#and yet at times i still find myself reeling against the ignorant
solbaby7 · 18 days
*sidles up to bar*
Uh, can I have a whiskey sour, frozen, with a salt rim please? 🥃
*drops a twenty in the tip jar*
[ “i’m not the jealous type but what’s mine is mine + smut + cassian ]
and a tip too? wow this gonna be a generous pour lemme tell u 😘 *grateful smoosh*
It’s routine. An obligation. A means to an end.
It’s not like you actually wanted to be shmoozing up that Summer Court douchebag and yet Cassian can’t quell the uncomfortable itch under his skin at the sight of you smiling up at another male.
Sure, it doesn’t fully reach your eyes; doesn’t force those cute lines to carve their way in your cheeks or show off the pearly white teeth that have sunken their way in Cassian’s shoulder a time too many in a bout of excitement.
This is not the same—that much he knows and yet still he can’t shake off the distaste that lingers on his tongue. Reason refuses to reach that part of him that remembers flesh and blood, the sound of iron clashing against iron and the satisfaction that follows when an enemy took their last breath. “The point of this meeting is to establish peace,” Rhysand casually mentions, sauntering to Cassian’s side so silently it nearly makes him jump. “Those kinds of thoughts don’t exactly start friendships.”
He doesn’t mention Cass’ shoddy mental shields, too distracted by the way you seem to blend seamlessly into Summer Courts surroundings. From the style of your sundress to the iridescent glimmer of heels that resemble the waves in the ocean when the sun hits—gifts from Tarquin that fit entirely too well. “These friendships are becoming too friendly.”
The chime of your laugh cutting through the air has Cassian’s teeth grinding against each other, his arms crossing over his chest in favor of reaching over for the fancy battle axe anchored above the mantel and making good use of it “I don’t disagree,” Rhys grimaces at the male dragging a hand along the curve of your spine in a dangerous display of appreciation. “It’ll all be over soon. An hour tops.”
“An hour tops,” He repeats, palms smoothing over creases in his suit jacket. “I promise.”
But not even Rhys can say no when Tarquin’s second in command all but insists on stealing you away for a quick peek of his personal gardens—bragging about its ocean view at sunset. It’s too good an opportunity to pass up and the genuine glee on the soldiers face in your presence doesn’t go unnoticed. The alliance is so close Rhysand can almost taste it but Cassian’s fingers are flexing in barely contained rage as you’re guided off down a hall separate from the others.
One minute passes and his eyes can't stop flickering towards that hallway. Five minutes go by and his stance is less sturdy, shifting the bulk of his weight from foot to foot like an antsy bull readying their hooves for a fair fight. He lasts ten whole minutes before his restraint snaps, leather boots clunking against marble floors as he all but takes off in a run towards you.
For once in Cassian’s life he gets a fraction of an understanding about how it feels to be a shapeshifter—the unbridled rage altering him from male to beast until he’s foaming at the mouth, claws protruding from blunt nails and all he thirsts for is blood. To spill crimson red and paint the walls in its luster while flaunting you as some pretty prize.
He finds you off scent alone, aureate irises latching onto you like a fish on a hook, reeling in closer and closer until you can feel the warmth of him radiating through his clothes. It’s pure luck that you’re alone, heels hanging limp in one hand as polished toes tease at sand so white it seems to sparkle under the sunlight. “What the hell are you doing here? You’re going to get us in trouble.”
“Taking too long,” Cassian ignores that bewildered expression on your face, eyes darting to a set of double doors on the far left. “Had to check, needed to see you were alright for myself.” He’s touching you before you have time to fully process the panic that churns through your gut at the mere thought of Cassian being caught somewhere he didn’t belong.
It becomes all to clear that you’re the only one who cares when strong hands begin their trek around the hills and valleys of your hips. He takes the scenic route, paying a touch too much attention to the round of your ass but you don’t push him away—you wouldn’t dare. “It’s not like he was going to hurt me.”
Lips press kisses into the curve of your neck, teeth grazing along the slope of your shoulder until the flimsy little strap there falls limp along your arm. “Wasn’t worried about him hurting you, peach.” The grip on your rear tightens, spreading cheeks until you can hear the sticky separation of a needy cunt. “Wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting comfortable putting his hands places they don’t belong.”
“Cassian.” You shouldn’t be attracted to the possessive words and yet a shiver runs down your spine; anticipation awakening beneath your skin and suddenly you hope that it takes forever for Tarquins second to find that stupidly ancient tome he’d mentioned earlier. “Are you…jealous?”
“I’m not really the jealous type,” Each one of his actions contradicts that very statement. From the noticeable reddening marks he leaves along your clavicle to the harsh way your dress is wrinkled when hiked over the swell of your ass. A warm mouth crashes with yours, the groping accelerating tenfold once he’s found something sturdy enough to lean you against. “But, what’s mine is mine and it felt like I needed to get that message across.”
It’s all so rushed; movements hurried, heart thrashing against your ribcage while his leathers are unfastened and the ruddy tip of his cock is straining for a warm home to hold its release. Your ears are sharply attuned for noises, hold out for the scuffle of a shoe, the weight of a body against marble floors. Such awareness doesn’t take away from the feverish kisses with Cassian nipping at plush lips, fingers absolutely ruining the elegant curl of your hair as he tugs it back from your shoulders. “We don’t have much time.”
“Do some of my best work under pressure.” You almost find the urge to laugh but it disappears once you feel the blunt head of his prick nestling between your thighs. The sodden gusset of lacy underwear is pushed aside just enough to show off the arousal dribbling from your sex. “Hold on to me.”
The warning does you no good, the very breath knocked from your lungs as he feeds the thick length inside of you. Nails bite into the strong birth of Cassians shoulders, eyes fluttering shut as you’re given a few precious moments get used to the feel of him before the Illyrian takes you as he pleases. “Cass—oh gods!” It’s not your fault, you swear; blaming the force on his thrusts for the moans that spill free.
He doesn’t even bother trying to keep you quiet, encouraging the whiny mewls and choppy groans with skilled fingers twisting along your nipples and pressing tight circles to your clit. “Not the gods peach, just me.” Wall decor tremors behind you as pleasure shoots through your bloodstream, legs curling tighter around Cassian’s waist as you push him in further—allowing him impossibly deeper. “I’m the only one who gets to touch you like this and I’ll make sure the whole godsdammed world knows it.”
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omshant · 4 months
Hey guys: so, Tola reached out to me. You know, Matthew Piatkowski, “Tola,” who I dated 2019-2020? Unfortunately he also plagued those years with his deranged, diabolical and demented schemes of cruelty: hacks, scams and scare tactics, bullying, spying/secret recording, threats/blackmail, harassment, sabotage, and other kinds of abuse.
I feel like he ruined my life. I feel like he murdered my soul.
The first weekend we hung out, Tola showed me how to smoke and shoot meth. I got too high too fast. Tola then said he would call over an escort to pay us to give us both oral sex. I didn’t object. I didn’t complain. I just wanted more drugs.
So then this kid comes in to Tola’s apartment and says his name is Ethan. He also said he was 19 and gave Tola his (fake) ID to prove it. I did not protest. I bought it and believed everything I was told.
But I was wrong. I was dead wrong. Ethan was not 19. No way. I suspect Ethan was much younger. But idk tbh.
It's so hard to forgive myself man. I don't know what to do.
I just know now that Ethan’s story was untrue because I looked it up. I couldn’t find him or his college info anywhere online. It must have been all a lie. Maybe Tola even told him ahead of time what to say. I don’t know. I still don’t know. At least not knowing is not a sin, right?
Then I sobered up, came to and saw the truth.
My gut burst. My head reeled. My heart broke. And my mind went lost forever. Forgive me. I cried and cried. To this day I cry. Like all I ever know how to do is cry and make it worse, cry and make it worse.. Welcome to real life.
Idk. I feel like I’ve done all I can do now to try and make it make sense and make it all right. But I can never do enough. Alas, I am truly a wretched sinner, emptied and lost, a sorry excuse of a man.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus. And in the interim I must inquire: guys, do you think those other guys who ruin lives, guys like Tola, are still out there ruining lives? Are they still out reaping corruption? Still warring against the Spirit? Who knows?
I told the PHL police and the FBI multiple times. I speak openly about what happened, down to the last detail I remember. I talk even to my own unbearable shame and embarrassment. I refuse to be intimidated. I am who I am. I’m me. I’m just me. And they are what they are: a greedy/hellish human trafficking gang/operation ready and equipped to force/push their will upon the innocent.
Yikes….it is what it is. We live in a fallen world. And I am not innocent. But I at least will do my best to do the right thing: to help however I can. In the meantime, pray. Pray for Ethan. Pray for the kids. And pray for me, too. Pray that God might look with favor on my ignorance, naïveté, and sincerity here.
I was tricked.
I tried to kill myself twice in the following year, once with pills and once with jumping 75 feet off the top of Tysons Corner 1 mall parking garage tower E. Tola and those guys probably loved to see it: to see me, the one whom they hate most, the one who won’t shut up or bend a knee before their greedy empire, finally die…
Yet here I am, I’m alive. Jesus saves.
For weeks after the jump I bled out while split wide open at Fairfax hospital. My insides were then hooked to a catheter, colostomy bag, breathing tube, and enough screws/hardware to label me bionic. Eventually God restored my strength enough to get out of the hospital bed and get sober. I decided I want to live again. Recovery matters. My life matters.
O brother, I got issues. I know I got issues. O friend, I messed up. I know I messed up.
O reader, stay tuned. I got more to say:
Those other guys, the weirdo guys who tricked me, are still out there. And I think they will continue to lie, cheat, ruin, corrupt, kill, and destroy unless/until they are stopped.
Pray for mercy. Pray for justice.
How many fools like me have they cornered? How many kids like Ethan have they recruited? And what all can be done about it now?
Am I making sense? Believe me.
I know I got issues: bipolar/schizo, suicide/ideation, racing/intrusive thoughts, mania/psychosis, obsessive/compulsive disorder and other kinds of disability. But believe me.
I think I know I’m right about all this.
God will reveal more.
Make no mistake.
Lord how I wish I never met Matthew Piatkowski or “Tola,” Carmine Clemente, Jim Marshall, Chris Naughton or any of those guys. All they wanted was to take advantage, get me high and film me getting sodomized by Jim while Carmine and Tola laughed at and made fun of me for screaming. Since day one, Tola, Carmine, Jim and those guys loved to terrorize me and mock my good intentions.
I blame myself. It’s my fault. I let it happen. Tola received oral sex from Ethan first before coming over and sitting next to me on the couch. Then Tola “passed out” while Ethan was still going.
With Tola now seeming to be asleep, it became my turn. Ethan came over to me and he put his mouth on my you-know-what for a few seconds. I was not hard. Still, I pretended to like it so Ethan wouldn’t feel bad. SMH. Tbh I wanted no part in any of this. How I wish I could go back and make amends.
I'm such an idiot. I bought the whole act. I swallowed it all hook, line and sinker. I thought Ethan could be 19. I thought he had agreed to pay a price which included my participation. I thought I was doing what I had to do. Curse my idiocy. Curse my peoplepleasing. Curse my gullibility. I repent.
Afterwards, Tola was still pretending to be asleep on the couch. So, I had to handle the transaction. Ethan gave me the money, which I then gave to Tola, who then designated my “cut” (about $60). I didn’t want the money. I just wanted to forget the whole thing. I threw the $60 away when I got home.
Monday came around and I was hit with the realization of where I had been and what I had been doing. I exploded with remorse and groaned as a flood of tears, lamentation, and deep grief poured out of me. Tola said in response, and I quote, “Sorry, but I don’t give a fuck as long as it’s not a fed.”
Don’t believe me? Tola recorded everything. He does that for blackmail/ammunition.
I thought Tola owned me now by my own sorry submission and utter failure. I knew for sure he had me in check-mate.
Again, I feel like I have to hate myself. I feel like it's all my fault. I failed. I gave up. I believed everything I was told. I believed and thus consented to my own disgrace. I sank. I sold out. I sold all of me: soul, spirit, mind and body, for just one more hit of the meth pipe. I thought I needed just one more point/needle packed and ready before I try to kill myself again. In this vein, I shot up. And after I sold all that was left of me, or at least all that (still) matters, I auctioned off my integrity. I blotted out intuition. And I gave up former reason.
Hear me, brother: I fell to ruin. And it's all my fault! O Jesus, Master, Savior, help! Heal! Restore! Hold me! Hold me now! Hold me as I weep!
Brother, friend, beloved, hear me:
I believe
God’s got this.
In fact we know
God’s got this.
God is love (1 John 4:7)
And "love wins"... right?
Love wins. 🙌🌈✝️
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captain-hawks · 5 months
— tighnari x reader
“Would you stay, if I asked? If I told you I didn’t want you to go?” The soil beneath you is cool to the touch as you flex your hand against the earth, blades of grass tickling your fingertips. There’s foolish hope unraveling in your chest and a traitorous warmth seeping into your veins. 
c: fluff, pining
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“So, good news. I’ll think I’ll finally be out of your hair soon.”
Despite the twinge in your heart as you say the words, you force a smile onto your face, quickly stealing a glance over at the Forest Watcher sitting beside you. 
There’s an audible crunch of leaves atop grass as Tighnari’s tail twitches once, the only sign of a reaction against his otherwise neutral gaze and still posture as he evenly replies, “Oh?”
It’s better this way. 
“I talked to Cyno yesterday before he left, and he said he’d be happy to introduce me to some of the locals out near Aaru Village and find me a place to stay.”
You’d stumbled into the Avidya Forest some months ago. Quite literally—you were in the middle of scowling down at the torn, waterlogged map clasped in your hands when you tripped over a log and right into the startled yet steady arms of the Chief Officer of the Forest Watchers. 
Tighnari had welcomed you to Gandharva Ville without question, initially to help you take care of an allergic reaction to a plant. It was meant to be just another stop in your endless travels; you never did stay put in any one place for very long.
(Nowhere ever felt like home.)
But days had turned into weeks, and soon you fell into a routine as you began to learn the ways of Sumeru’s flora and fauna, finding a newfound sense of contentment deep beneath the swaying canopies of the lush rainforest. 
A newfound sense of contentment at Tighnari’s side as his presence began to slowly seep into all the empty corners of your heart, stabilizing that persistent, restless thing that’s always kept miles and miles beneath your tired feet. 
It’s why you’re leaving now—the reality of the ache that will unravel as you continue to pine over the Forest Watcher more than you’re willing to bear. All things heal with time, as will the pangs of the unrequited longing lodged in your heart when you trade lush greens for the vast, sprawling sands of the desert. 
“Would you stay?” Tighnari’s voice interrupts your thoughts. 
He sighs softly, picking up the remains of a trampled Sumeru rose and running a gloved finger over its delicate petals. When his eyes meet yours again, there’s an odd look on his face. “Would you stay, if I asked? If I told you I didn’t want you to go?”
The soil beneath you is cool to the touch as you flex your hand against the earth, blades of grass tickling your fingertips. There’s foolish hope unraveling in your chest and a traitorous warmth seeping into your veins. 
“Because I hadn’t realized how lonely I’d gotten, not until you arrived,” he continues. 
Because you’re friends. Of course you’re friends. 
“What about Collei? And Cyno?” you ask carefully, forcing a weak smile. 
Tighnari laughs quietly under his breath, running a hand through his hair as he glances up at the clouds slowly drifting across the darkening skies overhead, the impending sunset casting him in shades of pink and orange. 
Fireflies begin to wink to life, dotting the expanse of the hillside. 
“Well,” he muses, “I don’t find myself distracted day in and day out at the thought of sharing a bed with either of them.”
You begin to wonder if you’ve stumbled into one of the groves of hallucinogenic plants that Tighnari warned you about.
Your breath catches in your throat.
“I don’t expect you to return the sentiment, so please don’t feel obligated to respond to that. I just felt it would be dishonest to see you off without sharing the true nature of my feelings.”
Blood rushes in your ears, your lips parting as your mind reels to catch up, and he quietly mutters before you can respond, “Though I would prefer to remain ignorant if you find yourself drawn to the affections of the General, I hope you can at least spare me that.”
A crazed laugh nearly bubbles up in your chest at the thought, the mere idea that Tighnari believes you’re interested in his fair-haired friend. That you’re not hopelessly, ridiculously gone on him. 
He has no idea how many nights you’ve spent curled up on the bed in his hut, desire and longing weighing heavy on your chest as you breathe in the scent of him that clings to the sheets—lavender and sage. All while he sleeps just feet away on the cot he insisted he be the one to take, clueless to just how badly you want to feel the mattress dip under his weight. 
Leaning toward him, you wrap one of the black strings of Tighnari’s hooded top around your fingers, giving it a gentle tug. “Ask me.”
The green of his eyes looks so, so bright, even as the rest of the forest fades into twilight. 
“Stay with me,” he exhales softly, his body following when you pull him forward atop you as you lay back in the grass, hands resting on the ground on either side of your face, tail brushing along your ankles. 
You tilt your chin, mouth curving upward. “Kiss me, Tighnari.”
His lips taste like honey and sunshine, like the first blossom in the spring. 
Like a warm summer breeze. 
Like you’re finally home. 
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aphdsomebody · 2 years
My Mind...
November 11.
Hi friend,
It's been a minute. Life has been hectic with everything I do. I seem to continue to take on responsibilities and as the semester slows down, I find myself sitting with my thoughts. I was very upset yesterday. One thing about me is that I enjoy cooking and baking. I have this dream to host Christmases and Thanksgivings. I want to cook the best meals and desserts. I like hosting and decorating my home. Well, I got a text from my friend that said she wasn't able to make it for Thanksgiving and my other friend seemed to also bail. This sent me into a somewhat downward spiral.
I understand and comprehend that life happens, things happen, and no one owes me the things I do for them. Yet, I was angry. I was angry because I feel like I give and give and they don't care. Because of this potential lonesome Thanksgiving Day I reacted. I ignored everyone and basically told them to fuck off. I canceled all my plans from now to Christmas. Then, I turned on myself. I let my mind begin to wage a war against itself. I allowed myself to talk down to myself. I allowed myself to peel myself apart, to take punches at all the cracks in me and my heart. I told myself I deserved to be lonely, friendless, realationshipless, and perpetually alone for all my life. It sucked. I had to slowly peel back at the war I created in my head against me and everyone. I had to sit with it. I think it was a cumulation of many things for the past week and I just needed to explode. So, I did. I am still reeling from those jabs I took toward myself. I still want to create this distance between me and everyone else. That will remain. I just need time for my, by myself. We shall see what happens from here.
Until tomorrow.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
So happy your requests are open and I don't mind the wait at all!
I just really want to see a sweet quirkless omega going into heat and sending her alpha Overhaul (Kai Chisaki) into a hard rut and he just pins her to a wall and fucks the life out of her before taking her to the bedroom to knot her.
but you do know that it would 100% be like "hate sex" on Chisaki's part (even though he kinda do like it lol)
(Kinda overhaul x reader x chrono btw but only for a little bit)
Just. Overhaul being able to tolerate you being kept at his compound because one, you're his mate, whether he likes it or not.
Two, you're quirkless.
And three? You don't bother him, you stay out of the way and you have passable hygiene when compared to Chisaki's standards.
But that has to be thrown out the window the second Chrono hauls you into Chisaki's office, the man in charge of watching you when Chisaki isn't around flustered and pink around his ears.
"B-boss, your omega, she's-"
"What the fuck is that smell." Chisaki growls, eyes immediately snapping to your trembling form. Taking in the way you're gasping, sweaty, barely able to stand even with Chrono's hand tight around your bicep and holding you up.
For some reason, the sight of Chrono touching you makes Chisaki itch. Odd, that usually wouldn't bother him.
The smell is cloying; too intense and too sweet, it makes his throat burn and his skin crawl.
"I think she's in-"
"Please, it hurts." You choke out, cutting off Chrono. "Need... I need-"
Chisaki recoiled as the scent got stronger, clouding his senses, making him feel... Chisaki didn't even know. Excited? Tingly?
Uncomfortable - he decided.
"Get her out. Give her a bath too, she smells disgusting." He commanded, but Chrono stepped forward instead of back out the door.
"Boss, she's in heat."
Overhaul cringed.
Logically, he knew it was going to happen eventually. But on the other hand, he had hoped his omega would be different. you was already quirkless, already pure... surely it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to assume that you wouldn't be affected by the mindless heat-addling that Omega's all seemed to undergo?
His irritation was rising.
Chrono looked at his boss with questioning eyes, unsure what to do with the omega becoming increasingly more distressed at his side.
"You'll get her over it." Chisaki decides, ignoring the bitter taste that floods his mouth as he utters those words. His eyes slide over you again, lip curling into a disgusted sneer.
"Messy thing."
Chrono is frozen in disbelief. But this isn't a test of his loyalty, Chisaki truly doesn't want to deal with the germs and the mess and the cleanup associated with omega's during their heats. Slick everywhere, pheromones staining the room, needy hands touching everywhere-
"Sit her down on the couch." He instructs his second-in-command, rising from his office chair and stepping around his desk so he can close the door. "I want to make sure you don't damage her."
