#andras x reader
invisible-lint · 4 months
Everything Could Be Okay: Prologue
Andras x Reader
Summary: a prologue for what will be a Rhys x Tamlin's sister!reader
Warnings: angst! very brief mention of pregnancy loss
Word Count: 1,078
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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You knew you were already too late. You could feel it in the ache of your legs. The pounding of your heart. The breath panting through your lips as you race through the trees. He had made his decision, sending another to tell you, worried that seeing you again would change his mind. You knew that you couldn’t stop him, but perhaps you could at least say goodbye. 
Your dress catches on a branch, tearing, but you heed it no mind as you keep running as your destination comes into sight. Two sets of eyes fall upon you.The green eyes of your brother, filled with pity. The gray eyes of your husband, filled with regret.  Your brother nods before stepping away, giving the two of you the moment you so desperately need. You throw yourself at your husband, clinging to his tunic, the silver that had been rimming your eyes finally spilling over. 
"Don't do it. Don't leave me," you sob.
He says nothing, gently brushing the tears away from your eyes, somehow managing to keep his own at bay. 
"Andras. Please," you beg.
He speaks finally. "You know I must. For the Spring Court. For Prythian."
"To Hell with the Spring Court! To Hell with Prythian! I need you!" You pause for a moment, voice growing soft as your hand finds your stomach, cradling the babe growing inside. "We need you."
He places a hand over yours. "That's why I must go. There is so little time left and I will not let my child live in a world that's been corrupted by Her. I cannot bear the thought of it. It may be a fool's errand but it is the only thing that I can think of that might save our child. Save you."
You nod, a fresh wave of tears leaving you unable to speak. 
He holds you for a moment, wishing it could be different. Wishing there was a way he could protect you without sacrificing himself. A way to live and see his child born.  But there was not and so he must. He breathes in deeply, taking in your scent for the last time and kisses you on the forehead before stepping away and nodding at the other male. 
Somehow, you manage to stay on your feet as he leaves you, watching the magic that transforms your love. You walk over to the wolf that stands in his place, placing a hand on either side of his muzzle before pressing a parting kiss there. The wolf gives you one last longing look before slipping through the hole in the wall. 
You drop to the forest floor as your legs finally give out, sobs wracking your body. Your brother sinks down next to you, pulling you into his arms, holding you tight. As if by holding you he could prevent the shattering of your heart. 
"I'm sorry," he whispers, voice cracking.  "I tried to talk him out of it. Tried to convince him to stay..." 
You ignore him, too focused on your own broken heart to listen to him try to make himself feel better. He picks you up then, standing to carry you home. If you can call it that anymore when such a vital piece of it is now gone forever. 
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You were in the gardens the day he died. Wandering aimlessly, fiddling with the gold ring hanging on the chain around your neck. You felt it as he drew his dying breath. Perhaps you had been mates after all. Perhaps this was as close as you'd ever get to feeling that bond, that golden thread that would never be, emptiness filling your chest as you sink to the ground amongst the roses. If it had snapped, could you have convinced him to stay? Could you have convinced him that you needed him, needed the other half of your soul? A hollowness fills your chest where you had always imagined the bond might form linking you to him. But it never did. Emotions burn in your throat, and somewhere someone screams. It’s a raw, primal sound filled with grief. Could that be you? You’ve retreated so far into yourself that you don’t even know anymore. Your hand falls to your stomach where it will swell with child, curling around yourself  to protect the babe, as if this grief is an enemy you need to protect them from. 
You’re not sure how long you lay there, curled in on yourself, feeling everything and nothing at the same time. You knew this day was coming. He may as well have been dead the day he crossed the wall and went into the human lands. You press his ring to your lips, the gold band cool from the night air. 
It is not your brother who finds you, but Lucien. He picks you up, carrying you into the house that no longer feels like a home. He carries you to your room, tucking you into your bed. He sits next to you, stroking the hair back from your face just like your mother had when you would wake from a nightmare as a child. But there was no waking from this one. He tells you how Tamlin is already going to find Andras’ killer to see if his death has brought the hope we so desperately need. You pray to the Mother, hoping that it hasn’t all been for nothing. And as your eyes grow heavy, the grief finally dragging you down into sleep, you hear as Lucien softly sings a lullaby his mother sang to him as a child.
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Months have passed when you wake with a start, tears streaming down your face. You'd dreamt of the forest again. Of losing your love, your home, your soul. Your dream followed him into the mortal lands, to where the human girl had shot him with the ash arrow. You had asked her about it, needing to know. Needing to know if he had been in pain. If he had suffered. 
 Your hand falls to where your child should be growing, letting the tears stream down your face as you stare up at the canopy of your bed. He had done it. Andras had been successful and now the rest was up to your brother. He just had to get the human girl to fall in love with him and your husband's sacrifice would not be in vain. Everything you lost would mean something. And maybe, one day, everything could be okay again.
Chapter 1
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A/N: This is my first fic with more planned! If you liked it feel free to send a request!
Thanks @azsazz for inspiring me to give fic writing a try!
divider by: @tsunami-of-tears
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Okay imagine this. Neteyam and reader having a moment and get interrupted my tuk. Of course her being little doesn't know what she saw. Until its dinner time and she brings it up . Out loud ....infront of the entire clan.
i would actually die if this happened to me ngl
enjoy anonnie x
wc: 500 words
Na'vi words used: yawne - beloved, prrnen - baby, sa'nok - mother, tskmuke - sister
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"Baby, you have to keep it down, people are going to hear you."
"Let them hear, yawne. What's wrong with everyone hearing how good you fuck me every night?"
Famous last words.
Suffice it to say you were mortified. It's not everyday your baby sister... or Neteyam's baby sister, in fact, but at this point, she might as well be yours... walks in on you... doing things... things that no child should ever see, things that no adult should ever have to explain to a child, things that were so beyond what you could reasonably justify. To be fair, though, the flap of the tent was closed, and it was the middle of the night, and you were making noises that pretty much every other human being over the age of like 15 would be able to gauge for what they were and keep a respectable distance. But Tuk... sweet Tuk, innocent Tuk, the-cutest-pie-to-ever-live Tuk, she was attracted by the noises that she thought were indicative of you being in pain. That, in addition to the fact she was rudely awoken by Lo'ak's incessant snores again and felt she would fare better sleeping in your tent, led to this horrifying moment of blind panic and haphazard movements, trying to untangle your limbs and cover your bodies in sheets and blankets.
"Are you alright?"
"Oh, my God, Tuk! What are you doing here, baby?"
"I thought you were hurt, you were screaming!"
Neteyam couldn't help the burst of laughter that escaped him, and neither could you help the scowl that you sent in his direction.
"Oh, baby. I'm alright, I just had a... cramp. Neteyam was on top of me because he was... helping me... massage the spot where it hurt."
The next morning, you forcefully placed a pack of nose strips that you stole from Norm in Lo'ak's hand.
"Here. Use them."
"Because your snoring will bring this family to its knees."
Lo'ak raised an eyebrow at your annoyed disposition.
"You don't even sleep in the same tent as us."
"Yes, but Tuk does. And she can't sleep because of you."
"Yes! I had to sleep in brother and sister's tent last night because of you, Lo'ak!"
You looked at Neteyam from the corner of your eye, praying that the conversation ends there.
"Oh, ma prrnen, did you sleep well at least?" Neytiri came close and knelt by her baby's side, patting her head affectionately.
"Not that well, sa'nok. I was worried for tsmuke since I didn't want another cramp to hurt her, she was in a lot of pain when I came in. But whatever Neteyam was doing on top of her seemed to help, so I thought I could help too if she had another cramp."
You groaned, feeling an actual cramp coming when all the heads in the room snapped in your direction, and as soon as Lo'ak and Jake started cackling and Kiri started making gagging noises, you knew you would never hear the end of this.
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peachsayshi · 2 years
Peach, these are all incredible💓 but can you imagine little brother’s best friend Gojo who does everything in the book to touch you? He finds any excuse really. Not even in a sexual way, like I mean this man will find any reason to pick up/hold your hand💛💛💛
he might even let some words that have your heart feeling funny slip out like, “your hands are so soft,”
THANK YOU SWEETS 💓💓 omg that means a lot and I’m so happy you enjoyed it! I loved reading your tags on my recent post too 🥺 thank you so much for reblogging and commenting sldkfjslj. (ps. I’m super obsessed with this concept because Gojo just PINING for somebody does things to my little heart & honestly it’s like word vomit now & I just can’t stop writing about it lskdjflskdjf) 
[minors and ageless blogs dni] 
satoru, your little brother’s best friend, can pin point the exact moment when you stopped touching him - when you stopped ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks playfully, when you stopped pulling him in for an innocent hug, and even worse when you stopped addressing him by “Toru” which was the nickname reserved for you. 
you didn’t know how much it broke him the further you kept your distance, which is why he can’t help but be touchy around you now.
if he sees a rogue eyelash on your cheek, he doesn’t just pick it off. no, he will cup your face in the palm of his hand and gently remove it with the other. he smooths over the spot on where it landed with his thumb in a sweet caress and then smile before asking you to close your eyes and make a wish.
he slings his arm around you whenever you’re in his way, and squeezes your waist before bringing his lips down to your ear to whisper: “behind you.” 
...or if he’s feeling playful, he’ll pick you up and move you aside just to catch off guard from his sheer physical strength.
if you guys are out and about, he’ll always hold your hand in his. you find yourself surprised by his firm grasp, and when you ask him to let go he’ll laugh by saying that your “strides are too short and you need to keep up the pace”. 
...it’s so much worse because this happens when you guys are out in public together, and when people confuse you for being a couple...he never corrects them. 
he’s always resting his head on your thighs when you hang out together, reminiscing about growing up and filling in all the little gaps in your life when you’ve both been apart. 
when you laugh about your exes or past lovers, you don’t see the way his jaw twitches or how he digs his nails into the palms of his hands. he only relaxes when your fingers lightly thread through his hair, twirling a few strands nonchalantly as you keep talking. his heart skips a beat and he parts his lips when he holds back his breath, all the while thinking that...maybe, just maybe...there might actually be a spark between you both. 
you don’t know what these little interactions mean to him, how they are unspoken words of desperation, with each one whispering:  “please touch me. I need you to touch me.” 
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 2 years
here's a little dialouge between gojo and the reader.
warnings: flirtatious, back and forth talking.
"if you could be anything, what would you be?" he asks.
"I think... I think I'd like to work in a museum."
"like the smithsonian?"
you snort. "that's a far stretch."
"but that's the one from night at the museum, right?"
"would you work in one of those?"
"probably," you shrug. "or just any art museum that can actually hire me."
"so you like art."
"like is an understatment."
"well, what's something you like more?"
"more than like?"
"you could have just said love." a laugh escapes your lips, a laugh that gojo wishes he could bottle, wishing to get drunk off the sound of your voice.
"alright," he says, "then what do you love?"
"I love the rain."
"I love..." you turn away, "art galleries."
"okay." he says.
"and I love..." you sigh, "the number 5."
gojo sends you a look. "the number 5?"
a look of intrigue passes through his eyes, "okay, well I've got to hear your reasoning behind this."
"must you?"
"I must," he confirms, "who knows what weird explanation you have."
"there's nothing weird behind-“
"-serial killers tend to like prime numbers." your eyes widen at his sudden words.
"no," he laughs, " 'm just messing with you."
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yandereocs · 9 months
Alphabet for Andras? He’s great, I adore him!!
Yandere Alphabet with Andras
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* Affection- How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
* By acts of service. Andras wants to make sure you're thriving in a comfortable environment, so he'll do anything he can to take care of you. Cooking you healthy but delicious meals that cater to your unique tastes, doing your laundry, washing dishes, cleaning your living space and even giving you money when you go out with friends.
* Blood- How messy are they willing to get for their darling?
* Extremely messy. He is a demon, after all, he doesn't care for human life if it isn't yours. He doesn't kill all willy nilly, but he won't hesitate to go all out if he feels like someone is a threat to you or your relationship with him. Anyone who sees the crime scene is sure to be traumatized.
* Cruelty- How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
* Andras is different from other yanderes since he doesn't kidnap his darling. He can't take you down to the underworld, it's too dangerous for a human. So he leaves you be in your home. But once he reveals himself to you and states that you're dating, he's very kind. He isn't the type to be too forceful or physical with you.
* Darling- Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
* As I've said, Andras doesn't even abduct his darling. But he still will not do anything against his darling's will. If he wants something done, he'll use magical means to...sway you in his favor. If you end up agreeing with him in the end, surely it doesn't matter how?
* Exposed- How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
* Andras is pretty stoic. But he doesn't shut you out. He's researched a lot about humans and he knows that communication and trust is important to a healthy relationship. So he's willing to talk to you and talk about his feelings. It's just hard to read him due to his constant stoic expression.
* Fight- How would they feel if their darling fought back?
* He wouldn't be happy about it, but he understands. Any human would be distressed if they learned about having a stalker and an invader in their home. He'll leave you alone, but not really. He'll just stop being physically present. But there's not much you can do against his magic and subtle conditioning.
* Game- Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
* He doesn't enjoy it at all. Although it's hard to tell from his expression, he's madly in love with you. He's never experienced something like this before. He wants to have a peaceful, loving life with you, and it's difficult to do that if you keep shooing him away with Holy Water and crosses.
* Hell- What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
* This is quite funny considering the name of this question, but Andras would take you to the underworld. Not for too long, he doesn't want to hurt you, after all. But he gets irritated with you one day, which is quite the feat, and he takes you for a quick visit to his home dimension. Just so you could see how it's like. He says how he can easily manipulate your soul to come down here instead of up in the clouds. If you cooperate, you get to live in the palace with him when you die. Live in luxury with servants and riches and loyal subjects. But if you keep acting stubborn, he'll let you suffer with the rest of the damned souls. Seeing that sort of thing can completely traumatize the human brain. Andras is very apologetic when he cools down and does his best to wipe the memory from your head. But he leaves a lingering whisp of it. Just as a warning.
* Ideals- What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
* An official marriage isn't exactly possible for Andras, but he does enjoy the idea of living as a married couple. Living together, sharing a room, keeping each other happy. But that's not really possible. Being near a demon for long periods of time will surely corrupt your mind, and Andras can't neglect his underworldly duties. He wants to find a way to make his dreams possible, but for now, he's perfectly content just staying as your 'boyfriend'.
* Jealousy- Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
* Andras doesn't seem like it, but he can get very jealous. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Most of the time when he kills people, it's because he deems them as a threat to your 'relationship' with him. Not necessarily because he's jealous, but because they notice how you seem...off. Like there's a heavy weight on your shoulders. It wouldn't be good if someone else figured out about his existence and tries to banish him from the overworld. But on very rare occasions, he does get jealous. And it's not a pretty sight for the poor soul. Those happen to be his most messy kills.
* Kisses- How do they act around or with their darling?
* He tries to act like the perfect man. He's a gentleman and will be chivalrous, even if you're not a woman. He'll kiss the back of your hand, leave you loving handwritten notes, cook and clean for you. He'll take note of what behaviors you enjoy when looking for significant others and will try to mimic them while keeping up his elegant vibe.
* Love letters- How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
* He's a freak. I will say that right now. Dude is a creepy little guy. I've written how he behaves in a recent fic, but he's the type to break into your home and silently take care of you. He watches you when you sleep, he cleans when you're gone, he perfectly times his cooking to be done the moment you walk into the kitchen. All while leaving little notes and letters.
* Mask- Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
* Andras is always polite with everyone, but he does carry a different vibe with others. With you he tries to make himself seem as...human as possible, I suppose. Of course, he'll still use his magic and whatnot, but he tries to downplay his power unless he really needs to show it. He doesn't want to scare you. But when dealing with people's souls and making deals, he makes the air as suffocating as possible and wants everyone to know just what he's capable of.
* Naughty- How would they punish their darling?
* Andras doesn't like physically hurting you. So, he'll opt for a more...mental punishment instead. Things like influencing your dreams to turn to nightmares, or just letting his aura affect your brain just a little more than usual. But he always makes sure to never go too far.
* Oppression- How many rights would they take away from their darling?
* Not many. Andras is actively trying to avoid making you hate him, so he won't be too extreme. It helps that he can see into the future, so he knows if any potential problems come up from you talking to others or using your phone.
* Patience- How patient are they with their darling?
* Endlessly patient. It's an extremely difficult task to get him upset.
* Quit- If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
* Luckily for Andras, he's a demon. If you die, he'll simply drag your soul down to the underworld and force you to live with him. And if you somehow managed to escape his watchful eye, he'll scorch the entire Earth looking for you.
* Regret- Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
* Absolutely not. He's a demon, he doesn't care about human morals. He'll do whatever is necessary to care for you. Guilt isn't really something he's ever experienced.
* Stigma- What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
* I suppose his childhood. He's spent his entire life working while his older brother went gallivanting in the human world. Andras was never able to understand the appeal and he was desperate to prove himself, so he buried himself in his work. It wasn't until meeting you that he realized what he was missing out on.
* Tears- How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
* He's a little upset. He knows that mental state of humans is very fragile, so he doesn't like seeing you in distress. He'll do his best to make you feel better, like hiding his presence for a bit or making his romantic gestures more grand.
* Unique- Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
* I think the fact that he doesn't actually kidnap you is pretty unique. He doesn't kidnap you, doesn't lock you in your own house, or forbid you from going to work or class. Instead he chooses to watch you at all times.
* Vice- What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
* The weaknesses that come with being a demon. Things like purifed salt, holy water, crosses, and other things like that can ward him off. It can't get rid of him completely due to his powerful natural, but holy water causes him pain and he's unable to get near you if you're holding a cross and surrounded with salt.
* Wit’s end- Would they ever hurt their darling?
* He probably would accidentally. He doesn't know his own strength sometimes. So they'll be times where he tries to pull you over but he accidentally dislocates your shoulder, or he holds your hand but squeezes a bit too hard and breaks a few bones. But he never means to purposefully harm you.
* Xoanon- How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
* He does not worship you. Despite how much he loves you, he can't help but think you're below him, simply because you're human. But it mostly manifests as him babying you and acting like you're some fragile doll. Even so, he'll go through great lengths to get your love.
* Yearn- How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
* He was watching you for a long, long time before showing himself to you. He learns everything about you. Your schedule, your relationships, your favorite and least favorite things, your habits, everything. This man could watch you for years before showing himself. He doesn't mind waiting.
* Zenith- Would they ever break their darling?
* Never. He loves you because you're...you. A beautiful soul. A wonderful human so full of potential and love, someone who's endured and gotten through hardships, no matter how big or small. If you break, become a husk of yourself...well, then that's no longer the person he fell in love with.
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
Hi😍 I've been thinking that Azriel would be a very good father and great mate, but having little time for him and his partner as parents, what would a first date be like after the birth of the baby? How would they get back to sex? Something spicy and soft, like Az. 🌟Thanks cute🌟
Hi! I also often think about soft yet spicy Az. I love this idea, thank you for the request anon!💜
All Night
Azriel x Reader
Warnings: smut below the cut, oral f!receiving, shadow play, minors dni, not proofread
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You put on the finishing touches of your makeup, your excitement palpable as you were dressed up for the first time since having your son. Your date with Azriel marked the first time you’d been away from Andras since his birth,  and while you were excited, you were anxious to leave your son. 
