#and yes that is the lesbian flag in the background
hyperkitten224 · 3 months
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some people say that Ragatha's interactions with Pomni in episode 2 was her being gay. others say it's her being a doormat people pleaser. I think it's both
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cassqween · 7 months
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Theres a new divine in town and shes gonna kill god and take his place
(featuring my dos2 character Sapphico!)
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qusok · 1 year
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I started this one a few months ago, when @pathfinderofandromeda and I were talking about what if Jamie got injured by Du'Met, but survived
And let's say we all just know Erin would take care of her wounds
CAN YOU BELIEVE I'M FINALLY POSTING ARTS AGAIN??? My self-esteem about drawing was harsh on me lately, but I think it kinda passed, so yayy. Plus I was all busy with moving to other city, getting used to live alone and go to uni and all this stuff
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icecubeisamazing · 1 year
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Girl in red? no. Icy in maroon.
(caption is a joke... or is it? *vsauce music plays*)
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wandixx · 3 months
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semisentientseafood · 7 months
I knew that nintendo very likely wouldn’t outright say something like “Yes these characters are gay” but the way they were so insanely unsubtle about Pearl and Marina’s Definitely more-than-just-friends relationship in side order made me so happy to see, like there is SO much stuff that you just cannot come up with a heterosexual explanation for.
Marina’s sheer amount of swoony dialogue, dev diaries, her drawings of pearl, her desktop background WHO is doing all those things for their “best friend” . Pearl’s also shown to be concerned for and protective of Marina as well as be supportive of her infodumping about her interests
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Even some smaller and potentially not-even-totally-intentional things just Work perfectly as more subtle details such as Marina’s dev diary being represented by an infinity sign with a rainbow gradient super similar to the symbol for autism advocacy, or the flags near cipher’s siftings with similar coloration to the lesbian flag (more noticeable with a certain filter in camera mode)
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In conclusion my god these cephalopods gay good for them
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demiboydemon · 1 month
Urbosa and Revali perhaps
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[Image ID: Two human-shaped figures with pride flag patterns on them on a black background. On the left is a figure with the lesbian/sapphic/wlw pride flag on her, and on the left is a figure with the gay/mlm pride flag on him. The wlw pride figure is kicking the mlm pride figure in the stomach, sending him flying back in the air. Written in white letters on the image are the words, “wlw/mlm hostility”. End ID]
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(image ID in alt text)
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cordycepsfem · 3 months
So my girlfriend and I went to our local Pride event today, one that I’ve written about previously here.
I did not want to go. This is because I am new-task-avoidant, and Pride was on one day of my usually tightly-hoarded weekend. But she asked that I go and meet some of her friends from her volunteering group so I said sure.
Meeting her friends was great - they’re fun and welcoming people from a variety of backgrounds, and I’m glad we did that. I hope we can spend time with them again soon.
Then we go out to the actual festival part. It is loud. There are people everywhere. This is unsurprising because it is a pride event in a major city. As people we are not fond of loud, crowded events… but we made the effort to get here so we’re going to go through it.
So we start walking.
As we make our way through the crowds I realize that the two of us are some of the more conservative-looking individuals there. We’re in T-shirts, shorts, baseball caps, functional shoes. There are many, many people in what we on here are all familiar with as “queer” costuming - it’s loud, it’s ugly, and it’s adorned with pins and stickers demanding attention. Many people have giant flags around their necks.
We see booths with obviously female individuals selling merchandise emblazoned with “f*ggot” doing a robust business. Lots of apparel and accessories that scream “I have an identity and I’m here to make it your problem!!” One booth has a pin showing a mastectomy-scarred chest reading “the no-titty committee” which causes me to let out a sad noise, because sure enough I’ve seen at least ten individuals with bare chests and some awful mastectomy scars wandering around. Some have glitter or fancy tape adoring their scars. Others have very obvious “dog ears” which look sloppy and painful.
(Note: I am not saying that having scars is awful. I am saying that the way the incisions were made was imprecise, leaving scars that are larger and that look worse as compared to, like, an actually good surgeon performing a regulated procedure with a standardized course, and not a “gender medicine professional.” This is obviously my own bias from doing research and from seeing others “in the wild” and should only be taken as my opinion. I have plenty of scars; the surgical ones all look clean and well-executed. These did not.)
