#andré neumann
rwpohl · 11 months
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boring postcards, filmkombinat 2022
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fullcolorfright · 11 months
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My costume this Halloween was The Fly (from the 1958 movie), so here's some of the many doodles of him I drew a few years back. The 80s remake has great body horror, but I love the 50s version for its fun mutation design, pastel color schemes, Vincent Price's presence, and especially the relationship between the two leads. He may have a fly head, but I truly believe they could have made it work
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ittacfilms · 7 months
Campaña Jaque Al Vape from yaloviste on Vimeo.
CREW     Olivia Portillo Rangel IDEA ORIGINAL   Óscar Yael Almazán García ANIMACIÓN     Andrés Castillo Rangel TESTIMONIO   Karla Valentina Hernández Larios FOTOGRAFÍA Y EDICIÓN   Efraín Ochoa Aguirre DISEÑO SONORO Y MEZCLA   Los calaveras crew MÚSICA ORIGINAL   Rubén Edgardo Castillo Pescina POSTPRODUCCIÓN       COEPRIS   SECRETARIA DE SALUD   Ymuri Mercedes Vaca Ávila COMISIONADA ESTATAL DE LA COEPRIS   Erich Eduardo Neumann Ramírez DIRECTOR OPERATIVO DE LA COEPRIS   Julia Jannet Rodríguez Martínez JEFA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE FOMENTO SANITARIO   Ma. Luisa Méndez Guevara COORDINADORA DE VINCULACIÓN Y CONCERTACIÓN               FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA COMUNICACIÓN DE LA UASLP     ME Adriana del Socorro Ochoa DIRECTORA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA COMUNICACIÓN   ME Martín Segura Cervantes SECRETARIO GENERAL   MDG Carla Olivia López Reynoso SECRETARIA ACADÉMICA   ING Rubén Pazos Flores JEFE DEL CENTRO DE PRODUCCIÓN AUDIOVISUAL - CEPAV   LCC César Emmanuel Martínez Sierra PRODUCCIÓN Y POSTPRODUCCIÓN   LCC Ernesto Aguiano García VINCULACIÓN FCC   MEBC Paola Julieta Rodríguez Leija COORDINADORA DE PRÁCTICAS DE CAMPO Y SERVICIO SOCIAL               San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., México.
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ocombatenterondonia · 7 months
Mãe e filho são denunciados por manterem mulher em trabalho escravo
O Ministério Público Federal (MPF) denunciou à Justiça Federal mãe e filho que submeteram, por mais de sete décadas, uma mulher a trabalho escravo na residência da família, no município do Rio de Janeiro. André Luiz Mattos Maia Neumann e Yonne Mattos Maia são acusados de manter Maria de Moura como trabalhadora doméstica, executando jornadas exaustivas e não remuneradas, em condições degradantes,…
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oscarpetrel · 1 year
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Tanto mar para nuestros remos
Llegamos a Angelmó un domingo, poco antes de las cuatro de la tarde y la lancha Patagonia ya estaba en el muelle. Antes de embarcarnos, cargamos varios sacos de trigo que enviaba Sofía a su familia. Sofía es una amiga del sur. Es hija de Marlene Neumann, directora de la Escuela Unificada de Isla Huar y nosotros viajábamos hacia la isla.
Ya adentro de la cabina de los pasajeros, me recosté en los colchones y salvavidas que estaban amontonados en la proa de la embarcación. Allí se escuchaba el fluir de las aguas y en cada golpe de ola crujían los maderos, como si el mar estuviese jugando con la embarcación, queriendo verla por dentro. Como si el Seno Reloncaví estuviese abriendo el fuelle de un acordeón marino.
Después de dos horas de viaje llegamos Huar. Dicen que la isla se llama así en homenaje a un indígena chono llamado Huercán. Esa versión indígena colisiona con un relato exagerado que cuenta que la isla entera fue regalada por una misión católica que nombró al sector San Felipe de Huar, en homenaje a un cura misionero. No es descabellado leer la isla desde lo religioso, sobre todo porque hasta el día de hoy es una isla que posee cinco iglesias funcionando para sus cerca de mil quinientos habitantes.  
Cuando llegamos en el embarcadero apareció una camioneta antigua y enorme de color rojo que esperaba el cargamento de sacos de trigo para las gallinas. También nos esperaba la señora Angélica que nos llevó a su bondadoso hospedaje.
Viajamos con la bailarina Paulina Aburto que presentó Mi propia fiesta; una obra que da cuenta de su propia historia por las danzas folclóricas del norte y del sur bajo el lenguaje de la danza contemporánea. El público estuvo compuesto por la totalidad del alumnado, además de los profesores y profesoras de la escuela. También tuvimos tiempo de hacer una clase de literatura para releer un relato maravilloso escrito por el músico Javier Aravena en nuestro libro Poesía a Cielo Abierto: travesías literarias isleñas. Editado por Provincianos editores. Finalizamos con una exposición del propio ilustrador del libro; Francolibrí. Sobre la mesa aparecieron tintas, gubias y rodillos quizás por primera vez.
En la pandemia, con el editor Andrés Urzúa y Franco, realizamos ese libro infantil antológico. Fue escrito por poetas, narradores y músicos. El capitán Helmuth se encargó de distribuirlo por algunas de las escuelas del Seno Reloncaví; en los mismos establecimientos educativos que habíamos visitado en las travesías literarias de Cielo Abierto en años anteriores. Ser original es volver al origen, dice el poeta Nelson Navarro.
Carolina y Julia amarraron toda la producción de esta vuelta al mar.  Volvimos a este lugar que resguarda en su interior a cintos de cisnes de cuello negro y enormes cormoranes. Carolina y Julia hicieron la técnica y el sonido, y fueron la miel de todos los mates. Ellas son las nuevas exploradoras de nuestra cartografía del maritorio.