A shadow curled through your hair, drawing you out of your thoughts as you giggled at its playfulness. Azriel appeared in the doorway, his gaze trailing your figure through your low-cut dress. You blushed under his hungry stare, watching as his eyes darkened and his scent changed. He strode over to where you now stood, wrapping an arm around you as he pulled you tight against him, lifting your chin with one finger and kissed you, tugging your lower lip between his teeth. You fell pliant in his hands, entranced as your own arousal grew. Azriel leaned forward, teeth grazing down your earlobe before he licked a stripe back up. “We could just stay here tonight...” he whispered in your ear. 
As tempted as you were by the idea of letting Azriel ravish you for the entire evening, you took a deep breath and put all of your focus into unwrapping his arms from your waist as you took his hand and led him out the door. “Rhys and Feyre are downstairs to pick up Andras for the night, and we have dinner reservations. We’ll have plenty of time when we get home for me to show you the new items I have on under this dress,” you said with a wink, hurrying downstairs before Azriel could catch you.
Parting with your son was not as horrible as you had expected, Feyre’s calm assuring demeanor helping greatly to ease your nerves. Dinner was peaceful and quiet, talking with Azriel about anything and everything, and enjoying the occasional comfortable silence as well. After dinner, you walked down the Rainbow hand-in-hand, listening to the street musicians as you leaned into Azriel’s warmth. You passed a flower cart, and Az grabbed you a bouquet of your favorites, reminding you of your first date. How wonderfully different life was now, with a mate and a family. You sighed in contentment, giving Azriel’s hand a squeeze before leaning up to kiss him on the cheek, whispering in his ear, “why don’t we continue this evening at home, mate?” Azriel gave you a wolfish grin before scooping you up bridal style and shooting into the sky, a few flower petals falling to the ground behind you in his rush. 
 Azriel landed on the balcony, kicking the door open and carrying you over the threshold. He set you down, the both of you looking at the flowers from the market that had been smushed in flight. Azriel looked guilty, but before he could say anything, you smirked at him and pulled the petals from them, spreading them across your bed. “Take a seat, Azriel,” you spoke in a sultry voice as you gestured for him to move to the end of the bed. He arched a brow at you in amusement, walking over to the bed where he sat on the edge. 
You backed away from him, leaving on your heels as you turned around to slowly undo the laces of your dress, letting it fall to the floor. You bent over, giving him a show as you picked up the dress, tossing it onto the chair in the corner. You turned back around to face Azriel, giving him a full display of the intricate lace lingerie you donned with your matching heels. His eyes darkened and knuckles whitened as he swallowed, making an obvious effort to maintain his self control. “Patience, Azriel. Remember, we have all night to ourselves.”
You strode over to him, making a show of bending to show your cleavage as you removed his shoes. Standing back up to your full height, Azriel grabbed your hips and began licking and sucking, leaving marks across your chest as you unbuttoned his shirt. He stood up to shrug the shirt off the rest of the way, and took the opportunity to grab your hips, spinning you around to toss you on the bed. 
You moved to sit up, but shadows slid over your arms and legs, keeping you pressed against the mattress. Azriel gave you a stunning smile, “tonight is about you, my love. My mate, wife, mother of my child. You deserve to be worshipped.” You moaned as a shadow grazed over your clit through your underwear, watching as Azriel removed the rest of his clothing and climbed on top of you. Desperate for relief, you rolled your hips up against his, the both of you groaning at the feeling. Az leaned over you, kissing you fiercely as he brought one hand to unclasp your bra, the shadows releasing your arms as he slide the garment off of you, throwing it back towards the chair where your dress lay. You writhed under him as he kissed his way down your body, stopping to tug your underwear with his teeth, snapping the band against your hips. You gasped at the feeling, sitting up to watch as Azriel pressed a wet kiss to your center through the fabric before sliding it off. 
He grabbed your ankles, spreading them wide and sliding his hands up your legs, his shadows twining in tandem with his movements. You yelped as he hooked his arms around your thighs and yanked you down, his face hovering over your core. He delivered the softest kitten licks to your clit, pinning your hips down as you tried to arch further into him. “Az, please, I need more,” you whimpered. “As my mate wishes,” Azriel murmured with a mischievous smirk before diving in, sucking hard on your clit while swirling his tongue. Your back bowed off the bed as you let out a lewd moan, barely able to catch your breath before he thrust two fingers inside of you, curling them at a rapid pace. He licked your clit as he continued twisting and curling his fingers, his shadows twining along your neck and breasts as you fell over the edge with a scream. 
You came down from your orgasm to see Azriel moving back up above you, bringing his hand to his mouth to lick his fingers clean. You grabbed his hand, guiding his fingers to your mouth as you sucked and licked them clean, earning a low groan from him. You removed his fingers with a ‘pop’, smirking as you wrapped your legs around his hips and flipped him on his back. You lightly ground your hips against his hard length, Azriel pleading “angel, touch me please,” in your ear. You tilted his chin towards you, giving him a quick kiss. “Remember, my mate, we have all night.”
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sulieykte · 1 year
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆
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Pairing: Dilf!Jake Sully x Fem!Omatikaya Reader Warnings: explicit smut, thigh riding, age gap, daddy kink, overstimulation, dacryphilia, corruption, power imbalance, a nice little mix of praise and degradation, not a single hint of plot. Word Count: 1.2k a/n: this is probably a surprise to everyone including me who didn't intend to write it until @andraga12 and @jakexneytiri got me riled up about dilf Jake. Inspired by nasty - russ (blame andra) and oxytocin - billie eilish, I'd recommend listening to either or both while reading. So in honour of fathers day, here's some thigh riding with dilf!jake. Click to join my taglist. Requests are open.
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Half moons indent the skin of his back where your fingers grasp to steady yourself, and if it pains him he doesn’t show it. His face is unchanged since the first orgasm he’d forced you to ride out and his refusal to help you in your endeavour still standing as you neared your fourth.
His heavy lidded gaze had barely strayed from your face since the moment he’d dragged you down onto his thigh, his five fingered hand catching your jaw when you’d tried to look away, commanding that your eyes didn’t leave his. And who were you to refuse? You were a warrior in your own right, but he was your Olo’eyktan, the man who’d led your father in battle against the Sky People. 
“Come here, baby.” When the foreign word had left his tongue, you’d repeated it softly, baby, brow furrowing as you tried to place its meaning, but nevertheless you had done as you were told. Obedient as you always were, you’d crossed the Marui with no idea what the next hour would hold for you.
“Jake– I can’t.” Your slick coating his thigh made the slide easy, but the ache of your swollen bud and the burn that had started in your thighs had now reached your hips. Your hips don’t stop their circling, even as you complain because despite it all, despite the shame that showed in the blush that coated your cheeks and neck, you wanted what he had promised. “Please Jake, I-I just want–”
“Jake?” He tilts his head, a smile crossing his lips that you can’t help but return, even as he tenses his thigh underneath you, a gasp replacing your attempt to correct your mistake and call him by the name he’d asked, that you aren’t even sure you remember anymore.
“D-Daddy? Please.”
“What else could you want, baby? Daddy’s being so good to you, letting you use his thigh like this.” He shakes his head, his thumb catching a tear before it could reach the corner of your lips. “And you look so pretty doing it, it feels good doesn’t it?” You whimper as his fingers dig into your hips, the first aid he’s given you. “You’re doing such a good job, just one more, baby.”
You nod in assent. You could do one more, but he'd said that before the last, and the one before that. He’d stood firm each time, no matter how much you begged and cried for him to give you his cock, never relenting as he leant back on his arms, watching you writhe over him with a look you would usually only associate with hunger.
Finding new pressure in the way he urges your hips back and forth along the length of his thigh, his leg bouncing to meet the pace he set. You clench around nothing, heartbeat throbbing at your aching clit. It’s not enough and you can’t hold on for much longer. He tuts as your head falls into his neck, tears soaking his skin as you fall into the embrace. 
His movements stop and you feel your high ripped away and any attempt to chase it hindered by his bruising grip on your hips stilling your frantic attempts to roll your hips.
“What did daddy tell you, huh?” His voice is so low, you feel it vibrate against your chest. “Told’ya you needed to look him in the eyes, didn’t he?” You nod against his neck, sniffling against his skin, not quite ready to leave the comfort it provided. “Don’t tell me your going all shy on me now, not when you’re so close. You want daddy’s cock, don’t you? Why should daddy give you his cock if you can’t follow one simple instruction?”
“N-No.” Your voice comes out much less sure than you intended as you exit your hiding place. “I can, m’sorry daddy. please.” Your voice breaks through the sobs that wrack your form as you tighten your thighs around his, doing anything you can do to chase the pressure your clit craves. 
It’s not enough, his hands releasing their grasp on your hips to hook under your thighs. Time slows, heat rushing your veins as his fingertips inch close enough that your core throbs, hips stuttering forward in anticipation of his touch which never arrives as he pulls your legs apart, denying you any friction. You meet his eyes, blood rushing to your head at the intensity of his gaze.
He seems happy with this, as you flush under his attention and release his hold, your body shuddering at the loss of sensation even as it’s replaced with hard muscle. 
“Baby, you’ve been doing so well for me. Lookin’ so beautiful dripping all over my thigh.” His tail wraps around your waist, pulling you in closer as he reaches to push back a strand of hair that had become stuck to your face by sweat and tears. “Daddy loves watching you, sweet thing. You were so close weren’t you?” You nod, tears falling freely, heavy as they land on his chest. “Go ahead baby girl, let me hear you.”
Your heart races as you nod, rolling your hips as fast as your aching muscles allow. He catches your face in his hand, his thumb running along your lower lip, coaxing your mouth open to let your sweet moans free. “That’s it baby, come on you can do it.” You gasp as he tenses his thigh beneath you, his tail rocking you along as you run your cunt along his leg, your slick dripping onto the ground beneath you. “It feels so good doesn’t it?” 
“Y-Yes daddy, feels–” Your breath catches, a whimper replacing any words, your mind struggling to gather a single thought as the tension builds in your stomach. Breath unsteady as you near your release. 
He laughs, it sounds warm but his eyes are glazed with lust as he watches your mouth open and close in search of the words you want to tell him. “It’s that good, huh? Too fucked out and you haven’t even had daddy’s cock yet. Baby, if this is too much for you, I don’t know if you can handle it.”
You open your mouth to tell him that you can, you can and you will because he promised and you’d been so good. But the coil snaps, thighs convulsing as your release rushes over you, drenching both of your thighs. His eyes never leave your face as you come undone, cries filling the Marui with no regard for who might hear until your throat has little more left to give.
Body spent, you fall forward, tears streaked face pressing into his neck, surprised when he doesn’t admonish you and instead pulls you further into his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling you into his embrace. 
“Baby, you did so good. Listened to daddy so well.” He pressed a soft kiss against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Your eyelids are heavy, it’s so warm, so safe in his arms it would be so easy to allow sleep to take you. “My patient girl, you deserve a reward.”
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taglist: @pandoraslxna,@teyamsbitch,@iwantjaketosullyme,@thehoneymushroomhealer,@neteyamyawne,@amalaaaa11,@athenalikethegoddess
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bupia · 11 months
Serendipity: Chapter 1 - Papa Emeritus IV x Fem!Reader
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Summary: On a Halloween night, you, along with Terzo and his family, head to the Ministry for an annual ball to celebrate this beloved day. On this occasion, you have the chance to meet Terzo's brothers, whom you've heard about for so long: Primo, Secondo, and most notably, the current Papa Emeritus, Copia.
Words: 7.811
A/N: Happy Halloween! After 30 days of The Ministry Kinktober, I thought it'd be fun to start a new series with Copia, this time casting him in the role of Papa Emeritus IV. I hope you all find it enjoyable.
Available on AO3
Chapter 2
Day 1: The Halloween ball.
Not too long ago, you had taken on the role of a nanny for Terzo's family, a job that might have seemed traditional but had turned into something quite extraordinary. It was a simple job, as you saw it, but it held a unique charm. You didn't need what people would call a "proper job." You had found an opportunity and embraced it with open arms.
Your life with Terzo, Angèle, and little Andras had begun when you first met them. The revelation that a Papa could marry and have children had initially surprised you, but as the months passed, you grew to understand why.
Terzo, was the former Papa Emeritus III, he had retired from his role but retained his title, akin to a seasoned veteran who continued to bear the honor of his past. He belonged to a unique religious group, far from the conventional churches that prayed to God and Saints. It was a Satanic Ministry.
Terzo had been apprehensive that you would run away upon learning the truth, but why would you? You saw no harm in their beliefs, and they were a joyful, healthy, and loving family. It was just one more facet of their lives, like an extra spice that enhanced the flavor of your experience, which may not have made much sense to outsiders, but to you, it was just an intriguing facet of their lives. You wouldn't judge them for it.
Over time, you had naturally learned more about their religion, not because they imposed it on you, but because you had an open mind and a willingness to listen. They always made sure you were comfortable with the information they shared, never pushing you into anything that might make you uncomfortable. However, what had truly piqued your interest was when you heard about the existence of Ghouls, and your excitement had reached peak levels when you finally met Dewdrop, one of the oldest Ghouls of the Ministry.
As you became closer to the family, Angèle shared pictures of their life in the Ministry, including images of Terzo's brothers. Primo, the eldest, had a commanding presence during his time as a Papa, but Angèle assured you he was a kind soul. Secondo, just three months older than Terzo, always wore an intimidating frown and had an impeccable sense of style.
And then, there was Copia, the current Papa Emeritus of the ministry and the new leader of Ghost. From the pictures Angèle showed you, Copia seemed to have it all. His handsome features and warm smile made your heart race, and the sight of him holding little Andras in a nursery photo nearly brought you to tears; it was the cutest thing you had ever seen.
But, circling back to the present, tonight was Halloween night, and you, Terzo, Angèle, and Andras were en route to the Ministry, all dressed in your costumes. The creative family had chosen to embody the Addams Family, while you, wanting to fit in somehow, had opted for a nun costume. In hindsight, it might not have been the best choice for a gathering at a satanic Ministry, but it was too late to change now.
As you got closer to the ministry, a wave of apprehension washed over you. You had grown accustomed to Terzo's family and their satanic customs, but tonight was different, and you weren't entirely sure what to expect, especially in the company of his brothers. In your heart, you knew your role was that of a nanny and nothing more. Yet, a part of you yearned to connect with the people you would meet tonight, especially since Terzo would be spending a week within the Ministry starting by today. He had explained that this was an opportunity to address some important matters with the clergy and to provide guidance to his brother, Copia, in his new role, alongside Primo and Secondo.
Also, you couldn't deny that you were feeling a bit nervous about meeting Copia in person. You hoped he lived up to the handsome figure he cut in the pictures Angèle had shared with you.
"We are almost there, Papa," Dewdrop's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you blinked, refocusing your attention on the road ahead. You glanced at the rearview mirror, where you could see Andras peacefully asleep in Angèle's arms. Terzo sat beside her, his hand resting gently on her leg. It was unusual for Terzo not to be the one behind the wheel, but tonight, given the formal nature of the ministry's event, Dewdrop had been assigned to chauffeur you all in one of the ministry's official cars.
A smile tugged at your lips as you admired the loving scene before you. Then, you turned your gaze to the Ghoul seated right beside you. "You didn't want to put on a costume for today, Dewdrop?" you asked playfully.
Dewdrop chuckled and replied, "I don't think I need one."
You couldn't help but giggle at his response. "Well, that's true. You are already in the Halloween spirit every day. I thought you would have convinced him to dress up as Lurch," you said as you turned your face to Terzo.
Terzo rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. "Ho tentato," he said with a grin, "but he refused. Apparently, driving a car for us today is already pushing the boundaries of his Ghoul image."
Dewdrop nodded with a smirk. "I have to maintain my Ghoul dignity, Papa."
As the car made a slight turn, you laid eyes on an old building that resembled a church. It bore a striking resemblance to the other churches you had seen before, but there was something uniquely captivating about it. The building was grand, situated on a sprawling piece of land adorned with a beautiful garden. It left you in awe, and your eyes sparkled with amazement as you took in the sight.
The car continued its way until it came to a stop in front of the large building. A group of Ghouls, more than you were accustomed to, had gathered by the entrance and swiftly approached the car. This was the first time you had seen so many of them at once; you were typically only in the company of Dewdrop.
"We are here," Dewdrop announced.
"Grazie, Dewdrop, for bringing us here today."
The Ghouls opened the car doors for Terzo and Angèle, who wasted no time in stepping out. However, you remained seated inside, gazing forward. Dewdrop reached out and gently touched your arm.
"Is something wrong?" he inquired.
You shook your head. "No, I'm just a little nervous, I guess."
Dewdrop reassured you with a warm smile. "There's no need to be nervous. Everything will be fine. Come with me, and you'll be fine."
He opened his door, then walked to your side, opening your door as well. You took Andra's bag and stepped out, and he closed the door behind you. Dewdrop offered you his arm, and you took it gratefully, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence.
Glancing over at Terzo and Angèle, who were already waiting by the front door, you and Dewdrop made your way to join them. Two of the Ghouls opened the grand entrance, allowing Terzo to enter first, followed by Angèle, who held Andras in her arms. You followed closely behind them, hand in arm with Dewdrop, taking in the vastness of the ministry. It exceeded your expectations in size and grandeur. The Halloween decorations added a whimsical touch to the solemn atmosphere, and the faint strains of music drifted to your ears from a distance. A sense of excitement and anticipation bubbled within you as you stepped further into the ministry, eager to immerse yourself in the evening's festivities.
"Dear," Angèle's voice reached your ear as you walked alongside Dewdrop.
"Yes, miss?" you responded, instinctively using a formal title.
"I already told you, you can call me by my name," Angèle chided gently. "Can you hold him for me?"
"I'm sorry, mi- Angèle," you corrected yourself and reached out to take Andras into your arms, handling him with care.
Terzo flashed you a warm smile, and they continued to make their way toward the music. You returned to Dewdrop's side, walking alongside him as the music grew louder, guiding you to a room with its doors wide open. A Ghoul approached and led the way, with Terzo and Angèle following closely behind.
"Papa Emeritus III, Terzo, and his beloved wife, Angèle, have arrived," the Ghoul announced at the door.
Terzo and Angèle entered the room, and you and Dewdrop followed suit. The sight that greeted you was nothing short of incredible. The room was filled with people, dancing, conversing, and enjoying themselves to the fullest. The colorful lights on the ceiling illuminated the space in a mesmerizing display. Halloween decorations adorned the room, and the lively disco music filled the air, creating an atmosphere that was positively infectious.
Dewdrop turned to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "So, what do you think of all this?"
You couldn't contain your excitement as you looked around, taking in the grandeur of the event. "It's stunning! The ball is so grand, and there are so many people... I don't have words to describe it."
Dewdrop reached out and gently placed a hand on your lower back, leaning in closer to your ear. "I need to leave you now. I have to be around the ministry with the other Ghouls. Promise me you'll have fun, okay?"
You nodded, smiling at Dewdrop as he departed the room to attend to his duties. Your attention turned to Terzo and Angèle, who had moved farther away from you. Adjusting Andras in your arms as he began to wake up, you smiled down at the little one.
"Hello there, little one," you cooed, gently brushing your fingers across Andras's soft cheek. He responded with a radiant smile, accompanied by a symphony of baby sounds.
You made your way over to Terzo and his wife, who were standing near one of the tables adorned with a small paper sign that read "Papas." As you approached, someone came up behind you, and Terzo turned to face the newcomer.
"Fratello!" Terzo exclaimed, opening his arms and walking toward the person. "Where is your costume?"
