#even tho I barely be writing
yaksha-lover · 8 months
You were made in the image of the angel.
That’s what Rollo believes when he spots you, a speckle of light, amongst your tainted peers. You’re truly captivating to him; one so untouched by all the disgusting, dark miasma that swarms you, swirling it’s depraved fingers through your hair.
Despite magic’s presence in your life, it’s never taken root inside of you. For that, you are beautiful; the antithesis to the wicked fae that he so loathed.
He should have known Malleus would try to corrupt you. The dragon was alluring: dark tresses spilling around his broad shoulders, his piercing green eyes, and those magnificent horns upon his head. As gorgeous and charismatic as the fallen angel himself; that was what made him so dangerous.
It’s not your fault you gave into Malleus’ temptation. Rollo knows even he could have strayed from his righteous path had he been less disciplined than he was.
Still, he can’t end the burning rage when he sees the way you’ve been seduced by that man, the mark he’s begun to leave upon you.
He calms himself for a moment.
He’ll have to deal with it. For every drop of himself that Malleus has put into you, Rollo will have to cleanse you by doing the same.
Every kiss, every nip at your neck, every skirting of hands across your thighs will need to be replaced with a touch of his own, that of a pious man.
He’s sure you’ll understand - it’s only the price to pay for salvation.
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luxbub · 4 months
Luke watching any movie or tv series with you is my absolute demise. Because why wouldn’t he??? Like first of all, he’s just a boy that wants to spend as much time as he can with his gf, but when she’s too busy watching some little show about vampires—eyes twinkling in excitement and mouth slightly agape from all the plot twists, he just can’t stop himself from staring. And you wouldn’t even notice! That’s the best part; he gets to stare at your pretty face for hours!! You pay him no mind, too intrigued by the illuminated screen in front of you and little pouts from time to time just cause the scene was too tense. And when the episode/movie ended and you finally took your eyes off of the screen to look at your boyfriend; you found him already smiling at you. Laughing you tease him to take a picture cause it will last longer and he just takes out his phone to do that! Your illuminated face, smiling and giggling at him became his wallpaper for the next few weeks until another picture of your cute face came along and then another, and another and damn his whole gallery is filled with pictures of you but who tf cares when he can just wipe out his phone, swiping through pictures of you just cause you went to the toilet and left him for a few seconds.
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himejoshiangels · 3 months
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have u ever seen a comic book panel so beautiful it made u wnna cry?
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
I know this is a very unoriginal observation (much like any other), but I'm finally reading The Great Gatsby, and even I wouldn't describe men the way Nick does.
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crybaby-bkg · 11 months
Being in the forest, you’ve come across all kinds of things, people, beings. You, being one of them, a fairy, an olden one of your kind, the kin that’s far and few to find just lurking around. So you’re special, held in high regard to those who frequent your area of the forest, respected and highly praised. Most know to bow and smile without teeth when they see you, except for one.
He’s new, you suspect, with his too big green eyes and tilted head. He takes in every part of the forest, mumbling to himself, picks at his bottom lip. His hands rests on his hips, and you notice his chest is naked and his lower half is covered in thick, dense fur. It tapers off into shiny hooves that he taps into the soft grass, and you wonder when the last time you saw a satyr was.
He’s a pretty one, you think, with thick curly green locks and curious eyes. His ears are pointed and they twitch in your direction at your giggle when he trips over a tree root. His gaze swivels over to the flower you rest on, and he perks up at the sight of it, clumsily making his way to you.
Everything’s all giggles from you, until he picks up the flower you rest on, mouth opening as the flower comes quickly to his mouth. Before he can devour you, you screech at him, something in your old tongue that nobody in a thirty mile radius could understand. But he stops, pulling the flower back, his curious green eyes widening when he finally makes out your camouflaged body sitting prettily in the bud of the flower.
“Have you no manners?” You ask, voice a huff that makes the satyr’s head tilt in the other direction. He blinks a few times before his eyes widen in excitement, mouth dropping open as he takes you in.
“You’re a…” his voice delves off, as he realizes what kind of fairy you must be. One he’s only heard of in tales, ones that are as old as time. He can’t believe he’s seeing one in real time, much less almost eating one!
“Give me your name, and I’ll forgive your indiscretion.” You offer him, chin jutting out in his direction. He knows he shouldn’t, knows you guys are full of tricks, that he should only admire from afar. But you’re so pretty in that ethereal type of way, and so, so tiny in his hands, that he wonders just how much damage you could actually cause. So he bites the bullet, doesn’t even realize that with just a name, he’s sealed his fate.
“Izuku. My name is Izuku.”
Izuku, or Deku as he likes to be called, has become so subservient to you as the days go on. Carries you everywhere, despite your wings working perfectly fine. Feeds you the fruit from trees without a single complaint, bathes you in the lakes despite his face always turning so red.