We keep walking. There were at least two furry booths. Lots of people in puppy masks. Plenty of trans-focused groups.
We buy a few things at some of the more relevant booths and I stop to talk to one group about a job. My girlfriend says she’s ready to go, so we cut around the rest of the park and head for a nearby bookstore.
As we’re walking she takes my hand. “That pride wasn’t for us.”
“I don’t know who it was for, but it wasn’t for us.”
I said “I told you so” in the kindest of voices but it was really just sad. This event and so many others happening this month are no longer for actual LGBT people. They are a celebration of the commodification of “queer” identity. Were there some booths there with people doing good work for those in our communities? Yes, without a doubt. But was there a bigger contingent of people there to give a “fuck you” to the world? Yep.
The first Pride events were to show straight people that LGBT people were not sexual deviants. Now the sexual deviants have booths at the Pride events.
I would just like a lesbian event. Just women. I’m willing to start it and run it. Girlfriend was so excited to go to Pride, and I think she left more disappointed than anything else. There are no longer a lot of “normies” at Pride. They have to be somewhere, so where?
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autisticmushroom · 1 month
ok but what if: > Mabel is aroace and forces herself to have crushes/misinterprets platonic feelings as romantic > She realizes she's aroace after she goes back home > Next summer; she talks to Ford and Ford says about how he's always felt odd bc he never had any crushes (his autistic agender aroace selffff- AAAA battery!) > Mabel says "WAIT THERE'S A WORD FOR THAT YOU'RE AROACE LIKE ME" and explains it to Ford > Ford is super happy and so is Mabel because Yes! Aroace solidarity! > Mabel makes them... matching sweaters!! with the aroace flag! For pride month! Ford's is of a boat in an ocean and Mabel's is of space. They both have the aroace color scheme. OR Ford's could be of an "AAAA" battery on an aroace flag background. bc funny. -- HOW DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT AROACE MABEL. "she's bi" "she's crushing on Pacifica" "she's a lesbian and experiencing comphet" BUT WHAT IF SHE WAS AROACE Y'ALL.
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helluvaartcritique · 3 months
I’d love if you critiqued the pride art helluva Twitter acc just dropped, I would but there’s way too much for me to even start with and I wanted to hear your opinion
just the art cause for some reason my brain is so confused.
Apologies for the late response, anon, but here we go!
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My eyes.......
As someone who is queer myself, so many of these characters just fall into stereotypes or aren't the best representation.
1. Chaz wanting to fuck everything is a horrible representation of pansexual people.
2. The only Asexual people being a teenager (which is fine) and the fat man who abuses Fizz and is ugly yay /s (Vivziepop has a habit of misrepresenting asexuals, and as one myself, it can be pretty hard to watch.)
3. Sallie Mae is the ONLY lesbian we have? Nothing else? Wow.
4. I'm also including the lack of enby/nonbinary representation. For a queer show you'd think they include them.
5. There's a lot of pansexuals, and while it does seem nice, quality doesn't equal quantity. We have Chaz (mentioned before), Blitz (who sleeps with everyone), Barbie (a literal groomer), Ozzie (which isn't bad since he's the Sin of Lust, but eh), Queen Bee (I actually like this one, mostly because I like Bee) and a bunch of random background extras who I don't even know their names.
6. Why is that parrot guy here? Does he have a name?
7. Andre having feathers in his hair is typically a no go as it feeds into a harmful stereotype about Indigenous people.
8. Where is my boy Cole?
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9. Also it'd be nice if these were confirmed in the show instead of the wiki. I don't have to do homework.
Alright, now onto the art! Hoo boy....
First off, all of the characters and flags are fighting for my attention to the point where I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
The first time I saw this, my eyes were led to Bee, as her and her lava lamp made her stand out.
The mishmash of colors made it hard to focus on Bee for long, as I was trying to figure out where everyone was. And yes, I get it, it's a Pride parade, there's gonna be rainbow colors, but at least make it so I know what I'm looking at here. They all blend in.
Apologies if my thoughts are a bit jumbled at the moment, I'm a bit sleep deprived right now.