Turning to see who it was, you found Secondo, one of Terzo's brothers, dressed in a very elegant dark green suit that emphasized all the curves and lines of his body, impeccably tailored to perfection. He exuded an air of sophistication and confidence. As he approached Terzo, they embraced warmly, and you couldn't help but notice how well Secondo carried himself in his stylish attire.
"I can't believe you didn't wear the costume I told you to," Terzo playfully chided as they pulled away.
"Terzo, I was not going to be Uncle Fester just because you asked me to," Secondo replied with a sigh.
"Why not, fratello? It would have been fun!" Terzo countered, clearly amused.
"Sì, for you, only," Secondo replied with a resigned tone. He then looked around and laid his eyes on you. "Oh, here he is! And who is this, signora?"
"She is our nanny," Angèle chimed in, going to your side and placing her hand on your back.
"It's nice to meet you formally, Papa," you said, extending your hand toward him, and he gallantly kissed the back of it.
"Il piacere è tutto mi," he replied with a charming smile, still holding your hand.
"Terzo!" another voice called from behind you, and you turned to see who it was.
"Primo!" Terzo exclaimed with a chuckle. "Fratello, hai lo spirito di Halloween! Sapevo che non mi avresti deluso!"
Indeed, Primo was dressed as Uncle Fester, and you couldn't help but stifle a giggle. He approached your group and hugged Terzo, just as Secondo had done earlier.
"See, fratello?" Terzo said, glancing at Secondo. "Primo has the Halloween spirit!"
"So you basically asked for the two of us to dress as Uncle Fester because you knew one of us would come as it?" Secondo asked, sounding somewhat annoyed.
"One of you was bound to do it," Terzo replied teasingly.
"Cretino," Secondo muttered in a sharp tone, shaking his head in mock disapproval.
"Secondo," Primo said with a disapproving look, then turned his gaze to you. "And who is this bella signora?"
"This is Andra's nanny, fratello," Terzo clarified.
Primo approached you with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, bella," he said gently. "And it seems our piccolo demone is awake."
You smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you too, Papa. And yes, Andras is quite awake and lively right now."
Primo extended his arms, and you handed Andras over to him. "Ciao piccolo," he greeted with a smile. "Il tuo zio preferito ti ha fatto mancare, mio piccolo demone."
"Zio preferito? You wish, fratello," Secondo chimed in as he approached Primo. He extended his hand toward Andras, who eagerly clasped one of his fingers with his tiny hand, letting out a sweet giggle. "See? He knows who his zio prefereito is. He's even smiling at me."
"Smiling at you?" Primo countered with playful banter. "The bambino is laughing at you."
The brothers exchanged amused glances, their competitive spirit lightening the mood as Andras enjoyed their attention. You briefly averted your eyes to take in the lively atmosphere of the Halloween ball. The joyous spirit in the room was infectious, and you couldn't help but feel like you belonged there.
"Where is Copia?" Angèle inquired.
As you heard his name, your attention snapped back to the conversation. Angèle now had Andras in her arms, and Terzo was pulling out a chair for her to sit next to him. Secondo and Primo were already seated, and you quickly made your way to sit beside Angèle, hanging Andra's bag on the chair.
"He's somewhere around, we haven't seen him since we got here," Secondo replied.
You listened attentively, feeling a bit disappointed. Would you not have the chance to meet Copia tonight? Was he not going to attend the Halloween ball? You consoled yourself with the thought that you would likely encounter him during your stay at the ministry.
Suddenly, someone approached you from the side, and you let out a loud scream of horror, causing Andras to start crying. The person was covered with a white sheet, and your eyes widened in terror as you clutched your chest, breathing heavily.
The person quickly removed the sheet, revealing Copia beneath it. "Ti ho spaventato? Mi dispiace, non era mia intenzione!"
Angèle got up from her seat with Andras still crying in her arms. You got up and rushed over to Angèle, who was trying to soothe the upset little one in her arms. You rushed to Andras' bag, located on your chair, and quickly retrieved his favorite plushie. Returning to Angèle, you presented it to Andras, attempting to comfort him, but it appeared to have little effect on his persistent crying.
Copia expressed his apologies, feeling genuinely remorseful for causing the commotion. "What have I done?" he said, addressing his brothers and Angèle.
"It's totally okay, it wasn't your fault," you reassured him, taking Andras into your arms.
"Terzo, please, give me his pacifier. It's in your blazer's pocket," Angèle requested.
Terzo promptly got up and retrieved the pacifier from his pocket, handing it to Angèle. She gently placed the pacifier in Andras' mouth, successfully calming him down. She then took him back into her arms, also reaching for Andra's bag, hanging on your chair.
"I'm going to step outside with him for a bit," Angèle announced. "I'll be right back."
As Angèle left the room with Andras, you took a deep breath, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden scare. A hand on your back sent shivers down your spine, and you turned to see Copia standing beside you. You turned your face to find Copia standing there, and for a moment, you were rendered speechless. He was even more striking in person, and you couldn't help but admire his presence. His voice was as charming as his appearance, and you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness in his presence.
"Are you okay?" he inquired, his concern evident in his voice.
In silence, you nodded, unable to find your voice as you continued to gaze at his captivating features. A smile graced his lips, and his hand gently squeezed your arm in a reassuring gesture.
"Bene, molto bene," he said, withdrawing his hand from your arm.
Copia offered a gentle smile, causing your cheeks to flush. He approached the table and pulled out your chair, signaling for you to sit down. You walked over to your chair and gracefully took your seat. Copia joined you, sitting right beside you, while Secondo audibly sighed and shook his head in response to the earlier playful banter.
"Secondo, non cominciare neanche," Primo warned him.
"Non stavo per dire niente," Secondo replied with a faint smirk.
Copia offered his sincere apologies. "Mi dispiace profondamente. I didn't mean to scare the signora, and I certainly didn't intend to frighten my own nipote."
"It's okay; it was my fault. I wasn't expecting it," you reassured him in a gentle tone.
Terzo chimed in with a bit of humor, "Please don't kill our nanny. She's the only one who's stayed with us. You have no idea how hard it is to find a nanny when you tell them about being a retired satanic Papa."
Copia turned his body toward you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Again, mi dispiace profondamente. I didn't mean to... you know... kill you."
You chuckled nervously. "I hope... not?"
"No, I didn't mean to say it that way," he stammered. "I- I mean, I meant that I didn't want to scare you with my costume to the point where you'd... well, you know."
"Forse sarebbe meglio se smettessi di giustificarti, fratello," Secondo chimed in.
Your hand went to Copia's on your shoulder, and you held it delicately as you looked at him. "Papa, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it, and I know you don't want to, you know, kill me, even though you're a very scary ghost, right?"
"Oh!" he exclaimed, blushing slightly. "Sì, sì, I'm a scary ghost! Be careful, bella... sorella!" he said, straightening his body and trying to sound scary.
You made a frightened face and playfully let go of his hand. "Please, Papa, have mercy on me. I'm just a..." you furrowed your brows. "What did you call me again?"
"Sorella," he repeated, clarifying, "It's how we call the sisters, nuns, just like you tonight, in Italian."
You nodded and resumed your scary expression. "Please, Papa, I'm just a sorella today. I'm innocent!" you said, your tone with a hint like if you were truly scared by him.
Copia chuckled, his eyes never leaving yours. "I'm going to have mercy today and not go after you to haunt you, but only this time."
"Oh, don't worry, Papa. You can come after me if you want," you said, leaning back in your chair.
Copia gasped, blushing deeply, and your eyes widened as you realized what you had just said. "I'm sorry, Papa. I meant that I'm not that scared, and I won't mind to be haunted, you see? I'm very... I have a lot of courage!"
Copia nodded, his cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Quickly, he retrieved the sheet from the table and draped it over himself once more, hiding his face behind it. A silence sank between you two, and you felt like all of the brothers were looking straight at you. You couldn't feel more embarrassed than you did now.
"So, where is your costume, fratello?" Terzo asked, breaking the silence, his eyes playfully scanning Copia.
Copia, draped in a simple white sheet, spread his arms wide. "Eh, this is my costume," he declared.
Terzo couldn't help but chuckle. "No, this is just a sheet from the laundry room, probably. Come on, you two have no Halloween spirit," Terzo teased. "Only Primo followed my suggestion."
Secondo, looking dapper in his suit, shook his head in mock disapproval. "Terzo, if I dressed as you asked me, you'd have two Uncle Festers for your son."
Terzo laughed. "Wouldn't that be a sight?"
Curious, you turned to Copia, who stood beside you. "And what did Terzo ask you to dress as?"
Copia grinned mischievously. "Cousin Itt."
Secondo couldn't contain his laughter. "Cousin Itt!? Oh, fratello, I take back everything I said about your costume choices."
Copia leaned closer to you and whispered, "Still, Secondo didn't wear the costume Terzo picked out for him, coglione."
You couldn't help but laugh, your eyes locking onto his as you both shared a playful moment. The proximity and the fact that you could only see his eyes under the sheet added an unexpected intimacy to the situation. Your cheeks were flushed, and you wished you had a sheet to hide behind as well, but you couldn't tear your gaze away from his. However, your attention shifted as Angèle as you notices her returning to the table, though without Andras.
"Hello, what have I missed?" she inquired as she took her seat right next to Terzo, pressing a gentle peck on his lips.
"I due che stanno flirtando," Secondo chimed in, a playful grin on his face.
"Lasciali stare, Secondo," Primo interjected.
"Non stavamo flirtando!" Copia quickly defended himself.
"Sì, stavate flirtando con lei," Terzo said with a smirk on the corner of his lips. "Where's Andras, cara mia?" he asked.
"I put him to sleep; he's being watched by Dewdrop now," Angèle explained.
"Oh, miss, do you want me to go there?" you offered, preparing to get up.
"You don't have to, dear, only if you want," Angèle replied.
"I insist; it's my job," you said, rising from your seat.
"In that case, I would appreciate it."
"Of course, miss."
"Angèle," she corrected.
"Angèle," you repeated.
With that, you politely excused yourself from the table. Copia got up after you, gracefully removing the sheet from himself and placing it on the chair. He then turned his body to face you. His hair was a little messy, and you couldn't help but giggle slightly at the view, for some reason it was charming.
"Wait, may I go with you?" Copia asked. "I want to see my nepote, and I'm afraid you don't know where you are going to stay during the week."
You were taken aback by his gesture. "Oh, that's very... gentle of you," you said, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by his offer. "Thank you, Papa."
Copia extended his arm toward you, and you hesitated for a moment before deciding to take it. The two of you walked away from the table, making your way toward the door leading to the chambers. Side by side, you and Copia entered the corridor, leaving the lively Halloween party behind.
You took a deep breath, savoring the faint scent of his cologne as you did. It was a refreshing and almost mythical fragrance that captivated your senses. You smiled, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the experience. You didn't want to forget this scent; you wanted to keep it in your memory, as it made you feel even closer to him.
Turning your face to him, you noticed that his hair was still slightly messy. Hesitantly, you extended your hand, expecting him to react, but he remained still. Gently, you reached out and smoothed his hair, your touch light and delicate.
"Thank you for coming with me, Papa," you said, glancing up at him with a warm smile.
Copia returned your smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, you don't have to thank me," he replied, his voice smooth and reassuring.
"I do," you insisted, gently squeezing his arm. "After all, this is one of your first parties as a Papa here at the ministry, right?" you inquired, a soft smile on your lips as you withdrew your hand from his hair.
Copia nodded thoughtfully. "Oh, sì, sì."
"So you are the principal attraction of tonight, Papa!" you teased playfully, your tone filled with light-heartedness.
Copia chuckled, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Eh... I must confess this is all new for me."
"Really? Is it different from when you were a Cardinal?" you inquired, genuinely curious about his experience.
"Not too much when it comes to responsibilities," he explained, his gaze focused ahead as he considered your question. "They've just escalated a little more, but I still do many of the things I used to do before."
"But how do you feel about being a Papa now?" you asked curiously, your eyes fixed on Copia.
"Eh... Honestly?" Copia began, hesitating for a moment. "I'm happy with it, but can you keep a secret?"
A sense of intrigue filled you, and you nodded with a reassuring smile. "All the secrets you feel like telling me."
He blushed deeply before opening up further. "I'm very scared."
"Scared? How? Why?" Your curiosity deepened.
"I'm too afraid that they will not like me as much as they liked Terzo, Secondo and Primo" Copia admitted, his vulnerability showing.
"Copia, you can't compare yourself with your brothers," you said gently, trying to ease his worries. "And if I were you, I wouldn't worry at all. They will love you."
"Do you think so?" Copia asked, his uncertainty still lingering.
"Oh, I don't think they will, I know they will," you replied with a reassuring smile, emphasizing your confidence in him.
Copia halted his steps, his inquisitive gaze locked onto yours. "Eh, how can you be so sure?" he asked.
You paused, choosing your words carefully. "Well, I can't speak for everyone, but from what I've gathered about you through my interactions and what Terzo has shared, you come across as a gentle, kind-hearted, and dedicated man. Terzo spoke highly of your love for this place and your unwavering commitment to reaching this position. If this is something you've wanted for a long time, Papa, then there's no reason to doubt yourself. Embrace it, and you'll excel in your role at the ministry."
Copia found himself at a loss for words, overwhelmed by your kind and comforting presence. Your eyes locked into each other, creating an intimate silence in the corridor. The distant music from the ball could still be heard. Copia raised his arm slightly, as if contemplating a gesture, but then he lowered it and offered a soft, appreciative smile.
The intensity of your gaze made his cheeks flush with a deep shade of red. If he were still in his costume, he was sure he'd feel exposed, as the heat in his cheeks was almost unbearable. He was thankful that at least his face was still adorned with paint. Especially because your warm eyes were still locked onto his.
"Grazie," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't deserve your kind heart."
You returned his smile and offered a reassuring nod. "You'll do great, Papa. Just believe in yourself."
Your eyes remained locked again in a wordless connection for a brief yet meaningful moment before Copia resumed walking, with you following closely. You two kept walking with your arms entwined, the comfortable silence enveloping you both. The only sounds that filled the corridor were the rhythmic echoes of your footsteps and the distant melody of the music from the ball. You took a deep breath, feeling a sense of closeness and ease, and you tightened your grip on his arm, silently cherishing the moment.
"So, can I ask to know more about you?" Copia inquired, breaking the silence.
"Sure," you responded timidly. "What do you want to know, Papa?"
"How long have you been working for my brother?" he inquired.
You glanced at him. "I've been with him for some months now, almost a year."
He nodded thoughtfully. "And are you enjoying it?" he asked.
With a smile, you responded, "I am! Your brother is a very nice man, his wife is really sweet, and little Andras is amazing."
"If you don't mind to answer..." Copia's curiosity didn't wane as he inquired further, "How do you feel about our little lifestyle?"
"The Satanism?" you asked, seeking clarification, and he nodded in confirmation. "I don't mind it at all. I see no harm; it all looks very cheerful and great."
Copia's expression revealed a hint of surprise. "You don't feel scared being here surrounded by our unholy place?"
You chuckled lightly, shaking your head. "No, not at all. The only thing that scared me here today was you."
He sighed, showing genuine remorse. "Eh, about that... I really didn't want to scare you, not at all."
"I know, Papa. You don't have to keep apologizing. I know you were just in your costume."
Copia nodded, appreciating your understanding. "Sì, it was just a costume, after all. But I'm glad you're not afraid of our unique surroundings, or of me."
You smiled warmly. "Honestly, I find it all quite fascinating."
Copia chuckled. "Fascinating? That's not a word I hear often in this context."
"Well, it's different, and different can be interesting," you explained.
"Just like your attire tonight," he said. "You chose a very unique costume for tonight," Copia observed, his eyes sweeping up and down your nun costume.
You glanced down at your outfit and replied, "Did I?"
"Sì, our siblings here also wear habits in their daily lives, but it's just a little bit different from yours. But don't worry, you are looking very beautiful as a sorella."
"Thank you, Papa," you laughed shyly.
Copia's compliment made you blush, and you couldn't help but feel flattered by his words. As the two of you continued down the corridor, you found yourself becoming more comfortable in his presence, enjoying his charming demeanor.
"May I ask one more question?" Copia inquired.
"You can ask all the questions you want, Papa," you replied.
Copia's cheeks took on a subtle flush as he chuckled with a hint of shyness, and he nodded. "Well, I just wanted to know your name. Would you tell me your name?"
You hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit bashful. As you shared your name with him, Copia's lips curved into a broad smile. He nodded and repeated your name in a soft, charming tone. Hearing him say your name felt like the highlight of your night. It had a different, special quality when spoken in his accent, and it made you feel even closer to him.
As you continued to walk down the corridors of the ministry, Copia's steps began to slow, hinting that you were nearing your destination. Finally, you and Copia reached the door to your temporary residence. Copia took the lead, positioning himself in front of you. With a gentle knock on the door, you both waited for a few moments. The door eventually swung open, revealing Dewdrop.
"Good evening, Papa," Dewdrop said. "How can I help you?"
"I came here with Andras' nanny and she will stay here with him until his parents come back," he said.
Dewdrop raised an eyebrow and looked past Copia at you. "Andra's nanny, huh?"
You couldn't help but laugh and replied, "Don't mock me, Dewdrop."
Dewdrop chuckled and said, "I'm not mocking!"
"You're free to return to your duties now," Copia said, his tone carrying a hint of something you couldn't quite decipher.
"Of course, Papa," Dewdrop said.
Dewdrop stepped aside, granting you and Copia access to the place. Copia made his first step, entering the chambers. However, as you moved to enter, Dewdrop unexpectedly held your hand, causing you to let out a surprised squeak. Copia turned his attention to Dewdrop and you.
"How was at the ball?" Dewdrop inquired.
"It was..." you hesitated for a moment. "fun."
"Fun?" Dewdrop leaned in closer, a teasing tone in his voice. "Why don't I believe that your 'fun' is real?"
"Because you like to mock me," you replied, playfully pouting.
Dewdrop chuckled and let go of your hand. "I'm not mocking you right now. I was just wondering if you had fun. But maybe we should talk..." he turned his gaze to Copia before continuing, "...tomorrow."
Copia observed your interaction with Dewdrop closely, a thoughtful expression on his face. You took a step into the chambers, with Copia staring at you. As you exchanged a small smile, you turned your attention back to Dewdrop, who remained outside the door. Copia positioned himself behind you, his eyes locking onto Dewdrop once more.
"Grazie, Dewdrop. We'll take it from here," he said.
Dewdrop gave a polite nod and closed the door behind you. You and Copia were now alone in there. You took a moment to look around, and your eyes widened in amazement. The room was much larger and more lavish than you had anticipated. Intricately designed works of art adorned the walls, and the color scheme was meticulously coordinated, creating an elegant and inviting ambiance that took you by surprise. You couldn't help but appreciate the attention to detail that had gone into decorating the room.
"Did you like it?" Copia inquired, gesturing for you to follow him further into the room.
"It's bigger than I expected," you admitted, glancing around in awe.
"It's going to be mine," he explained.
"Yours?" you questioned.
"Sì, this place was supposed to be mine for now, as it's the Papal apartment. However, I don't need this much space at the moment, so I thought it was better to give it to Terzo and his family, while I stay in my old chambers."
"Are you sure, Papa? I mean..."
"I'm completely sure, don't worry. Besides, my room has everything I need – a bed, a TV, my video game, and even my lava lamp," he said with a playful grin, noticing your intrigued expression.
"Did you say a lava lamp?" you asked, clearly fascinated. "I haven't seen one for so long!"
Copia's grin widened as he saw your excitement. "Sì. I find the shifting colors and blobs of lava oddly soothing."