He even touches you the way you like to be touched. Lets you stay in his palm, figure hidden behind thick trees, a patch in the openness of the forest where only you two reside. He holds his thickest finger above you, watches with intent vermillion eyes as you lay on your back in his palm, rubbing your tiny little clit all over the pad of his finger. He could crush you in this position, but all he can think of is how immoral it would be to kill an ancient fairy from trying to shove you on his too big cock.
And despite using his big fingers to get you off for so long, it still isn’t enough. He’s surprised, one dusky morning, when he enters that patch in the forest that’s become you guys’ special spot, and doesn’t find you sleeping on a leaf. No, instead, Deku finds someone who looks eerily like you, only bigger in size—so, so much bigger.
Your hair looks so soft and your skin glows an eery golden haze around it. Your wings look iridescent in the slithers of morning light, as they flap lightly when he enters the thicket. Your body is bare, and it only feels that much intenser when everything is so much bigger, so easier to see in the broadening of your skin.
Your eyes are devious, with a downright cruel smile. You stretch where you lay, yawning a little, flipping on your back as you look at Izuku upside down, body bare and on display. It makes him think back to how hard he would have to strain to look in between your legs, now looking away at just how clear everything is.
“It’s time to prove your usefulness to me, Izuku. Are you ready?” You ask in a voice so sultry, he thinks he might melt on the spot. He should’ve known better than to give an ancient fairy his name, knows he’s spellbound to you and your every wish for eternity. But a part of him wishes he only would’ve met you sooner.
“I’m more than ready.”
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
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shattered on the cliff’s edge, trapped by the tides
Summary: Steve Harrington, disgraced and disowned by his father for moral insanity, has been haunted by eerie dreams of a mysterious lighthouse ever since he was a little boy. His lighthouse quickly turns from recurring night terror to gruesome reality when his superior delegates him to fix the broken light and be the new keeper.
With only his clothes and a pocket watch that only ever shows the correct time twice a day, Steve makes his way up north. Robin, his wife for appearance’s sake, said to meet him there. But Robin never makes it, and Steve soon finds himself trapped in cold, whispering loneliness.
The locals claim that the lighthouse is haunted, cursed, and Steve — followed and plagued by terrible murmurs urging him to leave while he can, and faced with what can only be the ghost of a former keeper — is inclined to agree.
part 1 | part 2
or: read on ao3
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shoezuki · 4 months
the essay i got due tomorrow n barely done is like. its good i like it im excited to write it and im so upset that i have no time and am sick like.
its in my fairy tales n folklore class n im writing on the subject of taboo topics in perrault's 'donkeyskin' and specifically the symbolism/metaphors of the donkey hide she wears n how it symbolizes her trauma haunting her long after she escapes her fathers attempts to marry her n like. i like the story a lot n how its kinda fucked up but perrault really watered down the father-daughter incest topic n tried to make it more 'safe' and less taboo. but he fucking failed and i wanna argue bout it so bad. but my head hurt
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nostalgic-muffins · 6 months
cant believe there r people out there that hate mephisto. if you hate him, write me 9 paragraphs on why you hate him. write me a college level essay on why you think hes the worst obey me character. i DARE you.
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drpeppertummy · 7 months
Make him eat something dumb accident or not be mean to him >:3
MEAN to him ..............................
[post-stuffing tummyache, brief mention of past verbal abuse/degrading talk & a tiny hint to alcoholism]
Leon groaned and curled up around his aching belly. It gurgled miserably at the added pressure of his legs pushing against it, and, realizing this wasn't the best position, he turned ungracefully onto his back. Looking down at himself, he was both astonished and ashamed at how far his belly bulged out, stuffed far too full of nothing good.
As he lay there trying to soothe his upset stomach, Leon was startled by the phone ringing beside his head. He reached out awkwardly and grabbed it, nearly knocking an empty bottle off the end table with the cord. He supposed he shouldn't tease Shel so much for using a flip phone when he still had an old landline with the curly cord, but that was a concern for another time.
"Hello?" The word came out a little wobblier than he'd have liked it to, but he was glad to hear a familiar voice on the other end.
"Hey, Leon the Lion! What're you up to?"
"Oh, just lyin' around," Leon replied, feeling pleased with his stupid pun. Shel's wheezy chuckle was contagious, and he smiled.
"Course you are. Hey, you doin' anything today? They got that little fall festival goin' on over down at the park by Giuliana's," said Shel.
"Oh, I don't know," sighed Leon. "I'm not feeling great right now."
"Oh? What's the matter?" He could hear an almost motherly concern in Shel's voice, and while he felt bad about worrying him, he'd be lying if he said it didn't make him feel a little warm and fuzzy.
"I gave myself a stomachache 'cause I'm a knucklehead."
