#and I have
otrtbs · 5 months
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tears-of-xion · 19 days
Thinking about how, after Western Energy, after Stolas got hurt, one of the first things Blitzo did was to seek out his sister. How he tried to reach out, to help her. "Let me help you." He said, right after failing to help someone else.
And now, after Full Moon, Blitzo is once again in the position where Stolas is hurt, only this time it's much more clearly his fault, and unlike last time, Stolas is not going to be asking him to visit.
It makes me wonder if Blitzo is going to be the one seeking Verosika out. To try and reach out and make amends with someone who he might have hurt in a very similar way to how he just hurt Stolas. To say sorry, since can't say sorry the person he most wants to right now.
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cupboard-of-npd · 5 months
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theironcan · 2 months
You ever think about downing four cans of 5 hour energy drinks at 3 am
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omletteleia · 6 months
If I started writing for rikemma would y'all fuck w it be honest
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
May I have a song please? :) I promise to adopt it into my liked songs and cherish it forever!
ohh, lucky for you, you got a great one! and it comes with a bit of history!
the song that came up for you on shuffle is "Hark The Herald Fairies Shout" by the Gay Liberation Quire!
to quote Queer Music Heritage's December 2001 show: "That group was formed in 1981, and over the next six years was very active in the gay movement in Australia, giving over 300 concerts at all sorts of venues. They took songs that everyone knew and crafted lyrics that made social commentary on not just the fight for gay & lesbian rights, but for a host of progressive causes. They did fundraising and consciousness raising with their lyrics, and in 1983 released an EP single called 'The Gay Liberation Quire Goes Down On Vinyl.'"
you can read more about them (and hear more of their music) on the Queer Music Heritage website, which is an amazing resource!
and because the song can't really be found anywhere else online (and I feel bad hotlinking to it on the QMH site), I will put it here for you:
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acourtofquestions · 27 days
Reading the Heir of Fire ending chapters & getting to 60 aka the “blood oath” Chapter — like: NAH-NAH-NAH — Sarah I READ ACOTAR, UR NOT GETTING ME WITH THIS “BLOOD OATH” TRICK
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That right there; THAT IS A MATING BOND if I’ve ever seen one!!!
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mikerztmf · 10 months
i love drew pining over jake as much as the next guy (bc what drake shipper would i be if i didn't?)
but once u open ur eyes to drake from jake's pov, it's kind of hard to look away ????? like i shit you not, i could literally talk about it for hours
bc even tho he's the main character, jake's thoughts on drew are never actually CLEAR. until ep11, that is, and bro it's a TRIP
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writeitinsharpie · 9 months
actually the most relatable part of mdzs is that jiang cheng joins an inter-sect alliance against his brother
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gutz-radio · 1 year
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Did you miss me ;]
I certainly missed my original scrimblo
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loyalshipper · 11 days
'Cheeseburger' and 'Hamburger with cheese' are two different styles of burger.
My argument-
Cheeseburger: cheese slice is added to the patty when it is still on the grill and nearly done so the cheese gets melty and gets into all of the little grooves on the patty, and becomes significantly greasier. Also, if multiple patties, cheese slice is added to each patty.
Burger with cheese: added on while burger is being assembled after patties are done cooking so it doesn’t melt, just gets warm from the heat of the burger. Is able to be placed anywhere on the burger because it isn’t dependent on the placement of the patty. If having multiple patties, doesn’t usually include multiple cheese slices, or if it does, each slice can be put anywhere.
In both cases, the position of the cheese changes how each ingredient in the sandwich hits your taste buds and can change the flavor out come by one ingredient activating your taste buds before another and causes what I call The Color Theory Effect in your mouth where the activation of one prior to another causes the flavor to react differently, much like how the background or surrounding color variation can affect how our eyes perceive certain colors.
It can also change the temperature your mouth experiences from the burger of either the cold edges of the cheese added on with assembly or the hot grease of the pre-melted cheese.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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ended up drawing my rain world lizord (whoiloveverymuchandtheirnameisnebula)
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i love rain world so much and the fact that you can be frems with lizords is really especial adhabshabsh
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tophats-tea · 21 days
drawing fanart everyday for Danganronpa: A New Generation until the First Episode comes out
Day 134: Marketable Plushie (pt 4)
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Check out the fangan!
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yvehattan · 2 years
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Dunya Raskolnikov. Crime and Punishment.
No wonder Razumikhin lost his head over Dunya, our long-suffering, gun-toting queen.
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I spent awhile wondering how I was going to put this while being as graceful and considerate as possible, but I don’t think I got it exactly the way I mean it. Still, I’m not sure how else to put it so…
I honestly adore Twyla, she has been a favorite of mine for a long time and the new gen version is no exception. But the one thing that bothered me in her debut episode was the fact that she basically got away with stealing the music player and after they realized it wasn’t Toralie received no consequences for her actions.
Now hear me out, as someone who is also similar to Twyla I think it’s important that we still get held accountable for things. I know the library is her safe space but it would be one thing if that was a private space. The library in a school is not a private space other students are allowed to exist in it just as much as we are.
I get why she did it and I’m sure she does know better and would have given it back. But I just wish they still would have said, in a kindly manner, that she still shouldn’t have taken someone’s things and that from then on she is more than welcome to talk to them about what she needs.
I don’t know, this will probably still be taken in a way I don’t mean for it to but maybe there’s someone who understands what I mean.
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saintetheldreda · 10 months
soo obsessed with the way westerns replace good against bad with those who love and care and follow their heart against those who fear and follow the law or apathetic violence that is. so real. "did i follow my heart" is so much more meaningful of a question than "am i a good person"
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