That's the only reason. Only reason he wants to be present and watching while Chrono fucks you through your heat.
"You're serious then?" The white-haired man asks, removing the plague mask he wears while inside the compound, thus beginning the process of disrobing.
Chisaki waved his hand idly, resuming his position in his office chair with a tired sigh. "It'd be such a chore for me to do it myself. Aren't you an alpha yourself Chrono? You should be jumping at the chance to bed a nice quirkless omega."
Chrono shrugs off his white coat, looking up from where you're panting on the couch while he stands in front of you, eyes finding his boss. "I wouldn't want to overstep my boundaries with your property."
The brunette smiles, not that anyone can see, but it's clear he's pleased by the crinkle near his eyes, the relaxed way he slumps in his chair. "And that's why you're my favorite Chrono."
You're wearing what you usually wear - long pants, a cozy sweater. Overhaul hasn't heard you complain about the chill in the compound, but it's clear to see it affects you by the way you dress and the way your nose darkens from the cold.
You don't fight the half-naked Chrono as he helps you out of your sweater, unbothered by the temperature of the room and looking entirely too hot and sweaty.
Chisaki supposes it's good that you aren't fighting. You had at first, when he first brought you here, crying and pleading for him to let you go and leave you alone. That pathetic show was quickly shut down with a simple demonstration of Overhaul's quirk, and what he'd do to you if you didn't comply.
Now you're seemingly accepting of the situation, casting nervous glances towards Chisaki, your attention constantly getting stolen by the pale man stripping in front of you.
It takes an embarrassingly short amount of time before Chrono has his cock in you.
And you look completely blissed out, mouth open and letting out choked little gasps on each thrust, one hand desperately trying to hold onto Chrono's shoulder, his arm, his chest - anything you can reach.
The other hand is on your stomach, and Chisaki doesn't understand why until he focuses on it, sees the distention whenever Chrono swings his hips into you.
Chisaki feels himself throb.
The sounds you're making sound like music. Awful music, all discordant and rushed and pornographic, stuttered breaths and pitiful cries, high-pitched and girlish moans in between Chrono's quiet huffs.
The sweet pheromones in the air become sweeter, thicker, and Chisaki can see the direct correlation between the smell and how much slick is dripping out of you, drenching Chrono's pretty cock, his stomach, even splattering his thighs on each thrust as his cock squelches deeper.
It's disgusting.
Digusting but curiously enamoring. Chrono's got you sitting on the couch, pushed up against the back while he fucks you. It's a tall piece of furniture, and Chrono merely hikes his leg up onto the cushions to gain a better angle to fuck you with. Your slick is everywhere; Chisaki knows that couch won't be salvageable after this. Somehow, he doesn't mind.
What he does mind, however, is the way Chrono is speeding up, rhythm stuttering and practically falling apart. He's going to knot you. Chisaki had given him full permission to - that's what taking care of an omega during their heat means, after all. But jealousy is boiling inside him, blood painfully engorging his cock, he feels tingly all over, very unlike himself.
He wants to touch you.
But you're a disgusting mess, smelling sweet and fertile and sweating and dripping everywhere. Chisaki can't believe he's feeling... attracted to you right now.
"O-ohh feels good, r-right there! Yes, thank you,t-than-" You mumble out, drunk on cock as you shudder through an orgasm, cream gushing out of your cunt and further dirtying Chisaki's office.
Chisaki sees red.
He's furious - not only at you, but at Chrono for touching you, and for himself for explicitly allowing it to happen. Chrono's about to knot you, claim you, and Chisaki is out of his chair before he knows what's happening.
"That's enough." And his gloved hands are ripping Chrono away from you, sending the other man reeling as his subordinate struggles to control his alpha instincts and stop himself from fighting his boss, tearing Chisaki to shreds for interrupting his mating.
Chisaki doesn't care, he's too focused on you.
"You're so pathetic." The man hisses at you, crowding into your space. When had he taken off his mask? He wanted to smell more of you.
His gloves are gone too, ripped away in a moment so he can feel your wet skin against his hands, feel the sweat beading your brow before those same fingers snap to undo his pants.
"I hate you, I hate you." He seethes, golden eyes staring at you so intently that you start to cry, overwhelmed with the situation, still craving a knot, craving intimacy and tenderness.
You've reduced him down to barely better than an animal, tearing at his clothes so he can sink into you, closing his eyes at the way you're wet and warm inside, perfect and velvety.
Chisaki doesn't know what's come over him. Normally he'd be disgusted, absolutely incensed at having such filth be in direct contact with his skin. But right now... all he feels is pleasure ripping through his veins, clouding his head, his mind, flushing rational thought down the toilet.
"Stupid, hate you-" his words rattle out on each rapid thrust, breath uneven and labored as his muscles stretch and work to fuck you harder and faster. He's building up to his peak.
One of his hands is fisted in your hair, close to your scalp and keeping you still, the other hand clamped firmly against your hip and making sure you don't wiggle away. Alpha instincts taking over as his brain convinces him to mate, breed, cum.
"You're so fucking dirty." He gasps, voice heated and gravelly as he struggles to fight through the heat taking over his body.
He's going into a rut.
Chisaki isn't supposed to do that. He takes supplements and suppressants to ensure he doesn't have too. Ruts are messy, nasty things to endure, and Chisaki would rather lick the floor of a dirty subway than experience one.
Yet here he is.
"You disgusting, wretched thing-" And you're crying, fat tears mixing with sweat and rolling down your chin. Chisaki feels disgusting himself, wanting to lick the liquid away.
He hasn't felt this good in his entire life, this burning fever pitch rising and rising and cresting, blazing along his nerves.
He can barely thrust his hips anymore, and only then does Chisaki realizes that he's popped his knot, jammed it in deep while you cried and moaned and struggled to hold onto him.
Theres a sick sense of satisfaction filling him up, his mind clears for half a second and Chisaki thinks to look over his shoulder, seeing Chrono still standing there with a soured look on his face, cock still swollen and drippy and bobbing purple against the man's stomach.
"Get out." Chisaki orders, and Chrono knows enough to merely pick up his coat and wrap it around himself before exiting the room. He's never seen his boss like this - so feral and unhinged and debauched like some regular dirty plebeian.
But Chisaki doesn't care. Odd.
He cares about grinding against you, feeling you milk every last drop of cum from his balls, shimmying his hips to hear you gasp and moan and clutch at his body, trembling like a little lamb.
Chisaki doesn't want to stop.
"As soon as my knot goes down-" He growls, lowering his face until it's mere inches from your own, breathing into your space. "I'm going to take you to my room and knot you until you break."
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Animal of the Night - Tom Hardy smut
The one where you decided to tempt Tom by wearing a sexy Venom costume.
Warnings: smut, jealousy, possessiveness, daddy kink, oral sex (m), spanking, dirty talk, name-calling, choking
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: this was requested by the lovely @jbreenr​ a while back and it’s finally here 😎
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Tom’s P.O.V.
I’d been casually watching the door, waiting for her to arrive like it was no big deal, but it absolutely was. I’d been dying to see her ever since filming wrapped, but because there was still so much to be done until I could go back home and she was knees deep in some work herself, we’d agreed that we’d meet at this off-season Halloween party one of our friends was throwing. Even though I much preferred to be locked inside a room with her all night.
“Hey, man! What you’ve been up to?” I got distracted as the host of the night finally approached me to make some light conversation. It had been a while since we had the opportunity to chat - I’d been spending all my time in the city at her apartment or mine, consequently ignoring our group of friends as I’d much rather be buried deep inside of her, but I had to admit that I did miss the guys.
Not enough to stop me from wishing I was alone with her, though.
“Yeah, sorry I’ve been so absent. You know… work. What have you been up to?” I accepted the beer he was offering as well as the hug, throwing one last glance at the door before turning my body to fully concentrate on him.
“Just the usual. Work hard and play hard. Not a lot going on at the moment.” I nodded, taking a swig of the beer before I realized I should probably ask about the rest of the gang.
“What about everyone else? Is something different going on?” Tyler seemed to think for a moment - it’s never too easy to come up with stuff to talk about when put at the spot, I should know that - but then his eyebrows shot up and a big smile opened on his face, clear indications that he had thought of something interesting.
“Yeah! I don’t know if you’ve heard this already, I know you two are kinda close, but with you being away… Apparently, Y/N has a boyfriend.” My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach at that, panic clawing my insides and begging me to start yelling.
How could she start dating and not tell me about it? Sure, she was free to find a boyfriend, what we had wasn’t exactly official, and consequently, not exclusive, but I thought I deserved at least some update when she found someone to replace me.
The thought of her being with anyone else burned me to the core, and I held the bottle of beer so tightly I was surprised it didn’t break. Grinding my teeth so Tyler wouldn’t realize there was something wrong, I asked as monotonously as I could, “Oh, really? Who’s the guy?” But all I got was a shrug.
“We don’t know, she hasn’t introduced him to anyone yet. We just assume that’s the case because she’s been skipping all of our meetings but when she does come, she giggles at her phone all the time.”
She used to do that with me. When we were all out and I’d text her something I couldn’t say out loud. I always found it adorable, and the idea of her giggling for someone else’s stupid jokes almost made me puke on the spot.
“It’s no wonder she’s been keeping him hidden, really,” Tyler continued, completely oblivious to what I was going through. “She always did like the bad boy types.”
That comment made me frown, thinking back on her exes. In all the time that we had known each other, she had only had a handful of boyfriends - but maybe those were just the ones she introduced me to. The only thing that they seemed to have in common was their absolute inability to treat her how she deserved to be treated, so while I didn’t necessarily think that she had a type, if there was one way to define them, it would definitely be as “bad”.
“Mind if I join you, boys?” A seductive and familiar voice came from behind me, instinctively making me stand up straighter before turning around.
“Oh, fuck…” I heard Tyler comment at the same time that I took in her costume, my eyebrows shooting up as he continued, “You look fucking hot!” and I spilled out, “What the hell are you wearing?”
Y/N frowned, looking down at her own clothing like she had honestly forgotten what it was that she was dressed into - a sexy, slutty version of my venom character, barely recognizable with the lack of fabric.
“I’m venom!” She excitedly exclaimed, looking up at me again with a huge grin. “I thought you’d be the first to recognize it. What kind of an actor are you, really?”
Tyler chuckled behind us, but I could only focus on the woman looking up at me, provoking all sort of conflicting feelings to course through my body. There was jealousy and longing, desire and possessiveness. All I knew was that I needed to get her in a secluded environment in the next five minutes, or I would publicly explode.
“Come here with me, will ya?” I took her by the elbow, effortlessly moving us through the crowd of our drunk friends until I found an empty room I could shove her in, paying no attention to Tyler’s low whistle as we left him behind.
Once the door was safely closed, I turned around to stare down at her, really taking in her outfit. “I thought you knew better than to tease me like this,” I chastised, clicking my tongue as a smirk painted my lips at seeing her shiver when my voice dropped. Boyfriend or no boyfriend, I could still pull a reaction from her.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“We have quite a lot of things to discuss, little girl…” I bit my lower lip in an attempt to reel myself in and remain motionless, instead of just jumping on the man I was so desperate to feel up.
It’d been way too fucking long. Any time apart from Tom was already hard on me, but ever since we started fucking, any night I had to spend without his gorgeous body hovering over mine was particularly painful to me.
Which is why I decided to wear this “sexy” Venom costume. Even though he offered to meet me back in my place, I knew he missed his friends - our friends - and this way, we could get everything we wanted.
I just had to make his resolve crack so he’d pull me into the nearest bedroom and bang me five ways into tomorrow, and later we’d rejoin the party and mingle again.
By the way my night had been going, I could see I was very close to getting what I wanted.
Tilting my head to the side, the picture-perfect idea of the innocent little girl he always liked to treat me as, I asked, “What’s wrong, daddy?”
Tom’s reaction was… surprising. His mouth fell open, his fists curled and he stood there watching me until suddenly he was all over me, pulling me to stand on my tiptoes so our lips could connect.
I moaned into the kiss, briefly forgetting about his odd behavior as the familiar taste of him invaded my mouth. “God, you’re so fucking sexy,” he groaned when we parted, leaving me almost dizzy with desire as I rapidly blinked a few times to be able to focus on him once more.
“What would your boyfriend think about you being locked up in a bedroom with me, wearing this, huh, sweetheart?” And now I was back to confused. What the hell was he talking about?
“Boyfriend?” I asked, pushing him away just enough to look him in the eye. Tom’s expression was inscrutable as he stared down at me with that fire in his eyes that never failed to make me shiver.
“Yes, boyfriend. Tyler told me all about it,” he commented, shrugging as if it was no big deal, yet his fingers pressed tightly against my hips, keeping me close to him. The anger was clear in every single one of his features.
I could read between the lines. I knew Tom like the back of my hand, through the years of friendship and now… whatever the hell this was. The hint of possessiveness was there, just threatening to take over, and my God was I desperate to see how it would play out.
“What did Tyler say?” I asked, looking up at him from under my eyelashes as I tried not to let my smile grow, so he wouldn’t catch up onto what was happening earlier than I wanted him to.
“That you’ve been skipping outings and whenever you do go, you’re always staring at your phone and giggling.” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t giggle right then, turning away from him in the hopes of hiding my expression.
When I turned around once more, his eyebrows were raised. It was clear he wanted an explanation, so I cleared my throat and tried to speak as seriously as I was able to do at that moment.
“Oh, right…” I didn’t deny it, fiddling with some random knick knacks on the bedside table. “You mean… like I do when I’m talking to you?”
Looking at him over my shoulder, I watched as realization suddenly hit, and that’s when I couldn’t control myself anymore. I dropped to my knees before him, mouth watering just at the prospect of having that delicious cock of his deep in my throat, filling my mouth.
A beautiful blush spread over his chest as he panted over me, a sign of just how affected he was, with his lustful eyes watching my every movement when I started to suck on his member.
“What about the costume?” He asked, making me giggle when I pulled back to answer, but kept my hands working his cock, keeping him hard and ready for me.
“I just wanted to tempt you.” A growl escaped his chest, making me even wetter just as he reached for my hair and pulled me back to my feet.
“You should have reconsidered if you wanted my dick anywhere near you.” I whined when I realized what he meant. Even though I loved his punishments, I was aching for his cock, and he was right - I wanted it now. So maybe I should have thought twice before looking for this slutty venom costume just so I could rile him up. “Now I’m gonna have to spank the shit out of you.”
He bent me over the bed, pushing the cheap fabric of my clothing to my stomach and exposing my naked pussy to his gaze. “You’re such a whore,” he chuckled when he realized I had forgone any type of underwear, and I found myself rubbing my thighs to get some relief from hearing him call me names.
Should I feel bad that it got me so hot? Oh, well. There was really nothing I could do about it except hope he would take care of me eventually.
Tom’s P.O.V.
Witnessing her pleasure in being humiliated like this only added to my frustration. She really was the perfect woman for me, but instead of ravishing her like I wished I could do, I’d have to entertain myself with her delectable ass, all ‘cause she decided to behave like a slut to catch my attention.
“You look so delicious, darling,” I teased her by running my fingers over her pussy lips, gathering some of the nectar already threatening to spill from there. “It’s a shame you misbehaved.”
I let my hand fall over her right cheek then, startling her so I could hear her yelp. I knew she got off on the pain - it was another thing that I loved about her - but it wouldn’t be half as fun if she didn’t pretend this truly was a punishment, huh?
“Can’t reward that kind of teasing,” I kept admonishing her, slowly inserting a finger into her hole, frustrating the both of us further just so I could have her trembling in anticipation, trying to guess what type of touch I’d grant her next.
But I needed to get this show on the road so I could fuck her properly, so abandoning all type of play, I laid slap after slap on her ass, watching it bounce back after each spank, hearing her moans before they were drowned by the sounds of the party downstairs.
“Daddy!” She moaned, clinging to my thigh, making me even harder inside my jeans. She really did love getting her ass spanked, and I loved her ass, so I’d take any opportunity to get my hands on it.
“You know how long I’ve been dreaming of burying myself deep inside this pussy, little girl? Do you?” I snarled, hearing her whimpers like they were music to my ears. “And then you pull shit like this, and how the fuck am I supposed to keep myself together long enough to tame your bratty ass?”
Her thighs began to tremble, fingernails biting on the skin of my thigh. I knew what this meant, so I immediately stopped spanking her, pulling her by her hair so I could whisper in her ear, “I know you’re a whore, but no cumming before I have my dick inside of you, got it?”
She cried out at the authoritative tone in my voice, but I knew her well enough by now to know that she wasn’t done testing me yet. “You can’t control my orgasm,” she dared to fight me. “You don’t own me. I’m not yours.”
I clutched her throat, cutting off her air so I wouldn’t have to listen to any more of her shit.
“Shut. Up.” Her eyes were wide when I threw her on the bed, pulling her by the ankles so her legs were dangling off of it, keeping her on her stomach as I unbuckled my belt.
“You’re such a fucking brat,” I complained as I climbed up her body and forced her legs open as wide as they could go, considering the position, and slid home. I knew it wouldn’t hurt her because she was already dripping, but I also knew she’d feel the stretch from being without me for so long.
Call me sentimental, but I didn’t feel like I had to ask to know she hadn’t been with anyone else, considering our previous conversation.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“You didn’t say shit like that when I had you over my lap, screaming for your daddy, huh?” He taunted, hand pulling on my hair once more as the other held my hips down, granting him the leverage he needed to fuck me against the mattress. “Or when I fucked you so hard that you couldn’t walk without feeling me for a week.”
That was a fun day. Memories of our last time together rushed through me, adding to my arousal, especially once I remembered how smug he was when I told him about my difficulties to walk during our weekly calls.
It was good to know he’d thought about it so much that it still lived in his mind, all those months later.
“Should have known I’ve owned you ever since I shoved my cock inside this tight little pussy, sweetheart.” I shivered when he whispered the warning against my ear, voice low and seductive like that night he took me in a bar’s bathroom before taking me home. It’d been the culmination of years of sexual frustration and dirty dreams, and I still thought about it every time I had to get myself off.
“How did you think this would go?” He questioned, incredulity clear in his tone. “Did you think you could fuck me until you were tired and then I’d let you go find a little boy toy you could control? Oh, no, darling.”
“There’s no going back anymore, little girl.” The threat had me coming around him, eyes rolling to the back of my head as the entire moment became too much for my poor hungry body to handle.
I’d always been known for biting off more than I could chew, but honestly, I’d rather die than waste the opportunity to be owned like this by Tom fucking Hardy.
“I’m not gonna leave this pussy, sweetheart,” he continued, like he was honestly telling me something that I didn’t want to happen. “Ever.” To drive his point home, he kept fucking me through my orgasm, pulling on my hair as my moans became whimpers and my hands bunched up the sheets of a stranger’s bed.
“It’s mine now.” With that, he pulled me back enough that he could meet my gaze, allowing me to witness him panting with his own pleasure, eyes darkened as he took in how my body folded to abide by his wishes. “You’re mine,” he announced, such firmness in his tone that any doubt that could have lived inside of me instantly disappeared.
I knew this wasn’t just dirty talk anymore. He was telling me the truth - he was warning me of a fact, now. My body belonged to him.
Still, I guess even he needed to be reassured from time to time, because the next thing to fall from his lips was a plead, “Tell me that you want me.” His cock kept plunging in and out of my cavern, caressing my oversensitive walls in that way I loved so much. “Say that you are mine.”
I didn’t even hesitate before granting him exactly what he wanted.
“I’m yours, daddy, all yours!” I cried out, entire body trembling underneath his,  desperate to make sure he heard me so he wouldn’t keep me away from my second orgasm of the night. “Oh, God!” I pleaded, fucking myself back against him. “Please don’t stop, daddy! Please!
Tom’s P.O.V.
“I’m not gonna stop, darling,” I assured her, hands caressing her back in an effort to calm her down. “Not until I feel you clenching around me.” A groan escaped me when I felt her do just that, and I didn’t know if it was on purpose or if another orgasm had hit her.
“Why would I ever stop fucking you?” I was babbling now, I knew - delirious with my own pleasure, trying to get her to cum one last time before me so she could milk my orgasm in that way only she knew how. “Best fucking pussy I ever fucked, would never leave you if I could.”
A strangled cry escaped her, right when blinding white bliss took over my sight and I pulled out just in time to stroke my release over her ass, grunting in the relief that followed.
“Fuck, I love you,” I whispered to the silence of the room before she turned around from underneath me, unworried about dirtying up the bed that didn’t belong to either of us.
Pulling me by my shirt, she whispered against my lips, “I love you more, daddy.”
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beardrabbles · 3 years
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characters: GN!reader, claude, mentions of GN!byleth
warnings: none
word count: 2,814
notes: posted this on ao3 ages ago and totally forgot to post it here too :’) got into the fandom late, like alwaaaays! but i have an enormous claude / golden deer bias and wanted to write some fluff with him.