"Aw, shoot. Well, hey, how 'bout I come over and keep you company?"
"Aw, Shelly, you don't have to do that," said Leon, touched. "Go to the festival."
"Festival's no fun without you, dummy," said Shel. "Besides, I don't like thinkin' about you layin' there feelin' shitty all by yourself. I'll be over in a little bit, okay?"
"Alright," Leon gave in. "You're the best, Shelly."
Leon shifted around on the couch, trying to find whatever position would make his stomach feel least worst. Finally, he settled on his side, although moving around hadn't helped. His belly let out a queasy rumble as it struggled to process his big lunch. He'd stopped by Wawa earlier in the day and gotten himself a pork roll sandwich and a bag of tepid jalapeño poppers from the hot tray, and, in a spur-of-the-moment decision, he'd ordered a milkshake as well. He'd been full by the time he got to the shake, but, not wanting to wreck it by putting it in the freezer, he'd gone ahead and drank it anyway.
Now, his belly felt just about ready to pop, and the heavy, greasy, meaty, creamy combination of food inside had him feeling horribly ill. As he lay there, he couldn't help but think of all the awful things Bill would've said to him for eating such a bunch of crap, and he began to feel even worse about himself than he already did. At the same time, the thought made him feel unbelievably lucky to have Shel in his life. Shel would never call him a fat pig or a slobby bitch or anything like that. Shel was always so sweet and gentle with him. Then again, maybe Bill was right. Maybe he was a slobby bitch. Maybe he didn't deserve Shel at all. Leon hugged a pillow to his chest, and, despite his far-too-stuffed stomach, he wished he had a drink.
As if to break the spell, Shel came limping through the door with a delayed knock, a bottle of ginger ale in his hand. Leon looked up, startled out of his spiral of self-loathing.
"Oh, gosh, Leon," Shel exclaimed sympathetically at the sight of his friend's distended tummy. Leon looked sheepishly up at him as he sat down in the chair beside the couch, and the mixture of discomfort and shame on his face made Shel's heart ache.
"Here, I grabbed this on the way," said Shel, passing him the ginger ale. "I know you never keep yours in the fridge."
"Shelly, you're an angel," said Leon. He took a small sip, not wanting to bloat his aching stomach up even more, and immediately felt a little bit better.
"Here, c'mere," said Shel, moving over to the couch and gesturing for Leon to come closer. Leon pushed himself upright with a grunt, his belly gurgling uncomfortably at the movement, then, shyly, he let Shel take him into his arms, leaning against his side and laying his head on his shoulder. Shel rested his hands on Leon's round tummy. It was shockingly taut, and he winced as it let out another queasy grumble. The touch was comforting, though, and he felt Leon grow more relaxed in his arms.
"Jeez, buddy, what do you got in there?"
"A bunch of crap," Leon said glumly.
"Well, hey, it happens to the best of us, right?" Shel smiled down at him, gently rubbing his belly. Leon returned the smile.
"Yeah, I guess so."
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spookyserenades · 7 months
Hi my loves!! Sorry for not being active here- October was a crazy busy month for me and I have been working very hard on Chapter Eleven (out in two days!!! Woohoo!!) I will be answering asks, messages, and replies tomorrow, I love and miss you all and can't wait to catch up 💞
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
Grrggh...good morning everypony = w = I rewatched the episode of the ppg reboot where Utonium gets a girlfriend...
#jane journals#self insert talk#🔬 starkissed scientist 🔬#i woke up at 5 in the gah damn morning and MY HEADPHONES are gone so im gonna have to ride the bus w/o them >:[#hell on earth 10 dead 4 missing!!!#and i choose to do this before i go ajfjg#anyways this sucks#like im not bothered by love interests but this whole reboot is ass and the characters are badly written#but theres like....at least one or two cute moments where utonium is smooth with it >//<#it cant even get the FIRST THING RIGHT ABOUT HIM THO#in literally THE FIRST EPISODE he says that spiders creep him out and they basically just. not even ignore but contradict it entirely#for why? the purpose of this ep where the love interest studies spiders and turns into one ig#they could say that hes PRETENDING to like them because he likes her. but they didnt do that#ALSO why spider? why not werewolf? that would be hot#and the love interest is that bland brand of 'adorkable' thats so disingenuous#on the other hand i DO like spiders. and the way she talks to one and like treats it like a pet...yeah id do that ._.#and idk they always write utonium as way more harsh than he'd usually be especially with bubbles#he wouldnt tell her shes being SELFISH by not wanting to give away her last piece of popcorn to a spider#especially when she barely got any#maybe he'd remind her that its GOOD to be generous BUT NOT CALL HER SELFISH#but yeah....theres maybe a moment or two 😒#like when his love interest spoils a whole MOVIE for the girls and ofc theyre upset#but he holds her face and says 'everything i need to see is right here'...>//<#THAT was smooth#and idk they don't play with the idea of the girls wanting to break them up ENOUGH#they just write one fake email and its done. then spider reveal#it sucks maybe i shouldnt have started my day this way 😂😂😂#whatever hopefully work is good!!#and i always have og utoniom to think about 🥺👉👈💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘
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acesammy · 10 months
I get too insane when I think about the arcs they robbed from Sam in the late seasons
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krysmcscience · 3 months
New chapter for Breach, and a few little edits to prior chapters! Also I hope you like character interaction, because there is a heckin' lot of character interaction!!! OuO
Red is having such a day, lemme tell ya. (And it's only going to become more of a day the second he goes back into his dorm.)
