#andrew lowrey
thedovahcat · 1 year
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Somehow they raised a corporate empire in a measly 15 years and now own a lot of Stonks, a batallion of boats for trade, and have amazing benefits for all their employees.
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crowclubkaz · 2 years
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March 20th - 27th is the Trans Rights Read-A-Thon!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ Here are some of my fav trans reads, as well as some highly anticipated releases for later this year!
• Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White (YA Horror) • The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White (YA Horror, releases September 5, 2023) • Peter Darling by S.A. Chant (Adult Peter Pan retelling) • Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey (Adult Peter Pan retelling) • Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore (YA Great Gatsby retelling) • Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman (Adult Fiction) • Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin (Adult Horror) • Pageboy by Elliot Page (Biography, releases June 6, 2023)
For more book recommendations, follow my Bookstagram @hauntedstacks 📚📖
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tetw · 27 days
11 Classic Articles Chosen by The Lazy Reader
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The Lazy Reader is a great new narrative nonfiction newsletter that launched in early 2024. Subscribers get a weekly roundup of the best new journalism every Monday, plus a themed reading list of classic articles every Thursday. We've been enjoying their picks, so we asked them to put together a list of their all-time favourite articles:
Ground Control to Mr. Meline by James Ross Gardner - A teacher fell victim to a family secret and became the symbol of a flawed judicial system. What his students did next was out of this world.
The School Beneath the Wave by Richard Lloyd Parry - The unimaginable tragedy of Japan’s tsunami.
The Case of the Missing Chacmools by Geoffrey Gray - What happened after Carlos Castaneda died in 1998 -- a tale of murky financial dealings, sex, possible foul play—and one death-defying supernatural being.
The Mastermind by Evan Ratliff - He was a brilliant programmer and a vicious cartel boss, who became a prized U.S. government asset. The story of an elusive criminal kingpin.
A Thousand Pounds of Dynamite by Adam Higginbotham - The race to stop one of history’s most bizarre extortion plots.
Insatiable by Andrew Chapman - When my Crohn’s disease took away food, it took what it means to be human.
The Hero of Goodall Park by Tom Junod - Inside a true-crime drama 50 years in the making.
Hannah and Andrew by Pamela Colloff - In October 2006 a four-year-old died mysteriously of salt poisoning. His foster mother, Hannah Overton, was sent to prison for life. But was she guilty, or had the tragedy claimed its second victim?
The Eider Keepers by Devon Fredericksen - An age-old tradition in Norway illuminates the bonds between wild ducks, wild places, and the people who care for both.
The Truth About Organic Milk by Annie Lowrey - Cows are suffering on even the most “humane” dairy farms
The Pentagon's Secret Anti-vax Campaign by Chris Bing and Joel Schechtman - The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – putting innocent lives at risk.
For loads more reading recommendations straight to your inbox, sign up to The Lazy Reader newsletter here.
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contracat25 · 2 years
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I'm excited to be participating in the #transrightsreadathon which is being put on to promote and show support for trans authors and trans books, and to raise funds for trans support groups!
Thanks to @sim_bookstagrams_badly for creating this readathon! If you want to know more about it head on over to their page.
As for what books I might be reading see above. I'm excited to get at least a few of these read this week.
I'll be donating some of my money to The TGI Network of RI and Thundermist for every book I read.
Are you participating? And if so what are you reading and where will you be donating?!
I can't wait to see what everyone else is reading :)
Image 1: a stack of books on teal fabric. Books in the image include: - Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey - Dead Collections by Issac Fellman - Feed Them Silence by Lee Mandelo - When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sascha Lamb -Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White -The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang - The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders
Image 2: 4 book covers on a colorful background. Books in the image include: -Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom - Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn -Depart Depart by Sim Kern Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore
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yourusatoday · 3 months
Executive Leadership at Prudential Financial, Inc.
Overview of Prudential Financial, Inc.
Prudential Financial Executives is a premier financial services company, offering a wide array of insurance products, investment management, and other financial services. With a commitment to financial stability and growth, Prudential serves millions of customers worldwide, helping them achieve their financial goals.
Executive Leadership Team
Charles F. Lowrey - Chairman and CEO
Charles F. Lowrey, the Chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial, Inc., leads the company's strategic initiatives and overall direction. With a deep background in investment and insurance, Lowrey's leadership is characterized by a focus on innovation, customer centricity, and sustainable growth. His vision ensures Prudential's continued leadership in the financial services industry.
Robert Falzon - Vice Chairman
Robert Falzon, serving as Vice Chairman, brings extensive experience in finance and strategy to Prudential. His role involves overseeing the company's key financial operations and strategic investments, ensuring robust financial health and long-term growth. Falzon's expertise supports Prudential's mission to deliver exceptional value to its stakeholders.