"They are very... hypnotizing for sure," you said.
He laughed softly. "Let me show you to your room," Copia smiled warmly. "Follow me, cuoricina."
You nodded appreciatively as he led the way to your designated room. He extended his hand to open the door for you, and you acknowledged his gesture with another nod before stepping inside. As you entered the room, your eyes widened in astonishment. The room was decorated in warm, neutral colors, with a comfortable-looking bed, a small desk, and a window that overlooked the beautiful garden outside.
Copia gestured towards the room. "This will be your room during your stay," he explained. "Please, make yourself at home."
"Thank you, Papa," you replied with a grateful smile.
Eager to explore, you wandered around the room, but your curiosity drew you to the window. It was large and clear, and you pressed your hands against the cool glass, looking down at the vast garden below. Even in the darkness, the small lights scattered throughout the garden made it appear enchanting. As you gazed, a slight shiver ran down your spine, and your body tensed a bit as you felt Copia's warm hand on your lower back, his touch gentle and comforting.
"Did you like it?" he asked, his fingers gently rubbing your lower back.
As you turned your face towards him, your eyes met his. Copia's face was softly illuminated by the ambient light from outside the window, accentuating his handsome features. The moment felt like it stretched on for eternity, and you wished you could freeze time to continue gazing at him, to savor his touch a little longer. However, you couldn't just stand there in silence, no matter how much you wanted to.
Breaking the silence, you finally spoke, your voice trembling slightly, "I loved it."
"I think this room has the best view of them all," he whispered, his eyes fixed on you.
"I think you're right, Papa," you whispered back.
Copia withdrew his hand from your back and concealed both of his hands behind his back. He turned his attention to the garden, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. But you couldn't tear your gaze away from him. For someone associated with a satanic church, he appeared ethereal and bathed in an inexplicable grace, as if touched by a blessing rather than something sinful.
"So you are friend with Dewdrop?" Copia inquired, breaking the silence.
"Oh, well, I suppose we're friends of sorts," you replied. "He sometimes visits Terzo's house with ministry-related items.
"Eh! That's right," he nodded. "That makes sense."
You giggled, turning your body to face him. "He told me that he's one of the older ghouls here, and that's quite fascinating, to be honest."
"Fascinating?" he inquired.
"Yes, it's intriguing," you explained. "First, because he's been here for such a long time, and second, because he's also a Ghoul. I have no real understanding of what Ghouls are, but I have my theories."
Copia moved closer to you. "So, you find ghouls fascinating?"
"Yes, I do," you said with genuine curiosity. "I've always wondered where they come from."
Copia hesitated and then said, "I'm afraid I can't reveal that. It's a secret of the ministry."
You pouted and pleaded, "Really, Papa? You won't tell me?"
Copia couldn't resist your charm. He grinned playfully. "Well, alright. You see, when a Ghoul and a Ghoulette love each other..."
You burst into laughter, cutting him off. "Stop it! That's not how it happens!"
Copia chuckled at your reaction. "You're right, that's not how it happens, but I couldn't resist."
You playfully rolled your eyes, followed by a smile. "You're really not going to tell me, right?"
Copia shook his head regretfully. "I wish I could, trust me, but I can't."
"It's okay, Papa," you whispered, drawing nearer to him.
"Shall we head back to the party?" he suggested, his hand reaching for your hand.
"Uh... I can't, Papa. I need to stay here with Andras," you responded.
"Right! I completely forgot," he sighed. "I'm a lousy uncle."
"No, Papa, you're not," you reassured him. "I know you're an amazing uncle."
Copia's gaze remained locked with yours, and a brief silence hung in the air. He moved to say something, but just as he began to speak, the sound of Andras crying echoed from the room next door. Without hesitation, you swiftly exited the room and hurried into the adjacent one. There, you opened the door and approached the small crib. With gentle hands, you lifted Andras into your arms, comforting him as he cried.
With Andras in your arms, you gradually managed to calm him down, and his cries gradually transformed into soft, whimpering sounds. Copia watched the scene unfold from the doorway, his smile reflecting his appreciation for your comforting skills. It was a heartwarming moment as you continued to soothe the little one, both of you providing him with the care and attention he needed.
"Is he all right?" Copia asked as he walked over to you.
You turned to him with a reassuring smile. "Yes, he just needed a little attention. Babies can be quite sensitive, but they usually calm down with some care and comfort."
Copia nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting to Andras as he gently caressed the his head. "You're really good with him."
"I guess so," you replied, still holding Andras. "Are you awake to see your zio Copia?"
"Zio? Do you speak Italian?"
"Oh, not at all," you chuckled, gently rocking Andras. "But Terzo always talks about you three as his zio, so I just got used to it."
Copia chuckled at your response. "That's quite observant of you. Impressive."
"Thank you, Papa," you replied with a hint of pride.
Copia then extended his arms toward Andras. "So, before I go back to the party, can I hold my nepote a little bit?"
"Of course," you replied, gently passing Andras into Copia's waiting arms.
Copia's face lit up with a warm smile as he cradled Andras in his arms. The baby looked small and fragile in comparison to the tall and imposing figure of Copia, but there was a gentle tenderness in the way he held him. Copia's eyes were fixated on Andras, who gazed up at him with curious eyes. It was a heartwarming sight, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment as you watched the two of them together.
"You look well with him in your arms," you remarked, your gaze fixed on the bonding pair.
"Do I?" Copia giggled softly. "I always heard I had a way with kids."
"I think you do too," you said with sincerity, a smile gracing your lips.
As you took a step closer to Copia and Andras, you gently reached for the baby's hand, feeling his tiny fingers wrap around one of yours. Copia's eyes met yours, and there was an unspoken connection between you two. You both shared a smile, and in that moment, you realized that Copia's presence was even more captivating in person than in any photograph. The depth of his gaze and the warmth of his smile were something that couldn't be fully captured in pictures. You found yourself drawn to the genuine warmth and kindness in Copia's eyes.
However, the tender moment between you and Copia was suddenly interrupted by Andras's cries, breaking the connection you shared. Copia gently rocked the baby in his arms, trying to soothe him, while you reached out to touch Andras's tiny cheek, offering comfort and reassurance. Andras's cries filled the room, making it clear that he needed attention and care. Copia looked at you with a slightly apologetic smile as he continued his attempts to calm the baby.
"It seems like Andras prefers your company," Copia remarked, his voice filled with warmth as he tried to ease the baby's distress.
With that, Copia carefully handed Andras back to you, allowing you to resume your soothing efforts. You gently cradled Andras, who had started to show signs of drowsiness. You carefully walked over to the crib, and with a tender touch, you placed him back in it. Andras seemed to settle down once again, his eyelids growing heavier as he drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Copia watched the scene with a soft smile. "Grazie for taking care of m- him," he said, his tone a little nervous.
You turned to him with a warm smile. "It's my pleasure, Papa. And also, my job."
Copia nodded, leaning closer to the crib to admire his sleeping nephew. His fingers gently brushed over Andras's tiny hand, and a warm smile played on his lips. "I should head back to the party. But can I walk you to your chambers?"
"Papa, I'm already here, my room is right next door," you chuckled, stepping closer to him.
"Eh! Sì, sì, my silly mistake, sì?" He chuckled, his eyes filled with amusement.
"Don't be too hard on yourself, Papa!" you teased, playfully patting his arm. "Maybe my outfit is causing the confusion."
You reached for the veil of your nun costume, fingers deftly untangling the knot that held it in place. As you removed the costume piece, Copia's gaze briefly fell upon you, but he quickly averted his eyes, fixating on some unseen point in the room.
"Better now?" you asked.
Copia turned his gaze back to you, his eyes tracing your figure from head to toe. He took a deep breath and nodded. There was a hint of a word that he seemed to hold back. You giggled and decided to distract yourself by tucking Andras into his crib. After turning off a nearby lamp, you walked back towards Copia, stopping in front of him.
"Maybe I can walk you to the front door?" you offered, reaching for his shirt and adjusting it neatly around his neck.
Copia looked at your hand and then nodded thoughtfully. You both left Andras's room, quietly closing the door behind you. Walking together down the corridor, your footsteps produced a faint echo on the polished floors. Approaching the front door, you hesitated for a moment. You stopped in front of it and your hand hovered over the doorknob. You glanced at Copia, who seemed lost in his thoughts as he stared at you.
"Thank you again for accompanying me, Papa," you expressed, your voice sincere and appreciative.
Copia blinked as if snapping out of a reverie, his attention returning to you. "Oh, mi dispiace," he responded, his voice gentle. "I was momentarily lost in thought. You were saying?"
"I was thanking you," you reiterated, a faint smile on your lips. "For coming with me and for letting us stay in your Papal apartment."
Copia offered you a warm smile in return. "You're most welcome. It was a pleasure to be of assistance. I hope you and Andras have a pleasant night."
With that, Copia stepped through the open door into the corridor, and you leaned against the doorframe, your eyes fixed on his retreating figure. Copia turned his body back to you and paused for a moment, contemplating something. Slowly, he extended his hand toward you, his fingers trembling slightly as he reached for yours, holding it.
"I hope you find your room comfortable. If there's anything you need or any questions you have, don't hesitate to ask me or any of the Ghouls. We're here to make your time at the ministry enjoyable If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask," he said with a reassuring tone. "And remember, you can always reach me."
Copia brought your hand closer to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of it. You nodded, blushing deeply at his words, and bit your lower lip, trying to contain your emotions. Taking a deep breath, you offered him a warm smile. As he released your hand, his lips lightly brushed against your skin, and you felt his grip tighten. Your breath caught in your throat, but you fought to maintain your composure.
“Of course, Papa. Have a great time at the party, and don’t scare anyone else with your costume," you playfully remarked.
Copia chuckled. “I’ll do my best. Arrivederci, bella sorella.”
“Arrivederci, Papa,” you replied as he turned to leave, heading back to the Halloween party.
Copia came to a sudden halt, turning his head to look back at you over his shoulder, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he turned and strolled down the corridor. As he gradually disappeared from your sight, you closed the door gently. Leaning against the door, you took a deep breath, your eyes closed, and you bit your lower lip slightly. There was no doubt about it – Copia was even more captivating in person than in the photos.
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Ho tentato: I tried
Fratello: Brother
Sì: Yes
Signora: Lady
Il piacere è tutto mio: The pleasure is all mine
Hai lo spirito di Halloween! Sapevo che non mi avresti deluso: You have the spirit of Halloween! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me!
Cretino: Idiot
Bella signora: Beautiful lady
Piccolo demone: Little demon
Ciao piccolo: Hello, little one
Il tuo zio preferito ti ha fatto mancare, mio piccolo demone: Your favorite uncle missed you, my little demon
Zio preferito: Favorite uncle
Bambino: Child
Ti ho spaventato? Mi dispiace, non era mia intenzione!: Did I scare you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!
Bene, molto bene: Good, very good
Non cominciare neanche: Don't even start
Non stavo per dire niente: I wasn't going to say anything
Mi dispiace profondamente: I'm deeply sorry
Nepote: Nephew
Forse sarebbe meglio se smettessi di giustificarti, fratello: Maybe it would be best if you stop trying to justify yourself, brother
Coglione: Idiot
I due che stanno flirtando: The two of them flirting
Lasciali stare: Leave them alone
Non stavamo flirtando!: We weren't flirting!
Sì, stavate flirtando con lei: Yes, you were flirting with her
Cara mia: My dear
Grazie: Thank you
Cuoricina: Sweetheart
Mi dispiace: I'm sorry
Arrivederci: Goodbye
Taglist: @copiasslut @copiasprincipessa @enchantedbunny @haelithra @new-age-space-age @the-did-i-ask @sodoswitchimage @thesoundresoundsecho @fishwithtitz @nimbusghoul @da-rulahh @th4t-em0-k1d @citrusbunnies @copias-sewer-rat @reeeebeeee @ghostfangirlsweden @copiaspet6222 @lilylovesdew @quaildoodle @fluffysourpatch @terzossoapbar @x1nd1g0x @fantasticdeercollection
235 notes · View notes
riyva · 1 year
will you marry me? | j.jh
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pairings. jaehyun x fem!reader genre. fluff, college, romance, smut warnings. protected sex, f!ngering, edging, use of c0ckrIng, bl0wjob, squirting, mdni written in taglish.
You and Jae were already together for 7 years, since high school, and now you're both in 4th year college. You were both busy for finals kaya hindi na kayo nagkakaroon ng solo time or let's say sexy time. It's been two months since you last did it.
You're already living in the same roof, in Jae's condo. Your parents really trust him so much kaya pinayagan ka na rin na mag-stay sa kanya while you're still in college. Pabor din naman kay Jae kasi lagi na kayong magkasama sa isang bubong.
You cooked the dinner, caldereta, and you're now waiting for Jae to come home. It's already 5.30 p.m, and he'll go home by precisely 6 p.m.
You washed the things that you used habang nagaantay, at hindi mo narinig na dumating na pala si Jae. Jae immediately went to give you a back hug.
"Hi, love," he said while kissing your nape.
It sent ticklish vibration down to your spine. "Love, ano ba?" You giggled while washing. You turned off the faucet and faced Jae. Tinukod naman si Jae ang magkabilang kamay sa gilid ng bewang mo para hindi ka makawala.
You kissed him, and he gladly responded. The kiss was full of love and desire. The kiss went deeper as Jae held your nape. Humiwalay ka naman sa napaka-tamis na halik.
You cupped Jae's cheeks. "Love, kamusta finals?"
Jae smiled, showing his cute dimples. "I did well as usual." And he winked.
You laughed. You went directly to his ear and whispered. "Congrats, love. I'll reward you later." And you also winked at him.
Those words you said became music to his ears, vibrating his spine. And now, his member can't wait to get warmed by your hotness later.
"Let's make love na now, love?" Jae said, and he pouted.
You laughed at him because of his cuteness as he asked for it. You pinched both of his cheeks. "Love, later na. We need to eat muna kasi. We need lots of energy later."
You kissed him again, and he tapped his shoulder. "Let's eat na, love."
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“Oh, Jae! Baby!” You’re now laying your back on the table while Jae eats the hell out of you. As Jae swirls his tongue to your clit, his two fingers also move inside you. His long fingers and tongue sent you too much pleasure.
Your moans filled the condo as Jae’s fingers hit your sweet spot. Jae felt your insides clenching his fingers. It means you’re coming. He smirked when he slowly moved his fingers to tease you more and delay your orgasm. You groaned in annoyance.
You sit up on the table while his digits are still inside you. “Fuck, baby! Nakakainis ka!” You’re so close to coming, but Jae slowed down his fingers.
His head went up. He chuckled. “Baby, calm down. We have lots of time pa to enjoy.”
Ngumuso ka sa kanya. "Kiss me na baby."
And he did; you also tasted yourself. The kiss was so slow, enjoying and taking their own pace. You’ve been together for seven years, and the love, passion, and desire remain there. Jae always treated you just what you deserved in the world.
The kiss became so deep as you clung to each other—lip biting and sucking each other’s tongues. The kiss makes many noises you can only hear, adding to the heat of wanting their body.
You removed his shirt, and your hand roamed his well-toned body. Yummy 8-packs abs. You thought. Your arrow went down to his torso. Jae groaned as they continued kissing because of your naughty hand. Jae’s hands went to your mountains.
Your hand went down to his member, and you gently massaged it. Jae moaned. Jae’s kisses went down to your neck and boobs while your hand was still on his boxers, playing with his and so freaking big. Fuck.
Jae sucked and licked your boobs like a hungry baby. You arch your body to give him more access as the pleasure goes through your body. He kissed every inch of you. Sa tuwing ginagawa nila ito, Jae never fails to make her feel loved, and Andra feels lots of butterflies in her stomach while he does this.
So sweet.
His head went down again to kiss and suck your femininity.
“Sarap ba, baby?”
Your eyes rolled because of pleasure. “Ohh, fuck! Yes, right there!” Your back goes to the table again; Jae eats and fingers you repeatedly until you come multiple times, making your legs tense.
Pilit tinutulak mong tinitulak si Jae palayo. "Jae, baby. Stop na, please. Let's continue this on the bed." He pouted, again. "Baby, I'm still eating pa pero sige." he can't get enough of your pretty pussy.
Why is he so cute? Damn.
You just rolled your eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, baby. Lalo kong papatirikin mata mo mamaya." He said as if you would take this as a threat.
Oh, boy. This is an excellent and pleasurable threat.
He dipped his head to claim your lips pero pinigilan mo siya. “I want to make love with you on our bed; take me there.”
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He laid on the bed, and you’re on top of him.
“Love. I want to make you feel good.” You whispered.
After he removed his boxers, you immediately sat on his dick. You grind your hips onto his. You felt his member hardened. Jae throws his head back on the pillow. “Fuck, so fucking good.”
“Baby, sagot ka. Use your words.” You said as you continued to grind your hips. You’re dripping so severely. You’re cunt was aching.
“Yes, baby. I’m already good, but I still want more. I’m craving for more.”
You pulled away from the kiss, and Jae chased your lips. You smirked, and you pushed him back on the bed again. You took something on the table beside the bed. Handkerchief, and rope. Jae’s eyes widened slightly.
Jae allowed you to tie his wrists and ankle on the bed posts without hesitation. Hindi masikip at hindi rin maluwag ang tali, sakto lang. You licked her lips while staring at him. “Love, you look so fucking hot while being tied.” You fold the handkerchief and immediately tie it around his eyes. You leaned down to kiss his lips and whispered into his ear. “Love. Are you ready?”
He replied with a moan. He’s ready to get devoured. You went back to his lips, went down to his neck. Jae raised his head to give him more access. You sucked his skin, and it will surely leave a mark. You licked and sucked his nipples. The room filled with his groans and deep breaths. And that made you smile. Well, it looks like I’m doing a great job. Your lips now went to his v-line. And, lastly, to his huge dick, pinkish and veiny. Your mouth went ‘o’.
“Baby, please suck it already.” Jae pleaded.
“Love, calm down. I still want to savor this moment. Hello? You’re so fucking big!” you examine his seven inches thick dick, wondering how it fits your whole every single night.
You kissed the tip, swirled your tongue, and took him whole. Well, not whole, just half. Then, your hands took care of the other half and his eggs. You bobbed your head up and down.
Bawat pagtaas at pagbaba ng ulo mo ay napapatirik mata sa sarap si Jae. Hindi man visible pero alam mo na sobrang nasasarapan siya. His hand went to your hair to guide you. He wanted to go fast but couldn't go rough on you. His hips thrust into your mouth. You knew that his high was coming because of the hurried pace.
But you stopped; you left his dick standing. And you removed the handkerchief.
Jae groaned. “Love, please don’t torture me.”
You left the bed and took something from the bedside table drawer. Jae’s eyes widened once again—a cockring. You smirked. Before you put it into his member, you asked him.
“Love, will you marry me?”
He blushed. “Oh, hell.” he let out a laugh. “Babe, I’m still tied and edged, and now you’re asking me that?” he added.
“Oh, bakit? Sino ka para umarte na ayain kita ng kasal? Kapal mo naman.”
“Babe, at least let’s make it decent.”
“Ewan ko sayo, Jaehyun. Sasagot ka or else tigang ka?” he didn't answered. Akma mong ibabalik na yung cock ring sa drawer pero nagsalita siya ulit. “Untie me baby, malalaman mo sagot.”
And you did what he said. Pagkatanggan ng huling tali, napasigaw ka nang hinuli ka ni Jae at hiniga sa kama, baliktad na ang posisyon. Ikaw ang nasa ibaba, at siya sa ibabaw.