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You forgot sometimes that this peaceful spot tucked between the trees wasn’t yours alone. You shared it with another from time to time, but it had been so long since the last time you both stepped foot in the clearing that it startled you to hear footfalls crunching at the grass behind you. Pushing yourself up halfway, eyes blinking blearily, you spotted the richly dressed prince with his hands planted on his hips.
“Napping without me?” Claude clicked his tongue, and you quickly replied with a roll of your eyes.
“I can’t nap here on my own?” You fell back again, letting the soft grass cushion you. A soft, content sigh escaped through your nose as the sweetest of breezes barely brushed your skin. It smelled of flowers and damp leaves, dense soil and a distant storm. There was no zing of hot iron or blood, and it was a relief.
“I thought it was our thing.  .  .”
You felt him sit beside you, taking up his usual position to your left. The tiniest flutter tickled the inside of your ribs, his nearness nearly making your head spin. “Before I came along, it was just your thing, remember?”
“Well, yeah, but I like it better this way.” Claude leaned back on his hands, eyes up towards the greying sky. It had taken fighting a war to bring back their usual glimmer, but it was there in full. Bright, hopeful, determined. Laying there, gazing up at the unsuspecting prince, it was almost as if you were looking at the man from five years ago — the cunning, clever and sometimes troublesome man that you had fallen head-over-heels for and had continued to painfully pine for.
“Me too.” You dared to smile, his gaze shifting to you. Adoring him hurt, but no amount of hurt would have you appreciating his presence any less.
Claude returned the smile, and the gesture sent your heart slamming against your chest. But just as quickly as it came, the smile faded. “I spoke to Byleth.”
You sat up in an instant, concern etched into your face. You were aware that he had gone to meet them, but he had failed to tell you why. You equally failed to push the subject, as it wasn’t your place to disrespect a man in his position. Curious as you might have been, you assumed it was best not to ask and only hope that he trusted you enough to confide in you later. Seemed you were right, though you acknowledged to yourself that it was a rare thing.
“How did it go?”
“They’re disappointed I won’t be here for the coronation. I can’t blame them. After everything we’ve been through together, I should be here for them. I want to hope they understands. They always have.” He exhaled sharply. “But, hey, I got to see them smile again! I think as long as they’re here, Fódlan will be in good hands. If they keeps smiling, if they keep breaking down the walls that were built up, I can go home and do my part there. I trust them.”
You shifted, feeling uncomfortable in your envy.
“So they’re not coming with you to Almyra?” You wondered. Claude shook his head.
“No, and I didn’t want to ask. Fódlan needs to be taken care of. It needs a parent that will hold its hand and lead it in the right direction. It’s gonna stumble around like an infant walking for the first time, but that’s why they’re the best person to lead. They’ll know what to say and do to help this little baby along.”
You screwed up your face and nudged him with your shoulder.
“You really like talking about babies.” You pointed out. Claude’s cheeks and the tips of his ears darkened a fraction, but he dismissed it with a hearty chuckle.
“I guess I do. I wonder why that is.” He trailed off, voice soft but nowhere near as confused as his words would have lead you to believe. You had long ago resigned yourself to never truly understanding him, so you shrugged. Trying to pick through his mind was like attempting a hedge maze without a map.
“Does that mean you’re going to be heading back soon?”
“I can’t stay for long. There’s so much I need to do if I’m going to see things through, but there’s something important I need to do here before I can go home.” There was sharpness to his eyes that you recognized and deeply adored. He was planning something, and you felt your curiosity rise again.
“What is it? Can I help?” You were always so quick to offer him aid. Usually, he gently denied it, stating time and time again that most of his schemes were for his mind alone. Things often worked out for the better that way. The fewer people that knew, the less chance they could commandeer the plan or ruin it. Yet you still asked just in case he needed you.
“Maybe. Before that, can I ask you something?”
You frowned. “Of course. You can ask me anything, you know that.”
“You’ve been saying that since we met. Is it really true?” Claude smirked and raised a single brow, only for you to shove him harmlessly.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” You eyed him for a moment, worry mounting. “Was that what you wanted to ask me?”
The prince shook his head, as if he were getting off track. “No. I wanted to know where you plan to go. What are your plans for the future?”
“Oh! Oh.” You frowned when the sudden realization that you had no plans slammed into you. “I don’t.  .  . know. I haven’t thought about it. I’ve been so busy supporting everyone else, doing what I can for them, that I don’t know what to do with myself. Everyone’s grown up. They’re all doing their own thing, starting their own lives. No one needs me anymore.”
“That’s not true.” Claude’s voice was firm in your ear, and his expression was set to match. You smiled meekly.
“I grew up with all of you, but it felt like my purpose was to help you all find yours. Not that I really think I’m capable of being that helpful, but I never took the time to think about myself. I was too worried about you all reaching your dreams that I didn’t have one. I don’t have one.” You amended the last part quickly because it was blatantly clear to you that you had no direction to go in.
“There has to be something you want.” Claude pushed. You laughed.
“At the risk of repeating myself, I want what you want. I want you to succeed.” You opened your mouth again, but were quick to clamp them shut when another thought arose. I want to be with you.
It was lovely to imagine, but you had lived with the fact that any future with him was left solely to your imagination. You met him as an heir, and you knew him now as a prince. The differences in your status was vast and hard to ignore. Claude had his mind set on making those differences unimportant, but you doubted that he could find room in his heart for you. He had a country to take care of and love, not to mention you two had been friends since the start of your time at the academy. Too much time had passed since then, and while your feelings had grown deeper and more troublesome, you were sure he had none to begin with. No, as students, he had been too preoccupied with tormenting you. Teasing, poking, taking up your time with nonsense and rarely giving you a moment to yourself.
Despite him being a brat at times, you loved him. And even if he didn’t reciprocate, you were grateful to have known him at all.
“So you’re not bound to Fódlan?” His voice shook you from your thoughts.
“Do you have any obligations here in Fódlan?” His gaze was so intently set on you that it made you squirm, the feeling ten times worse since coming out of your own head.
“No, not that I can think of.” You couldn’t recall making any promises.
“Right, so you could leave.” Claude hummed thoughtfully and got to his feet. Once upright, he dusted the grass from his clothes and offered you a hand. Confused, you took it and let him pull you into standing.
“I guess I could, but where would I even go? I don’t know anyone outside of Fódlan.” You felt something subtle was being said, you couldn’t catch on. Some days, you could. You had learned him just as he had learned you, but he was always several steps ahead. You could read him, but only the pages he allowed you to see. In this case, the pages were written on, but only in bits and pieces.
Claude gave you a pointed stare and a gentle, encouraging squeeze to your hand. When you failed to understand, he raised both eyebrows and pointed to himself. No words were needed. His gestures and odd line of questioning were like a clarifying slap to the face. You reeled, giving him a wide-eyed stare while sputtering idiotically.
“That took you while. I was starting to worry I’d have to spell it out for you.” Claude put on a convincing pout. “Unless this is your weird way of telling me you don’t want to come with me.”
“No!” You leaped too soon, your eagerness prompting a smirk on the prince’s face. You fell silent again, worried that saying anything more might reveal all of what you had been trying to hide for over five years. “I’m not saying that.”
“What are you saying?” He purred cunningly, hand still holding tightly to yours. You didn’t resist when he to eased you closer, your heart screaming in your chest. Cheeks red and breaths shallow, you could hardly think. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening.
I’m still napping, and this is just another stupid dream.
You swallowed hard and peered up at him. “I think I should be asking you that, Mr. Vague.”
“Ah-ah,” chided the cheeky man, “you’ll have to address me as Prince Vague now.”
You scoffed and gave him another shove. When your hand pressed to his shoulder, he trapped it there with his own. Even closer now, Claude lowered his head until your noses nearly touched. You sucked in a breath and found yourself unable to move away, attention trapped in his bright, beautiful eyes.
“You want to know what I’m asking you?” He lowered his voice, tone growing tender and warm. You nodded. “I’m asking if you’ll come home with me. I want you to meet my parents and my people, and I want them to meet you. I want them to love you as much as——”
He choked for a moment, a rare flicker of pure emotion startling him.
“As much as what?” You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but he was making it incredibly difficult not to.
Claude calmed himself with a shaky breath and tilted his chin down, lips barely ghosting the curve of your cheek. His eyes fluttered half closed, while a single lock of his dark hair tickled at your cheek. When you didn’t shy away, he spoke again in honeyed tones. “I want them to love you as much as I do.”
“You can’t mean that.” Your entire being felt numb with glee, but you couldn’t process his confession without a little doubt. He met your doubt with a chuckle, so you persisted. “Why me?”
“Why not you?” He nuzzled into your cheek, and you felt the compulsion to reach up and thread your fingers through his hair. You had done so many times before, letting the gentle touches calm him during his bad days, but there was new meaning behind it now. There was an honest love behind it as your dragged your fingers through the strands, pushing them back and away from his darling face.
“There were so many others.  .  .” So many people wanted his attention, his affection. You were but one in a thousand that longed for him.
“I didn’t care. I dreamed of many futures, and all of the best ones had you standing there beside me.” He muttered into you, the softest of kisses resting just under your eye.
“We argued so much.” You shuddered, warmth blooming in your cheeks.
“You kept me grounded. How can anyone expect to be a decent ruler if they’re always agreed with?” He countered. You huffed and tried to think of another argument.
“You used to tease me all the time.” You muttered.
“I’ll admit that was dumb of me, but it felt like the only way to get your attention.” His lips found the tip of your nose, and you couldn’t contain a snicker. “You looked so cute when you were embarrassed, especially when you wrinkled your nose. I couldn’t help it.”
“Why do I feel like you still can’t help it?” You tucked a lock of his hair behind his ear and let your fingers follow the path of his facial hair. He was putty in your hands, cheek pressing to your hand.
“It’s part of my charm.” Claude flashed his usual smile, then took a step back. The lack of closeness left you feeling a little colder, but the distance let you appreciate him fully. Tall, handsome, commanding. You were exceedingly proud of him, and you felt yourself falling for him all over again. But before you could think to speak, he started again. “You don’t have to answer me right away. I know this a lot to ask of you, so I want to give you the time you need. I’m leaving in two days. Meet me at the——”
You didn’t allow him to finish. Your heart was too full and on the verge of bursting, and it seemed silly to you that he didn’t know what your answer would be when he was so skilled at predicting you. Rather than let him wonder, you removed your hands from his and took his face between them. You gathered your courage, mustered with his help, and pulled him down for a soft but silencing kiss.
Claude wasn’t often rendered speechless, but he supposed he didn’t mind being put in his place if it meant your lips fitting against his as perfectly as they did. Unfortunately for him and the heat radiating throughout him, you didn’t let the kiss last long. He wanted to wrap you in his arms and crush you against his chest like he’d long to for years, but you parted from him too soon for his liking.
“Where are you going?” He took chase, but you placed your hand over his mouth. Claude stilled and arched a brow.
“I’ve had my answer for years, Claude. I’m with you in every possible way. But if I ask you a question, will you answer me honestly?” You uncovered his mouth, but his silence told you more than words would. “How long have you, uh.  .  .”
“Cared for you? Admired you? Wanted to kiss you the way you just kissed me?” Every question he posed in response to yours made your heart thud and your cheeks burn. “A long, long time.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“I was never given the chance.” He answered so surely that you wondered if he had those words prepared. You couldn’t pester him about it — too many things had gone horribly wrong during your time at the academy, and it didn’t make sense to plant seeds in dead soil. There would have been no guarantee that it would bloom and flourish, but with the land starting a slow recovery, you hoped that what you two started here would become lusher and more far-reaching than any forest in Fódlan.
“It’s alright.” You giggled giddily and granted him another kiss, this one to the corner of his lips. “We were given our chance, and you took it.”
“Does that mean you’re going home with me?” He asked.
“I told you——”
“I want to hear you say the words.” Claude softly pleaded. Weak for his doe eyes, you melted in his arms and relented.
“I’m going home with you, Claude. I want to meet your parents, and I want to get to know your people. And for as long as I’m there, for as long as you’ll have me, I want to get to know you better.”
A soft sigh tinged with relief escaped the man as his head came to rest on your shoulder. His grasp on you tightened, and you felt his heart beat against your chest.
“Thank you.”
You smiled and embraced him. “Don’t thank me. Just take me home.  .  .”
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ivybucky · 3 years
remember - b.b. x fem!reader
Request by @divergirl99 : Could I make a request a Bucky x reader....where maybe she is childhood best friends and goes to war with them and when she thinks the boys are gone she volunteers to help stark recreate the serum resulting in her being a super soldier who doesn’t age and after civil war Nat (who she is friends with) asked her for a place to hide and she see Bucky and Steve and really fluffy reunion and Bucky remember hers and tells him he loves her?? (Sorry it is really long) - divergirl99
a/n: i'm sorry this sucks??? i might try and redo this at a later time but this has been sitting in my requests for far too long.
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author: abby<3
words: 1317
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“Ma’am,” a security guard stepped in her path. “You can’t enter this facility without some kind of granted access.”
“I don’t care,” she snapped. “Stark’s gonna see me whether he wants to or not.”
“Let her in, Jimmy,” Howard Stark stood with his arms crossed across his chest. The security guard reluctantly backed away. “I was expecting this at some point.”
“Y/N, I know, okay?” he sighed, shoulders dropping slightly. “Why don’t you come in, I’ve got some stuff I wanna show you.”
The entrance to the SSR facility was grand, but everything with Stark was. She felt her own urgency get muddled under the views of the labs they passed down the all.
“What’s going on here Howard- what do you have that I don’t know about?”
“We recreated it.”
“You what? Howard-”
“We were able to do it, finally, I think.”
“You think?”
“We haven’t tested it yet.”
“And what if this gets into the wrong hands? What if someone like Hydra? Steve wouldn’t have-”
“Y/N,” he sighed. “I miss him too. Why do you think I’m doing this? I know he’s still out there. But I can’t do this by myself.”
“You have at least 300 bodies in this facility.”
“You know what I mean.” Y/N looked around at the viles, the serum that covered the table slabs of the room. “I’m asking for your help.”
“Howard,” her arms tightened around her own waist. “I lost my best friend and the man I had fallen in love with in the same war. I don’t know if I have anything else to give to the cause. They were the ones who could have helped, I’m just an agent.”
“Erskine chose you too. How many women do you see fighting these wars? He knew what you were meant to do, just as Steve did, just as Bucky did. This is it, Y/N.”
She thought about Bucky, how he tried to be everything Steve was molded into. She thought about how he fell, without the chance to realize himself was plenty good enough. She thought about Steve, how the world would be blind to his deeds as he sat in the ice, not knowing what he did to keep the world that had treated him so cruelly safe.
“Fine,” her arms fell down to her sides, a decision already set on her face. “Rig me up, Stark. For them.”
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“Who is this?” Y/N bit into the burner phone that never rang. “How did you get this number?”
“Well,” Nat’s voice sounded over the speaker, causing her mouth to tip up slightly. “After all this time, that’s how you greet an old friend?”
“Well, it has been ten years, Tash,” she sighed, untensing her shoulders. “I wasn’t sure you were still out there. Deep doesn’t have a whole lot of press coverage around here.”
“I’m still out here,” Natasha sighed, clearing her throat. “A lot of people, Y/N, are still out here.”
She paused, back straightening once more. “Natalia-”
“They’re both with me,” her voice was firm, and concerning. “And we need to lay low for a bit.”
“You’re already on your way, aren’t you?”
“What, no? You’re at an undisclosed location, how could I possibly-”
“How far out are you?”
“Two hours,” Nat laughed, but Y/N heard the sadness, the pain that lined her voice.
“I’ll see you soon,” She breathed out with an unsteadiness of the reunion to come. “Be safe. Do they know?”
“I’ll tell them before we get there.”
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“Natasha,” Steve’s tired voice called out, as he rubbed a hand over his face. “You haven’t told us where we’re going yet.”
“That’s because I need to explain some things,” her gaze dropped to Bucky, who looked like he was still reeling. “To both of you.”
Steve chuckled darkly, “More secrets?”
“I need you to understand that until now, if you had known, the mission, the undercover, all of it would have been compromised, and she could have been killed.”
“She?” Bucky spoke, for the first time since he boarded the jet. Steve stood up, his memory serving him well.
“After Steve went into the ice, Howard Stark didn’t stop,” she began, sitting down and looking at her hands. “There were attempts, too many, from all around to recreate what Erskine had used for Steve. But he knows he wasn’t supposed to be the only one.”
Steve’s chest rose quickly as he sucked in a breath. Bucky stood up, his own breath leaving his body. “Steve-”
“Stark was able to recreate it. But he quickly destroyed the serum after he used it on one test patient, and realized once again what the wrong hands would do with it.”
The quinjet landed, the ramp lowering onto the field they were located in.
“Are you telling me that-”
“Y/N’s alive.” Natasha stood up and walked down the ramp. She turned back around at the super soldiers. “And she’s got the serum.”
Once the ramp met the ground, Bucky took off in a sprint. He ignored the calls of his name, the one he had to learn again, behind him. The wooden steps that lead to the front door creaked under his heavy frame. Consciously, he banged on the door with his flesh hand.
“Okay Nat, jeez-” The door swung open, and Y/N stood there, unchanged, unaged, just as she had the day on the train.
She tried to ignore the moisture building up in her eyes as she saw the man she had loved from afar, with grief, for nearly a hundred years. “James-”
His hands shook as he reached out to caress her cheek, to solidify the image before him. Her hands wrapped around his wrist, pressing her face into his hand. In a second, her body was pressed against his. Bucky buried his face into her neck, clenching his eyes shut in fear that she would disappear once he opened them. He felt her sigh beneath him, hand sweeping up his back. She mumbled against his chest, watery and shaky, “I wasn’t sure you would remember me.”
“Remember you?” He pulled back and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Y/N, you’re the reason I’m not completely gone, doll. I don’t remember everything,” he sighed, cupping her face again. “But I remember you, and I remember how much I love you.”
Y/N gave a watery smile, pressing her lips into the palm of his hand. “I love you, too, James. I always have, and always will.”
His lips against hers were firm, finding purchase in a place he thought he would never find, in a home he thought he would never return to. Her hands wrapped around his neck, something she hadn’t done in this way before but something she knew she was meant to do. She breathed him in, as if he was her only air supply. He smiled into the kiss, something he wasn’t even sure he knew how to do anymore. They broke apart for breath, and to wipe the tears that were flowing away.
“Are you gonna hog her this whole time, Buck,” Steve laughed from behind as he walked up the stairs. “Or do I get to hug my best friend too?”
“Steve!” She launched herself into the arms of her friend, her brother, who she wanted to do everything for. He squeezed her and spun her around as she laughed. She was set down, and immediately went back to Bucky’s side. “Come on inside, we’ve been standing out here too long.”
She smiled at Nat as she followed Steve inside. Bucky pulled Y/N back into another hug, squeezing her with a lightness he couldn’t remember feeling before. And while he regretted a lot of what he had done in his past, he was sure nothing else could have led to having her in his arms again.
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Forever Tags(all characters)
@avengers-do-it-better @maisondumepris @hamiltonwrite12
Steve & Bucky
@fab-notfat @mcueveryday @nanners-the-great @mcubuckyandsteve @captainfile @yes-sir-hotchner
@aletheladyinred @antheiagoddessofflowers @stevieintheimpala @friendlyneighborhood-fangirl
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secretly-small · 2 years
G/t July: Day 25
This is… so sloppy. I apologize in advance. But anyway, here’s some Cherry and Ava stuffs. The event they’re talking about will be repeatedly referenced for many short stories to come, so, yeah. 
Word count: 638
CWs: inward trauma, non-consensual touch. PG
Note: this is unedited and does not represent my professional work
“I really hate English class, but I also hate math just as much,” Cherry bubbled on as she scrolled her phone. “So that whole ‘you either like English or math’ theory isn’t very true, is it? But of course, you like eeeevverything, so your opinion doesn’t actually count.”
I stared at the wall, pulling my legs tighter to my chest when I felt her gaze shift from her screen to me. She was sitting on my human bed while I was on my nightstand, leaning against a glass of koolaid.
I avoided her curious gaze, but instead of continuing to ramble, she quieted entirely. Her stare increased, letting me know my thoughts were visible on my features. I mentally scolded myself as I forced on a half-hearted smile and turned to her. 
“Thinking about it again?” she asked. The bubbliness had completely left her temperament, replaced with raw concern. I sighed and buried my face in my legs. 
“It’s just… scary….” I mumbled. My voice was quiet in this form anyway, so I didn’t expect her to hear. But to my surprise, a response came anyway. 
“You can’t keep worrying, Ava. It’s never gonna happen. And even-“ she paused, as if she too were remembering what happened a few days ago. I shuddered, tears beginning to blur my vision as it replayed in my mind once more. The fear. The exhaustion. The… the pain. “And even if it does, you’re gonna power through. Because that’s who you are.”
I pinched my arm to stop my shaking, then looked up to find her soft smile above me. I nodded slowly, but my body seemed to have a different idea. I shook like a leaf, the memories of my weak magic fresh in an overwhelming wave through my body. After a second, Cherry’s smile morphed into a small frown. 