Andrew Sullivan - Executive Vice President and Head of U.S. Businesses
Andrew Sullivan, Executive Vice President and Head of U.S. Businesses, is responsible for Prudential's diverse portfolio of insurance and retirement products. His leadership drives the development and delivery of innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of customers in the United States. Sullivan's strategic approach strengthens Prudential's market position and enhances customer satisfaction.
Ken Tanji - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Ken Tanji, the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, oversees Prudential's financial operations, including accounting, treasury, tax, and investor relations. Tanji's financial acumen ensures the company's fiscal integrity and supports its strategic initiatives. His stewardship is vital in maintaining Prudential's financial stability and growth.
Scott Sleyster - Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer
Scott Sleyster, the Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, leads Prudential's investment strategy and portfolio management. With a focus on maximizing returns and managing risks, Sleyster's leadership ensures that Prudential's investment activities align with its long-term financial objectives. His expertise in global markets is crucial for the company's investment success.
Strategic Vision and Core Values
Prudential Financial's strategic vision revolves around financial innovation, customer-centric solutions, and sustainable growth. The company's core values—Accountability, Integrity, Respect, and Excellence—are integral to its operations, guiding its commitment to clients, shareholders, and employees.
Financial Innovation
Prudential is dedicated to pioneering financial solutions that address contemporary challenges. By leveraging advanced technologies and data analytics, the company develops innovative products and services that enhance financial security and prosperity for its clients.
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falloutdovah · 5 years
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finally back
featuring @clockworkpriest‘s sleazy dude Lowrey. Finally they’re not fighting.
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thatchronicfeeling · 4 years
In 2020, my ME got a lot worse, I became bedbound and I read some great books (including a few audiobooks). I didn’t expect to have access to library books because of the pandemic, but the local library came through. They found a way to keep up their housebound delivery service and I’m really glad about that. Here’s a list of the books I liked best: A Andrews The Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility (audiobook)
Archie Bongiovanni, Grease Bats
Mary Cooper, Such Sweet Possession: The Life and Loves of Anne Lister (audiobook)
Ivan Coyote, Tomboy Survival Guide
Victoria Jamieson, Roller Girl
Maia Kobabe, Gender Queer
Tony Kushner, Angels in America (2018 Broadway Cast Recording)
Jamie Lawson and Eve Lloyd Knight, Rainbow Revolutions: Power, Pride and Protest in the Fight for Queer Rights
Anne Lister, The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (vol 1)
Anne Lister, No Priest But Love (vol 2)
Annie Lowrey, Give People Money
Isabel Miller, Patience and Sarah 
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
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defleurtradingco · 7 years
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so fortunato turned into even more of a murderer and lowrey lost his smooth criminal status
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 years
If anyone wants it, for the Aug. 1 Dracula Daily, here’s my attempt at translating Mr. Swales, though it lacks the colour of the original. People who are more familiar with this dialect, let me know if I’ve got anything wrong - there are places where I’m guessing about certain phrases.
Mr Swales: “It’s all nonsense - these ghost stories and legends are only fit for getting children and silly women to make a fuss. They and all of the supposed supernatural omens are all invented by preachers and busybodies and salesmen to scare and scam fools and get folks to do something they don’t otherwise want to. It annoys me! Why, they’re the ones that, not content with priting lies on paper and preaching them in pulpits, carve them on tombstones too! Look all around you [they’re in the graveyard] - all these tombstones are falling over from the weight of the lies written on them. ‘Here lies the body’ or ‘Sacred to the memory’ written on them, but in near half of them there’s no body there, and no one cares about remembering them! It’s all lies! My God, but it’ll be a strange sight on the Day of Judgement when the dead are raised, all trying to drag their tombstones with them to prove how good they were, and some not even able to hold onto them because their hands are so slippery from their bodies lying in the sea all those years.”
Mina: “Oh, Mr. Swales, you can’t be serious. Surely these tombstones are not all wrong?”
Mr Swales: There might be a few that aren’t wrong, except when they make people out to be better than they are; for people will think a little bowl is like the sea, as long as it’s their own. All lies! Now look, you come here as a stranger and see this churchyard. [Mina nods.] And you think that these stones are about people who are buried here, safe and snug? [Mina nods again.] That’s where the lie comes in! Why, there are loads of these that are completely empty! And my God! how could they be otherwise? Look at that one, read it!
Mina: Reads: ‘Edward Spencelagh, master mariner, murdered by pirates off the coast of Andres, April, 1854, age 30.’