            De vuelta en Calbuco almorzamos sopa de mariscos mientras sonaba una radio de otro tiempo. Como si una señal perdida de los años 90 hubiese entrado de golpe a un presente ajeno. Es que en el mar se pliegan los tiempos.
Puerto Montt desde la isla Huar se ve pequeñísimo. Como un dibujo futurista que brota entremedio de eternos volcanes y cerros magnéticos. Mucho más grande se expande el Seno Reloncaví; sobre sus aguas surcan las barcazas y las historias que cruzan de un lado para el otro sobre el lomo de las más furiosas y tiernas corrientes marinas.
Oscar Petrel
Marzo del 2023
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loulou1943 · 2 years
While chatting with some relatives a few days ago, I said how blessed those of us in Northeastern North America are to have Shrines dedicated to so many Saints. This week alone, we celebrate the Feasts of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John Neumann, and St. André Bessette. (Miracles performed by all three are detailed […]
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abr · 4 years
A proposito del centenario del Pci  -  Nella celebrazione di storici centenari, qui si suggerisce una molto sommaria integrazione per così dire bibliografica (di una bibliografia troppo oscurata o addirittura ignorata) che potrebbe almeno in parte simboleggiare un blando antidoto a una lettura troppo autoapologetica sparsa a piene mani a cento anni da Livorno ‘21. Arcipelago Gulag di Aleksandr Solgenitsin, I racconti della Kolyma di Varlam Salamov, Gulag di Anne Applebaum, Koba il terribile di Martin Amis, Il Grande Terrore di Robert Conquest, Il secolo delle idee assassine di Robert Conquest, Le origini del totalitarismo di Hannah Arendt, La società aperta e i suoi nemici di Karl Raimund Popper, Prigioniera di Stalin e Hitler di Margarete Buber-Neumann, Il corsivo è mio di Nina Berberova, Ritorno dall’Urss di André Gide, Tutto scorre di Vasilij Grossman, Il passato di un’illusione di François Furet, L’epoca e i lupi di Nadezda Mandel’stam, tutte le opere di Osip Mandel’stam, tutte le opere di Marina Cvetaeva, tutte le opere di Anna Achmatova, tutte le opere di George Orwell, L’uomo in rivolta di Albert Camus, La mente prigioniera di Czeslaw Milosz, Un mondo a parte di Gustaw Herling, Il dottor Zivago di Boris Pasternak, Commissariato degli archivi di Alain Jaubert, Buio a mezzogiorno di Arthur Koestler, Il dio che è fallito di Koestler, Silone, Wright, Gide, Spender, Fisher, Novecento il secolo del male di Alain Besançon, I fantasmi di Mosca di Enzo Bettiza, Il regime bolscevico di Richard Pipes, Togliatti 1937 di Renato Mieli, Memorie di un rivoluzionario di Victor Serge, Autobiografia 1945-1963 di Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Nemici del popolo di Nicolas Werth, L’utopia al potere di Mihail Geller e Aleksandr Nekric, Stalin di Boris Souvarine, La scheggia di Vladimir Zazubrin, Viaggio nella vertigine di Evgenia Semionovna Ginzburg, Lettere a Olga di Vaclav Havel, Cime abissali di Aleksandr Zinoviev, tutte le opere di Milan Kundera, Il tempo della malafede di Nicola Chiaromonte, la collezione completa della rivista «Tempo Presente», Intervista politico-filosofica a Lucio Colletti, Atlante.
Un lievissimo Pigi Battista stila la condanna a morte perenne per crimini contro l’Umanità del comunismo e del PCI, sul CdS via https://www.dagospia.com/rubrica-2/media_e_tv/versione-mughini-ndash-quot-controbibliografia-quot-259067.htm
è la lista di libri uno più bello dell’altro che raccontano “il secolo delle idee assassine”, ossia le due idee, “il comunismo” e “il nazismo”, da cui sono venuti i massacri più spaventosi nella storia dell’uomo.  Lo dico in modo ancora più brutale: quanti nel tempo presente hanno chiara l’idea che “i crimini contro l’umanità” nel Novecento sono stati due, l’uno criminale esattamente quanto l’altro, il comunismo reale e il nazismo reale, e che quelle due parole vanno pronunciate entrambe con ripugnanza e disprezzo? (G.Mughini). 
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hadeestown · 5 years
I love 14-time Tony Nominee, Hadestown the Musical!
Hadestown has been nominated for BEST MUSICAL.
Anais Mitchell has been nominated for BEST ORIGINAL SCORE.
Anais Mitchell has been nominated for BEST BOOK OF A MUSICAL.
Rachel Chavkin has been nominated for BEST DIRECTION OF A MUSICAL.
André De Shields has been nominated for BEST PERFORMANCE BY A FEATURED ACTOR IN A MUSICAL.
Patrick Page has been nominated for BEST PERFORMANCE BY A FEATURED ACTOR IN A MUSICAL.
David Neumann has been nominated for BEST CHOREOGRAPHY.
Michael Chorney and Todd Sickafoose have been nominated for BEST ORCHESTRATIONS.
Rachel Hauck has been nominated for BEST SCENIC DESIGN OF A MUSICAL.
Michael Krass has been nominated for BEST COSTUME DESIGN OF A MUSICAL.
Nevin Steinberg and Jessica Paz have been nominated for BEST SOUND DESIGN OF A MUSICAL.
Bradley King has been nominated for BEST LIGHTING DESIGN OF A MUSICAL.
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congratulations to hadestown on twelve (12?!) outer critics circle nominations:
outstanding new broadway musical outstanding book (anaïs mitchell) outstanding new score (anaïs mitchell) outstanding director (rachel chavkin) outstanding choreographer (david neumann) outstanding scenic design (rachel hauck) outstanding lighting design (bradley king) outstanding sound design (nevin steinberg and jessica paz) outstanding orchestrations (michael chorney and todd sickafoose) outstanding actor (reeve carney) outstanding featured actor (andré de shields) outstanding featured actress (amber gray)
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musicals-and-more · 5 years
2019 Tony Nominations!!!
I am so excited to watch James Cordon host the 73rd Annual Tony Awards on June 9th!!!