“You know what,” she started, a new edge to her voice, “if you don’t stop thinking about it, I’mma make you.”
Before I could question what she meant, perfectly manicured fingers were slipping toward me. I lurched back, eyes wide as my arms and legs carried me a couple inches across the nightstand, but it made no difference. 
I squeaked as she pinched the back of my shirt between her finger and thumb. My head spun a little as she lifted me up to her face, a slight smirk across her lips. I started to demand she put me down, but her voice easily drowned out mine. I winced, quickly pouring magic into my ears so I could hear her normally.
“You can let me know when you’re done worrying, all right?” she said with a raised eyebrow. In the blink of an eye, I was stuffed into the pocket of her grey sweatpants.
I laid there as I processed, my whole body bent into an unnatural position. After a second, I shook off the shock and began grabbing handfuls of cloth to pull myself out. I peaked out of the pocket to find she was resting across my bed, ignoring me entirely with her phone. 
I started to scramble out, only for a finger to press me back down. I scowled as I glared out of the pocket, but I didn’t have much time to form something to yell at her before a buzz rang from my own pants. 
I pulled out my phone, finding an Instagram notification. Hesitantly, I clicked it. Cherry had sent me a cat video. It shouldn’t have been funny, yet a chuckle still escaped me. Before I could properly respond to it, she’d sent me more. I replied back with another Reel, and so the cycle repeated.
I slouched back in the fuzzy pocket, laughing with my friend at every new video. Soon enough, I’d forgotten what I was worried about in the first place.
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for-fucks-sake-h · 4 years
At My Weakest - two
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rated: m, mature | word count: 4.2k | story page  
“I wanna taste you again. Like a secret or a sin.”
  - Matthew Perryman Jones 
When Gianna stirred awake, she wasn’t surprised to find Harry laying beside her. What she was surprised about though was the absolute softness of his face. 
The lines of his cheekbone and jaw were still sharp, but his skin was completely smooth. The usual indent between his brows was nonexistent, and his hair was a beautiful curly mess. She found herself reaching out to smooth some stray curls back behind his ear, her fingertips just barely brushing his soft skin. 
He didn’t disappoint once he got her in his bed. Turns out his smug, cocky demeanor could be backed up, and backed up well. He wasn’t short on foreplay, he didn’t rush into it. If anything, he drew out the string of anticipation so ridiculously thin it snapped; until they were all hands and mouths and moans and pleasure. 
It was good. It was fun. It was a much needed distraction.
But it looked different in the daylight. 
What was passionate gasps and needy hands in the dimmed moonlight, was just a sloppy rebound fuck with a friend in the early morning daylight. 
Gianna was careful to slip out of bed, nakedly grabbing her borrowed sweater from the floor before tiptoeing to his bathroom. And when she returned, she was met with green eyes and tousled hair. 
“Thought you left.” His voice was even deeper than usual, the early morning rasp doing nothing to quell Gianna’s increasingly warming skin. “Didn’t think you were a hit and run kinda person.” 
Gianna breathed a soft laugh as she made her way over to him in just her sweater.
“No, but I should probably get my ass on the couch before your sister wakes up.” 
“Y’know she sleeps like the dead.” He watched her as he fiddled with the corner of his duvet, eyes tracing the curve of her hip where the sweater ended against her caramel skin. “Could give you one more before you go.”  
The lightness of his eyes looked iridescent in the morning light, especially in comparison to the blown out brown of Gianna’s staring back at him.  
He sat up just then, the dark emerald sheet slipping down his chest to rest casually across his bare hips. He was a sight with his unruly hair falling over his collar bones and his toned chest and stomach on full display. 
“In fact,” he started as he scooted down the bed until he was right in front of her, his feet meeting the ground as he pulled her closer between his thighs, “was thinking we could do this whenever you want.” 
Gianna’s hands found his bare shoulders, his skin still incredibly warm from sleep and as soft as it looked. 
“Is this my sweater?” Harry asked suddenly as he looked down to where he played with the knitted fabric at her hips, his hands slowly splaying out on Gianna’s bare thighs.  
“Gemma gave it to me last night,” she responded softly.  
“Hm. Anyway… could be a perfect fit for both of us,” Harry murmured, his head tilted up towards Gianna’s, his lips inches from hers. The innuendo was embedded in his tone and the look on his face, and even more blatantly obvious when the most subtle indent of a dimple teased its way onto his cheek.  
It would be too easy for Gianna to take him up on the offer, crawl back into bed with him and let him bring her over the edge as many times as he wanted; as many times as she wanted. But for as sexy and generous as he’d been, she knew it wasn’t the best idea and something she shouldn’t get used to.  
Gianna sighed with a gentle squeeze to his shoulder blade. “H…” 
“G,” Harry rebutted in a playful tone. 
“Probably not a good idea.”  
“I beg to differ. Think it’s a great idea. My best idea yet.”  
“Last night was fun,” Gianna offered gently. “I just don’t think we should make a habit out of it. I have a lot going on and I don’t want to drag you—”
“—Hey, say no more.”  
If Harry’s ego was bruised from the rejection, he didn’t show it.  
Instead, he pushed himself up from the bed as she took a step back, the sheet knowingly falling away from his body as he stood before her at his full height. They were nearly chest to chest, and it took everything inside Gianna to ignore the way her nipples pebbled beneath the soft fabric of her sweater.  
“The offer’s available if you ever want it.”  His lips curled around every word, only making his offer even more overwhelmingly enticing.   
He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, his chest brushed against her arm as he carelessly moved around her to head to the bathroom, completely naked, every inch of his body on display.  
If he felt Gianna’s eyes on him, he didn’t show it.   
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A fresh steam of her reworn silk skirt and sheer button down blouse later, and the party was in full swing, guests arriving one after another to her parents home.  
Gianna was lucky to have arrived when she did, the distraction of guests doing her every favor to hold off the inevitable questions from her family. A quick comment that Steve was held up at work was as far into it as she could get before her mother was whisked away by one thing or another. Gianna wasn’t so worried about the lie as she was her delivery of said lie. 
The end of her relationship was the last thing she felt like discussing at her fathers 50th birthday celebration.  
The one thing she didn’t anticipate was the possibility of Steve showing up.  
She saw him as soon as he walked through the front door, his polo shirt and perfectly styled hair immediately catching her eye.  His eyes scanned the room in search of her, and it felt like her heart could literally drop out of her ass.  
Gianna excused herself from her fathers colleagues before making her way toward him, her blood boiling as her heart pounded in her chest.  
“What are you doing here?” She whispered harshly as she pulled him aside, eyes ablaze as she looked at him.  
“You haven’t been answering your phone.”  His response was so casual for someone who blew up their life together without a second thought.  
“Yeah you lost that privilege yesterday, Steve.”  
“Gianna, please. Let’s just talk about this.”  
“You need to leave.”  
“Y’alright?”  Gianna turned to look up at the sound of the intruder's voice, her eyes meeting Harry’s expressionless face immediately.  
Gianna was quick to reel in her emotions as well, instead smiling and greeting Harry and Gemma and their parents.  
“Hi guys! Yeah, yeah, all good. Steve was just leaving,” Gianna continued to smile despite the confused look on Harry and Gemma’s parents faces. “He’s gotta work.” 
Steve huffed. “You’re being ridiculous.”  
“Let’s go find Lisa!” Gemma suggested to her parents with a gentle guide on both of their backs.   
“Oh, she’s in the kitchen.” Gianna pointed in the direction of her mother and released a sigh when they headed that way.  
Gianna turned back to Steve the moment they were out of earshot. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”  
Steve opened his mouth to reply, but Harry was quick to interject. “Think she told you to go.”  
Gianna watched the anger wash over Steve’s face as he turned to Harry.
“Shouldn’t take me telling you for you to listen,” Harry added with a disapproving shake of his head.
That confidence Harry exuded? Yeah, it came in handy in a wide array of situations.  
“Don’t make me kick you out of here,” Gianna told Steve. “I don’t want to cause a scene and embarrass my mum but I will if I have to.”  
Harry took the most subtle step closer. He really only sort of shifted his weight towards Gianna more, barely enough to even notice, but judging by Steve’s disgruntled face, he noticed.  
Gianna noticed too.  
“We’re going to talk about this later.”  Just the sound of Steve’s voice made Gianna’s heart plummet. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, but it was. 
She watched him turn around with an exasperated huff, a withheld breath escaping her when he disappeared through the front door.  
Gianna momentarily forgot Harry was still standing beside her.  “Yeah,” she nodded. “Gonna go hide for a bit and collect myself.”  
She didn’t wait for his response before she disappeared upstairs with tears welling in her eyes.  
Who did Steve think he was?  Just showing up at her parents home as if nothing happened? Something did happen. A lot of shit happened.  Many words were exchanged and the way Gianna left their home and didn’t look back said even more then her frustrated, broken words.  
Gianna didn’t know how long she hid in her childhood bathroom, but apparently it was long enough for someone to come looking for her when she heard the softest tap on the door.  
She wasn’t crying, that was a plus. So she braced herself for her mother to be undoubtedly on the other side of the door, but opened it slowly to find none other than Harry leaned up against the doorframe, his face closer than she would have expected.  
His chin was pointed down towards his chest, leaving him to look up at her through his lashes with his eyebrows raised high and the lines across his forehead even more prominent.  
“Just checking on you. Y’don’t have to come out yet if you don’t wanna.”  
Gianna leaned against the wall so that she was standing parallel to him, her body lining up perfectly with his, both of their arms crossed over their chests, the door to the bathroom propped open just enough for them to see each other.  
“Is my mum looking for me?”  
He pursed his lips with regret. “I did hear her say your name a little bit ago.”  
Gianna released a deep sigh as she let her eyes fall closed. “I can’t believe he just showed up here.”  
“Do you know what he wanted?”  
Gianna scoffed. “No clue, probably to torture me some more. As if yesterday wasn’t enough.”  
“He’s got some nerve,” Harry shook his head in disbelief. 
Gianna exhaled again. “I don’t even wanna be here and now I gotta go put a show on for everyone and pretend like everything’s fine.” 
Harry gave her a small, understanding smile. “Want me to go fall down the stairs as a distraction?” 
The tiniest shiver rolled down his spine when she smiled with a shake of her head. 
“I’ll just dive head first. They’ll be so distracted with my broken collar bone that you can sneak out the back,” he added with a completely straight face, intently fighting the twitch at the corner of his mouth. 
Gianna laughed softly as she pushed her elbow against his. “What if you mess up your face? I’ll never forgive myself.” 
“Oh yeah, you’re right. Never mind scratch that idea,” Harry replied quickly, the smile forming across his face regardless of his efforts. 
Gianna’s face softened after a moment, and Harry couldn’t be positive, but he was pretty sure her body moved a half an inch closer to his. 
“Thanks for stepping in with him,” she said sincerely, her big brown eyes steady on his. 
Harry swallowed discreetly, licking his lips in a force of habit. “Anytime,” he murmured, his eyes flicking across her face. 
“You didn’t have to,” Gianna replied mindlessly, her eyes falling across his face. 
“Know I didn’t.” Harry’s voice was soft, because as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he felt like his skin was on fire. 
She was so close. Her perfume invaded his senses the same way it did on the roof, it had seeped into his sheets and lingered on his skin that morning. It was all he could focus on, subconsciously pulling him closer to her. 
Although, maybe not totally subconscious at all. He knew he wanted her. He knew that after one night with her, that he wanted her again, as many times as she’d give herself to him.   
He could tell she wanted to kiss him. Fuck, he was willing her to just do it. It was like every fiber of his being was screaming for her to just connect their mouths, get lost in each other again. But he could tell she was having some sort of internal battle that held her back. 
“What are you thinking?” he asked softly, eyes peering into hers. 
She blinked back at him, the soft furrow of her brows somehow making her more attractive. He watched her mouth open and close, trying to find the words. 
“Tell me,” he murmured. 
He could feel her breath just barely brushing his lips as his eyes pulled down to the curve of her Cupid’s bow first, then the curve of her chest, before traveling the same path back again, ready to dive back into the deep brown of her eyes. 
They were cast down, the curl of her lashes on display instead, and at first Harry assumed in shame or disinterest. But they burned against his own mouth, as she took account of every curve of his lips. 
“G...” he tried once more, hoping that the movement of his lips spurred her on. 
She was about to say something, Harry could see it on every inch of her face, but then there were footsteps entering the room and the sound of her name being called that Gianna snapped back, pulling away from him so quickly that it felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. 
“Oh there you are,” Gemma said, relieved. “Your mum's going to go searching for you any minute, wanted to find you first.”
“Yeah, same,” Harry nodded as he tried to casually run a hand through the top of his hair and gently tuck a stray piece behind his ear. Only it didn’t feel casual at all, the only thing he felt was fidgety. “I’ll go distract her,” he added as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his black jeans and turned to leave. 
The truth was, he felt like he couldn’t breath and he wasn’t even quite sure why. Gianna was hard to read, she was really good at bottling things up which left him completely unsure where he stood. She told him she wasn’t interested, and he understood why. Things could get complicated and that was the last thing she needed in her life at the moment. But then she looked at him like that, and her eyes - reluctant but burning into his skin - said something completely different. 
He wasn’t going to push her, though.  She needed a friend and that was what he was going to be to her.  So he went to Lisa’s side and talked her ear off about a recent show he had watched on Discovery, and watched with a small smirk as Gianna’s mum pretended to be interested.  
Luckily, the rest of the party went on as normal. And even more so, Gianna and Harry didn’t have a moment alone together until the goodbyes. There was the slightest bit of hesitancy when they went to leave a kiss on each other's cheeks, something they and their families always did when parting ways.  
It was a blip of a moment really, but it was enough to have chills running across Gianna’s skin just from the barely there scruff of Harry’s cheek brushing hers. He gave a small, but reassuring smile when he pulled away, a soft squeeze of her arm just before he followed Gemma out the door. 
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It was insane, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him the rest of the night. While she helped her parents clean up, while they talked her ear off about their upcoming travel plans, while she finally peeled herself away from them at nearly midnight, while she drove back to Gemma and Harry’s place, while she tiptoed inside and locked up behind her. 
“Hey,” Gemma called from where she was curled up on the couch in front of the tv. “Rest of the night go okay?” 
“Oh, yeah. The usual really.” Gianna sighed as she slipped her studded heels off, her limbs feeling heavy from the long day. 
“I’ll be out of your bedroom in a mo, this is almost over,” Gemma said half heartedly, eyes still trained on the tv. 
Gianna didn’t bother with a response, but instead wandered down the hallway to Gemma’s room to steal some clothes. She couldn’t help but glance at Harry’s bedroom door, the light peeking through the bottom like a temptation. 
She wondered what he was doing in there as she changed, if he heard her come in, if he could sense her in the proximity somehow.  Her fingertips prickled with curiosity and her mind tiptoed along the ledge of “what if” and “maybe” and “why not”.  
He offered.  All she had to do was accept.  
When she stepped out of Gemma’s room with an oversized white tee shirt and minty fresh teeth, she immediately noticed that Harry’s light was no longer illuminating the edges of his door, the room seemingly pitch black.  
Maybe that was a sign from the universe or something.  Maybe, she thought, she should just quit while she’s ahead.  
Her makeshift bed was all ready for her in the living room, Gemma having neatly arranged blankets and pillows on the couch where she was previously sitting.  That was one thing about both of the Style’s siblings, they never made you feel unwelcome. 
“Alright love, let me know if you need anything,” Gemma spoke as she placed her empty tea cup in the sink.  
“Thanks, Gems. Seriously. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”  
Gemma smiled warmly as she walked over, wrapping Gianna in a quick hug before heading for the hallway.  
“Oh,” she turned around quickly, “Harry spoke to Steve after we left.”  
Gianna’s heart stopped, bracing herself for whatever transpired between them.  “How bad was it?”  
“Eh,” Gemma shrugged, chuckling lightly as she continued. “Harry yelled a lot, but he’ll be gone for a few hours tomorrow morning so you can go get your stuff. We’ll go with you to help.”  
Gianna released a heavy sigh, overwhelmed with her friend's generosity. “You guys don’t have to do that.”  
“Too bad because we are,” Gemma quickly replied. “Harry told Steve he was coming with you anyway, just in case he decides to try anything like what went on today. Plus, the more hands means the faster you can get out of there.”  
Gianna gave her a pouty smile.  
“Don’t look at me like that,” Gemma laughed. “You would do the same for me.” 
“I would,” she agreed.  
“Besides, Harry’s the one that made it happen. He just told me the plan before he went to bed.”  Gemma smoothed down the baby hairs sticking up at the front of Gianna’s hairline, a small, sympathetic smile on her face. “I love you, get some sleep.”  
Gianna didn’t know what she did to deserve a friend like Gemma, but she was grateful every single day for whatever cosmic blip happened in the universe to force them together. 
“Love you,” Gianna murmured as she watched Gemma head for her room, finding herself standing completely still as she watched her bedroom door close softly at the end of the hall.  
And then she was left in silence with nothing but her thoughts. Which if anyone could hear inside her brain, they’d know they were anything but silent.  
She went to plop down on the couch, letting out a long, deep sigh as she sunk into the cushions.  
Harry didn’t need to put his neck out like that, but he did. His exact reasoning, Gianna wasn’t sure. But he appeared beside her at that party like it was second nature. He took it upon himself to find a way for her to safely get her things from her former home, and she was grateful. He was a good friend. She knew that already, but it was even more prominent now.  
She thought starting something with Harry would be harder on her than not. She thought she didn’t need the added stress.  But he never showed any indication that he would make anything stressful for her. If anything, the only thing he showed was the opposite.  
A distraction, an escape, a good time.   
That was all she needed right now.  And in a way, that was exactly what Harry was offering.  
So she pulled herself up from the couch with purpose, and padded down the hall to the door on the right with her heart beating wildly in her chest.  Her fingers brushed along the grain of wood, a last chance effort to back away with none the wiser.  
But she didn’t want to.  As ridiculous as it seemed, Harry made her feel something that she desperately needed at the moment.  
So she jumped.  
It was the softest tap, her knuckle meeting the wood so lightly she was positive he wouldn’t even hear it.  Her breath was shaky as she did it again, this time the tiniest bit harder, more sure.  
There was no sign of movement behind the door.  She waited with baited breath, tapping her knuckles a third time, squeezing her eyes closed, begging for Gemma not to hear.  
But nothing.  No sound, no movement, no Harry.  
Maybe he had snuck out at some point, while she was changing perhaps.  Or maybe he had decided she was right after all, that this - she - was too complicated for him right now.  
She drew one last small pattern on the door, her temple pressed against the framing before she dropped her hand and pulled away.  
And then in a moment of pure heart stopping relief, the door swung open and a large hand wrapped around her forearm, tugging her inside the dark room so quickly she felt lightheaded.  
Her back was pressed up against the wall beside the door as Harry eased it closed quietly.  Gianna caught her breath, her chest rising and falling sharply as she took him in.  He was in nothing but boxer briefs sitting low on his hips, his hair pulled up in a bun, his skin reflecting against the light of the muted tv in the corner of his room.  His bed was unmade, the spot he was previously occupying obvious, what with blankets thrown to the one corner and pillows propped up against the center of the headboard.  
Harry was looking at her expectantly when she turned her face back to him, but he didn’t say anything, eyes simply scanning the features of Gianna’s face.  
“How’d you know it was me?” Gianna murmured softly. 
“I didn’t.”  His tone was neutral, but his eyes were blazing, even in the darkness.  
She couldn’t pull her eyes from him, and all she could think about was taking the half a step needed to be pressed against his soft skin. 
“Hoped it was,” Harry added after a beat of silence, his eyes falling to her mouth. “Didn’t know, but hoped.” 
The words barely made their way from his lips before Gianna was taking the small step to connect their mouths.  And it was as if  Harry was waiting for it, because his hand immediately cupped her jaw as he took his own step, her back pressing against the wall once more.  
His lips were warm, and they tasted familiar this time. That thought surprised Gianna somehow - this wasn’t the first time, and although it was new, it was comforting in a way she wouldn’t be able to explain if she tried.  
He kissed her with his entire body, every inch of him pressed tightly against her, pinning her to the wall.  His tongue teased her bottom lip, and without second thought, she met him with her own, sparks shooting across her skin in the form of goosebumps and anticipation.  
The soft groan that escaped his throat as he pulled her even closer lit her on fire, his fingers digging harder into the soft curves of her hips.  
“Fuck, I want you,” Harry sighed breathlessly, his lips trailing across Gianna’s jaw and down her neck.  
She scratched her nails down his back, his body only pressing against hers more in response. “Want you too,” she whispered, like it was a confession, as if her actions hadn’t already exposed her.  
His lips burned against her throat, sucking deliberate kisses to her sensitive skin as his hands smoothed up and down her sides, gripping here, pulling there. She could feel him, hard and needy against her pelvis, and it made her stomach twist with desire. 
“This has to stay between us,” Gianna spoke gently up to the ceiling. “No one can know.”  