Mr. Swales: “Who brought him home to put him here, I wonder! I could name you a dozen whose bodies lie in the Greenland seas up north, or where the currents have carried them. And there are their tombstones around you! You can read the lies from here. This Braithwaite Lowrey - I knew his father, lost in the Lively off Greenland in 1820; or Andrew Woodhouse, drowned in the same seas in 1777; or John Paxton, drowned off Cape Farewell a year later; or old John Rawlins, whose grandfather sailed with me, drowned in the Gulf of Finland in 1850. Do you think all these men will have to make a rush to Whitby when the trumpet sounds at the Judgement Day? I doubt it! I tell you, when they got here there’d be sho much shoving and crowding and jostling that it would be like a fight up on the ice in the old days [when he was a sailor in the far north], when we were trying to hang up our catch of fish by the light of the aurora borealis.”
Mina [paraphrased]: But surely you don’t think people will need to take their tombstones with them on the Day of Judgement.
Mr. Swales: Well, why else would people have tombstones?
Mina: To please their relatives, I suppose.
Mr Swales: Ha! To please their relatives! Why would it please their relative to have lies written over them, with everyone here knowing they’re lies? Read the lies on that tombstone?” [The seat where they are sitting is on top of this stone - it’s a flat tombstone, not an upright one.]
Lucy: Reads: ‘Sacred to the memory of George Carson, who died, in the hope of a glorious resurrection, on July 29, 1873, falling from the rocks at Kettleness. This tomb was erected by his sorrowing mother to her dearly beloved son. “He was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow.” [That last line is a Bible quote.]’
Lucy: “Really, Mr. Swales, I don’t see anything funny in that!”
Mr. Swales: “You don’t see anything funny! Ha! But that’s because you don’t know the ‘sorrowing mother’ was a hell-cat that hated him because he was hunchbacked and lame, and he hated her so mich he committed suicide so she couldn’t get the life insurance she bought on him! He blew the top of his head off with an old musket that they had for scaring the crows. It wasn’t for crows then - it brought them to him! That’s how he fell of the rocks. And, as to hopes of a gloripus resurrection, I’ve often heard him say myself that he hoped he’d go to hell, for his mother was so pious she’d be sure to go to heaven, and he dudn’t want to be where she was. Now isn’t that stone a pack of lies? and won’t it make Gabriel laugh when Geordie comes panting up with his tombstone on his hump, and asks it to be taken as evidence [of how good he was]!”
Lucy: “Oh, why did you tell us of this? It is my favourite seat, and I cannot leave it; and now I find I mudt go on sitting over the grave of a suicide.
Mr. Swales: “That won’t harm you, my pretty girl; and it may make poor Georgie happy to have such a pretty girl sitting on his lap. I’ve sat here on and off for nearly twenty years, and it’s done me no harm. Don’t worry about the people lying beneath you, or those that don’t lie there either! It’ll be the time to get scared when you see the tombstones run away with and the place all bare! There’s the clock [chiming], and I need to go! Good-bye!”
This isn’t just local colour - there is one thing in this conversation that’s relevant to the plot (in addition to the things other people have mentioned about how it ties into the themes of the book, which I hadn’t thought about before!).
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Legends Who Paved the Way
Re-posting because these are some of my heroes. For every confederate statue that comes down, a monument of EVERY legend who paved the way for freedom and equality should stand in it's place. Also, for anyone who didn't know who Dick Gregory was, there's a small excerpt on him in this clip.
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emzeciorrr · 3 years
Salvatore Ganacci - Fight Dirty from Studio Goono on Vimeo.
A STUDIO GOONO & TRUBA ANIMATION PRODUCTION goono.tv/ trubaanimation.com
STORY BY: Will Goodfellow and Tom Noakes
DIRECTED BY: Will Goodfellow, Tom Noakes and Greg Sharp
PRODUCED BY: Nina Knežević, Tom Noakes and Will Goodfellow
ANIMATION PRODUCTION: Truba Animation ANIMATION DIRECTOR: Greg Sharp STORYBOARDS: Greg Sharp, Nikhil Markale, Aggelos Papantoniou, Christian Villacañas CHARACTER DESIGN: Gibbon Animation ADDITIONAL ANIMATION EUROPE: Remembers Productions. Hugo Lemonnier, Gianni Bouyeure, Jocelyn Charles, Roman Lazarov ADDITIONAL ANIMATION AUSTRALIA: Gibbon BACKGROUND LEAD: Kevin Roualland BACKGROUNDS: Kalyanjyoti Mohan, Jarrod Prince, Andrew Onorato, Nikhil Markale ANIMATION CLEAN UP: Vera Pozdeeva, Vuk Palibrk, Tamara Bogovac, Jovan Rakic, Katarina Srejić, Tamara Majkić, Miljana Tešovic, Ivan Veličković
COLOURIST: Fergus Rotherham TITLE DESIGN: Reece Cornwall
SOUND DESIGN: Rumble Studios. Dan William Tone Aston Tane Lowrey
JAPANESE VOICE PERFORMERS: Rinko Shirosaki as the Girl Kelvin Barnes - Ganacci Gang, Salvatore, police chief.