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bellacatt-art · 6 months
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Had to draw these guys at some point! Honestly, they might be one of my favourite Doctor Who ships, I wish we got to see more of them 🤧
And yes, the sunset in the background *is* supposed to symbolise the lesbian flag hehe, I wasn't subtle about that 😅
Hope you all enjoy, and to any fellow Vastra x Jenny fans out there, you're automatically cool, I don't make the rules! :3
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imakatperson22 · 5 months
I’m back with more thoughts:
(It’s long but I put a lot of effort into it so please read!):
I’m seeing a lot of concern for buddie’s canon potential from a network/business standpoint. People are worried it will be too much of a gamble for the network to go all in on buddie. Let’s break that gamble down:
(This is considering the sole factor of network strategy and not whether the actors are willing to do it or if the writer’s choose to go down that road. For the sake of argument, let’s say everyone is on board except network execs.)
Let’s start by looking at the environment of the television industry. Back in ye olden days, at the dawn of modern fandom, queer ships were not ever expected to be canon. Those who shipped them had this understanding and shipping largely remained a thought experiment or creative inspiration. It was always JUST FOR FUN because there were no meaningful consequences to it. In this era, it probably would’ve been a bad bet to introduce a queer love story because we hadn’t reached a place in society where it was not only tolerated but rooted for by a meaningful amount of a show’s audience.
Today is an entirely different ball game. Today queer people have gained enough power in society and proven they will consume media involving queer romance enough to make it profitable to include these plots. Today, we as a community have enough allies who also have a desire to see our stories told. Coupled with internet fanfiction and social media platforms, we now have the opportunity to engage in a pseudo dialogue with those who produce content. Now, shipping and fandoms have reached a point where our voices and our opinions do actually have weight to them. Now, we have the opportunity to affect change to a piece of media. We have somewhat of a say. There are now consequences to our actions.
It’s a risk, yes, to get the two (until recently, presumably heterosexual) main macho male leads together because of homophobia. But this show already has a lesbian couple. The viewers who will leave if buddie gets together because “the writer’s turned them gay” are probably not the same fans who are tuning in every week without fail to watch their favorite characters. They’re more likely casual viewers. They come and go, drifting in and out because it’s something to put on in the background or because the rescues are interesting. So yes, it’s quite possible viewers abandon the show due to buddie canon, but these fans were likely not a solid, dependable group in the first place.
On the other hand, it IS also a gamble to NOT make Buddie canon. This is the (flag)ship (flagship ship?) of the show. Not every loyal viewer ships them, but probably most do, and they do so strongly. If they shut the door on Buddie becoming canon, this will absolutely alienate a hefty chunk of the shows viewers as well. If they don’t walk the line close enough on the “will they, won’t they”, these fans will get frustrated with the lack of payoff and leave. Gone are the days where fandoms stay satisfied if the show tosses them a crumb, a wink in their direction, for their ship because now the option for more is on the table. We know the network knows what we want. We know they see us asking for it. Ignoring it in and of itself is a decision. Competition is stiff and if you decide not to capitalize on fans’ desire for queer romance, they have other options. If they choose to not make buddie canon, many of these viewers will also abandon the show. The difference is this group is the one who’s coming back every week for their love of the characters. This group is the one generating the hype on social media and flooding the internet with fan edits. This group also attracts viewers.
So. Here we are. Two decisions. Both will cost fans. How many fans? Who knows. But only one will also attract them. And that’s the thing. Keeping the status quo isn’t going to generate hype around the show. Only one decision will bring new viewers in. How many people have we seen online say “I’ve never watched this show before, but now that I’ve heard about it, I’m curious.” How many of you reading this came to this show for that reason? We’ve already seen this happen with the bisexual Buck storyline. The ratings for that episode are the highest in the season. The internet is abuzz about it.
Another unique position the show finds itself in is that all the groundwork for a Buddie storyline has already been laid. They could easily avoid falling into the trap of shameless bad fan service because the ball is already tee’d up. They just need to knock it out of the park.
I firmly believe that making buddie canon, if the story is told with skill and care, is the right bet. I believe that not making buddie canon is a greater risk to the show’s revenue. From a business standpoint, buddie canon is the better choice. Whether or not the network execs choose to do so remains to be seen, but I have hope.
If you’re still here, thank you for reading. Here’s a cookie as your reward 🍪.
