#and yo. bestie. i will draw us.
bugbreach · 1 year
tagged by @acridid-s​ <3
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(i struggled so hard with the outfit part cause i cannot work with the color palette i’m given, urgh)
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funnyjb · 5 months
You’re all mine
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Summary: you and Joe end up confessing your feelings not just towards each other but also to your parents.
(September 2020)
It was a normal Friday night. You were at your best friend’s house for annual movie night and dinner. You have know Joe all your life. Your moms have been besties since middle school. They introduced the two of you when you guys were only 2 years old. Ever since you both have been best friends. You have always had some sort of feelings towards Joe but never told him. You thought it would ruin your friendship.
You both were laying on Joes couch watching Anyone But You. You were snuggled into joes neck and his hand was on your thigh. You guys always cuddle but something felt different. Like there was a different spark between you and Joe. A good spark. Your eyes started to get tired. Joe noticed your tired eyes and smiled. Knowing how safe and comfortable you felt laying on him. He then moved his hand from your thigh to your back. He rolled up the bottom half of your shirt and started drawing shapes on your bare skin. Going up and down your spine. It sent shivers all up and down your spine. You always imagined what it would be like to be his girlfriend. He always takes you to his events and everyone always asks him if you are his girlfriend. He smiles and his cheeks always get a little rosy. He says “no, she is my childhood best friend.” And that’s all he says. Sometimes people will tell him that they thought we were a couple because he sometimes puts his arm around me and we always check up on each other. It makes you get all happy inside. Like maybe there is a spark or a chance.
After a couple minutes your eyes finally closed and you fell asleep. Joe kept rubbing your back and watching the movie. But soon after he became tired to. He picked up the remote and turned the tv off. He then looked at you. He was mesmerized by you. Your beauty, your love, your kindness, your laugh. He loved everything about you. He realized a while ago that he had feelings for you. He just has been in football mode and didn’t even realize that he caught feelings. Joe stopped rubbing your back and put his arm under your legs and his other arm around your back to pick you up bridal style to put you to bed. You woke up to the sudden movement. All you did was wrap your arms around his neck and close your eyes again. He stood up with you in his arms and walked up the stairs. You usually sleep in the guest room so you thought he was bringing you in there, but he didn’t. Instead he brought you to his room. He laid you down on the side he doesn’t sleep on and out the covers over you. Turned off the lights and went over to his side. Crawled into bed next to you and looked over at you. You were on your side, your back was towards Joe. He watched as your body rose and fell from your breaths. They you quickly realized where you were once you felt Joe get it. You woke up and looked at Joe.
Then you moved your head to his chest and snuggled into him. You realized that Joe probably has feelings for you now because he put you in his bed. Joe didn’t really show a lot of affection to anyone really so when he shows it to you, you always feel like he had some sort of feelings towards you. He started playing with your hair as you curled up next to him.
“So, you probably know that I like you now since you are laying in my bed and-”-joe
You cut him off with placing a kiss on his lips
“Yeah, I know.”-you smiled
“Ok, good.”-joe
He kissed you
“Are you coming back with me to Athens tomorrow?”-joe
“Yeah, I figured I could see my parents and spend time with them.”-you
Joe nodded his head
“By the way, I like this.”-joe
“What do you mean?”-you
“Us, together.”-joe
“Like boyfriend and girlfriend kind of thing?”-you
“Speaking of that, what are we?”-you
“Well, since we just kissed and we both have massive feelings towards each other I think it’s only right we start dating.”- joe smirked
“Ok burrow, deal!”-you
We both laughed.
Let’s just say the night ended in both of us not in our pjs.
(Next day) in Athens
“Hey Mama!”-you
“Hey,hon!”-your mom
You just gotten to Athens with Joe and in your backyard with your parents, but Joe is coming over soon with his parents and his siblings for some barbecue.
After setting up the table outside for everyone to eat the Burrows finally arrived.
“Hey guys!”-robin and jimmy
“Hi!”- your dad and mom
After they hugged Robin and Jimmy moved to you.
“Y/n! You look gorgeous as always.”-robin
“Aww thank you, Robin!”-you pulled her in to a hug
“Hey sweetie.”-Jimmy
“Hi Jimmy! So nice to see you!”-you pulled him into a hug
After saying hello to joes parents you see Joe and his siblings.
“Y/n! How have you been?”-codie (Jamie’s wife)
“I’ve been good! How about you? How are the kids?”-you
“They are amazing! They are with my parents tonight.”-Codie
You then said hello to Joes brothers and made some funny jokes with them about when you were younger. As you laughed with Dan you see Joe approaching.
“Hey.”- joe blushed
“Hey.”- you smiled
You pulled each other into a tight hug. Your arms around his neck and his arms around your lower waist.
Your families still didn’t know about you and Joe so you guys had to keep it low key.
As you moved out of the hug, Joe still had one of his arms around your waist and was staring so deeply at you. You locked eyes with him. You were about to say something when your mom called.
“Dinner everyone!”- your mom
You pulled out of Joes contact and walked to the table. You intertwined your fingers with his as you walked over to your seat. Joe sat next to you.
“This looks amazing!”- Dan
“Thank you.”- your mom and dad
Everyone started eating and it was so good no words were said for a whole 5 minutes.
“So, y/n how are things at work?”- Jimmy
“It’s been good! Patients come in and out every day. Some stay longer than others and I usually work more with them.”- you
You are a physician psychologist at your local hospital in Cincinnati. You have been there for three years and love it.
“That’s nice. Anyone give you crap?”- Jimmy
You laughed
“Sometimes, but really just the teenagers who hate talking about everything and anything. I can handle them though.”- you
“Good. Always knew how to put someone in their place.”- Jimmy
“It’s true. She once got sent home from school because she started going off on one of her school bullies.”- your mom
“Oh yeah! I remember that, it was awesome.”- joe
Everyone laughed
They started talking about how Joe and I were inseparable all through elementary school to college. Then they switched subjects into joes love life.
“Joes only had one crush his whole life. I don’t think that’s changed.”- Dan smirked over at us
“Yeah, and I never found out who it was.”- you laughed
“Oh well, you know her very well.”- Dan
“I do?”- you
“Yeah, she is brunette, works in a hosp-.”- Dan
“Ok, ok, I think that’s enough Dan.”- joe
“Hey, he was just about to tell me.”- you
“I know he was but you definitely already know who my crush was and still is.”- joe
“No I don’t.”- you
You were honestly a bit confused. Surprisingly because you can read a room very well and always good at figuring out details but you can’t seem to get it.
“Yes you do y/n, especially after last night.”- joe looked up at you and smirked
“Last night? What happened last nigh- oh.”- you
Your face became flushed
“Wait, what happened last night?”- Dan
“Wait, I was your crush all along? It took you this long burrow to tell me?!!”- you
“GUYS! What happened last night?”- Dan
“Yeah!”- everyone
“Ok, ok, last night we told each other we like one another and we hooked up.”- joe
“WHAT!”- everyone
“You didn’t need to tell them the hooked up part Joey.”- you laughed
“Sorry.”- joe whispered with smile
“Wait, wait, you guys hooked up last night? Finally!”- Codi
Everyone laughed
“So, what are you guys now? A couple?”- Jamie
“Yeah, yeah we are.”- you looked up at Joe
Joe nodded with a big happy smile
“OMG! Finally.”- robin
“Seriously.”- your mom chuckled
Joe put his left hand on your thigh and you put your hand on top.
“So, it’s been me all along.”- you
“Always has been.”- joe smirked
“Such an ass, burrow.”- you
You leaned on for a kiss.
“You’re all mine.”- joe
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b1nkee · 3 months
If asking doesn't convince you here is literally every single aphmau related piece I've ever done from most recently worked on to oldest
I'm missing a couple of my OLD OLD pieces from when I was actually 11 because I'm on vacation and I can't find a single picture of these drawings but wtv enjoy ig
also half of these are just gonna be sketches AND you guys WILL see these again when they get finished
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we are so back sos sosososososo back, I still need to fit Kim somewhere because she's plot relevant
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diaries interpretations <3 they will slowly be clothed
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they're kissinf <3
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nana drowning
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zane for valentines day (this was not finished anywhere near valentines day)
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diaries gargar before and after survivors guilt + other mcd things
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Levin Zoey and Malachi sending out a message in a bottle after literally everyone disappears. (mother)
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Zoey making those fairy lights
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travis valentines day tile I actually made around valentines day, I can't find the post-fired version anywhere in my camera roll other than in a TikTok I made where I was using It to do pre-calc homework LMFAO
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zane in skeleton onesie
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zanechan watching movies tg except his ass falls asleep.