LIVE ACTION PRODUCTION: Business Club Royal. STARRING: Miodrag Stojanovic PRODUCER: Christian Kuosmanen and Sia Masoodian DIRECTOR: Vedran Rupic DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Mario Poljac PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Amanda Aagard LIVE ACTION EDITOR: Adam Wills
A big thank you to Vedran Rupic, Christian Kuosmanen, Business Club Royal and Refune Management,
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thedovahcat · 4 years
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yes I still do art I know
Anyway @clockworkpriest and I are saps for mafia romance a
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wildeoaths · 4 years
LGBTQ Book & Film Recommendations
Hello! As someone who tries to read widely, it can sometimes be frustrating to find good (well-written, well-made) LGBTQ+ works of literature and film, and mainstream recommendations only go so far. This is my shortlist. 
Some caveats: 1) I have only watched/seen some of these, though they have all been well-received.
2) The literature list is primarily focused on adult literary and genre fiction, since that is what I mostly read, and I feel like it’s easier to find queer YA fiction. Cece over at ProblemsOfABookNerd (YT) covers a lot of newer releases and has a YA focus, so you can check her out for more recommendations.
3) There are a ton of good films and good books that either reference or discuss queer theory, LGBTQ history and literary theory. These tend to be more esoteric and academic, and I’m not too familiar with queer theory, so they’ve largely been left off the list. I do agree that they’re important, and reading into LGBTQ-coding is a major practice, but they’re less accessible and I don’t want to make the list too intimidating.
4) I linked to Goodreads and Letterboxd because that’s what I use and I happen to really enjoy the reviews.
Any works that are bolded are popular, or they’re acclaimed and I think they deserve some attention. I’ve done my best to flag potential objections and triggers, but you should definitely do a search of the reviews. DoesTheDogDie is also a good resource. Not all of these will be suitable for younger teenagers; please use your common sense and judgement.
Please feel free to chime in in the replies (not the reblogs) with your recommendations, and I’ll eventually do a reblog with the additions!
Don’t @ me asking why your favourite YA novel isn’t on this list. These just happen to be the picks I felt might also appeal to older teens/twentysomethings.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo - poetry.
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender - trans male teen protagonist. 
Red, White & Royal Blue
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda
The Gentleman’s Guide To Vice And Virtue
The Raven Boys (and Raven Cycle)
This list does skew M/M; more NB, trans and WLW recommendations are welcomed!
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. One of the most acclaimed contemporary LGBTQ novels and you’ve probably heard of it. Will probably make you cry.
A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood. Portrait of a middle-aged gay man.
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. M/M affair, British student high society; definitely nostalgic for the aristocracy so be aware of the context.
Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman. It’s somewhat controversial, it’s gay, everyone knows the film at least.
Cronus’ Children / Le Jardin d'Acclimation by Yves Navarre. Winner of the Goncourt prize.
Dancer From The Dance by Andrew Holleran. A young man in the 1970s NYC gay scene. Warning for drugs and sexual references.
Dorian, An Imitation by Will Self. Adaptation of Orscar Wilde’s novel. Warning for sexual content.
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg. Two wlw in the 1980s. Also made into a film; see below.
Gemini by Michel Tournier. The link will tell you more; seems like a very complex read. TW for troubling twin dynamics.
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin. Another iconic M/M work.
Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey. A queer punk reimagining of Peter Pan. Probably one of the more accessible works on this list!
Lie With Me by Philippe Besson. Two teenage boys in 1980s France.
Maurice by E. M. Forster. Landmark work written in 1914. Also made into a film; see below.
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. An expansive (and long) novel about the story of Cal, a hermaphrodite, by the author of The Virgin Suicides.
Orlando by Virginia Woolf. Plays with gender, time and space. Virginia Woolf’s ode to her lover Vita Sackville-West. What more do you want? (also a great film; see below).
Oscar Wilde’s works - The Picture of Dorian Gray would be the place to start. Another member of the classical literary canon.
Saga, vol.1 by Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples. Graphic novel; warning for sexual content.
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinburg. An acclaimed work looking at working-class lesbian life and gender identity in pre-Stonewall America.
The Holy Innocents by Gilbert Adair. The basis for Bertolucci’s The Dreamers (2003). I am hesitant to recommend this because I have not read this, though I have watched the film; the M/M dynamic and LGBTQ themes do not seem to be the primary focus. Warning for sexual content and incestuous dynamics between the twins.