Ain't Too Proud
The Prom
Choir Boy
The Ferryman
Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
What the Constitution Means to Me
Arthur Miller’s All My Sons
The Boys in the Band
Burn This
Torch Song
The Waverly Gallery
Kiss Me, Kate
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Jeff Daniels, To Kill a Mockingbird
Paddy Considine, The Ferryman
Bryan Cranston, Network
Adam Driver, Burn This
Jeremy Pope, Choir Boy
Annette Bening, Arthur Miller’s All My Sons
Laura Donnelly, The Ferryman
Elaine May, The Waverly Gallery
Janet McTeer, Bernhardt/Hamlet
Laurie Metcalf, Hillary and Clinton
Heidi Schreck, What the Constitution Means to Me
Stephanie J. Block, The Cher Show
Caitlin Kinnunen, The Prom
Beth Leavel, The Prom
Eva Noblezada, Hadestown
Kelli O'Hara, Kiss Me, Kate
Brooks Ashmanskas, The Prom
Derrick Baskin, Ain't Too Proud
Alex Brightman, Beetlejuice
Damon Daunno, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Santino Fontana, Tootsie
Best Book of a Musical
Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Dominique Morisseau
Scott Brown & Anthony King
Anaïs Mitchell
The Prom
Bob Martin & Chad Beguelin
Robert Horn
Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre
Be More Chill
Music & Lyrics: Joe Iconis
Music & Lyrics: Eddie Perfect
Music & Lyrics: Anaïs Mitchell
The Prom
Music: Matthew Sklar
Lyrics: Chad Beguelin
To Kill a Mockingbird
Music: Adam Guettel
Music & Lyrics: David Yazbek
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play
Paddy Considine, The Ferryman
Bryan Cranston, Network
Jeff Daniels, To Kill a Mockingbird
Adam Driver, Burn This
Jeremy Pope, Choir Boy
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play
Annette Bening, Arthur Miller's All My Sons
Laura Donnelly, The Ferryman
Elaine May, The Waverly Gallery
Janet McTeer, Bernhardt/Hamlet
Laurie Metcalf, Hillary and Clinton
Heidi Schreck, What the Constitution Means to Me
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical
Brooks Ashmanskas, The Prom
Derrick Baskin, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Alex Brightman, Beetlejuice
Damon Daunno, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Santino Fontana, Tootsie
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical
Stephanie J. Block, The Cher Show
Caitlin Kinnunen, The Prom
Beth Leavel, The Prom
Eva Noblezada, Hadestown
Kelli O'Hara, Kiss Me, Kate
Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play
Bertie Carvel, Ink
Robin De Jesús, The Boys in the Band
Gideon Glick, To Kill a Mockingbird
Brandon Uranowitz, Burn This
Benjamin Walker, Arthur Miller's All My Sons
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play
Fionnula Flanagan, The Ferryman
Celia Keenan-Bolger, To Kill a Mockingbird
Kristine Nielsen, Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
Julie White, Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
Ruth Wilson, King Lear
Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical
André De Shields, Hadestown
Andy Grotelueschen, Tootsie
Patrick Page, Hadestown
Jeremy Pope, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Ephraim Sykes, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical
Lilli Cooper, Tootsie
Amber Gray, Hadestown
Sarah Stiles, Tootsie
Ali Stroker, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Mary Testa, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Best Scenic Design of a Play
Miriam Buether, To Kill a Mockingbird
Bunny Christie, Ink
Rob Howell, The Ferryman
Santo Loquasto, Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
Jan Versweyveld, Network
Best Scenic Design of a Musical
Robert Brill and Peter Nigrini, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Peter England, King Kong
Rachel Hauck, Hadestown
Laura Jellinek, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
David Korins, Beetlejuice
Best Costume Design of a Play
Rob Howell, The Ferryman
Toni-Leslie James, Bernhardt/Hamlet
Clint Ramos, Torch Song
Ann Roth, Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
Ann Roth, To Kill a Mockingbird
Best Costume Design of a Musical
Michael Krass, Hadestown
William Ivey Long, Beetlejuice
William Ivey Long, Tootsie
Bob Mackie, The Cher Show
Paul Tazewell, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Best Lighting Design of a Play
Neil Austin, Ink
Jules Fisher + Peggy Eisenhauer, Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
Peter Mumford, The Ferryman
Jennifer Tipton, To Kill a Mockingbird
Jan Versweyveld and Tal Yarden, Network
Best Lighting Design of a Musical
Kevin Adams, The Cher Show
Howell Binkley, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Bradley King, Hadestown
Peter Mumford, King Kong
Kenneth Posner and Peter Nigrini, Beetlejuice
Best Sound Design of a Play
Adam Cork, Ink
Scott Lehrer, To Kill a Mockingbird
Fitz Patton, Choir Boy
Nick Powell, The Ferryman
Eric Sleichim, Network
Best Sound Design of a Musical
Peter Hylenski, Beetlejuice
Peter Hylenski, King Kong
Steve Canyon Kennedy, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Drew Levy, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Nevin Steinberg and Jessica Paz, Hadestown
Best Direction of a Play
Rupert Goold, Ink
Sam Mendes, The Ferryman
Bartlett Sher, To Kill a Mockingbird
Ivo van Hove, Network
George C. Wolfe, Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
Best Direction of a Musical
Rachel Chavkin, Hadestown
Scott Ellis, Tootsie
Daniel Fish, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Des McAnuff, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Casey Nicholaw, The Prom
Best Choreography
Camille A. Brown, Choir Boy
Warren Carlyle, Kiss Me, Kate
Denis Jones, Tootsie
David Neumann, Hadestown
Sergio Trujillo, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Best Orchestrations
Michael Chorney and Todd Sickafoose, Hadestown
Simon Hale, Tootsie
Larry Hochman, Kiss Me, Kate
Daniel Kluger, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma!