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findafight · 5 months
The "Robin would never date Steve's ex who broke his heart" take is FUCKING stupid for a lot of reasons.
First of off, the autonomy you're taking out of Robin with this.
Like she's not Steve's sidekick, she's not his yes man, she's an indepent girl who should be free to date any girl she wants.
She would never let her friendship with him ostacolate her love life.
Why the fuck she should do that?!
No one would.
And also, Steve is actually the one who hurt Nancy the most (slut Nancy Wheeler).
And if you think for a second that Robin would ever take Steve's side, then you're wrong.
Just stop centering everything around Steve, and stop reducing Robin to be just his sidekick, 'cause she's FUCKING not.
Hi! So. Pretty sure you found the most recent post I made (on April 6th) tagged anti rnce (and ONLY anti rnce. Not even stranger things. Just anti rnce and my personal original text post tag and a quip about choosing violence. So clearly if that’s how you got here you chose to not just send a post you disagreed with to your friends to rant about but came into my inbox and tried to start shit)And if you didn’t I truly don’t get how you, clearly a rnce fan, found me.
I’m going to be honest. Neither of us are going to change each other’s minds. I don’t like rnce for a lot of reasons, from i just don’t see a romantic spark there to a lot of the shippers being kinda shitty. I don’t care what you ship, really, just that. Claiming it’s canon or should be canon endgame etc gets annoying. And that a lot of the times the way I’ve seen the relationship portrayed (because, contrary to possibly popular belief, I have actually tried to read some fics for them. It’s also such a commonly untagged side or background pairing that I am subjected to it like that often as well) there’s so often weird terf or radfem red flags and alarm bells going off. I’ve seen someone harassed by rnce shippers for calling them out and then those shippers loudly regurgitating terf talking points like it’s fucking funny. I know all fandoms and ships have bad eggs but holy shit.
There’s been a few posts about how for some reason rnce fans try to portray people who don’t like it as making Robin Steve’s sidekick, when really we are acknowledging the facets of her characterization other than her lesbianism. Just because she likes girls doesn’t mean that’s the only thing that matters to her!
Yes, Robin liking girls is part of who she is, it influences how she acts and what she talks about, but it’s not the ONLY thing about her. She likes old movies, she enjoys pop and new wave music, she does her make up in her best friend’s car, she forgot to mention she never learned to drive because he forgot to ask if she could, she thinks combining into a super being with said best friend would possibly solve most of their problems.
Robin is a character who makes her own choices! She chooses to butt in at scoops, chooses to stay with Steve in the bunker to hold off the Russians, chooses to tell him her deepest secret, chooses to apply for jobs with Steve once they heal from the mall, chooses to spend a lot of time with him! And that’s rad. It gives us insight on who she is!
Whenever I’ve written or talked about Robin choosing not to date Nancy, I’ve always made it perfectly clear that it is Robin’s choice. Because given what we see of her in two seasons, Robin is loyal, and greatly values her friendship with Steve. Like. Regardless of how Steve feels about it, and I do think of Robin was legitimately interested in Nancy and Steve thought she had a chance, he’d encourage her to go for it. (Steve isn’t blindly encouraging Robin to hit on Vickie. He has high suspicions that Vickie is queer in some way too! She likes boobies!) I think Robin would think twice about it just because how much she encouraged stancy to get back together in s4.
Honestly, it makes me sad seeing how many times “why would robin choose her best friend’s feelings over getting a gf” is said because like. I value my friends’ feelings all the time. If I thought something I was doing was or would hurt them, I would reevaluate. Why WOULDNT Robin consider her best friend’s feelings? The first person she ever came out to? Who made her feel safe and accepted? Who made her laugh when she felt most vulnerable? Who she encouraged to get back with his ex? Romance is not a level up from friendship, it is not the endgame of life, it is not superior to any other relationship type. Treating friendships as less important to romance is something to reconsider and reevaluate.
Your last point. Anon, who is centring Steve now? Sure. He fucked up in s1. Literally no one denies that. He fucked up and he worked to make things right. He cleaned up the graffiti, he went to apologize to Jonathan, and he presumably apologized to Nancy, because she decided to date him for eleven months after that. I highly doubt there wasn’t heavy gossip about the graffiti or their breakup/makeup. I do agree that before Tina’s party Steve wasn’t helping Nancy as much as he could have, but Nancy wasn’t communicating to him either. They weren’t in the right place for each other. If we consider the alley the breakup, how is that not still breaking his heart? Yes Nancy was on a noble crusade, but it still had collateral damage. It’s something interesting about her character!