The Animals At Lockwood Manor by Jane Healey. Plays with gothic elements, set during WW2, F/F elements.
The Hours by Michael Cunningham. References Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway. Probably a good idea to read Virginia Woolf first.
The Immoralist by André Gide. Translated from French.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline MIller. Drawing from the Iliad, focusing on Achilles and Patroclus. Contemporary fantasy that would be a good pick for younger readers.
The Swimming Pool Library by Alan Hollinghurst. Gay life pre-AIDS crisis. Apparently contains a fair amount of sexual content.
What Belongs To You by Garth Greenwell. A gay man’s coming of age in the American South.
American and Western experiences are more prominent in LGBTQ works, just due to the way history and the community have developed, and the difficulties of translation. These are English and translated works that specifically foreground the experiences of non-White people living in (often) non-Western societies. I’m not white or American myself and recommendations in this area are especially welcomed.
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson. The memoirs and essays of a queer black activist, exploring themes of black LGBTQ experiences and masculinity.
A People’s History of Heaven by Mathangi Subramanian. Female communities and queer female characters in a Bangalore slum. A very new release but already very well received.
Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima. Coming-of-age in post-WW1 Japan. This one’s interesting, because it’s definitely at least somewhat autobiographical. Mishima can be a tough writer, and you should definitely look into his personality and his life when reading his work.
Disoriental by Négar Djavadi. A family saga told against the backdrop of Iranian history by a queer Iranian woman. Would recommend going into this knowing at least some of the political and historical context.
How We Fight For Our Lives by Saeed Jones. A coming-of-age story and memoir from a gay, black man in the American South.
In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado. Another acclaimed contemporary work about the dynamics of abuse in LGBTQ relationships. Memoir.
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo. Contemporary black British experience, told from the perspectives of 12 diverse narrators.
Crush by Richard Siken. Tumblr loves Richard Siken, worth a read.
Diving Into The Wreck by Adrienne Rich.
He’s So Masc by Chris Tse.
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, trans. Anne Carson. The best presentation of Sappho we’re likely to get.
Lord Byron’s works - Selected Poems may be a good starting point. One of the Romantics and part of the classical literary canon.
Les Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire. The explicitly lesbian poems are apparently in the les fleurs du mal section.
And The Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts. An expansive, comprehensive history and exposure of the failures of media and the Reagan administration, written by an investigative journalist. Will probably make you rightfully angry.
How to Survive A Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS by David France. A reminder of the power of community and everyday activism, written by a gay reporter living in NYC during the epidemic.
Indecent Advances: The Hidden History of Murder and Masculinity Before Stonewall by James Polchin. True crime fans, this one’s for you. Sociocultural history constructed from readings of the news and media.
Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker. It’s illustrated, it’s written by an academic, it’s an easier introduction to queer theory. I still need to pick up a copy, but it seems like a great jumping-off point with an overview of the academic context.
Real Queer America by Samantha Allen. The stories of LGBTQ people and LGBTQ narratives in the conservative parts of America. A very well received contemporary read.
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson. Gender, pregnancy and queer partnership. I’m not familiar with this but it is quite popular.
When Brooklyn Was Queer by Hugh Ryan. LGBTQ history of Brooklyn from the nineteenth century to pre-Stonewall.
With films it’s difficult because characters are often queercoded and we’re only now seeing films with better rep. This is a shortlist of better-rated films with fairly explicit LGBTQ coding, LGBTQ characters, or made by LGBTQ persons. Bolded films are ones that I think are likely to be more accessible or with wider appeal.
A Single Man (2009) - Colin Firth plays a middle-aged widower.
Blue Is The Warmest Colour (2013) - A controversial one. Sexual content.
Booksmart (2019) - A pretty well made film about female friendship and being an LGBTQ teen.
Boy Erased (2018) - Warning for conversion therapy.
BPM (Beats Per Minute) (2017) - Young AIDS activists in France.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) - Cowboy gays. This film is pretty famous, do you need more summary? Might make a good triple bill with Idaho and God’s Own Country.
Cabaret (1972) - Liza Minelli. Obvious plug to also look into Vincent Minelli.
Calamity Jane (1953) - There’s a lot that could be said about queer coding in Hollywood golden era studio films, but this is apparently a fun wlw-cowboy westerns-vibes watch. Read the reviews on this one!
Call Me By Your Name (2017) - Please don't debate this film in the notes.
Caravaggio (1986) - Sean Bean and Tilda Swinton are in it. Rather explicit.
Carol (2015) - Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara are lesbians in 1950s America.
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014) - Hard to summarise, but one review calls it “lesbian birdman” and it has both Juliette Binoche and Kristen Stewart in it, so consider watching it.