Harold Wheeler, Ain't Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations
Special Tony Awards for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre Rosemary Harris
Terrence McNally
Harold Wheeler
Special Tony Awards
Marin Mazzie
Sonny Tilders and Creature Technology Company
Jason Michael Webb
Regional Theatre Tony Award
TheatreWorks Silicon Valley
Palo Alto, CA
Isabelle Stevenson Tony Award
Judith Light
Tony Honors for Excellence in the Theatre
Broadway Inspirational Voices – Michael McElroy, Founder
Peter Entin
FDNY Engine 54, Ladder 4, Battalion 9
Joseph Blakely Forbes
Congratulations to all the nominees and especially to Hadestown leading with 14 nominations!!!
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Artifact Series J
J. Allen Hynek's Telescope
J. Edgar Hoover's Tie
J. McCullough's Golf Ball
J. Templer's Wind-Up Tin Rooster *
J. C. Agajanian’s Stetson
J.T. Saylors's Overalls
J.M. Barrie’s Swiss Trychels
J.M.W. Turner's Rain, Steam and Speed-The Great Western Railway *
J.R.R. Tolken's Ring
Jack's Magic Beanstalk
Jack Daniel's Original Whisky Bottle
Jack Dawson's Art Kit
Jack Duncan's Spur *
Jack Frost's Staff
Jack Kerouac's Typewriter
Jack Ketch's Axe
Jack LaLanne's Stationary Bike *
Jack London's Dog Collar
Jack Parson's Rocket Engine
Jack Sheppard's Hammer
Jack Sparrow's Compass
Jack Torrance's Croquet Mallet
Jack the Ripper's Lantern *
Jackie Robinson's Baseball
Jackson Pollock's "No. 5, 1948"
Jackson Pollock's Pack of Cigarettes
Jackson Pollock's Paint Cans
Jack's Regisword
Jack Vettriano's "The Singing Butler"
Jack's Wrench
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Kinder- und Hausmarchen
Jacob "Jack" Kevorkian's Otoscope
Jacob Kurtzberg's Belt *
Jacqueline Cochran's Brooch
Jacques Aymar-Vernay’s Dowsing Rod
Jacques Cousteau's Goggles
Jacques Cousteau's Diving Suit
Jacques-Louis David's Napoleon Crossing the Alps *
Jade Butterfly
Jadeite Cabbage
Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar's Smoke Pipe
Jamaica Ginger Bottle
Jaleel White's Hosting Chair
James Abbot McNeill Whistler's Whistler's Mother *
James Allen's Memoir
James Bartley's Britches
James Ben Ali Haggin's Leaky Fountain Pen
James Bert Garner’s Gas Mask
James Bett's Cupboard Handle
James Braid's Chair *
James Brown's Shoes
James Bulger's Sweater
James Buzzanell's Painting "Grief and Pain"
James Buzzanell’s Survey Books
James C. McReynolds’ Judicial Robe
James Chadwick's Nobel Prize
James Clerk Maxwell's Camera Lens
James Colnett's Otter Pelt
James Condliff's Skeleton Clock
James Cook's Mahiole and Feather Cloak
James Craik's Spring Lancet
James Dean's 1955 Prosche 550 Spyder, aka "Little Bastard"
James Dean's UCLA Varsity Jacket
James Dinsmoor's Dinner Bell
James Eads How’s Bindle
James Earl Ray's Rifle
James Fenimore Cooper's Arrow Heads
James Gandolfini's Jukebox
James Hadfield’s Glass Bottle of Water
James Hall III’s Shopping Bags
James Henry Atkinson's Mouse Trap
James Henry Pullen’s Mannequin
James Hoban's Drawing Utensils
James Holman’s Cane
James Hutton's Overcoat
James Joyce’s Eyepatch
James M. Barrie's Grandfather Clock
James M. Barrie's Suitcase
James Murrell's Witch Bottle
James Philip’s Riata
James Prescott Joule's Thermodynamic Generator
James Smithson's Money
James Tilly Matthews’ Air Loom
James Warren and Willoughby Monzani's Piece of Wood
James Watt's Steam Condenser
James Watt's Weather Vane
James W. Marshall’s Jar
Jan Baalsrud’s Stretcher
Jan Baptist van Helmont's Willow Tree
Jane Austen's Carriage
Jane Austen's Gloves
Jane Austen's Quill
Jane Bartholomew's "Lady Columbia" Torch
Jane Pierce's Veil
Janet Leigh's Shower Curtain
Janine Charrat's Ballet Slippers
Jan Janzoon's Boomerang *
Janis Joplin's Backstage Pass from Woodstock *
Jan Karski's Passport
Janus Coin *
Jan van Eyck’s Chaperon
Jan van Speyk's Flag of the Netherlands
Jan Wnęk's Angel Figurine
Jan Žižka's Wagenburg Wagons
The Japanese Nightingale
Jar of Dust from the Mount Asama Eruption
Jar of Greek Funeral Beans
Jar of Marbles
Jar of Molasses from The Boston Molasses Disaster
Jar of Sand
Jar of Semper Augustus Bulbs
Jar of Shiva
Jar of Sugar Plums
Jascha Heifetz's Violin Bow
Jason Voorhese's Machete
Javed Iqbal's Barrel of Acid
Jay Maynard's Tron Suit
Jean II Le Maingre's Gauntlets
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau’s Cradleboard
Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin's Bubble Pipe
Jean Chastel's Silver Gun
Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin's Pocket Watch
Jean Fleury's Aztec Gold Coins
Jean-François Champollion’s Ideographic Dictionary
Jean Froissart's Mirror *
Jean-Frédéric Peugeot's Pepper Mill
Jean Hilliard’s Earmuffs
Jean Parisot de Valette’s Sword Sheath
Jean-Paul Marat's Bathtub
Jean Paul-Satre’s Paper Cutter
Jean-Pierre Christin's Thermometer
Jean Senebier's Bundle of Swiss Alpine Flowers
Jean Valnet's Aromatherapy Statue
Jean Vrolicq’s Scrimshaw
Jeanne Baret's Hat
Jeanne de Clisson's Black Fleet
Jeanne Villepreux-Power's Aquarium
Jeannette Piccard's Sandbag
Jeff Dunham's First Ventriloquist Box
Jefferson Davis' Boots
Jefferson Randolph Smith's Soap Bar
Jeffrey Dahmer's Handkerchief
Jeffrey Dahmer's Pick-Up Sticks
Jemmy Hirst's Carriage Wheel
Jenny Lind's Stage Makeup