“Good,” Harry stamped a kiss to her jaw, pulling her face to his by the back of her neck, his lips brushing hers with his words. “Can be our secret.”  
And it was, he made sure of it.  No one would know what went on between them under the darkness of the night, hidden behind the walls of his room, disguised behind their eyes in the daylight.  
It would just be theirs, whatever it was, for as long as Harry could help it.  
But that’s the thing about secrets… they always find a way out.  
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a/n: *nervous laughter* Heyyy guysss lol so! There we have it! It’s happening, it’s fine, everything’s fine. The biggest thanks to the best babes @andwhenshesays​ @oh-honey-styles​ @harrytheehottie​ @real-work-of-art​ @haute-romance-quotidienne​ @all-things-fic​ for the comments and laughs and support and encouragement - you guys are the real ones. I hope everyone enjoyed this one! Much more to come *more nervous laughter* lol thank you for reading! I hope you’ve had a great friday! xxx 
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unholytrinitytrio · 3 years
Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader x Tenko??
Word count: 1871
Warnings: Threesome, Overstimming, Oral Gagging, Mommy kink, Daddy Kink, Unprotected sex ( don’t be silly wrap that willy), Slight voyeurism
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You should have questioned AFO’s request when he suddenly called for your attention, stating that things had went awry after their so called scientific discovery.
So here you are right now, stuck with an alternate universe version of your boyfriend just until your boss finds the coordinates for his alternate universe.
Now that you had a good look at him he looks almost the same save for the his black locks and a bit of a ditzy personality. You weren’t gonna lie he looks a lot more easy to get along with. Saved for the constant bobbing of his legs indicating his increasing anxiousness.
Although his alternate version has some weird ass taste for name, always claiming to call him ‘Tenko Shimamura’.
Deciding to break the ice you tried greeting him again with a warm smile but not before hearing him whisper to himself ‘Oh god she looks just like her’. It was almost hilarious to see him blush beat red looking away from you all while sporting your lover’s face.
Shame that your source of amusement had been cut off by said lover walking inside the room shooting straight in your direction. Sitting himself besides you he started intimidating his look alike.
“Who’s idea was it to create a discounted version of me?” Propping his legs on top of the table, Shigaraki snarled, clearly intimidating the new comer after witnessing his counterpart making googly heart eyes at you.
“I’m not supposed to be dissing myself. But for someone who has the same face as me you look a lot shittier.” Tenko glared back at Shigaraki after watching him loop his arms around your waist pulling you closer.
At least you know he still hadn’t lost his charms.
And so here you are stuck between two warm bodies, one’s on your bottom already panting and whining for attention, hands groping anywhere he could hold unto. The other behind on top of you, grasping your neck, drool dripping from your shoulder from where he was latched, sucking.
“What’s the matter? Wanna put it in her?” Shigaraki mocked his alternate version all while rubbing his dick in between your butt cheeks.
“Shut up...” Tenko angrily murmured back, hastily removing the belt of his pants followed by shimmying his boxers off.
Tenko couldn’t believe it when he first saw a familiar face in an unfamiliar environment. You were literally a carbon copy of his lover in his universe. Well he considers you his lover you just don't know it yet.
Meeting you for the first time he couldn’t believe that he would experience falling in love with you all over again. And when you greeted him with that same warm smile he thought he lucked out.
And then that crusty version of him came ‘round and sullied his mood. He couldn’t believe his other version actually managed to reel in a beauty like you.
Grasping his dick, with bead of cum seeping on its head he rubbed it in between your sex finding it hot when you let out a gasp of pleasure.
Seeing you in vulnerable state brought him mixed feelings. Jealousy, that this Shigaraki fella gets to shag a pretty little thing like you every night whenever he likes it.  While still being aroused at the thought that he was the one that is giving you pleasure right now.
Well technically both of them were giving you pleasure.
Lifting his head to lean closer to your lips he almost had gotten to steal a kiss from you if it weren’t for the asshole above you jerking your head to the side to capture your lips for his own.
“Play nice Shiggy” you mumbled by his lips once you noticed the event taking place.
“I’m already playing nice” Shigaraki growled in between sucking your neck and groping on your breast. His dick still pressing hard on your lower back.
Shigaraki on the other hand ain’t damn near willing with the thought of sharing his most precious person. He doesn’t give a damn that the other person is literally still him just from the other alternate universe.
He loves it that you were willing to overlook your circumstance in order to service his other person. But he hates it that said other person also harbors intimate feelings for you despite just meeting you.
Tenko with one hand held your hips steadying you while the other hand grasping his dick positioning it at your entrance.
He entered you slowly with a gasp. Your warmth inviting him so intimately he almost came on the spot if it weren’t for his hands grasping at your hips, moving it as his pace.
“I-I love you!” Tenko confessed to you while drool escaped at the corner of his mouth. You looked down at him heart clenching at the adorable confession. You moved your head to willingly licked the escaped drool back to his mouth, kissing him lovingly ignoring the growl of warning from your lover behind you.
Finally setting at his hips, taking him all the way, you let him adjust at the sensation. Tenko’s eyes remained almost unfocused to anything but your figure on top of him.
“I-I’m ok now please move” Tenko stammered at you, looking at your face, one hand that was not currently holding your hips, stroked your face lovingly.
Being with Shigaraki, he almost never let you lead, even when he had you on top of him. He was always greedily snapping his hips at you in a brutal pace, not allowing you to adjust to his size.
So having the reign for the first time in a while was a nice change of pace.
You tried lifting your hips only allowing the head of his dick to remain inside you before dropping yourself to the hilt again. You grimaced a bit once you felt the head of his cock tap your cervix.
After some time the two of you had set some sort of pace. You still had the reign while he eagerly tried grinding himself when you lowered your self on him.
“Mmm” you let out a moan looking down at Tenko who's panting and occasionally letting out a whiny moan when you accidentally lifted yourself a bit faster than he liked.
From behind you, stroking his hardened cock, Shigaraki stared at your body lustfully while he eyed the other party with disdain.
“I love you (y/n)” Tenko confessed to you again, before capturing your lips to exchange a heated kiss.
Finally having enough at being ignored by you two, he crawled by your side, shoving Tenko’s face away from yours and then slapping his other self’s hand away from your hips.
“I had enough. Fucking cum already.”
He roughly grabbed your hips with both of his hands, lifting your figure effortlessly before abruptly dropping you down. Both you and Tenko let out a moan unceremoniously.
“Ahhh” you let out a moan at the familiar pace before holding Shigaraki’s arm, no longer your attention on Tenko.
“Aha-Aha, ple-please slower” Tenko let out a high pitched moan finding the aggressive pace a bit too stimulus for his liking. He was a bit surprised to say the least when he felt his body trying to match the pace, his hips unconsciously lifting itself of the ground trying to stay inside of you.
Grinning deviously Shigaraki continued his pace before reaching down to play with your clit. Jerking your hips at the increase sensation, almost letting Tenko’s cock slip out of you, you let out a wanton moan.
“Shi-Shigaraki pleaseee...”
“You heard the slut she wants more” Shigaraki said trying to excuse his behavior.
After several minutes of being manhandled by your lover, you whole upper body lolled forward, almost falling on the body beneath you if it weren’t for Shigaraki’s hold unto you. Your legs twitching, sensation flood you making you cum spontaneously with no warning, while poor Tenko is still inside you.
Letting out a high pitched moan you curled unto yourself from the overstimulus from both of your partners.
“Too much, too much please” Tenko plead, hips jerking, he tried removing his dick out of you but finding the task much harder due to the jerk behind you.
Honestly Shigaraki finds it all too amusing watching the both of you loose yourselves to pleasure. Like the asshole that he is, he stilled your body letting your body stay still on top of Tenko, his dick fully sheathed inside you despite the pleas.
Following minutes, Shigaraki lifted your listless body, thighs still twitching, to find his counterparts cock slipping out of you both of your mixed cum slipping out and staining the sheets beneath you.
Almost shoving the listless Tenko off of the bed. He made a room for your body to be plopped down, your hips and head supported by his pillows. Grinning down at you, your state entering the conscious and unconscious.
He lifted your hips to align with his. He swiftly entered inside of you liking the way the previous cum left behind had made all of these easier.
“Ahhhahaa...haaa....” you managed to regain back some of your consciousness before looking down at your interconnected hips.
“Ba-baby pleaseee rest..” you pleaded to your lover, before trying to wiggle yourself out of his grasps.
Not liking your response, Shigaraki tightened his hold on you, lifting both of your legs to press against your chest.
He leaned forward to capture your lips before starting to piston in and out of you merciless.
He figured if you can take his lowly version you can take this kind of pace.
He felt your insides struggle to accommodate his pace while still high on he sensation, making your insides twitch and grip his cock, as if not wanting to let him go.
Grunting when he felt the head of his cock hitting your cervix he let out a throaty groan when he felt your insides grip him harder.
All too soon he felt something wet hitting his thighs and lower abdomen.
Looking back at your face he was pleased to say. Your eyes rolling back, back arching to rub against his body, mouth hanging open, while your toes curled.
His grin wouldn’t had faltered if it weren’t for that fact that he heard someone beside him comment.
“Fuck that’s hot”
Looking to the side he saw his counterpart oggling at your figure. Hand on his rapidly hardening cock. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he thought that the fucker was long gone fast asleep by now.
He hunched over your body effectively covering you from the other party’s sight, before he started chasing his own release.
“Hey no fair!” he heard that annoying shit again.
Shigaraki felt your hands caressed his face before whispering softly beside his ear.
“Ahh.. I love you Tomu..”
That did it for him, he thrusted into you deeply before stilling. You felt his cum flooding your insides before some of it escaped dripping and pooling beneath you.
He didn’t pulled out of you just yet before positioning the both of you. You round his arms while he cuddled your form, his back towards the other person.
“Ca-can I hold her too...”
“Go get your own”
A/N this was supposed to be an early celebration for Shigaraki’s birthday
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alolowrites · 3 years
Emergency Contact
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Summary: Accidents happen all the time and sometimes they happen for a reason. As Porco recovers from his motorcycle injuries, he receives a visit from the last person he expected to see—you.           
Author’s Note: Hello, hello, helloooooo!!! How’s everyone doing? Me? Just dying from work and trying to vibe through life, what’s new lmaooo. I’m here with a new fic and it’s my second for AOT :D Very excited for season 4 part 2 to drop next year. I’ve only watched the anime but i kinda spoiled myself with Porco (asjakdjashd) oh well. I just know that he...yea. that’s all im gonna say. 
I’m hoping to expand to other fandoms like JJK and maybe work on another BNHA story but baby steps first. Story was inspired by a scene I saw on Jane the Virgin and my mind just rolled with it. Hope y’all enjoy! 
Word Count: 1.2K
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“Sir, please stop moving.” 
“I told you I’m okay—ah!” 
Porco winced as a sharp pain shot from his injured midsection. The nurse gave him a knowing look, her eyebrows raised as if to say, ‘I told you so.’ Porco grunted and carefully leaned back to rest on the hospital bed. He would rather not push his luck right now, not unless he wanted to make the fresh wound worse and earn an earful from the sassy nurse as well. 
She fixed his gauze, wagging a stern finger his way. “I’ll be back, don’t move.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Porco grumbled, his eyebrows scrunched. “I’m staying my ass put, got it.”
The nurse hummed, satisfied, before walking out of the room. Once the door closed, Porco sighed and shut his eyes momentarily. How could he be so stupid? Sure, Porco felt smug, flipping off a boomer driver who cut him off on the road. But looking away almost cost him his life, violently swerving away from an oncoming car and hitting the pavement hard. 
Porco slapped one hand over his face, groaning. Someone briefly knocked on the door, and the injured man shouted, “Don’t worry, I didn’t fucking move!” 
“I sure hope you didn’t.” 
Against any reputable doctor’s—or his sassy nurse’s—advice, Porco sprung up straight, hissing loudly at his mistake. Yet, he fought through the pain and gritted out your name as though it was his lifeline. You ran to his side with concerned eyes. Porco almost jumped as he felt your gentle hand supporting him, the touch unlocking memories he pushed away months ago. 
As the discomfort subsided, Porco stared at you. “What are you doing here?” 
“The hospital called me,” you answered, pulling the chair by his bedside. Not once did you let go of him as you sat down. “Apparently, I’m still your emergency contact, so...”
A pregnant silence fell between you both. You realized your hand still cradled Porco's shoulder and slowly slipped it away, ignoring how he tensed a bit. His heavy gaze soaked in your presence, almost as if he was trying to figure out whether you were real or not. The nurse didn’t say anything about a head injury. However, the loud pounding he felt was his heart that nearly burst out his chest when you finally looked at him, your eyes warm yet bashful. They reeled Porco in as he remembered how absolutely breathtaking they were. 
“You look like shit,” you joked, breaking the ice. 
Porco cracked a slight grin. “Feel like it, too.” 
Both of you shared a laugh, the awkwardness melting away in the room. A familiar sense of comfort hung in the air, which made you relaxed. It was like old times again. You leaned back against the chair, shaking your head at him. He hadn’t changed one bit. 
“I swear, you were always so reckless,” you said, teasing him a bit. “I’m surprised it took you this long to get into a motorcycle accident.”
It was true, though. Porco enjoyed living a bit dangerously with his bike, speeding through the empty streets with his crisp leather jacket and heavy combat boots. Whenever he took you on a midnight ride, your arms wrapped tightly around him so you wouldn’t fall over. You clung to Porco for dear life, finding comfort with him. 
You felt his tensed muscles hiding underneath his black v-neck shirt, the same ones you always traced with your fingertips before drifting off to sleep. Your nose—pressed closely against his jacket—caught the intense scent of smoky auger wood with a hint of ginger spice that was overwhelming yet comforting. It reeled you in without fail, and you greedily took another sniff, a warm feeling spreading throughout your body. 
Porco’s hearty laughs ripped through the air; he loved feeling you so close to him. You knew he did this on purpose, especially when he sped through the yellow lights like a racer trying to reach the finish line. He revved the engine that roared like a wild lion, and you squealed, your heart pounding throughout the night. 
You cherished those memorable rides even more, the faint smile creeping on your face. 
“Hey, I’m a pretty decent driver!” Porco scoffed and unconsciously scooted closer, smirking. “Besides, you never complained whenever I gave you a ride.”
“Well, you were my free ride home.”
“That’s all I was to you, huh?” Porco murmured playfully, his mind reminiscing those happy moments; he missed them so much that riding his bike wasn’t the same. Without thinking, Porco reached for your hand and caressed his thumb across your knuckles, confessing, “I wish I still was.”
You stared at Porco, mouth slightly agape and heart beating so uncontrollably that you were sure the patient monitor picked it up. There was no sense of hesitation or regret in his words, only truth. They rang through your head as his hazel eyes, burning with unwavering determination, sent a shiver down your spine. Even as Porco laid in bed, all battered and bruised, he pushed the pain aside to make his feelings loud and clear.
He wanted you by his side again.
You smiled faintly. “I wish you still were, too.”
“Wait, really—ah!” 
“I’m fine.” You shot him an unconvincing look. Porco leaned back on the pillows again, his eyes filled with a dash of hope. “But do you mean it? Are we...gonna give us a chance again?”
“I want to try.”
“Good, ‘cause the rides were getting lonely without you,” Porco grinned, surprising you with a sweet kiss. Your heart fluttered, melting into the kiss that brimmed with warmth and adoration—a heavenly feeling that ignited an old flame you thought had perished for good. 
He pulled away, whispering, “I’ll always need you with me, okay? Always.”  
“Me too.”
Both your heads snapped toward the doorway. The sassy nurse stood there, arms crossed, like a proud friend who helped orchestrate your lovely reunion. She strolled inside, the stethoscope dangling around her neck and badge swaying by her hip. 
“I hate to interrupt your private moment, but,” she tapped her watch with an apologetic smile, “visiting hours are over. He’ll be ready for discharge tomorrow.”
You nodded. “Oh, thank you.”
“Would you like us to call you with the number listed on the emergency contact file?” 
“Yes, that’s fine.” You turned to Porco and squeezed his hand. “Feel better, okay?”
“I don’t know, you’re leaving me here, so…” 
“It’s only one night, Pock.” 
You froze, shocked at how his nickname slipped out so naturally. Porco shot you a shit-eating grin, basking in the glorious sound that was like music to his ears. Screw the bland pain medication; he would rather have the doctor prescribe him this for his recovery instead. 
You rolled your eyes before leaving the room. Porco sighed to himself—he already missed you. But he wasn’t completely alone yet. He felt the nurse’s stare and looked up to see her lips pursed together as if she caught him red-handed. 
“You moved, didn’t ya?”  
“It was an accident—ah!”
Porco stayed still for the rest of the night and eventually drifted off to sleep with the most peaceful smile gracing his lips for the first time in months.
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Thank you for reading :D 
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eddiesfaerie · 4 years
Summary: You accompany the Supreme Leader to one of his meetings. Unsurprisingly, you become desperate for attention. (2.2k words) ao3 link here
Warnings: NSFW, noncon/implied noncon, f!reader, exhibitionism, memories of sex lol, thigh riding, canon typical violence, violence against reader??, Kylo Ren is not nice, choking, slapping, mentions of blood, bondage i guess (let me know if i missed anything!)
@elmidol: Kylo + “Tell them to fuck off.” okay so maybe i went off with this request... i literally couldn't help myself so i hope you enjoy!!!
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The transparisteel of the throne room is always cold beneath your knees, you flinch anytime your thighs come into contact with it if you shift your position too much. It often left you with purpling bruises on your kneecaps, ones that never seem to fade anymore.
You accompany the Supreme Leader in any and every meeting he wants you in, which as of late, has been to every single one. If he asks for you, you’re there. At this point, you assume it’s just some form of punishment; because as much as you’re expected not to speak, you’re expected to stay awake and attentive.
Half the time you let your mind wander off into some fantasy. Sometimes it involves the Supreme Leader, remembering how he fucked you the night before, wondering if he’d do that thing with the Force again.
Other times it was about escaping. You were punished by him for both sorts of daydreams. Now you just try to keep your mind as blank as possible. Sometimes you almost manage to reach a meditative state if the meetings are long enough.
The air of his throne room is cold. Everyone else is dressed normally, of course. You don’t doubt that you’re the only one shivering in your own flesh. The thinnest scrap of useless silk cascades down your body, completely see-through and hides nothing of your body for anyone who dares sneak a glance in your direction.
Besides the scrap of material you think someone referred to as a dress once, the only other thing you wear is your collar and chain - a heavy, thick metal, one they definitely use on the ships and TIE fighters, you’ve concluded. It’s sturdy and basically indestructible to anyone who wasn’t Force sensitive.
The metal was branded ungraciously with anything but fancy letters or delicate swooping and curling. No, your Supreme Leader didn’t care to spoil you with niceties. Thick capital letters branded on to the front of the collar spelt out R-E-N.
You're his. His thing, his object. Whatever he wants you to be, you became that. You belong to him. And you’ve long since accepted that. Once you stopped struggling, it became easier and at times… enjoyable.
You also think that the Supreme Leader’s become more comfortable around you as time has passed. He’s not as harsh with you anymore, not nearly as cruel as your first few weeks with him. He was nowhere near easy, or nice, or kind, or loving. He was none of that, but you were starting to like how sharp his edges were, how cold he could be.
It became a little game of yours; seeing how long it could take for you to crack him on certain nights, how long until he let you massage his shoulders, his arms, his thighs or let you suck his cock on your own accord. It’s rare but it actually works sometimes. Sometimes he lets you in.
If he’s tired enough, fucked out enough, or just had enough, he’ll let you do as you please, like a little fish cleaning up after the shark’s mess; he’ll let you have some scraps.
Sometimes, he hand feeds you the scraps. Like right now.
Your head is resting on his thigh as he sits back extremely reclined, leisurely, unbothered yet so, so bored. And his hand is on your skull, fingers scritching at your scalp.
It was intoxicating, he was intoxicating. You could fall asleep just like this -
But you can’t. The rule. The rule! You have to stay awake even though he’s visibly slacking right now, probably dozing off to some fantasy as he mindlessly scratches at your head.
You sneak a peek up in his direction only to find his eyes already on you. You nearly squeak as you look away, back at the people congregating in his throne room for whatever ‘important’ reason.
His eyes burn like suns, they welt and blister your skin and you try to clear your mind, making it a place of disinterest to him so he doesn’t feel the urge to go swimming in and around your thoughts as he so often does.
A quiet murmur resonates throughout the room, coming from no direction in particular, it’s just simply there. It’s the incoming of his voice through the Force, you know this now, you’ve become accustomed to it. It ripples towards you like tiny waves in a pond before you hear his voice clear and deep in your head.
His hand steadily leaves your scalp, coming to rest gently on his thigh; his way of asking you to come sit on his lap. He’s never asked this of you while in a meeting before, he never really cares to give you that much attention, fearing it'll give you an ego, make you think you're special or something.
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth, uselessly debating over something you have no say in.
Having already wasted enough of his energy on asking you politely, the Supreme Leader pulls on your chain, sending you hurling up off the ground and straight into his lap. You make an ugly noise, one of surprise and fear as you fall into him almost gracefully thanks to the tiny invisible touches of the Force along your skin.