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they're going shopping.
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The zane piece I made that actually really made digital painting start clicking in my head. Also I was in the TRENCHES for him during this piece I think you can tell
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I long have abandoned this sketch BUTTTT I'm planning a redraw eventually
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Ok so now here we are pre-quarantine by a few years. Had a little rare pair moment. I think travchan has an interesting dynamic in the like 3 moments they interact and if aphmau isn't going to give them a bestie arc IM going to give them a bestie arc
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ok and now this one is like from ages ago ages ago
I have a couple of other drawings (1 of Irene, 1 of like every MCD character to ever) that were so so so silly because I made them back when I was 11 or something wish they were here anyway
lots of other aphmau fan art to come, honestly Im provably going yo be making fan art for these series's until I drop dead
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skyblueartt · 4 months
Yapping again, are we?
I have so many ideas for a fun little “nobody dies” fnaf AU because I am in love with these characters ughhhghhghhhh. I love tragedy and drama and dysfunction, but also…let’s give the gang a bit of a break from that. Imagine!!!!
Charlie and Elizabeth as teenagers and BESTIES. I have SOOOO many thoughts, I treat these girlies like they’re my damn OCs at this point :’))) I made a whole ass headcanons post and everything ahhaha, they’re everything to me byeee
Also also ALSO Mike, in his 20s, totally lives with his “roommate” (take that in any way you want) Jeremy !!! Michael discovering his passion for art and selling some drawings/paintings on the side. Maybe he went/is going to school for art? Hmmm. I just really love Michael’s hobby being art (self projection). Jeremy being his fun, chill, supportive, stoner roommate and friend/boyfriend/whatever you want
Also just CC/Evan not dying as a little kid is just. Just so nice, dude. That kid deserves a good life ughghhhg. Maybe as he gets a bit older he’s faced his fears about those animatronics :) I’m imagining he’s like, a pre-teen or young teenager here. “Haha, dad, do you remember how these things used to give me NIGHTMARES? Crazy”
Maybe if William isn’t insane (well— not in the “I’ve taken the lives of several children and lost myself completely” insane, but he’s ABSOLUTELY still eccentric and weird but in like. A good way. I LOVE villain william though, he’s my fave don’t get me wrong hehe) him and his ✨🏳️‍🌈BUSINESS PARTNER and BEST FRIEND🏳️‍🌈✨ Henry just. Explore their feelings because they’re down bad for each other for SURE. I need middle age man yoai but make it not toxic- or not as toxic. Like I LOVE LOVE LOVEEE the tragic dynamic between those two when Will is a fucked up murderer, but damn dude this is supposed to be a happy AU here lemme have this😭
Also just Henry watching Charlie grow up <3 my soul like. Needs that, man. And just bein a cool uncle to the Afton kiddos!! Going to Mike’s highschool graduation, he’s SO proud, that’s his boy! Bonus points if other kids are like “yo Mike, who’s your dad’s boyfriend? Hahahaaha” and Mike’s like “that’s my ‘Uncle’ Henry and he’s actually really fuckin cool so shut up” (and also my dad’s boyfriend)
Also. William just…being a dad. I need this, man. I need it. UGH! DAD WILLIAM! NOW! And Henry never falling into a deep deep depression or emptiness because his little girl was never uhhh brutally KILLED. Pleeease
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weirdo09 · 20 days
No because i do not get why Gwen stans of all people hate Margo😭I mean i KNOW why(misogynoir)but it makes zero sense because Margo wasn't even mean to Gwen when she pulled that leash shit on Miles and makin' her a bitch is crazy because if anything she's TOO nice.Every day i wish biblically accurate angel Gwen(lightskin biracial afrolatina Gwen)was canon so snowbunnies and picks mes wouldn't stan her and then i could be a Gwen kinnie in peace and see more Ghostbyte/Pink Emulator(/sisterly name i gave them).On a lighter note i have some Margo hcs:She's from bronx,a bookworm,has pink as a special interest,is transmasc genderfluid but so femme she dosen't wanna physically transition and uses she/he/they/sparkle/pix/strawb pronouns,she's fat,know as 'the loser girl' at school and her favorite food is loaded chili fries!!
YESS OMG like I was so mad when people would be sitting there making jokes about Gwen killing Margo cause “she was all up on her man” like yo, get a grip, Margo was just being nice and they was havin a lil cute cute moment then Gwen had to come and make it a problem 😭 like biblically accurate gwen would fix so many problems oml but her and margie would be besties <3
I hate Gwen’s stans so much because they literally want gwen to hurt margo for no reason and act like gwen is a better choice for miles with no evidence like just say you hate black love and move enough cause miles and Margo is more interesting to me than romantic Gwen and miles, they just friends besides how you gonna date somebody you hardly know fr? 🤔
but anyway, those hcs are so cute, I personally hc her to be from my state, virginia cause a lotta haitians move here n yeah besides it’s so beautiful hehe ^_^
she games while watching the go home thingy? and I love this one hc I saw of where they was like she makes copies of herself to avoid meetings, it’s priceless! I hc her gender identity to be genderfluid cause yes yes, I honestly really felt so happy when I saw Margo cause of her tooth gap, everybody wanna talk about gwen’s but margo’s is super !!! I love drawing her gap even though it’s been a good minute since I’ve drawn her, but that’s literally my wife y’all !!!! fat Margo makes the world go around because black women do n like yes >:)
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m-n-m-s · 1 year
Hiiii, could you please write headcanons of 1610!Miles having a younger sibling? Not a spiderperson tho. Also pretend that his younger sibling was also in ITSV and ATSV movies! 😄 (fun fact, Miles actually had a little baby sister in the comics)
1610! Miles with a younger! sibling
1610! Miles Morales + Gn!Younger!Sibling Reader
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red: miles
green: you
ok so depending like how much younger than him you are
it would be a lil different
let's say you were like a decent few years younger, not rly close in age
y'all would be pretty chill ngl
"can you help me with my drawing?"
"ok fine. just stop with the puppy eyes."
if you're like way younger than him and you give him your best puppy eyes that man is a goner.
if you guys are like similar in age, with you being a few years younger
the two of you will be switching between:
i hate you.
"wow, this is actually a great drawing."
"...thank you?"
*literally five minutes later*
"get your arachnid-looking ass out of my way."
"extremely unnecessary. but okay."
you found out the fact he was spider-man relatively quick
yk that one scene in itsv when he gets everything in his dorm room stuck to him?
that happened once at home
you just strolled in and he's standing on one of the walls sideways
attempting to un-stick several drawing tools off of his hands.
one of which was also stuck to the ceiling, may i add.
you kinda just stood there for a moment
both of you engaged in like a staredown typa thing
"i can explain."
"why the fuck are you standing parallel to the floor??"
"you spiderman or something?"
you were originally joking with that sentence, but okay
anyway from that point on you had to restrain yourself from using the "miles is spider-man!" card with your parents
forced him to swing you around the city once
big mistake!!
miles will insistently claim that you were clinging to him so hard that you cut off his blood circulation.
"you really don't need to yell in my ear. maybe i should drop you-"
"do not."
miles will literally never admit it but he was ridiculously worried for you while he was with the other spiders during itsv
the same in atsv
but both of you would rather eat the dust beneath the other's bed than admit that you missed each other
the most you would probably do when he came back home would be like this sad shoulder pat
"good on you for not dying."
"thank you for not getting kidnapped by a random villain dude."
"aww, were you worried about me?"
"nah. did you miss me?"
"no. i finally got to take my time in the bathroom in the morning."
this is a lie.
if miles wasn't preoccupied with trying not to die, he would be picking at his nails, hoping you were okay
meanwhile, you were almost missing the annoying knocks on the door and the accompanying "god, hurry up!"
when gwen finally visited him in atsv, you were so prepared.
subtly embarrassing your older brother in any way possible
for funsies!!
"yo, miles! why is your bright pink teddy bear in the middle of the fucking hallway??"