Jeopardy! Contestant Podiums
Jerome Monroe Smucker's Canning Jars
Jerry Andrus’ Organ
Jerry Garcia's Blackbulb *
Jerry Siegel's Sketchbook
Jesse James' Saddle
Jesse James' Pistol
Jesse Owens' Hitler Oak
Jesse Owens' Running Shoes
Jesse Pomeroy's Ribbon and Spool
Jester's Mask
Jesus of Nazareth's Whip
Jesús García's Brake Wheel
Jet Engine from the Gimli Glider
Jet Glass Cicada Button
Jethro Tull's Hoe
Jeweled Scabbard of Sforza
Jiang Shunfu’s Mandarin Square
Jim Davis' Pet Carrier
Jim Fixx's Shorts
Jim Henson's Talking Food Muppets
Jim Jones' Sunglasses
Jim Londos' Overalls
Jim Robinson's Army Bag
Jim Thorpe's Shoulder Pads
Jim Ward's Piercing Samples
Jimi Hendrix's Bandana
Jimi Hendrix's Bong
Jimi Hendrix's Guitars *
Jimmie Rodgers Rail Brake
Jimmy Durante's Cigar
Jimmy Gibb Jr's Stock Car
Jimmy Hoffa's Comb
Jin Dynasty Chainwhip
Jingle Harness
Joan II, Duchess of Berry's Dress
Joan of Arc's Chain Mail
Joan of Arc's Helmet (canon)
Joan Feynman's Ski Pole
Joanna of Castile's Vase
Joan Rivers' Carpet Steamer
Joan Rivers' Red Carpet
Joe Ades's Potato Peeler
Joe Girard’s Keys
Joe Rosenthal's Camera Lens
Joel Brand's Playing Cards
Joséphine de Beauharnais' Engagement Ring
Johan Alfred Ander’s Piece of Porcelain
Johann Baptist Isenring’s Acacia Tree
Johann Bartholomaeus Adam Beringer's Lying Stones
Johann Blumhardt's Rosary
Johann Dzierzon’s Beehive Frame
Johann Georg Elser's Postcard
Johann Maelzel's Metronome *
Johann Rall's Poker Cards
Johann Tetzel's Indulgence
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Prism
Johannes Brahms' Coffee Creamer
Johannes Diderik van der Waals' Gloves
Johannes Fabricius' Camera Obscura
Johannes Gutenburg's Memory Paper *
Johannes Gutenburg's Printing Press *
Johannes Gutenberg's Printing Press Keys
Johannes Kepler's Planetary Model
Johannes Kepler's Telescope Lense
Johannes Kjarval’s Landscape Painting
John A. Macready's Ray-Bans *
John A. Roebling's Steel Cable
John A.F. Maitland's Musical Brainnumber *
John André’s Stocking
John Anthony Walker's Minox
John Axon's Footplate
John Babbacombe Lee’s Trapdoor
John Bardeen's Radio
John Bodkin Adams’ Stethoscope
John Brown's Body *
John Brown's Machete
John C. Koss SP3 Stereophones
John C. Lilly's Isolation Tank Valve
John Cabot's Map
John Carl Wilcke's Rug *
John Crawley's Painting
John Croghan's Limestone Brick
John Dalton's Weather Vane
John Dee's Golden Talisman
John Dee's Obsidian Crystal Ball
John Dee’s Seal of God
John DeLorean's Drawing Table
John Dickson Carr's Driving Gloves
John Dillinger's Pistol *
John D. Grady’s Satchel
John D. Rockefeller's Bible
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr.'s Top Hats
John Dwight's Hammer
John F. Kennedy's Coconut
John F. Kennedy's Presidental Limousine
John F. Kennedy's Tie Clip *
John Flaxman's Casting Molds
Sir John Franklin's Scarf
John Gay's Shilling
John Gillespie Magee, Jr.'s Pen
John H. Kellogg's Bowl
John H. Kellogg's Corn Flakes
John H. Lawrence's Pacifier
John Hancock's Quill
John Harrison’s Longcase Clock
John Hawkwood’s Lance
John Hendrix's Bible
John Henry Moore's White Banner
John Henry's Sledge Hammer
John Hetherington's Top Hat
John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter's Torture Rack
John Holmes Pump *
John Hopoate's Cleats
John Howard Griffin's Bus Fare
John Hunter's Stitching Wire
John Hunter's Surgical Sutures
John J. Pershing's Boots
John Jacob Astor's Beaver Pelt
John Jervis’ Ship
John Joshua Webb’s Rock Chippings
John Kay's Needle
John Keat's Grecian Urn *
John, King of England's Throne
John L. Sullivan's Boots
John Langdon Down's Stencils
John Lawson's Mannequin Legs
John Lennon's Glasses
John "Liver-Eating" Johnson's Axe
John Logie Baird's Scanning Disk *
John M. Allegro's Fly Amanita
John Macpherson's Ladle
John Malcolm's Chunk of Skin
John Malcolm's Skin Wallet
John McEnroe's Tennis Racket *
John Milner's Yellow '32 Ford Deuce Coupe
John Moore-Brabazon’s Waste Basket
John Morales' McGruff Suit
John Mytton’s Carriage
John Pasche's Rolling Stones Poster Design
John Paul Jones's Sword
John Pemberton's Tasting Spoon
John Philip Sousa's Sousaphone
John Rambo's Composite Bow
John Rykener's Ring
John Shore's Tuning Fork
John Simon's Mouthwash
John Simon Ritchie's Padlock Necklace
John Smith of Jamestown's Sword
John Snow's Dot Map
John Snow’s Pump Handle
John Stapp’s Rocket Sled
John Steinbeck's Luger
John Sutcliffe's Camera
John Sutter's Pickaxe
John Tunstall's Horse Saddle
John Trumbull's "Painting of George Washington"
John von Neumann's Abacus
John Walker's Walking Stick
John Wayne Gacy's Clown Painting *
John Wayne Gacy's Facepaint
John Wesley Hardin's Rosewood Grip Pistol
John Wesley Powell's Canoe
John Wesley Powell’s Canteen
John Wilkes Booth's Boot *
John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster
John William Polidori's Bookcase
Johnny Ace's Gun
Johnny Appleseed's Tin Pot *
Johnny Campbell's University of Minnesota Sweater
Johnny Depp's Scissor Gloves
Johnny Smith's Steering Wheel
Johnny Weismuller's Loincloth *
Joker's BANG! Revolver
Jon Stewart's Tie
Jonathan Coulton's Guitar
Jonathan R. Davis' Bowie Knife
Jonathan Shay's Copy of Iliad/Odyssey
Jonestown Water Cooler
Jorge Luis Borges' Scrapbook
José Abad Santos' Pebble