Also, Ghost is back, and now y'all finally get to see him in his Normal Settings! (There is nothing normal about this stupid squishbaby.)
Has Shio been hiding some Knowledge ever since they first showed up? Maybe. Probably. Definitely. (And did they manage to be convincing about it in the process? I sure fucking hope so.)
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aroaessidhe · 10 months
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2023 reads // twitter thread
The Sun and The Void
Venezuelan inspired high fantasy
follows a young outcast swordswoman taken in by her grandmother, the dark sorceress for a noble family, who relies on the magic to keep her alive after being attacked by monstrous creatures
and a young noblewoman who’s the shame of her family because of her mixed heritage and desire to use magic
both are manipulated by those with more power than them into a plot to free an ancient evil god
mineral based magic, politics, nonhuman MCs
#The Sun and The Void#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#hm. haha. surface level this is kinda interesting and cool but i am going to follow with so many complaints#though I feel like it didn’t go into the magic or worldbuilding as much as I wanted and it felt irrelevant to the characters#like how does the magic even work? idk man#though I feel like it didn’t go into it as much as I wanted and it felt irrelevant to the characters#very slow to start and the pacing is weird. it would also go ages without having the other POV. very disjointed?#it felt like the first 60% was just context for the group of characters getting together as a group and then it was a bit predisposed with#They’re A Group! even tho. they're barely a group for long#the authors note mentions that the story concept started with a line about the god and ritual and…..yeah I can kind of tell#I feel like everything was built up around it in a way that ultimately that part didn’t fit right#I never bought that any of them were actually like fully committed to the evil dark magic? and also there’s this plot twist#that they have to fully kill the sacrifices & I was like…did we not already know that? girl r you stupid what do you think sacrifice means#also#oh my god at like half way one of the MCs is like. oh finally this guy who I’ve been exchanging letters with for months turned up to get me#away from here! by the way I’ve been exchanging letters with this guy and we’re friends! and like. she’d been doing nothing much for the#last 10% of the book why was that not like….shown as something she was doing? and like build up the friendship for the reader instead of#just dropping it on us - and also that we know the character from the other POV. and hes a racist prick. and we're supposed to believe she'#charmed by him because of this letter writing WE DIDN’T SEE….. why.#and then also that is like. he’s a shitbag and it’s obviously not romantic at all. he’s manipulative and terrible to her#EXCEPT at the end it implies his bad behaviour is because demon and oh uwu he gets all beat up and maybe hes sowwy now#and starts to imply she likes and is attracted to him? and I get the impression the next book is gonna be like evil power couple dynamic?#which. feels like the first concept the author had; and then tried to build up to that but not effectively lmao#for the lesbians:#I DO APPRECIATE having an assumed love interest then realising that that was idealised and actually you have feelings#for this other person you’ve become friends with! nice slow switch up. though quite brief#I do however dislike that when she admitted her feelings to the first LI and she rejected her it was still framed as the other’s fault#for not reciprocating the feelings….worst trope….also like. it kind of conflated her not feeling that way to her having a bit of class disc#which. yikes? oh my god stop villainising people for not reciprocating romantic feelings (ALSO they turn out to be related anyway 🤪)#i just feel like the romance switchover could have been done with more nuance and complexity
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the-flaming-nightmare · 5 months
Moodboard Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @anewkindofme! 💚
Rules: post a picture of a place, animal, plant, season, character, hobby, color, gemstone, and food that reminds you of yourself/represents you
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Road to the Madera County countryside (bottom left corner), wolf (top middle), Venus fly traps (top right corner), autumn (bottom right corner), Sam Winchester from Supernatural (direct middle), reading (middle left), red (top left corner), ruby (middle right), and pancakes (bottom middle).
Tagging (if you wanna): @angelique-of-the-volturi-guard, @northbeastart, @craycraybluejay and @rhoooooo
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llycaons · 3 months
that 'little stories about love' post is going around again and most of them are quite sweet but I have to say if my grandmother stalked me across the country and called me when I was on my vacation to demand attention from me I'd be not only pissed but extremely creeped out. I'm sure the submitter has a different relationship to that experience but um. I find that super invasive personally
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