“I..” he kissed your forehead. “Will marry..” your nose. “You.” and lastly, your lips. Muling gumalaw ang mga labi na may sariling ritmo. You both smiled between your kisses. He pulled away, and he lined his dick to your dripping cunt, slightly slapping you’re sensitive bead, but you stopped him. “Wear this cock ring, babe.”
Jae was still hesitant kasi alam niyang lalabasan agad siya but he wanted to try it too. He nodded as he took it from your hand to his dick. Jae fell his head back as pleasure ran to his spine. Your eyes burn with so much desire when you see it on him. “Gosh, Daddy! It fits.” you let out a sultry moan as you widened your legs for him. Before you forget, you take the small remote to increase the vibration, making him moan and shake his thighs. He let out a low moan as he slides himself to you.
Your head fell on the pillow, and you gripped your thighs as pleasure sent in. You can feel him pulsating and vibrating inside you. Sa una ay banayad ang mga ulos, he's taking his time with you. Sa bawat galaw, the cockring also hit your clit, making you whimper and moan louder. He was rocking your insides while also stimulating your bead.
Lalong tumitirik ang iyong mata sa bawat sagad ng pag-ulos niya sa iyo. The skin slapping, deep groans and moans filled the hot room.
Pabaling baling ka na sa kama at hindi mo alam sa kung saan ka hahawak. The pleasure is too much to handle for you. Your hand went to your head to grip while your other hand gripped the sheets.
Jaehyun looked at your face, checking if he was doing good. He knows that when you moan louder, he is hitting the right spot. He didn't speak instead he gripped your waist, at muling umulos ng mabilis pero baon at sagad na sagad.
Hitting your core deeper, making you almost see the stars. Jae seeing you writhing in pleasure, urges him to fuck you harder. Jaehyun’s high was already building up, and so did you. You grabbed Jaehyun’s arms to grip.
Your moans were now louder and louder as Jae hit the right spot. You came with a few more thrusts, but Jaehyun didn’t stop. He continued to fuck you. It became easier for him to move fast to reach his high.
Nang hindi ka pa nakakabawi ay muli mong naramdaman na lalabasan ka ulit. Your room filled more moans and cries until you came again and Jaehyun filled your walls with his white cream.
You took the remote and turned it off to stop sending the pleasure. Jaehyun fell on top of you. “Fuck, baby. Let’s do that again.” you chuckled. You ran your fingers through his hair as you felt his warmth against you. He lifts himself. “Let’s get married after graduation.” before you say anything else. He flipped you over your stomach without removing himself from you. You cursed in your head.
“Round two, yeah?” he said as he turned on the cockring again, making you scream.
Oh, shit. This is going to be a long night.
© riyva
let me hear your thoughts! :))
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st0ryf1lms · 1 year
fallen for you ➳ hal jordan
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pairing: hal jordan x reader
word count: 636
genre/warnings: light angst, super tooth-rotting fluff i guess?? makeout sesh but really brief
synopsis: you told hal jordan you're going on a date as a joke, but do you really think you could after you've fallen for your best friend?
a/n: i simply COULD NOT resist making a part 2 this man needs more content here i'm telling you anw enjoy this really short part 2 to fallen!
You never meant for this happen. Damn your friends for giving such terrible advice and you being the fool you are, you listened to it.
"Is that the Hal guy?" Your friend, Nala, asked as your phone lit up in the coffee table in her house as you all spent the Friday night talking and gossiping as you got off work. "Huh? Oh yeah, just asking if I'm still free for the weekend." You replied with a very faint tattletale of a smile adorning your face. "Oh, your pilot best friend? Yeah, hun, he's definitely in love with you." Your other friend, Andra, remarked as she took a sip of her drink. "Oh my God, not this again," you groaned.
"Oh, come on, Y/N, we all know it's true! Your pilot best friend is in love with you!" Andra exclaimed, followed by the collective agreement of everyone in the room except for you. "We've all seen the way he looks at you and the way you look at him. You guys are perfect for each other!" Nala added, as well as adding even more to your despise. You seriously could not fathom that Hal Jordan, the notorious serial heartbreaker would absolutely be head over heels for you, would he?
Besides, it's not like he'll ever go for you, anyway. You're just not his type.
But, oh, so, badly did you want to be his type.
You wanted to feel what it’s like being Hal Jordan's lover, his lifetime partner-in-crime, the one he comes home to every day. What you'd give to feel his lips on yours and the sweet nothings he would whisper in your ear. How it would feel to have him wake up by your side every day as you bask in the never ending haze of undying love for you.
Alas, it was not meant to be.
"Look, all I'm saying is, try to find out in the most subtle way you can and see how it goes, okay? Won't hurt to try." Andra says.
Little did she know, it did hurt to try. Because right now, Hal was a mess. The only thing that separates him from a red tomato is that he was living and breathing right now in the flesh as he tries to avoid your gaze.
"Hal? Look at me, please?" You plead to the man beside you, watching his every move intently. A muffled "no" comes out from the manchild beside you (which is honestly not a surprise), so you sigh and take matters into your own hands.
"Hal, please hear me out." You say as you kneel down on the floor in front of him, cupping his face in your hands so he'll actually look at you.
"Harold Jordan, I love you. I've fallen for you, I'm in love with you, I'm so pathetically and deeply in love with you to the point where my heart bursts when I see you call, text, or even sit in your presence. I suck so bad at confessions but you know damn well what I mean, Jordan. I love you with all my heart." You whisper in a voice where only you and he could hear. The way his eyes light up with every single word that escapes your mouth and the faint smile growing on his face makes your heart flutter at each expression.
"So, you're not here to reject me?" He clarifies, still unsure of your sudden confession. You crash your lips onto his as you pull yourself up back on your couch and straddle yourself on his lap as you give him the most passionate kiss you didn't think you could muster up. You break away just to get oxygen and rest your foreheads on each other's as you catch your breath.
"Does that answer your question?"
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invisible-lint · 4 months
Everything Could Be Okay: Chapter 1
Rhys x Tamlin's sister!reader
Summary: Tamlin has sent Feyre away. Emotions follow
Warnings: more angst. Allusions to Under the Mountain happenings, but not in much detail
Word Count: 1.2k
Prologue Chapter 2
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You rush into the manor, hoping that you can get far enough away before the emotion churning in your chest consumes you. You couldn’t be the supportive sister you supposed Tamlin wanted you to be right now, weren’t sure you thought it was what he deserved. After all, it was his fault that the human he loved was leaving. It was his fault that you were all doomed to be taken Under the Mountain. It was his fault that Andras’ death was now for nothing. So no, you decide, he does not deserve your pity.
You manage to stumble your way into your bedroom, tears stinging in your eyes, burning your throat. You yank a pillow off the bed, burying your face into it before you scream, letting the emotion overwhelm you. You are angry, so angry that you ignore the knocking on your door. How could Tamlin do this? Sacrifice everyone and everything for his human love. Does he know how much it stings? His betrayal? That his love was enough was enough to save her. But you, your love? That was not enough to save Andras. You fling yourself onto the bed. This is where you will stay until they come to drag you all down Under the Mountain, you don’t care anymore. There’s nothing left for you to care about.
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You wander the hall, ignoring the chill that hasn’t left your bones the entire time down here, no matter what you did. You didn’t sleep, finding it nearly impossible to. It had only been a few nights spent under the mountain, but already what you had seen haunted you every time you closed your eyes. You think of what Andras had said that day in the forest, about wanting to save you. If only he could see how ruined you were now. Would he be as angry with your brother as you are? You suppose, the one relief is that he is not here with you. You would not wish him here in this place even now as loneliness echoes in your soul. You aren’t thinking about where your body is taking you, only stopping as you nearly collide with the male in front of you. Your sudden stop has you nearly tipping off balance, and he reaches a hand out, steadying you. You look up at him, your own eyes meeting his violet ones.
“You shouldn’t roam by yourself at night. It’s not safe.”
“Yes, well you would know all about that, wouldn’t you, Rhysand?” you question, voice as icy as you feel.
He ignores the jab, directing you towards your room. “Allow me to escort you.”
You say nothing, following as he guides you. You say nothing as he directs you to the armchair and waves a hand, a fire springing to life in the hearth. You remain silent until he’s about to leave the room.
“Why did you leave me there?” He turns to you, eyes filled with confusion.
“The night you came to Spring and killed my father and brothers. I followed you out to the garden and begged you to either take me with you or kill me too. But you just left me there. Why?”
Your eyes meet his, filled with so much grief and pain, and he finds himself wondering what you went through before you found yourself down here. You stand, crossing to him, angry at the tears that sting your eyes. 
“It would have been wrong.”
You choke out a bitter laugh. “And look at me now. I would have been better off.”
He’s not sure why he does it, but he brushes past your wards with ease, helping your troubled mind find unconsciousness, catching you as you crumple. He tucks you into bed, brushing hair back from your face and tucking it behind your ear, bringing kinder memories to the front of your mind, helping you find pleasant dreams for once.
He tries to find you again the next few nights, uncertain of why he feels so suddenly drawn to you. But he remains unlucky, as if you're avoiding him as hard as he's trying to find you.
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It’s shortly after that Feyre finds her way Under the Mountain to rescue Tamlin. You aren’t sure how you feel, but there's one thing you know for certain. You will do anything within your power to help her. To make Andras’ death mean something. You find her the night after, a spare blanket and food hidden underneath your cloak. You see him again as you make your way to the cells, eyes meeting his across the distance before hurrying away. 
You enter the cell and take in the sight of the human woman in front of you, holding a finger to your lips as you cross over to her, kneeling at her side, healing her. You give her the food and the blanket. She tries apologizing for Andras once more, but you shush her, shaking your head. 
“You are not the one I am angry with. You are not the one who needs to apologize. I can understand why you… did what you did.” She looks almost surprised. “I will help you however I can without interfering. I will help you beat her, for Andras.” She smiles and you find yourself smiling too, the movement feeling odd after so much time. 
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You rush to the cells, hoping you are not too late. You enter as Rhysand exits and Feyre looks at you.
“I tried to wait for you to come. You said you would come. But a human can die so quickly from that kind of thing and I-” 
You interrupt her, dropping to your knees beside her, pulling her into a tight hug, choking back a sob. “I was just worried that I was too late and you were already dead. I don’t care what bargain you made with him. It saved your life, and when we get out of here, I will face it with you. You are too important Feyre.” She tells you of the bargain, and you smile. “You know, I have always wanted to see the Night Court.”
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More time has passed and Feyre has beaten the trials. You watch in horror, unable to intervene, frozen to the spot, as Amarantha hurts Feyre, wishing you could fight for her. You glare at your brother, cursing him for not fighting for her. Why can’t he fight for her the way you already had? Why had he given up so easily? You gasp as Feyre answers the riddle and the mask falls from your face. You step forward as Amarantha snaps Feyre’s neck, wanting to do something, anything. You watch as finally, Tamlin does something, killing her, ripping her throat out. You sink to your knees, unable to help the relief that floods your veins along with the grief. Amarantha was dead and that meant that your husband’s death would finally mean something. That you had not lost everything for nothing.
  You watch on as the High Lords all revive Feyre, bringing her back as a fae. You ignore the purple-eyed male staring at you and whatever it is you feel pulling you to him. There would be time to worry about that later, but for now, you find yourself at Feyre's other side, realizing that although you had lost so much, there were things you had gained too.
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A/N: And there it is! Not feeling great about this one, but everytime I tried fixing it I found myself writing the next parts, so here it is! Requests are open, so feel free to send some in! I'd love to write some one shots too!
divider is by @tsunami-of-tears
taglist: @lilah-asteria @readingislife2006 @acourtofimagines @mistymoocow @irelanrose
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
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Pairing: Neteyam x (f)Omaticaya!Reader
Word Count: 50k words (completed 25 july 2023)
Warnings/notes: enemies-to-lovers, arranged mateship trope, angst, smut, fluff, the works
Synopsis: Neteyam wants to be the best at everything. Unfortunately for him, so do you. You and him have competed all your life for the title of Omaticaya's best warrior, for validation from the tribe's leaders, for your peers' respect, but most of all, to finally settle the lifelong simple question plaguing you both: who's best? The oldest Sully boy hates you for taking his parents' attention, you hate him for every bruise, cut and scrape you suffered at his hands, and when Mo'at announces you are to be a mated pair, the hatred is bound to explode and leave a few victims behind, including both your hearts.
➺ Chapter I: Why You Gotta Be So Vicious ➺ Chapter II: Hiding Our Sins From the Daylight ➺ Chapter III: I am Lost, But Not In You ➺ Chapter IV: It's In Your Image I'm Made ➺ Chapter V: This Stupid Thing Called Love ➺ Chapter VI: Something's Made Your Eyes Go Cold ➺ Chapter VII: Maybe We've Had Enough ➺ Chapter VIII: Sorry For Not Making You My Centerfold
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Alliance Maker-Chapter 4
Summary: Some of the inner circle questions you about your life. Wounds that are still fresh get probed at. Many questions are still left unanswered.
Pairing: Slow burn! Azriel x Afab!Reader
Warnings: Hunting, death, torture, whipping... I think that's it, please let me know if there is more that I missed.
Word count: 1840 (Azriel isn't in this part but I promise that in the next chapter he will make an appearance.)
Masterlist Series Masterlist
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You didn't have to wait long for the High Lady and High Lord. You had put on a pair of trousers and an oversized tunic that you had been informed was Azriels who was currently out on business. Cassian knew you would completely swim in his own so he had retrieved the slightly smaller one from his brother's room. The holes meant for wings left your back exposed. Your own wings had disappeared when you had gotten injured. 
You all sat around the dining room table. The tension in the air was like a heavy blanket. For some reason however you were calm. The scent coming off the shirt you were wearing was soothing you. They all stared at you for a while before you finally spoke up. 
“Young huntress, I'm glad to see you are doing so well! You’ve come a long way since your first day in the woods.” She looked at you with quizzical eyes. You gave her a mischievous smile in return. 
“I would occasionally watch you hunt when I got bored. Also wanted to make sure you weren’t going to do anything stupid enough to get yourself killed. You caught on mighty quick however.” The approval leaked out of your voice with your words as you gave her a gentle smile. 
“I had never realized you watched me.” She said to you with an uneasy waver in her voice. Rhysand picked up on the tone in her voice and gripped the arm of the chair he was in tightly. 
“It wasn’t very often since I’d mostly be helping my father around our house and shop. You also were never very good at watching out for other people. You were always too focused on the animals around you.” You said simply shrugging your shoulders in nonchalance. 
“Now onto the harder questions, who would like to go first?” You asked the group as your eyes flicked to each of them. 
“How are you a Fae?” Nesta asked first, it was the question she was desperately wanting to know. The question that had been eating away at her since she first found you. 
“I am cauldron made. The first one thrown in as a simple mortal and dumped out a gifted Fae.” You said as your thoughts drifted slightly to the feeling of being embraced by the cauldron. You were quick to snap back to the reality in front of you not liking to dwell on the past. Nesta gave you a look of understanding. But the group had looks of indifference. You being cauldron made did make the most sense. But on the other hand they also didn’t realize there had been someone changed before Elain. 
“How did you come across the wall?” Rhysand asked you voice full of apprehension as he still struggled to wrap his head around you. 
“There were about ten of Hyberns men scrounging through the woods. I had been hunting when they found me. I knew it was dangerous being so close to the wall but I’ve always liked a thrill. I really should’ve known better since Feyre went missing after killing that fae wolf Andras.” You nodded towards the female across from you. There was a look of surprise on their face at the mention of the male that had sacrificed his life for the good of his High Lord. 
“I tried to take them down but they poisoned me with something before I had the opportunity to unleash hell.” Your nose scrunched up at the memory of the disgusting smell the poison had given off. Everyone around the table had a look of understanding in their eyes.
“I killed three of them before it fully took over my body. Which was something I paid for later on.” The gashes along your back seemed to burn as though you had been getting whipped once again. You shifted ever so slightly in your seat, willing the unwanted feeling away. 
“You’re about the age for a female to be married over there so did you leave a husband behind?” You shook your head at Cassian's question, thankful for the change of subject. Even if the question was slightly misogynistic.  
“I was taken from my father and that was all. I have been trying to contact him since escaping.” The thought of not having seen your father in so long sinking in had your voice lowering. It was the longest you’d ever gone without speaking to or seeing him. 
“Where is he at?” Came from Feyre, your eyes connected to hers before focusing on the windows behind her. 
“I’m guessing he is somewhere over here. I went back to our home and there was no sign of him there. Then I heard whispers of the Fae that had come and saved them to give them solace over here. To save them from a disastrous fate. I’m hoping he is safe and that I’ll be able to see him again one day.” You missed your father so much your chest started to hurt as the hope filled your heart of finally being able to see him again. Finally being able to embrace him and hear him call you the beloved nickname he had bestowed upon you many years ago is all you had hoped for. But you had refused to find him until you were somewhere safe. Somewhere that you could call home and could build a life. 
“You had wings when we found you but now they are gone.” Cassian said it with an even yet curious tone. You smiled at that and thanked the cauldron for the open back chair and slits in the shirt you were in as you popped the wings back out. 
“The cauldron was very generous.” You stretched your wings out and let out a sigh of relief. The feeling of them stretching your back caused a soothing ache to run through your body. You also didn’t miss the look Rhysand and Feyre gave each other, the only ones that they knew of that grew wings on their own command were themselves. 
“Those are different from illyrian wings.” This time it was Emerie that spoke up. She was right they were more like the wings of a beast not seen for centuries before Rhysand was even born. They were black as night and pure cobalt blue, the wingspan larger than that of an Illyrian. They were slightly thicker than their wings and went farther down your back by about half a foot. The similarities were the five sharp spikes at the bottom of each wing and a singular sharp spike at the top of each end. 
“Yes yes. I’ve been told it’s likely because I have a different form waiting inside of me to be let out.” You drummed your fingers along the table as you thought about the first time the wings had shown up. It was after you had escaped and you were extremely grateful that they had shown up when they did. They did a splendid job of shielding you until you learned how to fly with them. 
“And who told you that?” Your eyes found the short yet powerful Fae at the table. Amren you’d take it from the description you’d previously been told. She had arrived with Rhysand and Feyre. 
“Helion.” The one name answer seemed to shock everyone around the table. Yet Amren simply narrowed her eyes at you. She was trying to find a reason to tell her High Lord and High Lady to send you back where you came from. 
“And how were you able to get a visit with him?” Rhysand was sitting up straighter in his chair. Helion wasn’t known for being malicious or blind eyed. But taking a visit with a stranger that belonged to no court seemed a bit far fetched. 
“I asked nicely.” The grin you gave him was purely feline and proud. Cassian snorted at the answer though causing you to send him a wink. 
“Why didn’t we see you while we were within the walls of Hybern?” Nesta asked the question lightly. She didn’t like thinking of the experience so she wasn’t sure how you’d react thinking about it. 
“I fought tooth and nail so you wouldn’t. I didn’t want you to see me as I was.” Your mouth grew dry as you finished your sentence. You looked down at the table and started scratching at a non-existent chip with your fingernail. A glass of water was placed next to your hand causing you to stop. You took it greatfully and gulped it down. When you looked back up there were many eyes looking at you that were full of pity. The High Lord went to open his mouth but you cut him off. 
“It is not a subject I would like to talk about. If you don’t mind, I would like for that to be the end of it.” Hands forming into fists you held his stare. He broke it when a hand laid upon his arm. He glanced to the side and Feyre was looking at him, they had a silent conversation before he turned back and nodded at you. 