"shut up. that's not mine."
bro definitely apologized to the teddy bear afterward
you definitely tried to fight someone for miles at least once
he watched in amusement the whole time.
but if it actually started turning out to be a physical fight he would pick you up and/or drag you away
you're not gonna get hurt because of him
"let me go! i can take him-"
"sorry, no can do. mama would murder both of us."
there was one time when he almost got into a fight with someone because he heard them talking about you
you had to use all your strength and will to drag him outta there
"damn your stupid mutant spider strength-"
"i didn't ask. c'mon, spidey."
shenanigans aside, you were always there for him whenever he came back late after his spider duties
you didn't ask questions, because most of the time, he didn't look like he would answer them
so you quietly patched him up, cracking stupid little jokes to see him smile
if he wanted to talk about it, you would listen
maybe even give him a hug, which you never really do
the next morning he would let you steal some food from his plate to thank you
maybe even take you for a swing, only if you promised not to cut off blood supply to his arms
all in all, miles n his younger sibling's relationship would be very funny to watch but also very sweet <3
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his lil baby sis in the comics was so adorable omg 😭 🫶🏻
i was gonna make this shorter but it ran away from me 😦
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whattraintracks · 6 months
25. Laser Tag Gone Wrong - The Next Mutation
Let's take a trip to Joe's Laser Funhouse
Some thoughts on "The Good Dragon" (S1E23). I've said before Venus and Raph are besties in this show, and I stand by that, but they also give off baby sister and big brother vibes, especially in this episode. It adds an interesting perspective when they butt heads over Raph being too protective and Venus declaring she doesn't need protecting. This is true; she kicks serious shell, and Raph knows it.
ACTUALLY WAIT, DO YOU KNOW WHAT INTERPRETATION WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER?? THEY BOTH THINK OF THEMSELF AS THE OLDER SIBLING. This is perfect. Venus was so sad when Leo said they weren't related (part of my list of things to ignore). I swear she wanted to be their mysterious, long-lost sister so bad. So I imagine she gets to New York, meets the guys, and is like, ah yes, four little brothers, how exciting I've always wanted to be a sister. But Raph, who is the protector ever, meets Venus and is like, ay sweet, baby sis acquired. You guys, I'm so big brain for this. Okay, on to the actual episode.
Brief Inexhaustive List of Ignorable Things:
every incorrect use of the term shinobi, forget the word exists in this show it will make your life easier
weird out of sync running sound effects
weirder dragon noises
the dragons do not look like dragons, they look like humans in baggy clothes, green body paint made to look vaguely like scales, and red-eye contacts
on that note Venus' plastron
don't know how I never realised this before, but there's a scene in the opening where Leo's in yellow instead of dark blue??
whatever puns you don't like, it's 70-30 for me on which land or not
My Commentary:
We open at Joe's Laser Funhouse
Raph and Venus are playing laser tag
Raph: "Oh, Venus! I'm coming for you!"
Raph could probably afford to sound a little less serial killer, but that would be boring, actually
R: "Ya mess with the best, ya fall like the rest"
Raph might just be posing
I choose to believe he is actually the laser tag champ in this version
R: "Raph rocks"
yes, you do, honey, never change
or maybe do because Venus immediately tags him
or not
not sure if she completely missed him from five feet away or if Raph did actually cheat somehow like she insinuates
R: "Want fair? See a judge"
what could you possibly know about the US judicial system
Venus: "This here town ain't big enough for the both of us"
who showed Venus a Western!! I'm not mad, I just wanna talk!!
literally the cutest thing ever
V: "Draw!"
except it's NOT Raph it's a dragon
good thing he's super dramatic and ominously inches his laser closer to Venus so that OTHER dragon can come in and knock him out
you know, the titular Good Dragon
R: "D'you know why they call them dragons? 'Cause they're a major drag"
Raph saves the day with the power of ninjutsu and puns
After two PowerPoint transitions, we arrive at the lair
obligatory Venus getting mad about it Raph rescuing her all the time
R: "Ah, quit being such a weenie, I'd've done it for anyone"
which is not inaccurate
but we know the truth, he just wants to watch his sister's back
proceeds to jack Mikey's food and leave
Quick jump over to the Dragon Lord's Lair
turns out Joe's Laser Funhouse is actually the Good Dragon's hideout
Mikey: "Hey, Raph! What's the mutatious babe up to?"
you know Raph's hovering when folks start asking him what Venus is up to
he is, in fact, just watching her meditate in this scene
yes, Mikey calls her that. no, I don't know why
I've just been reading it as a silly Mikey thing
Back to Joe's Laser Funhouse
can't believe Venus got past Raph to Joe's Laser Funhouse by herself
V: "Good doggie! Sit! Stay!"
Good Dragon v. rabid dog
R: "Ay, yo! Mei Pieh Chi!"
never mind, there he is
comes in a-shoutin', but it's really sweet that he uses her real name!
alternatively, calling her by her legal name for the full big brother effect
R: "Where you hidin', huh?"
she sneaks up on and judo-flips him
why? why not
as far as I remember, Raph is the only turtle Venus consistently chooses violence with
V: "Goo!" R: "Uh, that's boo, Venus" V: "No. When you're packing these it's 'goo'"
excuse you, Raphael, she got that colloquialism wrong on purpose
they are very physical and constantly in each other's faces in this episode, such sibling behavior
oh no, he fell for the classic made you look + mystic goo ball getaway!
R: "I've been psyched out by a peace-loving mutant!"
hilarious because she gets into and out of as many fights as he does
Raph, I hate to break it to you, but you are also a mutant
V: "Being hunted isn't so bad, trust me I know. Sometimes I even enjoy it"
girl, we need to get you some new nemeses and professional help
V: "Gee, Raphael, you see kind of angry"
metaphorically and then literally pokes the beast
see could be little or big sibling behavior, I don't know
R: "Oh, boy"
he says, after getting kicked into a dumpster and dragged away
V: "Raphael's in the trash!"
how she chooses to announce to the lair that Raph has been kicked into a dumpster and dragged away
Leo: "There's no dragon alive that Raph can't wail on"
okay, Leo's faith in him is really sweet
Donnie: "A . . ." L: "B. . ." M: "3. . ." D: "Shouldn't that have been C?"
Donnie, why do you even bother
Splinter: "Teenagers! Ugh, can't get used to them"
Splinter when nobody ever tells him anything
he's like, where are you going? where is my son???
and they just leave
PowerPoint transition to Props Props Props
that's the name of the prop warehouse Raph is being held captive in
Raph is tied up with tinsel and string lights
why would a dragon who likely has no concept of Christmas also put a star on his head?
Did Raph tell him to do it?
who knows, but Raph is very bothered by looking like a Christmas tree, and the Christmas music in the background sells it
R: "There's no shame in, uh, being good"
Raph's attempts at negotiation
unfortunately, said dragon reacts like he's been called a slur
Good Dragon: "You're my only hope . . . I'll sacrifice you to prove my loyalty"
you have been chosen
farewell, Raphael
you go on to a better place
R: "Here's the concept: you untie Raph, Raph will fight, okay?"
everyone just leaves him tied up while they have an epic fight scene
guys, please, he just wants to fight
this is like his third or fourth entreaty to be untied
V: "Merry Mutant Christmas!
as she drives a pair of dragons pulling her around on a sleigh
one is wearing a zebra mask, and the other has a sombrero that she put on them to blind them? I think?
Venus goes ham in this fight
R: "You know, I sorta liked that Good Dragon dude. He wasn't like a dragon. He was more like, uh, like a turtle!"
Raph has two categories: turtles and everyone else
if he decides you're chill, you get to be an honorary turtle
L: "Raph finally makes a friend, and it turns out to be the enemy!"
Leo, don't do him like this
this is like the fourth to last episode, he's made other friends
like Andre and the gorilla
does the baby turtle count?
Raph gets along well with animals
R: "Hey! He wasn't my friend! He was Venus' friend!"
the turtle doth protest too much, methinks
goes to sulk on the couch with his sister
jokes on him, she will not be a reprieve from the mocking
V: "Actually, I think he liked you best" R: "Oh yeah? how's that?" V: "Well, you guys have more in common . . . You're both pig-headed!"
Venus never wastes an opportunity to make fun of Raph
such big sibling energy to me
gets laughed out of the lair and goes for a ride on his . . . hog . . .