Colette (2018) - About the bi/queer female writer Colette during the belle epoque era. This had Keira Knightley so by all rights Tumblr should love it.
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) - Lesbian love in 1920s/80s? America.
God’s Own Country (2017) - Gay and British.
Happy Together (1997) - By Wong Kar Wai. No further explanation needed.
Heartbeats (2010) - Bi comedy.
Heartstone (2016) - It’s a story about rural Icelandic teenagers.
Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party (2015) -  Queer teens and religious themes.
Je, Tu, Il, Elle (1974) - Early Chantal Akerman. Warning for sexual scenes.
Kill Your Darlings (2013) - Ginsberg, Kerouac and the Beat poets.
Love, Simon (2018)
Lovesong (2016) - Lesbian and very soft. Korean-American characters.
Love Songs (2007) - French trio relationship. Louis Garrel continues to give off non-straight vibes.
Mädchen In Uniform (1931) - One of the earliest narrative films to explicitly portray homosexuality. A piece of LGBTQ cinematic history.
Maurice (1987) - Adaptation of the novel.
Midnight Cowboy (1969) - Heavy gay coding.
Milk (2008) - Biopic of Harvey Milk, openly gay politician. By the same director who made My Own Private Idaho.
Moonlight (2016) - It won the awards for a reason.
My Own Private Idaho (1991) - Another iconic LGBTQ film. River Phoenix.
Mysterious Skin (2004) - Go into this film aware, please. Young actors, themes of prostitution, child ab*se, r***, and a lot of trauma.
Orlando (1992) - An excellent adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s novel, and in my opinion far more accessible. Watch it for the queer sensibilities and fantastic period pieces.
Pariah (2011) - Excellent coming-of-age film about a black lesbian girl in Brooklyn.
Paris is Burning (1990) - LANDMARK DOCUMENTARY piece of LGBTQ history, documenting the African-American and Latine drag and ballroom roots of the NYC queer community.
Persona (1966) - It’s an Ingmar Bergman film so I would recommend knowing what you’re about to get into, but also I can’t describe it because it’s an Ingmar Bergman film.
Picnic At Hanging Rock (1975) - Cult classic queercoded boarding school girls.
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) - By Celine Sciamma, who’s rapidly establishing herself in the mainstream as a LGBTQ film director. This is a wlw relationship and the queer themes are reflected in the cinematic techniques used. A crowd pleaser.
Pride (2014) - Pride parades with a British sensibility.
Rebel Without A Cause (1955) - Crowd-pleaser with bi coding and James Dean. The OG version of “you’re tearing me apart!”.
Rocketman (2019) - It’s Elton John.
Rent (2005) - Adaptation of the stage musical. Not the best film from a technical standpoint. I recommend the professionally recorded 2008 closing night performance instead.
Rope (1948) - Hitchcock film.
Sorry Angel (2018) - Loving portraits of gay French men.
Talk To Her (2002) - By Spanish auteur Pedro Almodóvar.
Tangerine (2015) - About trans sex workers. The actors apparently had a lot of input in the film, which was somehow shot on an iPhone by the same guy who went on to do The Florida Project. 
The Duke of Burgundy (2014) - Lesbians in an S&M relationship that’s going stale, sexual content obviously.
The Gay Deceivers (1969) - The reviews are better than me explaining.
The Handmaiden (2016) - Park Chan-wook makes a film about Korean lesbians and is criminally snubbed at the Oscars. Warning for sexual themes and kink.
The Favourite (2018) - Period movie, and lesbian.
Thelma And Louise (1991) - An iconic part of LGBTQ cinematic history. That is all.
The Celluloid Closet (1995) - A look into LGBTQ cinematic history, and the historical contexts we operated in when we’ve snuck our narratives into film.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) - Adaptation of the YA novel.
The Neon Demon (2016) - Apparently based on Elizabeth Bathory, the blood-drinking countess. Very polarising film and rated R.
The Perks of Being A Wallflower (2012) - Book adaptation. It has Ezra Miller in it I guess.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) - No explanation needed, queer and transgressive vibes all the way.
They (2017) - Gender identity, teenagers.
Those People (2015) - They’re gay and they’re artists in New York.
Tomboy (2011) - One of the few films I’ve seen dealing with gender identity in children (10 y/o). Celine Sciamma developing her directorial voice.
Tropical Malady (2004) - By Thai auteur Apichatpong Weerasethakul. His is a very particular style so don’t sweat it if you don’t enjoy it.
Vita and Virginia (2018) - Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West biopic
Water Lilies (2007) - Celine Sciamma again! Teenage lesbian coming-of-age. 
When Marnie Was There (2014) - A Studio Ghibli film exploring youth, gender and sexuality.
Weekend (2011) - An indie film about young gay love.