“Please don’t try to enter my mind again either.” You had felt him trying while you were unconscious. Luckily your shields were still up while you were in your temporary coma. He kept his surprise and embarrassment off his face. Though you could see it in the way he flexed his hand and looked down at his shirt for lint that wasn’t there.
“You must be starving.” It was Feyre that broke the tension. Your stomach chose that moment to let out a large growl in reply. Then the house was setting down food in front of everyone. 
“Uhm?” You looked at the food and then up at Nesta. Then your mind snapped back to the water that you didn't hear anyone get up to give you. 
“The house is kind of sentient.” She gave you a bored look, the others had already started eating. 
“Thank you House.” You called out and in reply you got a plate of berry cobbler. Cassian then mumbled under his breath that he wanted some to but the house only answered with a glass of water. 
“How would you feel about coming to training in the morning?” Cassian’s question had you looking at him while picking up a fork to dig into your dinner.
“I would love to. I haven’t had anyone to train with in a while.” your mind went to your time spent in Dawn, training with the guard there many months ago. A smile graced your lips at the thought of being able to see Thesan and his lover again in the future. The group of you ate in mostly silence. They occasionally talked about the High Lord and High lady’s son Nyx. There was talk about Mor and Azriel. You went to bed that night wrapped in Azriel's shirt, the smell lulling you into your first nightmare-less dream since escaping Hyberns grasp.
A/N: The next chapter will get things cooking a bit. Thank you all so much for reading, likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
Tags(open): @theeleggymeggy @wolfsbane44 @moonlwghts @maddietheshoe @hyemishii @fanboyluvr @kmc1989 @acourtofinkandpapyrus @luvmoo
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olenvasynyt · 8 days
I got so many fics drafted oh my god can I focus on ONE THING AT A TIME?
We got:
Elucien one-shot smut
Tamsand angsty m-preg
Mor’s backstory with her first bleeding, betrothal with Eris, sex with Cassian, and getting dumped on the Autumn border
Feyre and Lucien finally addressing their friendship and the past issues they had
Helion x LoA backstory
Elucien fic inspired by an Outlander episode
Crescent City: Day x Night BDSM switch fic
Lucien’s first time being Spring emissary
Lucien x Andras angst / the night before Andras leaves to the human lands
And a controversial one I have had in drafts since mid 2023: Micah x reader smut fic…
Mind you, I still got so much of my Lucien backstory fic to put out 😩
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yandereocs · 1 year
Break-in: Yandere Andras x reader
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Someone is breaking into your house.
Every day you wake up to freshly made breakfast. The house is tidy, not a single spec of dust anywhere. And there's always some sort of note. Today was no different.
"Good morning, my love. There's snacks in the pantry and fresh groceries in the fridge. I hope you have a wonderful day."
You never eat the food and you always toss out the note.
You don't even know how your stalker is getting in. No broken windows, the door is intact, the lock hasn't been tampered with...no secret entrances, either.
But he keeps getting in.
And not just while you sleep. If you leave the house for work, or class, or just to hang out with friends, you always come back to the same sight.
Whatever mess you had left behind was gone. Dishes washed, laundry done and folded, and one of your favorite meals on the table. Always hot like it was just made.
Calling the police does jackshit. Technically speaking, you haven't been physically harmed and there hasn't been a single threat made to you. So there's nothing they can do aside from offering to have a patrol car outside for the night.
The next morning, the officer is found dead in his car. You didn't see the body, but you were notified of what had happened and given a note found at the scene of the crime. And of course, it has that sickeningly familiar handwriting.
"Please don't get others involved, darling. I don't mean any harm."
You don't know what to do. You get more locks, stronger ones for the door. You get security cameras, you get motion detectors, ANYTHING to stop this creep from getting inside.
But nothing works. As always, the locks are untouched. The cameras record nothing aside from you and occasional static. Piece of junk.
Motion detectors don't do anything, either.
You're paranoid. You can't sleep. There's someone getting in your house and you don't know how. You even started to think that maybe he was just living in your walls like all those freak internet stories. But why wouldn't the cameras pick anything up?
Even as you're awake, you don't know how he's getting in. You stay in the kitchen since that's where most of the activity is. But the second you leave the room, you come back to something. A cup of tea or coffee, a small meal, or even just a note.
"Go to sleep, dear. Humans can't withstand sleep deprivation."
If moving was an option, you would have done it in a heartbeat.
He's watching you. Right now. He's in your house this very moment. He has to be! How else could he have left that note in a matter of minutes?
You tear your house apart, trying to find any hiding spot or secret hidey-hole or...anything! But there's nothing. The place is empty. You're the only one inside.
You're losing your mind. Your little stalker can tell, you know he can, because he leaves flowers and food from your favorite restaurant the next day. And a note. Of course.
"Hello, my love. I apologize for causing so much distress, it's not my intention. I simply want to take care of you. Please, enjoy this meal and get some rest. I assure you, I did nothing to tamper with it."
You're exhausted. You can't take this anymore. Maybe he'll leave you alone if you stop fighting him. So you eat the food and you go to sleep, your body feeling heavy and sluggish. You fall asleep almost immediately.
And when you wake, you immediately felt eyes on you.
You pretend to be asleep, keeping your eyes shut and trying to keep your breathing slow and steady, trying not to give away the utter terror you're feeling. He's in your house. In your room. Watching you sleep.
His presence is suffocating. Like the air is dark and heavy. His stare feels so uncomfortable, like he's able to pierce your soul. You don't want to open your eyes. Don't want to look at him. ACKNOWLEDGE him.
You feel sick. Your heart is pounding rapidly and you honestly feel like you might have a heart attack. Is this it? Are you going to die? Or is this sick freak going to kidnap you? You don't know. Don't know, don't know.
"I know you're awake. That's okay, love. You can keep your eyes closed."
Your blood ran cold.
You didn't even hear him move. Just a minute ago he was in the corner of your room, and now he's leaning over you and whispering in your ear.
You don't know what to do. You're too scared to even think, your body frozen as you keep your eyes shut. He knows you're awake. How does he know? Is he bluffing? Trying to get your eyes to open?
"I normally wouldn't do this, but I just couldn't help myself."
His voice is smooth and hypnotizing. If you weren't utterly terrified, you probably would've been compelled to open your eyes.
"Seeing you in such an unstable emotional state was...not enjoyable for me. I hate to be the cause of such negative emotions. So, I wanted to reassure you in person."
A sudden heat burns into your forehead and you flinched. The heat is suddenly removed.
"Ah, my apologies. I forgot that my body heat is much higher than humans...don't fret, I'm simply giving you a kiss."
The heat returns to your forehead and you tremble. His lips are soft and feel gentle despite the unnatural warmth. Even so, the kiss just makes you feel sick.
"I love you very much, my dear. I will never bring you any harm. So, please, allow me to take care of you."
And then he's gone. You slowly open your eyes and there's nothing. No one in your room. The suffocating presence is gone. It's just you, all alone.
You hoped that this was the end. That maybe he would stop now that he understands just how much it was freaking you out.
But the next morning, it was the same thing.
A perfectly cooked meal sitting on your table, nice and hot, with a note in front of it.
"It was a pleasure to finally feel your skin against my lips. I hope to have a proper talk with you soon."
A proper talk is the last thing you want from this freak. Your eyes glanced down to the bottom of the note.
"Love, Andras."
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babyboiboyega · 1 year
Next To Me Pt. 14 (Shuri x Black!Fem!Reader)​
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Shuri x Black!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 11.6k (a little longer as an apology for being late...and for what happens :) )
Content: angst. Angst galore; fighting; mentions of bruises; did I say angst?; nightmares; Shuri finally comes to her senses
Next To Me Masterlist
Babyboiboyega’s Marvel Masterlist
Babyboiboyega’s Masterlist of Masterlists
Song Inspo:
“Runnin” - Beyonce, Arrow Benjamin
“No Peace” - Sam Smith, Yebba
“I wish I knew how it would feel to be free” - Andra Day
A/N: Sorry for it being so late y’all. I’ve been looking forward to writing this part for a while, and every draft I typed up was not meeting my own, absurdly high standards lmao so I kept deleting and rewriting until I finally came out with this! So I really hope y’all enjoy this, and I hope it makes you as emotional as it made me while writing it! <3
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Somehow, even over the sound of the child wailing in your ear and the sound of your voice screaming itself hoarse, you could hear the beeping stop.
There was a shockingly heavy silence that fell over the area, allowing just a sliver of hope to rest in your chest- hope that it was a false alarm…
And then the ground shook with an explosion that threw you off of your feet.
Ringing. The suffocating smell of smoke. The feeling of that smoke burning as it entered your nostrils and traveled to your lungs.
The air was filled with dirt, dust, and a heat that made your skin prickle. Your ears rang painfully with the remnants of the blast, the child's whimpering floating just beneath the sound. You could feel him squirming against your chest, and it quickly crossed your mind that maybe you were holding him too tightly; though, the feeling of his hands landing gently but urgently on your face told you otherwise. He gently patted at your cheek until your disoriented gaze landed on him, the outline of him swimming across your vision.
The ground was rough against your back, digging into the bruises and cuts you were sure to have from being thrown, but those wounds were preferred over having more harm come to the little boy in your arms.
Your breath left you in a wheeze as you sat up, and the next breath you drew in burned. The sensation made you choke slightly, one of your arms raising to cover your mouth and nose in vain. It only took hearing one cough from the child to realize that the burn you felt in your almost fully developed lungs was multiplied in his underdeveloped lungs. The thought prompted you to struggle to your feet while pushing the boy's head into your neck- an attempt to keep him from inhaling the smoke-filled air around you.
The haze in your mind remained, even as you gained your bearings enough to stumble towards the mouth of the alley. There was a pile of debris at the entrance, and the flames that danced from it effectively blocked your path back to the main clearing, and your path to the last place you had seen Shuri.
The desire to find a safe place for the boy battled with your desire to find her, which was more of a 'need' than a 'want'. The last you had seen of her, she was running into the very alley where the bomb had been planted.
There was a distant section of your mind that replayed the memory of watching as her panther suit engulfed her body, providing her an extra sense of protection; but the more keyed-up, panic induced part of your brain could only remember watching her run headfirst into danger, without a care in the damn world.
You didn't have enough mental fortitude at the moment to embrace the anger that stemmed from her actions. Instead, you busied yourself with squinting through the flames and the smoke, trying your hardest to see through to the other side.
The area that had just been filled with children and adults alike, laughing and conversing after long days at school and work, was now barren. Scattered throughout the area lay pieces of debris, still on fire and smoldering. The alley that had been the origin of the blast was just gone. Where there once had been a space big enough for a few people to walk down, there was now a pile of broken bricks and other kinds of rubble.
Your eyes took note of the destruction caused for only a second before turning your search to any sign of Shuri, only to no avail. There wasn't a single sign- not one that you could see.
The panic that gripped your chest made it all the more difficult to draw in a proper breath; the tears gathering in your eyes could have been a product of the toxic smoke, or a product of the horrific and unfathomable thoughts that shot through your mind, making you freeze in your spot.
After going through everything she had, a bomb from a cult was what took her? Took her from a country that adored her and her passed family members; took her from a number of palace personnel who viewed her as family and as a friend- more than just a queen.
Took her from you.
You simply couldn't comprehend it. You didn't want to comprehend it- not when there were still so many things that had been left unsaid between the two of you. You had forgiven her, but you still wanted so much more- you wanted to give her so much more. The possibility that you two's story- a story that had just began- had already ended sent a crippling fear through you. But you couldn't let it incapacitate you when a child's safety relied solely on your actions.
The boy in your arms coughed, letting out a choked whimper before burying his face deeper into your skin. The distress in his voice coupled with the shaking of his body was enough to kick you into action, making you turn away from the damage with the intent of finding a place that hadn't been touched by the blast.
Your legs shook slightly as you walked away. Your eyes blinked rapidly, burning with the feeling of tears trying to clear them of dust and smoke. The only cemented thought in your mind was getting the child to safety, and it prompted you to walk the same, trampled path the crowd had taken to escape. There had to be someone frantically looking for their child, and the sooner he was in their arms, the sooner you'd be able to start searching for those you had come with.
Start searching for Shuri.
Each turn was unfamiliar and unknown to you, but somehow in your dazed state, you were able to mark each turn in your mind. Though, that daze quickly sharpened, making everything around you clearer and louder in what could only be called fight or flight, when a hand landed on your shoulder.
With your arms tensing around the boy, you whirled around, taking a number of steps away from the unfamiliar presence. The man, who only copied your actions but toward you, had a distressed look on his dust covered face. His eyes were wide and as red as you suspected yours looked while his tears carved tracks into the dust on his cheeks. Even as you held a hand out as a caution and a warning, he continued forward, his own arms reached out; but not to you, but the little boy you held.
The man's voice cracked as he exclaimed something- something that held the familiarity and fear of a guardian for their child- and it was effective in grabbing the little boy's attention. His head turned to the side just enough for him to peer at the man, and then he was pulling his head up completely. His whimpering quickly changed to cries once more as his hands desperately reached out to the man, fingers flexing and almost urging him to pick him up.
The man surged forward without another word, his arms securing themselves around the little boy's body before pulling him into his chest. He placed his head on top of the boy's, his eyes momentarily closing as his lips moved soundlessly in what one could assume was a prayer of thanks. You didn't know the exact relationship between the man and the boy, but it was obvious that that they were familiar with each other. The man's utter relief at seeing the child's state of wellbeing told you all you needed to know, and it admittedly made a weight lift off your shoulders. You had kept him safe, even when surrounded by nothing but hostility and unfamiliarity.
The man started thanking you profusely, the gratitude making his voice thick with emotion, but you couldn't focus on his words. Instead of reassuring him that he had no reason to say thank you, that you were simply doing the right thing, your eyes were focused on the person slinking their way onto the small walkway you were standing on. Their head whipped back and forth before settling on you, their body freezing right afterward.
The question of whether the person needed help lingered on the edge of your mind, but the longer you watched them, the more the answer became clear. A scarf covered the lower half of their face, hiding their expression from you, but it couldn't hide the tension that gripped their body. It showed itself in their limbs which were coiled and looking ready to propel them toward you. The walkway suddenly seemed too small around you, and it only lessened as the person started making their way toward you and the father/son duo.
You didn't think when you placed a hand on the man's arm, urging him to turn and immediately put more distance between himself, his son, and the menacing figure. It didn't take much pressure for the man to do exactly that, leaving you alone with someone who's intentions were unknown but easy to guess.
And you didn't think when you spun on your heel, launching yourself down another walk away.
In hindsight, you'd like to say that you ran in a different direction so that you could lead the person away from the father and his son; but in the moment, you had run with the main intention of getting back to the clearing where you had seen Shuri, Okoye, and Aneka.
Your teeth violently clacked together with every step you took. Different parts of the village flew past your vision as you ran, but you were focused on only one thing in the moment: get the hell away from this asshole.
Each breath sawed in and out of your lungs, burning with every inhale and exhale. Your chest was tight, both from fear and exertion, and it only grew tighter as you continued speeding around corners in an attempt to get back. The loose dirt that covered the ground slid beneath your shoes, posing a threat and making it that much harder to put distance between the footsteps you could hear gaining from behind you.
In your hastened state of mind, you could've sworn you felt fingers ghosting across the back of your neck, intent on grabbing you. It only made you move faster, pumping the last bit of energy into your legs as the clearing finally came into view. At the threat of that hand growing closer, you grabbed the sleek, vibranium baton that hung from your belt. The cool metal was both comforting in its potential to protect yourself, and a stressor at the fact that it would be the first time you'd have to actually defend yourself- and possibly save yourself from an unknown threat. Except the person after you wasn't the only threat, and the real threat only became clear once you finally ran back to the clearing.
Over your own harsh and labored breathing in your ears, the sounds of combat could be heard in the area. There was the unmistakable sound of the Dora Milaje's spears grazing against other weapons, and it admittedly comforted you just a little, knowing that they were right there.
You had just stepped into the clearing when, for the second time in the day, you were being lifted off of your feet. It wasn't because of a blast, this time; it was because of the strong hand that grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled, effectively and abruptly halting your momentum and making your feet stumble under you.
It was relentless as it continued to pull you further back, away from the very people who could help you in the situation and towards a more secluded part of the area. Even through the raw panic consuming you, you were sensible enough to know that giving up could only result in harm coming to you, and it made you struggle harder against their pulling. It was no longer a thing of fight or flight; it was simply fight, and Okoye's voice seemed to appear out of nowhere, urging you to do exactly that.
"When struggling against an opponent who's bigger than you, you always use the element of surprise to your advantage. They're not expecting you to rush at them- they're expecting you to run. Show them why they're wrong."
With the next wrench of your shirt, you willingly and quickly entered their space. It was obvious that they had underestimated your next move, as they stumbled back before falling to the ground. It would've been a good chance for you to knock them out or even run, but their death grip on your shirt only caused you to fall to the ground beside them before letting go.
What little breath you had left escaped you in a dizzying rush at the impact, and when you attempted to pull it back in, it was tinged with dirt. It coated your tongue and your throat, adding on another layer of disorientation on top of the soreness wracking your body.
The dull pain that radiated from your already bruised back was next to unnoticeable as you attempted to roll over, one hand scrambling at the dirt to pull yourself away from the person's aggressive grip. You had just gotten one leg under your body, ready to launch to your feet, when a pain erupted from your scalp. The pain only spread as your own hair was used to pull you back to the ground, this time keeping you pinned into the dirt.
Your baton fell to the ground as you raised both hands, clutching at your hair in an attempt to lessen the strain of the person's grip. A yell that was equal parts pain and anger escaped through your gritted teeth at the feeling of someone climbing over you, trapping your legs between theirs despite the way they violently kicked.
Their eyes, wide and gleaming with a sick kind of satisfaction, appeared over your struggling figure, and they only brightened as they brandished an ancient, almost battered dagger. The shadows that the nearby fires cast on their face caused them to look even more menacing than their actions already made them out to be. You could see your reflection, bathed in the orange light of the same fire in their wide, manic eyes; you could see the look of pure rage that had taken over your features, your lips twisted into a snarl that probably matched the person's beneath their scarf.
That rage grew as a mocking laugh left their lips, their head shaking as if scorning a child. The hand that held the dagger lifted, but instead of plunging it into your chest, it pulled down the edge of the scarf, revealing a twisted smile at your expense.
"Don't worry…your death will precede the coming of our goddess…your sacrifice won't be in vain, child."
His grip tightened on the dagger as he raised it once more; his hand that was twisted into your locs tightened as well, preparing to hold you down for when he brought it down. Too busy was he basking in what he undoubtedly interpreted as fear that he didn't notice your fingers closing around a large rock you had managed to reach.
He only noticed once you raised it, bringing it into the side of his head with all of the strength you could muster. There was a sickening sound as it made contact with his skull, and it was accompanied by the sound of his body thudding to the ground.
The second your legs were free, you were rolling onto your stomach and grabbing your discarded baton with a shaky hand. Your scalp throbbed as you staggered quickly to your feet, your chest rising and falling heavily with the effort it took you to get to this point. But as you met the man's furious and crazed gaze, every remnant of panic still coursing through your veins dissipated, leaving nothing but a heavy and consuming rage.
Not even the thought that you had just faced certain death could cool the heat of that rage as it raced through you, and seeing the man stagger to his feet, ready to once again attack you- a person who had done nothing but fall into a set of circumstances set up by him and those like him- made you seethe even more. He looked at you as if you were the one who had tried to kill him only moments before.