José Delgado’s Transmitter
Jose Enrique de la Pena's Chest Piece
Jōsei Toda’s Gohonzon Butsudan
Josef Frings’ Ferraiolo
Josef Mengele's Scalpel
Josef Stefan's Light Bulbs
Joseph of Arimathea's Tomb Rock
Joseph of Cupertino's Medallion *
Joseph Day's Sickle
Joseph Ducreux's Cane
Joseph Dunninger's Pocket Watch
Joseph Dunningers’ Props
Joseph E. Johnston Confederate Flag
Joseph Force Crater's Briefcases
Joseph Fourier's Pocket Knife
Joseph Glidden’s Barbed Wire
Joseph Goebbels' Radio *
Joseph Jacquard's Analytical Loom
Joseph Bolitho Johns’ Axe
Joseph Kittinger's Parachute
Joseph Lister's Padding
Joseph McCarthy's List of Communists
Joseph Merrick's Hood
Joseph-Michel Montgolfier's Wicker Basket
Joseph Moir’s Token
Joseph Pilate's Resistance Bands *
Joseph Polchinski’s Billiard Ball
Joseph Stalin's Gold Star Medal *
Joseph Stalin's Sleep Mask *
Joseph Swan's Electric Light
Joseph Vacher's Accordion
Joseph Vacher's Dog Skull
Joseph Valachi's '58 Chevrolet Impala
Josephus' Papyrus
Joseph Wolpe's Glasses
Josephine Cochrane's Dishwasher
Joshua's Trumpet *
Josiah S. Carberry's Cracked Pot
Joshua Vicks' Original Batch of Vicks Vapor Rub
Josiah Wedgewood's Medallion
Jost Burgi's Armillary Sphere *
Jovan Vladimir's Cross
Juana the Mad of Castiles' Crown
Juan Luis Vives' Quill Set
Juan Moreira’s Facón
Juan Pounce de Leon's Chalice
Juan Ponce de León's Helmet
Juan Seguin's Bandolier
Jubilee Grand Poker Chip *
Judah Loew ben Belazel's Amulet *
Judas Iscariot’s Thirty Silver Coins
Judson Laipply's Shoes
Jules Baillarger's Decanter
Jules Leotard's Trapeze Net
Jules Verne's Original Manuscripts
Julia Agrippa's Chalice
Julia Child's Apron *
Julia Child's Whisk
Julian Assange’s Flash Drive
Julie d’Aubigny's Sabre
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's Wedding Rings
Julius Asclepiodotus’ Shield Boss
Julius Caesar's Wreath
Julius Wilbrand's Lab Coat Buttons *
Jumper Cables
Junji Koyama’s Vegetables
Jure Sterk's Ballpoint Pen
Jürgen Wattenberg's Leather Provision Bag
Justa Grata Honoria’s Engagement Ring
Justin Bieber's Guitar
Justinian I's Chariot Wheel
Justin O. Schmidt's Wasp Mask
Justus von Liebig's Fertilizer Sack
Justus von Liebig's Mirror
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broadwaybaberoni · 5 years
Tony Award Nominations 2019 (By Show)
Ain’t Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations (12)
Best Musical
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Derrick Baskin)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical (Jeremy Pope)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical (Ephraim Sykes)
Best Book of a Musical (Dominique Morisseau)
Best Choreography (Sergio Trujillo)
Best Orchestrations (Harold Wheeler)
Best Scenic Design of a Musical (Robert Brill and Peter Nigrini)
Best Costume Designs of a Musical (Paul Tazewell)
Best Sound Design of a Musical (Steve Canyon Kennedy)
Best Lighting Design of a Musical (Howell Binkley)
Best Direction of a Musical (Des McAnuff)
Be More Chill (1)
Best Original Score (Music & Lyrics by Joe Iconis)
Beetlejuice (8)
Best Musical
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Alex Brightman)
Best Book of a Musical (Scott Brown & Anthony King)
Best Original Score (Music & Lyrics by Eddie Perfect)
Best Scenic Design of a Musical (David Korins)
Best Costume Designs of a Musical (William Ivey Long)
Best Sound Design of a Musical (Peter Hylenski)
Best Lighting Design of a Musical (Kenneth Posner and Peter Nigrini)
The Cher Show (3)
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Stephanie J. Block)
Best Costume Designs of a Musical (Bob Mackie)
Best Lighting Design of a Musical (Kevin Adams)
Hadestown (14)
Best Musical
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Eva Noblezada)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical (André De Shields)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical (Patrick Page)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical (Amber Gray)
Best Book of a Musical (Anaïs Mitchell)
Best Original Score (Music & Lyrics by Anaïs Mitchell)
Best Choreography (David Neumann)
Best Orchestrations (Michael Chorney and Todd Sickafoose)
Best Scenic Design of a Musical (Rachel Hauck)
Best Costume Designs of a Musical (Michael Krass)
Best Sound Design of a Musical (Nevin Steinberg and Jessica Paz)
Best Lighting Design of a Musical (Bradley King)
Best Direction of a Musical (Rachel Chavkin)
King Kong (3)
Best Scenic Design of a Musical (Peter England)
Best Sound Design of a Musical (Peter Hylenski)
Best Lighting Design of a Musical (Peter Mumford)
Kiss Me, Kate (4)
Best Revival of a Musical
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Kelli O’Hara)
Best Choreography (Warren Carlyle)
Best Orchestrations (Larry Hochman)
Rogers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! (8)
Best Revival of a Musical
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical  (Damon Daunno)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical (Ali Stroker)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical (Mary Testa)
Best Orchestrations (Daniel Kluger)
Best Scenic Design of a Musical (Laura Jellinek)
Best Sound Design of a Musical (Drew Levy)
Best Direction of a Musical (Daniel Fish)
The Prom (7)