He steadies you against him with one hand on your waist and the other pulling your chain tight, pinning your back to his wide chest. You straddle only one of his enormous thighs - bare cunt pressed flushed to the rough material of his pants - and he keeps you there, holds you still while you try to regain your breath from being moved so quickly yet so effortlessly.
You keep your eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to block out the several pairs of eyes that are taking in the scene before them, trying to tame your nerves and swallow down your shame and embarrassment. You're so visibly flustered, no doubt the Supreme Leader's getting a kick out of this.
You hear more rippling murmurs approaching you. Then a smooth leathered hand on your thigh, squeezing the flesh tight in his crushing grip.
“Eyes open, pet.”
You hesitate too long, still trying to regain your breath. That same hand on your thigh comes down hard, smacking your skin and letting the sound of slapped flesh and your wanton cry float through the room.
You try to curl towards him, to hide yourself in his broad frame but he holds you and your chain tight. His voice fills your head.
“You do as I say.”
You begin to answer him with a nod of your head but he cuts off your attempt.
“Out loud.”
You close your eyes and take in a deep, shuddering breath. Nothing could have prepared you for this unique type of degradation today. “Yes, sir.”
Only a few heads turn, no one daring to stare at you for too long. Like he had called you, you were his pet, that granted you some level of security.
The Supreme Leader makes some sort of contented sound with his throat. Whoever was speaking continues on with their speech while you finally manage to come down from such an overwhelming ordeal.
His hand stays on your thigh, tenderly massaging the flesh where he had hit you, emphasizing the sweet sting and letting it resonate throughout your body until it finds its way to your clit. The little pearl buzzes, needy for attention but you refrain from begging for mercy, for him to finish you off.
It's too easy for him to get you worked up. He must have been experimenting on you or something, like Pavlov's dogs or whatever. Anytime he touches you, even in the slightest, it sends you reeling for more, it turns you into some desperate whore, needy for whatever he would give you, whatever he deems you worthy of. Whether it was his spit or his flaccid cock in your mouth, you take it and accept it eagerly-
His sudden booming voice fills your head and sends you squeaking a silent apology back to him, your hips involuntarily jerking on his thigh. He pulls on your chain again, your back becoming flush with his chest, the length of your pussy dragging along his thigh leaving an embarrassingly sticky trail in its wake. You keen at the sensation, wondering if he was doing this to you on purpose.
“Doing what?”
You huff out a non-response, telling yourself you would roll your eyes right now if it wouldn’t get you-
You audibly groan, rocking your hips onto his thigh on purpose this time. Fuck, he was so infuriating, so difficult to deal with. You’re thankful you’re just his plaything, not someone who has to deal with him professionally. He’s impossible.
You ignore the heads that turn in your direction this time and focus on the unsatisfying clench of your pussy around nothing. You know he feels it, feels the way your pussy is throbbing with its own heartbeat for him right now. He knows how desperate you are, he must…
No response from him.
Maker, you could cry right now. He's usually so easy to rile up. So easy to frustrate, to annoy, to anger.
Yet he gave you no bruising grip on your thigh or waist, no warning for you to stop. Nothing.
His hand retreated from your thigh and now lounged on the armrest of his giant throne. His other hand doing the same. You feel the warmth radiating off of his chest leave you as he leans back against the throne. He was spreading himself out so wide and so far away from you.
You know he must still be wandering around in your mind, he has to be. There was no way he wasn’t doing this on purpose.
So you project.
You imagine all the ways he’s taken you, all the places and surfaces he’s bent you over just to relieve his tension, his anger, not caring if you came or not. You often did but it was never with any special care from him, just the pure shock and intensity of his fat cock, impaling you over and over again until you couldn’t help but cum all over him and sob from overstimulation, begging for more despite the pain, despite the blood-
The lights in the room flicker and whoever’s speaking stutters at the sudden distraction, but then continues on discussing… whatever it was they’re discussing.
You continue as well, remembering all the different way he’s punished you: for accidentally chanting his name as if in prayer when you’ve become so cock drunk and fucked out that it was the only thing that you could possibly think of.
Kylo, Kylo, Kylo.
You remember how he’s slapped you, hit you with the unforgiving and weighted metal of his lightsaber hilt. How he’s bruised you, burned you, marked you with his teeth, his lips, his weapon. You remember it all and you shamelessly rut yourself against his thigh, the building pressure in your clit making your mind blank to anything else except getting yourself off on him.
Fuck, you need him. You need him so badly, need him like the moons need their planet, like a planet needs their all devouring sun, a celestial body to rotate around or else they become meaningless, drifting off into space without a serving purpose.
Your body withers against his, your back threatening to arch off his chest if it weren’t for the death grip he’s got on your chain right now, keeping you in place like an obedient dog.
The lights continue to flicker. The muruming waves return and you scramble for what’s about to come next.
“Tell them to leave.”
His voice is steady yet it crackles with hopeful embers threatening to combust into something fiery and deadly.
The lights in the room buzz loud and shine brighter than they ever have, like the stars in the sky before something magnificent happens. They shriek with strain until they burst, sending shards of glass flying throughout the room as they burn out, no doubt cutting people in the process.
A figment flies by your cheek and slivers your skin. You hiss at the contact, feeling something hot and thick roll down your cheek in its wake.
“Tell them," his voice booms, "to fuck off.”
“L-leave.” You speak, voice small, unsure and terrified. You’re not certain if anyone even heard you based on the minimal reaction you got. A few heads turn, surprised to hear the timid voice of the Supreme Leader’s pet.
Yet no one budges.
Your Supreme Leader’s hand snakes its way up to your throat, resting above your thick metal collar and crushes your windpipe in warning. You try again, this time, like he asked.
“F-fuck off.”
Someone, an idiot, dares to speak up with a voice quivering worse than your own, “S-Supreme Leader?”
“You heard her.” It’s the first time he’s spoken in hours. His voice is terrifyingly calm and sickeningly deep, you feel it resonate throughout your entire body, landing in the depths of your belly. You whimper pathetically, anticipating whatever storm is about to come.
Everyone stands, chair scraping against the floor and they file out through the giant throne room doors, letting the thick and heavy material seal you two away until your Supreme Leader is through with you.
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curiouschild · 3 years
Twin Butterflies
|| Jean Kirstein x fem! reader one shot ||
Summary: You’re taking a private moment on the morning of your wedding day with butterflies in your stomach when it’s interrupted.
Warnings: f l u f f <3
No one else stirred in the cabin you were renting for yourself and your bridesmaids. It must have been a little after 6 in the morning as you could see the promise of dawn on the edge of the horizon. The wood was cold beneath your bare feet as you headed down the hall. In the haze of the morning fog that misted your brain, an invisible string seemed to be tugging you towards a large oak door. As you approached it, your nerves crackled beneath your skin as you gripped the metal handle, pushing the door open.
In the middle of the room with several large gaping windows was an elegant draping of white tulle and lace giving off a faint luminous glow in the early morning light. Wandering over to your wedding dress, your hand dips into the fabric of the skirt as if you could find the promises you would be making with Jean Kirstein could be found in its depths to calm you on one of the biggest days of your life.
Basking in the elegance of the most beautiful dress you will most likely ever own, you began to think of your soon to be husband who was sleeping in another cabin with his groomsmen. The two of you thought it would be lovely to get married in a wonderful little clearing in the woods that was owned by the family of your friend and bridesmaid, Sasha Braus. There were a few cabins as well that she offered to let you and your fiancee stay in before the big day. It was all so incredibly generous of her to accommodate yourself and your fiancee.
Your lips tug upwards as you thought about Jean. Was he peacefully sleeping? Was he about to get up for his usual morning jog? Or maybe he was starting a breakfast for his friends since he always loves to cook for people he cared about.
These thoughts made your heart flutter as you realized the mornings to come would be spent experiencing any of these scenarios with him. The serenity of those thoughts were clouded by the increasing amount of butterflies humming in your stomach. Even though you knew that no matter what, today was going to be special.
A quiet *tap tap tap* on glass had you reeling from your thoughts. Your eyes flicked towards one of the large windows where the noise came from. Your face pinked when you found warm hazel eyes watching you. Jean smiled softly, waving at you from outside. You returned his smile, loosening the fabric from your hands as you made your way to open the window.
“Good morning beautiful,” he greeted. Up close you saw that he was wearing a simple workout tank and loose sweatpants hung low at his hips.
 With no screen in the way, he propped his long arms on the ledge and leaned his head through the window. His considerable height made his eyes remain almost at the same level as yours even as he slouched.
“Hi there. This is a surprise,” you said.
“A pleasant one I hope,” he chuckled. He opened his palm up to you and you slipped your hand into his, enjoying the warmth of his touch. “I woke up before any of the guys and felt like going for a walk. I couldn’t help passing by your cabin. What a lucky thing for me to see my beautiful bride before anyone else on our wedding day,” he murmured as his eyes studied your face in awe. He seemed to love drinking in the sight of you despite your clearly just-woke-up appearance.
“It’s certainly lovely to see you before everyone’s buzzing around getting ready,” you agree, your free hand reaching up to softly trace his jaw. The pads of your fingers grazed stubble. “I can’t even believe I was able to sleep. I’m so nervous about today- I think the worrying woke me up.”
His brow crinkled at your comment. “Why are you nervous, love?” He cupped his hands around yours and his fingers began to massage the back of your hand in soothing circles. You pause for a moment as he continued to knead into your skin carefully as you considered the question. 
“There’s two things that come to mind,” you start. “Firstly, that I’m going to trip down the aisle. I wonder if that’s every bride’s fear, honestly. It seems like such a long walk and even if we laughed it off what if I ruined the dress? Or worse, stumble and trip into someone like your mom?”
You thought for a moment Jean would laugh at you for coming up with silly what-if’s, but he only continued to press his fingers into your palm. His hazel eyes were slightly amused, but he only said, “And what is the second thing my bride is worried about?”
You inhaled slowly before saying, “Well.. secondly, I’m nervous everything will pass by in such a blur that I won’t take in the moment.”
At this, you could see his handsome face become sympathetic. When he didn’t say anything you went on, “It feels like I haven’t seen you much this past month and all of the last minute planning has felt like such an onslaught of emotional and mental energy to the point where I don’t remember much of anything. We went sent out invitations and suddenly we’re here. I don’t want today to flash by like our engagement has.”
Jean brought your hand to his lips and softly pressed them across your knuckles before he asked quietly, “Come with me?”
You glanced down at your small silken robe that barely hit the edge of your short pajama shorts. “In this? I don’t even have shoes on.”
Jean smiled. “We won’t go far, I promise.” He tugged his hand and you laughed a little and muttered a small “oh fine.”
He stepped back, keeping your hand in his as you began to slide yourself through the window sill. The grass was still dewey as the two of you walked shoulder to shoulder and hands intertwined.
The jitteriness you had been experiencing on and off were left behind as you let Jean lead you towards a hidden path behind the cabin. There was a calming stillness, and neither of you felt the need to say anything. Your eyes glanced over every now and again to Jean’s face. He was keeping his eyes up, watching the tops of the trees. When you two were younger, he was often chatty and talked about himself until he was blue in the face. When he joined the regiment, he changed from being self centered, to a man who would do whatever it takes to protect those he loves. It made him more reflective. Humble. And one of the most passionate people you had ever known.
It wasn’t long before you two arrived at the clearing where your ceremony would be held. This was the first time you had a chance to see the seats set up along the trail of stepping stones that marked the path you would be taking to Jean later in the day.
You almost forgot to breathe as you took it all in. Jean squeezed your hand softly. “I can’t believe I get to marry you here,” he said softly before he moved into the last aisle to take a seat. You joined beside him in the innermost chair.
The blush returned to your face and you couldn’t help pressing your cheek against him. “It feels wrong to be here before the ceremony starts.”
You felt his laugh in his shoulder. “That’s what makes coming out here fun. Besides, if I can take your worries about our wedding away, then it can’t be that bad.” His eyes wandered up to the alter ahead and the two of you basked in the silence for a few moments.
“I sure do love you,” he finally said, tightening his hand around yours. “I loved you for the last several years. And I’ll love you if we’re saying our vows in front of everyone, or if we say them right here  in our pajamas and skip the entire ceremony.” 
Your eyes widened and your laughter rang in the clearing. “We aren’t skipping out on the wedding!”
The corner of his eyes crinkled at your laughter. “I know, I’m just being reassuring. You know what I mean though.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you teased him, lifting your head to press your lips against his cheek
“And yet, you’re still here with me,” he mused.
You bit your lip a little bit. His endearing charm always made you feel a bit like a school girl. “I couldn’t see myself here with anyone else.”
He rolled his eyes. “Now who’s the cheesy one?” He bumped his shoulder against your playfully. His hand left yours so he could wrap his arm around you.
“You told me earlier you’re nervous about walking up the aisle.”
You nodded shyly.
“Well, let me tell you that if you trip, I’ll just come to you.”
“No!” You quickly exclaimed. “That would emphasize the embarrassment.”
He smirked a little. “Then I’ll just have to trip on my way to helping my future wife. Then all of the attention will fall on me. And as far as you tripping into someone like my mom, it would be okay.”
You groaned at the thought. “If I trip into anyone I will die on the spot.”
His lips pressed into your temple affectionately. “I can’t let that happen. If you trip and fall into anyone, I’ll run to you in the aisle. I can just grab your hand and we’ll run away together. If your dress is ripped, I’ll carry you as we book it out of here.”
You shook your head, unable to stop grinning picturing him doing everything he can to help you in these imaginative situations.
“As for fearing about today going by in a blur,” he went on, his head turning to gaze into your eyes lovingly. “I think starting the day with just you is keeping me rooted in the moment. Wouldn’t you agree?”
He pressed his nose sweetly against yours and you felt any last of your butterflies quiet. It was quite something to remember the glow of your love for each other.
“I’m jealous that you haven’t had anxiety like I have. You’ve been so comforting.”
Pulling back, you were surprised to see a gentle flush in his face.
“Oh I’ve got my own butterflies, but for you I can ignore them.”
You tucked your head into the crook of his shoulder once more and you felt his head rest over yours.
“Well let me comfort you this time. What is my sweet Jean afraid will happen on our special day?”
“That our friendly neighborhood suicidal maniac is gonna do something stupid at our wedding,” he grumbled.
Through your giggling, you managed to say, “That’s what you get for making Eren a groomsmen.”
You heard Jean let out a scoff. “I knew you couldn’t sympathize,” he said in an exaggeratedly hurt voice.
The two of you talked and laughed together a little longer as sunlight danced over the tops of the trees. And in the moment, there was only the bond between you and Jean with the rest of your lives ahead of you.
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ptergwen · 4 years
4 times peter loved you and 1 time he said it
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warnings: angst, swearing, and flash being a dickwad (love him tho)
a/n: i wasn’t sure if i would ever finish this bc i started in march? and gave up but i really like the concept so i made myself get back into it and AHH i’m really happy with how it turned out! fingers crossed y’all like too ahaha. also this is unrelated but send me requests!
to say you and peter were each other’s missing halves would be an absolute understatement. there wasn’t a secret you didn’t share, an inside joke you didn’t have, a text or call left unanswered, or a second you weren’t on the other’s mind.
it had been like that since your first day of freshman year. you took the seat next to peter in first period spanish, and the rest was history.
peter knew you better than you knew yourself. as cheesy as it sounded, it was true. he could guess what you were going to order at a restaurant before you picked up the menu. if you had a bad day, he’d come over to your place with tissues and hugs, without you having to ask. he knew all the little things.
you? you were a peter parker encyclopedia. you watched all his favorite movies so he could rant to you about them, and you’d actually understand what he was saying. whenever he felt overwhelmed by his chaotic life, you found a way to calm him.
you two were soulmates in best friend form.
best friends, nothing more.
♡ 1.
you had an arm around peter’s neck as you picked at some fruit on his lunch tray. his head was resting comfortably against your cheek, whole body leaning on you. impromtu cuddle sessions weren’t unusual for the two of you. they worked in both of your favors. peter was your own personal heater, and you were just really comfortable to nap on, in his opinion.
“are you gonna eat all my grapes? i was looking forward to those,” peter whined, taking one out of your hand. “are you gonna keep using me as a pillow?” you challenged. he responded by moving his head to your shoulder and chewing. “then, yes. i am gonna eat all your grapes.”
“you know what two people who share food are?” ned chimed in from across the cafeteria table. already knowing what he was implying, you sighed. “what, ned?” he cupped his hand over his mouth like he was about to spill the world’s biggest secret. “a couple.”
it wouldn’t be a regular day without ned trying to play matchmaker for you and peter. the idea made peter scoff. “leave us alone, man. that doesn’t even make sense.” “yes it does!” ned nudged mj for backup. she only raised her hands in defense. it was always a hard pass from her on getting involved in these types of things, unless she found a reason to.
“really? how?” you grabbed peter’s milk and took a sip just for the hell of it. he chuckled at that, forgetting he was supposed to be annoyed with you. a bit of milk dripped down your chin in the process. “oops,” you grimaced at yourself and licked it away.
something about the whole thing made peter’s heart clench. it was so... you were so... cute. cute was definitely the word he was looking for. wait, what? that was new. peter had always thought you were pretty and all, but he’d never found himself endeared like this over such a little thing you did. or had he? no. nope. it was ned’s stupid theory messing with him. that was all.
“y/n, dude, everyone knows it’s a thing. like, why else would someone give up their whole lunch? it’s flirting,” ned interrupted peter’s sudden thoughts about your cuteness. the smug look on his face made you want to throw the tray at him.
before you even joined their friend group, ned was on a mission to set the two of you up. peter described you to him and mj as “the actual sweetest girl ever. she makes me laugh a lot. you guys gotta meet her.” mj obviously ‘tsked’ at him, but a light bulb went off in ned’s head. peter was crushing. he just didn’t know it yet.
part of how you and peter got so close was that ned and mj used to back out of group plans. you’d end up hanging out alone most of the time. of course, it was ned’s idea. a successful idea, yes, but neither of you understood the obsession. apparently it was a guy in the chair’s duty to be a good wingman, and you should leave it to him. whatever that meant.
“if i remember correctly, you and your mom went halfsies on a piece of cake at your birthday party last year. what are you trying to tell us, leeds?” mj asked with a smirk. you and peter looked at each other and burst into laughter, ned’s mouth hanging open. the girl could really get someone when she wanted to.
“shut up, you guys! that’s different!” “so is y/n stealing my food and you calling it sharing,” peter made a point of saying more to you than ned. despite his words, he pushed the tray over to you. it was basically yours, anyway.
you thanked him with a pat on his cheek and popped more grapes into your mouth. in that moment, peter decided he’d get you all the grapes in the world if he could. jeez, he seriously needed to reel it in.
ned was only going to keep going now. “see that? peter’s such a sweet boyfriend. isn’t he, y/n?” he cooed and clasped his hands under his chin. you didn’t have the chance to change the topic before flash appeared at your table. he’d probably overheard your conversation. “penis parker is somebody’s boyfriend? good one.”
feeling peter tense up next to you, you put a hand on his shoulder to let him know you were there. you’d been in too many of these situations. the way flash talked to peter pissed you off in ways you didn’t think were possible. he was fine with everybody else, so why did he choose to pick on him? peter was the least deserving person of having to put up with it from anyone.
“just ignore him, okay? he’ll get bored and leave. works every time,” you reminded peter. too uneasy to say anything, he reached back and put his hand on top of yours. he tried to focus on how nice your touch felt instead of the fact that he was about to be humiliated by flash yet again.
“peter could totally get a girlfriend! he has, like, tons of girls after him,” ned attempted to back peter up, pleased with himself. groaning, peter put his head down on the table. he couldn’t bare to watch his friend destroy what was left of his social life. “you’re really pushing this now. stop talking,” mj warned in a whisper yell to ned. that didn’t stop flash from hearing her.
“she’s right. even parker agrees! look at him,” he snickered at peter’s embarrassed state. you’d had more than enough of him at that point. screw the silence. it wasn’t going to cut it for this one. while wingman ned was still making up stories, you tapped peter’s shoulder to find out how he was doing. his head remained down.
“you okay? want me to say something?” “i’m used to it, and no. i don’t wanna make you deal with him.” peter hated putting his issues on other people, but you couldn’t stand another second of listening to the things flash was saying. you cut into an argument between him and ned about peter’s body count. like his was any higher.
“fuck off, flash!” he stopped in the middle of his sentence. “huh?” “i said fuck off. anyone would be so lucky to date peter. you’re probably salty at him all the time because it’ll never be you,” you finally snapped. his tough guy persona faltered for a few seconds at your words, ned and mj taking the opportunity to high five you for telling him off.
peter was glad his head was still down because his cheeks were pinker than he’d like to admit. did you really mean that? would you be lucky to date him, too?
“what are you, president of the parker protection squad? or are you two a thing?” flash quickly recovered. there he went trying to get the last word in. the embarrassment for peter if you denied it was exactly what he wanted, but you weren’t letting him have it.
