not being there now)
There is snow right now where I live (nope wayyy too in the year early for that here)
I have hung out with a friend in the past month (all me friends are far far away)
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (Many times, it is currently turquoise)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (Labyrinth by Toro Y Moi)
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (more like I hope I do)
I speak at least 2 languages (French n’ english, learning Japanese and German)
I have made a new friend in the past year (Mmhmm! Met them in San Diego, they are lovely and hope to talk with them more)
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seokjinshearts · 7 years
I was tagged by @bbyjoonbug (hi roo!!!) i was totally supposed to post this yesterday but then i answered half the questions n forgot about it so..,, uh here it is;; 
am i supposed to tag people idkman i havenofriends
1. drink: water 2. phone call: mom 3. text message: my best friend 4. song you listened to: some kinda jpop song my dad was listening to in the car lmao 5. time you cried: a few nights ago bc bon voyage
6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: no 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12-14. blue, purple, green? i never had a third favorite color lol
15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: .yes 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: yes? i guess 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: maybe 95%? lol 23. do you have any pets: no :( i used to!! i love animals i want all of them <33 24. do you want to change your name: mmm.. no im good my name has good meanings n i'm happy w/ it 25. what did you do for your last birthday: this is gonna sound rlly sad but i just sat in my dorm and ate ice cream w/ my roommates lmao 26. what time did you wake up: 11:48am? around that time 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: uh;; feeling emotional bc of the love yourself video 28. name something you can’t wait for: ..nothing exciting is happening in my life rn?? i think another love yourself video is dropping soon so probably just that 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 5 mins ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: myself live closer to my friends so i can meet them more often 31. what are you listening to right now: the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze //wow so poetic aka im listening to nothing// 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: who’s tom 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my apt has thin walls / really echo-y surroundings and i can hear my neighbors coughing / sneezing / doing their laundry / beating up their children  34. most visited website: youtube 38. hair color: dark brown 39. long or short hair: long 40. do you have a crush on someone: not rn 41. what do you like about yourself: i’ll get back to you when i figure this out lmao 42. piercings: none i keep putting off getting my ears pierced  43. blood type: B+ or B smt idk (i feel like im talking about my grades lmao) 44. nickname: any variation of having the either one of the syllables of my name repeated  45. relationship status: single (forever) 46. zodiac: virgo 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favorite tv show: brooklyn nine-nine,, tbh i watch a bunch but i don’t really have a fave 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left handed: right handed 51. surgery: none 52. piercing: none 53. sport: sitting down lmao i suck @ sports 55. vacation: honestly anywhere as long as i’m w/ friends or family it’s good enough for me  56. pair of trainers: ?? do i describe them or;; dark blue w/ orange accents (what is this question)
57. eating: had noodles for dinner 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: experiment w/ digital art 61. waiting for: me to get my life together 62. want: a dog or a cat i need companionship (loveme) 63. get married: eventually 64. career: i’ve wanted to be a vet for the longest time,,,, still do but tbh idk if it’s the right thing for me or if it’s practical? i’m really indecisive and bad at making long term plans so... we’ll see
65. hugs or kisses: hugs 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: no preference (but most people are taller than me so,,) 68. older or younger: older- it’s more of a maturity thing for me  70. nice arms or nice stomach: no preference 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant?? what is the context anyway,,,
74. kissed a stranger: no 75. drank hard liquor: no 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: no lol i take v good care of them 77. turned someone down: no.. (does it count if i never saw their confession until like.. a few months later,,,) 78. sex on the first date: no,,, 79. broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so???  80. had your heart broken: . no? 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes ofc 83. fallen for a friend: ..yes
84. yourself: depends on what i’m doing lol 85. miracles: yes? to some extent i guess  86. love at first sight: not really 87. santa claus: no 88. kiss on the first date: sure? if both sides r willing  89. angels: no
90. current best friend’s name: Phoebe <3 91. eye color: dark brown 92. favorite movie: i don’t really watch movies that often.. but Princess Mononoke comes to mind if animated films count
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