Robin wouldn’t be on board with the graffiti. But like. Steve’s changed and apologized since then. And She wasn’t there? She’s just here for the aftermath of Steve’s reignited feelings for Nancy. Idk. Both Steve and Nancy hurt each other in s1/2. It’s not a Steve v Nancy thing? It’s just an acknowledgment that of the two, Robin is closer to Steve. She’s more likely to consider him. She’s not omniscient to everything that happened or the persons feelings and reasons for doing it.
I’m sorry you don’t think friendship has an equal or greater value than some romantic relationship, it must suck. I also hope you find better things to do than to come to someone’s inbox and try to start something over a ship you like that they don’t.
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conartisthaiji · 2 months
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[image description: 9 slides from a slideshow. The slideshow has a white background with black text in comic sans. Each slide is as follows.
Slide One: Witch Hat Atelier, by a little witch academia fan (sorry in advance)
Slide Two: Basic Overview
NOT to be confused with Little Witch Academia 
yes, they both have a cheerful bad-at-magic lesbian who is in love with a grumpy magic prodigy lesbian (...i think) and yes, the uniform features cute little hats and robes and yes they are at a magic school and yes the two main teachers have homoerotic tension and…huh.
Just don’t call it witch hat academia (<-has done that)
Next to the words is the cover for the first volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows a blonde girl, Coco, cheerfully jumping down.
Slide Three: Blonde Akko Kagari
She’s blonde 
Her name is Coco 
Very sweet looking like i bet she’s just the nicest 
Probably had something tragic happen to her i bet it’s qifrey’s fault
Oh my god maybe this IS little witch academia 
Next to the text is the cover for the first volume of Witch Hat Atelier.
Slide Four: Not Olruggio
Lesbian (my mutuals told me so) (okay actually one of them had Agott over a lesbian flag as their profile but that’s basically the same thing) 
I did confuse her with Olruggio wha but no, she is a lesbian and her name is Agott. 
Rhymes with fa-i am forcibly removed from the room.
I just know she’s emo as hell like she looks like everything thirteen year old me would LOVE. unfortunately I am in my twenties. 
See next slide for blorbo.
Next to the text is the cover for the second volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Agott sitting in a chair and staring out with a bored expression on her face.
Slide Five: Richeh!!!!!!!!
I mean, she’s gonna be my blorbo now.
Look at her i love her she can do no wrong.
Her eyebrows are my fave thing about her like they are so expressive
Next to the text are two manga panels of Richeh, one showing her eating noodles from a bowl, and one showing her cheering with her arms raised. Text behind her says, "Riche is sold out!" Next to these panels is the cover for the fourth volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Richeh sitting on the side of a cliff.
Slide Six: The little pink one
I hate to say it but i do not know anything about her 
Not even her name
Sorry to all fans of the little pink one 
I bet she’s the energetic/upbeat one of the group though
Next to the text is the cover for the fifth volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows a pink-haired girl leaping gleefully into the air.
Slide Seven: Qifrey without a U
It’s QI-FREY. No u. 
Now why is he wearing a one-lens sunglasses. Sun monocle. 
It’s probably just the cover art sorry Shirahama
Gay and sad i just know it 
Honestly i got nothing on this man
Next to the text is the cover for the third volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Qifrey holding a book in one hand. One of the lenses on his glasses has been darkened.
Slide Eight: Not a teenage lesbian
So Olruggio is actually a teacher.
Upon closer inspection i see that his hair is not curly. I truly thought it was. Sorry Agott.
Qifrey may be gay and sad but Olruggio is gay sad and tortured about it 
Whatever is wrong with him has nothing on whatever the fuck is wrong with Qifrey i bet
Why is this picture so fucking pixelated.
Next to the text is the cover for the sixth volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Olruggio jumping with his cloak flowing behind him. The picture is far more pixelated than the other images in this slideshow.