Wilde (1997) - It’s a film about Oscar Wilde.
XXY (2007) - About an intersex teenager. Reviews on this are mixed.
Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001) - Wonder what Diego Luna was doing before Rogue One? This is one of the things. Warning for sexual content.
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eleonthescene · 5 years
Bill Saxton Live at Mintons
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Bill Saxton Live at Mintons
Dec 15, 2019 Minton's Playhouse is a jazz club and bar located on the first floor of the Cecil Hotel at 210 West 118th Street in Harlem and is a registered trademark of Housing and Services, Inc. a New York City. Bill Saxton Bio BILL SAXTON, hard bop tenor saxophonist, works hard to keep the soul of jazz alive. Born and raised in Harlem, Saxton attended school in New York before continuing his post-secondary education at New England Conservatory in Boston. There, he studied clarinet, composition, and arrangement. Saxton’s career in jazz has been alive since the 1960s. Since then, he’s collaborated with many jazz legends such as Ray Haynes, Jackie McLean, Nancy Wilson, The Duke Ellington Orchestra, Tito Puente and Mango Santa Maria to name a few. He also is an accomplished bandleader and over the span of ten years was joined by musicians such as Bobby Watson and Hilton Ruiz Saxton has toured all over the world playing his music; he’s been across Europe, to Japan, and across the islands in the Caribbean. Saxton has composed more than 80 pieces of music, according to his website. He has also traveled with the U.S. State Department to West Africa. In 2006, Saxton opened the speakeasy Bill’s Place, which is prided to be “New York’s only jazz speakeasy.” Located on West 133rd Street, this historic prohibition-era hotspot was an after-hours hang out for many celebrities such as Langston Hughes, Duke Ellington, Mom Mabley, and Fats Waller. This spot was also a place where William “the Lion” Smith would play piano and would also be graced by the appearance of a young, lesser-known Billie Holiday. Today, this speakeasy is helping continue the spirit of old, classic jazz. Some of Saxton’s accolades include receiving critical acclaim from several magazines and newspapers, having his life featured in the Harlem Jazz Museum and being inducted as a jazz legend at the Library of Music. A short documentary about his life called “Living Jazz with Bill Saxton” was made in 2012. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Search for: Archives Archives Select Month December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 August 2015 /* */ Baseball Hall of Fame 2019 OTS Sports Silvana Magda with The Katenda Band & Viva Brazil Dancers ELE on Telexito Vargas Cosmetics (Short)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K68zhw-fxuM&t=116s CategoriesBlog Brazil Events Fashion Featured Flashbacks Jazzmobile On The Scene News On the Scene Sports Press Alert Television Uncategorized
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CATS – In Theaters December 20
by admin | Nov 30, 2019 | Featured, On The Scene News | 0 Comments    Oscar®-winning director Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech, Les Misérables, The Danish Girl) transforms Andrew Lloyd Webber’s record-shattering stage musical into a breakthrough cinematic event.   Cats stars James Corden, Judi Dench, Jason Derulo, Idris Elba,...
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15th Anniversary Gala for the Orthopaedic Foundation
by admin | Nov 25, 2019 | Featured, On The Scene News | 0 Comments      ELE OnTheSceneMEET ELE OnTheSceneAbout UsStaffPress AlertsEPKMedia KitNEED HELP?Privacy Policy Cookies Policy Sitemap Contact UsFOLLOW USfacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestInstagramtumblrYoutubeskypeRSS
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Bad Boys for Life, en cines el 17 de enero
by admin | Nov 12, 2019 | Featured, On The Scene News, Press Alert | 0 Comments    El nuevo trailer ha llegado de la sumamente esperada película, Bad Boys for Life, en cines el 17 de enero. Los chicos malos, Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) y Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) regresan para su última aventura. Formando parte de este elenco... « Older Entries ELE OnTheScene MEET ELE OnTheScene About Us Staff Press Alerts EPK Media Kit NEED HELP? Privacy Policy Cookies Policy Sitemap Contact Us FOLLOW US FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Subscription Newsletter Read the full article
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verdiprati · 5 years
Mostly Mezzo Mondays: Lemieux, Mameli, Prina, Erraught, Hallenberg (x2), Gauvin, Baráth, Lindsey (x2)
Mostly Mezzo Mondays: a recurring (though not weekly) feature where, on Monday nights, I blog a list of the upcoming broadcasts that have caught my eye on World Concert Hall. My interests: baroque vocal music, art song recitals, and a list of favorite singers.
Marie-Nicole Lemieux sings Berlioz’ Les nuits d’été with the Orchestre National de France. Live broadcast Wednesday, September 18 on France Musique.