All in all, a delightful episode. Love the new insights I had about Venus and Raph's relationship. Laser tag gone wrong in the funniest way possible.
Bonus: memes for Splinter in these trying times.
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aqg-arts · 1 year
Hi, I'm AQG Arts!
As you can tell from my bio (and my posts), I am an 'artist' who enjoys drawing anything that will make people laugh. I also love to write, though I haven't made any posts containing my writing. I'm also currently- actually, no. No spoilers :p. Instead, let me link the project when it's ready 😉
My pronouns are she/her/they/them
Here are some fun facts about me:
. I am a bi lesbian in a straight relationship
. I am a Demigirl
. I have a yt channel
. I have a discord
. I have an insta
. Please sign the Griffin Petition uwu
. I love Halo, Warframe, COD, Ghost Recon, etc
. I have four birds (two of which are just as old as me lol); France, Prince (cocktails), Buck and Dare (parrots).
. I have two fish, one's about 5-7 yrs, the other about 2 yrs (Jerome'eis and Tiger)
. I have a cat (Kelly)
. I have a horse (Archie, pictured bellow)
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. Queerphobes
. BLERQs (Bi Lesbian Exclusionary...)
. TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist)
. MERQs (MSPEC Exclusionary...)
. Anti-gay Christians (you know the ones)
. Zoos/'MAPs'/pedos (These people are NOT Queer; They are bigots, and they are actually harming people, even if they are 'non-practising'. The difference between them and us MSPECs is exactly that: They hurt people, and we just want to live our lives.)
. Misogynists
. Pro-lifers (don't even lol)
. Pro genocide (you are disgusting)
. Racists
. AI 'artists' (anyone who uses AI with that type of mindset (iykyk) will be purged from thou blog, UwU. In other words, no AI bros)
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Here's some of my fav art things I've done (some are WIPS), just so you can get a taste of my art lol. enjoy :D
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And for those of you wondering who the last one is, these are my Halo OCs (who is also a bit of a god/prophet of mine), Kalmaya-A118 and her 'AI' buddy, Firefall, redrawn. If you wanna find out a bit more about her, just look at the lovely little things I wrote down bellow ;)
I might add to her dotn't points later, however, for now, this will have to do. Also, be warned; Kalmaya isn't actually in the Halo universe. In fact, if she was, she'd break it because she is... too powerful.
Here are some 'fun' facts about Kalmaya A118 and her bestis bud, Firefall :3
. She lives in an alternative-but-not-really-alternative universe, where her powers can be handled (she's too gay for gaylo)
. She visits the cannon timeline, but only time to time (and only to cause chaos cas she a gremlin fr)
. In her universe, they're missing a couple of people (who are in my basement), but they're only a few 'KIA' Spartan's that ppl tend to forget abt... and maybe 3 or 4 or 10 very alive ones. (Spartèmon, gotta catch em all...)
. Kalmaya is technically a demigod (on the premise that I am a God)
. Kalmaya owns a gravemind (awolololo gang for life yo)
. Kalmaya is also a bi les
. Kalmaya yoinked Umbra and a few other warframes outta their universes when she- actually, this will be hard to explain without writing a story on it (hint hint future me)
. Kalmaya is lovingly nicknamed 'Brutedundee'
. Kalmaya bonked Ballas (because I couldn't 😤)
. Kalmaya beat the living shit out of Chak Lok's corpse (because that's what real heroes do when their bestie gets hurt)
. Kalmaya is not permitted to bring a bag of live popcorn onto any ship unless it is her own and no one is aboard; if she is caught doing so, Firefall will become straight and embarrass the shit out of her...
Ima keep adding to these dot points later, but for now? For now enjoy these brain sharts >:3
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sl112ck · 3 months
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hi i just realized you could stack the images so it would be 3 images in the same stack WOAHG ITS LIKE MAGIC ATP WOAHHHHH heres my boy caster nova hes like jack bright (the character btw!!) if he was asexual and not so suicidal or immortal, and also not a prick. he's a silly little guy with a bad relationship with his parents (and his higher ups) he didnt do anything wrong! he hides his emotions under a playful tone but is secretly trapped inside, trying to escape the grasp of manipulation
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here are some novacore songs for yo nova fans out there (im looking at you @rustytoolhi ) btw the images above is talking about fall out boy's the take over, the breaks over heehee
nearly forgot to explain the second drawing, basically nova used to be in this relationship with reckguy (@rustytoolhi 's oc haii) while they were in uni but later broke up due to them not seeing eachother as lovers but as friends more (they still besties tho) vvvvvvvvv
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the couple of all time
nova is gay asexual btw if anyones asking heehee [edit 07/21/24: i changed so nova is nolonger pan gay bcuz i felt like it would make sense more if he was like just gay]
nova's parent r pretty abusive (espically with him coming out as gay, more on that laterr)
he shops at hot topic!!!
each tear that happens to his pants from his missions he stitches them up, reasoning behind his weird and bad fashion sense
he sparkles everytime, literally. he has a pouch full of glitter in his hoodie pouch
his fav flower are daisies!!!! reckguy gives him daisies every week or 2!!! the day reckguy stops giving him daises will be the day nova becomes absolutely heartbroken
also this vvvvvvv
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he works at uoc as a squad member and technician but is also a secret double agent for reckguy (they are besties i told you)
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nova my sweet sweet child.... i love recova yaoi..
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arrothededushka · 9 months
Thanks for the tag @coruscantiscribbler
1. Are you named after anyone?
My passport name? After local saint queen. But my nickname in other social media? Named myself after my old bestie - they also gave me the nickname “Arro” at the beginning of my artistic path
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday; I do that a lot and tears are caused by both, happiness and sadness
3. Do you have kids?
im gay and im the kid (no)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
None, I hate everything that requires real people and physical activities ahahah
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I’m at that stage where you use it so much that you no longer know the truth
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
THEIR HAIRCUT!!! Then colors of their clothes.
7. What is your eye color?
Blue with yellow
8. Scary movies or Happy Endings?
I like when stories are realistic and ending doesn't really tell you anything about how the story ended - not scary, not happy, just gray
9. Any talents?
Hmmm…. maybe I have one but don’t know yet!!
10. Where were you born?
The fruitiest queerish city in russia st.petersburg
11. What are your hobbies?
DRAWING HOURGLASS BODYTYPE OLDMEN YAOI, animating, making herbariums, text roleplaying (both oc and canon), writing little fanfics (unlike roleplaying it feels lonely), and as one of my friends said “tasting every coffee in town”
12. Do you have any pets?
A RAT!! His name is Gerstog (aka Duke), he is 2,2 yo and that’s pretty old for rats, but he’s still silly little jumpy scratchie. His brother Graf (aka Count) passed away few months ago, but I still say I have two rats… I just love rats so much. I think I was a rat in my previous life, a bald one.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Human anatomy, Ecology
15. Dream Job?
Studying hard for it - agrochemist! Not that one on some farm having fun with berries and vegs, but that type who drowns in a swamp while taking soil and water samples (already do that but for free as a student)
No pressure tags: @blirzy @trudemaethien @poreyneel @unicornconnor @gun-roswell @wolviecat @elthadriel and anyone who wants to join in
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emoweeb-the-simp · 2 years
someone said yes to the tf2 post so fuck it we ball with
general merc relationships hcs!!!
(friendship & dating)
i'm trying to make this as gender neutral as possible. also no romance w pyro bcs i hc him as aroace :) s/o means significant other, but in this case, a petname for a gf, bf, etc!
() scout is the friend ever
() he has got your back!!!
() adhd icon
() maybe with enough convincing, you teach this man how to READ.
() ...& then he falls for you.
() he just sees you one day & is like "wait why are they cute now"
() he just starts joking about wanting to date like "yo what if we kissed lol" as a joke
() he's red now
() like
() redder than a cherry & tomato combined
() he makes it real obv that you both are dating, he means well though </3
() "GUESS WHO'S GOT A (s/o) NOW!!! SUCK IT!!"
() will stop if it makes you uncomfy or embarrassed :)
() huge on pda & petnames but they're corny petnames
() only problem is that he is easily jealous.
() "HEY! that's MY (s/o) pally, find ya own!"
() if some knucklehead even thinks of flirting with you, he will give them a very strongly worded speech about his s/o being his
() not to the point of being a yandere though, he will fight a dude for you but he won't (intentionally) kill someone!