Best Musical
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Brooks Ashmanskas)
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Caitlin Kinnunen)
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Beth Leavel)
Best Book of a Musical (Bob Martin & Chad Beguelin)
Best Original Score (Music by Matthew Sklar, Lyrics by Chad Beguelin)
Best Direction of a Musical (Casey Nicholaw)
Tootsie (11)
Best Musical
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Santino Fontana)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical (Andy Grotelueschen)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical (Lilli Cooper)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical (Sarah Stiles)
Best Book of a Musical (Robert Horn)
Best Original Score (Music & Lyrics by David Yazbeck)
Best Choreography (Dennis Jones)
Best Orchestrations (Simon Hale)
Best Costume Designs of a Musical (William Ivey Long)
Best Direction of a Musical (Scott Ellis)
Arthur Millers All My Sons (3)
Best Revival of a Play
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Play (Annette Bening)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play (Benjamin Walker)
Bernadette/Hamlet (2)
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Play (Janet McTeer)
Best Costume Designs of a Play (Toni-Leslie James)
The Boys in the Band (2)
Best Revival of a Play
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play (Robin de Jesús)
Burn This (3)
Best Revival of a Play
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Play (Adam Driver)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play (Brandon Uranowitz)
Choir Boy (4)
Best Play
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Play (Jeremy Pope)
Best Choreography (Camille A. Brown)
Best Sound Design of a Play (Fitz Patton)
The Ferryman (9)
Best Play
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Play (Paddy Considine)
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Play (Laura Donnelly)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Play (Fionnula Flanagan)
Best Scenic Design of a Play (Bob Howell)
Best Costume Designs of a Play (Rob Howell)
Best Sound Design of a Play (Nick Powell)
Best Lighting Design of a Play (Peter Mumford)
Best Direction of a Play (Sam Mendes)
Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus (7)
Best Play
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Play (Kristine Nielsen)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Play (Julie White)
Best Scenic Design of a Play (Santo Loquasto)
Best Costume Designs of a Play (Ann Roth)
Best Lighting Design of a Play (Jules Fisher + Peggy Eisenhauer)
Best Direction of a Play (George C. Wolfe)
Hillary and Clinton (1)
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Play (Laurie Metcalf)
Ink (6)
Best Play
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play (Bertie Carvel)
Best Scenic Design of a Play (Bunny Christie)
Best Sound Design of a Play (Adam Cork)
Best Lighting Design of a Play (Neil Austin)
Best Direction of a Play (Rupert Goold)
To Kill a Mockingbird (9)
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Play (Jeff Daniels)
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play (Gideon Glick)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Play (Celia Keenan-Bolger)
Best Original Score (Music by Adam Guettel)
Best Scenic Design of a Play (Miriam Buether)
Best Costume Designs of a Play (Ann Roth)
Best Sound Design of a Play (Scott Lehrer)
Best Lighting Design of a Play (Jennifer Tipton)
Best Direction of a Play (Bartlett Sher)
King Lear (1)
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Play (Ruth Wilson)
Network (5)
Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Play (Bryan Cranston)
Best Scenic Design of a Play (Jan Versweyveld)
Best Sound Design of a Play (Eric Sleichim)
Best Lighting Design of a Play (Jan Versweyveld and Tal Yarden)
Best Direction of a Play (Ivo Van Hove)
Torch Song (2)
Best Revival of a Play
Best Costume Designs of a Play (Clint Ramos)
The Waverly Gallery (2)
Best Revival of a Play
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Play (Elaine May)
What the Constitution Means to Me (2)
Best Play
Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Play (Heidi Schreck)
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darkydrakens613 · 6 years
Abraham Ben Ezra
Ada Lovelace
Adam Smith
Al Batani
Al Juarismi
Alan Turing
Albert Einstein
Alessandro Volta
Alexander Borodin
Alfred Nobel
Amadeus Avogadro
André Marié Ampéré
Andrew Wiles
Andrews Millikan
Antonie Lavoisier
Apolonio Pérgamo
Arquímedes Siracusa
Bernhard Riemann
Bertrand Russell
Bill Gates
Blase Pascal
Bonaventura Cavalieri
Brook Taylor
Christian Huygens
Christian Orsted
Claudio Ptolomeo
Colin Maclaurin
Daniel Bernoulli
David Anderson
David Hilbert
Dimitri Mendeleev
Diofanto Alejandría
Edwin Hubble
Emmy Noether
Enrico Fermi
Eratóstenes Cirene
Ernest Rutherford
Erwin Schrodinger
Euclides Alejandría
Eudoxo Cnido
Evangelista Torricelli
Evariste Galois
Francis Crick
François Viète
Franz Hess
Friedrich Wohler
Gabriel Cramer
Galileo Galilei
Geber Ibn Aphla
Georg Cantor
Georg Öhm
George Boole
Gilbert Lewis
Girolamo Cardano
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Guillaume L'Hôpital