“ask me again some other time.” you plastered on a shit-eating grin and waved goodbye. unsatisfied with your answer, flash huffed his way back to his own table. after he was gone, peter looked up at you with something you’d never seen before twinkling in his eyes.
“thank you, y/n. you really didn’t have to say all of that.” “oh, no. don’t thank me. i‘d do it for you anytime. i am president of the parker protection squad, after all.” your fake smile turned into a genuine one for him. peter couldn’t help but mirror it.
his was heart doing that thing again. he guessed it was because he loved you so much, but this love felt different somehow. it wasn’t the friend kind of love he’d had for you all those years.
it was the kind of love he saw in the rom coms you made him watch when you got to pick for movie night. cupid’s love was the official name for it. when he put two and two together, the realization smacked him straight in the face. ned was right.
peter was starting to fall in love with you, and there was no way he could stop.
♡ 2.
peter was a workaholic. patrolaholic to be exact, especially when he had a reason. he’d sometimes find himself in a cycle of getting home late and going out early for days on end. he’d gotten used to the sleep deprivation. his grumbling stomach from missing meals wasn’t too big of a deal either. not when he had a city to save.
it was also a good distraction from everything else going on in his life. man, did he need a distraction. after peter came to terms with the fact that he loved loved his best friend, he narrowed it down to two options; telling you about his feelings or taking them to his grave. since the city was so busy, he was thankful he could throw himself into patrolling and not decide just yet.
may would usually only allow peter to patrol on weekends. school existed, and he had to take breaks. peter really wanted to help out more, so he proposed an idea that could potentially let him up it to the full seven days. he had to make it home in one piece every night for a trial week. that would prove to may he could handle it.
ignoring his black eye on tuesday and limp on thursday, it worked out. peter was positive he could finish off the week just fine. may didn’t have the same optimism. she decided that so much as a scratch on friday and it was strike three. friday came, and peter had impressively managed to end the day, like he thought, just fine.
he did one last swing around the neighborhood he was in, then started heading back to queens to gloat to may. on his way, he remembered he had to text you goodnight. he was bound by a pinky swear to you that he would do it every time he finished patrolling.
peter being spider-man was something you figured out only a few months after he got his powers. he technically exposed himself, and you pieced everything together. it all happened when spider-man offered to walk you home from school one day.
the way he rubbed the back of his neck while asking was a nervous habit that was oddly familiar, and urged you to say yes. you also thought it was strange how even though he didn’t ask for your address, he somehow knew where he was taking you. then again, he was spider-man. it was his job to know new york city and the people living in it.
you came to the conclusion you were making things up until he was about to leave. he walked you to the door of your apartment building and said, “stay safe, squirt.” nobody called you that besides peter. he came up with it because he had recently grown a few inches taller and could finally give you hell for being the short one.
needless to say, peter didn’t take off like he was intending to. he realized his slip up as soon as the nickname came out of his mouth. you brought him upstairs and had a long afternoon of questioning, explanations, and making promises.
peter typed out a message telling you he was fine and to go to sleep. as he was about to hit send, he swung too low and smacked his head right into a traffic light. that was what he got for texting while swinging. he could imagine mj giving him one of her famous safety lectures already, but that wasn’t first on his list of worries. he had a throbbing head and may’s third strike to deal with.
crap, may couldn’t know about this. she’d ban him from patrolling probably forever. going home was out of the question, but peter was in desperate need of an ice pack. there was already a bump forming from where the light hit him. his next choice would be to go to happy, only he couldn’t do that because he‘d tell may.
peter’s hands worked faster than his brain, and he started swinging over to your apartment. the overthinking began soon after. nobody wants to deal with a surprise appearance from their possibly concussed friend at 2 a.m. besides, what would he say? he’d barely seen you all week. it wasn’t fair to you, but it was too late to turn back.
peter landed on the sidewalk with an “oof” and crawled up the wall of your building. when he reached your window, he knocked in the same rhythm that he always did. no answer. he knocked louder. no answer again.
seeing as he had no other option, peter had to let himself in. he pushed on your window to see if it was unlocked. thank god it slid up then, but he made a mental note to remind you about keeping it locked another time. he climbed through the window with as little noise as possible so your family wouldn’t hear.
after navigating in the dark, peter pulled off his mask by the side of your bed. he instantly melted at the sight of you. your face was squished into your pillow, hair sprawled everywhere. you’d must have fallen asleep waiting for his text because you were holding your phone. peter was sure he’d never seen something so adorable.
he let himself stand there and watch the peaceful rise and fall of your chest. the bump on his head was no longer a priority. peter was utterly and completely entranced with you. god, why was he acting like this? oh, right. he was secretly in love with you.
before peter could help himself, he brushed some hair that had fallen into your eyes away with his fingers. you squirmed in your sleep, peter pulling his hand back. he was such an idiot sometimes. your eyes fluttered open and landed on him.
“peter? ‘s that you?” you squinted to see in the darkness of your room. he moved closer. your legs dangled over the bed as you slowly sat up. “yeah, it’s me. sorry to wake you.” he went to scratch his head out of nerves, but stopped when he remembered it really freaking hurt right there.
“‘s okay. i was hoping you’d come over soon. missed you all week.” you frowned at the red and blue clad boy in front of you. except for school, you hadn’t seen peter the past few days. “lots of crime to fight lately?” “missed you more, and yeah. been kicking lots of asses.” the awkwardness peter was imaging faded away when he plopped down next to you on your bed.
“how’s your eye doing? and the limp?” you turned his head towards you by his chin. he exhaled in relief. “getting better, i think. now that we’re talking about injuries...” the sleepiness was knocked out of you. you all but leapt to your feet and turned on the lamp by your bed. peter had a feeling you’d slightly freak.
“we’ve been making small talk and you’re hurt? what happened, peter?” “i-i sort of, um, i was texting you and swung into a traffic light.” “oh my god, where?” he pointed at his forehead with a weak smile. surely enough, there was a big bump. you gasped. “please don’t be mad at me.” “i’m not mad at you. just feel bad it was kinda my fault. do you think you have a concussion?”
you weren’t sure what to do beyond the mostly useless first aid videos they played in gym class. being an avenger, peter had had his share of experience with wounds. whenever he came to you hurt, he talked you through how to help him. the most you’d ever dealt with was a few particularly deep cuts. this was not the same.
“i‘m not sure. you could try that finger thing?” he suggested. you crouched down in front of him. “good idea. let’s do that.” as you waved your index finger back and forth and peter’s eyes followed it seemingly well, his mind was elsewhere. he was thinking about crawling into bed with you and sleeping in your arms.
“well, you passed or whatever they say. i’m pretty sure you don’t have a concussion. you’ll heal fast because of... you know.” you stood up and mimicked the way he shoots his webs. peter chuckled quietly. your thumb ran lightly over his bump, making him wince. “how bad does it feel?” “on a scale from one to ten it’s, like, a five and a half.”
although not what you wanted to hear, it was manageable. you hoped so, at least. “i’m gonna go get some stuff. change into comfortable clothes.” “yes, doctor y/n.” peter saluted you. you were happy to see he still felt up to joking around. biting your lip to hold back a smile, you made your way to the kitchen.
peter searched through the spare clothes he’d left here over the years. there were so many, you had to give him a drawer. he changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt, then sat back down criss cross on your bed.
you came in shortly after with a water bottle, two advil, and an ice pack wrapped in a towel. “i was kidding about the whole doctor thing, you know.” “too bad.” you handed him the advil and water. “take these. they’ll help until your magic healing powers kick in.” peter took the pills while you pressed the ice pack to his bump. he took it from you when he was finished.
“is that any better?” “much better. i’m all good. i should probably go soon.” he mumbled, not meaning it but also not wanting to overstay his welcome. you’d already done so much for him. you stopped him from getting up by putting a hand on his chest.
“what? you already changed, and i’m not sending you home to get killed by may. just stay.” “are you sure? i don’t wanna bother you anymore. it was annoying for me to come here so late in the first place.”
a frown set on your face. “peter, don’t you remember my promise?” there was a beat of silence while he thought about it. “that you’d help out with spidey stuff?” “however and whenever i can. i don’t know what made you think differently just now, but nothing’s gonna change that. doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night or early in the morning. i’m always here.”
only you could reassure him just like that. peter was really lucky to have you. really, really lucky.
“right. you’re right. sorry for... whatever that was.” “you apologize too much.” you poked his chest to punctuate your statement and switched the light off. “sorry for that, too,” he teased, wanting a reaction from you. “peter benjamin parker, just get in the bed.” “yes, ma’am.” that was enough before you changed your mind and threw him out.
you rolled to lay on the other side of peter. still pressing the ice pack to his head, he laid down next to you. it didn’t take long for both of you to be settled under the covers. “try not to bang into the wall or something,” you joked and pulled your comforter up to your chin.
peter puffed some air out of his cheeks, tugging more of it back. “you can’t be mean and hog the blanket.” “it’s my bed, so i actually can. i’ll hog everything.”
to prove your point, you moved over to peter until there was no room between you. both of you knew it was an excuse to cuddle. he wasn’t mad about it at all. peter opened an arm for you. you curled into his side, letting him hold you close. his whole body relaxed as you hugged him against you. “goodnight, spidey.” “night, squirt.”
♡ 3.
“what does that cloud look like to you?” you pointed up at the sky. peter’s eyes darted around as he tried to find exactly which one you were talking about. there were a lot of them, in his defense. you made a big circle with your finger around the cloud in question.
“the really curvy one. right there.” “kinda looks like a tiger. can we keep walking now?” peter tugged your arm linked in his in an attempt to move you from the spot you’d randomly stopped in. he made a whiny noise when you didn’t budge.
“i think it looks more like a horse, and no. why are you in such a rush?” furrowing your brows at him, you tightened your grip on his arm. “because some people don’t like cloud watching, grandma.” “i only asked you about one! i’m just... trying to get the most out of today.”
with college around the corner, you and peter both had a lot to do and a little bit of time to get it done. your only hangouts had become some shared extracurriculars and weekly study group with your other friends. trying to binge watch your shows together on facetime hadn’t been easy, for one thing. you fumbled to keep your phone up more than you payed attention.
on a more serious note, being apart sucked majorly. it was going to be this times a million when you would inevitably have to split up in a few months. thinking about it for too long usually made you cry.
peter was struggling in other ways. his more than a friend feelings for you were only getting stronger. having all that love and not being able to give it to you was hurting like hell, and he had to just pack everything up and act normal during the rare moments you were together. you were both going through it.
this was the first sunday in what felt like forever that you and peter were both free. you decided that the nice weather called for a meetup at central park. so, there you were, arm in arm on your afternoon stroll.
“don’t say it like that, y/n. you’re making me sad.” peter let out a breath as you rested your head on his shoulder. “that was the point.” you started walking again, peter following next to you. he kicked at pebbles while you smiled up at him. that made him smile at his feet. you were getting really good at making him flustered.
“so, did you finish that pre calc packet?” peter asked to distract himself. you lifted your head off his shoulder with a groan. “peter, we’re not talking about school for once. let’s talk about literally anything else.” “like what?” you were about to make a suggestion, but something caught your attention.
you raced over to a swingset, dragging peter along with you before he could realize where you were taking him. you stopped in front of it and threw your hands up to present it to him. he let out a breathy laugh. “when was the last time you went on one of these?” you asked, taking peter’s arm again. peter shook his head. “way too long ago.”
with a smile, you walked him over and took a seat on one of the swings. peter sat on the one next to you. you spun around in a circle to see how much you could twist the chains, peter laughing. “y/n, what are you doing?” “having fun. you should try it sometime.” he backed up to get himself started and grabbed his own chains. “i do have fun. it’s just not in the ways you think.”
you untwisted yourself to watch peter. “so, how?” “well,” he started going higher, “i like learning about stuff, even the things we have to in school.” “everybody knows that. that’s the first thing i thought of.” you did know everything possible about him.
everything except his new feelings for you, but this wasn’t the time for him to blurt that out. he was still figuring out when or if he should.
“guess i’m not gonna say i like movies, either.” “singing?” you were swinging next to him, turning it into an unspoken competiton for who could get the highest. peter slowed down a bit since he’d had a head start. “i suck. the only person who’s allowed to hear me is you.”
“it’s possible to suck at something and still enjoy it.” the breeze blew your hair around, peter seeing it from the corner of his eye. he’d always loved how carefree you were around him. it rubbed off.
“remind me to force you to do karaoke one day.” “you’re so annoying.” that motivated you to kick off harder on the ground. peter huffed and tried to catch up to you. “don’t be mean to your only source of fun.” if that wasn’t true, he would’ve came up with a comeback.
the only time peter remembered to relax was when he was with you. it was usually because you reminded him. he skidded to a stop on the swing and looked up at you.
“why’d you let me win? was that too mean?” you looked over your shoulder. “nah, i just got tired.” “oh. we can do something else now. catch me?” “sure,” peter chuckled and got off the swing. he stood in front of you on the grass and waited for you to get lower. you clenched your teeth into a nervous smile.
“ready?” “ready.” swinging towards him, you jumped off and expected to land in his arms. you ended up completely on top of him instead.
the wind was knocked out of both of you, but peter had it worse because he broke your fall. your hands were on his shoulders and one of his was around your lower back. neither of you realized the position you were in. you were too busy trying to breathe again.
“god, that hurt.” “my bad,” peter mumbled. in any other circumstance, he wouldn’t be complaining about this. “i should’ve warned you or something,” you dismissed him.
you were still hovering over peter, your lips dangerously close to his. he could’ve sworn they almost touched. that was when you got off of him. he only forced out a laugh. nothing ever went his way. you offered him a hand, oblivious to his inner conflict. peter took it and pulled himself up, falling into step next to you as you headed to another path.
that could’ve been a chance to make some sort of move, and he blew it.
♡ 4.
it hadn’t been easy for peter to move on from that day. his mind kept replaying the split second you almost kissed on an endless loop, and all he could do was come up with what he should’ve done in the moment.
things were getting to a point where he had no clue how to act around you. being your friend was hard, but becoming your boyfriend would be that much harder. his stupid feelings put him in an awkward place, and he was afraid you were starting to realize. he couldn’t lose you altogether.
you asked peter to meet you for coffee after school. it was this small place in between your apartments you’d both been to once before. they had really good cookies and an overall cozy feeling you liked. peter wasn’t sure what this was all about.
were you going to confront him? did ned say something? maybe it was a mistake to confide in his most gossipy friend about how he felt.
with a headache from stress and a heavy backpack hanging off his shoulders, peter walked into the café. he spotted you at a table near the window. you’d already taken the liberty of ordering, two drinks and a chocolate chip cookie waiting there. you looked up from your phone when peter pulled a chair out.
“hi.” you gave him a small smile and put your phone down. “i already got everything.” peter shrugged off his backpack with a grin. he sat down facing you. “thanks. sorry i’m kinda late. i had to stop at my locker.” you usually met him there. come to think of it, why hadn’t you today? you pushed peter’s drink over to him. “you’re fine. i came here early to get us a table, anyway.” phew.
peter bent the straw to his iced macchiato and took a sip. it made him feel grown up, casually drinking coffee with you over a boring conversation. adult life must’ve sucked. “so, how was the rest of your day?” he asked to fill the silence. you only had two classes without him after lunch, so that was a dumb question. he’d never had so much trouble talking to you.
“eh. betty fell asleep on me during this cold war documentary we had to watch.” “didn’t she say american history is her favorite?” you broke off a piece of the cookie with a laugh. “not after that. what about your day?” the light from the window was shining directly on you, blocking out everything else from peter’s view. he wanted to tell you how beautiful you were so bad, but that would be creepy.
you took a bite of your cookie and raised an eyebrow. he was staring. “uh, nothing interesting. i’m gonna patrol a little bit later.” peter sipped his drink again. you clicked your tongue and let out a breath. “that’s all you do these days.” he knew you were catching on to how off he’d been. what was he supposed to say? it would’ve helped if he’d prepared a few excuses.
“just trying to help out while i’m still here.” that was a half truth. “yeah, but you should still take some time for yourself.” you ripped open your straw wrapper and blew it at peter. he caught it just before it hit his face. rolling your eyes, you put the straw into your drink. “i hate your reflexes sometimes.” he shrugged one of his shoulders casually. “jealousy is a disease.”
neither of you said anything for a few minutes. you stared out the window while peter finished the rest of the cookie. he could tell something was on your mind. whenever you were deep in your thoughts, you sort of zoned out like this.
he was too nervous to ask you what was wrong because of the conversation you just had. it sounded like you had already considered he was being distant before today. his feelings aside, he needed to reassure you. that was more important.
“y/n?” you turned your head to look at him. “yeah?” peter’s gaze shifted from you to his thumbs twiddling in his lap. “i know we’ve both been really... busy lately, but i’m still here. don’t forget that.” a hint of a smile played on your lips. you would’ve hugged him if you could reach. “thank you, peter. i kinda needed to hear that.” he nudged your leg under the table. “of course. hey, you wanna come with me tonight?”
a couple of hours later, you were in peter’s arms on a rooftop that was much higher up than it looked. he insisted on taking you for a swing so you could get the full experience. he’d been trying to get you to do this for the longest time, so he wondered what made you agree today. you wanted to find out what was so enjoyable about it.
“i trust you, but you’re not gonna drop me, right?” your legs were around his waist, and he had one hand supporting you by your back. that wasn’t terrifying at all. you grabbed peter’s shoulders, the idea of it making you nervous. he wrapped his arm tighter around you.
“oh my god, no. i can always web you back up.” “peter! that’s not funny.” even behind the mask, you could tell he was smirking. “you’re always safe with me, squirt. don’t worry.” you brought your arms up to loop around his neck.
“i feel better now.” “good. i’m gonna jump when we get to the edge, okay?“ your whole body stiffened up. peter could sense it. as excited as he was to share this with you, he didn’t want to make you feel pressured. “or we don’t have to do it.” his voice was quiet. you tried to relax in his hold. “i’m just gonna close my eyes. i think that’ll help.” “we’re about to find out.”
peter started walking towards the edge of the building with you holding on even tighter to him, your eyes squeezed shut. he kept finding himself in situations where he was close to you in the ways he’d been wishing for, but never for the same reasons. it was bittersweet.
he bit down on his lip and aimed his free hand at a building. you squealed when he leaned back. “i’m jumping now,” he prepared you, and before you could respond, you were in the air. you hid your face in peter’s chest the second you felt yourself pretty much flying.
“what the fuck, you like this?” you had to yell so he could hear you. peter shot another web to keep swinging. “it’s really not that bad! try looking up!” he shouted back, clearly amused.
grip tightening around his neck, you slowly pulled your face away from him. he kept you close as he swung. you somehow convinced yourself you weren’t going to die by looking at something besides peter. your eyes landed on the sky behind his head.
the sun was almost completely set, deep pink and orange merging together against the glowing lights of the city. you were finally understanding why he liked this so much. it was beautiful.
peter peeked at you for a second to check on you. he swore his heart was going to explode out of his chest. the look of adoration on your face, it was even better than the view. it was the view. the little moments where peter got to see you this way made him realize how in love with you he really was.
“this is... wow. i get it now,” you laughed in disbelief, watching as the city whirled past you. peter smiled so big it hurt. “pretty awesome, huh?” one of your hands slid back down to his shoulder. “take me with you more often.”
♡ 5.
peter licked his lips out of habit as he held the door open for may, who was following behind him with a look of pride. he was about to graduate high school. the ceremony was being held in a really nice stadium-like place. trying to find it added minutes on to the parker tradition of being late to everything important.
peter wasn’t as concerned with his tardiness as he was with finding you.
while he tossed and turned in bed the night before, he went over his whole school year in his head. that meant little things and big things. he was starting to drift off until he remembered a conversation with ned a few weeks back. they decided on a deadline for peter to tell you about his feelings, and it was before graduation.
they chose it because if peter got rejected, he’d be over it by the time college started. that was the goal.
it wasn’t that peter had changed his mind. it was that he completely forgot. he didn’t have a solid plan for what he should do. these things needed to be decided way in advance. he ended up pulling something together last minute because it was you. plus, this extra pressure gave him the push to go through with it. somewhere between steps seven and eight, he passed out.
may rushed him to get ready because he’d slept past his alarm. the whole morning was a mess, and he had at most fifteen minutes to confess his love to you by the time he got there.
“you should go make sure you’re marked here. i’ll see you after. love you.” may pressed a kiss to his cheek and half-jogged to the auditorium for a seat. he squeezed her arm and headed off to check in. your whole grade was already lined up along the walls for what looked like miles. the deal was to tell you before graduation. he still had about ten minutes.
peter walked past hundreds of students with his heartbeat thumping in his ears. everyone was in alphabetical order, so it didn’t take too long to find you. relief washed over you when you saw peter. you were worried he wouldn’t show up at all. his cap was in his hand, hair getting tangled from running his fingers through it. he looked at you with pleading eyes.