(bear w me i'm not too good w soldier)
() this man. is autistic. i can confirm because i am autistic with adhd
() no convincing will change my mind
() ANYWAYS you are the most active person on the field other than scout
() & brave at that
() when this guy yelled at you, you kept a straight face
() no reaction or tears
() if you hate loud noises, he will be a lil more quiet to you after that :]
() also you became soldiers favorite person in the base bcs of that
() but the exercises are NOT easier but the only exception is that if you aren't really fit or you have a medical condition. he is NOT a monster.
() this man can GRILL
() he has some good grilling skills, but not cooking skills.
() solly slowly falls for you but doesn't even know it.
() & when he DOES realize it's love, he is IMMEDIATE to ask you
() you are VERY flustered
() but you return his feelings ofc & now when someone slightly insults or teases you, he will yell at them.
() you are his chill pill. you're the only person who can calm him down
() like scout, he easily gets jealous.
() he thinks you're a blessing to 'murica & he NEVER says that to anyone so he means it <3
() he has a hidden soft side that you activate in him & it is the most adorable thing ever <333333

(nonromantic btw)
() you became besties the day you understood him.
() he isn't really a bad guy :)
() he is roommates w engi.
() "ah, ya here to see pyro again? don't stress about it, hun, come on in." :)
() you LOVE drawing together
() he compliments everything you do & hypes you up!! :D
() despite being besties, he will NEVER. EVER. show what's under the mask.
() only engineer & medic know, & they will NOT tell you. >:(
() "sorry kid, i can't tell ya what's under the mask."
() "HAH! do you zhink I vould tell YOU?! not in a MILLION YEARS!!"
() you're one of the only people stopping him from "going into pyroland" (committing arson)

(tw: amputation mention!! just one but STILL!!!)
() you show a heavy interest in scientific/engineering stuff
() so
() you attract him
() he shows you his gunslinger, short circuit, etc., & you're all impressed
() you then ask if he had no arm at birth so he made the lil hand attachments & he just goes "oh hahah yeah yeah..."
() he had it amputated by the medic turns out. he keeps it a secret between himself & the doctor to this day.
() he has
() the best
() cooking
() ever.
() like fr
() when he falls for you, he immediately knows
() but he's been heartbroken before
() so, he just stares at you with loving eyes, daydreaming about a future life that may never happen...
() ...until py(b)ro does eventually make him confess because he learned from the doctor that compressing feelings is bad & it is big nono bad >:(
() he couldn't say no to that level of cuteness! so...
() he confesses to you via love song on his guitar
() ain't no way you're saying no to this. if you do, no you didn't you said yes shhhhhh
() every once in a while, he'll let you hold his gunslinger hand :')
() it's cold but also warm?????
() but fyi, he is a busy man
() you have to remind him to sleep or he will accidentally pull an all-nighter
() but his cuddles make up for it ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
() SOFTEST TUMMY EVER <33333333333333333
() you help each other with burnout ofc

() you stole his last scrumpy
() oh boy was he PISSED at you
() you two both yelled at each other & it almost got physical
() ...
() then you two became best friends.
() so now you both share drinks every night together <3
() which is how he fell for you
() you're tough, strong, & also a lil sassy!!
() he took a lil too many drinks one night &-
() "eruhhhhhh i think i love ye man..." & then proceeds to slur his words furthermore
() you're cuddling him when he wakes up & he almost has a heart attack
() but he doesn't leave your arms
() he snuggles closer to you <3
() this man is tied w engineer for the best cuddles imo they are TEDDY BEARS
() protects you at all costs
() oh btw his eyelander hates him being so lovey-dovey
() but you two will have small talk
() do not touch eyelander
() eyelander will be pissed & trying to attack you while demoman will worried
() not fun. 1/10. do not recommend

() you were fluent in russian & english
() so you served to him as a translator for a bit
() he seemed intimidating
() one day you were doing your workout in the base & heavy noticed & was like " little person strong??"
() so you & him are gr8 friends now
() will give you a crumb of the sandvich
() that's it though
() you are always complementing sasha/sascha & apparently heavy can speak gun because heavy is saying that sasha/sascha says thanks :)
() idk if it's sasha or sascha i seen both so bear w me
() he eventually, like everyone else on this list, falls for you
() like engineer, he makes some sort of art with words for you
() unlike engineer though, it's a poem <3333333
() it's specifically in russian so no one but you or him can understand it
() became lovey lovey with him FAST
() he is the equivalent of a bear
() a lil intimidating at first
() but depending on who you are, he loves you <3
() will stop guys flirting w you UNINTENTIONALLY
() "hey sweetch- HOLY SHIT-" *running* () "hm? why..why was little boy running?"
() if he ever forgets a certain word in english, he comes to you :)
() lifts you up A LOT
() he means well by it
() if you tell him to not do that, he ofc will stop for you

() you didn't take his bullshittery. you were thinking:
() but instead of thinking it, you accidentally said it.
() oops.
() thankfully it was just you & him.
() you knew a thing or two about medical stuff so you two bonded!!!
() you, him & engi helped w experiments that either of you had!
() you also talked about random things
() he is secretly a softie & falls HARD for you
() like with engi, he's afraid to tell you because he's been heartbroken as well,
() but he does want to be alone with you more often than usual,
() so you figure him out & wait
() he does eventually confess, & was very relieved that you felt mutual with him
() yeah you two spend a lot of time together more, but ofc you still hang out w engi!!
() it wld be very rude to just leave him behind like that >:(
() although he will accidentally pull an all-nighter too if you forget to make him come to bed.
() calls you "mein Täubchen" or any other german petname he can think of
() you & his doves are close friends
() OH one time you & him were practically cuddling on his chair while he was working right, & then archimedes flew on down to your head & rested there
() you're sure it was to just get medics attention but medic LOVED it
() you were asleep though :(

() loner
() you become friends after making sure he isn't being attacked by a spy
() you give him a warning sign that there lies a spy
() now he lies behind sniper
() "ey, thank ye for earlier"
() "ah no worries, i'm always glad to help!"
() you'll visit his van & chill
() doesn't even realize he's fell
() he just zones out on you a lot more.
() you confess first & he's like "wait that was the feeling?"
() he's never felt this way give him a break </3
() shy, at first
() he does branch out to you more
() takes you out on camping & maybe hunting dates if you're comfy with it :)
() keeps the relationship PRIVATE
() "ey look luv, as much as i love ya, if we share this with anyone, our careers are done for"
() means it in the best way though

() flirts with each other abound
() started as jokes, ended in actual love
() you eventually ask "hey are we actually dating?"
() he says "maybe, if you want to" to mess w you & flirt
() you SWOONED just by those words
() so you two are ALREADY dating
() you go FAST with him friendship & relationship wise
() by the second date, you two probably 👉👌
() of course, he is taking this relationship TO THE GRAVE.
() if ANY rumor were to get out about "spy has a (s/o)", he will deny it until EVERYONE is convinced.
() he loves you oh so much
() he TRULY means well & will protect you by any means necessary
() after he checks everywhere to be sure nobody is looking, he'll show you what's under the mask & tell you his real name
() the only rule with that is to call him by his name in private
() & ONLY in private
() outside, you two may never be alone
() he'll ramble to you about his life as you sleep on his chest <3

sorry it took a bit, school & life always kick my ass
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
Plan two Silm dinner parties, you can ignore timelines and choose any characters! The first dinner is supposed to be actually enjoyable the second you’re planning for maximum chaos and insanity! Who do you invite!
two things: one. i never planned a party. two. the previous sentence was a lie bevause i DID plan a party when i was ten years old and everyone had to be a princess and it would include dancing while i play turkish motiffs on my electric piano and also i knew who i would ban and how everyone had to behave so i am summoning a ten yo me right now
ALRIGHT SO the first one is going to be tea party and I'm getting most pleasant characters i can think of. give me finrod because he knows how to keep up a good and lighthearted conversation. add beor because he and finrod are besties and also beor has an excellent sense of humour, i just know it. also he rarely gets invited to parties which is a Shame. next, of course, Bilbo because all parties are made better by Bilbo. And Elrond!!! Elrond and Bilbo make such a good pair. Throw in Elros for a mix, to make all of them happy. And Amarië and Celebrian for gender diversity (also because they're nice.)