You didn't feel an ounce of remorse in your body as you extended the baton before jamming the end of it into his ribcage and twisting. His body shook momentarily, electric volts running rampant throughout his entire being before going still as you retracted it.
Your eyes stayed fixated on his body, searching for any signs of movement besides the slow rise and fall of his chest. Only after failing to see any did you turn on your heel, your attention now set on the clearing and the sounds of fighting still emanating from it. One would think that the adrenaline in your body would fade after getting through the ordeal that had caused it to activate in the first place, but it was the exact opposite as your steps pace picked up the closer you grew to the noises.
Chaos was the only word that could adequately describe the scene you ran into. The Dora Milaje's red and silver could be seen moving quickly throughout the area, taking down any person who dared to approach them. It was easy to differentiate between Doras and cult members as they flooded the clearing, and you found that you were relieved to see not a single Dora laying on the ground, injured or worse.
Even with the frenzy of activity happening, you still tried your hardest to look for familiar faces: Okoye, Aneka, Eza…Shuri. Your eyes strained as you looked for just a glimpse of a gold and black suit, and it almost caused you to miss the fist aiming straight for your face.
It was instinct that caused you to duck under the arm, but it was Okoye's voice in your mind, once again, that made you roll across the ground and out of their reach. The world righted itself as you came to a stop, jumping to your feet once more. It all happened just in time for you to see another person running full speed at you, their mouth open in a threatening and almost manic yell.
Your answering yell was lost amidst the sounds of the battle, but your throat burned with the intensity of it as you rushed to meet them halfway. No longer were you looking at your surroundings through a lens of panic; the cultists had invaded this village with the sole purpose of causing destruction, chaos, and fear for a twisted cause- a cause that was built and enforced through pain and panic.
They were victims just as much as you were…and it pissed you off.
The woman held a pipe in her hands, her knuckles white where they gripped and raised it, preparing to use it in any way to inflict as much pain as she could. Her steps were quick as she approached you, and had you not been focused, it would've surely frightened you; but she was now just a person who had to be subdued and not a person who could take your life.
Fights were often depicted as happening in slow motion in movies and books, but the same could not be said for the fight you had found yourself in; instead of her movements being slow and drawn out, they seemed to happen as quick as they possibly could, almost as if someone had pressed the fast forward button on a remote. You made sure to send a silent and quick thanks to Okoye and her training, as you couldn't have possibly defended yourself without her instruction.
The pipe whistled through the air right above your head, alerting you to just how close she was as you stepped forward and ducked. You spun with bent knees, your hands twisting just slightly around your staff as you brought it into the woman's abdomen. A grunt left your mouth as the impact reverberated up the length of your arms, but you didn't dare stop there.
Your knee was waiting as she doubled over, raising and connecting squarely with the bridge of her nose. The quick attack made her head snap back, effectively freeing your staff from where it had been trapped against her bent figure and allowing you to step back. She staggered backwards, a pained shriek leaving her mouth as her hands clutched at her nose. The light from the fires allowed you to see the bright red that gushed from between her fingers and dribbled down her chin into the dirt. Her watery eyes were furious as they fixated on you, but your actions only made that fury melt into surprise as you raised a foot, kicking out and making contact with her chest hard enough to throw her back. There was a thud as she landed in the dirt, and her groans soon followed, joining the other sounds of pain and battle around you.
"What in Bast’s name are you doing here?!"
Relief shot through you at the sound of Okoye's angry, albeit concerned, voice. It wasn't hard to spot her, as she had at some point fought her way through the clearing to you and now stood in front of you. The exasperation in her eyes echoed in her voice as she stared wide-eyed at you. Her spear was held in a defensive stance in front of her, and even though her eyes were on you, you knew that should she approached, she'd be able to handle herself just fine.
"Why didn't you go with the villagers?!"
"That's kind of a long story-!"
Yours words were quickly cut off at the sound of another voice yelling and growing closer. Both you and Okoye's gazes turned in time to see a man wielding a club of some kind running towards the two of you, and you both acted without thinking or communicating.
While you swung your staff at the man's knees, immediately making his legs buckle, Okoye spun her spear until the end of it connected with the man's back. You watched as she delivered an electric blow to his body before pulling away, the man falling to the ground and becoming still.
"We have no time for stories- get to safety!" As she scolded you, she continued spinning her spear in a way that was uniquely Okoye, using it to take down every cultist that grew too close to her; but with every cultist she took down, the further she grew from you. It only crossed your mind that she was drawing them away from you when the path in front of you was suddenly clear of cultists- well, cultists who were still conscious and a threat.
You had no intention of staying there and refusing Okoye's order (even if you wanted to tell her how you took down someone all by yourself), but the matter of Shuri's location was still at the forefront of your mind. It would've been unprofessional and distracting to ask Okoye if she had seen her…but with every passing second of you thinking the worst had happened, the antsier you grew.
And it only became harder to focus when another figure entered your line of sight, blocking the exit that you had been contemplating taking. Upon seeing them, you immediately tightened your grasp on your staff, raising it to mimic the same stance Okoye had taught you; but it didn't take long for you to notice that your staff would be no good against them.
The rope that they held in their hands seemed harmless upon first glance; but as they started swinging it, the piece of metal on the end catching the reflection of the fires, it quickly became obvious that it was the exact opposite of harmless. They were the exact opposite of harmless, and their eyes were fixated on you.
Ah, shit.
Behind you was the collapsed alleyway, on fire and crumbling into ashes; on each side of you, there was fighting; the only way out of the area was through the person who was currently swinging a dagger on the end of a rope while taking slow steps towards you. By the time you reached them, they'd have had ample amount of time to throw the rope in your direction, and your staff was no use in stopping it. In Okoye's hands it might have been; not in yours.
They moved quicker than you could, twisting their body and using the momentum to throw the end of the rope towards you. It approached too fast for you to even try deflecting it, the metal shining as it whistled through the air.
You saw a flash of black move quickly in your peripheral, and it was easy to liken it to a shadow cast by one of the many people in the clearing. But then that flash of black moved closer, and much quicker than the dagger moved; and then something heavy was barreling into the side of you.
The initial impact was enough to knock the wind straight out of you, leaving you almost dizzy with the loss. You expected to be thrown like a ragdoll onto the ground, followed by coming face to face with yet another threat to your life; but the arms around you weren't tight with the intention of subduing you.
You could feel one of their hands protecting your head as you skidded across the bumpy ground. Not only that, but they had also maneuvered you so that you were half on top of them, causing them to take the brunt of the fall. The voice that grunted in your ear sounded familiar, as did the feeling of their arms holding you closer to them, even after you came to a stop. The breath that had been knocked out of you became stuck in your throat as you attempted to draw it in once more, your head raising in alarm and instantly coming face to face with black, silver, and gold.
"Why are you out here?!"
"Where the hell have you been?!"
Both you and Shuri's voices battled to be heard over the other, the same level of indignation and surprise lacing your words. As you gazed down at her, her mask retracted, showing her wide eyed and shocked faced. The relief you had felt at hearing her voice tripled at the sight of her, unharmed, albeit a little angry.
Her hands moved to grab your arms before she sat up, pulling you with her. The threat was all but forgotten as you gripped each other's arms, basking in the sudden but relieving presence of the other. She only stepped back slightly to let her eyes run over your dirtied and bruised figure, and the sudden blaze that appeared in her eyes rivaled the fires surrounding you. Maybe it was the warmth from the fires, but you could've sworn that your skin grew warmer where her hands touched you.
"Y/N, you can't be out here- why are you out here?"
Your eyebrows furrowed as she pulled you closer, her head leaning down to meet your eyes desperately. Her voice was hoarse, undoubtedly a result of the smoke and her yelling throughout the battle. Your was just as hoarse as you answered, and it was a lot more winded than hers.
"Its not like I came looking to fight! I was trying to help a kid and then got chased- is this really the time to talk about this?!"
A noise close to a growl left her mouth as she looked around, seeing that the two of you were surrounded by Doras and cultists alike. The person who had thrown the rope dart at you had at some point been knocked unconscious, and it wasn't hard to guess by who; especially after seeing Aneka's figure standing over her. You supposed it was a good thing, seeing that the cultists' numbers had dwindled significantly, but there were still a few fights going on around you that drew your attention. Shuri noticed the same thing, but it seemed to reassure her enough to the point where she could focus solely on you.
You hadn't felt her hands sliding upwards until one landed on your shoulder while the other gently tilted your face from side to side. Her eyebrows met in a frown as she inspected you, but you could do nothing but stand there and fight the chills that her touch evoked.
"You should have gone with the villagers. Or hidden. Or done anything that would have kept you from here."
The worry was apparent in her voice, but so was the slightly scolding tone she had taken on. It was the same one Okoye used when you did something wrong in training, and you had to refrain from rolling your eyes. Had you been in a normal setting and not bruised and aching all over, maybe you would have found it slightly endearing. You would have even cracked a joke or shot back something smart; but now you were just focused on how ironic it was that she was speaking to you about you the risk of your actions when she had run face first towards an active bomb.
"Trust me, I would have rather gone with the villagers and avoided all of this. But I didn't, and now we're here, so…now what?"
You raised a challenging eyebrow, your head tilting slightly. There was a small part of you that acknowledged the lie behind your words, as sometime during the night you had come to the conclusion that you'd had no problem laying cultists out; but you wouldn't mention that to Shuri. It would only result in her frown deepening and a more intense scolding being directed towards you.
Your answer satisfied her, albeit temporarily, as she turned to face the figure who approached the two of you. The fighting had come to an end, unbeknownst to you, and while Okoye approached you, the rest of the Dora Milaje worked on rounding up the cultists that they could find.
It was hard to tell your body that the fighting was over, your limbs remaining tensed and shaking slightly with adrenaline. The sensation made your brain run on overdrive, causing your eyes to dart any and everywhere, even as Okoye spoke.
"We're rounding up every cultist we can, and we plan on questioning a good majority of them. Ayo and Aneka will stay and oversee the cleanup. We should make our way back to the palace and speak about our next move." She shot Shuri a look that you couldn't quite discern, and it worried you.
Shuri spared her a glance, her jaw tightening at its silent implications before looking back at you. There was a guarded look in her eye, and you immediately chalked it up to her still being in a battle-influenced mindset, and not because she was pulling away once again.
The circumstances were familiar, as they had led to Shuri pushing you away the first time. The festival, both of you facing an element of danger, you once again coming out of it with battle wounds; it made sense for you to be nervous.
Watching Okoye and Shuri communicate silently was only a warning that you should be nervous about other matters, but you'd surely find out why sooner or later.
You had every intention of asking every Dora you knew how they dealt with the adrenaline drops after battles. Despite all of them being fully trained and undoubtedly used to the adrenaline drop you were experiencing, you would gratefully take any advice they had to give. It was becoming increasingly harder to focus and comprehend the words falling from Shuri, Okoye, and Eza's mouths. The conference room that had become a frequent meeting location was too bright, and the chair you were in somehow pressed into every single bruise you sported on your body. You were growing closer to the definition of 'overstimulated'.
"Wait, lemme get this straight," you leaned forward in the chair you were sitting in, hands raising to rub at your face. "The jewelry shop owner, Mr. Memvaba, almost joined the cult- uh, Harbingers of Bast- at first?"
All three women nodded in tandem, confirming your words. Your eyes closed as you tried to recount the events they had just relayed to you, including the conversation that they had with Mr. Memvaba and what had come of it.
"Okay. So after he agreed to be inducted, they took him to another site- a site that he doesn't know or remember the location of- where they started to initiate him. After hearing the terms and agreements of the cult-"
"The cult's values, yes-"
"- he changed his mind on the spot, which resulted in them attacking him?" You heard Shuri's correction, but you were quite frankly too tired to acknowledge it with other than a quick nod. Your fatigue didn't stop the questions from popping into your mind, but it did make it a struggle to articulate them.
"How did he get away? I doubt that they'd let him get away, especially after seeing a spot that they probably consider important or sacred."
Your worries that your question didn't make sense eased as you noticed the looks on their faces. Eza was the first one to speak, answering your question.
"According to him, a group from the border patrol traveled through the area at the same time, scaring them away before they could hurt him more, or do worse. The patrol group drove him to the hospital where he was admitted, though the attack caused some…memory problems." She ended her statement with a sigh, leaning her head on her propped-up fist.
The night had quite obviously taken a toll on everyone present, though some of you were better at playing it off than others. Eza, who had found herself in the midst of a group of panicked villagers and fighting off any cultist that approached was just as dirty and exhausted as you, so you didn't feel alone in your fatigue. You only wondered if her body was as close to collapsing as yours was.
"So…he doesn't remember anything?" Your indignation was clear as you quickly looked up at her, your eyebrows furrowed. "Not a single thing?"
"He only remembers being approached by followers of Harbingers of Bast, being asked if he was 'ready for her coming,' and then being blindfolded and put in a vehicle. They didn't say a word on the trip, he just barely remembers arriving at the location they picked, and his memory of the initiation itself is muddled and almost incomprehensible."
The frustration you felt wasn't directed at the man, as he had been through a traumatizing situation and his brain had done what it needed to protect him; but you were frustrated about the circumstances that were just constantly stacked against you all. For every indication that the situation was close to being resolved, a new obstacle waited just around the corner. It was maddening enough to the point where you couldn't fathom the frustration Shuri felt; you didn't know if you could at this moment in time.
A sigh mixed with an imperceptible groan left your mouth, your head lowering until it could rest on the table's top. The coolness of the surface sent a small shock through you, but you didn't move; you were too busy forcing thought upon thought of what would happen next onto your exhausted brain.
We don't know who their leader is. We don't know where they operate. We don't know what they plan on doing next.
Why were they there at the same time as you? Was it a planned attack? Had they known that you all would be there, or had it been a coincidence? Had you all brought them to the village?
There were more questions than answers when it came to your progress, and thinking about it only made the night worse. It made the headache that had been slowly forming in your temple expand until it felt like the woman from earlier had her rope wrapped tautly around your skull. The position you had found yourself in sent both sensations of pain and relief through your body. Your arched back pulled and constricted the bruises you had earned while your muscles sighed in relief as you rested your weight on the table.
"We should rest for the night." Despite having no room for disagreement in her voice, Okoye's words were spoken as softly as they could be. It signaled that although the night had been absolute hell, now it was time to accept what had happened and focus on what had yet to happen.
"We'll meet tomorrow to discuss our next course of action. Until then, clean yourself up. Get some rest. This is far from over."
Despite being given as orders, there was a hint of concern underlying her words, and as you raised your head to meet her eyes, you could see that they looked at you with concern and another emotion that you could liken only to sympathy.
"We won't train tomorrow morning. You need all the rest you can get."
"W-what?" Her words made you quickly sit up, your hands grasping the edge of the table at the soreness radiating through your limbs. "No, I'll be fine after going to sleep. We can train- I need to train."
Maybe it was that same sympathy in her eyes that made you ask for the very thing your body was dreading. Maybe it was the knowledge that with the training you had acquired so far, you had taken down a man twice your size on your own; what else could you accomplish if you continued training?
Or maybe it was the feeling that, after a night of events that had changed so much, one more change was being added to that list. Maybe it was pathetic, but with the night's events came a sense of unpredictability that washed over you with an intensity you couldn't ignore. The consistency you associated with training was being threatened by none other than the people who had already taken a good portion of your sense of safety.
The realization prickled at your skin.
"You need to rest. We need you with a clear mind tomorrow."
Your mouth opened, ready to argue against Okoye's words, but her previously sympathetic eyes had turned to a scolding look- one that dared you to argue with her. Even in your aggravated, hurt state, you knew better than to do so, and it showed in the way you clenched your jaw before nodding wordlessly.
The silence was too loud as it settled over the room. The sound of the blast rumbled in your ears, not quite vivid, but apparent enough to make you wince slightly in the silence. You were grateful when Eza pushed back from the table, standing and placing a hand on your back. As much as you liked the older woman, you had to fight to keep from shrugging it off. It was no fault of hers, but entirely because of the overstimulation your senses were slowly starting to experience.
You didn't look as she nodded at Okoye and Shuri before walking out of the conference room, shutting the door quietly behind her. The silence continued until, with a short, curt nod from Shuri, Okoye turned and followed right behind Eza. Before the door closed, she shot you a look that seemed to reiterate her words; a warning, recommendation, and order wrapped into one look.
The chair across from you was pulled out, letting Shuri sit in it while she was turned toward you. Your gaze rested on her clasped hands, making her lean forward slightly. She placed her elbows on her knees, dipping her head slightly to meet your gaze.
The concern in her eyes was undeniable as they roamed slightly over your limbs before connecting back with yours.
"I can give you something for any pain you are feeling."
Her words were hesitant, but the softness of her voice slightly cured your desire for some kind of comfort, but not just any kind of comfort; her comfort. The realization wasn't startling, as it had always been there, buried deep in your being. Even when the two of you weren't on the best of terms, it was always there, waiting to be tapped into and waiting to be cured, even for just a second.
You basked in the bit of comfort her voice gave before realizing that you hadn't responded. You took a shaky breath before shaking your head slightly.
"Uh- no, I'm fine. Just a few bruises- nothing a nice shower won't help."
She had barely spoken on the flight back to the palace except to ask if you were okay. It hadn't concerned you, as no one had spoken much.; you had all been too caught up in your own thoughts about what had happened. Now, you took the time to look closely at her, trying to discern the thoughts that passed quickly over her face.
Confusion, anger, exhaustion…fear.
That last emotion coated her words as her face shifted slightly, her eyebrows furrowing and eyes becoming guarded.
"What were you thinking, Y/N? You should have found somewhere safe to hide- anywhere but in the middle of that fight."
"I was actually looking for you. And speaking of safety- what the hell were you thinking, running straight towards the explosion?"
Your reply was quick, sitting right on the tip of your tongue. It was a question that you had been wanting to ask since the moment it happened, and now that you had the chance, you could feel your own frustration rising.
The sigh mixed with the flash of indifference that crossed her face made your eyebrows furrow. It was apparent that she thought you were overreacting, but you felt you were reacting in a perfectly logical way.
Maybe not perfectly logical, but your reaction was definitely understandable- at least in your eyes. And despite being afraid to label the feelings that had caused your worries, you could still point out the reasoning behind them. But as the conversation continued, you worried less about how logical your reasoning was, and more about how Shuri couldn't see why you felt the way you did.
"I was thinking that I have a suit made out of vibranium and that I could handle it."
"Well, maybe I was thinking that I could handle being there. And I kind of did, might I add."
Emphasis on the 'kind of', but you wouldn't let her know that. Telling her how you had struggled a bit to get away from one person would prove her point in her eyes, which was ironic because it proved the exact opposite in yours. You knew her words were coming from a place of worry and care, but so were yours; she just wasn't willing to hold them to the same light because of the circumstances that differed between the two of you- namely, the fact that she was the Black Panther.
"You could have died tonight!"
You attempted to keep your voice calm, but it only resulted in Shuri seeing it as you not bothering to care. The mere thought of you not caring about your own safety is what made her stand up before walking a few steps away. Her hands rubbed down her face in frustration, and that same frustration echoed in your words as you watched.
"I could've- we all could've. But I didn't."
"Just because you didn't doesn't mean that you weren't reckless! How can you not see that?"
You reminded yourself what Deja Vu was as you stood up in indignation. It was yet another argument between the two of you, but the only difference was neither of you could pretend as if you didn't care. This argument was taking place because you both cared deeply for the other; it didn't help, though, that neither of you could outright say what you longed to say.