Roberta Mameli and Sonia Prina make up two thirds of the vocal team for a performance of Handel’s Aci, Galatea, e Polifemo with Labarroca at the Enescu Festival. Live broadcast Thursday, September 19 on Radio România Muzical (and presumably a video livestream from the festival as well).
Tara Erraught sings lieder by Wolf, Schubert, Mahler, and Brahms in a recital at Schwarzenberg with clarinetist Jörg Widmann and pianist Malcolm Martineau. Deferred broadcast Thursday, September 19 on Ö1. 
Handel’s Giulio Cesare at the Enescu Festival features a countertenor Cesare (Christopher Lowry) but mezzophiles may enjoy hearing Ann Hallenberg in the role of Sesto. Also notable: Karina Gauvin as Cleopatra. The Cornelia, Eve-Maud Hubeaux, is unknown to me; her YouTube clips give evidence of a mahogany-toned voice. The orchestra is Les Talens Lyriques conducted by Christophe Rousset. Live broadcast Friday, September 20 on Radio România Muzical (and video livestream, I assume).
Emőke Baráth sings the role of Euridice in a performance of Monteverdi’s Orfeo. Other names that stand out to me on the cast list are Cyril Auvity and Nuria Rial. Live broadcast Friday, September 20 on the Müpa Budapest website (it’s not clear to me whether this will be audio-only or a video livestream). 
Ann Hallenberg leads the cast of Handel’s Agrippina at the Enescu Festival. Much of the casting of Cesare is repeated (including Lowrey and Gauvin), as are the orchestra and conductor. Live broadcast Saturday, September 21 on Radio România Muzical (and, presumably, in a livestream on the Festival’s website). 
Kate Lindsey sings, I assume, the role of Juliet in Berlioz’ Romeo et Juliette. Andrew Staples and Shenyang are also on the roster. Deferred broadcast Saturday, September 21 on RBB Kultur.
Kate Lindsey also sings—or rather, sang, eight years ago—a recital of works by Liszt, Bizet, Fairouz, Arlen and Argento. With Kim Pensinger Witman. Very, very deferred broadcast Sunday, September 22 on WETA. 
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dailyfeartwdgifs · 5 years
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Fear The Walking Dead Season 5 | Episode titles and summary
Season 5, Episode 01: Here to Help 
Release date: 02/06/2019
Script: Andrew Chambliss e Ian Goldberg
Director: Michael Satrazemis
Summary: With Morgan and Alicia leading the group, they arrive at a unknown territory, searching for survivors in need of help. But nothing is what it seems in this place that emanates danger.
Season 5, Episode 02: The Hurt That Will Happen
Release date: 09/06/2019
Script: Alex Delyle
Director: Jessica Lowrey
Summary: Morgan and Alicia find a survivor and discover a dangerous zombie threat. Meanwhile, the mission is put on the line when one of them disappears. Somewhere else, Strand makes contact.
Season 5, Episode 03: Humbug's Gulch
Release date: 16/06/2019
Script: -
Director: Colman Domingo
Summary: June and John find shelter to hide from a threat, but a misunderstanding with a desperate survivor causes problems. Meanwhile, Morgan and Alicia face a dangerous obstacle. (Ps.: Dwight shows up in this episode).
Season 5, Episode 04: Skidmark
Release date: 23/06/2019
Script: -
Director: Tara Nicole Weyr
Summary: Charlie makes a new friend, while the rescue mission set by Strand, Wendell and Sarah has a setback. Somewhere else, Alicia, Luciana and Morgan try hard to fulfill their mission. (Ps.: Skidmark is the name of the cat from the trailers).
Season 5, Episode 05: The End of Everything
Release date: 30/06/2019
Script: -
Director: Sarah Wayne Callies
Summary: Althea runs after a story, putting the mission and her own life at risk. (Ps.: This episode is directed by Sarah Wayne Callies, the actor who played Lori in TWD).
Season 5, Episode 06: The Little Prince
Release date: 07/07/2019
Script: -
Director: Sharat Raju
Summary: Going against all odds, Luciana and the rest of the group work together to overcome an impossible task, while Morgan helps preventing a disaster. Somewhere else, an old friend offers a solution to Sarah, Charlie and Strand.
Season 5, Episode 07: Still Standing
Release date: 14/07/2019
Script: -
Director: Marta Cunningham
Summary: Strand and Charlie search for safety. Dorie helps Dwight with his journey. Morgan stays focused in the bigger mission. Alicia refuses to give up.
Season 5, Episode 08: Is Anybody Out There?
Release date: 21/07/2019
Script: -
Director: Michael Satrazemis
Summary: Running against the clock, Morgan, Grace and Alicia try to get more time while Dorie and Dwight compete against all elements. Meanwhile, Sarah and Wendell get help from an unexpected source. (Ps.: This is the midseason finale).
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