So the food and tea I'll have to get before the party because baking with that many people present is a nightmare. And then I just. Hope the thing kicks in. All of them combined can make for a great and relaxed conversation. I can get some tabletop games later in the evening, or talk Bilbo into reading his poetry.
Now, the second one. (evil laugh)
First of all, screw the responsibility. Get me Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin. THEY are planning the party now. They can't leave until they do so.
First of all, who they're gonna call? Feanor, of course, wants to have all of his sons show up, to which Fingolfin protests and Finarfin takes a deep breath. After an hour of arguing they compromise and decide to call Finwë. Next one up is... (throws darts) Eöl. That one is MY initiative because I think that's funny. Fingolfin rebels. He NEEDS to smash Eöl's head on something. Feanor shares the sentiment, and they add Celegorm to the mix. I give the dart to Finarfin and spin the wheel. He sighs and throws the dart with his eyes closed. He misses. On purpose. He's wise like that. "If you're so smart," I say, "why don't you show up to the party." Finarfin reminds me that darts are very pointy and my neck is particularly vulnerable. To which I remind him that I am beyond the narrative and throw the dart myself. It lands on Turin Turambar, because of course. Finarfin has no idea who Turin is, while Feanor and Fingolfin have had enough of watching him suffer. They start plotting. The choice is between Turgon and Orodreth. Feanor says that technically, they already have a member each from the first two houses (cue the heated argument of whether or not should they consider eöl a member of fingolfin's house), and recommends to send Orodreth. finarfin, who, while they argued, managed to fetch a copy of narn, stares them down and writes beleg to the list. feanor and fingolfin are silent for a while because they Can't Believe they forgot about Beleg Cuthalion. Suddenly, Fingolfin grins and draws the name of Thingol of Doriath. I clap my hands and set a werewolf loose in the mansion where the party has to begin. and also get some wine for finarfin because of how diappointed in me he looks. the four of us sit in our watching room and brace for the drama. maybe the real party were the frenemies we made along the way.
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ashipiko · 4 months
Ashiii I hope you don't mind me askin a question about twst ashi!
I know the people she's close to are in her profile, like epel, floyd, leona, but exactly how do they act around her and vice versa? And are there any other characters? I'm very curious!! (also i'm working on something rn)
Take your time to answer if you need!! And you don't need to go through every character, just the ones that seem the most important/significant to you :D
HI TARURU!!!!!! 🤔 tbh this question isn’t really that hard to answer so I’ll go in depth about leona/epel? floyd used to be listed as a close relation but EHHH. tho I HAVE written little things for every single chara so that’ll be under the cut!!! (wrote it on discord so the like? rhythm behind the words might be weird cuz I cut them out www) 👁️👁️ TY for the interesting ask tho. hope you have fun w whatever you do!!!!
EPEL: yo the besties EVERRRRR!!!! their dynamic is countryboy that knows how to do so many things and princess who knows how to do so many things BUT neither of them know what the other does. THEY LEARN A NEW SKILL LIKE EVERY DAY THEYRE SO FUNNY. epel acts like his yeehaw self around ashi cuz they’re really close and he loves to catch a break wherever he can 🙏 ashi is more feisty and speaks her mind w/o worry (most of the time) w epel because there’s just a certain level of trust between them?? like you can speak your mind and really form a true connection. ashi who was never really close to anyone and epel who never really had friends his age growing up…… WWW I CRY. like imagine two elementary school students who are best friends. THEM.
LEONA: leona is his usual grumpy self and he doesn’t say it BUT he cares for ashi a lot. he’s not really a word person but more so an action type of guy? he’ll do things that’ll make her go “AWWWWWW” and stuff 🫶 ashi gets to be PEAK annoying and AGAIN doesn’t really worry about keeping up a front because she feels comfortable w leona. she’s the youngest at home after all!!! seems like they wouldn’t vibe at all but you’ll find em hanging out at the botanical garden together
RIDDLE: they’re pretty chills…… riddle likes ashi because she abides to the rules of heartslabyul (that she knows of) even if she’s not even a member of Heartslabyul herself <3 tho he does not understand what goes thru her head sometimes. “this slang is worse than cater sometimes and ACE??? ASHI YOU DESERVE BETTER YOURE TOO NICE FOR A RULEBREAKER LIKE HIM” vibes
ACE: do I need to even need to explain. I wrote 6K words about them and won’t shut up
DEUCE: THEY VIBE!!! NGL i do think that ashideuce have like sliiight similarities if you peek but deuce is more open and genuine than her 🤔 they’re very cute and I think Ashi wingmanning him could be cute <3 Ashi thinks he’s silly
CATER: people compare her to him sometimes and she’s like “……IMIG?” they would get along really well on paper but in reality they don’t interact all that often….. nothing special but I think they both know that they’ve got smth going on that’s not entirely the same
TREY: uhhhhh. TRULY JUST ACQUAINTANCES FRS <3 like he’ll ask her if she wants anything because she’s prefect and also cuz she’s like a regular at unbirthday parties but that’s bout it 😔
LEONA: accidental adoption at its finest. leona and ashi both have that bougie background even tho Ashi isn’t an ACTUAL princess so “out of pity” leona treats her 🙏 they have fun talks and ashi likes to draw w leona when she needs a break from ace or if he’s busy 🫶🫶 v chill……. leona could see right thru her act I think so he also likes to tease her and stuff. THEYRE FUN. i think they styled eachother’s hair to look like eachother once
RUGGIE: 😔 the person leona sends to do the dirty work to get food for Ashi…… they’re chill and they like to catch up!!!! ruggie tried to finesse her once and it almost worked 😭😭they talk sometimes when they both end up at Monstro lounge <3 homies!!! RUGGIE KINDA LEARNS TO ACCEPT HER AS A LITTLE SISTER TOO I THINK
JACK: truly just acquaintances pt 2 😔 it’s really hard to keep a convo going w these two and the only thing they’ve got in common is tsunderes. THE TYPE OF FRIENDS TO BE FRIENDS IN A GROUP but not 1 on 1
AZUL: she wants to punch him SO BAD. twstshi acts nice w him cuz he’s her boss and she’s very chill but she SWEARS everytime he opens his mouth she wants to sock him across the face. azul thinks they are great business partners HE MEANS FRIENDS. MAYBE
FLOYD: FLOYD LOOOVES ASHI he thinks she’s SO fun to rile up. will squeeze her very hard if he spots her at basketball matches and if crabby doesn’t point out that she can’t breathe 🫶 ashi likes him but she still finds him VERY scary. unreliable coworker 😔 tho I think wayy later on when Ashi feels more vulnerable their mood swings would be veeeeery uh. ruh oh
KALIM: they’re SO CUTE. ashi’s a foodie and so kalim invites her over to Scarabia a lot <3 slowly he helps her build up a spice tolerance…… slowly……….. both kinda naive but ashi’s more cautious than him I think
JAMIL: very skeptical of one another. vvvvvv sussy but ashi likes his food so. it’s okie <3
VIL: ADMIRES HIM SM vil’s very neato and espec after book 5 Ashi can’t even be MAD at vil’s overblot because she’s like damn fam 😔 i lowkey getchu. it’s okie <3 and she holds absolutely NO GRUDGE against him. there’s like nothing bad about him she can pinpoint and she thinks he’s really hypesies
ROOK: kinda scary but he’s fun so it works out 🫶🫶 rook is the type to joke and tease Ashi and make her laugh I think but give these one off lines and she’s like “???? WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN.” they’re funsies
EPEL: BESTIES WHO LOOK SO CUTE BUT WOULD KICK YOU IN THE NUTS IF THEY COULD. ashi loves hearing about everything epel and is SO invested in his hometown. she also loves all the apple cider he brings over and thinks it’s SOOOOOOOO good 🙏 ashi’s walls naturally come down w epel and TBH he doesn’t really notice or make a big deal about it? so they act very cute and proper w others but you might catch these two on the roof of NRC one day
IDIA: ashi hates him so much. so many reasons and she wishes she could curse him with rabies.