“finally, i’ve been trying to call you all morning. where were you?” your tone was dripping with concern. “i overslept. there’s something i gotta tell you, y/n.” he gulped. you smiled in a way that was kind of pitying. “we’re about to start going inside. i- you have to wait, pete. go get lined up.”
this wasn’t how it was going to end. not again.
he looked around to see who was watching, then he grabbed your wrist. “peter, what are you-“ “just come with me really quick.” despite yourself, you let him lead you down the hallway. you dodged a couple of teachers having a conversation and went into a bathroom that was vacant by some chance. he let go of you after the door shut. you stood behind it while he walked over to a sink.
it was making you anxious to not be out there. you could be late. peter was the same way when it came to school, so you knew this had to be pretty serious. you gave up the battle with yourself and made your way over to him. he was looking at himself in the mirror, trying to get a stray curl back in place.
“let me help.” you stood next to him. he turned to face you, that same look of urgency still in his eyes. you used two fingers to brush through his hair. there was so much gel that it was wet enough to mess with. you smiled a bit and took your hand out of his hair. his hand was gripping the sink.
“you look good, pete. you smell good, too.” “so do you.” his voice was lower than usual. you flattened out the material of your blue gown. “thanks. so, talk to me. what’s up?”
the question was so simple, but way too many answers were running through peter’s brain. he wasn’t even sure he’d have enough time to explain everything now. this was why he needed a written out and carefully crafted plan.
but, like he said to himself last night, this was you. his best friend in the entire world and any other that might exist. the person who’s been there for his most embarrassing moments, and who’s been responsible for some of his best ones. if he couldn’t finally say the three words he’d said to you so many times before, what was the point?
his fingers drummed a steady rhythm while he mustered up the last remaining bit of courage in him. you watched him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. “just, um...” he was stalling. he pulled his hand off the sink. “i... love you.” peter only glanced at you for a second, too afraid to see your reaction. “i love you, too. is everything okay?” his heart sank. you thought he meant it in the friend way.
that was what he got for being so terrible with words.
“no, y/n. not like that.” he blurted. you were lost. peter pressed his back against the wall and sat down. confused and equally worried, you sat next to him on the floor. “then what do you mean? you’re scaring me.” he checked the watch may made him wear to see how much time was left before graduation. four minutes. he really should’ve woken up on time.
“we have to get back in line soon. i don’t wanna miss-“ “i love you, y/n. i’m in love with you.” a weight that had been on peter’s chest for months was lifted just by saying it. you squinted your eyes at him, but said nothing.
“i’ve been trying to tell you for a while, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same. i just had to say it.” “fuck, are you serious?” you sounded what peter could only describe as disappointed. yeah, it was unrequited. here came a summer of crying. “i was gonna tell you first.”
peter’s breath hitched in his throat, and he swore you could hear it. he was so sleep deprived that it felt like he was hallucinating. you shook your head as heat came to your cheeks.
“how long have you...” peter trailed off, an eye crinkling smile interrupting him. “that day we went for coffee. something clicked, so i thought for a while and figured it out. i think i’ve loved you for a really long time.”
you inched closer to peter, just barely resting your head on his shoulder. for once, you felt like the shy one. he put his hand on top of yours. his thumb traced over each of your fingers. “i’d ask you out, but you know. we don’t really have time.”
“peter, it won’t take that long.” you giggled. he squeezed your hand in his. “hm. y/n, would you wanna go out with me after this?” you thought about teasing him for it, but he was right. you had to go. that was the friend still in you. “i’d love to go out with you, peter.”
with that, you both jumped to your feet and ran out of the bathroom. you were still holding hands, and a few classmates made faces when you rushed past them to get to your spots. you exchanged one last smile with peter before lining up.
the person in front of you said everybody was looking for you two. honestly, you didn’t care all that much. you were too excited for your date later. peter already knew he’d be checking his watch throughout the whole ceremony.
it was a best friend and soulmate thing.
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egcdeath · 4 years
strangers again
summary: “hiiii sweetie!! can i request a steve x reader where he left yn for peggy. but he always felt guilty and missed yn. he would always stare at her pic. when he came back he bumped into yn while she was dropping a kid to daycare. and steve realized it was his son. kinda sad but fluff at the end pls!!!! and oh i super love your works!!! tysm 🌼🥺💕”
pairing: steve rogers x reader
warnings: decent angst, brief mention of a depressive episode, abandonment, somewhat unrealistic behavior
word count: 3.8k
author’s note:  i really hope that this lives up to your expectations but it is a little cheesy. i’d also like to warn that i have not interacted with a child in several years, so.. sorry. (there’s also a lot of exposition so double sorry if that’s not your thing!)
You’d never forget the moment Steve left to return the stones, with the promise to be back in only a matter of moments.
Maybe your definition of a matter of moments was different from his.
You seemed to be the only one without a clue of what Steve truly planned to do, with Bucky only telling you after the matter that Steve was leaving for the past and for Peggy, and probably not coming back.
After finding out, something deep within you broke. You could barely leave your bed for days, you struggled to eat, sleep, even drink water. Every task that used to seem like muscle memory, began to feel like it carried the weight of the world behind it. Every hobby that you once enjoyed becoming empty and bleak.
You constantly felt inadequate. How could you love someone so much, and be told you were loved so much while always being second to someone else?
The simple sentiment of it had left you feeling miserable, and sick to your stomach. Literally. Nearly every morning, and occasionally if you smelled something too strong, you found the contents of your stomach emptied.
You attempted to ignore it at first. Meshed with every other unpleasant symptom you were going through, you’d figured that it was just one more bullet point on the list of things that had been plaguing you. But when your friends insisted that you go check up with your doctor, you had a hard time saying no.
Once you received the results from your blood test, you were completely taken aback by the fact that you were pregnant. You couldn't believe that you hadn’t considered the possibility of pregnancy earlier.
Yet,  after a long and hard period of pondering, you managed to surprise yourself once again after you realized you wanted to keep it.
After all, that could be the only piece of Steve you had left.
You began to tell yourself that Steve was dead. That was somehow less painful than the idea that he left you for someone that he barely knew, yet had fallen so hard for nearly 70 years ago. You refused to let yourself fall for anyone else romantically, now that you were aware that anyone had the capacity to leave you at any time, no matter how deep you perceived your relationship to be.
You guarded your heart, and made sure to only let in those that you knew you could trust for a fact. For the remainder of your pregnancy, only your closest family members and friends stood by your side.
About 8 months later, you brought a small, but healthy infant into the world. From that moment on, you promised yourself to become the best version of yourself that you could be. No dwelling on the past, and no yearning for what could’ve been. Your only duty now was to provide the best life possible for your offspring.
So you did.
You stood in the kitchen, peeling an orange for your son before he bounded into the room. You turned and gave him a big grin, and he grinned back to you.
“Did you get dressed all by yourself?” You asked him excitedly, receiving a nod in return before he ran up to your leg, and hugged it.
“I did, Mommy!” He looked up at you with his soulful eyes, and you couldn’t help but to feel bombarded with emotion.
Even at the tender age of five, Grant seemed to become a bit more like his father every day. The shape of his eyes, the slope of his nose, the sound of his giggle. To the average onlooker, he came across as the same as any other child, but to you, your son was the splitting image of Steve.
“Good work, little man. Now go sit at the table so mommy can finish breakfast, okay?” He didn’t even bother confirming with you before more or less sprinting to the table. You couldn’t help but to ask yourself if your son had obtained all of that energy and speed from his father as well.
Breakfast was over almost as soon as it started, and before you knew it, you were warming up your car after you’d assisted Grant with brushing his teeth.
You were in an oddly nostalgic mood that day, playing music from a time period before you’d even imagined bringing another life into the world. You glanced up at the rearview mirror and watched your son happily bop his head to the beat. You thought in passing about how much of a gift he truly was.
After arriving at his school, you hopped out of the car and over to the furthest seat in the back, where he’d insisted on sitting that day.
“You ready, big guy?” You questioned while reaching out to grab him from the car seat.
“Born ready,” he agreed. You chuckled and shook your head fondly at that while getting him out of the car.
“Who taught you that?”
Grant shrugged, “I came up with it myself.”
“I’m sure. Can you hold my hand while we’re out please?” You reached out for him, and he gladly obliged.
You soon became distracted by a large man across the street, his built figure and light blonde hair making you recall the father of your child. You gave Grant’s hand a light squeeze and continued to approach the door, not being able to help yourself, and glancing over at the man one last time.
Except this time was different. Your eyes locked with the blonde man outside of the coffee shop across the street unexpectedly. Where you once thought casually to yourself that it looked like Steve, you now had confirmation that it was in fact the man who you’d fallen in love with, and found yourself pregnant by.
You audibly gasped, receiving a bit of a questioning look from your child. Your heart dropped as a metric ton of emotions hit you all at once, anger, sadness, confusion. Everything you told yourself you needed to repress, had suddenly come back to you all at once.
Even from a distance, you swore you could see his eyes flit from you to Grant, and the next thing you knew, he was approaching your direction. Looking for an easy out, and a distraction from your rather observant child, you quickly caused a misdirection.
“Grant, is that Stacey over on the playground? You should totally go show her that new version of tag that you were telling me about!”
Your son, ever the speedster, booked it towards the playground, and you let out a sigh of relief. Although, the relief didn’t last long, as just moments later, Steve was almost all the way up to you. As you turned to try to escape, you felt a hand on your arm.
“Y/N?” He asked, almost timidly.
You weren’t even sure what to say. In fact, you didn’t feel like you had control of your own body at this point. “Steve? I-“ You ran a hand through your hair and bit the inside of your lip. “You need to go.” The pain that was rushing through you was too much for you to bare, especially considering the man who caused the hurt had suddenly decided to reappear in your life after giving you a world of self doubt and abandonment issues.
Steve seemed hurt by your statement, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could stand to even look at his face. “Please, Y/N, let me explain,” he begged.
“No, Steve. You don’t get that luxury. You left me for someone else, and I guess you got to live a nice, long life with her. You don’t get to just show back up in my life when you get bored, okay? I can’t afford to play those types of games anymore. Now if you’d let me go-“ You attempted to get to your car, but Steve side stepped you.
“It wasn’t like that. You know it isn’t like that.”
“Just fucking leave! You have no idea what this has all been like for me. You had your opportunity to leave, and you gladly took it. Stay the fuck out of my life, and the hell away from my son.” You grabbed the handle of your car door and got in, reeling as you watched a dejected Steve walk away.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you rested your head against the steering wheel. You were feeling way too many emotions to pinpoint exactly how you felt, but you knew that this couldn’t be good.
You put a brave face on for your son that day, picking him up from school in a daze, and only half listening to whatever it was that he was telling you.
You felt bad for only being able to nod along to whatever he was saying, and did he just ask you if he could get a dog? Did you just say yes?
You felt like a stranger watching yourself from the outside in. The ghost of the person you’d developed into over the years watching the past version of yourself slip right back into your body, and take over your daily routine through the next few days of your life.
You had an obscene amount of anger that soon dissolved into a deep sadness, and that sadness shorty developed into a morbid curiosity.
You spent an unreasonable, and certainly unhealthy amount of time searching your old lover’s name on tabloid websites and social media, just to see if he’d given a statement on his whereabouts, or a statement about anything at all.
After about day three of your minor internet stalking, you’d had an epiphany while sitting in your office.
You still have Steve’s number saved on your phone.
That was, of course, if it hadn’t changed between now and the years that he’d been off living in the past.
Something about knowing that you were just one text away from him made your heart race with a mixture of nerves and interest. Just one impulsive decision, and you could change the whole trajectory of the rest of your life.
If you got back in contact with Steve, you might not ever be willing to leave him. You refused to make that mistake again.
Until you did.
After reading Grant his nightly bedtime story, then wrapping him tightly in his little bed, you’d decided to treat yourself to a glass of Chardonnay.
It’d been a weird past couple of days. Your time traveling ex had randomly appeared back into your life, your coworkers seemed to get on your nerves a little more every moment you were around them, and Grant had a temper tantrum in the grocery store that afternoon over a chocolate bar, which gained judging stares from customers, and may have made you feel the slightest bit inadequate.
At least that’s what you told yourself as you filled your glass again, because two glasses can’t hurt, and again, since I kinda deserve this extra one, don’t I? The next thing you knew, the bottle was empty, and you were texting Steve for the first time in years.
Y: Is this Steve?
You watched as three white dots hovered on your screen for a moment, disappeared, then came back once again.
S: Is this Y/N?
Y: Yes.
Y: We should tlak
Y: *talk
S: I agree.
Y: So lets
Y: talk
S: I don’t think this is a conversation for texts.
Y: Then call me???????????????????
S: We should talk in person.
Y: Im not gonna do that sober
S: You’re not sober?
Y: do you think id text u sober u big fuckni asshole
S: I guess you’re right
S: So are we gonna talk?
Y: no ur gonna meet me at b cup cafe tomorrow at 10
S: AM or PM?
Y: AM I’m off
S: Are you sure you want to do this?
Y: Say yes before i change my mind
S: I’ll see you there
Y: Bye babydaddy
S: ????
You promptly deleted the messages, tossed your phone somewhere on the sofa, and sunk into the seat. Even in your not-completely-sober state, you already felt the all too familiar sense regret. You dragged the blanket that hung over the top of the sofa over your exhausted body, and closed your eyes, wishing that this was somehow all a dream.
It was not all just a dream.
You woke up with dried drool on your chin, and a deep pit of bad feelings and regret in your chest. Of course, you ignored the bad feelings and got ready, business as usual. You successfully dropped Grant off at school with little complications, and found yourself perking up a bit more.
Yet, something still felt slightly off. You reached into the passenger seat for your phone, and as you looked down on it, saw the familiar notification of a calendar event.  
10:00 AM b cup coff w Steeb
You groaned out loud at this. There was no obligation for you to go meet with him, but perhaps going and talking to Steve would bring you some sort of closure. Maybe then you could move on with your life, get with a nice guy who would mean it when he tells you he won't leave you, who loves Grant like he’s his own biological offspring, and to take care of the both of you through thick and thin.
You gladly daydreamed of this fantasy man while driving to the shop, but you couldn’t help but to see Steve’s face doing all of the aforementioned things. Before you even fell pregnant, that’s what you’d truly wanted with Steve. To be a family. To have your definition of home be with your people, rather than a place.
Entering the coffee shop, you briefly ordered your drink before looking around and find Steve sitting alone in a booth, mindlessly stirring around the liquid in his cup.
Timidly, you approached the booth, before setting your purse down and sitting across from him.
“You... you came?” He looked up to you with almost watery eyes.
“Of course I did,” you tried to hold yourself back from mentioning something about following through on your word. You wanted this to be as civil as possible. To build bridges rather than burn them.
“I just didn’t expect to see you in person again. And, you know, you were running a little late,” he added.
“Well, you try waking a five year old up and getting him ready for school every day,” you expelled a humorless chuckle to deflect from the slight agitation you were feeling.
“While you’re hungover?” Steve asked with a bit of a smirk, trying to lighten up the mood.
“While you’re hungover,” You confirmed, genuinely laughing now. It felt good, natural even. You’d kind of forgotten just how pleasant things used to be with Steve.
“Did you mean it last night?” he interrupted the laughter with a serious look.
“I honestly cannot remember anything I said last night. Elaborate, please?”
“That he’s mine. Your son.” He watched you silently nod, then began to speak again, “Wow, I just didn’t realize… How did that happen?” He looked down into his drink nervously.
“Well, it’s kind of hard to recall the exact details, but when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...” You trailed off, and looked up as a barista called a butchered version of your name.
You were glad to have an excuse to get up and leave for a moment. Adrenaline was racing through your body, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep your composure before you erupted into tears, or had some sort of angry outburst.
Bringing your cup back to the booth, you sat down and took a sip of the scalding drink, “Where did we leave off?”
“I believe you were giving me the birds and the bees?”
“Right! Well, I think you know the rest. I’ll tell you more about Grant later. Right now, I want to know why you left and suddenly decided to come back.” You genuinely felt proud of your delivery. This was the moment you’d practiced in front of the mirror for years, and you didn’t even butcher it.
Steve shook his head and looked into his drink once again. It was so hard to look at you, let alone make eye contact with you, when he knew that he’d been the one to give you an ocean of grief. Yet, he was somewhat intrigued by hearing that his son’s name was his middle name.  
“It’s kind of a long story,” Steve began.
“Good thing we have time,” you crossed your arms as you spoke.
“Well, waking up in a whole new time period isn’t exactly the easiest thing ever. You and me both know I missed it there, and it’s always been more than just nostalgia for me. I truly believed that I belonged back there.”
Of course, you had an idea of this, but hearing Steve confirm what you’d already thought made your insides twist.
“But I was so wrong. More than anything, I guess I was in love with a romanticized version of the past. Of Peggy.”
Hearing her name, especially from Steve, made you bristle. You wanted to interrupt him at this point, but it wouldn’t do you or him any good to become hostile while he explained himself.
“By the time I realized, it was too late. I figured you’d already moved on and found someone else to take care of you, and the world, this world, didn’t really need me anymore. But something possessed me to come back.”
“So you’re telling me that if you stopped being an idiot that just assumes things, we could’ve worked this out before? That you could’ve been an active participant in your son’s life?”
“I guess that’s a good way to interpret that story. I know I haven’t been in his life, but is there any way that I can still meet him?” Steve asked hopefully.
“Yeah, of course. He’s just like,” you sighed a bit to yourself. “He’s like a carbon copy of you. Especially his personality, but like, down to his mannerisms. I always struggled to understand how he could be so much like his dad, and never even had met him. You’ll love him.”
“Even if I didn't like him, I’d still love him.”
“How do you still manage to be such a cheeseball all the damn time? You think you’d be able to make it to dinner tonight?”
At exactly 6:30 on the dot, your doorbell rang, and before you even had the chance to think about opening it, Grant already was at the door, and opening it. You cringed on the inside, and made a mental note to have another conversation about stranger danger with him.
“Do I know you? Who are you?” you heard your child question from the other room as you set down the last of the plates in your dining room.  
“I’m Steve, your mom’s friend... and…” Steve nearly spilled the beans to his son, but didn’t want to cause any more damage than he’d already done. “Her friend.”
“That’s so cool! I have friends too, like Nick, and Stacey, and,” you’d rushed up to the door and wiped your brow, internally hoping that you hadn’t just smudged the makeup you’d put on for the occasion.
“Hi, Steve, come on in,” You beckoned him in, and pulled Grant to the side, quietly scolding him before leading Steve into the dining room. “Grant! This is the last time I’m telling you about opening doors, okay?” He nodded obediently, then followed you and Steve.
“Can I sit next to your friend, Mommy?”
“Is that alright with you, Steve?”
“More than fine.”
Grant sat down next to him, and scooted a bit closer than necessary, while you sat across from the two of them.
“I have to in… enter a gate you now. Because Mommy never brings any over her friends over. I didn’t know she had any friends.”
You blushed a bit at this, at your son’s overdramatic behavior, and his admission that you’d become a bit of a loner.
“Go ahead, pal,” Steve chuckled heartily.
“When did you meet my mom?”
“Before you were even born.”
“Wow! That’s a long time. You’re really old. What’s your favorite dinosaur?”
“I’ve heard T-Rexes are pretty cool.”
“Have you met any?”
You nearly spat out your drink at this. If only your son had known.
“Nope, never. Have you?”
“Hmm, not yet. But they’re my favorite dino too. Now your ‘gating is over.”
You couldn’t help but to burst out into laughter at the bizarre exchange, but you were glad that your son and Steve were getting along so well.
The rest of dinner went pretty similarly, with Grant bantering with Steve, and Steve indulging him. You could tell that the relationship between the two of them was something that came both naturally and easily. You couldn’t help but to grin as Grant began to ramble about how cool Steve was, and how he swore he was better friends with Steve than you were.
“Mommy, isn’t Steve the best? You guys should totally get married so he can have dinner with us every day!” he swooned. “He even kinda looks like me, right?!”
That’s why you couldn’t help what came out of your mouth next.
“Grant, Steve is… He’s your dad,” you said quietly.
Grant nodded, then slurped up a noodle, “That’s why he’s so cool! He gets it from me, right Mom?”
“That sounds right to me,” You glanced up at Steve, and noticed his surprised expression. You mouthed something along the lines to ‘He’ll process it later,’ and waved a dismissive hand, before going in for another bite of food.
After putting Grant to bed, You and Steve stood at your kitchen sink, bumping elbows occasionally as the two of you silently worked together to wash and dry dishes.
The domesticity and familiarity of the action brought you an obscene amount of comfort. You remembered how you once believed that this is what your future would look like. Your thoughts were interrupted by Steve beginning to talk.
“Doesn’t this remind you of life after the first snap?” He asked, breaking the silence.
“Kind of. You’re not off the hook yet, by the way. You still have plenty of explaining and proving you’ve changed to do.” You set the last cup in the cupboard, then dried your hands off.
“I know, I know,” Steve began.
“We don’t even know if you’re ready for fatherhood. But right now, I kinda don’t care. I really just want you to kiss me.” You reached up to Steve’s cheek, and he pulled you in for a soft and chaste kiss.
You’d never felt more at home.
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