Guillermo Marconi
Hiparco Nicea
Heinrich Hertz
Hendrik Lorentz
Henry Becquerel
Hermann von Helmholtz
Herón Alejandría
Hideki Yukawa
Humphry Davy
Hypatía Alejandría
Isaac Barrow
Isaac Newton
Jacob Bernoulli
James Joule
James Maxwell
James Watson
Jean Baptiste Fourier
Jean Le Rond D'Alembert
Johann Bernoulli
Johannes Kepler
John Dalton
John Forbes Nash
John Neper
Johnn von Neumann
Jons Berzelius
Joseph Priestley
Joseph Thomson
Jules Henry Poincaré
Julian Schwinger
Karl Friedrich Gauss
Karl Gustav Jacobi
Karl Wilhelm Weierstrass
Kurt Gödel
Leonard Euler
Leonardo Fibonacci
Linus Pauling
Louis Cauchy
Louis Lagrange
Louis Pasteur
Luca Pacioli
Luca Valerio
Ludwig Boltzmann
Marie Curie
Maurice Wilkins
Max Born
Max Planck
Michael Faraday
Murray Gell Mann
Niccolo Tartaglia
Nicola Tesla
Nicolás Copérnico
Nicolás Lobatchevski
Nicolás Oresme
Niels Böhr
Niels Henrik Abel
Omar Jayam
Paul Dirac
Peter Lejeune Dirichlet
Pierre Alphonse Laurent
Pierre Fermat
Pierre Laplace
Pitágoras Samos
Raymundo Lulio
René Descartes
Richard Feynman
Robert Boyle
Robert Oppenheimer
Rosalind Franklin
Shin'ichiro Tomonaga
Simon Stevin
Sophie Germain
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Stephen Hawkins
Steve Jobs
Thales Mileto
Thomas Edison
Werner Heisenberg
Zenón Elea
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docrotten · 2 years
THE FLY (1958) – Episode 133 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“Help me! Please, help meeeeeee! No! Go away! No! Please! Help me! Please, go away! Go away! No! No! No! No!” …said the fly to the spider …and his brother. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Whitney Collazo, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, and Jeff Mohr – as they discuss a movie that contains some of the most shocking scenes of the 1950s and which became a milepost in Vincent Price’s career in horror films, The Fly(1958).
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 133 – The Fly (1958)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
A scientist has a horrific accident when he tries to use his newly invented teleportation device.
  Director: Kurt Neumann
Writers: James Clavell (screenplay); George Langelaan (based on a story by)
Cinematographer: Karl Struss
Special makeup effects: Ben Nye 
Selected Cast:
David Hedison (credited as Al Hedison) as André Delambre
Patricia Owens as Hélène Delambre
Vincent Price as François Delambre
Herbert Marshall as Inspector Charas
Kathleen Freeman as Emma
Betty Lou Gerson as Nurse Anderson
Charles Herbert as Philippe Delambre
Eugene Borden as Dr. Éjoute
Torben Meyer as Gaston
The first of five “Fly” movies, The Fly is Jeff’s pick for this episode. It’s one of those movies from his childhood that indelibly printed its horrific scenes in his memory. Watching now, he is still impressed with the movie, especially in the way the story is told and with the Ben Nye-created makeup effects.
Chad agrees that The Fly is a fantastic horror film. It feels more real to him than a lot of science fiction-horror movies of the 50s adding that it is the characters that help make it so. The reveal of Andre’s (David Hedison) fly head feels almost like the face reveal in The Phantom of the Opera (1925). The Fly was nightmare fuel for Whitney when she first saw it as a child on Halloween night, complete with a candy bag that included fake spiders. Daphne fell in love with The Fly during the first few minutes when blood drips down the side of an hydraulic press and the night watchman’s scream morphs into a telephone ringing in Francois’s (Vincent Price) office. 
It’s probably not surprising that the Classic Era Grue Crew thinks The Fly is a true classic of the horror genre. If you’re ready to refresh your memory, as of this writing, The Fly can be streamed from HBO max as well as several PPV sources. It is also available on physical media as a 20th Century Fox Blu-ray and as one of five Blu-ray discs included in Scream Factory’s The Fly Collection. Also included in The Fly Collection are Return of the Fly (1959), Curse of the Fly (1965), The Fly (1986), and The Fly II (1989).
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule is one chosen by next episode’s guest host, Steven Turek: Horrors of the Black Museum (1959) starring Michael Gough.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of us, “Thank you so much for listening!”
Check out this episode!
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loulou1943 · 2 years
While chatting with some relatives a few days ago, I said how blessed those of us in Northeastern North America are to have Shrines dedicated to so many Saints. This week alone, we celebrate the Feasts of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John Neumann, and St. André Bessette. (Miracles performed by all three are detailed […]
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boombatze · 2 years
Fatsound - Erfurt Punkrock Labelportrait from André Neumann on Vimeo.
A short documentary from 2002 about Fatsound - an Erfurt based German Punkrocklabel. fatsound.de Thanx to Christian Fischer, Frank Oswald, Henrik Aleith and the Fatsound Family back in the days
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