ORTHO: thinks he is insane and was fine w him until he threatened to blow up the entirety of NRC and now she thinks that he’s terrifying but she can’t mess w him MORE SO THAN IDIA because 😔 child
MALLEUS: very scary. she gets so scared and yelps everytime she sees him. she’s like constantly shaking when she talks to him and malleus is like teehee <3 gargoyle
LILIA: KINDA FREAKY WHERE DOES HE COME FROM. lilia think she’s very fun and he likes to talk to her!! tho she cannot eat his food. holy moly my guy like WHAT
SILVER: ashi’s just awed by his existence NGL like damn fam. how are you just like perfection 😭😭 she doesn’t talk to him much tho. like that person you look at and think about but don’t talk to <3 silver thinks she is a very nice girl
SEBEK: one sided affection and ashi is very “😨 huh. stop yelling at me” 😔 she wouldn’t punch him but she will give him the silent treatment cuz she’s so annoyed <33 she laughs everytime Ace disses him
GRIM: IFS LIKE. WEIRD because I don’t think Ashi is ALWAYS putting on her front w him because they’re together literally 24/7 but they care for eachother a lot 😔😔 like Ashi will be moody w Grim but gives him discipline like a dog WITH JUSTIFIED REASONS so he can’t really get mad at her…… even if she is moody she still seems cheery so like. weird middle ground. Ashi still plays it safe but he still gets a good look at a wider range of emotions w her
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foolishk · 1 year
2, 5, 6 for the artist ask !! :)
Artist Ask Meme
2.Who is your favorite character to draw?
as in character from a fandom?? i really dont know if I have a favorite character from a specific fandom that i love drawing, but i do enjoy drawing Aran, who is an oc of a dear mutual (should i tag ? i will tag, sorry for spam T-T <3) @amalasdraws
5. Digital or traditional?
both, digital is just easier and not making a mess everywhere, buut traditional has its magic yk :D
6. Tag your favorite artists/inspirations!
go check out Amalas blog (tagged above) and her other social media, awesome stuff, her ocs are amazing i love them very much <3<3<3
my bestie's works are not on tumblr but u should see his stuff here. dreamy, magical vibes in his works love it <3
@hkzv or @hkzvart same person, awesome art, i love their works OBITO ISGORGEOUS <3 (sorry for spamming you hkzv)
@qettleqorn - hehe OFC IM GONNA TAG god i q's aart aaah, so lively and beautiful, giving such godly features too all characters
@kankuroplease -OFC soft features of all characters, stunning outfits, just amazingamazing amazing art <3
@akamikazae - skrjhk AAAY i love love love your oc and the cutte scenes with ka.kashi and/or sasu.ke yo u draw them in together <3
@moonamayillu - absolutely adorable adorable characters, stunning work with colors, i am so so impressed and also everything looks like iis GLOWING AND SHINING <3
@seoz-seoz - i love their line work and ofc i love obito <3<3 i love the expressions on their characters <3
@fireflylitsky - cutst CUTEST ART IVE SEEN just like the author im repeating myself so much but god i love how u guys workwith colors <3
@ nibeul (here on tumblr) - awesome jjk works, love the artsyle adn the use of colors
@ aleikats (also here on tumblr) - adorable art style, amazing work with colors and shading and so so so cute characters <3
@ marsoid (here on tumblr) - awesome comics, with banger stories and the coolest characters
@ amezure (here on tumblr) - funny comics, loovely lovely art style
@ rinnyleep (here on tumblr) - love their oc Dolia and her art style is sso so inspiring
@ sa.hco on IG - immaculate art style i love it so much
@ aleksandar_ignatov on IG - interesting art style, cute lil funny comics, and awesome work with color
the list is long long loongloong so long. u should never ask an artist who their fav artists are T_T i can ramble names for DAYS
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
☆ hawk talk 8/14/23 ☆
so i found out that my school practically treats PDA as The Big Bad Sin™️
like literally in our handbook it says it is NOT tolerated under ANY means
so like
even if i had the courage to hug my friends
i fucking can't
unless the monitors aren't paying attention but like
what if one day i'm like crying in the hallway and my bestie sees me and wants to give me a hug
but like they can't 0_0
and vice-versa
okie. anyway.
lanie is out of town visiting family :(
and if you've been following along, you would know the person i ate lunch with is Delgado
we'll go back to that in a sec, i promise (highlight of my day)
so since it was an odd day i went to history & geo first
so we get there and we have a debate on whether school should start earlier/same time or later
and i of course backed up my reasoning with evidence unlike everyone else
they're all dumbasses
and the sleezy hoebags behind me started trying to fuck with my hair
but then i hit one of them <3
so then mr. m had us go over the fire drill and where to go in case of smth happening during his period
so we went outside and lined up where we would in case of an emergency
and then the desk buddy bitch asked for the answers to a quiz and i gave her the wrong ones <3
so then that was it for history & geo
andddd it turns out that delgado passes the math room on his way to his next period so i have to make sure i don't look like utter shit BEFORE MATH TOO
i felt bad tho bc i almost hit him 😭😭
so when i was walking towards the math room my back was turned to him so i obvi didn't know it was him when he tapped me on the shoulder
and it scared the crap outta me cus the recent school day (last friday) some dick did that to me and i hit him
and i thought it was the same guy
but it wasn't, it was delgado <3
and he just wanted to make sure we were still good for lunch and this is how the convo went:
d: *taps my shoulder* hey so lunch today, right?
me: *puts fist down after i realized it was him* yeah!
d: oh and also what do you have for first period?
me: [insert history & geo teacher's name]
d: oh cool. where you going next?
me: math with Mr. H. right here *points at door*
d: *groans* i just came back from math. that's my first fucking period 🙄
me: *laughs* ahh it's my 2nd. well, technically 3&4 but ykwim (if you need me to explain the schedules lmk)
d: Okay well i gtg
me: yeah me too, see you in like an hour or some shit *smiles and waves*
d: *smiles and waves back*
then math
these bitches at my table
are fucking horrible
i'm trying to do a placement exam
and they keep talking
"wElL Mr H sAiD wE CaN tAlK" "We ArEnT eVeN bEiNg LoUd"
so that was fun.
oh and also Mr. H (the teacher) draws so we can like give him a photo and he'll draw like the outline and give it back to us to color and then hang it up in the room!! so i'm gonna ask him if he can draw Stitch or smth so i can color it and hang it in the classroom!
yk if i remember lol
oh and like towards the end of class i went to the bathroom to fix myself up a little bit™️ bc on odd days i have
✨️english class✨️
after math <3
so i put on my favorite lipstick and tamed my hair a bit more and just made sure my clothes looked alright and shit lol
i also cleaned up my boots too while i was at it <3
i love my boots so much
i want moreee
actually i don't want more
i NEED more
if i had the money, i would be a doc martens addict and i'd have hundreds of pairs
but alas
bitches are expensive
okeu anywayy
i get back to class and these hoes are still talking about the girliest shit ever i literally was going to kill myself if i had to listen to anymore of it
so then we started packing up and then we left
so we all lined up outside the door bc the teacher wasn't in yet (Mrs. K)
and i tried to stand next to him (delgado) but this bitch got in line RIGHT before me so she was in-between us :/
but thats alr cus he sorts slowed down in line and i caught up so we walked in the room around the same time
and i was wearing a shirt with a Mexican food place and Mrs. K was like "oh my gosh that's my favorite Mexican restaurant in [insert location]!!" and i was like "yeah its pretty good. well, for white people cooking the food. the only real Mexican food you get is from Mexico, or your mamás kitchen" and delgado looked at me like he knew lol so that's when he sorta started catching on that I'm Mexican too
it's nice not to have to tell someone about my ethnicity for once and them figuring it out on their own
so yeah <3
and we had to finish these state mandated tests bc we got only like halfway done on friday
so me and delgado were writing each other notes and doodles to help keep ourselves awake and not fall asleep during that godforsaken fucking test 😭😭
so after we got done (we finished our tests around the same time lol) Mrs. K let us kinds do our own thing as long as we weren't disruptive
so i read DPS and he was playing some game on his Chromebook
and it was so funny bc he had his chromebook on mute but you can tell when he lost and stuff bc he would make a fist and be like "noooo" really quietly
it was funny to me, at least
and there was someone's alarm going off and it sounded like the beep a bomb makes before it goes off
and ofc my mind immediately went to JD <3
and then me, delgado, baseball guy, and d's short bestie all looked at each other like "you hear that 👀"
and then me and delgado crossed ourselves and said "el padre, el hijo y el espíritu santo" but he said it in english lol
and like he's so sweet
so not only did he double check we were still eating lunch together in the hallway but he also asked again at the end of english class
ik it may not seem like anything to you but it means a lot to me
bc i'm always the one to make sure plans are still plans and i feel annoying for asking so many times and that i'm bothering the other person and it just feels nice to have someone else take the time to ask, yk?