Right now, those undeniable and unadulterated feelings of affection could only be expressed through words that were sharpened by the overstimulation of the night's events and seeing the other in danger.
"Shuri, the only thing I saw was you running headfirst toward an active bomb, so don't lecture me about being reckless!"
"I can afford to be reckless because I have the herb! You cannot!"
"You can't be reckless like that when you have people who need you! You have a country that needs you, you have friends who need you- I need you!"
Your words echoed back at you with a realization that made you falter slightly. The chair beneath your tightly gripped hands was cold to the touch but quickly warmed under your skin.
Shuri dropped her hands that had been waving animatedly, both of them falling to her sides. Her lips parted, and even from your distance, you could see her breath hitch. The muscles beneath her panther suit tensed and untensed, almost as if she were trying to decide whether to walk towards you or turn away.
If she turned away…
It was all suddenly too much. The adrenaline fading from your veins, leeching every bit of remaining energy you had and making your limbs shake uncontrollably; the quick flashes in your mind of the destruction and pain you had seen, and experienced, earlier in the night; the broken and shocked look on Shuri's face at your outburst.
You couldn't bring yourself to take your words back or even regret them, as they had come from a part of your being that was so raw that they were undeniable and powerful in their delivery. They hung in the air between you two, making the lab appear smaller than it was; it caused a charged energy to settle over the both of you, and you knew that it would only continue to grow until one of you broke it.
But it soon became clear that you would have to be the one to break it, and the feeling only added another blow to your already vulnerable state. Your chest tightened with emotion that you didn't want to show.
"Shuri, I-"
You raised the heels of your palms to your eyes, pressing against them until all you could see were black spots, and until you knew that you'd be able to keep the tears at bay. It took a few seconds of which you spent swaying slightly in your spot, taking deep breaths that hurt with each inhale and exhale.
You didn't see the small step Shuri took towards you, nor the way her hands clenched and unclenched with the desire to reach out to you.
"Yes, you are the Black Panther," The defeat in your words made Shuri wince, the action going unnoticed by you. "and yes, you can do things most can't. But that doesn't mean that you can just risk your life without thinking of what would happen if you didn't come back. You have no idea what I would-"
The words became stuck in your throat as you lowered your hands, your red and swollen eyes meeting Shuri's. You hadn't known what to expect when looking at her, but seeing her eyebrows furrowed in what looked like contemplation as she stared back made you pause.
A village in her country had just been attacked by a group who was increasingly becoming a problem, and here you were, the closest you had ever gotten to expressing your affections for the young royal. You took her silence as her not knowing what to say; or maybe she knew what she needed to say, but she didn't know how to say it.
Maybe this wasn't what she needed, or wanted, right now.
The thought was the last needed blow to your wounded vulnerability, and with a short nod of your head, you stepped around the chair. Your feet carried you slowly to the door, your limbs too tired to even lift your feet completely. The door handle felt like the last obstacle of the night as you grabbed it, as part of you wanted badly to stay and demand she say something. The more prideful, exhausted part of you demanded that you leave immediately and find solace in the small amount of sleep you'd try to get.
"You're more than just a Queen and protector, Shuri."
You words weren't angry as you left her in the conference room. Dejected? Sure. Exhausted with a tiredness that went way beyond a physical feeling? Absolutely. Aside from professing yourself to her, something you weren't even sure was a good idea, there was nothing you could do.
You were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and they both had taken on the shape of the young Queen you had left in the room.
"You're more than just a Queen and protector, Shuri."
Your words stayed on Shuri's mind long after you left her in the conference room. She only took a break from dwelling on them to chastise herself for letting you walk out in the first place, and it took every bit of her willpower to not follow right behind you,
Igwala- coward she had called herself while watching you walk away. Half of her, the more reasonable part, she'd say, screamed at her to ask for but a minute of your time to explain how sorry she was for putting you through that. She wanted to reassure you that she needed you as well, which is why she ran straight for the explosive. She hadn't seen an active bomb; she had seen a threat to your life, and the lives of those around you, and she had acted without thinking. The thinking had come later after she had seen the disbelief and relief mix on your exhausted face, and it had only increased after your departure. It only continued to increase as she lay awake in bed, tossing and turning with every thought of what could've been.
She had fully expected these thoughts to keep her from getting a peaceful night's rest despite the night itself being the opposite of peaceful. But it wasn't the remnants of the thoughts that had woken her up.
Shuri couldn't exactly pinpoint what made her shoot upright in her bed, her chest heaving on air that seemed too little and too much all at once. Her mind was in too much of an unspecified panic that she didn't even take notice of how late or early it was. She only cared about the very real, very debilitating feeling of unbridled fear currently washing over her body, each wave seeming to scream one thing and one thing only.
Chalking it up to her troubled thoughts bleeding into the start of a nightmare or dream of some kind seemed the logical thing to do at first. It had happened before, the subject of your safety starring in a nightmare of hers, but she couldn't remember any nightmare happening before waking up. And even if she had been in the midst of having one, she couldn't focus on it now; there was a feeling of dread spreading throughout her entire being that took all of her attention.
Chills erupted across her skin as she threw back her covers, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Her breath shuddered on its way out while her eyes closed momentarily in an attempt to ground herself. She could ask Griot for your status, or she could get up herself to check on you- solely for the purpose of calming her worries. Or she could leave you alone; she had already disappointed you enough for the night.
Or she could do what every iota of her being was pushing her to do, and that was to set her eyes on you, even for just a second to reassure herself that you were okay. It was foolish of her to think that she'd be able to go back to sleep after being woken up by her worries centered around you; it was a realization that came right before she stood and made her way to the door.
Maybe if she just saw that you were alright, it would ease her worries. Would you invite her in like last time? Would she leave before you woke up…like last time?
However, her body froze the second she touched the door handle, and it wasn't because of her thoughts. It wasn't because of her hesitation to face you. It was because of the sound that she could now hear floating through the walls of her room.
The heightened senses she had been gifted could be both a blessing and a burden; but now, they were something that brought only heartbreak, as they allowed her to hear the cries that tumbled from your lips.
The door was wrenched open without a care of the damage it could cause. Her feet propelled her down the familiar path to your room. Every second that passed where you weren't in front of her was a second she'd regret. Her heart had quickened to the point where she could no longer feel it; all she could feel was the anxiety and fear that made her chest feel as if it had finally caved in.
The hallway seemed too long as she bounded down it. Her steps seemed too slow as your door finally came into view. Her heart seemed to stop altogether as your cries and whimpers increased in volume, and as she finally approached your door, she could practically feel them settle over her entire being. They made weak right where she stood, her hand reaching and grasping the handle of your door for stability.
The sound that left her mouth was borderline mournful as she found your door to be locked, and she had just tightened her grip, fully intending on breaking the handle when a subtle click rang out. And then she was throwing herself beyond your door, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness of your room while her ears led her in the direction of your being. When her eyes finally settled on you, the weight of what she was seeing forced her to stagger to your side.
Your eyes moved around wildly beneath your eyelids, showing that a nightmare had you in its grip and had no intention of letting go anytime soon. Your curled-up figure shook slightly, as you had kicked the covers off of your body at some point, and both of your hands gripped the pillow beneath your head, the fabric stretching taught under your stiff fingers.
The fear that marred your face echoed in the words that slipped past your lips as you shifted in distress. Your eyes were squeezed shut, and as if it wanted to cause her the most pain, the shaft of moonlight grazed your face just enough to perfectly illuminate the tears that had carved a path into your brown skin. Your eyebrows were scrunched in distress, and she longed for nothing more than to reach forward and smooth away the frown that had taken up place on your face.
But it wasn't just the realization that you were having a nightmare that twisted Shuri's stomach, making her feel as if she were about to become sick.
"Please…don't leave."
"Shuri, don't…you can't leave me…"
Her eyes burned at the words that surged out of your mouth. Her muscles locked up, not exactly knowing how to proceed, but knowing that you were stuck in a part of your mind that she couldn’t protect you from. It was another failure on her part that would torment her.
She raised a hand, running the backs of her shaky, unsteady fingers against the tear tracks. Her fingers collected the tears, wanting nothing more than to catch every single one before they could fall, heavy and weighed down with fear and pain. They were immediately replaced with more as she watched. 
"Y/N...sithandwa, wake up. You're okay. You're...safe." The word became stuck in her throat as she allowed herself to dwell on it for a second too long.
How many times had she assured you that you were safe with her? And how many times had she failed to uphold that statement that had always been a promise in her eyes? How could she continue to reassure you when she couldn't even keep you safe in her own country?
How could she call herself a protector of her country and the ones she loved when she couldn't protect the one person who was the object of all of her desires?
Her other hand raised to slip under yours, unfurling your fingers from the sheet so that they could curl around hers instead. She brought them to her lips, pressing a kiss against them and hoping that the gesture would rouse you from your own mind, or at the very least bring you a small amount of comfort.  
 Nightmares were a familiar concept to Shuri, having plagued her dreams after every traumatic event she had ever been through. Her father's death had been accompanied by dreams of the explosion that had taken place; she had woken up, swearing that she could smell smoke and taste dust. The time Killmonger ruthlessly threw T'Challa over Warrior Falls; she'd wake up with tears that wouldn't stop until her brother held her with the reassurance that he was still there. The Blip had resulted in her dreaming of the battle and the moments before she faded into nothingness, the image of her skin turning to literal particles forever seared into her mind. 
T'Challa's death, brought on by a sickness she couldn't cure, had tortured her with the images of her beloved brother who was usually strong and bright-eyed, a smile stretching as wide as his skin would allow, confined to a hospital bed and the color in his eyes as she could only watch in hopelessness. Her brother hadn't been there to reassure her of his presence anymore, and she hadn't wanted anyone else to come into her room lest they see the way she had struggled to find her breath, her eyesight blurry and her chest aching with grief that threatened to choke her. 
Her mother's death...that had plagued her dreams with a crystal clear repeat of that day, except she had been in the throne room when Namor had attacked, and she had only been able to watch as her mother was lost to an inky blackness that she couldn't penetrate. The nightmare had always ended with her mother's hand fading into that blackness as an unseen force pulled her further away. The nightmare still ended with that being the last thing Shuri saw, to this very day. It still made her wake up with a fear that transcended all understanding because it was just as intense and visceral as the moment it happened. 
She could see that same fear on your face, tightening the corners of your lips and making your frown deepen. Only this time, she knew that whatever caused your fear had to do with her. 
Her eyes watered. Her throat constricted with a cry that wouldn't come out, choosing instead to choke her until it made her chest burn. She imagined that you felt the same, but hoped that it was only half of what she felt; the thought of you feeling that same unadulterated fear because of her was unfathomable.
Her voice cracked painfully as she spoke.
"S'thandwa, I'm right here-"
"love you...Shuri...stay with..."
And then she couldn't breathe. She couldn't draw breath in because your words had sucked all of the air out of the room, along with every breath that circulated through her body. She had to bury her face into the side of your bed to keep the whimper from escaping her mouth, brought on by the pain coating your words; brought on the profession you had just subconsciously made.
Her movements were prompted only by the desire coursing through her veins as she leaned forward, pressing her lips to the crown of your head. She let her eyes close, knowing that if she were to leave them open, the tears that had gathered would surely fall and join yours on your skin. Her thumbs rubbed away the tears that continued to fall as she breathed you in, her heart subconsciously matching yours as it continued to pound away. 
The phrase was whispered into your skin. She willed it to travel through any and every aspect of your nightmare until it reached your consciousness. She willed it to bring you back from that horrifying visual and back to her. 
Your cries turned to sniffles that interrupted your breathing every few seconds, and your grip on the pillow beneath your head lightened; but her hand remained clutched in yours, even as your breathing evened out and your pulse slowed to a steady pace. Shuri hadn't moved an inch, except to pull back enough for her eyes to once again land on your face. Your eye movement had stopped, but your eyebrows had furrowed once more. 
The hand that gripped hers tightened momentarily as a sigh left your mouth, your head shifting slightly. 
The only warning Shuri received was the muffled sound of your heart increasing slightly- a sign that you were slowly waking up. The hand that gripped hers tightened momentarily as a sigh left your mouth, your head shifting slightly.
She didn't know what caused her to do what she did next; all she knew was that the anger she felt toward herself at that moment rivaled the first time she had let you walk away from her, anger in your steps and betrayal in your eyes. Her self-inflicted insults of being a coward increased towards herself.
At the first signs of you waking up, she gently slipped her hand out of yours, laying it on the bed next to you, before staggering to her feet. Instead of staying and offering soft apologies for her actions, or for anything else she had done that had caused you to go through this, she let her feet carry her to your door. And only after she had cleared your doorway, shutting it softly behind her, did she let her own tears fall.
They scorched her skin with resentment towards herself as she pressed herself to the wall right outside of your door. They only increased as she heard your small gasp of awareness, your body shifting against the soft sheets as you presumably reminded yourself where you were.
They threatened to overwhelm her as a forlorn and hoarse cry escaped your throat, bordering on a whine that was quickly muffled by the fabric of the pillow. The sound was heavier than the ones you had let out subconsciously, and the realization as to why forced Shuri to push away from the wall and away from you so that she could drown herself in the pain, the confusion, and the longing that drew a visceral reaction out of her.
Her brain worked on overdrive, trying to find a reason as to why she ran; but it was also frozen in the moment when you had uttered those two words, followed by her name. It was frozen in the moment when you had clutched desperately at her hand, your face scrunching up in an expression she'd give anything to never see contort your features again.
It was frozen at the moment when it made her realize that her heart was genuinely, fervently, and wholly yours. There was no denying that fact- she had no desire to deny that fact.
But as she let her feet carry her past her room, through the familiar hallways that seemed to close in and to her lab, she came to realize what she was running away from.
She wasn't running away from you, or from her desires that focused solely on you; she was running from the fear that she wasn't worthy of your love. She was running from that inadequate feeling that flooded her being whenever she entertained the thought that you returned her affections- except it had now increased after learning that you did.
Shuri wanted nothing more than to give in to the yearning and the need to call you hers, as she was already yours in every sense she could think of; but it couldn't stop her from confronting the different times she had hurt you. It only made those memories harder to relive, while also providing a painful and valuable lesson.
She was on the edge of a chasm, and her limited vulnerability and acceptance of her own flaws were what separated her from the other side; a side that promised her solace and a love unlike any other…in the shape of you. She'd have to cross over that chasm- step into the deep end and deal with whatever awaited her.
She'd have to deal with the anger at herself for hurting you; the pain at seeing how she had hurt you; and the fear that came with letting herself experience that vulnerability once again, after years of pushing it away.
There was a pause in her thoughts as she finally entered her lab, her eyes roaming over it and seeking the kind of familiarity and comfort that would possibly make the process easier…but everywhere she looked, there was a sign of you. There was the bag she had gotten you from the festival, completely washed and void of any signs of the events from that night.
There was a scarf she had lent to you on one of your first days so that you could hold your locs back from your face as you watched her work.
"Shuri, it's your scarf, you keep it. I'll find a hair tie or something."
"You have a lot more hair than I do, so please." 
She had held the black and gold scarf out to you, watching in barely concealed adoration as you tied it around the edges of your locs, fanning it out so that it covered a good portion of them. She hadn't been able to get the image of you wearing the colors of her suit out of her mind since then. 
There was a sticky note where you two had played at least 5 rounds of tic-tac-toe while Okoye had half-heartedly chastised Shuri on the 'American traits' she had picked up. Her words had floated right over you, neither of you really listening as much as you should've.
"I think you cheated."
A soft laugh had tumbled from your lips at her question that had been asked with a faux-grumpiness. Despite her tone, she couldn't have hid the small smile on her face if she wanted to. 
"How do you cheat in tic-tac-toe?" 
"I don't know, but you did."
Your laugh had grown in volume until she had gently nudged your side, her eyes flickering quickly to Okoye who paced the space in front of you two. You had quieted down and nodded, but not before pulling the sticky note closer to you and writing something on it.
'Queen of Wakanda beaten by the Queen of tic-tac-toe'.
But then there was the cradle you had been placed in while being treated for poison. She hadn't been able to do anything but stand by your side while tests were run and antidote after antidote was drafted.
“Her heart rates at 53 BPM. It’s too slow, she’s experiencing mild bradycardia. Early stages of cyanosis-” She hadn’t been able to suppress her frightened gasp as you started to convulse on the gurney you had been placed on. She grabbed your hand, squeezing it for her sake just as much as it was for your sake. She kept her eyes on you, blinking away the tears that had gathered, once again sending plea after plea to Bast.
And then there was the slight dent in the wall, created by the chair she had kicked with her enhanced strength. The sound of its impact rang in her ears as she stared at it, eyes wide and unblinking; burning as her tears continued to fall.
Your hands had raised on their own, trembling harshly and outstretched as if to block something hurtling at you. Your eyes had clenched shut and your body had tensed, waiting for a blow that would never come. Your jaw had clenched in an effort to keep an alarmed yelp back…and Shuri had seen all of it happen as soon as her anger got the better of her.
The sight of you recoiling away from her had made her face twist into one of utter sorrow, her eyebrows had furrowed and her lips had parted on an apology that she couldn’t seem to get out.
In a situation that had already placed a significant amount of stress and dread on your shoulders, she had only exacerbated it. Instead of taking away your fear, she had added to it.
Each reminder stripped her soul until it was nothing but a breeding ground of negative emotions that she had to confront. If she wanted to be better for you...she'd have to confront them. 
In order to confront them, she'd have to step off of that deep end, into that awaiting chasm. 
"Griot...soundproof the lab."
The feeling that had been gradually building in her chest finally found its outlet, and with a guttural cry that forced her to curl in on herself, she stepped off of that deep end and let herself feel.
Ndiyakuthanda : I love you
A/N: As an apology for this part, this is me reassuring that you and Shuri are only going to grow closer from here on out. I PROMISE! Seeing and hearing you in distress all because of her even in your subconscious mind, has really made pull her head out of her ass. The sight of you almost being taken out during battle also helped, so look forward to that! <3
I hope y’all liked this part! Please like, reblog, and/or comment! All interaction is greatly appreciated and I’m very grateful for all of it! <33
Here is a link to a google forms for those of you who want to included on the taglist! I have a list, but a few of the usernames do not work, and I don’t know if its because of a tumblr thing or if some of you have changed their usernames- whatever it is, the google form will definitely help me! :)
Stay safe, y’all!
Taglist: Tag list:   @shinsousliya , @honey-teaaaaaaaa , @tchhairbandhere , @jessiap , @zane2408 , @bananasplits-world , @yellowjacketmurder , @barkbarkbo , @butterflyybabe , @bananafishok , @zestgodtj , @mitsuya-takashi , @chaoticevilbakugo , @cedeni-beanie , @shuri-my-love , @kingstormpostsshit , @sailorsolar12 , @justariellove , @angelsmist , @eriksjournal , @mermaidchansons , @nil-eena , @paisholotus , @thesecretwriterblog , @brain-of-nekoma , @7tearsofatlantic , @simp4iwaizumi , @bumlyn , @jackdrawsjunk , @http-twyla , @cedeni-beanie , @taleiakirby ,  @borderlineacademia  , @ventingfanfics , @awolfcsworld , @bumlyn , @adharaoaklyn , @gfskwan , @sailorsolar12 , @mermaidchansons , @nil-eena , @thesecretwriterblog , @ghostlyboiii , @naomis-daydream , @serahxney , @dovesbeauty
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