Slide Nine: Ok the end because i don’t know who else is part of witch hat! But go read witch hat atelier! Or just wait for the anime but i’m gonna go read the manga (and maybe i’ll rewatch little witch academia too teehee) /end id]
so sorry wha mutuals i didn't pay enough attention to your wha lectures 🙇🙇🙇
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lead-acetate · 4 months
I do not consider myself a good artist but Nyota/Michael ship has no art and @adorkastock inspired me by their hilarious post.
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[Image description: a coloured pencil drawing of Nyota Uhura and Michael Burnham from Star Trek. Nyota is holding Michael in her arms newlywed style while Michael has one of her arms thrown over Nyota's shoulder and is aiming with a phaser somewhere off-camera.
Nyota is vaguely based on the Zoe Saldana portrayal from the Kelvin Timeline films. She's a black woman, she has dark skin with cold undertone, she wears her black straight hair in a high ponytail. She's wearing a peach-coloured Ops sweater uniform from Where No Man Has Gone Before, black trousers and black combat boots with the laces in colours of the lesbian flag. She also wears a golden Starfleet commbadge on her chest and a pair of small red earrings, also her nails are painted red. She's looking down at Michael attentively with a smile, her mouth half-opened.
Michael is a black woman with slightly darker skin with a warmer undertone (based on the portrayal by Sonequa Martin-Green). Her hair are styled like in season 2, short curls at the sides and freer curls on top of her head. She's wearing a sweater uniform from Where No Man Has Gone Before, coloured light-blue, black trousers, boring sleek black boots and a golden comm badge on her chest. She's aiming off-camera with a Discovery style phaser and looking concentrated where she's aiming to.
The background is white and there's some text, made to look slightly like an instagram post with comments. On top, there's post description from the user 'ensign Tilly', saying, "Nyota Uhura supporting a bisexual." In the bottom corner, a comment from J.T. Kirk, saying, "l.m.a.o. were u taking pictures in the middle of a firefight." Esign Tilly reponds with, "yes." J.T. Kirk responds with two 🙏 emojis. /end description.]
(1. the pastel sweater uniforms because they are the best. 2. I normally am better with Michael's hair but... shit happens. 3. emojis are sometimes so hard to draw haha)
again, please check out the original post by adorkastock. (image description in alt text). they have a ton of awesome pose references, don't miss out on them!
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thataaabattery · 5 months
Ragatha has a finger-gun trend.. 👀. (And my rambles on Ep2)
SPOILERS for ep 2 of The Amazing Digital Circus
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Background looks lesbian flag colored
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Not to mention her face includes a pink eye, blue button, then purple dress. :)
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Sunset upside down.
Does this make sense of anything? No.
But do I find it silly and funny? Yes.
Loved getting to see more of the character’s personalities and development along with existential crisises. Ragatha’s coping mechanisms, dependency, and insecurities had a large indirect focus here…
Not to mention, the philosophical spur. What really makes someone human? Is it the ability to reason? Biology? Sentience? In a world built like theirs, what says they themselves are still human after all? Will they soon lose their grasp on humanity far more than they already have— NEXT ON POMNI’S ASSORTED TORTUROUS EVENTS
Pomni and Ragatha’s flaws and humanity are outlined in this episode a whole lot and I found it scrumptious. Pomni’s ability to empathize really stood out here along with the fact that she’s decidedly not “innocent” despite having a kindness to her. I wonder if she’s been infantilized in the past? What made her feel like nothing?
“I don’t want you to feel like nothing.” This sentence and the entire conversation hits. The validation of the feeling, the existence itself being represented in the show by the characters is incredible. Pomni realizing she isn’t alone is definitely one of the central moments of the episode. The beginning and conclusion were finely weaved with the use of Pomni’s nightmare to the moment she is caught by the others’ hands. Her falling into the darkness along with the other character gave a foreshadowing feeling adding to the unease.
Pomni’s approach to the other character breaking down is admirable and satisfying. This is also true of her stating how their experiences aren’t the same but how she can still sympathize. It’s put in simple words which come across meaningfully.
Ragatha and Pomni’s dynamic shifted a bit and it’s easy to forget it’s only been a day for them. I was super hyped by how the funding changed the project’s style and such. Loved the variety of all that they used. Pomni’s room is soooo cool! Pomni has trauma and I’m living for that being shown.
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