so it also turns out our lockers aren't that far away from each other's so even though he's English Class Crush™️ he also qualifies as Hallway Crush™️
speaking of hallway crushes
yk Luca? his locker and also Mikey's (Michael, but we all call him Mikey) lockers are close-ish to mine
so yeah that's great/sarc
it is, in fact, not great.
i mean i make sure i always look somewhat good before i leave the house
we go to lunch and his friend Alex comes along and im like ooo cool i get to meet his friend
and i sat down and saved us some seats while they went to get the food from the lunch people
so when they come and sit down i was hoping that i would sit next to delgado bc that was the whole fucking point of eating lunch with him
but Alex sits his ass right in between us
but like ig Alex is a protective friend or smth?? idk but like yeah i didn't take offense or anything bc id be the same way
we were stil able to talk tho <3
and anyway they come and sit down and the lunch for the 14th was grilled cheese
but lemme tell you
that, was in fact, not grilled cheese
it looked like two soggy pieces of bread with orange food coloring in the middle
that cheese? was NOT cheese
and i was like oh hell nah no way is Boy Bestie™️ eating whatever the fuck that government looking waste was
so i was like dude have what you want out of my lunch, there's no way you're eating that on my watch
and i was like hey Alex you can go ahead and eat my lunch too
so Alex took the dragonfruit and smth else i think
and delgado had the tortillas mi mamá packed for me
again, i wasn't hungry at all because i had thrown up earlier but i forced myself to eat something before i passed out
oh and forgot to mention
delgado fr said "AYYY MEXICAN STYLEEE" bc i had the tortillas wrapped up in tinfoil and some chorizo con papas y huevos and i was like "HELL YEAHHH"
idk if the white people understand this or not but like this was a bonding moment for us bc there aren't a whole lot of mexicans at our school
so like to see that we're apart of the same culture is really nice
oh and he was also like "my mom makes that like every morning!" and i was like "my mom made it yesterday and decided to pack me some for lunch!"
i would've given him like a fist bump or smth but i wasn't gon put my arm across Alex to get to delgado cus like
just no
so anyway sometime in the middle of lunch i was eating my food and then
*shimmery sound effects*
but i didn't wanna move and go look for them bc not only are we not allowed to i also thought maybe they just needed to go the the bathroom
so i just sat there looking like a kicked puppy with sad eyes because i'm not fucking tall enough to look for them in the crowd of gross teenagers
so i just sit there and text my friend because when i lose my friends (and this has happened since elementary) i get really aggressive bc i get overstimed so yk i texted my friend to calm myself down
lunch over
i get my shit from my locker and head to gym
we go over where we will sit for attendance
and then we go over fire drill procedures and shit
and then we spend most of our time doing jackshit
and like the last 20 minutes of class coach was like okay you can play basketball with the boys orstand around idrc bc we only have a little but till the end of the day
so i channeled my inner white girl and just watched delgado play basketball
and like he's one of the only guys who actually knows how to fuckin play 😭😭
also this one kid got hit in the back of the head and fell straight forward and on his face like a looney tunes character
comedic gold right there
and at the end of phys ed me and delgado were walking the same direction bc our lockers are near each other's and it looks like we're gonna have lunch again on Wednesday since that's the next time i have 3rd lunch <3
so yeah i hope i was midly entertaining
it's 1:36am and i gotta get up at 6:30am so goodnight and sorry for not Finnishing this earlier, i got caught up in something
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Want an idea of the beginning dynamic? Aitey lol
(Early af group chat stuff lol, Kristy still getting used to things…Max just drags her into one and then Sharky after a while lmao)
Kristy: Look, i'm fucking terrified of him okay???
Kristy: How in the hell are you not??? Did you see what happened earlier??? With that fish??? And you're still so set on him being harmless??? THAT WAS HORRIFYING TO WATCH HONESTLY…
Max: Lmao, i never said sharky couldnt be intimidating or scary or anything, he hella fucking can if he reallt wants to
Max: thing is that last bit tho, "wants to" would be your key phrase lol. Sharkys chill as fuck 99% of the time…Also he's a giant puss and would coward the fuck out of doing any of thay shit your so scared of. He memes but hed never get over it mentally if he actually hurt somebody like that lmao
Max: he harmlesssssssss uwu, you juwt don't wanna fuckin listen again
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has been added to the group chat. Welcome!!)
Sharky: Yo
Sharky: ….Oh we're on this shavinksta again? Ok.
Kristy: MAX, WHAT THE FUCJ???????
Max: lol, needa get over it, i ain't lettin ya worm out of friendship that easy
Max: Sharky, tell krista something fuckin cool, legit, like whatever
Kristy: God fucking damnit Max!!!!!!! AND IT'S KRISTY
Sharky: Erghhhhhh, hmmmm…
Sharky:(sends a picture of packaged gel pens)I got some new glitter gel pens, can't wait to use these bad boys on some art.
Sharky:(texts picture of a blue rock)Also got this cool aquamarine rock earlier too. It's my birthstone so that's pretty neat. (March, if you were wondering)
Sharky:(sends bunny gifs and stickers)Also bunnies.🐰Bunnies are cool.🐇 You like bunnies Kristy? Pretty sure everybody does… Kristy: anxiety overwhelming, can't do this, fuck…
(Kristy - Has left the chat)
Sharky: ……..Oh, ok.
Max: Man, don't feel bad, just gotta keep trying…
Sharky: I shouldn't fucking have to keep trying to get some basic fucking respect but whatever…
Sharky: Never mind, fucking hell…Gonna draw, maybe rest. Dunno, just…I need to calm down, fucking hell…
Sharky: Fucking hate myself more and more every damn day…And I never actually fucking do anything to earn that…I haven't ever hurt anybody but everyone fucking hurts me…Sick and tired of it…
Max: Dude, fuck, cmon!!!
Sharky: Nah, i can't like…Handle this right now, i need to lay down, really upset now…Just want alone time…
Sharky: I know you want to fix it and i appreciate it Max but you can't fix everything, you can't. You just can't…And some people are always going to fucking hate me for what i am and i can't change that either…
Sharky: Ffs…So fucking done…
Max: Plz, just wait a minute!!!
Sharky: Anyway, laters, peace…
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has left the group chat)
Max: like fuckin hell i wont at least try to fix everything
Max: ……..This ain't over and i ain't deletin shit…Ima keep dragging both of you together until you get along on basic terms, this is fuckin ridiculous as fuck ------------- Yeah, so this is more a starting point lol Kristy at first is ABSOLUTELY PETRIFIED of Sharky...And for all the usual reasons... At first Sharky tries to explain and befriend her and whatnot but Kristy is so scared and distrusting of everyone (Probably because she got...yknow, kidnapped and dragged halfway across the world or something, idk lol) She doesn't trust him at all and is constantly thinking the worst of him... So thusssssssssss Sharky starts getting more bitter and pissy and angry towards her because...Well, fuck it. He's tired of being nice to somebody that's constantly throwing shit at him...Which, i do not blame him. (Sharky does have his limits as does...Everyone...) And Max is just like...The awkward middle man that's trying to fix shit because Sharky's his best friend/brother and Kristy's like his new bestie and "wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll we're a team now so you two dumbasses are gonna have to get along to some capacity!!!!" And Max isn't wrong there with the last point either lol... Kristy warms up more to Sharky as she gets more comfortable being in the Campsite and being forced around Sharky and whatnot...It just takes time...And Sharky isn't going to reject somebody who wants to change their mind on him (because he's had to do that a ton of times in his life and...He always wants that circle of close people to get bigger so...) Yeah, yknow lol Also Max is bad at remembering people's names (with Kristy tho, cuz she's being urhhh so bitchy towards the Campsite people who had absolutely nothing to do with her kidnapping and everything, he starts saying the wrong names on purpose cuz it pisses her off lol, that's a beginning joke...) And also also, in case you're wondering: Sharky ate a fish alive in front of em, that's what Kristy was going off about in the beginning bit lol...
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